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matthewrevellHey guys - is there a Fridge irc channel?10:49
ormirethaven't heard of one10:53
matthewrevellormiret: cheers10:56
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mdkematthewrevell: it's a world!!11:18
mdkewhat looks like the moustache is australia, surely11:18
matthewrevellmdke: Really? Oh!11:19
matthewrevellmdke: BTW - I wasn't the one that suggested it looked like Hitler :)11:20
mdkeyes, I know. He's got a point though11:21
matthewrevellI don't actually remember what the emblem was before, but I think that globe possibly has too little contrast to be, well, emblematic at 16x1611:22
bimberiLOL - i won't be able to look at the icon in the same way again11:23
bimberimatthewrevell: it's from this - http://art.ubuntu.com/backgrounds/ubuntu/5411:24
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MenZaWhen did we get an art section o_O?11:28
mdkeMenZa: about a year ago?11:28
MenZaAnd I haven't seen it?11:29
mdkeyou mean art.ubuntu.com?11:29
matthewrevellbimberi: Now in that version it loojs more like ESR :)11:29
MenZaYeeees, mdke.11:29
bimberimatthewrevell: stop it, you're killing me! ;-p11:29
matthewrevellGuys, has there been a resolution to the "selling stickers" debate? I don't want to jump into an old thread, if it's all been sorted out :)12:12
bimberimatthewrevell: Not imo.12:28
matthewrevellbimberi: Right, thanks.12:28
bimberimatthewrevell: i agree with those that have said that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Shipping seems like a solicitation12:30
bimberihowever unintended12:30
matthewrevellbimberi: Yeah, it's a tricky one and a lesson for how we should proceed with the team.12:33
matthewrevellAction's great, but things like that shouldn't be done unilaterally, with an after the event ML post.12:33
matthewrevellIt's a case of being seen to do the right thing, I think.12:34
mdkequite right12:37
bimberiI don't agree that "selling Ubuntu branded items by folks who are engaged in the community is a bad idea".  It needs to be at arms length.  The question is whether (and how) to disclose.12:41
bimberiref: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-marketing/2006-July/000619.html12:41
mdkethe real point is that the team is not well organised or well run enough at the moment to start thinking about dealing with a budget12:42
matthewrevellbimberi: The problem also comes when one person decides on a commercial venture, then promotes it through the marketing pages of the wiki.12:43
matthewrevellJenda's primary concern may not be profit, but it still looks like a commercial venute.12:43
matthewrevellIf we decided, as a team, that it was a good idea, and we had the infrastructure to handle it, then it wouldn't be a problem, IMO.12:44
matthewrevellLook at the way the doc team handle printed docs at cost through lulu.com12:44
=== mdke nods vigorously
bimberiYes there can be team initiatives.  But I'm more than happy for jenda-or-whoever to undertake their own commercial venture and for them to keep any profits.  Just keep it low-key.  But how low-key?  Again, whether (and how) to disclose.12:51
bimberifwiw ;)12:52
Madpilotlow-key enough that it's not being promoted from the wiki, and from a sub-page off the main MT page...12:55
matthewrevellI've no problem in Jenda doing whatever he likes in his own name and with his own resources.12:55
matthewrevellProvided he has permission to use trademarks....12:56
bimberioh yes! (re: trademarks)12:56
matthewrevellWe're a team. Okay, we're currently a loose team.12:56
matthewrevellBut we need to behave like a team.12:56
matthewrevellNot like a bunch of people doing random things under a loose banner.12:57
bimberiright, yes, that has been said a lot.  Can we take lessons from other teams on how they became "tighter" then?01:01
matthewrevellbimberi: I hope so. We have mdke and other people from well established teams who are subscribed to the list. mdke helpfully jumps in from time to time :)01:05
matthewrevellbimberi: We appear to be going through the motions - meetings, Launchpad, etc - we just need everyone to sign up to the way of working.01:06
=== mdke jumps
bimberimatthewrevell: processes and procedures?01:07
matthewrevellbimberi: We don't wanna get bogged down but it'd be nice to feel that we were working towards the same level of, ugh, professionalism (dirty word in some circles)01:08
bimberihehe, not to me :)01:09
bimberithey (Ps & Ps) are things the docteam has that the marketing team doesn't01:09
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matthewrevellhey adam04:20
adamant1988hello matthewrevell :)04:22
adamant1988matthewrevell: you are somewhat in charge of the marketing team no?04:23
matthewrevelladamant1988: Not at all, no.04:23
matthewrevelladamant1988: There isn't really anyone in charge04:23
matthewrevellI just had a loud mouth :)04:23
adamant1988oh, but you are in an administrative position on the launchpad, yes?04:23
matthewrevellOh yeah, I'm an admin on Launchpad for the marketing team04:24
adamant1988ok, that's where I was going with that...04:24
matthewrevellHow can I help? :)04:24
adamant1988I was thinking to myself today... what is holding us back, what is holding linux back, and what can we do to best destroy or side-step these barriers...04:24
matthewrevellBig questions, but good to think about!04:25
adamant1988It occured to me, though.04:25
adamant1988How can you advertise Ubuntu, to a world that knows so very little about Linux.04:25
matthewrevellWell, you could ask the question of whether the world needs to know about Linux to find out about Ubuntu.04:25
matthewrevellPerhaps it's better to think of the ways ubuntu can help people04:26
adamant1988No, they don't need to know it to find out about Ubuntu.04:26
matthewrevelle.g. no viruses04:26
adamant1988But, do they need to know about it to understand why Ubuntu is good?04:26
adamant1988They go on the main site and read 'Ubuntu- Linux for human beings"  instantly they get into thoughts of command lines and all kinds of difficulty, or they just get confused.04:27
adamant1988I think that if Ubuntu isn't going to try be "less linux more ubuntu" we need to tell people about linux too.04:28
mdkeI don't think so.04:29
matthewrevellIt's an interesting point.04:29
mdkemy parents recently went onto the main site04:29
adamant1988mdke, you just made my next point for me.04:30
mdketheir response was that it couldn't be a serious project because it sounded like it was "hippy" stuff04:30
matthewrevellPersonally, I think we need to talk about the benefits of Ubuntu, to the average computer user, rather than  confuse the issue with talk of Linux.04:30
adamant1988you just said "my parents"04:30
matthewrevellmdke: Really? Interesting.04:30
mdkeall the talk of freedom and such04:30
adamant1988You've made another point that I've been trying to push04:30
adamant1988Linux, and more to the point, Ubuntu adoption will not be made through conventional channels04:31
matthewrevellmdke: My issue with the Ubuntu.com home page is that it's not clear enough and still looks too much like a project, rather than non-community members can trust.04:31
adamant1988I think person to person, in contanct with one another, is the best way to spread Ubuntu04:31
adamant1988It's a slower advertising method, but it works.04:31
matthewrevelladamant1988: That's the beauty, it's not advertising.04:31
matthewrevelladamant1988: One to one advocacy is immensely important to Ubuntu.04:32
adamant1988I agree, the problem is that the loco teams are just kind of told to wing it.04:32
matthewrevelladamant1988: People trust people they know, whereas they apply a great deal more cynicism to advertising04:32
adamant1988the loco teams could be amazingly effective.04:33
matthewrevelladamant1988: Well, it'd be great if we, the marketing team, could build up resources to support the loco teams. If we draw on what has worked for the loco teams and then help share it with others, that should help.04:33
adamant1988I think that the marketing team should do what it can to help give some structure and guidelines and such with the loco teams etc....04:34
adamant1988also, some kind of aid...04:34
adamant1988marketing kits, and so forth.04:34
mdkeright, there has been some good work done by locoteams that the marketing team could latch onto and support/spread04:35
mdkethe australian team is a good example04:35
adamant1988I just wish that Ubuntu's business model weren't so dead.04:35
matthewrevelladamant1988: In what way?04:36
adamant1988the whole 0 cost for everything kind of sucks.04:36
matthewrevellPretty big statement. What do you mean?04:36
adamant1988if I want to order Ubuntu in boxes with as many CD's as I like to take to a show, I shouldn't have to worry about Shipit downsizing an order that was made too small in the first place.04:36
matthewrevellSo, you'd rather have the option to pay towards the cost of the CDs?04:37
adamant1988or if I just flat out want to order some posters, flyers, premade documentations, etc. I should be able to...04:37
adamant1988I'm saying if I can get them faster and get the number I actually need, I would pay for it, yes.04:37
adamant1988and I would also like to help keep the people packaging those CD's in a position to have a job.04:38
matthewrevellThere are ways to float ideas up to the Community Council.04:38
mdkewhat do you mean by "have a job"?04:38
mdkeand who are you talking about?04:38
adamant1988I mean get paid.04:38
mdkewho doesn't get paid?04:38
adamant1988Mr.Shuttleworth is an amazing person for doing what he's doing, but he's spending a lot of money lately, if there are no returns he won't be able to keep doing that.04:39
silbsadamant1988: you can buy larger quantities of CDs. write to marilize@canonical.com, cost is EUR 1 / CD, payment in advance.04:39
mdkedon't worry about him. He'll have a business model in mind04:39
adamant1988another thing that I *Think* ubuntu should do is a second install CD that you pay for...04:40
mdkeah, that's cool. silbs, is that integrated with shipit already?04:41
adamant1988I recently popped a Linspire disk into my laptop just to play around with it.04:41
matthewrevelladamant1988: What do you mean by a second install CD? Something to avoid having to download from online repositories?04:41
adamant1988I was amazed, my wireless JUST WORKED, mp3 support, etc. Just worked.04:41
adamant1988Something for people who can't get to those repos, and something LEGAL for people in the US04:41
silbsmdke: not yet.  Although there is no reason why there shouldn't be a notice about it on the site. I'll ask someone to add that if it's not there already.04:42
matthewrevelladamant1988: There's a philosophical difference between the two distros, though.04:42
mdkesilbs: good idea.04:42
adamant1988I know, but does the mean that Ubuntu should downright refuse to meet a need that a lot of people have?04:42
adamant1988I want to legally have everything just work in Ubuntu, I don't care to pay for that... and everyone would find that the only people who would mind paying for it are people who can't.  Either they don't have a CC or they don't have any money... in which case they're welcome to the completely free version.04:43
silbsadamant1988: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/412 are dvds with more s/w from the repos. Ships int he US04:43
matthewrevelladamant1988: Mark S said in a talk, at the weekend, that Ubuntu makes it as easy as possible for people to add the non-free stuff. However, the free software aspect of Ubuntu is fundamental.04:44
silbsnot proprietary stuff though, just free s/w from our repos04:44
matthewrevelladamant1988: The beauty of free software is that you can choose between different providers.04:44
adamant1988so then the problem is not just spreading Ubuntu anymore.04:45
matthewrevelladamant1988: However, you can get all your stuff working fairly easily in Ubuntu. It's a compromise that Mark feels is important.04:45
adamant1988It's telling people that they can't legally watch their DVD's and that their mp3 collections won't work legally, etc.04:45
matthewrevelladamant1988: Fluendo have, I believe, recently licensed mp3 and DVD technology for free of charge use by the community. So, it's not a legal issue, AFAIK.04:46
matthewrevellBut yes, I take the point that it's a stumbling block.04:46
adamant1988I knew about the mp3, but DVD?04:46
matthewrevelladamant1988: I may be wrong on the DVD thing...04:46
matthewrevellIt's true that the average home computer user expects everything to just work. Ubuntu makes it as easy as possible, while remaining true to its purpose.04:47
matthewrevelladamant1988: I'd suggest focusing on the great stuff about Ubuntu, when telling other people about it.04:47
mdkeright. there's no point trying to fool the users that something works, when it doesn't04:47
mdkeUbuntu doesn't make any apologies for its free software policies04:48
adamant1988Oh I know that, I'm just saying it makes ubuntu a harder sell to home users.04:48
mdkewe have to work with what we have, and hope that the foot in the door increases enough for the rest to follow04:48
adamant1988especcially when they get the feeling that "the government" could bust through their door because they're using libdvdcss04:48
matthewrevellYeah, true, Linspire and the forthcoming Freepsire compromise on the issue of MP3 etc. But Ubuntu is streets ahead of either *spire in other ways04:49
matthewrevellCommunity, package repositories, interface, etc.04:49
adamant1988Yeah, Ubuntu is much more up to date, yes.  But Linspire has it's merits... CNR, hardware detection, and excellent installer.04:49
adamant1988the Ubuntu community however, is amazing04:50
matthewrevellUbuntu's hardware detection has always been good for me and the installer with Dapper is, IMO, better than what I remember of the Linspire 5.0 installer04:50
mdkepotentially something which makes dvd playback available legally would be a good thing. But the right way to approach it isn't to release a separate cd of Ubuntu at a price, it is to make software for Ubuntu which allows users to purchase support for their free Ubuntu04:50
adamant1988Yeah, I wouldn't be against having a desktop icon that told me I could buy mp3 support, DVD playback, and other things.04:51
=== ormiret remebers talk of CNR being made to work on ubuntu
mdkewell, mp3 support is free already04:51
ormiretdid that ever get further than talk?04:51
adamant1988Yeah, CNR would be great for ubuntu04:51
adamant1988I would pay for it in a second.04:51
mdkeormiret: just talk I think04:52
matthewrevelladamant1988: Thankfully, CNR is now free software, and Linspire is a .deb based distro, so I'm sure it could be ported without any need for cash to change hands.04:52
matthewrevellBack to your original point, though04:53
matthewrevellIf you believe in what Ubuntu is trying to achieve and that it's the best option for someone else, focus on the positives.04:53
matthewrevellOther issues, such as MP3 playback, can be resolved.04:54
adamant1988Oh I believe in the free software thing, but I believe in usability first =\04:55
mdkewell, mp3s should be fine for edgy05:00
matthewrevellThen you need to decide which is more important. I believe Ubuntu is very usable, moreso than most Linuxes. If you go for Linspire, you'll have to sell the $50 annual CNR fee and $50 upfront cost. If you go for Mac OS, you don't have any real usability problems, but it isn't free software.05:00
matthewrevellmdke: cool05:00
mdkeif you want to investigate whether it would be possible to write some software to provide dvd support to Ubuntu at a modest price, I think it would be successful05:00
adamant1988yeah, they're doing great with multimedia in edgy05:00
mdkebut it's a reasonable sized project05:00
ormiretmdke: and a huge legal issue as well as code05:01
adamant1988the biggest thing would be paying for the right to use libdvdcss legally05:02
mdkeormiret: well no, because you'd be buying the right to use the software, and the vendor would arrange the legal permission05:02
adamant1988if mark could just secure powerDVD for Ubuntu, we'd be set05:03
ormiretmdke: ok, thought you meant making the software to play DVDs05:03
mdkeormiret: yes, that's exactly what I meant.05:03
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ormiretmdke: then you're going to need contracts with the patent holders for the CSS stuff05:04
adamant1988or we could just get power DVD for Ubuntu :P05:04
ormiretwhich is not something that a small company can get05:05
mdkeormiret: yes, the person making the software would arrange that, of course. as adamant1988, powerDVD for Ubuntu, or some other similar program05:05
adamant1988I guess that my main problem with it is that stuff like works "out of the box" in every other operating system, save for most of linux.05:05
mdkedvd support doesn't work out of the box with Windows either05:06
mdkeyou need to buy it05:06
mdke(for example, by buying power dvd)05:06
adamant1988Ubuntu should require very little configuration, actually, next to none when you install it05:06
ormiretit does on a lot of machines, but its added by the vendor05:06
matthewrevelladamant1988: Like I say, focus on the positives. Think of no more spyware, no viruses, etc. Compare that to the trivial matter of setting up one or two things as a one-off05:06
adamant1988Oh, I know how to keep on the positives of a project, I'm just noting some things that could make life easier for everyone05:07
ormiretwhen we get vendors selling ubuntu machines this kind of issue goes away :)05:07
adamant1988unless they're like system7605:07
adamant1988system76 won't install anything past nvidia drivers as far as I know...05:08
matthewrevelladamant1988: Yeah, but Ubuntu will only ship with free software, so unfortunately what you're asking for isn't going to happen, as far as I can see. So, you have to work around it.05:08
adamant1988I know, but the community counterbalances that I suppose05:08
mdkea vendor might ship Ubuntu with dvd support, if there was an easy way for the vendor to buy that support05:09
adamant1988that's one thing that's keeping me from recommending Linspire... if something goes wrong in Linspire the user would have to ask the very limited number of people in the linspire forums.05:09
ormiretare there any legal dvd players for linux?05:09
adamant1988yes ormiret05:09
adamant1988Linspire has one and PowerDVD is another05:09
matthewrevelladamant1988: to be fair to Linspire, I thought their forums were pretty active05:10
adamant1988they are, but they're nothing compared to Ubuntu's05:10
matthewrevellI see05:10
adamant1988I can honestly tell people when they start using ubuntu, that they have picked the most "living" operating system of any of them05:11
adamant1988from the soft human colors, to the easy access community of thousands... not to mention that Ubuntu's community spreads ubuntu.  People join the community and instantly it's like they want to help out however they can...  You get all this talent doing things tohelp, for free.05:12
adamant1988So back to the point, Loco teams will be the most effective way to spread ubuntu, in my opinion05:15
adamant1988no website or anything is going to have NEAR the amount of effectiveness that a person on person marketing would have.05:15
ormiretadamant1988: agreed, what we need to do is help them (pooling material and "what works" info etc)05:16
ormiret(which I think was said a while back)05:16
adamant1988and with Ubuntu's rediculous 6 month release cycle... it's going to evolve into something more user friendly drastically fast05:16
matthewrevellyeah, we need to be a support function for the rest fo the community05:16
adamant1988I wish that they did the repos a little differently though05:17
adamant1988I don't like that the repos "get frozen" and nothing new is added...05:18
adamant1988but the edgy repos will have a ton of new crap I'm sure05:18
ormiretadamant1988: you mean after release?05:19
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ormiretthere is backports if you want new stuff05:20
adamant1988does that add new programs as well? not just updated ones?05:20
ormiretbut the risk of breakage every time something is added makes it unfeasible for a released distro05:21
adamant1988I didn't know that... I wonder how Linspire works that out =\05:22
adamant1988I remember in the CNR thread that was something that Keving Carmony was saying a LOT was that new stuff was added every day05:22
ormiretdo linspire release new stuff continuously?05:22
adamant1988yeah, they proud the fact that they're always adding new crap to the CNR warehouse05:23
ormiretadding new stuff that you can download if you decide too isn't too bad, but releasing updates continuously will prevent use in a production system05:25
ormiretthen you want to test all updates yourself first (and you can't realistically do that every day)05:25
adamant1988yeah, I think they work that out with a test warehouse05:26
ormirettrying to support a continuously moving target isn't much fun either :)05:27
adamant1988lol yeah05:28
adamant1988life is so fricking complicated lol05:31
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adamant1988hello all07:03
gaz00hiya adamant198807:06
adamant1988You know I was thinking to myself because I was bored... Ubuntu has no real target market does it?07:07
Burgworkthe world?07:07
adamant1988I don't even think that's the target market.07:07
adamant1988It occurs to me that all the changes to Ubuntu are made because there is a demand present inside the community that supports it... Ubuntu doesn't sell itself to a target market, it just meets the needs of it's community... it's actually brillian07:08
adamant1988and as that community grows, more and more peoples needs are met, and slowly but surely the needs of almost everyone are met.07:08
adamant1988I just can't believe that didn't occur to me earlier... -_-07:11
gaz00heh... ubuntu's odd like that07:14
gaz00but they only appeal to the common denominator - at the moment, anyone that's in a field that requirse any kind of specialization can't use it.07:15
gaz00but given that the average home users use pretty much the same apps, it's golden.07:15
adamant1988I think it's targeted to the home user, and at the same time isn't.07:16
adamant1988It's targeted to the home user by how it's built... but the absolute refusal to use non-free software is kind of a stumbling block in the home user market07:16
adamant1988so it's actually targeted to the home user who doesn't do anything multimedia related, I suppose...07:17
gaz00heh... while at the same time providing a venue for that particular niche market to install such apps and codecs, without eliminating other groups as potential users.07:18
Kamping_Kaiserbut can also be installed on sun T[12] 000 machines ;)07:19
adamant1988yeah, now if only it were legal we would be seet07:20
adamant1988Edgy is going a long way to fix that problem, as long as they make getting libdvdcss easy enough that I don't have to download any potentially unsafe scripts, I'll be happy07:20
Kamping_KaiserEtch is Debian 4.0!!07:22
KlaidasSUre is!!07:23
Kamping_Kaiserand due for release in December!07:23
=== Kamping_Kaiser zomg's
Klaidasyup :)07:23
=== MenZa whacks Kamping_Kaiser with a sledgehammer
MenZaI felt like doing that.07:24
Kamping_Kaiseri'll sell my soul to them if they manage to get it out in december ;007:24
=== adamant1988 is excited too?
=== Kamping_Kaiser bleeds on MenZa
adamant1988LOL guys look at this http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/18840276/07:26
adamant1988I like this one07:30
Kamping_Kaisernice :)07:31
=== Kamping_Kaiser saves to images
Kamping_Kaisernight all :)07:32
Kamping_Kaisersee you soon07:32
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sebpaynehey matthewrevell :-D11:38
sebpaynematthewrevell: should i join the Marketing team on launchpad11:38
matthewrevellsebpayne: oi, you're too drunk to be here11:38
matthewrevellsebpayne: Sure, join that and the ubuntu-marketing mailing list11:38
sebpaynematthewrevell: i'll write a note11:38
sebpaynei cna't find freefox atm11:39
matthewrevelluse a legacy writing device11:39
sebpaynedamn pens11:39
=== sebpayne leaves IRC to stop making a fool of himself!
matthewrevellNot making a fool of yourself :)11:39
matthewrevellAnyway, I'm off to bed m'self.11:39
matthewrevellnixternal: you in here this evening?11:46
nixternalyes sir11:46
nixternalworking on http://chi.ubuntu-us.org right now11:46
matthewrevellThanks for posting that to the list, I think it was better coming from you, as you were in the conversation11:46
nixternalno problem. i am hoping there will be a meeting soon on everything with the fridge11:47
matthewrevellcool - I think the best thing is just to start getting stuff up there and see where it leads11:48
matthewrevellOtherwise it could become yet another thing where people talk endlessly and in vague terms about what they think is required11:48
matthewrevellThere's a lot of that on the marketing ML11:48
nixternalwell, after conversations with sabdfl, hopefully it will take off11:49
matthewrevellyeah, you had a chat with him about it?11:49
nixternalheh, sounds like marketing ;)11:49
nixternalwell, via email that everyone seen im sure11:49
matthewrevelloh right, yeah.11:49
matthewrevellTBH getting the Fridge going is gonna be easy. Building on it'll take a bit more work, but it'll be fun :)11:50
nixternali understand your frustrations here as well with this team. on a good note with marketing, ubuntu chicago has a meeting tomorrow night, where we are planning on handing out a couple hundred more cds11:50
matthewrevellCool :)11:50
nixternalwithout a doubt on that one11:50
BurgworkI am excited about hte fridge11:50
matthewrevellI have more time now, so plan to stir things up a bit :)11:50
BurgworkI think it can bring together the magazine and SU teams11:50
nixternalgood deal. friday i go on vacation, but will be around to catch up a little at night11:51
nixternalbetween 0300UTC and 0600 UTC maybe11:51
matthewrevellBurgwork: I hope so. it concerns me that people are pursuing vanity projects, to some extent.11:51
matthewrevellMaybe that's harsh.11:51
matthewrevellbut it feels that way11:52
BurgworkI wouldn't say that11:52
nixternali know what you mean ;)11:52
BurgworkI would say that they have failed to consider the larger picture11:52
matthewrevellBurgwork: Well, maybe it's an organisational thing.11:52
nixternalso far i see nothing but words, i have seen no action, and when i start action it usually leads nowhere11:53
Burgworkit is11:53
Burgworkhence why the fridge is so important11:53
Burgworkcreates something for these people to start11:53
matthewrevellOr more for people to become involved in. starting things is hard, getting into someting that's already there is somewhat easier11:54
matthewrevellAnyway, I gotta get to bed. catch you guys tomorrow11:54
nixternalthey can definitely provide information, but if im not mistaken, all admins/editors will be Ubuntu Members... i hope this doesn't create a wall, one that has been somewhat visible in the past11:54
nixternalg'nite matthewrevell11:54
matthewrevellg'nite :)11:54
Burgworknixternal, ubuntu membership is not exactly onerous11:55
nixternalwell, from the past couple of CCs, it seems that is kind of changing..you need good backing and a good track record11:57
Burgworkstill not hard11:57
nixternalno not at all11:57
nixternalas long as you can show contributions, you are usually good to go11:58
nixternalhaving a couple people behind you helps as well11:58
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