
crimsunah, that would explain why this firmware is loaded in Dapper whereas I have to wait a tick before hotplugging the sound device in Edgy12:10
crimsunI'll just have to fix the loader then12:10
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zulKeybuk: is it possible to remove xen-3.0.2+hg9697-1 from the archive?01:04
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Keybukzul: the particular version?02:45
Keybukwhen a package is removed ... it can't come back02:46
zulKeybuk: yes that version, i have a new one to be uploaded that works for edgy02:47
Keybukjust upload the new version then02:47
Keybukit'll supersede the old one02:48
zulim keeping getting rejects sayint that new version is older than the one in the archive02:48
Keybukright, what version are you uploading?02:49
zulgimme a sec02:49
KeybukI only see xen 2.0.6-1 in the archive02:49
Keybukthat version is older than the one in the archive02:50
Keybuk3.0.2+20060724 < 3.0.2+hg9697-102:50
Keybukbecause "+" < "+hg"02:50
Keybukwhy the change in version number?  why not use the +hgNNNN format again?02:51
zulah ok...so should it be 3.0.2-20060724?02:51
Keybukit should be 3.0.2+hg(number bigger than 9697)-102:51
zulso 3.0.2+hg11127-102:52
zulok ill do that02:52
Keybuk11127 > 9697 ... so you win02:52
Keybukunless you have a very good reason, stick to the version numbering in the archive02:52
Keybukeven if you disagree with it02:52
lifelessKeybuk: around ?03:03
Keybuklifeless: yup03:10
lifelesscan you eyeball this quickly -03:13
lifelessits a discussion about a change to dyson, it tried to register a cvs snapshot of grass03:14
lifelesswhich failed the upstream version number format check. But more interestingly, cvs snapshots are not that interesting, so we're considering how to get it to not register that03:14
Keybuklifeless: it's more of a single e-mail than a discussion03:15
lifelessI'd just like your thoughts on it03:15
Keybukdon't really have any03:15
lifelessok, fair enough.03:15
KeybukI agree that it doesn't make sense to import cvs snapshots03:15
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crimsunKeybuk: RE: the mount-by-UUID conversion: Does it handle [read-only]  NTFS mounts?09:59
Keybukwhy wouldn't it?09:59
crimsunwell, it appears to have correctly converted it, but I'm uncertain about the actual writing of the UUID10:00
crimsunfor reference:10:01
crimsun# /dev/sda1 -- converted during upgrade to edgy10:01
crimsunUUID=58E475CEE475AEBE /media/sda1 ntfs umask=022,nls=utf8,users 0 010:01
crimsunbut /media/sda1 is empty after a reboot10:01
Kamiondoesn't look like a proper UUID10:02
crimsunhmm, true, the others are of the form '11f6ccb2-f5bd-4d3b-87cc-c6fe260023fd'10:02
crimsunso that incorrect UUID is from ``/sbin/vol_id -u /dev/sda1''10:03
KeybukKamion: that's what NTFS uuids seem to look like10:07
Keybukquest scott% ls /dev/disk/by-uuid10:08
Keybuk2b4dde85-714c-42fa-b43f-02af9c64dc4b@  7d074f9a-80e7-4f0c-89aa-8efa8366766a@10:08
Keybuk43DB-3ADE@                             C84C0C3A4C0C25B2@10:08
Keybukof course, vol_id could be on the cock, but it shouldn't matter given things just convert to /dev/disk/by-uuid anyway10:08
Keybukcrimsun: does "mount" claim it's mounted?10:08
crimsunKeybuk: no10:08
Keybukof course, the interesting thing is whether mount can support those uuids :)10:09
Keybuk * For now, only ext2, ext3, xfs, ocfs, ocfs2, reiserfs, swap are supported10:12
crimsunright, "no such partition found"10:12
=== Keybuk looks at that patch
Keybuklamont: how much would you hurt me?10:13
mjg59No jfs?10:13
lamontKeybuk: what is that adding?10:13
Keybuklamont: it replaces mount's current "find the uuid" code with calls to libvolume_id10:14
Keybuk(well it's got the code to do that in it, anyway)10:14
lamontif the patch is reasonably clean, and libvolume_id is reasonable sane (rather than full of festering security vuls), I'd be happy to include it in debian, too.  Then again, I need to corner you sometime and figure out what the right answer is for my debian-issue that you were able to just smash through when you last branched util-linux for dapper....10:15
lamontof course, assuming that it works with the existing stuff as well, rather than forcing user changes.... :-)10:15
Keybukwhat's the debian issue?10:15
Keybukoh, which one?10:16
Keybukhwclock.sh is a zillion issues all to itself10:16
lamontwe need to set the clock before we load the modules so that we can mount /usr so that we can get the TZ to set the clock.10:16
Keybukthat's not entirely true10:16
Keybukyou need to set the clock before you run depmod10:16
Keybuknot "load the modules"10:17
lamontand actually, modules startup doesn't run depmod anymore10:17
lamont(the bug in question is the front of the #debian-devel topic...)10:17
Keybukyeah. it's amazing how Debian stop arguing once Ubuntu has gone ahead and changed it anyway10:18
Keybukso hwclock.sh is an annoying case:10:18
Keybukit DOES need to run before dhclient10:18
lamontit helped that someone else was doing bootchart type stuff and discoverd that depmod takes _FOREVER_10:18
Keybukyet needs /dev/rtc, which udev creates10:18
Keybukheh, we noticed that 6 months ago!10:19
lamontI think debian noticed that it took much longer to boot debian than ubuntu....10:19
Keybukit takes less time to boot a clean debian than ubuntu10:19
Keybukbecause they support less crazy fabbione shit10:19
Keybuk(yay, edgy's dropped it all)10:19
lamontyeah fabbione! :-0)10:19
lamontthe simple solution to the /dev/rtc thing is to quit compiling it as a module... if the hardware is there, you want it.10:21
fabbioneKeybuk: we can do that too.. install lvm and raid stuff only on demand.. we just never did it :)10:22
lamontfabbione: fix that. kthxbye10:22
lamont(CONFIG_RTC that is)10:22
fabbionelamont: what arch?10:22
lamontarch: any10:22
fabbionehow do you want it? M or Y or just fix the driver?10:23
fabbionethe latter i accept patches :)10:23
lamontit's an architecture independant fact that I need the RTC available before we do stuff.10:23
lamontit's very tiny, you see....10:23
fabbionelamont: ok i will talk to Ben and Kamion10:23
fabbionebut CONFIG_RTC is not available on all arches as it is iirc10:24
lamontoh, well, just on the architectures where there is something that (uniquely) provides /dev/rtc10:24
fabbionei will look at it10:25
lamontbetter yet - just change Kconfig to force it on when it can. :-)10:25
lamontoh, that'll probably be an ABI bump, of course...10:25
fabbioneno big deal on edgy10:25
lamontof course, I want it in etch10:26
lamontand edgy. :-)10:26
fabbioneetch i can't do nothing.. file  a bug on those kernel guys10:26
fabbionebut there will be people objecting to it for another 398398439 reasons10:26
Kamionthere are some arches where there are multiple possible providers of /dev/rtc, aren't there?10:26
Kamionso you might have to deal with the problem anyway :(10:27
fabbioneKamion: i am not sure..10:27
Kamionhmm, there's a whole drivers/rtc/ tree now with rtc-dev.ko and stuff, so maybe that's been fixed10:28
fabbionei think Al Viro was working on a generic rtc implementation across all arches10:28
fabbioneor there was at least10:28
fabbioneno idea if it's fixed in .1710:28
fabbionewe can always do it the old good way10:29
lamontKeybuk: if the volume_id patch looks sane, pls file a bug against the debian util-linux package with a pointer, and I'll merge it in10:38
Keybuklamont: hmm, looking through the code, mount is using libblkid10:43
lamontand before that, it used it's own random guessing techniques10:43
fabbioneexcept the code in libblkid is a copy or almost of the one in util-linux :)10:53
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lamontfabbione: not my problem :-)11:36
mjg59Keybuk: http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/7/25/280 ?11:42
Keybukmjg59: interesting11:49

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