
grizzlyGlassCasket: in synaptic there is an option to add cds so they can be used as repositories. Try that12:08
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grizzlyany command line alternative to cdrecord?12:09
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GlassCasketgrizzly: If I have a cd in the cdrom drive, it automatically adds it to the list. :)12:12
rlji assume the default 2.6.15 kernel kubuntu serves is a kubuntu-patched special kernel. are there any possibilities to run newer kernels in 6.06 without downloading the sources and installing manually? i.e, a 2.6.17 kernel would be nice12:12
GlassCasketBut that still didn't answer my question, will it pull all the dependencies from the CD?12:12
GaiaX11Any1 here knows how to use kcontrol-autostart?12:13
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grizzlyGlassCasket: yes12:14
obf213anybody have a dual core cpu12:14
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GlassCasketThank you. :)12:14
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draikrr72, IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!! I can finally print from my winxp laptop to my Kubuntu Desktop12:22
draikThanks for your help rr7212:23
xylushey guys can someone tell me of a good p2p cliant for kubuntu i can get off the apt repositorys12:23
obf213hey does anyone here have dual crore thats recognized by kubuntu12:23
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draikxylus, I use LimeWire, but that's not in the repositories12:23
draikits still an easy install12:23
xylusyeah i know12:23
xylusapt-get java12:24
xylusthan download lime12:24
xylusi was looking for something different tho12:24
xylussomething new like ares perhaps12:24
xylusjust thought maby their might be one in the respsitorys12:24
Hawkwindxylus: gtk-gnutella, azureus12:24
HawkwindThough azureus is a HUGE resource hog12:24
xylushey draik you know the command for sunjava latest jer?\12:24
xylusazureus isent that a bittorrent ?12:25
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository12:25
draikthank you Hawkwind12:25
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ubotuI know nothing about kjournald - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:25
Hawkwindxylus: That's still p2p whether it's bittorrent or not12:25
xylusawesome so sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre12:25
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xylusyeah but im edgy on bittorrent considering ktorrent is allredy installed12:25
Hawkwindxylus: Read the how-to for java12:25
xylusno need to get another one12:25
xylusoh i know how java works i just wanted to know the command to download it12:25
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xylusthx capin12:26
Hawkwindxylus: There are much better ways to do illegal stuff than a p2p client on Linux12:26
xylusenlighten me hawk XD12:26
xylusi like illegal stuff12:26
xyluswarez sites piss me off12:26
HawkwindMusic or movies ?12:26
HawkwindThen torrents are the best12:26
HawkwindYou won't find anything better12:26
xylusktorrent search dosent work well anyone else have this problem?12:27
xylusi search something and half the time i cant get what i searched to download from the torrent12:27
HawkwindUmmm, you don't use search. You go to the torrent site, click on download for what you want12:27
obf213yeah i had thqt problem12:27
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xylushawk got a link to the search site?12:28
xylusand thanks XD12:28
xylusi apreciate the assistance12:28
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bLaZeDxylus, piratebay mini nova isohunt,torrentreactor...all public torrent rackers12:28
bLaZeDxylus, good rule of thumb....more seeds = faster downloads12:28
obf213wht can you do to get a cd info is cddb isnt working12:29
xylusblazed just a url well work for me12:29
Hawkwindxylus: I don't use search.  I visit my actual torrent sites, look for what I want and download it from there12:29
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xylusi dont know what pirate bay mini nova isohunt etc etc is12:29
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slicslakhow do you search for packages from the cli?12:29
Hawkwindslicslak: apt-cache search12:29
interfearis the newest kubuntu the same as dapper drake 6.06 except with kde?12:29
bLaZeDxylus, just google the names of the trackers...12:29
Hawkwindxylus: demonoid.com12:29
slicslakHawkwind, thx12:29
xylusdemonoid.com pimped thx hawk12:30
xylusthanks balze12:30
xylusill check that shiz out12:30
Hawkwindxylus: Or get someone to invite you to private sites like SceneTorrents.org or FeedThe.net12:30
xyluspersonaly the bitloard tracker is the best in my opinion12:30
Hawkwindxylus: Easy on the language, even the substitutions12:30
xylusi wonder how i can acess that without using bitloard12:30
HawkwindYou can download torrents from those sites with any client12:30
xylussry sometimes i forget im on a public chat used to closed irc12:31
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obf213what kernel do i need for dual core12:31
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xyluskool thx guys12:31
bLaZeDobf213, a smp kernel12:32
Hawkwindobf213: linux-68612:32
obf213Sysinfo for 'timi-laptop': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: GenuineIntel(R)CPUT2500@2.00GHz at 1997 MHz (3994 bogomips), , RAM: 384/1001MB, 116 proc's, 1.20h up12:32
obf213is that correct12:32
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obf213because when i got to sys mon iter or w/e i only c one cpu and m widget is only showign one cpu12:33
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AzmodanHello.  I just installed kubuntu on my second hard drive and all I get when I boot is Grub giving me an error 21...12:34
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs12:35
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:35
obf213Hawkwind was the the correct kernel?12:35
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RogueXCan anyone here help me with Konversation?12:37
moparisthebestmaybe RogueX whatcha need?12:38
ubotuI know nothing about cdrtools - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:39
ubotuI know nothing about cdrecord - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:39
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:39
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RogueXmoparisthebest: I made the main title bar dissapear and dont know  how to get it back12:39
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ubotuI know nothing about smp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:39
sorush20hi guys ...12:39
=== obf213 hi
sorush20I seem to have lost all the contents of my home folder..12:39
moparisthebesthmm, interesting RogueX :P Ill look at mine, hang on a second12:40
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bastiqhow do i start fluxbox after i've installed it with adept?12:41
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moparisthebestRogueX, so you dont see file or edit or insert etc etc?12:41
rr72draik~ np12:42
RogueXmoparisthebest: exactly12:42
moparisthebesthmm, you dont know how you did it do you?12:42
moparisthebesti cant seem to be able to :/12:42
xylusok boys i need some real help here ;) someone plz pm me a good media player for movies thats in the repositorys and show me how to install dvd divx avi and mpeg codecs and perhaps a good dvd player  i would apreciate it alot12:43
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RogueXmoparisthebest: yes... went into the menus .. tools maybe and clicked on make main tool bar go away12:43
xylusok i jsut identifyed12:44
xylustry pming me now please someone12:44
RogueXmoparisthebest: find it?12:44
Hawkwindxylus: kaffeine12:44
moparisthebestah ok RogueX12:44
moparisthebestctrl+m will fix you up ;)\12:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:44
xylushawkwind is their nothing better aside from kaffeine perhaps mplayer?12:44
Hawkwindxylus: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^12:44
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Hawkwindxylus: mplayer works well too12:45
RogueXmoparisthebest: THANKS!12:45
HawkwindAs does Xine12:45
xylusok now after i install mplayer12:45
xylusor xine12:45
moparisthebestno problem RogueX, that was interesting to learn :)12:45
xylushow do i gear up codecs12:45
carlosI need help12:45
HawkwindRead the above12:45
xylusfor my dvd drive12:45
Hawkwindxylus: Those pages tell you EVERYTHING12:45
xyluswhat pages?12:45
forkzxylus: !restricted12:45
RogueXmoparisthebest: up for another question?12:45
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moparisthebestsure :)12:45
carlosI need help with my wifi and my graphic card12:46
xylusok thanks man12:46
forkzxylus: To watch movies i just installed easyubuntu, and it works great!12:46
RogueXmoparisthebest: how do I open a new tab and join another group??12:46
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forkzkaffeine plays almost everything now :P12:46
xyluseasyubuntu supports dvd drive?12:46
xylusand divx and avi and other formats aswell?12:46
forkzI dunno, but i watched a couople of dvds now :P12:46
xylusand auto installs the dvdrlibs?12:46
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xylusand such12:46
forkzdivX yes, avi, yes12:47
obf213ok i fetched the i816 smp kernel12:47
xyluswhats the apt command to download that fork ol bro12:47
moparisthebestRogueX, click file > server list12:47
carlosplease can someone help me?12:47
hackerballi speak spanih12:47
obf213i need to restart when i get a new kernel right12:47
hackerballalguien habla espaol12:47
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RogueXmoparisthebest: ok12:47
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RogueXmoparisthebest: don12:47
hackerballque tal12:47
carloscomo estas12:47
RogueXmoparisthebest: done now?12:47
forkzxylus: do not remember, but just go to the homepage, and see... as far as i remember: www.easyubuntu.org12:47
hackerballsoy de peru12:47
pierrethi am unable to print12:47
carlosperu yo de el salvdor12:47
xylusthx man ill check it out12:47
moparisthebestill answer questions all day if I can :P12:47
hackerbally busco un poco de ayuda12:48
forkzhackerball: english?12:48
xylussays unknown hosetname12:48
pierrethi want to use cups12:48
hackerballes sobre little english12:48
forkzjsut write easyubuntu on google, and it will tell you :P12:48
carlosyo tambien12:48
pierrethi have a problem with authentification system12:48
obf213there might be a spanish channel12:48
hackerballtambien buscas ayuda12:48
pierrethhow can i fix this?12:48
carlospero nadir me escucha12:48
carloscual es tu problema12:49
RogueXmoparisthebest: I got it wrong.. how do I open another channel in a new tab?12:49
hackerballbueno cual es tu pregunta?12:49
moparisthebestoh, just /j #channelname12:49
forkzxylus: here: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/12:49
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posthumanHi i have a question...what are the deb-src repositories for in the sources file?12:49
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posthumanare they needed?12:49
carlosnome detecta la tarjeta wifi y tengo que comnfigurar la tarjeta grafica12:49
RogueXmoparisthebest: ok next question.. how do I see/search for other available channels?12:50
carloshow do you install a driver for a graphic card?12:50
imbrandoncarlos: depends on the card12:50
moparisthebestRogueX, press F5 or window > channel list12:50
carlosits a 1300 ati radeon12:50
hackerballla mia es una ATI12:50
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:51
carlosin my inspiron 640012:51
hackerballque raro que no reconozca12:51
imbrandonfollow that link from ubotu12:51
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:51
carlosthanks and for the wifi card?12:51
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:51
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carlosi speak english spanish and french12:51
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:51
cotrolerhey ppl to install 32 bit kubuntu do i have 2 format? i have 64 bit12:51
RogueXmoparisthebest: thank you12:51
forkzxylus: Found it?12:52
carlosill try that12:52
imbrandoncotroler: yes unless yo want a chroot12:52
xylusnot atm lolz im actualy tryin to snag some torrents lol12:52
xylusill check in a short moment12:52
hackerballadios me voy al canal espaol12:52
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ubotuI know nothing about deb-src - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:53
RogueXmoparisthebest: I notice everyone's name is in a different color... mine is in black.. is that done automacticly or is everyone setting it?12:53
imbrandonRogueX: automaicly in your client settings12:53
moparisthebestits done automatically on your end RogueX, you can disable it if you want12:53
imbrandonRogueX: your pink on my screen12:53
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crazy_penguinnight all! sleep well!12:54
RogueXimbrandon: Thank you12:54
RogueXmoparisthebest: thanks12:54
aegeanlinuxnight crazy_penguin12:54
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TokenBadhow do I make a symbolic link?12:55
imbrandonln -s /some/place link_name12:55
imbrandonman ls12:55
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andriijaswhere can i find a kubuntu iptables starter guide?12:55
andriijashow do i get the /etc/rc.firewall file?12:56
imbrandonandriijas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo12:56
carlosI couldnt make a swap partition, will this be a problem?12:57
andriijasdamn it why didnt i get there when i goggled12:57
andriijasimbrandon: thx12:57
imbrandoncarlos: most likely12:57
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posthumanyeah no swap partition will be bad.12:58
carloshu :(12:58
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carlosi tried with qtparted but it couldnt resise the partition12:58
imbrandonresise what partition , you keep giving us half of the information ;)12:59
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carlosthe original windows partition01:00
TokenBadtried the ln -s command and it says don't have permission to do it..so did it as root..and says same thing01:01
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imbrandonqtparted cannot resize ntfs afaik01:01
imbrandonTokenBad: what are you trying to do ?01:01
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TokenBadmake a symbolic link from one dir to another dir01:02
imbrandonTokenBad: and you have read/write permossions to both ?01:02
imbrandonthen " ln -s /orig/dir /new/path "01:03
carlosand now with a linux file system will i be able to? I tries with the live cd but i couldnt choose resize01:04
imbrandoncarlos: huh ? what are you doing ? what have you done, whats the problem01:04
OODwhat would be the difference between a static and a dynamic binary?01:04
imbrandonwhats your current partitions ?01:04
carlosi dont have a swap partition01:04
carlosonly one and the dell restore01:04
imbrandonOOD: one is linked at compile time one at runtime01:05
TokenBadimbrandon, I tried that...not work01:05
imbrandoncarlos: only one what ? see ok lets break this down to the VERY basicly, your not giving us the right info to help you01:05
imbrandonTokenBad: error ?01:05
OODany differences? performance wise maybe?01:05
carloswell i have 3, the "normal01:05
imbrandonOOD: google is your friend on that one01:05
carlosthe dell restore and a dell utulity partition01:06
OODi gave it a try, didn't find much though01:06
forkzAnyone knows how to get Teamspeak send sound from mic?01:06
imbrandoncarlos: normal? this is no "normal"01:06
carloshmm, the other ones are hidden01:06
TokenBadimbrandon, says opperation not permitted01:06
imbrandoncarlos: where are you looking, can you pastebin the output of " fdisk -l " please01:06
carlosok wait01:07
imbrandonTokenBad: what is the exact command you are running01:07
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TokenBadln -s /media/server/MP3 /media/windows/mp301:07
carlosDisque /dev/sda: 58.5 Go, 58506416640 octets01:07
carlos255 ttes, 63 secteurs/piste, 7113 cylindres01:07
carlosUnits = cylindres de 16065 * 512 = 8225280 octets01:07
carlosPriphrique Amorce    Dbut         Fin      Blocs    Id  Systme01:07
carlos/dev/sda1               1           5       40131   de  Dell Utility01:07
carlos/dev/sda2               6        6720    53938237+  83  Linux01:07
carlos/dev/sda3            6721        7112     3148740   db  CP/M / CTOS / ...01:07
imbrandoncarlos: PASTEBIN01:08
carloshow? what?01:08
carloswhats that?01:08
forkzNo-one knows how to get Teamspeak send sound from mic?01:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:08
TokenBadimbrandon,  ln -s /media/windows/server/MP3 /media/windows/mp301:09
imbrandonTokenBad: as a user you cannot write to /media01:10
imbrandonok does01:10
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imbrandon /media/windows/mp3 exitst now ?01:10
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carloswhere do i choose in what channel to send the text? (i fell so noob)01:11
imbrandoncarlos: what ?01:11
forkzcarlos: Dont you have tabs in the bottom of the window?01:11
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carlosyes freenode and #kubuntu01:12
forkzThen these are the only channels only01:12
TokenBadimbrandon, I did as sudo and as normal user...and yes that dir exist01:12
forkzYou can switch between the tabs by clicking on them ;)01:12
imbrandoncarlos: yuo dont pick a channell on pastebin, you just give us the url01:12
imbrandonTokenBad: you cannot link to a an existing dir01:13
imbrandonTokenBad: ok do this01:13
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imbrandonTokenBad:  as a test type " ln -s /media/windows/server/MP3 ~/mp3 "01:13
TokenBadI want the /media/windows/mp3 dir linked to /media/windows/server/mp3 so that the dir mp3 will be listed in the /media/windows/server/mp3 dir01:14
imbrandonthen look in your home dir01:14
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imbrandonTokenBad: query01:15
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carlosdid it worked?01:16
carlosthe pstebin?01:16
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=== aegeanlinux brb - reboot
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SuperCouillesAnyone to help? I only need to "autostart" a program (run as service) and I have no clue... Anyone?01:23
carlosim doing the steps listed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI and the installer ask me whats my video card bus identifier01:23
carloswhat should i put?01:23
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grizzlySuperCouilles: Create a  script > mv it to /etc/init.d > make it executable > use sys-rc-conf to make it start on runlevel201:24
grizzlyit was sysv-rc-conf ( i think)01:25
grizzlySince i installed a suspend2 patched terminal i am getting this with cdrecord "dev=ATAPI -scanbus" : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18968 .01:26
=== Gun_Smoke [n=daryl@c-68-85-72-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
grizzlyI meant a suspen2 patched kernel01:26
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alfredenuemanI need a bit of help setting up a dual boot and I have looked for my question on the weeb and found no answer01:33
carloswhat is your system?01:33
draikalfredenueman, I dual boot winxp with Kubuntu 6.0601:34
alfredenuemanwell i got myy hdd split into a c:\ nd d:\ running xp01:34
alfredenuemanand i want to split the d:\ into two partitions and put kubuntu on the new one01:35
carlosuse the configurable01:35
draikanything on d:\?01:35
alfredenuemanyeah there is stuff on d but it is backed up01:35
alfredenuemannd i have partition magic01:35
draikc and d are 1 drive, right? Just partitioned?01:35
alfredenuemanright draik01:35
draikYou have what I have then01:35
draikwhat is your issue?01:35
alfredenuemanwell with partition magic01:36
alfredenuemanit asks if the new partiton should be primary or logical01:36
alfredenuemanand i don't know which i need to set up kubuntu on it01:36
grizzlyalfredenueman: logical01:37
alfredenuemani tried to google but couldn't find much more than forums unrelated01:37
draikyou set it up as a linux partition01:37
draikit will do the rest for you01:37
alfredenuemanso make it logical, then format as ext2?01:37
grizzlyalfredenueman: don't create a partition, just resize your d, and leave the free space01:37
grizzlyand in the kubuntu installer , ask it to use existing free space01:38
alfredenuemanthanks a bunch!01:38
carloshow do i install a wifi driver i downloaded?01:38
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alfredenuemanwill i hve issues with the free space being past the 1024 cylinder?01:39
carloscan i resize the partition where ubuntu is running from?01:40
Raven301carlos: What driver & card? I have a howto for Broadcom Wireless cards01:41
grizzlycarlos: try gparted, to resize01:41
carlosyes a broadcom01:41
Raven301carlos: have a read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517401:42
Raven301It worked great for me :)01:42
carloseven if im running ubuntu from the same partition? it says i must unmount the disk01:42
carlosraven thanks a lot01:42
Raven301carlos: np01:43
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grizzlycarlos: then you cld try using parted from the live cd01:43
alfredenuemanso will i have issues with the new free space being past the 102 cylinder?01:43
RogueXis there any irc for a thunderbird problem?01:44
carlosraven i read that before but my card isn detected by ubuntu01:44
carlosgrizzly ill try that thanks01:44
carlosi get this with iwconfig:01:46
carloslo        no wireless extensions.01:46
carloseth0      no wireless extensions.01:46
carlossit0      no wireless extensions.01:46
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alfredenueman.. wwell thanks for the help with the partiton01:46
Raven301carlos: ok ... did you do what the howto said then reboot?01:46
alfredenuemani my be back for more questions later if i cant  find answers on my own.01:46
carlosno, im too scared, should i do it?01:47
carloshey im lucky!01:47
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Raven301I did with no problems ... it was a lot easier on kubuntu than on my last distro i used01:48
carlos0000:0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 4311 (rev 01)01:48
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Raven301carlos: that's it ... now get the correct driver and follow the howto then reboot01:49
Raven301carlos: this is mine -  0000:02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 4319 (rev 02)01:50
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:50
carlosi downloaded a driver from the dell web01:50
abattoirhmm, the broadcom factoid has been removed again :(01:50
abattoircarlos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper should help you01:51
Raven301abattoir: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517401:51
carlospointed by a guide on my laptop model01:51
=== forkz [n=forkz@0x57337cbd.hrnxx11.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
carlosill do your how to then come bakc01:51
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abattoirRaven301: that has only bcm43xx specifics, nothing about ndiswrapper :(01:52
abattoirRaven301: and for many people(like me :( ) bcm43xx does not work properly always, while ndiswrapper does...01:53
=== gau-net [n=gau-net@p548FB8F6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:53
Raven301abattoir: ok ... all I know is it worked for me on my dell and it only took about 5 mins to do01:53
abattoirRaven301: oh, ok :)01:54
=== HUb_ is now known as BUh
carlosso wich guide should i follow? my laptop is a dell inspiron 640001:55
=== gau-net [n=gau-net@p548FB8F6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu []
xylushey guys whats the apt command for libdvdread3 libs?01:56
abattoircarlos: Raven301says it worked for him, so you can use that if you want, the community doc has instructions for that as well as ndiswrapper though...01:56
xylusi tryed sudo apt-get install libdvdread301:56
xylusdident work :(01:56
abattoirxylus: what does it say? error?01:56
xylussays bash no such file or directory01:56
xylusim using linux konsole perhaps i should use root shell?01:57
abattoirxylus: for 'sudo' ?01:57
xylusor just plane shel01:57
carlosok, but i need to add the universe repository first01:57
xylusyeah for sudo01:57
Raven301carlos: Mine is a dell inspiron 130001:57
xylusoh my bad yeah its probs the shell im using01:57
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abattoirxylus: you do not need to be in a root shell, sudo should do01:57
xyluskk XD01:58
=== SuperCouilles [n=patrick@modemcable038.235-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Raven301carlos: good luck :)01:58
carlosso it should work, my dad wants me to put xp back and has grounded me so i want to show him how great linux is01:59
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carloswhats the universe repository adress?01:59
Raven301carlos: I have xp and kubuntu on my dell01:59
abattoircarlos: just add 'universe multiverse' in the same line as 'main restricted' if you know what i mean02:00
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carlosi wanted both so i wouldnt get grounded but i messed up the hrd drive02:00
carlosin adept or in command line?02:00
abattoircarlos: yes, open up adept...02:00
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carlossorry im a total linux noob02:01
Raven301I use command prompt02:01
abattoircarlos: find the line which says something like 'deb us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted'02:01
abattoircarlos: we've all been there :)02:01
baskoHi everybody..Good day. Is there a decent kde client to WPA authentication?02:01
xylusok pimped i have all the dvd libs for kubuntu anyone sugest mplayer as a good medium for playing dvd from a dvd drive?02:01
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abattoirxylus: kaffeine doesnt work?02:02
xyluswell i havent tryed kafeine lol02:02
abattoircarlos: found the line?02:02
xylusi would rather something alittle different besides sound dosent play in kaffeine02:02
xylus!audio codecs kafeine02:02
ubotuI know nothing about audio codecs kafeine - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:02
martinxylus: how about xine02:02
xylushmm !audio02:02
ubotuI know nothing about xine - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:03
Raven301carlos: also have a look at this too http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=545.002:03
abattoircarlos: just double click on 'main restricted' and add 'universe multiverse'02:03
xylusyeah ill go get xine02:03
=== TokenBad [i=tokenbad@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoircarlos: so it should look like 'main restricted universe multiverse'02:03
xylusxine is in the multiverse reposotory rite?02:03
abattoircarlos: also make sure the distribution is 'dapper'02:03
martinno idea...02:03
abattoirrather than 'dapper-backports'02:03
abattoir!info xine02:04
carlosyea its daper02:04
ubotuPackage xine does not exist in dapper02:04
abattoirxylus: xine is almost = kaffeine :P02:04
xylusok abattoir02:04
xylussorry for the spam but look02:04
carlosok i added the line02:04
xylusxylus@blk-224-214-45:~$ sudo apt-get install xine02:04
xylusReading package lists... Done02:04
xylusBuilding dependency tree... Done02:04
xylusPackage xine is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:04
xylusThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:04
xylusis only available from another source02:04
xylusE: Package xine has no installation candidate02:04
abattoircarlos: ok, Apply changes and fetch updates02:04
xyluswhats i need?02:04
=== Corona [n=doppelga@cpe-24-162-67-134.jam.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Coronahow do you change your hostname on your computer?02:05
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xyluscorona why would u wana do that?02:05
xylusthen u cant connect to the internet02:05
martinxylus: I'm having a nightmare with apt reporting that error... can't for the life of me install freenx.02:06
Coronabecause i don't like people seeing my computer name when i log out of IRC rooms02:06
abattoir!info xine-ui02:06
ubotuxine-ui: the xine video player, user interface. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.99.4-0ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 1567 kB, installed size 3512 kB02:06
xylusit means u need another program02:06
abattoirxylus: ^^^^^02:06
xylusxine isent the main program so i need something else02:06
xylusok abattoir02:06
xyluswhy dident it download tho?02:06
xylusi dont understand what that means lol02:06
carlosi cant click apply changes02:08
Coronacan ops ban whole ip ranges?02:08
RogueXcan anyone help me with Amarok?02:08
xyluswatcha nead rogue02:08
xylusno sound rite/?02:08
xylusplays files too fast?02:08
Tm_TCorona: sure02:09
Tm_TCorona: or whole internet if they like02:09
xyluscorona a op can do anything they are irc gods :P02:09
Tm_Tthat's not useful though02:09
RogueXxylus: amarok was playing my mp3's now it says something called the voit engine cant play them??02:09
Tm_Txylus: we are02:09
Coronawell there is a particular "god" that i don't care for02:09
Coronawho can't take a f'n joke02:09
abattoirRogueX: change the engine to xine-engine02:09
Tm_TCorona: still you?02:09
xylushmmm im not that advanced rogue youll have to ask one of the l33ts i only can help with simple stuff lol02:09
abattoirTm_T: :)02:10
Coronaand got me banned from a room based on his own ignorance.  Yes, it's me02:10
RogueXabattoir: ok trying now02:10
Tm_Twhy I'm slowly amused02:10
Coronawhatever, i didn't do anything worthy of this Tm02:10
Tm_TCorona: could be true02:10
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xylushey dont backtalk the gods corona02:10
xylusyoull get abused02:10
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Coronanow i can't get support on hardly any chat rooms because of his pompous attitude02:11
Coronawhen i need freakin help02:11
Tm_Tyou're not banned here02:11
Coronawell i'd like to see other friends, to boot02:11
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Coronaon other rooms, from which i am banned02:11
RogueXabattoir: That got it! Thanks!02:11
abattoirRogueX: :)02:11
Coronabecause a certain OP or "GOD" misconstrued what i said, and insta-banned me...  without even bothering to ask me what i meant by what i said02:12
martinIn the adept package installer, when you click 'install package' but nothing happens. What does this mean...?02:12
abattoirmartin: did you apply changes?02:12
xylusab check tab sorry about that ;)02:12
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ubotuI know nothing about restricted_formats - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:13
martinabattoir: yes, the buttun doesn't change. It stays as 'install package'02:13
xylusoh martin02:13
xylusclick apply changes02:13
xylusup at the top :P02:13
xylusto actualy install the stuff that u slected to install02:13
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Coronascrew it...  i'm savvy enough to get where i wanna get.02:14
martinxylus: That option is still blanked out. When I click install package literally nothing happens. Usually it changes to Keep Package and then one commit the change. nothing changes however.02:14
carloswhen i add universe multiverse the apply changes button remains unclickable02:15
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martinThere is actually more to my story which might help...02:17
martinnomachine nx used to work very happily. I've got a few XP workstations connecting to a central kubuntu server02:18
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martinI came to updating the nx server on my kubuntu machine but fecked things up a litte. Adept, in it's enthusiasm, started to unistall libc6 and anything that depended on it...02:19
martinI stopped it before it did too much damage. But I cannot get nomachine nx to install again at all.02:19
abattoircarlos: in the manage repositories window?02:19
carlosyes abbatoir02:20
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abattoircarlos: that's weird...02:22
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carlosyes very02:22
SuperCouillesAnyone to help me setting up a VNCserver as "service"? Everything work but I need to make it autostart...02:22
Raven301carlos: are you trying to update or what?02:23
carlosinstall my wifi drivers02:23
carlosand it need universe02:23
Dasnipa`SuperCouilles, have you considered starting it from ssh?02:23
ubotuThe Ubuntu Classroom is a project which aims to tutor users about Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu through biweekly sessions in #ubuntu-classroom - For more information visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom02:23
RogueXabattoir: another question?02:23
abattoirRogueX: sure02:24
HawkwindRogueX: One per day!02:24
abattoircarlos: ok, i guess you should try source-o-matic..02:24
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX02:24
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:24
abattoirHawkwind: hi :)02:24
Raven301carlos: try this page http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=545.002:24
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Raven301carlos: It's what I use02:24
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RogueXabattoir: amarok seems to jump around on its own... I am looking at the lyrics tab and then it just jumps to the Home tab.02:24
Hawkwindabattoir: Evening!02:24
=== abattoir sees LFD becoming popular in the Kubuntu community :P
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carlosok wait02:25
RogueXHawkwind: I used all my questions up a long time ago then.. :)02:25
Raven301It's own by a great guy02:25
abattoirRogueX: which version? you mean when the track changes?02:25
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Raven301Evening Hawkwind02:25
abattoirRogueX: linux for dummies02:26
=== Induane is now known as bastiq
ubotuI know nothing about lfd - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:26
RogueXabattoir: 1.3.9 ver.. no just when the song is playing02:26
HawkwindRaven301: Hey there02:26
abattoirhmm, ubotu should probably get an entry02:26
abattoirRogueX: that's weird, it should not happen, maybe its a bug, try getting the latest version, 1.4.102:26
RogueXabattoir: I just started using/playing with it and it keeps jumping to home tan02:27
Hawkwindubotu: lfd is http://linuxfordummies.org A great place to learn about linux for beginner and experienced users alike.02:27
ubotuI know nothing about lfd - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:27
HawkwindI said learn!02:27
abattoirHawkwind: it has to be added by the ops02:27
RogueXabattoir: tan=tab..02:27
ubotuI know nothing about nxagent - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:27
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abattoirHawkwind: your request would be forwarded to them02:27
SystematicDubHey all.  Has anyone on here dual booted Windoze and Kubuntu/Ubuntu with Windoze on an internal drive and K/Ubuntu on an external drive?02:28
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abattoirRogueX: as i said, go to www.kubuntu.org, see the link for amarok 1.4.1, see if that solves the issue02:28
RogueXabattoir: ok will do that now02:28
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xylus_strange i got dc and my name changed02:30
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abattoirxylus_: that's because the 'old you' was still present02:30
abattoirxylus_: do a /nick xylus02:30
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=== LordXylus is now known as xylus
xylustheir we go XD02:30
xyluslol thx02:30
xylusyeah like i was sayin02:31
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xylusshould i install mplayer first befor installing the mplayer codecs02:31
carloswhat do i do with the sources.list?02:31
xylusand kdsu knoquer goes in the command consol rite should i type sudo?02:31
abattoirxylus: afaik, it is compiled to look for the files, so shouldnt be a prob02:31
abattoircarlos: place it in /etc/apt/sources.list02:31
abattoircarlos: you did source-o-matic?02:31
xylusok thanks bro02:32
abattoircarlos: so you enabled, universe, multiverse etc. there itself rigth? :P02:32
abattoircarlos: it might also be a good idea to rename the old file, and back it up02:32
carlosyes, i think i ticked most options02:32
carlosok will backup02:33
abattoircarlos: ok good, you know how to do that right?02:33
abattoircarlos: yes, a file w/ root permission02:33
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carlostheres nothing in the folder02:33
abattoircarlos: ok, do as i say, save the sources.list you got now in your home folder02:34
abattoircarlos: so it should be /home/carlos(??)/sources.list02:34
carlosah in home!02:34
abattoircarlos: saved it?02:35
carlosi just tryed in root folder wait02:35
abattoircarlos: no, not in /root, you generally would never have to go there02:35
Raven301carlos: or this  sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.old02:36
abattoirRaven301: yes, that's next :)02:36
carlosok i saved as a tmp in home/carlos02:36
abattoircarlos: ok do what Raven301 said02:36
carlosi just did, i guess it worked but i didnt get a comfirmation02:37
abattoircarlos: ok, that sounds good02:37
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abattoircarlos: now do a 'sudo cp /home/carlose/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list'02:38
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carlosomg I really must read the linux for noobs02:38
abattoircarlos: or whatever you saved it as02:38
abattoir*carlos :P02:38
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scabootsscawhere do i install programs so i can run them from commandline02:39
abattoircarlos: done?02:39
abattoircarlos: ok now do a 'sudo apt-get update'02:39
abattoircarlos: do you see 'multiverse', 'universe' somewhere?02:40
xylus_abattoir yr the man ;)02:40
xylus_i did it so thats all/02:40
carlosyes i see universe02:40
xylus_ican play any medium and hear sound now using mediaplayer or kafeen?02:40
carlosand multiverse too02:41
abattoircarlos: good... so that's done :)02:41
abattoirxylus_: which one did you install? essential or all?02:41
xylus_their was no all02:41
xylus_jsut esential02:41
xylus_and other02:41
abattoiryes, almost anything should work, real meadia, wmv, quick time02:41
zblach__quick question02:41
xylus_avi and divx are the imporent ones ;)02:41
xylus_i guess ill find out soon enuph02:42
abattoirxylus_: they should work02:42
abattoirzblach__: yes...02:42
xylus_if not ill just come back and refer to you.02:42
xylus_thx ima try and pop in a dvd now02:42
xylus_see how it works02:42
xylus_lol love the enthuseam02:42
xylus_nyways l8tr guys ill bbl02:42
zblach__i have a nokia phone w/ bluetooth. can I integrate it with an outlook express-alike?02:42
abattoirzblach__: s60 ?02:43
abattoirzblach__: hmm, ok, kontact is the app(similar to outlook)02:43
zblach__i'm poor02:43
abattoirzblach__: and kmoblietools is the application02:43
abattoirzblach__: yes02:43
carlosok ill reboot now to see if the video card config worked02:43
abattoir!info kmobiletools02:43
ubotukmobiletools: KDE application for controlling your mobile phone. In repository universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 179 kB, installed size 820 kB02:43
abattoirzblach__: i'm not sure if the version that comes w/ dapper^^^^ has bluetooth pairing wizard and kontact integration...02:44
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abattoirzblach__: but the latest version, compiled form svn has it...02:44
zblach__exactly what I was looking for02:44
abattoirzblach__: if you *really* want the feature, i think you have to compile from svn02:45
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beefsprocketanyone got a logitech mx600 working with proper buttons? checked forums, evdev howo etc. no love..., tried lmctl and lomoco too02:45
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abattoirzblach__: its a method for downloading the latest version(bleeding edge development version) and compiling and installing it02:47
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fabiovalboa noite.02:47
abattoirzblach__: wait i'll see if the abovesaid version has the features you need...02:47
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.02:48
xylus_sweet XD works like a charm :)02:48
wolfmanzabattoir id it normal for the flash player to not have audio?02:48
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beefsprocketzblach__: you want http://websvn.kde.org/branches/kmobiletools/ and http://developer.kde.org/source/anonsvn.html02:49
abattoirwolfmanz: hmmm, i really havent used flash in a long time, i think it doesnt if you view a flash 8/9(??) movie02:49
abattoirzblach__: or even http://www.kmobiletools.org/svn02:51
wolfmanzabattoir is there a quick way to see the flash version?02:51
abattoirwolfmanz: of the file? i'm not aware of one? tried googling?02:51
fabiovalhello, i have 945gnt intel board, i having some problems whith it, anybody can help ?02:51
abattoirwolfmanz: maybe rightclick on the swf, and see properties or something?02:52
abattoirfabioval: video problems?02:52
abattoirwolfmanz: ^^^^ your board right? :P02:52
scabootsscahow do i install programs manually02:52
abattoirwolfmanz: or is it just your video card that has 915 in it :P02:52
abattoirscabootssca: you mean you want to compile a program?02:53
abattoirfabioval: what is the problem?02:53
fabiovali dont know, when i install ubuntu it selects the 686 kernel, but when i try to boot whith this kernel the system hangs....02:53
wolfmanzabattoir its version 7 of flash02:53
abattoirwolfmanz: the player or the file?02:53
wolfmanzthe player02:53
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scabootsscai have a program in a folder and i can run it but how do i make it so i can run it from command line and make it in the menu02:53
abattoirfabioval: you get any error messages?02:53
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fabiovalbut if i boot whith de 386 kernel, it boots but i get some error messages during boot...02:54
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abattoirscabootssca: hmm, can you tell me which application it is?02:54
scabootsscablender www.blender3d.org02:54
fabiovalit complains about the rtc...02:55
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abattoirreal time clock? or some other rtc?02:55
fabiovalyes, real time clock.02:55
RandomDude15whats a program to burn AVI files to dvds?02:55
abattoir!info blender02:55
ubotublender: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.41-1ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 4734 kB, installed size 12588 kB02:55
abattoirscabootssca: ^^^ ?02:55
scabootsscano version 2.42a02:56
scabootsscait's not in the repository yet02:56
fabiovalthe only special thing i have in the mb, is a level raid1 with 2 sata disks...02:56
scabootsscai can use it02:56
abattoirscabootssca: ok, i guess you just need to make a shortcut and a menu entry yourself02:57
scabootsscaabattoir: i can use it and run it but wher do i install it and how?02:57
scabootsscaok where do programs usually go?02:57
abattoirscabootssca: kmenuedit <---- use that to edit your menu02:57
scabootsscalike so they can be run from command line02:57
fabiovalany ideas ???02:57
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scabootsscalike ususlly you type the name of the program to start it02:58
scabootsscahow do i make it so i can do it with blender?02:58
scabootsscalike how do i install it or whatever02:58
abattoirfabioval: i have no clue :(02:59
abattoirfabioval: w/ i386 it boots fully up right?02:59
abattoirscabootssca: the instructions at the site say, 'ectract it and run it'02:59
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abattoirscabootssca: you could either at the location of the the file to PATH or you could create a symlink to /usr/bin03:00
abattoir*add the location03:00
fabiovalyes, despite the error message it works...03:00
tic_where is the place to ask fglrx questions?03:00
abattoirfabioval: is this only with ubuntu? have you used any other distro w/ this board?03:01
RandomDude15you fuckers are no help03:01
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scabootsscaabattoir: what's a sym link?03:02
martinI've finally got freenx installed and running. My XP/2000 machines can no connect to my server. However, before we had it set up so the windows machines could actually read a shared folder on the linux machine. The file store. Any ideas how to set this up again. I can ping my linux machine, so it does exist on the network, windows just doesn't quite like it yet... =/03:03
abattoirscabootssca: its a symbolic link, one file actually redirects to another file, see 'man ln' for more info03:03
abattoirscabootssca: it like you create a /usr/bin/blender and link it to /home/user/blender/blender.. so when you call 'blender' the app is launched03:04
fabiovalonly live cds, because the raid is a little beaty dificulty to install.....03:04
tic_anyone know why an apt-get upgrade killed my opengl rendering?03:05
beefsprockettic_: you use ati video card?03:06
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tic_radeon 9000 mobility03:06
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beefsprockettic_: you have linux-restricted-modules for your kernel version installled or are you using the ati downloaed driver?03:06
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tic_beefsprocket: I tried both, I have been trying for 4 hours and it a problem cause im coding some opengl so direct rendering is needed :\03:08
abattoirfabioval: when does the system 'hang' w/ the 686 kernel...? before X is loaded?03:08
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beefsprockettic_: I've found with ati that you have to remove one entirely before installing the other03:08
ubotuI know nothing about nx - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:08
tic_beefsprocket: what can I do to update you on the current state, cause I might have messed it all up03:08
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX03:09
tic_beefsprocket: my /var/log/Xorg.0.log says: Kernel Module version does *not* match driver.03:09
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beefsprockettic_ change /etc/X11/xorg.conf to ati for now03:10
ubotuI know nothing about nomachine - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:10
beefsprockettic_: then apt-get remove fglrx* --purge03:10
pierrethhelp: i an unable to print!03:10
beefsprocketthen apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`03:10
aegeanlinuxhelp: I have no manners!03:10
beefsprocketreboot, change ati to fglrx in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and you should be fine03:10
beefsprocketthat is unless you are using a custom kernel?03:10
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tic_beefsprocket: no custom kernel03:12
fabiovalyes, before X starts.03:12
beefsprockettic_: good :)03:12
beefsprocketless complicated03:12
tic_beefsprocket: if this solves the problem i'll by you a beer :)03:12
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beefsprockettic_ also check for xorg-driver-fglrx, best to search synaptic for fglrx actually03:12
beefsprockettic_ if you are in toronto I'll take you up on that :p03:13
gezimWhat package(s) do I need to compile stuff with kubuntu?03:14
tic_beefsprocket: no I'm in denmark so I'll post one :)03:14
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beefsprocketright, haven't had danish beer in a while, could do :)03:14
tmdx120hello all. does anyone know of a good statistical analysis program for kubuntu?03:15
tic_beefsprocket: a nice cold tuborg or carlsberg?03:15
beefsprockettuborg always03:15
tic_beefsprocket: good choice ;)03:16
beefsprocketis it working?03:16
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tic_do I need to install all fglrx packages adept gives me?03:16
beefsprockettic_ I think you want to uninstall them actually03:17
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beefsprocketthat is if you installed anything from outside apt from ati (their binary .run that is)03:17
tic_okay I have uninstall all and reinstalled xorg-driver-fglrx03:17
beefsprockettic_ uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx too03:17
tmdx120Hello all. Does anyone know of a good statistical analysis software ?03:17
beefsprocketyou want linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` first03:18
beefsprocketif that doesn't work then xorg-driver-fglrx03:18
beefsprocketthat why you change fglrx to ati in xorg.conf03:18
tic_oki so I install the driver after reboot?03:19
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tic_nows all clear the only thing I installed was the restricted module03:19
beefsprocketyeah, if you have no 3d, install xorg-driver blah then kill x and modprobe fglrx, edit xorg.conf03:19
beefsprocketok good03:19
tic_I'll go for a reboot then?03:20
tic_later, thank you very much so far :)03:20
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beefsprocketsee you shortly :)03:20
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fabiovalno ideas ?03:21
scabootsscaabattoir: i create a "link to application" but whenever i press ok it says acess denied03:22
abattoirscabootssca: on the desktop?03:22
scabootsscano in /usr/bin03:22
abattoirfabioval: i'm sorry.. have you tried asking at #ubuntu ?03:22
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abattoirscabootssca: so you created /usr/bin/blender ?03:23
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scabootsscaso i can call it like you said or i'm just not doing it right03:23
fabiovalno, i'll try that, thanks a lot.03:24
scabootsscaso it wont let me03:25
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scabootsscai put the actual program in /usr/lib/blender and i'm trying to make a link in /usr/bin03:25
scabootsscais that how you're supposted to?03:26
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abattoirscabootssca: 'sudo ln -s /usr/lib/blender /usr/bin/blender'03:26
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abattoirassuming /usr/lib/blender is the executable03:26
scabootsscaok thanks03:26
scabootsscait's be /usr/lib/blender/blender then03:27
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beefsprocketwell tic_ ?03:28
tic_beefsprocket: well still mesa driver03:28
scabootsscathanks you abattoir03:28
beefsprocketok, now get xorg-driver-fglrx ?03:28
abattoirscabootssca: works?03:28
scabootsscait works03:28
abattoirscabootssca: cool :)03:28
scabootsscatrpy blender and it starts03:29
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tic_beefsprocket: when I rebootede it could'n startx so I installede xorg-driver-fglrx, edited xorg.conf and booted03:29
beefsprockettic_ you edited yo fglrx right?03:30
tic_beefsprocket: I changede the driver option in xorg.conf from ati to fglrx03:30
beefsprockethmm, up for a little x11vnc action then?03:30
tic_year sure, if there isn't any info I can pass to you?03:31
tic_I'm behind firewall is that a problem for vnc?03:31
beefsprocketwell, long as you have restricted modules for your kernel installed03:31
beefsprocketvnc needs 5900 open, tcp I think03:32
beefsprocketlong as you are ok with it :)03:32
tic_well are you a nice guy? :)03:32
beefsprocketI like to think so03:32
beefsprocketi give you my word before these 228 other people that you can trust me03:33
beefsprocket(minus the bots, they can't be trusted themselves)03:33
tic_where do I pass your login info?03:34
beefsprockettic_ you registered? pm me03:34
tic_no I'm not03:34
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^zanDarKhi all03:35
RawSewageis the update broken right now03:35
tic_beefsprocket: my pm's are blocked due to spam problems it says :)03:36
beefsprocketyeah, that's the registed thing03:36
tic_do I need to reg?03:36
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tic_or how can I pass the info03:36
beefsprocketone sec, phone03:37
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confusedwhat am I suppost to do to have like groups/others have access to change files/folders for w/e reason with root password or even without would be nice03:38
archangel_can anyone help me with macromedia?03:39
archangel_I did the manual install, but I still get nothing03:39
RawSewageis the update broken right now03:40
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@egl242.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu
confusedif noone answers in here arch maybe go to #Ubuntu ;) just dont say your using Kubuntu unless you think it would help ;) im going there to ask something03:41
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archangel_thanx confused03:41
tic_beefsprocket: can't answer you by pm03:41
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beefsprocketthat's ok03:41
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beefsprocketcryptic if people only see 1/2 the conversation :)03:41
confusedarchangel_: your welcome.. I try and come here to ask but have yet to get a response really :X03:42
tic_beefsprocket: I'll just registre :)03:42
tic_beefsprocket: 2 sec03:42
archangel_confused: yeah, sometimes it takes a while03:42
confusedarchangel_: yep lol.. thats why you open your chakras and ask the heavens hah03:43
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archangel_confused: I need sound, a working printer & macromedia03:43
archangel_confused: I dont DARE ask more than 1 thing in one night03:44
martinediting smb.conf. Would I have to restart to make those changes take effect?03:44
confusedarchangel_: I need sound in a game and need to install java or w/e it's called and have no printer <3 I dont know anything about linux but was the sound unmuted?03:44
beefsprocketmartin: /etc/init.d/samba force-reload03:44
confusedarchangel_: did you get yelled at when doing that? I ask maybe every 10 or something minutes for like 2 or three times until I give up03:44
beefsprocket(or whatever the samba files is there)03:44
archangel_confused: I dont know much myself. I checked the mute butten and it's not muted03:45
confusedarchangel_: most of what these people do is by experience and to get experience is doing things first hand or trying to google your questions :)03:45
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sdlnxgkanyone using digital  speakers????03:46
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archangel_confused: yeah, I try and do that---->  linuxquestions.org is a great place03:46
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confusedarchangel_: I just go anywhere in google if the little description matches the keywords.. going to a site for one thing is like trying out bittorrent :X I dont like either haha03:47
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archangel_confused: yeah, I hear ya on that one03:48
sdlnxgk!digital sound03:49
beefsprocketx working tic_ ?03:49
ubotuI know nothing about digital sound - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:49
tic_beefsprocket: no I still says im unregistred03:50
archangel_confused: I was thinking about reinstalling, cause my sound was working before thew motherboard change03:50
beefsprockettic_ you did /msg nickserv identify password ? in the server tab?03:50
confusedarchangel_: if you think on that type of concept you might be reinstalling for everything that used to work before a change :)03:51
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archangel_confused: Yeah, but unfortunatly, my sound was the only thing working03:52
beefsprocketconfused: for hardware it's done frequently, though unnecessarily with linux :)03:52
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martinYES! I'm happy because eveything is fixed. Where would I be, without IRC.03:52
=== beefsprocket loves modular kernel and drivers...
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CheeseBurgerManmartin: Dazed, confused, and aggravated. :)03:52
beefsprocketmartin: outside, in teh sunshine, enjoying life03:53
beefsprocketmeeting women even03:53
martinBoth true really.03:53
martinOh dear. Time for bed.03:53
beefsprocketalways that03:53
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tic_beefsprocket: could you spell it out for me cause I'm all rusty in irc03:53
confusedarchangel_: sometimes I just wanna punch something when it doesnt go my way in Kubuntu :(03:53
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tic_beefsprocket: was trying to get my client to log me in but no03:53
archangel_confused: tell me about it       lol03:54
archangel_confused:  look how many people are in this room----->03:54
archangel_confused: look how many people are helping03:55
archangel_confused: lol03:55
confusedoh I know.. I used to be an op in a certain channel and like 0 people did anything :\ it was annoying03:55
beefsprockettic_ if you are registered, try /msg nickserv recover03:55
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sdlnxgkneed help PEEPS !!! no sound with digital speakers03:56
archangel_Good luck, brother03:56
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confusedarchangel_: id hate for you not to get any help from anyone :) you might be the archangel of death :(03:57
archangel_see ya in Ubuntu03:57
archangel_lol, yeah ......................  boo!03:58
CheeseBurgerManI answer the questions I can answer, I don't know enough to help either of you.03:58
confusedarchangel_: im going bye bye :( I just left there03:58
confusedgood luck :) <303:58
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archangel_thanx dude03:59
archangel_take care03:59
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archangel_look me up whenever03:59
McScruffhi, my atheros wlan card was working when i installed kubuntu , i updated now it doesnt appear ...04:00
McScruffpls help04:00
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sdlnxgkarchangel it's the thought that counts04:01
sdlnxgkI know allot but damn can't find the digital settings for sound blaster04:01
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sdlnxgkmaybe linux can't run digital speakers04:01
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xylus__theirs nothing linux cant do04:03
xylus__it all depends on how u tell it to do what u want it to04:03
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GlassCasketHow can I add the alternate CD to my repository?04:04
xylus__what do u mean glass04:04
xylus__you want to have all the files accessable in your repository?04:04
GlassCasketxylus__: Yes, because I don't have to internet yet04:05
sdlnxgkxylus  I hear ya  but can't seem to find where to tell linux to use digital speakers anywhere04:05
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ubotuI know nothing about cmatrix - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:08
CheeseBurgerManGlassCasket: try 'sudo apt-cdrom add'04:08
CheeseBurgerManNaturally make sure the alternate CD is in the drive before you run that. ;)04:09
GlassCasketThank you, I'll have to twy that.04:09
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GlassCasketI did it yesterday without the command line, but forgot how.04:10
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CheeseBurgerManGlassCasket: Not sure what you did either, but it's easier for me to give you a command for the terminal than explain a GUI process. :)04:11
GlassCasketTrue. :)04:11
xylus_hey guys wana know something pimp about linux?04:12
xylus_youll never have to power down yr comp due to a crash04:12
xylus_hey glass did you find what you were lookin for?04:12
xylus_my its quiet here tonight04:13
ironfroggywill a laptop use less battery power if not running X?04:13
xylus_no im on a laptop04:13
ironfroggyxylus_: that is so bogus.04:13
xylus_dosent matter04:13
xylus_lol not bogus ;)04:13
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CheeseBurgerManxylus_: Um, I've had to do that. :P04:13
ironfroggywait, what are you talking abot? what does you being on a laptop have with anything?04:13
ironfroggyyeah software sucks. it crashes. a lot.04:13
xylus_no i mean i use a laptop too04:14
xylus_and i know for a fact04:14
xylus_power is power04:14
xylus_dosent matter what interface your working with04:14
CheeseBurgerManironfroggy: I'm not really sure, I'd imagine that if you killed X you would save some battery power.04:14
ironfroggydifferent usage patterns use power differently.04:14
ironfroggyfor example, ive recently taken to keeping swap disabled and its given me about 50% more battery time.04:14
CheeseBurgerManAt least, if you used CLI equivilants to the program's you're running. If you kill X and start compiling, you'll use more battery than if you just browse the web with X.04:14
SublimeTm_T- you around?04:14
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CheeseBurgerManxylus_: Yeah, I was mucking around with wireless, and I got a kernel panic.04:15
ironfroggyI intend to use CLI for writing code in vim and maybe playing some nethack and Go.04:15
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ironfroggyxylus_: also, enjoy what happens with klauncher dies in some way that prohibits another isntance from being run to replace it. there are lots of ways a system can become unusable and repaired with a reboot.04:16
_Sublime_abattoir- you there?04:17
ironfroggyanyway, im trying to figure out how to stretch my typical 1.5 hour battery life over a three day camping trip in the mountains. any suggestions?04:18
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abattoir_Sublime_: yes...04:18
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CheeseBurgerManironfroggy: Maybe something like this? http://geektechnique.org/index.php?id=23604:20
xylus_oh btw on freenode do you need a eggdrop to host a perm server?04:20
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ironfroggyCheeseBurgerMan: im leaving tomorrow!04:22
xylus_hey anyone know if u can get a snes emulator for linux?04:22
xylus_i wana put some games on here04:22
CheeseBurgerManironfroggy: OK then, it's simple. Use the laptop for 30 minutes each day. ;)04:23
xylus_better yet anyone know of any decent games for linux?04:23
xylus_i tryed americas army but it runs like a pile of dung04:23
CheeseBurgerManxylus_: blobwars is pretty fun.04:23
xylus_whats that cheese?04:23
xylus_like worms?04:23
CheeseBurgerManNo, not like worms.04:24
ironfroggymaybe i should run the liveCD all weekend so i dont use the harddrive? should save me bundles of power, especially coupled with running everything on the console.04:24
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xylus__yo cheese04:30
xylus__how do i change the font size of stuff thats in a window04:31
xylus__like inside a directory04:31
xylus__mines like wayyyyyyyyy too big04:31
CheeseBurgerManKonqueror > Settings > Fonts?04:31
xylus__tryed that04:31
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CheeseBurgerManControl Center > Fonts ?04:32
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proudfoot___why does ark sometimes say it cannot start a subprocess?04:33
proudfoot___when I'm trying to extract files from a dvd to harddrive04:33
fyrmedicIf I install ubuntu from adept under kubuntu will I have issues after the install04:33
CheeseBurgerManfyrmedic: I assume by 'ubuntu' you mean Gnome.04:34
CheeseBurgerManYou shouldn't. I did it, and have no issues. :)04:34
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beefsprocketwhat's the error tic_ ?04:34
fyrmedicand how hard is it to bounce between kde and gnome04:35
CheeseBurgerManfyrmedic: Not hard. When you log out, you click on the 'Session' menu and then choose 'Gnome'.04:35
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CheeseBurgerManat least, that's what you do in KDM. I assume it's similar in GDM.04:35
fyrmedicok thanks04:36
roger_good God, FireFox is not installed04:36
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xylus_omg im such a idiot04:37
CheeseBurgerManroger_: It's easy enough to install.04:37
xylus_knoquer settings fontsize in their!04:37
xylus_thats the only font adjustment i forgot to make when i installed kbun lolz04:37
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fyrmedicSpeaking of firefox... Where do I need to unzip the install package for my firefox upgrade?04:38
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nubstercan someone gimme a hand installing gcc?04:38
ticlessbeefsprocket: again how did I registre to the nickserv?04:38
CheeseBurgerMannubster: What have you done?04:38
ticlessbeefsprocket: argh it says I'm already registred04:39
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CheeseBurgerMannubster: I believe that 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' should instal gcc.04:39
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roger_what kind of instant messenger do you guys recommend?04:41
roger_kopete? gaim?04:41
abattoirroger_: kopete?04:41
CheeseBurgerManabattoir: the KDE default messenger.04:42
beefsprocketticless: what's the error?04:42
wckdkl0wndid they ever figure out how to view webcams on those?04:42
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abattoirCheeseBurgerMan: yes, i know... i was suggesting that :P04:42
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ticlessbeefsprocket: when running fglrxinfo I get ALOT of errors looks like opengl errors04:42
abattoirbut his message came just before mine, so it looks like i was asking in response to his second question, rather than his first :)04:42
beefsprocketticless: good test is fgl_glxgears04:43
ticlessbeefsprocket: like [fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for BindFramebufferEXT04:43
beefsprocketticless: is there anything there about shm and permissions perchance?04:43
ticlesscheck my screen for details04:43
ironfroggyis there any settings i can fiddle with to reduce the harddrive usage?04:43
CheeseBurgerManabattoir: hehe, yes it did. ;)04:43
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beefsprocketticless: your vnc is down04:43
beefsprocketcheck mine, I'll show you what to do04:44
ticlesstry now04:44
ticlessgot it04:44
ticlesscheck this out04:44
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wckdkl0wnwhat would i use to burn bin/cue files?04:45
roger_how do I install firefox?04:45
roger_add/remove programs?04:45
wckdkl0wnor will nero linux do it?04:45
CheeseBurgerManroger_: 'sudo apt-get install firefox' should work.04:45
CheeseBurgerManroger_: Or you can go to mozilla.com and download it.04:46
roger_i downloaded it from mozilla. plenty of missing libraries04:46
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Healotget libgtk+04:46
wckdkl0wni jusyt installed it yesterday with sudo apt-get install firefox04:47
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roger_doing it :)04:47
roger_it should've been included though04:47
beefsprocketticless: we've made progress though04:48
beefsprocketjust have to try restarting and hope else you'll have to google those couple of errors04:48
=== KaiHanari test
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ticlessoki I have seen them in some howto04:49
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ticlessI'll restart x04:49
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wckdkl0wncan i mount a bin file instead of burning it?04:53
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beefsprockethow we doing tic_ ?04:53
tic_beefsprocket: ohh not perfect04:54
beefsprocketthat's bad ?04:54
tic_beefsprocket: stille the same04:54
tic_beefsprocket: it says libGL version does not match - OpenGL module is using glapi fallback04:54
beefsprocketwell, what's the error04:54
beefsprocketwhat do you get with dmesg |grep fglrx04:56
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tic_beefsprocket: only error I see is: [fglrx:drm_parse_option]  *ERROR* "agplock" is not a valid option04:58
tic_beefsprocket: and a lot of  [<e0be4d3e>]  firegl_takedown+0x60e/0xc60 [fglrx] 04:58
macdwhat comand is it that shows the ubuntu specific version?04:59
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proudfootwhats the equivalent of task manager05:01
proudfootin kubuntu?05:01
ticlessbeefsprocket: I cant recover myself it says :)05:02
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ticlessbeefsprocket: checing05:02
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ticlessbeefsprocket: no I dont have the line05:03
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ticlessbeefsprocket: do I add it and why?05:03
beefsprocketyeah, add it, it lets fglrx access shared memory05:04
TehUnii installed kubuntu, then windows. My mbr now points to windows. If i reinstall kubuntu over the old one, will grub see the windows install and let me choose at boot time?05:04
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beefsprocketonce you add it, do sudo mount -a05:04
beefsprocketyou might not have to reboot05:04
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wckdkl0wnkaffiene doesnt have sound with a vcd but has sounds with a dvd05:05
wckdkl0wnwhat gives?05:05
ticlessbeefsprocket: done but the same when I run fglrxinfo05:06
beefsprocketticless: what's the output of just "mount"05:07
beefsprocketis /dev/shm mounted ?05:07
ticlessbeefsprocket: yes: devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)05:07
beefsprocketticless: it should say tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs05:08
beefsprockettry umount /dev/shm ? not sure if that is safe though, reboot might be better05:08
ticlessbeefsprocket: oh there two tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) wops05:08
beefsprocketmy running fglrx system says tmpfs05:08
beefsprocketfglrxinfo says what now?05:09
ticlessno as in alot of [fglrx]  API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for SelectTextureSGIS05:10
beefsprocketticless: let me check my libgl.so.1.2 file05:11
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ticlessbeefsprocket: ehh I don't even have a libgl.so anymore :)05:12
beefsprocketticless: is your /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 a symlink to /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 ?05:13
ticlesshow da..05:13
beefsprocketcase, libGL no libgl :)05:13
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ticlesslibGL.so.1 -> libGL.so.1.205:14
beefsprocketsize ?05:14
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ticless12 bytes05:14
ticlessfor the sl05:14
beefsprocketand of so.1.2 ?05:14
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beefsprocket628K ?05:14
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ticless642476 bytes to be exact05:15
beefsprocketack, that's the same as mine05:15
ticlessso thats about 62805:15
beefsprocketvnc ?05:16
beefsprocketor I'll keep checking my system05:16
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DaSkreechxylus_: Get outta here!05:17
kameronk@ DaSkreech haha05:17
DaSkreechkameronk: Hey hey05:18
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jmichaelxdoes anyone in here have experience with broadcom wireless cards?05:19
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:19
jmichaelxi realize they can be a pain05:19
dr_williswireless is a pain. :)05:20
jmichaelxyeah lol05:20
jmichaelxwell, i had this card working with kubuntu, but i had to reinstall.... this time i can't get it to work05:20
ticlessbeefsprocket: it does but why is there never an answer when needed :)05:20
abattoirjmichaelx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper05:21
beefsprocketticless: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185033 someone has a working libgl.so.1.2 apparently05:21
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beefsprocketticless: it might have something to do with still having restricted-modules05:21
jmichaelxabattoir: i followed those instructions a few times, and they never worked for me05:21
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ticlessbeefsprocket: okay05:22
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Hawkwindjmichaelx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18517405:22
Hawkwindjmichaelx: Try that one then05:22
abattoirjmichaelx: wait a few mins. if you can... brb05:22
jmichaelxabattoir: ok, i will be in and out, too05:22
ticlessbeefsprocket: do you think I should try overwriting libGL?05:23
beefsprocketyeah, back it up first of course05:23
beefsprocketsounds like it worked for a lot of people05:23
beefsprocketdo you have a dri section at the end of your xorf.conf?05:24
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roger_is BitchX still popular?05:25
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ticlessbeefsprocket: yes05:25
Hawkwindroger_: Some what.  Majority seem to prefer irssi05:25
beefsprockethmm, just making sure05:25
ticlessbeefsprocket: it only says: Mode         066605:26
TrippingOnSugarBitchX FTW05:26
=== intelikey is not in the majority
beefsprocketthat's correct05:26
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osirisTrippingOnSugar, irssi FTW, imho05:29
ticlessbeefsprocket: JAAA05:29
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ticlessnow fglrx05:29
ticlessshows the ati driver :)05:29
beefsprocketI think it was slow because I was watching05:30
ticlessbeefsprocket: oki05:31
beefsprockettry now05:31
ticless:) this vnc fooks me up05:31
beefsprocketI'm disconnected05:31
beefsprocketso strange05:31
ticlessargh 200 fps05:31
beefsprocketthat's better05:31
beefsprocketppracer now, then your custom proggy05:31
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ticlessbeefsprocket: I'll try it out...05:32
ticlessbeefsprocket: ppracer runs smooth05:33
beefsprocketsounds like you're good to go05:33
ticlessbeefsprocket: this is great now I can get back to development05:33
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ticlessbeefsprocket: thank you very very much, your my man man05:34
beefsprocketnp dude, glad it worked05:34
beefsprocketnow about that tuborg ?05:34
ticlessbeefsprocket: I'm deffently owing you a beer05:34
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ticlessbeefsprocket: nice05:35
DaSkreechSweet new Mana world :)05:35
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ticlessbeefsprocket: you are wellcome :)05:37
ticlessbeefsprocket: I just tried adding you to my msn05:38
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DaSkreechabattoir: Where were the docs on building Ubuntu packages?05:41
abattoirDaSkreech: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html05:41
abattoirjmichaelx: around?05:42
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abattoirDaSkreech: :)05:42
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abattoirjmichaelx: ping me when you are back.05:45
GenericI have my 32-bit kubuntu mounted05:46
Genericand i wanted to grab the settings for the sidebar i have in it05:46
Genericwhereabouts would those be located?05:46
abattoirGeneric: metabar?05:46
abattoirshould be in ~/.kde/share/config.. or ~/.kde/share/apps/<nameofapp>05:47
Genericand the sidebar should load next time i boot into 64?05:47
abattoirGeneric: if you copy it and paste it correctly, yes...05:47
abattoirGeneric: you arent copying the entire folder right? :P05:48
Genericno need to get that crazy05:48
abattoirhehe, ok :)05:48
abattoiractually, if you have an identical installation, that should work too :)05:48
Genericmaybe i'll do that instead of filtering out the files i need >_>05:48
=== abattoir hides. :P
GenericI'll just backup all pre-existing files05:49
abattoirGeneric: same version of KDE in both?05:49
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abattoirGeneric: if you have the same applications installed, give it a shot... especially when everything is backed up and you have nothing to worry about :)05:51
Genericwill do05:52
abattoiri'd expect it to work though05:52
=== Generic restarts X
Genericyeah, it should05:52
jmichaelxabattoir: back05:52
Generickey word is should05:52
abattoirjmichaelx: ok, there are two routes, using the bcm43xx module that comes w/ the dapper kernel, or ndiswrapper05:52
abattoirwhich did you use before?05:52
jmichaelxabattoir: i was using ndiswrapper05:52
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=== Generic [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirjmichaelx: ok, good, then you want to do that now too right?05:53
Genericit worked05:53
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abattoirGeneric: nice :)05:53
jmichaelxsome have complained that when using the OS driver the wireless connection is slow05:53
jmichaelxabattoir: yes, i want to get ndiswrapper going again05:54
Genericalthough, i need to install kde theme manager >.<05:54
Genericand grab the files out of that folder too >_>05:54
abattoirjmichaelx: yes, i have problems w/ the bcm43xx mod too, so i use ndiswrapper05:54
abattoirjmichaelx: ok, then we have to remove that module, and make sure it is not loaded in the future05:54
abattoirtype 'sudo rmmod bcm43xx'05:54
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abattoirjmichaelx: you have 'ndiswrapper-utils' installed?05:55
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jmichaelxabattoir: yes05:55
abattoirjmichaelx: and you have loaded the driver?05:56
abattoir*installed, rather05:56
jmichaelxabattoir: yes, i downloaded it from the dell website05:56
abattoirjmichaelx: ok so 'sudo ndiswrapper -l' says driver present hardware present right?05:56
jmichaelxabattoir: yes05:57
abattoirjmichaelx: good, now did you do 'sudo rmmod bcm43xx' ?05:57
jmichaelxabattoir: yep05:57
abattoirjmichaelx: type this 'echo 'blacklist bcm43xx' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist'05:57
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abattoirjmichaelx: this makes sure the bcm43xx module is not loaded at startup05:58
jmichaelxabattoir: ok, done05:58
xylus_abattoir: sup man05:58
abattoirjmichaelx: now do a 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'05:58
abattoirxylus_: hello :)05:58
abattoirjmichaelx: check the output of 'dmesg'... see if it loaded successfully05:59
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xylus_i just geared up a snes emulator lol05:59
xylus_wasent sure one existed for lx05:59
jmichaelxabattoir: how will i know if it loaded successfully?05:59
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xylus_say you a game abattoir?> know any good lnx games?06:00
abattoirjmichaelx: no error messages right?06:00
xylus_game* gamer06:00
DaSkreechWhat kind of games do you like?06:00
abattoirxylus_: hmm, i rarely play, but Wolfenstein Enemy Territorry semms to be the buzz around here06:00
jmichaelxabattoir: no errors, except the firmware missing error, which is good06:00
xylus_anything that has decent graphics i can play on linux06:00
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:01
abattoirjmichaelx: ok, type 'sudo iwconfig'06:01
DaSkreechThere you go :)06:01
xylus_skreech! lol sup man06:01
abattoirjmichaelx: you see wlan0 ?06:01
jmichaelxabattoir: no06:01
osirisxylus_, you can play ut2k4 or doom3 under linux06:01
abattoirDaSkreech: what was that about posterity yesterday? :P06:02
jmichaelxabattoir: i have lo, eth0 and sit006:02
DaSkreechxylus_: Depends on if he likes FPS :)06:02
DaSkreechabattoir: Ha ha You woke up I see06:02
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OODwine=unlimited possibilities for gaming06:02
abattoirjmichaelx: ok, open up /etc/network/interfaces06:02
abattoirDaSkreech: i'm always awake ;)06:02
DaSkreechOOD: Really? Can I play Dogs life?06:03
skeeziksI'm looking for a good Kopete 0.12.1 deb for Kubuntu - anybody have a good source?06:03
jmichaelxabattoir: opened06:03
OODDaSkreech: erm, i meant unlimited possibilites, not unlimited possibilites now :P06:03
OODcheck appdb to see if your program runs in wine06:03
abattoirjmichaelx: ok, just to be sure can you pastebin the ndiswrapper relevant bits from dmesg06:03
abattoirjmichaelx: i wonder what the firmware missing message is about..06:03
DaSkreechHee hee :) Good save OOD06:04
DaSkreechxylus_: So what kind of games do you like?06:04
abattoirjmichaelx: if its not from ndiswrapper, then must be from bcm43xx, which we unloaded06:04
jmichaelxabattoir: it is from bcm43xx06:04
abattoirjmichaelx: old ones, or are they still being printed?06:05
jmichaelx[17179604.428000]  bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.06:05
jmichaelxabattoir: that error came up twice06:05
abattoirjmichaelx: so it has stopped coming?06:05
jmichaelxstopped coming?06:05
kameronkskeeziks, just use the one from apt-get06:06
abattoirjmichaelx: you still keep getting errors.. or are they from when bcm43xx wasnt unloaded?06:06
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xylus_hm i got dc :(06:06
xylus_whats last thing u seen me type?06:07
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Healot<xylus_> hm i got dc :(06:07
Healot<xylus_> whats last thing u seen me type?06:07
jmichaelxabattoir: i only ran dmesg once, and that error showed up two times in a row06:07
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abattoirjmichaelx: hmm, ok...06:08
abattoirjmichaelx: opened up interfaces right?06:08
jmichaelxi had opened interfaces with nano, but have now closed it06:09
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jmichaelxabattoir: should i open interfaces again?06:09
Genericwell, crap06:09
abattoirjmichaelx: yes, open it...06:09
jmichaelxabattoir: opened06:10
abattoirjmichaelx: and add 'auto wlan0' in one line and 'iface wlan0 inet dhcp' in the other06:10
xylus_skreech you around their cuzin?06:10
abattoirjmichaelx: if you look, there'd be similar entries, so you'd get it...06:10
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jmichaelxabattoir: that is already there06:10
DaSkreechHealot: Cute06:10
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abattoirjmichaelx: ok, do me a favour, can you tell me what are the options ndiswrapper provides....06:11
abattoirjmichaelx: i know -i, -e, -l, what is the other?06:11
jmichaelxabattoir: how do i check?06:11
abattoirjmichaelx: ndisrapper is currently broken here.. so i cant tell for sure06:11
abattoirjmichaelx: ndiswrapper --help ?06:12
jmichaelxabattoir: i remember an -m06:12
abattoirjmichaelx: yes, that's it06:12
DaSkreechlnxkde: Hey hey!!06:12
abattoirjmichaelx:  do a 'sudo ndiswrapper -m'06:12
xylus_oh man i gota get a linux coppy of sof06:12
abattoirjmichaelx: that should load ndiswrapper at boot06:12
lnxkdeDaSkreech : hI! sup!?06:12
jmichaelxabattoir: modprobe config already contains alias directive06:13
DaSkreechlnxkde: not bad how is Wife and job?06:13
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jmichaelxabattoir: i think i had done that earlier06:13
jmichaelxabattoir: should i try a reboot?06:13
abattoirjmichaelx: hmm, ok, i'm not sure if bcm43xx was unloaded properly, so could you reboot agian?06:13
abattoiryes, :)06:13
jmichaelxok, cool, brb06:13
lnxkdeWife is not wife yet... is a Girl Friend :) but almost wife 5 year relashionship :) and she is in orlando with the sister of her grandmother that is sick.06:14
lnxkdeand Job is going good06:14
lnxkdenot leaving me the money that I want but that is just because I havent worked to much I have been slacking off too much :(06:14
DaSkreechAh shame06:15
lnxkdeDaSkreech : yep06:16
lnxkdetoday I have done nothing06:16
lnxkdewatching anime06:16
lnxkdethat is my friking distraction06:16
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lnxkdeDaSkreech : did you updated to edgy?06:17
DaSkreechlnxkde: Hope they were good ones :)06:17
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lnxkdeEureka Seven :D06:18
intelikeylnxkde   it's irc.06:18
jmichaelxabattoir: ok, wireless does not show up in network settings06:18
lnxkdeintelikey hum?06:18
DaSkreechlnxkde: No I haven't been around my computer long enough to set it up06:18
DaSkreechI guess I will soon though06:18
DaSkreechlnxkde: Thumbs up then :-)06:18
lnxkdeintelikey true06:18
abattoirjmichaelx: could you pastebin 'dmesg | grep ndiswrapper' ?06:19
jmichaelxabattoir: will do, brb06:19
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abattoirjmichaelx: also 'dmesg | grep bcm' ... if it different than the ndiswrapper o/p06:19
skeezikskameronk: They've got a 0.12.1 version now?06:19
lnxkdeDaSkreech : I installed edgy, is prety stable I must say to be pre alpha but still I went back to dapper because I keep my job info in my pc06:20
DaSkreechlnxkde: Smart man :-)06:20
DaSkreechI want to chroot or have a new partition06:20
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hulk_hi all06:20
lnxkdeDaSkreech : new partition is nice :)06:21
lnxkdeDaSkreech : be back in 20 minutes06:21
lnxkdewel 1506:21
ChetwinMan this blows SUSE10.1 AND SLED10 away06:21
lnxkdegona take a showed06:21
DaSkreechha;f way through an anime :)06:21
OODChetwin: what does?06:21
lnxkdeI smelll like if something died on me06:21
lnxkdeshower time06:21
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OODdon't forget the rubber ducky :P06:22
=== lnxkde-shower clening his behind
jmichaelxabattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1898406:22
hulk_hello all i am new to linux and i was wondering what "freenode" is?06:22
ubotuI know nothing about mirc - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:23
ubotuI know nothing about fserv - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:23
lnxkde-showerhulk_ freenode is were all we gather and talk about showering :)06:23
DaSkreechhulk_: freenode is the servers that the IRC channels are hosted on06:23
OODmirc? why would you need that?06:23
DaSkreechhulk_: It's a really big Web site :)06:23
ChetwinO0D: windows06:23
xylus__i want an irc cliant for linux that has fserv support06:23
=== DaSkreech points lnxkde-shower to the bathroom
hulk_thx for replys06:24
jmichaelxabattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1898506:24
lnxkde-showerlol I off to it :D06:24
abattoirjmichaelx: ok, ndiswrapper doesnt load the driver properly....06:24
jmichaelxabattoir: hmm06:24
ChetwinSo i tried installing my fglrx drivers today...06:24
abattoirjmichaelx: you can first try to remove the driver and install it again...06:25
ChetwinIt worked, but kde was SCREWY06:25
abattoirjmichaelx: same driver you used before?06:25
jmichaelxabattoir: i am not sure, but i think so06:25
abattoirjmichaelx: ok do a 'sudo ndiswrapper -e...' and install the driver again..06:25
jmichaelxabattoir: ok brb06:26
abattoirjmichaelx: ok06:26
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intelikeymaybe you can't build 2.6.15  as k6-II  ???  the option is there but it goes all the way through the make an still no vmlinux or bzimage   and no  arch/k*    anyone  pointers ?06:27
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crimsunintelikey: a ``make bzImage''?06:27
hulk_how do u connect to dcc?06:27
ubotuI know nothing about fsck - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:28
intelikeycrimsun with no arch/k* dir ?06:28
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crimsunintelikey: which arch/k* are you referring to?06:28
alagranI can't get the title bar when I have compiz running.06:28
intelikeycrimsun i'm willing to try it...  in the build tree06:28
crimsunintelikey: vanilla (plain kernel.org) or ubuntu source?06:29
jmichaelxabattoir: it does not want to let me remove the driver.... when i -e the driver, it say it is not there, but when i ndiswrapper -l, it shows up06:29
intelikeythere is arch/i?86     ubuntu source06:29
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hulk_anyone have lady in the water?06:30
abattoirjmichaelx: did you manually remove /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5 by any chance?06:30
jmichaelxabattoir: it is possible, i have tried a lot of things06:30
abattoirjmichaelx: or manually remove / edit something else?06:31
crimsunhulk_: um, I think you asked in the wrong channel?06:31
abattoirjmichaelx: hmmm.. i wonder what exactly happened...06:31
jmichaelxabattoir: good question06:31
hulk_how do i change channels?06:31
crimsunintelikey: I'll need to pull the source, sec please06:31
hulk_sorry for being a noob06:31
abattoirjmichaelx: what did you do? :P06:31
crimsunintelikey: also, dapper or edgy?06:31
abattoirhulk_: /join <nameofchannel>06:31
intelikeycrimsun i'm trying to get framebuffering to work and at the same time building in ext# fs and scsi support  (root is on sda1 ext3)  so i wont need the initramfs.img   but as of yet...06:31
jmichaelxabattoir: i wish i could tell you lol06:31
intelikeycrimsun dapper06:31
abattoirjmichaelx: hehe...06:32
jmichaelxabattoir: i have installed and removed ndiswrapper a few times06:32
hulk_im off06:32
hulk_thanks and gnite all06:32
jmichaelxabattoir: i installed it the first time with automatix, last time with apt-get06:33
jmichaelxif that makes any difference06:33
abattoirjmichaelx: hmmm, that shouldnt be causing all this...06:33
abattoirjmichaelx: ok... check if you have /etc/ndiswrapper06:34
intelikeycrimsun i did the make menuconfig and selected k6  set the frame buffering and ext3 and scsi and my cards module to all be compiled in  and then did the   make  and it finished no errors  (lots of warnings but no errors)   but there is  no  arch/k??? subdir  and make install errors out...06:34
abattoirjmichaelx: under that bcmwl5? and under that some files?06:34
jmichaelxabattoir: i nanoed /etc/ndiswrapper ... nothing there06:35
intelikeycrimsun i expected an arch/k6  or k6*  but nothing.06:35
alagranI can't get the title bar when I have compiz running.06:35
abattoirjmichaelx: its a folder...06:35
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lnxkdeDaSkreech : now I am clean :D06:36
jmichaelxabattoir: yes, bcmwl506:36
jmichaelxand files06:36
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abattoirjmichaelx: hmm... ok... wait a sec06:36
lnxkdetalking about cleaning I have been cleaning my 160 GIG partition tha tis full of anime and Linux stuff06:37
lnxkdeI am saving almost 20 DVDs full of crap06:37
lnxkdethe other things were just rm -rf /media/media-hd/crap/06:38
=== DaSkreech unpins nose
DaSkreechThank goodness!06:38
abattoirjmichaelx: i'm tempted to ask you to remove /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5, but tbh, i dont exactly know what you've done, hence dont know what to suggest06:39
jmichaelxabattoir: i cannot tell you exactly, i followed several different sets of instructions i found in forums06:39
lnxkdeDaSkreech so what have you been doing?06:39
jmichaelxall involving ns=diswrapper06:40
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DaSkreechlnxkde: Practicing being sick06:40
abattoirjmichaelx: this is the xp driver?06:41
jmichaelxabattoir: i assume so06:41
abattoirjmichaelx: is there one for an earlier version of windows?06:41
lnxkdeDaSkreech you got sick? or you have been trying to get off the job?06:41
jmichaelxabattoir: i can loom again, but i think this was the nly driver dell had on their site06:41
DaSkreechNice Timing eh?06:42
lnxkdewell that happens06:42
abattoirjmichaelx: found this, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140214&page=2, look at the last post06:43
lnxkdebut that is really bad aha getting of the job and getting sick.. so no party time :(06:43
abattoirjmichaelx: or you could try bcm43xx06:43
jmichaelxabattoir: i will try the instructions you just gave me and report back tomorrow night lol06:44
jmichaelxi had better go to bed, thanks a lot for the help!06:44
abattoirjmichaelx: heh, ok :)06:44
DaSkreechlnxkde: I'll live06:44
DaSkreechPlus I like work :(06:44
abattoiri wonder why broadcom cards in dell laptops always are troublesome....06:44
lnxkdeI dont remember what you work is06:45
jmichaelxgood night all/ gue nacht zusammen06:45
jmichaelxi dunno but they sure are06:45
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DaSkreechjmichaelx: Night!06:45
abattoirjmichaelx: good night06:45
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lnxkdeDaSkreech : I see06:45
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lnxkdeDaSkreech : hope you get right soon :)06:46
lnxkdemy english really sucks....06:46
DaSkreechWell Going back to work tomorrow06:46
DaSkreechBeen off for two weeks06:46
DaSkreechBeen "off" for two weeks06:47
lnxkdewow that is a lot06:47
lnxkdewhat did you had? a big bad flu?06:47
Healotsummer break eh?06:47
DaSkreechI just work from home really06:48
DaSkreechMiss my Linux Box though :(06:48
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lnxkdeDaSkreech : well good day on work tomorow :)06:49
lnxkdeI have to go now :(06:49
DaSkreechNew episode? :)06:49
lnxkdeI have to be up tomorow at 8 I have to be in the office at 9:30am  and it is 1am here06:49
intelikeyi went for food.   if crimsun comes back before i do.06:49
lnxkdeDaSkreech : I have 2gigs of anime and 4 gig of japanese drama06:50
DaSkreechlnxkde: Night Say hi to the "family"06:50
DaSkreechand two days to watch them in!!06:51
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lnxkdeDaSkreech : well I am happy we could chat soemthing today I kind of missed you ;P06:51
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lnxkdewell I have to sleep if not tomorw my head ache will kill me and I will have to kill someone to fell better :D ( my Vice President )06:52
Healotcartoon geeks06:52
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DaSkreechlnxkde: Night!!06:53
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DaSkreechHealot: Hey!! I'm a cartoon Nerd!!06:53
lnxkdeDaSkreech : God bless u!!  bye06:53
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MilhousePunkRockGood Morning abattoir, aegeanlinux, DaSkreech, emonkeylap, Healot, intelikey, ironfroggy, |lostbyte| and everyone I might have forgotten!07:14
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abattoirhmm, that's a pretty big list :)07:14
intelikeysay jan.07:14
abattoirGood morning :)07:15
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MilhousePunkRockBefore I try to update the kernel, I am having a problem with kdedata-libs07:15
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: you are installing the edgy kernel in dapper...?07:16
MilhousePunkRockThat was the plan, abattoir...07:16
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: that's definitely not recommended :)07:16
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ChetwinI can't install java for the life of me07:16
ChetwinSomeone help!07:16
MilhousePunkRockI am aware of the risk...07:16
aegeanlinuxGood morning MilhousePunkRock07:16
jasonsup all07:16
abattoiri wonder if it is even possible :)07:16
aegeanlinuxWB my dear friend ;)07:16
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: due to dependencies and stuff07:17
MilhousePunkRockIgnite said it was...07:17
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository07:17
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ok, try it if you want :)07:17
jasonlooking for a decent irc channel for 80's music or those in their 30's07:17
jasonany suggestions07:17
abattoirjason: try /list and search07:17
intelikeyapt-get install java-common07:18
MilhousePunkRockDependencies is a good key word... Adept updater says kdelibs-data is upgradeable, but it fails everytime07:18
DaSkreechMilhousePunkRock: Cool I didn't even say hi personally07:18
DaSkreechMilhousePunkRock: Hi!!07:18
MilhousePunkRockI was looking for familiar names on the list, DaSkreech07:18
abattoirDaSkreech: what's your take on him installing(or trying to install, rather) an edgy kernel in dapper?07:19
intelikeywhy not grab the source and roll your own ?07:20
intelikeydisreguard previous...07:20
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: are you referring to the kernel or the kdelibs-data?07:20
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intelikeyno.   not at all....  :)07:21
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intelikeyi didn't say nothing.07:21
DaSkreechabattoir: Umm YMMV?07:21
intelikeyforget you even read that...07:21
MilhousePunkRocklol intelikey07:21
MilhousePunkRockI mean, if I _try_ to install the kernel, Grub will still let me use my current ones, or not?!?!07:22
ubuntui have dsl distro when i login i can not start x in nvedia driver07:22
intelikeythis conversation never took place.    do i make my self clear souldar ?07:22
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jasongosh not having much luck looking for those interested in 80's music07:22
ubuntui have geforce msi07:23
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DaSkreechjason: Honestly Freenode is not where you should be looking07:23
MilhousePunkRockubuntu: I think you need to install the nvidia driver outside of X...07:23
jasonany suggestions?07:23
DaSkreechTry Efnet or Dalnet07:23
intelikey80's music.... pfft.07:23
MilhousePunkRock!nvidia > ubuntu07:23
jasonim using the k chat client07:24
intelikey /server irc.efnet.net07:24
MilhousePunkRockKonversation, jason?07:24
DaSkreechDo that Then try /list again in the efnet window07:24
jasonwhere is the efnet window?07:25
DaSkreechIt's a different server07:25
intelikey/server irc.efnet.net07:25
jasonhow do I get a different server window?07:25
DaSkreechShould be a new tab07:25
jasonbtw kubuntu is the best distro I have tried!07:25
MilhousePunkRockBack to my inintial problem: What can I do to update kdelibs-data when neither adept nor apt-get upgrade -f kdelibs-data let me do it?07:26
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jasonMilhousePunkRoc did you try straight    apt-get?07:26
jasoni see07:27
jasonwhat about automatix?07:27
MilhousePunkRockyeah, it's got some dependencies, jason, and does not succeed...07:27
Genericis it safe to swap my repositories list with these? http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Recommended_Dapper_Sources07:27
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock if you like forcing things  and breaking things (seems apparent)  use dpkg -i --force-all package-name.deb07:27
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: I think it comes from me upgrading KDE to 3.5.3 from a different repo a while ago, which worked fine... Two days ago I added another repo to get an suspend2 patched kernel... Then it upgraded a lot of stuff, all the KDE things to 3.5.307:29
aegeanlinux!thank you07:29
ubotuI know nothing about thank you - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:29
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wolfmanzIs there a way to get the programs in the task bar so when you click on them they get indented as in the it looks like its a pushed in button? and can you do this without switching themes?07:29
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock better way.  set the repos to edgy and apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade    hehhe that'll put you to the lead of the pack....07:29
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jasonis there a better chat client than konversation that will list other servers.... no offense.. I just dont feel like doing stuff that I do at work07:31
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jasonthanx that sounds familiar intelikey07:31
intelikeyit has a server list at startup.07:31
intelikeyand can be called at any time...07:32
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jasonI could prolly do it mannually but that seems like work to me07:32
MilhousePunkRockGeneric: Why don't you rather add those and keep the old ones too?07:32
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intelikeyunless they have ruined that in the latest ubuntu...  hehhe i haven't tested it in dapper07:32
GenericMilhousePunkRock, I'm pretty sure some of the repositories in that list are some of the defaults07:33
jasonlove adept!!07:33
=== MilhousePunkRock needs to take out the trash now... Will be back in 10 minutes...
jasonhaha intelikey!07:33
SystematicDubhey n00b question but I'm trying to find out if my motherboard can boot from an external usb drive.  Could it be a good indicator if on my BIOS boot menu if one of the options is "boot from external usb device"  No brainer but it's an older motherboard and being new I go thru that paranoid will it work bit07:34
Genericcheck the bios boot options07:35
Genericif it says external usb device, it can07:35
Genericor usb mass storage device07:35
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SystematicDubthat's what it is07:35
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SystematicDubI'm going off of memory cause the comp I'm booting off is off line right now07:36
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SystematicDubso I can't check07:36
SystematicDubThanks Generic07:37
Genericno problem07:38
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Steven_does anyone here use qtorrent?07:41
=== Hikaru79 uses ktorrent.
intelikeywhy am i seeing  "  CC      arch/i386/math-emu/fpu_tags.o "  when compiling an i586 kernel ?07:47
Hikaru79I recently installed Kubuntu on a partition next to Windows, and let it write the MBR on its own. Now when I select Windows XP from GRUB, I get "NTLDR not found" :( Is this a known issue? Any known workarounds?07:47
Hikaru79Correction, it wasn't on a partition next to Windows, it was on a hard drive seperate from Windows.07:48
Hikaru79But on the same computer.07:48
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Generic!flash > me07:49
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intelikey!flash > Generic07:49
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Genericit worked the first time ;)07:49
intelikey!does > me   work07:49
ubotuI know nothing about does  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:49
Genericanyone know how to setup flash in 64-bit?07:49
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:50
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:50
Hikaru79And I know the partition wasn't damaged because I can still mount it.07:50
kameronkGeneric, you can't use flash in 64 bit07:50
GenericI was once referred to a tutorial while installing it07:50
Genericbut, i was installing it07:50
aegeanlinuxGeneric: you have to have a 32bit firefox installed for it ;)07:50
Genericso i couldn't really bookmark it :/07:50
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kameronkyeah, use wine and the windows version07:51
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Genericthat's a little overkill07:51
intelikeywine in 64bit  works there ?07:51
intelikeyi thought wine needed 32bit07:51
Genericlinux32 FTW!07:52
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Genericoh wait, it doesn't work >_>07:52
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GenericI guess you can compile it from source07:52
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timiim having major problems w/ wlanassistant07:57
=== MilhousePunkRock is back!
MilhousePunkRocktimi What is it?07:57
timiwell it finds my home network and the signal is great07:57
MilhousePunkRockThat's good07:57
timii put in my WEP and sometimes it works.07:57
timiusually it wont connect like twice then it will say not connected but in the backgroudn it will be connecte07:58
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timinow it just says not could not connect over and over again, after working five minutes ago07:58
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timiand the netwrok is in the hows w/ a strong signal07:58
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MilhousePunkRockWeird... Do you have auto .. in your /etc/network.interfaces ?07:58
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timii dunno, im not on the linux comp anymore07:59
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timii mean if i disable my wireless card it tells me it has ben disabled, and it will reable it, it will find my home netwrok, i have the correct wep and it wont connect, with all six stars07:59
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MilhousePunkRockI will post my interfaces on a paste bin, and mark the lines you need to check for... Can you print or save it, timi?07:59
timiyea i guess i can08:00
KonstableI can't install anything.  Nothing here likes my AMD64...08:00
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=== timi yes
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Konstablewould an i386 kernel work on an AMD64 processor?08:01
aegeanlinuxKonstable: yes08:02
abattoirKonstable: sure08:02
KonstableThis is my 5th linux install. And 5th time in a row it doesnt work... I don't think I can be bothered trying a 6th one.08:04
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aegeanlinuxKonstable: all the time with a 64 bit install?08:04
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timi_what does connection reset by peer mean08:04
KonstableNo I had a different computer before.08:05
intelikeytimi_ means you killed it.08:05
abattoirKonstable: what 'didnt work' ?08:05
intelikeypeer is the user end   host is the server end.08:05
timi_ah ok08:05
MilhousePunkRocktimi_: --> http://pastebin.ca/10183408:05
timi_thanks ill save it and check later08:06
timi_linux was starting to give me a headache so i had to quit08:06
MilhousePunkRockIf you are a "quitter" Linux won't make you happy, I guess...08:06
Konstablefirst time, long time ago, I had a "winmodem".  second time the distribution didnt support my USB keyboard and mouse.  third time, during the install it told me that "This install is broken", and I couldnt figure out how to get past it (I guess CD image was corrupted).  fourth time, Ubuntu - CD image was corrupted and it couldnt recover.  fifth time, now, Kubuntu - CD image was corrupted, it fixed itself up, but nothing works on AMD6408:07
intelikeyremote host closed connection generally means your xserver killed the irc client   the little [x]  close the window thingy   but the quit message can also be set with  /quit blah...08:07
abattoirKonstable: what do you mean 'nothing works', java, flash etc.? there are ways to make it work08:08
FluxLoverKonstable For something to work on 64bit.. you have to compile it to work for it.08:08
MilhousePunkRockKonstable: It is recommended you do the CD check on the boot prompt before you intend to install it...08:08
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FluxLoverKonstable Unless its already set to work for 64bit08:08
timi_well i wanted to rip a collection but without internet....08:08
abattoirKonstable: but if you are new, i'd suggest install i386 first08:08
timi_so i jsut got off figured i get help on this since i dont have net on that one and get back on later08:08
KonstableYes, I'm thinking about i386.  But thats another 700MB download and a half hour install process.08:08
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FluxLoverKonstable its better if it works the rite way then for it to be working just for you to get by, think of it that way08:09
FluxLoverSo do what it takes to get it done rite :)08:10
FluxLoverIts only 30 min08:10
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: Back to my "broken" package... I guess I will have to download the .deb prior to the command you gave me earlier?08:10
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MilhousePunkRockKonstable: If you keep on getting broken downloads, check if you RAM might be corrupted...08:11
intelikeyyes and (full or relative) path is needed.08:11
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: I'll look for the appropriate package now...08:11
Konstablethe one that I know was broken for sure, the Ubuntu, was from my university's mirror.  And a friend of mine did a m5 checksum check on that and it turned out that it was their copy that was corrupted in the first place.  And the Debian install which told me "the install was broken" was on an old computer which subsequently blew up (yes...with a bang).08:12
intelikeyi.e. in the same dir  sudo dpkg -i --force-all packag-name.deb           not in the $PWD    sudo dpkg -i --force-all /path/to/package-name.deb08:12
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intelikeyblow the end out of a capacitior ???08:14
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Konstableintelikey: I'm not exactly sure.  It was getting a lot of corruption all over the place.  Then it kept resetting, the OS died, etc.  I decided to just give it to a friend a buy a new computer.  And that friend said the power box blew up with a bang as soon as he turned it on.08:16
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intelikeyOH HELL!  3 hours of compiling to see  this.08:16
intelikeyarch/i386/kernel/built-in.o: In function `setup_arch': undefined reference to `check_acpi_pci'08:16
intelikeymake: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1]  Error 108:16
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intelikeyKonstable sounds like one of the big cans in the ps over heated and blew the end out.     probably ps going bad to begin with that caused all the 'random' erroring.08:18
koshpower supplies are a leading cause of crashes on boxes of all cases except on windows boxes where you have symantec software installed, in which case that causes crashes more often then the ps does08:19
koshhowever on a windows box without symantec software most crashes will probably be from the power supply08:19
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intelikeykosh i like windows xp by distance08:20
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koshI am not saying that windows is very good, just that most "stability" problems are not the fault of windows itself08:21
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intelikeythe longer the distance from it the better i like it...  :)08:21
koshsince it still has massive security problems that are its fault08:21
koshhowever from what I have read the 64bit version is a lot more secure, they broke compat with a lot of things and protect kernel memory space more08:21
intelikeycrimsun i'll check back with you on the kernel issue tomarrow.08:22
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: Adept says kdelibs-data Installed version 4:3.5.3-0ubuntu0.1 Candidate version 4:3.5.3-0ubuntu0.208:22
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intelikeyMilhousePunkRock look with the web browser on the ubuntu.com  site.   find what you need.08:23
intelikeyyou can grab packages dirrectly from there.08:23
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intelikeyi'm sleep.    later.08:23
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MilhousePunkRockDamn, intelikey left too quick08:25
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blackmesaanyone who can take a look on a compiling problem a hvae with Mesa?08:25
mysirgod day08:26
mysirthe italian chatt for kubuntu?08:26
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:26
mysirtks :)08:26
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Did you see what I wrote at 8:22 (my 8:22 that is)?08:27
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: about kdelibs?08:28
MilhousePunkRockYeah, the versions...08:28
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: try a dist-upgrade, maybe a new version is out08:28
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MilhousePunkRockI found kdelibs-data (4:3.5.3-1ubuntu9) on the ubuntu site, will that work?08:29
abattoir!info kdelibs-data08:29
ubotukdelibs-data: core shared data for all KDE applications. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1 (dapper), package size 6917 kB, installed size 27476 kB08:29
abattoir!info kdelibs-data edgy08:29
ubotukdelibs-data: core shared data for all KDE applications. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.3-1ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 6988 kB, installed size 27676 kB08:29
=== Generic [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirso you took the edgy one...08:29
GenericI'm setting up 32-bit firefox on my 64-bit install08:29
MilhousePunkRockThat's what I found... Maybe I can locate the exact one though08:30
abattoirGeneric: how did skype go?08:30
Genericalthough, i keep getting this error: /usr/local/bin/firefox32: line 1: libjavaplugin_oji.so: command not found08:30
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: exact one? from kubuntu.org repo?08:31
MilhousePunkRockThe candidate one... I think it's already here, but it fails to install... apt-get upgrade does not download, so I guess I already have it08:32
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: then why doesnt it show as Installed?08:32
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ok, let me get this straight... 'what' asks for kdelibs-data......?08:33
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: the kernel?08:34
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MilhousePunkRockNo, adept-updater tells me, there is a newer version08:34
MilhousePunkRockBut it fails to install, since it can't remove the old one that is used by x-torrent of ktorrent08:34
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: oh, so you havent touched anything yet? w.r.t the new kernel and stuff....?08:35
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: I want to resolve that problem first...08:36
MilhousePunkRockOnce that is done, I will bite the bullet and try the kernel08:36
MilhousePunkRockHow can I look if the package is already in the cache?08:36
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: oh, ok, i was confused... i thought you had done something by trying to install the kernel08:36
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: apt-cache policy kdelibs-data08:37
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: so you ran 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' ?08:37
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MilhousePunkRocknot the latter...08:38
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MilhousePunkRockWeird, it says the candidate is in the official kubuntu repo and the one I got KDE 3.5.3 from08:38
abattoirwait a sec, it says 3.5.4?08:39
MilhousePunkRockIt does say "Have to fetch 0B of 7097 kB"08:39
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abattoiroh, ok, 3.5.3 it is...08:40
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Let me explain the prerequisites first...08:40
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ok, still i'm a bit dazed, dont know the background properly.... what did you do, and what is the situation.. pleas explain if you can08:41
MilhousePunkRockI got KDE 3.5.3 once it was stable, from a different repo... Lately it got a lot of stuff concerning KDE, all Version 3.5.3 (kdm, kate, konqueror, ...)08:41
MilhousePunkRockThat other stuff came as "available updates"08:42
MilhousePunkRockBut it fails to get the kdelibs-data in the apropriate version08:42
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: oh, form an 'external' one, not kubuntu.org..?08:42
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MilhousePunkRockI asked for a repo on the german kubuntu channel08:43
wilfredHhey guys, I have a new blank hd in my box and I want to format it - what do I use?08:44
abattoirwilfredH: qtparted ?08:44
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: and...?08:44
wilfredHabattoir: is that a gui or cli app?08:45
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: my guess is the two versions are clashing08:45
abattoirwilfredH: GUI08:45
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Got KDE from there, worked fine ever since...08:45
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wilfredHabattoir: is that in kubuntu by default or do I have to install it?08:46
galorinHow do I use the WebControl script for Amarok?  I started it, but don't know what to do next.08:46
abattoirwilfredH: in the livecd? or an install?08:46
wilfredHabattoir: install08:46
abattoirwilfredH: i dont think it is present, try executing 'qtparted', see if it loads08:47
abattoirwilfredH: else 'sudo apt-get install qtparted' should get it installed08:47
abattoir!info qtparted08:47
ubotuqtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 198 kB, installed size 704 kB08:47
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: How do I "translate" the apt-get output of the repos into an URL?08:48
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ugh, what do you mean? your sources.list must have that info08:48
MilhousePunkRockhttp://kubuntu.org dapper/main Packages08:49
MilhousePunkRockOf course with the spaces I can't acces that in Fx, to download the package manually08:49
wilfredHabattoir: working nicely, thanks08:50
abattoirwilfredH: np :)08:51
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353/08:51
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: though why you'd want to download the package manually beats me...08:52
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: if you have KDE from another source, then it might clash w/ that08:52
MilhousePunkRockfor that one dpkg command intelikey said earlier08:52
MilhousePunkRockbut it's kubuntu KDE08:52
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: which command... ugh..08:53
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MilhousePunkRock sudo dpkg -i --force-all packag-name.deb08:53
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ok, do whatever you want...08:53
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:54
jal_alguien espaol?08:54
MilhousePunkRock!es > jal_08:54
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Is there anyway I can resolve that issue?08:57
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: as far as i can see, the KDE packages you got from the other repo are clashing w/ the KDE packages for kubuntu.org repo08:58
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ChetwinHow do I install java08:59
ChetwinIt's not working08:59
abattoirso remove either of them do an update and a dist-upgrade08:59
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abattoiri'd suggest using the 'official' kubuntu.org repo though08:59
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Consciencely I only got the initial KDE 3.5.3 from the other repo09:00
Chetwinfriggin suse spoiled me09:00
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: and then you installed kubuntu.org packages after that?09:00
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: The updater did that automatically09:01
digitalslackerChetwin: http://opensource.weblogsinc.com/2006/06/28/install-the-jre-in-debian/09:01
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hmm, my guess was something wasnt cleaned up properly...09:02
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: It does not let me reinstall the current version, and if I uninstall it wants to remove everything that depends on it... That's pretty much all KDE programs09:03
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: try removing that repo, update and dist-upgrade09:05
digitalslackerChetwin: you'll want to do the apt-get for JRE in the command line because doing so through Adept or Synaptic could cause problems when it's time to answer a few questions during install09:05
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ChetwinI hea ryou09:05
ChetwinI get a bunch of errors09:05
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MilhousePunkRockwhere is the sources list?09:06
digitalslackerChetwin: what kind of errors?09:06
abattoir /etc/apt/sources.list09:06
MilhousePunkRockI don't want to remove that repo in case I need it again, adept won't let me comment it out09:06
ChetwinGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse sun-java5-plugin 1.5.0-06-1 [1334B] 09:06
ChetwinFetched 1334B in 0s (5502B/s)09:07
ChetwinX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16809:07
Chetwin  Major opcode:  14809:07
Chetwin  Minor opcode:  309:07
Chetwin  Resource id:  0x009:07
ChetwinFailed to open device09:07
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digitalslackerI got that error when I first tried too, can't remember for sure exactly how I fixed it09:07
HawkwindChetwin: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=579.009:08
HawkwindChetwin: Read that post on my forums09:08
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ubotuI know nothing about lfd - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:09
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abattoirHawkwind: guess they didnt approve it :(09:10
HawkwindGuess not, or the bot is forgetful :P09:10
MilhousePunkRockSame thing, abattoir09:10
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: what happens?09:10
MilhousePunkRockThe error messages are in German, as usual...09:11
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MilhousePunkRockdpkg-deb Subprocess paste killed with Signal (broken pipes)09:11
MilhousePunkRockthat would be the translation, I guess, abattoir ^^09:12
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digitalslackercould someone tell me how to get Power Saving to stop turning itself back on whenever X is restarted?09:19
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digitalslackeris that a no?09:21
dlissnerok i just installed kubuntu and have a couple of questions regarding kde09:22
raphinkdigitalslacker: have you tried turning it off in systemsettings?09:22
dlissneris there anyone here tht can assist me in installing themes?09:22
raphinkdlissner: don't ask if you can ask, just ask your question09:23
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digitalslackerraphink: yes, I turned it off there and through kcontrol, both ways gets reset when X is restarted09:23
dlissnerok well raph i am trying to install new themes for kde09:24
raphinkdlissner: what theme?09:24
dlissnerself revolution09:24
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raphinkcan't even see how it looks like09:25
dlissneri try to download and after a few kbs it locks up and this kate application opens09:25
raphinkdid you download the theme file dlissner?09:25
dlissnerthen it does nothing for a few minutes and finnally says09:26
raphinkdlissner: right click on the link and choose save as09:26
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dlissnersuch and such file is a binary, downloading it will cause it to corrupt09:26
raphinkand call it ... well ... dunno ... selfrevolution.kth09:26
raphinkfor ex09:26
MilhousePunkRockPower Saving is a difficult issue... I am fighting with for days and days already, digitalslacker09:26
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dlissnerwell ther isn't an option because the link just links to a php file that starts the dl09:26
raphinkdlissner: right click and choose save as and name it selfrevolution.kth09:27
Hawkwinddlissner: It downloads fine here09:27
raphinkthe php script doesn't start the DL imo, it identifies as the file to DL09:27
digitalslackerMilhousePunkRock: the thing is, I have 2 Dapper systems here. 1 is from a clean install and one is upgraded from Breezy. The upgrade works fine09:27
dlissnerif i try to save as it jsut saves the php file09:27
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Hawkwinddlissner: What web browser, konqueror ?09:28
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MilhousePunkRockdigitalslacker: Try researching the config files it needs and compare them on both installations09:28
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dlissnermaybe i should install firefox09:29
dlissneryeah hawk09:29
dlissneris firefox on the kubuntu cd?09:29
dlissnerdvd i mean09:29
raphinkkonqueror is great :)09:29
Hawkwinddlissner: I'm using firefox and it downloads fine here09:29
link_36pIs there any way to incorporate a password into a shell script?09:29
raphinkyou don't need the CD/DVD if you hvae internet access dlissner09:29
raphinklink_36p: what for?09:29
dlissnerwell the thing is i am on broadband09:30
dlissnerand in windows my speeds are great09:30
dlissneri start up kubuntu09:30
dlissneri haven't gotten over 5k a second yet09:30
dlissneri don't know what the deal it but it just seems to not agree with my connection09:30
link_36praphink: Oh i just made a quick script for replacing some files to switch from xgl to just plain X but id rather just be able to execute them without typing in my password every time.09:30
raphinklink_36p: man sudo09:31
raphinkand especially, man sudoers09:31
link_36pthx :)09:31
raphinkthat will teach you how to gain root priviledgs on some commands without a password09:31
raphinkfor a given user09:31
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dlissnerwell how will i install the theme anyway if I ever get it downloaded?09:34
raphinkdlissner: clik on it in konqueror09:35
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raphinkor go to systemsettings, to the appearance section09:35
dlissnerthen to style?09:35
raphinkor theme09:35
dlissnerthere is no theme option09:36
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dlissnerwould import scheme be it?09:36
raphinkimport theme09:37
raphinkI gues09:37
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link_36praphink: if i changed ownership of my xorg.conf file and my kdmrc file that would do the trick to right?09:37
dlissnernm that's colors09:37
dlissnerk well thanks09:37
raphinklink_36p: no09:38
raphinklink_36p: that'll be he trick to crash X09:38
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link_36praphink: why?09:38
raphinklink_36p: you should not change ownership of files in the system09:38
andriijassudo kate /etc/foo.conf  doesnt work, is it possible to fix so that i can edit config files with kate?09:38
raphinklink_36p: use sudoers09:38
link_36praphink: oh ok.09:39
dlissneri am used to using litestep in windows which i assumed was similar09:39
dlissneroh i found it by typing kcontrol09:39
raphinkyes dlissner09:39
raphinkit's not in systemsettings somehow09:39
digitalslackerwow, according to Adept, removing klaptop and a couple other laptop related apps, that means removing 592 packages including everything KDE and XFCE, Firefox, all of the games, and even X server09:40
dlissneryeah they ought to fix that09:40
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andriijassudo kate /etc/foo.conf  doesnt work, is it possible to fix so that i can edit config files with kate? please09:40
andriijas"cannot connect to X server :0.0"09:40
koshinstead try kdesu kate /etc/foo.conf09:41
koshkdesu is for graphical apps, sudo is for cli stuff09:41
andriijasthx man09:42
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cfraz89hi :)09:47
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raphinkhi cfraz8909:48
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dlissnerraph is there a way to get rid of the bar on the bottom and such?09:49
cfraz89hi raphink09:49
raphinksure dlissner09:50
raphinkclick on the bar and choose configure09:50
raphinkthen you can auto-hide it09:50
raphinkadd another bar09:50
raphinkor multiple ones09:51
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raphinkmove components to other bars09:51
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dlissnerincreasing my screen resolution seems to do nothing09:51
dlissnerdo i have to reboot first?09:51
crazy_penguingood morning all! :)09:51
RichJfrom irssi, how do i disconnect the screen to get back to a terminal?09:51
raphinkmorning crazy_penguin09:52
raphinkdlissner: you never need to reboot unless you change the kernel09:52
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raphinkdlissner: but you need to restart X when you change your screen resolution09:52
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dlissnerraphink: how do i do that?09:52
bbtis there an easy way to submit a bug without e-mail subscribing or such ?09:52
raphinkRich you can use ctrl+alt+Fx, 1 < x < 6 for example :)09:52
abattoirRichJ: /quit ?09:52
raphinkdlissner: ctrl+alt+delete09:52
raphinkbackspace I mean09:53
RichJabattoir: <-nixternal...edgy updates killed my xserver09:53
dlissnerend current session?09:53
abattoirRichJ: any errors?09:53
cfraz89if you use randr you shouldnt have to restart x?09:53
raphinkdlissner: you cvan do that first, then press alt+ctrl+backspace09:53
abattoirRichJ: i recognise the name :)09:54
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abattoirRichJ: you get errors?09:54
RichJya, all about ATI09:54
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digitalslackerMilhousePunkRock: I think I found a work-around for my power saving issues. I installed kpowersave, configured it, restarted and it appears to be working the way I want09:55
RichJdid the dpkg-reconfigure, and that has changed big time in edgy09:55
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RichJthere are some messages that are way to informative i think09:56
abattoirRichJ: nothing about fonts ?09:56
RichJi didnt' notice09:56
MilhousePunkRockI could have recommended that... KPowersave doesn't help my with my buggy video chip, digitalslacker09:56
link_36pDoes anyone know why my "super" key might now be working?09:56
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dlissnerraph it just goes back to normal09:57
Healotsuper key? what super key, link_36p?09:57
raphinkdlissner: ah09:57
abattoirHealot: i think he means the windows key09:57
digitalslackerMilhousePunkRock: oh, what are you trying to do?09:57
dlissneris it because of driver support or something?09:58
link_36pI was calling it the super key because thats how compiz refered to it.09:58
dlissnerin windows i run at a lot higher res.09:58
MilhousePunkRockGetting suspend to work, digitalslacker09:58
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MilhousePunkRockI already tried a different kernel, but the bug is not solved there...09:58
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link_36pIm using a logitech USB keyboard.09:59
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kralgood morning all09:59
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digitalslackerMilhousePunkRock: to my understanding, suspend functionality is buggy in Linux or at least some distros. Not sure why though10:00
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dlissneruh heh what is the deal.10:00
kralI have a problem in installing kubuntu, can someone help me_10:00
MilhousePunkRockdigitalslacker: Indeed...10:00
dlissneri don't think linux is for me10:00
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koshdlissner: what is the deal with what?10:01
aegeanlinuxMilhousePunkRock: So, from what I read ^^ above, you havn't had much luck then ?10:01
koshdlissner: since most of us are not psychic unless you say what your problem is you are unlikely to get help10:01
MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: I am still on it10:02
aegeanlinuxMilhousePunkRock: Don't give up - and when you work it out , email me step-by-step how you did it ; )10:02
kralwhen I start to install kubuntu I reach step 3 (choose keyboard layout) and I can't choose because I have an empty list, and there is no way to pass this step... what should I do?10:03
cfraz89kral: it sounds a little like your cd might be corrupted :)10:03
kralI made the cd test, and I passed it10:04
aegeanlinuxkral: screaming loudly and banging your head against the wall might help ... if that doesn't work, try it on another machine, and if that doesn'\t work, I think you might need a new CD10:04
MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: I figured out it's a bug with my video driver yesterday10:04
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aegeanlinuxCoolies, what driver do you use MilhousePunkRock?10:04
koshdlissner: well just saying my name won't tell me what your problem is10:04
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kralI tried even on another machine... and it worked...10:04
MilhousePunkRocksavage, aegeanlinux10:04
kralcan I send you a screenshot of the problem?10:05
aegeanlinuxI see.10:05
cfraz89i think i understand what is wrong though10:05
kralthank you10:05
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cfraz89kral: did you try the alternate cd?10:05
cfraz89its harder to use, but tends to work more oftern :)10:05
aegeanlinuxMilhousePunkRock: IMHO, the best (open source'd code) chip is SIS10:05
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HealotVIA imho10:06
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MilhousePunkRockif you look at http://thinkwiki.org locate the T23 and look at the page for the savage chip, it tells about the bug all the way down to the bottom10:06
kralI didn't know about an alternate cd10:06
Healotvia nic, via, south bridge, ac97, via's SATA controllers, etc...10:06
aegeanlinuxHow is VIA's openGL Healot?10:06
cfraz89kral: its the older text-based installer10:07
Healotvia doesn't have graphics iirc10:07
kralcfraz89: that's what I prefear :) do you think I can have text based installer even with this cd?10:07
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cfraz89kral: nope sorry. the livecd only has graphical installer, and the alternate cd only has text installer, no live mode10:08
kralthis is my first time with kubuntu, I always used slackware, so I prefear text based installer :)10:09
Healotuse the alternate install then10:09
cfraz89thats good. as long as your comfortable with the installer :)10:09
Healotthe previous ubuntu versions used text installer btw10:09
MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: But I can't change the onboard video chip in my laptop easily, if at all10:09
aegeanlinuxyeah, I know10:10
kralok thank you a lot guys, I'll leave here (I need to go to my workplace for download the cd eheh)10:10
aegeanlinuxyour stuck with it :-D10:10
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dlissnerkosh: my problem is changing my screen resolution does nothing10:10
aamoranyone here using ubuntu for Mac?10:10
aegeanlinuxHey, while I am here, does anyone have an old ~15GB hard drive that they don't want anymore ? If so, please send me a PM ;)10:10
kralgood bye all and thank you again for help10:11
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aegeanlinuxaamor: I have a friend who I gave the ship it live CD to, and he said he could not get it to boot past the KDE loading screen10:11
aamorI got it to work witht he Intel x86 LiveCD, cause I'm using an intel based mac, but when I install it on the drive it won't boot up at all10:12
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aamorGets stuck on something called Grub10:12
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aegeanlinuxYeah? Grub is the boot program of *buntu10:12
link_36pDoes anyone know a good GUI tool for keyboad configuration?10:12
Healotaamor: you need alternative bootloader "elilo"10:12
aamorI see10:13
Healotbtw EFI-based hardware won't properly boot from HFS partitions10:13
digitalslackerFirefox was just released an hour or two ago, how long before the repos are updated with it?10:13
aamorI partitioned it in Fat3210:13
Healotwell, on PPC Macs, that case is way easier...10:13
Hawkwinddigitalslacker: Probably a while10:13
aegeanlinuxdigitalslacker: it was actually released ~5 days ago ;) On Sunday.10:13
aamorYea, there's a buntu version for PPC macs10:13
aamorNone for Intel Macs10:14
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Healotyup, inmacs are new10:14
macd_freenode sure does take forever to pingout old nicks10:14
Hawkwindaegeanlinux: It just appeared on the site about 3 - 4 hours ago10:14
Hawkwindaegeanlinux: On mozilla.com that is10:14
aamorSo I figured I'd use BootCamp to install it as I did with Windows, got so far as installing it, but Grub wouldn't install the second time10:14
aegeanlinuxi know, but it has been out longer that10:14
Healotand intel or apple has no interest in gnu/linux for that new platform10:14
aamorFirst time I actually wiped my HD and installed it perfectly, but Grub wouldn't work10:14
digitalslackeraegeanlinux: my Windows PC just updated firefox about an hour ago and the release notes are dated for today10:15
aegeanlinuxits to test for other ppl that there are n o showstoppers10:15
aamorThey do have some interest in GNU10:15
aegeanlinux* digitalslacker I put firefox in my repos Tuesday ;)10:15
dlissnerwhat are repos?10:15
Healotaamor: their interest has yet to shine...10:15
digitalslackerdlissner: repositories10:16
aegeanlinuxWhen you download something in Adapt10:16
Hawkwindaegeanlinux: Can it be added to the sources.list ?10:16
aegeanlinuxyou download it from a repository10:16
dlissnerdigitalslacker: which are?10:16
aamorTHey have to have some interest considering what OS X is built on...10:16
dlissneroh ok10:16
aegeanlinuxHawkwind: I dont use *buntu10:16
Hawkwindaegeanlinux: So, repos for what then ?10:16
aegeanlinuxLets not advertise www.aegeanlinux.be here yay ?10:17
aamorHealot: so what exactly is Elilo?10:17
dlissnerok so i downloaded firefox, how do i install it?10:17
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kralhi all again10:18
aegeanlinuxthe source or binary dlissner10:18
dlissnerbunary i think10:18
aegeanlinuxgo into a Konsole10:18
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digitalslackerwhy is auto-update disabled in Firefox even when run under kdesu?10:18
cfraz89dlissner: you can just extract it and run it :)10:18
kralone more question: I have an amd64 cpu, is it better to download i386 or amd64 version of kubuntu?10:18
aegeanlinuxcd to the location10:18
dlissnercani extract it anywhere?10:18
aegeanlinuxtar -xvf ./firefox-
cfraz89kral: it depends how much effort you are willing to put into making it work :)10:19
cfraz89or how much you care for performance10:19
kraluhm... what do you mean?10:19
cfraz89if you install 64 bit version10:19
cfraz8932 bit code wont work without emulation10:19
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kralI heard somewhere that 64bit version is a bit slower10:20
cfraz89and theres no 32 bit flash player10:20
cfraz89it should be faster10:20
dlissneraegeanlinux: what does the -xvf mean?10:20
cfraz89but if you are not worried about speed, go for 32 bit10:20
kralxvf = extract verbose f....10:20
cfraz89plus some drivers are not available on 64 bit10:20
dlissnerah ok10:20
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dlissnercan i specify which folder it extracts to in the command line?10:21
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kralthank you cfraz89, you was very kind :)10:21
aegeanlinuxat the end say -C <DIRECTORY>10:21
cfraz89np :)10:21
kralnow I have to run to my workplace to download my cd :)10:21
dlissnerthanks aegan10:21
aegeanlinuxS'all good.10:21
_Shade_hi there10:21
dlissnerthank all of you i will be in here a lot seeking help probably10:21
cfraz89cya :)10:21
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cfraz89good luck :)10:21
kralthank you :)10:21
dlissnerand what does the -c mean?10:22
aamorSo, anyone know how to use this elilo thing? :)10:22
aegeanlinux(capital C)10:22
Healot-C >> directory to extract10:22
aegeanlinuxit means "extract here ..."10:22
xav_IS there no way to avoid typing the password every two seconds ( when i open adept, change settings, kwallet...)10:22
dlissnerdoes it stand for something?10:22
dlissnerlol that's a long shot10:23
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aegeanlinuxdlissner: read the MAN page... just type man tar10:24
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Healote x t has been taken10:24
aegeanlinuxman can teach you alot of things... just man <command>10:24
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dlissnerit says old option "g" requires an argument10:24
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dlissneroh i left of the xvf10:25
aamorhealot: could you show me how to use elilo? I downloaded it, but I've no clue how to use it10:25
dlissneroh if in the dlissner folder i made a folder "programs"10:25
dlissnerhow do i specify the path? cause what i put did not work10:25
_Shade_hey why i cant copy my mp3 files into an mp3 player using kubuntu ?10:25
nickayi am trying to install gnome desktop environment but i am not able to find any package for it. Which is the the package name for Gnome? Thanks10:26
aegeanlinuxtar -xvf {filename.tar.gz} -C /path/to/extract/to10:26
dlissneryeah i know that aegean i mean10:26
dlissnerin my home folder i created a directory named "programs"10:27
dlissnerwhat would be the full path?10:27
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cfraz89nickay: i think it is ubuntu-desktop10:27
aegeanlinuxtar -xvf {filename.tar.gz} -C ~/programs ;)10:27
cfraz89will turn kubuntu into ubuntu10:27
aegeanlinux~/ is short for /home/{username}10:27
dlissnerthanks again aegean10:28
aegeanlinuxS'all good dlissner ;)10:28
link_36pDoes anyone know how i can get my super key working?10:28
dlissneris there a way to add a shortcut for firefox to the popup?10:28
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dlissneruh heh firefox won't open. what is the extension for executable files?10:31
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Hawkwinddlissner: Why not just do: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox10:32
Healotif properly installed, just firefox10:32
Hawkwinddlissner: That way it installs it globally via a deb package from the repos10:32
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aamoranyone know how to use elilo?10:32
Hawkwindaamor: http://elilo.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/blosxom10:33
dlissneri have no idea what that does10:34
dlissnerbut it jsut says package is not available10:34
Hawkwinddlissner: Setup your sources.list correctly10:34
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:34
nickaythanks cfraz8910:34
koshit says that package is not available for mozilla-firefox?10:34
Hawkwinddlissner: ^^^^^^^^10:34
dlissnerhow hawkind?10:34
aamoryes, i know the elilo website, but do you know how to use it?10:34
Hawkwindaamor: No, but that site tells you10:35
koshmozilla-firefox is in main that is available by default10:35
dlissnerok i'll read10:35
koshunless you changed /etc/apt/sources.list manually it should all be ok10:35
dlissneri don't know this is my first hour of linux10:35
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dlissneri didn't change anything10:35
koshdlissner: what version of kubuntu did you install from?10:35
cfraz89nickay:np :)10:35
dlissnerkosh 6.06 off the dvd10:35
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confusedcannot start a subprocess when trying to extract files in ark?10:36
koshsure seems like a strange problem10:36
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dlissnerReading package lists... Done10:37
dlissnerBuilding dependency tree... Done10:37
dlissnerPackage mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:37
dlissnerThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:37
dlissneris only available from another source10:37
dlissnerE: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate10:37
cfraz89dlissner, do you have the universe repository enabled?10:37
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Hawkwinddlissner: sudo apt-get install firefox10:37
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dlissnercfraz i don't know i just installed kubuntu an hour or so ago and have never used linux before10:38
HawkwindMultiverse won't do him any good since firefox is in main10:38
cfraz89oh ok10:38
koshthat just does not make sense10:38
dlissnersame error hawkwind10:38
koshwhy would main not be in the package lists10:38
cfraz89dlissner: try updating your repos10:38
dlissnerwell how can i add it?10:38
Hawkwinddlissner: ubotu posted a URL about repos and setting them up.  Read it and follow it10:38
cfraz89either sudo apt-get update10:39
dlissnercfraz how?10:39
cfraz89or press fetch package lists in adept10:39
Hawkwinddlissner: sudo apt-get update10:39
cfraz89i think adept has an update button in toolbar10:39
dlissnerthe update thing didn't work10:39
cfraz89what happened?10:39
dlissnerit said it updated10:40
HawkwindDidn't work is a pretty vague message10:40
dlissnerbut same error10:40
cfraz89if you want, i could put up my sources file, and you could overwrite yours with it10:40
Hawkwinddlissner: Please read the info about the repos10:40
dlissnerreding hawkwind10:41
cfraz89dlissner: have you used adept before?10:41
Hawkwinddlissner: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=545.010:41
digitalslackeraamor: are you familiar with manpages? http://www.penguin-soft.com/penguin/man/8/elilo.html10:41
Hawkwinddlissner: Follow that how-to on my forums10:41
koshthat still seems screwy that a completely new install should have any of those problems10:41
dlissnerit says now10:41
dlissnerHowever the following packages replace it:10:41
koshit is supposed to be setup out of the box for that10:41
dlissner  libnss310:41
HawkwindThat has a very extensive sources.list10:41
dlissnerso i tried sudo apt-get libnss310:41
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Hawkwindsudo apt-get install libnss3 would be the command10:42
dlissnerCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:42
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dlissnerin adept it says mozilla-firefox is installed10:42
cfraz89mozilla-firefox is installed?10:43
koshokay so what is the issue then?10:43
HawkwindYou can NOT have adept open and do a apt-get command from CLI at the same time10:43
koshcan you do alt-f2 firefox and hit enter and see if firefox starts10:43
dlissnercould not run specified command10:44
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dlissnerwhy not a simple setup file like windows :-\10:45
digitalslackerdlissner: "mozilla-Firefox" is a transitional package. Check to see if just plain old "firefox" is installed10:45
ricardohi everybody...10:45
ricardodid anybody managed to get MATLAB working with wine? (kinda desperate here...)10:45
dlissneri search in adept for firfoz10:46
HealotMATLAB latest status?10:46
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dlissnerall tht comes up is mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb and says it is instaled10:46
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digitalslackerdlissner: is this a fresh install of Kubuntu?10:47
dlissnerdigital yes about one hour ago maybe two now10:47
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wilfredHmy box crashed on boot after using qtparted to format a new hd, any ideas why?10:48
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digitalslackerokay, enable your repositories, click View> Manage Repositories> and right click on the entries (not the notes) that are faded out and click "Enable"10:49
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dlissnerin adapt?10:49
digitalslackerthen click Apply at the bottom. At the top, click fetch updates. Then do a search for firefox10:49
digitalslackeryes, in adept10:49
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Healotricardo: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=4910:49
dlissnerthanks dig10:50
digitalslackerdlissner: did firefox show up this time?10:51
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dlissnernot done yet10:51
dlissnerso leave out the ones that say comment, yeah?10:51
digitalslackerthen don't thank me yet :-P10:51
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dlissnerso doing this will provide locations to connect to when i type apt-get?10:52
dlissnerstill gettin the same error when i do the apt-get message10:53
dlissnermozilla has no installation candidate10:53
digitalslackerhave you tried installing through adept?10:53
dlissneri downloaded firefox from the site10:53
dlissnerwhy can't i just use that?10:53
dlissnersearch for firefox in adept and the only match is installed already10:54
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dlissnerit's jsut the english langauge package thogh10:55
dlissnerlet me fetch updates10:55
=== tower [n=tower@oh-clevelandheights-cdnt1-bg1h-30.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
digitalslackeryou don't have any filters unchecked at the top do you? (not installed, installed, upgradable...)10:56
dlissnerall checked10:56
dlissnerbut now i am fetching updates maybe i needed to do this first?10:57
towerhi, i am have a problem with compile software. I keep get this msg10:57
towerconfigure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!10:57
towerError during sources configuration. Installation aborted!10:57
dlissneri really don't understand what i am doing in this process10:57
ndchi all10:57
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_max_anyone get a apt-cacher to work with kubuntu ?10:58
cfraz89dtwoer: there is a package, x11-dev or something10:59
cfraz89tower: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev10:59
towerdid that11:00
dlissnercfraz can you explain why just downloading the tar.gz from firefox's site and extracting it does not suffice in obtaning the program?11:00
cfraz89oh ok11:00
cfraz89dlissner: it does work, just that its preffereed to do stuff through the package system11:00
cfraz89so feel free to use teh tar.gz11:01
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ndcmow i installing KDE from Gnome in Ubuntu and my disk become full11:01
dlissnerwell i extracted it11:01
dlissnerbut how do i open firefox?11:01
cfraz89in the folder you extracted11:01
dlissneri went to the file "firefox" and double clicked it11:02
dlissnerand nothing happens11:02
koshgod why is this being made so difficult11:02
cfraz89try right clicking in the blank area11:02
koshjust hit alt-f2 firefox and hit enter11:02
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koshif it is already installed then that will work11:02
dlissnerdidn't work kosh11:02
cfraz89and actions, open terminal here11:02
cfraz89then do ./firefox11:02
emonkey-pndc, maybe a sudo apt-get autclean will help11:02
cfraz89see what it says11:02
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koshgeeze that machine is going to be so screwed up in a few days11:02
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ndcok thanks i will try now11:03
koshinstalling stuff manually11:03
cfraz89dlissner: but it is best to work out what the problem is11:03
emonkey-pmaybe a sudo apt-get clean11:03
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koshapt-get clean won't fix anything, that just removes cached copies of packages11:03
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koshthese problems don't even make much sense, like why firefox would be marked as installed but not runnable, why from a default install the main repository was not available etc11:04
koshthat is just screwy as heck11:04
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koshI don't see how a cd/dvd image with those kinds of problems could have made it past beta or why more people have not had problems11:05
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ndcso when i tape sudo apt-get clean nothing happen11:06
dlissnerkosh tell me bout it. this seems to be the luck i have...11:07
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ndcnow my partiton disk full and over than 5 giga 4 nothing11:08
dlissnerthe apt-get command is working now, after i enabled the repositories and after i fetched updates11:09
dlissnerand it is downloading several libraries11:09
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MilhousePunkRockmoparisthebest has a strange part message...11:09
MilhousePunkRockre abattoir11:09
dlissnermaybe i needed these in order to run firefox...11:09
abattoirpm me11:09
MilhousePunkRockyou have to start the query, I still a question pending there...11:10
abattoirwell, i'm in itrssi and i cant see what i tpe :-D11:11
wolfmanzabattoir what program tells you there are updates and its in the system tray when you first install kubuntu is that adept dping that?11:11
dlissnerthanks for the help everyone i'm sure i'd never have gotten this working without you11:11
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koshwell I am heading to bed have fun11:13
digitalslackerdlissner: so you got everything working as it should?11:13
dlissnerwell it's apt-get is now downloading firefox11:14
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dlissnerslow as hell though11:14
dlissnerfor some reason my net is very slow in kubuntu11:14
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dlissneris it bad support for my wireless card or something?11:15
digitalslackerdlissner: that could be a possibility. What card are you using?11:15
dlissnerseems like it's in b mode or something and not g11:15
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wolfmanzabattoir how do i get that thing back into the tray i dont see it anywehere?11:16
dlissnerdigitalslacker i'm not sure, it's in a laptop i just got last week haven't bothered to look. i think it's a broadcom though11:16
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abattoirtry running adept_notifier11:16
digitalslackerthe card that I've found to have the best support in Kubuntu is the Netgear WG511T Super G11:16
abattoiri'll be back later bye11:17
dlissnerah well if it is driver related then i dont have good support at all. heh11:17
dlissner6kb/s is ridiculously slow11:17
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digitalslackerthe Netgear works out-of-the-box, very nicely at that11:18
dlissneris there a way i could look for better driver for my card?11:18
dlissnercause like i said i just bought this laptop last week, thus, not looking to by another card11:18
dlissnerI don't even have wirless at home i am just out of town, and don't plan linux to be my main OS, jsut wanted to give it a try and get familiar11:19
digitalslackeryou're in a motel?11:19
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dlissneryeah a hotel. it's a long story. been spending summer out in Cali with a friend. she got mold in her AC, thus we are in the residence inn marriot11:20
digitalslackerevery motel I've stayed in have had terrible internet connections11:20
dlissnerthe net here is very fast11:20
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dlissneri've been getting 300k/s downloads in windows11:21
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digitalslackerthe Marriot I stayed at in Illinois had a slow connection, but it was also filled with about 50 other computer geeks, so it could have just been bogged down11:22
dlissneryeah. this is the nicest hotel i've ever been in in my life.11:22
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dlissnertwo story room, free breakfast and dinner that is actually very good, very fast internet11:22
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dlissnerthey will even go and buy groceries at the local store and charge only the cost11:23
bradbury9anyone knows a good asp.net ide for kde?11:23
digitalslackeryeah, Marriots have excellent service11:23
bradbury9i think it is a c# plugin for kdevelop, but dont know its name11:24
dlissneryeah luckily my friends apt office is payin for it11:24
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bradbury9i wouldn't like to install eclipse and gnome libraries11:24
digitalslackerdear lord, I have a major crisis here... there's no more coffee. Must mean it's almost time for work. Bye all.11:25
dlissnerby dig and thanks for all the help11:25
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digitalslackerno problem, that's why I stopped by ;-)11:26
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MilhousePunkRockHow well do the orinoco drivers for a prism-chipset wireless device work in Linux?11:32
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dlissneri dunno but my wirless device drivers suck in linux is there a site i can maybe find better ones?11:33
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dlissnerdownloads are maxin out at 7k a sec on broadband11:33
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ricardohas anybody get MATLAB to work under wine?11:41
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dlissneris wine a linux that runs on windows?11:41
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MuJdlissner: no, wine is compatibilty layer that allows you to run windows programs on linux11:43
dlissneroh. is it emulation?11:45
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MuJWine Is Not Emulator11:45
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cfraz89_washingdlissner: it is a re-implementation of win32 api for linux :)11:46
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marcus__i am having major repository troubles. Can't access them after an install without network hook up, can someone help me get them back please?11:46
dlissnerdoes it allow most programs to run?11:47
dlissnermarcusyou might have the same problem as me11:47
dlissneropen adept11:47
marcus__dlissner: okay11:47
dlissnergo to view>manage repositories11:47
marcus__dlissner: okay11:48
dlissnerthen right click on all the fadded ones (excluding the ones that say comment) and click enable11:48
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dlissnerafter you do that to all of them apply the change, then click fetch updates11:49
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marcus__dlissner: it worked. thank you very very much for a timely response11:49
dlissnermarcus no problem, i had someone help me with the same thing about a half hour ago11:50
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marcus__dlissner: my problem is i do everything by wireless so the connection wasnt there during install11:51
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dlissnermarcus, exact same problem i had. now my problem is poor driver for my card and my net is way too slow11:51
marcus__dlissner: what kind of card?11:52
dlissneri need to check i believe broadcom though11:53
dlissnerit's an internal11:53
marcus__dlissner: mines a broadcom too11:53
marcus__dlissner: it works just fine for me after driver install11:54
dlissneris it very slow for you?11:54
dlissnerwhere'd you get the driver?11:54
marcus__dlissner: fast as a lick11:54
cfraz89_washingdlissner: your net is slow?11:55
dlissnercfraz yeah very11:56
dlissnerin windows i am gettin downlaods of 300k/sec11:56
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dlissnerin kubunto averaging 1k/sec!11:56
marcus__dlissner: i get about 500k on my dell 1470 card11:56
marcus__dlissner: in kubuntu11:56
MilhousePunkRockre abattoir11:56
marcus__dlissner: want i should try to walk you through setting it up like i did?11:57
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dlissnermarcus yes11:58
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hi :)11:58
marcus__dlissner: first remove all the wireless drivers and we will start from the beginning okay?11:59
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: works?11:59
dlissnermarcus how do i remove?11:59
MilhousePunkRockDoes not prompt me for updates anymore at least, abattoir11:59
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: so you get the broken pipe thing?11:59
marcus__dlissner: ndiswrapper -e (drivername)11:59
dlissnermarcus i don't know the driver i am just using the default one12:00
dlissnerit detected m card after install but it just sucks12:00
dlissnerso i need a new one12:00
marcus__dlissner: okay type ndiswrapper -l in konsole and tell me what it says12:00
abattoirnixternal: around?12:01
marcus__dlissner: this way should work it has worked for me and others like really well, so hang in there. :)12:01
dlissnercommand not found12:01
marcus__dlissner: okay install ndiswrapper-utils....12:02
dlissnerwhat's command?12:02
dlissnerI have never used linux before tonight12:02
marcus__sudo apt-get install ndsiwrapper-utils12:02
marcus__dlissner: in konsole12:02
marcus__dlissner: sorry ndiswrapper-utils12:03
marcus__dlspelled it wrog the first time sorry. typing not that good sometimes in english :)12:03
dlissnerit's ok, thanks12:04
dlissnerok it's done12:04
marcus__dlissner: well that typed well eh?12:04
marcus__dlissner: okay now need to get card drivers12:04
marcus__dlissner: i think it's called bcmwl5  there are 2 an ini and a sys12:05
dlissnerIntel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG this is my card12:05
marcus__dlissner: but it uses broadcom chip right?12:05
dlissnerjust looked it up on the notebook mfr's site12:05
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dlissneri dunno i thought it was broadcom but i think that's jsut the bluetooth12:05
dlissnerthe wifi i think may just be intel12:06
marcus__dlissner: it's okay do you have your driver files for your card handy?12:06
marcus__dlissner: if not you should get them. i think the install for wireless should still work fine.12:06
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dlissneri am searching for them12:07
ubuntuhey guys, im following this tutorial on installing ubuntu on an intel based mac, and its telling me to mount the root partition on /mnt. how do I do this?12:07
marcus__dlissner: like i said i will try to help you get it working with basic install. if it doesnt work i apologize for that.....12:08
dlissnerubuntu is it graphical?12:09
dlissnermarcus it is ok12:09
dlissneri'm still searching for the drivers12:09
marcus__dlissner: okay let me know when you find them12:09
dlissnerubuntu for me, it gave me a menu12:09
dlissnerwith dropdown boxes12:09
ubuntubut where were these menus? in a certain app?12:10
dlissnerand it let me select which partitions to mount what on12:10
dlissnerin the kubuntu installtion12:10
ubuntuyea but I'm doing this a certain way, like its saying in the tutorial12:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:11
dlissneri'm not experienced in linux so i am probably not much help12:11
ubuntuwell how do I mount a drive at all?12:11
dlissnermount <partition> <folder>12:11
dlissnerso first make a folder for it12:12
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dlissnerlike /home/user/mountfolder12:12
dlissnerthen do mount /partiton info /home/user/mountfolder12:12
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dlissnermy windows partition is /dev/sda412:13
dlissnerso i made a folder called windows and then did12:13
ubuntuit says only root can do that12:13
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marcus__ubuntu: use sudo before it12:13
dlissnerput sudo on the front12:13
MilhousePunkRockI would like to partition my disc and move the /home folder to a seperate partition...12:14
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ubuntunow it says looks like swapspace - not mounted12:14
dlissnersudo mount <partition> /home/ubuntu/<folderyoumade>12:14
ubuntuin Parted what partition type should I make it?12:15
dlissneri don't know12:15
marcus__ubuntu: which partition?12:15
dlissneri'd do ext312:15
ubuntuthe partition im trying to install linux on12:16
marcus__ubuntu: i make /boot ext2 / ext3 /home ext3 and swap swap12:16
marcus__ubuntu: so ext3 is a good choice12:16
dlissnermarcus read this:12:17
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ubuntuthat didn't make much sense but ok12:17
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dlissnerubuntu he means he has 3 parittions12:17
dlissnerone for boot12:17
dlissnerone for home12:17
dlissnerand one for swap12:17
marcus__dlissner: and one for /12:18
dlissnerhe formats the boot as ext212:18
marcus__so i actually have 4 :)12:18
dlissnerthe / as ext312:18
ubuntuStill not making sense to me, I'm completely new to Linux12:18
dlissnerthe /home as ext312:18
dlissnerand the swap as swap12:18
dlissneryeah me too ubuntu12:18
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dlissneryou need to make two paritions at least12:18
dlissnerone for /12:18
dlissnerand one for swap12:18
dlissnerthe swap one doesn't need to be big i don't beleive12:19
marcus__make the / ext3 ubuntu12:19
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ubuntuwhats the point of swap?12:19
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marcus__ubuntu: paging file12:20
ubuntuand that is?12:20
dlissnerubuntu basically it;s like virtual ram i believ12:20
MilhousePunkRockVirtual Memory12:20
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dlissnerso your physical ram can be used for important stuff12:21
dlissnerand other stuff can use virtual ram on your hard disk12:21
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ubuntui see...12:21
dlissnerhahah i don't even have a swap on my linux install12:21
dlissnermarcus it seems like a lot12:22
dlissneri need wireless extensions12:22
dlissnerwireless tools12:22
ubuntuso, I mounted the drive and now its named lost+found and its locked...12:22
dlissnerthen a driver and a firmware image12:22
marcus__dlissner: if you install the driver through ndiswrapper it should take care of that stuff12:22
dlissnerso how do i do that?12:23
marcus__dlissner: firmware image?12:23
marcus__dlissner: after you have the drivers we can try the basic install and see if it works12:23
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dlissnerthats what it says on the dev site for the driver12:23
dlissnerbut aside that, how do i do the ndiswrapper>12:23
dlissneri will download them nowthn12:23
ubuntuwhy the hell is the drive locked?12:24
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dlissnerubuntu at this point i have no clue12:24
marcus__dlissner: when you have the drivers i will walk you through it.12:24
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ubuntudo either of you wanna see the site im looking at to see if I've done anything wrong?12:24
ubuntucause i could really use the help12:24
MilhousePunkRockwb abattoir12:25
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: thanks for the warm welcome :P12:26
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MilhousePunkRockIn fact, you _are_ welcome, abattoir12:26
=== abattoir wonders if it is a pun.
MetaMorfoziShow it possible i can't kill a process?12:26
MetaMorfoziSwith any of signal?12:27
MetaMorfoziSthe process is irattach12:27
MilhousePunkRockIt was supposed to be one, abattoir, but now when I rethink it, it sucks...12:28
MilhousePunkRockSince I am the one who's welcome... When it comes to you offering me your help...12:28
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dlissnermarcus you still here?12:30
ubuntumarcus did you see the page i linked?12:30
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marcus__ubuntu: I am sorry but that is a little beyond my skills.12:32
ubuntuso the stupid website is supposed to be for beginners, yet it requires advanced knowledge of Linux... real smart12:32
dlissnerok marcus i have the skills12:35
dlissnererr drivers12:35
dlissnermy bad12:35
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marcus__dlissner: okay type the following12:39
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marcus__dlissner: sudo ndiswrapper -i (nameoffile).inf12:40
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marcus__dlissner: did you extract the drivers on your desktop or somewhere on your computer?12:41
noiesmondisgtk dont know if it helps I used it to install dwl 650 card12:41
dlissnerdoin that right now one sec12:41
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noiesmondisgtk is a gui for ndiswrapper12:41
marcus__noiesmo: ive never used ndisgtk but i think i can get his card working from the command line :)12:42
dlissnerk extracted marcus12:42
dlissneri'd rather learn the command line anyway12:42
marcus__open konsole and change to the directory where you extracted them12:42
noiesmono probs12:43
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marcus__type sudo ndiswrapper -i (nameoffile).inf12:43
digibre4k_new member .....12:43
marcus__dlissner: if you need to find the filename you can use ls12:43
marcus__dlissner: there will be a inf and a sys most likely with the same name12:44
digibre4k_how to download xmms and to install???12:44
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marcus__digibre4k_: in adept make ure universe is enabled and search for xmms.12:45
digibre4k_can you help me????12:45
dlissnerwait uhh hold on12:45
dlissnerthere were three more tars inside the main tar lemme extract them12:45
marcus__dlissner: okay12:46
shahamsince i updated from breezy to dapper all my music-player who use xine-engine didnt work12:46
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marcus__digibre4k_: or you can use "sudo apt-get install xmms12:46
shahamhow can i get that music-player working? :(12:46
marcus__shaham: Sorry..... I have no idea on that one.12:47
shahamhmm ok12:47
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digibre4k_i do not understand....!!!12:47
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marcus__dlissner: whats up?12:48
dlissnerit's not an inf file12:49
dlissneri think i have to compile this myself12:49
marcus__dlissner: what is it?12:49
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dlissnerthe readme says i need to download some other app so it can build the libraries12:49
marcus__dlissner: or you could use the windows driver12:49
dlissnerthis is taking way too much effort jesus christ12:49
dlissneri can use the windows driver, really12:50
marcus__dlissner: ndiswrapper uses windows drivers12:50
dlissnerwell lemme download that then12:50
dlissnerhold on12:50
marcus__dlissner: if i was no specific enough i apologize. as i said english is not to good sometimes12:50
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dlissnercan linux run a .exe?12:52
dlissnerthe driver is only available as a .exe program12:52
marcus__dlissner: try extracting it with ark12:52
cham_i_prostakdlissner: with wine yes12:53
dlissnerugh i don't have wine12:53
dlissnerthis is way to many steps i have had linux for a few hours and i don't like it at all12:53
marcus__dlissner: try extractng the exe with ark12:53
dlissnerit is very user unfriendly12:53
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marcus__dlissner: this is true, but alot of people think it is worth it. :)12:54
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dlissnerwhy is it worth it?12:54
dlissneri'm beginning to not understand at all12:54
marcus__dlissner: faster,more stable, more customizable, good community, lots of support12:54
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marcus__dlissner: no spyware and very few virii....12:55
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Ace2005Anyone know where i can get boot themes for kubuntu?12:55
marcus__dlissner: definately not for gaming though12:55
cham_i_prostakdlissner: you're right, windows is much more user friendly12:56
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marcus__but windows is like swiss cheese12:56
cham_i_prostakbut windows treats his user like a comlete imbecil12:56
marcus__a friend of mine did the spyware update software in windows and it said something like 372,00 known threats scary12:57
dlissneri dunno12:57
dlissneri have my windows setup very customized, and have never had issues with spyware12:57
marcus__sorry 372000 typo:)12:57
marcus__dlissner: then i am guessing you are one of the lucky ones12:58
dlissneri am in full control of my windows system and i am safe about what i download and when there is spyware i am able to manually get rid of it from the registry and such12:58
dlissnerin linux, i have been typing commands for hours just to get a decent net connection to no avail and i don' even know what it means12:58
dlissnerjust not sure it's worth the time to learn at this point in the game12:58
marcus__at least not t 6:30am eh?12:59
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dlissneri'm very windows adjusted and i use a lot of software not in linux for school and work12:59
dlissnerif i mount my windows drive01:00
dlissnerand find the driver in there01:00
dlissnerwill that suffice?01:00
marcus__it should still work01:00
Godrindlissner: once you're into the flow, it gets much easier to use than windows. you'll need some 4 or 5 hours to setup a working system. (vs. 2 or 3 days on windows for downloading and installing all the software you need separately.01:00
marcus__just remember there is an inf and sys probably with the same name.01:00
dlissnergodrin i have downloaded a lot of software that has gotten me nowhere01:00
dlissnerit's like to downlaod firefoz01:01
dlissneri had to configure all this adept stuff01:01
dlissnerthen finlly it workes01:01
dlissnerthen net is slow, try to get wireless drivers01:01
marcus__<--- likes synaptic better01:01
dlissnerfind the intel one, but to use it i need such and such, and to use such and such i need this and that01:01
GodrinI don't say it's perfect. But for some people it's better :-)01:01
dlissnerit's like this ongoing chain of dependencies from various parties01:02
marcus__dlissner: all you should need is drivers and ndiswrapper.01:02
dlissnerthe nice thing in windows is centralization. i want to add a device, i plus it in and it's done01:02
marcus__dlissner: i set my card up in 5 minutes tops.01:02
dlissneri'm not here to bash linux it is just frustrating me01:02
dlissneryeah but marcus i'm having a hard time getting drivers for my card01:02
dlissnera really hard time01:03
marcus__dlissner: perhaps that is the fault of intel?01:03
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dlissnermarcus yeah i guess it is01:04
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marcus__dlissner: personally i find drivers for different things to be the most irritating thing about linux, but i keep going anyway.....01:04
dlissnerwindows just has much better support of manufacturers01:04
marcus__dlissner: which supports the wintel monopoly and makes it stronger01:04
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pete___i have a hp photosmart printer 7400/7450 can you get drivers for it and software to run on kubunta any help thank you01:05
dlissnersigh anyone know the folder where windows puts drivers?01:06
dlissnercab something or another01:06
marcus__<-- has only seen windows... never really wanted to use it.01:06
dlissnermarcus where are you from?01:07
marcus__northeastern united states01:07
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dlissnerand you've never used windows? crazy01:08
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marcus__never wanted to01:08
dlissnerdid your parents use linux or something?01:08
dlissnerit was all that was really available to me i guess01:08
Godrindlissner: if you're having trouble with intel-drivers, it might help to wait a little. At least this worked for me with the ipw2200 drivers ;-)01:08
marcus__no just linux was the first thing i used and i liked it. im still learning though01:09
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dlissnerhow do you unmount a drive?01:09
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marcus__the more i read and see of windows the more i want to stay away from t too.01:10
dlissnerhow can i search for folders on the disk?01:11
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Godrindlissner K->Search ?01:12
yamalpete___: many hp photosmart printers work very well in linux... driver is either hplip or hpijs (included in kubuntu)01:12
marcus__try find its under the home menu01:12
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marcus__<-- has to go to work pretty soon01:12
pete___thanks yamal01:12
ricardois it normal that sun-java installation takes more than 5 minutes?01:12
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:13
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yamalricardo: you have to agree with some license stuff01:14
MilhousePunkRockmarcus__: You can probably learn it a lot better/faster than all us Ex-Windows-Users...01:14
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ricardoEULA agreement...I  know...but there is no message at all....it is just blocked at 25%01:14
marcus__MilhousePunkRock: i dunno, maybe01:15
dlissneri'm going to sleep01:15
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dlissnermarcus thanks for your help01:15
marcus__dlissner: good night01:15
dlissnermaybe i will catch you in here later01:15
marcus__dlissner: im sure of it01:15
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dlissnercool i'll be bac later this evening01:15
scorpion007ricardo: install it from the console instead01:15
dlissneri need some sleep before i can carry this on01:15
dlissnerhave a good night01:15
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marcus__dlissner: you too01:15
dlissnernight all01:15
marcus__where can i regenerate my sources list again?01:16
ricardoscorpion: thanx...ill try that....01:16
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:17
supernixwell I am the proud owner of the book Ubuntu Hacks01:17
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:17
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supernixare there any other good Ubuntu books01:18
MilhousePunkRockHow can I find out the current blocksize in my file system?01:18
eldendf -h01:19
MilhousePunkRockNot really elden01:19
MilhousePunkRockI want to resize my partitions with resize2fs and fdisk, but I need the blocksize so I can tell resize2fs how big it's supposed to be01:20
eldenhow about using g-parted?01:21
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marcus__bed is my friend. nighty night01:21
MilhousePunkRockThe G confuses me, sounds like GTK01:21
marcus__haha just kidding. gotta leave for work01:21
marcus__have a good day everybody....01:21
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eldeng-parted = gnome partition editor01:22
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eldenyou can use it to resize partitions01:22
MilhousePunkRockyeah, if I run a gnome app on KDE, I'll have to install lots of GTK libraries...01:23
noltethere should be a qt-parted also01:23
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MilhousePunkRockqt-parted fails to do anything, and yes, I launched it with root permission01:23
eldeni think theres a live cd or usb version01:24
MilhousePunkRockI already figured out the usage of resize2fs, but I need to find out my block size...01:24
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MilhousePunkRockBecause than I can divide the 15 GB I want with the blocksize and the result, which is the number of blocks, is what I tell resize2fs01:25
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Ace2005Is google down at the moment?01:26
eldeni dont use reiserfs, i use jfs01:26
eldenbut when i googled it01:26
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eldenthe default block size for reiserfs under linux is 4096 bytes01:26
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eldendoes it work?01:27
MilhousePunkRockelden, nolte --> http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man8/resize2fs.8.html01:27
MilhousePunkRockDid I not mention that I use ext3?01:27
eldennah, you didnt :p01:28
MilhousePunkRockNow you know...01:28
eldenso, you want to resize an ext3 partition?01:29
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eldenyou said before you want to resize a partition using reiser2fs01:29
HealotPM or fdisk, qtparted is also cool for that01:29
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eldenso i assumed you have a reiserfs01:30
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MilhousePunkRockRESIZE2fs, not reiser01:30
eldenomg, my bad01:30
eldeni must be sleepy :)01:31
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MilhousePunkRockTo be precise: Right now I have one large partition (next to the extended and swap, which seem to be in the same range)01:31
nolteman mkfs.ext3 says valid block sizes are 1,2 and 4 kb01:31
eldenthen go for it :)01:32
MilhousePunkRockSo I have three options that will leave me with half or even quarter the size I actually want? nolte o_O01:32
noltethree ist better then 5, hold on a moment01:33
MilhousePunkRockWait, nolte, than my block size must be one, since hda1 has 2855506 Blocks and it's a 30 GB HDD in total01:34
supernixdoes anyone know which is the best Ubuntu book to buy ?01:34
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Healotthere is book for ubuntu?01:34
supernixYes many of them to01:35
MilhousePunkRockThe plan is to put 10 GB aside for another distro and make a seperate partition for /home of 5 GB01:35
supernixI bought Ubuntu Hacks because it was the only one I saw last night but there are many more than that01:35
supernixI went to bn.com and saw the Ubuntu Bible as well as the Ubuntu Official book01:36
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eldenhmm, i think i can't help you, bec when i resize partitions, i always use g-parted01:36
supernixI figured getting one of them a good one that is would help with any issue I might have01:37
supernixBut sad to say I did not see a modem section01:37
MilhousePunkRockelden, it looks like I can do the "first part", shrinking the initial partition easily... I wonder how I get a new partition created though...01:38
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ubuntuhow to install xgl on kubuntu ?01:39
eldenadd xgl.compiz.net to your repositories01:39
eldensudo apt-get install compiz compiz-kde compiz-gnome01:39
ubuntuthank u01:39
eldenoh btw, follow the instructions at xgl.compiz.info01:40
eldenand use replace kwin with cgwd to fire up your 3d desktop01:40
ubuntuthanks for your help. saw an article this morning. xgl looks good. thought I would try it01:40
elden4got, issue cgwd --replace01:40
MilhousePunkRockubuntu: There is a Live Linux running XGL, maybe that's better for trying it...01:41
MilhousePunkRockubuntu: Called "korora" or something01:41
eldensorry milhouse, can't really help :)01:41
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nolteso here we are01:42
noltetune2fs -l /dev/hda101:42
nolteblocksize ist 409601:42
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MilhousePunkRockHello slow-motion01:45
slow-motionhi MilhousePunkRock01:45
MilhousePunkRockthx nolte... Indeed it's 4096 here too01:45
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MilhousePunkRockWhy does fdisk -l /dev/hda1 tell me it has 2855506 blocks than?01:49
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noltecould this be 2855506 blocks a 4 kb is about your fs size01:50
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nolteis your fs size about 10 gb ?01:52
noltethat should be ok then01:52
MilhousePunkRockIt's 3001:52
MilhousePunkRockWell, 29 if you calculate the swap01:52
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MilhousePunkRockThe Block count is 28555506 in fdisk01:53
noltean hda is not your swap partition, right ?01:53
nolteand hda1 is not your swap partition, right ? (sorry)01:53
MilhousePunkRockWanna see the partition table from fdisk for clearing things up?01:53
noltewhy not01:54
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MilhousePunkRocknolte: http://pastebin.ca/10219001:54
MilhousePunkRockBoth the fdisk and the tune2fs output01:55
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Healotkilled by idol01:57
Healotdamn, i can only torify connection outside01:57
MilhousePunkRockre Healot01:57
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MilhousePunkRockHow does that tor thing work anyway... You get rerouted over a dozen nodes, so you can't be traced back?01:58
noltehmm look at line 30, tune2fs block count is 713xxx x 4096 that works, dont' know what the fdisk blocks are01:59
noltemultiplied by 4096 KB02:00
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MilhousePunkRockSince some HowTo for resize2fs mentioned tune2fs to determine the blocksize, I'll stick with that...02:02
eldeni read resize2fs as reiserfs :p i think i should go to be now :)02:04
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MilhousePunkRockso 16777216 blocks of 4096 kb would make 16 GB?02:04
MilhousePunkRockWait, no...02:05
MilhousePunkRockHuh? 4096 Blocks of 4096 KB make 16 GB?02:05
nolteits 4 KB and 4096 bytes so devide by 802:05
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MilhousePunkRockyour bad --> [14:00]  <nolte> multiplied by 4096 KB02:06
noltedepends from where you start blocks or GB02:06
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ubuntuHi all02:07
MilhousePunkRockStarts on Block 002:07
MilhousePunkRockHi ubuntu02:08
ubuntuany body know how to configuer 802.1x in kubuntu?!!02:08
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MilhousePunkRockAs in Wireless, ubuntu?02:08
ubuntuwill, ya!! to be frank I need it for wireless and wired network, this is the config in the company i work for.02:09
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MilhousePunkRockDepends on what you need to know, ubuntu...02:09
MilhousePunkRockI got some basic knowledge about it by now, set up my wireless twice...02:10
ubuntuok, lets keep it for wireless for now, is there any package for it?!02:10
ubuntuI looked in SLED 10 and I was serprised its not there ?!!02:11
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MilhousePunkRockThere are several packages for it... But once I had it set up properly and found out the /etc/network/interfaces controls everything, I never used any GUI stuff for it anymore02:11
ubuntuit was suppose to be an "E" edition right?!!02:11
MilhousePunkRockSLED 10 as in Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop?02:13
ubuntuby the why, i would appreciate it if you could send me the templet of your config02:13
MilhousePunkRockSo how is the connection between that and Kubuntu? I don't quite get it...02:14
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MilhousePunkRockubuntu: What encryption do you use?02:14
ubuntusee I thought since it is an enterprise edtion, i don't have to fidle arround with dot1x, i was wrong02:15
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ubuntui guess its wap 40 bit02:16
MilhousePunkRockI still don't quite understand how you connect SUSE and Kubuntu...02:16
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ubuntuwith peap for authentication02:16
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MilhousePunkRockubuntu: This is my interfaces I pasted for someonelse earlier this morning: http://pastebin.ca/10183402:16
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MilhousePunkRockre abattoir... When did you sneak back in?02:17
MilhousePunkRockWow, half an hour ago...02:18
h3sp4wnubuntu: /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/ieee8021x.conf and /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes will probably help you02:18
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hehe :)02:18
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BluesKaj'Morning folks02:19
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ubuntuis there any project to make xgl work out of the box in kubuntu?!02:21
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h3sp4wnubuntu: There are unofficial repositories but they invariably break things - aiglx is in edgy but I dont know why you would want xgl in an enterprise type situation its alpha software02:22
ubuntuthe xgl for playaround not for work02:23
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ubuntuanyway, for now i care a bout .1x02:23
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BluesKajKororaa is a live cd that will install Xgl on yer system if you have the right graphics drivers etc02:23
McScruffgentoo based02:24
DeadS0ulBluesKaj: they got past the whole license thing?02:24
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BluesKajdunno DeadS0ul, I DL'd and burned it , but unfortunately I couldn't make it work on my elcheapo ATI xpress 200 evn tho itsays it will :(02:25
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BluesKajAAMOF I had to reinstall kubuntu cuz I caused so much damage to my existing setup at the time02:26
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Bluntslide_Anyone has problems with automatic updates from adept?02:28
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Bluntslide_right now I got half kde in english and half in spanish because of it02:28
BluesKajhave you added any repositories?02:29
sebrdo dudes. i'm relying on all you kubunut experts02:29
sebrhow can i make my laptop run faster02:29
sebrlike blitzing fast on kubuntu02:29
sebri hear its possible02:29
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h3sp4wnsebr: dapper was too slow on my laptop so it got kanotix which was alot faster - build 2.6.16 from kernel.org (optionally with realtime patches) would make a difference02:30
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sebrh3sp4wn: to go to all that effort, i'll just reinstall Arch linux02:31
sebrthis is the problem with packages which aren't optimised for i686 :)02:31
tic_how come after I have installed ati's fglrx driver xrandr cant get the physical screen size right?02:31
tic_I'm using the same xorg.conf as I did when it worked with the none-ati fglrx driver02:33
Bluntslide_blueskaj do you want me to post my repositories?02:33
BluesKajno Bluntslide_, just check if you have some spanish based ones02:34
h3sp4wnsebr: The 686 optimizations dont make a massive difference for most programs in my experience (other than maybe X and the kernel) there is some other problem to that (debian sid is compiled for 486 and runs really fast)02:34
Bluntslide_yes I have02:34
sebrwell X makes a big difference02:35
sebri can see the lag resizing windows02:35
sebrand moving them about02:35
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BluesKajBluntslide_, I think the spanish ones may be causing your problem02:36
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BluesKajunless you want spanish programs02:37
solomonuklo.  I have tried to install firefox on my own going through the help on the forum but it will not work can any1 please talk me through the process02:37
ricardodoes anybody use MATLAB under WINE?02:37
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h3sp4wnsebr: I take it you have the binary drivers installed (if appropriate)02:38
h3sp4wnricardo: Why would you do that there is a linux native version of it02:38
fannagogannaactually, ricardo, I have matlab for linux02:38
fannagogannaif you're interested02:38
fannagogannait runs natively (such as it is)02:38
ubuntuthank you MilhousePunkRock for your support02:38
MilhousePunkRockubuntu: I didn't do much, did I?02:39
fannagogannait uses Java, so it's slow as balls starting up and as temperamental as a psycho girlfriend02:39
sebryeah, xorg drivers are using trident...02:39
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solomonukCan ne1 spare a few mins to help me install forefox plz?02:40
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ricardoh3sp4wn: i have a windows version installed under XP on one partition...And linux in the other..(plus I dont have a matlab for linux license)02:41
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ricardoh3sp4wn: it works fine but i have to use -nojvm option....02:41
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MilhousePunkRocksolomonuk: sudo apt-get install firefox02:41
ricardoh3sp4wn: this way the interface is much uglier (simulink works fine though!)02:41
BluesKajsolomonuk, have you tried to find it in  ADEPT ?02:42
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MilhousePunkRockin the console that is, solomonuk02:42
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solomonukMillhouse: is says firefox is not available02:44
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BluesKajwell, there gotta be a way to install firefox02:47
solomonukMilhousePunkRock: I dont know what ADEPT is.  Im brand new to Linux02:47
fannagogannaBlueskaj: you might have a problem with your file /etc/apt/sources.list file02:47
MilhousePunkRockdid you change your sources list?02:48
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BluesKajsolomonuk, ADEPT is a package manager that is used to download and install programs ...it's in your K-Menu02:49
solomonukno havent touched it, like I say i went through the help on the forum but it didn't work, didn't mention anything about a sources list either02:49
fannagogannarun apt-get update02:49
fannagogannaand then run apt-cache search firefox02:49
kalmis it safe to install kde 3.5.3?02:49
kalm I supposed canonical teams will not make security corrections on it02:49
BluesKajfannagoganna, I have FF installed, it's not me with the prob02:49
fannagogannawell, there is a kubuntu.org repository for the latest KDE02:49
MilhousePunkRockkalm: I have that for weeks already, no issues...02:49
fannagogannaah ok, you're trying to compile it?02:50
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solomonuk:p im just trying to install it.  Maybe learn a bit in the process02:51
fannagogannaok solomonuk, can you run "apt-get update"02:51
BluesKajsolomonuk ? did you see my reference to "adept" ?02:52
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solomonukfannagoganna: cant run apt-get update02:53
BluesKajfannagoganna,don't you think he should how to walk thru linux before you try to teach him how to run?02:53
fannagogannaare you running with sudo, solomonuk?02:53
solomonukBluesKaj: yes and don't know what adept is02:53
solomonuk1 sec02:53
fannagogannaoh ok, this will take a while then02:53
BluesKajlook in the menu / system02:54
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solomonukfanna: okay ran sudo apt-get update02:54
fannagogannais it doing something?02:54
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BluesKajtoo many teachers ..02:54
Healotnot many student02:55
fannagogannalike Alexander the Great and his many teachers02:55
fannagogannaor tutors02:55
Healothis gay tutors and incest mother?02:56
solomonukright I have adept running now, and now know what it is02:56
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kalmhu, i steal having problemes with the mp302:57
kalmnormally with xine, there is nothing to do no?02:57
Healotkalm: you need "libxine-extracodecs" with 6.0602:57
solomonukadept says firefox is installed02:57
thoreauputickalm:  install libxine-extracodecs02:58
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Healot!info libxine-extracodecs02:58
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB02:58
fannagoganna!info amarok02:58
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 7630 kB, installed size 18672 kB02:58
fannagoganna!info kvirc02:58
h3sp4wn! info libinstrudeo edgy02:58
ubotukvirc: KDE based next generation IRC client with module support. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2:3.2.0-5ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 2366 kB, installed size 7108 kB02:58
h3sp4wn!info libinstrudeo edgy02:58
ubotuPackage libinstrudeo does not exist in edgy02:58
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BluesKajsolomonuk, lookin the menu / interenet...you'll see Firefox02:59
Healot!info mirc03:00
ubotuPackage mirc does not exist in dapper03:00
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thoreauputicwhat a surprise ;|03:00
BluesKajfirefox prolly has a different logo03:00
fannagogannaisn't mirc the windows IRC client?03:00
Chousuke_a_ windows irc client :P03:01
fannagogannaso I would be surprised if it's in any Linux distribution03:01
fannagogannathere's xchat which works very well for me03:01
thoreauputicfannagoganna: indeed03:01
BluesKajthere is no mirc in linux03:01
Chousukemirc still has pretty crappy UTF-8 support.03:01
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solomonukBluesKaj: its not in the menu matey03:02
fannagogannaand the latest versions of kvirc which are very very polished03:02
BluesKajKonverstaion is my fave ..works well...no server lisy=t included is a problem for some tho03:02
Chousukeit cuts lines per byte, instead of per character, which results in weird trouble with multibyte characters. :)03:02
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solomonukthats what I can't understand its Kubuntu I am using btw03:02
fannagogannahow about gaim, is it able to transfer/receive files in IRC?03:02
BluesKajdid you look in the internet list ?03:02
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Chousukefannagoganna: should be.03:02
ChousukeDCC is quite a basic feature.03:02
solomonukyes under internet03:02
MilhousePunkRockWhat's wrong with Konversation, I like it...03:02
fannagogannawell, konversation does not have a way to connect through a proxy03:03
fannagogannathat is, it doesn't have a connection option of proxy connections03:03
fannagogannakvirc and xchat do03:03
voicuhi, i'd like to know if there is a log kept for the messages i get at login (in the console). for example, i'd like to see the entire list of failed logins. is it possible?03:03
Healotuse xchat or kvirc03:03
fannagogannathe only way to use konversation through a proxy is to setup a global proxy in KDE03:03
Healotor ksirc03:04
BluesKajsolomonuk, use the run command , type firefox , see what happens03:04
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solomonukdoes not understand the command03:05
BluesKajsolomonuk, it's in the menu,the lil blue gear thing ..click on it03:05
Healotkde menu->internet->firefox03:06
thoreauputicvoicu:  laslog and faillog03:06
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thoreauputicumm lastlog sorry03:06
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solomonuknope deffinately not in the menu03:06
BluesKajNO RUN COMMAND ?03:07
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solomonukyeah there is the run command but firefox aint there anywhere in the menu03:07
BluesKajclick on the run command and type firefox in the dialog box03:08
solomonukI already have tried that it says it dont understand the command03:09
voicuthoreauputic, thanks03:09
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thoreauputicvoicu: your're welcome :)03:09
thoreauputicbah ignore typos please03:09
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BluesKajwell try "adept" again and reinstall Firefox03:09
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solomonuk1 sec I will give that a go.03:10
Healotjust refresh the menu03:10
Healotor logoff/logon again03:10
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solomonukBluesKaj: its no good Im not sure what Im doing in adept, i requested it's removal and then requested it's install it syas no change i dunno03:12
BluesKajok do what Healot suggested , log out and back in again03:13
solomonukactually i think whats installed is just the language package for firefox and not firefox itself03:14
BluesKajthen check the menu again03:14
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BluesKajif adept says Firefox  is installed then it should be03:14
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solomonuknope still no change03:16
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BluesKajcheck adept again and make sure that firefox with no suffixes or prefixes is listed as installed03:18
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ubuntu_Hi, I am currently on a Kubuntu live cd and there is an installer on the desktop... if I install Kubuntu will it delete Windows?03:22
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sebrubuntu_: how confident are you with using a partition manager?03:24
sebrubuntu_: if your entire disk is being used by windows, then there is no way of doing it, afaik03:24
ubuntu_not very, this is my dad's PC03:24
sebryou will have to resize the disc and make a new partition with the empty space03:24
sebrnot even sure if its possible with ntfs03:24
Healotubuntu installer (desktop and alternate) usually will not touch existing partition that has files on it.03:25
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Healotntfs can be resize with the alternate cd installer...03:25
ubuntu_I think there is 2 partitions anyway so maybe I won't need to do anything03:25
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BusMasterhi. i installed Ubuntu and I have the kubuntu CD. I want to install the kde suite from it. how do I do it? I tried adding the cdrom to sources.list;apt-get update;apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. but it simply says package not found03:26
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h3sp4wnubuntu_: It can be resized with qtparted (easiest way to do it is from the gparted live cd though)03:26
ubuntu_Healot : a bit like Apple bootcamp?03:26
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BluesKajh3sp4wn, the gparted is easier to use , but less flexible03:27
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h3sp4wnBlueKaj: I have never used either but do you know if qtparted supports resizing reiserfs ?03:29
grizzlyI am getting this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19011 , when I run the app 'wayv' . Any clues plz ?03:31
grizzlyAlso I am using  a suspend2 patched kernel ( if it matters)03:31
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BluesKajyes h3sp4wn, it's a partition magic clone written for linux ...I don't use it much cuz it's dangerous03:32
blackflaghello all :)03:32
ubuntu_how do I see the HDDs?03:32
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raphinkubuntu_: the partitions you mean?03:32
blackflagI want to copy an audio cd03:32
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blackflagbut I can not mount it03:32
ubuntu_yes raphink03:33
blackflagwhat is trhe best way to copy an audio-cd?03:33
ubuntu_I can see the home folder03:33
blackflagcan someone help?03:33
raphinkubuntu_: cat /proc/partitions03:33
grizzlyblackflag: dd ?03:34
raphinkblackflag: use K3b03:34
blackflagI tried K3b but it creates me a 1.1GB iso03:34
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raphinkblackflag: huh?03:35
raphinkwhat did you do?03:35
blackflagI tried to write an Iso file from cd03:35
raphinkblackflag: what do you want to do? duplicate the CD? extract it? copy it to an iso image?03:35
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blackflagyou mean; i did it wrong?03:35
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blackflagcopy to iso03:35
raphinkblackflag: then use dd, as grizzly said03:36
MilhousePunkRockIs there a way to use a bootsplash screen that was created for SUSE?03:36
raphinkthat'll be easier03:36
raphinkno MilhousePunkRock03:36
raphinkbecause SuSE uses bootsplash03:36
raphinkwhereas ubuntu uses usplash03:36
grizzlyblackflag: google for "how to do everything with dd" or something03:36
raphinkif you want to use splashy, you can03:36
raphinkbut I think y ou need to recompile a kernel for that03:36
raphinkblackflag: or "man dd"03:36
MilhousePunkRockAaaah... Thanks for that anyway, raphink03:36
grizzlyI am getting this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19011 , when I run the app 'wayv' . Anybody plz ?03:37
raphinkMilhousePunkRock: SuSE's splashy is kernel-space, whereas usplash is user-space03:37
blackflagokay Ill try dd03:37
blackflagbut what is when I want to extract it03:37
raphinkblackflag: if you want to extract, you can simply use Konqueror03:38
raphinkwith audiocd:/03:38
raphinkit's a very easy way to do it03:38
ubuntu_I think i'll give up on installing Kubuntu on this PC, too scared of breaking something :) hopefully get round to installing it on a thinkpad someday03:38
BluesKajgrizzly,what is wayv ?03:38
MilhousePunkRockDoesn't look like kde-look.org has usplash screens...03:38
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grizzlymouse gestuer app :D03:38
raphinkubuntu_: too scared of what?03:38
ubuntu_deleting my dad's data some how03:39
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ubuntu_I would put Kubuntu on my intel iMac but the drivers aren't there03:39
MilhousePunkRockubuntu_: What kind of ThinkPad? I run it on a T23, if you don't need suspend/resume, everthing is fine03:39
grizzlyubuntu_: for that try to learn how to backup and restore your mbr, and everything sould be fine03:39
raphinkwhat drivers ubuntu_?03:39
ubuntu_drivers in general, wireless and the like03:39
grizzlyBluesKaj: what does that error mean? cld a patched kernel be somehow responsible?03:40
ubuntu_Milhouse: a X32 hopefully :)03:40
h3sp4wnubuntu_: All you need is elilo to boot on the intel imac03:40
blackflagokay thanks going to try it :))03:40
raphinkubuntu_: doesn't seem true03:40
BluesKajubuntu_, wha not DL and burn GParted and then boot it up to look at your HDD , then you can resize the NFTS partition  and make room for linux03:40
drbreen_blueskaj: because the ubuntu live cd has gparted already ?03:40
BluesKajERR NTFS03:40
drbreen_and kubuntu has qtparted and they bot can resitze ntfs03:41
BluesKajbetter yet :)03:41
ubuntu_because it's not my PC Blues :P I think it's fat32 anyway (which is probably even easier but err)03:41
ubuntu_h3sp4wn : link please :)03:41
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BluesKajI thought it had QTParted , not GParted03:41
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tic_how come my xrandr probe the wrong physical size of my laptop screen? anyone03:41
drbreen_tic_: what does it say03:42
BluesKajwhat windows OS , ubuntu_ ?03:42
tic_it says: 0   1280 x 1024   ( 402mm x 302mm )  *5003:42
ubuntu_XP SP203:42
BluesKajthat's NTFS03:42
tic_my laptop screen is 1400x1050 but when probing that res. it's out of size03:43
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tic_so I guessing it got the physical size wrong03:43
ubuntu_ahh the reason I thought it might be fat32 is because (for some reason) it's divided into 2 20GB partitions for a total of 40GB03:43
tic_but I really cant figure out why03:43
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h3sp4wnubuntu_: Just google elilo imac intel03:44
tic_drbreen: I think it should be:0   1400 x 1050   ( 474mm x 356mm )  *5003:44
BluesKajdrbreen_ , GParted has to be installed from the repos , it doesn't come with the install cd03:45
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drbreen_blueskay: oh i di not know that. what is then the program the installer uses ?03:45
BluesKajoh sorry, QTparted I think, not sure tho03:46
raphinkdrbreen : the installer is debian-installer03:46
BluesKajI used GParted to setup the partitions before installing03:46
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raphinkand to partition, it uses partman iirc03:47
raphinkfor the console installer03:47
raphinkthe graphic install for Ubuntu uses gparted, and qtparted for Kubuntu03:47
h3sp4wnI thought the live cd installer didnt use debian-installer (would explain why its unreliable often)03:48
raphinkthe live cd installer is ubiquity03:48
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ricardohi..does anybody use MATLAB under WINE?03:55
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MilhousePunkRockHmm, seems kde-look has got a total of 3 usplash themes...04:04
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MilhousePunkRockIs it possible to convert a Bootsplash to usplash? If so, is someone capable of doing that?04:04
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danlhow do i give a none root user access to ports below 1024?04:06
ubuntu___hi guy, i just started play with edgy eft and i see there is a problem with adept04:07
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Agiosthere are undoubtedly a lot of problems with edgy eft. It is in development status.04:08
ubuntu___and i want to know is their a workaround for it04:08
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Agiosyes, install dapper drake04:08
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ubuntu___i my using the livecd, right now04:09
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Melody^heya how can I install Kubuntu onto a laptop that doesn't have an optical drive?04:09
fannagoganna!info konversation04:10
ubotukonversation: user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.19-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 4835 kB, installed size 11136 kB04:10
Agiostry apt-get instead of adept04:10
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ubuntu___ok thanx04:10
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h3sp4wnubuntu___: If you want to use binary drivers (fglrx or nvidia) dont try to use edgy at the moment04:15
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ubuntu___ok thanx04:15
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ricardoim trying to get MATLAB working under WINE....does anybody knows how to do it without -nojvm?04:16
lmodljeli neko iz hr04:17
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ubotuHa magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu04:19
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lmodlneko iz bosne04:19
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl04:19
ubotuza hrvatski dodjite na #ubuntu-hr, da ne zbunjujete engleze.04:19
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blackflagHello all .)04:21
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blackflagI just trying to burn an iso - image with dd04:22
blackflagwhen I do:04:22
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blackflagdd if=/dev/hda of=/tmp/kde-stefan/04:22
blackflagI get04:22
blackflagdd: Lesen von ?/dev/hda?: Input/output error04:22
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blackflagIts an audo cd04:23
TDBluesKaj: poke04:23
blackflagaudio cd04:23
TDBluesKaj: you there?04:23
blackflagwhat is wrong?04:23
blackflagcan someone help?04:24
Gaastonblackflag: nothing is right04:24
blackflagokay, what is correct04:24
Gaastonrun k3b, that's all04:24
blackflagbut I dont get an iso04:25
blackflagit makes a copy04:25
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Gaastonk3b burns what you want to burn04:25
Gaastoniso or not04:25
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blackflagokay, what is the correct way to create an iso?04:26
Gaastonfrom what?04:26
blackflagfrom an audio cd04:26
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Gaastonaudio CD doesn't contain any iso filesystem04:27
thoreauputicblackflag: no file system on an audio CD04:27
tic_howcome I cant get my screen resolution right, xrandr thinks my laptop screen is smaller so my tray is outside the screen when running 1400x1050?04:27
thoreauputicblackflag: you probably want to copy it / clone it04:27
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Gaastonfrom an audio CD you can only get audio data's04:27
blackflagbut I wnat to create an image from an audio cd04:28
blackflagOn M$ tzhere was clonecd04:28
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Agiosou rip it then. you will end up with one file er track04:28
Gaastonblackflag: I think k3b can do that04:29
Agiosone file per track04:29
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Gaastonblackflag: just click "copy CD" and check "only create image"04:29
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blackflagI did that04:29
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DarthPollyI want to install my kubuntu, but the system doesn't recognize my disk. How can I make it work?04:30
blackflagbut its not an image file then04:30
Gaastonit is files04:30
blackflagis there no need to create iso's?04:31
GIGANTORdownload ISO from website, burn to disk04:31
GIGANTORboot from it04:31
GIGANTORif you're on a Dell, hit F12 to get your boot options...04:32
Gaastonthere is only sound on audio cd's, no ISO filesystem at all!04:32
tic_radeontool stretch off decreased my screen how do I adjust it to the right physical size?04:32
thoreauputicblackflag:  dd if=/dev/crom of=/home/you/dumpedfile  should work too04:32
thoreauputicerm /dev/cdrom04:32
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DarthPollyLooks like kubuntu has not the right drivers. I'm using a SATAII HD04:33
Gaastonblackflag: k3b will create wav files for each track on the CD04:34
blackflagthoreauputic: thats what I did04:34
Gaastonblackflag: you can burn those files, it will create a good copy04:34
blackflagI gives me tne an read error I/O error04:34
Gaastonblackflag, it is not what you did04:34
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blackflagI tried both /dd if=/dev/cdrom an dev/hda04:35
blackflagall the same04:35
Gaastonblackflag: what is the problem having one file per track?04:35
thoreauputicblackflag: yeah, I think if there's no file system it won't do it - just tried it here04:36
blackflagan image is easy to burn04:36
Gaastonblackflag: you will just get one image per track :)04:36
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Gaastonyou can tar them04:37
blackflagan image per cd would be much better :)04:37
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blackflagor having the choice to do it04:38
thoreauputicblackflag: you can rip to a .wav file and use that I think - but k3b will happily duplicate CDs ( I've done it here many times)04:38
BluesKajwon't k3b copy mp3 files directly ?04:38
blackflagbut I want to pu the image on an FTP04:39
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blackflagso a friend can download it and burn it04:39
Gaastoncdrdao can do nice image+toc pair04:39
BluesKajwhy not dcc the file to your friend , blackflag...safer04:40
Gaastonbut it's still two files04:40
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Ignite_BluesKaj, try installing libk3b2-mp3 (with sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3) if you are wanting to make an audio CD with k3b04:40
thoreauputicso just archive the files in a bundle - your friend can extract it and burn it04:40
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thoreauputiczip the files04:40
MilhousePunkRockHow do I install a KDM splashscreen from a .tar.bz2?04:40
thoreauputicif he is using windows04:40
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blackflagokay, Ill try to create a zip04:41
BluesKajIgnite_, I was merely wondering why k3b wants to convert mp3 to wav files as default audio files ?04:41
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Agiosbecause the tracks on a CD are wav files.04:42
thoreauputicstandard Cds use .wav04:42
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BluesKajgonna check the settings ...I don't do mp3 unlewss it's just talk ... I'm a lossless hifi type guy when it comes to music.04:42
gatekeeperIgnite_: thanx from that usefull gem of info on K3b and mp3 :-)04:43
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BluesKajyeah , I'm sure most ppl are aware that cds use wav04:44
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Gaastoncd's doesn't really use the .wav format, but the default encoding of wav files is the same (PCM)04:45
BluesKajI have this comedy album that doesn't require hifi so I was gonna copy it to mp3 to fit all the tracks that would otherwise be too large for a single cd04:45
BluesKajyes Gaaston ..PCM redbook  :)04:46
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danlis there anyway to setup a dns cache on my computer that it will check before checking the dns server?04:47
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uniqdanl: yes, take a look at the package 'pdnsd' in the repositories.04:51
danlthank you uniq04:51
uniqyou're welcome :)04:51
danlwhy isps dns server crashes all the time04:51
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uniqhaving a local cache often makes surfing faster.04:51
danlomg, perfect, exactly what i needed04:52
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MilhousePunkRockWhy do I fail to locate the kdm theme thing in the KDE Control Center?04:54
h3sp4wnbind9 is not that hard to setup as a caching dns server04:54
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danluniq, one question, is all the config for it and such cli?04:55
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uniqdanl: yes. but don't let that scare you off04:56
danlit won't i like cli :-) reading the man page now for how to setup04:57
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uniqdanl: didn't it setup everything itself?04:57
danljust making sure :-)04:57
danlima lil ocd04:58
danlso it's good to go now?04:58
uniqprobably, yes.04:59
danlau revior04:59
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uniqnow, just set your primary nameserver to
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juancould you tell me how to install java virtual machine in Kubuntu?05:10
juanif it is possible, of course..05:10
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ricardodoes anybody know how to select a default jvm between the installed ones?05:11
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juanhablabas en espaniol, y yo matandome escribiendo en ingles!!05:14
ricardoes que en realidad hay que hablar ingles ...pero como nadie responde tampoco es tna grave05:15
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:15
juangracias! but her we dont get help anyway!05:15
ricardoes el bot...ni le respondas...05:16
gatekeeperjuan: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_J2SE_Runtime_Environment_.28JRE.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox05:16
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juanhay 5 monos en el canal espaniol!!05:17
juanthank you gatekeeper!!!!!!!!!05:18
gatekeeperjuan: yw :-)05:18
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gatekeeperjuan: to can teach me spanish I need to learn it :-)05:19
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gatekeeperjuan: ooops you can teach me spanish I need to learn it :-)05:19
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juanok, with pleasuare!!05:19
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juanwhere are you from gate?05:21
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deuce868anyone know how to get the laptop hardware keys for volume going in kubuntu for an HP 5000 series?05:29
deuce868I see a couple laptop button packages, but nadda for HP05:29
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abattoirdeuce868: pavillion?05:30
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BluesKajdeuce868, have you checked system settings / regional accessibility/ keyboard settings /keboard  hardware list05:31
deuce868I swear this volume should go higher than it is, but the sound is maxed in the app and in the panel volume aplet05:31
abattoirdeuce868: Kcontrol->Regional and Accessibility->Keyboard layout->Keyboard model05:31
deuce868abattoir, ok, I gotcha. I don't see my model, but maybe something is close.05:32
BluesKajsee? , great minds think alike ...I won't finish the phrase since it's so negative :)05:32
deuce868abattoir, this will work for keys above the keyboard though? the ones in row with the power button?05:33
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abattoirdeuce868: yeah, just take the pavillion entry there, should work :)05:33
abattoirBluesKaj: heh :)05:33
BluesKajparts of my compaq KB buttons work , but not all ...at least the vol and mute buttons do05:33
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kalmhello, gam_server use 10% of my cpu, is it really necessary,how can I remove it ( remove the package is impossible cause of the dependancies)05:36
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grizzlymount -a gives:  /de/hdc does not exist . Now how can I know where my cdrom device is ?05:40
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grizzlyas in , what should put in mount /dev/*** /mnt/cd to mount my cd ?05:42
grizzlyis there any command/ proc file to know this ?05:42
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Agioskalm: I mv gam_server gam_server.dead and kill -9 <pid of gam_server>05:50
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kalmso removed it05:52
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kalmis it safe, what are the consequencies05:52
AgiosI would have renamed it so you had a copy just in case. But whatever.05:52
AgiosI haven't seen any negative consequences. Did it a couple of weeks ago.05:53
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kalmok, thanks, that's strange05:55
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deuce868sweet, volume buttons now working. Thanks abattoir05:57
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abattoirdeuce868: nice :), i read about your other message only later..05:57
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abattoirdeuce868: i dont think those buttons will work... you can manually map them though05:57
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abattoir*read your other message, rather05:58
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_Shade_I need some good p2p clients for ubuntu. Could you advice some ?06:00
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tristanmikeAzureus, limewire, nicotine06:00
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abattoirapollon too06:01
tristanmikeoh, yeah, forgot about that one ;)06:01
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_Shade_apollon doesn't work for me :(06:02
abattoir_Shade_: any errors?06:03
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_Shade_"i couldn't locate your gIFT installation (...)"06:03
_Shade_it has been installed though06:03
abattoir_Shade_: aah, that's a common thing.. did you try manually pointing it to the gift libs?06:04
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_Shade_i don't know how can i do it06:04
abattoir_Shade_: sorry, dont have it installed currently, so dont know the exact steps, but somewhere in Configure Apollon06:05
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abattoirit's also a long time since i used it06:05
_Shade_abattoir: and how can i locate my gIFT path ?06:05
abattoirsomething under plugins, i guess06:05
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abattoir_Shade_: iirc, /usr/lib/giFT ?06:05
abattoir_Shade_: could you give me a few minutes, am dist-upgrading, after that i'll install apollon and tell you exactly..06:06
_Shade_abattoir: sure06:06
abattoir_Shade_: i'll ping you when i've got it...06:06
abattoir_Shade_: btw, you installed it from the repos?06:07
_Shade_abattoir: yeah06:07
GIGANTORhas anyone here installed vmware player through Adept?06:07
abattoir_Shade_: does it have the fasttrack plugin?06:07
abattoir_Shade_: cause i remember compiling that06:07
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_Shade_i have no idea... to be honest06:08
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JonBhi, i tried both the normal and safe mode in graphics and it appears my kubuntu 6.06 does not reach the X11 desktop06:09
obf213anyone have any idea why my wifi can find my homenetwork but all of a sudden wont connect06:09
abattoir_Shade_: oh, ok06:09
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abattoirJonB: the live cd?06:09
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_Shade_my kubuntu goes extremelly unstable after a try of launching apollon... could be a reboot needed06:10
JonBabattoir: i dont think so06:10
JonBabattoir: filename is kubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso06:10
abattoirJonB: then an installed version?06:11
abattoirJonB: yes, that's the live CD :)06:11
JonBabattoir: i'm trying to install it06:11
JonBabattoir: okay06:11
abattoirJonB: you entered 'Start Kubuntu' right?06:11
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abattoiron bootup, that is06:11
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JonBabattoir: there was some menu system at boot and i choosed the top one and the 2. one i guess they were start kubuntu and start kubuntu save graphics06:12
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MilhousePunkRockRe everyone06:12
abattoirJonB: are you on very old hardware? any errors?06:12
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hi :)06:12
JonBabattoir: it does not seem to progress beyond the kubuntu logo and the blue bar06:13
abattoirJonB: do you know what the last message displayed is?06:13
JonBabattoir: p3 1ghz, matrox g400 agp06:13
JonBabattoir: i'll boot again and check06:13
abattoirJonB: it should work w/ that...06:13
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JonBabattoir: the messages disappear06:14
JonBabattoir: i have 2 other pci cards in it06:14
abattoirJonB: do you get a shell prompt06:14
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JonBabattoir: pci graphics cards that is06:14
MilhousePunkRockfinally it's raining here...06:14
abattoirJonB: aah, that *might* explain it06:14
JonBabattoir: but i want to use my 5 monitors06:14
JonBabattoir: i can get to a console if i press ctrl+alt+f106:15
abattoirJonB: did you try to start X manually?06:15
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JonBabattoir: yes, startx, but that did not appear to work either06:15
MilhousePunkRockHow do I find the kdm theme manager the howto for the KDM Screen I want to install mentions?06:16
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abattoirJonB: any specific errors?06:16
JonBabattoir: i guess i should try to find a screw driver and temporarely remove the extra graphics cards06:16
JonBabattoir: i dont remember, let me get back to you when it has booted up06:16
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: i think it is a separate program, found in kde-apps/kde-look06:16
abattoirJonB: yes, i'd suggest you do the former first :)06:17
JonBabattoir: ps ax does not appear to show any X process06:17
JonBabattoir: it is in console now06:17
antonniohow to know what addresses and protocols use msn messanger to work ?06:17
MilhousePunkRockthx abattoir, I'll look there06:17
_Shade_abattoir: i've pointed the gIFT location, but there's an error anyways06:18
abattoir_Shade_: a different one?06:19
abattoir_Shade_: did you run the gift-setup tool ?06:19
JonBabattoir: the Xorg.0.log file seems to suggest it starts with a pci card, device S3 inc 86c764/765 trio32/64/64V+06:19
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_Shade_abattoir: no06:19
_Shade_should i ? :)06:19
MilhousePunkRockRe _Shade_06:19
abattoir_Shade_: close apollon, and do that, might work :)06:19
JonBabattoir: i did try to switch to another vga out, but that did not work06:20
_Shade_MilhousePunkRock: 'ey :)06:20
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doppelgangerwhats the pastebin url?06:21
JonBabattoir: i'll try with that screw driver06:21
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:21
abattoirJonB: :)06:21
MilhousePunkRockhttp://pastebin.ca is a fast and reliable one06:21
abattoirHawkwind_Lappy: internet problems?06:21
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: "This is only for Breezy since the kcontrol-kdmtheme package is already in Dapper (since 1.0.1)."06:21
Hawkwindabattoir: Yes :(06:21
JonBabattoir: i was expecting it to try the AGP card first though06:22
Hawkwindabattoir: I think they almost have it fixed though06:22
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abattoir!info kcontrol-kdmtheme06:22
ubotukcontrol-kdmtheme: a theme manager for KDM. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.1-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 74 kB, installed size 220 kB06:22
antonnioi want to configure msn messanger into my firewall using iptables and not proxy server, what protocols and address use msn messanger to let it to work06:22
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ^^^^06:22
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MilhousePunkRockAh, optional... Time to meet my friend apt-get06:22
_Shade_abattoir: denied operation (1) - that's the error message06:23
doppelgangeralright, well i'll wait in line  ;)06:23
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abattoir_Shade_: for gift-setup ?06:23
_Shade_i did what you said but it comes to nothing06:23
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abattoir_Shade_: you mean there is no cmd like that?06:23
_Shade_abattoir: gift setup gives 1 as well06:23
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doppelgangerif anyone else (i see abattoir is busy) can sort through this and tell me what i should, i'd be much in debt to you.   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1902006:24
abattoir_Shade_: ok, let me first get these downloads done... then i'll install it and get back to you :)06:24
doppelgangeri'm installing vmware-player06:24
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abattoirdoppelganger: i think you need the kernel source06:25
doppelgangerwhich hangs in adept at 33%, and when i hit show details it's stopping at the license agreement. So i apt-get it, and this is what i end up with06:25
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abattoir!info linux-source06:25
ubotulinux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB06:25
lensI just installed KDE yesterday and I love it, but when I click on add / remove programs the choices are so LIMITED compared to gnome, how do I populate the programs to add?06:26
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doppelgangerthank you abattoir, i'll give it a whirl06:26
MilhousePunkRocklens If you know what you are looking for, you can always try adept or apt-get06:27
lensMilhousePunkRock... ok, what about synaptic?  where is it?06:27
doppelgangerwhew, this is gonna take a while  ;P06:28
abattoirdoppelganger: you might also need the linux-headers-<arch> package06:28
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MilhousePunkRockI think it's not there by default... try "sudo apt-get install synaptic" on the console, lens06:28
uniqlens: go to kmenu -> system -> adept06:28
abattoirlens: you have universe/multiverse enabled right?06:28
lensaccording to the kde unoffical FAQ06:29
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abattoirlens: aah ok, you were in add/remove progs... :P06:29
xylus_> hey guys06:29
xylus_[09:26]  <xylus__> i have build essential but i still cant play avi files06:29
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xylus_[09:26]  <xylus__> what should i get?06:29
xylus_[09:27]  <xylus__> also ny idea how to extract or burn bin cue files with linx i havent tryed yet but im sure i need something06:29
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buntaSmall question, how can I install kubuntu using a netimage? (mini.iso)06:29
lensok, I will look at adept now.06:29
MilhousePunkRockxylus_: what kind of avi? divx? xvid?06:29
obf213anyone know of any other dual core cpu monitor besides wmsmpmon06:29
eeoshi there06:30
uniqxylus_: use k3b to burn bin/cue.06:30
xylus_im not sure milhose06:30
xylus_it just says avi06:30
eeosare there problems in using cups on kubuntu 6.06?06:30
obf213maybe one that can dock and nothave to be in the toolbar06:30
uniqobf213: htop (console, but very good)06:30
buntaguys? :o06:30
eeosI cannot install the printer06:30
obf213uniq what does that mean06:30
abattoirxylus_: i though all your files played yesterday...06:30
obf213is that a command i enter in the console06:30
xylus_any way to just simpley extract bin cue files?06:30
xylus_abattoir no i o nly tryed dvd06:30
uniqobf213: yes.06:30
xylus_i just downloaded a avi file06:30
xylus_and it wont play i get sound but no vid06:31
obf213command htop not found06:31
obf213do apt get it or soething06:31
abattoirxylus_: werent you the person who downloaded 'essential' from mplayerhq ?06:31
uniqobf213: correct, apt-get it.06:31
xylus_yeah that was me06:31
xylus_i have build essential on here06:31
abattoirxylus_: you are playing in kaffeine06:31
abattoirxylus_: well, that is not build-essential :)06:31
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abattoirxylus_: have libxine-extracodecs installed?06:32
Viper550Hello everyone!06:32
buntaguys? ;o06:32
uniq!netinstall > bunta06:32
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MilhousePunkRockxylus_: maybe you need the divx or xvid codec06:33
lensI went to adept but it looks the same as add/remove programs and "sudo apt-get install synaptic" doesn't work :(06:33
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systestExpect it's a faq, but can't seem to find the docs to configure printing.  Would some one please direct me to the right doc?06:34
abattoirlens: you have gnome and kde both installed right?06:34
lensI don't think Gnome is installed.06:34
abattoirlens: what does 'sudo apt-get install synaptic' say?06:35
lensthis is fresh install from a kubuntu DVD06:35
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obf213uniq i ran command htop after the apt get and nothign happens06:35
abattoirlens: pastebin the error if it is long06:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:36
MilhousePunkRocklens Did you update your sources list?06:36
MilhousePunkRock!sources list06:36
ubotuI know nothing about sources list - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:36
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:36
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:36
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: synaptic should be in main06:36
abattoir!info synaptic06:36
lensIt's not very long... it says...06:36
lenshasmademethirsty@A-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install synaptic06:36
lensE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:36
ubotusynaptic: Graphical package manager. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.57.8ubuntu11 (dapper), package size 1011 kB, installed size 5384 kB06:36
lensE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:36
abattoirlens: ok, close adept/add/remove programes06:37
MilhousePunkRockIens, you need to close adept when running apt-get06:37
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Viper550erm, sudo apt-get update06:37
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lensabattoir ok06:37
Viper550I used to make that stupid mistake sometimes under Ubuntu06:37
uniqobf213: from within konsole?06:37
obf213o no06:37
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obf213i ran in run command06:38
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obf213linux seems extremely innefficient with dual cores06:39
lensabbattoir ok, I closed adept, now I got a new error : the package is missing, obsolete or available from another source.06:39
obf213all im doing is ripping a cd and one cpu is at 95 or something06:39
abattoirobf213: you have the 686 kernel?06:39
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ubuntuhola cabrones06:39
obf213yes, or htop wouldnt show two processors06:39
obf213Sysinfo for 'timi-laptop': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: GenuineIntel(R)CPUT2500@2.00GHz at 1997 MHz (3994 bogomips), , RAM: 750/1001MB, 122 proc's, 44.33min up06:39
abattoiraah, obf213 is timi06:40
MilhousePunkRockRe timi06:40
lensabbattoir I did 'add extra repositories' from the KDE FAQ, I figured it would add universe and multiverse.06:40
ironfroggyI am trying to print something with the 2-per-page option, but the preview is still just showing me one-page each. is there a way to see a preview of this?06:40
abattoirlens: ok, enable repositories, as MilhousePunkRock said06:40
abattoir!source-o-matic > lens06:40
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_Shade_abattoir: how long will it last yet ?06:41
abattoirlens: i guess you have the dvd local repo alone enabled, and not main from the ubuntu archives06:41
lensabattoir OK, so if I follow the directions on the link you gave me, I should be ok?06:42
abattoir_Shade_: :P, its a big download on my slow connection... :(06:42
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abattoir_Shade_: else could you check back tomorrow?06:42
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abattoirlens: yes, enable most of the repos, you'll need to do them in the future anyways06:42
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xylus__hey ab06:43
xylus__i donwloaded mplayer via atp06:43
abattoirlens: stuff like universe, multiverse, latest-amarok, latest-kde etc.06:43
xylus__but its not listend under kmenu06:43
xylus__where would i find the executeable or link at bro?>06:43
lensabattoir... ok, shit, if I install the wrong repos it can mess stuff up can't it?06:43
xylus__also its not listed under kde componnents also nor is divx formats :(06:43
xylus__naw just install the right ones lens06:44
xylus__change yr .list file06:44
xylus__to whats on the ubuntu website06:44
_Shade_abattoir: ok06:44
lensabattoir should I check Include updates and include security updates?06:44
xylus__where do i find mplayer ;(06:45
xylus__its installed06:45
xylus__not listed in kmenu :(06:45
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Dodgeri've got it under Multimedia06:45
_Shade_abattoir: or i can get another p2p... the problem is i don't know any except limewire, but there's no limewire on the repos06:45
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lensabattoir, my biggest problem is I'm not sure if doing stuff the 'gnome way' is going to screw up this KDE install... I WOULD just go to the huge ubuntu wiki and install repo's that way but I'm worried that if I do it the "gnome way" it will mess up KDE?06:47
lensis it safe to use the huge Ubuntu wiki with KDE?06:48
MilhousePunkRocklens: Everything "under the hood" is the same for all *untus06:48
lensgotchya... ok, then I know how to enable the repositories my prefered way... thank you!06:49
Viper550Yes, Kubuntu just comes with KDE by default, Ubuntu comes with Gnome, and Xubuntu comes with XFCE06:49
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MilhousePunkRockDoes anyone have experiences with e17?06:49
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MuJyes.. /join #e06:50
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h3sp4wnMilhousePunkRock: What do you need to know about it ? (I use it soley stopped using kde)06:50
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MilhousePunkRockNah, that was a "just in case" question...06:50
MilhousePunkRockOr rather: h3sp4wn, is it any good?06:51
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eeoshi there. I have roblems with cups under kubuntu 6.0606:51
eeosI cannot even see localhost:631 unde konqueror06:52
h3sp4wnIts fine seems reasonably stable in normal use (The only time you get any crashes is if you are messing with it alot) its fast (even though it is considered pre alpha its alot more stable than most pre alpha software)06:52
eeosany cluee?06:52
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MilhousePunkRockh3sp4wn: I am going to use it with the other distro I will set up soon...06:53
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h3sp4wnMilhousePunkRock: Any distro that includes e17 will be quite out of date (best to build from cvs as its changing so much)06:54
Viper550Anyone remember my Kubuntu Purple mockup?06:54
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MilhousePunkRockh3sp4wn: Yeah, it won't come with it... I'll roll my own.06:54
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=== MilhousePunkRock wonders why kdm theme manager does not show up though...
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:57
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abattoirsorry guys07:00
abattoir!limewire > _Shade_07:00
=== cotroler :)
Viper550Guess what, I just uploaded a tar.gz of my Kubuntu Edgy mockup!07:01
abattoirViper550: care to give a link?07:02
ubotuI know nothing about kdm - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:02
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abattoiror is it in kwwii's incoming page?07:02
abattoiroh ok07:02
Viper550It's the last one on the bottom07:02
abattoirViper550: do you know if you are allowed to put it there?07:02
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abattoirViper550: have you tried speak w/ kwwii ?07:02
Viper550Yes, everyone was putting their ideas there!07:02
cotrolerwhat is Kubuntu Edgy mockup??07:03
abattoirhmm, ok07:03
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cotrolerI have a wireless NIC..can i get that to work in kubuntu?07:04
MilhousePunkRocksure cotroler07:04
MilhousePunkRockIf you can give a little more info...07:04
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cotrolerk give me a minute07:04
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MilhousePunkRockHmm, I feel real noobish again... But what is a "valid kdm theme archive"?07:05
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cotrolerMilhousePunkRock: It is: KCORP Lifestyle Wireless PCI Desktop KLG-530 108g+07:07
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MilhousePunkRockThat does not help much yet, cotroler... What's the chipset?07:08
cotrolerMilhousePunkRock: erm...how do i check?07:08
MilhousePunkRockThe homepage of the manufacturer should have that info, or maybe the manual that came with it?07:08
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Still there?07:09
cotrolerMilhousePunkRock: k tnx...can u give me an example so i will know when i find it??07:09
h3sp4wncotoler: Look at the card see who makes the chip but it looks like atheros to me (at a guess)07:09
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MilhousePunkRockcould be atheros, prism, orinoco, intel B something...07:10
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: yes07:10
cotrolerk ill check :)07:10
MilhousePunkRockUsually that's stated pretty clear, like Chipset: Atheros07:10
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: How do I untar a file again so that it keeps all the permissions and hidden files?07:11
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obf213my comp used to tell me the status of the battery and if it was plugged in or not07:11
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: tar -xvzf file ? permissions and hidden files?07:11
obf213its not there anymore so i installed klaptop daemon but i cnt run it through command, how do i open it07:12
Blissexobf213: make sure your 'lm_sensors' setup is right by running 'sensors' at the command line first.07:12
obf213no sensors found...07:13
obf213it used to tell me my battery07:13
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Blissexobf213: then try running 'ksensors' from the command line07:14
abattoirobf213: 'acpi' ?07:14
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Now that gives me weird feedback07:14
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MilhousePunkRockobf213: Install Kpowersave07:14
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: what are you trying to extract?07:14
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obf213alright ill try those07:14
cotrolerhttp://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=101790  - i cant see to find the chipset, not even on the card or manual :|07:14
obf213my widget still shows me my power07:14
obf213ksensors command not found07:15
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: rt.click->Extract in konqueror should do for most situations...07:15
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chabin[No_LiMiT] hi all07:15
obf213acpi  works07:15
obf213what wa the little icon that was docked in my toolbar by the clock07:15
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: aah, i remember that one... dont you just open that file w/ the manager?07:15
obf213how do i get that back07:15
MilhousePunkRockThe archive? I might try that...07:16
chabin[No_LiMiT] how can i connect to internet with my wireless card with guarddog ??07:16
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: yes07:16
cotrolerMilhousePunkRock: found it07:16
cotrolerHardware  Chipset  RF: AR211207:16
cotroler BB/MAC: AR521207:16
chabin[No_LiMiT] i configured guarddog but how can i connect with my wireless connection ?07:16
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chabin[No_LiMiT] i need help please07:17
abattoirobf213: klaptop_check07:18
MilhousePunkRockcotroler: OK, if it would have been an Ath chipset, I could have assisted you... You should use google in a manner like "linux ar2112 driver" to see if there are native drivers for it07:18
MilhousePunkRockI know nothing about Guarddog07:18
chabin[No_LiMiT] ok MilhousePunkRock07:18
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: it worked?07:18
MilhousePunkRockcotroler: See if h3sp4wn can help you...07:19
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Yeah, it did, stupid me... That's why it prompted me for an ARCHIVE07:19
cotrolerMilhousePunkRock: tnx07:19
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h3sp4wnAR2112 is atheros07:20
abattoirhmm, who would need windows and gates in a world w/o walls and fences, iirc07:20
cotrolerh3sp4wn: tnx so i got atheros driver....what must i do now???07:21
chudy_dpkg: bd przetwarzania /home/chudy/desktop/opera2.deb (--install):07:22
chudy_ brak dostpu do archiwum: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu07:22
chudy_Wystpiy bdy podczas przetwarzania:07:23
chudy_ /home/chudy/desktop/opera2.deb07:23
chudy_root@chudy:~# dpkg -i /home/chudy/Desktop/opera2.deb07:23
chudy_dpkg: bd przetwarzania /home/chudy/Desktop/opera2.deb (--install):07:23
chudy_ brak dostpu do archiwum: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu07:23
chudy_Wystpiy bdy podczas przetwarzania:07:23
chudy_ /home/chudy/Desktop/opera2.deb07:23
abattoir!paste > chudy_07:23
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:24
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coachJwhat is the command to check to see I am getting 3d out of my card??07:26
abattoirglxgears ?07:26
trappistglxinfo | grep rendering07:26
AlcapondHi, when trying to boot the installation cd, I get the message [4295412.93600]  Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 7291 - with small alterings, I get this message over and over again. What is the problem? Thx07:26
coachJthat fot me?07:26
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trappistAlcapond: bad cd07:27
abattoirAlcapond: scratched / badly burned cd ?07:27
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Alcapondtrappist: abattoir: ok, I try with a new cd...07:27
coachJwhat should it show?07:27
trappistcoachJ: Yes07:27
coachJsays no07:28
coachJ i dont get it07:28
coachJhave ati 850007:28
trappistcoachJ: then you don't have hw acceleration07:28
trappistcoachJ: make sure you've installed linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) and that the 'driver' line in the device section of your xorg.conf says fglrx instead of ati07:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:29
trappistand, check that out07:29
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coachJsits are down again??07:30
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trappistlooks that way07:31
trappistmy instructions should get you going though07:32
coachJthanks guys ill try later07:32
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abattoircoachJ: or you could get google's cache07:32
abattoir*cached version07:32
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coachJjust google it07:33
abattoirgoogle the link, and click on the 'cached version'07:33
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:37
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cotroler!auto mount07:37
ubotuI know nothing about auto mount - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:37
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ubotuI know nothing about AutomaticallyMountPartitions - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:39
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gatekeepercotroler: to mount on startup you need to modify fstab07:39
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cotrolergatekeeper: tnx a lot ( i did that yesterday but i forgot... today i formatted cause i got 32bit linux ;)07:41
gatekeepercotroler: :-)07:41
gatekeepercotroler: a usefull link for you: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html07:42
cotrolergatekeeper: thats what i wanted :P tnx07:43
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gatekeepercotroler: yw :-)07:44
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PounK_hello, when I try to add an  printer share by a windows to kubuntu, the option smb is in gray ( I can't chose it)07:47
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xstI try to burn some mp3 in "audio format" with k3b but k3b claims that the mp3 is an "unsupported fileformat". Strange, as I can play mp3's just fine with amarok. How do I make k3b accept mp3-files?07:53
divansantanaapt-get install k3b-mp307:53
divansantanasudo apt-get install k3b-mp307:54
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doppelgangerhey again guys.  Abattoir-  you told me to download the linux-headers-<arch> package07:56
doppelgangerwhat does the arch mean in that?07:56
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rr72prolly i38607:56
rr72or i58607:56
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xstdivansantana: Thanks!07:57
rr72its in uname somewhere07:57
rr72its iX8607:57
rr72x is a number thats ur archecture07:57
rr72doppelganger is gig?07:57
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cotrolerwhich were the applications which dont work in kubuntu.....    .run or .rpm ?08:04
doppelgangerman...  vmware is hating on me08:04
doppelgangerworked fine on my machine at home  =\08:04
=== Gioacchino [n=gioacchi@adsl-ull-1-254.49-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu
cotrolerwhich were the applications which dont work in kubuntu.....    .run or .rpm ?08:05
GioacchinoI have A  problem with thunderbird08:05
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divansantanawhats prob?08:06
Gioacchinowhen I start it it tell me : Mozilla-Thunderbird is already running, but not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Mozilla-Thunderbird process, or restart your sistem.08:06
divansantanahave u restarted then?08:06
Gioacchinoyesterday it work perfectli08:06
lenswhat is the kde equivelent of file roller?08:06
Gioacchinonoe it  not work..08:06
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divansantanaif u restart it should work08:07
ubotuI know nothing about .run - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:07
GioacchinoI had restart the computer vut it not work08:07
divansantanaelse type rm .thunderbird/.lock from your home directory08:07
ubotuI know nothing about run - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:07
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divansantanarm .thunderbird/.lock08:07
Gioacchinoelse type rm .thunderbird/.lock from your home directory  I had delete it but non work..08:07
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:08
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rr72cotroler~ both work08:08
doppelgangerfrickin VMWARE can kiss my mofo'n @#$@#$08:08
rr72.run is a binary execatavle08:08
divansantanavmware what is prob???08:08
BluesKajhehe doppelganger...no kidding !08:08
doppelgangerwon't install properly, for some reason08:08
rr72and .rpm is fedora package08:08
divansantanahave u considered u upgrading kernel could have broken it, need to rerun vmware-config.pl08:09
rr72install alien to use rpm08:09
lensdoes anyone know the KED equivelent of file roller?08:09
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doppelgangerdiv- i just ran it, thats where i'm stuck at08:09
divansantanaare u using run.pl? u should08:09
divansantanau should use that before08:09
divansantanahave you install kernel-headers and build-essentials?08:09
divansantanawhich vmware?08:09
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:10
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).08:10
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cotrolerrr72: i think its better not fiddle with .rpm then08:11
doppelgangersee what you can make of this-   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1903008:11
doppelgangeri have the headers, and i *think* build essentials, lemme check08:11
Gioacchinohelp me08:11
Gioacchinoportable thunderbid with wine  ork but linux thunderbird not work..08:12
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ubotua FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042708:12
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Gioacchinohelp me08:12
BluesKajGioacchino, did u try uninstalling T-bird, rebooting and reinstalling it ?08:12
Gioacchinoyes I had try08:13
BluesKajwith adept08:13
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Gioacchinobut wwhen I copy the profile it dont work08:13
Gioacchinobut portable thunderbird with = profile work..08:13
BluesKajcopy what profile ?08:13
Gioacchino<BluesKaj> copy what profile ?  yes the backu of my thunderbird profile08:14
unix_infidelcan anyone help me out i just got this motherboard replaced but now sound isnt working.08:14
unix_infidelit works on Windows and on the dapper live cd but not in this breezy install.08:15
BluesKajdon't copy it ...re type all the settings... it's a bit of work, but it 'll prolly work08:15
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=== doppelganger stumps divansantana
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Gioacchino don't copy it ...re type all the settings... it's a bit of work, but it 'll prolly work                but all my email ??08:16
unix_infideli've tried using alsaconf but that binary doesnt exist in kubuntu08:16
crimsuncorrect, we don't ship alsaconf.08:16
crimsunwhat's the issue?08:16
unix_infidelcrimsun: i just got a motherboard replaced in this thinkpad.08:16
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crimsununix_infidel: which TP?08:16
unix_infidelsound worked fine before i got it replaced and it works fine in windows and on the dapper live cd.08:17
unix_infidelcrimsun: t4208:17
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unix_infidelall modules are loaded.08:17
GioacchinoBluesKaj: the received email how to use it ??08:17
cotrolerwhat was the command to install wine pls?08:17
unix_infidelcrimsun: kernel 2.6.12-9-38608:17
BluesKajGioacchino, is your email saved on the server for a day or a few days in your windows settings ?08:18
unix_infideli've tried remodprobing the module....messing with alsamixer.08:18
unix_infideleverything is as it should be...except something isnt.08:18
BluesKajcotroler, sudo apt-get install wine08:18
BluesKajor use adept08:19
crimsununix_infidel: not using dapper['s kernel] ?08:19
unix_infidelcrimsun: like i said this is a breezy install.08:19
unix_infidelthe sound worked fine before i replaced the motherboard.08:19
cotrolerBluesKaj: tnx08:19
crimsununix_infidel: I didn't read the breezy part08:19
unix_infidelcrimsun: np, i'm bumfuzzled.08:20
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unix_infidelany help is appreciated.08:20
drayen_anyone else experanceing really instabilty with firefox in kubuntu 64?08:20
crimsununix_infidel: so which module are you using?08:20
BluesKajcotroler, did it install ok ?08:20
Gioacchino<BluesKaj> Gioacchino, is your email saved on the server for a day or a few days in your windows settings ?  no the mail is only on my pc with thunderbird and it il more day ( 2 years... )08:20
doppelgangerwhoever design krfb needs a kick in the groin.08:20
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unix_infidelsnd                    48644  6 snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer08:20
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unix_infidelubuntu automatically recognized the device and added those modules.08:20
cotrolerBluesKaj: Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package08:21
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cotrolerBluesKaj: ill try adept08:21
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BluesKajyup cotroler, that's prolly the other package08:21
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cotrolerdrayen: yes i did had instability...i just got the 32bit kubuntu and now works perfect08:22
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doppelgangeri wish i could kick linus in the jimm08:25
crimsununix_infidel: ok, and please pastebin the output from ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer''08:25
doppelganger(i didn't mean that!)08:25
doppelganger(sarcasm alert)08:25
unix_infidelcrimsun: ^^^^ there ya go.08:26
doppelgangerhow long can a linux box be left on sans firewall before getting rooted, usually?08:26
trappistdoppelganger: if your firewall is the only thing stopping you from getting rooted, you're doing something wrong.08:27
BluesKajVMWare sucked on my pc ...sound card didn't work some progslike google earth would crash ...any heavy java stuf was unstable08:27
unix_infideldoppelganger: slashdot posted an arbitrary article saying something like 10 minutes.08:27
doppelganger10 minutes? jeez08:27
unix_infideldoppelganger: that means nothing.08:27
doppelgangerhow do you tell if you are08:27
crimsununix_infidel: amixer set 'Line Jack Sense' off08:27
unix_infidelif the person is good enough?08:27
trappistBluesKaj: yeah google earth wants hardware 3d acceleration, not available in vmware08:27
doppelgangermine at home as been on without a firewall all night  ;S08:28
unix_infidelcrimsun: you are my savior08:28
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unix_infideldoppelganger: like i said, if they're good enough, you wouldnt even no.08:29
crimsununix_infidel: what's your 0401 from lspci -nv ?08:29
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unix_infidel0000:00:1f.5 0401: 8086:24c5 (rev 01)08:29
unix_infidelcrimsun: ^^^08:29
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crimsunneed the subvendor and subdevice id, actually08:29
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=== Ignite_ dances
crimsun(the line right below that one)08:30
doppelganger_Does Kubuntu have any kind of firewall built in?08:30
doppelganger_i know i have guarddog downloaded at home, but i haven't configured it08:30
obf213y do some cds burn like rip %60 fastr than others08:30
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Ignite_i've never used a firewall in (k)ubuntu, i've had the machine on for days at a time with no intrusions, but i don't run any kind of servers so..08:31
BluesKajevery pc should be equipped with a built in router/dsl/cable modem ...firewalls are a PITA08:31
unix_infidelcrimsun: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Yk9Cfs98.html08:31
BluesKajbuy a router !08:31
unix_infidelIgnite_: just because you dont run servers.08:31
Bazzithe router will actually have linux and iptables lots of times :-)08:31
unix_infideldoesnt mean you dont have a reason to run a firewall.08:31
trappistif you have a router there's not much point putting a firewall behind it08:32
obf213do we need a firewall08:32
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crimsununix_infidel: yes, I blacklisted that one for Dapper.08:32
BluesKajyup, exactly trappist08:32
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Ignite_unix_infidel, never said there wasn't a reason08:32
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crimsunstatic unsigned int ad1981_jacks_blacklist[]  = {08:32
crimsun        0x10140537, /* Thinkpad T41p */08:32
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unix_infidelcrimsun: ahhh.08:33
BluesKajlinux is pretty safe all by it's lonesome anyway08:33
Ignite_but i think we can safely say that as long as you keep your system upto date there isn't really an issue of being exploited08:33
trappistif you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, like keeping your software up to date and having services listen only on necessary interfaces, a firewall isn't going to make you any more secure.08:33
=== Ignite_ nods in agreement with trappist
=== obf213 sighs in relief
nikpressing F9 a panel in konqueror is showed/hidden - how is this widget named?08:34
=== trappist goes back to capitalize the "if"
BluesKajthose ports below 1024 are the entranceways for the troublesome stuff08:34
unix_infidelcrimsun: IBM did a really shotty job with this repair.  which is why was concerned.08:35
doppelganger_argh, gotta restart, one minute08:35
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trappistdoppelganger_: are you sure?08:35
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unix_infidelcrimsun: thanks a lot though, i never would've thought of it.08:36
aliasfredsecurity is the easiest entrance to put out empty advice :)08:36
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unix_infidelcrimsun: these settings should continue to work after reboot?08:36
BluesKajwhy run VMWare anyway?...dual boot is much better08:36
crimsununix_infidel: if they're saved on boot (they are normally), yes08:36
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trappistBluesKaj: that depends on what you're doing with it08:37
trappistBluesKaj: if you're a gamer, sure, dual boot.  if you're a developer and are using it to test code in a different environment, vmware is a lot better than rebooting all the time.08:37
BluesKajok, well I'm not speaking from a developer standpoint :) merely a user08:38
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unix_infideluser of.....what?08:39
charlie5is kTorrent stable ? it crashes when i enter a search term and also if i de-select too many files in a selective d/l ... ?08:39
trappistit's best to be careful about using a word like 'better' without qualifiers - if one solution was just plain better than another, probably only one of them would even exist.08:40
=== BluesKaj quaifies the statement "dual boot is much better" , ...better from my experience :)
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trappistbetter for you, then08:41
BluesKajuhmm yeah08:42
BluesKajis doppleganger a developer ?08:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:42
cotroler!flash player08:42
ubotuI know nothing about flash player - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:42
cotrolerhow to install flash player for firefox pls??08:43
trappistBluesKaj: development was just an example of a situation where vmware might be more desirable than rebooting all the time08:43
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cotrolerunix_infidel: how to install flash player in firefox pls?08:43
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GioacchinoI had found the problem08:44
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Gioacchinoif I copy the profile folder on my thunderbird08:44
BluesKajtrappist, I was  just trying to save the guy some anguish which he already seems to be going thru.08:44
Gioacchinoand I delet the profile.desktop08:44
Gioacchinoit work..08:44
BluesKajgood Gioacchino!08:44
Gioacchinobut because yesterday work and now work only witih folder ??08:45
obf213why do soome cds rip so much slower than others08:45
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MukiEXIs there a way to get all my apt packages and burn them to DVD?08:45
GioacchinoI share the configuration with portable thunderbird on my usb pen..08:45
trappistobf213: audio cds?08:45
trappistobf213: with the same app with the same configuration?08:45
obf213yep havent changed it08:45
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trappistshouldn't be that way, unless some of em just have a lot more content than others08:46
Gioacchinobut if i copy the folder I cant share the configuration because the configuratio share work only if the profile folder is in the usb pen..08:46
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obf213ive noticed sometimes they rip really fast and i can hear the cd drive then other times it goes eally slow and the drive is really quiet08:46
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA08:46
trappistobf213: possibly some kind of copy protection?08:47
Kronos__obf213: check out that.08:47
obf213maybe thats it08:47
obf213these are all store bought cds i just noticed in particular08:47
trappistI think if it was a dma issue it would always be slow08:47
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obf213it also spins slower or something i guess cu its  really quited and the processors dont seem to be working as hard08:49
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obf213if i download a cd or something, can i assign its cddb or w/e so taht amarok can index it correctly08:50
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cotrolerhow to install flash player for firefox pls??08:51
cotrolerhow to install flash player for firefox pls??08:51
obf213sudo apt-get install flashplugin-mozilla08:51
cotrolertnx m808:52
cotrolerobf213: Do you happen to know how to install java as well?08:52
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications08:53
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cotroleris the wiki kubuntu site down??08:54
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obf213i think so08:55
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aztunhi all08:58
BluesKajhi aztun08:58
aztunhow is possible that I have all official ubuntu apt sources and cant find the kernel-sorce-2.6 package???08:58
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=== Elis is now known as Mandalf
cotrolerHi Elis09:00
cotrolerHi Mandalf09:00
BluesKajso you're upgrading, aztun ?09:00
MandalfI need a Windows emulator to my kubuntu09:00
MandalfI tested it09:01
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MandalfBut i cant find it in the menus09:01
BluesKajVNWare if yer brave09:01
cmb_00012345i dont like vmware09:01
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doppelganger_VMWARE,  you can just...09:01
aztunI have that sources.list09:02
doppelganger_well you know what you can do...09:02
BluesKajI haven't been able to get qemu to work , cmb_00012345 ?09:02
aztunhow is possible cant find the kernel-source package???09:02
cmb_00012345qemu is my fave, i run qemu on windows host with a linux guest, but i got tired of the slowness so i repartitioned and dual boot now09:02
MandalfWhere can i find wine in the menu???09:03
cmb_00012345qemu runs good but for some reason it dont handle multiple partitions well, for example i have 2 huge drives partitioned out over 6 partitions and i cant get qemu to detect my cdrom09:03
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cmb_00012345i used bochs to setup a image of kubuntu then ran that image in qemu09:04
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cmb_00012345i dont like the way bochs runs09:04
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obf213ive gone from about 7 seconds a song to 3009:05
BluesKajMandalf, it's in ADEPT09:06
lenswhat is the command to just delete a folder? (sorry it's a n00b question)09:07
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BluesKajaztun, http://www.kernel.org/09:07
doppelganger_what exactly is "pango:09:07
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doppelganger_er, "pango"09:07
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ubotuI know nothing about pango - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:07
BluesKajdunno if kubuntu will run onit tho09:07
lensanyone? bash command to delete a folder (I tried mv folder Trash) and it didn't work.09:08
h3sp4wnThe fastest way to run linux on a windows host is colinux09:08
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sergiusensrm -R (careful) or rmdir if it's empty09:09
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lensright on, thanks!09:10
Mronoboy, php and mysql together are a bitch09:10
Mronowhoops, wrong window09:10
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rafahello, I have a problem with the sound card in kubuntu 6.06, Anybody could help me?09:12
cotrolerI installed a program with wine in kubuntu...where do i find it now??09:13
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_Vmancotroler i see youre progress nice ;)09:13
cotroler_Vman lol :P09:14
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aztunI know BluesKaj what wanna install using a .deb09:14
_Vmanhehe 8-)09:14
BluesKajaztun,maybe you should look for the linux-image-2.609:14
aztuncant find kernel-source package here http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:14
aztunlinux image isnt the source09:15
_Vmancotroler check here http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/10/more-facts-about-using-wine.html09:15
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BluesKajwhy do you need the source ?09:15
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aztunsometimes I need the kernel source to compile some programs09:15
crimsunyou shouldn't ever need the entire source09:16
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crimsunlinux-headers-$(uname -r)  should suffice09:16
BluesKajyou can't find the progs in the pkg managers ?09:16
cmb_00012345the kernel source is in the package manager, i dont remember what its called but its there09:16
aztunno kernel-header for 2.6 crimsun09:17
aztunjust for 2.4 kernel09:17
aztunI dont understad09:17
_Vmancya all09:17
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aztunI found the package few days ago09:17
aztunand now it has dissapeared?09:17
Alcapondis there09:17
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aztunAlcapond: isnt here http://packages.ubuntu.com09:18
aztunat least for dapper09:18
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aztunno kernel-source-2.6.......no kernel-headers-2.609:18
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cmb_00012345in the package manager it will be linux-source-2.6.XX09:22
BluesKajaztun,sudo apt-get install linux-source ...will that help ?09:22
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cmb_00012345or whatever kernel you have09:22
aztunthx BluesKaj09:23
aztunI used mandriva last two years09:23
aztunand that package used to be name kernel-source09:23
aztunnot linux-source09:23
aztunthx again09:23
aztunI foun it09:23
BluesKajthat's where I found it09:24
emma_hello, I wonder how I do to play my mp3-files in the Amarok multimedia player?09:24
aztunemma_: select xine-motor on amarok config09:25
aztunthat works for me09:25
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aztunalso, maybe u have to install xine-codecs09:25
obf213can you rip from cds w/o the drive spinning09:25
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emma_uhm... Maybe I shall mention that I am a complete new beginner on Linux systems. Detailed instructions?09:26
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obf213because i've been ripping cd's all day earlier it sounded and felt like the drive was spinning fast, tracks ripped fast so iwas just changing cd's and ripping before the encoder was done.09:26
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obf213now the processers show little action there abt about 6 percent, i cant hear the drive at all adn it rips like 1 trcack a minute09:27
obf213it used to be like 17 seconds a track09:27
obf213but it was loud and the cd seemed to actually  be spinning09:27
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aztunemma_: open adept to install soft, then look for amarok-xine package and install it09:27
aztunthen go to amarok config and select xine-motor09:27
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BluesKajxine engine , then build collection09:29
DarkWizzardhy all09:30
DarkWizzardI really need some help09:30
BluesKajhey DarkWizzard09:30
DarkWizzardI've recently changed overwritten my username09:30
DarkWizzardand my hostname09:30
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DarkWizzardand Now ALSA is broken09:30
doppelganger_i just give up.09:30
doppelganger_screw linux09:30
doppelganger_screw everything09:30
DarkWizzardno sound09:30
DarkWizzardonly with root09:30
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DarkWizzardAnd I can't change the sound system to ALSA in kcontrol09:31
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DarkWizzardit always jumps back09:31
BluesKajuhoh . got me on that one DarkWizzard09:31
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doppelganger_Dark- making sure to use admin mode?09:31
DarkWizzardI had root09:31
DarkWizzardwhen I wanted to change09:31
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DarkWizzardbut I'll try09:31
jessphercan anyone help me with changing the screen resolution of ubuntu 6.0609:32
DarkWizzardit gets changed09:32
jesspherplease help09:32
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DarkWizzardonly it doesn't remember it09:32
jesspherplease help me with changing the screen resolution of ubuntu09:32
emma_aztun: my "configure engine"-window says that I already use xine. Any other ideas?09:32
DarkWizzardjesspher: right click on the desktop09:32
jesspherand then09:32
obf213jesspher try this09:32
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obf213jesspher wht kind of computer do you have09:33
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obf213graphics card?09:33
jessphergeforce 660009:33
lensis gmail incompatible with Kontact and Konquerer?09:33
_pedrohi everyone09:33
jesspherno its ati radeon 9000 pro, i forgot that i changed it09:33
obf213download the ati stuff in adept09:33
jesspherwhat do you mean in "adept09:34
obf213then run the commad krandtray09:34
obf213the package manager09:34
_pedroI am upgrading from Kubuntu breezy to dapper09:34
obf213run the command adept09:34
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doppelganger_how might one go about uninstalling anythign that says "vmware" in one fail swoop09:34
doppelganger_deleting, rather09:34
_pedrofirstly I tried to do it with adept but it crashed and I lost my upgrade09:34
doppelganger_i have a botched up vmware-server install that i can't unstall completely09:35
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_pedronow I am trying with console09:35
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_pedroand I would like to know if I did it correctly09:35
BluesKajjesspher, go to system settings/display/admin mode/hardware/configure (on the far right) to set up your graphics acrd and monitor drivers in the lists provided09:36
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_pedroI changed in my sources.list every breezy for dapper09:36
_pedroincluding backports ones09:36
_pedroand input in a console09:37
BluesKajthen you can go back to display and reset the scrn resolution on the slider09:37
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_pedrosudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade09:37
BluesKajjesspher, then you can go back to display and reset the scrn resolution on the slider09:37
_pedrois it all right?09:37
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jesspherwhat do you mean, help me, im a begginer09:41
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BluesKajjesspher .., new to kubuntu linux ?09:44
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Ace2005Hi all, i'm making a boot screen and i want to know what you think of the first sketch http://img66.imageshack.us/my.php?image=smallersketchxw4.png09:51
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Ace2005would a black or white background be better?09:53
cotrolerAce2005: let me see09:53
Ace2005cotroler: Well the link is just above09:53
cotrolerAce2005: k seeing right now09:53
cotrolerAce2005: nice my friend09:53
cotrolerbut i think if you invert the colours it would be better :)09:54
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simian__ i have two linux box's ubuntu and kubuntu, what is the best way to link them?09:56
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Ace2006Hi i'm ace2005 but my computer just crashed so what did you think of the image?09:57
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pointwoodhi, I have a kubuntu breezy install - to upgrade to dapper, I just have to change sources.list and run "apt-get update;apt-get distupgrade" right?09:57
Ace2006pointwood: yup09:57
simian__pointwood: that's right09:57
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Ace2005I'm now myself again09:58
simian__pointwood:  just change any breezy to dapper09:58
pointwoodI've been away and without internet for some time so... :)09:58
Ace2005so what did you think of the image?09:58
BluesKajwelcome back to yerself09:58
simian__ i have two linux box's ubuntu and kubuntu, what is the best way to link them?09:58
SeanTatersimian__: link, as in network09:59
simian__SeanTater: sorry, yes i mean network09:59
aliasfredwith a wire :)09:59
SeanTatersimian__: I perfer ssh and sshfs09:59
SeanTatersimian__: samba is available09:59
Ace2005a crossover network cable will link them09:59
SeanTatersimian__: nfs is fast, but I've never got it to work09:59
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simian__SeanTater: i can use samba with windows but i can't make it work with 2 linux machines10:00
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aliasfredsshfs is easy to setup10:00
SeanTatersimian__: hum -- never used samba on ubuntu10:00
aliasfredSeanTater: i experienced high memory usage with sshfs, is your experience similar ?10:00
simian__SeanTater: so you would recomend ssh then?10:00
BluesKajone would think samba would work better with 2 ubuntu machines10:01
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SeanTatersimian__, aliasfred: I don;t use sshfs much, I prefer scp and sftp, since it's built into konqueror10:01
simian__BluesKaj: you would have thought10:01
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BluesKajwell I can't get samba to work period10:01
SeanTatersimian__: are you connected to the internet with or without a router?10:02
simian__SeanTater: with a router and static ip's10:02
SeanTatersimian__: perfect10:02
SeanTatersimian__: on both computers, install openssh-server10:02
BluesKajarent the ip's static behind a router anyway ?10:03
SeanTatersimian__: <step one of two>10:03
SeanTaterBluesKaj: ?10:03
SeanTaterBluesKaj: You can have static or dynamic on the internet or local10:03
BluesKajnevermind ... I won't  interfere10:03
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simian__SeanTater: thanks that worked well10:04
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kbrooksHas OpenTTD disappeared from the Ubuntu repositories?10:04
SeanTatersimian__: so did you use sftp://10:04
SeanTater!info openttd10:04
ubotuPackage openttd does not exist in dapper10:04
SeanTater!info *ttd*10:04
ubotuPackage *ttd* does not exist in dapper10:04
kbrooksthats funny.10:04
simian__SeanTater: i think i just thought ssh as command line10:04
kbrookshas someeone been evil or what SeanTater10:05
SeanTatersimian__: that works, but if you want file sharing, konqueror has sftp built in10:05
aliasfrednaive question, what is openttd ?10:05
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kbrooksit was there before!10:05
kbrooksi swear it10:05
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master_are there other sites then http://www.kde-look.org/ that has Theme-Manager Theme files?10:05
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simian__SeanTater:  i'm on my ubuntu machine at the moment, i will try sftp on my kubuntu machine and let you know how i got on10:06
SeanTatersimian__: go to either computer, and make an address like this one sftp://192.168.whateveryourIPis/10:06
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SeanTatersimian__: okay10:06
kbrooksor maybe I d/led a .deb file. I dont remember10:06
aliasfrednaive question, what is openttd ?10:06
kbrooksaliasfred: openttd.org10:07
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simian__SeanTater: error talking to ssh10:07
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SeanTatersimian__: okay, try setting username@ before the double slashes10:08
SeanTaterhold on10:08
SeanTaterthat would be /after/ the double slashes10:09
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simian__SeanTater: can you give me an example10:09
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sorush20hi guys I keep getting this message kstartconfig can not be found check your installation?10:09
aliasfredok for those who wondered openttd is a game :)10:09
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SeanTatersimian__: sftp://sean@
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BluesKajyeah aliasfred, that surprised me10:10
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aliasfredsimian__: try ping, then telnet 22, then ssh, then scp10:10
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simian__SeanTater: i see10:10
aliasfredas a trouble shooting process i meant10:10
SeanTatersimian__: working?10:11
SeanTatersimian__: it should ask you for a password10:11
kbrooksEh?  sources.list.d doesnt work10:11
kbrooksi drop a file into the directory10:11
kbrooksrun apt-get update10:11
sergiusenssorush20: i had that problem when i switched form gnome, was a permission problem on my home kde dir10:11
kbrooksand i dontsee any lines in the output10:11
sorush20what should I do?10:12
sorush20what should the permissions of my home direcotyr .kde be ?10:12
sergiusenssorush20: can you login in a terminal?10:12
BluesKajoh I have a question about email ..How do I make Thunderbird the default ...sometimes kmail launches ?10:13
sergiusenssorush20: first thing when and how did it begin?10:13
simian__SeanTater: i neede to install openssh-server10:13
lensdo most of you guys use Konqueror? or firefox?10:13
BluesKajthe default email settings in t-bird don't work , same goes for swiftfox10:14
sergiusensi use konqueror when in kde and epiphany in gnome and when i come across windows I try to use firefox10:14
BluesKaj<---Firefox or swiftfox10:14
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simian__SeanTater: sftp works well10:14
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simian__SeanTater: what does the s stand for10:15
lensI went to the gmail preferences w/ konqueror and it said my browser wasn't supported, I really Konqueror is there any way around that?10:15
SeanTateras in secure shell10:15
sorush20I accidently moved the /home/sorush4 directory10:15
SeanTaterSecure SHell is used for Secure File Transport Protocol10:15
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Ash-Foxlens, try playing with the browser identification10:15
lensAsh-Fox - oh ok, where would I find that?10:16
sorush20the I moved it around again.. and changed the ownership again..10:16
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sergiusenslens: tools menu10:16
sorush20I used sudo chown sorush4 -Rf /home/sorush410:16
Ash-Foxlens, in konqueror's prefrences.10:16
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simian__SeanTater: well thanks again10:16
lensalright thanks, I'll try and trick gmail into thinking this is firefox ;)10:17
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lensor gosh even the newest IE... that's a really tight feature.10:17
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lensI'm SO GLAD I switched to KDE, it rocks hard.10:18
sergiusenssorush20: and what are the perms for your ~/.kde dir10:18
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raytray25How do I change what Middle click does in Konqueror?10:20
simian__lens: yes it does. But I have a problem i use kde you about a month the gnome then kde and so on.10:20
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lenssimian... I don't think I'll have that problem. ;-), it feels so light and easy to navigate, I love it.10:22
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anne_hi everyone. Automatix' script looks like it's crashed but at the same time my  pc is slow (P-III 733 Mhz) so i'm wondering if there was a way for me to know if it's either ?10:23
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tchizeHello, i just upgraded (well tried to) from breezy to dapper10:24
tchizehowever, the process is stuck in the middle around kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.2)10:24
BluesKajanne_, did you choose a lot of downloads to install10:25
tchizeall packages that depends on it complains it's not installed10:25
anne_BluesKaj: yes10:25
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BluesKajok, it'll prolly take a while then10:25
tchizei have aptitude now complaining about too many errors, so if someone has any suggestion, it's welcomed10:26
Phazemans there any photography fan here that managed to work with some firewire film scanners ? i'm affraid to transfer my main desktop machine because i'm not sure my Minolta film scanner would work...10:27
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anne_ok but the script window doesn't scroll anymore...oh well.10:27
BluesKajanne_,click enter10:28
BlissexPhazeman: that usually works -- FireWire is just SCSI10:28
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anne_BluesKaj: done, no avail10:28
BluesKajis the konsol still open?10:29
PhazemanBlissex: w00t ! i wish it would work ! i think i'm going to try installing tomorrow...10:29
sepulturajest ktos z polski10:29
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johan_<anne> Whats ur /etc/sources.list ?10:29
BlissexPhazeman: just try it with Knoppix or from the LiveCD...10:29
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PhazemanBlissex: yeah... livecd is the target now :) running with it right now... my main linux machine is dead for about 2 weeks now and i'm suffering without it :( no way to fix.. the MoBo is dead after power shutdown10:31
jessphercan anybody here ;help me with running wine10:32
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Phazemanjesspher: why not asking at #wine first ?10:32
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raytray25How do I change what Middle click does in Konqueror?10:33
Phazemanok.. a weird question now... does anybody knows if there is an option to put a binary of unrar onto running live cd and run it ?10:33
BluesKajjesspher, wine should be in the Adept pkg list10:33
Phazemanraytray25: i dont think it's possible10:34
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doppelganger_haaay guys10:34
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arsoumm guys10:34
arsohow do install a  .SH10:34
doppelganger_what do i need to download to be able to compile a kernel..   "build-essential" ?10:34
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:34
doppelganger_arso  "./whatever.sh"10:35
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:35
arsodidnt work10:35
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uniqarso: 'sh file.sh'10:36
anne_johan_: nevermind, i got some help on #automatix.10:36
arsoin konsole?10:36
uniqarso: yes10:36
arso sh install.sh10:37
arsosh: install.sh: No such file or directory10:37
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uniqarso: you can also make it executable. and doubleclick on it.10:37
BluesKajright on anne_10:37
johan_Oki....wish u god luck =)10:37
uniqarso: then there is no install.sh in that directory.10:37
doppelganger_whoops, sorry10:37
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arsoumm wat extracts a .tar.gz please10:38
doppelganger_anyone a pro at vmware10:38
arsoi always forget10:38
doppelganger_arso, right clicking it10:38
doppelganger_(in konqueror)10:38
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)10:39
doppelganger_uniq- can i ask a few quick questions10:39
doppelganger_should be easy10:39
uniqarso: if you want to unpack a tar.gz in konsole: 'tar -zxvf file.tar.gz'10:39
uniqdoppelganger_: sure..10:40
doppelganger_ok..  i'm trying to install vmware, right..10:40
doppelganger_well...  it's saying i have no C header files that match my kernel10:40
doppelganger_so...  i go to adept, and i see headers for 2.4.27-210:41
doppelganger_right...  so...  i don't have that10:41
arsook i extracted10:41
uniqinstall the package linux-kernel-headers10:41
arsowhen i click on .sh10:41
arsonothing executes10:41
arsoit IS executable10:41
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doppelganger_uniq- that is the only one i do have installed10:41
doppelganger_so i thought that was ok10:41
doppelganger_but apparently not10:41
uniqok. where are you looking for the headers?10:42
uniqor where do you tell vmware they are?10:42
doppelganger_it's looking in "/usr/src/linux/include"10:42
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doppelganger_maybe thats dead wrong10:42
uniqdoppelganger_: try to tell it /usr/include10:42
doppelganger_lemme get that far in the installation and try, thanks man10:43
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sdlnxgk??? anyone know if kubuntu can use  digital speakers???10:46
cotrolerI installed java in a wrong directory......how do i remove it pls??10:46
doppelganger_iniq-  can i paste you something in PM?10:47
doppelganger_hell, i'll pastebin it10:47
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doppelganger_lol,  just at vmware10:49
doppelganger_i've been fighting this for more than a few hours today10:50
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uniqdoppelganger_: ah.. it tells you what you need. kernel-source.10:50
simian__i can't remember howto install with dpkg10:51
simian__is it dpkg -i10:51
uniqdoppelganger_: install 'linux-source' and go to /usr/src/ unpack it, and 'ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.15 linux' then try again.10:51
uniqsimian__: correct.10:51
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BluesKajyeah , I had an Linux admin guy help me install VMWare and it still was only capable of rudimentary funstions like surfing and email10:52
simian__uniq: thanks10:52
doppelganger_woo, lemme try that uniq10:52
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nabilam new here10:56
nabilhello helo h h...10:57
uniqhi nabil.10:57
nabilhi there10:57
nabilam new here10:57
nabiland this is first kubuntu install10:57
nabilonmy laptop10:57
uniqgreat :)10:58
uniqhow do you like it so far?10:58
lmodlme too is it vri10:58
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nabilgreat..but am having ati adaptor10:58
nabili cannot make use of my radeon x1300 adaptor10:59
nabilcan anyone help10:59
grizzlyanybody on kernel 2.6.15-26-686-nosmp ? tell me the device for cdrom plz. as in /dev/hdc for default kernel10:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:59
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greekoanyone know how to get around the kernel hang while installing linux?10:59
uniqnabil: try to go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:59
nabilok..will take ur advise10:59
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nabilthnx dear10:59
thygrrr_in the whois info for .com domains, the "Record created/last updated/expires" dates... are they UTC?10:59
thygrrr_Wrong channel11:00
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greekodoes anyone know?11:00
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uniqgreeko: try to pass the 'noapic' option to the kernel.. or use another kernel. if available. really depends on the kernel hang..11:01
greekoits during the initial install when the CD boots11:02
greekoi dont know how I would use another kernel11:03
uniqthygrrr_: usually some USA-time..11:03
uniqthygrrr_: for ubuntu.com it says EDT. which is -4h.11:04
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doppelganger_p**s on it...  it's not working still11:05
doppelganger_or else i'm giving it the wrong dir to look in11:05
uniqdid you find /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15.tar.bz2 ?11:06
uniqor what it's called..11:06
doppelganger_yeah, i un tarred that11:06
doppelganger_then ran that ln command you gave me11:06
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doppelganger_which just brought me to the next line11:06
doppelganger_like it was done11:06
Ace2005Hi all again11:06
Ace2005What do you think of this as a boot screen: http://img70.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rect4175sj5.png11:06
Ace2005its not finished yet but it will be soon11:07
uniqdoppelganger_: ok. then it should work if you try again.11:07
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doppelganger_with their default, or the one you gave me  "/usr/include11:07
doppelganger_because neither have worked yet11:07
uniqwith /usr/src/linux/include11:08
greekowhat is apic? and what is apci?11:08
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uniqgreeko:        Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (Intel, PIC)11:08
doppelganger_"not an existing directory"11:08
uniqdoppelganger_: hum.. strange.11:08
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uniqdoppelganger_: do you have the 386 kernel?11:09
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uniqdoppelganger_: you can find out with 'uname -a' in konsole.11:10
doppelganger_2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Mon Jul 17 19:52:5311:10
jesspherdoes anybody know why i keep receiving this when installing apps using wine :11:10
jesspherWarning: the specified Windows directory L"c:\\windows" is not accessible.11:10
jesspherWarning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible.11:10
jesspherwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\dfbhdlc.exe": Module not found11:10
jesspherplease help11:10
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uniqdoppelganger_: ok, then get 'linux-headers-2.6.15-26-686'11:10
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greekook so i have another question11:11
uniqdoppelganger_: you can safely delete /usr/src/linux and the directory you got when you unpacked the kernel-source.11:11
greekois apic or acpi needed to install on a USB hard drive?11:11
uniqgreeko: no. don't think so.11:12
uniqI really have to go now...11:12
greekoalright because it doesnt hang when i use the noapic but then i get a problem installing on a USB harddrive11:12
rzeihi everyone! how do i overcome apt-get install <sun java5 packages> saying "sun-dlj-v1-1 license could not be presented" thus refusing to install java5 packages?11:12
uniqdoppelganger_: good luck with your vmware install.. if you get more problems i suggest searching ubuntuforums.org.11:12
rzeiapt-get -f install or dpkg --force-all don't help11:12
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doppelganger_uniq-  686 or 386?11:12
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doppelganger_uniq- i've already bugged the #vmware guys11:13
doppelganger_they sent me here to fix my ubuntu probs11:13
uniqdoppelganger_: what 'uname -a' says. the same..11:13
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Ignite_doppelganger_, are you installing vmware in kubuntu or kubuntu in vmware?11:13
doppelganger_vmware in kubuntu11:14
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Ignite_easily done :)11:14
Ignite_one second11:14
doppelganger_i've installed it on my home machine without *any* problems11:14
doppelganger_for some reason this machine at work is not liking me11:14
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uniqhave to go, good night.11:14
cotrolerwhere is the directory of fireworks located by defualt?????11:14
doppelganger_thank you uniq, have a good night man11:15
Ignite_doppelganger_, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VmWare <-= use the top instructions, works like a charm11:15
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cotrolerwhere is the directory of fireworks located by defualt?????11:15
doppelganger_(AND STFU!!!!!!)  am i right?  lol11:15
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Ignite_doppelganger_, is that page loading for you? its not loading for me.. no idea why11:16
doppelganger_me either11:16
doppelganger_i wasn't gonna ask11:16
Alcapondhi, how can I check if kubuntu has correctly identified PCMCIA wlan-card? Thx11:16
Ignite_doppelganger_, one sec11:16
doppelganger_son of a.....   those headers don't help either11:17
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cotrolerwhere is the directory of fireFOX located by defualt?????11:17
Ignite_doppelganger_, it really is easy to install, i did it just today, took all of 5 minutes11:17
Ignite_that wiki was what got me there11:17
Ignite_now its down...11:17
doppelganger_ignite-  well i installed and hosed the vmware server version first, going on the advice of someone else11:18
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doppelganger_then i found out the player was all i needed, and it wouldn't install because of how hosed the other was11:18
Ignite_i'm using the latest release of vmware workstation11:18
doppelganger_then i cleared everything11:18
doppelganger_and now here i am11:18
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doppelganger_damned wiki11:19
doppelganger_come on11:19
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Ignite_doppelganger_, i'm looking around seeing if i can find it mirrored anyway, i will let you know if i find i11:21
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doppelganger_ignite-  thank you man11:22
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doppelganger_i'm scraping at the problem right now...   every which way i try it, it's screwed or wanting something more11:23
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doppelganger_why do i have the mike tyson's punchout theme in my head11:24
Ignite_doppelganger_, if i remember correctly its as simple as "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` gcc-3.4" and then just going through the install procedure as normal11:25
Ignite_note, those are backticks, not single quotes :)11:26
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doppelganger_"build-essential is already the newest version"   "linux-headers(etc) is at it's latest version"    "gcc-3.4 is already the newest version"11:29
=== doppelganger_ grumbles
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shivHi, My system is really working great now. Is there a way to make image of it to install to other system of same specs or even make a dvd for later restore?11:30
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doppelganger_shiv- there is a backup program called "keep" installed by default, under "System"11:31
shivI can't find it11:31
supernix anyone here know much about WIFI ?11:31
shivI tried Alt F211:31
doppelganger_run command keep11:32
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doppelganger_search in adept for "keep" i guess then11:32
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=== doppelganger_ smokes a cig and contemplates the ways in which he can damage his pc
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doppelganger_you bastard, i got you!@#11:37
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thygrrrok, I'm a newb when it comes to linking. changing /usr/bin/java by ln /usr/bin/java /foo/myjava doesn't work!11:43
thygrrrIt always links to /etc/alternatives/java11:43
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:45
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trappistthygrrr: I think you have the order backwards, but in any case the link you should change is /etc/alternatives/java, and it should be changed by using update-alternatives11:46
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trappistthygrrr: and they're symbolic links, so you would want ln -s (except you're going to use update-alternatives, so it doesn't matter)11:49
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thygrrrAh, I suppose something restored the old links then behind my back.11:51
thygrrrThat's actually quite Redmondish :P11:51
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Agiosjava is supposed to be linked to alternatives11:52
Agiosif you want something different change alternatives11:52
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thygrrrIt says update-alternatives: Cannot find alternative `/usr/local/jdk1.6.0/bin/java'.11:53
thygrrrafter update-alternatives: Cannot find alternative `/usr/local/jdk1.6.0/bin/java'.11:53
thygrrrumm, i mean after sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/local/jdk1.6.0/bin/java11:53
=== thygrrr opens the man page...
Agiosmake sure /usr/local/jdk1.6.0/bin/java exists11:55
thygrrrit does.11:55
Agiosjava likes to use _ instead of .11:55
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Agiostry sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/local/jdk1.6.0/bin/11:56
thygrrrnope, cannot find alternative11:56
=== thygrrr thinks this manpage is poorly written.
Agiosit is that11:57
thygrrrapparently, I need to add it to a list first.11:58
thygrrrthough there doesn't seem to be an --add command, I'll try --install11:58
Agiosthere is more to this than meets the eye, see /var/lib/dpkg/alternative11:58
=== xylus_ [n=xylus@blk-222-154-172.eastlink.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Agiosinstall might work, there is a list11:59
jesspheris there a program in linux that can repair cluster. please help11:59
=== deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Agiosfsck - the equivalent of chkdsk12:00
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thygrrrgreat I broke it.12:00
jesspherAgios: how do i run fsck12:00
Agiosthelostbyte_:  nah, it was already brokne12:01
jesspherhow can i run fsck12:01
jesspherplease help12:01
Agiosjesspher: fsck /dev/hda1 or whatever12:01
Agiosman fsck12:01
Kr4t05Open a Konsole and run the command.12:01
thygrrroh oh12:02
=== Kr4t05 tries dearly not to utter a four-letter word.
thygrrrOkay, now I have a "java" link in /usr/bin; and it seems broken. it's displayed as red, the others are all green. ls java says "too many levels of symbolic links"12:02
=== virgilio [n=virgilio@84-122-103-95.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu
jesspheris it safe to run fsck on a mounted file system12:03
thelostbyte_Agios, what was ?12:03
Agiosred means the sorce doesn't exist12:03
h3sp4wnIf you need to run fsck it should be done in single usermode and mounted read only12:03
crimsunor not mounted at all, which is even better12:03
=== Constrabus is now known as Cons|FOOD
h3sp4wnBut if its / that can be a pain12:04
crimsunquite true12:04
jesspherhow do i do that12:04
Agiosthelostbyte_: what?12:04
jesspherhow do run fsck in single usermode and mounted read only12:04
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=== ashridah [i=ashridah@220-253-120-7.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Agiosif it's your root you boot from a CD12:05
=== RobMongoose [n=rob@robmongoose.plus.com] has joined #Kubuntu
Agiosotherwise boot recovery mode12:05
jesspherhow do i boot recorymode12:05
=== ashridah [i=ashridah@220-253-120-7.VIC.netspace.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Agiosreboot normally and at the grub prompt hit esc, select the recovery mode, hit enter12:06
=== xylus_ [n=xylus@blk-222-154-172.eastlink.ca] has joined #kubuntu
jesspherand is that all or do i need to type anything else12:06
=== kbrooks is now known as kbrooks|tutor
Agioswhen you get to the command pront you run fsck12:06
Agioshave fun12:07
=== scabootssca [n=jason@dsl-gerl-135-103.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu
Agiosfsck is like russian roulette with one chamber empty12:07
=== unknown_ [n=unknown@206-40-200-162.lax-e100.cust.gw.epoch.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== unknown_ is now known as dlisner
h3sp4wnjesspher: check / is mounted read only first (by running mount)12:08

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