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LaserJockdude, I'm running Dapper on my iMac right now!03:12
jsgotangcoim surprised...03:13
jsgotangcoi cannot relate to it since i dont have a mac nor have access to one03:13
=== jsgotangco has never used a mac in his entire life
crimsunAIGLX + Xfce == nice03:13
crimsunargh, ECHANNEL03:14
LaserJockjsgotangco: well, this is an intel mac so it really is cool03:15
jsgotangcoso it works03:15
LaserJockthe booting is a bit strange03:18
LaserJockbut it works03:18
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=== jsgotangco would like to have one in the future if possible
bddebianHi jsgotangco03:20
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hlabsone question i have04:15
hlabscan yahoo messenger the one with the voice stuff work with edubuntu04:15
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mhzjsgotangco: what?04:22
Burgundaviajsgotangco: you on the marketing list?04:22
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jsgotangcoBurgundavia: i think i left the marketing list04:23
Burgundaviait is mostly useless, but you might want to join in the "unified branding" thing john baer just posted04:23
jsgotangcoBurgundavia: thanks i'll look into it, i have very little interest in unified branding btw, i was just looking at the logos of teams yesterday and thought it would be neat to have some kind of locoteam intramurals04:24
hlabslisten does edubuntu work with yahoo messenger. 04:25
Burgundaviahlabs: yep, via gaim04:25
Burgundaviajsgotangco: this would be unified branding across Edu/U/K/Xubuntu04:25
jsgotangcohlabs: the voice stuff doesn't work04:26
jsgotangcohlabs: yahoo isnt developing an improved client at all04:26
hlabsis there any IM software that works with voice in edu04:26
jsgotangcohlabs: gizmo, skype, ekiga to name a few04:26
jsgotangco(ekiga is a softphone btw)04:26
hlabsyeah. But on ekiga its not letting me setup any other sip accoutns. Keep son crashing04:27
Burgundaviaekiga is good04:27
=== mhz still has not been able to make ekiga work
mhz(well, it does run but I can't seem to talk to the other person :) )04:28
jsgotangcoits probably your network, not ekiga04:28
hlabslisten i think amsn has the web cam option on it04:28
jsgotangcoekiga is just a softphone04:28
mhzjsgotangco: yeah04:29
hlabsbut it tells me that it cant listen as im behind a firewall04:29
hlabswhats up with that04:29
mhzjsgotangco: however, same network used to work just fine with Gnome-meeting04:29
mhzin other words, breezy -> I could talk04:30
mhzdapper -> nope04:30
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hlabsi gotta logitech webcam you know how i can set it up04:34
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jjjjjjjis there a way to turn on the keypad on a mac keyboard?06:15
jjjjjjjgot ubuntu running on a mac G4 700Mhz.06:15
jjjjjjjyou know the sad thing is that if I asked this question in a windows chat room I'd have at least 3 replies.06:24
jjjjjjj1234567890  but no hard feelings... I seem to have somehow stumbled onto the answer.  "Seek and Ye Shall Find" - Jesus   098765432106:25
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mhzwhat was that?06:32
mhzwhy people usually stop by this channel thinking it is Yet Another Ubuntu technical support channel ?06:32
crimsunmhz: it has "ubuntu" in the channel string06:34
bimberiEDucate people about UBUNTU perhaps ;)06:34
LaserJOckbecuase it is #edubuntu and not #edubuntu-devel06:34
mhzoh, well, i hope they don't leave their negative vibrations once they log off, pissed off06:36
crimsunmhz: some people expect others to spoonfeed them first.06:36
mhzI get it!06:37
mhzfeed them with a spoon06:37
mhzlike babies06:37
bimberiyou got it!06:37
mhz.oO( these english speakers are crazy)06:38
bimberido nothing for yourself, have it all served up to you06:38
crimsunsorry, I should have used something less locale-specific06:38
mhzcrimsun: it is ok, I learn new stuff06:38
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mhzcrimsun: however, it sounded like this http://mhz.homelinux.org/elwiki/FunPictures/CustomerService?highlight=%28pictures%2906:39
mhz(the 2nd part)06:40
crimsunman, I haven't read UF in ages06:40
crimsunI survived my undergrad days solely on UF06:41
=== mhz gets UF in his inbox every day
mhzyeah, they are COOL06:41
mhzcrimsun: only UF? no Macarroni and Cheese?06:42
crimsunI still have the suse dust puppy sticker06:42
mhznah!? really?06:42
crimsunyeah, it's half-worn, but it's on a textbook :)06:42
LaserJockcrimsun: you ever read http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php06:43
crimsunoh yeah, LJ06:43
crimsunthat's classic stuff06:43
crimsunmhz: nope, haven't read the latter06:43
LaserJockwe like it in our lab06:43
mhzcrimsun: hehehe, I meant, "only survived reading UF? did not eat Macarroni and Cheese?06:44
crimsunmhz: oh, yeah, did that and ramen, too, before my junior year06:44
mhznice, it seems to happen in many countries, just like that :)06:45
Amaranthi don't even do mac and cheese06:45
Amaranthramen and cereal06:45
LaserJockme too06:46
LaserJocknever licked mac and chesse06:46
crimsunnot even once? ;)06:47
LaserJockand no06:48
crimsunyeah, I was playing off your typo06:48
mhzAny of you ever read this comic?06:50
mhzTerm Unit X06:51
mhzit is pretty cool comic06:51
mhzvery well drawn, great mature story06:52
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
highvoltage> When the Edubuntu wiki <http://wiki.edubuntu.org> is accessed, the user07:08
highvoltage> is warned that the certificate belongs to wiki.ubuntu.com.07:08
highvoltage> Is there any way that this could be fixed?07:08
highvoltageKarl Tilbury07:09
Burgundaviahey highvoltage07:11
highvoltagehey Burgundavia!07:13
highvoltageBurgundavia: how are things?07:13
Burgundavianot bad07:14
=== pygi_ is now known as pygi
highvoltageseems like pygi just got up too :)07:14
=== pygi nods :)
pygimorning all :)07:14
highvoltagemornign pygi 07:16
mhzhighvoltage: cool!07:17
highvoltagemorning mhz 07:25
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jsgotangcohey ogra07:42
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cbx33mornin peeps07:54
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RichEdjello :)08:34
Burgundavia'ello RichEd08:38
RichEdBurgundavia:  just checking ... you in Canada ? (according to JaneW)08:42
Burgundaviano, I live in Soviet Canuckistan ;)08:42
RichEdah ... well at least that's further away from that annoying george fellow ;)08:42
Burgundaviathankfully, he is on the otherside of the continent08:43
RichEdhave you got an "about page" anywhere ? to save me asking you annoying questions ...08:43
Burgundavianot a single one08:44
Burgundaviathat links to various other places, including Wikipedia08:44
Amaranth"Python 2.4 allocated small objects in 256K-sized arenas, but never freed arenas. With this patch, Python will free arenas when they're empty. The net effect is that on some platforms, when you allocate many objects, Python's memory usage may actually drop when you delete them, and the memory may be returned to the operating system."08:44
AmaranthKick. Ass.08:44
RichEdthanks :)08:46
BurgundaviaRichEd: googling me is always informative as well08:47
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
Burgundaviahmm, appears you have no google juice RichEd08:48
RichEdBurgundavia: googling is dangerous for me ... i end up opening eleventy seven windows ... looking for a quick coffee read today ... not a research project ;)08:48
RichEd(especially now that i have "discovered" firefox and the tabs ... neat :) ... but even more open pages now)08:49
mhzRichEd: hi there... There is going to be the annual Linux Encounter (not sure if that is correct into english) in Chile, in November. Any chances you can come and give a talk? I am preparing some material for that event. However, if we're gonna have some kind of Edubuntu market insertion plan for LAm, you would the one to give the impression of "we're serious about it ":D08:49
RichEdmhz: thanks for the heads up ... sounds like an opportunity ... but all (good) things revolve around the meetings next week with the powers that be.08:50
mhzyeah! Google is like wikipedia... I always endup reading much more than expected about other stuff08:50
RichEdmhz: pop me an email, with background ... i'd sure like to come ... will need to build a quick case for approval08:51
RichEdbut if we can combine the encounter request with a m"eet mhz and draw up a LAm snapshot & plan for next 12 months suggestion" ... would make sense (to me)08:52
mhzRichEd: even greater!08:52
RichEdpre-requisite homework:  i would need to ask you then to draw up a summary of the entire South American continent to give me a background on that region ... and then make you the "South American Champion for Ubuntu & Edubuntu)08:54
RichEdso i can justify that i am building a regional support base for Education Programme ... and saving time & effort & money in future08:54
RichEdwould that make sense (it would allow me to give you much more support) ?08:55
mhzRichEd: I have just been invited to a kind of "seminar" for people from 19 to 29 years old. The seminar is to motivate them and talk about 'enterpreneouring' (?), FLOSS vision and Sustainable Development, How and Why Linux has become succesfull, and many other things. I'll have a meeting anut it hopefully on Friday, so I'll tell you afterwards what they want me for. So far, I know they'll have 50 pcs available. /me will try to have at least 5 with Edubuntu 08:56
mhzanut =about08:57
RichEdmhz: going to open a pvt window for discussion with you ... give me 5 mins to clear up something first08:57
mhzRichEd: wow! Thanks for that vote of confidence!! Sure, I can do that homework, happily08:58
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=== mhz will wash his face then...it is almost 3 am here :D..but these kind of things are lot better to disscuss when they arise.
RichEd(mhz: it's all a cunning plan to offload work from my list onto yours ... but hey ... it should be good for all of us : you & me & Edubuntu & LAm)08:59
RichEd'lo jsgotangco :)09:04
jsgotangcohey champ09:04
jsgotangcowhat's cookin09:05
RichEdtoast (soon) busy with coffee now ;)09:08
=== mdz [n=mdz@studiocity-motorola-bsr1-70-36-194-85.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzjsgotangco: re 10 inches laptops for a cheap price/ I did find the specs, thx for the hints. I just did not find them for cheap price. I want them for teachers and students, so for those prices, it is not a good deal. :D09:24
jsgotangcowell that's the price you pay for miniaturization09:24
mhzyeah, i know.09:25
mhzChile wont be part of OLPC (still dont know why...nobody understands it), so I decided to look up for other alternatives.09:25
mhzmore expensive, but affordable09:26
jsgotangcoso is my home country09:26
mhzIIRC, only Argentina and Brazil have requested units09:26
mhzjsgotangco: do you know your Gov. reasons?09:27
jsgotangcowe have more problems here like lack of classrooms and teachers so having computers for each student is not really an appealing problem to solve09:27
jsgotangcoprivate foundations have been more successful in donations and such and the Education Media initiative is wildly successful09:28
jsgotangcofar flung areas have no access to computers though but interestingly, the penetration rate of mobile phones is suprisingly high :)09:29
jsgotangcowe are a natural-disater prone country and schools also serve as evacuation centers09:30
jsgotangco(public schools that is)09:30
jsgotangcoedubuntu as a server solution is not really an appealing solution here either as we can't even achieve a 1:1 ratio09:33
jsgotangcothe public school in my hometown for example has around a thousand students but only has 10 computers09:34
jsgotangcoone of those computers was my old P309:34
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jsgotangcocome to think of it, im pretty sure i was one of the first people being connected online in my place :)09:36
jsgotangcos/first people/first group of people09:36
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mhzjsgotangco: gee09:38
jsgotangcothere are certain regions here that are very very poor09:38
jsgotangcoremember we are more than 7,000 islands spread from north to south09:39
jsgotangcoour total coastline combined is bigger than that of the united states09:39
mhzjsgotangco: the more I hear/read about this, the more I am convinced it is each person's responsibility to do something to change it (if we realize this is bad, we must do something to solve it).09:39
jsgotangcowe are very very spread out09:40
mhzyeah, true09:40
jsgotangcosocially and economically09:40
RichEdogra are you here or busy driving a truck around somewhere ;)09:40
jsgotangcoso an initiative may only benefit a certain region for it to be successful first09:40
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mhzIn Chile we are not that spread but yeah, we are a long thin country with many diff geographical areas and weather, so it is not easy to coordinate.09:41
jsgotangcoeducation here, is like not even on the top 10 priorities of the national budget09:41
jsgotangcobecause almost half of the national budget goes into debt servicing09:41
=== mhz sighs
jsgotangcothe stories of public school teachers going abroad to become domestic help for other countries is too common already09:42
RichEdjsgotangco: sounds like you need bono to come sing about debt relief when he is finished in africa !09:42
jsgotangcosure 09:42
jsgotangco30 years ago, we could have been a superpower in the region if the nuclear program went into fruit09:43
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
mhzjsgotangco: we, in LAm are told we have  huge international debt (money) with Europe and USA...and it is fun.. Spanish and Portuguese people took (and still take) most of our many resources, for free, but we owe them :)09:48
jsgotangcoi guess we can all blame the spanish of the middle ages heh09:49
cbx33morning mhz jsgotangco 09:49
jsgotangcowe're like under spanish rule for 600+ years09:49
mhzwell, it was our fault too, we let that happen somehow09:49
mhzcbx33: hi there. how's family?09:50
cbx33yeh doing good09:50
cbx33how are you doing?09:51
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mhzI am fine...just can't sleep yet. My daughter is happily sleeping and my ex-wife (but we live toghether) is also sleeping and healthy...so I can't complain09:52
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mhzGuys, I am trying to modify topic of #ubuntu-meeting10:11
mhzDoes that have to be via fridge 1st?10:12
mhzif so, can someone do it? (or it's anyone's task)10:12
mhzI wanna add '27 Jul 15:00 UTC: Edubuntu Handbook'10:13
mhzjsgotangco: ?10:16
mhzRichEd: ping10:20
RichEdwrapped my mail chores ... can i get a coffee & join you in pvt ?10:20
mhzoh, for a moment I thought I had been disconnected10:21
mhzRichEd: sure, 3 minutes?10:21
RichEdand counting10:21
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mhzGuys, I am trying to modify topic of #ubuntu-meeting11:45
mhzDoes that have to be via fridge 1st?11:45
mhzI wanna add '27 Jul 15:00 UTC: Edubuntu Handbook'11:45
=== pygi_ is now known as pygi
pygimhz, isnt that already on the fridge?11:51
mhzpygi: nope11:51
mhzthat is why I am trying to add it11:51
pygijust add it on the fridge (poke jdub I would say)11:53
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mhzpygi: I have just finished a meeting and need some sleep (at least 30 minutes)..could you please poke jdub for the Handbook Meeting?12:16
mhz /whois jdub shows no channel12:16
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cbx33morning ogra 12:57
ograhey hey12:57
cbx33just inital conecpt and ideas at this stage12:58
cbx33it's onyl a few K12:58
cbx33suggestions comments?12:59
ograthe break in the beginning feels a bit strange, i'd make it shorter, but else i think its great01:00
cbx33do you mean the pause between the notes?01:00
cbx33or the actual pause before it starts?01:00
cbx33ok cool01:00
juliuxcbx33, sounds great, but a littlebit windows like01:00
cbx33I'll make another version tonight01:00
cbx33juliux: any suggestions01:01
cbx33as I said it's still VERY early days yet01:01
juliuxcbx33, second 5 and the rest sounds like a windows sound01:01
juliuxcbx33, the start sounds realy great01:02
rodarvusnice sound, I liked it01:02
rodarvushow long is the current one we have on Ubuntu?01:02
cbx33about the same01:02
ograor even a little longer01:02
cbx33yeh I think it possibly is01:02
rodarvuschaging the login sound would be nice01:02
cbx33I agree01:02
ograchanging all sounds would be better :P01:02
cbx33ogra: that is my intention01:03
rodarvus<ogra> the break in the beginning feels a bit strange, i'd make it shorter, but else i think its great01:03
cbx33it was done like that...to ease you into your desktop :p01:03
rodarvuscbx33, did you played it on a keyboard connected to your computer?01:03
rodarvusa midi keyboard, I mean01:03
cbx33I used a Korg X5D synth for most sounds01:03
cbx33and then used Ardour for the disc recording/mixing and effectsd01:03
=== cbx33 loves ardour
cbx33and the korg has a wonderful sound set01:04
=== cbx33 makes notes....up the tempo and make it sound less windozy :p
cbx33maybe have some jungle drums in there :p01:05
rodarvussouth africans could feel offended if you use a jungle drums in there :)01:06
cbx33ahhh true01:06
cbx33ogra: so then rather than.....   |-|---|-|---|>------     more like |--|--|--|>--------  ? if that makes sense?01:07
ograand catholics could feel offended if you use bells ? come on :)01:07
rodarvusI wonder when the "new zeroconf spec" thread on ubuntu-devel@ is gonna be ended01:07
rodarvusit must have about 200 emails by now01:07
cbx33dang I'm feeling offended already.....ok...just sine tones for this theme then :p01:07
ograrodarvus, not even ignoring it solves that it seems ...01:07
rodarvusbroken openoffice.org-l10n is holding the rest of the upgrades01:09
cbx33rodarvus: again?????01:09
=== rodarvus sighs
rodarvuscbx33, yeah, but this time not on the build system01:10
rodarvusthe OOo package which was building yesterday was published to the mirrors01:10
rodarvusbut is missing openoffice.org-l10n01:10
ogracbx33, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/SoundEvents01:10
rodarvuswhich was uploaded this morning01:10
ografound it :)01:10
cbx33dang I was searching for that as well01:10
rodarvusand (if build suceeds) will be published in about 15 hours from now01:10
rodarvusb0rked updates in Edgy for the next 15 hours :P01:11
cbx338 or 44kHz, - seems a little too coarse to me :p01:11
ogra"The average Windows user has not heard a system beep in 10 years!"01:11
cbx33it's like....hmmm should we have ...crap quality....or space hogging quality?01:12
cbx33its been around for a while 2005-04-2301:13
rodarvusogra, do you remember where logs for our irc channels are kept?01:17
rodarvusfound it: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/01:17
cbx33right back alter all01:18
cbx33I'm getting kicked out of work 01:18
cbx33at 12:1801:19
cbx33I should be here till 401:19
cbx33but i nthe summer they shut early01:19
cbx33last year it was 201:19
cbx33this year should be 101:19
cbx33but hey I'm still getting paid so I'm not gonna complain01:19
cbx33more edubuntu time :D01:19
cbx33bye all01:19
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RichEdout for 30 mins03:36
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mhzmorning guys04:35
jsgotangcoand im already preparing to sleep in an hour =)04:36
mhzI guess that there is not point is setting new topic on #ubuntu-meeting, if we are only 30 minutes left for Edubuntu Handbook meeting, tight ?04:36
pygimhz, 20 minutes :P04:40
=== pygi thinks he'll be sleeping tho :P
mhz== REMINDER | Edubuntu Handbook meeting, Today, in 18 minutes, #ubuntu-meeting ==04:42
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PetarisMorning all04:51
RichEdhi again mhz ...04:53
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mhzRichEd: hi, Mr. Lizzard-on-shoulder's Husband ;D04:55
ogramhz, they have rats, not lizzards ;)04:56
mhzHedgeMage: cool! I did not know if you would make it04:56
RichEdthat would be a big lizard ... it's Mr. Lizzards-on-shoulder ;)04:56
mhzogra: hehehe04:56
mhzogra: still "ogra-on-the-move" ?04:56
RichEdogra: we have rats & lizards & geckos04:57
ogramhz, just packed my motorbike in the truck ;)04:57
ograRichEd, oh, Jane never told me, she only talked about the rats ...04:57
mhzogra: nice! so you'll be offline for how many days?04:57
ogranone :)04:57
mhz== REMINDER | Edubuntu Handbook meeting, Today, in 3 minutes, #ubuntu-meeting ==04:58
RichEdgeckos are free in africa ... they're like cute soft lizards04:58
ograprobably monday, depends how fast i am with unloading ...04:58
HedgeMagemhz: I have to cut out but I'll be logging and pygi is going to run things04:58
RichEdhopw's it looking to join us tomorrow in meeting ogra  ?04:58
ograif they dont shut down the DSL here tonight, it should be all fine 04:59
mhzogra, RichEd, and all... I may be offline for a couple of days (maybe even a week). I mean, there will be no broadband at home, so, I'll log in from a cibercafe near the house.04:59
mhzThat means, no more coffee while on the web :(04:59
mhzRichEd: ohh, I haven't sent you yesterdays meeting log05:00
=== mhz slaps himself had
RichEdalready got it thanks05:00
RichEdbut feel free to abuse yourself05:01
mhz== REMINDER | Edubuntu Handbook meeting, Today, Now?, #ubuntu-meeting ==05:01
=== pygi nods, NOW!
mhzsorry, I started reading emails yesterday and then I just forgot about it05:02
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LaserJockhi cbx33 06:58
=== mhz is now known as mhz_food
cbx33hey LaserJock 07:28
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cbx33Hi all08:48
cbx33new sounds scheme test08:48
ogracould you now add some living elements =08:49
cbx33living elemts?08:49
ograi.e. the current one has birds singing silently in the background ..08:50
cbx33i was gonna add kids laughing.....for an edubuntu one :p08:50
ograsomething like playing kids 08:50
cbx33I'll see what i canc do08:50
cbx33does it sound better08:50
ogragreat minds think alike :)08:50
ograyup, sounds great08:50
cbx33btw just so yous guys know....that last one was created entirely on ubuntu08:50
cbx33no keyboards08:50
cbx33I actually played it all on the laptop08:50
juliuxcbx33, great song08:51
cbx33so that one is better yeh?08:51
juliuxcbx33, yes08:52
cbx33great right I'll be back alter08:52
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mbufi tried installed edubuntu on T41 that already has ubuntu dapper beta and installed grub to MBR, now system is not booting - error message "GRUB Loading Stage 1.5. Grub loading, please wait ... Error 18" - I am not able to enter into BIOS either :(09:13
mbufwhat do i do ?09:13
Burgworkyou need to reinstall grbu09:19
Burgworkgrab an ubuntu cd, there should a rescue mode on that09:19
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pygihey RichEd 10:51
RichEdhey ...10:51
RichEdnot officiallly here :) just messing around with last of my install issues - GRUB edit etc.10:52
=== RichEd slinks away quietly
=== pygi stops RichEd from slipping away
=== RichEd is revived for a few seconds ... backs off from the very appealing white light
=== RichEd tries but but can't resist its pull
=== pygi clicks the lightswitch, and guess what :P
RichEddunno can't see nothing ?10:55
pygilol, right :)10:55
RichEdwhile it's quiet, can i sneak in a dumb question ?10:57
BurgworkRichEd, nope10:57
pygiRichEd, it isn't quiet, it's just dark :P10:58
=== RichEd will not be embarrassed in the dark
RichEd(seems to work for wimmin ;)10:58
pygiRichEd, ok, shoot, so if I don't know as usual, I'll be quiet :)10:58
Burgworkspeaking of wimmin, how is your lovely wife?10:58
RichEdwith file search in Linux ... how do you list multiple file patterns in the search box ?10:58
RichEdBurgwork:  sleeping i think10:59
RichEdwith MS file search, I can do [ *.png, *.abc ]  10:59
RichEdcommas between10:59
Burgworkhmm, no idea10:59
Burgworknever used search10:59
pygiRichEd, "locate *.png *.abc" ?11:01
RichEdpygi: using the GUI interface11:01
pygior "slocate *.png *.abc"11:01
RichEdthe one on the places menu11:01
RichEdif i try what you suggest, it finds nothing at all, not even the first pattern11:02
Burgworkthe one on the places menu also uses locate11:02
=== RichEd tinkers with the select more options box
pygiRichEd, you must first do "sudo updatedb"11:03
pygithen do "slocate *.png *.abc"11:03
RichEdexplain what this does please ? updatedb ?11:03
pygiupdates a database? :)11:04
pygi   updatedb - update the slocate database11:04
RichEdah ... that must be like indexing files for quick search11:04
Burgworkpygi, we need beagle or something better11:04
RichEdand asking for the index to be updated11:04
pygiBurgwork, beagle is fine in current state11:05
pygiat least compared to before :P11:05
Burgworknot on laptops11:05
=== RichEd cocks an ear .... new radiohead song oozing out of his radio ... mmmmmmmmmm gooood
Burgworkwhen you start in the sewer...11:05
RichEdi'll leave you alone now and go back towards that bright light11:05
RichEdtomorrow gents :)11:05
pygiRichEd, try that pls :)11:06
pygiBurgwork, hm, right11:06
RichEdpygi: okay11:06
RichEdyep ... multiple patterns match with space between.11:08
RichEdand man says:11:09
RichEd       updatedb - update the slocate database11:09
pygiI pasted you that =P11:09
RichEdspot on pygi :)11:09
=== pygi does bla =P
RichEdi must be getting ready for bed ... getting close to pumpkin time ...11:10
pygienjoy RichEd 11:10
RichEdthanks & g'night11:11
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