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h3sp4wnmount -o remount,ro / first and you should be ok12:09
dlisnercn smeone help me install a driver for my wirleess lan card?12:09
Agiosh3sp4wn: he's gone :)12:09
Agiossave you a few keystrokes :)12:09
dlisnersomeone last night told me i could use the windows driver for it using a utility i downloaded called dissomething12:10
Kr4t05!tell dlisner about ndiswrapper12:10
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:10
dlisneryeah ndiswrapper is what it was12:10
Kr4t05Read the WifiDocs12:10
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ubuntun00bhello, how can i browse my other hard disk drive?12:11
Kr4t05That's the only way you're going to learn/12:11
thygrrrcrap, please help me. of course I broke the symbolic link in /usr/bin/java and now I can't get it to work anymore.12:11
thygrrrlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2006-07-28 00:10 java -> /etc/alternatives/java12:11
thygrrrbut that's dead. it's also red and not cyan12:11
h3sp4wndlisner: You probably want ndiswrapper 1.21 (especially if you are on 64 bit)12:11
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Kr4t05ubuntun00b: fstab12:11
Agiosthygrrr: delete your symbolic link you created12:11
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thygrrrAgios: Ok, and then?12:11
dlisneri'm not on 64bit but i downloaded the ndiswrapper utility last night12:12
Agiosupdate-alternatives --auto java12:12
Agiosthat should set it back to the default12:12
cotrolerwhat was the command to uninstall a program in wine pls???12:12
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thygrrrAgios, thanks, that did it. I really don't get it though, what's the difference in links there? :)12:12
ubuntun00bI have two hard drives, but i can't see my other hardrive12:12
z00manyone know perl in here ?12:12
cotrolerwhat was the command to uninstall a program in wine pls???12:12
dlisnerunfortunately my crd is an intel and acquiring the driver required a lot of manual building of files and downlaoding more stuff12:13
Agiosthygrrr: I don't really know. I've only looked at it briefly.12:13
dlisnerthe problem is my net is soooo slow on kubuntu becuase of the poor default driver12:13
jesspherdoes anybody here have an extra internal hard drive that they would like to give away12:13
z00mwhat pack do i need to download for Can't locate Pex/Text.pm in @INC (@INC contains:12:13
dlisnersomeone in here said i could use the windows driver which i just found this morning12:13
Agiosthygrrr: but I think the install option will do what you want.12:13
thygrrrAgios, okay, but now if I try "java -version", it says "Too many levels of symbolic links"12:13
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Agiosthygrrr: it still says that after the --auto?12:14
dlisneri mounted my windows drive and then put my mp3's on kaffeine but it won't play12:14
dlisnerit has the  correct track info and length12:14
ubuntun00bi have an internal hard drive that i can't access12:14
dlisnerbut it just skips right through them all12:14
tonyyarussoMy dad tried to install a printer on a brand new install yesterday, but the Add Printer dialogue ended with a message of "Unable to load ___ driver".  His printer was in the list and detected and he had entered administrator mode, so what might have been the problem?  (It's an HP Deskjet 3650 I think)12:15
thygrrrAgios, no, but it'll be broken once I use update-alternatives --install to add my own.12:15
cotrolerAny one knows a good but simple to install torrent client??????12:15
Agiosthygrrr: try it and see. perhaps not12:15
dlisnercontorler i think one  is already present12:16
thygrrrAgios, sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/local/jdk1.6.0/bin/java 112:16
z00mcotroler: ktorrent12:16
Agiosbittorrent-gui I suppose12:16
z00mis under internet on menu12:16
thygrrrAgios, this breaks it. It's also not idempotent. I can then use config, but I can't use config again.12:16
cotrolerz00m: i didnt find ktorrent good cause if i completed my downloads it doesnt let me seed them12:16
z00mah right12:17
z00mi know a good one for windows and it runs on java so it may work on linux12:17
Agiosthygrrr: is any part of /usr/local/jdk1.6.0/bin/java a symbolic link?12:17
cotrolerz00m: is there anything that can be modified in ktorrent to let completed files seeding?12:17
ubuntun00bi just installed kubuntu and i can't access my second hard drive, i can see it when i type fdisk -l but how do i mount it and browse the files12:17
Agiosubuntu: see if it's already mounted under /media12:18
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cotrolerazureus you mean?12:18
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cotrolerz00m: is it good and easy to install?12:19
thygrrrAgios: LOL Okay. whatever I did there, I probably got tricked by my link antics. /usr/local/jdk160/bin/java points to /etc/alternatives/java12:19
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z00mcotroler: its called azureus12:20
cotrolerz00m: yeah k got it tnx..is it easy to install?12:20
z00myeah it sets up NAT and everthing if you have a router12:20
z00mplus makes sure the port is working fine12:20
Agiosthygrrr: that would be a problem :)12:21
z00mthere is a setup wizard12:21
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z00mcan anyone help me with a perl problem ?12:21
cotrolerubuntun00b: you have to mount your hard drive to access that12:21
z00mwhat package do i need for pex/Text.pm12:21
z00mi looked for pex but nothing in apt-get12:22
thygrrrAgios, I wonder how that happened :) I just unpacked sun's jdk again and now it's fine. Thanks so much for you help!12:22
Agiosthygrrr: glad you got it working :)12:22
Agiosmy car is dead 10 miles form here, guess I'll go see if I can get it running12:22
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thygrrrGood luck!12:27
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thygrrrHm, exlipse is still disappointingly slow.12:30
thygrrrEclipse, even.12:30
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thygrrrAny good IDEs for java you can recommend for running under KDE?12:30
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thygrrrMost important feature is responsiveness and a reliable class browser & tool tips/autocomplete12:31
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Rodrigo23algum brasileiro ?12:31
Rodrigo23hablas spanol ?12:31
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ubotuI know nothing about joystick - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:32
ubotuI know nothing about Eclipse - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:33
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BluesKajthygrrr, what's eclipse ?12:33
BluesKajfactoids tells me nothing12:33
thygrrrBluesKaj, see Eclipse.org - it's an awesome IDE for Java and other languages. It's very fast in windows, but apparently the GTK+ bindings for their swt libraries are really crappy.12:34
cotrolerWhats the delete command in kubuntu pls?12:35
thygrrrIt feels like Eclipse 2 on a 1 GHz machine.12:35
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Ignite_cotroler, to delete what?12:35
Ignite_cotroler, a file?12:36
cotrolera direcotory12:36
Ignite_gui or konsole?12:36
Ignite_rmdir <dir>12:36
Ignite_or, if its got files in, rm -r <dir>12:36
cotrolertnx :)12:37
Ignite_np :)12:37
imandirhi ;-) I'm trying to install libqt3-mt-dev on kubuntu...12:37
BluesKajthe best thing to do is find the prog in the menu list, edit item, edit in konq, delete , then save12:37
Ignite_imandir, having problems?12:37
Ignite_imandir, or just need a pointer in the right direction?12:38
angasuleI have an analog joystick (2 axes, 2 buttons) connected to the soundcard (a soundblaster live), is there an automated way of getting it to work, or should I do it manually? (with modprobe, etc, and add an init script)12:38
imandiryep, it's asking for many packages to be installed12:38
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imandirand there's problem with libxfixes-dev12:38
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Ignite_imandir, what errors are you getting?12:38
angasuleI also have a USB HID-compliant joystick, but that can wait :)12:38
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imandirwhich asking for libxfixes312:39
Ignite_imandir, how are you installing the package? via the command line?12:39
imandirthis package is already installed12:39
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imandirI've tried with synaptic12:39
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ubuntumacanyone here know how to install ubuntu on an intel Mac?12:40
Ignite_imandir, have you tried running "sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt-dev" in konsole?12:40
kameronkubuntumac, there is a wiki for it12:40
kameronkgoogle it.12:40
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ubuntumacyea, I'm looking at it, but it assumes you're an advanced linux user12:41
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kameronki believe that the easiest way to do it is to install bootcamp12:41
kameronkand install it that way12:41
imandirthat's what I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1905412:42
=== Ignite_ clicks
ubuntumacYea, I'm doing that. But its asking me to mount the root drive to /mnt I've no idea how to do that12:42
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imandirlibxcursor-dev asking for libxfixes-dev12:43
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Ignite_imandir, sounds to me like you don't have the required repos, use http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic to create a new /etc/apt/sources.list file, you can then copy that new file over /etc/apt/sources.list then run sudo apt-get update, then you should be able to install it :)12:43
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imandirand libxfixes-dev for libxfixes3 with is already installed (1:4.0) but it wants older version = 1:
Ignite_oh i see12:45
Ignite_oh thats not good.. maybe this is a bug12:45
Ignite_which version are you using?12:45
Ignite_of kubuntu i mean12:45
BluesKajubuntumac, have you partitioned the drive  to accept linux ext & swap ?12:45
imandirwell, I've already clean my sources.list12:45
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imandirand maybe I've comentet one line more, than I should12:46
Ignite_imandir, would you mind showing me the file?12:46
imandirwell kubuntu 6.0612:46
BluesKajis OSX listed in one partition and ext and swap as other partitions ?12:46
Ignite_ok :)12:46
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BluesKajubuntumac, then it should be safe to install kubuntu on the partitions other than OSX. Make sure when the formatting question is asked that OSX is NOT checked12:48
kameronkcould someone help me with this error i get from launching GUI programs from the command line?12:48
imandirmy sources.list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1905512:49
ubuntumacBluesKaj, I have to install it a certain way. Its telling me to mount the root drive to /mnt and then drag all the files, except a certain three or four, to the drive.12:49
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kameronkit says: "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166"12:50
imandirmaybe there's simpler solution... what I'm trying to do is to comple qpxtool12:50
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BluesKajoooh... ubuntumac, never seen that situation before , sorry i have no experience with that  :(12:51
imandirI saw ready package, but it's for Edgy...12:51
ubuntumac:( thanks anyway, I'll keep trying to figure this out12:51
Ignite_imandir, try uncommenting the backports repo (one at the very bottom)12:51
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Ignite_imandir, one just above the bottom one infact :P12:52
BluesKajnever heard of dragging files to a pertition in an install procedure12:52
Ignite_imandir, oh wait12:52
Ignite_imandir, your running dapper right?12:52
Ignite_it looks like you have breezy repos in there12:52
BluesKajuncommenting is taking away the # infront of the repos url ?12:53
imandirreally ? I've never spoted that12:53
Ignite_imandir, ah, i see, the backports repo is a dapper one, one second, i will get you the correct line to add12:53
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Ignite_ugh, i'm tired, that should have been "imandir, ah, i see, the backports repo is a breezy one, one second, i will get you the correct line to add"12:53
Ignite_sorrt :P12:53
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imandirwell, it's rather late here as well ;-)12:54
Ignite_your country code is pl right?12:54
imandirI don't know why I'm trying to play with linux over night12:55
Ignite_just need to make sure i get you the fastest mirror :)12:55
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imandirwell, geographicly uk to be exac12:55
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imandirright... I've started with polish ubuntu forum and first lines are from there... then I completly forgot to change that ;-)12:57
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BluesKajoops polski ogorki and anglo bango don't mix :)12:58
Ignite_hrm, well, tbh i have a very nice sources.list which i always use, i'm also from the UK, so i can give it you if you like? i've never had _any_ problems with it, almost every package you can think of is included :)12:58
imandirwith pleasure12:59
Ignite_ok cool, one second :)12:59
imandirwell, polski ogorki are good with everything ;-)))01:00
BluesKajhehe imandir, agreed :)01:00
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BluesKajhi suliman01:01
sulimani  have broblem with login in root user ? i forget password what i do ?01:02
Ignite_imandir, http://pastecode.com/209301:03
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Ignite_imandir, i added a comment to the bottom of there, just a few commands to run, if you don't apt will complain about not having gpg signatures to verify the packages01:03
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imandircool, thank you, give ma a sec to overwrite my list01:04
Ignite_imandir, also, use the "download" link to get the file, if you try to copy/paste it will include a load of hashes which i find annoying.. :P01:04
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Ignite_http://pastecode.com/?dl=2093 <-= download link.. (i have a lot of spare time)01:05
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imandirfirst one was ok01:06
Ignite_after you have copied over the file and run those few commands in the comments, just do "exit" to become your normal user again, then "sudo apt-get update" and try installing that package again :)01:07
raytray25If I autostart Kontact, shouldn't it autostart the RSS?01:07
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Ignite_hrm, kontact has rss support? :O01:07
imandirI was thinking why "sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list" with " Run Command is not working...  it's really late ;)01:08
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Ignite_imandir, lol01:08
Ignite_imandir, try "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list"01:08
angasuleok, I've made the analog joystick work, but it's ugly to have to create init.d scripts, is there an automated way?01:09
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imandirYep, I know that01:09
Ignite_angasule, K menu -> system settings -> Joystick01:09
angasuleIgnite_: it said there was no /dev/js0 or /dev/input/js001:10
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Ignite_angasule, ah, sorry i can't be anymore help than that, i don't have a joystick01:10
angasuleIgnite_: well, I had to use mknod to create the device, then modprobe a couple of modules, it's friggin' ugly, I can't tell people to do that01:11
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Ignite_angasule, maybe you could tell some of the people in #kubuntu-devel? maybe that could be sorted out for edgy :D01:11
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angasuleI haven't tried plugging the USB HID joystick yet, hopefully that'd be less trouble01:11
angasuleok, I'm there and I'll whine in their general direction :)01:12
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Ignite_imandir, everything going to plan?01:13
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imandirwell, one pgp key missing, which is not a problem, but Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/universe/binary-i386/Packages.bz201:14
imandirSub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)01:14
cotrolerI realized i got NO SOUND in flash player ...what can i do?01:15
imandirone sec... maybe it's uncommented line form my old list...01:15
cotrolerI realized i got NO SOUND in flash player ...what can i do?] 01:15
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Ignite_imandir, just move your old list to some other place, then copy the new one in its place, save it and run those few commands listed at the bottom of the file, after that you should be good to go :)01:16
imandiranyway, thank you very much for your time... I have to wake up quite early tommorow01:17
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imandirwell, but I'm messy person...01:17
angasuleIgnite_: #kubuntu-devel is usually dead, right? they'll eventually read the messages?01:17
Ignite_imandir, ok, i'm on most of the time so if you ever need any help just give me a shout :)01:17
Ignite_angasule, i only started going on there today, someone will no doubtably read it :)01:18
imandirgood night everyone01:18
Ignite_night imandir01:18
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ubuntun00bi'm getting this error when i try to mount my other hard drive mount: can't find /dev/hde1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab01:27
kmimixdoes anyone know a way to add an "ignore list" to adept updater?01:28
ubuntun00banyone know how to mount a hard drive?01:28
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kmimixubuntun00b: if you type media:/ in konqueror, it should list it there01:30
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Ignite_what command are you running?01:31
Ignite_are you telling it where to mount it?01:31
flaccid_don't you hate it when you thought you had a cup of coffee...01:31
ubuntun00bi'm using kubuntu i just installed it, so i'm using the default terminal program and i'm logged in as root01:32
Ignite_your logged in as root?01:32
ubuntun00bin the terminal i typed sudo -i01:32
ubuntun00bso i'm in the terminal as root01:33
ubuntun00band i type mount /dev/hde101:33
kmimixhow come you know how to "sudo -i" and can't mount a drive?01:33
ubuntun00bbut i get mount: can't find /dev/hde1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab01:33
kmimixsorry, can't help it01:33
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Ignite_ah, i thought you had set a root password for a second, was about to give you a lecture :P01:33
agamottoAnyone willing to help someone try to figure out the 'no sound' dilemma?01:33
Ignite_ubuntulog, mount -t <filesystem> <device> <location>01:34
ubuntun00bi read some FAQ sites to learn about sudo -i01:34
=== Ignite_ is tired :(
=== Ignite_ goes to sleep
Ignite_night all01:34
=== agamotto offers ignite_ some chai
=== agamotto chuckles
ubuntun00bwhats a good location? what do u normally use?01:35
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ubuntun00bok how do i know if its mounted?01:38
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merk_hey guys, can anyone point me in the right direction to a support page01:39
shivhow do i know what kernal am i using from command line?01:39
coachJcan someone please tell me how to share files with samba?01:39
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BluesKajmerk_, this a support chat , of sorts :)01:42
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agamottoOne would hope!01:42
BluesKajthere's usually a few " experts" hanging around01:42
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merk_I'm new to this so excuse my green'ness01:43
merk_I'm confused about the root access, the sudo thingy.  I'm trying to run adept to install some stuff but it wont let me in using my password01:43
coachJcan someone please tell me how to share files with samba?01:44
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yogiI am having trouble w/XMMS going south on me... quits responding to the point that I have to kill the process.  Happens w/o warning.01:46
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yogi I am having trouble w/XMMS going south on me... quits responding to the point that I have to kill the process.  Happens w/o warning.01:48
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BluesKajyogi , you could try uninstalling rebooting and reinstalling ...sometimes that helps01:50
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admiral_proFTWmerk_, perhaps something else is running sudo and that messes up adept01:51
admiral_proFTWyogi, try sudo dpkg -configure xmms01:51
agamottoadmiral_proFTW:  Wouldn't running top in a shell help find that?01:51
admiral_proFTWagamotto, the sudo thing?01:52
agamottoNah, running top01:52
admiral_proFTWpstree would work in a terminal01:52
agamottoOh, duh!! yes01:52
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agamottoLost the thread for a moment01:52
admiral_proFTWi'm not sure what this top thing is01:52
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ubotuI know nothing about top - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:52
agamottoAhh, never mind.  A util of mine, pstree is essentially the same01:53
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admiral_proFTWcoachJ, all Linux systems?01:53
iskateMy amarok crashes all the time, any suggestions?01:53
ErlangIs it known that kdelibs-bin and kdelibs4c2a are stuck because of libcupsys2?01:53
admiral_proFTWiskate, at any specific point?01:53
coachJok i went and installed the samba server01:53
merk_admirl, thanks - that's spot on01:53
OODiskate: remove amarok settingss and update to the newest version01:54
coachJbut it doesnt show on my xp machine yet01:54
admiral_proFTWmerk_, np01:54
coachJhow do join my windows workgroup01:54
iskateOOD: remove ~/.kde/.../amarok?01:55
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agamottoI wish I could help, but amarok has never worked for me...01:55
OODiskate: yeah, and update to the newest version (1.4.1)01:55
iskateOOD, my amarok is 1.3.9, you mean 1.4.1 is required?01:55
admiral_proFTWrun the command....kcmshell kcmsambaconf01:56
admiral_proFTWcoachJ, run that01:56
agamottoMuch like my recent experiment with trying an AMD64 AM2 machine01:56
=== agamotto shakes his head
OODno, but i think it's likely that what's making amarok crash for you could be fixed in hte newer version01:56
coachJwhat will that do?01:56
iskateOOD, Ok, thanks, I'll try01:56
admiral_proFTWconfigure samba01:57
ubotuI know nothing about python - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:57
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cotrolerHow do install python pls??01:57
OODiskate: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php01:57
agamottocotroler:  sudo apt-get python, or run synaptic/adept, search then click01:58
iskateOOD, what if 1.4.1 is not included in ubuntu sources?01:58
admiral_proFTWiskate, you make the key01:58
admiral_proFTWthen you add the deb line to your sources.list01:58
OODit's not, that's why i gave you that link01:58
agamottoHmmm, that is wierd...01:58
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iskateOOD, OK, I saw your web site01:58
admiral_proFTWcoachJ, that help?01:59
iskateadmiral_proFTW, What?01:59
iskatewhat key?02:00
admiral_proFTWiskate, open up knosole02:00
coachJyes i, looking at it now02:00
coachJdo i need to creat an account for the remote machine02:00
admiral_proFTWcopy and paste the two lines in there02:00
OODthey're 2 seperate lines, so copy each one seperately02:00
admiral_proFTWwith the same sign in name as the windows log in02:01
iskatewhich 2 lines?02:01
OODthe grey ones at the link i gave you02:01
admiral_proFTW" wget http:...."02:01
admiral_proFTWthats the first one02:01
admiral_proFTWthe second one is under it02:02
iskateOK, :)02:02
iskateare you the same one as OOD?02:02
iskateI am confused, 'cause OOD gave me the link, and admiral_proFTW told me to run it02:03
OODgo to the link02:03
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OODat the link there are 2 grey lines02:03
admiral_proFTWiskate, just copy and paste the two lines02:03
OODcopy each one into konsole and run them02:04
admiral_proFTWiskate, by run, he means hit enter after each line02:04
iskateOK, I know how to handle it, thank you so much. But I am going to work in a minute, so I'll try when I come back02:04
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OODyou sure? you were already half done it all right there02:05
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admiral_proFTWiskate, all you have to do after that is copy the deb line into sources.list02:05
iskateI'll bookmark the link:)02:05
admiral_proFTWtype "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list02:05
admiral_proFTWand paste it at the bottom02:05
admiral_proFTWthen apt-get update & dist-upgrade02:06
iskateso, three steps, download gpg, add it, and upgrade, right?02:07
bbthow do i use gdm instead of kdm02:07
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admiral_proFTWbbt, on kubuntu?02:08
iskateI'll do it right now:)02:08
ubotuI know nothing about gdm - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:08
ubotuI know nothing about kdm - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:08
OODbbt: you mean the login screen, or the actual graphic environment?02:09
admiral_proFTWhuh, well. bbt I don't even know02:09
bbtOOD: login02:09
iskateadmiral_proFTW, the deb command is also run under the console, right?02:11
OODbbt: give this a try: http://knowledge76.com/index.php/Display_Manager:_Switch_Between_GDM_and_KDM02:11
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iskateIt temporarily change the source, right?02:11
admiral_proFTWiskate, no02:11
admiral_proFTWopen up konsole, and type sudo /etc/apt/sources.list02:11
iskateor? add it to sources.list?02:11
OODadd it02:12
admiral_proFTWsudo nano02:12
admiral_proFTWadd it to the end02:12
iskateok, i know02:12
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coachJadmiral_protFTW: how long will take to populate the network?02:12
admiral_proFTWcoachJ, no idea, depends on the system/network02:13
coachJi see why it not showing the change I made to the workgroup is not sticking02:13
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juanHello everyone!02:14
admiral_proFTWcoachJ, what do you mean02:14
iskateupgrading, thanks admiral & OOD02:15
OODiskate: np :)02:15
coachJi changed the default workfruop name to match the name of my workgroup02:15
coachJbut it hasent changed02:15
admiral_proFTWwhat hasnt changed02:16
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juanmaybe someone could help me..02:17
juanI need yp know how to disable the webcam in Kopete02:17
Buzz_Litebeerone last question of the night...  how do you add shoutcast and such to the streams in Amarok properly02:17
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Buzz_Litebeer or whats a good station with metal and things to add to amarok?02:18
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admiral_proFTWcoachJ, talk to you in a bit02:23
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Lunar_Ravenok this is weird, i'm having a problem with adept.  It's saying it's only in read only mode because something else is using it..02:25
Lunar_Ravenbut i've rebooted twice02:25
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BluesKajsomehow I've ended up with 3 differnt sources lists in kate , but i can't delete the ones I don't need...any suggestions?02:25
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BluesKajok , i figured it out , with rm cmd02:28
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juanI need some help please!!!!!!!!02:34
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:34
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:34
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RandomDude15I'm having issues with avidemux.02:34
juanwhat should I do to disable the webcam in Kopete?02:35
RandomDude15I need some help here.02:35
RandomDude15with avidemux.02:35
RandomDude15i cant get it to read some finished mpeg2 files....02:35
KyralNow you are asumming I actually know the answer to your problem02:35
juanyes :)02:36
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raytray25juan, wouldn't a simple, don't plug it in work? or is there something I'm missing?02:36
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juanthe problem is that I dont have a webcam! Kopete thinks that my video capture card is actually a webcam!!02:37
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juanand everyone wants to see me :))02:38
RandomDude15you fuckers are no help at all.02:38
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raytray25juan have you tried right clicking kopete and clicking devices? and doing anything there?02:38
raytray25err right click kopete and click configure.02:38
juanI tried that but there isn't a way to disable that02:39
juanmaybe Im using an older version?02:39
juanIts 0.11.102:39
raytray25you arn't.02:40
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juanwhere did you right clicked?02:41
Jack1i cannot install a superkaramba theme as liquid weather cause when i download the theme just kate opens the binary file which cant be saved02:41
Jack1having the latest version of superkaramba02:41
raytray25Juan, ignore me, I thought I saw something I didn't. xP02:42
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juanok :)02:42
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admiral_proFTWJack1, just download it and save it on your computer02:42
DaSkreechRiddell: He does that often?02:42
Jack1it doesnt02:42
Jack1it dowloads and opens kate which should save the file then02:43
Jack1but it cannot be saved02:43
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RiddellDaSkreech: twice today02:43
DaSkreechJack1: what does it tell you?02:43
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DaSkreechRiddell: Good move02:43
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Jack1warning: this is a binary file saving it will result in corrupt file or sth similar02:44
Jack1 warning: this is a binary file saving it will result in corrupt file or sth similar DaSkreech02:44
DaSkreechJack1: does it look garbled in kate?02:44
raytray25right click the link to download and click save as. if there is such an option Jack102:44
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Jack1<DaSkreech>  well yes millions of strange signs02:46
obf213this is getting a bit rediculous02:46
DaSkreechJack1: What's the URL that you got it from?02:46
obf213it took about 15minutes for this to recognize my etherent02:47
obf213and my wlanassistnat says that the connection failed but then it shows im connected to a network and it will say are you sure you want to disconnect, but when i open firfox or this it cant connect02:47
obf213so my wireless and my ethernet dont work at times02:48
Jack1www.kde-look.org that theme points and leads to www.liquid weather orr meteo or sth .the theme is called liquidweather02:48
obf213anybody have any idea why this is going one, also kwirelessassitant keeps crashing02:49
obf213until yesterday night wireless and ethernet worked perfectly02:49
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admiral_proFTWobf213,  do a sudo dpkg -configure <package>02:50
DaSkreechJack1: Just right click and select Save Link as02:51
obf213dpkg  my wireless lan02:51
obf213it even took forever to recognize my ethernet02:52
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:53
obf213thanks admiral but i dont need any of that, as the system recognized my wireless card and finds my homenetwork but jsut wont connect02:54
intelikeyoh yeah,  i got a refresher course on why i don't like amarok;  clicking the [x]  close button only puts it in 'task bar mode' which i won't tolerate....   so it got removed from the system again.02:54
obf213everything set up itself and till ysterday it would just connect02:54
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intelikeythat makes three times i have seen amarok run now.   and i'm no closer to liking it than i was the first time.02:55
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obf213am i still here02:56
obf213am i still here02:56
admiral_proFTWintelikey, you can change that02:56
admiral_proFTWquit easily02:56
obf213intellikey i think im going to need your help02:56
helfrezyeah lol02:56
DaSkreechintelikey: then don't install it :-P02:56
BioticProWhat is the easiest way to make a single custom audio cd mix of songs from multiple cds?02:56
intelikeyadmiral_proFTW i did.  i removed it.  :)02:56
DaSkreechBioticPro: Manually02:56
helfrezBioticPro: amarok hehe02:56
helfrezaddem to playlist and burn playlist02:56
intelikeyDaSkreech don't install kubuntu ?    yeah i been leaning that way....02:57
obf213intelikey i think img going to need your help02:57
helfrezinteliky loves it02:57
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obf213i have my wifi on right now, and wirelesslanassisant says i am connected to my home network02:57
obf213if i unplug my ethernet, then i just lose all my signal02:58
BioticProDaSkreech: can ya be more specific?02:58
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DaSkreechBioticPro: Well I guess you know the songs that you want to burn?02:59
DaSkreechHi Hobbsee02:59
BioticProDaSkreech: yes02:59
intelikeyobf213 i'd like to help on that, but i'm about network illiterate.  sorry.02:59
DaSkreechBioticPro: Ok Put in the cds and make a folder to hold the songs02:59
Hobbseehi DaSkreech02:59
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DaSkreechThen just drag the song that you want from the WAV folder on the Cd to the Temp Folder03:00
DaSkreechThen burn them in k3b03:00
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BioticProDaSkreech: ok, maybe that was the problem, I did this before in konq, and dragged the songs from the cda folder, then k3b said unsupported format when I tried to burn03:01
DaSkreechBioticPro: Heehee no I think Wav is a better and faster way to go03:01
intelikeyok doing a 'make' in the base dir of the kernel source ends without error.   that means that it built ok,  correct ?03:01
DaSkreechThat means the makefile is made03:02
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BioticProDaSkreech: k3b would not even use the cda files... don't know why03:03
DaSkreechBioticPro: cause k3b is stuck up ;-)03:04
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obf213its just sucks how it used to work then five minutes later it would and has been like that for almost a day03:04
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php03:05
intelikeymake modules_install  ended with this;03:06
intelikeyif [ -r System.map -a -x /sbin/depmod ] ; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map; fi03:06
intelikeyis that normal ?03:06
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BioticProhelfrez: what you described with Amarok, that works with multiple cds?03:07
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helfrezBioticPro: sure, just rip all the cds u want to ur hd the make a playlist with all the songs you want and then burn the playlist03:08
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BioticProhelfrez: ok, that basically the same thing then as using konq to copy the wavs and k3b to burn, just different way03:09
intelikeywell first reboot in days.    time to test new kernel build.03:10
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raytray25Is there a way in konqueror to disable what it does when I middle click or press ctrl once?03:11
helfrezBioticPro: yeah just saves u a step cause amarok does it all03:11
helfrezraytray25: check your keyboard shorcuts03:12
admiral_proFTWraytray25, look at configure shortcuts03:12
helfrezraytray25: and configure desktop for mouse clicks03:12
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raytray25Theres nothing listed for just ctrl. in konqueror.03:13
helfrezmaybe we mis understood the question then what are you trying to do or prevent03:14
raytray25press ctrl in konqeror gives a bunch of small yellow letters in a box as shortcut keys.03:15
raytray25as for middle click, I meant when you do it in konqueror.03:15
helfrezoh u meant just per app, nah i dont think thats possible, to change mouse controls and keystrokes JUSt in konqueror03:16
helfrezi could be wrong though, just not something anyone has every wanted to do lol03:16
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raytray25I just find it annoying ot have middle click paste what you have in clipboard into addressbar.03:17
helfrezu might be able to change it in the klipper config03:18
raytray25The option's not there, as I see that is.03:19
raytray25And... last question for today... is there a way to configure katapult?03:20
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sophie_hello all any kde guru here03:20
sophie_I have problem with utf8 file name not showing properly03:21
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obf213ive had to terminate more programs in a shorter amount of time than i ever did in windows03:22
obf213is ther somethign im missing?03:22
helfrezraytray25: katapult --help-qt03:22
CheeseBurgerManraytray25: When you open the window, press Ctrl+C. That brins you to it's configuration page.03:23
CheeseBurgerManI take that back. It brings you to a menu where you can get to it's configuration page.03:23
helfrez--help gives u other options there is a help-kde03:23
obf213maybe a restart is the remedy03:23
helfrezraytray25: not a trememdous number of options because the app is pretty simple in what it does lol03:24
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raytray25Ah, What I was looking for was a way to change the access key.03:24
CheeseBurgerManraytray25: OK, go to the 'Configure Global Shortcuts' option in the menu.03:25
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intelikeynew kernel paniced with the strangest error   "d: out of memory "03:28
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intelikeyselected himem suport to off  only options were  off  4g  and  above 4g   only having 128m i figured off was propper setting ?03:30
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crimsunyeah, with 128 MB it doesn't much matter.03:31
crimsunby default you'd hit the non-highmem at 896 MB.03:31
intelikeybut it looked like the frame buffering was going to work.  that was the reason for compiling03:31
intelikeycrimsun did you look into the missing arch/k* subdirs in the kernel source ?03:32
crimsunintelikey: no, I'm pretty busy with an abstract atm; I'll attempt to look (but probably won't have time)03:33
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DaSkreech!frostwire > daskreech03:34
sophie_I have problem with utf8 file name not showing properly03:34
intelikeycrimsun it's not a big deal really.  ix86 will work.  but seeing that make menuconfig  lists k[6,7]  i thought it strange that the source was missing  or seemed to me to be missing.03:34
obf213any ideas to why play can find cddb but audio creater cant and they search the same website03:35
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ubotuI know nothing about sources-list - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:37
BluesKaj!sources list03:38
ubotuI know nothing about sources list - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:38
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:38
intelikeyi added a few more options in the build and running make again  with himem set to 4g   although that probably wont help the  'd: out of memory '   message...     anyways i'll let it make a new one, and try it.     looks like the default kernel is only about 300k smaller than my custom one with built in scsi ext#fs and frame buffering     oh and my sound cards drivers.03:39
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intelikeyoh i also put all the networking modules in that i use.   so modprobe will be vertually useless on this system.   (assuming i get it to boot)03:41
intelikeyand no initr*.img needed either.03:41
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intelikeygnomefreek  struck by thunder ?03:43
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obf213wow this thing has gotten slow03:45
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DaSkreechAnyone have any idea why nothing I type turns up on the konsole?03:58
HobbseeDaSkreech: does it turn up anywhere?  ie, keyboard working?03:58
DaSkreechYeah it's fine everywhere03:58
DaSkreechAnd when I type in the command line the commands go in03:59
DaSkreechPressing enter gives the desired effect03:59
DaSkreechI just can't see what I type03:59
DaSkreechPressing up or down I can't see what is on the line03:59
HobbseeDaSkreech: ah.  weird.03:59
DaSkreechTell me about it04:00
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ErlangDaSkreech: have you played with your Konsole config?04:03
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DaSkreechI just Ctrl-C'ed out of a program and then after that I kept losing letters till now I can't see anything04:04
ErlangHave you tried erasing your Konsole config file?04:04
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obf213anyone knwo a better cd ripper than audio creater which crashes every five minutes04:06
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tonyyarussoI'm having trouble with KPPP.  I can connect with wvdial, but KPPP says "The remote system is required to authenticate itself, but I couldn't find any suitable secret (password) for it to use to do so.  (None of the available passwords would let it use an IP address.)"  What does this mean?04:07
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=== DaSkreech points lnxkde to the shower
=== lnxkde had a shower last night he only showers avery 3 days
Agiosthat rumor had been going around04:11
lnxkdena I just took a shower 3 hrs ago :)04:12
Agioshehe j/k04:12
lnxkdeI dont smell like last night :P04:12
lnxkdeDaSkreech : do you shower daily :?04:13
=== will [n=will@CPE000c4173ab81-CM014310006653.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.04:14
willyou heard him, what's better.  Frost wire or limewire?04:14
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lnxkdenever used Frost wire...04:14
lnxkdebut I like frozen things more than lime ones...04:15
Agiosdunno, I don't do p2p except an occassional bt for a linux cd04:15
willFrost wire it is =  \04:15
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DaSkreechlnxkde: If at all possible :)04:15
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willHow do I open a .deb, sudo dpkg?04:18
abattoirwill: install? 'sudo dpkg -i name.deb'04:18
Kyralsudo dpkg -i <path to file>04:18
willOh I forgot to set my nick04:19
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||Trayer||=  \04:19
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||Trayer||how do I download http://www.peercommons.com/frostwire/4.10.9/FrostWire-4.10.9-2.i586.deb?04:21
||Trayer||Without the questionmark at the end04:21
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abattoir||Trayer||: open in konqueror, doesnt that bring up a 'Save as' dialog?04:22
abattoirelse you can right click on the file and Download as...04:22
||Trayer|| abattoir: Nope, it opens the binary in kate04:23
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abattoiror if neither work use 'wget <linktodeb>'04:23
||Trayer||I'll just use that04:23
||Trayer||200 kb a sec04:23
abattoir||Trayer||: that'd download the the deb to the current working dir.04:23
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||Trayer||home = \04:23
||Trayer||what's the command to rename a file?04:25
abattoir'mv oldname newname'04:25
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BioticProAnyone here try new Mepis 6?  How is it different from kubuntu?04:33
B_Hi can someone help me with compiling a short quick and dirty wget script???04:34
||Trayer||o_O nothing is as good as kubuntu, we are uber ; ).  And I'm sure someone can help.  ask your question04:34
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B_i wanna compile this short wget script from http://metasploit.com/research/misc/mwsearch/bin/mwdownload.rb but i have never compiled on linux before so can someone give me some pointers04:35
abattoirB_: seems to be a ruby file04:36
Erlangwhich you can't compile...04:36
abattoirB_: you can either do 'ruby pathtofile.rb'04:36
||Trayer||first wget then that location to get the ruby I'm assuming?04:36
abattoirB_: or directly execute it...04:36
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abattoirB_: make sure you  have ruby installed though04:37
abattoir!info ruby04:37
uboturuby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB04:37
B_ok let me load adept04:37
B_crap in on windows04:37
abattoir"Quick and dirty wget downloader for Google Malware'04:37
||Trayer||google makes malware = \?04:38
||Trayer||I did a wget for frostwire04:38
B_google indexeslive malware04:38
B_brb i gotta restart and load kubuntu then load adept04:38
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b_k back and loading adept04:41
BioticProIs there a way to burn .cda files on the HD to an audio cd using k3b?  Or other program?04:42
b_but yeah whoever was asking about google malware yes they index malware and HDM has created a search engine, go to google.com and query malware search04:42
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ubotuI know nothing about ruby - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:43
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abattoirnixternal: i saw that un update for ati drivers had been made, does X work now in edgy for you?04:44
abattoir*an update04:44
nixternalyes abattoir, everything is good!!!04:44
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abattoirnixternal: good, i'll wait for my driver to be fixed then, thanks :)04:44
b_! ruby04:45
ubotuI know nothing about ruby - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:45
b_what was the program again04:45
abattoir!info ruby04:45
uboturuby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB04:45
abattoirb_: 'sudo apt-get install ruby'04:46
b_nice thank you04:46
abattoirb_: or if adept is your preferred method, just search for ruby :P04:46
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driz!dvd players04:47
ubotuI know nothing about dvd players - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:47
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:47
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b_lol i did but i was presented with lots of packages and i was loking for ruby interpreter specificly04:47
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wckdkl0wnanyone know why ktorrent stalls at like 2 minutes left on a download but will continue to upload?04:52
BioticProwhat program to use to rip cda files on the HD to wav files?04:52
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b_how do i install google api  on linux04:59
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b_it comes as a zip and all it tells me to do is extract arc05:00
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obf213hey i need network help big time05:00
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obf213starting today its been impossible to for me to get a connection05:00
obf213i plug in my etherntet straight from the modem and i had to wait forever literaly about 9minutes to get online05:01
obf213the hardware on the computer showed it was connected and was beeping but kubuntu wouldnt log on05:01
b_lol i am having lots of problems with mozilla.com rightnow i cannot accsess it while others can05:01
obf213i can't log on to any wireless networks even though i can fid them and i have the correct passcode05:02
obf213i plugged my ethernet in and it didnt even recognize it until i went to network settings and just opened it,didnt even change anything, then all of a sudden the irc connected.05:02
b_could that have something to do with a poor signal05:02
obf213my wifi is detecting the signal and it is very strong05:02
obf213being as i am right next to the router05:02
obf213and it even took forever to get online using wired ethernet05:03
obf213straight from the modem05:03
obf213whihc im doing right now05:03
b_hey are you able to accsess mozilla.com rightnow?05:03
obf213the hardware detects it but it kubuntu does seem to want towork05:03
obf213ill try05:03
b_crappy, i ran a traceroute to mozilla and im able to trace but when tryng to  load in opera, or any browser, it does not connect05:04
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b_i wonder if nwtools did a trace from their server to mozilla rather then myt computer to mozilla05:05
obf213im just wondering wht the problem with my computer is05:05
obf213last night it worked, i just turned it off and today it doesnt05:05
obf213something like wired ethernet should be recognized immediately05:05
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bLaZeDdoes anyone know how to set up mldonkey?....05:08
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obf213any experts  out there have an idea of what my problem is05:09
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Kr4t05obf213: try ifconfig05:11
obf213ok before i try that though05:11
obf213i just unplugged my ethernet right05:11
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Kr4t05obf213: paste that to a pastebin and tell me the URL.05:11
obf213but the widget i had continued to show that it was connected with the ip adress05:11
obf213kr405 alright05:12
Kr4t05obf213: plug in your cables and turn on all routers and modems.05:12
obf213yeah i am coming straight from the modem and my wifi is on05:12
obf213and it finds networks05:12
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obf213even the the widgets says the its disconnected and it never actually connects to a network05:12
Kr4t05obf213: does the Kubuntu box use a wired connection?05:13
Kr4t05obf213: Wait....05:13
Kr4t05obf213: What type of connection do you have?05:13
Kr4t05obf213: broadband? Ok05:13
Kr4t05obf213: You have a router?05:13
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Kr4t05obf213: first things first, give me the output from ifconfig05:14
obf213Kr4t05 http://pastebin.ca/10310005:14
obf213eth1 is the wireless05:15
Kr4t05obf213: Open your System Settings.05:15
Kr4t05obf213: Network Settings05:15
Mixuxoj metal05:15
Kr4t05obf213: Click the button labelled "Administrator Mode"05:16
obf213ok its in05:16
Kr4t05And click eth005:16
Kr4t05obf213: Configure Interface05:16
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obf213its set on automatic05:17
Kr4t05obf213: Click the radio button labeled Manual05:17
obf213it has the ip adress in there right now05:17
Kr4t05obf213: Ok, scratch that.05:17
Kr4t05obf213: Advanced Settings05:17
Kr4t05obf213: The field labelled Gateway, at the very bottom.05:18
obf213i have to click manual t get to advanced though05:18
Kr4t05obf213: Ok, leave it at manual, then05:18
obf213arlight im at gateway05:18
Kr4t05obf213: Does the wired connection use any other machine to get to the internet?05:18
Kr4t05obf213: Router, DNS server?05:18
obf213no its straight out of the modem05:19
Kr4t05obf213: or just the DSL modem?05:19
obf213just the dsl modem05:19
obf213dsl does the home pna thing05:19
Kr4t05obf213: OK... Try putting for Gateway05:19
obf213so will this help kubuntu detect my internet when i plug i n the ethernet05:20
Kr4t05obf213: Click Ok, back to Network Interfaces Dialog.05:20
Kr4t05obf213: Plug it in now.05:20
obf213its already plugged in05:21
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Kr4t05obf213: Disable eth105:21
obf213the ethernet is already plugged in05:21
Kr4t05obf213: Disable eth1 and make sure eth0 is enabled.05:21
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Kr4t05obf213: I know the ethernet is plugged in, just follow me for a second.05:22
Kr4t05obf213: Now, go to the "Routes" tab.05:22
Kr4t05obf213: Make sure the Default Gateway is the same as before:
KovecsesI just installed kubuntu for the first time! I am not new to linux but new to ubuntu can someone point me to the fglrx documentation and also how to get the 686 kernel?05:23
Kr4t05obf213: Also, make sure eth0 is selected in the drop-down menu.05:23
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Kovecsesno one? ok I will poke around05:26
Kr4t05obf213: still with me?05:26
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timihey are you still ther Kr40505:27
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Kr4t05timi: Eh?05:27
timii did everything you said ai lost my connect, lol, thats my fault i dont think i was clear with with what the problem was05:27
timibut i did notice something05:27
timii did everything you said right05:28
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timidisabled the eth1, which is the wireless connection05:28
Kr4t05timi: yeah05:28
Kr4t05timi: Okay...05:28
timibut i can still search wireless networks05:28
Kr4t05timi: Hrm.05:28
Kr4t05timi: Do you have a connection via eth1?05:28
timiit says im connected to a wireless netowrk.05:28
timibut if i unplug this ethernet cable i will lose connection05:28
timiit doesnt make any sense05:29
Kr4t05timi: Life doesn't make sense.05:29
Kr4t05Try the WifiDocs, that might point you in the right direction.05:29
timi!Wifi >timi05:29
Kr4t05timi: this isn't a laptop, isn't it?05:29
timiit is a laptop05:29
Kr4t05Not that great with laps.05:30
timiand everything yoused to work w/o me doing anything05:30
timithen today it just doesnt work05:30
timii never had to even use the ethernet05:30
Kr4t05Try the liveCD, if it works with the LiveCD, I would suggest a clean reinstall, (After backing up all sensitive info, of course.05:30
timiafter about 40hrs of just getting it set up.........05:31
timiill just go back to windows before i do that.05:31
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=== timi wonders how doing absolutely nothing screws his internet connections and shakes his head
Kr4t05timi: Hrm...05:33
timiKr4t05 thanks for your help though!05:33
Kr4t05timi: Yeah, sorry I couldn't be more help.05:33
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=== Kr4t05 makes a mental note of a System Restore utility for Edgy or Edgy+1
Kr4t05I should recommend that.05:34
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Kovecsesbrb gotta reboot05:34
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Nauxeranyone uses kxmame?05:40
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Kr4t05The chip I bought last summer is now at half the price I paid.05:42
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Kovecsesis java-package the recomended way to set up java? like in debian?05:43
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angasuleyou think that's bad? the chip I bought about 3 years ago is like one hundreth the price I paid05:44
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Kovecsesthat was easy.... sun java is in multiverse05:47
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obf213if i disconnect my ethernet cable, the system shouldnt have an ip address listed under that interface correct?05:49
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marcus__obf213: right05:52
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digibre4k_i need help!!!05:54
Healotdigibre4k_: i don't :)05:54
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:54
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intelikeywhy am i getting this error ?  "svgalib: Cannot get I/O permissions."  as user but not as root.  there is no information in the error that points me to which file/device might have bad perms set ????05:55
digibre4k_i cant use my printer ip 1600 in xandros05:55
digibre4k_solution please....!!!!!!!!05:56
dr_willisdigibre4k_,  whats the printer?05:56
digibre4k_canon ip160005:57
dr_willisCheck the Cups.org site - some canon printers got no support.. some have  limited support.. some are supported in that comercial cups variant.05:57
dr_willisso go to cups.org and look your printer05:58
digibre4k_what the solution,fren????05:58
digibre4k_thank u....05:59
dr_willisfor the 3rd time. :P05:59
intelikey(!) DirectFB/Core: Could not initialize 'system' core!05:59
intelikey    --> Not supported!05:59
intelikeysvgalib: Cannot get I/O permissions.05:59
intelikeywhat is causing that ^  ???05:59
intelikeyi own everything in /dev05:59
dr_willisor a hit on google shows   http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-76448.html06:00
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dr_willisand it dont look good for your printer.. what i am reading.06:02
intelikeyhmm disreguard the first two lines of the error root gets them also but goes on and works... so they are irrelivent.  " svgalib: Cannot get I/O permissions. "  is the error.06:03
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intelikeywhy can't svgalib get I/O permissions for users on this system ?   <-- that's the question.06:04
digibre4k_i cant find this driver....!!!!!!!06:05
dr_willisturboprint MAY support that printer.. it seems to be an alternative to the cups drivers06:05
digibre4k_my english is not good...!:)06:05
dr_willisand im in the exact same spot with my Canon ip6600 printer.. its a nice printer.. but no standard linux support.06:05
dr_willisSo for me - in the future - i dont think i will buy any canon printers any more.06:07
digibre4k_thanks again.Ok!!!06:08
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marcus__digibre4k_: Hiya.06:15
obf213hey anybody around06:16
jesspherdoes anybody here know any games that comes on the cd and ready to be installed on linux?06:16
obf213marcus_ are you pretty good with this stuff06:16
marcus__obf213: Depends on what it is?06:16
obf213built in wireless, it recognizes it, it finds networks but it wont connect06:17
obf213i took screenshots of everything for anyoen that can help06:17
marcus__obf213: how did you install it and what type of card is it?06:17
obf213i didnt install it, its integrated into my laptop06:18
obf213i can show you all my info06:18
marcus__what is your laptop?06:18
obf213i took screenshots of it, it used to work, ive only had linux for about 4 days06:18
obf213a dell e140506:18
obf213and 3/4 days it worked fine except today06:18
marcus__obf213: i have a dell 130006:18
marcus__obf213: probably the same card.06:19
marcus__obf213: i dunno though just a sec let me check on it.06:19
obf213nice, when i first turned it one, wireless assitant was there, and it found my network and i logged on, it still does that except it wont log on, or it will says its connected and nothing will happen06:19
marcus__obf213: let me check something real quick okay.06:19
marcus__what is the card> Is it a dell 1470?06:22
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marcus__obf213: im not really confident in the built in broadcm drivers in ubuntu06:23
obf213hrrm marcus let me show you the pictures06:24
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marcus__okay. just a sec06:26
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marcus__hmmmm interesting but since you are using native drivers not unexpected06:28
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obf213hey abattoir join #obf21306:30
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marcus__obf213: still interesting. is your wep correct (silly question i know)06:31
obf213its written on the bottom of the modem plus ive used it a hundred times06:31
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obf213did you see the picture that shows i was connected06:31
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marcus__obf213: That is what makes it so interesting.06:32
marcus__obf213: So it just stopped?06:32
obf213i have it all in #obf213 for anyone who wants to  check it out06:32
obf213last night i helped someoe set up there computer over at my house06:33
marcus__obf213: did you change anything on your computer?06:33
obf213just taught her how to download and got her a firewall and soem stuff, she got on my network and i got on as well06:33
marcus__Okay, so it was working last night06:34
obf213then after that i showed her like amaroK on my computer, turned it off and went  downstairs, where i got no connection06:34
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obf213figured maybe it was because i was downstairs even though signall was 100% and that wa sthe place i normally use it06:34
obf213then today its like problem after problem06:34
marcus__thats just weird06:34
obf213marcus did you also not in the picture of the widge06:34
obf213that it said the the eth0 was connected and had an ip address06:34
marcus__no i missed one. it didnt load.06:35
marcus__i saw that one06:35
obf213that was after the ethernet had been unplugged06:35
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obf213for about 15 minutes06:35
obf213and it still said connected and had an ip address06:35
marcus__did you try to reboot the computer?06:35
obf213yes many times06:35
obf213abbattoir did you figure out anything from the pictures06:36
marcus__obf213: type iwconfig in konsole and paste it on pastebin for me would ya?06:36
marcus__remember to send me the pastebin link too please?06:37
obf213i already have a photo of iwconifg but ill do it in the paste bin if you want06:37
marcus__i would rather see it in pastebin. thanks.06:37
marcus__obf213: apparently you are losing packets....06:39
obf213if i unplug this ethernt then i lose my connection06:40
obf213strangley the only times it seems to be able to "connect" to my wireless network is when i have the ethernet pluggedin06:40
obf213and i didnt even change any seetings06:40
marcus__obf213: everything in yours is about the same as mine except your misc colomn which shows 968 or so. thats the problem I think.06:42
marcus__obf213: i still cant help but wonder if it's a driver issue.06:43
Kovecsesnone of you guys know what you are talking about06:43
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marcus__Kovecses: really?06:43
obf213mmk well figure it out then06:44
marcus__Kovecses: can you fix the problem? if so dive right in please?06:44
Kovecsesread the docs06:45
Kovecsesits all their06:45
Kovecseswould you like me to dig up the link?06:45
marcus__Kovecses: thanks. :)06:45
marcus__up to obf21306:45
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Kovecsesyou guys should really experiment with other distros. .. ubuntu is great but it doesn't teach you anything06:46
obf213Kovecses thanks,06:47
marcus__Kovecses: i dont need another distro. im happy with this one thanks.06:47
obf213Koveceses: did you already post the link06:47
Kovecsesno prob.... no i didnt post.... i guess I have to do the search in the docs06:47
marcus__good luck obf213...06:48
Kovecseslazy bastards06:48
Kovecsesits in the wifi docs if you looked06:49
marcus__This is a support channel.06:49
marcus__I was just trying to help obf21306:49
chip42fillled with volunteers.. i guess they are all lazy huh :p06:49
marcus__I don't have a problem with anything.06:49
Kovecseschip42: look at what I wrote...06:50
Kovecseschip42: I wasnt callin gthe people here lazy06:50
Kovecsesjust nevermind06:50
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marcus__okay now that that bit of drama is over06:51
marcus__obf213: still there?06:51
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=== obf213 wishes Kovecses would find the link...
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:51
Kovecses^^^^ thats a good one06:52
obf213ahh thank you06:52
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obf213okay ill try that thanks06:53
Kovecsesthe script in there is good06:54
Kovecsesworks for most06:54
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Kovecseshere is another good doc if that onbe doesnt work/.... kindove a troubleshooting guide06:56
Kovecsesbrb gotta go to my lappy where i have it bookmarked06:56
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obf213im amazed at how slow ktorrent is07:00
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obf213wht torrent program do most of you guys use07:01
Hikaru79Has anyone had any success with Skype 1.3 beta in KDE? I can run the 1.2 release fine, but with 1.3, I can hear audio, but the mic suddenly doesn't work anymore. I've already tried the skype_dsp_hijacker, and no luck =( Anyone have any ideas?07:02
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admiral_proFTWI can't get my sound to work07:03
admiral_proFTWand I tried alsamixer and thats not the problem07:04
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marcus__hikaru79: did you install over the old version by chance?07:04
Hikaru79marcus__: I apt-get remove'd the old version and the old hijacker before installing the beta, of course.07:05
marcus__Hikaru79: just thought i would ask.07:05
Hikaru79Kay =)07:06
Hikaru79Anybody else?07:06
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obf213whts a good torrent to use07:12
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obf213i tryed to download somthin on this comp connected at 54Mpbs and then 15minutes later when down stairs to my old windows comp running bittorent connected at 10mbps sec and windows is ahead07:13
ubotuI know nothing about ktorrent - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:14
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo07:14
Lunar_Ravenazureus is good too07:14
obf213i have ktorrent btw07:14
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obf2137.8MB in 20minutes with 30+ peers lmfao07:15
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bbtnothing wrong with ktorrent, so long as you open up the ports required07:18
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ubotuI know nothing about pornography - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:22
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi07:22
Hikaru79LOL, aegeanlinux07:22
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ubotuI know nothing about penis - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:25
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obf213bittornado is way betta07:25
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Lunar_Raveni dont like it really07:32
Lunar_Ravenazureus is ok07:32
Lunar_Ravenbut uses java07:32
Lunar_Ravenwhich sucks07:32
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obf213yeah the gui on bittornado is way to simple07:34
obf213to the point wher eit almost makes it confusig07:35
obf213whts a proxy server07:36
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obf213is divx just built in07:38
obf213b/c i dont think  i installed and some vids tht required it on windows wrk fine on ths07:39
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scabootsscahow do i make a link thuing in /usr/bin?07:41
scabootsscaso a program in /usr/lib?07:41
Lunar_Ravensudo ln -s /link/to/filehere  /link/where/you/want/thefile07:42
obf213yeah ive been wondering how to add programs i jsut downloaded to the menu07:42
scabootsscai did before i cant remember how though07:42
Lunar_Ravenmenu you just right click it and go to edit07:42
obf213yeah i did that07:42
scabootsscayou put the program in /usr/lib/07:42
obf213but for stuff in usr/bin07:42
obf213it doesnt show up07:42
scabootsscaand a link to it in /usr/bun07:42
scabootsscaand then you can type the command from copunsle07:43
scabootsscaor menu07:43
scabootsscacant remember the command to add the link though07:43
obf213wierd stuff ill learn07:45
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obf213i think there are tutorials07:45
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:48
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testi have a kde problem. Since upgrading to 3.5.3 it is running really slow. Anybody have a hint to speed it up?07:50
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Lunar_Raventhat's odd...i'm not sure why it would, test.  Does it run slow all the time?07:50
Lunar_Raveni found 3.5.3 to be faster07:51
Lunar_Ravena bit07:51
testlunar_raven: Yes since I upgraded. Wonder if it doesn't like my 915 or something?07:51
Administratorthats possible it could be that07:52
aegeanlinuxtest: SCreeming usually works good ; )07:52
Administratoraegeanlinux: enough of those shananigans07:52
aegeanlinuxAdministrator: Sorry Sir.07:52
=== Lunar_Raven makes whip sound
aegeanlinuxAdministrator: Never again sir.07:52
testLunar_Raven: Strange though. KDE says it's running at 1024x768 yet I see it at 1200x780.07:53
Administratorare you sure your seeing it at that07:53
Administratorthats a slight differencce07:53
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Administratorreconfigure or x-org07:53
testadministrator: it fills my whole widescreen07:53
Administrator....it filled my whole widescreen07:53
Administratorat 1024x76807:54
Administratorand it fills it at 1440x900 the correct res07:54
testAdministrator: hmmm i wonder what is going on......07:54
Administratorit is alway going to fill your screen07:54
Administratorrun this07:54
testAdministrator: just strange... Still KDE is slow.07:54
testAdministrator: okay07:54
Administratorsudo dpkg reconfigure x-server.xorg07:55
Administratorto get the correct res07:55
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Administratortest sorry07:56
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Administratorsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:57
AdministratorRichJ, no shanigans you hear07:57
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AdministratorRichJ: no shananigans or your outta hear07:57
Philip5Hawkwind: are you there and awake?07:58
RichJok thank you07:58
AdministratorRichJ: .....sir07:58
RichJquit hilighting me07:59
Administratorthe correct response would be quit hilighting me sir07:59
RichJyes ma'am07:59
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abattoirtimi, be careful08:00
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:00
abattoirquit messing around08:00
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RichJAdministrator: #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic please08:01
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Milhouse2ndEditiGood morning everyone!08:02
testhi Milhouse2ndEditi08:02
Hikaru79Has anyone had any success with Skype 1.3 beta in KDE? I can run the 1.2 release fine, but with 1.3, I can hear audio, but the mic suddenly doesn't work anymore. I've already tried the skype_dsp_hijacker, and no luck =( Anyone have any ideas?08:03
aegeanlinuxMilhouse2ndEditi: G'day08:03
testokay my slow kde prob is fixed thanks.08:03
aegeanlinuxYes Timi.08:03
Milhouse2ndEditi BRB, trying to use my real name now...08:03
obf213where'd you get that debetimi info from08:03
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abattoirMilhouse2ndEditi: morning :)08:03
abattoirHikaru79: yes, it works for me08:03
RichJHikaru79: go into System Settings > Sound & Multimedia, and uncheck your system sounds, shutting it off, then try skype again08:03
aegeanlinux[Whois]  obf213 is n=timi@adsl-69-151-57-245.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net (Debetimi Okah)08:04
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abattoiraegeanlinux: why did you tell him? :P08:04
Hikaru79RichJ, I'll try that right now =)08:04
testhikaru, i tried skype 1.3 and found the audio quality lacking alot. Just a personal opinion mind you.08:04
aegeanlinuxI did.08:04
aegeanlinuxI mean, whoops08:04
aegeanlinux :D08:04
Hikaru79test, really? Most of the forum posts were praising 1.3 for much-improved quality...08:04
RichJi had to do the same trick with skype that i had to do with teamspeak during UDS08:04
testrichj: thanks for the tip...08:05
Hikaru79RichJ, so I should disable the sound system entirely?08:05
RichJyes Hikaru79 just to see if that helps with the mic08:05
Hikaru79Okay, sound system is off.08:05
testHikaru79: of course what richj said could have been my problem with the bad sound quality too.\08:05
Hikaru79Now try Skype again?08:05
RichJalso, you might want to check with kmix and make sure that you have the mic on record..and something else08:05
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RichJyes Hikaru79 , try skype now08:05
Hikaru79With or without dsp_hijacker?08:05
RichJw/o first i guess08:06
RichJi don't know what dsp_hijacker is..so08:06
supernixUptime: 1 days, 3 hours and 47 minutes08:06
Hikaru79RichJ, how should the Kmix settings look? Red light on, green light off?08:06
RichJboth on08:06
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MilhouseDamn, it tells me the nick is already in use...08:06
supernixI tried using my help section and all the urls wont resolve08:06
MilhouseWho stole my identity? o_O08:06
aegeanlinuxHi Debetimi Okah08:07
abattoirMilhouse: ghost it08:07
MilhouseHuh? abattoir08:07
abattoirMilhouse: /msg nickserv ghost nick password08:07
Hikaru79RichJ, still nothing =( I can hear them, but no recording happens.08:07
RichJhmmm...what sound card do you have Hikaru79 ?08:07
testjoin #ubuntu08:08
Hikaru79Intel. Skype lists it as "Intel 82801BA-ICH2"08:08
Hikaru79Keep in mind that 1.2 works, so I doubt it's the sound card's fault.08:08
RichJhmm... Hikaru79 when you go into kmix, do you see a thing all the way to the right for ac97?08:08
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testi dont have a kmix. :(08:09
RichJhmm...im looking in the wrong area..08:09
RichJHikaru79: you have capture set to record as well correct?08:09
Hikaru79The capture set to record?08:09
Hikaru79Explain ^ ^;08:09
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=== MilhousePunkRock is back, this time for real!
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RichJHikaru79: under inputs you should have "Microphone" and "Capture"...make sure capture is set to red, record08:10
Hikaru79Are we talking about Kmix now?08:10
MilhousePunkRock(How) Can I change the log-out/shutdown screen of KDE?08:10
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RichJyes Hikaru79 , sorry for not clarifying08:11
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Hikaru79At the moment, only the Mic red light is on. Capture's red light is not on. Should it be?08:11
RichJyes, capture should be on08:11
Hikaru79=D Let's try that08:11
=== RichJ crosses his fingers ;)
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Hikaru79If this doesn't help, can I send you a screenshot of my kmix, perhaps there's something blindingly obvious that I'm missing ^ ^;08:12
obf213yeah paste the link here08:13
Hikaru79I heard something08:13
Hikaru79It's very very faint08:13
Hikaru79But yeah, it's there08:13
RichJturn up the volum then08:13
RichJcrank it up08:13
Hikaru79Mic and Capture?08:13
RichJcapture and mic volume up til its perfect08:13
RichJtry capture first08:13
RichJi crank my mic08:13
Hikaru79Thank you RichJ!08:14
Hikaru79All is well =)08:14
obf213atta baby Rich08:14
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RichJgood deal Hikaru7908:14
RichJglad i could help08:14
testanybody know if xgl can run on an intel915?08:14
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:15
RichJmake sure you make that check payable to "nixternal" and send me a receipt ;)08:15
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crimsuntest: ew.08:15
crimsuntest: yes, it can, albeit very slowly. On the other hand, AIGLX in Edgy works like a charm.08:16
Hikaru79http://home.comcast.net/~nixternal/ <--- This is you?08:16
RichJhaha ya08:16
testcimsun: on a 915?08:17
RichJHikaru79: i know you don't read that...how did you run acrossed it?08:17
testcrimsun: I mean the edgy aiglx...08:17
Hikaru79You said to make the check payable to "nixternal" so I googled it. First hit :P08:18
Hikaru79BTW, it's in the mail ;-)08:18
RichJim googleable...lovely..time to change names08:18
MilhousePunkRockWhat's the command to remove something I installed from a .deb package?08:19
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Hikaru79MilhousePunkRock: sudo apt-get remove ?08:19
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MilhousePunkRockProbably not... I installed firefox 2b, I want to get rid of it again without touching firefox 1.508:20
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Hikaru79You installed 2b from a .deb?08:20
Hikaru79Then it must have a different name from your 1.5 install, or else you've overwritten 1.508:21
RichJHobbsee: how are you?08:21
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RichJgood bye08:21
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RichJHobbsee: :)08:22
aegeanlinuxLOL @ RichJ + Hobbsee08:22
RichJshe is killin me08:22
RichJevery channel i have been owned08:22
aegeanlinuxHe is a she ... Woops, sorry Hobbsee.08:23
=== RichJ rips up his TODO list
MilhousePunkRockHikaru79: I just checked again, it was a tar.gz08:23
aegeanlinuxHobbsee as on your todo list RichJ?08:23
Hobbseeaegeanlinux: huh?08:23
aegeanlinux[16:23]  <Hobbsee> heh.08:24
aegeanlinux[16:23]  * RichJ rips up his TODO list08:24
RichJthat one lost me as well08:24
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RichJinside joke with Hobbsee and gang ;)08:24
aegeanlinuxIt was a thing of the moment ;)08:24
aegeanlinuxit is?08:24
RichJok, #kubuntu-offtopic ;)08:24
Hikaru79MilhousePunkRock: ah, different story then :) Did you have to compile it on your own? Or did it have an installer script?08:24
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MilhousePunkRockHikaru79: Install skript08:25
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osirisok.  this may be a dumb question, but here goes.  how would i install a samba server in kubuntu, so users can mount the shares (aka dont need root access to the box to mount the share)08:25
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osirislast time i installed it, i needed to run the share browser as root08:25
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Hikaru79In that case, the uninstall method could be anything, There's probably an uninstall script as well, but there's no "standard" procedure if they have their own install script.08:25
MilhousePunkRockHikaru79: Oh, dear... Thanks, I will look...08:26
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aegeanlinuxMilhousePunkRock: I can give you a .tar.gz version of mine that installs into /opt.08:27
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aegeanlinux(not garrenteed to work though ;) )08:27
ubuntuhey everyone08:27
MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: My bad, I thought it was a .deb, but it was an tar.gz08:27
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aegeanlinuxMilhousePunkRock: Bad boy.,08:27
testhiya ubuntu08:27
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ubuntuhow do i change my nickname here?08:28
aegeanlinux /nick {new one}08:28
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aegeanlinuxMilhousePunkRock: Your a few mistakes more away from being labled "n00b" (jokes)08:28
priscilliaso from where is everyone08:28
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aegeanlinuxAustralia mates.08:28
aegeanlinuxmdsk: welcome.08:29
MilhousePunkRockaegeanlinux: I label myself noob anyway...08:29
aegeanlinuxNow, now...08:29
priscilliai am from belgium08:29
aegeanlinuxcould be worse.08:29
Hikaru79Canada, here.08:29
testnortheastern US08:29
aegeanlinuxyou could be an Xtreme-N00b.08:29
priscilliahi hikaru08:29
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aegeanlinuxfrom #Xtreme-N00b08:29
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Hikaru79Hi Priscilla :)08:30
aegeanlinuxQueen of the Desert08:30
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priscilliaDo you guys know tisto08:30
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aegeanlinuxSorry priscillia, I had to do it ;)08:30
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priscilliayou had to do what?08:31
AegeanLinux"Queen of the Desert"08:31
AegeanLinuxgoogle it ;)08:31
MilhousePunkRockIsnt that the movie with the drag queens and their RV?08:31
MilhousePunkRockThe other australian movie besides Crocodile Dundee...08:31
priscilliai think milhouse can know tiesto because yesterday when i went to see him there were even people from germany08:32
AegeanLinuxWhat about the Crocodile Hunter08:32
AegeanLinuxthats a classic08:32
testscary how i knew that too much tv at 3am i guess08:32
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MilhousePunkRockI know nothing about tiesto!08:33
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MilhousePunkRockHikaru79: Any ideas how I can get rid of Fx2b by now?08:34
MilhousePunkRockIt does not look as if it had a remove scripts08:34
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: fx2b ?08:34
MilhousePunkRockFirefox 2 Beta abattoir08:34
abattoirhmm, ok08:35
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: deb or tgz?08:35
MilhousePunkRockThe regulars in #kubuntu-de talked me into it... But it does not run well along 1.5 installed08:35
priscilliado you guys know praga khan then?08:35
MilhousePunkRocktar.gz abattoir08:35
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: i'm not familiar w/ firefox packages now, but dont you have to just run those locally?08:36
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MilhousePunkRockThat means deleting the directory is all I need to do?08:36
Hikaru79MilhousePunkRock: give me a link to the installer you used. I'll install it and see how to uninstall it.08:37
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: how do you run it? /home/MPR/firefox/firefox or something?08:37
crimsuntest: yes, I'm using it right now with xfwm4's compositor.08:37
MilhousePunkRockOne second, Hikaru79... abattoir, kinda, I created a link to that, but it runs from /home/me/var/firefox/firefox08:38
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hmm, then i think it is safe to remove the folder... give us the link, we'll see :)08:38
abattoir*i.e removing the folder and the symlink should get rid of it08:38
MilhousePunkRockThere you go, Hikaru79 and abattoir -->http://www.mozilla.com/products/download.html?product=firefox-2.0b1&os=linux&lang=de08:39
=== MilhousePunkRock would like to try Opera once again instead...
Hikaru79Okay. But I changed it to http://www.mozilla.com/products/download.html?product=firefox-2.0b1&os=linux&lang=en , I'm sure that doesn't affect the install process :P08:39
MilhousePunkRockMost likely not, Hikaru79...08:40
testcrimson: interesting indeed.08:40
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kane__anyone have windows on their machine (along with Kubuntu) ?08:40
MilhousePunkRockMaybe I should bite the bullet and switch my Kubuntu to English... So everyone can deal with the error messages...08:40
MilhousePunkRockkane__: Not me, but probably some people have that...08:40
Hikaru79kane__: I do.08:41
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: what about the folks at -de ?08:41
Hikaru79A lot of people do ^ ^;08:41
kane__Hikaru79: have you set volume labels on your fat32 partitions ?08:41
MilhousePunkRockThe channel is not very active in the morning time...08:41
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: ^^08:41
Hikaru79Nope. I only have one, and it has no volume label.08:41
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: oh, ok08:41
kane__Hikaru79: hmm ok ...08:41
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kane__i just wanted to test if the media:/ shows the volume labels which are set in windows08:42
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: They were all amazed with 2b, so I gave it a shot... But it does not really run stable here... E.g. pasting a few hundred lines on a pastebin makes it crash...08:42
abattoirkane__: i'd expect them to be shown? arent they being shown?08:42
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MilhousePunkRockIs there a really slim browser, that is still kinda feature-rich?08:43
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: aah, ok, i prefer konqueror :)08:43
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kane__abattoir: i dont know ... i dont have windows installed :)08:43
Hikaru79MilhousePunkRock: the link you gave isn't even an installer for me, it's a precompiled firefox that I can run right out of the dir.08:43
kane__MilhousePunkRock: isn't konqui feature rich ?08:43
Hikaru79MilhousePunkRock: if this is also what you have, then it is definitely 100% safe to just delete the directory and that is enough.08:43
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abattoirkane__: because my FAT thumbdrive's label is shown... i know its not exactly a harddisk partition... but... :)08:43
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: There was something about removing IPv6 to make Konq faster, wasn't it?08:43
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kane__abattoir: aha ok :)08:44
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MilhousePunkRockKonqueror runs slower for me than Fx, kane__08:44
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: i think that's only if it is *very* slow08:44
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kane__MilhousePunkRock: thats really wierd ... usually its the other way around08:44
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: not 100% sure though08:44
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Hikaru79Only certain, flawed, networks will get a speed bump for disabling ipv6. Most of the time, it's just a placebo effect.08:44
MilhousePunkRockHikaru79, abattoir: OK... Only someone asked why his Konq was so slow lately, I told him to remove IPv6 and it helped...08:45
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MilhousePunkRockSysinfo for 'ThinkPad': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: MobileIntel(R)Pentium(R)IIICPU-M1133MHz at 732 MHz (1467 bogomips), , RAM: 240/248MB, 85 proc's, 1.14h up08:46
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: looks like removing the folder should be enough... you didnt run any install script right?(not that there is one...)08:46
MilhousePunkRockIf you look at this, I'm kinda running at the limit when it come to memory...08:47
Hikaru79Yeah, there's nothing I can see that would install anything to the fs.08:47
Hikaru79MilhousePunkRock: basically, did you at any point have to use 'sudo' while working with the beta?08:47
Hikaru79If not, then its impossible for files anywhere important to have been overwritten, so just delete the dir08:47
MilhousePunkRockHikaru79: I can't really remember... Although it was last sunday... :-)08:48
MilhousePunkRockBut I don' think so...08:48
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Hikaru79Probably not.08:49
MilhousePunkRockThere probably is a command or tool that will let me check which apps hog all the memory, right?08:49
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Hikaru79MilhousePunkRock: use 'top'08:49
lowercaseMilhousePunkRock: ksysguard08:50
Hikaru79You and your fancy GUI's ;-)08:50
lowercasehah :)08:51
MilhousePunkRockHikaru79: top is good enough, thx08:51
lowercasefunny thing is: i don't actually like guis :D08:51
MilhousePunkRockSo Xorg is using 12 %, Konversation another 808:52
MilhousePunkRockAnd the console 608:52
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dwangoacQuestion: If I connect to a FTP server running on one Ubuntu system and download files that are owned by root to a local system, how do I change ownership?08:53
dhqi am new to kubuntu i need a client to log in to yahoo and msn messenger08:53
Hikaru79dwangoac: chown08:53
dwangoacOr, to be more specific, I pulled down a directory that insists on remaining owned by root even if I sudo chown it as my local user...08:53
MilhousePunkRockIf I doubled my RAM, would the processes take more of it then cause it's more available?08:53
Hikaru79dhq, Kubuntu comes with one. It's called "Kopete" in the Internet menu. Very good software =)08:54
dhqlet me see it Hikaru7908:54
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Hikaru79What do you mean?08:54
MilhousePunkRockdhq: I second what Hikaru79 said, Kopete is really nice..08:54
Hikaru79Just go to "Internet->Kopete" in the menu08:54
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dhqHikaru79: i will check it out08:54
MilhousePunkRockAlthough it has no plugin for XFire08:54
dwangoacHikaru79: Question: If I connect to a Linux FTP server and copy files that are owned by root to a local Linux system, how do I mark those files as being owned by a user of the local Linux system?08:55
dwangoacHikaru79: sorry about that - cut and paste error.08:55
dwangoacHikaru79: Let me try changing ownership to a single file...08:55
Hikaru79dwangoac: you may have to do 'sudo chown' instead of plain 'chown'08:55
dwangoacHikaru79: I think I was dyslexified - it was the group set to root, not the user...  Just realized that chgrp is what I needed.08:56
Hikaru79Ah :) There you go.08:57
Hikaru79Hi, Kadran!08:57
MilhousePunkRockHello Kadran08:57
Kadranhi Hikaru7908:57
Kadrani have the java applications works very slow, does any one know why it could be the reason?08:58
Akeruapt-get remove gcj && apt-get install sun-java-jre :D08:58
Hikaru79Kadran, that's Java for you ^ ^; But which version of Java are you on?08:58
Hikaru79Type java -version08:58
Hikaru79What does it give you?08:59
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Kadranit is 1.4.208:59
Hikaru79Well, 1.5 is way better, but that shouldn't be the reason for your performance problems.09:01
Hikaru79Which program are you particularly having problems with?09:02
Hikaru79Because Java is often, especially with Swing, just naturally slow.09:02
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Kadranit is my company web site and it is all full of java and works perfect in the office09:03
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Kadranthere is windows in the office so i don't think that windows could be faster than linux09:03
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MilhousePunkRockre abattoir09:03
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Kadraneven the server is windows and yesterday it was so funny the administrator opened some GUI and keep looking for services name and it was soo funny09:04
Hikaru79Is this client-side or server-side Java?09:05
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Kadranit is in the client side09:06
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KadranHikaru79: i will try to remove all things that is related to java and download the latest version from sun site, hope this will make it work faster09:07
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Kadranhello ubuntu09:08
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ubuntuhi kadran09:08
Hikaru79Kadran, if you use Dapper, then it's already in multiverse09:09
ubuntuhey anyone know where to get working drivers for my fly view tv card?09:09
Hikaru79(The Sun JDK/JRE)09:09
Kadranyeah thanks man09:10
Kadrani will enable the resp. and see it09:10
Hikaru79=) Good luck.09:10
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: http://img83.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bildschirmphoto2ck1.png09:14
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osirisin a multi-user kubuntu system, how can you disable user access to sudo09:17
dhqmy sound in kubuntu is not working09:17
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Hikaru79osiris: The /etc/sudoers file.09:18
dhqhow do i make my sound work09:18
Hikaru79In general, they have to be in the admin group in order to have sudo access09:18
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sF|Xemanthhow do i get rid of sudo ? and bring back old su :| sudo is so scary09:23
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nabilmy installer gives me a problem09:24
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Kadranwhat kind of problem nabil?09:25
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:30
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tachyonhi folks09:30
Hikaru79Hi, tachyon :)09:33
KadranHikaru79: Thanks man it is faster09:33
tachyonhi Hikaru7909:33
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tachyonI've borked my KDE install, can anyone point me in the right direction?09:34
Spunkybonjour :)09:34
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Hikaru79tachyon: We need way more details than that ^ ^;09:35
Hikaru79Unless you want to just reinstall from scratch09:35
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Hikaru79Kadran, no problem :)09:35
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tachyonsure. Dapper Drake. Freezes after reaching "restoring session"09:35
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Hikaru79Anything strange you did before this appeared09:35
tachyonyes. I experimented with xgl09:36
Hikaru79That's almost certainly why, then. Ask around in #ubuntu-xgl09:36
Hikaru79They know a lot about that stuff.09:36
tachyonthis is also on freenode?09:36
Hikaru79Yup :)09:36
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Hikaru79There's so many ubuntu-related channels on freenode it boggles the mind09:37
Hikaru79No problem ^^09:37
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BanBotHello there, BanBot09:38
_Shade_hi there09:38
BanBotHello there, micah09:39
BanBotHello there!09:39
micahgood to be on the forum09:39
BanBotHi there!09:39
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BanBotHello there, dhq09:40
micahI am just getting into learning linux09:41
dhqBanBot: hey09:41
dhqi have just installed kubuntu and dont have any idea how to use it09:41
BanBotBanBot can!09:41
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dhqwhat is the super user password by default09:42
leighsudo passwd09:42
MilhousePunkRockdhq: Your user password09:42
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byenhey guys, I have a question.. i can only mount my external USB hdd and my mem stick by using sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd how can i mount them automatically09:43
MilhousePunkRockMine mount automatically when I plug them in, byen09:44
byenMilhousePunkRock, mine used to too.. but not in dapper09:44
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dhqi have problem with sound device can anyone help09:45
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crimsunplease describe your problem09:46
dhqwell i donst seem to be able to play any music09:46
dhqand i can hear only system sound09:46
dhqlike the beep from console09:47
dhqand some other09:47
tachyonHikaru79: are you still there?09:47
micahdhq, what media player are you using?09:47
micahwhat kind of files are playing? mp3, wma?09:48
crimsundhq: do you have libxine-extracodecs installed?09:48
dhqplus when i start skype i get erro msg problem with sound device09:49
Hikaru79tachyon, yup.09:49
flacciddhq: probably not a full duplex card as well so it gets locked by apps09:49
dhqcrimsun: i dont know how to installl09:49
dhqit ran well on the previous version of kubuntu09:49
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications09:50
tachyonHikaru79: I just thought I'd ask, are we sure there's no file related to these old sessions that I can delete?09:50
Hikaru79Well, what you can do09:50
Hikaru79Is go to control panel09:50
crimsundhq: What's the output from ``dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs |grep ^ii'' ?09:50
Hikaru79(System Settings)09:50
Hikaru79Go to "KDE Components" in the first row09:50
Hikaru79Select the "Session Manager" from the menu on the left09:50
tachyonwait, I can only boot into GNOME09:51
Hikaru79Type this in a terminal: systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m09:51
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tachyonis there a safe-boot like Mac+windoze?09:51
dhqcrimsun: no output09:51
Hikaru79There is, but not for KDE, just for the shell.09:51
flaccidsingle user mode09:51
Hikaru79Well, maybe there is for KDE too, I just don't know about it.09:51
Healotsingle mode - kinda, question?09:52
flaccidi assume09:52
Hikaru79flaccid: he needs one for KDE, not for the shell.09:52
flaccidor perhaps there is something more suitable09:52
Hikaru79tachyon: did that line work? Did System Settings load?09:52
flaccidhehe that would be unecessary/bloat if it existed i guess09:52
dhqcrimsun: i do not get any output for `dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs |grep ^ii'09:53
tachyonHikaru79: command not found09:53
Hikaru79What about just 'systemsettings'?09:53
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crimsundhq: please ``sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs''09:53
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dhqcrimsun: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock09:55
tachyonHikaru79: not in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin09:55
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crimsundhq: close adept/synaptic/aptitude09:55
Hikaru79Weird, my Kubuntu installation came with system-settings in /usr/bin09:56
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dhqcrimsun:  close adept/synaptic/aptitude i dint get you09:56
tachyonHikaru79: I only added KDE afterwards09:57
Hikaru79Do sudo apt-get install kde-systemsettings09:57
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Hikaru79Then once it's installed, run systemsettings09:58
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Hikaru79Go to "KDE Components"09:58
Hikaru79"Session Manager"09:58
Hikaru79And set it to "Start with a blank session on startup"09:58
Hikaru79Instead of trying to load an old one.09:58
crimsundhq: it means exit Adept, or Synaptic, or aptitude09:58
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dhqcrimsun:E: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate10:00
_Vmandhq: in Adept>Manage Repositories you must add to "Universe" the "Multiverse" keyword to add that repository to fetch the updates for the libxine-extracodecs after you do this right click the lines chose "Enable" at the bottom "Apply" then "Fetch Updates" at the bottom and after this you will be able to see the libxine-extracodecs package in ADEPT. :)10:00
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tachyonarrgh Konversation has no copy function!10:01
Hikaru79What do you mean?10:01
Hikaru79To copy text? Yes it does..10:01
Hikaru79Right-click + copy, or just ctrl+c10:01
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Ace2005My computer just crashed!!!! the second i pressed play in juk all hell broke loose10:02
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tachyonHikaru79: its grayed out10:02
Ace2005The mouse instantaniously stopped moving, the keyboard stopped too, the numlock wouldn't work, it just froze10:02
Ace2005i think its to do with arts10:03
Hikaru79What's greyed out?10:03
tachyoncopy was. It's ok now. sorry10:03
Ace2005It happens if i leave the computer idle over night and when i play music without killing arts first so it restarts the computer freezes10:03
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Ace2005No one had arts freeze up on them? ever?10:06
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Hikaru79Not yet :P10:07
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:07
ions_may i request some assistance with the installation of kernel sources?10:08
Healotpay up, ions_, ahaks10:08
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ions_is /usr/src/linux the appropiate location?10:09
ions_with linux being a symlink10:09
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Chousukethe package manager should take care of it.10:10
Chousukebut yes, the sources are usually symlinked there.10:10
ions_yer i installed it throu adept aswell10:10
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ions_but still gettin erros with some drivers im trying 2 install10:10
digitalslackerdoes anybody know how to get SSL/TLS support in the Links browser?10:10
Ace2005Anyone knw how to get rid of error popups that azureus shows? like the one about azureus not being shut down tidily?10:11
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bbthmm. tried installing Enemy Territory. had to do it as sudo. when i run it, i have to run it with sudo or it doesnt work correctly. so i am basically running the game as root right?10:13
Hikaru79Ace2005: yes, that's a known bug10:13
Hikaru79Ace2005: For some reason, if you go to the "help/about" window, it will be close-bale10:13
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Hikaru79That's the only way to turn the darn thing off =P Weird, weird bug.10:14
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sulimani have problem with installing nvidia driver10:14
sulimani can`t exit x server , what i do ?10:15
Ace2005Hikaru79: Thanks i'll try it after it restarts, Any way to remove the popups?10:15
Hikaru79Ace2005, nope, but there's about 3 bug reports on Azureus' Bugzilla for this issue, I'm sure that that feature will exist in the next release =P10:16
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Ace2005Hikaru79: Thanks, are you by any chance a fan of dragon drive?10:17
Hikaru79Ace2005: I've seen it, but the name actually comes from Hikaru no Go ;-)10:17
Ace2005Hikaru79: Oh ok10:18
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Healotdamn board game cartoon10:18
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Hikaru79Healot, I hope you are not insulting Hikaru no Go >:(10:20
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abattoirHikaru79: Hikaru no go... Hikaru's Language?10:21
Hikaru79No, not quite :P10:21
Hikaru79I think "go" only has that meaning as a suffix, not a standalone10:21
Hikaru79"Go" is an ancient Chinese board game10:22
Hikaru79That's what Hikaru no Go refers to. It's really a very excellent anime, despite it seeming like it has a very overdone premise.10:22
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JonBmy screen seems larger than my monitor. When i reach the edge it scrools the screen10:24
flaccidJonB: monitor may not be able to support that resolution10:24
flaccidie. too high res10:24
JonBflaccid: monitor supports 2048x153610:24
Ace2005Hey what do you think of this: http://img135.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rect4175bo5.png I'm making a boot theme and i was wondering what you think10:25
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flaccidcould be to do with the monitor entry in xorg.conf or the monitor driver10:25
JonBflaccid: and i did run it earlier, but the slight flicker at 60hz made me try a lower resolution to get a higher hz10:25
flaccidi guess #xorg can help10:25
flaccidhmm interesting10:25
flaccidis it a laptop?10:26
JonBno, desktop10:26
JonBwith a agp matrox g45010:27
JonBdual screen10:27
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JonBone is 1600x120010:27
JonBactually both are10:27
dhqhow do i see the bandwith and all processes which tool is it10:27
JonBflaccid: but i tried to run the primary at a higher resolution and the 2. at the max 1600x120010:27
JonBflaccid: the primary should be able to do 2048x1536, though only at 60 hz10:28
flaccidwhat are you using for the dual display capability10:28
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JonBflaccid: what do you mean? both monitors are the same 21" viewsonic g220f10:29
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flaccidwhat provides the ability to do dual display. like mergeFB or twinview10:30
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flaccidhave you seen http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors its always good for any distro10:31
JonBflaccid: i enabled a second screen option in the settings panel10:31
JonBflaccid: the card has 2 VGA out10:31
flaccidkde kcontrol panel?10:32
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JonBflaccid: yes10:32
flaccidis the issue only when using dual displays?10:32
JonBflaccid: i think10:32
JonBflaccid: i did not notice it before10:32
JonBand when i ran a higher resolution i did not see it either10:32
JonBon the primary monitor10:33
flaccidyou may need to do a bit of work in xorg.conf and/or use a dual display manager10:33
JonBflaccid: there is a dual display manager built into kde kcontrol panel10:33
JonBflaccid: besides i dont want to stop at 2...10:33
flaccidi know there is a dual display manager built in, but this is not suffice for a lot of setups10:34
JonBflaccid: i have 5 of the same monitor, but my table has only enough space for 410:34
JonBflaccid: okay10:34
JonBflaccid: what options exists to link 2 xservers together ?10:34
flaccidi couldn't get a lot to work 'out of the box' with kde10:34
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JonBflaccid: okay10:34
JonBcan i get something so i with 2 pc's can share keyboard and mouse ?10:35
office_please help10:35
flaccidoptions exist on the wiki page...10:35
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flaccidi think you can do anything of what you suggested with configuration of xinerama of mergefb10:35
office_I have an error message for libpq4 - final line is missing10:35
HealotJonB: get a kvm switch10:35
office_how to fix it10:35
JonBHealot: why? then i have to press some button10:36
JonBflaccid: okay10:36
flaccidheh getting a kvm would defeat the purpose of dual display10:36
ubotuI know nothing about libpq4 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:36
JonBflaccid: i think he ment only for switching the keyboard/mouse10:36
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office_who can help ,e10:37
office_I realy need help a problem solution for this error in the final line10:37
flaccidhmm i don't see how that could work but fair enough ;)10:37
JonBflaccid: when i want to move from one screen to the other i would switch the kvm and the mouse would move on the other screen10:38
office_come on, give me an idea10:38
office_help me10:38
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flaccidJonB: would you still need more than 1 computer for this?10:39
JonBflaccid: yes, because i have 4 monitors and only one AGP slot in each computer10:41
JonBflaccid: the only pci gfx cards i can find for free are s3 virge and s3 trio6410:41
JonBflaccid: i do have 2 agp matrox cards though, so it'll have to be 2 computers10:41
flaccidi understand10:41
JonBflaccid: or i have to buy new equipment10:41
flaccidwell this scenario is defeated for 2 screen set up, maybe not for more10:42
flaccidbut im' sure you can do all this stuff with mergefb10:42
JonBi'll look at it10:43
JonBcan mergefb move windows across ?10:43
flaccidpretty sure yes10:43
Ace2005Hikaru79: The bug is fixed in the latest CVS: http://azureus.sf.net/cvs10:43
flaccidit'll say the features online somewhere, like on its homepage10:43
JonBcool because some years ago i could only move mouse10:43
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flaccidah that would suck10:44
flaccidall of em should be able to move a window these days you would expect10:44
noiesmoDaSkreech, hey hows it goin, had to revert me compiz to quinn12 packages was gettin lag on the latest stuff dam it :)10:44
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JonBflaccid: it's 6? years ago i think10:44
JonBflaccid: do you happen to know the homepage? google does only seem to link to howto's10:46
flaccidsorry  i don't10:47
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MilhousePunkRockAny got an idea why that green ball from the adept updater won't go away anymore when it realizes there are no updates?10:47
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Hikaru79Ace2005: thanks for the heads-up =)10:49
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cotrolerI have just installed Enemy Territory for linux (opengl) and i have got no sound....do i need to install drivers?10:52
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AegeanLinuxcotroler: Try turning off all other sound apps10:54
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AegeanLinuxand also turn of the KDE sound system10:55
AegeanLinuxthen try again ;010:55
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cotrolerill try :)10:56
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cotrolerK worked now :D10:56
mcihadwhat is kubuntu?10:57
cotrolerlinux disrto10:57
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wilfredHdoes anyone here get their kernels direct from kernel.org?11:02
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eeoshi there11:06
eeosI have problems with printing on 6.06 lts11:06
wilfredHthere have been a few bugs with cupsd and printing - is everything up to date on your box?11:07
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eeosyes it is, but I cannot access cupsd using the web interface11:10
eeosor install the printer using kdprint or printconf11:11
eeosthe printer is a common one11:11
eeosthe ppd file is there11:11
eeoseverything is up to date, pgraded this morning11:11
eeoswhat do you think?11:11
eeosis there a workaround?11:11
cotrolerAzureus needs JRE...I have Java installed...is Java and JRE the same????11:15
eeoswilfredH: are you still there?11:16
robtry ktorrent instead11:16
robhaving to use java just to download torrents is stupid11:16
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cotrolerrob: ktorrent doesn't let me seed downloaded files11:17
robIt works for me11:17
robcheck your settings11:18
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cotroleris there some kind of update to do with it?11:18
MilhousePunkRockCU next time everyone...11:18
wilfredHeeos: yup11:18
tachyonhey folks, whats your favorite VNC viewer?11:18
eeoswilfredH: do you know if there is a workaround for this problem?11:18
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robcotroler, no, just click Settings -> Configure Ktorrent and take a look11:19
cotrolerThe Application KTorrent crashed and caused signal 11.... - shows isnt good wont even start11:19
cotrolerrob:The Application KTorrent crashed and caused signal 11.... - shows isnt good wont even start11:19
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wilfredHeeos: one sec, checking11:19
robhave you installed all the updates cotroler?11:19
cotrolerrob: yes11:19
robtry running it again then11:19
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cotrolerrob: i did i even restarted pc but it still gives eror11:20
robwhat, everytime you run it?11:20
robmaybe file a bug report then11:20
robit works flawlessly for me at least on Dapper11:21
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cotroleri got drapper 211:21
wilfredHeeos: http://www.alweb.dk/blog/anders/kubuntu_dapper_now_with_printing_working11:22
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eeoswilfredH: on the phone, grrrrrrrr11:25
eeoswilfredH:I had already added the root account11:26
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EmanuelFwhy my kde crahses frequently? (kwin.. etc) =(11:34
fannagogannathat i don't know11:35
EmanuelFthat happens with someone too?11:36
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ricardodoes anybody know if MATLAB is a "Swing application"??11:39
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digibre4k_its me again..!!!11:40
digibre4k_I need help again...!!!11:40
digibre4k_Can U help me?????11:41
digibre4k_How can chat with xandros or kubuntu????11:41
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abattoirEmanuelF: are you running xgl/compiz by any chance?11:43
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abattoirdigibre4k_: kopete? which protocol?11:43
digibre4k_can explain????11:44
abattoirdigibre4k_: yes, can you please explain? :P11:44
digibre4k_How use that???11:44
abattoirdigibre4k_: what do you exactly want to do?11:44
digibre4k_Like MIRC .....?11:45
abattoirdigibre4k_: then konversation is the app11:45
abattoirdigibre4k_: what are you on? Windows?11:45
abattoirdigibre4k_: then arent you already on an IRC client?11:45
digibre4k_Windows??? I dont used again!!!11:46
emanuel_abattoir: no.. just xorg and kde11:46
abattoiranyways, Konversation is an IRC client which comes default with Kubuntu11:46
abattoiremanuel_: is it reproducible?11:46
abattoiremanuel_: like it occurs randomly? or does it occur after you do something specifically?11:46
abattoiremanuel_: so 'kwin' crashes, and you lose window borders?11:47
emanuel_a debian user told me that kde 3.5 has this problem11:47
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abattoiror is X restarted?11:47
emanuel_I loose window borders11:47
emanuel_then I need to restart X11:48
abattoiremanuel_: have you upgraded to kde 3.5.3 ?11:48
abattoiror are you w/ the stock 3.5.2 which comes w/ dapper11:48
abattoiroh ok.11:48
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abattoirso you didnt have this before upgrading?11:48
emanuel_its the same before and after..11:49
emanuel_i think im going back to gnome..11:49
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emanuel_kde isnt for me11:49
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emanuel_anyway.. abattoir tkz for the help11:50
abattoiremanuel_: no problem, whatever you prefer. :)11:51
cotrolerIs there any way to login as root in the browser pls ??????11:51
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emanuel_this freedom of choice is the best thing in linux :)11:52
abattoircotroler: you want to open up konqueror as root?11:52
abattoircotroler: 'kdesu konqueror'11:52
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digibre4k_how can i chat if i used xandros???11:57
abattoirdigibre4k_: KDE?11:57
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digibre4k_explain ....please,........??11:57
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abattoirdigibre4k_: as i said, konversation is an IRC client, but someone at a xandros channel might be more familiar with  its applications.11:58
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abattoir#xandros maybe?11:58
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digibre4k_nothing explain???12:01
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fannagoganna!info amarok12:04
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 7630 kB, installed size 18672 kB12:04
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fannagoganna!info adept12:04
ubotuadept: package manager for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 3752 kB, installed size 10988 kB12:04
grizzlyis there a option so that commands with less than 2 characters are not added to bash's history?12:05
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage12:08
AegeanLinux!ubuntu linux12:08
ubotuI know nothing about ubuntu linux - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:08
AegeanLinux!kubuntu linux12:08
ubotuI know nothing about kubuntu linux - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:08
AegeanLinuxDang. I though this thing was the #kubuntu bot12:08
AegeanLinuxthis thing doesn't even know what its talking about ;)12:08
jhak88anyone: um... how do I change the "Open With" program?12:09
jhak88so I don't have to use Amarok but XMMS?12:09
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ricardohey guys....what do u have under CLASSPATH?12:10
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RawSewagejhak88, right click the file12:14
RawSewageselect Properties12:14
RawSewageclick the Wrench12:14
eeosI need some help with printing on kubuntu 6.0612:16
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eeosanybody out there who knows a bit about it?12:16
RawSewageno, something to do with CUPS12:16
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RawSewageIs the Update broken?  Mine has been broken for a few days now12:22
RawSewagekdelib or something12:22
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eeosRawSewage: yes I think it is aproblem with cups, I cannot access it with the web interface either12:23
eeosbut it appears to be running12:24
RawSewageyour best bet is to search  http://ubuntuforums.org/12:24
|lostbyte|eeos, No experiance with cups, but did you check your firewall.12:27
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RawSewageAm I the only one who's update has been broken for the last 2 days12:28
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RawSewageIs the update broken for anyone else?12:30
RawSewageIve been asking this question for a few days now12:30
RawSewageno one has answered12:30
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RawSewageIve answered 100 peoples questions in the meantime12:31
Tm_Tyes, there's been some issues with repositories, everything works fine now12:31
RawSewageok, I'll try for the 100th time today12:32
RawSewageI doubt it will be fixed though12:32
Tm_Twhat's the problem exactly?12:32
RawSewagekdelibs-data is broken12:33
RawSewageIm trying again...12:33
Tm_Tplease give me exact errormessage12:33
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RawSewageThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.12:33
RawSewageI get this trying to upgrade kdelibs-data12:34
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RawSewagethen I have to go do the dpkg --configure thing in order to unlock it and update the unbroken ones12:34
RawSewageI'll just wait a few more days, I guess12:35
Tm_Tsounds weird12:35
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Tm_Tnothing like that been here12:35
RawSewageok ty12:35
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priscilliahi everyone12:57
priscilliahey tachyon12:57
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kane__hey all12:58
priscilliahey kane12:58
kane__hey priscillia12:58
priscilliawhat language?12:58
kane__language ?12:58
cotrolerHow do you uninstall programs in kubuntu?? is there an uninstaller or something?12:58
priscilliawhat language do you speak12:59
kane__i can speak english and malayalam :)12:59
ubotuI know nothing about uninstall - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:59
priscilliai don't know cotroler12:59
tachyonis it in KPackage?12:59
kane__cotroler: try the "Add Remove programs"12:59
priscilliamala what?12:59
kane__cotroler: you can also remove packages from adept12:59
kane__priscillia: malayalam12:59
priscilliai just have my linux for a short time12:59
cotrolerkane__: for example i installed a game not from adept...how can i remove it?01:00
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kane__priscillia: how do you like it so far ?01:00
priscilliawhere do you live?01:00
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kane__cotroler: how did you install it ?01:00
priscilliait is ok01:00
kane__priscillia: Kochi, Kerala, India01:00
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cotrolerkane__ ./install01:00
kane__cotroler: eh ... that doesnt say much i'm afraid01:00
kane__cotroler: did you see any files ending with .deb ?01:01
priscilliai have to go my boyfriend is here01:01
kane__priscillia: ciao01:01
cotrolerlet me see01:01
cotrolerkane__ usr/local/games/enemy-territory01:01
kane__cotroler: if that directory contains all the files you want to remove ..01:02
z00manyone on an amd64 version of kubuntu?01:02
kane__cotroler: then you can do "sudo rm -rf /usr/local/games/enemy-territory"01:02
HealotI on Windows XP x64 2003 :)01:02
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z00mi intsall the k8 linux kernel, but its not booting!01:03
abattoirz00m: grub?01:03
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abattoirz00m: was it updated after you installed the kernel? and do you get an error message when trying to boot?01:04
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z00mabattoir: yeah i select it in grub, it then trys to boot the image but then just switches back to the kubuntu logo and hangs01:04
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abattoirz00m: which processor? Athlon64?01:05
z00mamd64 3000+01:05
abattoirz00m: can you remove 'silent splash' from the kernel options and see what the error message is?01:05
abattoirin grub menu.lst, that is01:05
z00mok, ill give that a go now01:06
z00mthen ill be back in a sec01:06
abattoirz00m: ok01:06
flacciddoes kde have a gui general configuration error01:09
abattoirflaccid: 'kcontrol' and 'systemsettings'01:10
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: welcome back :)01:12
JonBhey Ademan01:12
flaccidwhat part of kcontrol?01:12
flaccidi mean equiv of gconf01:12
abattoirflaccid: umm, what does gconf do? :P01:12
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flaccidoh thats not what i mean01:12
flaccidum i mean a program that indexes your computers .conf files for easy access and edit under root01:13
flaccidtext edit01:13
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betgamethink you got what it takes to win? go to http://mldesigners.com/betgame/ to prove your worthiness!!01:14
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_pedroHi everyone01:15
z00mabattoir: you there ?01:15
_pedroI would like to have some help01:15
abattoirflaccid: oh, then i'm not sure...01:16
abattoirz00m: yes01:16
_pedroRecently I upgrade from breezy to dapper01:16
_pedroI had only 2 errors01:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:16
abattoirflaccid: wouldnt gconf also work w/ kde? or is it DE specific?01:16
z00mthe error is to do with there is no module for nividia in kernel01:16
_pedroit failed in configure hplip and kubuntu-desktop01:17
z00mnvidia i mean01:17
_pedronow My desktop is poor01:17
abattoirz00m: install 'linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8' or something similar01:17
_pedrowhat can I do?01:17
z00mah right01:17
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flaccidit does but gconf is not what i thought it was its like equiv of kcontrol i think01:17
abattoirflaccid: sorry, i didnt understand what you meant by 'configuration' editor... :P01:18
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flaccidyeah sorry i was vague01:18
z00mabattoir: i got the error when trying to startx01:18
JonBhey abattoir01:18
abattoirJonB: hello :)01:19
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abattoirz00m: i think installing that metapackage should solve it.01:19
abattoir!info linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k801:19
ubotuPackage linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8 does not exist in dapper01:19
JonBabattoir: i got it working, it was that extra pci gfx that made the trouble01:20
cotroler got this error when installing azureus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1909101:20
abattoirJonB: good :) so you have to live only w/ one monitor for now, i guess.. :P01:20
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JonBabattoir: no, the matrox has 2 vga out. I have 5x21" and wanted to use all. It appears like i have to use an extra pc and use synergi01:21
abattoirJonB: oh, ok01:21
JonBabattoir: to link them together01:21
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_pedroPlease, I would be glad to have some help01:22
abattoir_pedro: could you 'pastebin' your errors?01:23
abattoir!pastebin > _pedro01:23
_pedrothe only thing that the error says is that it couldn't configure hplip and kubuntu-desktop01:24
z00mabattoir: rebooting again to test ... brb01:24
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flaccidldap server to use?01:26
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z00mabattoir: its working now! ;)01:28
abattoirz00m: cool :)01:28
z00mso whats the difference01:28
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_pedrowell, I am here again01:29
abattoirb/w k8 and generic?01:29
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abattoiri guess k8 is a bit more optimised for Athlon/Opteron01:29
_pedroI solved that problem but now the point is that I have a Desktop without Menu item in the bar menu01:30
_pedroI even don't have the K of all the programs01:30
_pedroHow can I have my previous configuration of kde?01:30
abattoir_pedro: rt.click on the panel -> add applet to panel01:31
z00mah ok, it seem to take the same time to boot and can't really see any performance jump01:31
abattoir_pedro: do you see a kmenu entry there?01:31
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abattoir_pedro: ok, rt. click on the panel-> add application to panel->add this menu01:31
abattoir_pedro: do you have 'kubuntu-desktop' installed?01:32
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abattoiroh, ok01:32
abattoir_pedro: you can get the 'default' kicker configuration that comes w/ kubuntu by deleting the kikcerrc file in ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc01:33
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_pedroI am going to try01:33
abattoir_pedro: close kicker before that with 'killall kicker'01:33
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abattoir_pedro: after you delete the file, execute 'kicker'01:34
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_pedroI worked!!01:34
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abattoir_pedro: nice :)01:34
_pedroyou ar a genius man!01:34
z00mProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.01:35
z00m[Switching to Thread 46912553854544 (LWP 5489)] 01:35
z00m0x00002aaaad447fa0 in strlen () from /lib/libc.so.601:35
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abattoir_pedro: hehe, lol01:35
z00mdamn nessus!01:35
_pedronow everything is all right01:35
_pedroI have working my kubuntu dapper01:35
_pedroThanks very much all of you01:36
tachyonwill no one suggest a VNC client to me?01:36
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Healotand ssh -X (not vnc hehe)01:36
tachyonno this is for controlling my mac01:37
kane__tachyon: i think there is a VNC client in default Kubuntu01:38
tachyonso is this in /usr/bin?01:38
tachyoni dont know where to find it01:39
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kane__tachyon: K->Internet-> Remote Desktop Connection01:39
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tachyonkane__: the Connect button is grayed out!01:41
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ronaldZijn er mensen die me willen helpen met een software-raid probleem?01:42
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl01:42
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ronaldI'm sorry01:44
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kane__tachyon: well, you need to type the right server addres ... press browse and see what happens01:44
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MilhousePunkRockronald: Either type /join #ubuntu-nl , or just click on the blue channel name01:44
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ronaldIt's a very lang time ago that I've used IRC. Going... going... gone01:46
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MilhousePunkRockAnd ronald, don't ask if you can ask, just ask... ;-)01:48
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ronaldMilhousePunkRock I'm asking. What is it youre saying01:50
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tachyonkane__: it works! I needed to add the port number01:52
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tachyonyou have done a good deed for today01:52
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MilhousePunkRockHi slow-motion01:53
slow-motionhi MilhousePunkRock01:53
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sF|Xemanthhttp://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php <- Why they must change repo url when new version comes? Its hard tocorrect new line to sources.list everytime when amarok updates01:55
Healotisn't it ironic, i a m still using windows xp01:55
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abattoirsF|Xemanth: use the amarok-latest link01:55
abattoirsF|Xemanth: http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-latest/01:56
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sF|Xemanthuuh nice01:56
abattoirsF|Xemanth: or http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-stable/ if you want only 'stable' ones01:57
sF|Xemanthhttp://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-latest/ <- thats good01:58
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MilhousePunkRockIs there a way to replace the logout/shutdown selection screen? The one with the dragon on the moon...02:00
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HawkwindHe gets mad if you call him a dragon.  His name is 'Konqi'02:02
HawkwindPhazeman: Long time no see!02:02
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dek_aikMilhousePunkRock: the file you need to replace is /usr/share/apps/ksmserver/pics/shutdownkonq.png02:02
Phazemanwoot Hawkwind02:02
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MilhousePunkRockWell, since I haven't seen any penguins around here, I don't want any DRAGONS either...02:03
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cotrolerAny one recommends a good mp3 player for linux similar to winamp in windows???02:03
PhazemanHawkwind: how are you man ?? what are you doing here ?02:03
HawkwindPhazeman: I'm doing well.  About to go back to bed, only woke up for a few minutes.02:03
lowercasecotroler: xmms or beep-media-player02:04
abattoircotroler: xmms02:04
PhazemanHawkwind: i mean in this channel :)02:04
HawkwindPhazeman: I run Kubuntu now.  I've left Mandriva 100%02:04
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PhazemanHawkwind: welcome to the club ;))))02:04
Hawkwindcotroler: Or audacious which is newer and more maintained02:04
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HawkwindPhazeman: Thanks.  I even stepped down as an op about a month ago there02:05
PhazemanHawkwind: my linux machine is dead for about 2 weks.. so playing with lice cd for now02:05
HawkwindPhazeman: I do still build rpms for http://SeerOfSouls.com/ since I still have Mandriva on the server.  I'll be changing that soon and put Mdv on a spare box02:05
Phazemanhave problems to convert from win because of my film scanners and stuff02:05
Phazemanonce i'll be able to handle all that i will transfer this machine to kubuntu02:05
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HawkwindPhazeman: Very nice.  I'm very happy with it so far02:08
MilhousePunkRockdek_aik: I don't have that folder kmserver02:09
MilhousePunkRockOh, it's called kSmserver... That one I have :-)02:09
PhazemanHawkwind: been running it for about 1.5 years for now02:09
abattoirthough i think its not what you are looking for :P02:09
PhazemanHawkwind: i think it's cooler then the other thing. more stable. less problems, compatibility, gui, apt, etc...02:10
MilhousePunkRockdek_aik: But that is only the picture, I want to change the entire window that opens when I click logout in the kmenu02:10
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MilhousePunkRockhey kbrooks|school, Kyle!02:11
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Indeed you are right...02:11
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: :). Time to hack :P02:12
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Does that mean it's not as easily exchangeable as the KDM screen?02:12
aaron_just installed kernel 686-smp, how do i tell if both my processors are being used??02:13
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MilhousePunkRockIt's not so important that I would spend much time about it...02:13
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: afaik, yes, its not 'exchangeable' :)02:13
MilhousePunkRockWell, than I am only going to replace the picture...02:14
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cotrolerHow do you install .deb files in kubuntu?02:15
Firebird8when everi i control alt backspace.. shutdown fails.. why??02:15
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dek_aiki updated superkaramba today and it needed xmms..is it normal?02:17
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Healotcotroler: (sudo) dpkg -i file02:18
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MilhousePunkRockHow do I change the permissions on a file?02:18
tachyoncheck the chmod command02:19
Healottwos style, octal or chmod options (something like +r -x etc)02:19
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dek_aikFirebird8: was it Control-Alt-Del or Control-Alt-Backspace?02:19
tachyon"man chmod" first02:20
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abattoirdek_aik: i guess its normal...02:20
Firebird8dek_aik, contrl alt backspace....02:20
dek_aikFirebird8: so you want to shut X not the system..right02:21
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Firebird8dek_aik, no.. after i ctrl alt backspace i login and all then when in KDE and try to shut down it fails02:22
dek_aikabattoir: So there is a change in superkaramba then, it didnot ask xmms before, at least the first time i installed it02:23
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dek_aikFirebird8: maybe you just login with diff user with no access to shutdown?02:24
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Firebird8dek_aik, heres the problem.. when i go to the shutdown the system hangs with a black screen02:25
abattoirdek_aik: are you compiling it or installing from the repos?02:26
dek_aikabattoir: from the repo..that is why i think its weird02:26
abattoirdek_aik: does it install it or 'recommend'?02:27
abattoir*'recommend' it?02:28
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dek_aikabattoir: it installed (along with xmms of course)..btw, the superkaramba is from kde 3.5.3 (it is in diff repo from default kubuntu)..maybe caused it02:31
TheInfinityone question ... alsa should work the way that many programs can use one sound card - right?02:32
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xwolf-i'm having a problem with amarok, it won't play .mid files02:33
SoyburgI got a new tft monitor which has a native resolution of 1600x1200.  I installed Kubuntu with my old monitor which had a max resolution of 1280x1024.  How do I get Kubuntu to give me 1600x1200 in the system settings?  Preferably without reinstalling?02:33
TheInfinitykde system settings @ Soyburg02:34
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Hawkwindabattoir: For your entertainment:  http://www.seerofsouls.com/channelstats/kubuntu.html02:34
SoyburgTheInfinity: errmm.. no.  I only get 1280x1024, which is what the old monitor had as a maximal resolution in the system settings.02:34
cotrolerMy sister has Pentium 3 256mb ram 80gb harddisk ... is kubuntu good for her????????02:35
abattoirHawkwind: hehe, lol :D02:35
xwolf-perhaps adding 1600x1200 to xorg.conf?02:35
TheInfinitythen you can change the "driver" in kde system settings02:35
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abattoirHawkwind: i even beat ubotu :P02:35
xwolf-cotroler yeah, it's fine02:36
dek_aikcotroler: my lappie is P3 256 30 Gig..its OK02:36
Hawkwindabattoir: Heh.  Seems you're out doing most of us :)02:36
Soyburgxwolf:  good idea.  would that be /etc/X11/config/cf/xorg.cf?02:36
xwolf-Soyburg /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:36
abattoirHawkwind: times are UTC?02:36
Hawkwindabattoir: I believe so02:37
xwolf-don't thank me yet02:37
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xwolf-what do i need to play mid files? amarok says it can't load it02:37
Soyburghave you got a mid library?02:38
xwolf-dont know ><02:38
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abattoirHawkwind: "abattoir  asks a lot of questions ?  1118"<--- inteeresting :PP02:38
dek_aikabattoir: in my case, what apt-get command to remove xmms while keeping superkaramba..i dont like xmms that much02:39
Healotapt-get remove xmms?02:39
abattoirdek_aik: 'sudo apt-get remove xmms'02:39
abattoirdek_aik: but if superkaramba is built to depend on it, superkaramba would go as well...02:40
dek_aikabattoir: in my case, that would remove xmms and superkaramba..exactly02:40
abattoirdek_aik: guess you'll have to live w/ xmms, ;)02:40
abattoirdek_aik: or you could try an unofficial deb from kde-look.org....02:41
dek_aikabattoir: :))02:42
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Healotthere's a distro named aegean?02:43
AegeanLinuxSoz 'bout that peoples02:43
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AegeanLinuxNo, but there is one caleed AegeanLinux :D02:44
Soyburgxwolf, I just googled and it appears that there is no midi plugin for xine (which amarok uses) yet.  So maybe the answer to your question is, that amarok just doesn't play midi.02:44
dek_aikabattoir: ill try...the apt-cache show command doesnot say any dependencies on xmms..i know a trick to zap the dependencies from deb but in this case it cant be applied02:44
AegeanLinuxcapital A capital L02:44
AegeanLinuxor ALI for short ;)02:44
abattoirdek_aik: modifying the control file?02:44
AegeanLinux#aegeanlinux Healot02:44
=== abattoir has to stop asking questions :)
HealotI am ubuntunized/debianized02:45
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dek_aikabattoir: yes..i use it to install skype once02:45
AegeanLinux:D My job is to convert - try me .02:45
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abattoirdek_aik: yes, that might do the trick :)02:45
TheInfinityanyone here who knows ALSA a litte bit / knows how to mix audio streams von several programs to 1 sound card?02:46
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dek_aikabattoir: like i said in this case it cant be applied because the control file soesnt say that it depends on xmms.....02:47
dek_aikabattoir: sorry got to go..ill catch up later02:48
abattoirdek_aik: ok02:48
dek_aikabattoir: wifes calling02:48
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abattoirdek_aik: go fast then :P02:49
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abattoirHawkwind: thanks for the interesting read :)02:52
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espaceplease  iwouldlike use squid02:53
espacewith ubuntu02:53
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espacesomeone know how install correctly ?02:54
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Hawkwindabattoir: No problem.  You can bookmark it if you want to check it periodically.  It updates every day at 1am CST02:56
abattoirHawkwind: ok, thanks :)02:57
Healotespace: try to set your browser connection proxy to your squid server address, if you can see the pages on the net, then it works?02:57
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espace<Healot> nothing03:02
espaceyes he work it !03:02
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quattromaggioi have the problem03:07
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Healotif you prefer to speak spanish03:07
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:07
Healotstay here for English :_)03:08
espacehow i can find other canl please03:08
abattoirespace: in which language?03:09
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:09
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Healot#ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es03:09
espacemerci thanks gracias Saha terimakashi ....03:09
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Pee_wee_Hermanhi ppl. where is the respos.d directory in kubuntu ?03:12
Pee_wee_Hermancomming from a fed background you see03:12
abattoir /etc/apt/sources.list if you mean the file which contains the list of repos03:12
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Pee_wee_Hermanthanks.. now which respos to add to install xgl ?03:14
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Healot!find xgl03:15
ubotuFound: python-wxglade, xserver-xgl03:15
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Healot!info xserver-xgl03:16
ubotuxserver-xgl: GL-based X server. In repository universe, is optional. Version 7.0.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 1584 kB, installed size 4384 kB03:16
Healot!find compiz03:16
ubotuFound: compiz, compiz-gnome, compiz-kde03:16
gatekeeperPee_wee_Herman: also: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Xgl.2FCompiz_.28Nvidia.2903:16
Pee_wee_Hermanok whats all that meen ?> is it the repos that i need to add to the list in-able to install xgl via apt-get ?03:16
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gatekeeperPee_wee_Herman: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories03:17
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gourdinwhere is the 3.5.4 repo ? ;)03:17
abattoirgourdin: has it been announced?03:18
gourdinsuse packages are out03:18
emonkey-pafaik not03:18
emonkey-pI'll see03:19
gourdinjust wondering if some test repo exists03:19
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emonkey-pit exists but it's not accessible now, plz have some patient03:20
emonkey-pit will be in here too : http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest/03:21
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abattoirgourdin: wait for it to be announced :)03:21
gatekeepergourdin: does 3.5.4 have something you really need?03:22
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h3sp4wngourdin: Two or 3 days I would guess (I cant dist-upgrade my laptops debian sid because only a little bit of its there) kubuntu is usually a day or so behind that03:37
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AegeanLinuxnight all03:40
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Hotwire hi, how would i go about working out what driver my usb wireless network adapter uses, i need to find out if it uses ndiswrapper or has a real driver, and if it has a real driver what kernel module it uses and what its called03:40
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:41
h3sp4wnHotwire: Who makes it (is it branded card)03:41
Nickayi am trying to update some video decodes but i am not able to find any package with decodes.03:41
AgiosNickay: w32codecs03:41
MilhousePunkRockHotwire: You answered all questions yourself already... ;-)03:41
Nickaythanks agios03:41
Hotwireh3sp4wn, its a Belkin F5D6050 802.11b Adapter03:43
h3sp4wnHotwire: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/03:43
Nickayagios: there isn't any package with this name?03:43
MilhousePunkRock!info gimptool03:43
ubotuPackage gimptool does not exist in dapper03:43
AgiosNickay: one sec03:44
Hotwireh3sp4wn, thanks, now i know i dont have to use ndiswrapper03:44
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h3sp4wnHotwire: Well looking at the list there are 3 revisions of that card only one of which requires ndiswrapper03:45
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AgiosNickay: that is the correct package name and it does exist. You may need to open up your apt sources for universe and multiverse.03:45
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h3sp4wnHotwire: No actually   http://atmelwlandriver.sourceforge.net/news.html (it should just be working)03:46
h3sp4wnHotwire: run /sbin/ifconfig -a03:46
MilhousePunkRockDoes someone happen to know in which package "gimptool" is included?03:46
Hotwirethanks h3sp4wn, now all i have to do this get this going in debian sarge :P03:47
Pee_wee_Hermandoes xgl work with kde ... im following instructions.. got to edit the gdm file and havent got it on my system /? any help would be cool03:47
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Pee_wee_Hermansudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnome03:48
Pee_wee_Hermansudo cp /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom-backup03:48
Pee_wee_Hermansudo gedit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom03:48
NickayAgios: HOw can i do this? I am new user with linux and ubuntu!!! Thanks03:48
HotwirePee_wee_Herman, iirc gdm is the gnome login manager, kdm is the kde version03:49
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|lostbyte|Pee_wee_Herman, compiz compiz-gnome compiz-kde xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa libglitz-glx1 gconf-editor xmodmap03:50
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|lostbyte|Have you installed all of those ?03:52
Pee_wee_Hermando i need the compiz-gnome when im using kubuntu ?03:52
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|lostbyte|Pee_wee_Herman, yes, cause i think gnome-window-decorator is in it.03:53
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Pee_wee_Hermanok well the answer is no then... installing the compiz-gnome now03:54
Pee_wee_Hermanok all installed now , whats next ?03:55
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Jack1how do i enable sounds for xchat?03:56
AgiosNickay: Here is a post on LFD forums to help you set up ne apt-sources: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=29391074716aa01babbab1b492252687&topic=545.msg1221#msg122103:56
Jack1kde-look as no sounds and by default there were no xchat sounds installed03:56
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|lostbyte|Jack1, Sounds you mean like beep and stuff when you get messages ?03:57
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Jack1<|lostbyte|>when u work on several desktops u dont even see that u were addressed04:00
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|lostbyte|Jack1, Have you added sounds to the preference window ..04:00
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danlignornig the use of yuake and a cli irc client combo, is there any irc client that has functionality like yuake?04:01
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Jack1<|lostbyte|>i have there ticked "sound playing method"=automatic ;04:02
Nickayis there any list of kubuntu repositories ?04:02
Jack1<|lostbyte|>in xchat setttings preferences04:02
|lostbyte|yes, and have you added sound files..04:03
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|lostbyte|cause they are empty by default..04:03
Jack1<|lostbyte|>well in the folder are none..thats why i asked where i could get them04:03
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AgiosNickay: see my message above. The first 4 sources in that list are the important ones.04:04
Jack1<|lostbyte|>where can i steal them04:04
|lostbyte|Jack1, there are some here.. /usr/share/sounds/04:05
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NickayI didnt see it. Thanks Agios for ur help.04:05
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|lostbyte|No Problemo..04:06
eeoshi there I have serious problems with cups on 6.0604:06
Jack1 <|lostbyte|>i see but no xchat specific...04:06
AgiosNickay: just use the 1st 4 groups and #comment the remaining. That will give you access to most of the stable universe.04:06
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|lostbyte|not that i know of.04:10
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tachyon_bye all04:13
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slavohow to disable wine postscript driver "wineps.drv"  ? it print postscript to my raw printer , thanks04:15
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slavoit is very important for me04:17
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firepolhi, id like to istall kubuntu dapper using reiserfs for my / partition. i see its possible to use different filesystems: ext3, xfs... but not reiserfs. why is that?04:27
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drbreen_firepol: it is possible you just have to format it as reiserfs before installing04:29
firepolthe partition tool doesnt let me format in reiserfs... for what ive seen04:29
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firepolwell, ill tra just now on a laptop and see04:30
BluesKajI was informed that debian based ubuntu uses ext , I tried to use reiserf partitions but the install prevented that by leaving ext options only04:30
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h3sp4wnYou can use reiserfs from the alternative cd (or at least you could last time I tried it)04:31
firepoli installed hoary a long time ago using reiserfs04:31
firepoloh no, so i must redownload another iso image04:31
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danielknobehow can i mount .iso or .mdf under linux like in daemon tools under windows?04:34
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firepoldid i miss something (disconnected)04:35
galorindanielknobe, mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mountpoint at the command line is how I do it.04:35
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galorinmight be other ways, but that's pretty straightforward04:36
supernixdoes anyone know a way to get easy ubuntu to download all the stuff to install on a PC not connected to the net04:36
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firepoleasy, as downloading the iso file from www.kubuntu.org u mean?04:37
h3sp4wnsupernix: You can use apt-proxy to download the entire archive04:37
supernixthere is a program called easyubuntu04:37
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supernixusing the program you can install many goodies automatically and it will also make changes to the system like enabling support for non free programs04:38
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supernixlike libdvd for reading encrypted dvds04:39
firepolas h3sp4wn says, try apt-proxy04:39
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supernixhmm ok thanks for the heads up04:39
gemidjydamn, why I don't have the Insert->Movie and Sound menu in OpenOffice Impress? DO u?04:39
firepolif its not even conencted, ud like to find a way to burn all the stuff on a cd...04:39
firepol...but i guess it wont be so easy...04:39
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supernixyeah that is the problem I face because the certain system I am talking of does not have a phone line to it04:40
=== MilhousePunkRock is checking, gemidjy
supernixI figured I would download the stuff then work on installing it to the system04:41
firepolsupernix, check online tutorials or howtos to create a repository on a cdrom04:41
supernixIt would be replacing a Win95 system so I know they will love it04:41
firepolthwen copy all the stuff on the cd anc create the Packages.gz accordingly$04:41
firepolthen edit the sources.list and point it to the cdrom containing all your custom debs04:41
supernixgreat idea firepol I could even write to a dvd :D04:41
firepolwell i dont know if its easy04:42
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firepolbut there should be a tool to create a custom cd or dvd04:42
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MilhousePunkRockgemidjy: I don't have it either...04:42
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supernixI have a nice 5mbps cable modem so downloading should be quick04:42
gemidjyMilhousePunkRock: thanks, oo sux big time04:42
MilhousePunkRockNo, gemidjy04:43
gemidjyyes it does04:43
MilhousePunkRockNo it does not04:43
h3sp4wnsupernix: If you use apt proxy you can put the whole archive onto a usb2 disk and tell apt to use that04:43
gemidjycompare a MS Office user he makes presentations in no time, and I fight with OO Impress like 1 hour and I will play the file externally now04:44
firepolive just installed a crappy windows xp on a laptop, it doesnt install office 2003. its so crappy04:44
supernixthanks h3sp4wn04:44
firepolhopefully i reserved a 4 gb partition to kubuntu ;)04:44
gemidjyMilhousePunkRock: ok, for all other things than sound and other mm files within OO.org documents, OO.org is better04:45
MilhousePunkRockgemidjy: It's an Office program, not a toy.. I have never needed sounds in any OOo documents04:46
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gemidjyMilhousePunkRock: do u think I need toys?04:47
cristianopeople i need urgent help!!!04:47
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cristianoi am now on ubuntu live coz my installation seems to have something wrong04:47
MilhousePunkRockWhat would you need sounds for in a document?04:48
galorincristiano, what's going wrong?04:48
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cristianoi had the last updates this morning and now when starting kubuntu after the login page i-m redirected again to login, again and again04:48
gemidjyMilhousePunkRock: I just do04:48
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cristianotried also the not graphical login, it is successuful but when doing startx it tells me that the /dev/wacom is not present!!!04:49
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cristianoi never had anything called wacom before, i dunno what it is04:49
cristianopls help i don-t wanna reinstall everything04:49
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galorincristiano, wacom is a digitizer tablet.. got one connected?04:50
MilhousePunkRockcristiano: That's for a graphics tablet, X creates config for it by default (I don't know why though)04:50
cristianobut i dont have it!04:50
MilhousePunkRockYou can comment everything in your xorg.conf our that refers to wacom04:50
cristianowhy X should not start so_04:50
MilhousePunkRockshould be 3 sections04:50
mcscrufflo all, im using latest madwifi svn for my card, and it appears in iwconfig, but i cant connect to myap eventho network manager see's it04:50
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MilhousePunkRockMaybe you don't have another pointing device setup, cristiano04:51
MilhousePunkRockTry reconfiguring your x, cristiano04:51
cristianoMilhousePunkRock: how to do so04:51
mcscruffcristiano: are u using kubuntu or a distro based on ubuntu?04:51
cristianomcscruff: kubuntu04:52
MilhousePunkRockI will have to look up the command for you, one moment, cristiano04:52
mcscruffcristiano: when using nubuntu i had that problem, i just chmod 777 /tmp and it all worked04:52
cristianoit happened suddenly, i dunno what should have caused this04:52
cristianomcscruff: u are talking about login redirecting to login page each time04:53
MilhousePunkRockcristiano: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:53
MilhousePunkRockrun that on the shell04:53
MilhousePunkRockit will ask you about mouse keyboard and video, you will have a working xorg.conf when you are done04:53
cristianook i have to restart the pc to do so, pls cross fingers! :)04:54
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galorincouldn't what cristiano is trying to do be done in chroot?  darn missed him04:54
danielknobedo u think ati will get better drivers?? AMD has bought Ati.04:55
galorinThat would be nice.. but I'd still probably stick with nvidia...04:57
danielknobeme 2^^04:57
h3sp4wnmcsruff: rebuild wpa_supplicant with the headers from madwifi ng (instead of madwifi-old) or just set it up from /etc/network/interfaces (driver wext)04:57
danielknobei mean open-source support for drivers04:57
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danielknobeAMD and NVidia are good friends, in the past...04:58
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danielknobehope they will open some specifications and help the OS drivers to be better04:58
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danielknobethan we do not need any prop. dirver, i hope so04:59
drbreen_this ati NDA open source driver thing is evil05:00
drbreen_i believe ati would get big if they open specs05:00
drbreen_drivers would be ULTRA05:01
drbreen_hope amd believes that, too05:01
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danielknobewhen ati opens the drivers, nvidia will open the drivers, too. AMD did much for Linux in the past (the kerneldeveloper-centrum for amd64 etc. ...)05:07
danielknobeati suxx a bit, but with AMD i think all will be good05:08
Bazzithere is still hope...05:08
Agiosdon't hold your breath waiting for ATI or NVidia to open their driver specs. Just not going to happen.05:08
trappistthey're both afraid the other will sue their pants off for intellectual property infringement if they do05:09
Bazziwhich is BS05:09
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trappistnot necessarily05:09
Bazzisince they sue *each other*05:09
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Bazziso they could just settle it in advance05:09
trappistnot really05:10
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BluesKajAMD is swallowing ATI05:10
danielknobeAMD and NVidia were very cooperative in the past05:10
BluesKajdeal goes thru very soon...gonna leave NVidia all by their lonesome05:11
Bazziwell intel will be the most open player soon so it seems05:11
BluesKajDell is buying more AMD CPU's and chips05:11
danielknobeintel is not a fair player05:11
BluesKajintel and MS ...twins when it come sto marketing scruples... they don't have any !05:12
danielknobebig stores like saturn etc... have a pakt, that they sell ONLY intel and no amd05:13
MilhousePunkRocksame for dell, danielknobe and BluesKaj05:13
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MilhousePunkRockIntel forces them not to use/sell AMD chips...05:13
willwho are they forcing?05:14
AgiosI expect to see Nvidia excell in this enviornment and Intel will help. The AMD/ATI deal was a bad idea. Well, not entirely, ATI might keep AMD afloat now.05:14
danielknobehmm its a point of view, intel says, that saturn (for example) get very high reduction of the price05:14
MilhousePunkRockIntel forces e.g. Dell to use their chips... Ever seen a Dell with an AMD core?05:14
danielknobebut if saturn sells amd, the don't get the reduction05:14
danielknobeit's like forcing05:14
danielknobeever see a saturn pc with amd core?05:15
MilhousePunkRockIf you buy a prebuild PC at saturn, it's your own fault...05:15
danielknobei don't like intel because of such a strategy05:15
danielknobeLOL thats true05:15
danielknobei don't buy, but a other do, because he have no idea05:16
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danielknobei use amd and nvidia since i'm 8 years old^^05:17
BluesKajI bought my pc at Future Shop/BestBuy cuz they had the best price on the pc I was looking for ..np geting AMD or Intel in the same store05:17
danielknobeintel don't controll the total market^^. now. but a big piece of it05:18
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MilhousePunkRockyou are not older than 16, are you, danielknobe?05:19
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marciofalvoHow can i change the locale settings of ubuntu server to LANG=pt_BR05:19
danielknobesry im not registered user, but please argument your conclussion milhouse05:20
danielknobebtw. it's illegal what intel do, and they have many charge05:21
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Echodrivewoot finally got java running on dapper!05:23
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cristianoguys no solution at all05:23
cristianostill having that problem even after reconfiguring X05:23
danielknobex don't start?05:24
cristianopls help me, i dunno what to do now :(((((05:24
cristianodanielknobe: the prob is that after login each time i am redirected to login page05:25
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cristianoi tried from console and then doing startx and it gives me a prob with a wacom device while i dont have any tablet pc connected!05:25
dek_aikcristiano: edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and comment out wacom?05:25
cristianodek_aik: done no success at all05:26
MilhousePunkRockdanielknobe: That was just a joke actually...05:26
cristianothe strange weird thing is that everything happened suddenly after the update of this morning05:26
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cristianopls suggest me somthing to do, i-m going mad :(05:27
lhdshow to know what version is x11?05:27
dek_aikcristiano: i believe you updated xserver-xorg and xorg.conf being rewriiten anew05:27
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dhqi cant seem to play mp3 or any music i can only hear system sound05:28
dhqno music05:28
danielknobeu need a .mp3 player05:28
RadiantFiredhq: trying installing libxine-extracodecs05:28
danielknobelike amarok with plugin05:28
cristianodek_aik: dunno, do u remember which were the updates of today?05:28
RadiantFireor try libxine1c2a or something like that05:28
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lhdswhat is the comand under terminal to know what version of x.org i am running?05:29
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cristianosigh i dont want to reinstall everything but it looks like its gonna be like that....DAMN!05:29
dek_aikcristiano: i had similar problem in the past but with the comment out wacom it works..05:30
danielknobedo u use the defaultof dapper?05:30
cristianoi commented out dek but no solution05:31
larson9999why the heck does the wacom get in there to begin with?  a bug?05:31
cristianodanielknobe: i am using pure kubuntu dapper05:31
cristianolarson9999: is what i-m wondering too!!!05:31
cristianoi dont have any tablet but suddenly i find this stupid wacom in xorg.conf...that-s ridicolus!05:32
dek_aikcristiano: it also happen that i needed to put the mouse in modules...but that was in breezy05:32
larson9999cristiano: after i installed i'm looking in there and thinking what's all this wacom crap.  i just deleted it.05:32
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cristianolarson9999: first i commented out the wacom lines in xorg, but not working i just deleted them and no success again05:33
galorincristiano, have you restarted the x server?05:33
cristianoyep galorin05:33
dek_aikcristiano: check you /var/log/Xorg.0.log maybe it gives you more05:34
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cristianohowever this guys at repos should try everything before updating something that is harmful!05:34
larson9999cristiano: oh, i didn't mean to make things work.  you're having sound problems?  sounds like the same problem i've seen talked about in here a lot.05:34
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danielknobethen u have 7.0 x.org05:34
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cristianook ill log out from this Live and come back to kubuntu on hard drive05:35
dek_aikcristiano: did u also comment out wacom at the end of xorg.conf?05:35
cristianoyep dek, even in the server section05:35
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Shaezschethe devide ID for my modem is 75776. it is an aztech chipset. how can i find out whcih driver i need?05:35
cristianoi try again, see ya later guys...lets hope to be from hard kubuntu05:35
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gbellihello everyone05:40
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=== MilhousePunkRock will be back later... CU everyone!
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AlcapondHi - I have successfully installed my first kubuntu system - now he does get any dhcp-address on eth0 - even though it says it is "enabled" - how can I check what the problem is? Thx05:44
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Alcapondah - does not get any dhcp-address of course :)05:48
rotmanHi, I have a server with a DVD-drive, and I want to be able to use that drive on my user-pc's, as if it where their local DVD-drive. Is it best to use NFS, or would it better to use NBD for that?05:48
dek_aikAlcapond: you mean it doesnt get a dhcp-address05:49
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Alcaponddek_aik: No I do not get any ip-address - if I enter it manually I still do not get access to the net05:50
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dek_aikAlcapond: does this new  kubuntu connected to a dhcp-server?05:50
Alcaponddek_aik: yes it is connected to my router, which gives the ip-adresses to the different machines05:51
Alcaponddek_aik: sorry - fon - back in 15 minutes...05:51
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cristianoguys nothing to do05:57
cristianostill having prob05:57
cristianoi dunno what to do now05:57
cristianoi-ve tried loggin in as root from console and then doing startx05:58
cristianoit loads until starting loading the window manager and then it stucks05:58
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dek_aikcristiano: just by any chance, do u have multiples sound cards?05:59
cristianoi have the onboard AC97 and a Plantronics USB headset06:00
cristianobut they worked nice06:00
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dek_aikcristiano: i think those 2 cause it..try to disable the usb headset06:00
cristianodek i have disconnected it and tried starting this way, but no success06:01
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cristianodek_aik: do u have anything else to suggest?06:02
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dek_aikcristiano: i have 2 soundcards and it freeze everytime when star x at ksplash..you could try to rmmod the sound driver from konsole and try x..just a shot06:03
cristianocan u give me the exact command to use pls? thx06:03
dek_aiksudo rmmod snd_xxx ...find the snd_xx from lsmod|grep snd06:04
sponixI'm having an issue, the volume speaker Icon isn't in the panel anymore, and I'm trying to turn off the sound system && restart it.. Seems to be taking forever to restart the sound system06:05
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sponixAnyone in here ever lost the volume Icon from the panel, and know how to make it return ?06:05
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Agiossponix: just start up kmix06:08
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cristianodek_aik: and if this is not the main prob how can i restore sound then_06:09
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sponixAgios:  wow, that was easy ... Thanks ;)06:10
Alcaponddek_aik: re06:10
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Alcapondmy problem again: my  fresh kubuntu installation does not want to connect to the net. It does not get a dhcp address from my router even though the router works fine. Network interfaces says: eth0 Enabled, but does not show an IP-Adress. If I enter an ip-address manually it does not help - the computer does not connect to the server. How can I find the problem? Thx!06:12
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dek_aikAlcapond: start check your network setting in system settings06:15
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Alcaponddek_aik: I cannot enter much there - it is set on: Automatic (dhcp) and is activated on start06:16
Alcaponddek_aik: it says state: enabled06:16
Ace2006Hi again, what apps should i use to rip a dvd to xvid?06:16
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Kr4t05Ace2006: K3b, maybe?06:17
Ace2006Kr4t05: I thought that just burned them not rip them to xvid06:17
Kr4t05No clue06:17
Ace2006well does anyone know?06:18
dek_aikAlcapond: try the administration mode maybe restart eth0 again06:18
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Alcaponddek_aik: sorry - it seems to be a hardware problem with the plug - thx and sorry for false alert :)06:19
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Ace2006Is it just me or is the repositories VERY SLOW i'm talking like ~3000b/s06:24
AgiosI changed all of mine by pulling the us. out of them for that very reason.06:25
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rotmanHow do I make my media players understand xvid, divx and such?06:29
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MilhousePunkRockrotman: Get the appropriate codecs06:31
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Alcapondahm - how can I tell Adept Manager to look for software? It only shows my already installed packages... Thx06:32
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rotmanyeah.. that part I understood :) Any clues where I could look to find those?06:33
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MilhousePunkRock!multimedia > rotman06:35
MilhousePunkRockMaybe that helps?06:35
rotmani'll check it out, thanks06:35
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dek_aikAlcapond: check the uninstalled06:35
Alcaponddek_aik: there are none - but I am not sure wether there are any repositories active - but I do not know how to check?!?06:36
dek_aikAlcapond: if you want more apps, comment out the universe and multiverse in you /etc/apt/sources.list and comment cdrom06:37
Alcaponddek_aik: ah - right button menu!06:37
MilhousePunkRockdek_aik: I finally looked at your hibernate.conf, does not look drastically different like mine... I guess it makes a difference that you have the IX/M and I got the C06:37
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dek_aikMilhousePunkRock: i agree with you..most probabbly06:38
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MilhousePunkRockToo bad...06:39
jattFollowing problem: 1) start gvim 2) maximize the window 3) try to restore the window => window remains maximized06:39
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Alcaponddek_aik: ah getting it!06:39
jattis this a known problem? it happens with some applications. xterm works fine for example06:39
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dek_aikMilhousePunkRock: btw, have tried acpi option instead suspend206:39
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z00mgreetings ;)06:40
MilhousePunkRockdek_aik: From what I read about my video chip, it doesn't even matter... It's the card and X not getting along with the current kernel06:40
z00manyone got wine working on kubuntu amd64 ?06:41
dek_aikMilhousePunkRock: to tell u the thruth, i rarely use hibernate cause it always fails to load my sound driver (snd_es1968) so the time took to fix that is the same with a reboot06:43
galorinok.. I'm logged in as one user in konsole I'm `su anotheruser` how do I avoid the Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server ; Xlib: No protocol specified ; cannot connect to X server :0.0 error?06:43
uniqanyone know how i can save the video-brightness/contrast etc. settings in kaffeine permanently? Now I'll have to change the setting manually all the time.. and it sucks.06:43
lensin Gnome Synaptic there was a button called "fix dependency problems"... is there anything similar in KDE because I'm having dependancy problems and don't know how to fix them.06:43
MilhousePunkRockdek_aik: I dont have any hope before the 2.6.17 kernel...06:44
dek_aikMilhousePunkRock: still no luck with compiling?06:45
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MilhousePunkRockI didn't try yet, since everyone warned me not to use the egdy kernel in a dapper enviroment...06:45
uniqlens: no, not graphical, as i'm aware of. however.. in konsole 'sudo apt-get -f install' should do the trick.06:46
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lensuniq, cool, I'll try that. :)06:46
andrisphello all, i have a problem with my kubuntu installation and hardware - my computer beeps on my actions. Why is that ?06:47
uniqlens: get back to me if you get more problems.06:47
lensuniq, thanks!06:47
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andrispI have another problem too - video and audo are messed up06:49
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dek_aikanyone with a working kat? or katd for that matter?06:55
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aliasfreddek_aik: nope but kitten which has the same purpose, has the advantage of being maintained06:55
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dek_aikaliasfred: and kitten is in the repo i dont know this?06:56
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dek_aikaliasfred: no it is not..link pls06:59
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z00mwine on the amd64 version of kubuntu ?07:05
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z00minfact, forget it, ill just use windows for gamming!07:05
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lensthis is a newb question: but... what's the difference between i386, i586, i686 and AMD64... because I tried to install automatix and it said package archetexture i386 does not match system AMD64? am I SOL?07:11
tsdgeoslens: different cpus07:12
uniqlens: depends on the architecture you have. If you have installed a AMD64 system you can't automatix for i386, they are not compatible.07:12
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lensyes I know, but i386 and i596 and i686 are different cpus because on my old 32 bit system all three worked.07:13
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tsdgeosbut amd64 is completely different from them07:14
lensso is it like i* is 32 bit and won't work with my 64 bit arch?07:14
tsdgeosand it seems that's what you have07:14
uniqlens: i686 is optimized for newer cpus. i386 is safest.07:14
uniqlens: correct.07:14
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uniqlens: for 32bit to work on your 64bit setup you need a 32bit chroot.07:14
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ubotuI know nothing about chroot - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:14
lensok, gotchya so does anyone know if there is a 64 bit version of automatix.07:15
lenschroot scares me, I guess I need to learn it though.07:15
MilhousePunkRockI have a problem with adept that should have been fixed long ago: "07:16
MilhousePunkRock2006-03-19 15:38:33 +010007:16
MilhousePunkRock Hide notifier when no updates are available instead of showing green icon.07:16
acojloI saw there was something like '64bit memory access' in new 2.6.18 kernels07:16
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acojlohuh, There is second problem with adept-update-notifier. If you select a package to be 'hold' notifier will stay notify about updates for the package07:17
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MilhousePunkRockacojlo: How can I check if I put anything on hold? Not that I did that consciencely...07:18
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lensit seems automatix comes in 64 bit... so I wiggled my way out of learning chroot today :-p07:19
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dek_aikREGISTER <thariq>07:22
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acojloMilhousePunkRock: I think "dpkg --get-selections | grep hold" but, I'm not an expert07:22
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MilhousePunkRockacojlo: That seems to be a valid command, but it does not give any feedback...07:23
acojlothen you do not have packages on hold :)07:24
dek_aikanyone check #ubuntu its like a zoo!07:24
acojloif you try command without "| grep hold" you will see big list07:24
drbreen__like a zoo ?07:25
acojloyea, 3 times more people :)07:25
dek_aikyesterday someone said that its like NY Stock Exchange...i mean zoo is similar to that07:26
acojloI saw problems with removing packages with adept, because sometimes remove cathes many packages07:26
Agiosthat kind of activity loses it's effectiveness07:26
acojlonyse - no effectiveness ???07:26
dek_aiktaken from "in the line of fire"07:26
Agiosacojlo: how effective is the NYSE to you persoanlly?07:27
MilhousePunkRockacojlo: Well, none of the apps I could check were on hold...07:27
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acojloI live in Europe - Serbia and do not have money to play on nyse07:27
Agiosso, none. same if you join a channel for help and can't get it because of the noise :)07:27
dek_aikAgios: well put07:28
acojlowhat's the name for kubuntu kernel bug reports ?07:29
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acojloname or url location07:30
scabootsscahaha weird sound started working when i restarted my computer on my soundblaster07:31
scabootsscai hope it heeps working though07:32
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matttttttis it possible to shrink the kubuntu partition after i've made it?07:33
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scabootsscamabye with kparted07:33
acojlois it safe to keep "some" source in adept repositories list. Will adept know which sources have credit for security or installed software?07:33
scabootsscagparted i mean07:33
acojlomattttt: yes - it is but it can be a 'painfull'07:34
acojloi did it succesfully07:34
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acojloit's best to use your install cd07:34
mattttttti see07:34
matttttttwell, how can i just delete it?07:34
acojlothen it's best to try with qtparted ot gtpatred. Anyway one of them is in menu line07:34
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mattttttti'll just delete it and reinstall it with a smaller partition07:35
whiz_hey guys, I'm two weeks into kubuntu, and i can't quite get my nvidia gf mx440 to work =(07:36
whiz_I've installed nvidia-glx07:36
acojlotry to "/join #nvidia"07:36
whiz_10x =)07:36
acojloor just click on blue channel name07:36
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whiz_10x did that acojlo =)07:37
charlie5whiz_: have you updated /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?07:37
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whiz_i'm not sure...07:37
whiz_what has to be done?07:37
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charlie5basically change "nv" to "nvidia" and maybe add/delete some lines in the modules section ... there are docs in /usr/shar/doc/nvidia, i think07:39
whiz_10x i'll give it a try =)07:39
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acojloback it up first07:39
charlie5np :) ... yell out if it fon't work ;)07:40
snikkerhow can run sanbo for non 'root' user?07:40
acojlothem know how to login in console mode and replace xorg.conf with backed one07:40
acojlonew firefox is in repository07:40
whiz_lame question: how do i copy?07:40
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acojlo"cp source destinantion"07:41
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whiz_ok, didit07:42
whiz_now edit07:42
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acojlohey people, today I got "Desert Rose" on my table. It's crystal flower from Sahara07:43
charlie5crystal flower ?07:43
acojloDesert Rose07:43
LozzapHello all. Im using the live CD of Kubuntu to see if I can get Xgl to work,, Does anyone know of a good walkthrough or tutorial for me to follow ?07:44
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charlie5:) ... whiz_ reboots ... will it work ??? ... ;)07:44
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MilhousePunkRockLozzap: Why don't you try Kororaa? That's a live CD with XGL07:45
MilhousePunkRockacojlo: Sand flower?07:45
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acojlohow to browse my digital camera ?07:46
Lozzap<MilhousePunkRock> Do you have a link ?07:46
acojlowell it's crystals - not sand - probably lot of silicium07:46
Lozzapis it english based ?07:46
MilhousePunkRockNot yet, but soon, hang on, Lozzap07:46
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LozzapMilhousePunkRock Thanks ..07:47
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MilhousePunkRockThere you go Lozzap: http://kororaa.org/static.php?page=static060318-18120307:47
NaosvLozzap this worked for me http://flavor8.com/index.php/2006/06/02/how-to-compizxgl-on-kubuntu-dapper-nvidia/07:48
MilhousePunkRockacojlo: Silicon (not silicone) is pretty rare in the wild, afaik07:48
acojlosilicum was I writing about07:49
acojlodigikam package - is it good?07:49
Lozzapok gonna grab the live cd... and try the tutorial with kubuntu and ati G card... anyway after 5 years of only using redhat/fedora/windows im very impressed with kubuntu07:49
scott_anyone help me change my refresh rate, have nvidia card with latest dapper drivers, 1280x1024 is locked at 60hz where as 1024x768 can go up to 75hz (which my monitor can support) my xorg config shows my refresh monitor set at: HorizSync28-80 and VertRefresh43-75 (which i got from my monitors manual), any help is much appreciated07:50
dek_aikacojlo: yes..should be installed by default07:50
MilhousePunkRockacojlo: If you are referring to the chemical element Si, than it is in fact Silicon! Just like Silicon Valley... Not to be confused with silcone though...07:51
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MilhousePunkRockWhat was that with IPv6 vs IPv4 on Konq again? Konqueror is awfully slow here...07:53
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MilhousePunkRockacojlo: By the way, none of us was entirely right... "Desert rose is the colloquial name given to rosette formations of the minerals gypsum and barite with sand inclusions."07:55
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MilhousePunkRockRe slow-motion07:57
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slow-motionhi MilhousePunkRock07:58
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ricardodoes anybody use MATLAB through WINE?07:58
MilhousePunkRockYou don't give up ricardo...07:59
ricardoit seems like nobody uses MATLAB nomore!!08:00
ricardoi just need a little help MilhousePunkRock...08:00
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acojloMilhousePunkRock: thank you for the knowledge. And, see it for yourself - http://oblacak.blogspot.com/ :)08:00
Lozzapdont blame you..... if i could get dreamweaver 8 to work id use linux all the time.08:00
ricardogurues help would be welcome!08:01
trappistdreamweaver 8 works fine in cxoffice08:01
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trappistricardo: there's a linux version of matlab iirc08:01
Lozzapi tried using it and dcom98 i think08:01
Lozzapnever worked08:01
Lozzapfor me08:01
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ricardoi NEED to use the installed version in XP...08:01
yamalthere sure is, matlab has been native lniux for a long time08:01
scott_no one help me with my refresh problem? :(08:02
ricardoi got it working but without the java virtual machine...08:02
ricardoeven simulink works perfectly (for now...)08:02
trappistscott_: I know that the answer lies in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but I've never messed with refresh rates08:02
ricardobut i really need direct access to the toolboxes..For that ..i need the jvm...08:02
yamalricardo: what stops you from using linux based java?08:03
scott_trappist, well my settings worked at 75hz with my old ati card, since switched to nvidia its lokced me refresh raTE TO 60HZ AT THISR ES :(08:03
scott_trappist: sorry bout caps08:03
charlie5scott_: doesn't system settings hardware/display provide a selectable the 75 Hz option ?08:03
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ricardofinally someone interested in my problem yamal....08:03
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scott_charlie5: only for lower than my 1280x1024 res08:04
ricardowhen i load matlab through wine it tilts with tons of java errors....08:04
ricardoi have to shut it down....08:04
ricardoso i uninstalled all jvms...08:04
charlie5scott_: just a sec ... i'll look at my xorg.conf08:04
dhqmy adept is giving error and not opening  as i added a new repotosary can anyone help me fix it08:04
scott_charlie5: cheers08:04
ricardoand installed sun jvm as the kubuntu howto says...08:05
ricardostill nothing....same error....08:05
dhqmy adept is giving error and not opening  as i added a new repotosary can anyone help me fix it08:05
yamalricardo: don't load matlab through wine!08:05
trappistricardo: you probably need to install a win32 jvm in wine08:05
yamalthat would be the other option ;)08:06
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ricardotrappist: im listening...08:06
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ricardoi have already installed sun jvm under wine...08:06
MilhousePunkRockdhq: What about a little more info?08:06
trappistricardo: that's all I have... grab a .exe from java.sun.com and install it with wine, and it should be available to matlab.08:06
ricardobut matlab is on a NTFS partition...08:07
charlie5scott_: does your xorg.conf have a line like  => modeline  "1024x768@75" ...08:07
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ricardoi think one solution would be to install matlab through wine...08:07
scott_charlie5: nope08:07
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dhqMilhousePunkRock:  well i just wen into reompotosay and added a new site over the and now the adept wont run08:07
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ricardoi kinda bothers me to have 2 MATLABS installed.....(heavy soft)08:08
trappistricardo: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=2908:08
ricardolet me seeeee...08:08
charlie5scott_: maybe try adding one ? ... before you do, can anyone confirm that playing with these setting cannot damage the monitor (i think they can, if you get them wrong)08:09
scott_charlie5: i know for a fact though my monitor can do 75hz at 1280x1024 as i do it in windows and did it with my old ati card in kubuntu08:09
dhqMilhousePunkRock: any help08:09
MilhousePunkRockWhat's reompotodsay?08:10
charlie5scott_: should be ok, then08:10
scott_do i add a modeline to my monitor or graphics card section?08:10
dhqwell just open the adept08:10
dhqand chek under first option of tool bar08:10
ricardotrappist: yeap...i've been there....08:11
dhqMilhousePunkRock: and chek under first option of tool bar08:11
ricardothere are NO answers whatsoever....08:11
charlie5scott_: under Section "Monitor"08:11
scott_kk, thanks, will try08:11
ricardojust one guy that got MATLAB 6 working with java....08:11
ricardothats an old version..i have 2006a...08:11
charlie5scott_: i don't know what all the numbers after the bit in quotes are for though, sorry08:11
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AlcapondHi, I have followed an instruction for setting up my pcmcia wlan card - unsing ndiswrapper. Now my Network Settings -> Network Interfaces say wlan0 Enabled Wireless Network Device - but still I do not get a connection. My question: how can I check wether the card got recognized correctly? I just want to ashure that card is working properly, before I check all the network settings over and over again (which I already did :)). Thx for help!08:12
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dhqMilhousePunkRock: plz help08:13
MilhousePunkRockAlcapond: Type "ifconfig" on the shell08:13
MilhousePunkRockdhq: How can I help if I don't even understand what you say...08:13
MilhousePunkRockdhq: Did you run "sudo apt-get update" after you added the repo?08:13
AlcapondMilhousePunkRock:  ok, what should it say? It gives a long output for wlan0...08:13
MilhousePunkRockAlcapond: If wlan0 is there, it's at least been recognized...08:14
MilhousePunkRockDo it, dhq! Do it!08:14
MilhousePunkRock(^^ what movie did I just quote?)  :-)08:14
MilhousePunkRockAlcapond: So I guess the drivers are set up properly...08:15
dhqMilhousePunkRock: this is the error i get after typin that command E: Type 'http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libxine-extracodecs' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list08:15
MilhousePunkRockThat's not a repo dhq08:15
AlcapondMilhousePunkRock: plz tale a look: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911308:15
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dhqMilhousePunkRock: so what should i do08:16
MilhousePunkRockThere you go, dhq.. That's the link to the info about the packages...08:16
RaysonicHello, I just merely total newbie on Linux but I wonder how is different between Gnome and KDE? (I must say sorry for my newbie question)08:16
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:16
MilhousePunkRockThis might help, dhq08:16
KyralRaysonic: for the future, try to avoid asking that question08:17
KyralIts known to start flamewars08:17
Raysonicohh.. then oops sorry.08:17
MilhousePunkRockAlcapond: Are you German? If yes --> #kubuntu-de08:17
charlie5scott_: http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl ... this might help with the modeline08:17
KyralAnyway its basically (like a LOT in the GNU/Linux world) a matter of personal opinion08:17
ricardotrappist: any other ideas?08:17
AlcapondMilhousePunkRock: ok, thx08:17
KyralKDE came before GNOME and uses the Qt toolkit08:17
MilhousePunkRockSerenity over in the german channels knows quite some stuff about wlan, Alcapond08:18
scott_charlie5: thank you for your help08:18
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KyralGNOME was created by the GNU Project in response to Qt's (then) non-Free license and uses GTK08:18
RaysonicAlright Thanks Kyral, and sorry for this question.08:18
KyralThough that point is moot now and Qt is GPL08:18
KyralRaysonic: its okay, just letting you know before you run into someone with a very strong opinion on the matter08:18
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Raysonicyeah, I not think carefully myself.08:19
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KyralI have used practically every Desktop Environment and Window Manager there is, so I know a little about everything08:19
KyralLike right now I run KDE on this machine and IceWM on my laptop08:19
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Raysonicok Thanks again.08:20
MilhousePunkRockKyral: So what about e17, I keep on hearing it's "the bomb"...08:20
KyralTry both and see what you like08:20
KyralMilhousePunkRock:  I haven't used E17 in about 6 months so I bet its prolly changed a lot08:20
RaysonicOk. thanks very much, Kyral08:21
aseigoRiddell: ping?08:21
MilhousePunkRockOn my system KDE is just too sloooooooooooow... So I might look into e17, Kyral08:21
KyralYah thats one trait. KDE tends to be "bigger" than GNOME08:21
Kyralthough I heard with the changes in Qt4 KDE 4 is gonna be quicker on the draw08:22
aseigoMilhousePunkRock: what sort of system do you have?08:22
dhqif i "vi a file" how do i save it after editting it08:22
Kyrallook into vimtutor to learn more about using Vim08:22
MilhousePunkRockSysinfo for 'ThinkPad': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: MobileIntel(R)Pentium(R)IIICPU-M1133MHz at 732 MHz (1467 bogomips), , RAM: 245/248MB, 80 proc's, 2.8h up08:24
Kyralwow thats the first time I have been thanked in a quit08:24
MilhousePunkRock^^ aseigo08:24
KyralSysinfo for 'HyperDream': Linux 2.6.17-beyond running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2100+ at 1733 MHz (3468 bogomips), HD: 283/434GB, RAM: 984/1011MB, 92 proc's, 1.5d up08:24
uniqdhq: esc+ZZ (that is shift+zz).08:24
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aseigoMilhousePunkRock: interesting. what aspects do you perceive as being slow?08:25
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MilhousePunkRockLoading times of programs... Not that it was any better in Winblows, but I actually expected a little more performance increase from Linux...08:25
Riddellaseigo: hi08:25
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MilhousePunkRockI believe 256 MB RAM is too little for KDE, as you can see it's almost totally used...08:26
aseigoRiddell: strange thing ... installing koffice packages for dapper right now ends up giving me a kword/kspread/kpresenter that links against a (non-existent) qt4 =)08:26
BELzEBUBcan sombody tell me why there are packages in adept which are marked grey and cant be installed?08:26
aseigoMilhousePunkRock: 256MB is fine.08:26
Riddellaseigo: spooky, what source?08:26
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aseigoRiddell: i only have the ubuntu/kubuntu repos in my sources.list08:27
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MilhousePunkRockRiddell as in Jonathan Riddell?08:27
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aseigoRiddell: at first i thought, "did i install trunk/koffice into /usr???" so i uninstalled the debs via adept.. confirmed the binaries were gone... installed them again via adept and the binaries that were installed were linking to qt4.. and therefore not launching08:28
aseigoMilhousePunkRock: that's teh one08:28
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RiddellMilhousePunkRock: hi08:29
insanekaneaseigo: hi08:29
MilhousePunkRockHi Riddell!08:29
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Riddell>ldd /usr/bin/kword  | grep qt08:31
Riddell        libqt-mt.so.3 => /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3 (0xb68fb000)08:31
Riddellaseigo: is that what you get?08:31
aseigono... =) i wouldn't be bothering you if it was ;)08:31
acojloMIllhousePunkRock: acctualy it's good if much of memory is not free, but most of it should be in disk cache08:31
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aseigoaseigo@freedom:~/projects/kde3/kdelibs$ ldd /usr/bin/kword | grep Qt08:32
aseigo        libQtCore.so.4 => not found08:32
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MilhousePunkRockacojlo: Does that in return mean, more RAM won't speed up my crappy rig?08:32
Riddellaseigo: what does `apt-cache policy kword` give you?08:33
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Riddellaseigo: and what about `/usr/bin/kword --version`08:34
aseigoRiddell: well, that won't run of course since it can't link against qt4... i'm pastebin'ing the apt-cache output for you08:35
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acojloMilhousePunkRock: :))08:36
aseigoRiddell: http://pastebin.ca/10419708:36
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forkzHow to turn up the mic?08:36
MilhousePunkRockIs that a yes or a no, acojlo?08:36
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acojlostop making me silly :) Ofcourse - more ram - more good :)08:37
Riddellaseigo: well I'm stuck, that's really not possible08:37
MilhousePunkRockIs Konqueror needing ages to load web pages (on a 6 mbit DSL connection, Fx loads everything a lot faster) related to IPv6 somehow?08:37
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Ace2006hi all can the live CD kubuntu play xvid files?08:39
yamalMilhousePunkRock: probably not since firefox also knows ipv608:39
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MilhousePunkRockWell, but wasn't that the default on Konq? I heard IPv6 a lot of times when it was about Konqueror loading slow... I am not sure wether my ISP supports IPv608:40
Ace2006Why are the repositories so slow?08:40
yamalMilhousePunkRock: most (all?) browsers will try v6 adresses first when enable in the operating system08:41
yamalbut it will only slow you down unless you actually have good v6 connectivety08:41
MilhousePunkRockyamal: So how do I get rid of it?08:42
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uniqmilhousepunkrock: for konqueror/KDE you can set KDE_NO_IPV6=true in for example /etc/environment (effects all users).08:43
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yamalor just disable it OS-wide... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8779808:43
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MilhousePunkRockthx uniq and yamal, i will look at it08:44
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forkzHow to configure mit sound so i can use it with skype, teamspeak and gaming?08:46
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MilhousePunkRockNice find yamal, but can you translate that into proper English? Not a big help when illiterates write how-tos08:48
kbrooksMilhousePunkRock: hi btw08:48
MilhousePunkRockHey kbrooks08:48
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yamalMilhousePunkRock: just edit the "alias net-pf-10" line in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases... so it reads off instead of ipv608:51
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ubuntuim having problems with my kubuntu instalation08:52
MilhousePunkRockyamal: Yeah, I scrolled down on the thread a little more and there was another post of the topic starter, beginning with "Sorry for the sloppy post"08:53
ubuntuafter preparing partitions, it will not detect the swap08:53
MilhousePunkRockThat helped08:53
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ubuntui have dev/hda1 ntfs windows08:54
ubuntudev/hda2 extended08:54
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aseigoRiddell: http://pastebin.ca/10421608:55
ubuntudev/hda5 ext (i want that to be /)08:55
ubuntudev/hda6 linux-swap08:55
aseigoRiddell: and `which kword` gives /usr/bin/kword (which is indeed what the package installed)08:55
ubuntuand dev/hda7 ext i want home there08:55
aseigoRiddell: the kdelibs package is fine ...08:55
ubuntuand kubuntu sees all that08:55
ubuntubut then click next08:55
uniqaseigo: i would recommend 'apt-get install --reinstall kword' kword from archive.ubuntu.com is fine.08:56
ubuntuand i see 20 gb  for win08:56
Riddellaseigo: but but but, it's impossible!08:56
ubuntu6gb for /08:56
ubuntu67 for /home08:56
ubuntubut no swap08:56
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ubuntuand if i try to make swap it will only give it 1kb08:56
ubuntuhow can i make space for swap?08:57
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aseigoRiddell: heh.. i figured the same. very odd....08:58
aseigouniq: that just installs the same broken package again =)08:58
=== aseigo even deleted the cached deb's in /var/cache/apt
acojloo mami, o mami mami, .... i'm maybe your forgoten son, ... the house in shadow upon a hill, ... WHich song is this???08:59
uniqaseigo: are you sure? I just checked in a clean chroot, and i got the same output from ldd as riddel pasted earlier.08:59
aseigouniq: positive. i event ran the command just to be doubly sure =)08:59
imandirhi everyone, I'm trying to compile qpxtool, it needs libqt3-mt-dev and I cann't install it. details on: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1911909:00
uniqaseigo: is this i386?09:01
aseigouniq: yes09:01
uniqhang on... installing kword again in chroot.09:01
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aliasfredwild guessing, check you got the same packagage with md5/sha1, and if not find out where the bogus package come from09:01
uniqaseigo: you can use debsums to check that. probably need to install it first.. package name is 'debsums', syntax of the command is 'debsums kword'09:02
uniq(where that is what aliasfred just suggested)09:03
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aseigouniq: debsums report OK on all the files.09:04
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aseigothe only non-standard entry in my sources.list is deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353 dapper main09:05
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uniqaseigo: as long as 'apt-cache policy kword' says archive.ubuntu.com that doesn't matter..09:05
aseigoeverything else is straight ahead kubuntu dapper + multiverse09:05
aseigoyep... archive.ubuntu.com09:06
forkzI am trying to make my mic work whilr playing, and using Teamspeak. It doesn't seem to work. And in Skype i am very low09:06
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aseigoand what's really, really odd is that if i "apt-get remove" the package the binaries are certainly not there ... and upon reinstall they are... so they aren't my binaries =)09:06
uniqaseigo: i am positive the package on archive.ubuntu.com is OK.09:06
aseigo(my == compiled from source... which i keep in /opt/kde4 anyways ;)09:06
aseigook .. so i'm going to assume the package is correct and ld is somehow getting fucke dup.09:07
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reagleBRKLNhi, when i click an archive file, i want to browse it in konqueror, not have ark called, since i upgraded to 6.06, this hasn't happened...?09:08
reagleBRKLNhow to restore the kio as the default?09:08
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RiddellreagleBRKLN: http://kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror09:08
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reagleBRKLNdo i have to relogin?09:09
aseigothere was one stray lib in /lib (not particularly sure how it ended up there ;) which linked against another lib which linked into kde4. bleh.09:10
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aseigomakes having multiple installs of libs to try things out easier (used that the other day for testing a kicker fix, actually) but totally sucks when you inadvertently have multiple libs.09:11
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uniqi'm glad apt/dpkg rocks. :)09:12
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bl3ssinggot a question: "How can I restart my Adept so that it won't come in read-only mode ...? I've tried to close it, which I've already done it. But ... when I'm starting again the Adept, the read-only mode's appearing again. What can I do?" CAN ANYONE ANSWER ME, PLEASE? Otherwise, I'll send Trovaldis to you all. :)09:17
uniq!adept crash fix09:18
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this command in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock'09:18
ubotuI know nothing about restriceted - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:18
uniq!adept crash fix > bl3ssing09:19
forkzHow to configure mit sound so i can use it with skype, teamspeak and gaming?09:19
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uniqforkz: go to system settings -> sound and multimeida -> sound system - set the timeout (at the bottom) to a low value. 1-2 seconds or so.09:21
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forkzuniq: alrready did... But still getting the sign that tells me that i've got no output or indput09:21
uniqforkz: ok,then i don't know. I don't do skype/teamspeak, nor gaming.09:22
bl3ssinguniq, got it. Now? :)09:22
uniqbl3ssing: now start adept.09:22
bl3ssingsame thing.09:22
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uniqbl3ssing: do you start it from the menu? are you a member of the admin group? does it ask for your password before going to read-only mode?09:23
bl3ssingwhen I got into the task manager windows by pressing Ctrl+Esc, I've tried to kill the adept and ... even I have 2 of them opened (not visible in my taskbar), I didn't manage to since I don't have enough rights ... what can I do?09:24
bl3ssingno uniq (it doesn't ask for a password)09:24
uniqbl3ssing: are you the user added during install?09:24
bl3ssinguniq, you're right.09:24
uniqbl3ssing: ok, in konsole run this: 'sudo killall -9 adept'09:25
uniqthat will kill all processes named 'adept'09:25
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uniqand to be sure you can also run 'sudo fuser -vk /var/lib/dpkg/lock'09:25
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uniqnow you can start adept again.. if it doesn't ask for a password you might want to try alt+f2 'kdesu adept'.09:26
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drbreen_my system thought it was tomorrow and i did sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org and everytime i try to use sudo i get "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 29 20:48:00 2006"09:28
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deuce_anyone have any info on installing nvidia drivers? I try to install it with their drivers and it wants to do something to the kernel.09:29
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:30
bl3ssinghow can I check in console that adept is killed ... :)09:30
uniqdrbreen_: try 'sudo -k'09:30
boabstabl3ssing: type "ps -ef |grep adept"09:31
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deuce_thanks gatekeeper - i will read this and see what i find out09:31
gatekeeperdeuce_: hope it helps :-)09:31
forkzI am trying to make my mic work whilr playing, and using Teamspeak. It doesn't seem to work. And in Skype i am very low09:31
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deuce_gatekeeper: ubuntu has this huge glorious wiki for help - do you know of any plans to rewrite it to make it kubuntu standards as well?09:33
drbreen_uniq: nils@ihopeyoustillrememberme:~$ sudo -k09:33
drbreen_sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 29 20:48:00 200609:33
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gatekeeperdeuce_: no, but I have noticed them modifying bits and pieces, I would imagine that it is just an ongoing project. Most of the stuff also relates to kubuntu anyway, as the only difference is the desktop09:35
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deuce_and names like synaptic vs adept09:36
deuce_and things like that09:36
uniqdrbreen_: try 'sudo -v' then.09:36
deuce_could really confuse the newbie (like me)  :-D09:36
uniqdeuce_: wiki.kubuntu.org, atleast it's blue :)09:37
drbreen_uniq: nils@ihopeyoustillrememberme:~$ sudo -v09:37
drbreen_sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 29 20:48:00 200609:37
uniqdrbreen_: gah..09:38
drbreen_uniq: i am afraid09:38
drbreen_uniq: raboot ?09:38
drbreen_err reboot typo09:38
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gatekeeperdeuce_: that is linux choice, something you will have to get use to, personally I prefer and use synaptic09:40
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deuce_can one use synaptic on kde?09:40
deuce_what is the difference between the two?09:40
gatekeeperdeuce_: yes09:40
deuce_or does it go to the argument of ext3 vs reifrias?09:41
drbreen_uniq:orked when i logged in again on virtuel console 6 and did sudo -v09:41
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gatekeeperdeuce_: they are both GUI package management systems, the interface are just a little different09:41
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deuce_ohh, okay09:41
gatekeeperdeuce_: have a look at the windows -> Ubuntu transition guide (plus other usefull links) here: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/home09:42
acojlohow to give a rename more than one file in Konqueror at once?09:43
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deuce_gatekeeper - i have been on kubuntu for about a month now - but yesterday i broke something so i reloaded kubuntu09:44
deuce_but i will have a look09:44
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lhds guys to install and run tv i read ubuntu post about how to run a  saa7134 http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/saa7134 and i have downloaded the win4lin install and compile gtk things than it was said to type make to compile but i get an error similar to that in this post:http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70359&highlight=video4linux+compile+error09:44
gatekeeperdeuce_: back your system up: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81311&highlight=HOWTO%3A+backup09:46
deuce_will read09:47
deuce_need to reboot for nvidia driver09:47
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snikker_awaywhen i mount a remote resource with samba, only root can delete files, why?09:49
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gatekeeperlhds: what happens if you just create the directory  /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-amd64-k8/build09:49
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Fabiana23] [] [] [- www.misecretito.com.ar -] [] [] [ - contanos tus secretitos ms terribles !!09:50
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gatekeepersnikker: sounds like you haven't set up the samba permissions correctly09:50
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snikkergatekeeper: can you tell me how set it correctly?09:51
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gatekeepersnikker: I am not a samba expert, however if you go K -> System Settings -> Sharing, you should be able to set things up properly in there09:52
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:53
snikkergatekeeper: thanks09:53
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gatekeepersnikker: failing that ^^^^09:53
gatekeepersnikker: yw :-)09:53
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wheezartPeople do you know of any problems with nvidia gf4mx440 in Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake?\09:56
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trappistwheezart: you're a lot more likely to get a useful answer if your question is more like "I'm having this problem with my video card.  what should I do?"09:57
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wheezartI'm having a problem with my nvidia Ge-Force 4 MX 440 in Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake - the Kubuntu loading screen stalls(no text, empty progress bar) just before entering the logon screen.09:59
wheezartWhat should i do?09:59
wheezartHello tidiman09:59
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trappistwheezart: if you hit ctrl-alt-f1 does it drop you to a console?10:01
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trappistwheezart: keep it in here10:03
trappistwheezart: don't message me, keep the discussion in the channel10:04
jesspher is there any program in linux that supports ipod10:05
trappistjesspher: yes, several10:05
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trappistjesspher: let me recommend amaroK since you're a kde guy10:05
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jesspherhow can i get amarok10:05
trappistsudo apt-get install amarok10:05
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steveiresudo aptitude install amarok10:07
jessphertrappist: how can i install amarok and where can i get it?10:07
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jesspherhow can i get the amarok package10:08
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trappistI already told you.  so did steveire.10:08
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jesspheroops sorry10:08
jesspherthanks you guys10:09
gatekeepertrappist: the answer to the next question is libxine-extracodecs :-)10:10
trappistgatekeeper: yep :)10:10
=== trappist holds the envelope to his forehead
gatekeepertrappist: :-)10:10
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kubaHi :)10:16
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rommiehey guy's i search for a good route planner with gps support but i can find anythink in the dapper packet list10:17
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_kuba_checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! - What's this ?10:19
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jordan_polish canal adres pleas ?10:21
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_kuba_cze :)10:22
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jordan_ubuntu.pl jaki ma adres ich kana irc ?10:22
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Ace2007_kuba_: install x-dev libx11-dev  kdebase-dev10:22
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edulixhi !10:23
_kuba_Ace thx :)10:23
_kuba_bdz pochwalony :)10:23
jordan_267 ludu i nikt nie pisze :D10:24
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jhak88anyone: any recommending program for FTP in Kubuntu Dapper?10:28
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jordan_gFtp ?10:29
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_kuba_"Good - your configure finished. Start make now" , bash: make: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu" who know ?10:32
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Tallia1Kubuntuhalo? somebody can help me fix kmailservice?10:34
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_kuba_jordan jestes :D?10:35
rolando_kuba_: rozumiesz po angielsku?10:35
rolandohow can i change the owner of folder and all subfolfers?10:36
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_kuba_Jak moe zmieniam waciciela teczki i caego subfolfers?10:37
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koshchown -R user.group directory10:39
_kuba_chodzi Ci o prawa dostepu do tego katalogu :D10:39
koshthat will change the user and group settings for that directory and everything below it to user and group you specify10:40
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rolandook thanx kosh10:41
wckdkl0wn_is there a program for linux to allow you to view webcams on aol?10:42
koshit is also to do it through kde somehow I think you can just right click on a directory and do it however I have not played with that10:42
koshwckdkl0wn_: sorry no clue on that one10:42
Tallia1Kubuntuhalo? somebody can help me fix kmailservice? here it is what happens when i press send file.... in konqueror or when a program during crash want to send a bug report: http://img125.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshottz7.png10:43
wckdkl0wn_i remember hearing something about gaim_vv but they were only able to get yahoo to view but not send10:43
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wckdkl0wn_i wonder if i was to run aim through wine if that would work then10:44
_kuba_dobra nawalem prawa ale i tak wyskakuje mi bash10:45
trappist!pl > _kuba_10:45
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jordan_my computer in KDE don"t reboot or turn off - dark screen. HELP !10:48
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trappistjordan_: ati card?10:49
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:53
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trappistjordan_: I get the same thing using the fglrx driver, but not the ati driver.  there's a big bug report against it.10:54
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wckdkl0wn_how easy is wine to use?10:55
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jordan_so only wait for new version ?10:55
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wckdkl0wn_how do i run an exe with wine?10:58
acojlohow to run kwrite from command line (no kdesu)10:59
jordan_trappist: I have direct rendering with ati driver ?10:59
ubotuI know nothing about Soures - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:01
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:01
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:01
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:02
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.11:02
trappistjordan_: no11:02
jordan_trappist: You use ati or fglrx driver, I don"t know what's best11:02
trappistCyberWinXP: if you have a question please just ask11:02
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CyberWinXPSorry, trappist.11:03
domhey folks, I need some help with Kontact.  I'm trying to sync my address book and for now I basically just want to sync it to a file so I can keep the file on a keychain and carry it around with me11:03
trappistjordan_: I use ati now.  the fglrx drivers have been giving me hell.  you'll get more features (direct rendering) with fglrx, but I can't take the bugs anymore.11:03
domI tried to set it up but it just says "cannot read from address book"11:03
wheezartOk i've dumped this after my X server failed to load:11:03
wheezart> dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so: undefined symbol: __glXLastCont11:03
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jordan_trappist: oki. I'm going to X11 and reboot bay :)11:04
wheezartcan someone help me resolve this? I'm running Dapper Drake LTS and i have a nvidia gf4mx440 @ AGP11:04
jordan_Thanks for help11:04
domugh, or Kontact just crashes11:05
wheezartcan someone help me a little with this?11:05
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wheezartI've tried the man pages but no success there...11:06
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trappistwheezart: how did you install your nvidia drivers11:06
wheezartI installed the nvidia-glx with Adept from the repository11:07
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domTallia1Kubuntu, what's your problem with kmail?11:08
Tallia1Kubuntudom: it keep opening konqueror windows without stopping11:08
Tallia1Kubuntulook here http://img125.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshottz7.png11:08
domTallia1Kubuntu, gimme a sec, just trying to open the image you psted11:08
Tallia1Kubuntui think it is because the wrong parameter in: kcontrol->kdecomponents->componentChooser -> EmailClient -> Use a different email client11:09
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Tallia1Kubuntui'd like not to use kmail but to have a new konqueror or firefox windows with a new gmail email with filled to and subject field..11:09
Tallia1Kubuntubut instead it keeps opening new konqueror windows without ever stopping11:10
domoh, you are trying to use the gmail web interface as a default mail client?11:11
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Tallia1Kubuntui only use gmail for my email.. even though in the last 2 weeks after 2 years of nothing... i started getting spam11:12
domheh, I've been getting spam there too11:12
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deucegatekeeper: you around?11:12
Tallia1Kubuntukind of weird spam.. lots of attachments with pictures of pieces of text11:13
domwell Tallia1Kubuntu, I don't know about using webmail as a default mail client.  I would think you would be better off setting up gmail in kmail or thunderbird instead of using their web interface if you want to integrate into your desktop environment11:13
Tallia1Kubuntumeh...... i don't think kmail is even installed11:13
wheezartCan someone help me with the config. of my gf4mx440, X server displays this and crashes:11:13
wheezart> dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so: undefined symbol: __glXLastCont11:13
domTallia1Kubuntu, in kubuntu?11:14
domit'd better be ;)11:14
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Tallia1Kubuntuoh, ok, here it is :)11:14
Tallia1Kubuntui taught i uninstalled it11:14
Tallia1Kubuntuwheezart: do you have an ATI video card?11:14
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Tallia1Kubuntudom: can i ask you something? is it well worth to install a firewall in linux?11:15
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domTallia1Kubuntu, that is a very tricky question.  Do you want the short answer or the long answer?11:15
Tallia1Kubuntudom: medium?11:15
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trappistTallia1Kubuntu: if you're keeping up with software updates and have nice, secure habits, it won't get you any extra security.  if not, it's not a bad idea.11:15
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Tallia1Kubuntuwhat are secure habits?11:16
trappistas in, don't run services you don't need, and of those you do need, don't have them listening on devices they don't need to listen on11:16
wheezartNope =) Ge-Force MX44011:16
domlike don't install apache if you don't have to11:16
trappistdon't allow password authentication via ssh, don't allow root login via ssh, have good passwords, and so on.11:16
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trappistand if you do have to install apache, make it only listen on localhost unless you want it exposed to the internet.  if you do want it exposed to the internet, configure it securely because a firewall won't make it secure.11:18
deucei don't have any sound - how can i fix this?11:18
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trappistalso, if you have a router between you and the internet, there's no point in a firewall anyway.11:18
koshfirewalls are a last line of security defence not a first line11:19
koshthe first line is not to make stuff listen that should not be listening11:19
koshand when listening to listen as securely as possible11:19
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kosha firewall won't protect you from a bad apache setup but if apache is the only external service listening then there is no need for a firewall11:19
Tallia1Kubuntudon't allow password authentication via ssh??11:20
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trappistif you have 50 services listening on the internet, there's still no need for a firewall if you're just going to open those ports anyway11:20
=== nikkiana boggles at the likes of getting her screen resolution configured.
jordantrappist: Hi again :)11:20
koshtrappist: the advantage of a firewall is in some types of blocking however it is rarely needed11:20
Tallia1Kubuntui don't use apache, i use httpfs that offer read-only get methods..11:20
koshtrappist: on windows you usually need a firewall since configuring a service to bind to localhost only is often infeasible11:20
domTallia1Kubuntu, you can use ssh keys instead of passwords.  look up ssh keys and htere's lots of good info11:21
trappistyeah windows isn't configurable enough to get away with not having a firewall11:21
koshtrappist: however on unix you often don't need it at all11:21
kbrooksAce2007: Please join #aegeanlinux.11:21
mweA firewall could be good if you want to limit access to certain ip ranges for example11:21
koshI have been dealing with people at gm for weeks over some of that kind of crap11:21
domif you are running some services, it doesn't hurt to have a firewall just in case something gets opened up you don't expect11:21
koshthey want firewalls on all the db servers but the db servers listen on a unix domain socket11:21
trappistmwe: that's better done in the application if it supports it (as apache does)11:22
koshdom: if someone gets control of your box and can open up ports you have lost already a firewall is the last of your problems11:22
kbrooksa firewall doesnt prevent secyrity breaches11:22
mwetrappist: yes if it does11:22
mwetrappist: far from all do though11:22
kbrookssecurity breaches*11:22
trappistkbrooks: it can, if it's the only thing standing between an attacker and a vulnerable service11:22
koshif you want to limit stuff use tcpwrappers11:22
mwetrappist: are you saying a firewall is stupid?11:22
trappistmwe: not at all11:22
koshthat is built in and should work with everything11:22
domkosh and kbrooks, I meant if I install a program and don't think to check whether it opens ports, I'd be protected by a firewall11:23
koshand it is far less likely to break since it is not trying to be a complete filter11:23
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domit's a layer of security11:23
domsecurity is done in layers11:23
koshdom: that is fine for a desktop but not for a server11:23
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trappistdom: badow11:23
z00mjust downloaded google earth and its a .bin file how do i install that ?11:23
jordanKDE it's slow, gnome it's faster ?  or XFCE ?11:23
koshdom: for a server you better know at all times what all ports that are listening are11:23
domkosh, sure it is if it's a testing server11:23
trappistz00m: sudo sh filename.bin11:23
kbrooksjordan: GNOME is slow.11:23
kbrooksjordan: XFCE is speedy11:24
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koshjordan: not sure what you are asking, they can all be fast or slow depending on how you use them and what your hardware is11:24
koshdom: even on testing boxes I treat them like regular servers11:24
trappistkosh: even then, a firewall isn't a bad idea as a layer of security.  just don't count on it as your silver security bullet.11:24
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domsure, but that's not good advice to someone who is not good at hardening boxes11:24
kbrookstrappist: question11:24
jordanmy hardware is 2,4ghz P4 768 ram and 9800pro it's ok for linux :)11:24
koshtrappist: it does add a layer of complexity though, it is one more thing that can go wrong and could lock you out of the box11:24
domjust because I hold myself to high standards in commputer security doesn't mean I expect others to do so as well11:24
kbrookstrappist: what is a security bulleet?11:24
domkbrooks, is that a trick question?11:25
Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan, probably11:25
koshif you have 3 services and all of them have to accept connections from anywhere then a firewall doesn't buy you much other then another chance for failure11:25
trappistkosh: security is a tradeoff.  anything that makes you more secure is almost certain to make a system less usable, slower, less stable, or other bad stuff11:25
z00mtrappist: how do i uninstall it11:26
Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan,i got a P4 2.8ghz, 256 Mb Ram...runs fine11:26
domthe "silver bullet" comes from the myth of the werewolf.  a magical creature that could only be harmed by silver.  the term "silver bullet" is means something that will solve all problems.11:26
z00mits not working after install11:26
domtypically we mean to say that not all problems can be solved at once.  there is no "silver bullet"11:26
jordanAdmiral_ChiUbunt : you use KDE ?11:26
mwefor some reason I can't get terminals like aterm and eterm to be transparent in kde unless I set the background with a program like feh in addition to the default kde background manager. and even then after a while it breaks again :|11:26
kbrooksdom: PL11:26
Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan, of course11:27
mweit's odd11:27
koshthose programs have a hack for transparency11:27
domwhois kbrooks11:27
trappistmwe: Eterm works great transparent here11:28
mweit looks like the "desktop window" in kde is not the root window11:28
mwetrappist: hmm11:28
mwetrappist: and you didn't do anything unusual?11:28
domkbrooks, you mind if I ask what your native language is (or what they are)?  I'm guessing english is not your first language11:28
trappistmwe: it took some work to make it just right11:28
kbrooksdom: it is! i typoed11:29
mwetrappist: but you just used the features if Eterm, didn't fiddle with kwm too?11:29
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domokay, I just figured most of the english speaking western world knew what silver bullets were11:29
trappistmwe: correct.  I just put my Eterm config on whatever kde box I'm on, and I'm golden11:29
jordanWhat are you thing about Xgl/Compiz  ?11:29
kbrooksdom: not everyone knows every myth11:29
mweI'm unlucky11:29
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deucehow come my sound hardly works? i have to turn everything up to 100% and i get a very faint inkling of the sound11:30
kbrooksdom: and when i say everyone, i mean literally *everyone*11:30
trappistmwe: http://linuxkungfu.org/tmp/user.cfg11:30
kbrooksdom: er, s/myth/story/11:30
Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan, huh?11:31
mwetrappist: thanks I'll have a look11:31
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Admiral_ChiUbunthow do I feel about those desktop enviroments?11:31
domkbrooks, that's fair enough11:31
Admiral_ChiUbuntI've used them, KDE is the best...in my opinion11:31
kbrooksAdmiral_ChiUbunt: why?11:32
jordanAdmiral_ChiUbunt What are you thing about Xgl/Compiz , looks good i thing11:32
kbrooksjordan: ask the channel, not him11:33
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jordanoki sorry ;)11:33
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=== nikkiana headdesks.
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kbrookshmm. i feel tempted to correct jordan's grammatical error, but i wont11:34
domTallia1Kubuntu, you get your question about a firewall answered?11:34
Admiral_ChiUbuntI don't see a need for XGL really, all of it seems so unneccesary. If i wanted eye candy, i'd get a mac11:34
Tallia1Kubuntustill dunno if my laptop have useless program in listening11:34
Tallia1Kubuntuand dunno how to detect them11:34
kbrooksAdmiral_ChiUbunt: xgl is the ........ "killer app" (NOT my opinion!)11:35
domTallia1Kubuntu, then you should use a firewall11:35
jordankbrooks why ?11:35
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Tallia1Kubuntudom: i have an hardware firewall in my router11:35
kbrooksjordan: because there is an alternative for xgl on microsoft windows11:35
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domdo you have other computers on your lan?  does your computer ever move to other lans?11:35
kbrooksjordan: (in vista)11:35
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kbrooksjordan: oh, and expose11:36
kbrookson  mac os x11:36
h3sp4wnThere is an alternative to xgl that is already in edgy and can be used with any cards other than nvidia11:36
jordankbrooks ye i know but looks great. best then vista :)11:36
kbrooksh3sp4wn: and that is?11:36
kenshin6xhi, my keyboard is desconfigured after XGL, whats solution?11:36
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deucehow come my sound hardly works? i have to turn everything up to 100% and i get a very faint inkling of the sound11:36
kbrooksh3sp4wn: i was talking about other OSes11:36
h3sp4wnkbrooks: aiglx11:37
kbrooksh3sp4wn: link?11:37
wckdkl0wn_how do i extract jasper-1.701.0.zip11:37
trappistwckdkl0wn_: unzip filename.zip11:37
h3sp4wnkbrooks: Why are you so lazy search for yourself its part of xorg 7.1 though11:37
domdeuce is it hooked up to the correct sound jacks on your card?  I know I get that if I connect the speakers to the wrong channel or something like that.11:37
kbrooksh3sp4wn: that attitude is extremely rude11:37
trappisth3sp4wn: yeah be respectful11:38
jordanI need e-mile client ?11:38
kenshin6xhi, my keyboard is desconfigured after XGL, whats solution?11:38
trappistjordan: kmail11:38
Admiral_ChiUbuntkenshin6x, sudo dpkg -configure locales11:38
jordantrappist oki it"s the best ?:)11:38
kenshin6xTHX, i try it11:39
trappistjordan: if you're using kde, it's probably your best option.  it's well-integrated with kde.11:39
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kenshin6xwill try it*11:39
domjordan, I agree with trappist11:39
Admiral_ChiUbunth3sp4wn, i'm goign with them on this. you're my guy and all but be polite11:39
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kbrooksi searched for aiglx btw11:39
Admiral_ChiUbuntplus, we all ask question when we could just search for the answer ourselves11:39
kbrooksfirst link11:39
xavihi, somebody can i help me please???11:40
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xavii need to see the kubuntu's version11:40
xavihow to?11:40
deucedom: my headphones have been plugged in for almost a year. i just reinstalled kbuntu today. The sound worked fine yesterday before the reinstall.11:40
xavisorry but my english is bad xDD11:40
Admiral_ChiUbuntxavi, what do  you need?11:40
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trappistxavi: kde-config --version11:40
domdeuce, sorry, that was my shot-in-the-dark ;)11:40
Admiral_ChiUbuntdeuce, try running alsamixer in the konsole11:40
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xavii want see if the update to dapper is correct11:41
kenshin6xAdmiral_ChiUbunt hey man, its return error ><11:41
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xavithanks trappist11:41
Tallia1Kubuntudom: yeah, yeah11:41
Admiral_ChiUbuntkenshin6x, what error?11:41
jordanwhen they fix  fglrx - error reboot ?11:42
kenshin6xkenshin@synthax:~$ sudo configure locales11:42
kenshin6xsudo: configure: command not found11:42
Admiral_ChiUbuntkenshin6x, sudo dpkg -configure11:42
kenshin6xdpkg: error processing locales (--configure):11:43
kenshin6x package locales is already installed and configured11:43
kenshin6xErrors were encountered while processing:11:43
domTallia1Kubuntu, then there you go.  A firewall is not a bad idea.  If you want to start learning about security, networks in particular, try configuring iptables manually.  It's not hard but it helps if you know networking and it will help reinforce your understanding.11:43
kenshin6x locales11:43
deuceAdmiral_ChiUbunt: that sorta worked. I turned everything in there to 100%. but now i can just hear the sound. you figure at 100% it should hurt to have headphones on.11:43
Admiral_ChiUbuntdeuce, awesome11:43
AegeanLinuxHello everyone!11:43
Admiral_ChiUbuntthat happened to me11:43
h3sp4wnThese days you need to use localeconf to configure locales11:43
h3sp4wninstall localeconf and sudo dpkg-reconfigure localconf11:44
wckdkl0wn_how do i isntall this if this is the directory lsiting?11:44
wckdkl0wn_acaux       configure     data     jasper.spec     Makefile.am  README11:44
wckdkl0wn_aclocal.m4  configure.ac  doc      jasper.spec.in  Makefile.in  src11:44
wckdkl0wn_ChangeLog   COPYRIGHT     INSTALL  LICENSE         NEWS11:44
h3sp4wnor just edit /etc/locale.gen11:44
deuceAdmiral_ChiUbunt: i didnt realize that this kept scrolling to the right11:44
Admiral_ChiUbuntwckdkl0wn_, StOP!11:44
Admiral_ChiUbuntuse a paste bin11:44
kenshin6xi will try, thx11:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:44
wckdkl0wn_sry my bad11:44
Admiral_ChiUbuntno problem11:44
deuceAdmiral_ChiUbunt: i turned up the VIA DXS and it got loud :-)  thnx11:44
Admiral_ChiUbuntdeuce, glad I could help11:45
Admiral_ChiUbuntwckdkl0wn_, have you tried sudo make11:45
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wckdkl0wn_says no targets specified11:45
deucenow i just need to get Transcode to work11:45
Admiral_ChiUbuntwckdkl0wn_, actually, what does the README say11:45
deuceby chance have any knowledge with that?11:45
Admiral_ChiUbuntthey tell you the good bit11:46
Admiral_ChiUbuntdeuce, never heard of it11:46
wckdkl0wn_Admiral_ChiUbunt: just talks about licensing11:46
lensI'm having a heck of a time with broken packages and unmet dependancies.11:46
trappistAdmiral_ChiUbunt: it's for converting videos from one format to another, especially for ripping dvds11:46
jordanI don't have kmail in KDE menu, where i found it ?11:47
Admiral_ChiUbuntwhat about the install file11:47
Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan, create a link to a device11:47
Admiral_ChiUbuntdrag it over11:47
GIGANTORcan anything open .wma?11:47
trappistprobably xine too11:47
GIGANTORright-o, lemme grab that11:47
Admiral_ChiUbuntwckdkl0wn_, read the INSTALL file11:48
lenswhy would I be having trouble with all these broken packages and unmet dependencies... I can't install anything!  how do I fix it?11:48
Admiral_ChiUbuntVLC can i think11:48
Jack_Smirnofflens: what are you installing and where did you get it11:48
Admiral_ChiUbuntlens, replace your sources.list11:48
trappistlens: try sudo apt-get -f install11:48
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:48
lensI tried sude apt-get -f install and it didn't work...11:48
trappistnot sude. and what does didn't work mean.11:49
jordanAdmiral_ChiUbunt :how to create a link to a device11:49
lensI would like to replace my sources.list, but I don't know with what?11:49
gatekeeperGIGANTOR: codecs are probable the issue rather than media player11:49
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GIGANTORi have an azzload of codecs11:49
trappistyeah you do need w32codecs installed11:49
GIGANTORi do11:49
wckdkl0wn_Admiral_ChiUbunt: i just did ./configure && make11:49
GIGANTORlemme try in vlc11:49
Jack_Smirnoff!easysource >lens11:49
Jack_Smirnoff!easysource > lens11:49
Admiral_ChiUbuntgo to easy source, get all the dappper packages, including source and pakcages11:49
Admiral_ChiUbuntNOT the commercial ones of backdoor ones11:50
Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan, on the destktop11:50
gatekeeperGIGANTOR: I have libxine-extracodecs and w32codecs and that covers most things11:50
Admiral_ChiUbuntright click, create new link to application11:50
Admiral_ChiUbuntin the tabs, hit the application one, and the command in kmail (probably)11:50
GIGANTORgate- i'll try the libxine-extracodecs and try it11:50
lensAdmiral_ChiUbunt... so... install everything except commerical and backdoor ones?11:51
GIGANTORthanks ;)11:51
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Admiral_ChiUbuntyea it is11:51
ubotuI know nothing about lens - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:51
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:51
Admiral_ChiUbunthold on, I'll link you lens11:51
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lensI know where the soruce o matic is, I just don't know what packages to install...11:51
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Admiral_ChiUbuntlens, i386?11:51
jordanAdmiral_ChiUbunt thank's very much11:52
Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan, no problem11:52
lensand should I kate and then delete my whold sources.list file first?11:52
ryanakcaummm... why is it that all of a sudden... konqueror does't open?11:52
trappistlens: better to comment out the existing lines (prepend them with #)11:52
Admiral_ChiUbuntyea, you need to be sudo11:52
lensI'll open it and comment out the lines.11:53
jordanI have error when i run gedit or kate but the works11:53
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Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan, what do you mean an error?11:53
Admiral_ChiUbuntwhats it do11:53
Admiral_ChiUbuntlens, what country you in?11:53
jordanordan@jordan:~$  sudo gedit11:53
jordanX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16811:53
jordan  Major opcode:  14511:53
jordan  Minor opcode:  311:54
jordan  Resource id:  0x011:54
Admiral_ChiUbuntyea that happens to me too11:54
jordanFailed to open device11:54
lensAdmiral_ChiUbunt US11:54
jordanX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16811:54
jordan  Major opcode:  14511:54
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jordan  Minor opcode:  311:54
jordan  Resource id:  0x011:54
jordanFailed to open device11:54
gatekeeperjordon pastebin11:54
jordan** (gedit:5246): WARNING **: Could not import pygtk11:54
jordanTraceback (most recent call last):11:54
jordan  File "/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/modelines.py", line 20, in ?11:54
jordan    import gedit11:54
jordanImportError: No module named gedit11:54
jordan** (gedit:5246): WARNING **: Could not load python module modelines11:54
jordan** (gedit:5246): CRITICAL **: gedit_plugin_update_ui: assertion `GEDIT_IS_PLUGIN (plugin)' failed11:54
jordan** (gedit:5246): CRITICAL **: gedit_plugin_update_ui: assertion `GEDIT_IS_PLUGIN (plugin)' failed11:54
jordan/bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu11:54
Admiral_ChiUbuntjordan, stop!11:55
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Admiral_ChiUbuntwhen you have large text use a paste bin11:55
gatekeeperjordan: use pastebin11:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:55
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Admiral_ChiUbuntlens, http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:56
wolfmanzwhats a good ftp client ?11:56
Admiral_ChiUbunthold on11:56
leighwolfmanz, ncftp11:56
lensAdmiral_ChiUbunt yes?11:56
rr72wolfmanz~ the ftp cmd u don't like?11:56
jordanwolfmanz gftp11:56
lensoh hah Admiral_ChiUbunt OK, let me go to the link.11:56
Admiral_ChiUbuntI didn't copy the URL11:56
Admiral_ChiUbuntthats the one11:57
deucei hate applciations that don't have packages11:57
gatekeeperjordan: probable better if you run kate ro gedit from Run Command... and if you need it to run in admin mode then do: kdesu gedit (or kate)11:57
=== Admiral_ChiUbunt is now known as Admiral_Chicago
lensAdmiral_Chicago... so install EVERYTHING except backdoor and community supported??11:57
jordani runde kate in consol11:57
lensok cool thanks!11:58
Admiral_Chicagothats the multiverse and universe too11:58
=== RobertX [n=kvirc@HSE-Toronto-ppp306466.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
jordangatekeeper i run kate in consol11:58
RobertXAnyone here know their way around Samba?11:58
Admiral_Chicagomake sure to do apt-get update && dist-upgrade11:58
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gatekeeperjordan: I figured as much :-) , run it from Run Command...11:58
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acojlosmtp on gmail is working from kmail?11:59
brunatosyop yop11:59
ryanakcawhy is it that all of a sudden konqueror does't load?11:59
jordangatekeeper oki12:00
ryanakcaacojlo: yes12:00
Admiral_Chicagoryanakca, sudo dpkg --configure konqueror12:00
gatekeeperRobertX: not that well yet, but if you install Samba you can use the GUI by going to system settings -> sharing12:00
ryanakcaacojlo: been using it for a while :)12:00
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ryanakcaAdmiral_Chicago: dpkg: error processing konqueror (--configure):   package konqueror is already installed and configured12:01
RobertXMy problem seems to be this: everytime I share something on my Linux box, it always asks for a password in Windows12:01
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brunatos(francais ???:D) hie evryone someone can tell me how repair a windows partition after an install of kubuntu ??12:02
Admiral_Chicagobrunatos, repain windows? what about french?12:02
Tallia1Kubuntuguys, how would you write a bash command that filter content of a dir according to a grep filter and do something?12:02
Tallia1Kubuntui tried with this: mv `ls | grep System` /media/docz/mymusic/  but didn't work12:03
Admiral_Chicagoryanakca, try unistalling and installing it again12:03
brunatosjust most easy if a french tell with me i'm a frenchi's newbie12:03
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draikbrunatos, what's wrong with the windows partition?12:04
Admiral_Chicagobrunatos, i dont understand, are you trying to learn french or new to English and a native speaker12:04
twosouls82good evening all :)12:04
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ryanakcabrunatos, join toi  #kubuntu-fr12:04
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brunatoswhen i install kubuntu it ecrase my part of windows, GRUB wan't to boot on it12:05
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draikbrunatos, did you check /boot/grub/menu.lst ?12:05
brunatos(pas bete)12:05
ryanakcabrunatos: join to au cannal #kubuntu-fr si tu aimerais de l'aide en franais, ceci est le canal anglais12:05
lenskate: cannot connect to X server :0.012:05
gatekeeperbrunatos: you need to fixmbr12:05
Admiral_Chicagolens, use nano12:06
lensok thanks.12:06
Admiral_Chicagofrom konsole12:06
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draikget your windows disc or create a dos disk and type 'fdisk /mbr'12:06
lenssudo nano sources.list?12:06
draik^^ brunatos12:06
twosouls82lens, yep12:06
lensthanks :)12:06
Admiral_Chicagolens, yea12:06
kenshin6xAdmiral_Chicago hey, i install the locale conf and run dpkg-reconfigure localeconf but its not configure my keyboard =/12:07
brunatosk i see that on the web but it explqin that i must save the actual mbr and reinstall the mbr of windows for after reinstall grub that appair ocult12:07
gatekeeperlens: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list12:07
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Admiral_Chicagokenshin6x, just try localeconf12:07
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jordanwhen they fix  fglrx - reboot error12:07
Admiral_Chicagogatekeeper, you're right12:07
Admiral_Chicagoi didnt read it12:07
kenshin6xdpkg-reconfigure localeconf12:07
Admiral_Chicagoplus i have an ice cream bar12:08
kenshin6xthis sudo: localeconf: command not found12:08
gatekeeperAdmiral_Chicago: :-)12:08
Admiral_Chicagosudo localeconf12:08
twosouls82I assume he knew that, because he was asking for it himself :)12:08
kenshin6xtry sudo localeconf.. return sudo: localeconf: command not found12:08
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