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robertjAmaranth: thanks, http://ftp-master.debian.org/REJECT-FAQ.html sheds some light on what that phase is for. I assume packes in NEW are reviewed periodically without the need for poking?12:14
Amaranthi think so12:15
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Amaranthmost people poke though12:15
robertjso who is the most-chosen victim of such attention?12:17
crimsunrobertj: yes, they are.12:18
robertjso err, don't poke?12:19
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crimsuncorrect, unless it's a critical package12:19
robertjok, no-pokey pokey12:21
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jadaz87hello everyone i was wondering if there is a list somewhere of every package that is installed by default for the ubuntu server distro01:59
Burgundaviajadaz87: see the seeds, http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/seeds/02:00
jadaz87ahh thanks Burgundavia 02:00
Burgundaviajadaz87: no worries02:01
jadaz87Burgundavia: and it has everything categorized thanks02:01
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jadaz87Burgundavia: may i pm you?02:06
LaserJockthe seed are also on LP02:08
LaserJockI'm not sure if they are kept in sync with ^^ or not02:09
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sistpotymjg59: thanks for the feedback on debian/copyright issue... I'll overhaul parts of the FAQ (tomorrow, it's 3.30 here)03:35
warpup_litedebian copyright?03:35
sistpotywarpup_lite: see the ubuntu-motu mailing list at lists.ubuntu.com03:37
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warpup_litei don't have an account at lists.ubuntu.com04:11
infinityslomo: Done.04:12
bddebianHeya infinity04:12
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Hobbseewarpup_lite: make one?04:21
sistpotymjg59: sorry for last highlight, mixed up nicks here04:22
mjg59sistpoty: No problem :)04:23
Hobbseehi mjg59, and everyone else04:25
mjg59Oh my god I've been in a converted warehouse and there was loud music and it was entirely I WANT IT TO LOOK JUST LIKE THIS04:30
=== jdub straight-arms a laptop against the wall
mjg59jdub: totally04:31
mjg59We need to bring GUADEC people her next year04:31
mjg59(I'm in Wolverhampton, which is about 20 minutes from Birmingham)04:31
Hobbseeheh...hi jdub 04:32
jdubmorning Hobbsee 04:32
jadaz87repos down?04:33
mjg59jdub: We watched Jono shave his beard. It was touching.04:33
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jdubmjg59: WHO was touching?04:33
bddebianjadaz87: Just US afaik04:33
jadaz87bddebian: oh ok04:33
mjg59jdub: Bastian04:34
mjg59Damned Frenchmen04:34
mjg59One of these lightswitches makes the room go dark, the other does nothing04:36
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LaserJockbddebian: I think CA is also down04:37
bddebianOh really?  Hmm04:37
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Burgundaviabddebian: ca has been having issue for a while now04:39
bddebianWell I know that, but I didn't know their archive was having problems.. ;-P04:40
=== Burgundavia smacks bddebian
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bddebianBurgundavia: Uh-oh, are you from Canukistan? ;-)04:43
Burgundaviabddebian: well, lets just say that ubuntu.ca and my home machine resolve to the same IP address04:43
bddebianDoh :-)04:44
mjg59Oh christ Linus is sending me bug reports04:47
Burgundaviamjg59: aren't you special04:48
LaserJockmjg59: are they good?04:48
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mjg59He's absolutely right - everything only works by accident and we're doomed to death04:51
bddebianHmm, joyful outlook04:52
=== mjg59 replies
mjg59It's possible that I should have waited until I was sober04:54
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Burgundaviamjg59: nah, that makes things less fun04:57
Burgundaviahey js04:57
Burgundaviajsgotangco, that is04:57
jsgotangcothat is?04:58
mjg59Burgundavia: But dude, it's Linus04:58
LaserJockmjg59: maybe he was less than sober when you reported the bug so you are even :-)04:59
LaserJock*he reported04:59
mjg59LaserJock: Well, ther were capitals...05:00
LaserJockuh oh05:01
mjg59From Linus, not me05:01
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jadaz87hmm it seems the repos errors are only for some people05:52
Burgundaviajadaz87: uhh?05:53
jadaz87Burgundavia: i tried sudo apt-get update05:54
jadaz87and it times out05:54
jadaz87the first couple go through though05:54
Burgundaviayou using the US or CA repos?05:54
jadaz87Burgundavia: how can i tell?05:55
jadaz87Burgundavia: probably the us since i am in NJ05:55
Burgundaviacheck your sources.list05:55
Burgundaviamove off the us repos, they have had issue for a while now05:55
jadaz87Burgundavia: oh ok thanks05:56
jadaz87interesting does the same thing06:00
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davydhi all09:48
davydhas anyone noticed problems with NetworkManager in edgy?09:49
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ploumI think that we really need python-sexy in Edgy10:34
ploum(python bindings for libsexy)10:34
ploumOk, I admit...10:34
ploumI need them...10:34
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lfittlploum: please link to the debian rfp when you add it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates, thanks11:55
ploumlfittl: It was not yet listed11:55
ploumI plan to add the link when it will appear11:56
lfittlploum: oh, k :)11:56
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EspenfjoIs there a changelog somwhere? A place i can see what packages have been changed, and why? Mainly in Edgy12:24
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GloubiboulgaEspenfjo, the edgy-changes ML12:26
Gloubiboulgayou can browse the archives12:27
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ulaasi have a flashing apps menu12:30
jsgotangcothat's known in edgy12:30
ulaasjsgotangco: thanx12:38
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Lathiathrm, problems with the websites?02:34
SpadsLathiat: We are aware of the problem and are working on it.02:35
Lathiatheh your subnet isnt even in the global route table02:35
Lathiatawesome :)02:35
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=== Treenaks wonders why the -server kernel won't boot on his system
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sivangSpads: you the new web master? :)03:06
Spadssivang: no, not exactly03:06
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bddebianUhm, I know some of the archive machines are having problems, but are other machines having issues today?  I can't get to changelogs.u.c..??04:29
shenkithe datacentre is down, apparantly04:30
shenki"Spads> shenki: It's a known problem, and we're working on it."04:30
bddebianThx shenki04:31
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zealotCan anyone give me an idea of why *ubuntu.com is down? I'm just curious...04:31
zealotDid they have a powerfailure in the datacenter or something?04:31
Hobbseeargh, what'd i miss?04:31
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bluefoxicy<blondie> the crappy ubuntu servers got h4x0red07:08
=== bluefoxicy swats silly user.
HiddenWolfbluefoxicy: they got beamed up by martians07:09
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Spadsbluefoxicy: on point of fact, our servers are now more secure than ever07:13
bluefoxicywhat does that mean, stack smash protection everywhere?  Don't say you installed openBSD.07:14
jdubelectricity is *SO* insecure.07:15
HiddenWolfSpads: yeah, you can't hack em while offline. ;)07:15
SpadsHiddenWolf: exactly :)07:15
=== Spads electrocutes jdub
HiddenWolfjdub: it's a blackout?07:16
thomjdub: http://www.ipapp.com/broadband.html ;P07:17
bluefoxicyhaving the power out is not secure07:17
bluefoxicyit totally drops availability.07:17
jdubthom: especially that kind!07:17
bluefoxicyso what this is a case of somebody needing to set up redundant power in the server facility?07:18
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robertjso who was it that tripped over the plug :)09:24
HiddenWolfSomeone without the muscle to put that big heavy plug back in. ;)09:25
Chipzznetwork problems guys?09:26
robertjbunch of former employees leave to form own initiatives...ISP goes down for "unknown" reasons...convenient eh? :)09:26
Chipzzarchive.ubuntu.com ( is unreachable09:26
Chipzzso is security.ubuntu.com (
HiddenWolfand launchpad.net09:27
HiddenWolfand markshuttleworth.com09:27
HiddenWolfand the forums, kubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu09:27
HiddenWolfetc. :)09:27
Chipzztrace seems to die somewhere in the UK (from here)09:27
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robertjnot markshuttleworth.com!09:28
HiddenWolfIt's terrible09:29
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SpadsWe do have staff on-site and are working on the problem09:30
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SpadsUnfortunately, it is largely out of our control at the moment.09:30
ChipzzSpads: thx09:30
ChipzzSpads: what do you mean with "out of our control"?09:31
SpadsChipzz: it's not a problem in our cage09:31
SpadsChipzz: the outage affects many other customers, and it could take a while to meet everyone's needs09:31
ChipzzSpads: ok :)09:32
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ChipzzSpads: so what is the staff doing on-site if it's a problem with the hosting company? ;)09:33
HiddenWolfSpads: is it the isp?09:33
zulmaybe trying to help09:33
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Chipzzzul: I work for a company that does hosting in 4 datacenters; I think they would rather be in the way than help09:34
SpadsI haven't spoken to them in a few hours, but I would guess that there's a lot of waiting involved.  When things do come back on-line, there will definitely be a scramble to shepherd things back to normal.09:35
ozamosiIs there any kind of link that contains info from the hosting company or something like that, that I can show the people that says "ubuntu's been hacked!"09:35
Spadsozamosi: alas, no.  I'd love one myself.09:36
zul                 company or something like that, that I can show the people09:36
Spadsstrike a light...09:37
ChipzzSpads: is it a problem with power or with the network link?09:37
Spadsour systems are beginning to appear again.  Please be gentle, as they're likely to be hammered for a little while.09:38
HiddenWolfozamosi: there is a notice upon entering #ubuntu that explains that the servers are out.09:38
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SpadsChipzz: as jdub hinted at, it was a catastrophic power failure in our DC building.10:37
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QwellAre you guys aware of any (unreported?) bugs relating to the partition tool hanging during install on a Niagara?10:50
QwellIt happens literally every time...10:51
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