
mhzExcellent ideas for look and feel12:16
mhzit does look professional, modern, hot, edgy12:17
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-248-176.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCIs anyone here going to be at LugRadio tomorrow?12:31
DanielCI'll be there.12:31
mhzwhat's on it?12:32
=== DanielC doesn't understand the question
DanielCMark will be speaking... there's an Ubuntu booth...12:32
LaserJockwhat is LugRadio?12:32
DanielCIt's sort of like a conference, but it gets podcasted.12:33
DanielCvery informal12:33
DanielCYou can expect to see people making fun of Microsoft and stuff. Nothing too serious.12:33
DanielCToday there was a Microsoft guy talking about security :)12:33
DanielCI missed that talk, I would have loved to see the crowd's reaction.12:34
DanielCI met Henrik today!12:35
DanielC(at LugRadio)12:35
mhzDanielC: henrik as in hno73?12:37
mhzthat henrik12:38
mhzyeah, nice guy12:38
DanielCI don't know if that is hno7312:38
mhzot 7512:38
=== mhz always gets confused
DanielCI gave a presentation about OpenDocument, and demonstrated a viewer. After the talked he asked me about making an accessible version.12:39
DanielCTurns out that a basic fully-accessible ODF reader is easy given the work we've already done.12:40
mhzyeah, Hnerik is one of the leaders of a11y team12:40
mhzin ubuntu12:40
DanielCThe viewer works by turning ODF into HTML and giving it to Gecko. To make an accessible one, just give the HTML to lynx instead.12:41
mhzsimple idea12:41
mhzseems to be effective12:41
mhzSchooltool Login Info:12:50
mhzuser -> manager12:50
mhzpwd -> schooltool12:50
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=== RichEd [n=richard@dsl-146-161-59.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
Amaranthanyone have any experience with freenx?01:30
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockI never got it working :/01:31
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz is now known as mhz_food
=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #edubuntu
Viper550Hello again02:27
Viper550I just made a port of EdubuntuColors to the Candido GTK Engine02:29
=== Viper550 going to switch over to his Linux computer
=== Amaranth loves candido
=== Viper550 [n=viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #edubuntu
Viper550Sorry for the slowness, but did someone ask for a screenshot?02:40
LaserJockI'm not sure what to look for but that looks nice02:42
Viper550LaserJock: Do you have the Candido GTK engine yet?02:47
LaserJocknot sure, I don't really use X much, tbh02:47
Viper550So that means you use IRSSI as your IRC client too right?02:48
Viper550But, how were you able to view my image? Let me guess, it's running in gnome-terminal, right?02:48
LaserJockI like X but I usually have to ssh into my Ubuntu boxes02:48
Viper550So you use a Gnome Terminal in X to ssh to your systems?02:49
LaserJockwell, I'm usually in OS X so I use a terminal02:49
LaserJockbut I copy the URL and use firefox02:49
LaserJockso I use GUI somewhat, but not Linux GUI02:50
LaserJockI also VNC if I *need* GUI02:50
LaserJockhere's how bad it is ATM02:51
LaserJockdon't laugh or spear me02:51
LaserJockI'm using PuttY to ssh from Windows into my mac running OS X to use irssi02:51
Viper550You know, they do have X-Chat for Windows02:52
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_Athurhi all02:53
LaserJockViper550: yeah, but my mac is on 24x702:53
LaserJockit's the only computer I have access to that is on all the time02:54
LaserJockso that's were I do irssi from02:54
LaserJockI also have Xchat on my Windows laptop but I don't use it so much02:54
=== mhz_food is now known as mhz
=== bddebian uses xchat and putty on WIndows constantly
LaserJockwell, if my Ubuntu box was ever on I'd use that03:28
LaserJockbut it eats up electricity and makes the whole room hot in the summer03:28
HedgeMagemhz: ping!03:33
mhzHedgeMage: pong03:36
mhzyeah, I have not sent the minute03:36
HedgeMageyou read my mind :)03:37
HedgeMageHave an ETA or should I pull up logs and try to find time to do it?03:37
mhzHedgeMage: I know I will send it during next hour03:39
mhzno later than that03:39
HedgeMageEstimated Time of Availability/Arrival 03:39
HedgeMageThanks! you rock :)03:39
=== mhz has been doing many stuff for Edubuntu in Chile :(
HedgeMagenp, I know you're busy03:39
mhzHedgeMage: nah, I only rock when I get kisses :D03:39
=== HedgeMage smooches mhz
mhznot that busy, but yes, not very good at defining priorities among many to dos :D03:40
=== mhz wishes more chileans were involved to attend the needs we have on IT for Education, at least a quarter of the people we have on this channel
=== th1a [n=hoffman@pool-64-222-48-152.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz goes upstairs to tell a story to his daughter
mhzth1a: hey!03:43
mhzth1a: I have a couple of questions fo ryou if possble03:43
=== mhz will be back in 15 minutes
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzth1a: oing04:15
Amaranthhttp://www.realistanew.com/random/freenx.png <--now i can break things in safety04:16
=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-6-76-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
BurgundaviaAmaranth: what wall paper are you using?04:20
AmaranthI have no idea, I found it on deviantart.04:20
Amaranthfound it :)04:22
=== lecaros [n=JoseLeca@126-13-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
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th1amhz: pong04:57
mhzth1a: got a sec?04:57
mhzth1a: I am testing some apps shiped default in Edubuntu04:58
mhzas you know, Schooltool is04:58
mhzhowever, we don't provide any info04:58
mhzabout it04:59
mhzit took me over 1 hour to get login info via google04:59
th1aYes, that is a problem.04:59
mhzbecause you were not on channel04:59
mhzand people who were, never answered04:59
th1aThere is a README...05:00
mhzI tried to test CanDo, too.05:00
th1aSo what should we do?05:00
mhzthe url is broken05:00
mhzhas no readme05:00
th1aI don't know anything about the details of packaging.05:01
th1aWe have a README in our source.05:01
mhzhence I am very interested on providing info about ir05:01
mhzth1a: my main interest is getting very aquainted with SchoolTool as well as with CanDo05:02
mhzesp. if Edubuntu will continue shipping it05:02
mhzI have tried it for about 50 minutes05:02
mhzand still can't delete any TT05:02
mhzeven after getting Access correctly05:03
th1amhz: The packages are rather out of date.05:03
th1aWe've been writing a ton of code, which wouldn't be ready for Dapper.05:03
mhzth1a: oh, i see05:04
Amaranthusing ltsp to change the proxy settings for every user i'd just have to change the debconf and base gconf proxy settings on the server, right?05:04
th1aFor Breezy, we had a calendar;05:05
th1ain Edgy we'll have a basic student information system.05:05
mhzth1a: also, I am writing stuff for Edubuntu Handbook, esp. Edubuntu for lighter pc's. I believe SchoolTool deserves a subchapter05:05
th1aBut right now, we just have an alpha student information system,05:05
th1awhich we couldn't put in Dapper.05:05
th1amhz:  Yes, indeed.05:05
mhzAmaranth: hmm, no idea. I know ogra had an 'episode' with iwj about it05:05
mhzAmaranth: i am sure Yagisan is an expert on security issues05:06
Amaranthmhz: yeah, probably about transparent proxying :)05:06
mhzoops, just left05:06
th1amhz:  We're not quite at the point where I want to spend a lot of time writing docs.05:06
Amaranththe original idea for willowng was transparent proxying, now i'm doing the debconf and gconf stuff05:06
mhzth1a: I am05:06
th1aWe just changed around the basic navigational paradigm (now, with tabs!), and similar key things are just settling down.05:07
mhzhowever, maybe not a "lot of writing" but at least a decent amount of paragraphs05:07
th1aWe also just completely changed access control, for example.05:07
th1amhz:  Are we thinking for Edgy or current users?05:07
mhzI missed last 2 words :)05:10
mhzhence my concern05:10
th1aWhat's your time frame?05:10
mhzand personally, because I am demoing Edubuntu at least once or twice a week05:10
mhzto diff lab teachers05:10
mhzSep 1st, freeze05:11
mhz(freeze for Edubuntu Handbook05:11
th1aOK.  How many pages are we talking?05:11
mhz2 -> 10 th proofread and last minute changes05:11
=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-6-76-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhz11 -> 29 th, translations05:11
mhzth1a: I want to write at least 10 lines per each funcionality in SchoolTool05:12
mhzand hopefully a screenshoot05:12
th1amhz:  Well, we're planning on releasing our first test packages for Edgy real soon now, probably in about a week.05:13
th1aThat would be the place for you to start, I think.05:13
th1aI'll certainly help.05:14
mhzth1a: THANK you very much05:16
mhzI am sure that if I can test everything shipped, I can write those 10 lines per feature05:17
Burgundaviath1a: are you on track for your 2006 goals>05:17
th1amhz:  Also, I'm going to be spending most of August setting up SchoolTool instances for various schools, which should make it easy for me to know what needs to be written.05:17
th1aBurgundavia: Erhm... we're a bit behind.05:17
mhzehhee, yeah, good.05:17
Burgundaviath1a: lack of people?05:17
mhzth1a: and how about CanDo?05:18
th1aDevelopment via paid contractors is not proving to be reliably fast, at least as managed by me.05:18
th1amhz: CanDo is on schedule... but it is a more conventional project.  That is, they're scratching their own itch.05:19
th1aScratching the world's itch is inherently more difficult.05:19
Burgundaviahow does cando fit into schooltool?05:20
BurgundaviaI am little confused on that point05:20
th1aCanDo is like a module, or set of modules.05:20
th1aIt is focused on competency tracking.05:20
th1aBut we did a lot of work with their developers to share important parts of the data model for assessment in general.05:20
Burgundaviaso it plugs into schooltool?05:21
mhzCanDo is a very needed tool in school envs.05:21
th1aIt is also a case where last years CanDo and this year's CanDo are totally different.05:21
mhzUsually, many schools in Chile are adopting Moodle. However, Competency Tracking is very important05:21
Burgundaviahow does moodle fit into schooltool?05:22
th1aLast year's was kind of a crude bolt-on job, but now we have it more properly integrated.05:22
th1aWell, we need to share data with Moodle.05:22
th1aMoodle understands courses, but not the structure of schools as a whole.05:22
Burgundaviais that where SIF comes in?05:22
th1aWe're kind of at this point where we either adopt a neutral standard or talking to Moodle becomes the defacto standard.05:23
th1aAlthough there are also IMS standards for sharing data with learning management systems like Moodle,05:24
th1abut IMS has a very elearning-centric view of the universe, whereas SIF is more general.05:24
th1amhz:  SIF:  the Schools Interoperability Framework - http://www.sifinfo.org05:24
th1aIt is kind of a weird case, because it is an open standard with only proprietary implementation at this point.05:25
=== mhz would love to create courses via MoinMoin wiki, admin schools basics via CanDo and SchoolTool, and all as a Platform
th1aI've been writing some code for an open source "Zone Integration Server" which is basically an XML router that SIF depends on.05:26
th1aIt is going pretty well.05:26
=== mhz knows th1a is one of the superheroes of FLOSS for Education
=== th1a blushes.
Burgundaviath1a: how well are you doing with paid vs volunteers devs?05:27
th1aWell, SchoolTool has always experienced the effect of paid development severely dampening volunteer development,05:28
th1aplus not many people know Zope 3.05:28
mhzth1a: and, so Moodle will be, or it could be Moin to create courses instead? (then it is all python)05:28
Burgundaviahmm, issues05:29
th1aWell... you just need some kind of platform-neutral way of moving them around.05:29
th1aThere are a bunch of elearning standards for content packaging and interoperability.05:29
th1aPlus SchoolTool proper (i.e., the part Mark funds) is specifically NOT for holding content.05:30
jsgotangcohey tom05:30
mhzyeah, actually, I am still not sure if supporting Exelearning or Edubuntu Study Content (edu content via APT)05:30
mhz(exelearning can get you SCORM)05:31
th1aSo we have a gradebook, assignment events, but not literally lessons.05:31
th1ajsgotangco: Hi.05:31
mhzand CanDo will add that interesting part05:32
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mhzelmago55: hi05:32
th1amhz:  CanDo is still mostly pointing to external lessons.05:33
mhzinteresting extra part05:33
mhzI meant05:33
mhzI have been asked many times "I need to evaluate competencies"05:34
mhznot "memory"05:34
th1amhz:  What part of the world are you in?05:35
th1aAh.  Interesting.05:35
mhzwe'll have a kind of moodle congress sponsored by people in CEPAL05:35
mhzIIRC, Center of Studies for Latin America 05:36
th1aCanDo is having a sprint next week, and I think we'll be starting to package their release for the fall school year.05:36
mhznice, I have been looking up a demo server unsuccessfully yet05:37
th1aYeah... they're pretty much done, so we should be able to work on that.05:38
mhzthe one on the site just does not exist :)05:38
th1aThe problem with open source projects based at an individual school:  you can write code quickly, but all the other infrastructure of running an open source project is hard to maintain, because you don't have a lot of extra resources.05:41
th1aAt the same time, it was hard getting them to move all their documents, etc., off their school's site and onto schooltool.org.  The teachers involved were more comfortable with their own site.05:44
th1aSo I pretty much gave up on that.05:44
Burgundaviawe almost need a company to be behind schooltool05:44
Burgundaviasomebody to offer support services, etc.05:44
th1aWe do.05:45
th1aMainly we need to finish it.05:45
Burgundaviayou think you will spin off much like highvoltage and his crew just did?05:45
th1aWe're already spun off TSF...05:46
th1aI mean, the history is that SchoolTool was one of the first TSF projects, years ago,05:46
mhzBurgundavia: I do05:47
mhzBurgundavia: I have a workgroup called Tecnocimiento05:47
th1aBefore Mark was a cosmonaut, even.05:47
mhzwe were meant to be a foundation in Chile but we just cant afford to05:47
mhzso, we are a "workgroup"05:47
mhzwe provide support to Schools implementing Edubuntu05:48
th1aAnyhow, that first TSF-managed version blew up in a blaze of Java,05:48
mhzwe demo edubuntu at least 1 or 2 times every week to diff lab teachers05:48
th1aand the TSF vowed to not try to manage a large software project again (or at least that's how I understand the tale).05:48
th1aSo Mark hired Steve Alexander and Programmers of Vilnius to start writing a new version.05:49
th1aIt was Mark's focus briefly, between going into space and starting Canonical.05:49
th1aSo I work directly for Mark.05:49
Burgundaviayes, I read that blog post of marks05:50
Burgundaviaok, next question: what is schoolbell?05:50
th1aWell, that was another bright idea...05:51
th1aEssentially we tried spinning of just the calendar server.05:51
th1aHoping that would attract some volunteer development in its own right.05:51
Burgundaviaand how did that work?05:51
th1aIt didn't, for various reasons.05:51
Burgundaviaso schoolbell is now an integral part again?05:52
th1aWe might have had some chance with it if we'd relicensed more of it as BSD-ish instead of GPL.05:52
Burgundaviawhy BSDish?05:52
th1aOr if Zope 3 had become more popular.05:52
th1aWell, more people might have used the iCalendar libraries if they had been BSD, LGPL, or similar.05:53
th1aThat came up on discussions about Python and calendaring at the time.05:53
th1aSo the source tree has been reorganized and in theory we can produce a SchoolBell package from our SchoolTool source tree, but we don't have any time to actually try it out.05:54
th1aWe have other priorities.05:54
=== mhz is now known as mhz_off
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lecarosnight for me yet08:02
mhzcbx33: hey08:03
cbx33hi mhz 08:04
mhzcbx33: what's your TZ?08:04
cbx33howz it all going08:04
lecarosoh, here we are GMT -4 :(08:04
cbx337 am here08:04
mhzcbx33: lecaros is one of the few people actively helping me in Chile with Edubuntu08:04
cbx33ah,.......hi lecaros 08:04
lecaroshi cbx3308:04
cbx33mhz, did you say you were goign to start ranslating the ESA?08:05
mhzi mean08:05
mhzcbx33: why?08:05
cbx33no reason08:06
lecarosI think cbx33 wants to help us ;)08:10
mhzhe wrote ESA08:11
cbx33right I'm off guys08:21
cbx33take care08:21
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz is now known as mhz_off
=== Phlosten [n=Phlosten@CPE-143-238-105-83.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
Phlostenhi all09:00
HedgeMagehello :)09:02
lecaroshi Phlosten09:02
Phlostendamn wiki is down, so I am here for enlightenment09:03
HedgeMageon what?09:05
Phlostengetting a client to boot from Edubuntu09:05
Phlostenfrom what I gather a standard Edubuntu install is ready to go in terms of a client booting from it09:06
HedgeMagepretty much... I'm no LTSP guru, though.  I've only really done the standalone stuff.09:06
BurgundaviaPhlosten: http://edubuntu.org/GettingStarted09:06
BurgundaviaHedgeMage: one up from me. I have never actually installed edubuntu09:07
HedgeMageBurgundavia: *gasp*09:07
HedgeMageBurgundavia: we will have to remedy that :P09:07
BurgundaviaI got as far as downloading it the other day09:07
HedgeMagethat's a good first step, I guess :P09:08
Phlostennow I created a netboot disk for my old machine and it boots up until a point where it says,.."Searching for server (DHCP)...No IP Address"09:08
Burgundaviayou need to generate teh dhcp information, I believe09:09
Phlostenfor the boot disk?09:09
Phlostenor is it server config09:09
Burgundaviaon the server config09:09
Phlostenok, bbl09:14
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
lecarosbye guys09:34
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juliuxhi all12:07
juliuxhas somebody an idea which ltsp somebody is using if he needs to activate xdmcp??12:07
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spaceyjuliux: the ltsp.org ltsp works with xdmcp01:37
juliuxspacey, ah, but the user said he only installed edubuntu01:50
spaceythen you don't need xdmcp02:11
spaceyif he uses the ubuntu variant02:11
juliuxi ask him for the output from dpkg -l ltsp-server so we can see which version is realy installed02:12
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=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #edubuntu
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Lord_Athurhi, is there any problem with the ubuntu pages?04:13
=== marcel` [n=marcel`@unaffiliated/marcel/x-00001] has joined #edubuntu
marcel`hi, im not really a teacher or anything but i like the concept is it ok if i stick arround?04:20
bddebianOnly if you get to work. ;-)04:23
marcel`As in my day job?04:23
bddebianI was thinking as in helping with Edubuntu, but I was joking anyway. :)04:23
marcel`Ah oke well i just installed edubuntu today so i doubt if i can help you guys but maybe when i get more experienced whit linux..04:25
bddebianActually all joking aside, just getting user feedback can be good.04:28
marcel`ok well just ask if you want me to test anything or want my opion or something like that :)04:31
=== sloncho [n=sloncho_@c-67-190-212-221.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
slonchohi. how do i start text mode install. i do not want the graphical installer05:03
slonchothe gpartitioner sucks big time05:03
=== th1a [n=hoffman@pool-64-222-48-152.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz [n=mhz@pc-84-84-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
slonchohow do i start text mode install. i do not want the graphical installer05:11
mhzRichEd: hi there05:13
mhzRichEd: get my "short" email ?05:13
juliuxhi mhz 05:24
mhzjuliux: hey! good to see ya05:25
juliuxmhz, how are you?05:25
mhzjuliux: very motivated to work next 3 days on edubuntu only stuff05:26
=== mhz is unemployed so, while looking for a job... edubuntu is my # priority
juliuxmhz, great05:26
mhzjuliux: how about you?05:26
juliuxi will fly back to germany in 3 hours05:27
mhzwhere are you?05:28
juliuxin lonodn05:36
juliuxcu later05:37
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Viper550Hello again everyone05:58
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mhzhmm, is it me or there are some issues when trying to connect to ubuntu sites_06:53
marcel`mhz: not its not just you there are many ubuntu services down atm07:06
mhzmarcel`: oh, thanks for checking too07:06
mhzand I had convinced my wife to let me use a couple of hours on Edubuntu stuff it is on the sites ?)07:07
=== mhz is using diff xmodmap now... so fingers still go to other keys
HedgeMagemhz: thanks for the Handbook meeting minutes :)07:25
HedgeMagemhz: you can work on handbook, the unofficial repo is unaffected ;)07:26
HedgeMagespeaking of which, you need commit access.07:26
mhzHedgeMage: yeah, your kisses work miracles07:27
=== mhz gotta get familiar with SVN, though
=== HedgeMage kisses mhz
HedgeMagemhz: I wrote up a "basics" email for a couple of other people not used to it... shall I send it to you, too?07:28
mhzwhy not07:29
=== mhz get the kisses and jumps in
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-244-248.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
=== pygi tickles HedgeMage
HedgeMagemhz: send to mhz@ubuntu.com?07:36
HedgeMagehi pygi :)07:36
=== highvoltage [n=jono@mtngprs4.mtn.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o highvoltage] by highvoltage
HedgeMagehi highvoltage 07:40
HedgeMagedid you get my jabber messages from earlier?07:40
=== lecaros [n=JoseLeca@126-13-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
lecaroshi guys07:54
=== mhz [n=mhz@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #edubuntu
mhzbetween kisses and tickles..07:56
highvoltageHedgeMage: i haven't logged in yet... just a moment...07:56
mhzand getting wet by spry07:56
mhzwho knows what will happen07:56
mhzhighvoltage: hi07:57
mhzre edubuntu site translation/ my guess it would be lot more efficient if we could work on the same site, generating the -es pages07:58
highvoltagehey mhz!07:59
highvoltage(and hi to HedgeMage too, btw ;) )07:59
highvoltageHedgeMage: opened up those links in tabs, will look just now when it's loaded (*very* slow connection here)08:00
highvoltagemhz: *nods*08:00
mhzhighvoltage: so, is it possible to have access to drupal and start translating on it, or you prefer the dumping idea?08:00
=== Sephiroth [i=Sephirot@pdpc/supporter/active/Sephiroth] has joined #edubuntu
=== HellDragon [n=JD@pdpc/supporter/active/HellDragon] has joined #edubuntu
mhzhi, HellDragon 08:01
HedgeMagehi HellDragon 08:01
=== mhz is now known as mhz_food
HedgeMageHellDragon: We could really use some help on the Edubuntu Handbook08:01
HedgeMageHellDragon: we expect to publish it in October (via lulu) to coincide with Edgy's release.08:01
highvoltageubuntu.com down?08:01
HedgeMagehighvoltage: yep08:02
HedgeMagehighvoltage: a number of things are.08:02
mhz_foodfor last 2 hours at least08:02
=== Sephiroth [i=Sephirot@pdpc/supporter/active/Sephiroth] has left #edubuntu ["Read]
HedgeMagemhz_food: get my email?08:02
HedgeMageHellDragon: sound interesting to you?08:03
HellDragonHedgeMage, yep08:03
mhz_foodHedgeMage: i'll check after lunch time and some time with my daughter08:03
mhz_foodTZ are diff08:03
HedgeMagemhz_food: np just wanted to make sure I used the right address08:03
mhz_foodmhz AT ubuntu DOT com08:04
HedgeMageyep that's what I sent it to :)08:04
HedgeMageHellDragon: The wiki is down ATM but if you have Subversion installed you can get the chapter list from our "unofficial" repo08:04
=== mhz_food gotta go off a little
HellDragoni have subversion, what is the unofficial repo address please ?08:05
HedgeMageHellDragon: so what do you think?08:36
HellDragonwell it looks good so far but im kinda lost lol08:37
=== lecaros is now known as lecaros_away
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highvoltageHedgeMage: i need to get to bed now, I'll ping you again tomorrow. goodnight!08:50
HedgeMagenight night08:51
HedgeMageoops, too late08:51
mhz_foodHedgeMage: maybe he would have stayed longer if you'd have snet kisses to him too08:51
mhz_foodoops, I am stil at lunch08:52
=== HedgeMage kisses mhz_food so he'll keep coming back ;)
mhz_foodand HedgeMage remeber pygi needs the anti-tickle spary08:53
=== marcel` checks the channel name one more time ;x
=== lecaros_away is now known as lecaros_food
mhz_foodHedgeMage: nope, no email from you yet09:12
HedgeMagemhz_food: odd09:14
=== HedgeMage checks
=== lecaros_food is now known as lecaros_away
mhz_foodHedgeMage: what is your email address?09:24
mhz_foodmaybe I deleted it or got caught as spam09:25
HedgeMagemhz_food: hedgemage@binaryredneck.net09:25
=== mhz_food only reads emails with at least 3 word subject and non generic stuff, the other 500 emails go to trash
HedgeMagethe subject was "Edubuntu Handbook SVN info"09:26
HedgeMageI know the ettiquette ;)09:26
mhz_foodHedgeMage: i did not know it was ettiquette now09:26
HedgeMagemhz_food: has been for years, AFAIK09:27
mhz_foodnope, no email from you at all09:28
=== mhz_food is so outdated on so many things
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HedgeMageI'll try again09:41
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AED9A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagemhz_food: mhz -AT- ubuntu -DOT- com correct?09:42
mhz_foodor try... mhz AT tecnocimiento DOT cl09:42
=== mhz_food is now known as mhz
HedgeMageI'll do both just in case.09:42
HedgeMagemhz: sent.09:44
mhz-me checks09:44
HedgeMageif you still don't have it, I'll try again from my military email account09:45
mhzlol! I got the 2 o'em09:46
HedgeMagemhz: my husband is in the US Army... I have an email account on their servers.  I try to avoid using it for personal stuff, though.09:46
mhzHedgeMage: and because Military may get my emails and control my communications, etc09:47
HedgeMageheh, I always ask before using that with anyone in another country, I don't always know the climate in different places.09:49
mhzyeah, one could write "something courious"09:50
=== mhz is now known as mhz_restartX
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=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AED9A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
pygimhz: what ? you are making plots behind my backs???11:38
mhzpygi: hehehe11:39
mhzeverything for kisses11:40
pygidamn you :'(11:40
=== arkan0x is now known as arkan0x_away
mhzpygi: however, you decided to get the anti-tickle spray, not me11:42
pygimhz: that aint true11:42
pygino, Hedgemage decided to get it11:43
mhzoh, yeah, right11:43
mhzwell, i get kisses maybe because I am more handsome :)11:43
pygiergh, you and your plots !!!11:43
mhzhey, it is not my fault i have this charm :p11:44
pygiI havent complained about the kisses, I am complaining about the plots :P11:44
HedgeMageYou two are cute ;)11:44
=== HedgeMage blows pygi a kiss from a few steps out of tickling range
mhzpygi: a real plot would be I send you to ask stuff to iwj :D11:44
pygimhz: ergh, I must admit you are right on this one :P11:46
mhzi am right and 'transparent"11:46
=== mhz is translating schooltool pages
=== pygi evades HedgeMage :P
mhzsee? you give us arguments for the plot11:48
pygimhz: bleh :P11:50

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