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damned[office] hi all08:48
damned[office] can anybody suggest why can X11Forwarding not work via ssh?08:48
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Stonekeeperhi. Is there a way to use the partitioner from the installer after you've installed? I'm looking for a nice way to manage LVM. Thanks.11:16
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derekSi am having trouble when I ssh into my ubuntu box (using putty) to access mutt.... it is charset issues, anyone experienceing these?06:54
ajmitchderekS: set putty to use UTF-8 translation06:54
derekSajmitch: how?06:54
derekSi thought it is?06:55
ajmitchnot by default06:55
derekSajmitch: do you know where?06:55
ajmitchthe option is in there somewhere.. it's been awhile since I had to use it06:55
derekSok thanks :)06:55
derekSgoogle knows :)06:56
skateinmarsthe option is in the "translation" menu06:56
skateinmarsor something like that, if I remeber06:56
derekSi just found it :)06:57
derekSit is set to 06:57
derekSISO-8859-1:1998 (Latin-1, West Europe)06:57
ajmitchthen change it06:57
derekSas a side note, should i keep my terminal type as xterm or linux?06:57
derekSmutt looks perty again :)06:58
ajmitchwhatever works06:58
derekSajmitch: heh, i will keep xterm then06:58
derekSthanks for your help!06:58
derekS(now i gotta pretend like i understand how to config mutt+fetchmail+procmail+etc)06:59
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derekSwhat imap server do you guys use? courier?07:00
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Antichalguien en el canal que hable castellano?07:24
AntichI hava a problem with ubuntu server07:25
AntichI install in a k6-2 with 128 Mbytes of RAM 07:26
Antichin the first run after the install 07:26
Antichthe system reboot07:26
AntichI need some help07:30
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exobuzzAs ubuntu uses evms, why does the installer not utilise evms to setup/manage volumes ?08:32
exobuzzAlso: I boot from a raid-1 array. I set it up from the installer, but changed grub to boot from /dev/evms/md/md0 instead of /dev/md0. that worked so I guess evms is in the initrd.08:33
exobuzzhowever after switching to evms (and changing the fstab line to evms too), i get an error on booting (minor script syntax error - tells me some script is missing a semi-colon)08:34
exobuzzeverything works, but this looks like a bug (and it seems to be in the initrd stage)08:35
exobuzzany comments ?08:38
derekSwhat would you guys reccomend for speed courier, cyrus, dovecot or UW?09:42
lionelpderekS: it depends :)09:43
lionelpfor a simple install, I would say courier or dovecot09:43
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derekSlionelp: i have courier currently, but it seems slow?09:45
derekSand kills cpu09:45
exobuzzdovecot is small and fast09:48
exobuzzi recommend it09:48
derekSexobuzz: how does it compare to courier09:48
exobuzzi use it with vexim and mysql users09:49
derekSexobuzz: i am basiclaly just using it as a mail store09:49
exobuzzdont know. courier is quite complex in comparison. dovecot is really easy to get running09:49
derekSexobuzz: i will try it out09:49
exobuzztooo hot in here09:50
exobuzz31 C... argh09:50
exobuzzdo harddisks like operating at 48 degrees ? i hope my machines will be ok09:50
derekSprob not09:52
exobuzzmy homemade raid server has 4 case fans and 2 fans for the harddisks.. and its still hot09:52
exobuzzsorry.. 5 case fans :)09:52
derekSexobuzz: dovcot does seem alittle faster :)10:30
exobuzzoh wait.. macbook is intel or ppc ?10:31
exobuzzwrong channel :/10:31
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