
lifelessjelmer: whats the branch ?12:17
jelmerIt has ~9000 revisions and was added on friday IIRC - launchpad doesn't seem to have problems with the wireshark branch which has 18000+ and has been added later12:18
lifelessso I wanted to ask you12:20
lifelesswe have a discussion at the moment about 'bzr branch' and formats12:20
lifelessI think that 'bzr branch' changing formats surprises users12:20
lifelessand that the default behaviour should always be to preserve the control-dir format12:20
lifelessi.e. format6 branches stay as format6, metadir stays as metadir, hg stays as hg, git stays as git12:21
lifelessthe branch looks ok to me, its mirrored correctly.12:21
lifelesscan you please file a bug on launchpad-bazaar about it ?12:21
lifelessbut svn can't really branch natively :)12:22
jelmerlifeless: Sure12:22
jelmerI think it indeed makes sense to keep the original format in the case of distributed systems12:22
jelmerAll the centralised systems should (imho) use the default bzr format12:23
jelmeror perhaps, rather, all systems that can't easily build a full branch (all history locally)12:24
jelmerWhat do you think should happen when making a checkout of a .hg branch? What format to use?12:25
lifelessnow *thats* a question :)12:26
lifelesshg does not have a checkout facility itself12:26
lifeless(heavyweight or lightewight at the moment)12:27
lifelessso, I think it needs to convert by definition12:27
lifeless(because commit is not natively implemented for hg - we use their pythno module to commit12:27
jelmerSo I guess the choice is between always converting foreign branches to a bzr format, or only converting them when the particular method (branch/lightweight checkout/heavyweight checkout) is not supported for the particular foreign branch format.12:29
lifelessbut in theory, we can build the same logic for hg using our implementation, and commit builder12:29
lifelessand have a 'native commit' which would let us do the local commit, push, finalise sequence. *I guess*. I dont know their smart servers beahviour well enough to know if that would in fact honour our semantics12:30
lifelessmy concern is that conversion takes time12:30
jelmerBut what sort of .hg control dir would you create in the local dir? 12:30
lifelessa real one :)12:30
lifelesslots of issues to figure out - how to tell .hg its bound etc etc etc12:30
lifelessmore reasons to convert on checkout12:30
jelmerso there'll always be cases where conversion will be necessary ('bzr branch' on a SVN branch, etc)12:31
lifelesshows your patch to the bzr-hg coming along btw ?12:32
jelmerI haven't looked at it again yet - got distracted by some other projects12:34
jelmerwith a bit of luck, I'll resend a fixed version before the next weekend 12:34
lifelessI am hoping we can reuse the inventory synthesis in bzr-git12:34
jelmerah, ok - I haven't looked at your git plugin yet12:36
jelmerHave you tried it on the kernel yet?12:36
lifelessthey have very similar but not identical models12:36
lifelessbzr vis on the kernel in git? no12:36
lifelessI dont have a kernel tree in git format12:36
lifelessit will be slow though - its a fork() roundtrip per revision access12:37
lifelessthat can be fixed by smarter implementation of the higher order methods like get_revision_graph to query for all the revision data and (shock, horror) cache it12:37
jelmerThere is no library or anything that can read parse gits control format?12:38
lifelessthe official interface is 'git'12:38
lifelessas opposed to libgit. AFAICT there is no libgit even12:38
jelmerI wonder what the darcs folks use - apparently they have git support as well12:39
lifelessprobably they are doing 'conversion' not 'model and access'12:39
lifeless(baz-import vs the hg/git/svn plugins)12:40
lifelessconversion is always an easier proposition12:40
lifelessin that you are expected to cache and stream and take a while12:40
jelmerlooks like they're actually able to use git repositories as if they were darcs branches12:40
lifelessoh? I take it back then12:41
lifelessthey can commit to them ?12:41
jelmerapparently - 'darcs record' is supposed to work12:42
lifelessget yourself a copy of Git (0.99 or later) and run make; this should build a libgit.a.12:45
lifelessstatic library only12:45
jelmerI guess you can always dlopen() a binary though12:45
=== jelmer wonders how well Pythons ctypes would work with binaries
lifelessholy fuck12:47
lifelessgit-core ships an entire copy of subprocess.py12:47
jelmerprobably because python 2.3 doesn't have subprocess12:48
lifelessthe right answer there is 'depend on python 2.4' ;)12:48
lifelesstheres no mention of it in the debian copyright file. :(12:49
jelmeryou're talking to a poor part-time Debian sid user who is still stuck with python2.312:49
lifelessat a minimum, the debian *package* should not ship like that12:49
=== jelmer nods
UbugtuMalone bug 53827 in git-core "Please ship libgit.a" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  12:52
jelmerah, guess that's probably a better idea than opening the git binary (-:12:56
jelmerhmm.. when I get the time, I'll have a look at bzr-darcs - apparently it isn't hard to wrap haskell in python12:57
lifelessI'd use pyrex and make a git.so plugin for bzr myself12:58
lifelessno point thunking through haskell, when the darcs and bzr models are also not the same12:58
lifelessoh, sorry, misread you12:59
lifelessyes, bzr-darcs would be cute12:59
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jelmerHow well does pyrex work? Using SWIG really discouraged me to use binding generators unless I had to create bindings for more than 2 different languages01:00
lifelesspyrex isn't a binding generator01:01
lifelesshave you read the readdir branch ?01:01
jelmerah, looking at the website made me remember. I was confusing it with some ctypes alternatives for Python01:02
jelmerlifeless: Haven't looked at the code yet, no01:02
jelmerlifeless: I'm keen to see it go in though.. running 'bzr status' on 5000-file branches very often now that I'm using bzr for my Samba work01:03
jelmerOnly git-core for Python2.3 in Debian.. :-/01:18
jelmertime to get some sleep, apparently.. 'night!01:20
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Lord_Athurhi all06:21
Lord_Athurhow could i be sure that all my installed programs are in my language? can I do it?06:22
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mpt_Gooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!06:30
Lord_AthurI use kubuntu + edubuntu-desktop, but some sub-menus of the edubuntu programs are in English in the kde menu,How do I make an specification about it in order to show that the language of the menu application is the wrong one?06:32
mptLord_Athur, that seems like a bug, not a subject for a specification06:33
Lord_Athurso, how do i notify a bug?06:33
mptIt might be just that they're not translated yet06:34
mptWhat is an example of one of the programs?06:34
Lord_AthurI'm chilean(so my language is Spanish):06:35
Lord_Athur"entretenimientos educativos" :"languages":"kanagram(juego de .....".06:35
Lord_Athurin that example you can see a menu which is in English06:35
mptah, so "Languages" is in English but should be in Spanish06:36
Lord_Athurand it could be difficult for young children know what to do in these situations06:36
Lord_Athurso, I'd like to report that bug or help or help to traslate it06:36
mptok, to start off I'd suggest reporting a bug here https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug06:38
mptThen someone will put the bug report into the correct package06:39
mptThen if you want to, you can find the Rosetta translations for that package, and translate it yourself :-)06:39
Lord_Athurthanks mpt 06:40
Lord_Athurmpt, in a part of the bug reports there are three optios for "asigned to". what may I choose?06:49
Lord_AthurI mean, do I put "Me"?06:49
ajmitchonly assign to yourself if you'll be the one fixing the bug06:49
ajmitchgenerally just leave it as default06:49
Lord_Athurok thanks06:50
Lord_AthurThanks all, I leave now06:51
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elkbuntuwtf.. launchpad still doesnt import my key :|07:02
elkbuntu"HTTP Error 500: OK at http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x940BDA96&op=get"07:02
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sabdflhey guys, where's the new push location? and has the copy from chinstrap been completed?09:59
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jameshgood morning10:39
Kamping_Kaiserhi jamesh 10:40
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spivjamesh: you know what else would be good to randomise to break tests?  os.listdir.11:53
jameshspiv: yes, it would :)11:55
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spivjamesh: I just reviewed a doctest that I think is accidentally depending on ordering of os.listdir (via glob.glob), hence the thought :)11:56
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lifelessddaa: meeting time!12:04
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SteveAspiv: hello12:12
spivSteveA: Good evening.12:13
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=== spiv breathes a sign of relief after finishing the process-upload-tidy review.
malccYeah, sorry about that one, I promise to keep my branches smaller going forward12:29
KinnisonPah, I bet it wasn't as bad as the 'OMG, all of soyuz, WTF?!' branch we gave to jamesh12:31
jameshno more mega soyuz branches, please12:31
=== Kinnison ruffles jamesh
KinnisonI promise, I will never give you another mega branch12:31
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lifelessreviewer meeting in 712:53
lifelessreviewer meeting time01:01
lifeless * Roll call01:01
lifeless * Agenda01:01
lifeless * Next meeting01:01
lifeless * Queue status.01:01
lifelesswho art here ?01:01
spivI art.01:01
lifelessbjorn is on leave01:02
lifelessnext meeting:01:02
lifeless2006-07-31 at 1100 UTC.01:03
lifeless ok?01:03
lifelessqueue status01:03
lifeless2 at 5 days old01:04
spivprocess-upload-tidy is reviewed as of nearly an hour ago.01:04
lifelessspiv and spiv01:04
lifeless1 at 501:04
lifeless1 at 401:04
lifelessand 2 at 301:04
lifelessthis is all under control IMO01:04
lifelesslots of stuff at one day01:05
=== SteveA reads scrollback
lifelessjamesh: is pending-reviews running ?01:06
jameshlet me check01:06
jameshstale lock on the working repo01:07
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lifelessah :)01:07
jameshalso chinstrap's filesystem is mounted read only01:08
lifelessok, any other business? any new tricks to watch out for ?01:08
spivMy inclination to move some tests from doctests to plain python is growing.01:09
lifelesscan you write up your feelings on why? I suspect I'll agree :). 01:10
spivdoctests actually harm readability for sufficiently complex code -- people don't ever seem to use inline comments, even when defining 20 line functions :)01:10
lifelesslets have a discussion on the list ?01:10
jameshdoc tests do seem to result in more test dependencies than would be nice01:10
spivI'll write up my thoughts for the list.01:10
lifelessand ok.01:11
lifelessany other business ?01:11
lifelessthanks for comingg01:12
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lifelessspiv: happy to chat now about it, but didn't want to minute it :)01:12
spivlifeless: Ok :)01:13
spivThe readability thing is funny, because that's the reverse effect to the typical doctest effect, where comments are easier to write than code.01:14
spivBut you almost never see a helper function in a doctest with a docstring explaining what it does or what args it should take, let alone comments inside them.01:14
spivYou do sometimes see big paragraphs before them that try to explain everything, and then the large code, where in plain python the comments would be one at a time, right next to the relevant line of code.01:15
spivAlso, complex helper functions don't tend to fit neatly into a doctest narrative.01:16
lifelessthats my biggest bugbear01:16
lifelessnarrative tests are great for showing people how to use an api01:16
spivSo they tend to get defined where they're needed, but are more general than that case would seem to need, because actually they're also used 100 lines further down01:16
lifelessbut beyond that I find it quickly becomes harder to grok that a tonne of focused tests01:17
spivWhereas in a TestCase, you have an obvious and neat place for a helper: a method on the TestCase.01:17
spivAnyway, I guess my concerns are:01:18
spiv  * helper functions more than 3 lines long are almost always very ugly in doctests01:19
spiv  * you get long, rambling tests with complex setup, rather than lots of focussed, specific, isolated tests (let alone *unit* tests)01:20
spivtesting.txt is a good counter-example to my concerns.01:21
spivIt does lots of things, but the individual sections are independent and readable on their own, without 200 lines of context.01:21
spivThere are other niggles, e.g. I saw this today:01:22
spiv+  >>> if process.returncode != 0:01:22
spiv+  ...     print stdout01:22
spiv+  ...     print stderr01:22
spivWhich ought to be just ">>> process.returncode\n0"...01:22
spiv...but then you don't get the debugging you need.01:23
lifelesspeople want unittest debugging because they are debugging things, not demonstrating the api01:23
spivassertEqual(0, process.returncode, "failed, here's more info: %s" % ...) doesn't have that issue.01:23
spivThe doc/soyuz-*.txt tests I saw in a review today are what brought this on, if you're curious.01:26
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lifelessspiv: just about any unit-as-doctest brings it on for me :)01:32
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jameshmorning bradb 01:33
bradbhey jamesh 01:34
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Kamping_Kaiseri'm trying to link a bug in ubuntu to a bug in debian, and i need a 'product' to go with the bug number and remote BTS - what is this 'product' it needs?03:23
LarstiQIs that the case?03:24
jameshKamping_Kaiser: use the "also affects: distribution" link rather than "also affects: product"03:25
Kamping_Kaiseroh ok, i'll have a shot, thanks03:25
Kamping_Kaiserit says 'upstream', rahter then 'product', thats probably what caused the confusion03:26
Kamping_Kaiserdone, thanks jamesh 03:27
jameshKamping_Kaiser: I suppose it is a bit confusing since Debian is a little way upstream of ubuntu :)03:28
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Kamping_Kaiseri jsut had an oops - ID  OOPS-205B211  04:30
Kamping_Kaisergrrr. that was my good night rejection. 04:30
Kamping_Kaiserit'll wait. gl :)04:30
=== bradb & # dentist (again) && lunch
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flacostekiko: hi!04:55
kikohey flacoste!05:07
kikogood to see you around05:07
flacostehow was mallorca?05:07
kikoit was great05:08
kikogood work05:08
kikojust spent about 12h between airports though05:08
flacostegot a chance to enjoy the mediterranean?05:08
kikonot really05:08
SteveAkiko was a crazy cycling dude05:09
SteveA0wning the mountains05:09
flacosteaha! I guess that's as good as the sea for some05:09
kikowell you have to understand05:10
kikothere was only from 6am to 8:30am to do anything but work05:10
SteveAthis is true05:10
flacostei am sure the sea was nice at 6:30 :-)05:10
kikoI have no real idea05:10
kikojbailey saw the sea I hear05:10
kikohey matsubara 05:11
SteveAI photographed it from a distance05:11
SteveAit was blue05:11
matsubarayo kiko 05:11
kikomatsubara, nice work on the timeouts eh?05:11
kikohey carlos, jordi, salgado 05:11
kikoI was thinking05:11
kikoyou know, now that KarmaContext has landed05:11
kikoit is actually possible to better track where a person did karma actions05:12
kikowhich could in theory replace the query we do for +translations.05:12
kikowhat do you guys think?05:12
salgadohey kiko05:12
carloskiko: hey dude05:12
carloskiko: yeah, I guess we could use it as a kind of cache for that page05:13
kikocarlos, we would just need to store the template the person was translating05:13
salgadoyou mean, somehow store the bug/spec/whatever that the person created/changed/... ?05:13
kikosalgado, yes. what do you think of that?05:14
carloskiko: we could get it from the context05:14
=== carlos -> meeting with Steve
kikocarlos, I don't think salgado stores the real "context"05:15
carloslet's talk later05:15
kikohe stores the "pillar"05:15
kikosalgado, does that sound possible,reasonable?05:15
matsubarakiko: Indeed quite a decrease. there are some pages left to improve though.05:16
salgadoit probably is possible, I think. but I don't see how the KarmaContext implementation helps on that front05:16
kikomatsubara, I'm thinking about +translations05:16
kikosalgado, well, in karmacontext you already give us some information related to the context, right?05:16
salgadoyeah, the product or distribution05:17
kikosalgado, so, for instance, it'd be a matter of adding some extra info there.05:17
kikosalgado, sound.. possible?05:17
kikofor instance05:17
kikoI'd need to store the actual pot translated.05:18
kikoerr po-file05:18
salgadoit should be doable, but I guess we'd need a few extra columns, each one being a foreign key to a different table, no?05:21
kikosalgado, I guess, yeah. kinda crummy but, well, we could do it just for translations for now. does that sound awful?05:24
kikobradb, ping?05:24
salgadowhy only translations?05:24
kikosalgado, to stop +translations from timing out.05:25
carloskiko: ok, I'm back05:31
carloskiko: you are right, we only have the product or sourcepackage05:32
carloskiko: but I guess that good enough to reduce the amount of time we need to calculate their contributions05:32
kikocarlos, so we'd need to add an extra column there, which would only be not null sometimes. what do you think?05:32
kikoSteveA, have an opinion?05:32
carloskiko: hmm, let's try first without changing our database05:32
kikocarlos, how would you do that?05:32
SteveAkiko: yes.  chocolate is better than ice-cream05:32
kikoSteveA, I meant wrt using KarmaContext to track translations.05:33
SteveAI haven't given it any particular thought.  What's the problem it can solve or improve?05:33
kiko+translations timing out. see above.05:33
carloskiko: use the same query we have now, but instead of joining all potemplates across all distributions/products, just join the ones that we actually know he worked on05:33
kikocarlos, I see. that's an interesting idea.05:34
kikocarlos, using an IN () subselect?05:34
carlosI guess, yes05:34
carloskiko: I think we could try that and if it's fast enough we save some complexity in our database...05:35
kikoI guess.05:35
salgadoif we do that there may be some contributions not showing up05:35
kikosalgado, why?05:35
salgado(not sure how big of a problem that is, though)05:35
kikoold ones you mean?05:35
carlossalgado: we would be interested on latest contributions, say one month or so05:35
kikosalgado, well, we could also poison the database. :)05:35
SteveAkiko: I don't see the connection between karma and +translate05:36
SteveAor +translations05:36
salgadowe'd use the karma as a cache, basically05:36
SteveAis the idea that the context-specific karma stuff acts as a log05:36
SteveAof the translations that you have done05:36
SteveAand so you can rely on that log to display the translations you did05:37
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kikoSteveA, exactly.05:40
kalosaurusrexhey guys! does launchpad have the ability to run support reports of some sort?05:42
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flacostekalosaurusrex: what do you have in mind exactly?05:44
SteveAkiko: I think it makes sense to do that.  I can think of four ways to reasonably achieve it, and two that are actually worth considering.05:44
kikoSteveA, rock and roll05:44
SteveAkiko: 1: add a bunch of extra columns to the karma table to link a karma record to other entities.  but even then, the meaning of the link depends on the type of karma05:45
SteveA2: keep the karma table simple, without links.  add a new "karma translations" table for the extra info.05:45
kikoyes, correct.05:45
kikoSteveA, carlos suggested 3: framing the query for translations into translations that we know the user has actually done (via karma)05:46
kikosalgado, does karmacontext store the source package?05:46
kalosaurusrexflacoste: well it would be nice to be able to get a report on date issues is open and closed, and be able to get some stats on that. as well as if there was an option to add more fields and could get reports on those it would be useful.  like operating system support reports, and some specific stuff that would be useful to me (what printer, etc.)05:51
flacostekalosaurusrex: that's an interesting idea, currently Launchpad doesn't have much in terms of reporting05:53
flacostekalosaurusrex: the date open/closed report would be possible to implement05:54
flacostekalosaurusrex: but the other stuff (by operating system, printer, etc.) would be more problematic since we don't track that stuff now05:54
kalosaurusrexflacoste: I gotcha.  well perhaps sometime in the future. but open/closed would be cool :)05:57
flacostekalosaurusrex: can you add a bug report to https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad-support-tracker about that?05:58
flacosteSteveA: do you still plan to do some adapter refactoring this week?06:02
=== flacoste had an item on his agenda to ping you about that today
kalosaurusrexflacoste: sure thanks!06:04
SteveAflacoste: that would be next week, when I'm not sprinting06:04
SteveAkiko: if we start using the Karma table as an person's activity log as well as for the Karmic implications of that, we should rename it Activity, and use Activity to calculate Karma.06:05
kikowhy not?06:05
flacosteSteveA: i thought that it was next week you were sprinting, no problem, I'll ping you again next week :-)06:05
SteveAkiko: why not what?06:05
kikorename it to activity. :)06:06
SteveAI don't understand what you're asking06:07
kikoI'm agreeing with you06:07
SteveAwhy not?06:07
=== SteveA goes to talk bzr with the bzr lp team
kalosaurusrexflacoste: https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad-support-tracker/+bug/5391306:16
UbugtuMalone bug 53913 in launchpad-support-tracker "[support tickets]  reporting functionality" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  06:16
kalosaurusrexhope it makes sense.  not enough coffee yet.06:16
flacostekalosaurusrex: thanks!06:17
kalosaurusrexflacoste: thanks for your time as well!06:17
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LaserJockbradb: around?06:35
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Lord_Athurhi everyone07:10
Lord_AthurI've asked many times about what karma is, but07:10
Lord_Athurwhy do I have many actions in karma, but 0 as number? It doesnt make me be clear about karma :S07:11
flacosteLord_Athur: in launchpad karma is aged: after one year it is worth 007:13
flacosteLord_Athur: somebody did a camparison of Launchpad karma with other system: http://alligevel.blogspot.com/2006/07/karma-in-launchpad.html07:14
Lord_Athur:(, I've understood that karma is gaven by the actions you do in ubuntu/launchpad, am I wrong?07:15
flacosteLord_Athur: not, this is true, it's just that karma ages so last years action aren't worth anything anymore07:15
LarstiQLord_Athur: you need to keep active, or your karma will drop to zero.07:16
LarstiQLord_Athur: otherwise newcomers will be hopelessly behind, not very motivating.07:17
LaserJockI'm not sure if *all* actions give karma either, but I could be wrong07:17
Lord_Athurlamont, you're right07:17
Lord_AthurLaserJock, look at this page https://launchpad.net/people/alejandro-leonvega/+karma I've actions that are considered for karma, but no karma.07:19
LarstiQLord_Athur: that is because you all did it today07:20
LarstiQLord_Athur: afaik, karma is updated once per day07:20
LaserJockLord_Athur: dude, it takes a while :-)07:20
Lord_AthurHahaha, thanks all, I did some things last night in rosetta, but I don't remember in what time exactly, maybe it was this morning.07:22
Lord_Athurthanks launchpad people, see u later07:25
=== bradb gets back from 2.5 hours in a dentist's chair
LarstiQbradb: you seem to still be alive?07:40
bradbright now, anything i say comes out "balaaahhallblllaaahhablllab"07:40
bradbLarstiQ: fvdo "alive"07:41
=== LarstiQ always finds ircing in such situations comforting
bradband i'll be back tomorrow morning for more07:41
bradb2 more fillings07:41
bradbtoday was Tooth Reconstruction Day07:42
bradbkiko: pong07:43
LarstiQbradb: good luck07:43
jameshkiko: replied to your comments about the SF import07:49
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #launchpad
Lord_Athurcan I change the e-mail which I use for logging in in launchpad?08:07
LaserJockLord_Athur: yes, change the prefered email address08:09
bradbLord_Athur: You should be able to login with any email address you've registered with Launchpad, preferredemail or not.08:11
Lord_Athuryes bradb, but can I change the e-mail address used at the moment of the registration in launchpad?08:12
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Lord_Athurthanks all, I solved it08:15
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SteveAlifeless: please see email addressed to you, cc launchpad list "moving from chinstrap to sodium" when you're around tomorrow.08:37
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panickedthumb_woJames Henstridge suggested I post this here08:45
UbugtuMalone bug 53678 in launchpad "defunct account" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  08:45
panickedthumb_woand that an admin here could help me out08:46
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kikopanickedthumb_wo, one sec.08:46
kikopanickedthumb_wo, done.08:47
panickedthumb_woyou're quick!08:48
panickedthumb_woone more bug08:48
UbugtuMalone bug 53679 in launchpad "member email" [Untriaged,Rejected]  08:49
panickedthumb_woDiogo says I've never signed the CoC, but I have, before Launchpad was created08:49
panickedthumb_wosigned and sent to Mako08:49
matsubarapanickedthumb_wo: digitally signed?08:49
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flacoste-lunch./nick flacoste08:50
panickedthumb_woI'm not sure if it didn't get included in Launchpad because I did it before Launchpad was launched or what... and it may be that it was in the account that kiko just closed08:51
kikolet me see.08:51
matsubarapanickedthumb_wo: you don't appear to have signed. You're not listed as an Ubuntero. What does the https://launchpad.net/people/panickedthumb/+codesofconduct show?08:51
bradbLarstiQ: How do I manually unlock a branch? I tried break-lock'ing a remote branch, but I still get:08:51
bradbbzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock LockDir(sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/bradb/launchpad/malone-smallfixes/.bzr/branch/lock)08:51
bradbwhen I try to push08:51
matsubarabradb: chinstrap is read only08:52
kikobradb, hmmm, when I had that problem I had to end up using rspush.08:52
kikopanickedthumb_wo, can you try signing again?08:52
panickedthumb_womatsubara: shows that I never signed one08:52
kikopanickedthumb_wo, and uploading the signed document to https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/1.0.1/+sign08:52
matsubarapanickedthumb_wo: you'll need to sign it again then and re-upload as per kiko's instruction.08:52
bradbmatsubara: hah!08:52
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #launchpad
Lord_Athurhi all08:53
bradbmatsubara: What do we do with our branches then?08:53
panickedthumb_wook, I'll do that when I get home08:53
matsubarabradb: wait until sodium is ready, I think.08:53
panickedthumb_wothanks guys08:53
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kikobradb, good point!08:53
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lucasany idea when bug 44545 will be solved ?11:21
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UbugtuMalone bug 44545 in launchpad "FOAF Request: make all Teams into email-aliases/mailing-lists" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4454511:22
lucasshould I wait or create a mailing list somewhere else ?11:22
bradblucas: best to create an ML11:24
lucasthen what about bug 39260 ? :)11:25
UbugtuMalone bug 39260 in launchpad "Extract team members' email addresses" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3926011:25
bradblucas: I'm guessing that won't be fixed in the next week or two or three. salgado? ^^11:27
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