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bddebianHeya Lord_Athur03:22
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Lord_Athurbye all03:40
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LaserJockhi alucard :-)04:48
alucardMy wife is a Kinder teacher (Puerto Rico) and I'm looking an alternative cheaper and better tha MS Windows and softwares.04:50
alucardI found ubuntu and I order the all collections including edubuntu.04:51
lecarosalucard, welcome to edubuntu world :)04:51
alucardRight now I'm using a laptop with Ubuntu.04:52
alucardWhat I really need is to know what teachers are doing with edubuntu in the class rooms.04:53
LaserJockwell, I think that would be a great question for the edubunt-users mailing list04:54
LaserJockedubuntu-users rather04:54
LaserJockas there are quite a few teachers using Edubuntu04:54
alucardI few months ago I saw a website linked in the edubuntu Homepage that showed the projects and methods introduced by teachers in the class, but I can't find the link anymore.04:55
alucardUbuntu is the easiest Linux Distro ever.04:57
LaserJockit's great for sure04:59
alucardIs there a website with linux educational software for children????05:00
LaserJockI think there is05:01
LaserJockthere is a page that has an overview of the apps installed in edubuntu by default05:01
LaserJockI think there are a few Linux educational app pages out there, I just don't know of any off hand05:03
LaserJockthe edubuntu-users list should have lots more info05:03
alucardI'm going to check it. Thank You!!!05:05
LaserJockno problemo05:06
LaserJockthanks for the interest05:06
alucardI'm very pleased with Ubuntu. Thank You!!! Bye!05:08
lecarosbye alucard05:09
ryan_narutomy ubuntu doesnt recognize my usb stick when i plug it in... at first it did but when i ejected it and plugged it back in it cant detect it anymore what should i do...05:15
lecarosryan_naruto lsusb output?05:16
mhzryan_naruto: via LTSP (on the client) or the server?05:17
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mhzis lulu.com the one to print EHB?05:42
mhzLaserJock: ?05:42
LaserJockwell, I don't think that was decided yet05:42
LaserJockbut it certainly could be05:42
LaserJocknothing preventing it05:43
mhzLaserJock: ah, but when I read "Lulu", they are talkin gbaout it05:43
LaserJockoh yeah05:44
mhzLaserJock: thx05:44
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HedgeMagehi jsgotangco 07:01
HedgeMageHow are you?07:01
jsgotangcorains here are so bad at the moment, my connection always drops07:01
jsgotangcoits been raining here for a week already07:01
HedgeMagebetter than the heat here, I bet.07:02
jsgotangcowe do have summers here (2 months ago) but we don't experience them higher than 40C07:02
HedgeMageI have no idea how hot that is, I can't think in celsius07:03
HedgeMagedoesn't sound that hot, though.07:03
jsgotangcoyeah it can be a bit hot07:03
jsgotangcobut some parts of the globe like AU go beyond that07:03
=== HedgeMage nods
jsgotangcobut then, i live just above the equator so its pretty normal for us07:04
LaserJock25C is around room temp ~75 F07:04
jsgotangcoso what's up07:04
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marcel`Good morning07:36
marcel`Good morning07:36
marcel`sorry typo07:36
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RichEdmorning to all :)09:05
RichEdhi jsgotangco : how was the weekend ?09:07
jsgotangcoRichEd: pretty boring, its been raining for days here, with no sunlight whatsoever09:08
jsgotangcojust styaed at home09:08
RichEdwell we've had similar - rain, cold, mostly miserable, with a brief patch of sun. are you in winter or summer ? not sure which hemisphere you fall into ?09:09
jsgotangcojust above the equator, in south east asia09:13
RichEdah ... that would have been my guess ... just below thailand & to the left ?09:15
RichEdbeing so close to the equator, do you get much winter / summer variation ? or just in rainfall pattern ?09:15
spaceyprobably the latter:)09:18
jsgotangcowe only have 2 seasons09:26
jsgotangcosummer and rain09:26
jsgotangcothailand is 4 hours away by plane09:27
jsgotangcowe're 1 1/2 hours away from hongkong09:27
RichEdokay ... making more sense now ... will check out a map to pin down a location.09:30
RichEdjsgotangco: i'm seinding a mail to Regina Lopez in a short while ... will CC you in09:31
jsgotangcothanks but she's in NY and has no email access till the 7th09:32
RichEdoky ... noted ...09:33
RichEdogra: ping10:08
RichEdanyone here can offer basic info on OLPC background ?10:16
RichEdbundled edubuntu applications <- is there a ready reference list somewhere ?10:30
jsgotangcoRichEd: as in what the project is all about?10:31
jsgotangcoRichEd: http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/school-advocacy/C/index.html10:33
RichEdjsgotangco: as in we have a h/w mnf talkong about his own OLPC project ... i need to make sure my understanding is correct ... question follows10:33
jsgotangcoRichEd: the link is for your 2nd question btw10:33
RichEdtx: just found the advocacy link myself ... tx.10:33
RichEdquick question (while rodarvus is not available) for OLPC ... is there a specific version of Edubuntu & Ubuntu to cope with the limited hardware spec, or is it a custom version per specific OLPC config. dsign.10:35
jsgotangconope there is none at the moment, that's why rodarvus has an OLPC board with him to check what we can do10:36
jsgotangcoits actually his job to make an OLPC compliant version of Ubuntu10:37
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RichEdjust to get my understanding 100% - i'm assuming that there is no generic OLPC hardware spec ? i.e. various manf. will come up with their own was of cutting cost (and hence their own funcky or trimmed down h/w components) ?10:42
RichEdand hence there may be a custom version required for each manf. h/w config ? 10:43
RichEdor is the ideal to have either:10:43
RichEd1) all OLPC manf. conforming to a (broad) standard10:43
RichEdor 2) an Edubuntu / Ubuntu OLPC install that copes with OLPC variations10:44
jsgotangcono its basically 1)10:44
jsgotangcoyour contact might not be conforming to 1)10:45
jsgotangcowhich is not surprising10:45
jsgotangcohave you seen the OLPC wiki?10:45
=== RichEd goes to swop up and fill in on some of his blank sports
RichEdjsgotangco: i will point them to the same OLPC links and ask about this "your contact might not be conforming to 1)"10:48
jsgotangcowell they might have a different plan10:48
jsgotangcoto provide a cheap laptop10:48
jsgotangconot necessarily an OLPC kind10:49
RichEdwell this is the official request, but the east to west english translation it ambiguous: You may know _xxx_ is OLPC ODM company. Except working with OLPC organization, _xxx_ is planning our own commercial model. 11:06
RichEdand they are aiming at a mode for "richer students" @ $ 20011:07
RichEdbest to ask for clarity ... keep it clear from the start. thanks ... i'll manage from here.11:07
jsgotangcoi think they want to sell it themselves11:08
jsgotangcorather than having a government contract to distribute them11:08
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ograRichEd, pong11:30
RichEdhi ogra ... sorted out my query with some help from jsgotangco ... thanks. done.11:30
ograoki :)11:30
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cbx33there is still a large amount of spam coming through on edubuntu-devel01:31
cbx33is there anything more we can do about this?01:31
ograthere is spam getting throuhg ??01:33
=== ogra has never seen it getting through ... are you sure you dont mix it up with the admin mails ?
jsgotangcoi dont receive it, its most likely the admin mails01:34
cbx33Well, admin mails have a different header don;t they?01:35
jsgotangcoif they don't appear in the archive, then only the admins are receiving it01:35
cbx33These are coming through just like normal emails01:35
cbx33right hang on01:35
cbx33lemme check01:35
cbx33I'm stupid01:35
jsgotangcoi dont see any spam01:35
cbx33ignore me01:35
cbx33ogra: I got rsyncer working01:36
ogradamned ... i'll spend my whole day with that powermanager crap ...01:36
cbx33can patch you later01:36
=== ogra sighs
ogracbx33, great .... i'll check it if i find the time01:36
cbx33that's fine01:36
cbx33I may make a slight alteration for grasynco01:36
cbx33the create function will need to be modified so it doesn't rsync01:37
ogracurrently i'm having a bad day de to gnome-power-manager shanged most of the core code and i have to rewrite 90% of the patches 01:37
cbx33just sets up directories01:37
cbx33sorry dude01:37
cbx33I'd offer to help, but not sure I could do much could i?01:37
ogranah ...01:37
jsgotangcohmm double yikes, i got application rejections already :D01:37
cbx33applications for?01:38
jsgotangcowork heh01:38
jsgotangcoi just smile when i rejected01:38
cbx33those are all too familiar to me01:38
jsgotangcoheh one was Canonical01:39
cbx33yup I got one of them too :p01:39
jsgotangcolol welcome to the club01:39
cbx33we'll go out for a virtual drink later :p01:39
cbx33club members only :p01:40
ograjsgotangco, for which one did you apply at canonical ?01:40
jsgotangcohmm i dont remember lemme check01:41
jsgotangcoim sure i submitted for 2 jobs01:41
jsgotangcoi still didnt get rejected on the other one so yeahhhh01:41
ograhehe 01:42
=== ogra crosses fingers
=== cbx33 too
jsgotangcohehe i got rejected on community manager01:42
jsgotangcoanyways im not really a community leader of sorts01:42
=== ogra wonders if Seveas applied for that one ...
jsgotangcohe can be good at it01:44
Seveasogra, I haven't -- not nearly enough experience01:44
jsgotangcoyeah that's one thing01:45
jsgotangcoive had enough community experience i'd say but locally01:45
ograi dont think an external guy with much community experience would help if he has no *ubuntu* community experience ...01:46
jsgotangcoi dunno probably someone with organizational skills like mdke can fit the job01:47
ograwell, i dont see mdke deeply involved in so many areas ...01:47
jsgotangcowe will just know when someone comes out and says he's the new guy heh01:48
ograyou need to me active widespread in many areas ... the commuity is more than just the dcteam :)01:48
cbx33I'd love the community bazaar job :p01:49
ograjsgotangco, sure we will ... but it would be wrong to have an external guy who doesnt have 100% trus of the community ...01:49
cbx33ogra: i agree01:49
ogra(imho ... and i''m not canonical HR)01:49
=== cbx33 tries to glue the gaping hole in his right shoe sole
ograbtw, did everybody send feedback to AliasVegas ? 01:51
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spaceyfeedback about what?01:57
=== spacey wonders what the daily work of a community manager consists of
ograspacey, about artwork, like she ased for in the last meeting 02:01
spaceyah, i missed that. lots of family obligations. :/02:02
ograshe asked for feedback about the current theme (what you dont like in dappers theme and why) and for suggestions for the edgy theme02:04
spaceyah ok02:06
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marcel`Will there be a next edubuntu release in octobre?02:33
ogramarcel`, sure02:38
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marcel`ogra: Great! are all the developers of Ebuntu in this channel?02:41
marcel`Great work for this amount of people :)02:42
marcel`I would like to help but im kinda new to linux so i think ill only screw things up02:42
RichEdmarcel`:  many people help in many ways ... from development to artwork !02:44
ogra(over documentation :) )02:45
RichEdif you are interested, send me a list of skills or voluntary effort you would be keen to put in and we will find you a welcome home02:45
marcel`ogra: What do you mean?02:45
ogramarcel`,  from development over documentation to artwork 02:46
marcel`ogra: Ah oke02:46
RichEdcreata a PVT window to me if you want to chat further on this02:47
marcel`PVT is PM?02:47
Petarismarcel`: Yes02:48
PetarisHi ogra02:48
=== Petaris tries to figure out this ads_connect issue
jsgotangcoim going to sleep02:56
jsgotangcogood night all02:56
marcel`good night jsgotangco 02:56
jsgotangconice weather to sleep too02:56
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RichEdpretty quiet here now ... going out for 20 mins.03:36
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Kamping_Kaiserhi all, i was wondering if someone could confirm/fail to confirm a bug for me? its something i only seem to have had with edubuntu+swcanner03:46
Kamping_Kaiserits bug 42775 fyi03:47
Kamping_Kaiserand bug 42773 as well03:47
Kamping_Kaiser(swscanner again)03:47
ograwell, it should at least recommend kdesu ...03:51
Kamping_Kaiserbut surely it should use whats available - in this case gksu, not kdesu03:52
ograthat would require a kind of intelligence in the .desktop file we dont have03:53
Kamping_Kaisershouldnt the install script take care of it in postinst?03:54
ograthats an issue you could discuss on the -devel mailing list ... there is no requirement for such a thing yet ...03:55
ograbut if it uses kdesu it should in any case at least recommend kdesu ... thats indeed a bug03:56
=== Kamping_Kaiser has seen -devel "got spec? no? ah well.... LP is > that way"
ograwriting a spec without discussion isnt the right way :)03:58
ograjust point out the bugs and ask if that wouldnt be better if we generated .desktop entrys in postinst based on availability of the needed admin tool03:59
ograif th erest of discussion leads anywhere you can spec it03:59
Kamping_Kaisersounds like a good idea - i'm just not sure i'm able to express stuff well enough to make a sane email :)04:00
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Petaris Anyone remember a while back, Sun (I think) released a product that would take legacy apps and make them avaliable via a web interface?04:07
PetarisI had it bookmarked but I must have lost it04:07
PetarisIt was /.ed at the time so I couldn't check it out04:08
marcel`Does anyone here know where the icons for a default edubuntu is stored on the FS?04:09
Petarismarcel`: Probably in /usr/share/pixmaps or /usr/share/icons04:10
marcel`Petaris: thanks ill check it out right away04:12
Kamping_Kaiserogra, do you th8ink i should email devel? is it worth it basicly04:12
ograelse i wouldnt have suggested it :)04:13
Kamping_Kaiserheh :) i'll start a draft (note i should do it basicly), and do it wheni get home morning day after tomorrow04:14
Petarisahh, found it04:14
PetarisSun Secure Global Desktop Software 4.204:14
marcel`Aww man i cant find that great firefox icon anywhere.. sugestions?04:15
ogramarcel`, the one from the gartoon iconset ? 04:16
ogralook in /usr/shre/icons04:16
marcel`Awsome i got it thanks04:18
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marcel`hm that weird i found the icons in /usr/share/icons/gartoon/scalable but if i want to select een icon for one of my launcher it just doesnt see them in the list04:27
Kamping_Kaisernight all04:27
marcel`GN Kamping_Kaiser 04:27
mhzhi all04:30
mhzRichEd: got my email?04:31
RichEdyep ... sure did ... i saw your question this morning, but you were gone already (sorry i was not ignoring you ... did not mark myeslf away for the weekend)04:34
RichEdwill send you a response before i close off for the day today ... within the next 2 hours04:34
mhzRichEd: heheh, do not worry, I would find it difficult to believe someone committed to this channel and project would ever ignore other person with no reason at all ;)04:36
RichEdwell there is also "committed" as in "committed to a insane asylum" so you can never be to sure ;)04:37
RichEdtoo <- to04:37
mhzgod point04:38
mhzRichEd: and BTW, I did try my best to sum up that email. Sorry if it still got too long. And if there are some missing details, well, it was the summing up fault04:39
RichEdmhz: no problem ... enough to get me started on a conversation with you. expect an acknowledgement from me today, and a some suggestions over the next few days.04:40
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PetarisAnyone know of a program for linux (or a web based program) that is akin to Read Naturally (http://www.readnaturally.com)05:35
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cberloHi folks.  I'm back at configuring my shiny new LTSP server...  I'm looking for pointers on getting printing set up so that I can assign individual printers per user.  I.E. I want user1 to map to printer1, user2 to map to printer2, user3 to map back to printer1, etc.05:38
cberloI have all of my users authenticating through winbind and have them in unique groups.  I'm planning to map the printers based on which group they're in.  Is this feasible with Edubuntu LTSP at the moment?05:39
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cberloogra:  How's progress on LTSP coming along?  I've been reading enough today my eyes are already bugging out, and I've just come back from vacation....  05:46
hlabscan edubuntu be setup as a kiosk05:46
mhzhlabs: sorry, but what do you mean by 'kiosk' ?05:48
ograhlabs, sure, install sabayon and create profiles ...05:49
hlabsA small, self-standing structure such as a newstand or ticket booth. Unattended multimedia kiosks dispense public information via computer screens. Either a keyboard, touch screen or both are used for input05:49
hlabsthat was the definition05:49
hlabsthanks ogra i will try out sabayon05:49
ogracberlo, what direction do you mean? the merge with upstream or the development of edgy specs ? 05:51
mhzogra: thx, I was kind of lost there as I have not been able to run sbayaon on this old pc's ;)05:53
cberloogra: mostly, development in general.  Things like local devices, printing, etc.05:53
ogralocal devices are specced very well, i'll start implementing them mid of first week in august ...05:53
cberloBeen trying to enable as many features as possible, and I keep running into lack of documentation or non-implemented features05:53
mhzhlabs: please let me know if sabayon works for you and if it is what you needed. My guess is that there will be more people with similar questions05:53
ograprinting is included in dapper already but buggy, thats rather bughunting than developing :)05:54
hlabswell. You see im new to this linux OS.05:54
cberloogra: Is there an implemented way to automatically switch default printers on the thin client based on who logs in?05:54
hlabsthere is a lot of difference here. in XP you can setup a Webpage as a your desktop05:54
hlabsbut in ubuntu you can't do that05:55
ogracberlo, nope05:55
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cberloogra: Thanks for the straightforward answer.  :)05:55
mhzogra: as most of edubuntu apps are not specific to edubuntu, if volunteers wanted to translate apps (shipped by edubuntu), they'd do it via Rosetta and look up ubuntu apps?05:55
ograbut thats something we could implement in edgy+1 if you write a nice spec  ;)05:55
ogramhz, yup05:56
cberloHow long until edgy+1?05:56
ogradevelopment starts in october05:56
PetarisIts sad that so many of the comercial educational softwares have no viable linux or truly web based alternatives05:56
ogra(edgy releases in oct)05:56
ograPetaris, we'll just write better ones ;)05:57
cberloI really want to use Edubuntu for this project, but more and more it's looking like I'm going to have to switch to the "main" K12 LTSP stuff to get things up for September...05:57
ograit will solve itself over time05:57
mhzhlabs: well, true, Linux comes from a different world, therefore different approach. However, during last 5 years, there has been lots of work towards desktop and end-user05:57
Petarisogra: You have to find people who can, and have the drive to, or be able to hire someone(s) to do it05:57
PetarisAnd then some of these apps have to have certifications from the government (at least in the US)05:58
hlabsmhz you missed my point. See if you use XP you can setup a webpage to be your active desktop. So technically it would then become a multimedia kio05:58
ogracberlo, k12 switchs printers on clients based on the user logged in ?05:58
mhzhlabs: oh, yup05:59
PetarisIt would be cool if there was a central location to list comercial apps that need good OSS alternatives05:59
mhzhlabs: so you can do it in OSX05:59
ograhlabs, you can install the epiphany browser, set it with sabayon or pessulus to operate in fullscreen and have the same ...05:59
cberloogra: Not that I'm aware of, but it does have the local device access stuff working, and a VNCReflector setup that allows my teachers to "peek in" on students...05:59
mhzhlabs: maybe there is a way to do it like that in linux too, but I do not know.05:59
ogracberlo, both planned features for edgy ...06:00
hlabsyeah i will surely try that approach06:00
cberloOkay, I'll persevere.  And see if I can script the printer stuff....06:00
cberloogra: how should I go about writing a spec for edgy+1 for printer scripting per user?06:00
ogracberlo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientLocalDevices, https://wiki.edubuntu.org/StudentControlPanelCompletion06:01
hlabssay by the way you folks won't happen to how to setup edubuntu or ubuntu to become usefull in a cyber cafe enviroment06:01
mhzhlabs: does kiosk also means other users can use your computer resources and apps. remotely, defining which user can do this or that?06:01
cberlohlabs: there are howtos on that kind of thing on the net -- I looked into it before, but not with Ubuntu.06:01
mhzhlabs: Edubuntu is aimed towards computer labs, for edu purposes06:02
mhzhlabs: and that goal is achieved06:02
hlabswell to be honest. I tried to use edubuntu. Hoping that it would become a terminal server etv. Buts  its not working out06:02
mhzhlabs: kiosk mode is something I am not familiar with so far.06:02
cberloogra: Does Edubuntu's CUPS implementation include the LPDEST variable anywhere?06:02
mhzhlabs: what issues did you get?06:03
ogracberlo, no need to ask me here, i'm in #ltsp ... and i dont know :)06:03
hlabswell kiosk is just a fancy way of saying that the pc is in lockdown and users cant change anything. And that they have access to stuff setup by the admin06:03
cberlohaha.  Sorry 'bout that -- didn't see you over there.06:03
mhzhlabs: linux does that in many ways, by default. Sabayon is the app to create diff. profile06:04
mhzhlabs: and you can also do that without sabayon even06:04
hlabsmy issue was that i followed all the instructions to setup edubuntu alas. When i connected to it via an Hp e-pc it would not work06:04
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hlabsyeah but here is the dumb part of the process. The admin has to kick or boot the user at the end of their sessions06:05
mhzhlabs: if you have SomeGroup, and users in that group, and you define which apps or access these users will have, no matter which way you boot up (LTSP or locally), users will be forced to play by the rules defined by you.06:05
hlabswell how can i do that 06:06
cberloI'll see if I can submit a spec on that printing thing.  Looks like you guys are already on it, so if I can come up with anything, I'll let you know.06:06
mhzhlabs: re Edubuntu issue/ we'd need a little bit of more info so we can understand what went wrong for you when trying Edubuntu06:06
cberloogra: Thanks again.  I'll continue to work on my Edubuntu install here.  Hopefully it'll be "good enough" for September (per my supervisor).06:07
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mhzhlabs: you could try sabayon06:07
mhzhlabs: and there are some caybercafes settings via Linux, I am sure. Edubuntu could work there beatifully. And if you need a way to charge users per hour, yeah, there are some apps that run even via web06:09
hlabswell i got the billing part done right. I even manged to build a voip platform for the     cafe its just that i loaded up edu. and all was set . It was not showing any problems. Then i tried my terminal pc to connect to it. And bamm it could not find the dhcp from the edu servver06:10
mhzhlabs: Edubuntu server is a machine that provides apps and hardware resources to run those apps from 'thin-clients' or less powerfull machines that only have little RAM but not enough processor.06:10
mhzhlabs: then, you should check two things at least  a) is the client network card able to boot via net   b) is the dhcp config set correctly06:12
hlabswell the client is able to boot via the network. And the dhcp settings are the same as that of the screenshhot06:12
mhzhlabs: yeah, but your dhcp settings must be according to your own network settings06:13
mhzhlabs: could you paste.bin your network settings and your dhcp ones?06:14
hlabswell my setup is kinda based on dynamic settings. See there is the modem then the router then the edu server. From there its all going to the switch that distributes it all to the thin clients06:14
mhzhlabs: good, that sounds correct06:14
hlabsbut then the miserable thin client does not locate dhcp. I took the same machine to a buddy of mines netowrk and it works there                       06:15
mhzhlabs: the modem (ISP) provides dynamic IP to your router, and the router provides local IP to the edu server only?06:15
hlabsyeah the router provides dynamic ip to the edu server06:16
mhzrouter = usually provides dhcp  |   eduserver = always provides dhcp06:16
mhzhlabs: so, if 2 machines provide dhcp... most likely there will be conflict06:16
mhz(obv. i mean in same network)06:17
hlabsso what should i do06:17
mhzhlabs: first, I'd suggest you try disconnectin the eduserver from router06:17
mhzso, leave only this: Eduserver -> swithc -> client06:18
mhzif client boot, it was router conflict06:18
hlabshey that sounds like a very good idea.06:18
mhzhlabs: and I now must leave, else I am gonna be told off06:19
hlabsbut how would i connect my hotspot . It has to have access to the internet                  06:19
mhzhlabs: good luck06:19
hlabsok thanks for everything06:19
ograyou cant run two dhcp servers in ne net at the same time if you need to boot from one of them ... i'd suggest getting a second network card06:19
hlabsi will try your suggestion out06:19
mhzhlabs: i am sure others here will jump in and help too06:19
ogra(and setting up a second network as well fro the clients)06:19
mhzogra: yup +106:20
ograedubuntu will default to a two NIC setup from edgy on as well ... to avoid this problem one and for all06:20
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hlabswell thats just dandy06:20
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LaserJockogra: hmm, I got a reply back from the sabayon dev06:27
LaserJockMost of the developers of sabayon have all their time filled up with06:28
LaserJockworking on other modules, so its not very actively maintained. However,06:28
LaserJockits not dead or anything. We very much would like it to get better.06:28
LaserJockthat's a quote ^^06:28
ograsounds like "patces accepted" :P06:28
bddebianLaserJock: Yeah, so get to work ;-P06:28
ograhe could have expressed it shorter ;)06:29
bddebianogra: I'm checking on hula, do you mind?06:29
ograme ?06:29
ograwhy should i ?06:29
bddebianYou where the last one to upload to Ubuntu06:29
=== ogra hasnt seen hula since hoary
ograreally ? 06:29
LaserJockogra: he also said "Merging profiles sounds quite hard. It might be possible for the gconf06:29
LaserJockstuff, but for the copy-a-file backends its not obvious how it would06:29
ogramy mind must be really bad then 06:29
bddebianYep, apparently it hasn't been thrown up since hoary ;-)06:29
ograbddebian, go ahead then :)06:30
bddebianFruck, lost my ssh connection :-(06:33
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rodarvusbddebian: note that current hula from svn is not really useful06:47
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rodarvus(or is not supposed to be)06:47
bddebianrodarvus: ?06:47
rodarvusits in a state of flux06:47
bddebianSo I shouldn't sync with Debian?06:55
ogratest it :P06:56
ograshould be fine to drop my (in fact herzis) package completely and use the debian one06:56
ograthe hoary version was the very first release they ever made ... anything should be better than that06:57
ograi think it was even a prerelease06:57
Amaranthaww, rejected07:02
bddebianogra: OK, thx07:04
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ograAmaranth, yeah, two issues ...07:11
Amaranthi might as well do all of the other stuff too while i'm at it though07:11
ograas you like :)07:11
ograbtw, the .desktop file should have Categories=GNOME;Application;Settings;System; and X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true07:13
ograso it shows only in sudoers menus and is in the system settings ... 07:13
Amaranthlooks like i have to start working on this in edgy07:20
ograwell, "packaging" is even included in the project name :) 07:22
LaserJockI think my conclusion is that sabayon just isn't going to work for dynamic-menus, unless I can find a way around needing to merge profiles.07:25
LaserJocksabayon just includes too much data07:25
ograso whats the solution ?07:26
LaserJockis it possible, as Amaranth has suggested, to be able to set XDG_DATA_DIR for the users?07:27
ograaddimg a profile editor as add-on to alacarte ? (i.e. writing a small standalone pygtk gui and add a button to alacarte)07:27
Amaranthyou'd need some sort of login hook to set it07:27
LaserJockI'm trying to avoid the seb problem, but I'm not sure what all that intails07:27
LaserJockwe just can't touch gnome-menus like what was done for sudo, correct?07:28
Amaranthogra: you also have to generate .menu files for all the groups on the system07:28
ograif you can do it by XDG_DATA_DIR and we add a Xsession.d script, that should work, no ?07:29
Amaranthogra: then teach alacarte how to edit "root" menus and you're set (mostly)07:29
Amaranthafaik unless you actually edit the content of a menu item alacarte doesn't touch it anymore (it uses .menu files for hiding and moving) so that should be ok07:29
Amaranththe main catch is generating the .menu files for every group07:30
LaserJockwell, we planed on shipping predifined .menu files for the groups we wanted07:30
Amaranththe .menus files wouldn't have to do much, just merge in the /etc/xdg/menus/ .menu files07:31
Amaranththat works then07:31
LaserJockI mean sabayon would be ok if we could just pick out the menu stuff07:31
LaserJockbut there is nothing stoping the admin from putting firefox stuff in the profile for instance07:32
LaserJockand then you might have a problem07:32
Amaranthnow you either need a way to set XDG_DATA_DIRS before launching alacarte or a sudo user that's in each group07:32
Petarisogra: Is there anyone besides ajmitch that is working on the AD integration?07:33
LaserJockPetaris: ajmitch has been around the last few day, he's just not up yet07:33
Amarantha separate GUI that just launches "XDG_DATA_DIRS=/foo alacarte --root" would work (said GUI is already launched with gksudo)07:33
LaserJockthat's what I was thinking07:33
ograwhy a separate gui ? thats even only a separate .desktop entry07:34
AmaranthGNOME is about to be in feature freeze so I'd have to include the root mode as a patch in the package07:34
PetarisLaserJock: When does he usually pop in?07:34
Amaranthogra: a separate .desktop file for every group?07:34
ograno, only one .desktop file for the above command07:34
ogragksudo 'XDG_DATA_DIRS=/foo alacarte --root'07:35
Amaranthogra: you have to set XDG_DATA_DIRS to something different for every group07:35
LaserJockPetaris: hmm, not quite sure. He is in New Zealand so it might be a few more hours. You could always try emailing him07:35
ograright, but that would be a failrly simple gui ...07:35
LaserJockalthough, we still need to handle a user belonging to more than one group07:36
Amaranthjust a list of groups and a button to launch alacarte for the selected group07:36
AmaranthLaserJock: -ESEP07:36
AmaranthSomebody Else's Problem :)07:36
LaserJockaka, me :-)07:36
AmaranthLaserJock: there is no sane method of handling that07:36
Amaranththere might be any possible method of handling that07:37
ograwhats the problem ? as far as i understood it, xdg is capable of reading from different sources07:37
LaserJockAaron was talking about that overlay thing07:37
ograyou just need to create a merged menu file ...07:37
Amaranththe problem with putting things in applications-merged/ is that they load in random order07:37
Amaranthand alacarte will still only edit one .menu file07:38
LaserJockok, so what if we had a simple gui that had the groups and the alacarte button and then merged the menus some way and put them in the ~/ of all the users07:38
LaserJockwe only need this thing to set up the menu once in a while07:39
LaserJockit wouldn't neccessarily need to be at every login07:39
Amaranthso you edit a group's .menu file with alacarte, click another button in this GUI, and it shoves .menu files in every user's ~/.config/menus/?07:41
LaserJocklike an "Apply" button or something07:41
Amaranthi suppose that could work07:41
Amaranthbut the merging would be a PITA07:41
Amaranthdoable, but not just a simple merge, you have to keep track of <Move>s and crap07:42
Amaranthwell, it might be doable07:42
LaserJockwell, it wouldn't be a problem I don't think for most of our stuff07:42
Amaranthbut you're letting admins do whatever they want to these menus07:42
LaserJockwe mostly want the absence or presence of items07:42
Amaranthif for one group they move Games into a submenu and for another group they add a couple of things to Games merging the two gets tricky07:43
Amaranthyou have to make sure the move happens after the adding07:43
LaserJockwell the simpilest thing I can think of is shipping predefined .menu files that aren't editable07:45
LaserJockbut that doesn't seem very nice07:45
Amaranthin my example you can do some fun stuff to put the move at the end07:47
Amaranthbut i can quickly give you an example that is undoable without manual help07:47
AmaranthFor one group they move System Tools into Administration and for another group they move it into Preferences how do you handle that?07:48
Amaranththat should be two sentences :)07:48
LaserJockwell, it would be nice to make an assumption or two about what kind of editing we need07:51
LaserJockand be able to limit to those07:51
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AmaranthLaserJock: i don't think i want to hack up alacarte that badly07:57
LaserJockI agree07:57
LaserJockAmaranth: will Edgy's alacarte have --root support?08:01
Amaranthif it's needed i can add it08:02
ograthats totally enough for now ... no weird hacking please :)08:03
cbx33evenin guys08:04
LaserJockhi cbx33 08:04
cbx33hey LaserJock 08:04
ograwhat about pointing the user menus to a system dir that contains .menu files that are only readable by a certain group ... 08:05
ograwe could solve it on a filesystem level 08:05
ograno idea how xdg behaves with such a case though08:06
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LaserJockhmm, I don't know either08:09
ograi mean you have a directory full of .menu files but each is only readable by its group and editable by root08:09
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LaserJockagain, what about a user belonging to multiple groups? how does xdg handle that?08:10
ograi guess you end up with doubled menu entries (but thats only a guess)08:11
LaserJockit seems like merge work would have to be done at some point08:11
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crimsunit sounds like there needs to be a bit more logic at a higher level08:24
crimsunthe fs level sounds fine; you're just pushing the complexity up one layer08:24
LaserJockhmm, can I get that in english?08:25
crimsunerm. Ok, say you go the route that ogra proposed; to avoid duplicate entries you'll need to filter, which pushes the complexity into the menu app08:26
LaserJockso we have 1) use fs level and filter out duplicates (not sure what that would invlove) or 2) create tool to merge menus and put in user's ~/08:31
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RichEdhi guys ... 08:45
LaserJockhi RichEd 08:46
RichEdhi LaserJock 08:47
RichEdLaserJock: how's your knowledge of networking under Linux ?08:48
RichEdwent off to gym and went out of range of the Wireless Hub ... and now that I am back home ... it won't recover08:48
RichEdnot sure how to restart the interface on Edubuntu so that it searches for the signal ?08:49
LaserJockmy knowledge of networking under anything is pretty bad. I know enough to be able to setup a home network and that's about it08:49
crimsunRichEd: ifdown $iface && ifup $iface08:50
crimsune.g., sudo ifdown eth1 && sudo ifup eth108:50
crimsun(where $iface is your network interface as listed in ``ifconfig -a'')08:50
RichEdthanks crimsun ... was looking for just that ... unload & reload it no ?08:50
=== RichEd swivels chair from XP to Ub - brb
crimsunreloading the kernel driver is probably overkill in this case08:51
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RichEdoops ... ive dug a deeper hole for myself than I thought ... i fiddled with the ethernet settings, and it told me i changed the host name amd won't be able to start any apps until i reboot ...08:53
RichEdso can't start a terminal :(08:53
RichEdlooks like reboot is my only option ?08:54
LaserJockcan you change the hostname back?08:54
RichEdi didn't really change th host name, just swopped locations ... did not do any actual edit of any host entry08:55
PetarisRichEd: You could restart networking08:55
Petarisnot sure if hostname is handled by that or not08:56
RichEd(had this situation before ... bit didn't have eleventy seven windows open ... so am being lazy about noting what is open where and rebooting back to whare I was)08:56
RichEdwhere <- whare08:56
RichEdPetaris: how would i restart netrworking without a terminal prompt ?08:57
PetarisRichEd: Why don't you have a terminal prompt?08:57
Petarisoh, the hostname08:58
RichEdyep ...08:58
Petarishrm, I did that before08:58
Petarisyep, you need to reboot08:58
crimsunno, that shouldn't be necessary08:58
Petarisand maybe even go into repair mode if you buggered the system like I had done08:59
crimsunin the /worst/ case you'll have to switch to a tty (ctrl+alt+F1), log in, then ``sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart''08:59
crimsun(unless of course it's sudo that's complaining about the hostname)08:59
=== RichEd tinkers with the suggestion
Petariscrimsun: When I did it, it was sudo that was complaining09:00
crimsunPetaris: yeah, that's a pain.09:00
RichEdgetting somewhere ... right to the friendly message Ubuntu conmes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law ;)09:01
crimsunit's the next part that may be problematic09:01
crimsun``sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart''   that is09:01
RichEd* reconfiguring etc. ... cursor flash flash flash09:02
Petariscrimsun: That episode just re-comfirmed my opinion that it is always wise to enable the root account09:02
crimsunPetaris: sure, it's your computer, do what you want09:02
RichEdright got an OK09:03
RichEdnow how do i get back to the pretty GUI ?09:03
RichEdah ... still no signal ...09:04
RichEddon't want to waste your time with my knickers in my own knot so to speak ...09:04
crimsunyou may have to log out and back into gnome09:04
RichEdand it is getting late for me (the wife is calling) ...09:04
crimsunoh yeah, forget the computer stuff09:04
RichEdso perhaps a tidy up & reboot would hurt less than a domestic episoide ;)09:04
LaserJockgosh, I wish it was that easy for me09:05
RichEd(have you seen JaneW when she is angry ;)09:05
LaserJockheh, no09:05
RichEd(or neglected ... even worse ;)09:05
LaserJockI've seen *my* wife though09:05
LaserJocknot a good thing09:05
=== RichEd waves g'night ...
LaserJockwhen she gives you that "Ist me or the computer" stare09:06
LaserJockcya RichEd 09:06
=== RichEd averts eye contact with LaserJocks wife ... dinnae wannae turn into no pillar of haggis 'n all
RichEdthanks crimsum ... learnt a little bit ...09:07
Amaranthogra: i've got the stuff to create a willowng user, does start-stop-daemon automagically handle the rest? cupsys doesn't seem to do anything special to run with it's own user09:21
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PetarisHi highvoltage09:27
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mhzhighvoltage: ping10:31
bddebianHello HellDragon10:31
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hazemmohamedHello every body, I have a problem with my screen resolution?11:23
hazemmohamedit is stick on 1280*1024 and it is not comfortable11:23
hazemmohamedI tried to change it from prefrences with no effect11:24
hazemmohamedI want it 1024*78611:24
hazemmohameddoes any one can help?11:24
hazemmohamedI'm using edubuntu Dapper11:25
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Lord_Athurhi all, which firewall do you recommend me?11:26
mhzLord_Athur: iptables ?11:26
Lord_Athurpardon my ignorance mhz, what's iptables?11:27
Lord_Athuryes, I want a firewall.11:28
pygimhz, rather suggest him some interface to configure it?11:30
mhzpygi: oh, good point11:30
mhzLord_Athur: iptables is a firewall way11:30
Lord_Athurok mhz, so, what can i do with it in order to make it work as a firewall?11:31
Lord_Athurcan I install it?11:31
pygimhz, suggest graphical application :) Or should I do it? :P11:31
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pygiLord_Athur, it's there already, just not active11:31
dan_youngLord_Athur: are you trying to seucre a single machine or a network?11:32
Lord_Athurmy own and single pc11:32
=== pygi says go with Firestarter
Lord_Athurhahaha, pygi I've just uninstalled firestarter :(11:33
pygiLord_Athur, what's wrong with it?11:33
Lord_AthurI'd like to try another one...11:34
pygiyou could go with shorewall or write IPTABLES rules by yourself even, but I don't think that's a way to go for you11:34
pygibut who am I to know anything :P11:34
Lord_Athurhahaha, ok,11:34
Lord_Athurhaha, ok, now I'm trying ipcongfu11:35
=== mhz was on the phone, sorry Lord_Athur
Lord_Athurdon't worry,11:35
=== pygi wonders why is Lord_Athur laughing all the time no reason
dan_youngLord_Athur: take a look at gnome-lokkit too...11:35
Lord_Athurok, 11:36
Lord_Athurwhat about SELinux?11:36
dan_youngLord_Athur: not a firewall11:36
dan_youngurk, looking close at gnome-lokkit, it's pretty outdated, w/ GTK1... bad recommendation, sorry.11:37
pygiLord_Athur, may I advise that you use other general channels for your questions?11:40
Lord_AthurYes, you may11:40
pygiI may even point you to some books/web resources if you want to read up on things :)11:40
Lord_Athurpygi, who am I to know what you may/may not do :P11:41
Lord_Athurthanks all11:41
Lord_Athuranyway GuardDog seems to be a good option if sb want to know :P11:41
Lord_Athursee u later11:42
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pygiLord_Athur, that's KDE...Edubuntu is Gnome...but anyway, your question was general as you don't use neither Linux or Edubuntu11:42
mhzhi HellDragon 11:44

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