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sivangkiko: had a chance to review my patch ?12:29
kikosivang, you must have gotten your email by now no?12:30
sivangkiko: yes, I have, reading it now, damn thunderbird doesn't refresh the mbox if you don't go out of it and reclick the mbox folder.12:31
=== sivang is reading.
sivangkiko: okay, so you'd rather I merged the test to one of the existing tests regarding the spec tracker or better, change an existing test that already tests for the status of a spec upon cretion?12:38
sivangcreation, even12:38
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sivangkiko: cool, however before that, running make check still failes and I'd like to know why. just after pagetests/foaf/20-make-team-moderated.txt , it says it was hung for 600 secs, and then got killed mercilessly. How can I drill down to the source of this?12:50
sivangkiko: (I gotta make sure this is not related to something I've changed)12:50
kikosivang, it's not, you can be sure. it's something else (and it's weird)12:52
matsubarakiko: also note that sivang's branch is outdated12:52
kikoyeah, I know.12:52
sivangkiko: okay, good to know.12:53
matsubaranight all, see you tomorrow12:57
sivangnight matsubara 12:57
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sivangkiko: is it okay to merge old style tests with testbrowser stuff?01:16
sivangkiko: as in, have a pagetest all in the old method, and have one testbrowser action in01:16
kikosivang, change the old pagetest to be testbrowsered!01:17
sivangkiko: I know I know :p bonus points are given even, I was going to, but what if I have a way out of it by just replacing the two occurences you've found with grep -ril , which incidently cater for testing that a sepc by default is statused as 'New' ? :)01:18
sivangkiko: (although that feels like editing a patch that was created with dpatch, e.g. feels somewhat wrong)01:19
kikosivang, you could do that, but then your patch would be less cool!01:20
LarstiQhmm, wonder at that google code thing01:22
sivangkiko: agreed. MOreoer, realizing how ugly the old ones compared to the new test browser makes me wanna turn all the test there to the new format, after I finish with this patch.01:24
sivanganyway, continue this tomorrow, it's sleep time.01:28
sivanggood night all, thanks kiko.01:29
kikonight sivan01:30
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stublifeless: wierd. pqm-submit is choosing the wrong target branch. https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/file0z53Qp.html04:48
lifelessI think spiv: had that the other day04:48
stubI'm about to ensure I'm running the current version of the plugin, as per the wiki04:49
stubThat sourcecode/bzr subtree is always causing trouble. It was also being pushed along with the launchpad tree as well (open bug on that I think...)04:49
lifelesshow are you pushing?04:50
stubrsyncing the entire repository now. The extraneous sourcecode/bzr push I can't remember.04:55
=== stub looks for the bug report
lifelessspiv: any input for stub ?04:55
spivlifeless: you fixed it for me last time.04:58
spivstub: in my case, I think it was that my branches.conf had a section that matched the branch specifically, meaning that bzr didn't read the config for the containing directory (i.e. the config our wiki page tells you to add), so pqm-submit just falls back to assuming you want to submit to bzr.dev.04:59
spivstub: deleting the unnecessary specific entry for my branch in branches.conf fixed it.05:00
stub[/home/stub/.canonical-bzr/launchpad/PostgreSQLSession] 05:00
stubpush_location = sftp://sodium/home/warthogs/archives/stub/launchpad/PostgreSQLSession05:00
=== stub nukes it
stubThat seems to be the trick. So bzr push breaks bzr pqm-submit (at least in our setup)05:02
spivIt should still figure out the right push_location without that, because of the public_repository setting.05:02
stubBug 5416105:07
UbugtuMalone bug 54161 in bzr-pqm "If pqm_branch is not configured for branch path, check if it is configured for the repository path" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5416105:07
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stublifeless: Can I get pqm rights to merge to rocketfuel/zope/3.2? Or should I just do it manually  on balleny07:49
=== stub investigates pqm.conf and gives himself access
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stubspiv: Does https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/fileIAwj0M.html look familiar? Its on my librarian-layer branch, so I probably broke something.08:30
spivstub: is your Twisted up to date?08:35
spivstub: because an old Twisted would cause that.08:35
stubProbably not. Ta.08:36
sivangstub: not sure if I told ya, but what was failing make schema was dash which is now default in edgy.08:38
sivangstub: (it's replacing bash)08:40
spivHmm, database/schema/Makefile does do a fair bit of shell stuff.08:40
sivangspiv: yes, so for edgy either we set up the shell at the top of each snippet or document somewhere to use bash instead of dash08:42
spivsivang: or we make our shell usage posixly correct.08:44
sivangspiv: or that :)08:51
Kamping_Kaiserdoes anyone else find LP's karma system to be slightly insane at the moment?08:59
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FujitsuKamping_Kaiser, what aspect of it?09:08
spivsivang: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/filesj6IVH.html seems to make it work with bash and dash for me.09:08
spivsivang: there may be a cleaner fix.09:09
sivangspiv: could forward that to me by email? sivan _AT_ ubuntu dot com?09:10
Kamping_KaiserFujitsu, the number of points going around - i went from 10k -> 110k in ~2 weeks of not doing anything... that means something i've done has recieved *lots* of extra points in the latest scoreshift.09:10
Kamping_Kaiserthe numbers basicly meaningless :)09:10
spivsivang: sure.09:10
sivangspiv: thanks09:13
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sivangah, good to have X back10:01
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bkHi, is there anyway to list all the packages contained in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/i38610:03
bkthe option +allpackages is not working10:03
SteveAgood morning10:05
sivangmornig SteveA 10:07
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sivanghey carlos 10:24
carlossivang: hey dude!10:25
carlosseems like you live on this channel ;-)10:25
sivangcarlos: hehe10:26
Kamping_Kaiserhe does :)10:31
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sivangspiv: are you going to commit that fix to RF btw?11:32
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carlosI'm going to stop Staging for 5 minutes for a code update01:14
carlosplease complain now or I will do it in 5 minutes01:14
carlosstaging is back01:22
sabdflis staging getting updated?02:02
sabdfli landed a branch that was supposed to hide bounties a day or two ago - but it's not reflected on staging02:02
stubcarlos: Are your staging code updates a private branch or have you merged launchpad/devel in there recently?02:04
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carlosit's a private branch but I think it has also merged launchpad/devel as it was yesterday02:05
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carlosstub: anyway, I did a bzr merge of my branch on whatever staging had02:05
carlosso any code changes until yesterday night should be there02:06
carlosstub: seems like there is something wrong:02:08
carlosrevno: 381902:08
carloscommitter: Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager<pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com>02:08
carlosbranch nick: launchpad02:08
carlostimestamp: Sat 2006-07-22 18:25:33 +010002:08
carlosthat's the last merge on staging02:08
stubHmm... booger.02:09
carlossabdfl: anyway, your patch is on my branch02:09
carlosso it should be on staging atm02:09
carlosAt least, this is latest merge I did from rocketfuel:02:11
carlos    merged: pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com-20060726101620-1e7c2aff80ab77f002:11
carlos    committer: Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager<pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com>02:11
carlos    branch nick: launchpad02:11
carlos    timestamp: Wed 2006-07-26 11:16:20 +010002:11
carlos    message:02:11
carlos      [trivial]  Hide bounty links till bounty tracker is in beta02:11
stubcarlos, sabdfl: I think it is still updating daily. However, it is using chinstrap instead of sodium.02:11
stubI'll fix that ;)02:11
sabdflthanks much :-)02:11
carlosstub: please, don't force any code update02:12
carlosstub: I will do it when I finish my testing session, ok?02:12
stubcarlos: Ok. I'll leave you and Mark to fight over it ;)02:13
sabdfli'm easy02:13
sabdflin this one, specific case :-)02:13
carlossabdfl: isn't your patch already included on my branch ?02:13
stubcarlos: I've updated Makefile.staging anyway02:15
carlosstub: ok, thanks02:15
SteveAlaunchpad sprinters -> lunch02:15
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kiko-zzzman you guys mailbombed me03:14
matsubarais it a bug that we can't add tags while reporting bugs?03:34
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kikoand you can't query for tags either, can you?03:40
niemeyerkiko: You can, but it's less obvious than it should, IMO03:42
kikoreally? how do you do it?03:42
niemeyerkiko: In the bugs page there's a list in the bottom left 03:43
kikoI see03:44
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cprovsorry, was offline for 30 minutes due a power outage in my area.03:48
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flacostekiko: do you think you'll be able to review tt-search today?04:01
flacostekiko: great!04:01
kikoI almost did it last night but was very tired04:02
Seveaskiko, ping v3 04:17
kikoSeveas, I'm battling it out on the mailing list, waiting to chat to SteveA 04:17
Seveaskiko, ok04:17
SteveAkiko: hi04:18
radixman, I never thought of using that as an emoticon.04:20
SteveAthe snowman is pretty cool04:21
SteveAand I always appreciate calling someone a "dong"04:21
kikomatsubara, est atualizando?04:23
SteveAkiko: I'm ready to get ready04:29
niemeyerSteveA: I wonder how long does it take to write the last "thai character" with a pen..04:29
carlossabdfl: I'm updating staging with latest rocketfuel code + my changes04:31
jameshniemeyer: probably depends on how obsessive compulsive you are04:35
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kikomatsubara, it's updating. slowly though as there is a lot to update04:47
kikojamesh, the CVE thing is just a URL change04:47
kikojamesh, willing to r+ a patch?04:47
kikosee email04:48
matsubarakiko: thanks.04:48
jameshkiko: any reason you chose allcves.xml.gz rather than allitems.xml.gz?04:50
jameshkiko: we won't get any of the candidate CVEs with that feed04:50
jameshwith CVEs, an issue is usually pretty old once it leaves candidate state04:51
kikojamesh, uhhh, no.04:52
kikoyou're absolutely right04:52
kikoI'll change that04:52
jameshkiko: okay.  The code changes look trivial and correct.  If you change it to allitems.xml.gz and it still works, merge it.04:53
kikowill do. thank you.04:53
carlosstaging is down atm because patch-67-04-0.sql (related with shipit) is taking ages to be applied...04:55
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ddaaZnarl: can you have a look at whether pqm looks like it's stuck?04:59
flacostekiko: i'm looking at bug 4197205:05
UbugtuMalone bug 41972 in launchpad-support-tracker "You can linkbug to answered support request." [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4197205:05
flacostekiko: should we allow or disallow linking bugs to answered support requests?05:05
flacostebug report is about the fact that the items aren't in the menu but using the +linkbug URL works05:06
kikoflacoste, I don't see why we shouldn't link a bug to an answered request. restricting that seems arbitrary.05:06
flacostekiko: i agree05:07
kikothat's great.05:07
flacostekiko: on a more general note, i see a source of problems between the menu and the views that implement them05:07
kikogo on?05:08
flacostei mean that conditions on menu should really be duplicated in the view that implement the actions05:08
flacosteotherwise, that kind of bug will always occur05:08
kikooh, I see what you mean. the pages accessible because they are registered in zcml may not be consistent with the menu05:09
flacostefor example, the Change Source Package and Edit Request have the same error 05:09
flacostekiko: exactly05:09
flacosteEdit Request and Change Source Package are not available on Answered requests, but they will work using the URL directly05:10
flacostekiko: as part of the 41972 fix, do you think Edit Request and Change Source Package should still be available on 'Answered' tickets?05:15
=== flacoste is not sure about those two
flacostecurrently, they are not, but the URL will work05:16
kikowhat does edit request allow?05:16
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flacostechanging the title and description of the tickets05:16
flacosteand the original description is lost (it's not saved in a comment like for bugs)05:17
kikoI'd allow changing them.. any reason why not?05:17
flacosteactually, at the sprint we talked about dropping that possibility entirely05:18
flacostethe rationale being that a ticket is more like a conversation than a bug report where you might want to consolidate comments in the description05:18
kikowell, that's orthogonal as to whether we should include that item in the menu or not :)05:19
flacosteindeed :-)05:19
flacosteso leave them all on then?05:20
flacostemakes it easier to fix mistakes05:20
kikoI'd do that yes. and I'd also bring the larger issue up with SteveA/mailing list05:20
kikomatsubara, I don't think -devel syncing is getting us anything at the moment05:21
kikomatsubara, given that it's in a repository now05:21
matsubarakiko: well, I never use that one anyway. 05:21
kikookay, I'll kill it.05:21
kikoI think the only thing that was missing was for me to ssh in the first time 05:22
kikowhich is kinda weird05:22
elmoddaa: yes05:23
elmopqm        399  0.0  3.6 210544 74568 ?        S    12:04   0:03              \_ python2.4 -t ./lib/importd/test_all.py05:24
elmopqm       2826  0.0  0.0  14112  1048 ?        S    12:05   0:00                  \_ cvs server05:24
elmopqm       2976  0.0  0.0  14112  1048 ?        S    12:05   0:00                  \_ cvs server05:24
elmopqm       3383  0.0  0.0  14116  1048 ?        S    12:05   0:00                  \_ cvs server05:24
elmopqm       3844  0.0  4.3 221992 89664 ?        Sl   12:05   0:02                  \_ /usr/bin/python2.4 -W ignore::DeprecationWarning:: /srv/pqm.ubuntu.com/chroot-amd64/home/pqm/pqm-workdir/home/---devel/launchpad/lib/importd/baz2bzr.pyc 10 /srv/pqm.ubuntu.com/chroot-amd64/home/pqm/pqm-workdir/home/---devel/launchpad/,,job_test/blacklist05:24
flacostekiko: will send an email to the list about the menu/view inconsistency05:25
elmoddaa: I can kill it if you want, dunno if I'm meant to tho.  that's not one of the known normal hangs05:25
ddaaelmo: I have been actively turning this code upside down in the last days05:26
ddaaso I think it's safe to add it to your repertoire of known hangs05:26
elmoddaa: ok - and kill it?05:26
ddaaelmo: please do so05:28
elmoddaa: done05:28
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ddaaelmo: does pqm look idle again?05:33
elmoddaa: it started doing another test and got in the same hang :/  shall I just forcefully kill the top level test runner?05:35
ddaathat's very weird05:35
ddaayou just did a third kill?05:35
elmoyeah, I keep killing them as they hang05:36
ddaaokay, it's a dead parrot05:36
ddaaI'll fix that urgently but just nuking away the baz2bzr test suite05:36
elmokill the whole lot?05:36
ddaaelmo: please05:36
elmoit's really gone now05:37
ddaaelmo: it's likely to get wedged in the same way for the next merge05:38
ddaauntil I nuke the code away05:38
ddaawill keep you posted05:38
elmowhat's with "DASHDASHDASHdevel" anyway?  pqm is so the home of old school tla fan boys05:43
ddaaelmo: it's robert's code05:43
ddaawrite often, cleanup tomorrow05:44
matsubaraProgrammingError: ERROR:  function ensure_session_client_id("unknown") does not exist06:04
matsubaraHINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts.06:04
kikomatsubara, make schema?06:04
matsubaradid already06:04
matsubaramake schema && make run and when I tried to access the local instance it gave me that06:05
=== matsubara tries again
jameshmatsubara: try "dropdb session_dev"06:06
jameshmatsubara: the database/schema/Makefile has a comment "creating session database if necessary"06:07
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matsubaranow it works, thanks jamesh 06:12
carlosstaging is broken atm06:20
carlosand I don't have enough permissions to fix that06:20
jameshjust so everyone is clear about this, carlos broke staging06:20
ddaalooks like this merge is going to go in smoothly06:20
carlosand anyway, tonight will be broken again until stub fixes it06:20
carlosjamesh: fuck off06:20
ddaabetter let it break on staging, eh!06:21
daniloscarlos didn't break staging, he "just" uploaded some code which broke staging06:21
ddaaha right, carlos don't kill people, bullets do06:21
=== carlos is so happy to be on vacations in a couple of hours....
ddaapeople, please pay attention for a minute06:23
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ddaaif pqm starts breaking on the baz2bzr tests in importd in a way that becomes a serious problem06:24
ddaajust merge david/launchpad/nuke-baz2bzr-tests06:24
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bradbyo :)07:08
kiko-fudfud but chat to you when I'm back07:08
bradbsounds good07:09
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ddaaGOOD NEWS08:09
ddaathe bzr-native back-end for importd is operational08:10
ddaarollout will happen early next week08:10
ddaanow, I have a long evening of celebration in front of me! 08:10
sivangnice :)08:14
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jelmerddaa: congratulations!08:46
LarstiQso _thats_ the reason the naming was switched to Bazaar? ;)08:54
kikohow's it going my man08:55
kikofeeling better?08:55
bradbpretty much08:56
bradbi switched to a dentist that uses lasers. he seems pretty cool.08:56
bradba root canal still seems in my future.08:57
kikoyou brush those teeth08:57
bradbbut, hard to say when08:57
bradbi do! twice a day, even.08:57
bradband floss08:57
kikoand floss!08:57
bradbit's all about flossing at night though, instead of the morning08:57
bradband fewer macadamia nuts08:57
kikomacadamias are not particularly hard on the teeth are they?08:57
bradber, macadamias, i meant08:58
bradbi.e. sugary cookies08:58
kikooh. yeah, sugar is not good.08:58
kikobradb, can you check out https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/fileS7uGTV.html09:02
kikoit's a small change09:02
kikocontaining one XXX and a few simplifications09:03
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kikohey stub 09:20
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bradbhmph, i seem to have lost my irc connection 20 minutes ago.09:22
kikobradb, did you get my /msg?09:22
bradbkiko: nope09:22
kiko<kiko> bradb, can you check out https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/fileS7uGTV.html09:22
kiko<kiko> it's a small change09:22
kiko<kiko> containing one XXX and a few simplifications09:22
kikomatsubara, did you see stub's latest email to carlos on launchpad-list?09:22
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=== matsubara checks
bradbkiko: ok, just a couple mins while i finish this email09:23
kikosure thing.09:24
matsubarakiko: any particular thing I should pay attention to?09:25
kikomatsubara, the session database bustage?09:25
matsubara<jamesh> matsubara: try "dropdb session_dev"09:25
matsubara<jamesh> matsubara: the database/schema/Makefile has a comment "creating session database if necessary"09:25
matsubara<matsubara> now it works, thanks jamesh09:25
matsubarakiko ^^09:25
matsubarathat fixed it.09:26
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bradbkiko: maybe that method would be easier to follow if it were like:09:39
bradbif binarypackagename:09:39
bradb    ...09:39
bradb    ....09:39
kikobradb, not really, though I could break it into separate methods.09:40
kikobradb, my questioning was more if selectFirst would actually work there, AND if my XXX is relevant.09:40
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bradb_my wireless sucks09:46
bradb_kiko: presumably you didn't see my comments?09:46
kikoI did09:46
kikowell, only one comment09:46
bradb_so, to recap09:46
bradb_i think it would read easier if it were formatted as:09:47
bradb_if binarypackagename:09:47
bradb_    ...09:47
bradb_    return ...09:47
bradb_    ...09:47
bradb_    return ...09:47
bradb_and that the variables should be called source_package_publishing and published_package, instead of both being called publishing.09:47
kikobradb_, again, else: after return makes no sense..09:47
kiko<kiko> bradb, my questioning was more if selectFirst would actually work there, AND if my XXX is relevant.09:48
bradb_kiko: why doesn't else after a return make sense?09:48
kikobecause it's extra text and indentation that doesn't add any clarity, and because that's not what's confusing about the method09:49
kikomy question is more if selectFirst could be used there, and if the XXX is relevant.09:49
bradb_kiko: it's clearer to me anyway, because it makes it easier to see that there's a return in the middle of the method. the distribution.txt test should be able to tell you if .selectFirst will work.09:52
matsubarabradb_: is there any bug open to implement a milestone command in the email interface?09:52
bradb_matsubara: doesn't look like it09:53
matsubaramatsubara: ok, thanks.09:55
bradb_kiko: the first selectFirst is missing an orderBy, btw09:57
kikogood catch09:58
kikobradb_, and it's an actual bug, too!09:59
=== bradb_ ponders the XXX thing
bradb_or more, the code around it09:59
Seveaskiko, have you been able to fight with SteveA?10:01
kikoSeveas, he said he's fine with it10:02
kikoI am mustering the guts to go out and do it10:02
Seveashehe, good luck ;)10:02
kikosince I have to change this in multiple places10:02
kikosure thing10:02
Seveaslet me know when you did it, it requires some configuration on my side after that to prevent an inital mailflood10:03
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Seveas(well, it is prevented now by making sure NO new bug reports are sent in here, will have to undo it properly)10:03
bradb_kiko: it looks to me that non-context is a bug there. it looks like it could happily return a published binary/source package name combo from another distribution, which would be a bug.10:03
kikobradb_, so should I restrict to distribution=self?10:05
bradb_kiko: first, i'd write a test to verify. i /think/ we have enough sample data to even make it work.10:05
bradb_which is to say, make it break10:05
=== bradb_ tries
matsubarakiko: do you know if salgado was working on something related to this: OOPS-208A141?10:14
kikomatsubara, hmmm, that's very strange. I don't know.10:18
kikoit seems to be complaining that the user would have two approved.. well, actually10:18
kikosalgado's change /would/ modify that10:18
kikoI'm not sure it would fix the problem though10:18
bradb_kiko: hm, i don't think we have the test data to write a test for that bug, atm10:19
kikobradb_, what are we missing -- packages?10:19
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bradb_lost connection again, even though i'm sitting /beside my router/10:39
bradb_kiko: in case you missed it, the failure can be reproduced by 1. adding a current release for gentoo, and 2. filing a bug on bp linux-2.6.1210:39
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kikobradb_, cool.10:40
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cprovkiko: have you seen https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/2006-06-11/A728 about the Build/BuildQueue prejoin hack ? Do have a minute to talk about it ?11:28
kikonot yet, lemme see11:29
cprovkiko: check query 17 & 21, for instance.11:30
kikocprov, okay, the problem is the following: you need to change the way you grab the data.11:30
cprovkiko: how ?11:30
kikocprov, well...11:31
kikocurrently what you do is grab builds and then for each build you traverse over a join column to buildqueue, right?11:31
cprovkiko: the query 21 should not be issues since the 17 lready populated the cache with BQ.build=202097 row, isn't it ?11:31
kikocprov, the cache is only accessed by id. if you look at that query it is specifying a build id in the where clause..11:32
kikocprov, what template is that?11:32
cprovkiko: ahhh, I see11:33
kikommm, a batch.11:34
cprovkiko: can't I change BQ.build to be an alternateID or something similar, would it help ?11:34
kikoit could help, but I doubt it11:34
kikocprov, is it a singlejoin?11:34
cprovkiko: yes, do we have it from upstream sqlobject ?11:35
kikoyes, but that won't help you here.11:35
cprovkiko: yeah, I was about to say that ...11:35
kikocprov, so what causes those queries to be issued? is it traversing through to buildqueue_record?11:35
cprovkiko: exactly, a selectOne property11:36
kikothat's bad.11:36
cprovsingleJoin could make the code saner, even if doesn't help to not issue multiple queries, do you agree ?11:37
kikonot really11:38
kikoit wouldn't improve things very much11:38
jordikiko: wow I got a weird mail involving you today11:38
kikoinvolving ME?11:38
kikocprov, one thing you can do which is easy, is caching the buildqueue record so you at least don't fetch it 3 times11:39
kikocprov, putting it into a dictionary11:39
jordisomeone who saw pics of us in Montral I assume, and thought you were someone she knew in 1997, in Spain11:39
jordigerman girl who was 17 at the time.11:39
jordiI told her it wasn't you most probably, but she now has your website url. Maybe I just started something really romantic. :)11:39
cprovkiko: cached_property ?11:40
cprovjordi: wow, don't say things like that to him, he just lost the track of my question ;) see ?!11:42
kikocprov, no, putting it in a dictionary11:43
kikojordi, what girl?11:43
kikoI lived in spain in 1998, not 1997.11:44
kikocprov, in the view. and then pulling it out using python: 11:44
kikocprov, I don't like that very much, though, so...11:44
kikocprov, I have another idea :)11:44
jordikiko: woa, I had no idea11:44
jordikiko: natja?11:44
jordishe met you one night in the costa brava. :)11:45
cprovkiko: okay, other than view.dict  ?11:45
kikocprov, yeah. I mean view dictionary is better than nothing, but the /right/ way to do this is to assemble a new object type, I think.11:45
kikojordi, hmmm. probably not me. costa brava? you mean figueires, etc?11:46
cprovkiko: BuildCollection, BuildBatch or so ?11:46
jordikiko: yup11:46
kikoyeah, maybe just CompleteBuild in the view class11:46
kikojordi, I don't think I've ever been there. are you sure you're not replying to spam? :)11:46
jordino, totally :)11:47
jorditoo bad kiko, she was deeply in love with you!11:47
kikocprov, so that build could contain data from the build and from the buildqueue entries. and you'd iterate over /that/11:47
kikojordi, hey, tell her to write me :)11:48
cprovkiko: good point, I'll try to implement something in this direction, thank you :)11:48
kikocprov, I just don't know how that would interact with batching11:48
kikocprov, because you would need to do this for rendering the batch. basically, you'd need to convert the items in the batch to something else. hmmmm. I think I know how to do that11:49
cprovkiko: can I extend the batch specially for Builds ?11:50
kikocprov, no, instead, don't use view/batchnav/currentBatch.11:50
kikocprov, use view/convertedBatch11:51
kikowhich internally converts the items in view/batchnav/currentBatch to these CompleteBuild monsters.11:51
jordikiko: I was thinking exactly that :)11:51
kikojordi, I guess you don't have pictures or anything of her, eh?11:52
cprovkiko: uhm, makes sense ...11:52
kikoor view/completeBuilds11:52
kikoanything like that -- the names are less important11:52
kikocprov, then, what you do is you do a query on BuildQueue11:53
kikoand then group BuildQueues by Build11:53
kikocprov, this is similar to what I do in browser/bugcomment.py11:53
kikocprov, check out that file -- you'll see that I grab all MessageChunks and then group them into BugMessage objects.11:53
kikoyou'll need to do something similar11:53
jordikiko: too bad, eh? :)11:54
cprovkiko: I see, I need to iterate over currentBatch of Builds, find out which BQ I want, fetch them and finaly glue them in the completeBuild list properly11:54
kikobut it will be less complicated I believe in your case because you don't need to glue message chunks together! just grab a build queue and a build.11:54
kikocprov, hmmm, no, come to think of it, that won't work. hmmmm. 11:54
kikowell, it would work11:55
kikoit'd just require an extra query11:55
kikothere is a way to do this using just one query11:55
kikobut to do that11:55
kikoyou'd need to put CompleteBuilds into your batch11:55
kikowhich probably requires subclassing batchnavigator to be efficient11:55
cprovkiko: yes, what I thought before, but looks too complicated for now, isn't it ?11:56
kikocprov, so yes, I think your approach will be an improvement -- two queries in the page instead of 10011:56
kikocprov, yes. I think it's worth a try. if we still have perf issues there, we'll deal with them.11:56
cprovkiko: okay, it's kind of 3 x DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE queries ...11:57
cprovkiko: indeed, will comment the bug and start working, thank you again.11:57
kikookay, cool.12:02
jordikiko: I didn't know you lived in Spain. Where?12:03
kikojordi, lleida.12:06
jordioh I see.12:06
jordidon't tell me you worked at lleida.net :)12:06
cprovkiko: dude, don't forget my review for builder sec adapters, elmo is going to kill me if we don't release it next week :(12:09
cprovgood, tks, let's look for some dinner ... see you later, or tomorrow12:10

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