
Keybukhe'd already tried that12:07
Keybukseems to be an output plugin problem12:07
Keybukset to ximagesink it's fine, xvimagesink isn't12:07
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slomo_no idea then :(12:08
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Riddellhi hub, did you get sorted?12:12
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hubRiddell: my upgrade?12:13
hubRiddell: yeah it sort of work12:13
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Riddellhub: what was up with X?12:14
hubas hinted by slomo_ 12:14
hubI still have a couple of issues like Perl disliking the locale and an artsmessage poping up12:15
neomHub. :o)12:16
slomo_hub: you use kde?12:16
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hubslomo_: it depends of the machine12:18
hubslomo_: that machine has Kubuntu Dapper upgraded to edgy12:18
hubthe laptop is still Gnome + KDE apps12:18
hubother work machine run another distro for dogfooding12:19
slomo_hub: oh, i expected you beeing a pure gnome guy :)12:19
hubslomo_: i'm not pure12:19
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neomLinus said gnome sucks. :o12:20
hubeven more given my paycheck12:20
hubneom: who cares12:20
neomlinus, apparently. 12:20
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Keybukfrankly, who'd go to a kernel engineer to write a desktop environment?  words like "usability" just aren't in their dictionary12:23
Riddell"Gnome + KDE apps" sounds like the edubuntu approach :)12:25
hubRiddell: or some other people. I just migrated to KMail12:27
hubeven if it annoys me sometime12:27
hubit just provide better feature than Evo and T-bird12:27
Riddellwhat feature won you over?12:28
LaserJockRiddell: well, it's hard to overcome kalzium ;-)12:29
hubapply filter manual that t-bird do not do12:29
huband keyboard navigation that evo do not to12:29
huband the  bloat as is missing ;-)12:29
hubsome bugs or missing things though12:30
hublike the notification icon that bugs with gnome-panel12:30
RiddellI just use mutt, but people say that KMail has good features. Until they find it deleting their inbox12:30
hubRiddell: I use IMAP over several accounts12:30
hubRiddell: that's why I stopped using mutt12:31
hubstill love it12:31
johanbrI tried KDE for a while, before switching back to Gnome. KMail played a large part in making me switch back, with the weird contortions you have to go through just to get KMail to read a spool file filtered by procmail.12:33
hubRiddell: the worse is that $COMPANY will want us to move to use Evolution on top of our KDE desktop because of the groupware solution12:33
Burgworkhub, you telling me Xandros uses exchange?12:34
Riddellhub: really?  but KMail has pretty decent groupware support, what's the server that's needed?12:35
hubBurgwork: no. Scalix12:35
hubBurgwork: we ship it12:35
hubRiddell: Scalix12:35
hubBurgwork: between you and me, I wouldn't have been surprised to see exchange coming at one point12:36
Burgworkugh, you poor man12:36
hubBurgwork: but at least it is the product we ship with out server solution12:36
hubI'll see. If I lose server side filtering, I'm not gonna be happy12:36
bluefoxicyanyone know if I should have a file '/etc/ld.so.conf.d/$machine-$os' ?12:38
hubBurgwork: at my previous company they wanted to sell and ActiveX based webmail solution12:39
slomo_bluefoxicy: yes, should be there12:39
hubBurgwork: with all the engineering running Linux12:39
bluefoxicyslomo_:  should it have dollar signs in the file name?12:39
bluefoxicythat's a really strange name for a file o.o12:39
hubBurgwork: like there were using Flash at one point for engineering tools....12:39
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Kamionlibc6: /etc/ld.so.conf.d/$machine-$os12:41
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Kamionbluefoxicy: ^-- look for bugs filed there, I guess12:41
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bluefoxicynope, seeing no bugs filed. slomo_, Kamion:  So I'm guessing $machine and $os WERE supposed to expand to something?  (i386-pc and gnu-linux probably)  Or should I not file a bug?12:44
=== bluefoxicy curiously wonders what Ubuntu PPC is ... ppc-mac-gnu-linux?
Keybukpowerpc-unknown-linux-gnu ?12:45
bluefoxicyKeybuk: powerpc-overheating-linux-gnu if you have a Macbook Pro12:46
Kamionbluefoxicy: file the bug, I'm sure it's something obvious in the glibc build system12:46
Kamionand yes it's powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu12:46
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Kamion(or so saith config.guess)12:46
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bluefoxicybug filed.12:49
zulgah i suck at documentation01:09
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ehazletthey all...  im trying to install software in a chroot env via python.  i keep getting dpkg exiting with errors, but installs find when i manually chroot... any ideas?01:19
sladenehazlett: pbuilder maybe what you're after?01:20
ehazlettim not sure...  i am trying to use   chroot <root> apt-get install packageA01:20
ehazletti dont want to build a .deb, i want to install via apt01:21
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johanbrehazlett: Some python component that's not in the chroot, maybe?01:24
ehazlettcould be... although everything works fine if i just chroot from the shell.  when i try it from python, i get E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly for every package...01:27
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infinityehazlett: environment breakage?  Lack of a controlling TTY?01:33
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ehazlettinfinity: maybe.  any ideas for fix?  would that error happen if there was no console to output to?01:36
infinityehazlett: I'd need more to go by than just that error.01:37
ehazlettok. here's what im doing.  i have a selection of packages in a pygtk gui.  once selected, i chroot into the environment (which is the ubuntu live cd) and do apt-get install01:38
ehazletti mount /proc and copy dns info.  the debs are there in the cache, but i can't get them to go...01:39
ehazletti know ubuntu doesn't need another customization kit, but i started this project to learn pygtk, and decided to finish it... ive got it done except for this stage...  any help would be much appreciated... :)01:42
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Hobbseehi bddebian 03:45
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:48
Hobbseehas anyone done the mesa updates, and lived to tell the tale?03:49
crimsunwhat do you mean by 'done'?03:50
rodarvusHobbsee, me :)03:51
Hobbseecrimsun: sorry, done as in upgraded03:51
rodarvustwice today :D03:51
Hobbseerodarvus: did you break anything?03:51
rodarvusbut I packaged mesa, so I might be biased :P03:51
rodarvusHobbsee, X (and Mesa) has no bugs03:52
rodarvusit always the kernel, Gnome, KDE or some other package03:52
Hobbseerodarvus: rofl!  right.03:52
Hobbseerodarvus: sure sure.03:52
Hobbseerodarvus: then surely you should fix all those bugs then too :P03:52
zulrodarvus: yay blame us ;)03:53
=== Hobbsee blames zul.
rodarvusI would fix X bugs if there were any03:53
=== Hobbsee has to stay away from the internet connection, before we hit the bandwidth limit for the month. i'm still wondering whether it fixes things though.
rodarvusHobbsee, btw, if you wait for another hour or so, another (better) mesa update is already underway03:54
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rodarvusso, don't waste your bandwidth with this update03:54
rodarvus(now, I mean)03:54
Hobbseerodarvus: but whyever would you need one?  you just said it contained no bugs, so therefore should need no fixing?03:54
rodarvusits not bugfixing03:54
rodarvusits a new upstream release (Mesa 6.5)03:55
mjg59AlinuxOS: I've just uploaded a new ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts to Debian03:55
rodarvusneeded for X.Org 7.103:55
Hobbseeooh...fun :)03:55
mjg59AlinuxOS: I'll get it synced over to Ubuntu once it's in the archive03:55
Hobbseewhen's xorg 7.1 coming in?03:55
johanbrrodarvus: Have you seen the bug where emacs, xfontsel, among other programs, claim there are no fonts present?03:55
mjg59rodarvus: Score03:55
rodarvusHobsee: a very large part of it is already installed on your machine, if you have edgy03:56
mjg59rodarvus: Are you going to build with aiglx by default?03:56
Hobbseerodarvus: nick completion is good, and okay.03:56
mjg59(Even if you do, I believe it's disabled unless the user enables it in xorg.conf)03:56
rodarvusmjg59, not right now (it wasn't specced), but I plan to, if time allows03:56
rodarvusnot sure if its going to happen for Edgy, though03:56
rodarvus(I'd really like to, if possible)03:56
Hobbseerodarvus: just dont eat or sleep, you'll be fine :P03:57
mjg59rodarvus: Ok. I'll look into what's needed03:57
rodarvusmjg59, thanks - really appreciated!03:57
mjg59rodarvus: If all else fails, and the build-depends are there, I'll just update the source package in universe03:57
rodarvusbuild-deps are supposed to be there03:57
ajmitchmore shiny stuff03:58
mjg59rodarvus: Yeah, mesa was the main sticking point03:58
=== Hobbsee coats ajmitch in shiny confetti. yep, shiny stuff!
ajmitchmjg59: do you plan to update the xgl package, or should we do it (before the horde of users comes down on us)?03:58
mjg59ajmitch: Is Xgl in the main xorg tree yet?03:59
bddebianAre we still not including GLw libs?03:59
ajmitchprobably not03:59
ajmitchI haven't checked lately03:59
rodarvusbddebian, yes, we are not including GLw03:59
mjg59If not, just greab the source package, do cvs update and make it use the new mesa03:59
rodarvuswe have a policy of not supporting motif/lesstif on main03:59
bddebianrodarvus: Great, since I removed them from grass.  Thanks :-)03:59
mjg59Then someone needs to sort compiz04:01
ajmitchthat could be thorny04:02
rodarvusI still have about 50 drivers I want sorted out before even thinking of any other package :/04:02
Hobbseerodarvus: where are you?  isnt it 3 am or something there?04:03
ajmitchgo with upstream, or go with the fork on compiz.net?04:03
crimsun11:03 P.M.04:03
rodarvusHobbsee, no, its 11 PM here04:03
Hobbseerodarvus: ah ok, US somewhere.  i thoguht you were in europe04:03
rodarvusactually, Brazil somewhere :)04:03
Hobbseerodarvus: ahhh...nice!  :)04:04
mjg59ajmitch: I don't care, as long as we don't ship with the Novell logos...04:04
Hobbseeplease tell me we didnt do that.04:04
ajmitchnice, cvs update, half the makefiles conflict04:05
ajmitchdo I care enough to fix it?04:05
Hobbseeajmitch: yes, you do.04:06
mjg59Hobbsee: Nope04:06
mjg59ajmitch: For xgl?04:06
mjg59Makefiles, or Makefile.am?04:06
mjg59(or Makefile.in, etc)04:06
mjg59Oh, that's a bit of an arse04:06
ajmitchall in the GL dir04:07
mjg59Oh, hrm. I may have done horrible sed shit all over them at some stage04:07
mjg59Ah, right04:07
ajmitchso it may not matter04:07
mjg59Just nuke them and pull the upstream ones04:07
mjg59The changes shouldn't be needed with new mesa04:07
ajmitchgoing back to cvs after using bzr is an experience04:07
mjg59Yeah, it's like having a leg cut off04:08
mjg59You want to roll back one changeset, but...04:08
ajmitchright, seems to be in order now04:09
ajmitchI really shouldn't do this on the laptop, it's got a much slower disk for building04:12
mjg59That's a point04:12
mjg59I don't have a single machine with a 3.5" drive04:12
mjg59Except the TV04:12
=== mjg59 really needs to sort out a zeroconf distcc laptop farm
rodarvusajmitch, mjg59: if you plan on build anything Mesa-6.5-dependant right now, please wait another hour or so (an even newer version of mesa was uploaded 1.5 hours ago)04:13
mjg59Doing dist-upgrades at night is noticably faster04:15
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ajmitchrodarvus: I can wait, I've got far more important things to do :)04:15
mjg59I've finally found time to do Debian maintenance, and I suddenly feel so much better04:16
zulgot the monkey off your back?04:16
LaserJockmjg59: did Ubuntu on intel macs sort of die out? I was looking around on the web and most of the stuff is a few months old04:17
mjg59LaserJock: Erm.04:18
mjg59LaserJock: Dapper should pretty much just work04:18
mjg59Only problem is that you have to do the partitioning under MacOS04:18
LaserJockmjg59: how do you boot it. I've seen bootcamp + rEFit + lilo04:19
mjg59Skip the refit stage, just use lilo04:20
mjg59Holding down alt lets you choose04:20
LaserJockok, so use bootcamp to set stuff up, boot up an Ubuntu cd and use lilo?04:20
bddebianDo the Smashintels use OpenFirmware?04:21
mjg59I'll try to sort out parted in time for edgy04:21
mjg59At the moment it's irritatingly spec-compliant, which isn't what you want here04:21
mjg59And a small patch for grub, then everything'll be fine04:21
zulmjg59: debian already has the patch for macintel which got synced for edgy04:22
mjg59In grub? Cool.04:22
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mjg59So just parted to "fix"04:25
vignatti_What is the name of the disk partition on ubuntu?04:26
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Hobbseemjg59: hah.  love your reply w.r.t. suspend2 on ubuntu-devel mailing list :P04:26
bddebianHeya jsgotangco04:32
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bddebianSomeone please kill me04:41
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bddebianAh, LaserJock will do it04:42
LaserJockmjg59: do I want to create a Drivers CD in bootcamp or is that only for Windows?04:42
LaserJockbddebian: I'll do what?04:43
bddebianLaserJock: Kill me04:44
LaserJockoh, sure, no problem ;-)04:44
bddebianFire up one of your lasers and saw me in half04:44
mjg59LaserJock: Just for Windows04:44
LaserJockunfortunately none of mine will saw people in half04:44
bddebianOr better yet, burn my eyes out so I don't see axiom anymore04:44
bddebianGnight zul04:44
LaserJockhowever, I think the mechanical engineering dept. has one04:45
LaserJockcya zul 04:45
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LaserJockmjg59: still around?05:50
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diemannice. digg effect on wiki.ubuntu.com07:13
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pittiGood morning07:22
Hobbseehi pitti 07:22
VhataSome mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.07:22
pittihi Hobbsee 07:23
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pittirodarvus: btw, urgency field does not matter at all for Ubungu07:49
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pittirodarvus: Ubuntu, too07:49
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Vhatawhy does edgy tell me I have 0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 79 to remove and 3 not upgraded.07:54
VhataI'm okay with it removing nano, but not postfix etc.07:55
HobbseeVhata: cos you're system's in serious trouble?07:55
Vhatathat's the first install I do after install ubuntu-standard07:55
Hobbseewhat's the one newly installed one?07:55
VhataHobbsee: that was me about to install joe07:55
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VhataI haven't actually done anything serious to put my system into trouble... except a dpkg-reconfigure -a ?07:56
Vhatathis is what I get for installing joe.07:57
Hobbseeif it hasnt been updated08:00
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pittiKamion: tasksel approved; will this be used in the first-stage installer, or only in the installed system? in the former case, I should add it to the striptranslations blacklist08:07
diemanwow, thats cute.08:09
diemanif your background image is missing and it shows back up, i guess nautilus gets an notification and updates the background08:10
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bluefoxicyI reduced gettimeofday() calls on an order of 500 times.08:47
bluefoxicynow all I need is something faster than gettimeofday() (I used posix timers to do interval timing, except it's about 25-50% slower than gettimeofday())08:47
bluefoxicythe code handles skew to a configurable accuracy with automated drift checking on a sliding window; but it's pretty useless without some method that's faster than gettimeofday() to replace it with.08:47
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lifelessbluefoxicy: what ya working on?08:59
bluefoxicylifeless: http://lwn.net/Articles/192214/  "X is a big offender, apparently because the gettimeofday() call is still too slow and maintaining time stamps with interval timers is faster."08:59
bluefoxicylifeless:  I'm trying to maintain timestamps on a gettimeofday() type interface, in the background, automatically09:00
bluefoxicypretty much I initialize a timer to gettimeofday() and set up a posix timer that's set to 999999999 usecs (1 second - 1 microsecond), and then when asked the time of day check the posix timer.09:01
bluefoxicyif it's disarmed (i.e. time ran down), I use gettimeofday()09:01
bluefoxicyif it's armed, I add the amount of time that's passed on the timer to my stored timeval; incriment a 'drift' on my timer; and copy my timeval into the target09:01
bluefoxicyIf my 'drift' reaches a 'dcheck' value, I check for drift and reinitialize from gettimeofday(); if there is drift (i.e. I'm more than (accuracy) off from gettimeofday()), I decrease 'dcheck' so that drift is checked for more often (more gettimeofday() usage)09:02
bluefoxicyif there's no drift and I'm less than 95% of (accuracy) away from gettimeofday(), I increase 'dcheck' to lower the amount of gettimeofday() usage09:03
bluefoxicylifeless:  the result is that I'm using a target accuracy of 500uS, so I'm probably within 1000uS (actually within 550uS), and using gettimeofday() 1/500 of the time.09:04
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bluefoxicythe problem is, of course, that checking the time left on posix timers is SLOWER than gettimeofday()09:04
bluefoxicyso I'm trying to figure out what this magical "interval timers" thing is.09:04
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lifelessbluefoxicy: ah09:05
bluefoxicyI asked davey jones09:05
bluefoxicysince he gave the original "userspace is way too slow" speech.09:06
lifelesssetitimer ?09:06
lifeless(btw, 'linux interval timer' in google :))09:08
bluefoxicythe thing with that is it's signal based, so I can't turn it into a black box09:09
bluefoxicyplus there's only 3 interval timers, and I need the realtime one.09:09
bluefoxicyso it's not a case of "stick it there, use the interface, it works;" more "don't use this that and the other thing, and this will work"09:10
bluefoxicyso much for being generic.09:10
lifelessI think the point is that if gettimeofday could be made faster the kernel folk would09:10
lifelessso, its about doing things differently in the user app09:11
Amaranthbluefoxicy: is what you already have better than what X does?09:11
bluefoxicyAmaranth:  it's slower by 30% because timer_settime() is slower than gettimeofday()09:12
desrtdoes anyone have a copy of dave jones' slides from ols?09:12
desrtsounds like they might be a good read09:12
Amaranthbluefoxicy: err, i thought you were using gettimeofday() and a timer09:12
bluefoxicyAmaranth:  I want to avoid anything that delivers random signals or spawns threads (I can get the timers to spawn threads to update but then i have to worry about thread safety and such)09:13
Amaranthi see09:13
Amaranthso you made something much more complex yet slower than just using gettimeofday() directly :)09:13
Vhatais there a better way of doing this?  dpkg-query -W -f '${Package}\n' | xargs debsums -c09:17
bluefoxicyI'm going to sleep.09:17
desrtVhata; some sort of tripwire setup?09:18
Vhatadesrt: that sort of thing, yeah09:18
bluefoxicyhttp://bluefox.kicks-ass.org/stuff/bluefox/timer/ if anyone wants to toy with this junk.09:18
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Vhataerr, debsums probably won't tell me if a package was badly installed, will it?09:19
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B0F43.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachgood morning09:23
desrtdholbach; word.09:24
seb128hey dholbach desrt09:25
desrtdholbach; your ubuntu laptop badges are making the rounds in canada.  mad props.09:25
dholbachyo desrt09:25
dholbachdesrt: coool :-)))09:26
desrtoh.  i wanted to upload a picture.09:26
desrtaction shot.09:26
desrttook me a few tries to get one right on the paddle like that :)09:30
dholbachhahahaha :)09:30
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachthat was really nice09:30
=== desrt had fun :)
=== dholbach too
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
imbrandonmoins fellas09:42
FujitsuMorning, imbrandon.09:44
desrtseb128; good day.09:46
seb128hi desrt09:47
desrtwhat's up on the crazy continent?09:47
Hobbseedesrt: it's now painted purple/09:47
desrtthat's awesome!09:47
desrtthose crazy europeans... always doin' something new09:48
desrtseb128; where do you live?09:48
seb128desrt: France09:49
desrtthanks, tips09:49
desrtbut seriously.. where09:49
seb128seriously? France :p09:50
Vhataseb128: that's near Kenya, yes?09:50
seb128near of Germany09:50
desrtnear lux?09:50
desrtor more east of there?09:50
dholbachnear lux too09:51
seb128desrt: near of Luxembourg and near of Germany09:51
=== desrt is planning to be in luxembourg next year
seb128like in the north-east corner near of them09:52
=== hungerW [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128anything interesting to do there? :)09:52
desrtlook at the pretty things, i guess09:52
desrtand probably spend an awful lot of cash09:53
desrti understand it's an expensive place to be09:53
=== el [n=konversa@u40-30.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128desrt: yeah, luxembourg is sort of expensive ... because they sort of have some money to spend :)09:54
hungerWseb128: And they do not even have to spend as much on fuel as i.e. germans:-)09:55
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@mailhost.newtec.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrthungerW; s/ie/eg/09:55
hungerWdesrt: What does eg stand for?09:55
desrtfor example09:55
hungerWdesrt: Man, your spelling sucks;-)09:56
hungerWdesrt: There is no e in for and no g in example;-)09:56
hungerWdesrt: A sample of an egg?09:57
neuralishungerW: exempli gratia09:57
hungerWneuralis: Ahhh, thanks.09:57
hungerWneuralis: Now I have a fighting chance to remember e.g.;-)09:57
seb128desrt: is there an easy way to know if gnome-vfs is using inotify or gam,fam?09:58
desrtseb128; it's using inotify10:00
desrtseb128; or is this more like you have to tell something to someone on bugzilla to figure out what the heck is going on?10:01
seb128desrt: not, that's like I've gam_server running10:01
desrtin that case check if fam or gamserver is running10:01
seb128and after sending it a SIGUSR2 the log has things like10:01
seb128"if that's what you want to ask, what about asking dir"10:01
seb128stupid copy being b0rked10:01
desrtthat's an odd log message :)10:01
seb128"MONDIR request: from nautilus, seq 3, type 2 options 010:01
seb128nautilus listening for"10:01
seb128to /tmp/gamin_debug_QX9zWH10:02
seb128and directories like ~/Templates being listed there10:02
desrthave you messed around with your kernel and disabled inotify or something?10:02
seb128but maybe the edgy kernel is b0rked10:02
seb128that's why I'm asking how I can know if it's using inotify or not :)10:02
desrtgnome-vfs will check for inotify and fall back on libfam10:02
seb128right, that I know10:03
dholbachidiotify! :-)10:03
desrtwell.  it is clearly using fam :)10:03
seb128the question is "how do I make it tell what he figured about inotify"10:03
desrtstrace gnomevfs-monitor ~10:03
desrtSYS_291(0xb7fbfb30, 0xb7fb15e0, 0x1, 0xb7fb134c, 0xb7f3ce60) = 910:03
desrt^ inotify10:03
seb128SYS_291(0xb7fd1c70, 0, 0x1, 0xb7fbd7c0, 0xb7f537d0) = 310:04
desrti wonder where all my fds went10:04
desrtholy crap gam_server is running10:05
Amaranthi knew something was wrong :P10:05
seb128desrt: ok, that's where I wanted to bring you ;)10:05
seb128so either linux is b0rked10:06
seb128or gnomevfs is10:06
Amaranthneed a small app that using inotify directly10:06
dholbachi think mvo wrote a piece of code that does that.10:07
dholbachbut he's not here yet10:08
desrtit's clearly using inotify directly10:08
seb128dholbach: inotify upstream has some code for that, why is mvo reinventing the wheel :)10:08
ograthere must be an old inotify bug where he attached it10:08
desrtpipe([3, 4] )                            = 010:08
desrtpipe([5, 6] )                            = 010:08
desrtpipe([7, 8] )                            = 010:08
dholbachseb128: he wanted to play with it10:08
desrtin the middle of nowhere10:08
seb128dholbach: right, that's mvo :p10:09
desrtoh.  seb.  do you have very new gnomevfs installed?10:09
desrtorbit seems to be making these pipes -- a problem that very new gnome-vfs would not have :)10:09
seb128desrt: I've edgy, which has 2.15.90 from yesterday10:10
seb128or from monday :)10:10
desrtthere's a very unhappy darwin user on gnome buzilla10:10
seb128dholbach: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rml/inotify/utils/inotify-utils-0.25.tar.gz10:10
desrtthe whole "just move the symbols from libgnomevfs to libbonobo" thing doesn't work on macos :)10:10
seb128desrt: cf ABI breakage and wanting to bump the soname?10:10
ajmitchright. xgl updated from git, but will it work?10:10
desrtya.  jerk.10:10
seb128desrt: I don't like his tone10:11
seb128"Perhaps you need to go and reread the library versioning section of the libtool10:11
seb128manual (assuming you read it in the first place)"10:11
desrtseb128; i sort of like christian/alex's tones... but for a bad reason :)10:11
desrtthe gnome community is increasingly getting the "if it's not linux, i don't care" attitude10:11
desrtwhich i think is really good10:11
Amaranthinotify-test seems to be working10:12
desrtinotify is definitely working.  those syscalls are returning good things.10:12
Amaranthso i'm thinking something is wrong with gnome-vfs10:12
seb128in fact the gam_server log I've about nautilus seems to be for non-existant directories it has to monitor10:12
desrtfwiw, i'm using straight inotify here with no gamin10:12
desrti have no idea why gam_server is running10:12
seb128like I had no ~/Templates10:12
seb128so inotify seems to complain and it falls back using gam_server for polling it10:12
seb128or something like that10:12
seb128$ tail -f gamin_debug_XYpe5710:13
seb128Event to /usr/bin/epiphany : 1, 2, /usr/local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache Deleted10:13
seb128Event to /usr/bin/epiphany : 1, 9, /usr/local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache None10:13
seb128it has things like that10:13
Amaranthinotify-test spit out the fact that someone touched ~/.bashrc but not that i created ~/foo10:14
=== desrt gets an evil idea
seb128Amaranth: the gnome-vfs code for inotify didn't change a lot recently, if you have issues with it might be inotify itself  10:14
Amaranthi dunno if the tool is broken or if inotify is but it's only spitting out the first event10:14
=== desrt replaces gam_server with a somewhat more informative shellscript
=== mvo [n=egon@p54A67649.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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dholbachmvo is here! we're saved!10:15
desrtoh that's annoying.10:15
Amaranthdesrt: ?10:15
ajmitchhey mvo 10:15
=== dholbach hugs mvo
seb128"(evolution-2.8:9185): e-utils-WARNING **: calling e_icon_factory_get_icon_filename with unknown icon_size value (48)"10:16
desrti tried to replace gam_server with a shellscript that didn't deparent itself so i could see in ps who is responsible for spawning it10:16
seb128hates evolution10:16
=== mvo hugs dholbach
=== mvo hugs ajmitch
desrtturns out the cliend-side library is does the deparenting on fork before execing10:16
=== mvo yawns
desrtseb128; have you seen daniel's "Evolution GRRRRRRRRRR" icon?10:17
ajmitchmvo: about pbuilder slowdowns - it's repeatedly doing apt-get -s install <large number of packages>10:17
Amaranthso i'm thinking inotify is b0rked10:17
mvoajmitch: thanks, let me have a look10:17
desrtAmaranth; why would you say this?10:18
Amaranthdesrt: inotify_test only spits out one event10:18
Amaranthdesrt: after that it shows nothing until i restart it, then it shows one more event10:18
desrtare you doing stuff?10:19
Amaranthtouch foo && rm foo10:20
Amaranthonly the touch shows up10:20
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desrtis it watching foo?10:20
Amaranthit's watching ~10:20
Amaranthand i'm making foo in ~10:20
desrti don't think inotify is "b0rked" enough to cause gnome-vfs to decide to not use it10:20
seb128desrt: yeah, and to be honest I did have to --force-shutdown evolution for some time now with edgy because it locked, I'm wondering if they fixed the frequent lock it used to face10:22
seb128Amaranth: does gnomevfs-monitor works fine for you? it does on my desktop10:22
desrtseb128; evolution is in a sad state10:23
desrtseb128; all of the people who would be good maintainers for it are burned out from it10:23
Amaranthgnomevfs-monitor shows creation and removal10:23
Amaranthif gam_server would respond to SIGUSR2 i would be able to tell if it was handling those events10:23
desrtgnomevfs-monitor does an alarming number of syscalls10:23
desrti think someone ought to talk to john again about how polling inside a filesystem monitor is evil :)10:24
desrtseems to wake up every ~100ms10:24
desrtno wonder battery life is so poor :p10:25
desrtnautilus is doing this 24/7... waking up every 100ms and doing a whack of syscalls10:25
desrtholy crap10:26
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desrti wonder if anyone knows about this bug10:26
=== Treenaks hears the sound of a LART booting up
desrtno lart.  just a friendly bug report :)10:27
seb128desrt: please open a bug on bugzilla and Cc him ;)10:28
=== Spads unsticks planet ubuntu
desrtseb128; i think he watches the component10:30
UbugtuGnome bug 348748 in Monitoring (inotify) "nautilus wakes up about 10 times a second" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  10:30
seb128desrt: ok, cool10:31
desrti think i have a new mantra10:31
seb128right, it's assigned to him10:31
desrtbenm can go around yelling at everyone about memory use10:31
desrti'm gonna go around yelling at everyone about syscalls10:31
desrtan idle system should be idle, damnit10:31
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=== dholbach hugs pitti
desrtoo.  battery applet is a prime offender10:37
desrti'll have to fix that or have egg on my face!10:37
=== pitti hugs dholbach back, any particular cause? :)
dholbachyou rock, that's why! :-)10:38
pitti*blush* you too!10:38
=== ogra hugs pitti too ... just because
=== pitti hugs ogra
=== pitti hugs desrt as well
pittiand the whole crowd10:38
desrthello pitti :)10:38
Amaranth(btw, inotify_test is indeed broken, things works fine in pyinotify)10:39
desrtit'd be cool if you could strace the entire system10:40
Amaranthstupid gam_server though, it's killing my battery :P10:40
Amaranthdesrt: it's funny that a battery applet actually does evil things to (minorly) reduce battery life10:40
desrtAmaranth; i noted the irony in my bug report against myself :)10:40
desrti wonder if maybe gvfs falls back to gamin when inotify runs out of handles10:41
desrthas anyone heard anything new about that new netlink socket based file notification api?10:42
desrtthe impression i get is that inotify seriously sucks and that all attempts to improve it are being fiercely faught against by linus10:43
desrt(or so john told me over coffee)10:43
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-192-208.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Treenaksdesrt: 10:43
Treenaksdesrt: does linus give reasons for this fighting?10:43
desrtyes.  they're even good reasons.10:44
desrtinotify works by you telling the kernel what inodes you want to watch10:44
desrtuser processes could theoretically fork many many copies of themselves10:44
desrtand file many many watches on files belonging to other users10:44
desrtcausing file IO done by those users to slow to a crawl10:45
desrtso there's a per-user watch descriptor limit10:45
desrtthe problem is that it's very easy to hit that limit10:45
=== lmanul [n=manu@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtif you have beagle running, for example, you're practically guarenteed to hit it10:45
desrtso, as a fallback, because you can't always get an inotify handle, you have to resort to polling10:46
desrtit's insane10:46
desrtalso, because inotify is inode based, there is no way to say "notify me when a file called "/home/desrt/foo/bar/baz is created"10:46
dholbachcan somebody please get jokosher out of NEW?10:46
desrtyou have to watch /home/desrt and "foo was created" events10:46
desrtthen watch "foo" for "bar was created events (and hope you didn't miss one in a race), etc10:47
desrtso this is another case where the gnomevfs inotify code polls10:47
desrtdholbach; is muine-shell in edgy?10:48
dholbachdesrt: i have no idea10:48
seb128dholbach: that's like your daily question :p10:48
dholbachseb128: I didn't ask yesterday.10:48
Mithrandirdesrt: any idea why linus absolutely wants it to be inode-based?10:48
desrtdholbach; better ask twice today, then :)10:48
seb128ah, sorry, "almost daily" :)10:48
desrtMithrandir; uhm.... as far as i know he doesn't?10:48
desrtMithrandir; inode-based, i think, was john's design decision10:48
desrtMithrandir; linus only insists on the per-user limits10:49
desrtMithrandir; oh.  i think he also disliked the /dev/inotify business and insisted on syscalls, too :)10:49
desrtanyway... it's stupidly past my bedtime.. goodnight, all.10:50
desrtseb128; good luck to you.10:50
dholbachdesrt: sleep tight10:50
desrtsurely will.  i'm spent!10:50
desrtso much ranting :)10:50
seb128'night desrt10:50
Kamionpitti: first-stage, but by chrooting, not as a udeb - so I think it does need to be added to the blacklist10:52
Kamionpitti: (thanks!)10:53
seb128Kamion: I don't know if you do NEW processing atm or if that's Keybuk, but the new evolution-data-server has libedataserverui1.2-8 libedata-cal1.2-5 libebook1.2-9 libegroupwise1.2-12 as new binaries (soname changes) (dunno if listing new packages make your job easier)10:56
=== doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-104-011.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128would be nice to direct them to main when they are accepted too :)10:56
Kamionseb128: I've accepted the ones that are there10:57
dholbachogra: you might want to subscribe yourself or the edubuntu-bugteam to dia - bug 49386 has a patch, that was not responded too10:57
UbugtuMalone bug 49386 in dia "Export to pstricks work not if locale have wrong separator" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4938610:57
seb128Kamion: ok, thank you10:57
Kamionseb128: and you forgot about libexchange-storage1.2-2 :-)10:58
seb128ups, right ;)10:58
dholbachIt'd also be nice if libgucharmap5 and libgucharmap5-dev and gtk2-engines could make their way into main and the distro - I'm going to change the seeds afterwards11:00
ogradholbach, thanks for the heads up, i thought edubuntu-bugs is already subscribed to dia11:00
dholbachseb128: and I'll add  gnome-keyring-manager  to desktop - it has been reviewed for main inclusion for a while11:01
Kamiondholbach: jokosher done, sorry for the delay11:02
=== dholbach hugs Kamion
dholbachKamion: YOU ROCK! :)11:02
=== dholbach does the jokosher dance
Kamiongucharmap binaries accepted11:03
dholbachsuper, thanks11:03
=== dholbach reads up on seeds-on-launchpad
Kamionshould be easier now than it was; the bound-branch thing is more convenient here than having to remember to push11:04
Kamiongtk2-engines binaries also accepted11:05
dholbachsuper - thanks a lot11:05
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachseed changes done11:09
dholbachKamion: I agree, that was absolutely painless11:09
seb128dholbach: sure for gnome-keyring-manager, do you do the other updates like pessulus too?11:10
dholbachseb128: hm?11:10
dholbachseb128: which updates? pessulus doesn't seem to have a MIR11:11
seb128dholbach: pessulus is not to desktop but it's a part of the GNOME desktop, I think we should have it11:11
dholbachogra: you will need pessuls, right?11:11
seb128dholbach: since you are taking care of having non-listed things listed now, I though you would do it for pessulus too11:11
seb128dholbach: like doing the wiki page etc11:11
ogradholbach, yes11:11
ogradholbach, as well as sabayon11:12
dholbachsuper, somebody else who writes the MIR! :-)))))11:12
ogradidnt i do that already ? 11:12
=== ogra looks
seb128Daniel "I read every single wiki commit" Holbach would have noticed11:13
=== dholbach hugs seb128
=== dholbach hugs seb128
=== dholbach hugs seb128
=== lucas [n=lucas@ubuntu/member/lucas] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== seb128 hugs dholbach
ogralol, ok11:13
ograi really thought i did that last week :)11:14
ograbut its actually not there11:14
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pittiG0SUB: ping11:23
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rodarvuspitti, oh, good to know11:39
rodarvusI didn't knew if urgency was respected on ubuntu, so decided to follow the debian policy on this upload11:40
pittirodarvus: it doesn't hurt at all11:40
rodarvus(though I suspect the debian packaging policy would tell me to use urgency=medium)11:40
pittirodarvus: it might just be interesting to you11:40
Kamionit affects apt-listchanges sorting, and users who read changelogs might look at it11:40
pittirodarvus: urgency only affects testing migration; since we do not have testing, it doesn't matter for us11:41
Kamion(pretty minor really, of course)11:41
pittirodarvus: hm, good point from Kamion, though11:41
=== pitti hasn't used apt-listchanges for ages and never noticed
ograwas LP shut down ? i cant authenticate to get to the wiki 11:43
Kamionchinstrap being down temporarily might affect things I guess?11:43
Kamionthough I didn't know the authserver lived there11:44
ograluckily i have a preview in my cache11:44
KamionMalone is accessible11:44
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-250-59-127.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogra"The authentication database is temporarily unavailable. Anonymous access only."11:45
ograis what i get from the wiki11:46
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ajmitchhi jono 12:14
jonohey ajmitch12:14
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slomo_Riddell: why did you add the splash header to libpoppler-dev? we build the cairo version now, not the splash version12:16
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Riddellslomo_: it's needed for kpdf12:16
ograiwj, hmm, youre right, the SCP spec doesnt say anywhere that the gui is run by gksu, thanks for pointing12:17
slomo_Riddell: that sounds more like a kpdf bug... why would it need the splash headers if there is absolutely no splash functionality anymore? do you have the url to a build log?12:17
Riddellslomo_: only on my local machine12:18
pittidholbach: how did you manage to upload two different diff.gz/dsc of jokosher with the same version number? :)12:19
slomo_Riddell: ok, i'll take a look at it myself then...12:20
Riddellslomo_: of course this might explain why people are complaining that kpdf doesn't work12:20
slomo_Riddell: hrm, the qt bindings only support splash it seems... so we must enable both probably...12:22
dholbachpitti: they were sitting in NEW and soyuz didn't discard one of them12:22
ajmitchpitti: I think it's called soyuz being special12:23
slomo_Riddell: i'll care for that :)12:23
Kamiondholbach: oh I just forgot to reject the other one12:26
Kamionshouldn't make any difference to anything in practice12:26
Kamion(since the newest version accepted was greater than the duplicate pair)12:26
dholbach*happy* beam12:26
highvoltagenice beam.12:31
slomo_Riddell: yes, the poppler qt bindings are completely broken when only using cairo... will be fixed with next upload :)12:33
seb128slomo_: how will it be fixed?12:34
slomo_seb128: by enabling splash and cairo... the cairo stuff is only used in the glib bindings anyway and not in libpoppler itself12:34
slomo_seb128: but i have to test it before... that's only theory now ;)12:35
iwjogra: Oh, the SCP UI runs as root ?!12:35
ograiwj, yup, it needs to it kills shh sessions of users :)12:35
iwjogra: Right, well, I suppose if it can run commands as anyone then it's root-equivalent anyway.12:35
seb128slomo_: you can't build with both12:35
iwjIf you didn't need to run commands as users you could have a userv service (or sudo config if you must) for killing ssh sessions or whatever.12:36
ograiwj, yup ... i think thats the key  which i missed to write doen ... also the system dbus will only allow access as uid 012:36
ograso all that auth stuff ist really relevant (a nice add on though)12:36
Amaranthogra: that's fixable (dbus)12:36
slomo_seb128: why? at least configure is able to enable both at the same time12:36
iwjRight.  Write down where that's configured, too.12:36
iwjI mean, where it's configured who gets access to the system dbus.12:37
ograwell, i dbus indeed12:37
iwjOr if it's not a matter of configuration, where it's documented.12:37
seb128slomo_: how would you have both used together?12:37
iwjogra: Also, what's all that stuff about S/Key ?12:37
ograi dont understand why i should reference to every possible protocol or mechanism here since we only use the implemented one in dbus ...12:37
iwjAre you sure you're going to be using that ?12:37
ograi'm using what the dbus spec proposes as default12:38
iwjdbus will use a SASL library so it can do everything our SASL can.12:38
ograwhich is SASL with SKEY12:38
iwjI can't see that in the dbus spec you have a reference to.12:39
iwjAnd it seems wrong really.  S/Key is for one-time passwords.12:39
slomo_seb128: the glib bindings use cairo, the others use splash. works fine here at least with evince and pdflatex...12:39
seb128slomo_: and what is doing atm?12:39
ograbut based on the fact that only root can access a dbus service thats run as root (system bus) its not relevant at all i think ... mind if i wipe the auth stuff completely ? 12:39
iwjreference to every possible protocol> Obviously you should provide references for the ones you're going to be using, but not others.12:39
iwjogra: I don't know if it's relevant.  How does it work that only root can access the dbus system bus ?12:40
slomo_seb128: the current version disables splash and the qt bindings then have undefined references to the splash stuff (which are not noticed at build time because of no -Wl,--no-undefined)12:40
ograbut i dont care what dbus uses ... it will use the same auth it uses for all other system services 12:40
ograthats why i rely on a existing framework with proven security12:40
iwjIf it does it by having some kind of authentication protocol over the connection to the dbus daemon then you should say that and which protocol it's using etc. (probably by giving a reference to the config file or a manpage or something).12:41
ograi *can* find out how dbus does that, but is it really necessary to describe it detailed because i want to use it ?12:41
iwjIf it does it some other way then surely it must be documented somewhere ?12:41
ograwell, it will use the standard dbus innings 12:41
iwjWell, if it's a well-known fact that only root can access the system dbus then fine.12:41
iwjJust state it.12:41
seb128slomo_: if the other don't use splash, not cairo what do they use? it's not really clear ...12:41
ograi'll clean up the spec12:41
iwj(But then I'm confused as to how the program-running-as-user can get these please-execute-command messages.)12:42
ograthe same way nm-applet gets messages from NetworkManager12:42
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iwjI know nothing about that.12:42
ograthe session bus listens for messages on the system bus ... 12:42
iwjDoesn't the session bus run as the user ?12:43
ograthe tool thats the listener is waiting for specific namespaced messages12:43
slomo_seb128: the qt bindings only use splash but as libpoppler-splash is not build and not statically linked against it it has missing symbols. the glib bindings can use splash but use cairo if it is enabled (or did i misunderstand your question?)12:43
ograbut the session bus can pick up messages from the system bus12:43
iwjSo if it runs as the user how can it connect to the system bus which you just told me only root can connect to ?12:43
ograi.e. hal, g-p-m or nm do that12:43
Mithrandiriwj: look at /etc/dbus-1/system.d/* for various ACLs for different end points on the system bus.12:44
ograit cant *send* 12:44
ograbut it can listen for messages12:44
iwjMithrandir: Thanks, that's the information we're looking for I think.12:44
iwjogra: You should provide references to the access control configuration and documentation.12:44
iwjYou don't have to redescribe everything.12:44
seb128slomo_: I just find weird to have the glib bindings using cairo and poppler itself using splash, but if you say that works fine ...12:45
ograi think i had a reference to /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ i te first one before i started to change everything :)12:45
iwjYour spec can pretty much assume that people know all about the stuff you're using but you have to provide references so that if they don't know they can go and read something to find out.12:45
iwjAnd a reference to which manpage or dbus doc or whatever specifies the meaning of those files.12:45
iwjAnd you should say whether you plan to change them at all.12:45
iwj`We will add a new ACL entry so that ...' or some such.12:46
ograiwj, i was falsesly assuming that people know the existing SCP ... so i didnt add the info about gksudo :)12:46
slomo_seb128: libpoppler itself doesn't use splash or cairo. only the bindings use one of the two12:46
ograthe initial spec pointed to /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ ad that services files for auth and namespace are added there, but didnt explain it further12:46
seb128slomo_: ok, if you don't break poppler-glib feel free to do any change you want :)12:47
iwjogra: Well, if there had been a reference to the existing SCP specification you might get away with that.  But of course the more specific to your project, or the more obscure, the more you might have to state nonobvious things.12:47
iwjogra: Do those files contain access control as well as binding information, then ?12:47
iwjThat wasn't clear to me.12:47
ograit has a <policy> tag in the xml which enables ACLs12:48
ograsee /etc/dbus-1/system.d/nm-applet.conf for example12:48
ograhal.conf is even better it has some finer grained stuff there 12:50
iwjXML configuration files.12:50
ograheh, yes12:50
ograagreed :)12:50
Treenaksiwj: sounds like a webbrowser I know12:50
iwjThat's _not what xml is for_.12:50
ograTreenaks, dbus rather :)12:50
iwjTreenaks: Don't get me started.12:50
Amaranthso, uh, if a have a ~/.evil/nm-applet can i get on the system busZ?12:50
ograAmaranth, nope12:50
ograthe system bus wont read from that12:50
iwjogra: Right, I see now.  I think if you include your proposed system.d file in the spec (or an example of it) then things will be much clearer.12:51
Amaranthhow does it decide what to allow?12:51
iwjIt's OK to put important interface definitions and so on in specs.12:51
ograiwj, ok, so i'll add a note about uid 0 and attach the xml ...12:51
ograAmaranth, based on /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ .... where users dont have write access :)12:52
dokoRiddell: kdelibs4-dev is uninstallable on sparc and powerpc?12:53
iwjogra: And get rid of all that sasl stuff if it's not relevant :-).12:53
ograwill do that happily :)12:53
Amaranthogra: I know that. :P If /etc/dbus-1/system.d/nm-applet.conf exists would it work though?12:54
Riddelldoko: it was ok last I tried on powerpc, let me look12:54
dokoRiddell: http://librarian.launchpad.net/3567531/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-sparc.openoffice.org_2.0.3-3ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:55
ograAmaranth, you cant override the system bus in userspace ... 12:56
Amaranthdbus considers /usr/bin/nm-applet and ~/.evil/nm-applet to be different things and doesn't allow access to the second one?12:57
ograah, you mean a separate backend binary ... not a services file12:58
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Amaranthogra: yeah, i already have nm-applet installed and it has it's .conf file in place, i just want to abuse the .conf file for my own purposes01:00
Amaranthhow does it tell the difference between the real nm-applet and my fake one that does evil things like flood the bus01:00
Amaranthholy shit it doesn't01:02
Amaranthoh, duh01:03
Amaranthit lets me connect to the bus but not access anything01:03
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Amaranthi wonder if i can flood it trying to access things or if that's handled in the client libraries01:04
ograAmaranth, work on your SoC project instead of searching dbus exploits :P01:04
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Riddelldoko: seems like mesa-common-dev and libgl1-mesa-dev are out of sync01:10
Riddelllibgl1-mesa-dev: Depends: mesa-common-dev (= 6.5.0.cvs.20060725-0ubuntu1) but 6.5.0.cvs.20060524-1ubuntu1 is to be installed01:10
ajmitchRiddell: i386?01:11
Riddellor do I have to change the gl depends on qt?01:12
ajmitchbuildds are still catching up, it seems01:12
ajmitchblocked by OOo :)01:12
dokoOOo doesn't block anything, just underpowered buildd's ...01:13
ajmitchdoko: that's what I meant, really :)01:13
rodarvusyeah, why should two 12 hours build block anything? :)01:13
rodarvushmm, strange, vernadsky is idle -> https://launchpad.net/+builds/vernadsky01:17
rodarvusshouldn't it pick the next item in the queue automatically? (or openoffice.org build being for dapper has any effect on it?)01:17
ograrodarvus, ist that crontab driven ?01:18
rodarvuscould be, but the openoffice.org build finished 9 minutes ago.01:19
ograiwj, spec updated .... i added a note about UID 0 and a commented services file ...01:19
rodarvusI don't expect the crontab to take so long to pick up01:19
Mithrandiriwj: what's a useful way to debug "firefox doesn't load some pages at all" problems?  For instance. www.brygging.no doesn't work from this machine.  I've tried nuking ~/.firefox and ~/.mozilla.  Also, it seems to affect epiphany.01:20
ograsure thats not a network thing ? 01:21
ograi.e. did you try links 01:22
rodarvusMithrandir, might be the same bug I was bitten when trying to access gmail01:22
Mithrandirogra: yes, it works fine with lynx.01:22
Mithrandirrodarvus: which bugs is that?01:22
rodarvusedgy firefox has a stripped browser id line01:22
rodarvusmissing Gecko/2006<something>01:22
iwjwww.brygging.no> WFM01:22
rodarvusI reported it to iwj a few days ago01:22
rodarvus(didn't open a LP ticket, though)01:23
crevettemee too01:23
ograyes, i see a lot of beer too 01:23
Mithrandirit seems to hang after loading a bit of data, but I haven't tcpdumped it yet.01:23
iwjI don't think the browser string is relevant here.01:23
crevettethe bug on gmail exist since end of june01:23
iwjMithrandir: PMTU ?01:23
iwjI take it you're not knowingly using any kind of proxy.01:23
rodarvusMithrandir, this page loads successfully here01:24
rodarvus(with epiphany and firefox)01:24
Mithrandiriwj: it seems to load a bit more when I lowered it from 1500 to 500.  No proxies involved and my provider doesn't do transparent proxying.01:25
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iwjI think links working is probably a red herring as it doesn't load images.01:26
rodarvus(returning to the buildd subject) should I worry about vernadski being idle or is it expected?01:26
iwjIt sounds to me like you have network problems.01:26
iwjI suppose you could try wget -p.01:27
Mithrandiriwj: well, dillo works.01:28
Mithrandiror, "works".  It renders it quite badly, but it loads in no time.01:28
iwjIf you set network.http.max-connections to 1 in about:config, does it help ?01:29
iwjI don't want to rule out ff being at fault but I'm still with the network problem theory.01:30
Mithrandiriwj: doesn't seem to change anything, no.01:30
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chris^I Have an idear for Edgy and XGL, a little FeatureRequest, where shoud i Post this?01:34
Kamionlinks> try w3m with w3m-img installed01:34
Kamionoh, if dillo works then I guess that's moot01:35
ograchris^, likely in the motu channel, but probably not even there since intrest in maintaining XGl is very low there 01:35
Mithrandiryeah, I doubt it's my network.  It's been like that on some sites for a few days and !gecko browsers seem to work.01:35
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chris^ogra: well, I have just the idear, that there shoud be an extra loginsession for XGL per default... 01:36
ograchris^, we wont support XGL so "default" is already out of discussion ...01:36
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chris^ogra: _default_ if you are installing XGL ;)01:37
mjg59ogra: ajmitch was looking at updating the Xgl build last night01:37
mjg59Now that we have fresh enough mesa01:37
ogramjg59, oh, really ? 01:37
ajmitchogra: yes, I built a fresh Xgl from the git tree01:37
mjg59And I'll try to help rodarvus with aiglx01:37
ogramjg59, what for now that we get xorg 7.1 with all the fun in it ?01:38
mjg59ogra: xgl works better with some of the binary drivers01:38
Treenaksjust buy intel ;)01:38
=== ogra didnt know ...
=== mjg59 engages in mad intel pimpage
ajmitchTreenaks: that works for my laptop, but not my nvidia-using desktop box01:39
seb128we have tried on #ubuntu-desktop to push that guy uslab to get people working on some xgl ubuntu packages out of ubuntu, contributing directly to universe yesterday  01:39
maswanMithrandir: sure it isn't something silly like full $HOME or /tmp or so?01:39
maswanMithrandir: In my experience, mozilla-based stuff gets lots of weird error modes as soon as something like that happens.01:39
Mithrandirmaswan: 742MB free, so nope.01:40
rodarvus742mb? I would become quite claustrophobic with that amount of free space on any partition :)01:41
ograrodarvus, how much do you need to feel comfortable ? 01:41
ogra1TB ?01:41
Mithrandirrodarvus: you're not my web browser. :-P01:41
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rodarvusI need enough to uncompress/build large stuff without worrying01:42
rodarvus10-20gb is ok01:42
rodarvusMithrandir, :)01:42
Robot1011.4G free01:42
=== Robot101 shudders
hungerWrodarvus: I have /tmp for that.01:42
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ograoh, i just ran df -h for the first time on this knot 1 install 01:43
ogra/dev/evms/hda3         46G  1,8G   42G   4% /home01:43
rodarvushungerW, I work all day long doing packaging. I can't risk putting this stuff in /tmp01:43
ogrado we default to evms now ?01:43
ograi surely havent selected that during install01:43
rodarvusmy /boot was moved to /dev/evms recently too01:44
ograhmm, how did i get there then ? weird ...01:44
KamionI suspect the fstab migration (libvolumeid0) went a bit nuts01:44
Kamionlook at /etc/fstab01:44
Kamionalso perhaps mount-by-UUID is getting things wrong01:45
rodarvusrodarvus@wakko:~/canonical/code/merges/seven-dot-one/done$ wc -l /etc/fstab01:45
rodarvus71 /etc/fstab01:45
ogra# /dev/hda3 -- converted during upgrade to edgy01:45
ograUUID=7c24e63d-e8f7-4738-93f5-a63edd2c641a /home ext3 defaults 0 201:45
Kamionrodarvus: is it full of environment variables?01:45
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Kamionrodarvus: if so, delete all those; I fixed that yesterday morning but there's no sane way to deal with people who upgraded through the breakage01:46
rodarvusKamion, thanks01:46
=== ogra assumes he should read up about UUID
Mithrandirthe migration broke for me, but I'm using evms, so.01:46
Kamionogra: UUID= is normal, but try 'blkid -t UUID=7c24e63d-e8f7-4738-93f5-a63edd2c641a'01:47
Kamionogra: it returns stray evms crap for me too01:47
Kamionso I suspect something's wonky in libblkid01:47
ograwell, it returns two lines for me01:47
Kamionbug Keybuk about it when he wakes up01:47
ograone with and one without evms01:47
Kamionright, likewise01:47
MithrandirKamion: for extra winnage::01:48
Mithrandir: tfheen@golem ~ > blkid -t UUID=e956b7b4-6ebf-4bd4-98ac-ffa52eb2602801:48
Mithrandir/dev/evms/.nodes/lvm/lvm0/home0: LABEL="home0" UUID="e956b7b4-6ebf-4bd4-98ac-ffa52eb26028" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"01:48
Kamionso, it's probably harmless and will be sorted out once the blkid bug is fixed01:48
Mithrandirand trying to open that gives an error.01:48
ograseems to be harmless given i didnt recognize it until looking at df01:48
Kamionwe shouldn't be UUIDing LVM anyway, as some bug report pointed out01:48
Kamionthat probably goes for EVMS too, not sure01:48
Mithrandiron-disk format of LVM and EVMS is the same.01:48
rodarvusinfinity, ping01:52
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cprovinfinity: buildd-sequencer is stopped, buildds can't resolve librarian name.01:55
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elmocprov: that was a temporary thing01:56
elmofor like 10-15 mins top, 3 hours ago01:57
elmoit should be fine now - can you restart it or otherwise kick it?01:57
elmo(or do I need to?)01:57
cprovelmo: yes, let's try01:57
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cprovelmo: looks like happening again, check last lp-error mail.01:59
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elmocprov: let's take this to ##soyuz1.001:59
cprovelmo: okay02:00
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infinityrodarvus: pong?02:09
rodarvusinfinity, solved now, thanks02:10
infinityOkay, good, cause I'm tired. :)02:10
rodarvusinfinity, buildds were mostly idle02:11
rodarvusdue to dns failure on the DC02:11
rodarvuscprov and elmo fixed it02:11
rodarvusinfinity, go take some rest :)02:11
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iwjWhat happened to the `is the hardware clock set to GMT' question ?03:24
zulcan someone new xen-source-2.6.16 when they get a chance please thanks03:26
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ograiwj, probably dropped for people sitting near greenwitch ? :)03:29
maswanogra: but greenwitch doesn't run on GMT though, right? :)03:31
ograpfft ...03:31
=== mdke shivers at the prospect of a green witch
Mithrandirmdke: you prefer blue witches?03:32
mdkeMithrandir: pink03:33
Vhatasand witches03:33
dokoinfinity, cprov: are there some estimates/docs, how long it does take from an upload to upload.u.c until the binary packages appear in the archive (ignoring the build times)03:33
jjessemmmmm sandwidch03:33
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pittiMithrandir: do you have some time today to peer review a PAM code snippet?03:40
Mithrandirpitti: sure.  Now?03:41
pittiMithrandir: I just wrote a setgid shadow helper program for cups pam authentication03:41
pittiMithrandir: whenever you have time03:41
Mithrandirpitti: I can do it now; do you have an URL or bzr repo?03:41
pittiMithrandir: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/cups_check_pam_auth.c03:42
pittiMithrandir: I designed it that way: cups writes 'username\0password' to stdin of that program03:42
pittiMithrandir: and the return code determines whether it's succeeded or not03:42
joejaxxhaha it seems rm -rf does not work on my system anymore 03:42
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pittiMithrandir: gcc -Wall -W cups_check_pam_auth.c -lpam03:43
Kamioniwj: it's still asked under many circumstances, but not always03:43
pittiMithrandir: echo -ne "foo\0bar" | sudo ./a.out03:43
Mithrandirpitti: this'll be gid shadow and uid cupsys with mode 2750?03:43
pittiMithrandir: of course eventually setgid shadow will suffice (I intend it to be cupsys:shadow 2744)03:43
Kamion(it last changed in May)03:43
iwjKamion: May> Hmm.  It seems to be getting the answer wrong for me, eg on a dapper D-I install.03:44
pittiMithrandir: 2754 works too, of course, 2744 is just paranoid03:44
Kamioniwj: details?03:44
Kamioniwj: the default may be wrong; that's fine as long as it's asked03:45
Kamionif Windows or another OS that requires the hardware clock to be in local time is installed, then it defaults to local time and doesn't ask03:45
Mithrandiroh, nice, you don't have to be root to mlock any more.  (Up to RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, at least)03:46
Kamionotherwise it defaults to UTC and asks03:46
pittiMithrandir: right03:46
iwjKamion: Ah, it's probably seeing the W98SE that's sitting around on this disk.03:46
pittiMithrandir: that's why we could un-setuid gnupg since warty03:46
iwjThat's unfortunate because the hardware clock is in UTC and obviously I don't care about 'doze's clock.03:46
pittiMithrandir: (some of the sanity checks are not necessary, I just want to be on the safe side)03:46
Kamionyou can preseed clock-setup/utc=true to work around that03:47
Mithrandirpitti: won't sizeof always return something which is ssize_t?03:47
pittiMithrandir: not sure about whether it's size_t or ssize_t03:47
Kamionshould be size_t03:47
pittiMithrandir: it would be more logical to be size_t03:47
Mithrandirpitti: hmm, it seems like you should make sure both input values are null-terminated.  As it is, you can end up not reading all the input.03:50
pittiMithrandir: how so?03:50
Mithrandirit's a kinda a contrived case, but it bit us in usplash, for instance.03:50
pittiMithrandir: if I read more than or equal to sizeof(buffer), I abort with 'input overflow'03:51
Mithrandiryes, I'm not talking about that case.03:51
Mithrandirpitti: think a program which does write(fd, "username\0", 9); write(fd, "password", 8);03:51
pittiMithrandir: oh, I see03:51
pittiMithrandir: I thought read() would block until eof is reached03:52
pittiMithrandir: as long as the requested size is not yet read03:52
pittiif it doesn't, that makes things much more complicated03:52
iwjroot@samual9:/# wc -l /boot/grub/menu.lst03:53
iwj11028 /boot/grub/menu.lst03:53
Kamionpitti: it won't necessarily, no03:53
iwjMaybe that's why my grub isn't working.03:53
Kamiondon't tell me grub has a limit?03:53
Mithrandiriwj: wow.03:53
Mithrandir11k lines sounds a bit excessive.  Sure you don't hit the 640KB limit?03:53
pittiMithrandir: (I added some documentation bits and re-uploaded)03:54
ograwow, how many kernel entries do you have with 11k lines03:54
iwjroot@samual9:/media/hda8/boot# wc grub/menu.lst03:54
iwj 11028  47216 351671 grub/menu.lst03:54
Mithrandirpitti: just require both to be null-terminated and abort if you haven't seen two nulls before hitting the maximum size of your input buffer?03:54
iwjtitle           debian (on /dev/hda5) (on /dev/hda7) (on /dev/hda8) (on /dev/hda03:54
iwj9) (on /dev/hda8) (on /dev/hda7) (on /dev/hda9)03:54
zulogra: migth want to clean that up a bit 03:54
pittiMithrandir: I'd rather read data in a loop until I hit EOF03:55
pittiMithrandir: but your's works as well, of course03:55
iwjYou are lost in a twisty maze of grub menus all alike!03:55
pittiMithrandir: I think I'll do both03:55
Kamionheh, I should really fix grub-installer not to do that03:56
Kamionit gets a bit insane after a while03:56
Kamionvery useful for people who don't have ten installs ...03:56
iwjI think this might just possibly be why it doesn't boot.03:57
bddebianKamion: What do I do about the rejects on those fakesysnc because of SHA1 sums?03:57
Kamionbddebian: well, you can't get the Debian .orig.tar.gz in the archive; we only ever have one file with a given name03:58
Kamionbddebian: so you need to compare the Debian and Ubuntu .orig.tar.gzs03:58
Kamionbddebian: it may well be that there are no interesting changes, and the upload will do just fine with the Ubuntu .orig.tar.gz03:59
Kamionbddebian: in which case you should upload a build1 built with the *Ubuntu* .orig.tar.gz and no -sa03:59
Mithrandirpitti: you're aware that you're disallowing blank passwords?03:59
pittiMithrandir: yes03:59
Kamionbddebian: if the .orig.tar.gz files are materially different, that's harder - probably best to apply the relevant differences to the Ubuntu diff in that case03:59
Kamionbut either way, you must upload with the Ubuntu .orig.tar.gz, and no -sa04:00
bddebianKamion: OK04:00
Kamion(In either case, whoever didn't use the pristine upstream tarball in the first place should be LARTed, assuming there was such a pristine tarball available.)04:00
bddebianGloubiboulga: ping?04:01
Gloubiboulgabddebian, pong04:02
bddebianGloubiboulga: You maintain prismstumbler?04:02
Gloubiboulgabddebian, not really, but the menu entry needs some love :)04:02
bddebianGloubiboulga: There are a few new upstream releases04:03
bddebianI'm trying to build 0.7.3 but the build system has changed quite a bit04:03
bddebianI don't even see a make install anymore04:03
Gloubiboulgathe debian maintainer hasn't updated his package I guess?04:04
bddebianOh sorry, for some reason I thought I saw you as the Debian maintainer.. Duh..04:04
GloubiboulgaI don't maintain packages in debian (yet)04:05
iwjKamion: can I chase someone about NEW for zul's xen-source-... et al ?04:05
=== bddebian wonders why he cares..
Mithrandirpitti: I can't poke any holes in it, I think.  The conversion function's implicit assumption about message styles is a bit unfortunate, but I understand why it's done and agree it's not a problem.04:06
pittiMithrandir: thanks for the review; I'm a bit stunned about read(), though; if I just sit around retrying to read if read returns 0, I'm stuck forever with above test command04:09
pittiMithrandir: either bash does not close stdin when the echo command finishes, or read() does not fail with EBADF if stdin is EOFed04:10
Mithrandirpitti: make both be null-terminated, then?04:10
pittiMithrandir: how does that help me?04:10
Mithrandironce you read the second NULL byte you know you're done and can continue.04:10
pittifeels a bit unclean, but I guess I have to live with that04:10
pittiit'll mean the process sits around forever if it never receives two NULs04:11
Mithrandirwhy is that a bigger problem than cat sitting around forever unless it receives an EOF?04:12
pittihm, true04:12
iwjKamion: Is there a bug already about the exponentially multiplying menu entries, or should I file one ?04:12
iwjI've retitled bug 54041 to be the report that grub crashes if the menu is too long.04:12
UbugtuMalone bug 54041 in grub "grub stage2 crashes if too many menu entries" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5404104:12
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Kamioniwj: yes, bug 2603104:17
UbugtuMalone bug 26031 in grub-installer "grub menu contains "combinatorial expansion" of existing installations" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2603104:17
iwjI'll faff with that then, thanks.04:17
Kamion(pointlessly needs-info, -> confirmed)04:17
=== StevenK waits for the i386 buildds to catch up.
Kamionok, that's revive-tasksel implemented bar the shouting^Wapplication of Launchpad patch04:18
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Kamioninfinity: you should be able to get going on ubuntu-server-tasks now, if you like; see the existing dns-server and lamp-server examples in the seeds04:20
thomKamion: as an entertaining side note, the partitioner _really_ doesn't like not having any disks04:20
Kamiononce we've tested the new code I'll remove the LAMP server boot option.04:20
Kamionthom: fixed in edgy04:21
Kamionwe noticed that just before knot-104:21
thomah, cool04:21
Kamioncombination of bugs in disk-detect and partman-auto04:21
thomheh, right04:22
thomi mean, i like blue. but forever is a bit long to stare at it ;-)04:22
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pittiMithrandir: new version is up; another look is appreciated04:24
dholbachKamion: hum.... did you make that change to the seeds? i added  gnome-keyring-manager  to it as well (in the same commit), but can't see it in the ubuntu-meta changelog04:24
pittiMithrandir: (echo -ne 'martin\000'; sleep 1; echo -ne 'secret\0') | sudo ./a.out <= works fine now, broke before04:25
pitti(yay for my consistent quoting of NUL bytes)04:25
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Mithrandirpitti: looks correct to me04:29
pittiMithrandir: great; thanks for the review04:30
=== pitti smells the time when he can close all these damn 'web interface iz broken' bugs
Kamiondholbach: gnome-keyring-manager hasn't been promoted to main yet04:32
dholbachahhh! ok04:33
Kamiondholbach: your change worked fine, but the promotion needs to happen before ubuntu-meta picks it up04:33
dholbachcan somebody promote it to main please? :)04:33
Kamionafter this publisher run, yes04:33
dholbachthanks a lot04:34
KamionSeveas: please stop rejecting bugs on my packages04:34
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SeveasKamion, err, when did I?04:35
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KamionSeveas: bug 5365604:36
UbugtuMalone bug 53656 in user-setup "user-setup insists on creating a user" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5365604:36
Kamionif you do reject them, at least subscribe to the bug so that you can be argued with if you're wrong04:37
SeveasKamion, I read ubuntu-bugs so I don't subscribe to bugs. And I rejected it because the user said "bug is bogus"...04:37
Kamionthe user was mistaken; deciding whether to reject the bug is best done by somebody who knows the code04:38
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Kamionand the user himself asked for further action anyway04:38
Kamionso basically please don't be so hair-trigger on the reject button04:39
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Lathiathrm edgys stuck on 'waiting for root device', any way around that?04:44
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Zdraseb128: is it normal nautilus doesn't runs bugbuddy when it crash and I want to report the stack trace ?05:01
seb128Zdra: "and I want to report the stack trace"?05:01
seb128do you get the "app has crashed..." dialog?05:02
ZdraI can reproduce a crash, I click on "informer les developpeurs" to start bug buddy but it doesn't start...05:02
dholbachZdra: is that on dapper or on edgy?05:03
dholbachare the versions of libgnomeui-0 and bug-buddy 2.15.90-0ubuntu1?05:03
Zdraoh... bug-buddy is taking 100% CPU :p05:04
seb128dholbach: no they are not, he would not get that dialog other way05:04
seb128dholbach: the "informer les developpeurs" has been dropped with libgnomeui 2.15.9005:04
seb128Zdra: ah, not good :)05:04
dholbachah, yes - seb128: i just wanted to know if he has one new version and one old version05:04
Zdrabug-buddy-2.15.0-0ubuntu1 and libgnomeui 2.15.2-0ubuntu105:04
seb128bug-buddy 2.15.0 had issue to recognize a bunch of apps, dunno if nautilus if one of them05:05
seb128I think it was05:05
seb128but you should get a dialog saying the app is not known05:05
seb128the upgrade to 2.15.90 should fix that05:05
seb128it has been uploaded yesterday, so it should be available now or soon05:06
Zdraseb128: ok I upgrade... and I have my call stack of the crash with gdb :)05:06
seb128Zdra: according to launchpad it has built everywhere excepted sparc ... what arch do you use?05:06
seb128Zdra: ok, good :)05:07
mdkeSpads: got a mo quickly?05:08
Spadsmdke: Sure, what for?05:09
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Zdraseb128: bug-buddy works after the upgrade, thanks :)05:12
seb128np :)05:12
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mjg59rodarvus: Around?05:33
alleehi, updating edgy: volumeid, idev initramfs-tools update /boot/initrd.img but only for the running -686 kernel, not the also installed -386 kernel.  Somehow this seem to be wrong05:33
Zdrawhen I "apt-get source nautilus" are ubuntu's patch in debian/patches applied automatically ? Or should I apply them myself ?05:33
seb128Zdra: you have to apply them05:34
mjg59Zdra: They get applied at build time, not extraction time05:34
seb128Zdra: you get the upstream source and a debian dir, the patches are applied when building the package05:34
Zdraseb128: ok so https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/54162 is an ubuntu bug05:34
UbugtuMalone bug 54162 in nautilus "Crash when DnD bookmarks in places sidebar" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  05:34
seb128Zdra: "debian/rules apply-patches" if you want to just apply them05:34
seb128Zdra: if you say so05:35
Zdra06_documents_place.patch --> has to be updated05:35
hungerWWas gtk2-engines-* removed in edgy or are they just not up to date yet? apt wants to remove them when updating gnome-themes at the moment.05:36
seb128Zdra: API change?05:36
iwjmvo: Will your dist-upgrader be able to arrange to upgrade dpkg first (or nearly first) during dapper -> edgy upgrades ?05:36
dholbachhungerW: it should install gtk2-engines05:36
Zdraseb128: I made some changes in nautilus-places-sidebar.c for DnD of bookmarks05:36
dholbachhungerW: ubuntu-desktop will pull it in instead05:37
seb128-add_place (GtkListStore *store,05:37
seb128+add_place (NautilusPlacesSidebar *sidebar,05:37
ZdraI'm trying to update the ubuntu's patch to see if I can solve the problem05:37
seb128that's what I call and API change :p05:37
hungerWdholbach: Yep and it wants to deinstall gtk2-engines-clearlook and lots of others.05:37
mvoiwj: not right now, but if that is a requirement it could be added 05:37
dholbachhungerW: that's ok, they were merged05:37
tsengremovnig gtk2-engines wont break anything for now05:37
iwjmvo: OK, yes, it will be a requirement.  So that I can tell people to start using Breaks.05:37
seb128Zdra: sidebar->store replaced by "sidebar" then?05:37
tsenglots of nice themes left around05:37
iwjmvo: Thanks.05:37
mvoiwj: ok, please file a but about it and give it some priority - otherwise I may forget about it05:38
seb128Zdra: what version of Ubuntu do you use (does it apply to dapper too?)? 05:39
Zdraseb128: no the change was commited to nautilus 2.15.9005:39
Zdrain upstream05:39
Zdrasee upstream bug linked in my report on lp05:40
seb128Zdra: ok, thank you, I'm going to replace "sidebar->store" by "sidebar" now, that's the correct fix, right?05:40
Zdraseb128: it should fix, but wait I'm reading it more carefully to be sure there is nothing else to change... sidebar->store may be replaced by sidebar->filter_model in some places05:41
bddebianHoly crap, there is a 30K difference in orig.tar.gz between Debian and Ubuntu for kiki05:42
=== sladen hands bddebian a copy of debdiff
Zdraseb128: ok for me, just replace sidebar->store by sidebar in add_place calls05:45
bddebiansladen: I know that, I'm just trying to figure out what to do about the SHA1 sums mismatch05:46
sladenbddebian: oh, orig.tar.gz ;  how does an md5sum of the /unpacked/ contents compare?  eg.  gunzip -cd foo.orig.tar.gz | md5sum05:46
seb128Zdra: thank you for pointing it!05:47
bddebiansladen: Compare in what way?  The md5sums are different, if that is what you are asking05:48
sladenbddebian: I'm asking the md5sums of the /uncompressed/ contents.05:49
bddebiansladen: I know05:49
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~/edgy/kiki$ gunzip -cd kiki_0.5.6.orig.tar.gz | md5sum05:50
bddebianff536c386278040fd51dba12c75621b0  -05:50
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~/edgy/kiki$ gunzip -cd ubuntu/kiki_0.5.6.orig.tar.gz | md5sum05:50
bddebian2150bc6d2e3b5f21ecc63674cf751d8e  -05:50
sladenbddebian: if the tarball has been repacked, then the result file will likely be a differing size05:50
sladenbddebian: funky.  What happens if you unzip both of them and do a diff -r between them?05:50
iwjmvo: OK, I give up, what's the package name ?05:50
bddebiansladen: Thanks, give me a sec05:51
Kamiondholbach: gnome-keyring-manager promoted05:52
dholbachwoohoo! :)05:52
bddebianHeya dholbach05:53
dholbachhey Barry05:53
mvoiwj: file it against update-manager please05:53
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dokopitti: do you want to get a UVF for blender and merge that one? python policy ...05:59
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pittidoko: oh, hm, if we need it06:00
pittidoko: I don't have time for merging now, but I can do it this week06:01
dokopitti: no haste, would be nice ...06:01
bddebiansladen: OK, now that's freaky:06:02
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~/edgy/kiki/temp$ diff -r debian/kiki-0.5.6.orig ubuntu/kiki-0.5.6.orig06:02
bddebianOnly in ubuntu/kiki-0.5.6.orig: kiki-0.5.606:02
sladenbddebian: what's in that file?  has somebody unpackaged the package inside itself?06:03
pittiYAY @ cups06:03
iwjOh, up_date_ not up_grade_.06:03
iwjAnd there's me searching in LP for `upgrade' and getting >200 hits.06:04
bddebiansladen: Yep, in the ubuntu version there is kiki-0.5.6.orig/kiki-0.5.606:05
sladenbddebian: if in doubt, do a fresh upload with the .orig.tar.gz from debian rediff it06:09
bddebiansladen: That's what I did but it fails so I am going to upload with our orig.tar.gz but the diff.z and .dsc from Debian.  That is correct right Kamion?06:11
sladenbddebian: I would guess that's the opposite way around?06:13
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bddebiansladen: 06:14
bddebian<Kamion> bddebian: well, you can't get the Debian .orig.tar.gz in the archive; we only ever have one file with a given name06:14
bddebian<Kamion> bddebian: so you need to compare the Debian and Ubuntu .orig.tar.gzs06:14
bddebian<Kamion> bddebian: it may well be that there are no interesting changes, and the upload will do just fine with the Ubuntu .orig.tar.gz06:14
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=== bluefoxicy clicks on update notification icon and it starts synaptic. Promptly wtf's at it.
ogradholbach, ubuntu-artwor split ? whats the other package ? 06:19
dholbachogra: they're in NEW06:19
dholbachogra: the others will be named: edgy-community-wallpapers edgy-gdm-themes edgy-session-splashes edgy-wallpapers gray-theme human-cursors-theme human-gtk-theme human-icon-theme human-theme industrialtango-theme legacyhuman-theme outdoors-theme resilience-theme silicon-theme06:19
ograugh ... do i need to reflect that in edubuntu-artwork ? 06:20
dholbachogra: that's your decision06:20
ograok, then its fine ...06:20
dholbachyour the package maintainer :)06:20
ograeven though i need to know what is in wich package :)06:20
ograbut i'll dig through :)06:21
dholbachonce they're in the archive, i'll link the branches to the packages06:21
Kamionzul_: at some point, could you convert xen-3.0 to the new Python policy, please? (Thoough I've accepted the binaries in the meantime.)06:21
dholbachthey're all in bzr in launchpad already06:21
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ograi wonder if using the release name is such a good idea ... that forces us to have a new set of packages in the next release in any case ...06:22
dholbachogra: that will give us the chance to offer people "dapper-artwork" if they like it better06:22
KamionI agree, that seems a dubious design decision06:22
dholbachogra: that was a common request06:22
ogra(but this time you're the ackage maintainer indeed ;) )06:22
ogra*package 06:22
Kamioncan't we have distinct names that aren't release names?06:23
ogras/edgy/default/ ?06:23
dholbachhmhmhmhmhm, that'd mean inventing package names, hm06:23
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ograyou could have an edgy artwork metapackage with a versioned dependency ...06:24
Kamionogra: no, that would mean having to rename default to something else in edgy+1 and introduce a new default06:24
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ograKamion, yes, thast the point06:24
ograi'm guessing we'll have new default artwork in edgy+106:25
Kamionogra: seems undesirable06:25
KamionI'd prefer not designing something that requires packages to be renamed every release06:25
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Kamionintroducing new names is one thing, always having to rename the old thing out of the way first is another06:26
ograthats why i said default-{wallpapers,session-splashes,etc}06:26
ograwhy do yu need to renale ? 06:26
ograubuntu-artwork wasnt renamed since warty and always contained the default...06:26
Kamionwe've never kept the old artwork around before though, at least not in separate packages06:27
ograright 06:27
KamionI have no objection to there being a package that depends on whatever the current default artwork is, obviously06:27
ograso the plan is to kepp the old ones ?06:27
Kamionthat's what dholbach said06:27
dholbachok, so you suggest, i drop the 'edgy-' bit and preserve changes in a 'dapper-*' package once I do the change?06:27
KamionI don't like having release names in packages at all, personally06:28
Kamionwhat's in edgy-*?06:28
dholbachi wanted to server the goal of still "having the old artwork" - since some people wanted to have that.06:28
Kamionis it just dependencies on the current default, or does it have artwork in it?06:28
dholbachit has artwork06:29
Kamionis there no way to give that collection of artwork a name?06:30
Kamionor is it really just "The Edgy Artwork"?06:30
Kamionif the latter, I guess edgy-* would be ok, I'd reluctantly withdraw my objection06:30
dholbachit is the edgy artwork, there was no 'meta name' given to it - ok, there was the 'Human look', but the community artwork stuff wouldn't qualify as Human, and I'm not sure that the edgy artwork will not be 'Human', even if it looks different06:31
Kamionok, I see06:31
dholbachI'm happy for suggestions and not insisting on the packaging names, not all.06:31
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ogra..." but the community artwork stuff wouldn't qualify as Human" ...06:33
ogracall it inhuman then :P06:33
=== dholbach strangles ogra in a inhuman way
ograactually shouldnt we just use release numbers and avoid the working names ? 06:34
ograegdy wallpapers .... the nervous backgrounds :)06:34
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dholbachthat's fun, if we delay a release again ;)06:35
ograyeah, indeed06:35
=== dholbach -> break
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bluefoxicyI have a very strange question.  How in the crap does exim keep getting installed06:35
bluefoxicyI keep removing it (it never says anything depends on it) and it just comes back on an upgrade several weeks later.06:36
mdkebluefoxicy: likely you have something which requires an MTA. Best try #ubuntu for questions like that though06:42
bluefoxicymdke:  apparently I don't because I can just remove it and it doesn't complain about other packages.06:44
bluefoxicy(I've already removed it)06:44
Spadsare you maybe removing the metapackage only?06:44
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bluefoxicy'exim' seems to ask to remove undelivered mail when removed and also removes /etc/cron.d/exim06:45
ogradholbach, gtk2-engines "Resynchronized with Debian, no Ubuntu changes." means it doesnt have a "Provides gtk2-engines-clearlooks" ?06:45
Spadsbluefoxicy: dpkg -l 'exim*' and remove anything you don't want06:45
Spadsbluefoxicy: but yeah, #ubuntu is better for this06:46
bluefoxicySpads:  none installed.06:46
bddebianYeah, it worked06:46
bluefoxicySpads:  yeah, I'd ask in Ubuntu except nobody there is going to tell me why apt just decides "let's also install this new package on an 'upgrade', and not say it's new"06:46
ograbluefoxicy, still, this isnt a support channel (see topic ;) )06:47
bluefoxicyogra:  nods.  I'll come back when apt spouts half of universe for no reason then.06:47
desrtpitti; ?06:47
ograogra, come back if you have a fix for the prob and provide a patch ;)06:47
ogras/ogra/bluefoxicy/ (indeed)06:48
desrtpitti; you probably want to look at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/5418006:48
UbugtuMalone bug 54180 in openssh "[rfe]  sshd ought to support 'none' cipher" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  06:48
bluefoxicyogra enjoys talking in third person, and should write man pages so that he can write about himself in the AUTHORS section  :)06:48
Kamiondesrt: me06:49
Kamionthat's an ancient bug which upstream is not interested in doing06:49
dholbachogra: they were merged in Debian. There are no Provides there.06:49
desrtKamion; i know upstream isn't interested06:49
desrtKamion; i was hoping for a vendor patch06:49
Kamionre bug, huh? it's not a matter of enabling it, it needs non-trivial code last I checked06:50
ogradholbach, i talked with seb128 about it ... but i can change the ltsp deps ... its just a little unfortunate that i have to install all of them on a extreme low end system06:50
desrtKamion; the current situation forces people to do much less secure things.... like xhosts +06:50
desrtKamion; last time i enabled cipher none it was a switch-flip06:50
Kamionblowfish is fast enough for most purposes06:50
=== ogra thinks we should patch out xhost of X one and for all
Mithrandirogra: uh, are you on crack?06:50
ograMithrandir, who needs that ? in times of ssh X forwarding anyway :)06:51
Kamiondesrt: see Michael Stone's comment in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1338906:51
desrtogra; people who want performance06:51
Kamion(I realise there's a patch there)06:52
ogradesrt, blowfish isnt bad ... we run a full ltsp implementation with it :)06:52
Kamion(but it's not just a switch-flip and I'd be surprised if it still applied verbatim)06:52
Mithrandir: tfheen@thosu ~ > xhost +SI:localuser:test06:52
Mithrandirlocaluser:test being added to access control list06:52
Mithrandir: tfheen@thosu ~ > sudo -u test xdpyinfo06:52
Mithrandirname of display:    :0.006:52
desrthmm.  was a switch-flip back in the day.06:52
desrtdamn upstream ssh.  those cats are getting catty06:52
Kamiondesrt: I suspect that "back in the day" was SSH1 protocol06:53
KamionSSH2 is completely different06:53
desrtyou're probably right06:53
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Kamiondesrt: IIRC one of the concerns about none is that it causes authentication to happen in plaintext too06:55
Kamionwhich is not what everyone expects06:58
bddebianwb pii06:58
bddebianErr pitti06:58
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pittidesrt: hmm06:58
janimomvo: hi, which is the best g-a-i bzr branch to base new work on? the ones in LP don;t seem up-to-date06:59
Riddellcarlos: what's your answer to this? http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-i18n-doc&m=115313298518227&w=207:02
Riddellhow do ubuntu translation teams find out about their upstream07:02
mvojanimo: please use http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/bzr/gnome-app-install/gai--main/07:02
ograheh, you sill have bazaar urls :)07:03
carlosRiddell: let me read the email...07:03
=== mvo slaps ogra
carlosRiddell: https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/8707:04
UbugtuMalone bug 87 in rosetta "Some upstream translators asked for links to GTP, KTP and GNUTP" [Medium,Confirmed]  07:04
carlosRiddell: so no, we don't have yet implemented07:06
Keybukit really occurs that autoconf/make/etc. need to die07:06
carlosRiddell: and yes, we should07:06
Riddellcarlos: good enough answer though, thanks07:06
KeybukKB of foolery just to install a png in the right place07:06
=== Riddell knows of a large project that has got rid of autoconf/make/etc
KeybukRiddell: yeah, but they replaced it with unsermake07:08
RiddellKeybuk: changed to CMake now (in trunk)07:08
Keybukcmake also replaces make. no?07:08
Keybukwhich seems foolish07:08
hubit does07:09
hubreplace make07:09
hubcmake is aimed at providing a consistent and configurable build system07:09
Riddellhub: does it generate Makefiles?07:10
Keybuksee, that bit I don't understand07:11
Keybukmake is well understood, flexible and *works*07:11
dokoinfinity, cprov, whoever: please requeue openoffice.org 2.0.3-3ubuntu3 on amd64, sparc and powerpc; the b-d's should be in place07:11
hubRiddell: you probably know better than I do07:11
hubmaybe I'm wrong07:11
Riddellhub: nope, I've not looked at trunk :)07:11
hubhold on, I have trunk here07:11
Riddellbut as far as I know CMake generates Makefiles and uses normal make07:12
hub"CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice."07:12
KeybukI've always thought the perfect system would be one written in make07:12
hubso yes07:12
Keybukso you don't need to generate anything07:13
hubKeybuk: we had a build system entirely based on GNU Make in AbiWord. A huge PITA to maintain07:13
hubKeybuk: we now use automake :-)07:13
huband I have ported it 3 or 4 times07:13
Keybukhub: why would it be a PITA?07:13
Keybukyou can implement automake using GNU make07:13
Keybukthe only difference is the need to include automake.mk or something at the top07:14
hubKeybuk: try to build on anything that is not linux07:14
Keybukhub: who cares about building on anything that doesn't have GNU make?07:14
Keybukseriously, when did you last bother with AIX 2 ?07:14
=== Spads once wrote a whole packaging system in GNU Make
hubKeybuk: in our case we did. We required GNU Make07:14
Keybukthe world today is Linux, BSD and Solaris07:14
ograKeybuk, /dev/evms/hda3         46G  1,8G   42G   4% /home are you aware of this ? (i dont use evms, seems a UUID problem)07:14
Keybukogra: yes, and I don't care <g>07:14
ograoh ? 07:14
ograwhy that ? 07:14
hubKeybuk: the world today is a melting pot of everything07:15
KeybukI know nothing about evms, someone who does can fix that07:15
Keybukhub: disagree07:15
hubKeybuk: AIX is painful anyway07:15
hubKeybuk: 95% of the world PC run MSFT Windows07:15
hubdo we bother?07:15
KeybukI'd disagree with that 95%07:15
cprovdoko: ia64 as well ?07:15
ograKeybuk, i dont think thats an evms problem :)07:15
Keybukogra: it is07:16
ograogra@edubuntu:~$ grep /home /etc/fstab 07:16
ograUUID=7c24e63d-e8f7-4738-93f5-a63edd2c641a /home ext3 defaults 0 207:16
ograthere is no /dev/evms but a UUID ...07:16
sivanghub: AIX is not too much painful, really, it's more of a bit crippled version of Linnux07:16
HiddenWolfcrimsun: got a sec?07:16
hubsivang: the biggest problem is usually do get you hands on one ;-)07:17
hubsivang: I have seen worse: BOSX07:17
hubthe compiler couldn't even compile gzip07:17
dokocprov: yes, please07:17
sivanghub: you should have grabbed the AIX Linux Toolbox CD, nothing needs to be compiled from source, almost :p07:18
dholbachTheMuso: you know if java-access-bridge is something cool for the a11y team? it was on gnome's release list07:18
cprovdoko: sparc just failed again -> https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/23142707:18
hubsivang: I haven't touched AIX since 199507:18
pittilamont: here?07:18
dokocprov: hmm, then Riddell's analysis was wrong. will have a look ...07:19
cprovdoko: right, amd64 and powerpc failed too ... bad day 07:19
sivanghub: My last time was about 2 months ago, but let's end this discussion about it now or move to PM :-)07:20
hubsivang: sure. Ubuntu does not run on top of AIX, so not an issue :-)07:22
sivanghub: well, it actually could (RHEL and SUSE do).07:22
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dokocprov: please retry, when mesa-common-dev 6.5.0.cvs.20060725-0ubuntu1 is in the archive07:34
cprovdoko: will check when the current cron.daily finishes07:35
cprovdoko: in 5 minutes or so07:35
zulthanks archive admins :)07:37
ograzul, so we have xen now ? 07:37
zulits in the archive as far as i can tell07:38
Kamionexcept not xen-source-2.6.16 binaries yet07:38
ograany chance we'll get it for the current kernel at some point ? 07:38
zulthats alot of work right now which has to be started again..07:39
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zulogra: xen has its own smp_alt which is different from our own07:39
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zuland we have to make sure it doesnt break anything...07:40
zulso maybe not for edgy07:40
ograwell, at least we have it :)07:41
zulamd64 support for next release07:45
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cprovdoko: mesa was already in the archive (at least wasn't touched during the last publisher run)07:58
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madduckRFC: "Ubuntu, an immensely successful Debian derivative, completely abandoned the notion of package ownership by maintainers and instead practices completely open collaborative package maintenance, meaning that any of the developers are authorised to make changes to any package, on the basis that the developer will act responsibly in each case and confer with colleagues when faced with a non-trivial problem." -- would you say this adequate08:08
madduck(sorry for the long post, hope it wasn't cut off)08:09
Burgworkmadduck, I would avoid the use of abandoned, as it sounds negative08:09
madduckhave you got a suggestion?08:10
Burgwork"practices completely open collaborative package maintenance, rather than specific package ownership by single maintainers"08:10
madduckmy goodness, now i notice how it's one big run-on sentence. damn german me.08:10
madduckBurgwork: consider it done.08:10
Burgworkmadduck, cheers08:11
Burgworkoh, and you need a few commas in there08:11
madducklemme paste the new thing in a sec, then i'd appreciate if you'd help me. :)08:11
madduckany other comments?08:11
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tsengI can help you rewrite it08:13
tsenggive me a moment08:13
madduckhow's this? http://rafb.net/paste/results/5WxiiV67.txt08:13
johndomeroHello, I have been working with preseeding the Debian-Installer with Dapper, and I am having some difficulties with "base-config base-config/late_command"08:13
tsengmadduck: not great :)08:13
madducktseng: :(08:13
tsengone moment i need to get it in gedit or so08:13
tsengit really cant work in one sentence is all08:13
madduckbut i put a colon in there. :)08:14
johndomeroI made an auto-installation CD with Breezy, and "base-config base-config/late_command" worked well; but it refuses to run under Dapper. Has "base-config base-config/late_command" been depreciated in favor of something else?08:14
tsengyour content is very good08:14
ogratseng, sure it works in one sentence (in german though)08:15
tsengogra: yep :)08:15
madduckogra: non-germans just don't have the mental capacity. :)08:15
=== madduck runs
ogramadduck, yeah08:15
=== ogra runs where madduck ran ...
Kamionjohndomero: yeah - use preseed/late_command and 'chroot /target ...' to do stuff in the installed system08:17
Kamionjohndomero: base-config's dead, so base-config/late_command no longer works08:17
Kamionjohndomero: if you give me a little more detail about what you're doing then I'll be happy to try to give you more detailed advice08:17
tsengmadduck: http://pastebin.ca/10110008:18
johndomeroKamion: The Dapper installation documentation from installation-guide-i386 (file:///usr/share/doc/installation-guide-i386/en/apbs04.html) still claims that "base-config base-config/late_command" exists.08:18
tsengmadduck: this isnt perfect but it breaks it down into bits digestible by us stupid americans08:18
tsengin the last sentence08:18
tsengfact should be changed to something less firm08:19
johndomeroKamion: Could this documentation be updated to reflect this change? ;-)08:19
tsengbut expectation sounds crap there.08:19
johndomeroKamion: I appreciate your help.08:19
Kamionjohndomero: huh, I thought I'd caught that one08:19
Kamionsorry about that08:19
=== tseng volunteers Burgwork to give that a final polish.
Kamionyes, you're quite right - it will probably be cleared up when I merge installation-guide from Debian in edgy, but I'll file a bug to make sure I remember08:20
tsengcomma between open and collaborative is really grammatically correct, too.08:20
tsengi have to run for a bit.08:20
johndomeroKamion: What was the reason for depreciating it? Second of all, are there any limitations in using the chroot method with d-i late command?08:20
Kamionjohndomero: it was replaced by doing everything in a single stage, which is simpler, easier to maintain, and less buggy08:21
Kamionjohndomero: about the only awkwardness is that debconf interaction from inside the chroot (either using debconf directly, or installing packages which might use debconf) is a little tricky08:22
Burgworkmadduck, when you want me to look at it again, just ping me08:22
Kamionjohndomero: there's an 'in-target' program that you can use in place of 'chroot /target' which knows how to deal with that08:22
madducktseng: very nice. thank you.08:22
johndomeroKamion: Where can I get the source for Ubuntu's Debian-Installer? I am working on a deployment scheme for a large university, and I am having to reference things a lot.08:23
Kamionnote that it also does stuff like diverting away start-stop-daemon, which catches some people by surprise08:23
johndomeroKamion: How does this 'in-target' work?08:23
Kamionjohndomero: in-target> apt-get source debian-installer-utils, it's all in there08:23
alleeahhh preseeding! My tonight TODO item ;) Some weeks before dapper I preseeded a dozend hosts successfully.  Now with a new set of hosts, install hangs accessing the archives (hosts are in a priv. net.  So I preseeded my apt-proxy cache)08:23
dokoKamion: are some mesa binaries in NEW?08:23
Kamionjohndomero: the installer is made up of a lot of components, and we don't have a single revision control repository for them all (yet, I'm working on that)08:23
Kamionjohndomero: for the time being, you need to find which component you're interested in, and 'apt-get source' that08:24
johndomeroKamion: I appreciate your help. It has been more useful than you probably realize. ;-) So little of this information is documented online.08:24
Kamiondoko: not as far as I can see08:24
Kamiondoko: the NEW queue is publicly-viewable - https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+queue08:25
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madduckBurgwork, tseng: it got a little long now (even before tseng reworked it), so I think I'll just stick with something like http://rafb.net/paste/results/eQ3D1t87.txt -- this is all in the introduction anyway, i'll dig deeper in the following chapters...08:25
dokoKamion: nice, didn't knew that08:25
Kamiondoko: it is possible that Scott processed it recently - the queue is emptier than when I last checked08:25
Kamiondoko: what version?08:26
alleejohndomero: you happen to know how to turn off security archive via preseeding?08:26
Kamiondoko: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+queue?queue_state=3&queue_text=mesa&start=20 - it looks like it's being processed at the moment08:27
Burgworkmadduck, just a question, before I comment further: what is the target audience?08:27
Kamionallee: 'd-i apt-setup/security_host string '08:27
BurgworkKamion, should I bother filing a UI bug on that queue?08:27
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dokoKamion: mesa-common-dev is needed in version 6.5.0.cvs.20060725-0ubuntu108:28
KamionBurgwork: it's not my responsibility, so I don't know - go ahead I guess08:28
Burgworkcan do08:28
Kamiondoko: I think it got uploaded *just* after the publisher run before this one08:28
Kamiondoko: and is currently being published08:28
madduckBurgwork: academic. this is a revised phd proposal. so probably noone except those unfortunate examiners. :)08:28
dokoahh, ok08:28
Kamionjust after the previous run started, I mean08:28
Burgworkmadduck, ah, ok. Then they can deal with the technical language08:29
alleeKamion: thx I thought I tried this.  Maybe this then not the reason for by problem.  I try it again08:29
madduckBurgwork: they'll refuse it if I talk plainly, even. been there, done that.08:29
BurgworkKamion, that is part of soyuz, no?08:29
dokoKamion: I do have the impression that the processing of binaries is slower (compared to what we had for dapper), i.e. the time from upload to availability in the archive (without considering the build time)08:29
Kamionjohndomero: yeah, documentation for people who are kind of half way in between users and developers is a tricky area that we're kind of weak on in the installer08:29
KamionBurgwork: yes08:29
Kamiondoko: it's not any slower compared to dapper, but it's slower compared to breezy08:30
Kamiondoko: mesa/i386 managed to hit the worst case this time round, by bad luck08:30
Kamiondoko: also, the buildds were stalled for a long time today due to DNS problems inside the DC08:30
dokoKamion: or I'm more impatient ;)08:30
Kamionbut there's nothing systemic that I'm aware of to make binary processing generally slower than dapper08:30
Kamionallee: depends where it hangs - you might need to preseed mirror/* too08:31
=== allee better preseed a PC, server reboot take too long
johndomeroKamion: in-target will take all of $* and pass it through to the safe chroot?08:31
Kamionmadduck: is it worth mentioning the distinction between "core developers" and "developers" at that point, or is that too much detail?08:32
Kamionmadduck: (core developers => unrestricted upload, developers => universe and multiverse components only)08:32
madduckKamion: probably too much detail. I am really only (ab)using Ubuntu as an extreme here.08:32
Kamionjohndomero: yes08:32
Kamionlog-output -t in-target chroot /target "$@" || ERRCODE=$?08:32
bddebianWhat's madduck whining about now? ;-)08:32
Kamion(there's lots of setup/cleanup around that, but ...)08:32
=== madduck bounces all over bddebian's head.
madduckKamion: my work is still about Debian. i just wanted to make sure i got the Ubuntu description right.08:33
bddebianmadduck: And here I thought you had come over to the Light side :-)08:34
Kamionjohndomero: (bug 54185 is the base-config doc bug, in case you want to subscribe to it)08:34
UbugtuMalone bug 54185 in installation-guide "still talks about base-config" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5418508:34
madduckbddebian: there's no dark side of the moon really, as a matter of fact, it's all dark.08:34
bddebianOh, Floyd.. nice08:35
madduckGerry Driscoll actually. :)08:36
bddebianYeah, well..08:36
=== madduck pops in the prism album.
johndomeroKamion: Where does one get the sources for the various udebs? Does this come debian-installer-utils?08:37
Kamionjohndomero: no, debian-installer-utils builds some udebs but not all of them08:38
Kamionjohndomero: unfortunately you sort of have to know the component name; doing 'find /cdrom/pool -name \*.udeb' on an Ubuntu CD and looking at the last directory name in each line of output can help08:39
Kamion(the last directory name is the name of the source package)08:39
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Kamionudebs are like debs in most respects - they just don't follow Debian policy08:40
Kamionbut they're still built from source packages in more or less the usual way08:40
Kamionit's not quite one-to-one from source packages to udebs, but most installer source packages build a handful of udebs at most, often only one08:41
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lfittlmadduck: ping08:54
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madducklfittl: boing?08:54
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neoxanhi Seveas 08:56
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dokocprov: mesa is now in the archive, please requeue the OOo builds (again)09:04
cprovdoko: okay09:04
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cprovdoko: 4 archs reset (amd64, powerpc, sparc, ia64)09:07
neoxanhi Seveas 09:08
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gnomefreakKeybuk: you got a sec?09:10
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Keybukgnomefreak: sure, what's up?09:12
KeybukKamion: wasn't me09:12
gnomefreakKeybuk: pm?09:13
KeybukKamion: well, mesa wasn't me -- I did do a NEW blitz recently09:13
Keybukgnomefreak: it's the afternoon here, yes ?09:13
gnomefreakmay i pm you for a sec? ;)09:13
neoxangnomefreak, do you know why Seveas kicks me in every ubuntu channel and calls me an "loser and asshole"?09:13
Keybukwhat does "pming" me involve?09:13
=== Keybuk hasn't heard that one before
neoxansry, if its offtopic in here09:13
elmoKeybuk: private-message09:14
Keybukelmo: ahhh09:14
gnomefreakKeybuk: you r/msg ;)09:14
Keybukgnomefreak: right, sure :)09:14
azeemKeybuk: irc newb09:14
Keybukazeem: I think it's more IRC oldb09:15
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=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o Keybuk] by ChanServ
neoxangnomefreak? :(09:15
neoxannobody wants to help me09:15
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!neoxan@unaffiliated/neoxan] by Keybuk
=== neoxan was kicked off #ubuntu-devel by Keybuk (Keybuk)
gnomefreakty :)09:16
Keybukno probs09:16
gnomefreakthat will hold us until k-line09:16
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rodarvusmjg59, I'm here09:19
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=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*neoxan@unaffiliated/neoxan] by Keybuk
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=== Keybuk leaves to set bans properly
Keybukuh, learns09:20
elmokeybuk: yeah, get out09:20
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ogra..."HAL "Unmaintained piece of crap" is now available" ...09:28
ograi wouldnt have expected him to go that far to ake it a release name :)09:29
Keybukunfortunately, I have to agree with the kernel guys09:31
ograbaout h-d-m ?09:31
ograwell, it works ...09:31
hubkernelslacker did put the emphasis on the number of files open by HAL09:31
KeybukHAL is still a solution looking for a problem09:32
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mjg59Keybuk: I think the problem it solves is pretty obvious09:33
Keybukmjg59: which is?09:33
elmoabstracting hardware09:34
mjg59Obtaining information about available hardware from userspace09:34
Keybukbut that information is already available09:34
mjg59Through a variety of entirely different itnerfaces09:34
mjg59Which are all entirely Linux-specific09:35
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Keybukwhat's wrong with being Linux specific?09:35
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ograKeybuk, pingediping about a udev question ...09:36
Keybukogra: sure09:36
mjg59People want their software to work on mor ethan Linux09:36
mjg59Solaris has a not insignificant number of desktop users09:36
Keybukmjg59: the most useful things that HAL could do, it doesn't ... it provides no write access to hardware, for exmaple09:36
ograif you create the hdX devices on boot, you probe the disks for partitions or hw do you do that ? 09:36
mjg59Keybuk: Increasingly, it does09:36
Keybukogra: umm, could you be a bit more verbose?09:36
Keybukmjg59: it'd also be vaguely useful for HAL to hold information about devices that have been previously connected, but are not currently09:37
ograKeybuk, the question i'm really after is, would it be possible to have udev tell me that there is a swap partition on a device 09:37
mjg59Keybuk: That's trivially layered on top of hal09:37
ograand which device node that would be ...09:37
Keybukmjg59: don't get me wrong ... I don't dislike HAL, or think it has no value ... I just think that it could be SO MUCH BETTER09:37
Keybukogra: yes09:37
Keybukogra: now, pitch your question better :p09:37
mjg59Keybuk: That's hardly the same thing as being a solution in search of a problem09:38
Keybukdo you mean "have udev automatically call swapon for any swap device" ?09:38
mjg59The problem that it deals with is clearly defined09:38
vagrantcKeybuk: we're looking to enable swap partitions on local drives for ltsp09:38
mjg59You may disagree with /how/ it attempts to solve that, but that's a separate objection09:38
Keybukmjg59: yes, perhaps I was a little harsh there09:38
ograKeybuk, we have code for local swap support in ltsp ... but that relies on probing all disks and all artitions ... which slows down boot significantly 09:38
Keybukmjg59: I apologise09:38
mjg59Keybuk: No problem :)09:38
ogramy idea was to leave that to udev as its faser09:38
Keybukogra: right ... so, if you can say "here's a swap device on boot", what do you need to do09:39
ograso we can autodetect if there is a swap partition and get rid of a config option09:39
ograswapon indeed ;)09:39
vagrantcand mkswap09:39
ograyeah probably too09:39
KeybukSUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="swap", RUN+="/sbin/swapon %k"09:39
ograyay, thanks !09:40
vagrantcwhat versions of udev will that work with?09:40
Keybukvagrantc: Ubuntu dapper and edgy09:40
ograoh, right, that might be a prob for debian09:40
Keybukwho cares about Debian?09:40
Keybukinstall the Ubuntu udev on it09:40
ograKeybuk, vagrantc 09:40
vagrantcwell, i can see my time here is at an end.09:41
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ograi think you scared him :)09:42
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KeybukI spent ages making the Ubuntu udev work properly precisely so we wouldn't have to support the Debian broken version ;)09:42
ograright ... but i'll need to look into if its possible in debian as well ...09:43
Keybukoh, it's almost certainly possible, just with some pain09:43
ograsince we want to be distro independent with the future code of ltsp09:43
Keybukyou'd need to make sure that the upstream persistent rules are installed, and before yours09:44
Keybuk*shrug* I don't agree that's possible09:44
Keybukor even desirable09:44
Keybukyou'll always need a distro-specific layer09:44
ogra"* vagrantc is more disappointed in the social aspect than the technical ones"09:44
ografrm #ltsp :(09:44
Keybuk*shrug* that's just bullshit09:45
Keybukif he wants to get support with Debian, he should go to Debian09:45
ograwell ... he cares about ltsp 09:45
Keybukif he wants support with udev, they'll probably tell him to use Ubuntu instead of Debian09:45
ograhes the best ltsp coder i have in debian and cares to make his stuff work in ubuntu ...09:46
Keybukit's easy to make stuff work in Ubuntu09:47
ograbut i wouldnt have expected him being so thin skinned09:47
KeybukI don't see how it's our problem that something is not as easy in Debian09:47
ograthe ude stuff was my idea ...09:47
KeybukDebian is intrinsically difficult for things like this09:48
KeybukUbuntu is easy ... initramfs, udev, etc. all fit together properly09:48
ogra*i* know that ... and he surely will make the code i submit work in debian ...09:48
KeybukI'd like to see him go and ask the inverse question on #debian-devel09:49
Keybuk"how do I make this work in Ubuntu too"09:49
KeybukI suspect he'll get a FAR ruder response09:49
LaserJockmjg59: I installed Dapper on my intel iMac, however it won't boot it. is there some special lilo trick?09:54
Keybukheh, the GPL looks funny if you sort(1) it09:56
ograare you bored ?09:56
elmowhy do I have a /usplash_fifo?09:57
elmoand I can rm it?09:57
Keybukno, I'm processing the NEW queue09:57
Keybukelmo: bug, yes09:57
Keybukelmo: usually means you didn't have an initramfs09:57
elmoah, yeah, i use to use monolithic09:57
KeybukI was reading tar contents, then I amended my for/tar to extract the COPYING file to stdout ... but forgot to take out the | sort :p09:58
Keybukexcuse me a moment10:02
Keybuk     _ _           _ _                _     _10:02
Keybuk  __| | |__   ___ | | |__   __ _  ___| |__ | |10:02
Keybuk / _` | '_ \ / _ \| | '_ \ / _` |/ __| '_ \| |10:02
Keybuk| (_| | | | | (_) | | |_) | (_| | (__| | | |_|10:02
Keybuk \__,_|_| |_|\___/|_|_.__/ \__,_|\___|_| |_(_)10:02
Keybukthere, I feel better now10:02
=== Keybuk beats his head against the wall
KeybukI've already rejected these once for having the wrong licence combination10:02
Keybukand again, the same damned thing10:02
Keybukit could be an upstream tarball problem10:03
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukthe source claims LGPL, COPYING is the GPL10:03
=== olemke [n=olemke@p54895EEC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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sivangKeybuk: you can't go un-noticed like this, you know :)10:10
Keybuksivang: hmm?10:14
ogradholbach isnt online ... so he'll hardly notice it :)10:15
ograsivang, ^^^10:15
sivangogra: right, but it was enough to make me think something is wrong :-)10:15
sivangKeybuk: ^^10:15
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@136.88-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== lmanul [n=manu@dan75-4-82-239-58-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== olemke_ is now known as olemke
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bluefoxicyKeybuk:  you should hack up xchat so that it can highlight on ascii art.10:35
Mezbluefoxicy, or not ;p10:36
bluefoxicyMez: http://rafb.net/paste/results/lwfjiz64.html10:37
=== glatzor [n=sebi@ppp-82-135-65-181.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Mez slaps keybuk#
bluefoxicyAlso he's right.10:40
bluefoxicy"modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program."10:41
KeybukMez: for?10:41
MezKeybuk: for buggering off before i got a chance to swap keys with you10:41
Keybukheh, they kicked everybody out10:42
KeybukI didn't bring key stuff anyway10:42
Keybukmy passport is being replaced10:42
MezKeybuk: you coulda come back at 8 :P10:42
=== elmo [n=james@83-216-156-21.jamest747.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MezKeybuk: next time eh ? 10:42
Mezand /me slaps you again for the microphone comment10:42
KeybukMez: was too tired, too broke, and stuff10:42
MezKeybuk: *shrugs* I know the feeling10:43
sivangMez: where do you guys unmeet? :)10:45
Mezdivang: unmeet?10:47
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508D8032.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mezsivang, we met @ LUG Radio Live 2006 (and at UBZ before that - and at LRL2005 before that)10:48
sivangMez: a, what's LRL ?10:49
MezLUG Radio Live10:50
Mezsivang: we did meet - we just didnt sign10:50
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zul_someone looking for me?11:57
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