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LaserJocktheCore: hi12:42
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
theCorehello LaserJock12:46
LaserJocktheCore: the packaging guide is updated on doc.ubuntu.com12:47
LaserJocktheCore: and btw, we got another emacs convert ;-)12:47
theCoreLaserJock: cool12:49
theCoreanother Emaculate!12:49
LaserJockI showed nixternal planner-el12:50
nixternalnow im addicted12:50
nixternali have muse, planner, remember, and rcirc12:50
theCoreI need to test that ...12:51
theCorenixternal: ERC is better12:51
theCorefor IRC12:51
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nixternali will try it as well12:51
theCoreI think it's at ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/erc12:51
theCoreI'm not sure, though12:52
theCoreyep, that the right address12:52
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nixternalFujitsu: pingaling!!!12:57
nixternaldidn't even give his irc client time to sync12:57
nixternalsorry bout that12:57
Fujitsunixternal, pong, again.12:58
FujitsuI keep being disconnected :(12:58
nixternali know the feeling12:58
FujitsuWhy are you pinging me, anyway?12:58
nixternalim just interested in seeing if it is possible to attain a copy of the Australian team's Drupal theme for the Chicago team?12:58
FujitsuAha. Of course. I'll tar it up and put it somewhere for you to get.12:59
nixternalyou are a god send..thank you so much!!!12:59
FujitsuIt should now be at http://people.ubuntu.com.au/~fujitsu/drupal_theme.tar.bz201:05
nixternalthank you Fujitsu!!!01:05
nixternalyou rock!01:05
FujitsuNo problem! If you have any issues with it, just ask.01:05
nixternalthanks, i really appreciate the help on this one01:06
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theCoregood, end of my viral marketing ...01:30
theCoreCompiz sells Linux well01:30
theCoreLaserJock: so, did you made a lot of changes?01:31
LaserJocknot like content wise01:31
LaserJockbut structurally01:31
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LaserJockjsgotangco: hi!04:38
LaserJockjsgotangco: I had a talk with Ian today about the developer's reference04:38
jsgotangcooh neat04:38
jsgotangcowhat happened?04:39
LaserJockhe said to grab the docbook04:39
LaserJockso I'm going to switch over to doing the thing in docbook04:39
LaserJockI also mentioned that there is a newer version out04:40
jsgotangcoid like to dive in to that for this cycle04:40
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LaserJockhe said to just grab the latest I can get04:40
jsgotangcook do you already have a plan for it?04:40
LaserJockhe said for the most part it will be tough no matter what we do, which I agree with04:40
LaserJocknot sure04:41
LaserJockI'd like to do some revision control04:41
jsgotangcodo you prefer it on our svn or bzr?04:41
nixternalFujitsu_: it seems all i need now are the header.png files, tab background files..images04:42
LaserJockI'm thinking it would be better to do it bzr perhaps, what do you think?04:42
LaserJockI tend to think putting it in the doc team repo is not a good idea04:42
Fujitsu_nixternal, aha... Can you grab them from the webserver, or should I tar them up?04:43
nixternali can try to grab um via right click save i guess..but i don't know about tabs04:43
jsgotangcoLaserJock: i'm all for bzr but if its too big, we should put it elsewhere and not in LP imo04:43
jsgotangcoi like the idea of having all the revisions as well04:44
LaserJockbig as far as size?04:44
Fujitsu_nixternal, just find them in ubuntu.com.au/images/whatever04:44
jsgotangcobut since they're just source files i dont think they're that big04:44
nixternalroger that04:45
LaserJock3.0MB is the whole thing with HTML and pdf versions04:45
jsgotangcothat's not bad04:45
jsgotangcocan't we just use the source files?04:45
LaserJockI think so04:46
LaserJockI need to get the docbook source first though04:46
LaserJockI emailed about it today04:47
jsgotangcoahh so its not somewhere out there04:47
LaserJockapparently not yet04:47
LaserJocksome of the Debian doc people are testing it out04:47
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nixternalFujitsu_: is there any crazy hacks that i need to do in order for the images to work?   i must be missing something, or i  really am retarded ;)05:04
=== LaserJock thinks about answering that but decides he will be nice tonight :-)
nixternalheh, i know im retarded05:07
nixternalthe theme works...almost05:07
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jsgotangcoLaserJock: can you inform me when you have it as well so i could help out on it. im pretty much interested on it for this cycle05:17
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LaserJockjsgotangco: cool, will do05:19
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draikHello everyone07:55
FujitsuHi draik.07:55
draikI'm new to Kubuntu... Linux all together07:55
draikHi Fujitsu07:56
draikAs I have been going along, I have been taking notes of things that I have done and how to do them07:56
draikI was wondering if I can submit them to contribute to any possible docs07:56
draikI am using Kubuntu 6.0607:56
draikDapper Drake07:56
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bimberi_draik: hi08:05
draikbimbiri_ hi08:05
draikbimberi_ sorry08:05
bimberi_draik: you might contact the authors of these emails...08:05
bimberi_draik: it sounds like your notes would be ideal for those projects08:07
draikI hope so08:07
draikI was reading about project Switch08:07
draikI have 3 groups of people waiting for me to get the hang of Kubuntu so I can explain it to them so that they can move to it08:08
draikthey are all fed up with windoze08:08
bimberi_wow, sounds great!08:08
draikI have a minor experience with Knoppix08:08
bimberi_project Switch? link?08:08
draikyour first link08:08
bimberi_oh 08:08
draikCurrent ideas for the switch project:08:08
draik*Get people to switch to ubuntu and keep a blog of their opinions and such08:08
draikof it.08:08
bimberi_yep, i had 'user data project' in mind08:09
draiksame thing08:12
draikit's just 08:12
draikfor the purposes of remembering it easily I have code named this "switch"08:12
draikThank you bimberi_08:13
draikI will let them know so that I can pass this notebook through to them08:13
bimberi_draik: np, also feel free to check http://help.ubuntu.com against your notes as well :)08:14
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draikbimberi_ that is perfect. Thank you08:19
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RichJquiet in doc land08:36
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draikbimberi_, I have downloaded that PDF to Kubuntu. I was reviewing it and so far my information is consitant08:43
draikI have been asking around as well just to be sure I have my information together before I get/give the wrong idea08:44
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kgoetzhi all, thought i should reping this (as i was working on it), would it be worthwile for me to do some wiki pages/docbook/both on setting up privoxy, dnsmasq, polipo, and perhaps one on making polipo and privoxy play nicely?11:33
Madpilotkgoetz, wiki pages would be the best place to start11:33
kgoetzMadpilot: ok. i'll do that then11:35
=== kgoetz is happy to do xml as well, as long as its going to be usefull :) its to much work for not being used
MadpilotI've no idea what *any* of that stuff is, though ;)11:35
Madpilotkgoetz, if it's server-level stuff, ask on the list about adding to the Server Guide; if it's desktop stuff, we might be able to find space for it in an expanded Desktop Guide. In either case, start on the wiki11:36
kgoetzdnsmasq=dns proxy+dhcp server, polipo=caching proxy, privoxy=trimming/blocking/add removing proxy11:37
kgoetzso wiki it is11:37
=== mdke mornings
=== kgoetz greets mdke + jsgotangco
kgoetz3 more sub pages added to my wiki home - now to fill them with meaningless content :)11:57
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mdkempt_: around?12:33
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mdkempt__: here?01:41
=== mdke tries all variations of mpt
mpt__mdke, present!01:42
=== mpt__ tries to remember which movie it is that has the supervillain behind one of many mirrors
mdkeah cool01:44
mdkempt__: about that searching business01:44
mpt__Tango & Cash?01:44
mdkewould you be prepared to engage with the moin people to ask about whether the moin search can do what you need it to do for yelp?01:45
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mdkeobviously the moin search is pretty deeply ingraining because it is used for a lot of features, like categories, and other macros. But maybe in 1.5 there have been some improvements and you can talk about whether you can make it yelp-happy01:46
manickathe gui editing in 1.5 would be  a bonus for new contributers01:48
mdkempt__: BTW, I haven't said thanks yet for everything you are doing upstream, it's really great01:50
mdkemanicka: well need to have a think about whether we want to allow gui editing  it might have a detrimental effect and make people lazy about formatting. that was something the new webmaster mentioned to me the other day. Anyway, we will certainly be moving to Moin 1.5 very soon01:51
mpt__hmm, it's not looking promising01:56
manickawho is the new webmaster01:56
mdkemanicka: guy called Matthew Nuzum01:57
mdkempt__: the search thing?01:57
mpt__mdke, yes, see http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinTodo/ExtendedSearch02:03
mpt__particularly the later sections02:03
mdkempt__: what about the integration with yelp. You mentioned something about GET?02:05
mpt__mdke, that's no big deal, it just means that Yelp has to be able to generate the search URL itself -- that's possible with Moin as it is currently02:06
mdkeoh, fine02:06
mdkeI may have misunderstood that bug. So the yelp integration is now currently possible?02:07
mpt__so Ubuntu Yelp would have prefix = "https://help.ubuntu.com/community?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=" and suffix = "&fullsearch=Text"02:07
mpt__yes, it just produces bad results02:08
mdkeso the points about including markup is just a basic bug with moin, I don't see why any presentational wiki would want that behaviour02:08
mdkeincluding www.u.c02:08
mdkethe point about stop words too02:09
mdkesounds like a feature request that would be useful for moin in general, not just our wiki02:09
mdkeif you don't get a good reply on #moin, try the mailing list02:11
mdkegmane.comp.web.wiki.moin.general if you use gmane02:11
mdkeotherwise, it's on their wiki somewhere02:11
manickamdke, I've just been having a good look at the user docs section... things are much neater now :)02:15
manickaIs there any interest in porting of existing data from the udsf or forums to the wiki.02:18
manickaI'm interested because user generated how-tos still seem to be a 'search and find' only affair02:22
manickahmm, i just noticed that they are ther but you have to dig quite deep to find them02:23
manickaI guess i'm asking... what if I could gather a team to start moving some guides over02:24
manickawhere would they go? 02:25
manickawhat process would need to be followed?02:25
mpt__First, fix the help.ubuntu.com license problem02:26
mpt__Then, ask the individual authors02:26
manickawhat license problem?02:27
mpt__That stuff contributed to the wiki so far is of ambiguous license and therefore cannot be incorporated, for example, into GFDL/CC-BY-SA help pages02:28
kgoetzso do people need to explicity licence their pages? or its now asumed under free licence?02:32
mpt__kgoetz, eventually, hopefully, all *new* pages will be public domain02:32
mpt__with all old pages remaining under the ambiguous license02:33
=== kgoetz asumed his edits were 'free'
mdkemanicka: yes, I'm about to embark on another dialogue with the UDSF people02:51
mdkemanicka: as for the process, it is documented at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide02:52
mdkeI added "porting material from the forums" as one of the objectives of the wiki team at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiToDo02:53
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manickaok, thanks02:55
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mdkemanicka: what is the best way for me to contact some UDSF people and talk about some sharing of material?03:04
mdkeis there a mailing list/forum?03:05
=== mdke finds the forum
jsgotangcoi think king bahamut already split the fourm03:08
jsgotangco(left the forum i mean)03:09
mdkethere is a UDSF section though, is that no longer valid?03:09
jsgotangcothere was this big (i heard) fight in the forum remember?03:09
jsgotangcoso i guess its not that valid anymore03:09
jsgotangcoi think this is still the canonical link http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Main_Page03:10
mpt__The UDSF is amusing03:15
kgoetzyay. finished one of my wikipages03:19
=== kgoetz needs to read teh styleguide ... hm.
mdkethere is lots of material on the forums that it would be nice to see filter onto the help wiki03:19
mdkesomehow or other03:19
jsgotangcoi thought thats what the USDF did03:20
jsgotangcoor UDSF03:20
jsgotangcogahh these military style acronyms03:20
mdkeit is yeah, except they have their own site. I'd like to see some material filtering onto the help wiki. maybe the UDSF people can help03:22
mdkemanicka: if you want to draw up a formal group for that sort of thing, that would be a good idea I think... we can document it and it can be a subset of the wikiteam03:22
mdkempt__: about that search thing, if you can draw up a few ideas, maybe even a spec, I think we might be able to find a few people interested in working on the code.03:25
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mpt__mdke, good idea03:27
mpt__mdke, what did you think of the help page structure I posted?03:28
jsgotangcothe example looks great03:31
kgoetzi was asking about writing some stuff, madpilot sugested the wiki -> thats the 1st page. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarlGoetz/PolipoHowto03:31
mdkempt__: sorry yeah, need to reply. I think it may be difficult to achieve this with docbook in the time we have for edgy, and waiting for upstream's more simple markup with modular help may work better03:35
mdkewe can do our best tho03:35
jsgotangcoit would be interesting by gnome 2.18 for sure03:42
mdkehope so03:43
mdkempt: alright, I've written a proper response to your mail04:06
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kgoetzwell i'm taking this opertunity to head home - just thought i would link you to my 4 pages for today :| https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarlGoetz/DnsmasqPolipoPrivoxyTogether, the other 3 are linked off it in the section "Order of configuration"05:51
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Kamping_Kaiserhome again :)06:40
LaserJockmdke: ping?07:05
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nixternaljjesse: what all is involved with khelpcenter, and is there anything i can do to help with everything?08:25
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jjessenixternal: no clue actually08:44
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nixternalheh, ok..i will look into it a little further08:45
nixternali got some more cd's today and stickers08:45
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jjessegotta love this quote: ""My interpretation of that is that our documentation sucks so badly that people have to search a lot..." jokes Shuttleworth."09:13
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jjessethough the term ubuntu is defined in the book09:23
jjessealong w/ the term kubuntu09:24
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mdkeLaserJock: pong09:58
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nixternalLaserJock: ping?10:09
LaserJocksorry, ran to grab a burger10:16
nixternalyou read the marketing list at all?10:16
LaserJockme, no10:16
nixternalwell, the fridge is open to the community now it seems10:16
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LaserJockmdke: I was wondering about making articles that would tie in the rest of the docs10:16
nixternaland matthewrevell from the marketing team/lug radio along with a few others are admin's now i guess10:16
jjesseis that part of the big changes due to the leaving of jdub ?10:16
nixternali have no clue...you want me to forward the email to the doc list or to you guys individually?10:17
LaserJockI can go take a look10:17
nixternalor ya10:17
nixternalgoto the list and look ;)10:17
LaserJockmdke: I was reading you're reply to mpt's email about the help page design10:18
LaserJocknixternal: hehe, you sound a bit enthusiastic10:20
nixternalim always enthusiastic10:20
nixternalright now im knee deep in php getting ready to launch ubuntu chicago10:21
jjessehow bout geting knee deep in switching from windows :)10:21
crimsunheh, I'll be at UC next week10:21
nixternalgah..i will be on vacation starting friday10:21
mdkeLaserJock: right10:21
nixternali have a couple uc guys on the team10:22
nixternaluic rather10:22
crimsunin the CS dept.?10:22
nixternali think 1 is10:23
crimsunI'll be there for a few hours10:23
LaserJockmdke: would it be possible to make overview articles that link to the guides?10:23
mdkeLaserJock: of course10:23
nixternaljonathan swaciger is one of the guys...10:23
LaserJockmdke: hmm10:24
manickamdke, I dropped off (sleep)and missed some of the discussion re the udsf. I'll see what I can do about forming such a team and get back to you. It may be small to start with10:26
LaserJockmdke: I think andreas and I would be interested in doing a "Contributing to Ubuntu" article10:26
manickaand the best way to contact kb for discussion is via email I guess10:27
mdkemanicka: I'll do that10:28
mdkeLaserJock: that would be very nice.10:28
mdkeI think that could be a great top level document10:29
manickafrodon is the other key player at the udsf10:29
manickaKB's right hand man10:30
mdkeI've encountered him briefly on the forum, seems very sensible10:30
mdkeok, I'll mail them tomorrow10:30
=== mdke goes away for the evening
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