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Burgworkpitti, any reason it uses update-manager for telling it about when a file changes?12:06
pittiBurgwork: just to avoid installing yet another daemon into the user's session12:07
pittiBurgwork: and u-n was supposed to become a more general 'event-notifier' for a looong time already12:07
BurgworkI remember the specs on that12:07
pittiBurgwork: but it's just some inotify -> run apport-gtk glue, nothign more12:07
Burgworkpitti, would you mind putting an end to the zeroconf discussion on -devel. You are the security guy, after all12:10
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tsengBurgwork: we suggested earlier that someone put it on the agenda for tb12:11
tsengfor a final word12:12
Burgworkotherwise it will just go around in circles12:12
mdzI've been deleting that thread because it didn't seem to raise anything new12:12
mdzwe decided this ages ago12:12
mdzno network services by default, make it easy to enable if the user wants it, kthxbye12:12
ogracan we add it to the ML spamfilter ? :)12:13
pittiBurgwork: whoa, right, I need to find time to actually read the mega-thread; I was pretty scared of it when I saw it, I admit12:13
Burgworkpitti, you don't need to read it. Just say "not going to happen. kthyxbye"12:13
pittibut basically what mdz says, I totally agree12:13
ograi cant remember the last thread that was this noisy on -devel12:13
pittiBurgwork: ok, then I read the first mails at least12:13
pittiand skim the rest12:13
mdzit spirals into lots of off-topic stuff without changing the subject12:14
pittiogra: naked people artwork? or was this sounder? :)12:14
ogranope -users :)12:14
mdzmako: any opinion on this gentium update?12:14
ograindeed, thats unbeaten12:14
Burgworkhow to market your new distro: put half naked people in it12:14
tsengit got peoples attention, if nothing else12:15
ograBurgwork, thats so 2004 ...12:15
bluefoxicyit got naked people on my screen for a while12:15
Burgworkogra, damn. Is animal sex 2006?12:15
ograBurgwork !!12:16
tsengBurgwork: oh jeez.12:16
=== ogra raises a vrow
ograand a brow12:16
bluefoxicyBurgwork:  I cannot approve that; it would create unfavorable PR with most people.12:16
bluefoxicyBurgwork:  however I'm not on Canonical's staff so :)12:16
Burgworkah, but you forget bluefoxicy, any news is good news12:16
bluefoxicyBurgwork:  The news on MSN about the guy who died from ... an interesting encounter with a horse.. was not good news.  It involved death!12:17
BurgworkI can see it now: Mark announces edgy+1 as "fucking ferrets" completely with artwork12:17
Burgworkanyway, this horribly off topic...12:17
bluefoxicyBurgwork:  hey, come on, the mile stone releases are already called KNOTS anyway12:18
bluefoxicyyes, yes it is.12:18
bluefoxicySomething more on topic than sex with animals:  I agree with mdz, don't turn on random network automagic serverish things by default.  Give me a big red button to click, complete with "this will expose your naked ass to the network, are you sure you want to do this?" warning.12:19
Burgworkbluefoxicy, that just got uploaded, by the ever busy seb128 12:21
bluefoxicyanyway I should really restart X, I've managed to race GTK+ again and now my themes are broken.12:22
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Burgworkpitti, congratulations --> http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/originalContent/0,289142,sid14_gci1202417,00.htm12:28
=== bluefox [n=bluefox@c-68-33-112-13.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxtseng:  remember when i said something about X breaking and you said something about not trolling?12:29
pittiBurgwork: oh, wow :)12:29
bluefoxIt's now telling me there's no such driver 'via' or 'vesa' but I have xserver-xorg-video-all installed  ><12:29
bluefoxoh.  abi version for vesa.  /me grumbles12:30
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Burgworkpitti, LWN did a survey earlier this year which also praised our security response12:31
Burgworkbluefox, this is not a user support channel12:31
bluefoxBurgwork:  yes I know.12:31
Burgworkpitti, which means you. So congratulations12:31
pittijoy :)12:31
tsengbluefox: most of those have already been fixed12:32
tsengbluefox: and if you cant have a broken X without making a fuss, indeed, you should not run development12:32
Kamionpitti wins the "works really hard" award12:32
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MithrandirKamion: unlike you, who is clearly a slacker?12:33
tsengKamion trails the desktop team imo12:33
=== Mithrandir finds a bucket and cleaning stuff and starts cleaning up the irony dripping all over the place.
pittiBurgwork: at least today  is the first time when we managed to get a new firefox version out before upstream announced it :)12:34
pittiuntil now we had an average response time of 6 days or so12:34
Burgworkis that because mozilla is playing nicer with Linux distros?12:35
pittiBurgwork: not, it's just that this time we just started working on it earlier12:36
pittiBurgwork: of course hoary and breezy are fucked again12:36
pittiand require some weeks of backporting12:36
pittiat least in, half of the vulns do not affect 1.0.x in the first place12:36
bluefoxpitti:  Wasn't the policy, for a brief period, "Just upgrade to the new firefox version"?12:37
pittiBurgwork: but also the recent microversion updates from upstream are much better than early 1.0.x updates12:37
pittiBurgwork: back then, these updates were pretty messy, and so were the advisories12:37
Burgworkbluefox, 1.5 breaks api/abi and thus all things needing gecko would need to be recompiled12:37
pittithere was much complaint, and now they are doing very good, with embargoed vendor pre-notifictaions and such12:37
Burgworkwhich is a rather large list12:37
bluefoxBurgwork:  oh right.  I forgot they haven't stabilized their freaking ABI.12:38
pittibluefox: not a policy, it was an option we tested12:38
dokois there an applet to watch the cpu temperature?12:38
pittibluefox: we gave up after it broke half of the world and gtkmozembed12:38
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bluefoxpitti:  looking forward to XUL runner?  :)12:38
pittidoko: yep, I used this for some time (tied to lm-sensors12:38
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pittibluefox: won't solve the principal problem12:39
ogradoko, i have a small python thingie for the notificationn area12:39
pittidoko: sensors-applet IIRC12:39
ograwant it ? 12:39
bluefoxpitti:  I guess not.12:39
aimazis there a way to compile just one module?12:39
aimazinstead of `make modules` to make them all12:40
ogradoesnt module-assistant address that ? or is it only for "not in kernel tree" modules ?12:40
shawarmaaimaz: Sure. make modules DIRS=/path/to/the/directory/that/holds/the/source/for/the/module12:47
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=== fabbione yawns
zulhey 12:48
shawarmafabbione: Hey! Any action today?12:48
shawarmaaimaz: Something along those lines anyway. Check the top-level makefile. It's got loads of helpful comments.12:49
aimazshawarma, ok, thanks12:50
fabbioneshawarma: no nothing yet12:50
doko90C CPU ..., then it throttles down 12:51
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shawarmafabbione: How much overdue is she?01:02
KamionKeybuk: http://librarian.launchpad.net/3581111/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-i386.debian-installer_20060711ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:02
fabbioneshawarma: 2 weeks01:02
KamionKeybuk: does udev-udeb actually use libvolumeid0? if so, I need to tweak your packaging01:02
sistpotyinfinity: can you help me with bootstrapping fpc? (bug #2253)01:03
UbugtuMalone bug 2253 in fpc "fpc needs bootstrapping on buildds" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/225301:03
KeybukKamion: oh, grr01:03
Keybukthat's my bad, sorry01:03
Keybukthe udeb is supposed to have a statically linked vol_id01:03
shawarmafabbione: Gah.. She must be REALLY impatient by now.01:03
fabbioneshawarma: yeah indeed01:04
KamionKeybuk: can I let you take care of requeueing debian-installer once you've fixed that? I'll be away tomorrow01:04
KeybukKamion: how do I do that?01:04
Keybukis it just a source package?01:04
Keybukok, given back01:05
Kamionplain and simple - it's only the .changes that is a little odd01:05
Keybukuh, s/given back/fixed udev uploaded/01:05
KamionKeybuk: err, surely only after you've fixed udev? :-)01:05
KeybukI knew what I meant :p01:05
Keybukhad removed that by accident while debugging stuff01:06
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pittiogra: new ubugtu feature?01:25
ograpitti, it reports new bugs in lp immediately to #ubuntu-bugs01:26
pittiah, cool01:26
bluefoxubugtu's best feature is @chuck01:26
pittiogra: DoSing the channel, eh? :)01:26
ogranot atm ... but i will part from there during release time :)01:27
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pittiKamion: dapper point release> we should check whether we got the pbbuttonsd fix in to disable anacron on the live CD; I don't know off-hand whether we did that already01:30
pittibut since there's no new version in dapper-updates, I suppose that's still outstanding01:32
Kamionpitti: no pbbuttonsd in dapper-updates; can you look at fixing that tomorrow?01:32
pittiKeybuk: ^ can you please confirm?01:32
Keybukit wasn't a pbbuttonsd fix?01:32
Keybukit was a casper fix01:32
pittiKeybuk: ah, casper01:32
Keybukcasper tried to disable anacron wrong01:32
pittiKeybuk: do we have the fix in dapper-updates already?01:32
Keybuk(given the stupid, pedantic, idiotic, crap way invoke-rc.d works)01:32
KeybukI think so01:32
Kamionno, we don't01:34
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pittiRiddell: some MIR like openct rang a bell, as if I had already seen them in the past and complained about hard supportability01:38
Riddellpitti: I could see if gpg2 can manage without it, I've no idea if it can or not01:39
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pittiRiddell: I'll look at the stuff tomorrow in detail and talk with you01:42
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^ohoeldirect rendering with the ati drivers fail because X is trying to open /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/r300_dri.so (which doesnt exist) instead of /usr/lib/dri/r300_dri.so01:43
^ohoelshould I file a bug for that?01:43
mjg59In what?01:43
mjg59Dapper or edgy?01:44
^ohoeledgy :)01:44
^ohoelupgraded, though01:44
mjg59Mesa's got ahead of X01:44
Mithrandir^ohoel: file a bug, then :-)01:44
mjg59I'd check if there's a bug, but it ought to get fixed with the next xorg upload01:45
^ohoelokay, I'll do a clean knot1 install and see how things fare first then :)01:45
crimsunthere's a bug on it already01:45
^ohoelbug 5429901:45
UbugtuMalone bug 54299 in mesa "libGL.so can't find DRI modules" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5429901:46
crimsunthe fix is described in the report.01:46
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bluefoxpitti:  I'm still curious as to how packages that break with GccSsp are handled01:58
pittibluefox: there aren't many; we just found glibc so far02:03
pittibluefox: and if there is any, the quick fix is just to build with -fno-stack-protector02:03
pittibluefox: of course it's better to fix the actual bug02:03
slomopitti: don't forget libgcc (or is this now working with ssp?) :)02:03
pittislomo: right, but that has been fixed02:04
bluefoxpitti:  but no plan on providing a mechanism for reporting, i.e. so the user can easily audit which packages (in main at least) aren't protected?02:04
pittibluefox: reporting?02:04
Kamionpitti: yaboot was another; it builds without libc02:05
pittibluefox: I plan to write a script to report packages which aren't yet built with ssp, if you mean that02:05
pittiKamion: right02:05
KamionI made it use -fno-stack-protector02:05
Kamionit doesn't use -fstandalone though, not sure what's up with that02:05
bluefoxpitti:  amortized, it's a big help; strictly speaking, I can't 'rely' on stack smash protection to actually be applied to any package02:05
Kamiondoes -fstandalone imply -fno-stack-protector? If not, it surely should02:05
bluefoxpitti:  albeit amortized gains are often very, very awesome in practice ;)02:06
bluefoxKamion:  any library that doesn't use glibc or libssp can supply __stack_chk_fail() and friends itself ne?02:06
bluefoxthe kernel for example; although this is largely useless according to the hardened gentoo guys.02:06
Kamionbluefox: nm -D <binary> | grep __stack_chk_fail could be wrapped easily enough02:07
Kamionbluefox: I don't see the point for most standalone things02:07
bluefox(I've only witnessed one stack buffer overflow in the kernel ever myself)02:07
bluefoxKamion:  Not all programs have __stack_chk_fail() in them, I did write a script to test for it.02:07
Kamionaside from the kernel, they're not usually running on security boundaries02:07
bluefoxthere's a few executables and libraries that never use a local char[]  buffer02:07
bluefoxso they don't get any protection (they don't need it)02:07
bluefoxthus they don't go looking for the symbol02:08
Kamionmdz: do you think we can basically sync oo.o from dapper-proposed to dapper-updates, then? i.e. are you in principle happy with it as it stands?02:09
=== Kamion had better go and pack
KamionKeybuk: the archive's all yours for the weekend ;)02:12
pittiKamion: have fun at the wedding02:13
KeybukI promise not to redecorate while you're away :)02:13
Kamionmdz: I've sent mail to Adam about the livefs sorting stuff and asking him if he can do a dapper livefs build02:13
KamionI bet that's what you say to all the boys02:13
mdzKamion: I haven't even looked at it; was there an email with the changes?02:13
bluefoxWeddings are nowhere to look for boys.  Try college.02:13
pittigood night everyone02:14
bluefoxlater pitti02:14
Kamionmdz: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2006-July/011897.html02:14
KeybukKamion: only when David's out of earshot02:14
Kamionthat's the best I can offer at present02:14
=== robertj_ nominates Lathiat to attemp to slay the avahi issue at Tuesday's TechBoard Meeting;)
=== robertj_ uses his how not to be seen skills
KeybukI thought Lathiat was on the "don't enable by default" side?02:19
robertj_sounds good, anything to get my email to go down ;)02:19
robertj_I have to stand on it every morning & jump up & down to compress it02:19
robertj_otherwise my laptop won't close02:19
Keybukdoesn't that void your warranty?02:19
bluefoxI am on the "don't enable by default" side02:21
bluefoxthese aren't macs02:21
ohoelI just love arguments that involve windows or mac :] 02:23
bluefoxohoel: don't macs have something like Avahi?02:23
bluefoxand isn't their security model, "We're not PCs, we don't have any viruses"?02:24
tsengbluefox: apple wrote mdnsd02:24
ohoelbluefox: yes, but I fail to see the relevancy of those arguments in any case...02:25
ohoelnot just in this case but on a general basis02:25
bluefoxtseng:  yes my point though is I'd rather not just one day wake up and find that I have something that magically makes changes to my network "as needed" to "get things working" with my only consolence being a pat on the back from Ubuntu saying, "We're pretty sure we're not exposing you to any security holes automatically"02:25
mjg59Oh god can we avoid this discussion *here* as well?02:26
bluefoxwhich as I understand is what avahi does-- opens and closes doors on the network for random programs in places where they'd normally just not work02:26
tsengyou are making things up02:26
mjg59tseng: Hush02:26
mjg59It's on the tech board agenda02:26
bluefoxtseng:  no, not really.  Going on broken understanding of the topic maybe.02:26
mjg59I intend to spend Tuesday evening with a bottle of whisky and my laptop02:26
tsengbluefox: yes, lets all shutup.02:26
bluefoxoh god no02:26
bluefoxno coding while you're drunk02:27
mjg59bluefox: Oh, I won't be coding02:27
mjg59I'll just be making long-term decisions about the Ubuntu network security model02:27
bluefoxjust think about waking up the next day and saying, ".... Jesus, when the hell did I write THAT crap?"02:27
mjg59It'll be fine02:27
mjg59What could possibly go wrong (other than ANOTHER 10,000 EMAILS)02:27
bluefoxI hope you're kidding02:27
tsenghe revesed the macbook pro with a bottle of alcohol02:28
tsenghe can handle it.02:28
mjg59bluefox: If you have any concern over any of the technical justifications I may give at the tech board meeting, please feel free to point them out02:29
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Keybukmjg59: we should have had a special emergency meeting of the technical board to discuss it while mdz was in the UK02:29
mjg59Keybuk: Yeah, with hindsight02:29
Keybukin a pub02:29
Keybukwith an unlimited budget02:29
mjg59With Mark buying02:29
Kamionmjg59 is more together while drunk than a lot of people are while sober, to be perfectly honest02:30
mjg59Should have done it in Wolverhampton02:30
mjg59bluefox: I wrote usplash having spent an entire week very, very drunk02:30
bluefoxmjg59:  I know people who claim they drive much, much better when they're smoking pot in the car; it doesn't make me feel any more secure ;)02:31
Kamionright, bed, see you lot on Monday02:31
Keybukbluefox: especially when it's the guy at the front of the bus with the cap?02:31
KeybukKamion: enjoy02:31
mjg59Oh god there's a fruitfly in my beer02:33
=== mjg59 cries
mjg59I probably carried it home in my hair02:33
bluefoxI hate bugs, they're both icky and disgusting.02:33
=== Keybuk wonders how far the nearest 24hr licenced shop is
mjg59I slaughtered about a thousand of them today02:33
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fabbionethe house of the neibourg is on fire02:36
fabbioneand it's burning close to main power lines02:36
fabbioneif i fall off you know why02:36
bluefoxI need X so bad.02:36
bluefoxsomebody bash.org fabbione02:37
rodarvusbluefox, whats wrong with X?02:37
bluefoxrodarvus: it seems that half the drivers for the new X in edgy have not been uploaded to the build server, or something.02:38
rodarvusbluefox, yes, thats right02:38
bluefoxincluding vesa and via (I have a via card), which are both my options; so I can't use X in edgy at the moment.02:38
rodarvusand that leads to the next question -> what is your video card?02:38
bluefoxrodarvus:  I think for future reference, when X is going to break its driver ABI, vesa should be rebuilt first :)02:39
rodarvusbluefox, if I prepare a via package in the next few minutes, and update it to a staging are, would you volunteer to test it?02:39
bluefoxrodarvus:  Sure02:39
fabbionebluefox: nothing to joke about02:40
fabbioneall the lines pass close to that house02:40
rodarvusfabbione, indeed02:40
bluefoxfabbione:  I know, I'm a bad person.02:40
fabbioneit's one of the oldest in the area02:40
mdzKamion: can we easily adjust the progress bar in ubiquity for the point release, to account for the langpack changes?02:41
Lathiatbluefox, keybuk: while it'd be great if it was enabled by default its clearly not going to happen I don't see the Tech board overriding the decision of the responsible people to grant an extra open port policy in any case so its a moot point really IMHO02:41
Lathiatand sounds like the option to enable it is pretty much done in gnome & kde so people can stop arguing a solution is implemented ?:)02:42
Lathiatbut we can discuss it at the TB if people think it'l help02:42
mjg59Lathiat: We're going to discuss it at TB to make the big pile of email go away02:44
Lathiatthats what i mean by helping :)02:45
bddebianPleeeaasse :-)02:47
Kamionmdz: (still here because I'm INSANE) what langpack changes do you mean?02:47
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Kamionanyway, yes, it's relatively straightforward to adjust if you just mean changing the waypoint positions02:48
Kamionreally -> bed now02:49
bddebianGnight Kamion02:49
rodarvusbluefox, I've built (and uploaded) xserver-xorg-video-via02:58
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rodarvusit is also available at the staging repo I told you about -> http://people.ubuntu.com/~rodarvus/packages/xorg/02:59
rodarvusI'd appreciate if you could test it.02:59
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bluefoxrodarvus:  will get02:59
rodarvusplease report as soon as you have results :)03:00
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Hobbseerodarvus: broken anything else today?  ;)03:01
rodarvusof course.03:02
Hobbseerodarvus: oh dear :(03:02
rodarvusif its not broken, then its not interesting.03:02
Amaranthbroken is fun03:04
Amaranthunbreaking binary drivers isn't03:04
=== bluefoxicy [n=ubuntu@c-68-33-112-13.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxicyThe good news is, I'm back in X03:08
bluefoxicyThe bad news is, I'm on a live CD.03:08
bluefoxicyrodarvus:  Starting X with that driver makes the system cease to respond03:08
bluefoxicycan't kill X, can't sysrequest, can still make the numlock light turn on and off.03:09
bluefoxicyI would call that not working.03:09
rodarvusfun stuff03:09
rodarvusbluefoxicy, do you have the rest of the X.Org libraries up-to-date?03:10
bluefoxicyyes, I apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgraded about an hour ago at most.03:10
rodarvusbluefoxicy, I uploaded xserver-xorg-video-vesa to the same location, if you're willing to test it03:11
bluefoxicyrodarvus:  Sure.  I'll just mount my root and... oh um, what URL again?  I seem to have lost that.  No logs.03:11
rodarvusbluefoxicy, also, the logs of the failure using the via driver + xorg.conf would be immensely appreciated (attached to new bug on LaunchPad :) )03:12
bluefoxicyrodarvus:  yeah I should be able to get an xorg.0.log; the system seemed alive, just ill responsive, so it probably made a log.03:12
rodarvusbluefoxicy, also, please make sure you (temporarily) add this repository to your sources.list, to make sure the rest of the (input) drivers you might be using are up-to-date too03:14
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Hobbseerodarvus: do you happen to know if X is broken for everyone, or just the ATI/Nvidia users?03:15
bluefoxicyrodarvus:  deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~rodarvus/packages/xorg/ / main?03:15
rodarvusHobbsee, nvidia binary driver is not affected, don't know about ati03:16
rodarvusati and nvidia opensource drivers are already uploaded (and published)03:17
rodarvusdeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~rodarvus/packages/xorg ./03:17
rodarvusdeb-src http://people.ubuntu.com/~rodarvus/packages/xorg ./03:17
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bluefoxicyah.   Just ./, ok.03:18
Hobbseerodarvus: right, okay.  any idea on intel cards, specifically (just the default drivers)?03:18
=== bluefoxicy reads the release file.. ok got it.
rodarvusHobbsee, i810 is published too03:19
Hobbseerodarvus: cool.  it just might be safe to update then :P03:20
rodarvusHobbsee, http://people.ubuntu.com/~rodarvus/packages/xorg/status.txt always has up-to-date information on what has been uploaded/published03:20
zulits always safe ;)03:20
Hobbseezul: well, they havent had apt break dramatically in a while, so i guess you could say that.03:20
rodarvusHobbsee, Edgy is a development version of Ubuntu - if it breaks, you get to ammend the pieces ;)03:20
Hobbseerodarvus: ah, thanks :)03:21
Hobbseerodarvus: i'm aware of that - i'm just not that great a fan of losing X if i dont have to :P03:21
Hobbseeseeing as i dont have the expertise to fix it03:21
fabbioneX is obsoleted :)03:21
fabbionewho needs X anyway...03:21
=== Hobbsee likes X.
zulrodarvus is obsolete :)03:21
rodarvusactually, if I'm not wrong, Edgy is not upgradeable right now, due to missing update on openoffice.org-l10n-en_gb & openoffice.org-l10n-en_za03:21
Hobbseebit hard to fix kubuntu with no X.03:22
fabbioneHobbsee: gtkfb? no qtfb?03:22
Hobbseerodarvus: ah yeah, i noticed that.  i was more concerned with the mesa stuff, that might kill my machine for a while03:22
Hobbseefabbione: er, what?03:22
sistpotyHobbsee: bah... during breezy x was broken for about two weeks (or longer)... ;)03:22
rodarvuszul, I'll plant a trojan horse on X - we'll see who's obsoleted :)03:22
fabbioneHobbsee: gtk with directfb support :)03:22
Hobbseefabbione: ah.  no idea.03:22
zulrodarvus: ill plant a trojan horse in the kernel so there ;)03:23
rodarvus(pseudo-code) if username == 'zul' abort();03:23
fabbioneHobbsee: so you get rid of X 100%.. tho you need a working fb :P03:23
Hobbseefabbione: haha great.03:23
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rodarvuszul, we're even, then :)03:23
zulrodarvus: damn straight :)03:24
fabbionerodarvus, zul: you have both being owned...03:25
zulfabbione: yes my master...03:25
=== fabbione makes zul and rodarvus note that he did maintain both X and kernel before... rootkits? obsolete toys
=== rodarvus pays respect to master fabbione
fabbioneraise young lords of the sith03:25
zuldid i mention that i dont like star wars ;)03:26
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bluefoxicyrodarvus: upgraded from your repo, via still busted.  vesa works.03:29
rodarvusbluefoxicy, please report the via brokeness to LaunchPad03:30
rodarvusI'll deal with it tomorrow, probably03:30
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bluefoxicywow did this get worse since last time I looked at it03:41
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rodarvusbluefoxicy, ?03:43
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bluefoxicyrodarvus:  scrolling causes a ripple to start at the bottom of the screen and climb to the top for about half a second; same if I get a message in a channel where the IRC window is full of text03:44
bluefoxicyI just don't remember the vesa driver being this slow.03:44
rodarvusvesa driver is slow.03:44
rodarvusit is not accelerated03:44
bluefoxicyso I noticed!  :D03:45
jsgotangcoisn't that the behavior ever since?03:46
bluefoxicyjsgotangco:  I used to watch videos with Vesa.  It'd eat 100% cpu but the video was smooth :)03:46
jsgotangcothats why vesa is such a bad way to benchmark right03:46
bluefoxicyIt was slow, yeah, I just don't remember it being *this* slow :)  At any rate, not important; it works.03:46
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rodarvusbluefoxicy, don't forget to open the bug on LP :)03:47
bluefoxicyrodarvus:  that's what I'm doing :)03:48
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rodarvusbluefoxicy, please attach the output of lspci -vv to this bug too03:52
rodarvussorry, forgot to tell you before03:52
rodarvusbluefoxicy, thanks03:57
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bddebianfabbione: You up yet?05:23
fabbionebddebian: i never went to sleep05:23
bddebianfabbione: Any idea why we diverged from Debian for twm?05:23
fabbionebddebian: probably because of modular tree hitting Ubuntu a year earlier than Debian?05:24
fabbionebut otherwise no05:24
bddebianOh, aye, duh.  Probably safe to re-sync back now though eh?05:24
Chipzzoh btw05:24
Chipzzthx for fixing X :)05:25
fabbionebddebian: i assume so...05:25
Chipzz(whoever fixed it :))05:25
fabbionebddebian: i don't use twm so i really have no idea05:25
=== Chipzz actually knows someone who uses twm
bddebianfabbione: OK sorry, just the last changelog entry from Daniel Stone says taking maintainership from you..05:25
Chipzzon debian though :P05:25
fabbionebddebian: i think i did one or two uploads because i was doing the batch of X apps when we went modular05:26
Chipzzthough I can't really grasp why someone would be as masochistic as to use twm :|05:26
fabbioneChipzz: a long time ago, there was no other option...05:27
Chipzzfabbione: as in, 15 years ago05:27
bddebianfabbione: OK, sorry to bug you just trying to cover my ass before merging/syncing.  Thanks.05:27
Chipzznowadays, computers have more than 4MB of ram :P05:27
bddebianChipzz: Some people don't like all the fluff05:27
fabbioneChipzz: when i started using linux on 486, i can tell you that gnome as we know it know, would have never gone so far05:27
fabbioneChipzz: and for the use i make of X, openbox is way tooo much for me05:28
Chipzzbddebian: yes, but for crying out loud, you even need to position the windows yourself05:28
=== fabbione has a scripts that opens a bunch of xterm and he is happy
angasuleI have a 486 dx2 66 MHz, 8MB RAM, a hercules card and ambar screen (also a 286, but that's in a closet, not working)05:30
angasulesome guy, somewhere, actually wants to run linux in a toaster05:30
Chipzzfabbione: I can understand you don't require much from a window manager, but there are other very simple wm's that do have very few resource requirements, and are easier to use :)05:31
Chipzzangasule: do you actually *use* that box? ;)05:31
fabbioneChipzz: it's a matter of choise05:32
fabbioneChipzz: and i use a similar box as angasule .. m68k 8Mb of RAM05:32
ChipzzI have a 486dx2 80Mhz, 24MB ram, and last I used it it was for having a shitload of consoles open at 132x60 ;)05:32
angasulehmm, I keep it off most of the time, because it's in my room, but the idea is to use it as a web server, works just fine for that05:32
angasuleI love the ambar screen05:32
=== Chipzz has been a very heavy console user up till a few years ago
angasuleand what do you use X for, Chipzz?05:33
Chipzzfirefox mostly05:33
=== fabbione radiates a bit less hate towards redhat cluster suite
Chipzzand rxvt for ssh'ing to other hosts05:33
Chipzzrxvt and gnome-terminal05:33
infinityI pretty much just use X as a better way to have a few dozen terminals.05:34
angasulewhat got me in this channel is another piece of old hardware, a Warrior 505:34
Chipzzsometimes evince05:34
Chipzzinfinity: alt-f[x]  is a very fast way of switching consoles05:34
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fabbioneinfinity:  i knew you were going to stick your head out just mentioning m68k05:34
infinityChipzz: I don't have 40+ function keys.05:34
angasuleWarrior 5 is the typical soundcard joystick, 2 axes, 2 buttons05:34
Chipzzinfinity: alt-shift-fx will give you 24 :)05:35
infinityChipzz: I know.  That's not quite enough. :)05:35
Chipzzinfinity: also, there's screen ;)05:35
bddebianHeya infinity05:35
infinityOf course, now that I'm tied to launchpad, I also need a few billion firefox tabs at any given moment, too.05:35
infinitySo yay for that.05:35
bddebianOh, infinity, while you are here, are there any of your Universe merges you wouldn't want me to touch?05:35
=== infinity checks.
angasuleI'm using kubuntu, and there is no way to configure a soundcard gameport joystick, I had to resort to modprobe'ing and mknode'ing and sustantivising05:36
infinitybddebian: Nope, they're all fair game.05:37
bddebianinfinity: OK, thx05:37
bddebianOh, fabbione, what about xfs?05:37
infinitybddebian: Most of it just looks like small FTBFS tweaks and such.05:37
infinitybddebian: dmraid may be a bit more, but just be careful.05:38
bddebianOK, thx05:38
bddebianI don't know if I'll hit them all, I just want to make sure I don't step on any toes05:38
fabbionebddebian: same as twm05:38
bddebianfabbione: Fair enough, thx05:39
fabbionebddebian: universe stuff, just do it.. i don't care enough to go and look05:39
fabbionebddebian: otherwise it would probably be in main05:39
infinitybddebian: As a general rule, unless I'm listed in the Maintainer or Uploaders field (ie: I maintain it in Debian), I don't really maintain anything in universe, beyond random bugfixes.05:39
infinitybddebian: So, it's all fair game, IMO.05:39
bddebianI know, but it seems as soon as I do something, I get in trouble for a package I shouldn't have touched :-)05:40
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sivangso, X is broken, and I forgot all about it and rebooted last night, what do I do to bring it back? :-)08:33
ajmitchupgrade your drivers, they should be built & in the archive by now08:34
sivangajmitch: okay, thanks08:34
=== sivang actually needs to switch to the prop. ones
sivangajmitch: what was the bug the prevented them from working?08:35
ajmitchdriver ABI08:35
sivangah, cool then08:37
Lathiatis anyeon else having issues with it not mounting your rootfs?08:50
Lathiatsits there waiting forever, but if i boot the oldest dapper kernel i have + set root= back to /dev/md2 it works08:50
Lathiat(but neither alone is enougH)08:50
=== Gman [n=gman@nwkea-socks-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
bluefoxicywhy am I up at 3am still.08:53
whiprushGman: ping08:55
Gmanhi whiprush 08:55
whiprushquick question for you.08:55
whiprushI'm giving some talks over the next few months about our gnome deployment, which uses sunrays, I read that sun plans to made their entire 08:56
whiprush"middleware" stack OSS.08:56
whiprushdoes this include the sunray server stuff?08:56
Gmani honestly don't know08:57
Gmanthough if i could, i'd probably only say that 'all software at sun will eventually be open sourced'08:58
Gmanwhich is basically what jonathan has said previously08:58
whiprushGman: any idea where I should look for an answer? corporate websites suck at helping me find an answer. :-/08:58
whiprushGman: sweet, thanks.08:59
Gmanwhich is basically an email for simon phipps08:59
Gmanour open source officer08:59
Gmanhe's pretty responsive08:59
sivangGman: that's cool08:59
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sivangajmitch: hrm, so that didn't work , what's next? :)09:10
ajmitchsivang: can't say, since I don't know what's breaking09:10
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sivangajmitch: I get an error about the abi being unmatching09:12
ajmitchwhich driver?09:12
sivangajmitch: module abi is 0, server is 109:12
sivangajmitch: ati09:12
ajmitchupdated drivers should fix that, maybe the one you use hasn't been built09:13
=== sivang attempts LP browsing with lynx
sivanggoing to check their build status09:13
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Burgundaviaajmitch: ajmitch: how much is tcl used in the real world? have you ever heard of openacs?09:39
TreenaksBurgundavia: TCL is used a _lot_ in the real world09:40
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BurgundaviaTreenaks: how common are open source people who know/use tcl?09:41
TreenaksI have no idea09:41
=== ajmitch has barely touched tcl, only for a project at uni
TreenaksBurgundavia: Everyone who has touched eggdrop :P09:41
whiprushtons of TCL in unis09:41
Burgundaviajust wondering, because my company just opensourced some stuff that runs on openacs09:42
sivangajmitch: do you know which version the driver abi was fixed in?09:44
Burgundaviawhiprush: is TCL something people are itching to write? or have they moved on to other languages?09:44
TreenaksBurgundavia: TCL.. itching.. stop the puns09:45
Treenakscrimsun: ?09:45
crimsun^ sivang 09:45
whiprushBurgundavia: it's like cobol and motif, it ain't ever going away. 09:45
sivangcrimsun: ah, so it's video now?09:46
sivangcrimsun: I only have driver-ati09:46
crimsunsivang: right, xserver-xorg-driver* are now obsoleted09:46
sivangcrimsun: shouldn't that transition occure automatically through the packaging system?09:46
ajmitchsivang: yes, it should09:47
crimsunsivang: rodarvus is working on that (it surfaced at the dev team meeting yesterday)09:47
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sivangcrimsun: I see, thanks. I wasn't able to attend the dev meeting :-/09:47
sivangcrimsun: do I need to install differently names xorg packages altogether? I mean, other then naming changes in the driver packages?09:48
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sivangmornign dholbach 09:49
ajmitchhi dholbach 09:49
crimsunsivang: probably not. Do you have 'xorg' installed?09:49
=== sivang checks
dholbachgood morning09:50
dholbachhey sivang, hey ajmitch, hey crimsun09:50
crimsunhey dholbach :)09:50
sivangcrimsun: 7.0.22ubuntu709:51
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sivangcrimsun: yay, thanks, you saved me :-)09:51
dholbachcan anybody of the archive administrators please look what happened to jokosher? it' in "Needs Build" for three days now09:51
slomodholbach: it was build yesterday09:52
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dholbachit was?09:52
slomodholbach: yes09:52
pittiGood morning09:53
slomodholbach: it's again on NEW for the binary09:53
slomohi pitti 09:53
dholbachthanks slomo09:53
dholbachi was wondering already09:53
crimsunsivang: ah, for it to transition, you need xserver-xorg-driver-all installed.09:53
pittiargh, nice to wake up and be greeted with a broken GTK *grump* :)09:53
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pittiargh, half of my desktop's text lines keep disappearing09:57
dholbachpitti: hm?09:57
dholbachhey el! how are you?09:57
crimsunsivang: sorry, that was poorly worded on my part. I mean that xserver-xorg-video-all (a binary from the xorg source package) Conflicts with xserver-xorg-driver-all.09:57
pittidholbach: dunno, since I booted my box some minutes ago, text from all apps just 'disappears' and reappears when I force the area to redraw itself09:59
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slomopitti: a friend of mine has the same problem... we couldn't find the reason :(09:59
pittiIZ GTK BUG!09:59
crimsunwhich X driver?09:59
dholbachpitti: all apps - that's not just the terminal?09:59
=== Lathiat laughs
pittiand this time it could even be true09:59
pittidholbach: right, all apps09:59
pitticrimsun: nvidia10:00
sivangcrimsun: yes, however when I willfully installed -video-ati, it install video-all and removed the other one10:00
pitticrimsun: it didn't change since yesterday, I believe10:00
slomopitti: does it work with nv for you?10:00
crimsunpitti: so binary-only?10:00
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pittislomo: will try, but nv has been broken for me since over a year10:00
dholbachslomo: does he use 'nvidia' too?10:00
pittislomo: so I do not have that much choice, really10:00
slomodholbach, pitti: yes... but switching to nv didn't change anything10:00
pitticrimsun: yep, but as I said, it's the same driver that has worked perfectly for a looong time10:00
crimsunfrom what I understand the binary-only Nvidia driver does not work with the new xserver-xorg-core (ABI); you have to disable renderaccel10:01
pittiok, I'll try with nvidia, then we can narrow down the cause10:01
pittiah, right, we got a new X server yesterday10:01
dholbachanything in .xsession-errors or in the X logs?10:01
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dholbachstrange, I use 'nv' and it's all fine10:02
dholbachon an amd6410:02
pittidholbach: logs have nothing interesting10:02
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dholbachpitti: want to try 'nv' and compare /etx/X11/xorg.conf with me? (as it seems to work for me)10:04
slomohm... does somebody else have the problem that almost all X applications become fairly slow over time? especially firefox when openening a page with many/large pictures10:04
elhey dholbach ! fine :) we still didn't have ice cream... ;-)10:06
dholbachel: and now it cooled off - strangely enough :)10:07
Lathiatslomo: in dapper or edgy?10:07
desrtvuntz; poke poke10:07
Lathiatslomo: i find my work pc gets pretty bogged up from time to time10:07
ajmitchpitti: yes, I've been seeing the same text bug10:07
Lathiatespecially with firefox10:07
pittidholbach: yep, I cannot work like this; let me restart X10:07
desrtoh.  heh10:07
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ajmitchpitti: it makes using firefox really fun :)10:07
desrtthe overlap between this channel and #g-hackers is amusing10:07
eldholbach, yeah, but good for sleeping10:07
slomoLathiat: edgy... and the problem is fairly new and reproducible ;)10:07
ajmitchpitti: I also think it's not gtk, sorry :)10:07
Lathiatslomo: ah ok10:07
Lathiatslomo: probably completely unrelated then :)10:08
dholbachel: absolutely :)10:08
pittiajmitch: it's not confined to ffox, it's everywhere10:09
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ajmitchpitti: including kde apps10:09
crimsunajmitch: have you tried adding Option "RenderAccel" "0" to the Device section?10:09
crimsun^ also pitt10:09
ajmitchcrimsun: no, I haven't10:09
ajmitchcrimsun: it doesn't show if I'm running in Xgl, either10:09
ajmitchI'm too lazy to fiddle with xorg.conf at the moment10:10
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pittiargh, argh, I hate such days10:12
pittidholbach: "(EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)"10:13
ajmitchpitti: regretting the upgrade?10:13
ajmitchpitti: nv driver?10:13
dholbachpitti: did you do a complete dist-upgrade?10:13
pitticrimsun: ok, what do I have to deactivate again to make it work again with nvidia?10:14
dholbachpitti: (newest xserver-xorg-core and video-nv)10:14
pittiyes, I have the latest -nv that is available10:14
pittibut it's for the old ABI10:14
crimsunpitti: you need to add Option "RenderAccel" "0" to the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and you need to tell Xorg to ignore ABI10:14
slomopitti: video-nv or driver-nv?10:14
pitti(II) Module nv: vendor="X.Org Foundation"10:15
pitti        compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.110:15
crimsunpitti: -ignoreABI10:15
ajmitchcrimsun: strangely I haven't had to tell X to ignore ABI10:15
pittislomo: I have -driver-nv10:15
slomopitti: you need -video-nv10:15
pitticrimsun: ah, I thought something like render_accell10:15
slomopitti: the -driver* are the old ones10:15
pittishouldn't that be upgraded automatically?10:16
pittislomo: thank you10:16
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slomopitti: just install xserver-xorg-video-all and -input-all :)10:17
pittiyep, doing that ATM10:17
pitticrimsun: many thanks10:18
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pittidholbach: ok, nv does not seem to have this problem; XV is broken with it as usual, but a least I can work now :) thanks10:21
crimsunXvideo extension10:22
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sivangpitti: I was also surprised it wasn;t upgraded automatically ;)10:26
pittidholbach: watching videos is impossible with the nv driver, at least for me10:27
ogradholbach, 10:28
pittidholbach: as soon as I scale them to more than 1.5x, I get comb artifacts and heavy distortions10:28
ogra  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            10:28
ogra 5836 ogra      17   0 1107m 743m 5216 D  5.6 84.2  18:58.94 evolution10:28
ograi have 1G in this laptop !10:28
pittiogra: lucky you, since yesterday evo crashes right at the start10:29
dholbachpitti: in gstreamer-properties, i use X11/XShm/Xv - if that helps10:29
pittiogra: I added an echo to my .bashrc to replace my todo list :/10:29
ajmitchogra: ah, that's why I use mutt :)10:29
dholbachogra: what does it do atm? is it hanging?10:29
ogradholbach, it made my system 100% stuck ... 10:30
ograi had to force-shutdown to even write in xchat again10:30
sivangpitti: switch to thunderbird :p10:31
ograbtw, it would be clever if --force-shutdown wouldnt need $DISPLAY to be set so you can kill from console ;)10:31
dholbachogra: i have a --force-shutdown button on the panel :-(10:31
ograwas a bit painful ding that in X if the cursor only moves every 30sec10:31
dholbachogra: although the evolution edgy doesn't hang as much as the dapper one used to10:31
ograit never crashed for me (yet)10:32
pittisivang: what would that change? I use mutt for email and evo for calendar, todo, and contacts10:32
ograand this was the first hang...10:32
dholbachogra: remember anything you did before it started freaking out?10:32
ograi answered a mail from mdz10:33
ograbug buddy !10:33
sivangpitti: ah, I see , then nothing.10:33
ograpitti, damned ... im in the same boat now ... evo dies on the start ... 10:35
pittiogra: *hug*10:35
dholbachtry  evolution -c calendar   and then switch to mail10:35
ograand i have still 75 unread mails :(10:35
pittiogra: if the clock applet's evo integration were less crappy, it would at least help to get my TODO list...10:36
ogradholbach, nope ... bug buddy10:36
dholbachogra: you're uptodate?10:37
ogradholbach, the mail to mdz was unsent ... i guess it has to do something with the recovery dialog that asks you abut open mails ...10:37
=== ogra apt-get upgrades to see if there is something ...
pittidholbach: I'm not uptodate, apt-get dist-upgrade wants to remove gnome-applets and gnome-panel10:37
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittibut it would install new evolution libraries10:38
pittihey seb128 10:38
seb128hey pitti10:38
seb128pitti: what about evolution?10:38
pittiedgy sucks today10:38
pittiseb128: it crashes on startup since yesterday10:38
ograseb128, its broken10:38
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seb128not it's not10:38
pittiand dist-upgrade would remove gnome-{panel,applets}10:39
seb128pitti: why?10:39
ograseb128, 10:39
ogra<ogra>   PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            10:39
ogra<ogra>  5836 ogra      17   0 1107m 743m 5216 D  5.6 84.2  18:58.94 evolution10:39
ogra<ogra> i have 1G in this laptop !10:39
ogratell me again thats not broken :P10:39
seb128ogra: it's broken for you != it's broken10:39
seb128ogra: it's not broken10:39
ograand for pitti :)10:39
seb128ogra: it's not broken10:39
seb128ogra: it's not broken10:39
seb128I can say it again if you want :p10:39
dholbachogra: which evolution and evolution-data-server version do you have?10:40
ograseb128, could you write it in capitals ? :P 10:40
ograseb128, no amd64 with i386 install :)10:40
seb128ogra: you know, that's not the way to act if you want to get something fixed10:40
ograyes, sorry10:40
seb128ogra: I'm near to /ignore you10:40
seb128I'm fine with debugging, but free rant against me is not useful10:40
pittiok, I manually installed all the evo-related upgrades now10:40
seb128pitti: 5 libs changed soname on that update10:41
dholbachgood morning dear seb128, did you sleep well? :-)10:41
seb128pitti: if you could provide some details on upgrade issue10:41
pittiyep, that seemed to have helped10:41
seb128dholbach: hi dholbach :)10:41
pittiseb128: yay, evo works again with the manual upgrades10:41
seb128dholbach: not really, too short, 2:30am to 8am10:41
dholbachseb128: you uploaded stuff at 8:30? what happened?10:41
pittiseb128: shall we look into the broken upgrade of panel and applets?10:41
seb128dholbach: there was ready yesterday but I didn't want to upload before going to bed, so I uploaded before going to the supermarket this morning10:42
seb128pitti: sure10:42
dholbachahhh ok10:42
dholbachseb128: you should sleep more :)10:42
seb128pitti: 10:42
seb128<seb128> pitti: 5 libs changed soname on that update10:42
seb128<seb128> pitti: if you could provide some details on upgrade issue10:42
seb128pitti: is that on i386?10:42
pittiseb128: amd6410:42
=== seb128 looks if panel rebuilt on amd64
seb128dholbach: that's planned for saturday and sunday :)10:43
pittignome-applets-data | | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Packages10:43
pittignome-applets | | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Packages10:43
pittiseb128: ^ I think that's it10:43
pittiprobably an FTBFS or stalled buildd10:43
pittisame for panel10:44
ograseb128, manual upgrade of the evo bits fixed it here as well ...10:44
seb128failed to build everywhere but on i38610:44
seb128pitti, ogra: what did you upgrade to fix it?10:45
ograseb128,  sudo apt-get install evolution evolution-data-server evolution-data-server-common10:45
pittiseb128: libebook1.2-9 libedata-cal1.2-5 libegroupwise1.2-12 evolution-data-server evolution-data-server-common libedata-book1.2-210:45
seb128for libs which broke the ABI the soname changed, so there should be no issue10:45
ograthat pulled in the rest10:45
seb128you got evolution updated without evolution-data-server?10:45
pittiI don't know, I usually do not pay attention10:46
seb128do you have a bt of the crash before updating?10:46
pittiunfortunately not :(10:46
ogranope :/10:46
pittibug-buddy intercepted the crash before apport10:46
ograsame here 10:46
pittiseb128: ok, the ftbfs looks like a give-back issue10:47
ograbut i didnt save the bug buddy output with i usually do at least ...10:47
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seb128pitti: bug-buddy gives bt too10:47
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dholbachhey mvo10:47
pittihey mvo10:47
seb128hey mvo10:47
dholbachmvo: ALTER! :)10:47
=== mvo hugs dholbach pitti
seb128mvo: ALTER! :)10:47
seb128mvo: and me?!10:47
=== mvo hugs seb128
=== seb128 hugs mvo
pittiseb128: ALTER *hug*10:48
dholbachhahahaha :)10:48
seb128pitti: speaking about bug-buddy and automatic debug, I wanted to have a discussion with you of what to do, especially if they conflict 10:48
pittiseb128: you mean 'conflict' in the sense of which one we want by default?10:49
seb128pitti: in sense "should be drop the libgnomeui crash handler so bug-buddy never opens when something crash"10:49
pittiif an app intercepts crashes on its own (like gnome and OO.o), apport will not get active10:49
pittiseb128: I'm not entirely sure TBH; right now, b-buddy sends to upstream, right?10:50
seb128pitti: will apport automatically get a debug bt?10:50
pittiso if we switch, we would get more bugs and upstream would get less10:50
seb128pitti: right, but we usually encourage people to file bugs on launchpad not upstream10:50
pittiseb128: yes, that's one of the biggest reason why we have it in the first place10:50
seb128pitti: and to be honest, non-debug bt are mostly noise upstream10:51
pittiseb128: and it also collects information about dependency packages and their versions and such10:51
pittiseb128: right, and in the future we will be able to generate good backtraces on LP with our ddebs10:51
pittiseb128: so, as long as we can handle the additional bug load, it would make sense10:51
seb128pitti: rock ... is there anywhere I can play with apport atm? fo you have some bzr for it?10:52
pittiseb128: however, the current apport package in edgy doesn't generate backtraces due to a design problem in the kernel crashdump helper; I'll sort that out with Ben next week10:52
seb128pitti: do you think we will get automatic debug-bt this cycle?10:52
pittiseb128: the source is in edgy (binaries in NEW)10:52
seb128ok, cool, I'll play with that later10:52
pittiseb128: and there is a bzr branch, see BzrMaintainedPakcages10:52
pittiseb128: ddeb generation is now blocked on soyuz, I completed my part; it might not make edgy10:53
pittiseb128: however, I want to talk to infinity about installing it on the buildds to sort out the remaining FTBFSes it causes10:53
seb128pitti: how will be made the debug bt?10:53
pittiseb128: maybe we can cowboy the ddebs from the buildds to people.u.c. or so :)10:53
seb128from what I understood at the bof it's possible to create a debug bt from the non-debug one with informations on the source and the binary used, right? 10:54
seb128is that going to be made server side?10:54
pittiseb128: we take the numeric bt from the user report, then use gdb on the LP server to combine the core dump and the debug symbols to produce a rich bt10:54
pittiseb128: yep, I hope we can get this working in the DC10:54
pittiseb128: if not, there's still the possibility of generating it on our home computers10:55
seb128do you have some notes or code on that?10:55
seb128I'm just curious about it10:55
pittias long as the user sends us the core file, we won10:55
seb128I used to think you need a coredump or debug symbols on the client to get a debug byt10:55
pittiseb128: I can show you the process, it's fairly easy10:55
pittiseb128: yep, we need the core10:55
pittiseb128: and apport adds it to the report as long as it's not too big10:55
seb128but isn't the coredump something big to send?10:55
pittiseb128: (1) I bzip2 it, which helps *a lot* (ratios of 1:100 sometimes)10:56
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pittiseb128: (2) I'm working on ways to make it significantly smaller10:56
seb128pitti: yeah, I'm interested to know about it, but not hurry, when you will not be over-busy is fine :)10:56
pittiseb128: in one case I was able to shrink it from 1.5 MB to 40 kB without significant loss for our purposes10:56
pittibut I didn't find a general way of doing this so far10:57
pittibut that's future work10:57
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seb128but didn't sfllaw and lifeless said at the bof it was possible to get a debug bt without sending a core if you have the non-debug one and enough informations on the binary and the sources for that binary?10:57
pittiseb128: in fact we could deal with just saving the stack frame (the top 256 kB are almost always enough), but then we lose the ability of using gdb to do the grunt work for us10:57
pittiseb128: yes, that's what I mean with above10:58
seb128hum, k10:58
pittiseb128: theoretically, the non-debug bt or the stack frame have all information we need10:58
pittiseb128: the problem is just that it takes some fiddling to pry out a debug stack trace out of it, and there is no tool ATM which does that10:59
seb128as far as we get a debug bt and users don't have to send several MB every time they get a crash, that's fine10:59
pittiseb128: my current plan is to just send compressed cores up to a size limit and let the user decide about whether he wants to send it10:59
pittiseb128: then I can optimize for size later10:59
seb128looks fine to me10:59
=== seb128 hugs pitti :)
pittiseb128: but that would at least mean that we have a working process RSN11:00
pittiseb128: in fact, after yesterday's work rave, the GUI and the backend now work pretty well11:00
pittiwith update-notifier integration and all that11:00
seb128we "just" need the server part now then? :)11:00
pittiseb128: yep, for convenience11:00
pittiseb128: however, we can always do the process manually on ronne or our home computers or so11:01
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pittiseb128: so, ping me when you want me to show the stuff to you11:02
seb128pitti: ping :)11:02
seb128as said no hurry, whenever suits you the best11:02
pittiseb128: ok, in 20 minutes?11:03
seb128works for me!11:03
seb128thank you :)11:03
pittiseb128: please apt-get source apport in the meantime and build/install the debs11:03
seb128yeah, I was going to do that :)11:03
pittiseb128: when Keybuk turns up today, I'll ask him to NEW the package11:05
seb128I got an "reboot required" icon with "crash detected" tooltip11:05
pittiseb128: yes, the icon is not quite the final one :)11:06
seb128and clicking on it open the "restart required" dialog11:06
Treenakspitti: make it a bomb ;)11:06
pittiit's the reboot icon with some black shading11:06
pittiseb128: hm, when I hover on it, I get "Crashreport detected"11:06
seb128and when I left click I get the restart dialog11:06
pittiseb128: you won't get the icon if you do not have reports in /var/crash, of course11:06
pittiseb128: hm, funny bug11:06
seb128$ ls /var/crash11:07
pittiah, cool11:07
pittiseb128: do you have the lastest version of u-n installed? mvo fixed it yesterday11:07
mvoseb128: do it then!11:07
seb128dholbach told me xorg was b0rked11:07
seb128so I didn't upgrade yet11:07
mvojust install the new update-notifier11:08
seb128I'll install u-n11:08
pittiseb128: xorg + nvidia driver = b0rk11:08
seb128mvo: yeah, was going to do that :)11:08
seb128pitti: I'm using ati11:08
mvodholbach: btw, gnome-control-center is still uninstallable for me on amd64 11:08
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seb128mvo: what is the issue?11:08
pittiseb128: oh, if I'm showing you the debug stuff, maybe I can ask a little favor in return: please complain about all HIG violations in apport-gtk :)11:08
pittimoin rodarvus 11:09
dholbachmvo: hm11:09
seb128pitti: yeah, sure, I might send patch for it :)11:09
mvoseb128: it complains that it can't install the correct version of capplets-data11:09
seb128mvo: arch any,all diff11:09
pittiseb128: btw, I had much fun with glade and pygtk yesterday; that stuff really rocks :)11:09
seb128mvo: needs a retry on !i38611:09
seb128mvo: same for gnome-applets too11:09
pittiseb128: I just lack UI design experience, but I'll ask mpt, too11:09
mvoseb128: well, we have it since yesterday morning - I will ask infinity11:09
seb128mvo: have what?11:10
seb128mvo: http://librarian.launchpad.net/3561491/buildlog_ubuntu-edgy-amd64.control-center_1%3A2.15.90-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:10
mvoseb128: the uninstallable capplets-data11:10
seb128mvo: did you read what I wrote?11:10
seb128mvo: it didn't build on !i38611:10
mvoseb128: yes, I have read it11:10
seb128mvo: needs a retry ... nothing that dholbach or I can fix11:10
seb128out of doing a fake upload to trigger a rebuild11:10
dholbachseb128: mvo always tends to blame me11:11
seb128which should not be required :)11:11
seb128dholbach: he's right, usually when things are broken that's due to you :p11:11
=== seb128 runs
=== dholbach strangles seb128
infinityseb128: Retrying.11:11
mvoI was not blaming anyone, I just want my gnome back :)11:11
seb128infinity: thank you11:11
=== mvo hugs infinity
seb128mvo: how did he go away? :p11:11
seb128mvo: don't say Yes to dist-upgrade before reading what he wants to remove :p11:12
infinitymvo: Has anyone whined to you yet about gksu suddenly offering to save passwords?11:12
mvoseb128: no, I did some cleanup on my system and it ... went away11:12
mvoseb128: and you don't want me to switch to kde, do you?11:12
seb128mvo: I see :)11:12
infinitymvo: This seems completely counter to the argument that "sudo is there as a warning that you're doing stuff as root", since by default, it offers to save your password for the whole session now...11:12
mvoinfinity: no, you haven't. I noticed that too, the dialog looks a bit ...11:12
seb128mvo: really not, thanks to infinity your GNOME is going to be fixed rsn :)11:12
infinitymvo: And worse, it allows you to save your password in the gnome-keyring, so you ever ever get a root prompt again.11:12
infinitys/ever ever/never ever/11:13
seb128infinity: that's handy :)11:13
infinitymvo: I'm pretty sure that's an upstream change we want to revert or patch out.11:13
=== mvo thinks we should drop root complettely. uid=0 for everybody!
infinityseb128: *smack*11:13
ogramvo, and call ourselves linspire ?11:13
mvoinfinity: it seems to be a new gksu2 feature11:13
mvolubuntu !11:13
mvothe luser ubuntu :P11:13
dholbachdubuntu.com :)11:14
infinitymvo: libgsku, even, I think.  But yeah, it's just plain wrong, IMO.11:14
mvodholbach: HAHA11:14
imbrandonwinbuntu ?11:14
mvoinfinity: I take a look11:14
infinitymvo: My other bitch (and no, I haven't filed a bug, I'm a bad man) is that apt-listchanges has completely stopped doing anything useful for me in edgy.11:14
infinitymvo: It seems to parse the changelogs, then just plow straight on without displaying them.11:15
mvoinfinity: *hrm* thanks, let me see if I can reproduce it (I'm sure I can :)11:15
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pittimvo: maybe /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/stock/generic/stock_test-mode.png isn't too bad as an initial icon for a crash report; it looks a bit like the crash test dummy markers :)11:15
infinitymvo: Broken in both X (update-notified) and CLI (apt-get).  Has been for weeks, I've just been too lazy to complain.11:16
hungerWinfinity: Works for me(TM)11:16
ograpitti, thats a cool one, take that ! :)11:17
hungerWinfinity: It was broken for a couple of days here, too, but it works again for a while now.11:17
mvopitti: yeah!11:17
=== ogra lols about bug 54329
UbugtuMalone bug 54329 in Ubuntu "Error when Applications menu item isn't found is highly offensive" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5432911:18
pittiwhy, does it say 'you suck, you L0SER!!!11!!one!' ??11:18
ograno it says it cant "execute the child"11:19
pittioops :)11:19
ogra..."What you should see: Something that doesn't mention killing children."...11:19
simiraI really agree11:20
pittithat reminds me of some kernel (?) message I saw a while ago about not being able to rape a child11:20
=== mvo is shocked
ograluckily normal users seldom see kernel messages11:20
seb128bah, users, sometime...11:20
ograseb128, why do you look at me if you say that ? :)11:21
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seb128ogra: I don't :p11:21
ograsorry for earlier, really ...11:21
seb128dholbach: better you close that one, I didn't get enough sleep to reply to it correctly ;)11:22
dholbachseb128: which one?11:22
infinityseb128: You lose.  gnome-applets is still FTBFS.11:22
dholbachseb128: ah mpt's bug11:22
infinityseb128: Same for control-center, it looks like.11:22
seb128dholbach: ah, it's from mpt, why am I surprised11:22
imbrandonyea control-senter is ftbs too11:23
seb128infinity: still libgnomeui-dev not installable?11:23
seb128imbrandon: how do you know?11:23
infinityseb128: No, dies in the compile.  Broken headers or some such.  Didn't look that hard.11:23
imbrandonseb128: its uninstallable here () ppc ) so i tried to build it11:23
seb128infinity: ok, that's e-d-s API change, I'll fix it ... :)11:24
infinityseb128: gnome-applets dies due to python-gnome2-desktop-dev being uninstallable.  That's likely easier to fix.11:24
seb128infinity: control-center is easy to fix, that's a few lines patch, going to do that in a min11:24
infinityseb128: Okay, I'm tracking the other thing.11:25
seb128infinity: thank you11:25
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infinityseb128: Okay, the gnome-applets thing seems to be due to gnome-python-desktop having not been built on amd64/powerpc, due to other issues.  It's building now.  Should all sort out in a couple of publisher runs.11:28
seb128infinity: cool, thank you11:28
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dokoinfinity, Kamion: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+queue doesn't show the OOo uploads, but https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper-proposed/+queue doesn't exist.11:33
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pittiseb128: ah, ctrl+shift+numbers to enter unicode has been replaced by ctrl+shift+u and then the numbers without modifier keys11:59
seb128pitti: ah, good to know. How did you figure?11:59
=== pitti libpils0 and libpils-dev :)
infinitydoko: That's cause that page doesn't show unapproved, I suppose.12:00
pittiseb128: I had a faint memory about reading about this in some changelog on edgy-changes12:00
infinitydoko: Let me poke at it.12:00
seb128* gtk/gtkimcontextsimple.c: Rework the Unicode hex input12:00
seb128        code. Now we only steal a single key combination, Ctrl-Shift-U,12:00
seb128        instead of sixteen. 12:00
seb128        A hex Unicode sequence must be started with Ctrl-Shift-U, followed12:00
seb128        by a sequence of hex digits entered with Ctrl-Shift still held.12:00
seb128        Releasing one of the modifiers or pressing space while the modifiers12:00
pittiseb128: I still knew 'ctrl+shift+numbers blabla replaced with single combination blabla'12:00
seb128        are still held commits the character. It is possible to erase12:00
seb128        digits using backspace.12:01
pittidholbach: I want a libweissbier1, too!12:01
seb128"As an extension to the above, we also allow to start the sequence12:01
seb128        with Ctrl-Shift-U, then release the modifiers before typing any12:01
seb128        digits, and enter the digits without modifier"12:01
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thomaaargh. g-p-m seems to have decided to notify me that my batter is charged every 30 seconds or so12:01
dholbachpitti, seb128: nice :)12:01
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infinitydoko: Err, wait.  What are you looking for, exactly?12:02
infinitydoko: I see no new OOo for dapper anywhere.12:02
dokoinfinity: dapper-proposed12:03
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infinitydoko: Version?12:05
infinitydoko: I see nothing newer than openoffice.org_2.0.3-3dapper3_source.changes12:05
dokooops, updated the wrong chroot ... and then tried to install in another one12:05
ograseb128, i just upgraded my whole system, now the panel logout button stopped working ...12:07
thomogra! this could get /really/ annoying, fast. bug 40040 is back in edgy for me12:07
UbugtuMalone bug 40040 in gnome-power "Power manager Applet show 100% charged each some secs." [Unknown,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4004012:07
ograthom, i'll look how that was fixed last time12:08
thomogra: last time was an upstream patch12:08
thomi wonder if the rewrite of halmonitor mentioned in the changelog has lost the fix12:08
thom(no familiarity with the code)12:08
ograthe core code was rewritten completely in the last update before the gnome API/ABI freeze ...12:09
ograso its likely that this one was lost upstream (as many other functionallity :/)12:09
thomoh lovely12:09
thomoh well. if i had any clue how to reopen that bug for edgy i would, but i'll leave it for yiu12:10
ograi'll ask upstream ...12:11
ograseb128, did evo change the font for html mails or something ? html looks very blurry with the recent one 12:12
seb128ogra: weird for the panel logout, we sometime have bugs about such issue but that's not easy to debug12:12
seb128ogra: I had some font issues with it but restarting evo made the trick for me12:13
ograthe menu item doesnt react either12:13
ograhmm, actually *no* menu item at all 12:14
ograneither any of my launchers work ...12:14
seb128ogra: restart the panel? :)12:14
ograa killall doesnt respawn it12:15
=== ogra logs out and in again ...
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ograseb128, a new login solved it12:18
seb128it usually does :)12:18
ograinfinity, looks like l-r-m could need a rebuild against the new xorg for fglrx ...12:20
Seveasdos fglrx support xorg 7.1?12:21
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ograno idea12:21
ograal least the current binary doesnt :)12:21
infinityRebuilding won't fix that.12:23
infinityI'll look at it on the weekend though, I suspect.12:24
ograone has hopes, you know :)12:24
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pittidoko: what are we supposed to do if our SoC student is MIA and AWOL?12:30
pittidoko: report that to google immediately, or just fail him in the final report?12:31
dokopitti: but he was reacting for the midterm survey?12:31
pittimvo: ^ (G0SUB didn't do *anything* visible in the last weeks, didn't commit anything to bzr, and doesn't mail)12:31
pittidoko: yes, he was; since then he didn't do anything any more12:32
pittidoko: at that time he had some trouble with the Indian monsoon, but we agreed to pass mid-term since he promised to catch up and had some uncommitted work12:32
pittibut I'm losing my patience now12:33
ajmitchreminds me that I should push today's stuff to launchpad..12:33
dokopitti: I'll email him12:33
pittidoko: 'him' being G0SUB or the Google contact?12:34
dokopitti: GOSUB first12:35
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089DD6B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittidoko: ok, can't hurt to ping him again (I did two days ago)12:35
pittiogra_: pessulus> is debian bug 377822 solved for us?12:41
UbugtuDebian bug 377822 in pessulus "Subject: Uninstallable due to python transition" [Serious,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/37782212:41
rodarvusgood morning12:43
=== pitti waves to rodarvus
rodarvushi pitti!12:44
rodarvuspitti, earlier today it was not me :)12:44
rodarvusjust my dsl resetting :/12:44
ogra_pitti, afaik yes12:44
ajmitchmorning rodarvus 12:44
pittirodarvus: ah, it was the dreaded rodarvusbot, wasn't it? :)12:44
rodarvushi ajmitch!12:44
ogra_pitti, erm ... we already ship 2.15.90-0ubuntu112:45
rodarvuspitti, yeah, a python bot configured to 'pass' all input hooks :P12:45
zulmorning rodarvus 12:46
ogra_pitti, and 0.9.1 was shipped in dapper, so it doesnt affect us at all :)12:46
pittiogra_: good12:46
rodarvushey zul :)12:48
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hungerWHmmm... strigi looks really nice.12:55
slomo_ogra_: any news on the gnome menu bug? the one which makes the menu pop up and close forever12:58
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ogra_seb128 is aware of it ... but thats all 12:58
slomo_is there a bugreport for this somewhere?12:58
ajmitchprobably one & several duplicates12:58
ogra_you can produce a BT with:12:59
ogra_gnome-session-remove gnome-panel12:59
ogra_but that gets very huge12:59
ogra_MENU_VERBOSE=1 might help as well12:59
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ajmitchslomo_: bug 5240501:00
UbugtuMalone bug 52405 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel eats 50% cpu for half an hour and flickers" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5240501:00
slomo_ajmitch: thanks :)01:00
ajmitchonly 6 duplicates, I'm surprised :)01:00
ogra_and its even the return of an older dapper or breezy bug01:02
ogra_i remember we had probs before with that broken symlink01:03
sladenajmitch: sounds familar, I did some tracing of that for upstream01:07
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slomo_ogra: there's a fix for it in the bugreport01:07
slomo_ogra: removing /etc/xdg/menus/debian-menu.menu01:08
slomo_well... workaround :)01:08
ajmitchslomo_: which is fine, but I don't have that symlink :)01:08
ajmitchah no, I actually do01:08
ajmitchwas just looking in the wrong dir01:08
slomo_so where does this come from? i don't have that file ;)01:09
sladenajmitch: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=323064 , https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gamin/+bug/5176 , http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=33843801:09
UbugtuGnome bug 323064 in general "the panel applications menu is displayed empty with gamin 0.1.7/inotify" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  01:09
slomo_ogra: i mean... which package put it there ;)01:09
pittiogra: hm, pessulus reminds me of a similar application we once had (if I would only remember its name)01:10
pittiogra: the thing that used xnest and displayed a desktop which you could reconfigure01:10
pittiright, thanks ajmitch 01:10
ograpitti, sabayon :) thats next on the list for MIR ;)01:10
=== ajmitch was looking at that package a couple of days ago for some reason
pittiogra: hm? it's in main for ages01:10
ograwe want both in edubuntu01:11
ograoh, ok01:11
ajmitchI'm sure there was something I had to do to it..01:11
pittiogra: we do need both?01:11
ograthey do different things01:11
ograi need pessulus for student-control-panel ...01:11
pittioh, I see01:11
ajmitchah, dholbach updated it01:11
ograas add on01:11
ograpitti, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StudentControlPanelCompletion see "lockdown n the fly"01:12
ajmitchogra: all this config is just local gconf, right?01:12
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ograajmitch, yep01:13
ajmitchmaybe something for edgy+1 is gconf using ldap backend :)01:13
ajmitchespecially for the fat client spec01:13
ograsounds intresting :)01:14
ajmitchthere used to be a backend, not sure if its been actively developed 01:14
ograwe'll revisit the fat client spec next conf anyway01:15
ajmitchwas just a thought, been spending too much time around ldap lately :)01:16
pittiRiddell: knet> yet another KDE dial application?01:17
Riddellpitti: for DSL users01:18
ograone app for every modem brand :)01:18
pittioh, kppp doesn't supprort dsl? I see01:19
pittiogra: pessulus approved01:22
pittiRiddell: knet approved01:22
ograthanks mr. "fastest security fixer in the world" :)01:23
Riddellpitti: thanks01:25
pittiRiddell: jasper has been in main for ages01:25
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pittiRiddell: but it's the same version in hoary as in edgy, thus it seems kind of unmaintained?01:26
ajmitchogra: ah, ldap backend is only partial01:26
=== pitti kicks the wiki to go faster
freeflyingcan knot1 be installed on amd64 turion 64x2 notbook?  I've failed to install it using today's install cd01:27
pittislomo_: can you please use the standard template for gsf-sharp and do some more QA research?01:27
ografreeflying, 01:28
ograogra@edubuntu:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "model name"01:28
ogramodel name      : AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-3001:28
ograi have to use nolapc as bootoption though01:28
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freeflyingogra: I used too, also with pnpbios=off01:29
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=== ajmitch spots libnss-ldap on the queue
ajmitchonly 5 RC bugs for the version in debian that I wanted to upgrade to01:31
slomo_pitti: i can use the template, sure... the current one is only a copy of another MIR with changed text...  but for QA, there's only a SVN and nothing else but everybody uses it for beagle *shrug*01:32
gnomefreakwas the vesa driver build yet?01:32
slomo_pitti: and a debian ITP exists ;)01:32
pittislomo_: ok, well, as long as you verified that it is free of showstopper bugs in Debian and upstream, that's fine01:32
pittislomo_: just a reminder for later to use the current template, it is much better01:33
ajmitchslomo_: you haven't got that into debian? :)01:33
pittislomo_: did you get your @debian account yet?01:33
slomo_ajmitch: beowulf filed an ITP 12 days ago... and i don't really care about beagle etc so i don't want to maintain it in debian ;)01:34
slomo_pitti: not yet... should take ~100 days ;)01:34
ajmitchslomo_: fair enough01:34
rodarvus100 days?01:34
pittislomo_: hm, took ~ 30 for me...01:34
ajmitchrodarvus: depends on the amount of the bribe01:34
rodarvusyeah, but 100 days seems like a lot of slack on my humble opinion :)01:35
pittiajmitch: yeah, the 200 beer boxes and free entry to massage salons for a year hurt my purse a lot :-P01:35
ajmitchsiretart is also waiting, I think01:35
slomo_yes, siretart was already approved by the FD... i'm still waiting for that01:35
pittiRiddell: pcsc-lite sounds scary :/01:37
pittiRiddell: hm, gnupg2 does not depend on any openct or pcsc-lite library...01:38
pittiRiddell: pcsc-lite MIR: "* No binaries running as root or suid/sgid." -> AHEM01:39
Mithrandiroh, pcsc-lite going to main?  Nice.01:46
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pittiMithrandir: I didn't approve it01:50
pittiMithrandir: if you want to be the maintainer, I'm fine with that, of course :)01:50
slomo_pitti: so you're fine with gsf-sharp? (regarding showstopper bugs... i never heard of someone having a bug at all with gsf-sharp ;) )01:50
pittislomo_: ok, I'll review it based on the current report01:51
Mithrandirpitti: preferably not; I'm just using it to sign my uploads.01:51
pittislomo_: I take your word that it's sane :)01:51
Mithrandirpitti: (that is, I don't want to be the maintainer)01:51
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siretartajmitch: I'm currently waiting for DAM, but there are quite some ppl before me in the DAM queue02:05
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_d4vidhi all02:08
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_d4vidneed help with i810 drivers02:08
_d4vidi cant start opengl games.. 02:08
ogra_d4vid, see topic02:08
ograplease ask in #ubuntu02:09
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jonohey all02:26
jjessehello jono02:27
jonohey jjesse :)02:27
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Gmanhey paul's minion02:29
jonoGman, heh, less of that thanks :P02:29
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Seveashi jonokosher ;)02:38
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jonoheya Seveas :P02:42
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dokopitti: please join #debian-toolchain on a regular basis (more ssp fallout)03:31
=== HiddenWolf hands pitti a helmet
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pittidoko: #debian-toolchain is empty on both freenode and OFTC ??03:41
rodarvuspitti, #ubuntu-toolchain03:41
dokopitti, sorry ubuntu-toolchain :-/03:41
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cprovinfinity: ping03:56
rodarvusinfinity, ping04:11
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infinitycprov: It's midnight, but pong anyway.04:33
bddebianmidnight?  Hell, that's early :)04:34
cprovinfinity: it'll be quick, what's new in lp-buildd_32 ?04:34
infinitycprov: No idea, best to ask me when I can actually check...04:35
infinitycprov: Or, read the debian changelog...04:35
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cprovinfinity: okay ... point me to the source ;)04:36
infinitycprov: I'm pretty sure my branch on chinstrap (though way out of sync with yours by now) is still current comapred to what's running on the buildds, but I should probably double-check that at another time.04:37
madduckanyone know where Keybuk is?04:37
infinitycprov: But the changelog is here: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/foo.txt04:38
cprovinfinity: fine04:39
infinitycprov: But yeah, bug me at a slightly better time, and I'll make sure I have something nicely merged for you to bring back into HEAD.04:39
mdzmadduck: he's in the UK04:41
madduckmdz: just haven't seen him in a while. mdz, could you msg me his mobile number, please?04:41
mdzmadduck: I don't generally give out that sort of information without permission04:42
rodarvusinfinity, we have some (actually, a lot) of new packages on X.Org, for Edgy - I'd like to add them to ubuntu-x-swat on LaunchPad04:42
mdzmadduck: are you using a dvorak layout now?04:42
cprovinfinity: okay, see you tomorrow04:42
madduckmdz: no, not yet. :/04:42
rodarvusinfinity, may I send you an email with the list, or you prefer me to add them myself?04:42
madducki didn't round up the patience yet.04:42
infinityrodarvus: Either way, doesn't matter much to me.04:42
rodarvusok, I'll send you an email later today, then (I've just checked and I don't have powers on ubuntu-x-swat to do this myself :/)04:43
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rodarvusinfinity, ^^^04:46
seb128infinity: could you give a retry to gnome-panel on !i386?04:47
infinityseb128: Done.04:51
seb128infinity: thank you04:51
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bddebianseb128: Would you prefer I not touch nautilus-open-terminal merge if I get to it?04:56
seb128bddebian: what do you mean?04:56
bddebianseb128: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe-manual.html04:56
seb128bddebian: I'll do it if you prefer, that's probably a quick one04:57
seb128bddebian: that's probably a simple sync request04:57
bddebianseb128: Most of them have just been different orig.tar.gz so I have just been fake syncing them04:57
bddebianseb128: I'm happy to do it but I don't want to touch anything I shouldn't04:58
seb128no reason to not touch it if you do it right :p04:58
=== bddebian feels so loved
tritiumbddebian is loved by all05:02
sivangcrimsun: do you know if sounds should be not working in current edgy?05:03
sivangcrimsun: seems to not be working with skype05:03
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bddebiantritium: Heya.  Hardly05:05
tritiumbddebian: hello :)05:06
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bddebianHello Kaleo05:16
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G0SUBpitti: please don't lose patience. I am not MIA :)05:32
G0SUBpitti: everything is going fine here. you will see the results by Monday, 00:00 UTC05:33
pittiG0SUB: oh, hi05:36
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G0SUBpitti: hello.05:36
G0SUBpitti: i apologise for being AWOL, but i asked you for a week remember? I have been working all this while. it should be done by the end of this week (i work more on weekends since I have college everyday)05:37
Ignite_will there be a network install image for edgy?05:37
pittiG0SUB: hm, I might have mixed it up with this week's Monday05:38
G0SUBpitti: probably you did :) I am sorry in any case.05:38
=== G0SUB gets back to work
pygiG0SUB, while on that point...the UI? :)05:43
gnomefreakwas the vesa drivers released yet?05:53
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bddebianKamion: around?06:22
bddebianHeya LaserJock06:24
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bddebianSo how would I merge a debian version for an Ubuntu native package? (I.E. no orig.tar.gz in Ubuntu)?06:24
LaserJockbddebian: yucky. is the Debian version native?06:25
LaserJockbddebian: hi, btw06:25
bddebianLaserJock: No06:25
LaserJockbddebian: what package is this?06:26
LaserJockbddebian: isn't that even a wrong versioning for a native package in Ubuntu?06:29
bddebianLaserJock: I think so but I'm not questioning seb128 ;-P06:29
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LaserJockbddebian: seb128 uploaded it?06:29
LaserJockhmm, well I think I would see if we could sync from Debian, but that's just my opinion06:30
bddebianThat's what I'm looking at but I assume the upload may fail06:30
LaserJockah, hmm06:31
LaserJockI guess you could talk to seb128 about it then06:31
bddebianBut maybe it won't because there is no orig.tar.gz?06:31
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Zdrais it planned to switch to dbus 0.70 anytime soon ?06:31
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infinitybddebian: Untar the Debian orig and the Ubuntu native tar.gz, diff -urN, make sure that we've not patched anything outside of debian/* (if we have, create patches), then merge with the Debian version and upload non-native (ie: with the Debian orig)06:43
infinitybddebian: Switching from native to non-native is perfectly legal, and the right thing to do in this case (it should be done anyway, even if we weren't merging)06:44
bddebianinfinity: OK, thanks06:44
infinitybddebian: If you're pretty sure we don't actually want to merge (ie: our packaging or changes are irrelevant), just request a sync, as usual.  It'll work fine.06:46
bddebianinfinity: Ah, cool06:46
pittiinfinity: any chance you could free apport from the NEW queue?06:47
=== infinity looks.
slomo_Zdra: i don't think it is planned to switch to dbus 0.91/dbus-glib 0.71 for edgy... it would cause too much breakage at this point.06:48
infinitypitti: main or universe?06:48
infinitypitti: Ahh, source is in universe, looks like, so that's where I'll toss the binaries.06:49
bddebianAck, our tar.gz has a debian dir06:49
infinitybddebian: Of course it does, it's debian-native.06:50
pittiinfinity: that's fine for now, we can promote it later06:50
bddebianOh, yeah, duh06:50
pittiinfinity: thank you!06:50
Zdraslomo_: ok, I asked that because I got a dbus crash in a app I'm coding and upstream think it got fixed in 0.7006:50
bddebianSeems to be the only diff06:50
slomo_Zdra: problem is that the dbus-glib 0.70 has many large, incompatible changes from what i know. what exactly is the crash you get?06:50
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Zdraslomo_: connect to the bus, disconnect and reconnect again cause dbus to crash06:51
infinitypitti: Done.06:52
slomo_Zdra: uh... could you paste a small testcase for this somewhere?06:52
=== infinity goes to bed.
slomo_good night, infinity :)06:52
bddebianGnight infinity, thanks again06:52
Zdraslomo_: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/2006-July/005276.html06:53
slomo_Zdra: could you please file a bug in launchpad for this and assign it to me? i'll look into it06:54
Zdraslomo_: ok, but I think none applications does that, I found that bug for a little code I'm writing for myself06:55
slomo_Zdra: it really surprises me that this never happened it any application ;)06:56
Zdraslomo_: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/5437506:58
UbugtuMalone bug 54375 in dbus "DBus crash when connecting to the bus, disconnect and reconnect again" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  06:58
slomo_Zdra: thanks06:59
LaserJockelmo, Znarl, Spads: thanks guys. Happy SysAdmin appreciation Day!07:00
sivangbah, the zeroconf thread contonues to fill up -devel07:05
robertj_sivang: I wish I could find the origonal email I sent that ended with "Please discuss" so I could reply back with "Please close discussion."07:08
sivangrobertj_: heh07:10
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madduckis soyuz open source?07:17
sivangrobertj_: should prboably a feature of mailman :)07:21
robertj_sivang: my other beef is I cant figure out how to do a digest subscription & reply back to a specific message without messing up threading07:23
robertj_I assume there is some mail header introduced for threading purposes07:23
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crimsunsivang: they should work fine; are you using the latest skype beta w/ alsa support?07:39
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sivangcrimsun: nope07:40
sivangcrimsun: using and older one07:40
sivangI should upgrade then07:41
sivangcrimsun: but also desktop sounds stopped working suddenly07:41
sivang(I think after today's upgrade)07:41
crimsunsivang: as in Sound Events and/or playing your own music?07:42
crimsun(I don't have an Edgy GNOME desktop atm, will have to check tomorrow)07:42
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-14-75.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangcrimsun: I can play MP3's using mplayer, but all other progs are stuck07:43
sivangcrimsun: desktop sounds, as in notification, gaime sounds etc are not working07:44
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crimsunsivang: right, perhaps someone else can confirm (I don't have said configuration atm), isn't a core alsa issue.07:46
sivangcrimsun: kay, I'll invesitage furhter07:46
sivangcrimsun: I hope it''s no ESD going AWOL as i did in dapper07:46
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=== jono is really hot
LaserJockjono: we know you are good, you don't have to tell us ;-)07:53
jonoLaserJock, hehe07:53
jonoI can see how that may have been read thr wrong way :P07:54
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tsengjono: imagine how hot you'd be with a beard07:57
tseng(is it gone yet?)07:58
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jonotseng, yep its gone :P08:00
tsengjono: you'll be happy to know that I have been using "bocktoverfest" pretty liberally08:01
tsengmuch to aaron's chagrin08:01
jonotseng, hehe08:01
jonoexcellent :)08:01
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dholbachhave a nice weekend everybody!08:11
jonobye dholbach 08:12
highvoltagebye dholbach! you too!08:13
sivanglater dh08:13
sivanglater dholbach 08:14
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dholbachif somebody wants to make jono happy, they could try to get jokosher out of binary new (or wherever it's hanging now) :)08:14
zulwhat is jokosher?08:16
jjesseits a music program i think08:16
dholbachit ROCKS08:16
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jonoright I am off08:27
jonolater all, have a nice weekend :)08:27
robertjit would almost be worth switching off of digest just so I can killfile this fellow08:36
=== robertj ponders actually using his gmail account for something
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bSONis the x.org in edgy a 7.1 build?08:47
crimsunit's newer than 7.1.08:48
bSONoh, ok08:49
Zdrathere is still packages missing as I see08:49
slomo_Zdra: which ones?08:49
rodarvusthere are about 10 multiplatform video drivers missing08:50
rodarvusand 6 sparc-only video drivers missing08:50
Zdra"xorg" for example is still in version 7.0.2208:50
rodarvusall of these are being uploaded today08:50
rodarvusZdra, have you seen whats inside pacakge 'xorg'? :)08:50
Zdrabut I guess it's a meta-packages that just need a version bump...08:51
rodarvusits not a meta-package08:51
rodarvusand won't be bumped08:51
rodarvus(we "share" this package with debian)08:51
rodarvusno reason to gratuituously bump its version.08:51
Zdraif you say so...08:52
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crimsunrodarvus: thanks for all your work pushing 7.1+ in, btw.08:54
rodarvuscrimsun, my pleasure :)09:00
gnomefreakrodarvus: xorg is done atm?09:02
rodarvusgnomefreak, the package 'xorg' itself is done09:04
rodarvusthere are a few video drivers still needing updating09:04
rodarvusand of course, bugfixing will come, during the next few weeks09:04
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gnomefreakok cool09:10
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
^ohoelis there a spec on proprietary graphics driver support ala novell/redhat?09:11
rodarvus^ohoel, what proprietary graphics driver support you mean?09:12
rodarvus(just curious)09:12
^ohoelrodarvus: they're listed as supported platforms by ati/nvidia(?), and installing+enabling the driver is a one-click operation (plus accepting the license)09:13
rodarvus^ohoel, we already have ati/nvidia binary drivers officially packaged on ubuntu.09:13
rodarvusthey're even installed by default, I think.09:14
=== gnomefreak prays vesa is done
^ohoelrodarvus: yes, it seems novell uses a repository located on ati servers for driver updates though09:14
rodarvusgnomefreak, vesa is done.09:15
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^ohoelnice, ati released xorg 7.1 drivers09:23
=== Fjodor [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
FjodorSorry for asking, but is there a good reason for linux/autoconf.h to explicitly unset CONFIG_D80211 if not selected instead of not having anything about it? As it is now, and has been for a while, this prevents rt2x00 cvs drivers to build without tinkering09:27
crimsunFjodor: it's modularised in Edgy09:28
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highvoltagecrimsun: do you think it's possible that I'm using the wrong driver? according to http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=165, it should use snd-hda-intel09:29
Fjodorcrimsun: Not sure I understand what you mean?09:29
highvoltagecrimsun: oops /me > #alsa09:29
crimsunFjodor: I don't see the 'D802' string in Dapper's configs09:31
FjodorAs far AFAICT, CONFIG_D80211 is selected by selecting your in-kernel rt2x00 drivers. When those are deselected, however, CONFIG_D80211 is actively unset instead of just not having a value09:31
FjodorSorry, talking edgy kernel09:31
Fjodorcrimsun: ^09:32
crimsunFjodor: it'd be best to ping BenC about it in -kernel, though he's away presently09:32
Fjodorcrimsun: Ok. Thanks09:33
crimsunFjodor: On the other hand, does the default Edgy value (modularised) pose a problem?09:33
robertjDennis Kaarsemaker, whoever you are, you are my hero.09:33
crimsunrobertj: Seveas.09:33
slomo_robertj: Seveas 09:33
Seveasrobertj, ?09:34
Fjodorcrimsun: Yes, the default appears to be a specific #unset. rt2x00_compat.h includes linux/config.h, however, thus getting that specific CONFIG_ unset and failing to compile09:35
crimsunFjodor: let's migrate to -kernel09:36
Fjodorcrimsun: Going there09:36
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ogramvo, is update-manager using gksu instead of gksudo known ?10:18
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mvoogra: since ages10:26
mvoogra: use et a gconf key in gksu to always make it act like gksudo10:26
ograah, i see, sudo-mode 10:27
ograut the password prompt rather looks like its gksu atm10:28
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wasabipython2.3 looks broken in some fashion. If I try to remove it I get pycentral rtremove: installed runtime python2.3 not found. Same thing when forcing it to reinstall.10:40
ograpython2.3 is obsolete10:40
wasabiSure. But I can't remove it. ;010:40
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wasabiHeh. My Alsa seems to be morbidly broken. Looks like the configuration files for it disappeared at some point.10:56
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