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mhbI think I'm going to go to sleep early today :o) Goodnight12:35
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Riddelltoma: ping02:15
freeflyingmorning all  :)02:18
Riddellmorning freeflying 02:19
freeflyingRiddell: hi  :)02:19
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imbrandonmoins freeflying 02:27
imbrandonand Riddell  ;)02:27
freeflyingimbrandon: hi02:28
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Riddellanyone want to package the new kwin-style-crystal?03:32
=== bddebian hides
Riddellkde-apps.org if you do, I'm off to sleep :)03:33
bddebianGnight Riddell03:36
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DaSkreechnixternal: Yo05:57
nixternalyo yo yo05:58
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freeflyinghas anyone used dak(debian archive kit/?08:28
uniqi use mini-dinstall :)08:34
uniqdak has always been overkill for my needs.08:34
freeflyinguniq: how about mini-dinstall08:35
uniqmini-dinstall is OK. not very advanced though.08:36
uniqeasy to setup and use.08:36
uniqdid you look at 'debarchiver' ? 08:37
freeflyinguniq: I nned a auto-archive08:37
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uniqauto-archive? - i think all the tools we're talking about expects you to upload packages into a incoming directory, and then the tool is run from cron and moves the files into it's place in the archive directory structure.08:39
freeflyingalso the source shall be build in at least on arch08:39
uniqso.. all you have to do is to upload things to a incoming directory.. and whatever archive manager you choose, you can have it run periodically.08:39
uniqahh.. 08:39
uniqyou want a buildd too.08:39
uniqthen i would suggest http://www.debian.org/devel/buildd/setting-up and http://kmuto.jp/open.cgi?buildd 08:42
uniqno problem. Have to go to work. see you.08:43
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RichJanybody have display issues at all with edgy?09:06
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abattoirRichJ: upto-date edgy?09:17
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RichJwell, i guess not, i just did apt-get update and found updates09:19
RichJhmm..adept notifier didn't tell me until i did that either09:19
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:25
RichJany ideas?09:27
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RichJone good thing about irssi, you don't need Xwindows09:47
RichJwell, that upgraded killed ATI drivers09:48
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RichJABI error (0)..XInput10:31
RichJthen something about ati not matching something10:31
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seaLneare the 354 packages safe enough to use on my work machine?11:08
hungerWseaLne: If you do not mind the occaisional arts-crash-popup.11:08
hungerWseaLne: So far I have not noticed any major regression apart from that.11:09
seaLneCalculating upgrade...Failed11:09
seaLneThe following packages have unmet dependencies.11:09
seaLne  openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb: Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (>= 2.0.3) but 2.0.3-3ubuntu3 is to be installed11:09
seaLne  openoffice.org-l10n-en-za: Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (>= 2.0.3) but 2.0.3-3ubuntu3 is to be installed11:09
seaLneE: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.11:09
seaLnenot sure why i had -za anyway11:14
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seaLnebah my fonts all changed size again11:40
seaLnehmm 75dpi11:48
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seaLnewhat resolution do other people have?11:55
haggaiseaLne: I guess you get those conflicts because those openoffice.org-l10n-* packages are for a previous OOo version, and need to be upgraded together with the core OOo packages11:56
seaLneyeah probably11:57
haggaiseaLne: which tool did you use to start the upgrade?11:57
seaLneapt-get dist-upgrade11:57
seaLnei removed those 2 but still can't get OOo to upgrade11:57
RiddellseaLne: do you have the latest dpkg?11:58
haggaioh, odd. What happens if you 'apt-get install openoffice.org-core' ?11:58
=== haggai waves to Riddell
Riddellhi haggai 11:58
RiddellI was wonding if doko was using the new Breaks: field11:58
haggaiRiddell: how did LUGradio go? I was plannig on going but we've been pretty busy with our new baby11:58
Riddelloh, congratulations11:59
Riddellit went well, lots of geeks including lots of kubuntu users11:59
seaLnehaggai: http://pastebin.ca/10209911:59
haggaiRiddell: thanks11:59
haggaidoko says he hasn't used Breaks at all12:00
haggaiseaLne: that's a bug in the packaging12:01
haggaidunno yet. It's the first I've seen of it12:01
haggaia file conflict will always be a bug, though12:01
abattoirX is broken for anyone after the latest edgy updates?12:02
seaLneabattoir: my fonts are small if that counts12:02
abattoirseaLne: did you reboot after the update?12:03
seaLnerestarted X12:03
abattoiroh ok :)12:03
abattoirit fails to load the video module.. at least for me12:03
abattoirnixternal complained of something similar12:03
seaLnei try to avoid reboots as they involve me kicking and swearing at my machine to get it t turn on properly :)12:04
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haggaiblack: 11:06 < doko> ohh, nice. well, just remove the help for now12:07
haggaino not black12:07
haggaiseaLne: ^12:07
haggaiseaLne: or you could use dpkg --force-overwrite12:08
seaLneyeah, i'll just ignore it just now12:08
seaLnebah abattoir has gone i was about to say that i didn't actually have the latest xorg and that now i only have one head and missing fonts/text in dialogs12:10
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_SimeRiddell: I got a fair chunk of the new syssettings structure implemented last night. I like it.12:34
Riddellwow, you rock _Sime :)12:36
Riddellgot any screenshots?12:37
_SimeRiddell: it is not that far yet.12:40
_SimeRiddell: there is still a lot to do. ...like hacking the s-s C++ code.12:40
_SimeRiddell: I've just done some of the structure.12:40
_SimeRiddell: there are also a number of label changes that need to be done.12:40
_SimeRiddell: I'm not sure if we should change the labels (read: *.desktop files) or copy the *.desktop files and then modify them.12:41
_SimeRiddell: "User account" becomes "My account" or something.12:41
Riddellpatching .desktop files is a pain, and should be avoided if possible12:45
_Simeok, so I should just copy the *.desktop files taht I need and rename/edit them, and try to keep them out of the normal kcontrol?12:47
Riddellyeah, I'd say so12:54
_Simekeeping them out of kcontrol should not be too hard.12:54
=== _Sime is now known as _Sime|AFK
seaLneweird its just kde programs that i have lost all text in01:13
seaLnefine with 354 until i restarted with the latest xorg01:23
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mornfallseaLne: nvidia crap?02:10
mornfallxorg 7.1 and nvidia binary drivers don't work together02:11
seaLnenvidia is working (with no fonts) random pci isn't at all02:11
seaLnemornfall: thanks i'll prod about and see if that is the problem02:12
mornfallwell, no fonts is a fairly fatal flaw in my world :)02:12
seaLneyeah :)02:12
mornfallyou will have to go beg nvidia for support, i guess02:13
mornfallif you want any02:13
mornfallintel works fine, as usual ;-) *hides*02:13
mornfall(even with aiglx)02:14
seaLnecan you actually buy intel cards as apposed to onboard?02:18
seaLneyeah thats what i thought :(02:18
mornfallwell, i don't think you can, anyway02:18
seaLnewhich is the binary nvidia and which is the non one? nvidia == propriatory, nv == free?02:22
seaLnenv dosen't work atall02:23
mornfalldo you have right version of that?02:23
mornfallfrom 7.102:23
mornfalland what card02:23
seaLneits rebooting, gimmie a min02:24
seaLnegah the machine won't turn on now i give up, lunch time02:25
mornfalli'm wondering what are ubuntu people smoking to ship binary nvidia driver02:25
mornfallseaLne: enjoy lunch02:25
seaLnesabdfl says its a compromise02:25
seaLneand they are done in a sneaky way, to not be distributing them02:26
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Riddelltoma: could you synk p.k.nl?02:44
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Hobbseehi all!  i'm back!  :D02:53
pygiwb Hobbsee (autojoin !!! :P)03:03
Hobbseehi pygi!03:04
Hobbseepsst... Riddell... you around?03:09
Riddellhi Hobbsee 03:14
HobbseeRiddell: how's kde 3.5.4 doing?03:14
Riddellhappily compiling away03:14
=== Hobbsee is back, not feeling like a stretched piece of chewing gum, and ready to take over the world again!
HobbseeRiddell: hehe, so it's not finished yet.03:15
Riddelledgy packages for testing if you're up for it03:15
Riddellwell, dunno if your bandwidth will be up for it03:15
Riddelldeb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde354/ main ./03:15
HobbseeRiddell: tomorrow... :P03:15
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HobbseeRiddell: first stop kubuntu, then ubuntu, then the world.  how's that sound to you?03:17
RiddellI'm just stopping at Kubuntu, I don't need anything else :)03:17
HobbseeRiddell: ahh...so you want me to take over kubuntu?03:17
jjessemorning Hobbsee03:17
Hobbseehi jjesse!03:18
Riddelloh, the wiki ssl got fixed03:18
HobbseeRiddell: YAY!!!!!03:19
jjesseso no more prompts?03:19
=== Hobbsee hugs Riddell and dances around in circles.
Riddellthought that would make you happy03:19
HobbseeRiddell: it does, it does :D03:20
HobbseeRiddell: holy sugar it even works!03:20
HobbseeRiddell: are there supposed to be many changes there yet?03:25
Hobbseelooks to be only kaffeine based stuff.03:25
=== Hobbsee notes that Riddell didnt answer the question about whether he wanted me to take over the organisation side of kubuntu. interesting.
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=== Hobbsee wonders why we have -za translations included in the -en-gb stuff.
RiddellHobbsee: changes where?03:33
HobbseeRiddell: sorry, kde 3.5.4 stuff - seems that there are only updates for kaffeine, kde-guidance, etc.03:33
RiddellHobbsee: I think I should be constitutional monarch and you can be the First Minister who wields the real power03:33
Riddell3.5.4 isn't uploaded yet03:33
HobbseeRiddell: hehehe.  so you're the one that all the bugs get assigned to?03:33
Riddellwe need testers, then if it's not broken we need to ask for UVF exception03:33
HobbseeRiddell: yeah, of course.  i added the extra repo, then tried.  i'm just thinking that there's not much there03:34
Riddellthere's a whole new KDE there03:35
Hobbseeah, repo didnt go in properly.  or something.03:35
HobbseeFailed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde354/dists/main/.//binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found03:35
HobbseeReading package lists... Done03:35
Riddelltry  deb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde354/ ./03:35
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HobbseeRiddell: whee!  that looks better!03:38
=== jjesse cheers on seeing the ssl on the wiki fixed
=== Hobbsee contemplates the fact that she could go and get drunk at SLUG tomorrow night.
HobbseeCurrent Usage:   8875.80 MB03:39
HobbseeHAH!  there's lots less bandwith used when i'm not here...03:40
Riddellactually slug is on tonight, in Glasgow03:41
HobbseeRiddell: uh, what's your slug?03:41
Riddellthe blasphemously titled Scottish LUG03:42
Riddellthe founders felt they had to get one up on Edinburgh LUG03:42
HobbseeRiddell: ahhh...right.03:43
=== Hobbsee notes that the mesa is less borked, from last update.
seaLnescotlug was formed before edlug03:46
seaLneat the time it was setup there were hardly any lugs03:46
Riddellclearly they felt people would travel from Kirkcudbright and Thurso just to be at ScotLUG :)03:47
seaLnewe have had people come from dundee03:52
Riddellthat's only because I stopped organising Dundee LUG03:53
=== seaLne wishes there was a nv xorg module compiled so he could use his computer
seaLneand glint03:53
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Hobbseehi bddebian!04:00
seaLnei think i prefer the spinning gear in the kde logo that konq in debian has04:10
Riddellthat's the KDE default04:11
Riddellbut I like being able to recognise kubuntu in screenshots04:11
kwwiiis the wiki down?04:12
kwwiiforget that, it loaded (took 5 minutes though)04:13
kwwiiRiddell: someone worked on a new throbber...can think who right now though04:16
kwwiibasically it would be the kubuntu logo spinning but you only see part of it (ie, the top left corner)04:17
Hobbseehi kwwii :)04:18
kwwiithe problem with using the whole logo is that it is too big for such small sizes (it always ends up looking like it does now)04:18
kwwiihowdy Hobbsee04:18
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nixternal(EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)05:02
nixternalthat is my xserver-xorg error after edgy updates05:02
abattoirnixternal: i get that too :)05:02
nixternalATI rage 2 mobile piece of junk lappy ;)05:02
nixternalahh, so im not the only one ;)05:02
abattoirnixternal: i guess its a problem w/ X05:02
nixternaldid you fix it abattoir05:02
abattoirnixternal: nope :(05:03
Hobbseeyeah, X broke.05:03
abattoirnixternal: i have a SiS card and it failed to load that module05:03
nixternalim gonna have to put dapper on this lappy..i have to use it for presentation tonight ;)05:03
abattoirnixternal: i tried switching bat to vesa, but that didnt help either05:03
Hobbseenixternal: why not dual boot it?05:03
nixternali just tried vesa right now..same error05:03
pygiHobbsee, see? I do bug after all :P05:04
Hobbseepygi: nah...05:04
Hobbseepygi: i have a couple of people on my hate list - you certainly arent one.05:04
nixternalHobbsee: i really can't answer that one ;)  i hate to reboot and what not, and this lappy i use for testing mainly...so i never dual booted it...maybe if i get a new hard drive for it today then i will05:04
nixternal10gb hard drive isn't much fun05:04
abattoirnixternal: any 'buzz' around #ubuntu-devel about this?05:04
Hobbseesigh.  i'm an idiot.05:05
abattoir yes X in edgy is broken atm".05:05
nixternalnot that i have seen05:05
ajmitchnixternal: xorg drivers are in the queue to be rebuilt05:05
ajmitchjust be patient :)05:05
abattoirfrom #ubuntu-devel topic ^^^^^05:05
nixternalajmitch: i will be patient now ;)  thank you sir05:05
ajmitchHobbsee: you use i810 driver, right?05:05
Hobbseeajmitch: i think so, yeah.05:06
=== ajmitch has a rebuilt driver for that
ajmitchor you can just apt-get source xserver-xorg-video-i810, and build it05:06
Hobbseeajmitch: if i've have to change a upstream tarball from .tar.bz2 to .tar.gz - i dont further modify it, like to correct the folder name, do i?05:06
ajmitchHobbsee: best not to05:06
=== Hobbsee doesnt think so.
Hobbseeajmitch: right, yep, thanks05:07
Hobbseeajmitch: how big's the driver, and when's it likely to be fixed by?05:07
ajmitchyou'll notice that dpkg-source extracts with the right directory name, no matter what05:07
Hobbseeajmitch: ahh...right.05:07
ajmitchdriver is < 1MB, build depends may be a little larger05:07
ajmitchok, about 600K for the driver source alone05:07
Hobbseeajmitch: and when is it being fixed by?05:08
ajmitchor I've got a 127KB .deb05:08
=== Hobbsee hasnt updated edgy yet.
ajmitchwhenever the buildds are free enough to build it05:08
Hobbseeright, so sometime overnight, hopefully.05:08
ajmitchwhich could be quite awhile, with OOo05:08
Hobbseeajmitch: if you could send me the deb, i'd appreciate it.05:08
=== Hobbsee trusts that you havent played with it.
ajmitchit's now a version behind the current source, but that's no big deal05:09
ajmitchit works05:09
Hobbseeajmitch: thanks :)05:09
=== Hobbsee wonders about some ice.
ajmitchyou can even turn composite on in xorg.conf & play with fancy effects05:10
Hobbseeooh :)05:12
=== seaLne wonders why he never thought to just build xorg packages rather than complaining about not being able to use his machine :)
HobbseeseaLne: they take ages, i expect05:17
seaLnenah very quick05:17
=== Hobbsee whinges.
HobbseeSeveas is being nasty.05:18
seaLnemore than his reputation?05:18
HobbseeseaLne: he took me off the ops list :(05:18
=== Hobbsee was abusing the ops.
seaLneyou were or he thought you were?05:18
seaLneRiddell: just to confirm my font/text problem was xorg related05:19
HobbseeseaLne: oh i was, no question - the ops are insane in -offtopic :P05:19
RiddellseaLne: so it's fixed itself?05:20
HobbseeRiddell: dput'ing to revu now :)05:21
seaLneRiddell: yeah looks fine now there is text to read :)05:22
ajmitchseaLne: you had invisible text also?05:22
seaLneyeah except in xterm for some reason05:23
=== mdz [n=mdz@studiocity-motorola-bsr1-70-36-194-85.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee looks menacingly at revu. i think ajmitch broke it.
pygiajmitch, again??!05:27
ajmitchseaLne: I've heard blame put on various things - fontconfig, freetype or libxft2 are the most likely culprits05:27
Hobbseepygi: yes, again.05:28
Hobbseeoh, here we go.  hey, there's an archive button now!  cool!05:28
RiddellHobbsee: that's because you're a MOTU now05:29
HobbseeRiddell: oh cool.  i didnt think i had access to that though :)05:29
ajmitchwhat is Hobbsee complaining about this time?05:29
Hobbseeajmitch: you, dont worry :)05:29
=== Hobbsee hugs ajmitch
HobbseeRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=279905:29
Hobbseeajmitch: you be careful, or i'll tickle your ribs again :P05:29
seaLneHobbsee: if you want to test the archive button, you could archive dcfldd05:30
seaLnethat dosen't sound good05:31
HobbseeseaLne: it was already archived.  i hit the unarchive button :P05:32
ajmitchHobbsee: note that there's an 'unarchive' button for those oops'05:32
Hobbseeajmitch: yeah, that's the one i just hit :P05:32
ajmitchjust don't accidentally nuke stuff05:32
Hobbseenuke?  that could be fun05:32
Hobbseeajmitch: i have the power to do that too?05:32
ajmitchthough you probably can't, if you don't see it05:32
seaLneHobbsee: if yur board fancy looking at kmobiletools on revu?05:35
Hobbseeajmitch: yeah, i dont see it05:35
=== Hobbsee needs to go to bed before 3am tonight, too...
HobbseeseaLne: that's just an upgrade, isnt it?05:35
ajmitchseaLne: always upload to REVU with an orig.tar.gz05:36
seaLneajmitch: ?05:37
ajmitchsorry, it appears that you have one, but the diff looks 'interesting'05:38
seaLnethe upstream tgz was a mess05:38
ajmitchdid the upstream tarball contain a debian/ dir?05:39
ajmitchhow evil05:39
seaLneand some .o files and a .svn dir05:39
ajmitchhave they been suitably chastised?05:40
seaLnei asked in their irc channel and was told it didn't matter05:40
ajmitchdid you flame them in response?05:41
seaLnei tried to justify my suggestion t fix it05:42
RiddellHobbsee: kwin-style-crystal uploaded thanks, you can use your elite Archive powers now05:49
HobbseeRiddell: hehe!  :D05:49
HobbseeRiddell: i want the other title too though - probably announced sometime soonish, so people will listen to me05:49
Hobbseealthough they already do, to some degree, which is good :)05:49
=== nixternal plugs his ears ;)
Hobbseenixternal: ah yeah, that's right.  then again, i dont mind this one getting out.05:51
RiddellHobbsee: how do we go about announcing that?05:52
Riddellat a kubuntu meeting I guess05:52
HobbseeRiddell: i'm not sure on that one - i would say at a kubuntu meeting, but not one of those is scheduled for a while.05:53
nixternali missed something here big time Hobbsee, as i have no clue what you are talking about05:53
HobbseeRiddell: goign to tell mark, etc?05:53
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, you did05:53
nixternali read about archive and nuke, and your excitement ;)05:53
Hobbseenixternal: yeah, people wonder about why i'm excited, adn see no evidence, so it's a bit weird.05:54
bddebianHow did I know that Hobbsee would package kwin-style-crystal?? :-)05:59
Hobbseebddebian: because i got asked to?  how'd you figure that?06:00
bddebianHobbsee: Riddell mentioned it late last night :)06:00
Hobbseebddebian: ah.  he only mentioned it to me in PM an hour or so ago.  but i did think to check if it was in main first, instead of getting another rejected email :P06:01
pygiHobbsee, may I grab you for a sec pls?06:02
=== Hobbsee is grabbed
Hobbseepygi: sure06:03
=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomahey all06:13
Hobbseehi toma!06:13
Riddelltoma: could you sync people.kde.nl?06:14
Hobbseetoma: i'm back to haunt you and everyone else!  :P06:14
tomaRiddell: hm?06:14
tomaRiddell: can  you make a dummy commit and see if it updates now?06:14
tomawaha 414kB/s 06:15
nixternalman i had a good one with "can you make a dummy commit"...06:15
=== Hobbsee fixes ksudoku, and reuploads it.
HobbseeRiddell: what's that k cocoa thing that refreshes the menu, and fixes when you use sudo for a KDE gui app?  whta's the command?06:16
uniqhobbsee: kbuildsycoca06:17
Hobbseeah :)06:17
Hobbseei knew it had soemthing to do with cocoa...06:17
Riddelltoma: doesn't seem to have06:18
Hobbseeoh well06:18
tomaRiddell: ok, just have a new adsl connection, so I need to dig myself a way through some iptables, takes a moment.06:19
=== Hobbsee just uploaded something that didnt actualy fix the problem. damn.
sebasDoes apt-get install lame work for someone here?06:25
Hobbseenight all06:25
sebas  lame: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 is to be installed06:25
Hobbseesebas: works fine here.06:25
Hobbseesebas: got some screwy repo that you're using?06:26
sebasDapper 06:26
Hobbseeno idea then, without firing up my pbuilder.06:26
sebasHm, ok.06:26
sebasThx anyway.06:26
uniqdapper... let's see.06:26
Hobbseeand i'm going to bed.06:26
Hobbseenight all...06:26
uniqsebas: works.06:27
sebasuniq: Ok, then it's me :-)06:27
uniq    3.96.1-1 006:27
uniq        500 http://no.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages06:27
uniqthere it is.06:27
tomaRiddell: olivier seems to be there06:33
tomaRiddell: something specific wrong?06:34
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tomawhere is hobbsee now?06:34
tomaRiddell: i see the foo, so i think you triggered it correctly06:35
Riddellrocking, it's working now06:38
Riddellthanks toma 06:38
tomaok, i just rebooted my computer, i can not imagen that solved this issue ;-)06:39
Riddellis kde.nl hosted on your computer?06:40
seaLneanyone tried using k3b/cdrecord recently on edgy?  i can't burn cds06:40
uniqsealne: i can try.. hang on.06:42
seaLneit seems to be at the burning stage06:42
seaLneah: Error: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?06:44
uniqi'll try to delete a cdrw.06:44
seaLnels -l /usr/bin/cdrecord*06:45
uniqk3b prompts me saying i should run k3bsetup to make cdrecord SUID root.06:45
uniq-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 133 2006-06-29 02:03 /usr/bin/cdrecord06:46
uniqbefore k3bsetup.06:46
omeowMy computer can't seem to recover dpms'd monitors.06:46
omeowAnyone else having that problem on edgy?06:46
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uniqsealne: k3bsetup doesn't do the job of setting SUID very well here.. 06:49
seaLneinteresting, k3bsetup fails like that on debian aswell, least it wasn't specifically me :)06:50
seaLnek3bsetup wasn't something i thought to test :(06:51
seaLneunix_connect: can't connect to server (unix:/tmp/ksocket-root/napier-01.cis.strath.ac.uk-7bad-44c8eeb2)06:51
seaLne^ anyone seen that before?06:52
seaLnecould it be related?06:52
uniqi don't think so.06:55
uniqis there a 'Autorun at logout'-function in KDE? 06:57
tomaa what?07:25
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=== nixternal bows to the mighty person who fixed xserver!!!
omeowAre you talking about xserver-input?09:32
omeowI always have to downgrade to in order to keep my mouse working.09:32
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mhbhi all09:58
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uniqtoma: something like the Autostart folder.. for logouts, not logins.10:15
uniqhi tm_t.10:16
Tm_Tis new xorg already in edgy? or should I expect xorg b0rkage if I move to edgy next week10:17
pygiTm_T, X is currently broken10:18
pyginot so excellent, but oh well :P10:18
Tm_Tit is, that means it should be ok in few weeks10:19
pygiah :)10:19
crimsunit's actually working just fine.10:28
crimsunnew xserver-xorg-video-* are in the archive now10:28
uniqmy x is working.. dist-upgraded yesterday.10:29
Tm_Tcrimsun: what version of xorg it is? 7.1?10:29
crimsuna bit newer.10:29
crimsun7.1.1 according to /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:29
Tm_Tsounds good10:30
Tm_TI might dist-upgrade next week10:30
Tm_TI need something to mess with after I failed to build kdelibs in windows10:31
Tm_Tthough I fail in linux aswell =)10:31
Tm_TKDE4 <310:32
omeowWhat's your issue with xorg, Tm_T?10:32
Tm_Tomeow: no issues, just don't wan't to upgrade in the middle of the borkage10:33
omeowWell, the thing I mentioned above is only because of my mouse. Don't know of anything else that got broken.10:33
omeowI have to use the older version, because otherwise I can't use all my mouse buttons.10:33
omeowThe new version is broken according to some guide on ubuntu forums.10:33
Tm_Tall? three is enough ;)10:33
omeowi use a couple extra.10:33
Tm_TI love to have the middle button under my thumb like now10:34
omeowI have a button above and underneath my scrollwheel.10:34
omeowI bound them to home and end, so I can skip a page directly to the end or beginning.10:35
Tm_Tsounds useful10:35
omeowIt was such a pain to set up.10:35
Tm_Tso it feels better when it success ;)10:36
omeowIt made me feel depressed.10:36
omeowPitty that all other users will have to go through the trouble too.10:36
omeowIt's not exactly userfriendly. And there's no tool for it.10:37
_SimeRiddell: ping10:40
=== aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalwhats up with the fonts?10:58
nixternallol...they got small, but i kind of like it since this lappy is only 800x60010:58
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Riddell_Sime: hi11:09
_SimeRiddell: hi, I downloaded the Freespire beta 2 disk.11:10
_SimeRiddell: it is a live CD (as well) and is worth having a look at.11:10
Riddell1 CD?11:10
_SimeRiddell: 1 cd11:10
_SimeRiddell: +install, if you want that.11:10
_SimeRiddell: they have some other config tools which I haven't seen before.11:11
Riddellto do what?11:11
_Simenetwork configuration.11:13
_Simethey are also using Jack11:13
_Sime(Arts has a jack out plugin I think)11:13
Riddellubuntu doesn't want jack in main so we don't compile for that11:14
nixternaladept is broken again in edgy btw11:14
pyginixternal, ah11:15
nixternalmy thoughts exactly ;)11:16
mornfallwhat's up with it11:22
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kwwiihehe, oops11:47
pygikwwii, :P11:48
kwwiiso how does that work again?11:50
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pygiwell, what do you new kwwii ?11:50
kwwiithe time, I mean11:50
kwwiiit was something with @ and a city name :-)11:51
kwwiigod, I sound like a newbie11:51
kwwii@ Berlin11:51
kwwiior such11:51
kwwiioh well11:51
sebasIt's 23.51, and decent computers have a working clock, dude. :-)11:52
sebas52 even11:52
Ignite_will there be a network installation image for edgy? (if this has already been done then ignore me :P)11:54
pygi21:53 UTC I would say11:54
kwwiiand that fscks me up every time11:54
nixternalsorry mornfall...it is the database error11:54
sebasNo, in Berlin :-)11:54
kwwiiRiddell: is the dev meeting at 23:00 UTC or ETC (as it says on the wiki)?11:54
sebaspygi seems also right, of course.11:54
nixternalim in a rush as i am giving an Ubuntu presentation tonight for the Chicago LoCo11:54
pygikwwii, UTC I would say11:54
kwwiiyeah, most meeting times are posted as UTC until now, but the fridge says Etc11:55
pygisebas, :)11:55
pygikwwii, fridge lies :P11:55
kwwiipygi: btw, I have the icons almost finished11:56
=== pygi does a happy dance, yay :)
kwwiiI adapted a few of the oxygen icons to make ones specifically for bzr11:56
pygithanks :)11:57
kwwiiI will send you them once I am happy with 'em :-)11:57
pygiuh, that means never ! :P11:57
kwwiino, no, it means one day before forever11:58
Ignite_is bzr a new package format? i think i remember reading something with "bzr" in something (k)ubuntu related earlier today11:58
pyginop, it's not a new package format :P11:59
pygi!info bzr11:59
ubotubzr: bazaar-ng, the next-generation distributed version control system. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 655 kB, installed size 3636 kB11:59
kwwiiIgnite_: it is a repository system, version control11:59
kwwiihehe, yeah11:59
Ignite_sounds fun11:59
pygikwwii, :P11:59
=== Ignite_ goes in search of more info :D
pygiIgnite_, http://bazaar-vcs.org/12:00
pygia  little you can find here, other you can ask me12:00
Ignite_thanks, i'm there now :P12:00
pygiI'll be off to sleep soon tho, but tommorow is a good day :P12:00
pygi(1 minute 'till tommorow :P)12:00
kwwiidamn, I have to wait another hour to go to bed12:01
kwwiiwell, more than that12:01
pygikwwii, eh, why?12:01
kwwiidid someone implement the new bazaar website design already?12:02
pygikwwii, I think this is the new one :)12:03
pygiright, your meeting starts in an hour12:03
pygiwell, almost...57 minutes :)12:03
kwwiithe "Etc" on the wiki is what messed me up12:04
pygikwwii, care to explain me one thing?12:04
pygiI registered a domain,and it is valid until 1.1.1970???12:04
pygiI mean wth??12:04
kwwiithat sounds fscked up12:05
kwwiiyou have to register your domain and then pay every year12:05
pygiI know that, but notice the year pls :)12:06
pygiIt's in the past !!!12:06
kwwiiyeah, sure12:06
kwwiiit is almost like a joke12:06
kwwiior a really bad program12:06
pygithat might be the Y2k36 bug :P12:06
kwwiihehe, doubt it12:06
kwwiiby now 12:06
kwwiikinda late for that12:06
pyginow the domain is free !!! I mean wth?12:06
pygilate for Y2k36 bug? nah, that is a new one :P12:07
pygiit'll happen in 2036 :)12:07
nixternalarg, i can't install gnupg-agen cuz of libpth2 is not installable12:07
toma1/1/1970 is called epoch. When you donot know the expire date and you set the field to 0 a conversion to a human readable format results in 1/1/1970.12:07

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