
Guitarherottf if possible12:06
Guitarheroim working in windows till i can buy 100ft of ethernet cable12:06
Viper550Where's the topic?12:07
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Viper550I got some new Splash Screen proposals ready12:09
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Viper550Hello everyone01:10
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GuitarheroHey im lookin for some feedback on a desktop wallpaper i started02:46
GuitarheroI just dont know what to do with the background, not sure if something complicated would ruin it02:47
=== mhb is sleeping ... and not an artist
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Who_troy_s: just thought I'd say04:34
Who_troy_s: (are you there?)04:35
Who_right, I'm off to bed04:42
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mhbgood afternoon02:37
Seveastroy_s, around?02:45
troy_sfor a second03:02
troy_syou there?03:02
SeveasI was wondering about usplash03:02
troy_si'm the wrong guy.  frank has been liasing with scott i think03:03
troy_sit's scotts baby03:03
troy_sit would be nice to get more information though...03:03
troy_sCan you post a good question to the list for Frank to wiki and answer?03:03
SeveasI can give you the info, I'm just wondering about the art ;)03:03
troy_soh crappers03:03
troy_sshoot me the specs and such via email and i'll wiki03:03
troy_sthanks a mill03:04
troy_sthat would be very very helpful03:04
troy_sespecially offsets and such.03:04
troy_syou wouldn't happen to know the GDM splash offsets for the icon placement off hand would you?03:04
troy_sit is very difficult to create art when you are guessing03:04
troy_sany idea who might or how hard it would be to find out?03:04
troy_sits a code check03:04
Seveaswell with usplash-ng, artists get to set the offsets etc03:05
troy_snext gen?!  LOL03:05
troy_sthey should call it usplash-nt03:05
SeveasWell, *I* call it -ng but that;s not its real name03:05
troy_sso i must bolt to work here, not being trite...03:05
SeveasIn reality my patches that caused this to happen only caused a version number bump ;)03:06
troy_sbut if you could A) email me with all of your knowledge03:06
mhbI wonder ... will there someday be more colours in usplash?03:06
troy_smhb -- complain to nvidia and ati03:06
Seveasmhb, not anytime soon03:06
troy_sthats the root of the evil.03:06
Seveastroy_s, shall I simply mail ubuntu-art@?03:06
troy_syou could do that too... i'll wiki the thing because there aren't too many folks who have really gotten the hang of the paper trail yet...03:07
troy_swho_ is very good now.  as is jmak, and weidel...03:07
troy_sits coming along :)03:07
troy_ssee if you can drop a knock on someone who knows the logon splash offsets too03:07
troy_sthat would help immensely03:07
=== troy_s is out.
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Viper550I just added my contact sheet for the Splash Screen design...04:32
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