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johnlI reported a kernel bug using launchpad12:40
johnlit's not had much attention.12:41
johnlI now notice (weeks later) that I reported on the package linux-image-2.6.15-23-686 (Ubuntu) whereas most other reports are on the package linux-source-2.6.1512:41
johnlwhich is the right place to report kernel bugs?12:42
johnlit's rather confusing12:42
johnlmaybe I should be asking this on #ubuntu12:44
Keybuklinux-source-2.6.15 would have been the right place for dapper, yes12:45
Keybuknote though that the edgy version is linux-source-2.6.1712:45
Keybukand #ubuntu would have been the proper place to ask this12:46
kikojohnl, what bug number was that?12:52
kikolemme see12:52
johnlseems like I can change it, which I'll do if that's right12:53
johnlbut maybe this is a bigger general issue12:53
johnlit's complicated to figure out where to report kernel bugs12:53
johnlthanks Keybuk, kiko12:53
kikoKeybuk, is that a binary package name, by any chance?12:54
kikobecause it appears to be.12:54
johnlthere are a few other bugs attached to it too12:54
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Keybukkiko: yes12:55
Keybukkiko: didn't you guys fix that bug? :P12:55
kikoKeybuk, the bug is fixed. now we need to move all bugs reported against those bogus package names back, and then nuke the bogus package names.12:56
kikoKeybuk, do you have a suggestion on how to detect those bugs, by the way? 12:56
johnlheh, I've been reporting on this bug for weeks12:57
johnlit's been fixed, but I'm assuming entirely coincidentally now12:57
johnlI'll close it but change the package, for future reference12:57
Keybukkiko: yes, and I told you about it months ago12:57
KeybukI even wrote you SQL to do it, iirc12:58
Keybukidentify the source package names that have never been published?12:59
kikoKeybuk, yeah, I remember now. I seem to recall trying that out and discovering your SQL didn't handle some important case, but my memory is fuzzy now12:59
Keybukif a SPN exists that has never been published, it's inherently bogus01:00
Keybuklook it up by BPN, and find the appropriate SPN to move the bug to01:00
johnlshould I report this as a launchpad bug then?01:03
johnlor just leave you guys to it01:03
kikojohnl, it's bug 3786601:03
UbugtuMalone bug 37866 in malone "+editstatus should not accept binary package as source package" [Critical,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3786601:03
johnlshall I add a comment about moving previously reported bugs?01:06
kikojohnl, if you like, that'd be nice.01:06
johnlI don't mind.  I will do now.01:07
johnlthanks for the help.01:10
kikojohnl, sure thing.01:12
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mpt__Gooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!02:01
lifelesskiko: you have reviews in your queue now02:08
kikolifeless, thanks for letting me know02:08
kikohey mpt 02:09
mptkiko, why are you awake? :-)02:14
kikotrying to clean up bogus binary packages02:14
kikobut going home soon02:14
Seveasubugtu now reports newly filed ubuntu bugs in #ubuntu-bugs -- would a similar thing (but for launchpad bugs) be useful/welcome/appreciated here? 02:16
kikoSeveas, yes, very much!02:16
Seveasok, will poke at the code to make that possible02:16
mptDoes it report bugs becoming Fix Committed as well? :-)02:17
Seveasmpt, that could be arranged02:17
Seveasit works via mail and a 60-second timer02:17
Seveasfor ubuntu I subscribed it to ubuntu-bugs -- how can I make sure ubugtu gets all launchpad bugmail?02:18
Seveas'all launchpad bugmail' == all bugmail regarding products/{launchpap,rosetta,malone,whatever_you_want}02:18
kikoSeveas, that's actually not easy right now02:19
kikowell, unless we subscribed the bot to ubuntu-bugs02:19
kikoerr launchpad-bugs02:19
kikoor hmmm, waitasec02:19
Seveasif that is not a security problem that would be nice02:19
mptSeveAs, https://launchpad.net/projects/launchpad/+bugs02:19
mptSeveas, rather02:19
=== mpt got confused with "Save As..."
kikoyeah, we could change the bug contact for launchpad02:19
Seveasmpt, I see no 'subscribe' type link there02:20
kikobut then that would indeed have security implications02:20
kikompt, he wants outgoing email02:20
kikoSeveas, I'm collapsing, but remind me of this tomorrow and i'll see what I can do about it.02:20
kikojetlagged to hell02:20
Seveaskiko-zzz, ok, g'night02:21
mptoh, and subscribing to launchpad-bugs@ wouldn't be secure02:24
mptI see02:24
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=== mpt wonders what to do with bug 54169
UbugtuMalone bug 54169 in shipit "Package get crushed" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5416902:42
Lie_ExI've uploaded kalzium's po(zh_CN) for three times,but all failed...Could anyone please tell me why?02:43
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mpt_spiv, ping05:44
spivmpt_: Just about to step out to lunch...05:48
mpt_spiv, sorry, I figured it out for myself05:48
mpt_(the problem, I mean, not your lunch)05:49
spivmpt_: Perfect :)05:49
spivDamn ;)05:49
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mpt__lifeless, do you have time for a 30-second review?08:13
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lifelessmpt: what is the intent of the patch ?09:20
lifelessmpt: also, putting entity escapes in zpt is ugly, is there a better way ? I.e. "09:21
lifelessspiv says ldquo and rdquo for left and right09:23
lifelessalso apos for the apostrophe09:24
lifelesshttp://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/entities.html#h-24.3.1 for reference09:26
mptlifeless, the intent is to fix bug 4974109:48
UbugtuMalone bug 49741 in cchits "file details for a track lists info of the wrong mp3" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4974109:48
mptI mean, bug 4947109:48
UbugtuMalone bug 49471 in launchpad "Sidebars sometimes go AWOL in Internet Explorer" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4947109:48
mptno, that's not it either09:48
mptbug 400909:48
UbugtuMalone bug 4009 in launchpad "Page needed explaining why greylisting may cause delayed Launchpad mail" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/400909:48
mptlifeless, and I removed the paragraph about asking for feedback because it's useless where it is (if you've only just signed up, you'll have no idea how to improve Launchpad, and you can't ever get back to that page)09:50
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mpt(or rather, you'll have *very little* idea how to improve Launchpad yet)09:52
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mptlifeless, cancel that, I just realized I have to chop an answer out of the FAQ as well10:07
mptI'll put it on PendingReviews when I'm done10:07
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sivangheya carlos10:13
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lifelessmpt: ok. But do consider the better entities for the page.10:18
mptyes, I've fixed those already, thanks10:18
mptand I'll use them from now on10:18
mpt(’ and “ and —, oh my!)10:19
sivanganybody have an idea what could cause make check to return something like:10:19
sivangmake[1] : *** [search_path]  Error 110:19
sivangFailed to create database or load sampledata.10:19
sivangmake: *** [check]  Error 110:19
sivangI have only make chekc running , and postgres is listening. RF is running okay when executed seperately.10:19
mptsivang, no, but whenever I make schema I wait 5 seconds before make anythingelse10:20
sivangmpt: I'll try.10:21
carlossivang: have you tried to recreate the database again?10:21
sivangcarlos: yep, if you reger to 'make schema'. It fails complaining search_path is not set up, but I do have it in my postgres.conf10:22
carlossivang: did you installed postgres-contrib and restarted your postgres server ?10:23
sivangcarlos: lemme check10:23
mptgrrrrrrr, Zope doesn't play nice with named entities10:32
SteveAmpt: you'll need to be a bit more specific about what you mean10:38
SteveAif you're using page templates in xml mode, rather than html mode, then you need to define all the entities you're using somehow10:39
SteveAmaybe you're doing something to put the templates into xml mode?10:39
mptSteveA, the specific problem was that I wrote &#entity; instead of &entity;, and instead of saying "Unknown entity", the traceback said "<div> requires explicit </div> at line XYZ"10:44
mptso it took me a few extra minutes to realize that the error message wasn't true10:44
mpt(well, it was strictly true, but irrelevant)10:45
SteveAmpt: please file a specific bug on launchpad about this.  we'll pass it upstream soon.10:45
SteveAstub: morning10:46
stubSteveA: Morning10:46
SteveAI have an interview at launchpad meeting time10:47
SteveAso, would you run today's meeting?10:47
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stubSteveA: ok10:48
stubSteveA: Do we have an agenda?10:48
SteveAon the wiki10:48
SteveAI also bookmark  https://launchpad.canonical.com/MeetingAgenda?action=raw10:48
SteveAfor easy cut and paste10:48
sivangcarlos: installed and restarted, same error.10:49
carlossivang: installed, restarted and executed make schema ?10:50
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sivangcarlos: make scheam fails :-) with the same complaint about search_path10:50
carlosthen, you miss something...10:51
carlossivang: did you installed launchpad-database-dependencies ?10:51
sivangcarlos: indeed. is there a specific package this needs to run other then pg-contrib ?10:52
carlosI don't think so10:53
sivangcarlos: I think I'll retry DatabaseSetup, to crefresh stuff. 10:53
carlosyeah, good idea10:53
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stubjamesh: Will it be a problem if the oops reports from gandwana and gangotri are stored in two seperate trees?12:03
jameshstub: it shouldn't be a problem12:04
jameshstub: the oops.cgi script already searches multiple directories so it can display both production and staging errors12:04
stubok. Nick setup the oops mirroring that way, and there are some advantages to doing it that way so I'll leave things in the new paths12:04
jameshand the OOPS analysis script can do multiple dirs12:05
SteveAwhen we come to change the location of our archives, how about sodium:/srv/code/ as the new location for sodium:/home/warthogs/archives/  ?12:10
elmoSteveA: if we're changing things, can we please also get away from using hostnames and migrate to a role alias12:10
SteveAwhat does that mean?12:11
elmoi.e. sodium -> code.launchpad.net or something12:11
SteveAwhat's the advantage of that?12:11
mpthear hear12:11
elmoif we have to move the machine again, we don't have to change all developers + pqm's hardcoded instances of chinstrap, sodium, whatever12:11
elmoI'm not particularly attached, it doesn't cause me any pain, so 'tever, just a suggestion12:12
SteveAwhat about devel.launchpad.net ?12:12
lifelessisn't that something we might want for public launchpad stuff?12:12
SteveAI'll add it to today's meeting agenda12:12
lifelessI'd prefer a canonical.com address for it12:13
SteveAit's on the meeting agenda12:14
elmo(I may not be around for the meeting, I have some boxes to shift - but FWIW, canonical.com is fine by me too - whatever you guys decide (within reason))12:14
SteveAthanks elmo12:14
sivangstub: do you have any idea what could have changed from dapper->edgy that would fail make check, with the complaint search_path is not configured although it is?12:18
stubsivang: Have you bounced your db since updating search_path? Are you sure you are connecting to the PostgreSQL 8.1 database, and you updated the PostgreSQL 8.1 config file?12:19
sivangstub: I have all confugrations updated, yes, if bounced = restart, then yes 12:20
sivangstub: also all dependencies are there12:20
sivangstub: could it be that something changed in the packaging such that the search_oath needs updating for edgy? </thought>12:20
stubpsql -d launchpad_dev -c 'show search_path'12:20
stubOh... edgy. No idea. Haven't looked at PostgreSQL under edgy.12:21
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SteveAmpt: hi12:22
mpthi SteveA 12:22
SteveApreserving whitespace and monospacing bug comments12:22
SteveAwhy do we use a proportional font for bug comments?12:23
sivangstub: hmm, it says launchpad_dev does not exist12:23
mptSteveA, because it's easier to read, and there's no reason not to, except for ASCII art and manually-spaced lists that wouldn't work in the current column width even if it was monospace12:24
SteveAwhat about for snippets of code?12:24
SteveAand tracebacks?12:24
mptLeading space is preserved12:25
stubAnd all the other use cases we had when this was argued about last time12:25
SteveAone of our main goals for launchpad right now is getting upstreams to adopt launchpad12:25
jameshstub: oops.cgi should be working now12:25
SteveAI feel that our having poor formatting for typical programmers' uses for bug reports stands in the way of that12:26
mptSteveA, I understand that, and it'll be great if that forces usability improvements in Malone, but just flipping the font family without widening the column will not achieve any of what people are asking for when they say "please use monospace"12:26
SteveAand that the ease of reading for other users is only a marginal benefit12:26
stubOur target audience wants a monospaced font. This isn't the support tracker, it is the bug tracker.12:27
SteveAmpt: so, you're saying that there is a problem with changing the font to monospace, and that is that we will have fewer characters per line in the bug comments12:27
mptSteveA, not quite, I'm saying that when people say "please use monospace" they really mean They really mean "please use monospace and and at least 80 columns, so that code snippets and hard-wrapped e-mail look exactly the same"12:28
SteveAright now, on my screen, I see 86 characters proportional spaced12:28
SteveAI propose we try switching to monospaced, and see what happens12:28
stubI think you are putting words in developers mouth.12:29
SteveAwe can initially compare staging with production for a few days12:29
mptok, that's easy12:29
SteveAand then if it is not an absolute disaster12:29
SteveAwe can leave it on production for a while, and see what the feedback is12:29
mptstub, it's called usability engineering :->12:29
SteveAI know we've had some specific feedback from the python guys that they'd prefer monospaced12:29
mptyes, I saw that12:30
SteveAwould we also have to do anything special in the DPOT code?12:30
SteveAwe'd still want to linkify things12:30
mptI don't think so12:30
mptunless we want it to still be monospace in browsers that are graphical but don't do CSS12:30
mptin which case DPOT would need to add <tt>...</tt> for each line12:31
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mptI'll make that change right now12:33
jameshmpt: we probably don't want fmt:text-to-html to add the <tt> tags12:33
SteveAok.  so we'll do that, and evaluate on staging vs production12:33
jameshmpt: unless we want product descriptions and all the other uses of that code to go monospace12:33
SteveAalso, I'd like kiko to reply to greg ward, asking greg to point out some bugs where the formatting is problematic on the demo site12:34
mptjamesh, true, it would need to be a new formatter12:34
SteveArather than just an immediate "yuck, it is proportional!" reaction12:34
jameshmpt: why not just use css to do font-family: monospace ?12:34
jameshfor the bug comments?12:34
mptjamesh, that's what I'm doing right now12:35
mptbut, as I said, we'd need to change DPOT instead if we want it to still be monospace in browsers that are graphical but don't do CSS12:36
SteveAwe don't support any such browsers12:36
SteveAas far as I'm aware12:36
jameshthat seems like a very small minority12:36
jamesh(and people using lynx or links will already see the text in monospace)12:37
mptyes, that's why I referred to graphical browsers in particular12:37
jameshI doubt the people complaining are using such browsers12:40
mptI will be more careful about my use of the word "unless" in future12:41
SteveAbecause it might be confused with "more" ?12:42
jameshtrac doesn't seem to do monospace: e.g. http://www.avahi.org/ticket/4512:43
jameshhowever the import done for the python bug tracker comp is monospace: http://python-trac.swapoff.org/ticket/22359912:44
jameshas trac uses wiki markup for the comments, it seems that they wrapped each comment in {{{...}}}12:44
jameshwhich would mean that new comments would not be monospace12:44
SteveAso, when kiko replies, he should also point out this about trac12:45
SteveAwe don't offer people the choice of formatting12:46
jameshif you hit the reply link next to one of the comments, you can see the formatting they've used12:46
SteveAyou get12:47
SteveA > {{{12:47
SteveA > stuff12:47
SteveA > }}}12:47
SteveAwhich basically won't work12:47
SteveAthere's a problem with display of &gt; too12:48
SteveAand a strange horizontal scrolling text area at the top of the bug display12:48
jameshthe XML dump generated by effbot's screen scraping tool generated double-escaped entities12:49
jameshso we had the &gt;, etc problems too in the first import12:49
mptWe might just win this thing out of sheer lack of incompetence :-)12:50
raphinkhi there12:50
sabdflmoin moin folks12:50
raphinkis launchpad already able to manage other distros than Ubuntu?12:50
raphinkI mean managing packages, specifications, and so on12:50
raphinkI see distros registered on it, but no packages added12:51
SteveAmpt: hubris will win us nothing.12:51
SteveAraphink: we have this for some derivatives of Ubuntu.  what distribution are you thinking of?12:53
SteveAthe soyuz package management infrastructure only works for ubuntu right now12:54
jameshfor comparison, here's that particular bug in each of the trackers listed in the competition:12:54
raphinkSteveA: I've got my own project of a derivative12:54
SteveAjamesh: please put this on an internal wiki page, so we can look at it later, in the meeting12:54
SteveAjamesh: in the MeetingAgenda "notes" section if you like12:55
raphinkSteveA: ok12:57
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raphinkI'll bbl12:57
jameshone thing the Trac import is doing is importing the bug activity01:09
mptjamesh, would you like to review the monospace changes?01:09
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jamesh(which we aren't)01:09
jameshmpt: sure.01:09
mptBut the main purpose of this diff was to lighten up on the tags presentation01:09
jameshmpt: looks okay.01:10
mptthanks jamesh01:10
jameshI can update demo.lp.net when it lands01:10
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Lie_ExI've uploaded kalzium's zh_CN po file to launchpad.net(User Upload Mode) for three times,but all failed...Could anyone please tell me why?01:12
mptcarlos or jordi, ^^01:16
carlosLie_Ex: which error are you getting?01:16
mptIs it not possible to push two a branch to a repository while another branch is pushing?01:16
Lie_Excarlos: No response from launchpad,and no error when uploading.But when I check its status after 24 hours,it shows"failed".I've tried more than one time.01:19
carlosI see01:19
carloswe should improve it a bit more...01:19
carlosLie_Ex: have you executed 'msgfmt -v -c -o /dev/null yourfile.po' ?01:19
carlosif there is something wrong with your file, that command should tell you it01:20
Lie_Excarlos: Thank you for your replying.Ive executed the command,but no errors...01:23
carlosLie_Ex: ok, let me check our logs01:24
carlosthen it should be a bug in our side01:24
salgadocprov, your archive-tools branch has two conflicts01:24
Lie_Excarlos: Thanks.^^01:24
cprovsalgado: will fix 01:25
carlosLie_Ex: can you give me a URL to see your file?01:25
Lie_Excarlos: By the way,I've changed the po's status from "failed" to "deleted" in import queue.01:26
carlosthat's enough to find that entry myself01:26
Lie_Excarlos: http://www.myswear.net/myswear/kde/li/kalzium.po01:27
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mptSteveA, monospaceness is in PQM01:30
SteveAthanks matt01:30
carlosLie_Ex: it's our fault01:31
=== Kinnison goes to grab lunch before the meeting starts
carlosLie_Ex: as a workaround, go to line: 363601:32
carlosLie_Ex: and add a new line after the msgstr "" string01:32
carlosthat will make our parser happy01:33
Lie_Excarlos: Find it...Now I'll retry,thank you.01:33
carlosyou are welcome01:33
carlosI'm going to file a bug about that01:33
carlosLie_Ex: thanks for your report01:33
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stubLaunchpad meeting in 4 minutes. Workrave now if you need to.01:56
cprovsalgado: archive-tools should be fixed now, thanks for the "heads up".01:58
SteveAhi kiko02:00
SteveAI asked stub to run the meeting, as I have an interview in the first part of it02:00
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stubLaunchpad meeting. Who is here?02:00
SteveAi'm here (but not paying too much attention right now)02:00
=== kiko pokes cprov
stubjordi: ping02:01
carlosLie_Ex: btw, this is the bug you found: https://launchpad.net/bugs/5423902:01
UbugtuMalone bug 54239 in rosetta "PO Parser should allow things like msgstr "" "foo" in the same line" [Medium,Confirmed]  02:01
Lie_Excarlos: ^^02:02
kikostub, enough roll call? :)02:02
stubEveryone online is here. Anyone we are missing?02:02
matsubarabjorn is on vacation02:03
kikobrad's away02:03
stubddaa is on leave too02:03
kikoso then it sounds like us02:03
lifelesssortof here02:03
carlosstub: I see him on this sprint....02:03
stubddaa: Acording to the agenda you are on leave :)02:03
lifelessenoough to say my bit about things02:03
stubOk... agenda.02:03
stub= Agenda ==02:03
stub * Roll call02:03
stub * Agenda02:03
stub * Next meeting02:03
stub * Activity reports02:03
stub * Actions from last meeting02:03
carlosddaa: nice way to be on vacations ;-)02:03
stub * Oops report (Matsubara)02:03
stub * Bug report report (mpt)02:03
stub * Sysadmin requests02:03
stub * Production and staging (Stuart)02:03
stub * Using email in a distributed team (Steve, Kiko)02:03
stub * Location of code on sodium as `/srv/code/`02:03
stub * Name of our development machine02:03
stub * Python demo status update (James H)02:03
stub * Monospaced bug paragraphs02:04
=== ddaa notionally pours steaming hot coffee on carlos
stub * (other items)02:04
stub * Keep, Bag, Change02:04
stub * Three sentences02:04
stubNext meeting same time next week?02:04
carlosstub: I will be on vacations next week02:04
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:stub] : Developer meeting: Thu 3 Aug, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
carlosso I will not be able to attend it02:04
lifelessI proposed use the pqm-submit plugin to submit to pqm. (robert/spiv/jamesh)02:04
lifelessis it not on the agenda ?02:04
stub* launchpad bzr development workflow (robert/jamesh)02:05
stub * use the pqm-submit plugin to submit to pqm. (robert/spiv/jamesh)02:05
stub * (proposed item) (name of proposer)02:05
stubWe will do them in 'other items' in order if that is ok?02:05
kikowow, lots on the agenda, plough on stubster 02:05
lifelessif I fade, spiv or jamesh can talk about pqm-submit02:06
stubActivity reports. Who is cool, who isn't?02:06
lifelessthe development workflow one is stale I think02:06
malccI'm way cool02:06
lifelessvaguely cool02:06
stubI'm cool02:06
ddaaI'm on a sprint but otherwise up to date02:06
daniloscool (sent a batch for last week today)02:06
KinnisonI'm blazingly hot and reaching towards phoenix flame02:06
kikoI'm not post-sprint, but will start again now.02:06
cprovI'm not cool, will send a summary for this week02:06
jameshI'm not cool02:06
matsubaraI'm behind02:06
carlosI'm not cool :-(02:06
salgadoI'm behind but back on track02:06
spivI'm cool.02:07
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stubAgain, incomplete reports are better than no reports02:08
stub(at least while I'm running the meeting ;) )02:09
stubActions from last meeting:02:09
stub * stub to write up some test policy or punt it to someone better suited02:09
stub * ddaa to spec for bug 37897 and hand over02:09
UbugtuMalone bug 37897 in launchpad-bazaar "renaming project, product or series breaks vcs imports" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3789702:09
ddaanot done, focusing exclusively on bzr-native02:09
stubI updated section 7.7 on the LaunchpadHackingFAQ, which counts as 'done' I think.02:09
kikoddaa, can that bug be handed over?02:09
kikoand does anyone else on the team have that knowledge?02:10
danilosI got a bug #44860 assigned, and my branch with the fix is waiting for review02:10
UbugtuMalone bug 44860 in rosetta "Crash when we try to pass a query string to a POFile that doesn't exist yet." [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4486002:10
ddaakiko: lifeless has, but he's sorta busy too02:10
kikodanilos, want me to review that?02:10
stubddaa: Is it actually a critical problem, or is the maintenance burden the way things are at the moment not too bad?02:10
kikoI'd be happy to02:10
daniloskiko: sure, should I move it to your section on PendingReviews page?02:11
kikodanilos, yes, but only if you are prepared to ping me on IRC if I don't do it this morning02:11
ddaastub: in so far as there is no practical way to monitor the failures this bug causes, it's not a significant maintenance burden02:11
danilos(it's in generalqueue right now)02:11
daniloskiko: ok, fine by me02:11
stubddaa: I'm not sure if that means it should remain an action item, or if the bug should be downgraded.02:12
ddaastub: there should probably be some discussion about proritizing importd fixes, I think i'll downgrade the bug right now02:12
daniloskiko: woops, andrew bennets already took it02:12
kikoddaa, realistically, are you going to get around to doing that in the next 4 weeks?02:12
kikospiv, want to hand that to me? I'm particularly interested in that part of the code02:13
ddaakiko: depending on proritizing, I may do it as soon as next week, as bzr-native is due to rollout tomorrow.02:13
kikoddaa, why not do it next week, then? It's such a long-standing bug..02:13
spivkiko: sure02:13
stubIf the bug is being down graded, we can count the action item as handled anyway.02:13
stubMoving along.... OOPS report.02:13
kikodanilos, move it to me :)02:14
matsubaraOn today's report I just want to check on the status of bugs 44860, 2497, 3060202:14
matsubaraI'm keeping this concise today because the MeetingAgenda has lots of items and with the chinstrap to sodium migration, we had a small gap on the OOPS reports.. 02:14
UbugtuMalone bug 44860 in rosetta "Crash when we try to pass a query string to a POFile that doesn't exist yet." [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4486002:14
daniloskiko: ok ;)02:14
UbugtuMalone bug 2497 in rosetta "/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/249702:14
UbugtuMalone bug 30602 in rosetta "ERROR IN: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/vlc/+pots/vlc/tl/+translate" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3060202:14
matsubaraI'm catching up on that, and will generate an accumulated report since the last rollout, send to the list and followup from there, contacting the developers responsible for the code in question, nagging them to prioritize oops bugs. :)02:14
matsubaradanilos already said that 44860 is up for review, and kiko agreed that he'll review it.02:14
ddaakiko: because it might be considered more important e.g. to implement some useful feedback system for imports :)02:14
matsubarakiko and carlos are working on 2497 and 30602 respectively, right?02:14
kikomatsubara, I had an idea for 2497, so yes I'll work on that.02:15
carlosmatsubara: well, I will, I didn't start 30602....02:15
matsubarakiko: thanks02:15
carlostrying to finish the dapper -> edgy migration before leaving for vacations next week...02:15
kikomatsubara, my idea is, for the record, using KarmaContext to frame the query.02:16
matsubaracarlos: hmm, perhaps hand that over then? it's one of the top timeouts02:16
carlosmatsubara: I will try to fix it tomorrow, migration should be done today02:16
carlosand if I don't finish it, I will pass it to danilos. If he agrees ;-)02:16
daniloscarlos: sure02:16
matsubaracarlos: great! thanks dude02:16
kikocarlos, maybe hand it over to danilos now, because you don't have a lot of time for both tasks.02:17
stubSo that is all three then.02:17
carloskiko: we are doing the migration together02:17
kikocarlos, yes, but danilo won't be on holiday next week :)02:17
carloskiko: in fact it's done, we are just improving its performance02:17
matsubarayes, thanks stub, thanks guys. I'll nag some of you later.02:17
danilosbtw, OOPS for that bug report is missing02:17
stub44860 awaiting review, 2497 kiko, 30602 danilos02:18
carloskiko: yeah, that's why I will forward him that task if it's not done before leaving tomorrow ;-)02:18
danilosok, reassigning to 30602 myself02:18
stubNext is critical bug reports with our host mpt.02:18
mptSince we have lots of stuff to discuss, I'll keep this short too02:18
mptToday's oldest most important open bug reports are:02:18
mptbug 2497 (/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators), Confirmed, Critical, kiko02:18
mptbug 31038 (private), Confirmed, Critical, cprov02:18
mptbug 31609 (buildd maintainers need to be informed of build failures), Confirmed, Critical, cprov02:18
UbugtuMalone bug 2497 in rosetta "/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/249702:18
UbugtuMalone bug 31609 in soyuz "buildd maintainers need to be informed of build failures" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3160902:18
mptbug 35965 (exceptions in process-upload not communicated to uploader),02:18
mptConfirmed, Critical, malcc02:18
mptbug 37897 (renaming project, product or series breaks vcs imports), 02:18
mptConfirmed, Critical, ddaa02:18
mptbug 31308 (Cannot set branch associated to a product series), Confirmed, Critical, lifeless02:18
matsubaradanilos: I'll find one for it and update the description02:18
UbugtuMalone bug 35965 in soyuz "exceptions in process-upload not communicated to uploader" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3596502:18
UbugtuMalone bug 37897 in launchpad-bazaar "renaming project, product or series breaks vcs imports" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3789702:18
UbugtuMalone bug 31308 in launchpad-bazaar "Cannot set branch associated to a product series" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3130802:18
danilosmatsubara: ok, thanks02:19
mptThese are all boring because they were all on the top-ten list last week02:19
kikompt, mostly soyuz and bazaar?02:19
mptcprov, malcc, ddaa, is there any way we can help unblock you?02:19
mptand kiko02:19
lifelessthe last one is me02:19
lifelessit is in my non-code queue, will be getting to it soon, honesy02:20
cprovmpt: my fault, could not work on them, due the soyuz last rollout failure/firefighting02:20
mptkiko: New hires! :-)02:20
ddaampt: I heard there's a new hire for launchpad-bazaar on his way, that will certainly be a great help in the long run02:20
matsubaradanilos: actually it's missing because it's pointing to sodium, replace that URL with chinstrap and the it'll find the oops. log migration from chinstrap to sodium are on the way.02:20
malccmpt: For me and cprov, I don't think so, there's just a lot of urgent things to do02:20
danilosmatsubara: ah, ok, I thought everything was removed from chinstrap02:20
ddaaapart from "more hands" and "longer days" not much can be done.02:20
malccmpt: Unless you have a secret stash of experienced Soyuz developers02:20
mptmalcc, are those urgent non-bug things, or are they bugs that are Critical and aren't being marked as such?02:20
stubcprov, malcc: Are the other urgent things flagged as critical bugs? Or are there other things taking a higher priority?02:20
matsubaradanilos: nope, chinstrap is back again02:20
danilosmatsubara: ok, thanks02:21
malccThe things I've also been working on are also critical bugs, or landing longstanding branches02:21
mptIn the absence of any ideas for unblocking the assignees, I'm done02:22
jameshmatsubara: we don't have the really old OOPS reports on sodium02:22
malccIn the specific case of 35965, it makes efficiency sense to land process-upload-tidy first as it will help with this02:22
jameshmatsubara: but the oops.cgi on sodium is working02:22
matsubarajamesh: I've seen that, but I thought every oops id appearing on a bug description would be migrated to sodium.02:23
jordistub: sorry, I'm trapped in some office crisis right now :(02:23
mptthanks stub02:23
jordistub: I can msg you my stuff02:23
stubmatsubara: We can discuss this after if you want02:23
jameshmatsubara: something to discuss later02:23
matsubarajamesh: anyway that's not such a big deal since we have chinstrap back.02:23
stubjordi: ok.02:23
matsubarastub, jamesh ok02:23
stub * Sysadmin requests02:23
stubAny outstanding requests we need to chase?02:24
danilos#15015 (mawson account), #14579 (VoIP)02:24
cprovRT 12700 (ressurect mawson UI)02:24
cprovmake disk space in drescher02:24
kikocprov, we agreed to delete some of the stuff there, right?02:25
stubdanilos: 15015 is blocked on me I think.02:25
stubACTION: SteveA to go through those RT issues and chase elmo if appropriate02:26
danilosstub: ok, is there anything I need to do to help it get unblocked?02:26
cprovkiko:  right, but it's still there ;)02:26
ddaaSteveA appears to be busy in some voice call.02:26
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stubdanilos: I'll discuss it after the meeting.02:27
danilosstub: ok02:27
stubProduction and staging.02:27
stubAre boring (yay).02:27
stubNext tuesday should be the regular production update, rolling out HEAD as of now.02:27
stubHowever, the last few weeks we have ended up rolling out HEAD or something close so take that with a grain of salt.02:27
jordistub: there you go02:28
ddaaheads will roll!02:28
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stubI have a spec to write for edge.launchpad.net which may reduce our need to push out urgent features. 02:28
stubAny queries on the production or staging  environments?02:29
stub * Using email in a distributed team (Steve, Kiko)02:29
stubkiko: Can you take that, or should we defer it to next week?02:29
kikoI can only guess what Steve is alluding to02:30
kikobut I believe it's meant that we underline the fact that people should rely on email for their communication, not IRC02:30
stubOk. We shall leave that until next week unless Steve gets back from his meeting early.02:30
stub * Location of code on sodium as `/srv/code/`02:31
stubYou know about that lifeless?02:31
lifelessin general yes02:31
lifelesssounds fine to me to move things around02:31
stubCool. So less typing == less RSI == happier developers.02:32
jamesh"/code" would be even shorter02:32
mptand happier PendingReviews page02:32
stubPerhaps we can get the new element named machines to use their two letter codes as an alias for even shorter paths ;)02:32
kikostub, that'd rock02:32
spivjamesh: so would "/c" ;)02:32
spivstub: Well, I think that leads onto the next agenda item...02:33
ddaabetter '/cl', you have "sftp://na/cl/" !02:33
stub * Name of our development machine02:33
stubNo owner02:33
jameshthis was something elmo brought up02:34
jameshwhether we want to use an alias for our code machine in case we need to move again02:34
jameshso the alias can follow us02:34
carloscode.canonical.com ? :-P02:34
carlosit's the tipical....02:34
spivmpt: haha02:34
danilosshort one: aliastocodemachine.canonical.com? ;)02:34
kikois it really code?02:34
Kinnisonsince it's full of trees02:35
kikoI mean, you have to consider the fact that we /do/ have bazaar.launchpad.net02:35
lifelessthis is for our development02:35
lifelessI think its inappropriate to use launchpad.net for this02:35
kikodoes this mean that all canonical code goes to it?02:35
kikoI agree lifeless 02:35
danilosok, if it's for development, then aliastodevelopmentmachine.c.c02:35
lifelessso, launchpadcode.canonical.com02:36
lifelessor lpcode.canonical.com02:36
kikoif the policy is that "all non-OSS canonical code goes to sodium" then I'm fine with code.canonical.com02:36
ddaared! blue!02:36
kikootherwise lpcode or launchpadcode are great.02:36
ddaagreen! purple!02:36
lifelesskiko: AIUI its lp only02:36
kikolifeless, then lpcode is fine.02:36
jameshof course, if we move, we could probably alias sodium.ubuntu.com to the new machine.02:36
stubOk. So we want one, and we should have one for just lp code.02:36
jamesh(assuming sodium continues to be used by just the LP team)02:36
lifelessso, lets do lpcode.c.c02:36
kiko+1 lifeless 02:36
stublifeless: Can you rt that and deal with pqm?02:37
lifelessand jamesh and I will timetable a migration for our setup next week02:37
daniloswhy not do codepad.c.c instead?02:37
lifelessI will file the relevant RT request tomorrow02:37
lifelessdanilos: its less clear ?02:37
danilosok, I'll shut up :) (but it's funnier)02:37
kikoand too cute :-) /me chides danilos 02:37
stubWe can discuss alternative names later on IRC and summarize to the mailing list02:37
stub * Python demo status update (James H)02:37
jameshThe demo machine is set up at https://demo.launchpad.net, with incoming and outgoing bugmail support02:38
kikoI've been going over them, as has bradb02:38
jameshYesterday I put up our entry on the Python wiki and have emailed the Python infrastructure committee02:38
carloskiko, lifeless: isn't landscape using sodium?02:39
jameshIn general, the imported data looks good, but there are a few areas to polish02:39
stubjamesh: So everything is under control?02:40
stubcarlos: No02:40
jameshso we'll be doing that as we pick up the problems (or get requests from the Python guys)02:40
jameshstub: yes.02:40
carlosstub: ok02:40
lifelesscarlos: not AFAIK02:40
stubWhich leads us on to  * Monospaced bug paragraphs (unless James has more)02:40
jameshI don't have anything further to add about the Python import02:41
stubI believe this was discussed between SteveA and mpt earlier, with me throwing peanuts from the gallary.02:41
kikoyeah, it's a controversial thing in LP02:42
mptAnd it would have landed by now, if it wasn't for those meddling ki^Wpagetests02:42
stubLast I heard was we would switch the CSS to be monospaced to have a look on staging, probably followed by a trial on production02:42
stubmpt: That cover it?02:43
=== stub tries for only five minutes over schedule
stub * use the pqm-submit plugin to submit to pqm. (robert/spiv/jamesh)02:43
lifelesseveryone should be using this plugin02:43
lifelessits documented on the usingsharedrepositories wiki page02:43
spiv"WorkingWithSharedRepositories" is the name of the wiki page.02:44
jameshwe talked with j-a-meinel yesterday about some of the problems people have had with the plugin, and worked out a few concrete improvements to make it harder to do the wrong thing02:44
lifelessits under development by the bzr folk02:44
mptI had to revert to a non-current version of the plug-in for it to work at all02:44
jameshthere is a new branch location for the plugin listed on the wiki page now, which will work with bzr-0.8 (no need to rollback)02:44
stubWhat is the lp product name to file bugs against if people need to?02:45
jameshstub: bzr-pqm02:45
spivmpt: yes, that issue is documented on the wiki page.02:45
spivHmm, well, it was...02:45
jameshspiv: not any more -- the branch the wiki points to now works02:45
spivjamesh: ah, nice02:46
stubEveryone should point their plugin checkout to that same location so we are all running the same code?02:46
jameshthe fixes that will hopefully be done shortly are (a) not default to submitting merges to bzr.dev and (b) look up the pqm branch on the repo if it isn't set for the branch (this is a work around for branches.conf sections being shadowed)02:47
stubPlease email the mailing list when there are significant fixes so we can all update02:48
stubAnd moving along...02:48
stub * launchpad bzr development workflow (robert/jamesh)02:48
stubDiscuss this now or next week?02:48
kikosounds like next week ;)02:49
jameshprobably next week02:49
stubKeep, bag, change02:49
ddaaKEEP: sprints in a hotel with a sauna02:49
spivlifeless said earlier that he thought that agenda item was stale.02:49
sivangddaa: hah02:49
carlosddaa: but also with swimingpool...02:50
stubIn Thailand, the sauna is just outside ;)02:50
stubThree sentences02:50
ddaaDONE: bzr-native02:50
ddaaTODO: finish and ROLLOUT (!!!) bzr-native02:50
ddaaBLOCKED: no02:50
malccDONE: Landed publish-distro-optimization, broke distro, fixed it again. Landed 54032, sent 53437 for review, working on review response for process-upload-tidy, nearly finished fixing 54039.02:50
malccTODO: Land above branches, bug 35965, handover with Kinnison02:50
malccBLOCKED: No02:50
flacoste DONE: Tests for search tickets UI, add search to ticket creation workflow02:50
flacosteTODO: Write pagetest for new ticket add workflow, continue implementation of SupportTrackerWorkflowSpec, get the search branches reviewed and land them02:50
flacosteBLOCKED: no02:50
UbugtuMalone bug 35965 in soyuz "exceptions in process-upload not communicated to uploader" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3596502:50
jameshDONE: London sprint, python bug tracker import, code reviews02:50
jameshTODO: London sprint, code reviews, python bug tracker issues as they turn up.02:50
jameshBLOCKED: No02:50
cprovDONE: firefighting failures soyuz-rollout, fix security adapters for BUILDD stuff (properly)02:50
salgadoDONE: KarmaContext, some optimizations on shipit, code review and other random fixes02:50
cprovTODO: soyuz critical bugs (dup uploads & buildd-failure-notification), sort out sysadmin requests02:50
cprovBLOCKED: None02:50
matsubaraDONE: fixed more date bugs on sprints, oops bugs, some triage.02:50
salgadoTODO: Land take 2 of KarmaContext and the other two branches of mine that are being reviewed, more code review and random fixes02:50
salgadoBLOCKED: No02:50
matsubaraTODO: catch up with oops report analysis and activity reports, more bug fixing.02:50
matsubaraBLOCKED: no02:50
danilosDONE: bug 44860 up for review, rosetta 1.0 work02:50
danilosTODO: firefox import, bug-fixing02:50
danilosBLOCKED by food, London food is hard on my stomack ;)02:50
UbugtuMalone bug 44860 in rosetta "Crash when we try to pass a query string to a POFile that doesn't exist yet." [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4486002:50
spivDONE: bzr smart server work, reviews, sodium migration02:50
spivTODO: reviews, bzr webserve for internal branches and for bazaar.launchpad.net, bzr smart server, HOLIDAY02:50
kikoDONE: management sprint, looking into long-standing critical bugs, code reviews02:50
spivBLOCKED: no02:50
mptDONE: Internet Explorer layout fix, sodium faffle, various bug fixes02:50
mptTODO: switch to using a repository locally too, more bug fixes02:50
mptBLOCKED: no02:50
KinnisonDONE: More AR stuff, more prep for week of handoff with Malcolm. Design work for soft integrity checker02:51
KinnisonTODO: More finishing, readdress the branches stuck in PR, handoff with malcc02:51
KinnisonBLOCKED: None02:51
kikoTODO: fix bug 2496 and the malone bug cleanup, monthly report02:51
carlosDONE: translation migration, user support, fixes on xaralx translations, some spec working, sprint in London02:51
UbugtuMalone bug 2496 in launchpad "Launchpad blows up if you try to use non-ascii characters in your password" [Critical,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/249602:51
kikoBLOCKED: no02:51
stub(jordi) DONE: email, imports,02:51
stub(jordi) TODO: finishup product series imports, email, mail production db requests to stub;02:51
stub(jordi) BLOCKED: edgy tranlations not yet started02:51
carlosTODO: finish translation migrations, vacations!02:51
carlosBLOCKED: no02:51
ddaakiko: your TODO includes a bug that's already fix released?02:52
stubjordi, carlos: Anything we can do about jordi's blockage?02:52
carlosstub: It's being my main task atm02:52
kikoddaa, it was some other bug, rosetta-related. oh well. the one that came up in the oops analysis. :)02:52
matsubarabug 249702:52
UbugtuMalone bug 2497 in rosetta "/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/249702:52
mptoff-by-one error02:53
carlosstub: once we get the migration performance improved we will do it. I hope sometime between today and tomorrow02:53
stubOk. I thnk that is meeting OVER.  8 minutes overtime. getting worse.02:53
ddaasprint lunch time!02:53
Seveaskiko, do you have a second to spare?02:53
carlosstub: thanks (i don't mind if it took more time ;-)02:54
mptthanks stub02:54
kikoSeveas, by all means. is it about the IRC bot?02:54
spivstub: it was a long agenda.  Thanks, I think you did a good job at keeping it moving.02:54
spivcarlos: It matters more when it's nearly 11pm :P02:54
kikostub, /great/ meeting!02:54
Seveaskiko, yes, you wanted me to poke you about it, so *POKE*02:54
carlosspiv: I gues...02:54
salgadokiko, dude, how about a review of that shipit branch you already reviewed? there are a few other things depending on me landing that branch02:55
kikoSeveas, hmmm, right. so the problem I have is that private bugs are also reported to launchpad-bugs, so we can't make the bot a trivial bug contact?02:55
kikosalgado, why not remind me about that more actively? I haven't seen email or a URL from you!02:56
salgadokiko, well, I replied to your review. thought it was enough02:56
Seveaskiko, for ubuntu private/invisible bugs are not reported to ubuntu-bugs, a similar thing may be possible for launchpad02:56
=== salgado bounces the reply
kikosalgado, "assumed" you mean 02:56
kikoSeveas, you're right. we can do exactly that. hold on.02:56
matsubarastub, jamesh: so about the OOPS logs. what was decided about them?02:57
cprovkiko: it reminds me about buildd-ui (sec adapters for buildd-stuff) review, it is also critical, can you do this today ? 02:57
stubmatsubara: I need to check out the disk space on sodium. I can move the old ones back into place easily enough if there is space.02:57
kikocprov, sure I can do that02:58
cprovkiko: great, thank you 02:58
stubmatsubara: There is no script yet to intelligently prune the old oops reports. 02:58
kikocprov, just remember to keep reminding me02:58
stub(and no bug report or spec requesting it yet...)02:58
cprovkiko: ok02:59
matsubarastub: will we keep the logs on chinstrap?02:59
matsubarathe old ones I mean?02:59
jameshmatsubara: depends on what the admins decide02:59
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kikoSeveas, what's ubugtu's name?03:00
Seveasyou mean mail adress?03:00
kikohmmm /people/ubugtu?03:00
Seveashe has no launchpad account03:00
Seveasif he needs one I'll create it -- for ubuntu it simply uses the mailman mailinglist03:01
kikohe probably would benefit from one, yes03:01
kikootherwise it makes the setup harder to manage03:01
kikocan you do that and ping me when it's done? I'll set up the other stuff03:02
Seveaswill do03:02
mptSo Ubugtu is going to be trusted to (a) receive notifications about private bugs, and (b) never emit them?03:05
kikompt, no.03:05
=== danilos off to lunch
kikompt, Ubugtu will not be security contact -- just bug contact.03:05
matsubarajamesh, stub: just reported a bug regarding a script to prune oops.03:05
kikospiv, ping?03:06
=== kiko wonders what spiv is doing hiding from him!
Seveaskiko, ubugtu-lpbugs is his incoming-lp-mail-account03:06
spivkiko: nearly sent.03:07
kikospiv, thanks man03:07
spivkiko: Hmm, I replied in privmsg...03:07
kikospiv, you naughty unregistered boy03:07
spivfreenode obviously disconnected me at some point.03:07
Seveaskiko, could you poke me when ready so I can submit a test bug03:07
mptah, I see03:08
kikoSeveas, I'll need 24h to allow people to stop me from doing this -- I want to give some warning.03:08
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Seveaskiko, fair enough, will work at the code first then ;)03:08
kikothanks Seveas 03:08
Seveas(currently it's quite hardcoded to use incoming ubuntubugmail)03:08
kikoSeveas, can you ping me again tomorrow morning so we complete the process?03:11
Seveaswill do03:12
Blue-Omegahello everyone, whenever i tries to login the ubuntu wiki with my launchpad details i get an error about Invalid user name03:12
kikoBlue-Omega, are you using your email address?03:12
kikoBlue-Omega, if so, what is your account name?03:13
kikoSeveas, https://launchpad.net/people/launchpad-bugs03:13
Blue-Omegai'm logging in with my email address03:14
Blue-Omegai get the error "Invalid user name 'Blue-Omega'. Name may contain any Unicode alpha numeric character, with optional one space between words. Group page name is not allowed."03:15
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=== kiko chalks up one more problem solved
spivI'm not sure how to trigger that error.03:21
kikoit's easy03:21
kikojust have a hyphen in the user's wikiname03:21
spivThat's in the "create a new user (in Moin) or save preferences" code path.03:21
kikoI'm filing a bug03:21
spivWhich is not like logging in.03:21
spivSeriously?  Man, Moin sucks.03:21
kikoI fixed it for him by removing the hyphen03:21
UbugtuMalone bug 54243 in launchpad "Wiki names should not include hyphens" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  03:22
kikomatsubara, if you aren't busy that one is a pretty simple one to fix.03:23
matsubarakiko: assigning to me, importance?03:25
kikomatsubara, your choice, but non-critical IYKWIM03:25
stubcprov: I don't think you actually need RT12700 - I suspect all you need is some launchpad.conf updates03:25
matsubarakiko: okie03:26
stubcprov: Production is currently happily running on the one URL without any updates made since the new vhost stuff landed.03:26
kikoah, cool.03:26
cprovstub: uhm really ? I'll investigate it, thanks03:26
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stubcprov: So the admins need to free up disk space on drescher for you? Is there an RT job open on this?03:27
cprovstub:  a LP bug, let me find it 03:28
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kikomatsubara, some new oopses in today's report, did you see?03:30
matsubarakiko: yes, I'll write an accumulated report since the last rollout.03:30
Seveas@config channel plugins.bugtracker.bugreporter /home/dennis/ubugtu/data/bugmail-lp03:31
Seveas(yes, that means ubugtu is ready ;))03:33
flacostekiko-afk: i'm pleased to announce to you that according to PendingReviews, you've been assigned to review my tt-search branch!03:33
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flacostekiko-afk: any thoughts on when this might happen?03:34
cprovstub: bug #5363603:38
UbugtuMalone bug 53636 in launchpad-publisher "drescher running low on disk space, old ubuntu snapshots from sprint" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5363603:38
kikoflacoste, sooner if you keep nagging me. :)03:42
kikoflacoste, you had pinged me yesterday, I apologize for being afk. what's up?03:43
kikomatsubara, but ours reports are still coming from chinstrap, right? are we meaning to move them to sodium? what's the issue with the disk space?03:44
flacostekiko-afk: did you have any other comments on SupportTrackerWorkflowSpec after my reply and the discussion that took place with mpt?03:45
kikoflacoste, I probably do if the design still includes radiobuttons :)03:45
flacostekiko-afk: that's not settled actually: one or many best answers03:45
flacostekiko-afk: I did put out a version with a different placement for the radio buttons03:46
flacostekiko-afk: do you still have the thread around or should I bounce the mail again?03:46
kikoflacoste, I have it around, but haven't gotten to it yet. please keep nagging me. :)03:46
flacostekiko-afk: ok :-)03:47
matsubarakiko: yes. more recent oops logs were moved. the logs take too much space so I don't think all of them will/need to be moved. I reported bug 54241 to deal with that03:47
UbugtuMalone bug 54241 in launchpad "We need a script or tool that prunes OOPS logs from sodium" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5424103:47
kikomatsubara, I don't quite get it. what happens to older OOPS reports? 404?03:50
kikomatsubara, I think not keeping around the older OOPS reports is.. well, bad. but how much space to they take up? just oopses, not the logs (which I know are big files)03:50
salgadospiv, ping03:51
matsubarakiko: currently old one are 404ing03:51
kikomatsubara, that's not so good.03:52
kikoI mean, it's actually bad. :)03:52
spivsalgado: pong03:52
spivsalgado: we had some debugging we wanted to do together, or something?03:53
salgadospiv, I wasn't clear, but I moved my mirror-management-tweaks branch back to pending-review because I thought you wanted to look at the tests and because tehre's one test that I couldn't write03:53
cprovstub: can you copy the last production DB to mawson ?03:53
stublaunchpad@gangotri:/srv/launchpad.net/production-logs.old$ du -ks .03:54
stub9085352 .03:54
matsubarakiko: 61M     2006-07-24/ that's for one directory03:54
stubmatsubara: so double that03:54
spivsalgado: Ah.  Hmm.03:54
salgadospiv, test_connection_is_closed_on_redirect, to be precise03:54
sabdflstub: very well-run meeting, pleasure to read the scrollback on it. thanks.03:55
kikosabdfl, I commended him on it too, I thought it was the most interesting meeting in a long time!03:55
kikostub, matsubara: hmmm 61M per day. so 22 gigs per year?03:56
kikostub, matsubara: what if we gzipped the oops reports and fixed apache to serve it correctly?03:56
kikostub, matsubara: i.e. based on content-type and auto-decompressing?03:57
stubApparently they compress really well03:57
kikooh I'm sure they do03:57
stubThe oops.cgi could pull them from a zip file easily enough03:57
spivsalgado: so you have a comment there that you don't have a reference to the protocol from the factory.03:57
spivsalgado: so keep/make one ;)03:57
salgadospiv, I tried that but failed. :(03:58
stubcprov: on its way03:58
salgadoI tried saving one on buildProtocol() or something03:58
spivsalgado: either in the factory's buildProtocol keep the protocol you build, or in the protocol's connectionMade set self.factory.protoInstance = self03:58
cprovstub: thanks03:58
kikostub, matsubara:03:59
kikokiko@chinstrap ~ $ du -sk 2006-05-10/03:59
kikokiko@chinstrap ~ $ gzip 2006-05-10/*03:59
kikokiko@chinstrap ~ $ du -sk 2006-05-10/03:59
kikostub, matsubara: so only 2G per year, which is definitely manageable I think.03:59
kikoor hmm, 4G if the average dir is 10MB. still not too bad.03:59
salgadospiv, ah, right. I like more the connectionMade solution... and what about the other tests on that same class, do they look okay?04:00
kikoand if launchpad crashes less it will be even smaller!04:00
spivsalgado: keep in mind that either way you cannot assume that "factory.connect(); assert factory.protoInstance is not None" would work.04:00
mptCan someone help me with a database problem so I can land this branch before I fall asleep?04:00
spivsalgado: because there can (and in fact will) be a delay between calling connectTCP and the connection actually being established.04:00
sabdflmpt: sure04:01
mptkiko, I get "ProgrammingError: ERROR: database "launchpad_ftest" is being accessed by other users" for every test in a pagetest04:01
spivsalgado: (it's that whole asynchronous thing)04:01
mpton DROP DATABASE04:01
kikompt, do you have a psql instance running?04:01
sabdflmpt: dapper, or edgy?04:01
spivsalgado: the test would probably need to look something like:04:01
kikops auxww | grep sql04:01
stubmpt: pg_ctlcluster 8.1 main stop; pg_ctlcluster 8.1 main start. That will clear anything outstanding.04:02
mptstub, a restart should have fixed that too, right?04:02
mptand standalone tests work04:02
stubmpt: I think so04:02
mptso, that's not it04:03
kikompt, ps auxww| grep sql04:03
mptkiko, three processes04:03
kikompt, yes?04:03
mptthat's after doing the restart stub pasted04:03
mpttwo postmaster -D, and one pg_autovacuum04:04
kikompt, and make schema succeeds?04:04
stubmpt: any exceptions before the ProgrammingError?04:04
mptone moment, I'll pastebin it04:05
mptkiko, yes04:05
stub(my testsuite work tidies up this stuff somewhat, but it is bogged down in review queue)04:05
mptFirst I tried make schema, then make clean + make build, then restarting04:05
mptthen I realized that standalone tests work04:05
mptstub, https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/file1PpA71.html04:07
stubmpt: Most likely one of the 16 FunctionalLayer tests run before the page tests left an open connection. We need to run ./test.py -vv to tell which one it might be.04:10
mpt-vv pastebin coming up04:11
spivsalgado: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/fileZOVRN8.html04:13
LarstiQdemo.launchpad.net isn't clearly labeled as set up for python.org. Am I welcome using it?04:14
spivsalgado: really, the factory doesn't have any of the logic we want to test here, so actually constructing one isn't the right starting point.04:14
mptstub, this doesn't look much more useful, but: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/fileLlwlj7.html04:14
spivsalgado: I need to sleep now, I hope that gets you started.04:14
spivsalgado: your other tests look ok to me.04:15
salgadospiv, cool, if I have any problems with this one I'll pester you by email. thanks a lot for the help04:15
spivsalgado: there's perhaps some common scaffolding they do that we'll want to refactor later, if more tests start doing similar things, but until you have more tests like that refactoring would be a YAGNI.04:15
spivsalgado: I like how thoroughly tested this code is becoming.04:16
spivsalgado: it's very satisfying.04:16
salgadospiv, so do I!04:16
stubmpt: Rename launchpad/doc/bug-tags.txt to something else and rerun04:16
stub(something not ending in .txt, so test_system_documentation doesn't pick it up)04:16
spivsalgado: good luck with that test.  Good night!04:16
salgadospiv, night! thanks04:17
salgadokiko, you're not forgetting that code review, are you? ;-)04:19
mptstub, that gives me meaningful test failures, with "Expected:" and "Got:" sections04:20
sabdflLarstiQ: it may get entirely new data at random intervals, so don't use it for anything serious04:21
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stubmpt: Ok. So we have dentified that bug-tags.txt is not tearing down correctly and is leaving connections open. It will probably all work fine if you submit the thing to pqm, but at the very least a bug should be filed stating that the test is broken (I think my branch might stop this in any case).04:22
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kikompt, yes, please file the bug.04:22
mptok, reported bug 5425004:25
UbugtuMalone bug 54250 in malone "doc/bug-tags.txt is broken" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5425004:25
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LarstiQsabdfl: oh no, just testing it, I'm aware of the staging nature.04:27
mptthanks stub04:27
LarstiQsabdfl: but I'd like to see it being well-received by the python folks04:27
kikoLarstiQ, thanks for your support, btw04:27
kikosalgado-afk, not at all!04:27
kikostub, so gzipping of the oops post-cron-copying and modifying oops.cgi to uncompress sounds good? 04:28
LarstiQkiko: I use launchpad daily, thanks for making it possible at all!04:28
stubkiko: Sure04:28
kikostub, if you say yes I'll contact Znarl and then file a bug on the cgi itself.04:28
kikostub, lifeless: btw, did we stop running bzr tests in launchpad, i.e. using that hackish patch I produced?04:29
stubkiko: I need to move the OOPSes back into place04:29
stubkiko: yes04:29
kikostub, can you compress as you go?04:29
kikohey SteveA good to have you back04:29
stubIs one file per oops good enough, or should be compress a days worth into one file?04:30
kikomatsubara, wanna go about modifying oops.cgi, btw?04:30
kikostub, one file per oops is probably ideal.04:30
kikostub, and we'll keep the .gz extension, yes?04:30
stub.bz2 I would have thought?04:30
kikoso we'll have oops.cgi look for the gzipped file, fall back to the uncompressed file, and then 404 if not found.04:30
kikostub, bz2 is fine -- assuming oops.cgi uses a popen to bzcat, right?04:31
kikostub, or is there a bz2 module for python?04:31
matsubarakiko: yeah, sure.04:31
kikostub, oh, johan says bzip is in standard python04:32
kiko    bz204:32
kiko    /usr/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/bz2.so04:32
kikoMODULE DOCS04:32
kiko    http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-bz2.html04:32
kikoso bz2.decompress(data)04:32
kikovery easy.04:32
kiko    The bz2 python module was written by:04:33
kiko        Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer@conectiva.com>04:33
=== kiko hides
kikoand gzip.open()04:33
kikoonly because it's fun04:34
kikomatsubara, I think it's kept on a separate branch, fwiw04:35
kikoI'm not entirely sure04:35
LarstiQisn't it possible to directly pass the .gz to the client in some cases?04:35
kikoLarstiQ, we parse and process the OOPS file -- it's not just the plaintext going out.04:35
matsubarakiko: i'm exploring jamesh archives looking for it. 04:36
LarstiQkiko: ah04:36
kikomatsubara, at any rate the latest oops is in ~jamesh04:36
kikoLarstiQ, but yeah, I had thought the same thing initially04:36
matsubarakiko ok04:37
kikomatsubara, s/oops/oops.cgi in case that wasn't clear04:37
kikospiv, still around?04:37
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kikomatsubara, see #canonical for discussion of zlib/bz2/gzip if you like.04:42
SteveAthanks for running the launchpad meeting, stub 04:48
SteveAI just read the logs04:49
stubcprov: ~stub/launchpad_prod.20060727.dump04:49
stubSteveA: np04:49
cprovstub: thanks04:49
sivangeverybody: if you're on edgy and scripts start to fail mysteriously, first make your default shell bash instead of dash, and then drill further.04:50
SteveAwhat is "dash" ?04:50
sivangSteveA: I regert that I learned about it :-)04:50
flacosteSteveA: dash - The Debian Almquist Shell04:50
sivangsupposed to be more minimalistic, and faster or something.04:51
LarstiQand more posixly correct04:51
flacosteapt-cache show dash will tell the whole story04:51
kikosivang, is it incompatible?04:53
sivangkiko: seems so04:53
kikohmmm. controversial.04:53
LarstiQkiko: not with sh, but it is with bash04:53
ajmitchdash just doesn't recognise some bash-specific options 04:54
sivangkiko: contoversial is the word :)04:54
LarstiQI, for one, welcome our new POSIX overlords.04:54
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sivangkiko: the specific issue with make search_path was string comparison.04:58
SteveAposix-me-harder ?05:02
sivangSteveA: heh05:05
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jelmeranybody seen ddaa?05:08
kikohe is around, jelmer, but he's sprinting with SteveA 05:09
SteveAhe's here, across the table from me05:09
SteveAhe's logging onto irc now05:09
jelmerah, ok05:09
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sivangmatsubara: I'm running make check now, with the patch from yesterday05:19
matsubarasivang: cool05:19
matsubarasivang: I don't think I'll have time this week to review that patch though.05:20
sivangmatsubara: okay, then maybe I'd better ask an official reviewer to review it?05:23
kikois it big?05:23
matsubarasivang: please, feel free to do it.05:23
matsubarakiko: nope05:24
kikoif you like I can probably do it this afternoon05:24
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sivangkiko: I will be greatful if you could :)05:24
kikosivang, where's the pastebin05:25
matsubarakiko: I'll bounce sivang's mail05:25
matsubarakiko: sent05:25
sivangkiko: I don't do pastebins ;-)05:38
kikook ok05:38
sivangIs it okay for make check to fail on a hung test?05:59
sivangit's 20-make-team-moderated.txt that seems to have gone hung,06:03
sivangand I got - no output for 600 seconds. Killing.06:03
sivangNot dead yet! - slaughtering mercilessly06:03
carlossivang: someting is stalled....06:07
sivangcarlos: yeah, I'll retry and see if ti gets me something better06:23
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sivangcarlos: is there a list somewhere of expections that are okay for now so I can know how to distinguish between errors occured by my patch , or other stuff?06:38
sivangcarlos: I'm getting some .__del Transaction expections, that are said to be 'ignored' etc.06:41
carloswell, if you get an error is your fault06:42
carloseither of your installation or your patch06:42
carlosif you see warnings...06:42
carlosyou can always execute a fresh checkout06:42
carlosand compare it with what you get to know if those are caused by your branch06:42
carlosas far as I know, I think there aren't many warning (if any)06:43
dokocarlos: OOo 2.0.3 language data is uploaded; please let me know, when it's imported and when I can include a rosetta export in the -l10n package.06:44
SteveAsivang: don't worry about things talking about errors in __del__06:44
carlosdoko: it's being imported atm06:45
SteveAsivang: it's just complaints from python about __del__ code in sqlobject that fails to run properly at the end of the world06:45
carlosdoko: btw, danilos is on charge of the GSI support implementation 06:45
dokocarlos: no, I just meant an export of the po files, as you did last time06:46
carlosdoko: oh, I see06:46
carlosIf the import is done before tomorrow night, I will try to provide you with them tomorrow 06:47
sivangSteveA: end of the world being clean up and all that jazz ?06:47
carlosotherwise... I'm not sure when I would have time to prepare them, next week I'm on vacations to move to another city...06:47
sivangSteveA: and thanks, these are the exact errors I get06:47
carlosdoko: but I will try to do my best to prepare them anyway06:47
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dokocarlos: not that urgent, start of next week would be ok06:54
SteveAstub: hi07:04
SteveAstub: ping07:04
salgadokiko, ping!! diff ready!!07:09
kikosalgado, j07:14
sivangkiko: I'm going out for some hours, I'll be back later.07:14
jameshkiko: I guess mpt didn't manage to land his monospace bug comments patch today07:22
kikojamesh, apparently not.07:22
kikojamesh, do you have time to roll out matsubara's updated oops.cgi? and where is the bzr branch for that?07:25
kikojamesh, he added the capability to read .bz2 and .gz files to it07:26
kikoso we can compress OOPSes on sodium07:26
matsubarakiko: that branch is on jamesh/archives/ but it's not quite ready for rollout07:26
kiko 's left?07:27
matsubarakiko: pyflakes found some undefinede variable I need to sort out.07:27
matsubaraundefined variables07:27
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jameshmatsubara: if you have some changes, I can roll them out when you're ready.07:29
kikomatsubara, in your code?07:29
matsubarakiko: in oops.cgi which I branched from warthogs/archives/jamesh/oops-search-cgi07:30
kikomatsubara, I mean, pyflakes found bugs in code which is unrelated to what you changed?07:31
matsubarakiko: yes07:32
kikomatsubara, then give jamesh your patch and then do the rest of the fix separately.07:32
matsubarajamesh: okie07:32
matsubarakiko: okie07:32
jameshdanilos: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-uk-list/2006-July/msg00048.html07:35
salgadokiko,  latest changes of that branch: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filem8YXAt.html07:41
kiko-                AND recipient = %(from_id)d07:42
kiko+                AND recipient = %(from_id)s07:42
kikowhat's that, salgado?07:42
kikothe other changes look fine07:42
salgadothat's a fix for a bug I introduced when using sqlvalues(), as it returns a tuple of strings07:42
kikoindeed. fine.07:42
salgado(the bug was caught by the person-merge.txt test)07:43
matsubarajamesh: do you prefer a diff, pastebin or my branch location?07:45
jameshmatsubara: branch location will do07:46
salgadokiko, cool! then I have another easy one for you: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileadBapq.html07:47
matsubarajamesh: sftp://sodium.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/matsubara/oops-search-cgi07:47
salgado(this is to avoid those hundreds of queries that the /requests page was generating)07:47
jameshmatsubara: btw, that branch doesn't look like it is in the right place given the new guidelines07:49
matsubarajamesh: that's because it's not a launchpad branch07:51
jameshmatsubara: and?07:51
matsubarajamesh: and I'm following the same tree structure than you. I branched it from your jamesh/oops-cgi/ 07:54
jameshmatsubara: jamesh/oops-cgi is not a branch07:54
jameshjamesh/oops-cgi/devel is07:54
matsubaraindeed, my bad07:54
jameshthis is covered in "Non-launchpad branches" on the SodiumSetup wiki page07:54
matsubaraI'll read and fix it. sorry07:55
matsubara(if the wiki let me read it in the first place...)07:57
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kikosalgado, isn't getTotalsForRequests a better name?08:08
kikoremember the plural followed by plural rule.08:08
kikosalgado, can you please shortlist() requests_ids?08:09
salgadono, I can't08:10
kikowhy not?08:10
salgadothere will be around 75 of them08:10
kikospecify the count.08:10
salgadothen I prefer to use list(), because it's not short, I think08:10
kikosalgado, no, that's not what shortlist is for.08:11
kikoshortlist gives us a way to be warned if a list potentially grows beyond where we expect it to.08:11
kikothe name is perhaps somewhat misleading08:11
kikoit could be called limitedlist or something08:12
kikoI have a question now that you have displayed this reluctance08:12
kikois the number of IDs there end-user-dependent?08:12
kikowill it always be under 100?08:13
salgadobut it could be, if we wanted08:13
salgadoit will always be under config.batch_size08:13
salgado(or whatever the variable is called)08:13
kikowhat if you add a &batch=10000?08:13
salgadothen you get a timeout. :)08:14
kikoso it is end-user-dependent.08:14
kikosalgado, let me come up.08:18
LarstiQa comparison that might be interesting: http://python-trac.swapoff.org/ticket/223599 and https://demo.launchpad.net/products/python/+bug/sf22359908:19
LarstiQhaving the same data is nice for showing off differences08:19
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salgadokiko, sure08:25
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raphinkcan anobody tell me how to register an ubuntu-derivated distro on LP?10:57
kikoraphink, very good question. you currently can't as an end-user.10:58
kikowe have made exceptions, though.10:58
raphinkwhat are the exceptions ?10:59
raphinkcan we benefit from one?10:59
raphinkwe are at least two ubuntu devs in that project10:59
raphinkincluding a MOTU and myself (core-dev)10:59
kikowell, I always need to ask permission, but if you email me with a clear explanation I promise to get it through the process.10:59
mptThat's becoming a FAQ11:03
mptTherefore it should be put on the /distros page11:03
jamesh"email kiko if you want a distro added"11:09
mptHow about "It is not yet possible to register a distribution in Launchpad. If you are a developer of a distribution and want it to be included in Launchpad, mail __the launchpad-users list__ (requires subscription)."11:09
=== mpt deletes the redundant "in Launchpad"
kikosounds good.11:09
=== flacoste [n=francis@modemcable207.210-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #launchpad ["Bye"]
kikojamesh, matsubara has another patch for you I suspect :)11:10
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mptSteveA, which is worse, the Gatwick->Heathrow shuffle, or spending 24 hours in Bangkok?11:16
SteveAdepends if you can hang out with stu11:16
SteveAthe gatwick->heathrow is doable.  just make sure you leave enough time11:16
mpt1 hour 20 minutes11:19
=== mpt doesn't know whether that counts as enough
SteveAis that the time between flights?11:20
mptbetween arrival and departure, yes11:20
jameshmpt: it could take you an hour to clear customs11:21
SteveAthere is no way you can get your bags and pass through immigration, get the gatwick express into london, get the heathrow express out of london, check in at heathrow, get through security at heathrow, in that short a time11:21
kikompt, you are smoking crack.11:22
SteveAI'm surprised it is gatwick->heathrow11:22
SteveAin general, flights to lithuania go from gatwick11:22
mptIt's Vilnius -> Gatwick, Heathrow -> Auckland11:23
mpton the way back11:23
mptThe way in it's fine, because the flights are on separate days :-)11:23
SteveAyou'll want to be at heathrow several hours before your flight11:24
SteveAthen allow another 1.5 hours to get from gatwick to heathrow, I guess11:25
mptI'm going in to town now, I'll see if the local travel agent can do better11:25
SteveAthen allow 1 hour to get out of gatwick with your bags11:25
SteveAit'll probably take less time to go from gatwick to heathrow11:26
SteveAbut you don't want to rely on luck11:26
SteveAif you've not been to bangkok, take a day or two off and see the sights11:27
kikoI'd do that too!11:28
LarstiQare there any launchpadders in Riga?11:30
LarstiQjust Vilnius being a real hub then11:32
kikostevea being a real hub11:32
LarstiQfeh, google maps doesn't have maps for either Latvia or Lithuania11:35
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SteveAit has decent satellite photos of vilnius11:37
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@195-23-238-170.nr.ip.pt] has joined #launchpad
LarstiQSteveA: I have some family in Riga, and was wondering if the distance to Vilnius was small enough to visit that too11:38
SteveAyou can drive to riga from vilnius in under half a day11:38
SteveAor get a short flight 11:39
=== plastictabs [n=plastict@adsl-68-75-184-105.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #launchpad
LarstiQok, that's an option for a longer stay11:39
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SteveALarstiQ: you're going to vilnius?11:41
LarstiQSteveA: if possible, I'd like to11:41
SteveAthe linux beer hike is in lithuania this year11:42
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=== SteveA out
LarstiQSteveA: I'm afraid it falls squarely in a period I need to study for an examn :/11:48
LarstiQSteveA: ciao!11:48
kikompt, you know11:49
kikompt, I have been giving some thought as to how to better clarify the message that a package in ubuntu is != from the upstream product.11:50
kikoend-users are probably just too confused by that difference11:50

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