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Burgworkhey jsgotangco 01:14
jsgotangcogood morning Burgwork01:14
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crimsunnice, thanks, Burgwork 02:00
Burgworkcrimsun, uhh, what did I get myself into02:00
crimsunyou'll see :)02:00
BurgworkI already moderate ubuntu-users, so it can't be that bad02:01
crimsunI have no idea what you're getting into :)02:01
LaserJockBurgwork: what are you doing?02:03
Burgworkrunning ubuntu-news02:03
Burgworkthe mailing list02:03
LaserJockis that related to fridge?02:05
jsgotangcoBurgwork: i think you have the natural abilities for that02:15
Burgworkjsgotangco, do grunt work for mailing lists?  thanks ... ;)02:15
jsgotangcodo you have write access to the fridge? i think you should02:16
Burgworknot yet02:17
jsgotangcoim pretty much involved in my loco at the moment thats why i havent been doing much ubuntu work02:21
jsgotangcohopefully should change in a month or so02:21
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oskudehi, im reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-scratch.html and im doing the control file, but at "section" i dont know what to add. is there a list of possible sections somewhere ?10:03
Burgundaviaoskude: Laser_away is the author of the packaging guide10:04
crimsunoskude: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections10:04
oskudecrimsun: thanks, and those apply to ubuntu too ? (would be nice to have that link in the guide)10:05
crimsunyes, those apply, and it is linked in the appendix10:05
crimsun(the Debian Policy Manual)10:06
oskudewell, i wasnt so far yet...10:06
crimsunthat's ok10:06
crimsunthe PG is being rewritten10:06
oskudei "need" a video section :)10:10
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jsgotangcohey kids03:06
jjessehiya dad :)03:06
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Casanovahi bhuvan 04:56
Casanovayou pinged me?04:56
tuxmaniacoops.. so many t-shirt requests04:56
Casanovatuxmaniac: barkha is spreading lies :)04:57
Casanovabhuvan: btw.. your t-shirt was a hit in my college :)04:57
=== tuxmaniac is wearing the ubuntu t-shirt to office on monday for sure!
bhuvanoh ok!04:58
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jsgotangcogood night05:41
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Kamping_Kaiseri find this search worrying -> http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&q=adobe+flash+site%3Ahelp.ubuntu.com&btnG=Search&meta=05:45
Kamping_Kaiser'adobe flash' (no quotes) on site:help.ubuntu.com - returns 2 hits, one is for 5.10, none for 6.06 :/05:46
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: "worrying"?05:58
mdkeI wouldn't lose any sleep over it. If you're saying that there is a spelling error and it should be "Adobe Flash" instead of "Macromedia Flash", then file a bug05:59
Kamping_Kaisermdke, no, i'm saying i got asked for help on installing flash, so i went and searched 'adobe flash', and came up with no responces, (searching 'flash' got me there). whats 'worrying' is the only link on the subject looks like its from 12 months ago06:00
mdkeyes, I understood that the first time round06:00
mdkebut there are more important things in life to worry about than that06:01
mdkethe 6.06 docs say "Macromedia Flash", feel free to file a bug if that is wrong06:01
=== Kamping_Kaiser debates, but probably wont, its easy to find out by droppping 'adobe' after all
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jjesseis there a reason that we couldn't include images in the release notes?07:00
Burgworkjjesse, we are using plain text emails07:04
jjessehmmm  ok 07:06
LaserJockno HTML emails? :-)07:09
Burgworkonly if you're mark07:09
LaserJockhe does HTML emails?07:10
jjessei just thought it would be cool to have images in them07:10
Burgworkrather have a webpage and point it to that07:12
LaserJockhmm, maybe I should try some usability tests with on my wife07:17
LaserJockBurgwork: you going to Ubucon?07:44
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BurgworkLaserJock, increasingly thinking about it07:47
Burgworktrying to convince my company to pay for the airfare to LWE07:47
LaserJockdid you get the emails today07:47
LaserJockI'm a little weirded out by nothing being done for a long time and then like 3 weeks ahead of time saying "ok, lets get a schedule together"07:48
Burgworkto a mailing list?07:48
LaserJockI got 2 emails today07:49
Burgworkwhich one (I am on just a few)07:49
LaserJocktheubucon AT linuxpip.org07:49
Burgworkoh, not on that one07:49
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LaserJockthey seemed mostly interested in solving common user problems or something07:50
jjesseis ubucon the one hosted at google?07:51
Burgworkwhiprush and the arslinux team will be there07:51
Burgworkthere are a fair number of people coming, just not yet signed up07:51
jjessei saw the "schedule" today 07:52
lloydinho_hi there, are you going to the Ubucon?07:52
LaserJockthere is one?07:52
LaserJockwell, I sent an email ages ago saying that I was interested07:53
lloydinho_yeah, me too. 07:53
lloydinho_Never got an answer.07:53
Burgworkthere will be one, just probably not with a defined schedule07:53
lloydinho_If there are people working on this, they're doing a good job of not letting us know about it.07:54
LaserJockwell, apparently the guy who organized it switched jobs, etc.07:54
lloydinho_oh, well. I suppose whiprush might know more.07:55
LaserJockwell, I was trying to plan an anniversary trip around it ;-)07:55
lloydinho_Heh :-)07:55
LaserJockbut I'm not sure if that's going to work07:55
Burgworkwhiprush does07:56
Burgworkif you plan an anniversary trip around it, it will make certain you never have to plan another such trip again ;)07:57
LaserJockwhere is whiprush located?07:57
LaserJockhmm, that's a ways away from Mountain View07:57
Burgworkhe is flying in07:57
Burgworkgahhhh!!! people keep filling my inbox with useless crap, like KDE uploads07:59
LaserJocktsk tsk07:59
lloydinho_Wow! Update! I just got a mail from John Mark, who is planning the Ubucon.08:02
lloydinho_He says it's definitely on.08:03
LaserJockan email just to you?08:03
LaserJockor the one to the Ubucon list?08:03
lloydinho_just to me, for some reason. It basically says: Join the mailing-list.08:04
lloydinho_So there.08:04
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lloydinho_Anyways, gotta go. 08:04
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crimsunthis ubucon announcement strikes me as very odd.10:01
LaserJockme too10:03
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Burgworkok, the wiki is deadly slow for me11:17
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XiXaQhey people. Look at the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5?highlight=%28Tomcat%29#head-7066a9a2f0837ca9f22536fd8503e9703a59f05111:33
XiXaQJava virtual machine Follow this link paying attention to download the JDK and not the SDK.11:34
XiXaQthat's supposed to be ..to download the JDK and not the JRE?11:34
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