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LaserJockhub: hehe12:08
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pirastgood night guys.. and happy dreams about open sourced nvidia and ati drivers :-)12:12
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LaserJockhmm, nice. OS X just wiped my mp3 player12:19
fowlduckLaserJock: iTunes did that on my brother's ipod12:23
fowlducksimply fantastic to lose all that music12:23
LaserJockwell, mine is a sandisk and it shows up as a usbdisk12:23
fowlduckand it whiped it?12:24
LaserJockI didn't see any songs12:24
LaserJockso I dragged one on12:24
LaserJockand so now I have one song and nothing else12:24
LaserJockI had 1.9 GB on there12:24
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LaserJocknixternal_: hi!01:23
crimsunhow was the school session this noon (localtime)?01:23
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LaserJockcrimsun: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources01:32
crimsunLaserJock: right, but more of an intuitive assessment, not log :-)01:32
LaserJockI don't know, I missed it :(01:33
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LaserJockdarn, we must be doing too much work. LP says there are 2698 pending builds :(01:57
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=== Yagisan-aWay is Away, Reason: ( Getting Medical Tests :( ) | Since: ( Monday, July 24, 2006. 23:20:39 ) Xlack v2.1
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ryanakcawhat! drats02:29
ryanakcaI missed motu school02:29
!lilo:*! If anyone is at OSCON and can locate Nat Torkington, please message me. Thanks.02:30
jsgotangcothat's fine you can always check the logs02:30
LaserJockryanakca: there is another one in a couple days02:34
crimsunerr, there is?02:34
LaserJockisn't there?02:35
LaserJockwell, more than a couple I guess02:35
fowlduckLaserJock: laserjock.justgotowned.com02:39
fowlduckLaserJock: fowlduck.youaremighty.com02:40
fowlduckcrimsun: crimsun.youaremyfriend.com02:40
fowlduckhehe :)02:40
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LaserJockfowlduck: oh man02:42
fowlduckLaserJock: hilarious, huh? ;D02:42
fowlducki mean, who comes up with this?02:42
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LaserJockfowlduck: people who have more time then me02:46
fowlduckindeed ;D02:47
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lukaswayne9My packges that got uploaded from the REVU aren't working from universe... I get this error when I try to install E: Package fceu-server has no installation candidate03:21
LaserJocklukaswayne9: is it in the archives yet?03:23
lukaswayne9LaserJock: I'll check03:23
crimsunin Edgy I see pool/universe/f/fceu03:24
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lukaswayne9It was marked uploaded a week ago03:25
crimsunthey're in the NEW queue03:25
crimsuni.e., be patient and the admins will process them03:26
lukaswayne9oh, okay great03:26
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mxpxpodI'm using linux on powerpc and I tried installing sun-java5-jre and it's dependant on sun-java5-bin, but it doesn't look like that's available on powerpc... does someone have any insight as to why that is?03:28
zuldoes it work on powerpc?03:29
mxpxpodzul: why shouldn't it?03:29
crimsunbecause Sun doesn't make binaries of them available.03:29
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crimsunyou should use IBM's 1.5 jdk instead.03:29
mxpxpodcrimsun: where do I get that?03:29
crimsunmxpxpod: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/linux/download.html03:30
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crimsunmxpxpod: 32-bit iSeries/pSeries03:30
mxpxpodwill that run tomcat, do you think?03:31
crimsunyes, it will.03:31
crimsunwell, I've tested 5.0 and 5.5, that is03:31
mxpxpodwill tomcat work on kaffe?03:32
crimsunhave not tried that. I was employed by IBM at the time, which is the only reason I know about it.03:32
mxpxpodheh, ok03:32
=== mxpxpod doesn't really want to sign up for an ibm id
crimsunI'd worry about privacy, but they already have my info :-)03:33
mxpxpodah, gotta love bugmenot.com03:36
mxpxpodcrimsun: if only someone would package this up03:38
crimsunit'd be a great candidate for dapper-commercial, true03:41
mxpxpodis ibm in on ubuntu?03:41
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crimsunI don't know tbh03:43
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crimsunI know some people who work at the RTP facility use and test Ubuntu, and IBM has contacted Ben about the ABAT process for the kernel03:44
zuli thought that was a while ago03:44
bddebianHeya gang03:44
crimsunyeah, that's all I know :)03:44
zulyeah same here03:44
mxpxpodif only we could get ibm to contribute their java like sun has03:44
mxpxpodjava sdk, rather03:45
bddebianWho wants java anything? :-)03:49
mxpxpodbddebian: not me... but some crazies out there do ;)03:49
=== LaserJock is now known as son-of-bddebian
son-of-bddebianbddebian: what's up dude?03:51
bddebianUh oh03:52
bddebianHello son-of-bddebian :)03:53
bddebianWhat'd I do this time?03:53
son-of-bddebianhmm, maybe I should make it perminent03:53
=== zul shivers
=== son-of-bddebian is now known as LaserJock
LaserJockah, that's better ;-)03:54
bddebianHeya chillywilly04:28
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chillywillyhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/iC9aA456.html <-- gnome-settings-daemon keeps crashing in edgy...not sure why cause it starts up fine when I start it manually...04:50
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Lathiatooh shiny05:23
Lathiatmy dapper cds just rocked up05:23
Lathiatand they include stickers!05:23
=== StevenK is still waiting for his.
crimsunnice :)05:23
HobbseeStevenK: yeah, but we're in the far corner of the world.05:24
Lathiatso now my work has a nic new stock05:24
Lathiati got all kubuntu, ubuntu and edubuntu05:24
Lathiatin 32/64/mac05:24
Lathiatand like COLORS!05:24
Lathiatnot sure how i ended up with so many 64bit tho05:25
Lathiatlooks liek they modified by order05:25
Lathiatwould have rather they modified the 64bits down than the 32s05:25
Lathiatoh wel05:25
=== bddebian knows that crimsun wants to help him with axiom :-)
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uniscriptI'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone know which module populates /etc/X11/Xsession.d?05:36
hubLathiat: I have all CD they ship05:37
crimsunit's not the right place, but a variety of packages do, namely x11-common, dbus, and xinit, among others.05:37
Lathiathub: as do i05:38
Lathiataltho a small quantity of the less popular ones05:38
Lathiatbut good to have a few05:38
uniscriptwhen x is reinstalled, does that directory get blown away? If so, how does it get repopulated?05:38
crimsununiscript: you --reinstall the packages I just mentioned05:38
uniscriptcrimsun: where should I take my question?05:38
crimsunto #ubuntu05:38
uniscriptOK. Thanks. Bye05:38
hubI have package that didn't finish compile 1.5hour after I started05:38
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Hobbseehub: heh, i loe that happening05:39
hubtime for bed05:39
bddebianGnight hub05:41
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LaserJockanybody got any lilo experience around here?05:51
crimsunyes, but not for anything terribly complicated05:51
LaserJockwell I managed to install Dapper on the intel iMac05:53
bddebianLaserJock: Are the smashintels still OF?05:53
LaserJockbut it doesn't find my install on boot05:53
LaserJockI wonder if I did something wrong with lilo05:53
=== bddebian talks to himself some more
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Hobbseedo you guys know about the volumeid bug yet?  it's overwriting a file in libvolumeid007:02
ajmitchit is known07:03
Hobbseeack, thought i was in -devel07:03
Hobbseeokay, cool.07:03
ajmitchsomeone needs to make the i386 buildd pedal faster07:08
=== Hobbsee wonders who's volunteering.
viviersfsince ajmitch came up with that idea  .....07:12
highvoltagehi Hobbsee07:14
Hobbseehi highvoltage07:14
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ajmitchviviersf: sadly I don't have access07:16
viviersflol ajmitch07:16
viviersfwas just joking nways07:16
Hobbseeajmitch: time to go and get it then.07:16
ajmitchsure, Hobbsee07:16
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=== ajmitch waits for mesa to rebuild, again
ajmitchexcellent, ccache is working in pbuilder07:29
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Toadstoolgood morning everybody08:05
ajmitchhi Toadstool08:06
Toadstoolhi ajmitch08:06
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dholbachgood morning09:23
Toadstoolbonjour Daniel ;)09:23
dholbachhey Toadstool!09:23
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Gloubiboulgahi MOTU World09:31
Hobbseehi dholbach, Toadstool, Gloubiboulga09:32
Toadstoolheya Gloubiboulga, Hobbsee09:32
dholbachhey Gloubiboulga09:32
dholbachhey Hobbsee09:32
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Arbitergood morning MOTU12:28
=== bjp [n=bart@82-170-236-40-static.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ArbiterGloubiboulga: ping12:52
Gloubiboulgahi Arbiter12:52
Arbiterhey Gloubiboulga :)12:53
ArbiterGloubiboulga: fixed and uploaded agave12:53
GloubiboulgaI've seen :)12:53
Arbiterkdocker is about to be uploaded12:53
Gloubiboulgaok, I'll look at both a little later12:53
ArbiterGloubiboulga: in kdocker's debian/rules i put a little bit of bashism (damned Makefile) :P12:53
Arbiter(for installing the icon and the .desktop files to proper places)12:54
Gloubiboulgahum, you have to avoid bashisms12:54
Arbitermh... ok :)12:55
=== Arbiter fixety fix! :D
Gloubiboulgaedgy uses dash now, so bashims make the packages fail to build12:55
slomo_Gloubiboulga: are you sure it is used on the buildds already? afaik it isn't used there yet because the chroots are not updated yet12:56
ArbiterGloubiboulga: yup but i use only standard POSIX calls12:57
Gloubiboulgaslomo_, I don't really know but I guess it'll be used soon or later12:57
Arbiter(no {} or such things)12:57
GloubiboulgaArbiter, oh, it's ok then12:57
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=== Yagisan-aWay is back ( Away 10 hours 33 mins 23 secs )
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=== chris^ [n=chris^@ACAD0633.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Arbiterhi chris^01:42
chris^I have just the idear, that there shoud be an extra loginsession for XGL per default...01:42
chris^if I install XGL on Edgy01:42
chris^that woud be easy to switch and test XGL01:42
chris^someone sad, i shoud post this here ;)01:42
Arbiterchris^: yup i read in #ubuntu-devel :)01:43
chris^i'm still testing XGL on Dapper01:43
chris^it's quiet cool and very stable01:43
Arbiterchris^: i'm not a MOTU yet (nor an ubuntu member)01:43
chris^just 2 or 3 little Bugs...01:43
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Arbiterchris^: i approve your idea :)01:46
Arbiterchris^: but i don't have any weight in MOTUs decisions01:49
chris^link to the discussion/posting?01:50
Arbiterchris^: i think you should ask a MOTU directly01:50
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tsenghas something changed with langpacks?02:17
tseng$ urxvt02:17
tsengurxvt: the locale is not supported by Xlib, working without locale support.02:17
tsengI am using en_US.UTF8 or whatever02:17
tsengand language-pack-en* is installed02:17
ajmitchrun locale-gen again?02:18
tsengsudo dpkg-reconfigure locales02:19
tsengI did that02:19
tsengto the same effect02:19
ajmitchthat method is obsolete, supposedly02:19
ajmitchwith the switch to belocs*02:19
Mithrandirtseng: it looks like Xlib forgot about a bunch of UTF8 locales02:19
sladenoh, is /tat/ what the locale spew is aobut02:20
tsengI am not sure if this is the cause of urxvt not using a sensible font02:20
tsengRxvt*font:xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=1202:21
tsengoh maybe they changed what names they match in xres again02:21
tsengah there we go.02:22
tsengall sorted.02:23
ajmitchtseng: and the fix was?02:26
tsengRxvt*blah stopped matching02:26
tsengso i did a regex to URxvt.foo: blah02:26
tseng.blah: foo02:26
tsengbut you know what I mean.02:26
tsengand then your xrdb -all .Xdefaults02:27
ajmitchedgy upgrade just screwed up my emacs fonts, probably not related though02:27
tsengif they are set in xres its possible02:28
tsengparsing seems less lax02:28
ajmitchthey're not on here02:28
tsengI'll happily ignore the UTF8 errors now02:28
tsengsince its not the cause of not reading my fonts02:29
tsengI am fluent in "C"02:29
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pirasthi, i try to package blocxx. the source code has a dir "doc". should the files located in the dir installed to /usr/share/doc/....... or should they not?02:37
ryanakcaI'm trying to package galaxymage... and I have a feeling its very simple to do so... since all I have to do is go "python GalaxyMage.py" in the source directory... except i'm not positive as to how to package it... (I'm used to the make style)... got a link anybody?02:45
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pirastryanakca, yesterday i hit on a howto how to make python debs.. but sadly i can find the link again, you may want to look for debhelper-python02:56
ryanakcakk, ty02:57
ryanakcapirast: just a quick thought... history?02:58
pirastryanakca wait, i look if i can find it there..02:58
pirastryanakca okay i found it.. but it was about build debian packages with perl modules.. sorry.. i remembered wrong03:00
ryanakcalol, thanks anywais :)03:01
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bddebianHeya gang03:51
Toadstoolhi bddebian03:58
bddebianHeya Toadstool03:58
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Gloubiboulgabddebian, I have to leave for a couple of hours, let's see what we can do with prismstumbler when I'm back :)04:10
bddebianGloubiboulga: NP, thanks04:13
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zulcd /var/qmail/bin04:30
zuldamn it04:30
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=== bddebian turns in his "badge"
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seaLneis revu broken?05:06
seaLneError '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer05:06
=== seaLne wonders if he is doing something wrong
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ryanakcaseaLne: you trying to upload or download?05:18
pirastis a revu admin in this channel?05:18
ryanakcaupload I take it... "Could not create file"05:18
ryanakcadput it :)05:19
seaLnethats what generates the error...05:19
ajmitchpirast: yes05:19
ajmitchseaLne: what package?05:19
ryanakcalol... oops.. (I thought you where using something like gftp or something)05:19
seaLneajmitch: kmobiletools, you able to see log?05:19
pirastajmitch: whats his name?05:19
ajmitchseaLne: cleared it, try again05:20
Toadstoolpirast: it's ajmitch :)05:20
seaLneajmitch: what was wrong?05:20
ryanakcaajmitch: can you reset my revu password? the "retreive password" python script doesn't work for me :)05:20
ajmitchseaLne: the files were there.. if an upload breaks partway through they need to be deleted05:20
ajmitchryanakca: have you uploaded a package to revu, that appears on the page?05:21
ryanakcayes, typespeed05:21
pirastajmitch, nice to meet you again :-) i select blocxx to package and i finished now. so i uploaded to revu - but the password recovery function does not work. there always is a broken pipe error or there does not appear any text to paste..05:21
ryanakcatwo uploads of it (two different versions)05:21
ryanakcasame thing happens to me :)05:21
ajmitchdoes the key you use have that email address as a uid?05:22
pirastajmitch, sure..05:23
ajmitchpirast: have you been accepted into the group on launchpad, and your key imported into revu?05:23
ajmitchok, I see what the problem is for retrieving, at least05:24
pirastajmitch: i think so, yes.. it shows "approved", and my key is in launchpad, too..05:24
pirastajmitch: great :-)05:24
ajmitchbe patient, I'm reimporting keys05:25
seaLnedid revu not used to have a last generated date on it somewhere?05:29
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ajmitchok, blocxx & kmobiletools should be up now05:30
ajmitchtry retrieving passwords05:31
ryanakcaajmitch: works, ty05:32
pirastajmitch: works, thanks05:33
ryanakcawhat package provides gnome-config? "./configure: line 1479: gnome-config: command not found"05:37
azeemryanakca: that's some GNOME-1.x thing05:38
ryanakcaand how do I build a package that depends on it?05:39
azeemare you sure you want to build it?05:39
ryanakcawell... it's the only linux euchre game I've found :)05:39
azeemGNOME-1.x is pretty obsolete05:39
azeembut, surprise, libgnome-dev is still in dapper05:40
azeemryanakca: packages.ubuntu.com has a search facility, btw (which I used to find out the information for you)05:40
ryanakcaah, ty.. I had searched aptitude :)05:40
azeemaptitude doesn't search for files, use apt-file for that05:40
ryanakcahasn't been touched since 02... but oh well05:42
ryanakcaazeem: any ideas?05:44
azeemabout what?05:44
azeem Development Status : 3 - Alpha05:45
bddebianazeem!!  Hey, you are Mr. Science packages right? :-)05:45
azeembddebian: I'm Mr. Chemistry packages05:45
ryanakcaazeem: I can't install libgnome-dev without removing libdb4.3.dev... http://pastebin.ca/10093605:49
azeemryanakca: so make a decision which one you need more urgently05:50
ryanakcawhich means that the end-user will have to make the same decision05:50
azeemdoes euchre need db4.3?05:50
ryanakcaand libdb4.3 and libdb3 can't coexist?05:50
ryanakcahmmm... not from what I can tell05:51
azeemryanakca: the runtime libdb package do not conflict05:53
ryanakcasoo... why can't I keep both?05:53
azeembecause the development packages conflict05:54
azeemryanakca: are you planning to make a .deb out of this05:55
ryanakcayes... but before I want to test it...05:55
ryanakcabut I don't think making a .deb of it will be such a good idea05:55
ryanakcaok... figured it out... it's a choice between apache and euchre... I installed apache from source, so I'm fine :)05:58
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=== quidam--aWay is Away, Reason: ( regrreso luego..... ) | Since: ( Wednesday, July 26, 2006. 12:57:18 ) Xlack v2.1
ograquidam--aWay, please turn off public away messages in ubuntu channels07:41
quidam--aWayogra, sorry07:42
ogranp :)07:42
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=== quidam- hope dont see any away message again.... now is time to go....
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alleeraphink: after last week end you're are an FAI expert, right?10:13
alleeuh, wrong channel, sorry10:13
raphinkwell I'm much better at it for sure10:13
ograallee, why ? fai is in universe ;)10:14
alleeogra: need to find out if fai fits my needs ;)10:14
raphinkallee: what are your needs?10:14
alleeraphink: automtic install of independet hosts (no nfs), with later management of config files10:15
=== allee plays currently with preseeding to speed up installation
raphinkthen FAI/Cfengine is what you need indeed10:16
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alleeah, cool I remembers from long time ago that it used nfs10:16
raphinkit uses nfs for the PXE boot10:16
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ograpreseeding should suffice as well, at least in ubuntu ...10:17
alleeraphink: eh?  So instead of mounting, e.g. a CDROM, it mount something like an installation image via nfs?10:18
raphinkwell  no10:19
raphinkit boots the client using the NFS root10:19
raphinkdelivered through PXE boot10:19
raphinkthe client boots with PXE, gets a kernel and a minimal boot environement on the NFS root10:19
raphinkthen it declares classes using the FAI client10:19
raphinkand then the FAI server sends it packages to install depending on the classes it declared10:20
raphinkthen you can run scripts for config and such (perl, bash, cfengine, whatever)10:20
raphinkand you can use the classes defined in the FAI to pass to cfengine or to other scripts10:20
alleeah, so cfengine is not an integrated part10:21
raphinkwell you add cfengine scripts to FAI10:21
raphinkso they are run as part of the FAI install10:22
raphinkthen you can use softupdate to update your machines10:22
raphinkand fai-updater as a nice centralized tool for that10:22
ograwell, you can as well do the same with a simple preseed file ... wthere is the advantage of fai here ?10:23
raphinkogra: how do you mean?10:23
alleeogra: did type faster than me :)10:23
raphinkwhat is preseeding?10:23
ograraphink, i can replace the complete fai class stuff with a preseed file ...10:23
alleeraphink: what's the advantage of FAI+cfengine combo compared to preseed+cfengine10:23
raphinkwhat is preseed?10:24
ograraphink, ubuntus way to do mass deployments :)10:24
raphinkhow so?10:24
ograpreseed means that debconf allows you to set key value pairs for every debian package (including d-i)10:24
alleeogra: you use preseeding?10:24
ograwe use per package preseeding in ltsp ... which i maintain10:25
ograand i use a preseed file for the edubuntu CD10:25
raphinkogra: I don't see how that allows to install tuned machines via PXE10:25
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azeemogra: how do you select the set of packages to install on a particular box?10:25
raphinkhi azeem10:25
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ograraphink, what exactly do you tune ? package selections and configs, no ?10:25
alleeraphink: pxe -> netboot.tar -> log preseed file -> stops debconf to ask question10:25
ograazeem, with an individual preseed file ?10:26
raphinkogra: yes, depending on static and dynamic classes, that can be defined by scripts10:26
alleehi azeem10:26
raphinkallee: you can only install one type of machines with that10:26
raphinkor do I misunderstand how it works?10:26
raphinkwith FAI, there is not one file describing the packages to be installed10:27
raphinkthere are multiple classes10:27
alleeraphink: no,  I use postinstall scripts to do anything special (depending on hostname)10:27
raphinkthat can define which packages to install depending on the belonging to groups, arch, type of network card or whatever else10:27
raphinkit also defines how to partition the drives10:28
raphinkallee: so you have to modify the packages10:28
azeemthe question is whether you really need that flexibility for your needs10:28
raphinkazeem: yes indeed10:28
alleeraphink: right so classes reduce overhead.   But AFAIR cfengine uses the classes concept too10:28
azeemallee probably installs a set of identical boxen10:28
raphinkI personally do, for my pool of machines10:28
raphinkallee: yes, and taht's the good point, FAI can forward its classes to the cfengine scripts10:28
raphinkso that you only define the classes once10:29
raphinkallee: cfengine won't let you install packages depending on the classes though10:29
raphinkand one important thing for me: cfengine only executes commands on the client, not on the server10:29
raphinkso if you want to generate conf depending on parameters on the server side10:29
raphinkit's better to have FAI run some perl/bash/python/php script before it runs the cfengine one that will merely deploy the generated conf10:30
raphinkbut then as azeem said it depends on your needs10:30
raphinkwhether you need a pool of identical machines10:30
raphinkor very similar10:30
raphinkor you need a pool with 1000 machines belonging to at least 10 different classes10:31
raphinkand then FAI is very useful10:31
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allee~ 80 hosts  ~ 5 classes,   of dozend of different  hardware ;)10:31
raphinkI'd got with FAI for that still allee10:32
raphinkall the more that you can use softupdate afterwards on these machines10:32
raphinkpreseeds will only allow you to install the machines once10:32
raphinknot to keep them up-to-date later10:32
raphinkwith packages that is10:32
raphinkunless you use package tricks in cfengine10:32
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ograit will also help you doing the complete setup10:33
raphinklike module:pkginstall10:33
alleeraphink: how are post install updates handles.  E.g. all hosts should have pkg x + y now too and pkg z not anymore?10:33
raphinkallee: from what I know, you change the list of packages by classes10:33
raphinkand run softupdates10:33
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raphinkhaven't really experimented with this side yet10:34
ograwell, i'd rather preseed cron-apt to run daily and do the update itself ;)10:34
allee'k   can I alter support dapper and edgy from same FAI server or do I need a now one10:34
raphinkthen you can also do some kind of cfemerge like they did in my company ;)10:34
raphinkdeploying the sources with cfengine and building them with the shellcommands ;)10:34
raphinkogra: then you don't know what it installs when it performs upgrades10:35
raphinkmost sysadmins don't want that10:35
ograit updates whats available10:35
raphinkthey want to know exactly what is installed and what it might impact10:35
alleeogra: ah, right: preseeding pkgs (after installation).  How this done?10:35
ograso i let mail apt-listchanges the changes to me10:35
raphinkand manually choose to perform security updates or not10:35
ograbut i have a lot less work10:35
ograallee, with a preseed file you set key/value pairs for debconf options10:36
=== allee check apt-get for preseedfile option
ograubuntu even has a gui to create such a file for the installer ;)10:38
ograsystem-config-kickstart ;)10:38
alleeogra: this kickstart derivative?10:38
ograits really only the glade file from kickstart ;)10:38
ograthe backend produces a preseed file for netinstalls and the like10:39
alleeogra: does it now support all preseed options?  In middle of dapper devel cycle it didn't10:39
ograallee, no idea, i never used it, but i guess it does ... Kamion maintains it ...10:40
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raphinkI'm sure I don't need preseed now :)10:42
raphinkalthough I reckon it's a simple way to install identical machines10:42
alleeogra: about preseeding pkgs:  Is there a tool to merge a pkg preseed file into /var/cache/debconf/config.dat ?10:42
alleeraphink: I have a more closer look to fai10:44
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crimsunwoot, a Breaks field for dpkg10:48
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LaserJockcrimsun: yeah, I don't quite get what that means10:54
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alleecrimsun: Breaks field?10:57
crimsunallee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackageDependencyFieldBreaks10:57
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shawarmaI've got another merge, if there are any takers: http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/mail-notification-merge.diff11:02
crimsunsure, give me a sec11:03
bddebiancrimsun: Oh sure, help everyone but me with axiom.. ;-P11:04
shawarmabddebian: What's the problem?11:06
bddebianshawarma: It's ugly :-)11:06
shawarmabddebian: The merge?11:06
bddebianshawarma: It FTBFSs  I can fix the C generated errors but it stops building one of the object files and I can't figure out why11:07
shawarmabddebian: gimme a sec, I'll just download it.11:07
bddebianshawarma: It's 40Mb of source :-)11:08
shawarmabddebian: Yeah.. and merges.ubuntu.com isn't the fastest host in the world, apparantly.11:08
shawarmabddebian: I've got 100Mbit/s, so it's not my end that's slow. :-)11:09
bddebianshawarma: Just pull it from packages.qa.debian.org :-)11:09
shawarmabddebian: Nah.. I'll rather wait a little using grab-merge.sh than have to do stuff manually. I'm a lazy bastard, you know.11:09
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bddebianshawarma: The merge will be useless11:12
shawarmabddebian: Oh, well. At least I got the source I need.11:13
shawarmabddebian: The previous merge seems to consist of a s!/usr/X11R6!/usr!g ... And that doesn't do the trick now?11:15
alleecrimsun: why can debian think positive and use Requires: x (>> whatever) instead of Breaks: xy (<<whatever) ;)11:16
bddebianshawarma: Try it if you like11:16
shawarmabddebian: Will do as soon as the download finishes.. Sheesh!11:17
bddebianshawarma: Your first problem is going to be build-depping on xfree86-common :-)11:18
shawarmabddebian: Oh...11:19
shawarmabddebian: I see now why you call it ugly. :-)11:22
shawarmabddebian: Complete with CVS directories and everything.11:23
bddebianOh and upstream has been dead for almost 2 years too :-)11:24
LaserJockoh, I was just going to ask you what the current upstream version was11:24
shawarmaThe clean target of debian/rules tries to build a bunch of stuff.. Madness all around.11:26
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hubI have uploaded a new version of hugin11:26
hubthat has a better licensing for vigrA11:27
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hubhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2797 <- new hugin version with licensing issues fixed11:34
hubcan anyone review it?11:34
crimsunhub: you said you've already uploaded it?11:37
hubcrimsun: it got rejected for licensing issues11:38
hubcrimsun: upstream addressed them11:38
hublibvigra was non-free11:38
hubnow it is MIT-style11:38
alleehub: you have to include LICENSE_JHEAD in copyright11:38
huballee: it is in there11:38
alleehub: just two paragraphs? cool ;)11:39
hubthe license file is also in the package11:39
bddebianAck, I gotta go home.  Later folks11:40
crimsunlibgtk2.0-dev is pulled in by libwxgtk2.6-dev11:40
alleehub then remove (see * file).  Everything has to be in copyright or /usr/share/common-licenses/11:40
alleehub: notify upstead that they use of FSF address11:41
bddebianshawarma: I will probably be back on in a couple of hours if you haven't given up by then ;-)11:41
huballee: copyright has everything11:41
huballee: both non-standard license11:41
hubI'll set that square more deeply11:42
crimsunhub: any reason for dh_compat 4?11:42
hubcrimsun: legacy I suspect11:42
hubwhat does 5 provide?11:42
hubI can upgrade, not a problem11:42
crimsunhub: important is probably the changed semantics of dh_strip11:43
alleehub: yep. I understand but the '(see xxxx file)' seem to indicate that there is more.  So I suggest to remove it or replace it   with Copy of xxx file:11:43
crimsunhub: it's not critical to use v5 if you don't wish11:43
huballee: yeah, I get it11:43
hubI should put the vigra copyright11:44
shawarmacrimsun: Thanks for reviewing and uploading my merge.11:46
crimsunif you're going to upload a new source package, I'd adjust debian/c{hangelog,ontrol}11:46
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crimsunand debian/compat11:46
crimsunshawarma: np11:47
hubcrimsun: ok11:49
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ryanakcaare there any easy to package packages that need packaging? (nothing too complicated... just to get me used to packaging... I've done typespeed allready... )12:03
=== crimsun stutters
crimsunwell, probably.12:06
zulhi crimsun12:06
crimsunhi zul12:06

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