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jas02Hi, i am new here and i want to help you with ubuntu-server. I am using Debian as server for long time, and now i am using Ubuntu server too (Dapper Drake). What is the best way to start?12:33
skateinmarsI think it depends on how you want to help12:56
jas02i can help in many ways. I can programming something (Perl/C) and/or i can help with bug reporting. Can you tell me what do you plan for next release (Edgy Eft) server? Is there some TODO list wrom which i can take same task(s)?01:24
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screebhi jas02, i'm also new here :)01:35
jas02screeb: hi :-)01:37
screebI'm trying to join a project on writing a web interface for ubuntu-server01:37
screebIt is just an information ;)01:37
jas02well, i just start read it01:39
jas02it looks very interesting. I see already some WWW interface on top of the Debian, but nothing so professional.01:42
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screebI am not in the Ubuntu Server Team, and don't have lot of feadback from ubuntu yet02:17
screebit is maybe not structured enough yet...02:17
jas02same as me02:21
screebyou have some project for ubuntu?02:23
jas02not yet02:28
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skateinmarsjas02, screeb maybe you should try to contact the team via the mailing-list04:37
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
jas02i am already in mailing list, but no mails comming :-)04:41
=== jc-denton [n=nils@zux173-061.adsl.green.ch] has joined #ubuntu-server
jc-dentonhi all04:46
jc-dentonanybody here who is familiar with mdadm / lvm?04:49
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jimcooncatgnome-system-log is segfaulting when trying to open /var/log/getmail.log.1.gz. How do I search that file?06:32
derekSjimcooncat: gnome isn't included on ubuntu-server, you are better off in #ubuntu06:33
derekSand it seems like youasked there before here06:33
jimcooncatok. just wanting to know how to seach a .gz'd log file, thought you could tell me an easy way06:34
jimcooncatsorry, I asked in #ubuntu, and got an answer -- I thought they weren't listening06:34
derekSjimcooncat: from now on ask in the appropriate channel. gunzip should work to extract it06:34
=== Ries tthinks this is a more friendly channel then ubuntu
derekSRies: i agree, but i gnome isn't included in ubuntu server (and it has nothing to do with it)06:41
derekSif he was asking about something like hula or open-exchange, even though it isn't included, it would be appropirate :)06:41
=== Toadstool [n=jcorbier@ubuntu/member/toadstool] has joined #ubuntu-server
alleemhm, jas02 is gone. Nevertheless ;) next time someone asks for something to help.  Point to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+specs08:07
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