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LaserJockBurgwork: interesting01:13
Burgworkshows the importance of a unified doc effort01:14
LaserJockBurgwork: can you help with a quick wiki cleanup?01:15
LaserJockor are you busy?01:15
Burgworkwhich page?01:15
LaserJockpoor zul is just not a doc guy01:16
Burgworkoh joy01:16
Burgworkthere is a bunch01:16
BurgworkI will do a bunch of moving tonight01:16
LaserJockwell, he is the Xen packager, so I think the contents should be ok01:16
LaserJockit's jut not very pretty01:16
crimsunyou probably want to check with him first [if those are his]  before you rearrange stuff01:16
LaserJockI did ;-)01:17
LaserJockhe asked for help01:17
LaserJockat least for that one page01:17
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LaserJockBurgwork: hmm, they manage to pack a lot of docs on that MySQL page01:23
Burgworkutter whack --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnifiedUbuntuBranding01:34
LaserJockhmm, certainly verbose01:38
Burgworkit is also never going to happen01:41
nixternalso, im looking through screenshots right to link to on http://chi.ubuntu-us.org01:44
nixternaland ubuntu and edubuntu has 2 sweet pages for screenshots01:44
nixternalthen there is kubuntu..they dont' even have their own screenshots, they link to other sites who slap their freakin' logos on the images, and 2 of the sites where the screenshots exist use flash to show them01:44
nixternalthat isn't good in my eyes..however, xubuntu isn't as bad, but i can't find any :)01:45
Burgworkah, yes01:45
Burgworkthe kde community is noticably bad about marketing01:45
Burgworkit is systemic in their community01:46
Burgworksee planet.kde vs planet gnome and number of screenshots01:46
nixternali love KDE, as i have used it forever, but what i have been seeing is getting worse and worse i think01:46
Madpilotnixternal, switch to Gnome, you know you want to! ;)01:46
nixternali would rather swallow razor blades ;)01:46
Burgworksame feeling going the other way from me01:47
LaserJockBurgwork: what do planets have to do with marketing?01:47
BurgworkLaserJock, they are marketing to early adopters and developers01:47
LaserJockI just thought they were ranting's of developers, and not very interesting to the general population01:48
Burgworkyou must look at everything you produce as marketing01:48
Burgworkeven if only to think of adding a screenshot01:48
crimsunnixternal: we don't necessary care about screenshots ;-)01:49
crimsunnecessarily ^01:49
LaserJockcrimsun: everybody knows it rocks, right?01:49
nixternalya, but for advocational purposes they are nice to show01:49
crimsunLaserJock: nope, and for those who don't, their loss ;-)01:49
Burgworkkde people are all telepathic and beam new images of the new hotness into each others heads01:49
crimsun[j/k of course] 01:49
Burgworkit is why they are all drolling anti-social geeks ;)01:50
crimsunnixternal: certainly. You should shoot Gauvain and Jani an e-mail.01:50
crimsunnixternal: or...raise it on the xubuntu-devel list.01:50
nixternalya, i just might do so, or i just might create them myself ;)01:50
Burgworksomething like /desktop can be stolen very easily01:50
Burgworknixternal, I can get you the raw source to that if you want, in moin format01:50
Burgworkor you can get it yourself via ?action=raw01:51
nixternalBurgwork: i agree, and i think that all 4 sites should be based the same, with their own flare...ubuntu.com and edubuntu.com look great...xubuntu.com looks good as well, just don't follow the flow..and kubuntu.org follows the flow, but looks like a really bad blog01:51
nixternali can read the text on kubuntu.org from 30 feet away ;)01:52
Burgworkedubuntu is the best developed01:52
Burgworkin terms of marketing, that is01:52
crimsunBurgwork: well arguably it has the most difficult job01:52
crimsun(and should have the best)01:52
crimsunnot that getting them all to some parity isn't a worthy objective01:53
BurgworkI would argue it has the easiest time marketing and hardest time selling01:53
Burgworkit already has a defined niche to sell to, it is just hard to close deals in that niche01:53
crimsunBurgwork: right, s/job/time\ selling/01:54
LaserJockI was a little confused by the kubuntu and xubuntu sites01:55
Burgworkubuntu isn't much better about telling you what ubuntu is02:05
Burgworkanyway,  I need to go home02:05
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robotgeekhowz we doing?03:35
nixternalits getting there03:56
LaserJockalmost makes me wish I lived in Chicago.... almost03:56
nixternali have been hacking php and css all day long03:56
nixternaland graphics03:56
nixternali need new ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu logos, as they look blurry03:57
crimsunbeing worked on03:57
nixternalahh...it is constructed, now edited ;)03:58
jsgotangconice nice04:01
nixternalit looks pretty close to ubuntu.com04:01
jsgotangcohmm it does04:01
=== jsgotangco wonders if loco-olympics is a good idea
nixternalexplain it to me?04:02
jsgotangcoim still thinking04:02
nixternalsounds pretty cool04:03
jsgotangcosomething to spur contribution04:03
jsgotangcothen get points04:04
nixternalthat would be fun04:04
nixternalwho would win?04:04
jsgotangcoworth fleshing out?04:04
nixternalwho is your money on?04:04
jsgotangcothe brazilians04:04
nixternalya, them and the aussies are pretty powerful04:04
jsgotangcoi think its a nice one04:04
LaserJockbug karma?04:04
nixternalthat isn't fair if you do bug karma, i don't have elite members yet ;)04:05
nixternalit would be me vs. everyone04:05
nixternali guarantee my guys who are on the launchpad would see karma as a bad thing04:05
jsgotangcoi think there should be an agreed number of members per team to qualify04:05
jsgotangco10 at least04:05
nixternalchicago is out04:05
nixternalstill out04:06
LaserJockwhat about the LoCo teams of one like me04:06
jsgotangcouploaders are not allowed to enter04:06
nixternalmy team will advocate like you wouldn't believe04:06
LaserJockif we put US together maybe04:06
jsgotangcobut only serve as team coach04:06
nixternalbut they aren't triagers or packagers just yet04:06
nixternalus has a couple of strong teams04:06
jsgotangcobut dude this would be fun04:06
nixternalcolorado has a nice showing04:06
nixternalit would be a blast04:06
jsgotangcolike fantasy football except its not fantasy04:07
LaserJockdholbach would freak04:07
nixternali think there should be "Ubuntu LoCo Scavenger Hunts"04:07
nixternaland your team makes video of the entire venture04:07
jsgotangcowe'll have divisions04:07
jsgotangcothe EU league04:07
jsgotangcothe NorthAm league04:08
nixternaloooh...we got Canada!!!04:08
nixternalBurgwork and Madpilot are on that team ;)04:08
nixternali need to get in with the Mexico LoCo since I will be moving htere someday04:08
=== Madpilot reads some scrollback...
jsgotangcoheh i will talk to dholbach later04:09
Madpilotnixternal, there are good quality logos for all the versions available on wiki.ubuntu.com04:09
jsgotangcoim not sure who handles locoteams at the moment04:09
nixternalthat is where i got all of those04:11
nixternali did something with them04:11
nixternaleasy fix though04:11
nixternali have a master logo xcf that has every logo w/ name layered04:11
Madpilotnixternal, really? There are good SVG versions, much easier to resize vector art in Inkscape than mess with bitmaps in the GIMP04:11
nixternalya, i should probably do that04:12
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RichJhttp://chi.ubuntu-us.org is getting better and better..almost like a fine wine and age ;)07:31
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Madpilotodd - I can't get through to either wiki.ubuntu.com or help.ubuntu.com, but they ping fine from terminal...07:49
RichJme either07:50
RichJhopefully they are doing some updates and thats it07:50
crimsunapparently they've both been diggdotted.07:51
crimsunor whatever.07:51
crimsun01:13 < dieman> nice. digg effect on wiki.ubuntu.com07:51
RichJi have never heard that one b407:51
RichJwtf happened that caused a digg effect?07:51
crimsunno idea.07:51
Madpilotwith Digg, who knows?07:52
crimsunah, I see07:52
Madpilotit's like Slashdot, only dafter, and without the +5 Funny for minor amusement...07:52
crimsunit's on the front page of digg.com07:52
crimsun"Ubuntu "Edgy" artwork progress: Great eye candy on the way!"07:52
crimsunand links directly to wiki.ubuntu.com07:52
RichJedgy artwork07:53
robitaillewith all the snapshots of all the different artwork...07:53
crimsunman, I'm TOTALLY going to have ponies in all the default artworks07:53
RichJi will help it get dugg if you do07:53
jsgotangcothey're not even planned artwork07:54
jsgotangcojust people adding their stuff07:54
crimsunyeah, so my ponies are totally going up07:55
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=== mdke mornings
robitaillehi mdke 08:48
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Burgundaviahey mdke, robitaille08:51
robitailleHi Burgundavia 08:51
mdkerobitaille: how does one actually create an article on the fridge, out of interest?08:54
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robitailleyou login, then click on "contribute" on the left-hand side08:55
mdkeI don't have a "contribute"08:55
mdkemaybe that's intentional08:56
robitailleyou have entered your password?08:56
robitailleyou want to try now08:57
robitailleI added you as "editor"08:57
mdkeyes, that works08:57
robitaillethen you click on "story" to write your article08:59
mdkeright, and "event" for adding a meeting?08:59
mdkevery nice08:59
mdkeperhaps not adding me as editor was intentional though?09:00
robitailleby the way, there was some discussion with the buntudot crowd earlier tonight, and it seems they will be a lot of near-future collaborations09:00
mdkeis there a formal team?09:00
robitailleI'm not sure what jorge had in mind, but not being able to edit makes your access to the site pretty much useless09:01
robitaillefridge team?09:01
mdkesomething like that09:01
robitailleI guess whoever is on the mailing list is the team09:01
mdkeit would probably be a good idea if lots of people are going to start helping out. And some guidelines for how to join, etc09:02
robitailletotally agree.  I suspect we'll start sorting all this shortly.  All this is very sudden09:02
robitailleyou're getting the mailing list emails?09:03
mdkeactually no, I put it as vacation09:04
mdkebut I can read the archive09:04
mdkemy email isn't set up well right now for mailing lists, I am using a newsreader for all the lists09:04
robitailleyou should read the email from imbrandon from a couple of hours ago09:04
robitailleit is the log of an informal irc meeting they did earlier today09:05
mdkegreat, I see it09:05
mdkelot of spam on that list :/09:06
robitailleoh yes.  Because anyone can post to it so that we can received people suggestions for articles09:06
robitaillespamasssin actually filter some of them out09:07
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Burgundaviahey jsgotangco09:41
jsgotangcohow's it going?09:41
Burgundavianot bad09:42
=== jsgotangco tries to fix up all the project logos to look like an olympic logo
Madpilotcareful, the IOC is rabidly protective of their logos ;)09:49
Burgundaviajsgotangco: you seen that branding wiki page?09:49
jsgotangcono but im thinking of something really crazy to stir up the locoteams09:50
jsgotangcowell not crazy but rather bold09:50
Burgundaviajsgotangco: witness the utter insanity of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnifiedUbuntuBranding09:52
jsgotangcoOS/g OS/k?09:54
BurgundaviaI suspect jbaer is a disgruntled kubuntu/xubuntu user09:55
Burgundaviahe has written lots of nice market speak on that page09:55
=== mdke slaps mpt
mptheh, eh, wot10:30
Burgundavianight all10:30
mdkethat html trick of yours with the image doesn't work on planet ubuntu10:30
mptThe easy method?10:30
mptso Planet must strip all style= attributes10:30
mptin which case the only solution is to put the <img> in a <p> by itself10:31
mdkeis there a brute force method?10:31
mptwhich is semantically incorrect, but will work10:31
mptor you could put it in a <div> by itself, which would be slightly more honest10:31
=== mdke will use a <p>
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RichJhiya guys10:35
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mdkempt: you mean "<p><img>" right? that hasn't worked either11:34
mptmdke, did Planet pick up a new copy of the article?11:45
mdkempt: yes. says this: <p><img alt="the Ubuntu help menu" align="right" src="http://www.ubuntu.com/include/img/helpmenu.png" /></p>11:46
mptmdke, dude, that's because you've got the align="right" in there11:52
mptalign="right" is equivalent to style="float: right;", and the float clearing has been stripped out of the next paragraph, so it goes into the runaround11:53
mdkeargh, wtf is that doing in there11:53
mdkesorry mpt 11:53
=== mpt concludes that Billie Piper isn't real
mdkeshe is real!11:54
=== mpt concludes that *that* Billie Piper isn't real
mptThe one in the KDE photo11:56
mdkeshe is real!11:56
mdkewell, no11:56
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=== mdke continues to struggle with these goddam images
jsgotangcowow is she hot or what11:57
bimberijsgotangco: http://planet.ubuntu.com/ (post #3)11:57
jsgotangco(for an action figure that is)11:58
mptThat one looks suspiciously rubbery12:38
mdkempt: you say that like it's a bad thing12:42
mptI plead ignorance12:47
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jsgotangcohas anyone played super mario bros. before?03:34
jsgotangcoi bought this game for the DS and they just re-made the game and its AWESOME03:35
jsgotangcomario grows like 10 times and trashes everything on screen har har har03:35
jsgotangcoim not going to think of anything ubuntu for now and just be a kid again03:36
=== ompaul has a piece of information that may be useful in making more user friendly docs - having just had a horrible let of docs beat him up
jjesseshare w/ all03:41
ompaulwhen vpn issues and the likes are being spoken about the keys and the x509 cert details should be written up large before the actual configuration of the vpn - it might seem obvious but they tend to be buried well away from actual configurations03:43
ompaulif that is not enough data then I will stick something on the mailing list later03:43
ompauljust say so03:43
ompaulthis is because the certs / keys  info is needed to do the config - so rather than branching or doing it later it should be done first with a little explaination and a branch to help choose cert / key that is all - two ugly routers and an ip sec lan 03:46
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nixternalanyone else here on the Fridge mailing list?  how come all the spam?06:12
mdkenixternal: all mailing lists get spam, it's just that the fridge mailing list doesn't have moderation so that people can post ideas without being subscribed06:12
nixternalarg, that is horrible06:13
mdketha's life06:15
nixternalit always is ;)06:16
nixternalim listening to this "switchers" podcast..pretty entertaining06:16
nixternalhe pronounce SuSe sooose, and now Soo-Sah06:17
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nixternali always called it suzy as well, but I heard the CEO at the time (2000) at Comdex during a keynote, say Soo-Sah, and it was in his presentation...maybe it is the way the Germans say it06:37
Kamping_Kaiserif they do, i'm supprised06:39
Kamping_Kaiseri say soos (in my pronunciation... hope your is similar ;))06:39
nixternali had an old SuSe Linux box and seen the /Soo-Sah/ pronunciation on it, then again I am talking back in the 90's06:41
nixternalThe company has been known to pronounce it as "zu-zuh".06:42
nixternalthat is it, not soo-sah...i was close ;)06:42
nixternalit is us english speakers to changed it to sound like "suzie" a girls name, "soose" which means sweet in german...we are crazy like that06:45
nixternalthe same goes for Ubuntu though06:45
nixternali have heard it pronounced "Uh-Bunt-ooo", "ooo-boon-too" and such06:45
Kamping_Kaiseror You-Bun-too06:48
Kamping_Kaiser "ooo-boon-too" is actiualy correct06:48
nixternaloh ya, forgot about that one as well06:49
Burgworkthere are too many matthews involved in the ubuntu documentation07:34
Burgworkmdke, mpt one of you has to change your name07:34
nixternalthey are taking over the ubuntu world07:35
jjessei thought it was a rule that you had to change your name to matthew to work in documentation07:35
BurgworkI hope not07:35
Burgworkjjesse, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=jonathan+jesse&spell=1 <-- prentice has some serious google juice07:36
Burgworkwow, being an author really changed how google looks at me07:38
Burgworkhttp://www.usu.edu/research/programs/staffdetail.cfm?ID=6 <-- although I feel sorry for this bastard (which is not me)07:40
jjesseyeah i noticed that the other day07:42
jjesselaunchpad is the third link 07:42
jjesseso that's nice07:42
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neoxanhi Seveas 08:56
neoxanSeveas, /join #gaygeeks :)08:57
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=== neoxan was kicked off #ubuntu-doc by Burgwork (Burgwork)
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nixternalthat took me a second to comprehend09:03
Burgworksomebody is stalking poor Seveas 09:03
jjesseon #ubuntu-devel as well09:04
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neoxanhi Seveas 09:24
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mdkeBurgwork: heh, I use epiphany too, and the bug still annoys me, just knowing it is there, and that firefox is the default browser09:31
neoxanepiphany is cool09:31
neoxani think it runs smoother then firefox09:32
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Burgworkneoxan, I suggest you stop following Seveas around. He is finding it annoying09:34
neoxanBurgwork, im not following him around, im just wondering why he calls me an asshole and a loser09:34
Burgworkneoxan, I see you trying to reach him on three different channels now. Channels you join and then ask him09:35
neoxanbecause in query i get awnsers like 09:36
Burgworkas for whether or not he said anything to you, that is totally immaterial to what you are doing09:36
neoxan<Seveas> well, this is what you get for being such a pathetic loser09:36
neoxan<Seveas> i kick you because you're a pathetic abusive loser09:36
mdkeright. stop this in here09:36
Seveasneoxan, and I stand by that classification, also because you keep stalking09:36
neoxanand i can go where i want to go09:36
mdkeyou can talk about documentation, otherwise take it in private09:36
=== mdke hands over to Burgwork and leaves for the evening
Burgworkmdke, cya09:41
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manickamdke_, has KB contacted you re your proposal12:04
manickahe is busy forming a team to make it happen12:04
Burgworkmanicka, make what happen?12:06
manickaa team to port selected udsf docs to the help wiki12:09
Burgworkah, very cool12:09
Burgworkwould be nice just to do a clean break, but meh12:10
manickamaybe down the track12:10

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