
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [-o Riddell] by ChanServ
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RiddellKSystemLog needs an update if anyone wants to volunteer http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2376101:27
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imbrandonRiddell: umm it looks like edgy is already at 0.3.202:13
imbrandonbrandon@intrepid:~/devel/ksystemlog$ apt-cache madison ksystemlog02:13
imbrandonksystemlog | 0.3.2-0ubuntu4 | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Packages02:13
imbrandonksystemlog | 0.3.2-0ubuntu4 | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Sources02:13
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Hobbseemorning all03:30
lnxkdeany way of exluding a package of beeeing updated03:30
lnxkdehi Hobbsee03:30
Hobbseehi lnxkde 03:30
Hobbseepin it?03:30
lnxkdepin it?03:31
lnxkdedont know what you meen03:31
Hobbseepin the package so it doesnt get updated03:31
Hobbseein synaptic there's a  'lock package' function03:31
Hobbseedunno if it's there in adept, and i dont know how to find it w.r.t apt-get/aptitude03:32
lnxkdeI didnt know that the lock option was for that :p03:33
=== abattoir_ [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee gets told off about the download limit. hehe, i know.
HobbseeRiddell: how's kde 3.5.4 doing?03:35
robotgeekhowdy Hobbsee rob 03:36
robotgeekRiddell, err03:36
Hobbseehi robotgeek 03:37
=== lnxkde has no download limit but only has a 60k/sec conecction
HobbseeRiddell's likely asleep03:37
robotgeekheh, np03:37
robotgeekdoes anyone have a what's new in kubuntu edgy list? (planned stuff also)03:37
lnxkdesomeone knows any nice racent movie, documental, video that talks about linux???03:38
robotgeekhmm, revolution os03:38
robotgeekpretty old though03:38
lnxkdejust watching it right now03:38
Hobbseerobotgeek: somewhat03:39
Hobbseedid htey break mesa with the latest updates?03:39
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robotgeekhmm, i've been busy with new job03:40
=== abattoir [n=ani@] has left #kubuntu-devel []
robotgeekHobbsee: link to somewhat list?03:42
Hobbseerobotgeek: ssh into my brain :P03:42
robotgeekHobbsee: url :)03:43
robotgeekURI, rather03:43
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robotgeeki really need to get with jjess03:43
Hobbseerobotgeek: in short, kde 3.5.4, kopete 0.12.1, konversation 0.20, more sane defaults, other upgraded packages, including amarok 1.4.2 (maybe, otherwise .1), 04:00
=== robotgeek sees this release going easy on him :)
Hobbseeimbrandon: imbrandon_ ping?04:06
Hobbseerobotgeek: hmmm?04:06
imbrandon_Hobbsee: pong04:06
Hobbseerobotgeek: also, we're getting more developers coming in, whcih is good - useful for edgy and edgy+1 when they learn more04:07
Hobbseeimbrandon_: intrepid is throwing errors all over the place - which arent reproducable on other systems.04:07
robotgeekHobbsee: i dont see too many changes to the documentation already present (desktop guide wise)04:07
imbrandon_Hobbsee: like ?04:07
Hobbseeimbrandon_: dunno if you want to reformat, or not run off the vm, or what, but you probably need to look and deal with it04:07
Hobbseeimbrandon_: more gcc errors04:07
Hobbseerobotgeek: yeah, but there04:07
Hobbsees other doco stuff to do :)04:08
Hobbseerobotgeek: you can write the development doco - a lot of that is quite old - and references bugzilla.04:08
imbrandon_Hobbsee: ok i can do that tonight , backup anyting you need off it 04:08
robotgeekHobbsee: currently, dont have too much time though. trying to get settled in new job, new place etc04:08
imbrandon_Hobbsee: i'll do a fresh install from the knot1cd04:08
Hobbseeimbrandon_: i dont have anything there, except the stuff in /usr/local/bin - if you could back that up, thatd' be cool04:09
Hobbseeimbrandon_: oh cool04:09
Hobbseerobotgeek: yeah, fair enough.    i've got all this time due to uni holidays, which is good04:09
imbrandon_Hobbsee: ok yea just the usr/local/bin stuff i'll backup the rest i'll format04:09
robotgeekHobbsee: planning to get a desktop also, pretty difficult to mess around on the laptop. no vm's either04:09
Hobbseeimbrandon_: make sure you grab the /var/cache/pbuilder/* stuff - you can delet ethe stuff in builds, and result, but leave the rest.04:10
=== Hobbsee doesnt want to have to have that misery setting it all up again.
Hobbseeimbrandon_: oh, wait, i can do that from here, if you want - and get rid of the stuff you dont wnat to backup04:10
Hobbsee*logs in*04:11
imbrandon_Hobbsee: nah no biggie i can grab it, it will be faster for me to backup04:11
Hobbseeimbrandon_: yeah, your fun of backing it up04:11
Hobbseeoh cool, you cna use clean for that.04:11
imbrandon_yea i'll just run clean04:12
=== Hobbsee is on edgy now.
=== Hobbsee is, on edgy now.
imbrandon_huh ?04:12
Hobbseeie, i'm already running that command on the edgy pbuilder04:13
imbrandon_ahh ok04:13
imbrandon_yea lemme finish eating dinner and i'll backup after you've cleaned it 04:14
imbrandon_but tbh if i backup that base.gz its gonna be the same gcc04:14
imbrandon_might nbe betrter to start over04:14
imbrandon_brb afk , i'll do it when i get back04:22
imbrandon_from dinner04:22
Hobbseenah, the base.gz is okay - that gets upgraded each time anyway, and works with dist-upgrades04:23
Hobbseeimbrandon_: uh...somethings' screwed with that machine.  but yeah, anyway, it should be done04:24
Hobbseei'm logged in as root, and it's still telling me permission denied, etc.04:25
Hobbseeand operation not permitte04:25
abattoir_Hobbsee: you are familiar w/ pbuilder right?04:35
imbrandon_Hobbsee: for what ? and rember if your getting gcc errors its using the gcc from that base.gz04:37
imbrandon_so if something is screwy its more than likely with the pbuilder base.gz not the OS but to be sure we can start all over, wont take long to make a new base.gz04:38
abattoir_Hobbsee: do you know why it might not create base.tgz when i run 'sudo pbuilder create' ?04:39
abattoir_or imbrandon_ ???04:39
imbrandon_abattoir_:  got an error ?04:40
abattoir_imbrandon_: nope it runs fine, downloads everything... then when i try to build, i get base.tgz not found04:40
abattoir_imbrandon_: i also tried --basetgz04:41
abattoir_doesnt work04:41
=== Hobbsee was afk
Hobbseeimbrandon_: good point04:47
=== Hobbsee wonders where the base.tgz is supposed to be, as opposed to where it actually is.
=== abattoir_ [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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crimsunHobbsee: what's the issue?05:23
Hobbseecrimsun: with which?  the gcc stuff?05:23
crimsunwhatever probs05:23
Hobbseecrimsun: ah, we're just having trouble with imbrandon's machine.05:23
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DaSkreechHI imbrandon06:18
imbrandon_heya DaSkreech 06:18
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DaSkreechI think I'm heading off for the night06:58
imbrandon_late DaSkreech 06:58
Hobbseenight DaSkreech 06:59
DaSkreechlate* does give later ;-)06:59
DaSkreechNight imbrandon_ Hobbsee Riddell nixternal mornfall and umm abattoir for posterity07:07
abattoirhuh? wth?07:10
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HobbseeBinaries from kopete 4:3.5.4+kopete0.12.1-0ubuntu2 cannot be installed:08:12
Hobbseedoes that overwrite files, or something?08:12
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Hobbseehi toma 08:32
tomahey Hobbsee08:32
tomahow's life?08:32
Hobbseetoma: okay, feels weird not to be doing dev stuff though08:33
tomawhy not?08:33
Hobbseetoma: not enough bandwidth to last till the end of the month if i do08:34
=== Hobbsee will do some on friday, when she's not at home.
tomaHobbsee: dont you have a login on a remote machine?08:34
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A64399.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseetoma: i do, and the gcc is currently screwed on it08:35
tomaHobbsee: hmm08:47
tomaHobbsee: time to upgrade to flat-fee ?08:47
Hobbseetoma: and i havent had the motivation to fight with pbuilder again to fix the gcc.08:47
Hobbseetoma: doesnt exist here - this is the "unlimited" plan08:47
=== Hobbsee doenst pay the internet bill anyway - dad's work does.
Hobbseetoma: we get cut back to 64k after we go over 10mb08:47
tomawow, that system does not exist here08:47
Hobbseetoma: and seeing as we end up using around 300mb a day, on average, and have about 1gb left....well...you can do the maths :P08:47
tomaall adsl are based on 'fair-use'08:47
=== _Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeadsl here is terrible.08:47
tomaas in tv-cable?08:47
Hobbseeno, it's another form of adsl, i think08:47
Hobbseealthough it doesnt go thru the phonelines - it's a separate cable into the house08:47
tomaah, ok. 08:47
toma300mb a day is a bit high anyway ;-)08:47
Hobbseetoma: it's called edgy updates, and building things.08:47
Hobbseethere are 2 people using it.08:47
Hobbseei'm using caches and whatever, so i dont always need all the packages again - but it's pretty nasty.08:47
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@207-172-219-193.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomanothing anyone can help you with08:47
Hobbseenot really...08:47
Hobbseetoma: but i'm not here for the next couple of days anyway08:47
=== toma stares at the screen... WHAT?
Hobbseetoma: hmmm?  what's up?08:47
tomayou not being here for a couple of days????08:47
tomahow is kubuntu going to survive?08:47
Hobbseetoma: yeah, no internet connection (yet) at my friends place...08:47
Hobbseehehe - no idea08:47
Hobbseelike it did before i got involved, probably08:47
Hobbseetoma: you could always take my place :P08:49
tomaoh no08:50
Hobbseetoma: no?08:50
Hobbseetoma: whyever not?08:50
tomai'm not so good in packaging08:50
Hobbseebesides, Riddell is around to code things.08:50
tomaand i don't like the tools you have to work with08:50
tomabesides i feel more satisfied creating an app then a package08:51
Hobbseetoma: ah...true...08:51
=== Hobbsee tries to avoid that, alhtough i guess i'll need to in uni
Hobbseesorry - to avoid creating new apps08:53
tomait's fun, it's creative08:53
Hobbseetoma: true08:54
Hobbseetoma: i've yet to learn how what i type in and make as a program to run by a console translates to actually using the hardware on a system, and making a GUI, etc.08:54
Hobbseetoma: and until i learn that, i dont feel that i have enough of a grip on how to write a program to give myself that title.08:55
Hobbseeif that makes sense.08:55
=== Hobbsee is often very underconfident.
imbrandonHobbsee: can you check your mail from where yor at ?08:56
tomayou should grab a mentor/friend, clear your agenda, pick a manual and start.08:56
imbrandonmoins toma08:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: check my mail?  what, locally?08:56
tomahi imbrandon08:56
Hobbseetoma: heh - i'm in the wrong country for that.08:56
tomawhy is that?08:56
imbrandonHobbsee: i was gonna forward something i wanted you to read real fast08:57
Hobbseebut i would like to get to one of the conferences one day.08:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: sure, to hobbsee@kubuntu.org08:57
crimsunwith the Internet, country isn't nearly as important :-)08:57
Hobbseecrimsun: well, yeah, of course, but it does help...08:57
imbrandonyea irc is great ;)08:57
=== imbrandon is a fan of VoIP too
=== Hobbsee doesnt like VOIP that much - not with lots of people.
=== Hobbsee wonders what she was going to do.
Hobbseeoh yeah, i was going ot check my uni exam dates.08:58
imbrandonHobbsee kk sent08:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: cool :)08:59
=== Hobbsee reads.
HobbseeExaminations  15 November  1 December09:01
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule09:01
crimsunthere are actually mp3s of me reading stuff somewhere on the Web </offtopic>09:05
imbrandoncrimsun: like audio book type stuff ?09:06
Hobbseeimbrandon: cool09:07
Hobbseeimbrandon: that email's pretty public - adn i read anything from anyone off there pretty quickly - bar mailing lists/ bug reports, of course.09:09
Hobbseeimbrandon: so feel free to send stuff to it, it's fine by me :)09:09
Hobbseeesp as it doesnt have a bandwidth limit.09:10
=== Hobbsee has yet to have thunderbird eat her mail
imbrandonyou like ?09:10
Hobbseeoh drat, i forgot lunch again09:10
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, i do.  you guys will need to be a bit more professional though, imo09:10
=== Hobbsee always tries to be professional - and for good reason, based on some of the stuff i do
imbrandonsorta in some respects but some as its not intended to be professional totaly from the orig BOF09:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: and that includes not having your writers showing the bad side of people, as such.09:11
Hobbseei realise that09:11
imbrandonbut yea09:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: i think i did too much english at school.  but i'm happy to proofread your stuff, sanity check it, etc.09:12
Hobbseewe did a *lot* of magazine article stuff - like on audience, language, etc.09:12
Hobbseehated it then - but it's kinda useful now09:12
Hobbseeimbrandon: mainly because, if you dont, people will be hesitant to commit anything, because they know it could well be used against them if it's not well liked.09:17
=== Hobbsee is already wary of putting things on the agenda now.
imbrandonwhy ?09:18
Hobbseeimbrandon: because of what nixternal said last time, and the way he put it09:19
imbrandonahh yea nixternal needs a good thump in community news , i have noticed09:19
=== imbrandon glares
=== Hobbsee doesnt like bitching attacks against devs. makes the writer very low, and causes nothing except destruction.
crimsununless it's on a blog09:20
Hobbseeif what nixternal said had gone to publication, everyone would have thought "warning, hobbsee is a bitch, and likely to pull stupid shit at random"09:21
Hobbseecrimsun: a blog is not a professional news site.  fortunately.09:21
crimsunwell that's the argument I've made for a long time.09:21
Hobbseecrimsun: and blogs arent coming into our discussion at all :P  (i hope)09:21
crimsunon the other hand, people always seem to forget that, say, slashdot is a blog.09:22
Hobbseecrimsun: well, yeah, that's true.09:22
RichJi think the whole thing on the UWN is being blown out of proportion, because it was never stated ina  way that it would reflect negatively on anyone, and you can go back and look at the changes09:22
RichJif someone adds a lot to an agenda, to me that means they are working and have a lot on their mind for the team..i don't know what UWN you all were reading, but it definately wasn't the one I was working on09:23
=== Hobbsee saw the original. and it effectively read "who could forget this, lets have a good laugh at what happened"
crimsunwait, what did I miss?09:23
RichJit didn't say that at all09:24
Hobbseecrimsun: i'm bitching about something that almost went to print...and...uh...09:24
=== toma is totally lost
Hobbseeimbrandon: the other thing's not public yet, is it?09:24
imbrandonHobbsee: nope09:24
Hobbseeimbrandon: shit.  sorry.09:24
=== Hobbsee shuts her mouth.
imbrandonHobbsee: you me mark and jane ;)09:24
imbrandonnp ;)09:24
crimsunmmkay. I'm going to stay out of the drama if at all possible.09:25
=== crimsun leaves for work
imbrandonanyhow how is -dev tongiht ;)09:25
Hobbseebye crimsun 09:25
imbrandonseeya crimsun09:25
tomaif there are secret things going, can you move to a secret channel09:26
tomai hate this09:26
imbrandontoma: its no secret , just hasent been announced yet, buntudot.org is being absorbed into theFridge to bring some much needed life to it ;)09:30
=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Ooh,]
Hobbseesigh.  i feel like the villiage idiot now.  where's the dunce cap?09:33
Hobbseeforgetting about confidentiailty.  eek.09:33
Hobbseewho removed my brain, and can i have it back please?09:33
=== ajmitch wonders what Hobbsee did now
=== Hobbsee glares at ajmitch
Hobbseeajmitch: you cant see, right above?09:33
ajmitchI wasn't reading it, no09:34
imbrandonajmitch: we got a bit -offtopic and started talking about somethings that arent official yet , twas no biggie realy09:34
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ajmitchnothing unusual09:35
Hobbseeajmitch: you're saying that i usually screw up then?09:36
Hobbseeyou're on very dangerous territory.09:36
ajmitchHobbsee: stop misinterpreting what I said09:36
=== Hobbsee does not have a very high patience threshold at the moment
Hobbseeanyway, i'll get more sane when uni goes back, and i can get out of this house.09:39
Hobbseeso sorry all for you having to put up with me until that point :P09:39
RichJwhen do you go back?09:44
RichJi think i have like 3 weeks or so09:44
HobbseeRichJ: monday.  thank goodness.09:44
RichJdang, didn't you just get out?09:44
Hobbseei'm sick of being lectured for things like pressing the buttons of the dryer too hard, which is apparently a major issue.09:45
HobbseeRichJ: got out at the end of june09:45
RichJholy cow, it has been a month already09:45
Hobbseei'm serious - that's one of the lectures i got this morning - and that's why i'm so...horrible...at the moment09:46
RichJtime flies when your having fun09:46
imbrandonheh wow Hobbsee09:47
HobbseeRichJ: yeah, true.  and i had ajmitch over here for part of that.09:47
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah.  welcome to my house :P09:47
HobbseeRichJ: see PM, if you havent already.09:48
RichJlol...thats what the red 1 is in irssi09:48
Hobbseequite likely ;p09:48
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=== Hobbsee is off. finaly.
Hobbseekubuntu wont die in my absense, i'm sure :P10:27
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freeflyinghi all11:24
RichJg'nite all11:24
RichJ4:30am, and i gotta get up in 3 hours11:25
=== seaLne catches up and wonders if that means behindubuntu interviews will actually get mentioned on new fridge/buntudot thingy as aposed to submissions being ignored
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellseaLne: if what means?11:56
Riddellah hah11:57
seaLneis kpdf broken for anyone else on edgy?12:06
Riddellworks for me12:07
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abattoirRiddell: can you help me ?12:19
abattoirRiddell: i'm trying to package oem-config... and am running into an error12:19
Riddellabattoir: what's up?12:20
abattoirhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18920 line 12112:20
abattoirRiddell: am i doing something wrong? because there is no source dir. in the d-i directory... let alone localechooser12:21
RiddellseaLne: seems popper was changed and that broke kpdf12:27
Riddellabattoir: if it's anything like ubiquity you have to run   make -f debian/rules updates  to download the d-i packages12:28
Riddellabattoir: are you using pbuilder?12:28
abattoirRiddell: yes12:28
abattoirRiddell: so i cd to d-i and then run make-f debian/rules right?12:29
abattoir*make -f12:29
=== ttf [n=tom@ipx20310.ipxserver.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellno, from the top directory12:29
abattoirRiddell: oh, ok12:29
Riddelllook in debian/rules and see if there's an update rule12:29
Riddellyes, there is12:30
ttfRiddell: AFAICS the default dapper installation doesn't have normal calculator12:30
abattoir$(MAKE) -C d-i update12:30
Riddellttf: it has speedcrunch12:30
abattoirRiddell: just to be sure, i run this before 'dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot' right? or between that and 'sudo pbuilder build' ?12:32
abattoirRiddell: sorry, i'm new to packaging :P12:32
Riddellabattoir: I'd use  debuild12:33
seaLnedebuild -S -sa12:33
abattoirRiddell: ok, i'll read up on that then12:33
Riddellwhich just runs "dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot" but checks you have all the needed packages first12:33
Riddellnot  -S -sa  just now, that's for making the source package12:33
seaLnethen build in pbuilder? but yeah probably not :)12:34
Riddellabattoir: then once you have it building for you on your local filesystem with debuild then bulid it in pbuilder to make sure it works on a fresh system12:34
ttfRiddell: well - wouldn't consider speedcrunch a "normal" calculator though :)12:35
abattoirRiddell: hmm ok, thanks12:35
ttfRiddell: what about kcalc?12:35
abattoirRiddell: i'm very very very sorry, i havent made the archive public... after Kamion's last revision, i couldnt get it to work, and he told me that i have to install it in order to get it to work(i was working on it from my home folder before :P) so i'll finish this up, make it work and upload it, again sorry.12:36
Riddellttf: kcalc smells compared to speedcrunch12:36
=== seaLne likes kcalc, does what i need
Riddellttf: but the new version of speedcrunch in edgy adds a keypad so it's more friendly to those who like to practice their hand/eye coordination12:37
seaLneisn't speedcrunch just kcalc but more grey? :)12:38
ttfwell it's not intuive at all - even I was confused when I saw it :)12:38
=== ttf just wanted to make a suggestion..
Riddellttf: all suggestions welcome, but take a look at speedcrunch in edgy and let me know what you think12:39
ttfk - will do - will take a bit though12:39
abattoirRiddell: speedcrunch was made in qt4?12:39
abattoirRiddell: oh, yes, i saw in the about page...12:40
Riddellabattoir: the new edgy version is yes12:40
mornfallimo it doesn't make much sense to have qt4 apps in default kde3 desktop12:41
mornfallmore libs, more memory, slower startup12:42
Riddellmornfall: we have to start the migration somewhere12:42
mornfallwith speedcrunch? come on...12:42
Riddelland it doesn't make sense to start writing an app with qt3 12:42
mornfallit's not like there was no qt3 app up for the job, is it?12:43
Riddellthere will be more qt 4 apps in edgy, I plan to do hwdb in qt 412:43
mornfallwell, i'm considering to drop the whole adept 2.x stuff and jump at porting to trunk kdelibs + qt-copy right away... but that would mean no new version for edgy, among other things12:44
mornfallit would mean i spend time working on trunk kde12:44
=== mornfall not decided
mornfalli'll go to lunch now :)12:45
mornfall(yes, it doesn't make sense to write new apps with qt3 now)12:45
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Riddellwe've had an edubuntu takeover03:52
jjessedoh, how'd that happen?03:53
jjessethey have a really nice looking page btw03:53
seaLnered bits in the menubar dn't quite go with the top :)03:54
seaLnefixed now?03:57
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seaLneanyone tried to use revu recently?05:11
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seaLneany amd64 users about to try kmobiletools? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=279605:33
abattoirseaLne: I can try if you want... edgy?05:34
abattoirseaLne: ok, downloading... stupid question anyways :P05:36
seaLnedid it build?05:49
abattoirseaLne: it complained about libglu1-mesa-dev and i'm installing that... which btw removes qt4-designer05:50
seaLnethat isn't really a problem with kmob afaik just other currently broken things?05:52
Riddellthat's a general breakage, not specific to kmobile05:55
abattoirRiddell: am i doing something wrong?05:55
Riddellno, mesa is doing something wrong05:56
abattoirso there is nothing that i can do?05:58
Riddellyou could compile and install mesa locally05:59
seaLnekmob built in my pbuilder and normally for me05:59
Riddellit'll have cached versions of mesa-common-dev06:00
abattoirRiddell: i do have an up-to-date edgy... but tbh, it is updated every time i try to...06:00
seaLneeven with pbuilder update?06:01
Riddellproblem is that i386 mesa isn't built and that's the one that makes the _all packages06:01
seaLneah yeah, hadn't noticed how much was in /var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache06:01
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abattoirseaLne: i got builder only today, so it shows 0 packages to update06:03
hungerWAnyone in need of some kde 3.5.4 tester?06:04
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seaLneRiddell: so just wait till its fixed to check kmob?06:11
RiddellseaLne: kmobiletools works for me on amd6406:13
Riddellcompiles that is06:13
seaLnegood, i re made the tgz06:13
RiddellhungerW: give me half an hour06:13
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Riddelladmin.canonical.com #9906]  Resolved: SSL certificate on wiki.kubuntu.org06:21
Riddellthat'll put hobbsee into a good mood06:22
RiddellhungerW:  deb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde354/ ./06:24
Riddelledgy packages06:24
Riddell** testers needed for kde 3.5.4 on edgy06:24
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_SimeRiddell: hi06:35
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Riddellwelcome back _Sime 06:36
_SimeRiddell: is anyone working on implementing the systemsettings restructuring from Ellen?06:36
Riddell_Sime: don't think so06:36
_SimeRiddell: BTW, I'll have a fair amount of time for the next week or so for hacking stuff.06:37
Riddellsystem settings awaits you :)06:37
_SimeRiddell: I might have a go  at fixing it up.06:37
_SimeRiddell: implementing the changes from Ellen at least.06:37
Riddellthat would be most cool06:38
_Simeit can't be too hard.06:38
_SimeRiddell: the poll on osnews is quite interesting.06:39
Riddell"Poll: Most Important Non-Free Linux Application"?06:40
_Sime3D drivers are the biggest problem for the free desktop right now. IMO.06:41
Riddellan impressive 29%06:42
Riddellwho knows, maybe AMD will buy ATI and free the source06:42
_SimeI hope so.06:43
_Simemaybe the Open Graphics project will take off. (i.e. produce something that I can buy)06:43
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rraphinkhi there :)07:19
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
omeowMy computer can't wake up from screensaver or locked mode it seems.07:22
_Sime|foodomeow: does the screensaver require a password?07:23
_Sime|foodoh, ok07:24
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omeow_Sime|food, give me a poke when you've finished eating.07:29
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OculusAquilaeDoes somebody know what was changed in KDE 3.5.3 Packages for dapper07:41
OculusAquilaefirst hi :)07:41
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RiddellOculusAquilae: a new version of KDE?07:45
hungerWRiddell: just upgraded to 3.5.4: Only one tiny problem: kdelibs-data has /usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-mplayer2.desktop which is also in kaffeine.07:45
OculusAquilaeRiddell: seems that packages from http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353/ got updated07:45
OculusAquilaesame change that is in edgy?07:46
OculusAquilaethis printer sharing thing?07:46
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hungerWRiddell: artsd just crashed07:49
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RiddellOculusAquilae: konqueror crash07:52
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hungerWRiddell: fonts look somewhat different in 3.5.4 I think. nothing to worry about though.07:54
hungerWRiddell: Yeap, fonts are different: No AA even though it is turned on for all fontsizes.07:56
Riddellthat was the same in 3.5.307:57
hungerWRiddell: Are you sure? It definitly looks different now.07:58
hungerWRiddell: arts is crashing every couple of minutes. I had that with 3.5.3 as well in the beginning. You fixed it back then with your magical packeteer's fingers.07:59
=== _Sime|food is now known as _Sime
_Simeomeow: poke08:10
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mhbhey everyone08:12
Riddellhi mhb 08:12
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mhbI don't want to bother you too much ... but I thought this channel is right for my question :o) I found that Kubuntu offers "smbfs" filesystem for Windows/Samba shares with the Disks & Filesystems tools08:15
mhbbut AFAIK smbfs is deprecated in favor of cifs08:16
Riddellmhb: _Sime would be your man for that08:17
hungerWRiddell: kde 3.5.4 looks good apart from the kaffeine file clash and arts crashing.08:17
RiddellhungerW: fixing kaffine issue now08:18
Riddelland well, who uses arts these days anyway :)08:18
=== hungerW is happy that kde4 is no longer using arts.
hungerWRiddell: Right. The only thing I ever notice about arts is its crash window:-(08:18
=== hungerW has volume turned off most of the time.
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_Simemhb: I'll add that to my TODO list thanks,08:19
hungerWHmmm. 3.5.4 is not even announced yet.08:19
mhb_Sime: wow! I don't have to do anything more? .o)08:19
hungerWI wonder what the release notes will say.08:19
_Simemhb: you are free to implement it yourself if you want to do more. This is open source after all. ;)08:20
omeow_Sime, just wanted to ask you if guidance was going to support twinview setups instead of whatever it generates when you want dual displays.08:21
mhb_Sime: well, my TODO list is pretty full, too ... I have some "unfinished business" for Kwin, Oxygen and one other thing in Kubuntu :o)08:21
omeowThe dual display configuration file it generated for me semi-worked in the sense that I did get two desktops, but they were too large and I had to scroll at the borders of the screen.08:22
omeowAnyway I need a shower.08:22
_Simemhb: what's your real name BTW?08:23
mhb_Sime: Martin Bhm08:23
_Simeomeow: twinview is kinda on my TODO list, but it is not at the top... (I do have an nvidia card here though)08:23
mhb_Sime: and thanks for the swift response ... that's why I love Kubuntu so much :o)08:24
_Simemhb: no probs08:25
mhb_Sime: If I find the time I'll send you the patch ... where to?08:26
_Simemhb: simon@simonzone.com08:27
_Simemhb: if the mount parameters for CIFS are  the same as smbfs, then the change will be trival.08:28
mhb_Sime: I don't know, it's a different fs after all ... I'm going to check the documentation and let you know08:29
_Simemhb: thanks, that would be a big help.08:29
mhb_Sime: Sorry, I was a bit wrong :o) It's not a different fs, it's a different driver ...08:32
mhbmy bad08:32
omeow_Sime, is it a dual head one?08:35
_Simeomeow: yep08:35
omeowCool which one? I have an nvidia 6600 GT.08:36
yuriy_Sime: a little stuck on an error trying to get "wineconfig appname.exe" to work08:44
_Simeyuriy: what are you trying to do?08:45
yuriyso you can do per-application settings08:45
yuriyby putting that in on the command line, among other things08:45
yuriythis is the code:08:45
yuriy    options = [("+[appname] ", i18n("Application to change settings for"))] 08:45
yuriy    KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions( options )08:45
yuriyget this error:08:46
yuriy  File "./wineconfig.py", line 1738, in ?08:46
yuriy    KCmdLineArgs.addCmdLineOptions( options )08:46
yuriySystemError: error return without exception set08:46
omeowRiddell, did you find someone to do whatever it was you wanted to ksystemlog?08:50
_Simeyuriy: oh, I see08:50
Riddellomeow: nope08:52
omeowWhat exactly needed to be done?08:52
Riddellomeow: just needs the new version packaged (and an upstream version freeze exception request)08:52
omeowI've never done that before. Is it hard? :)08:52
omeowI built kaffeine with edgy sources before, is that somewhat similar?08:53
Riddellomeow: get the new version, make that tar into a .orig.tar.gz, copy the debian directory over, dch -i, debuild, see what breaks08:53
Riddellomeow: you might want to use it as an excuse to read the ubuntu packaging guide08:54
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yuriy_Sime: any clue what could be causing that error?08:54
_Simeyuriy: it doesn't seem to like the QString (  => i18n() )08:54
omeowRiddell, I'll try, but I can't promise anything. Will you be around to answer questions or are you busy?08:55
_Simeyuriy: let me look up the API docs....08:55
Riddellomeow: I'm around for a bit, others here can help too else ask in #ubuntu-motu08:55
omeowWhen you said new version, did you mean the one from kde-apps.org? Or do you have a link to the version you're talking about?08:56
_Simeyuriy: according to the docs you can't passing a QString. You need to use "char *" strings, which for us means plain old Python strings.08:57
_Simeyuriy: everything else going well?08:58
Riddellomeow: yes, kde-apps.org08:58
omeowOk, got it.08:58
yuriy_Sime: pretty much08:58
mhb_Sime: I looked at the docs08:59
_Simeyuriy: did you get my email which I sent ~15 min ago?08:59
yuriy_Sime: did you get the emails about the duplicate project + the resolution?08:59
yuriyah ic08:59
yuriyi did now08:59
_Simeyuriy: yeah, I read that.08:59
mhb_Sime: seems it's more popular to use "user=" and "pass=" with cifs, but "username=" and "password=" is accepted as well08:59
yuriy(just installed edgy last night, gotta install kcheckgmail :))08:59
yuriy_Sime: i guess i didn't forward you the last couple09:00
_Simemhb: so it is a case of s/smbfs/cifs/g?09:00
_Simeyuriy: that would be handy09:00
alleeRiddell, omeow: edgy has 0.3.2 and kde-apps and homepage lists this as the most recent version.09:00
omeowRight, I was about to say that I have this version already installed.09:01
Riddellah, sorted then09:01
=== omeow reads the packaging guide anyway.
mhb_Sime: I just need to check one more thing09:02
mhb_Sime: there is one problem 09:05
yuriy_Sime: also still need a good way to test audio09:05
_Simeyuriy: I swear that I read something on a wine mailing list about a test program for testing the audio drivers...09:06
mhb_Sime: "smbfs" driver accepts even the Windows name of the machine, while "cifs" needs a TCP name (I think that's how they call them)09:06
yuriy_Sime: that's in the source tree though, it's not installed as part of the package AFAICT09:06
_Simeyuriy: maybe it would be a good starting point if you have to hack something together.09:07
yuriyalso, it's a very complete test that runs for about a half hour -- not something practical for a user09:07
yuriy_Sime: yep. they did say that it SHOULD have a tool to play/test sound, but doesn't yet09:07
_Simeyuriy: you could cut that tool down to size.09:08
_Simemhb: that makes things tricky...09:08
mhb_Sime: a bit, yes09:08
_Simemhb: unless that is an easy way to map smb names to TCP (host??) names.09:08
mhb_Sime: well, cifs accepts even the IP address09:09
_Simemhb: doesn't samba have a command line tool for querying the name service thingy?09:09
mhb"//" works09:09
yuriy_Sime: it's C -- then have it be compiled as part of setup?09:09
yuriylike the extra x libraries in there09:09
mhb_Sime: I have never used it ... I'll check09:09
_Simeyuriy: yeah maybe, or try to get it into the wine tar ball as a standard thing.09:10
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mhb_Sime: you're right09:16
Riddellomeow: if you're looking for something to package try the monkey plugin from k3b09:16
mhb_Sime: it's called nmblookup09:16
mhb_Sime: it works fine09:16
mhb_Sime: and it is present in the ubuntu package09:17
_Simemhb: cool, I thought so09:17
mhb_Sime: in what package is the the Disks&Filesystems tool?09:19
_Simeyuriy: I just read those emails. cool. 09:21
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_Simemhb: kde-guidance09:21
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neoxanhi Seveas 09:23
neoxanhi kubuntu developers :)09:23
apacheloggerhalo neoxan09:24
neoxanhehe :)09:24
neoxantoll ein deutscher^^09:25
neoxanbzw. deutschsprechender09:25
_Simeyuriy: it looks like we should have some kick ass wine integration soon.09:25
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apacheloggerneoxan: even though I speak german, I just meant the MS xbox game :P09:25
yuriy_Sime: only to get it in universe...09:26
_Simeyuriy: that should also help get more time for testing and usability09:26
yuriy_Sime: btw, how to go about getting the icon to not appear if wine is not installed?09:26
neoxanlol apachelogger 09:26
neoxandoes anyone know what to do against seveas repression?09:26
neoxanhe bans me from every ubuntu channel09:27
neoxanand calls me an asshole and a loser09:27
_Simeyuriy: dunno. But I'm sure we can work something out later. don't worry about it right now.09:27
apacheloggerneoxan: so you should talk to him and ask why he does so09:27
_Simeyuriy: actually I think I know the answer.09:27
apacheloggermaybe buy him a gift?09:27
_Simeyuriy: systemsettings builds the list of icons etc using *.desktop files.09:28
neoxanapachelogger, <Seveas> i kick you because you're a pathetic abusive loser09:28
apacheloggerSeveas: lol :P09:28
mhbthis is not the right channel for solving such problems, imo09:29
neoxanwhat channel else?09:29
yuriy_Sime: I know, but the file is either installed or not.... how to get it to use it iff a certain package is there?09:29
neoxanhe will ban me everywhere09:29
_Simeyuriy: if we have two packages, kde-guidance and kde-guidance-wine, then we can put the *.desktop file in the kde-guidance-wine package09:29
yuriy_Sime: that's (mostly) why I asked at the beginning whether it'd end up a separate package09:29
neoxancan i mail mark or something?09:30
neoxanto kick seveas out of his team?09:30
neoxanhe is violating the CoC09:31
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_Simeyuriy: oh, we can distribute the source in one tarball, and let Riddel and friends package it as two packages.09:31
apacheloggerneoxan: first try to sort out your problem 09:31
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neoxani cant apachelogger, how?!09:32
neoxani already asked him..09:32
neoxani only get awnsers like that09:32
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neoxan<Seveas> well, this is what you get for being such a pathetic loser09:32
apacheloggerneoxan: mail him09:33
apacheloggerand send some cookies09:33
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neoxanlol, do you think that would change anything?09:33
apacheloggercookies are always a good idea :D09:33
yuriyhmm what are all these "qstring_to_xtp result code -2" messages i'm getting running programs in edgy09:34
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=== _Sime shrugs.
=== raphink gave up about 40 CDs to colleagues today :)
raphinkthey asked for them, didn't even have to force them 09:43
mhbgood boy :o)09:43
raphinkhehe :)09:44
raphinkmy colleagues are quite all linux sysadmins09:44
raphinkand they all came to ask for kubuntu dapper CDs today for some reason09:44
raphinksome asked for about 20 of them for friends and neighbours09:44
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=== apachelogger is hard working to get everyone in #amarok to wanna have one ;-)
neoxanone what?09:48
apacheloggerneoxan: one apachelogger for only 50 bucks per month :P09:51
neoxanall in one?09:51
apacheloggerthough - garden apachelogger is not included09:54
neoxanyoure welcome09:54
apacheloggerneeds special 24.99 bucks per month09:54
crimsunisn't this a bit ...off-topic for -devel?09:54
apacheloggerthough the garden apachelogger even cares about the perfect lenght and color of your lawn09:54
apacheloggercrimsun: do we have a better topic currently?09:54
crimsunapachelogger: sure, pick a kubuntu bug, discuss solution.09:55
apacheloggercrimsun: actually I should go to bed already ;-)09:56
apacheloggerthough I'm kind of too lazy for that09:56
neoxan--devel = geeky09:56
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Tm_Twhat's situation with edgy? I mean is there big breakages behind or something fun coming next week?10:05
Tm_TRiddell: edgy is meant to be a bit adventurous? something very unofficial kde4 preview perhaps if anything usable is ready by then?10:06
Tm_Tcrimsun: tell me more :)10:06
crimsunallee: where does the (incorrect) old URL (homepage) appear in speedcrunch?10:08
alleehave not checked.  Saw it only in apt-cache show speedcrunch (better than google to find homepages ;)10:09
alleecrimsun: maybe grep -r  berlios .  # if you have the sources10:09
crimsunok, so it's probably the description. I'll fix it.10:09
alleecrimsun: thx.10:10
alleecrimsun: for fun: enter a expression longer than the window width and press return?  -> speedcrunch unusable ;)  (reporeted upstream)10:11
alleeeh, reported10:11
=== toma_ is now known as toma
omeowHi toma.10:21
tomahi omeow10:21
omeowAre you using edgy?10:21
_Simetoma: Hi10:23
tomahi _Sime, how is life?10:24
tomaomeow: no10:24
_Sime~30C, inside the house.10:25
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toma31,5 under my flat roof, 45% humidity is killing, /me does a rain dance10:27
=== apachelogger joins toma dancing
omeowCan anyone else who uses edgy please install zsnes and see what happens on startup? It'll only take a minute or 2.10:30
omeowSince the move to edgy, it has been segfaulting on startup for me. And I'm trying to find out if anyone else is having this problem.10:31
crimsunomeow: please use strace -fF and/or gdb10:31
_Simetoma: it will probably be rain by the time the kde-nl bbq comes around.10:31
crimsunomeow: you may even need valgrind10:31
omeowI have those tools.10:31
toma_Sime: since when have you become that pessimistic?10:32
crimsunomeow: great, have you filed a bug with the details and output?10:32
omeowcrimsun, I don't know where.10:32
Mezomeow - best to ask seth about that - he's working on zsnes10:33
crimsunomeow: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug10:33
crimsunhi Mez 10:33
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Mezhey crimsun10:33
omeowMez, does he ever join this channel?10:34
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omeowcrimsun, I tried searching launchpad, but I found nothing on zsnes.10:34
crimsunomeow: but have you filed a bug? :)10:34
omeowNot yet.10:34
Mezomeow, yes - he's in here when he's online i believe10:35
Mezlemme see if I can find out whats going on with him10:35
Mez(i wortk with him on another project)10:35
omeowsearching via launchpad's search doesn't find zsnes, searching via google does find zsnes on launchpad.10:35
omeowMez, nah, don't worry about it. I'll give him a poke when I see him join or something.10:35
Mez<Mez> ne1 seen seth on irc lately ?10:36
Mez<Loona> He's on 'vacation'10:36
Mez<Potter> He'll be back Fridayish.10:36
omeowOki. Thanks. :)10:36
omeowcrimsun, interesting. The program runs when I use valgrind.10:37
crimsunsounds very much like a leak, then10:38
crimsunomeow: please file a bug on zsnes, and attach the output from valgrind --leak-check=full10:39
omeowYou mean about zsnes on launchpad? :)10:40
crimsunyes, that's what I mean by "please file a bug on zsnes"10:40
omeowSure. I'll try.10:40
Tm_Tapachelogger: mooh10:44
=== apachelogger goes to bed
Tm_Tactually I was saying good night :p10:45
Tm_Tso ->10:45
omeowcrimsun, filed. Thanks for telling me about strace. I never used that before.10:51
omeow( bug 54199 )10:53
UbugtuMalone bug 54199 in zsnes "zsnes segfault on startup" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5419910:53
crimsunomeow: np, thank /you/10:53
omeowGens for Linux (sega emulator) requires GTK+2.4.0, but GTK+2.0.0 seems to be installed. How do I get 2.4.0 installed?11:06
omeow(and why isn't the latest GTK+ version included in dapper/edgy repositories?)11:06
crimsun!info libgtk2.0-011:06
ubotulibgtk2.0-0: The GTK+ graphical user interface library. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.8.18-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2036 kB, installed size 4516 kB11:06
crimsunsay what, omeow?11:06
omeowchecking for GTK+ - version >= 2.4.0... no11:07
crimsunthat's checking for the headers and static libs.11:07
crimsunyou need libgtk2.0-dev.11:07
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
omeowThanks. :)11:08
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
omeowFails to compile with the error; 11:13
omeowemulator/g_main.c:755: error: static declaration of Build_Language_String follows non-static declaration11:13
omeowemulator/g_main.c:570: error: previous implicit declaration of Build_Language_String was here11:13
=== omeow searches around.
crimsunftbfs w/ gcc-4.111:15
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-199-86.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
crimsunfix the source.11:15
apacheloggerkood nikht all :-)11:17
mhb_Sime: is it a clean solution to use a subprocess to handle the nmblookup?11:18
mhb_Sime: forget the question, I'll do it my way :o)11:20
=== ZuZuu [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-21-46.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Mezwtf is en-us-fargo11:39
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@89-172-200-85.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellMez: a joke11:46
RiddellTm_T: we'd need to fix qt4-x11-kdecopy before looking at kde4, I've not worked out why it fails to compile11:47
mhb_Sime: the bad thing is that the code depends on samba now11:49
mhb_Sime: I have it almost ready, I'll test it tomorrow and send it to you11:49
MezRiddell: ah ... see - I was wondering wtf it was... and why the en-gb translators were in it11:49
_Simemhb: I don't think that is such a huge problem.11:50
mhb_Sime: no, but someone should probably add the dependency to the package, right?11:52
Riddell20:42 < seele> "Test" Hardware doesn't seem to work, and I'm wondering if its one of those thigns that is perpetually broken or if its just me11:53
Riddell_Sime: that's about displayconfig ^^11:53
MezRiddell: what the hell? katapult is in the ubuntu BOOK ?11:54
mhbkatapult deserves a better place in the kmenu, methinks :o)11:56
MezRiddell: bug 5392111:56
UbugtuMalone bug 53921 in katapult "katapult is not showing Konqueror" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5392111:56
MezRiddell: and apparently, katapult is the upstream for nmap11:58
Tm_TRiddell: roger, it's not issue for month or two, just silly idea we could do before release11:59
Tm_TRiddell: btw, kdecopy?11:59
RiddellTm_T: qt4-x11-kdecopy is the package I made of qt-copy from KDE trunk (== qt 4.2 + patches)12:00
mhbAd 53921: Konqueror is showing fine here in Edgy12:00
Tm_Taah, I see12:00
RiddellTm_T: if you want to work out why it hasn't compiled be my guest :)12:00
RiddellMez: upstream for nmap?12:00
Tm_TRiddell: well, I'll be delighted in 3 weeks, I doubt I can promise anything before that12:00
Riddellok :)12:01
Tm_Tshould know my labour status before any bigger tasks12:01
Tm_TI'm slowly getting myself back to normal daily life :)12:02
Tm_Tanyway, I think I should try to sleep, good night ->12:03

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