
jontecjhak88: wow. What are you using to connect to the internet? and what is your release version?12:08
senseiMy one month with ubuntu tho heh12:08
cpk2yeah ubuntu is by far the easiest distro i have seen12:08
senseiNever been afraid of having root terminals, so I've never really bothered that much with sudo12:08
jhak88jontec: um... wireless... and release version for what?12:08
senseiIndeed it is12:08
jontecjhak88:for kubuntu12:08
Sarnuialcan i have some help getting kubuntu to boot?12:09
jontecjhak88: as in Breezy, Dapper?12:09
Sarnuialit boots, loads the casper menu12:09
Sarnuialthen freezes at mounting root file system12:09
senseiIn fact, I have my desktop under root on my slackware machine :)12:09
gatekeeperLjL: hiya, [Re-exploit]  Asked my wireless router to update the firmware, but apparently there were no updates, I am using konversation, should I modify the ports in DCC section, current 1025 -> 7000?12:10
DaSkreechcpk2: I used to have a blaring red background with all the fonts red12:10
jhak88jontec: Kubuntu, 6.6 Dapper12:10
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cpk2personally i think its annoying always having to use sudo12:10
rljsmartctl -H says it's healthy, checking info on smartctl -a now12:10
jontecjhak88: is it still waiting at that prompt?12:10
senseicpk2: Yeah, I hear you12:10
cpk2root login you only have to do it once12:11
cpk2instead of sudo 50 times12:11
jhak88jontec: yes >_>;;12:11
cpk2or sudo !! 50 times12:11
ubuntu_who speak in spanish ???12:11
jontecjhak88: what's I'm thinking now is that you should run Konsole to reinstall it.12:11
senseiThat's why I've got root as my main user on my other box12:11
cpk2no hablamos espanol12:11
ubuntu_o rai12:11
ubuntu_yo tampoco12:11
jontecjhak88: because it has obviously donwloaded the package12:12
gatekeepercpk2: sudo su providing you keep the konsol/terminal open12:12
jontecjhak88: downloaded*12:12
rljdisk shift is an interesting value, right?12:12
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ubuntu_saludos a todos los participantes12:12
rljthe total shift of the platters compared to the correct placement?12:12
jontecjhak88: so cancel the install and then close adept12:12
ubuntu_quisiera saber quien me puede explicar linux desde encender el equipo para adelante12:12
LjLgatekeeper: uh, honestly i have no idea how wireless routers work :(12:13
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:13
jhak88I closed it12:13
senseiubotu: Asarfint du! Fattar allt du sger.. visst r detta roligt?12:13
jhak88jontec: do I restart the adept Manager again?12:13
ubotuI know nothing about Asarfint du! Fattar allt du sger.. visst r detta roligt? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:13
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senseiubuntu_: ^^12:13
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rljsensei: jag tror det r engelska som gller hr12:14
gatekeeperLjL: seem to remember you saying something about using different ports?12:14
jontecjhak88: we're going to use Konsole this time12:14
senseirlj: Yeah, I'm under that impression too :)12:14
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:14
LjLsensei: va?12:14
gatekeeperLjL: was a couple of night ago :-)12:14
jontecjhak88: the command is "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree reinstall"12:14
senseiLjL: ? :)12:14
LjLsensei: ingenting, undrade bara varfr du fann det som ubotu sa roligt :P12:15
LjLbut let's all be back to english12:15
jhak88E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavail                                         able)12:15
jhak88E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc                                         ess using it?12:15
senseiLjL: Ah.. I didn't find it funny.. I wrote to the wrong person.. So I meant ^^ as in "what I said previosuly"12:16
cpk2jhak88: is synaptic/adept open?12:16
senseiAs an arrow rather than a smiley :)12:16
jontecjhak88: I had that error ealier today12:16
jhak88I don't see the manager open... how do I check it?12:16
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LjLgatekeeper: uh the exploit, right - no you shouldn't change DCC ports, you should *connect to the server* using its port 8001 (iirc). i.e. use the command /server irc.freenode.org 8001 to connect (or set the port in konversation's settings, wherever they are)12:16
jontecjhak88: in all honesty what I did was wait and try logging off and logging back in. It might even mean that you need to wait for it12:17
jontecjhak88:what do you mean don't see the manager open?12:17
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php12:17
jontecjhak88: okay, sorry I see what you mean now, you were responding to someone else12:18
jontecjhak88: try the command again12:18
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jhak88jontec: ~confused~ okay12:18
gatekeeperLjL: right, thanx, will take a look12:18
jhak88jontec: error message:12:19
jhak88E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:19
jhak88E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:19
DaSkreech||Trayer||: Hi12:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:19
LjLjhak88: close any package manager that you have open, and try again12:19
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jontecjhak88: try logging off and logging back on. and if that doesn't work then we shall wait for about five minutes12:19
DaSkreechHI aseigo12:20
tackatyo aseigo12:20
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DaSkreechAnyone knows anything about Xen and Vanderpool?12:20
LouKallhow does one install VCD gear?12:22
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rljanother related question, where is the current syslog stored in the kubuntu livecd environment? it seems to me that /var/log/messages is just empty and all new changes are appended to /var/log/messages.0 instead. is this the way it's supposed to be or am i looking in the wrong place?12:23
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jhak88jontec: guess I have to wait for 5 min?12:23
jontecjhak88: have you tried the command once more?12:23
DaSkreechLouKall: Whats that?12:23
jontecjhak88: I believe so.12:23
LouKallVCD Gear is a DVD playback thingy majiggar12:23
jhak88jontec: It gave me the same message12:23
jontecin the mean time let's check to see if the file is in your .deb directory12:23
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supertankerwhat happens if I use Adept to remove the package "adept"?12:24
jontecjhak88:open up some folder or your home folder and then insert the address: "/var/cache/apt/archives"12:24
DaSkreechsupertanker: Then you remove adept12:25
LouKallfive files or so in the main file.12:25
supertankerah. Bad idea?12:25
jontecjhak88: just opening Konqueror works as well12:25
DaSkreechsupertanker: Nope12:25
DaSkreechGUess he removed konversation :)12:25
jhak88jontec: okay12:25
LouKallDaSkreech: do you have any ideas?12:25
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DaSkreechLouKall: I don't know what that is so no12:26
jontecjhak88:it should be something like flashplugin-nonfree followed by numbers and something with ubuntu as well12:26
rljaseigo: in a kubuntu unrelated question, do you know anything about the appeal project "coolness" mentioned on appeal.kde.org? are these visual effect ideas developed seperately (it seems to me from the contents of the page that it's pre-plasma) or are these ideas being merged into plasma, or not developed at all?12:26
DaSkreechLouKall: What is it>12:27
jontecjhak88: I'm in the folder now and mine looks like: flashplugin-nonfree_7.0.63.3ubuntu3_i38612:27
LouKallIts a DVD player thingy.12:27
LouKalli have five files in the main file.12:27
jhak88jontec: I have the exact same one12:28
DaSkreechrlj: as fas as I unnderstand it appeal is the collection of all the visual stuff that is in KDE412:28
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DaSkreechSo all of them together are appeal12:28
LouKallCDI, lang, Changelog, Credits, vcdgear, vcdgear.cfg12:28
jhak88But why not Flash version 8?12:28
jontecjhak88: okay, so when it's time to try the command again we know that it will use the package that's been downloaded already12:28
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jontecI think that this version is the newest that we have12:28
HawkwindFlash 8 won't ever be released for Linux12:28
HawkwindWe'll get Flash 9, but not til after the first of the year12:29
jontecyeah just what I was going to say12:29
jontecis there a specific reason that you need 7?12:29
jontecjhak88: * i mean need 812:30
HawkwindMost all sites require flash 8 now.  Very few use flash 7 anymore12:30
jhak88jontec; Hawkwind: Because flash 7 player cannot run the 8 objects properly12:31
jmichaelxyeah, i have run into quite a few that require 812:31
jontecI did not realize that. Wow. I haven't had any problems with flash other than the ones that need shockwave12:31
jmichaelxeven a lot of junk on yahoo! needs 812:31
Hawkwindjhak88: Correct.  I'm well aware of that :)12:31
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intelikeywhat might cause kde to only open apps for root and not for users ?12:32
jontec'looks like we've reached the enod of my knowledge, then, ahaha.12:32
jhak88jontec; Hawkwind; jmichaelx: So there's no Flash 8 plugin for linux users?12:32
jhak88and is the Flash 9 coming out soon?12:32
jmichaelxjhak88: no, not as far as i am aware12:32
intelikeyflash   yuch12:33
jmichaelxjhak88: i am sure there will be an update of flash for linux in the near future12:33
Hawkwindjhak88: Read what I said.  No new flash for Linux until after the first of the year12:33
jmichaelxmay not be 8, may be 9, but there will eventually be an upgrade'12:33
HawkwindWe were supposed to get 8.5 but the developers decided against it12:33
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jmichaelxi can live with 7 for a good while yet12:34
jhak88jmichaelx; Hawkwind: I have to get 8 or higher, I love those flash movies posted on Newgrounds and such and I can't watch them properly ;_;12:34
jmichaelxhmm, never heard of newgrounds12:34
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Bazzijhak88: so what about wine or vmware?12:34
Hawkwindjhak88: Then you better run Windows.  You can NOT get flash 8 for Linux, and you never will be able to12:34
=== intelikey doesn't do windows, or flash, or java.
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jmichaelxjhak88: you will have to use windows for those for  the next several months, it sounds12:35
jhak88jmichaelx: Gah... stupid windows :P12:35
ninHerhi all12:35
BazziI've read that firefox+flash+shockwave runs under wine pretty well12:35
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jmichaelxjhak88: i know, i have windows on 2 PCs and a laptop, but only boot it up once a week or less12:35
jhak88jimichaelx; Bazzi: Well at least I'm dual-booting it12:35
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jhak88okay... another issue then12:36
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Bazzijhak88: well, you should better vmware one :)12:36
Bazziworks better :)12:36
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jmichaelxjhak88: you could try wine, like Bazzi suggested12:36
jhak88I have Intel GMA900 , and if I run a OpenGL screensaver, its screen is moved upwards12:36
jhak88meaning, the screensaver screen is not align with my monitor12:37
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jhak88but the accelerator works fine12:37
jmichaelxi am installing the new MEPIS on a machine right now:-D12:37
jontecanyone who will listen: I found an interesting article on the web about Flash 8, mainly complaints: http://www.mepis.org/node/994812:38
rlji'm wondering whether i should bother with captive-ntfs for my win partition on this machine. it's a bit against my complete-free-os philosophy though. question is on the other hand why i keep windows at all...12:40
jhak88jmichaelx: okay, another issue12:40
rljif it wasn't for half-life 2... ;)12:40
cpk2rlj: wine?12:40
intelikeywhy do people use flash ?12:40
rljwell, wine is very nice and i use it for icewind dale (which is great great game btw)12:40
jhak88jmichaelx: I have Intel GMA900 graphics, and when I open OpenGL screensaver, the screen is not aligned with the monitor12:41
jmichaelxi have kept windows on three machines out of my fear that i will need a crutch, but honestly, i should get rid of it on all but maybe one machine12:41
rljbut i don't think wine is yet in the stage to do state of the art 3g games properly unfortunately12:41
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cpk2i think you would be surprised12:41
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jmichaelxjhak88: i saw that you said that, and am scratching my head, but i don't know why that would be12:41
cpk2cedega seems to be pretty good12:41
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:41
rljespecially since this laptop is running an ati radeon xpress 200m, which can't even run properly with hw 3d acceleration using the ati proprietary drivers....12:41
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:41
LouKallanybody know how to use VCD?12:42
rljso i'm not really bothering with 3d in linux for now12:42
rljuntil the xorg ati driver matures12:42
rljor the fglrx does and i decide i want it after all12:42
intelikeyrlj that's a hardware issue  not a software one.12:42
rljwhy so?12:42
jhak88jmichaelx: well I gatta go, and thanks for helping me (who just started using Linux yesterday;;;)12:42
BlankBis something wrong with us.archive.ubuntu.com or is it me....or is there a better server to use?12:43
rlj*how so12:43
cpk2BlankB: yes12:43
BlankBcpk2: yes to all 3? 8)12:43
cpk2BlankB: as a temporary solution you can open up your sources.list and remove us. from all entries that have it12:43
rljintelikey: how so?12:43
jmichaelxjhak88: rock on,12:43
BlankBcpk2: thanks. I will give it a try.12:44
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intelikeywhen a hardware manufacturer makes cards that they specificly design so that only one software will work with it,  it's "falty hardware design"12:44
cpk2BlankB: yes to one maybe to 2 and not really to 3 =P12:44
DaSkreechLouKall: What are you trying to do?12:44
LouKallim trying to view the Directors Cut of Donnie Darko12:44
DaSkreechintelikey: I think it's a software issue :)12:44
LouKalland it has a .bin and a .cue file12:44
BlankBcpk2: that worked. Thanks.12:44
LouKallsomeone told me on here that VCD Gear is the only way to go.12:44
abattoirLouKall: open the .bin w/ mplayer12:45
aseigorlj: i don't think coolness moved far since the author got busy at uni12:45
LouKallill have to get that real quick.12:45
LouKallsudo apt-get install mplayer?12:45
abattoir!info mplayer12:45
aseigorlj: seli (kwin dude) has added support for plugins that can do such things in kwin via composition managers for kde4 however12:45
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In repository multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 3265 kB, installed size 7916 kB12:45
intelikeyDaSkreech software issues generally occure where the software is 'supposed to work'    no?12:45
abattoirLouKall: yup, if you have multiverse enabled12:45
DaSkreechaseigo: I that was Lunak?12:45
aseigorlj: what is needed now is for people to start playing with that support and seeing what kind of effects can be done.. in other words, we have the beginning of an infrastructure12:45
LouKallwhat do you mean by multiverse?12:46
aseigoDaSkreech: seli ... lubos lunak .. same guy ... yep12:46
DaSkreechAh ha!  :-)12:46
abattoir!multiverse > LouKall12:46
DaSkreechNow I know who to thank ;-)12:46
abattoirLouKall: follow those instructions :)12:46
intelikeyDaSkreech like saying my linux can't ride a bicycle therefore it's a software issue....12:47
DaSkreechWell ti is12:47
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jmichaelxwhoever thinks that mplayer is the ultimate movie player has ricks in his head..... streaming content still has a long way to go in linux12:47
DaSkreechI'm pretty sure with the right software I could get Linux to ride a bicycle12:47
intelikeyno the bicycle wasn't "made" for linux.12:47
LouKallso what do i go with jmike?12:47
DaSkreechNothing is made FOR linux12:47
intelikeyor windows for that matter.12:47
rljaseigo: ah, excellent news. i like those effects :)12:48
DaSkreechTherefore it shouldn't work :-P12:48
jmichaelxmplayer is the way to go, LouKall, but you will have issues off and on12:48
DaSkreechrlj: Note there are no actual effects :)12:48
DaSkreechJust a framework12:48
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LouKallwhat do i do to install it.12:48
intelikeyDaSkreech sure things are 'made for linux'  anything opensourse is 'made for linux'12:48
rljaseigo: so do all these things do transparency and stuff hw accelerated using the xorg composition system?12:48
jmichaelxsometimes xine works when mplayer doesn't12:48
abattoirLouKall: i just gave you instructions12:48
DaSkreechaseigo: I honestly think that more drums should be beat about that though so more people can jump into kwin12:48
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rljaseigo: or does this stuff require an xgl x server?12:49
DaSkreechintelikey: You have opensource hardware?12:49
abattoirLouKall: enable the multiverse repository12:49
rljaseigo: the former i assume12:49
abattoirLouKall: then, you'd find it in adept, or you could do a 'sudo apt-get install mplayer'12:49
aseigorlj: it just requires a composition manager really12:49
rljDaSkreech: of course. would be worse though with hackish effects and no real framework to build on :)12:49
aseigorlj: how rendering happens is almost an implementation detail of the cm12:49
DaSkreechrlj: Well framework and no effects is kinda pointless12:49
LouKallthere was just information on the links you gave me.12:50
=== aseigo notes that x.org's opengl support is simply not ready at this point for production xgl cm's .
LouKallwhich i have read before.12:50
aseigo.. at least not if you expect to run opengl apps at the same time12:50
abattoirLouKall: then enable multiverse...12:50
abattoirLouKall: or do you already have it enabled?12:50
DaSkreechLouKall: Read the info?12:50
rljDaSkreech: at least a better foundation (if indeed the framework is usable)12:50
intelikeyLouKall what ya trying to do ?12:51
LouKallive read the info.12:51
abattoirLouKall: ok, see in adept if you have 'mplayer' or do a 'sudo apt-get install mplayer', tell us what it says12:51
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LouKalllists out...12:52
abattoirLouKall: 'mplayer'12:52
abattoirLouKall: 'MPLAYER'12:52
LouKalli understand that.12:52
LouKallhow do i change to multiverse from Adept?12:52
DaSkreechAnyone has any info on Xen and the AMD VT?12:53
rljso the concept of the xgl x server implies to use opengl as the low level graphics system (with vendor specific drivers for the cards or mesa for software) and build all x display systems on top of opengl, instead of having x drivers directly implementing the x systems for particular hardware, thus removing the necessity for x graphics card drivers and simply relying on opengl drivers?12:53
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:53
intelikeyLouKall ^12:53
DaSkreechLouKall: Adept is Multiverse :)12:53
abattoirLouKall: if you read those instructions properly, you'd know that multiverse is a section....12:53
LjLrlj: think so12:53
cpk2LouKall: open up sources.list and uncomment it12:53
rljLjL: sounds like a pretty good idea to me then :)12:53
LjLto me too12:53
DaSkreechLouKall: You have kmplayer in the list?12:53
abattoirLouKall: which contains extra packages... hence to get these packages... you need to enable 'multiverse'12:54
rljLjL: it does mean all old systems with non-3d or not-very-3d cards will run a mesa driver then?12:54
abattoirLouKall: RTFM :P12:54
LjLrlj: i think it means they'll use the old drivers, rather12:54
rljLjL: how does this work? mesa doesn't have hardware interfaces for these cards, does it?12:54
LouKalli am so fookin lost@12:54
LouKalloh god.12:54
DaSkreechLouKall: I"m going to PM ok?12:54
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LjLrlj: i suppose a moment will come when those machines will simply not be supported anymore. but i think it's quite far from here12:54
abattoirLouKall: ok, chill, read what i give again, properly, make sure you do exactly what it says12:55
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abattoirLouKall: oh, well12:55
intelikeyi don't know why i can't launch apps in kde (user login)   but i can in (root login)12:55
cpk2LouKall: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list make sure you have multiverse and universe in there12:55
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:55
jontecwhy in the world isn't there any information on bridge-utils!?! -.-12:55
cpk2if you need the repos you can get them from that website12:55
aseigowow. running 2 opengl apps on my laptop actually destroys the xserver ...12:56
abattoir!info bridge-utils12:56
ubotubridge-utils: Utilities for configuring the Linux ethernet bridge. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.0.6-1build1 (dapper), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB12:56
DaSkreechaseigo:I just need one :012:56
abattoirjontec: you mean documentation?12:56
aseigoDaSkreech: =)12:56
intelikeyjontec why are there like half the commands on the *buntu system that have no man page ???12:56
DaSkreechLouKall: can you see my Message?12:56
aseigoDaSkreech: problem is with xgl and aiglx is that one is always running12:56
LouKallsource.list is open.12:56
LouKallnothing is in it.12:56
aseigoDaSkreech: meaning that your one gl app would actually make 212:56
LouKalli cant see it.12:56
DaSkreechOk type /msg Daskreech Hello12:57
LouKallim really sorry to be so ignorant12:57
cpk2LouKall: its sourceS.list12:57
cpk2not source12:57
jmichaelxLouKall: just go to that source-o-matic webpage and follow its instructions12:57
jontecjontec:I know!12:57
DaSkreechLouKall: No problem :) We are here to help12:57
intelikeyLouKall no it's not LouKall you just made a new empty 'sources.list'12:57
jontecwait. lol12:57
LouKallthere we go.12:57
abattoirLouKall: ok, just listen do DaSkreech12:57
jontecyes! I cannot find anything?12:57
DaSkreechLouKall: Ok you have sources.list open in kate?12:58
intelikeyLouKall the sources.list the system uses is in  /etc/apt/12:58
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abattoirjontec: anything in /usr/share/doc/bridge-utils ?12:58
LouKallyes i have.12:59
LouKallit open.12:59
LouKalltheres nothing in these files.12:59
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:00
DaSkreechLouKall: Go to that page01:00
DaSkreechLouKall: Let me know when it loads01:01
LouKallyeah its loaded.01:01
=== DaSkreech blows on the 56k Modem to make it go faster
DaSkreechOK the drop down box choose your version of Kubuntu01:02
LouKallshush. i have wireless...its ME thats the 56k'r01:02
DaSkreechDapper or Breezy01:02
LouKalli believe i am still on breezy01:03
DaSkreechWant to make sure of that?01:03
LouKallheh, yeah.01:03
DaSkreechlsb_release -a01:03
DaSkreechtype that01:03
intelikeyassuming lsb-release is installed...01:03
DaSkreechintelikey: It should01:04
abattoirintelikey: isnt it standard?01:04
abattoiratleast w/ ubuntu01:04
intelikeyno.  it is by default.   that does not mean 'it should be'  :)01:04
DaSkreechI think it's part of ubutu-base01:04
LouKallgood thing i didnt pick breezy.01:04
LouKallyeah i guess i did upgrade last week.01:04
DaSkreechLouKall: Then dapper it ;-)01:04
LouKallhaha, okay.01:04
DaSkreechI assume you are on a Intel/AMD machine?01:04
LouKalli386 im guessin01:04
DaSkreechOk select updates and Security updates01:05
rljand any reason for me to go for the 64-bit kubuntu instead on my new install (which will be a pretty standard desktop system)?01:05
DaSkreechAnd check the first four boxes going down01:05
rljwine does not work as easily on a native x86_64 system, does it?01:06
LouKallon the right?01:06
abattoirrlj: if you want flash installation, java installation etc. to be a hassle.... :P01:06
DaSkreechYou want the new amarok? :-)01:06
BluesKajno rlj, too many programs won't work with the 6401:06
LouKallPackages, Sources, Packages, Sources...01:06
BluesKajI already tried it01:06
rljright, i386 it is for now then01:06
rljor the k7 sources01:06
LouKallim using XMMS right ow.01:06
rljsince i'm on k801:06
LouKalli cant get AmaroK to play my stupid Mp3s01:07
rljwell it's not even sources anymore. too used to my gentoo box01:07
DaSkreechOK then press get me sources.list button :)01:07
DaSkreechLouKall: I can fix that if you like01:07
abattoirLouKall: that's another issue, you are partly solving it now :)01:07
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LouKallthere we go.01:07
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DaSkreechSo want it?01:07
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LouKalli have some sort of file.01:07
h3sp4wnrlj: If you don't mind a little bit of messing around you could use amd64 (if no one uses it there is no point in having an amd64 version)01:07
LouKallit would make things easier.01:08
LouKalli like AmaroK01:08
DaSkreechAlrighty go back then :)01:08
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LouKallim back there.01:08
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DaSkreechmake sure you have all your old stuff selected01:08
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LouKallgot em.01:09
LouKalllmao on the Penguin Liberation Front.01:09
DaSkreechand scroll down looking for kubuntu.org packages for KDE and Kubuntu.org packages for amarok01:09
LouKallcracks me up.01:09
LouKallokey. selected the four of those.01:09
DaSkreechPenguins want to be free!!01:09
rljh3sp4wn: i think actually it's mainly wine messyness preventing me from the a64 version for now01:09
DaSkreechOK Give me a sources.list!01:10
LouKallgot one in Kate01:10
h3sp4wnrlj: You can 32 bit under a chroot01:10
DaSkreechsave it01:10
h3sp4wnrlj: with schroot accessing the chroot can be pretty transparant01:10
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rljh3sp4wn: yah i know. that would waste a bit of disk space though for all 32bit libs01:10
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: can I edgy under a chroot?01:11
LouKallsupposed to have a .tmp filetype?01:11
rljh3sp4wn: i think i'd rather wait for it to be handled a bit more transparently if possible01:11
DaSkreechLouKall: And it's saved in /etc/apt right?01:11
LouKallnot yet ;P)01:11
cpk2hopefully he saved it as /etc/apt/sources.list01:11
DaSkreechcpk2: Yeah ;)01:11
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Yep pretty easily (I have a seperate one to try dist-upgrading with incase it breaks first)01:12
rljor find a good reason why i need 64bits right now01:12
DaSkreechLouKall: ok save it as /etc/apt/sources.list01:12
DaSkreechand then reopen it to make sure that it's correct01:12
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: How does that work?01:12
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Make sure you download the latest version of debootstrap (and you can debootstrap edgy directly)01:12
DaSkreechYou login then chroot and you are nor edgy?01:12
DaSkreechLouKall: What?01:13
LouKalli dont have write access?01:13
LouKall[crying] 01:13
BluesKaj<AMD 64 Athlon CPU , running x86 kubuntu and it runs fine01:13
DaSkreechLouKall: That's right :-)01:13
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LouKallThe document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to file:///etc/apt/sources.list.01:13
DaSkreechLouKall: type kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list01:13
LouKallCheck that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available.01:13
DaSkreechThat should open a kate with write access01:13
z00manyone know overflows with a amd64but cpu and amd64bit kubuntu kernel ?01:13
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: My main system is running edyg also but recently I became abit more paranoid than before (so I have it in a chroot also) - you can use dchroot or schroot to put yourself into the chroot transparantly01:13
cpk2LouKall: do kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list01:14
cpk2DaSkreech: beat me to it01:14
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Any docs on this?01:14
DaSkreechI've just used chroot to unscrew screwed systems from a live CD01:14
LouKallthat gave me access.01:14
DaSkreechNever tried a main machine with GUI01:14
DaSkreechLouKall: Ok so it's saved and you are good now?01:14
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Use the docs for setting up a 32 bit chroot under amd 64 (but get the very latest version of debootstrap)01:15
LouKallgrr. no.01:15
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: ok thanks well do01:15
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: (it won't break anything it only depends on /bin/sh01:15
DaSkreechLouKall: What's up?01:15
LouKallcan i just copy and paste it?01:15
LouKallthe souce file01:15
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: (i.e install the edgy debootstrap onto dapper)01:16
LouKallits actually showing something in the origninal, now, though.01:16
el_ismaHello. Does anybody know how to make more "flashy" notifications in KDE? Right now aMSN only changes it's text... But I don't notice it. I'd like some flashing colors...01:16
DaSkreechLouKall: :-)01:16
coachJtrying to import bookmarks from Firefox into Opera, can someone help?01:16
DaSkreechcoachJ: I think that opera may have an import button01:17
LouKallokay its saved from the source.list that was given me.01:17
DaSkreechLouKall: Ok so you are  good now?01:17
coachJit does but the dir firefox uses does shoe in the dig box01:17
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LouKallit says the exact same thing as the one given to me.01:17
DaSkreechopen adept and hit reload01:17
LouKalland it allowed me to save.01:17
el_ismacoachJ: Try File->Import and export ->  Import Netscape/Firefox01:17
DaSkreechcoachJ: It's ~/.mozilla/firefox I think01:17
DaSkreechLouKall: Open adept and hit reload01:18
coachJi thoght i did that i'll try again01:18
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DaSkreechLouKall: ok now look for mplayer01:19
DaSkreechLouKall: Do you understand what you just did?01:20
LouKallmir. it gave me even less!01:20
DaSkreecheven less?01:20
LouKallhaha, you kidding? no. did i change to multiverse?01:20
coachJworked thka01:20
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LouKalland kmplayer-konq-plugins01:20
DaSkreechLouKall: Open /etc/apt/sources.list and find multiverse01:20
DaSkreechThere you go01:21
coachJDaSkreech: It worked thks01:21
LouKallwhat do you mean by find it though? there are a couple of lines withit on it.01:22
coachJOpera looks good!01:22
LouKalli would give up, but ive heard this movie is really sharp01:23
LouKallplus, who gives up these days/01:23
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abattoirLouKall: any of those lines have 'dapper'?01:24
abattoirLouKall: not 'dapper-backports'01:24
LouKallmost say breezy.01:24
LouKallwhy is that01:24
LouKalli asked for dapper01:24
LouKallthats whats wrong.01:24
aegeanlinuxLjL: How good at C are you?01:24
abattoirLouKall: hmmm... ok, could you change those to dapper?01:24
abattoirLouKall: or do you want to paste it so that i  can have a look at it?01:25
rlji noticed last time i installed kubuntu dapper that the livecd seems to set the system locale to en_AU for some reason on an english system with swedish keyboard layout. i thought this was rather weird01:25
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abattoirLouKall: are you sure you overwrote the old sources.list file?01:25
LouKalli did.01:25
rljs/livecd/livecd gui installer01:25
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abattoirLouKall: because its common to have 'breezy' entries if you upgraded01:25
LouKallit must of switched on me when i wanted to do Amarok and such.01:25
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LouKallhold on.01:25
LouKallill redo it.01:26
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abattoirLouKall: ok.... also give me the link at the end...01:26
I_Eat_PlasticHow do I emulate multiple sound servers through multiple programs? (ex.. Firefox.. xmms..)01:26
LouKallthere we go.01:27
LouKallits all changed to dapper on the temp file.01:27
LouKalllemme copy it over to the sources.list01:27
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aegeanlinuxI_Eat_Plastic:  http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Allow_multiple_programs_to_play_sound_at_once01:28
abattoirLouKall: remember, you'd need root permissions01:28
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I_Eat_Plasticaegeanlinux: thank you.01:28
aegeanlinuxwhy that is perfectly OK I_Eat_Plastic01:28
rljcheck the following syslog about the en_AU thingy: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/Phbw1q81.html01:28
rljthe last couple of lines01:28
LouKalli went and gottem.01:29
abattoirLouKall: you 'updated' in adept?01:29
abattoir'Fetch Updates'01:29
LjLaegeanlinux: depends... i know very few APIs. can't code a GUI of any kind. i'm relatively confident with the constructs of C themselves and some of the ANSI calls, though01:29
aegeanlinuxahhh, thats OK.'01:29
abattoirrlj: from ubiquity?01:30
aegeanlinuxI really want to 'lend' someone some source code01:30
aegeanlinuxand ask them nicely to put 7z support in it01:30
rljabattoir: what's that?01:30
abattoirrlj: is that from the live installer?01:30
yelekhello all, I have a question if anyone could help out that would be great...its a pretty simple question Im sure01:30
rljabattoir: it's from the kubuntu dapper livecd installer, yes01:30
LouKallwhats that yelek?01:30
rljabattoir: selected english language at the first prompt and then a swedish keyboard layout01:30
LjLaegeanlinux: hm, why not just depend on the 7zip program?01:30
abattoirrlj: i think its normal, dont see any errors01:31
abattoirrlj: oh01:31
yelekI just did an apt-get install wine, and I want to put wine in my Kmenu, how would I go about doing this01:31
abattoirrlj: could you try it again?01:31
rljabattoir: from what i remember from my previous install, the LANG or some related env variable was set to en_AU for some reason01:31
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rljabattoir: sure01:31
abattoirrlj: or does this happen all the time?01:31
rljin the live environment now01:31
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LouKalli belive it you right click on the k menu, you can add programs.01:31
LouKallif you have wine installed, that is.01:31
andrei!restricted formats01:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:32
aegeanlinuxLjL: because code needs to be added to the package manager to tell it to 1. fetch .tar.7z files and 2. Extract with lib7z, along with libtar, not just libtar wich it does at the moement01:32
yelekhmm, ok lemme try, thx LouKall01:32
LouKall:) no problem.01:32
LjLaegeanlinux: ah, at least there *is* a lib7z. i was trying to find one right now..01:32
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abattoirrlj: i think it sets the default option to 'au' and that you can change it... can you confirm that for me01:32
abattoirLouKall: cool, now also amarok must be upgradable... is it?01:32
aegeanlinuxactually, LjL that's the bit that isn't going to sell, that has to be written01:32
=== aegeanlinux ducks
LouKalldo i just look for Amarok?01:33
LjLaegeanlinux: ah ;)01:33
aegeanlinuxhi edu01:33
abattoirrlj: is 'AU' the default option in the choices01:33
LouKallhi edu.01:33
abattoirLouKall: just type amarok, yes01:33
eduLouKall: hi01:33
aegeanlinuxthere is an SDK for 7z LMZA01:33
eduaegeanlinux: hi01:33
LjLaegeanlinux: well that depends on how horrible the p7zip code is -- if it's not too horrible, making it into a library can be feasible, otherwise...01:33
edulook, my CD recorder is unmounted... how can I mount it?01:34
yelekLouKall, I went to add/remove proggz but I dont see wine anywhere, or how to add it to the menu.....01:34
aegeanlinuxLjL: Whats the chance of me asking nicely and seeing if you can whip something up?01:34
LouKallapplying the uprgrades to amaroK01:34
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abattoirLouKall: wait01:34
abattoirLouKall: you applied ?01:34
LouKalldo you have Wine fully installed?01:34
LouKallapplied what?01:34
abattoirLouKall: committed the changes in adept?01:34
LjLaegeanlinux: i'll tell you after i have the various 7z sources downloaded and i can see them01:34
yelekyeh i believe so, at least when i try to apt-get again it says newest version is allready installed01:35
abattoirLouKall: ok doesnt matter01:35
eduI just wanna burn an audio CD... but my CD recorder is unmounted... any idea?01:35
LouKallhaha crap.01:35
aegeanlinux:D LjL, thanks for looking anyways :D01:35
abattoirLouKall: when its done, look for the package 'libxine-extracodecs'01:35
LouKallwill do.01:35
abattoirLouKall: and install it... that should get you mp3 support in amarok01:35
LouKalloh awesome.01:35
LouKallamaroK looks so much easier to deal with.01:35
LouKallill uninstall XMMS01:35
LouKallwhat about my DVD though?01:36
eduI tried with 'mount -t autofs /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1' but it failed01:36
LouKallthe .bin and .cue files?01:36
abattoirLouKall: open the .bin w/ mplayer... should play01:36
educould you help me, please?01:36
LouKallMplayer isnt showing up on my multimedias...01:37
abattoirLouKall: the menu might not be updated yet, hit Alt+F2 type mplayer and run01:37
LouKallk, k.01:37
abattoiredu: which program are you using to burn? K3B ?01:37
eduabattoir: yes01:38
abattoiredu: that should mount the disc for you01:38
LouKallnoooope. nothing.01:38
rljabattoir: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/wVt5gW69.html01:38
yelekI see wine in adept manager but I still cant figure out how to put it in the menu, any suggestions?01:38
yelekit says it's installed fine01:38
eduabattoir: but it's not working...01:38
abattoirLouKall: what do you mean, you are sure you installed mplayer?01:38
LjLaegeanlinux: there's something i'm not getting. 7z itself is a format for compressing *plus* creating an archive (i.e. compressing multiple files together), while the compression format itself is called lzma. so why would you be using 7z *over* tar?01:38
LouKallit said i got it through Adept.01:39
rljabattoir: i never selected anything with australia so i think it's an installer bug. i wonder if it happens with other language/time zone/kb layout settings though01:39
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aegeanlinux7z does not support saving file permissions, tar does01:39
abattoirrlj: as i asked before, in the installer, or the default options that are selected AU?01:39
aegeanlinuxLjL: 7z does not support saving file permissions, tar does01:39
abattoir*are the default...01:39
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abattoirLouKall: try again... Alt+F2 -> mplayer -> Run01:40
eduabattoir: K3b error: no support01:40
abattoirLouKall: when you finish typing mplayer, the icon should change01:40
LouKallthe K icon?01:40
LouKallit didnt change.01:40
rljabattoir: could you clarify the question, i didn't understand it...01:40
aegeanlinuxmaybe http://www.joachim-bauch.de/projects/python/pylzma/ might help01:41
edumy CD recorder is unmounted... how can I mount it?01:41
eduI just wanna burn an audio CD... but my CD recorder is unmounted... any idea?01:41
eduI tried with 'mount -t autofs /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1' but it failed01:41
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aegeanlinuxtype dmesg | tail01:41
abattoiredu: using mp3s?01:41
aegeanlinux| as in pipe01:41
eduabattoir: yes, but that's not the problem01:42
rljabattoir: all i did was launch the livecd, select swedish kb layout on bootup, launch installer, select default language of english, select swedish time zone, select swedish kb layout. what i would then like to receive is en_US for everthing but the keyboard layout in consoles and X, and that should be sv_SE.UTF-8 :)01:42
eduabattoir: K3b can read mp3 files well01:42
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abattoirrlj: the installer tries to 'guess' certain values and sets them as default... for eg. if it detects from your system that you are in AU, it'll change the defaul choice to AU, you can of course change that...01:42
LouKallabattoir: installed the libxine...going to reinstall mplayer01:42
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rljabattoir: well i'm not in AU, never been there :)01:42
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rljabattoir: from what would it autodetect AU=01:43
abattoirrlj: did you actually finish instalilng?01:43
rljabattoir: i did on my last install, yes01:43
LouKallthere we go abbattoir01:43
rljabattoir: and some env var ended up being en_AU, can't remember which one01:43
abattoiredu: k3b needs to decode them to make an audio cd01:43
LouKallit was kmplayer!01:43
rljabattoir:  not LC_ALL, it was something like LANG01:43
LjLaegeanlinux: ok, well - the other thing that i don't have clear is whether you already *have* these .tar.7z packages, in a defined format, or you're in the process of inventing the format. because if it's the latter, i suppose you should use raw lzma rather than 7z, since you're over tar01:43
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abattoirrlj: so even after you chose se and completed installation, the system was setup for au? then yes, its a bug01:44
abattoirLouKall: ???? kmplayer is a frontend for mplayer01:44
rljabattoir: since i'm reinstalling anyway and would like to get en_US instead of en_AU, can this be overridden during the install somehow or should i get the alternate cd with the standard console prompts instead of the gui installer?01:44
rljabattoir: yes that is correct.01:44
LouKallyeah it opened up.01:44
abattoira kde-frontend to be precise, mplayer has its own gtk frontend01:44
rljabattoir: kb layout in X (and consoles i think) were sv_SE correctly though01:45
LouKallbut the file wont open now.01:45
rljabattoir: it was just LANG (or some other of those vars, can't remember which one)01:45
abattoirrlj: technically this should not happen at all, AU comes into question only if you choose english...01:45
rljenglish as what? kb layout?01:45
eduabattoir: k3b is decoding mp3 perfectly well01:45
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abattoirrlj: language01:45
rljabattoir: cause i did choose english as language01:46
abattoiredu: then what is the erro?01:46
rljabattoir: not swedish01:46
abattoirrlj: and then what locale of english did you choose?01:46
LouKallgrr. amaroK isnt playing mp3s.01:46
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aegeanlinuxLjL: I don't have __anything__ now for the .tar.7z's if you asked me to get them, I would have them in a flash though. And yes probebly just using plain LZMA compression, instead of 7z would be better01:46
LouKalldoes this stupid Playlist finished thing.01:46
abattoiri guess AU was the first... so you just pressed enter :P01:46
rljthe gui installer does not give you the option of choosing iirc01:46
aegeanlinuxLjL: Like what bz2 is to tar ;)01:46
eduabattoir: k3b is not detecting the blank CD I put on my recorder01:46
rljabattoir: if it does, on what screen is that?...01:46
abattoirLouKall: do an 'apt-cache policy libxine-extracodecs'...01:46
abattoirLouKall: tell me if it says installed01:47
eduabattoir: it seems that my CD-RW unit is unmounted or something like that01:47
eduabattoir: any idea?01:47
abattoiredu: your 'unit' is unomounted?01:47
LouKallit does say that.01:47
LjLaegeanlinux: uh, yeah, i was just going to ask... what about bz2? it's more widespread, it's faster, it doesn't compress as well as 7-zip but still compresses very well, and it's got a libbz2 ready and packaged with ubuntu01:47
abattoiredu: other disks dont work?01:47
eduabattoir: I think so...01:47
abattoirLouKall: make sure you have the amarok-xine engine installed01:47
eduabattoir: you're right01:48
abattoiredu: then may be a prob w/ your drive01:48
LouKallsays installed.01:48
LouKallprobably not uprgraded.01:48
abattoirrlj: after you choose english, choose locale as US01:48
abattoirLouKall: upgrade it... is amarok upgraded?01:48
abattoiredu: what?01:48
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abattoiredu: libk3b2-mp3 ?01:49
aegeanlinuxLjL: It is for a package manager, I am sure that if you had a the choice between 3 files .tar.gz (34 mb) .tar.bz2 (30 mb) and .tar.7z  (25 mb) that you'd choose the .7z01:49
eduabattoir: libk3b2-mp3 is installed and working01:49
inter_mwhen will we get the next dapper point release?01:49
LjLaegeanlinux: well, if the compression ratio difference really is that remarkable...01:49
abattoirinter_m: dapper point release?????01:49
aegeanlinuxLjL:  which it is01:49
abattoiredu: then about what was i right?01:49
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
rljabattoir: step 1 is language (no locale here), step 2 is time zone (and nothing else), step 3 is kb layout (and nothing else), step 4 is user information, step 5 is partitioning... or am i just blind?01:50
rljabattoir: as far as i can see, i never get the option to explicitly choose the locale01:50
inter_mabattoir: i know there's no point release yet01:50
Tommy2k4ubuntu crashed again :(01:50
inter_mabattoir: i am asking for the future01:50
abattoirrlj: if you choose English, i am sure you have an option for locale... wait a sec01:50
LouKallabattoir: yeah its upgraded, i did it through adept01:50
eduabattoir: other disks don't work!01:50
rljabattoir: i did not get any =)01:50
eduabattoir: you were right about that01:50
rljlet me know if you get different results..01:50
abattoiredu: well, does your drive work w/ any other OS that you have?01:50
abattoirrlj: wait a sec01:51
eduabattoir: yes, it works under XP01:51
abattoirinter_m: the next release is 'Edgy Eft' 6.1001:51
inter_mabattoir: no, i am talking about dapper01:52
inter_mabattoir: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperPointReleaseProcess01:52
inter_mabattoir: you probably haven't read this01:52
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inter_mabattoir: also, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/dapper-point-release-process01:53
abattoirinter_m: i have no idea.. you could ask @ #ubuntu01:53
inter_mabattoir: it's a HIGH priority specification01:53
abattoiredu: in KDE Control Centre... is the drive recognised?01:53
inter_mabattoir: i am not using ubuntu, but only kubuntu01:54
abattoirinter_m: the schedules should be the same01:54
inter_mabattoir: oh, i see your point01:54
inter_mabattoir: thanks01:54
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Toronto-HSE-ppp3907943.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
LouKallabattoir: Player xine Not Running01:54
abattoirrlj: in Location you choose Sweden?01:54
abattoirrlj: Stockholm i.e ?01:55
abattoirLouKall: where do you get this?01:55
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rljabattoir: yes stockholm01:56
rljabattoir: and then swedish kb layout01:56
rljabattoir: after selecting that have a look at your /var/log/messages.001:56
LjLaegeanlinux: http://tukaani.org/lzma/01:56
LouKallabattoir: i got it from kmplayer01:56
aegeanlinuxLjL: # Decompression speed is only little slower than that of gzip, being two to five times faster than bzip2.01:57
abattoirLouKall: what about mplayer?01:57
eduabattoir: yes, it is01:57
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aegeanlinuxYOU BEUT!!!!!!!!01:57
aegeanlinuxLjL: I could marry your01:57
abattoirrlj: i cant see the logs... i cant replicate that here....01:57
eduabattoir: /dev/hdd  /media/cdrom1  udf,iso9660   user,noauto01:57
bgrimmwhen installing VLC, kvlc (frontend) does not need to be selected too? it is noted as a dummy legacy pkg)?01:57
LouKallabattoir: kmplayer is all i have.01:57
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LjLaegeanlinux: heh. well haven't looked at the actual files yet, but that does seem to be the kind of "liblzma" wrapper that you'd want01:58
rljabattoir: why can't you see the logs?01:58
LouKallshould i DL mplayer?01:58
LjLaegeanlinux: and it even comes with a debian sid package apparently01:58
aegeanlinuxyes, it does ;)01:58
abattoirLouKall: i asked you to install mplayer, iirc that was the first thing i told you01:58
LouKall[dumb] 01:58
rljabattoir: or are there simply no mentions of en_AU in your logs?01:58
epyfroi' m in now ;)01:59
abattoirrlj: because i'm not running from the livecd and have messed around w/ them.... because i'm working on something similar...01:59
rljabattoir: ok, got it01:59
abattoirrlj: there wont be, because, if i for example choose London, my locale is automatically changed to en_gb01:59
LouKallabattoir: downloading mplayer.01:59
rljso stockholm might have the wrong association to the locale?02:00
abattoirwell, stockholm would be associated w/ swedish... and not w/ an english locale....02:00
LouKall[burp] 02:00
aegeanlinuxLjL: It looks dang promising the site.02:01
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abattoirrlj: but since you have chosen english, but do not live in an area which is associated w/ an english locale...02:01
rljabattoir: there still has to be some method for it to choose some default english locale no matter what location is used if english is the selected language? or does it simply fall back to the "first" english locale because of this?02:01
eduabattoir: yes, the drive is recognised...02:01
eduabattoir: /dev/hdd  /media/cdrom1  udf,iso9660   user,noauto02:01
abattoirrlj: i think the installer chooses the first locale in the english list... which is au02:01
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abattoirrlj: after installation... i'm sure you can change it02:02
rljabattoir: so the easiest thing to get it "right" for me would be to use the text-mode livecd (i.e. alternate livecd?) which will give me more options during the install?02:02
abattoiredu: hmmm... and no other discs are being recognised at all?02:02
rljabattoir: i would like to get it "right" straight away if possible...02:02
LouKallabbatoir: it only changes to a sprocket02:02
abattoirrlj: then try the text-mode  cd...02:03
eduabattoir: no other discs are being recognised by now02:03
rljabattoir: (= "alternate" livecd?)02:03
abattoirrlj: but i cant guarantee.. as i havent chosen a non-english-locale region :P02:03
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abattoiredu: but they are recognised in windows? sure?02:03
abattoirrlj: yes, the alternate installation cd, its not a live cd :P02:04
rljabattoir: ah :)02:04
abattoiredu: wait a sec02:04
rljabattoir: guess there are only 2 images to choose from though so it's a pretty simple choice :)02:04
eduabattoir: I'm sure02:04
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abattoirrlj: if you have the time, you can file a bug... if there isnt one already02:04
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abattoiredu: you get any error messages when you try to mount other discs?02:05
abattoiredu:  can you try now? preferably w/ a pressed / scratchless cd02:05
rljabattoir: just checked bugs.kubuntu.org but could not find anything interesting02:05
abattoirrlj: launchpad.net is the place02:06
rljabattoir: ok02:06
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eduabattoir: ok02:08
rljabattoir: bug searches on launchpad for "ubiquity en_AU" only finds ubiquity crash heading02:08
LouKallman abbat...you busy.02:08
eduabattoir: I'm on it02:08
rljabattoir: *headings. so i guess it's not registered by anyone02:08
abattoirrlj: i think you can omit ubuiquity02:08
abattoirLouKall: hehe... you done?02:08
abattoirLouKall: everything works?02:08
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:08
LouKallabattoir: nothing works! haha!02:09
LouKallim so lost@02:09
abattoirrlj: tbh the search function in launchpad is not the best02:09
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abattoirLouKall: have you opened mplayer?02:09
LouKallamaroK wont play mp3s02:09
abattoirLouKall: installed it even?02:09
LouKallhaha. yes it is installed02:09
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eduabattoir: now I'm getting a sudo error: "timestamp too far in the future" and can't mount!02:09
abattoiredu: try the command 'date' see if everything is sane02:10
abattoirLouKall: have you opened it?02:10
rljabattoir: just searching for en_AU brought up some more unrelated things and all of the ubiquity crash reports (that when browsed seem to have no mention of en_AU anywhere... :S)02:10
LouKallwhen i type and then click run, nothing opens.02:10
abattoirrlj: file a bug, even if its a duplicate, it will be triaged...02:11
rljabattoir: will do02:11
eduabattoir: everything is ok... I just changed the system time 20 minutes ago...02:11
rljabattoir: on the launchpad then and not bugs.kubuntu.org?02:11
abattoiredu: can you try restarting? something tells me it is a system time related issue02:11
abattoirrlj: yup02:11
abattoiredu: you changed it?02:12
abattoiredu: from what?02:12
rljwill do later on, don't have time to register myself now. a bit too tired02:12
eduabattoir: yes 'cause the time was wrong, I fixed it02:12
rljabattoir: will prolly sleep rather soon02:12
LouKallabattior: when i type and then click run, nothing opens02:12
abattoirrlj: fine.. i'll do it if i have the time :)02:12
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rljabattoir: thanks for the help anyways02:12
LouKallkmplayer opens though.02:12
rljabattoir: sure, ok thx02:12
LouKallabattior: kmplayer opens though.02:12
abattoirLouKall: hmmm, if you have it installed, as soon as you finish typing mplayer, the icon'd change...02:12
abattoirrlj: np02:13
abattoirLouKall: and then if you click run mplayer should open up02:13
rljwaiting for my badblocks -n -s -v on a 40GB part to finish...02:13
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rljit takes more time than i recall02:13
LouKallabattoir: it changes to a sprocket02:13
abattoiredu: could you try restarting?02:13
abattoirLouKall: so it does change?02:13
abattoirLouKall: click run02:13
rljabout half-way through now. and i think it's passed the place where it used to complain in syslog about dma errors :)02:14
abattoirLouKall: if that doesnt work... open konsole... execute mplayer from that02:14
eduabattoir: ok, I can restart now... see you and thanks02:14
abattoiredu: np02:14
abattoirrlj: why are going through the logs? :P02:14
LouKallopens from the Konsole02:14
LouKalljust not from run02:14
abattoirLouKall: good... now open the .bin file02:14
LouKallokey. lemme give her a whirl.02:15
abattoirLouKall: does it work?02:15
rljabattoir: well i did before cause i wasn't sure when i ran the mke2fs -c -c if it would echo about problems. and before that when i did a badblocks tests, the kernel did complain in the syslog02:15
rljabattoir: i think however, the badblocks -n i ran before which tried to write to the damaged parts actually caused the disk to relocate02:15
abattoirrlj: oh, ok... was just curious. :)02:16
abattoirrlj: oh :(02:16
rljabattoir: where the normal badblocks or e2fsck -c would only try to read, not causing the disk to relocate02:16
abattoirLouKall: ????02:16
rljabattoir: which if it is true is very good news02:16
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rljabattoir: i will keep a close eye on the disk once in a while for a few months (periodically doing some badblocks -n -p 3 or so or e2fsck -c -c, whichever i fancy :)02:17
abattoirrlj: on old disk?02:17
rljabattoir: if it turns out ok, i hope the disk will be fine. i believe the blocks were damaged during a one-time event (a small drop to floor :/)02:18
rljabattoir: as the disk is not old02:18
abattoiroh ok, that answers my question :)02:18
LouKallabattoir: cant get the path right...02:18
abattoirLouKall: watching the movie? :-\02:18
LouKallabattoir: i wish@02:18
abattoirLouKall: where did you save it?02:18
rljabattoir: normally bad blocks don't come alone, but i hope this was really a single event :)02:18
rljabattoir: i however had to backup everything and wipe the fs as reiserfsck would crash (segfault) on a reiserfsck --fix-fixable -b /part/to/badblocks/file02:19
rljabattoir: so i decided since i'm reinstalling anyway to go with ext3 this time since it seems to have somewhat better bad block handling than reiserfs02:19
abattoirLouKall: ok, then click on the Desktop folder(click on show more files or something)02:19
abattoirLouKall: ugh, i dont remember thos ugly GTK open dialogs...02:20
=== abattoir waits for a flame
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abattoirbut then, this is #kubuntu :P02:20
LouKall[lou holds a bucket of water] 02:20
abattoirrlj: reiser3 is often unstable on my drive...02:21
abattoirrlj: though everyone else says its fine :P02:21
rljabattoir: "often"?02:21
rljabattoir: i've used it without problems for some time on my desktop gentoo box02:21
abattoirrlj: yes, whenever i shutdown improperly02:21
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rljabattoir: but on the other hand, that drive has never had any bad sectors...02:21
rljabattoir: at least i've never noted any bad things (tm) happening02:21
LouKallabbatoir: i have the desktop folder open02:21
abattoirhehe, you are luck then02:22
rljabattoir: which is why i installed kubuntu on this new laptop on reiserfs and not ext3 in the first place02:22
abattoirLouKall: choose the .bin file then02:22
rljabattoir: no experience with jfs or xfs but they feel a bit less tested and generally used02:22
abattoirrlj: i wonder if it could be an issue w/ my Hardrive...02:22
abattoirrlj: but then, i dont care, XFS works perfectly well...02:22
rljabattoir: check s.m.a.r.t. information?02:22
abattoirand reiser4 does too02:22
LouKallabattoir: i cant find anything to open it up with02:22
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LouKallabattoir: kmplayer or mplayer is not on the list.02:23
abattoirLouKall: in the mplayer file selection dialog??????02:23
abattoirLouKall: mplayer-> Open file-> choose the file02:23
LouKalli cant open mplayer.02:23
rljabattoir: someone here before (who definitely thought my disk was ready to trash) suggested i checked the s.m.a.r.t. status (that turned out healthy). smartmontool.sf.net02:23
LouKallkmplayer shows up. but mplayer wont.02:23
abattoirLouKall: i though you just told me it opened from konsole....02:23
LouKallit listed out commands for it from konsole :P02:24
abattoirrlj: no, the disk is very healthy, its only reiser3 it doesnt like :P02:24
aegeanlinuxbrb, breakfast time02:24
rljabattoir: hehe02:24
abattoirLouKall: its a laptop HD, not even a year old...02:24
rljabattoir: so you would say (at least in your case) reiser4 is actually more stable than reiser3?02:24
LouKallabattoir: shwa?02:24
abattoirLouKall: listed out commands?02:24
LouKallabattoir: yeah like different options for files02:25
abattoirrlj: yes, my case, and obv. wont recommend to others....02:25
LouKallabattoir: can i not open it from kmplayer?02:25
rljLouKall: what country are you from?02:25
abattoirLouKall: :'(02:25
LouKallrlj: good ole world police--USA!02:26
LouKallabattoir: me too!02:26
Raven301Is there an option for apt-get install to install all the packages with gkrellm in it??02:26
rljLouKall: right =02:26
abattoirLouKall: ok, do 'mplayer /home/user/Desktop/whatever.bin'02:26
LouKallhaha okay.02:26
abattoirLouKall: wasnt gmplayer installed along w/ mplayer?02:26
abattoirLouKall: damn, i feel dumb now... install gmplayer02:26
abattoirthere is always one screwup per day :P02:27
rljLouKall: out of curiosity, what are you trying to play back?02:27
LouKallabattoir: no gmplayer--just Kmplayer02:27
LouKallrlj: Director's Cut of Donnie Darko02:27
abattoirLouKall: ok, do a 'sudo apt-get install gmplayer' in the konsole02:27
LouKallrlj: =] 02:27
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rljLouKall: i meant more like what format of the file :)02:27
LouKallrlj: .bin or .cue02:28
rljLouKall: of what? cd image with avi file on? dvd image?02:28
abattoiri guess you 'downloaded' it :P02:28
DaSkreechHI :-)02:28
LouKallabattoir: of course!02:28
abattoirhah, DaSkreech, :(02:28
DaSkreechabattoir: Nice attempt at disgust :)02:28
LouKallabattoir: something about administration directory02:29
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abattoirLouKall: hehe, ok, installed gmplayer?02:29
LouKallDaskreech: Daskreech!02:29
abattoirDaSkreech: hehe, i'm not disgusted...02:29
DaSkreechUgh GMplayer02:29
abattoirDaSkreech: where did you go all of a sudden02:29
LouKallabattoir: something about administration directory02:29
abattoirnot like you dont have a life :P... but02:29
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DaSkreechabattoir: Umm Technical difficulties02:29
josh__i am getting VERY fustrated02:30
josh__i can't install nvidia drivers!02:30
abattoirjosh__: me too02:30
DaSkreechabattoir: I was trying to find one but they don't have theGigabytes that I need in a lifedrive02:30
LouKalljosh__: me too02:30
josh__everything i do there is always something wrong02:30
LouKallabattoir: me too02:30
LouKalljosh__: i hate to break it to you...but maybe God is trying to tell you something....02:31
abattoirDaSkreech: dont they call those thing 'women'? :P02:31
=== abattoir runs away and hides
josh__i've tried linux 4 times02:31
LouKalljosh__: :D02:31
josh__it installs and stuff02:31
josh__but i can't install anything02:31
DaSkreechabattoir: Huh? what are you talking about02:31
josh__the commands are SO GAY02:31
DaSkreechabattoir: Great!!!02:31
abattoirDaSkreech: nothing...02:31
DaSkreechman women throws a kernel error02:31
LouKallI get it!02:32
josh__why can't it be like windows where you click the package and it installs....02:32
josh__that would be the ULTIMATE linux02:32
LouKalljosh__: then it wouldnt be any fun.02:32
DaSkreechjosh__: Cause this isn't Windows :)02:32
josh__no, but all the features of linux02:32
DaSkreechjosh__: What are you doing?02:32
abattoirjosh__: doesnt easyubuntu do exactly that?02:32
josh__omg no way.02:32
DaSkreechThat's what I was thinking02:32
josh__is it good?02:32
ubotuI know nothing about easyubunut - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:33
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.02:33
aegeanlinuxwb all02:33
josh__so i can just click nvidia drivers and it will install?02:33
HawkwindWe didn't leave, you did :P02:33
abattoirLouKall: installed gmplayer?02:33
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josh__wow, i've gotta check out easyubuntu02:33
rljjosh__: try gentoo, that was my first linux distro. that way you actually know it from the inside a bit before you can actually start using it :) and you have to suffer great compile times too so installing a system takes several days! but it's a really nice distro, apart from the minor caveats...02:34
DaSkreechGo to it man02:34
HawkwindIf my system did nothing but point/click I'd kill it02:34
DaSkreechrlj: Tried it on 56k?02:34
abattoirHawkwind: exactly :)02:34
DaSkreechHawkwind: One day one day :)02:34
rljDaSkreech: what, gentoo?02:34
DaSkreechHawkwind: Linux with the mind thought interface kernel module :)02:34
rljDaSkreech: nope, i have some sort of adsl at home02:35
DaSkreechrlj: Yeah02:35
HawkwindI've been dealing with XP Pro for the past 3 - 4 days for my neighbor.  I dislike Windows even more, if that's even humanly possible02:35
rljDaSkreech: having some sort of constant internet access is kind of useful for gentoo where you can't get debs on cd's, that's true02:35
DaSkreechHawkwind: Try debug Win98 :)02:35
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DaSkreechGentoo has debs?02:35
josh__i like the feel of linux and stuff its just that installing stuff there is ALWAYS an error!02:35
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rljDaSkreech: no (unless you use alien i guess)02:36
abattoirjosh__: the future is bright, the future is smart.02:36
josh__command lines would be nothing if you could actually type in and it will do what you want it to do......02:36
rljDaSkreech: i meant hm. i meant nothing i mean. you can fetch the archives manually elsewhere and just pop them in after all in your distfiles02:36
rljDaSkreech: and portage can prolly be updated with web snapshots instead of rsync as well02:36
josh__i just tried nvidia drivers and it tells me i don't have something installed..02:36
LouKallabbatoir: i got an error message02:36
DaSkreechjosh__: How many things have you installed?02:36
abattoirLouKall: when you install gmplayer?02:37
LouKallabbatoir: yeah, administrator directory02:37
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DaSkreechWoah http://www.blizzard.com/inblizz/fanart/ScreenShot.aspx?ImageIndex=393&Set=0 is  disturbing02:37
abattoirLouKall: what?02:37
josh__i haven't been able to install a single thing02:37
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josh__all 4 times i've installed linux, nothing will install......02:38
LouKallabattoir:E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:38
abattoirLouKall: adept is open?02:38
abattoirLouKall: install it through adept itself then02:38
josh__i'll do everything and it will work then something else will be in the way02:38
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LouKallabattoir: nope. should i do a root access.02:38
LouKallabattoir: it doesnt show up on the adept list.02:38
abattoirLouKall: sure adept isnt open?02:38
DaSkreechhttp://www.setimes.com/cocoon/setimes/xhtml/en_GB/features/setimes/blogreview/2006/07/21/feature-03 now that's funny :)02:38
LouKallabattoir: 100% positive.02:39
josh__oh yeah, how do you stream video in linux?02:39
DaSkreechjosh__: What kind of video?02:39
abattoirLouKall: ok, open adept then02:39
josh__like ebaumsworld and stuff02:39
aegeanlinuxLjL: How's it going ?02:39
josh__i've tried it and the media player comes up but it won't play02:39
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LouKallabbatoir: ok its open02:40
abattoirLouKall: install gmplayer02:40
DaSkreechjosh__: Do you know what it's encoded in ?02:41
LouKallabattoir: it doesnt show up during search02:41
nnn0hm simplymepis 6 is out02:42
abattoirLouKall: doh! I'll give you the right name then.... :(02:42
abattoirLouKall: wait up02:42
nnn0hm mepis kubuntu mepis kubuntu mepis02:42
DaSkreech!restricted > josh__02:42
LouKallabattoir: okay! [looks around] 02:42
=== KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-22-142163031153.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechyou may need w32codecs02:42
=== nikkiana [n=nikkiana@chchnhhed01-lo0-pool0-a205.chchnh.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu
josh__i need binutils02:43
josh__what the hell is that?02:43
abattoirLouKall: meanwhile you could download w32codecs... if you want:P02:43
nikkianafor some reason the touchpad on my laptop wants to paste whatever's in the clipboard every time i click on it.... is this strange behavior normal?02:43
abattoir!info binutils02:43
ubotubinutils: The GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.16.1cvs20060117-1ubuntu2.1 (dapper), package size 1373 kB, installed size 6848 kB02:43
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josh__ok well how do i install it02:44
LouKallabattoir: errr...cant find those on here either.02:44
abattoirLouKall: try executing gmpplayer02:45
abattoirLouKall: nah, those you have to download from mplayerhq.hu02:45
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LouKallabattoir: do what, now?02:45
abattoirexecute gmplayer02:45
abattoirdoes a player show up02:46
LouKallabattoir: yes!02:46
abattoirLouKall: ok, now open file -> choose your .bin file02:46
josh__k i installed binutils02:46
josh__now it says i need to exit X02:46
abattoirLouKall: dont tell me this doesnt work.... please :'(02:47
LjLaegeanlinux: integration should be smooth. the library compiles perfectly without any dependencies that i can see, you get a "liblzmadec.so" library, and a sample program in the lzmadec, which is quite short. you can probably just "plug it in" into your code almost as-is02:47
cpk2nikkiana: maybe it thinks the touchpad button is middle click? i think clicking the scroll wheel on a regular mouse is paste, so maybe thats what is happening?02:47
LouKallabattoir: im in love with you!02:47
abattoirnikkiana: amd64 ?02:47
LouKallabattoir: i could let the world know!02:47
aegeanlinuxLjL: Thanks for looking02:47
LouKallabattoir: thank you!02:47
abattoirLouKall: dude, i'm happy being single02:47
abattoirLouKall: ok, now wanna make the mp3 work?02:47
LouKallabattoir: hahahahahhahahhahahahha02:47
LouKallabattoir: might as well!02:47
LouKallabattoir: its giving me some playlist finished bullshit02:48
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abattoirLouKall: ok, check if you have amarok, amarok-engines and amarok-xine-engine installed in adept02:48
Dahgolcan i manually edit my kmenu entries?02:48
abattoirmake sure they are all the latest... 1.4.102:48
abattoirDahgol: kmenuedit is the tool02:48
Dahgolabattoir: thx02:48
LouKalli have everything but arts02:49
LouKallabattoir: i have everything but arts02:49
abattoir ?02:49
Dahgolabattoir: thx02:49
LouKallabattoir: yes.02:49
abattoirLouKall: ok, now run amarok from the terminal02:49
abattoirDahgol: heh, was just wondering about the accent... np02:49
abattoirLouKall: you also installed libxine-extracodecs right?02:50
LouKallabattoir: yeah i believe i do.02:50
abattoirLouKall: amarok opened up ?02:50
LouKallabattoir: yes02:51
nikkianacpk2; that appears to be exactly what's happening....02:51
nikkianaand i learned a new trick to boot.... clicking the scrollie wheel on the mouse indeed does paste!02:51
=== nikkiana now wonders how to disable the darn "middle clicking" on the touchpad...
nikkianaabattoir, yeah.02:51
abattoirLouKall: go to Ssettings -> Configure amarok02:51
abattoirnikkiana: its a known bug02:51
abattoirirritating one too02:51
josh__k WOW02:51
josh__how do you exit X?02:52
abattoirnikkiana: ok, synaptic right? you said laptop right?02:52
LouKallabattoir: okay.02:52
LouKallabattoir: now what?02:52
josh__i tried ctrl+alt+f102:52
abattoirLouKall: engines02:52
josh__is that how u exit x?02:52
LouKallabattoir: okay02:52
abattoirjosh__: you want to restart it?02:52
nikkianaabattoir, yep, it's a laptop....02:52
abattoirLouKall: xine engine is selected?02:52
josh__no i want to exit X so i can install linux drivers02:52
josh__nvidia drivers02:52
LouKallabattoir: yep.02:52
abattoirnikkiana: remove the xorg synaptic driver and install the xfree86 synaptic driver02:53
=== josh__ is now known as Chillaxed
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirLouKall: ok, save it and try playing mp3s02:53
abattoirLouKall: tell me what error you get02:53
nikkianaabattoir, thanks. i'll give that a shot and see what happens.02:53
LouKallabattoir: it doesnt play the file--just says playlist finished02:53
abattoirnikkiana: there is one more step02:53
abattoirLouKall: it goes through all the files... and then says that?02:54
nikkianaabattoir, okay02:54
LouKallabattoir: yep.02:54
Lord_Athurhi all02:54
Lord_Athurwhy may I have a partner?02:54
LouKallLord_Arthur: whats crappinin?02:54
abattoirLouKall: ok... hmmm can you try deleting the amarok settings file and restarting amarok?02:54
DaSkreechhi nikkiana :-)02:55
Lord_AthurI mean, what can i do as a partner?02:55
abattoirLouKall: ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc02:55
nikkianahi DaSkreech!02:55
abattoirnikkiana: done?02:55
nikkianaabattoir, not yet.... for some reason the package manager doesn't want to work..... grrrr....02:55
Lord_AthurLouKall, I don't know, I'm not English native, what's it?02:56
abattoirnikkiana: hehe... adept?02:56
nikkianaabattoir, yeah02:56
abattoirnikkiana: ok, tell me when you are done02:56
abattoirLouKall: ???02:56
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DaSkreechnikkiana: How are you?02:57
DaSkreechLord_Athur: What is your question?02:57
nikkianaDaSkreech, a bit frazzled, but otherwise good :)02:57
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DaSkreechnikkiana: Well we are here to help :)02:58
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Lord_AthurI want to improve my experience with ubuntu, is this a reason for having an ubuntu partner?02:58
DaSkreechHi raven581102:58
DaSkreechLord_Athur: What's the problem you are having with Ubuntu?02:59
nikkianaDaSkreech, well, it appears that i can't seem to download anything via adept i've been stuck on 'waiting for headers 0%' for the last five minutes02:59
Chillaxedi want to close X how do i do it.....02:59
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abattoirLord_Athur: an ubuntu partner?02:59
LouKallabbatoir: just delete amarokrc?02:59
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Lord_AthurI've some problems, but I've to go, it's important, see u02:59
DaSkreechnikkiana: I assume that you have net ;-)02:59
abattoirLouKall: yes, try that02:59
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DaSkreechabattoir: He's gone02:59
timii was installing firfefox ysterday and i had to update my lists or something02:59
nikkianaDaSkreech, well, i assume that seeing as i'm talking in here :)02:59
DaSkreechnikkiana: aha We think alike!03:00
abattoirDaSkreech: have any clue as to what he was referring to?03:00
timiand now there is more stuff in grub03:00
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timiwhenever i boot into the newer version the wifi doesnt work03:00
DaSkreechabattoir: Which one?03:00
abattoirDaSkreech: dont tell me there is an Ubuntu partner project...03:00
DaSkreechtimi: Use the old version then :)03:00
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DaSkreechabattoir: There is03:00
timiyeah ths wht im doing now03:00
DaSkreechtimi: There you go :)03:01
timiwhenever i was done w/ firefox yesterday i shut down the comp03:01
abattoirDaSkreech: hehe, i hope its not what i think it is :P03:01
timiand now the resolution is horrible03:01
timii don't know how to fix it03:01
ubotuThe Ubuntu Classroom is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions in #ubuntu-classroom - For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom03:01
DaSkreechabattoir: I have no idea what you think it tis03:01
DaSkreech!resolution > timi03:01
DaSkreechnikkiana: Still not loading?03:01
nikkianaDaSkreech, nope.03:02
DaSkreechnikkiana: ever had this issue before?03:02
nikkianaDaSkreech, nope03:02
DaSkreechnikkiana: Did anything different this time?03:02
nikkianaand i have a finace yelling at me for using the gui and not the console.03:03
=== nikkiana hides under the couch.
=== nikkiana is a simple minded creature.
nikkianai'm wondering if i might not have a slightly wonky wifi connection...03:03
=== LouKall [n=LouKall@216.49.246-IP-13.ckt.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirnikkiana: fiance ?03:04
LouKallstupid laptop03:04
nikkianamy IM protocols seem to be coming online and offline.03:04
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nikkianaabattoir, yes. the male creature that i'm going to be marrying in three weeks. :P03:04
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timirandom question but does firefox or konquere store internet history info and stuff03:04
abattoirnikkiana: oh, ok... hehe03:05
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DaSkreechnikkiana: Sounds likely03:05
LouKallabattoir: what file am i supposed to delete?03:05
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abattoirLouKall: ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc03:05
=== nikkiana wanders off to find some network cable.
abattoirLouKall: make sure you have amarok closed though03:05
LouKallabattoir: open amaroK again?03:06
abattoirLouKall: yes, please do03:06
abattoir(*Please Work*) :'(03:06
DaSkreechnikkiana: Oh thumb your nose at him :)03:06
DaSkreechabattoir: :'( It's really touching to see such care for another's problems ;-)03:07
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abattoirnikkiana: ping me when you are done03:08
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Tommy2k4comp crashed so many times today :(03:10
=== Tommy2k4` [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechTommy2k4: What's happening?03:13
Tommy2k4monitor shows lots of multicolored lines then gives the error frequency out of range 31khz/0hz03:13
Tommy2k4rates and xorg.conf is fine many people have said so03:13
DaSkreechWhat kind of monitor do you have?03:14
Tommy2k4dell 15" crt03:14
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DaSkreechabattoir: http://hardware.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/06/16/2110211&from=rss03:15
Hawkwindabattoir: FYI....I fixed my http://LinuxForDummies.org/ forums so that guests can view everything but you have to be registered to post :)03:15
DaSkreech31 khz?03:15
DaSkreechThat's kinda low03:15
abattoirHawkwind: nice, i'll register anyways :)03:15
HawkwindHeh kewl kewl03:15
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Tommy2k4wow weird03:16
abattoirDaSkreech: one card is USD1000?03:16
Tommy2k4my xorg.conf has changed03:16
DaSkreechabattoir: Yeah :)03:17
abattoirDaSkreech: heh, you can get a mid-range pc for that price :P03:17
DaSkreechOr a laptop03:17
=== nikkiana_ [n=nikkiana@chchnhhed01-lo0-pool0-a205.chchnh.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechabattoir: Price you pay for free hardware :)03:17
DaSkreechnikkiana_: Hello03:18
=== nikkiana_ headdesks repeatedly.
abattoirDaSkreech: i'd be surprised if it takes off...03:18
nikkiana_adept won't open03:18
nikkiana_i try to open it, it asks me for my password, and then it never loads.03:18
=== timi [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-160.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechnikkiana_: What's the error?03:18
abattoirDaSkreech: companies like nvidia and ati have huge funding options03:18
claydohNyone have any links for Kubuntu banners/buttons? I seeem to be at a loss searching for some03:18
nikkiana_DaSkreech, haven't seen an error03:18
abattoiresp. w/ the amd rumours, both are going to benefit if that's true03:18
timihey can you get that ubuto thing to send the link for the resolution again03:18
Chillaxedk OMG HOW DO I KILL X!!!03:18
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abattoir!resolution > timi03:18
DaSkreechnikkiana_: Fine just do a sudo apt-get update from the command line03:19
DaSkreechChillaxed: YOu want to restart it?03:19
DaSkreechwolfmanz: Yo03:19
Chillaxedno, kill it.03:19
Tommy2k4i know it sounds weird but i think the reason im getting that frequency error must have something to do with xine03:19
abattoirChillaxed: telinit something... my brain is fried03:19
Chillaxedyou need to stop x to install NVIDIA drivers03:19
Chillaxedhow do i do that? ANYONE?03:19
wolfmanzDaSkreech ready for some more questions lol?03:20
abattoirChillaxed: telinit 303:20
DaSkreechChillaxed: Alt+Ctrl+F1 -> Login -> top -> kill the pid fo are x.org03:20
DaSkreechabattoir: Or that :)03:20
DaSkreechChillaxed: Do the abattoir one it's faster :)03:20
=== nikkiana_ has also managed to get her fiance pissed at her.
DaSkreechTommy2k4: It only happens with xine running?03:21
DaSkreechnikkiana_: Well let him fix it then :)03:21
Tommy2k4normally it happens randomly03:21
Tommy2k4but this morning i managed to make it reproduceable03:21
nikkiana_DaSkreech, i might03:21
Chillaxedctrl alt f1, then login, then what?03:21
DaSkreechnikkiana_: In nay case have you tried sudo apt-get update from the command line?03:21
Tommy2k4it happened when i was doing find file in konqueror then clicked the tools menu03:21
abattoirChillaxed: 'telinit 3' or 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop'03:22
DaSkreechChillaxed: do sudo telinit 303:22
Tommy2k4i had it 100% reproduceable 5 times in a row03:22
nikkiana_DaSkreech, yeah, i tried that.... it sort of works.... now it's hanging at 99%03:22
abattoirugh, yeah, sudo03:22
Tommy2k4(my kde autostart opens quite a few apps)03:22
Tommy2k4then i closed all the apps and tried it and it didnt happen03:22
nikkiana_(and i'm now on a wired connection)03:22
Tommy2k41 by 1 i tested them and it was xmms that caused it03:22
DaSkreechnikkiana_: I think it might be working wait a bit03:22
Tommy2k4but i only started using xmms this morning, i used to use kaffeine and got the same crash03:23
abattoirnikkiana_: doesnt you being here mean your connection works?03:23
Tommy2k4meaning it must be xine?03:23
abattoirunless it is a DNS issue03:23
Chillaxedoh ok03:23
nikkiana_abattoir, yeah... but it was being strange.... all my IM programs kept shutting on and off....03:23
nikkiana_so i went wired...03:23
Chillaxedok i did sudo telinit 303:23
DaSkreechChillaxed: No more X?03:23
Chillaxedthen ctrl alt f1 and run nvidia package?03:24
=== nikkiana_ is not having a good week.
=== Gryhed^^ [n=eric@c-2de071d5.024-72-6f72653.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
Chillaxedno, it just asked for a password03:24
Chillaxedi guess now i can do crtl alt f1 and run it03:24
Chillaxedi'll try that03:24
nikkiana_DaSkreech, how long should i wait? it's still stuck at 99%.....03:25
nikkiana_told me the connection timed out...03:25
abattoirnikkiana_: click on 'Show Details' see what's happening03:25
DaSkreechnikkiana_: Is this 99% for the first one or for all of them?03:25
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tommy2k4so does anyone have any ideas03:25
nikkiana_DaSkreech, the first one03:26
timion the screen resolution that wiki thing helped, it download and installed 915 resolution and on the resolution values the correct rs was present03:26
timinow wht do i do03:26
DaSkreechnikkiana_: Which one is that?03:26
rljhow do i quickly (without touching fstab) mount a fs as root so that any user may access the mount?03:26
Chillaxedno nothing is working i wanna uninstall linux again03:26
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nikkiana_DaSkreech, Release.gpg03:26
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=== nikkiana_ is debating giving up and making the fiance do it.
DaSkreechnikkiana_: Ah You may have a gpg key missing03:27
DaSkreechnikkiana_: It may just be net burps03:27
nikkiana_DaSkreech, probably03:27
DaSkreechnikkiana_: I have terrible net at work and that happens to me 1 out of 5 times03:28
=== nikkiana_ is now known as nikkiana
DaSkreechnikkiana: Thanks that was getting annoying :)03:29
DaSkreechnikkiana: What are we trying to fix? I forget03:29
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nikkianaDaSkreech, my touchpad... it thinks that when i click on it, it's the middle mouse button03:29
DaSkreechnikkiana: Ah right03:29
=== the_hammer [n=the_hamm@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
timiwhen i do sudo 915resolution -l i get a list of resolutions03:29
the_hammersup folks03:29
DaSkreechabattoir: You had a fix for that?03:29
the_hammerhow we all doin03:30
timii c the correct one but i dont know how to select it03:30
abattoirDaSkreech: huh?03:30
abattoirDaSkreech: oh, yeah03:30
nikkianai think i'm going to give up for now though.... my internet connection is crappy and i have to go apologize to the fiance.03:30
DaSkreechFor the middle click touchpad syndrome03:30
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DaSkreechnikkiana: apologize for?03:30
abattoirnikkiana: write this down if yo want03:30
timianyone know wht im tolaking about03:30
nikkianaabattoir, i can do that03:30
abattoirok, uninstall the xorg driver and install the xfree86 one...03:31
abattoirfor the synaptics touchpad i.e.03:31
the_hammerthats the hard way timi lol03:31
=== nikkiana nods at abattoir
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirnikkiana: and then run "sudo ln -sf /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/synaptics_drv.o /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/synaptics_drv.o"03:31
timiok then wht im supposed to do03:31
=== Tommy2k4 is now known as Tommy
timithe wiki told me everything up to there03:32
=== Tommy is now known as Tommy2k4
timiits says 915resolution-l03:32
abattoirnikkiana: you are basically switching from the xorg module to the xfree86 one03:32
Tommy2k4crashed yet again03:32
abattoirnikkiana: turion ?03:32
timithen it says if your res isnt there then edit it...but mine was there03:32
Tommy2k4i wonder why i still use ubuntu03:32
the_hammeri just go through the menu till i see the res and then click on waht i want03:32
timiwht menu03:32
timiwhere do i go to find this menu03:32
abattoirtimi: you want to change resolutions?03:33
abattoirtimi: krandrtray03:33
abattoirtimi: execute it03:33
abattoirit'll go into your systray03:33
abattoirclick on it to change res.03:33
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nikkianaabattoir, thanks :)03:33
abattoirnikkiana: turion?03:33
timiit only list the really low one03:34
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nikkianaabattoir, no.. it's an ibuypower.03:34
timibut the 915resolution -l lists a bunch03:34
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abattoirtimi: is the res. recognised by X?03:34
abattoirnikkiana: which processor?03:34
timihow would i find that out03:34
abattoirtimi: what is 915res... ?03:34
abattoirtimi: if it some proprietary nvidia/ati stuff... then i have no clue03:35
timii dont know its something the wiki on resolution problems told me to download03:35
abattoir*it is03:35
timii have integrated graphics03:35
timiits for 915 intel chipset03:35
timib/c they have resoultion problems i guess03:35
abattoirtimi: hmmm wait up03:35
timi!resolution >timi03:36
DaSkreechrds: hi03:36
rdswell sorry i am newbie03:36
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timiabattoir do you want me to send you the link to the wiki03:36
abattoirtimi: no i got it03:36
abattoirtimi: you did the 855resolution thing?03:37
DaSkreechrds: Well if you like I can be sorry too :)03:38
timiwell it similar i go the 915res03:38
timii have a new chipset now03:38
timiso its 91503:38
timibut i did exactly wht it said03:38
=== edu [n=edu@169.Red-88-3-59.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirtimi: and your res is present in the list?03:38
timireplacing 855 w/ 91503:38
eduabattoir: hi again!03:38
timiand at the bottom it had the desired resolution03:38
eduhi everybody03:38
timiso i was thinking that was good03:39
timibut now im stuck with this pretty list of resolutions03:39
abattoiredu: hello03:39
rdsdoes all these people  speaking about Linux?03:39
abattoirtimi: did you restart X ?03:39
timii did03:39
eduabattoir: I restarted, but I have the same problem... can't mount the drive with a blank CD03:40
timicntrl alt backspace03:40
timishould i reboot kubunto maybe03:40
timii c there it said reboot but was ambigous03:40
abattoiredu: ah, the time is correct?03:40
abattoirtimi: ok, give it a shot03:40
eduabattoir: that problem only happens with blank CDs on the drive03:40
abattoiredu: ok, so other discs are mounted?03:40
HawkwindYou don't mount blank CD's that  I know of03:40
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eduabattoir: yes, data and audio discs can be mounted03:41
abattoiredu: ok, so now it works....03:41
abattoiredu: did you try k3b?03:41
DaSkreechrds: Hopefully. If not they should be in #kubuntu-offtopic03:41
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abattoirgoing by what Hawkwind says, i guess you cant mount a blank03:41
eduHawkwind: but then, how could I burn a CD? K3b told me: "error, no support.  Insert a blank CD"03:42
coachJR the US repos still down?03:42
HawkwindA blank CD has no filesystem, which is what you actually mount when you mount things03:42
abattoiredu: did you try k3b ?03:42
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Hawkwindedu: Are you using k3b ?03:42
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eduabattoir: yes, I did03:42
TheUniusing the kubuntu live cd, how can i reinstall grub?03:42
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eduHawkwind: yes, I am03:42
HawkwindcoachJ: I had to change us.archives to just archives for it to work03:42
wolfmanzwhen is kde 4 do out?03:42
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Hawkwindedu: Audio or data CD ?03:43
Hawkwindwolfmanz: Not for a while03:43
TheUnii had to install windows, so i need grub at the mbr again03:43
Tommy2k4to whoever was just helping me: it crashed AGAIN :@03:43
eduHawkwind: I wanna burn an audio CD03:43
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Hawkwindedu: When you opened k3b, did you click on New Audio CD project ?03:43
DaSkreechwolfmanz: When it's done03:44
wolfmanzDaSkreech well thats good to know03:45
eduHawkwind: yes, but when all tracks are ready to be burned and I press the "burn" button, the program requests a blank CD (and a blank CD is on the drive now!)03:45
Hawkwindedu: Are you 100% positive it's blank ?03:46
DaSkreechwolfmanz: Yeah. Kinda like Vista :)03:46
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wolfmanzDaSkreech vista is gonna suck they have taken so much out of it they might as well not even bother putting it out03:47
eduHawkwind: I tried with several CDs... but k3B still asks for a blank CD03:47
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DaSkreechwolfmanz: But. But.. It has 1337 Glass Windowz!!03:47
abattoiredu: have you tried another brand/batch ?03:47
Hawkwindedu: Have you setup everything for mp3 support and whatnot.  I believe there are some things you need installed first for k3b to burn mp3 files03:47
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abattoirHawkwind: he said he did03:47
wolfmanzDaSkreech lol that just means you will need a dual core machine to see it lol03:47
h3sp4wnedu: Is the user definately in the cdrom group ? (run groups to find out)03:48
easynintendois there an employee/admin of freenode in here that outranks lilo?03:48
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DaSkreechha ha My mom got the I'm a Mac advertisement03:48
easynintendoi wish to file a complaint for harrasment against lilo03:48
timiabbatoir it didnt work03:48
timii dont think at least03:48
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DaSkreecheasynintendo: Try #freenode03:48
timiwhat was the commad to open up the resize and refresh03:48
eduHawkwind: my k3b works fine with mp3 'cause I installed lib2k3b-mp3 (or similar)03:48
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brian|lfssup room03:49
easynintendobrian|lfs if you are following me im asking you to stop03:49
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brian|lfsno I'm not following you03:49
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eduh3sp4wn: the user is member of the cdrom group, in fact the user can read data CDs, but can't work with blank CDs03:49
brian|lfsI'm just in every linux room on here03:49
DaSkreechKinda paranoid :)03:49
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DaSkreechHobbsee: Hi here too03:49
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timiwhats the command to open the resize screen03:50
abattoirbrian|lfs: if you are really harassing that guy, cool keep it up :P03:50
abattoirtimi: back? it worked?03:50
HawkwindLOL abattoir03:50
timiim not sure03:50
abattoirtimi: krandrtray ?03:50
timiyeah that one03:50
brian|lfsnah I just know he lives in arkansas lol03:50
timiit said that they should be avaible now, the resolutions03:50
eduh3sp4wn: "Waiting for disc..."03:51
abattoirHawkwind: he changes his nick and acts like a newbie who wants help... he just messes around03:51
eduh3sp4wn: "Insert a blank CD-R(W)"03:51
timino it didnt work03:51
Hawkwindabattoir: I've seen him a couple of times in here.  He seems quite 'annoying' to put it nicely03:51
h3sp4wnedu: Does it work if you run it with kdesu ?03:51
brian|lfswho you all talking about03:51
abattoirHawkwind: heh...03:51
brian|lfsoh don't know him03:51
Tommy2k4is it safe to clear /var/log/syslog03:52
abattoirtimi: wait a sec03:52
eduh3sp4wn: I'm trying, wait a sec...03:52
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HawkwindTommy2k4: Why on earth would you want to ?03:52
DaSkreechMan When is gaim going to update :(03:52
brian|lfs5 years from now I'll brb03:52
Hobbseehi DaSkreech :P03:52
HawkwindDaSkreech: Update to 2.0 final you mean ?03:52
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DaSkreechIt's two SOC's old now03:53
HawkwindHah, who knows03:53
DaSkreechHI Lord_Athur03:53
=== Hawkwind Tickles Hobbsee just for fun :P
Lord_AthurHi all, I'm back.03:53
Tommy2k4to make it nice and clear next time my comp crashes03:53
Tommy2k4@ Hawkwind03:53
=== Hobbsee thwacks Hawkwind
=== Hawkwind Falls over face first onto the floor :(
Tommy2k4my comp has crashed like 15+ times today03:54
abattoirtimi: did you try changing the resolution int the /etc/default/855resolution  file?03:54
HawkwindDefine 'crashed'03:54
DaSkreechHawkwind: Hey hey. This is the internet so you know what kind of stuff is down there!!03:54
timii just dl the program and displayed the list03:54
Tommy2k4monitor shows lots of multicolored vertical lines then gives the error frequency out of range 31khz/0hz03:54
DaSkreechHawkwind: There are different definitions of crashed?03:54
HawkwindDaSkreech: I was hoping you had done your chores today and swept/mopped the floor :P03:54
eduh3sp4wn: exactly the same... waiting for disc03:54
Lord_AthurDaSkreech, I don't have current problems with ubuntu(kubuntu really, it's what i use), but I'd like to learn more about it ir order to become a real contribution. Could a partner help me with that?03:54
abattoirtimi: what res do you have now?03:55
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eduh3sp4wn: I think the problem is not about perms03:55
timii didnt think i needed to edit it because the resolutio i wantede was in teh list03:55
DaSkreechHawkwind: There is a lot of Nigerian scams and porn today :-P03:55
HawkwindDaSkreech: Certainly.  Some people call a freeze up a crash.  Or various other random acts of unwanted things03:55
coachJI pluged my web cam in today, kopete reconigized it and config it with out me even touching anything03:55
Tommy2k4so what would you define my problem as DaSkreech03:55
timiyesterday i was bettere03:55
abattoirtimi: tbh, the wiki is ambiguous03:55
timiwhen rebootd today was bad03:55
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HawkwindTommy2k4: Ahhh, sounds like you are still battling xorg problems03:55
Tommy2k4moparisthebest = ugly03:55
h3sp4wnedu: scsi or ide cdrom drive ?03:55
DaSkreechBasically not being able to use your computer is a crash03:56
timiyesterday the res was a little low the screen is 1440x90003:56
HawkwindTommy2k4: Have you tried switching monitors ?03:56
abattoirtimi: says nothing about what you should do... whether you should launch the program at startup,or mess around w/ xorg.conf03:56
eduh3sp4wn: it's an ide cdrom RW drive03:56
Tommy2k4dont have a spare03:56
HawkwindTommy2k4: That would be the first thing to test03:56
HawkwindTommy2k4: Have you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and reset your xorg.conf ?03:57
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abattoirtimi: try reconfiguring X again03:58
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educan't work with blank CDs! any idea?03:58
abattoirtimi: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'03:58
Lord_AthurDaSkreech, forget it, now I don't want to be partner :P03:59
DaSkreechLord_Athur: What are you talking about?03:59
Lord_Athurabout the last lines I wrote you03:59
Lord_Athursee them03:59
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DaSkreechLord_Athur: What is a Ubuntu partner?04:00
eduh3sp4wn: it's an ide cdrom RW drive04:00
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Tommy2k4wow these crashes are getting frequent04:00
Lord_AthurIt's what I wanted to know :P http://www.ubuntu.com/partners04:00
timiall right abatori it took me through a whole bunch of stuff04:00
timii selected my graphics as vesa since it generic04:01
eduh3sp4wn: that drive is working fine, except when I put a blank CD for burning04:01
abattoirtimi: ok, you saw the res?04:01
timiit asked me the resoultion i wanted04:01
timiand i chose it04:01
timiso now do i restart x04:01
abattoirtimi: you saw it?04:01
timiand i chose it too04:01
timithen it was done04:01
abattoirok, good, yes restart X04:01
DaSkreechLord_Athur: Ah ok :)04:01
eduit's weird04:01
Tommy2k4ive reset my monitor to factory settings, wonder if that will make a diff (doubt it)04:01
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HawkwindTommy2k4: Have you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and reset your xorg.conf ?04:02
timiyou are the man04:02
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Tommy2k4many times04:02
Tommy2k4ill do it now04:02
Dahgolhi. when i try to install a program i get: ./el-130.x86.linux.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_net-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:02
Tommy2k4does xorg.conf get edited if i boot up with monitor turned off04:02
abattoirtimi: works?04:02
timilike a charm04:02
abattoirtimi: nice :)04:02
timithe resoultion is at 1024x768 which is fine with me04:03
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eduK3b can't find blank CDs on the drive... any idea, please?04:04
DaSkreechedu: Does the Cd turn up on the desktop?04:05
eduDaSkreech: nope, it's a blank CD04:05
DaSkreechedu: I think I've had blank Cds turn up04:06
DaSkreechI think ..04:06
eduDaSkreech: I see...04:06
eduDaSkreech: K3b can't find them04:06
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=== will is now known as ||Trayer||
DaSkreechWhat are you burning to it?04:06
DaSkreechData or music04:07
timihey abbatoir, what was the command you gave me to manually configure x server agian04:07
DaSkreech||Trayer||: Why don't you just set your name?04:07
Hawkwindtimi: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:07
||Trayer|| DaSkreech: That would take effort ; )04:07
=== ironfroggy [n=calvin@c-68-83-47-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechAs opposed to changing your name everytime you login?04:07
eduDaSkreech: music04:07
DaSkreechah.. Hmm Maybe plugins?04:08
HawkwindIt's kind of annoying to see a user join a channel and immediately change nicks04:08
HawkwindImagine if everyone does that, how much useless buffer space that would take up04:08
ironfroggyis there some way to say "dont use this repository mirror"?04:08
Tommy2k4ok ive dpkg-reconfigure server-xorg04:08
ironfroggylike a mirror blacklist?04:08
||Trayer|| DaSkreech: >_>; Shh! You know nothing *Looks around*.  Yeah I'll set it in a second.04:08
Hawkwindironfroggy: You can disable it in apt-get IIRC04:08
Tommy2k4i predict another crash soon04:09
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Tommy2k4can anyone explain this: http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/4776/bugkp4.png04:10
Tommy2k4broken bars on gui items04:10
jontecWhy can I not connect to the internet while a bridge.04:10
jontecis up?04:10
=== timi [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-160.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
jontecAnyone know?04:10
ironfroggyHawkwind: any idea what option? i dont see anything relevent.04:11
eduDaSkreech: I'm trying to burn an audio cd04:11
DaSkreechedu: Right I remember having some issues with that under kubuntu until I installed some plugins04:11
Hawkwindironfroggy: I don't use any GUI tools for installing/removing/updating apps, sorry04:12
DaSkreechFor the life of me I don't remember if it threw that error though04:12
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ironfroggyHawkwind: umm.. you said apt-get could do it. thats what i was looking for relevent options for... i dont see why GUIs have anything to do with it?04:12
eduDaSkreech: I see... plugins for what?04:12
eduDaSkreech: my problem is not about codecs...04:13
Hawkwindironfroggy: Sorry, I meant Adept04:13
brian|lfshey jontec are you there?04:13
=== james__ [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ironfroggyi dont think it can do anything. it has an interface to commenting and uncommenting repo URLs in sources.list, but thats all is ee.04:14
ironfroggybut i havent been able to access us.archives.ubuntu.com all day04:14
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||Trayer||How does one make the menu at the top (File, edit, view, etc) Re-appear? It's not there = \04:14
jontecyeah, sorry04:14
james__what exactly does the command 'rmmod ndiswrapper' do?04:15
brian|lfsare you in washington DC man04:15
eduK3b can't find blank CDs on the drive... any idea, please?04:15
||Trayer||In konqueror*04:15
brian|lfsnear DC04:15
jontecnot really.04:15
brian|lfsI'm in Dc and its saying your ip is in DC04:15
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jontecoh, yeah it's something weird that Earthlink does.04:16
t0vigis anyone else having trouble getting headers from us.archive.ubuntu.com?04:16
DaSkreecht0vig: It's down I think04:16
jontecI've done traces on my route and goes through there04:16
jontecyeah, all us mirros are down04:16
t0vigDaSkreech: what are the alternatives?/04:16
brian|lfsso where are you really from04:16
ubotuI know nothing about vga - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:16
Tommy2k4<Sutoka> maybe try using the vga driver instead of the i810 driver to see if its the video card or the driver causing the problem04:16
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DaSkreecht0vig: remove us from the sources04:16
ironfroggyis us.archive.ubuntu.com down for everyone today?04:16
Tommy2k4anyone think that could be a good idea04:16
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||Trayer||Anyone know how to make the Menu at the top of  Konqueror  with file, edit, view etc re-appear? It disapeared for me.04:16
DaSkreechironfroggy: :-)04:17
t0vigDaSkreech: aight, thanks04:17
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-60-231-129-190.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Healot||Trayer|| Ctrl+M04:17
DaSkreech||Trayer||: Ctrl+M04:17
ironfroggyDaSkreech: yeah?04:17
DaSkreechnoiesmo: Yo!04:17
DaSkreechironfroggy: Yeah it is04:17
noiesmoDaSkreech, hey :)04:17
noiesmoDaSkreech, hows ya been04:17
eduI want to remove Windows XP from my computer, but I can't do it if my CD-RW drive doesn't work on Kubuntu...04:17
DaSkreechnoiesmo: Sick sick sick04:17
noiesmoDaSkreech, not good04:18
DaSkreechedu: have you tried a non blank CD?04:18
ironfroggyah this sucks. im on a freshly installed box. i cant install anything additional now!04:18
DaSkreechironfroggy: Just take out the us part of the URL04:18
eduDaSkreech: yes, and the drive works fine with data/audio CDs!04:18
jontecMy computer is bridging two ethernet connections, but once I bridge them, I can't connect to the internet. Anyone know why?04:18
brian|lfswhat is the box running04:18
brian|lfsthe freshly installed box04:18
eduDaSkreech: blank CDs are the problem04:18
_marshallwats happenin baby?!04:19
DaSkreechedu: Then it should work with the the blank04:19
DaSkreechedu: Put in a CD with something on it and see if k3b can see it04:19
eduDaSkreech: ok, I'm trying... wait a sec04:19
_marshallDaSkreech: do you know if k3b does dual layer dvds?04:19
Healotedu: don't remove Windows XP then04:19
DaSkreech_marshall: Last I heard. No04:19
noiesmoDaSkreech, edu its not the permissions thing with k3b ie the burning group04:20
_marshallDaSkreech: dagnabbit04:20
eduHealot: but I hate it!04:20
edunoiesmo: I'm member of the group "cdrom"04:20
Healotbecause you can't use it properly :)04:20
DaSkreech_marshall: MIght be wrong check the k3b page04:20
_marshallDaSkreech: k04:20
noiesmoedu, ok04:20
noiesmoedu, just checking its caught me once or twice04:21
noiesmoedu, sorry came in later on this, I assume k3b see's your burner but when you put a disk in it doesnt think it's got one?04:22
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ironfroggyDaSkreech: it forwards to it. i tried that.04:22
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DaSkreechironfroggy: Then use something else like it or fr04:23
edunoiesmo: yes, that happens when I put a blank CD04:23
edunoiesmo: but other data/audio CDs can be read ok04:24
noiesmoedu, by k3b or your system04:24
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edunoiesmo: both04:24
DaSkreechedu: So k3b is looking at the right device for your CDrom then?04:24
DaSkreechedu: are you sure the Cd is empty?04:25
eduDaSkreech: yes, it's the right device and the cd is empty (I tried with several CDs)04:25
eduit's weird...04:26
DaSkreechMan I'm not sure. k3b has always been one of those no problem apps04:26
noiesmoedu, DaSkreech maybe edu should file a bug report04:26
DaSkreechMaybe ask in #kde?04:26
noiesmomore likly ask in k3b not kde you think DaSkreech04:26
james__recently i was trying to watch a video stream and mplayer would not play it (sometimes i hate mplayer), and in trying to get that stream to work, i installed the xine firefox plugin... after that, the stream would play using xine, BUT ever since then, all of the video that i play on this computer is ridiculously bright, and nothing i have tried corrects that. any suggestions?04:27
=== timi [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-160.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechnoiesmo: Oh Yeah Cause there are loads of people in there!!04:27
edunoiesmo: maybe I should try with another brand...04:27
noiesmoI'd say if kubuntu pops up the what to do with cd window then it's k3b thats having the problem not kde04:27
DaSkreechnoiesmo: How many folks do you think are in #k3b?04:28
noiesmome and you04:28
edunoiesmo: nope, there is not pop up04:28
edunoiesmo: blank CDs don't turn up on my system04:29
noiesmoedu but no blank do04:29
timii dont know if its just me but internet seems slower on linux04:29
DaSkreechedu: Yep I'd ask on #kde04:29
edunoiesmo: yes, data/music CDs turn up04:30
eduDaSkreech: thanks!04:30
timihow do you get kubuntu to stop saving the history of all the files and urls you go to04:30
noiesmoedu go kde see what they have to say04:30
edunoiesmo: ok, thank you04:30
DaSkreechnoiesmo: They have     compisiting in kwin now ")04:30
noiesmoDaSkreech, cool04:31
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noiesmotimi, are we talking firefox or konquerer04:31
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timieither because it seems they both do it04:31
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timii also wanted to set firefox as my default browser but that prompt doesnt even come up04:32
noiesmoim firefox go to preferances and set the cache to nil might do it you can adjust konqueror thru its properities to04:32
DaSkreechnoiesmo: So you can do all sorts of XGL fun stuff with that ;-)04:32
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timiyeah i would04:32
timibut for somreason its not there04:33
timii used firefox and windows and preferences ws there04:33
timithen apt-got this one and there is no preference under tools04:33
noiesmotimi, in kde you can set application preferances thru kcontrol04:33
noiesmotimi, in firefox go to edit then preferences then privacy04:33
noiesmoDaSkreech, I 'll have to have a look04:34
noiesmoDaSkreech, been muching around wiith old laptop04:34
coljstoutHiddy Ho...04:35
DaSkreechI need a laptop04:35
timiyeah i dont have preference04:35
timiits just not there04:35
noiesmoDaSkreech, have set up with ubuntu server then added xfce for something differnet man its qick for its age compared to running it on kde or gnome04:35
DaSkreechnoiesmo: Yup that's what it's for :)04:35
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timiso everybody else has preferences on there firefox im assuming04:36
timii wondeer why mine didnt dl it04:36
noiesmotimi, dude firefox has to have preferancses under the edit tab04:36
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timii c04:37
timifor some reason  i remember gooing to tools when i used windows04:37
noiesmotimi, yes in windows its under tools04:37
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noiesmotimi, it is a bit silly they should be same place04:38
DaSkreechre hi Hobbsee04:38
Hobbseehey again DaSkreech04:38
noiesmodoes anyone know why firefox have the preferences in different place from linux version to windows04:38
ironfroggyis there a way to set all dhcp leases to expire more quickly, so that if i loose a connection they will be periodically reconnected?04:39
timihaha ok04:39
coljstoutAnyone know why my open windows are not showing up in the panel anymore? The window is open for the app, but there is nothing in the panel.04:39
=== simlu [n=simlu@modemcable070.165-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
abattoircoljstout: are minimised windows shown?04:39
noiesmoDaSkreech, this laptop boots faster than my amd xp2500 and its only a p3 80004:39
abattoiraah ok04:39
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abattoircoljstout: is the taskbar applet present in kicker?04:40
coljstoutI am running the exact same setup on this laptop and a desktop and it is only doing it on the desktop04:40
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timiok so now how do i set firefox to be my default04:40
noiesmocoljstout, right click on kicker and select add then find taskbar and add it04:40
timii set it to check if tis default04:40
timibut ti doesnt to anything04:41
=== aegeanlinux screams
noiesmotimi, ok for some reason ubuntu kde does not have kcontrol so04:41
Tommy2k4i broke xorg.conf and had to restore to a backup and im somehow in xfce :|04:41
Tommy2k4can someone gimme a default xorg.conf04:41
timiwell i have kcontrol04:41
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noiesmotimi, open a konsole and type kcontrol04:41
Tommy2k4dpkg-reconfigure wont work in xfcefor some reason04:41
abattoirTommy2k4: sudo dexconf04:41
timibyeah im in it04:41
timiit just has setting for konqi04:41
timino firefox04:41
noiesmotimi, are u in kcontrol04:42
Tommy2k4dexconf: error: cannot generate configuration file; shared/default-x-server not04:42
Tommy2k4set.  Aborting.  Reconfigure the X server with "dpkg-reconfigure" to correct04:42
Tommy2k4this problem.04:42
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timiim in k control04:42
abattoirTommy2k4: your old xorg.conf might be backed up in /etc/X1104:42
noiesmotimi ok now open kde components then file associations04:43
Tommy2k4i restored to a backup and im somehow in xfce which i uninstalled a while ago04:43
noiesmotimi, you then need to find the file type and add firefox in and move it to the top add04:43
Tommy2k4how can i set it back to kde04:43
abattoirTommy2k4: in the login screen choose kde04:44
Tommy2k4k ill try that ty04:44
noiesmotimi, under text you'll find html etc04:44
timiok im looking for that04:44
timiok i no what do from here04:45
noiesmotimi, np04:45
james__recently i was trying to watch a video stream and mplayer would not play it (sometimes i hate mplayer), and in trying to get that stream to work, i installed the xine firefox plugin... after that, the stream would play using xine, BUT ever since then, all of the video that i play on this computer is ridiculously bright, and nothing i have tried corrects that. any suggestions?04:45
timitime to get rid of media center i think04:46
=== Tommy2k4 [n=Tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
eduok, I got it04:48
Tommy2k4yay my beloved kde04:48
Tommy2k4abattoir, do you know of the problems ive been having where the monitor comes up sayying frequency out of range 31khz/0hz04:48
noiesmoedu, what was the prob04:48
edunoiesmo: the brand04:48
ironfroggyany idea how to configure the speed of a laptop touchpad pointer device? the mouse accelleration setting is only affecting the nub, but not my touchpad.04:48
abattoirTommy2k4: you tried setting that when you reconfigured X ?04:48
edunoiesmo: I tried with another brand, and it works perfectly well04:49
Tommy2k4setting what? the vert/horiz rates? yes04:49
Tommy2k4theyre correct04:49
coljstoutnoiesmo - Sorry it took so long had to do a disk check. When I open the task bar sure enough there are all the apps that should be in the panel04:49
noiesmoedu, nice have had that problem before with dvd burners and dvds thought it would have been sorted that was like 2 years ago04:49
abattoirTommy2k4: have you checked xorg.conf? do they stick?04:49
noiesmocoljstout, cool04:50
Tommy2k4i tried a modeline aswell no luck04:50
coljstoutSo how do I get them back in the panel like they should be04:50
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Tommy2k4hm the monitor section in m xorg.conf is weird04:50
noiesmocoljstout, can you not drag and drop it04:50
coljstoutCan I drag the taskbar to the panel?04:51
Tommy2k4it doesnt have the rates anymore, it has loads of modelines04:51
coljstoutLet's find out shall we04:51
timihow do you play a dvd04:51
edunoiesmo: I see...04:51
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Tommy2k4(i know it used to have the rates there and it would still crash, i think my xorg.conf got weirded when i booted up with monitor turned off )04:51
noiesmoedu, I had to update the firmware on a dvd burner for that reason04:52
noiesmoedu, but it was in windows system to04:52
Tommy2k4abattoir, i also get this happening which im sure is related http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/4776/bugkp4.png (the broken highlights on lots of gui elements)04:52
abattoirTommy2k4: i dont think switching on w/ your monitor would have any effect on your xorg.conf04:52
noiesmotimi, you'll need some restricted stuff for dvds04:52
edunoiesmo: it's weird, because I have a SuSE system and I can burn the same CDs with K3b on it04:52
Tommy2k4someone suggested i try the vga driver instead of i81004:52
Tommy2k4do you think that might help04:52
noiesmoedu, is it the same brand burner and model04:53
abattoirTommy2k4: i wouldnt be surprised if they were related04:53
abattoirTommy2k4: you can try...04:53
noiesmotimi, you need to add universe and multiverse to your sources.list then you can get libdvdread and libdvdcss04:53
timiok i think i already added that stuff04:53
timiyesterday cuz my sources.list wasnt right04:54
=== Dahgol [n=lucas@OL132-149.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechI'm Heading to bed04:54
timiso i had to do that to apt-get firfox04:54
edunoiesmo: nope, the CDs are the same, but the burner model is different04:54
Tommy2k4my xorg.conf only has settings for 24bit :(04:54
noiesmoedu, are the firmware on the burner will be the difference then04:54
timiit says something about 24 bit being the same as 3204:54
Dahgoli can't install this with adept: libsdl-net04:54
noiesmotimi, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability04:54
Dahgolit just says waiting for headers04:55
abattoirDahgol: in the us?04:55
Dahgolabattoir: argentina04:55
abattoirDahgol: hmm, i wonder if you mirror redirects to us04:55
abattoirbecause the us mirrors are apparently down04:55
Tommy2k4can vga run at 16bit04:56
Dahgolabattoir: i see04:56
edunoiesmo: yes, the burners are very different... on Kubuntu I use a LG CD-RW drive, and on SuSE I'm using a Sony DVD-RW drive04:56
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Dahgolabattoir: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse04:57
HawkwindDahgol: Remove the us. portion04:57
abattoirDahgol: yes, that explains it04:57
HawkwindMake it archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu04:57
edunoiesmo: maybe should I update the firmware of my LG CD-RW drive? and how?04:58
noiesmoedu, i know there was roomer that some dvd burners that we got as single layer burner could be converted to dual layer with firmware upgrades04:58
crxyemso I'm trying to set up a cron job to mail me when it's finished , but out of the box , the mail command in ubuntu is not present, what is one to do04:58
DahgolHawkwind: ok04:58
coljstoutnoiesmo, can't drag the taskbar to the panel. It is sitting on top of it and if I go to config there is nothing in there I can do to move it. The taskbar and panel are not locked I can move them around but can't drop the taskbar onto the panel.04:59
noiesmoedu, i think you'll find firmware update apps are windows based04:59
noiesmocoljstout, i'm  not sure about that sorry maybe ask someone in kde sorry04:59
Hawkwindcrxyem: Have you added this to the end of your cronjob:  | mail -s "anything" your@email.com04:59
edunoiesmo: ok, thanks for your time05:00
crxyemhmm, I'll try it again05:00
coljstoutnoiesmo, at least I can see them now. That is further than I was 10 minutes ago05:00
abattoircoljstout: you cant move the taskbar to another panel?05:00
coljstoutnoiesmo, kids use that computer so who knows what they have done to it05:00
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Hawkwindcrxyem: So it would look like this:  00 02 * * * /some/command/here | mail -s "anything" your@email.com05:00
coljstoutabattoir, tried that too05:01
james__i tell ya, streaming content has come a long way in linux, but it still sucks bad.....05:01
abattoircoljstout: ugh, sorry, what exactly is the problem?05:01
noiesmocoljstout, yes well I can add taskbar but cant get it to leave the kicker05:01
abattoircoljstout: you got the taskbar into the kicker right?05:01
coljstoutNo, it is outside kicker for some reason05:01
Raven301When It says "It requires the Linux kernel module" What should I be looking for?05:02
abattoircoljstout: you mean it is in a separate panel?05:02
abattoircoljstout: ok, remove that panel05:02
noiesmocoljstout, ok as a last resort you could delete the .kde/share folder inside the users home folder then when you log on to kde all the settings should be back to default05:02
HawkwindRaven301: What exactly is it you are trying to do ?05:02
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crxyemshouldn't the same happen from a command line if I do #echo "Hello World!" | mail -s "anything" mail@isp.net05:02
abattoirRt. click on the panel where you want the taskbar05:03
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Raven301It's for i8krellm plugin for gkrellm05:03
cpk2Raven301: recompile the kernel with that module05:04
cpk2or hope you have it already05:04
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Raven301cpk2: How can I tell if it's already there?05:04
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!05:05
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cpk2Raven301: well you can install the plugin and then it will usually let you know =P05:05
HawkwindRaven301: sudo apt-get install gkrellm-i8k05:05
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Raven301Hawkwind: That I have installed ... I get an error : i8krellm error missing proc file ??05:06
eduI'm having a little, but annoying, problem with konqueror... it's a perm issue05:06
cpk2Hawkwind: it requires a kernel module to be used, he was asking to find out if he has the module or not05:06
noiesmoedu, go on05:06
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edunoiesmo: only the root can modify preferences, and the changes he makes are not available for the other users...05:07
edunoiesmo: I wanna change that05:07
crxyemI get a bash error trying to use mail -s05:08
intelikeyhmmmm i recieved two new linux cd's today.  i think i'll install it.   but i'm not sure how much room it will take... i have a 220m swap partition that i thought i would convert to ext2 and install it there.05:08
coljstoutNoiesen, deleting the share folder did the job.05:08
intelikeyMail -s   ?05:08
Hawkwindcrxyem: It emailed me when I ran that command you posted05:08
crxyemI'm using breezy, could that be an issue05:08
Hawkwindcrxyem: Shouldn't be.  It works in other distros as I just tried it in 305:09
noiesmoedu, all settings changed should be stored in the users home folder under the .kde folder maybe check that the user has ownership of all items in his/her home folder05:09
noiesmocoljstout, thought it might05:09
intelikeyanyone know if rh7.1 will fit on 220m ?05:09
dr_willisI would doubt that.05:10
coljstoutOne more question, just cause I'm lazy... How to I install without booting into the livecd?05:10
edunoiesmo: ok, I'm on it05:10
coachJcan kubuntu play divix ?05:10
dr_williscoachJ,  with the right players yes.05:10
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crxyembash: mail: command not found05:10
dr_willisvlc, mplayer, xine,05:10
coachJwhich player ans cidec05:10
dr_willisI tend to perfer vlc.05:11
coachJdont know that one05:11
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the_hammer( Computer Stats ) [ CPU Model: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200 Speed: 2010.316 MHz Cache: 512 KB ]  | RAM Usage: 430/515M [|||||||||||]  ( 83.5% ) | [ HD Model: Maxtor 6Y160L0 Size: 147G with 137G Free ( 93.2% ) ]  | Number of process: 50405:11
the_hammerlol spam05:12
DaSkreechG'Night all!05:12
noiesmoDaSkreech, catch ya later05:12
noiesmoDaSkreech, nte nite05:12
DaSkreechnoiesmo: Later man You rock!05:13
crxyemdo I need sendmail or postfix ??? to use mail ??05:13
the_hammeru guys should try out slackwares its the bomb05:13
noiesmoDaSkreech, thanks dude05:13
intelikeysendmail iirc05:13
crxyemnot exactly a sendmail issue05:14
crxyemthe mailx package doesn't seem to be present on my default install05:14
the_hammeri found some cool shit to try out for all u xchat users05:14
the_hammercheck it on out http://xlack.tk/05:15
intelikeycrxyem isn't it Mail rather than mail  ???05:15
edunoiesmo: do you know the exact name of the konqueror configuration file?05:15
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crxyemnot that I'm aware of05:15
coljstoutAnyone using *ubuntu as a web server? I use its big brother debian for all my servers without a gui.05:15
coachJFirefox can't find the server at www.xlack.tk.05:15
the_hammeri have fire fox and iu get there np05:16
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the_hammerits a bunch of add on stuff for xchat can display stuff like your os and your pc stats all kinds of stuff pretty cool shit05:16
coachJgood night all05:16
the_hammernight coach05:16
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Tommy2k4does xchat have identd support05:17
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Tommy2k4cos it takes forever to connect to freenode and i think if i enable identd it will fix it05:17
intelikeyTommy2k4 identd is not client specific is it ?05:17
cpk2you guys know if there are any voip servers equivelent to teamspeak or ventrilo on apt-get?05:17
dr_willisIve never had to use identd. and it connects dang fast05:18
Tommy2k4well the client has to be listening on a port doesnt it05:18
noiesmoedu, most config files ar like konquererrc or kickerrc etc should be in .kde/share/config also you could look at /etc/kde305:18
dr_willisxchat for linux does not have an idented server.. for windows. i think it does.05:18
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Tommy2k4well im maybe switching back to windows anyway05:18
timiwhen i try to run totem it just opens then closes, why is this05:19
dr_willisTommy2k4,  too bad.05:19
timii can play dvds using kafeine i was just wonder why totem just opens and clsoes05:19
dr_willisxchat under linux connects MUCH faster to this server then windows xchat does.05:19
=== noiesmo uses mplayer and xine timi
dr_willisits like instantly in the server/channels. :P windows is much slower.. oddly.05:19
edunoiesmo: ok, thank you very much!05:19
Tommy2k4it takes like near a minute for me05:20
noiesmoedu, no probs05:20
edunoiesmo: see you05:20
timiwhat uses m player and xine05:20
timikaffeine or totem05:20
noiesmoedu, bye05:20
eduI'm leaving...05:20
intelikeytimi  improper configuration   prolly trying to output to esd rather than arts  or something like that.05:20
timihey intelikey05:20
noiesmotimi, no Iam saying i use mplayer and xine not totem05:20
dr_willisInstall a simple fake identd server. if ya want. theres one written in perl thats about 6 lines of code. :)05:21
the_hammernot sure if this will work or not coach but give it a try sudo apt-get install Xlack v2.105:21
Tommy2k4good idea05:21
timii dont need totem anyways05:21
intelikeytimi hello.   and i use vlc  rather than totem05:21
the_hammeri use slapt-get so that may not work for ya05:21
jmichaelxi am ticked off at xine and mplayer both lol05:22
dr_willissudo fidentd BillGates05:22
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timiso is kafeeine useless since no noe uses it lol05:22
noiesmotimi, can you open totem without select anything to play and does it crash or is only when you get it to play something05:22
the_hammerlol dr05:22
the_hammersudo -find kill bill-gates05:22
Tommy2k4is there no xchat script that can do it05:22
timiit just crashes05:22
noiesmotimi, if so maybe like intelikey said its config05:22
intelikeyuseless, no.    less used, yes.05:22
dr_willisfidentd 1  WillamClinton05:22
timiahh i c05:22
=== kanwar [n=kanwar@CPE-203-51-87-251.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willisTommy2k4,  its a 'server' so it has to be ran by root.05:23
the_hammertheres lots of addons for xchat05:23
dr_willisa user based script should not be able to do it.05:23
the_hammerim surprized ya cant get to the web addy05:23
the_hammerXlack v2.1 is whatcha want05:23
dr_willisI doubt it will affect anything  :) that 1 enables identd verbose mode - to show if freenode even asks for idented info.05:23
dr_willis% Servicing ident request from
dr_willisguess it does.05:24
dr_williswonder whos ip that is. :)05:24
the_hammeranyways laters guys05:24
the_hammeri got more stuff to add and play with05:24
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jmichaelxi posted this in here earlier, but there are so many streams tha mplayer can not handle, so i installed xine, xine will play some video streams that mplayer will not, but after i installed xine, it screwed the color up on ALL the videos i play now.... and i hav not found any way to fix this05:24
intelikeyx-lack' isn't that a laxative ?05:24
noiesmoha ha intelikey05:24
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Tommy2k4off to bed cya xx05:25
kanwarhi, can I ask someone about installing kernel source on kubuntu? I need this to compile the nvidia driver for my Geforce card ...05:26
moparisthebesthey Tommy2k4 :)05:26
cpk2kanwar: you mean you need gcc to compile your nvidia driver?05:26
noiesmokanwar, you can apt get the nvidia stuff05:26
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:26
jmichaelxstreaming video is still the single weskest point of linux, as far as i am concerned05:26
dr_williskanwar,  its easker to just use the apt method.05:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:27
kanwarno, its telling me it cannot find version.h in the source tree ...05:27
dr_willisjmichaelx,  youve not fought with wireless cards yet then. :)05:27
intelikeykanwar ^05:27
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kanwarI have unbzipped the source in /usr/src/linux05:27
jmichaelxdr_willis: yes i have, lol05:27
dr_willisI cant rember the last time i watched a streaming video.05:27
jmichaelxdr_willis: maybe because you use linux05:27
dr_willisI tend to just use vlc for my porn  ^H^H^H^H^H needs...05:27
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Toronto-HSE-ppp3907943.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
Tsedmozilla-mplayer seems to work fine for streaming video.05:27
jmichaelxlinux and streaming are really awful05:27
dr_willisjmichaelx,  i can do without that stuff at youtube.com05:27
dr_willisof course ive had sites that i cant watch stuff under windows also.. or the stuff is so badly done.. :)05:28
cpk2kanwar: you will need to apt-get build-essential05:28
cpk2or is it build-essentials?05:28
kanwarokay ... let me try that right now05:28
noiesmokanwar, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common then do sudo nvidia-glx-config enable05:28
jmichaelxdr_willis: i am a news junkie, i don't care about you tube either05:28
jmichaelxbad thing is youtube works great05:28
intelikeyjmichaelx call a linux geek a linux geek    but i'v never watched a "streaming vidio"  and don't have any desire to change that.05:28
jmichaelxintelikey: if that makes you happy , great05:29
kanwarthanks noiesmo ... will try this now05:29
dr_willisjmichaelx,  for real news. :P find one of those shortwave radio streaming sites.05:29
TsedAnd shockingly enough, the Linux version of Realplayer... actually looks decent.05:29
noiesmokanwar, you need universe and multiverse in your sources.list05:29
jmichaelxdr_willis: i listen to audio streams a lot, but right now i would like to get the video straightened out on my laptop (that xine screwed up)05:29
jmichaelxTsed: in my opinion, mplayer sucks05:30
Tommy2k4hi moparisthebest05:30
kanwarnoiesmo, yes, i have both universe and multiverse05:30
jmichaelxTsed: i agree, real player 10 in linux is not bad05:30
intelikeyjmichaelx output settings' probably the issue.05:30
noiesmokanwar, ok you may need to reboot after so as nvidia driver is loaded05:31
Tsedjmichaelx: Out of curiosity, what problem have you had with mplayer?05:31
kanwarnoiesmo, okay let me do that now05:31
kanwari'll be back after the reboot05:31
jmichaelxintelikey: how would i find those settings and change them? i have tried everything05:31
noiesmokanwar, ok05:31
TsedHell, I prefer mplayer even on Windows. :p05:31
jmichaelxTsed: i could make a long list05:31
cpk2noiesmo: you dont need to shut down x to install nvidia drivers?05:31
dr_willisYa got to restartx for them to get used however. :)05:31
noiesmocpk2, ok05:31
intelikeyopen the app and click the menus settings preferances setup what ever.05:32
dr_willisIve installed them from within X.05:32
jmichaelxTsed: your experience is different than the experience of most others lol05:32
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noiesmocpk2, didnt say you need to stop x to install said to get then loaded05:32
dr_willisI tend to use vlc undeer windows and linux.05:32
jmichaelxi could make a long list of reasons i hate mplayer05:32
=== Web-Kanotix147 is now known as nirmal
cpk2noiesmo: i was asking if you needed to stop x05:32
intelikey vlc05:33
jmichaelxdr_willis: i use vlc when i can05:33
intelikey       vlc05:33
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noiesmocpk2, sorry no not for apt-get ones05:33
cpk2noiesmo: only way i have done nvidia is by stopping x and then running their binary05:33
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noiesmocpk2, if you install the nviida package from nvidia then yes you do05:33
Tsedjmichaelx: Eh, I can accept that.  I just love to be able to mplayer -dumpstream whenever I want, for example. ;p05:33
jmichaelxfirstly, it takes mplayer forever to load a stream, secondly, it cuts most streams off before they are finished, thirdly, it will not play so much stuf05:33
cpk2noiesmo: so with apt-get you dont have to restart x at all?05:33
noiesmocpk2, but its best to install apt ones so when you do updates etc they get updated to05:34
noiesmocpk2, yes you have to restartx once the apt-gets finished05:34
jmichaelxmplayer goes bizirk sometimes if you try to use full screen05:34
Tsedjmichaelx: Huh.  I haven't had... any of those problems.  *shrug*05:34
cpk2noiesmo: dont worry i love using apt-get, it makes the system so much cleaner, dont have random folders all over the place from installs05:34
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jmichaelxTsed: then you need to write a post about what you do, because a lot of others have those same issues with mplayer05:35
=== intelikey wants xorg-6
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noiesmocpk2, not worried i mis read your intial question but people should use apt-get were ever poss to as you say keep clean sys05:35
=== kanwar [n=kanwar@CPE-203-51-87-251.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
kanwarhi noisemo ... rebooted but I cannot start X with nvidia driver yet05:36
kanwarI get the error: NVIDIA module not loaded!05:36
jmichaelxi think things are improving a lot, but mplayer and xine seem very primitive in a lot of ways05:36
intelikeyis it possable to force a downgrade and then blacklist the newer version ???05:36
intelikeyX Window System Version 7.0.005:36
intelikeyRelease Date: 21 December 200505:36
Tsedjmichaelx: Would... if I had done anything special. ;p  The plugin can be a bit slow to pick up a stream embedded in a site, but I don't really have issues when invoking mplayer <streamURL>.05:36
intelikeythat for example ^05:36
noiesmokanwar, do this         sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)05:37
jmichaelxTsed: that is what i mean.... you have to continually futz with it, and give it url's for it to work well at all, and it just isn't worth it05:37
noiesmokanwar, this should have come  with it       sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)05:37
noiesmokanwar, you need the linux-restricted modules i thought the first would have pulled it down05:38
kanwarnoisemo, okay doing it now ...05:38
jmichaelxmost streaming video is a pain in the rear in linux, and the DVD players are nothing great either05:38
intelikeyi'm not even sure where to find xorg-6x....   ?05:38
noiesmokanwar, is it grabbin the resticted modules05:39
noiesmokanwar, kool05:39
kanwarnoiesmo, did i tell you i am doing this on amd64?05:39
noiesmokanwar, no you didnt05:39
kanwarnoiesmo, is the procedure same for all platforms?05:39
jmichaelxintelikey: why do you want xorg 6?05:40
noiesmokanwar, as far as im aware05:40
intelikeyanyone know a way to down-grade xserver-xorg   ?05:40
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:40
noiesmokanwar, the last time i told someone to get the restricted modules someone else said it should do it auto so05:40
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noiesmokanwar, i left it out this time05:40
intelikeyjmichaelx cause i don't want to get rid of all the gui crap on this box  but i'm not going to put up with xorg-705:40
kanwarnoiesmo, okay will wait for this install to go through05:40
noiesmokanwar, cool05:40
Tsedjmichaelx: I think we just have different expectations, then, as I've had not a single problem with DVDs in Linux with xine or mplayer. :) (and I obviously am not bothered by the url thing... I usually prefer to have the video loading in a separate window than in my browser.  YMMV)05:41
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intelikeynirmal are you sujesting that there would be a down-grading xorg howto on that link ?05:41
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noiesmokanwar, you should see the nvidia logo on restart05:42
kanwarnoiesmo, i already have installed nvidia drivers under Suse on another partition and I see the nvidia logo on restart05:42
nirmalits robo info regarding xorg05:42
jmichaelxTsed: i don't have problems playing DVDs , usually, but the GUI's for the linux dvd players i have used leave something badly to be desired05:42
noiesmokanwar, coo05:43
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kanwarnoiesmo, its just that i'm having trouble with kubuntu at the moment05:43
noiesmokanwar, np05:43
intelikeynirmal yes with no mention of 'down grading'...05:43
rljis it possible to cache the contents of the kubuntu dapper livecd to ram so that the disc can be ejected?05:43
noiesmokanwar, i like it better than suse dont like rpm system05:43
intelikeydown grading any software seems to be "un-thinkable" in the *buntu world...05:43
jmichaelxfor example, if you are watching a video full screen, you have to click off full screen in orer to adjust the volume or pause or anything. that in itself is annoying05:44
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intelikeyjmichaelx that's not a problem in vlc  :)05:44
TsedAhh.  I tend to use multimedia keys/shortcuts for volume, so.05:45
jmichaelxintelikey: it is in any version of vlc i have ever used05:45
dr_willisrlj,  some live cds have a 'toram' boot optuon you can append/use.. not sure if the dapper one does that05:45
kanwarnoiesmo, i am biased towards deb systems too and find apt-get very cool that's why i want to get it working on kubuntu as its my primary desktop at home :)05:45
intelikeythe mouse gives a menu while full screen vidio continues05:45
kanwarnoiesmo, now to reboot and verify if all is ok05:45
noiesmokanwar, k05:46
jmichaelxintelikey: that is true05:46
intelikeyand volume is in the menu   no?05:46
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jmichaelxintelikey: i was probably too harsh in regards to vlc, maybe i should use it more05:47
jmichaelxi am just used to real player and wmp and power-dvd in windows.... they all seem WAY more polished than anything in linux05:47
dr_willisI gave up on WMP when it wanted to download some codecs from a RussianSpyware site. :)05:48
Tsedjmichaelx: eef.  Okay, we definitely have much different tastes.  I abhor the power-dvd interface (and the default xine-ui, for similar reasons). :p05:48
wolfmanzwhat would cause xmms to not play mp3 files on a ntfs drive when i try and load the songs via konqueror but if i load a terminal up and load konqueror from that then i can play songs from with konqueror no problem..05:48
intelikeyjmichaelx k.    i'm just used to 'not needing any GUI to do those things'   "vlc-plugin-svgalib"  and the console becomes a multimedia station.05:48
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jmichaelxdr_willis: and those things are the down-side05:49
cpk2anyone know of any alternatives to voip programs like teamspeak and ventrilo05:49
dr_willisjmichaelx,  :)05:49
eddieneed some help with adept. I am trying to install some programs and it gets stuck at waiting for headers. sits at 0% downloaded then pops up with an error.05:49
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jmichaelxbelieve me, it pains me to even boot windows up anymore.... but the down-side of linux is just endless futzing and configuring and reconfiguring05:50
dr_williseddie,  ive heard some of the servers are having issues today05:50
cpk2eddie: you using US repos?05:50
dr_willisjmichaelx,  you dont want to know this months list of 'issues' ive had with windows  :)05:50
jmichaelxthe us.ubuntu servers have issues a lot of the time05:50
eddiedr_willis: thx, I was hoping it was something like that.05:50
cliftonhi ...how do i Create the Netboot Image for ltsp?05:50
Tsedcpk2: You are aware TS has a linux version?05:51
cpk2eddie: if you are using the US repos open up sources.list and delete us. from any entries that have it05:51
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eddienot sure which servers, I used the easyubuntu to install the additional servers05:51
=== cpk2 is lazy and enjoys apt-get
jmichaelxdr_willis: don' get me wrong, i dislike windows, however, i never had many complicated issues with windows after XP came out05:51
Tsedcpk2: Just checking. :)05:51
dr_willisjmichaelx,  i would consider you VERY VERY lucky then. I do 'normal' things and have constant issues with windows.05:52
jmichaelxdr_willis: i have had xp on this machine for 4 years, and i don't remember anything serious ever going wrong05:52
intelikeyjmichaelx i know exactly what you mean.   i installed ubuntu on my 66 year old mother's computer (who knows nothing about computers btw) and spent literally hours (three maybe) setting everything up.    and haven't had to go back and tuch it in more than 9 months.   it's all the man hours admining that kills me....05:52
dr_willisThe main diff tween windows and linux..  "when you have a problem in linux, you can debug/test/troubleshoot and hopefully fix it"  - "when in windows, you are often stuck trying some what random and obscoure things to hope it fixes itself"05:52
jmichaelxi have had more bad issues with kubuntu in one month, than in XP in four years05:52
dr_willisjmichaelx,  you do NOT want to get me started.. :P lol05:53
jmichaelxintelikey: yes05:53
=== noiesmo thinks once kubutnu is set up it will just be rock solid
eddiecpk2: so if I have http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, I should change it to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ?05:53
intelikeyjmichaelx yes.05:54
cpk2eddie: yes05:54
jmichaelxi am not praising windows, but the tendency is for linux users to become blind to the shortcomings of linux05:54
dr_willisthe same  is allready true however for the window users.05:54
jmichaelxi agree05:54
eddiecpk2: thx I will try that05:55
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dr_willisand many of linux shortcommings are not the fault of 'linux' perse.. its often the companies   not releasing the info needed.05:55
intelikeyoh and i might mention that i setup sudo on that box so that it only allows her to run an internet connection/disconnection script as root, nothing else.  she cant break it if she trys.05:55
beachbumanyone having trouble connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com?05:55
dr_willisOr its too many 'eye candy/gizmo obsessed programmers' :)05:55
cpk2windows has the advantage of commercial products and hardware being made for it05:55
cliftonwhat is the replace command for mknbi in kubuntu 6.06?05:55
cpk2and linux is free and more secure05:55
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dr_williscpk2,  and it downloads  porn faster.. :)05:55
jmichaelxdr_willis: that is certainly the case with wifi... however, i don't think that is the case with streaming video (in many cases, at least)05:56
cpk2beachbum: they are down, use a mirror05:56
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eddieI know this isn't a skype forum, but does anyone know if or when skype will have video in linux?05:56
beachbumjust checking05:56
dr_willisthe state of video and all the codec  zoo - is scary05:56
intelikeyconcures   <dr_willis> Or its too many 'eye candy/gizmo obsessed programmers' :)05:56
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beachbumhow do you specify a mirror in apt-get?05:56
noiesmobeachbum, you need to change your sources.list05:57
intelikeybeachbum in /etc/apt/surces.list05:57
intelikeybeachbum as root, you know.05:57
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cpk2beachbum: the easiest fix for the US archives being down is to just delete us. from any entry that has it05:57
jmichaelxthat codec zoo is a mutual linux/windows problem05:57
intelikeyis the us.mirror down ?05:58
TsedWas just going to say that.  It's just ugly everywhere.05:58
noiesmointelikey, seems to be the rumor here05:58
cpk2intelikey: yes05:58
cliftonwhat is the replace command for mknbi in kubuntu 6.06?05:58
noiesmoclifton, hang on i used it the other day05:59
noiesmojust a sec05:59
cpk2Tsed: looks like i am going to have to build either teamspeak or vent from source =(05:59
noiesmoclifton, mkelf-linux05:59
cpk2i enjoy being lazy05:59
cliftonok thx i will try it05:59
eddiewhat is the best nntp newsreader?05:59
dr_williseddie,  i tend to use pan05:59
jmichaelxi just wish i could fix the video on my laptop that got screwed up when i installed xine...... everything is so bright you can't make out what you are seeing lol05:59
noiesmoclifton, do man mkelf-linux it goes on about nbi files etc05:59
dr_willisjmichaelx,  the videos are bright?06:00
dr_willisjmichaelx,  or the whole display?06:00
noiesmojmichaelx, were sunglasses ;)06:00
intelikeydon't the evolution mail/news/crap app do that too ?06:00
jmichaelxdr_willis: yes, the brightness is ridiculous.... no, just the videos06:00
Tsededdie: If you're looking for KDE/Qt programs, after digging around yesterday, there's "klibido".06:00
jmichaelxi am not sure sunglasses will help :-P06:00
dr_willisjmichaelx,  odd. those players tend to have ooodles of settings and tweaks and controlls to play with. :)06:00
noiesmojmichaelx, dam lol06:00
eddiedr_willis: I've used pan, but it doesn't seem to like large groups like alt.binaries.dvd06:01
dr_willisjmichaelx,  i always got to crank up everything bright for my dim lcd.06:01
jmichaelxdr_willis: they have setting that do not seem to work06:01
eddieTsed: thx, I will look at it06:01
dr_williseddie,  hmm - i used to use it for huge   groups like the .rom groups ages ago.06:01
noiesmojmichaelx, is this in mplayer or xine06:01
jmichaelxnoiesmo: after i installed xine, i have this problem in every video player06:01
eddiedr_willis: I was using the windows version, so maybe I will give it a chance in kubuntu06:02
jmichaelxi did not have this problem before i installed xine06:02
beachbumanyone here using xgl?06:02
noiesmojmichaelx, aah ok06:02
noiesmojmichaelx, try uninstall xine see if it solves the prob06:03
noiesmojmichaelx, just a thought06:03
intelikeyif you use --purge maybe06:03
dr_willistry making a new user, and running the aps as that user.06:03
noiesmobeachbum, I have a system i run xgl/compiz on06:03
dr_willisit  may be a user specefic config/oddity06:03
intelikeycould be06:03
jmichaelxnoiesmo: i have thought about trying that, but i doubt that will help... and... that leaves me unable to view some streams again06:04
noiesmojmichaelx, yes true06:04
noiesmojmichaelx, have you tried adding a new user to system and see if it affects them as well06:04
intelikeyso all you GUI heads,  what might cause kubuntu to only open apps in kde under root.  users can't open anything ???06:04
aegeanlinuxI am going back to PKGBUILD writing, if you want me, type aegeanlinux ;)06:04
jmichaelxi guess i am just disagreeable, but i think linux has a long way to go in the streaming media department06:05
ironfroggyyeah. i cant watch my adult swim fix!06:05
intelikeyyeah.  and i kinda hope it never gets there.06:05
noiesmojmichaelx, thats fine and good but doesnt help us solve your problem06:05
ironfroggyintelikey: what on earth would make you say a thing like that??06:05
jmichaelxintelikey: you would be largely alone on that06:06
dr_willisStreaming media is rather low on my needs.. i tried a few of those sites that have tv shows and so forth under windows...  and.. well im better off downloading them with bittorrent06:06
intelikeyi don't want linux to be windows.06:06
=== dr_willis sneezes *standards*
ironfroggyintelikey: i dont see what that has to do with streaming media...06:06
jmichaelxintelikey: this is not about linux being windows, it is about linux being useful in many cases06:06
Tsedironfroggy: mozilla-mplayer, though Konq doesn't seem to want to find it, works great with Firefox.06:06
ironfroggyTsed: have you been able to watch [AS]  with it?06:06
intelikeyi don't want the crowd that loves windows so much, being the next generation of linux'rs06:07
Tsedironfroggy: Someone here linked to AS last night, and yes, I was able to watch it.06:07
jmichaelxthere is a lot of content that mplayer can not handle06:07
jmichaelxwhat is AS?06:07
Tsedironfroggy: It wasn't a CN site, though -- where are you watching it?06:07
ironfroggyintelikey: i dont see how you are even making that connection... nor what is wrong with those people decided to switch from windows.06:07
cpk2i havent had problems with mplayer06:07
Tsedjmichaelx: Adult Swim.06:07
cpk2hell i even use mplayer on windows06:07
dr_willisor course mplayer is also set to use the windows codecs.. so  your millage may vary06:07
eddiecpk2: deleting us worked great, thx again06:08
ironfroggyTsed: i havent been able to watch it with mplayer-plugin :-/06:08
Tsedcpk2: Ditto. :)06:08
Tsedironfroggy: With Firefox?06:08
jmichaelxironfroggy: make sure all of your codecs are installed06:08
Tsedironfroggy: Can you link me to where you're (trying to) watching it?06:08
ironfroggythey are. it was able to kind of play some of the advertisements, but it was choppy and it wouldnt respond to requests to change the video.06:08
ironfroggyTsed: right on the adultswim.com website06:09
jmichaelxi have had this laptop for two weeks, and i am still fighting to get kubuntu tweaked on it lol06:09
ironfroggyjmichaelx: ive had it installed for two days and this is really the last thing i need to get right.06:09
intelikeyironfroggy not that people switch form windows,  but "why" they switch.    if they don't switch on pure (eula) motives then they work day in and day out trying to make linux more like the system they just came from.....  i don't want it more like it.   diversity is a linux thing     something *buntu seems to have missed.06:09
jmichaelxif i can get some of these video issues straightened out, i will get rid of the windows partition06:10
eddiethx for the help, you guys are great06:10
ironfroggyintelikey: i still fail to see the point in that in the context of the discussion it came from. i dont see how that has anything to do with streaming medium one bit.06:10
dr_willishttp://www.adultswim.com/clips/index.html   - the clips are NOT working for me... and guess what.. I am using windows... :) LOL.06:10
jmichaelxintelikey: i hate to say it, but i don't think ubuntu is for you... you need debian or slackware or something06:10
intelikeyironfroggy sorry you don't see the connection.06:11
jmichaelxi agree with ironfroggy. being able to view streaming media has nothing to do with being more windows-like06:11
dr_willisYea - they want to install FlashPlayer9.... Joy.06:11
ironfroggyintelikey: id like to see where you are making it, but you dont seem to be trying to give any clues. you've made points on both sides, but nothing to connect the dots.06:11
intelikeyjmichaelx no any linux is fine.  just that some take a lot more customizing than others...  :)06:11
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ironfroggyTsed: odd, i went to try [AS]  again and im getting a plugin-not-found box on the page, even tho i have mozilla-mplayer installed.06:12
Tsedironfroggy: Hmm.  http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimfix/index.jsp < So far, an advert played, then... it stopped.06:12
dr_willisironfroggy,  whats the exact url?06:13
intelikeyyea  flashplayer9  and java jre    and ....    what's the point?     you have linux, and don't know how to use it....06:13
Tsedironfroggy: Er, nevermind, I think that's what was supposed to happen. :p06:13
ironfroggyany idea why the mplayer plugin would stop being found by firefox?06:13
ironfroggyintelikey: that doesnt make any sense at all.06:13
intelikeynot to you i don't guess.06:14
Tsedironfroggy: Unfortunately, I don't.  Try just reinstalling it?  (or just clearing your config, if there's nothing important there?)06:14
ironfroggyintelikey: the point of those things is the neutrality of platforms, so using them as an argument in the windows-linux arena doesnt make sense.06:14
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ironfroggyTsed: what config would that be?06:14
jmichaelxok adult swim seems to be working for me, althoug, as usual, mplayer is a little choppy06:14
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ironfroggythey have almost 40 episodes on the fix now. i need it back!06:15
intelikey"neutrality of platforms"  on closed source  windows-third.party things  ???   give me a break.06:15
ironfroggythey used too only carry eight or so at a time and only on friday nights.06:15
kanwarhi noiesmo, i still get NVIDIA module not loaded error while start X with Driver "nvidia"06:15
dr_willisegads -- i rember why i never use IE and windows much.. :P MS's fuirewall just asked me if i wanted to unblock... "Internet Explorerer" :) odd.06:15
ironfroggyintelikey: it doesnt makse sense that you keep bringing windows in on that.06:15
kanwarnoiesmo, I downloaded the nvidia driver for amd-64 and while installing it tells me that my kernel has rivafb suppored compiled in which I should remove ...06:16
noiesmokanwar, dam06:16
kanwarlooks like its a long day ahead06:16
intelikeyironfroggy how big is your ntfs partition ?06:16
jmichaelxthere are a lot of hardcore linux users who hate GUI's and anything that resembles windows, and think everyone else should have a degree in computer scinces and no as much as they do before they attempt to use linux.... i think it's silly06:17
Tsedironfroggy: http://s88946514.onlinehome.us/zed/aswim.png < Seems to be playing fine here, might want to fiddle with mozilla-mplayer a bit more. :)06:17
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ironfroggyintelikey: ZERO06:19
intelikey(: degree in computer scinces :)     nice  0o06:19
jmichaelxintelikey: that is called a typo, and i corrected it 1 second later :-P06:19
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intelikeyjmichaelx not the typo.  i do that all the time.   it's the idea that hard core linux users  have them....  :)06:20
=== dr_willis notices all these problems hes having under windows with the AduitSwim videos.... *sigh*
jmichaelxintelikey: i know what you mean (although there is a significant percentage that probably does),  others have just been using linux since 1985 and cannot connect with someone who just began experimenting with it a months ago06:22
ironfroggy[AS]  is why i hate saturdays. they dont show anything good.06:22
intelikeyok  :)06:22
intelikey1985 unix maybe...06:23
intelikeygeneric  *nix   is handy for that kind of statements06:24
jmichaelxif i ever become a GUI=less linux badass, it will be a few years.... and i will still want to be able to watch streaming video :-D06:24
jmichaelxintelikey: lol06:24
noiesmokanwar, just reading this might help06:24
noiesmokanwar, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=26608406:25
noiesmokanwar, theres referance to rivafb conflict06:25
jmichaelxintelikey: speaking of unix, i really want to experiment with bsd & solaris , etc, too.... i had freeBSD on one box for a week or so, but i am not ready for that yet06:27
noiesmokanwar, here this is the go http://ubuntu-inspiron.blogspot.com/06:27
noiesmoWow! This has turned out to be a huge problem, but I think I've finally got it fixed. First the solution: a script that gets run at boot time at priority 19. Here's the script:06:27
noiesmo#!/bin/sh modprobe rivafb rmmod rivafb modprobe nvidia06:27
kanwarnoiesmo, thanks for the links ... reading them now06:28
jontec_Can anyone tell me the link to the .list file for the repos?06:28
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noiesmojontec, /etc/apt/sources.list06:29
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noiesmokanwar, i think the little scripts the go from blogspot06:29
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intelikeynow that it's all calm again.   the reason i said what i did earlier is that,  in *buntu channels it is very often said 'linux is not ready for prime time'  or  'has a long ways to go...'   the fact is; *nix has been "prime time" longer than M$ has existed.  so when people make that kind of statements they are really just comparing *buntu to winXP and based on their own personal preferances, asserting that linux is 'infer06:30
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intelikeythis is not competition.06:31
intelikeythat's all i was on about.06:31
jmichaelxintelikey: i think that is all valid....    i was only saying that streaming content had a way to go :-D06:31
jmichaelxbut i agree..... and unix is still ahead of windows in many respects06:32
intelikeyjmichaelx but there were linux users that disagreed with you also on that point....   so   <shrugs/>06:32
jmichaelxintelikey: they also admitted that they did not watch much streaming video (withthe exception of Tsed)06:33
TsedMmm.  Like me, who didn't know AS had full-episode streams... and is now watching them via mozilla-mplayer. ;)06:33
intelikeyhope ironfroggy sees now.06:33
jmichaelxi am satisfied that streaming media is not handles well (yet) in linux, but it has improved a lot in just the past year06:34
jmichaelxTsed: i had never heard of adult swim lol06:34
jmichaelxi don't even own a TV06:34
wolfmanzIf the linux distros want more windows users then they have to make these distros more like windows06:35
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jmichaelxi don't need linux to be more like windows.......06:35
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TsedDear deity no! :p06:35
TsedThere's just some areas that can use some polish, is all.06:36
intelikeyjmichaelx yes the whole streaming * is relatively new yet.    in time more open source work will be done there, it will grow.   but while things are closed source they choak the 'open source' advancements to some degree.06:36
TsedNetworkmanager, as an example has single-handedly made linux wireless not only tolerable, but just plain great for me.06:36
jmichaelxintelikey: yeah, that is where  the problem is06:36
ironfroggyintelikey: about your previous statements. arent you doing the same thing in your assertions of linux over windows, basing it on personal experience and wants?06:37
jmichaelxi think wifi is doing pretty well in linux06:37
intelikeyironfroggy no on history.06:37
Tsedjmichaelx: Beyond certain drivers, totally.  A year or so ago I was struggling to get wpa_supplicant to work properly.  These days, NM makes it brainless.06:38
jmichaelxi do have a few usb wireless adapters that i wish would work with linux, but i have not been able to get them going06:38
ironfroggyi dont see how it has any baring. it doesnt matter what anything could do, only what it does do.06:38
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intelikeyironfroggy am i biased, absolutely.  but the claim that *nix predates M$ is not personal.06:38
ironfroggyi didnt say it was personal. that claim has no weight or value in this conversation, i was commenting on the linux for primetime issues. i dont care what or when either of them did anything in the past.06:39
intelikeythe assertion that *nix is 'main stream' is not personal either.06:39
ironfroggyalso, irrelevent to the discussions of linux-vs-windows in reguards to capabilities of each platform.06:39
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intelikey"linux-vs-windows in reguards to capabilities of each platform."  see that statement above ^ "<intelikey> this is not competition."    it's not about whos' dog can beet whos'06:42
ironfroggythen what could you possibly be comparing them in that has any value?06:42
intelikeyevery mama crow's little crow is always the blackest crow...06:43
TsedIn any case, this entire discussion is probably pretty off-topic for a support channel? :)06:43
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intelikeyTsed yeah  has been for a while.06:43
ironfroggyTsed: so you say you can watch [AS]  in firefox, even if its a little sluggish?06:44
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intelikeyTsed but i asked three 'support related' questions, and none were answered...06:44
Tsedironfroggy: It's only sluggish in connecting to the stream at first.  Once playback starts, it works great.06:44
ironfroggyi see it running through all the connection stuff, buffering, etc. and then it just doesnt play.06:44
conleythank goodness the repos are back up06:45
intelikeyyay! us.ubuntu. is up... yay!06:45
Tsedintelikey: Well hey, personally, I didn't have an answer to your Q, so... ;p06:45
ironfroggyoh, now its back up, after i go and alter every entry in my sources.list manually to get around it.06:45
noiesmoironfroggy, should have made a copy before you edit then its just a cp away06:46
PokerFacePenguinironfroggy: should have used kate or sed :)06:46
intelikeyTsed i know.  i didn't expect any answer really.   i seldom ask a question that anyone in here can answer.   ;/06:46
Tsedironfroggy: Out of curiosity, if you do "mplayer <streamURL>", does it work for you?06:46
ironfroggyTsed: have to check that.. second.06:46
intelikeycan  or   will...   idk06:47
conleyhang on universe is still down06:47
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ironfroggyTsed: seems to work06:47
intelikeyconley how can universe be down... it's on the same server...  ?06:47
Tsedironfroggy: For the record, via the plugin, it takes a good 30-40 seconds for playback to start here.06:48
PokerFacePenguincan anyone recommend a nice gui frontend to iptables that plays nice with xfce?06:48
conleyhmmm...your right, what is my problem06:48
ironfroggyTsed: letting it sit for five minutes doesnt help.06:48
conleyi get to 99 percent on the fetch updates then hang though06:48
Tsedironfroggy: Mkay, just making sure.06:48
ironfroggyTsed: sadly, the url from the page isnt the actual video, its the "in a minute..." stream.. but i can watch that!06:48
PokerFacePenguinnoiesmo: i haven't tried it on xfce yet, was wondering about that one06:48
intelikeyconley   deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse06:49
noiesmoPokerFacePenguin, its nice and light06:49
PokerFacePenguinnoiesmo: thanks06:49
intelikeyconley daz what you got ?06:49
noiesmoPokerFacePenguin, np06:49
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intelikeyi'm checking....06:51
intelikeyconley yeah us. is back down as far as i can tell.06:52
thrice`anyone use 64-bit with a broadcom dell 1390 for wireless?06:52
intelikeyconley use nl.06:52
jmichaelxthrice`: i am using a 32bit with a broadcom dell 147006:53
thrice`and ndiswrapper i'm guessing?06:53
jmichaelxthrice`: yeah, i tried hard to get the whole open-source broadcom driver working, but no success06:54
thrice`well, the problem is that there are no 64-bit windows drivers06:54
thrice`and ndiswrapper wont' take 32-bit06:54
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jmichaelxthrice`: have you tried asking the guys who did the O-S broadcome driver about it?06:55
Tsedironfroggy: Sorry to say I don't know what to suggest from here.  All I can say is that "it works here".  Doesn't help much, I know. :/06:55
thrice`the bcm43xx friver ?06:55
jmichaelxthrice`: yeah06:55
thrice`jmichaelx, sorta...it's half-way into the kernel.  I'm not sure if they're expanding more.  I'll try again06:56
conleyanyone here developed with glut?06:56
jmichaelxi guess it is in the 2.6.17 kernel06:56
ironfroggyTsed: so then a related but different inquiry. any thoughts on why sound would just stop working, if artsd is still running and not muted?06:57
jmichaelxalthough a person probably still needs the firmware.... not sure about that06:57
thrice`yeah, but doesn't support my specific chipset ()though it *should*)06:57
jmichaelxyeah, it shoul06:57
Tsedironfroggy: Sound in general, or only certain programs?06:58
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ironfroggyin general06:58
Tsedironfroggy: Well, I haven't had this issue on Kubuntu, but it was common when I was on Gentoo... occasionally artsd would block all other (non-arts-piped) sound.  Does stopping arts allow the sounds through?06:59
ironfroggyTsed: it doesnt work for KDE apps using artsd, either.07:00
Tsedironfroggy: Hrmph.  Then unless there's some other program bypassing artsd... I have no idea, sorry.07:01
Tsedironfroggy: Does, say, restarting your session tend to fix it?07:02
intelikeyoh holy smokes,  i think i found what happened to my gui apps.  isn't there supposed to be some symlinks in /usr/bin/   to verious gui apps ???   i have no links there....07:02
ironfroggyTsed: could try. i tried restarting artsd, but it didnt help.07:03
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Tsedintelikey: Yeah... there should definitely be links there.07:03
intelikeyironfroggy some app didn't start esd did it ?07:03
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ironfroggyand i was just listing to things earlier, when i was watching a dvd07:04
beachbumanyone know how to setup smbmount without suid root?07:04
intelikeyaren't arts and esd mutually exclusive.07:04
ironfroggybeachbum: sure whats the problem?07:04
intelikeyoh ok.07:04
beachbumi'm getting this error when i try to smbmount on my normal user account07:05
jmichaelxLOL i am trying to use mplayer right now to watch some video clips from  NOVA on the PBS website..... mplayer is SO shitty07:05
beachbumsmbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)07:05
beachbumsmbmnt failed: 107:05
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beachbumdo i just need to add myself to group 1000?07:05
ironfroggywhy does the user need to mount them?07:05
ironfroggyi just have them mounted at boot, but with the uid and gid of the appropriate users and groups.07:06
beachbumbecause i have a samba share on my server that has all my mp3's07:06
ironfroggybeachbum: so do i.07:06
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ironfroggydidnt stop me.07:06
beachbumwhere do you mount them at boot?07:07
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ironfroggyput them in fstab07:07
ironfroggylike any other mountable device. no difference.07:07
kuzmastercan anyone here please help me with a totally un-realated vmware problem?07:07
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beachbumdoesnt it have to know the user and password for the share?07:08
Tsedjmichaelx: Again, works fine here... although "SO shitty" isn't very descriptive ;p07:08
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: what about your vmware07:08
ironfroggybeachbum: you can put them in a credentials file that only root and the user can read.07:08
jmichaelxTsed: i have to say that i don't believe it works great for you or anyone else.... it does owrk, if you are VERY careful lol, but if you sneeze, it doesn't07:09
beachbumwhere does that go and what do i put in fstab?07:09
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, i thinks my windows xp vm is broken07:09
Tsedjmichaelx: If you call "careful" "clicking the link", sure.  ;p07:09
beachbumor do you have a link for that?07:09
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: what makes you say that?07:09
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, well, it froze while taking a snapshot, and i had to restart the computer07:10
jmichaelxthe video came up in a separate window (which is fine) but if you resize it, it pauses.... in fact it froze, so i had to close the window and restart07:10
ironfroggybeachbum: do you know the format of fstab for non-samba mounts?07:10
jmichaelxthere is no full screen option now07:10
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: no backup?07:10
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, no07:11
beachbumdont know it for samba mounts, though07:11
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: it didnt start up again?07:11
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, then when i tried to resume the vm,it said somthing like ......07:11
chemajawait, so if i manually partition, kubuntu install crashes??07:11
beachbum/server/share /mountpoint smbfs userid=foo,passwd=bar,rw 0 007:11
beachbumcan i just do that?07:11
Tsedjmichaelx: http://s88946514.onlinehome.us/zed/pbs.png  < That's how it appears here.  fullscreening it works fine, as well.07:12
jmichaelxTsed: i think you are nearly unique in how well mplayr has worked for you.... i don't know if you just have the perfect hardware or what07:12
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, cant find "windows xp.vmdk"07:12
jmichaelxmplayer is especially bad with video clips from sites like yahoo07:12
ironfroggybeachbum: well its //server/share, but yeah. but i wouldnt recommend putting the password in fstab.07:13
ironfroggyits globally readable.07:13
chemajaironfroggy: does it have to be?07:13
beachbumyeah, i know07:13
Tsedjmichaelx: Clicking the realplayer feed brings up the real plugin... seems to work fine as well.  *shrug*07:13
beachbumdidnt work anyway07:13
chemajaie. `chmod o-r /etc/fstab' -- will this break stuff?07:13
Tsedjmichaelx: But to be fair, the QT stream isn't quite working.07:13
jmichaelxTsed: i WISH it brought up real player for me, but even clicking real brings up mplayer.... argh07:14
beachbumironfroggy: got it in the fstab, where do i put the creditial file?07:14
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster:  hmm, can you find the file manually?  I would make a copy of all of those files in the image dir (.vmx, vmdk) and muck around to see if i could get rid of a lockfile or something07:14
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, it said this "Cannot open the disk 'Windows XP Professional.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on."07:14
jmichaelxreal player handles its own content way better than this real player thing07:14
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jmichaelxoops, i meant mplayer thing07:14
Tsedjmichaelx: Which realplayer version have you installed?07:15
jmichaelxTsed: 1007:15
intelikeyTsed could you please pastebin or even better dcc.send me;     find /usr/bin/ -type l -exec ls -l {} \; > list         if it's not to much to ask.  :)07:15
jmichaelxmplayer just takes over07:15
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, i can get to those files manually, and i have now made a copy of them, but ive tried deleting the snapshot images files-thingy, and that still diddnt work07:15
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intelikeyi need to know what kde is looking for....07:15
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, is there a way to use those virtuall hdd's in another vm?07:16
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kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin. in a new vm07:16
phisrowQuick question for you chaps. I've been having trouble updating in Apt of late.07:16
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Tsedintelikey: http://s88946514.onlinehome.us/zed/list <07:16
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: any crazy looking files in that directory besides the "snapshots"?07:17
unstablesobwow, kde definately does NOT suck!07:17
phisrowIs us.archive.ubuntu.com functioning normally?07:17
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, ummmm, dont think so, ill take a harder look07:17
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intelikeyphisrow use nl.ubuntu  us.ubuntu is problematic atm.07:17
excitatoryis there a way to restore the konqueror profiles provided by kubuntu?  i followed the faq to restore my konq profiles to the default kde, but due to terrible consequences, i would like to go back.07:18
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, thers a .vmsd, and a .vmem file07:18
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phisrowThanks, intelikey, it's nothing too urgent, I was just hoping that I hadn't b0rked anything.07:18
beachbumironfroggy: nevermind, there's a nice config tool in kde's system settings07:18
TsedUhh... can someone check their links in /usr/bin ?  Looking at that list just confused me -- should those all really have such generous permissions?07:18
intelikeyexcitatory rm your configs in your home restores all defaults.07:19
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: since you have made a copy of them, try deleting one at a time and see if that helps you out....you know you can move all those files around anytime07:19
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, ok will do07:19
intelikeysymlinks are 777 Tsed07:19
intelikeyit's the file they point at that matters.07:20
intelikeyand thanks again for the list.07:20
Tsedintelikey: Always?  Huh.  That just strikes me as odd -- I mean, sure, "it's the file they link to that matters", but with such permissions, what's stopping a user from maliciously changing what they link to?07:21
excitatoryintelikey: what configs are you referring to exactly?07:21
Tsedintelikey: No prob.07:21
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: i would try the .vmem file first07:21
jmichaelxi just installed mepis 6.0 on an old 500Mhz P3 box..... seems to work really well, surprisingly07:21
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, k07:21
excitatoryjmichaelx: i have kubuntu installed on a similar machine.. 733MHz, but ran like a breeze07:22
intelikeyexcitatory .kde/  or any part there of.   also  .gtkrc  or other such files in your home.07:22
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: some of my images that are ok, have the .vmsd file in the directory, but havent seem the .vmem one yet....still looking07:22
intelikeyTsed the perms on the dir are what keeps users form hosing the links.07:22
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, well im still waiting on this copy to finish, im making a nother copt, cos im goin thru the logs07:23
intelikeythe dirs are not world writable07:23
Tsedintelikey: Mmm.  Okay.  Just kinda surprised me when I saw that.07:23
jmichaelxexcitatory: i am impressed  that a distro like mepis running KDE could work so will on such an old machine.....07:23
intelikeydrwxr-xr-x   2 root root  24K 2006-07-22 17:38 bin   < eg.07:24
=== Tsed nod.
intelikeyTsed yeah understandable indeed.07:24
jmichaelxmepis is running better on this 500Mhx box than xubuntu does on a 500Mhz AMD K6-2 box that i have07:24
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: you may find this link helpful http://www.vmware.com/support/ws55/doc/ws_learning_files_in_a_vm.html07:25
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: tells you what files are necessary for an image07:25
TsedKDE in general is pretty speedy, ime.  It can use a good bit of RAM, but beyond that, I'm generally impressed with its performance on low-end machines.07:25
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kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, while ive been waiting, i looked at the file sizes of the 2 files, and the .vmsd is 0kb, and the .vmem is like 733mb (733 183KB)07:26
jmichaelxTsed: i am surprised, but that seems to be the case07:26
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: check out that link i dropped on ya07:27
Tsedjmichaelx: KDE is one of those nice rare projects that, despite getting more featureful as it ages, has actually gotten faster as well. :)07:27
intelikeyTsed in my experance with kde2 and gnome1  and later, kde is better on low low end boxes than gnome is.  actually a smaller foot print.07:27
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: basically, .vmem only exists if running or crashed...a paging file...delete it07:27
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, thanx for it, and i have done. the reason for the .vmem file sounds right07:28
jmichaelxTsed: very impressive07:28
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intelikeybut i tend to dis agree with the 'faster as it ages' shmuck...  :)07:28
TsedCompare KDEv2 to KDEv3 to KDEv3.2, then.07:28
jmichaelxeven though, i am planning on using fluxbox with this mepis box07:28
chemajaguys, will https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/47194 be fixed in the kubuntu dapper iso? this is the bug where manually partitioning crashes the installer.07:28
TsedNever used v1, so I can't talk there.07:28
chemajaie. 6.06 LTS ISOs, do they get bugfixes too?07:29
intelikeyTsed i don't have v3 but v2 & v3.2 is my referance point.07:29
b_HI i need some help07:29
b_my uestion is...07:29
intelikeybut i must admit, that on a low low end box neither install of kde was default.  that matters of course.07:30
b_everytime i run the command apt-get install nepenthes i keep getting the error in konsole saying07:30
b_b@b-desktop:~$ apt-get install nepenthes07:30
b_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)07:30
b_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?07:30
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:30
intelikeyb_ ^07:30
ChefWillanyone know if there is a way to prevent kubuntu from dimming screen to save power on laptop?07:31
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: let me know the outcome...might need to do that one day for one of mine :P07:31
Tsedintelikey: My experience with v2 was that it was somewhat sluggish on a 450Mhz P3 with a good amount of RAM.  Not so much with 3.2+.07:31
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, will doo, just about to do it now07:31
b_ok i got another question07:31
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Tsedintelikey: But then, I was comparing Mandrake(v2) to a Gentoo install(v3.2), so hey, not very fair, I suppose.07:32
intelikeyTsed that's not low low end....  low end maybe.    but i'm talking p100mmx 64m  and comparable07:32
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, nope diddnt work07:32
intelikeyagreed on the distro diff also07:32
jmichaelxkde 3.5.3 is working well with mepis on this 500Mhz P3 machine.... very well. not sluggish at all07:32
Tsedintelikey: KDE may have gotten a bit more RAM intensive, so 64MB... eek.07:33
intelikeyTsed i can run dapper on 64m with no swap.07:33
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: i thought we had it whipped....that link will probably help you immensely in determining just where you went wrong.  There still might be some other files in there that are wack07:33
intelikeykde ^ that07:33
Tsedintelikey: With full KDE?  Impressive.07:33
b_my question is when trying to install firefox threw adept.. under the Requested column, it states Break Install in red letters07:33
b_what does that mean07:34
b_it will not let me install firefox07:34
intelikeyyes full kde.  but i generally customize things by the second day.07:34
jmichaelxthis i am still going to primarily use fluxbox07:34
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Tsedintelikey: In any case, at least 3.x has gotten faster with pretty much every version.  *that* I have a fair playing field to compare. :)07:34
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, the only other one is a .vmx~, which im pretty sure a text editor in kubuntu creates as a backup (this vm was originally from kubuntu)07:35
intelikeyb_  i don't know about adept there  try installing in the terminal/konsole  sudo apt-get install firefox07:35
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, ill delete that to tho07:35
Tsedintelikey: 3.0 -> 3.2 was a huge difference.  3.2 -> 3.3 was a decent update, and it's been pretty minor changes since.  Supposedly QT4 delivers even more performance bonuses, so we'll see. :)07:35
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: you gotta have a vmx07:35
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, i do, allong with that backup file07:36
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: have you read your logfiles?07:37
intelikeyTsed ok the default installs of 3.x  probably.  cause each new subversion is just an improved 3.0  so that makes sense.  the major rewrites thow don't show the same improvements,  they have improvements just not speed as far as i can tell.07:37
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, im reading my log file now, and i found this that i thinks is interresting07:37
kuzmasterhang on07:38
intelikeygrowing by a magnatude seldom means faster  :)07:38
intelikeynot saying it can't happen.  of course.07:38
b_i dunn whats up this is my problme (not spam)07:39
b_b@b-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install firefox07:39
b_Reading package lists... Done07:39
b_Building dependency tree... Done07:39
b_Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have07:39
b_requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable07:39
b_distribution that some required packages have not yet been created07:39
b_or been moved out of Incoming.07:39
jmichaelxit also appears to me  that a 500Mhz P3 cpu is a lot better than a 500Mhz AMD k6-2 lol07:39
b_Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that07:39
b_the package is simply not installable and a bug report against07:40
b_that package should be filed.07:40
b_The following information may help to resolve the situation:07:40
b_The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:40
b_  firefox: Depends: libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.9.0) but it is not installable07:40
b_           Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.8.0) but it is not installable07:40
abattoir!paste > b_07:40
b_           Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.12.2) but it is not installable07:40
b_E: Broken packages07:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:40
jmichaelxxubuntu works ok on my AMD machine, but not great07:40
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-60-231-129-190.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
jontecCan anyone get onto the Kubuntu Wiki?07:41
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, i found this im my log thingy, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18669 (its only 3 lines), im gonna c if there is any folder in the folders that all the vm files are loacted07:43
noiesmojontec, no it looks down07:43
intelikeyi need to read the freenode page again.  does not being registered prevent dcc things ?07:43
chemajawhoop i think i broke it07:43
chemajai was just browsing it before it must have been me ;-)07:43
b_intelikey ill try once this file starts downloading07:43
jontecdangit! lol. I was posting a new article on bridging connections and I think I'm gonna end up lose all two hours of the work.07:44
jontecand I'm definitely not writing it over.07:44
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, ill also post a part of my log thats complaining alot, hopfully you can understand it more than me07:45
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intelikeyb_ i can paste you the four lines you need in your /etc/apt/sources.list  if you can sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list   and paste them in.07:45
b_ok lets try07:46
jmichaelxisrael is bombing cities again....07:46
jmichaelxsorry for the off-topic07:47
aegeanlinux:D perfectly OK jmichaelx07:47
b_wait inteli, wouldn't that be the same as managing repositories07:47
aegeanlinuxit's good too see those sorts of things scroll past (sort of)07:47
aegeanlinuxif you know what I mean07:47
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, the part of the log that complains alot http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1867007:47
jmichaelxjust sad that over a third of the casualties are kids07:48
b_that code you just sent me looks like it can be done threw adept by managing repositories, am i wrong07:48
intelikeyb_ no you are correct.  it can be.07:48
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, u there?07:49
intelikeyb_ i edit my sources.list by hand.  but you don't have to.   i like to keep things as KLEEN as possable.07:49
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: yeah, was reading07:49
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: i cant make anything out of that....i would hang on to your pastebin links and try to explain to the #vmware channel....i think i have run out of things to try...unless there are more files you can copy back and delete others07:51
intelikeytoo kleen some times  eeh Tsed ?    hehhe07:51
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: your system states are spread out through the multiple files (gathered from that link)....so you gotta figure out what you can delete (probably by trial and error)07:52
Tsedintelikey: Pardon?07:53
intelikeywhat would you use to monitor sshd  to see who and where is trying to connect and why they failed ?07:53
PokerFacePenguinintelikey: /var/log07:53
intelikeyTsed sorry,  didn't know you were busy.   just a referance to my missing symlinks07:53
b_nope srry did not work i managed  repos and edit cource and same problem07:54
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, ok, and ive tried in the vmware channel but no one is replying07:54
intelikeyb_ did you  sudo apt-get update   ?07:54
intelikeyhave to update after changes to sources.list.07:54
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: i think you are gonna have to do it by trial and error then if no experts in that channel are steppin up....I don't think i got the answer for ya07:55
Tsedintelikey: Ahh. :)  And re: sshd, I'm trying to remember the name of a program... sec. :p07:55
kuzmasterPokerFacePenguin, ok, thanx for the help tho, it was greatly apprecated07:55
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: np07:55
b_i apologize i did not do that07:56
intelikeywhat is " apologize "  ???07:56
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b_im sorry for being stupid07:57
PokerFacePenguinkuzmaster: we probably should have had our conversation in the vmware channel, cuz somebody will always step up to tell ya that you are wrong :P07:57
intelikeyyou are not stupid.07:57
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b_well yes and no07:57
jmichaelxi'm the only stupid person in here at the moment. don't crowd my territory, b_07:57
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intelikey#Apologize /Apologize/ (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Apologized (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Apologizing.]  [Cf. F. apologiser.]  1. To make an apology or defense. Dr. H. More. 2. To make an apology or excuse; to make acknowledgment of some fault or offense, with expression of regret for it, by way of amends; -- with for; as, my correspondent apologized for not answering my letter. To apologize for his insolent language. Froude.07:58
intelikeyApologize /Apologize/, v. t. To defend. [Obs.]  The Christians . . . were apologized by Plinie. Dr. G. Benson.07:58
intelikeyoh krap.  that posted to the channel didn't it07:58
b_i dunno i guess i just run into a lot of programs errors07:58
b_yes you did07:58
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intelikeyi have  adictionary script but i didn't think that command posted i thought that was the privet one.07:59
=== intelikey ^ apologizes
b_well i think this problem ive beeen having is ubuntus faults or the way my packets or being routed over the net08:00
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=== kuzmaster waves good bye
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b_its seems when i aptget update whatever command the update freezes on number 608:00
b_so imma drop this for rightnow08:01
Tsedintelikey: Erk, uh. I was going to suggest maybe snort, but I have a feeling that'll be serious overkill.  I take it the ssh logs aren't sufficient?  Maybe just customizing the log output would help?08:01
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intelikeyb_ there have been problems with the us.ubuntu mirror today.    you could prepend  nl.  to each ubuntu line except security updates08:02
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intelikeyTsed is the log turned off by default ?08:02
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intelikeymaybe i should edit /etc/ssh/*08:02
b_ill give it a few days mayube a reinstall to see if it finally works08:03
Tsedintelikey: Looks like it might be, yeah.08:03
intelikeyb_ save your sources.list file  you can compare notes on it later.08:04
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intelikeyTsed i can connect locally through ssh    does sshd_config have to have a "listen" line ?08:05
intelikeyerr listenaddress08:05
Tsedintelikey: Nope, the default config should allow remote connections, last I tried.08:06
=== Tsed , well... tries.
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Tsedintelikey: Yep, works fine by default here.08:07
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Kadranhi i have a strange problem!!08:08
lafnlabwhat would that be kadran?08:08
intelikeyQ.   PermitEmptyPasswords no    if that was set to yes and i made a guest accound and did passwd -d guest   would guest be able to login without a passwd  or would all ?08:08
Kadranafter a while the system is changing it's gateway, ipaddress, and delete the dns?08:08
Tsedintelikey: looks like sshd logs to /var/log/auth.log by default, for the record.08:08
Kadranwho could that happen?08:08
lafnlabKadran, are you using DSL? Why kind of networking do you have setup?08:09
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intelikeybecause kind ?08:10
Kadranlafnlab: i have a DSL and this problem apeared when i requested a static IP from the isp08:10
intelikey<-- grammar nazi08:10
TsedWhen password authentication is allowed, it specifies whether the server allows login to accounts with empty password strings.  The default is no. < Sounds like it's just users with blank passwords that would be okay.  That is, users still have to enter their passwords, it's just that it'll now allow users who have blank passwords to login.  Normally disallowing that as a security risk.08:10
lafnlabHMM. I have DSL, but a dynamic ip. Who is your ISP?08:11
intelikeytsed normally, yes.   on a nosuid system... prolly not.08:12
intelikeywell fork bombs and the like would still be a risk08:12
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Kadranlafnlab: it is an ISP in egypt, it was perfect with dynamic ip. what could be changeing it? i have the internet disconnected after a while and once i retype the dns , ip and gateway it comes normal08:13
Kadranit is even change the ip in a range that is not defined in the router ip address rang!08:13
intelikeywhat's this file   /usplash_fifo  ?08:14
intelikeynm i see.08:14
lafnlabKadran, I was going to suggest http://www.dslreports.com/ but i don't think they have any Egyptian ISP's. How often does it rest the info?08:14
lafnlab` rest the info?08:14
lafnlabreset the info08:15
lafnlabdamn spelling08:15
lafnlabtrying to type and smoke at the same time08:15
Kadran:D ok lafnlab, i just need a startpoint so i can know what is the problem, thanks alot i will check this site now08:16
b_is anyone familiar with nepenthes08:16
intelikeynepenthes - versatile tool to collect malware by emulating widespread vulnerabilities08:18
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b_did you look that up? lol08:19
intelikeyapt-cache search nepenthes08:19
intelikeydetailed discript08:19
intelikey Nepenthes is a low interaction honeypot which emulates known vulnerabilities08:19
intelikey to collect information about potential attacks. It is designed to emulate08:19
intelikey vulnerabilties worms use to spread, and to capture these worms. As there are08:19
intelikey many possible ways for worms to spread, Nepenthes is modular. There are08:19
intelikey module interface to08:19
intelikeyfrom apt-cache show nepenthes08:20
intelikeyb_ what do you want to know about it ?08:21
Kadrandoes any one know a command for changing the gateway and also to add dsn?08:21
intelikeyKadran ifconfig ?   i'm kinda network illiterate really.08:22
b_i was jsut wondering if anyone had it running under ku08:22
b_this is why i came to linux because my windows honeypot would be compromised in 10 mised so i had to reinstalled windows everyday08:23
Kadranintelikey: ifconfig eth0 ???08:23
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b_i heard this is a good program just wondering if antyone had it running08:23
Kadrani couldn't understand the man page !!08:23
b_i dunno im 19 im currious about malware and how it spreads08:24
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b_i also collect viruses dunno don;t ask08:24
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intelikeyKadran i really don't know networking....    but it's something like    ifconfig eth0 up           ficonfig device address mask operation    i think.08:25
farousb_: did you search for this program in the repos check packages.ubuntu.com08:26
intelikeyb_ you want to collect virii   run windows...  <shrugs/>08:26
Kadranyeah that's good, but i need a fast way to change the gateway, and add dns.08:26
intelikeyfarous i just posted from apt-cache on it.  there fore it's in the repos.08:26
b_i do run windows with linux on the side but i rather have my honeypot not compromised every 5 seconds08:26
=== ku [n=ku@cpe-24-168-155-32.nj.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
farousintelikey: great sorry did not read your post08:27
b_yes i sudo the apt and the package wasnot found on repos08:27
b_i had to download from their homepage08:27
farousb_: add the extra repos08:27
farous!easysource > b_08:27
intelikeyb_ but you could not update your package database...08:27
farouscheck ubotu post08:27
b_lol thats where my problems began, i added to repos and hit apply but when i hit apply everything goes back to the gray shade08:28
intelikeyfarous b_ has my sources.list   but but but but....08:28
farousb_: gray i do not understand08:28
testcan anybody tell me how to enable the gtk greeter in the login manager?08:28
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faroussudo apt-get update in command line08:29
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b_farous.. when you go to manage repos some lines are black which are enabled and others or gray which are disabled, when i try to enable ones that aare gray and hit apply, the lines i selected to enable go back to gray or disable08:30
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farousb_: and how you do that through adept synaptic, which front end you use08:31
b_i think linux is telling me hey you wanna mess with viruses go back to windows keep that crap away from us08:31
intelikeyb_ i can repost the repos if needed.  if you want to close adept and edit /etc/apt/sources.list   then do the  sudo apt-get update   command.08:31
farousb_: are you using a text editor and editing the file directly08:31
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse08:32
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse08:32
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse08:32
intelikeydeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main universe08:32
intelikeycomplements of   /exec -o grep -v '#' /etc/apt/sources.list08:32
farousintelikey: it is wiser to use the pastebin for that08:32
b_man you guys are so kind08:32
b_why are you so helpful08:32
intelikeyyeah i know.  four lines is a lot if the channel is busy.08:33
b_farous i manage repos threw adept08:33
farousintelikey: it is good though for i did not know there were a restricted repos08:33
farousb_: you might try editing the /etc/apt/sources.list file directly08:34
intelikeyactually there are a few more.  but that pretty much covers anything you will ever need in *buntu08:34
b_im trying that again rightnow08:35
intelikey<farous> b_: you might try editing the /etc/apt/sources.list file directly  <--- like i said 4 times now.....08:35
farousintelikey: so is restricted simialr to non-free in debian?08:35
b_i know you did and i tried it08:35
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intelikeyerr actually no    yes and no.  it's way short of that but simular08:36
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farousintelikey: lol i have restricted in my sources.list seems though i never seemed to use it :)08:38
=== gau-net [n=gau-net@p548FABB1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
b_ok etc/apt/sources.list would be in the same directory as system:/media/hda1/etc/apt am i wrong08:38
farousb_: ? what are you trying to edit are you editing a cdrom08:39
intelikey /etc/apt/sources.list08:39
b_no trying to figure out where etc/apt is08:39
b_that owuld be under system:/media/hda1/etc/apt08:40
intelikeyno  /08:40
farousit is the same as intelikey posted08:40
intelikey  /08:40
b_good damnit i need a book08:40
farousunder the root dir /08:40
intelikey ////////08:40
farousb_: just type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list in a terminal08:40
intelikeygedit on kubuntu ?08:40
farousok kwrite08:40
intelikeygksudo for that matter ?>08:41
farousintelikey: i like to mix08:41
intelikeykdesu kate08:41
intelikeyhehhe  or sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:41
intelikeythat's generic08:41
farousintelikey: not all people specially new users like nano08:42
intelikeyliking and using are not synonamus08:42
farousbut you are right i should have used the kde way08:42
b_b@b-desktop:~$ gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:42
b_bash: gksudo: command not found08:42
farousb_: use the line posted by intelikey08:43
intelikeysudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:43
farouskdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list08:43
intelikeyinsist on a gui don't we !08:43
farousintelikey: newbies "which i think new users is better term" are used to it and like it more08:44
intelikeysudo kill -9 -1      big boy !08:44
intelikeydat'll fix ya up.08:45
crimsunanyone using a ThinkPad with the UK keymap?08:45
intelikeycrimsun will you be around for a bit ?08:46
farousnow that is a new one. i am connected to the net through irc but no other connection is possible they are blocked sowmhow?08:46
crimsunintelikey: somewhat; I'm preoccupied w/ configuring a Kubuntu install atm08:46
intelikeycrimsun k, nm08:47
intelikeyit's not important.08:47
intelikeyfarous iptables -L08:47
Tsedfarous: Well, new users may not like nano, but at least it's definitely installed. :)08:47
farousTsed: :)08:48
intelikeyTsed yup  unless i set it up    lol08:48
farousintelikey: i think it is my router08:48
intelikeyoh not local to that box,  i see.08:48
TsedAnd hell, at least we're not throwing vi at 'em/ ;)08:48
farousby the way i run fluxbox or ion with a mix from gnome and kde :)08:48
intelikeyfarous twm08:49
b_ok i just edited the source, and saved08:49
farousTsed: yet better go with what people are familar with08:49
b_update now?08:49
farousintelikey: twm ?08:49
b_or sudo something08:49
intelikeysudo apt-get update08:49
farousintelikey:  ah your window manager ok08:49
intelikeytwm = tiny window manager    the main stay for XFree back in the day.08:49
farousgive me a min to fix this stupid router08:50
intelikeyif you only had X you had twm  any other wm was optional08:50
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wiredanyone awake?08:50
wiredHey I need to get wine installed, and I seem to be having problems08:51
intelikeylet me guess you are wired ?08:51
wiredI've used adept to add in the repository, and it just cant seem to find it >_<08:51
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wiredYea, I'm very wired.08:51
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farous_was the router allright08:52
wiredI'm new at this, what do I do with that08:52
b_well it helped sorta, it still stuck on that one sever that gave me problems earlier08:53
intelikeysudo cp sources.list /etc/apt     but i don't think you got it....   better look first.08:53
intelikeyb_ which ?08:53
wiredstatus receiving. may be blocked, I'm on a network and I dont have access to ports08:53
farous_b_: it might be a bad mirror08:53
intelikeywired i can post it.08:54
b_even thouigh i have this problem with this one server im explained over and over08:54
b_i finally got the apt-get install nepenthes command to work08:54
b_of course with sudo in front08:54
intelikeyfarous i just did a full update on that sources.list08:54
farous_b_: can you post the error08:54
b_yeah if it would actually let me highlight the ip address08:55
farous_b_: can you post the error you read just copy and paste it08:56
b_yesss nepenthes finally installed but still not firefox08:56
farous_intelikey: might be a gpg warning08:56
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wiredI'm trying to get this computer setup to play wow -_-;;08:56
wolfmanzis there a problem with the repositories? i'm trying to get some stuff from adept and it can seem to download anything..08:57
b_it lets me highlight the error but after like a tenth of a second the highlight will dissapear on me08:57
farous_b_: ok08:57
farous_b_: try running apt-get update again and see if this fix it08:58
farous_sudo apt-get update08:58
wiredI cant send private messages to you Intel08:58
b_ii am rightnow, after i installed nepenthes it gave an error say duplicated source.list entry please run yada yada yada08:58
wiredbut when I type that command up is it supposed to open a program called Kate?08:58
intelikeywired yes i know.08:59
intelikeyyes it is.08:59
wiredand when I copy/paste what you sent me, is it all supposed to be on seperate lines? Or leave it how it pastes in08:59
intelikeykate is a text editor for the kde system08:59
b_sudo apt-get update right09:00
farous_b_: so you just have a duplicated line in your sources.list file which not a big prob09:00
intelikeyseperate lines.   the long breaks are new lines.   only four lines.09:00
b_eroor lol E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:00
b_its ok though i got what i wanted09:00
intelikeyb_ that means that adept is running09:00
farous_b_: if you have adept open or update notifier you get this err09:01
intelikeyor some package manager.   only one at a time.09:01
b_apperently is i have update noto in taskbar09:01
b_as i have***09:01
wiredhmm still cant find it09:01
intelikeyyou did the update ?09:02
intelikeyno errors ?09:02
wiredsudo apt-get update09:02
wirednone that I could see for the update09:02
wiredheres the command I used - adpt-get install wine09:02
intelikeyok and then you did what ?09:02
wiredI mistyped it here09:03
intelikeysudo apt-get install wine09:03
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wiredeading package lists... Done09:03
wiredBuilding dependency tree... Done09:03
intelikeyor use your adept now.  seeing you have the repos setup.09:03
wiredPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:03
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wiredThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:04
wiredis only available from another source09:04
wiredE: Package wine has no installation candidate09:04
wiredroot@Skullthrone:~# sudo apt-get install wine09:04
intelikeyno it's there.09:04
wiredReading package lists... Done09:04
wiredBuilding dependency tree... Done09:04
wiredPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:04
wiredThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:04
wiredis only available from another source09:04
wiredE: Package wine has no installation candidate09:04
wiredack sorry09:04
wirednot showing in adept either09:04
intelikeyyour sources.list did save in /etc/apt correct ?09:05
intelikeycat /etc/apt/sources.list  and see if it looks richt09:05
aliasfredhmmm from the help here, i could say that providing easier repository check/registration would be important09:05
aliasfreda lot of people spend time handling this sources.list09:05
intelikeyaliasfred there is a mirror down atm.09:06
aliasfredah ok, this clearly doesnt help09:06
aliasfredbut still, this repository stuff is not a new issue09:06
intelikeythe us.mirror is down and we are bypassing it.09:06
intelikeyand no its not.09:06
farous_now that is frustrating am trying to change to my reg nick but it say it is taken. by me as i was disconnected and reconnected again :(09:07
aliasfredthis explain why wiki.kubuntu.org is down too :)09:07
wiredhang on09:07
b_if i sudo apt-get install nepenthes where might i find it once installed09:07
intelikey/msg nickserv recover <nick> <passwd>09:07
=== farous_ is now known as farous
farousthanx intelikey09:08
intelikeyb_ /usr/bin/  most likely.09:08
wiredI cant tell if it looks right or not09:08
wiredhead hurts >_<09:08
intelikeyfour lines without # at the front of them ?09:08
farousb_: type which nepenthes09:09
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wiredwhere should they be at09:09
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wiredcus I have a huge list which isnt very clear09:09
farousb_: it should have entry in the menus too09:10
b_no there is none in the menu09:10
intelikeywired you edited the file ....    i sujested you clear it first, i have no idea what you have.    it should be four lines.  but can have lots of   # commentes in it.09:10
b_it is located in sbin under usr just seems non executable09:11
wiredah ok09:11
wiredsorry hang on let me repeat the instructions09:11
wiredhow do you clear the file?09:11
farousb_: what is this prog for09:11
intelikeysudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list    is the sure way.09:11
b_malware collection09:11
intelikeyfarous diging worms09:12
farousand you can use adept or type dpkg -L progname to see what files were installed or man progname09:12
b_whatever you wanna call them09:12
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intelikeywell i'm on call.   and that was a call.   gtg09:13
draikHello everyone09:13
draikI'm new to Linux... I'm using Kubuntu 6.0609:14
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faroushi draik09:14
draikIs there a recommended book/URL/etc for learning at least the basics of Linux and Kubuntu 6.06?09:15
draikHello farous09:15
farousdraik: help.ubuntu.com09:15
draikthank you farous09:15
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draikI had one issue a few days ago...09:16
draikI was playing with various Splash Screens from KDE-look.org09:17
wiredgah still wont find it09:17
draikI was using a few of them to figure out which would work...09:17
draikThe error I was getting was...09:17
draik"No background. Try to put a Background.jpg in the theme folder"09:18
draikAny clues???09:18
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confusedhow do I get the g1+g2 networks to connect in shareaza with wine?09:18
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wiredhmm  ok I got those in as repositories09:21
wiredstill wont find it!09:21
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wiredlemme start over09:25
wiredI'm trying to download wine, and it doesnt seem to want to let me find it o.o09:26
abattoirwired: through adept?09:26
wiredAbattoir: yea. I added on the repository from the winehq website and it refuses to look it up09:26
wolfmanzi think they are having issues with the repositories when using adept09:26
wolfmanzi have the same issues here09:27
abattoirlast i heard ubuntu us reps were down.... but later it was said that the issue was resolved09:27
abattoirbut he seems to have a winehq rep, not an ubuntu one09:27
abattoirwired: have you tried pinging the repo?09:28
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wolfmanzi still cant download things from adept09:28
abattoirwolfmanz: us?09:28
abattoirwolfmanz: you can change from the us mirror to something else...09:28
wolfmanzi'm getting waitting for headers and nothing shows up09:28
wiredhavnt tried that yet09:29
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abattoirwolfmanz: have you tried changing the mirror?09:30
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wolfmanzno i was just gonna leave it it will be fixed by the time i wake up lol09:30
wiredlet me make sure the context is right09:30
wiredping http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt  ?09:30
wiredor is it different09:30
abattoiri get unknown host09:31
wiredso do I09:31
wiredso theirs is down too? o.o09:31
abattoirso try a different mirror09:31
cpk2just delete us. from any entry in sources.list09:32
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wiredhang on09:32
abattoirwired: any other mirror is listed?09:32
wiredthey dont list ad iff mirror on their website09:32
wiredI found it on sourceforge09:32
wiredgimme a sec09:32
abattoirwired: you want a later version than what comes w/ dapper?09:33
wiredapparently it doesnt like amd64 -_-09:34
wiredwhich is the version I'm using09:34
abattoirwired: heh, wine is 32-bit windows apps.... :P09:34
wiredyea -_-09:34
abattoiryou can run it under a chroot though09:34
wiredwell I'm going to work on this later09:35
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wiredmy head is about to splode09:35
wiredfrom something else earlier today09:35
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wiredthanks for the help09:35
abattoirheh, ok09:35
abattoirwired: take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575&highlight=32+bit+chroot later09:36
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^^FLAViO^^hi to all10:03
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Loki1989has anyone tried using the easy ubuntu yet10:22
londondavewhats easy ubuntu?10:23
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Loki1989I am trying to get it up no but it stops at get 6 or seven and doesnt update everything because of a time out10:24
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Jack12got someone a sony ericsson mobile and dapper to get synchronized?10:24
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Jack12experience with that?10:25
Jack12eg the sony musicplayer mobile or the k800i10:25
Loki1989i have yet to figure out how to get amarok to play mp3's10:26
admiral_proFTW!restricted formats10:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:26
admiral_proFTWLoki1989, check that out10:26
Loki1989i am10:27
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Loki1989my connections time out on easy update10:27
Loki1989easy ubuntu10:28
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admiral_proFTWLoki1989, kubuntu-dapper?10:29
Loki1989yeah brand new10:29
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Loki1989installed today10:30
londondaveLoki1989: you need the codecs for mp310:30
admiral_proFTWsudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs10:30
Loki1989yeah i have been trying for a while10:30
admiral_proFTWi think is the command10:30
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admiral_proFTWtime out?10:30
admiral_proFTWas in, at that step, do you time out10:30
Loki1989that command doesnt work10:30
admiral_proFTWLoki1989, also check this out10:31
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.10:31
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admiral_proFTWautomatix is great10:31
cpk2changing someones password in system settings > users and groups doesnt seem to work?10:31
Loki1989what is that ??10:31
londondaveLoki1989: you need to set the repositories that have the package10:31
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:31
admiral_proFTWcheck out the repositories part10:32
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admiral_proFTWyou'll want to add the universe and multiverse10:33
admiral_proFTWand that should give you about 18K packages10:33
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:34
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Redei updated my kernel via adept, but when i boot using it it hangs when KDE usually loads and shows me the black kubuntu screen. i've just been manually choosing the older one to use my desktop but i was wondering if someone knows what I can do to fix it.10:35
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admiral_proFTWLoki1989, in a konsole type "sudo gedit /etc/apt/souces.list10:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:39
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admiral_proFTWLoki1989, got that last part?10:41
Loki1989working on getting automatix10:42
=== aegeanlinux is BRB - If you __need__ me type aegeanlinux and I will come to your aid
admiral_proFTWah okay10:42
Loki1989its installing10:42
admiral_proFTWafter it installs, let me know10:43
admiral_proFTWdon't run it yet10:43
Loki1989i will10:43
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Loki1989this take a while10:46
admiral_proFTWyea it does10:47
=== I is back.
=== I is now known as aegeanlinux
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Loki1989it's done10:54
admiral_proFTWsudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list10:54
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admiral_proFTWin a konsole10:54
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Loki1989what am I looking for10:55
Loki1989or doing10:55
Loki1989 i did that10:55
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admiral_proFTWreplace that10:57
admiral_proFTWwith http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1867510:57
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Loki1989ok was it supposed to create a word file10:58
admiral_proFTWits supposed to be saved as your sources.list10:59
Loki1989well it opened in kate11:00
Loki1989i am suppoed to copy wich part11:01
stanksi have a problem recording audio with xdtv11:01
stanksmovie is ok but i don't have audio11:01
stanksany idea11:02
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stanksi try every input, capture but no audio11:02
thygrrrHi, what might have caused it that my sources.list was populated with australian servers by default?!11:02
Loki1989hey admiral i pasted it over now what11:03
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:05
=== sam__ is now known as Ameurux
ubotuI know nothing about sata - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:05
ubotuI know nothing about santa - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:05
ubotuI know nothing about porn - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:05
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux11:05
=== andre^off is now known as andred
ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded". To see more details on the relationship, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship11:06
DatabaseOK, can I ask a (seemingly common) question, please?11:06
aegeanlinux!the naked woman lying naked near the beach three meters away from my house who are just **such HOTTIES!**11:06
ubotuI know nothing about the naked woman lying naked near the beach three meters away from my house who are just **such HOTTIES!** - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:06
ubotuI know nothing about myself - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:06
aegeanlinux!you. Apart that your crazy!11:07
ubotuI know nothing about you. Apart that your crazy! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:07
ubotuI know nothing about anything - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:07
Database!the strange people that ask my questions. Now, listen to Database.11:07
ubotuI know nothing about the strange people that ask my questions. Now, listen to Database. - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:07
ubotuI know nothing about n00bs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:07
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ubotuI know nothing about aztun - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:07
aegeanlinuxaztun: G'day, seems like you have a clean record :P (jokes)11:08
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ubotuI know nothing about flaccid - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:08
thygrrrWhat might have caused it that my sources.list was populated with australian servers by default?! I'm pretty sure I chose english/german as the default language and locale.11:08
flaccid_!how flaccid, flaccid can get...11:09
ubotuI know nothing about how flaccid, flaccid can get... - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:09
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thygrrrOk, it's English (Australia). I stink.11:09
aegeanlinux!the robber that broke in last week. Don't search me. No not there!11:09
ubotuI know nothing about the robber that broke in last week. Don't search me. No not there! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:09
DatabaseI have a 120gb SATA drive with WinDoze XP and Kubuntu Linux (Dapper). After manually jacking GRUB off my BOOT.INI (Kubuntu-install didn't install it.), I get a "Disk Read Error" and some floppy drive noise after attempting to boot. I've checked everything out and it sees the partition correctly.11:09
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ubotuI know nothing about cheese - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:13
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:13
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FjodorHi. Does anyone have amd64 or source debs for kopete-0.12.1?11:15
DatabaseUhhhh...check the repositories?11:15
=== Database = n00b.
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FjodorDatabase: Highest is 0.11.something. Found 0.12.0 debs, but it has issues with ICQ which are fixed in 0.12.111:16
DatabaseFair enough :)11:16
FjodorDatabase: But thanks11:16
DatabaseYou're very welcome.11:17
DatabaseI try to help.11:17
FjodorDatabase: Nice of you11:17
DatabaseAlso, have you seen a Hobbsee anywhere?11:17
FjodorNo, sorry11:17
DatabaseShe's my friend from Oz, and she's a Kubuntu dev :P11:17
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flaccid__thats sick11:19
flaccid__can i have her phone number11:19
flaccid__a chick in australia that can do IT, amazing11:20
Jack12i have too email adresses in kmail, one works the other keeps telling me that:11:20
Jack12Sending failed:11:20
Jack12The server did not accept the sender address11:20
ralfhi, if I'm trying to install packages with KPackage (klick on install), it just keeps me asking about the root pw11:20
Jack12he server responded: "5.7.0 {mp004} Sender address does not belong to logged in user"11:20
Jack12The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder until you either fix the problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox' folder.11:20
Jack12The following transport protocol was used:11:20
flaccid__Jack12: is the dest. address hotmail?11:20
Jack12then there is the other email address..so it uses for some reason the wrong to send it11:21
Jack12no <flaccid__>  gmx11:21
flaccid__ah it uses the wrong account to send?11:21
Databaseflaccid: No, you may not have her number,a s I don't know it and I think she's taken anyhow.11:21
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Jack12i have too the first works fine, but it tries to use for the second the same transport protocol as for the first one and then it doesnt send11:22
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Jack12flaccid__> i cannot understand why11:22
Jack12and how to set it up right flaccid__>11:22
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flaccid__Database: yeah sorry br0, was a joke11:26
DatabaseI know :)11:26
flaccid__i don't think i can help sorry Jack11:27
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Jack12The server responded: "5.7.0 {mp017} Sender address does not belong to logged in user"11:31
Jack12The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder until you either fix the problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox' folder.11:31
Jack12The following transport protocol was used:11:31
Jack12can someone help11:31
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ravelmy Kubuntu 6.06 (upgraded from 5.10) is very unstable, should i reinstall everything?11:43
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rraphinkravel: install 6.0611:44
rraphinkso you use this opportunity to upgrade11:45
pradeeptohi all11:45
rraphinkhi pradeepto11:45
pradeeptoCan anybody please help me understand why dist-upgrading would downgrade the kernel?11:45
pradeeptohey rraphink :)11:46
rraphinkdowngrade the kernel?11:46
pradeeptoyup, sec11:46
pradeeptorraphink: I am running 6.06 on this box.11:46
pradeeptoyesterday I did a dist-upgrade.11:47
pradeeptorraphink: the kernel version is/was11:47
pradeeptopradeepto@shyamoli:~$ uname -r11:47
pradeeptorraphink: now after I did the upgrade11:47
pradeeptopradeepto@shyamoli:~$ apt-cache policy linux-image-38611:47
pradeepto  Installed:
pradeepto  Candidate:
pradeepto  Version table:11:48
pradeepto *** 011:48
pradeepto        500 http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main Packages11:48
pradeepto        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status11:48
pradeepto 011:48
pradeepto        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages11:48
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rraphinkpradeepto: is NEWER than 2.6.15-25 ;)11:49
rraphinkunless you type wrong11:49
pradeeptorraphink: the logs and archives (in /var) tell me that .26 or somethine was downloaded11:49
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone11:49
rraphinkhi MilhousePunkRock && slow-motion11:49
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slow-motionhi rraphink11:49
pradeeptorraphink: how come?11:49
raphinkpradeepto: "." != "-"11:49
piotrekhi, how can i play mp3 and divx movies under kubuntu?11:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:50
piotreki was searching in the google, and i have do a lot of things but i still have problems11:50
pradeeptopiotrek: ^^^^11:50
raphinkpradeepto: "." is used within a version definition (upstream, revision, etc.) whereas "-" is used to separate upstream version from debian revision11:50
MilhousePunkRockWhen I suspend my Laptop to RAM and wake it up again, the TrackPoint ( = mouse) does not work anymore11:50
raphinkpradeepto: so that is an upstream verison whereas 2.6.15-25 is the 25th debian revision of version 2.6.1511:50
pradeeptoraphink: oh, so this was stupidest question ever :P11:51
raphinkso unless you typed it wrong, is newer than 2.6.15-2511:51
ravelrraphink, so you think that reinstalling 6.06 will fix problems? that's like Windows...11:51
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raphinkravel: no I don't say that11:51
raphinkravel: but if you're considering reinstall, then install 6.06 instead of 5.10 :p11:51
raphinkor just upgrade11:51
pradeeptoraphink: nope I didnot type wrong, I copy pasted that from my console.11:51
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raphinkpradeepto: why then you h ave your answer11:52
raphinkpradeepto: a way to know it is to use dpkg --compare-versions11:52
pradeeptohmmm thanks :)11:53
raphinkdpkg --compare versions 2.6.15-25 lt && echo "y" || echo "n"11:53
raphinkwill say "y" if -25 is under .2411:53
raphinkand "n" otherwise11:53
raphinkdpkg --compare-versions 2.6.15-25 lt && echo "y" || echo "n"11:53
MilhousePunkRockAny Kubuntuusers on a laptop here with working power management?11:53
pradeeptoraphink: yup got that :)11:54
raphinkMilhousePunkRock: well many people use laptops, so it depends what laptop you have11:54
pradeeptoraphink: I got a 'y' .11:54
MilhousePunkRockIBM ThinkPad T2311:54
pradeeptoMilhousePunkRock: I am on TP 4211:54
MilhousePunkRockIs the power management working for you?11:55
pradeeptoraphink: yup11:55
pradeeptoMilhousePunkRock: yup its working for my.11:55
pradeeptome even11:55
piotrekpradeepto: "Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package."11:55
piotrekpradeepto: i was trying to install mp3 support11:56
pradeeptopiotrek: so install the other package. :)11:56
pradeeptoraphink: ping11:56
piotrekwhat other?11:56
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raphinkpradeepto: wait11:57
raphinkpradeepto: so you got your answer11:57
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pradeeptoraphink: yes, I re-read what you said. Thanks.11:58
MilhousePunkRockSuspending and waking up works, even the WLAN connects again, but the cursor is frozen11:58
MilhousePunkRockpradeepto ^^11:58
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Shannon1hi everyone11:59
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pradeeptoMilhousePunkRock: what do you do "suspend" to ram or to disk?11:59
MilhousePunkRockI've been told, it's a known X problem12:00
MilhousePunkRockTo RAM, pradeepto12:00
pradeeptoShannon1: hi12:00
Shannon1can anyon ehelp me with an adept problem,, it doesnt want to update, always waiting for headers,, can an install get broken and how can I fix it ,,12:00
MilhousePunkRockTo Disk seems to work, but than it shuts down and I wouldnt know how to revive it...12:00
pradeeptoMilhousePunkRock: ummm I wonder why? it works at my end almost perfectly.12:00
ravelraphink, of course I would install 6.06, I am not planning on downgrading anything12:00
Shannon1hi pradeepto12:00
raphinkravel: oh I say that because you said you had 5.10 ;)12:01
MilhousePunkRockI googled for that, everything I found for a T23 was "ACPI does not work"12:01
MilhousePunkRockIs there a command for X that reloads the modules, like "ifdown ath0 && ifup ath0" for the WLAN?12:01
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MilhousePunkRockBecaus the machine itself it responsive after waking up, I can restart X with Ctrl-Backspace and the mouse it alive again12:03
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MilhousePunkRockpradeepto: Which ACPI application do you use? KBattery? KPowersave?12:03
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pradeeptoMilhousePunkRock: whatever comes with Settings module in Kubuntu :)12:04
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pradeeptoMilhousePunkRock: I don't experiment much at all with my boxes.12:04
MilhousePunkRockMaybe I need to roll back to that... I installed KPowersave but now there are no settings for Laptop & Battery anymore...12:04
pradeeptothat's what I use on my box. Used it even on Breezy.12:05
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MilhousePunkRockAt first I was mistaking Standby and Suspend... I thought Standby was what I wanted, but in fact it's Suspend to RAM12:06
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ravelraphink, no I didn't... I said I had upgraded from 5.1012:08
ravelgenerally, is reinstalling a good idea? I haven't consciously messed anything up, but the unstability of many programs is alarming12:09
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vassilisI "accidentally" tried to upgrade to kde 3.5.3 through adept in kde and now apt-get is locked12:11
vassilis(and of course kde wasn't updated)12:11
vassiliscan anyone help me?12:11
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thygrrrplease point me in the right direction how to format an external usb drive in kubuntu... there was a nice gui based way in ubuntu, I can't find the analog in kubuntu :(12:13
thygrrr!format drive12:14
ubotuI know nothing about format drive - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:14
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BigAlis anyone up for a challenge? :)12:15
vassilisat least tell me how to kill aptitude12:15
vassilis(or shouldn't I?)12:16
=== BigAl does realise it's a Sunday morning......
Tm_TBigAl: it depends what kind of challence12:16
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BigAlOk, i'll give some detail on what's happened:12:16
BigAlI installed an NX server as per this guide: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204976&highlight=nxserver (see second thread)12:17
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BigAlOnce the server was setup, I tried the client on the same machine12:18
BigAland logged into a second session12:18
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aegeanlinuxbrb all - taking network cable out ~ 10 mins12:18
BigAleverything was going fine until I made the client run at fullscreen by accident12:18
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BigAli was trying to minimise the client to close it, but i couldn't, so I tried to log off (the client)12:19
BigAlthen my machine crashed12:19
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BigAlI tried to reboot, but it froze during startup12:19
Tm_TBigAl: crash is always fun :)12:20
ravel...because I don't want to reinstall for nothing12:20
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BigAlie on the boot screen when kubuntu initiates hardware etc12:20
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Tm_TBigAl: ok, so, something got messed up in your system, what's last lines before freeze?12:20
BigAlanyhoo, kubuntu doesn't crash when it's starting, ti just stops booting12:20
BigAllast line is:12:21
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Tm_Tstarting services?12:21
BigAlrunning local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) OK12:21
BigAlthen nothing12:21
Tm_Tsmells like nxserver freezes12:21
BigAli restarted in safe mode or whatever it is called, ran 'startx' and logged on as root12:22
BigAluninstalled nxserver, client and node12:22
Tm_Tnever log in to X as root12:22
BigAloh, sorry.....12:22
BigAli just did it to unintsall12:22
Tm_Tyou can uninstall from cli12:22
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BigAli was panicing12:22
Tm_Tyes, or aptitude or whatever you prefer12:22
Tm_TBigAl: no harm done I believe12:23
Tm_Tbut it's bad habit ;)12:23
Lynourehi ravel12:23
BigAlanyway, after having removed the apps i tried to log on again as usual12:23
BigAli don't normally run as root lol12:23
Tm_Tgood :)12:24
BigAlanyway, it didn't make a difference12:24
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Lynoureravel: What do you mean by unstable? It actually crashes? Have you examined the logs? Found any patterns to it?12:24
BigAlit still stops on boot12:24
carlosmirashello people, i need some help12:24
carlosmirascan anyone help me?12:24
BigAland i'm kinda out of ideas...... i assume that nxsrver has screwed up some startup script or something12:24
Tm_TBigAl: hmh, there's some logs I believe, though not sure if those get overwritten in reboot12:24
Tm_TBigAl: I'm guessing exactly the same12:25
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:25
BigAli have ideas, but i'm a n00b and don't know how to implement them :)12:25
carlosmirasi have kubuntu in my system and i am very new on it... i need to write in arabic but i cannot set it up12:25
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ravellynoure, actually, the system itself is (very) stable but I am annoyed by KDE/kubuntu components crashing quite often - knotify, konqueror, kicker and so on, I can't see any pattern12:26
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE12:26
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BigAlso... if i managed to get some log files from start up, do you think that would point us in the right direction?12:27
Lynoureravel: try backing up your .kde , removing the old one and seeing if that helps.12:27
Tm_TBigAl: maybe, atleast it might tell exactly the last thing it does right12:28
ubotuI know nothing about ACPI - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:28
BigAlif we then knew the sequence we could work out what was hanging up12:28
ravellynoure, practically renaming it? :-)12:29
Lynoureravel: yes :)12:30
ravelI  can try... I also had difficulty with fglrx but I noticed some instructions at wiki12:30
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BigAlTim_T - I'm on my XP installation atm..... I'm gonna log into kubuntu and look for the dmesg log file12:33
BigAlI think that this is the right one12:33
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BigAlTn_T :)12:35
BigAlTm_T :)12:35
BigAlcan't type today12:35
Tm_TBigAl: tabfilling <312:35
BigAlin win?12:35
Tm_Twhy not12:35
Tm_Tit depends what app you use12:35
BigAlxchat atm12:36
Tm_TI run same client in windows and linux12:36
Tm_Tactually everywhere12:36
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thygrrrXchat has it :)12:36
BigAlwhat do you think about my log file suggestion?12:36
Tm_TBigAl: maybe12:36
Lynoureravel: cannot help you that much with that one. I use the open source ati drivers myself...12:37
BigAlare there any others you think i should get when i boot to kubuntu?12:37
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Tm_TBigAl: /var/log/ has some logs12:39
BigAlok then... i'll copy everything from there over to fat and come back here?12:40
Tm_Tcopy everything that looks interesting12:40
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Tm_Tanyway, I'm off ->12:41
BigAlthanks for your help12:41
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danzelI'm on kubuntu dapper, kde 3.5.2. I've installed kdeaddons and such. When I right click on a zip file I get the option "Extract -> Extract Here...", but when I right click on a rar file I do not get these options.12:48
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danzelAny ideas how to get an Extract option when I right click a rar file?12:48
dodgerdo you have unrar-free installed?12:49
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danzelIf I open rar archives in ark I can extract them fine12:50
dodgerok well there goes my wild guess ;)12:50
dodgersorry - don't know then :/12:50
danzelBut I don't get a straight Extract option when I right click em ;)12:50
danzelthanks anyway :)12:50
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ravellynoure, the problem is that kde & especially all videos are _very_ slow with ati drivers12:50
danzelI get a "Open with ark" option, but no "Extract"12:51
dodgerhi SoLo1812:51
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SoLo18who would be nice to help me  with something plsss?12:51
dodgeranyone who can, i imagine ;)12:51
zsuzsimy wlanassistant crashed, it says its a bug - where can i talk about it?12:52
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dodgerzsuzsi: no idea - it's worked fine for me so far12:53
SoLo18....i installed ircu2.10.12.07 and when i  installed automaticly has started...i didn`t have the time to configure...12:53
SoLo18i configured while was running12:54
SoLo18but the changes did not take effect12:54
zsuzsiwell, i disconnected from a wireless network using it and it just crashed. i got this bug popup with a lot of "backtrace" messages.12:54
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SoLo18i didn`t know how to restart it so...12:55
SoLo18i rastarted my pc12:55
dodgersorry - don't know....  i'm pretty new to kubuntu myself12:55
SoLo18but now i don`t know to start ircu12:55
dodgerhave you tried just starting it from the shell?12:56
zsuzsisolo, there must be some "ircu start" command, i think... but thats just a guess12:56
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SoLo18i don`t know the command12:56
SoLo18that`s the problem12:56
dodgerSoLo18: try opening konsole and then12:57
dodgersudo updatedb12:57
dodgerand then12:57
dodgerlocate ircu12:57
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dodgerit'll show you where it can find files with that name12:57
dodgerupdatedb can take a minute, so don't freak out ;)12:58
rraphinkfind, whereis and which are also options12:58
SoLo18how cvan i locate ircu?12:58
rraphinkwhereis and which can be used to find the path to executables in the path12:58
rraphinkand find can be used to search aswell, giving special search criterias12:59
rraphinkfor a daemon e.g. can be usefel to run a `find /etc -name ircu`12:59
rraphinkas it's likely to be in /etc/init.d01:00
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rraphinkSoLo18: otherwise you can do as dodger said01:00
rraphinkor even easier01:00
rraphinksudo updatedb01:00
rraphinkthat will update the db of files01:00
rraphinkthen open konqueror and type "ircu" in the address bar01:00
rraphinkand enjoy :)01:01
Tm_Trraphink: hey you!01:01
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rraphinkTm_T: hey you too:p01:02
rraphinkhow are you?01:02
rraphinkhi BigAl01:02
=== BigAl waves
Tm_Trraphink: in vacation ;)01:02
Tm_Trraphink: you are using edgy?01:02
rraphinkTm_T: where?01:02
Lynoureravel: hmm, never noticed that. But I was born lucky01:03
rraphinkTm_T: not right now01:03
Tm_Trraphink: home01:03
rraphinkexcept on my server01:03
Tm_Traphink: xorg transition gone or incoming?01:03
raphinkno idea01:03
raphinkI'm not on xorg stuff lately01:03
raphinkor at all ;)01:03
SoLo18i am interesd to find the ircd executable file only01:03
Tm_Thmm, ok01:03
raphinkSoLo18: try which or whereis01:03
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Tm_TI'm between upgrading to edgy and building kdelibs etc in windows01:04
Tm_Tbut what should I choose :p01:04
raphinkyou should choose to removee windows01:04
SoLo18what knind of  files are exec in knubuntu (wath extension)01:04
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raphinkand not get too much open source stuff to windows01:04
raphinkthis is killing open-source :(-01:04
raphinkwhen people spend more time developping firefox for windows than linux01:04
Tm_TI will try to get KOffice run in windows01:04
raphinkSoLo18: no extension in particular01:05
dodgerSoLo18: there's not necessarily an extension for executables01:05
raphinkjust +x rights01:05
Tm_Traphink: I'm not developing, just fooling around ;-P01:05
raphinklike 777 or 755 for example01:05
danzelbah, dodger - you were exactly right, lmao01:05
danzelI had 'rar' installed, but not 'unrar' or 'unrar-free'01:05
danzelI installed unrar and now it goes :) thanks01:05
dodgerah... cool :) yw01:05
raphinkSoLo18: find should be able to find executable files01:05
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ravellynoure, the default ati driver doesn't seem to be able to use DGA or whatever the tech is called01:06
MilhousePunkRockDoes someone know a way to re-activate the mouse in X after Suspend to RAM?01:06
couquinouxbonjour bonjour01:06
raphinkSoLo18: another option is to check the files installed by the package with dpkg -L01:07
MilhousePunkRockLike reloading the drivers or something?01:07
raphinkcouquinoux: ce n'est pas un chan francophone ici01:07
raphinkcouquinoux: va sur #kubuntu-fr pour parler en fr01:07
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BigAlyou still here?01:09
Tm_Tslightly yes01:09
BigAli think i found somerthing in the logs01:09
BigAlJul 22 18:15:52 desktop kdm[5102] : X server "/usr/bin/Xorg-air" cannot be executed01:09
BigAlJul 22 18:15:52 desktop kdm[5083] : X server for display :0 can't be started, session disabled01:09
Tm_Txorg-air ?01:09
BigAleverything looks ok until then in the sys logs01:09
BigAlno idea what that is tbh01:10
Tm_TBigAl: ok, and does it continue after that?01:10
BigAlJul 22 18:16:31 desktop shutdown[5175] : shutting down for system reboot01:10
BigAlJul 22 18:16:31 desktop init: Switching to runlevel: 601:10
BigAlJul 22 18:16:35 desktop kernel: [4294753.938000]  apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16ac)01:10
BigAlJul 22 18:16:35 desktop kernel: [4294753.938000]  apm: disabled on user request.01:10
BigAlJul 22 18:16:35 desktop mysqld[4446] : 060722 18:16:35 [Note]  /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown01:10
BigAlit's shutting down01:10
BigAli hit control-alt-del after it froze01:10
BigAland the system rebooted01:10
MilhousePunkRockBigAl: Use the pastebin rather than flooding the channel like that01:11
Lynoureravel: What uses that tech? / What does it do? I tried googling, but just got instructions to disable it01:11
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Tm_TBigAl: hey, when it "freeze", have you tried alt+f2 for example?01:12
BigAli didn't, no.... what does that do?01:12
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BigAl(n00b here....)01:13
Tm_Tthat moves you to tty number 201:13
BigAlyou think that might help01:13
=== BigAl googles tty
Tm_TBigAl: terminal in short01:14
Tm_TBigAl: 1-6 are free to use, 7 is X and 8 is boot/shutdown splash(?)01:14
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BigAli'll give that a go then, and try a start x01:15
mendredhi all..can someone tell me where i can download kaffeine 0.8.1 packages01:15
mendredhey tm_T01:15
Tm_Tkaffeine? hmm, I use kmplayer ;)01:16
BigAlthanks again01:16
Tm_TBigAl: np01:16
ravellynoure, at least with fglrx drivers videos play OK, without it they do not01:16
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ravelthey skip frames all the time01:16
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Lynoureravel: are you generalising or talking about your own system?01:17
Lynoureravel: Because, like I said, haven't had problems but it can have a lot to do about which exact display card one has. X600 here.01:18
dodgerspeaking of kmplayer01:18
dodgeris there a repository with mplayer for dapper?01:19
dodgeri haven't been able to find it... and yes, i could build from source... but i thought i'd ask ;)01:19
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Tm_Tdodger: hmm01:19
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer01:19
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.01:19
h3sp4wndodger: The ffmpeg that dapper provides is pretty crippled01:20
danzeldodger: yeah, grab easy ubuntu and let that install it for you01:20
danzelthe repos is: deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free01:21
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danzelhas a better ffmpeg etc etc too01:21
Tm_THobbsee: o/ o/01:21
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Hobbseehi Tm_T01:21
MilhousePunkRockDoes someone know a way to re-activate the mouse in X after Suspend to RAM?01:21
dodgerah.... thanks :)01:22
Tm_THobbsee: how are you?01:22
HobbseeTm_T: i'm okay, how much do you know about SATA drives?01:23
Tm_THobbsee: I never owned one, that I know :p01:23
Tm_THobbsee: one for exchange, any idea hows xorg transition in edgy?01:24
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:24
MilhousePunkRockAn IRC related question: How can I determine if there are channels, specific for ACPI or Xorg?01:24
HobbseeTm_T: mesa is borked, everything else is working okay for me01:24
Tm_THobbsee: hum, so it's already happened or incoming?01:25
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HobbseeTm_T: we got debian's Xorg, all that got transitioned, and i think we might get 7.101:25
Tm_Thmm, maybe I upgrade after this week01:25
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ravellynoure, I have been said that it is because of those... funny that it doesn't work by default01:28
FjodorHi. Does anyone have amd64 or source debs for kopete-0.12.1? Highest I could find is 0.12.0, and it has trouble with ICQ01:29
Lynoureravel: I guess it's hard to make things so that they work automatically by default for all.01:29
Tm_TFjodor: hmm, no idea, but you can compile from tarball, no?01:29
MilhousePunkRockThe trouble with ICQ might be caused _by_ ICQ, Fjodor... Heard that Miranda users have issues lately too01:30
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FjodorMilhousePunkRock: Yes, they switched to a new protocol version. Support for it is in 0.12.101:30
MilhousePunkRockAh, ok...01:30
Tm_Troot__: you should NOT irc as root01:30
FjodorTm_T: I could, but then I would need to do a checkinstall01:30
Tm_TFjodor: nah01:30
FjodorTm_T: I would prefer a debianized source package at least01:31
Tm_Tsure, but I don't know any01:31
Tm_TFjodor: maybe in edgy repos01:31
FjodorTm_T: Fair enough. Thanks for the suggestion at any rate. Edgy is pretty far behind on kopete01:31
=== Tm_T compiles from svn avery time there's something to compile ;)
HobbseeFjodor: how far is it behind?01:32
HobbseeFjodor: 0.12.1 is going in.01:32
Tm_THobbsee: I thought it's in already01:32
HobbseeFjodor: sure, source is on revu.tauware.de01:32
FjodorHobbsee: Cool. Thanks01:32
HobbseeTm_T: it's not, we're waiting on mdz to approve the UVF exception01:32
Tm_Taah yes!01:33
Tm_TI'm just old blind dumb monkey01:33
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HobbseeTm_T: 0.12.0-0ubuntu2 is in repos, atm, i believe - which has the desktop fix, and the icq too old fix.01:35
FjodorGotta go again. Thanks all01:35
Tm_TBigAl: luck?01:35
BigAlnah.... the alt+F2 didn't do anything01:36
Tm_Tok, then it's stuck01:36
FjodorEspecially Hobbsee :-)01:36
BigAli check the latest log file after the alt-F2 attempt and it was the same as the last time01:36
HobbseeFjodor: :)01:36
Tm_TBigAl: nah, xorg/kdm should not cause greeze, there's something else01:37
BigAlx-server "/usr/bin/Xorg-air" cannot be executed01:37
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Tm_Tfreeze even01:37
ccpasteurhi everybody01:37
Tm_Tagh, too much typos, building kdelibs to windows ->01:37
ccpasteuri'm currently a debian sid user and I'd like to know the pro/cons to use kubuntu instead of sid01:37
h3sp4wnccpasteur: dapper is alot slower and the system feels alot less responsive01:38
BigAli was really hoping that the log files would give me a clue, but it seems they only point to the problem01:38
BigAlnot the route cause01:38
ccpasteurh3sp4wn: so you think I should keep  using debian unstable?01:39
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danzeldapper is slower than sid? I wouldn't think there would be much of a notable difference01:39
h3sp4wnccpasteur: Depends what you want - If you want current programs you may end up just having to backport from it all the time anyway01:39
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ccpasteurh3sp4wn: ok thx for your help01:40
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h3sp4wndanzel: I think all the backporting of drivers without the performance improvements makes dapper run dog slow (imo) - edgy for the time being at least is running pretty quickly for me01:42
danzelh3sp4wn: ah k, true01:42
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Lynoureccpasteur: I have been having kubuntu on my laptop after having sid on my desktop for quite a while and I'm still undecided01:43
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ccpasteurLynoure: ok, thx for giving your opinion01:44
Lynoureccpasteur: kubuntu is easier to install and works more likely straight out of the box, has lots of gui things for administration, and those seem to work. Less software to select from and installs a lot of things you might or might not need01:45
Lynoureccpasteur: I'm a command line person, it seems, so the gui things are not that important to me.01:45
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ccpasteurand it's nice to see that the people on #kubuntu channel are unbiased01:47
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markc_anyone any idea where desktop icon postions are stored ?01:48
BigAli think....01:49
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BigAloh... the positions?01:50
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markc_the folder icon is stored in folder/.directory but I'm not sure where the desktop position is stored01:51
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markc_heh, ~/.kde/share/apps/kdesktop/IconPositions01:52
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BigAlcan't believe i'm considering a reinstall....01:54
Lynoureccpasteur: I don't know how edgy is now. Trying that might be interesting for you.01:55
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markc_Lynoure: I did a debootstrap edgy last night and could not be happier... I think it's more stable than upgrading from dapper01:56
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Lynouremarkc_: :)01:56
markc_Lynoure: I jumped ship to gentoo then archlinux looking for something more current.. I just happen to try a debootstrap from within gentoo just for the hell of it... and it went really smoothly01:57
qwerty2khey, kubuntu has stopped auto mounting my usb devices, anyone tell me how i can get it to auto mount them again??01:57
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charlie5hi ... my system froze the yesterday, so that the only way to restart was to hit the hard reset button ... is that likely a bad RAM problem ?02:02
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markc_hmm, maybe I am trying to reinvent some wheel... is there any tool that will take some kind of snapshot of a users KDE settings, stored them somehow, and allow for a reinstall later, or to clone those settings on another install ?02:02
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charlie5markc_: i'm no expert, but maybe copying .kde dir in ~ dir might work ? (or maybe not)02:03
qwerty2khey, kubuntu has stopped auto mounting my usb devices, anyone tell me how i can get it to auto mount them again??02:05
markc_charlie5: yeah, that is one possibiltiy, I've got a script that does that and ftps a tarball up onto a server, then retrives it later if needed... it can get quite large and it gets fairly complex to know what to strip our... lately I've been thinking more of a bash script that recreates the settings... perhaps02:05
markc_I've got it down to about 15 minutes to cusomize a fresh KDE install... I keep repeating the same procedure, so automating it seems really obvious... and better still, if I could generalize the procedure then maybe others could do it too... assuming no such tool currently exists02:07
zeusre. kubuntu.org online? i cant connect to server =\02:08
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markc_doh, of course, mv .kde .kde_ok, do a fresh install and diff -u the two dirs02:09
dodgerzeus: ubuntuforums.org seems down too02:09
MukiEXAre there other kubuntu archive mirrors?02:09
MukiEX!ubuntu archive02:09
ubotuI know nothing about ubuntu archive - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:09
MukiEX!apt mirror02:09
ubotuI know nothing about apt mirror - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:09
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:09
zsuzsihey guys i have identified with a problem on my gnome install! it's this thing:  http://www.ubuntux.org/dapper-gnome-error02:10
zsuzsibut i dont understand what is meant by "Flushed the settings cache"02:10
DoctorMOdoes anyone know about how to fix alsa sound for sound input from usb devices?02:10
zsuzsican someone help me?02:11
charlie5markc_: sounds like you jave a decent handle on the prob ... godd luck :)02:11
charlie5<good luck>02:11
zsuzsihmm i'm called away from the comp for now... i'll be back later...02:12
MukiEXfoobar, where are the ubuntu mirrors?02:13
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markc_wow, a fresh .kde is 500k and my customized version is 2.6mb, after 24 hours (might have some stored mail, bookmarks etc)02:16
MukiEXapt doesn't work... =(02:17
MukiEXAck, wrong channel.02:17
DoctorMOMukiEX:  :-(02:17
markc_au.archive.ubuntu.com works, if you are desperate02:18
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markc_hmm, would it be too crazy to keep an online copy of a users ~/.kde folder in subversion ?02:23
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markc_hmm2, not so crazy, a svn commit would only upload the difference which is the main thing I'm after... some kind of incremental upload system02:25
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bruno_pekny den, konecne sa moyem aj ja pochvalit, MAM kubuntu v pc a ide aj net02:36
bruno_ale mam problem s grafanou :-((((02:36
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aegeanlinuxFirefox is out!02:47
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alexmax75i need help02:51
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alexmax75i want to change debian installer02:51
nancy1hi again everyone02:51
alexmax75i mean02:51
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nancy1is there a limit to using Adept in one session,,02:52
coachJare the US repos up now?02:52
z00mquick question does the kubuntu amd64bit version have the NX overflow protection in the kernel ?02:52
alexmax75at some point it controls if cd debian is inserted02:52
nancy1ahh I see that some repos are down,,02:52
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coachJwere yesterday02:52
alexmax75or the language setted by default02:52
narasimhannancy1: me too...02:52
narasimhannancy1: are the repos not connecting02:53
coachJsomeone said storms in mid-west??02:53
BluesKajaegeanlinux, FF for linux ?....don't see it for Linux on the site  http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/02:53
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aegeanlinuxWell, trust me, its out ;)02:53
z00mmy adept manager is stalling at 40% when updating02:53
narasimhanalexmax75: i dont get u..are u not able to control it..!02:53
nancy1so its not me ,, earlier I change all my ca.archive.ubuntu to archive.ubuntu,, but now neither work,, they're al ltimed out02:53
narasimhannancy1: yes02:54
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nancy1so i guess that well have to wait for update  hein?02:54
narasimhanalexmax75: ohh02:54
coachJanyone treied OPera yet, if so did you like?02:54
z00mcoachj: i did on windows but it was relly memmory happy, anti spayware and everything built into it. not tryed it on linux02:55
aegeanlinuxBluesKaj: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/
coachJkenw what you meant.02:56
alexmax75how can i create one on my own?02:56
z00mthink firefox is the best one to go with02:56
narasimhanalexmax75:   i got Ubuntu 6.06 from friend ..the desktop version is slow but are u using alternate or desktop02:56
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alexmax75i don't understand what you mean..02:57
z00mdoes anyone know if NX overflow protection is built into the 2.6.15-26-amd64-generic kernel02:57
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narasimhanalexmax75: are u installing from the live cd desktop or the text mode install?02:58
z00manother questions is how do i close down my send mail on port 25 ?02:59
z00mi dont use this service so how do i stop it02:59
alexmax75i installed from live cd but what i want to do is create a m own distribution and make a my installer like kubuntu but with different things03:00
alexmax75for example change kubunto to myname03:00
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alexmax75do you know what i mean?03:01
narasimhanz00m: open konsole..sudo kcontrol..there will system services03:01
narasimhanalexmax75: sorry man...i dunno03:02
=== Fjodor is now happy with kopete-0.12.1. Thanks for the pointers
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narasimhanbut i what i know is that there is something called slax that will help u create ur own live cd..so u can get some leads from there03:03
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HobbseeFjodor: :)03:04
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forkzSomebody knows how i make my computer put out two sound signals... I can only have one signal put out at the time: either my msuic, or my browser/other program :s03:15
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems03:15
Tm_Tthat's hard way but should work03:16
forkzthx... will try that :)03:16
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forkzthere's no button named preferencens in system... which system do it want me to look at :S03:17
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ninHerhi all03:17
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ninHerhola a tod@s desde bilbao03:20
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forkzWhich system button/menu is it that the bot wants me to look in/at?03:21
shivwhen are ubuntuforums going to be up again?03:21
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ubotuI know nothing about system - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:26
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems03:26
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z00mneed help here03:27
z00mhow do i stop the Exim smtpd 4.60 service03:27
z00m220 64BitBox ESMTP Exim 4.60 Sun, 23 Jul 2006 14:24:10 +010003:27
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forkzOk... Somebody who can help me find system -> preferences -> Multimedia system and change it to alsa?03:30
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ace__forkz: run kcontrol03:30
ace__forkz: wait a sec, thats related to gnome, not kde03:31
ace__forkz: what are you trying to do?03:31
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forkzChange dmix to use alsa, i think... I can only have on sound output: Cant game while playing music and get the game sounds :s03:32
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ninHerforkz: kde gnome ?03:32
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forkzUsing KDE03:32
forkzUsing Kubuntu, or else this wouldnt be rigth placec ?03:33
ace__forkz: dmix is a alsa plugin03:33
h3sp4wnforkz: I thought dmix was part of alsa03:33
forkzI dont know what i am doing but i got told to do this03:33
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems03:33
Lynourez00m: how permanently you want to stop it? Uninstall it to stop it for good03:33
bgrimmis it just my little corner of the internet but are the us.archices AND the uk archive repositories now down? I can't get headers from either one.03:33
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cgahi all =)03:33
Lynourebgrimm: not just you.03:34
ace__is it just me or is !alsa giving gnome related info instead of kde related info03:35
forkzace and h3sp4wn: I'm just trying to do what the bot told me, but... I cant find out what system i should look under to find preferences03:35
forkzThats pretty ignoring :/03:35
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forkzace__: I've tried !dmix as wall, and it tells the same stuff03:36
ace__forkz: run kcontrol, then go into sound and multimeida, then sound system, set auto suspend if idle after to 0, in the hardware pick alsa from the list03:37
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bobbydcan anyone tell me where to find uk sources for ubuntu packages?03:37
ace__the !dmix and !alsa commands are giving the info as if your using gnome, thats why you can't find system03:38
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bobbydarchive.ubuntu.com isn't working for me03:38
pcfanbobbyd: do /topic03:38
forkzace__: ALSA= Adavanced Linux bla bal?03:38
ace__forkz: yes03:38
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forkzGood... Then i did it right :p03:38
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage03:38
ace__bobbyd:  you can get a new sources list from here: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:39
bobbydthanks :)03:39
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mendredhi are the ubuntu repos down? am not  able to access any of the <xx>.archive.ubuntu.com03:39
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mike_bobbyd: i am having the same problem.  in fact i cannot hit their website either03:39
Hobbseemendred: yes, they are03:40
mendredhey Hobbsee03:40
Hobbseebobbyd: mike_ ditto03:40
mike_doing a nslookup shows that my upstream dns has their IPs but tcpdump only shows traffic going out to the servers and nothing coming back03:40
Hobbseemike_: they know, they're working on it03:40
mendredHobbsee any idea where i can find kaffeine 0.8 packages for kubuntu?03:40
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mike_hobbsee: thanks.  is there another website out there that is documenting this so i dont clutter this channel?03:41
ace__http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/ seems to be online03:41
forkzace__: I still cant do it :s03:41
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Hobbseemendred: er...hmmm...they were talking about backporting that. compile it, or build the edgy sources on dapper, if you really want it03:41
LeeJunFantimes like this I'm glad I keep a local mirror :)03:41
LynoureIs there some information about why all those things are down? It's getting to be the point where rumours start to build up if some info cannot be found.03:42
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ace__forkz: what are you trying to do?03:42
forkztrying to play sound from amaroK while i have other sound runnig... it doesn't work03:43
BluesKajwas gonna try to set up samba on my home network , but sure looks like it's over my head :)03:43
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mendredHobbsee: Actually the ubuntuguide.org had a repo link which had kaffeine 0.8..it worked fine..but then yesterday i accidentally trashed my kubuntu and now i cant find that repo link anymore :(03:43
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Hobbseemendred: check google cache for such things, i suspect03:43
LeeJunFanit is odd that the machines are up but don't respond. Act's like an apache issue, but on multiple mirrors?03:43
ace__forkz: there are some tutorials in the forums that explain how to set up software mixing but the forums are down at the mo03:43
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HobbseeLynoure: um, possibly.  did you wnat that dapper kbarcode, btw?03:44
=== Hobbsee saw that people knew about it in the development channels, and were working on it
forkzace__: THe problem is that i have to use Teamspeak2 og Ventrilo while playing... and i cant :/ Have to wait... Anyone knows why its down? and when its running again?03:44
LynoureHobbsee: I actually made do with openoffice's label editor, which seems to have improved a lot since I needed it last, and it was pretty much one time need only (printed a pile of "you were photographed" cards)03:45
HobbseeLynoure: nice :)03:45
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LynoureHobbsee: But I can try it out, it it is helpful. I get helpfulness urges on downtime times like this...03:45
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Hobbseeforkz: ah yeah - go into system settings, sound, and uncheck "enable the kde sound system"  hit apply, then restart teamspeak03:46
forkzHobbsee: Why uncheck that?03:46
HobbseeLynoure: it's gone from my harddrive - i requested the backport though (the lazy way :P)03:47
Hobbseeforkz: because you cant use both teamspeak and kde sound system at the same time03:47
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Hobbseethere is a hack around it, but i've forgotten what it is03:47
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forkzHobbsee: "Enable the kde system" doesn't exist there :s03:48
Hobbseeforkz: at the top ?03:48
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ace__Hobbsee: would aoss be able to hook up team speak into alsa and would alsa be able to mix it?03:48
Hobbseesystem settings, sound and multimedia, enable the sound system03:49
Hobbseeace__: probably.  there is a way, it's just been a long time since i've used it03:49
forkzFound it... thx :p03:49
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draikIs anybody else having issues getting updates/installs from 'adept'?03:49
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narasim_7draik: yes03:49
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LeeJunFandraik: known problem, being worked on.03:50
narasim_7draik: its timimg out..03:50
narasim_7LeeJunFan: can u elaborate..pls03:50
apokryphosmany ubuntu services are down - people are working to restore them03:50
narasim_7LeeJunFan: Servers are down is that it?03:50
Hobbseenarasim_7: it's botched, they're working on it03:50
LeeJunFannarasim_7: yes.03:50
Hobbseenarasim_7: and the wiki, and launchpad, i think03:50
Philip5is it just me or is something very wrong with the www.kubuntu.org site?03:51
draikThank you both, narasim_7 and LeeJunFan for helping03:51
narasim_7Hobbsee: okie03:51
LeeJunFanPhilip5: it's just you :P03:51
ace__How did all these servers go down at the same time? hacked? maintenance?03:51
Philip5LeeJunFan: hehe03:51
narasim_7LeeJunFan: thnks03:51
narasim_7Hobbsee: thnks03:51
HobbseePhilip5: see ubuntu server stuff.03:51
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=== Hobbsee doubts it got hacked, and they dont usually take them all down for maintenence at the same time.
LeeJunFanace__: good question. It is odd that multiple mirrors would have an application level problem at the same time.03:52
forkzace__: It's MS... They hacked them... NOT03:52
ace__maybe they all updated to a new package03:52
LeeJunFanms can't hack, they can only be hacked.03:52
forkzLeeJunFan: Damn... You cracked my disguise03:52
cga!help rar03:52
ubotuI know nothing about help rar - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:52
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cga!help unrar03:53
ubotuI know nothing about help unrar - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:53
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression03:53
cga!help restricted03:53
ubotuI know nothing about help restricted - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:53
h3sp4wnI don't understand why 2 data centres in different parts of the world would both go down at the same time03:53
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression03:53
cgathx Hobbsee03:53
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forkzh3sp4wn: Its MS...  :D03:53
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LeeJunFanh3sp4wn: it's application layer. Apache methinks. The servers themselves are up but apache isn't working correctly.03:54
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Hobbsee] : Kubuntu Support Channel | Many ubuntu services are down - people are working to restore them | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic | KOffice 1.5.2 Released. ht
forkzDoesn't Google have a old copy? Or does i have a bad memory?03:55
ubotuI know nothing about xfs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:55
ubotuI know nothing about jfs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:55
ace__thygrrr:  are you trying to install to xfs?03:55
ubotuI know nothing about filesystems - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:55
ubotuI know nothing about filesystem - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:56
LeeJunFanwell maybe not, ftp hangs too. The plot thickens.03:56
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:56
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ubotuI know nothing about mk.xfs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:56
forkzLeeJunFan: Meybe not? What? :s03:56
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thygrrrwhat filesystems would you recommend for an external 250 GB usb 2.0 drive; and what for a firewire drive of the same size? I don't think fat32 can still work at these sizes; I'm experiencing a lot of oddities trying to operate the drive with a fat32 fs (including data loss and total system hangs)03:57
LeeJunFanforkz: ftp hangs on the archives too, so it doesn't look like it simply is apache. So what would cause timeouts at multiple datacenters at the same time at a system/OS level?03:57
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LynoureLeeJunFan: let's not speculate. It's hard not to, but it's better not to03:59
dutchmight be the cause03:59
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forkzLeeJunFan: The only thing i can think of is coordinated hacks, but i really know nothing abput apache... never used it03:59
LeeJunFanLynoure: bah, it's also fun. Gotta tease the brain a little bit :)03:59
forkzi speel like sh!t today03:59
dutchas long as you don't smell that way  :)03:59
forkzdutch: You woultn't belive if i told you how i smell ;)04:00
forkzSee... spell like shit04:00
ace__thygrrr: ext3 or reiserfs would be ok04:00
dutchI still need breakfast and a shower/shave04:00
dutchso  don't feel badly04:01
forkzhmmm... Dont need brakfeast... But need shower, and shave04:01
forkzWhats the time at you dutch?04:01
dutch10:00 AM..04:01
dutchsunday morning of course04:01
thygrrrstardate 3451.804:02
forkzHere it is 16:02... haven't got lunch04:02
dutchI'm way too old for the stardate stuff04:02
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forkzstardate? :O :S whats that04:02
dutchforkz, see the comment by thygrrr04:03
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ace__forkz:  are you in france?04:03
forkzace__: Denmark ;)04:03
thygrrr16:03 too, just eating mine while I wait for my harddrives to stop failing on me.04:03
thygrrrseems like I did it.04:03
ace__forkz: close04:03
thygrrrapparently, 250 GB of fat32'ness doesn't work too well.04:04
=== thygrrr wanted to use his router's NAT feature.
thygrrrNAS, even.04:04
forkzYeah... about three times as far than to the other end of my country04:04
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forkzthygrrr: What is stardate? :S04:05
forkzace__: Are you french?04:05
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dutchsomething to do with all that scifi stuff04:05
thygrrrforkz, a fictional time notation from the startrek series.04:05
thygrrrforkz, it's completely bogus,04:05
forkzthygrrr: Ahh... i have too see them once :p04:06
forkzbogus? :s04:06
dutchsee ! told you I was too old for that stuff04:06
thygrrrforkz, "nonsense" :)04:06
forkzAhh :P04:06
dutchnot  real04:06
ace__forkz: nope, i'm from the UK04:06
forkzdutch: Old? I am proberly too young :)04:06
dutchthat could be :)04:07
h3sp4wnthygrrr: Which router ?04:09
dutchwhat's with the archive's this morning ?04:10
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dutchkeeps timing out on me04:11
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu
Lord_Athurhi, is there any problem with the ubuntu pages?04:13
h3sp4wnthygrrr: Try a different firmware if its a linux based one (which it most likely is if it uses usb)04:13
forkzLord_Athur: Think they are down :(04:13
Lord_Athurok, thanks04:13
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Lord_Athurforkz, do you know when the pages will be usable?04:14
thygrrrh3sp4wn, nice idea, though I am not sure whether there is one - i'll look for it on the web.04:15
thygrrrh3sp4wn, actually, I may be lucky. Thanks a lot for pointing me in that direction :)04:16
draikHas this ever happened before... with the servers being down... if so, how long did it take last time to have everything back up and readily available?04:17
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LeeJunFandraik: it's hard to say how long it will be based on how long it may have taken last time (if ever) as the problem is probably an entirely different one.04:18
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:19
draikLeeJunFan: Thank you04:20
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:20
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mendredhey hobbsee thanks for the suggestion..found an obscure kubuntu backports with kaffeine 0.8.1 :)04:20
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Hobbseemendred: i dont even want to know how those were created...04:20
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mendredHobbsee: heh well am installing it now..if nothing blows up will let u know if it works :)04:21
Hobbseemendred: heh04:21
LeeJunFanon another outage note: anyone else having problems with yahoo messenger?04:21
LeeJunFanI don't seem to be able to stay connected for very long at a time.04:22
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draikLeeJunFan:Yes, I was having issues all day yesterday with the Y! Messenger04:22
draikLeeJunFan:Both my laptop and cell phone04:23
draikLeeJunFan:You still having issues? I seem to be online with both accounts04:24
LeeJunFandraik: ah, okay. I was wondering if yahoo maybe did a protocol change kopete didn't like, but if your cellphone was doing it too -- I probably don't need to compile kopete from SVN :)04:24
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LeeJunFandraik: actually just logged on now, I left it offline last night - got sick of messages popping up telling me I got logged off.04:25
Tommy2k4isnt there some site which has a db of lots of monitors where i can find out the vert/horiz rates04:25
draikLeeJunFan:Probably not. I usually have connection issues with MSN/Hotmail... I use Trillian on my laptop while I dual boot Kubuntu 6.06 with XPlode04:25
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ubuntu_lol, this is a hilarious problem04:26
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ubuntu_i am on kubuntu live cd 6.06. i switch to vt6 user from within kde04:26
ubuntu_now when i try to get back into kde by pressing alt-f7, the session is locked04:27
ubuntu_and i dunno the password04:27
ubuntu_what do i do now ?04:27
Archie_ToothQuestion:  is there a Linux equivalent of 'Ghost'?  I am going to mess around with my installation big time and I'd like to be able to take a snapshot of my current install...04:27
Archie_Tooth...and be able to reinstall easily when I screw things up.04:27
h3sp4wnArchie_Tooth: dd04:27
thygrrrh3sp4wn, tough luck, only the weaker one of my routers (weaker cpu, no usb) can run openwrt. how ironic... :) really close call, though.04:28
mike_Archie_Tooth: g4l (ghost for linux)04:28
uniqarchie_tooth: partimage.04:28
h3sp4wnthygrrr: Which router is it that has the usb ?04:28
mike_Archie: that is one idea04:28
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LeeJunFanArchie_Tooth: heh, I have a server called architeuthis (giant squid - for a gian squid server).04:28
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).04:29
ubuntu_wow, this is surely a CRITICAL 'bug' in kubuntu cd04:29
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:29
Archie_ToothLeeJunFan - in other places I am known as 'MisterSquiddy'!!04:29
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lingenfrAnyone know what is up with us.archive.kubuntu it has been down for more than 24 hours?04:30
h3sp4wnthgrrr: If there is gpl sources for it it shouldn't be too hard to get openwrt working on it04:30
lingenfrScheduled maintenance?04:30
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chansonwho is chinese ?04:32
draikForced maintenance04:32
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Archie_Tooththanks for all the application suggestions - I'll check 'em out,04:32
lingenfrOkay, standing by trying to load a video editor04:32
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samoerm... are the adept repositories down?04:32
draiksamo:unforseen, unscheduled maintenance04:33
lingenfrYes the repositories (ubuntu) are down, that was what I was asking about04:33
Hobbseesee the /topic about repos04:34
samothank god, I though I had hosed my install _AGAIN_ :$04:34
lingenfrAnyone know how to define actions for synaptics touchpad "tap zones"?04:34
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samowell see you ppl04:35
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lingenfr"tap zones" similar to the windoze driver04:35
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chanson 04:37
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:37
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Tommy2k4http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/4776/bugkp4.png anyone got an idea what could cause this (the broken highlight on lots of gui elements)04:37
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thygrrrh3sp4wn, the usb one is a Siemens SE55104:38
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||Trayer||Alright, the link was dead on help.ubuntu, does anyone know the simplest way to install the newest flash on Konqueror?04:38
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||Trayer||What should I use? The Mozilla compatable? Netscape compatable?04:39
thygrrrHm, actually, I think the partitioning program was just screwed up. mkdosfs was able to properly create a mountable fat32 partition... lets see what happens when I put some data on it04:39
kbrooksWTF, help.ubuntu.com is down04:39
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||Trayer||kbrooks: Yep, That's why I'm asking for help here04:39
Hobbseekbrooks: yes, it is.04:40
kbrooksWhy, Hobbsee?04:40
Hobbseekbrooks: because it is.04:41
=== Hobbsee doesnt know. just that it s.
Hobbseeand that they're working on it04:41
kbrooksthey better be04:41
LeeJunFanHobbsee's been playing with the EMP device again. :(04:41
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HobbseeLeeJunFan: i didnt do it!04:42
||Trayer|| Err, Lemme reformat my question into one message.  I'm trying to install the newest flash player on my machine. I use Konqueror for a browser, and can't seem to find a download for konqueror.  And, I can't any flash packages on adept on the universe/multiverse.04:42
raziel_hi guys, which repository do I need for the libdvdcss2 package?04:42
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:42
karentrayer: have you tried automatix?04:43
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.04:43
raziel_hmm... wiki.ubuntu.com is down? Quite a bit of ubuntu is down... anyone know what's up?04:43
LeeJunFanraziel_: no details yet.04:44
||Trayer||Karen: I was kind of hesitant,  Mainly I was wondering if I should use the "Mozilla compatable and it's variants" pack or if there is another since that's the one it seemed to detect that I had one of those.04:44
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mendredraziel: deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf dapper free non-free04:45
mendredjust installed it now04:45
h8mearchive.ubuntu.com is down ? =/04:46
Hobbseeh8me: yes, see /topic04:46
||Trayer||If anyone goes on Adept in the multiverse there is a file "flashplugin-nonfree".  Is that it?04:46
h8meoh , sorry04:46
Hobbsee||Trayer||: quite likely.04:46
karenTrayer: I have used automatix on 3 installs so far and it works well.  Installs Flash plugin for firefox.04:46
||Trayer||I'm using konqueror though, And I don't really like the idea of switching to firefox04:47
draikwhat is a known issue about using 'alien' on RPMs?04:47
hardw1rerepos' down?04:48
Hobbseehardw1re: yes, see /topic04:48
karenKonqueror uses mozilla plugins and firefox is a mozilla based browser.04:48
Hobbseedraik: it doesnt really work, often?04:48
draikHobbsee:Oic. Thank you. I was reading up about it and was thinking about it until I read the '!alien'04:49
Hobbseedraik: ah.  it's much safer to compile from source :)04:49
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draikHobbsee:I usually get errors all over the place when I do that... And that's why I'm a newbie04:50
draikHobbsee:Actually, I'm a newbie and that's why errors happen04:50
Hobbseedraik: hehe, you can bring pastebins of errors in here you know :)04:51
draikHobbsee:Don't want to crash this server... enough damage done with the repo server and such.. lol04:51
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Hobbseedraik: heh, that's a point.04:51
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||Trayer||dudes not cool the respos are down = \.  Browsing the internet for files is lame04:53
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draikHobbsee:I'm really good on a windows level from playing with options. I can't do that in Linux, as I found out. Linux can be as unforgiving as the windows registry04:53
ironfroggyanyone know how to speed up xgl? its slower than software rendering!04:53
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Hobbseedraik: heh, true.04:53
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draikHobsee:I am on my second install of Kubuntu 6.06. Couldn't log into either OS (dual boot Kubuntu with XPlode) and I had to 'fdisk /mbr' and pave again04:55
Hobbseedraik: ouchy.  only the second install?04:55
ironfroggyok better question: is there a non-Mesa renderer for the i810 driver?04:56
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draikHobbsee:I have been doing everything overly cautious and assume the worst with my choices and hope for the best (or at least not reinstalling Kubutnu AGAIN)04:57
zsuzsihi all04:57
Hobbseedraik: hehe, smart move04:57
zsuzsiim back04:57
zsuzsii still have the question!04:57
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h3sp4wnironfroggy: mesa is the best thing to use intel has fully opensource drivers and hence mesa should support dri - But I don't know why you would use xgl on intel anyway (breaks too much)04:57
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h3sp4wnironfroggy: use aiglx (supports intel perfectly)04:58
zsuzsii have the same problem as described at http://www.ubuntux.org/dapper-gnome-error04:58
ironfroggyDRI or not its still software rendering, its just pushing the buffer quicker, but the actual rendering is still in mesa.04:58
zsuzsii dont understand what is meant by "Flushed the settings cache" at the bottom of the page!!!04:58
zsuzsiplease somebody help..?04:58
draikHobbsee:I used to use knoppix (3.4 - 4.0.2) for repairing windows issues. I asked around for a good Linux Distro for a newbie like me and was introduced to Kubuntu. So here I am. Still happy, even with the current issues/situation!04:59
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Hobbseedraik: :)04:59
coachJwhen I click on an Email address link in Konquorer or Firefox nothing happens, what do I have to do to get my Email application to open?04:59
Hobbseedraik: it works better when all the documentation is up04:59
HobbseecoachJ: which email application is the default one that you want to use?04:59
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h3sp4wnironfroggy: mesa supports rendering in hardware (for some cards)05:00
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ironfroggyhow can i tell which it is doing now? going by speed, i dont think its accelerated rendering.05:00
draikHobbsee:True. I just wish that I was introduced to Linux sooner so that I could be more advanced/understanding of how it works. I am attempting to find a linux school/course close by, but no such luck yet. I am in California, BTW.05:01
ironfroggyand as for the why: niftiness!05:01
Hobbseedraik: true.  you'll learn it though :)05:02
coachJDraik: You cant be a Linux user untill you have destroyed several installs, so go for it!05:02
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HobbseecoachJ: ahhh...i saw something about that.  on kde.org, there's a section on new apps - including one about thunderbird and sendnig emails from konq, etc - was the top one on the list.  you might want to check it out05:03
thygrrr****, having to copy data from a firewire disk to an usb disk really sucks under linux. both drives work fine on their own. :-/05:03
HobbseecoachJ: you havent tried hard enough to learn if you havent memorised all the steps of the install :P05:03
draikcoachj:I am only 1 ruined install into Kubuntu05:03
coachJgot a few more to go05:03
draikIt's good to know that there is a community (namely this one) that is readily available to help even the most newbie of newbies05:04
draikThank you all05:04
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coachJdraik: http://linuxbasics.org/ will be having a irc class in the future05:05
||Trayer||What's the command line command to make a dir?05:05
draikSweet. I will be sure to be there for it05:06
dutchmkdir,  I think05:06
LeeJunFan||Trayer||: mkdir05:06
thygrrrcoachJ, awesome, I'll look into that.05:06
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_greghey guys, i got a filesystem error on a reboot and had to use a live cd to run fsck. is there any way to use it without a root password (the main user pw didn't cut it)05:07
thygrrrWhy does it say "stalled" when copying, whereas I am copying at about 18 mb a second? And THEN it suddenly locks up; several gigabytes later. :-/05:08
coachJdraik: also check out the Ubuntu classroom wicki offering a class in august05:08
||Trayer||Errr, Does anyone know the installation path of konqueror? I need it in order to install flash05:08
thygrrractually, it seems to pause for no apparent reason.05:09
draikUsing k3b to burn a data DVD. First attempt burned perfectly, but won't read on my windows pc. Suggestions for windows readability?05:09
ironfroggy||Trayer||: that should not matter at all.05:09
ironfroggy||Trayer||: flash is a netscape plugin, and konq just looks in the common places for those.05:09
draikcoachj:I will look into everything that has Linux as a course. I really want to get involved with Linux as I did with windows05:09
||Trayer|| ironfroggy: I have the "Mozilla" and compatable version, should I remove it for the netscape and compatable?05:10
ironfroggysame thing05:10
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coachJI find myself using windoze less and less05:10
ironfroggyim just saying that the plugin and its installer doesnt care about konqueror.05:10
||Trayer|| ironfroggy: Well, the installer is looking for an installation path05:10
_gregso....no advice for using fsck?05:10
ironfroggyim on hiatus from windows until i have the free time to get in some .Net development.05:10
draiksame here. I just use windows for when I need to do something strictly pc related for a friend05:10
||Trayer|| ironfroggy: I thought I would just put /usr/lib/browser-plugins but it says please put a valid path05:11
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ironfroggy||Trayer||: you didnt download the installer from macromedia did you?05:11
||Trayer|| ironfroggy: Adobe05:11
LeeJunFansame thing - now05:11
||Trayer|| ironfroggy: (They bought out macromedia)05:11
ironfroggy||Trayer||: well im not sure what its expecting the path to be, but why are you using that instead of a proper package?05:11
ironfroggybeing bought doesnt mean they dont exist anymore.05:12
||Trayer|| ironfroggy: how is that im-proper = \,  The respotories are down, and in there they have the exact same file05:12
_gregit seems if there is no way to use fsck at the prompt, that's a great big problem, no?05:13
||Trayer|| ironfroggy: Should I just try copying the .so and .xpt files to a folder?05:13
ironfroggythe repositories are not down and they are not the same file. the packages put the plugin in the right place.05:13
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thygrrrpow, another system lockup :-(05:14
ironfroggyunless, have they gone down _again_? a different server even?05:14
ironfroggyis there scheduled maintainance this weekend or something?05:14
||Trayer||I just got it working through manual installation.  sudo mv'd the files05:15
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ironfroggyput them where?05:16
coachJR the repos still down?05:16
||Trayer||usr/lib/browser-plugins, it's a folder konqueror is set to scan in its settings05:16
taos_KBtrayer: flashplayer plugin is /home/yourusername/.mozzila/plugins/libfashplayer.so05:16
draikis there a way to make k3b burn windows readable data DVDs?05:17
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||Trayer||taos_KB: Is it required to be there? As under the plugins section in konqueror it says it searches the folder I put.  And I need to restart KDE for it to scan again anyway05:18
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_gregdraik, the way i do it is to use mkisofs to create a disk image, and use k3b tools-burn cd image05:18
_gregor dvd image05:18
draikwill windows read it once burned?05:18
_gregalways worked for me05:19
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taos_KBflasplayer also at /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree05:21
_gregyeah, for a data dvd05:21
taos_KBThis is where automatix installed it on my machine05:21
draikmkisofs - app? option?05:21
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_gregmkisofs -r -v -o foo.iso /path/to/directory05:22
_gregit creates an iso image you burn05:23
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draikas for the path, how do I put a 'space' for the folder name?05:26
_grega space?05:26
draikfile name as opposed to file_name05:26
_greguse quotes "05:27
_greg"file name"05:27
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draikso... example... /media/sda1/"folder a"/folder_b/app05:28
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draikYes? No?05:28
draiklemme try05:28
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ironfroggyyou can also put the quotes around the entire path05:29
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draikThank you _greg05:29
ironfroggy"/foo/bar baz/"05:29
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ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocaleConf05:30
_gregno prob bob05:30
dr_willisBash Fundamentals :)05:31
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draikThank you ironfroggy, I put quotes before and after the complete path05:31
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draikI always wondered how to get into those folders with the spaces05:31
Chousuke\ also works for escaping spaces.05:31
Chousuke/like\ this/05:32
Ragolhi guys (and gals too :)05:32
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ironfroggyChousuke: yeah but thats so ugly05:32
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RagolI lost sounds suddenly05:32
Chousukeyou get used to it.05:32
draikChousuke:I think that will throw me off. Thank you for your input, too05:33
Ragoland have no idea where to look at05:33
Ragolkmix don't have any channel muted05:33
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Ragolamarok is using xine with alsa05:33
_gregRagol- kde event sounds will freeze it up05:33
draik_greg:Now that I have the ISO, do I just burn as a regular ISO on k3b?05:34
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Ragol_greg: what do you mean?05:34
Ragoloh, could it be because I added another account also in audio group?05:35
_gregdraik got to tools/burn dvd iso image05:35
Ragolkubuntu 6.06 is of course in this computer05:35
totoro_homeanybody knows what the issue is w/ us.archive.ubuntu.com and now seems with ca.archive.ubuntu.com?05:35
Ragoland both accounts are logged in to X05:35
draik_greg:I started k3b and clicked on 'Burn DVD ISO image'05:36
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coachJtotoro:been down since yesterday05:36
totoro_homecoachj: is there a way for apt to auto-redirect on timeouts from a list of mirrors?05:37
_gregdraik, navigate to the iso image you created with mkisofs and select it05:37
coachJtotoro: sorry don't know05:38
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draik_greg:I did that. It created an Md5 SUM05:39
draik_greg:System ID reads LINUX05:39
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_gregi don't think that will be a problem, the iso image should be windows legible05:40
draikHere goes nothing...05:40
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draikIs the max burn speed 6x???05:41
draikI have a 16x DVD burner05:41
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draikas long as it burns I suppose it's ok05:43
draikI really don't want to boot into windoze just to burn a data DVD for my friend's PC05:43
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_gregdon't blame you05:45
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Tommy2k4abattoir, you remember my pc kept crashing yesterday and u suggested i try a new monitor05:46
Tommy2k4well i did and it still crashes :(05:46
draikI am beginning to make a transition from XPlode to Kubuntu and I don't want to find a need for windoze anymore05:47
Sarnuialanother convert!05:47
abattoirTommy2k4: i dont remember saying that05:47
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abattoirTommy2k4: i asked you to use dexconf to restore your orig. xorg.conf05:48
Tommy2k4pretty sure u did :s05:48
NiunioI need help with mount and fstab05:48
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Tommy2k4yes after that05:48
abattoirTommy2k4: pretty sure i didnt05:48
NiunioIt doesen't detect VFAT file format05:48
Tommy2k4lemme check logs, i could be wrong05:48
draikSarunuial:I'm not the only one. Another friend of mine is also getting irritated (putting it mildly) of XPlode05:48
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_gregdraik: i've never even owned a windoxs box-mac, linux on a mac, then linux on a pc05:49
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abattoirTommy2k4: unfortunately i cant do that now :P.05:49
Tommy2k4cant do what05:49
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abattoirTommy2k4: check my logs :)05:50
draik_greg:PERFECT reads in windoze05:50
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abattoirTommy2k4: even though i am pretty sure05:50
Sarnuialdraik: wait, is XPlode some sort of DE?05:50
raziel__i wonder if someone could help me, as it seems I've got a problem and since I'm still pretty much of a newbie, well...05:50
Sarnuialdraik: or is it windoze by another name05:50
abattoirraziel__: what's your problem?05:50
Tommy2k4does xchat have selective logging or something05:50
abattoirTommy2k4: ???05:51
Tommy2k4its logging sucks05:51
draikSarnuial:LOL, Windoze XPlode... Windows XP05:51
raziel__well, hard to explain05:51
Tommy2k4its like 99% joins/quits for this channel05:51
SarnuialNiunio: Sorry, trying 2 find something05:51
phitooGood morning, all! I can't seem to access any Ubuntu site. Anybody knows what is going on?05:51
_gregit even works to burn a mp3 disk a mp3-compatible ca4r stereo can read05:51
Sarnuialdraik: ok, thought so.05:51
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Sarnuialphitoo: "Many ubuntu services are down - people are working to restore them"05:51
raziel__I just installed dapper and then run apt-get distro-upgrade (well, actually a friend did, but he's not around anymore) and then it gave me some error about tzdata05:51
NiunioTell me when you can help me.05:52
abattoirraziel__: it coulnt 'stat' a particular timezone?05:52
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MilhousePunkRockraziel__: Did you update your sources list?05:52
raziel__hm, nothing about that, something about dpkg and that it is not able to process tzdata05:52
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Tommy2k4ok abattoir i confused u with Hawkwind sorry :p05:53
phitooSarnuial: thanks, I saw it. I guess I'm looking for specifics. :-)05:53
abattoirTommy2k4: np :P05:53
raziel__like I said, a friend did most of the stuff for me so I'm not sure05:53
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Sarnuialphitoo: gotcha ;)05:53
abattoirraziel__: could you pastebin the error message?05:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:53
Tommy2k4at least i now have a new monitor :p05:53
SarnuialNiunio: what do u mean it wont find it?05:54
_gregNiunio: linux will read a vfat file system. it has to be mounted. what kind of device are you trying to read?05:54
raziel__ok, did it...I hope05:54
SarnuialNiunio: it just doesnt see it?05:55
Tommy2k4how would i reinstall the i810 video driver05:55
NiunioI'm trying to mount a ZIP256 (/dev/sda)05:55
NiunioI want to mount it in /mnt/zip25605:55
_gregtry sda105:55
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_gregmount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/zip25605:57
HawkwindTommy2k4: No, xchat does not do selective logging unless you use a script.  However, you can turn joins/parts off globally or per channel basis05:57
MilhousePunkRockWhen I suspend my Laptop to RAM, neither mouse nor keyboard work, when I resume it... Only thing I can do is restarting X... Anyone got a clue?05:57
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Tommy2k4its ok05:57
Niuniowait, please...05:57
Tommy2k4but since ur here Hawkwind, u suggested i try a new monitor and i did and it still crashes :(05:57
coachJUbuntu web site is down??05:57
HawkwindTommy2k4: Then it sounds like a hardware problem I'm afraid05:58
coachJwhat is going on??05:58
Tommy2k4u think i should reinstall i810 driver maybe05:58
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HawkwindTommy2k4: Might not hurt.  I'd definitely look into my video card drivers and see if maybe that's not causing a problem05:59
Tommy2k4sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-driver-i81005:59
Tommy2k4i wonder what that just did05:59
coachJdont cap letters at me06:00
NiunioThanks guys. I forgot the number. It is /dev/sda406:00
NiunioThanks again06:00
_gregain't no thang06:00
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:00
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:01
NiunioC u later ;)06:01
Tommy2k4Hawkwind, i know it sounds weird but i think it might be related to xine06:01
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Tommy2k4or something like that06:01
HawkwindTommy2k4: Ummm, how would it be related to Xine ?06:01
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Tommy2k4well i also get this: http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/4776/bugkp4.png alot (broken highlights on lots of gui elements) and i think theyre related06:02
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Tommy2k4and it usually happens after ive opened xmms06:02
Tommy2k4and yesterday i managed to make the crash happen reproduceable by using konquerors find-file then clicking the tools menu it would crash06:03
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Tommy2k4i made it happen 5 times in a row, but my kde autostart opens lots of apps so i decided to close them all and test them 1 by 106:03
HawkwindTommy2k4: Just curious....how old is the hardware you're using ?06:03
Tommy2k4and xmms made it crash06:03
Tommy2k4but i never used to use xmms, i used to use kaffeine and it used to crash then so it might be xine06:03
Tommy2k45 year old dell06:03
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Tommy2k4733mhz p3, 256mb ram06:04
stefan_hi, why can I install evolution on kubuntu?06:04
Hawkwindstefan_: Why can you or why can't you ?06:04
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abattoirhmmm, who is the peron who had tzdata installation problems?06:04
HawkwindTommy2k4: Has this happened since the original install of Kubuntu, or is it something that started happening later down the road ?06:04
raziel__tzdata? here, me06:04
abattoirraziel__: posted it?06:05
Tommy2k4since the start i think06:05
stefan_Hawkwind: in the adept manager it's not evolution here06:05
Tommy2k4or soon after06:05
raziel__yeah, I think so06:05
abattoirraziel__: you are supposed to give the link here. :)06:05
abattoirraziel__: nvm this time, got it06:05
Hawkwind!info evolution06:05
ubotuevolution: The groupware suite. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 4586 kB, installed size 34184 kB06:05
abattoirraziel__: ok, first do 'sudo apt-get -f install'06:05
Hawkwindstefan_: It's in the 'main' repo so you should be able to install it without issue06:05
abattoirraziel__: do you get the same/similar error?06:06
raziel__this one? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1869506:06
abattoirraziel__: yup, but i got it...06:06
raziel__yep, I already tried that one06:06
raziel__same error06:06
HawkwindTommy2k4: Have you thought about doing a reinstall and see if maybe that helps and/or fixes the problem ?06:06
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abattoirraziel__: ok, 'sudo dpkg -r tzdata'06:06
HawkwindTommy2k4: I know a reinstall isn't normally the solution, it's the *Windows* way, but this may help you06:06
Tommy2k4id lose all my stuffz06:07
HawkwindTommy2k4: Make backups first06:07
abattoirraziel__: get anything about ubuntu-minimal ?06:07
raziel__gives me this: dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove tzdata which isn't installed.06:07
abattoirraziel__: and 'sudo apt-get install' gives you the error?06:07
Tommy2k4that broken highlight is happening again and i didnt open xmms this time06:08
stefan_Hawkwind: de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and de.security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu is active06:08
SarnuialTommy2k4: beavers make em' ;)06:08
Tommy2k4it will crash soon06:08
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raziel__no, that gives me a different error06:08
raziel__something about unmet dependencies06:08
abattoirraziel__: ubuntu-minimal ?06:08
abattoirraziel__: could you pastebin that too06:09
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abattoirraziel__: and 'sudo apt-get -f install' gives the same error message it did before?06:11
abattoirraziel__: you tried it again now... right?06:11
raziel__of course06:11
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:12
||Trayer||Are the help sites back up yet?06:12
SarnuialKubuntu Forums never went down06:12
Sarnuialas far as i know06:12
Sarnuialanyway its up now...06:12
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_gregso, short of using a live cd, does anyone know how to use fsck to repair a filesystem with no root password?06:12
Sarnuialthe main site is still down06:13
kbrookslink to kubuntu forums someone06:13
HawkwindGoogle.com would have told you that answer too :P06:14
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abattoirraziel__: hmmm, do you want to manually try removing the file? Africa/Algiers... ?06:14
raziel__well, if that helps...06:14
danny50010who's the retard that programmed netpanzer?06:14
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ubotuI know nothing about netpanzer - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:15
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Sarnuialdanny50010: no one ;)06:15
abattoirraziel__: 'sudo rm /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Algiers'06:15
danny50010shut up ubotu06:15
Hawkwinddanny50010: Chill06:15
Sarnuialdanny50010: whoa, wats the matter with you?06:15
danny50010thats stupid computer06:15
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danny50010everything I type It looks it up and tells me about it06:16
Sarnuialdanny50010: hey dude, if u dont tell us the problem we cant help fix it06:16
Hawkwinddanny50010: No it doesn't06:16
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eric___Wondered if I could ask a basic kubuntu question.06:16
abattoirraziel__: after that try 'sudo apt-get -f install' again06:16
Hawkwinddanny50010: Someone else triggered the bot for your info06:16
Sarnuialdanny50010: it only does something if you type !06:16
eric___Kubuntu seems to like to restore all of your applications after rebooting.06:17
bobstro_greg:  haven't tried this with ubuntu, but can you boot into single user mode with no passwd?06:17
raziel__still the same error06:17
eric___Is there a way to make the system shut down - everything - and not to do that?06:17
Sarnuialeric___: Ctrl+Q?06:17
abattoirraziel__: huh? you removed the file right? hmmm06:17
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bobstroeric___:  the session settings should do it.06:18
_gregbobstro: perhaps there is a way, there is on rpm-based distros06:18
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bobstro_greg:  it should work the same way at grub prompt. so you have no actual root password set, but need it to run fsck on startup, right?06:18
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bobstro_greg:  yeah, i always set a root passwd because of those situations. don't care what the 'correct' way is these days.06:19
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danny50010how do I install java?06:19
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bobstro_greg:  see if you can boot with 'single' appended to image name.06:19
eric___bobstro: session settings in system settings?06:19
stopbearhi there06:19
Sarnuialdanny50010: http://java.sun.com06:19
abattoirraziel__: try 'sudo dpkg -r locales'06:19
_gregbobstro: i think this is a glaring example of why you need a root pw06:20
danny50010how do I install java?06:20
bobstroeric___:  that should be it. you can tell it whether or not to save things.06:20
the_hammeranyone here able to asist me with setting up an eggdrop?06:20
bobstro_greg:  agreed!06:20
abattoir!java > danny5001006:20
bobstro_greg:  although arguably a rescue cd is 'better' in this situation.06:20
eric___bobstro: Is there a setting that will let you change or get rid of the big 'K' on the tool bar?06:20
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raziel__now I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1869906:21
danny50010I've already read that, it still don't work06:21
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stopbearhi, I have a serious problem with my sound configuration06:21
danny50010what's wrong?06:21
_gregbobstro: the kubuntu install cd was pretty useless06:21
bobstroeric___:  i think you can customize the bitmap... but can't tell you exactly how.06:21
_gregthe ubuntu live cd was how i got it fixed06:21
bobstro_greg:  ah, yeah you probably need a live. but isn't there a 'rescue' mode on the install?06:21
_gregnone that i saw06:21
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bobstro_greg:  oh ok. yeah, the dvd lets you do both. i keep a stack of various live/rescue cds around.06:22
eric___bobstro: For what it's worth, I'm running kubuntu 6.06 on an ancient G3 iMac (bondi blue G3/233) dinosaur.  It runs surprisingly well, albeit very sluggishly.06:22
bobstro_greg:  glad you got it working!06:22
stopbearI have 2 soundcards installed in my computer but kubuntu starts the wrong one as dsp0.....i tried some howtos on the net but i didnt bring it to work06:22
eric___bobstro: It's working well enough that I'm looking at buying some PC parts and making a proper linux box.06:22
_grega newbie with a corrupt filesystem would freak06:22
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danny50010hold on I'll see how to fix that ok06:22
the_hammerstopbear is 1 by chance onbord sounds?06:23
bobstroeric___:  you can customize most of that stuff (the buttons can be themed) but i haven't done it.06:23
abattoirraziel__: so you upgraded from breezy to dapper?06:23
stopbearthe_hammer: jup, the first one is a "onboard"....infact it is more a riser card06:23
bobstro_greg:  agreed. although with ext3 that's _less_ likely now. still can happen though.06:23
stopbearin fact06:23
raziel__not realy, well, yeah i had breezy on it before but installed dapper on a new partition06:23
the_hammertried going into the bios to disable it?06:23
bobstro_greg:  rather journaled fs in general.06:24
danny50010use your device manager06:24
the_hammerive had that happen before to but with windows06:24
abattoirraziel__: so it was a fresh dapper install? why did you dist-upgrade then?06:24
abattoirraziel__: hmmm nvm06:24
stopbearthe card cant be configured at the bios06:24
danny50010stopbear use your device manager06:24
stopbearits a riser-card.06:24
raziel__well, actually a friend did...I realy don't know why exactly06:24
Sarnuialstopbear: then pull it out?06:25
Hawkwindstopbear: Do you use both sound cards ?06:25
the_hammerahh ok not sure how to help ya then but daddy here says try to use device manager06:25
stopbeardanny50010: how do I do that? im a bit new to linux.....06:25
Hawkwindstopbear: Or do you want to use just one ?06:25
the_hammeroops danny sorry06:25
danny50010go to the menu "System"06:25
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stopbearSarnuial and Hawkwind: I want to use them both.....one for teamspeak and the other one for my 5.1 surround system06:26
Sarnuialstopbear: ah, ok06:26
Hawkwindstopbear: Ah ok, then listen to what danny50010 is telling you06:26
HawkwindMaybe he knows how to deal with 2 sound cards, cause I sure don't06:26
Sarnuialdevice manager... you'd go into "system settings" on the menu right?06:27
danny50010then administration menu06:27
stopbeardanny50010: I have the german version.....I am in the system configuration....06:27
bobstroeric___:  session manager is under kde components, did you find it?06:27
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danny50010I'm using english06:28
stopbeardanny50010: let me explain.....06:28
abattoirraziel__: cant think of anything else, can you try and 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' again/06:28
helfrezi wonder what actually happened to all the servers, musta been a big breakdown somewhere in the network06:28
raziel__yeah, but it will take a while06:28
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abattoirraziel__: ping me when you are done...06:29
danny50010I don't think I can help you stopbear, sorry06:29
stopbearyou mean the window where from top to bottom stands: Personal | Hardware | Network | Systemconfiguration....06:29
danny50010But I know someone who could06:29
danny50010stopbear, go to www.callforhelptv.com06:30
raziel__oh, hey, he won't even do that06:30
danny50010they know everything06:30
raziel__still the problem with libc6 and tzdata06:30
the_hammerpoor stopbear lol06:30
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danny50010lol, I know06:31
Sarnuialstopbear: yeah, i think thats where06:31
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Tommy2k4i only have 1 linux partition, / , can i reinstall kubuntu over the top of it or will it have to format it06:31
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danny50010stop bear, just go to www.callforhelptv.com, they should be able to help you06:31
the_hammerwill likely format it tommy06:31
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HawkwindTommy2k4: If you install over it, it will delete all the info anyways. So you have to format it06:32
Sarnuialso now im having a problem06:32
stopbearhmm...maybe i will get help elsewhere06:32
danny50010I'm starting a new convr06:32
Tommy2k4maybe the install will be better with the alternative cd06:33
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Sarnuiali got my shipit cds a few days ago (yes ive been trying to answer questions blind)06:33
Tommy2k4cos the livecd installer sucks!06:33
HawkwindTommy2k4: For future references, you should atleast make / and /home seperate partitions06:33
stopbearthx anyways06:33
the_hammerme to im looking for someone to walk me through an install for an eggdrop06:33
Sarnuialand i cant get it to load06:33
Tommy2k4Hawkwind, i tried but the installer wouldnt let me06:33
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Sarnuialthe cd boots, the casper menu comes up,06:33
HawkwindTommy2k4: Use the 'alternate' CD instead06:33
Tommy2k4i have one now so i will06:33
HawkwindTommy2k4: The LiveCD is known to have issues with it's installer06:33
Sarnuialbut it goes into a kernel panic when it finds the usb ports06:33
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Sarnuialsomething about the interupts not syncing06:34
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Tommy2k4gonna take forever to customize my kubuntu back to what it is now :(06:35
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Tommy2k4na it wont take too long it will prolly be a better install anyway cos i wont have all the crap i put on it06:36
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samirhey does anyone know what's going on with the ubuntu servers?06:37
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Tommy2k4USA ones are down06:38
samirhow can i access another country's servers?06:38
Hawkwindsamir: They are all down at the moment06:38
Hawkwindsamir: Change the us.archive to de.archive06:38
HawkwindOr similar06:39
samirwell i wanted the forums06:39
gnomefreakall are down read the topic06:39
gnomefreakall ubuntu.com servers are down06:39
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v3ctoruk are down also06:39
gnomefreakincluding forums, mailing lists, websites, apt06:39
LynoureStill no announcement about the causes anywhere?06:39
samiris it all hosted at 1 datacenter or something?06:40
the_hammerglad i dont use ubuntu then06:40
Hawkwindgnomefreak: de. works here without problems06:40
Sarnuialhttp://kubuntuforums.net is up for me06:40
=== the_hammer snickers
ironfroggythe_hammer: then why are you here?06:40
gnomefreakHawkwind: security doesnt06:40
the_hammerto visit06:40
hubSarnuial: because it is not hosted by ubuntu06:40
Hawkwindgnomefreak: It just did for me about 2 minutes ago :P06:40
gnomefreaknotice the errors when you apt-get update ;)06:41
Sarnuialoh yeah...06:41
gnomefreakHawkwind: im gonna try mine real fast06:41
abattoirraziel__: done ?06:41
gnomefreakstill down06:41
edisavguys, since yesterday I haven't been able to connect to ubuntu's or kubuntu's websites. Is anyone having the same problem?06:41
raziel__well, more or less, it just gave me the same error as before06:41
abattoiredisav: yes, they are done06:41
edisavwhat do you mean?06:41
gnomefreakedisav: everyone is please read the topic06:41
abattoirdown, sorry06:41
ironfroggythat scared me. i thought by "they are done" you meant the projects just shut down!06:42
abattoirraziel__: when doing update/dist-upgrade?06:42
abattoirironfroggy: hehe, my mistake06:42
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ironfroggythis sucks06:42
ironfroggyi just freshly installed on two boxes and a laptop and im stuck with almost 0 software.06:43
the_hammerthat would suck frog06:43
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Ragolso, is there any mirrors I could use when the ubuntu-servers are down?06:43
yanisis ubuntu.com offline?06:43
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Sarnuialthe_hammer: sorry 2 go off-topic but r u "Ockham's Hammer" other places?06:43
RagolI'm probably going to reinstall my kubuntu 6.06 because I have no clue why sound stopped working06:44
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abattoirraziel__: update worked for you?06:44
Sarnuialthe_hammer: ok06:44
the_hammerim normally on undernet but taken a break from there for a bit Sarnuial06:45
the_hammermy nick is also slightly different to its like this cuz to many ppl complained how it orginaly is06:45
raziel__hmm, well, now that you mention it, there was something about nerim.net but if you're refering to the ubuntu security stuff, well, I guess my friend disabled them in the sources list06:45
the_hammernice friend06:46
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SarnuialRagol: just Google "kubuntu mirror", there are plenty06:46
abattoirraziel__: nerim.net? you added external repos? or is it a mirror?06:46
abattoir*or your friend rather06:46
secleinteeris there any reason to change the repos? like security updates? or can i just wait?06:46
raziel__I'm not realy sure....well, I'm only sure neither of us added it06:47
raziel__ok, maybe he did06:47
abattoirraziel__: nerim.net? doesnt sound like something that'd be added by default...06:47
abattoirraziel__: could you try reverting to a fresh sources.list and try the dist-upgrade?06:47
raziel__reverting to a fresh one? sure, how?06:48
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:48
Lynourenerim.net is Marillat's, iirc. Not a default thing. mplayer & dvd related stuff, I think.06:48
abattoirraziel__: ^^^^^06:48
raziel__yeah, I know, I'm no use at this06:48
abattoirLynoure: so it wouldnt give you libc6/tzdata stuff?06:49
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Lynoureabattoir: I really don't know. Been a year since I had it there, I was on debian then06:49
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abattoirraziel__: anyway, i guess almost all ubuntu mirrors are down... so you'd have to wait a bit to get the package list....06:49
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kbrooksabattoir: not all of them06:50
abattoirLynoure: oh, its a debian repo...06:50
GG_Allinhas anyone managed to get the intel pro wireless 3945 card to work in kubuntu?  mine doesn't seem to get an IP address from my DHCP server, even though I enabled DHCP, etc.06:50
kbrooks*********** nl.archive.ubuntu.com works *****************06:50
abattoirkbrooks: know which one is up?06:50
abattoirkbrooks: ok, thanks06:50
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Lynoureabattoir: was, at least. That might have changed, too. Year is a long time06:50
pacohi all06:51
abattoirraziel__: you could try entering the country code as nl in source-o-matic06:51
pacois ubuntu.com unavailable?06:51
abattoirpaco: yes, see the topic06:51
theresapaco: nope, same here...it's terrible slow06:51
MilhousePunkRockGG_Allin: That might be a bug with DHCP06:51
Tommy2k4time for reinstall wish me luck06:51
pacook thanks06:52
MilhousePunkRockGG_Allin: Does it find your wireless LAN?06:52
GG_AllinMilhousePunkRock:  yeah, 'iwlist scan' shows my access point.  but when I try to connect to it and get an IP address it never gets one06:52
theresaI'm thinking about writing my bachelor assignment about Open Source software tools (based on Kubuntu and KDE) could you suggest me some good literature to do base my research on?06:53
MilhousePunkRocktry adding something to your /network/interfaces06:53
MilhousePunkRockGG_Allin: I'll look it up, one moment06:53
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apokryphostheresa: just writing about it?06:54
apokryphoshow it functions, how it works?06:54
GG_Allinmy access point and my router are two separate units.  the router handles DHCP, and the access point forwards all traffic to the router06:54
apokryphostheresa: kde.org has a lot of info about those things. As for Kubuntu, well, you'd have to  be part of the community to really feel it 8)06:55
MilhousePunkRockpre-up sleep 506:55
theresayep, and doing some "testing" and comparing it to licensed tools (based on windows machines,etc..) actually i want to focus on multimedia tools, gimp, kino, mplayer, etc...06:55
MilhousePunkRockto the bottom of the section of your WLAN card in /etc/network/interfaces06:55
theresaapokryphos: thank you, i'll have a look ;)06:55
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raziel__well, I guess now I have to wait until the mirrors are up again06:56
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pacothanks, bye06:57
GG_Allinwhen I run 'sudo dhclient eth1' the interface sends a DHCP Discover to  over and over but it never gets and IP06:57
MilhousePunkRockAdded that, GG_Allin?06:57
MilhousePunkRockYou need to do "sudo ifdow eth0 && sudo ifup eth0" for it to take effect06:58
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raziel__thanks for all the help, I guess I have to go now06:58
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Search4Lancerhere's a question: How do I fix tags on MP3 files? Apparently amaroK only pretends to change them when you change them in amaroK06:58
GG_Allinstill doesn't seem to work06:58
MilhousePunkRocktry mp3tagger, Search4Lancer06:59
cpk2|awayGG_Allin: does your router broadcast itself?06:59
GG_Allinisn't the network card supposed to do that06:59
cpk2|awayGG_Allin: you trying to do wireless?06:59
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MilhousePunkRocketh0 is might not be the right device07:00
GG_AllinI have an Intel 3945 mini-PCI card in my laptop07:00
GG_Allinit is eth107:00
Search4LancerMilhousePunkRock: where do I get that? I've got every and any depository working, and it isn't listed07:00
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MilhousePunkRockAren't the servers currently down?07:00
cpk2GG_Allin: your router might be setup to not broadcast itself as well so i dont think dhclient will get anything if your router isnt broadcasting07:00
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GG_Allinsometimes I can see the laptop's MAC address show up in my access point's log.  but for some reason my router won't give it an IP07:01
GG_Allineverything else on my LAN can get an IP, but not the laptop when it's in kubuntu07:01
MilhousePunkRockSearch4Lancer: Google is always handy... I used to have it, but I think I deleted it07:02
GG_Allinand I tried turning off the DHCP server in the router and activating the DHCP server in my Access Point, but the same thing happens07:02
cpk2GG_Allin: you try editing the network file yourself?07:03
MilhousePunkRockSearch4Lancer: http://ostermiller.org/mp3tagger/07:03
GG_Allinjust to what MilhousePunkRock told me change07:03
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cpk2its in /etc/network07:03
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MilhousePunkRockYou mentioned eth0, GG_Allin. Are you sure that is the name of your wireless card?07:04
MilhousePunkRockShouldn't it be wlan0 or ath0 ??07:04
GG_Allinno, my wireless card is eth1.   my ethernet card is eth007:05
MilhousePunkRockdid you do "sudo ifdown eth1 && sudo ifup eth1"?07:06
cpk2so the network file has iface as eth1?07:06
cpk2for the wireless section07:06
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the_hammercpk2 when ya have a moment can ya msg me?07:07
GG_Allinyeah, I took the card down and back up again07:07
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MilhousePunkRockOK, than I can't help you any further, sorry... What I told you did the job for me07:08
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GG_Allinthanks anyways07:10
viggo_will kubuntu.org get back online soon? Anyone who knows?07:10
GG_Allinhow do I associate it with my AP?   sudo iwconfig eth1 essid Boozin_and_Pranks_11g  ??07:10
MilhousePunkRockNice name btw...07:11
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secleinteerubuntu servers ar down07:11
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z00mhow do i install a .deb package07:12
viggo_security.ubuntu.com is not responding :-(07:12
z00mfrom terminal07:13
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secleinteeryes we all know it's not working07:14
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viggo_ok, that's what I was asking about. Will have to do this later then :-) bye bye07:15
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voicuin order to play mpeg files do I need any other packages not in the repositories?07:17
secleinteerjust get vlc or mplayer07:17
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secleinteerdoes any1 know how to set gaim as the default IM app when it doesn't show up on the list under KDE components?07:18
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GG_Allinis there something I'm forgetting?   lsmod shows that the ieee80211 subsystem is running, and the ipw3945 module is running.  and the ipw3945 daemon is running07:21
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faroussecleinteer: are you sure gaim is installed07:22
thomparepos are down right?07:22
wolfmanzdidnt think it would still be down i wonder whats taking so long07:22
thompai had problems yesterday already07:22
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thompaim wondering my screen seems to sort of jump a little occasionaly, it does it both in linux and windows?07:24
secleinteerfarous: yes it's installed07:24
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secleinteeri originally had ubuntu, then added the kubuntu-desktop package, so it's there by default07:25
UKF^vortexis there any way to change kde to gnome ?07:25
UKF^vortexI have kubuntu07:25
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dr_willisthompa,  this on a CRT or LCD monitor?07:25
HawkwindUKF^vortex: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:26
HawkwindUKF^vortex: Then once you get back to the GUI login, just select Gnome07:26
thompalcd, its a new system with amd 64 duo core07:26
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thompadr_willis: i formatted the drive, could it be that i need some chipset drivers or something?07:27
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dr_willisthompa,  if its doing it under both os's - id almost bet its a cable/montor issue.07:27
dr_willisthompa,  this a dvi or vga cable/input?07:28
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thompadr_willis: its  a standard serial looking cable i guess07:28
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UKF^vortexwhat is better ? kde or gnome ?07:29
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thompadr_willis: the thing is that HP puts all their drivers on a restore partition which i deleted, the chipset drivers are only availbale from the restore07:29
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v3ctorbetter for what?07:29
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Ace2005Hi all, any new info on the reason for the servers being down?07:30
dr_willisthompa,  i imagine theres web sites the got them..  they cant be that weird.. but still if they were THAT odd.. ya wouldent think there would be Linux drivers then eh.07:30
jim__does anyone know of a program to convert .flv files to .avi format for viewing?07:30
dr_willisthompa,  perhaps research what the motherboard is.. it sounds to me like its a Monitor/cable issue.07:30
Ace2005jim__: did you google search that? i know its on google because i did it07:31
jim__checked on google and the only thing i found was windows based07:31
thompadr_willis: ok, the motherboard was made by asus for HP, no drivers avaiable on either site, they said i need the restore disks.07:31
secleinteeryou could wine it07:32
dr_willisthompa,  i imagine theres a driverguide site that proberly has them.. or some torrent/archive sites that have the isos07:32
secleinteeralso, there's flv player07:32
thompadr_willis: the problem happens about evey 30 seconds or so if a window is open , i get a little jump in the screen07:33
jim__is the application called flv player07:33
Ace2005jim__: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=convert+flv+to+avi+linux&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a07:33
dr_willisthompa,  shounds like it could be a videocard/interfearance on the mb. issue as well.07:33
secleinteeryeah flv player07:33
secleinteerif it's win only, just wine it07:33
secleinteeror you could try mplayer07:34
thompadr_willis: thanks ill look, but is it possible to wipe out motherboard drivers by formatting the hard drive?07:34
dr_willisthompa,  i doubt it.07:34
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Ace2005secleinteer: You can do that but you can't use the mouse wheel to go ahead or go back07:34
dr_willisthompa,  they proberly got drivers somewhere, and are using some oddball chipset.. but  they all got designed by someone.07:34
secleinteerlol i didn't even know that you could do that w/ the mouse wheel07:34
secleinteernever tried the mouse wheel thing on xp07:35
secleinteeri'll do it now :-)07:35
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secleinteerok....it doesn't work on win either lol07:35
thompadr_willis: ok, but its strange if i need drivers from windows it seems, bios i can understand, but will mobo drivers installed in windows affect linux?07:35
Ace2005secleinteer: mplayer will play but not go forwards or backwards so avi files are nicer07:36
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thompadr_willis: thanks again for your help07:36
secleinteeri have flv's just because i ripped them from youtube07:36
secleinteerbut yeah, avi's are better07:36
secleinteerand mplayer can go forward and backwards if you get a gui07:36
Ace2005secleinteer: i got them from youtube too07:37
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secleinteerwell try getting mplayer + gui07:37
secleinteerbtw did you see those clips of jon stewart about net neutrality? they're on youtube07:37
Ace2005secleinteer: thats what i'm using, mplayer still won't allow changing the position while playing07:38
Ace2005nope but i'll check it out07:38
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secleinteerlol flv's are the only non proprietary formatted files that i've found that vlc can't play07:39
Ace2005Oh wait i don't have flash or the script that grabs the flv files yet,07:40
secleinteerjust get the videodownloader extension07:40
Ace2005the extensions don't work, i'm using beta 2 from cvs07:40
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secleinteerthe videodownloader extension doesn't work?07:41
Ace2005most of them don't07:41
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Ace2005I'm installing nightly tester tools to force the extensions to work07:41
secleinteeris this: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2390/ what you've been using?07:41
secleinteervideodownloader has always worked for me07:42
secleinteeryoutube, google vids, etc.07:42
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Ace2005i mean since i'm using beta 2, the extensions won't install, they fail the compatibility test so i'm having to force install the extension07:43
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secleinteeroh ok07:43
secleinteeri get it07:43
secleinteeris there any reason you're on beta 2?07:43
secleinteerthere is a way around it actually07:43
GG_Allin1and it appears to have got an IP address from my router (, however I still can't ping anything on the network.  and my router's Attached Devices list isn't showing the laptop's hostname.   my laptop's wireless card just seems to be receiving packets but not sending anything07:43
secleinteerinstall portable bon echo07:44
secleinteerthen you can keep
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Ace2005that would make more sense07:44
Ace2005i just wanted to see how long it would take CVS of firefox to compile07:44
Ace2005yea i pulled it from cvs and compiled it myself07:45
secleinteeroh yeah, that musta been a pain07:46
secleinteeri only tried it on win07:46
secleinteerand they obviously have an exe for that07:46
Ace2005it was easy, i just followed the text07:46
secleinteeri just hate compiling because half the time it doesnt work and i have to go hunting for the solution07:46
Ace2005compiling is ok just have to have a lot of dev packages and patience07:47
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secleinteerkynaptic works for me :-)07:48
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secleinteerthough sometimes i have had to compile, it just requires extensive use of the forums07:48
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jim__does anyone know why is down?07:48
dr_willisthe us servers are having some issues it seems - i hear07:49
secleinteerand uk, i think07:49
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thompaim lucky to have power here and comcast goes down daily07:49
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Ace2005That video is funny, and alarming07:53
secleinteerthe jon stewart vid?07:53
secleinteerthere's two of em, btw07:53
Ace2005ok let me go find the other one07:53
secleinteerdid you see the one with john hodgman?07:54
secleinteeror the one with the gambling?07:54
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thompacomedycentral web site has all the john hodgman videos i think07:55
Ace2005i saw the one with the screen saver and the tubes07:55
secleinteerok then just a sec07:56
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coachJdo we know WHY the servers are down?07:57
secleinteerno one knows07:57
draiksecleinteer:I just saw the video of John Stewart's Net... The one that shows teh 3d pipes screen saver is funny... with the horse races going fast through the tube because horses have legs to run faster on the net... LOL07:57
secleinteerjust be patient07:57
secleinteeryeah lol07:57
secleinteercheck out the link above07:57
secleinteerit's the 2nd vid07:57
Ace2005draik: thats the one i saw07:57
draikI choked on my own laughter07:58
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secleinteerthe daily show is great07:58
draikAce2005:Isn't the video just funny???07:58
Ace2005yea it is07:58
ubuntu__how do i run a program without it being closed when i close the terminal session ?07:59
Ace2005i was sort of wondering how he got the job07:59
ubuntu__yet launch it via ssh07:59
draikLOL... People cannot mastur.... to a dump truck... LOL07:59
Ace2005Alt + F2 then type the command07:59
ubuntu__via ssh ?07:59
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Ace2005right click on the desktop and select run and type the name07:59
Ace2005or just use the start menu to run it07:59
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ubuntu__but via ssh08:00
secleinteerdoes any1 know how i can change the konsole keyboard shortcuts?08:00
ubuntu__ssh is text based08:01
Jack12can someon help how to set up a second pop account in kmail?08:02
Jack12i get currently the mistake:08:02
Jack12the server did not accept the sender address. sender address does not belong to logged in user08:02
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ubuntu__also does konversation log irc chats?08:04
secleinteeri'm pretty sure08:04
secleinteerit's on by default08:04
ubuntu__just found it :)08:04
user-landi have problems with the encoding of text in kate. where can i change it to UTF-8 ?08:05
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secleinteertools -> encoding08:06
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Jack12hi how can i get an application to autostart with kde?08:07
PsyBan-with what program do i get icons on KDE desktop?08:07
PsyBan-whats KDE:s icon manager :[08:08
apokryphoswhat do you mean?08:08
apokryphosit's in system settings08:08
PsyBan-no its not08:08
Jack12via dragging the icon to the autostart folder?08:08
apokryphos(as most KDE settings)08:08
apokryphosyes, it is08:08
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user-landoh, thank you secleinteer. looks like it is UTF-8 and can not handle western europe encoding ...08:08
PsyBan-whats KDE:s icon manager?08:08
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ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/08:08
apokryphosit's in system settings08:08
PsyBan-no its not08:08
PsyBan-i cannot make any icons08:08
apokryphosyou didn't say *make* icons08:08
secleinteer do u mean shortcuts08:09
apokryphosPsyBan-: are you trying to make icons or alter your icon theme?08:09
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ironfroggyanyone here use samba/cifs client on the linux end?08:09
PsyBan-im trying to make shortcut icons08:09
secleinteerright click on file and maybe you can make them08:09
PsyBan-on my desktop08:09
PsyBan-no i cant08:09
apokryphosPsyBan-: err, so you're trying to make shortcuts08:09
apokryphosnot icons08:09
apokryphosPsyBan-: right-click -> create new -> link to location08:09
PsyBan-im trying to make shortcut icons on my desktop08:09
PsyBan-apokryphos, there isnt CREAT NEW08:09
PsyBan-there only is log out08:09
PsyBan-and some other stupid stuff08:10
PsyBan-thats it08:10
apokryphosPsyBan-: can you post a screenshot?08:10
PsyBan-i need icon manager08:10
apokryphosno you don't08:10
PsyBan-yes i do08:10
PsyBan-and i dont wanna used idesk08:10
apokryphosI'm sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about.08:10
PsyBan-its too pain in the ass08:10
pieter_does anyone know if ubuntu servers are offline? I can't get to the website or repositories ...08:10
apokryphossuch a thing surely wouldn't be called an "icon manager"08:10
Ademanhey, does anyone have any idea what some light weight and fast desktop environments are? i've got an old 300 mhz computer i want to bring back from the dead, and even xfce seems to be too much for it08:10
apokryphosPsyBan-: please watch your language08:10
secleinteerright click on the exec file08:10
PsyBan-now would someone please tell me the name of KDE:S icon manager08:11
PsyBan-so i can make some kewl icons08:11
gatekeeperpieter_: yes try au,08:11
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draikAdeman:I think DSL has a lite version. Not positive08:11
secleinteeromg, there is no icon manager08:11
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PsyBan-well desktop manager08:11
PsyBan-what ever08:11
ubuntu__is there a way to include your password into your ssh command?08:11
PsyBan-just need the damn icons08:11
apokryphosagain, you don't know what you're talking about08:11
apokryphosand it's not icons you want, it's shortcuts08:11
secleinteerif you want to make an icon, go to /usr/lib/firefox for ex.08:11
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gatekeeperpieter_: yw :-)08:12
PsyBan-icons on my desktop08:12
secleinteerand right click on the exec and make a link by dragging to desktop and choosign make laink here08:12
apokryphosPsyBan-: please post a screendump of your right-click08:12
apokryphosI find it very hard to believe that there's no "create new"08:12
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PsyBan-WELL OK08:12
PsyBan-ill post08:12
h3sp4wnAdeman: blackbox or fluxbox08:12
apokryphosubuntu__: no, the passwordless way to login with ssh is to use ssh keys08:13
Ademani forgot, did fluxbox come from blackbox? or the other way around?08:13
apokryphosPsyBan-: you can use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for it08:13
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ubuntu__ill keep the password way then08:13
apokryphosubuntu__: ssh keys aren't hard to set up though, I've got a decent/easy howto if you want it08:13
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PsyBan-apokryphos, http://img236.imageshack.us/img236/9035/kdesuxfc3.jpg08:16
PsyBan-there you go08:16
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apokryphosPsyBan-: in a terminal, if you type touch ~/Desktop/test  what do you get?08:17
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h3sp4wnAdeman: blackbox is oldest08:17
PsyBan-apokryphos, a broken file?08:17
apokryphosPsyBan-: what?08:18
apokryphoswhat's the output of that command?08:18
PsyBan-im sure that will brake something08:18
PsyBan-it was command for modifying timestamps08:18
apokryphosthen you're quite wrong08:18
PsyBan-doesnt sound so good to modify08:18
apokryphosto modify what?08:18
PsyBan-the command does not do anything08:18
PsyBan-no output08:18
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apokryphosPsyBan-: hm, ok, so you do seem to have permission to write there08:19
apokryphosPsyBan-: if you open Konqueror, and go to your home, and right-click there, do you get "create new"?08:19
intelikeywhat would be the *buntu way of streaching an ext3 file system ?08:19
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PsyBan-apokryphos, yes..08:20
apokryphosPsyBan-: very weird, I don't know why that's happening08:21
apokryphosthough presumably you could make all shortcuts there and then drag to Desktop08:21
secleinteervery easy way to it linked above08:21
PsyBan-i cannot08:21
PsyBan-it wont let me drag it there08:21
apokryphoswhat does it say?08:21
PsyBan-well i could start nautilus manager08:21
PsyBan-but thats desktop manager for gnome08:21
PsyBan-wonder what KDE uses08:22
apokryphoswhat does it say when you try to drag it there?08:22
secleinteerit should have the option "link here"08:22
apokryphosKonqueror's File Manager, Web Browser etc is Konqueror08:22
PsyBan-it does not speak08:22
secleinteernow you're being a pain, psy08:22
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apokryphosPsyBan-: then it's probably there but not showing. What happens if you alt+f2 -> konqueror ~/Desktop08:22
apokryphosdoes it appear there?08:22
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PsyBan-apokryphos, appear what08:22
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apokryphosthe shortcut you tried to make08:23
PsyBan-i didnt make any shortcuts08:23
apokryphosif you did what I said before then you would've been08:23
secleinteeromg psyban: http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/4154/shortcutrl6.jpg08:23
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apokryphoscheck secleinteer's example08:23
PsyBan-stupid kubuntu-deskto08:23
PsyBan-the packet didnt have desktopmanager08:23
apokryphosPsyBan-: and also, please don't troll in here.08:24
OODanyone know what's up with the ubuntu servers?08:24
apokryphosOOD: /topic08:24
secleinteercheck the topic goddamn it08:24
secleinteerthis is starting to get annoying08:24
OODah i see it, nvm :D08:24
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Hawkwindsecleinteer: What theme are you using in konqueror ?08:26
OODthat's plasik isn't it?08:26
secleinteerlemme check08:27
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apokryphoswindow decoration is plastik08:27
Hawkwindsecleinteer: Or better yet, what icon theme ?  I really like the layout of those folder icons08:27
apokryphosstyle looks like lipstik08:27
secleinteerhold on lol08:27
secleinteerit's redmond xp08:28
apokryphosicon theme is nuoveXT I believe08:28
secleinteerand widget style is plastik08:28
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secleinteeri'm also using a windows xp font collection08:28
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apokryphosah, plastik and lipstik always get me; quite similar08:29
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secleinteericon theme is vista, i think08:29
secleinteeror something like that08:29
secleinteeryeah that's it08:29
apokryphosdang, I must be getting rusty08:30
secleinteeranyway g2g08:30
secleinteerwill be idling08:30
HawkwindCan that icon theme be found on kde-look.org ?08:30
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z00mhas that icon set also, is there away to change you taskbar at the bottom08:31
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive08:31
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ubotuI know nothing about pastbin - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:31
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johan__Hello, I just installed Kubuntu 6.06 But i can't find drivers for my printer a canon pixma IP2200. Can someone help me find those drivers?08:32
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z00mis ubuntus repositories down ?08:32
apokryphosz00m: /topic08:32
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eva_how long are they down?08:33
tommynote to self: dont try and install ubuntu while repos are down08:33
z00mthats my layout, i want to change my taskbar at the bottom the way it looks08:34
apokryphoseva_: /topic08:34
gatekeeperz00m: yes, only ones I know that are working are au.08:34
OODzoom: right click on it->Configure Panel08:34
z00mgatekeeper: hows it going ;)08:34
eva_apokryphos, I see but I don't know since when are they down08:34
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intelikeywhy are 'many ubuntu services' down ?08:35
z00mOOD: done that to make it transparent08:35
gatekeeperz00m: ok thanx and with you?08:35
z00myeah im ok, im just trying to get my head around overflows on a 64bit CPU :/08:35
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apokryphosintelikey: because they main server is down, it seems. No-one I've seen knows why just yet.08:36
gatekeeperz00m: you got problems with that?08:36
joe_attaboyTheir servers have apparently been down since late last night/early this AM. (I'm on the US East coast.08:37
z00mgatekeeper: yes my amd cpu has overflow protection on it08:37
joe_attaboyI was trying to download a couple of thins from the repositories and they weren't responding.08:38
gatekeeperz00m: :-)08:38
z00mthe processor make memory read only, if it detects an overflow08:38
z00mits safer but a pain when you are trying to learn about them, if your computer will not allow it to happen :D08:38
intelikeyjoe_attaboy the su.ubunut was down from early yesterday evening   nl. was up until after 8:00 gmt08:38
OODall recent cpus have that08:39
intelikeyerr us.08:39
joe_attaboy8:00 AM?08:39
intelikeyyes 20:00 would be pm08:39
z00mOOD: the amd64 has it and there is something called NX that is for the 32bit cpu's it like the DEP in windows XP service pack 208:39
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gatekeeperz00m: so what are you doing to cause it to overflow?08:40
z00mamd64 cpu has it built into it08:40
joe_attaboyoh, yeah...you'd think 21 years working for the military would make me remember that ;-)08:40
OODz00m: NX and DEP are the exact same thing08:40
intelikeyone would think.08:40
OODjust different names08:40
thrice`anyone have a working mirror I can grab kubuntu64 from?08:41
z00mOOD: i read that microsoft was going to use NX on there systems because its better than DEP, not sure though i might have rememberd wrong08:41
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z00mlet me look it up08:41
joe_attaboyI tried the us mirrors from about midnight EDT (0400 gmt) until about 2 AM. Nothing. Been trying since I got back from church this AM.08:41
apokryphosthrice`: http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/08:41
OODit's the exact same thing, and all a64 cpus have that, and any recent P4 and above Intel cpus have it08:41
intelikeyjoe_attaboy sorry for not using 'propper' notation  i should have said 08:00  my bad.08:42
thrice`ok...how stupid is this08:42
Tommy2k4Hawkwind: i reinstalled kubuntu and im still getting that broken higlight :(08:42
thrice`best buy woint' touch my laptop until I have windows-  however, they did NOT give me a windows disc to come with it08:42
thrice`I payed for a f'n windows lisence, but they can't include a CD to install it with?08:42
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z00mNX stands for No eXecute. Generically, it is a technology used in CPUs to segregate areas of memory for use by either storage of processor instructions (aka code) or for storage of data. Any section of memory designated with NX attribute means it's only for use by data, therefore processor instructions cannot and should not reside there. It is a popular technique used to prevent certain types of malicious software from taking o08:43
z00ms data storage area and running their own code from within this section; this is known as a buffer overflow attack, and NX can prevent it in many08:43
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z00myour right ;)08:43
thrice`apokryphos, anything...quicker?  that is going at 8 k/s :(08:44
z00mwell its different on the 64bit cpu there are 8 bytes not for on EBP08:44
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z00mand its called RBP08:45
z00mEIP is called RIP08:45
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samoerm does anyone have an eta when the "supositories" I mean repositories will be back?08:45
z00m 8 bytes not 4 bytes on the 64 bit cpu08:45
apokryphossamo: no08:45
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intelikeyz00m hmmm one would think they would have used  !X ...08:46
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samoapokryphos do you know if there's an active mirror that I can use instead of the *.ubuntu ones08:46
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apokryphossamo: I recommend just being patient08:47
Tibabattoir: hello08:47
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:47
||Trayer||is the help site still down...?08:48
samoI would if I had frozen bubble installed :(08:48
||Trayer||Augh! Stupid wiki and it's beign down-ness08:48
z00mProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.08:48
z00m0x0000414141414141 in ?? ()08:48
apokryphos||Trayer||: Please read the /topic08:48
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intelikeysamo nl. is up.08:48
z00myou can't push anymore than 6 bytes into it08:48
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intelikeyis us. the only server affected ?08:49
narasim_7if i do a dist-upgrade will my kernel get updated..08:49
samointelikey you mean nl.ubuntu.com?08:49
Tibis it normal that i have almost nothing on my install?08:49
intelikeysamo yes08:49
samothx man08:50
Tibi don't have gcc and I don't even have make!08:50
=== samo rushes to download updates
apokryphosTib: /msg ubotu compile08:50
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Tibubotu: ?08:51
ubotuI know nothing about ? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:51
intelikeytib  not having gcc constitutes 'almost nothing installed'  ?08:51
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:51
Tibintelikey: well, if i don't have it, i can almost build nothing08:52
intelikeyTib why build anything ?08:52
samoI think you need to "apt-get install build-essentials"08:52
kbrooks||Trayer||: You said "it's beign down-ness" - don't you mean malignant08:52
intelikeydo you just like compiling things, or are you a "code monkey" aka developer ?08:53
samo(when the servers are back up)08:53
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Tibintelikey: this is the way linux works, and on powerpc not everything is already build08:53
kbrooksTib: linux distros dont work that way08:53
Tibkbrooks: so how does it works?08:53
kbrookstib: they use a packaging system08:53
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intelikeyTib !repos08:54
z00mTib: get build-tools08:54
kbrookstib: i'm taling about linux distributions such as Debian or Ubuntu08:54
intelikey build-essential08:54
OODkbrooks: he has a powerpc, there aren't a lot of precompiled packages for powerpc08:54
z00mintelikey: yes that right :)08:54
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intelikey!repos > Tib08:55
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intelikey  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:  <-- that's on the down'd server.08:57
Tommykubuntu still crashing after reinstall :(08:57
kbrooksTommy: eh?08:57
Tommyit doesnt like my pc08:57
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Tommyrandomly my monitor shows lots of multicolored vertical lines then gives the error frequency out of range 31khz/0hz08:58
Tibi had a crash08:59
intelikeyTommy hehhe kool  :)08:59
Tibi'm sorry08:59
Tommynot really :(08:59
intelikey!repos > Tib08:59
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intelikeyTommy yeah i know.    you are not using frame buffering  by any chance are you ?09:00
kbrooksintelikey: he doesnt know!09:00
Tommynot unless its enabled by default, i just installed 5mins ago09:00
Tommywell, 10mins09:00
kbrooksintelikey: dont givve him that s***09:00
Tommyand its already crashed once so far09:00
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intelikeykbrooks i don't know how he set it up.   but some times using frame buffering is a useful work around for vidio problems09:02
Tommyhow do i enable it09:02
kbrooksTommy: open a terminal.09:03
kbrooksat the $ prompt, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" without the quotes.  press enter.09:03
Tommydone that many times i dont remember a frame buffer option o_o09:04
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kbrookstype YOUR password at the "Password: " prompt and press enter.09:04
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kbrooksTommy: vesa09:04
kbrooksTommy: you want that09:04
eric__I'm a kubuntu newbie - linux newbie, in fact and I could use some guidance getting gnash to work.09:04
eric__I downloaded the source code from the gnu/gnash site and have tried ./configure.09:04
samoomg nl works, long live netherlands!!!!09:04
eric__It looks like it's trying to find a compiler and I don't have one.09:05
eric__Does kubuntu not come with a compiler?09:05
Tommyshould i specificy amount of video ram09:05
Tommyim using integrated i81009:05
OODeric_: no it doesn't09:05
intelikeysamo yeah but for updates  the server that security.ubuntu hits is still down for me....09:05
eric__OOD: For a basic newb like myself, is there one compiler I should use?09:06
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unstablesobwhat installes support for /dev/sequencer?09:06
intelikeynot usre if one can specify which server to hit for security09:06
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OODeric_: to compile you can download the build-essential package, but the servers are down now09:06
will_I've been trying to get WoW To run under wine, and I've been getting a error.  When I run it in -opengl mode it will freeze a few seconds after I log on.  I'm on a ati x700 card, with version .1709:06
intelikeyunstablesob modprobe ?09:06
unstablesobintelikey: modprobe what?09:07
Ragoloh well... it's quite hard to install kubuntu because the installer is trying to connect prat.ubuntu.com....09:07
eric__OOD: GCC OK? I was thinking I'd use synaptic, if/when the servers come back.09:07
RagolI'm just waiting that it would timeout and ask the proper server...09:07
OODeric_: i have a compiled package i can send you if you want, although gnash doesn't do too much right09:07
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Tommykbrooks: should i specify amount of video ram (using integrated i810)09:07
eric__OOD: Can one apt-get install them?09:07
kbrooksTommy: no09:07
kbrooksTommy: ubuntu will detect09:07
OODeric_: yes, apt-get install build-essential09:07
eric__That's another thing I don't understand - where do these packages come from when we do apt-get install?09:07
BlankBI keep having problems with repos...yesterday it was us.archive.... today its security.ubnuntu.com... is there something wrong with the repos?09:08
OODbut the servers are down now, so you won't be able to download any packages09:08
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kbrookseric__: just use NL.archive.ubuntu.com09:08
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Ragolit just says 'Browsing installation server..." (or something like that, I'm using the Finnish version)09:08
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samofyi: somewhere in ubuntu-nl.org there's an easy sources thing where you can change the country of your souces.list from say us to nl09:08
kbrookseric__: in your /etc/apt/sources.list09:08
will_http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=466849  <- Details to the issue I'm having with WoW09:08
BlankBOOD: what is up with the servers? Should this be in the /topic ?09:08
thrice`it is09:08
intelikeyunstablesob snd-seq-oss  ?09:09
thrice` Many ubuntu services are down - people are working to restore them09:09
pinupgeek__hmp, is ruby 1.8 not in the dapper universe anymore ?09:09
OODwill: did you go to appdb and follow the how-to?09:09
will_Who's working to restore them exactly...?09:09
Ragolnow it timeoutted and started a new one 'browsing the repository of security updates'...09:09
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kbrookswill_: people. we dont know who09:09
Ragoloh, it was fast...09:09
unstablesobintelikey: thanks, that works09:09
intelikeyunstablesob when in doubt activate bash_completion09:09
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Ragol"wait" quite an informative windows, I think ;)09:09
intelikey. /etc/bash_completion09:10
BlankBsilly Konversation...id did'nt realize it doesnt update the topic that it shows at the top of the screen...if I do /topic it shows up.09:10
LeeJunFanokay, the main datacenter had a power failure, which is why archive.ubuntu.com is down, as well as all websites. The us.archive was down before the power failure and is an unrelated problem. Not all archives are down.09:10
eric__kbrooks: Is there a way to tell the shell to look elsewhere for packages, eg NL.archive.ubuntu.com?09:10
intelikeythen # modprobe snd[tab] 09:10
will_OOD: Yep, As well as I could. I think it's a driver error, but I'm oblivious at how to update them09:10
kbrookseric__: apt uses the sources., not the shell. and i meant nl09:10
kbrooksLeeJunFan: Yay.09:10
kbrooksLeeJunFan: THANK you for telling!09:11
eric__kbrooks ?09:11
samoeric_ try http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic and change the country to nl09:11
kbrookseric__: names are case sentistive09:11
eric__samo: gotcha.09:11
eric__kbrooks: right09:11
kbrookseric__: 'x' is not 'X'09:11
bLaZeDhello all when pinging google.com i got this 64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=237 time=60.4 ms (DUP!) i have never seen that dup b4 any ideas as to what it means?09:11
samoof course, back up your sources.list first!!09:11
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LeeJunFanbLaZeD: it means you are getting more than one response for your ping request.09:13
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bLaZeDLeeJunFan, ahh weird...but thank you for the info..much appreciated =D09:13
intelikeysamo or; sed 's/us./nl./' bash_completion | sudo tee bash_completion         but like you said backup first.  :)09:14
LeeJunFanbLaZeD: yeah it is wierd, I can ping that IP from here w/o dupes so it's somewhere more local to you causing it.09:14
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samointelikey I'm not that savvy and I'm also a bit lazy but thanks for the info :)09:15
intelikeysamo hehhe ooops wrong buffer.  s_bash_completion_/etc/apt/sources.list_ ^   sorry.09:15
bLaZeDLeeJunFan, im not to worried...this is the 1st time i have ever seen it b4....and my inet seems fine so i will  worry bout it later09:15
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intelikeyyeah i hit the mouse key without paying attention to what was makred....09:16
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iradioI have a wacom touch screen and I am wondering how to get it to work with kubuntu dapper.09:19
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intelikeyhmmm i'm not used to not having any /etc/rc?.d/    makes me have to think....   and i'm not used to that.09:20
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intelikeyiradio it doesn't by default ?09:21
iradiointelikey: nope.09:21
iradiothe screen works, but not the touch part of it.09:21
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intelikeyhmmmm the wacom lines in my xorg.conf cause errors so i always have to remove them.  i just figured if i had a wacom it would work...09:22
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intelikeyiradio "apt-cache search wacom "    and see what package information you get.09:23
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iradiointelikey: good call. I'll install the utilities package that came up...09:24
intelikeywell i think i will mkfs this drive now.  cause i need the room.   laters.      iradio yeah apt-cache is your friend.09:24
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grizzly!keyboard layout09:26
ubotuI know nothing about keyboard layout - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:26
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grizzlyIn which directory does "setxkbmap" looks in for keyboard layouts ? Basically i want to install a keyboard layout09:27
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weedarAnyone knows what happened to ubuntuforums?09:41
nixternalservers are coming back online, please be patient if you detect slowness in reaction. thank you for your support!09:42
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nixternalit seems a heat wave is to blame for the disruption to all power services available to the datacenter. as more information is made available, we will inform all of you. thank you for your support!09:43
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Ademan when you right click on a file in nautilus and hit make link... is it symbolic by default?09:47
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Dahgolhow do i apply chmod 775 to an entire directory and its content?09:48
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kuzechmod -R 755 dir09:49
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coachJi steped away and Konversation crashed09:51
coachJauyone here?09:52
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elfshadow14Can someone tell me why the repos are gone and way ubnuntu's site was done09:54
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Hawkwindelfshadow14: Been down since yesterday09:54
Hawkwindelfshadow14: /topic09:55
elfshadow14I know09:55
elfshadow14But does anyone know why?09:55
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elfshadow14What topic?09:56
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rljis pyqt available in any of the standard repos?09:59
kbrooksrlj: yes.10:00
maryhamhello to all10:00
necroticI feel dumb :( I downloaded the PowerPC version of Kubuntu and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't start on my PC.10:00
kbrooksrlj:  in fact.10:00
kbrooksrlj: its there already, or should be10:00
maryhamanyone can tell me how to register my nickname ?10:00
rljkbrooks: i can't see it in adept10:00
kbrooksrlj: (the kubuntu installer uses pyqt)10:00
kbrooksrlj: open a terminal.10:00
rljkbrooks: right10:01
kbrooksrlj: at the  $ prompt...10:01
kbrooksrlj: type python.10:01
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rljinterpreter ready to go10:01
kbrooksrlj: you will get a ">>>" prompt. at that, type "import qt"10:01
rlji assume you are going to tell me how to query it if the module is there...10:01
kbrookswithout the quotes10:01
Tommy2k4i cant open kate from konsole :s10:01
rljyup that worke10:01
rljguess pyqt is already in some other package then10:02
maryhamanyone can tell me how to register my nickname ?10:02
kbrooksTommy2k4: you can, type "kate &" at the $ prompt10:02
kbrooks!register > maryham10:02
Tommy2k4well i knew that10:02
Tommy2k4but thats weird10:02
rljkbrooks: so apparently it's in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/qt.so10:02
Tommy2k4i can kate but i cant sudo kate10:02
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rljkbrooks: how do i query apt as to what package owns that file?10:02
kbrooksTommy2k4: try kdesu kate10:02
kbrooksrlj: Let me find out how10:03
Tommy2k4god dam why do i always forget that10:03
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kbrooksTommy2k4: remember: "kde super user"10:03
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:03
froodI'm trying to use make to compile a program. it says it can't find GCC, I've installed GCC 4 via adept but I don't think I have the environment variable setup for it. How can I set that?10:03
Tommy2k4i know what it is10:03
Tommy2k4i always do sudo tho10:03
Tommy2k4too used to it10:03
kbrooksTommy2k4: for kde gui apps, use kdesu10:03
Tommy2k4i know but i forget :(10:04
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kbrooksrlj: apt-cache search qt.so10:05
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kbrooksrlj: wait, no10:06
kbrooksrlj: apt-cache search qt | grep python10:06
elfshadow14Has anyone had the problem that when they update kubuntu when it reboots it just stay on a kubuntu logo.10:06
kbrooksrlj: another option is to install apt-file, iirc10:06
jmichaelxi just downloaded a .pdf document and am using adobe acrobat reader, i want to save the document to my hard drive, but i get a "not super user" error. can anyone tell me what to do?10:06
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rljkbrooks: ok, will do, might be useful'10:07
farousjmichaelx: it is most probably in your /tmp file. save it in your home dir10:07
kbrooksrlj: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Apt-file10:07
rljkbrooks: i come from a gentoo background (my first and only distro so far) so i'm still learning the debian way of doing things (just bought a laptop with a new kubuntu installation on it now)10:08
jmichaelxfarous: i guess that would be the easiest way, but sometimes this whole superuser thing ticks me off lol10:08
kbrooksrlj: ebay?10:08
rljkbrooks: the laptop? yeah, the swedish equivalent10:08
kbrooksjmichaelx: do you understand it?10:08
rljkbrooks: it did not have kubuntu originally though10:08
farousjmichaelx: you need it only if you are saving to other dir. when you get used to it you will find it a better organization10:08
jmichaelxkbrooks: i think i understand it, but at times it makes things unnecessarily complicated10:09
farousjmichaelx: yet you can always use sudo for superuser privlage10:09
kbrooksjmichaelx: complicated? well,  you can go back to the traditional su/root stuff. i won't tell you how, look around on the internet10:09
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jmichaelxfarous: you cannot use sudo from within a program like acroreader10:09
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic | KOffice 1.5.2 Released. ht
mattjunxanyone here familiar with kontact?10:09
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mattjunxor at least korganizer10:10
crimsunapokryphos: hi, do you use a ThinkPad with UK keymap?10:10
farousjmichaelx: there is a way  but i won't recommend it10:10
kbrooksapokryphos: mistake?10:10
jmichaelxkbrooks: i think i will go back to su10:10
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Please take off-topic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic | KOffice 1.5.2 Released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-152.php
farousjmichaelx: there is always a way ;)10:10
kbrooksjmichaelx: so search10:10
jmichaelxfarous: there is always a way, albeit often a tiring , annoying way10:10
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kbrookswhat is this "koffice"10:11
jmichaelxkbrooks: it is another office suite10:11
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jmichaelxi am sure you knew that lol10:11
iradioanybody know how to configure a touchscreen? The cursor is not lining up with the screen's pen.10:11
smarter_It's me or kubuntu.org is down?10:12
jmichaelxkbrooks: people often have ddifferent likes and dislikes, i guess. i have never looked at koffice10:12
mattjunxalright, anyways, problem with kontact/korganizer10:12
mattjunxnow I've been looking forever for an easy method of blog publishing, and one day I found the "Journal" part of KOrganizer10:13
jmichaelxit seems to me that a number of sites/servers connected with cononical have been on the fritz the last few days10:13
mattjunxapparently, you can include journal entries in an iCal file, so there we go10:13
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narasim_7are the servers up?10:13
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mattjunxanyhow, according to the documentation (including help:/korganizer/managing-data.html), I should be able to add a blog as a calendar resource10:13
jmichaelxnarasim_7: the .us servers were down last i knew, but i never use those10:14
mattjunxhowever, that is like, the ONLY damn entry missing from the add resource wizard10:14
mattjunxso, what's the problem here?10:14
mattjunxand yes, I do have kdepim-kresources installed10:15
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jmichaelxok, to move this .pdf document i downloaded from it's temporary file to where i want it, am i going to have to do it from the command line?10:16
farousjmichaelx: no you can use the file browser10:17
jmichaelxty farous10:17
stefan_narasim_7: i ca10:17
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farousjmichaelx: when you save in acrobat choose save as it is easier then select where you wana save it10:17
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stefan_I cant sent private message, I'm not registered10:18
narasim_7stefan_: i dont get it..10:18
narasim_7stefan_: ok10:18
narasim_7so are u able to do updating10:18
stefan_narasim_7: uptates is today a problem, you can ipdate with the de.ubuntu.com servers10:18
jmichaelxthnx again farous10:18
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narasim_7stefan_: okie10:19
farousur welcomed :)10:19
stefan_I think it10:19
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rysiek|plhi ther guys10:21
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grizzlyIs there a method to force google earth to run in directx mode?? from the command line i.e.10:23
rysiek|plshort one here: when I added a new Jabber account to Kopete (testing my own Jabber server), it moaned about the SSL certificate being self-signed. Now I am about to test my shiny new certificate, but first I want to see Kopete moan about my old one again - and it doesn't, as I have checked "Trust always" or something alike when it first did. Anybody knows, where to un-check this option for Kopete?..10:23
grizzlyJust clicking 'try directx' results in a crash10:23
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rysiek|plgrizzly: eeerm... DirectX?.. on Linux? :)10:24
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rysiek|plgrizzly: DirectX is a M$' child, and as such, obviously, is available *only* on winshit10:24
grizzlyrysiek|pl: well it does say 'try directx' . Thats all I know10:25
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rysiek|plgrizzly: aye, that's because GoogleEarth is a nice, cross-platform app. the devs should have included a sanity check, though, that disables this option on non-winshit platforms10:26
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rysiek|plgrizzly: it will always crash upon attempting to initialize DirectX on Linux/MacOS/whatever-non-windows simply because DirectX is not there10:27
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kbrooks!tell rysiek|pl about language10:28
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elfshadow14Does anyone know if the how I can edit my repos10:29
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Philip5elbarto: of course10:30
Philip5elfshadow14: of course10:30
Tommy2k4!info opera10:31
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in dapper10:31
elfshadow14What Philip510:31
Tommy2k4i thought ubuntu was distributing opera in repos these days10:31
elfshadow14Which file is the repos in?10:32
crimsunTommy2k4: not ubuntu per se but canonical.10:32
Tommy2k4meaning what10:33
Tommy2k4is it in a repo10:33
x_xenonits the first time, i use irc10:34
ChefWill_anyone know the location where kubuntu stores battery info?10:34
ChefWill_i.e. amount charge, etc10:34
ChefWill_i think its in /etc/acpi somewhere10:34
x_xenonhow can i change the color of my nick in irc?10:34
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Philip5opera is in the commercial repo10:35
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joe_attaboyHey everyone: the update servers appear to be back up. I just did one from here (US).10:37
x_xenonyeah i have found it10:38
Philip5joe_attaboy: you... seam to work10:38
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:42
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elfshadow14Hey when I update my kubuntu it really screw it up had anyone ver updated and then it just show s a logo when you boot.10:43
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Rus1Is it pretty much required to have inet connectivity while installing (k)ubuntu?10:44
crimsunelfshadow14: could you describe your problem more fully? It's difficult to understand as you state it.10:44
Rus1I tried without and a lot of things seemed messed up.10:44
crimsunRus1: not at all.10:44
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Rus1For instance, I tried to sudo apt-get install firefox after plugging in, and it couldn't. I checked my sources.list, and all repositories were disabled because they couldn't be verified or something, but even after enabling all of them it didn't work.10:45
elfshadow14Well when I update my my kubuntu it works but then when I reboot it jaust shows the kubuntu logo and dosn't start.10:45
elfshadow14opps I spelled bad10:45
Rus1It told me something about some required packages not being installable.10:46
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Rus1I'm thinking about trying the install again now that I have internet connectivity - do you think that would get me anywhere or would it be a waste of time?10:46
Ace2005yay the forums are back online10:46
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coljstoutCan I install kubuntu without booting into the LiveCD? Is there a startup string? Like linux26 in debian?10:49
HawkwindRus1: It will timeout at the end when trying to check the sites for packages.  Once you finish the install you can install the things you want/need from that point10:49
Dahgolhi. when kde is starting up, i get the kmenu icon bouncing in the mouse pointer. can i disable that image to bounce at my system startup?10:50
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Rus1Hawkwind: I understand that that would happen, but it seems to have messed up more than that since I couldn't install firefox.10:51
Rus1Also, is it possible to add/remove repositories from within Adept, or do I have to manually edit my sources.list?10:51
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HawkwindRus1: Adept -> Click on Manage Repositories10:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:53
Rus1Hawkwind: I have no such menu item.10:53
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:53
Rus1ahh, I see.10:53
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Rus1If I run Adept Manager from the system menu it's there10:53
HawkwindRus1: I don't use Adept or any other GUI to do install/remove of apps or anything10:53
B4ckB0neI got a simple question: How to install a driver from the c++ source files... got the driver ... just nead a tutorial on how to install from c++ files ... i prefer german .. english is ok too10:53
intelikeywho can tell me why k3b and xcdroast can't find scd0 ?10:54
Rus1I understand that I can use apt-get and add repositories to sources.list, but I just thought it was supposed to be possible.10:54
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coachJR the repos back up?10:55
intelikeyping us.ubuntu.com10:55
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intelikeyi guess not then...10:56
intelikeywho can tell me why k3b and xcdroast can't find scd0 ?10:56
coachJunknown host10:56
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intelikeyStarting to scan for devices...10:57
intelikeyScan finished.10:57
crimsuncoachJ: us.archive.ubuntu.com is having problems; please use archive.ubuntu.com for the moment10:57
B4ckB0neI got a simple question: How to install a driver from the c++ source files... got the driver ... just nead a tutorial on how to install from c++ files ... i prefer german .. english is ok too10:57
jim__anyone know how to play .flv files in linux i cannot find an answer10:57
intelikeythere should be two devices found there.10:57
Rus1jim_: vlc will play them I think.10:57
jim__I tried vlc and it did not work10:57
crimsunintelikey: so a scsi device? What does ``cdrecord -scanbus'' reveal?10:58
Rus1Okay, then I don't know.10:58
B4ckB0nedid u install the windows codecs?10:58
jim__no i did not install the windwows codecs should i10:58
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B4ckB0necould help10:59
jim__heres a dumb newbie question: how do i install the windows codecs in linux10:59
B4ckB0newhat is .flv ?10:59
B4ckB0newhich codec?10:59
B4ckB0negoogle ... gather some more information10:59
Rus1It's a flash video I think10:59
Rus1used by youtube10:59
jim__right its flash10:59
intelikeycrimsun lots of Error trying to open /dev/sg0 exclusively (Permission denied)... retrying in 1 second.  <---11:00
B4ckB0neso did you install shockwave11:00
Rus1I have successfully used vlc to play them under windows.11:00
B4ckB0netry opening it with a browser11:00
intelikeywhy is it hitting sg0 ???11:00
jim__will try the browser11:00
OODB4clBone: there is no shockwave for linux11:00
Philip5B4ckB0ne: only via crossoffice but it's not free11:01
B4ckB0nedo you have an answer on how to play these files?11:01
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jim__won't work in a browser or totem11:01
B4ckB0neI got a simple question: How to install a driver from the c++ source files... got the driver ... just nead a tutorial on how to install from c++ files ... i prefer german .. english is ok too11:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:03
intelikeycrimsun thanks.   but why is it looking for  sg rather than scd ?    and yea setting perms on /dev/sg* fixed it.11:03
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crimsunintelikey: cdrecord uses the sg devices (as it should) for scsi devices11:05
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intelikeyso sg0 adn scd0 are =11:05
crimsunintelikey: sg0 is the 'raw' device that would be used for communication (I guess Douglas designed it that way)11:06
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SystematicDubhey all I've got a weird problem11:07
intelikeycrimsun k   thanks again.11:08
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ironfroggyis mount -a given before any network connections are established?11:10
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SystematicDubOk first off I'm on Dapper's Live CD and I start up a radio stream and no sound comes out.  I tried playing some local stuff on the cd and it played perfectly.  So why will streams connect and buffer and say there playing but not?11:12
ironfroggywhat kind of streams are they?11:12
SystematicDubinternet streams like SomaFM and Radio Paradise....I listen to em all the time on windoze *hiss11:13
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ironfroggywhat formats? playing with what software?11:14
ironfroggyfor example, are they flash sites, a'la pandora.com?11:14
SystematicDubahh should be in mp3.....maybe that's it....and it's off of Amarok.  It's just a link that is opened up in Amarok and it plays a live radio stream11:15
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ironfroggymaybe the mp3 codec isnt included and it just silently fails to process it.11:16
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mamatoshihi all11:16
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SystematicDubI once tried to config amarok to play mp3 codecs(restricted format I know) and it just didn't work.  Could running off of a liveCD have anything to do with it?11:17
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nixboxhey guys11:17
mamatoshiSytematicDub :: I think the live cd only support ogg..11:17
nixboxi just installed KUbuntu yesterday11:17
nixboxi want to know how can i install applications like Asterisk?11:18
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mamatoshinixbox :: use adept for package manager11:18
b_how to i install nepenthes threw a tar.gz package11:18
nixboxmamatoshi, I couldn't find it in adept11:18
b_i have the file on desktop, how to i  make it run11:18
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sola6662who uses Evolution Mail?11:18
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b_i usually use adept but in this case adept is not working for me so i have to use the tar.gz package11:19
nixboxsola6662: used to use it :P11:19
mamatoshinixbox :: maybe you have to enable your universe and multiverse repositories11:19
sola6662im tryin to setup my yahoo, MSN mail accounts11:19
nixboxmamatoshi: ok11:19
sola6662nixbox can u help me?11:19
nixboxsola6662: i dont know if I can, I had used it on ubuntu for a little period of time, whats the problem?11:20
SystematicDubmamatoshi: Well that stinks....My harddrive won't partition correctly...so I can't install Kubuntu...I can only use the Live session11:20
sola6662i dont know what Server Yahoo or msn uses11:20
b_how do i install tar.gz packages?11:20
nixboxsola6662: you mean the POP/IMAP servers?11:20
ironfroggyok people are talking again, so ill ask again. when mount -a is invoked at boot time, is that before or after the network is established?11:21
sola6662what do i use for Yahoo and what MSN uses11:21
mamatoshiSytematicDub :: sorry to hear that11:21
crimsunhas anyone done a 'mozilla-thunderbird->kmail' transition?11:21
crimsunspecifically moz-tbird 1.5x->kmail 1.9x11:21
sola6662nixbox how i set up pop?11:21
nixboxsola6662: you have subscirbed to their service? Because POP ain't free for Yahoo and MSN11:22
SystematicDubhey real quick but something just happened and my mouse can't click....it's like everything half froze.  How do you kill a program again?11:22
sola6662so i cant do anything11:22
nixboxsola6662: why don't you use gmail instead?11:23
sola6662i have Gmail11:23
sola6662my Yahoo is for other uses u know11:23
nixboxsola6662: well Gmail offers free IMAP service11:23
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nixboxsola6662: ok11:25
sola6662ok WTF11:25
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sola6662i cant open login screen thing11:26
sola6662omfg i cant run gdmsetup11:26
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raziel_hi, my pal said I should ask here for codecs, something about a wiki11:28
sola6662yo i need help i upgraded to 6.06LTS and i cant open gdmsetup11:28
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aliasfredyo bouyou tralala11:28
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:30
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gatekeeperraziel_: ^^^11:30
gatekeeperyw :-)11:30
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b_can someone help me with nepenthes11:34
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mariuxi am trying to boot my kubuntu using lilo, kubuntu is installed on /dev/sda3, but when i try to boot it using "image = /mnt/ubuntu/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 \nroot = /dev/sda3" i get a kernel panic saying it cant find sda311:35
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ironfroggyanyone here use autofs?11:36
ironfroggyi cant figure out how to configure things. that there are two configuration files for the same thing confuses me.11:36
Lord_Athurhi all, when will be reased the next kubuntu version?11:36
mamatoshiLord_Athur :: October11:37
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LeeJunFanmariux: sounds like you need an initrd image in lilo so you have scsi drivers.11:37
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mariuxinitrd = initrd.img-2.6.15-23-38611:39
mariuxlooks good?11:39
ironfroggyhas anyone here configured autofs? im having some trouble understanding the configure files.11:39
mariuxand its usb2, not scsi :)11:39
ironfroggyparticularly that there are more than one of them,11:39
mariuxbut i guess it goes as scsi in the kernel11:39
mariuxwith /path/ :)11:39
mariuxthanks, ill give it a try11:40
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bastiqI don't get a phpmyadmin folder in my /var/ww folder when i install phpmyadmin... Anyone know why?11:48
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h3sp4wnbastiq: you need to symlink it from there to /usr/share/phpmyadmin or wherever it gets installed (find out with dpkg -L phpmyadmin)11:50
bastiqHow do i symlink?11:50
LeeJunFanbastiq: ln -s11:51
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LeeJunFanbastiq: man ln11:51
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bastiqln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www11:51
procyonhello i am having a problem where old (beta?) koffice packages are breaking my dpkg and not allowing me to update them11:51
LeeJunFanbastiq: that should do it.11:51
the_hammerok anyone here rna an eggdrog?11:52
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bastiqIt believes that i want to save the file when i open the folder in my browser11:53
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LeeJunFanbastiq: you need to install the php mod for apache11:54
bastiqOk, done. And how do i restart the server?11:55
LeeJunFanbastiq: libapache2-mod-php[4,5] 11:55
LeeJunFanbastiq: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart11:56
LeeJunFanbastiq: or apache2ctl restart11:56
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bastiqNo go... what's a PHTML file by the way?11:57
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Raven301The PHTML Encoder allows encoding PHP scripts before distributing them11:58
bastiqahh... that's the file it want's to save.11:58
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kbrooksRaven301: link to this phtml encoder12:00
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bastiqstill not working :/12:00
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LeeJunFanbastiq: bah, you don't need php my admin anyway :p just use mysql_client.12:03
bastiqyou mean... like... ... ... DO EVERYTHING MYSELF?! :P12:04
bastiqthen i'd have to learn sql questions too12:04
LeeJunFanbastiq: personally I find using mysql_client easier, once you've learned it.12:04
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bastiqyup... once i've learned it :P12:04
bastiqi'll just reinstall everything again and hope it works... :P12:05
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||Trayer||Can anyone help me? I want to make a desktop icon for firefox, as currently in order to launch it I type "sudo sh /opt/firefox/firefox".12:06
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Tommy2k4"***** Matrox 8MB PCI Graphics Card ***** " would that be better than my integrated i81012:07
LeeJunFanbastiq: then you don't learn why it didn't :) perhaps the php mod isn't enabled?12:07
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draikthe repo's back up???12:07
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bastiqhow do i enable it?12:07
draikEverything back to normal again?12:08
gnomefreakdraik: most are yes12:08

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