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=== adamant1988 [n=adam@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
adamant1988hello my fellow ubuntu marketing team members :)06:36
Burgundaviagreetings adamant198806:37
Kamping_Kaiserhey adamant198806:37
adamant1988I have to tell you guys, I am synergized lol.06:38
adamant1988I feel all this great creative energy all about the Linux Center idea.06:38
Kamping_Kaiserwhats t about (*bit out of date :|*)06:39
adamant1988haha Kamping_Kaiser I have been given floor space in a local shop to do what I wish with, I have chosen to use the space as a location to market linux, up until tonight I was truly at odds with what I would be able to do with the space... I had 3 distros that I wanted to support, but I've narrowed it down a lot.06:40
Kamping_Kaisernice job :)06:41
=== Kamping_Kaiser will try and pass a few cds onto a local comp. shop.. now sure how well it will go, the bloke who runs its an MCSE A+ :|
adamant1988I have a lot of work to do... I know how to make Ubuntu everything the end-user needs it to be, legally. But I am going to have to do a lot of work on legal issues and patent holdings and all that...06:42
Kamping_Kaiser:| bloody patents06:42
adamant1988however I'll need to pull this off right... if I do everything the way it needs to be done... there may be more than one Ubuntu Center.06:44
adamant1988GAH I need to write these things down.06:44
Kamping_Kaiserjust log :)06:45
=== adamant1988 starts up tomboy
adamant1988at least novell is damn good at producing applications that I like :)06:47
adamant1988ok, guys work with me here06:48
adamant1988what is a good incentives reward for bringing in more people to Ubuntu.  What can I offer as a reward, preferably cheap/free.06:48
=== Kamping_Kaiser is intencely disliking sled10 (just fwiw)
adamant1988SLED 10 will be perfect for Businesses... but Ubuntu... ubuntu can be made to do anything...06:50
adamant1988all it takes is a little adjustment on the behalf of a preinstaller...06:50
adamant1988The community takes what it likes from other distros and integrates, or at least adds, the option to Ubuntu... it's incredible...06:51
Kamping_Kaiseri'm not sure about perfect for busness... depends which business to  a large degree - but lets just say i wont be deplying it anyware :)06:53
ormiretadamant1988: to my mind the incentive you should be puching is doing something good for person B that preson A introduces to ubuntu06:53
ormiret(with any luck you get what I mean - despite that horribly clumsy sentence)06:54
adamant1988Yes, but there could be a more 'physical' representation of some accomplishment on the half of Person A.06:54
adamant1988yay, beachboys...06:55
adamant1988all the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey.06:55
adamant1988I'm energized.. I was playing with linspire, and it I was like.. man... maybe Ubuntu isn't for the end user.... and then it dawned on me... ubuntu isn't about ever doing something with the OS on your own.  There's rediculous amounts of documentation available, forums, chat rooms, etc.06:57
adamant1988I, personally, can make Ubuntu ready for the end-user.06:57
adamant1988just by offering to help.06:57
Kamping_Kaiserback in ~1hr. i'll chat then :)06:58
adamant1988ok, quick, how can I make an application for ubuntu installable from CD?07:01
Kamping_Kaiseryou mean a repository on a cd?07:01
Kamping_Kaiseror just installable?07:02
ormiretjust put the deb on the CD - gdebi will install it07:02
Kamping_Kaisermake cd -> make index.html -> make autorun index.html -> tell them to click links ;)07:02
Kamping_Kaiseror use something like falcon to make a repo, and move it to the cd (might work)07:02
adamant1988I mean like putting a program on a CD and letting them install from it07:02
adamant1988second thing... what functionality is it that Klik offers that is worth the time?07:03
=== Kamping_Kaiser didnt like the look of it, but as stated, back in 1 hour.
nixternalUbuntu Chicago Local Community Team Meeting Kicked Arse07:19
whiprushnixternal: there's an ubuntu chicago team?07:21
nixternali am the team lead07:21
adamant1988wow, I love the usp07:21
nixternalwe have around 20 members, 10 showed up briefly07:21
whiprush<-- ubuntu detroit07:21
nixternalnice whiprush, im originally from benton harbor, sw michigan guy here ;)07:22
whiprushnixternal: dude I have a good friend in the area, I'll send him your way, you guys have a webpage?07:22
adamant1988Ubuntu, West By-God Virginia :)07:22
whiprushhe's been looking for a LUG in chicago for like, 5 years.07:22
nixternalhttp://chi.ubuntu-us.org   &    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam07:22
nixternalthere are a few good lugs07:22
whiprushI'll send him your way07:22
nixternalwe handed out 200 CDs tonight07:22
nixternalcool whiprush, he is more then welcome!07:22
adamant1988Nice, nixternal :)07:22
nixternaloh, and 200 sets of stickers07:23
whiprushthose cool silvery ones? the ones from that german site?07:23
adamant1988we should be able to order CD's without worrying about shipit ignoring our request...07:23
nixternalnah, the ones from shipit07:23
nixternalshipit don't ignore my requests07:24
nixternali just got another 200 today for another event coming up07:24
whiprushif you mail shipit and tell them it's for a show or a large gathering, they'll bump you up in priority.07:24
adamant1988oh that reminds me... the 50 CD's I ordered... I can't get them... they're mailed to my mothers...07:24
whiprushnixternal: dude you guys should come to http://ohiolinux.org. I gave an ubuntu talk there last year, there was like, 1000 people.07:25
whiprushwe gave out 800 CDs.07:25
nixternalthis next event, total the team will have between 1000 and 2000 CDs if everythng goes as planned07:25
whiprushthe gnomejournal guys are from chitown too, they made the trip07:25
whiprushwe should so get a booth going this year.07:25
nixternalall my CDs i have ordered have gotten here within a week as well07:25
nixternali gotta hit them guys up07:26
whiprushIt's a great show, TONS of ubuntu users.07:26
whiprushit's becoming THE show in the midwest.07:27
whiprushIBM, Novell, digium, etc ...07:27
nixternalnice..i will definitely make it out07:27
whiprushsweet, I had no idea there was a chicago team.07:27
=== whiprush envisions greatness
nixternaljust created it as a matter of fact07:28
nixternalmike greenwood had the idea, and has been to busy, so since i have been workign with the community quite a bit, i took the reins and got it going..then i got lucky and had a few really good guys hop on with great skills, connections, and ambition07:29
nixternalfunny story, we had a guy snap a pic of the entire team in front of a fountain..and i gave him a cd and started to explain it to him..he said he would put it in his radio and listen to it on the way home07:30
nixternali wish we would have gotten a picture of him holding the cd...it was too funny07:30
adamant1988I just placed an order for 200 shipit CDs07:32
adamant1988I'm expecting them to bump it down.. I'll be glad to get 10007:34
Madpilotnixternal, that Ubuntu Chicago poster came out well07:39
nixternaldude, it is sweet!07:39
nixternali have a laminated one right here...the one in the photo got signed by the team, screen names, and gpg keys...we are sending it to Mark07:40
MadpilotCanonical is going to have to start an "Ubuntu Archive"07:40
Madpilotprobably in a closet in someone's office ;)07:41
nixternalmy poster better get hung up07:41
nixternali want a pic of Mark holding it07:42
MadpilotOther cool Ubuntu stuff: my Ubuntu Canada logo, applied to a t-shirt by some guy in Toronto: http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e97/lophyte/Shirts/IMG_0176.jpg07:43
=== adamant1988 hopes his CDs come through :)
=== RichJ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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Burgundaviawhiprush: my ex is making a tshirt with the freedom quote09:05
whiprushBurgundavia: count me in, I'll buy one09:07
BurgundaviaI guess I will have to scare a bunch up09:07
Burgundaviawhiprush: you think ubucon is still worth going to?09:07
MadpilotBurgundavia, which freedom quote?09:07
Madpilotcool ;)09:09
whiprushBurgundavia: Deborah from the book said she was going.09:09
Burgundaviato ubucon?09:10
Burgundaviain that case, I had better go09:10
whiprushBurgundavia: also, last I talked to jdub he was going to ask chris dibona what the deal was, since google is hosting the thing.09:10
whiprushBurgundavia: if you see jeff before I do on irc, ping him.09:10
BurgundaviaI saw him today, but only for 1 line09:11
Burgundaviahmm, tickets just got cheaper. 289 CAD09:11
whiprushBurgundavia: I've got tons of friends from ars coming, and between us all, we can probably fill a good day's worth of content, so if google is willing to host ...09:11
Burgundaviaok, I will book tomorrow09:11
Burgundaviawell, I always did want to travel...09:11
whiprushsweet, dude be ready to do a talk09:12
Burgundaviaah, crap09:12
whiprushI have a feeling that this will be a "show up, you get to talk" event.09:12
whiprushsince the schedule is blank09:12
BurgundaviaI think/hope I have the money09:13
Burgundaviawhiprush: how long are you going for?09:16
BurgundaviaI wish I had the time09:18
whiprush14-20 august.09:18
Burgundaviamaybe I can get my company to help me with LWE09:18
whiprushwork is sending me to LWE, the ubucon extension I pay for myself.09:18
whiprushand (yay!), I get GNOME booth duty for lwe.09:19
Burgundaviawhere do you work for again?09:20
Burgundaviawhy did I think you were in Detriot for some reason?09:20
whiprushI am09:20
whiprushoakland.edu is in oakland county, michigan.09:20
whiprushnot to be confused with oakland, the city next to san francisco09:21
Burgundaviayes, hence why I was confused09:21
whiprushBurgundavia: I don't have space for you in my hotel room in SF though, I have like, three people claiming floor space. I got a spot for you in boston though.09:21
whiprushI'll check with a coworker who is also going, see if he has space if you need a place to crash for LWE.09:22
Burgundavialet me see if I can see if work will cover half09:23
Burgundaviadamn, tim is already going09:27
Burgundaviacompany president. Just looking at the userful wiki to see if there was any plans of ours09:27
whiprushto LWE or ubucon?09:27
whiprusheasy fix.09:28
whiprusha) the gnome booth needs volunteers.09:28
whiprushb) your new books' publishers will be there, surely in your bio you mention who you work for, so it's easy marketing for them.09:29
Burgundaviayep, that I do09:29
whiprushc) professional development09:29
whiprushSo, he can wander the floor looking at the commercial crap, you market your book and your services at a .Org booth, sounds like a win-win for him.09:30
Burgundaviasounds good to me. Now I just need to sell it09:31
MadpilotBurgundavia, is Userful doing a booth @ LWE?09:31
Burgundaviano, just wondering the floor09:31
Burgundaviawandering, rather09:31
whiprushBurgundavia: you're in -marketing, be prepared to sell. :D09:34
Kamping_Kaiserwho was asking about making autorun cds?09:36
=== ormiret points at adamant1988
Burgundaviaah, the stupidities of closed source companies09:36
BurgundaviaUserful has not one but two products for time control09:36
Kamping_Kaiserthanks ormiret09:37
Burgundaviaironically, it is the high end one that is now open source09:37
Burgundaviawhiprush: have you ever heard of openacs?09:40
whiprushno, googling09:40
whiprushwow, never heard of it, but apparently lots of people use it09:41
Burgundaviait was an AOL project09:41
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digitalmousegreetings programs10:48
matthewrevelldigitalmouse: howdy10:49
digitalmouseyou folks staying out of trouble I hope?11:02
matthewrevelldigitalmouse: Yeah, more or less :)11:11
digitalmousegood, good11:33
Madpilotwhiprush, if  you're still around: http://www.warbard.ca/temp/4quality4freedom.png11:56
Madpilotjust messing with Inkscape11:56
Madpilotnight all11:56
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matthewrevellhey - anyone in here?02:30
bimberihi matthewrevell02:31
matthewrevellbimberi: Hi :)02:33
matthewrevellYou been following the ML?02:33
bimberioh yes02:34
bimberiwe've been shown the way eh?02:34
matthewrevellI'm slightly concerned at the way my emails have got people on the defensive02:34
matthewrevellIf we don't debate stuff like that, we're gonna get nowhere...02:34
matthewrevellI just wanted to check if anyone else thought I was coming across okay or as a ****02:35
bimberino i don't think so02:36
matthewrevellnice :)02:36
matthewrevellI just think we need less of the, "Hey, you're so cool" stuff and more, "Right, let's see if this works"02:36
bimberii think jb's initial reaction was highly enthusiastic - good to get a steadying hand on that02:37
bimberibtw, i agree that the counter isn't great as a 'get to know what your customer wants' tool but it could be useful for other marketing related things - assessing the effectivness of initiatives could be one example02:39
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elkbuntucalm down matthewrevell im not on the defensive02:42
matthewrevellelkbuntu: Hey, I'm not worked up :)02:42
Kamping_Kaiser(background info - i pasted elkbuntu from 'folloowing ml' to 'btw ,  i agree'02:42
matthewrevellelkbuntu: I just wanted to check that I wasn't coming across as overly negative.02:43
elkbuntumatthewrevell, im in agreement that it's not the holy grail, but the project is also still in it's infancy, it can grow with the right advice etc.02:44
matthewrevellelkbuntu: I like your counter idea.02:44
matthewrevellelkbuntu: Cool :)02:44
=== elkbuntu knows nothing about marketing as such.
elkbuntui guess i shold probably add this channel to autojoin now ;)02:46
matthewrevellelkbuntu: It'll be good to have you here :)02:47
bimberitoo right, you're a natural :)02:47
=== Kamping_Kaiser lols... good to have you here...
=== Kamping_Kaiser gives elkbuntu a welcome hug
elkbuntuwe cant go imposing on yet another channel karl :P02:48
=== elkbuntu hugs back anyway. ;)
=== bimberi rolls eyes
=== Kamping_Kaiser giggles
matthewrevellI take you guys know each other :)02:48
bimberimatthewrevell: this goes on in #ubuntu-au quite a lot02:48
elkbuntubimberi, -au is my channel, biatch ;)02:49
matthewrevellWhere's mdke when you need him to remind people the channel is logged? :)02:49
bimberielkbuntu: ooer ;p02:50
Kamping_Kaisermatthewrevell, i know it is -  so? :)02:50
Kamping_Kaiserbimberi, hehe02:50
elkbuntumatthewrevell, i take it you took a look at the weekly snapshot. i'll be doing a monthly access report based on the awstats output as well. i'm also willing to share the user db with email addresses removed.02:55
Kamping_Kaisermmm. passwords?02:56
elkbuntuKamping_Kaiser, are md5 encrypted and trimmed :)02:56
matthewrevellelkbuntu: YEah, saw the weekly. Interesting stuff. I recommend getting it in UWN.02:57
elkbuntumatthewrevell, who runs that show?02:57
matthewrevellSharing the stats in the marketing ML will definitely be interesting.02:57
matthewrevellelkbuntu: Matt Galvin02:58
=== bimberi finds a certain ratio of more than 5 to 1 quite interesting
matthewrevellright, must go. elkbuntu hope you realise that my intention on the ML was to query John, more than your project02:59
bimberimatthewrevell: that was how i read it (as i said)02:59
elkbuntumatthewrevell, sure. but i felt like i needed to clarify, which is hard to do without sounding on the defense03:00
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adamant1988hello all04:02
matthewrevelladamant1988: hey04:07
adamant1988how is everyone today?04:12
adamant1988same, and a little tired.04:13
adamant1988I need to figure out where I can get some starting assets from to start the Ubuntu Center.04:13
adamant1988and I need to talk to Ubuntu preinstallation companies like system 76 about carrying their line of computers..04:15
mdkewhat is an Ubuntu Center?04:16
adamant1988It's my own project Mdke... and if it goes over well, I'm going to apply for a business license for it04:17
adamant1988right now I have 60 square feet of floor space to do what I want with in a store that gets somewhat decent traffic.  I'm allowed to advertise through them etc.04:17
mdkeso you're going to sell computers with Ubuntu on?04:19
mdkevery cool04:20
adamant1988yep, I'm also going to do Ubuntu installations for free, I'm also going to package up special bundles of the live CDs for sale.04:20
adamant1988the main idea behind this is that I think Ubuntu will be better spread by physical stablishments that have a physical product, than an online site04:22
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