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adamant1988anyone awake in here?03:59
Burgundaviaadamant1988: nope04:00
adamant1988hey burgundavia :)04:01
adamant1988Burgundavia: what do you think of Ubuntu boxed sets for purchase?04:02
Burgundaviathey are already exist04:02
adamant1988ok, In english.04:02
Burgundavialarge amount of cost for questionable return04:02
adamant1988Understood risk.  I need something tactile to distribute with the shipit CDs04:03
Burgundaviathen get something printed, or point them at a book04:04
adamant1988I'm trying to get ideas... is there a printed manual for Ubuntu that I could purchase a few copies of?04:04
adamant1988My major goal is to make Localized Ubuntu converts feel as though they've made a 'big step' and done something important... people like to brag when they've done something they feel is an accomplishment04:05
adamant1988having something to 'show off' while helping them out all at the same time is in my opinion the way to go with it.04:06
Burgundaviathere is the official ubuntu book04:07
adamant1988does it act as a help manual as well?04:07
Burgundaviait is a help manual04:08
adamant1988oh, ok lol... I thought it was a bit 'more'04:08
adamant1988that works. I'll have to see if I can dig up a fund to order 100 copies04:09
Burgundaviait is that too04:09
adamant1988also, I'm trying to work on a rewards incentive program for distributing the Ubuntu CDs to friends, but I'm running low on inspiration in that area04:10
adamant1988I don't know what I should offer and all that.  I was thinking merchandise, but my goal is to keep this free or VERY cheap if possible... (The books would most likely be through donations).04:11
adamant1988I'm working on establishing a 'center' that would have several donated computers of various speed, power, and type so people could demo Ubuntu04:12
Burgundaviavery interesting04:12
adamant1988I want to use that to support a local LUG and make it the center of my localized marketing attempts04:13
adamant1988and collection of research for the study04:13
adamant1988I'm thinking that the center could do installation and maintainance in exchage maybe for a fee or for donations... that way the center could afford to get more books, etc.04:17
adamant1988so anyway I'm done rambling04:20
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adamant1988hello all04:29
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