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njsIs this the right place to ask general questions about packaging?12:48
njsI have a software project.  As a convenience for users, we distribute binaries of new versions, until distros have a chance to pick it up.  So our unofficial sid deb has version "<release number>-0.1", to avoid bumping into the official package.  What version do I use for a package built for, say, dapper?12:48
bluefoxicy0.1ubuntu0 I think12:49
crimsunthat's fine. What's the holdup on getting it into Sid?12:53
lifelessnjs: the usual convention is to put the packages for different distribution releases (sid/dapper/etch etc) into different directories12:55
lifelessnjs: theres no need for a different version number between the different builds unless there is an actual change.12:56
Laser_awaybddebian: ah, stink!12:58
bddebianI stink?12:59
njslifeless: hrm.  seems confusing.01:01
Laser_awaybddebian: no, about Scilab01:04
bddebianI know, I was kidding :-)01:04
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
LaserJockbddebian: debian-science is thinking of setting up a unoffical repo for this sort of thing01:05
tritiumLaserJock: what sort of thing01:06
LaserJocklicensing problems and experimental packages01:06
LaserJockI'm just not sure what to do01:07
LaserJockscientists need to get with it when it comes to licensing their software01:07
njslifeless: wouldn't that break upgrading from dapper to edgy, say?01:07
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phanaticnjs: if you need to rebould the package (newer dependencies), then you bump the version anyway (from 0.1 to 0.2 for example)01:10
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njsphanatic: okay, right.  so what if you have to rebuild it for older dependencies? :-)01:11
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phanaticyou do the same thing... there is no special versioning for dapper or edgy... just version bumps. (and X-ubuntuX when it gets modified)01:14
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hubhugin released, the license is fixed01:34
hubI should be able to upload it this time01:34
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LaserJockanybody know what the policy is for getting stuff into Debian's non-free is?01:44
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LaserJockis it the same as Multiverse?01:46
slomoLaserJock: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-non-free01:50
LaserJockah, I guess I should've figured it would be in the Debian Policy01:51
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LaserJockcrimsun: how do you ignore joins and parts?03:08
LaserJockI was thinking of taking a dive into #ubuntu for a few minutes03:08
crimsun/ignore #channel JOINS PARTS03:09
LaserJockbut I have to turn of the joins and parts or I get a more of a headache then usual03:09
=== lprofil [n=lprofil@port-212-202-193-169.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
lprofilgood evening03:09
crimsunlprofil: hi. What's the issue with libfaac-dev?03:09
LaserJocklprofil: it's not so much annoying as off topic03:10
lprofilis anybody of you able to install libfaac-dev ?03:10
crimsunyes, libfaac-dev installs fine for me on Dapper and Edgy.03:10
lprofilit says:03:10
lprofilThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:10
lprofil  libfaac-dev: Depends: libmp4-dev but it is not installable03:10
lprofilE: Broken packages03:10
lprofilapt-get install -f does not fix it03:11
crimsunyou're not using Ubuntu's libfaac-dev, then.03:11
lprofilany suggestions ?03:11
crimsunour libfaac-dev has this:03:11
crimsun  Depends: libmp4v2-dev03:11
lprofilhow do you mean?03:11
crimsunso you must be using another repo like marillat's.03:11
crimsun``apt-cache policy libfaac-dev''03:11
lprofiloha, i didn't know the "policy" option03:12
LaserJocklprofil: was that the problem?03:14
lprofili do not know yet if it _was_03:16
ajmitchalmost sounds like bug 53834 can be rejected then03:18
UbugtuMalone bug 53834 in faac "Broken dependecies when trying to install libfaac" [Untriaged,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5383403:18
crimsunthat's a definite Rejected IME03:19
bddebianHey, I'm trying to build this package called axiom, can anyone help me? ;-P03:20
ajmitchbddebian: no03:20
bddebianajmitch: Well I know YOU won't help me :-)03:20
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lprofilwhat's your prob?03:23
lprofilmake install03:23
lprofilor isn't it that trivial?03:23
ajmitchcertainly not that trivial03:23
lprofiltell us03:24
bddebianlprofil: I'm being a little sarcastic.  It's a known ugly package full of lisp and other crap :-)03:24
LaserJockusually it's because it's got 40mb of source and takes a while to get feedbac03:24
bddebianIt also happens to be a 40Mb source file :-)03:24
lprofilwhere do i find axiom and what does it do?03:25
LaserJockbddebian: are you just trying to merge?03:25
bddebianlprofil: Don't even bother man.  It's an algebra package03:25
LaserJocklprofil: apt-get source axiom03:25
LaserJockbddebian: hehe03:25
ajmitchLaserJock: it's been broken for awhile, I believe03:25
bddebianLaserJock: Sort of but it build-deps xfree86-common and then FTBFSs03:25
ajmitchonly certain people are brave enough to deal with it ;)03:26
LaserJockso it's broken in Debian as well?03:26
bddebianI can fix the C generated errors but now it doesn't build a object file.. :-(03:26
bddebianLaserJock: I think it has to be since it still build deps xfree86-common but I'm not sure03:26
ajmitchLaserJock: debian bug 37601703:26
UbugtuDebian bug 376017 in axiom "Subject: axiom: FTBFS: Obsolete Build-Depends on xfree86-common" [Serious,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/37601703:26
ajmitchdon't know if the rest of the errors he's seeing show up there03:27
ajmitchsince it won't have been rebuilt for an age03:27
bddebianI was going to post my findings but I can't figure out the object file thing03:27
bddebianOf course upstream has been dead since 09 of 2005 :-(03:28
lprofilsorry to interrupt you but are you trying to compile it from sources ?03:29
LaserJocksome day science packages just make me want to cry03:29
bddebianlprofil: No, the debian source package03:29
lprofilunder ubuntu?03:29
LaserJocklprofil: we are the Ubuntu Universe developers here03:30
LaserJockwe are trying to make sure packages in Universe build right03:30
=== bddebian is no developer :-(
LaserJockand are as updated and bug free as possible03:30
=== LaserJock notices that bddebian is a member of ubuntu-dev and begs to differ
ajmitchbddebian: except that you've got your key in the keyring...03:31
=== ajmitch notes that bddebian is lying through his teeth about not being a developer
bddebianHaving a gpg key does not make me a developer03:34
ajmitchbeing trusted enough to have upload rights does03:35
ajmitchso stop arguing03:35
LaserJockbddebian: shut up and accept it!03:35
lprofili got some trouble adding marillats gpg key03:36
lprofilgpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/mantikor/.gnupg/gpg.conf'03:36
lprofilgpg: WARNING: nothing exported03:36
lprofilgpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.03:36
lprofilwhen i type03:36
lprofil gpg --export 010908312D230C5F | apt-key add -03:36
ajmitchwhy do you want to get packages from marillat's repositories?03:37
LaserJocklprofil: to be honest, just don't do marillat03:37
ajmitchthey'll break things, as you've seen03:37
lprofilwell, i will try to be a bit more specific with my prob03:37
ajmitch& then we end up with the bugreports03:37
lprofili am trying to compile cinelerra03:37
lprofili get this error when i ./configure the cvs sources:03:38
lprofillibfaac libraries       missing03:38
lprofillibfaac headers         missing03:38
lprofileven if i have libfaac installed03:38
ajmitchand libfaac-dev?03:38
LaserJockdo you have a -dev package?03:39
lprofilbut not libfaac-dev03:39
LaserJockdoh, ajmitch beat me03:39
lprofili cannot install libfaac-dev03:39
ajmitchyou couldn't install because you were using marillat repositories, right?03:39
lprofili didn't add them yet due to the gpg problem03:40
ajmitchwhat I said, get rid of that marillat repository line, please03:40
lprofilmaybe that saved me from further trouble03:40
lprofili didn't add it and won't do so03:40
LaserJockare you sure?03:41
lprofilback to the "libfaac-dev: Depends: libmp4-dev but it is not installable" prob03:41
lprofilyes, sure03:41
LaserJockdid you remove the lines and apt-get update?03:41
ajmitchbecause the package in dapper does not depend on libmp4-dev03:41
ajmitchdo you have multiverse enabled for dapper in your sources.list ?03:41
lprofili'll do but they didn't affect due to the missing gpg keys03:41
LaserJockyes it did03:42
lprofili will do remove them...03:42
lprofili had the prob before03:42
LaserJockjust because it gave you gpg warnings doesn't mean it isn't in your apt cache03:42
ajmitchcan you please put the output of 'apt-cache policy libfaac-dev' on pastebin03:43
lprofilwhat is pastebin?03:43
lprofil  Installed: (none)03:44
lprofil  Candidate: 1.24+cvs20060416-0.103:44
lprofil  Version table:03:44
lprofil     1.24+cvs20060416-0.1 003:44
lprofil        500 http://www.kiberpipa.org ./ Packages03:44
lprofil     1.24clean-0ubuntu4 003:44
lprofil        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages03:44
hubhugin 0.6 is a pain to build on dapper03:44
ajmitchI see03:44
ajmitchlprofil: it avoids you flooding the channel like that03:44
lprofilhow do i use it?03:44
ajmitchplease remove/disable the line in sources.list with http://www.kiberpipa.org03:44
LaserJocklprofil: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:45
ajmitchmixing in non-ubuntu repositories is often going to give you problems03:45
lprofili erased the lines; did a apt-get update but still have the broken dependecies probs03:46
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LaserJocklprofil: pastebin the problem03:46
Hobbseehi all03:47
LaserJockhi Hobbsee03:47
bddebianHeya Hobbsee03:47
HobbseeLaserJock: bddebian :)03:47
lprofilput in my name and the message03:48
Hobbseeoh for goodness sake!03:48
lprofilhow to submit?03:48
lprofilsend button03:49
Hobbseebug 49066 is crazy.03:49
UbugtuMalone bug 49066 in kdelibs "Dependency errors for kdelibs4c2" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4906603:49
LaserJocklprofil: yeah, then give us the URL03:49
crimsunHobbsee: for breezy?03:49
Hobbseecrimsun: i think so03:49
ajmitchlprofil: right, so that problem is caused by the non-ubuntu libfaac still being on your system03:49
crimsunHobbsee: oh that's a straight Rejected.03:50
lprofilhow do i link the installed libfaac libaries to my cinelerra config file?03:50
Hobbseecrimsun: exactly.03:50
Hobbseecrimsun: what exactly should i say as a rejected message, do you think?03:50
lprofilis there a possiblity to tell cinelerra that this libaries are already installed?03:51
ajmitchlprofil: just install libfaac0 & libfaac-dev from dapper03:51
lprofili cannot install libfaac-dev03:52
crimsunHobbsee: something along the lines of 'kdelibs4c2a is very different to kdelibs4c2, and mixing binaries compiled for different Ubuntu releases often results in these such problems. Please ask ktechlab.org to recompile their source package against Dapper libs.'03:52
Hobbseecrimsun: thanks :)03:52
LaserJocklprofil: get rid of the non-ubuntu libfaac and install the Ubuntu one03:53
lprofilby removing the universe respositories?03:53
LaserJockhow about apt-get remove libfaac and then apt-get libfaac03:55
ajmitchlibfaac0, actually03:55
LaserJockwell, whatever03:56
lprofilnow i will try again04:01
lprofili will try again to compile cinelerra04:02
lprofilthanks for the hint - wether it worked or not04:02
LaserJocklprofil: that's why it's a good idea to not use non-ubuntu repos04:04
lprofilconfigured without any errors04:04
LaserJocklprofil: and if you need more help please ask #ubuntu04:04
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lprofili have to compile now04:04
lprofili will do so04:04
lprofilwhat does moto means by the way?04:06
ajmitchsee topic04:06
lprofilso you guys are merging the debian files to ubuntu?04:07
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bddebianlprofil: Yes pretty much04:30
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LaserJockjeeze, gotta love a package with 106 open bugs in Debian including 5 RC05:31
bddebianWhich package?05:33
bddebianAh yes, I was just going to look at that05:35
bddebianIs upstream active?05:35
LaserJocksorta depends on what you mean as upstream and active05:36
bddebianUpstream, upstream05:36
bddebianie not Debian :-)05:36
LaserJockwe, again05:36
bddebianOr has Debian become de-facto upstream?05:37
LaserJockCTAN is upstream05:37
LaserJocklast release (3.0) was 2005-02-0805:39
bddebianaye, I was just looking at the pages05:41
LaserJockwe also have texlive now too: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/texlive/05:42
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bddebianLaserJock: I was looking at that, but it seems to point back to CTAN?05:46
LaserJockat what?05:46
bddebianThe texlive page says to check out CTAN.  I'm trying to figure it out05:47
bddebianI'm confused05:49
LaserJockhehe, welcome to TeX05:50
bddebianWell I gotta head to bed.  Gnight man06:00
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ajmitchsigh, I want to have libnss-ldap synced to fix one bug which makes my box unbootable, but it seems the lib has 4 other RC bugs against it that break things just as badly06:38
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Hobbseeajmitch: fix all the bugs?  :P06:45
=== Hobbsee ducks
ajmitchyou know I'm just going to ignore you when you keep saying things like that06:50
Hobbseebleh.  how boring.06:51
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HobbseeLaser_away: you around?07:36
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RichJhe passed out Hobbsee07:48
RichJwent to bed07:48
HobbseeRichJ: ah okay07:49
Hobbseeoh good, Laser_away unping07:49
Hobbseeupstream fixed it anyway07:49
RichJanyone already do edgy updates tonight?07:49
Hobbseehehe, yes, i did.07:56
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!lilo:*! services will be shutting down for just a moment....please bear with us08:58
dholbachgood morning08:59
imbrandonmoins dholbach09:01
dholbachhey imbrandon09:01
dholbachhey jsgotangco09:01
dholbachhow do you guys do?09:01
imbrandongood good , waiting for my updates to finish ;)09:01
jsgotangcoraining all day on my side09:01
Hobbseedholbach: w.r.t. what?09:02
Hobbseeguess i'm not supposed to answer anyway09:02
dholbachHobbsee: whatever :)09:02
dholbachjsgotangco: i wish it'd rain once over here :)09:02
dholbachjsgotangco: (my dog too)09:02
=== imbrandon took the weekend off to paint the inside of my house now just getting my brain working in computer terms again ;)
jsgotangcohows the summer?09:02
Hobbseedholbach: i requested a few more syncs, uploaded a couple of bits, nothing major :P09:02
Hobbseepft.  what summer (grumble)09:02
dholbachimbrandon: you're finished now with the house?09:02
dholbachHobbsee: i noticed - ROCK ON! :-)09:02
Hobbseedholbach: :)09:02
imbrandondholbach: yup yup finished this afternoon ;)09:03
Hobbseedholbach: you wouldnt be saying that if i broke the stuff :P09:03
=== dholbach high fives imbrandon
crimsunbreaking stuff is part of the process :-)09:03
dholbachHobbsee: at least you tried ;)09:03
dholbachhey crimsun :)09:03
imbrandonheya crimsun ;)09:03
=== Hobbsee doesnt think she broke that stuff.
crimsunheya dholbach09:03
dholbachHobbsee: it's early enough in the cycle to break stuff09:03
!lilo:*! one more restart for services, please bear with us09:03
=== Hobbsee does want to break kopete though.
imbrandonheh not when she has it loaded as her main os dholbach ;)09:04
dholbachHobbsee: come on, that's below you - if you break stuff, then break something major :)09:04
Hobbseedholbach: haha.  i'm thinking about it, but tonio_ would be very angry with me09:05
imbrandonHobbsee like *cough* xorg 7.1 *cough*09:05
=== Hobbsee was so tempted to say "i dont care, throw it at the repos anyway"
dholbachor glib or qt or something :)09:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: not quite the main one - i do have dapper, which i booted to a couple of days ago for a bit.09:05
dholbachhmmm coffee09:06
imbrandonHobbsee: heheh yea just upload kde versioned "kde4svn-0ubuntu1" and see how fast we make slashdot LOL09:06
=== Hobbsee steals the coffee from dholbach, and the coffee pot.
Hobbseeimbrandon: LOL!  nwo that would be fun09:06
=== dholbach throws something heavy at Hobbsee :)
=== imbrandon holds his mt dew tight so Hobbsee dosent go near it
=== Hobbsee ducks, and watches as it hits the crystal wall.
Hobbseenow look what you've done, dholbach!09:07
dholbachyou have a crystal wall at home?09:07
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dholbachnow THAT's an enterieur I never imagined possible :)09:07
imbrandoncommon guys help me get a job in EU so i can move ;)09:08
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Hobbseedholbach: or a mirror wall, take your pick09:08
Hobbseedholbach: something breakable, anyway09:08
Hobbseeimbrandon: i'm not interested in mountain dew, you're safe.09:08
imbrandonseven years bad luch09:08
Hobbseebleh.  that i doubt.09:09
!lilo:*! one more tiiiiiime..... 8)09:13
!lilo:*! hmmmm, reports of our immediate success were premature09:19
!lilo:*! one more trie09:19
!lilo:*! erm try09:19
!lilo:*! services restart09:20
!lilo:*! (working on a cloaking glitch)09:20
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Gloubiboulgahello universe!09:25
crimsunhi Gauvain09:25
Gloubiboulgahi Daniel09:25
Hobbseehi Gloubiboulga09:25
Gloubiboulgahi Hobbsee09:26
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Hobbseedholbach: now, you knwo, you shouldnt go picking up random people and throwing them at me, without their consent.   i'm sure imbrandon didnt appreciaet it!09:26
Hobbseeack, honey on keyboard09:26
dholbachhey Gauvain09:26
Gloubiboulgahi Daniel n209:27
dholbachcrimsun was active in Ubuntu land before me, iirc :)09:27
crimsunwe're getting old, eh? ;-)09:28
=== Hobbsee offers crimsun the walking stick.
dholbachi remember one evening, where i tried to update the g*mm libraries (because i needed them for my thesis) - seb128 nearly killed me, when he had to explain shlibs (and how to bump them) for the (n+1)-th time09:29
Gloubiboulgayay! a mail from Jani!09:29
dholbachoh nice09:29
dholbachwhat is he doing? :)09:29
Hobbseedholbach: heh, so should i ask you how you do bump them?09:30
=== Hobbsee ducks
Gloubiboulgahe's working on xubuntu :)09:30
Gloubiboulgaand he suggests me to apply for core-dev, which I seriously think about09:30
dholbachrock on, Gloubiboulga!09:30
GloubiboulgaThe problem is that if Jani is not around, I can't do much :/09:31
Gloubiboulgaeverything is in main now09:31
dholbachGloubiboulga: if you need stuff uploaded, tell me09:31
crimsunor me09:31
Gloubiboulgathanks Daniels :)09:31
dholbachi won't have time to triple-check stuff, but i trust you know how to fix stuff you broke ;)09:31
crimsunyou'd be a shoo-in for core-dev given your work in Dapper09:31
dholbachHobbsee: it was in a package which had debian/libsomething.shlibs files - the changelog indicated that there were new interfaces added, so i'd have to bump the versions in the .shlibs file09:32
dholbachHobbsee: i think i didn't quite understand at the time :)09:32
Gloubiboulgawell, let's see next Tuesday :)09:32
Hobbseedholbach: ah right09:32
crimsunGloubiboulga: rock on, and g'luck of course :-)09:32
HobbseeGloubiboulga: yay :)09:32
=== bjp [n=bart@82-170-236-40-static.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee wont have to get up early for any more meetings for a while. yay x2!
=== n3xu is now known as nexu
imbrandonHobbsee: next kcc at 2100utc ? just kiddin09:35
=== ToadZzZztool is now known as Toadstool
Toadstoolgood morning09:35
Hobbseeimbrandon: 2100UTC isnt so bad - and that'll likely be the next time.  that's 7a,09:35
imbrandonmoins Toadstool09:36
GloubiboulgaSalut Toadstool09:36
ajmitchhi Toadstool09:36
Hobbseeimbrandon: i either have to have a crap meeting time, or step down from the committee.09:36
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imbrandonahh i was thinking it was your 6am ( my bad math )09:36
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Hobbseeimbrandon: and you can all decide which of those you'd prefer09:36
Hobbsee2000 UTC is my 6am09:36
jsgotangcoare you in perth?09:36
=== imbrandon would rather change the meeting time ( rotation is nice )
=== ajmitch waves to dholbach
dholbachhey ajmitch09:37
ajmitchhow are you?09:37
imbrandonheya aj09:37
imbrandonerr ajmitch09:37
ajmitchhi imbrandon09:37
imbrandondamm tab09:37
Hobbseejsgotangco: no, sydney - they're mostly in europe09:38
imbrandoncept me and i just am a night owl and dont care about time(s)09:38
Hobbseeyeah, you can do that :P09:38
=== Hobbsee cant.
imbrandoni sleep and wake when i want ;) /me pays the sun no attn09:38
imbrandontis about 3am here for me, though i would love to be in EU atm ;)09:39
=== ajmitch should read the GNOME HIG before doing too much UI stuff
Hobbseeactually, i'll probably tell Riddell that a meeting at 2100UTC on a wednesday is fine.09:39
imbrandonHIG ? human interface guide ?09:40
Hobbseeeek.  col.d09:40
ajmitchso that I don't put together a monstrosity, there are some good tips there09:40
imbrandonyea useability.kde.org has some good info too ( although i know your a gnome guy heh )09:40
Hobbseeajmitch cant stand kde.09:40
=== Hobbsee heard them whinging about it for a long while.
Hobbseeimbrandon: .org, surely.09:41
crimsunI'm not a big KDE fan, either, but I'm forcing myself to use it so I can try and get this audio stuff fixed up09:41
imbrandonerr yea one of those darnit09:41
imbrandoncrimsun: yay !09:41
=== Hobbsee screams and runs around in circles.
imbrandonhrm ok since some of the "big dawgs" are arround whats some sugestion / stuff i can work on to get my MOTU skills better  /me would like to be confident to go for MOTU semi soon , just keep plugin merges ?09:44
crimsunmerges are an excellent entry point09:44
imbrandonkk i'll keep with those for the moment then ;)09:45
Hobbseeimbrandon: merges, merges, merges :P09:45
crimsunback in the day we'd fight over wiki locks. You younguns have it easy. ;-)09:45
ajmitchwhy, I remember back in those days... ;)09:46
Hobbseecrimsun: hah09:46
Hobbseeajmitch: yeah, but you're old and decrepit :P09:46
=== Hobbsee hugs ajmitch
=== ajmitch tweaks /ignore settings
imbrandonROFLAMAO , you are too now Hobbsee , into the adult world at 18+ ;)09:47
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Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, i keep telling people that im' old - they dont seem to belive me.09:47
imbrandonmoins phanatic09:47
phanatichey imbrandon and everyone :)09:48
bjpgood morning phanatic!09:48
phanatichello bjp09:48
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imbrandon_heya slomo10:00
phanatichey slomo10:00
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slomolucas: ping?10:19
viviersfajmitch, ping10:20
imbrandon_crimsun: hrm ok dumb question but whats the diffrence between outstaning / new / updated merges ?10:20
ajmitchviviersf: pong10:20
viviersfajmitch, quick Q, how do make a package remove another package before installing10:20
imbrandon_replaces ( in debain/control ) is one way10:21
viviersfi did that10:21
ajmitchviviersf: conflicts10:21
viviersfah thx ajmitch10:21
crimsunimbrandon_: updated -> a newer debian package revision is available for an edgy merge that has already been done10:21
ajmitchthough you may want conflicts: package10:22
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ajmitchreplaces: package10:22
ajmitchif it is really a replacement10:22
crimsunimbrandon_: new -> a newer debian package revision is available for a warty/hoary/breezy/dapper merge (i.e., no edgy merge has been done)10:22
viviersfajmitch, it is possible to use provides and and replaces together ?10:23
ajmitchviviersf: in what way?10:23
ajmitchexplain what you're wanting to do10:24
imbrandon_ahh thanks crimsun10:24
viviersfi have my own blah-default-settings10:24
slomolucas: as you already made the debian<->ubuntu package comparision pages... could you also make one for debian-multimedia.org<->ubuntu? :)10:24
viviersfthe package must remove kubuntu-default-settings10:24
viviersfbut i dont want the kubuntu-desktop package get removed10:24
ajmitchviviersf: it's possible, I think10:25
viviersflemme try without the provides and see if it works then10:25
ajmitchviviersf: see kdelibs4c2a in edgy for example - it conflicts,replaces & provides kdelibs-bin10:25
imbrandon_( without removeing all of kde ;P )10:26
viviersflol kk10:27
dholbachI'd like to announce the motu school sessions and the motu mentor concept - which lists would you send it to, apart from u-motu@?10:28
dholbachfridge of course, but what else?10:28
imbrandon_dholbach: bcc me and i'll post it on buntudot.org too10:29
viviersf18mb download10:29
dholbachimbrandon_: your mail adress is?10:29
dholbachoh it' s in LP, nevermind10:29
imbrandon_or i guess imbrandon@ubuntu.com works too but never tried it really other than an initial test message10:30
ajmitchshould I sign up as a mentor?10:31
imbrandon_ajmitch: i think you should , your always helping motu hopefulls10:31
imbrandon_liek me ;)10:31
ajmitchthere's a difference between randomly healping & having time to be a mentor though10:32
=== ajmitch just has to guess how much time would be spent on it
ajmitchsince I'm not the most active MOTU anyway :)10:33
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lucasslomo: ping me later please10:34
=== Fujitsu jumps up and down conspicuously, looking for a mentor.
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=== Toadstool hugs dholbach for the MOTU schools/mentors mail
=== dholbach hugs Toadstool back :-)
=== Fujitsu agrees, and hugs dholbach.
FujitsuA good email... But what's with `very contributors'?10:50
dholbachnot enough coffee10:50
FujitsuVery new, you mean?10:50
dholbachsomething like that, yes :)10:50
ToadstoolI didn't even notice, maybe I need more coffee too :)10:51
Gloubiboulgainstead of a "building a nice source package" session I thought about a "Make the reviewers happy with your first REVU upload" session10:52
Gloubiboulgae.g. non native packages, standard versions...10:53
dholbachGloubiboulga: i'm glad you volunteered!10:53
ArbiterGloubiboulga, colorscheme package was not rejected yet :/10:53
Gloubiboulgawe often have to say, bump debhelper compat, standard versions...10:53
Arbiter(ps: Hi Gloubiboulga :) )10:53
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GloubiboulgaArbiter, I'll ping Kamion and keybuk about this10:54
slomoArbiter: just wait some time :) NEW is likely to be processed today10:54
ArbiterGloubiboulga, yup10:54
Gloubiboulgaslomo, we want it REJECTED since upstream has changed the name10:54
Arbiteri'm going to upload package changes (the fixed changelog entry for agave)10:54
slomoGloubiboulga: oh ok10:54
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-088-037.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandon_crimsun got 10 minutes ?11:00
crimsunimbrandon_: let me finish this phone call (~3 mins)11:01
imbrandon_okie np11:01
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-60-231-243-6.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== imbrandon_ is now known as imbrandon
crimsunimbrandon: hi11:06
imbrandonheya , ok11:07
imbrandonyou rember the quick and dirty you gave someone about packing 101 with kponies hehe11:07
imbrandoncan you do a merging 101 ~10 minute quick and dirty using something simple like http://merges.ubuntu.com/y/yate/REPORT11:07
=== imbrandon hopes heh
crimsunsure, gimme a sec to load everything11:08
imbrandoni have all the grab merge and pbuilder setups done etc so no need for THAT basic of a setup but you know ....11:08
crimsunlots of thrashing, memory pressure, etc.11:08
imbrandonhehe okie11:09
crimsun(I'm doing this on Friday night iirc)11:09
imbrandonahh cool11:09
imbrandoni will definately be there for that11:09
=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunimbrandon: ok11:11
=== imbrandon is listning
crimsundo you need me to address anything in particular?11:12
imbrandonnah just an overview , well basicly what to do after you ahve grabed the merge with grabmerge and changed the nessesarry bits11:12
imbrandonin the dir that it unzips11:12
imbrandonis where i'm at11:12
crimsunok, so you've just done ../grab-merge.sh yates11:13
imbrandonbut a general overview would be good becouse most of this so far is self taught / figured out11:13
crimsunerr, yate.11:13
imbrandonis where i'm at/ have11:13
=== doko_ is now known as doko
crimsunall right. There's of course more than one way to do a merge, so I'll just talk about how I'd approach it.11:13
crimsunthe first thing is of course to read REPORT11:14
imbrandonright , got that open in the www browser11:14
crimsunnote any conflicts marked with C or C*11:14
crimsunI also look for reasons why a Ubuntu delta was necessary11:14
crimsunfor this reason I have Ubuntu's debian/changelog open, too11:15
imbrandonok from .....11:15
crimsun(yet another reason why documenting changes is good)11:15
imbrandonthe changelog from 0.8.7+cvs20050604-4ubuntu1 that it downloaded ?11:15
crimsunyou can either look in ../yate_0.8.7+cvs20050604-4ubuntu1.diff.gz or look at the changelog linked from packages.uc11:16
crimsunyou'll see that Daniel documented the Ubuntu delta as a stricter versioned build-dependency11:16
imbrandonright - Bumped Build-Depends on newest libopenh323.11:17
dholbachnot sure if you need to keep that - you can just try11:17
crimsunnow I'd open debian/control  (in the extracted merge dir)11:17
dholbachfor edgy we only have one openh323 version11:17
crimsun[honestly it's a sync, but we can look at it both ways] 11:17
imbrandonheh /me had to pick a sync on the first go arround lol11:18
imbrandonok deb/control open11:18
crimsunok, so at the diff markers, you'll see the stricter b-d11:19
imbrandonyup 1.15.x to 1.17.x11:19
imbrandonlooks like debian put stricter libpri-dev too11:19
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crimsunnow supposing that the Ubuntu delta is actually critical, you'd merge all the Ubuntu changes into the Debian version11:20
imbrandonright but this case 1.15.x is ok ( correct ? )11:20
crimsunthat is, we always prefer the Debian version unless there's a reason to roll in the Ubuntu ones11:20
imbrandonkk yea11:20
crimsunfor the time being assume that we actually need the stricter 1.17.311:21
crimsunso what I'd do is update Debian's libopenh323-dev to the stricter versioned b-d, then delete the Ubuntu delta11:21
imbrandonright, just did that11:21
imbrandonand used the debian uploaders ( there was one added )11:22
crimsunsince I only touched the libopenh323-dev for Debian's b-d, the rest is 'automatic' when I delete the Ubuntu delta11:22
imbrandonright ok11:23
crimsunnow since there aren't other conflicts listed in REPORT, I'd just once-over debian/11:23
imbrandonand change /changelog from mom to me ( if we was gonna actualy upload this , pretending we are )11:24
imbrandoncorrect ?11:24
crimsunthen issue the obligatory ``fakeroot ../merge-buildpackage -kyour_id'', pbuild, etc.11:25
crimsun(then ping a MOTU to do the upload)11:26
imbrandonok so i do the buildpackage script , if all go's well , i do pbuild and if it builds then upload to revu and poke a MOTU ? ( not this time beouse of a sync but normaly )11:26
imbrandonno merge-genchnges ?11:26
crimsunright, or you can just use your own Web space to host the source package temporarily11:26
imbrandonyea ( i do that most of the time becouse revu is slow for me )11:26
imbrandonwhat about the gen-changes ?11:27
imbrandonerr merge-genchanges11:27
crimsunnotice that merge-buildpackage does that.11:28
crimsun(rather, dpkg-buildpackage)11:28
imbrandonahh okie11:28
crimsunok, so here's the fun part.11:28
crimsunsuppose you ../grab-merge.sh foo, you look at REPORT, everything looks like a merge.11:29
crimsunHow do you tell when stuff can actually be synced insteadL11:29
imbrandonno clue tbh11:29
imbrandonwhen the ubuntu deltas are in upstream already ?11:30
crimsunin this case it's a matter of saying, "hmm, we don't need the strong b-d [the Ubuntu delta]  anymore, because there's only one libopenh323-dev in Edgy"11:30
imbrandonright ok11:30
imbrandonwhereas in dapper there was more than one11:30
imbrandonand they might nnot have upgraded11:31
imbrandonor ( deb sid ) etc11:31
crimsunmeaning "if I were to upload this source package now to be built, there's no way I could get an older libopenh323"11:31
imbrandonright right , so when its something like stroger dep or build-dep i can check the version currently in edgy11:32
imbrandonif thats the only change then its not needed11:32
imbrandonand can be synced11:32
crimsungenerally, correct.11:32
=== imbrandon is kinda getting the hang of this heh
crimsunnow one of the cases I would consider is, "What if this package were requested to be backported?"11:32
crimsunso we're in Edgy now, and both Dapper and Edgy have sufficiently new versions of libopenh323-dev that the Ubuntu delta can be dropped11:33
imbrandonand it wouldent get backported all the way do breezy11:34
imbrandonright ?11:34
imbrandonso no worries there11:34
crimsunto be honest that would be a legit backport request, but for our purposes I would ignore them.11:34
=== BazziR [n=Bastian@p5080143D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonspeaking of ? any word on soyuz ?11:35
crimsunthe reason being that because Debian's b-d is fulfilled by Breezy's11:35
imbrandonhuh ?11:36
imbrandonlost me on that one11:36
crimsunin the extremely improbable case that someone wanted yate backported from Edgy to breezy-backports, the sync from Debian Sid would be fine11:36
imbrandonahh okie11:37
=== imbrandon just mis-read that the first time
crimsunso generally the rule of thumb is "concentrate on Edgy, but if you want to be kind, think of dapper-backports"11:37
crimsunthere are a lot more examples that I'll cover on Friday where merges can turn into syncs11:38
crimsunand some where merges have to remain merges11:38
imbrandoncool . i'll definately be there11:38
crimsunfor example, suppose we have a Ubuntu delta that's just the GL{,u} transition11:38
crimsunif the Debian source package b-ds xlibmesa-gl-dev but the Ubuntu delta has libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl1-dev, then we can drop the Ubuntu delta11:39
crimsunit was necessary in Dapper, but in Edgy we have xlibmesa-gl-dev again11:39
imbrandonahh cool11:40
crimsunon the /other/ hand, it does /not/ hold true for libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu1-dev11:40
crimsunwe have to keep that delta currently11:40
crimsunthat is, if Debian b-ds xlibmesa-glu-dev, we cannot use that11:40
=== Fujitsu shall also attend crimsun's session... Although I think I'm OK with merges.
crimsunmerges are generally pretty fast once you get the hang of them11:41
imbrandonyea seems so11:42
FujitsuYeah, I found that after the first few.11:42
crimsunthe real nasty ones are major version jumps where classes and templates are involved11:42
crimsunand a major gotcha is bashisms in the maintainer scripts11:42
imbrandonso for the moment i'll go ahead and file a sync req for yate ok ?11:42
crimsunyep, make sure you get a MOTU to sign off on it11:42
imbrandonyup yup11:42
=== shenki [n=shenki@ppp153-94.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuHi shenki.11:45
shenkiFujitsu, you're everywhere :P11:45
Fujitsushenki, just the 20 channels :)11:45
imbrandoncrimsun: malone 53873 if you wanna do the honors11:45
shenkii'm keen to get a few things added to edgy, and I'm not sure about the best way to go about it11:45
UbugtuMalone bug 53873 in yate "please sync 1.0.0-1.dfsg-1 from debian unstable" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5387311:45
shenkii've written up this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompleteNetworkManager which contains some of the details11:46
shenkiin summary, i want to get networkmanager's vpn plugins packaged, and possibly pam_keyring included also11:46
Fujitsushenki, I was looking at doing pam_keyring.11:47
Fujitsunetwork-manager-vpnc is already there...11:47
shenkiin edgy?11:47
shenkibecause it wasn't in dapper11:47
crimsunimbrandon: done.11:47
crimsunoff for work, 'later guys :-)11:48
FujitsuThat's a package I grabbed from elsewhere >_<11:48
imbrandonlater crimsun, thanks11:48
FujitsuBye crimsun.11:49
shenkiyeah. as i wrote on the wiki page, dapper has the gui for configuring the vpn plugins in networkmanager, but no plugins shipped. which was quite confusing for the user "why include the dialouge if there's no way to use it?"11:49
FujitsuWell, the dialog is built into NM itself, while the plugins are not.11:49
shenkivery true. but i would argue that the dailouge should be disabled if it's unable to be used11:50
shenkianyway, that's all beside the point :)11:50
shenkithe plugins side of things is a given - the vpn software itself is already in, so all that is needed is the vpn plugins to be packaged11:52
shenkiit's pam_keyring that might be a bit sticky. a few places mention it's a potential security issue11:52
FujitsuYeah, I'll look into doing that. I need some packages to make :P11:52
FujitsuIt could potentially be a security risk... But it's incredibly useful.11:53
shenkii guess the reason i came here was to find out who needs to be made aware of the wiki page for it to progress any further11:53
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dholbachhey lfittl12:13
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lfittlhi dholbach :)12:14
shawarmaHi! I need a bit of clarification about what to put in the changelog when doing merges... If I don't change anything at all (ie. the automatic merge went without a hitch), I just generate a .changes and upload and leave the MoM-entry in the changelog, right? And if I change anything at all, I put my own changelog entry in?12:16
Gloubiboulgashawarma, I'd change the changelog entry even if MoM has done the merge without manual editing12:20
FujitsuThat's what I was told to do, Gloubiboulga.12:21
Gloubiboulgait's nice to know who took care of a merge :)12:21
shawarmacrimsun told me the *exact* opposite a week ago.12:21
shawarmahe added a disclaimer though.12:21
shawarmaAh.. I thought my logs went back that long... I can't find it right now.12:22
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shawarmabut i totally agree that it's nice to know who did the upload.12:23
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Gloubiboulgawell, I don't know what I can tell12:23
GloubiboulgaI do trust crimsun12:23
shawarmaI'll do that. Should the changelog entry just say "resynced with debian" or should I list the actual changes again (they are of course already mentioned in the changelog since it's been done once before for ubuntu).12:24
Gloubiboulgayou can mention them again I think (but maybe I shouldn't answer :p )12:24
FujitsuIf I have an upstream package that insists on installing its INSTALL and LICENSE.gz, do I let it, or do I patch the installation to make it not?12:25
FujitsuGloubiboulga, I was told you should generally list the remaining changes as sub-items of the sync entry.12:25
shawarmaFujitsu: Cool, I'll do that.12:25
shawarmaDo I also just upload merges to REVU or is there some special way of handling them?12:26
tsengis Kevin Kubasik here12:26
Fujitsushawarma, get a MOTU to upload them directly.12:26
Fujitsu(ie. Gloubiboulga)12:26
slomoshawarma: better find someone to upload it in the channel... and better supply a debdiff instead of a complete package12:26
shawarmaslomo: debdiff between ?12:27
shawarmaslomo: The old ubuntu package or the new debian package?12:27
slomoshawarma: i prefer debdiff between base debian revision and your merged version... but other's oppinions may differ ;)12:27
FujitsuAnybody got any answers for me?12:28
shawarmaFujitsu: Why would you not let it install them?12:28
GloubiboulgaFujitsu, LICENSE.gz should be in copied debian/copyright12:28
slomoFujitsu: remove the INSTALL file and LICENSE.gz should be in debian/copyright and not installed separately12:28
Fujitsushawarma, lintian complains.12:28
Fujitsuslomo, that's what I thought.12:28
Fujitsuslomo, remove them entirely? Or just don't install them>?12:29
slomojust don't ship them in the binary packages12:29
FujitsuHow do I avoid that without removing them in the diff.gz?12:30
Gloubiboulgaremove the files from debian/<package>/ after the 'make install' or wathever you use to install the files12:31
slomodo you use debian/$package.install files? or just let make install install everything into debian/$package? in any case, just remove the files from debian/$package or don't list it in the debian/$package.install files12:31
FujitsuIt in fact isn't a make[, install]  type thing, it's just a python script that installs everything.12:32
FujitsuBut I'll remove it from inside debian/, yes.12:32
freeflyinganyone can give some clues on set up a buildd,thanks12:33
shawarmaslomo: When you sadi "base debian revision" before.. Is that the version the old ubuntu package is based on or is it the new one?12:33
slomoshawarma: the new one, i.e. the debdiff will only contain the ubuntu changes12:34
shawarmafreeflying: I just hacked one together yesterday. If you ask really nicely I might send you the python script when I've cleaned it up a bit. :-)12:34
shawarmaslomo: Right, that's what I thought, but the REPORT file calls the old debian revision "base". Got a bit confused. :-)12:35
freeflyingshawarma: nice, if you can please mail me  zhengpeng-hou  AT ubuntu.com, thanks12:35
slomoshawarma: how does the report call the new debian revision?12:35
shawarmaslomo: just "debian".12:36
shawarmaslomo: e.g. http://merges.ubuntu.com/a/arkrpg/REPORT12:36
slomoshawarma: ok12:36
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FujitsuHmm... If ConvertAll hasn't had a new release since Feb 2005, does that fail the `actively maintained' criterion?12:39
shawarmaslomo: Like so? http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/asterisk-merge.debdiff12:40
Kamping_Kaiserdebian would loose a fair bit of wight (and ubuntu too i expect) if stuff needs to be actively maintained o_-12:40
slomoshawarma: yes12:41
slomoKamping_Kaiser: in debian it's somewhat required already12:41
FujitsuKamping_Kaiser, but the new package policy mentions that it needs to be actively maintained.12:41
FujitsuAnd ConvertAll looks like it could be fairly useful, and it's on MOTU/Packages/Candidates12:41
shawarmaslomo: "yes" == "yes, that's the correct way to do it", or "yes" == "yes, that looks great. I'll upload it for you right away" ? :-)12:42
Kamping_Kaiserthe 4 programs i looked at in the last 2 days (cant remember the names) were all 3/4 yeras with no updates :| its anoying as heck. one was 5 years12:42
slomoshawarma: the former :) i don't have much time atm12:43
shawarmaslomo: Ok. Thanks for your help.12:43
slomoKamping_Kaiser: 3/4 year is not much... maybe there simply wasn't a reason for a new version yet or something :) and even 5 years could be ok in some cases...12:43
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Would you care to accept this patch and upload it for me, please? http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/asterisk-merge.debdiff12:44
Gloubiboulgashawarma, yep12:44
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Coooooool.12:44
Kamping_Kaiserslomo, yes :) i was debating pinging the mainteriners and asking12:44
imbrandondholbach: ping12:49
imbrandonerr any MOTU ?12:49
=== StevenK pretends to not be here.
imbrandonheh StevenK wanna do a quick merge upload ? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=277512:50
=== StevenK sighs at REVU not allowing access to the .changes
imbrandonheh want me to upload it to my own webserver ?12:51
imbrandoni can if its easier12:51
FujitsuEr... I'd like a REVU account. How do I go about obtaining one?12:52
imbrandonFujitsu: /topic , very end12:52
StevenKimbrandon: I'll do a test build, I just need to wait for my current build to finish.12:52
FujitsuAh. It auths through Launchpad? I assumed it was a more manual process :)12:52
imbrandonkk no worries12:53
imbrandonFujitsu: it uesd to be12:53
imbrandonone more step to REVU2 ;)12:54
imbrandonhrm brb12:57
FujitsuShouldn't REVU give me something to decrypt when I ask for a password recovery?12:58
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Fujitsuimbrandon, do I have to do a password recovery the first time?12:59
ajmitchFujitsu: only if you've uploaded a package12:59
Fujitsuajmitch, OK...12:59
ajmitchthe password is just for logging into the web ui for replying to comments01:00
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FujitsuHow do I upload a package, then!?01:01
ajmitchwith dput, as the wiki page says01:01
FujitsuAh. Oops.01:01
shawarmaThat info should really be on revu itself.01:07
FujitsuYeah, it should.01:12
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DanielCHello, I'm working on another package that I want to submit to Revu. Where can I find a list of the sections available (for the Section: field in the control file).01:14
ajmitchFujitsu: https://launchpad.net/products/revu/+filebug01:14
FujitsuI was thinking of that, ajmitch :)01:15
ajmitchDanielC: debian policy, #2.401:15
DanielCajmitch: Where can I find debain policy?01:15
Gloubiboulgashawarma, have you checked the build with pbuilder? it FTBFS01:15
ajmitchDanielC: google will show you, or in the debian-policy package01:15
DanielCHmm... in what section would you put a text-based (console) reader for OpenDocument files?01:18
DanielCI'm thinking "utils"01:18
imbrandonajmitch: how do i "archive" my files that have been uploaded all ready ?01:19
imbrandon( on revu )01:19
ajmitchimbrandon: you give a revu admin a list of packages to archive01:19
imbrandonajmitch:  ohh ok01:19
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Hm.. I thought I did.01:19
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Ah... filename completion can be a dangerous thing. I check another package instead of asterisk. that package build just fine, though. On both amd64 and i386. :-)01:21
imbrandonajmitch: can you archinve these for me ( already uploaded ) ... ipodslave , kdissert , icewm , and apt-mirror please01:22
Gloubiboulgashawarma, it's an easy fix I think, just a missing build dep01:22
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Ok. I'll fix it in a few minutes.01:23
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Gloubiboulgashawarma, ping me when you have a new debdiff ;)01:23
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Will do. Thanks!01:24
shenkiFujitsu: are you packaging pam_keyring?01:25
Fujitsushenki, I probably will.01:26
shenkiok. timeframe?01:26
FujitsuI'm really not sure. Less than a week... But then it needs to get through REVU etc.01:26
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StevenKimbrandon: Can you put the .changes file somewhere I can nab it?01:37
imbrandonStevenK: yea gimme one sec01:39
=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
imbrandonStevenK: http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/misc/gtkpod_0.99.4-1ubuntu1_source.changes01:43
StevenKimbrandon: Hrm. The checksum for the diff.gz in the changes file doesn't match the file itself.01:45
imbrandonhrm thats strange01:46
imbrandoni copied and dident ftp it01:46
imbrandonok one sec lemme ssh to that box and ftp it lol01:46
StevenKIs the diff.gz or the .changes file correct?01:47
imbrandonthe diff01:47
imbrandonthe .changes i copy and pasted a new file on the server becosue i had an ssh session already on buntu dot01:48
imbrandoni can ftp the orig changes to buntudot if you need it01:48
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StevenKimbrandon: The orig .changes would be good.01:49
imbrandonyup one sec01:49
imbrandonStevenK: http://imbrandon.sytes.net/gtkpod_0.99.4-1ubuntu1_source.changes01:52
imbrandon^^ orig01:52
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StevenKimbrandon: I think REVU has done something to the diff.gz, then.01:53
StevenK4886fab70d48545fc7fdeb70ddf03f60  gtkpod_0.99.4-1ubuntu1.diff.gz01:54
imbrandonhrm ok lemme stick all my orig files on the wwwdir one sec01:54
StevenKOnly the diff.gz is different.01:55
imbrandoni just ln -s that dir to the www dir so you can look at the origs01:56
StevenKAdditionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.01:56
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imbrandonok try now01:58
StevenKThat works.02:00
StevenKimbrandon: Successfully uploaded packages.02:01
imbrandoncool thanks02:01
imbrandonsorry for the trubble dunno what was up with revu02:02
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imbrandonbecouse thats the dir i dput'd from lol02:02
StevenKI've seen it once before.02:03
imbrandonStevenK: got time to look over one more merge ? i would like someone to look it over becouse its only my 4th merge and i THINK i did it right and it builds good just wanna be sure02:05
imbrandonif busy no biggie though02:06
StevenKHrm. If I knew that, I would have given gtkpod a harder look.02:08
imbrandonheh well gtk pod i had a little help with i knew it was good ( plus it was a simple one )02:09
imbrandonhttp://imbrandon.sytes.net/xawtv  << StevenK  wanna look02:10
imbrandonactualy i should say 4th merge that wasent mine , i've done about 8-10 merges, and quite a few other sponsored uploads ;)02:11
shawarmaGloubiboulga: That asterisk thing. It's linux/compiler.h it moans about, right? That's in linux-kernel-headers.. Is that a part of build-essential in Debian, perhaps?02:13
Gloubiboulgahum, I don't think so02:14
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Ah, yes, it is. libc6 depends on it.02:15
shawarmalibc6-dev, of course.02:15
shawarma...but so does ours.. wtf?02:15
shawarmaGloubiboulga: It was the same error you got, right?02:18
Gloubiboulgashawarma, yes02:18
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Ah... it turns out compiler.h is not in our linux-kernel-headers in edgy.02:19
shawarmaGloubiboulga: I'll figure something out.02:19
Gloubiboulgalinux-kernel-headers: usr/include/linux/compiler.h02:20
Gloubiboulgawith apt-file02:20
zulGloubiboulga: compiler.h is an empty file in dapper02:20
Gloubiboulgawell, it's on edgy02:21
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Yes, but it's not there in edgy.02:21
shawarmaGloubiboulga: i know apt-file says it is, but it's not. :-)02:21
Gloubiboulgastupid apt-file02:21
shawarmaWell, if it's empty, I'll just comment it out in the file that's trying to include it.02:22
shawarmazul: Do you happen to know when it was removed?02:23
zulprobably when the kernel-team took over lkh02:23
shawarmazul: What would be more correct. To bug kernel-team to put it back or to comment it out in the file trying to include it?02:24
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zulshawarma: well im on the kernel-team but BenC away this week ill bug him when he gets back02:25
shawarmazul: So the former?02:25
zuli dont see removing it right now as a big probalem02:25
zuli say remove it for now and open a bug02:26
shawarmazul: Ok. Thanks.02:26
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Kamping_Kaiseri'm looking at amap, and it fails to install  (cant find thc.org), now theres already a patch to fix this, but i dont understand it - should i try and work with existing patch/s or just try and fix it and diff the 'fixed' source?02:30
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Kamping_Kaisersorry - someone told me last night of a wrapper to dpkg-buildpackage - what is it?02:37
Kamping_Kaiserhey Hobbsee :)02:37
Kamping_Kaiseryes, thats it :) thanks zul02:39
Hobbseehi Kamping_Kaiser, hi everyone else02:39
phanatichey Hobbsee02:39
Hobbseehi phanatic02:40
=== Kamping_Kaiser has to start using a pbuilder - i'm getting all sorts of rubbish in my system
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: hehe, yeah02:40
Hobbseeit's great for that02:40
Kamping_Kaisernever tried editing someone elses C before :| hope i get ot mostly ok.02:42
Kamping_Kaiserfound the right string to change - need to know what to change it to... wonder if i can turn it off....02:43
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Kamping_Kaiserwb Hobbsee_ , your connection crap atm?02:46
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
shawarmaGloubiboulga: http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/asterisk-merge.debdiff02:47
Gloubiboulgashawarma, I try to get this $*#@# package working and I'll have a look02:47
HobbseeGloubiboulga: which were you working on?02:48
GloubiboulgaI try to enable python bindings for libexo02:50
Gloubiboulgathis new python policy...02:50
HobbseeGloubiboulga: eek02:50
Gloubiboulgasee, it's even killed Hobbsee02:52
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Mithrandirhiya Hobbsee02:55
Hobbseehi Mithrandir!02:55
=== Hobbsee tickles Mithrandir, and runs away
MithrandirHobbsee: not very tickly.  And a bit lonely after simira went to her parents with both our cats.02:56
Kamping_Kaiseranyone feeling inspired?02:56
=== Kamping_Kaiser whips out vibe detector - looking like a no
HobbseeMithrandir: :(02:57
ograMithrandir, why did you let her take the cats then ?02:57
HobbseeMithrandir: guess i'll just have to poke you then, or maybe give you a hug...hmmm...02:58
Mithrandirogra: better to take them in a car than on a train.02:58
ograright ... you didnt say you'd follow her :)02:59
Mithrandirwell, our wedding is going to be in Molde where her parents live, so I better. :-P03:00
Kamping_Kaiseranyone here know how the debian bts works? *goes to try and work it out*03:01
=== Hobbsee was under the impression that the two of you were already married, Mithrandir
ogralol, yes indeed03:01
MithrandirHobbsee: August 5th.03:01
HobbseeMithrandir: ahh :)03:02
StevenKMithrandir: How long have you two been engaged?03:02
MithrandirStevenK: since March 20th 200503:02
StevenKI proposed in August 2004 and my wife and I got married on the 1st of March, 2005.03:03
slomoKamping_Kaiser: it's explained on bugs.debian.org... via mail is the easiest imho03:04
StevenKPeople kept telling us we were mad for such a short engagement period.03:04
=== Hobbsee personally doesnt see what the point of a long engagement is.
MithrandirStevenK: well, one often has been together for a time before getting enganged too.03:04
StevenKWell, of course.03:05
MithrandirHobbsee: for us it was more a question of logistics -- when was it convenient to have it.03:05
HobbseeMithrandir: ah yes, good point03:05
Mithrandir(and Karianne wanted it to be late-summer)03:05
Kamping_Kaiserslomo, thanks :), i managed to find the bug report i needed - seems a bug i filed against ubuntu is a clone of this. :|03:05
StevenKHobbsee: Usually, because the bride has been planning her wedding since her 12th birthday and everything has to be just so.03:05
HobbseeStevenK: heh.  i'm clearly a failure as a woman then.03:05
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StevenKHobbsee: Not the 'usually'. My wife hadn't been.03:06
HobbseeStevenK: ah03:07
Mithrandirsome friends of us married after being together for about two or three months.  They're still living happily together, so I guess that approach works for some people.03:07
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee, we'll let you in here still ;)03:08
StevenKMy wife and I had been dating for about 18 months before I proposed.03:08
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: hehe03:08
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zulStevenK: i was dating my wife for about 5 years before i asked03:08
Hobbsee(yay, i never have to ask someone :P )03:09
StevenKHell, my wife was hinting that'd she like me to ask to a question pretty close to our 12 month anniversary.03:09
MithrandirHobbsee: since you're a girl, you're (traditionally) not even allowed to ask, except on February 29th.03:10
HobbseeMithrandir: hehe.  true.03:10
=== Hobbsee might be enough of a traditional for that.
Kamping_KaiserYAY. i only have to change 2 lines of a postinst script to fix this... i hope03:13
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Kamping_Kaisercan someone look at bug 53041 for me? (and optionally fix it properly). i'm just trying to link it to an upstream bug, but it does have a patch there03:25
UbugtuMalone bug 53041 in amap "fails install trying to connect to unknown host" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5304103:25
Kamping_Kaiseryay. i learn how to link to debian bugs today :o03:27
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Kamping_Kaiserhey bddebian :D03:29
bddebianHeya gang03:30
bddebianHi Kamping_Kaiser03:30
=== Yagisan waves G'day
phanatichey Yagisan and bddebian03:32
=== Kamping_Kaiser waves back
Kamping_Kaiserjust tested... the patch works03:32
bddebianHeya phanatic03:33
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zulgrrr...why is dput just sitting there?04:05
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bddebianLaser_away: ping me when you come around please04:33
bddebianWho is: Daniele Favara ?04:34
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Hobbseebddebian: check google?04:35
Hobbseeno idea.04:35
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Arbiterbddebian, https://launchpad.net/people/nomed?04:35
bddebianWell he/she uploaded or was sponsored for ivman04:35
Hobbseebddebian: i'm regarding almost all merges now as fair game.04:36
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bddebianHobbsee: Well it scares me when it's someone like doko or ogra, etc.. :-)04:38
Hobbseebddebian: hehe, true.  i didnt think ogra was that scary04:39
Hobbseedoko though...yeah, i see your point04:39
=== ogra lols
zulhow can you check to see if something is in the new queue for edgy?04:40
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Hobbseeogra: what, you mean you are scary?04:40
bddebianzul: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+queue04:40
bddebianOh, woops04:41
MithrandirHobbsee: ogra is scary when he wears his short shorts. :-P04:41
HobbseeMithrandir: TMI!04:41
ograHobbsee, nah, but the assumption that doko could be scary to anyone is funny :)04:41
zuli probably dont want to visualize that...thanks :)04:41
ograMithrandir, i thought only for elmo :P04:41
Hobbseeogra: he's scary to me, as i've never spoken to him.  well, maybe once.  and he's very high up.04:41
=== ogra didnt know it scared others as well
HobbseeMithrandir: i'm of the opinion that most, if not all, guys are scary when they wear short shorts :P04:42
dokohmm ... do I have to understand04:43
Hobbseeuh oh, i thought doko wasnt in here...04:43
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MithrandirHobbsee: heh.  There's short shorts and there's _short_ shorts.  If you get what I mean. ;-)04:45
ograMithrandir, btw these are not my shortest ones ...04:45
Mithrandirogra: T.M.I.04:45
HobbseeMithrandir: yeah, unfortunately i do get what you mean.04:45
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Hobbseedefinetly TMI.04:45
Arbiterhey slomo :)04:46
=== Hobbsee waves cautiously to doko
CarlFKI am making a generic version of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BuildingWineFromSource05:03
CarlFK"Install additional libraries" - what is the proper way to figure out that list?05:04
shawarmaWhenever i try to build something in my Edgy pbuilder that uses python2.3, I get some errors related to this python-central thing... Is there a simple fix?05:08
bddebianshawarma: python2.3 is broken05:08
shawarmabddebian: Oh, joy.05:09
bddebianAnd if it uses python-central, it shouldn't be requiring 2.305:09
bddebianIt should only pull the versions that we have that work05:09
shawarmabddebian: How can I tell if it's using it? A build-dep?05:10
bddebianshawarma: Could be a build-dep or maybe in rules, etc05:11
shawarmabddebian: Hmm.... Where can I find some info about it? The infamous python policy?05:14
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bddebianshawarma: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy05:15
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bddebiandholbach: ping?05:18
dholbachbddebian: pong05:19
bddebiandholbach: Any idea what's up with contacts?05:21
dholbachbddebian: can you elaborate?05:22
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bddebiandholbach: I'm trying to finish off the manual merges in Universe05:22
dholbachbddebian: and? :)05:22
bddebiandholbach: Have you been "maintaining" it outside of Debian?05:23
dholbachbddebian: i never did an upload to debian05:23
dholbachi don't know what you mean?05:24
tsenghe means you have one version, debian has another, and they arent even close05:24
bddebiandholbach: Well it's in Debian now, I guess that is my question :-)05:24
dholbachif you ask me, if you can sync it from Debian - yeah that's fine with me, if it builds, installs and installs the same files :)05:24
azeemthat's a fact, not a question05:24
dholbachi don't insist on maintainership of it, not at all05:24
shawarmabddebian: Hm... I changed the dependency from python2.3-dev to python2.4-dev. That did the trick.05:26
bddebianshawarma: If it is using python-central, the dep should just be python-dev05:27
bddebianI think05:27
shawarmabddebian: It's not using python-central.05:27
shawarmabddebian: I just thought it did, beacuse it moaned about some pycentral stuff in my build logs.05:28
bddebianThen you should be fine.  Make sure that there weren't any /usr/lib/python2.3/... stuff in any .dirs, .install, rules, etc also :)05:29
shawarmabddebian: Right. Thanks.05:30
Arbiterpackage kdocker is coming for you dear MOTUs :D05:32
ArbiterGloubiboulga, was colorscheme nuked?05:33
GloubiboulgaArbiter, I don't know, I haven't re-checked05:33
ArbiterGloubiboulga, i've fixed the debian/changelog entry05:34
Arbiter(for agave)05:34
GloubiboulgaArbiter, ok, I'll have a look05:36
Gloubiboulgalater ;)05:36
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bddebianHmm, contacts is missing a build-dep on zlib1g it seems05:43
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bddebianOh dumb-ass, wrong package05:45
bddebianI really think I need to quit :-(05:45
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Gloubiboulgabah, don't worry, I've spent 3 hours on libexo bindings05:45
Gloubiboulgaand Toadstool found the solution for me :)05:45
Gloubiboulgain 3 minutes05:45
=== Toadstool hugs Gloubiboulga
Gloubiboulgabddebian, ivman will need a merge anyway (/var/run stuff again)05:47
bddebianGloubiboulga: OK, I'll leave it alone, thanks05:47
Arbiteri need reviews for: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2745 && http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=277605:52
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GloubiboulgaArbiter, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=color, not yet rejected05:58
ArbiterGloubiboulga, can you review the two packages above? :)05:59
Arbiter(when you have some free time)05:59
GloubiboulgaArbiter, I'd like to work on my packages first, but I will06:00
Arbiterthanks :)06:00
Gloubiboulga(tomorrow maybe)06:00
Arbiterthanks a lot06:00
HobbseeArbiter: you got kdocker to work?  good job!06:01
ArbiterHobbsee, yup :)06:01
Arbiteri've tried also a pbuilder build and seems to compile successfully06:02
HobbseeArbiter: It was downloaded from http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/kdocker/kdocker-1.3.tar.gz <-- should be the site, not the direct link06:02
HobbseeArbiter: how did you avoid it not having a ./configure?06:02
=== Hobbsee got stuck wiht that.
ArbiterHobbsee, it's qmake06:02
HobbseeArbiter: yeah, i saw that - i could never get it to work.06:02
Arbiteri've made a patch for kdocker.pro06:02
ArbiterHobbsee, should i change it with something like kdocker.sourceforge.net?06:03
HobbseeArbiter: yes06:03
Arbiterwait a sec06:03
bddebiandholbach: We need an MOTU class on shlib deps :-)06:04
ArbiterHobbsee, fixed & uploaded06:04
Hobbseebddebian: we do, want to teach it?06:04
Arbiterjust wait for revu sync06:04
HobbseeArbiter: why's the patch there?06:05
bddebianHobbsee: If I had a clue, I'd love to :-)06:05
ArbiterHobbsee, mh?06:05
Hobbseebddebian: hah.  get a clue, and do it.06:05
HobbseeArbiter: the one for kdocker.pro - why not just specify the install path in debian/rules?06:05
Arbiterbecause it doesn't work :P06:05
Arbitermake DESTDIR="blahblah" install doesn't work :P06:06
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Hobbseehum.  okay06:06
bddebiandholbach: OK, contacts in debian depends {shlib:Depends}, {misc:Depends}, evolution-data-server, and your version just does shlib and misc depends.  You think it's still OK to sync?06:06
raphinkanyone has got an idea why http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18788 doesn't run the clean rule after the install ?06:06
raphinkI'm sure it's a stupid mistake but I don't get it06:06
raphinkHobbsee, bddebian : any idea ?06:07
raphinkor Gloubiboulga maybe06:07
bddebianack, cdbs.. My eyes....06:07
Hobbseeraphink: presumably you dont need the kde.mk in there?06:07
tsengwhy would it run clean after install?06:08
raphinkHobbsee: there's no kde.mk06:08
tsengit normally runs clean on a fresh build attempt06:08
raphinktseng: well isn't the package supposed to be cleaned after build, too?06:08
=== bddebian thinks maybe he offended dholbach
Hobbseeraphink: well...yeah...06:08
raphinkin all my packages, clean:: is called after the build06:09
raphinkaswell as before06:09
tsengnews to me.06:09
Gloubiboulgaraphink, revu-report calls clean after the build :)06:09
Gloubiboulganot dpkg-buildpackage AFAIK06:09
Gloubiboulgayes, I think so06:09
raphink you might be right :)06:09
Gloubiboulgahehe, you need some rest ;)06:09
raphinkI guess06:10
dholbachbddebian: ok to sync yes, i'm not offended :)06:11
bddebiandholbach: OK, thx06:11
bddebianhub: You here?06:11
hubbddebian: I an06:11
bddebianhub: Are you an MOTU yet?06:12
hubbddebian: I am06:12
bddebianhub: Great.  Are you going to merge/sync gphotofs?06:12
hubthere is a merge for it?06:13
hubI'll do it06:13
hubI haven't checked the merge list for sometime06:13
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
hubwill do it06:13
LaserJockbddebian: yes?06:13
bddebianHeya LaserJock06:13
LaserJockHobbsee: yes?06:13
bddebianNow I forgot :-(06:13
hubthe patch lead to a 40406:13
HobbseeLaserJock: dont worry, i found my answer.  hence the unping :P06:14
bddebianLaserJock: Damn my short term memory, I can't remember :-(06:14
hubbddebian: https://patches.ubuntu.com/g/gphotofs/  does not exist06:14
bddebianOh, yeah.  Is your science packages list updated automagically or do you have to manually refresh it?06:14
hubbddebian: so what can I do?06:14
LaserJockbddebian: manually06:14
bddebianAh :-(06:15
LaserJockI try to do it most every day06:15
bddebianhub: Can you sync it?06:15
bddebianLaserJock: Well I've lost track of what I've done :-)06:15
hubbddebian: no. I don't know how to do that06:15
hubbddebian: unless I just grab Debian pkg and merge with Ubuntu and upload06:15
bddebianIf a merge is necessary.  If not, just request a sync on LP06:16
hubbddebian: ok06:16
hubbddebian: I'll do that this evening06:16
hubbddebian: I'v got to put some real work right now06:17
bddebianhub: No problem, thanks06:18
raphinkshame on me06:18
bddebianDamn Hobbsee, I can't keep up with you.. :-)06:18
Hobbseebddebian: hmmm?06:18
bddebianHobbsee: Your uploads :-)06:19
Hobbseebddebian: ahh :)06:19
Hobbseebddebian: which ones were these?06:19
bddebianHobbsee: Just in general06:20
LaserJockbddebian: ok, I just updated the list to the latest in the archives06:21
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hubbddebian: I don't find in the wiki the procedure to request a sync06:22
hubbddebian: which component shall I file the LP request?06:23
bddebianLaserJock: Rockin', thanks d00d06:23
tsengfile under the name of the package06:23
tsengno assignee06:24
tsengsubscribe to ubuntu-archive06:24
tseng'please sync blah'06:24
LaserJockwiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperDocumentation has a Sync section I believe06:24
hubsearch didn't find it06:25
tsengsearch is fairly useless06:25
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=== |alba| [n=kvirc@83-70-248-196.b-ras1.prp.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
|alba|Hi. I want to help, how do I start?06:41
LaserJockhave you seen wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU ?06:42
LaserJockperhaps you might be interested in wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentors06:43
|alba|nope, i'll try the wiki. Is it important to have a mentor?06:43
LaserJockit's not neccessary06:45
LaserJockbut the Mentors help you get you started06:45
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LaserJockyou can also ask questions here too06:45
dEn`guys ..how do i use nmap with ubuntu, it sayd i need to be root. even though i did a sudo nmap06:45
LaserJockdEn`: please try #ubuntu06:45
dEn`okay thanks06:46
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Did you save the url for that asterisk patch or should I toss it at someone else?06:47
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Gloubiboulgashawarma, it's uploaded ;)06:57
shawarmaGloubiboulga: thanks!06:57
Gloubiboulgathanks you :)06:57
shawarmaGloubiboulga: I got one more.06:57
Gloubiboulgashawarma, could you ping me tomorrow for it?06:58
GloubiboulgaI'm afraid I won't have time tonight06:58
shawarmaGloubiboulga: http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/bacula-merge.diff06:58
shawarmaGloubiboulga: Oh, right. No problem.06:59
Gloubiboulgaor find an other uploader ;)06:59
shawarmaI could do that. :-)07:00
LaserJockshawarma: I dont' see "added ${shlibs:Depends} dependency to bacula-director-pgsql " in the debdiff07:00
shawarmaLaserJock: wtf... You're right.07:02
LaserJockmaybe that was taken care of upstream?07:03
shawarmaI clearly remember adding it..07:03
shawarmaWeirdness. gimme a minute.07:04
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shawarmaLaserJock: Ah... I know why..07:09
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shawarmaLaserJock: Don't ask. :-)07:12
Hobbseeshawarma: i'm asking - what happened?07:12
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shawarmaHobbsee: Gah... I did a dpkg-buildpackage at one point without editing the changelog, so the actual debian diff.gz was overwritten. Then I corrected the changelog, did some other changes, ran dpkg-buildpackage again and made my debdiff..07:14
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
Hobbseeshawarma: ahh...right07:15
shawarmaHobbsee_: so the debdiff was between two revisions I've made, neither of which are the original debian version. Now I just need to find out how much I had done before that.07:15
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CarlFKhow come apt-get source jigdo; dpkg-buildpackage made 2 .debs?07:17
CarlFKjigdo and jigdo-file07:17
LaserJockbecause there are 2 packages produced from the source :-)07:17
LaserJocklook at debian/control07:18
LaserJockah, stink. My boss is going to kill me07:18
LaserJockthis stupid HP color laserjet07:18
CarlFKok, wasn't sure i I had fumbeled thing07:19
ogradid you break the laser ?07:19
LaserJockthe stupid printer has run out of everything07:19
bddebianBurn a hole in his desk?07:19
LaserJockI'm not sure we've even had it a year07:19
LaserJockand I need to buy like $500 in toner and imaging drum07:19
LaserJockthat's more than the darn printer cost07:19
CarlFKstop printing out porn :)07:20
LaserJockwhy would I do that?07:20
LaserJockalthough I did print out a Python book07:20
LaserJockwhich is close07:21
CarlFKso that you don't use up all the toner07:21
LaserJockno, why would a person ever print out porn? that's just dumb07:21
LaserJockand this is an office07:21
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LaserJockmy boss wasn't terribly excited for us to get a color laser anyway07:22
LaserJockand then the cost is going to be huge compared to our old HP LaserJet07:22
quidam-HI LaserJock :)07:22
LaserJockhi quidam-07:23
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bluefoxicyGuys does this look like a homepage:  http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/hardened/pax-utils.xml07:38
LaserJockfor Gentoo, yes ;-)07:39
bluefoxicydid you actually look?07:40
bluefoxicyI guess http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/nes/file/final_fantasy_j.txt is the homepage of final fantasy?07:42
=== bluefoxicy keeps getting told to format "the homepage link" properly in debian/control for pax-utils... except there IS no homepage link, there's a link to a usage guide
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LaserJockbluefoxicy: where is it downloaded from?07:45
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bluefoxicyLaserJock: http://dev.gentoo.org/~solar/pax/07:46
bluefoxicyLaserJock:  which is a listing of a bunch of random files and directories for random patches and documents and tools solar's written07:46
bluefoxicyor collected from various places07:46
bluefoxicyeither or.07:46
CarlFKis there a name for the thing I don't know the name of... um... the top most upstream source - generally a tarball07:48
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CarlFKfor kernel I have heard vanilla source - does that apply to anything?07:48
crimsunshawarma: no, my practice is always to change the attribution. You're referring to someone else methinks.07:48
CarlFKbluefoxicy: thanks - I like vanilla07:49
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bluefoxicysome windows guy asked me why all linux programs have a perverse sense of humor07:53
CarlFKwin apps do too, it just isn't funny :)07:54
bluefoxicywell, I told him that the config app wasn't joking when it said he really, really, really needed to fix his config so his password database didn't have to be world-readable07:55
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CarlFKwhat drives the name of the deb that dpkg-buildpackage makes?  debian/files ?08:05
crimsunit's actually debian/changelog08:06
crimsunwell, actually we need a more precise question08:06
crimsunthe version comes from debian/changelog; the names of the binary debs come from debian/control08:07
CarlFKthat  makes sense08:08
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bddebianHeya crimsun08:24
crimsunhi bddebian08:25
lucasslomo: ping ,08:26
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bddebiancrimsun: Feel like axiom? :-)08:30
crimsunI feel like a sauna08:30
CarlFKdpkg -i foo.deb wants a bunch of deps - is there some easy way to apt-get them all?08:32
LaserJockbddebian: last I saw hell hadn't froze over ;-)08:32
LaserJockapt-get -f install08:32
LaserJockor use gdebi to install the .deb08:32
bddebianLaserJock: Bah, bunch of sissies :-)08:34
LaserJockbddebian: we just want our ponies08:34
zulscrew ponies i want alcohol ;)08:34
bddebianYou want to get drunk and screw ponies?08:36
=== bddebian ducks
zulbddebian: that was uncalled for08:37
CarlFKhow would I use apt-get -f install?08:37
CarlFK(with a local .deb file )08:38
tsengdpkg -i foo.db08:40
tsengapt-get -f install08:40
tsengif you are asking what I think08:40
CarlFKmaybe :)08:40
tsengbddebian: that was a bit off the wall, I think.08:40
=== LaserJock opens a can of CoC on bddebian ;-)
CarlFKapt-get -f install; The following packages will be REMOVED:08:42
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tsengsounds like you did something you shouldn't have08:43
tsengwhat did you install?08:43
CarlFKthat I just made out of 7.2's debian/ and 7.3s tarball08:44
tsengwhat does it want to remove?08:44
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bddebianLaserJock: So /kick me :-)08:47
LaserJockbddebian: you know I couldn't do that, I'd have to let tseng or zul :-)08:47
tsengI would love to kick him08:47
tsengbut I don't see a reason to08:48
bddebianYou want me to leave?  I can leave.08:49
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zuli dont have ops08:50
LaserJockbddebian: don't leave, just try to play nice ;-)08:50
tsengeveryone has ops08:51
tsengyou can come in off the street and op if you were so bold08:51
zulhmm....ill remmeber that next time08:51
zultseng: it was an unforutnate comment though08:52
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LaserJockoh for goodness sakes08:53
LaserJockhmm, I wonder what my chances of getting thrashed by ubuntu-archive is08:58
LaserJockI filed 6 bugs about packages that have changed section in Debian08:58
tsengi have never been "thrashed" by any member of ubuntu-archive08:59
tsengonly politely told I was wrong08:59
LaserJocktrue, me neither08:59
LaserJockKamion seemed to indicate it was OK, I just feel sorta bad when they are so busy and it is a fairly minor thing09:00
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LaserJockI guess they are free to ignore the bugs until they have time to deal with them09:00
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zulmost likely09:01
LaserJockit makes my life a fair amount easier if they are in the right section09:02
CarlFKmy jigdo dep mess: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1879809:10
CarlFKthat is using a .deb made from apt-get source, not the tarball09:11
LaserJockCarlFK: did you grab the edgy source and try to install on Dapper?09:13
CarlFKhmm - close.  dapper source, insatll on breezy09:13
LaserJockoh my09:14
LaserJockdid you build it on breezy?09:14
CarlFKno, build on dapper09:14
LaserJockok, well if you build on Dapper and then try to install on Breezy you are going to have problems like that09:14
CarlFKstarting to think it is time to up update the breezy box09:15
LaserJockyou can try grabing the Dapper source and build on breezy and then install on breezy09:15
LaserJockbut you need to build and install with the same release to get the deps right09:15
CarlFKthanks for the help09:17
CarlFKheh - make that build on dapper, install on hoary09:18
LaserJockoh jeeze09:20
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shawarmaLaserJock: That should do it: http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/bacula-merge.diff09:27
slomolucas: still there?09:41
lucasmy connection was reset earlier, so if you told me something, I might have missed it09:42
slomook... do you have some time in the next days to make a ubuntu<->debian-multimedia.org comparison page like you did for ubuntu<->debian?09:42
lucasyes, just replying an email and I'm on it09:43
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lucasany french speaking MOTU who know REVU well around ?09:51
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lucasit's really impressive how bzr can take ages to commit a single small file ...10:10
tsenglucas: its knitting :)10:10
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slomotseng: ?10:13
lucasarg, I made a typo. let's commit again10:13
lucasbzr: the tool that makes you HATE typos.10:14
LaserJocktseng: yeah, but my wife is faster at knitting then bzr is10:14
micahcowanas a non-bzr-user, what about bzr use makes you hate typos?10:14
lucasmicahcowan: committing takes a huge amount of time and is not function of the size of the change you are committing10:15
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micahcowanlucas: function of number of distributed repositories (unsure how it works)?10:19
lucasmaybe it's function of the repository size10:19
lucasbut my repository is small10:20
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bddebianHow the hell can just adding dh_install and dh_desktop cause a package to FTBFS?11:05
LaserJockperhaps the deps have changed?11:06
LaserJockfrom the last time it was built?11:06
sharmsbddebian: sounds like fun :)11:07
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crimsuncheck debian/*.install11:12
bddebianLaserJock: The debian package builds clean.  As soon as I add dh_install debian/foo.deskop usr/share/applications and dh_desktop it blows11:18
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mhzhi there11:19
mhzanyone here in charge of schooltool?11:19
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bddebiancrimsun: What would I look for?11:21
crimsunbddebian: post the build log, please11:22
bddebiancrimsun: You want the whole thing or just the last few lines?11:23
crimsunthe whole thing.11:24
bddebianOh, I see why it's failing but I don't get why the debian package fails11:27
bddebianErr works11:27
bddebianrules:  mv debian/grace6/usr/bin/xmgrace-5.99.1 debian/grace6/usr/bin/xmgrace611:28
bddebiangrace6.install usr/share/grace6/bin/xmgrace-5.99.1             usr/bin11:28
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Riddellrraphink: ping11:34
crimsunbddebian: .install looks odd.11:38
bddebiancrimsun: Yeah11:38
crimsunbddebian: meaning "if it already does it in rules, why call dh_install?"11:39
crimsunnot to mention that should probably be debian/usr/share/grace6/bin/xmgrace-5.99.1 in .install11:39
bddebiancrimsun: I added the dh_install to install the desktop file but I changed it to install -d and install -m instead11:40
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crimsunbddebian: my guess is that if both the rules command is active and dh_install is called, then it's bailing on dh_install because the origin isn't valid in .install at that point (it has already been moved)11:41
crimsunalthough upon closer inspection, the .install moves from debian/grace6/usr/share/ ?11:42
bddebianYep, install -d and -m worked11:42
bddebianYeah, it's got some issues11:42
crimsunright, that means the .install is fubar11:42
crimsuninvalid origin most probably11:43
crimsunusr/share vs. usr/bin11:43
bddebianI'd better head home.  Thanks for your help!11:43
crimsunnp, thank you11:46
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zulhow is it going laserjock?12:05
LaserJockoh, it's going ok12:05
LaserJocktrying to clean up my email12:05

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