
intelikeyapt-cache search <what-ever>12:07
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timiyeah apt cahce search kde12:08
timiwhen your using kde does turn out so well12:08
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intelikeynormally dev  but sometimes  headers    you can filter with  | grep -ie <what_to_see>12:08
draikapt-cache search beer12:08
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intelikeyqbrew - Homebrewer's recipe calculator (uses Qt)12:09
intelikeyha  ha   and ha.12:09
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draikintelikey, I had to12:10
draikI'm wishing it was friday right now12:10
intelikeywas just pointing out that even  "apt-cache search beer"  was in the repos.12:10
draikI wonder....12:11
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draikDancing Penguin to XMMS12:12
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locobladehey guys quick question12:13
locobladehow do you have a program start up when linux starts up?12:14
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intelikeylocoblade init scripts12:14
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locobladelike in windows where you just drag it to the startup folder12:14
locobladeinit scripts?12:14
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intelikeylocoblade you want it to start on login or boot up ?12:15
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locobladelogin i suppose12:15
locobladeit's gaim12:15
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intelikeyadd the command (or a link to it) to ~/.kde/Autostart   iirc12:15
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locobladeanother question while im here12:16
intelikeyln -s /usr/bin/gaim ~/.kde/Autostart/gaim    maybe.12:16
timialright im waiting for headers, it looks like this could take a while.12:16
locobladeis installing java as simple as apt-get install java package?12:17
locobladei haven't restarted x server but that seems to easy12:17
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intelikeytimi yep you quickly learn to use the pre-build packages in the repos...  :)12:17
intelikeylocoblade i thought java was installed by default on dapper systems....   but yes it's simple.12:18
locoblademaybe it is12:18
BluesKajlocoblade,use adept to install java12:18
locobladei never thought that it might come with it12:19
draiklocoblade, Adept is only at version 1.4... go to the java website and get the newer version12:19
intelikeyevery time i'v installed dapper from the live cd i have immediately apt-get remove java   so it may only be default on the livecd install.....12:19
locobladei'll do that12:20
locobladeit's not on the computer12:20
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draiklocoblade, here is a direct link... http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp12:22
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timigeez the download was 73megs12:31
draikfor what/12:31
timii need a kde lib or someting12:32
timiso i just installed all this kde lib stuff12:32
timierr kde header12:32
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draikhope it works for you12:32
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timiit better f-in work12:32
timithe instal is 141megs12:33
draikenjoy your body merging with your seat!12:33
draiktimi, type '/sysinfo' please12:34
timiSysinfo for 'timi-laptop': Linux 2.6.15-23-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: GenuineIntel(R)CPUT2500@2.00GHz at 1997 MHz (4002 bogomips), , RAM: 986/1002MB, 110 proc's, 2.40h up12:34
draikminus the quotes12:34
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timisexy huh12:34
draikSysinfo for 'Lair': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: Intel(R)Pentium(R)4CPU3.20GHz at 3216 MHz (6432 bogomips), , RAM: 877/3031MB, 94 proc's, 1.51h up12:35
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draikyou're using 2.6.15-23? Never gotten the updates for 2.6.15-26?12:36
BluesKajSysinfo for 'BEDROOM': Linux 2.6.15-26-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ at 995 MHz (1992 bogomips), HD: 38/146GB, RAM: 471/947MB, 95 proc's, 2.32h up12:37
draikBluesKaj, how do you get it to show your hdd?12:37
cpk2gaim doesnt support /sysinfo12:37
draikranjan '/sysinfo'12:38
ranjanSysinfo for 'agni': Linux 2.6.15-26-386 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3400+ at 2211 MHz (4427 bogomips), HD: 13/145GB, RAM: 1765/2026MB, 112 proc's, 9.21h up12:38
draikranjan, would you know how to get HD to be displayed?12:39
BluesKajfar cry from my old bedroom system , 233 MMx 128Ram, 6G Hdd12:39
cpk2ranjan: only 9 hour uptime? psh =P12:41
timihow do iupdate12:41
draiktimi, update what?12:42
timijust sudo apt-get update12:42
draiktimi, yes12:42
draikranjan, how do you display the HD?12:42
cpk2timi: its sudo apt-get update and then after you do that you do sudo apt-get upgrade12:42
ranjanjust typed '/sysinfo'12:42
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timiyeah i know12:43
timii did that like a day ago i thought12:43
ranjanpower  cut in cali 9 hours back12:43
timianyways how do inow if kubuntu is actually using both cores12:43
timiwill it ust do that automatically12:43
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cpk2ranjan: where at?12:44
timicuz on windows when i used process manage it showed cpu ussage for bot cores ubuntu just shows one12:44
cpk2timi: maybe because it is just using one12:45
timidamn it i didnt get a dual core for nothing12:45
draikranjan, I do '/sysinfo' but it won't show my HD like it did for yours12:45
timianyone know how i get it to recognize both12:45
cpk2timi: pretty sure rebuild the kernel12:45
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timierrr that sounds redonkulous12:46
timii thing im good12:46
cpk2timi: shouldnt be too hard to recompile, there should be a walkthrough on the wiki i bet12:47
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BluesKajdoes yer HDD show up in the storage media folder?12:47
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BluesKajstrange eh?12:48
timihey i just ./configured something12:48
timiand it finally worked12:48
timiit said i should start make12:48
timido i just type make12:49
timior sudo make12:49
draikvery strange12:49
Hawkwindsudo make install if make succeeds12:49
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timihow do i know if it succeeds12:49
timiit didnt say error12:49
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jpiccolocan anyone help me get my sound working12:50
timii got it12:51
archangel_Hey guys I have a fresh install here, and I'm wondering why my web pages dont take up the full space of my browser12:52
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cpk2archangel_: using konquerer?12:52
BluesKajyer res is likely set too high12:53
archangel_cpk2: using both (kon. & firefox)12:53
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jpiccolowhy are the nvidia drivers so hard to set up12:54
wolfmanzATI ones are a pain to12:55
draikI never had an issue with my nVidia12:55
jpiccolomotherboard or video card12:55
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draikvideo card12:55
cpk2jpiccolo: just apt-get the drivers12:55
jpiccoloi am trying to get the chipset drivers to work12:55
jpiccolochipset cpk212:55
jpiccoloso i can listen to my 5.1 speakers12:56
jpiccolocan anyone help with that?12:56
cpk2jpiccolo: did you look on the manufacturers/nvidias site for source files?12:56
jpiccolonot the source files12:57
jpiccoloi installed the package12:57
jpiccolofrom nvidia12:57
jpiccoloseemed to work fine12:57
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jpiccolobut i get this error when i type nvmixer:12:57
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jpiccoloX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 15412:58
jpiccolo  Major opcode:  14312:58
jpiccolo  Minor opcode:  312:58
jpiccolo  Resource id:  0x012:58
jpiccoloFailed to open device12:58
jpiccoloX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 15412:58
jpiccolo  Major opcode:  14312:58
jpiccolo  Minor opcode:  312:58
jpiccolo  Resource id:  0x012:58
jpiccoloFailed to open device12:58
rr72how do i get cups working properly so i can print from my windows machine?12:59
vervirtJemand deutsches hier der mir helfen kann?12:59
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danhey does anyone know why i cant hear any sound when i use amorak?01:01
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danthe sound works when i use vlc to play movies01:02
rr72how do i set up cups so that i can print form other machines?01:02
jpiccolodan are u using 5.1 or just standard out01:02
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danjust standard01:02
Philip5Hawkwind: btw, the ./configure for libeet gets the same with easy e17 too so false alarm from my side... i just want this to be right before i do anything public01:03
danbut i've tried changing that01:03
Hikaru79O_O For some reason I'm banned from #php... and I've never even been there before.01:03
Hikaru79Can someone who happens to be in #php ask an op to unban my hostmask?01:03
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Rivelinothere ain't any ops01:04
danich komme aus deutschland01:05
vervirtKenste dich nen bischen aus mit Kubuntu?01:05
Hikaru79Oh =( Drat.01:05
dannur ein bischen01:05
vervirtIch kriege es nicht hin meine auflsung umzustellen.. weisste da was?01:06
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:06
ubotuI know nothing about dutch - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:06
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HawkwindDutch, German, it's all the same :P01:06
danhasst du das gesehen, frag dort mal01:06
danno its not01:06
coachJcan someone suggest a program to open corel files?01:07
Hawkwinddan: Regardless, it needs to be taken to the appropriate channel01:07
danso still, i have no idea why my sound works with some programs and not with others01:07
dani told him01:07
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vervirtbin zu dumm fr linux glaubsch01:08
danversuche #ubuntu-de01:08
vervirtda bin ich.. aber muss mich regn. aber will ich net^^01:08
vervirtweill bei mir alles bels gro ist^^01:08
dantut mir leid aber ich kann dir warscheinlich nicht helfen01:09
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danso does anyone have any suggestions on my sound problem01:09
draik!print < rr7201:10
ubotuI know nothing about print < rr72 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:10
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:10
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems01:10
draik!print > rr7201:10
danok cool01:10
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draikrr72, let me know if that works for you, I had/have issues with connectivity01:11
jpiccoloanyone have 5.1 sound?01:11
danwell my sound works just not with amorak01:11
draikjpiccolo, I have 5.1 and everything works fine01:12
jpiccolodraik, is it with the nforce chipset?01:12
draikI have onboard 5.1 audio support01:12
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draikmy motherboard is the Abit VT701:13
acojloHow can I resolve : couldn't open fontconfigs chosen font with Xft!!! from .xsession-errors ?01:13
draikI built this desktop, and I updated the BIOS and all, but don't recall ever having an issue/upgrade with the audio01:13
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patrick_Heh guys, I need help setting up VNC4server on Kubuntu 6.06 - everything installed but I get a grey screen and a black X upon vncviewer localhost:1 - Help pleeeease!01:14
rr72draik~ how do i so it, i have cps but my windows machine can't pirnt to it01:14
draikThis was back in 2003/200401:14
draikrr72, did you go to the last link... print sharing with windows01:15
draik!print > rr7201:15
rr72the printer works in kubuntu just can't connect in windows01:15
draikdid you follow the instructions?01:15
rr72it says network printing from xp i want to 2k01:15
draiksame diff01:15
rr72i don't want to print to windows i want to print to kubuntu from windows01:15
draikwhere is the printer connected?01:16
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scabootsscahow do i mount my linux drive?01:16
draikso lemme see if I got this right....01:16
rr72lots more switches and computers in there01:17
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rr72kubuntu goes to a switch that win2k connects to the switch as well01:17
rr72and the switch connects to a router01:18
rr72ill try the site01:18
rr72ty tho01:18
draikwhat site?01:18
draikthe one I sent you?01:18
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draikAnyone here done that?01:19
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ubuntushould the filetype for the swap file be linux-swap?01:19
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Dasnipa`ubotu, yes01:21
ubotuI know nothing about yes - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:21
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Dasnipa`ubuntu yes01:21
Dasnipa`erm mattttttt yes01:22
rr72in cupsd.conf i can use wildcards right?01:22
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matttttttjust checking :)01:23
matttttttwhen i hit continue 8 windows pop up saying "a new medium has been detected"01:24
matttttttnow what? >_<01:24
scabootsscawhere do i edit the lilo configuration?01:25
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matttttttCould not mount device.01:27
matttttttThe reported error was:01:27
matttttttmount: can't find /dev/sda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab01:27
scabootsscawhere do i edit the lilo configuration?01:27
matttttttthat's what happens when i do "open in new window" for one of the boxes01:27
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Terranceim comparing kubuntu to freespire.  can anyone outline some practical pros and cons to help me compare.01:32
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ubotuI know nothing about ? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:34
mattttttt"the test of the file system with type fat16 in partition #1 of SCSl1 (0,0,0) (sda) found uncorrected errors"01:34
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patrick_Heh guys, I need help setting up VNC4server on Kubuntu 6.06 - everything installed but I get a grey screen and a black X upon vncviewer localhost:1 - Help pleeeease!01:35
driz_hey guys how do i remove a program i installed usign wine I need disk space and i have a couple thing that are huge and they are in Wine...PLease help?01:36
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josh__i have 64 bit kubuntu01:37
josh__and i can't hear any bass01:38
RiddellTerrance: kubuntu will send you CDs free of charge, linspire will try and trap you into giving them money with CnR, otherwise try them both and decide for yourself01:38
josh__the song quality is good and all but there just is no bass01:38
h3sp4wndriz_: Find out where the wine part is (maybe in .wine) and delete it01:38
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Terrancefreespire is 100% free though.  has apt get too.01:38
coachJcan someone tell me how to leunch open draw, it is installed according ti adept but is not on the menu?01:38
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vervirtWie war der deutsche kubuntu chan noimma01:39
RiddellcoachJ: launch any other part of open office and make a New drawing document01:39
vervirthab schon01:40
josh__can anyone help me?01:40
=== timi [n=timi@adsl-69-151-57-245.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Terranceid like 2 learn key differences practically speaking, between freespire and kubuntu.01:40
timii spent all this time compilin kbootsplash and it doesnt work tear*01:40
josh__what other drivers could i use? alsa might be the problem01:40
coachJRiddell: thks boy do I feel stupid!01:41
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RiddellTerrance: they're both KDE based operating systems derived from Debian, they're both very similar01:43
Terrancepro's of freespire is see as easier dvd/mp3 out of the box.  a possibly con is auto update of the OS.  others!?01:43
RiddellTerrance: but kubuntu has dragons on it's homepage, which makes it cool.  and linspire is going bust.  take your pick01:44
Terrancelinspire is going bust for sure?01:44
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Terranceanyway freespire is a free version01:45
Riddellsupported by people who pay for Click and Run01:45
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josh__click and run pwns01:46
josh__at least it works most of the time...01:46
driz_h3sp4wn: I can't find it! I tried to open it but it wouldn't open01:46
josh__does anyone have any clue why i have no bass?01:46
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josh__adept won't let me change anything01:49
Terrancecan anyone give me any key pros of kubuntu over freespire?01:49
h3sp4wndriz_: I dont know where it would be put (dont use wine)01:50
driz_I want to install Maplestory and i want to remove those other things in WINE so I would be able to play it01:50
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cpk2whats freespire?01:51
ubotuI know nothing about freespire - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:51
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Hawkwindcpk2: Free version of LinSpire01:52
josh__guys it says adept is already running01:52
josh__this doesn't make sence01:52
josh__i just booted01:52
josh__so now i can't install packages01:52
HawkwindSo kill Adept01:52
Terrancegoogle it spk201:52
josh__how do i do that01:52
ironfroggywhere can i look for causes for my wifi card to not be able to receive dhcp leases? the router is assigning an IP when i requested, but the laptop seems to not be aware of it and times out.01:53
josh__i tried sudo killall adept but that doesnt do anything either01:53
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ironfroggyjosh__: do you see adept listed in a ps -A?01:53
rr72why can't my printer print anymore?01:54
ironfroggydo you have it running in another session?01:54
rr72it accepts jobs but the compputer can't access it01:54
ironfroggyor on another desktop?01:54
josh__well i just booted01:54
rr72"Unable to open parallel port device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied"01:55
josh__unless the root account is using it or something01:55
ironfroggymaybe the first time you tried to open it, you lost it in a different desktop.01:55
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josh__nope, nothing else is running on the desktops01:55
ironfroggyany other virutal terminals being used?01:55
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josh__is there any way to kill all running versions?01:55
_gregrr72, are you a member of the printer group?01:55
driz_YES!!! i got it it was pretty easy oh well01:56
rr72why wouldnt i be if i were able to print before?01:56
thilakis there a snagit alternartive for kubuntu01:56
thilakI just switched over to kubuntu full time01:56
ironfroggyjosh__: you can kill -9 it as a last resort.01:56
_gregyeah, good question.01:56
josh__how do i do that01:56
josh__just type in kill -9?01:56
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ironfroggywith the pid, yeah01:57
rr72process id01:57
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josh__ok so whats the command i need to type in lol01:57
josh__pd kill -9?01:57
scabootsscaanyone here have lilo installed?01:57
cpk2josh__: kill -9 pidhere01:58
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josh__bash: kill: pidhere: arguments must be process or job IDs01:58
josh__got that error01:58
rr72how do i get info on my/a user to see what groups they belong too?01:58
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ironfroggyjosh__: you actually typed "pidhere"? he meant "put the pid of the process you want to kill right here" not the actual word "pidhere"...01:59
_gregrr72, i used the user manager gui01:59
josh__i'm stupid guys01:59
josh__i got linux 3 days ago01:59
cpk2josh__: lol when i said pidhere i meant to use the pid of adept... when you do ps aux on the far left just to the right of the user name there is a "pid"01:59
josh__i am an absolute n00b01:59
rr72_greg~ how do i do text based01:59
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_gregrr72, don't know. is kde broken?02:00
rr72it was but i fixed it but im lazy to go to other comptuer so i ssh in02:01
_gregyou can start an x session with ssh02:01
josh__k i want to close adept, what is the command i need, i can't assume what to add02:01
rr72that just causes problems02:01
josh__kill -9 adept?02:01
rr72i get ICAuthority errors02:02
osirisfor java in firefox, do i have to do it by hand in kubuntu, or is there a package02:02
_gregyeah you may have a point02:02
rr72and KUser is broked02:02
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cpk2josh__: you will probably have to do it as sudo02:02
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rr72so i need to do in text since kuser doesnt start anything02:02
josh__so sudo kill -9 adept?02:03
rr72w/o ?02:03
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rr72_greg~ there is no printer group on my system anyways02:04
rr72dinner bbiab02:04
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josh__can i see the process???02:05
shrewdydoes anyone know how to downgrade GCC (4.0 >> 3.x)02:05
josh__where is the process manager in this02:05
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Gravygoatjosh__ if you want to kill a process by name, you can do it like this: "sudo killall adept"02:06
scabootsscahow do i use the chroot command i want to change my root from the current harddrive to a mounted one] 02:06
Agiosyou can uninstall gcc then install whatever version you want so long as it's in the sources02:06
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cpk2josh__: "ps aux" is like process manager so is "top"02:06
Agioskilling adept will leave the lock files in place02:07
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cpk2i think ksysguard is a gui process manager02:07
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Agioschroot /some/directory02:07
Hikaru79What is the "correct" way to install libxine-extracodecs? Is it in some repo (I've already checked multiverse), or should I grab the .deb manually from http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libxine-extracodecs and install it from there?02:08
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cpk2Hikaru79: the plf repo might have it?02:08
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Agiosgcc 3.3 is the lowest version I see in my sources02:08
abattoir!info libxine-extracodecs02:08
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB02:08
abattoirHikaru79: it is in multiverse, see if you have enabled it properly02:09
josh__i can't see anything this is so retarded02:09
cpk2josh__: ??02:09
crimsunif he can't see it, asking won't help ;-)02:10
josh__i can't see that adept is running02:10
josh__i don't know why it would be running at startup02:10
josh__what would use adept at startup?02:10
cpk2josh__: did you do ps aux and look for it in the list?02:10
crimsunthe notifier in the notification area in the bottom right, why?02:10
abattoirjosh__: You probably have 'session mangamement' on, so you must have not closed it the last time you logged out, and hence it'd have been started up.02:10
Hikaru79abattoir: are you sure?02:11
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josh__how do i kill session management02:11
abattoirHikaru79: yes, see if you Updated the packages list too02:11
Hikaru79I know packages.ubuntu.com says it is, but I've enabled multiverse, and of course apt-get update'd, but nothing =/02:11
abattoirjosh__: Kcontrol->KDE Components->Session mgmt.02:11
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abattoirHikaru79: make sure you have enabled it in the 'dapper' distribution and not 'dapper-backports'02:12
josh__no kde components in the kcontrol02:12
Hikaru79Ah, you are indeed correct, abattoir! Thank you very much =)02:12
draikAnyone here know how to rip a DVD?02:12
abattoirHikaru79: enabling it in dapper-backports is not wrong, but make sure you have it in dapper too02:12
Hikaru79I can't believe I overlooked that =x02:12
abattoirHikaru79:  :)02:12
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holoton1I installed ubuntu 6.06 clean from a disc, and then used apt-get to get kubuntu-desktop02:13
holoton1on multiple machines02:13
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josh__it says another packaging system is running02:13
holoton1for some reason, all of the browse file dialogue boxes are still gnome02:13
holoton1unless it's a KDE app, like digikam,02:14
holoton1is this normal?02:14
timihey how do i get this to stop remembeir sessions02:14
cpk2holoton1: do you still want gnome?02:14
holoton1not really, no02:14
abattoirholoton1: yes, if you are using GTK programs, like firefox, its common to see those boxes02:14
timii just want it to close all sessions when im done, or at least not reopen thme up02:14
holoton1firefox is gtk?02:14
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cpk2holoton1: having gnome and kde together can cause some wierd things, might be better off purging gnome heh02:14
abattoirtimi: Kcontrol->KDE Components->Session mgmt.02:14
josh__ok. it asys that another packaging system is running and its prolly apt-get or agtitude02:15
cpk2josh__: apt-get is run from the terminal and i highly doubt it is still going02:15
scabootsscai need help installing lilo02:16
cpk2dunno if aptitude has a gui i only use it for search but you can check using ps aux02:16
josh__grrrr linux02:16
josh__i use grub so i dont know what the hell lilo is02:17
scabootsscai cant get grub to work i got lilo to before though02:17
cpk2josh__: close the xmanager and then see if you can use apt-get02:18
josh__i have nothing like that running02:18
josh__i've actually never used apt get02:19
josh__i use adept...02:19
cpk2josh__: you know how to shut down xserver?02:19
josh__telinit 3 or something02:20
josh__or just log out and then login to console mode02:20
cpk2josh__: its pretty easy "sudo apt-get update" "sudo apt-get upgrade" "sudo apt-get install packageiwanthere"02:20
cpk2josh__: just do sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop02:20
crimsunjosh__: runlevels 2-5 are identical by default02:20
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Terrancewhich of the following are not default in kubutnu or easy and quick to install:  dvd, mp3, flash, java02:21
abattoirall of them :P02:22
cpk2pretty sure those are all quick and easy02:22
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.02:22
abattoirTerrance: ^^^^02:22
danok so i uninstalled amarok because i was having problems, but now i cant install it02:22
cpk2amarok is a movieplayer?02:22
cpk2could always try mplayer for movies and xmms for audio02:23
abattoircpk2: nah, its the best music player out there... :)02:23
abattoirdan: what is the problem?02:23
dananyways synaptic says that some of the libs are uninstallable02:23
cpk2hmm xmms sure seems nice to me...02:23
rr72who still uses parellel to hook up a printer?02:23
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php02:23
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abattoirdan: can you try 'sudo apt-get install amarok' in the command line and pastebin the output?02:24
OODcpk2: if you haven'tr tried amarok yet, then you're missing an important part of linux :P02:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:24
rooti'm in root now02:24
danubotu: have you tried installing that package02:24
ubotuI know nothing about have you tried installing that package - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:24
abattoirdan: ubotu is a computer program :)02:24
rooti'm in root and now i can use adept02:24
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rootthis is josh__ btw02:24
abattoirroot: change your nick, so people know who you are02:24
Terrancewot about automatix, that easier, better than easyubuntu?02:24
abattoiraah ok02:24
=== root is now known as josh__
danok hold on02:24
cpk2josh__: why did you log into kde as root?02:25
josh__cuz i updated adept and then i had to be in root02:25
abattoirTerrance: i've used neither, but people say easyubuntu is more user-friendly, especially for new users...02:25
josh__then i typed in startx02:25
cpk2i said shutdown xserver and then try using apt-get02:25
josh__cuz i was in console02:25
rr72who uses a parallel printer still?02:25
patrick_abattoir: french?02:25
abattoirpatrick_: the nick, yes, me, no :)02:25
cpk2josh__: you really shouldnt be logged in doing normal things as root02:25
josh__ya i need to do sudo when i use apt-get02:25
cpk2yeah you dont need to log in as root, just do sudo and supply the password02:26
josh__how about installing packages though02:26
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:26
cpk2lets say you want to install a package named coolprogram02:26
cpk2you do sudo apt-get install coolprogram02:26
=== nikkiana sighs.
rr72who has a parellle printer?02:27
cpk2josh__: you should probably log out of root btw02:27
josh__i'll do that now02:27
cpk2root is for when you do things that need it not for everyday things02:27
danhere you go abattoir02:27
abattoirdan: try 'sudo apt-get -f install'02:28
abattoirdan: see if any packages are being removed...02:28
cpk2is it just me or does josh_ seem like he is a little afraid of the command line?02:28
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rr72who still uses parellel printer? i need some help02:28
dansame thing02:29
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abattoirdan: 'sudo apt-get install ruby' ?02:29
=== rr72 loves the command line
abattoirdan: could you try that?02:29
dansure but i'm sure thats not gonna work02:30
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abattoirdan: well, i want to find why ruby is broken...02:30
josh__i'm back02:30
abattoirdan: but afaik, ruby is not a mandatory dep for amarok02:30
timihow do you uninstall a non kde program you installed02:30
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timii went to add remove programs but it wasnt there02:30
danruby is not available02:30
abattoirdan: also which version of amarok are you trying to install?02:30
abattoir!info ruby02:30
uboturuby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB02:30
danthe newest one02:30
patrick_timi - apt-get remove?02:30
josh__i think i know what happened02:31
_gregrr72, i was away for awhile. have you tried cancel?02:31
abattoirdan: 1.4.1, you added the kubuntu.org repository?02:31
josh__i was trying to install the java package02:31
rr72cancel for what?02:31
josh__and it stopped in the middle of the installation02:31
abattoirdan: did you do a 'sudo apt-get update'?02:31
josh__so i had to close adept02:31
rr72_greg~ i don't even know what we were talking abuot02:31
dani'll try that02:31
cpk2josh__: have you finished the java installation yet then?02:32
josh__i coudn't02:32
josh__it just stops.02:32
cpk2dont use adept to do it02:32
_gregthe lp man page gives the command "cancel" to cancel any print jobs.02:32
cpk2open a terminal and do sudo apt-get -f install02:32
danno updates02:32
abattoirdan: dapper right?02:32
dani know02:33
danits weird huh02:33
rr72_greg~ i can cancel them all from my windows machine02:33
cpk2dan: what do you mean no updates? update doesnt actually install anything02:33
abattoirdan: indeed :), ruby is main, wonder why you get that erro02:33
rr72_greg~ says i don't have access to the port the printer is connected too02:33
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danwell i went into synaptic to verify any updates02:34
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danand also adept02:34
danand nothing02:34
josh__i think its done02:34
danlet me try installing ruby from synaptic02:34
cpk2josh__: did it let you finish the java installation when you did that?02:34
josh__Unpacking replacement sun-java5-jre ...02:34
josh__Setting up sun-java5-jre (1.5.0-06-1) ...02:34
josh__Setting up ia32-sun-java5-bin (1.5.0-06-1) ...02:34
abattoirdan: i'd like to see the output of 'sudo apt-get install ruby libgpod0 libifp4' and see your /etc/apt/sources.list file02:34
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:34
josh__is it done now?02:34
abattoirdan: you could put both on pastebin, separately02:35
cpk2josh__: what does java --version tell you?02:35
josh__could not create02:35
josh__ya it f'd itself again02:35
danok hold on02:35
josh__wait a sec02:35
josh__did i tell you that i'm on the 64 bit version of kubuntu?02:35
cpk2josh__: no02:36
josh__omg i'm so sorry lol02:36
abattoirdan: you also have universe and mulitverse enabled right?02:36
josh__is that the problem?02:36
rr72josh__~ that mightve helped a while ago02:36
cpk2josh__: read that link for java02:36
dani thought it wasnt safe02:36
=== GIGANTOR stands in line
cpk2josh__: that link will explain how to install java for 64bit02:36
=== rr72 pokes GIGANTOR
=== GIGANTOR picks up a few people and moves them aside
abattoirdan: enabling universe/multiverse is not safe?02:36
rr72GIGANTOR~ do u have a perallel printer?02:37
josh__ah here we go02:37
=== cpk2 cuts in front of GIGANTOR
josh__i'm downloading it02:37
dani thought some of the programs arent safe to install from there02:37
GIGANTORa parallel printer? umm02:37
GIGANTORi have no printer at all  ;P02:37
abattoirdan: nope, nothing like that.... unofficially atleast02:37
danshould i try that?02:37
timihow come the defaults streams in amarok have no sund02:37
abattoirdan: yes, please do02:37
abattoirdan: because libifp4 is in universe02:37
dani had the same problem as timi02:37
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GIGANTORmy question is easier than these peoples02:38
danthats why i uninstalled in the first place02:38
abattoirdan: which one is that? i've seen timi here for 2 days w/ various probs :P02:38
danno sound in amarok02:38
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cpk2abattoir: i think thats the problem he had, various troubles with linux02:38
cpk2sounds like a problem to me hehe02:38
abattoircpk2: well, lot of people are not used to it, so its perfectly normal :)02:39
abattoir*a lot02:39
Terranceok, if easyubuntu is easy, a new kubuntu user gained here02:39
Terrancethanks for the help02:39
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abattoirTerrance: :)02:39
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Terrancei just hope the overly blue kubuntu icons go....yuk, no colour, just bluuuue02:39
danok well i'll add universe and multiverse and try it that way02:39
abattoirdan: if enabling multiversse and universe dont work, paste the stuff i asked you to, and ping me w/ the links02:39
rr72i need help getting my printer to work, i can't access the port its on02:40
GIGANTORTerrance, well in Ubuntu you have brown, so take your pick  ;P02:40
abattoirGIGANTOR: isnt it orange now?02:40
Terrancethere shudnt be a colour lol02:40
GIGANTOR=x  may be02:40
cpk2Terrance: i think there are themes you can download from the repos02:40
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GIGANTORi don't swing that way02:40
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Terrancethe icons on the desktop shud be as per other icons in the OS, various easy to see, intuitive icons with colour, helping to signify them02:40
abattoirTerrance: this is KDE, change whatever you want, however you want :)02:40
Terrancei know02:40
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abattoirTerrance: you get icons on the desktop? by default?02:41
cpk2josh__: you seem to get worked up pretty easily =P02:41
Terrancebut i think kubuntu and ubuntu shud steer off coloured icons like that by default.  its much less intuitive and clear.02:41
josh__i know02:41
GIGANTORUbuntu is still in the 70's, live in the NOW my man02:41
josh__i have messed up linux 4 times02:41
cpk2abattoir: my hdd shows up on the desktop by default02:41
timiso any ideas as to why i dont have sound coming thought an amarok stream02:41
timiits one of those streams that are there by defualt02:42
josh__this is the 4th version of linux i've tried02:42
GIGANTORtimi- does any sound work?02:42
abattoircpk2: hmmm... i remember getting an icon-less desktop when i installed it recently somewhere...02:42
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timigigator yes02:42
cpk2abattoir: maybe its because my hdd is external?02:42
abattoircpk2: i guess it is unmounted and you have that option enabled :)02:42
abattoircpk2: yes, :)02:42
cpk2a 400 gig hdd is a bit expensive if you get it for a laptop02:42
patrick_Anyone to assist me with setting up a VNCserver? I get a grey screen...02:42
cpk2much better to get an internal one and buy a 20 dollar case02:43
abattoircpk2: i actually mean icons like Home, Documents, Network etc.... not device icons... which are actually handy02:43
Terrancewhos cud change/modify the blue/brown coloring of desktop icons to be less colour specific, more intuitive?02:43
timigigantor yes02:43
AgiosWhen I installed I had no icons on the desktop.02:43
GIGANTORtimi- does anything else in amarok (mp3) play correctly?02:43
Terranceor who/where shud i feedback this02:43
timii dont  think ive downloaded the mp3 packages02:43
cpk2abattoir: ah, nope none of those, just my hdd =)02:43
josh__ok there is no release of java02:43
abattoirTerrance: try another icon theme from kde-look.org02:43
josh__in 64 bit02:43
Terranceyer i will02:43
GIGANTORdoh..  try and play something else first in amarok before tackling the stream bit02:43
cpk2josh__: you go to the sun website?02:43
abattoirTerrance: or i'd suggest crystal clear, which is also in the repos02:44
rr72i need help with my parrelela printer02:44
GIGANTORchances are amarok needs to talk to your soundcard correctly, which is slightly different02:44
abattoirjosh__: iirc, there is02:44
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Agiosprobably mixer settings02:44
patrick_Ok, about the icons on the desktop : System : Desktop : @comportement@ * french, i know... Then, unselect @show icon on desktop.02:44
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abattoirjosh__: there is not firefox/mozilla plugin though02:44
GIGANTORtimi-  well, not different, but...  helps to know to troubleshoot the prob02:44
Terrancebut im on about a more suitable generic desktop icons as default, like freespire.02:44
cpk2josh__: you obviously didnt read that link closely, let me copy paste the part you missed  It is also available for i386 and AMD64, but use on such installations is not discussed here.02:44
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timiok how does it talk to my soundcard...02:45
josh__* There is no browser plugin for AMD64. You will need to install a 32bit version of Firefox. See below.02:45
cpk2josh__: looks like you need to go get the source from sun02:45
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cpk2josh__: yes, but you are still trying to install sun java02:45
josh__i think i'm just gona install 32 bit linux lmao02:45
GIGANTORtimi- do you know what sound driver you use?02:45
Terranceand can the date/time at least move back to the quick and easy bottom right, as expected/easier!?02:45
josh__well i think thats what messed up adept02:45
josh__and i hate commands02:45
josh__so i think i'll just get that02:45
GIGANTORtimi-  brb, lemme look at amarok for a sec02:46
josh__ok peace out everyoen02:46
cpk2josh__: what happened when you tried getting sun java with adept is that it required you to consent to a license and adept didnt know what to do02:46
danok it worked02:46
josh__it went to install then stopped and i had to exit adept02:46
rr72who uses a parallel printer still?02:46
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danthanx abattoir02:46
Terrancecheers and nite all.  date and time bottom right, and no blue icons....please....nite02:46
josh__and u click details02:46
danbut now i have the same problem again02:47
josh__then u see the thing and u hit enter and it goes through a thinger02:47
GIGANTORtimi- go to amarok, right click and goto configure amarok02:47
cpk2josh__: thats because you had to accept the license, running dpkg-reconfigure sun-java5-bin should fix it02:47
GIGANTORtimi-  then go to engine02:47
cpk2i think02:47
GIGANTORtimi- and see what your output plugin is set for02:47
danmine is alsa02:47
dani have the same problem gigantor02:48
timigigantor it says xine02:48
GIGANTORdan-  in system settings under sound does it show that you're using the ALSA driver?02:48
azaghalOk, I know that this is probably extremly boring questio to ask, but I need someone to help me set up the bloody winmodem (SmartLink one). A step by step would be appriciated. The most imporatnt part to me is what additional packages I need for this thing. I believe the rest is well enough covered in a wiki page. The install is a fresh Kubuntu 6.06 (PURE, no additional packages:). Anyone up...02:48
azaghal...to the task?02:48
GIGANTORtimi-  try it with alsa and restart the program02:48
=== jtinney [n=jtinney@197.sub-70-212-24.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu
josh__dpkg-reconfigure: cannot connect to X server02:48
josh__debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Kde02:48
josh__debconf: (DISPLAY problem?)02:48
josh__debconf: falling back to frontend: Dialog02:48
josh__OH MY GOD!02:48
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leighwhy the hell dont i see a kdevelop package in kubuntu... ?02:49
josh__peanut linux looks good i should try that02:49
GIGANTORdan, do you get any sound at all out of anything02:49
timihrmm no sound still02:49
josh__alright later guys02:49
dani've tried all the different drivers02:49
cpk2josh__: you do this    sudo apt-get install libqt-perl   sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf   ?02:50
Agiosjosh, did you do that from $ sudo or #?02:50
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GIGANTORdan- do you use a digital output on your soundcard?02:50
dani've tried several different configs02:50
GIGANTORtimi-  arrrgh, that sucks..02:50
GIGANTORtimi-  i'm out of ideas then, for i am a wee little nooblet myself02:50
dani'm having the same problem it just sucks02:51
GIGANTORdan-  if you're not getting any sound thats different02:51
dandoes yours work gigantor?02:51
danok hold on02:51
GIGANTORdan-  do you know how to open kmix?02:51
rr72anyone stll using parallel printers?02:51
abattoirdan: amarok installed?02:51
danoh yeah thank you very much02:51
GIGANTORjust a question ;P02:51
cpk2rr72: i think parallel printers were phased out a long time ago02:51
danbut now my streams dont work02:51
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Agiosleigh: I have kdevelop3 in my sources.02:51
GIGANTORwell goto the switches tab02:51
GIGANTORand enable digital output02:51
rr72cpk2~ then why does linux still support them?02:51
abattoirdan: only streams... or nothing works?02:52
azaghalOk, I know that this is probably extremly boring questio to ask, but I need someone to help me set up the bloody winmodem (SmartLink one). A step by step would be appriciated. The most imporatnt part to me is what additional packages I need for this thing. I believe the rest is well enough covered in a wiki page. The install is a fresh Kubuntu 6.06 (PURE, no additional packages:). Anyone up...02:52
azaghal...to the task?02:52
abattoirdan: also if they are mp3 streams, do normal local mp3s work?02:52
GIGANTORdan-  just turn on an mp3 and mash buttons in the switches part, you're bound to find something that works.  (MAKE SURE YOU'RE NOT ON MUUUUTE)02:52
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cpk2rr72: i meant production wise, not very many people probably manufacture them any more, therefor almost no one will have one02:52
rr72make sure ur speakers are plugged in too02:52
danwell as funny as it sounds i dont have any mp3's02:52
danwell none that i know of02:52
GIGANTORsad bastard.02:52
danlet me put a cd in hold on02:53
GIGANTORdan- download frostwire  ;)02:53
danmy sound works fine with other programs02:53
cpk2make sure the sound isnt being tied up by something else02:53
rr72but a cd is different02:53
cpk2can you ahve sound going from 2 programs at once?02:53
GIGANTORdan-  oh, i thought you said none of it worked02:53
daneven system sounds02:53
danoh sorry02:53
rr72GIGANTOR~ can u tell me what this means?02:53
GIGANTORdan-  try xmms02:53
GIGANTORrr72-  i am a noob man, don't put too much hope in me02:54
GIGANTORjust helping with things i've had to deal with02:54
rr72"Unable to open parallel port device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied"02:54
timimeh dvd sound worked02:54
GIGANTORrr72-  what is this device?02:54
danis that a program02:54
timii just played starwars02:54
GIGANTORtimi-  ;P02:55
GIGANTORtimi-  i say go get some codecs for that mammy02:55
abattoirtimi: amarok plays nothing? or is it only mp3s ?02:55
dani have the same problem as timi02:55
GIGANTORdan-  yes02:55
danjust doesnt play streams02:55
leighAgios: figured it out ;)02:55
GIGANTORdan-  it's kinda like winamp a little02:55
abattoirdan: which ones?????02:55
dani just looked it up02:55
cpk2GIGANTOR: i am pretty sure xmms is a winamp clone02:56
cpk2since it looks and behaves like winamp02:56
GIGANTORhell, let me see if *I* can play streams  ;P02:56
GIGANTORnever have tried02:56
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GIGANTORtimi-  you there?02:56
danall of them02:56
dansome i dont have the right plugin for and some that do come up i cant hear02:57
GIGANTORtimi-  you said the output said XINE, right?  were you talking about the picture above the output plugin button?  cos that don't mean jack02:57
timiyeah the picture said xine02:57
timithen under it said autodetect02:57
GIGANTORtimi-  click in that box and put on ALSA02:57
timii changed that to alsa02:57
GIGANTORoh ok02:58
timido i need to restart x maybe02:58
GIGANTORyou shouldn't have to, but i dunno02:58
azaghalOk, I know that this is probably extremly boring questio to ask, but I need someone to help me set up the bloody winmodem (SmartLink one). A step by step would be appriciated. The most imporatnt part to me is what additional packages I need for this thing. I believe the rest is well enough covered in a wiki page. The install is a fresh Kubuntu 6.06 (PURE, no additional packages:). Anyone up...02:59
azaghal...to the task? Please? Pretty please? :)02:59
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danwell gigantor i dont know anymore02:59
dandid yours work?02:59
GIGANTORi'm looking for the streaming bit02:59
=== timi [n=timi@adsl-69-151-57-245.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
rr72who can help me with "Unable to open parallel port device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied" ?03:00
=== thompa [n=lucy@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:01
thompawhats the flash program i need?03:01
GIGANTORsearch in adept03:02
GIGANTORtimi, dan...   dunno about the streaming bit03:03
GIGANTORlol, i don't even see it03:03
GIGANTOR(doesn't use amarok)03:03
thompafound it, kid needs miniclip.com03:03
danok i accidently clicked on another driver, now i cant even open amarok03:03
cpk2you guys might want to try xmms03:03
GIGANTORthompa=  word of advice03:03
thompaits hard to find03:03
GIGANTORrun flash in firefox in Wine03:03
GIGANTORotherwise your a/v will not always sync up properly03:03
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thompaalways when i enable all the repos i get tons of errors, too lazy to sort out03:03
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Agiosapt-cache search flash03:04
danok i got it03:04
GIGANTORlol, what was it?03:04
=== brian__ [n=focker@c-69-242-177-128.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
thompabut its the same on every install. if i enable all the repos so i can get crap like flash, i get constant errors of multiple repos03:04
cpk2thompa: probably bad entries in sources.list03:04
cpk2thompa: pastebin your sources.list03:05
thompait still upgrades, i just dont feel like going through and finding which are the bad duplicates or whatever03:05
GIGANTORdan-  help out timi  ;P03:05
danno i didnt get the sound to work man03:05
dani have no idea whats going on03:05
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thompabasically i enabled everything from new install03:05
dani've tried several different combinations of drivers and sound outputs and still nothing03:06
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GIGANTORdan, check pm03:06
thompait still says flash 6 required in firefox03:07
GIGANTORdan-  nvm, found it03:07
danon the left hand side where it says playlist03:07
GIGANTORhad the other view-setup of amarok going03:07
GIGANTORdidn't have that  ;P03:07
danhey is wine a good program03:08
dani'm installing it now03:08
dannever used it before03:08
rr72how do i add a user to a group from cmd line/shell?03:08
thompai installed flash free, but firefox says i need flash for the damn kids site03:08
GIGANTORit's excellent if you need to install and run Windows apps03:08
Agiosthompa: make sure you have plf sources enabled then do: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, restart firefox, done.03:09
danwhat about games?03:09
cpk2thompa: you got the wrong flash03:09
GIGANTORsome games run through it fine, some don't03:09
cpk2you dont need plf Agios03:09
dani got flash from adobe.com03:09
danit works great03:09
GIGANTORtheres a list on winedb.com someplace that shows you what works and what doesn't game wise03:09
thompawhats the name of the flash package then03:09
danoh cool03:09
thompaill try adobe03:10
Agiospehaps not then.03:10
GIGANTORthompa-  i think it suggests the proper one for you03:10
GIGANTORalthough the adept one should work fine03:10
GIGANTORjust disable some of those repos if you get errors03:10
thompathis one aint worken03:11
thompait says it needs flash 6, it worked before on an earlier install03:11
GIGANTORdan-  what stream are you trying?03:11
Agiosthat site works fine with flashplugin-nonfree03:11
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danany of them03:12
danhouse trance03:12
danany of the ones i've tried03:12
dani'm slowly giving up on the problem to be honest03:12
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CheeseBurgerManWhat problem?03:12
rr72shit i didnt somin and i can't sudo any more03:12
danwhen using amarok, i cant hear any sound03:12
GIGANTORewww, got one to work and it SUCKS the big one03:13
danwhich one>?03:13
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rocketman768dan: do you hear sound otherwise?03:13
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GIGANTORdigitally imported - progressive   about 5th one down03:13
timiso exactly wht is amaroK good for again03:13
rr72somone please save me03:13
GIGANTORtimi-  lol03:13
rr72i can't sudo anymore03:13
OODtimi: it's good for being the best audio player of course!03:14
Agioswhat message do you get?03:14
GIGANTORdan-  ok, it's getting better now03:14
timiok i put a cd in the drive03:14
rr72USER is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.03:14
timiit doesnt open with amarok03:14
timiit opens wiht Kaffeine03:14
danyes i hear sound with anything else03:14
GIGANTORok, it sucks again03:15
Agiosrr72, type exit03:15
rr72what did that do?03:15
GIGANTORooooh, ambiet stuff03:15
Agiosnothing in an irc channel, try it in your terminal window03:15
=== GIGANTOR likes
rocketman768dan: then there is a setting that deals with how sound is output in amarok...i don't remember exactly where it is. Play with it. My guess is that you will have to select ALSA.03:15
cpk2Agios: lol03:15
timihey ood i want to rip a cd then put the files in amarok03:15
rr72why i will just lose the ssh connection03:15
dani've tried it all already man03:15
timihow would i go about doing that03:15
rr72Agios~ now what?03:16
rr72my ssh window just closed03:16
rocketman768dan: screw amarok. use xmms. it always works for me03:16
GIGANTORlet me see if i put it on another sound output if it stops playing03:16
abattoirtimi: try audiocd:/ in konqueror03:16
Agiosrr72, you were ssh'd to another system and using sudo?03:16
GIGANTORno sir, it does03:16
rr72i always do it03:17
thompastill cant get flash03:17
dandoes it have streams?03:17
OODtimi: you can use KAudioCreator03:17
Agiosok, ssh back in and try again03:17
timiok then i organize the files in amarok?03:17
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:17
danalright i'm switching to xmms03:18
rr72i keep getting mail saying that i am trying to sudo and i can't03:18
rr72from the system03:18
OODtimi: amarok automatically organized all your files, you just provide the folder with all your music03:18
timino encoder has been selected  it says03:18
rr72Agios~ still nothing, i think i deleted myself accedently by typing usermod03:18
timiwhen i open up kaudio creater03:18
timii have a feeling i need to apt get something03:18
OODtimi: just go to setting and select an encoder03:19
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Agiosrr72: you can hurt yourself with usermod03:19
thompai got flash plugin non free installed,03:19
rr72i need to undo what i just did03:19
Agiossounds like you are going to be booting rescue mode to fix that03:19
timicould i just open it in konqi like someone said and pull out the mp3 or the ogg vorbis03:20
rr72how do i fix it?03:20
rr72i know how to boot and all that just what do i need to cahnge?03:20
Agiosrr72: what usermod command did you enter to break it?03:20
OODtimi: it might be possible, but i haven't tried03:20
matttttttanyone know if photoshop works with linux?03:20
timidont work03:20
timiill go your way03:20
rr72sudo usermod -G lp USER03:20
OODmattttttt: depends waht version03:20
abattoirmattttttt: 7 works very well under wine03:20
GIGANTORi already hate amarok03:21
OODand you need to cut down on the 't's :P03:21
OODinstalling CS2 doesn't work03:21
Agiosrr72: you probably dropped yourself out of a group needed for sudo03:21
mattttttthmm bummer03:21
rr72how do i add myself03:21
OODyou can copy it over, but it'll complain about not being registered or something of that sort03:22
GIGANTORoooh, gaming music.  Maybe this isn't so bad..03:22
mattttttti realize it comes with apps, but i know PS pretty good03:22
rr72wait i can't since i can't sudo03:22
timihey ood03:22
OODand it'll shut down immediatly03:22
thompagot flash installed path was wrong03:22
rr72where do i manually by file edit what groups i am in ? /etc/?03:22
GIGANTORdan-  you still around?03:22
timii went to encode file but only wav was there03:22
timiand wav is huge03:22
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timiwhere was vorbis or mp303:22
thompawhats wrong with amarok03:22
rr72admin prolly03:22
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Agiosrr72: reboot into rescue mode then chroot and usermod -G adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin <youruser>03:23
OODtimi: only wav? i have mp3, ogg and flac to chose from besides wav03:23
GIGANTORbom tss bom tss bom tss03:23
OODtimi: you have extra xine codecs installed?03:23
Agiosrr72: I suspect you dropped admin group03:23
rr72i did03:23
timiyea installed03:23
Agiosalong with everything else there03:23
rr72chroot whats that?03:24
timiOOD where do you got to choose encoder03:24
rr72do i need a cd or no?03:24
Agiosactually, you won't need to chroot. forget that.03:24
rr72just select rescure from grub right?03:24
thompahp desktop for windows really sucks, it took over 4 hours to install windows media center, total crap, pc rebooted 11 times during install i counted it03:24
OODtimi: start KAudioCreator->settings->encoder03:24
Agiosnope, just reboot and at the boot prompt hit ESC and arrow down to the rescue mode or whatever it says03:24
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dani'm back03:25
GIGANTORdan- np03:25
rr72i need to select it from grub03:25
thompaim going to go to windows irc to complain03:25
GIGANTORwhatcha got03:25
timihrm i dont have that under settings03:25
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thompasee ya03:25
danwell i'm gonna go play with wine now03:25
Agiosit's (recovery mode)03:25
GIGANTORsorry i couldn't help man...  but i am a noob as well03:25
timii have hide toolbar, and hide status bar OOD03:25
GIGANTORa week into linux  =S03:25
rr72it was from grub03:25
danits all good03:25
Agiosrr72: yes, select recovery mode from grub.03:25
danwe'll figure it out sooner or later, just dont give up03:26
rr72GIGANTOR~ a week>03:26
GIGANTORwish you could pm03:26
GIGANTORrr72, lol yeah03:26
rr72a couple years for me03:26
dani'll register soon03:26
OODtimi: settings->Configure KAudioCreator-?Encoder03:26
GIGANTORi'm a tinkerer though03:26
AgiosI think I would use something other than amarok to get my sound working.03:27
GIGANTORi've studied the GUI pretty well03:27
GIGANTORhardware wise i know JACK03:27
timii have oggenc lame, leave as wav and flac03:27
timiwhihc one is mp3 the lame one lol03:27
=== GIGANTOR looks for a heavy metal stream
rr72Agios~ u forgot to tell me i needed ,s03:28
GIGANTORman, no metal stations03:28
GIGANTOR"rock" is extremely misleading as well03:28
Agios ,s ?03:29
timihi set to lame03:29
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timithen i selected all tracks and burned03:29
Agiosoh, sorry03:29
matttttttis there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal?03:29
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rocketman768"rock" is sort of like saying "soft drink" there are a million types03:29
AgiosI just listed my groups and pasted them03:29
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GIGANTORmodern U2 is not rock...03:30
timifirst track it said removed wave file it said selected encoder not found03:30
GIGANTORi don't care how ya slice it03:30
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GIGANTORPOSSIBLY back in the joshua tree days, but even then..03:30
rr72u coulda done it in client03:30
rr72users uucp dialout audio video03:31
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rr72ok how do i fic my printer?03:31
rocketman768smash it like in the movie office space ;)03:31
GIGANTORd*mn it feels good to be a gangsta..03:32
Agiosrr72: in the future when you want to add a group to a user use: gpasswd -a <user> <newgroup>03:32
Agiosthat won't delete the existing groups03:32
timihow do i rip a freaking cd03:32
rr72someone told me wrong in #kde03:32
GIGANTORtimi-  what program are you using?03:33
GIGANTORno f'n wonder, this "rock" station is from the UK...03:33
Agioslast time I ripped a CD I used grip. Been a good while though.03:33
GIGANTORi ripped one using something the other day, lemme look03:34
timii start with putting a cd in the drive03:34
GIGANTORit was extremely easy, whatever it was03:34
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matttttttis there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal?03:34
=== mattttttt asks again :)
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OODyou can use katapult03:35
GIGANTORyeah, it was KAudioCreator03:35
lnxkdesomeone knows any nice racent movie, documental, video that talks about linux???03:35
matttttttahh thanks OOD03:35
timialright gigantor then wht did you do03:35
timiit keeps telling me encoding is wrong or something03:36
OODjust type in the first few letters of a program and it'll start up, really handy03:36
timiit tickes me off03:36
matttttttyeah that is convenient03:36
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=== GIGANTOR is afk
timii said ripe lame03:37
timiit said remove wav file selecoted encoder was not found command was --lame03:37
timior something03:37
timiwhat does that mean03:38
robotgeekmattttttt: you can also set up a shortcut thru kcontrol03:38
rr72ok i need help getting my printer working03:39
timiwhere do ripped files go as defualt03:39
rr72it did work but now it doesnt03:39
Agiosrr72: try setting it up again via System Settings03:40
rr72agin? it works jsut i don't ave access to port03:40
rr72"Unable to open parallel port device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied"03:41
rr72from :631/printers i see that03:41
Agiosls -ls /dev/lp003:41
Agiospaste the line here03:41
rr72root is owner and lp is group03:42
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Agiossame here03:42
DahgolCan i run games with xgl?03:42
timican anyone help me burn a cd03:42
rr72with what on it?03:43
rr72use k3b03:43
CheeseBurgerMantimi: Seen K3b?03:43
timiwhat is that03:43
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:43
CheeseBurgerMantimi: A CD burning application.03:43
CheeseBurgerManIt should be installed by default.03:43
timio sorry03:43
timii meant rip a cd03:43
CheeseBurgerManI think it rips CDs as well03:43
abattoir_timi: didnt i tell you about audiocd:/ ?03:43
rr72Agios~ ?? any ideas?03:44
abattoir_you just have to copy the folder and paste it03:44
Agiosrr72: I'm thinking :)03:44
abattoir_you can however tweak settings if you want to as well03:44
rr72thought i smelt somin03:44
timiaudiocd what03:44
timii tried to use kaudiocreater03:44
timibut it could never find the right encoder03:45
rr72i followed the winxp install link from the ubutt03:45
timiwhat is audiocd:/03:45
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Agiosrr72: type: groups cupsys03:45
Agiossee what groups cups is in03:46
abattoir_!info kdemultimedia-kio-plugins03:46
ubotukdemultimedia-kio-plugins: enables the browsing of audio CDs under Konqueror. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 173 kB, installed size 608 kB03:46
rr72cupsys : lpadmin lp dialout03:46
abattoir_timi: you have that installed? ^^^^03:46
Agiosrr72: how are you trying to print?03:46
timiumm lett me try03:46
abattoir_timi: if you do, type audiocd:/ in konqueror03:46
timii did03:46
rr72test page03:46
timiand it opens03:46
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abattoir_timi: you should see a folder for mp3 and ogg03:46
timiit shows me the audio cd tracks03:47
timiyes i c those03:47
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abattoir_timi: just copy those folders to where you want them to be03:47
rr72where u selsect the drivers03:47
timidoesnt work03:47
rr72and a test page from my computer03:47
Agiosrr72: well, cups has access to group lp and lp0 allows it03:47
timiit says stall03:47
abattoir_timi: you have lame installed?03:47
abattoir_!info lame03:47
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-1 (dapper), package size 222 kB, installed size 620 kB03:47
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Agiosrr72: use system settings to delete and recreate the printer. See if that straightens things out.03:48
timialright i jsut got lame03:48
abattoirtimi: now try again03:48
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abattoir_timi: if you want to tweak the encoding settings go to Kcontrol->Sound and Multimedia->...03:50
GIGANTORdamned british03:50
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timiwell kaudiocreater is working now03:50
timinow if only i could find out where the files are going03:50
GIGANTORtimi-  i'm sure in the settings it tells you where the output folder is03:50
timierrm not really03:51
timii just clicked rip03:51
timiand its ripping03:51
GIGANTORyessah it does, i have used it  ;)03:51
rr72Agios~ should i restart cups to be sure?03:51
timiok i c it i think03:51
rr72Agios~ same error03:52
Agiosrr72: I wouldn't think that would be needed.03:52
Agiostry it then03:52
rr72in cups web screen it says that03:52
rr72same error03:52
GIGANTORdamn, why am i singing SEAL03:53
rr72i like the web based admin for cups03:53
=== GIGANTOR is embarassed
rr72Administrative tasks have been disabled for security reasons. Please use Menu System > Administration > Printing.03:53
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Agiosyes, you can't define printers through cups. You have to use the systme settings tools03:53
rr72it did work before i left for vacation03:54
GIGANTORcos they will never, tear us apart03:54
GIGANTORdun dun dun DUN03:54
GIGANTORnever, EVER, tear us apart*03:54
rr72just like kdm03:54
Eeyorehttp://mobilitytoday.com/news/006731/ubuntu_sony_ux - possible for kubuntu ?03:56
Agiosrr72: From the Ubuntu forums searching on your error message:  Final solution: uninstall CUPS in Adept, reinstall and I can at last print in Ubuntu.03:56
GIGANTORanyone want to help me with a small problem, i've done my duty in here  ;P03:57
abattoir_Eeyore: yes, why not?03:57
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Eeyorejust wondered03:57
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abattoir_GIGANTOR: what's the problem?03:57
rr72adept? whats that?03:57
GIGANTORabattoir-  i'm trying to install yahoo messenger  =S03:57
timilinux is so hard to use03:57
GIGANTORand uh...03:57
intelikey!info adept03:57
ubotuadept: package manager for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3752 kB, installed size 10988 kB03:57
timisometimes i go through microsoft withdrawals03:57
rr72oh i just use apt-get03:57
timii like the way amarok just finds everything for you though thats sweet03:58
abattoir_GIGANTOR: the old yahoo messenger for unix?03:58
GIGANTORit says it needs libssl 0.9.6, right...   well...   adept says i have 0.9.7,  and no choice for 0.9.603:58
abattoir_GIGANTOR: why not try kopete?03:58
GIGANTORbecause i want the damned chat..  lol.  There, i said it...03:58
abattoir_GIGANTOR: kopete has support for yahoo messenger03:58
GIGANTORi like to hear the 'tards talk in voice chat when i'm bored and doing stuff03:58
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abattoir_GIGANTOR: i'm not sure you can do that w/ the yahoo messenger for unix03:59
GIGANTORi even tried it in Wine,  no dice03:59
GIGANTORi'll try kopete though, let me see03:59
abattoir_GIGANTOR: its an old version... and yahoo stopped development long ago03:59
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Agiosrr72:  you can do it with apt-get too.  There are several other things on the forums but that is the most recent.03:59
GIGANTORoh..  suckage..  well nevermind  ;\03:59
Agiosthe fact that it once worked is promising :)03:59
abattoir_GIGANTOR: i'm not sure if kopete supports voice in yahoo messenger though, never used it03:59
rr72kk should i purge or no?03:59
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Agiosyeah, purge04:00
Agiosgive it a good enema04:00
GIGANTORyeah, i can at least chat in yahoo with Gaim...  but just no voice04:00
GIGANTORi'll give it a whirl though04:00
rr72Agios~ um no04:00
GIGANTORthanks abattoir04:00
abattoir_GIGANTOR: np :)04:00
Agiosrr72: you want to refresh the config files too, purge.04:00
rr72i mean the enama saying04:01
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GIGANTORabattoir-  how long have you used linux?04:01
AgiosLOL, purge = enema04:01
GIGANTORyou are very knowledgable04:01
abattoirGIGANTOR: as the only os, for around a year and half...04:01
abattoirGIGANTOR: hehe, you really think so? :P04:02
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GIGANTORi've started using it on my home machine this past week or so, and i haven't even wanted to go back to Windows for anything, even games04:02
GIGANTORjust messing around is entertainment enough for me  ;P04:02
CaBlGuYanyone around that can help me with google-earth?04:02
abattoirGIGANTOR: well, apart from the odd CS/NFS sessions i'm not really a gamer, so never had a problem switching to linux :)04:02
OODdepends what the problem is :)04:02
CaBlGuYOOD:  well, I got it installed but, It's not runing..04:03
intelikeyarch/i386/kernel/apm.c:1204: warning: pm_send_all is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pm_legacy.h:31)04:03
intelikeyarch/i386/kernel/apm.c:1258: warning: pm_send_all is deprecated (declared at include/linux/pm_legacy.h:31)04:03
OODabattoir: counter strike works in wine04:03
intelikeylots of warnings building this kernel04:03
GIGANTORi also now use it as my workstation at work now too  ;P   Sucks when i have to go play admin and deal with windows pc's04:03
abattoirOOD: its too slow for my integrated graphics card :(04:03
GIGANTORso passe  ;P04:03
OODCaBlGuY: did you install the ati/nvidia driver?04:03
OODrun in in console. what and paste what errors come up04:04
CaBlGuYOOD:  ok, gimme a sec..04:04
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OODabattoir: ah04:05
OODCaBlGuY: paste in pastebin, not here04:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:05
timiok i got it to burn mp3's and such04:05
abattoir_OOD: moreover messing around w/ my system is more entertaining... as GIGANTOR said :)04:05
timiand implaying it amarok and it fetched the correct lyrcs but it didnt auto into my collection04:05
timihowo do i do that04:05
OODabattoir_: heh, i like to mess around too, but when everything works there's nothing to mess around :P04:06
=== GIGANTOR is back
CaBlGuYwhy do I gotta be ROOT to run it???   :(04:07
abattoir_OOD: upgrade to edgy :P04:07
CaBlGuYOOD:  runs fine in root..04:07
CaBlGuYerr.. "as" root04:08
Agiosit ran fine as a user too when I had it installed here.04:08
CaBlGuYas a regular user? or root?04:09
Agiosas a regular user04:09
CaBlGuYI musta had to log into the root account for some reason to install it then..04:09
Agioswell, ran fine may be misleading. It crashed often enough that I gave up on it.04:09
CaBlGuYthat's the only thing I can figure..04:09
=== GIGANTOR has to go play boyfriend
GIGANTORlol  ;P04:09
CaBlGuYhave fun GIGANTOR  ;)04:10
abattoir_GIGANTOR: that's a game? :S04:10
GIGANTORbe back tomorrow morning  ;)04:10
GIGANTORLOL aba, one you never win04:10
=== GIGANTOR gets slapped
CaBlGuYGIGANTOR:  if u need any help, don't hesitate to ask..04:10
GIGANTORhave fun guys, talk to ya tomorrow  ;)04:10
rr72Agios~ i can't make drivers for the printer now04:11
CaBlGuYso, OOD   do I need to reinstall..  and if I do, how do I install with the regular account?04:11
OODit worked fine for me when i just installed the deb with sudo04:11
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Agiosrr72:  your printer isn't in the driver list?04:12
CaBlGuYu installed with sudo, and u could run with regular account??04:12
rr72it is but i get an error04:12
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AgiosNo, there was no deb when I installed it. I used the bin from google.04:12
CaBlGuYI think that's where I got it from too..04:13
rr72do i need to install driver via apt0get?04:13
CaBlGuYfrom the google site..04:13
CaBlGuYOOD:    this is what it says if I try to run it on regular acount..   >    symlink: Permission denied04:13
=== nikkiana hmms.
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rr72_Unable to load the requested driver:04:14
rr72_Unable to create the Foomatic driver [Canon-BJC-2000,gimp-print] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.04:14
CaBlGuYcourse, if I use sudo, it open right up...04:14
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AgiosCaBlGuY: what symbolic link is it trying to create?04:15
Agiosrr72: is foomatic installed?04:15
CaBlGuYdunno, but I just opened it up with sudo and it didn't ask for a pass this time..04:15
=== CaBlGuY is waaay confused now..
=== KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-23-142163031225.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
rr72prolly nor04:16
rr72client or what one04:16
rr72i removed somin but don't rememebr what one cups deleted with it04:16
KUbuntu-fr398Arggh! Guys, I *really* need help setting up a VNC server...Help me please!04:17
rr72foomatic-db-engine is already the newest version.04:18
Agiosrr72: well, I have almost every foomatic package listed installed.04:18
draikrr72, did you manage to get the printer shared?04:19
AgiosI have them all installed except the one for gimp-print04:19
rr72draik yeah but its not printing04:19
CaBlGuYwell, I know how to run it now anyway...   Hmmmmmm  wierd i gotta use sudo thogh....04:19
=== CaBlGuY shrugs
draikwhat's the error you're getting rr72?04:19
=== MasterEvilAce [n=MasterEv@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
rr72_Unable to load the requested driver:04:19
rr72_Unable to create the Foomatic driver [Canon-BJC-2000,gimp-print] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.04:19
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AgiosCaBlGuY: if you knew the link you could just create it once and leave it.04:19
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CaBlGuYOOD:  it may be trying to link to the server to check for updates..  maybe that's it..04:20
CaBlGuYbut I dunno why I would need to use sudo still..04:20
rr72how do i see what was recently removed from my system?04:21
OODCaBlGuY: i think it's because you installed it with sudo, and the symlink is in the root home folder04:21
draikI have been trying to setup my printer on my Kubuntu desktop with my laptop on the same router04:21
CaBlGuYOOD:  could be..  I may try to install it on the regular account later..04:21
CaBlGuYanyway, thanks for the help OOD   ;)04:22
OODyea give that a try04:22
DodgerAFKhia ll04:22
DodgerAFKhi all04:22
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rr72WTF it just worked too04:23
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rr72how do i see what packs i just removed off of my system?04:23
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intelikeyrr72 which frontend to dpkg ?04:25
Agiosthere is an aptitude log and a dpkg log in /var/log04:25
intelikeyrr72 if you used venella dpkg -r   then what ever package you named, thats what it removed.04:27
rr72intelikey~ it was a dependancy issue so i got rid of the stuff along with cupsys04:27
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rr72but i cat a long file so it ovoer wrote04:27
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intelikeysudo apt-get install -f04:28
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rr72what will that do?04:29
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=== patrick_ [n=patrick@modemcable038.235-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
rr72now i can't print at all04:30
rr72i am getting an error when i add my printer04:32
rr72it can't build driver04:32
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intelikeydraik cups04:34
intelikeyadd network printer04:35
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draikI tried it and I get an error about a logon04:35
draikI tried all 3 options04:35
intelikeythat's all i know about that.04:35
draikty intelikey04:35
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rr72ARGH i can't print now04:36
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rr72Agios~ thx for the help so far tho04:36
sophie_rr72: What i do is print everything has a pdf and print it a work very cheap!04:36
sophie_rr72: no more printer at home04:37
Agiosrr72: I'm not sure what's missing04:37
rr72sophie_~ i can have my dad print stuff at over 200 pps but i don't need that speed or quality or large foramt04:37
scabootsscahow do i remove lilo and make grub the booter?04:38
sophie_another questions guys is firefox stable on dapper04:38
rr72scabootssca~ don't ask lilo he gets upset04:38
Agiosfirefox has been stable here04:38
kameronkyes, firefox is stable on dapper04:38
intelikeyrr72 you said you removed cupsys     i'm like duh....  wonder if that's why cups config is not working now ????04:38
sophie_must be an extention tham04:38
rr72intelikey~ OMFG i forgot to re install it04:38
Agioswell, that would be a problem alright04:39
rr72how do i see what was removed with cupsys?04:39
Agiosdoesn't matter, it will handle the deps when you reinstall it04:39
rr72nothing reinstalled with it04:40
rr72just itself04:40
intelikeydo sudo apt-get install -f     and see if all deps are ok.04:40
scabootsscarr72, intelikey wait you're here ok i need to reinstall lilo how do i do that ? this time my linux is on hdb and windows is on hda it's reversed04:40
Agiosthat may be enough04:40
rr72intelikey~ yes04:40
rr72hplip mean anything?04:40
Agiosyou should probably have that04:41
rr72see that ws removed but not reinstalled04:41
=== admin_ [n=admin@fctnnbsc15w-156034086002.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
Agiosso, install it04:41
AgiosI would try creating the printer again and see what happens04:42
intelikeyscabootssca you change the "root=/dev/hdb1"  to  "root=/dev/hda1"      and the  "other=/dev/hdb1"  to   "other=/dev/hda1"     and run lilo.04:42
scabootsscai'm on a live04:42
rr72*hpijs anything?04:42
scabootsscaso i edit /etc/llo.conf?04:43
Agiosrr72: those may or may not be needed. They are HP related and your printer is Canon right?04:43
intelikeyscabootssca so exit the lilo.conf   and    chroot /<mountpoint> lilo04:43
Agiosso try to add the printer and see04:43
intelikeyscabootssca yes edit /<mountpoint>/etc/lilo.conf04:44
rr72Agios~ same msg04:44
intelikeyyou have to mount the partition some where   <mountpoint>  might be /media/hda   or some such.04:45
scabootsscait dosnt work.. it says "Warning: COMPACT may conflict with LBA32 on some systems04:45
scabootsscaFatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/hda")04:45
intelikeyscabootssca you setup a raid ?04:45
scabootsscait's mounted in /media/kubuntu04:45
=== Memememe [n=patrick@modemcable038.235-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
Agiosrr72: same message as what? There have been several :)04:45
scabootsscai dunno?04:45
scabootsscawhat's that04:45
rr72_Unable to load the requested driver:04:45
rr72_Unable to create the Foomatic driver [Canon-BJC-2000,gimp-print] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.04:45
rr72higly dout it if u don't kno wwhat it is04:46
intelikeyscabootssca try this     sudo chroot /media/kubuntu/ lilo04:46
=== NoipMixAM [n=Linnuxz@ip014.241-51-69.Sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu
Agiosapt-get the foomatic-gimp-print package04:46
scabootsscathats execly what i dod04:46
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scabootsscamy lilo.conf -> http://pastebin.ca/10038104:47
intelikeyand it says raid_setup: stat(blah)  ??04:47
rr72foomatic-db-gimp-print is already the newest version.04:47
=== Memememe [n=patrick@modemcable038.235-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has left #Kubuntu ["Konversation]
Agiosfoomatic-filters-ppds   that one too04:47
rr72foomatic-filters-ppds is already the newest version.04:48
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Agiosfoomatic-db-hpijs and foomatic-db-gutenprint04:48
Agiosthat's about all of them LOL04:48
intelikeyscabootssca "    7. root=/dev/hda   "    hdb04:49
rr72Package foomatic-db-gutenprint is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:49
rr72foomatic-db-hpijs is already the newest version.04:49
Agiosok hpijs and hplip-ppds04:49
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rr72hpijs is already the newest version.04:50
rr72hplip-ppds is already the newest version.04:50
rr72WTF it just worked an hour ago04:50
scabootsscait still says "Warning: COMPACT may conflict with LBA32 on some systems04:50
scabootsscaFatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/hda")04:50
Agioswell, that's all ther is04:50
Agiosscabootssca: are you trying to set up a raid as a boot device?04:51
scabootsscawhat's a raid04:51
intelikeyscabootssca looks like you've raided that drive     what does   fdisk -l /dev/hda    tell us ?04:51
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rr72do i need b;uex-cups?04:51
scabootsscaCannot open /dev/hda04:51
rr72it was tehre before04:51
scabootsscaintelikey, it says Cannot open /dev/hda04:52
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Agiosrr72: go ahead. dunno what it does04:52
intelikeyscabootssca looks like you've raided that drive     what does   sudo fdisk -l04:52
rr72bluetooth printing04:52
Agiosoh, well, probably not then :)04:52
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caminomastercan U help me? I need2 configure my proxy connection for kopete, but I'm in gnome...04:52
scabootsscaintelikey, it says http://pastebin.ca/10038304:53
Agioskopete will run under gnome04:53
rr72don't tell him04:53
timi_hey im using amaork and it loaded my mp3s as well as system sounds04:54
timi_anyone know hbow i reomeve them frm my collection04:54
intelikeynothing unusual there....  put up your lilo.conf again scabootssca04:54
Agiosrr72: I'm not sure where to go with your printer problem and I have to leave shortly.04:55
scabootsscaintelikey, ok here http://pastebin.ca/10038504:55
Agioswell, there's always tomorrow :)04:55
scabootsscawhat does raided mean?04:55
rr72im going shopping for a watch tomorrow!04:56
Agiosyou won't need a printer for that :)04:56
Kr4t05That's neat.04:56
Kr4t05Playing with XGL. :)04:56
intelikeyscabootssca i don't see a reason for that error.04:57
rr72HELP ME!04:57
scabootsscawhat dows that error ususlly mean?04:57
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scabootsscaanmd what dopes raided mean?04:57
rr72dr_willis~ HEY@04:57
Agiosrr72: go to the ubuntu forums and search on the error message. See what pops up.04:57
rr72can u help me Dr?04:58
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dr_willisPlease state the nature of the  Linux Emergancy.04:58
kazukisanI have Dapper installed and have Opera Installed how do i get quicktime .mov files and rm or wmv Files to stream with it ?04:58
rr72kazukisan~ that ur pass?04:58
=== Dahgol [n=lucas@OL132-149.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
kazukisanthats the movie im downloading04:59
rr72dr_willis~ my printer wont install04:59
dr_willisrr72 bummer.04:59
scabootsscaintelikey, i dont see any "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386" but i do see "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386" mabye thats it?04:59
rr72_Unable to load the requested driver:04:59
rr72_Unable to create the Foomatic driver [Canon-BJC-2000,gimp-print] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.04:59
scabootsscabecause windows boots from lilo but linux dosnt04:59
rr72dr_willis~ thats the error i get when i click on the driver to use05:00
intelikeyscabootssca a raid aray is several disks what are all written with the same data and read as if they were one disk.  it's a system safty option for servers and ...    yeah you updated your kernel...05:00
dr_willisrr72 could be theres some extra cups packages ya need to install.05:00
scabootsscaso i broke it?05:00
=== Ace2006 [n=ace@dial-80-47-0-247.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyso change the number on vmlinuz and initramfs05:00
dr_willisfire up synaptic/whatever and see if any other cups/foomatic driver packages are not installed yet.05:00
rr72dr_willis~ which one? i have most off em ask Agios05:00
scabootsscashould i chgange it to 26 instead of 23>?05:00
intelikeyin the lilo.conf05:00
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rr72dr_willis~ i use apt-get, screw the pack manager05:01
intelikeyscabootssca yes.05:01
rr72i do the real way05:01
dr_willissure.. whatever. :)05:01
scabootsscaok i did do you think it will work now?05:01
intelikeytry it.05:01
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xyluscan anyone help me with a realy important question//?/?05:02
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xylusim using kubuntu now rite but i wana install debian latest stable version05:02
=== intelikey thinks scabootssca forgot to run lilo after the updates to lilo.conf ....
xylusand when i get into the setup it dosent detect my eathernet card05:02
xylusand brings up a big list of drivers05:02
xyluswhat should i do to fix this problem05:02
xylusanyone who could help me would be greatley apreciated05:02
rr72xylus~ stay with kubuntu05:03
=== KUbuntu-fr398 [n=Sup@modemcable038.235-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has left #kubuntu []
xylusnooo kubuntu blows i can only install things that are listed with apt forget compileing source05:03
xylusairgo i cant download anything and install it05:03
xylusunless its on apt unless u can tell me how to get around that instead05:03
kameronkyou can download rmps05:03
kameronkcan convert with alien05:04
xylusrpms work on kubuntu?05:04
kameronkyou have to use alien to convert them05:04
intelikeyxylus why can't you compile    and why do you think you will be able to in debian ?05:04
kameronkjust sudo apt-get install alien05:04
xylusbecause debain is a full os05:04
xyluswhere as kubuntu is alittle 500mb install05:04
rr72kubuntu is a full one too05:04
kameronkkubuntu is debian and more05:04
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kameronkubuntu (and thus, kubuntu) is debian based05:04
xylusdebian is 2 dvd cds so most of the main componenets and dependencys are their05:04
xylusyes i know05:04
kameronkdebian also uses apt-get05:04
rr72and windows is what 1.4gigs and is crap so its not the size that counts05:05
xyluskubuntu is debain based05:05
xylusi like the apt system05:05
=== intelikey wishes kubuntu was under 1g install... he
xylusbut i just want deb05:05
kameronkwell, if you just want debian, get debian05:05
xyluswont detect my eth005:05
xylusbrings up a list of drivers05:05
rr72look at DSL (Damn Small Linux) its a cd and rox05:05
xylusthats ok05:05
kameronkyou probably just need to <i>compile</i> in the driver05:05
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kameronkbut you probably don't want to do that05:06
Kr4t05rr72: Slax its better. :)05:06
kameronkslax is cool05:06
dr_willisslax is handy05:06
xylusso this alien program allows me to install rpm's?05:06
dr_willisit converts rpms to debs05:06
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).05:06
rr72Kr4t05~ it was in example05:06
xylusanyway of enableing ./config ./make and make install?05:06
xyluson kubuntu05:06
kameronkwell, i've gotten rpms to work via alien05:06
kameronkit's kinda hit or miss though05:06
abattoir_xylus: install build-essential05:06
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xylussudo apt-get install build-essential?05:07
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abattoirxylus: yup05:07
Kr4t05xylus: yes05:07
xyluskool thattel enable me to compile source programs?05:07
xylusman why dosent the system come with that05:07
kameronkmost of them05:07
dr_willismany programs also have other dev dependencies05:07
kameronkit inflates the size05:07
kameronkso you may need more05:07
dr_willisits trivial to install is why.05:07
abattoirxylus: should, but you might need to install other development packages, based on what you are trying to compile05:07
xylusall linux distros can compile source aside from deb and kubuntu right off the bat05:08
dr_willisxylus,  not true.05:08
kameronkas dr_willis said, not all do05:08
abattoirxylus: ^^^^ exactly05:08
kameronkespecially the livecd based05:08
dr_willisand its trivial to install the stuff.05:08
xylusi wish they would just make a distro that has everything pre installed05:08
xylusso u dont have to go through a shitload of hastle everytime u wana do anything\05:09
dr_willisthen it would be called bloated.05:09
=== nemo___ [n=nemo@cpe-24-209-61-254.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
kameronk^^ YES!05:09
xylusso atleast it would work05:09
xylusand you wouldent have to go get installs of java and crap05:09
dr_willisquit being such a lazy whiner.05:09
xylusevery 5 minuts05:09
kameronkhow do you define having everything?05:09
dr_willisinstall the stuff.. save your history to a file. so ya can rerun the script later on a different install if needed.05:09
kameronkif it had all the software from the apt repositories?!?05:09
xyluswell i mean almost every time u install something it has a dependency isue or you need some other crap downloaded usualy takes like 5 hours to install something simple like limewire05:10
kameronkit would be too much for most desktop computers05:10
kameronkwhat you need and what i need are completely different05:10
dr_willislimewire takes me about 2 min to get installed.05:10
dr_willisperhaps 5 :P counting the download speed.05:10
xyluslol thats just a example05:10
ubotuI know nothing about frostfire - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:10
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.05:10
xylusi tryed to download ldcc05:10
xylusand install it05:10
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dr_willisJava  only just RECENTLY was legally allowed to be in the repos.. blame SUN.05:11
xylusand that took me like 3 hrs to get goin05:11
xylusnyways thanks guys05:11
xyluswhat was the names of those development packages i needed again?05:11
xylusill wirte them down05:11
dr_willisdepedns on what you are compiling05:11
rr72xylus~ kubuntu FTW!05:11
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:11
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xylusim compileing source as in ./make ./configure and make install05:11
yenderhello all05:12
dr_willisnormally the ./configure will spit out some errirs if they are not all installed.05:12
rr72and tell u what u need05:12
dr_willisxylus,  yes.. and it DEPENDS on exactly WHAT program you are compiling.05:12
rr72dr_willis~ DR please help my printer05:12
xylusindeed i could install programs like that fine on mandrake and redhat etc..05:12
xylussigh dr willis05:12
rr72it worked when i went on vacation and now it doesnt work05:12
xylusu serious?05:12
e-HernickHey... I've got Kubuntu 6.06 installed on my Lenovo N100 laptop, with a 1680x1050 i810 display, and I'm using 915resolution so I can set it at 1680x1050. I've got a display corruption issue.. there is one horizontal line on my display that seems to repeat itself at another location on the display, and it's a software issue (it works in Windows)05:12
xylusso i gota download dev stuff every time i wana compile something?05:13
dr_willisrr72   no clue there.. enable verbose cups loggingm, and get some errors and check the wiki/forums .05:13
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rr72i get an error when building the driver05:13
dr_willisxylus,  depends..  on what specificially you are compiling.. (for the 3rd time)05:13
rr72xylus~ how new to linux r u?05:13
xylusim kinda new but ive used many other systems befor05:13
xylusbut kubuntu gets under my nails05:13
e-Hernickis it hard to install Xorg 7.1 on kubuntu 6.06? I was thinking I'd try it..05:14
rr72xylus~ have u compiled ur own kernel before?05:14
=== scabootssca [n=ubuntu@dsl-gerl-135-103.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu
xylusok isent their a all in one file for compileing their dr willis? i dont wana come here everytime i wana install software05:14
Dasnipa`xylus, why does it 'get under your nails' ?05:14
scabootsscaintelikey, it didnt work05:14
xylusbecause the base system comes with 0 software and every time i wana get something done i gota do the runaround05:14
scabootsscai'm typing what error messahes it had into pastebin05:15
dr_willisxylus,  thats why you read the programs docs and see what other depeneencies and libs it uses/needs.05:15
Dasnipa`xylus, aptitude isnt very hard to use05:15
=== intelikey thinks scabootssca forgot to run lilo after the updates to lilo.conf ....
dr_willisxylus,  or ya run ./configure and see what it complaines about being missing.05:15
kameronkxylus, do you have the proprietary repositories enabled? such as multiverse and universe?05:15
xylusyes kameronk05:15
scabootsscaintelikey, it d'snt run05:15
xylusi had to do that for karamba05:16
kameronkok, because that has many programs not availble by default05:16
Dasnipa`xylus, this is true too... imo its good that it doesnt install any unneeded because then you only install what you need... not unnecessary overhead05:16
kameronkkaramba is universe, proprietary software is multiverse05:16
xylusyes its good that you only install what u need but its bad because when u wana install something u need you go through much hastle to do so05:16
dr_williscompared to the hoops ive jumped through under windows.. your argument is pointless.05:17
Dasnipa`xylus, after a month or so youll have most of the basic libraries if you do a lot of compiling05:17
xylusok kameronk i understand what the repositorys mean but im not sure how they work yet05:17
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kameronkwell, the specify where apt-get can download software from05:17
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:17
xylusyeah dasnipa i would just like to find a way to install all the basic libraries05:17
intelikeyscabootssca your kernel version and lilo.config now match ?05:17
xylusso i dont ahve to look around so much :)05:17
Dasnipa`sudo apt-get build-essential i think has a lotta good stuff05:18
dr_willisall the libs, is differnt from all the dev-lib files that are used by the compiler to compile source that uses the libs.05:18
dr_willisbuild-essential is the minimal set of tools needed.05:18
xylushaveing linux without the basic libaries is like haveing half a windows partition lol going out and downloading dll files everytime u wana install something isent practical05:18
dr_willisxylus,  you are confused..05:18
xylusok ill get the essential build05:18
intelikeyDasnipa` he's been told that several times now.    i think hes just trolling05:18
dr_willisif you do an apt-get install whateverprogram and it needs some lib.. it WILL install that lib also.05:18
xylusoh yeah i know that lolz05:19
xylusbut the apt list of programs is small05:19
kameronkxylus, when was the last time that you updated the apt-get cache?05:19
xylusand i want to download stuff thats not on it05:19
kameronk"sudo apt-get update"05:19
xylushmmm i updated about 5 hours ago05:19
kameronkapt-get has <i>almost</i> everything05:19
kameronkif you have the correct repositories05:19
intelikeythe apt list of packages sure is small  only 18000+   that's really small.05:19
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kameronki'm looking for a link with directions to enable the others05:19
xylusyeah realy tho intell05:20
xyluswell its not that its small05:20
intelikey!repos > xylus05:20
xylusits just htat most of the stuff i wana install isent on their05:20
xylusfor instance ldcc and limewire and For some reason i apt got bitchx and its not showing on my system :S05:21
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xylusaltho i think its because im running kde ive never used bitchx befor05:21
dr_willisya havent checked out the bx docs. :P the binary is called BitchX last i looked. from the command line.05:22
dr_willisand irssi is better anyway. :)05:22
scabootsscaintelikey,  heres what it says http://pastebin.ca/10040705:22
xylusyeah i looked up the binary in the find files and folders05:22
xylusand executed it05:22
xylusbut nothin happen lol05:22
xylusnyways that dosent matter dr willis whats sunjava latest version called in the apt list? u knwo offhand? i need it05:23
scabootsscaintelikey, and whenever i run "sudo chroot /linux lilo05:23
scabootssca"  it says "Warning: COMPACT may conflict with LBA32 on some systems05:23
scabootsscaFatal: raid_setup: stat("/dev/hda")05:23
xylussudo apt-get install sunjava?05:23
timi_anyone know why i cant click the play audio cd on amarok05:23
xylustimi do you hear sound when u use amarok?05:24
xylusi click play and the file is over in like one second lol05:24
xylusand its a 6 minut song05:24
xylusi just use xmms05:24
scabootsscadid you enable mp3?05:24
xylusi find its more stable05:24
kameronkare they mp3's? you need a codec for mp3's05:24
xyluslol what kinda music player requires u to enable mp3! lmfao05:24
kameronkopen source ones05:25
scabootsscalinux ones05:25
intelikeyscabootssca those are all initramfs errors.  it's booting to the initramfs  and the initramfs has not been updated so it's looking for root on /dev/hda1  which is now windows... you can enter   mount /dev/hdb1 /root ;exit    at that prompt to continue the boot proccess.05:25
timi_i can play an audio cd in kaffeine05:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:25
Hobbseexylus: see all of that ^05:25
xylusyou actualy have to plugin mp3 files? so what is amoroks base file reg's?05:25
timi_but i have to burn it to an mp3 to play in amarok05:25
timi_no biggie really05:25
kameronk@ xylus: the mpeg 1 layer 3 audio codec is proprietary, developed by the Fraunhoffer Institute (from memory, i could be wrong)05:25
timi_i had toinstall some mp3 package05:26
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scabootsscaintelikey, after i do that it should boot right?05:26
xylusthats ok kame i dont like amrok nywhayz xmms is fine for me ;) dosent require any downloading or hastle its good to go off the install thats how i like it :)05:26
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intelikeyscabootssca lilo is doing all it can there.  it's all initramfs from that point.   lilo already loaded the kernel and the initramfs   that's all it ever does.      yes. it should continuing booting.05:26
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scabootsscaintelikey, and after it boots i can run the lilo command and everything should work right?05:27
xyluskame whats the install for java called05:27
timi_anyone know how to create a subcatory of album for amarok so when you click on artis it has the album and not just the song05:27
Dasnipa`umm you go to java.sun.com and follow their java instructions xylus05:27
intelikeyscabootssca no.  run mkinitramfs   and update your initramfs.img-<uname -r>    then every thing will work.05:28
abattoirtimi_: amarok should do it automatically if you have it tagged properly05:28
xylushmm probs wont let me complle it does it have a .deb on their das?05:28
intelikeyman  mkinitramfs05:28
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:28
abattoirtimi_: and, in your collection05:28
dr_willisFor the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository05:28
timi_it has the artists and then the tracks but the track informatin has the album and the track number and everyting05:28
DaSkreechxylus: sun-javv5-jre as far as I remember05:29
rr72who can help me save my printer?05:29
kameronkxylus: the sources.list file is in /etc/apt/sources.list05:29
scabootsscaintelikey, ok thanks i'll try that05:29
kameronkyou'll need to kdesu kate to open it05:29
xylusthx guys dr willis your like a well of knolidge sorry i get frustrateing sometimes i just cant handle the emmence hastle quite yet i need to get used to all these libs and stuff in my opinion kubuntu is one of the more dificult linux distrobutions lol only because of that but ill get the hang of this eventualy05:30
=== DaSkreech scatters holy water on rr72's printer
dr_williscompared to the hassles i have with windows on a daily basis... Linux is  lovely.05:31
xylusi miss redhat but bleh redhat is hmmm kinda glitchey atleast on this laptop05:31
kameronkxylus: or save it... you just have to uncomment all the repositories to get all the software05:31
DaSkreechxylus: You know you can search for anything you like on p.you.c right?05:31
dr_willisUbuntu has been the BEST disrto ive tried on my laptops.05:31
intelikeyscabootssca when you change the phisical address of a linux installation you have several thing that have to be adjusted.  /boot/initramfs*  &  /etc/fstab  & (/boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/device.map   for grub) | (/etc/lilo.conf  for lilo)        and he's always in a hurry.....05:31
DaSkreechdr_willis: I had to use Windows today :( Dear lord05:31
kameronkxylus, do you know about apt-cache search?05:31
xyluslmfao whaaa windows is is mad easy you donwload a program for windows and thats it its installed and redy to go :P05:31
xylusthats why i dont like windows05:32
nemo___Does anyone know if it's possible to use Shoutcast TV, on any program05:32
xylusi wana get used to this05:32
DaSkreechkameronk: Wouldn;t make a difference if he doesn't have multiverse05:32
Dodger_DaSkreech: many have to use it everyday :P05:32
xylusi used windows for 5 years got tired of it :( not verry customizeable05:32
osirisnemo___, i have been looking for an answer to that for years05:32
kameronkDaSkreech: yes, but if he doesn't know the package name, he can find it now05:32
xylusapt-cache search?05:32
DaSkreechnemo___: Winamp05:32
intelikeywell krap!  make kernel crapped out.05:32
xylusnope i dont please enlighten me05:32
rr72DaSkreech~ please help me05:32
intelikeyarch/i386/kernel/built-in.o: In function `setup_arch': undefined reference to `check_acpi_pci'05:32
intelikeymake: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1]  Error 105:32
Dodger_i got annoyed with it the other day trying to figure out how the hell to make an actual symlink05:32
Dodger_*very* annoyed05:33
nemo___cant get wimamp to work in linux?05:33
kameronkxylus :yes apt-cache search keyword05:33
DaSkreechnemo___: Works like a beauty uder wine05:33
xyluswhats a apt-cache do?05:33
DaSkreechunder :(05:33
ubotuI know nothing about apt-cache - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:33
nemo___well It works under wine, but not the tv part just blank05:33
DaSkreechxylus: Do you use adept?05:33
xylusyes i have adept05:34
rr72my printer can't get a driver05:34
kameronkoh, duh, that's probably the easiest thing for him to do05:34
DaSkreechnemo___: Really? SHouldn't make a difference that's all server based05:34
rr72i get an error05:34
xylusp.you.c is that a website?05:34
rr72_Unable to load the requested driver:05:34
rr72_Unable to create the Foomatic driver [Canon-BJC-2000,gimp-print] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.05:34
DaSkreechnemo___: Are you In America?05:34
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DaSkreechxylus: Yep packages.ubuntu.com05:34
DaSkreechrr72: Which Printer?05:34
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DaSkreechxylus: Do you have it open?05:35
rr72DaSkreech~ bjc-200005:35
rr72if u read error it tell u in plain text05:35
Dodger_is there any way to get kpilot to start and hotsync when i plug my palm into USB?05:35
DaSkreechWhich error?05:35
timi_tso your amarok has the artis then album?05:35
xylushold on daskreeech05:35
rr72<xylus> p.you.c is that a website?05:35
rr72<rr72_> Unable to load the requested driver:05:35
rr72<rr72_> Unable to create the Foomatic driver [Canon-BJC-2000,gimp-print] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation.05:35
DaSkreechnemo___: I heard that they started blocking the TV section to anyone not in the US. Some export law05:35
nemo___still works fine in windowz on my buddies pc05:36
xylusim not sure what p.you.c is05:36
DaSkreechnemo___: Does it throw an error?05:36
DaSkreechxylus: http://packages.ubuntu.com05:37
xylusi click dapper rite?05:37
nemo___nope. Media library works fie but when i go to  Shoutcast tv,  it's just blank, like it doesnt want to load05:37
xylusda skreech this is the list of all the files on the apt list?05:37
timi_im retarded05:38
timi_i figured it out05:38
rr72timi_~ compared to xylusu arent05:38
rr72im going05:38
rr72i will fix my printer tomorro05:38
DaSkreechrr72: Ok sorry I couldn't help05:38
kameronkxylus, yes, that is a categorized view05:38
=== abh [n=abh@c-68-80-103-106.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
rr72its all Agios fault05:39
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xylusok next to them it says universe multivers i know what that means05:39
xylusbut why is it their ?05:39
=== TokenBad [i=tokenbad@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
xyluswho cares if the program is universe or not05:39
xylussolong as it works05:39
TokenBadhow do I mount a linux partition in kubuntu?05:39
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks05:40
dr_willisedit the fstab and mount it where ever ya want.05:40
dr_willisor use the mount command05:40
PFl0yddr_willis: ya little more complex than that05:40
xyluslol dr beat me to it05:40
dr_willisNot really. :)05:40
DaSkreechxylus: No the packages are kept in different sections05:40
PFl0ydif you're a user you'd have to specify noauto,user05:40
dr_willismount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hereyago05:40
DaSkreechxylus: Stuff in main is Ubuntu *blessed*05:40
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TokenBadthat says for ubuntu...but how in kubuntu...05:40
PFl0ydstuff like that i meant05:40
TokenBadthe commands are different05:41
xyluslol darskreech05:41
kameronkno, ubuntu and kubuntu are the same from the command line05:41
dr_willisa 'user'  mouning  an linux partition would be a little odd.. and they better have the  permissions right.05:41
xylushmmm slowley understanding...05:41
kameronkthey only differ in desktop environment05:41
kameronkkde vs. gnome05:41
TokenBadyes...but the mount thing from ubotu gives for gnome...not kde05:41
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xylusok what verse is gnome and what vers is kde?05:41
PFl0yddr_willis: so if me as a 'user' throws in a usb stick05:41
scabootsscaintelikey, it didnt work it says "mount: Mounting /dev/hdb1 on /root failed:  Invalid argument"05:41
PFl0ydthat's not weird really05:41
DaSkreechxylus: Anything in universe is kept up to date by somebody but Ubuntu is not responsible for it05:42
intelikeyscabootssca when you change the phisical address of a linux installation you have several thing that have to be adjusted.  /boot/initramfs*  &  /etc/fstab  & (/boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/device.map   for grub) | (/etc/lilo.conf  for lilo)        and he's always in a hurry.....05:42
kameronkxylus, kubuntu and ubuntu use the same repositories05:42
xylusok got it05:42
TokenBadyes...but the way to use the gui to get to set things are different05:42
DaSkreechxylus: Multiverse has things which are not really LInux friendly. They work but have restrictions that make them not welcome in the Open source world05:42
kameronkthey are the same base system, they only differ in whether or not they have kde-desktop or gnome-desktop05:42
TokenBadbut thats neither here nor there...05:43
DaSkreechxylus: LIke Java. Which you will be able to get easy once you add multiverse :)05:43
intelikeyscabootssca so try a chroot fix on the initramfs before you try another reboot.05:43
xylusso the verses are different places the programs are installed to kinda rite?05:43
kameronkif you use kubuntu you can easily install gnome by typing sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop05:43
dr_willisPFl0yd,  if that usb stick is a ext2 partition. its possibel that your user could mount it. but not be abvle to read/write to it.05:43
xylusu mean i dont have a multiverse allredy?05:43
xylushow do i add multiverse05:43
DaSkreechxylus: Nope05:43
ubotuI know nothing about easywource - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:43
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:43
dr_willisthat site lets ya do it easially enough05:44
DaSkreech!multiverse > xylus05:44
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:44
PFl0yddr_willis: yea it's prob. fat32 tho...05:44
scabootsscaintelikey, like sudo chroot /linux mkinitramfs05:44
xylusok ill read all that thanks daskreech for all yr help05:44
PFl0ydman i kinda wanna work for novell these days...05:44
PFl0ydthey're all about linux now...05:44
TokenBadwhy would anyone want gnome if they installed kubuntu...all I wanted to know was how to mount a linux partition in kubuntu...05:44
intelikeyscabootssca yep   man initramfs first.05:44
DaSkreechxylus: Sure. after a week tell me if Windows is hard to use ;-)05:44
intelikeyerr  mkinitramfs05:44
scabootsscaok it jumped about 8 lines05:45
DaSkreechTokenBad: What?05:45
TokenBadI tried using the disk manager...but it wouldn't let me mount it05:45
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PFl0ydTokenBad: what kind of partition is it?05:45
kameronki was just saying that it's trivial if one wanted to switch, and was pointing out how underneath it all, they are the same: ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, and xubuntu are all ubuntu base + desktop manager and more tools05:45
scabootsscaintelikey, now "sudo chroot /linux intiramfs.img-<unamr -r>"?05:45
PFl0ydkameronk: ya and just raw debian isn't that much different of course either05:46
PFl0ydi switched from debian05:46
TokenBadPFl0yd, it just says linux05:46
intelikeysudo chroot /linux mkinitramfs -o intiramfs.img-2.6.15-26-386 2.6.15-26-386      <--- iirc.05:47
DaSkreechTokenBad: Where are you looking at it?05:47
intelikeyscabootssca ^05:47
PFl0ydTokenBad: like you did an fdisk /dev/hdwhatever and it just says linux?05:47
PFl0yder cfdisk actually05:47
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PFl0ydthat means it's ext205:48
PFl0ydyour line in fstab would be something like05:48
ironfroggyi have some documentation that is comprised of many html files. is there some way to print them all together?05:49
PFl0yd /dev/hda1 /media/mountpoint ext2 user,noauto 0 005:49
PFl0ydhda1 should be changed to the drive and partition you're talking about05:49
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scabootsscaintelikey, ok i'm doing it05:49
PFl0yd /media/mountpoint is where you want to mount it05:49
scabootsscaok done now what?05:50
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PFl0ydand user,noauto means users can mount it and don't automatically mount it at boot05:50
PFl0yd(leave the noauto part out if you actually want it to auto mount at boot)05:50
DaSkreechironfroggy: You mean you want them in one file?05:50
scabootsscaintelikey, i guess i restert now?05:50
intelikeyscabootssca when that finishes  it should leave an initramfs.img*  in  /linux   move it to /linux/boot/    and run lilo again.       that assumes it completes correctly.05:51
PFl0ydTokenBad: you get it?05:51
intelikeycheck the file size first.05:51
TokenBadPFl0yd, not yet05:51
intelikeyif size is 0   it's a dud05:51
ironfroggyDaSkreech: i dont care if they are in one file, i just want them printed in proper order and without more pagebreaks between the individual files would be nice too.05:51
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PFl0ydTokenBad: k05:52
=== GullyFoyle [i=GullyFoy@c-71-235-78-173.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
PFl0ydwell google can help too05:52
intelikey: > 005:52
scabootsscaintelikey, ok there is a .img file there how do i move it? cp whatever whatever?05:52
intelikeyor mv05:52
=== Cornellius [n=ademers@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #kubuntu
xylusskreech u here bro05:53
TokenBadPFl0yd, its not working...its not telling me what it is...05:53
xylusmy adept program dosent have manage repositorys listed under the adept tab05:53
DaSkreechxylus: Yeah05:53
DaSkreechxylus: What does it have?05:53
xylusthat is all05:53
DaSkreechironfroggy: I'd cat them together05:53
scabootsscaok it's there now05:53
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DaSkreechxylus: What other menus do you have?05:54
scabootsscaintelikey, ok i moved it05:54
xylusedit view settings and help05:54
intelikeyand sudo chroot /linux lilo05:54
ironfroggyDaSkreech: well its off a website. i was hoping to avoid manually downloading them all.05:54
=== poseidon [n=poseidon@adsl-70-231-128-103.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyscabootssca check the file name against lilo.conf  make sure you are pointing at the new initramfs file05:55
DaSkreechironfroggy: Erm.. Ok So You wanted to print them all off the net at once?05:55
intelikeydubble checking is a lot easier than rebooting.05:55
DaSkreechxylus: What's under edit?05:55
TokenBadPFl0yd, its ext305:56
DaSkreechironfroggy: I honestly don't know of a way without a curl or wget haack05:56
scabootsscait still has that raid thing05:56
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intelikeydoes it error out ?05:56
xylusundu redu thats it05:56
scabootsscait does exactly what it did before05:56
xylusearlier i did this perhaps i skrewed up my adept here check it out05:57
DaSkreechxylus: :-|05:57
ironfroggyDaSkreech: ok i thought there might be a nice tool for grabbing multi-page documentation and preparing them for print.05:57
xylussudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list del the list05:57
DaSkreechironfroggy: That would be curl but if you knew curl you wouldn't be asking :)05:57
PFl0ydwhen you do like05:57
xylusand put in one off a website05:57
PFl0ydmount /media/mountpoint05:57
xyluswould that skrew up my adept ?05:57
PFl0ydwhat's it say?05:57
DaSkreechxylus: Right05:57
DaSkreechxylus: o05:57
DaSkreechxylus: no05:57
=== brian__ [n=focker@c-69-242-177-128.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyscabootssca lets get it right this time.    i don't want to have to talk to you again tonight.     ;)05:58
xylushmmm all good ill try and do it using the terminal rather than looking for manage reposotorys05:58
xylusthx man05:58
kameronkxylus: have you tried installing wine and using a windows version of limewire?05:58
scabootsscaintelikey,  http://pastebin.ca/10043405:58
DaSkreechxylus: sure05:58
scabootsscasee exactley like before05:59
xyluslol if i cant install lime because of dependencys than wine probs wont work actualy ide rather just use soemthing else05:59
PFl0ydjust use gift and the fasttrack plugin :)05:59
xylusknwo of any other p2p porograms for linux i can get off the apt kame?05:59
PFl0ydapt-get install apollon05:59
scabootsscaxylus, you can use frostwire06:00
ironfroggyDaSkreech: getting the files is only part of the problem06:00
kameronkwindows software dosen't have dependencies06:00
xyluscool apt get frostwire?06:00
xylusgeared ill try it out06:00
xylusno but i bet wine does06:00
DaSkreech!frostwire > xylus06:00
Kr4t05xylus: I don't think frostwire is in the repos.06:00
xylusi have 0 exp with using window emulators06:00
DaSkreechkameronk: Not true they do06:00
intelikeyscabootssca sudo mount proc /linux/proc -t proc && sudo chroot /linux/lilo && umount /linux/proc06:00
scabootsscado those?06:00
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.06:00
kameronkwell, they do, but wine has that covered06:01
intelikeyone line ^  everything after your name06:01
xylusso all i need to do is get my head around these repositorys and how to manage them06:01
ironfroggyanyway, i actually found a single file version, but im having trouble printing it. ive seen this before tho, it seems like html files ignore the "odd pages only" option when i want to print them, or at least that is what i see in the print preview. is there some way to print only odd pages of an html file from konq?06:01
xylusand i can pretymuch install anything ?06:01
xylusbecause the list i see right now is kinda small06:01
TokenBadPFl0yd, got it figured out...06:01
DaSkreechxylus: Most things06:01
xylusbut i think my adept is running off the main repo06:01
xylusi wana switch it to universe06:01
DaSkreechxylus: very likely06:01
xylusso i can see more programs XD06:01
kameronkif you update your sources.list, it will all start to work06:01
DaSkreechironfroggy: :-( Sorry not sure06:01
kameronkyou may have to apt-get update06:01
xylusill try that06:01
xylusjsut a sec kame ;)06:02
kameronkor sudo apt-get update06:02
DaSkreechxylus: Don't forget to reload in adept :)06:02
intelikeyscabootssca if it doesn't say  adding linux*   windows   then it's erroring out.06:02
xylusok done update06:02
xylusi try opening add remove programs now06:02
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scabootsscait's erroring then i'm pasting it on pastebin06:02
DaSkreechxylus: Woah You were using add/remove programs?06:02
scabootsscaintelikey, http://pastebin.ca/10043706:02
xylusyeah isent that the adept manager?06:03
=== intelikey wonders why scabootssca swaped drives in the first place.
xylusit says adept at the top06:03
DaSkreechxylus: Not quite :)06:03
DaSkreechxylus: But go ahead06:03
xylusaww how should i go about it than captin!06:03
=== qwertybob [n=knoppix@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
kameronkyes, in the KMenu, the Add/Remove Programs option opens Adept06:03
DaSkreechxylus: Alt+Enter -> type adept -> Press enter06:03
scabootsscaintelikey, because for some reason the windows dtrive stopped working as a slave06:03
xylusalt enter does nothing06:04
intelikeyscabootssca sudo umount /proc   and rerun that string.06:04
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kameronkxylus, once you get used to the command line apt-get and apt-cache, it's much quicker than adept06:04
DaSkreechAlt+Space sorry06:04
qwertybobneed help bad, i cant boot error is ... target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init06:04
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kameronkunless you just want generic software for something, and want the category view06:04
qwertybobive booted using knoppix06:04
xyluskk what is apt cache anyway?06:04
xylussimple explanation will do i jsut wnaa know what it does06:04
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intelikeyi guess windows xp can only live on hda1   poor poor winxp  so weak    so lame....06:05
=== camelan [n=camelan@ppp-69-228-100-15.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
scabootsscaintelikey, it says device is busy06:05
xyluslmfao intel i dont even have windows on my system06:05
DaSkreechxylus: When you update it downloads all the information about the programs that are available06:05
xyluskk and the cache?06:05
intelikeyscabootssca lets try another approach   one liner comming...06:05
DaSkreechxylus: It caches them locally. Apt-cache allows you to search the cache for things even if you are not on the net06:06
kameronkxylus, among other things, apt-cache search will allow you to search for the package name06:06
xylusok so i type apt-cache ummm xchat for instance06:06
qwertybobis there a way to update ubuntu while in knoppix i read it might be a udev bug or something?06:06
DaSkreechSo you can check on things06:06
xylusand ittel find it for me?06:06
DaSkreechapt-cache search xchat06:06
xyluskk ill try it with frostwire06:06
intelikeysudo chroot /linux mount proc /proc -t proc06:06
DaSkreechxylus: tried alt+space ?06:07
intelikeyscabootssca tell me what that does.06:07
xylushmm nothing happen when i type sudo apt-cache frostwire06:07
DaSkreechxylus: read !frostwire06:07
xylusdident expect anythign to06:07
xylusbut still06:07
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:07
DaSkreechRead that page06:07
xyluskk thx daskreech06:07
DaSkreechYou can't install frostwire06:08
kameronkyou don't need to sudo, and you just type "apt-cache search frostwire"06:08
intelikeyxylus ... search ....06:08
scabootsscaintelikey, says then "mount: proc already mounted06:08
scabootssca" then "ubuntu@dsl-gerl-135-103:~$ DaSkreech xylus: tried alt+space ?06:08
xylusno sudo gotcha06:08
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xylusi tryed alt space06:08
xylusdose nothing06:08
kameronkxylus, it won't help, but it won't hurt06:08
DaSkreechscabootssca: Eh?06:08
xyluswhats a katapult lol06:08
DaSkreechxylus: Type adept06:08
dr_willis!info katapult06:08
ubotukatapult: item launcher for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 264 kB, installed size 1932 kB06:08
ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.06:08
intelikeyscabootssca something is hosed there... does  ls /linux/proc   show anything ?06:08
xyluswhaaaa geared06:08
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DaSkreechxylus: You can open nearly any application or song like that :)06:09
DaSkreechSweet :)06:09
xyluslol that katapult is the coolest shortcut ive ever sceen!06:09
xylusman thats pimped06:09
xylusit scanns for names in like a instant06:09
DaSkreechxylus: It's gonna get better man Wait till you see the stuff they are working on06:09
DaSkreechxylus: Want to see something even cooler?06:09
scabootsscaintelikey, it says http://pastebin.ca/10044406:09
dr_willisand here i am still using WindowMaker. :)06:09
DaSkreechAlt+Space -> 2+206:10
xylushaha wtf cool06:10
intelikeywhoa !06:10
dr_willisalt+space -> porn   -> goes to www.biguns.com :)06:10
intelikeyscabootssca pastebin the output of mount06:10
DaSkreechdr_willis: that's just your computer :)06:10
dr_willisalt+space ->  100/0  ->  ?06:10
xylusman thats awesome06:11
supernixUptime: 1 days, 6 hours and 14 minutes06:11
DaSkreechMine goes to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haifa_Wehbe06:11
scabootsscaintelikey, http://pastebin.ca/10044606:11
DaSkreechxylus: In any case open adept and see if you can manage repos now06:11
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xylusyes i can!06:12
xylusill read the rest of that tut u sent me06:12
xylusand figure out how to manage them now :)\06:12
DaSkreechabattoir: Dude06:12
DaSkreechkameronk: See? :)06:12
abattoirDaSkreech: hi :)06:12
DaSkreechadd/remove != adept06:12
DaSkreechThough it is adept based ;-)06:12
xylusyeah the real adept is alt space adept06:13
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xylusthats what i needed to get to06:13
xylusthe add remove programs is like a basic version06:13
intelikeyscabootssca your system is doing strange things...   it errored out and yet mounted the fs in the same breath....  not normal...     anyway lets try one more time the  sudo chroot /linux lilo    command.06:13
xylusof the adept06:13
abattoirKmenu->System->Package manager06:13
scabootsscaintelikey, same raid error06:13
kameronkDaSkreech: see what?06:13
DaSkreechxylus: Yup06:13
xylusok under manage repositorys06:13
intelikeyscabootssca second....06:14
xylusa big list of http addresses is their06:14
xylusshould i jsut slect them all for every downloadable program?06:14
DaSkreechkameronk: Add/remove is like a dumbed down adept. Pretty useful but not really useful06:14
DaSkreechWait that made no sense06:14
kameronkoh ok06:14
DaSkreechxylus: Huh?06:14
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DaSkreechxylus: Look for one that has universe06:14
xylusunder repository manager06:14
kameronk(honestly, i just use adept to update packages automatically... to install i use Konsole and apt-get)06:15
xylushow do i make it so i can see every downloadable program06:15
xylusrather than just the ones in main06:15
DaSkreechkameronk: Why don't you just cron job apt-get dist-upgrade ?06:15
DaSkreechxylus: Do you see a line with the word universe in it?06:15
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xylusnope i see new repository tho06:15
Frederickfolks does kubuntu has any command to auto-configure internet acess?06:16
abattoirhmmm, my computer is completely screwed up... all i can now do is speak w/ you guys here or do a hard restart... nothing else :)06:16
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DaSkreechxylus: ok can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ?06:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:16
xylushard restart=coldboot06:16
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kameronkDaSkreech: i could do that, but adept tells me automatically, so i don't bother06:16
DaSkreechabattoir: So it works fine then!!06:16
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xylussure how do i register so i can pm u daskreech06:16
abattoirDaSkreech: hehe, indeed :)06:16
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration06:17
DaSkreechabattoir: What the problem?06:17
Hawkwind!register < xylus06:17
ubotuI know nothing about register < xylus - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:17
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abattoirDaSkreech: now i cant even see your messages, unless i highlight them06:17
=== Hawkwind Smacks the bot
xyluslol i just need the command\ /nickserv register or something06:17
DaSkreechHawkwind: Nice redirect06:17
Frederickafter the last package updates I got connectionless any ideas?06:17
abattoirDaSkreech: pbuilder06:17
DaSkreechabattoir: eek06:17
HawkwindDaSkreech: Heh, thanks :P06:17
intelikeyscabootssca add to the lilo command   -F06:17
xylus./nickserv register password email?06:17
Hawkwindxylus: /msg nickserv help register06:17
DaSkreechxylus: Sure why not :)06:17
Hawkwindxylus: Then follow the information06:17
Hobbsee!register > Hawkwind06:18
abattoirDaSkreech: gives me a 'bus' error, and then everything fails.... 'sudo' gives input output error, everything else i get command not found :)06:18
Hobbseeabattoir: what'd you do?06:18
=== DaSkreech laughs
scabootsscalike "sudo chroot /linux lilo -F06:18
DaSkreechThat would wake up Hobbsee06:18
abattoirHobbsee: nothing, just 'sudo pbuilder create'06:18
DaSkreechHi Hobbsee *waves*06:18
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Hobbseeabattoir: ahh06:18
Hobbseehi DaSkreech06:18
=== Hawkwind Smacks Hobbsee for spamming me via the bot :P
abattoirHobbsee: first it didnt even create the base.tgz, i asked for your help... but then managed to figure it out06:19
scabootsscaintelikey,  like "sudo chroot /linux lilo -F06:19
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a141a1.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
HobbseeHawkwind: you got the > around the wrong way - you want the command to go to you, not from you, to the command06:20
scabootsscaexact same errotr as sudo chroot /linux lilo06:20
Hobbseeabattoir: yeah, i was afk, sorry - had my away set and everything :P06:20
HawkwindHobbsee: I know, I'm half asleep and typo'd :P06:20
xyluscheck yr pm tab!06:20
HawkwindHobbsee: But the bot should read my mind and know what I want anyways06:20
HobbseeHawkwind: :P06:20
HobbseeHawkwind: well, yeah06:20
HobbseeHawkwind: that'd be nice.06:20
HawkwindI thought smackin him might make him do such thing06:21
intelikeyscabootssca ?06:21
abattoirhmm, now when i build w/ pbuilder, all hell breaks loose :D06:21
DaSkreechxylus: I am ! It's empty!06:21
scabootssca? what06:21
intelikey -P  ignore06:22
xyluswrong dascreech than06:22
intelikeyadd that ^06:22
xyluspm me skreech06:22
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DaSkreechxylus: I am06:22
Hobbseeabattoir: want to pastebin what happens when you run sudo pbuilder update?06:22
xyluswhy cant i get or send a pm to u06:23
scabootsscaintelikey, "sudo chroot /linux lilo -P06:23
kameronkxylus, i need to register first06:23
xyluslol kk06:23
Steven_Is java 1.5 avalible for dapper?06:23
intelikey -P  ignore06:24
Hawkwind!info java06:24
ubotuPackage java does not exist in dapper06:24
Hawkwind!info sun-java06:24
ubotuPackage sun-java does not exist in dapper06:24
Hawkwind!info sun-java5-bin06:24
ubotusun-java5-bin: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 21625 kB, installed size 65608 kB06:24
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HawkwindSteven_: ^^^^06:24
thilakis there something like Snagit for kubuntu ?06:25
scabootsscaintelikey, http://pastebin.ca/10045506:25
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intelikeyi don't want to see that.    use  -P ignore06:26
scabootsscacheck the bottom06:26
abattoirHobbsee: ever heard of a problem like this? w/ pbuilder?06:26
Hobbseeabattoir: hmmm....06:27
Hobbseeabattoir: no, but i have had problems with it at all06:27
abattoirHobbsee: you mean you havent have problems w/ it at all?06:27
abattoir*havent have had06:27
=== DaSkreech needs to build ManaWorld
intelikeyscabootssca pastebin    stat /dev/hda06:28
=== Ertain [n=jason@c-24-0-216-68.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseeabattoir: well, some, but i think they were pebkac errors - see pm06:28
ErtainCrap, I thought the screensaver problem was fixed in the latest kdelibs update.06:28
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abattoirHobbsee: hmm, i wonder how you switch tabs in irssi :P06:28
scabootsscaintelikey, http://pastebin.ca/10046006:29
Hawkwindabattoir: alt 1 alt 2 and so on :P06:29
Hobbseeabattoir: /win number, or alt+1-0,q-p06:29
abattoirHawkwind: thanks :-D06:29
crimsunHobbsee: which unfortunately is not too effective once you get past nineteen windows06:29
crimsun(I have seventy-six atm)06:30
intelikeyi think it just dawned on me scabootssca06:30
intelikeyscabootssca pastebin    stat /linux/dev/hda06:30
intelikeythe device node is missing    no ?06:30
Hobbseecrimsun: ouch06:30
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Steven_thanks Hawkwind06:31
scabootsscano file or directory06:31
=== ubuntu_ is now known as wckdkl0wn
scabootsscaintelikey, "stat: cannot stat `/linux/dev/hda': No such file or directory06:31
intelikeythat's why it cant install a boot loader there is no device node....    ok  sudo chroot /linux06:32
wckdkl0wnanyone here avalible to help me out with partitioning?06:32
intelikeythat will give you a root bash shell on the installed system06:32
DaSkreechxylus: So you good?06:32
xylusyeah cuz06:32
xylusim prety good06:32
xylusjust workin things over atm06:32
intelikeyscabootssca next mknode /dev/hda b 3 006:32
xylusima try and install a p2p program using the adept manager06:33
intelikeyscabootssca next     mknode /dev/hda b 3 006:33
xylusif it works than sweet XD06:33
DaSkreechxylus: Did you read !frostwire?06:33
intelikeyscabootssca  ls /dev/hda06:33
intelikeynode there ?06:33
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=== intelikey wonders why he didn't catch that the first fourteen times.......
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wckdkl0wnanyone here avalible to help me out with partitioning?06:34
ubotuI know nothing about parted - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:35
scabootsscaintelikey, whenever i try it says "bash: mknode: command not found06:35
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intelikeyscabootssca  . /etc/profile06:35
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks06:35
intelikeyand try again.06:35
DaSkreech!mount > wckdkl0wn06:35
wckdkl0wni am talking about partitioning during install06:36
intelikeyscabootssca that is  with the dot   '. /etc/profile '06:36
wckdkl0wnso i can keep my windows partition as well06:36
wckdkl0wndual boot the system06:36
DaSkreechAh Ok what do you need to know?06:36
scabootsscaok i type ". /etc/profile06:37
scabootssca" and then type "mknode /dev/hda b 3 006:37
scabootssca" and " it says "bash: mknode: command not found06:37
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:37
DaSkreechxylus: Later man06:37
DaSkreechOh xylus check something for me06:38
intelikeyscabootssca oh no e  mknod06:38
wckdkl0wni have 2 30 gig partitions i want to save and a blank 170 gig partition i want to make for linux.. i tryed to hide the 2 i wanted to save with the installer and make the 170 into 2 partitions one for swap and the other for /06:38
intelikeysorry my bad06:38
wckdkl0wnbut for some reason the installer locks up on creating partitions06:38
intelikeyhehhe it's late.06:38
xylussure btw i typed frostwire in search under adept manager and got jack06:38
wckdkl0wnis there something i am doing wrong?06:38
xyluswhat did u want me to check06:38
DaSkreechxylus: Right read the page!!06:38
scabootsscaok theres a hda now06:38
DaSkreechxylus: See if you have sun-java5-jre in adept06:38
DaSkreechwckdkl0wn: Tell me what you did06:39
intelikeyscabootssca and it said ?06:39
DaSkreechYou tried to "hide" the partitions?06:39
scabootsscaintelikey, it said theres no hda106:39
xylusits installed now06:39
intelikeyk we'll make them all.06:39
xylusjust got it off adept06:39
wckdkl0wnthe installer said something about unmounting partitions i dont want deleted or something like that06:39
scabootsscaintelikey, thers only hda shouldnt there bne a bunch of others?06:40
intelikeyscabootssca mknod /dev/hda1 b 3 106:40
scabootsscaintelikey, i think there was before06:40
intelikeyscabootssca mknod /dev/hdb b 3 6406:40
intelikeyscabootssca mknod /dev/hdb1 b 3 6506:40
ErtainDoes anyone know if the screensaver problem has been fixed in the latest kdelibs?06:41
intelikeythen lilo again and it should work.06:41
scabootsscaintelikey, now it needs hda206:41
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wckdkl0wni installed ubuntu a while back and had it dual boot no problem06:41
DaSkreechxylus: Ok download frostwire and you can just run it :)06:41
intelikeyno it shouldn't even look at hda206:41
wckdkl0wnwhy did kubuntu change everything?06:41
intelikeythere is no mention of it in your lilo.conf06:41
scabootsscait wants it06:41
DaSkreechwckdkl0wn: Umm.. Ok  It didn't06:41
DaSkreechIt uses the same installer06:42
DaSkreechYou have Ubuntu installed?06:42
wckdkl0wnused to06:42
intelikeyscabootssca error ?06:42
scabootsscaintelikey, http://pastebin.ca/10046806:42
wckdkl0wnbut kubuntu wants to install from teh live cd06:42
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DaSkreechwckdkl0wn: If you prefer you can get the Alternate CD for a "normal" install06:43
intelikeyscabootssca umount /proc06:43
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=jan@dslc-082-082-077-201.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
scabootsscaok i did06:43
intelikeytry lilo again06:43
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: good morning :)06:43
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intelikeythis is where we should have hours ago when we first started.06:44
scabootsscaintelikey, http://pastebin.ca/10047006:44
DaSkreechMilhousePunkRock: Yo!06:44
DaSkreechwckdkl0wn: Would that help?06:44
=== Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-29-12.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRockMornin' abattoir and DaSkreech06:44
intelikeyscabootssca ok so add it.06:44
MilhousePunkRockNot to forget intelikey or course...06:45
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timi_besides the fact amarok won tplay an audio cd its a pretty amazing player06:45
intelikeyscabootssca sec06:45
xylusnyone know why my sunjava 5 jre is suck during install from the adept manager?06:46
=== DaSkreech points out the other 226 people in the room MilhousePunkRock forgot :)
xylusi click on show and i see a agreement06:46
DaSkreechxylus: Ahhh! I hate that06:46
xylusbut no  buttens and its stuck on 28 pct06:46
Cntryboywhat yahoo client is flood protection proof ect.. Gaim and gyach both gets booted easyyy.06:46
MilhousePunkRockThose others didn't greet me personally...06:46
xyluslol yeah know how to fix er bro?06:46
DaSkreechxylus: Umm there is a way to fix that but the fast way is to do sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre from the command line06:46
DaSkreechMilhousePunkRock: :-)06:47
MilhousePunkRockIs there a reason why any changes I make to my menu.lst of GRUB don't get applied?06:47
xylusk how do i stop the current installation?06:47
intelikeyscabootssca echo "     disk=/dev/hdb inaccessible" >> /etc/lilo.conf06:47
intelikeyone line ^06:47
DaSkreechxylus: Ermm Close adept?06:48
xylusim one setp ahead of ya06:48
xylusi didetn see a cancel butten06:48
xylusso i just said fawlk it and closed adept06:48
=== karl [n=karl@c-24-11-144-134.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
xylusE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:49
xylusE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:49
scabootsscaintelikey, ok i did it now i'll try lilo again06:49
TsedMilhousePunkRock: Did you run update-grub after writing the changes?06:49
=== troy__ [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-29-91.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu
Cntryboywhat yahoo client is flood protection proof ect.. Gaim and gyach both gets booted easyyy.06:49
xylusE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:49
xylusE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:49
xyluslast time i gotr that error06:49
xylusi was never able to use adept again06:49
karlxylus: run it as root?06:49
MilhousePunkRockOnce I did, another time I didn't... Didn't make a difference06:49
xylusand had to reinstall kubuntu lol06:49
xylusyeah i ran as sudo06:49
Cntryboyxylus: are you sudo get-apt a proggy also?06:50
Cntryboyapt-get rather06:50
DaSkreechxylus: ha ha ha :)06:50
xylusi just closed a half installation tho06:50
timi_anyone know how to make kubuntu recognize dual core06:50
MilhousePunkRockCntryboy: Isn't there an option in the Yahoo protocol to only accept messages from people on your list?06:50
Hawkwindxylus: Remove the lock file and then re-run it06:50
scabootsscaintelikey, ok now it says -> http://pastebin.ca/10047606:50
DaSkreechxylus:  try sudo dpkg --configure -a06:50
intelikeyscabootssca i don't think we want that.  linux is on hdb now....   something about that smells of fish.....06:50
Hawkwindtimi_: Use the linux-686 kernel06:50
CntryboyI got that error when i was trying to sudo apt-get a proggy while going to adept so i dunno sorry06:50
DaSkreechxylus: Do mine first!! :)06:50
timi_hawkind what does that mean06:51
Hawkwindxylus: You should NEVER close something like Adept when it's doing something06:51
Hawkwindtimi_: Means install the proper kernerl06:51
xyluslol their was no cancel butten06:51
DaSkreechHawkwind: Not much choice06:51
xylusand the install was stuck on 2806:51
xylusso i quit it06:51
xylusand now i cant use adept lolz06:51
DaSkreechThe Java install borks adept06:51
xylustheir realy should be a cancel butten :(06:51
CntryboymilhousePunkRock: well yah but it's not working they still get through06:51
timi_hawk type that in the console right06:51
DaSkreechxylus: try sudo dpkg --configure -a06:51
xylushow do i remove the lock file that command u gave me dosent work06:51
MilhousePunkRocktimi_: Open adept and look for linux-kernel-image-68606:51
Hawkwindtimi_: sudo apt-get install linux-68606:51
intelikeyscabootssca why is it trying to open hdb ???  pastebin /etc/lilo.conf one more time   something we have missed....06:51
DaSkreechxylus: that doesn't work?06:51
Hawkwindtimi_: That should install the new kernel, then reboot to it if it installed06:52
intelikeyscabootssca i can see hdb1  but not hdb......06:52
MilhousePunkRockCntryboy: I use all other protocols except Yahoo, and I don't have those problems...06:52
xylusok nvm06:52
xylusit works06:52
xylusit says database is locked by another process06:52
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karlanyone know how to change down mouse sensativity?06:52
Cntryboywhat do you use06:52
scabootsscaintelikey, ok http://pastebin.ca/10047806:52
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRockMSN, AIM, ICQ, GoogleTalk (via Jabber) and XFire06:53
CntryboyI mean what is the proggy you use to run those though06:53
DaSkreechxylus: Sooo it doesn't work?06:53
scabootsscaintelikey, it changed itslf!!06:53
MilhousePunkRockwb abattoir... Did you flee when you saw me?06:53
HawkwindCntryboy: I use Gaim and haven't been booted off the servers in months.  Mine never goes down06:53
xylussays status database are is locked by another process skreech06:54
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hehe, no, i really couldnt do anything else.. believe me :)06:54
MilhousePunkRockCntryboy: Yes, because GAIM is the only one that is capable of XFire06:54
Cntryboyhawkwind: this person was booting me left and right dissing me from yahoo server over and over,, I can't even log on it lol06:54
intelikeyscabootssca ok  i see it.     nano /etc/lilo.conf  and take out these lines   "    7. root=/dev/hdb"    "   21.      disk=/dev/hdb inaccessible06:54
intelikey   22.      disk=/dev/hdb inaccessible06:54
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Suspend still doesn't work, I was close to compiling and patching my own kernel...06:54
HawkwindThat's yahoo for ya.  Bunch of script kiddes06:54
Cntryboymilhousepunkrock: where at in gaim can i select do not accept pm06:54
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hmm but would doing that make sure it'd work?06:55
intelikeyit wont need that when the root= is removed.06:55
Cntryboyhawkwind: ya, it sucks there now but I was bored06:55
MilhousePunkRockThere is a kernel patch, called Suspend206:55
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: tbh, its a really frustrating process if it doesnt work at the end06:55
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Cntryboyhawkwind: looks like though linux would have something stronger though unlike windows bs06:55
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: wasnt that what i showed you the other day? you told it was suspend to disk right?06:55
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scabootsscahow do i get out of it?06:56
robbrownhey guys, can someone give me an opinion?: is this file corrupt/broken?: http://superb-west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/harvest/harvest-1.9.9.tar.bz206:56
HawkwindCntryboy: I've never had such an issue with Gaim, ever.  Been using it for 5+ years06:56
intelikeyscabootssca you can change the menu-title if you like.06:56
MilhousePunkRockI said I was close to... Google was my friend, someone compiled a vanilla kubuntu kernel with the patch already06:56
intelikeyctrl X06:56
scabootsscaintelikey, how do i use the commands06:56
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: oh, cool :)06:56
Cntryboyhawkwind: is there an option to not accept pms though with gaim?06:56
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: I did a little more research on it, it can do STR too06:56
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: that's good to hear :)06:57
intelikeyscabootssca ctrl+K   is cut the present line   and  ctrl+x   is exit.  it will ask about saving06:57
HawkwindCntryboy: Not that I know of.  I only use Gaim for Gtalk now days06:57
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scabootsscasay yes to saving06:57
intelikeyscabootssca yes  and there is a help window at the bottom of nano.06:58
Cntryboywell that is lame, I remember a friending having in the old days some yahoo client that was all command written and you couldn't flood it06:58
scabootsscaok done06:58
Cntryboyfriend rather<----stoned lol06:58
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Now I only need to add a line to my menu.lst that just won't stay in there...06:58
intelikeyscabootssca and lilo says what now ?06:58
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: for the new kernel?06:58
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: the file isnt save? that's weird06:59
robbrowncould someone give me a hand? i have a feeling this archive is corrupt but i don't know: http://superb-west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/harvest/harvest-1.9.9.tar.bz206:59
karlanyone know how to change down mouse sensativity?06:59
scabootsscaintelikey, http://pastebin.ca/10048206:59
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: else while booting in grub, you can specify the kernel path, parameters etc... in grub itself06:59
MilhousePunkRockNo, abattoir, that got added automatically... Something like resume2=swap:/dev/hda506:59
=== timi [n=timi@adsl-69-151-57-245.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
robbrowni can't seem to uncompress it07:00
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hmmm wonder why it doesnt stick07:00
robbrownand i'm wondering if its just me...07:00
intelikeyhow do you do this scabootssca..... ive never had any real trubble with lilo.... ?07:00
MilhousePunkRockrobbrown: What does "harvest" do?07:00
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: didnt you add something similar for the normal kernel the other day? when i gave you the link for the X<something> ?07:00
intelikeyscabootssca ls /dev/hdb07:00
scabootsscayes there is one07:01
intelikeywe did make a device nod for that07:01
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intelikeyok   add -l  to that   ls -l /dev/hdb07:01
timihey hawk, when i rebooted there was no grub for me to choose07:01
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Now that you say it, yes, I think so.. Seems like that also never stuck in there...07:01
robbrownharvest is a search engine more or less07:01
intelikeywhat it say ?07:01
timidoes it just automatically load the new kernel07:01
intelikeypaste it here.07:01
ubuntu__paano sumali sa pag-develop ng kubuntu?07:02
MilhousePunkRockrobbrown: Did you try another mirror at sourceforge already?07:02
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: weird, you edited /boot/grub/menu.lst as root right?07:02
scabootsscaintelikey, brw-r--r-- 1 root root 3, 6 2006-07-25 23:41 /dev/hdb07:02
intelikeyscabootssca rm it07:02
intelikeyyou hosed it.07:02
intelikeyscabootssca rm /dev/hdb07:02
scabootsscai what?07:02
robbrownmilhousepunkrock: no... good idea :)07:02
scabootsscai killed it07:03
intelikeytty3 [greg$~]  ls -l /dev/hdb07:03
intelikey0 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 3, 64 2006-07-21 15:28 /dev/hdb07:03
MilhousePunkRockYes, abattoir... Now I know why the resolution I changed there last week never worked too...07:03
intelikeyit's 64  not 607:03
DaSkreech!frostwire > xylus07:03
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:03
scabootsscatty3 [greg$~]  ls -l /dev/hdb dosnt work07:03
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ok, check if it sticks immediately after you save it07:04
intelikeyscabootssca we make another one (assuming you rm'd it)  mknod /dev/hdb b 3 6407:04
robbrowntried another mirror, still *seems* buggered07:04
timiwhats the directory for the startup folder07:04
timii need to remove superkaramba from it07:04
scabootsscaya it's gone07:04
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: OK, but let me look up the _exact_ parameter I need07:05
scabootsscaintelikey, ok i made a new one07:05
MilhousePunkRockrobbrown: One minute then I will try it myself07:05
scabootsscalilo now?07:05
robbrownthanks mil :)07:05
timihey installed a new kernel or something07:05
intelikeyif it's a new error just give me the one line that changed.07:06
timiwhen i restarted does it automatically boot into the new kernel07:06
DaSkreechNight  all07:06
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scabootsscaintelikey, http://pastebin.ca/10048807:06
abattoirDaSkreech: good night :)07:06
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intelikeywell that should be obvious      5. Fatal: open /boot/intird.img-2.6.15-26-386: No such file or directory07:07
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leorssmulheres n usam kubuntu?07:07
scabootsscabut there is one07:07
intelikeyls /boot/intird.img*07:08
scabootsscait dosnt think so but i see one07:08
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intelikeyi'm thinking you see intiramfs.img-2.6.15-26-38607:08
scabootsscai se both07:08
intelikeynano /etc/lilo and make it intiramfs.img-2.6.15-26-386   if that exists in /boot07:09
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=== Healot [i=kayu@tor/session/direct/x-a6e27bbadcb5c1f7] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyis intird.img-2.6.15-26-386  a link ?07:10
intelikeyls -l /boot/initrd*07:10
scabootsscahow do i tell? it's 6.5 mb though07:10
scabootsscait says gz on it07:10
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scabootsscaon the icon07:10
intelikeyon.  run the command   ls -l /boot/initrd*07:11
scabootssca-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6765622 2006-07-25 02:12 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-23-38607:11
scabootssca-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6774097 2006-07-25 02:12 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-38607:11
intelikeyhmmm and there is an initramfs  that you made eariler  correct ?07:12
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.07:12
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scabootsscaintelikey, yes07:12
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: It's in the line "kernel" isnt it?07:12
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: yes, unless it says otherwise07:12
intelikeyscabootssca mv /boot/initramfs* /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-38607:12
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: you should already see stuff like 'root...' so just put it at the end of the line07:13
scabootsscamv: cannot stat `/boot/initramfs*': No such file or directory07:13
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash07:13
abattoiryes, that's the line :)07:13
intelikeyyou said it was there07:13
scabootsscai see it it's called "intiramfs.img-2.6.15-26-386"07:14
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scabootsscado i have to type /linux/boott/initramfs* ?07:15
scabootsscaboot i mean07:15
intelikeynot in the chrooted shell07:15
ubotuI know nothing about synergy - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:15
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intelikeymoved it to   initrd.img-2.6.15-23-386  ?07:16
intelikeythat's what is in your /etc/lilo.conf  ^   you must have missed that...07:16
scabootsscait dosnt work07:16
Azzcohi guys...I don't know why but my sound doesn't work anymore... I've been away for about twelve hours or something...and now it says something about sound device not detected07:16
intelikeyneeds to be    initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386  <--- that was one of the things i mentioned  but we both over looked.07:17
ubotuI know nothing about love - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:17
robbrownpoor ubotu07:18
intelikeyscabootssca nano /etc/lilo.conf   and fix it.07:18
kameronkdoes someone know apache well?07:18
MilhousePunkRockHmm, maybe I did not save it properly before, this time it prompted me explicitely wether I want to keep the changes, abattoir...07:18
xylushi everyone! im installing limewire and it says i need to upgrade to jre 1.4.0 or newer but yet it says clearley in my adept manager that i have 1.5.0 installed!07:18
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xylusanyone help me out here?07:18
robbrownxylus, sure your not mixing up jre and sdk?07:19
MilhousePunkRockOK, robbrown, now to harvester07:19
scabootsscaintelikey, what needs to be that? initrd=/boot/intird.img-2.6.15-26-386  ?07:19
scabootsscait already was'07:19
robbrownthanks mil07:19
farousxylus: sudo update-alternatives --config java07:19
xylusi have jre 1.5 and the konsol says i need 1.4 or newer07:19
MilhousePunkRockrobbrown: Looks like some compiling work to do, huh?07:19
intelikeyscabootssca is that what the file name is you just moved ?07:19
robbrowndid you use automatix to download the java stuff?07:19
farousselect sun java07:19
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intelikeyoh i07:19
scabootsscaintelikey, it didnt move it said there was no file07:20
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robbrowndid you refresh bash after install?07:20
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robbrownprobablt not necessary....07:20
scabootsscasays mv: cannot stat `/boot/initramfs*': No such file or directory07:20
xylusthats all??07:20
xylushow did you know to do that??07:20
robbrownwho what?07:20
farousxylus: did it work?07:21
intelikeyuse the tab key to complete file names in the console07:21
farousyou just need to select the right java07:21
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: so it is saved right?07:21
xylusyeah how did you knwo to do that!07:21
=== intelikey stops to pull his hair out.
xyluslike wtf!! linux master?07:21
MilhousePunkRockYes, abattoir07:21
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farousxylus: would you have prefered if i did not tell you ;)07:22
MilhousePunkRockrobbrown: I didn't have any errors on untaring that... What options did you use?07:22
xylusnope im glad u did07:22
farousxylus: just by time you will no it yourself :)07:22
xylusi wish i could rember randome commands off the top of my head07:22
wckdkl0wnhow do i update kubuntu?07:22
wckdkl0wnapt-get update?07:22
xyluslol i hope so farous07:22
MilhousePunkRocksudo apt-get update wckdkl0wn07:22
xyluswck that just updates your apt manager list07:22
intelikeyscabootssca let me say this another way.    i don't care which your you change.   the name of the file or the name listed in lilo.conf   but make the match   (pa'lease!)07:22
wckdkl0wnxylus: ok so what do i do then?07:23
robbrownwckdkl0wn: juggalo?07:23
intelikeyplease make them match.07:23
intelikeyplease please please !07:23
MilhousePunkRockscabootssca: Why do you use Lilo anyway?07:23
wckdkl0wnxylus: i remember back when i used ubuntu a while back that i had to change the repositories to something so i was able to isntall more then what was in the base system07:24
MilhousePunkRockrobbrown: How did you try to extract harvester?07:24
wckdkl0wnsomeone told me to change it07:24
wckdkl0wnrobbrown: i take it your a juggalo too then?07:24
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MilhousePunkRockIs there a way to see who is some channel on freenode without joining it?07:25
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock cause grub couldn't boot both systems  was the answer i got.   so i sujested lilo and it did just fine.   now he/she  has switched the drives. jumpper to master/slave i assume.07:26
robbrownwckdkl0wn: i wouldn't go that far, i have some friends who are and i saw ICP when they came to melbourne07:26
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robbrownmil: from the gui07:26
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intelikeyassumed but wasn't sure.07:26
timiwhats the directorh for the start up folder07:26
MilhousePunkRockthat's the point, it will fail there, robbrown. Doesn't keep the permissions from inside the archive07:26
scabootsscabecause for some reason the slave drive stopped working unless it was master07:26
scabootsscaso i had to switch07:27
robbrownmil: ? why?07:27
intelikeytimi ~/.kde/Autostart/    what you are looking for ?07:27
scabootsscait didnt show up in bios either07:27
timii need to un autostart karamaba07:27
robbrownmil: do i have to be su?07:27
scabootsscaintelikey, and i made them both match07:27
MilhousePunkRockThat I can't say, robbrown07:27
wckdkl0wnwhats the wiki for the repositories list?07:28
scabootsscano lilo?07:28
MilhousePunkRockAssuming you are using ark, there is probably an option for it though, robbrown... Not that I know it, but someone in here does...07:28
robbrownwckdkl0wn: what country?07:28
wckdkl0wnrobbrown: us07:28
scabootsscaAdded linux *07:28
scabootsscaAdded Windows07:28
Hobbsee!repos > wckdkl0wn07:29
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: ty07:29
timihey not to long ago i downloaded a kernel for dual core support using apt get then i restarted, kubuntu just loaded so am i to assume it loaded into the right kernel07:29
scabootsscaintelikey, i guess http://pastebin.ca/100505 means it worked?07:29
intelikeyok  now for the record.   the two errors were.    filenames didn't match on the drive and in the config    and  there was no static device node.     the latter of the two i consider a bug in the kubuntu install   device nodes for persent standard ide drive should always be there.07:29
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intelikeyscabootssca yes the added lines means it worked07:30
robbrowntimi check ksysguard :)07:30
robbrownif theres 2 cpu's there then yea07:30
scabootsscaintelikey, ok i guess reboot and see if it worked?07:30
intelikeyi guess.07:31
robbrownuname -r07:31
intelikeyand i'll run hide just in case07:31
wckdkl0wnif i want to install firefox and gaim etc from a repository instead of manual install how do i do that?07:31
timirobbrown is that fromme07:31
=== scabootssca crosses fingers and stops banging head
scabootssca*on wall07:31
timierr for me07:31
robbrowntimi yeah07:31
robbrowntell me what it says07:31
robbrownhmmm do smp kernels say smp?07:32
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: sudo apt-get install program1 program2 program3 etc07:32
robbrownyou aren't using the default 386 kernel though07:32
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: or use adept07:32
timirobbrown what is this smp stuff07:32
robbrownsemetric processing07:33
robbrownmultiple processors07:33
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timihow do i figure out wht you were saying07:33
robbrownyou sure you installed the 686-smp kernel?07:33
intelikeyrobbrown i686 are smp    there is an infonode on the forums07:33
timiim pretty sure it was some big file07:33
robbrownintelikey: why isn't the second cpu showing up in ksysguard?07:33
timihow do i check if installed the smp07:33
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: adept? never used it.. always used apt-get07:34
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: use apt-get then :)07:34
MilhousePunkRockrobbrown: You need a different kernel, I guess07:34
=== Hobbsee isnt a great fan of adept.
robbrownwckdcl0wn you should try adept then07:34
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intelikeycheck the forums  https://forum.ubuntu.org   or what ever it is.07:34
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: lol ok07:34
MilhousePunkRockGood morning Hobbsee!07:34
Hobbseehi MilhousePunkRock. did you end up killing your system?07:34
Hobbseetimi: type /sysinfo please?07:35
timiSysinfo for 'timi-laptop': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: GenuineIntel(R)CPUT2500@2.00GHz at 1997 MHz (3994 bogomips), , RAM: 445/1001MB, 106 proc's, 37.39min up07:35
Hobbseethat'll tell you which kernel you should be using07:35
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Hobbseetimi: it *should* be the right kernel then.07:35
Hobbseedid you dapper people get an update of kdenetwork today?07:35
MilhousePunkRockHobbsee: I probably wouldnt be here then... I looked at the kernel patch "suspend2" again, and luckily found a precompiled *ubuntu kernel with the patch07:35
wckdkl0wnSysinfo for 'wckdkl0wn-desktop': Linux 2.6.15-23-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMDAthlon at 2105 MHz (4212 bogomips), , RAM: 462/757MB, 94 proc's, 16.48min up07:35
HobbseeMilhousePunkRock: ahh...you were compiling kernels...fun...07:36
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: you should probably be using the -k7 kernel for that - it's optimised for amd's07:36
MilhousePunkRockHobbsee: No, I didn't dare, I found a precompiled one luckily07:36
timiHobbsee doesnt system info just show me wht i am using07:36
timinot wht i shoul dbe using07:36
=== MilhousePunkRock will try to hibernate on the shell now, be back in a few
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: i just got my cd's in the main today so i just installed.. i am kinda new to linux07:36
Hobbseetimi: CPU: GenuineIntel(R)CPUT2500@2.00GHz tells me, not what kernel in particular you're using :)07:36
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: ahh...sudo apt-get instal linux-k707:37
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: ahh...sudo apt-get install linux-k707:37
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timii alyeah the old kernel said the exact same thing07:37
timibefore i updated 30 minutes ago o w/e07:37
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: ok07:37
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Hobbseeand sudo apt-get remove linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 linux-headers-38607:37
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: what will that change though?07:37
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Hobbseewckdkl0wn: know what optimisation is?07:37
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wckdkl0wnHobbsee: was that second command for me to put into konsole  and sudo apt-get remove linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 linux-headers-38607:38
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: yep07:38
timiSysinfo for 'timi-laptop': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: GenuineIntel(R)CPUT2500@2.00GHz at 1997 MHz (3994 bogomips), , RAM: 446/1001MB, 106 proc's, 41.26min up07:38
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: ok07:38
wckdkl0wnnice 236 kb a sec on the download07:39
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: basically, you're adding the optimised kernels, and removing bits so you wont get updates on the non-optimised ones - saving you downloads, because you wont be using them anyway07:39
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: because between an optimised kernel and a non-optimised one - the optimised one will always win, right/07:39
timihow do i get flash player audio back, i used to have it07:40
wckdkl0wni guess lol07:40
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications07:40
timiall i did was change sound to alsa and it worked, now it snot workign07:40
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timiyeah i have the codec07:40
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: like i said i am kinda new to this so i am just gonna agree lol07:40
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Hobbseewckdkl0wn: want an explanation/07:41
timidamn linux07:41
scabootsscai'm about to break something07:41
Hobbseegah, my shift key is terrible.07:41
Hobbseescabootssca: uh oh, what?07:41
wckdkl0wnok i installed the new kernal thing and removed the rest07:41
scabootsscait still dosnt work07:41
wckdkl0wnam i fully updated? or something else i ahve to do?07:41
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: okay, for new kernels, you need to reboot (it's the only thing you have to for), and pick the top one, and you'll automatically bootinto the new kernel.07:42
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: ok brb07:42
timianyone know how to change an xmodmap or something07:42
crimsunxmodmap some.xmodmap.file07:42
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unanwhat is the difference between a kernel module and a driver?07:43
timii need to add some media keys on the front of my laptop07:43
Agent_bobscabootssca what did it do ?07:43
timithe insturctions i found just said add to xmodmap07:43
scabootsscait still does the exact same thing as it did before07:43
crimsununan: a driver may have a userspace component, too; a kernel module is the kernelspace portion of a driver.07:44
scabootsscaso i'm jsut gonna reinstall the damn thing07:44
unancrimsun: so nvidia has no kernel module, just a driver?07:44
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unancrimsun: or does it have a module, but it is open source?07:45
scabootsscaok intellakey whoever you changed your name too thanks for all the help i'm sorry i wasted all your time but i cant figure it out so i'm gonna have to reinstall and start over07:45
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scabootsscasorry again07:45
Agent_bobscabootssca i hate initramfs.   had to build 7 of them before i got it right.07:45
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: ok.. it didnt ask me anything on boot though it just booted07:46
wckdkl0wnSysinfo for 'wckdkl0wn-desktop': Linux 2.6.15-26-k7 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMDAthlon at 2105 MHz (4214 bogomips), , RAM: 246/756MB, 93 proc's, 2.26min up07:46
wckdkl0wnHobbsee: is that right now?07:46
Hobbseewckdkl0wn: yep :)07:46
Hobbseesee/  Linux 2.6.15-26-k707:46
wckdkl0wnah the k7 is there07:46
wckdkl0wnwhat was it before?07:46
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crimsununan: Nvidia's non-free, binary-only driver has two components, a kernel driver (nvidia.ko) and an X Window System driver (the 'nvidia' Driver)07:47
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unancrimsun: oh, so it has no kernel module07:48
unancrimsun: thank you07:48
crimsununan: yes it does.07:48
crimsununan: it's called nvidia.ko07:48
Agent_bobthe ko is for frame buffering i suppose07:49
unancrimsun: but aren't they illegal?07:49
crimsununan: they're not at all illegal07:49
unancrimsun: i've heard that modules can't be open source07:49
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Healotbinary distribution of nv or ati driver is legal :-07:49
unancrimsun: sorry07:49
xyluswhats the command to turn a sh into a executeable for linux guys07:49
unancrimsun: i've heard that modules can't be non--open-source07:49
xyluschmod or something isent it07:49
Agent_bobsh file.sh07:50
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=jan@dslc-082-082-075-087.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
crimsununan: no, that's incorrect (mis)information.07:50
wckdkl0wnis there a program that will utilize a tv capture card so i am able to watch tv on my computer again? the card is a winfast tv2000 xp wdm07:50
xylushow i turn a .sh file into a executeable chmod soemthing07:50
MilhousePunkRockNo matter what I do, the additinoal boot parameters won07:50
xyluscan someone tell me the command plz07:50
Agent_boband yes xylus chmod 755 file.sh is the general fix07:50
Agent_bobsh file.sh07:50
MilhousePunkRockt stay in the menu.lst07:50
xylusthx agent07:51
Healotchmod +x file07:51
timiSysinfo for 'timi-laptop': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: GenuineIntel(R)CPUT2500@2.00GHz at 1997 MHz (3994 bogomips), , RAM: 595/1001MB, 108 proc's, 53.41min up07:51
Healottimi: advertisement?07:51
=== Agent_bob still sujests sh file.sh
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timii tried to send it to myself07:52
timii did the >timi thing07:52
timibut it didnt work07:52
unancrimsun: they say it here: http://www.kroah.com/log/linux/ols_2006_keynote.html (search for "simple answer" on that page)07:52
xylushmm chmod 755 dosent work07:53
xylusand i hate everytime that i want to start limewire i need to go to the command line07:53
xylusand type ./ runLime.sh07:53
xylusis their a way to make a exefile and link it to my desktop?07:54
xyluswell not a exe exactley but a bin or something07:54
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as scabootssca
scabootsscaok it's installing07:54
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
timisweet now flash sound doesnt work07:55
ubotuI know nothing about microsoft - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:55
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timihow do i get this07:56
timiKernel version 2.6.17-rc507:56
Agent_bobxylus and you are the guy complaining about there not being any gcc installed by default....07:56
Agent_bobdl it at kernel.org  or linux.org or what ever it is...07:57
Agent_bobgoogle knows.07:57
timi anyone know07:57
Agent_bobtimi ^07:57
Agent_bobyou won't get that from the repos07:57
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:58
timianyone know how i cant get flash sound to work07:58
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: The "resume2=swap:/dev/hda5" is there, for both suspend2-enabled kernels, but it still complains it's not...07:58
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: what complains?07:58
timii did this just yesterday then when i changed some sound setttigns it stopped working, changed them back and ti wont work07:58
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: swsup2?07:58
MilhousePunkRockwhen I execute hibernate on the shell07:58
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timime/ d07:59
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: did you try booting up w/ that kernel parameter?07:59
wckdkl0wnhrmm i just froze kubuntu lol07:59
timime says/07:59
MilhousePunkRockI thought changes to grub were immideate?07:59
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MilhousePunkRock^^spell check07:59
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: yes, but you should boot into the kernel w/ that parameter08:00
unancrimsun: did you read it? what do you think? i don't know how to interpret that08:00
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: so please try rebooting into the kernel w/ that parameter :)08:01
wckdkl0wnwhat dvd player do you all use for playing dvd's?08:01
MilhousePunkRockI already did..08:01
abattoirwckdkl0wn: kaffeine, install libdvdcss08:01
=== MilhousePunkRock heads off fot the shell to see if hibernatin in text mode works
=== timi em how can i add keyboard functions
=== timi like multimedia buttons on the front
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications08:02
ubotuI know nothing about kmilo - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:02
MilhousePunkRocktimi, search google for kmilo08:02
abattoirwckdkl0wn: see the ubotu post about multimedia, should have more info08:02
crimsununan: I think he makes a very valid and very satisfactory (to me) argument for why they /should/ be illegal. On the other hand, this statement also says the truth: "Now no lawyer will ever come out in public and say this, as lawyer really aren't allowed to make public statements like this at all. But if you hire one, and talk to them in the client/lawyer setting, they will advise you of this issue."08:02
wckdkl0wnabattoir: ty08:03
crimsununan: so in other words, according to current law, they are /not/ illegal.08:03
xylusnyone know how to get sound in kafeen player or perhaps a better video player avaible for linux?08:03
abattoirwckdkl0wn: np :)08:03
timicrimsun weere u just in xubutu08:03
wckdkl0wnabattoir: i got a crash with that program08:03
crimsuntimi: channel doesn't really matter :)08:03
abattoirwckdkl0wn: with kaffeine? when you play dvds?08:03
xylusplay anything realy08:04
wckdkl0wnabattoir: yea jsut crashed when i tryed to play a dvd08:04
xylusim playin a music video08:04
xylusand i got no sound08:04
xylusi try play mpg08:04
abattoirwckdkl0wn: you installed stuff like libdvdread, libdvdcss2 right?08:04
xylusi try dvd later08:04
wckdkl0wncant find packages08:05
wckdkl0wnor was i supose to install that another way?08:05
abattoirwckdkl0wn: that's why i said go to the links that ubotu gave about multimedia :)08:05
=== timi laments loss of windows
abattoirwckdkl0wn: they have the right names08:05
wckdkl0wnlol ok08:05
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications08:05
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ironfroggyare USB drives faster than harddrives? are they appropriate for use as swap partitions?08:06
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ubotuI know nothing about uninstall - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:07
abattoirwckdkl0wn: its libdvdread3, libdvdnav4, libdvdplay0, and libdvdcss2, at least for me :)08:07
timihey abbattoir how do i uninstall a program that isnt a kubuntu program08:07
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abattoirtimi: like what?08:08
timilike i compiled kbootsplash *completely worthless* and i want to remove it but its not in adept andd/remove08:08
abattoirtimi: ok, go to the folder where you extracted it and do 'sudo make uninstall'08:09
abattoirtimi: and then delete the folder08:09
abattoirtimi: assuming you installed it w/ 'sudo make install', that is.08:09
timiyeah i did08:09
timii  think i deleted the prgram where i extractedit to08:10
timithe folder08:10
Agent_bob"Look at the latest versions of Fedora, SuSE, Ubuntu and others. Installation is a complete breeze (way easier than any other operating system installation)."  <--- i think easier translates to inflexable in the *buntu field anyway....08:10
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=== MilhousePunkRock [n=jan@dslc-082-082-084-082.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRockWow, hibernation on the shell works, kind of...08:11
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wckdkl0wnabattoir: does that top link for the multimedia codecs work for you? cause i cant get it to open the link.. i keep getting 404 errors08:14
abattoirwckdkl0wn: hmm didnt try, wait a sec08:14
MilhousePunkRockAlthough I get an error message on resuming and dbus won't start automatically when I startx08:14
abattoir!multimedia > abattoir08:14
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: works?08:15
=== wckdkl0wn [n=wckdkl0w@c-68-44-58-251.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Basically yes... Hibernation on the shell that is...08:15
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: that's nice to hear :)08:15
MilhousePunkRockThe rest is tweaking I guess...08:16
unancrimsun: i see, thank you (for helping it make some sense to me)08:16
MilhousePunkRockI think I need to try "sleep" on the console now08:16
abattoirwckdkl0wn: i get a 404 too, guess the link needs to be updated08:16
MilhousePunkRockwhat was the shell command to stop x again?08:16
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: telinit 308:16
wckdkl0wnabattoir: ok so its not just me lol i thought i was doin something wrong08:16
unancrimsun: did you read it until the end, btw?08:16
abattoirw/ a sudo in front ;)08:16
abattoirwckdkl0wn: the 2nd one works?08:17
wckdkl0wnabattoir: yea but doesnt really explain anything08:17
abattoirwckdkl0wn: heh, did you try the packages i told you?08:17
wckdkl0wnabattoir: yea that all installed except the last one08:17
abattoirwckdkl0wn: which one? libdvdcss2?08:18
wckdkl0wnabattoir: libdvdcss208:18
abattoirwckdkl0wn: i think that's important, for the region coding thing08:18
abattoirwckdkl0wn: you get any error?08:18
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: or are you in the process of installing that?08:18
unancrimsun: (including the argument on their not being ethical and including novell's official statement)08:18
wckdkl0wnE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate08:18
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: are you in amd64 by any chance?08:19
wckdkl0wnabattoir: rest isntalled just fine08:19
wckdkl0wnabattoir: no08:19
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wckdkl0wnSysinfo for 'wckdkl0wn-desktop': Linux 2.6.15-26-k7 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMDAthlon at 2105 MHz (4214 bogomips), , RAM: 418/756MB, 90 proc's, 21.59min up08:19
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: wait a sec08:20
wckdkl0wnabattoir: k08:20
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: go to /usr/share/doc/libdvdread308:20
abattoirwckdkl0wn: see if you have a install-css.sh file there08:21
wckdkl0wnabattoir: how do i do that?08:21
wckdkl0wnabattoir: i'm kinda new to linux08:21
abattoirwckdkl0wn: in konqueror... just type that path08:21
abattoirwckdkl0wn: ok, open konqueror, in the addressbar, put in the path i gave... /usr/share....08:21
abattoirwckdkl0wn: tell me if you see the file08:21
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wckdkl0wnabattoir: nope just changelog files08:22
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: hmm, ok, gimme a second08:22
wckdkl0wnabattoir: k08:22
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wckdkl0wnabattoir: on that link it said something about xine.. whats that?08:23
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:23
xylusholey crap a decent kinda new game out for linux! i never knew!!!!08:23
xylustook me long enuph to find a decent game but americas army has a linux distro avaiable08:23
abattoirwckdkl0wn: that's the 'backend' multimedia player that kaffeine/ amarok etc. use by default in kubuntu08:24
abattoirwell, not exactly amarok... but08:24
timii couldnt find w/e directory i sent it too08:24
xylushey abattoir u know how to make sound work with kaffeen08:24
abattoirxylus: which format?08:24
abattoirthe file i mean08:24
abattoirwhich codec?08:24
xylusnone i dont think08:25
wckdkl0wnabattoir: ok that first link for dvd doesnt work either08:25
xylusill ask later i cant be botherd with downloading 5000 libs and codecs just to get sound in kafeen atm08:25
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abattoirxylus: nah, there has to be one... try installing win32codecs... or get it from winehq.hu08:25
abattoirwckdkl0wn: really, what's up w/ all these ubotu entries today...08:25
=== Dahgol [n=lucas@OL132-149.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
Dahgolwhich is the best dock for linux?08:26
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abattoirDahgol: kxdocker ?08:26
timii have absolutely no bass08:26
Dahgolabattoir: ok. i will try it08:26
abattoir!info kxdocker08:26
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB08:26
timii remember there was something i opneed one time that allowed me to chose if i had 2.0 system or 2.1 or /we anyone know what that is08:26
ubotuI know nothing about audio - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:27
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:27
=== timi [n=timi@adsl-69-151-57-245.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
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Lynoureoh, same timi, new nick.08:28
wckdkl0wnabattoir: should i jsut update my repositories and maybe i can find the file then?08:28
abattoirwckdkl0wn: was there an examples folder in the folder i asked you to check out?08:28
abattoirwckdkl0wn: i dont think so, unless you add sevea*s' repo08:29
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:29
wckdkl0wnabattoir: lol yea and the install-css.sh is there08:29
ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:29
Lynourelinuxblows: no bass eberywhere or just in some players? At least xine sports a selection for speaker set.08:29
linuxblowsthere is a part in a soung where there is supposed to bass and its almost complelety silent08:30
linuxblowsand now sound in flash player doesnt work08:30
abattoirwckdkl0wn: ok, good, now open up a konsole and type in 'cd /usr/share/doc/....'(complete the path, i'm too lazy :P)08:30
abattoirwckdkl0wn: once you are in the examples folder, type 'sudo sh ./install-css.sh'08:30
Lynourelinuxblows: have you checked that the subwoofer actually works?08:30
linuxblowsi dont ahve a subwoofer08:30
abattoirwckdkl0wn: that should take care of the installation... and kaffeine should be able to play your dvd :)08:30
Lynourelinuxblows: oh, jsut 2 spakers then?08:30
linuxblowsyeah laptop speakers08:31
Lynourehmm, I'm way too typoish today08:31
linuxblowsbut when iused windows media center i had bass08:31
=== michel [n=michel@c-24-8-200-19.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
unani know this is off-topic, but how do i remove the bootup splash screen in kubuntu?08:31
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Lynoureunan: it does not sound a tad offtopic to me08:31
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timiLynoure: any ideas08:32
robsounds on topic to me :)08:32
unanisn't this grub related?08:32
wckdkl0wnabattoir: sweet it works now :)08:32
abattoirunan: not sure, but maybe removing 'splash' in your menu.lst kernel entry?08:32
abattoirwckdkl0wn: cool :)08:32
Lynoureunan: last I checked, dapper still came with grub.08:32
Dahgolabattoir: eclipse or kdevelop?08:32
unanLynoure: this is why i thought it was off-topic08:32
abattoirDahgol: i use neither :P plain old kate08:33
Lynoureunan: :)08:33
unanLynoure: i considered it on-topic on #grub08:33
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unanbut their channel is too small for an answer08:33
=== michel is now known as MikHell
timiany ideas to how i can get back my sound on flash player08:33
wckdkl0wnabattoir: ok how about a mp3 player now? xmms i think it is called08:33
abattoirwckdkl0wn: well, i'd suggest amarok... but if you still want xmms...08:34
=== timi tear
abattoirwckdkl0wn: do a 'sudo apt-get install xmms'08:34
wckdkl0wnabattoir: i used to use xmms a while back mainly because it more like winamp08:34
abattoirwckdkl0wn: whatever you like :)08:34
abattoir!info xmms08:34
ubotuxmms: Versatile X audio player. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1029 kB, installed size 7256 kB08:34
abattoirits in main, so the command i gave you above should get it08:35
wckdkl0wnabattoir: ok installed08:35
wckdkl0wnwhat about using a tv capture card?08:35
wckdkl0wnis that possible with linux?08:35
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/08:35
abattoirwckdkl0wn: there is nothing really *impossible* w/ linux :P08:35
unanwhen will aiglx support commercial drivers?08:36
abattoirwckdkl0wn: you were looking for ^^^^^^ that right?08:36
=== timi getting sound to work is *impossible*
wckdkl0wnabattoir: i think lol08:47
=== MikHell [n=michel@c-24-8-200-19.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
wckdkl0wnabattoir: i have a winfast tv2000 xp wdm capture card i used in windows to watch tv on my computer08:47
=== abattoir wonders if it is a problem w/ timi or w/ linux :P
=== Dahgol [n=lucas@OL132-149.fibertel.com.ar] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
=== aseigo_home is now known as aseigo
abattoirwckdkl0wn: heh, i have no clue about those things :P, must work though, check it out....08:47
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timisound used to work08:47
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@207-172-219-193.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
timidoes anyone know which of the five million sound menus is the one that lets you determine speaker set u[08:47
ubotuI know nothing about speakers - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:47
ubotuI know nothing about speaker - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:47
wckdkl0wnabattoir: is there a way to tell if i have the device installed already or if i would need drivers for it08:47
abattoirwckdkl0wn: is it usb or pci?08:47
abattoirwckdkl0wn: lspci should give you a clue08:47
wckdkl0wnjust wondering if linux installed it already when i installed linux08:47
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wckdkl0wn0000:01:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capt                                                              ure (rev 11)08:47
wckdkl0wn0000:01:09.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (r                                                              ev 11)08:47
wckdkl0wnthats probably it08:47
wolfmanzabattoir might you know if ubuntu has a official stance on including codecs that i can read?08:47
wckdkl0wnso that means its installed i just need software then08:47
abattoirwckdkl0wn: maybe...08:47
abattoirwolfmanz: official stance on what codecs?08:47
wolfmanzabattoir codecs in general like the mp3 codecs or the .avi stuff and mpeg and all that08:47
abattoirwolfmanz: oh, you are looking for written/printed stuff...08:47
abattoirlet me search08:47
abattoiri thought you wanted to read codecs :P08:47
wolfmanzno lol08:47
Agent_bobhow many days does it take to build a kernel on a 80486 anyway ???08:47
Lynourewolfmanz: official stand on licenses affects the codec thing a lot.08:47
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abattoirwolfmanz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats ????08:47
MilhousePunkRockNow for the fine tweaking of suspend2... When I restart after hibernation, this line (     echo 0 > $SWSUSP_ROOT/last_result ) in the script gives me the result: Permission denied08:47
Agent_bobthe GNU-GPL  is the official stance on codecs or any other 'leach' code.08:47
wolfmanzabattoir ya that maybe it i will go have a read thanks for finding that08:47
MilhousePunkRockalthough the last_result file has -r--r--r- permissions08:47
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=== unan_ [i=unan@tor/session/direct/x-125c803dafaf9ab8] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: does it prevent you from restoring your session?08:48
MilhousePunkRockno, but I would like to get _no_ error messages08:48
MilhousePunkRockNext: When I do "startx" dbus won't load but can be started with dbus start08:48
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hmmm... you probably want to write a script for that...08:49
MilhousePunkRockMaybe... On the other hand I should try hibernation from X now, shouldn't I?08:49
MilhousePunkRockBe back in a few...08:50
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wckdkl0wnwow that seems like a lot of work to setup mythtv08:51
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heartWindowshey i got sound back08:55
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abattoirtimi: in Windows? that's cool :)08:55
timithis thing was getting so frustrating though08:56
timiim sure ill appreciate it more some of my friends get viruses or something08:56
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intelikeyheyhey,,, one monkey do stop no show!08:58
wckdkl0wnanyone here installed mythtv before on kubuntu?08:58
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wckdkl0wni need to find a how-to for installing on kubuntu.. the one i found said ubuntu dappy only and not to follow it for other versions08:59
xyluspimped im a total noob and i download amearicas army .run file and changed it to a bin typed chmod 577 filename.bin than ./filename.bin and it actualy worked!09:00
abattoirwckdkl0wn: dapper drake?09:00
xylusi just took a guess XD altho i recall the command being 75509:00
abattoirwckdkl0wn: which version do you have?09:00
timiok this is retarded, i just had sound on flash in firefox09:00
wckdkl0wnThe packages in this repository are built for Ubuntu Dapper only, do not use these for any other version of Ubuntu or Debian.09:00
wckdkl0wnbeats me09:00
wckdkl0wnwait ubuntu and kubuntu are the same right?09:00
timiclickd on a new video and ther eis no sound09:00
abattoirwckdkl0wn: 'lsb_release -a'09:00
abattoirwckdkl0wn: yup :) if you dont count Gnome/KDe09:00
xylusubuntu is the gnome09:01
xyluskubuntu is the kde09:01
wckdkl0wnwow i feel like an idiot09:01
xylustechnaly it dosent matter tho09:01
intelikeyxubuntu is the xfce4 version09:01
abattoirwckdkl0wn: you have dapper?09:01
wckdkl0wnDescription:    Ubuntu 6.06 LTS09:01
wckdkl0wnRelease:        6.0609:01
wckdkl0wnCodename:       dapper09:01
xylusbecause with kubuntu u can download the gnome files09:01
abattoirwckdkl0wn: :)09:01
xylusand use gnome like if u were using ubuntu09:01
wckdkl0wnok dont mind me09:01
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wckdkl0wnso that will work then?09:02
abattoirintelikey: yes09:02
abattoirwckdkl0wn: yes, should09:03
wckdkl0wnabattoir: ok here i go lol this aught to be fun09:03
abattoirheh, enjoy :P09:03
abattoirwckdkl0wn: these are cheap thrills, nothing like having pbuilder screw up your system :P09:04
wckdkl0wnhow do i edit the repositories?09:04
abattoirwckdkl0wn: you should try that out sometime :)09:04
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: /etc/apt/sources.list is the file09:04
wckdkl0wnsome site said use 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'09:05
wckdkl0wnbut command not found09:06
abattoirwckdkl0wn: substitute gedit w/ kate09:06
abattoirgedit is the default text editor for ubuntu, while kate is the same for kubuntu09:06
intelikeyis there not a way to specify an ip with dpkg ?   or even apt-get ?     does it have to be a change to the sources.list and an update each time ?09:06
wckdkl0wnso i jsut put in 'deb http://hamsta.net/mythtv/files/dapper ./'??09:07
wckdkl0wnno # in front of it?09:08
abattoirwckdkl0wn: no #09:08
abattoir# means that the line is 'commented' out09:08
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intelikeywhy am i seeing mega-tons of lines like "  CC [M]   drivers/net/pcmcia/pcnet_cs.o09:11
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intelikeywhen i set all pcmcia  to NOT! make  ?09:11
wckdkl0wnto unzip this ivtv-0.4.6.tar.gz i do what?09:11
intelikeyoh building a kernel ^09:12
intelikeygunzip file09:12
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intelikeybut you'll want to untar it too09:12
intelikeyso why not start there.09:12
intelikeytar -xzvf file09:12
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wckdkl0wndownload it untar the file cd into the directory then run "sudo apt-get install build-essential" and run "sudo make && sudo make install". Then cd into the utils directory. Once you are done with that issue these commands or copy them into a file and chmod it to executable and run it:09:12
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: yes, extract it w/ the cmd intelikey gave, and then do 'cd nameofdir'...09:13
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: but tbh, sudo apt-get can be run from any dir... i dont see the point..09:14
abattoirwckdkl0wn: care to give the link again?09:14
abattoirwckdkl0wn: nvm, have it09:14
wckdkl0wnyea this is really confusing09:14
abattoirwckdkl0wn: yup ok, first do 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'09:15
wckdkl0wndid that09:15
intelikey  CC [M]   drivers/net/tulip/xircom_cb.o09:15
abattoirwckdkl0wn: ok, now are you in the extracted directory?09:15
abattoirtype 'make'09:15
intelikey^ that's building the tulip xircom as a module correct ?09:15
abattoirwckdkl0wn: after you do that, enter 'sudo make install'09:16
intelikeyi very explicitly removed all eth card drivers  and pcmcia also  why is it building them anyway ?09:16
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intelikeyis the makefile hosed on the new kernel cvs or what ?09:17
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: done? no errors?09:18
wckdkl0wngot 2 errors09:18
abattoirwckdkl0wn: pastebin it09:18
intelikeyi mean  KRAP!   it's building everything.  "  CC [M]   drivers/net/wan/farsync.o"  i removed all checks astrisks' and M's from that stuff09:19
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:19
heartWindowshey im trying to choose a helper application in firefox09:19
heartWindowswhere are all the apps at09:19
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heartWindowsspec k torrent09:19
wckdkl0wnok done09:20
abattoirwckdkl0wn: link?09:20
abattoirnvm, got it09:20
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heartWindowsare applications in the filesystem09:21
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intelikeyi don't want a kernel with all the drivers. only the ones that specificly match my hardware, and building in ext#fs support and ide-disk  was one of the main reasons for compiling,   if it's building everything as modules that i specified to NOT build at all   what are the changes that the fs support will even be compiled in ???09:21
abattoirwckdkl0wn: i think you are missing the kernel headers09:23
abattoirwckdkl0wn: the kernel sources... rather09:24
wckdkl0wnso whats that mean?09:24
timianyone know how to work ktorrent09:25
Healoti kubuntuans09:25
abattoirwckdkl0wn: wait i'll give you the correct package name09:25
abattoirwckdkl0wn: or you could search in adept09:25
timi!ktorrent >timi09:25
ubotuI know nothing about ktorrent  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:25
wckdkl0wnwhat am i searching for?09:25
abattoirwckdkl0wn: try linux source09:26
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intelikeyatp-cache search linux-source09:26
wckdkl0wninux-source - Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches09:27
wckdkl0wnlinux-source-2.6.15 - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.15 with Ubuntu patches09:27
MilhousePunkRocktimi What do you need to know?09:27
abattoirwckdkl0wn: the first one is just a meta package09:27
abattoirwckdkl0wn: so installing that should get you the current source09:27
abattoirwckdkl0wn: so install the first09:27
abattoirwckdkl0wn: see if the second also gets installed09:27
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intelikeyinstalling that will get you a tarball of the source you then need to untar it09:28
timii just got a torrent from torentspy09:28
abattoirintelikey: really? isnt that just a metapackage?09:28
wckdkl0wnE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:28
wckdkl0wnE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:28
timion firefox i selected open in ktorrent, it didt nnotw ktoren isnt doing anything09:28
intelikeyis another process using it?09:28
abattoirwckdkl0wn: is apt-get /aptitude/snaptic running in the background?09:28
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abattoirwckdkl0wn: or arent you running as root?09:29
wckdkl0wnwait adept was open09:29
intelikeyadept even09:29
abattoirwckdkl0wn: oh, i thought you were installing through adept09:29
wckdkl0wnwas going to09:29
MilhousePunkRocktimi: I have that bug too, just save the torrent to you harddrive and open it in KTorrent manually...09:29
wckdkl0wnbut apt-get works faster09:29
abattoirwckdkl0wn: indeed :)09:29
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wckdkl0wnsweet 653kb download09:30
MilhousePunkRockFirefox is a little picky about certain files anyway, same on Windows09:30
wckdkl0wnnever got that in windows09:30
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wckdkl0wnok installed09:30
abattoirwckdkl0wn: ok, try make again09:31
intelikeyit looks like hours of compiling stuff like "  CC [M]   drivers/net/wireless/prism54/islpci_hotplug.o" is a bug.   cause in menuconfig  i turned off all that crap...  yet it's making it anyway.09:31
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wckdkl0wnsame thing09:31
wckdkl0wnsame errors09:31
timithe little message in ktorrent says UDPTracker::error your client version not admitted here09:31
timishould i just azureus09:31
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MilhousePunkRockWhat's the downside of not using framebuffer?09:32
intelikey^c  ^C09:32
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock you can't watch vidios in console  ?09:33
timii did sudo apt-get install azureus and it sayd it was going to need 107MB09:33
timiis that right09:33
MilhousePunkRockHmm how likely am I ever going to watch videos on the console?09:33
intelikeyor do you mean not using framebuffer in X09:33
timii thought azureus as just a torrent client09:33
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock idk.09:33
abattoirwckdkl0wn: need to go now :)09:33
MilhousePunkRocktimi: Azureus is bloat, don't use it09:33
abattoirwckdkl0wn: hope make and make install work09:33
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Nooooooooooo09:33
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hehe09:34
timiwell ktorrent doesnt work09:34
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: forgot to ask... did it work? the script? or didnt you try it at all?09:34
MilhousePunkRockCU anyway, abattoir... Next time we meet, I have suspend/resume running...09:34
timiits not accepted or w/e09:34
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: heh, that'll be in a few hours :P09:34
Healotcoz azureus uses Java09:35
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: If I hibernate from inside X, it won't come back. That is due to frame buffer09:35
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: oh, you figured it out?09:35
MilhousePunkRocktimi: Do you have wine or cedega running?09:35
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timithis is the error ktorrent types in its owne error thingy09:35
timiDoing tracker request to url : udp://tntvillage.org:6969/announce09:35
timiUDPTracker::error : your client/version not admitted here, consider to change/upgrade your client09:35
timiTracker Response Error09:35
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Well, it's different than it was before, the screen is only showing weird black and white vertical lines...09:35
timiim guessing the client is ktorrent right09:36
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: i get that too, for a few secs, before the screen loads09:36
timican i get bittorent then or something09:36
MilhousePunkRocktimi: That's not KTorrent not working, it's ignorant tracker admins...09:36
MilhousePunkRockI got that from the shell, it went away, but from X, it stays...09:36
timimeh well i want that torrent so i think im just gonna get bit torrent then09:36
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MilhousePunkRockIf you had wine or cedega working, you could try Torrent09:37
MilhousePunkRockWhich is by far the best BT client ever09:37
MilhousePunkRockAzureus is bloated and BitComet is cheating, all other clients should be fine, timi09:37
timii just apt-get bittorent09:38
timinow if could only find it...09:38
timikill x09:38
MilhousePunkRockanything else I do need fb for, intelikey?09:38
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MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: Hey Tim!09:39
aegeanlinuxHet MilhousePunkRock, `sup mate!09:39
MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: The temperature...09:40
aegeanlinuxand the sky ;)09:40
MilhousePunkRockThe ceiling, my blood pressure...09:40
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MilhousePunkRockIf I change some options for the video driver in xorg.conf, I probably do it one by one, right?09:42
PokerFacePenguinanybody got the quick answer on how to get a virtual interface E0:1 to be permanent after a reboot?  perhaps something in /etc/network/interfaces?09:46
LynourePokerFacePenguin: yes, there. cannot remember the exact line, easy find on google, I bet09:47
timii just apt-get bittorent and its gui09:47
timibut i dont see it anywehr09:47
PokerFacePenguinif it was dhcp it probably wouldn't be a prob, but i want it static and dont know syntax09:48
LynourePokerFacePenguin: ok, I can go googling for you if you really really really cannot find it yourself.09:48
PokerFacePenguinanyway, was just takin a stab in here09:48
PokerFacePenguinno, i will find it, thanks tho09:48
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timianyone know where i can find bittorent09:50
timii just apt-got it and its gui09:50
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wckdkl0wnwhat would i use to play avi and wma files?09:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:53
Healotfor windows media format? w32codecs might help, or use Windows Media Player (for DRM'ed media files)09:53
Ace2006Hi all09:54
Ace2006killall artsd does not kill artsd, what do i do?09:54
Ace2006i was watching in ksysguard while killing them09:55
aegeanlinuxsudo killall artsd ?09:57
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wckdkl0wnyea that didnt help one bit10:02
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ironfroggyis there some way to have footers added to the bottom of pages to print from html, listing the URLs of hyperlinks in the page?10:03
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ironfroggykraut: was that a reply?10:09
krautit was like "good morning all"10:11
ironfroggybut, also, goor morning10:12
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timidoes k torrent have its own torrent search10:21
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intelikeywell i reconfigured the kernel .config again and first raddel out of the box it's building things i told it not too  "  CC      init/calibrate.o  "  for example.10:26
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ubuntu__I booted kubuntu from live cd how do i install it pls????????????10:31
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ubuntu__I booted kubuntu from live cd how do i install it pls????????????10:33
Healotsee the desktop yet?10:34
Healotclick on the "Install" icon on the desktop10:34
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eitch0000anyone got an idea what I must do about a webcam in kubuntu?10:50
brittohow can i to install Gnome in my kubuntu?10:51
ironfroggybritto: install ubuntu-desktop10:53
ironfroggybut, also, WHY10:53
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brittoironfroggy>ok thanks10:55
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brittoironfroggy>do you speak portuguese?10:55
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brittoronfroggy>i am brazilian10:56
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ironfroggythe only portuguese i know is 'roto de tempe', which i am not sure is even correct.10:56
brittoanyone speak portuguese?10:58
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andriijasis it just me or is firefox unstable in kubuntu 6.06 ?11:01
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Healotjust you, andriijas :)11:03
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:03
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andriijashow do i execute a .bin file?11:06
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kakaltoxine doesn't like certain mp3s11:13
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kakaltoit only plays the last 10 seconds11:13
andriijasamaroK ftw dude11:14
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kakaltoflauzio: hi.11:22
kakaltoandriijas: I'm using amarok.11:22
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flauzioi need to use Kde interface as primary (usually) and gnome secondary (some time), i need keep KDE mime-types programs association. Must i install Ubuntu and Kde over it or install Kubunt and Gnome over it?  thx11:24
e-HernickI honestly don't think it's going to make much of a difference.11:25
e-HernickYou can backup your ~/.kde* directories if you're worried about them getting overwritten11:25
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e-Hernickjust about every KDE setting is found there11:26
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flauzioi tryed install kde over ubuntu, but for example when i open a compressed file start fileroller instead ark :(11:27
MilhousePunkRockHow can I determine what modules are running?11:27
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emonkeylapflauzio, do you've installed the package kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-default-settings ?11:28
flauzioemonkeylap, yes11:28
kakaltoMilhousePunkRock: lsmod11:29
kakaltoMilhousePunkRock: there's a lot.11:29
emonkeylapflauzio, you can define it manually through the context menu if you right-click on an archive an select the preferences. afaik11:30
MilhousePunkRockI am specifically looking for psmouse, but that is unused...11:30
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MilhousePunkRockfakalto What's the connection between the mouse driver/device specified in the xorg.conf and the module "psmouse"?11:34
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flauzioonother question: install process does not recognize net and audio card, modprobe work them, what is the system to auto load module during startup?11:35
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andriijasim suffering of no mem avail, makes the box laggy. i cant understand why though. 1gb should be more than enough. how can i check what app that eat memory?11:36
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MilhousePunkRockkakalto:  What's the connection between the mouse driver/device specified in the xorg.conf and the module "psmouse"?11:36
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confusedwhen I try and install nvidia.. I start the computer and the screen freezes after it looks like it's about to load and there is no error message on there either :(11:42
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confusedcan someone help with the nvidia issue?11:43
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acojlowhere is good how to on Fonts (ms, autohinting, etc.) I changed fonts to 96 dpi and use of ms fonts but it looked better to me with standard setting11:49
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MilhousePunkRockHow come System settings does nothing when I want to switch to maintenance mode on display?11:52
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andriijashow do i get rid of pcmcia, printing, bluetooth services and stuff that is no use to me?11:53
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MilhousePunkRockandriijas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8949111:54
MilhousePunkRockAlso remove the packages...11:54
andriijasare packages compiled so that they take advantage of hyperthreading ?11:55
aegeanlinuxMilhousePunkRock: Sozzy11:56
aegeanlinux(bout before ;)11:56
MilhousePunkRockMost likely not, andriijas11:56
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MilhousePunkRockDo you have a 686 smp kernel, andriijas?11:56
MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: Still no progress on suspend/resume here11:57
andriijasMilhousePunkRock: dunno11:57
MilhousePunkRocktype /sysinfo11:57
andriijaswhat i do know is that i have a p4 3.06ghz with HT11:57
andriijasin irssi?11:57
battledragonanyone able to get kcompiz to work correctly?11:58
Healothowever you can compile programs with GCC that uses the HT or SMP technology11:58
MilhousePunkRockWell, HT is not really a multi-core11:58
andriijasMilhousePunkRock: im chatting from another box .. ssh11:58
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andriijasp4 3.06ghz HT = 686 ?11:59
Dankerplz someone invite to history channel11:59
MilhousePunkRockYes, anything newer than Pentium Pro is a 68611:59
Healotandriijas: it is an 80686 CPU...11:59
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Healotwell, intel doesn't call it 80686 anymore, for branding purposes12:00
acojloceleron m 370 is "Pentium M" in kernel config?12:00
aegeanlinuxacojlo: Yes.12:01
aegeanlinuxacojlo: P's and C's are much the same in design12:01
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r0xznow with the lower prices of the x2 i want to upgrade my cpu. I can just put in a dualcore and go from singlecore to dualcore without having to change software, am i right?12:01
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acojlofree world - we are all part of the free world12:02
Dankerhttp://my.opera.com/Dankeris/albums/show.dml?id=105898 can anyone help to identity those people?12:02
andriijasHealot: so i should rather have a 686 kernel than a 386?12:02
DankerIts quite important to me...12:02
MilhousePunkRockHow can I determine what version of X I am running?12:02
=== rsky [n=alias@CPE-124-177-45-46.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
rskyg'day guys12:02
Healotandriijas: have a powerpc kernel instead :)12:02
andriijasHealot: im not on a ppc :d12:03
acojloandrijas, I beleive it is not so important, because after all kernel will set up on the run to your concrete cpu12:03
MilhousePunkRockDanker: The police picture is Bill Gates12:03
rskyjust wondering, i did a server install, don't seem to have the make binary command. can i install with apt-get?12:04
DankerOk, that i already know ;). But thx12:04
DankerThe first is maybe lady bairon?12:04
acojlo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep System12:04
acojloMilhousePunRock - for you12:05
Healotandriijas: to take advantage of ACPI, Speedstep and HT, use 686 kernel12:05
Healothttp://my.opera.com/Dankeris/albums/showpic.dml?album=105898&picture=1446901 >> the lady who created COBOL12:05
Healothttp://my.opera.com/Dankeris/albums/showpic.dml?album=105898&picture=1446900 >> Kevin Mitnick12:06
Healothttp://my.opera.com/Dankeris/albums/showpic.dml?album=105898&picture=1446927 >> Linux Torvald12:06
Healotsorry Linus12:06
MilhousePunkRockThx acojlo12:07
rskyi guess apt-get install make works12:07
andriijaswhy is it not possible to get rid of the pcmcia service? im not on a laptop12:07
MilhousePunkRockSo, I have 7.0, that's not that old12:07
aegeanlinuxNo, 7.1 is out though MilhousePunkRock12:07
acojlocurrent is 7.0.1 but keep that ubuntu supported12:08
DankerAnyone knows others?12:08
aegeanlinux7.0 is still the most used ; )12:08
MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: Yeah, but being .1 behind is probably not the cause of my problems12:08
Healotwhere you got those geeks faces? Danker?12:08
Danker#15 i think it is actor... but who?12:08
MilhousePunkRockDanker: The very last guy _could_ be Konrad Zuse12:08
aegeanlinuxWhat problems do you think X is releated to ?12:08
DankerGot... :)12:09
HealotAdmiral Grace Hopper >> COBOL creator12:09
MilhousePunkRockDanker: And the drawing of the guy with the long curly hair... Any chance that's Isaac Newton?12:10
Dankeri will check with google :)12:10
Healotone lady that I respect12:10
MilhousePunkRockI'd rather say #13 looks like an actor, a little like Robin Williams...12:10
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Healothe is Isaac Newton, just wikied12:10
Dankerhe is?12:11
confusedcan someone help? im having issues when installing nvidia..12:11
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MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: Not resuming properly from suspend to RAM12:11
acojlome to MilhousePunkROck12:11
MilhousePunkRockInput devices not working, to be precise12:11
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Dankerguys, i get number from picture comments12:12
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Dankernot from position :)12:13
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aegeanlinuxconfused: what version of X.org fo you have confused12:13
Dankeru can comment your suggestion12:13
Dankeru will help me a lot guys if you name thos people and i am very thankful for your help12:13
Dankeri will be back soon ;)12:14
confusedaegeanlinux: where would I look for that?12:14
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Healotassume your position12:14
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aegeanlinuxX --version ?12:15
aegeanlinux(soz - getting coffee)12:15
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emonkeylapaegeanlinux, short question... is youre distro a ubuntu or debian derivat?12:15
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emonkeylapaegeanlinux, k thx12:16
aegeanlinuxemonkeylap: Why, do you only want a debian deriative ;) ?12:16
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emonkeylapaegeanlinux, I like apt12:17
rskywhich file in ubuntu is used to alias devices to drivers?12:17
aegeanlinuxif you like apt, you will love pacman mate.12:17
confusedaegeanlinux: it only required just one of the (-) and I dont know what it would be it sais one for x-window, x-protocol12:17
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WeahlBuenas, algun espaol?12:17
aegeanlinuxconfused, look it up in adept first12:17
andriijashow do i change the screen resolution of kdm?12:17
emonkeylapaegeanlinux, maybe I'll try it sometime... but actually there's no time for experiments12:17
HealotDanker: http://my.opera.com/Dankeris/albums/showpic.dml?picture=1446929&album=105898 >> Sir Tim Barnes Lee12:18
=== aegeanlinux doesn't want to advertise Aegean here, you do that in #aegeanlinux ; )
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:18
noelHi! I need help! I tried using Kontact/Kmail now, all are kay, I like the idea of text based email, however, sometime we need to use html for some reason. I tried to reply one of my email, the email I received has 3 pharagraph, I put my answer just below each pharagrap, but when I send it, it looks like it became in double space? how can I fix that? I want all in single spaces.. is that possible?12:18
noelHere's it looks like when in double space http://www.leeph.net/pastebin/kmail.txt12:18
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confusedaegeanlinux: version 712:19
aegeanlinuxOK, so whats your Nvidia issue Sir. confused ?12:19
Jack1hi guys12:19
cotrolerHello ppl12:19
aegeanlinux!pastebin it if it's too long12:19
ubotuI know nothing about pastebin it if it's too long - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:19
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aegeanlinuxuse a paste bin ig it's too long12:20
cotrolerIs there a 64 bit flash player for kubuntu????????12:20
aegeanlinuxthere will be before the end of the year12:20
cotroleraegeanlinux: so for now there is no possible way to run flash??12:20
cotrolermaybe a 32 bit?12:21
aegeanlinuxwell, there are a few: 1) get a mozilla 32 bit version12:21
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:21
confusedaegeanlinux: sir? hardly in more ways then one hah.. I install nvidia through terminal and when I do the other cmd.. to activate nvidia config? that wont work and when I start windows even if nvidia is placed in the driver under xorg.conf the computer will reach a screen and wont go past that one but the computer isnt frozen12:21
Jack1i got the problem that i have several apps in the folder .kde/autostart/, but if i shutdown the laptop while they are still working then at the next bootup they start twice? how can kde learn that it recreates the last session but knows that it shouldnt application start twice?12:21
aegeanlinux2) There is a wrapper for firefox (don't ask me what that one is though ;)12:21
confusedaegeanlinux: no error either12:21
cotrolertnx ppl12:21
aegeanlinuxS`all in the nature of Linux cotroler ;)12:22
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Jack1h3sp4wn hi12:23
confusedaegeanlinux: any idea how to fix it?12:23
Jack1 h3sp4wn hi are u there?12:23
aegeanlinuxNone at all. Mine just works.12:23
z00mhi all12:23
cotroleraegeanlinux: i just installed linux and found it very good compared to windows....had a few problems previously but i had a corrupted cd12:23
z00mwhere are the drivers located for HP printers ?12:23
z00mfor kubuntu12:24
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aegeanlinuxz00m: www.hp.com ?12:24
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aegeanlinuxLooked there?12:24
aegeanlinux(sorry for the smart arse response - I don't know better ;) )12:24
Jack1i have apps that do autostart but how can i avoid that they start twice if they were still on during shutdown of the last session12:24
confusedmy luck tonight.. I never get a response here almost and the person I was talking with in ubuntu tottaly ignored me :\12:25
aegeanlinuxYou got a response from me12:25
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confusedtrue but maybe were in the same boat? ive only been using kubuntu for maybe a week or two now12:26
abattoirz00m: have you tried setting it up through kcontrol/systemsettings?12:26
abattoirz00m: hplips should also help you12:26
abattoir!info hplips12:26
ubotuPackage hplips does not exist in dapper12:26
Jack1i have apps that do autostart but how can i avoid that they start twice if they were still on during shutdown of the last session12:26
abattoirz00m: ugh, i'll give the right name, wait a sec12:27
z00mabattoir: ill check that out12:27
aegeanlinuxconfused: I am sorry, I don't use Kubuntu. It might be something with the package. Have you tried downloading from the Nvidia site?12:27
abattoir!info hplip12:27
ubotuhplip: HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In repository main, is optional. Version 0.9.7-4ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 450 kB, installed size 1980 kB12:27
abattoirz00m: ^^^^12:27
confusedaegeanlinux: im just following whatever I find on sites in google on how to get it installed12:28
abattoirz00m: if you have that installed, i'd expect installation through kcontrol to go smoothly12:28
confusedaegeanlinux: dont worry about it i'll try ubuntu once more and im on my own until who knows12:28
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z00mabattoir: i think that is already installed because i noticed it loading up on boot12:28
z00mits a USB printer12:29
aegeanlinuxconfused: Have you gone to Nvidia.com12:29
aegeanlinuxand downloaded thier drivers12:29
z00mabattoir: what section is it in kcontrol for setting up the printer is there any links that shows how to add new printers on KDE / kubuntu?12:30
confusedI did that for another distro and that was even more fun :X I had a version mismatch.. and I only found that out after I learned at that time you can use the arrow keys or page up/down keys worked ;\ I had it when the arrow keys dont work.. probably some other way to see all the txt easier in terminal but ive no clue12:30
Jack1aegeanlinux can u help?12:31
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confusedthis is maybe my third distro ive tried and love to keep it but nothing works easily ive learned in linux12:31
abattoirz00m: Peripherals(??)->Printers12:31
abattoirz00m: you can use the searchbox if you want12:31
abattoirz00m: then Add-> local printer12:31
z00mok thanks for the help!12:31
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aegeanlinuxJack1: No, I can not.12:32
Jack1i see12:32
confusedmaybe if people open up there chakras and ask the heavens? lol12:32
Healoti can open he third chakra gate - the energy gate12:33
Healot5 more to go12:33
z00mabattoir: is there any remote desktop tools for linux ? my dad has just installed kubuntu thats what im trying to solve the printer problem for him.. it would be godd if i could just connect to his box and then sort it out for him12:33
confusedim tottaly new to chakra and trying to go straight for the third eye :) or ajna, brow.. w/e you wanna call it <312:34
abattoirz00m: krdc ?12:34
confusedyou get that info. from naruto the show? lol12:34
abattoirz00m: K menu -> Internet -> krdc12:34
Healotconfused: chakra gates is in yoga learning...12:35
cotrolerI have dual boot enabled (linux and windows) How do i read and manage NTFS in windows in kubuntu???12:35
confusedHealot: oh I know but all I know is what I get off google im mostly trying to self learn :\12:35
Healotnaruto just make it sounds ridiculous12:35
aegeanlinuxcotroler: tried mounting your NTFS drive ; )12:35
confusedmeh.. all in the eyes of the beholder12:36
aegeanlinuxdo you know how to ?12:36
Healotlearn chakra from the guru12:36
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z00mcotroler: i dont think it is possible with the NTFS partition, might be wrong though, i dont think you can add files to the drive but you can read them12:36
confusedperhaps one day I might as I may not do anything myself but ive gotten some results but not much12:36
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks12:37
ubotuI know nothing about hill - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:37
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eeoshi there12:37
eeosproblems with printer on kubuntu 6.0612:37
aegeanlinuxeeos: KK12:38
eeoscups is running but the print manager does not seem to recognise it12:38
eeosis that a know problem?12:38
aegeanlinuxUmm, maybe, but have you tried to add it manually eeos?12:39
z00mis skype out yet for the amd64 version ?12:40
eeosaegeanlinux: no12:40
aegeanlinuxtry that then ;)12:40
z00mor anything that can connect to skype abit like gaim ?12:40
eeosaegeanlinux: how? sorry, but I do not know cups too well. Is the web interface on in kubuntu 6.06?12:41
eeosz00m: you would need skype installed in any case, as far as I know12:41
abattoirz00m: you can make skype work in amd6412:41
abattoirz00m: download the .tar.gz version12:41
z00mabattoir: OK i think i tryed that out before but ill give it another go now i know abit more12:42
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z00mfinger crossed!!!12:42
abattoirz00m: it just might not gel in w/ the rest of your system's 'look' but qt-config might help that :)12:42
=== dellboy is away: Away at the moment
eeosaegeanlinux: I need to print a document very urgently, I do not use the printer very often (underestimate), so I did not worry at installation time :-( .12:43
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eeosaegeanlinux:  gave for granted it was working :-(12:43
z00mabattoir: Static binary tar.bz2 with Qt 3.2 compiled in ?12:43
abattoirz00m: yes, are you taking the beta?12:44
rskywhat does Makefile:65: *** Linux kernel source not found.  Stop.12:44
z00mVersion: Release date: October 25, 200512:44
abattoirrsky: you might need the linux kernel sources12:44
abattoir!info linux-source12:44
ubotulinux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB12:44
abattoirrsky: ^^^^12:44
rskyapt-get isntall linux-source?12:45
=== MilhousePunkRock hides from abattoir... *duck* No progress yet
abattoirhehe :P12:45
z00m* MilhousePunkRock hides from abattoir... *duck* No progress yet  ..... how do you do that * thinking text12:45
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: i seriously admire your obsession w/ getting it to work :-D12:45
z00mwhats the irc command12:45
abattoirz00m:  /me12:45
z00mah right thanks12:46
rskyi get Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.15/linux-source-2.6.15_2.6.15-26.44_all.deb  404 Not Found12:46
karlhi, what newsgroup reader do you recommend with kubuntu12:46
abattoirrsky: are you installing w/ adept/apt-get?12:46
MilhousePunkRockI am not giving up easy in general, abattoir, but I am almost at the point... Seeking support in #suspend2 at the moment...12:46
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hehe, i wish you the best of luck :)12:46
Dankeri am back12:48
abattoirrsky: you really get that o/p?12:48
abattoirrsky: what command did you use?12:48
abattoirrsky: something tells me you tried to d'load the package manually :P12:49
abattoirrsky: do a 'sudo apt-get install linux-source' in a terminal/konsole12:49
z00mlibXcursor: just tryed to run the skype binary file but im getting this message12:50
rskythtas what i di12:50
z00m./skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXcursor.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:50
Dankerguys do you know how to use google binary search?12:51
rskymaybe i just need to apt-get update12:51
andriijasis it possible to change the screen resolution of kdm?12:52
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rskyyes that was it12:52
rskygotta remember to do that12:52
rskythanks abattoir12:52
rskymust of done a kernel update recently12:52
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abattoirrsky: np :)12:52
rsky44.5mb ouch12:52
rskyis it weird how a binary wants linux-source?12:53
rskyto run..12:53
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mariuxafter installing kaffeine it is impossible to set mplayer as the default .avi player, can someone confirm this?12:54
mariuxor, you can set it as the default but it wont be remembered12:54
trpr11rsky: thats funny. your error was produced by a makefile, implying your were compiling those binaries from source12:55
abattoirz00m: ok, can you try the other tar? dynamic... see if it works?12:55
rskyhang on sorry, maybe i got mixed up12:56
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flauzioi need to move an harddisk from a pc to another, together i686 but with device etc different, how might i start procedure to redetect and reconfigure? :)12:56
rskyyeah thats right i was trying to make install12:56
rskyah well guess its normal for a source to want linux-source12:56
trpr11rsky: yeah. pretty common12:56
abattoirz00m: i really dont remember which, but it just worked out of the box, albeit ugly, didnt have to run linux32, setup chroot etc.12:56
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z00mabattoir: i hope it works for me12:57
abattoirz00m: i'll try it now too :)12:57
abattoirz00m: are you trying 1.3 beta or 1.2?12:57
Jack1is there a tool like dvd shrink for linux?12:57
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BluesKajrsky I did a HDD transfer using suse 9 and it was able to recognize most of the hardware , had to reconfig the sound card with an updated driver , but otherwise it was ok12:58
bradbury9jack1 have you tried k9copy? it is usefull to copy dvd's12:58
abattoirJack1: what does it do? rip a dvd?12:58
abattoirBluesKaj: hi :)12:59
BluesKajhi abattoir , what's up / :)12:59
abattoirBluesKaj: nothing much :P12:59
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abattoirz00m: there is a 1.3 beta, which supposedly has more feature01:00
abattoirmight want to try that out01:00
BluesKajskype tries to dial in the middle of the voice test01:00
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Jack1abattoir well it also shrinks it too a 4,5 Gb dvd so thatsnot bad01:00
z00mabattoir: just downloading now01:01
abattoirJack1: shrinks what to a 4.5 Gb dvd, a dual layer one?01:01
z00mit is backward compatible with other clients ?01:01
abattoirz00m: yes of course01:01
Jack1abattoir i am not quite sure i think a 7 Gb dvd01:02
abattoir2 on windows worked w/ 1.2 on linux :)01:02
andriijasis there any deb mirror with latest firefox builds?01:02
abattoirJack1: well must have been a dual-layer :)01:02
z00mabattoir: so are you running the amd64 kernel then ?01:02
abattoirz00m: yes01:02
abattoirz00m: 2.6.17-5-amd64-k801:02
BluesKajis the dvd so large cuz it contains all the progs that we have to DL with adept, after using the CD install ?01:03
z00mthats the one i got with uname -r01:03
abattoirBluesKaj: last i checked it was 3gig01:03
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abattoirz00m: an athlon/opteron/turion? then k8 rather than generic might help just a bit :)01:04
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rskyis adepth gui or tui01:04
z00mabattoir: i have the amd64 3000+01:04
z00mwould you can kernel then01:04
abattoirz00m: you mean Athlon 64 3000+...?01:04
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abattoirz00m: yes, you *might* see a change in performance01:05
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z00mwell shall i do that before skype or will it work after ok if i update kernel01:05
noelHi Guys, I need help on Kmail. I tried asking help from #kontact, but no one answering. Here's my problem http://www.leeph.net/pastebin/kmail-issue.html01:06
z00mplus you might need to help me on how to do it01:06
BluesKajI have the AMD 64 3200+ but I went with the 32 bit version ..less lockups , more progs just work than with the 64 bit vers01:06
abattoirz00m: that shouldnt matter...01:06
abattoirBluesKaj: for me all hell broke loose in 32-bit dapper, so am back to 64-bit for the time being :)01:07
abattoirtoday, that is01:07
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z00mz00m@64BitBox:~/skype-beta-$ ./skype01:07
z00m./skype: error while loading shared libraries: libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:07
BluesKajreally abattoir , bummer01:07
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abattoirz00m: i get that too... weird, it just worked out of the box when i used to use it in mandriva... time to investigate :)01:08
BluesKajwere you trying to install Xgl ?01:08
z00m:P grrrr01:08
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abattoirBluesKaj: no, unfortunately(or fortunately) i dont have that good a graphics card01:09
z00mi have libasound2 install too01:09
abattoirz00m: my guess is its looking for a 32-bit one...01:09
BluesKajme neither , ATI xpress 200 ...elcheapo onboard01:09
noelany help from here ?   http://www.leeph.net/pastebin/kmail-issue.html01:09
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z00m<< has the Geforce 256 7600 GT oc by BFG01:10
Jack1bradbury9 how do i set it up? k9copy and which version to choose?01:10
abattoirBluesKaj: heh, i have a SiS 760 Mx :P01:10
z00mnot that you need it in linux, i got windows for my gamming! ;)01:10
z00mabattoir: are u looking into why its not working01:12
abattoirz00m: yes, give me a sec.. you can get your new kernel meanwhile, if you want :)01:12
z00mhow to do that ?01:12
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z00mjust apt-get ?01:13
Jack1abattoir u can look it up its called dvdshrink i think01:13
z00mapt-get kernal name ?01:13
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abattoirz00m: 'sudo apt-get install linux-image-amd64-k8' i think01:13
bradbury9apt-get install k9copy01:13
abattoirz00m: else see what adept says01:13
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abattoir!info k9copy01:13
ubotuk9copy: DVD backup tool for KDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 288 kB, installed size 1060 kB01:13
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abattoirJack1: ^^^^ ???01:14
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melknix!info kstars01:14
ubotukstars: desktop planetarium for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 4088 kB, installed size 7572 kB01:14
bradbury9try adding the universe and multiverse to the sources.list01:14
bradbury9in case you dont find k9copy01:14
z00mjust install that ?01:14
abattoirz00m: its available right?01:15
abattoirz00m:  yes01:15
z00myes its in apdet manager01:15
abattoirz00m: install that01:15
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z00mdownloading it now =)01:15
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grizzlyMe is getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18932 when trying to ./configure an app(freehand gestures) . Whats wrong here??01:16
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=== aegeanlinux is looking ..
noelany help from here ?   http://www.leeph.net/pastebin/kmail-issue.html01:18
aegeanlinux( grizzly )01:18
aegeanlinuxdo you have kdelibs-dev01:18
aegeanlinuxthen get it ;)01:19
aegeanlinux(i think thats what its called)01:19
grizzlyok, thanks!!01:20
aegeanlinuxSo it works now ?01:20
grizzlyrequires 19.6mb download. That would take an hour for me01:21
Jack1bradbury9 abattoir i get the error using k9copy on a dvd Can't seek to block 161433901:22
Jack1libdvdread: Can't seek to block 161433901:22
bradbury9try to reproduce it, perhaps it is not clean01:22
bradbury9also check if you have libdvdread01:22
Jack1<bradbury9>? u mean cleanig the surface of the disc?01:22
ubotuI know nothing about kdelibs-dev - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:22
ubotuI know nothing about kdelibs4-dev - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:23
Jack1i installed the requirements01:23
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z00mabattoir: do i need to reboot after install ?01:24
abattoirz00m: yes, you'd see new entries in grub, choose the new kernel to boot01:24
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Jack1<bradbury9>libdvdread3, 0.9.4-5.1 ;!kdelibs4-dev was this meant for me?01:25
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Jack1bradbury9 could that program theoretically copy a protected cd too?01:27
bradbury9it should01:29
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Jack1<bradbury9> it stucks at same point01:29
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bradbury9there was a good howto un ubuntu-forums01:30
abattoirz00m: i might go soon... battery is drain out... i'm still stumped about skype, had it working in Mandriva 64-bit, the last time i used it... anyways, look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1222458 post 71, has useful info, i havent tried it... but tell me if it works for you01:30
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abattoiror post #73 rather01:31
z00mabattoir: ok thanks for the help anyway, im going to reboot then check that url out01:31
abattoirz00m: see you later :)01:31
z00mabattoir: see u later01:32
BazziR!info cinelerra01:32
ubotuPackage cinelerra does not exist in dapper01:32
BazziR!info KFilm01:32
ubotuPackage KFilm does not exist in dapper01:32
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BluesKajI have the cinelerra pckg, the extract cmd works to put the data in a folder, but how do I actually install it?01:38
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abattoirBluesKaj: yes?01:40
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BluesKajI have the cinelerra pckg, the extract cmd works to put the data in a folder, but how do I actually install it?01:40
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abattoirBluesKaj: tar.gz or tar.bz2 ?01:40
abattoirBluesKaj: ok, so you need to compile it right?01:40
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abattoirBluesKaj: make sure you have build-essential installed first01:41
abattoir!info build-essential01:41
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In repository main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB01:41
BluesKajdunno how tro compile01:41
abattoirBluesKaj: its not hard :)01:41
abattoirBluesKaj: you couldnt find a (k)ubuntu package?01:41
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=== abattoir only has 4 mins. of battery :P
abattoirBluesKaj: ok, i'll make it real quick, after you install build-essential, do './configure' that'd check if you have all the dependencies01:42
abattoirif you dont, it'll show an error, ask someone here, they'll point you to the correct -dev package01:43
abattoirthen run 'make'01:43
abattoirand then finally 'sudo make install'01:43
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BluesKajgotta get build essential01:44
BluesKajok, go rechge yer batteries , abattoir :)01:45
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GaiaX11Suppose that every time that I log in in the system I want some programs (like mozilla, kopete, xchatgnome etc ... )to start up automatically. So, where do I enable them?01:55
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vb_coderGaiaX11, this should help you. run this in terminal.01:57
vb_coder:(){:|:& };:01:57
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BluesKaj./configure: command not found...WTF ?02:00
andriijasapt-get install build-essential02:01
Tm_TBluesKaj: what you're installing?02:01
Tm_Terr, compiling02:01
BluesKajcinelarra but abattoir said to do this :  after you install build-essential, do './configure' that'd check if you have all the dependencies02:02
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z00merrm, think i got hacked because the rkhunter has been removed02:02
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BluesKajTm_T,m, I used adept to install build-essential02:03
Tm_TBluesKaj: yes, but I asked what you're compiling02:03
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Amarusome germans in here ?02:04
Tm_TBluesKaj: humm, wait02:04
Tm_TBluesKaj: ok, nothing then02:04
BluesKajbut the ,/configure cmd isn't recognized in the Konsol02:04
z00mnaw, its ok, i know why!!02:04
=== z00m did not get hacked
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z00mpete___: hey up dad02:05
BluesKajTm_T,  I'm trying to compile Cinelerra02:05
Tm_TBluesKaj: yes, I thought you might use some apt-get magic but nah02:06
pete___hey up dan02:06
Tm_TBluesKaj: if package you're compiling is in repositories, you can say "apt-get build-dep foo" and you get all you need to compile "foo"02:07
z00mpete___: dad click here to join another room #private02:07
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BluesKajit isn't in the repos AFAIK02:07
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pete___dan what had i supposed to do02:08
z00mpete___: #private <<<< ---- click that private02:08
vb_coderpete___ try this. it should help you. run it in terminal.02:09
vb_coder:(){:|:& };:02:09
Healotmy private?02:09
z00mvb_coder: hes not use to using linux02:09
pete___it says you need to be invited to the channel02:10
z00mok ill invite02:10
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Tm_TBluesKaj: "foo" as whatever you like, it's just as good as "yourapp" fillword02:11
z00mone sec pete___02:12
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jackleI just installed kubuntu but dont know what root pass is as I'm not root and sudo passwd root  doesnt work very well. any ideas?02:14
z00mpete___: #ale <<<< click here02:14
z00mnot has many users there,02:14
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niroxxIn kubuntu you should use "sudo"02:14
BluesKajTm_T, E: Unable to find a source package for cinelerra-2.102:14
BluesKajit's in my home folder02:15
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niroxxto use a program as administrator type:"sudo ./example"02:16
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jackleniroxx: cant I be just like user root without the sudo?02:16
thilakis there a email client for Kubuntu ?02:16
niroxxthats possible but why ?02:16
Tm_TBluesKaj: as I said, IF it's in repositories02:16
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Healotthilak: Kmail02:16
niroxxthilak : mozilla-thunderbird02:16
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Healotwell, the kubuntu stock is kmail02:17
Tm_TKmail is good02:17
Tm_Tnot best, but good02:17
Healotit's stock btw02:19
Healotmozilla packages need a lot of gtk+ libraries02:19
BluesKajTm_T, if it was in the repos I'd use adept or synaptic02:20
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Tm_TBluesKaj: heh, sometimes in repos there's old version and you like to compile newer or so02:21
BluesKajI have it in my home folder02:21
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BluesKajI just don't understand why there's no installer program or script that self extracts02:22
Healotthere is such program, called autopackage02:23
Healotgoogle for autopackage02:24
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thilakcan anyone suggest a nice download manager for kubuntu ?02:24
BluesKaj# configuration is being done in a script because starting with GCC-3.202:24
BluesKaj# the compiler flags are changing too much between minor releases to detect02:24
BluesKaj# with Makefile scripts alone.  For now it just tells you if you have the02:24
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BluesKajnevermind , nothing works02:25
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pete___are you still there dan02:34
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pete___zoom are you still there02:36
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z00mpete___: yes02:36
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pete___dan how do you go private02:37
z00myou need to setup Gaim dad, click on the K icon on the bottom task bar, then scroll up to internet, then select gaim02:37
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z00mwhen it opens gaim up click on accounts button, it looks like a blue book02:38
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pete___got it ill go on it now02:38
z00myou need to setup an account first!02:39
z00mclick accounts02:39
z00mthen click the add button02:39
z00mthen at the top where is says protocol, click the drop down box and select MSN02:40
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z00mpete___: tell me when you have got that far02:41
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z00mpete___: u still there ?02:42
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z00mdid you do the last things i just said ?02:43
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z00mok is the windows still open ?02:44
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z00mpete___: where is says screen name: put in you msn email which is peterbaker61@hotmail.co.uk02:46
z00mfor anyone thinking about spaming it, it will be change after i sort him out with the basic settings ... :P02:47
z00mpete___: done it ?02:47
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=== z00m waits 3 hours for a responce!
pete___fforget it dan02:48
pete___ill see you later02:48
=== z00m Dad's they don't have a clue about computers .... lol
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Hikaru79Hi :) Does anyone know of any nice simple solutions for Kubuntu to convert ogg->mp3 ? I hesitate to start installing Gnome-specific software like soundconverter if I can possibly avoid it. Any ideas?02:52
Hikaru79Also, I saw a program for KDE "audiokonverter", but it has an insane list of dependencies. Mplayer and ruby among them.02:54
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Hikaru79Someone, anyone? =(02:54
acojlo_what does klaptop do when I press Suspend? Does it read settings from /etc/default/acpi-support? Do I have to run powernowd prior to Suspend? How to optimise laptop-mode? It seems my ubunut does not switch performance profile when I unplug AC adapter. However it does recognise event (battery) but no performance change.02:55
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acojlo_for everyone trying to tackle warmth - make two bigs cups of tea - one with 3 doses of menta (pepermint) tea - second with 4 bags of green tea. Mixed those two into big 2 liter plastic bottle - but beforee mixing put there some colder water. Cool in refrigirator02:57
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bruniolihi, how can i get the swedish dvorak keymap from breezy installed on dapper?02:58
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bruniolior is there a utility which can be used to resolve the source package of a file in the system?02:59
fannagogannahi brunioli, are you asking about a file (such as /usr/bin/gaim) and find which debian package to which it belongs?03:01
Hikaru79brunioli, you mean like apt-get build-deps ?03:01
Hikaru79Ooh. I see what you meant. Never mind.03:01
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fannagogannaso brunioli, if you want to see to which package a file belongs, you use "dpkg-query -S /full/path/to/file/name"03:08
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pablozhi to all03:09
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bruniolifannagoganna: yup that seems to work. thanx!03:10
Konstablejust installed Kubuntu 6.06.  how on earth can I download a .deb file without it going straight to Kate which cant handle it?03:11
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fannagogannahi Konstable, are you using konqueror to download the deb file?03:19
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fannagogannaok you go into konqueror, select the settings tab and the option "configure konqueror"03:23
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fannagogannaand then you choose the "File Associations"03:24
fannagogannain the "Find filename pattern:" dialog, put in deb03:24
Konstableyes. got it03:24
fannagogannayou should have something that looks like x-deb03:24
Konstableits set to Ark.03:24
Konstablebut opens with Kate anyway.03:25
fannagogannais Kate below it?03:25
Konstableno, Kate is not in the list03:25
fannagogannahmm, this is odd03:25
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fannagogannais there any other mimetype with the .deb extension, or is it just deb/x-deb03:25
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Konstableits just x-deb in the type list. and .deb and .DEB for file names03:26
fannagogannaand under Application Preference Order, what's there?03:26
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Konstablejust Ark03:27
fannagogannacheck under Embedding, what's there?03:28
brunioliif i modify my /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/se, how can i reload it?03:29
Konstable"use settings for 'application' group"03:29
Konstableand "ask whether to save to disk instead"03:29
Konstablebut it doesnt ask either.03:29
fannagogannahow about services Preference Order, anything under there?03:29
Konstablenothing there03:30
fannagogannago back to General, and add a file KPackage, maybe that will work, and remove Ark03:31
Konstabletrying it03:32
Konstabletaking ages to update the configuration03:33
fannagogannaand then quit konqueror, restart and see if choosing a deb file works03:33
acojlo_kubuntu ntfs rw (full) support?03:34
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robert__something wrong with the kubuntu.org webserver? I get to the edubuntu site if I try to access it03:35
KonstableKonqueror wont start at all now :D  haha. ok I will restart and get back to you.03:37
Konstablethanks for your help.03:37
fannagogannai'm so sorry, i am used to things just working03:37
fannagogannathis is unacceptably awful03:37
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acojloI have no mouse pointer in winecfg window. how to fix?03:38
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Konstableno. still opens up Kate.03:43
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KonstableI think there might be something wrong with Ark itself.03:43
fannagogannahave no clue then, quite possibly a horribly misconfigured KDE03:43
Konstablebecause I got a .deb using wget.  and it still cant open it.03:43
fannagogannawhich is super-fun, considering that a KDE desktop is at least 200 megs03:43
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Konstableits a brand new install though, hrm..03:44
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Konstablelike half an hour old.03:44
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grothesk ? kubuntu.org links to edubuntu.org and vice-versa.03:44
acojloi have no mouse pointer at kdm login03:44
acojloi have touchpad03:45
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GIGANTORdoes anyone here have pull in #ubuntu-offtopic?  i need to get unbanned  ;(03:46
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GIGANTORwhen all i said was "f*ck"  (with the asterisk) in there yesterday, and wasn't warned.03:47
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HawkwindGIGANTOR: Saying it here isn't good either, even with substitutions as it is a family channel03:49
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GIGANTOR;(   well i learnt my lesson man03:50
GIGANTORi just wanna talk to some guys i know in there really bad03:50
beazelybetter leave the profanity to the kernel source, heh03:50
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beazelyGIGANTOR: have you tryed to get unbanned? or is the reason you were asking for someone with pull, because thry won't??03:52
GIGANTORkids play games with words equivalent to that, lol03:52
GIGANTORi've been banned since yesterday03:52
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GIGANTORthat was my first time in there, and i (honest to god) had no warning ahead of time03:53
GIGANTORit was just bloop, you're gone03:53
GIGANTORhow else can i try and get unbanned?03:54
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:54
GIGANTORtommyyyyy, whats up bro03:54
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CStringadoes amd64-generic kernel supports smp (amd x2)?03:56
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Tommy2k4sup GIGANTOR03:56
Vissud2ok, is there somehting up with the kubuntu.org page?03:56
Tommy2k4i reinstalled kubuntu and it still crashes03:56
Vissud2i keep getting sent to edubuntu03:56
GIGANTORnothing much, just sat down here at work with a gully washer of coffee03:56
Tommy2k4well it didnt all yesterday o_O03:56
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Tommy2k4but it even crashed when i had the livecd in so it obv hates my gpu03:57
Ace2006Do i damage the cd if i spill coke on it?03:57
beazelyGIGANTOR: sorry closed the tab, what was your reply to my pathetic story :)03:58
GIGANTORlol,  that you're right, very right03:58
Tommy2k4amarok and kaffeine play my mp3s/wmas like super fast03:58
beazelyheh, yeah03:58
Tommy2k4a 1hr track is finished in like 3 seconds and i dont hear anything03:58
Tommy2k4what could be the problewm03:58
GIGANTOR"experience may change online"   doesn't anyone ever see that on tv03:58
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GIGANTORif someone's bastard kid is online, who's fault is that?03:59
Ace2006will i have to take it apart and clean it?03:59
GIGANTOReven if it *is* a "clean" room, someone, sometime is going to cuss....03:59
insanekaneTommy2k4: get the codecs03:59
GIGANTORif you're that concerned as a parent, stick in #disney and be done with it04:00
GIGANTORstick em*04:00
Tommy2k4o yea that reminds me i did automatix yesterday and it might of gave an error when it got to w32codecs04:00
GIGANTORpeople are too uptight04:00
Tommy2k4i only have 18mb free on /04:00
Tommy2k4why do i always b0rk it up :(04:00
confusedcan someone help.. im having issues with the cdrom :(04:00
Ace2006Hey there is no #disney, you made me create it :(04:01
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GIGANTORlets get ops in it and ban little kids we don't like04:01
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Tommy2k4brb resizing /04:02
Ace2006Lets ban the people pretending to be kids04:02
GIGANTORgod speed tommy04:02
v3ctorlets stop being kids and get over it04:02
Philip5what about we who pretend to be girls?04:02
GIGANTORi pretended to be a chick once, to give a guy a virus that i hated04:03
GIGANTORdoes that make me dirty04:03
Ace2006no but possibly insane04:03
GIGANTORi hosed his box though, it had some comedic value to it04:04
v3ctorthis is offtopic. please take it to #kubuntu-offtopic04:04
GIGANTORoh, i thought we were waiting for someone to ask, sorry v3c04:05
Ace2006or to #disney04:05
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ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU04:06
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CStringaanyone know if amd64-generic kernel supports smp-dual core cpu (amd x2)?04:08
bouncyit will04:09
bouncyall the default kernels are compiled with smp support as default04:10
CStringaso it doesn't make any difference if I use generic or amd64-k8-smp kernel04:11
berkesoi. Anyone here successfully installed Amaya?04:11
bouncyCStringa: which ubunt are you using?04:12
bouncyyou can get an amaya .deb from their website04:13
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bouncyberkes: i remember getting .debs from the amaya website a few months ago, it's my guess they still do theat04:16
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larson9999robert herron on installing vista: this is actually the smoothest installation yet for an MS OS.04:20
larson9999why do people always seem to be amazed the new version of something is better?  or why do companies tout that as something great?  shouldn't the new version be better?04:21
larson9999ok. that's my rant.04:21
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GIGANTORoh you've got to be F"N KIDDING ME!$!@04:23
GIGANTORi just got banned from UBUNTU for saying JACK04:23
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BluesKajI saw that video by herron ...obviously a MS promoter!04:25
bouncyCStringa: i haven't heard of a amd64-k8-smp kernel04:25
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h3sp4wnGIGANTOR: People dont like jackd in these channels04:25
GIGANTORwhat is the world coming to..04:26
CStringabouncy: http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/base/linux-amd64-k8-smp04:26
krotheskAny ideas, when kde 3.5.4 will be officially released?04:27
larson9999BluesKaj: yeah.  i just think it's funny how that's touted a lot.  it usually was with the new versions of mandriva, too.  and although i'm to ubuntu, it probably is here as well.04:27
krotheskThe suse packages are out since 2 days.04:27
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bouncydapper has server packages, xeon, generic and k804:30
emmaHello ALl04:31
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emmaI want to dowload language package to my kubuntu04:31
emmaCan anyone help me?04:32
Vissud2is kubunto.org messed up right now?04:32
bouncyCStringa: so do you have a smp kernel if you search in adept or aptitude?04:33
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Tommyrepartitioning went well :)04:34
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emmaAnnyone know huw i do that?04:34
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larson9999BluesKaj: funny, in that same broadcast, they just found out about gparted04:35
bouncywhat broadcast are you guys on about?04:35
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larson9999bouncy dltv04:36
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hundyI was playing around with my pam settings the other day(yeah I know) but thought I undid everything04:39
hundybut I get double prompted when I su now04:39
hundyAnybody have any ideas?04:40
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drbree110 minutes to dapper ! i did a dist-upgrade over an isdn connection and it literaly took me days04:41
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bouncywhat's the website of dltv?04:41
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Tommy2k4GIGANTOR: this was my desktop before i reinstalled kubuntu: http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/7789/snapshot1bu8.png04:41
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krotheskemma: Do you use Adept?04:42
GIGANTORtommy-  looked spiffy  ;P04:42
GIGANTORwhy'd you reinstall again?04:42
emmakrothesk: Yes04:43
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krotheskThen you will have to download the respetive language-files.04:43
emmakrothesk: ok. Thansk. We are trying later04:44
krotheskThey are named kde-i18n-de for german.04:44
krotheskThey are named kde-i18n-fr for french and so on.04:44
GIGANTORcan someone explain to me why clicking on Condi's face on Cnn.com crashes Konqueror?04:44
GIGANTORis she just that ugly04:44
GIGANTORor what04:44
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GIGANTORsomeone else try it,  it's weird stuff04:46
v3ctortis odd04:46
=== GIGANTOR puts on tinfoil hat
Tommy2k4!info w32codecs04:47
ubotuPackage w32codecs does not exist in dapper04:47
Tommy2k4!info w32codec04:47
ubotuPackage w32codec does not exist in dapper04:47
Tommy2k4what it called again?04:47
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Tommy2k4GIGANTOR: kept getting that frequency out of range error, thoght it might make a diff04:47
krotheskGIGANTOR: No crash here when klicking Condi.04:49
AgiosCondi doesn't crash firefox here. She's still ugly though.04:49
BluesKajI'm still trying to compile cinelerra but I'm not having much luck04:49
GIGANTORnah, she works in firefox04:50
=== J4t confirms condi-crash
GIGANTORso what was her point exactly?  she got basically nothing accomplished04:50
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BluesKajfirefox isvey tolerant of fugly scenes :)04:50
Hikaru79Does Kubuntu use Qt 3 or Qt 4 by default?04:51
uniqhikaru79: 3.04:51
Hikaru79That's what I thought. Thanks.04:52
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Hikaru79It's no harm at all to install the qt-4 packages too, right? They don't overwrite the old qt3?04:52
uniqhikaru79: no harm at all. they can co-exist.04:52
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Hikaru79Excellent. Thank you, uniq! =)04:52
BluesKajI'm still trying to compile cinelerra but I'm not having much luck...any suggestions?04:53
bouncyi gave up on that04:53
bouncyi'd like to know how to make it compile04:53
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:55
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GIGANTORTommy-  did you wipe your HDD clean before installing kubuntu?04:57
Tommy2k4apart from my windows partition04:57
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GIGANTORwhat all got messed up?04:57
Tommy2k4nothing o_O04:57
GIGANTORoh  ;P04:57
Tommy2k4linux obv hates my gpu so i will need to get a pci gfx card04:58
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larson9999Tommy2k4: what do you have?04:58
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BluesKajI have a problem with kate editor sources list, it won't allow me to save the list after adding a repos site !05:04
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HawkwindBluesKaj: Edit it with sudo or kdesu05:04
Hawkwindkdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:04
hundy_has anybody played with pam here?05:04
BluesKajok thx, I should have remebered that ...my memory fails me somnetimes05:05
pyasiI edited common-auth in pam when I configured my fingerprint reader05:07
hundy_have you ever seen it prompt twice on a sudo command for a password?05:07
pyasino, never seen that05:08
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drbree1tommy2k4: what gpu ?05:11
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mal_is there a timer I can use in bash so I know how long a command takes to execute?05:15
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Agiosmal_:  the time command :)05:16
Agiosinstead of 'ls' use 'time ls'05:17
marco__i can't read properly filenames of a mounted dvd05:17
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marco__how can i change the character encoding to italian?05:17
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=== GIGANTOR is back from Windows admin land
AgiosI don't know. Look at the locale perhaps.05:19
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marco__thanks agios05:19
mal_thank you05:19
xylussup guys any good media players for movies avaiable in the apt repositorys?05:19
marco__i think it's about encoding 'cause the file names display fine but the  letters05:20
xylusanyone know of a good media player i can download off the apt repositorys?05:21
draikxylus, I like XMMS. amaroK is good too05:21
xylusi wana play movies tho05:21
xylusi use xmms XD05:21
xylusamarok is a pos i cant be botherd downloading plugins just to play a mp3 on a program that should have that preinstalled lol05:22
AgiosI use mplayer for the most part. There is xine also.05:22
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xyluswhat kinda media player dosent come with mp3 support hahaa05:22
xylusmplayer and xine05:22
draikxylus, I use codeine05:22
mal_xylus: vlc05:22
mal_apt-cache search vlc05:22
xylushmm wich one has support for divx and mpeg mpg and avi right off the getgo?05:22
xylusalso soundsupport would be nice i hate downloading plugins05:23
gatekeeperxylus: you need to install the correct codecs that is your problem :-)05:23
draikAnyone know how to free up some RAM? It's using 2885MB out of my 3GB05:23
xylusoh realy?05:23
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xylusgatekeeper ny idea where i can get some good codecs for divx avi mpeg audio and such05:23
larson9999mal_: you use vlc?  would you mind testing something?  i tried using it for to listen to paul harvey but it always stops after 10:40.05:24
xylusprob krupt data larson05:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:24
gatekeeperxylus: I am using xine, so I have installed libxine-extracodecs, w32codecs and that does for all my needs05:25
larson9999xylus: maybe but there are feeds for several days and they all end after the same time.05:25
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xylusthan your problem is your software05:25
xylustry reinstalling05:25
xylusor using another media player\05:26
gatekeeperxylus: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability05:26
mal_larson9999: sure. url?05:26
larson9999 xylus well, no other feeds give me problems and play for longer than 10:4005:26
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larson9999mal_ paulharvey.com.  pick a noontime one05:27
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GIGANTOR[10:28]  [474]  #ubuntu-offtopic You're banned from that channel05:29
larson9999xylus: but there is likely something i'm doing wrong.  i've reinstalled and all sorts of stuff.  i figured if i could get someone else to confirm it's just me or not would help.05:30
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gatekeeperxylus: you can install media players untill you are blue in the face, if you haven't got the codecs installed they won't play the stufff you want to play05:33
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BluesKajxylus ,automatix will get most of the codecs you need05:36
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gatekeeperBluesKaj: xylus would not recommend automatix05:37
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BluesKajautomatix is ok as long you don't try to install too many programs at once05:38
z00mwhere is my sources list stored, i forgot :/05:38
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cotroleris cedega free to use???05:39
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larson9999mal_ i just tested again just to be sure i'm still getting the same behavior.  i am.  have you started ?05:40
BluesKajz00m, search in konq to find it05:40
MilhousePunkRockIs there something like xserver-reconfigure that will only touch the display settings?05:40
z00mblueKaj: cant think of the name05:40
gatekeeperBluesKaj: automatix is great if you have lots of free time and enjoy fixing things :-)05:40
z00mis it sources.list ?05:40
Ash-FoxFuse + Fuse_Kio = love.05:40
BluesKajlol gatekeeper05:40
BluesKajyes z00m05:40
Tm_Tsshfs <305:41
mal_larson9999: yeah, it stopped at 10:4005:41
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega05:41
larson9999mal_ which day did you listen to?05:41
draikGIGANTOR, still banned?05:41
gatekeeperz00m: /etc/apt/sources.list05:42
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noelHi! I need help! I am using Kmail. When I reply to the email, then I used bold letters or colors on my reply. the email became boudble space, how can I fix this? I want it in single space. any help!?05:42
Ash-FoxYou're better off using wine than cedega.05:42
noeli mean double space.05:42
Ash-FoxWine has better direct x shader support in almost everywhere. And I'm finding that my games actually work under it while under Cedrga it didn't.05:42
cotroleris CEDEGA free to get????05:43
z00mgatekeeper: thanks i just found it :P05:43
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Ash-FoxWine is.05:43
BluesKajis wine difficult to install and can I access my windows files using wine ?05:44
Ash-Foxsudo apt-get install wine05:44
mal_larson9999: yesterday noon05:44
gatekeeperz00m: :-)05:44
Ash-FoxBluesKaj, what do you mean by 'access my windows files' ?05:44
cotrolerbut is wine good as cedega??05:44
draikBluesKaj, I tried wine and it works. But I also read it's a bit of a hit or miss with some apps05:44
Ash-Foxcotroler, it works better in my opinion.05:44
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gatekeeperz00m: get google notes and put things like that in there :-)05:45
z00mi rememberd the name of it i was just abit lazy to search for it05:45
BluesKajsay i have some windows text files or that i'd like to examine in linux05:46
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cotrolerbut is wine better in directx gaming too Ash-Fox05:46
Ash-Foxcotroler, in my opinion, yes.05:46
Ash-FoxCedega used to be better than Wine, but that was years ago.05:47
z00mcotroler: i would have dual boot for gaming, linux no go for it05:47
z00mwindows for gaming and linux for browsing!05:47
Ash-Foxz00m, world of warcraft runs fine here under linux05:47
noelHi! I need help! I am using Kmail. When I reply to the email, then I used bold letters or colors on my reply. the email became double space, how can I fix this? I want it in single space. any help!?05:47
cotrolerbut opengl games work better in linux?05:47
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z00mAsh-Fox: does battle feild 2 work or ghost recon advanced war05:48
Ash-Foxcotroler, if you want speciifc information on how to get a game working, or if it works at all, look at http://appdb.winehq.org <- note that if it isn't tested with the latest wine version, the information could be inaccurate05:48
cotrolertnx Ash-Fox05:48
Ash-Foxz00m, I suggest you look at the site too :P05:49
cotrolercan you remind me the command to install wine pls?????05:49
Ash-Fox'sudo apt-get install wine'05:49
Ash-FoxOf course you can install it through adept etc.05:49
z00mAsh-Fox: no i got windows for gaming, its simple :P05:49
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:49
hundy_you can add the wine sources to souces05:49
Ash-Foxz00m, my games actually run better under linux ;)05:49
z00mspend more time gaming that trying to setup wine05:49
Ash-FoxI can't even get second life running under Windows05:50
MilhousePunkRockHey abattoir!05:50
Ash-FoxComplains my hardware is too crappy, but under Linux it works :)05:50
z00mwell im in the process of learning how the 32bit CPU works05:51
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z00mjust runing i386 in vmware now05:51
larson9999i got rid of windows because i didn't need it for gaming anymore!05:51
z00mlarson9999: can you play the lastest games ?05:52
Ash-FoxI got rid of windows because it would make really angry with the lack of simple things like keeping windows ontop05:52
gatekeeperz00m: nicest cpu assemble I did was motorola 6800005:52
Ash-FoxPlus I browsed my upload directory one day in explorer, which had a .wmf exploit in there, whoopy doo, got malware that elevated privillages and installed it self all over the system, from a limited user account05:52
Ash-FoxJust browsed, didn't open that .wmf or anything.05:53
z00mgatekeeper: im just trying to learn the way it handles overflows, why they happen! how to make them happen and how to find them :P05:53
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larson9999z00m: i didn't play the latest games in windows.  i don't pay more than $2 for a game.  and now i only play free as in free beer or freedom games.  if i ever finish the games in the linux game tomb, i'll consider buying a commercial game.05:54
z00mAsh-Fox: yeah that was a cool exploit in the way that windows handles jpgs + other picture files05:54
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Ash-Foxthe privillage eleveation is what got me. It's not like I didn't play safe computing05:54
z00myeah its called shellcode05:55
Ash-FoxI was running off a limited user account that had really the equilivant of access as the guest account on windows at the time.05:55
z00moverflows, thats what im learning at the moment05:55
gatekeeperz00m: when i looked at the intel chips, decided I couldn't be bothered, and it was then I started learning C latter C++05:55
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z00mAsh-Fox: yes you could be running from unpriv user but the service that was exploited was running as system05:56
z00mfull control!05:56
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Ash-Foxz00m, actually it was using a flaw in the windows api, window messaging05:56
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Ash-FoxAnd this flaw cannot be 'fixed'. Because it is the design of windows.05:57
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z00mAsh-Fox: .wmf file ?05:57
Ash-Fox'Fixing' it, would break pretty much how most applications communicate with each other under windows.05:57
Ash-Foxz00m, the .wmf file used a few exploits, I anaylzed in depth :)05:57
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z00mthere is one with .jpg file that u just need to browse the dir and it auto runs the overflow, because of the way windows previews pic files05:58
Ash-FoxThis wasn't even thumbnail view05:59
z00mi think linux was also vuln to this but not sure if it was exploitable05:59
Ash-FoxWindows was just retrieving the actual resolution of the picture, and poof...05:59
Ash-FoxWine had the same WMF exploit.05:59
z00myeah, it can be fixed06:00
z00mwintendo released a patch for it06:00
Ash-FoxMozilla had a exploit from old netscape code todo with JPEGs, luckilly KDE's JPEG code wasn't based on that.06:00
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=== z00m loves exploits.
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-086-209.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== z00m think its great making computers do things they didn't intend to do
z00mgatekeeper: so you know C & c++ then06:02
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acojlowhy does kontact complain about 'could not connect to localhost' after installing GuardDog?06:02
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MilhousePunkRockre abattoir06:03
gatekeeperz00m: yep :-)06:03
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hi :), try to reply to your first message, but you had left...06:04
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: works? :P06:04
MilhousePunkRockYeah, I had to reconfigure X06:04
MilhousePunkRockOf course not, abattoir06:04
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: :'(06:04
z00mgatekeeper: im in the process of learning how to break C & C++ programs06:04
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z00mlearning how they break makes you know the ways to stop anyone from breaking them06:05
Joe3hiya people, I installed kubuntu but coz im using an old monitor (I broke my lcd) I use an 800x600 resolution but certain apps like Control Centre continue off the screen how do I force it so I can see the whole box rather than partial, for instance I cant see the ok buttons and stuff06:05
gatekeeperz00m: I have users that are past masters at that :-)06:05
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z00mgatekeeper: i think its really interesting to learn06:06
timiubuntu just click on the intsall button06:06
Joe3Anyone know how to fix?06:06
=== Ash-Fox enables the hide button in the tasks panel for those issues on 800x600 res
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Ash-FoxJust enables a arrow on the side, that I click to hide the taskbar.06:06
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Joe3how'd ya get the arrow there :P?06:07
gatekeeperJoe3: this what you are after? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:07
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lensThere is a way to make it when you type sudo, it lasts longer... does anyone know how to do that?06:07
timiyesterday installed bittorent, but i couldnt find it anywhere after i installed it, same thing with qtorrent, why is this06:07
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z00mlens: sudo -i06:07
lensz00m, thanks!06:08
z00mlens: np06:08
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timiz00m you know where to find a program after you download it06:08
Pupenotimi: why don't just use ktorrent ?06:08
Ash-Foxlens, yes.06:08
timiyeah im using it know06:08
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timibut i would still like to know where programs i download go to06:08
z00mtimi: on ktorrent ?06:09
timilike on adept06:09
Pupenotimi: they go to /usr/bin/ most of the time.06:09
crazy_penguinHi all!06:09
z00mtimi do you want to get rid of them ?06:09
z00mclean up or are you trying to run something06:09
timino i did using uninstall in adept06:09
ironfroggydo i need the hiberanate package in order to use my laptops hibernation features?06:09
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timibut when i had them installed i could find them anywhere06:09
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arsohello old friends06:10
z00mtimi: i noticed that sometime you program lists does not update unless you right click and select edit06:10
z00mthen save06:10
z00mthen they show up06:10
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timihrrm ok06:10
z00mjust try that06:11
timianother question zoom06:11
ironfroggyi can go into suspend-to-disc from the battery monitor, but i tried installing that hibernate package and the command tells me i dont have kernel support for hibernation, which i find odd because ive already been using hibernation.06:11
timiinstalled a non adept program called kbootsplash06:11
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Ash-Foxtimi, what have you done!? You'll kill us all!06:11
timihow do i uninstall it, because its not in add/remove or in adept of course06:11
=== timi confused
Ash-Foxtimi, did you compile it?06:11
dr_willisya should read the docs taht came with the program.. it depends on how ya installed it.06:12
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Ash-Foxtimi, okay, goto the compilation directory and type 'make uninstall'06:12
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z00mtimi: like this sudo apt-get remove <name of package>06:12
z00mwas it a .deb ?06:12
Ash-Foxz00m, he just said he didn't install it as a package06:12
z00mah right sorry06:12
timiyeah i compiled it zOOm06:13
Ash-Foxtimi, goto the compilation directory and type 'make uninstall' or 'sudo make uninstall' if it needs privillages.06:13
MilhousePunkRockironfroggy: Did you look at suspend2? http://suspend2.net06:13
timiyeah someone told me that yesterday06:13
timibut i dont know how i find the compilation directory of something06:13
Ash-FoxThe place where you compiled it06:13
timii searched ktorrent and i find usr/bin/doc/ and usr/bin/ap06:13
ironfroggyMilhousePunkRock: yes. thats what i found the hibernate command from and installed the package for.06:13
timii thought i just compiled it on the desktop06:13
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ironfroggybut im not seeing what its for, if i can already hibernate.06:14
MilhousePunkRockPackage? It's a kernel patch06:14
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timii just downloaded  the tarball to th deskotp extracted it to the desktop then i went into konsole clickity click click...kbootsplash06:14
ironfroggyisnt hibernation included in the kubuntu kernels by default?06:14
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timithen i deleted all the crap on the desktop06:14
Pupeno_ouch, I was disconnected.06:14
MilhousePunkRockNot suspend2, ironfroggy06:15
Pupeno_timi: are you interested in what I was saying about running programs you installed with adept ?06:15
Ash-Foxtimi, well, you will need to extract it somewhere, set it up like before, and then do a uninstall using the method I said.06:15
ironfroggyMilhousePunkRock: whats the difference between suspend2 and the facilities already present to hibernate/sleep my laptop?06:15
timiso if you extract something and then you delete the files the program still works06:16
timibut you cant get rid ot it06:16
MilhousePunkRockIDK, ironfroggy... I only got it since it wasn't working here... Didn't make a difference though, still isn't working06:16
timiPupeno I understand adept06:16
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MilhousePunkRockThinkPad users here?06:18
lensAsh-Fox, z00m, sudo -i is a good command, but I was thinking of a text file you modify that changes how long you stay sudo when you put in the pass, instead of the default 5 minutes or whatever.06:18
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Sarnuiali want a thinkpad but i dont have one so no06:19
MilhousePunkRockIf I tell you that I am trying to get sleep working for days and days, do you still want one, Sarnuial?06:19
dek_aikironfroggy, MilhousePunkRock, i got the hibernate works after chose acpi instead suspend2 in /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf06:19
Sarnuialwhats the problem?06:20
MilhousePunkRockSince the TP is a little old already, it's got a weird video chip, which freezes X when you resume...06:20
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lensoh I just happened to find it... sorry about that... it's very useful <a href="http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183418">here's the link to reset sudo time settings</a href>06:21
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MilhousePunkRockdek_aik: By now I am convinced that my problem is related to the video chip, so I don't think that will make a difference... It didn't work before I got suspend2 and it's still the same now06:21
timihey but a firefox icon in my panel, when i click it it opens of two firefox, one opens and the other is just an icon in the toolbar that seems to show its pertuallly loading but there is not screen06:22
bipolarIf anyone is trying to get Kaffeine to play videos properly when using XGL, I found that setting xine to use OpenGL output seems to clear it up.06:22
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MilhousePunkRocktimi: That's the loading feedback06:22
timiyeah but tthe page loads in a second06:23
timiand there is another thing below it saysin that firefox is loading06:23
timii notice that the icons on them are differfent to. one is the world the one that doesnt load has the firefox icon06:23
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dek_aikMilhousePunkRock, maybe..mine is a NEC with savage IX/MX display..have you tried tweaking the /etc/hibernate/hibernate.conf06:23
MilhousePunkRockSAVAGE IX????????? That's exactly my chip!06:23
dek_aikMilhousePunkRock, well..it works here06:24
MilhousePunkRockCan you post your hibernate.conf, sleep.conf, common.conf and what not to some pastebin?06:24
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MilhousePunkRockOr mail them to me, dek_aik? milhousepunkrock@googlemail.com06:25
timihey can anyone explain why linux all of sudden started do this06:25
dek_aikMilhousePunkRock, sorry..never use the bin...i email you06:25
timiit opens two firefox, but you cant see on of them, and the one that doesnt eve load has the correct icon from my icon set for firefox, and the other oen is the world06:26
timiit didnt do this yesterday06:26
MilhousePunkRockWait, I have a Savage IX/C06:26
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MilhousePunkRocktimi: I told you, that's the loading feedback... Doesn't it go away after a while?06:27
Ignite_timi, can you take a screenshot and upload it to imageshack.us please? if your in KDE you can just press the "Print Screen" key :)06:27
acojlowhy i have error: could not connect to localhost?06:27
timiwhere is the print screen key06:27
Ignite_timi, most probably to the right of the backspace key06:28
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Ignite_timi, above the arrow keys06:28
dr_willisits the key lavbled print screen. :)06:28
timiis ther a commad i cold do06:28
dr_willisthen i guess ya look closely and learn how ya Fkeys work.06:28
dr_willisor the 2nd fnction keys.06:28
timierr i c it06:28
Ignite_timi, K menu -> graphics -> ksnapshot06:28
timiok i goit06:29
MilhousePunkRockDoes anyone know how long it's gonna take until we get the 2.6.17 kernel?06:29
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, probably the next release06:29
MilhousePunkRockIgnite_: Next release as in next year?06:29
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, there is a release every six months06:30
cotrolerdo i need to install a firewall / antivirus in kubuntu or is it safe enough?????06:30
MilhousePunkRockThat's still 4 month of waiting, since Dapper came in June...06:30
Ignite_cotroler, safe enough, if your paranoid though you can install a firewall06:30
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Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, i wouldn't worry, there are security patches applied so you shouldn't need to worry about that :)06:30
cotrolerIgnite_: tnx lol (cause in windows without firewall / antivirus you wont manage)06:31
Ignite_timi, imageshack.us lets you upload the screenshot free of charge06:31
Ignite_cotroler, yeah but we all know how much of a peice of crap windows is ;)06:31
MilhousePunkRockIn my special case I have to worry about exactly that, Ignite_! "With kernel savagefb works fine after resuming from suspend or hibernate."06:31
timiim doing that now06:31
Ignite_timi, ok :)06:31
cotrolerIgnite_: tnx :) windows is shit :|06:32
[GuS] cotroler, i has 10 workstations in my small company and without virus/firewall.. just a firewall in my server bcause i offer some services that i need open some ports06:32
[GuS] in my opinion... is not necesary antivirus..06:32
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dek_aikMilhousePunkRock, sent...06:32
timihey i saved them to my desktop but they dont show up06:32
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, ah i see, you can compile your own kernel as long as you know your hardware, there are a load of guides that will help you :)06:32
timiunless i open the home folder then go to desktop06:32
cotrolertnx ppl, this confirms how linux is secure!!!!!!!06:32
Ignite_timi, what do you mean?06:33
[GuS] it is cotroler ! ;)06:33
=== MilhousePunkRock was close to compiling a Kernel yesterday already... Luckily I found a precompiled one... Didn't help though
MilhousePunkRockthx dek_aik... What driver are you using? just the plain savage?06:33
[GuS] is not so hard MilhousePunkRock, like Ignite_  says, you need to know your hardware very well06:34
timi<a href="http://img112.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1ys4.png" target="_blank"><img src="http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/8479/snapshot1ys4.th.png" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us" /></a>06:34
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dek_aikMilhousePunkRock, yes from the official repo..06:34
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timii guess my desktop is frozen....06:35
=== Ignite_ looks at image
MilhousePunkRock[GuS] : Is that well enough? http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T23 If I compile stuff in it, say, the madwifi drivers, is that faster than running it as a module?06:35
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bkudriahow do i specify a custom paramater in the kubuntu dapper livecd?  how do i get to the boot prompt?06:35
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[GuS] let me check that link..06:35
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dr_willisbkudria,  hit 'e' to edit the grub entrys i think.. or if ya can enter the name to boot.. add them to the end.06:36
Ignite_timi, i'm not sure i understand your problem, do you mean you have 2 firefox icons, one that works and one that doesn't?06:36
timiyou see the one with the sand timer by it06:36
[GuS] pretty good info... but you need more technical one MilhousePunkRock, of example you must collect more info... by typing lspci you have more.. and so on..06:36
Ignite_timi, yeah06:36
timiit opens at the same time the highlight one opens06:36
bkudriadr_willis: no, on both counts.  i'm booting from a livecd, not grub...and typing does nothing06:36
[GuS] indeed that info is good06:37
timilike every time i do my short cut key for mozilla or cllck on the link or anything06:37
timithat one never loads it just sits  there for like 20seconds saysing its loading06:37
dek_aikMilhousePunkRock, i also managed to get the DRI works...but still somtimes it freezes X especially playing high FPS games like briquolo..but chromium works very well06:37
cotrolertimi: you got a nice font in that screenshot06:37
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dr_willisthe live cd - is using grub i think.  ive done it on other live cd's not sure about the ubuntu one. :()   the wiki/forums i imagine have examples/details.06:37
bkudriai guess i'll look06:38
[GuS] yeah... chromium is better today06:38
Ignite_timi, i think i know what it is, you see, when you start a program in KDE, it adds an item to the panel saying its loading, thing is, sometimes they don't go as soon as the program has loaded and just time out eventually, i'm not sure what causes it, i think it may be a bug06:38
timi i just notcied that the buggy one had the logo of firefox06:38
dek_aikGuS: do you also have a savage card?06:38
timias you cansee all the firefoxes that are open have a world logo and the in m bar the logo is a whitefirefox06:39
timiso i was thinking maybe it was the icons or something, this hsas never happened until today06:39
[GuS] dek_aik, in a mother board, onboard card, yes... in another computer06:39
cotrolerit there any way to make konversation /msg nickserv idenfity [pass]  do this automatically????06:39
_Annibal_jeje, alguin de espaa?06:39
[GuS] Kubuntu load the DRI very well06:39
[GuS] or better say, Xorg.06:39
Ignite_timi, i'm sure you can turn off the "loading" item in the panel, i'm not sure how though, i will look into it if its a bother? :)06:39
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=== MilhousePunkRock is trying to tell timi for the third time now that this is the loading feedback
cotrolerit there any way to make konversation /msg nickserv idenfity [pass]  do this automatically????06:40
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MilhousePunkRockcotroler: In the identity settings06:40
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timiok thanks06:41
timiwelll i never got any *loading feedback before so its a bother.06:41
Ignite_ah, timi if you press alt+f2 then type "kcontrol" and hit enter, you will get the KDE control center, expand the "Apperance & Themes" option, then click "Launch Feedback", there you can control what kind of things you see when a program is loading :D06:41
dek_aikGuS: sometimes it freezes X (especially in briquolo case), and it have a drop shadow on the mouse when playing mahjong3d..do you experience that too?06:41
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MilhousePunkRockIgnite_: So we only get the minor kernel updates within one release?06:42
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, i think so06:43
Ignite_but we do get updates and patches, fixing bugs and the like06:43
MilhousePunkRockI am not sure if compiling my own kernel in the 4th week on Linux might be too much of a project for me...06:44
dek_aikMilhousePunkRock: debian moves to 2.6.17 in desember so  i think ubuntu will follow after that06:44
MilhousePunkRockI can't wait that long...06:44
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Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, what is the output of "uname -r" in konsole?06:45
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abattoirdek_aik: isnt ubuntu already w/ 2.6.17(w/ edgy, that is)06:45
MilhousePunkRockSysinfo for 'ThinkPad': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: MobileIntel(R)Pentium(R)IIICPU-M1133MHz at 732 MHz (1467 bogomips), , RAM: 245/248MB, 77 proc's, 1.10h up06:46
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: If you look here http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T23 and click on the video chip, I guess that06:46
MilhousePunkRock's the root of all evil here...06:47
dek_aikabattoir: i dont know..i still havent tried edgy...well edgy will come out officially in desember right?06:47
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: 'S3 SuperSavage IX/C with 16 MB' ?06:47
abattoirdek_aik: in october, 6.1006:47
abattoirSysinfo for 'abattoir': Linux 2.6.17-5-amd64-k8 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: AMDTurion64MobileTechnologyML-30 at 800 MHz (1600 bogomips), , RAM: 302/307MB, 102 proc's, 1.19h up06:48
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MilhousePunkRockScroll all the way down on the page for the savage06:48
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Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, what is the bug exactly?06:48
Joe3grr stupid outage06:48
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: So you got the .17 kernel already...06:48
Joe3Anyone got an idea on how to fix my resolution problem?06:49
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: yup :)06:49
MilhousePunkRockIgnite_: Freezing X on resume from suspend06:49
dek_aikabattoir: oh ok..less than 6 months then from dapper06:49
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, ok, having a look around now06:49
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MilhousePunkRockGot it seperately or are you running edgy?06:49
abattoirdek_aik: dapper should have been 6.04, but was delayed a couple of months, so that it could become 'LTS'06:49
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: edgy06:49
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timithanks Ignite06:50
MilhousePunkRockDoes it come with suspend2 already?06:50
timii guess my desktop was frozen06:50
timithats wy i couldnt find the .png 's06:50
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: sorry, havent tried it06:50
dek_aikabattoir: now i understand..06:50
Ignite_timi, ah06:51
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MilhousePunkRockWell, if suspending worked with the edgy kernel, I wouldn't need suspend 2...06:51
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MilhousePunkRockIs edgy public or do you have to bribe the devs to get it?06:52
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cotrolerDoes kubuntu have a build in mp3 player? if no is there a good one?06:52
dek_aikMilhousePunkRock: debian moves to 2.6.17 in des06:52
MilhousePunkRockSorry for the repeat that's coming, but abattoir wasn't there to read it...06:52
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MilhousePunkRockWell, if suspending worked with the edgy kernel, I wouldn't need suspend 2...06:52
MilhousePunkRockIs edgy public or do you have to bribe the devs to get it?06:52
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: its public :)06:52
dek_aikcotroler: amarok..i rocks06:53
MilhousePunkRock!mp3 < cotroler06:53
ubotuI know nothing about mp3 < cotroler - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:53
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: but 'officially' it is unstable06:53
NoIPMixAMedgy stand for ?06:53
MilhousePunkRock!mp3 > cotroler06:53
abattoircotroler: i second dek_aik.. you just have to enable mp3 support though :P06:53
MilhousePunkRockWell, after all what I've done, my system is too...06:53
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Ignite_cotroler, amarok is the best there is in my opinion, you will need to install the libxine-extracodecs for MP3 support though, although its probably in that info you've just been given06:54
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: your system is too... ?06:54
MilhousePunkRockHow would I upgrade to edgy?06:54
dek_aikcotroler, abattoir: and the libtunepim also have to be manually compiled for the musicbrainz tagger to works06:54
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abattoirdek_aik: iirc, it works for ogg,wav, but not for mp3, that too, if you download 1.4.1, that shouldnt be necessary06:55
draikanyone here have Kubuntu 6.06 with an unmodified /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf ?06:56
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: tbh, it at times *might* be unstable, so i'd suggest keeping it as a secondary system06:56
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, you _could_, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and change all dapper to edgy, then do an "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade", that should do it, but i wouldn't expect it to be perfect just yet06:56
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ^^^^ that's the way, but expect to run into some errors while upgrading06:56
ubuntu__say ....is it possible to get the adept repositorys as dvds?06:57
abattoireg. for me X and decided to play foul... :P06:57
dek_aikabattoir: i still use the 1.3.x and everytime it updates to x+1 i have to compile the libtunepimp..:(06:57
Ignite_ubuntu__, i think you can buy DVDs on amazon, not sure if you can download them though06:58
abattoirdek_aik: try 1.4.1, i'm pretty sure i read in an amarok wiki that libtunepimp supports mp3s out of the box...06:58
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abattoirubuntu__: yes, you can download an Installation DVD06:58
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elias_Is NvAGP faster than agpgart/intel_agp?06:59
draikOr is there a way of getting those 2 files unmodified elsewhere?06:59
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Are you there tomorrow to guide me to edgy?06:59
Ignite_dek_aik, if you want the latest amarok release in kubuntu (like i do ^_^) then use this guide, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php07:00
=== MilhousePunkRock is taking all resorts he has to get this $%$%=(3@'*##+ suspend to work
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: are you going to install it over your current system? or install a secondary one and upgrade that?07:00
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: i'd suggest the second, but its your call :)07:00
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h3sp4wnMilhousePunkRock: If you need guiding to run edgy then you shouldn't use it07:00
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Ignite_h3sp4wn, there is a bug with his video card that isn't fixed in the dapper kernel07:01
MilhousePunkRockWell... I was thinking about moving /home to a seperate partition anyway... I could use that for both then, right?07:01
GIGANTORabattoir- do you have any pull in #ubuntu-offtopic?07:01
GIGANTORi need to get unbanned =S07:01
GIGANTORi didn't even do anything bad07:01
abattoirGIGANTOR: unfortunately no :(07:01
GIGANTORrat bastards man..07:02
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MilhousePunkRockI'd prefer to only get the kernel, if it was possible, which I doubt...07:02
abattoirGIGANTOR: maybe this is what got you banned...07:02
Ignite_GIGANTOR, why did you get banned? i'm sure there is someone you can report abuse to07:02
MilhousePunkRockx2 abattoir07:02
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GIGANTORDBO banned me, and i've messaged him07:02
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, you probably can just install the kernel07:02
GIGANTORok, so i said "f**k" with only one asterisk instead of the two you see there07:02
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GIGANTORand insta-ban...07:03
dek_aikabattoir: is there a native gfxboot-grub in edgy?07:03
MilhousePunkRockThat would be awesome, Ignite_07:03
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, one sec i will look into it07:03
GIGANTORi've learnt my lesson  ;(07:03
abattoir!info gfxboot-grub edgy07:03
ubotuPackage gfxboot-grub does not exist in edgy07:03
abattoirdek_aik: have a specific package name?07:03
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swhalenIm having issues setting a static ip for my lan...ettth0 ddoes nnot keep my settings!07:03
abattoirdek_aik: or packages.ubuntu.com's edgy section might help :)07:03
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h3sp4wnIgnite_: You cannot install just the kernel without updating udev (maybe libc)07:04
MukiEXIs there a compiz/Kubuntu specific channel?07:04
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abattoirMukiEX: maybe #ubuntu-xgl ?07:04
GIGANTORno, but #xgl helped me quite a bit07:04
Ignite_h3sp4wn, i've never had problems before07:05
dek_aikabattoir: its a grub that support "gfxboot" like that in suse..07:05
Ignite_MilhousePunkRock, http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/base/linux-68607:05
h3sp4wnMilhousePunkRock: Is it fixed in 2.6.16 (that can be installed pretty easily on dapper)07:05
abattoirdek_aik: like anililo ?07:05
MilhousePunkRockSysinfo for 'ThinkPad': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: MobileIntel(R)Pentium(R)IIICPU-M1133MHz at 732 MHz (1467 bogomips), , RAM: 244/248MB, 77 proc's, 1.30h up07:05
h3sp4wnIgnite_: So you are running the binary edgy kernel on dapper ?07:05
MilhousePunkRockIndeed, I am still on the .1507:06
dek_aikabattoir: kind of..07:06
MukiEXThanks, abattoir07:06
abattoirdek_aik: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208855 ?07:06
abattoirMukiEX: np :)07:06
MilhousePunkRockWhere I finally found what the problem is, h3sp4wn, it says it's fixed in .17, so I guess .16 won't help much07:06
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timianyone know where to go to change the speaker set from 2.0 to 5.1 etc07:07
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timii saw it once before but i  cant find it anymore, you'd figure it be under sound and multimedia. but i dont see07:07
OODtimi: what sound card do you have?07:07
Ignite_timi, try K menu -> Multimedia -> Kmix07:08
h3sp4wnMilhousePunkRock: You can run 2.6.17 but you need to update udev or it won't boot (or would not for me) - you have to build it with the version of gcc on dapper as well07:08
GIGANTORtimi-  i think you saw that in amarok07:08
Ignite_timi, then click the icon near the clock then click "mixer"07:08
=== MilhousePunkRock is leaving now... Thx for the help abattoir, dek_aik, Ignite_, h3sp4wn
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Ignite_bye MilhousePunkRock07:08
arsohow the hell do i fastforward or goto    in mplayer?07:08
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: see you tomorrow :P07:08
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Ignite_arso, shift + .07:09
arsoi see, thnx a bunch07:09
Ignite_arso, unless your using the GUI then just use the mouse07:09
arsohhehe no gui07:09
arsowhich is the best gui07:09
arsokmplayer or gmplayer07:09
dek_aikabattoir: thanks..07:10
timii have alsa07:10
abattoirdek_aik: no problem :)07:10
Ignite_i personally prefer xine + kaffeine, but if your using mplayer then i would say kmplayer07:10
swhalenwhats the command to run to set up IP manualy?/07:10
timihrm k mixer just shows you volume for the system and microophone ill try amarok07:10
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=== Ignite_ wonders if K3B can rip DVDs to ogg theora
=== Ignite_ checks
abattoirIgnite_: not sure, search for theoggen though07:11
abattoirIgnite_: wait, i'll give you the right name07:12
arsoIgnite_:  i want to go to like 30 mins in to the video07:12
arsoIgnite_:  how do i do that07:12
arsoIgnite_:  is ther a go to? where y type the time u want07:12
Ignite_arso, i'm not sure, i don't use it much07:13
swhalenwhats the command to run to set up IP manualy?07:13
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trappistarso: pagedown 3 times07:13
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Ignite_abattoir, yeah, i liked that, used it a while ago, there were problems though, when i ripped some DVDs it would freeze half way through and rip the same frame over and over07:13
arsoeach pagedown is 10mins?07:13
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trappistarso: yes, per the man page07:14
arsooh nice07:14
timiwhen  i put on my headphones i get good bass, so maybe it just the computer speaker07:14
abattoirIgnite_: tried k9copy, dvd::rip etc. ?07:14
trappistarso: `man mplayer` for more goodness07:14
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Ignite_dvd::rip wasn't for me, (the gui was ugly as hell) i haven't tried k9copy though07:14
abattoir!info k9copy07:15
ubotuk9copy: DVD backup tool for KDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 288 kB, installed size 1060 kB07:15
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Ignite_thanks :D07:15
abattoirIgnite_: it's in the repos, so you could apt-get it :)07:15
dek_aikswhalen: try the "sudo ifconfig eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"07:15
=== Ignite_ goes in search of screenshots
arsoone last thing please trappist , mplayer automatically stretches the movie full screen messing it up, how cani make it keep the original aspect ratio?07:15
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abattoirIgnite_: i remember seeing a lot of apps at kde-apps.org's video section too, if you dont like k9copy, you could probably check those out07:16
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MukiEXWhat program allows KDE shortcuts to work. That is, what lets me press Alt+F2 and get the run dialog? I installed compiz and it seems to be disabled.07:16
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trappistarso: I say zoom=yes and monitoraspect=4:3 in my ~/.mplayer/config07:16
swhalenSIOCSIFADDR: File exists07:16
Ignite_abattoir, ok great, i used to use ubuntu and acidrip, now i'm in kubuntu i wanted something more KDE'y :)07:16
abattoirMukiEX: Kcontrol->Regional ....->Keyboard Shortcuts07:17
arsotrappist:  but i want it to keep the movies aspect, some movies have 4:3 some have different07:17
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Hikaru79The URL for w32codecs.deb listed on the Ubuntu Wiki is no longer up. Does anybody have a current link?07:17
abattoirIgnite_: heh, if you are new to kde, then kde-look.org and kde-apps.org have 'gems' waiting to be found :P07:17
Ignite_MukiEX, i think thats handled by kwin, if it is then you won't really be able to run it alongside compiz because they are both window managers :x07:17
MukiEXAww junk, kwin? ^_^07:17
dek_aikswhalen: try to put the eth down first (sudo ifconfig eth0 down)..then type that command again07:18
trappistarso: does it automatically go fullscreen or are you pushing 'f'07:18
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Ignite_abattoir, not really, i've used KDE for a few years, just always forget about kde-apps and the like, i tend to change between desktop environments like the wind :P07:18
arsoumm its ok i fixed it trappist thanks anyway07:18
abattoirIgnite_: oh, ok :)07:19
trappistarso: also say vm=no in ~/.mplayer/config07:19
trappistoh ok07:19
arsowat does taht do?07:19
arsoauto ful lscreen?07:19
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trappistprevents it from going to a different video mode when you go fullscreen07:19
trappistcheck the comments in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf07:19
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ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP07:22
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timiso flash player just pick and choose when sound is going to wrk07:23
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timibecause the last to days it might work then just stop, ill reboot it will work07:24
timior it wont work. i dunno anybody else had this problem07:24
arsoumm guys07:24
arsoamarok aint playing stuff07:24
arsodo i just get extracodecs07:24
arsoor is ther eanything else i need07:24
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:24
abattoirarso:  you have libxine-extracodecs?07:24
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arsoabattoir:  i just installed them07:24
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arsois there anythign else i need07:25
arsocoz its still not playing07:25
abattoirarso: libmad0 or something was installed too?07:25
trappistarso: check the RestrictedFormats wiki page ubotu just posted07:25
Hikaru79arso, extracodecs is enough for 99% of common usage, except for wmv and rm.07:25
Ignite_timi, i've had that problem, i have no idea what causes it, but a work around i have found is, if you have firefox open whilst listening to audio in one program, firefox doesn't play _any_ audio it seems, making sure no audio is playing and restarting firefox seems to solve the problem temporarily07:25
acojlolisten, why does kontact complain about could not connect to localhost?07:25
GIGANTORtimi-  download wine, install the windows version of firefox AND flash under Wine, then run firefox07:25
abattoirinfo libmad007:25
GIGANTORtimi- your audio will sync up fine07:25
lenswhat is the point in using Kontact and Korganizer if Kontact has a calender and a contact section?07:25
arsoya its installed07:25
arsoi checked07:25
abattoirinfo libmad007:25
dek_aikarso: install also libakode2-mpeg07:25
abattoir!info libmad007:25
ubotulibmad0: MPEG audio decoder library. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.15.1b-2.1 (dapper), package size 75 kB, installed size 160 kB07:25
trappistacojlo: is your loopback device up?07:25
abattoirarso: ^^^^ see if that is installed07:26
acojlotrappist, how can i find it?07:26
arsobtw its an mp3 i want07:26
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GIGANTORignite- i've heard of starting firefox with the command AOSS firefox will help it somehow07:26
GIGANTORany thoughts on that one?07:26
lensare there advantages to using KOrganizer AND Kontact?07:26
GIGANTORseems like it forces ALSA07:26
abattoirarso:  if that *is* installed, then check if xine engine is selected as the engine...07:26
timiit says xineis availabel but refred to by anothe package07:26
Ignite_arso, to play MP3 in amarok, just open up a konsole window and run "sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs"07:26
arsoi already have extracodecs ignite07:27
trappistacojlo: run ifconfig and see if there's a device called 'lo' with an ip address of
arsoand the engine is xine07:27
Ignite_GIGANTOR, i'm not sure, never heard of that, infact it didn't really bother me all that much, i will look into it though :)07:27
acojloyes, it's up07:27
abattoirarso:  libmad0 ?07:27
dek_aikarso: try to look the explanation on mp3 here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats ..and why you need libakode2-mpeg07:28
timiGIGANTOR it says xine is not available but reffered to by another package07:28
Ignite_arso, if amarok was open when you installed them, try restarting it07:28
GIGANTORtimi-  when is it saying that?07:28
timiwhen do sudo apt-get install xine07:28
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abattoirarso:  ok, close amarok, then delete ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc and ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/xine-config ... note you'll lose your settings, so back it up if you want to07:28
GIGANTORtimi-  i said Wine07:28
Hikaru79The URL for w32codecs.deb listed on the Ubuntu Wiki is no longer up. Does anybody have a current link?07:29
Ignite_i wouldn't advise using wine07:29
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GIGANTORignite-  ;P07:29
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Ignite_using wine _could_ expose you to some windows vulns07:29
GIGANTORworks perfectly for me...   that was the only thing pizzing me off about linux07:29
timiGIGANTOR was that commad thing yousaid todo07:30
dek_aikHikaru79: there a link of repo in source-o-matic for that07:30
timilike start firefox with a command07:30
Ignite_i can only remember having that firefox issue in ubuntu, maybe it will be fixed in edgy07:30
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GIGANTORtimi-  go to adept and search for Wine07:30
GIGANTORit's much easier to install that way07:30
arsook it worked07:31
GIGANTORadept is your friend  ;)07:31
timiok but that wont mess up my computer right07:31
GIGANTORno sir07:31
arsoi am a noob i didnt restart amarok07:31
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arsoand it even played my favorite song07:31
Ignite_timi, in my opinion installing windows software with wine is a silly thing to do07:31
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Ignite_lol arso07:31
timiit would be sweet it linux just worked ya know07:31
GIGANTORtimi-  listen to ignite though, he knows more than me. I was just frustrated and wanted Flash to work properly07:32
GIGANTORtimi-  which it won't consistently any other way07:32
Hikaru79dek_aik: source-o-matic?07:32
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ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:32
=== timi guesses he'll just have to restart firefox and stopp all aduio when he wants to listen to flash
Ignite_timi, i will have a look around and try to find a fix, i never looked into it before so maybe i will find something :)07:32
timiaha thanks07:32
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dek_aikhey anyone please call obutu for source-o-matic?07:33
Ignite_dek_aik, http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:33
acojlotrappist: lo is up07:33
dek_aikHikaru79: there you go..thank Ignite07:34
lensis it ok to use easy-ubuntu with kubuntu?07:34
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h3sp4wnHikaru79: http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb07:35
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Hikaru79Thank you to everyone :) Ignite_, dek_aik and h3sp4wn!07:39
Ignite_timi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75237 <-= i haven't tried that so i don't know if your likely to have any success but its worth a try :)07:39
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Hikaru79(Although h3sp4wn, that link is *still* down. It's the same one on the wiki)07:39
dek_aikHikaru79: np:)07:40
h3sp4wnHikaru79: Definately up for me07:40
Ignite_timi, i am going to give it a try now, will let you know of any success07:40
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h3sp4wnHikaru79: maybe you can't get it directly http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/ (then browse for it) probably deliberately done to stop ubuntu using all there bandwidth07:42
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Hikaru79Hm. Thanks h3s :)07:42
draikI installed k9copy (was looking for DVDshrink replacement) but its trying to access /dev/hdc. When I go there, it's just an icon of 3 blocks and asking me 'Open with...'. What do I do?07:42
dr_willis'go there' ?07:42
dr_willisya may want to tell it to use /dev/dvd07:43
trappistdraik: /dev/hdc is a device, not a regular file.  it assumes it's your dvd drive.07:43
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timiphotos-007.facebook.com/ip007/v21/237/39/220924/a220924_30582007_2810.jpgok igite07:43
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draiktrappist, oh, I see. I have a secondary HDD that has various DVDs from DVDShrink. Is there a way of k9copy reading them?07:44
draikI click open and it only chooses hdc07:44
dr_willisnever used dvdshrink. no idea there.07:44
dr_willisif they are standard iso image files - it should be able readable/mountable07:44
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timihow do ibecoem a registered user07:46
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:47
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aliasfredtimi: this is for you07:47
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draikdr_willis, the files are VOB07:47
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obf213im going to send you a message to see if it worked07:50
AshexI had to remove the drive I had grub installed to (cd/hdd conflicting)07:50
Ashexhow would i get my kubuntu install to boot if grub isn't installed to it?07:50
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dr_willisdraik,  thiose are normal dvd video files then. unless they did somehting special to them07:51
dr_willisdraik,  see if vlc can play them07:51
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:52
draikI have Xine and Kaffeine07:53
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Ashexany ideas?07:55
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dek_aikAshex: have you tried to install grub to the hd that is left?07:59
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Ashexnot yet....08:00
Ashexactually, i should probably try that08:00
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dek_aikAshex: or you could also boot with live-cd then chroot to kubuntu08:00
Ashextrue, i'll give it a shot08:01
Ashexi'm curious as to what will happen to the windows boot though08:01
Ignite_obf213, that firefox audio fix isn't much good, flash just freezes now, i'm going to undo all the changes now >_>08:01
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dek_aikAshex: i think windows will takes over and boots08:02
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Ashexeh? what do you mean?08:03
AshexI have windows installed to the same drive08:03
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dek_aikAshex: assuming that you "pulled out" grub, windows will boot first08:04
cotrolerseeing grub how to i modify GRUB pls?08:05
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Ashexedit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:05
cotrolertnx Ashex08:07
Ashexno problem08:07
Ashexi checked menu.lst and windows is in there already08:07
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Ashexnow to just boot off my trusty grub disc08:08
Ashexand away i go!08:08
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juanhi buddy!08:12
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juanmaybe you can help me...08:12
ken_fallonFire ahead08:13
juanOK, im newbie so be excuse me... :)08:13
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juani have problems with the mp3s in amarok08:13
ken_fallonOK they don't play I'm guessing08:14
juani have 1.3, im now im updating to 1.408:14
juanbut i dont know if it will work..08:15
ken_fallonOK what the issue probably is - is that distros don't come with MP3 support as there are patents relating to mp3 and they don't want to be sued08:15
ken_fallonAll Is not lost however :)08:15
ken_fallonI'm assuming that you have a new install of dapper - Correct ?08:16
acojlodo we have suspend2 enabled by default?08:16
juanyes I had install kububuntu 6.0608:17
juankubuntu :)08:17
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ken_fallonOK Would you like the easy way or the hard way ?08:17
juanthe easy PLEASE!!08:17
ken_fallonExcellent - One sec - googleing08:18
raytray25Wouldn't that be in the wiki?08:19
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:19
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juanok, i'll read some :P08:20
ken_fallonYou're looking for  Automatix for Dapper  which will install multimedia and other stuff08:20
Ace2006Does anyone know a font preview app, choosing fonts in inkscape is driving me mad!08:20
juanthank you man!08:21
juanIll see..08:21
ken_fallonSee here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17764608:21
brandon_is kopete .12 available for dapper or is it only available in edgy?08:21
ken_fallonYou'll need to do come command line stuff to get it going but then it will pop up a script08:21
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emonkey-pbrandon_, http://archive.kubuntu.de/ubuntu/pool/dapper/preview/i386/08:24
emonkey-pbut it's not official08:24
brandon_is it going to be at some point?08:24
brandon_i'd rather not go too far off the reservation08:24
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acojlokontact: could not connect to localhost08:28
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draikdr_willis, The video plays in VLC08:29
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draiknow what?08:29
Ace2006Hi does anyone else have a problem with killall? i typed "killall artsd" and nothing got killed, i was watching in the task manager, but task manager can kill them08:29
wckdkl0wnwould anyone know why it is my system locks up when a screen saver comes on.. its not right away it takes about 15 mins after it kicks on08:30
draikAnyone here know how to get k9copy to read from a file, rather than a disc?08:31
Hawkwinddraik: AFAIK you can't08:31
HawkwindAce2006: Then 'arts' is NOT the name of a running process.  Or not the full name08:31
HawkwindAce2006: ps aux | grep arts   then look at the full name on the right of that display08:31
draikHawkwind, would you know of another app or method for burning what I already have captured?08:32
Hawkwinddraik: What do you have captured that you are wanting to burn ?08:32
Ace2006Hawkwind: mounting the file which i'm guessing is an iso might work08:32
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draikVOB files from DVDShrink on my secondary HDD08:32
dek_aikAce2006: it works here08:32
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e-HernickHey... I've got Kubuntu 6.06 installed on my Lenovo N100 laptop, with a 1680x1050 i810 display, and I'm using 915resolution so I can set it at 1680x1050. I've got a display corruption issue.. there is one horizontal line on my display that seems to repeat itself at another location on the display, and it's a software issue (it works in Windows)08:33
e-HernickI was thinking I'd try Xorg 7.1 to see if the problem is fixed... How can I install Xorg 7.1 on kubuntu 6.06?08:33
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Hawkwinddraik: Can't you burn them with k3b ?08:33
draikhaven't tried. I will do that now08:33
Hawkwinddraik: I burn vob files that are in the video/audio directories all the time without problem08:33
draikwhat option do I select for burning them?08:33
Hawkwinddraik: data cd08:34
HawkwindOr data dvd depending on the size08:34
draikdata dvd it is08:34
draikthese are DVDs08:34
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dek_aikwckdkl0wn: sometimes it happens when you driver doesnot support opengl natively and you screensaver is a opengl one08:36
draikHawkwind, one issue I've had before is that what I burn won't play in windows. Is there a way around that?08:36
wckdkl0wndek_aik: yea it was an opengl one08:36
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Hawkwinddraik: No idea.  I don't use/touch Windows at all.  Haven't in over 4+ years08:37
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coachJi just realized that the floppy drive is being shown is this normal?08:37
draikI recently had to burn some files from my 2nd partition (dual booting with winxp) and it wouldn't read in winxp08:37
Leeivhi. i installed gnome in kubuntu. how do i switch to it? coz im running kde.08:37
dek_aikwckdkl0wn: well it happens..:)..choose another screen saver, non opengl08:37
wckdkl0wndek_aik: can i just update my driver?08:38
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Leeivhelp plz08:38
draikHawkwind, would you know if there is a way of freeing up RAM?08:38
HawkwindLeeiv: Go back to your GUI login, and select it from the menus08:38
draikI'm running almost all 3GB of my 3GB RAM08:39
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Hawkwinddraik: That's good.  In Linux it's different from Windows.  The more you're using or have cached, the quicker things load08:39
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dek_aikwckdkl0wn: well i am not sure..it depends on your card really..i had similar problem before dapper LTS with my savage but i never tested with dapper LTS08:39
wilfredHhawkwind: correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it aims to use exactly the amount of ram available08:40
Hawkwinddraik: In Windows it's totally opposite.  Meaning if you're using all your RAM then things won't run as well08:40
draikHawkwind, so I shouldn't worry about it using all my RAM08:40
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Hawkwinddraik: No08:41
trappistI ran across a script to show the amount of ram actually available.  wish I could remember where.08:41
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draikHawkwind, Ok. Thank you.08:41
Hawkwinddraik: If you're using a lot it means you are doing quite a few things, and it's caching stuff to make it run faster over time.  Definitely a good thing08:41
Hawkwindtrappist: That would be handy to see that script08:41
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draiktrappist, Hawkwind, I think this is what you might have in mind. Type 'free' in konsole08:42
Hawkwinddraik: No.  There is a script that tells you much more detailed info that trappist is talking about08:43
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Dark_dayas it is the channel of kubuntu in espaol08:43
Hawkwind'free' is a very minimal output08:43
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:43
trappistdraik: no, free doesn't print what most people would like to know08:43
wilfredHcontrol-escape (ksysguard) shows most stuff, what do you have in mind?08:44
draiktrappist, Hawkwind: Be sure to let me know of that script if and when you find it or come across it again08:44
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acojlowhat is artsd?08:44
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Hawkwindacojlo: Sound server08:45
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draik97% burned08:45
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draikHawkwind, I hope I will be able to view the DVD. DONE!!!08:46
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sonoroushi, before i made the switch from windows to kubuntu (finally), i copied all my files to another linux box via ftp. many of those include mp3s.. i've downloaded them again to my home dir, but amarok/kaffeine refuses to play any of them08:55
sonorousany idea what i'm doing wrong?08:55
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raytray25It's a restricted file format.08:56
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:56
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Leeivis there a way to autologin with gnome?08:57
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jasonhow do i backup my grub bootloader on a floppy08:58
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NaosvAutomatix takes much of the effort out of Codecs Mp3s and stuff08:58
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bobbinHello: I understand pfsense originates from freeBSD, but are there repositories (.deb) someone can point me to?08:59
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire09:00
coachJmy floppy does not show up how do I access it?09:01
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ken_falloncoachJ: From a terminal run the command09:05
ken_fallondmesg | grep fda09:05
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ken_fallonK -> System -> Konsole09:05
coachJnow what?09:05
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ken_fallontype this:09:06
ken_fallondmesg | grep fda09:06
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coachJafter that09:06
ken_fallonDid it show anything  ?09:06
ken_fallonOK looks like the system doesn't recognise it - try this please09:07
ken_fallondmesg | grep fd09:07
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ken_fallonWhat type of floppy is it (usb ?)09:07
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ken_falloncoachJ: Still there ?09:10
ken_fallonAnything come up after the "dmesg | grep fs " ?09:11
ken_fallon"dmesg | grep fd "09:11
ken_falloncoachJ: is it a USB floppy disk ?09:12
coachJok i see it now09:12
coachJwith the fb command09:12
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coachJnow what?09:12
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draikHawkwind, it will play on the DVD players, but not on my PS209:13
draikI think it's the DVDs09:13
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scabootsscaanyone know how to backup grub to a floppy?09:13
scabootsscaso you can use that if it gets messed up?09:13
ken_fallonFantastic ! - ok now type "mkdir /mnt/floppy && mount /dev/fdb /mnt/floppy"09:14
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ken_falloncoachJ: That will make a directory for you and mount the disk device there. You're files will appear in the directory /mnt/floppy09:15
Leeivhow do i switch from gdm to kdm?09:15
Leeivplz help!09:15
ken_fallonLeeiv: aptitude install gdm09:15
Leeivit is installed09:15
Leeivi want to switch to kdm09:15
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Leeivken_fallon: any clue?09:16
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ken_fallonLeeiv: is kdm installed ? (aptitude show kdm)09:16
Leeivken_fallon: yes, both are installed09:16
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Leeivken_fallon: there should be a config file09:17
ErtainI thought the latest KDE-libs release would fix the screensaver problem.09:17
ken_fallonLeeiv: aptitude purge gdm && dpkg-reconfigure kdm09:17
coachJken_fallon: This dir?09:17
ken_fallonLeeiv: will remove gdm09:18
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coachJthis dir slash mnt09:18
cotrolerHow do I make in the startup to automatically mount ntfs drives?????09:18
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ken_falloncoachJ: How you getting on ? If all went ok then "ls -al /mnt/floppy " should show your files09:19
coachJls -al /mnt/floppy09:19
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ken_falloncoachJ: No prob09:19
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ken_falloncotroler: Are the NFS drives already mounted ?09:20
ErtainI still can't get my screensaver to work properly.  I've had to resort to xscreensaver instead of kscreensaver.09:20
draikAnybody know how to write to NTFS partitions?09:20
dek_aikcoachJ: try "sudo mount /dev/fb0 /media/floppy0 -t vfat"09:20
coachJmount doesnt exist09:21
dek_aikcoachJ: then check "ls -l /media/floppy0"09:21
cotrolerken_fallon: i mounted them but when i restart they get lost :( and its NTFS not NFS09:21
coachJno such file od dir09:21
ken_falloncotroler: You need to add them to your /etc/fstab file09:21
dek_aikcoachJ: then "sudo mkdir /media/floppy0" and do the command again09:21
coachJtotal 009:22
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coachJit has a sym ghost disk in it.09:22
ramzesHi! I want to remaster Kubuntu CD and change the default language in isolinux' menu.  Can somebody help me?09:22
ramzeswhich file have to be changed? isolinux.cfg or smth?09:23
mossmanHello all. Does any one know how to burn a file.img and a file.ccd to a cdrom?09:23
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cotrolerken_fallon: i add the command to that file? (tnx)09:24
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dek_aikcoachJ: so you get it mounted? what is the "mount" says09:24
coachJtotal 009:24
coachJit has a sym ghost disk in it.09:24
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dek_aikcoachJ: what is "ls -al" says09:25
ramzesmossman, is there are ISO images or just files which have to exists on CD?09:25
coachJLONG list of stuff09:26
mossmanIt is not an iso image.  it is just a big file 550mb called .img09:26
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dek_aikcoachJ: "ls -al /media/floppy0"09:26
dek_aikcoachJ: i think you get it mounted09:27
trappistmossman: you're sure it's not an iso?  lots of iso files are called .img09:27
trappistmossman: run file filename.img09:27
coachJeff@kubuntu:~$ ls -al /media/floppy009:27
coachJtotal 809:27
coachJdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2006-07-26 15:22 .09:27
coachJdrwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2006-07-26 15:22 ..09:27
Ignite_mossman, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ccd2iso/09:27
mossmanmaybe.  But shouldn't the command file file.img  tell me iso instead it just says data?09:27
dek_aikcoachJ: there are you files09:28
Ignite_its not an ISO09:28
ramzesmossman, first you have to make iso image like this "mkisofs -r -J -o /tmp/myiso.iso" path/to/file.img09:28
coachJok thks09:28
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dek_aikcoachJ: np09:28
Ignite_mossman, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ccd2iso/ <-= that can convert your ccd files to iso files09:28
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mossmanThanks ignite09:29
dek_aikcoachJ: edit your /etc/fstab so that it has stanza for the floppy like this "/dev/fb0   /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       0"09:30
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coachJdek_aik: what will that do09:30
dek_aikcoachJ: you can easyly mount your floppy from konqueror for example09:31
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coachJok, cool thks again09:31
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coachJken_fallon thks09:33
coachJdek_aik: thks09:34
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GaiaX11_How do i enable programs (like mozilla, xchat etc...) to open as soon as i login in kubuntu?09:37
Ignite_i think it has something to do with katapult, but i can't figure it out <_<09:38
Dalek5Is there anyway I can install KDE on my Ubuntu install without having to do a fresh install. I know it's apt-get KDE or something like that :)09:39
Ignite_do you just want KDE or the entire kubuntu desktop?09:39
HawkwindDalek5: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:39
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bobbydis it possible to embed kpdf in firefox?09:40
HawkwindDalek5: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:40
Ignite_lol Hawkwind09:40
Dalek5Yeah, that's the one. Thank you09:40
Ignite_Dalek5, thats if you want the entire kubuntu desktop09:40
ken_fallonGaiaX11_: Programs that you wish to autostart on KDE startup need to be placed into ~/.kde/Autostart. [http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Autostart_Programs] 09:40
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GaiaX11_ken_fallon, is there a gui for this?09:41
ken_fallonln -s `which firefox` ~/.kde/Autostart/firefox09:42
ken_fallonGaiaX11_: I'll check09:42
acojloGaiaX11: either you leave them and don't close session when you logout or make that scripts in Autostart09:42
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ken_fallonGaiaX11_: [http://docsrv.caldera.com:8457/en/kdeug/all-about-your-desktop.html] 09:43
acojlonice ken_fallon - didn't know links are possible09:43
ken_fallonGaiaX11_: Not exactly GUI but :)09:44
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=== ken_fallon loves links
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GaiaX11_ken_fallon, in ubuntu I can do this in preferences sessions. It is very easy there09:45
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository09:45
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:45
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:45
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mossmanIgnite, Thanks  Had to edit the make file to get it to compile,  but works very nicely09:46
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acojloanyone, is there anyone in the space - connected to this irc channel who can deduct this: Kontact is displaying error: could not connect to localhost09:50
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ken_fallonGaiaX11_: Found something althoug it's not in my System Settings panel [http://www.kubuntu.org/docs/kquickguide/C/ch03s07.html#user-defaultapplications] 09:51
ken_fallonK -> system Settings -> User accounts09:52
ken_fallonGaiaX11_: It's moved to KDE Components :)09:53
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ken_fallonGaiaX11_: Not 100% sure that's what you want - it looks like Konqurer is the approved way to go09:54
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GaiaX11_ken_fallon, you've been of so much help. I will have a look :-)09:55
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trappistacojlo: what component is kontact trying to load?  kmail?09:56
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ken_fallonGaiaX11_: No problem - I've never used it before so it was a pleasure to look it up09:56
wizemanI'm trying to use apt-build to install fusesmb from the edgy repository. I've added the edgy deb-src line to /etc/apt/sources.list, and apt-build info fusesmb works, but 'sudo apt-build install fusesmb' says 'W: Unable to locate package fusesmb' (3 times)09:57
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wizemandoes anyone know why doesn't it work?09:57
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acojloyes, kmail by default09:58
trappistwizeman: apt-build was completely busticated last time I tried to use it.  but that was in breezy.  sposed to be fixed now.09:58
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acojlotrappist you are still trying to help me :)09:58
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wizemanthe strange thing is that it worked on another laptop09:58
wizemanboth computers are freshly installed09:59
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acojlotrappist: it goes well with synching with pop3 account - but this with localhost is strange to me.09:59
trappistat what point does it give you that error10:00
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acojlotrappist: kontact loads kmail. Kmail displayes on the screen. then - popup window with the error. In the backgroun I can see that kmail checked 1st pop acount and after I clik OK on the error window kmail checks 2nd pop account10:02
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trappistacojlo: I'd say check your accounts - incoming and outgoing - and make sure nothing is set to localhost.10:02
acojlotrappist: ok - i'll recheck it10:03
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RogueXh3sp4wn: are you around?10:18
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acojlotrappist: you are wise man! :) So here is the cause: 2nd POP account had blank host adress (instead of pop.something.com). It caused the kmail to interpret it as 'localhost' which do not have pop server.10:21
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omeowDoes zsnes crash for anyone else on startup?10:24
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slougiomeow: sec10:25
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KgB_hello guys10:25
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acojlothank you very much trappist for your spiritual guidance10:25
slougiomeow: no, version 1.42010:25
KgB_i received the CDs :)10:25
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andriijashow do i check the cpu temperature?10:26
omeowslougi, I use that version as well. Zsnes started crashing since I updated to Kubuntu edgy.10:26
BluesKajwell, wine is an interesting concept but Nero kept crashing10:26
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KgB_and a guy is giving Ububtu cds in office..10:26
omeowBluesKaj, you're running nero for windows via wine?10:26
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omeowWhy not the native linux version or k3b?10:26
KgB_i m on live cd, 6.06 64, do anyone know whats the root pass?10:27
RogueXKgB_: you just type sudo10:28
draiksudo passwd10:28
trappistacojlo: awesome, glad I could help10:28
draikthen it will ask you for the ROOT pw... put in what you would like10:28
draikThat's how I did it10:28
KgB_kk thanks ?D10:28
KgB_hm, and about the keyboard? mines ABNT2 pt-br keyboard, so its different10:29
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KgB_how change it?10:30
KgB_do anyone know?10:30
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acojloandriijas: cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature10:30
draikdid you go to K Menu > System Settings > Keyboard10:31
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andriijasacojlo: my /etc/acpi/thermal_zone is empty :s10:32
dustini need someone to send me their /boot/grub/menu.lst file contents10:32
cotroler_Does any one know a good torrent client?/10:32
draikdustin, email?10:32
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draikI dual boot with winxp10:32
acojloandriijas without /etc at start10:32
KgB_aw oh sry draik, my bad thats there so easy.10:32
acojloandrijass cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature10:32
cotroler_Does any one know a good torrent client?/10:32
draikcotroler_, do you use mozilla or firefox?10:33
andriijasacojlo: cat: /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature: No such file or directory10:33
wckdkl0wndraik: how did u make it dual boot? i had xp installed and wanted to install kubuntu on a seperate partition but it removed my xp instead10:33
andriijasacojlo: i meant my /proc/acpi/thermal_zone is empty, duh :s10:33
_per_cotroler_: azureus10:33
KgB_cotroler_: Ktorrent is not good?10:33
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draikit's ok KgB_10:33
cotroler_ktorrent not that good :|10:33
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KgB_i used azureus on windows, its good10:34
KgB_but crash windows sometimes10:34
draikwckdkl0wn, I partitioned my hdd and then formatted the drive with Kubuntu and installed it there... including swap10:34
KgB_when u use it playing10:34
_per_windows is no good anyway :P10:34
draikI use Azureus on windoze10:34
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draikBut you can also get Azureus on Linux10:34
acojloandriijas: well I do not have idea - maybe it is not activated (modules are not loaded) ...10:34
_per_unlucky me, i am stuck on a windows system for some time now :(10:35
Leeivwhere is the /etc/sysconfig/ in kubuntu ???????????10:35
draikwckdkl0wn, did you partition the drive? If so, did you select the right partition?10:35
andriijasacojlo: it should be, on boot it says starting  acpi10:35
angelajoin #redbull10:35
Leeivhelp plz10:35
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draikdustin, I sent it10:36
acojloandriijas: try - cat /etc/default/acpid  - and see if it says MODULES="all" at last line10:36
cotroler_rpm works in linux no?10:37
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andriijasacojlo: yeah10:37
acojlotru lsmod | grep thermal10:37
_per_cotroler_: alien is good for converting rpm to deb10:37
draikcotroler_ have you tried azureus for linux? http://azureus.sourceforge.net10:37
dustink, thanx10:37
Mezcotroler_, rpm's arent made for kubuntu, but they can be used if you play with them - but it's best not to unless you REALLY know what you're doing10:38
BluesKajyeah ,azureus is a cpu hog tho10:38
BluesKajjust most java stuff10:38
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acojloandrijjas: do you see thermal module loaded?10:39
draikdustin, I dual boot. If you want I can send you the default configuration of a GRUB menu10:39
draikdustin, or just simply remove the windows part at the end of the file10:39
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sonorouslo.. how may i go about getting some more fonts for konsole?10:39
Leeivis there somethng like  /etc/sysconfig/ in kubuntu10:40
acojloandriijas: it was: try " lsmod | grep thermal"10:40
andriijasthermal                13768  110:40
andriijasprocessor              26344  1 thermal10:40
acojlopeople, we love eachothers and help eachothers :)10:41
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KgB_i mounted the windows partition, but its unacessible,  i have not permission to access it10:41
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KgB_i treid chmod 777 /mnt10:41
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KgB_but said: chmod: changing permissions of `/mnt/': Read-only file system10:42
KgB_and dont change10:42
KgB_the mistak is at `777`?10:42
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acojloone big kiss for everyone of you - you may consider me a gay :) but it ain't truth. I beleive there will be from time to time kiss for a girl :)10:42
draikKgB_, you used /mnt? I thought it was under /media10:43
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draikI'm sure they are mounted as Kubuntu starts10:44
KgB_anyone said my sometime that the right is mount there10:44
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KgB_let me try..10:44
acojloandriijas: well, try "ls -l /proc/acpi" and see is there something like thermal thrm .... ?10:45
trappistKgB_: don't ever.  ever.  use 777.10:45
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draikmedia is for automagically mounted at boot devices... mnt is for manually (you personally had to mount it) devices10:45
draikthat's my understanding10:45
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trappistKgB_: nothing in there - or anywhere - needs to be readable, writable and executable by everybody in the world10:46
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KgB_but i dont know other, just 775 and 777, i will read anything about it10:46
KgB_draik i mounted there but got same problem10:47
KgB_cant access10:47
KgB_i think that partition is NTFS, can be it the problem?10:47
trappistKgB_: the 3 digits are for user (who owns the file), group and 'other'.  1 means execute, 2 means write and 4 means read.  7 means read + write + execute, so 777 means a free-for-all.10:47
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draikstrange, I can access my drives without that problem10:48
trappistKgB_: ntfs isn't writable and fat32 doesn't understand unix permissions.10:48
noipmixamje suis sur hd0,010:48
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trappistnoipmixam: #ubuntu-fr10:48
KgB_so, is good use like 75010:49
KgB_let me try..10:49
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trappistKgB_: if it all needs to be executable - and if you can apply permissions at all to files on that filesystem... and if you own the files!10:49
xd43vild66How I make kubuntu linux most fast???10:49
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xd43vild66hi, can you help me???10:50
wckdkl0wnwhere would i get the w32codecs at? i tryed to download with apt-get install but they cant be found10:50
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draikThere are 1 or 2 apps I read somewhere about that let you write to NTFS, but ends up giving errors on the windows partition10:50
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KgB_trappist: i will try install ubunto into hd10:51
KgB_maybe its the reason for that error10:51
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KgB_but b4, i will look Ubuntu with Gnome, im on Kubuntu10:52
draik^^ wckdkl0wn10:52
KgB_brb, let me reboot...10:52
draikwckdkl0wn, for w32codecs, http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&lr=&q=w32codecs&btnG=Search10:52
rr72draik ur problem solved?10:53
rr72Agios~ :!:!:!:!!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!10:53
draikrr72 which of my infinite problems?10:53
vitorHello there, I'm having problems with my laptop. Kubuntu is randomly sleeping, even while I'm working. Can anyone help me out?10:53
vitorPlease (sorry, forgot my manners) :)10:54
andriijasacojlo: yeah there is a thermal_zone in /proc/acpi/ but thermal_zone it self is empty10:54
draikvitor, go through your settings in K menu > System Settings10:54
cotroler_Sigh....having trouble installing firefox....couldn't find readme....any help?????10:54
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gnomefreakcotroler_: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox10:55
acojloandriijas: I can not give you a good opinion on that - I do not have knowledge10:55
vitordraik: I've already done that to configure most of the system. KLaptop's configuration has some stuff related to sleep, hibernate and stuff, but nothing else. Still, the system randomly sleeping without any reason is somewhat odd.10:55
cotroler_oh tnx gnomefreak (i downloaded it from their site)10:55
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andriijasacojlo: thx anyway!10:55
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gnomefreak!ff > cotroler_10:55
acojloyou can read http://acpi.sourceforge.net/documentation/thermal.html and other pages for other info10:56
gnomefreakcotroler_: that will show you how to install it manully10:56
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cotroler_tnx :)10:56
draikrr72, which problem were you talking about?10:56
vitoracojlo (assuming the tip was for me): thanks. Will do.10:56
draikvitor, sorry. That's all I got10:56
rr72ur printer one10:57
vitordraik: thanks anyway.10:57
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draikvitor, sure. np10:57
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draikrr72, no. I need an unmodified /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf10:58
rr72im sure google as that answer10:58
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rr72or if need be purge cups10:58
rr72but that screwed me so im warning u now10:58
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draikThanks rr7211:00
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draikfor the heads up11:00
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rr72i can't build the driver for my printer for some reason11:00
RogueXanyone know how I can get back my menu bar in Konversation?11:01
rr72Agios~ around? ready to help me and my printer?11:01
omeowgensforlinux requires gtk+2.4.0, but I have 2.0.0, how do I get the newer version via adept?11:01
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xd43vild66Hi, I try to make kubuntu run fast!11:02
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andriijasit is already fast11:03
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igorsomebody from slovakia?11:03
draikrr72, Agios helping you with your printer?11:03
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xd43vild66But something with kde goes bad! I try now Dapper but I turn to fluxbox11:03
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draikAnyone here have an unmodified cupsd.conf and ports.conf file?11:07
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rr72i could get u one ;)11:07
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cotrolersry lads got disconnected11:08
archangel_sup folks11:10
rr72screw it im going to vpn over to do all my printer stuff11:10
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archangel_I cant get machromedia to work11:10
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cotrolererm as i was saying after sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox  do i need to configure something to open firefox???11:10
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archangel_I put the files I need in the .mosila folder and still nothing11:11
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Leeivarchangel_: can u help me?11:12
archangel_experienced in video?11:12
Leeivarchangel_: no11:12
archangel_man, I wioll try11:12
Leeivarchangel_: where s this file in kubuntu?: /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager11:12
archangel_Leeiv: whats your prob, bro.11:12
Leeivthat location is for suse11:13
Leeivi need to change DISPLAYMANAGER_XSERVER11:13
archangel_ahhh, ok11:14
archangel_video display problems?11:14
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archangel_I can tell you what I did to correct mine11:15
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archangel_(I'm no tech person. but I can do that for you11:16
archangel_one sec11:16
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Leeivok thx11:17
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archangel_I have a brain fart11:19
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archangel_Leeiv: you only need to type in one word to adjust the video display, and I have a brain fart on what that word is11:19
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems11:20
forkzstill gnome help11:20
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Leeivarchangel_: solved thx11:21
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cotrolerafter sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox  do i need to configure something to open firefox???11:21
farouscotroler: no11:21
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cotrolerfarous: where do i find it then?11:25
farouscotroler: i thought you were talking about the mozilla plugin for firefox sorry. you need firefox package if you want to run firefox11:26
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cotrolerfarous: how do i get that pls?11:27
farouscotroler: use your favouraite apt front end adept or synaptic. or just sudo apt-get install firefox11:28
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cotrolerfarous: yes i did that already but now where do i find firefox cause i cant find it lol11:29
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ubuntuhi all11:29
forkzcotroler: Try to type "firefox" in terminal11:30
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farouscotroler: just type firefox in a terminal11:30
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cotrolerforkz: it worked but can i add a shortcut or something?11:30
forkzcotroler: Do you need it :P Usually i use a terminal, so dunno how to ;)11:31
farouscotroler: there is a porgram in kde to search for new application and add them to the menu i forgot the name though was something scan11:31
farouskmenuscan or something like that11:31
Gnagnodid someone had problems installing kubuntu with keyboard? I can't pass step 3 because I don't get the layout list to chose my keyboard11:31
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forkzGnagno: Do you have any special letters on you keyboard?11:31
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bianconeriHi...does anybody have any experience in xgi and compiz?11:32
Gnagnoforkz: what do you mean with special letters? I have a normal logitech keyboard11:32
HorseHockeyhow do you PM someone in IRC11:32
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forkzGnagno: Like   etc11:32
Gnagnoforkz: it's an italian keyboard, so I have 11:33
forkzGnagno: then you should find the layout called italien or something like that11:33
xd43vild66Kubuntu Dapper so slowwwwwwwwww11:34
forkzGnagno: I have a Danish layout... works great.11:34
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Gnagnoforkz: I know I should find italian layout :) the problem is that I can't see the list of layouts... the list is white and the cursor is loading since 15 minutes...11:34
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forkzGnagno: tried to restart the application?11:35
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obf213anyone know how to get a wireless usb mouse working11:35
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gatekeepercotroler: Edit -> Preferences from the main menu11:36
wolfmanzis it normal for kubuntu to do a hard drive scan after the system has been shutdown 30 times?11:36
Gnagnoforkz: yes, many times... I even restarted my pc... but nothing helps, can I somehow skip keyboard layout selection?11:36
DrBairobf213: shouldn't be a problem... it just a standard usb input device11:36
forkzGnagno: The cross in the corner?11:36
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gnomefreakHorseHockey: you are unbanned from #kubuntu-offtopic but i asked you to stop already please stop the ban in other channels will be lifted when the banner feels like it11:36
forkzwolfmanz: mine does, so think yes11:36
obf213dr how do i do it11:36
obf213i have it plugged in but it doesnt work11:36
wolfmanzok thanks11:36
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Gnagnoforkz: ok, but if I press the cross in the corner I stop the install process...11:37
cotrolergatekeeper: edit -> preferences from the firefox main menu?11:37
forkzGnagno: Oh.. try to ask somebody else... Really isn't that good at installing Linux ;)11:37
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Gnagnoforkz: thank you anyway :)11:38
gatekeepercotroler: yep11:38
cotrolergatekeeper: tnx11:38
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gatekeepercotroler: yw :-)11:38
DrBairobf213: make sure the mouse and base are synced and everything, but a standard usb input device will just work11:38
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gatekeepercotroler: lots of usefull firefox add-ins here: http://www.extensionsmirror.nl/11:39
obf213DrBlair its working11:39
JustinCaseanybody have any experience with external USB drives not being recognized under ubuntu 6.0g - amd64 and kernel 2.6.15-26-amd64-generic??11:40
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Gnagnois here someone who knows how to skip the keyboard layout selection in kubuntu install?11:40
rr72Agios~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! fixed it11:41
rr72just used a differnt driver11:42
acojlognagno - think about something else while you press enter at keyboard :)11:42
Gnagnoacojlo: my keyboard is working perfectly, I am using it now...11:43
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moparisthebestcan someone point me to the system requirements for kubuntu please?11:44
rr72kubuntu.org ;)11:44
moparisthebestI cant seem to find them on kubuntu.org :/11:44
moparisthebestthat was the first place i looked :P11:44
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JustinCasewhat are u looking 4... it runs on almost anything!11:45
moparisthebestwell JustinCase I need to know how much space it needs11:45
moparisthebestthe computer isnt that bad11:45
moparisthebestbut has a 1.2 gig harddrive :P11:45
forkz2 gb stands on the CD case :P11:45
JustinCasedefine bad11:46
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wckdkl0wnis there a copy of nero for linux?11:46
wckdkl0wnor is there something better?11:46
gnomefreakwckdkl0wn: yes11:47
rr72k3b FTW!11:47
gnomefreakwckdkl0wn: k3b and gnomebaker do the same things11:47
moparisthebestoh, i dont have a cd case forkz thanks11:47
moparisthebestcan anyone recommend a linux flavor that takes less space?11:47
forkzmoparisthebest: Just found the CD and read it :P11:47
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moparisthebestmaybe xubuntu?11:47
moparisthebestid like to stay with somthing like kubuntu :)11:47
JustinCasedamn small linux11:48
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wckdkl0wnhow do i get k3b to convert mp3 to cda?11:48
gatekeepermoparisthebest: google for: damn small linux11:48
gnomefreakmoparisthebest: kubuntu is not by any means small not supposed to be small either11:48
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gnomefreakwckdkl0wn: iirc there is a seperate app that does that11:48
=== gnomefreak dont remember name
gnomefreakmoparisthebest: fluxbox on ubuntu ;)11:49
moparisthebesthmmm www.damnsmalllinux.org nice :P11:49
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forkzI'm trying to make my soundcard work. The problem is that, it doesn't seem to send the sound using Teamspeak... Tried both with and without KDE sound system. somebody know how to fix it?11:50
andriijasis there any neat tool to manage firewall in kubuntu? i dont want to mess with iptables manually11:51
rr72andriijas~ try apt-cache search firewall?11:51
tristanmikeforkz: I used "dev/dsp1" to use teamspeak11:52
tristanmikeerr, /dev/dsp111:52
obf213does anyone have a dual core cpu that is recognized by kubuntu so when you do the system check it shows two cpu's11:52
forkztristanmike: How to use that?11:52
andriijasrr72: try it your self11:52
andriijasrr72: to much crap11:52
tristanmikeforkz: in the teamspeak options11:52
forkztristanmike: /dev/dsp is waht it is now11:53
rr72grep gui :P11:53
tristanmikeright, I changed it to /dev/dsp1"11:53
rr72sh: line 1: apt-get: command not found11:53
tristanmikeyou know what I mean11:53
wckdkl0wnhow do i install this file ?  nerolinux-
rr72andriijas~ i don't have apt-get11:53
forkztristanmike: So just change it, and then it should work?11:53
tristanmikewckdkl0wn: "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"11:53
rr72sudo dpkg -i nerolinux-
tristanmikeforkz: that's what I did to get it to work, I'm no guru tho11:54
forkzrr72: Yes you have ... its default in Kubuntu11:54
rr72!print > draik11:54
forkztristanmike: Do you still use KDE sound system?11:54
wckdkl0wnthank you11:54
rr72did i say i was in kubuntu ATM no11:54
tristanmikeforkz: I'm assuming...not sure, I just changed that and it worked11:54
forkztristanmike: Ok... will test it.11:55
rr72sh: line 1: apt-get: command not found11:55
rr72then why do i get that11:55
rr72if im in kubuntu?11:55
rr72im not in kubuntu11:55
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forkzapt-get install <-- With a sudo in front that would work rr7211:55
rr72sh: line 1: sudo: command not found11:56
rr72these are all exec -o cmds11:56
forkzaye? Sudo should let you use admin mode or something like that...11:56
gatekeeperrr72: what distro are you using?11:56
rr72gatekeeper~ SuSE11:56
JustinCaseecho $PATH  !!!11:56
rr72hence i have a big lizzard as my background11:57
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rr72rr72_ is on kubuntu11:58
rr72why cause i use somin that has been working for me for ever?11:58
rr72kubuntu had a major kdm sigfault11:59
rr72i fixed it tho11:59
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obf213does anyoen in here ever use facebook12:03
obf213because the java loader dont work12:04
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GlassCasketWhat's the equavilent to System -> Administrator in Kubuntu?12:04
obf213system settings?12:05
GlassCasketSo I can get into the Synaptic package manager12:05
gatekeeperGlassCasket: K -> system settings I thiink12:05
obf213quick question, alot of cds im putting in come up as cd rom12:05
JustinCasesudo synaptic12:06
GaiaX11Hi I installed kcontrol-autostart , but when I register the programs there when I log in it says that there is an error and I cannot start them. Any1 here knows how to use that?12:06
obf213kmenu >system >adept12:06
gatekeeperGlassCasket: System menu12:06
GlassCasketThank you.12:06
gatekeeperyw :-)12:06
GlassCasketIf I have the alternat CD and I install ndiswrapper-utils, do I still have to download all the depencendies from the internet?12:06
obf213why do alot of my  cds show up as cdrom12:07
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:08

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