
=== Ries [n=Ries@] has joined #ubuntu-server
Rieshey Guys12:32
RiesGot a question...12:32
Riescan anyone of you tell me if this works under Linux? http://www.aflax.org/examples/sockets/sockets.html12:32
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NineTeen67CometHi all .. I've got an issue that is stumping me .. I run about 7 sites and one is simple not starting .. It times out with a server error .. but the vhost is fine, path and such are okay .. I just dunno .. 03:18
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amee2khi all09:18
amee2ki'm on a fresh ubuntu server 6.06 install. when i do "ls -l" some directory names are printed highlighted. what's so special about them?09:20
amee2kscreenshot: http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/169/sshotib7.png09:22
amee2k(that's logged in over ssh)09:22
amee2kany ideas?09:43
infinityamee2k: It's due to the permissions.  World-writeable directories get a different colour, to warn/show you that they're a bit.. Different.09:47
maswanas long as you don't do the red hat/scientific linux way of defaulting to blinking white-on-red to tell me that a symlink destination is missing.10:03
maswanit's horrible. I'm probably scarred for life for having to maintain such hellish machines10:04
amee2kQ: why doesn't the "install LAMP server" option also install php5-mysql??10:11
amee2ki mean LAMP == Linux Apache Mysql Php - so they are supposed to work together, right? then why not install mysql client module with PHP (which mysql is intended to be used with)?10:13

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