
longwaveprofoX`: yes12:00
fusionxn1Jess, im not sure if it will be linux specific - there maybe one you can run in "dos"12:00
fusionxn1tul yep12:01
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profoX`longwave: oh well..12:01
DrBashir2BecAause I'm not at my ubuntu box right now. I'm stuck with a laptop on WinXP... Just want to know the radio station12:01
tuliomguifusionxn1: so double click the firefox and it will run12:01
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fusionxn1run in thermanal?12:01
tuliomguior you can go throgh the console, if something wrong happens it will show you what is wrong12:02
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jesspherfusion: is it safe to run fsck on a filesystem12:02
RogerBaconhi i av downloaded a .deb i install it with dpkg -i opera.deb but how i know the package dependancy ?12:02
jesspheron a mounted file system12:02
fusionxn1Jess, im unsure12:03
fusionxn1I'm not sure how to update firefpx12:03
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tuliomguifusionxn1: what happens when you run the firefox you extracted??12:04
fusionxn1it opens firefox i have now
jesspherhow do run fsck in single usermode and mounted read only12:04
tuliomguifusionxn1: so whats the problem??12:05
fusionxn1i need ot update my linux version12:05
RogerBaconsimple . download it from mozilla.org and afther open a shell and do : sudo nautilus afther that copy your oncompressed firefox in /usr/lib/firefox12:05
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ardchoillemmm.. firefox updates :)12:05
matsurhi, i have this line in my .xbindkeysrc : "/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Super_L] \[c] "" but it prints a c instead of pausing amarok when the attached mouse button is pressed. huh?12:06
longwavefusionxn1: i imagine ubuntu security will put out a new firefox soon enough, you will get it through automatic updates when it's ready12:06
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fusionxn1Erm it says permission denied12:06
fusionxn1When i try movie files to usr/lib/firefox12:07
ardchoillefusionxn1: need sudo12:07
fusionxn1nvm ill use termanal12:07
tuliomgui!codecs > tuliomgui12:07
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RogerBaconfusionxn1 : simple . download it from mozilla.org and afther open a shell and do : sudo nautilus afther that copy your oncompressed firefox in /usr/lib/firefox12:07
RogerBaconits easy12:07
fusionxn1roger it wont12:08
fusionxn1permission denied12:08
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ardchoillefusionxn1: I just ran sudo apt-get update and noticed that it updated firefox to
seekDoes anyone know how to get modules-assistant to install on Ubuntu?12:08
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nickersi am going nuts12:08
nickershave done everything on wiki12:08
nickersdirect rendering: no12:08
nickersafter kernel upgrade12:08
nickerschecked and the linux-restricted match12:09
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nickersnvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common there12:09
nickersnvidia in xorg.conf12:09
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RogerBaconfusionxn1 : close firefox, run sudo nautilus, and copy your downloaded 15.0.5 to /usr/lib/firefox (for me is work perfect :)12:09
dribbledoes anybody else have chronic rhythmbox problems?  it's pretty much borked on my desktop, but works alright on my notebook.  on the desktop it freezes into an 'uninterruptible state' -- of which the only way to fix it is a reboot.\12:09
nickerseven ldd and looked at glxgears to make sure it was using correct libGL12:09
nickersit is12:09
fusionxn1Roger "Cannot move to usr/lib/forefox" permission denied12:09
ardchoilleRogerBacon: Does he or you realise today's updates include firefox ?12:10
fusionxn1Not using terminal12:10
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lamegonickers, remove the nvidia driver and kernel restricted modules and reinstall, but first install the restricted moduloes and just later the driver (the order does matter)12:10
pmorrisonHello everyone,  I just tried to open a bunch of my pictures on one of my partitions, and all the pictures are in the root of the partion with weird filenames ending in .rec  I can open the files no problem in ubuntu though, can anyone tell me why this happend, and how to restore?12:10
chris86wmhow do you disable a keyboard shortcut?12:10
longwavechris86wm: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts?12:10
seekI'm having a nvidia driver problem.  How do I upgrade to the LATEST driver?12:11
nickersreboots in between lamego?12:11
RogerBaconardchoille : no for canada mirror12:11
chris86wmyeah, im in there12:11
chris86wmlongwave, how do you disable a key?12:11
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ardchoilleRogerBacon: ok, it'll probably rsync soon, then12:11
longwavechris86wm: select the action you want to disable, then press backspace12:11
andyshackim partitioning some space for ubuntu. ive got xp in a partition. i have the other half of the drive free... do i make an ext3 partition for ubuntu AND a linux-swap partition ? how big should the swap drive be if needed ?12:11
fusionxn1apt-get update dont update firefox for me12:11
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threechris86: go to system -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts12:11
chris86wmlongwave, thanks so much12:11
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RogerBaconardchoille : yes but today no FF update or i use the mozilla.org file12:12
ardchoillefusionxn1: Give it some time, if you can wait, it'll probably rsync soon. It may save you time and trouble.12:12
pmorrisonthe partion with .rec files on it (they should be .jpg or .avi) is formated in vfat. could the .rec files be some sort of recovery?  Anyone ever run in to this?12:12
ardchoilleRogerBacon: Ahh, ok12:12
chris86wmone more question, does anyone know how to get multimedia keys to work with xmms. i have the keys assigned but xmms seems to just ignore them.12:12
fusionxn1cannot overwrite directory `/usr/lib/firefox'12:12
longwaveandyshack: yes, you should make ext3 and swap - swap should be twice the amount of RAM you have in your computer12:12
fusionxn1how do i tell it to overwrite?12:13
matsurhi, i have this line in my .xbindkeysrc : "/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Super_L] \[c] "" but it prints a c instead of pausing amarok (Win-C) when the attached mouse button is pressed. huh?12:13
nickerschis86wm you need the XF86Audio plugin from universe12:13
nickersit will allow it12:13
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jesspherdoes anybody here know how to repair hard drive12:13
andyshackcheers, the computer has 512 although i was going to stick either a gig or two in next week. no harm really in having a 4 gig swap drive ?12:13
jesspherusing linux12:13
fusionxn1i just got a notification about 6 updates and firefox is there12:13
longhornHello all12:14
tuliomguifusionxn1: are you trying to move as root??12:14
andyshackwill it slow the system down much if the swap drive is much bigger ?12:14
RogerBaconhow i know package dependancy ( for opera 9 ) whatis ?12:14
fusionxn1tul - SUDO12:14
chris86wmnickers, trying that now12:14
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked.12:14
longwaveandyshack: no, no problem, as long as you dont mind the extra used disk space :)12:14
fusionxn1its found on ubuntu update now12:14
andyshackcool, thanks.12:14
tuliomgui!opera > tuliomgui12:14
ompauljesspher, define repair please12:14
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ardchoillefusionxn1: Cool :)12:14
fusionxn1just for future reference how do i overwrite a file / folder12:14
RogerBaconardchoille : update is now avalible :)12:14
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fusionxn1i put sudo mv /firefox/ /usr/lib/ and it says cannot overwrite12:15
ardchoilleRogerBacon: Nice, I love it when that happens :)12:15
fusionxn1Roger ditto getting it now12:15
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chris86wmnickers, that didnt seem to work12:15
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chris86wmi tried xmms and mplayer and none work12:16
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chris86wmmplayer actually stops the file when i press play12:16
RogerBaconfusionxn1 : wath is your ubuntu mirror (for apt-get upgrade) , chek chroot12:16
fusionxn1i dont know but it failed to download12:16
fusionxn1timed out - but workign now12:16
fusionxn1must be getting hammered12:17
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c|intokay, all, I did that, let me check on wireless, hey longwave12:17
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DrBashir2is there a great newsleecher alternative for linux?12:17
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DrBashir2longwave, hi12:17
fusionxn1done firefox now :)12:17
RogerBaconfusionxn1 : ok :)12:18
fusionxn1couldnt overwrite tho - weird12:18
chris86wmits weird, this was working in breezy12:18
RogerBaconfrom the mirror12:18
ardchoilleDrBashir2: is a newsleecher the same as a feed aggregator?12:18
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chris86wmany ideas12:18
RogerBaconfusionxn1 : from your sources.list ?12:18
DrBashir2ardchoille, no, its a program to download from newsserver's12:18
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longwaveDrBashir2: try hellanzb, install instructions: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16974912:18
fusionxn1Nah, ubuntu update did it but it wouldnt overwrite for me12:18
ardchoilleDrBashir2: Anyway, I used liferea for newfeeds and I liked it.12:19
ardchoille!info liferea12:19
ubotuliferea: feed aggregator for GNOME. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12-0ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 726 kB, installed size 2192 kB12:19
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longwavemind you that only does nzb files12:19
longwaveif you need to pull headers and stuff then i'm not sure12:19
RogerBaconfusionxn1 : ok :)12:19
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fusionxn1ANyone tried PREY on Cedega12:19
DrBashir2longwave, oh, does it also have a search funtion in a way that you dont have to download headers?12:19
nemlahHello all.. I am experiencing severe memory leakage with the xorg server12:19
nemlahI read that there is some known issue, but can't find a fix12:20
nemlahcan anyone help?12:20
longwaveDrBashir2: no, it is just for downloading nzbs, but it is good if you get those from newzbin or somewhere12:20
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RogerBaconoo :( opera need libqt3-mt !!!12:20
JenkinsFor the screensavers, it has a "Pictures Folder" for an option. where is that folder located?12:20
DrBashir2longwave, ok, I'll check that out.12:21
ardchoilleJenkins: I use xscreensaver and it lets you specify the dir for images.. does gnome-screensaver use /usr/share/backgrounds ?12:22
RogerBaconhey, anyone know if Terminal gnome use true or false transparency12:22
fusionxn1Does ubuntu play .flac filds out of the box?12:22
ardchoilleRogerBacon: It uses false trans12:22
RogerBaconardchoille : tanks12:22
nemlahAnyone having xorg memory problems except of me12:22
ubotuI know nothing about flac - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:22
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RogerBaconfusionxn1 : no you need libflac12:23
DrBashir2longwave, do you know FTDv3?12:23
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fusionxn1that in the synaptic?12:23
PseudoPlaceboHello; just installed Ubuntu, got Grub error 17 on the first boot. Any advice?12:23
longwaveDrBashir2: no, sorry12:23
DrBashir2longwave, ok, nvm12:23
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ardchoille!info libflac12:24
ubotuPackage libflac does not exist in dapper12:24
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fusionxn1ya its in the package manager :)12:24
fusionxn1search libflac12:24
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ardchoillehmm.. ubotu needs to be updated then12:25
RogerBaconfusionxn1 : ... mutliverse / universe i tink12:25
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fusionxn1i foudn it12:26
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fusionxn1i found it * under libflac712:26
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tuliomguihow do i enable sound in firefox??12:26
PseudoPlaceboHello; just installed Ubuntu, got Grub error 17 on the first boot. Any advice?12:26
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senakayhey does anyone know if it is possible to get dpkg to remove packages installed on a specific date?12:26
fusionxn1What theems are people using?12:26
RogerBacontuliomgui : for flash player ?12:27
tuliomguiRogerBacon: yes12:27
chris86wmi have an inspiron 6000, how do i enable the multimedia keys?12:27
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tuliomguiRogerBacon: i tried editing the /usr/bin/firefox but it didnt work12:27
longwavesenakay: not directly, but you could get the list of packages installed on a certain day from /var/log/dpkg.log12:27
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tuliomguii changed the $MOZ_PROGRAM from ${MOZ_DIST_BIN}/firefox-bin to aoss${MOZ_DIST_BIN}/firefox-bin12:27
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tuliomguibut crashed my firefox12:28
ardchoille!info libflac712:28
ubotulibflac7: Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 104 kB, installed size 300 kB12:28
senakaylongwave: ahh cool :-) hehe it seems like it would be something useful no noone requestd it before :-)12:28
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senakay[that i could find] 12:28
Renan_s2is there someway to see what program is accessing the hard drive? there is something slowing down a lot here12:28
tuliomgui!info libflac712:28
ubotulibflac7: Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 104 kB, installed size 300 kB12:28
longwaveRenan_s2: run "top" and look for programs that have D in the status column a lot12:29
chris86wmany help guys?12:29
PseudoPlaceboHello, I just installed Ubuntu dapper, and when I boot up I get Grub error 17. I reformatted, tried again, same problem.12:29
Renan_s2figured it out. I forgot that I left a 'find / -size +10000k' running in the background12:29
tuliomguiRogerBacon: can you halp me?12:29
tuliomguiPseudoPlacebo: im not very good with grub but i think google may help12:30
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:30
Renan_s2longwave, thanks12:30
tuliomgui!grub PseudoPlacebo12:30
ubotuI know nothing about grub PseudoPlacebo - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:30
tuliomgui!grub > PseudoPlacebo12:30
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DrBashir2I've got about 10 GB left on this HD, can I comfotably install ubuntu dapper on that?12:30
Renan_s2DrBashir, yes12:30
mjr10 gigs is plenty12:30
DrBashir2cheers :)12:30
Renan_s2I have Ubuntu on a 12GB partition, with lots of applications, and still have 2,5GB free12:30
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ardchoillePseudoPlacebo: 17 : Cannot mount selected partition  This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB12:31
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ardchoillePseudoPlacebo: google "grub error 17" returns a lot of hits :)12:31
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DrBashir2now only a way to open this blast cd-r plastic...12:31
andyshackah im having a bother with creating a swap partition12:31
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longwaveandyshack: what problem?12:32
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tuliomguican someone tell me how to enable sound in firefox?? the falsh player12:32
ardchoilleDrBashir2: Don't you just love the way they package those so the cd can't escape?12:32
andyshackfrom the partition option during install, i have created a second primary as ext3 for ubuntu, as per advice i have also created 4gb of drive as "linux-swap"12:32
RogerBacontuliomgui : yes, the problem is flashpalyer ( use OSS and not ALSA ) .. install alsa-oss and launch firefox with the command : aoss firefox and change the shortcut to aoss firefox12:32
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DrBashir2ardchoille... ah yeah... *sigh* still; haven't been able to open it... oh well, as long as I got it to open in about an hour when the download finishes :P12:34
ucordesthanks roger bacon. had the same problem! so i need the package "alsa-oss" and have to add "aoss" in front of the firefox command?12:34
Jack_Sparrowehazlett: You here?12:34
RogerBacontuliomgui : its work ?12:34
andyshackwell more to the point ive set it to be created as linux-swap upon format.. so i click next, and it says set mnt points.. /whatever/hc1 for ntfs1 and "/" for the second partition. the swap drive deosnt show.. if i hit go, it will format partition 2 copy install files then tell me i dont have a swap drive. im missing as to where to create of preformat the swap12:34
tuliomguilet me see12:34
LukasDo you recommend me some alternative to Skype? I would like talk between MS Windows XP and Linux Ubuntu. We havent public IP adress.12:34
dridhas@find sabbra cadabra12:34
tuliomguithe alsa-oss is installed12:34
Renan_s2Lukas, Skype works on Linux12:34
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ardchoilledribble: Wrong window? hehe12:34
LukasI want alternative.12:35
dribbleardchoille, eh?12:35
Ascfine is too positive a word12:35
longwaveandyshack: i just checked, and it seems the maximum swap partition size is 2Gb - sorry i made a mistake before. you really won't need 4Gb anyway..12:35
Renan_s2Lukas, why? There is a native version of Skype for Linux12:35
tuliomguiRogerBacon: didnt work man.. =/12:36
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ardchoilledribble: sorry, tab completion bit me12:36
ChipsGripsDeluxeEasy Ubuntu has skype12:36
andyshackah ok, that i assume would be it. cheers.12:36
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dribbleardchoille, haha, no worries ;p.  it tends to do that.12:36
mjrLukas, ekiga is a standards-based VOIP application, recently also ported to Windows (though may be rough around the edges on that side)12:37
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longwaveandyshack: i would guess so, i can't see why else it wouldn't see the partition. that is a bug though, it shouldn't let you create a swap partition that big in the first place :)12:37
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tuliomguiRogerBacon: now worked12:37
CyDriveWhat do i do when i get this error when i do ./configure on a program? "configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH"12:37
tuliomguiRogerBacon: thanks!! =D12:37
LukasRenAN_S2: I have a problem with my mikrofon. A try Beta Skype 1.3. I record silence.12:37
ardchoilleCyDrive: Did you install build-essential?12:37
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RogerBacontuliomgui : no problem :)12:37
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CyDriveno i didnt do that12:37
micahcowanCyDrive: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:37
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ubuntumachas anyone here installed ubuntu on an intel mac?12:37
ardchoille!b-e > CyDrive12:38
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tuliomguiRogerBacon: but there is still a problem, i edit the launcher and putted: "aoss firefox %u" now it dont open12:38
tuliomguiRogerBacon: do you know why?12:38
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RogerBaconi try it12:38
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offLimitshi all12:39
dooglusI'm trying to set up knockd to listen for a sequence of udp packets, but it's not seeing any coming in.  any idea what I could be doing wrong?12:39
ardchoilletuliomgui: Why do you need the "%u" ?12:39
offLimitsI have a problem in dapper printing with a lexmarkz42, can anyone help me'12:39
fusionxn1If i use the live cd - say if my sound works does that mean it will work if i install it12:40
tuliomguiardchoille: dont know, thats how it was here12:40
longwavedooglus: have you tried running tcpdump to see if that sees them?12:40
tuliomguiardchoille: thats the default command12:40
ardchoilletuliomgui: try it from a term without the "%u"12:40
doogluslongwave: no, i've not.  I will, thanks12:40
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ucordesanybody knows to get sound in vmware server with xp guest?12:40
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offLimitsI have a problem in dapper printing with a lexmark z42, can anyone help me?12:40
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nickersokay i tried removing nvidia-*12:41
nickersand restricted drivers12:41
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nickersrebooted between all of them12:41
nickersstill no glx dri12:41
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tuliomguiardchoille: it worked fine man!!12:41
ardchoilletuliomgui: :)12:41
tuliomguiRogerBacon, ardchoille, thanks guys!!12:41
nickersi checked ldd and the drivers are point to /usr/src/fakeroot12:42
ompaulucordes, that is offtopic twice ;-) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84275 this may help12:42
nickerswhere they are linked to libGL nvidia12:42
nickerscan someone do me a favor, nvidia owners, sudo ldd /usr/bin/glxinfo12:42
RogerBaconi hate oss :)12:42
nickerswhere is libGL.so.1 pointing12:42
ucordesfusionx1n: sure12:42
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Jack_Sparrownickers: what did you need from that..12:43
nickersJack_Sparrow: where is libGL.so pointing?12:43
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tuliomguisomebody here uses k3b for burning audio projects??12:43
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nickersJack_Sparrow: libGL.so.1 => /usr/src/fakeroot/lib/libGL.so.1 mine is pointing there12:44
nickersbut it doesnt seem to work12:44
Jack_SparrowlibGL.so.1 => /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 (0xb7f1b000)12:44
nickersJack_Sparrow:  you are nvidia right? dri works12:44
fusionxn1If i use the LIVE CD and my sound and internet works does that mean they will if i go ahead and install it?12:44
Jack_Sparrownickers: 6600 nvidia glx is fine12:45
DrBashir2fusionxn1, very likely i would say12:45
nickersthanks Jack_Sparrow, appreciate it12:45
Jack_Sparrownickers: 6000 + fps12:45
tuliomguihow do i burn an audio project with mp3 files in k3b??12:45
Jack_Sparrowfusionxn1: yes12:45
fusionxn1k thanks12:46
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DrBashir2fusionxn1, you are actually dutch?12:46
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ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/K3BHowto12:47
foxsleepnUbuntu is supported from Ubuntu project ???12:47
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Jack_SparrowI am debugging a program for ehazlett that will let people remaster Ubuntu cd's... back in a few...12:47
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tonyyarussoHow long should an 80 GB Fat32 to Ext3 format take?12:48
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iberryi seek someone who has succesfully configured the ATI fglrx driver on an amd64/dapper install...anyone?12:48
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Jack_Sparrowiberry: may I msg you?12:49
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iberrysi, gracias.12:49
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doogluslongwave: tcpdump shows that the packet isn't arriving.  I'm using cygwin's 'nc -u' on a Windows box to send it.  should that work?12:49
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RogerBaconwhy skype is so long to oepn12:49
andyshackthe fn installer crashed12:49
ucordesiberry: you should take a look at the wiki. i had fglrx running under amd64 with a guide there12:50
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ZyfoI'm running both Windows and Ubuntu. Since I've got a hard drive on 250gb, and I'd prefer not to use partitions, I'm pretty much forced to use NTFS. This doesn't work too well with Ubuntu, I can't write files and one hard drive isn't even working. I've heard there are some kind of solution for this , anyone who could help me?12:50
andyshackwhy dont you want to use partitions ?12:50
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seehey, might nnot be an ubuntuspecific issue, but couldnt find any openoffice channel, according to http://framework.openoffice.org/files/documents/25/897/filter_description.html openoffice supports importing writenow format, but an standard ubuntuinstall of it does not include that support, anybody has any idea how to add this filter in ubuntu?12:50
verboseZyfo: check out ntfs-3g12:51
Jack_SparrowZyfo: I use a fat32 to share between UB and XP12:51
verboseZyfo: it's still beta though so beware12:51
RogerBaconZyfo : fat32 ....12:51
ZyfoJack_Sparrow: doesn't support 250 gb hd though, no?12:51
Zyfoverbose: thanks12:51
tonyyarussoRogerBacon: Partially because it has to access QT libraries, mostly because Skype for Linux is not too slick.12:51
tuliomguiRogerBacon: what are the repositories for skype?12:51
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:51
fusionxn1Anyone got a logitech g15 Keyboard / g5 mouse here?12:51
foxsleepnUbuntu is supported from Ubuntu project ???12:52
ZyfoI might use FAT32 if this doesn't work too ewll, I'd prefer to use NTFS with windows anyway.12:52
ucordesZyfo: there are tools to use ntfs under linux and other way around to use ext3 under windows. but if you ask me better rezise your ntfs and make a fat32 out of the fress space12:52
tuliomguitonyyarusso: tx!12:52
verboseZyfo: i've been using it for a week or so12:52
ucordesthats what i did!12:52
verboseit works well so far12:52
Zyfoverbose: works good?12:52
Zyfoucordes: I might, I'll just try this out first.12:52
Jack_SparrowZyfo: I use ntfs for XP and a small fat32 that xp and Ubuntu can both read and write safely12:52
fusionxn1What should i use if im making a new install of ubuntu?12:52
verbosebut i bet it's one of those things that if i was crazy enough to use it on an important system it would destroy everything12:52
ZyfoJack_Sparrow: ah, that's possible too I guess,12:53
RogerBacontuliomgui : i use freecontrib depot12:53
Jack_SparrowZyfo: If you do write to NTFS , be sure to have a full backup12:53
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ZyfoJack_Sparrow: why?12:53
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Jack_SparrowIt is not 100% safe yet12:53
foxsleepnUbuntu is supported from Ubuntu project ???12:53
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Zyfohm, I guess I'll go with FAT32 then.12:53
Jack_Sparrowfoxsleep: Just ask your question12:53
ucordesyea i messed up some bigger files by this too12:53
nemlahAnyone has a fix for the ubuntu xorg memory leak12:53
NineTeen67CometHi all .. little question about apt ... Is there a way I can make my server (Ubuntu too) hold all the files my other computers download when they apt-get install something? Then each computer can just get it off the server? It seems like a waste getting all the files (many the same on all machines) from the www when I could store them locally. (I did this with Portage on another Distro).12:53
ucordessince then i use the fat32 as a kind of swap12:54
Generici can't seem to get my amarok player applet back12:54
immeUnable to seek on /dev/hdc12:54
ZyfoI thought it would only be a matter of doing some tiersome installation or so, not that it wouldn't be working after it :P12:54
immeUnable to seek on /dev/hdc12:54
foxsleepMy question is: /join #remote-exploit12:54
foxsleep/join #security12:54
dliNineTeen67Comet, have a look at apt-proxy, easy to setup12:54
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ZyfoThanks guys.12:54
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immeSo, when I do "sudo fdisk /dev/hdc" I get  "Unable to seek on /dev/hdc", what's my problem?12:55
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dooglusNineTeen67Comet: I don't know, but "squid" is a caching proxy server.  if you made all your systems go through squid on the server, then only the first one would download the package and the rest would use the cached package12:55
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Jack_SparrowNineTeen67Comet:  DO you really have one, I had a 66 Caliente...   and yes you can store those locally or on cd...12:55
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hyphenatedapt-proxy is if you want to control the updates to the machines in your network. squid would be if you want to save bandwidth12:56
dlihyphenated, why does apt-proxy uses more bandwidth?12:56
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hyphenateddli: it doesn't.12:57
ZyfoNot taking external applications in account, how much space do you use for your root and swap?12:57
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hyphenateddli: it's for controlling updates though. so you make sure that only the updates you want to distribute on your network are on the 'proxy' machines12:57
dooglushyphenated: looking at the apt-cache info for apt-proxy, it looks like apt-proxy will save bandwidth too.  it doesn't mirror the entire repo, right?  just the packages you download?12:57
Jack_Sparrowiberry: check your pm12:57
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dlizybrid, for most users, 5 GB /12:58
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=== stefg agrees
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immeSo, when I do "sudo fdisk /dev/hdc" I get  "Unable to seek on /dev/hdc", what's my problem?12:58
hyphenatedI keep my swap partition small, because if you're using it, you've pretty much already lost12:58
dooglusI suggested squid because I'd not heard of apt-proxy, but apt-proxy looks like it might be ideal12:58
help-the-n00bIs there a programming language that I can integrate terminal commands in?12:59
dooglushyphenated: you've not lost as much as if you don't have any swap space left and need it...12:59
Renan_s2help-the-n00b, shell scripts?12:59
hyphenatedimme: you might have scsi emulation, so they'd be /dev/sda, /dev/scd0 and so on12:59
help-the-n00bWhat are those?12:59
ompaulhelp-the-n00b, python12:59
stefgimme: broken filesystem or bad harddrive12:59
help-the-n00bPython? Isn't that a server=side language?12:59
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immeI guess broken filesystem or bad harddrive, can I refix that?12:59
ompaulhelp-the-n00b, any language will allow you do "stuff", for values of "stuff"12:59
dliimme, have a look at your /proc/ide/12:59
dliimme, or, dmesg01:00
hyphenatedhelp-the-n00b: no, it's a general purpose language. use it wherever you want01:00
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help-the-n00bWhere do I lear it?01:00
dliimme, read dmesg first, then, kernel should report hardware failure01:00
hyphenatedpython.org would be a good start01:00
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help-the-n00bLOL. Ok. Do I need a compiler?01:01
hyphenatedhelp-the-n00b: also, join #python and read the topic. there will be useful links there01:01
stefgimme: you can try do boot inrecovery mode and see if fsck can fix something, Better option is to boot from a Live CD and check for bad blocks01:01
ompaulhelp-the-n00b, no, it is a programing language, as is bash, as is perl, python there is a book called dive into python in the repos and plently of stuff online, pick something you are comfortable with and start there01:01
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polpakhelp-the-n00b: no, you need python.  http://doc.python.org/tut01:01
immehelp-the-n00b: php also has a program for command-line assignments. (Use ob_start())01:01
polpakphp is ugly01:01
ompaulimme, wash out your mouth ;-)01:01
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stefgohhh... new firefox in repos. Respect, this was quick :-)01:02
immedli:  "status error: status=0x58"01:02
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naylorhi guys, i've just setup a new ubuntu box and want to use gnomeppp for dialup internet, but it's not detecting my modem, can anyone help please?01:04
sergiol /etc/inid.d/postgres start does not work01:04
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dliimme, either hardware failure or kernel bug, try the lastest stable kernel release, i.e.,
hyphenatedsergiol: because it's postgresql not postgres ?01:04
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sergiolit was only for demonstrate01:05
dlinaylor, first, read whether your modem is supported :(01:05
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c|intback, okay I was copying all that good info down, now my best way to go about trying it out.. is to deactive the lan right?01:05
hyphenatedsergiol: do you get an error message?01:05
Renan_s2naylor, what is your modem?01:05
immedli: I've got the k7 version if I'm not mistaken.  What was that command for finding out your current kernel again?01:05
hyphenatedimme: uname -a01:05
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sergiolnothing is done01:05
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naylorRenan_s2, i don't really know to be honest, it's just an internal modem01:06
c|intlongwave:  you hre01:06
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sergioli already had it here, it worked fine on first installtion01:06
immedli: "2.6.15-26-k7" also up to date?01:06
dlinaylor, I had to ordered an external modem, but quite cheap, and it works out of box, no driver needed01:06
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rajatHi everyone.  I tried Ubuntu 6.06 and SLED 10.  SLED 10 + XGL feels more responsive than Ubuntu with or without XGL, any ideas why that could be?01:06
immethanks hyphenated.01:06
sergiolall reinstatations i did that script fails01:06
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naylordli, i didn't really want to spend anymore cash if i could get the one i got working, would it be difficult?01:07
rajatEven when I switch desktops, it seems laggy, like it's taking a while to redraw the screen01:07
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dliimme, it looks like a known kernel bug, upgrade to ( kernel.org )01:07
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immedli: okay, I'll do01:07
Shaezschedoes ubuntu dapper include an antivirus program or firewall built in?01:07
sysminnaylor: You can run the command lspci to see what type of modem you have01:08
digitalhav0cyeah clamav01:08
digitalhav0ci think01:08
Renan_s2Shaezsche, you don't need antivirus01:08
dlinaylor, in many cases, it's impossible, I tried for a week, reading tricks via google, it may work, or may not, buying a cheap modem (say, from ebay) sounds then01:08
digitalhav0cno you dont01:08
Renan_s2Shaezsche, you don't need antivirus on Linux :)01:08
rajatAny ideas?01:08
bignosei'm following the forum's tutorial to install vmware server. however when i try to apt-get linux-headers-2.6.15-23-386 , it can't be found. so i went to add applications and did a search for headers and nothing came up.01:08
stefgShaezsche: why would you want ne?01:08
Shaezschewell i am installing this for my MOM, who knows nothing about computers. she might nEED av protection01:08
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Shaezscheshe gets lots of spam email01:08
Renan_s2Shaezsche, trust me, you don't need, there are few Linux viruses01:08
dlinaylor, if you want to know, I can give you the model I bought, it simply works with ubuntu01:09
hyphenatedShaezsche: there are a grand total of 0 linux viruses out there in the wild01:09
digitalhav0ci know it comes with firestarter01:09
=== helfrez [n=helfrez@166-82-112-61.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
pennypackerits all you need01:09
Shaezscheok, so it does have firestarter on by default?01:09
naylorsysmin: http://pastebin.ca/10280301:09
ompaulShaezsche, she does not01:09
hyphenatedShaezsche: and there is a built-in firewall, but that only matters if you're running some services that listen for internet connections from the outside01:09
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pennypackerfirestarter is a gui for iptables01:09
Shaezscheok, well why are there linux versions of av protection if NO ONE needs them? just curious01:09
naylordli, ok thanks if it's real cheap i might buy one, is there anyway i can quickly try one i got out too?01:09
dliShaezsche, no, no need to run protection, just don't run any service01:09
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pennypackerits for scanning windows disks01:10
bignoseShaezsche: because they are to scan emails that go thru the server and then OUT to other people.01:10
Shaezschedli, its not me, my mother might run a service that she shouldnt01:10
stefgShaezsche: no virusses known inthe wild for linux, and you only need a fiewall if you run open ports (which is not the case withteh default install) Lez your mom click what she wants, she'll be safe :-)01:10
hyphenatedShaezsche: because some people use linux mail servers and file servers on their windows networks01:10
naylordli, Communication controller: Conexant HSF 56k HSFi Modem (rev 01)01:10
RadiantFiredli: whats she gonna do, have her own telnet server?01:10
ompaulShaezsche, if you are defending windows boxes down stream01:10
Shaezscheok, well thanks for the advice, ill trust you01:10
RadiantFiredli: I mean seriously01:10
RadiantFireoh, sorry Shaezsche01:10
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RadiantFirewhoops, wrong name01:10
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RogerBaconnaylor : same modem :) working on linux01:10
pennypackerno virus! isnt that nice01:10
dlinaylor, when I searched on ebay, I found the one I ordered with a bidding of 1 $CAN, but I ordered the 20 $CAN (shipping included) via buy it now01:11
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sysminnaylor, That link you sent me didn't work01:11
naylorRogerBacon, how??01:11
dliRadiantFire, no telnet01:11
naylorsysmin: http://pastebin.ca/10280301:11
RadiantFiretelnet is fun, yay for plain text passwords01:11
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
rajatSo no one has any ideas on why Ubuntu seems slow01:11
Shaezschealso, i wont be around when the new EEversion of ubuntu comes out, will my mom (who knows very little about computers) be able to update to it from the auto updater program?01:11
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pennypackerdisable unneeded services01:12
RogerBaconnaylor : what your kernel version ( open your shell and tape : uname -a01:12
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immedli: That kernel is not available via ubuntu repositories?01:12
longhornDoes any one here have a personal script that they use to clean log file?01:12
hyphenatedShaezsche: try the live cd, and play with the updater program. see if it's appropriate for her01:12
=== stefg just wants to point out that on a qwertz keyboard the Z is next to T... to avoid misunderstandings because of typos
dliShaezsche, however, it's still a good idea to install bastille + psad , very easy to setup by answering questions. sudo apt-get install bastille psad01:12
dliimme, no01:12
dooglusShaezsche: she should see a message saying "a new version is available, click here to upgrade" in the update manager01:12
longhornI know that there are many on the internet but just wanted to see what other people came up with.01:12
Shaezschemy mother does not understand the live cd version, she wouldnt be able to save the info she has on her /home folder01:12
immedli k, tnX01:12
naylorRogerBacon, http://pastebin.ca/10280901:13
hyphenatedShaezsche: you misunderstood my suggestion ;-)01:13
dooglusShaezsche: but if dapper is anything to judge by, it won't work very well and will break her system :)01:13
RadiantFireShaezsche: probably, the update is very easy to do01:13
naylorsysmin, seems to work ok for me01:13
RadiantFireShaezsche: it requires 1 command typed in a terminal01:13
Shaezschehyphenated, she could install from the liveCD, but she needs to be able to upgrade.01:13
Shaezschesaving her home folder partition01:13
dliShaezsche, just install on hdd, don't install any service, install bastille + psad, turn off auto-updating01:13
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lmh41hi all, can't get AVM-Fritz!-Card PCI working with capi01:13
hyphenatedShaezsche: you still misunderstood. I'm saying _you_ play with the live cd, check out the updater program on there, and see if you think she could handle it01:14
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sysminnaylor, It isn't resolving, maybe there is a problem with DNS or something01:14
RogerBaconnaylor : on my ubuntu and with this kernel my modem work01:14
NineTeen67Cometdli: I will look at apt-proxy .. thank you ..01:14
lmh41modprobe fcpci gives me FATAL: Module fcpci not found.01:14
Shaezschei know she cannot handle it01:14
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Shaezscheshe can only browse ebay and answer emails01:14
Shaezschethats it01:14
naylorRogerBacon, what do you use for dialup program?01:14
lmh41although I compiled all and copied it to the moduledir01:14
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lmh41anybody an idea?01:14
dliNineTeen67Comet, squid can do the job, but apt-proxy looks like the right way to me01:14
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hyphenatedShaezsche: could she handle if if you wrote down the 5 buttons she has to click?01:14
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lmh41or a hint?01:14
Shaezscheand thats why i cannot leave her with windows xp01:14
Shaezschehyphenated, maybe. but how do i know the future ubuntu versions will be THOSE same buttons01:14
naylorRogerBacon, i've got it set as /dev/modem in gnomeppp, and there's an autodetect button which says i have no modem01:15
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RogerBaconnaylor : do you see your modem on system . admin . netowrk ?01:15
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NineTeen67CometJack_Sparrow: Yes I own a 1967 Comet 202 (w/top loader), and a 1967 Mercury Marquis factory 4 speed .. I think Caliente Comets were abundant ..01:15
hyphenatedShaezsche: you don't. no operating system promises that01:15
stefgShaezsche: Trust the devs it WILL be THOSE buttons01:15
cotrolerI realized i got NO SOUND in flash player ...what can i do?01:15
thoreauputicShaezsche: Ubuntu is perfect for this kind of user - just put a few icons on her desktop and she can use email and a browser - the rest isn;t important for her01:15
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SDcan anyone suggest why the text on some web pages is  blurred and hard to read in ubuntu please?01:16
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RogerBaconnaylor : ok, chek your pci devidce : lspci and search your modem01:16
cotrolerI realized i got NO SOUND in flash player ...what can i do?01:16
fusionxn1UBUNTU detected my 2 etherne tports wereas XP needed drivers!! W00T01:16
thoreauputicSD: never noticed that01:16
Shaezscheg2g, thanks for help01:16
jrib!flash > cotroler01:16
dliSD, many possible reasons, missing fonts, most likely01:16
hyphenatedSD: I had crappy default DPI settings that caused webpages to look ugly (but not blurry)01:16
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fuocodo h264 files play for anyone in totem/gstreamer10 ?01:16
fusionxn1Is there any drivers i can use with X-FI sound cards ATM? As ubuntu doesnt detect it01:16
stefgSD: apt-get install msttcorefonts01:16
Genericwhat's that fun command to extract a bzip?01:17
naylorRoger, it's in system, networking but when i click to detect it fails01:17
jribGeneric: tar jxf file.tar.bz201:17
hyphenatedor tar jxvf blah.tar.bz201:17
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dliGeneric, tar jxvf foo.tar.bz201:17
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SDstetg: yeah thanks ive already tried that and they were already installed01:17
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dliGeneric, " man tar " for more, but most users need " tar zxvf foo.tar.gz " , " tar jxvf foo.tar.bz2 "01:18
SDhyphenated: sorry do you know where how i change DPI settings?01:18
RogerBaconcotroler : sudo apt-get install alsa-oss afther that run firefox with aoss firefox01:18
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hyphenatedSD: first, see if it's a problem. do you have an LCD screen?01:18
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tkupI'm trying to create an LVM on this unused partition and no matter how what I do I get "Incorrect metadata area header checksum"01:18
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RogerBaconnaylor : try /dev/modem ?01:18
SDhyphenated: no, ive got a 19in sony trinitron CRT01:19
naylorRogerBacon: yeah that's what i got it on01:19
hyphenatedSD: degauss it. it'll be in the monitor's menus01:19
tkupI've also read and followed lvm-howto.pdf all the way01:19
digitalhav0canyone know how i could move my buntu install on another drive (new harddrive) without losing my data01:19
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dliRogerBacon, since he got " no modem found", obiviously, /dev/modem is nothing, there's no working driver01:19
lmh41Can't get ISDN CAPI working01:19
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lmh41hyphenated: an idea about CAPI ?01:20
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VletIs there a way to mount a directory through ssh ("sftp")?01:20
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hyphenatedlmh41: nope, I don't have an ISDN line01:20
stefgdigitalhav0c: actually its pretty simple. Be more precise on the scenario01:20
seekI've tried the latest Ubuntu NVidia driver as well as the package from NVidia's website.  BOTH of of them will start X, but once I'm in X certain things will go blank.. for example, when surfing the web certain parts of the page will go blank.  Also, when I click on a menu sometimes icons do not appear until I move my mouse over them.  PLEASE, any help would be appreciated.01:20
crimsunVlet: sshfs.01:20
Vletcrimsun: thankya01:20
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digitalhav0cstefg, i have another harddrive 200g that i want to move my install on too01:20
lmh41ANYBODY an idea about CAPI `?01:21
digitalhav0cbuntu is currently installed on another 20gig drive01:21
stefgdigitalhav0c: good for you :-)01:21
SDhyphenated: yeah that may have worked, thanks. its hard to tell its bad until my eyes start to hur01:21
naylordli, RogerBacon says he's got same one, same kernel etc and it works fine, so why wouldn't mine, what if i buy your modem and that doesn't work as his does work?01:21
hyphenatedlmh41: there's a lot of information in the forums and wiki01:21
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lmh41OR Kernelmodules01:21
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lmh41hyphenated: I tried a lot01:21
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dlinaylor, do " scanpci -v " , carefully compare the model ID/vendor ID01:21
denydigitalhav0c why don't you just format the 200gb and then move the system files accordingly01:21
seek_I've tried the latest Ubuntu NVidia driver as well as the package from NVidia's website.  BOTH of of them will start X, but once I'm in X certain things will go blank.. for example, when surfing the web certain parts of the page will go blank.  Also, when I click on a menu sometimes icons do not appear until I move my mouse over them.  PLEASE, any help would be appreciated.01:21
seek_sorry, I was disconnected01:22
digitalhav0chow so01:22
seekOh, and I have a Nvidia 7300 GS PCI-E01:22
stefgdigitalhav0c: what will the 200 G drive be partitoned like?01:22
hyphenatedSD: if it doesn't, you might have a crappy resolution (ie: larger than the monitor supports nicely) or refresh rate (too slow)01:22
digitalhav0cjust mount and mv / to /dev/xxx blah01:22
RogerBaconnaylor : maybee the conexant softmodem driver ?01:22
dlinaylor, modem is such a nasty business, you may got different model ID from the similar name in lspci01:22
digitalhav0cboot, /, home01:22
digitalhav0cboot, swap, /, $home01:22
polpakwhat's the update to firefox for?01:22
fusionxn1Hello, is there any X-FI linux drivers 1st or 3rd party?01:23
fusionxn1like Alsa ones?01:23
dlinaylor, the website of linuxant.com has a table of modem model IDs01:23
RogerBaconnaylor : 0000:03:01.0 Communication controller: Conexant HSF 56k HSFi Modem (rev 01)01:23
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seek_Anyone have any clue why my Nvidia 7300 GS is not working correctly?  If I use "nvidia" module it blanks out certain parts of the screen, if I use "nv" my system freezes01:23
crimsunfusionxn1: non-functional yet, but alsa ones are in the works.01:23
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fusionxn1oh crap - so no sound at all?01:23
naylorRogerBacon, what about comparing your "sudo  scanpci -v" to my above pastebin, are they the same?01:23
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crimsunfusionxn1: corret.01:24
digitalhav0canyone got any sugguestions?01:24
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crimsuncorrect ^01:24
fusionxn1Well thats put me off ubuntu now01:24
crimsunfusionxn1: don't worry, no Linux/BSD/UNIX has them :)01:24
fusionxn1i know01:24
ida01Hi! I would like to install Apache 2.2.2 Web Server in Ubuntu or Debian Etch - any hint of a repository (because I do not know other way to install Apache - well I do not know to install it at all - I am just learning)01:24
denydigitalhav0c you would have to work with fdisk, then remove or edit the boot script to add the drive as an option01:24
fusionxn1creative said Q2 2007 for 1st party drivers01:24
RogerBaconnaylor : what i do afther typing sudo scanpci -v ?01:24
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digitalhav0cprobably easier to reinstall correct?01:25
stefgdigitalhav0c: the second option would involve gaining a backup. you could use partimage to save your existing install and write it back the nwe drive01:25
stefg!info partimage01:25
ubotupartimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-14 (dapper), package size 261 kB, installed size 936 kB01:25
dliRogerBacon, just pastebin the modem section01:25
seek_Does anyone have a GeForce 7300 GS or has had similair problems with a Nvidia card where "nv" freezes, and "nvidia" module blanks out the screen at certain times?01:25
naylorRogerBacon, that's it, put your pass in if it asks and you'll get a read out as dli suggested01:25
polpakanyone know what the recent updates to firefox are intended to fix?01:25
Renan_s2seek_, it could be a hardware problem...01:25
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pennypackermy 6600gt work flawles01:25
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denydidgitalhav0c if you install from scratch you can just mount the existing 20gb drive and then pull the info off, just know what kind of a format it is01:26
naylorRogerBacon, dli said it gives a more detailed description of whether they exact same model etc01:26
Renan_s2my GeForce FX5200 works normally with NVidia drivers01:26
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seekI hope the card is ok01:26
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digitalhav0csee i trying not to have to install all the other progs i have like doom3 , ut, ut200401:26
naylordli, can i take that link you offered to buy one that will "just work" after all! just incase i can't get this working01:26
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digitalhav0cwell my games01:26
pennypackertry editin mb xorg.conf01:26
RogerBaconnaylor : sudo  scanpci -v and tath give me : >01:26
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dlinaylor, looks like the case01:27
denydigitalhav0c, then cant you fdisk, format the 200gb one to be able to just move your stuff to it01:27
nixen9anyone got Insight (gdb frontend) running on 6.06 - i'm haveing some problem (namely: "cannot initilize debugging library) any clue ?01:27
stefgdigitalhav0c: do you have a Live CD at hand?01:27
digitalhav0ci might just install windows ;( again and dual boot01:27
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minewi need help really bad01:27
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naylordli, it's only cos it's for someone else i'm setting up that wants to use dialup! i only use broadband anyway... phmm!01:28
dlinaylor, since I ordered on ebay, the link has expired for sure, but the model is ex560lkc from actiontec , it has usb and serial ports01:28
hyphenatedpolpak: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-327-1?highlight=%
digitalhav0cdeny, yeah i can move text, movie files ... but already installed apps would become problematic i think because of symbolic links and such01:28
minewhow do i install the driver for and nvidia driver off the web site01:28
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c|inthey all, I did that.. iwlist scanning or somethign. showed me Cell 1 , 2 , and 3 etc.. and the wireless access points, so how would I go about connecting to 1 of them, at college01:28
digitalhav0ci might be incorrect not sure01:28
digitalhav0cnew to linux :)01:28
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dlinaylor, conexant modems should work with linuxant.com, but the price for a driver license is more expensive than what I paid for a real modem01:29
naylordli, thanks a lot dude01:29
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denywell, the games are in the /usr/local/games folder01:29
seekRenan_s2:  I think I know what the problem is, but I don't know how to fix it.  This card uses 256MB of my RAM (Shared Mem)...  It has 256Meg of RAM of it's own.  I've tried setting videoram to both 512 and 256 in the xorg.conf, but no success.  :(01:29
digitalhav0cno not all01:29
digitalhav0cdoom3 through wine01:29
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denyyou are using wine01:29
RogerBaconhey anyone know where i can find lexmark z710 driver01:29
naylordli, and if i make sure to get this model it;ll gaurenteed work for me?01:29
=== NineTeen67Comet digitalhav0c welcome to the wonderful world of OPEN SOURCE .. hang in there, and before you know it you'll be hooked ..
digitalhav0cut native ut2004 native to linux01:29
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dlinaylor, do you have serial port on your box?01:29
pennypackeryou can:1)run the install script 2)dowload the driver from a repo01:29
digitalhav0cNineTeen67Comet, thanks01:29
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naylordli, not sure!! the one i got in is pci01:30
minewhow do i get my tv out to work01:30
dlinaylor, if you have serial port there, it's guranteed working01:30
RogerBaconnaylor : http://linmodems.org/01:30
dlinaylor, have a look at the box01:30
Renan_s2http://linmodems.technion.ac.il is better01:30
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dlinaylor, because a real serial port modem doesn't need a driver in linux, it simply works01:30
naylordli, i don't have the box for the modem, or do you mean look at the computer? where am i looking?01:30
sergiolcan someboby tell me why /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.0 does nothing?01:30
denydigitalhav0c, the wine games should be in the /home/[user] /.wine01:31
nixen9need help with Insight debugger anyone ?01:31
Renan_s2sergiol, /etc/init.d/ scripts require 'start', 'stop' or 'restart'01:31
digitalhav0ci had to compile wine from source :( so i would have to reinstall01:31
Renan_s2e.g. /etc/init.d/<SERVICE> start01:31
naylordli, ah it's an external modem!! you got... i wanted internal01:31
digitalhav0ci kind have my system like i want thats why i was asking of  course i could reinstall and take another week to get it right01:31
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minewhow do i get my tv out to work01:31
c|intis longwave here, or ronz etc01:32
pennypackergoogle "xorg.conf"01:32
dlinaylor, check the ports, http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Serial_Programming:RS-232_Connections01:32
hyphenatedminew: mine works fine01:32
digitalhav0cminew, what kind of card?01:32
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minewnvidia 401:32
c|intis there a better wireless manager, and network manager, than the standard in.. ubuntu install for dapper01:32
NineTeen67Cometminew: you have to add it to your xorg.conf .. google is a good place to seek it out . I found mine via mythtv round about search on the www ..01:32
denyhow about install the new install on the bigger hard drive, then override the folders that exist with the one from the 20gb01:32
c|intI got my wireless seeing the access point, all I have to do, is connect hee01:32
denyand contents01:32
seekRenan_s2:  I think I know what the problem is, but I don't know how to fix it.  This card uses 256MB of my RAM (Shared Mem)...  It has 256Meg of RAM of it's own.  I've tried setting videoram to both 512 and 256 in the xorg.conf, but no success.  :(01:33
Renan_s2seek, :(01:33
minewu remember the site01:33
dlinaylor, if you want pci, you may have to do literature search again :( on serial port modem is guranteed to be real modem (no driver needed in linux)01:33
stefgdigitalhav0c: you can just move your existing install if you want to, there's only some minor catches to look after01:33
seekRenan_s2:  What should I do?01:33
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minewhow do i turn it on01:33
Renan_s2seek, I don't know01:33
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minewso nobody can help me01:34
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NineTeen67Cometminew: Lemme take a  peek ..01:34
denygood day01:34
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naylordli, i would prefer internal, less bits better as this computer not for me and needs to travel to abroad to new owner when i've got it ready for them - more bits more can break and more to ship! is there no way of buying a pci modem that will guarenteed work?01:35
Bartman007has anyone here successfully installed Postfix with TLS support, I can't get Postfix to report that it supports TLS even though I've followed the server guide.01:35
Renan_s2naylor, buy a modem with a Smart Link chipset01:35
Renan_s2I used one on Linux for years01:35
Renan_s2there are some very good drivers for them01:35
dlinaylor, yes, I heard some slmodem success stories, but no experience here01:35
naylorRenan_s2, thanks for the tip - will these just work or do i have to install drivers and stuff?01:36
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Renan_s2naylor, you have to install drivers01:36
Renan_s2but they're easy01:36
ubotuI know nothing about smartlink - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:36
ubotuI know nothing about slmodem - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:36
wulaxis there a command for displaying battery state in a terminal?01:36
=== ViperAFK [n=ieatnoob@24-52-15-79.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dlinaylor, I heard internal modems from ibm thinkpad (ichx) have drivers from ibm01:36
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bignosek, something is not making sense.01:37
shwagwhere is the ubuntu torrent ?01:37
ViperAFKI just installed ubuntu on my old insperon 1000, the only thing i've done to it so far is run automatix. the one problem i have is that sound on web pages does not work at all, flash games sound boards ect... i have tried opera and firefox. The sound for the rest of the computer works fine.01:37
dliwulax, cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state01:37
dooglusshwag: dapper?  i386?  desktop?  http://snurl.com/dapper01:37
NineTeen67Cometminew: Here .. http://www.cs.rit.edu/~css8044/?q=mythtv .. scroll down a few until you see "configuring TV-out" .. you "should be able to add that to your xorg.conf file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) .. back it up first though (cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak), then if you restart X and get CLI you can copy the saved xorg.conf back ..01:37
bignosesudo apt-get install build-essential , does not install.. just can't be found.01:37
dlishwag, if you have a powerful machine, try azureus01:38
wulaxdli: ah, neat. thanks!01:38
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dlishachaf, however, I heard utorrent is good01:38
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gnoAnyone can help me out with postfix?01:38
ViperAFKcan anyone tell me why the sound won't work in web pages on ubuntu6.0601:38
ViperAFKrest of the sound works fine system ect...01:38
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Bartman007gno: would you by chance be trying to get TLS to work?01:39
shivhow do i know what kernal am i using from command line?01:39
Bartman007shiv: uname -a01:39
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kenzianyone can help me with installing GTA San Andreas ?01:40
sergiolRenan_s2: yes i know01:40
sergiolit does nothing with that is what i meant01:40
deleriusI am a new ubuntu 6.06 user? Can anyone familiar with the evolution mail client assist me for a moment?01:40
Bartman007kenzi: in cedega?01:40
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kenziBartman007-> yes01:40
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pennypackergtasa works better in windows01:41
naylori found this link but doesn't mean much too me, what do you think will work: http://www.devidal.tv/~chris/winmodems/pci_list.html can i trust this source?01:41
gnoBartman: I'm able to send emails but how can I be able to recieve email, I have a gateway server running shorewall?01:41
bimberidelerius: ask away, if someone knows they'll answer01:41
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Bartman007gno: forward port 25 on the gateway to your postfix server01:41
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deleriusI configured my mail client, with the settings I would use for most mail clients such as outlook/thunderbird etc, but I cannot receive email from gmail accounts, or send mail to gmail accounts01:41
coachJcan someone please tell me how to share files with samba?01:42
Bartman007kenzi: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+GTA+SA&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine+Games01:42
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pennypackerbetter dual boot than wine =\01:42
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-220-157-124.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgbetter vmplayer than dualboot01:42
ViperAFKthe sound doesn't work at all on web pages, so i can't hear videos flash games ect.., could someone help me?01:43
Renan_s2I've never got a good speed with VMware...01:43
gnoBartman: I have this setting on shorewall "DNAT     net    loc:        tcp     smtp"?01:43
WarboCan anybody help me with my Sagem F@st800 USB modem? Can't seem to initialise it01:43
deleriusRCPT TO <XXXXX@gmail.com> failed: Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed01:43
Bartman007gno: I don't know if that will work, I despise Shorewall with a vengeance.01:43
michaelHi.  I'm a recent convertee to ubuntu.  Been using it for 8 months now and haven't looked back. Problem is, I can't seem to make Itunes or gtkpod recognize Ipods on my usb port.  Can anyone help?01:43
AndyCoollVMware works fine for me, especially with VMware tools also installed01:44
Renan_s2AndyCooll, it works fine here, but hard drive performance is extremely bad01:44
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gnoah ok, thanks anyway01:44
AndyCoollRenan_s2: In what way?01:44
minewNineTeen67Comet/ what happens if u are not using svideo01:45
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Renan_s2AndyCooll, I have a Linux installation in VMware. Even if I leave it only at 'login: ' prompt, the hard drive starts working wildly01:45
naylordli, after a bit of googling apparently this might work: Actiontec PCI56012-01CW can you also take a look at this model and advise if you think it might work for second opionion please?01:45
minewNineTeen67Comet what happens if u are not using svideo01:45
=== bytefu [n=bytefu@cpe-66-68-125-239.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dlinaylor, let me have a look, actiontec sounds friendly now01:46
=== stefg only thinks: 2 experts, minimum 3 opinions :-D
WarboAny advice for Sagem F@st800 USB modem? It is working in windows, but doesn't initialise in Ubuntu01:46
help-the-n00bI can't join #Python01:46
help-the-n00bI can't join #Python.01:46
=== Eclipse_GSX [n=fuck@lrotter.resnet.willamette.edu] has joined #ubuntu
AndyCoollRenan_s2: Hmmm ...can't say I've noticed that on my system. I use it for both WinXP and various distros I fancy taking a peek at01:46
stefghelp-the-n00b: stp spamming01:47
Bartman007help-the-n00b: probably because you've been banned due to spamming01:47
Renan_s2I think I will create a separate partition for VMware01:47
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michaelI thought I'd try again. Can anyone help me with usb support for an iPod?  It's not mounting.01:47
jribhelp-the-n00b: you need to be registered and identified to join #python01:48
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jrib!register > help-the-n00b01:48
=== slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
minewhow do i change my video card from pci to agp01:48
Warbomichael: Have you added it to fstab? That may stop hotplug/udev/whatever from mounting it01:48
bimberidelerius: see if there's something here you've missed - http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution01:48
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nverhaarmy external serial modem suddenly stopped working... it responds, but HYLAFAX keeps complaining "Waiting for modem to come free"... any ideas? can i reinitialize ttyS0 or something?01:48
ciusfinally, getting e17 into a usable state...01:48
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deleriusthank you bimberi01:48
ViperAFKthe sound doesn't work at all on web pages, so i can't hear videos flash games ect.., could someone help me?01:48
bimberidelerius: (sorry, it took an annoyingly long time to find that page)01:48
help-the-n00bWaht's a freenode nick?01:48
=== Caravel [n=sean@c-67-171-152-26.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
InvisiblePinkUnii have a EMT64 machine and installed dapper i386. Can i "upgrade" to 64 bit?01:48
minewhow do i change my video card from pci to agp any body01:49
bimberidelerius: np :)01:49
deleriusits np01:49
ubotufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml01:49
michaelWarbo:  I don't know what the device name is.  It doesn't show up in dmesg01:49
Renan_s2minew, buy a new video card01:49
ubotuI know nothing about 64 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:49
minewi have a agp video01:49
RogerBaconminew ; why ?01:49
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.01:49
michaelWarbo: thx for the reply btw01:49
minewbut its saying it an pci01:49
jribInvisiblePinkUni: I believe you will need to reinstall01:49
ViperAFKthe sound doesn't work at all on web pages, so i can't hear videos flash games ect.., could someone help me?01:49
NineTeen67Cometminew: what are you using for TV out then? ..01:49
InvisiblePinkUnijrib: will i lose the data :o01:49
ubotuI know nothing about nick - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:49
Warbomichael: It will be /dev/sdX (a, b, c, d, etc, depending on how many drives you have that are USB, SCSI or SATA)01:50
jrib!flash > ViperAFK01:50
=== Forbo [n=Forbo@207-225-207-73.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
pennypackerit lists it as a pci01:50
jribInvisiblePinkUni: not if you make backups :)01:50
pennypackerpci 0 = agp01:50
=== rod [n=rod@201-26-41-104.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
RogerBaconhey, wath do you tink about debian 4 (etch) futur new feature ?01:50
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Warbomichael: I think iPods use the second partition for data storage if you want to mount it manually or put it in fstab, but that may stop it from automounting when you plug it in01:50
minewi have a nvidia agp tv out video card01:50
minewits what i am using now01:51
stefg!offtopic > RogerBacon01:51
pennypackergo to the nvidia site01:51
michaelWarbo: can I mount it without adding a line to fstab?  Also, is there an easy way of finding out how many drives I have that are USB, SCSI etc?01:51
minewi did01:51
NineTeen67Cometminew: TV out .. then it's svideo ..01:51
ViperAFKi've tried looking through multimedia support ect... all yms ound works ecept for in web pages01:51
minewno it is rca01:51
pennypacker& look in in the xorg configuration docs01:51
pennypackerfaster: google xorg.conf + tvout01:51
Warbomichael: I would advise against the fstab way, since it is not a permanent drive. "fdisk -l" should show all partitions on all drives, so you should be able to guess whichis which01:51
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michaelWarbo: Thanks for the advice. I'll let you know how it goes.01:52
minewNineTeen67Comet any ideas01:52
=== ViperAFK [n=ieatnoob@24-52-15-79.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu []
InvisiblePinkUnijrib: is it possible to upgrade to 64bit through synaptic?01:53
theoverloadwho can me help and speak german01:53
jribInvisiblePinkUni: I do not believe so01:53
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:53
WarboAA! This keeps happening, I come in here for help and end up solving every problem except my own. I don't mind so much, but Windows' font rendering is hurting my eyes :(01:53
=== Caravel [n=sean@c-67-171-152-26.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
michaelWarbo: fdisk -l only shows my physical disk drives.  Does that mean my usb isn't properly configured?01:53
=== Caravel [n=sean@c-67-171-152-26.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
InvisiblePinkUnijrib: thank you01:53
Warbomichael: If the iPod is plugged in it should show up. Try "lsusb" I think01:53
pennypackeror type "man xorg.conf" in console01:53
michaelWarbo: Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000001:54
michaelBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000001:54
=== Somebody_ is now known as greenpete
Warbomichael: Wow, that seems really helpful :)01:54
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fusionxn1Hi, does anyone have a logitech g15 here?01:55
Warbomichael: Try "ls /dev/sd*" and see what happens (BTW, is your hard drive USB, SCSI or SATA, or just plain IDE?)01:55
michaelWarbo: I know ;). That's the output of lsusb..01:55
minewNineTeen67Comet ao what do u think01:55
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michaelWarbo: 2 IDE drives.  A dead IBM death star and a WD 160GB.01:56
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Warbomichael: Then I would venture that your iPod is sda and that it's data is stored on sda201:56
=== godtvisken [n=godtvisk@ip-69-10-108-80.cableaz.net] has joined #ubuntu
michaelWarbo: no such device or directory.01:56
godtviskenAnyone know of anymore applications like Alexandria?01:56
AndyCoolltheoverload: Have you tried #ubuntu-de?01:57
Warbomichael: Wow, this is getting a little serious. Maybe "sudo modprobe usb-storage" would create the device?01:57
=== ablomen [n=ablomen@ipd50a6820.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
minewcan any one help me with getting my tv out to work01:57
=== Guuuug [n=ubuntu@brutaal.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
WarboCan anyone troubleshoot a Sagem Fast800 USB modem?01:58
=== theoverload [n=theoverl@p549C5181.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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fusionxn1No one have a G15???01:58
Frankensteinhi, can someone tell me how i can PREVENT ubuntu from trying to use as a nameserver?01:58
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=== theoverload [n=theoverl@p549C5181.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["...]
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:58
ubotuI know nothing about nick - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:58
help-the-n00bI can't join #Python.01:58
michaelWarbo: that command didn't give me any output, but the result is still the same. No /dev/sd*, no listing in fdisk.. :(01:59
WarboFrankenstein: You could add it to /etc/hosts.deny to completely block it doing anything, but specifically nameserver, I don't know01:59
ablomenFrankenstein: shure, use a static ip01:59
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=== BrianTwizzler [n=Btrisler@c-68-58-120-196.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frankensteinhelp-the-n00b: try regging your nick01:59
Guuuuganyone here who can help me with my nfs problems?01:59
dooglusFrankenstein: configure DHCP not to set the DNS server01:59
Warbomichael: Well modprobe only gives output when there is a problem, so that is a good sign01:59
AndyCoolltheoverload: If you want a German speaking channel have you tried #ubuntu-de?01:59
stefghelp-the-n00b: we were thru this already...01:59
help-the-n00bSorry. I was playing a game.01:59
minewNineTeen67Comet u still there01:59
=== Silver-SuBZ3R0 [n=SilOD3@116.95.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
Silver-SuBZ3R0Bonjour tout le monde :)02:00
help-the-n00bHow do I register?02:00
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stefg!offtopic > help-the-n00b02:00
AndyCoollFrankenstein: And your nfs problem is?02:00
ablomenAndyCooll: thats Guuuug02:00
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Frankenstein... anyway, i just made an entry to hosts.deny: ALL02:01
minewcan any one help me with getting my tv out to work02:01
Guuuugi have 2 dapper live cd bootups. one to act as a nfs server and the other one to mount the share.02:01
ablomenminew: is that an nvidia card?02:01
jribhelp-the-n00b: ubotu told you how to register before, check your private messages02:01
Warbominew: Have you checked the Wiki? I saw some pages on there for TV out02:01
Guuuugbut i keep getting permission denied02:01
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
minewthats what i am doing now02:02
ablomenminew: if its a nvidia card, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOut02:02
=== aRLiu [n=arliu@] has joined #ubuntu
Guuuugi'm working with live cd's to narrow down the possible problems, since i've been poking around a lot of files on my installed ubuntu's02:02
minewi also want to know how to change my video from pci to agp02:02
Warbomichael: To be honest I don't have an iPod, and when I borrowed one from a friend for data storage it automounted fine. The only advise I know is general USB HD stuff02:03
=== Skaven [n=Henner@i577A46A7.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
AndyCoollGuuuug: On the client, did you type "sudo mount ...etc"?02:03
Guuuugi've made a detailed list of steps i've made to get the things working at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22429902:03
Guuuugyeah i did02:03
dooglusFrankenstein: in /etc/dhclient.conf put "prepend domain-name-servers;", or whatever DNS you want to use02:03
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=== AlbertWesker [n=geifson@] has joined #ubuntu
Guuuugthat returned the permission denied02:03
minewi also want to know how to change my video from pci to agp02:03
NineTeen67Cometminew: yeah I'm here .. dinkin' roun' other places ..02:04
=== AlbertWesker [n=geifson@] has left #ubuntu ["Fui]
minewi also want to know how to change my video from pci to agp02:04
=== SapoDriLo [n=SapoDriL@] has joined #ubuntu
michaelWarbo: well, I don't want to trouble you any further.. I'll just read the man pages for depmod and modprobe and see if I can get something happening.  An iPod should function the same as a USB HD though, correct?  If you know of any online resources, fell free to point me in that direction.02:04
Renan_s2minew, AGP *is* PCI. I think that only the signaling/protocol changes02:04
NineTeen67Cometminew: you rinning two cards?02:05
Frankensteindooglus: i have no /etc/dhclient.conf02:05
fusionxn1Anyone have a G15?02:05
dooglusFrankenstein: oh, ok02:05
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BrianTwizzlerI Installed ubuntu for the first time today and I'm having trouble getting my wireless card to work, I *tried* checking the faq, but unless i was in the wrong place found it only covered basic information02:05
Frankensteinits just that my ISP's dns servers are very slow02:05
Warbomichael: Yes, an iPod acts like a regular USB HD for saving data, it is just the adding and removing of songs that you need a special app for like gtkpod (unless you don't want to play the music on the iPod)02:06
dooglusFrankenstein: what about /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf?  got one of them?02:06
minewso i should not change those02:06
ablomenBrianTwizzler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper02:06
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-36.216-254-251.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
NineTeen67Cometminew: how come you need to switch? I mean unless you are running two cards, only one will work? agp or pci .. lspci will show you agp as well (Don't let that confuse you) .. your nvidia card should be agp (I run an FX5700 in this box, and an FX5500 in my other, both with TV out.. I just change my xorg.conf and switch between tv and dvi/analog)02:07
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BrianTwizzlerablomen: it detects my wireless card, it jsut doesn't seem to function02:07
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Frankensteindooglus: why yes it does! how do i give it more than one dns server though02:07
WarboGreat, now Firefox isn't working. Don't ya just love Windows :)02:07
dooglusFrankenstein: mine says 'request domain-name-servers' - you could remove that bit - then it won't mess with your DNS servers02:07
=== NineTeen67Comet no that's why I suffer through the learning curve of *nix .. hehehehe
ablomenBrianTwizzler: you mean detect like it see's it in the device manager but doenst work?02:07
digitalhav0ci guess im reinstalling02:07
BrianTwizzlerablomen: I used a wrapper once before (2-3 years ago) with mandrake, thought I might be able to get around that by now02:07
Frankensteindooglus: ill try, let me backup this file first02:07
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dooglusFrankenstein: if dhcp doesn't mess with your DNS list, then you can edit it manually and it should stay how you put it.  sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf02:08
ablomenBrianTwizzler: depends on the chipset ;)02:08
dooglusFrankenstein: good idea - I've no idea what I'm talking about...02:08
help-the-n00bHow do you tell Ubutu to tell me something?02:08
Frankensteinit always stayed expect when it would ask the router for a new ip02:08
BrianTwizzlerablome: I mean it i go to network settings, its listed as eth1, and active, but i can't connect to anything02:08
NineTeen67Cometdigitalhav0c: Re-installing is a great way to learn .. When I first jumped on the *nix bandwagon, I was re-installing a few times a day . now, it's only when I try something new .. like xgl was the last thing to bork it bad enough I gave up and re-installed ..02:08
stefgNineTeen67Comet: but just wait until you've reached a comfortable plateau... stisfaction guaranteed :-)02:09
help-the-n00bFrankenstein, The command or language?02:09
Warbohelp-the-n00b: If you mean ubotu then it is "!whatyouwanttoknow > username"02:09
digitalhav0cNineTeen67Comet, i have xgl working02:09
digitalhav0con my box if you need a good tutorial for it i have one02:09
ablomenBrianTwizzler: ah ok well then i dont know whats wrong, srry, maybe someone else02:09
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digitalhav0cyou wont really learn anything but it will work02:09
help-the-n00bSo !Ubuntu > help-the-n00b02:09
NineTeen67Cometstefg: I'm good to go now .. haven't had MS installed in a couple years .. digitalhav0c .. yes I'm running dual monitors with xgl now .. love it .. for the most part .. (Centers stuff between the screens though, and alt+click is the only way to move them ) ..02:09
help-the-n00b!Ubuntu > help-the-n00b02:09
rodhey.. i'm a new one with ubunto02:09
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AndyCoollGuuuug: I'm no NFS export. However notes I've made in the past say it is worth installing nfs-common (which I think you have done) and nfs-kernel-server on the server02:10
=== Jack_Smirnoff [n=jack@adsl-69-227-2-243.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:10
rodhow do i fix the font using the firefox?02:10
digitalhav0cNineTeen67Comet, the only problem i had with xgl02:10
=== Jack_Smirnoff is now known as help
digitalhav0cwas when i went to watch a movie or play a game02:10
=== RRubin [n=rubin@CPE-65-29-24-190.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
digitalhav0clike ut02:10
digitalhav0cor something like that02:10
BrianTwizzlerablomen: the only thing i can think of is when I open properties, enter the SSID that I'm trying to connect to, it asks for a key type, and "none" sin't an option02:10
RRubinwhere did the livecd go from the download page? am i missing something?02:10
ZyfoWhen I press ctrl+alt+esc ubuntu marks in order: the whole desktop, the menu bar and the label I've got. What is this for?02:11
NineTeen67Cometdigitalhav0c: yeah, games SUCK! .. Center on dual monitors, and one is a smaller monitor so it's messy .. but daily work stuff, perfect .. love the wobble ..02:11
ablomenBrianTwizzler: did it work on the same laptop with windows?02:11
mike-eHI this is a fresh install of hoary hedgehog, i need to upgrade to breezy, it's been a while since i had to do this can someone point me in the right direction?02:11
NineTeen67CometRRubin: the live cd is part of the install cd now ..02:11
minewok i am going to restart i hope it work02:11
BrianTwizzlerafter i downloaded the drivers from HOP02:11
Guuuugandycool: i have indeed installed both on both systems02:12
Warbo!upgrade > ablomen02:12
ablomenBrianTwizzler: hmm maybe its the encryption, wait a sec02:12
Warboablomen: Sorry!02:12
NineTeen67Cometminew: if you are only wanting to check your video, you can just restart X .. the messy way .. ctrl+alt+backspace ..02:12
RRubinNineTeen67Comet: huh. that changed after 6.06 came out though? or am i halucinating?02:12
=== Jenkens [i=j0oki@ip70-185-15-78.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Guuuugand the server even logs autheticated02:12
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.02:12
=== Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-43-87.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
ablomenWarbo: np02:12
Warbomike-e: Ok, you found out by yourself :)02:12
NineTeen67CometRRubin: yeah, it'll boot to a desktop, with an install icon on it .. then you can just select upgrade/repair something like that ..02:12
=== KatteKrab [n=kattekra@ppp79-250.lns1.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ablomenBrianTwizzler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide << maybe this helps02:13
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NineTeen67CometHaven't used Ubuntu that long (came from Gentoo) ..02:13
mike-ewarbo: so i should add breezy repositories right?02:13
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RRubinNineTeen67Comet: so the text install is no more?02:13
BrianTwizzlerablomen: that is what i was thinking ... that it might be trying to use a blank encryption key instead of no key02:13
Warbomike-e: I would guess so, but Breezy was my first Ubuntu02:13
Guuuuganyone here expertise in NFS?02:13
BrianTwizzlerablomen: ok I'll give it a lok02:13
AndyCoollGuuuug: And on your server, does your "exports" say something along the lines of "/share,no_root_squash,async)"?02:13
NineTeen67CometRRubin: Might be a selection when you boot off the new disc .. I think it's there .. (I'm a cli install fan myself) ..02:14
Guuuugandycool: yeah it does02:14
mike-ewarbo: well, when you upgraded to dapper do you remember if you had to swap your breezy repos with dapper? =P02:14
ablomenBrianTwizzler: good luck!02:14
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RRubinNineTeen67Comet: yeah, the gui is nice, but slower and not all systems have acceptable guis02:14
Guuuugandycool: i've tried all sorts of lines there, most of them correct with the same result02:14
Warbomike-e: Yes, then I updated and dist-upgraded. But I wouldn't like to say that is definitive, 'cos I would feel bad if your system broke02:14
Jack_SparrowYahoooooo... just remastered my first Ubuntu Livecd02:14
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NineTeen67CometRRubin: I used the server disc on my server, and it was great .. Only needed a monitor until I got openssh installed ..02:15
mike-eah well it's fresh so i could just reinstall., i'll give it a try02:15
WarboJack_Sparrow: Yahoo remastered your CD? Did they add their messenger and stuff?02:15
Guuuugandycool, incorrect share options gave me different errors02:15
ZyfoOuch, I pressed that ctlr+alt+backspace someone wrote out of curiosity, now what's the need for such a evil shortcut? :D02:15
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Jack_SparrowWarbo: custom cd02:15
neb_ok so I just installed kubuntu onto an old compaq laptop I'm going to use as a print server. Everything seems fine on the laptop but when I'm trying to connect to it, the connection keeps dropping. If I send any network traffic directly from the laptop the problem disappears for about 20 sec02:15
neb_I'm not sure where to look first.02:15
RRubinNineTeen67Comet: nod. the minimal bit is nice too. i missed that in breezy when i went from debian02:15
WarboJack_Sparrow: Morphix is good for that. I made a game CD for someone recently02:15
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Jack_SparrowWarbo: This was my first Ub custom02:16
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fusionxn1If i was to download a theme from gnome-look.org which one do i get GTK v1 or GTK v2?02:16
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davidX__hmm can i access my sidekicks sd card with the default ubuntu install?02:16
WarboJack_Sparrow: It was a joke about Yahoo by the way :)02:16
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Warbofusionxn1: GTK2 is used by most things02:16
Warbofusionxn1: (that aren't KDE :) )02:16
fusionxn1K so if i download one it will work?02:16
ZyfoWhen I press ctrl+alt+esc ubuntu marks in order: the whole desktop, the menu bar and the label I've got. What is this for?02:17
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Warbofusionxn1: Just drag it into the themes window or extract it in ~/.themes02:17
Jack_SparrowWarbo: THis program for remastering should be made public in maybe a month02:17
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WarboJack_Sparrow: Cool02:17
fusionxn1k thanks02:17
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Jack_SparrowWarbo: Python script, but needs a few more options and some docs...02:18
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WarboJack_Sparrow: I have been trying to test some custom CDs to try out some nice installation/setup scripts I have made, but making the CD itself seemed like too much hard work02:18
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swimhey folks, I have a pvr-150 with a remote, I'd like to set it up, and do so so that the remote can work with other applications... just as a sort of general remote, for my music app, and video app mainly... can anyone point me in the right direction?02:18
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GuitarHero11hey simple question, how do I change the splash screen?02:19
Warboswim: You will want to research LIRC probably. I know Mplayer and XMMS can use it, not sure about others though02:19
WarboGuitarHero11: The login or the boot?02:19
GuitarHero11the one that says gnome, metacity02:19
franciscis there a way to detect which driver my wireless card is using?02:19
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WarboGuitarHero11: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomisation I think, but I don't think it works on Dapper02:20
WarboGuitarHero11: Oh, that is not boot02:20
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Warbo!info gnome-splashscreen-manager02:20
ubotugnome-splashscreen-manager: manage your GNOME splash screen images. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.2-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 14 kB, installed size 148 kB02:20
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rubyhello, there is a problem with mounting floppy disk with the "auto" option in fstab.  this usually happens if disk if of type vfat.02:21
Zyfohttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=31128&file1=31128-1.jpg&file2=31128-2.jpg&file3=31128-3.jpg&name=Gentle+Gnome+mockup <- How can I make the windows being in in 2 rows like that?02:21
GuitarHero11thanks ill try that02:21
dead_kellyapt-get isn't connecting to server to get updates02:21
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bimberiGuitarHero11: there's also this ...02:21
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image.02:21
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WarboZyfo: I think just making the panel wider should do it02:22
ZyfoWarbo: nope, I tried make it max size, didn't help.02:22
minewis there any one in here i was talking to02:22
Frankensteinwhere can i find the x server config so i can increase my screen resolution02:22
WarboZyfo: As in, thickness not length?02:22
francisc my card should be a prism 1 and I have it working using an unencrypted network, but I'm apparantly not using the driver I thought I was (hostap) as when I try to configure wpa_supplicant using that driver it gives me an error.02:22
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:23
Frankensteinand dooglus thanks btw, i just fixed my dns problem02:23
Frankensteinthanks Warbo02:23
GuitarHero11k what do i do with !splash and what is gconf-editor02:23
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ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php02:23
DravasHow can I set Wine as the Default for EXE Files? The Default is set for Gnome Terminal02:23
ZyfoWarbo: Oh, it just worked when I did it on another workspace. Maybe I had to close all windows for it not to get stretched, thanks.02:24
GuitarHero11k i think i got it.. restarting02:24
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agamottoHmmm, that sound guide managed to kick something into working!  Coolies... I have sound back02:24
WarboDravas: Right click, Properties, Open with02:24
Jack_SparrowHow do I make .so files for splash screens02:25
InvisiblePinkUni!64 bit > InvisiblePinkUni02:25
ubotuI know nothing about 64 bit  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:25
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InvisiblePinkUni!64bit > InvisiblePinkUni02:25
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:25
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WarboZyfo: You can also tell the task switcher thing to only use a certain amount of space, so that can force it to use two rows even when there is extra room02:25
agamottoInvisiblePinkUni:  Be prepared for some pain if you want to try 64-bit02:25
InvisiblePinkUniagamotto: why?02:25
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InvisiblePinkUniagamotto: i want apache + ssl, subversion and openssh02:26
dead_kellyis something up with the update servers?02:26
knoppixi was having boot problems and i foolishly wrote over my mbr with my windows repair disk. how can i restore the MBR so I can dual boot again?02:26
ZyfoWarbo: ah, I was just trying something with that I believe. I wasn't too sure what it did so I tried making it min 10 max 20, so now I can't place my cursor at the right place to get it back again ;P Any ideas?02:26
agamottoMany multimedia programs don't have 64-bit code yet02:26
WarboInvisiblePinkUni: proprietary stuff is usually 32bit only, but pretty much all Free Software can be 64bit02:26
agamottoI won't even get into some of the fun I had with an AM2 machine02:26
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ZyfoWarbo: Nevermind, I managed. Thanks for the help.02:26
InvisiblePinkUniagamotto: i just want server programs with gnome and other gui02:26
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InvisiblePinkUniWarbo: :)02:27
agamottoWarbo:  Yah, but I couldn't get any 64-bit version of Ubuntu, SuSE, or Gentoo to run off the hd on one machine02:27
agamottoInvisiblePinkUni:  You might be ok then02:27
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InvisiblePinkUniagamotto: hopefully :)02:27
agamottoJust check the forums for your particular mobo... just in case02:27
Warboagamotto: Ha, hard drives. Who needs 'em?02:27
lufisWhat is with the too-high contrast in all of the video players?02:27
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agamottoI wasted two weeks on one machine, and could not get any 64-bit linux to run from it02:28
Warbolufis: Maybe your preferences?02:28
warlockHow to check the incomming/outgoing bandwidth on my server? I need to see if I have 100/100mbit or not.02:28
dead_kellyer hello, does anyone know if the update servers are down?02:28
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lufisWarbo: I don't believe so. It was doing it by default02:28
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c|inthey all02:28
agamottodead_kelly:  No, they are fine.  I just did apt-get update02:28
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:29
lufisWarbo: Besides, it isn't per-application. Every video player plays all video files with washed-out colors and way too much brightness02:29
knoppixi was having boot problems and i foolishly wrote over my mbr with my windows repair disk. how can i restore the MBR so I can dual boot again?02:29
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DBO!grub > knoppix02:29
Frankensteinumm how do i restart the x server?02:29
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Warbolufis: Still, gconf-editor has a few settings for Totem, and MPlayer and VLC have loads of options02:30
help-the-n00bI opened a file with nano fillename. How do I save my hanges?02:30
DBOFrankenstein, ctrl alt backspace (assuming its already running)02:30
deleriusfixed my email problem02:30
Pikciurnai have adsl conexant adapter, ubuntu can`t detect it, and i can`t find drivers for it, any advise?02:30
Frankensteinyea, thanks02:30
Warbohelp-the-n00b: ctrl-X will exit, and it will ask to save changes02:30
=== tjb891 [n=trev@cpe-72-224-73-47.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
lufisWarbo: Yes, but it isn't any of my prefs. It's been doing it since a clean install.02:30
c|intneed hellp, figuring out.. the wireless issue02:30
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c|intgot it seeing the access points, but won't connect...02:30
tjb891does anyone know of a good GUI for wine02:30
help-the-n00bSo the ^ is CTRL?02:30
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WarboPikciurna: You checked wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem ?02:30
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c|intCodeWEavers CrossOver :-)02:30
nosklohelp-the-n00b, yes, ^ is ctrl02:31
Pikciurnai have internal pci adapter02:31
help-the-n00bOk. Thanks.02:31
c|intgnome, xfce, fluxbox02:31
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Zyfohttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=31128&file1=31128-1.jpg&file2=31128-2.jpg&file3=31128-3.jpg&name=Gentle+Gnome+mockup <- How can I make the windows being in in 2 rows like that?02:31
ZyfoOh Stupdi me02:31
ZyfoSorry, wrong question, ignore that all.02:31
help-the-n00bWhat happens if I nano a .jpeg?02:31
ZyfoWhen I press ctrl+alt+esc ubuntu marks in order: the whole desktop, the menu bar and the label I've got. What is this for?02:31
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Warbohelp-the-n00b: It will complain that it is binary02:32
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help-the-n00bWhat isn't?02:32
Warbohelp-the-n00b: Save us from silly questions. If you are that interested just try it and see what happens02:32
Kyralthere are only two types of people in this world yanno :P02:32
help-the-n00bOh. Ok.02:32
dead_kellyagamotto must be my config then... I just loaded it up on this G3 iBook, it's got net access because, well I am chatting to yall on it. Using Dapper...02:32
=== agamotto chuckles
Kyraloh damnit I blew the punchline02:32
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help-the-n00b10 types?02:33
Kyralthere are only 10 types of people in this world yanno :P02:33
deleriuswhat is a good mp3 player for ubuntu?02:33
agamottodead_kelly:  Or it could just be a glitch in your area02:33
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php02:33
help-the-n00bOh. Sorry.02:33
deleriusive got version 1.3 installed02:33
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KyralAmaroK, XMMS, Audacious, Banshee02:33
ubotumythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/02:33
agamottoI have had that happen before02:33
deleriusbut it won't play music from my jump drive02:33
DravasTerminal is still the default for EXE Files02:33
KyralPICK ONE!02:33
WarboListen (that's a player, not an instruction :) )02:33
ubotuI know nothing about avidemux - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:33
KyralEXEs suck02:33
agamottoKnoppMyth makes the process much easier02:33
DravasI know02:33
dead_kelly agamotto http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release.gpg: Connection failed [IP: 80] 02:34
Pikciurnacan anyone explain me what is conexant adapter ad where to start searching info how to make it work?02:34
Kyralunless its in Mega Man Battle Network and you are talking abotu MegaMan.EXE :D02:34
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^majik^hmm.. hey guys.  I've just installed Ubuntu 6.0.6 Server on my Mini-ITX x86 server.  After the install, it'll get to grub and attempt to boot Ubuntu Server.  It gets to "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel." and then sits there.  Any ideas?  I've already tried appending "acpi=off apm=off" to the kernel line in the grub menu.02:34
agamottoConnexant adapters are usually LAN pci cards02:34
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InvisiblePinkUnihow do i check md5sum after i burnt the ISO onto a cd?02:34
Pikciurnai have pci card02:34
Pikciurnaand what else?02:35
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tjb891does anyone know if there is a GUI for wine?02:35
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ezenuInvisiblePinkUni, ~$ md5sum myiso.iso02:35
WarboPikciurna: If it a 56K modem then you are pretty screwed. Connexant carge for their drivers, unless you want 4kbit02:35
jj__try crossover office?02:35
ezenuoh, oops02:35
tristanmiketjb891: you'd want Cedega02:35
MenZatjb891, there is. I forgot what it's called though (for configuration etc.)02:35
InvisiblePinkUniezenu: i already burnt the iso onto a cd...02:36
MenZaThat's it.02:36
tjb891cedega is proprietary though and it costs money02:36
^majik^InvisiblePinkUni: what I do is use the 'dd' command to create an image of my newly created CD, and then md5sum the original and the image I just created from the CD and see if they match02:36
warlockHow to check the incomming/outgoing bandwidth on my server? I need to see if I have 100/100mbit or not.02:36
PikciurnaWarbo i need drivers, but dont know where to find it02:36
Warbotjb891: winecfg is part of WINE. Don't go searching for it :)02:36
agamottoCedega is only $5.50 per month02:36
^majik^InvisiblePinkUni: ie, dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/home/me/cd.iso02:36
tjb891so i run it from the command line then02:36
Pikciurnai need even slow internet conection02:37
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tjb891yeah, booting windows is cheapers than that02:37
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^majik^InvisiblePinkUni: where hdb is your CD-ROM02:37
WarboPikciurna: Is it a modem or a network (LAN) card?02:37
Pikciurnabut i need it!02:37
InvisiblePinkUni^majik^: ok....02:37
Pikciurnanot a lan card i know02:37
WarboPikciurna: Try at their homepage (connexant.com or something)02:37
agamottoTrue, but some of us hate Windows enough that we don't mind02:37
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Pikciurnai have very strange adapter ;/02:37
tjb891i hate it but i don't hate the games that need it to run02:38
^majik^InvisiblePinkUni: thats to check that I'd burned a good copy.  I guess thats what you wanted02:38
fusionxn1Good news everyone: I'm going to install ubuntu as my only OS in a sec :)02:38
tjb891so i keep a copy for games to be used only for that purpose02:38
InvisiblePinkUni^majik^: yes... thanks :)02:38
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Pikciurnais adapter=modem?02:38
fusionxn1Only thing is my tv tuner, X-FI card and zboard fang anit supported :(02:38
^majik^InvisiblePinkUni: its a round about way of doing it, but the only way that I know of  =o02:38
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agamottoPikciurna:  Nope, ethernet card02:39
unityhello i have a small problem with xorg, when i switch between two servers running on :0 and :1, my screen goes black for a second, it looks like the monitor is trying to change resolution settings. why is this? both of the xorgs have the save resolution settings, (although different virtual screen size) but whereas when i switch between consoles, it is instananeous, the screen does not go black or change resolution.02:39
fusionxn1Does cedega play EVERY game - even PREY?02:39
tonyyarussowinmodem question: anyone gotten the one on a Dell Inspiron 5100 laptop to work?02:39
tjb891isn't there a way to compile the source to cedega yourself02:39
help-the-n00bHow do I install Amarok?02:39
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unitytjb891: cvs?02:39
Renan_s2help-the-n00b, sudo apt-get install amarok02:39
tjb891yep, i think02:39
tristanmikefusionxn1: it appears it should play prey02:39
agamottoI don't know about every game, but I am playing Morrowind, Civ4, and a few others02:39
Pikciurnaso i dont need to have modem to connect to internet? just pci adapter?02:39
c|intso, anyone might know a wireless issue, small issue02:40
fusionxn1trista! SWEET02:40
warlockhow do I check my exact bandwidth speed on my server?02:40
fusionxn1brb installing ubuntu02:40
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WarboAA! This modem problem is really annoying! Googling for Linux just gives installation instructions, whilst Googling generically gives an apparently common BSOD problem. Nothing about the light only flashing 5 times rather than 6 (and searching for that specifically gives no results)02:40
Guuuuglooking voor nfs experts02:40
spiderworkhey all, ubuntu installed default with a 386 kernel.... ive been using that for months, its seemed a bit slower and opengl apps would stutter... today i installed a 686 kernel and the thing flies, opengl apps run without problems02:41
c|inthey all, I need a wireless expert, almost got this issue figured out02:41
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agamottoWarbo:  As wierd as it sounds, try the manufacturer's website for the lights02:41
Warboagamotto: Yeah, but their server is down :(02:41
technelI am making a cronjob. Is there a way to trigger a beep?02:41
spiderworki feel like there's a lesson i should be learning here, but i dont know enough about the difference between 386 and 686 to know which lesson it is02:41
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technellike from the computer itself02:41
agamottoWarbo:  ahh02:41
Renan_s2spiderwork, 686 = optimized for Pentium02:41
tulioguihow do i install a mouse theme??02:41
Renan_s2spiderwork, 386 = generic02:41
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Ashexdamn highlights02:42
Renan_s2a 386 package works in a 686, but not the opposite02:42
Warbo!info gcursor02:42
ubotugcursor: gnome cursor theme managing software. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.061-ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 14 kB, installed size 152 kB02:42
VletShould I be able to apt-get sshfs, or do I need to get the package elsewhere?02:42
spiderworkRenan_s2: im actually on one of those laptops with a dual core intel chip... operteron, maybe?02:42
Renan_s2spiderwork, then you can use 68602:42
Noumaanis it possible to view a webpage using a socks proxy on port 1080?02:42
tulioguiWarbo: whats the name of the software in the repository??02:42
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spiderworkRenan_s2: thanks :)02:43
Renan_s2if your machine is any Pentium/Athlon/Opteron/Xeon then use 686...02:43
Cddddddcan someone help me ?02:43
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spiderworkRenan_s2: where is the list of chips / linux kernels so i know which to use in the future?02:43
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Guuuuganyone here got a nfs server running?02:43
Cddddddhow can i login as root ?02:44
Renan_s2spiderwork, just use 68602:44
WarboAthlon should use k702:44
Cddddddrenan can you help ?02:44
Renan_s2Cdddddd, create a password for root user02:44
Renan_s2sudo passwd root02:44
^majik^I've just installed Ubuntu 6.0.6 Server on my Mini-ITX x86 server.  After the install, it'll get to grub and attempt to boot Ubuntu Server.  It gets to "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel." and then sits there.  Any ideas?  I've already tried appending "acpi=off apm=off" to the kernel line in the grub menu.02:44
Renan_s2then login with this new password02:44
Cddddddwhere do i create the password ?02:44
spiderworkwhat i wonder is, why didnt ubuntu install with the optimized kernel in the first place?02:45
Warbotuliogui: !info packagename gives information about packagename. Therefore the package is called gcursor02:45
Renan_s2Cdddddd, open a terminal and type 'sudo passwd root'02:45
Cddddddcuz i've logged in with other user at first02:45
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Warbospiderwork: CD only has room for 1 kernel02:45
Pikciurnaso i dont need to have modem to connect to internet? just pci adapter?02:45
spiderworkWarbo: ah! that makes sense!02:45
tulioguiWarbo: thanx!! =D02:45
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Renan_s2I think that the Ubuntu CD should use SquashFS, if it doesn't already02:45
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Cddddddsudo passwd root02:46
agamottoPikciurna:  What sort of ISP do you have?  DSL, CableModem, dial-up?02:46
Cdddddddoesn't work02:46
Pikciurnait uses pppoe02:46
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Renan_s2Cdddddd, in a terminal window (press ALT-f2 and type xterm)02:46
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Pikciurnafrom where should i search info?02:47
agamottoPikciurna:  Then the ethernet cord goes from the back of the adapter into the ADSL modem02:47
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Pikciurnabut i dont have adsl modem02:47
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Pikciurnajust pci conexant adapter02:47
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help-the-n00bDo discs runnig Linux get fragmented?02:47
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Pikciurnastrange thing ;/02:47
Renan_s2help-the-n00b, rarely02:48
Omega11ubuntu linux sucks windows xp is better02:48
Warboagamotto: Managed to find a PDF of the manual. But the modem is a different colour, so it can't be right. Anybody have a manual for the right colour modem?02:48
Cddddddit asks me for a passwd02:48
help-the-n00bHow do I defrag them?02:48
Renan_s2Cdddddd, type the password of your user02:48
Renan_s2help-the-n00b, you don't need to02:48
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Renan_s2when the fragmentation gets high (rarely, even on large servers) it is time to format/reinstall02:48
ChristianConveyAny recommendations for Dapper-compatible app/framework for realtime audio effects (mic -> audio effects -> speaker)?  jackd barfs when I try to run it.02:48
help-the-n00bWhat if it does happen?02:48
Renan_s2help-the-n00b, it will take a few YEARS before you notice fragmentation02:49
SurfnKidwhats the argument to look for directories only? with ls02:49
Warbohelp-the-n00b: If it happens then you must be almost out of disk space02:49
spiderworkRenan_s2: this is one of the advantages of a journaling file system, no?02:49
Omega11you don't format for high fragmentation you have to defrag02:49
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Renan_s2spiderwork, yes02:49
Shaezscheubuntu doesnt recognize my  desktop modem. It is a Diamond Supramax LE. When i lspci it says "smart link ltd Unknown device 2800 (rev02)02:49
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tristanmikeRenan_s2: the other day my computer said there was like 1.4 fragmentation, errored out, then restarted02:49
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help-the-n00bI only have 15 GB left.02:49
Warbohelp-the-n00b: (and by the way, defragging works badly when free disk space is low)02:49
Renan_s2I have a friend which managed to fragment an EXT3 file system up to a point where it was unable to use the system. Took him 3 years of constant usage to get this.02:50
Igahi everybody, does someone use cedega cvs ??02:50
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tulioguiWarbo: i didnt worked very well02:50
agamottoHow do you frag ext3?02:50
Pikciurnawhat means conexant AccessRunner PCI ADSL WAN adapter02:50
tulioguiit loaded the theme but i couldnt chose ir02:50
Renan_s2agamotto, write lots of large files02:50
tulioguiit didnt appear on the list02:50
Renan_s2in this case, it was his backup server02:50
technelIn my user crontab -e I added this line: * * * * * echo -e "\a";sleep 0.1;echo -e "\a";sleep 0.1;echo -e "\a" -- any idea why it doesn't beep three times every minute? I did try the command at the end on the command line and it worked...02:50
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Renan_s2which suffered large usage everyday02:51
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ubotuHelp! lilo, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!02:51
agamottoAhhh, I see02:51
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:51
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agamotto!kick Omega1102:51
ubotuI know nothing about kick Omega11 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:51
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deleriusthanks for the help again everyone, good night02:51
Shaezscheubuntu doesnt recognize my  desktop modem. It is a Diamond Supramax LE. When i lspci it says "smart link ltd Unknown device 2800 (rev02)02:51
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Renan_s2Shaezsche, http://linmodems.technion.ac.il02:51
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Pikciurnai need help with conexant AccessRunner PCI ADSL WAN adapter ;/02:52
agamottoShaezsche:  Internal or external?02:52
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Renan_s2it is a Smart Link modem, should work normally under Linux02:52
Shaezscheits in a pci slot02:52
Renan_s2agamotto, it is PCI, therefore it is internal02:52
agamottoHmmm, that eliminates the usual problems02:52
Shaezschewhen i go to networking and autodetect it cannot find it02:52
Shaezscheits not a windomem is it?02:53
technelIn my user crontab -e I added this line: * * * * * echo -e "\a";sleep 0.1;echo -e "\a";sleep 0.1;echo -e "\a" -- any idea why it doesn't beep three times every minute? I did try the command at the end on the command line and it worked...02:53
=== help-the-n00b [n=will1992@c-68-84-253-132.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
help-the-n00bHow do I listen to the radio in amaroK?02:53
synichelp-the-n00b: like shoutcast?02:53
ubotucedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega02:53
ZambeziIs Omegall tempbanned or permbanned?02:53
Amaranths/based on WINE/using WINE code without giving back/02:53
help-the-n00bI dunno. I guess. I wan't to listen to live feeds.02:53
help-the-n00bAudio feeds. From humans.02:54
Shaezscheit also doesnt detect i have a sempron64 2800 proc, whichis odd. at least it doesnt list it in the device manager02:54
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synichelp-the-n00b: how do you usually listen to them?02:54
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AmaranthZambezi: Should be be permbanned?02:54
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Amarantherr, should he02:54
help-the-n00bI don't.02:54
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bruenigdoes anybody know what that firefox update was?02:54
synichelp-the-n00b: I guess it really depends on how the feed is being published02:54
help-the-n00bHow do I use shout cast?02:54
help-the-n00bHow do I use shoutcast?*02:55
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unitywow that is such a minor correction02:55
john_hamlini need help with grip02:55
gleesondwhere to I put new fonts of type ttf?02:55
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands02:55
bruenighelp-the-noob, is shoutcast that yahoo music thing02:55
DBOZambezi, he was being an idiot on purpose, he will stay banned for a good long while at least02:55
synichelp-the-n00b: if you want to listen to internet radio, apt-get install streamtuner :)02:55
Iga does someone use cedega cvs ??02:55
WarboWell the only troubleshooting references that manual had were things that would also affect Windows (is your line active? Are the connectors dirty? etc.) but it is obviously working on Windows, or else I wouldn't be here02:56
bruenigI think shoutcast is just flash music videos on yahoo02:56
bruenigmaybe i am wrong02:56
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BioticProWhat is the easiest way to make a single custom audio cd mix of songs from multiple cds?02:56
john_hamlindoes anyone know anything about configuring grip to use the second optical drive on their computer02:56
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john_hamlini have tried many different things in the /dev/ folder02:57
WarboBioticPro: Rip to FLAC02:57
constantine-xv1is it possible to use dscape in the ubuntu kernel without screwing things up too badly?02:57
ZambeziAmaranth, DBO Great. I hate when people flood mainchat. Okay, I hate Ubuntu sometimes too when it drives me crazy, but as you said DBO he just said it to make everybody here upset. Ubuntu is diffrent. You got to be patient when you migrate to Linux.02:57
BioticProWarbo: can it be done w/o ripping, just copying the cda tracks to the HD and then burn them to a cd?02:57
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help-the-n00bIt's installing.02:57
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technelThe command works on the command line, why not in crontab?   * * * * * echo -e "\a";sleep 0.1;echo -e "\a";sleep 0.1;echo -e "\a"02:58
help-the-n00bHow do I uninstall stuff?02:58
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WarboBioticPro: Maybe. You would have to use a few different steps though. FLAC=Free Lossless Audio Codec, so you won't lose any quality02:58
francesjani hope there is now a move to unite multimedia codecs like the effort of uniting the widgets.  I find it annoying to match which among the installed video players can successfully play the vcd. (mplayer, vlc, totem, gxine).02:58
Warbo!synaptic > help-the-n00b02:58
help-the-n00batp-del app? JK02:58
help-the-n00bOk. Thanks.02:58
bimberiDBO: fyi, i've added you to the !ops factoid02:58
Zambezihelp-the-n00b, sudo apt-get remove packagename02:59
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BioticProWarbo: can this be done with one program? like k3b?02:59
DBObimberi, oh good, I can remove the highlight from ops now =P02:59
WarboBioticPro: I think k3b might do it02:59
agamottok3b usually does02:59
Zambezihelp-the-n00b, Or you can use Synaptic, but I have use it. I'll use the console as much as possible.02:59
bimberiDBO: ah, so _that's_ how you did it :)02:59
Warbogo k3b!02:59
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SurfnKidLord-ChewY, where from03:00
Cddddddsomeone who can help me PRV me03:00
agamottoThe only trouble I have had with k3b is that it doesn't seem to like overwriting DVD rw discs on my machine03:00
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help-the-n00bZambezi, yEAH. mE TOO.03:01
help-the-n00bSorry for the caps.03:01
Cddddddhow can i login as administrator03:01
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synicCdddddd: use sudo03:01
Cddddddand ?03:01
help-the-n00bCdddddd,  Sudo03:02
synic... what do you want to do as root?03:02
agamottosudo is the same as loggin in as root, hence sudo command -options03:02
Cddddddto mount drivers03:02
synicyou don't mount drivers03:02
synicI assume you mean modprobe03:02
Cddddddyou can't ?03:02
synicsudo modprobe emu10k103:02
ZyfoHow do I change the size of my icons at the desktop?03:02
synicZyfo: open nautilus - it's in the prefs there03:02
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Zyfosynic: thanks.03:03
Cddddddsynic can you help in prv ?03:03
synicCdddddd: just ask in here... then anyone that has the same question will see the answer03:03
WarboAnybody got experience with installing ueagle-atm? I may give up on eagle-usb altogether since the former is in 2.6.16 so it is only a matter of time until I switch03:04
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help-the-n00bIs there a video game channel for SHOUTcsat?03:04
bruenigdoes anyone know how to delete entries from the alacarte menu editor, not just uncheck them but delete. I right click on them but the delete section is grayed out and unclickable (I tried gksudo alacarte)03:05
SurfnKidWarbo, how can i list directories  with 'ls'  only03:05
technelSorry to keep asking, but it doesn''t really make sense...This command works on the command line, but when I add it to the crontab -e file, it never triggers.   * * * * * echo -e "\a";sleep 0.1;echo -e "\a";sleep 0.1;echo -e "\a"03:05
help-the-n00bRemove I think.03:05
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Amaranthbruenig: You can only delete things you created in 0.803:05
SurfnKidWarbo, or anotherr way to do it thru CLI03:05
Warbobruenig: The entries are all in /usr/share/applications if you want to sudo rm them...03:05
agamottoShoutcast channel for video games... the music from the games?03:05
Cddddddwhen i try to login as root in the login windows it doesn't work because it says that i can't login with root in that window03:05
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help-the-n00bagamotto, Yes.03:05
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Amaranthbruenig: In 0.9 (only in edgy) you can delete anything but it doesn't really delete things, it just makes them hidden even to alacarte.03:05
Cddddddwhat can i do to login as a root ?03:05
agamottoHmmm, I don't think there is one03:05
WarboSurfnKid: I don't really know, unless you used ls -l | grep "something"03:06
synicCdddddd: the root password is random in ubuntu.  You don't need it.03:06
AmaranthCdddddd: Don't.03:06
bruenigWarbo, thanks, I couldn't find the directory03:06
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:06
Cddddddi've tried03:06
SurfnKidok thanx03:06
warlockhow do I check my exact bandwidth speed on my server?03:06
help-the-n00bagamotto, Yes. Know of one?03:06
Zambezihelp-the-n00b, It a good idea to try to learn a little bit how to use the basic commands. I've been taught in that way. :-)03:06
synicCdddddd: what exactly did you try?03:06
Cddddddi've tried sudo and ubuntu but it doesn't work03:06
Cddddddi've changed the root pass03:06
agamottohelp-the-nOOb:  Nope, I don't mess with Shoutcast much03:06
synicCdddddd: sudo is a command, not a username03:06
alakrai'm a noob trying to learn how to use ls, how do i get it to list per page?03:06
synicalakra: ls -lh | less03:07
Warboalakra: ls | less ?03:07
alakrasynic: thanks03:07
alakraWarbo: thanks03:07
Cddddddand it doesn't work it says that i can't login with that user03:07
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synicCdddddd: quit trying to log in with root.  Just use sudo.03:07
help-the-n00bZambezi, Where did that random statement come from?03:07
synicCdddddd: log in as your regular user and use the sudo command.03:07
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WarboOK I'm going to attempt ueagle-atm install. If I come back in here from Ubuntu then you know that Babelfish has translated the French guides adequately :)03:08
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Cddddddi want to have administrative privileges03:08
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synicCdddddd: again, use sudo.03:09
mike-eCdddddd : open a terminal and type sudo -s03:09
tripppydoes anyone know of some software for sony network walkman's?03:09
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mike-etripppy : you'd be better off looking for a web forum03:09
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warlockhow to unzip .tar.gz files to ex, /home/test ?03:10
technelWhen you enter an echo command in a cronjob, does it show up in every terminal open?03:11
codecainetar -xf blah.tar.gz03:11
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Zyfocd /home/test | tar -xyz <files>03:11
agamottotar xzvf file /home/test/03:11
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help-the-n00bI cant find anything in streamtuner.03:11
raindo1what's the command to make a new file?  Can't remember it.03:11
agamottohelp-the-nOOb:  Might need to check the websites03:12
mike-ehelp-the-n00b : do a search at www.shoutcast.com - ifyou can't find anything there, there probably isn't one03:12
Pikciurnahow to know if i have HCF or HSF conexant AccessRunner PCI ADSL WAN adapter?03:12
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agamottoPikciurna:  Possible that it may be on the label on the back/bottom of the unit03:13
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help-the-n00bOk. Thanks.03:13
technelraindo1, You could do touch newfile03:13
Pikciurnano info there ;/03:13
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mike-epik: google "your exact model" HCF HSF03:13
Pikciurnai dont know my model ;/03:13
Pikciurnai just know that it is conexant AccessRunner PCI ADSL WAN adapter03:13
agamottoCheck the label with the serial #03:14
mike-elook at the serial number on it, put it in google or at www.driverguide.com for the model03:14
Pikciurnaand now i need to know its pci ID03:14
mike-ethen google it03:14
Cddddddcan i connect on a vpn from this linux ?03:14
mike-ethe l/p at driverguide.com should be driver2/all or drivers2/all03:14
help-the-n00bHow can I access me Windows computer's filesystem remotely. (and legally)03:14
synichelp-the-n00b: samba is one solution03:15
mike-eCdddddd : if you have the appropriate ipsec ports routing to your box and your ISP supports it, sure03:15
help-the-n00bapt-get sambe?03:15
raindo1technel:  thanks...03:15
help-the-n00bapt-get samba?03:15
=== din [n=din@c-68-51-49-19.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mike-ehelp-the-n00b : dual booting or another computer on the network?03:15
synichelp-the-n00b: with samba you can browse windows shares03:15
Cddddddcan you teach me ?03:15
mike-eCdddddd : no =)03:15
help-the-n00bsynic, Should I use apt-get?03:15
Cddddddhow can i mount a drive ?03:16
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synichelp-the-n00b: if you don't have samba, sure03:16
mike-eman mount03:16
dinwhere can i put an app to start it on boot?03:16
alakra_another basic question, how do I rename one file to another file in bash?03:16
synicalakra_: mv03:16
dinrc something add default or boot i think03:16
alakra_synic: thanks again03:16
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synicdin: rc.local03:16
synicdin: wait, what are you trying to add?  A custom command or an init script?03:17
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help-the-n00bsynic, Can samba do that over the internet?03:17
dinsynic: a custom script i wrote. that's the place i need. thx.03:17
help-the-n00bsynic, Or just on a network?03:17
ryanakcacould I take a hd with ubuntu on it from a 686 and bring it to a amd64?03:18
synichelp-the-n00b: how do you want to access the fs?03:18
synicryanakca: sure03:18
help-the-n00bWhat do you mean?03:18
synichelp-the-n00b: well... I mean you could use ftp or sftp or whatever03:18
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synicthere are lots of ways to access a remote fs03:18
help-the-n00bI don't know. I didn't know I could do it that way?03:19
agamottoryanakca:  not a good idea03:19
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synicagamotto: why not?  I think it would work just fine03:19
synicmaybe not the other way around, though03:19
ryanakcaok, I'm getting contradictions....   "[21:15]  <synic> ryanakca: sure"  to   "[21:16]  <agamotto> ryanakca:  not a good idea"03:19
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help-the-n00bWhat's the best way of removing something bad (hint) from my brother's computer legally without intruding?03:19
ryanakcahelp-the-n00b: I don't think you can03:20
hyphenatedhelp-the-n00b: call him and ask him nicely to remove it03:20
help-the-n00bWhat good is acessing the filesytem then?03:20
help-the-n00bHe'll get grumpy.03:20
hyphenatedhelp-the-n00b: can you please keep your questions in this channel ubuntu-related?03:20
ryanakcado what hyphenated asked03:20
swimhmm having issues with frostwire (and limewire) when I try to run them I get this (from console): http://www.bigbold.com/snippets/posts/show/233303:21
A-0nE-Arm3d-K1dum hi there kids03:21
A-0nE-Arm3d-K1di'm new here03:21
swimI've installed the latest java following the ubuntu wiki03:21
help-the-n00bI want to know how to do it with Ubuntu.03:21
synicswim: got java installed?03:21
synicand in your path?03:21
mike-eanyone good with setting up hardware?03:21
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synicswim: if you type "java -version03:22
synicwhat do you see?03:22
ryanakcahelp-the-n00b: you don't. phone him. ask him. and as .hyphenated said, keep it ubuntu-related...03:22
Pikciurnawhish me look for configuring conexant adapter, i will be back for more info ;)03:22
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carthikHi, how can I configure and use avahi with rhythmbox?03:22
swimsynic: I followed the wiki to the letter, and according to those errors it does find it in the paths03:22
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mike-emy ISA sound card isn't working, any ideas?03:22
swimsynic: huh thats bizarre, it returns: java version "1.4.2"03:22
synicswim: it might be finding gjc or whatever03:22
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synicswim: what does echo $JAVA_HOME say?03:23
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help-the-n00bI can't find Samba.03:23
swimsynic: nothing, but I also had installed the latest java so it should show version 1.5x as far as I know03:24
synicswim: where did you install 1.5 ?03:24
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echeeseHow do I tar a bunch of files?03:24
swimsynic: its an ubuntu package... so whereever it wanted to03:24
montag_Hypothetical situation (that isn't so hypothetical): Say you're running Hoary. You want to upgrade to Breezy, then to Dapper. You add the "breezy" repository and select "Mark All Upgrades" in Synaptic. You install everything you can. You even make sure ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop are installed. You also make sure you're booting to the swap on restart, via instructions on the website. You reboot and.. you're still running Hoary. Any insight?03:24
mike-eI have an ISA sound card that isn't working, any ideas why?03:24
help-the-n00bI can't find Samba.03:24
echeeseFrom the command line03:24
help-the-n00bWhere should it be?03:25
AnarchOii would like to know if its possible to install the last version by the HD.. the cdrom of my laptop don't work well03:25
synicswim: I'd find it and set JAVA_HOME to that place.  Maybe /usr/lib/jdk1.5* or something03:25
ryanakcamike-e: quick tip, be patient... ask every 5 minutes... ummm... open up terminal and type in:03:25
ryanakcamike-e:    cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio                        gradually put the volume up, untill you hear something... if you don't hear anything, sorry, no clue03:26
ryanakcacould I take a hd with ubuntu on it from a 686 and bring it to a amd64?03:26
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synicryanakca: yes.03:27
mike-eryanakca : i get permission denied03:27
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ryanakcamike-e: try "sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio"03:28
synicryanakca: that won't work.03:28
synicmike-e: sudo bash and then cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio03:28
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ryanakcasynic: I get contradictions from people... some say yes, some say no03:28
synicryanakca: > doesn't assume root permissions03:28
syniconly the first command does03:28
elkbunturyanakca, you might have to do a fair bit of reconfiguring in terms of graphics, sound, etc03:28
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mike-eit halted03:29
synicryanakca: I think you'd be just fine moving an hdd from i686 to amd6403:29
agamottoWell, I am off to do some analog reading03:29
swimsynic: I uninstalled the gjc and i can run those programs now... should that be an ok thing to do btw?03:29
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elkbunturyanakca, but it should work mostly, in theory03:29
synicswim: yeah, gcj is a piece of crap03:29
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synicswim: :)  you the same guy with a creative media player?03:29
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swimsynic: I was until I dropped it for the 30th time :P now I'm suffering with an ipod (can't stand it)03:30
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synicswim: I got an ipod too.  I absolutely love it.03:30
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synicswim: someone broke into my car and stole my creative.03:30
mike-esynic: any ideas on this?03:30
ryanakcaelkbuntu: yes, I know that... I'm going to build a brand new computer from scratch... the works... graphics and sound and stuff I know... just processor... the kernel... difference between a amd64 and a 686 kernel methinks03:30
greenpeteHi! ACn anyone help me with running Ubuntu on anDell Optiplex GX1 please? Or tell me where I can find help?03:30
Jack_SparrowShould I expect my Frontier Labs Nex II to work with UB.. my Ipod does..03:31
synicmike-e: it didn't halt, it's just not making any sound.  What type of card is this btw?03:31
elkbunturyanakca, you can run 32bit kernels on 64 bit fine, most people with 64 bit machines do so, since 64bit variants are a bit wonky03:31
swimsynic: aww sucky03:31
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: what is the prob?03:31
mike-eold isa creative sound blaster03:31
help-the-n00bWhat is a client hostname and domain for a PC?03:31
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ryanakcaelkbuntu: kk03:31
sarra_I need help accessing a FAT32 partition03:31
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greenpeteI can't get Ubuntu to boot at all on that  machine03:31
synicmike-e: isa is a pain in the ass.  look into isapnpdump03:32
greenpeteIt gives me the error......03:32
synicmike-e: with isa, you have to know the irq and crap03:32
sarra_I've tried manually editing the fstab file to add the info for the drive03:32
mike-eis that an app?03:32
greenpeteerror on device hdc#03:32
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greenpeteless the #03:32
elkbunturyanakca, if you've noticed a lack of documentation or such on the subject, feel free to document your process so others may learn from it ;)03:32
swimfrostwire needs to get a better splash screen, it's uglier than sin03:32
Jack_Sparrowsarra_: You can use the diskmounter script from here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter03:32
synicmike-e: yes, isapnpdump might give you info on what params to use with insmod03:32
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sarra_Thanks Jack_Sparrow03:32
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ryanakcaelkbuntu: yep, I will :)03:32
mike-eno such app in repositories03:32
Jack_Sparrowsarra_: If you dont want the icons on your desktop just ask and I will walk you through it03:33
swimi think I'll make one03:33
synicmike-e: prolly03:33
GianLuigiBuffonhey guys03:33
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GianLuigiBuffonI want to leave windows defitnelly... how can I erase the partition, and add it to linux partition, or better to swap if is possible????03:34
synicmike-e: also, with isa, you can sometimes set the irq with dipswitches on the card itself03:34
synic(or see what it's currently using)03:34
=== SeeDe [n=chris@rsbs36123.anu.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu
mike-esynic : well i installed isapnptools and did a man isapnptools and pnpdump but no go03:34
sarra_Jack_Sparrow: That's okay, I've got a widescreen and extra icons don't matter03:34
mike-edo  you think i would have to bind the sound card manually on linux?03:35
greenpeteJack_Sparrow can you help, or are you too busy?03:35
=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Oi_PollOii would like to know if its possible to install the last version by the HD ?? the cdrom of my laptop don't work well03:35
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: I will try, whats up03:35
grafthey, i got this USB irDA device, but whenever i do irattach /dev/ttyUSB0 -s my machine hangs...03:35
graftanyone have any idea why this would happen?03:36
greenpeteI get the error I mentioned when it tries to boot from tyhe CD03:36
SeeDedoes anyone know why my ~/bin is not in my path? when i go echo $PATH it is not there, but my (default) ~/.bash_profile has PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"03:36
graftSeeDe: .bash_profile doesn't always get called03:36
synicmike-e: isapnpdump did nothing?03:36
SeeDegraft: ok then, how do i call it?03:36
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: Did you try to partition manually or let the installer do it's thing03:36
graftSeeDe: it only gets called on logins and such... put it in your .bashrc03:36
synicmike-e: if that's the case, it's not pnp... so you might have to get in the box and see what dipswitches are on03:37
SeeDegraft: or rather, set it to be called automatically when a shell is opened03:37
mike-ethen what?03:37
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greenpeteI have tried running with a windows os on the hdd and I have formatted it to ext3 but no go03:37
SeeDegraft: hmmmmmmm but .bash_profile calls .bashrc!?03:37
greenpeteI can't even run live03:37
mike-esynic : it didn't just do nothing, it said command not found03:37
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: ok...03:37
graftSeeDe: yeah, it does... so take it out of .bash_profile and put it in .bashrc03:37
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: So delete the ext3 you created and leave unallocated space for the auto install.03:38
synicmike-e: depends... you might have to google to find out what the switches mean, and then you can set options with insmode like : insmod somemodule irq=0x0405 dma=1 and etc03:38
graftSeeDe: .bashrc gets called every time you open a new shell... .bash_profile does not03:38
synicmike-e: dunno, it's been quite some time since I cared about an isa card :)03:38
greenpeteBut I don't get that far! It wont run from the CD :-(03:38
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: Are you using the 6.06 std or the alt cd?03:38
greenpeteI have it running on this machine no problem...I have installed a few times03:39
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: HOw many drives in the system03:39
greenpeteJust one03:39
greenpeteI can dsl to run on that machine03:39
Jack_Sparrowso why is it trying to go to hdc?03:39
greenpetewith or without a drive in!03:39
greenpeteGood question!03:39
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: USB drive?03:39
Jack_Sparrowsata or eide?03:39
SeeDegraft: so when does bash_profile get called then? haha i added a call to bash_profile to bashrc w/o removing reverse call. a new bash shell i just called is not responding03:40
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graftSeeDe: no, you don't want to do that... it's probably looping03:40
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Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: do you get an error or where does it hang?03:41
graftSeeDe: .bash_profile gets called on login shells; .bashrc gets called on everything else (and gets called by .bash_profile for login shells)03:41
greenpeteThe error code in full is BufferI/O error on device hdc, logical block 1 through 1503:41
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TOOSHORTLOLDCC SEND 00000000000000000000003:41
SeeDegraft: (looping) yeah i know, it amuses me.03:41
HellDragonnetsplit ?03:41
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naliothno, attack03:41
Jack_Sparrowno router firmware03:41
bimberino, DCC exploit03:41
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=== HellDragon phews
help-the-n00bWhat's the rename? Is it mv?03:41
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SeeDegraft: sorry so what is a login shell? is that like ssh as opposed to me just opening terminal?03:42
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Jack_Sparrowgreenpete:  COuld you try something for me... go into cmos and turn of usb or set it to 1.1 for the moment03:42
greenpeteJack_Sparrow... Mounting root file system is where it hangs03:42
greenpeteOk I will try that03:42
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help-the-n00bNo help?03:43
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help-the-n00bOk. thnks03:44
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graftSeeDe: yeah03:44
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help-the-n00bdoes: mv file rename amek file rename?03:44
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ignaciomv originalname newname03:45
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ignacioor mv file newpath03:45
SeeDegraft: thanks a lot for your help03:45
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greenpeteJack_Sparrow, strangely I can't find it in the only two pages of the BIOS I get! But it will be v1.1 as it is an old unit if that helps?03:46
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Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: k03:47
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Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: what grub options have you tried?03:47
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greenpeteI haven't, I don't get far enough to to have an option03:47
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: and the cd is ok..?03:48
greenpeteI have downloaded a second just to make sure!03:48
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: did yo do the self test on the machines that it worked on.?03:48
greenpeteNo] 03:48
Jack_SparrowI would do that..03:48
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greenpeteWhat do you mean by self test?03:48
FusionXN1Hi everyone I'm back :)03:49
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: boot the live on a system that works and do the self test for errors03:49
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greenpeteAh you mean to test the CD?03:49
FusionXN1I'm on Ubuntu ONLY Now, I got a problem. My secondary drives wont open. How can I make them work?03:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:49
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greenpeteOk  that means shutting this machine down, will you be around for long?03:50
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Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: It is possible to have a bad cd that installs on one system and not another due to differnet hardware03:50
help-the-n00bDo I need to do cd ~ to get home?03:50
Jack_SparrowI'll wait03:50
FusionXN1Any ideas anyone?03:51
greenpeteOk thanks so much for your time!03:51
=== tokenbad [i=tokenbad@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tokenbadis there a way to use msi files in ubuntu?03:51
FlitoRayi followed the instructions on the site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows but when i try to boot the screen fills with lines and what likes like an omega symbol. then at the end it says copyright phoenix systems and then copyright dell.. i chose (hd0) to write it to because it said that was the MBR.03:51
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Jack_SparrowFlitoRay: fdisk /mbr and start over or use the Super Grub Repair CD03:52
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FlitoRayJack_Sparrow, thank you. i will try that now03:52
kdean06I have gtk2-qt-engine installed, but it didn't put the configuration panel inside KControl, how do I get it there, and configure it?03:53
FusionXN1 I'm on Ubuntu ONLY Now, I got a problem. My secondary drives wont open. How can I make them work?03:53
FlitoRaydo i run the fdisk and then redo the steps to write grub to the mbr or just do the fdisk.03:53
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Jack_SparrowFlitoRay: http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/tiki-file_galleries.php03:53
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Jack_SparrowFlitoRay: fdisk /mbr will fix windows...03:54
TokenBadPlease anyone know if can use MSI files in ubuntu?03:54
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Jack_SparrowFlitoRay: your choice on how to proceed from there03:54
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Jack_SparrowTokenBad: yea right03:54
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TokenBadJack_Sparrow, take that as no...03:54
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FlitoRayJack_Sparrow, it says unable to open /mbr03:55
Jack_SparrowTokenBad: Sarcasm does work online03:55
FusionXN1I can't access my slave drives. Can anyone help?03:55
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hyphenatedFlitoRay: you have to run that command after booting into windows03:55
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:55
Jack_SparrowFlitoRay: how did you run fdisk?03:55
TokenBadthat sucks...a graphics program I want to run...they only have msi files for install files03:55
kdean06TokenBad, Very few MSI programs run in WINE, which is a way to use certain Windows programs.03:56
Jack_SparrowFlitoRay: Did you boot to a floppy or cd command prompt..03:56
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FlitoRayoh i ran it in knoppix. my windows installation is screwed up. it says unmountable_boot_volume. seperate issue though i thinlk03:56
Jack_SparrowFlitoRay: no your windows are fine03:56
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rpedro_TokenBad: /join #winehq , if there any way , you would need Wine03:56
Jack_SparrowYou need to boot a windows cd or floppy03:56
FlitoRayhaha no my windows was screwed up before i rewrote the MBR03:56
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kdean06FlitoRay, It always is. :-)03:57
FusionXN1No one can help me?03:57
Jack_SparrowFlitoRay: THen try the super grub I linked to you03:57
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FlitoRaywill do03:57
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kdean06FusionXN1, What format is your secondary drive?03:57
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: what format are the drives03:57
kdean06FusionXN1, And when you say it won't open, do you mean it won't mount, or that it can't read once it's mounted?03:57
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TokenBadwonder if way to convert msi to a exe03:58
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FusionXN1I not sure it says: not removable cannot run pmount03:58
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kdean06TokenBad, You'd still need WINE to run it. Windows programs do not run nativly on Linux.03:58
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: What does gparted say about the drives03:58
TokenBadkdean06, I have wine03:58
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Jack_Sparrowpartitioning program03:59
kdean06TokenBad, Run the MSI in there. In a terminal do "wine /path/to/file"03:59
rpedro_TokenBad: http://www.winehq.com/pipermail/wine-users/2005-December/020055.html03:59
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livingdaylightok, Guys,03:59
kdean06TokenBad, SOME MSI's work in WINE, but the odds are it won't.03:59
XiXaQI'm about to install ubuntu on a partition I've already created. Do I have to format it, or will the installation overwrite existing data?03:59
rpedro_TokenBad: a simple google search found that03:59
FusionXN1jack - whats gparted03:59
livingdaylightdpkg -reconfigure xserver-xfree86 is not working for me?03:59
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FusionXN1Where do i run it04:00
livingdaylighti can barely make out what is written on my screen04:00
TokenBadrpedro_, I tried it in wine...04:00
Renan_s2livingdaylight, dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg04:00
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livingdaylightthis default resolution with Dapper sux04:00
rpedro_TokenBad: like it says on that page?04:00
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livingdaylightthx Renan_s204:00
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1:  terminal gksudo gparted04:01
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FusionXN1command not found04:01
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: >04:02
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: ?04:02
FusionXN1i put in a terminal window: gksudo gparted04:02
TokenBadrpedro_, oh that worked..thanks04:02
FusionXN1says command not found04:02
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rpedro_TokenBad: great ;)04:02
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: I thought gparted was part of std install04:03
naliothdid i forget anyone?04:03
TokenBadwill have to remember that04:03
tjb891ok, if i want to use bittorent and i have to open a port wouldn't my computer then be vulnerable becasue ubuntu dosen't have a firewall?04:03
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: get gparted from the repos04:03
FusionXN1k 1 mo04:03
TokenBadsucks that the program no longer works in wine04:03
Jack_Sparrowtjb891: Linux uses iptables, (firewall managers like firestarter or guarddog) are available04:04
tjb891but would opening a port for bittorent be dangorous04:04
naliothtjb891: if you are worried about ports, you are worried needlessly.  Linux is not windows, and open ports in linux mean nothing04:04
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tjb891why does it mean nothing?04:04
ignaciono vulneravilities like windows04:04
ignaciothat I know of04:04
ignacionot on the bare OS04:05
FusionXN1BRB gotta restart04:05
naliothtjb891: is your ubuntu a default install? are you running a web server or ftp server?04:05
tjb891yes, and no servers04:05
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Jack_Sparrowtjb891: Ports are handled automatically, but you can use a firewall manager04:05
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livingdaylightRenan_s2, its not working04:05
Renan_s2livingdaylight, what is the error message?04:05
livingdaylightgrasshopper@hod:~$ sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg04:05
livingdaylightdpkg: conflicting actions --control and --remove04:05
tjb891ok so if i run bittorent it won't let a hacker in the same port04:05
naliothlivingdaylight: please don't paste04:05
naliothtjb891: no.04:05
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Renan_s2I've never seen that error04:06
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tjb891so is it safe?04:06
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naliothtjb891: you'll be fine04:06
montag_Is it secret? Is it safe?04:06
eyequeuelivingdaylight, dpkg-reconfigure04:06
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eyequeuelivingdaylight, omit the space04:06
tjb891because hacking windows is much safer and there are no linux worms, got it04:06
Jack_Sparrowtjb891: Yes, very safe04:06
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tjb891i meant hacking winodws is easier04:06
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livingdaylighteyequeue, nice one ;)04:07
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tonyyarussoI'm having trouble with KPPP.  I can connect with wvdial, but KPPP says "The remote system is required to authenticate itself, but I couldn't find any suitable secret (password) for it to use to do so.  (None of the available passwords would let it use an IP address.)"  What does this mean?04:07
FusionXN1Jack - Back04:07
Jack_Sparrowtry again04:08
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1:  terminal gksudo gparted04:08
FusionXN1they are NTFS04:08
FusionXN1it has an ! next to them04:08
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: what was the original problem...  Sorry lots going on here04:09
bignoseso i got vmware server running, have my freebsd host running [i moved it from an XP server]  issue is the freebsd machien can't get to the network.04:09
FusionXN1They wont open04:09
Jack_Sparroware you trying to read or read write to them?04:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:09
FusionXN1Jack - computer -> open04:09
bignosei did an arp -n and got this :                     (incomplete)                              eth104:09
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: try this script http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter04:10
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FusionXN1Where do i put that script04:10
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livingdaylightboy oh boy oh boy04:10
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: Just read the simple three lines of instructions04:10
lib8264qhello all04:10
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: desktop is fine, you only need it once04:10
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FusionXN1Jack it opens in FF04:11
FusionXN1SO i dont know how to save it04:11
livingdaylightthe screen resolution is a real issue with Dapper; just can't count on screen resolution in system/preference to do it and it doesn't automatically detect the right setting off the cuff either, only way is to plough through the xserver-xorg files04:11
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1:  yes then file save to desktop04:11
livingdaylighthello lib8264q04:11
FusionXN1now run in terminal?04:12
lib8264qjust a quick ? is there an app that makes the icons enlarge like the mac can ??????? when i cursor is placed over them04:12
Jack_Sparrowread the three lines of help...04:12
livingdaylightis the screen resolution gonna be sorted out by the next release of Ubuntu?04:12
Jack_Sparrowyes you run in term04:12
help-the-n00bHow can I connect to a remote computer's FS??04:12
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: you will need to restart X in order for the icons to appear on your desktop04:13
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eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, after you have mounted it?04:13
livingdaylightlib8264q, thats a good question, i hope someone has the answer here04:13
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: Yes, I know the script says you dont...04:13
greenpeteHi Jack_Sparrow!04:13
Jack_Sparrowhey green04:13
FusionXN1Jack, should i enable to experimental write support ?04:13
lib8264qand  no the answer is   not get a mac  lmao04:13
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FusionXN1so i type n and then enter?04:13
greenpeteNo prob with the test and I ran the CD live on this machine with no probs04:13
naliothFusionXN1: if you want a clean hard drive to install an OS on04:13
help-the-n00bNo. Over the internet.04:14
greenpeteBut the Dell is a different story!04:14
|rt|_anyone here know how to get a wireless device that has stopped showing up to work again....it seems to be related to the wireless button on my laptop....occasionally the wireless controller gets itself into a mode where it doesn't talk to linux any more bust still functions in windows04:14
greenpeteAny ideas?04:14
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lib8264qsomeone having trouble  installing  ubuntu on a dell ?????04:14
eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, um, "mount" is used to mount refote fs's04:14
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greenpeteYes me!04:15
eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, remote, rather04:15
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: not at the moment other than maybe trying a different cd drive04:15
lib8264qgreen i have a delll lappy  .... hjad a lot of trouble installing on ...04:15
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Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: I have it running on two dell lappy and an hp lappy and 6 desktops04:15
greenpeteYou did! What did you do to get it to work?04:15
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lib8264qis your chipset 830m by any chance ?04:16
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geokokhi, quick question: in windows I had ccleaner to get rid of unwanted files (tmp, cache, etc)Is there something that does the same in ubuntu?04:16
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: my C610's didnt have any problem04:16
greenpeteThere is a second graphics card in it04:16
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greenpeteIts an odd one!04:16
help-the-n00bSo how do I use mount over an internet connectio?04:16
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Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: That is where I would start..04:16
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lib8264qif one is on board disable that ....04:16
greenpeteOk I will remove the second graphics card and try again! Thanks guys!04:16
srikat_hi Jack_Sparrow04:17
Jack_SparrowHey, back for more abuse04:17
srikat_Jack_Sparrow, I've enabled remote desktop. Can you pls test it?04:17
livingdaylightlib8264q, did you figure out how to get the tabs to buff up when you go over them with the curser, like the Mac?04:17
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Jack_Sparrowsrikat_: very busy, please try someone else..04:17
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help-the-n00bIQ, Can I PM you?04:18
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livingdaylightlib8264q, are you ignoring me by any chance?04:18
lib8264qnaw sorry it was just something that popped into my head when i seen  my friends  new mac  today ... wondered if you could get the same effect  in ubuntu ... (id buy a mac  just for that )04:18
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eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, help-the-n00b okay04:18
livingdaylightlib8264q, ; )04:19
dlilib8264q, like Xgl? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xgl04:19
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lib8264qbut i seen a screen shot somewhere  in my travels  and  it was a linux  machine  and the icons were doing that effect ...04:20
livingdaylightlib8264q, there's gotta be a way in ubuntu even if the team have to work overtime to figure it out. can be having people leave and go for Mac for that reason04:20
XiXa1I need to update my graphics driver, but I cannot reboot the system, because I'm running live cd. Any suggestions?04:20
livingdaylightlib8264q, yea, i'm sure i've seen it aswell, i feel i have, but can't help you with it04:20
|rt|when i try to get my wireless device to come up the dmesg just says link is not ready04:20
|rt|any ideas how to trouble shoot?04:21
lib8264qthat and the way the windows closed  ... oh ill have one of them  ...lol04:21
greenpeteJack_Sparrow, lib8264q... the second graphics card is gone but still no go :-(04:21
help-the-n00bHow do I use mount to access a remote computer?04:21
srikat_XiXa1, AFAIK any changes done thru livecd won't remain upon nxt boot04:21
lib8264qis the a desktop machine ?04:21
XiXa1srikat, therefore I cannot reboot...04:21
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lib8264qdo you know which graphics chip was in it ?04:22
fuzzy3chigga4hey guys, is there a package i can remove that will make a desktop install only have the packages for a server installed?04:22
Jack_Sparrowgreenpete: I have been up too long, I am out of ideas... Anyone else...04:22
srikat_XiXa1, is the open src driver provided (vesa?) not good enuff?04:22
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lib8264qis yor install crashing all the time ??????????04:22
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XiXa1srikat_: I have no 3d graphics.04:23
greenpeteOk thanks again for your time. I may sleep on it my self!04:23
FusionXN1I got a BIG program04:23
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: what04:23
FusionXN1I installed nvidia drivers now i get X Failed to start GUI disabled04:23
FusionXN1im on the live cd right now04:23
TokenBadwhy is it..every weather script I get for xchat I can't get to run04:23
fuzzy3chigga4lib8264q: i started out with a desktop but i dont need graphics any more...unless you werent talking to me04:23
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FusionXN1How do i fix that04:24
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srikat_XiXa1, oh...may be Jack_Sparrow knows the answer04:24
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eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, did you get my /msg?04:24
help-the-n00bDid you get mine?04:24
eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, no04:24
Jack_Sparrowsrikathe would be 4th in line at this moment and I am lookng at dinner getting cold.04:24
srikat_FusionXN1, didn't you back up xorg.conf?04:25
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ZambeziI have screen, but I don't think I use the right combination. Cause the session logs out and I have to restart the session and that's annoying.04:25
FusionXN1no i installed it as on the webpage... it said MD5 error recheck? i said yes it said reboot X i did and now it dont work04:25
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: I thought you were trying to mont your ntfs drives, when did you install the NV drivers04:25
help-the-n00bI must specify the filesystem type. What is a PC's type?04:25
Tonrenhey guys, I'm trying to bind a key combo to a script I wrote, but it's not working.  I have a zenity dialogue running from it, and it's just not running when I hit the bound keys.04:25
FusionXN1Jack - just before04:26
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eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, -t fstypehere, i would guess04:26
bthorntonI've done a fresh install of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on my machine and just now realized that the OSS drivers have been loaded by default for my soundcard.  I thought OSS is being depreciated?  Any pointers on how I can switch the drivers to ALSA (nForce2 sound)?04:26
matsurHi, I'd like to manipulate volume via xbindkeys. I've been poking around but it seems that writing an ugly hack around amixer is the only way to allow you to increase Master volume by a set increment (say 5%). Is this true?04:26
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: that really compounds the problem...04:26
eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, nfs?04:26
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help-the-n00bWhat is the type though?04:26
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FusionXN1someone told me to put this on the black screen: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:26
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: SO now you need to look at your xorg.conf04:26
FusionXN1I need to disable the nvidia drivers04:27
FusionXN1dam things dont work?!04:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:27
eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, -t nfs04:27
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: You should be able to hit E at the grub menu04:27
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srikat_FusionXN1, may be try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" or open up xorg.conf and change "nvidia" to "nv"?04:27
chill_guyHi all04:27
IcemanV9is there a way to show which dir have more than 1G by using du command?? i don't want to see any dir less than 1G.04:28
chill_guyguys on unbuntu, how to I connect wireless? :s04:28
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: I run the Nvidia drivers with no problems just followed the wiki..04:28
help-the-n00bSo " sudo mount fsname -t nfs paths/and/stuff"?04:28
FusionXN1K i get a black screen wi login and its just like a big terminal do i type it there?04:28
Jack_Sparrowsrikat_: agreed04:28
eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, the remote machine needs to see something like "ext3" but the nfs daemon on the remote end translates all to type nfs before interacting with incoming calls04:28
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chill_guycan i connect wireless on my ubuntu04:28
Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: yes04:28
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chill_guyhow FusionXN1?04:29
johnny_can someone help me with the installation process?04:29
chill_guyyes johnny04:29
lufisHave you guys heard? Linus Torvalds has breast cancer!04:29
IcemanV9chill_guy: yes, you can04:29
mathieu_johnny_: what is the problem04:29
chill_guytell me your question johanny04:29
chill_guySo fusionXN1 how do i connect wireless?04:29
eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, to use what you said as example: sudo mount remotemachineaddress:/paths/and/stuff /your/local/mountpoint04:29
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IcemanV9!wireless > chill_guy04:30
johnny_i get an error message to check /var/log/syslog   and it gives back  Fatal Eroor Instertin apm (/lib/modules2.6.12-9-386/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/apm.ko): no such device04:30
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:30
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mathieu_chill_guy: yes04:30
Jack_SparrowRead the link04:30
s_spiffok the topic doesnt say anything... but are the repos down again?04:30
IcemanV9chill_guy: read the link04:30
s_spiffchill_guy, no caps04:31
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mathieu_chill_guy: it depends on your hardware04:31
chill_guywhat link Iceman04:31
eyequeuehelp-the-n00b, correction: sudo mount -t nfs remotemachineaddress:/paths/and/stuff /your/local/mountpoint (ut's just that -t nfs has always been autosensed for me)04:31
mathieu_chill_guy: do you know if your card is detected ?04:31
johnny_does anyone know how to fix it?04:31
Jack_Sparrow!wireless > chill_guy04:31
IcemanV9chill_guy: from ubotu's pm04:31
chill_guyi really don't know mathieu, i have a dell wireless04:31
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Jack_Sparrowjohnny_: Are you installing Arch?04:31
johnny_idk Jack_Sparrow its the installation cd for breezy04:32
s_spiffanyone having problems with repos?04:32
mathieu_chill_guy: type iwconfig04:32
chill_guyi really don't know mathieu, i have a dell wireless04:32
johnny_right at 87% it quits and gives me check /var/log/syslog04:32
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Jack_Sparrows_spiff: slow04:32
johnny_everytime its right at 87%04:32
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chill_guyand then.....04:32
mathieu_chill_guy: do you see anything listed that has wireless extensions ?04:32
mathieu_chill_guy: is it a laptop ?04:32
chill_guyyes it is, a dell laptop04:33
s_spiffJack_Sparrow, ok.. thanks.. i'm not able to locate a certain repo via synaptic04:33
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mathieu_chill_guy: which model  ?04:33
Jenkenshow can i go about removing the ubuntu branded splash screens on start and shutdown04:33
chill_guydell inspiron 640004:33
GuitarHero11I'm trying to install Wolfenstein, the run file comes up saying it cant decode the character encoding, how do i fix that04:33
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chill_guyi looked at their website but they only have for Red Hat not ubuntu04:33
mathieu_chill_guy: did you type iwconfig ?04:33
Jack_SparrowJenkens: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=527919a42c5acdf1b1f5eea4d17bac64&t=2651304:33
johnny_has anyone else had this problem?04:34
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chill_guysorry mathieu but im on WIndows right now04:34
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chill_guyshall i logoff and try that on Linux04:34
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mathieu_chill_guy: well that makes it difficult04:34
Daver23xany reason why disks manager freezes on me?04:34
mathieu_chill_guy: do you have any internet in linux ?04:34
ZambeziAnybody know how the packages screen works?04:34
Jack_SparrowGuitarHero11: windows or linux version?04:34
JenkensJack_Sparrow: not that splash.04:34
chill_guyok i will be back in 1 minute mathieu, please stay online04:34
bthorntonMy nForce2 soundcard is currently working with OSS but I would like to use ALSA instead; any pointers on how to make the switch?04:35
bthorntonUbuntu 6.06 LTS, x8604:35
GuitarHero11any idea why sparrow?04:35
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Daver23xI should say that it thinks forever as it doesnt freeze... just doesnt do anything04:36
GuitarHero11ive tried it from two sites also04:36
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Daver23xIm trying to get my new (second hard drive to be readable / formatable04:36
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gbdmIf I have Ubuntu installed, and don't have the internet yet, can I use my Kubuntu alternate CD as a repository CD?04:37
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GuitarHero11or your ubuntu cd04:37
Jack_Sparrowgdb Ubuntu cd04:37
Artan1sHow many people use Python on Ubuntu04:37
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gbdmOh, so the install CD and the alternate CD contain all the same dependencies?04:37
Artan1sdo you know if it comes with pygame standard?04:37
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Jack_SparrowArtan1s: No idea...04:38
srikat_how do I start remote desktop?04:38
srikat_I can only see the Remot Desktop prefs in System -> Prefs04:38
Jack_SparrowPeople I gotta go eat...04:38
srikat_but how do I actually start it?04:38
srikat_nite jack04:38
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FusionXN1Ok Jack - im back on :)04:39
FusionXN1and my drive loads04:40
Artan1sSrikat: Youre welcome04:40
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gbdmHow can I get ndisgtk and all of it's depedencies in one shot without the internet?04:40
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:41
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chill_guyHi again04:41
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mathieu_chill_guy: your wireless card should work according to http://br.geocities.com/emerson_ml/dell6400/04:41
chill_guymathieu are you there?04:42
rsyncis there a command to restore/check packages for missing files?04:42
srikatrags, have any vncviewer installed?04:42
chill_guywell it said no wireless ext...04:42
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rsynci just did xfs_repair and lost some stuff.04:42
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chill_guywhen i entered that command04:42
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mathieu_chill_guy: you likely need to load the right kernel module04:42
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mathieu_modprobe <the name of the right kernel module>04:42
chill_guywhat kernel module, please explain04:42
CanadaGradeEhDo .RPM files work in Ubuntu?04:42
mathieu_chill_guy: i'm not sure which module04:43
CanadaGradeEhOr should I download the .bin installation file?04:43
FlannelCanadaGradeEh: technically.  But usually one won't need to04:43
gbdmHow can I get ndisgtk and all of it's depedencies in one shot without the internet?04:43
FlannelCanadaGradeEh: You sure you can't get it as a deb?04:43
mathieu_chill_guy: you should boot into linux and run lspi04:43
CanadaGradeEhIt's Flash04:43
chill_guywhat module mathieu04:43
CanadaGradeEhjava, sorry04:43
mathieu_chill_guy: i'm not sure04:43
chill_guywhat is lspi04:43
CanadaGradeEhI went to java.com04:43
FlannelCanadaGradeEh: Java has a deb04:43
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the runtime Sun Java install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:43
FusionXN1Anyone know why i cant watch a DVD? It says it doesnt have the plugins to handle it04:43
mathieu_chill_guy: probably intelsomething or other04:44
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rsynci am sort of at a loss i have lost files after xfs_repair , just wondering if there a way to get apt verify packages and reinstall packages in which files are missing.04:44
bimberigbdm: ndiswrapper-utils and dependencies is on the desktop (live) cd.  no ndisgtk though04:44
lib8264qfusion  look at the restricted documents that will explain how to04:44
chill_guyi have recently installed ubuntu 6.x, which is the latest.04:44
mathieu_chill_guy: the module list is in /lib/modules/kernelversion//kernel/drivers/net/wireless04:44
FlannelFusionXN1: you need libdvdcss, it's downloadable from a few places, Sev-eas's repository for one04:44
chill_guyand i have installed intel (i386)04:44
Flannel!tell FusionXN1 about dvd04:44
gbdmbimberi: I already have ndiswrapper installed, but I'm having a hard time with ndisgtk with all it's depedencies04:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:45
FusionXN1i got most packages04:45
FlannelFusionXN1: read the link ubotu sent you04:45
FusionXN1i have libdvdcss already04:45
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FusionXN1i have done that link04:45
srikatArtan1s, did you get remote desktop working for you?04:46
chill_guyso what happened mathieu?04:46
Artan1sno, I havent attempted it yet04:46
Artan1sbut it seemed real simple on the ubuntu side04:46
srikatArtan1s, my friend on windows has tried going to http://myextIP:5800 and they don't get asked for a pass04:46
Artan1sDo you have a pass setup?04:46
srikatI have fwded ports 5800 and 5900 in my router04:46
FusionXN1It still says i dont have the plugins ot handle it x(04:46
Daver23xsenario: New 160GB drive... bios see's it. linux does not. need to see it and format it. what tool do I use04:46
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mathieu_chill_guy it might be  ipw2100.ko  or ipw220004:46
mathieu_chill_guy: but i'm not sure04:47
origendoes anyone on here play TES IV:Oblivion on thier linux box?04:47
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srikatI mean, they get nothing...'page can't be displayed' or s'thing like that04:47
rsync/var/lib/dpkg is missing, should i be worried/04:47
mathieu_once you get the right kernel module, a device will appear with iwconfig that has wireless extensions04:47
chill_guydo you want me to enter ipw200.ko or ipw2200 on my linux command?04:47
FlannelDaver23x: what sort of drive is it?04:47
mathieu_chill_guy: no04:47
FlannelDaver23x: and, what do you mean by 'linux doesn't see it'?04:47
Artan1sshouldnt you have an IP04:47
Daver23xWestern digital04:47
rsyncdpkg -C won't work obviously04:47
FlannelDaver23x: I meant IDE, SATA? etc04:47
Daver23xwell I havent tried to mount it or anything04:47
chill_guyso mathieu what do you want me to do?04:48
mathieu_chill_guy: modprobe ipw2100 or modprobe ipw220004:48
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=== IcemanV9 cursed @ gdesklets for restart X :X
CanadaGradeEhI think that rsync guy wants help... just FYI guys :P haha04:48
Artan1sAll i can suggest is to run a google search04:48
FlannelDaver23x: Alright, which IDE cable? and master or slave?04:48
mathieu_chill_guy: and lspci04:48
chill_guyhow to i installed/download them?04:48
Tonrenhey guys how do I get "Open Command Prompt Here" in Nautilus?04:48
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Daver23xcable select04:48
mathieu_chill_guy: they should already be installed04:48
chill_guy*how do i install/download then04:48
Daver23xbut it was slave04:48
origenCan someone please help me get my cvswine or cvscedega to recognize my video card?04:48
bimberigbdm: kk - which dependencies?04:48
chill_guyso what do i do mathieu?04:48
Daver23xto the bios04:48
mathieu_chill_guy: they should already be there04:48
Flannelorigen: you'll probably have better luck in the wine/cegeda channels04:49
mathieu_chill_guy: check the forums for someone that had similar problems04:49
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mathieu_chill_guy: but your card is not yet detected by the kernel04:49
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CanadaGradeEhlol =\04:49
CanadaGradeEhPoor rsync :P04:49
chill_guyplease mathieu give me a link to go there04:49
FlannelDaver23x: er, right, the drive is set to cable select, but where is it on the cable? master? slave?  and which cable? primary/secondary?04:49
mathieu_chill_guy: you need to settle that before you setup your network04:49
mathieu_chill_guy: ubuntuforums.org04:49
origenthanks Flannerl04:49
QMarioUh-oh!!! My CPU Temperature is 82 Degrees Celsius. What can happen to it?04:49
Daver23xSlave and primary04:50
QMarioHello Flannel!!! :)04:50
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WarboYeah! ueagle-atm works, I'm going to write it up on the Wiki (currently only has an introduction)04:50
dribbleanybody here use crossover office and manage to get quicken premier 2006 working?04:50
Artan1ssrikat: Let me know how it turns out for you and what the problem was04:50
CanadaGradeEh82 celcius? yarg04:50
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FlannelHowdy QMario04:50
FusionXN1How do i enable writing to a NTFS partition04:50
srikatArtan1s, at this moment am clueless...am gonna post up in the forum04:50
Daver23xFusion you have to be root04:50
FlannelFusionXN1: you don't, at least, not safely04:50
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Artan1ssrikat: Sorry I coulndt be of more help.  Good Luck04:50
srikatArtan1s, can you try accessing it once? shall give you the IP in PM04:50
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, so what can I do?04:50
kleesis it possible to watch TV in the computer???04:50
IcemanV9QMario: run top and find out what is running like crazy04:50
FusionXN1So i cant write to my other 2 HDDs?04:50
WarboWell, reliably, but should be safe04:50
Artan1ssrikat: Sure04:50
FlannelFusionXN1: you can't *safely* write to NTFS partitions04:50
FusionXN1ANyway to convert them to FAT32 WITHOUT formatting04:51
Warbo!info tvtime04:51
gbdmAnyone have a guide to get a Linksys WMP54GS to work under Ubuntu with WEP enabled?04:51
ubotutvtime: A high quality television application. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 627 kB, installed size 1744 kB04:51
chill_guythank you very much mathieu, you have been so helpful, fanx very much04:51
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CanadaGradeEhWell, are you sure it's actually at 82? It may just be a bug in your temperature reader04:51
Daver23x Flannel - Slave / Primary04:51
Warboklees: With something like that then yes04:51
srikatArtan1s, PMed04:51
QMarioIcemanV9, "run top"?04:51
FlannelDaver23x: so, it's hdb, does GParted not see a hdb drive?04:51
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, that's what the BIOS says.04:51
Flannel!tell FusionXN1 about ntgs04:51
ubotuI know nothing about ntgs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:51
Flannel!tell FusionXN1 about ntfs04:51
IcemanV9QMario: in the terminal and type top04:51
CanadaGradeEhHave you checked..04:51
kleeshow does it get the signal?04:51
eyequeue!duse > FusionXN104:51
ubotuI know nothing about duse  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:51
CanadaGradeEhto see if your heatsink is on properly?04:51
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Daver23xFlannel I will try GParted in terminal04:51
CanadaGradeEhThat is usually a common problem with high temperatures04:51
kleesthrough the internet/cable connection?04:51
FusionXN1flan - cheers ill read that04:52
eyequeue!fuse > FusionXN104:52
Artan1ssrikat: Didnt get it, try again04:52
CanadaGradeEhAlso, do you know what kind of processor you have?04:52
Warboklees: A TV capture device is needed, either a PCI one like my analog one, or some modern digital onesare USB04:52
FlannelFusionXN1: ubotu sent you some stuff that's not completely stable, it might lose all the data on the partition, if you write with it.04:52
QMarioIcemanV9, it is not on this computer.04:52
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ubotuI know nothing about wmp54gs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:52
FlannelDaver23x: GParted is a GUI, do you need a terminal program?04:52
mathieu_chill_guy: no problem04:52
srikatmmm..for some reason my PMs aren't reaching you Artan1s04:52
FusionXN1Well i want to convert to FAT32 so i can be safe04:52
Warboklees: Internet can be used for video podcasts and stuff, which is not quite TV, but similar04:52
Daver23xI need a gui program :)04:52
kleesWarbo: so just the video card wont cut it huh?04:52
Artan1ssrikat: Can you read mine04:52
ubotuI know nothing about GUI - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:52
FlannelDaver23x: good, GParted is for you.  You might need to install it first though04:52
CanadaGradeEhGraphical User Interface04:53
srikatyes Artan1s, let's join a chan by your nick so both of us can talk there04:53
Daver23xIndeed I do... thanks04:53
eyequeuesrikat, it was happening to me earlier too, someone's not reachine me04:53
FusionXN1Is there anyway to convert it?04:53
Warboklees: "video card" is sometimes a graphics card, and sometimes a TV card, depending on the context. I assume youare talking about a graphics card, then the answer is no04:53
FlannelYou can't send queries if you're not registered.  srikat and eyequeue04:53
CanadaGradeEhQMario, how long hve you had the processor that is overheating, and how long has it been overheating?04:53
Flannelregistered and identified, that is.04:53
CanadaGradeEhIt's kind of hard to judge your predicament with such little knowledge, but I'll try to help lol04:53
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, less than 2 weeks.04:53
eyequeueFlannel, i'm regged04:53
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kleesWarbo: I have a Radeon 9800 Pro04:54
CanadaGradeEhIt's been hot like that since purchase?04:54
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QMarioCanadaGradeEh, no.04:54
FlannelFusionXN1: not really, formats by definition are destructive04:54
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eyequeueFlannel, coukld be that he was not though, thanks for the explanation04:54
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Warboklees: What I mean is that the term "video card" has two meanings. A graphics card cannot usually pick up TV signals04:54
Daver23xwe have liftoff (space music plays) 160gb of space.......... (for 80cnd at best buy lol)04:54
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FlannelFusionXN1: do you absolutely need to write to it?04:54
FusionXN1flan so I CANT convert?04:54
FusionXN1Yes it has my work on it04:54
CanadaGradeEhAre you running Intel?04:54
fuocoanyone gets aac files to work in totem/gstreamer ?04:55
QMarioCanadaGradeEh,  the computer freezes before OS boots.04:55
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, yes.04:55
dribbleanybody on quicken 2006 premier w/crossover office?04:55
CanadaGradeEhAh, I see. Do you overclock?04:55
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, Pentium 4 LGA775.04:55
FlannelFusionXN1: right, but do you need to write? or is reading enough?04:55
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, no.04:55
CanadaGradeEhThe first thing I'm going to suggset is to make suer that the heatsink fan is properly on04:55
WarboFusionXN1: You want to convert it to make writing safe, but converting it is unsafe as well, so either way you are screwed04:55
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gbdmAnyone have a guide to get a Linksys WMP54GS to work under Ubuntu with WEP enabled?04:55
kleesWarbo: i was curious because i just bought a 20.1 in widescreen monitor04:55
kleesand was thinking on making it a one stop shop04:55
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CanadaGradeEhAlso, make sure your video card is working properly. See that IT'S fan is working properly and that all devices are connect properly04:55
QMarioNalioth, what did he do?04:55
FlannelFusionXN1: you can convert by copying everything off, formatting, and then copying everything back on.  That's how one has to change partition types04:56
FusionXN1So your telling me i just came onto ubuntu and cant use slave drives with ubuntu?04:56
Daver23xFlannel -- how come it only sees 149.05 GB04:56
supernix is it true that you can only use broadband to share a internet connection in other words can you effectively share a 56k connection ?04:56
FlannelDaver23x: how big is the drive?04:56
Warboklees: eBay may help you. Do a bit of research before you buy anything though, since my PCTV card needs a lot of tweaking to stop the signal being black and white04:56
FusionXN1That means moving over 200gb04:56
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FusionXN1ill have to rig up my xbox then04:56
mikimhey.. my cedega is not getting any internet access anyone knows how to fix this?04:56
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, why would a video card cause the computer to freeze?04:56
denver1i have Mepis 6 installed and went into Mpeis Utilities to install the nvidia driver and have rebooted and glxgears doesnt work and i get this message http://www.itwarehouse.com.au/warehouse/list.htm04:56
FlannelDaver23x: because that's 160GB, the partitioner is in GiB (1024 instead of 1000)04:56
kleeswhat do u connect to the card?04:56
denver1Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".04:57
denver1Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual04:57
eyequeuesupernix, if you mean NAT, that is not restricted to broadband, if you have sufficient patience04:57
BioticProwhat program to use to rip cda files on the HD to wav files?04:57
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lib8264qshare a 56k connection  .... have you used a 56k connection  much ?????04:57
FusionXN1How do i know if im using nvidia drivers04:57
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, I have a low-profile video card: XGI Volari V3 128MB DDR04:57
Daver23xand for um movies and music and stuff what format is best ext3?04:57
Daver23xor 204:57
eyequeuelib8264q, i've used much slower, just not recently (and would no longer have the patience, heh)04:57
supernixso eyequeue it is just a matter of having extreme patients to share a 56k connection04:57
WarboFusionXN1: "lsmod | grep nvidia" and "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nvidia"04:57
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs04:57
CanadaGradeEhIt still is going to give you problems if it's not being cooled or running properly04:57
supernixactually I have a 5mbps cable connection04:58
CanadaGradeEhSo, as I said, make sure Nothing is loose or not functioning as it should04:58
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FusionXN1command not found04:58
WarboBioticPro: Use FLAC or something else lossless. WAV is huge04:58
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QMarioCanadaGradeEh, have you ever heard of that video card?04:58
Tonrenmy firefox download dialogue is broken :(04:58
eyequeuesupernix, yeah, the technical side is still the same, the human side is the limitation, heh04:58
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CanadaGradeEhI've seen so many heat problems stem from a simple loose heatsink04:58
Daver23x!disk label04:58
ubotuI know nothing about disk label - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:58
lib8264qhey iv forgotten what 9600 was like ..... ;) lmao04:58
CanadaGradeEhNope, I haven't actually04:58
kleesWarbo: what do u connect to ur tv card?04:58
mikimanyone has cedega that can help me with project entropia?04:58
BioticProWarbo: ok, what program will convert cda to flach (cda files are already on the HD)04:58
Warboklees: Composite for camcorder and regular terrestrial aerial for TV04:58
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supernixI konw that was what I thought I kept recalling back in the day when 14400 baud was high speed04:59
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, also, 3 of my heatsink/fan pegs are broken. Might that contribute to the problem?04:59
CanadaGradeEhThat seems about the problem lol04:59
WarboBioticPro: The only thing I know that can do anything is bchunk, which can convert them to ISO-9660 images (".iso")04:59
kleesWarbo: do u have to connect it to a TV?04:59
QMarioCanadaGradeEh, that is the problem?04:59
lib8264qcan just imagine sharing a 56k connection .. come on come on ... go mnake the tea  take the dog for a walk first page maby have loaded by then  lol04:59
Warboklees: If I want TV signals then yes04:59
Warboklees: Oh, you mean the box? No05:00
supernixso there would be lots of latency I take it05:00
Warboklees: The applications like Zpping or TVTime display it on the monitor05:00
kleesi meant the tv card in ur comp05:00
mikimno one can help me?05:00
AllAroundcan someone who could help me with ubuntu installation msg me?05:00
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FlannelAllAround: what's the problem?05:00
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Warboklees: The TV card is just input. The only thing I have that would connect to a TV is the TV-out on my graphics card05:01
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AllAroundi can't get it to install from a cd so i was wondering if there is a way to do it from you hard drive05:01
BioticProWarbo: is there not a way to simply burn the cda files to a playable cd with k3b or roast etc..?05:01
mike-eanyone want to help me get an isa sound card to work?05:01
godtviskenHow do I clean up all of the old versions of programs and the downloaded *.deb files left behind?05:01
WarboBioticPro: Maybe bchunk's output iso can be burned to a playable CD? I am not overly familiar with CD audio05:01
Warbosudo apt-get clean05:01
gbdmAnyone have a guide to get a Linksys WMP54GS to work under Ubuntu with WEP enabled?05:01
Flannelgodtvisken: the old versions you'll need to remove them via apt, but yeah, that command for the deb caches05:02
WarboOld packages are kept in /var/cache/apt/archives05:02
godtviskenthanks for the info guys05:02
FusionXN1I installed the nvidia drivers and I got an X SERVER error. How do i configure them to make them work with 7900gt05:03
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wastrelpilot-link is segfaulting on me. also gnome pilot05:04
godtviskenFlannel: well, when i use the ubuntu update does it remove the old versions? or say when i apt-get dist-upgrade and apt-get a newer version of a program05:04
mikimmy cedega can not get any internet access need help msg me!05:04
godtviskenFlannel: are the old binaries left behind?05:04
Daver23xWhat is better ext2 or ext305:04
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FusionXN1How do i configure the nvidia drivers for a 7900gt?05:05
Frankensteinhi, im having trouble with my system hanging on "Starting hotplug subsystem"05:05
Flannelgodtvisken: it depends.  Usually there are half a dozen or so older versions still around, but it does depend on the packages themselves.  If, for instance, you look in Synaptic, you'll see a "local and obsolete" packages, those are leftovers (or packages you've installed that aren't in the repositories)05:05
GuitarHero11Im trying to install ati drivers to play wolfenstein.  I have the game installed and i think i got fglrx installed(i recompiled and everything) but it runs really choppy.  This is my fglrxinfo:05:05
GuitarHero11display: :0.0  screen: 005:06
GuitarHero11OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.05:06
GuitarHero11OpenGL renderer string:  Generic05:06
GuitarHero11OpenGL version string: 2.0.5879 (8.26.18)05:06
GuitarHero11i think its the generic rendering string05:06
Flannelmikim: you might have better luck at a cegeda channel05:06
GuitarHero11im not running it with cegeda05:06
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GuitarHero11wolfenstein is linux native05:06
mikimFlannel, yeah.. no one answers there.. =(05:06
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naliothGuitarHero11: please don't paste05:06
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danielllllllllllhey someone can help me?05:07
GuitarHero11just lookin for help here05:07
GuitarHero11whats your problem05:07
AllAroundCould someone help me with the installation of Ubuntu?05:07
Frankensteinanyone else have this problem? its the breezy cd05:07
GuitarHero11what do you need to know05:07
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Daver23xdownload dapper :p05:07
prabhuhello,  can someone help me install firefox on kubuntu??05:08
Jenkenshow come i can see a policy for samba that shows an updated revision in dapper-security, but apt-get ugrade doesn't grab it?05:08
Frankensteini have the breezy cd, i got it installed but when i go to boot up i get "Starting hotplug subsystem" and it hangs there...  ill upgrade to dapper if i can just boot into breezy05:08
godtviskenFlannel: aha, thanks05:08
mikimany one that play Project entropia with cedega? my will not get any internet acess. help needed msg me..05:08
daniellllllllllli have some problems with casper install (live cd install) on edgy knot05:08
Flannelprabhu: er, you have problems with getting it from the repositories?05:08
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Flannelprabhu: sorry, that sounded wrong.  What problems you having?05:09
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Frankensteinso no one knows?05:09
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danielllllllllllthe installer freeze on the partition? Is it common?05:10
FlannelFrankenstein: people who know aren't necessarily here or active.  You might try googling while you wait05:10
dsl514hi one q/a how do i share a ppp0 connection with 1 crossover cable?05:10
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FrankensteinFlannel: did and done that... it just says dapper will fix it... BUT i would use dapper if i could05:10
mikimneed help with cedega and mmorpg games, no internet connection. msg plz.05:10
Frankensteini need to be able to at least boot into breezy than upgrade05:10
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:12
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:12
Flannelmikim: doesn't transgaming provide support for cegeda?05:12
danielllllllllllsomeone can give a help?05:13
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Jenkensany ideas?05:13
rendewhats best torrent client in your guys opinion?05:13
mikimFlannel, yeah they do.. but they are hard to get in contact with... do you got any ideas?05:13
rendeI dont like azureus much cause its java05:13
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Jenkensrende: yet, it's the best one ;)05:13
Daver23xhow would I go about accessing hdb from the GUI05:14
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rendeJenkens: true :)05:14
rendeJenkens: I still like the lightweight functionality of something like transmission05:14
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Flannelmikim: nope.  I don't use cegeda, and I don't actually know of anyone here that does.05:14
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gbdmAnyone have a guide to get a Linksys WMP54GS to work under Ubuntu with WEP enabled?05:14
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rendeJenkens: wasn't sure if there was something like that out there I was missing05:14
FlannelDaver23x: from GParted?  just select the harddrive, from the dropdown menu05:14
mikimFlannel, what r u using? xwine?05:14
TokenBadwhats command for mounting an ext3 partition?05:15
BioticProHow do I convert cda file on my HD to flac?05:15
Daver23xFlannel: I did that i mean from gnome.. to save files and to open with the file browser etc05:15
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rendehi fusionxn105:15
FlannelDaver23x: ah, Well, you won't actually open "hdb" you'll open a partition on it, hdb1 hdb5, etc.  And, you'll have to open them from whereever they happen to be mounted05:16
FusionXN1This may sound stupid but how do i select soemthing in the terminal (i want to select 1680x1050)05:16
FusionXN1Hi rends05:16
dsl514Hi i connected two pcs with one crossover cable 1-3 2-6 ftp/http/ssh how do i share a ext usr modem 33.6k05:16
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rendeFusionXN1: you want to change screen resolutions?05:17
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ubotuI know nothing about wmp54gs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:17
FusionXN1im reconfiguring my xorg i dont know how to select the resolution *pressing enter goes onto the next step)05:17
Frankensteintry tab05:17
FusionXN1nope goes onto OK05:17
FlannelDaver23x: I believe you can mount partitions at system > administration > disks (or something like that), by selecting the partition, and clicking "enable"05:17
Frankensteinspace bar05:17
FusionXN1good man05:18
=== khoda` [n=matt@c-71-230-35-224.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
khoda`when someone says cat [file]  what does that mean?05:18
Daver23xyeah that screen freezes or takes forever... established that already05:18
Flannelkhoda`: cat prints the contents of a file05:18
FusionXN1BRB :)05:18
Frankensteintype man cat and find ouy05:18
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khoda`Flannel: how do i do that05:18
dscherbaTokenBad: 'mount -t ext3 /dev/somethingoranother /some/location'05:18
wastrelkhoda`:  that's a command line program you type the name of the command at the terminal05:18
Flannelkhoda`: er, what? type "cat [file] " where [file is the path to the file05:19
khoda`Flannel: k thanks05:19
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FusionXN1YIPEE nvidia drivers now workign :)05:19
FusionXN1got my native resolution back05:19
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Daver23xTokenBad: what is the /some/location part?05:20
khoda`Hey someone said to check if there are any "internal addresses" in my /etc/resolv.conf file. how do i know?05:20
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FusionXN1Anyone recommend me a good DVD player for linux?05:20
khoda`my internet is running very slow, thats why05:20
Frankensteintype: vi /etc/resolv.conf05:20
FusionXN1I get 10kbs more on ubuntu then windows05:20
jackinthebox6386is there a way to put a linksys wireless-b adapter in monitor mode?05:20
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khoda`Frankenstein: but how do i know if there are internal addresses, what does tha tmean05:20
=== Frankenstein shrugs, whats it say in that file
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wastrelkhoda`:  that means ip addresses on your local area network.05:21
rendeFusionXN1: I like mplayer, but that plays everything05:21
khoda`wastrel: they're all 68.x.x.x.x05:21
rendeFusionXN1: Not sure of a decent dedicated DVD player if thats what you want05:21
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Frankensteinhow can i diable hotplug during install?! i have scsii05:22
dscherbaDaver23x: you can mount to anywhere in your filesystem, so replace /some/location with where you want the thing to end up... like /mnt/home205:22
warlockIs there a file to unzip a .tar.gz file -WITHOUT- overwriting files in the map im unzipping it in?05:22
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wastrelkhoda`:  i assume those are your ISP's nameservers05:22
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1: I did some research and found that with some tuning, XMMS is a great media player is library support and even an equalizer05:22
TokenBadI got it thanks folks05:22
FusionXN1thanks rends05:22
khoda`Does anyone know why it takes me awhile to connect to things. once i'm connected it's fine, but it takes awhile to connect???05:23
FusionXN1thanks jackin05:23
Daver23xHow do you create the mount point (says It doesnt exsist) do you just make a dir?05:23
wastrelDaver23x:  yes05:23
dribblealright, so anybody who was listening -- quicken 2004 deluxe seems to work fine w/crossover.  however, 2006 does not.05:23
dr_willisQuicken - Ewwww..05:23
warlockIs there a file to unzip a .tar.gz file -WITHOUT- overwriting files in the map im unzipping it in?05:23
dr_willisI still get junk mail from that company - 10 yrs later.05:23
dr_williswarlock,  in the map?05:24
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khoda`Does anyone know why it takes me awhile to connect to things. once i'm connected it's fine, but it takes awhile to connect? is it a firewall issue? everything runs fine in windows05:24
dr_williswarlock,  check the tar man pages perhaps? or uncompress the file to a seperate dir. then copy the stuff over.05:24
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warlockdr_willis, yeah, well, my .tar.gz contains a few maps, I dont want to overwrite anything05:24
FusionXN1I know linux doesn't need defraging (w00t) but if i move 140gb of files to ubuntu and format the other drive and put them back will it effect anything?05:24
warlockerm, you're right, im so stupid at sometimes.05:24
dlikhoda`, dns errors?05:24
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dr_willisFusionXN1,  shouldent.05:24
warlockthanks, Im just having an slow day.05:25
khoda`dli: how can i check?05:25
FusionXN1dr_ cheers mate05:25
dr_willisFusionXN1,  but it depends on what files. :)05:25
FusionXN1im on ubuntu only now05:25
kintaro0ehi guys..whats the use of system.map and initrd /boot directory. when i try doing a manual kernel compilation..i doesnt need to use those to files..any advice?05:25
FlannelFusionXN1: Do you intend to continue to use these other drives with Windows?05:25
dr_willisFusionXN1,  and other details that may affect ya.05:25
FusionXN1dr_ I cant tell you that ;)05:25
dlikhoda`, can you test using IP instead of hostname?05:25
Renan_s2is there any way to resize a partition without formatting it?05:25
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:Im sorry, came half way into your conversation. I thought u were refering to an audio player(for wwhich i reccomend XMMS), regardless, i reccomend VLC.  Works great05:25
Daver23xlast question I want to add that to the Gnome places menu  where do you do that?05:25
FlannelFusionXN1: format them to ext3 or something, not fat05:25
warlockdr_willis, how do i unzip the file help.tar.gz to /home/cs/ ?05:25
AllAroundCan someone help me correctly burn Ubuntu to a CD?05:25
FusionXN1thanks jackin!05:25
khoda`dli: what's googles ip05:25
warlockif the file is in /home/cs/105:25
Renan_s2format to ReiserFS05:25
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pepsidli, is one of several05:26
FusionXN1flannel... i  **MAY** dont flame me - put windows on a 2nd partition does that work with windows?05:26
warlockAllAround, a tip, dont use dr-rw discs, only CD-R. :)05:26
dr_williswarlock,  for a start quit using the phrase "UNZIP" you use the tar command,., NOT 'unzip'05:26
Renan_s2FusionXN1, yes05:26
dlikhoda`, or
dr_williswarlock,  or ya could use 'mc' and view the contents of the archive and copy stuff out of it.05:26
khoda`dli: that as the problem, the IP is fast, host name slow. how do i fix it?05:26
FusionXN1As i want a partition that is friendly with all OS05:26
FusionXN1linux + xp / vista05:26
Renan_s2FusionXN1, then the only option is FAT3205:26
FlannelFusionXN1: I don't care if you use windows or not.  ext3 won't work with windows, fat will.  So, if you're planning on installing windows, you'll have to use fat05:26
prabhuis it possible to install firefox in kubuntu?05:26
FusionXN114mins and files will be moved05:26
Renan_s2there is a Ext3 driver for Windows, but I've never got it working05:26
dlikhoda`, check your /etc/resolv.conf , make sure you are using the right ones05:26
Flannelprabhu: yes.  What issues you having?05:26
dr_willisI have windowsxp set where i  can read/write to ext3 just fine.05:27
Renan_s2it always tell me that the partition is invalid05:27
khoda`dli: how do i know if they're right?05:27
prabhuit will not start05:27
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FlannelRenan_s2: no, they're worse than the NTFS drivers for linux ;)05:27
dr_willisbut thgere are potential issues to be carefull with.05:27
khoda`dli: and how do i fix them if they're not?05:27
orbinDaver23x: i think you need to mount the partition in /media05:27
dlikhoda`, your ISP should tell you the right ones05:27
dr_willisIve had no real issues using them05:27
Daver23xI did ;)05:27
Daver23xstill not there perhaps a reboot05:27
FusionXN1SO FAT32 then05:27
AllAroundCan someone help me correctly burn Ubuntu to a CD?05:27
prabhui extracted it to /usr/local/bin05:27
FusionXN1will it be as fast / operate the same they are 200gig drives05:27
fuococan ubuntu automatically install packages from source just like it does with binary packages ? (or what does deb-src mean ?)05:27
orbinDaver23x: someone also said you need the userid option or something enabled05:27
khoda`dli: whats the command to change it05:27
Daver23xmy usb drive is there though05:27
prabhucreated a menu entry but the application will not start05:28
FlannelAllAround: cap the burn speed at 4x, and write the iso.  The CD does NOT have an iso file on it, it has the contents of the iso.  There's a difference.05:28
dlikhoda`, vi /etc/resolv.conf05:28
Daver23xhrmm could it be edit menus05:28
dr_willisfuoco,  check out the apt-get faq/docs - it can do so.. but i dont recall how. (type !apt-get) and read the bots urls05:28
Flannelfuoco: deb-src downloads the source for packages05:28
dlikhoda`, if you are using dhcp, it's tricky then05:28
khoda`dli: lets see what happens :D05:28
fuocoFlannel: doesn't install ?05:28
jackinthebox6386dr_willis- ext3 works great, use it for 3 different OS's05:28
fuocoFlannel: compile/install i mean ?05:28
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dr_willisjackinthebox6386,  i use the one at http://www.fs-driver.org/ to get xp to use it. :P for my mp3 storage needs.05:29
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ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:29
NewUbuntuUserim trying to install xgl on my new ubuntu system05:29
NewUbuntuUseri followed the instructions on the wiki05:29
NewUbuntuUserbut i get errors05:29
FlannelNewUbuntuUser: #ubuntu-xgl is the place for help, and links, and stuff.05:29
FusionXN1no apt-get for skype?05:29
dr_willisNewUbuntuUser,  i would have to advise to not mess with xgl at this time.05:29
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jackinthebox6386dr_willis: thats exactly where i went, works great, no probs05:29
NewUbuntuUserthank you05:29
Flannel!tell FusionXN1 about skype05:29
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dr_willisjackinthebox6386,  just got to watch out what you delete/edit/change. :P05:30
FusionXN1So if i format them with FAT32 everything will be the same and work on windows AND ubuntu?05:30
FusionXN1xp + vista05:30
jackinthebox6386dr_willis: you mean in linux?05:30
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dr_willisjackinthebox6386,  from whithin windows you could trash the linux system and make it.. well.. gone. :P dont delete /boot for example by mistake.05:30
FlannelFusionXN1: right, except you won't have permissions, and under certain circumstances its slwoer05:30
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dr_willisjackinthebox6386,  best to have /home on its own partition that xp can access.05:31
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FusionXN1permissions? does that matter?05:31
NewUbuntuUserwould any of you be able to tell me how to fix this?05:31
NewUbuntuUserXgl: error while loading shared libraries: libXfont.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:31
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1: what are you trying to do?05:31
warlockdr_willis, im new to ubuntu, how do I force to remove a dir? "rm -d -f dir" ?05:31
NewUbuntuUserthe library is installed but it wont work for some reason05:31
FlannelNewUbuntuUser: #ubuntu-xgl for XGL related questions please05:31
khoda`dli: how do i get out of this vi thing05:31
NewUbuntuUserit seems like a general question05:31
Flannelkhoda`: :q05:31
dr_williswarlock,  it may bw worth while to read a few bash/linux beginner guides.. i normall  use rm -rf05:31
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khoda`Flannel: not workin05:31
elgcan anyone tell me why /proc/bus/usb isn't mounte din dapper?05:32
FusionXN1jackin i gotta format 2 drives to work with ubuntu (READ AND WRITE SAFE!) and xp + vista05:32
khoda`Flannel: just hit 'q'05:32
Flannelkhoda`: no.  :q05:32
khoda`Flannel: how do i save changes05:32
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1: i tried FAT 32 and ext 305:32
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FusionXN1jackin - and?05:32
Flannelkhoda`: :w05:32
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:ext3 is best, you cant write to FAT32 in linux, no matter what u change05:32
Renan_s2jackinthebox6386, you can05:33
Daver23x/etc/init.d/dbus-1 restart05:33
Flanneljackinthebox6386: er, what?05:33
Renan_s2I am using FAT32 RIGHT NOW :)05:33
FusionXN1SO what should i do?05:33
dlikhoda`, http://tnerual.eriogerg.free.fr/vimqrc.html05:33
dr_willisjackinthebox6386,  Huh.. ya mean to NTFS? you can easially write to fat3205:33
warlockcheers dr_willis05:33
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FlannelFusionXN1: fat32 is your only option.  It's far from optimal, but it works05:33
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FusionXN1flannel - the 2 drives are for storage05:33
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Renan_s2Anybody here knows how to set a multimedia keyboard to work with amaroK? I tried setting "global hotkeys" but it doesn't work.05:33
Renan_s2On Ubuntu 5.10 it worked, however.05:34
KsileboHello! I'm having problems with pdflush taking up insane amounts of load.05:34
[Ex0r] Anyone here have a list of tested and working hardware for ubuntu? I am trying to install ubuntu server and it's telling my it can't find network card drivers for my network card05:34
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Flannel[Ex0r] : there's hardware compat list on the wiki05:34
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johnny_i installed dapper but when it boots up it just sits there05:34
Flannel[Ex0r] : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:34
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[Ex0r] thank you a bunch05:34
johnny_it says uncompressing linux... ok, booting the kernel05:34
johnny_and does nothing05:34
Flannel[Ex0r] : I can't imagine it's exhaustive, but it's a start05:35
johnny_can anyone help with this?05:35
[Ex0r] Flannel- doh, it says there is only one belkin05:35
Flannel[Ex0r] : really, ubuntu shouldn't have too different compatability with the whole of linux (per kernel versions)05:35
wastrelpalm sync seems to be broken in dapper05:35
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[Ex0r] I know the card is good, it's next to brand new05:36
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Flannel[Ex0r] : so, google might find better ones.  You can find little niche sites that specialize in one hardware item (network cards, for instance)05:36
[Ex0r] at first it said it didnt find any, than I plugged in the nic cable and it found it but said it had no drivers, but I could load them from floppy05:36
Flannel[Ex0r] : just google 'linux [card model] 05:36
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:my bad, took a look at my notes and saw that i just had permission errors, took the easy route and reformatted to ext3(have had no probs and it works great on all my OS's)(NOOB mistake:-p)05:36
Crazy6hey guys, I just added a new HD to my system, which shows up as sdb ; I try to mount the partition on it, /dev/sdb1 , but it says it is already mounted or busy ..... when I do "mount05:36
Crazy6" is it not listed there05:36
zzyok i have a problem when i click on my computer i can see my second hard drive buy i cant click on it but when i click home folder media folder the two hard drives are there how do i move them to where my computer is05:36
dr_williscrazy6 try fdisk -l /dev/sdb05:37
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FusionXN1So what should i do everyone FAT32 or ext3 MUST WORK with XP/VISTA and ubuntu (read and write safely)05:37
[Ex0r] says to use the realtek drivers05:37
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FlannelFusionXN1: how many times have we told you?  FAT32 works on Linux and Windows05:37
dr_willisNo idea on vista - but ext3 can work with XP. with the right tool.05:37
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FlannelFusionXN1: ext3 doesnt05:37
FusionXN1I got an X-FI so im using onboard till drivers out05:37
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FusionXN1Well jackin said ext305:37
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FlannelFusionXN1: windows drivers for ext3 are worse than linux drivers for NTFS05:38
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:not sure, kno that FAT32 and ext3 work on XP and ubuntu, i havent delved into Vista yet05:38
dr_willisBest bet - set up a samba file server. :) and be done with it.!05:38
Ksilebopdflush taking up insane amounts of load, anyone see this ever?05:38
Crazy6dr_willis: ok... the partition is listed there05:38
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zzyok i have a problem when i click on my computer i can see my second hard drive but i cant click on it but when i click home folder media folder the two hard drives are there how do i move them to where my computer is05:38
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:i only use my ext3 drive for music on both and i have no probs(though i had to install an ext3 driver on XP)05:39
FusionXN1Oh, mines for storage05:39
[Ex0r] Flannel- http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php?product=329&sort=8&cat=128&page=105:39
Gog123new computers are cheap05:39
Flannelzzy: the problem is you never really browse harddrives on their own, they get mounted places, and you browse them from there.05:39
[Ex0r] that site says that the realtek drivers work. Aren't the realtek drivers already installed ?05:39
FusionXN1music etc ;) so should i do ext3?05:39
khoda`in windows, how do i find what DNS servers im using05:39
Gog123a new dell with lcd monitor is only $499 for a decent system05:39
^majik^what packages should I install to get gcc, make, etc going?05:39
KsileboIts becoming a huge problem as I can't use Ubuntu as a fileserver if pdflush running on my array makes the array unuseable.05:39
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:then i would def us ext305:39
Krankhow is ext3 compared to ntfs, presuming you could choose one of the other?05:40
[Ex0r] ^majik^- build-essential05:40
FusionXN1flan - you agree?05:40
FlannelFusionXN1: No.  ext3 will NOT WORK with windows.05:40
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FusionXN1Jackin says you need driver ?!?05:40
Crazy6dr_willis: its listed there, /dev/sdb1  ; anything special I should be looking for?05:40
warlockdr_willis, Is there an another way to extract a .tar.gz without overwriting the files?05:40
^majik^[Ex0r] : I think I'll write it down this time - thanks05:40
FlannelFusionXN1: and Ive said it three times, the windows ext3 driver is worse than the linux NTFS driver05:40
dr_willishttp://www.fs-driver.org/  - allows windoes XP to read/write to EXT2 and EXT3 File systems...05:40
dr_willisand ive had NO problems withit.05:40
FusionXN1flannel fair enough05:40
dr_willisso to each their own.05:40
FusionXN1fat32 it is as long as its safe 100% for both windows and ubuntu to read and write05:41
dr_willistheres several ext3 'things' out for windows also.05:41
Crazy6dr_willis: when I do a mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/temp it says /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /mnt/temp busy05:41
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Flanneldr_willis: you're lucky.  We also don't recommend automatix, yet an occassional person doesn't have problems with it ;)05:41
FusionXN1so gpartion can i use?05:41
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:be sure to watch your permissions if you do FAT3205:41
FlannelFusionXN1: yep, Gparted can even partition ntfs05:41
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:thats where i got messed up05:41
zzyok i have two pictures on my desktop but when i go to copy them but i cant paste them on my hd cause the paste button i cant click on it05:42
zzythe second hd is mounted but i cant browse them05:42
KrankI've still not installed dapper yet, got a xp/vista dual boot going and I don't want to wreak in installs with vista's new boot loader05:42
FlannelFusionXN1: however, keep your eye out, NTFS on linux is really really close to stability (theres even a rumor it might be in edgy).  So, you'll be able to switch back to a FS with permissions and stuff sooner or later05:42
FusionXN1to a FS?05:43
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:if you still want to try ext3 later, this is the link for the ext3 on XP: http://www.fs-driver.org/download/Ext2IFS_1_10b.exe05:43
FlannelFusionXN1: to NTFS, which has permissions.05:43
FusionXN1Well its only for storage05:43
notregisteredhey i installed ubuntu at my local computer store and when i got home the hard drive was fried..... had it updated fully ready to use.... sucks... at least it was only a 20 gig05:43
notregisteredpossibly the ride home screw the drive or what?05:44
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zzyok i have two pictures on my desktop but when i go to copy them but i cant paste them on my hd cause the paste button i cant click on it05:44
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dr_willisnotregistered,  bumps and so forth can be bad.. and it was how old> :P    or it may have a loose cable.. check them yet?05:44
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:do you ever plan to add music while in Ubuntu?05:44
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dr_williszzy,  try the shell/terminal then.05:44
FusionXN1flan whats this "edgy"05:44
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FusionXN1jackin - yes its my ONLY Os now05:45
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:45
FusionXN1i just formatted05:45
zzydr_wills why cant i copy them thaazt way05:45
Crazy6dr_willis: ?05:45
KrankI had and old Mac G3 MT go bad just moving it up two stories from the basement to upstairs05:45
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notregisteredyeah... tried that... tried to boot about 4 times... the keyboard went bad also... guess it was just bad luck05:45
dr_williszzy,  no clue.05:45
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zzyhow do i copy them throw terminal05:45
khoda`Hey - something's wrong with my internet. hostname goes slow, but when i go to IP it goes fast. How do I fix it? I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the dns servers are right05:45
FusionXN1flan - i hope it is in edgy whens it due?05:45
Crazy6Anyone have any idea why I cannot mount /dev/sdb1 ? it says it is already mounted (doesnt look like it is, though) , or my mountpoint is busy05:45
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:ok, what did you just format to?05:45
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FusionXN1i havent yet im waiting05:45
dr_williszzy,  could be somthing is confused in gnome. use the cp and ls command and see if the files are really there.05:45
notregisteredill try it again tomorrow on another drive.... im having to use windows right now :(05:45
jackinthebox6386o ok05:45
dr_willisCrazy6,  Huh??05:46
FusionXN1still not sure05:46
zzythe files are only on my desktop05:46
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Crazy6dr_willis: sorry to bug you, I thought you might know whats up when you started to help me there05:46
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zzyhow do i copy and paste them t hrough the prompt05:46
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:gimme a sec, im lookin sumthin up05:46
dr_williszzy,  that is the /home/username/desktop directory     cd   there and see what files are there.. use cp to copy them wherver ya want.05:46
dr_willisCrazy6,  im easially distracted. :P05:46
lasthunter914CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH ntfs-3g i keep getting the error05:47
lasthunter914Reading package lists... Done05:47
lasthunter914Building dependency tree... Done05:47
lasthunter914E: Couldn't find package ntfs-3g-nautilus-tools05:47
zzyso cp filename05:47
JohndoeI'm trying to install ubuntu onto my external05:47
notregistereddoes anyone know of a free but stable windows emulator for linux so i could to play games with my Geforce FX 5200?05:47
khoda`Hey - something's wrong with my internet. hostname goes slow, but when i go to IP it goes fast. How do I fix it? I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the dns servers are right05:47
lasthunter914i've read all the faqs05:47
lasthunter914none help05:47
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FusionXN1Whens 6.10 due?05:47
Crazy6dr_willis: oh... well.. do you know what might be hanging this darn drive then?05:47
notregisteredyeah but can it be used for directx games?05:47
Renan_s2!wine > notregistered05:47
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dr_willisCrazy6,  ya checked the cables yet?05:48
notregisteredcool bot05:48
JohndoeWhen I install ubuntu, at about 15% it gives me an error "could not create file system"05:48
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JohndoeAny ideas?05:48
fuocodoes ubuntu ever clean the archive of downloaded packages ?05:48
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notregisteredsounds like a bad drive05:48
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Renan_s2fuoco, I think that yes, but you can always use 'sudo apt-get clean'05:48
notregisteredor bad cables05:48
JohndoeBad drive?05:48
pk0ninkor maybe a bad cd burn05:49
jackinthebox6386Krhis:that u?05:49
bytefuFusionXN1, on 6/10/200605:49
Bungi have multiverse enabled in all my channels, but i cant find sun-java5-bin, can anyone help?05:49
FusionXN1Jackin you done?05:49
FusionXN1byte - thanks05:49
JohndoeThat isn't cool05:49
lasthunter914CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH ntfs-3g i keep getting the error05:49
lasthunter914Reading package lists... Done05:49
lasthunter914Building dependency tree... Done05:49
lasthunter914E: Couldn't find package ntfs-3g-nautilus-tools05:49
bytefuerr wait sorry05:49
JohndoeIs there something I can do?05:49
bytefui mean in october 200605:49
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JohndoeRedownload it?05:49
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:almost, my friend is gettin on05:49
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jackinthebox6386he can answer a lot more than me05:49
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FusionXN1byte i know :) uk boy here05:49
wastrelBung:  did you apt-get update05:49
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FusionXN1jackin k05:49
bytefuyah i meant not the exact date, just the month05:50
Krhisjackinthebox6386, what gave it away?05:50
Crazy6dr_willis: well, the kernel picks it up and makes it /dev/sdb , and I can make a partition on it which fdisk shows, and I can read the data from the raw device /dev/sdb105:50
acadwho is saying fat32 is better then ext3? and why!05:50
FusionXN1k byte05:50
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jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:ok, he is krhis05:50
Bungwastrel: i will run it, i did the refresh apply all upgrade recently, but ill do it again just to be sure, if its not there... any suggestions?05:50
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khoda`Hey - something's wrong with my internet. hostname goes slow, but when i go to IP it goes fast. How do I fix it? I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the dns servers are right05:50
FusionXN1k jackin05:50
dr_willisCrazy6,  this is a removeable usb drive?05:50
Krhisjackinthebox6386, FusionXN1, yes?05:50
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Crazy6dr_willis: no, internal 500gb SATA drive05:50
lasthunter914can someone help me plz05:51
lasthunter914plz plz plz05:51
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Krhisjackinthebox6386, what do you want?05:51
wastrelBung:  do apt-cache search sun-java and see what comes up05:51
FusionXN1Krhis i need to reformat 2 drives for storage to work (read and write SAFE) on ubuntu and XP./VISTA05:51
lasthunter914i;ve been trying to get this thing to wokr for 5 hours now05:51
Krhisjackinthebox6386, "yup" don't mean much. >.>05:51
KrhisFusionXN1, ok, good luck then.05:51
lasthunter914CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH ntfs-3g i keep getting the error05:51
dr_willisCrazy6,  its possible ya just need to reboot the thing - so the system can see the new partitions.05:51
jackinthebox6386Krhis:help FusionXN1 with his decision on FAT32 or EXT305:51
lasthunter914Reading package lists... Done05:51
lasthunter914E: Couldn't find package ntfs-3g-nautilus-tools05:51
KrhisOh, but why ask me?05:51
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Crazy6dr_willis: I can already see the partition....05:52
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bimberilasthunter914: please stop pasting, and Ubuntu doesn't have a package called ntfs-3g-nautilus-tools05:52
[Ex0r] grr, piece of crap05:52
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jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:im sayin ext305:53
[Ex0r] Anyone here know where you can buy older motherboards, that support maybe 800mhz ?05:53
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Renan_s2[Ex0r] , eBay?05:53
[Ex0r] except for ebay05:53
Renan_s2a local computer store should have one05:53
acaduse ext3, it has a driver for microsoft windows if you need it and will work with any linux distribution. not to mention it is a journeling file system which basically means you won't have to 'scandisk' it05:54
FusionXN1SO what do i run? sudo g...05:54
[Ex0r] Looking to get a used one preferably05:54
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:to reformat?05:54
Renan_s2Well, I buy used hardware in local computer stores.05:54
FusionXN1jackin ya05:54
FusionXN1acad.. "scan disk"05:54
acadFusionXN1 use http://www.fs-driver.org/ in ms windows and format the externel drive ext305:54
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:54
acadFusionXN1 if your on ubuntu you can use the program called gparted05:55
FusionXN1k ty05:55
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:use gparted, that should be the best route05:55
khoda`Hey - something's wrong with my internet. hostname goes slow, but when i go to IP it goes fast. How do I fix it? I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the dns servers are right05:55
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FusionXN1Ok how do i find out WHich is which05:55
lasthunter914Anyone know how to mount NTFS DRIVES AS READABLE AND WRITEABLE? PM ME PLZ05:55
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acadFusionXN1 ohh,  can't you tell by the file size of the partiton?05:56
WhyvasRenan_s2, ????05:56
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:once you open gparted, it will give u a visual list of drives05:56
FusionXN1last im in the same spot you cant SAFELY05:56
NewUbuntuUsercan you guys help me with getting my ati graphics card to display multiple monitors?05:56
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:56
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:56
Frankensteinkhoda`: i have the same problem, use different name servers05:56
dr_willislasthunter914,  some googling will show ya some answeres. you really dont want to write to a ntfs partition at this time.05:56
bimberilasthunter914: ^^^^^05:56
khoda`Frankenstein: those name servers work on windows, though05:56
khoda`Frankenstein: and i have dhcp enabled, with those dns servers05:56
valehruwasnt there a new NTFS driver released this month...05:56
valehrufor linux?05:57
lasthunter914i've used google and the FORUMS05:57
lasthunter914none of them help05:57
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:what do you mean you cant safely?05:57
Frankensteinkhoda`: may be an off day for them... just try to use these: http://www.opennic.unrated.net/public_servers.html05:57
lasthunter914i thought this was ubuntu05:57
FusionXN1I cant tell which is which05:57
khoda`Frankenstein: it only happens on linux05:57
jackinthebox6386lemme check real quick05:57
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khoda`Frankenstein: my windows machines run fine05:57
FusionXN1jackin you cant write to ntfs safely in ubuntu yet05:57
bimberilasthunter914: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:57
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wickedly_coolwhats up lasthunter05:57
lasthunter914thx ill take a look05:57
rohani was upgrading pkgs using synaptic , and suddenly the synaptic entry in the window list started flashing, as if calling for attention, but there is nothing in that window, and now synaptic is stuck at "Setting up libexpat1-dev" ... what do i do ? how do i kill synaptic ?05:57
linux2does anyone here know what the name of the app is that allows laptop volume controls keys to work in gnome?05:57
linux2in ubuntu05:57
NewUbuntuUseri have an ati graphics card that supports miltiple monitors but my second monitor only shows a clone of the primary monitor how can i get it to show an extention or second desktop?05:57
rohani was upgrading pkgs using synaptic , and suddenly the synaptic entry in the window list started flashing, as if calling for attention, but there is nothing in that window, and now synaptic is stuck at "Setting up libexpat1-dev" ... what do i do ? how do i kill synaptic ?05:58
linux2on the live cd05:58
linux2no one seems to know what the name of the damn app is05:58
linux2and i would like to get it to work in kde05:58
acadFusionXN1 just format one, if you got the right one you'll know.05:58
jackinthebox6386FusionXN1:wait, y are you writing to NTFS?05:58
rohankill synaptic ?05:58
rohanbut that'll damage apt ?05:58
rohanor it wont?05:58
Clausianhow can i make a user in proftpd with default director of /var/www/ ?05:58
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FusionXN1acad i dernt05:58
acadFusionXN1 actually is this an externel drive?05:58
rohanstuck at "Configuring libexpat1-dev"05:58
acadFusionXN1 and you have one internel Drive?05:58
Renan_s2linux2, go to the KDE control panel, access "Regional and accessibility" (I don't know the exact name, but it has the icon of 2 flags) and then configure it05:59
FusionXN12 internal05:59
valehruFusionXN1, I beg to differ....NTFS support here: http://lunapark6.com/?p=171005:59
TennesseeHi all .. can anyone help with python datetimes? I have two numbers in seconds, but the resulting datetime objects don't seem to have any timezone information in them05:59
rohanTennessee: #python ?05:59
elgcan someone with a stock dapper kernel check if /proc/bus/usb is populated?05:59
FusionXN1VALE is that safe?05:59
Tennesseewhoopsie --- thanks rohan05:59
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FusionXN1HELL NO Im not using fuse05:59
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FusionXN1ill just reformat to ext306:00
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:00
linux2Renan_s2, what is it called in gnome though06:00
linux2is it scim?06:00
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NewUbuntuUseri have an ati graphics card that supports miltiple monitors but my second monitor only shows a clone of the primary monitor how can i get it to show an extention or second desktop?06:00
eyequeueTennessee, http://docs.python.org/lib/module-datetime.html06:00
Renan_s2linux2, no, SCIM is for Japanese input06:00
Renan_s2I don't know about GNOME :/06:00
valehruFusionXN1, probably not....but I use ext3 so I don't care if they screw up...It will teach them to be using shoddy microsoft filesystems06:00
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linux2Renan_s2, humm then what is the app running in gnome for volume control hotkeys06:01
Renan_s2linux2, I don't know! i do'nt use GNOME06:01
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linux2Renan_s2, you use kde?06:02
Renan_s2linux2, yes06:02
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wastrellinux2:  it's part of the acpi subsystem, that catches the keycodes from the volume keys and calls some scripts iirc06:02
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linux2Renan_s2, do your volume controls work and have a graphical display when you change the volume06:04
prwlrhow can i update the pkg repositories of a non-connected ubuntu box? thanks06:04
Renan_s2linux2, yes06:04
linux2wastrel, ok, so how would i get a similar thing to work in kde06:04
Renan_s2linux2, go to the KDE control panel, access "Regional and accessibility" (I don't know the exact name, but it has the icon of 2 flags) and then configure it06:04
FusionXN1Ok Jackin....06:04
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FusionXN1I formatted one (the right one :)) and its using 3GB?!?!06:04
Renan_s2select the model for your keyboard06:04
Renan_s2it works here, even though my keyboard is not on the list (I use a cheap wireless keyboard) and I selected a random modem :D06:04
carthikCan someone help me find out why Avahi wont work over a wirelessly connected computer?06:05
NewUbuntuUseri have an ati graphics card that supports miltiple monitors but my second monitor only shows a clone of the primary monitor how can i get it to show an extention or second desktop?06:05
Renan_s2*model , not modem06:05
doughboyI am curious about something. I downloaded and installed realbasic on my pc then tried to create a desktop launcher. Well the launcher does not work. The launcher throws an error stating that there is no such directory. Whats up with that?06:05
FusionXN1How do i rename a harddrive?!?!06:05
carthikNewUbuntuUser, the keyword is "xinerama" - search for how to setup xorg in the xinerama mode right now you seem to have a dual head setup06:06
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lasthunter914THANKS EVERYONE IT WORKED sorry about my attitude i was getting frustrated06:06
lasthunter914=] 06:06
carthikNewUbuntuUser, actaully, now you dont have even dual head.06:06
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FusionXN1How do I mount a harddrive?!06:06
NewUbuntuUserthank you06:06
carthikFunnyLookinHat, what sort of hard drive is it, what is the type?06:07
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eyequeueyou mount filesystems, see "man mount"06:07
khoda`Hey - something's wrong with my internet. hostname goes slow, but when i go to IP it goes fast. How do I fix it? I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the dns servers are right06:07
linux2ok now second thing06:07
linux2what kernel does ubuntu use?06:07
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks06:07
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carthiklinux2, a linux kernel06:07
linux2the number?06:07
linux2cause i have debian06:07
Renan_s2kernel 2.6.1506:07
carthiklinux2, depends. you can find what you use using uname -a06:07
linux2im having a huge issue with acpi and the touchpad mouse06:08
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linux2what happens is that the touchpad mouse starts moving all around and clicking on stuff randomly06:08
linux2and there is error output in dmesg06:08
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linux2ubuntu does not do this for some reason06:08
linux2i find this very strange06:08
KeithWeisshardo you have the package list for the ubuntu dvd06:08
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khoda`Hey - something's wrong with my internet. hostname goes slow, but when i go to IP it goes fast. How do I fix it? I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the dns servers are right06:09
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linux2Renan_s2, i see no option for two flags?06:10
linux2or anything here that has to do with volume controls06:10
chris86wmis there a way to disable the menu scrolling in gnome?06:10
FusionXN1It wont enable my drive!!!06:10
Renan_s2linux2, is there an icon with the drawing of the 2 flags?06:10
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Renan_s2I think it is named "regional and accessibility" (my KDE is in Portuguese so I can't really help)06:10
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FusionXN1Can anyone help it wont enable my drive?!06:11
BungI ran $ sudo apt-get update and got the following error, can someone help? http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/bcj71899.html06:12
mikimgot it to work. I started the debug and wolla it got access06:12
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mikimBung, nvidia?06:12
FusionXN1you tried apt-get update06:13
linux2Renan_s2, other than country, region and language?06:13
Renan_s2linux2, this is what you want06:13
linux2and nothing is in there with volume controls06:13
Bungmikim: what?06:13
Renan_s2at least I think so06:13
Renan_s2not :/06:13
mikimBung, ah nothing...06:13
Renan_s2is there any icon called "keyboard"?06:13
FusionXN1I cant enable a harddrive can anyone help?06:13
linux2Renan_s2, yeah i looked in keyboard layout and keyboard shortcuts06:13
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Renan_s2linux2, then I don't know :(06:13
linux2but nothing that involved the volume control buttions06:14
chris86wmdoes anyone know how to disable menu scrolling in the gnome taskbar?06:14
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Bungwhere is the sources.list file?06:14
Bung etc/06:14
eyequeueBung, /etc/apt06:14
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jesspherdoes anybody here know any games that comes on the cd and ready to be installed on linux?06:15
Bung! question06:15
ubotuI know nothing about question - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:15
Bung! wait06:15
ubotuI know nothing about wait - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:15
jesspherdoes anybody here know any games that comes on the cd and ready to be installed on linux?06:15
chris86wmjesspher, what games are you looking for06:16
wastrelchris86wm:  did you dig thru the gnome configuration editor?06:16
valehrujesspher, ummm UNREAL TOURNAMENT 2004!06:16
jesspherany game that is ready to be installed on linux06:16
valehruQUAKE 406:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:16
valehruCold War06:16
chris86wmwastrel, naw how do i access it?06:16
valehruNeverwinter nights06:16
jesspheris unreal tournament ready to be installed out of the box for linux?06:16
wastrelchris86wm:  gconf-editor06:17
prwlrwhat file has the lists of the files in the repositories, so i can update that, apt-get -qq --print-uris install to get the links, and download the files in another box06:17
valehruno...im pulling your lef06:17
jesspherso i just pop in the cd and then it will install?06:17
chris86wmwastrel will check06:17
valehruyou have to type sudo ./unreal-install first06:17
valehrugah...read the manual06:17
Bung! repeat06:17
valehruwhen you buy it@06:17
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:17
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:18
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mikimFYI I have fixed my problem with cedega.. Anyone needs help pm me. Glad to help..06:18
wheels3572Can anyone tell me what VXWorks is?06:18
nevynwheels3572: a proprietary embbeded operating system06:19
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nevynwheels3572: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VxWorks06:19
wheels3572nevyn: when I try to ftp to my ip it's giving me that info06:19
FusionXN1I  got a problem, i formatted a drive now it says inaccessbale i click enable and it does nothing06:19
wheels3572nevyn, I already did wikipedia :)06:19
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nevynwheels3572: so you have a gateway running VXworks.. you and 100 million other people06:22
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jesspherdoes anybody know where to find the driver for ati radeon x600 for linux06:26
jesspherplease help06:26
wastrelwhat's vxworks06:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto06:26
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WarboHow do I put "Add/Remove" back on my menu? It isn't in Alacarte, and "Revert" doesn't seem to do it06:27
chris86wmanyone know how to make the multimedia keys work on an inspiron 6000? i have messed around with keyboard shortcuts but they dont seem to take affect.06:27
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AmaranthWarbo: Did you uninstall it?06:27
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net06:27
prwlrwhat file does "apt-get update" update?06:28
AmaranthWarbo: Or are you running as a non-sudo user?06:28
WarboAmaranth: I don't think so, but I removed it from the menu ages ago06:28
wastrelWarbo:  add/remove is synaptic package manager06:28
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Warbowastrel: "Advanced" is06:28
wastrelwhat's add/remove then?  heh i never use menus06:28
Warboprwlr: /var/lib/apt/lists I think06:28
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AmaranthWarbo: oh, hrm06:28
Warbowastrel: It's nice and easy to use06:29
Warbowastrel: (Synaptic is fine, but I am writing a Wiki page and would prefer to advocate Add/Remove, but I need to see it to describe it's use)06:29
wastrelWarbo:  it seems to be gnome-app-install06:29
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AmaranthWarbo: rm ~/.local/share/applications/gnome-app-install.desktop'06:30
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AmaranthWarbo: no ' though06:30
Warbowastrel: But it was a special menu entry, since it is not in the menu. I will just check that I haven't removed the program...06:30
prwlrWarbo, thanks06:30
FusionXN1I need help after formatting a drive linux wont enable it06:31
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sarra_I need some help compiling wine06:31
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wheels3572nevyn, Is it ok to remove vxworks?06:32
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nevynwheels3572: seeing as you're most likely currently routing packets through it I wouldn't advise removing it no06:33
iamchrisAny idea why I get the error message Kernel Panic- Net syncing attempt to kill init?06:33
WarboOops, looks like I did remove it sorry :) (I remeber using it recently, but that must have been on someone else's system)06:33
wheels3572What I dont understand is how I got it and if my router has anything to do with it?>06:33
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wastrelwhat's vxworks?06:34
SenesenceI'm trying clean up my synaptic repositories, so I could get everything I need. Any recommendations?06:34
nevynwheels3572: it's the OS in your router06:34
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chris86wmhey Warbo, thanks for the help man06:35
prwlrWarbo, how do i update my repository list in a non-connected box? thanks06:35
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NewUbuntuUserdoes anyone know how i can install flash player 9 on a 64bit system?06:35
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wheels3572nevyn, Ok ty yes I just seen that.  It's already using port 21 so what do I do in this case?06:36
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Cynicalas far as I knew flash won't work on 64bit systems no06:36
nevynwheels3572: what do you want to achieve?06:36
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SenesenceNewUbuntuUser: I don't think there is a way to install fp8 properly on linux, let alone 906:36
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Warboprwlr: Hmm. Maybe by copy the list files across then NOT running apt-get update, or maybe by creating a local APT repository, although it is probably beyond me06:36
justin_does anyone have the problem where the easy ubuntu installation of the ati driver makes things worse?06:36
Daver23xI used pmount to mount a usb drive now i cant umount it?06:36
WarboNewUbuntuUser: Should work with lib3206:36
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NewUbuntuUseri dont have lib3206:37
cerberusHey guys, I can't seem to be able to find the web root for apache anyone know where it is with the default synaptic install?06:37
WarboNewUbuntuUser: Don't ask me though, since I don't use 54bit, but WINE should install and run, therefore Flash Player 9 should as well06:37
wheels3572nevyn, to be able to connect to the ftp server from my laptop or from outside of my network and if port 21 is used do i just change the port?06:37
nevynWarbo: I didn't think it did because you need the mozilla/firefox/whatever to also be 32bit06:37
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[Ex0r] cerberus- /var/www/html06:37
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Warbo64bit is apparentyl even better than 54 bit as well :)06:37
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NewUbuntuUserwell flash player 9 is a binary (.bin) from the flash website which comes up to with an error incorrect architecture06:38
NewUbuntuUserand wont run06:38
nevynwheels3572: why does your gateway listen externally on port 21?06:38
Lurkanhi, i need change the editor for default, i have mc and need vi06:38
Warbonevyn: It is usually possible to run 32bit apps on 64bit using lib3206:38
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nevynLurkan: sudo update-alternatives --config default-editor06:38
WarboNewUbuntuUser: This is a Linux version?06:38
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nevynWarbo: apps yes.06:38
SenesenceWhat exactly does a "Backports" repository supply??06:38
wheels3572nevyn, I am not sure honestly06:38
nevynWarbo: but flash player plugs in to the web browser and needs abi compatibility with it.06:38
Warbonevyn: And Mozilla/FF aren't apps?06:38
cerberus[Ex0r] , that directory doesn't exist, in /var/www I have apache2-default and a link to php06:38
nevynWarbo: they are.06:39
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Warbonevyn: Exactly06:39
NewUbuntuUserit's the linux version06:39
[Ex0r] ah, you've got apache2 :\06:39
nevynWarbo: I was stating an additional possible dependancy.. not saying it can't be done.06:39
cerberusI do06:39
[Ex0r] can't help you there than06:39
WarboNewUbuntuUser: Wow, I need to get this then! Anyway, try and follow guides for Flash 7 if you can06:39
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cerberusCheers anyway, anyone else know?06:39
WarboNewUbuntuUser: (since Flash 9 guides probably don't exist yet)06:39
AllAroundHow do i write Ubuntu to a CD in .iso form when it's not a .iso file?06:40
SenesenceWhat exactly does the "Backports" repository supply in synaptic??06:40
NewUbuntuUserback ports :D06:40
WarboSenesence: Backports takes cool stuff from the newer Ubuntu versions and makes them work on the supported ones (only security fixes are put into Ubuntu releases once they are out, so cool features aren't added unless you use backports)06:41
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MadpilotAllAround, if it's not in ISO, something is wrong with whatever you downloaded. It should be a single giant ISO file06:41
iamchrisdoes anyone have an  idea why I get the error message Kernel Panic- Net syncing attempt to kill init?06:41
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nevyniamchris: something bad happened06:42
AllAroundHmmm, I got it straight from the site06:42
nevynactually I can get more specific06:42
SenesenceOk, so what would be the best way to set up repositories in synaptic so that I can have access to everything?06:42
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nevynsomething really bad happened06:42
WarboAllAround: The only other files are hashes (to check if it is corrupted) and bittorrent files06:42
FusionXN1I just formatted a drive and it wont open it says: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,06:42
MadpilotAllAround, what's the exact filename you downloaded?06:42
iamchrisAny idea why its happening?06:42
nevyniamchris: bad hardware would be my first gut feeling06:43
AllAroundIt's not just one file06:43
nevynor a really dodgy driver06:43
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FusionXN1* can anyone help06:43
iamchrisWhat hardware would be your first guess?06:43
MadpilotAllAround, it should be06:44
WarboYay I have Add/Remove back :)06:44
WarboAllAround: .bin and .cue maybe?06:44
MadpilotAllAround, you in the US?06:44
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FusionXN1ANyone know why i get that error?06:45
nevyniamchris: memory06:45
WarboFusionXN1: Were you giving it a type?06:45
AllAroundThere are 20 files in all06:45
nevyniamchris: then motherboard then cpu disk controller.. but really I'm just stabbing in the dark you havn't given me enough info to work with06:45
FusionXN1Warbo i formatted and have tried EXT3 and FAT32 it wont open06:45
sarra_Still having problems compiling Wine for AMD64. =\06:45
iamchrisThats all I really have to work with06:45
MadpilotAllAround, you need one file, and it's massive: http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso06:46
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iamchrisI load the live CD, and then after a short while, that message comes up06:46
WarboFusionXN1: Well "sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1" and "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt" should work06:46
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AllAroundOk, thx Madpilot06:47
FusionXN1WARBO Now i get no error message its "dead"06:47
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Lurkannevyn:  thanks06:47
jesspherdoes anybody know any app in linux that can open wpl files06:47
jesspherplease help06:47
jesspheri need to open wpl files06:47
WarboFusionXN1: mount doesn't say anything when it has worked06:47
FusionXN1no just vfat06:47
Warbojesspher: What are they made in?06:47
jesspherits like a streaming wmv file06:47
FusionXN1and the date06:47
WarboMPlayer maybe?06:47
FusionXN1its working now...06:48
jesspherbut whenever i click mplayer nothing appears06:48
FusionXN1How do i rename it06:48
jesspheris it suppose to not appea06:48
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WarboFusionXN1: I'm not about drive labels06:48
Warbojesspher: GMplayer shows a control panel as well as the video06:48
WarboFusionXN1: Drives can have labels, which is their name. If you mean changing it from /mnt then just unmount it with sudo umount /mnt then mount it somewhere else06:49
azrael0Hey, does anyone know how to edit an individual partition of a drive image?06:49
Warbojesspher: Comes with MPlayer06:49
jessphernothing appears when i click mplayer06:49
FusionXN1Warbo its "weird" it says its a windows NTFS yet gparted says it FAT3206:50
jesspheris that suppose to happen?06:50
FusionXN1somethings wrong it wont mount again06:50
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Warbojesspher: MPlayer doesn't show a control panel, so if the file doesn't work MPlayer will just quit, therefore you willsee nothing. GMPlayer shows a control panel06:50
jesspherhow can i laung gmplayer06:50
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WarboFusionXN1: partition types and their actual filesystems can often be different06:51
jesspherhow can i launch gmplayer06:51
Warbojesspher: Erm.. By typing gmplater?06:51
FusionXN1Warbo but it wont remount again now it says inaccessable06:51
WarboYou know what I mean :)06:51
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WarboFusionXN1: You used sudo umount?06:51
jesspherhow can i launch gmplayer please help06:52
FusionXN1can i use "fdisk"06:52
Warbojesspher: ^06:52
jesspherwhat do i do to launch gmplayer06:52
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Warbojesspher: Look up!06:52
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Warbo!cli > jesspher06:52
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bimberijesspher: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal,   then type 'gmplayer' in there06:52
carthikjesspher, have a little patience, and read what others have to say in reply06:52
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pppoe_dudejoin #ubuntu-offtopic06:53
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Warbopppoe_dude: I think you were being offtopic then06:53
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=== gawk slaps brodes18 around with a little fish!!
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jessphernothing appears when i type gmplayer06:53
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Warbojesspher: Is the terminal full of stuff?06:54
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carthikjesspher, what happens, exactly?06:54
pppoe_dudek... so if i ping say... test.no-ip.org, and the ip changes, will the ping adapt to that change or does 'ping' stor the IP address once it resolves it/?06:54
jesspherit says some scripts06:54
cerberusI'm running apache2 and going to http://the-den/ brings up my index.html as it should but going to http://localhost/ brings up a page saying "It works", going to http://localhost/index.html works fine. Any ideas why?06:54
jesspherYou will not be able to use your remote control.06:54
jesspher[skin]  file ( /usr/share/mplayer/Skin/default/skin ) not found.06:54
jesspherSkin not found (default).06:54
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carthikjesspher, you dont have a mplayer skin installed properly.06:54
Warbo!info mplayer-skins06:55
jesspherhow can i install it properly06:55
ubotumplayer-skins: Skins for the Ubuntu mplayer Package. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 2-6 (dapper), package size 68 kB, installed size 204 kB06:55
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falconerI have question about the live CD. I am a beginner. I was using the dictionary (accessories). Can you change the dictionary being used? (using the liveCD?)06:55
carthikjesspher, and dont spam this place, paste multiline output in a pastebing06:55
A-0nE-Arm3d-K1dhey I have a question06:55
A-0nE-Arm3d-K1dabout static IP's06:55
carthikpastebin, I mean06:55
jesspheri don't spam06:55
jesspherim only 1406:55
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jesspherim new to linux06:55
carthikjesspher, after adding the universe and multiverse repositories, do a $sudo apt-get install mplayer06:55
A-0nE-Arm3d-K1dcan I use IF conf to set a stat. IP?06:55
Warbo!enter > jesspher06:55
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bimberifalconer: Edit -> Preferences06:55
carthik!tell jesspher about universe06:56
jesspherwhat do i type on the repository06:56
Evil_Ed`tell me06:56
Rodyawhen installing breezy it got to installing the extra packages and then gave the error check console 4 >>> error: 'cp =a "/cdrom/pool/main/u/ubuntu-artwork/ubuntu-artwork_0.2.27-1_all.deb" "/target/var/cache/archive-copier/desktop/ubuntu-artwork_0227-1_all.deb" failed with code 106:56
jesspherto get mplayer06:56
Rodyacan anyone help?06:56
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:56
Warbojesspher: See that "!info" I just did? That tells you info about a pakcge, which you can install in Synaptic or something06:56
falconerdoesn't seem to work bimberi thanks :)06:56
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carthikjesspher, that was meant for you...06:56
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Ophiocusdoes re installing GRUB after windows install affect fstab? my fstab is not mounting properlly the drives as i had them06:57
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WarboOphiocus: Shouldn't do06:57
jesspheri know but what do i type on the repository to add mplayer06:57
brodes18I can't get my Veiwsonic vx2025Wm widescreen monitor to display the proper resolution of 1680X1050. The graphics card is set right as well as direct rendering ive entered the Horizontal and vertical refresh into the xorg file but it maxes out at 1280X102406:57
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Warbojesspher: "on the repository"? Do you want the repository or the package?06:57
bimberifalconer: sry, i knew of its existence, not usage06:57
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Rodyadoes anyone know what to do about the error message?06:58
jesspherthe repository06:58
anonymeeeehi everyone06:58
Warbo!easysource > jesspher06:58
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Warbojesspher: That will easily add the right ones06:58
carthikbrodes18, run $sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and when you get to the resolutions screen, choose the ones you want by highlightin them and pressing the space bar06:58
Warbojesspher: You should have got a message06:58
anonymeeeeanyone know of a easy cups reference to walk me through setting up my print server?06:58
bimberiRodya: could be a bad cd?06:58
falconerI'm a liar.06:59
Rodyai dont think sos bimberi06:59
sarra_Okay, I'm reading this and completely lost now: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit06:59
Rodyai have 506:59
carthikanonymeeee, search the wiki for cups06:59
Lost_itI messed up everything.  I get to the login screen, it accepts my password and takes me back to the login screen.  Any ideas....06:59
brodes18thanks carthik, I did that too and it didnt help. Also the resolution is listed in xorg.conf06:59
sarra_I don't get the part under "Run configure, build and install with:"06:59
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:59
Lost_itI was testing a script for making custom UbuntuCD's06:59
Rodyacan i install the extra packages from the internet after i install the base system?06:59
carthikbrodes, maybe you just need to go to system->prefs->screen res. and choose the right res?06:59
Rodyaand get ubuntu-desktop?07:00
WarboRodya: yep07:00
sarra_Thanks, Warbo, but htat's not any hel[07:00
Warbosarra_: Oh, OK07:00
brodes18carthik did that too07:00
Rodyais there a help file for this Warbo07:00
sarra_I'm trying ot install Wine on Amd64, and there's nothing but sourse07:00
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WarboRodya: Installing stuff? Use aptitude07:00
Lost_itsarra_: did that script work for you07:00
carthikbrodes18, i'm out of ideas, sorry07:00
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sarra_And I'm getting compile errors07:00
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Warbo!info aptitude07:00
ubotuaptitude: terminal-based apt frontend. In repository main, is important. Version 0.4.0-5ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1254 kB, installed size 7144 kB07:00
sarra_Lost_it: Yes, it did, thanks. :)07:00
brodes18carthik thanks anyway07:01
Warbo"sudo aptitude"07:01
ProximityCan someone help me out with installing some drivers?... sort of a n00b heh :\07:01
Rodyai can use that without xserver running?07:01
Lost_itJAck here07:01
Lost_itglad it worked07:01
WarboRodya: Yup, it's console based07:01
marcus__Proximity: which drivers?07:01
Lost_ittesting latest script I lost the abitlity to login..07:01
Proximityim trying to install some nvidia drivers07:01
Rodyaso what do i do07:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:01
Rodyajust sudo aptitude and it will do it for me?07:01
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WarboRodya: just to let you know, "u" will update lists, / will search, + will mark for installation and "g" will "go"07:02
damnhilhave you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560 to compile a kernel?07:02
Proximitytried following that but do not understand the process07:02
Lost_itwill work on it tomorrow07:02
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WarboRodya: Hopefully, if your connection is up07:02
marcus__Proximity: well i cant help more than that sorry07:02
Rodyais this like installing debians netiso?07:02
ProximityCan you tell me well guide me through it07:02
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WarboRodya: Aptitude is a Debian app, but I haven't used the NetISO (I connect with an eagle-usb modem which is not supported)07:03
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sarra_My desktop is doing that retarded thing where there's no video again07:03
bimberiRodya: base (or server) install, get internet connection going, 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list', comment out cdrom line and uncomment the dapper/main lines, save&exit, 'sudo aptitude update', 'sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop'07:04
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eternalswdI'm using xmms and the pieces ie main window, equalizer and playlist are not sticking together as one window.  Anyone know how to fix this?07:04
craftehif i made a directory group writable and i am in the group that owns the directory, i should be able to create files in it right?07:04
eyequeuecrafteh, correct07:04
carthikcrafteh, writable by who?07:04
bimbericrafteh: if it is read and execute as well yes07:04
Rodyai'll try this07:04
craftehit has permissions 2775, it is owned by root:data-user, i am in data-user but i can't create files in it07:05
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damnhilcan gcc 4.0.3 build the kernel?07:05
carthikcrafteh, are you in data-user -- did you just add yourself?07:05
sarra_I HATE SLI! >_<07:05
craftehi used webmin and it says i'm in it. how can i verify on the command line?07:05
Warbodamnhil: I would think so. Make sure you build any external drivers with the same version though07:05
carthikcrafteh, just type "groups"07:06
craftehah, it doesn't think i'm in it07:06
craftehmaybe i just need to restart the shell07:06
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linuxboywhy is the alpha of edgy called knot 1 ?07:06
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carthikcrafteh, do "newgrp data-user"07:06
Rodyawhat all do i install to get ubuntu-desktop working?07:06
Warbolinuxboy: "A knot of Efts"07:06
craftehthe group is already created, i guess i'm just not in it07:06
carthikcrafteh, then you dont need to restart.07:07
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carthikcrafteh, read man newgrp :)07:07
WarboRodya: installing ubuntu-desktop from a basic system should be enough07:07
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Madpilotlinuxboy, I guess a group of efts is called a knot. It's amazing, what free software can teach you. ;)07:07
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marcus__it is amazing07:08
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angom_hhi, does somebody knows wich package to get the header files (/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build) for dapper ?07:08
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FusionXN1HI, how do i make ubuntu mount a drive on start up?07:08
WarboMadpilot: I couldn't even touch type before using terminals... Wait, is that a bad thing?07:08
marcus__Madpilot: can even teach you more than you want to know about people too.07:08
linuxboyMadpilot: can you back that up with a url ?07:08
craftehcarthik: how can I do the equivalent of 'newgrp data-user' for my gnome session?07:08
Warbolinux-headers-`uname -r`07:08
carthikangom_h, linux-headers-686 (or 386 or whatever your kernel is)07:08
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angom_hthx carthik07:08
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carthikcrafteh, I suppose just doing that would do it07:08
moshezI'm using Dapper. apt-cache search shows "xen-tools", which recommends "xen" but "xen" isn't available. perhaps I have a screwed up sources.list, but if so, I'm not sure what the screw-up is.07:08
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:08
bimberimoshez: put your sources.list on a pastebin07:09
craftehhm, ok07:09
Warbocarthik: I keep clear of those, since my kernel uses custom drivers which break if a meta-package upgrades itself for me07:09
moshezbimberi: thanks, just a sec07:09
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FusionXN1ANyone know how to make ubuntu mount a drive on start up?07:09
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions07:09
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bluefoxicyedit /etc/fstab07:09
carthikWarbo, does that make it the wrong answer to the question that was asked ? :)07:09
Kr0ntabsup people07:09
FusionXN1k ty blue07:09
Warbocarthik: Well, my way doesn't break customised systems but still gets the job done :)07:10
FusionXN1blue - how do i edit it in terminal07:10
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Warbosudo nano /etc/fstab07:10
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moshezrar, the pastebin be slow today :(07:11
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Madpilotlinux2, actually, no, I just had a quick google and I can't cite a source ;)07:11
FusionXN1Warbo how do i save it?07:11
FusionXN1Write out?07:11
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anonymeeeehow do I know if samba is up and working on my system/07:12
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moshezmy apt sources.list is here: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/gt7Fzc92.html07:12
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moshez(Regarding my question about how come "xen-tools" is available and recommends "xen", which is not)07:13
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moshezI updated a few minutes ago, so I doubt it's an update problem07:13
highphilosopherhello all07:13
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terrapennthis is the strangest thing.  i have my fonts set up nice and proper for this screen, all the menus of most apps look good except for Firefox.  It's menus have great big ugly fonts.  Any ideas?07:13
terrapennback in the day, I would have edited Xresources or somethign07:13
moshezyou'll notice "multiverse" is commented out, by I tried adding multiverse and it did not have any effect07:13
linux2ok, anyone know what version of the synaptics touchpad ubuntu uses?07:13
linux2the module version07:14
linux2thanks in advance07:14
terrapennI'm not really sure how Firefox chooses the fonts for its menus and toolbars07:14
highphilosopherterrapenn: goto about:config in firefox to change your fonts07:14
terrapennlinux, look on the packages website and see07:14
terrapennhigh: i looked at that earlier...wasn't sure which controlled the menus and toolbars tho07:14
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highphilosopherhang on...07:15
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FusionXN1Oh crap, my 2nd hdd says i dont have permission to delete anything how do i change permissions07:16
highphilosopherterrapenn: ok, if you type font in the little search box on about:config theres a font.default.<your language> there07:16
highphilosopherChange that to one you have installed07:16
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highphilosopherterrapenn: in theory that should do it. (theory that is)07:17
terrapenndoes that want the traditional X11 font string?  ie -0--Arial--3-10 yada yada?07:17
sarra_http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit - The stuff in the very bottom box: What do I do with it in the command line?07:17
highphilosopherno, it looks like just the name07:17
highphilosopherthere is a default size further down the list for each language07:17
terrapennoh great, there's no "en" there :)07:17
carthikI need a sysadmin to help me with a server, not for free, of course, so how can I find one - I'd prefer someone who contributes to Ubuntu.07:18
Lynourecarthik: if physically, where?07:18
carthikLynoure, not physically, dude :) the server is i-dont-know-in-which-datacenter07:19
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terrapennyeah, i don't remember having this problem on other Ubuntu installs...but this laptop is my first to have WSXGA+ (1680x1080) :)07:19
valehrucarthik, what do you need done to it?07:19
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highphilosopherterrapenn: holy crap, I cannot even find an extension for it.07:20
carthikvalehru, need to harden it, and migrate some user accounts etc -- set it all up right, nameservers, etc etc07:20
terrapennhighphilosopher: hmmm, it has to be getting it from the X11/Xfce config somewhere07:20
terrapennjust not sure...it seems to ignore Xfce's application font preferences07:20
Lynourecarthik: sounds ok07:20
valehruI'd do it but im mad busy.....leaving for Ireland and then China in 5 hours07:21
highphilosopherterrapenn: is any other window manager installed?07:21
terrapennhighphilosopher: could be...not that i'm running, though07:21
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highphilosopherterrapenn: open firefox in gnome, or kde and see if the font problem was the same07:21
FusionXN1How do i edit a drives permissions?07:21
terrapennhighphilosopher: strange thing is that Xfce's settings will affect the text in the browser's actual rendering of the page07:21
Lynourecarthik: but I'd rather talk business and prices in /msg than on a support channel.07:21
terrapennbut not on the menus07:22
highphilosopherterrapenn: ok, the menu's are fine, but the page fonts are messed up?07:23
terrapennfor the hell of it, im going to reinstall firefox07:23
terrapennnope, the page fonts are great07:23
terrapennit's firefox's menus, toolbars, that are messed up07:23
terrapenni should post a screenshot :)07:23
highphilosopherok, just making sure :)07:23
highphilosophertry a re-install07:23
terrapennyup trying now07:23
peabodyI'm currently running Fedora Core 4 with LVM.  I've been curious about Ubuntu for a while now however.  Will there be much trouble installing Ubuntu on the partition layout I'm currently on?.  I have a basic LVM setup with two hard drives.  No raid to my knowledge, just concatenation.  I have a seperate root and /home.07:23
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boogerhey all07:24
highphilosopherpeabody: LVM is supported, but I reccomend the install CD instead of the live CD for an LVM install07:24
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jorge__can someone help me out, when i try ./configure, it says "./configure: command not found"07:24
boogeri would like some assistance with installing plugins into gaim, can anyone help me?07:24
peabodyhighphilosopher: Thanks.  Is there a guide to installing with LVM somewhere on the web?07:24
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highphilosopherpeabody: it's in the ubuntu install, you cannot miss it, do the manual hard drive partitioning.07:25
highphilosopherpeabody: please do not repeat :)07:26
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highphilosopherjorge__: did you install build_essential ?07:26
peabodyhighphilosopher: Thanks...do not repeat?  I make faux pas?07:26
terrapennbummer, that didn't work07:27
rishinalioth its been a while07:27
rsyncthis is annoying. my xfs corrupted , i had x working. i have reinstalled. x doesn't work anymore. there were some incremental changes, accumulated over time, to working X. Fresh x from breezy doesn't work. well it does, but it does not autodetect modes properly just drops you into 640 x 480 x 24.07:27
highphilosopherpeabody: my bad, I thought I saw you repeat the same thing. I went back tho, and you didn't. P.S. I am losing it :007:27
rsyncmodifying xorg.conf changes nothing.07:27
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peabodyhighphilosopher: Ah, no worries.  It's been a crazy day for myself.07:27
highphilosopherterrapenn: make a new user and see if it looks the same for them07:28
rishirsync, what are you trying to do?07:28
rsyncwell it does. subsequent restarts yield only black screen for any type of x sesion07:28
rsyncrishi: i just have reinstalled from scratch07:28
naliothrishi: a while for what?07:28
FusionXN1I need some help - i cant change permissions of my 2nd HDD: chown: changing ownership of `/media/sdb1': Read-only file syste07:28
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rishinalioth: a while since I've been here...you've helped me out a lot in the past07:28
rsyncrishi: using 5.10 install cd07:28
highphilosopherrsync: did you change your horiz or vert refresh rates?07:28
rsyncrishi: and with all updated done in07:28
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naliothrishi: well, great, i hope you are here to help others with your knowledge07:29
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA07:29
peabodyIs there a torrent for the latest install cd?  I seem to be having trouble finding it on google.07:29
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rishirsync, why?07:29
rsynchighphilosopher: it is a laptop. last time it worked without any modification07:29
rishinalioth: i am, whatever little knowledge i have, but i was hoping for some help too...i don't know how to install plugins for gaim07:29
Madpilotpeabody, do you want the Dapper installer, or the new testing Edgy one?07:29
naliothrishi: try #gaim07:30
highphilosopherrsync: what did you change in xorg.conf?07:30
Evil_Ed`you tell me07:30
rishirsync: why are you using the breezy install?07:30
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peabodyMadpilot: Whatever's stable, sounds like I want the Dapper07:30
highphilosopherpeabody: nodz07:30
rsynchighphilosopher: i tried updating refresh to:07:31
rsync HorizSync 30-6807:31
rsync VertRefresh 50-7507:31
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FusionXN1No one know how to change permissions?07:31
rsyncrishi: dunno, i have that cd07:31
Madpilotpeabody, go to http://www.ubuntu.com/download, pick a mirror close to you, grab the .torrent file07:31
Rodyathanks for all your help07:31
Rodyagot ubuntu installed finally07:31
jorge__highphilosopher: ok, i'm installing build_essential now07:31
craftehis there a way to change the default size of my terminal? i can't find that setting..... and it doesn't seem to remember my changes07:31
highphilosopherrsync: the horiz is alittle low. There should be a line there alittle above the refresh about fbdev. See if it's set to true or false07:31
rishirsync: i'm not sure what problem you're having; but i would say get dapper man, its a ridiculous change...sooo much better07:32
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Kr0ntabcrafteh, you refering to yer actual console... or like yer gnome-terminal ?07:33
peabody6.06 is dapper?07:33
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highphilosopherrsync: You might run a dist-upgrade with apt-get. Then you could apt-get install xorg-reconfigure07:33
highphilosopherpeabody: yes07:33
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peabodyhighphilosopher: thanks07:33
highphilosopherpeabody: :)07:33
rsynchighphilosopher: i am running distupgrade already07:33
highphilosopherrsync: ok07:33
craftehKr0ntab: my gnome-terminal. i just found this page though: http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4326&sid=5f8a31cabc1012eb558eeb5bac2dd62807:33
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highphilosopherP.S. did anyone order CD's from ubuntu.com?07:33
pppoe_dudeany way to make ssh -X faster? it is reaally slow across a network if i run say, firefox07:34
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pppoe_dude*across the internet07:34
terrapennhighphilosopher: indeed, it was correct for the new user07:34
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dlipppoe_dude, slow network?07:34
rishihighphilosopher, i did07:34
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pppoe_dudedli, no... it just doesnt use the nwtwork... it just waits a long time07:34
terrapennhigh: so I nuked ~/.config and sure enough07:34
dlipppoe_dude, try : ssh -C -X -Y07:34
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terrapennso now I gotta re-do my desktop config and figure out what went wrong :)07:35
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pppoe_dudedli, will do thanks07:35
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dlipppoe_dude, remove exporting xhost DISPLAY in ~/.bash*07:35
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craftehwhat log rotating script does ubuntu use? (i'd like to put it on my real server)07:36
peabodyhmm, did I want the desktop cd or the alternate cd?  I'm just now reading about LVM support in the alternate cd.07:37
Madpilotpeabody, desktop is the liveCD w/ install, alternate is the old-fashioned text installer07:38
Flannelpeabody: they both install the desktop, the 'desktop' CD is a liveCD with a new graphical installer07:38
Kr0ntabanyone else annoyed when after installing/removing applications (via apt, or wutevas) the gnome application menu folders are kind of scroll activated, until you to expand / visit them at least once?  Hehe... kind of lame little annoyance.07:38
peabodyThanks, sounds like I want the alternate then.07:38
Madpilotpeabody, if you're doing something exotic with LVM, then you probably do07:38
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peabodyMadpilot: Nothing too exotic, but just to be safe.07:39
protocol1I typed this in my console to update my firefox "sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /opt/firefox07:39
protocol1" and yeah it updated ok but when I tried to change permissions back to "sudo chown -R root:root /opt/firefox07:39
protocol1" I get an error?07:39
peabodyI sort of prefer text based installs anyway, the ones where you can have a shell.  Nice to have those things.07:40
terrapenni wonder if adblockplus.org is legit07:40
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terrapennit didn't use to be distributed from there07:40
FusionXN1whats the command to delete a folder07:40
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weexcan i use kde apps ok on ubuntu?07:41
terrapennof couse, weex07:41
FusionXN1weex yes i have been able to07:41
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Kr0ntabFusionXN1, rmdir07:41
Kr0ntabif it has contents in it...07:41
Kr0ntabrm -r dir07:41
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protocol1think I should leave my browser set with this setting? "sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /opt/firefox07:42
protocol1because thats the only way it works07:42
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Madpilotprotocol1, if that's the only way it works, something is broken in your Ubuntu install...07:42
protocol1and the update feature is not greyed out07:42
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protocol1I installed the browser when I used breezy07:42
protocol1now im using dapper07:43
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protocol1so thats probably an issue07:43
weexis there a good replacement for access that i can use in ubuntu? I tried openoffice database but wasn't too impressed and there seems to be quite a list of db apps to check out07:43
FusionXN1when using the command sudo chown how do you make it owned to all users?07:44
kjbisa bahasa indo nggak07:44
kjtolong samperin07:44
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weexdidn't think there could be more than one owner or a file07:45
Madpilotprotocol1, did you upgrade Firefox manually?07:45
ubotuI know nothing about tg - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:45
ubotuJoin #ubuntu-ph for tagalog07:45
FusionXN1weex well i was doign sudo chown -R root and i change it to sudo chown -R fusionxn1 and it allows me to do anything in there now07:45
FusionXN1WOuld be nice for all users tho07:46
terrapennthe free mono font rules07:46
terrapennesp. at bold07:46
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naliothFusionXN1: where did you run your command?07:46
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FusionXN1I'm missing the font for this website (http://box.net/) anyone know what it is07:47
braddockbrlil question... ive downloaded a 100mb software to my desktop throught synaptic... cool... now I want the same software in my laptop... both with dapper dake..... I really need to download it again in the lap? cant use the other os files?07:47
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DarkEDFusionXN1: looks like ... some kinda arial variant07:47
FusionXN1Anyway to get the font?07:47
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Madpilotprotocol1, Dapper has FF 1.5.something, you know...07:48
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BeepAUcould someone please help me? I'm a noob who's trying to get a internet connection through Ubuntu07:48
FusionXN1Beep welcome to the room :)07:49
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BeepAUthanks. it's nice to be here.07:49
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rohanwhats the easiest way to make apps like k3b and amaork look exactly like gnome, on ubuntu dapper ?07:49
FusionXN1Beep can you provide any more information? Have you set your connection up?07:50
DarkEDFusionXN1: sorry took so long to respond. you are in linux, right?07:50
FusionXN1Dark - Ubuntu so yes07:50
BeepAUI'm running a dual-boot system07:51
BeepAUon windows now07:51
DarkEDFusionXN1: okay lemme look07:51
braddockbrI need to download again a software to each PC with synaptic ?07:51
protocol1yeah...it said dapper updated the to ff1.5.0.507:51
protocol1but when I looked it was still
BeepAUmy modem is a D-Link DSL-302G, but I can only go through the usb07:51
protocol1so I did the update manually07:51
eyequeueprotocol1, security is not in your sources.list? :(07:52
FusionXN1How do you make archieve manager support.rar? i have p7zip installed07:52
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DarkEDFusionXN1: take a look here: http://avi.alkalay.net/linux/docs/font-howto/Font.html07:52
Hexidigitalrohan:: why not just install gnome, and use k3b and amarok through gnome?07:52
FusionXN1Dark can you help my other question07:53
rohanHexidigital: that is exactly what i am doing07:53
BeepAUFusionXN1 - So, do you think you could help me?07:53
rohani am on gnome, using k3b and amarok as the only kde apps07:53
Hexidigitalrohan:: ah, and they have the default kde layout?07:53
protocol1eyequeue, how can I fix that...have a url to the repository?07:53
rohanHexidigital: yes :)07:53
Hexidigitalrohan:: :( oh, sorry, bud... i dont know about that one07:53
FusionXN1Beep im actually new to ubuntu myself... Can anyone help Beep setup and internet connection please07:53
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FusionXN1Dark - how do i make archieve manager support RAR07:54
BeepAUWell, thanks anyway, FusionXN1.07:54
FusionXN1i have p7zip07:54
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braddockbrFusionXN1: you need to download rar07:54
Renan_s2FusionXN1, apt-get install rar , I guess07:54
=== Hexidigital needs sleep... have a great day everybody
braddockbrand set the path07:54
braddockbron archieve manager07:54
Clausianno matter what user i try, proftpd says that the password is invalid, any ideas?07:54
FusionXN1Beep which i could help - have you been to system -> administration -> netowrking07:54
braddockbrapt get will only get you unrar-free witch sux07:54
eyequeueprotocol1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories07:54
braddockbrget rar07:55
protocol1eyequeue, yeah security updates are in there07:55
protocol1i just looked07:55
FusionXN1I want to make RAR07:55
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression07:55
DarkEDFusionXN1: hey did you get the msg i sent with the link?07:55
DarkEDFusionXN1: wifi dropped out07:55
FusionXN1yes i just downloaded arial07:55
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braddockbrlil question... ive downloaded a 100mb software to my desktop throught synaptic... cool... now I want the same software in my laptop... both with dapper dake..... I really need to download it again in the lap? cant use the other os files?07:55
DarkEDFusionXN1: okay cool07:55
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Clausianno matter what user i try, proftpd says that the password is invalid, any ideas?07:55
Clausianno matter what user i try, proftpd says that the password is invalid, any ideas?07:55
Clausianno matter what user i try, proftpd says that the password is invalid, any ideas?07:55
Clausianno matter what user i try, proftpd says that the password is invalid, any ideas?07:55
Clausianno matter what user i try, proftpd says that the password is invalid, any ideas?07:55
BeepAUFusionXN1: I'll scope it out and come back.07:55
PhenaxClausian: Shut the f*** up07:56
HexidigitalClausian:: no need for that07:56
FusionXN1Dark where do i move these fonts?07:56
ubotuHelp! lilo, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!07:56
HexidigitalClausian:: spam07:56
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Hexidigitalthx DBO07:56
naliothdarn, too late07:56
Amaranthnalioth: me too :P07:56
naliothPhenax: please be civil07:56
HexidigitalMadpilot:: sorry, i forgot you were here07:56
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Clausianfuck u07:56
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Amaranthi got to '/cs k'07:57
HexidigitalDBO:: 2 for 207:57
MadpilotHexidigital, no, hitting the !ops tell proved to be far more entertaining :)07:57
FusionXN1Dark where i move these?07:57
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HexidigitalMadpilot:: :-D07:57
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FusionXN1Anyway to make .RAR in archieve manager?07:57
braddockbrjust yes or no, please.... its possible to download a package trought synaptic and install in more then 1 pc??07:57
eyequeueprotocol1, apt-cache show firefox | grep ^Version07:57
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Amaranthyou don't have chanserv.py?07:58
AmaranthMadpilot: Kickban me. :)07:58
DBOgentlemen, this kind of conduct is for the offtopic room, you know, where we be stupid all the time07:58
=== Hexidigital is going to bed after seeing some excitement :) g'nite all
MadpilotDBO, thanks for the reminder :)07:58
AmaranthDBO: You ruin all the fun. :)07:58
DBOall the kids hate me, I know07:58
protocol1eyequeue, I do have the latest version of firefox....im just wondering how to grey out the update link for the browser again?07:58
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=== RabidSnail [n=CmdrBatG@pool-71-123-39-241.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueprotocol1, did you install it via the deb?  is the version this: Version: 1.5.dfsg+
protocol1heres what I typed to update my web browser "sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /opt/firefox"07:59
eyequeueprotocol1, if not, i recommend installing the deb08:00
protocol1when I set the browser back to this "sudo chown -R root:root /opt/firefox"08:00
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@222-152-209-192.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
protocol1i get the error08:00
protocol1yeah well its not a big issue08:01
=== CmdrBatGuano [n=CmdrBatG@unaffiliated/cmdrbatguano] has joined #ubuntu
protocol1its working now so I wont bother it till I really have a problem08:01
CmdrBatGuanoVLC refuses to play anything (regardless of format) and gives this as the excuse: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1907408:02
CmdrBatGuanothis is for an flv08:02
CmdrBatGuanobut the error is identical regardless of filetype08:02
FusionXN1Dark - thanks but i dont know how to install these fonts08:02
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto08:02
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer08:02
hussamwhat gstreamer or something plugins do I install to get rhythmbox working?08:03
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FusionXN1Dark i done it :)08:06
damnhilhussam: There was a page on ubuntuguide08:06
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DarkEDFusionXN1: lol glad you got it workin :X08:06
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damnhilhussam:  Search "Unofficial Ubuntu Starter Guide" and find the gsreamer info in the page08:06
DarkEDyeah... i uh... i think im giving up ubuntu for a while08:07
FusionXN1dark - moved fonts to .fonts under my username08:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:07
DarkEDFusionXN1: was it arial?08:07
Madpilotdamnhil & hussam - use the pages that ubotu just posted above, instead of ubuntuguide... the official docs really are better, in this case08:07
=== Khisanth [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-6-216.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
spiderwormhi all, what sort of kernel should i be running with a AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ chip? k7? 686?08:08
DarkEDspiderworm: if its amd, run k708:08
=== Cynical [n=dewbie@nv-71-50-87-224.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
spiderwormsorry about the (tm)... was copying and pasting there *grin*08:08
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:08
=== test [n=test@68-114-60-93.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DarkEDspiderworm: np :D08:08
DarkEDbut anyway, ubuntu dapper doesnt want to work with my ati card, no matter what i do. breezy was fine, and even with newest fglrx, nothing works. so im gonna take a break and try out fedora 508:09
=== terrapenn [n=cjs@mauritius.island.nu] has joined #ubuntu
terrapennsurely there has to be a nicer AIM client than GAIM, right?08:09
DarkEDterrapenn: kopete is good08:09
spiderwormterrapenn: i like kopete08:09
Phenaxterrapenn: What's wrong with Gaim?08:10
DarkEDPhenax: gaim is nice but kinda plain08:10
PhenaxHow so?08:10
terrapennthe interface is HUGE08:10
=== obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-151-57-245.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
spiderwormalso it uses gtk... yick08:10
chip42Phenax: its missing the built in advertising.. if using an IM isn't like watching a commercial, your client sucks08:10
terrapennwith AdiumX on my mac, I can make my buddy list very small, compact08:10
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Phenaxchip42: Hehehe08:10
DarkEDPhenax: it just is. kopete is like the trillian pro of linux08:10
PhenaxI hate Trillian08:11
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terrapenni'm running 1680x1024 on this laptop and GAIM takes up a huge part of it08:11
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DarkEDPhenax: thats why you like gaim :D08:11
Phenaxterrapenn: Resize it?08:11
FusionXN1How do i rename a HDD?08:11
PhenaxI'm running 1280x1024 and it takes like 1/1000000th of my screen.08:11
terrapennmaybe somebody has written a good curses-based AIM client :)08:11
terrapennhell, ncurses+libgaim would make for a nice client08:11
CmdrBatGuanoterrapenn: there's nothing on linux that will let you get rid of window borders08:11
Phenaxnaim uses ncurses08:11
testbut kopete rules08:11
=== terrapenn looks at naim
CmdrBatGuanoand there is no true transparency unless you run xgl08:12
DarkEDtest: yep08:12
FusionXN1test ^^ hear hear08:12
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testheres a question: Can xgl be run on a intel915?08:12
Phenaxterrapenn: But why don't you resize the gaim window? Does your WM not support window resizing? rofl.08:12
terrapennheh, naim is perfect08:13
azrael0naim ftw08:13
terrapennphenax, its still way, way too big08:13
CmdrBatGuanoPhenax:Adium lets you get rid of windowdressings08:13
azrael0Plus, naim has screen resumable08:13
terrapenni hate windowdressings08:13
azrael0Works very well to allow you to remain logged on for a long time, but not need to have your client up.08:13
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CmdrBatGuanoterrapenn:you could just leave the buddy list closed all the time and gaim will retract to a panel widget08:15
CmdrBatGuanothen it takes up like 20x20px08:15
terrapenni'd rather have a small buddy list08:15
CynicalI can't get above 1280x800 on my laptop08:15
CmdrBatGuanothen I guess you're out of luck unless you want to write one08:15
Cynicaleven though native resolution is 1440x90008:16
linux2does ubuntu use kernel
FusionXN1No one know how to rename a HDD08:17
bimberi_linux2: 2.6.15-2608:17
Cynicalits up to like
linux2can you even download the source for that?08:17
Cynicalwhat they said08:17
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linux2all i see is and
Cynicalanyone know how to fix my resolution problem08:17
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ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php08:17
Phenaxhttp://img224.imageshack.us/img224/9062/screenshotqg1.jpg  .. I hardly think that Gaim is using that big of a portion of my screen to say it's annoying08:17
=== Nimrod6 [n=nimrod@cpe-74-71-16-196.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberi_!info linux-source08:18
ubotulinux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB08:18
bimberi_linux2: ^^^^08:18
=== SeraVitae [n=seb@60-240-192-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
CmdrBatGuanovlc is still very confused:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1907408:18
hussamMadpilot, damnhil: thanks :)08:19
DarkEDvlc kicks ass08:19
DarkEDer... arse08:19
PhenaxI like mplayer better08:19
DarkEDbut if you dont have opengl accel, forget it08:19
DarkEDvideos look like crap08:19
linux2so then source would be correct?08:19
chris86wmis there a gnome equivalent to konquerer?08:19
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:19
damnhilhussam: Trying to play .wmv files?08:19
Phenaxchris86wm: epiphany08:19
chris86wmthanks, will check it out08:19
SeraVitaeHey, im trying to install a VPN client, and i'm getting errors like: makefile:490: .config: No such file or directory08:20
SeraVitaewhat am I missing?08:20
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notjoshdoes anyone know where the ntp config file lives with ubuntu?08:21
CmdrBatGuanoBut why does vlc think everything is a dvd if the file isn't specified as a command line argument08:21
stefgaim rocks08:21
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adamant1988I'm thinking about Installing Klik on my system, but I wanted to know what the advantages and disadvantages are of it... can anyone help me out?08:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:22
FusionXN1the W32CODEC file is missing again08:23
=== sonotos [n=sonotos@p54A30519.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
linux2im so trickey08:24
damnhilis Duron  800 faster than Pentium 450?08:25
linux2compile the ubuntu kernel for debian to get my touchpad to work08:25
FusionXN1linux2 u know how to rename a HDD?08:25
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linux2FusionXN1, how so?08:25
damnhilFusionXN1: what do you mean rename?08:25
damnhilFusionXN1: Do you know if Duron  800 faster than Pentium 450?08:26
FusionXN1its set to free space: BLA BLA in the COmputer i want it to be set to storage08:26
Renan_s2damnhil, a little08:26
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FusionXN1Damn  - no08:26
damnhilRenan_s2: Why is it a little?08:26
damnhilRenan_s2: clock speed doesn't count?08:26
Renan_s2damnhil, not much, Duron is low-end08:27
Renan_s2Pentium is higher-end08:27
FusionXN1WHy wont amaroK play MP3?!?!08:27
FusionXN1i got xine engine enabled08:27
terrapennyour roommate is a nerd!08:27
damnhilRenan_s2: You are right. I bet the Duron is the same as Celeron08:27
FlannelFusionXN1: you need to download the KDE mp3 libs08:27
terrapennyeah, and on the moon, nerds get their pants pulled down and spanked with moon rocks!08:27
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FusionXN1flannel - you know the name?08:27
Renan_s2nerds rule :)08:27
linux2kernel compilation takes soo long08:28
=== terrapenn is watching ATHF episodes
FusionXN1found it :)08:28
FusionXN1this it? au/avi/m3u/mp3/ogg/wav plugins for kfile08:28
chris86wmany other konquerer alternatives that i can try out?08:28
=== damnhil [n=h@c-24-19-239-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Renan_s2chris86wm, konqueror as a file manager?08:28
Renan_s2try Thunar, or endeavour208:29
Phenaxchris86wm: links -g, firefox, epiphany, mozilla, seamonky08:29
Renan_s2endeavour2 is a lot like Windows Explorer08:29
PhenaxOh, as a filemanager ;p08:29
FlannelFusionXN1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-1340337f2ca1d0c54900935468515ba7630fcc59  The Kubuntu part08:29
chris86wmlol sry phenax i didnt explain08:29
Phenaxfsv, rofl08:29
Phenaxfsv is the expermental 3d filemanager they used in Jurassic Park, be cool like them.08:29
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notjoshany idea why ntp is broken on dapper? :/08:29
Lynourenotjosh: Which kind of broken?08:30
PhenaxI personally just use xterm plus a few basic utilities.. too lazy to get a file manager ;/08:30
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Renan_s2I use Konqueror, myself.08:30
Bergcubenotjosh~  I don't think it is.  Not in general I mean.08:30
chris86wmit just seems to run a bit slow in gnome08:30
notjoshLynoure: well, there's no 'ntp*' in /etc/init.d/, which bugs me :/08:30
rsyncwow its getting better, just did dist upgrade. got vfs panic.08:31
chris86wmthought i would try a few alternatives before making my final decision on one08:31
Phenaxkyle@localhost ~ $ ls /etc/init.d/ntp*08:31
Phenax/etc/init.d/ntp-client  /etc/init.d/ntpd08:31
notjoshBergcube: well, i don't think it really is broken.. maybe the install failed silenty? just funno how to diagnose08:31
notjoshPhenax: 'apt-get install ntp' didn't give me either of those :/08:32
PhenaxIt should come with baselayout08:32
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Phenaxbaselayout is a bunch of scripts for sysvinit08:32
Bergcubenotjosh~  I'll let you and Phenax meditate on that.  (My wife just appeared in another window.)  :-)08:33
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chris86wmoh crap lol08:33
notjoshPhenax: if it's any consolation, i'm pretty damn noob with linux. :/08:33
cratelhow can I get the screen resolution correct on a MacBook Pro under Dapper?08:33
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Phenaxsysvinit is the thing that starts all services and maintains them.. baselayout is a bunch of scripts and junk for sysvinit (Located in /etc/init.d/*)08:34
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ubotuI know nothing about MacBook - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:34
carthikcratel, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:34
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PhenaxMeaning the best thing to do would probably to get the latest and greatest baselayout08:35
notjoshPhenax: oic, so does that mean something failed to create the scripts somewhere?08:35
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sponixwhats the command to give dpkg to list all installed pkgs ?08:36
vookman dpkg08:37
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bimberi_sponix: dpkg -l | grep ^ii08:37
hussamdamnhil: no, a mp3 internet radio08:38
sponixanyone seen mplayer hang, it will FF throught the video just fine, but it pauses/freezes when its not in FF (normal play doesn't work)08:39
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ubotuI know nothing about mathematica - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:42
Renan_s2I wonder if someone here has installed Mathematica in Ubuntu...08:42
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ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo08:43
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:43
SeveasRenan_s2, I had it once, but removed it again08:43
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Renan_s2Seveas, I had it, but it didn't work properly08:44
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bruenig!info mathematica08:44
ubotuPackage mathematica does not exist in dapper08:44
Renan_s2bombed out with some error about fonts08:44
Renan_s2bruenig, it is commercial software...08:44
=== admi is now known as ubuntu_nub
Renan_s2goodnight people08:44
Renan_s2time to sleep08:44
SeraVitaeHey, im trying to install a VPN client, and i'm getting errors like: makefile:490: .config: No such file or directory.. Can anyone suggest what i might be missing?08:44
=== DarkED [n=darked@adsl-146-137-146.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasRenan_s2, ah -- that may be Xorg7 fallout08:44
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD08:45
Seveasnonono silly bot08:45
DarkEDhey all08:45
joachim-nwhere's the system monitor gone?08:45
DarkEDquestion, i want to move this ubuntu install to a smaller partition08:45
DarkEDtheres plenty of space free, can i just copy and paste it?08:45
SeraVitaeSeveas - the vpn software itself is fine, something else in the system is missing.08:45
bruenigDarkED, why not resize your current partition and incorporate the free space in the other partition, assuming the partitions are next to each other08:46
DarkEDbruenig: they arent :D08:46
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ubuntu_nubcan someone point me to a link that helps with doing installs of files?08:46
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ubuntu_nubi want to install vlc media player08:47
ubuntu_nubbut get errors08:47
Madpilot!info vlc08:47
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB08:47
Madpilotubuntu_nub, what errors? It's in Universe, it should be easy to install08:47
=== Djrom_ [n=Admin@dau94-4-82-229-166-160.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_nubcould not find package vlc08:48
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ubuntu_nubtriedthis line under root08:48
ubuntu_nubapt-get install vlc libdvdcss208:48
DarkEDso i guess i can just copy and paste it, and change the menu.lst08:48
crimsunvlc is in universe.08:48
Madpilotubotu, tell ubuntu_nub about universe08:48
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kubuntu_nubrunning kubuntu not ubuntu* sry ><08:49
kubuntu_nubstill the same either way?08:50
=== Leeif [n=lucas@OL132-149.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Leeifwhere can i get urxvt ?08:50
bruenigkubuntu, ubuntu, whatever linux = linux08:50
Madpilotkubuntu_nub, the repositories are identical - are the same, in fact08:50
kubuntu_nubk ty08:51
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byenhey guys, I need help with ubuntu recognizing my sandisk usb memory stick08:53
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byenused to automount on Breezy but does not on dapper08:53
mungewellHi, in there any easy way to prevent GDM starting on boot (without uninstalling)?08:53
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bruenigmungewell, you can go into System>Administration>Login Window for graphical gdm setup08:54
kubuntu_nubany ideas for help installing torrentflux?08:54
Wapolcan anyone help me in a private window?08:54
Wapoli just downloaded linux yesterday and im totally lost on how to use it08:55
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MadpilotWapol, start by asking your questions here, while it's not busy08:55
kubuntu_nub3am better not be busy :)08:55
=== likwidtek [n=fu@ip68-230-33-97.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wapolwhen i install a programme08:55
likwidtekwow.  :)08:55
Madpilotkubuntu_nub, it's not 3am everywhere, this is a very international channel :)08:56
Wapoli cant find it anywhere08:56
Wapollike aircrack08:56
likwidtekmany ubuntuers alive!08:56
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Wapolafter i installed i cant find where to start it08:56
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Wapolcan any1 help me?08:56
MadpilotWapol, lots of programs are terminal-only, I don't know if aircrack is one of them08:56
damnhilMadpilot: how do I disable the PCMCIA services on boot?08:57
Madpilotdamnhil, no idea. Sorry.08:57
damnhilWapol: help with what?08:57
kubuntu_nublikwidtek:  can ya pm me? :)08:57
Wapoli dont know where the file to open it is08:57
bruenigWapol, aircrack is terminal only maybe, I know it is some sort of wifi cracker, but that is about the extent of my knowledge08:57
bruenigWapol, open a terminal Applications>Accessories>terminal and type aircrack --help08:58
Wapoli go to system>administration>sympathic package manager08:58
bruenig!info aircrack08:58
ubotuaircrack: wireless WEP/WPA cracker. In repository universe, is extra. Version 2.3-3 (dapper), package size 136 kB, installed size 372 kB08:58
damnhilWapol: I can't understand your English08:58
kubuntu_nubTorrentflux any ability to help install there?08:58
kubuntu_nub!info torrentflux08:58
ubotuPackage torrentflux does not exist in dapper08:58
damnhilWapol: what's wrong?08:58
nevynWapol: cat /usr/lib/menu/aircrack08:58
kubuntu_nubso i downloaded the wrong version? :\08:58
Wapolafter i install it i dont know where the file is08:58
mungewellbruenig - can't see how to stop it starting there.... Normally I would select a lesser runlevel but I seem to be at 2, and 1 is single user. Any other suggestions to prevent GDM starting?08:58
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Wapolis this where i will find it?08:59
Wapolhere /usr/lib/menu/aircrack08:59
MadpilotWapol, try typing 'aircrack' in a terminal - with no quotes08:59
damnhilWapol: what did you install?08:59
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MadpilotWapol, Applications->Accessories->Terminal09:00
Madpilotubotu, tell Wapol about cli09:00
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dooglusin gnome-volume-control, on the 'options' tab, I can switch between 'mic1' and 'mic2'.  only 'mic2' works, but every few minutes the select switches back to 'mic1' on its own.  is there some way I can get it to stay on 'mic2'?09:00
damnhilWapol: can you run aircrack?09:00
kubuntu_nubsomeone point me to a userfriendly rls that would allow me to install torrentflux pls? :)09:00
likwidtekdoes anyone have experience with getting the powerbook buttons for volume and screen brightness to work?09:00
Wapolthen type aircrack?09:01
damnhilWapol: use command whereis aircrack09:01
dooglus!info torrentflux09:01
ubotuPackage torrentflux does not exist in dapper09:01
bruenigmungewell, the script that starts gdm is located at /etc/init.d/gdm, you could conceivable delete that script or just move it so that it isn't included in the startup09:01
dooglus!info torrentflux edgy09:01
ubotutorrentflux: web based, feature-rich BitTorrent download manager. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.1-1 (edgy), package size 410 kB, installed size 2688 kB09:01
MadpilotWapol, open the terminal, then type aircrack, yes09:01
neuro-Does anyone have any experience getting a Linksys WMP54G PC Wireless NIC (using the BCM4306 rev.03 chipset) working?09:01
doogluskubuntu_nub: edgy has it if you don't mind things being a little rough09:01
Wapolso type whereis aircrack right?09:01
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MadpilotWapol, try just typing 'aircrack' first09:01
kubuntu_nubno ubuntu can run torrentflux? :(09:01
Wapoli saw a directory09:01
doogluskubuntu_nub: edgy has it09:02
liquidten2Wapol: just type in aircrack to run it.  Typing in "whereis aircrack" would tell you where it is physically located.09:02
bruenigkubuntu_nub, are you sure you want torrentflux, do you have a webserver that you intend to run it on?09:02
kubuntu_nubi do :)09:02
doogluskubuntu_nub: debian testing and debian unstable also have it09:02
Wapoldats what it show me09:02
byenGuys my usb stick only gets mounted when i use  sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd ... what can i do to make it automount09:02
Wapolor just type aircrack?09:02
Wapolim confused09:03
bruenigWapol, type aircrack, see what hapens09:03
MadpilotWapol, just typing 'aircrack' should run the program; the whereis command shows where it is, which doesn't usually matter09:03
liquidten2Wapol:  If it is installed and in your path, just type in the name of the program to get it to run.09:03
Wapolill try09:03
kubuntu_nubbruenig:  mind helping me in a pm?09:03
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:03
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neuro-Does anyone have any experience getting a Linksys WMP54G PCI Wireless NIC (using the BCM4306 rev.03 chipset) working?09:04
Wapoli see a bunch of words09:04
kubuntu_nubsomeone help me install mysql on here?09:04
bruenigkubuntu_nub, I might be able to help with the install, but setting up a bittorrent client that runs on a webserver is certainly not something I could help you with09:04
Madpilotkubuntu_nub, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:04
kubuntu_nubhow far could you help me?09:04
mungewellWapol - if the program is /usr/sbin/aircrack, I think you need to 'root' inorder to run it (the 'sbin' indicates that).09:05
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Wapoli just downloaded linux yesterday09:05
mungewellWapol - try  typing 'sudo aircrack' which will ask you for your password09:05
Leeifhi. anyone knows how to get transparency in urxvt?09:05
Wapolsorry im a noob09:05
bruenigkubuntu_nub, it has an install text that comes with it, did you read that09:05
MadpilotWapol, you're getting into fairly complex stuff right away. Why do you need to run aircrack?09:05
Wapolwhat do you mean by root09:05
liquidten2Wapol:  What does, "sudo whereis aircrack" say.09:06
byencan anyone help me mount a usb drive automatically . I can mount it by using sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd  atm09:06
liquidten2Wapol:  Minus the quotes, just type out what is inside it.09:06
mungewellWapol - that's OK. Linux is very hot of permissions. 'Root' is like windows Administrator09:06
Wapolmy password for my router is lost and i cant reset it.] 09:06
MadpilotWapol, the router probably has a reset button on it somewhere... check the manual09:06
neuro-just reset it physically. yeah09:06
sarra_Wapol: someone hacked my router and updated the firmware to a version that doesn't actually exist09:06
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zack_i updated breezy and now when i log out there is no option to save my current setup how do i save it?09:07
Wapolit asked for my password if i typed sudo whereis aircrack09:07
Wapoland i cant type the passwrod09:07
liquidten2Wapol:  type int he password that you created during the ubuntu install.09:07
kubuntu_nubit types it u just dont see it move09:07
Wapoli cant reset it09:07
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zack_i updated breezy and now when i log out there is no option to save my current setup how do i save it?09:07
Wapoli tried to type but nothing comes out09:07
liquidten2Wapol:  You don't see ANY output, but it does type in.  Just type your password and hit enter.09:08
neuro-that's meant to happy09:08
likwidtekAnyone know if it is possible to get the Mac buttons for volume and brightness to work in Ubuntu ?09:08
MadpilotWapol, in terminal, the password isn't echoed,but it should be working09:08
Wapolhow about can any1 teach me the basics on how to install a programme09:08
bruenigmungewell, did moving that script work?09:08
damnhilWapol: Routers usually have a reset button. Refer to the router's manual to reset the router to manufacture defaults09:08
liquidten2Wapol:  "sudo synaptic"09:08
Wapolim very very confused :(09:08
MadpilotWapol, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto09:08
zack_i updated breezy and now when i log out there is no option to save my current setup how do i save it?09:08
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damnhilWapol: use synaptic package manager; google search ubuntuguide and start from there09:09
Wapolim in09:09
mungewellbruenig - it would for certain, but isn't a  nice way to do it. I'll keep looking for the proper solution ;-)09:09
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damnhilWapol: what is confusing you?09:09
Wapolthe smpatic pakage manager09:09
kubuntu_nubinstall apache and installing php5 do i need php4 as well?09:09
Wapoli dont know how to install prorammes09:09
MadpilotWapol, there are several pages linked to from that SynapticHowto page, check them out too09:09
Leeifis there i way to update urxvt to the latest version? i have the one in the repository, v7.0, but the current version is 7.8 ..........09:09
Wapolfrom the synitic pakage man09:09
zack_i updated breezy and now when i log out there is no option to save my current setup how do i save it?09:10
MadpilotWapol, Synaptic is how you install stuff, read that tutorial...09:10
kane77anyone tried running photoshop with wine??09:10
damnhilWapol: are you a German?09:10
Wapolwhere is the tutorial??09:10
Leeifhelp me! :p09:10
liquidten2Wapol:  when you type in "sudo" anything, you are running the command as root, which is equivalent to the windows Administrator.  It will ask you for a password, just type in the password that you created, and then hit enter when you finished.  Nothing will be echoed back, but once you hit enter it will work properly, if you typed the password in.   Typign in "sudo synaptic", and then entering your password will open up Synaptic which is09:10
MadpilotWapol, I just gave you a webpage link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto09:10
damnhilWapol:  citizen ?09:10
zack_ok i updated to dapper apparently how do i save my current setup when i log off?09:10
kubuntu_nubinstall apache and installing php5 do i need php4 as well?09:11
liquidten2zack_:  Desktop ---> Preferences ----> Sessions    Then check "ask on logo9ut"09:11
Wapolok thks09:11
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neuro-Does anyone have any experience getting a Linksys WMP54G PCI Wireless NIC (using the BCM4306 rev.03 chipset) working?09:11
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Madpilotkubuntu_nub, that depends on what you're running, some PHP stuff will need specific versions of PHP09:12
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liquidten2kubuntu_nub:  You will need php4 for php4 and php5 for things that require php5.09:13
liquidten2So yes, install both if you need to.09:13
liquidscythehey, why cant my ubuntu open .rars09:13
liquidscythethats fucking gayy09:13
bruenig!info sysv-rc-conf09:13
ubotusysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.99-3 (dapper), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB09:13
liquidten2liquidscythe:  You'll need to install rar software.  I assume it is available with "sudo apt-get install rar"09:13
liquidten2THen you can open them by double clicking09:13
Wapoli read it only tells me how to install software which i allready know but09:14
Wapolit doesnt tell me where the sofware is located after i installed it09:14
liquidscytheliquidscythe@liquidscythe:~$ sudo apt-get install rar09:14
liquidscytheReading package lists... Done09:14
liquidscytheBuilding dependency tree... Done09:14
liquidscythePackage rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:14
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liquidscytheThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:14
liquidscytheis only available from another source09:14
liquidscytheE: Package rar has no installation candidate09:14
Leeifliquidten2: is there i way to update urxvt to the latest version? i have the one in the repository, v7.0, but the current version is 7.8 ..........09:14
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aninhumerCan anyone help me? I only get sound on the left channel, and sometimes I get high pitched whining on the right.09:14
liquidten2Leeif:  You are going to need to compile from source probably.09:14
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liquidten2Leeif:  Do a "sudo apt-get install build-essential"09:15
byenGuys I can only connect to my usb stick using sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd .. how can i automount it? any suggestions?09:15
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Madpilotliquidscythe, next time, use a pastebin09:15
Madpilot!info rar09:15
kane77liquidscythe, do not paste in here use pastebin... thanx09:15
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 3.30-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 236 kB, installed size 476 kB (Only available for i386)09:15
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liquidscythehow do i get this rar manager09:15
Madpilotliquidscythe, you need to enable Multiverse repo to get rar09:15
liquidscythei need it fast09:15
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Wapoli read it only tells me how to install software which i allready know but09:15
Wapol<Wapol> it doesnt tell me where the sofware is located after i installed it09:15
Wapoli read it only tells me how to install software which i allready know but09:15
Wapol<Wapol> it doesnt tell me where the sofware is located after i installed it09:15
Wapoli read it only tells me how to install software which i allready know but09:15
Wapol<Wapol> it doesnt tell me where the sofware is located after i installed it09:15
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Madpilotubotu, tell liquidscythe about multiverse09:16
liquidscythelol you seem very banhappy09:16
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liquidscytheyea tell me09:16
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Madpilotliquidscythe, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories09:17
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liquidten2liquidscythe:  Enable the optional repositories and then retype the command.09:17
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Wapoli know how to install programmes from the  Synaptic package manager but i dont know where to find it after i install the programme09:18
Wapolcan any1 tell me how to find it?09:18
MadpilotWapol, that depends on the program.09:18
liquidten2Wapol:  Just type in the name of the program.  Also, don't forget about tab completion.09:18
bruenigWapol, It depends on the program whether or not you will see it. If it is a command line only program you wont see it. If it is graphical, it should show up in the applications menu09:18
liquidten2Wapol:  If i downloaded xmms, then I would simply type in "xmms" and it would run.09:19
Wapolso i just type the name of the programme in the command line?09:19
kane77Wapol, well most of the time you can find it in applications menu... in the corresponding category09:19
bruenigWapol, that works09:19
MadpilotWapol, try using Add/Remove Applications instead, everything it installs is available thru the menus - Synaptic can install more stuff, though09:19
liquidten2Wapol:  Yes.  you can also make shortcuts to them on the desktop, or find them in the menu.09:19
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Leeifliquidten2: dude the 7.8 version is way more stable! why dont they update the repo?09:19
Wapolbut where is the file in the folder09:19
liquidten2Wapol:  But not ALL packages install to the menu.09:19
Wapolthe file itself other than typing in the command09:19
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liquidten2Wapol:  Type in "whereis commandname"09:20
kubuntu_nubhow do i install mysql db?09:20
bruenigwapol, more than likely, the files, the executable if you will is in /usr/bin somewhere09:20
Wapolwhat would be the commandname?09:20
liquidten2Leeif:  I don't know why, i'm not in charge of the repos ;)09:20
liquidten2Wapol:  commandname=name of the program09:20
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liquidten2for example09:20
Wapolill give it a try09:20
SeraVitaehey, anyone speak german here?09:21
aninhumerCan anyone help me? I only get sound on the left channel, and sometimes I get high pitched whining on the right.09:21
SeraVitaei think i may have found a solution to my problem but its a forum post in german.09:21
liquidten2anthony@Pismire:~$ whereis xmms09:21
liquidten2xmms: /usr/bin/xmms                  --snip---09:21
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:21
rixthffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libavformat.so.50: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:22
liquidten2Wapol:  That is the output you get when you are looking for where a program is stored.  But in reality, you don't need to know so much, because you can simply remove the program from synaptic when you need to, and all you need to know is the name of the program to run it.  it's not like windows.09:22
rixthWhere is it looking for that file?09:22
bruenigSeraVitae, have you tried babelfishing it?09:22
byenI do sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd and my usd drive mounts.. how can i mount it automatically? can someone please help09:22
liquidten2rixth:  It's looking for it in all of the folder slisted in /etc/ld.so.conf09:22
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Wapoli tried typing whereis aircrack but it tells me a directory which is invalid09:22
kubuntu_nubhow do i install mysql db?09:22
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liquidten2rixth:  You probably need to install a program called "avformat"09:23
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:23
rixthliquidten2, the program just stopped working It was before.09:23
Wapolerm i tried typing whereis aircrack but it tells me a directory which is invalid09:23
liquidten2Wapol:  Is aircrack installed?  If simply typing in "aricrack" doesn't work, then it is not installed properly.09:23
Leeifliquidten2: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check09:23
Wapolit is installed09:23
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liquidten2rixth:  my /lib/cpp is a symlink to /usr/bin/cpp09:24
MadpilotWapol, just typing 'sudo aircrack' doesn't start it?09:24
warlockcan I see where what dir the user is in through the "who" command09:24
SeraVitaebruenig - yes. it's a bad translation09:24
liquidten2rixth:  Do you have GCC installed?  Do a "sudo apt-get install build-essential"09:24
SeraVitaeit says .config: not found, and i assume i'm missing some sort of config thing.09:24
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SeraVitaein /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.1509:24
bruenigSeraVitae, maybe try going to #ubuntu-de and seeing if any of them speak english, as that is probably more likely than one of us speaking german09:24
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Leeifliquidten2: w8, i thnk i got it09:25
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Wapolerm i typed aircrack in the terminal and it only gives my a buch of words. not the programme09:25
warlockcan I see where what dir the user is in through the "who" command ?09:25
liquidten2Wapol:  Those bunch of words, unless they are "command not found", might infact be the program.09:25
PhenaxWapol: Not all programs are designed using a graphical toolkit ;)..09:25
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bruenigWapol, aircrack is not something that pops up in a window and you click buttons and such, It is a command line program where you type command and options to do things09:26
MadpilotWapol, what did the 'bunch of words' say?09:26
sarra_How can I make a FAT32 drive read/write enabled for all users?09:26
Wapolcommand options:09:26
Madpilotwarlock, try 'man who', there might be some options09:26
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warlockcant seem to find anything Madpilot.09:26
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Wapol-a <amode> : force attack mode (1/wep, 2wpa-psk)09:27
Leeifliquidten2: nope09:27
liquidten2Wapol:  It is a command line program.  They are executed like, "programname -option1 -option2 -option3".  This is probably too hard to explain over IRC though.09:27
Wapol-b <essid> target selection network identifier09:27
Wapol... :(09:27
Leeifliquidten2: checking for /usr/bin/perl suitability... configure: error: no, unable to link09:27
Leeifliquidten2: :s09:28
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liquidten2Leeif:  Install perl or a perl-dev if it exists in synaptic.09:28
MadpilotWapol, I don't do wireless stuff myself, but I get the impression that aircrack is a fairly complex app.09:28
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Leeifliquidten2: perl5 ?09:28
MadpilotWapol, seriously, most routers have reset buttons hidden somewhere, look for that to reset your password to the factory default...09:28
liquidten2Leeif:  go for it.  Make sure you get the corresponding -dev if it exists.09:28
likwidtekIf my software update icon next to the date is greyed out and says a package manager is working but nothing is open, is somethign wrong?09:29
Wapoli am not suppose to reset the pass09:29
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bruenigsarra_, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/28134-quick-help-mounting-fat32-partition.html09:29
liquidten2Leeif:  Just to make sure, you're compiling from source right?  If so, make sure you are running "./configure" "make" "sudo make install" in that order when you get past ./configure.09:30
MadpilotWapol, then you're far better off talking to someone who *does* know the password - or who has permission to reset it - rather than trying aircrack...09:30
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Leeifliquidten2: ok09:31
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Wapolother than aircrack09:31
Wapolcan someone teach me to use wine?09:31
Wapolwhen i type wine09:31
Wapolin the terminal09:31
Wapoli dont understand how to use it09:32
sarra_bruenig: I think that'll work, thanks, let me see if that lets me actually write to disc09:32
aninhumerCan anyone help me? I only get sound on the left channel, and sometimes I get high pitched whining on the right.09:32
Wapollets say i have a .exe file09:32
Wapolhow do i use wine to open it???09:32
liquidten2aninhumer:  What is your soundcard?09:32
=== KeithWeisshar [i=KeithWei@pool-71-250-60-242.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigWapol, do wine then enter the path to the .exe file09:32
liquidten2Wapol:  type in "wine Filename.exe"09:32
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KeithWeisshari'm having a problem with the burned ubuntu dvd09:33
liquidten2Wapol:  Make sure that you type in the full path to the .exe, like "wine /home/username/Program.exe"09:33
bruenigfor instance if the .exe file is on the desktop, you would do wine /home/username/Desktop/whatever.exe, filling in username with yours and whatever with the real name09:33
KeithWeissharit's detecting as a blank dvd after burning09:33
aninhumerliquidten2, it uses the "hda via vt82xx" driver, and09:33
Wapolbut how do i install windows programmes on linux??09:33
KeithWeisshari'm having an issue with the dvd that i just burned09:33
liquidten2Wapol:  You can use wine >_>09:33
DarkEDhey all09:33
KeithWeissharit's detected as blank even though it looks burned09:34
DarkEDhave a question09:34
zerokarmaleftWapol: use wine to run Setup.exe or whatever09:34
aninhumerliquidten2, the lspci line is "0000:04:01.0 0403: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller"09:34
Wapolit will still install as usual on a windows pc right?09:34
DarkEDhow do i move this ubuntu install from one partition to another?09:34
zerokarmaleftWapol: you'll also want to examine the directory structure of /home/username/.wine09:34
DarkEDi dont want to lose this install, i have too much into it09:34
Wapolill try opening a .exe file09:34
liquidten2aninhumer:  I don't know how to break it to you, but from the looks of it, that soundcard(it's onboard motherboard builtin sound) is not well supported at the moment.   The best solution at the moment would be to upgrade Alsa(which mprobably won't help) or to purchase a Soundblaster Live!09:35
zerokarmalefta pseudo drive c: directory gets created and you'll see the familiar windows subdirectories from that point, e.g. Program Files/ Windows/, etc.09:35
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bruenigDarkED, I would backup the stuff that I want to keep, it could be almost everything. Install a fresh version on the other partition and then just add the other stuff. Afterwards. Backup the /home dir. the /usr directory whatever you want and then just put that into a fresh install09:35
KeithWeissharmy ubuntu dvd isn't working09:36
DarkEDbruenig: i need my installed packages to stay the same :D09:36
aninhumerliquidten2, I guess it's my fault for buying from a cheap dealer, thanks09:36
=== BanBot [n=BanBot@adsl-67-65-250-37.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BanBotHello there, BanBot09:36
DarkEDi meant by that, i have lots of download and updating time into this install :D about 6 gig worth09:36
BanBotHello there!09:36
bruenigDarkED, you could do that in theory. Just keep everything from the directories you have installed it from. Like /usr09:36
BanBotHello there!09:36
=== fata1ity [n=goaway@adsl-67-65-250-37.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BanBotHello there, fata1ity09:36
DarkEDbruenig: i see09:36
fata1ityhi banbot!09:36
BanBotBanBot can!09:36
fata1ityno you can't!09:37
BanBotI believe the answer is yes, fata1ity09:37
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KeithWeissharmy ubuntu dvd is showing up as blank09:37
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bruenigor unless you intend to delete the old partition immediately. You could install the fresh install. Then mount the other partition and copy over everything. Obviously have to keep some stuff because of certain changes09:37
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b BanBot!*@*] by Madpilot
liquidten2KeithWeisshar:  I hate to say it, but was it burnt properly?09:37
zerokarmaleftWapol, so applications will typically install to /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/SomeApp/SomeApp.exe, and then you launch with wine: wine "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/SomeApp/SomeApp.exe"09:37
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@adsl-67-65-250-37.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] by Madpilot
DarkEDbruenig: yeah, but i just want to mirror this partition to another, change the grub menu.lst, and boot into it :D09:38
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DarkEDi need this partition for another bigger distro09:38
bruenigDarkED, just overwrite everything with the other partition09:38
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KeithWeissharit was burned completely09:38
kubuntu_nubi downloaded mysql now how do i install it? :)09:38
zerokarmaleftWapol: when you get tired of that you should write an executable bash script that issues the same command, or create a .desktop entry09:38
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KeithWeissharit was burned in nero09:38
DarkEDbruenig: i tried, it wont lemme do some things in the /sys folder09:38
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DarkEDbruenig: says i dont have permissions to read, even as root09:38
Madpilotkubuntu_nub, if you got it from synaptic, it's already installed09:39
Wapolerm how do i open the programme after i install it?09:39
bruenigDarkED, this seems the most reasonable way to do it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087&highlight=backup+restore09:39
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KeithWeissharnero says it was burned successfully09:39
bruenigDont exclude anything and then overwrite it all and make the appropriate changes to the menu.list09:39
KeithWeisshari also see the burned area on the disc09:39
loko555i need a guide to handle wireless stuff, e.g. i can have the mac-adress of an router, now i want to connect, where can i find infos about this?09:39
loko555can somebody give me a tip please?09:40
kubuntu_nubi didnt get from synaptic09:40
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Wapolhow do i open the programme after i install it?09:40
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:40
kubuntu_nubhad to manually download :\ .tar.gz09:40
Madpilotkubuntu_nub, no you didn't, MySQL is in the repos...09:40
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loko555ubotu: thanks09:40
ubotuI know nothing about thanks - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:41
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:41
kubuntu_nubis what  i downloaded striaght from mysql09:41
kubuntu_nubi didnt use command09:41
mp3guytheres something wrong with wine & winecfg, the font is set to something weird and all the characters are like musical notation and "TAB"09:41
liquidten2KeithWeisshar:  Is the DVD actually blank then, or is the OS just detecting it that way?  You could try to reboot with the CD in the drive and see if the install session starts.  If not, then  maybe the DVD could be physically bad.09:41
Wapolerm how do i open the programme after i install it?09:41
loko555heh, thanks bruenig09:41
Madpilotkubuntu_nub, please go read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP, it will answer all the questions you've been asking09:41
KeithWeissharwindows is detecting it this way09:41
loko555how should i know09:41
Wapolhow do i open the programme after i install it?09:41
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bruenighave to figure out it is a bot at some point09:42
bruenignot born with that knowledge09:42
DarkEDbruenig: ok, it says to exclude /sys. you say to not exclude anything. what is in /proc and /sys?09:42
Wapolerm how do i open the programme after i install it?09:43
DarkEDeverything else copied09:43
DarkEDexcept proc and sys, proc acts like nothing is in it09:43
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Wapollike i dont know where it is even installed09:43
liquidten2the /proc and /sys don't matter, they are generated by the system upon bootup.09:43
DarkEDliquidten2: ooh thanks bro!09:44
DarkEDawesomness, it'll work then'09:44
bruenigDarkED, hopefully you have something that will hold that massive fle09:44
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loko555Wapol: open a console, enter "updatedb" as root and then enter "locate xxx" where x is the name of your program09:45
DarkEDbruenig: i have the target partition setup already, its smaller than this one, but large enough09:45
=== KeithWeisshar [i=KeithWei@pool-71-250-60-242.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
KeithWeissharthe dvd doesn't boot at all09:45
KeithWeissharit was burned but it doesn't boot at all09:45
bruenigDarkED, are you going to fresh install or just copy over all of the files?09:45
KeithWeissharand it appears blank when inserted09:46
DarkEDone last question, im running nautilus as root (sudo) to move these files, will they retain permissions?09:46
DarkEDbruenig: no no, im moving this ubuntu install from its old partition to an empty partition09:46
KeithWeissharmy dvd is a memorex dvd-r09:46
bruenigDarkED, by which I mean, are you going to fresh install and then overwrite or just copy over to a blank partition.09:46
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:46
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DarkEDbruenig: then im gonna format this partition and install fedora 5 on it, only reason im doing it is b/c this is the larger partition and i cant resize and fedora needs this space09:47
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bruenigDarkED, i am interested to see if that will work. And as far as the permissions are concerned all the permissions should be retained according to this part of the how to "09:47
bruenig'cvpfz' are the options we give to tar, like 'create archive' (obviously),09:47
bruenig'preserve permissions'(to keep the same permissions on everything the same), and 'gzip' to keep the size down."09:47
DarkEDif i resized i would need to make massive changes to the partition table and i would lose about 20gig of data09:47
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DarkEDlol its copying 200,000 some files atm :D09:48
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DarkEDadd to the 70,00 i alread copied09:49
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DarkED70,000 even, lol09:49
Krpanohow do i check which partition the bootloader is installed ?09:49
Krpanowhich disk09:49
PKR_where are all the programs installed on ubuntu? like c:\programs in windows?09:49
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DarkEDKrpano: it should be installed to just /dev/hda, which is your mbr09:49
byenGuys, I can only mount usb drives using sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd.. how can mi auto mount them.. any suggestions09:50
DarkEDKrpano: try running grub-conf09:50
Krpanoyes...but at the instalation Ubuntu installed at hda....but the OS is installed at sda09:50
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DarkEDKrpano: ahh you are sata... sorry i dunno dude09:50
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ic56PKR_: the executables are in /bin and /usr/bin09:50
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artzneoalguien ah tenido problemas al actualizar kernell?09:51
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PKR_ic56: im installing a program and it asks me where i want it.. should i put it in usr/bin?09:51
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ic56PKR_: however, unlike windows, non-executable components of a program do *not* go in teh same directory as the executable.  This appears more complicated to newbies but makes invocation faster and administration easier because things are better classified09:52
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ic56PKR_: what is the default that it's offering you?09:52
KeithWeissharthe disc is bad09:52
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KeithWeissharit's a memorex dvd-r09:53
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PKR_ic56: it doesnt offer anything09:53
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=== EoF [n=sylex@84-121-79-55.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeraVitaecould anyone point me in the direction of the ubuntu .config file for 2.6.15-26-386?09:54
EoF Hi, somebody knows if is there an "ubuntu" theme for the maemo 2.0?09:54
PKR_or i think it is offering a folder on the desktop09:54
ic56PKR_: the reason I ask is because the question might mean not where the executable is to go but in which hierarchy the package as a whole should go.09:54
KeithWeissharthe memorex dvd-r is actually cmc magnetics09:54
ic56PKR_: tell me the exact question and the exact folder name it's offering09:54
jes-o-matSeraVitae: kernel config are located in /boot/config-*09:54
neuro-Can anyone recommend a PCI Wireless NIC that will work on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper?09:54
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loko555D-Link DWL-G52009:55
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liquidten2neuro-:  Any card based on ralink rt2400 or rt2500.  Google for a nice list.09:55
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neuro-broadcom are idiots09:55
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jes-o-matSeraVitae: Or install the proper linux-headers-`uname -r` package and find the config in /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/.config09:56
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thessemAnybody here know anything about mdadm?09:56
livingdaylighello the good people of #ubuntu09:56
thessemor where I can get mdadm support?09:57
jes-o-matthessem: meta-question...09:57
Wapolis there any method to make wine automatically open the .exe programme when i click on it?09:57
KeithWeisshari have already deleted the iso after burning but the dvd doesn't work09:57
KeithWeissharis there any way to undelete the iso on ntfs09:57
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jes-o-matmdadm is well documented and there are a   lots of pages to read first09:58
thessemjes-o-mat: I have read everything I can find about mdadm09:58
Wapolerm is there any method to make wine automatically open the .exe programme when i click on it?09:58
Wapolsomeone please tell me09:58
thessemjes-o-mat: and googling my question  turns up nothing09:58
commctrlthessem, which is why you should ask your real question09:58
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ic56thessem: sometimes a question you think is specific to an app can be unswered, at least partially by people unfamiliar with the app because they recognize that your problem is more general or system-related.  Don't be lazy.  Compose a more detailed question09:59
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neuro-So I should go with the "D-Link DWL-G510 rev C1 *" sourced from: http://ralink.rapla.net/09:59
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Wapolhelp please10:00
Wapolerm is there any method to make wine automatically open the .exe programme when i click on it?10:00
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liquidten2Wapol: Right click the .exe file, then choose open with, then click Add, and then type in wine.10:00
sorush20hi guys what do I have to install for qt headers/10:00
Wapoltype in??10:01
ic56!info qt10:01
ubotuPackage qt does not exist in dapper10:01
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ubotuqt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and a lot of other applications. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package.10:01
thessemOkay, whenever I try to make a 5 disk raid 5 array with mdadm, it always lists 6 devices, the second last one being marked as "removed" and the last one being the last device I specified in the create raid command. It considers the last one specified as a spare, even though I specified no spares and 5 active devices, and seems to want to embark on a 3000 minute long rebuild proccess10:01
leksAnyone aware where mono.pc is included?10:01
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thessemanyone able to help10:01
lekswhat package?10:01
thessemor point me to help?10:01
Wapoli get it10:02
Wapolbut must i do that everytime i start the .exe file?10:02
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liquidten2Wapol:  No.  If you right click the .exe, then click Properties, then open with, then add, then type in wine, it'll be permanent.10:03
ic56thessem: well-written question.  If you don't get a reply, post it again in a few hours10:03
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linux2any ubuntu devs here?10:04
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linux2cause i need to ask a question of you10:04
neuro-lol ic5610:04
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liquidten2Just remember that for 95% of Windows programs there is a Linux program that does the same thing, and that windows programs running in linux are much slower and much more unstable than running a genuine linux program.10:04
thessemic56: Is there a better place I can ask it, as I have been trying to work this out for the past 4-5 hours, and I really just want a answer10:04
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:04
sorush20libqt3-mt-dev is installed but I keep getting the same error that it can not be found..10:04
tibbehow come sub directories of /usrt/lib aren't searched for .so files?10:04
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liquidten2tibbe:  No program should be storing libraries in a sub directory of /usr/lib.    At least not in mine, all of the libraries are in /usr/lib, and the sub directories just contain other files, like icons and such.10:06
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Virtuaalif I have some files on desktop, with long names and there are many icons then desktop is kind of ugly. Is there some way to fix this?10:07
XxXBrAnDoNXxXwhat is the best free linux desktop firewall?10:07
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artemishallo zusammen10:07
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ic56thessem: other than the wiki suggestions that ubotu provided, I cannot think of a better place.  You could try #debian and ##linux but they are less busy.  I searched my local cache of freenode channels and found no entries for either raid or md10:07
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XxXBrAnDoNXxXWhat is the best free linux desktop firewall? (Open for suggestions)10:07
artemisis somenone german in here?10:08
MadpilotXxXBrAnDoNXxX, try firestarter10:08
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:08
artemisok vielen dank10:08
thessemic56: Thanks for helping, although I'm starting to think I'm the only one with this problem10:08
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XxXBrAnDoNXxXMadpilot: lol running it now I was just looking for somthing more configureble.10:09
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tibbeliquidten2, ok, the library in question is for the Neko virtual machine, it also has some none .so file (i.e. libraries but in the VM format), should they also go in /usr/lib?10:09
=== TheThingsThatWer [n=Admin@c-24-129-221-232.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
thessemDoes anybody know how the kernel detects devices? as in, how to make a certain harddrive show up as sda, at the moment the hd connected to the first sata port is showing up as sdc10:09
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TheThingsThatWerhow do i uninstall apache2 from command prompt?10:10
nilesh892003hello friends10:10
linux2does anyone know what these numbers are10:10
linux2[17179580.952000]  next to the kernel messages10:10
ic56thessem: I know nothing about RAID configs but, just wondering if maybe it's caused by partition information stored on your disks?10:10
=== ashes [n=ashes@modemcable085.56-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
linux2and how do i turn them off?10:10
linux2if that is at all possible10:10
Hikaru79Hello niles :)10:10
nilesh892003could u help me to play online songs10:10
asheshello. im trying to help my friend with ubuntu drapper. can someone tell me quick where he can get a standard ubuntu kernel config file?10:10
nilesh892003in ubuntu dappar10:10
thessemic56: I have cleaned the disks of everything a couple of times. Know any way to fully zero them? also, it may be because my system disk (the one in the first harddrive port according to the mobo manual) is showing up as sdc, so my array has to go sda, sdb, sdd, sde, sdf10:11
TheThingsThatWercan anyone tell me how to uninstall apache2 in the command prompt?10:11
Hikaru79TheThingsThatWer: sudo apt-get remove apache10:12
nilesh892003any1 knows how to support port 55410:12
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TheThingsThatWerHikaru79: i tried that, it didn't really uninstall it10:12
Hikaru79How so?10:12
Hikaru79Perhaps you have apache2, not apache10:12
TheThingsThatWerthats what i said10:13
Hikaru79So it would be: sudo apt-get remove apache210:13
Hikaru79Oh, sorry10:13
Hikaru79Missed that =x10:13
TheThingsThatWerHikaru79 i did that, lol, it still didn't uninstall it10:13
ic56thessem: a Q&D way that does a *complete* clean of the drives is: for j in a b d e f10:13
ic56 do dd /dev/null /dev/sd$j10:13
ic56 done10:13
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nilesh892003any one10:13
nilesh892003help me10:13
nilesh892003with port 554 support10:13
thessemic56: Thanks, I'll come back with what happens when I try that10:14
ic56thessem: it'll be slow used this way.  man dd  for more details and play with block sizes to optimize.  There might even be zeroing option to save it having to read from /dev/null10:15
Hikaru79TheThingsThatWer: In what way is it not uninstalled? Does /etc/init.d/apache start still work?10:15
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ic56thessem: this clears *all* info. including the MBR (which contains partitioning info)10:15
BrianGwhere do i get qmake from?10:16
ic56thessem: good luck!10:16
LoneShadowqt3 ?10:17
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LoneShadowBrianG: try qt310:17
nilesh892003any one help me10:17
BrianGhave to use qt410:17
nilesh892003or this room is just for enjoy10:17
nilesh892003and fun10:17
thessemic56: it seems like the best way to be completly sure that the problem isnt with the drives themselves, so im prepared to wait10:17
ic56thessem: ok10:17
LoneShadow!ask > nilesh89200310:17
LoneShadow!ask > LoneShadow10:18
ic56thessem: oops10:18
nilesh892003i want to allow port 554 access in my ubuntu machine10:18
ic56thessem: I should have said /dev/zero -- not /dev/null10:18
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LoneShadow!firewall > LoneShadow10:18
thessemic56: yeah, thats alot faster10:18
ic56thessem: oops10:18
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nilesh892003i dont have any firewall installed10:19
ic56thessem: I'm really not on the ball it seems.10:19
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nilesh892003till yet10:19
sanmarcosanybody using a video ipod have problems ejecting and getting rid of the do not disconnect message?10:19
wietz0rHow can I mount an iso without burning it ?10:19
nilesh892003hello loneshadow i dont have any firewall10:19
LoneShadownilesh892003: its not even playing on my windows machine10:19
sanmarcoswietz0r: mount -t iso9660 -o loop file.iso /mnt/point10:20
nilesh892003i am able to play on my windows10:20
ic56thessem: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd$j bs=102410:20
tibbehow come python find its library files (.pyc) in /usr/lib/python2.4 but my program doesn't find its in /usr/lib/neko? is sub dirs not searched by default?10:20
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wietz0rsanmarcos: :D10:20
sanmarcostibbe: huh?10:20
Monkey-D-Luffywhat player would you recommend for ubuntu?10:20
ic56thessem: bs is the block size.  If you know that your disk uses bigger block sizes, then specify something other than 1024.  Actually,10:20
lawineMonkey-D-Luffy: player for what?10:21
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Monkey-D-Luffylike to play wmv file movie files etc10:21
LoneShadownilesh892003: it dosnt work on my firefox, but only on IE10:21
LoneShadowwhich browser are you using on ubuntu ?10:21
Monkey-D-Luffy.wmv .mov .wma .mp310:21
ic56thessem: because a kernel call needs to be made for each block, specifying bigger block sizes, even if the underlying hardware doeesn't support them, can improve speed by reducing teh number of context switches.  Upto some maximum, the kernel will provide buffering.10:21
Monkey-D-Luffywhat player would you recommend10:21
netsuimode netsui +d10:22
nilesh892003real player10:22
ic56thessem: try 8k.  Should be pretty fast10:22
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Monkey-D-Luffyanything other than real player??10:22
lawineMonkey-D-Luffy: mplayer works for me, or VLC10:22
Monkey-D-Luffya link ?10:22
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: xine, totem, mplayer, xine,10:22
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: GOOGLE10:22
LoneShadowapt-get install mplayer-58610:22
ic56thessem: ok, I think that's it10:22
thessemic56: with the bs switch, can I just specify 8K?10:22
Monkey-D-Luffywhich would you recommend10:23
lawine(google is not a player!)10:23
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=== lawine ducks
Monkey-D-Luffyxine totem mplayer or xine10:23
ic56thessem: yes, bs=8k is valid syntax10:23
nilesh892003i have xine10:23
sanmarcosmplayer and xine are the same shit, same engine10:23
sanmarcostotem uses the xine engine, or gstreamer10:23
nilesh892003it works on other sites10:23
ic56thessem: bs = BlockSize10:23
sanmarcosbasically they are all the same10:23
Monkey-D-Luffya vote??10:23
sanmarcosmplayer probably a little more crude but powerful10:23
nilesh892003i can play online stream on other sites10:23
nilesh892003but on www.musicindiaonline.com10:23
Monkey-D-Luffymplayer : 110:23
nilesh892003it shows port 554 is not accessible10:23
LoneShadowI pretty much use mplayer for my mythtv10:23
Monkey-D-Luffyany1 else?10:23
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: i suggest you go checkout the ubuntu wiki before wasting everybody's time here10:23
Monkey-D-Luffysorry to trouble you10:24
LoneShadowplays tv recordings, avi files, vcd, dvds, .. :D10:24
thessemic56: Thanks. Even if that doesn't work at least I can be sure it isn't hd related10:24
ic56right on! The radio is playing Pink Floyd.10:24
ic56thessem: yw!10:24
LoneShadowcan someone help nilesh, I dont think the port is an issue10:25
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thessemDoes anybody know if there is any way to change the way the kernel assigns harddisks to the sda, sdb, sdc type things?10:25
sanmarcosthessem: nope, automatic, but udev can make links10:26
thessemsanmarcos: Links?10:26
sanmarcosthessem: just a matter of creating rules10:26
thessemsanmarcos: Where can I find some info about that?10:26
sanmarcosthessem: yeah, for example, plug in your ipod, kernel assigns it to sda, or whatever, but Udev can detect the ipod in any port of the comp or wherever the kernel assigned it and rename it to /dev/ipod10:26
ic56thessem: actually, I think there might be a way.  You need to read up on kernel boot options.10:26
sanmarcosthessem: udev rules10:26
sanmarcosgood luck10:27
TheThingsThatWerok, i've typed in apt-get remove apache2 and it didn't really uninstall it, how would i go about uninstalling it in the command prompt?10:27
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: didnt really uninstall it?10:27
LoneShadownilesh892003 check #ubuntu-in10:27
lillpelleTheThingsThatWer: maybe sudo apt-get remove apache210:28
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: well, it uninstalled like 40KB of data, which i KNOW isn't the size of apache2, and when i connect to the server through a browser it still pops up with the Apache logo10:28
sanmarcosapache2 is a metapackage afaik10:28
loko555anyone knows what this means: mkdir: could not create /usr/local/man File exists10:28
LoneShadowif you used apt-get to install, you can do "apt-get --purge remove apaceh2:10:29
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: try dpkg -l apache|grep ii10:29
BrianGhow do i get qmake for QT4 in ubuntu?10:29
rixthHow can I capture the output of ffmpeg to a file?10:29
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: dpkg -l apache*|grep ii sorry then apt-get remove --purge such package10:29
rixthLike, the text it displays.10:29
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sanmarcosBrianG: try qt4-dev-tools10:29
loko555oh, found the fault10:29
BrianGsanmarcos: i have10:30
sanmarcosBrianG: not there?10:30
sanmarcostry apt-cache search qmake10:30
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: when i did that it sayd o newly install, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded10:31
sanmarcosBrianG: dpkg -L qt4-dev-tools to list its contents10:31
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: did you install apache from source?10:31
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: if dpkg -l apache*|grep ^ii returns a list, then you have those packages installed10:31
nilesh892003there is any tv playing software for ubuntu10:32
sanmarcosnilesh892003: tvtime, mythtv, xawtv10:32
sanmarcosnilesh892003: google!!, apt-cache search10:32
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: ah, sorry, i misunderstood you earlier i believe, so just uninstall all of those individual packages?10:32
nilesh892003i know10:32
sanmarcosnilesh892003: it really depends on what your tv card is10:32
nilesh892003i installed xawtv10:32
nilesh892003but how to scan10:32
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: ii denotes that a package is installed10:32
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nilesh892003for indian cable10:32
sanmarcosnilesh892003: that was not your initial question10:32
rixthHow can I capture the output of ffmpeg to a file? ffmpeg > log does not work, nor does ffmpeg >> log10:32
sanmarcosnilesh892003: huh, no idea on that10:32
BrianGsanmarcos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1908410:32
LoneShadownilesh892003: for Indian cable, someone has to write a grabber for tv listings10:32
sanmarcosrixth: the output of ffmpeg?10:33
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: that did it, thanks :-D10:33
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: sure10:33
rixthsanmarcos, yeah, the text that it outputs about the conversion process.10:33
sanmarcosrixth: be specific, what your full command is, what you are trying to do, etc10:33
sanmarcosrixth: try ffmpeg 2&1> out.txt10:33
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TheThingsThatWerlol, so who can tell me a good program to use to set up a file server?10:33
ic56thessem you there?10:34
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sanmarcosrixth: ehh sorry the & should go just before the >10:34
ubotuI know nothing about bootsplash - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:34
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: file server? ftp, web? samba?10:34
rixth"ffmpeg -i /home/rixth/file.mpg -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 -y /tmp/converter.mpg" is the command.10:34
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: proftpd, wuftpd. depends on what protocl you want10:34
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: ftp preferably10:34
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: alright, thx10:34
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: proftpd is good10:34
BrianGsanmarcos: no sign of qmake in the package10:35
sanmarcosrixth: add 21&> out.txt10:35
sanmarcosBrianG: apt-cache search qmake should give yout he package name10:35
sanmarcosrixth: and #bash would be more helpful for your kind of question10:35
TheThingsThatWeralright, i hate to ask so many questions, but it's been SO long since i've used Ubuntu, how do i enable universal in command prompt?10:35
rixthsanmarcos, that does make it go to the logfile, but the very last line of the log is "Unable for find a suitable output format for '21'" which is a ffmpeg error10:35
rixthWhen running " ffmpeg -i /home/rixth/file.mpg -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 -y ~/converter.mpg 21&> output.log"10:36
sanmarcosrixth: "ffmpeg -i /home/rixth/file.mpg -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 -y /tmp/converter.mpg" 21&> out10:36
Leeifi have the kubuntu bootsplash (kubuntu logo with progress bar and status text) and want to change it to the ubuntu splash (i uninstalled kde)10:36
sanmarcosrixth: mind the quotes, and check #bash10:36
BrianGsanmarcos: it does, but theres nothing qmake int he qt4 package10:36
thessemic56: Yes, did you say something, if you did, I probably missed it, and I'm using command line irc and cant scroll up (i dont know how)10:36
sanmarcosBrianG: weird, honestly dont do too much QT dev, you could try qt3, or just ask in #qt they might have a better answer, if not, you are pretty much hosed10:37
Monkey-D-Luffywhen i put a thumbdrive and i try to access it it give me this error10:37
rixthsanmarcos, when I check the log is says "bash: ffmpeg -i /home/rixth/file.mpg -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 -y ~/converter.mpg: No such file or directory" going to bash now...10:37
Monkey-D-LuffyUnable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted.10:37
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BrianGno, i need qt410:37
Monkey-D-Luffywhat does it need?10:37
thessemic56: Nup, zeroing didn't work10:37
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: is it a windows thumbdrive?10:37
BrianGthanks anyhow sanmarcos10:37
ic56thessem: didn't say anything -- was waiting for you to come back.  I wanted to say that you might be able to remap /dev/hdc in your BIOS10:37
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: execute dmesg, check where it is in /dev10:37
Monkey-D-Luffyi dont think so10:37
Monkey-D-Luffywhat do you mean?10:38
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: what kind of thumbdrive is it then?10:38
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sanmarcosdo you use it in windows?10:38
sanmarcosI am trying to determine the file type10:38
nilesh892003how to configure gmail in evolution10:38
sanmarcosok so it is vfat10:38
thessemic56: How? it is already drive number 0, in the first sata port of the first controller, yet it is still sdc10:38
Monkey-D-Luffywhat do you mean by dmesg10:38
sanmarcosnilesh892003: google should help you, if not gmails help10:38
TheThingsThatWerhow would do i enable universe and multiverse with the command prompt?10:38
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: as root execute that in a terminal10:38
ic56thessem: to search your IRC client's log for lines containing a keyword, use /lastlog   eg: /last ic56 will list messages from me or from others that mentioned me in their text10:38
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: edit /etc/apt/sources.list10:38
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sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: check the device name, it should be "sda", "sdb" or something around that10:39
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Monkey-D-Luffy sda: Current: sense key: Medium Error10:39
Monkey-D-Luffy[4304226.704000]      Additional sense: Unrecovered read error10:39
Monkey-D-Luffy[4304226.704000]  end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 25610:39
Monkey-D-Luffy[4304226.712000]  sd 2:0:0:0: SCSI error: return code = 0x800000210:39
Monkey-D-Luffy[4304226.712000]  sda: Current: sense key: Medium Error10:39
sanmarcosyeah, dont paste so much in a channel, >3 lines is too much10:39
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ic56thessem: spend some time in your BIOS config menu.  Alternately, maybe the mboard manual is wrong and drive 0 belongs in a different slot than the manual says...10:39
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: i'm using command prompt only... so i don't have any secondary programs to open up in a GUI :-\10:40
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ic56thessem: o-o10:40
nilesh892003how to configure tv card in ubuntu10:40
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Monkey-D-Luffyshouldnt have pasted the whole thing10:40
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: try (as root) fdisk -l /dev/sda, it seems your thumbdrive is fscked up, you might have to format it again10:40
sonnyi need a terminal emulator like  yakuake under gnome  who can tell me the software like it?10:40
sanmarcosnilesh892003: what tv card10:40
J-_how do i format my NTFS external hard drive to fat32?10:40
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: use a text based editor10:40
thessemic56: I'm sure its right, because grub talks to it via (hd0,0)10:40
nilesh892003pixelview play tv pro10:40
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: nano, vim, mcedit10:40
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Monkey-D-Luffyhow do i format the thumbdrive?10:41
sanmarcosnilesh892003: no idea, google pixelview..... linux, should provide you with answers10:41
nilesh892003i had configured driver for that10:41
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: good question. what does fdisk -l say?10:41
ic56thessem: ah. yes, that is proof enough.  Oh well.  I wonder how it comes to be hdc though.  Strange10:41
sanmarcosnilesh892003: then it works?10:41
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CarlFKWhere does Ekiga save the settings?10:41
nilesh892003but dont have any good programm to work with that10:41
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Monkey-D-Luffyhere goes10:42
peabodyI'v got a grub problem10:42
Monkey-D-LuffyUsage: fdisk [-b SSZ]  [-u]  DISK     Change partition table10:42
Monkey-D-Luffy       fdisk -l [-b SSZ]  [-u]  DISK  List partition table(s)10:42
Monkey-D-Luffy       fdisk -s PARTITION           Give partition size(s) in blocks10:42
Monkey-D-Luffy       fdisk -v                     Give fdisk version10:42
Monkey-D-LuffyHere DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda10:42
Monkey-D-Luffyand PARTITION is something like /dev/hda710:42
Monkey-D-Luffy-u: give Start and End in sector (instead of cylinder) units10:42
Monkey-D-Luffy-b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors10:42
nilesh892003tvime doesn`t scans channels10:42
Monkey-D-Luffydidnt get kicked10:42
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nilesh892003and i dont know how to do it in xawtv10:42
peabodyI just install unbuntu dapper over my previous fedora core 4 drives10:42
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: -l is a lowercase L10:42
peabodyIt was an lvm setup that I kept10:42
sanmarcosCarlFK: gconf probably10:42
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peabodyEverything seems to be okay, but grub won't boot.  It prints to the screen continuously10:42
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CarlFKsanmarcos: yep - thanks10:43
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J-_how do i format my NTFS external hard drive to fat32?10:43
Monkey-D-Luffyi doesnt respond10:43
h3x0rWhat is the deal with lighttpd -7 conflicts with debian10:43
Monkey-D-Luffyit doesnt respond if i type fdisk -l10:43
Monkey-D-Luffyso how do i reformat the thumb?10:43
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sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: hmm, fucked up seriously, might want to consider just throwing the disk away10:44
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: or use dd to wipe it clean10:44
Monkey-D-Luffysound crude10:44
nilesh892003hello i can play tv with xawtv but no sound with that10:44
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ic56Monkey-D-Luffy: did you remember to use sudo?10:44
sanmarcosJ-_: mkfs.vfat10:44
Monkey-D-Luffyi plugged it in yesterday and i worked10:44
nilesh892003what should to do now10:44
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:44
sanmarcosJ-_: but try gparted for a nice gui10:44
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: really?, huh, weird, I have no more answers then10:44
ic56Monkey-D-Luffy: sudo fdisk -l10:44
Monkey-D-Luffyi plugged it in yesterday and it worked10:45
sanmarcosoh obviosuly10:45
sanmarcosfdisk requires privileges10:45
livingdayligwhats happening? Yakuake, k3b, Kaffeine - none work?!10:45
J-_k cool thanks, will the 300gb hdd be supported with fat32?10:45
nilesh892003hello what about tv sound in xawtv10:45
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Monkey-D-LuffyDisk /dev/hda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes10:45
Monkey-D-Luffy255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders10:45
Monkey-D-LuffyUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes10:45
Monkey-D-Luffy   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:45
Monkey-D-Luffy/dev/hda1               1        3824    30716248+  83  Linux10:45
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sanmarcosnot hda10:46
Monkey-D-Luffydats what i shows if i type sudo fdisk -l10:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:46
sanmarcossda Monkey-D-Luffy10:46
ompaulMonkey-D-Luffy, please do not paste in this channel we have paste.ubuntu-nl.org for that10:46
FlannelJ-_: are you using windowsXP with it? or what?10:46
sanmarcosJ-_: not with winxp10:46
sanmarcosJ-_: and I would seriously consider another file system10:46
Monkey-D-Luffybut it worked yesterday!!10:46
Monkey-D-Luffydo you think i should restart the comp and try again?10:47
sanmarcosJ-_: EXT3, XFS, JFS. EXT3 can be accessed natively on Windows, it works great10:47
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: wont change a thing10:47
Flannelsanmarcos: no they cant10:47
sanmarcosFlannel: www.fs-driver.org10:47
rixth"error while loading shared libraries: libavformat.so.50: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" << why would one user get that, and another not?10:47
sanmarcosFlannel: yes, I've been using it for years, works excellent, not a flaw, and native10:47
Flannelsanmarcos: that's hardly natively, now is it?10:47
Monkey-D-Luffyfd driver?10:47
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Monkey-D-Luffyfs driver?10:47
sanmarcosFlannel: native in the sense that you dojnt need ex2splore or whatever it was10:47
Flannelsanmarcos: and, you're one of the lucky ones, most people have nothing but problems10:47
sanmarcosFlannel: do you have problems with it?10:48
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FlannelJ-_: anyway, yes, 300GB is fine for FAT, unless youre using an older version of windows10:48
sanmarcosFlannel: well it doesnt work if the ext3 needs a serious fsck, but overall it works10:48
ic56Monkey-D-Luffy: fdisk -l will only report drives that are partitioned.  So it's not helpful for corrupt disks.10:48
sanmarcosrixth: it cant find a library10:48
sanmarcosic56: I was trying to find out where the partition was10:48
rixthsanmarcos, I know that much =) But why would only one user her it?10:48
Monkey-D-Luffyim talking about a thumbdrive10:48
rixthget it, rather10:48
sanmarcosrixth: because he or she (yes...) might not have the right library path set10:49
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rixthsanmarcos, how can I set the paths?10:49
sanmarcosrixth: i.e that library might be in /usr/local and that might not be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, an environemntal variable10:49
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Monkey-D-Luffyis there no solution?? : (10:49
sanmarcosrichiefrich: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH if i remeber correctly10:50
sanmarcosbut might want to check it with echo first to see if its already there10:50
livingdayliggot a fresh and clean install of Dapper, can't seem to install a kde app. Yakuake, K3B, Kaffeine, all appear to install but simply don't launch10:50
ic56sanmarcos: Yes, I realize that.  Remember that fdisk -l is essentially equivalent to cat /proc/partitions .  If the kernel cannot autodetect teh partition table for a disk, it doesn't show up there and you have to fall back on personal knowledge of the hardware layout10:50
thessemic56: Okay, now that all the disks are zero-d the recovery that always happens is only going to take an hour, so after that, it will just be an array that has had a failed disk and a spare has kicked in, so I'm happy10:50
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Monkey-D-Luffyi think i see the problem10:50
Monkey-D-Luffyi plugged it into my windows computer10:50
sanmarcosic56: yeah, but he should try reformating the whole disk again, and if it doesnt work then just throw it away, or maybe windows can do some voodoo to get it to work, though i doubt it10:50
richiefrichsanmarcos  u didnt mean me.. i'm thinking10:50
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Monkey-D-Luffyand it says the thumbdrive needs to format10:51
livingdaylighello? can somoene advise me?10:51
sanmarcosrichiefrich: ah no, stupid tab completion10:51
Monkey-D-Luffybut when i try to format it10:51
Monkey-D-Luffyit gives an error10:51
sanmarcosrixth: anywyays, I hope my answer helped10:51
ic56thessem: you're easy to please :-).  Sorry we couldn't find a better solution.  You can still try again later.10:51
richiefrichlol.. tis ok10:51
Monkey-D-Luffyi think the thumdrive is screwed10:51
MaskeyeI'll think about it10:51
livingdayligbefore my question above disappears and someone asks me to repeat10:51
Monkey-D-Luffyanyway to save it?10:51
FlannelMonkey-D-Luffy: format it, if that's what it says it needs10:51
sanmarcosMonkey-D-Luffy: format it10:52
J-_sanmarcos: can i ask for your opinion then? all my files are stored on xp currently(did a back up). now i want to format the external hdd to a filesystem so i can use both linux and xp with it. what's the better filesystem to use, since there are valued files in the backed up data.10:52
ic56sanmarcos: by reformatting, you imply partitioning, right?10:52
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Monkey-D-Luffyi tried but it gives an error10:52
FlannelJ-_: FAT32 will be fine10:52
sanmarcosic56: no, just wiping the whole disk with dd, then creating a 100% vfat partition on it10:52
livingdayligOk, i find this frustrating. When i try to grab someone's attention i'm told to just put the question. But whenever i just put my question and wait for a response it disappears like the credits of Star Wars off the end of the screen10:52
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sanmarcosJ-_: as a filesystem FAT32 is very antiquated, but it will work fine. Though Windows XP has some issues with disks >130gb, might want to google10:52
Flannellivingdaylig: it's alright, people see it ;)10:53
cotrolerI have just installed Enemy Territory for linux (opengl) and i have got no sound....do i need to install drivers10:53
doogluslivingdaylig: what's your question?10:53
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oskudelivingdaylig: well, thats life, use the *force (*patience)10:53
sanmarcosJ-_: its either FAT32 or EXT3, I'll go with FAT10:53
Flannelsanmarcos, J-_: no, They can read just fine.10:53
livingdaylighaha, you see now someone says what is the question. Flannel obviously they don't10:53
Monkey-D-Luffyerm is there any other third party software to format the thumbdrive? windows seems to give an error10:53
sanmarcosFlannel: unless its the drive Windows is running on, right?10:53
livingdayligdooglus: my kde apps are not working10:53
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sanmarcosJ-_: if you want more information, check the Excellent comparison of file systems on the english wikipedia10:53
doogluslivingdaylig: I could scroll back up and find it, but the writing's awfully small up there.10:53
Flannelsanmarcos: if windows was running on it, it would have to be NTFS.10:53
ic56sanmarcos: yeah, so long as you do create a partition, it can be autodetected.  If you don't partition, the kernel cannot autodetect.10:53
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TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: how much do you know about proftpd?10:54
FlannelMonkey-D-Luffy: GParted can do it10:54
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sanmarcosic56: i am not sure it works quite that way, its not the kernel that mounts your thumb drive automatically10:54
doogluslivingdaylig: this channel is for ubuntu stuff.  kde stuff is in #kubuntu - maybe that's why you're not getting help.10:54
J-_k cool thanks, i'll check'r out =D10:54
oskudelivingdaylig: how do you think we can help with such small info ?10:54
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sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: dont use it extensively, it just works out of the box, but I have configured it quite well10:54
Monkey-D-Luffyhmm i think the thumbdrive is screwed :(10:54
livingdayligdooglus: i made a fresh clean install of Dapper; but Yakuake, Kaffeine and K3B don't run10:55
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: well, i have looked through the manual pages and i can't find anything about configuring username and password10:55
Monkey-D-Luffybut i dont remember dropping it :(10:55
oskudelivingdaylig: you could try running the programs from terminal and pastin the errors you get...10:55
sanmarcosic56: the kernel will recognize the usb device, then it will try to use scsi emulation for the whatever volumes there are on it. Its a combination of hal/udev/dbus and gnome-volume-manager that makes the magic work10:55
ic56sanmarcos: for example, my /dev/hdb contains a single filesystem.  There is not /dev/hdb1 There is no partition table.  Just one big filesystem starting at block 0.  mount -l doesn't report that drive.10:55
oskudelivingdaylig: *pastebin10:55
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: username and password are just your regular unix accounts10:55
doogluslivingdaylig: fresh clean installs of ubuntu dapper don't have any of those apps10:55
livingdayligdooglus: that is a silly thing to say. If i go to #kubuntu then they'll say its because i'm in ubuntu and should install kubuntu10:55
Flannelic56: that's because it's not mounted, as it's not partitioned10:55
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: oh, lol, thx10:55
doogluslivingdaylig: you're trying to run k3b in GNOME?10:56
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sanmarcosic56: really? It has to have a main partition, it should be /dev/hdb1 what you mount, not /dev/hdb as it is the device itself10:56
livingdayligdooglus: like i put initially, after the clean install i installed some things as one does, including the 3 i mentioned10:56
peabodyI cannot get grub to boot my system, can anyone help?10:56
livingdayligdooglus: yes, i always have done10:56
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: man pages are not usually nice to newcomers, try googling for proftpd configuration, there are nice examples. If not, I can provide you with my configuration10:56
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livingdayligdooglus: i used yakuake only yesterday in gnome10:56
peabodyIt just streams the word grub all arcoss the screen10:56
livingdayligdooglus: and k3b10:56
doogluslivingdaylig: what do you see when you run 'k3b' from a terminal?  (or from a konsole)?10:57
ic56Flannel: incorrect.  fdisk -l doesn't list things which are mounted.  It lists partitions that can be read from partition tables.  If you clobber the partition table to squeeze an extra track out of your disk, /proc/partitions cannot see them.   mounting works fine, /etc/fstab works fine.  It's just that the kernel cannot autodetect10:57
oskudelivingdaylig: could you please start them from terminal ? so we can have some error messages... that "it just doesnt work" never helped anyone :/10:57
ic56sanmarcos: yes, I mount /dev/hdb directly.  I'm cheap!10:57
livingdayligoskude: there is nothing to paste. The apps appear to install using either apt-get or synaptic but its when i click on them in Applications that they just don't come up10:57
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: lol, don't suppose you would know how to make Windows XP notice it as a network drive would you (sorry for bugging you so much!)10:57
peabodyI am desperate, can anyone help me troubleshoot grub to boot my system10:58
doogluslivingdaylig: what if you run them from a terminal?10:58
=== oskude pulls his hair...
doogluslivingdaylig: instead of clicking the icon10:58
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: network drive? that is totally different10:58
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: that is Samba, your linux comp will appear on your Workgroup stuff in XP, and you can share printers, folders, drives, etc10:58
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: i'm a complete and total idiot when it comes to networking... :'(10:58
oskudelivingdaylig: applications - accessories - terminal, type there k3b and press enter10:58
sanmarcosftp is file transfer protocol, different to the "nice" stuff you see in xp10:59
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sanmarcosic56: well I would guess the devs would have made it so that devices with a single partition are able to use such shortcut10:59
FlannelTheThingsThatWer: proftpd uses the regular user accounts10:59
sanmarcosic56: but its better to use /dev/hdb1 and get used to the numbers. You wouldnt want to confuse yourself when doing risky stuff (dd, file systems, partitions, fdisk) etc.11:00
=== eliphas_ [n=eliphas_@host217-41-36-56.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusis there an irc client or a terminal program which scrolls the text up like the beginning of starwars?  that would be cool11:00
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: apt-get install samba if you want the Windows way11:00
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sanmarcosdooglus: eh?11:00
sanmarcosdooglus: checkout cmatrix :(11:00
sanmarcosdooglus: or irssi if you want a text irc client11:01
TheThingsThatWersanmarcos: and windows will notice it after that?11:01
dooglussanmarcos: instead of scrolling the text straight up, make it get smaller, like it's going into the distance.  like in the opening scenes of star wars11:01
sonnyi want to let a program auto run when i login,how can i accomplish it?11:01
sanmarcosTheThingsThatWer: yes, samba is prepared for that11:01
dooglussanmarcos: a long time ago in a galaxy far away, etc11:01
sanmarcosdooglus: doubt you can do that in a terminal, but it can be easily accomplished in GTK using GtkHTML11:01
sanmarcostotally annoying, but it can be done if you know some GTK and C11:02
dooglussanmarcos: GtkHTML just renders HTML doesn't it?11:02
dooglussanmarcos: (badly)11:02
sanmarcosdooglus: yes, it would be the easier way to implement what you want11:02
sanmarcosbut you could use QT or any other toolkit11:02
Flannel!tell TheThingsThatWer about samba11:02
livingdayligoskude: dooglus, permission denied? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1908511:02
sanmarcosdooglus: anyways, besides from the bling bling, I dont see any logical or practical reasons for using that11:02
mcphaildooglus: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl11:03
ic56sanmarcos: no special code is needed to make /dev/hdb work as a filesystem.  /dev/hdb is just raw disk sectors /dev/hdb1 is more raw disk sectors but beginning at an offset specified by the partition table.  I agree that it's better to advise newbies to partition, then format a filesystem.  Which is why I was surprised when you said to format the whole disk.11:03
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dooglussanmarcos: there are none.  it's just that livingdaylig said his question was going into the distance like a starwars intro11:03
sanmarcosdooglus: I mean you could make it so when you scroll up the text widens, like the Os X dock does with its icons. But it would take some knowledge of advanced GUI proggramming whatever toolkit you are in11:03
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dooglussanmarcos: and I was wondering how that would be possible11:03
oskudelivingdaylig: hmm, what are the permissions to that file ? "ls -lah /home/grasshopper/.kde"11:03
oskudelivingdaylig: *folder11:04
sanmarcosic56: :) anyways I think that thumb drive is doomed anyways.. they are so cheap these days, and flash memory isnt exaclty durable11:04
livingdayligoskude: i don't know. Usuallly all i do is install something and run it11:04
dooglussanmarcos: I wonder whether just applying an imagemagick filter over an existing app would work.  something in the window manager perhaps, like the XGL stuff does to make windows wobble/whatever?11:04
sanmarcosdooglus: huh?. XGL just uses OpenGl11:04
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oskudelivingdaylig: ... run this in terminal "ls -lah /home/grasshopper/.kde" and pastebin the result11:04
sanmarcosdooglus: you could do it in OpenGL if you wanted too, probably be the smartest choice, since you start from sracth and would not have to hack around Gtk or QT widgets11:05
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Leeifoskude: how do i change my bootsplash screen?11:05
doogluslivingdaylig: what does "ls -ld /home/grasshopper/.kde" show?11:05
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oskudeLeeif: dunno, never done that...11:05
sanmarcosdooglus: just steal (err, use gpl code), an irc engine, and code a small GL app to do it. Knowledge of C, some math, and a good chunk of GL. You could do it easily11:06
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ic56sanmarcos: you may be right.  Then again, we never found out if his partition table was corrupt.  The electronics may be fine -- just the formatting data may be corrupt.11:06
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sanmarcosnot even C, you could do it in Python if you wanted dooglus11:06
dooglussanmarcos: I'm thinking that rather than write a new IRC app, I'd modify the compiz window manager (or whatever it's called) to add a new effect to 'star-wars-ify' any app11:06
livingdayligoskude: dooglus, said "permission denied"11:06
sanmarcosic56: indeed.. Gparted could easily fix that11:06
ic56sanmarcos: agreed11:07
oskudelivingdaylig: ah of course, sorry, try "sudo ls -lah /home/grasshopper/.kde"11:07
doogluslivingdaylig: what does "ls -ld /home/grasshopper" show?11:07
sanmarcosdooglus: the window manager handles the entire window, not its contents11:07
Flannelguys, take the star wars IRC client to #ubuntu-offtopic please11:07
sanmarcosdooglus: you could make a window appear in such a way, but that is not what  you want11:07
dooglusoskude: he should have permission to list stuff in his own home directory!11:07
Flanneldooglus: it means he's run things with sudo, instead of gksudo or kdesu11:08
oskudedooglus: of course, if it where so, there wouldnt have been permission denien when running k3b...11:08
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dooglusFlannel: I don't think that would ever make the command I asked him to run fail11:08
Nilviohey 1 question11:08
Flanneldooglus: if he didn't have permission to read it, because it was owned by root, then yes, it would11:08
sanmarcosas root just sudo chown user:group /home/you/* -R and then chmod 770 * -R on it11:08
dooglusoskude: I'm thinking that ~ is writable but ~/.kde isn't.  but "ls -ld ~/.kde" shouldn't fail, even if root does own ~/.kde11:09
Nilviomy wow use 450/750 memory11:09
sanmarcosgood settings, 775 if you want to  be more permissive11:09
Nilviowhat i need to do if i want all memory to wow ?11:09
livingdayligoskude: dooglus, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1908611:09
sanmarcosNilvio: to wow?11:09
oskudelivingdaylig: omg, how did you install k3b ?11:09
doogluslivingdaylig: that's not the command I asked you to run.11:09
Nilviowhen i play wow11:09
doogluslivingdaylig: can you copy and paste?  I wanted "ls -ld ~/.kde"11:09
oskudedooglus: but what i asked11:09
ic56Nilvio, sanmarcos: like, *wow* man! :-)11:10
sanmarcosic56: totally dude11:10
Nilviothat use only 450/75011:10
J-_ment to go to that channel =\11:10
=== Jenkins [n=laptop@c-24-131-203-151.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdayligdooglus: sorry11:10
sanmarcosNilvio: you want WoW to get more memory than average?11:10
sanmarcosNilvio: man nice11:10
JenkinsCould somebody tell me how to install linux-headers  using sudo apt-get install linux-headers. It shows a list of them but i cannot figure out how to select the one i want.11:11
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oskudelivingdaylig: well, the ~/.kde dir is owned by root, as you can see...11:11
sanmarcosNilvio: as root nice can change the way the system grants resources to a specific process. I suggest you read the manpage first, then you could use the Gnome System Monitor to change the nice of a process11:11
doogluslivingdaylig: a "sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.kde" will fix your problem11:11
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Flannellivingdaylig: You need to stop running graphical apps as root with sudo11:11
sanmarcosJenkins: try uname -r11:11
livingdayligdooglus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1908711:11
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Jenkinssanmarcos: what does uname -r do?11:11
sanmarcosJenkins: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`11:11
Nilvioi use Gnome system11:12
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mcphailJenkins: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`11:12
Jenkinssanmarcos: thanks i'll try that11:12
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dooglusJenkins: it tells you your kernel version11:12
svenany tips on how to make a grub menu item that does not start gdm? (i'd like to be able to do a "quickboot" right to the console)11:12
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livingdayligoskude: any idea how that could have happened? i installed Dapper as i always do ; never had this happen?11:12
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Jenkinssays couldnt find package linux-headers-uname -r11:12
doogluslivingdaylig: probably running "sudo k3b" did it11:12
sanmarcosJenkins: mind the quotes11:12
Flannellivingdaylig: you used sudo for a graphical app11:12
sanmarcosJenkins: they are back ticks ``11:12
Jenkinswhat you mean mind the quotes?11:12
doogluslivingdaylig: some kde apps are buggy and don't work right with sudo11:12
mcphailJenkins: copy the line exactly (with the backticks)11:12
oskudelivingdaylig: have you been using sudo where youre not supposed to ?11:13
sanmarcosJenkins: apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) also does it11:13
Flannellivingdaylig: which is why you use gksudo or kdesu for graphical apps11:13
livingdayligdooglus: i wouldn't have run sudo k3b11:13
Jenkinsthat did it thank you11:13
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doogluslivingdaylig: "sudo <some other kde app>" then?11:13
oskudeFlannel: what ? i cant run "X" apps withs sudo ? could you give me info on that ?11:13
livingdayligdooglus: maybe it happened with yakuake, maybe11:13
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livingdayligdooglus: so the command line you gave me is the solution?11:14
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livingdayligdooglus: just punch that in?11:14
dooglusoskude: "X" apps are OK, as are GTK apps.  it's just KDE apps which aren't, I think11:14
doogluslivingdaylig: yup.11:14
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doogluslivingdaylig: that will CHange OWNer Recursively to <you> and group to <you>11:14
FlannelQT has problems with sudo, which is why it's easier to just say "dont run graphical apps" because, using your special graphical sudo is NEVER going to cause problems11:14
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sanmarcosFlannel: qt has problems with sudo?11:15
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Flannelsanmarcos: yes.11:15
livingdayligdooglus: i'm indebted - thank you soooooMUCH11:15
dooglusit's easier to say "just always log in as root" then you never need to use sudo or gksudo.11:15
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livingdayligTo ALL of YOU11:15
sanmarcosFlannel: not having X credentials? I would try sux -c qtapp11:15
Flanneldooglus: no, that's the exact opposite.11:15
oskudeFlannel: hmm, got any "written down" info on that ?11:15
cotrolerAzureus needs JRE...I have Java installed...is Java and JRE the same????11:15
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sanmarcoscotroler: for your purposes, yes11:16
Lockedoes anyone know anything about installing a Ventrilo server?11:16
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net11:16
sanmarcoscotroler: technically no11:16
Flanneloskude: er, references? no.  but, it's important enough (I'm not selling snakeoil) enough for this:11:16
JenkinsLocke: i do11:16
ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo11:16
sanmarcoscotroler: just install jre to use azureus11:16
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp}11:16
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JenkinsLocke: kinda, i run my own Teamspeak Server from my windows machine11:16
cotrolersanmarcos: so to install azureus java is enough right?11:16
Leeifsanmarcos: do u know how to change my bootsplash screen?11:16
LockeJenkins: i run a Ventrilo server on my Windows machine, i just don't know how to install it under Ubuntu11:16
oskudeok ...11:16
Flanneloskude: so, no, I have no links, but Se-veas kindly added ubout commands11:16
livingdayligoskude: thax too. NO, i'm not aware of having used sudo to run any application. Coz aftrer installing i always run them from Applications.11:16
JenkinsLocke: Well if it is running under Windows why you want it  under Ubuntu?11:17
=== os390 [i=os390@cm-83-97-140-75.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu
likwidtek_yay!  I'm chatting on my ubuntu powerbook g4 baby.  54m airport extreem to hahaha  i was so sad when i thought there was no broadcom support for ubuntu but silly me11:17
likwidtek_mine runs stable at 54M  woot11:17
JenkinsLocke: running the server doesnt really use up many resources (at least teamspeak)11:17
sanmarcosLeeif: bootsplash screens are usually specificed in grub's menu.lst or whatever lilo uses. You have to change the bootsplahs screen and maybe regenerate the initrd if it is stored there. I havent used bootsplash screens in a long time11:17
=== likwidtek_ [n=likwidte@ip68-230-33-97.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
doogluslivingdaylig: you might need to change some other dirs too.  do an "ls -la ~ | grep root" to see if anything else is owned by root11:17
oskudeFlannel: ok, good to know11:17
JenkinsLikwidtek: i use my broadcom wireless on Ubuntu11:17
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JenkinsLikwidtek: i just had to grab the drivers from my windows partition11:18
likwidtek_lol ok 11M it is haha11:18
sanmarcoslikwidtek: why uses linux when you have os x?11:18
LockeJenkins: i restart my PC way too often and i have a server in my closet i use for stuff like this11:18
likwidtek_sanmarcos, to learn11:18
sanmarcoslikwidtek: learn what?11:18
JenkinsLocke: i see. well I'm not too familiar with linux. sorry i cant help ya11:18
tristanHOw can I modify my keyboard configuration? My function button does not work (I suppose is not recognized) and therefore I cannot decrease the luminosity of my screen...11:18
sanmarcoslikwidtek: os x, for all purposes has all the same gnu utilities and unix core as linux11:18
likwidtek_and for geek points11:18
livingdayligFlannel: i must have done but i'm not in the habit of doing so, hence i can't be 1000%sure that i didn't. but the fact of the problem implies that i must have done. I'm glad it appears to beb resolved. I'll certainly be even more conscious of the caution now11:18
Leeifsanmarcos: not grub splash, bootslash (ubuntu splash)11:18
likwidtek_Jenkins, you able to run stable at 54M wireless?11:19
J-_will ext3 be detected on xp, when i turn my external hard drive on?11:19
=== ^betul^ [n=anjuna@ip-152-234.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
oskudeJ-_: no11:19
sanmarcoslikwidtek: ubuntu != linux, linux is the kernel, What you would learn is basically GNOME and the gui. And some Debian related commands such as apt, synaptic and so on11:19
sanmarcosJ-_: if you have fs-driver yes11:19
JenkinsLikwidtek: i usually just run wired connection, but my strength is always max11:19
sanmarcosJ-_: if not, it will just say the drive has no formatting, and will ask you to format it, do not..11:19
=== blkdomini [n=io@85-18-14-30.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
blkdominihi all11:19
FlannelJ-_: no11:19
sanmarcosLeeif: the ubuntu spalsh is specified in the grub config file11:19
livingdayligdooglus: thx, heres the output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1908811:20
Jenkins!broadcom > Jenkins11:20
DrBashir2can I install Opera with apt-get?11:20
sanmarcosJ-_: for all purposes, fs-driver works great for me. But if you want to be on the safe side, just use vfat11:20
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likwidtek_sanmarcos, well I'm not very good with linux... my biggest problem has always been finding a great community that doesnt just scream RTFM at you when you ask questions.  the ubuntu community is amazing and I think it is fun to run it on my mac.  It's dual booted so I float between the two11:20
sanmarcosDrBashir: not from ubuntu afaik, but opera has debs11:20
ardchoilleFlannel: When nautilus starts up, it manages the desktop, whioch means it put icons on the desktop as well as a right-click menu on the desktop. I use openbox as my window manager because it has a customisable right-click menu for the desktop. When you run "gksudo nautilus" it changes the desktop and replaces my right-click menu because nautilus manages the desktop and using gksudo makes the root nautilus replace the users' desktop. You can o11:20
=== wthww [n=maddenma@1Cust7902.an3.ind20.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleSorry for the long paragraph folks.11:21
DrBashir2sanmarcos: so I need to use firefox to get Opera?11:21
Flannelardchoille: er, you sure that belongs to me?  and, it got cut off at "you can o"11:21
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Leeifsanmarcos: ok11:21
Jenkins!broadcom > likwidteck11:21
doogluslivingdaylig: run this then: "sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.{gnome,local,qt}"11:21
sanmarcoslikwidtek: the ubuntu community welcomes newbies because 90% of its user base is newcomers. Most users here that ask newbie quetsions would be RTFM'd to hell in #debian11:21
=== wthww [n=maddenma@1Cust7902.an3.ind20.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jenkins!broadcom > likwidteck_11:21
blkdominii have a problem with engage toolbar11:21
sanmarcosDrBashir: ehh no, just a web browser11:21
doogluslivingdaylig: then check again with that ls command to make sure there are none lef11:21
ardchoilleFlannel: I was just saying that gksudo nautilus can cause problems where sudo nautilus does not.11:21
amarokkerardchoille: you didnt use a wordprocessor to type the messages now, do you? :D11:21
=== Nikoladze [n=nick@62-31-20-46.cable.ubr04.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Lockecan someone help me with installing something under Ubuntu?11:21
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vl_hopera can be downloaded from opera.com11:21
sanmarcosDrBashir: its like in windows, you need to use IE to get firefox, unless you have it from some other source11:21
blkdominiplease help me11:22
sanmarcosLocke: such as?11:22
ruxpinsuddenly permissions for /dev/null changed, and normal users can't write to it anymore.. what could be the cause?11:22
livingdayligdooglus: LOL  :)  i really messed something up there it looks like. I'm glad the Force is strong in you. I feel in good hands11:22
Flannelardchoille: no, I wouldn't classify that as "messing up"  you're running it as a different user, and as such, have different preferences.11:22
sanmarcosruxpin: lol11:22
=== Maskeye [n=maskeye@42.100-84-212.ippool.ndo.com] has joined #ubuntu
wthwwme needs help :'(11:22
amarokkerhas anyone noticed? the latest opera builds have been unusually slow on linux- or is it a dapper issue?11:22
=== Gasten [n=martin@h21n7c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
sanmarcosruxpin: crw-rw-rw- 1 root root is default, just chmod/own it as root and all should be fine11:22
blkdominithe error is:11:22
Jenkinslikwidteck_: i have a link for you to look at for your wireless card issue11:22
blkdominiI seguenti pacchetti hanno dipendenze non soddisfatte:11:23
blkdomini  engage: Dipende: libemotion0 ma non sta per essere installato11:23
blkdomini          Dipende: libewl0 ma non sta per essere installato11:23
blkdomini          Dipende: examine ma non sta per essere installato11:23
blkdominiE: Pacchetto non integro11:23
wthwwi instalkled The SUn JRE and firefix still says its not installe , what do i do :???11:23
mcphailamarokker: you could check the source code ;)11:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:23
Lockesanmarcos: i'm trying to install a ventrilo server on a server i have in my closet, and it's only command prompt, no GUI, and i'm trying to install a ventrilo server, and i don't even know how to open a tar.gz file in command prompt11:23
s_spiffanyone here knows a good tcp/ip based messenger? i'm sick of this xipmsg!11:23
amarokkerwthww: crying won't help. state your problem, mate :)11:23
sanmarcosruxpin: that is 666 in numeric, yes /dev/null is the devil11:23
sanmarcosLocke: tar.gz you do with tar zxvf file.tar.gz11:23
ardchoilleFlannel: ah hah, you just solved a problem for me that no one else has been able to solve. Thank you vey much. I'll change the root desktop around to use openbox instead of metacity11:23
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:23
DrBashir2sanmarcos:  crap, I removed FF, its still running, but it cant start the download dialog... :|11:24
dooglusLocke: "tar xf file.tar.gz" is the easiest way.  "tar xf" works for all kinds of tar files, whether they're compressed or not11:24
likwidtek_Jenkins, this one?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper this one?11:24
livingdayligdooglus: i think this looks better now. Only Root is root as should be, yea? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1908911:24
J-_sanmarcos: well, it seems like ext3 has a lot more options than fat32, and linux uses ext3, i just want to format the drive so i can use it with linux, since i'm putting linux on both of my computers, i just need to get onto xp to transfer the files, and possible if i go somewhere and i need to use a windows system, i can use the external drive. i think i'm going to go with ext3, hopefully it's the better choice and the hard drive doesn't go 11:24
Jenkinsyah that or the one i IM'd you11:24
amarokkermcphail: when we're building opera from source, does it use the static/shared qt libs? if its static, then the menus'd look terrible 'gainst the smooth gnome interface11:24
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Jenkinsi cannot find the exact one i used11:24
ruxpinsanmarcos: but the permissions reset at every boot11:24
sanmarcosJ-_: well if you are going to use the external as a travel drive. I would suggest FAT3211:24
Jenkinsbut it worked good11:24
ruxpinsanmarcos: and that happened suddenly11:24
doogluslivingdaylig: that's "..", not "root".  ".." is the parent directory of /home/grasshopper, ie "/home", so yes, it should be owned by root11:24
sanmarcosJ-_: or even, just make a small 100mb parittion of FAT32 to store fs-driver in there, or some other windows file11:25
wthwwIve installed ubuntu and everythings went well. im even on my wireless interent, (THAT was a pain) But ive i nstalled SDun JRE from add/remove but firefox still says its not installed, what do i do?11:25
JenkinsCan anybody here help me configure Kismet?11:25
sanmarcosruxpin: udev is probably screwing you, and sleeping with your girlfriend/wife11:25
=== kingpine [n=kingpine@42.100-84-212.ippool.ndo.com] has joined #ubuntu
likwidtek_well im connected now wirelesslessly hanging out outside smokin11:25
likwidtek_so this worked.11:25
sanmarcosruxpin: although, I dont know if udev genereates /dev/null. hmmm11:25
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likwidtek_when I /etc/network$ sudo iwconfig eth1 rate 54M I kinda loose connectivity randomly11:26
sanmarcosruxpin: most possibly a udev issue. What are the current perms on dev null ?11:26
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=== wthww is now known as wthww-ubuntu
likwidtek_but mleh... so far it's stable.. I will tweak it but right now i'm all good.  I'm having a blast with ubuntu tho this rocks11:26
J-_hmm yeah, small partition with fat32 with the driver and some extra space, and the rest ext3.11:27
livingdayligdooglus: ok, i think  :|  i am getting better at this stuff. I'm just glad its working now. Yakuake i've discovered is a great drop-down terminal and i'm just used to k3b, and where would we be without a burner?11:27
=== wthww [n=whattheh@1Cust7902.an3.ind20.da.uu.net] has joined #Ubuntu
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Lockeis there any way to install files directly from a tar.gz file?11:27
likwidtek_I think i did pooch my os x install when I parted the drive.  i get the grey spinning wheel of death.  I think i just need to run the disk utils on the os x install cd11:27
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oskudeLocke: tar.gz. are "zipped" packages, so they can contain like what ever...11:28
J-_sanmarcos: thanks for the information, much appreciated.11:28
sanmarcosJ-_: sure man, any time11:28
wthwwok, ive got ubuntu installed and its working great, but i cant get Sun Java to work. even though its installed, firefox still says its not. any idea on what to do?11:28
=== wthww np: Various Artists - 99 Luftballons - Nena [03:51m/192Kbps/44KHz]
Lockedoes ANYONE know anything about setting up a ventrilo server in the command prompt?11:29
amarokkerwthww-ubuntu: have you tried the ubuntu-wiki?11:29
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likwidtek_Jenkins, any idea on how to get the powerbook brightness and volume keys to work in ubuntu?11:29
wthwwyeah... i had a page, but i lost t and have been trying to find it again all night11:29
Jenkinsif you use sudo apt-get install to install something.. how would you uninstall that package?11:29
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sanmarcosruxpin: if you are still there, you might want to checkout /etc/udev and do a grep "null" * -Ri in there,  permissions.rules sounds very intersting to what your problem is about11:29
ruxpinsanmarcos: crw-------11:30
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ruxpinsanmarcos: everything works by chmoding, but at every reboot that changes back11:30
livingdayligMay the FORCE be with YOU All. As these words fade into the distance and drop off the screen like some Star Wars credit (or intro) know it was not in vain. It meant alot to me and the value of it shall reverberate through ETERNITY!11:30
JenkinsLikwidtek_: no idea lol i got the same kinda keys but they are pretty useless.. i have a headset plugged in to my lappy and sound still comes from speakers lol11:30
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amarokkerif you follow it word to word, you'd get it to work in no time. ok, lemme see if i can point you to to the link11:30
=== wthww [n=whattheh@1Cust7902.an3.ind20.da.uu.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Jenkinsif you use sudo apt-get install to install something.. how would you uninstall that package?11:30
likwidtek_Jenkins,  heh i wanna get it workin.  i also have noticed that the power drains faster in ubuntu than os x11:30
ruxpinsudo apt-get remove11:31
Seveaswthww, if you don't want to be kicked, turn off useless scripts11:31
dooglusoskude: here's an "in writing" explanation of the 'gksudo vs. sudo' thing.11:31
dooglusoskude: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo11:31
oskudedooglus: thanx11:31
sanmarcosruxpin: checkout my tip, might be helpful,11:31
vl_hsudo apt-get remove --purge11:31
sanmarcosruxpin: crw is 60011:31
wthwwi did11:31
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wthwwthat what i was doing when i git kicked11:31
vl_hman apt-get11:32
neuro-Can anyone recommend a PCI Wireless NIC that will work on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper?11:32
sanmarcosruxpin: it should be 666, so try grep -Ri "null" * | grep "6" on /etc/udev11:32
livingdayligdooglus: thx for the inside scoop. I'm reading it too11:32
oskudewthww: scripts (like "now playing") are not allowed here11:32
=== ogamiitto [n=jacobo@184.Red-80-25-214.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
sanmarcosneuro-: most do, its just a matter of avoiding those which dont. Check the Ubuntu Wiki on Wireless11:32
wthwwoskdude: i knew that. thats why i was turning it off WHEN i was kicked.11:32
=== IRCMonkeyx [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu
wthwwso, thanks.11:32
oskudewthww: well, now you know, shut it off before you enter...11:33
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Jenkinsis there a Defrag app in Linux?11:33
dooglusoskude: notice that it still doesn't really explain what's going on, and why they can't just fix sudo and/or the apps so they don't break things11:33
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sanmarcosJenkins: journalling file systems dont need defragging11:33
oskudedooglus: yup11:33
dooglus!info defrag11:33
ubotudefrag: ext2, minix and xiafs filesystem defragmenter. In repository universe, is extra. Version 0.73pjm1-7 (dapper), package size 66 kB, installed size 208 kB (Only available for i386)11:33
dooglusJenkins: ^-- yup11:33
=== linux2 [n=will@c-66-30-177-11.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglussanmarcos: how does a journal prevent fragmentation?11:34
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cholcould you recommend an nntp reader, for gnome or just graphical?11:34
ubotuI know nothing about eciadsl - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:34
ruxpin/etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules:KERNEL=="null",                          MODE="0666"11:34
Lockealright, i have a program that runs in the command prompt, and i only have command prompt only, is there any way to run this program in the background and still keep it running while being able to do other things at the same time?11:34
ruxpinsanmarcos: ^11:34
sanmarcosdooglus: I had the idea that journalled systems didnt need defrags11:34
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ruxpinLocke: append '&11:34
ruxpinLocke: script.sh &11:34
IRCMonkeyx!common commands11:34
sanmarcosruxpin: yeah that is fine, can you paste me your ls -l /dev/null ?11:34
ubotuI know nothing about common commands - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:34
IRCMonkeyx! commands11:35
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:35
Seveaschol, pan11:35
ruxpinsanmarcos: it's chmodded right now11:35
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dooglusLocke: "screen" is very good - it lets you keep stuff running even after you close the terminal window, and come back to it later.  alternatively, for a cheaper solution, stick a '&' at the end of the command11:35
ruxpincrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2006-05-31 05:21 /dev/null11:35
ruxpinsanmarcos: ^11:35
VirtuaalIs there any solution to wrap files name in gnome desktop?11:35
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks11:35
cholSeveas, thanks11:35
dooglusLocke: or if the command has already been started, hit control-z to stop it, then run 'bg' to make it continue in the background11:35
ruxpinsanmarcos: I did ga+rw /dev/null11:35
sanmarcosruxpin: I suspect your system date is wrong, just wanted to confirm the theory that it was udev that changed it on system up11:35
sanmarcosruxpin: its good that you have knowledge of unix permissions11:35
livingdayligI never knew about gksudo11:36
J-_with gpart, i can't format the drive, it's locked. how should can i format it in linux? can i sudo gparted which will give me permission to format the drive?11:36
ruxpinsanmarcos: the date is correct11:36
IRCMonkeyx1repair ubuntu11:36
amarillionI just got a crash when trying to watch this movie: http://www.iconfactory.com/ via mplayer plugin in firefox. Can somebody replicate this? Could this be due to the fglrx driver?11:36
IRCMonkeyx!repair ubuntu11:36
sanmarcosruxpin: but it is most puzzling that udev would restrict /dev/null11:36
ubotuI know nothing about repair ubuntu - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:36
ruxpinsanmarcos: yes11:36
ubotuI know nothing about repair - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:36
SeveasIRCMonkeyx, don't play with the bot11:36
ruxpinsanmarcos: I'll reboot again to see what happens11:36
dooglussanmarcos: I don't think there's anything special about journaled filesystems to do with defragging.  the journal just ensures consistancy in the event of a crash11:36
IRCMonkeyxi am not playing trying to learn sth11:36
sanmarcosdooglus: ahh, thanks for correcting me. But does EXT3 have a defrag tool? its not fsck11:36
livingdayligFlannel: never knew aobut gksudo never mind teh distinction between sudo and gksudo in terms of how the configureation files are used11:36
oskudeJ-_: if its gnome program, its suggested that you use "gksudo program"11:36
=== He3eK [n=dimamobi@host86-133-217-140.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
IRCMonkeyxwhen i click to disk manager , it gives me a script error11:37
sanmarcosruxpin: hmm no, google /dev/null permission, some very interesting results indeed11:37
IRCMonkeyxbackend scrip error11:37
He3eKCan anyone answer a WiFi related question on Ubuntu?11:37
Lockehow do i make a program run automatically in the CLI at bootup?11:37
likwidtek_He3eK, I can try.  sup11:37
Seveas!anyone > He3eK11:37
DrBashir2Evolution has an option to leave mail on my pop3 server, but how can I specify to only keep mail from the last 15 day's or so?11:37
sanmarcosLocke: add it to your .bashrc11:37
SeveasLocke, bootup or login?11:37
IRCMonkeyxhow can i repair ubuntu ?11:37
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dooglussanmarcos: I would expect defrag to work on ext3, but I don't know.  I use reiserfs, and have never found a defrag tool for that.  or even a way of measuring the level of fragmentation.11:37
Lockeseveas: well, both, i only run in CLI, i have no GUI11:38
sanmarcosIRCMonkeyx: please be specific11:38
livingdayligoskude: yes, i learnt that from the article. So because gedit is a gnome program gkusdo should be used. But i wanstn clear why in the example given with nano sudo was used ?11:38
dooglussanmarcos: I would be amazed if it isn't heavily fragmented though - I run with the disk 99% most of the time, and work with huge files.11:38
livingdayligoskude: aguess, nano is not a gnome app?11:38
=== z3r0x [n=unix@84-73-172-93.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasLocke, bootup: add it to /etc/rc.local login: ~/.bashrc is the place11:38
oskudelivingdaylig: nano is a "text" program11:38
sanmarcosLocke: on init, create an init script, man update-rc.d (iirc) or man 8 init, for login put it in your .bashrc at the end and add a &11:38
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IRCMonkeyxsanmarcos: when i click from administrator tools to disk manager, it cant be open11:38
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livingdayligoskude: and not gnome per se11:38
oskudelivingdaylig: eeh, a text editor for the console/terminal11:38
IRCMonkeyxsanmarcos: when it says there is an backend script error11:39
sanmarcosdooglus: you should try XFS if dealing with huge files. I love it here. I heard horror stories with reiser311:39
livingdayligoskude: whereas gedit is?11:39
oskudelivingdaylig: texteditor for gnome11:39
PhenaxI've heard more horror stories about XFS than reiser311:39
livingdayligoskude: yea, ok  :p11:39
sanmarcosIRCMonkeyx: hmm probably a bug in the program, not ubuntu's fault11:39
He3eKI've got a netgear PCMCIA card that is not detecting on my laptop... how can I make it work?11:39
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-87-74-38-9.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
IRCMonkeyxsanmarcos: nothing to do ?11:39
IRCMonkeyxsanmarcos: can ti be releated with mounting ?11:40
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IRCMonkeyxsanmarcos: can it be releated with mounting ?11:40
ruxpinsanmarcos: crw------- 1 root root 1, 3 2006-05-31 05:21 /dev/null11:40
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sanmarcosIRCMonkeyx: no, I dont think so11:40
ruxpinsanmarcos: I can't do anything without chmod'ing11:40
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sanmarcosruxpin: if that is the correct date, then yeah, udev's fault11:40
dooglussanmarcos: I hear lots of bad things about reiserfs too, but didn't experience anything bad yet, despite ubuntu crashing more often than closing down cleanly11:41
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ruxpinFri Jul 28 12:41:11 EEST 200611:41
ruxpinsanmarcos: 11:41
ruxpinsanmarcos: ^11:41
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PhenaxI've ran reiser3 and reiser4 under pretty heavy load with no problems yet11:41
sanmarcosruxpin: then why is the date on /dev/null may 31st?, try touching it11:41
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Leeifhow do i install a diff file?11:42
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psiborgwith patch11:42
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oskudeLeeif: you dont "install" a diff file, you patch that to the source code (normally)11:43
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ruxpinsanmarcos: I removed it, and recreated the whole thing11:43
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GnarusLeowhat is a good newsreader client for ubuntu?11:43
cholSeveas, sweet reader, i remember using this a few years back, seems to have evolved a bit since11:43
psiborgI use pan11:43
ruxpinsanmarcos: there are some files dated to May 31 in /dev/11:43
sanmarcosruxpin: try grep "null" * -R in /etc/init.d/ maybe some script is screwing with you11:43
dooglusLocke: to run a program at login, add it to ~/.bash_profile.  if you add it to ~/.bashrc it will run every time you start a new shell, which you probably don't want.11:43
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cholGnarusLeo, yeah, go for pan11:43
Seveaschol, it's actuallt evolved more but the beta versions aren't in Ubuntu yet11:44
Leeifoskude: what is better here? to use the diff or the debian folder? http://www.bootsplash.de/files/11:44
psiborgAnd slrn11:44
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oskudeLeeif: how should i know... read their README, or so...11:44
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sanmarcosruxpin: and try that google search11:44
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sanmarcosruxpin: ahh, try this mount -o remount,suid,dev /mnt/hda111:45
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sanmarcosruxpin: I remember having a similar problem with changing fstab and all my perms going to hell11:45
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sanmarcosruxpin: I suggest you checkout your fstab line for /11:46
Cute`Boyma italiano niente?11:46
Lockewhat would the username and password be on a samba file server freshly installed? just the regular Linux name and password?11:46
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:46
ruxpinsanmarcos: it has this option: defaults,errors=remount-ro11:47
oskudeLocke: afaik, samba uses its own user database11:47
ruxpinsanmarcos: thanks for your help11:47
cholSeveas, i can wait, this one lets me read dragonflybsd bugs so i'm pleased :)11:47
sanmarcosruxpin: hmm, nothing in init.d suggests tampering with /dev/null?11:47
frogzooLocke: by default, samba doesn't sync the nix passwd - so be default, there are no users enabled11:47
ruxpinsanmarcos: many >/dev/null11:47
Lockehow do i add users?11:47
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DrBashir2Evolution has an option to leave mail on my pop3 server, but how can I specify to only keep mail from the last 15 day's or so?11:47
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frogzooLocke: to linux, or samba?11:48
GnarusLeoWhats the name of that good .NZB site? You to pay some money, but its way updated11:48
sanmarcosruxpin: no chmod though, try adding an extra |grep "chmod"11:48
Lockefrogzoo: i'm trying to turn my Linux box into a file server so i can access and back up all my files onto my linux server, so i need to set up samba to be able to connect from my Windows PC to my Linux server11:48
sanmarcosruxpin: hmm, "nodev" seems to be the single most logical cause for it. But it isnt in your fstab11:48
FlannelLocke: did you read the samba howto?11:49
tristanHow can I modify xmodmap.conf so that whe I press function+F6 it decreases my screen luminosity and when I press funtion+F7 it increases my screen luminosity?11:49
ruxpinsanmarcos: no11:49
Lockeflannel: yes11:49
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ruxpinsanmarcos: there's nothing in /etc/init.d/ that chmod's /dev/null11:49
ruxpinsanmarcos: I'll check nodev11:49
sanmarcosruxpin: try rm'ing null and recreating it mknod -m 0666 /dev/null c 1 311:49
sergiol_elsewhercan sombody explain me why the /etc/init.d/postgresql8.0 start does nothing?11:50
sergiol_elsewherover ubuntu11:50
ruxpinsanmarcos: no nodev11:50
Lockefrogzoo: so how would i go about adding users in samba?11:50
frogzooLocke: you can create a samba passwd for a nix user with smbpasswd, or enable the password syncing in /etc/samba/smb.conf11:50
sanmarcossergiol_elsewher: either it is empty or it has a check for something. The answer is in reading that file with an editor11:50
ruxpinsanmarcos: same problem with /dev/console11:51
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seehello, how do i extract one file from a .deb?11:51
likwidtek_how can I emulate right mouse click on my powerbook in ubuntu?11:51
sergiol_elsewherit inly treats argv's and sources another file11:51
sergiol_elsewher* only11:51
sanmarcosruxpin: what apps do you run as root?11:51
cotroler Is there any way to login as root in the browser pls ??????11:52
sanmarcoscotroler: in the browser?11:52
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Lockefrogzoo: ok, so what would the logon name be?11:52
cotrolersanmarcos: in konquer11:52
frogzoocotroler: it's dangerous & unnecessary11:52
ruxpinsanmarcos: and /dev/kmem, /dev/ppp, and grep retuns two odd files: "0" and "tun"11:52
sanmarcosruxpin: you are seriously hosed11:52
ruxpinsanmarcos: only some ssh11:52
sanmarcosruxpin: when did this start to happen?11:52
frogzooLocke: the same as the matching nix account11:52
DrBashir2Evolution has an option to leave mail on my pop3 server, but how can I specify to only keep mail from the last 15 day's or so? or maybe a different Mail client?11:53
ruxpinsanmarcos: this morning, and I checked 'last' for odd logins11:53
ruxpinsanmarcos: none11:53
Snake007ukhey guys i am using a laptop with a additional screen attached is it possible on ubuntu to use both screens ?11:53
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sanmarcosruxpin: you use ssh client as root?11:53
sanmarcosruxpin: you could do ssh -l root as a normal user11:53
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frogzooSnake007uk: which vid card?11:53
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ruxpinsanmarcos: I do both11:53
sanmarcosruxpin: try lastb11:53
Lockefrogzoo: when i try to change the password it tells mecould not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON FAIRUL11:53
Snake007uknvidia 620011:53
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sanmarcosruxpin: something seriously changed, might have been an app, a service at boot..11:54
seamus_iehey all...11:54
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Snake007ukfrogzoo: nvidia 620011:54
sgleo87Can I just go into hibernate instead of shutting down my laptop or will I notice a decrease in performance after several days?11:54
Snake007ukfrogzoo:  i also have xgl running11:54
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ruxpinsanmarcos: UNKNOWN                                Thu Jul  6 11:07 - 11:07  (00:00)11:54
ruxpinsanmarcos: that's the only lastb that I think is not mine11:55
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frogzooSnake007uk: apart from xgl, dual monitor is a standard x feature11:55
sanmarcosruxpin: well, I mean the issue is at startup11:55
DrBashir2whats the IRC channel for evolution?11:55
DrBashir2can't find it on the website11:56
Lockefrogzoo: ok... i think i changed the password... would you know an online tutorial or something that could help me get through all this so i don't have to distract you?11:56
sanmarcosDrBashir: #evolution at irc.gnome.org. Evolution is also used by the bolivian druglord Evo Morales11:56
ruxpinsanmarcos: udev was at runlevels 3,4,5 and S, I removed it now from 3,4,511:56
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sanmarcossanmarcos: I would suggest a purge --reinstall of udev11:56
Snake007ukfrogzoo:  will i need to install anything to get dual monitors working ?11:56
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:56
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ruxpinsanmarcos: I'll reboot again11:56
sanmarcosruxpin: eh I wouldnt do that. without udev you will not get all the niceties of hardware/desktop integration in gnome11:56
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ruxpinsanmarcos: udev is still at S11:57
sanmarcosruxpin: but yeah, try to pinpoint if it is udev. Just so you kmow, it will boot without udev11:57
sanmarcosruxpin: you can remove it you want, although I wouldnt recommend it11:57
frogzooLocke: tldp.org is also very good, or find the samba docs themselves, which are very complete - just google11:57
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ruxpinsanmarcos: I understand that runlevel S leaves the daemons running until runlevel 611:57
dooglusruxpin: the default in ubuntu is to use runlevel 2 for everything11:57
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sanmarcosruxpin: just try without udev, see if we can pinpoint the cause of this crap to be the devil's work (aka udev)11:58
sgleo87Can I just go into hibernate instead of shutting down my laptop or will I notice a decrease in performance after several days?11:58
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matkohello what is LAMP?11:58
Madeyeguys, how to allow unauthenticated packages >?11:59
oskudesgleo87: dunno, but i cant think why that should decrease performance... have you tried ?11:59
dooglusruxpin: running "ls -l /etc/rc*.d/*udev" should show only one link: /etc/rcS.d/S10udev -> ../init.d/udev11:59
ruxpindooglus: I've got four the links to 3,4,5 and S12:00
alex_ndchi people, I have a problem ... I installed Apache2, php5 and mysql-server-4.1 ... I also installed php5-mysql and php5-mysqli ... these extensions haven't been activated ... how can I activate them ?12:00
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oskudealex_ndc: do you have this installed: libapache2-mod-php5 ?12:01
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sanmarcosruxpin: dont worry, 2 is default. Udev just populates /dev on demand and handles hotplugging, the sky wont fall if you disable it12:01
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likwidtek_Is it possible to mount my OS X partition in ubuntu and repair it so it will boot?  It is stuck on the spinning wheel of death since I resized the partition to dual boot ubuntu12:02
alex_ndcoskude: yes, libapache2-mod-php5 is installed12:02
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sgleo87oskude: well...I don't know, I haven't tried but there has to be some disadvantage otherwise why would you shut a computer down completly instead of going into hibernate all the time12:02
sanmarcoslikwidtek: hfs+ is supported12:02
oskudealex_ndc: and what isnt enabled ?12:03
likwidtek_thats what im running.  any idea what i can run to fix it?12:03
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alex_ndcoskude: I think I have all extensions required installed ... but I think I am supposed to modify php.ini or something12:03
sanmarcoslikwidtek: so yes. I do not know how you would go about repairing it, but it is supported, so just dmesg|grep hd and fdisk -l the specific hd, then mount it12:03
Alessi0hi all12:03
alex_ndcoskude: the mysql extensions are not enabled in php, so I cannot access the mysql database12:03
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oskudealex_ndc: hmm, do you really have mysql sever installed ? can you login with "mysql -u root" ?12:04
frogzooanyone have the problem where suspend makes sound crap out & amarok refuses to restart?12:04
dooglusruxpin: I don't suppose you ever enter levels 3, 4, or 5, so it probably makes no difference.12:04
oskudesgleo87: well, i want my computer be off when i leave it...12:05
alex_ndcoskude: yes, I have it installed12:05
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oskudealex_ndc: and a php file with "<?php phpinfo() ?>" doesnt show mysql ?12:06
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ruxpin^sanmarcos: ok, now it seems to boot fine..12:06
tristanwhat can I do when xev doesn't recognize the button I'm typing on and there fore12:06
llama32 are there any good filesharing programs for linux [esp. KDE]  other than limewire and the various bittorrent clients?12:06
tristanit has no keycode12:06
sgleo87oskude: well hibernate is shutting it off but it saves everything on the hdd so when I turn it on again it opens up all the programs I had running before...oh well, I will just try it out and see what happens12:06
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sanmarcosruxpin^: the right permissions are there?12:06
oskudealex_ndc: im just wondering, as i didnt have to edit anything after i install "lamp"12:06
tristanllama32, amule12:06
sergiol_elsewherwhen i do apt-get install postgresql-8.0 shouldnt it install also conf files?12:06
ruxpinsanmarcos: yes, as I re-created the node12:07
alex_ndcoskude: no,  phpinfo doesn't show mysql ... it doesn't show GD either (I also installed GD)12:07
sanmarcosruxpin: then problem fixed12:07
oskudealex_ndc: hmm, sec...12:07
sanmarcosruxpin: the house is in order, I have to go to due obedience (aka sleep). Good night, and good luck12:08
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llama32thanks tristan - will download12:08
ruxpin^well, the problem still persists for /dev/console..12:08
likwidtek_mount: can't find /dev/hda9 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:08
likwidtek_i did sudo mount /dev/hda912:09
likwidtek_is that not right?12:09
oskudealex_ndc: i got extension=mysql.so extension=mysqli.so extension=gd.so at the end of my /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini but i cant recall adding them there12:09
alex_ndcok, I'll try adding these lines12:09
oskudealex_ndc: have you restarted apache2 since installing ?12:09
ruxpin^oh well, there's a working ubuntu box right there that has the same perms now12:09
ruxpin^thanks for all your help12:10
alex_ndcoskude: yeah, I have ... it appears I don't have those lines in php.ini12:10
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agresorHi to all...12:11
likwidtek_how do I mount hda9 ?  sudo mount /dev/hda9  ?12:11
oskudealex_ndc: hmm... i remember i had to do something with gd to get it included, but definetly not by adding those lines... for mysql i didnt have to do anything...12:11
agresoris there here anyone that have successfull installed Webcam on ubuntu ?????????12:11
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agresori have Genius Webcam eye. And is there any way to install my usb webcam ?12:11
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oskudealex_ndc: could be that when i installed apache2-mod-php5  with apt-get, it asked my if it should be activated12:12
oskudealex_ndc: dunno if synaptic asks that (or if it even asked with apt-get)12:13
agresorlikwidtek,   sudo mount   /dev/hda9       /media/hda9     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       112:13
alex_ndcwell, thanks for your help, I added the lines and now phpinfo() shows mysql12:13
agresorbut before that do12:13
agresormkdir /media/hda912:13
oskudealex_ndc: roger12:13
longwaveoskude: when you install the php4-mysql package it adds the extension=mysql.so line at the bottom of php.ini12:13
longwaveoskude: i presume it does the same for the other php4- extension packages12:13
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likwidtek_agresor, it's a hfs+ drive12:13
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oskudelongwave: didnt seem to do for php5-mysql12:14
nox-HandWhat would happen if I stopped a prelink?12:14
likwidtek_sorry :/  is there an easy way to do that?12:14
oskudelongwave: but as i said, it did for me12:14
barongasI was queried by an installer to give the path to my java virtual machine (which I'm quite sure I installed a while back), any idea where this would be located?12:14
nox-HandIt's been prelinking for about 20 mins, and I think it's stopped12:14
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agresorlikwidtek, try to remove ntfs and put hfs+12:14
likwidtek_oh haha12:15
agresoris there here anyone that have successfull installed Webcam on ubuntu ?12:15
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wsjuniorhow to tell apt-get to skip trying to upgrade openoffice and go to the next packages.12:15
agresorlikwidtek,  try to put that line in /etc/fstab  when next time reboot that will be mountet12:15
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longwavelikwidtek_: the filesystem type for hfs+ is just "hfs" not "hfs+" i believe12:16
agresorput it without "sudo mount"12:16
nox-Handwsjunior, delte OOo12:16
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agresorlongwave,  u have try to install webcam ? :(12:16
longwaveagresor: sorry, no12:16
wsjuniornox-Hand: i cant.. i gives me a msg asking to use -f but using -f doesnt solve..12:16
likwidtek_sudo mount   /dev/hda9       /media/hda9     hfs+    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       112:16
wsjuniornox-Hand: any idea?12:16
likwidtek_that have me a usage error12:17
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agresorand... try without +12:17
longwavelikwidtek_: change "hfs+" to just "hfs"12:17
nox-HandYou can't remove OOo from your PC? o_o12:17
wsjuniornox-Hand: no12:17
likwidtek_tried both still usage12:17
longwaveoh wait, you can't just paste a line from /etc/fstab into sudo mount12:17
sergiol_elsewherwhat is the command to know which package a file came from?12:17
longwavelikwidtek_: is that line in your /etc/fstab?12:17
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Seveassergiol_elsewher, dpkg -S file12:17
nox-Handwsjunior, can't you go to Synaptic, search Open Office and remove all?12:17
likwidtek_no I dont think so12:18
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longwavelikwidtek_: try "sudo mount -t hfs -o nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 /dev/hda9 /media/hda9"12:18
wsjuniornox-Hand: no12:18
wsjuniornox-Hand: i cant even get into X12:18
nox-Handwsjunior, That12:18
nox-Hand's effed up12:18
longwavelikwidtek_: the way you had it before was the syntax for /etc/fstab, not for mount12:18
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likwidtek_mount: mount point /media/hda9 does not exist12:19
agresorcreate that folder12:19
nox-Handapt-get remove <insert ALL openoffice packages here>12:19
longwavelikwidtek_: did you make the /media/hda9 folder?12:19
likwidtek_lol sorry I didnt know I had to12:19
nox-Handwsjunior, Why not upgrade them anywho?12:19
likwidtek_k lemme do that12:19
nox-HandHow much poo would I be in if I killed a prelinking process?12:20
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rexykikwhat package do i need to compile stuff?12:20
longwaverexykik: build-essential12:20
agresorgcc , cpp, make12:21
likwidtek_mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda9,12:21
likwidtek_       missing codepage or other error12:21
likwidtek_       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try12:21
likwidtek_       dmesg | tail  or so12:21
ogamiittomy dapper box experiments little freezes (xorg, sound) when hard disk activity (for example extracting a compressed file), I've checked hdparm and dma is enabled, any clues?12:21
likwidtek_oops sorry12:21
likwidtek_thats the error I got12:21
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rexykikogamiitto, bad hd12:21
ogamiittoit's a new one12:21
agresortry to do just this12:21
=== gean [n=dan@danslaptop.mathi.uni-heidelberg.de] has joined #ubuntu
longwavelikwidtek_: actually, i dont think hfs supports the "nls" option12:21
agresorsudo mount /dev/hda9 /media/hda912:21
sergiol_elsewhercan somebody tell me which package brings pg_hba.conf ?12:21
rexykiki would suggest returning it for a new one12:22
longwavelikwidtek_: try just "sudo mount -t hfs  /dev/hda9 /media/hda9"12:22
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geanhi all !12:22
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allhi gean12:22
longwavesergiol_elsewher: postgresql, i think12:22
likwidtek_that worked!12:22
geanall : thanks !12:22
allgean, Any Time! Your overuse of exclamation points disturbs my soul!12:23
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agresori must eat.. or i will die12:23
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frogzooagresor: it's true12:23
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geanall: was not trying ``!rm''12:24
agresori`m online 48 hours..12:24
agresorand nothing eat12:24
likwidtek_now that it's mounted is there anything i can do to repair it?12:24
frogzooagresor: you're an idiot12:24
allFood FTW12:24
agresorfrogzoo,  ?12:24
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:24
=== all is now known as rexykik
agresorthat is not nice word12:24
rexykikit must have been a typo12:24
longwavelikwidtek_: oh, i didnt realise it was damaged! unmount it then run "sudo fsck.hfsplus /dev/hda9"12:24
rexykikthe letters are right next to eachother12:25
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Ascogamiitto: what kernel are you using?12:25
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geanhow can i reconfigure that x, so that the new TFT get more than 1024x768 ?!12:27
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ogamiittoI'm using 2.6.15-26.386 (i'm using amd athlon processor )12:27
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likwidtek_unmount /dev/hda9 ?12:27
xadfhi there12:27
rexykikgean, go into your hardware settings and change your monitor settings12:27
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xadfis the breakage around updating to 2.0.3-3dapper3 known? if yes how do i fix it?12:28
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sergiol_elsewheris theresomeway to do12:29
sergiol_elsewherdpkg -S pg_hba.conf12:29
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Ascogamiitto: okay.  I started getting similar freezes when I upgraded, but I'm using  Did you compile, or is there an updte to -26?12:29
sergiol_elsewherbut to repository packages12:29
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sergiol_elsewheri have it not installed12:29
emanuel_im using a sempron 32bits socket 754.. the correct architeture is k7 ?12:30
nox-HandYES, prelinking complete:D12:30
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ogamiittovanilla update12:30
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likwidtek_longwave, sorry to bother again.. I try to unmount but it says the device is busy12:31
likwidtek_nm got it12:32
AscMeh.  I was thinking it might be because I'd screwed with the IO.  Ah well.12:32
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danf_1979maybe there is some process running in there likwidtek12:32
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likwidtek_it was me i was in the dir in my terminal  lol12:32
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danf_1979that was the process, heh12:32
rexykiklikwidtek, dos user?12:32
geanrexykik, i tried all with the new menu of ubuntu, didn't get the hardware setting, and the Screen Resolution Preferences gives me 1024x768 as maximal (although at install i also specified some 12??x10??). There was but some xconf-reconfigure (??) or so, that i cannot remember... (it also does stuff about fonts & other) Which is the right spelling of that command ?!12:33
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likwidtek_sudo: fsck.hfsplus: command not found12:33
ruxpingean: X -configure12:33
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sergiol_elsewherhow can i know what package brings pg_hba.conf ?12:34
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ogamiittoAsc, maybe is a good idea to update to a k7 kernel?12:34
rocky1Howdy ppl12:34
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frogzoosergiol_elsewher: dpkg -S pg_hba.conf12:34
geanruxpin : X -configure12:34
geanFatal server error:12:34
geanServer is already active for display 012:34
gean        If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock12:34
gean        and start again.12:34
sergiol_elsewheri have i not installed12:34
sergiol_elsewheri want to know waht package to install12:35
frogzoo!enter > gean12:35
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:35
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Ascogamiitto: Might be, but I don't know what a k7 kernel is12:36
likwidtek_is fsck.hfsplus available for ubuntu?12:36
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frogzooogamiitto: k7 means going 64 bit, best to stick with 686 tbh12:37
ogamiittoAsc, optimized kernel compilations for amd processor12:37
frogzoois k7 64bit, or is there a separate a64 kernel?12:37
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sergiol_elsewherdpkg -S pg_hba.conf12:37
sergiol_elsewherdpkg: *pg_hba.conf* not found.12:37
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frogzoosergiol_elsewher: so no help there - read the file itself for clues12:38
Zhukov_hi there12:38
geanfrogzoo, sorry, got the error message from runnin' X -configure, thought copy-paste it does a ``normal job''12:38
rexykikany plans for a fubuntu?12:38
sergiol_elsewherdoes it search the things installed on my machine or in repository12:38
likwidtek_longwave, is fsck.hfsplus available for ubuntu?12:38
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frogzoosergiol_elsewher: currently installed12:38
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AscAh.  I'm using an old celeron... not really something about which I'm qualified to have an opinion12:38
ruxpincan you recommend a light firefox-type www-browser with tabs, for old hardware12:38
sergiol_elsewherand is nt there a way to search in repositories?12:39
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ogamiittoruxpin, epiphany browser is what you are looking for12:39
Ascruxpin: Epiphany is light and decent.  Also Opera.12:39
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: packages.ubuntu.com12:39
Ascyar, beat me to it.12:39
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ogamiittoAsc, do you have custom kernel installed?, I don't have any 2.6.17 kernels in synaptic12:41
Luna-TickIt is surprisingly quiet in here.12:41
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Ascogamiitto: yes12:42
sergiol_elsewherYou have searched for pg_hba.conf in breezy, architecture i386.12:42
sergiol_elsewherCan't find that file, at least not in that distribution and on that architecture12:42
=== jimcooncat [n=jim@pool-72-65-107-194.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sergiol_elsewherhow can i know my distro?12:42
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: so no help there - read the file itself for clues12:42
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: lsb_release -a12:43
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webbenWhen I login to my ubuntu box via PuTTY, i'd love my console colours to be black-on-white rather than the other way round, as in sunlight i have great difficult reading grey text on a black screen.12:43
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webbenWhat's the best way to accomplish this, given PuTTY supposedly announces itself to the server as an Xterm session12:44
leo__webben: that's a putty setting rather than a ubuntu setting12:44
ogamiittoI think i'm going to run a diagnostic tool for the hard drive12:44
AscWhen configuring the kernel for a desktop, which preemption option should I use?12:45
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webbenleo__: well, it's not really ... putty just allows you to set how colours are interpreted (i think), not what colours are actually there12:45
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webbenleo__: so for example, if you change colours with bash, putty shows those colours12:45
Nikoladzecould somebody please explain the difference between hoary breezy and dapper? I can't find anything on google. which is stable/testing/unstable?12:46
sergiol_elsewher Description:    Ubuntu (The Breezy Badger Release)12:46
lhdshey there got the live v6 cd got the partitions ready but the screen resolution is screwd therefore cannot proceed to install  help!12:46
sergiol_elsewheris it that?12:46
webbenleo__: which perhaps implies that the grey-on-black is actually an ubuntu setting12:46
likwidtek_anyone know how to install fsck.hfsplus for ubuntu ?12:46
orbinNikoladze: all are stable, dapper being the latest12:46
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leo__webben: have you looked at the Putty -> Window -> Colours settings already?12:47
Nikoladzeorbin, they're based on debian stable/testing/unstable no?12:47
jribwebben: I set colors in urxvt using ~/.Xdefaults, I believe xterm works the same way.  man urxvt has the optiosn I use, man xterm probably lists them for xterm as well.  A google search for Xdefaults should give you some samples.  Not sure if putty will "play nice" with these though...12:47
webbenleo__: yes12:47
webbenjrib: interesting, thanks12:47
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orbinNikoladze: based on debian, yes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28Linux_distribution%29#Releases12:47
webbenleo__: i think it's a bad idea to set colours in a way that the server isn't aware of them12:48
=== help-the-n00b [n=will1992@c-68-84-253-132.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
webbenleo__: because any programs which actually make an effort to make text legible with the system colors can't12:48
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jribwebben: it does seem like it should be putty settings to set the colors though, since putty is acting like an xterm or urxvt would12:49
Nikoladzewhy does firefox not include the firefox logo?12:49
jribNikoladze: license reasons12:49
help-the-n00bDoes Python need a compiler?12:50
TTiluswebben: most programs just use "default foreground" and "default background", which are different from ANSI black and white12:50
webbenjrib: really? what licence reasons apply to the logo but not the software?12:50
orbinNikoladze: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship12:50
lhds hey there got the live v6 cd got the partitions ready but the screen resolution is screwd therefore cannot proceed to install  help!12:50
likwidtek_anyone know how to install fsck.hfsplus for ubuntu ?12:50
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Nikoladzeorbin, thanks12:50
orbinlhds: screwed how?12:50
jribhelp-the-n00b: python is interpreted12:51
=== wietz0r [n=wietze@ip5652cce8.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
wietz0ranyone here use wireless ?12:51
help-the-n00bI play wireless video gmes!12:51
TTiluswebben: reversing default video of specific terminal is a different issue from telling one program or another use different colors12:51
lhdsorbin the screen resolution is low and the install program is too big to fit in screen .... tried the boot vga options, it changed the loading but not inside gnome12:51
help-the-n00bYesterday I played hide and seek with someonee over on the west coast!12:52
orbinlhds: hold alt.  that will let you drag the window by clicking anywhere in it12:52
TTiluswebben: i guess what you want is to reverse default gf and bg from putty conf (window > colours)12:52
help-the-n00bWith a handheld! It was wireless!12:52
wietz0rAnyone here have a suggestion for a good supported wireless network card ?12:52
sergiol_elsewherpg_hba.conf WHERE DO THAT COMES?12:52
webbenTTilus: i think my point is that if a program like ls uses color intelligently then it's worth setting colors in a way that ls can introspect them12:52
lhdswell that will do thanx12:52
help-the-n00bGet the one in the Nintendo DS.12:52
Luna-TickWietz0r: I use wireless12:52
webben(of course ls may set colors mindlessly, but one would hope at least some programs would do so intelligently)12:53
help-the-n00bWorks for me. But porbably not for you.12:53
Luna-TickI personally have an Intel IPW12:53
jribwebben: http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/faq.html12:53
wietz0rLuna-Tick: what network card ?12:53
eriderI need some help. I'm trying to apt-get clisp or sbcl and I have a newly installed ubuntu and I'm new to linux. Can someone give me some advice? I'm getting that the package can't be found. But it should be there right?12:53
TTiluswebben: progs use either default fg & bg or specific colours12:53
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webbenjrib: thanks for the link12:53
Luna-TickBuilt into the centrino and works well for me12:53
orbinlhds: you could also try seeing if you can change res via sys >preferences > screen res12:53
wietz0rLuna-Tick: did it work out of the box ?12:53
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help-the-n00bHow do I do Python? Is it a server-side script?12:54
jribNikoladze: sine you asked the original question, you may be interested in http://www.mozilla.org/foundation/trademarks/faq.html as well12:54
TTiluswebben: how specific colors are used is a per-prog issue and afaik theres no general way of setting per user color palettes12:54
Luna-TickYes - the ubuntu installer sets it up without issue12:54
wietz0rHopefully I'll just get a wired connection12:54
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lhdsnah that wont change orbin ill stick to the alt thing12:54
help-the-n00bHow do I use it?12:54
jribhelp-the-n00b: http://python.org/doc/tut/12:54
help-the-n00bOh ok.12:55
orbinlhds: right12:55
Luna-TickIf I understand correctly, the driver for it is open source but maintained by Intel. The firmware is closed source, but they include it so that it all works for people.12:55
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webbenTTilus: i can believe that it's chaotic like that... just saying that a program like ls might for example not set something in green if the foreground color is already set as green in bash/xterm (i may be wrong about that)12:55
Luna-TickIf you can get a wired connection, it will work better under Linux12:55
frogzoohelp-the-n00b: libapache2-mod-php512:55
orbinerider: clisp is in "universe"  you need to enable the extra repositories12:56
orbinerider: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories12:56
TTiluswebben: bash does not care about colors, term does but prog has no way of knowing what term actually displays if it is asked to display "defaut background"12:56
orbinerider: sbcl is in universe too12:56
rocky1cya all later12:57
webbenTTilus: ah ... that's interesting (it's also pretty silly :( )12:57
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TTiluswebben: actually it is pretty portable  :)12:57
webbenTTilus: really? how so?12:57
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TTiluswebben: b&w translates directly to default bg&fg12:57
eriderorbin: how does one enable the repositories?12:58
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webbenTTilus: but pick up with my example of ls colors ... if you have your fg set as green then colors may become indistinguishable12:58
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:58
sergiol_elsewheris there a way i can search the uninstalled packages database for that file?12:58
geani'm asking again after trying & doin'12:58
sergiol_elsewheri did have it here12:59
=== cotroler [n=cotroler@] has joined #ubuntu
help-the-n00bWhere's the #unbuntu-offtopic12:59
geancan somebody please help me reconfigure my X to also have 12??x10?? resolution (for the supplementary TFT to my laptop) ?! please..12:59
TTiluswebben: progs propably are not that stupid that they would set fg but leave bg as default (or at least they should not do that)01:00
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gnomefreakhelp-the-n00b: type /j #ubuntu-offtopic01:00
cotrolerHow do you uninstall programs in kubuntu?? is there an uninstaller or something?01:00
orbinerider: see Luna-Tick's second link01:00
webbenTTilus: sorry, that's not quite the point i was making01:00
gnomefreakcotroler: adept01:00
TTiluswebben: afaik there are no such, but could be, of course01:00
=== livingdaylig [n=conrad-l@82-45-204-76.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sergiol_elsewhera thing like dpkg -S01:00
sergiol_elsewherbut for removed packages01:00
TTiluswebben: no, that really is the point01:00
livingdayligis there a reason why Realplayer is in Applications/Graphics?01:00
eriderok will do :)01:00
webbenTTilus: not the point _I_ was making :)01:01
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-071-156.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
cotrolergnomefreak: but does adept uninstall other programs for example enemy territory?01:01
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TTiluswebben: ok, i see, you have a bad point  :D01:01
gnomefreaklivingdaylig: because you are using the commericial repo01:01
webbenTTilus: well maybe :)01:01
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webbenTTilus: what i was talking about is that ls uses different colors to represent different file types01:01
livingdayliggnomefreak: huh, is that the right home for it? figured it would be sound/video01:01
gnomefreakcotroler: should uninstall anything on your system that dpkg or apt was used to install01:01
webbenTTilus: the issue is not whether fg can be distinguished from bg01:02
TTiluswebben: if you have an intelligent program it has a way of knowin what is displayed (that it is very propably something intelligent)01:02
livingdayliggnomefreak: should i use another version? a better one?01:02
webbenTTilus: but whether files colored fg can be distinguished from other colors01:02
webbenTTilus: well, yeah, except you just said that was impossible (hence my comment that it was a silly situation)01:02
TTiluswebben: intelligent program will always use differen fg and bg01:02
gnomefreaklivingdaylig: realplayer is normally under sound/video not sure why its in graphics01:03
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webbenTTilus: again, this isn't about the difference between fg and bg ... it has nothing to do with it at all01:03
cotrolergnomefreak: /usr/local/games/enemy-territory thats the directory and adept didnt find it01:03
TTiluswebben: prog cant ask what the colour use percieves, exactly is01:03
livingdayliggnomefreak: should i try again. Delete and reinstall?01:03
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakcotroler: did you compile it?01:03
livingdayliggnomefreak: it just looks weird there01:03
TTiluswebben: but prog _can_ always ask term to use specific colour01:03
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gnomefreaklivingdaylig: no is it hurting anything by being there?01:03
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cotrolergnomefreak: what do you mean by complie it pls?01:03
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gnomefreaklivingdaylig: you can try if you like personally i wouldnt both01:04
webbenTTilus: yes... my impression is ls doesn't actually do that (that is, ls does respond to bash settings) but i'm not sure exactly how it does work01:04
gnomefreakcotroler: how did you install ET?01:04
offsI tried yesterday initng and it is slowest than the normal init in my ubuntu dapper :?01:04
cotrolergnomefreak: yes of course :)01:04
livingdayliggnomefreak: well, as long as it is ok, right now it only hurts my aesthetic need for right order and symmetry01:04
TTiluswebben: if term is set so that there are different(ly labelled) colours which are the same, the term is broken, not the world  :)01:04
gnomefreakcotroler: How?01:04
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
webbenTTilus: differently labelled colors? I don't get that. Bash just allots an ansi color escape sequence to fg and bg.01:05
livingdayliggnomefreak: i just thought if that is not quite right, what else could be wrong01:05
sergiol_elsewherhow can i force an apt-get install to use breezy ?01:05
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cotrolergnomefreak: i ran the installer (.bin file) and installed automatically01:05
webbenTTilus: so at the end of the day ls must specify some other escapes for its colors01:05
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TTiluswebben: those sequences are the labels01:05
TTiluswebben: term translates them to colors it shows01:05
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: you're asking how to do that on a SUPPORT channel? dude...01:06
=== Homer [n=noplay@68-235-225-150.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakah cotroler ok no adept wont find that you have to delete that or run the uninstall script (if there is one)01:06
=== Murfy_ [n=murfy@144.175-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
webbenTTilus: ah i see what you're saying, well i doubt term changes the link between sequences and colors at all01:06
sergiol_elsewherisn't it natuarl to ask here?01:06
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frogzoosergiol_elsewher: if you're running dapper, use dapper packages.01:06
TTiluswebben: all terms i have seen are fully configurable in that sense01:06
Murfy_what's the difference between sites-available and sites-enabled in apache2 on dapper?01:06
sergiol_elsewher i thnk mine is breezy01:06
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: then don't ask for support :)01:07
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cotrolergnomefreak: what does the uninstaller script look like? if i dont have I have to manually delete the whole directory??01:07
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TTiluswebben: you really can make "ANSI green" whatever you like01:07
webbenfrogzoo: isn't breezy still supported?01:07
gnomefreaksergiol_elsewher: type lsb_release -a01:07
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: if you're running breezy, apt will pick up the breezy packages01:07
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gnomefreakwebben: yes01:07
sergiol_elsewherthis channel is only dapper's?01:07
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tjanssonI just sat up rsnapshot which i have done before, but weekly and monthly doesn't do anything. daily and hourly does however?01:07
frogzoowebben: sure it is, but deliberately running breezy packages on dapper is definately not supported01:07
Murfy^what's the difference between sites-available and sites-enabled in apache2 on dapper?01:07
tjanssonwhat have i done wrong01:07
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gnomefreakcotroler: ive never installed that game so i really couldnt tell you.01:07
apokaSomebody have a Creative PD1001 (WebCam)01:07
webbenfrogzoo: but he is running breezy01:08
TTilusMurfy^: sites-enabled is read, the other is not01:08
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: no, it's also breezy, hoary, & warty01:08
sergiol_elsewherso if it exists a v 8.1 in dapper and it not exists in breezy what does it do?01:08
cotrolergnomefreak: k tnx anyway ;)01:08
TTilusMurfy^: you link from available to enabled what you use01:08
webbenfrogzoo: i think he's just phrased his queston in a confusing manner01:08
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frogzoowebben: if he's right, then apt will select the breezy packages by default01:08
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sergiol_elsewherif breezy last is 8.001:08
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: lsb_release -a01:09
Murfy^TTilus so when i set up virtual hosts, i need to do that in sites-enabled01:09
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webbensergiol_elsewher: do you mean you want to install a dapper package on breezy?01:09
skaneMurfy^: enabled are links to available. apache uses only what is linked. so you can easily switch on and off by adding or removing a link01:09
gnomefreaksergiol_elsewher: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin01:09
frogzoowebben: that's not supported either ;)01:09
TTilusMurfy^: no, you do not, but it is the way you are expected to do01:09
sergiol_elsewherLSB Version:    n/a01:09
sergiol_elsewherDistributor ID: Ubuntu01:09
sergiol_elsewherDescription:    Ubuntu (The Breezy Badger Release)01:09
sergiol_elsewherRelease:        5.1001:09
sergiol_elsewherCodename:       breezy01:09
TTilusMurfy^: and the way everybody else does it  :)01:09
webbenfrogzoo: it might not be supported, but at least we'd know what he's trying to do01:09
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: fair to say apt will pick up the breezy packages without intervention01:09
Luna-TickOkay - so he is using breezy01:09
gnomefreaksergiol_elsewher: please also do uname -r01:10
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webbensergio_eleswher: just to be clear ... what are you trying to install?01:10
ogamiittoAsc, I've upgraded to 2.6.15-26-k7, and there is a lot of improvements01:10
tjanssonis there a ubuntu-server channel?01:10
geanok, seems that "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" does what i wanted, thanks for (the few) hints...01:11
gnomefreaktjansson: you found it;)01:11
gnomefreakbrb coffee01:11
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Luna-TickSergiol, what was the package that you are wanting to install?01:12
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Ascogamiitto: oh, good.  So it was probably that you were using a kernel not optimal for your architecture?01:12
LukasHow a I associated mp3 to XMMS at mc? I can it in /usr/share/applications/default.list, but it is only for GNOME.01:12
ogamiittono freezes, more efficient memory managemnt (i had a lot of swapping), right now i have oppened 2 instances of eclipse, firefox with more than 14 tabs, gajim, amsn, terminal.. and is not freezing01:12
tjanssonI haveing strange problems with rsnapshot backup - see http://pastbin.uni.cc/876501:12
Luna-TickIf you are looking for a really easy way to really help Ubuntu, join the popularity contest. This sends the packages you use to the Ubuntu developers so that they can put the popular ones on the CDs, give them priority when fixing bugs etc. For details on how to configure popcon, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPopularityContest - we need lots of users, especially "normal" users before it is any use!01:12
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ogamiittoAsc, of course, if you experiment the freezes, maybe is time to do the same for you01:13
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frogzooLuna-Tick: popularity contests are fascist :)01:13
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sergiol_elsewhermy sources.list http://rafb.net/paste/results/tRT3e380.html01:13
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tjanssonups wrong url - here is the right one01:13
AscLukas: in my experience, if you open a file in XMMS via double clicking, it clears the playlist.  You might be happier dragging files to the current playlist01:13
ogamiittoAsc, thanks for everything01:14
davegoodsonHey, is there any way to fix this? when i click a window i need to click the title bar to bring it into focus when there is another window on top of it.01:14
Ascogamiitto: Okay.  I just started a new compile (for my specific processor, too)01:14
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ogamiittoAsc, good luck, and good bye01:15
Ascogamiitto: Thanks for testing, too.01:15
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Luna-Tick(I did hear you frogzoo, but it has the potential to get even more off-topic than my original post. Feel free to private message me about it_01:16
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lauckyhello everyone, my fglrx stopped working after the last update (edgy) . X says "fglrx: module requirement mismatch". btw. the fglrx-module is listed in lsmod01:17
lauckyany ideay how 2 get around this01:17
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_deliriumI am using Ubuntu 6.06 AMD 64, and I tries to enable Large Page Support, but the option doesnt seem to be there - cat /proc/meminfo | grep Huge - returns nothing? is Large Page Support disabled?01:18
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davegoodsonHey, is there any way to fix this? when i click a window i need to click the title bar to bring it into focus when there is another window on top of it.01:18
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frogzoo_delirium: is large page support a 64bit attribute?01:19
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LukasAsc: I can do XMMS via couble click, which add song to the playlist.  command: xmms -e01:19
webbenCould the firefox logo be a multiverse package?01:19
detectiveinspektwhere is the config file for networking?01:19
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frogzoowebben: nope - mozilla tm won't allow it01:20
cotroler got this error when installing azureus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1909101:20
frogzoodetectiveinspekt: /etc/network/interfaces01:20
sergiol_elsewhercan somebody do "locate pg_hba.conf"01:20
AscLukas: nifty.  I'll look into enabling that.01:20
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: zilch01:20
webbenfrogzoo: because it doesn't count as complete official stable binary, just the logo on its own?01:20
sergiol_elsewherand with the result of that "dpkg -S $result"01:21
frogzoowebben: the image is trademarked, hence not redistributable01:21
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laucky@davegoodson: perhaps system->settings-> windows01:21
sergiol_elsewherwhere $result is result of locate01:21
geandavegoodson, there are many possibilities to choose the window behaviour, the old Linux feeling has been replaced by the ``click to focus'' strategy... think some System->Preferences gives u the chance to choose what u want01:21
longwavesergiol_elsewher: pg_hba.conf is installed as part of the postgresql package01:21
detectiveinspektwhat do I do if the dns in my resolv.conf keeps changing01:21
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detectiveinspektand i have to reset it again01:21
sergiol_elsewherlongwave: no01:21
jribsergiol_elsewher: use packages.ubuntu.com to search for files, afaict no package has that file though the postgresql packages have samples...01:21
webbenfrogzoo: well, it's redistributable under certian conditions surely -- i mean you can stick firefox on a CD and redistribute it01:21
sergiol_elsewheri found not it01:21
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: I begin to suspect that file doesn't even exist01:21
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LukasAsc:thanks for intrest01:22
frogzoosergiol_elsewher: pastebin the file01:22
longwavesergiol_elsewher: postgresql installs /usr/share/postgresql/7.4/pg_hba.conf.sample which you can use as a sample, or i believe the postinst script installs a copy for you anyway01:22
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Luna-TickWebben: the issue is quality control01:22
Luna-TickFirefox don't let people who change the program use the logo01:22
Luna-TickThis means that those that have an official build can tell01:23
Seveassergiol_elsewher, pg_hba.conf lives in /etc/postgresql/8.1/main (if using pg 8.1)01:23
Luna-TickAnd Ubuntu makes changes to the official builds01:23
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Luna-Tick(please correct me if I am wrong)01:23
geanthis ubuntu upgrade makes me crazzzy, no hibernate, screen preferences are reduced (although dpkg-reconfigure run many times !) and TeX (tetex-*) was not properly installed !01:23
SeveasLuna-Tick, you're right 01:23
sergiol_elsewherok can now you do dpkg -S of that filepath?01:23
webbenLuna-Tick: i see ... i wonder whether Mozilla could be persuaded to make official builds for ubuntu01:23
longwaveLuna-Tick: you're correct01:23
Seveaswebben, ubuntu won't be persuaded to accept them01:24
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webbenSeveas: really? what's the problem with that from Ubuntu's POV?01:24
Seveaswebben, Ubuntu builds packages by itself01:24
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h3x0ri wish somebody would fix the lighttpd -7 fork problem01:25
webbenSeveas: well, it should really be theoretically possible to have a joint-building process involving both QA teams01:25
h3x0rfork from debian that is01:25
Seveastheoretically yes01:25
longwavewebben: it is possible, but why would mozilla foundation want to do that?01:25
longwavethey already produce a working version of firefox, if ubuntu wants to package their own then that's up to them01:25
GeorgXdoes anyone here use an ati radeon card with the drivers from ati?01:25
ompaulwebben, dreams - and why would the ubuntu people want to do that01:25
sergiol_elsewherdpkg -S /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf01:25
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longwavesergiol_elsewher: pg_hba.conf is not owned by any package, it is created by the post-install script i believe01:26
h3x0rThe lighttpd package -3 currently available for ubuntu is broken with php401:26
Seveassergiol_elsewher, the file is created by the postinst, so it's not in any package list01:26
GeorgXthey work fine for me, except that I can't get it to work with a resolution higher than 1024x76801:26
webbenLongwave: because Firefox depends not only on its technical advantages, but on its brand power (that's why they trademark the logos in the first place)01:26
frogzooGeorgX: for most purposes, the latest fglrx is better01:26
h3x0rwhich makes it pretty useless01:26
GeorgXand it only works in 24 bit mode01:26
webbenif your product appears sans branding, that's bad01:26
webben(it's also bad from a user perspective, and that affects your product too)01:26
lauckyfrgzoo: you have knowledge about that fglrx?01:27
longwavewebben: but then if they produce a ubuntu version, someone would want a fedora version and a debian version and so on, and they don't have the resources to support all that01:27
blaamannI can find a package with 'apt-file search packageName', but when i try to install it with 'apt-get install packageName' it says it does not exist. What is wrong ?01:27
GeorgX@frogzoo: I tried them before, same problem01:27
frogzoo!fixres > GeorgX01:27
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webbenlongwave: well, there are already teams working on those versions, so ideally it would be a matter of simply incorporating those groups under a common umbrella process01:27
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_deliriumfrogzoo: im not sure, its certainly available on 32bit SuSE, its something that was added to the 2.6 kernel - http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/dagastine?entry=java_se_tuning_tip_large01:28
longwavewebben: at least it is still called "firefox" in the ubuntu build, just because there's a different icon does not dilute the brand very much01:28
GeorgX@frogzoo: is fixres a tool?01:28
_deliriumfo0bar: see the linux section01:28
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frogzooGeorgX: if 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' doesn't work, try setting horizsync/vertrefresh in /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:28
_deliriumfrogzoo: see the linux section01:28
webbenlongwave: oh, i agree, it could be even more diluted01:28
frogzooGeorgX: read your pm01:28
sl021i need help with installing ubuntu dual-booting with windows01:28
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jribblaamann: maybe apt-get and apt-file were updated at different times and there were changes in the mean time.  What package?01:28
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GeorgX@frogzoo:  cool thanx, that may help01:28
lauckyfrogzoo: X has a module requirement mismatch with fglrx, what do ya think i have 2 do01:29
longwaveblaamann: what is the package in question?01:29
ompaulwebben, to try and understand what our trying to influence have a listen to this talk by Alan Cox (a noted kernel hacker, and serial port leader)  on open source projects and they way the interact with the world around them http://bigbro.skynet.ie/resources/ogg/AlanCox_UL_20060513.ogg it is offtopic for here but if you want to discuss it chat about it in #ubuntu-offotopic01:29
blaamannjrib: I've updated them both. It is the dvdrip package01:29
dcomsacan someone tell me a good file manager, with twin panels?01:29
ompaulwebben, s/our/your01:29
sergiol_elsewherwhere can i find the the post-install script?01:29
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ardchoilleblaamann: Tried gnome commander?01:29
webbenompal: thanks :)01:29
jribblaamann: pastebin your sources.list please01:29
longwaveblaamann: dvdrip should install if you have the multiverse repository enabled01:29
ardchoille!info gnome-commander01:30
ubotugnome-commander: nice and fast file manager for the GNOME desktop. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.1.7-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 550 kB, installed size 2228 kB01:30
frogzoolaucky: dunno, it just worked for me01:30
ompauldcomsa, you can use nautilus and change the view and same in konqueror or install mc midnight commander amoug other things01:30
ardchoilleblaamann: sorry about that01:30
lauckyfrog: u have edgy?01:30
frogzoolaucky: dapper01:30
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ardchoilledcomsa: Tried gnome commander?01:30
sergiol_elsewherwhere can i find the the post-install script?01:30
dcomsaompaul: does nautilus has an option for twin view?01:30
dcomsaardchoille: yes01:30
lauckyfrog: well, i think, it's a edgy problem. but thank you nevertheless01:31
frogzoodcomsa: regrettably, no01:31
jribsergiol_elsewher: debian/*.postinst ?01:31
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dcomsai'm using bc commander now, but it's not very powerfull01:32
ompauldcomsa, check out the little drop down bar at places it might do what you want01:32
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johan__I've totally forgotten the name for the app that allows you to use windows drivers for your wifi card...what's the name?01:32
longwavejohan__: ndiswrapper?01:32
Luna-Ticksergiol: I believe that longwave meant that the file is created when you install postgresql01:33
johan__longwave: exactly. thanks01:33
dcomsaompaul: what drop down bar?01:33
Luna-Tickaccording to http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.3/static/client-authentication.html , "A default    pg_hba.conf file is installed when the data    directory is initialized by initdb."01:33
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dcomsaompaul: in nautilus?01:33
blaamannlongwave: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1909201:33
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longwaveblaamann: on line 28 in that pastebin, you need to add "multiverse" after "universe", then apt-get update, then you will be able to install dvdrip01:35
Luna-Ticklongwave: avoiding guis?01:35
Ronzi've got an external hard drive that is border-line dead. once i forge the data that i can off of it, should a format help, or does it sound like its gone?01:35
blaamannlongwave: Thanks, I thought that if apt-file found it apt-get would install it01:36
longwavei am just used to doing everything the command line way :)01:36
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Luna-TickRonz: I would guess that it depended what was wrong with it. If it is really dead then... well... it is really dead.01:36
longwaveRonz: what do you mean by border-line dead? if it is reporting SMART errors, or you get errors in your kernel log, then it's probably best just to throw it away01:37
dcomsaon edgy: after an update, the X server crashed with something related to ABI versions. does anyone know a fix for that? (i have an ATI card)01:37
godfatherhi guys01:37
Ronzlongwave, Luna-Tick , it will work fine for about 10 minutes, then i get an I/O error01:37
godfatherg'day everybody01:37
godfatheri'm looking for a winmx like program01:38
godfatheranyone can help me?01:38
Ronzgodfather, azureus01:38
Luna-TickProbably amule01:38
void^dcomsa: i think it's not a good idea to use fglrx drivers on edgy, but you should ask in #ubuntu+101:38
Ronzor limewire01:38
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godfatheri've got amule01:38
geanbetter then azureus (just an own taste): amule, or directly the bittorrentz01:39
godfatherbut i'm looking for a music filesharing01:39
dcomsavoid^: the channel is pretty quiet, so i thought anyone here knows01:39
dcomsavoid^: and if i used fglrx drivers, how can i change them?01:39
Luna-TickRonz: I would personally give it a format and see whether it helped, but I wouldn't expect it to.01:40
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Luna-TickBut I'm nothing like an expert.01:40
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Ronzthats what i was thinking Luna-Tick . gotta try to forge all my stuff off of it. =/01:40
geangodfather: make sure u also install streamtuner & streamripper, it's ``just radio'' but radio is more...01:40
Ronz80 gigs / 4 years of files01:40
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Ronzthanks! time to get ready for work01:41
Ronzlater al01:41
ompauldcomsa, sorry s/bar/box the word places01:41
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godfatherhey huys is there anyone who has installed real player01:41
voraistoshey guys. i gat some trouble with wifi01:41
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ompaul!realplayer > godfather01:42
ompaul!wifi > voraistos01:42
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:42
ompaulgodfather, read the link the bot send you01:42
voraistosnice to see you around ompaul ;)01:42
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops01:42
ompaulvoraistos, well I don't know if I am really here ;-)01:42
godfathertnx guys01:43
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godfatherfor your helpgood holyday for everybody01:43
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void^dcomsa: edit your xorg.conf, replace fglrx with radeon or vesa (and probably add # in front of fglrx specific options)01:44
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Jack_Smirnoffanyone know where firefox keeps its bookmarks, I am trying to recover them from a crashed system01:45
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi01:46
trukuloin .mozilla , look for bookmark*01:46
dcomsaJack_Smirnoff: ~/.mozilla/firefox/01:46
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Jack_Smirnoffthanks guys01:46
sergiol_elsewherno postint package in http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=postgresql-8.0&version=breezy&arch=i386&page=1&number=all01:46
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nemlahHello Ubuntas!!01:47
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nemlahA quick question regarding a memory leak with xorg.. is there a fix somewhere?01:47
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nemlahchanging to linux for efficiency doesn't make much sense if i have a 100MB xserver running01:48
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Luna-Ticksergiol: I believe that longwave meant that the file is created when you install postgresql01:48
Luna-Tickaccording to http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.3/static/client-authentication.html , "A default    pg_hba.conf file is installed when the data    directory is initialized by initdb."01:48
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geanseems that i have to reboot (restart) the x, in order to get the new installed Screen Pref's... strange wish me luck, c u soon...01:48
PingunZhi , can someone tell me HOW to use wiki ( edit it etc ) just a guide ...01:49
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sopidohi i got a problem mounting a vfat device. when i "mount /dev/hdh3 /mnt/hdh3 -t vfat -o gid=100,uid=1000" it always sets the owner to root:plugdev (using kernel 2.6.15-26-386) any idea how to fix permissions?01:49
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jribPingunZ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide01:51
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PingunZty very VERY much jrib01:51
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ardchoillejrib: Yes, thank you :)01:51
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help-the-n00bIs there a video game room?01:52
help-the-n00bIs there a video game channel?*01:52
l4sthUntCan anyone here help me with WINE on ubuntu01:52
l4sthUnti read two full threads on the forums01:52
l4sthUntbut neither workds01:52
jribl4sthUnt: someone might try to help you, but you have to be more specific01:53
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
jribsopido: maybe there are some settings for the disc in fstab?01:53
l4sthUnti need to start from scratch01:53
voraistosor u can just go on winehq01:53
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l4sthUntWhere do i find binaries or sources for WINE for AMD 6401:54
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l4sthUntall i see is i38601:54
l4sthUntbut i have amd6401:54
voraistoson winehq.com ?01:54
l4sthUntwhat do i do01:54
=== cd_rom [n=binh@user-514d9c99.l3.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
l4sthUnti read the forums01:54
l4sthUntnothing they say works01:54
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.01:54
longwavesopido: usually in mount, you put the -t and -o options before the device and mount point, try "mount -t vfat -o gid=100,uid=1000 /dev/hdh3 /mnt/hdh3" instead?01:54
l4sthUntthey're bad with there cases01:54
l4sthUntcan someone help me plz01:55
k31thwhere would i look to see why this  ubuntu box kernel panic'd01:55
voraistosok; u dl the source tarball;01:55
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l4sthUnti need help installing and running WINE on a AMD6401:55
l4sthUntcan someone help me01:55
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l4sthUnti've read threads and done google searches01:55
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voraistosl4sthUnt: do u have the source ?01:55
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:55
l4sthUntno where do i get the source there01:55
cd_romcan i install packges from edgy branch?01:55
voraistosl4sthUnt: go on their damn website !01:56
l4sthUntthey don't have it on the site01:56
l4sthUntthey just got i38601:56
l4sthUntno AMD6401:56
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eriderwhat respository is slime on?01:56
ThunderStruckcd_rom: its not safe doing that01:57
jrib!info slime01:57
ubotuPackage slime does not exist in dapper01:57
sopidojrib, no there are the same settings in fstab, anyway these should be overridden by cmdline.. longwave, no i also tried this but it does not help :(01:57
cd_romok, thank01:57
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voraistosl4sthUnt: just go o their website. all u need is to compile it for your kernel. they explain everything01:57
cd_romit's just that the xchm-1.2 keeps poping up the warning message01:58
codecaineis there a program for ubuntu for speech to text?01:58
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l4sthUntis their site http://www.winehq.com/site/download01:58
sopidoaccording to mtab the gid/uid are set .. but not in the filesystem...01:58
l4sthUntthat's where i am now01:58
voraistosl4sthUnt: "run 'apt-get build-dep wine'. This will download the needed development packages for your system to make the wine package. Then, run 'apt-get --build source wine', have a snack, and wait for the compiling to finish."01:58
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l4sthUntkk hope it works01:58
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Luna-Tickl4sthUnt: Is there are reason that you want to build it yourself?01:59
l4sthUnti just want to have it01:59
l4sthUnti need to run some small windows appz01:59
trukulovoraistos, he's using amd64, i don't know if wine is compatible with amd6401:59
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l4sthUntand it's takin me forever idk why01:59
l4sthUntam i the only one who has this much trouble01:59
l4sthUnti got ubuntu yesterday01:59
ThunderStrucki think wine on 64 needs chroot01:59
voraistostrukulo: i dont know either: thats why compiing it might help01:59
Luna-TickStay calm :)02:00
voraistosl4sthUnt: why do u need wine ?02:00
eriderif I can't get slime is there lispworks in the respository?02:00
l4sthUntE: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list02:00
l4sthUnti get that error02:00
trukulol4sthUnt, http://porg.es/blog/wine-on-ubuntu-with-amd6402:00
ThunderStruck!info lispworks02:00
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ubotuPackage lispworks does not exist in dapper02:00
ThunderStruckerider: no02:00
l4sthUnti need it to run a small app02:01
ubotuI know nothing about lisp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:01
l4sthUnti tryed02:01
l4sthUntdidn't work02:01
longwavelispworks is commercial software i think, so it won't be in the ubuntu repository02:01
jonh_wendelldoes anybody know how to keep the ubuntu server always up to date? like an apt-get update, upgrade each 6 hours, for example?02:01
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voraistosl4sthUnt: the thing is u might not need wine. Things often already exist for linux02:01
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Luna-TickI can't see any packages of wine for AMD64... which suggests that it may not work.02:02
l4sthUnti can't stop using linux02:02
l4sthUnti mean02:02
nemlahquick question02:02
l4sthUnti have an external02:02
l4sthUntthat i se02:02
longwavejonh_wendell: cron-apt can automatically run updates for you, though i prefer to know what packages are being updated before they are installed02:02
jribl4sthUnt: you could use the i386 version of ubuntu02:02
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nemlahis linux using swap space only after all ram is depleated??02:02
l4sthUntdidn't work02:02
l4sthUnttryed it02:02
trukulojonh_wendell, put it on cron02:02
l4sthUntwouldn't let me install the .deb02:02
Luna-TickWhat are you wanting to run?02:02
jribl4sthUnt: no, I mean actually reinstall your system with the i386 install02:02
Luna-Tick(which windows app)02:02
voraistosl4sthUnt: quite  strange02:03
longwavenemlah: not always, linux might swap something out if you haven't used it for a long time even if there is free ram02:03
longwavenemlah: then it can reuse the ram for something more useful like disk caching02:03
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jonh_wendellhummm, i'll study cron-apt package02:03
nemlahso i shouldn't worry about swap used=0?02:03
Taliskerhow do I play midi files?02:03
ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:03
voraistosl4sthUnt: im sorry i am busy right now. please paste bin the errors u get and stuff and ask smo for help :)02:04
nemlahlongwave: you know anything about the xorg memory leak?02:04
longwavenemlah: no, as long as "free" shows the swap space is available, it's fine02:04
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longwavenemlah: no, sorry02:04
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tuxtuxplease help for reader mmc to laptop hp?02:04
Luna-TickSorry guys, I have to take off. Good luck all.02:04
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longwavetuxtux: i have an hp laptop and the card reader does not work at all for me, i am not sure if there is any way of making it work02:04
codecainehow you remove a package with apt?02:04
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jribcodecaine: apt-get remove package02:05
nemlahlongwave: thanks02:05
wonkydonkis there a known problem with ubuntu and flash ??02:05
jrib!cli > codecaine02:05
tuxtuxlongwave: ;)02:05
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trukulowonkydonk, with flash, there are problems in any linux02:05
l4sthUntthx for the encouragement02:05
jribwonkydonk: there is probably more than one02:05
l4sthUntno wonder more people don't have02:05
l4sthUnti can be so hard sometimes02:05
wonkydonknot reallly it was working fine in my install of suse10.102:05
l4sthUntit should be easier02:06
=== SabineCretella_ [n=chatzill@host232-157-dynamic.18-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
daisukewindows can be just as hard02:06
jribwonkydonk: what problem?02:06
trukulowonkydonk, yes, but only version 702:06
wonkydonkwhen i go inot a flash windows all the icons andimages dissapear02:06
wonkydonkflash window*02:06
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trukulonever hear anything like that, wonkydonk02:06
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wonkydonkcan anyone guide me threw how to setup a dual boot02:07
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wonkydonki already have ubuntu installed can i know add another distro02:07
MrErnstCan anyone help me with GD module for php5, it has to do with truetype support, does it differ from windows/apache?02:07
sergiol_elsewherin what pacakage comes postgresql.postinst ?02:08
=== lancetw [n=lancetw@219-68-241-31.adsl.dynamic.giga.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
naylordli, hi again - still looking for modems linux compatible, what do you think to this one: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-56k-PCI-Internal-Fax-Modem-V-92-V-90-56-K-MOD_W0QQitemZ320009641511QQihZ011QQcategoryZ3693QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem02:08
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jonh_wendellsergiol_elsewher: dpkg -S /path_to_file02:08
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jribsergiol_elsewher: use apt-get source to download the source package and check the debian directory02:08
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_d4vidi need help with my i810 driver02:10
_d4vidi cant start opengl games02:10
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wonkydonkback to the flash thing looks like only the txt is missing02:11
_d4vid<use edgy02:12
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trukulowonkydonk, aptitude install gsfonts02:12
_d4viddont work after upgrade to edgy from dapper..02:12
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upsigsfonts and gsfonts-x1102:12
wonkydonki'm new how i do that02:12
trukulo_d4vid, edgy is VERY unstable02:12
ubotufonts-also is No fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer02:13
trukuloright, upsi02:13
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ThunderStruck_d4vid: edgy should not be used and talk about edgy join #ubuntu+102:13
_d4vidThunderStruck, thnx man02:13
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MrErnstCan anyone help me with GD module for php5, it has to do with truetype support, does it differ from windows/apache?02:16
MrErnstCan that have anything to do with ubuntu font libs?02:16
trukuloMrErnst: no, that i know02:16
Phazemandid anyone ever used Minolta Scan Elite II on ubuntu ? i cant seem to be able configuring it to be recognized by sane02:16
trukuloubuntu can use truetype too02:16
=== Chetic [n=chetic@gate13.lidnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
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cotrolerHow do you install .deb files in kubuntu?02:17
trukulocotroler, sudo dpkg -i file02:17
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ThunderStruckcotroler: dpkg -i file.deb02:17
MrErnstyes, but i use truetype fonts with php, on a windows server it renders great, but on linux/ubu it doesn't render some of the fonts02:17
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trukuloMrErnst, are the fonts installed on that linux?02:18
MrErnstno, i call them with php from a folder, some fonts work some don't02:19
tuxtuxbye bye02:19
trukuloMrErnst, try to install on /usr/share/fonts also02:19
=== rbman [n=elrod@c-68-53-209-244.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrErnstok, i will but why?02:20
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=== Navop [n=Navop@modemcable197.104-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
naylordoes anyone know if this modem will work with ubuntu as having lots of winmodem probs and want a modem taht will "just work" so want to buy another cheap internal one02:21
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trukuloMrErnst, don't know, just in case php is looking there02:21
naylorit says it's linux compatible but i don't trust what ppl put on ebay02:21
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nayloralso i don't get whether drivers need installing or not and if they do i'd rather get a modem that will work without having to configure anything or install drivers incase it doesn't work02:22
MrErnstwel php surely isn't looking for it there, if it can't find it, php give error's02:23
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trukuloyou don't have any error?02:23
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NavopK i installed the server on the comp, and now when it reboots I get a blank screen, somethng i noticed was i needed to change my screen size in the install mode or else i would get a blank screen02:24
MrErnstno error02:24
Navopso how do i change the screen size on reboot02:25
MrErnsti know it works, but the font only renders in squares...02:25
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eriderhow do you remove something from sources.list?02:25
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ic56naylor: winmodems (which generally cost <$20) do not come with drivers for Linux.  A small company is developing drivers for Linux for them but they are closed source and for-pay (not expensive, though).  Modems that will just work, cost >02:25
=== FrdPrefct [n=adamisp@client-82-9-26-29.manc.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrErnsti think it has to do with font mapping, and how linux/ubu handles that...02:26
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ic56naylor: cost >$10002:26
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nayloric56, how much? would i be able to get one second hand someplace that will work without trouble, i'm sick of trouble and messing as this system is for someone else and it's all setup but they insist on dialup!!02:26
NavopSo can anyone help me out02:26
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sananeee__whats your problem navoP?02:27
eCokeNCodhey guys, i was formatting a 1 gig card in ubuntu, and i'm trying to figure out how many sectors it should have02:27
eCokeNCodcan anyone help me out ?02:27
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=== eCokeNCod is now known as CokeNCode
Navop<sananeee__> K i installed the server on the comp, and now when it reboots I get a blank screen, somethng i noticed was i needed to change my screen size in the install mode or else i would get a blank screen02:28
nilesh892003any player which plays list of songs in ubuntu02:28
nilesh892003 any player which plays list of songs in ubuntu?02:28
trukulonilesh892003, beep-media-player02:28
frogzoonilesh892003: amarok - & all the rest as well02:28
sananeee__maybe that's coz of grub..02:29
CokeNCodecan anyone help me out ?02:29
nilesh892003how to download mplayer for ubuntu02:29
sananeee__is grub workin rite ?02:29
sananeee__and was that your first reboot ?02:29
offsbasically all graphical multimedia players...02:29
codecainesudo apt-get install mplayer02:29
Navopi'm not sure, and yes it was ..let me power up the comp02:29
nilesh892003its doent works02:29
ic56naylor: I seem to recall $20 for a driver.  But, bear in mind, drivers are only available for some modems, and eat about 1M of RAM.  The easiest way to tell a modem that doesn't need a driver is to get an external one: anything that connects though a serial port necessarily contains all the logic in its own electronics.02:29
offsnilesh892003, install automatix02:29
nilesh892003sudo apt-get mplayer says that file is moved02:29
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eriderhow do you remove something from sources.list?02:30
nayloric56, thanks - that's a real bummer!02:30
sananeee__i think thats coz of grub problem.. coz when you first reboot .. grub will be activated.. i dont think that's about screen resolution ..02:30
frogzooerider: text editor02:30
frogzooerider: or remove it from synaptic's repos02:30
eriderfrogzoo: it is read-only02:31
ic56naylor: btw, the demo drivers can be downloaded for free.  So you can test out the basic functionality02:31
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eriderfrogzoo: there is an error and its not in the list02:31
frogzooerider: sudo - or synaptic02:31
NavopK i get the grub menu...but once i select ubuntu server it goes blank02:31
eriderfrogzoo: I'm in synaptic but the line I want to remove is not present02:32
nayloric56, thanks i'll give it a shot02:32
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ic56naylor: yw02:32
frogzooerider: so use a text editor02:32
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eriderfrogzoo: its read-only02:33
sananeee__i see.. i m not sure about it .. but i think you can boot your machine with live cd .. then you can change the resolution settings.02:33
trukuloerider, sudo gedit /foo/bar02:33
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eridertrukulo: ok thanks :)02:33
Navop<sananeee__> the first time i tried to install the server i got this blank screen till i selected the f4 function to change the screen resolution02:34
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nilesh892003how to play windows game in ubuntu ?.like NFS02:34
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cotrolerMy sister has Pentium 3 256mb ram 80gb harddisk ... is kubuntu good for her????????02:35
Tmobcotroler, should be fine02:35
Tmobanyone here know where scp logs events like what files were copied ,etc..?02:35
h3x0rxubuntu would be better :)02:35
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nilesh892003hhow to play windows game in ubuntu02:36
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RinntIs anyone here familiar with how to setup a print server with Ubuntu? I'm not talking about the kind that needs to integrate with a Windows environment.  The print server just needs to be able to accept print jobs and forward to an attached dot matrix printer02:36
agresornilesh892003, use emulators02:36
Navop<sananeee__>  then i select 1024x76802:36
lucasnilesh892003, you could try using wine or cedega02:37
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nilesh892003i tried wine but it cant able to play02:37
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lucasyeah, most games dont run well in wine02:37
nilesh892003cedega is ok to play games02:38
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trukuloRinnt, just edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf02:38
lucasnilesh892003, you can see if it worled for other people here: http://appdb.winehq.org/02:38
alvarosomeone can help me? i need to make an upgrade of Ubuntu, so should i run apt-get ....  or something like that?02:38
mAlmENhow can i give access to the rest of network to msn with iptables02:38
llama32how do i make aMule work? it says no valid servers found...02:39
lucasalvaro, breezy -> dapper?02:39
trukuloalvaro, sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade02:39
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lucasalvaro, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades02:39
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lhdswhere to find drape?02:40
jriblhds: what is drape?02:40
alvarolucas, trukulo thanks02:40
trukulolocate drape ?02:40
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alvarobreezy vs dapper, which is better/the last?02:40
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h3x0rtheres a google earth beta for linux binary02:41
jribalvaro: dapper is latest stable02:41
lhdsubuntu 6 is drapper?02:41
alvarojrib, ah ok02:41
trukuloubuntu 6.0602:41
lauckyubuntu 6.06 is dapper02:41
lauckyubuntu 6.10 is edgy02:41
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trukulolaucky, will be :)02:42
lauckyi have it02:42
lhdshow come that my ati radeon x200 onboard is not recongnized?02:42
trukulowell, dapper was 6.04 at first02:42
Rinnttrukulo, so you think cups could do this?  It doesn't need to be complex... just accpet print jobs02:42
trukuloi know it can02:42
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trukulobecause i did it02:42
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lhdswell anyway how to run su in drapper? what's the password?02:43
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:43
Hit3klhds, sudo passwd root02:43
Hit3kif you really want to se the password02:43
trukulodon't use su02:43
trukulouse sudo instead02:43
lucaslhds, "sudo -s" is eqivalent02:44
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mezzrrickiCan someone tell me how to mount the memory stick slot on my laptop02:44
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lhdshow to configure x for my vga card whats the entry i have to type?02:45
Rinnttrukulo is there a generic logon/password for the cups admin tool?02:45
llama32never mind - dumb question sorry02:45
trukuloRinnt, no, it's disabled02:45
trukuloif you want it, edit cupsd.conf02:45
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks02:46
trukuloRinnt, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/13/enabling-cupsys-web-admin-interface/02:46
lhdsconfigure x isnt that xconf?02:46
lucaslhds, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:46
lucaspr edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:47
alvaroand how can i know when i run "dist-upgrade" wich version im going to get if i am not especifying anything?02:48
trukuloalvaro, read what lucas said02:48
alvarook, im going to take a look02:49
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compilerwriterhello all02:53
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:53
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samu2hey im having trouble with regular expressions in perl where the LC_CTYPE doesnt seem to affect the character classes i want02:54
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samu2can i somehow check through ubuntu which ranges of unicode code points belong to my LC_CTYPE set or something?02:55
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mc__!universe > erider02:56
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mc__!easysource > erider02:56
lhdsi need to know where to find that application adept? that acts like apt get installer for apps02:56
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trukulolhds, i don't understand02:57
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lhdswell if i need to check the packages available for download where can i do that?02:57
lhdsin the add remove?02:57
santa99he guys where is the password for the samba server defined ?02:57
InterNutanyone know why i get a wierd pic (http://internut.no-ip.org/webcam/) when using webcamd but when im trying camorama it works?02:58
J4t{-_-}santa99: smbpasswd <user> ?02:58
trukulolhds, synaptic02:58
santa99J4t{-_-}, will try this thx02:58
GabrielI use kubuntu not long time, and anyone can tell me - how i can unlock root02:59
J4t{-_-}or smbpasswd -a <user> if you want to add a new02:59
trukuloGabriel, why do you want to do that?02:59
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Ignite_Gabriel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:59
trukulouse sudo instead02:59
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:59
lhdshow to run synaptik?02:59
lauckysudo synaptic03:00
Ignite_lhds, Applications -> Add/Remove...03:00
HexidigitalIgnite_:: sorry, didn't realize it was the same address03:00
lhdsahh thats it?03:00
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Ignite_Hexidigital, no worried :)03:00
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GabrielOk. Thank. But i can't install a new printer in cups.03:00
mAlmENcan help me to share my internet connection to the rest of network ?03:00
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Ignite_Gabriel, System -> Administration -> Printers03:00
GabrielOn last step of installing cups told that all ok but there are no one after03:01
lhdsif i have a video tv card what software you recommend?03:01
lauckymAlmEN: iptables w/ nat03:01
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:01
=== Sorian [n=Sorian@nv-71-49-222-55.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_lhds, tvtime03:01
mAlmENBad argument `w/'03:01
mAlmENTry `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.03:01
lhdsIgnite is there a way to get it? where from ?03:01
lhds! cups03:01
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:01
Ignite_lhds, sudo apt-get install tvtime03:01
lhdsIgnite isnt there a list of software to check and download from ?03:02
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lhdslike in mandrake?03:02
Ignite_lhds, yes03:02
Ignite_lhds, Applications -> Add/Remove...03:02
lhdsand that would be?03:02
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lhdsits not listed there03:02
Ignite_lhds, try, System -> Administration -> Synaptic03:02
nilesh892003i dont have any firewall but i cannt able to access port 554 .what i have to do to access it03:02
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InterNutanyone know why i get a wierd pic (http://internut.no-ip.org/webcam/) when using webcamd but when im trying camorama it works?03:03
Ignite_nilesh892003, are you connected via a router?03:03
fistandantilusyou have iptables by default blocking incoming connections, install firestarter and open the port03:03
nilesh892003no i have direct connection'03:03
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jakobjswhat kernel should i use for AMD X2? and which repository? i only see some old linux-image-k7 things :/03:04
soccioHi, everybody. Why after changing my partitions (I added a partition) Nautilus is no more showing all my partitions?03:04
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lhdshow to know the x version i am running?03:05
jakobjslhds: Xorg -version   in console probably03:05
elesouefHello, is there a way to load a firmware without having to recompile the ubuntu kernel ?03:05
lhdsCouldn't find package tvtime03:05
jakobjslhds: yup that works for me jjs@itchy:~$ Xorg -version03:05
jakobjsX Window System Version 7.0.003:05
lhdsit worked jakbo03:06
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jakobjswhat kernel should I use for AMD64 X2 ? i'm also missing any "amd64" kernels from apt03:07
SonicChaoIs firefox in the repos yet?03:07
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XplOzIonhow can i make another partition where /home/ is? after ubuntu has been isntalled. /home/ has 160Gb and i want to make a new partition of 100Gb.03:07
jakobjssoniccho: yup, it updated for me this morning03:07
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lhdsCouldn't find package tvtime where to find tvtime than? can i download a debian version if i find one?03:07
Gambit-Hey chaps03:07
XplOzIonSonicChao, yes it is03:07
SonicChaojakobjs: Ok thanks.03:07
Gambit-any tricks to restart a USB bus?03:07
Gambit-I have a device on it (a printer) and it seems to have hung, or at least isn't responding anymore.03:08
Ignite_lhds, open Applications -> Add/Remove... and in one of the menus you will find something relating to repositories, enable the "universe" repository03:08
soccioGambit: try with "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart" it will restart also the hal03:08
longwaveGambit-: you can try unloading and reloading the modules ("rmmod" and "modprobe") but i have had to reboot to fix a non-working usb stack before now03:08
lhdsIgnite_ tryin03:08
Ignite_lhds, ok03:08
Gambit-soccio, is that going to bring down the network layer as well?03:09
Ignite_lhds, after that you should be able to find tvtime in the graphical program <303:09
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lhdsIgnite_ what do you mean i get a list of related topics like internet office other etc etc and no menu03:09
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lhdsin add remove03:10
soccioGambit, it will restart only minor services like dhcp client and NetworkManager. You don't need them if you are already connected.03:10
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Ignite_lhds, try System -> Administration -> Synaptic03:11
lhdsIgnite_ found it its in synaptic not in add remove03:11
lhdsthanx man ill update the list and try03:11
Ignite_lhds, sorry, i'm not completely sure off the top of my head, i'm using kubuntu at the minute :)03:11
Gambit-longwave, Hm, I just get USB printer is busy messages from CUPS :/03:12
Ignite_Gambit-, what printer is it?03:12
Gambit-Ignite_, HP LaserJet 132003:12
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Ignite_ah, sorry, can't help03:12
Gambit-soccio, that actually errored out with a 'messagebus' not found.03:12
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Gambit-Ignite_, It's had problems pretty consistently over usb, doesn't stay up for very long, etc.03:12
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Gambit-it shows up as 'Hewlett-Packard' if I lsusb, but seems to hang fairly often.03:13
lhdsIgnite_ good job keep the spirit and if your somuch into helpin come over to lebanon help us here :P03:13
=== beeverteeth [n=mjsad1@24-38-23-115-st.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ignite_lhds, your in lebanon?03:13
Ignite_damn, good luck man03:14
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lhdsthats ok aslong as internet is on and the generator aswell03:14
foxsleeplhds: but you dont near the attacks ??03:15
lhdshey ignite one question about the buddy thing i am running irc on cant i load msn and irc @thesametime?03:15
lhdsnear them here in beirut03:15
Ignite_do you use GAIM?03:16
lhdsbut safe "christian side of the town"03:16
lhdsyes that yellow guy03:16
Ignite_i'm not sure, i use xchat03:16
Ignite_i suspect so03:16
lhdsi need bitchx is it still alive noadays?03:16
longwavelhds: yes you can run gaim and xchat at the same time, no problem03:16
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longwaveor any irc client for that matter :)03:16
timalotlhds, good luck03:16
lhdsi got em running at the same time but i cannot check the msn list03:17
Ignite_lhds, sudo apt-get install bitchx <303:17
lhdsmy buddy list is emplty03:17
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Ignite_lhds, GAIM by default doesn't show offline contacts IIRC03:17
lhdsthanx anyway03:17
lhdsdo you guys know any win4lin download site where i can get the full vers ware? msg me plz03:18
timalotbuddies->show offline buddies to show em03:18
lhdsyeeey timalot you just helped a lazy boy03:19
Ignite_lhds, you can use qemu or xen, ot you can get the vmware player/server version free03:19
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santa99how can i remove a user which a have added with useradd03:19
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lhdsroger that03:19
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neutrinomasssanta99: userdel ?03:19
GeertWhen trying to install syslog-ng it wants to remove "ubuntu-base ubuntu-minimal". Is it save to continue?03:19
santa99neutrinomass, thx this was it thx03:20
neutrinomasssanta99: Or if you prefer a GUI, System->Administration-> Users and Groups :)03:20
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santa99neutrinomass, yeah maybe this would be a little better :)03:20
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orbinGeert: read their package descrs.03:21
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neutrinomassGeert: It should be. It's not terribly recommended though as things may break during upgrades ... (AFAIK They are just metapackages )03:21
Ignite_Geert, its safe to remove ubuntu-minimal.. *checks for ubuntu-base*... yeah thats safe also03:21
longwaveGeert: that is because you will replace sysklogd, which is the standard ubuntu logger03:21
Geertokay, thanks :)03:21
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mezzrrickiCan someone help me with  amounting question?03:22
neutrinomassmezzrricki: Not unless you ask the question :)03:22
mezzrrickiWell I'm trying to mount my memory stick reader, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to add to my fstab03:23
Leeifi cant download the file listed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InitNG#usplash03:23
gatekeepermezzrricki: this might help: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/cli.html03:24
Leeifthis one: http://debian.flomertens.keo.in/initng-usplash_1.0-2_i386.deb03:24
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Leeifanyone knows where to get it?03:24
Leeifor can anyone download it?03:25
mezzrrickiI know the commands I just can't find the mountable device03:25
sladenmaybe that website has disappeared, it would be handy if it was attached rather than linking to somebody's ADSL line03:25
gatekeepermezzrricki: your memory stick should automatically be detectected if it's plugged in at boot up03:25
mezzrrickialright I'll try rebooting03:26
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mezzrrickiIf I don't come back then thank you.03:26
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Leeifsladen: yes. :(03:26
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mezzrrickiI'm back....and it didn't do anything03:30
=== frfx [n=hermes@cust-238-183.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
mezzrrickithe reader it self is built into the laptop03:31
longwavemezzrricki: on my laptop, the card reader is not supported in ubuntu :(03:31
fistandantilusnor mine03:31
mezzrrickihmmmm darn03:31
gatekeeperhal doesn't work on your laptop longwave?03:32
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willmcwhats the command in terminal to change permissions on a dir so its user read/writeable?03:34
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longwavehal works, and if you insert a card there is some output in dmesg, but it cannot mount the card after that :(03:34
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longwavewillmc: do you mean for all users, or just the current user03:34
b1shopanyone know of disk encryption software that supports dual booting?03:34
=== Ignite__ [n=Ignite@ACCEA705.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeperthat's a bit pants :-(03:34
lhdshow to run a scan in tvtime to see if it has seen the correct card and its working?03:34
Zildjianim a newb and would like to know what the best help site for ubuntu03:35
longwaveZildjian: the official wiki and forums are pretty good03:35
Zildjiancool thanks alot03:35
willmcZildjian: the forums!03:35
longwaveand of course you can ask here if you are having a specific problem :)03:35
lhdsZildjian sincerely man have tried em all i think that ubuntu is a very respectable distro better than the ex mandrake03:35
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gatekeeperZildjian: I have also got some usefull links here http://za1012001.googlepages.com/home03:36
willmclongwave: sorry, just for my username (willmc)03:36
Zildjianty ive been useing ms for ages and wanted to try ubuntu03:36
lhdsZildjian good choice03:36
mezzrrickiis there a full driver for the nvidia 6800 yet03:36
gatekeeperZildjian: there is a transition guide on that page I gave you03:36
longwavewillmc: if the directory is owned by willmc, then "chmod o+rw directoryname"03:37
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longwavethat should be "chmod u+rw directoryname"03:37
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longwave"o+rw" means anyone can read/write03:37
Hotwirehi, how would i go about working out what driver my usb wireless network adapter uses, i need to find out if it uses ndiswrapper or has a real driver, and if it has a real driver what kernel module it uses and what its called03:37
theHatla puta madre que hay gente aca loco! :|03:37
willmclongwave: basically, I just installed google earth from the bin file with sudo to /opt/google-earth and want to own the dir so I can change it ets/and that it will save my prefs03:37
lhdsguys here in lebanon cables are distributed to home via tv wires .... how to run scan channel in tvtime?03:38
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linrunixtheHat, ***03:38
ardchoilletheHat: Please respect this channel and its users03:38
longwavewillmc: "sudo chown -R willmc /opt/google-earth" will set all files and folders in there to be owned by you03:38
theHatlinrunix: :*********03:38
linrunixardchoille, what are you saying?03:38
theHatardchoille: ou shure m3n, so plz rlz for my error03:38
longwavewillmc: you will probably have read/write privileges after that and won't need the chmod command03:39
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theHatlinrunix: what`s up m3n ?03:39
linrunixardchoille, i got a problem03:39
linrunixthansen, chilling03:39
willmclongwave: thanks!!!03:39
linrunixtheHat, chilling03:39
linrunixardchoille, any help?03:39
theHatlinrunix: tell me the truth03:39
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SebastianBHi! I just tried to install Ubuntu on my laptop several times. It always stops after "Booting the Kernel" at the very beginning. Installing on my desktop-system with the same dvd worked03:40
theHatimbrandon: hey`a!, what`s up ?03:40
longwaveSebastianB: what laptop?03:40
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SebastianBacer 169003:40
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theHatSebastianB: u have to change it, use gnu/linux, use slackware ;)03:41
linrunixtheHat, whatis the truth03:41
imbrandonhello theHat03:41
theHatlinrunix: i have no puta idea :S03:41
SebastianBno idea what you're talking about ;)03:41
ardchoilleSebastianB: Which install cd are you using? Desktop or alternate?03:41
theHatSebastianB: snif snif :,(03:41
erUSULSebastianB: try booting with acpi=off as boot parameter03:41
linrunixtheHat, your kidding03:41
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SebastianBso i've to type "install acpi=off" ?03:42
theHatlinrunix: why ?03:42
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linrunixcause you are a kid03:42
linrunixtheHat, that make sense right03:42
linrunixtheHat, and stop flooding03:42
theHatlinrunix: are u virgin ?03:42
erUSULSebastianB: are you using alternate cd??03:42
linrunixtheHat, this is a canal serio03:42
SebastianBno, the dvd with both03:42
theHatlinrunix: shut up fucking fucktard 03:43
linrunixtheHat, yeah03:43
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ardchoilletheHat , linrunix Please take ot convo to another channel03:43
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linrunixardchoille, if you dont help me with my isue03:43
linrunixwhat i got to do03:43
linrunixardchoille, fuck you03:43
yacek19I have some harmless problem with firmware_helper. I use acx based card and acx driver. During boot acx firstly try to load tiacxC0D firmware which doesn't exists. So it shows: firmware_helper: main: error loading /lib/firmware/2.6.15-23-386/acx/default/tiacxc0D for device /class/firmware/xxx with driver 'acx_pci'03:43
erUSULSebastianB: use the alternate and at the boot promt type acpi=off (e.g. boot: acpi=off <enter>)03:43
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yacek19this is very annoying03:44
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lhdstvtime supports a channel scanner, channel renumbering, channel names, and a list of active channels for browsing.  All of these features are available within the OSD menu system itself. it says but where is that osd menu?03:44
linrunixardchoille, are you gay or something like that03:44
imbrandondont make me do it again linrunix03:44
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SebastianBerUSUL, thx, I will try it :)03:44
ardchoilleimbrandon: Thank you :)03:44
orbincan't they just change their nick?03:45
gatekeeperimbrandon: I thought you where only threatening :-)03:45
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colicsomeone here have a macbook pro with ubuntu?03:46
Seveasimbrandon, *prod* 03:46
imbrandongotta run Seveas all yours ;)03:46
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LTjakehowdy. is there any reason why dapper has apache tomcat 5.0 rather than 5.5?03:50
Krpanocan someone help me ?.....i set to "show visible volumes" in gconf-editor and the wanted volumes are mounted, but they wont appear on the desktop...anyone know why ?03:50
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santa99is there a GUI to adjust samba ?03:51
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longwavesanta99: check out the "swat" package03:51
santa99longwave: will have a look on it thx03:51
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Boris^Britvahello, how can I remote administrate my ubuntu server? ssh only?03:52
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orbinKrpano: what are their mountpoints?03:52
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santa99longwave, how can i open the swat package in my browser03:52
Krpanoorbin : /mnt/sda1 and /mnt/hda1.......i can browse them.but they wont show on the desktop03:52
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gatekeepersanta99: in KDE you can modify File Sharing in System Settings, assume gnome also does that03:53
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santa99gatekeeper, so I was unable to find something suitable03:53
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drbreenhow can i make the trash bin to show up on desktop in ubuntu dapper ?03:54
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Krpanodrbreen: usa gconf-editor03:54
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gatekeeperBoris^Britva: do you want to know how to install or use ssh?03:54
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drbreenkrpano: where is the scheme or key for that03:55
drbreentank you03:55
Boris^Britvagatekeeper, I haven't installed ubuntu yet even03:55
Boris^BritvaI lack experience in using linux03:55
Boris^Britvais there something like radmin in linux?03:55
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Boris^Britvaneed to set-up the server, but I won't be able to access it manualy every day03:56
LTjakeanyone know why Terminal Server Client (tsclient) doesn't save passwords?03:56
lhdswhats the code if i want to download a software from the terminal03:56
gatekeeperBoris^Britva: install ubuntu then take a look at this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#SSH_Server03:56
WhiteNinjalhds: apt-get install package-name03:57
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santa99longwave, how can i manage to open swat with firefox03:57
gatekeeperBoris^Britva: have you used linux before?03:57
longwavesanta99: try http://localhost:901/03:57
santa99longwave, unable to connect03:57
Boris^Britvagatekeeper, sure03:57
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santa99longwave, any ideas what's wrong03:57
Boris^Britvaused a lot of it, but used it as desktop03:58
Boris^Britvasuse @ gnome mainly03:58
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Boris^Britvanever used it like server03:58
longwavesanta99: i do not have swat running at the moment so can't help that much, this forum link might be useful though: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5843403:58
santa99longwave, ok thx will have a link trough it03:58
gatekeeperBoris^Britva: there is a Windows to Linux transition guide + other bits: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/home03:58
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WhiteNinjaBoris^Britva: u can setup the server, install vnc-server/client and u can do remote-access via laptop or desktop, if that it is, what u want03:59
lhdsother than tvtime witch i dont know how to search channels in it what other software makes my tv card run?03:59
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orbinKrpano: i'm not sure, but i think they either have to be mounted in /media , or it has to have some 'user' option given when mounted03:59
Boris^Britvagatekeeper, yes, thanks03:59
Boris^BritvaWhiteNinja, yes this is I was thinking about03:59
azcazandcomcphail: are you about?03:59
gatekeeperBoris^Britva: hope it helps :-)04:00
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Boris^Britvathe only thing - I need to install graphic interface to server machine?04:00
Krpanoorbin: im checking this out......ill try to mount under /media/something to test...wait04:00
WhiteNinjanot realy04:00
WhiteNinjathe vnc-client had to have x1104:00
WhiteNinjanot the server04:00
Boris^Britvaas I see ubuntu-server doesn't include graphical interface04:00
WhiteNinjabut it would help if u sometimes can start x11 on the server, too, if u r not used to linux :-)04:01
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WhiteNinjax11 is a package.. not needed, but could be installed on servers, too04:01
longwaveBoris^Britva: if you are comfortable with only the command line, you should just use ssh to connect to your server04:02
azcazandcoanyone here used phtorec before?04:02
azcazandcophotorec even04:02
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puppetboris^britva: you dont need x on a server04:02
Boris^Britvalongwave, this is the problem - I'm not comfortable with cmd only :)04:02
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Boris^Britvapuppet, this is nice, ty :)04:02
pike_Boris^Britva: i would look at freenx as alternative to vnc.  vnc is good on lan but internet can be a little slow04:03
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WhiteNinjathen install the x11-package, u dont have to start it automatically at reboot-times... u can do remote-access nevertheless with vnc or ssh04:03
mianosarah, salut04:03
ardchoilleBoris^Britva: Do what I did, set aside an hour per day to use only cli and read some man pages. After a while, you'll be so comfy in it that it might be all you use :)04:03
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aminecomment ca va,04:04
amineje suis du maroc et toi04:04
lhdsother than tvtime witch i dont know how to search channels in it what other software makes my tv card run?04:04
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Boris^Britvaardchoille, time will be needed for that :) And I've got none atm04:04
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mianoje suis kenyan04:04
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ardchoilleThis is an English channel :)04:04
aminey a t il des filles par ici04:04
yacek19how to turn off pc speaker in ubuntu?04:05
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:05
Boris^Britvawell I see what I can do, don't think that setting up a simple httpd+php+mysql will be a big problem04:05
merlanderhi - is there an ubuntu ppc channel?04:05
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orbinyacek19: try sys > prefs > sound04:06
amineravi de faire ta connaissance04:06
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aminequoi de neuf sur le net04:06
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Boris^Britvapike_, freenx is not included to standart install iso, right? ^^04:06
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ardchoilleamine: You might be able to get help with an issue if you speak English04:07
yacek19orbin and how to turn it off system-wide?04:07
snoopsBoris^Britva right04:07
zshamine, allez #ubuntu-fr, la discussion ici est en anglais04:07
aminethank you04:07
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX04:07
pike_Boris^Britva: right. you can look at it at wiki.ubuntu.com. main thing for a server is ssh access04:07
kobbii'm trying to install the amd64 kernel, but it's missing from Base System-Restricted section in Synaptic... what should i do ???04:07
orbinyacek19: sorry, meaning?04:07
yacek19it turned it off onlyin gnome04:07
Boris^Britvafound it @ http://freenx.berlios.de/download.php04:08
yacek19and it still beeps in pure terminal04:08
Concord_DawnHi everyone. I recently installed Hoary on a Dell Latitude D610, only to find that GDM refused to display (as in, the screen didn't work), however, I was able to use the command line. Does anyone know if this is fixed with the GDM version included in Dapper?04:08
pike_Boris^Britva: the wiki has instructions specific to ubuntu04:08
ubotuI know nothing about package - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:09
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:09
orbinyacek19: quick google came up w/ : setterm -blength 004:09
ardchoilleConcord_Dawn: I haven't had any problems with GDM in Dapper.04:09
Concord_Dawnardchoille: Are you using a Dell Latitude D610?04:09
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ardchoilleConcord_Dawn: Oh, no, sorry about that.04:09
WhiteNinjaConcord_Dawn: sometimes xserver-xorg cant handle tft-monitors in the right way.. try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg manually... mostly it helps04:09
orbinyacek19: and for X11: 'xset b off' ... that will work for every DE, not just gnome04:09
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pike_Boris^Britva: if its your first time with linux i would at least put xubuntu on it for gui04:10
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Concord_DawnWhiteNinja: Thanks, but I thought that laptops had LCD screens?04:10
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Sh4d0whi is there anyone using a soundblaster audigy 4 ? i like to buy this card but i am not sure if it is supported by ubuntu i onyl find infos to audigy 204:10
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WhiteNinjay... i meant them *laughing04:10
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WhiteNinjasorry.. no native english-ppl04:11
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Boris^Britvapike_, not with linux04:11
Concord_Dawnok. Thanks. After it's done installing Windows for dual-boot I'll try it.04:11
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Boris^Britvafirst time with remote administrating04:11
Boris^Britvaand setting up server04:11
lhdsdoes kde software runs on gnome? kdetv for ex04:11
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Boris^BritvaI have suse now as a 2nd os04:11
Concord_Dawnlhds: Possibly. I think you can find a program that will let you run KDE stuff on Gnome.04:11
Boris^BritvaI'll setup ubuntu, so I can administrate freely04:12
ardchoillelhds: I haven't seen a kde app that won't run in gnome04:12
phenexlhds, as long as you have QT and the needed kde packages sure...04:12
snoopsyeah..but the kdelibs are required to run kde software...it will work on gnome though lhds04:12
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Concord_Dawnlhds: You'll basically have KDE and Gnome installed together. It's got a rather large overhead.04:12
WhiteNinjaBoris^Britva: the easiest way would be a setup with knoppix-live-dvd... the hardware-detection would be the best for every linux (my opinion) and u can do all04:12
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pike_Boris^Britva: ah04:12
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tengilumm i tried installing flash for firefox/mozilla with no luck. says Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported. can i get flash reader for firefox with this architechture?04:13
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Concord_Dawntengil: You looked in the wiki?04:13
tengili guess i didnt sorry04:14
brentcanyone use root-tail ?04:14
WhiteNinjainstalling flash is like eating children :-)04:14
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tengilWhiteNinja: i kinda agree. but a few pages has it that i want to read04:14
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NineTeen67CometHi all .. has anyone designed an app that can rotate desktop background images? My cheap LCD monitor burns in SOo fast .. I think that might help (dual monitors, xgl, xinerama, CRT/LCD) ..04:14
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dswillia74437what is the easiest way of installing PEAR on dapper?04:15
lhdsis there a way to auto uncheck the list in software updates and than reselect the packages to install? or do i have to go through all of the list?04:15
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WhiteNinjaNineTeen67Comet: kde or xfce has a feature build-in for that purpose04:15
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WhiteNinjajust look for background-settings04:15
longwavedswillia74437: install the php4-pear package?04:15
NineTeen67CometWhiteNinja: Know if Gnome's got it?04:15
kleescan i rip cd's in MP3 VBR format with grip?04:16
lhdsthis is one of the channels where the ? is the most typed letter04:16
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b1shopman.  the gnome battery applet needs an update04:16
b1shopit's WAY off04:16
WhiteNinjagnome hasnt it (so far i know), it looks to be for working ppl :-)04:16
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merlander_hi - having problems with hfsplus partition - whatever I set in fstab it's being mounted with its own permissions - suggestions of file_umask etc. in FAQ give bad option errors04:16
santa99how can i list up the users which are registrated in samba ?04:16
Concord_Dawndswillia74437: PEAR for PHP?04:16
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Concord_Dawnlhds: What do you mean?04:17
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Concord_DawnLike reinstall all the software that you updated?04:17
JaykulHey, I just finished an install of 6.06 server ... and apt-get seems to just stall at "Working[0%] " ... I checked that I can ssh and browse out, so I'm a bit confused what's going on.  Any ideas?04:17
ardchoilleklees: You can use grip to rip a music CD to mp3 files, but you need to install lame. I'm not sure what VBR means04:17
Concord_DawnJaykul: Switch mirrors?04:18
tengilConcord_Dawn: is it this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava?highlight=%28flash%2904:18
b1shopVariable Bit Rate04:18
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kleesMPEG 1 Layer 3 VBR04:18
Concord_Dawnardchoille: Variable Bit Rate04:18
Concord_Dawnmeaning that the bitrate is only high when it needs to be.04:18
kleesis that 320?04:18
WhiteNinjaJaykul: looks like ur network-config is able to reach the internet04:18
ardchoilleJaykul: Can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin?04:18
pike_Jaykul: is the cdrom entry in sources.list commented out? doesnt sound like thats it but.. never know04:18
Concord_DawnIt's the best compromise between filesize and quality.04:18
naliothardchoille: VBR = Variable Bit Rate.  means that for when there is much music or sound, there is lots of data and during silence there is little data04:18
s_spiffcan gnome themes be discussed here?04:19
longwaveklees: in VBR the bitrate changes all the time between 64 and 320, so there's no wasted space but high quality at the same time04:19
ardchoillenalioth: That's great.. I'm glad someone thought of it04:19
kleeshow can i rip/encode in VBR?04:19
naliothardchoille: as opposed to the static bit rate, which uses the same amount of data for silence or crescendo04:19
Jaykulardchoille / Concord_Dawn: ok, i'm gonna try changing sources ... but I gotta run down the other room, 'cause what I'm trying to apt-get install is openssh-server ;-p04:19
Concord_Dawntengil: That's it I think. Try it. You can always reverse the changes later.04:19
snoopsI'm looking for a file browser which lets me view the contents of as many folders as I want in one view? eg instead of the list just displaying what's in /home/user/stuff it displays that and /home/user/otherstuff?04:20
ardchoillenalioth: Ahh04:20
whaley_works_spiff: perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic04:20
Concord_Dawnsnoops: terminal :-P04:20
longwaveklees: depends on what you are using to rip and encode, in lame there are command line options to set VBR, read the documentation04:20
Concord_Dawnklees: Check the wiki. The wiki knows EVERYTHING.04:20
kleeslongwave: im using grip04:20
snoopshmm how can I do that in terminal Concord_Dawn?04:20
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sproingiesnoops: i know of none that would do that and i've tried many file managers.  how about using two file manager windows?04:21
Concord_Dawnsnoops: pass a bunch of different directories to the ls command (iirc)04:21
draskohow to see on which machine and disc is some directory?04:21
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Concord_Dawndrasko: grep or locate04:21
longwaveklees: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183125 has instructions04:21
s_spiffwhaley, ok np.. will check it out04:21
sproingiesnoops: unless you're looking for some kind of norton commander type thing, in which case there's a lot04:21
snoopssproingie I'm wanting to view the contents of 6 directories..opening 6 file browsing windows then having to search through each to find the file I want is a bit heh04:21
kleesthx guys04:21
santa99which program would you suggest to use for cutting movies from a DV-Cam04:22
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sproingiesnoops: i'm not sure how you propose to view all 6 at once without at least multiple windows or panes04:22
Concord_Dawnsnoops: grep!!!04:22
draskoConcord_Dawn: grep what? Can you give an example?04:22
sproingiesnoops: konqueror will let you have as many independent panes as you want04:22
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Concord_Dawndrasko: grep --help will help you04:22
ardchoillesnoops: You might see if something like gnome commander has a tabbed ui04:22
draskoConcord_Dawn: I ment the example of grepping for dir.04:23
longwavedrasko: if you know the filename or even part of the filename, just do "locate filename" and it will list all places that filename matches04:23
Concord_Dawndrasko: search through grep --help. It's in there.04:23
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sproingiedrasko: unless you're looking for a file by its thumbnail image, you probably don't want a gui file manager to track down a file in unknown locations04:23
snoopssproingie well for instance in nautilus when I click search it has a new coloured pane for allowing me to filter by filetype.. I can click the + sign and select another directory.. do that a few tiems to add a few directories..but it only searches the last directory added04:23
sproingiedrasko: try beagle, and add the search bar to your gnome panel04:23
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drbreen_sproingie: how exactly can i get the search bar to work with beagle ?04:24
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drbreen_i apt-get install beagle and then ?04:24
Concord_DawnI've noticed that Linux has lost a lot of it's command line roots and switched over to the more GUIy (read: gooey) side of things. Probably from all the Windows users fed up with Windows.04:24
NgConcord_Dawn: it's lost nothing, open a terminal and do whatever you want04:24
drbreen_concord_dawn: probably because sometimes its easier ?04:24
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sproingiedrbreen_: rightclick the icon at the left of the search bar, go to preferences, check beagle04:25
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_stev_where do I find my cache list of apt?04:25
minimecConcord_Dawn: This is not true. ;)04:25
Concord_DawnNg: I know you can do that, but I'm saying that the GUI is now being preferred over command line.04:25
NineTeen67Cometdrbreen_: naw, cli is always there strong as ever .. just gotta want it bad enough .. heheheh ..04:25
Ng_stev_: /var/cache/apt/04:25
longwaveConcord_Dawn: new users find it less intimidating to get hints and prompts from a gui rather than a bare command line04:25
drbreen_concord_dawn: i do so much in a terminal - one time a 14 year old asked me what a game it is04:25
WhiteNinjaConcord_Dawn: its only because the cpu was earnestly dissatisfied with doing nothing in linux :-)04:25
sproingieConcord_Dawn: it's "lost" nothing, i still do plenty of work without a cli.  on my gnome desktop i just dont have to04:25
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NgConcord_Dawn: for some people, sure. I still do as much as I can in a terminal because I think it's quicker04:25
NgConcord_Dawn: being able to do things both ways seems like a win-win :)04:26
ardchoilleConcord_Dawn: Not for everyone.. I use a terminal for my file manager04:26
XplOzIonis it wise to use "mount --bind " command? to mount a folder in another folder. I used to have ftp server configured with user's path with several folder acces04:26
Concord_DawnI disabled gnome on my desktop. It's 8 years old.04:26
NgXplOzIon: providing you're careful, it's fine04:26
longwaveXplOzIon: you should probably use symbolic or hard links to do that04:26
Concord_DawnXplOzIon: You could symlink.04:26
sproingieXplOzIon: that's what mount --bind is for.  just avoid loops.04:26
_stev_Ng: i've looked there and there is a binary pkgcache.bin, is that the file? how can I read that out?04:26
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mnpgood morning :)04:26
sproingieXplOzIon: mount --bind is mostly for escaping out of chroots, since a symlink won't get the right path04:26
XplOzIoni tried symlinks, they wont work with FTP04:26
drbreen_nineteen67comet: try to gimp with cli and tehn try to move every file that is $regexp to $ftpserv04:26
drbreen_in a GUI04:26
Concord_DawnXplOzIon: They do, you just need to make sure that the FTPd is set to follow them.04:27
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sproingieXplOzIon: if it's on the same filesystem, you could use a hard link04:27
XplOzIonConcord_Dawn, where do i see check for that to work?04:27
mnpanyonek now how to lauch a program from the terminal into a specific workspace? i.e. xchat-gnome (send to workspace 2)04:27
Concord_DawnXplOzIon: In the config file? :-P04:27
NineTeen67Cometdrbreen_: lol .. I didn't say it was always easier, just that .. it's there if you want it ..04:27
mianomnp, its evening here so good evening :)04:27
XplOzIonConcord_Dawn, :P04:27
Ng_stev_: what are you trying to find?04:27
Concord_Dawnmnp: Good question. Always wondered that too.04:27
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drbreen_nineteen67comet: my words.04:28
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XplOzIonThanks all for the help!04:28
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draskoConcord_Dawn: I can't find it and I am totaly confused. Can you give me a simplest possible example of grepping for sam dir in order to obtain info on which machine and disc it is?04:28
mnpConcord_Dawn: thanks, been looking but can't find a command. i wish i could see what my shortcut keys where doing when i send a window to a new workspace04:28
drbreen_FLAMWAR OVER AND OUT !04:28
afiefI have a folder containing SVG and PNG files that crashes nautilus everytime i try to open it04:28
mnpmiano: good evening then. :)04:28
mnpbrb, have laundry downstairs.04:28
_stev_Ng: well I would like to see the apt-cache list, when you search for a package it is stored in that list, not?04:29
dgmmnp: I'd like that too, and to be able to set up default applications to start in each workspace when I log in04:29
XplOzIonwhat's the difference betwen mount -o bind and mount --bind?04:29
sproingieXplOzIon: oh yeah ftp typically chroots, so if you really need it, mount --bind is your only solution.  consider the security implications though, ftp chroots for a good reason04:29
drbreen_yeah we all know GNOME is interface-nazi stuff04:29
Ng_stev_: hmm, I'm not sure tbh04:29
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ardchoillemnp: You might get some info by running xev and then sending the window to another workspace04:30
afiefHow do i change a file name from bash?04:30
b1shopafief: move it04:30
sproingieXplOzIon: most --foo options are just syntax sugar for -o foo04:30
hilbert94Hello! I'm using ubuntu now for a cuple of weeks on my new laptop (before I used Debian for several years). When I click on the red button to log out or shutdown and so on it takes quite a long time for the window to come up. Is this normal? Otherwise the system is very fast.04:30
ardchoilleafief: mv filename1 filename204:30
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longwave_stev_: "apt-cache dump" will show you the pkgcache.bin in human-readable form04:30
XplOzIonsproingie, oh i see, thanks ;)04:30
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nalioth!cli > afief04:31
sproingieXplOzIon: for mount anyway.  -o options are what fstab uses.04:31
quietafief, mv filename newfilename04:31
Concord_DawnI'm installing Dapper onto my D610 because Windows decided to overwrite GRUB. Will doing this kill my Windows install?04:31
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WhiteNinjahm.. one question... u r able to login at different consoles... how many x-sessions (independent) could be started.. and how?04:31
afiefokay guys:D i got the answer 4 times already:D thank you all04:32
_stev_longwave: wow great,  didn't know how to read the file out, thx04:32
quietConcord_Dawn, yeah probably... if windows is using the whole drive...04:32
XplOzIonsproingie, yeah i noticed that, now all i need to do is add a HDD to fstab and server done *D04:32
quietif not, then no.04:32
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sproingieConcord_Dawn: grub will detect your windows partition and add it to the boot menu.  just make sure you don't blow away the windows partition :)04:32
Concord_Dawnquiet: It's not. I partitioned the drive with Ubuntu before I installed Windows, but then Ubuntu decided to not work.04:32
afiefMy nautilus crashes everytime i try to open a specific folder04:32
longwaveConcord_Dawn: dapper should detect the windows partition - but you should probably have a backup just to be safe :)04:32
quiet Concord_Dawn then it should be fine.04:32
Concord_Dawnlongwave: It's a fresh install. Nothing added yet. Not even drivers.'04:32
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ardchoilleConcord_Dawn: So you already had Ubuntu and Windows set up as dual boot?04:33
Concord_DawnUbuntu > Windows at hardware detection.04:33
HobartIs security.ubuntu.com down for the count ?04:33
timalotafief, have a look at ~/.xsession-errors to see whats going on04:33
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sproingieConcord_Dawn: windows is finally shipping a generic kernel with vista that doesnt need a separate driver install pass04:33
Concord_Dawnardchoille: I have Ubuntu and Windows installed on the same machine. Currently the Windows installation has overwritten GRUB, so I can't get into Ubuntu without a Live/Install CD.04:33
longwaveHobart: looks like it04:33
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WhiteNinjaConcord_Dawn: the right way is.. first install windows.. then linux (windows is changing the mbr !!), when u do it that way u have no problems04:33
Concord_Dawnsproingie: They've finally come around?04:33
lopzidedwhat terminal command do i use to add the same extension to every file in a directory?04:33
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Concord_Dawnlopzided: You can use a for loop.04:34
ardchoilleConcord_Dawn: There is a way to fix the grub mbr entry, that'll save yuo some time from reinstalling ubuntu04:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:34
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ardchoille!grub > Concord_Dawn04:34
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Concord_Dawnardchoille: The ubuntu install is Hoary. I'm upgrading to dapper anyways.04:34
lopzidedConcord_Dawn, not sure how to do that...04:34
sproingieConcord_Dawn: NT server typically installs this way too, but not the desktop04:34
longwaveHobart: actually, security.ubuntu.com is responding, it's just very very slow; has there been a major security release today?04:34
timalotlopzided, for name in *; do mv $name to $na,e.ext ; done04:34
timalotlopzided, for name in *; do mv $name  $na,e.ext ; done04:34
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Concord_DawnTrust me, I've memorized how to recover grub.04:34
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timalotlopzided, for name in *; do mv $name  $name.ext ; done04:34
ardchoilleConcord_Dawn: Ahh, ok, good point04:34
ardchoilleConcord_Dawn: lol04:35
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hilbert94Any hints why the window poping up after the quit-button (to shut down ubuntu) takes such a long time to appear?04:35
sproingiethat little update manager doodad has some interesting features04:35
_stev_am I right that dpkg doesn't look for extra needed packages like apt does? How can you do that with dpkg?04:36
ardchoilletimalot: You could add a variable to that and it could do a batch rename of many files04:36
lopzidedtimalot, thx :)04:36
sproingiegave me a "firefox restart required" notice.  i've never seen that in apt04:36
yuzifuhi all,how to install db2html04:36
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Jaykulhey guys, thanks, you were right, it had the CD listed as the first source04:36
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Boris^Britvadumn question - how can I edit files trough console?04:37
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Hobartlongwave -> tnx04:37
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WhiteNinjaBoris^Britva: install mc... or nano :-)04:37
ardchoilleBoris^Britva: Use a cli editor like vim or nano04:38
WhiteNinjamc is like norton04:38
phenexBoris^Britva, use nano editor04:38
brainiacnano filename04:38
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brainiachow can i save iptables generated by rc.firewall? they reset every reboot04:38
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Drulo all04:39
WhiteNinjaalways wondering how one can do a console-install without good old midnight-commander :-)04:39
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dr_willisWhiteNinja,  thats my FileManager of Choise!04:39
ardchoilledr_willis: mine too04:39
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ardchoilleand editor of choice04:39
WhiteNinjait works with every os.. so far.. bsd, unix, linux , even windows :)04:39
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dagakahow do I change the username/password for the CUPS web UI at http://localhost:631 ?04:39
ardchoillescreen+irssi+elinks+mutt+bash ROCKS!04:40
DruStupid noob question,, How the hell do I copy files to the USR LIB folder, tried Sudo -S in console but want to drag & drop04:40
quietdagaka, it uses the system usernames and passwords04:40
brainiacsudo nautilus04:40
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WhiteNinjadru.. use midnight-commander *laughing04:40
longwaveardchoille: i am talking you through irssi and screen right now ;)04:40
ardchoilleDru: gksudo nautilus04:40
dr_willisDru,  learning the shell is a good idea.  midnight commander is good. also.04:40
longwave*to you04:40
dagakawhat like the root account password?04:40
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quietor user.04:40
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brainiacnoone can help me with iptables?04:41
ardchoillelongwave: :D04:41
dagakamy normal non-root username and password doesn't seem to work04:41
quietbrainiac,  install firestarter... it will help you.04:41
jribdagaka: did you try using system > administration > printing instead of the web interface?04:41
ardchoillebrainiac: is there a #iptables channel?04:41
phenexi kind of dislike MC... to much painfull memmories from the 386 times...04:41
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brainiacits a server without x04:41
_stev_I am using a 386 kernel for my dell latitude D505 laptop with a intel pentium M 1.7Ghz, Is it preferable to install the 686 kernel ?04:41
WhiteNinjabrainiac: install guarddog... or similiar packages.. they have a good help-page04:41
dagakajrib yes that is how I first set it up04:41
WhiteNinjaand can do the job for u04:41
longwavebrainiac: there are some scripts called iptables-save and iptables-restore, but i don't really know how they work04:41
pike_brainiac: do a scritp to automate whatever you do to generate them and set to run at boot maybe04:41
brainiacyeah it works good04:41
naliothbrainiac: please don't advise 'sudo nautilus' this will screw up the system04:41
dagakaI just wanted to change the printing tray04:41
brainiacbut the settings didnt get saved04:41
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp}04:41
brainiacthey reset after reboot04:42
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jribdagaka: the information for setting up the web interface is in /usr/share/doc/cupsys/README.Debian.gz but what is wrong with using the gui tools now?04:42
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dagakajrib, thanks04:42
pike_brainiac: or just paste what you do and maybe ill write it for you. im knda ored anyway..04:43
jribdagaka: it's all the way at the bottom of the document by the way04:43
phenexnalioth, why would it screw up the system?04:43
dagakajrib ok04:43
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naliothphenex: using 'sudo' for gui apps sometimes changes permissions in your home folder.  this can cause your session to not start04:44
wheels3572can someone help me with Xchat?04:44
nalioth!kdesu > phenex04:44
sproingiephenex: i believe it'll write root's saved configuration to *your* ~/.gnome2 directory04:44
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brainiacpike_: i execute rc.firewall... and everything works as supposed... but after reboot the settings reset04:44
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pike_brainiac: well thats easy enough :)04:45
bit_doidaoHi! I cant export my mysql data with mysqldump with not loosing the accents. Anyone knows how to solve this?04:45
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WhiteNinjanever pull the plug.. one solution :-)04:45
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sproingiebit_doidao: try asking on #mysql04:45
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skitzomikei am tryin to compile wine and when i run the configure tool it tells me the compiler cannot create executubles04:46
WhiteNinjabrainiac.. i didnt read all.. has ur box x11?04:46
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sproingiegood golly it's amazing how much faster netbeans is on ubuntu than windows.  now if it werent so fugly.04:47
bit_doidaosproingie, already did :P, but i think that this is a ubuntu issue only, as far as i have a mysql server on a mandrake, and it works well04:47
brainiacubuntu server04:47
CarinArrsproingie, you ain't seen nothing til you use maya in linux04:47
overriderwhen running a 3 hour backup wich gzips a set of files and sends them to another machine, the cpu runs at about 40%. is that acceptable for a few hours every night for a server?04:47
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skitzomikeanyone know why the compiler wouldnt be able to create executables ?04:47
WhiteNinjahm... thats why i install x11, using webmin-package.. setup all and then kill x11 :-)04:47
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verboseoverrider: yeah, that's fine04:47
CarinArrsproingie, it sucks your artistic spirit out of you within two minutes of using it04:47
naliothskitzomike: sometimes it's the way the configure script is worded04:47
brainiacna... i have to learn :)04:48
naliothskitzomike: you do have build-essential installed, yes?04:48
skitzomikei should04:48
sproingieCarinArr: i thought most modelling apps used the same interface on every platform04:48
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brainiacif i want to setuop a server by remote i have to know ho to manage it04:48
CarinArrsproingie, uses motif in linux:/04:48
skitzomikeyeah i definitly have it04:48
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sproingieCarinArr: wow the horror.  gimme blender's interface any day04:49
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Krpanowhere is the folder that contain the mouse pointers ?04:49
CarinArrthat's what they used in irix i suppose so they probably couldn't be bothered updating04:49
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CarinArrmakes it feel a bit dinosaur like04:49
jribskitzomike: make sure binutils got installed with build-essential04:49
naliothskitzomike: is there something unsuitable about the wine in the repos?04:49
mnpardchoille: what is xev?04:49
skitzomikeim amd6404:49
drbreen_mnp: a test program for x04:49
skitzomikeso yeah04:50
ardchoilleKrpano: /usr/share/icons04:50
drbreen_mnp: you can get keycodes and stuff with it04:50
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naliothskitzomike: ah, i doubt you'll get wine to run then04:50
frogzooskitzomike: it's old - latest wine is 0.9.1704:50
sproingieCarinArr: you'd think they would have used GL in irix (not opengl, gl the widget set)04:50
ubotuI know nothing about xev - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:50
skitzomikenah i want the newest wine04:50
skitzomikei have wine working04:50
WhiteNinjabrainiac: what is wrong to install a server with x11, but dont start the x-sessions at reboot-times... but loggin in via ssh or vnc and then do all remotly with x11, then after killing the x-sessions on the server?04:50
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mnpill check it out thatnks04:50
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WhiteNinjau dont even have to have a monitor on the server04:50
puppetwhiteninja: ugly ;P04:50
CarinArrsproingie, *shrug* don't know why it's what it is.. just yuk.;)04:51
_stev_anybody who knows something about the kernel?04:51
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WhiteNinjapuppet.. but faster as any other solution04:51
brainiacWhiteNinja: the traffic and hdspace for x04:51
puppetnot at all04:51
tritium_stev_: what about it?04:51
puppetconsole is fastest way04:51
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)04:51
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)04:51
WhiteNinjabrainiac.. at today's cpu? not realy04:51
=== GodFather [n=rcc@c-24-11-163-129.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuliois there any interface for the iptables??04:52
longwaveWhiteNinja: by having X installed there are more security issues to worry about on your server04:52
Concord_Dawn!firestarter > tulio04:52
puppetwhiteninja: well console is still faster04:52
puppetssh != X session in speed04:52
brainiaci agree04:52
longwaveand yes, you will never beat the speed of an ssh session04:52
wheels3572How do I get Xchat to join more then 1 channel on autojoin?04:52
_stev_tritium: I use the 386 kernel on my laptop (dell latitude D505 intel pentium M 1.7 Ghz) should I use the 686 kernel, if so, what will be the difference?04:52
Concord_Dawnwheels3572: seperate the channels with a comma.04:52
^ohoelwheels3572: xchat-gnome?04:52
tulioConcord_Dawn: tx!04:53
brainiacis noone using rc.firewall here?04:53
sproingiewheels: right-click on the channel and click "auto-join on startup".  works for any number of channels04:53
tritium_stev_: you can, but you don't have to.  It should be faster, as it can take advantage or your CPU better.04:53
Concord_Dawn_stev_: It shouldn't matter. The kernel is an x86 kernel.04:53
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longwave_stev_: yes, you can use the 686 kernel on that, there may be a slight speed difference but you will probably not notice04:53
wheels3572Concord_Dawn, ty just a comma or comma and space?04:53
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Concord_Dawnwheels3572: comma.04:53
wheels3572Concord_Dawn, ok ty04:53
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tritium_stev_: go ahead and "sudo apt-get install linux-686", and give it a try04:53
WhiteNinjathe most common way to have a linux-server is just for home-backup-purposes... i cant see why u have to worry about security issues.. if u r working in industrial-scenes u r better set up bsd-boxes :-)04:54
ardchoillewheelswitch: Hi :)04:54
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Concord_DawnI forgot that the Dapper Install CDs come with a live system built in. I thought I downloaded the wrong ISO for a minute.04:54
longwaveWhiteNinja: if it is connected to the internet in any way you should at least take some time to look at security04:54
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fintlerWhiteNinja: I work in government....we have an ubuntu box setup for inventory tracking....running bastille with only sshd and apache mod-ssl open04:54
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fintlerwhy should we use bsd? ;P04:54
Concord_DawnWhiteNinja: You should always be worried about security.04:55
sproingieWhiteNinja: that's awful short sighted.  linux has a place, usually for funky filesystems.04:55
ardchoillewheelswitch: Hi :)04:55
AngryElfdoes anybody know of a way to rotate a PDF file 90 degrees?04:55
brainiacWhiteNinja: yes you are rigt... but i only want to knnow how t permanently save my iptables generated by rc.firewall... no need for x on this one :)04:55
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Concord_Dawnbrainiac: Dare I say, look in the wiki?04:55
WhiteNinjasproingie: then try xen :-)04:55
=== ardchoille is gonna stop using tab completion in irc
_stev_tritium: ok I will, was just wondering why I upgrade to 68604:55
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gdbbrainiac: iptables-save > file04:55
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brainiacgdb and what file would that be :)04:56
tulioConcord_Dawn: do you know how can i start a web server in the port 80??04:56
tritium_stev_: because the kernel is a better match to your cpu04:56
Larsson-SwedenHaving problem with fonts in Abiword and OO , seems to be some spacing between characters. For example: "Summer" looks like this "sum mer" but not that much spacing. Any ideas?04:56
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Concord_Dawnardchoille: Tab completion wins, except when you have 850 people in the channel :-P04:56
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knewterhow do I find out what wireless chipset I'm using?04:56
gdbbrainiac: It doesn't matter.  It's read in with iptables-restore04:56
longwavebrainiac: whatever file you want, then you use iptables-restore < file to set them up after reboot04:56
sproingieWhiteNinja: i've been harping and harping on the pros of virtualization provisioning, but they still just want to build everything by slapping a backward RHEL version on it and never updating it04:56
Concord_Dawntulio: sudo apt-get install apache04:56
knewtermy wifi stopped working with the latest kernel upgrade...04:56
ardchoilleConcord_Dawn: Indeed04:56
Concord_Dawntulio: sudo apt-get install apache2 *04:56
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brainiacah ok thx04:56
tuliomguiConcord_Dawn: tomcat... =D04:56
sproingieWhiteNinja: then whenever we upgrade our hardware, it's reinstall reinstall reinstall04:56
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Concord_Dawnknewter: Ask your manufacturer.04:57
syockHas anyone here succeeded in compiling wine from CVS for AMD64?04:57
tritiumknewter: did your kernel update not update your restricted modules?04:57
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sproingieWhiteNinja: at least i've moved most tools to a fileserver, but it's still a big pain04:57
Concord_Dawntuliomgui: Tomcat is a Java servlet as well. If you're looking for just straight web server with some expansibility, Apache's the way to go.04:57
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Concord_DawnYou can always link them later.04:57
_stev_tritium: hmm, another question I have, when I type in date and cal I get the right results but with uname -a my clock and date is wrong, how can I change that?04:57
WhiteNinjasproingie: thats why i am using vmware-workstation since years (thats good enough for "my" security").. the main servers in different virtuell machines.. easy backups :)04:57
sproingiewow it's jarring to see eclipse come up as brown as the rest of gnome04:57
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fintlerknewter: try taking a look at /proc/net/wireless04:57
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longwave_stev_: uname -a shows you the date and time the kernel was built, not the current time04:58
tritium_stev_: ^^04:58
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_stev_longwave: ooh damn didn't know04:58
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WhiteNinjaand i am still able to use every os for my purposes04:58
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tuliomguiConcord_Dawn: i want to use tomcat...i just want to run it on the port 80 but it seems that linux is not allowing04:58
sproingieWhiteNinja: for me it's not the use of different OS's, it's the transparency of the hardware.  upgrade hardware, just copy the new image to it04:59
coopsterdoes anyone know of a way, when using Xinerama, to set a 'resistance' to the edge of the monitor, so that the mouse won't just pop over into the second monitor?  kinda like you have resistance on window borders when draggin them?04:59
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syockWhat does it mean when I get a segment violation while compiling something?04:59
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_stev_longwave: if I use apt it will look for extra needed packages, dpkg doesn't ?04:59
SuperMoonManwould someone be able to tell me as to why my installation is hanging at 40%? I think I've done everything right and I'm sure all of my hardware is compatible but I'm not able to do the install04:59
sproingietuliomgui: you have to be root to listen on port 80.  technically you have to get the "low port" capability, but ibedamned if i know how to get that04:59
longwave_stev_: yes, apt will install any dependencies04:59
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fintlersyock: it's an annoying error...it probably means that some pointer math is off...try doing a 'make distclean&&make all'05:00
sproingiesyock: while compiling?  your compiler is fubared, probably needs reinstall.  did you do anything funny with your libc?05:00
WhiteNinjahm... maybe.. but i found it still easier to copy virtual hardware to every os.. it works the same way.. and the overhead of likely 10-20 percentage u dont see in most situations.. maybe xen can do better, but no experiences, yet)05:00
tuliomguisproingie: ok, thanks man05:00
fintlersyock : just hope it's a problem with linking..otherwise you need to break out gdb05:00
longwavesyock: if you get an error while compiling, maybe your ram is bad - try running memtest8605:00
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tuliomguiill look for it another time05:00
tuliomguiif get to know something ill tell you05:01
_stev_longwave: is there an option that dpkg can give? otherwise you don't know what to install extra for that program?05:01
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tritium_stev_: what do you mean?05:01
sproingietuliomgui: every guide i've seen to getting port 80 with a non-root user involves a port redirector.  which will work, it's just not as nice as granting your process permission to open a low port05:02
Tremitosthat's a secret05:02
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longwave_stev_: if you use dpkg -I package.deb then it will show you info on the package file05:02
Dr_WillisHmm. deleting files off a usb stick.. and Nautilus makes a .Trash-willis directory and just moves themn there..   theres no easy to make the 'delete permenetly' the default for just that drive is there?05:02
lhdsplease please i say :) whats the line to xconf x?05:02
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longwave_stev_: but it depends where the .deb came from, it might not have the right dependencies set for ubuntu05:02
tritiumDr_Willis: you can set a nautilus pref to include a delete that bypasses the trash05:02
knewtertuliomgui: there's something in the repositories to allow low ports - search for 'low ports' in the description field05:03
tuliomguisproingie: ok05:03
Dr_Willistritium,  yea - but i always forget to use that. :P05:03
WhiteNinjaDr_Willis: u can set up nautilus.. do delet instead of moving to trash05:03
tritium_stev_: try to stick with ubuntu .deb packages05:03
tritiumDr_Willis: :)05:03
tuliomguiknewter: let me see05:03
Dr_WillisI just want ti to defaulkt to Delete for JUST that stick however. :P05:03
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_stev_tritium: well I you install a package with apt it will look for the needed packages and install extra packages to get it work, dpkg doesn't do that for you, so I was wondering how do I know what that package need to get it up and running05:03
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sproingieknewter: you wouldnt remember how to search descriptions in aptitude, would you?05:04
Dr_Williscopying videos over for my PSP :) wondered where all my drive space went.05:04
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knewtertuliomgui: once you've got it installed it works by using the command 'whatever-the-command-is -p 80 tomcat' (or something similar)05:04
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knewterit proxies for you05:04
fintlersproingie: use apt-cache search blah05:04
knewtersproingie: I'd just pop up synaptic, ctrl+f05:04
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mysticaloneHow can I update firefox?05:04
longwaveDr_Willis: that is a known but unfixed bug i am afraid: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1289305:04
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tuliomguiknewter: i cant find anything in the add/remove05:04
fintlermysticalone: 'apt-get update&&apt-get dist-upgrade'05:04
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|rt|anyone know why a broadcom wireless adapter would just stopped working with the open source driver?05:05
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WhiteNinjaupgrade the whole os just for firefox????05:05
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Dr_Willis???!!! Sure why not. :P05:05
|rt|i got around it by going back to ndiswrapper...but are there any known issues with the latest kernel release05:05
nalioth!firefox > mysticalone05:06
fintlerWhiteNinja: maybe I'm used to being on broadband.....get off my lawn you dialup user ;P05:06
=== EvanCarr1ll is now known as EvanCarroll
WhiteNinjalol... i love bsd.. there u have the newest versions of packages.. without having to upgrade the basic-system :-)05:06
knewterWhiteNinja: I always just go to getfirefox.com05:06
knewterinstaller there works perfectly05:06
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:07
coopsterin gnome, does anyone know of a way, when using Xinerama, to set a 'resistance' to the edge of the monitor, so that the mouse won't just pop over into the second monitor?  kinda like you have resistance on window borders when draggin them?05:07
fintleryou can upgrade just firefox....it's just that I don't know what he's running...and doing a dist-upgrade would be the safest thing05:07
knewterthen just symlink its executable to where the old firefox executable was05:07
knewterno problems05:07
nalioth!firefox > fintler05:07
fintlerknewter: going to getfirefox.com is a bad idea in ubuntu....use apt05:07
|rt|WhiteNinja: gentoo is similar in that reguard...sometimes I miss gentoo for that reason...easy to install newer or alternative versions of software while still using the systems package manager05:07
Dr_WillisUbuntu's 6 Mo release cycle - sort of overrides the 'gotta update everything all the time' mentality.05:07
brodes18I cant get my monitor to display resolutions over 1280X1064. I have a Viewsonic VX2025wm which has a native resolution of 1680X1050. When I go to xorg.conf the resolution is there. I even did the wizard and still cant get the resolution higher than 1280X1024 even with the screen resolution utility in gnome. Any help would be very much appreciated05:07
WhiteNinjafintler.. u can upgrade firefox "inside" firefox.. just go for "help"-- upgrade :-)05:07
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fintlerWhiteNinja: ah....yeah...good point :D05:08
tritiumDr_Willis: but I've got to!  All the time!05:08
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pike_brodes18: lcd?05:08
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Dr_Willistritium,  yes! you need vim 7.0000000.1.00001 ! :P05:08
coopsterbrodes18, in your xorg.conf, under the section "monitor", is the horizontal and vertical frequency set correctly?05:08
brodes18pike, yup05:08
tritiumDr_Willis: what?  It's out already!  brb...05:09
Poromenos1how can I make Ubuntu server retrieve packages from the internet and not ask for the CD?05:09
Dr_WillisKlik is interesting to mess with also for the latest programs   http://klik.atekon.de/05:09
brodes18coopster: yes it is05:09
fintlerxf86/xorg probs are a pain in the ass to troubleshoot when you're not sitting in front of the comp...05:09
Concord_DawnPoromenos1: Comment out the CD repo in /etc/apt/sources.list05:09
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naliothPoromenos1: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # in front of the line that begines "deb cdrom"05:09
Poromenos1Concord_Dawn: Ah, thanks a lot.05:09
longwavebrodes18: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and see if it lets you select higher resolutions there05:09
|rt|Dr_Willis: depends...if you're an artist for instance and you need the newest version of blender, gimp, inkscape etc you have to work harder at keeping those packages up to date in ubuntu05:09
Poromenos1Also, how can I make it send the hostname? Right now I can only access it by IP.05:09
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|rt|Dr_Willis: not to say that the 6 month release cycle is a bad idea for most things05:10
Concord_Dawnsend the hostname for what?05:10
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WhiteNinjabrodes18: try... dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.... then setup ur monitor-frequenzes by hand.. and use the right driver for ur graphic-card :-)05:10
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drbreen_klik is cool in an internetcafe when i do not want ppl to ask "colud i have opera" ?05:10
yumigatorDoes APT delete DEB's after they're installed?05:10
lhdswhats the command to config x ?05:10
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brodes18longwave: I did that and it was there but when I start X it will not go higher than 1280X102405:10
Dr_Willis|rt|,  it has good and bad of course.. everything does05:11
Concord_Dawnyumigator: yes.05:11
longwaveyumigator: no, but if you use "apt-get clean" or "apt-get autoclean" then it will05:11
drbreen_yumigator: apt-get clean05:11
sproingieyumigator: it keeps them around in /var/cache/apt/archives05:11
SuperMoonManhmm so would anyone be able to help me figure out why I'm unable to finish the install from the live cd? it's hanging at 40% and I am pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong05:11
Oni-Draculaanyone know the reason for the following:  after rebooting the system from windows, changing the boot order, and booting into ubuntu - ubuntu will do some crazy things on bootup.  For example, splashy being disabled and full verbose mode enabled.  When things get really screwy is when you try to restart the system during bootup (ctrl+alt+del) and the system beings to shut down...then X starts while the system is shutting down05:11
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yumigatoralright, thanks guys05:11
pike_brodes18: what vid card?05:11
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Concord_DawnSupermoonman: What's it stuck on doing?05:11
srikatSuperMoonMan: did you chk the CD for errors?05:11
brodes18WhiteNinga: I did all that05:11
coopsterbrodes18, copy your xorg.conf to pastebin?05:12
SuperMoonManConcord_Dawn: just doing the normal install...I think it says copying files05:12
srikatConcord_Dawn: using xchat?05:12
brodes18Pike: intel 84505:12
_stev_If I login in tty (without  xdm, gdm or kdm) can my X started automatically whithout the command startx?05:12
SuperMoonMansrikat: yes05:12
Concord_Dawnsrikat: No, I'm not. Why?05:12
sergiolhow do i purge the remaining conf files of a package05:12
srikatyes _stev_05:12
sergiolafter uninstall it05:12
brodes18coopster: what is pastebin?05:12
Concord_Dawnsrikat: I'm sitting on a Windows box currently.05:12
drbreen__stev_: why would anyone want that ?05:12
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Concord_Dawn!pastebin brodes1805:12
ubotuI know nothing about pastebin brodes18 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:12
fintlerOni-Dracula: doing a cntl-alt-delete sends a sighalt to init....which then goes and tells all the processes to shut down....some of them don't listen and get a sigkill later on....but it gives them some time first05:12
Concord_Dawn!pastebin > brodes1805:13
drbreen__stev_: ist possible05:13
srikatConcord_Dawn: oh ok, I noticed that you manually typed SuperMoonMan's nick...in Xchat you could type the first few letters and tab05:13
sproingie_stev_: i dont get the question.  xdm is what starting X automatically means, startx is how you start it without those05:13
fintlerOni-Dracula: that's the basic idea anyway05:13
coopsterbrodes18, read what the bot sent ya05:13
ZambeziIs there a consolebased taskmanager? Xfcetaskmanager crasches too often.05:13
Concord_Dawnsrikat: I didn't type it. I used tab autocomplete. In mIRC it adds a colon instead of a comma.05:13
Concord_DawnZambezi: ps -A05:13
sergioli did uninstall, but the conf stills stay05:13
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sproingie_stev_: if you think X is already running, ctrl-alt-f7 will switch you to tty7 where X usually is running05:13
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Concord_Dawnsergiol: you need to do apt-get remove --purge05:13
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syockSuperMoonMan: Doing a net install?05:14
srikatConcord_Dawn: If you had typed his nick, notice the small 'm' in 'moon' --> "[20:41]  <Concord_Dawn> Supermoonman: What's it stuck on doing?"05:14
srikathis nick has capital M :)05:14
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WhiteNinjaZambezi: for most purposes.. top .. will do :-)05:14
srikatif you hadn't*05:14
sproingieZambezi: you can kill processes with top05:14
Concord_Dawnsrikat: *shrug* I type fast enough that the difference is negligible anyways.05:14
syockOh, enough with the nick thing already :)05:14
pike_anyone using freenx with xfce4? im having some wierd problems05:14
SuperMoonMansyock: nah I downloaded the live cd and am installing it that way05:14
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coopsterin gnome, does anyone know of a way, when using Xinerama, to set a 'resistance' to the edge of the monitor, so that the mouse won't just pop over into the second monitor?  kinda like you have resistance on window borders when dragging them?05:15
Concord_Dawnand btw srikat: You do not look cool trying to show of your XChat skillz.05:15
syockSuperMoonMan: Oops, I forgot this wasn`t SUSE05:15
srikatSuperMoonMan: did you chk the CD for errors?05:15
Concord_DawnSuperMoonMan: You instaling Dapper?05:15
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sergiolthe packages they still stay uninstalled05:15
SuperMoonManConcord_Dawn:  yes05:15
sergioli want them purged05:15
fintlercoopster: I think the ubuntuforums might be a better place to ask that....don't think anyone here knows any more about it than when you asked the first time05:15
brodes18Concord_Dawn: Im new to this how should I put it into pastebin?05:16
SuperMoonMansrikat: I thought I did, but I'm gonna do it again right now05:16
WhiteNinjacoopster: if u r meaning... different workplaces.. then u can set up "edges".. but not between the real monitors.. that makes no senses05:16
Larsson-SwedenHaving problems with abiword, and especially with the letter "m" . If i type two in a row, for example "summer" it looks like "sum mer" but not that much spacing. To put it simply, there are two much spacing when using letter m. Any ideas? I suspect a DPI setting but cant find the abiword conf file05:16
coopsterfintler, suppose you're right05:16
Concord_DawnSuperMoonMan: Abort the install, restart your machine. Once the menu pops up, select "Check CD for errors"05:16
_stev_sproingie: well I just want to start my X with my window manager without a graphical login screen05:16
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:16
Concord_Dawnbrodes18: By pasting? :-P05:16
SuperMoonManConcord_Dawn: yeah I already started it, I'm halfway done05:16
coopsterWhiteNinja, sure it does, that way, when I am using the top part of the screen on my larger monitor, the mouse wont just pop over to the second monitor and pop back at a lower position on the first monitor05:16
sproingieLarsson-Sweden: welcome to font handling in linux -- the hinting is horrendous05:17
Concord_DawnSuperMoonMan: Do what I suggested. We need to make sure that it's not your install media buggering things up.05:17
Larsson-Swedensproingie, so this happens to you too?05:17
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nalioth!verify > SuperMoonMan05:17
Concord_DawnBleh. I need wireless headphones.05:17
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SuperMoonManConcord_Dawn: heh well that'd be 2 out of 2, I redownloaded once already because the cd was messed up the first time05:18
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WhiteNinjasome binary-driver can handle "clone", "multiple" or "independent" resolutions.. but twinview is exactly, what it says05:18
coopsterConcord_Dawn, I'd highly recommend the ones that motorola have that double as a headset for phones.05:18
_stev_drbreen_: so it isn't possible?05:18
sproingieLarsson-Sweden: you can try switching to a different font.  i don't get the problem with times new roman or bitstream vera05:18
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Concord_DawnSuperMoonMan: Sometimes it's not the ISO that's messed up, but the burning software.05:18
drbreen__stev_: it is05:18
drbreen__stev_: wait05:18
Concord_Dawn_stev_: You want to make X not start up when you boot?05:18
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syockld: Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf64-x86-64 (/usr/lib/libsicuuc.a(ubidi.ao)) to format elf32-i386 (gdi32.J3FDqE.o) is not supported05:19
Rleyhhi i updated from dapper to edgy by changing 'dapper' to 'edgy' in my sources.list. is there a way to switch back to dapper?05:19
syockwonder what it means05:19
SuperMoonManConcord_Dawn: hmm I'm just using ISO Recorder I think it's called on the PC05:19
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sproingieRleyh: nope05:19
SuperMoonManConcord_Dawn: well it's done but it says that 1 checksum failed05:19
Concord_DawnSuperMoonMan: I'm using Alcohol 120%.05:19
WhiteNinjaRleyh: yeah... reinstall dapper :-.)05:19
Concord_DawnYeah, that's probably why it's dying.05:19
Rleyh:( shit05:19
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syockRleyh: Cool thing you did. Since you tried that, care to share results?05:19
_stev_Concord_Dawn: no I just don't want to use a graphical login screen to get in my X environment05:19
naliothRleyh: not here, please.05:19
Concord_DawnUse Alcohol 120% to burn the image this time, it has a free trial.05:20
SuperMoonManConcord_Dawn: so should I reburn it then using Alcohol? I already have it installed I have just always used ISO Recorder05:20
drbreen__stev_: set your login shell to startx ?05:20
Concord_Dawn_stev_: So you want to just make X boot after you've done a command line login?05:20
Rleyhsyock: everything works execpt X ;)05:20
SuperMoonManConcord_Dawn:  ok I will05:20
sproingieRleyh: there sorta is but it takes so much wizardry to do right that you may as well reinstall (less work)05:20
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Zambezisproingie, I use xkill and click or killall process.05:20
alienseer23Q: is there anything I need to do to get my Soundblaster Live card working with linux? sometimes it works, most of the time it does not05:20
_stev_Concord_Dawn: yes without the command startx05:20
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sproingieZambezi: i believe you were asking after a console task manager.  top is what you're looking for05:20
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Concord_DawnYou need to startx in order to Start X....05:21
Rleyhsproingie: how would it work? ;)05:21
Concord_DawnJust set your login shell to startx.05:21
ZambeziWhiteNinja, I'll check with top. I think it shows the CPU-load too.05:21
WhiteNinjaalienseer23: soundblaster is wellknown in also, oss and so on05:21
Concord_DawnWhiteNinja: That's alsa. ;-)05:21
_stev_Concord_Dawn: how can I do that? where do I add that command?05:21
syockI`m downloading Vista Beta right now. And when I`m done, I`m going to start bashing the windows forum on how windows doesn`t play my native Linux games05:21
mollaguys, I am newbie here05:21
WhiteNinjatypo... big fingers :-) i'm not as good as native typing ppl :-(((05:22
mollaI need to know how to check installed programs on ubuntu05:22
Concord_Dawn_stev_: I'm not sure. You might try adding it into your ~/.bashrc, but ask around. I'm hardly knowledgable on this.05:22
frogzoosyock: what, no tux racer?05:22
sproingieRleyh: fiddling with priority settings in your apt preferences.  even then you'll get breakage because if a package migrates to a different packaging structure, it knows how to upgrade them but not downgrade05:22
drbreen_syock: why even bother to try vista ?05:22
alienseer23that is what I have read, but I still get no sound, I believe I have all the surface settings correct...jsut no sound05:22
Concord_Dawnmolla: synaptic05:22
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drbreen__stev_ bashrc is only for non-login shells05:23
WhiteNinja_stev_: just stop gdm, xdm or kdm for start at boot-times05:23
_stev_Concord_Dawn: well then will it try to start every time I use a shell in my X not?05:23
Rleyhsproingie: ok...i think ill wait until edgy is way stable05:23
SuperMoonManwell the trial period for Alcohol 120% must have just expired...any other recommendations?05:23
XiXaQAlot of the packages in the lists of Synaptic aren't available from the repos. Could anyone please check my sources.list to see if I've done anything wrong? http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/qhbH4Z43.html05:23
syockdrbreen_: My college lecturer made me do it! He suddenly announced the give-away of Beta 2 which sparked interest in me.05:23
drbreen__stev_ better to set login shell to startx05:23
syockWoops, bad grammar05:23
sproingieRleyh: and i can guarantee that package structures get rearranged between major versions.  you learned your edgy lesson ... i learned it when i upgraded to breezy too soon05:23
tkupI have had created a partition that I left during install for LVM. After install, I pvcreate /dev/hda3; vgcreate extra /dev/hda3; but when I vgcreate I get this error twice: Incorrect metada area header checksum. and then "No physical volume label read from /dev/hda3 and then "not identified as an existing physical volume. I'm stuck. can anyone help?05:23
WhiteNinjathat will give u login at console.. and u r able to start every x-session with startkde, startxfce and so on05:23
drbreen_supermoonman: what do you want exacrty ?05:23
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sproingieRleyh: i.e. it's more like debian experimental than sid :)05:23
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SuperMoonMandrbreen_: a different program to burn the iso05:24
_stev_drbreen_: where do I find my login shell conf?05:24
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SuperMoonMandrbreen_: for Windows :-P05:24
Rleyhsproingie: lol05:24
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jkpwhere is modules.conf on an ubuntu system?05:24
mollathanks concord05:24
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Nitefallhow do I view the list of running processes?05:24
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alienseer23alsa comes with ubuntu install already enabled, right???05:24
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sproingiejkp: locate modules.conf05:24
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jkpsproingie: turns up nothing05:25
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ardchoilleteicah: is there a way to scroll up and down in top?05:25
WhiteNinjaalienseer23: mostly :-)05:25
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naliothXiXaQ: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?05:25
XiXaQSupermathie, come on. there are thousands of software like that for windows. Maybe even Explorer can write isos? Otherwise, nero is a good choice.05:25
mianoNitefall, type top in ur terminal05:25
teicah'shift+pgup" i believe05:25
sproingiejkp: sudo updatedb && locate modules.conf.  tho on my system, it turns up nothing interesting either05:25
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Nitefallmiano: thanks05:25
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SupermathieXiXaQ: Eh? Wha'd I say?:)05:25
XiXaQnalioth, I think so. I pasted my sources.list in the last message..05:25
jkpyeah, im doing this now05:25
jkpso where the hell is it on ubuntu?05:26
WhiteNinjaalienseer23: if u dont choose.. expert-install and forget to install it :-)05:26
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teicahu can also select which user processes to watch with 'u' then username05:26
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naliothXiXaQ: here's the deal:  everywhere you see "universe" in your sources.list, it needs to say "universe multiverse"05:26
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sproingiejkp: possibly it doesn't use it?  beats me, module configuration on linux is a hack that changes every year.05:27
IRCMonkeyx! Xserver05:27
jkpi found where to put the alias now05:27
ubotuI know nothing about Xserver - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:27
fdrhi... I'd like to give a try to ubuntu 6.06 on an old laptop with 32 MB of ram... will it work? (no gnome, of course)... how do I get the bootloader not to launch the graphical interface? thanks!05:27
alienseer23what exactly is the package name? there are alot of results for alsa05:27
GnarusLeoCant you use .nzb with knode og pan?05:27
teicahhmm.. shift+pgup/down scrolls the terminals history not top's list.. i dunno then05:27
sproingiegimme solaris's modules any day.  *everything* is a module on solaris.05:27
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naliothfdr: it will not work in graphics mode at all05:27
IRCMonkeyxhi friends, could anyone tell me what xserver is??05:27
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fdrnalioth: of course... I was looking for a way not to get into the graphics mode... the bootloader is always trying to launch X and stuff...05:28
sproingiefdr: 32 meg?  ouch.  even a server install will hurt.  you might consider PuppyLinux or something like that05:28
brodes18coopster: here is my xorg.conf pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1910005:28
mysticaloneI'm running the installnewfirefox script and I'm stuck at the language selection step. It's not showing a list of languages and entering any number gives me "Your input is not in the range of available"05:28
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WhiteNinjaalienseer23: have u ubuntun installed? and sound?05:28
KirOHi :)05:28
naliothfdr: go grab the 'alternate install' cd and do a server or basic install05:28
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MZMregex q: how to match string part after last 'x' occurance? i.e. asxfooxbar -> bar05:29
naliothmysticalone: did you read the private message ubotu sent?05:29
tuliomguihow do install new mouse themes??05:29
fiznutAnyone have any idea why I would suddenly lose sound completely after a reboot?05:29
IRCMonkeyxhi friends, could anyone tell me what xserver is??05:29
alienseer23it sais ubuntu sounds is installed05:29
fdrnalioth: thx, didn't know about the "alternate" cd... so server install can't be done anymore from the main cd like in release 5.x ?05:29
teicahis there a gui app that will allow me to view/extract the contents of a deb like archive manager does with an rpm?05:30
WhiteNinjatuliomgui: just go in gnome for systemadministration.. mouse05:30
KirOI have installed ubuntu in an Intel dual core laptop, i have been looking for a SMP kernel but i only could find a 2.4 SMP kernel..., is this normal? i have to compile my 2.6 kernel?05:30
naliothfdr: no, there are now "Live/Install CD" and "alternate install" cds05:30
syock"ld -m elf_i386 -r failed with status 256" i have some linking problem about relocation from elf64 to elf32 being unsupported05:30
naliothfdr: you'll need the alternate image for your box05:30
lhdswhat is the comand under terminal to know what version of x.org i am running?05:30
fdrnalioth: thanks05:30
brodes18coopster: here is my xorg.conf pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1910005:30
WhiteNinjaalienseer23: and can u hear something in xmms, rhythmbox or anything like that?05:30
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alienseer23no, no sound at all05:30
teicahlhds: X -version05:30
mysticalonenalioth: I chose the automatic script to make the update faster05:30
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Goose1dHello all05:30
alienseer23every once and a while I get a sound at boot05:31
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alienseer23but not always05:31
WhiteNinjawhat x-session u r using? gnome or kde?05:31
Goose1dI'm having issues with an AMD64 install, any AMD64 experts here?05:31
fiznutalienseer23, seems we're in the same boat.. can't get any sound :[05:31
naliothGoose1d: just ask your question05:31
teicahGoose1d: i'm no expert, but my 6.06 amd64 went flowlessly05:31
Goose1dIt is hanging during installation, it goes through the package install then hangs around 86% saying it has installed ubuntu-standard05:31
tkupcan anyone help with LVM?05:31
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MorningLighthi #ubuntu, I'm having a problem with my D610 wireless NIC05:31
MorningLight(this is Concord_Dawn05:31
Goose1dThe machine is a SATA Penguin Computing AMD Opteron dual proc box with 12G of memory05:32
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s_spiffanyone here tried compiz for amd64?05:32
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help-the-n00bHello. I have a question.05:32
KirOnobody knows the answer? :(05:32
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snoopsyep about a month and a half ago s_spiff05:32
GnarusLeoCant you use .nzb with knode og pan? or should I use another client?05:32
snoopsworked fine05:32
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:32
s_spiffsnoops, works?05:32
Goose1dHow can I advance past the hang, is here a way to escape past it?05:32
brodes18Once again:I cant get my monitor to display resolutions over 1280X1064. I have a Viewsonic VX2025wm which has a native resolution of 1680X1050. When I go to xorg.conf the resolution is there. I even did the wizard and still cant get the resolution higher than 1280X1024 even with the screen resolution utility in gnome. Any help would be very much appreciated here is a pastebin page of my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1910005:32
teicahi have a problem.. can someone read my mind and solve it?05:32
Goose1dI have tried disabling USB support, which I read in a forum posting, but it still hangs during install05:33
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danf_1979teicah, heh05:33
coopsterbrodes18, see if this helps http://togaware.com/linux/survivor/XOrg.html05:33
help-the-n00bIs there a audio editor for linux where I can make music note by note?05:33
XiXaQis there any problems with security.ubuntu.com?05:33
ardchoillehelp-the-n00b: I'd love to have something like that05:33
s_spiffsnoops, did it give any problems?05:33
help-the-n00bIs there one?05:33
MZMhelp-the-n00b: rosegarden?05:33
Goose1dAnyone with AMD64 install help?05:34
fiznutRosegarden would be nice05:34
ubotuI know nothing about rosegarden - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:34
mianodoes anyone know of a good dj program for linux like tractor05:34
DJAdmiralis it just me or is anybody else's updates downloading really, really slow?05:34
longwave!info rosegarden05:34
uboturosegarden: An integrated MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor. In repository universe, is extra. Version 2.1pl4-2 (dapper), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB05:34
brodes18thanks coopster ill give it a shot05:34
help-the-n00bCan I just apt-get rosebargen?05:34
Larsson-SwedenCan i somehow see my DPI setting for X ?05:34
help-the-n00bCan I just apt-get rosegarden?*05:34
longwaveyes, just "sudo apt-get install rosegarden" or do it from the gui package manager05:34
snoopss_spiff be aware this is ALPHA software we're talking about05:34
ardchoillehelp-the-n00b: Looks like you can05:34
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Shaezschethe devide ID for my modem is 75776. it is an aztech chipset. how can i find out whcih driver i need?05:35
help-the-n00bWhat's rosegarden do?05:35
snoopsthere are a few issues with xgl - especially with software wanting to use dri05:35
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s_spiffsnoops, alpha as in testing stages right? or is ALPHA a company?05:35
tuliomguiWhiteNinja: administration or preference??05:35
longwavehelp-the-n00b: here is the website for it: http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/05:35
snoopsalpha as in testing stages05:35
naliothhelp-the-n00b: read what ubotu said above05:35
help-the-n00bOk thanks.05:35
DJAdmiralis anybody else's download speed for updates going dead slow?05:35
s_spiffsnoops, i can install it straight from the repos right ? using syaptic?05:35
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longwaveDJAdmiral: yes, security.ubuntu.com is going very slow at the moment for some reason05:36
help-the-n00b!rosegarden > naolith05:36
WhiteNinjatuliomgui: try it.. i am typing from memory .. not from looking at :-)05:36
snoopss_spiff you've got to follow a guide, edit a few files, setup stuff..05:36
teicahok.. i have one: this syntax is not cutting it in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local :: su -c '/usr/bin/fetchmail --daemon 300 --syslog;' teicah where am I wrong?05:36
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DJAdmiralthanks, so will updates be faster tomorrow or something?05:36
ardchoillehelp-the-n00b: rosegarden looks awesome :)05:36
snoopsyou'll add repositories which contain the latest so you can apt-get them05:36
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s_spiffsnoops, any idea where i can find this guide?05:36
teicah#!/bin/bash is there05:36
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help-the-n00bLooks? What do you mean?05:36
gnomefreak!info rosegarden05:36
uboturosegarden: An integrated MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor. In repository universe, is extra. Version 2.1pl4-2 (dapper), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB05:36
gnomefreakhelp-the-n00b: read that ^^05:36
longwaveDJAdmiral: i would hope so, they are usually fast05:36
SebastianBHi again ;) I finally managed to install Ubuntu on my notebook. It shows a few error messages during the boot, but the "loading screen" is displayed. After that the display is just black05:37
snoopsyou've got an nvidia or amd(ati) right s_spiff?05:37
help-the-n00bOh ok soory.05:37
tuliomguiWhiteNinja: yes ive tried but there is no "Install Theme" button or something like that05:37
DJAdmiralthanks longwave05:37
WhiteNinjabrodes18: hm.. i guess u should set ur standard-screen to ur resolution-settings. too05:37
s_spiffsnoops ..yeah05:37
DJAdmiralSebastianB: what notebook do you have?05:37
SebastianBacer 169005:37
SebastianBi hear the sound and can enter my login "blind" ;)05:37
s_spiffsnoops, its a gigabye motherboard with nvidia chipset and amd64 processor05:37
WhiteNinjatuliomgui: in gnome... preferences.. mouse.. it is.. on the second tab :-)05:37
blind"blind" :o05:38
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blindmy login is blind too05:38
tuliomguiWhiteNinja: i tried to install from gcursor but it didnt worked as weel05:38
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blindwhat a coiincidence :o05:38
s_spiffsnoops, and i'm using on board graphics.. havent put another graphic card05:38
snoopss_spiff cool well basically http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/Xgl then http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager/InstallingCompiz05:38
DJAdmiralSebastianB: you probably have some display screen issue or something lol05:38
longwaveSebastianB: sounds like X has not configured itself right, if you press ctrl+alt+f1 do you get to a standard terminal?05:38
s_spiffok..will check it out05:38
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SebastianBwhen should i press that?05:38
tuliomguiWhiteNinja: the second tab only shows the icons i cant install a new one from there05:38
SebastianBduring the boot?05:38
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Concord_Dawnanyone know where the sources.list is that has multiverse and all the other extra repos?05:38
help-the-n00bThe install isn't working. Should I use synaptic?05:39
longwaveSebastianB: no, when you think it is ready for log in (or after you have logged in blind)05:39
gnomefreak!repos > Concord_Dawn05:39
brainiacConcord_Dawn: /etc/apt/05:39
goatmalecan someone help me?05:39
gnomefreakConcord_Dawn: read your pm please05:39
snoopsright hmm onboard graphics could be a problem s_spiff..basically XGL will work on most nvidia and ati graphics cards and few intel chipsets (as in graphics chipsets)...and AIGLX for intel graphics chipsets again05:39
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ardchoille /away bbiab05:39
goatmaleI am trying to install a program and it says to use make and then make install05:39
Concord_Dawngnomefreak: I'm no stranger to this channel :-05:39
nalioth!repos > help-the-n00b05:39
SebastianBi can try that ;) what do I need to change then?05:39
kleesis there a way to have grip rip/encode in Proper format (capitalize and no underscore)???05:39
mianogoatmale, ask away..:)05:39
DJAdmiralgoatmale: what program are you trying to install?05:39
naliothgoatmale: we recommand using "checkinstall" instead of 'make install'05:40
Concord_DawnI'm having a problem with sudo.05:40
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goatmaleit's on source forge05:40
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Concord_Dawn"timestamp too far in the future: Jul 28 15:24:44 2006"05:40
DJAdmiralgoatmale: try searching thru the synaptic package manager to see if the program is available there first05:40
longwaveSebastianB: well, once you've got to a terminal, you can log in and at least see what you are doing. maybe "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" would get you started in fixing X...05:40
help-the-n00bSorry. That didn't help.05:40
s_spiffsnoops, so it may not work on mine? i have a 6200 geforce onboard. if that infor makes a diff :)05:40
goatmaledj nah it's not05:40
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rubwho could help me with proxy called squid ?, my clients windows xp using messanger and my server linux with proxy squid, suddenly the clients messanger disconnect of server, why ?05:40
Dr_WillisConcord_Dawn,  set your clock. :) and perhaps 'touch' the files to set the timestamps on them correctly05:41
longwave!b-e > goatmale05:41
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nilesh892003there is any support for yahoo video chat in ubuntu?05:41
DJAdmiral!b-e > DJAdmiral05:41
SebastianBit's my first try with ubuntu/linux^^ but i will try ;)05:41
tritiumnilesh892003: not in any distro05:41
nilesh892003what about voice chat in ubuntu with yahoo id05:41
naliothrub: try asking in #squid05:41
coopsterConcord_Dawn, i had the same problem, you have to set your clock to whenever the timestamp is, and run sudo with an option that clears the timestamp, can't remember which -option it is05:41
InterNutanyone know why i get a wierd pic (http://internut.no-ip.org/webcam/) when using webcamd but when im trying camorama it works?05:41
coopsterConcord_Dawn, sudo -k05:42
DJAdmiralubuntu 6.06 is working just fine on my compaq presario, where can i post to say that ubuntu works like a dream on this machine?05:42
nilesh892003how to use googlt voice chat in ubuntu/05:42
nilesh892003google talk voice service05:42
=== coopster is now known as coopster-away
rubwhere download ubuntu ?05:42
SebastianBthank you longwavve, i'll give it a try05:42
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longwaveDJAdmiral: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam and fill in an installation report, maybe?05:43
help-the-n00bI have rosegarden. I just need something simple. Just  edit the pitch, so speed of notes.05:43
naliothrub: www.ubuntu.com/download05:43
s_spiffnilesh892003, i don think there is a gtalk for ubuntu yet05:43
nalioths_spiff: any jabber capable client can interface with gtalk05:43
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teicahok.. i have one: this syntax is not cutting it in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local :: su -c '/usr/bin/fetchmail --daemon 300 --syslog;' teicah where am I wrong?05:43
DJAdmirallongwave: Thanks again, i'll go fill up something now05:43
idefix_when you use synaptic does it always display the latest program versions?05:43
nilesh892003i am talking abt voice chat05:43
gbellihello everyone, this is my first time with a debian-derived distro, I've used redhat based distros for years and there are some things I still don't get05:43
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naliothgbelli: welcome05:44
s_spiffnilesh892003, yeah..nalioth said that u can use a jabber client for that.05:44
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gbelliwhere is the equivalent to /etc/modprobe.conf and /etc/modpribe.preload?05:44
Concord_Dawncoopster-away: I still get the same problem.05:44
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Concord_DawnDr_Willis: What's the sudo file?05:44
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:44
ompaulnilesh892003, maybe no one has an answer05:44
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longwavegbelli: /etc/modules.conf and /etc/modules ?05:45
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s_spiffnilesh892003, like nalioth said use a jabber client.. loads of them available05:45
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nilesh892003how to work with nokia 6630 in ubuntu?05:45
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nilesh892003i know about jabber but it is only for typing chat05:45
pegnilesh892003, gphoto205:45
gbellilongwave: there is just /etc/modules05:45
chrisjwHI there, I'm using gcc and I have a segmentation fault, that's fine, it's what I expect, but it doesn't dump any core05:45
nilesh892003not voice chat05:45
s_spiffnilesh892003, work as in?05:45
chrisjwCan anyone explain this to me :S05:46
coopster-awayConcord_Dawn, make sure you set the time on the computer near/ahead of the time in the error message, run sudo -k, and then set the time back before you do any more sudo05:46
rotmanHi, I have a server with a DVD-drive, and I want to be able to use that drive on my user-pc's, as if it where their local DVD-drive. Is it best to use NFS, or would it better to use NBD for that?05:46
s_spiffnilesh892003, there are jabber servers which will allow voice too05:46
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s_spiffnalioth, correct me if i'm wrong.05:46
nilesh892003where can i get Driver for DKU-2 nokia cable05:46
gdbnilesh892003: You're not going to be able to use Google Voice Chat in Linux.05:46
WhiteNinjanilesh892003: look for gnookii... maybe this will help.. u have to have access to universe packages05:46
polpakchrisjw: you need to set your user limits with the ulimit command05:46
nilesh892003and what tje software to use after that05:46
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chrisjwhow do i do that please05:46
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naliothnilesh892003: may we suggest you look into some current jabber clients05:46
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polpakchrisjw: man ulimit05:46
s_spiffnilesh892003, u don need a driver... just plug in. i'm using it for my 3300 presently05:46
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longwavegbelli: /etc/modules is the preload file.. maybe /etc/modprobe.d/options is the options file you want?05:47
chrisjw"No manual entry for ulimit"05:47
nilesh892003s_spiff: which software do u use?05:47
Concord_Dawnthanks coopster-away05:47
longwavechrisjw: ulimit is built into bash, try "help ulimit"05:47
s_spiffnilesh892003, as in? for what?05:47
coopster-awayConcord_Dawn, np05:47
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nilesh892003s_spiff: for nokia05:47
gbellilongwave: I'll check05:47
polpakchrisjw:  odd. Well ulimit -c unlimited should do it05:47
nilesh892003file transfer05:48
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polpakchrisjw: ulimit -c by itself will give you the current size core files you're limited to05:48
frogzooI can't get eiciel to integrate with nautilus - any clues?05:48
nilesh892003s_spiff: for file transfer between comp and nokia phone05:48
help-the-n00bI have rosegarden. I just need something simple. Just  edit the pitch, so speed of notes.05:48
WhiteNinjanilesh892003: ... i told u... gnookii is the program u r looking for.. sms, filetransfer, calling, if ur nokia is recognized05:48
s_spiffnilesh892003, i don use any ..i'm using a old 3300 ..the indian model, not the presently launches 2003 model .so basically all it requires is to be plugged in.. and a new window opens showing the disk and contents and stuff.just copy whatver u want there05:48
chrisjwthankyou polpak05:49
chrisjwyou've helped me with python before too05:49
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polpakchrisjw: =)05:49
jribLarsson-Sweden: xdpyinfo| grep resolution05:49
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s_spiffWhiteNinja, is it available on the repos?05:49
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goatmalewhat's the command to edit your sources list05:50
help-the-n00bCan someone help me?05:50
jribgoatmale: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:50
ubotuI know nothing about help,e - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:50
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:50
FusionXN1I got a problem with my USB microphone. I think it's detecting it as a sound card / sound output05:50
teicahgoatmale: backup first05:50
gdbgoatmale: You can use any text editor or you can use System -> Administration -> Software Properties05:50
Larsson-Swedenjrib, resolution:    100x100 dots per inch  ... Can this cause trouble?05:50
goatmaleI see05:50
dark-messiasi'm have a problem in alsa05:50
dark-messiasALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.05:50
dark-messiaswhat is that?05:50
jribLarsson-Sweden: I don't know much about, I've actually been looking into that just this morning05:50
Concord_Dawnhurray! Ubuntu requires 300% less configuration after install than Windows.05:50
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help-the-n00bCan someone help me?05:51
goatmaleCan I add something to sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list?05:51
help-the-n00bI have rosegarden. I just need something simple. Just  edit the pitch, so speed of notes.05:51
MenZaConcord_Dawn, ...300% less?05:51
nilesh892003any nokia mobile software ?05:51
Concord_DawnMenZa: Yes.05:51
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MenZaConcord_Dawn, that doesn't make sense to me.05:51
help-the-n00bI have rosegarden. I just need something simple. Just  edit the pitch, not speed of notes.*05:51
jribgoatmale: what do you want to add?05:51
MenZaConcord_Dawn, you must mean Windows requires 3x the configuration.05:51
Concord_DawnIt means it requires one third of the work.05:51
MenZaI mean, if you cut something down by 300%, you'd have -200%05:51
gbellilongwave: thank you, /etc/modprobe.d/options was it05:51
Concord_DawnSame difference.05:51
nilesh892003hello plz give me the name for nokia software for linux05:51
MenZaWhich would mean... you wouldn't even have to install it.05:51
Concord_DawnMenZa: no.05:52
s_spiffnilesh892003, just search the synaptic for nikia.. u'll get gnooki..install that. i'm doin it myself presently05:52
MenZaConcord_Dawn, you're probably right. I'm a bit tipsy.05:52
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MenZaNevermind me.05:52
XiXaQDoes anyone know how to manually create a Virtual Machine for use with VMWare Player?05:52
Concord_DawnMenZa: Never drink and compute. It's bad :-P05:52
pegMenZa, is it 5 oclock yet05:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:52
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MenZaConcord_Dawn, nah, drink and IRC.05:52
MenZapeg, 5:52.05:52
Concord_Dawnindeed :-)05:52
WhiteNinjas_spiff: sorry for misspelling.. the correct package-name is gnokii... and several tools for it , too05:52
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MenZaBeer O'Clock!05:52
FusionXN1Anyone know why my USB mic wont work?!?!05:53
jribgoatmale: cheater!  it doesn't seem to be in ubuntu's repositories, so you may have to compile it if you want it05:53
s_spiffWhiteNinja, i figured when i didnt find it. so i searched for nokia :P05:53
pegFusionXN1, i is god dam usb!05:53
goatmaleit's not working jrib.05:53
ubotuI know nothing about lanuage - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:53
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:53
tritiumpeg: watch the language please05:53
jrib!doesn't work05:53
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:53
FusionXN1I think it sees my mic as a soundcard05:54
gdbpeg: At anyrate, for future reference, you need an 'n' at the end and it's all one word.05:54
alienseer23i have the alsa mixer, but it only shows my mothe4rboards onboard audio, how do i get it to switch to my soundblaster card???05:54
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WhiteNinjaalienseer23: disable the motherboard-sound-chip :-)05:55
WhiteNinjaalienseer23: then linux will do the rest05:55
gbelliI  got another question: where is the config for my current hardware stored? i.e. module <--> device (this is not in /etc/modules, I checked)05:55
alienseer23white, where do i do that, please? <<===too much a newbie, I know05:55
nilesh892003any good software for nokia 6630 other than gnokii coz it doesn`t work for me05:55
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peggbelli, maby it is compiled into the kernel eg not a module05:56
tritiumalienseer23: in the BIOS05:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:56
alienseer23just in bios?05:56
alienseer23right on05:56
pegnilesh892003, gphoto205:56
alienseer23ok, see ya!...thanks, btw05:56
=== fonscho [n=anton@dslb-088-064-050-083.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
WhiteNinjaat boot-time.. type .. DEL.(the key) mostly u r in the box-bios then.. there u can disable the sound-chip05:56
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WhiteNinjabut first u might try to change the muting "x" in alsa mixer :)05:56
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WhiteNinjathen u will have sound, too05:57
Concord_DawnI'm having a problem apt-get'ing liblame9.05:57
autioHi all!05:57
s_spiffWhiteNinja, any idea of how to set it up?05:57
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_stev_can I use xbiff to monitor if there are new mails in my thunderbird mailclients?05:58
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WhiteNinjas_spiff: i have the communicator 9500 and it wont work for it or only via bluetooth or serial-cable.. thats not the way i want to use it and i didnt tried.. i want to use usb (cause there is battery-loading, too)05:58
nilesh892003hello any plz help me with nokia 663005:58
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dark-messiasErro ao reproduzir o CD.05:59
dark-messiasRazo: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.05:59
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dark-messiasi can't to play cd music05:59
goatmalehere is my compiling error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1910405:59
GoldenEagle68Hate to be a bother, but I'm having a problem with an intel NIC and a new install of dapper drake..05:59
WhiteNinjathere might be a workaround, though05:59
gbellipeg: nope, they are modules (as lsmod shows)05:59
nilesh892003how to get DKU-2 driver for nokia cable05:59
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_stev_anybody who has used xbiff before?05:59
s_spiffWhiteNinja, it crashed here..will try again.06:00
renaldohello all... i have windows and ubuntu installed on this laptop... by default it boots to linux... how do i change that to boot to windows by default06:00
dark-messiasbut dvd-movie play normally06:00
s_spiff nilesh892003 u'll have to google for it06:00
brotakuli have installed oss audio driver with easyubuntu but i have problems in games[no sound] . i want to switch to alsa. do i have to unninstall oss first? where should i get alsa drivers?06:00
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pegrenaldo, edit the grup config06:00
goatmalehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19104 here is the error I got when I tried to compile a program kcheat. please help.06:00
Pirenaldo> search for grub06:00
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WhiteNinjanilesh892003: how about a little googling... http://tuxmobil.org/phones_linux_nokia.html might help06:00
renaldohow do i do that06:00
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FeestBijtjeI have problems with my sound every thing is setup okay befor ive put it on hybernate.... what can i do to fix it/06:00
GoldenEagle68Is anyone going to be able to help with a NIC problem I'm having?06:00
Pirenaldo, edit grub.conf06:00
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FusionXN1Whats it mean when it says run "make" in terminal?06:01
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renaldowhat do i type in the terminal window06:01
polpakFusionXN1: open a terminal, type m-a-k-e , hit enter06:01
gnomefreakFusionXN1: type make than hit enter06:01
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FusionXN1with the "-" ?06:01
jrib!compile > FusionXN106:01
polpakFusionXN1: no06:01
goatmalefusion what program are you trying to install?06:01
FusionXN1Well i did and it says.......06:01
FusionXN1bash: make: command not found06:01
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mekanzooquestion: is wine supported by ubuntu 6.06?06:02
gnomefreakFusionXN1: do you have build-essential installed?06:02
Concord_DawnFusionXN1: It literally means, open a terminal, type make, hit enter.06:02
polpakFusionXN1: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:02
mohkohnHello  "kqemu needs be extracted in the same folder as qemu"  Does this mean in /tmp or do I mv kqemu* qemu-0.8.0 ?06:02
FusionXN1no gnome06:02
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:02
polpakmekanzoo: yes06:02
WhiteNinjamake usually works as "root" :-)..06:02
gnomefreakFusionXN1: please install it06:02
brotakuli have installed oss audio driver with easyubuntu but i have problems in games[no sound] . i want to switch to alsa. do i have to unninstall oss first? where should i get alsa drivers?06:02
mekanzoothank you06:02
s_spiffWhiteNinja, well something wrong here... it keeps crashing. srw it. tired. i can get my music transfered otherwise also.. so np.06:02
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Concord_DawnWhat's the advantage of having the DVD version of Dapper over the CD version?06:02
Concord_DawnMore packages?06:02
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GoldenEagle68I'm having problems with an Intel NIC after a reinstall of dapper, can someone please help?06:03
Concord_DawnGoldenEagle68: Wireless?06:03
help-the-n00bWhat other audio editors are there for windows?06:03
dark-messiasi can't to play cd music, error Could not get/set settings from/on resource.06:03
DarkAuditgrr... trying to set up to do some firewall tests, but I need some perl modules installed first... not going well06:03
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.06:03
DarkAuditWhen I run  perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::Pcap" it hangs at t/04-loop06:03
GoldenEagle68no, wired. It's a very strange card, too.06:03
dark-messiasbut mp3 and other to playing normally06:03
ubotuI know nothing about nbd - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:03
Concord_DawnGoldenEagle68: What's the problem?06:03
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GoldenEagle68Not recognized by the installer or the OS06:03
mc__DarkAudit, Perl is dead.Long live Ruby06:04
Ignite_hey, anyone know what "abanta" means?06:04
Concord_DawnGoogle the model + linux.06:04
GoldenEagle68Worked fine in in breezy, wont work now. =\06:04
Concord_DawnSee what pops up.06:04
help-the-n00bWhat other audio editors are there for windows?06:04
kroghmc__: I wouldn't say so :-)06:04
GoldenEagle68I'll try, thing is, I dont know the model (i'm at work, it's at home) It's got a serial or parallel port on the card, too, its really wierd.06:04
GoldenEagle68but thank you concord.06:04
Concord_Dawnhelp-the-n00b: FL Studio, Steinberg, Acid.06:04
mc__krogh, in what way is perl superior to ruby in your opinion?06:04
brotakuli have installed oss audio driver with easyubuntu but i have problems in games[no sound] . i want to switch to alsa. do i have to unninstall oss first? where should i get alsa drivers?06:04
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help-the-n00bConcord_Dawn,  What's simplest?06:05
SebastianBlongwave? ;) I did what you suggest.. it didn't help. I Changed the Screen-Resolution und reconfigured everything.. still I don't see anything but the console06:05
Concord_DawnGoldenEagle68: Oh. It's usually easiest to troubleshoot these kinds of problems when you're in front of the computer.06:05
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Concord_Dawnhelp-the-n00b: I prefer FL Studio, but it's not free (or cheap for that matter), and it does not run on wine.06:05
help-the-n00bConcord_Dawn, Can I apt-get it?06:05
mc__help-the-n00b, no06:06
sedekiFL Studio :)06:06
sergioli think --purge did not remove rests of conf files properly06:06
Concord_DawnIt's a Windows program.....06:06
help-the-n00bConcord_Dawn, Any free ones that run on linux?06:06
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sergiolnow it is working06:06
WhiteNinjaConcord_Dawn: but this way dismisses one fact.. than the chance for making faults are greater than otherwise :-)06:06
Concord_Dawnnot that I know of. Linux is not known for audio editing.06:06
sedekithere is Rosegarden06:06
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tritiumhelp-the-n00b: Audacity06:06
FusionXN1help-the-n00b you want a linux audio editor thats free?06:06
Concord_DawnAudacity is pretty good.06:06
WhiteNinjaConcord_Dawn: u r not right.. there are many linux-distributions for multimedia-purposes06:07
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sedekiI've discovered there are no equivalent as good, simple and powerful as Windows' FL Studio06:07
|rt|help-the-n00b: audacity, adour (pro-tools like), hydrogen (drum machine)06:07
Concord_DawnWhiteNinja: If I walked upto any major music producer on the planet, they'll be using Windows or Mac. Guarenteed.06:07
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Concord_DawnFL Studio owns anything you'll find on Linux anyways.06:07
SebastianBCan someone else help me? My Monitor always gets black after the loading-screen06:08
|rt|help-the-n00b: there are a few sequence editors as well similar to fuity or acid06:08
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tritiumConcord_Dawn: that doesn't mean there aren't good tools on linux.  You're just not familiar with them.06:08
Bonez56Concord_Dawn: I work in a television station and we use linux in our audio control suite. Along with a massive $250,000 sony audio mixer06:08
sergiolsedeki> what is that?06:08
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brotakuli have installed oss audio driver with easyubuntu but i have problems in games[no sound] . i want to switch to alsa. do i have to unninstall oss first? where should i get alsa drivers?06:08
WhiteNinjaor they have a special solution for their own.. agreed... but we r discussing "home-music". "multimedia"... otherwise it is only a question of money :)06:08
s_spiffhey any1 knows a good tcp/ip based messenger? xipmg sux!06:08
help-the-n00bWhat's the best free one for Linux?06:08
sedekiBonez56 cool.06:08
Concord_Dawntritium: I'm not saying that either, but they're fewer and farther between than on Windows or Mac.06:08
pegBonez56, what kid of stuff do you use linux for in the studio?06:08
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Bonez56peg: i don't actually use it myself, i'm not involved with the audio side of things, but i have seen the system. no idea what actual programs they are running. I'm pretty sure it's a redhat box.06:09
Concord_Dawnsecurity.ubuntu.com come back up? I just got about a month's worth of security updates.06:09
zaudragonexcuse me, what file systems can Ubuntu support?06:09
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Bonez56zaudragon: what file system do you want it to support?06:09
Concord_Dawnzaudragon: ext2/3, jfs, reiserfs06:09
Concord_Dawnand just about anything else, except for NTFS.06:10
help-the-n00bUbuntu works with .exe! JK06:10
FeestBijtjeany one can help me with this problem: i have put my computer on hybernate... now i don't have sound any one knows this issue06:10
ubotuI know nothing about exe - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:10
ubotuI know nothing about .exe - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:10
sedekintfs, fat06:10
zaudragonBonez56: something that OS X can support by default06:10
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help-the-n00bWhat's the best free one for Linux?06:10
|rt|help-the-n00b: http://linux-sound.org/ is a good place to start06:10
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Concord_Dawnzaudragon: Fat32?06:10
help-the-n00bI need a program.06:10
sedekizaudragon ubuntu works with ntfs and fat too. if you have say a mp3 or digital camera.06:10
Concord_DawnI don't know what OSX supports.06:10
Bonez56zaudragon: don't know enough about OSX sorry06:10
help-the-n00bOne I can learn the basics of fast.06:11
mweI want to add a cron job to be run daily as root. should I create a script in/etc/cron.daily/ or edit the crontab for root?06:11
zaudragonBonez56: I'm wondering... does Ubuntu support UFS?06:11
FeestBijtjeany one can help me with this problem: i have put my computer on hybernate... now i don't have sound any one knows this issue06:11
Concord_Dawnzaudragon: I think so.06:11
ubotuI know nothing about ufs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:11
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Bonez56zaudragon: try putting these two words into google: ubuntu ufs06:11
woeiI just upgraded from warty (4.10) to breezy. All is well, except for evolution's mail archives. I can't for the life of me figure out how to upgrade the data from Evolution 2.0 to Evolution 2.6 shipped with Dapper06:11
zaudragonlooks like it can06:12
WhiteNinjaufs wont be a good idea for linux :-)... just as ntfs...06:12
Concord_Dawnzaudragon: You can get a program to make OS X support Ext2/306:12
zaudragonConcord_Dawn: yeah, but I don't like it06:12
FeestBijtjeany one can help me with this problem: i have put my computer on hybernate... now i don't have sound any one knows this issue06:12
zaudragonI guess that's the best, though06:12
Concord_Dawnzaudragon: Go with Fat32 then.06:12
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|rt|help-the-n00b: check out http://ardour.org/06:12
zaudragonConcord_Dawn: No thanks ;)06:12
jnhi, im trying to get sabvga.pcf (font) installed and i am having problems i followed instructions from http://home.earthlink.net/~us5zahns/enl/ansifont.html06:12
Concord_DawnI think you're out of luck :-P06:12
Concord_DawnDoes Ubuntu support HFS or HFS+ in r/w?06:13
FeestBijtjeany one can help me with this problem: i have put my computer on hybernate... now i don't have sound any one knows this issue06:13
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zaudragonConcord_Dawn: it supports HFS+ not journaled r/w06:13
zaudragonand HFS+ journaled r06:13
Concord_Dawnso go with that then. OS X supports HFS+.06:13
=== zaudragon shall try
zaudragonmight not work ;)06:14
help-the-n00bOk. What is the best free audio editor for Linux that I can apt-get? For free. For Linux.06:14
gregg__help-the-n00b: audacity is pretty good06:14
zaudragonAudacity? <-- isn't that open-source?06:14
Concord_Dawnhelp-the-n00b: AUDACITY.06:14
help-the-n00bI never understood audacity.06:14
jnwhat is the best movie player for ubuntu, mplayer?06:14
WhiteNinjathe best and easiest way would be... a familiar os for the main purposes.. and then a virtual-pc with the looked fileformat :-)06:14
Concord_DawnPlease, cease existance.06:14
zaudragonjn: or VLC06:14
help-the-n00bIt was always... had a non-user-friendly UI.06:15
jnzaudragon: do they both do xvid, vcd, svcd?06:15
zaudragonI personally prefer MPlayer06:15
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zaudragonjn: I believe so06:15
FeestBijtjeany one can help me with this problem: i have put my computer on hybernate... now i don't have sound any one knows this issue <===========06:15
Concord_DawnVLC does those.06:15
Concord_DawnDunno about MPlayer.06:15
mc__jn, mplayer  is considered the best by most people06:15
Concord_DawnFeestBijtje: Restart.06:15
jndo you know how to get ansi font displaying in aterm06:15
Bonez56jn: you have codecs, right?06:15
jni haven't gotten the codecs yet no06:15
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gregg__jn: you usually don't need them (if you all are talking abut win32 codescs)06:16
Concord_Dawn!restrictedformats > jn06:16
FeestBijtjeConcord_Dawn, i did06:16
|rt|i have to edit audio from time to time here...use Vegas for most of it...but there are some things that I do in audacity b/c it's much easier to do there06:16
Nghelp-the-n00b: there's rarely such a thing as "the best" tool. I'd suggest you fire up synaptic and search for "audio editor" and then "sound editor" and try some of the things that come up :)06:16
Concord_DawnFeestBijtje: reinstall alsa/oss/esound06:16
help-the-n00bCouldn't find pacakge audicity.06:16
Concord_DawnTry spelling it right.06:16
help-the-n00bGot it. Sorry.06:16
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=== Concord_Dawn sighs
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NgConcord_Dawn: patience is a virtue06:17
WhiteNinjaConcord_Dawn: u r the one with small and fast fingers *lol06:17
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Concord_DawnNg: I have no patience for ignorance.06:17
tritiumConcord_Dawn: be nice, please06:17
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NgConcord_Dawn: perhaps you shouldn't be supporting inexperienced users then06:17
Xbehaveare the live cd drives exactly the same as the ones used when i install?06:17
Rinnthow do I configure ubuntu to accept print jobs on port 9100?06:17
Concord_DawnNg: I have nothing against inexperienced users. I have something against inexperienced users that fail to listen to anything I tell them.06:18
FeestBijtjeConcord_Dawn, dint worked06:18
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tritium!conduct > Concord_Dawn06:18
Concord_DawnFeestBijtje: No idea then. Post in the forums?06:18
NgConcord_Dawn: then don't help them, but being rude to them is very much against the ubuntu spirit and code of conduct06:18
jnso has anyone installed a font in ubuntu? I06:18
Concord_DawnI don't need a lecture, thank you, Ng.06:18
KirOhow can i download the ubuntu linux kernel sources?06:18
fiznutCan anyone help me? I've lost sound and can't figure out why. =[06:18
NgConcord_Dawn: evidently you do06:18
FusionXN1do i need any sound drivers for  USB sound devices with ubuntu?06:18
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tritiumConcord_Dawn: you need to follow the code of conduct, though06:19
mc__KirO, could you please bother to search the wiki(wiki.ubuntu.com) before askin here?06:19
InterNutanyone know why i get a wierd pic (http://internut.no-ip.org/webcam/) when using webcamd but when im trying camorama it works?06:19
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ZyfoAny swede here? Which character set should I use for X-Chat to be able to write "  "?06:19
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WhiteNinjafiznut: maybe u have clicked.. "mute"?06:19
alienseer23white, it didn't work06:19
Concord_DawnTried UTF-8 Zyfo?06:19
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FeestBijtjeAnyone has a suggestion?06:19
KirO. mc__ i'll look it again maybe i did't look it well06:19
ZyfoConcord_Dawn: I can't see it by myself, but I'll try and reconn and see if there's any difference, thanks06:20
fiznutWhiteNinja, nope. not muted06:20
alienseer23I still got the drum sound at the log on screen but now it sais "function snd_ctl_open failed for default: no such device06:20
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WhiteNinjaalienseer23: i have a soundblaster live, too.. and i sound-chip onboard.. it is a matter of "muting" in the mixer... try to click "mute" on several inputs.. then u will have sound06:20
KirO. mc__ i have a dual core pc but SMP kernels arent in the repository ... i cant find help anywhere06:20
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sedekiZyfo I can see your 06:20
mc__KirO, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild?highlight=%28kernel%29%7C%28custom%2906:21
ZyfoConcord_Dawn: Does it seem to work now?   . How can I set UTF-8 to system default anyway?06:21
fiznutWhiteNinja, I have tried going to the gnome sound properties and selecting my sound card to default, but it doesn't stay. I close it and go back and it's selected the onboard sound chip on my motherboard as default06:21
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KirO. mc__ thank you too much06:21
sedekiZyfo you have to set for each server group06:21
mc__KirO, no problem06:21
Zyfosedeki: oh you could? that's odd, some others couldn't :<06:21
Concord_DawnZyfo: I can't tell. I'd need to set my charset to UTF-8 as well, which I'm not going to do seeing as this is my Windows box.06:21
Concord_DawnI don't know how to set UTF-8 as the default charset. Maybe look in the wiki?06:21
ZyfoConcord_Dawn: ok06:21
naliothNg: Concord_Dawn: can y'all take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please?06:21
FeestBijtjeany one can help me with this problem: i have put my computer on hybernate... now i don't have sound any one knows this issue <===========06:21
WhiteNinjafiznut... then disable the onboard-soundchip if it isnt needed06:21
mc__KirO, you do not have to compile the kernel yourself06:21
fiznutHow do I do so?06:21
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Zyfothanks Concord_Dawn and sedeki06:22
mc__KirO, there are smp kernels06:22
sedekizyfo i don't think I use utf-806:22
WhiteNinjaat start time in the bios of the pc06:22
mc__KirO, apt-cache search kernel smp06:22
sedekiZyfo there's a #ubuntu-se channel.06:22
fiznutAh, that works06:22
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Concord_DawnAnyone know if security's back up?06:22
fiznutgonna go try it06:22
Zyfook, thanks06:22
sedekiZyfo for swedish people, obviously. :)06:22
KirO. mc__ i have searched in aptitude ... and i only find 2.4 SMP kernels ...06:22
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kitty-chanhey, guys, any idea if ubuntu will work on an acer aspire 3000 notebook?  I used the live dvd, everything worked fine except for the wireless >.>  which is my primary concern06:23
alienseer23i have sound but its really scratchy06:23
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Bonez56kitty-chan: what sort of wireless chipset do you have?06:23
shwagwhat is the url for the torrent ?06:23
Concord_Dawnshwag: Check www.ubuntu.com/download06:23
mc__KirO, linux-headers-2.6.15-25-686 - Linux kernel headers 2.6.15 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV SMP/UP06:23
mohkohnany one know what this means: make: *** [qemu-img]  Error 1?06:23
shwagConcord_Dawn, no torrent there06:23
mweanyone else having problems connecting to the mirrors?06:23
mc__KirO, linux-686-smp - Complete Linux kernel on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV SMP.06:23
mc__linux-k7-smp - Complete Linux kernel on AMD K7 SMP.06:23
tmccraryAre there any docs on building a customized kernel from the official ubuntu patches? I have a Gigabyte i-RAM which needs tweaking to the sata driver to get working06:24
WhiteNinja2.6.15-26-686 is smp, too.. if u wish KirO06:24
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=== s_spiff is away: Away
KirOok thank you :) i'll try06:24
Concord_Dawnkitty-chan: Wireless may not work out of the box on Ubuntu because some manufacturers only make their drivers for Windows. There is a way around this, using ndiswrapper, but you'll need to actually install Ubuntu to do that.06:24
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kitty-chanit's a broadcom chipset06:24
nalioths_spiff{AWAY}: please don't do that06:24
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Concord_Dawnkitty-chan: Broadcom is one of the manufacturers that does that, I believe.06:25
zzyhow do i make my screen resoulution in kde06:25
kitty-chanI can't find out what model though >.< fucking window06:25
zzyhow do i change my screen resoulution06:25
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm06:25
nalioth!fixres > zzy06:25
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:26
=== tokenbad [i=tokenbad@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitty-chanok >.>06:26
kitty-chanI just need to find out what chipset it has06:26
Concord_Dawnkitty-chan: Who'd you by the computer from?06:26
ompaul!away > s_spiff{AWAY}06:26
tokenbadhmm...I installed proftpd and edited the conf...and then restarted it...but I still can't connect to it06:26
naliothkitty-chan: in a terminal, type "sudo lshw"06:26
nilesh892003there is any good software for nokia phones in ubuntu06:26
zzylet me try that06:26
Bonez56tokenbad: i also had this problem. run it as standalone instead of inetd or xinetd06:27
Concord_Dawnkitty-chan: check their support site for your model and see what's inside?06:27
ompaulkitty-chan, try sudo lshw | less06:27
nilesh892003there is any good software for nokia phones in ubuntu06:27
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:27
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=== butek [n=butek@dtr129.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
phazemandoes anone here uses some film scanner with ubuntu ?06:27
s_spiff{AWAY}ompaul, sorry06:27
=== Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-43-87.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
WhiteNinjaphazeman: u r meaning scanning dias?06:28
ompauls_spiff{AWAY}, please change it back and leave it like that06:28
RopechoborraHow can i format my mp3 player?06:28
tokenbadBonez56, ok so just edit the conf file and make it standalone?06:28
zzy * Usage: /etc/init.d/gdm {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}06:28
Concord_DawnRopechoborra: Erm, ?06:28
phazemanWhiteNinja: i mean a film dedicated scanner like my minolta dimage scan elite II06:28
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=== hdcool [n=hdcool@d54C0A7AC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
pike_lol i do nxserver start and it says 'function not implemented yet'..06:28
=== PKR_ [n=fredrik@dlby-dbyx-sr0-vl100-217-72-52-74.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
help-the-n00bHow dop I use audacity/06:28
WhiteNinjaok... only used photo/dia.. with epson... sorry :-)06:28
help-the-n00bHow do I use audacity?*06:28
Concord_Dawnhelp-the-n00b: rtfm.06:29
Bonez56tokenbad: use dpkg to reconfigure proftpd and it should pop up with the blue screen that asks you how you want to run it06:29
naliothhelp-the-n00b: join #audacity please06:29
Concord_DawnOr experiment.06:29
RopechoborraConcord_Dawn i got a 1gb mp3player and it says there 're 250 mb free but when i try to add files it says its full... so i thought to format it06:29
tokenbadI got it...just by editing the conf file06:29
RopechoborraHow can i do that?06:29
hbiwhat version kernal does ubuntu use?06:29
Concord_DawnI think the command is format..06:29
=== mheath [i=Mike@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Concord_Dawnbut I'm not sure.06:29
Bonez56hbi 2.6.15 for dapper06:29
gnomefreakhbi: 2.606:29
PKR_im installing RealPlayer10GOLD.bin and it asks me where i want to install it. where is a good place to install programs in ubuntu?06:29
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WhiteNinjabhi... just type.. uname -r... and u got ur version06:29
phazemanWhiteNinja:  i don't know what is a dia scanner, but i have an epson flatbed also... but i think it will not be a problem since i've tried it already with the livecd06:29
naliothPKR_: /usr/local/bin/06:29
hbicheers Bonez5606:29
gnomefreakPKR_: download it or install it?06:30
PKR_nalioth: thanks06:30
PKR_im installing06:30
=== Sally80 [n=sderm@host81-132-165-246.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
tmccraryAre there any docs on building a customized kernel from the official ubuntu patches? I have a Gigabyte i-RAM which needs tweaking to the sata driver to get working06:30
=== fiznut [n=fiznut@24-197-24-187.dhcp.rdfr.va.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
phazemanWhiteNinja: i couldn't get te minolta to be recognized by sane though06:30
Sally80i have installed something with wine. and it ran. but now where is the program?06:30
jnwhat is the name of the cool graphic intense program that turns your desktop into a box you can rotate?06:30
Bonez56Sally80: /home/user/.wine06:30
fiznutWhiteNinja, Thanks for the help! :D Disabling the onboard audio worked. Funny how I tried everything except for the simple solutions :/06:30
WhiteNinjamaybe minolta has special linux-driver... as samsung and epson :-)06:30
RopechoborraAnyone can help me to format my mp3 player????06:31
FusionXN1Im going dam crazy here! SKYPE WONT USE MY USB MIC!06:31
Bonez56Sally80: if you want to remove the program, run the command "uninstaller" from a terminal06:31
WhiteNinjafiznut: u r welcome06:31
jni rem reading about it but i forget the name06:31
Nimrod6jn: xgl06:31
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CarlFKcrimsun: (or any other sound experts) which of these 2 cards would you recommend?  1. Aureal Semiconductor AU8810 Vortex Digital Audio Processor  2. Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] 06:31
Sally80no i want to run it06:31
phazemanWhiteNinja: the epson worked right out of the box. the minolta was recognized just fine (as the log says) but i couldn't get it to work wit any scan software06:31
=== robertj_ [n=robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sally80i dont ahve  anything in home/user?06:31
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jnxgl, is it any good?06:31
Bonez56Sally80: i mean /home/your_user_name_here/.wine06:32
Dr_Willisjn,  i would wait a few more months befor messing with xgl06:32
WhiteNinjaphazeman: u have looked at minolta.com?06:32
Nimrod6jn: dunno, just got nvidia card working and im afraid to break it06:32
Ropechoborraphazeman what printer do u got? epson what'06:32
[Ex0r] CarlFK- I have #2, and it's got excellent sound on it06:32
phazemanWhiteNinja: yep... since this model was discontinued loooong time ago - there is nothing about it there06:32
[Ex0r] mine came on board though06:32
CarlFK[Ex0r] : #2 it is.  thanks06:32
phazemanRopechoborra: it's a film scanner06:32
gregg__Ropechoborra: mkdosfs06:33
=== jadams [n=jadams@cs6625119-172.bham.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sally80fank youi06:33
zzythe command isnt working06:33
hbihow do u do hostap in ubuntu?06:33
Ropechoborragregg__ ?06:33
[Ex0r] CarlFK- It's even got STD-IN on it for hooking it directly up to a surround sound system06:33
WhiteNinjathats why i am preferring nikon... if they dont support any model the community will :-)06:33
hbiis it supported?06:33
jadamsmy wireless stopped working when I upgraded my kernel06:33
=== drbreen__ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-102.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu
gregg__Ropechoborra: that's the utility used to "format" a partition (create a filesystem) in FAT format06:33
Ropechoborraso y tipe sudo mkdosfs and what else?06:33
pike_jadams: apt-getrestricted modules yet?06:34
Dr_Willisi think  :)06:34
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gregg__Ropechoborra: find out the device name of your mp3 player, (plug it in, dmesg | tail)06:34
gregg__usually it is /dev/sda106:34
gregg__but you should really be sure :)06:34
FusionXN1Is there a ran package i can use to make archieve manager OPEN and MAKE rar files?06:34
WhiteNinjawith sata-drives ... sda1 will be there :)06:35
help-the-n00b/ join #Ubnutu-classroom06:35
help-the-n00b/join #Ubnutu-classroom06:35
gregg__WhiteNinja: yeah, that's why you should be sure! :-)06:35
Bonez56rofl cool06:35
naliothhelp-the-n00b: spelling counts06:35
WhiteNinjasure... is this a philosophical channel, now? :-)06:35
help-the-n00bI know,06:35
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #ubuntu
help-the-n00bI know.*06:36
help-the-n00b/join #Ubnutu-classroom06:36
=== Gorlist [n=james@ironfoot.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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pmorrisonHello Everyone!  I am wondering if there is a way to change the extension of a group of files at once.  A bunch of my photos got renamed to *.rec, I guess they were recovered by fsck. Does anyone know how I can change the extension of these files to *.jpg all at once? There are hundreds of files, so it's painstakeingly slow to rename them one by one.  Any help would be much appreciated!!!06:36
jsFusionXN1: help-the-n00b  Ropechoborra  do you guys ever sleep? Have you been up all night?06:36
GorlistHi - whats the best DVD software to watch films with?06:36
=== tengil [i=tengil@c-8dc6e255.041-56-73746f39.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Gorlistcan any handle the menus etc?06:36
naliothpmorrison: install krename06:36
Ropechoborrajs nope.. why?06:36
pmorrisonnalioth: Thanks, i will try to apt-get it!06:37
jsseems you are always her, but then so am I enough offtopic anyone need help?06:37
=== nexious [n=nexious@c-aa0ce255.745-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
help-the-n00bMe? It's afternoon for me. I'm confused.06:37
jadamspike_: what's the restricted modules package name?  Or where can I find it?06:37
WhiteNinjaGorlist: the best way ever is via TV... the rest is only a little help06:37
FusionXN1---> Is there any USB Sound device drivers i need for my USB mic?06:37
Gorlist :)06:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:38
FusionXN1In skype it says problem with sound device06:38
ZyfoIn X-Chat if I want to have several connect commands when I connect to a server, what do I use as a seperator? Also, It doesn't seem like X-Chat was designed with Q (Qnet) in mind. There's no field that I can see where I can type in the password without it being written out clear, any solution to this?06:38
jribGorlist: any of the xine players (I like gxine) and ogle work well with menus06:38
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nexiousHello! My sound doesn't work in VLC (0.8.4), please help me. I'm using Ubuntu 6.06.06:38
jsFusionXN1: not likely06:38
naliothZyfo: your password is sent in the clear, no matter what it looks like in your client06:38
FusionXN1js - i dont know why it wont work06:38
=== SebastianB [n=god@241-23-124-83.dsl.3u.net] has joined #ubuntu
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WhiteNinjatotem-xine :-)06:39
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:39
js\nick Jack_Sparrow06:39
jribnexious: did you install vlc-plugin-* so you have the right audio output plugin available and then set it in preferences?06:39
Gorlistdownloading at the moment06:39
alienseer23white, how do I get the alsamixeer to work, now?06:39
Zyfonalioth: I know that, but is it possible to hide it like you can do with nickserv? With *** letters06:39
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naliothZyfo: that is client dependent.  you can put your nickserv pass in the 'server password' field, if you wish06:40
nexiousjrib, no, gonna test that now, thnx06:40
WhiteNinjaalienseer23: is the alsamixer shown up? and had it a sound-chip recognized?06:40
=== Mo [n=Mo@193.189.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
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alienseer23it shows up, and worked before, but now it just sais device not there06:40
kitty-chanok, apparently it's a Acer InviLink 802.11b/g wireless LAN >.>06:40
jadamspike_: I don't see how that helps with wireless problems...06:40
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FusionXN1I'm pulling my hair out06:41
RopechoborraDr_Willis so it is mkfs.vfat /media/usbdisk  ???06:41
jnis anyone using bitchx06:41
pmorrisonnalioth: I can't seem to get Kubuntu working on my computer, and krename doesn't seem to work in gnome... I'm a bit of a noob, do you know of a way to get it working in gnome?06:41
SebastianBHi! Ubuntu doesn't use my notebook-screen. The login-screen is visible only on an external screen. How can I change that?06:41
kitty-chanwill it work with ubuntu?06:41
=== dcordero [n=dcordero@98.Red-83-40-113.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
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naliothpmorrison: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?06:41
WhiteNinjaalienseer23: u had disabled the onboard-chip and now the soundblaster is not detected? is the soundblaster pluged in? in the right way???06:41
Zyfonalioth: Does that mean that I can type /MSG Q@CServe.quakenet.org <password> in server password and it will work? Is it just another square to fill in commands? Also, what is the separator for several commands?06:41
WhiteNinjau checked it?06:41
alienseer23white, I have sound, everything sounds good06:41
naliothZyfo: no, just put your password in the server password field, your client will send it when necessary06:42
WhiteNinjaah... where is the problem now?06:42
=== R [n=markus@i538718D7.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
alienseer23the alsa mixer doesn't work06:42
naliothZyfo: i don't use xchat, so don't know about the fine points06:42
alienseer23I am so confused06:42
WhiteNinjathen try another mixer... maybe u have oss activated and not alsa06:42
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kitty-chanso, does anyone know if that chipset will work in ubuntu?  Acer InviLink 802.11b/g wireless LAN06:42
naliothZyfo: perhaps you'd get more help in #xchat06:42
Zyfonalioth: Q-service doesn't work like that though, you don't have to send it, it is just a very optional service, not like nickserv.06:42
Zyfonalioth: Ok, thanks for the help.06:42
pmorrisonnalioth: Yes, at one time I tried to install kubuntu-desktop, and the install ran fine, but I could not log on... but I do have the universe and multiverse in my sources.list06:43
Zyfoah, I was in #x-chat, wrong of me :p06:43
Gorlistfinding gxine keeps locking06:43
erUSULpmorrison: http://pastebin.ca/10405806:43
naliothpmorrison: then krename should install for you06:43
=== friend32e [n=jay@x403b0ad6.ip.e-nt.net] has joined #ubuntu
friend32ehey whats the next name of ubuntu called?06:43
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=== redmonkey [n=redmonke@e180029150.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
naliothfreakzoid0223: Ubuntu 6.10 ? or Edgy Eft?06:43
friend32eedgy eft06:43
Jack_Sparrowfriend32e: easy earnest06:44
kitty-chanso, does anyone know if that chipset will work in ubuntu?  Acer InviLink 802.11b/g wireless LAN06:44
pmorrisonerUSUL: what was the pastebin for?06:44
friend32eJack_Sparrow, lol which one?06:44
Dr_WillisRopechoborra,  ya proberly need to use the /dev/whatever   not the mountpoint06:44
tmccraryAre there any docs on building a customized kernel from the official ubuntu patches? I have a Gigabyte i-RAM which needs tweaking to the sata driver to get working06:44
pmorrisonnalioth: krename installed no problem, but when I try to run it in gnome, it gives me lots of errors, and crashes06:44
erUSULpmorrison: is a bash script to rename your files06:44
mianois it ok if i include a debian repo in my sources.list06:45
erUSULpmorrison: i did not test it but it should work06:45
naliothmiano: that will break your box06:45
friend32ei like breaking boxen06:45
WhiteNinjapmorrison: u looked in gnome... for bulk-rename????06:45
WhiteNinjamost of user-wishes r already installed :-)06:45
mianonalioth, ok. thanks06:46
pmorrisonWhiteNinja: Yeah, I am running gnome and trying to bulk rename, can't figure it out exactly yet06:46
=== samuel_ [n=samuel@dsl-201-144-50-128.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
samuel_hello all06:46
WhiteNinjau meant the handling?06:46
shwagwhere is a good place to buy domain names ?06:46
samuel_how can i change the language for all of ubuntu?06:46
gnomefreakshwag: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please06:46
samuel_from english to spanish?06:46
FusionXN1I got a problem. It says that my 2nd sound device DSP1 does not exsist what do i do?06:46
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ubotuI know nothing about c - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:47
ubotuI know nothing about c++ - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:47
kitty-chanso, does anyone know if that chipset will work in ubuntu?  Acer InviLink 802.11b/g wireless LAN06:47
FeestBijtjeany one can help me with this problem: i have put my computer on hybernate... now i don't have sound any one knows this issue <===========06:47
elkbuntushwag, although this isnt the correct place to be asking, there's lots of places. i personally prefer namecheap.com06:47
mianor the security repos ok? synaptic couldnt load them on my box06:47
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phreaksguys, i want to monitor ports so i have to use echo nmap -sO localhost monitor.txt then i want it to be updated every 3 seconds how can i?06:47
pmorrisonerUSUL: Sorry, I'm a bit of a noob, If I copy your script into a file and save, what would be the command to run the script? Something like ./script ?06:47
=== delight [n=kostarel@gw-do-int.adesso.de] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakhelp-the-n00b: dont fish the bot. this is an ubuntu support not programming support channel06:47
=== hurax [n=benno@dslb-084-056-236-122.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowkitty-chan: that looks like a model number chipset willprobably be broadcomm,have you checked06:48
gnomefreakhelp-the-n00b: join #programming for help in programming06:48
samuel_phreaks, python06:48
phreakswut about python?06:48
elias_Does anyone know secure PHP formmail scripts which are under a free license?06:48
phreakswut should i write in it?06:48
gnomefreakphreaks: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic06:49
phreaksk, dude06:49
samuel_phreaks, write a small program to do it for you06:49
=== BurgerMann [n=burgerma@port86.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Blue-Omega [i=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu
SebastianBHow can I tell Ubuntu to use the laptop-monitor and not an external?06:49
samuel_phreaks, get the ebook "How to think like a computer scientist"06:49
=== T5 [n=jan@dslb-088-072-216-219.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULpmorrison: easyest way 'sh script dir'06:49
dek_aikFeestBijtje: i have the same prob, have to manually insmod the sound modules eveytime after hibernate06:50
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erUSULpmorrison: it comes with absolutly no warranty ;)06:50
Jack_Sparrowgnomefreak: I finally crashed Ubuntu.   MYfault whiletesting a script that let you build custom Ubuntu live cd's06:50
FeestBijtjedek_aik, how do i do that?06:50
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RopechoborraDr_Willis i typed mkfs.vfat /dev/sda while mounted and it says mkfs.vfat: /dev/sda contains a mounted file system. I unmounte it and says No such file or directory =/06:50
dooglus!info wireshark06:50
ubotuPackage wireshark does not exist in dapper06:50
pmorrisonerUSUL: Thanks, I will give it a try on a test folder first... If I run the script in the folder, I can ommit the dir right?06:50
erUSULpmorrison: test it first in dir with a few files to make sure it works as spected06:50
pmorrisonerUSUL: will do06:51
erUSULpmorrison: no06:51
mianohas anyone tried out prozilla. does it really work?06:51
gnomefreakJack_Sparrow: i make it a point to crash ubuntu atleast once a day06:51
FeestBijtjedek_aik, ur there?06:51
dek_aikFeestBijtje: find you sound module..and "sudo modprobe -a xxxx"06:51
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FeestBijtjedek_aik, my sound module is alsa06:53
naknomikI am using a Windows printer (using Samba) for my ubuntu system. Is it possible to share this printer using CUPS for other linux machines?06:53
Dr_WillisRopechoborra,  the  idea that Formating a file system while mounted.. seems to be a bad idea eh? :P   also its /dev/sda1 most likely06:53
=== MarcC [n=MarcC@ukiah-cuda1-gen2-70-36-18-129.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dek_aikFeestBijtje: no the module of you sound chip...mine is snd_es1968...try lsmod|grep snd06:53
MarcCanybody know how to turn off these @#$% teddy bear programs? :D06:54
miano!info prozilla06:54
ubotuPackage prozilla does not exist in dapper06:54
erUSULnaknomik: it is possible yes, just i do not know how ;) search the wiki06:54
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WhiteNinjaa working box is a bad box ... my meaning every-time06:54
phazeman!info vuescan06:54
pnI have set up a Dapper server. I need it to run wirelessly (don't ask). the server cannot find any network interface besides eth0 (in 5.10, it had no problem finding and running ath0 out of the box). Does anyone know how I would go about activating ath0 or why it disappeared in Dapper Drake?06:54
ubotuPackage vuescan does not exist in dapper06:54
FeestBijtjedek_aik, i have the list but with one do i have to chose?06:55
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phazemanWhiteNinja: looks like there is a way to work with that scanner under linux.. it's the VueScan that makes it possible...06:55
WhiteNinjafine.. phazeman.. it is always good to find solutions.. in thinking behind the problem :-)06:56
phazemanWhiteNinja: :)06:56
FeestBijtjedek_aik, ?06:56
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WhiteNinja<--- loves robert jordan... wheel of time... don't think of problems...think of solutions :-)06:56
phazemanWhiteNinja: my linux machine dead more then 2 weeks already so i've decided to find out if my scanners will work under linux... if they are - kubuntu, here we g again :)06:56
dek_aikFeestBijtje: hmmm...you should find it yourself..let me see06:57
phazemandid anyone hear aything about the progress of ebuntu ?06:57
WhiteNinjahm... phazeman... my guess.. ubuntu works best with gnome... kde is good, but more tricks to circumstances the basis os :-)06:57
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drbreen__ebuntu ? ubuntu with e17 ?06:58
WhiteNinjaxfce is good too... but nautilus is more likely to pop up :-)06:58
dek_aikFeestBijtje: try "lspci --|grep audio"06:58
=== Dr_Willis wants a MatchBox Based Ubuntu. :)
Dr_Willisand WindowMaker.06:58
phazemanWhiteNinja: me != gnome... never liked it... lways been a KDE/Flux guy06:58
hbiwhat variables are their in netstat to show the application is using what connecytion cause its possible in windows but i dont no what it is in ubuntu06:58
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phazemanWhiteNinja: i've transferred from mandriva.. you know...06:59
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WhiteNinjaphaze.. for me it was xfce.. even in bsd.. but ubuntu still works better with gnome *sigh06:59
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WhiteNinjai am testing software :-)06:59
FeestBijtjedek_aik,  0000:02:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07)06:59
FeestBijtje <=== sudo modprobe -a EMU10k1 ???06:59
mehrdadHi every1!06:59
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phazemanWhiteNinja: i've found that installing ubuntu and then kde-dekstop makes the thingy better then installing the kubuntu :)06:59
Dr_WillisHmm.. My creative card has given me no hassles in ubuntu. :)06:59
phazemanhbi: netstat | grep [port number] 07:00
hbiwhat variables are their in netstat to show the application is using what connecytion cause its possible in windows but i dont no what it is in ubuntu07:00
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mehrdaddoes anyone know where can I download DVD images of repositories?07:00
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: then you sound chip is creative sound blaster live...07:00
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FeestBijtjedek_aik, it is :)07:00
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eddiewill kde screensavers work in ubuntu?07:00
WhiteNinjaphazeman: installing xyz-desktop is a good idea to have some basic files in it, too... but sometimes u will run in gnome-problems.. even in kde oder xfce07:00
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FeestBijtjeeddie, if you install kde libs it would be possibloe07:01
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mehrdaddoes anyone know where can I download DVD images of repositories?07:01
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WhiteNinjaand u can avoid them working with gnome and running kde-packages inside gnome07:01
phazemanWhiteNinja: basicly, you are right... but i can't force mself using something i don't really like...07:01
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FeestBijtjedek_aik, dousnt work see error: feestbijtje@feestbijtje-ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe -a EMU10k1 WARNING: Module EMU10k1 not found.07:01
phazemanWhiteNinja: i still wait for the e17 ubuntu version :) thats why asked about ebuntu07:01
InterNutanyone know why i get a wierd pic (http://internut.no-ip.org/webcam/) when using webcamd but when im trying camorama it works?07:02
eddieFeestBijtje: thx07:02
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FeestBijtjeeddie, np07:02
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WhiteNinjahm.. my dream... a working xen-box... and bsd, linux, windows simultaneous on one box :-)07:02
dek_aikFeestBijtje: no...you moduleshould be something like snd_xxx07:02
lecurelhi all07:02
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lecurelalguno que hable espaol?07:02
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: i dont have sb...let me see07:02
gdbWhiteNinja: how... unproductive! :-D07:02
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:02
jadamsI'm having wireless chipset problems - I don't see a wireless networking device installed since upgrading my kernel.  Here's my lspci -v output: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Lvtel232.html07:03
WhiteNinjagdb.. i am old enough to have time :-)07:03
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mehrdadCan I download repositories as DVD image?07:03
gdbWhiteNinja: hehehe :-D07:03
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phazemanWhiteNinja: lolo07:03
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Linuturkwhy isn't ndiswrapper included in a basic install? I can't install drivers via terminal on a fresh install07:03
WhiteNinjabut playing a game (with direct X), programming within linux or bsd at the same time.. that would be a challange07:04
jadamsWhiteNinja: I use two computers to code while playing counterstrike: source  :)07:04
phazemanWhiteNinja: you can do that with vmware you know...07:04
SDR_how to do a netupgrade of very old kubunu to a recent one?07:04
mehrdadWhiteNinja: Try UNIX subsystem for Windows!07:04
WhiteNinjaphazeman: not with directX07:04
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hkBstI'm trying to install or even run the 6.06 release on an old P4 laptop. It doesn't work so I removed the wuiet and splash boot options. I get some dma_timer_expiry errors, DMA timeout errors and ide: failed opcode was: unknown errors. Someone give me a clue please.07:04
phazemanSDR_: i think, for you, you better install a fresh one07:04
jmsHi all, I am new user of Ubuntu and whould like use rhythmbox audio player for plaing MP3,but get error every time. Could you please help me, what package i should install for playing Mp3 in rhythmbox?07:05
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sedekijadams heh :)07:05
phazemanWhiteNinja: use vmware for coding and native for gaming :)07:05
WhiteNinjamehrdad: if i am using netbsd.. for xen.. i cant use windows :)07:05
Bonez56!restricted > jms07:05
WhiteNinjana.. phaze.. i am old, but not paranoid :)07:05
lecurelHow can I disconnect?07:05
SDR_phazeman: nope thanks i got a gentoo runing for  few years now and i think debean should be able to upgrade too07:05
Bonez56!restricted > Bonez5607:05
FeestBijtjedek_aik, still there/07:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:05
Bonez56jms: you need to install codecs07:06
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:06
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto07:06
phazemanSDR_: off course you can... it's about updating your sources.list, running apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade etc ec...07:06
mehrdadI want to download repositories :((07:06
dek_aikFeestBijtje: do you have snd_sbxx in the list07:06
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kitty-chane17 here07:07
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:07
WhiteNinjamehrdad: just open synaptic.. changes sources.list07:07
phazemankitty-chan: how ?07:07
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SDR_phazeman:  arent the sources the same ... just update the release name  ?07:07
mehrdadWhiteNinja: I can't connect to07:07
FeestBijtjedek_aik, no but i do have my onboard soundcard on the list07:07
phazemanSDR_: better verify that first07:07
mehrdadWhiteNinja: internet using ubuntu, I want to download it in ISO format07:07
Linuturkwhy isn't ndiswrapper included in the default install? I've ran into several problems where the only net connection I had was via wireless, and ndiswrapper was needed for the wireless card07:07
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Linuturkwith not direct plug-in available07:08
SDR_can anyone with recent ubunto paste in pastebin his/her  sources.list ?07:08
kc8hps_BryanHI all NEW HERE  looking for information on GStreamer and how to set it up. feel free to private message me if needed as I am new at this07:08
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phazemankitty-chan: how did you install the e17 ? ?07:08
pike_where is the documentation  for freenx? no man pages nothing.. and the faq sucks07:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:08
delightSDR_ keep in mind that only the dist-updgrade from version to next version is supposed to work07:09
delightSDR_ everything else is an experiment07:09
Jack_SparrowSomeone had a link to rebuild source list07:09
dek_aikFeestBijtje: what is the module name? modprobe that07:09
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delightSDR_ so u would need to upgrade step by step ..07:09
WhiteNinja HOWTO: Install and tweak E17 Enlightenment....http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2021607:09
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FeestBijtjedek_aik, snd_intel8x007:09
SDR_i'm bigg fan of apt-get ;)07:09
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phazemanWhiteNinja: COOL ! thanks07:10
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SDR_delight: is there a howto about this?07:10
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joaohan ?07:10
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: do "sudo rmmod snd_intel8x0" and then "sudo modprobe -a snd_intel8x0"07:10
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WhiteNinjasometimes google is worth a try, too.. *thinking :-)07:11
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delightSDR_ possibly ... i red @ somepoint .. but have not bookmarked ... u will have to google or look @ for example wiki.ubuntu.com07:11
geanhi all ! it seems that i've got problems after updating from 5.10 to 6.06: MAIN prob: cannot (re)install tetex-* (it takes care on LaTeX & stuff like xdvi, xdvi cannot be run !) can somebody help me fix it, or: how to fix the list of packages (synaptic) ?!07:11
FeestBijtjefeestbijtje@feestbijtje-ubuntu:~$ sudo rmmod snd_intel8x0" and then "sudo modprobe -a snd_intel8x007:11
FeestBijtjeERROR: Module snd_intel8x0 and then sudo does not exist in /proc/modules07:11
FeestBijtjeERROR: Module modprobe does not exist in /proc/modules07:11
FeestBijtjeERROR: Module snd_intel8x0 is in use07:11
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mehrdadMy USB Keyboard stopped working when I switched to Dapper07:11
Ascspeaking of apt-get, can it be used to search for packaged (like synaptic?)07:11
FeestBijtjedek_aik, ^^^^^07:11
hkBstI'm trying to install or even run the 6.06 release on an old P4 laptop. It doesn't work so I removed the wuiet and splash boot options. I get some dma_timer_expiry errors, DMA timeout errors and ide: failed opcode was: unknown errors. Someone give me a clue please.07:11
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: sound then? i hear "click" from here07:12
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LinuturkhkBst: what version are you trying to use? ubuntu? xubuntu? kubuntu?07:12
FeestBijtjedek_aik, still no sound07:12
SDR_delight: i'm onit but it is easy to ask ;)07:12
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johan__what's the difference between the cd version and the dvd version?07:12
ubotuI know nothing about tablet - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:12
delightSDR_ true ;)07:12
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: do the between " " once at a time07:13
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hkBstLinuturk: ubuntu07:13
mehrdadWhat packages exist in DVD version that is not available in CD ?07:13
Linuturkis there a channel specifically for Ubuntu on a Tablet PC ? I've got a Toshiba Sattelite R15-S822 and want some help/advice on it07:13
ubotuI know nothing about bonfire - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:13
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ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:13
ubotuI know nothing about mp4 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:14
LinuturkhkBst: system specs?07:14
dek_aikFeestBijtje: just to make sure do "killall artsd"07:14
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: sudo rmmod snd_intel8x007:14
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tiCo89is katrina jackson also in this channel?07:14
dek_aikFeestBijtje: sudo modprobe -a snd_intel8x007:14
hkBstLinuturk: not available?07:14
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hkBstLinuturk: I'm going to burn a knoppix to get at those07:15
tmartinsAsterisk from http://pkg-voip.buildserver.net, someone has another version of this packages?07:15
FusionXN1whats the command to edit a file in the terminal07:15
FeestBijtjedek_aik, feestbijtje@feestbijtje-ubuntu:~$ sudo rmmod snd_intel8x007:15
FeestBijtjeERROR: Module snd_intel8x0 is in use07:15
LinuturkhkBst: what are the specs of the laptop? don't go knoppix, go www.damnsmalllinux.org07:15
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prabhuis it possible to install vlc in kubuntu? i tried via apt get but its giving me a dependancy error07:15
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delightprabhu .. there should not be any dependancy errors on vlc ... whats your error message on apt-get install vlc07:16
mehrdadHow do I get the card reader on my hp dv1000 to work? it works for SD and MMC but not memory stick07:16
dek_aikFeestBijtje: killall artsd07:16
kleesis there a way to specify which cd drive ripperx uses????07:16
FusionXN1Whats the command to edit a file in terminal?07:16
FeestBijtjedek_aik, feestbijtje@feestbijtje-ubuntu:~$ killall artsd07:16
FeestBijtjeartsd: no process killed07:16
delightFusionXN1 there is all kind of07:16
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_nano_Hi, where do I add new path variables?07:16
delightmaybe for a start start with nano07:16
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FusionXN1delight i want to edit fstab07:17
delightthats fine07:17
prabhuoops i closed the window let me look again07:17
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delightsudo nano /etc/fstab07:17
FusionXN1ahh nano thanks07:17
delightbut u can also do07:17
delightsudo gedit /etc/fstab07:17
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WhiteNinjaFusionXN1: i dont know whether u want to patch a file manually.. try to install nano (apt-get install nano .. will do the trick).. then open the file with .. nano -filename... voila07:17
_nano_FusionXN1, you are welcome :P (kidding)07:17
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Jack_SparrowFusionXN1: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab07:18
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: i dont know if i can use pm ..not registered i think07:18
FusionXN1all done07:18
Bonez56long live pico07:18
FeestBijtjedek_aik, ok07:18
mc__is there a software for ubuntu that converts *mov to mpg2 ?07:18
delightnano is more tiny ;)07:18
ardchoilledek_aik: You are correct07:18
FusionXN1drive not showing in computer tho07:19
=== rbman [n=Arbe@c-68-53-209-244.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
delightmc__ did u try tovid ?07:19
khaled_hello there, do i need antivirus on linux ?07:19
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FeestBijtjedek_aik, tomorrow il reformat my entire system07:19
mc__delight, ill try it07:19
FusionXN1khal - i doubt it07:19
FeestBijtjedek_aik, then il try every thing aggain07:19
Jack_Sparrowkhaled_: no07:19
dek_aikardchoille: correct on what?07:19
hbiwith ubuntu is it neccesary i get a firewall?07:19
Bonez56are there any alternatives to tovid, i find it very unreliable and annoying07:19
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khaled_why ?07:19
ardchoille< dek_aik> FeestBijtje: i dont know if i can use pm ..not registered i think07:19
dek_aikFeestBijtje: i dont think it is wise07:19
Jack_Sparrowhbi: no07:19
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delightFeestBijtje ... usually there is no need to reinstall a linux .. exception confirm the rule ;)07:19
mc__delight, i dont find that package07:19
Jack_Sparrowhbi: you can add a firewall manager like firestarter07:19
khaled_<Jack_Sparrow> why?07:19
FeestBijtjedelight, okay i will try to soulve this tomorrow07:20
hbiJack_Sparrow, what does that do?07:20
ardchoillekhaled_: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/10/06/linux_vs_windows_viruses/07:20
dek_aikardchoille: i tried to register this morning but i dont know...failed maybe07:20
Jack_Sparrowkhaled_: just like mac  novirii07:20
FeestBijtjedek_aik, thanx for the help but i need to go now :(07:20
delightBonez56 why do u think its unreliable ?07:20
_nano_Hi, adding a path variable in the .bash_profile doesn't work...help :(07:20
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ardchoilledek_aik: /msg nickserv help register07:20
ubotuI know nothing about path - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:20
hbicause ive been readon and i found clamav is an antivirus and firestarter is good firewall07:20
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:21
LilSnipeCan anyone help me?07:21
=== SteaK [i=SteaK@APoitiers-156-1-108-254.w90-5.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:21
Bonez56delight: i have a problem where it always tries to output to my /home partition which never has enough space, no matter if you specify a different location. also you can not burn directly from it, and it always forgets my options every time i open it07:21
delightmc__ don't remember where i got it from whas not in the repos ... i had to google for it something like tovid dapper .... maybe tovid debian ... don't remember but its working nice on my box07:21
mc__!anyone > LilSnipe07:21
Jack_Sparrowhbi: If you need to manage ports it will let ou tweak the settings07:21
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concept10have they fixed the wireless part of NetworkManager in Dapper yet?07:21
mc__delight, hm do you think mencoder can to the job?07:21
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hbiwell i dont need to manage them but i mean im used to windows where if u dont have a firewall your screwed07:21
LilSnipeI have the LiveCD install version, but it keeps freezing on install...07:21
Jack_SparrowSorry for the spelling errors, I am on lappy this morning and I have FAT fingers07:22
LilSnipeIs there another way to install, maybe command line?07:22
Jack_Sparrowhbi: welcome to the free world07:22
joe___when installing vlc I type sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-esd07:22
hbilol its scary07:22
mc__LilSnipe, you need the alternate install cd07:22
WhiteNinjaLilSnipe: have u tried... save-vga-mode?07:22
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gnomefreakLilSnipe: download the alternative cd07:22
joe___and I get the error ;07:22
joe___The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:22
joe___  vlc-plugin-esd: Depends: vlc (= 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6) but it is not going to be installed07:22
delightBonez56 so there is a gui to it .. i think it was Qtovid or so ... but the precompiled package i found by googling was not working out of the box on my dapper ... so i sticked with the text version ... u should use simple tovid -dvd -in filename -out filename ... no home partition use needed07:22
Jack_Sparrowhbi: yea, it is nice once you relax, no spyware, adware virii07:23
gnomefreakjoe___: sudo apt-get -f install07:23
LilSnipeI don't want to download.  Why i requested CD's07:23
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jesusmgcon quien tengo el gusto d hablar?07:23
Bonez56delight: i'll give that a go. i am using a GUI but I can't remember where I got it from. It just shows up on my apps menu as "Tovid"07:23
hbiJack_Sparrow, but the problem is with now anti virus telling me theres none their i just have to trust the os and im not used to that at all lol07:23
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ardchoille!es > jesusmg07:23
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joe___same thing07:24
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-43-249.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
delightBonez56 ... nice ... id love to get that too .. but I'm ok with the text version ... u will have that command version too on your system as the gui - version depends on the bash-command07:24
LilSnipeCan I or can I not, install another way with the LiveCD?07:24
WhiteNinjahm... just for fun.. is there a german-ubuntu-channel?07:25
=== acojlo [n=acojlo@cable-87-116-154-174.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu
drbreen__ ?07:25
Jack_Sparrowhbi:  If a problem pops up it is fixed and put in upgrades really fast07:25
delightBone56 u can even do man tovid07:25
gnomefreakWhiteNinja: #ubuntu-de07:25
Dr_Willisis my guess.07:25
ubotuI know nothing about tovid - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:25
mehrdadI had 5.10 and my USB keyboard worked well (I use a hp dv1000 laptop). I switched to 6.06 and my keyboard stopped working. constantly logging a message about IRQ and hidcore, -1,...07:25
WhiteNinjatse.. too easy.. maybe there will be austrians :-)07:25
=== cara [n=cara@pool-70-23-174-109.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LilSnipeCan I or can I not, install another way with the LiveCD?07:25
WhiteNinjaor bavarians :-)))07:25
carahi i have a question about gaim..07:25
gnomefreakLilSnipe: server install07:25
gdbWhiteNinja: you're in austria?  your name isn't alex, is it?07:25
gnomefreakLilSnipe: does the live cd boot?07:26
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WhiteNinjano.. i am german07:26
LilSnipeYes, just freezes on install.07:26
drbreen__for bavarians: join #ubuntu-by07:26
gdbWhiteNinja: ah ok :-)07:26
mehrdadgnomefreak: It's not available with live cd i think07:26
gnomefreakLilSnipe: try server mode07:26
gnomefreakmehrdad: it is07:26
caradose anyone know how to make a profile on gaim?07:26
LilSnipeHow do I try server mod?07:26
drbreen__cara: it is not that hard, is it ?07:26
caraim new to all this07:26
FusionXN1ANyoen know the terminal command to launch teamspeak after installing?07:26
gnomefreakLilSnipe: restart boot to cd and you will see a list server install should be there07:26
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WhiteNinjai am testing my multitasking now *laughing07:27
mehrdadgnomefreak: LiveCD doesn't contain base things in .deb format07:27
LilSnipeIT says Start or Install Ubuntu07:27
delightFusionXN1 u can allways dpkg -L packagename07:27
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delightmaybe pipe towards | less07:27
FusionXN1delight i have installed it need to run it07:27
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gnomefreakmehrdad: mine gives me a server install (i can swear)07:27
gnomefreakLilSnipe: there are 4 other things07:27
gnomefreakwhat do they say07:27
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delightthe command in the folder /usr/bin or /bin are the ones u looking for07:27
LilSnipeStart in Safe graphics mode, Check CD, Memory test, boot from HD07:27
mehrdadgnomefreak: are u share it's not DVD?07:28
gnomefreakach boot from hd damn07:28
delightFusionXN1 right i know ... i told u what to do in general07:28
gnomefreakmehrdad: it might be07:28
caraso dose anyone know how to do it?07:28
delightso dpkg -L packagename | less07:28
LilSnipeGrub comes up.07:28
gnomefreakLilSnipe: no download and install from the alternative cd07:28
LilSnipeI didn't want to download.07:28
delightcara sorry did not read07:28
LilSnipeThats why i sent for the CD's..07:28
delightcara do what ?07:28
Jack_SparrowLilSnipe: if you hit E at grub can you dit the options07:28
gnomefreakLilSnipe: try another disk07:29
caramake a profile on gaim lol07:29
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LilSnipeJack, No.07:29
gnomefreakLilSnipe: if you gto edubuntu disks they are the text installer07:29
carai know how to make it on aim... but i dont know what to go under to make it on gaim07:29
FusionXN1delight i dont under stand07:29
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LilSnipeI have reg Unbuntu07:29
raboofsometimes my alsa doesn't work, but there's a /dev/dsp1 that does work. how can i find out where that comes from? maybe it's blocking alsa or something..07:29
delightcara what profile r u talking about ? u can have all sort of accounts on it at the same time07:29
mehrdadLinSnipe: you can manually copy files when booted in LiveCD to the target partition07:29
gnomefreakLilSnipe: try another cd than07:29
delightFusionXN1 ... try this first dpkg -l | grep team07:29
LilSnipegnome, i did.07:30
delightthere should be the name of your teamspeak package07:30
LilSnipemehrdad, how?07:30
=== move [n=move@pool-72-77-247-220.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
delightthen when u know the exact packagename07:30
carayou know when you are chatting to someone on gaim and on the bottom right hand side it says info...07:30
delighttry dpkg -L packagename | less07:30
carahow do i put info about me on mine07:30
FusionXN1delight done07:30
Bonez56delight: thanks heaps for the tovid info, i'm more than happy using the text version it works great and it's easier than I thought it would be :)07:30
delightcara .. o i c ... i could not find that one either ... don't know sorry .. i think its missing in game07:31
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movecara: tools at the top of the window07:31
moveand then accoutn options07:31
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delightBonez56 i know ;)07:31
caraoh ok... thank you anyway delight07:31
Bonez56delight: the GUI is very buggy07:31
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moveboth of you, you can do it07:31
caraok .. then what?  move?07:31
delightBonez56 I still would like to have it .. just to have it :-D07:31
movethen click the account you want to change the profile of and then set user info07:31
=== codecaine_ [n=codecain@cpe-70-125-182-20.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
moveI think it's the first thing in the loist07:32
FusionXN1delight - Done :)07:32
FusionXN1How i launch07:32
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delightcara ... what kind of an account is it ?07:32
codecaine_whats wrong with this command07:32
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codecaine_sudo mount -t FAT16 /dev/sde movies07:32
codecaine_in cfdisk its FAT1607:32
raboof/var/log/udev mentions adding /dev/dsp1, but i see it nowhere grepping through /etc/udev07:32
caraohh lol thank you so much lol i see it now07:32
delightFusionXN1 did u find the command in the bin folder ?07:32
=== c|int [n=clint@adsl-75-23-83-204.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
delightthats the one u neeed to call07:32
Bonez56delight: yep know the feeling. see what you can dig up in google :)07:32
FusionXN11 mo ill look07:32
pnI have set up a Dapper server. I need it to run wirelessly (don't ask). the server cannot find any network interface besides eth0 (in 5.10, it had no problem finding and running ath0 out of the box). Does anyone know how I would go about activating ath0 or why it disappeared in Dapper Drake?07:32
mehrdadLilSnipe: What the installer does is to copy all the files to a partition07:32
caradelight.. it is the set user info account...07:32
carathank you so much for your help guys!07:33
delightlet me have a look ;)07:33
mehrdadLilSnipe: Then remove ubiquity package and configure system07:33
WhiteNinjahow about telling mount whether it is /dev/sde1.. or sde2 (i guess mount looks for partitions.. not drives ) :-)07:33
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delightcara ... did u use icq / aim or what ?07:33
c|inthey guys, I took the Pre test for the army today, and past it, Monday I got take, ASVAB, I want to do something great, and I Know I can get into security , and information systems, with the Army, my funds aren't that great right now, and I need help07:33
carabefore linux?07:33
FusionXN1tsclient :)07:33
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movecodecaine: try it as vfat07:33
delightcara .. .no i mean in general where u tried to set the profile data07:33
Bonez56c|int: ???07:34
=== edson_lugh [n=edson@c9067710.static.spo.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
c|intgot that wireless, seeing the networks, but I can't get it to connect07:34
moveeven if it is FAT16 in cfdisk07:34
WhiteNinjacodecaine: look above07:34
carai didnt have any...07:34
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hbiJack_Sparrow, with firewalls on the windows side... if someone is doing a nessus scan it flags up so i know that someone is trying to do stuff to my comp..... without a firewall in place on ubuntu that wouldnt flag up would it? or would there be no reason because i am not vulnerable to any exploit nessus can find?07:34
carathank you guys... bye bye :)07:34
delightbecause in icq i only get a big text field to fill in07:34
graymanguess who07:34
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codecaine_hmm says already mounted how can you find where a device is mounted?07:35
Jack_Sparrowhbi: no reason to worry07:35
delightFusionXN1 tsclient is not the right command ?07:35
LilSnipeCan I use the terminal to install Linux?07:35
movetype mount07:35
ubotuI know nothing about nessus - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:35
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ubotuI know nothing about terminalinstall - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:35
mc__LilSnipe, yes07:35
move!terminal install07:35
ubotuI know nothing about terminal install - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:35
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moveyou need to download a special disk don't you?07:36
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zerostarhxI'm trying to do a complete reinstall of windows and ubuntu, I wanted to start with windows first. I restart with windows in my cd drive and ubuntu wont allow it to boot up from the start.07:36
LilSnipeI hope not..07:36
hbiJack_Sparrow,  being the fact im new to ubuntu i might be a sloppy user could i accidently make myself vulnerable.... and if i where to what would i have to do to make myself vulnerable.... or is the fact u need to get root to do anything to the system?07:36
=== Wash [n=Wash@student-nat.adelphi.edu] has joined #ubuntu
LilSnipeOther wise im going back to Fedora07:36
knewterwow, so I did an apt-get install ifrename (noticed there were errors with that when booting), and now X won't start (says the synaptics touchpad no longer works), and my eth0 interface disappeared07:36
FusionXN1no thats terminal server or somrthing i think07:36
mc__LilSnipe, use the alternative install cd07:36
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skarfacezerostarhx: that's probably your bios doing that, not linux07:36
LilSnipeIm not going to download anything.07:36
delighthttp://tovid.sourceforge.net/download/kubuntu/ <<< for everybody looking for tovid07:36
eyequeuewhat is "terminal" install?07:36
mehrdadLilSnipe: ubuntu EATS Fedora, don't go back!:D07:36
InterNutanyone know why i get a wierd pic (http://internut.no-ip.org/webcam/) when using webcamd but when im trying camorama it works?07:36
caonexhow can i restart the sound server or sound layer?07:36
zerostarhxmy bios is set to boot from cd rom07:36
mc__LilSnipe, well than go back to fedora07:36
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movezerostarhx: that's not ubuntu, that's your bios. you probably have IDE before CD-Rom in the boot order07:36
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WashYo guys, I'm trying to get Ubuntu Dapper running on a dual-core Dell with ATI Radeon X600 video card, and everything gets set up fine except for X.  When I try to run, it gives me a "No screens found" error.  What gives?07:36
codecaine_hmm doesn't show it already mounted :/07:36
Jack_Sparrowhbi: just keep to the repositories for your software and relax..07:36
WashI've tried running with the special boot directives for Dell computers, as well as noapic and nolapic, but I've had no luck.07:37
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mc__LilSnipe, hafe fun with rpm's and greet the bugs from me07:37
zerostarhxI have all cd rom for boot order would this be a problem?07:37
FusionXN1i got it07:37
LilSnipeWill do MC07:37
hbifine ill try and relax and have faith07:37
LilSnipeAt least it installs :O07:37
Jack_Sparrowmc_  Agreed07:37
mehrdadLilSnipe: maybe your partition table has a problem that makes installer crash, I had te same problem07:37
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delightFusionXN1 ... so u learned some 2day ;)07:37
lufisIs there any reason that Banshee is replaced by Rhythmbox in Ubuntu by default?07:37
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LilSnipeIt freezes at the TIME zone things07:37
c|inthey anyone here, I need some great help with wireless issue07:37
mehrdadLilSnipe: I had problems with FC5 DVD!07:38
ubotuI know nothing about bcm - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:38
FusionXN1lol i had to do: cd ~/TeamSPeak2RC2 then ./TeamSpeak how do i put that on one command?07:38
zerostarhxOr should I have cdrom floppy then hd07:38
LilSnipeI have FC3, beat that!07:38
LilSnipeAnd it won't update.07:38
delightc|int try installing the network-manager07:38
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delightafter that it should be easy on kde its the knetworkmanager07:38
mehrdadLilSnipe: you can install linux with some tricks07:38
LilSnipeThen what are they/07:39
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zerostarhxI'm going to try booting from the other cd tray07:39
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.07:39
knewterargh, ifrename conflicts with udev07:39
mehrdadLilSnipe: Create the required partitions manually07:39
knewtermaybe that's why those things stopped working07:39
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=== Dr_Willis boldly installs webmin!
LilSnipeWith what?07:39
FusionXN1delight i cant find the "one" command for it07:39
FusionXN1so i cant add it to my menu07:39
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mc__does someone know why webmin is no longer supported?07:39
delightu want it in your menu07:39
delightso create a .desktop file07:39
delightor for the start07:39
mehrdadLilSnipe: fdisk07:40
FusionXN1erm... ?!07:40
Dr_Willismc__,  apraently it has a history of security issues.. but i found it best to install it manyally from the webmin site anyway07:40
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uniqfusionxn1: use semicolon. firstcommand;secondcommand.07:40
crimsunCarlFK: frankly, (2) [ensoniq] 07:40
delighttry right click in gnome and select create starter07:40
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Dr_Willismc__,  all i used it for was to admin samba shares.07:40
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crimsunCarlFK: although if you had to get any card, an audigy 2 zs would suffice for nearly anything07:40
LilSnipeThats a program right?07:40
mc__Dr_Willis, i used it a lot on my webserver07:40
mehrdadLilSnipe: yes07:40
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Rubenhi folks07:40
Bonez56hi Ruben07:41
mc__Ruben, good evening07:41
mehrdadLilSnipe: you haven't ever used fdisk?07:41
RubenI want to reinstall ruby but I have problems for uninstall in ubuntu07:41
delightoh thats what you mean ... u also can create a file put #!/bin/bash in the first line and list the commands in it ... make it executable and then use it like a .bat or .cmd file in windows07:41
Jack_Sparrow867 peope say hello back to Ruben07:41
mc__Ruben, sudo apt-get remove ruby07:41
BraseroSomeone has a good link for testing Flash with dapper ?07:41
mc__Brasero, www.miniclips.com07:41
delightI'm out ... njoy ur buntu ;)07:41
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FusionXN1TeamSPeak doesnt have a command07:42
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LilSnipeI have nothing to run Fdisk on.07:42
Rubenthis is the output07:42
Rubenroot@ruben:/# sudo apt-get remove ruby07:42
RubenLeyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho07:42
RubenCreando rbol de dependencias... Hecho07:42
RubenEl paquete ruby no esta instalado, no se eliminar07:42
Ruben0 actualizados, 0 se instalarn, 0 para eliminar y 47 no actualizados.07:42
=== Sally80 [n=sderm@host81-132-165-246.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mc__!es > Ruben07:42
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Sally80how do i install googleearth on ubuntu?07:42
jbroomethere's your problem.. It's all in spanish07:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:42
mc__!paste > Ruben07:42
SurfnKidjbroome, LOL07:42
snikkerhow can run samba for non 'root' user?07:42
Bonez56Sally80: download the linux version from earth.google.com and run it like this: sudo ./sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin07:43
CarlFKcrimsun: thanks07:43
LilSnipeI can't run Fdisk.07:43
stammii upgraded to breezy and now xorgconfig has somehow disappeared07:43
Rubenok sorry07:43
stammiis there a replacement?07:43
Jack_SparrowSally80: it works better than the M$ version07:43
Sally80where do i download it to?07:43
CarlFKstammi: to breezy, or from breezy?07:43
Dr_Willissudo fdisk /dev/hda07:43
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SurfnKidarggg XGL just crashed07:43
SurfnKidhow nice07:44
Bonez56can someone tell me what ruby does?07:44
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ubotuI know nothing about ruby - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:44
Dr_Willisruby is a very flexable scripting language and more. :)07:44
eyequeueBonez56, interpreter07:44
stammiCarlFK, ups from breezy to dapper07:44
eyequeueruby (1)             - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language07:44
Jack_SparrowSally80: I used /home/jack/earth07:44
c|intoh how I install the network manager07:44
Sally80thank you jack07:44
LilSnipeWillis, unable to open that dir,'07:44
tmartins Anyone knows a better Debian package then the one from http://pkg-voip.buildserver.net / http://buildserver.net ?07:44
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CarlFKstammi: figured as much.  too bad I can't help you either way :)07:45
uniqstammi: you can try 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg' in console.07:45
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c|intwich 1 on that, delight07:45
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tmartinsor a channel asterisk debian specific ?07:45
=== mkns has a problem after upgrading his kernel from 2.6.15-23-386 to 2.6.15-26-386 regarding his wireless adapter not working and wonders whether anyone here might be able to help?
=== mikearthur [n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
stammiuniq i'm lookinf for xorgconfig the tool, not xorg.conf07:45
Jack_Sparrowchanging computers back in a sec..07:45
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Paddy_EIREhey guys i was wondering if there is an app for ubuntu that will allow me to create flash animations07:45
Sally80sudo: ./sh: command not found07:46
skarfacenot sure linux is the best thing to develop flash with07:46
uniqstammi: the command i gave you will help you configure your xorg.conf.07:46
Paddy_EIRE<skarface> so I have to use windows07:46
mehrdadLilSnipe: use GParted07:46
ardchoilleSally80: You trying to run a .sh file?07:46
Sally80sudo: ./sh: command not found07:46
Rubenfriends here is the output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911107:46
stammiyep got it. thx uniq07:46
Sally80thats what i was told torun07:46
naliothSally80: sudo file.sh07:46
Dial_toneagreed, especially since flash is on v9 but linux is still flash v707:46
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c|intwhats that, network manager help me do07:47
plizhi guys! does anyone know how to make ubuntu gnome to give focus to the field of password instead of the unlock button in gnome screen lock?07:47
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skarfacePaddy_EIRE: well windows or a mac, probably, yes. linux support for flash is weak.07:47
skarfaceor flash support for linux, if you prefer...07:47
Bonez56Sally80: try just "sudo sh googleearthlinux.bin"07:47
tjb891does anyone know if synaptic can install CVScedega?07:47
c|intwill that help out for wireless07:47
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Paddy_EIRE<skarface> http://f4l.sourceforge.net/ is this any good07:47
Dr_Willistjb891,  dont think so07:47
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skarfacePaddy_EIRE: no idea. try it.07:48
Spoonerok im back07:48
c|inttjb891: , cedega is commercial :)07:48
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tjb891and should wine be set to be windows 2000 or windows XP?07:48
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FusionXN1Anyone got teamspeak Here?07:48
Orbit45244I'm having problems running Ubuntu off of an i386 Live CD.  Boot up gets stuck at something about "Volume Management" and quits.07:48
LilSnipe2Whats gparted?07:48
tjb891CVScedega is open source I believe, normal cedega is commershal07:48
skarfaceOrbit45244: what kind of computer?07:48
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:49
Orbit45244Compaq Presario07:49
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mc__tjb891, cedega is open-source AND commercial07:49
skarfaceI had a similar issue, but with a compaq though, with earlier builds... sometimes hardware just plain isn't supported. try googling your particular model.07:49
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skarfacebut NOT with a compaq07:49
FusionXN1How do i find out what my LAN IP is?07:49
Sally80but how do i get to mu home/sally/earth/ dir07:50
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plizanyone gnome screen lock issue?07:50
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kennytWhat's the proper way to install 2.6.17-* on Dapper?07:50
InterNutFusionXN1: in term: ifconfig07:50
c0smin__hi 2 all07:50
FusionXN1k thx07:50
Jack_Sparrowsally I will be able to help in a few..07:50
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karoriPublic version (cvs) of cedega has no copyprotection (crack) libraries for protected games07:50
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tjb891if I install a program with wine were does it install to?07:50
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LilSnipe2What is Gparted?07:51
snikkerhow can run samba for non 'root' user?07:51
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Kyraltjb891: someplace in ~07:51
skarfacetjb891: ~/.wine/ generally07:51
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dlikennyt, download the source from kernel.org , use kernel-package to build07:51
raboofhmm, the /var/log/udev is much longer when sound fails compared to when it works.07:51
kennytdli: that'll be all nice any ubuntu branded?07:51
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Jack_SparrowLilSnipe: partitioning program, I prefer to use ultimate boot cd with many tools07:51
RubenI want to reinstall ruby but I have problems for uninstall in ubuntu07:51
dlikennyt, yes07:51
kennytdli: great, thanks07:51
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KyralLilSnipe2: GParted is a GUI frontend for Parted. Its style is that of Partition Magic07:51
FusionXN1I got a problem with a USB Microphone. NO software will use it - it says it has a problem07:51
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raboofanyone any idea what could cause this?07:52
KyralCousin to QtParted (only difference is one uses GTK and the other uses Qt)07:52
Rubenhere is the output for my problem friends => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911107:52
sh4doxi'm in a hurry can someone help me with a tiny problem?07:52
Kyral*sigh* I support Ubuntu, but it taking over the definition of Linux is not happy07:52
mknshi - i've upgraded my kernel from 2.6.15-23-386 to 2.6.15-26-386 but now my wireless adapter "doesn't exist" although it does with the older kernel.  'iwconfig ath0' returns "no such device" - anyone got any clues what to try?07:53
dlikennyt, too bad when dapper was released, 2.6.17 wasn't released, and 2.6.16 is still a bad (if not the worst) release07:53
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KyralThough the DFSG protects against someone developing something just for Ubuntu (and expecting it to be in the Repos)07:53
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sh4doxwhen i try to connect to an other computer screen there are only weird stripes, when i'm watching a movie full screen there are also those euhm "stripes" :s can someone help me out?? it's kinda urgent, cuz me and my girlfriend would like to see a movie yet07:54
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amunddpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15-1ubuntu5_i386.deb (--unpack): subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1. Anyone know how to fix this?07:54
dlish4dox, nvidia card?07:54
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sh4doxdli: yes07:54
Kyral(Acronym Expansion for non-devs: DFSG: The Debian Free Software Guidelines. Became the basis of the Open Source definition. All packages in Ubuntu must conform to the DFSG)07:54
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Sally80why is it so hard!07:54
dlish4dox, follow the nvidia driver howto07:54
dli!nvidia > sh4dox07:54
sh4doxdli: i allready did , nothing changed07:55
FusionXN1WHats the RAR package to enable archieve manager to open and creat .RAR archieves?07:55
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Paddy_EIREcna anyone tell me which irc app is most like XChat-gnome for windows07:55
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression07:55
KyralPaddy_EIRE: XChat?07:55
KyralOr the old standby, mIRC07:55
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Paddy_EIRE<Kyral> nice one07:55
dlish4dox, double check your xorg.conf, you should state nvidia rather than "nv" as the driver07:55
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gregg__Paddy_EIRE: x-chat originally is an unix/linux app, after all... just got ported to windows07:56
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sh4doxdli: ok, just a sec07:56
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KyralActually I think the Win32 version is Shareware07:56
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moijvenguten abend07:56
Kyralthe Linux version is GPL07:56
gregg__Kyral: "offical" builds, yes07:56
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=== Kyral shrugs
KyralI use Irssi or Konversation07:56
gregg__Kyral: you can compile your own build or use someone elses07:56
gregg__Kyral: it's almost like openbsd07:57
moijvenhabe ein ubuntu auf meinem laptop installiert07:57
gregg__Kyral: irssi is teh ownage ;)07:57
KyralFor a while I ran Irssi on my server in Screen and to use IRC all I did was SSH to my server and reattach the Screen session to my terminal07:57
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amarokkeris it possible to use ubuntu on 64-bit AMD athlon dual core processors/hardware?07:57
FusionXN1I have installed the rar package but RARs still wont open07:57
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Kyralamarokker: yes07:57
gregg__moijven: please, hier wird englisch gesprochen ;)07:58
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KyralDon't ask me about performance though, I'm still running an Athlon XP 270007:58
mjramarokker, indeed it is07:58
dliamarokker, yes, choose the amd64 SMP kernel07:58
moijvenI installed ubuntu on my laptop and want to play mp3's. but it doesn't work07:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:58
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Kyralyes, mp3 is not free. Use Ogg Vorbis if you can help it07:58
s_spiffFusionXN1, it didnt for me either..when i installed using synaptic07:58
gregg__Kyral: that's what I'm doing, too. it's the perfect solution for IRC07:58
FusionXN1s_spiff so what do i do07:58
=== Bernhard [n=koch@chello084115132226.4.graz.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
phenexguys, i need to downgrade mysql from 5 to 4... how can i do that? including all the addon packages...07:59
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amarokkerah, yes. dli- and any differences in performance when I use it on hyperthreaded intel processors...which i understand is a 'virtual' sorta dual core...running on one physical processor.07:59
s_spiffso right click and say 'pen with '07:59
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hbiif ive ran kismet from root where does the files get saved?07:59
s_spiffFusionXN1, hold on..07:59
rgoldenhow do I know EXACTLY which distro I'm running.  Parts of my install say xubuntu and parts say Ubuntu07:59
dek_aikSally80: try sudo ./xxxx instead of sudo ./sh xxxx ...xxxx---is your file07:59
ernzHello, is anyone here able to offer me some guidance on general Ruby development questions I have?07:59
Kyralhbi: /root07:59
rgoldenuname -A doesn't do it07:59
gregg__ernz: #ruby07:59
Kyralernz: I know some Ruby, but I'm a beginner07:59
Sally80suppose the fuile was on desktop?07:59
ernzgregg__: Good call.07:59
Kyralernz: Ruby is an awesome language no?08:00
ardchoillergolden: lsb_release -a08:00
KyralIts like Java, but good!08:00
gregg__ernz: I prefer python, though08:00
s_spiffFusionXN1, right clikc>open with other app>use custom command> type unrar. that should work08:00
rgoldenthanks ardchoille08:00
ardchoillergolden: You're welcome :)08:00
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ernzKyral: That's why I am switching from Microsuck VB.NET to Ruby08:00
KyralI'm trying to learn the basics of every major language08:00
FusionXN1k 1 mo08:00
KyralThat way I can debug anything if I have to08:00
joevandykI'm starting a java applet that allows me to access computers at work.  It's attempting to start a web browser on port 80.  How can I let normal users (i.e. me) start stuff on port 80?08:00
ernzWhat would be the best language for me to learn do you reckon?08:00
FusionXN1count not find unrar08:00
Kyralor at least provide inteligent bug reports08:01
Kyralernz: Depends on your skill level08:01
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s_spiffdid u install unrar? or free-unrar?08:01
gregg__ernz: depends on what you are trying to achieve08:01
ernzThe language needs to be OO, and migratable to WinblowsX08:01
joevandykI know Ruby fairly well.08:01
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rgoldensays ubuntu 6.0608:01
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KyralI started with C++ (well, technically with HTML and CSS)08:01
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kaatilhi all08:01
dek_aikSally80: try "ls *.bin"08:01
gregg__ernz: python :p08:01
Kyralyou just named almost every language08:01
phenexi need to downgrade mysql from 5 to 4... how can i do that? including all the addon packages...08:01
KyralPerl has OO facilities08:01
Bonez56how do you remove automatix?08:01
kaatilanyone know how i can install japanese input method for gnome? thanks08:01
gregg__ernz: python has nice win32 extensions and a very good windows port08:01
KyralPHP does...08:01
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KyralPython does08:01
KyralRuby does08:01
ernzI also want a WYSIWYG - I have build a few clever applications, mostly utility style apps with a practical purpose, rather than database related.08:02
gnomefreakBonez56: please ask in #automatix08:02
Kyral...WYSIWYG DIE!!08:02
s_spiffFusionXN1, did u install unrar or freeunrar?08:02
dlikaatil, install scim08:02
Sally80ls: *.bin: No such file or directory08:02
KyralYou dare call yourself a coder!08:02
s_spiff!file compression08:02
ubotuI know nothing about file compression - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:02
rredd4is a Lexmark X2470 supported by Dapper?  Thinking of buying one..08:02
sopidois there a deb for acroread 7.0.8? i thought version 7.0.1 is vulnerable? or is it fine just to alien'ate adobes official rpm?08:02
KyralUse a REAL editor!08:02
gnomefreak!hardware > rredd408:02
KyralLike Emacs or Vim :P08:02
Rubenfriends help me please08:02
gnomefreakrredd4: read your pm from the bot08:02
ernzKyral: - Slighlty scary. Please lay off the coffee.08:02
Rubenhere is the output for my problem friends => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911108:02
Kyral(see I'm editor-neutral :D)08:02
rgoldenbye, more ubuntu work to do08:02
phenexKyral, Emacs isn't an editor...08:03
gnomefreakKyral: can you please move that to #ubuntu-offtopic08:03
dek_aikSally80: its the google file right?08:03
phenexit's an OS08:03
Kyralgnomefreak: I was just mentioning :P08:03
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mercykillerAck, phenex beat me to it08:03
KyralI didn't start the editor war08:03
KyralNote I said Emacs OR Vim08:03
drbreen__emacs phor the win !!!!08:03
gnomefreakKyral: move the topic to #ubuntu-offtopic08:03
ernzNow I'm confused....Python, or Ruby? Python...Ruby....08:03
drbreen__gedit or mousepad !!!08:03
gregg__ernz, wysiwyg for programming?08:03
drbreen__or gobby !08:03
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Kyralthese other guys started it :P08:03
Kyralernz: Both!08:03
mercykillerernz: I've heard that ruby is more elegant08:04
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gnomefreakKyral: you are muted for 10 mins08:04
drbreen__gedit ? mousepad ? gobby ? kate ? kwrite ? abiword ? pick one !08:04
gnomefreakdrbreen__: stop now08:04
ernzgregg__: You can knock WYSIWYG IDE's all you wan't the fact is that they build apps quicker.08:04
drbreen__ok ill stop08:04
FusionXN1s_spiff free unrar08:04
=== ed_ [n=ed@cpe-24-31-130-146.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ed_Anyone have any experience installing VMWare Workstation under Dapper?08:04
s_spiffFusionXN1, install unrar.. using sudo apt-get in terminal08:04
dek_aikSally80: and you dont know where it is? it should be in your home i suppose08:04
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gregg__ernz: never seen a wysiwyg ide :)08:05
ernzmercykiller: Ruby is certainly a lot cleverer by the looks of it. Python looks slightly Chunky. A bit more C++ish.08:05
Sally80i can put it on hom08:05
FusionXN1I did it says its missing08:05
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ernzDev. GUI* gregg__08:05
=== MarcC [n=MarcC@ukiah-cuda1-gen2-70-36-18-129.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
phenexpython is about as easy to learn as it gets...08:05
Hexidigital_ed_::  what are you having problems with?08:05
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FusionXN1Anyone help me perform this please! http://www.daniel-lemire.com/blog/archives/2005/10/12/logitech-usb-desktop-microphone-under-linux/ I cant do it in ubuntu08:05
Ronzhey hey everyone08:05
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gregg__ernz: yes, but programming by point'n'click? that's news for me :)08:05
mercykillerernz: Ruby treats just about _everything_ in an OO fashion, I believe...08:05
ed_Hexidigital: I have the proper kernel headers, am trying to build the vmmon, and it craps out with an error.08:05
rredd4gnomefreak the Lexmark X2470 is not listed in hardware support, its to new08:06
ed_Hexidigital: One sec while I grab the error.08:06
Hexidigital_ed_::  pastebin the error08:06
Hexidigital_!paste > ed_08:06
dlignomefreak, don't shout or flood here08:06
mercykillerThough I'm a Java/C guy so...eh08:06
phenexwow... there is really a channel like that... cool :P08:06
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kaatilwhen i try to install scim-tables-ja.. it say it has conflict.08:06
Sally80i give up, but thanks for trying08:06
phenexand yet again...08:06
phenexi need to downgrade mysql from 5 to 4... how can i do that? including all the addon packages...08:06
Hexidigital_heh... i love it when people yell at the ops...08:06
kaatilbecause Scim has >1.1.0 whatever that mean08:06
gregg__ernz: not that I don't like building GUIs in a graphical way, but the programming itself still has to be done by hand, doesn't it?08:07
s_spiffFusionXN1, did it work? ' sudo apt-get install unrar '08:07
kaatilbtw i am using ubuntu dagger08:07
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MarcCis that like the 007 version? :D08:07
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s_spiffFusionXN1, then just follow the previous instructions..rightclick>use othr app>...08:07
ernzHexidigital_: Basically, I want the interface from M$.NET enviroment, with the coding of Ruby, All I see from Ruby is code, everywhere. Good code, but code, nontheless.No draggy droppy nice and simple stuff holding my hand. Now people say Python is the way to go. Whats the dealio?08:07
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onurphenex, i really wonder why do you want to downgrade?08:08
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ernzgregg__: True, it's nice to have a basic, set template to work with though.08:08
Hexidigital_ernz::  i'm not familiar with your problem, lemme look back in my log08:08
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phenexonur, to be able to run mythTV 0.1808:08
gregg__ernz: python IMHO has more and better 3rd party libraries and bindings08:08
rredd4how can I know if a printer is supported by dapper if the model # is not listed (because its too new) in hardware support.  Its a Lexmark08:08
=== auge02 [n=irc@L70fa.l.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
RubenRuby is the best of this world :)!08:08
Braserowich is best flashplayer with dapper ?08:08
MarcCversion 7...don't try 908:09
Hexidigital_ernz::  i'm not a programmer, so i dont know what you are looking for... sorry08:09
ernzIs anyone running a windows box here?08:09
jrib!flash > Brasero08:09
phenexheh... another ruben :P08:09
ernzNP hexidigital, tx 4 ur help anyhoo.08:09
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Hexidigital_ernstp::  np08:09
gregg__ernz: you can have that, too. I built GTK2 apps using glade, a GUI designer and then used tepache to create skeleton python code from the XML description of teh GUI08:09
jribrredd4: try linuxprinting.org08:09
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movecan someone tell me a tv tuner program for gnome?08:09
Hexidigital_ed_::  you still there?08:09
FusionXN1Can oen help me with this: http://www.daniel-lemire.com/blog/archives/2005/10/12/logitech-usb-desktop-microphone-under-linux/08:09
MilesAttaccaMy Ubuntu 64 live CD keeps freezing when I try to play one of the sample media files with Totem. The system just locks up, mouse doesn't respond, keyboard won't even let me turn the Num Lock light on. It's happened at least three times so far and I've had to restart each time. Any ideas?08:09
moveI have a bt878 tuner and I dunno how to install it08:09
ed_Hexidigital_:: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911208:09
rredd4jrib ok, ty08:09
Hexidigital_ed_::  :) good timing08:10
ed_Hexidigital_:: Had to go through the installer again.08:10
Hexidigital_ed_::  ah08:10
sh4doxnope won't work08:10
sh4doxcan someone else help me??08:10
ernzgregg__: You make me feel like a n00b.08:10
Hexidigital_ed_::  gimme one second08:10
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RubenI want to migrate 100 % to ubuntu, but for this problem of uninstall of ruby I cannot08:10
ed_Hexidigital_:: I'm a coder, but not a kernel hacker. :/08:10
sh4doxwhen i'm watching a movie full screen there are "stripes" in my screen, watching it normal size works it fine08:11
gregg__ernz: it's not that hard... wait a sec08:11
Hexidigital_ed_::  what are you trying to install? the vmware-mui?08:11
ernzgregg__ sure08:11
ed_Hexidigital_:: It's VMware Workstation 4.0.5--I realize there's an upgrade, but this one's the latest supported by a piece of software that I have to run under it.08:11
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MilesAttaccaI'm supposing that the crashes are just related to running Ubuntu through the live CD, but it isn't, after all, encouraging.08:12
ed_Hexidigital_:: I'm trying to install the whole package--it's labeled vmware-distrib.08:12
FusionXN1Wheres the UNRAR package? It isnt there08:12
Hexidigital_ed_::  is that bundled with vmware-server, do you know?08:12
z3r0xhi @ all08:12
moveREAL QUICK LIKE: can someone recommend a tv tuner application that may possibly work for my NON-happauge card?08:12
kaatilhi z308:12
jrib!info unrar08:12
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB08:12
jribFusionXN1: multiverse08:12
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z3r0xhow can I check if the dns server answers over tcp/udp08:13
WhiteNinjaed_: the last 4x version, supported was 4_5_2_88408:13
FusionXN1k jrib08:13
gregg__ernz: http://pygtk.org/articles.html08:13
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jribFusionXN1: are you comfortable enabling multiverse?08:13
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ernzgregg_ looking now08:13
Hexidigital_ed_::  what did it ask for before that pastebin'ed output?08:13
ardchoillegregg__ , ernz : Can you take the programming convo to #ubuntu-offtopic please like gnomefreak asked?08:13
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ed_Hexidigital_:: Just the normal--location of compiler and kernel headers.08:14
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Hexidigital_ed_::  ok, did it give you a gtk > 3.5 error? (something like that)08:14
gregg__ardchoille: ok08:14
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FusionXN1Can someone help me with this: http://www.daniel-lemire.com/blog/archives/2005/10/12/logitech-usb-desktop-microphone-under-linux/08:14
omar12how do i watch cnn video... its saying plugin update required08:14
gnomefreakKyral: you are un mutted08:15
=== Kyral rips the ducttape from his mouth
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk08:15
WhiteNinjaed_: u have to change the gcc-compiler for ur version08:15
jadamsmy wireless card doesn't show up anymore since upgrading my kernel.  Can anyone give me some pointers?  My lspci -v output is here: http://rafb.net/paste/results/Lvtel232.html08:15
ed_Hexidigital_:: No--the only error it gave me was the bad kernel header.08:15
KyralJeez....what was THAT for08:15
WhiteNinjathere is a howto on the net for it08:15
eddieIs there a way to get rid of the applications, Places and System words and replace them with icons?08:15
KyralI specifically worded my statement to AVOID the editor war08:15
Hexidigital_ed_::  have you upgraded your kernel recently? sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)08:15
facugaichHex editor recommendations?08:15
ernzardchoille: ya ya ya - I'm going. I know when I'm not wanted.08:15
jribeddie: you can have it be one single icon, it is an applet you can add to the panel08:15
ed_Hexidigital_:: I just upgraded from Breezy, so I imagine so.08:16
ed_Lemme check.08:16
Kyralernz: didja get my PMSG08:16
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Hexidigital_ed_::  i don tthink the headers get upgraded automagically08:16
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ernzKyral => " IDEs are Anjuta for GNOME and KDevelop for KDE"? That one08:16
MilesAttaccaAny ideas on why the live CD keeps locking up the computer when I try to play media files?08:16
ed_Hexidigital_:: No, they don't--but I have headers 2.6.15-26, and that's my kernel version as well.08:16
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Hexidigital_ed_::  odd.... ok, gimme a sec08:17
ernzYerp - thanks for that08:17
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WhiteNinjaHexidigital... ed_  it is not only a problem of headers... vmware 4x before 4.5x is compiled with the old gcc.. u have to install this gcc-version, too08:17
eddiejrib: got it, but how do I get rid of the existing one?08:17
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WhiteNinjasetting some symlinks.. than it will work08:17
abhinayi hv Dapper Drake; GRUB is gone, is it possible to install GRUB using Breezy Badger installation CD  ?08:17
ed_abhinay: Go into the CD in rescue mode and run grub-install.08:18
ed_WhiteNinja: Ah, cool, that'd make it a lot easier.08:18
tabmanI wanna copy a file from one directory to another, whats the command ?08:18
jribeddie: right click on it and remove I think (not in gnome right now)08:18
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facugaichcan someone tell me their hex editor of choice?08:18
ed_WhiteNinja: How old a version am I looking for? 3.x?08:18
WhiteNinjathere is a howto on the net... google for it08:18
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ed_WhiteNinja: Alright, thanks.08:18
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abhinayed_, thanku08:18
webbendoes anyone here have libxslt on their machine?08:18
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ompaultabman, cp /path/to/file1 /path/to/copyoffile/file1 or change file1 in the second part to change the file name08:18
ghostdogis there a bug in the i810 driver in dapper?08:19
webben(and know how to produce html from it)08:19
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ghostdogI am having video issues (extremely bright colors)08:19
ghostdogit happens on and off, so it is not a "conf" file issue08:19
ompaulwebben, it is in lots of places, and I have no idea08:19
RubenFriends can help with the uninstall of a program, here this output => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911108:19
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Hexidigital_ed_::  sudo apt-get install g++-3.4    (i have a feeling it is a g++ error)08:20
ed_Hexidigital_: Yeah, I'm trying that now.08:20
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InterNutanyone know why i get a wierd pic (http://internut.no-ip.org/webcam/) when using webcamd but when im trying camorama it works?08:20
munckfishMilesAttacca: possibly a problem with display drivers?08:21
eddiejrib: thx that was it08:21
facugaichRuben, what do you want to do? uninstall everything related to ruby=?08:21
Hexidigital_eddie::  is that the installer, or vmware-config.pl ?08:21
tabmanompaul: cp: cannot stat `/usr/lib/java/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.06/include/linux/jni_md.h': No such file or directory08:22
Hexidigital_eddie::  sorry, wrong person08:22
Rubenfacugaich: yes08:22
Hexidigital_ed_::  is that the installer, or vmware-config.pl ?08:22
MilesAttaccamunchfish: I guess that'd be a possibility. Any chance it'll automatically clear itself up when I install?08:22
MilesAttacca*munckfish, sorry.08:22
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ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:22
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movewhen installing mythtv it asks me for the mysql administrator user/password08:23
ompaultabman, that means the file you point at is missing08:23
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moveI don't know what that is08:23
naknomikI am trying to configure CUPS server using the KDE system settings GUI (Printers -> Print Server -> Configure Server), it asks me to authenticate, but I'm unable to do so, I have set a root password, but the authentication always fails.08:23
movehow do I find it out08:23
Specmove: have you installed mysql?08:23
brandon_why doesn't the command "apt-spy" work?08:23
Spec!info apt-spy08:23
ubotuapt-spy: writes a sources.list file based on bandwidth tests. In repository universe, is optional. Version 3.1-14 (dapper), package size 27 kB, installed size 176 kB08:23
moveSpec: it was just installed automatically when I apt-get installed mythtv I believe08:23
ompaulbrandon_, cos it is not installed?08:23
Specbrandon_: how does it not work?08:23
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brandon_it's supposed to be dammit08:23
ed_ Hexidigital_:: vmware-config.pl; it chains into it out of ./vmware-install.pl08:24
torti-evening guys, i just switched from gentoo to ubuntu and now i'm looking for some good howtos/hints to change my mailsystem from mbox to maildir - can anyone give me a hand?08:24
facugaichRuben, the problem is package "ruby" is not installed, I guess you have to uninstall "ruby1.8" or "ruby1.9"08:24
Specmove: well, you might have to do some configuration of mysql08:24
tabmanompaul: but I can see the file in front of me08:24
moveSpec: how do I tell if it's installed?08:24
munckfishMilesAttacca: I doubt it. Better to do a bit of investigation and tuning now rather than get to the disk and have probs08:24
tabmanI just can't copy paste it due to access rights, I'm being forced to do it through the terminal08:24
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Specmove: dpkg -l |grep -i sql08:24
ardchoilletabman: upper/lower case issue?08:24
FeestBijtjedek_aik, still there?08:24
Hexidigital_ed_::  go here.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VmWare  it tells you NOT to run vmware-config.pl; it gives you a walkthrough for proper configuration08:24
tabmanarchoille: i checked that as well08:24
joevandykHow can I configure my system so that a normal user can start an application on port 80?08:24
KyralYou DON'T08:24
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Specjoevandyk: you don't08:25
ompaultabman, ls -al that file08:25
ed_Hexidigital_:: Let me check that out...08:25
dek_aikFeestBijtje: yes..any luck?08:25
joevandykSpec, it's not possible?08:25
ardchoilletabman: yu can drag a file from nautilus to gnome-terminal and it will put the path and filename in the terminal08:25
Hexidigital_ed_::  lemme know if it works out08:25
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naknomikI'm unable to login as root to http://localhost:631/ what's wrong?08:25
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KyralTraditionally Unix has forbidden users to start anything that listens on a port08:25
munckfishMilesAttacca: you ok to look thru the faq/wiki/forums for info on display drivers? It's been a pretty common problem08:25
Specjoevandyk: I think you can setuid maybe and run it as root, and somehow change ownership of the process to another user...i think that's what zope does08:25
ompaulnaknomik, there is no root08:25
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ramiroecjust a question: I want to download only the zip's files from a Website, is there an option with wget command ?08:25
joevandykI've got a web java applet that needs to start some proxy services.  It works if I run the web browser as root, but that's a pain.08:25
jribnaknomik: is that for cups?08:25
naknomikompaul: I have set a root password.08:25
naknomikjrib: yes.08:25
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jribnaknomik: use system > administration > printing instead, or read /usr/share/doc/cupsys/README.Debian.gz08:26
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eyequeuenaknomik, sounds like whatever listener may be on that port is smartly configured :)08:26
Specjoevandyk: hmm, running a web browser as root isn't recommended either08:26
joevandykSpec, yeah, I know.08:26
MilesAttaccamunckfish: I'll take a look, sure.08:26
KyralWell, you satrt it as root08:26
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joevandykSpec, but the applet needs to start services on ports < 102408:26
tabmanardchoille: cool, how do you clear the whole line on a terminal btw ?08:26
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Kyraland Apache immeadiatly changes to an unprivledged user08:26
Specjoevandyk: the web java app runs via apache?08:26
chris86wmhey gaim doesnt seem to work with yahoo im anymore, is it something im doing or is the problem something yahoo has done?08:26
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z3r0xI have a little problem. how can I find out on wich server i'm logged in? (its a vserver and I need to find out if it is ass1.nine.ch or ass2.nine.ch)08:27
ompaulnaknomik, then as they say all bets are off you should do >> sudo dpkg-reconfigure cupsys << that is how to do it in ubuntu08:27
MilesAttaccamunckfish: Any way I can confirm that it's actually a display problem, though?08:27
moveSpec: that gave me a big list of sql stuff08:27
FusionXN1Can someone tell me how to install relatek sound drivers08:27
Kyralnormally "apache" or "www-user"08:27
PeterPowellwho can help me08:27
moijvenKyral: now it works...thanks08:27
Specmove: then there's a big list full of sql stuff installed =P08:27
ardchoilletabman: Not sure, never needed to08:27
PeterPowelli need uregent help plz08:27
joevandykSpec, No.  It's a Java applet.08:27
kaatilokay i got japanese SCIM working fine so far. :D08:27
jribPeterPowell: ask your question first :)08:27
Specjoevandyk: but it's served by ...what?08:27
joevandykSpec, it probably has its own webserver embedded in it.08:27
Specjoevandyk: oh08:27
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Bonez56I have audio problem with wine, when I start the wine control panel and click the audio tab, wine exits immediately. i also can not get any sound from wine programs.08:27
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PeterPowellhow do i change partition siez08:27
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Specjoevandyk: i don't know what you'd do :p sorry08:28
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eyequeuechris86wm, i have no info on that, but i do know yahoo and msn just became "compatible" somehow, if no other info comes in i'd investigate that08:28
PeterPowellanybody know?08:28
facugaichPeterPowell: Gparted08:28
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Bonez56PeterPowell: gparted08:28
PeterPowellhow do i do that08:28
ardchoille!info gparted08:28
sh4doxi can't install my nvidia drivers :s08:28
ubotugparted: partition editor for GNOME. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB08:28
chris86wmeyequeue, well i can see my buddy list but i cant join a chat room08:28
munckfishMilesAttacca: It's just a guess on my part that playing video/media files is a more graphics intensive task. So my gut feeling is that ubuntu has chosen a some sort of basic generic driver which is not sitting well with your card ...08:28
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chris86wmeyequeue, does the same for ylite on windows so it may be something yahoo has done08:29
sh4doxi just finished for the 5th time they wikipage and i'm still getting errors :s08:29
eyequeuechris86wm, i wonder if that's part of the protocol change?  could be08:29
Bonez56I have audio problem with wine, when I start the wine control panel and click the audio tab, wine exits immediately. i also can not get any sound from wine programs.08:29
chris86wmeyequeue, guess i will just have to wait for a fix08:29
eyequeuechris86wm, i wish i knew a url to give you that had specific details08:29
MilesAttaccamunckfish: It's a built-in card on this motherboard anyway. *sigh* Really will have to change that sometime.08:30
chris86wmeyequeue, i tried searching ubuntu's forums but there were no posts about it08:30
moveSpec: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911608:30
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munckfishMilesAttacca: best to get all the details on it and search the forums and wiki for any info/tips relating to it08:30
ed_Hexidigital_:: Question, on this howto. Doesn't make sense to me, but I may be thinking of it wrong--it says to use the version of gcc used to compile the kernel, but that version differs from 3.4--won't that result in incompatibilities?08:30
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byenGuys, I can only mount usb drives using sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd.. how can i auto mount them.. how can i black list this from laoding? any suggestions08:30
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MilesAttaccamunckfish: Right. Time to dig out its manual then.08:31
sh4doxbyen => wikipage => search for mount partitions ;-08:31
munckfishMilesAttacca: to get the info you require type this in a terminal: lspci | grep VGA08:31
Hexidigital_ed_::  afaik, use the version that you compiled with08:31
ed_Hexidigital_: Righto. Can't hurt anything anyway.08:31
munckfishMilesAttacca: that'll list you graphics card type/manufacturer etc08:31
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Specmove: maybe mysql's not running08:32
MilesAttaccamunckfish: Awesome. By the way, are there any how-to books out on Ubuntu yet? I've just got a pocket O'Reilly reference for Fedora.08:32
ramiroecjust a question: I want to download only the zip's files from a Website, is there an option with wget command ?08:32
sh4doxhey, can someone help me?! it's kinda urgent08:32
Specmove: i don't know much about setting it up though, i'm sure there's thousands of docs online that'll help you with that08:32
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ed_sh4dox: Little vague--can you amplify on that?08:33
jadamsis my wireless card simply not being detected at all anymore?  lspci -v output at http://rafb.net/paste/results/Lvtel232.html08:33
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munckfishMilesAttacca: yeah I've seen one. I think there's a link to info about it from somewhere in the help docs (System > Help)08:33
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siouxhi people08:33
eyequeuechris86wm, the only things i've been able to find on google are the "announcement" type posts, nothing on technical details08:33
FeestBijtjedek_aik, no luck yet :( but i got the system beep working :)08:33
munckfishMilesAttacca: one of the authors is a guy called Jono Bacon ...08:33
siouxhow can i add a fax printer?08:34
FeestBijtjeand its yelling allow08:34
sh4doxed_: when i'm trying to do "binarydriverhowtonvidia" i'm always receiving an error08:34
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ardchoillesh4dox: Would help if you pastebin the error08:34
chris86wmeyequeue, thanks for checking, i think ill just have to play with it a bit08:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:34
sh4doxardchoille: i'm doing it atm08:34
ardchoilleah, ok08:34
dek_aikFeestBijtje: do u have 2 soundcards? onboard and pci?08:35
tengilhow do i set up to mount filesystems on different computer internally with nfs?08:35
FeestBijtjedek_aik, yes08:35
FeestBijtjedek_aik, i use the pci one with is soundblaste08:35
=== raboof [i=arnouten@vhe-400091.sshn.net] has joined #ubuntu
tengilalso can i mount from a windows partition with nfs or do i need to use samba for that?08:35
sh4doxardchoille: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911708:35
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raboofwhere do i specify stuff to be started on startup (machine or x session I don't mind)? like jackd?08:36
zzyi cant paste a file to my hd08:36
ed_Hexidigital_:: Well, it compiled...doesn't work when running, though. "Has not been correctly configured for your kernel, run vmware-config.pl."08:36
facugaichtengil, you can mount and read ntfs, writing is what's not supported08:36
jadamsmy wireless chip isn't listed in my lspci output.  I'm using a Gateway M500.  http://rafb.net/paste/results/Lvtel232.html08:36
dek_aikFeestBijtje: well, i had this problem..try to swap them..give me a sec08:36
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zzyi have it on my desktop and i hit cutt but  cant paste it to my hd08:36
facugaichtengil, not fully supported08:36
Hexidigital_ed_::  hmmm08:36
MilesAttaccaSecond issue, how should you go about setting up a Linux-Windows dual-boot system? A friend said I should partition with MS-DOS FDISK, install Windows, then install Linux and set up grub.08:36
raboofi guess I could put it in my ~/.xsession or something, but there must be a `ubuntu way' :)08:37
sh4doxardchoille: i followed all the steps from the wiki and when i go to the terminal for entering that line, this error appears08:37
ed_Hexidigital_:: If this was my computer, I'd just use qemu, but my parents are using it and they're computer-illiterate.08:37
agresoranyone know how to setup webcam on ubuntu ???08:37
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:37
Hexidigital_ed_::  heh08:37
FeestBijtjedek_aik, intel works but sb live wont work thats the problem and i want to use sb live because its higher quality sound08:37
tengilfacugaich: no i dont want to mount a ntfs partition. i want to use nfs or something to mount drives on other computers08:37
ardchoillesh4dox: I got that error many times. just do md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum08:38
tengilif all are linux08:38
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zzyi have a file on my desktop i hit right mouse click and cutt and when i go to paste it on my hd the paste button isnt highlighted08:38
ardchoillesh4dox: That error actually tells you what to do to fix it08:38
z3r0xis it possible to find out on which vserver the account bewerber-38.nine.ch is? (i can log in to bewerber-38.nine.ch)08:39
sh4doxardchoille:  are you sure?08:39
Hexidigital_ed_::  do you have these installed? binutils cpp gcc libc6-dev08:39
sh4doxardchoille: i don't want to mess with the X config08:39
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sh4doxardchoille: it scares me :D (everytime i tried something went wrong and i couldn't fix it => format)08:39
ed_Hexidigital_: Yes to all.08:39
brandon_what do you guys think of this: http://www.softwareinreview.com/cms/content/view/44/1/08:40
facugaichtengil, oops, I thought you had mispelled ntfs08:40
zzyi have a file on my desktop i hit right mouse click and cutt and when i go to paste it on my hd the paste button isnt highlighted08:40
ardchoillesh4dox: Ok, never mind then08:40
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Hexidigital_ed_::  i dont know... i'm out of ideas :(08:40
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byenI try sudo echo "blacklist ehci_hcd" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and it says permission denied... how can i blacklist it? as my usb drives do not mount until i use  sudo modprobe -r ehci-hcd08:40
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raboof(sometimes i feel #ubuntu has me on mass-ignore :))08:40
ed_Hexidigital_:: Think that running the vmware-config.pl might work, or at least not break anything?08:40
Hexidigital_ed_::  i stared at that wiki trying to think of something that may be missing... have you considered using vmware-server?08:40
dek_aikFeestBijtje: basically you have to modprobe also the sb module..if only i know the name08:40
Hexidigital_ed_::  i doubt it will break anything08:41
=== jenkens is now known as Jenkens
sh4doxardchoille: i just did it (saw your answer a bit late)08:41
mohkohnI am having difficulties getting qemu to compile.http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1911408:41
johlinI need a little guide for helping my friend understand the filesystem (like /home is home directory, /usr/bin is the equalivent of program files and so on).08:41
=== jeffthespasm [n=jeff@cpe-72-225-10-2.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sh4doxardchoille: i'm off for reboot08:41
Hexidigital_ed_::  worst case, it won't configure vmware08:41
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ed_Hexidigital_: I haven't considered it, because I know nothing about it. ;)08:41
FusionXN1I have installed my OSS sound drivers but ALSA is still failing where do i get them ?08:41
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mohkohnThis pastebin is the output from make.08:41
eyequeueraboof, for the "ubuntu way" see "man update-rc.d"08:41
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Hexidigital_ed_::  imo, it is the same as workstation, but with more capabilities08:41
FeestBijtjedek_aik, feestbijtje@feestbijtje-ubuntu:~$ lspci -v | grep -i audio08:41
FeestBijtje0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)08:41
FeestBijtje0000:02:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07)08:41
=== sh4dox says: if i'm not back within 10 minutes i'll be formating my noteboke
=== Ace2006 [n=ace@80-47-38-251.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
zzycan someone pls help me08:41
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:41
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:41
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ed_Hexidigital_:: The usual two questions: is it free, and is it easier? :p08:41
=== Senesence [n=senesenc@ool-4354af9b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
tengilfacugaich: nope but do you know if i also from windows can mount something from linux when i have nfs on the linux box?08:42
Hexidigital_ed_::  yes, and depends08:42
mohkohnthis may be the issue: ERROR: QEMU requires SDL or Cocoa for graphical output08:42
Hexidigital_ed_::  www.vmware.com/products/server08:42
ed_Hexidigital_:: Hmm. Might have to look.08:42
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SenesenceIs there a "Program Files" like folder in Ubuntu, where all applications are installed? What is it?08:42
Hexidigital_ed_::  you have to register for a serial, which they email you08:42
dek_aikFeestBijtje: maybe snd_emu10k108:42
Ace2006Why are the repositories so slow?08:42
Hexidigital_ed_::  imo, better hardware support, too08:42
FeestBijtjejust tried08:43
chris86wmhey, i installed beagle but when i search for a file (i know its there) beagle doesnt find it. anything that i could be doing wrong?08:43
zzyi have a file on my desktop i hit right mouse click and cutt and when i go to paste it on my hd the paste button isnt highlighted08:43
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longhornthe repositories seem quick for me today08:43
FeestBijtjedek_aik, just tried il pm you my modprobe list thingy08:43
ed_Hexidigital_:: I'll look into that after I try one last thing...08:43
Jack_Smirnoffanyone install google earth and know how to install xorg..?08:43
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=== Hexidigital_ heard the snail-mailman... brb
Ace2006longhorn: Well it looks like my ISP is traffic shaping me again :(08:43
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facugaichtengil, sorry I haven't used nfs08:44
ubotuI know nothing about ntp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:44
FeestBijtjebtw dek_aik you can PM: * [dek_aik]  is away (Away at the moment)08:44
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zzyi have a file on my desktop i hit right mouse click and cutt and when i go to paste it on my hd the paste button isnt highlighted08:44
SenesenceIn what directory are all applications received through synaptic stored.08:44
jeffthespasmthat's because you're hitting cut...08:44
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ompaul!away dek_aik08:44
Jack_Smirnoffzzy: permissions08:44
ubotuI know nothing about away dek_aik - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:44
=== ed_ downloads.
eyequeueSenesence, the debs?  /var/cache/apt/archives/08:44
ardchoillezzy: Do you have permission to paste anything into that directory?08:44
zzyjack where is that08:45
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zzywill i am the owner08:45
Senesenceeyequeue: whats a deb?08:45
FeestBijtjezzy, only root can paste there08:45
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zzyhow do i change this08:45
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jeffthespasm.deb is a debian installer08:45
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zzyi am the owner of this box08:45
FeestBijtjezzy, type sudo nautilus08:45
FeestBijtjezzy, in console08:45
Hexidigital_ed_::  the setup is similar... have a look at the wiki while you wait.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VmwareServer?action=show08:45
FeestBijtjezzy, dousnt mean u got root permission lol08:45
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ardchoillezzy: Type gksudo nautilus, don't use sudo with nautilus08:45
=== cica [n=ciaran@host217-43-14-124.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
dek_aikFeestBijtje: yes its a snd_emu10k1...then try "sudo rmmod snd_emu10k1" and then modprobe08:46
eyequeueSenesence, the file ubuntu-docs_6.06.2_all.deb08:46
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=== khoda` [n=matt@c-71-230-35-224.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sh4doxardchoille: nope it diddn't work08:46
cicaHi guys08:46
zzylet me try this08:46
sh4doxardchoille: nvidiadriver is still not installed08:46
eyequeueSenesence, the file *.deb, it's a package08:46
ardchoillesh4dox: Did you change the driver in xorg.conf?08:46
=== c|int [n=clint@adsl-75-23-83-204.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
chris86wmanyone have experience with beagle?08:46
FeestBijtjedek_aik, feestbijtje@feestbijtje-ubuntu:~$ sudo rmmod snd_emu10k108:46
FeestBijtjeERROR: Module snd_emu10k1 is in use by snd_emu10k1_synth08:46
sh4doxardchoille: no i did what the error said08:46
cicaany one know where to get/download good themes for system?08:46
cica(new user)08:47
khoda`i have a problem. my internet takes awhile to connect to websites, irc, etc. once connected, it's fine. i think it's a dns issue - but the servers in my resolv.conf are correct. everything works fine in windows. what should i do??08:47
gnomefreakcica: gnome-look.org08:47
sh4doxardchoille: what am i supposed to change in the xorg.conf?08:47
=== stickystyle [n=stickyst@66-7-232-139.static-ip.telepacific.net] has joined #ubuntu
mknshow can i find out what apt repository the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-386 package should be in?08:47
eyequeuecica, gnome-look.org?08:47
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy08:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:47
c|inthey guys, I"m having such an issue with wireless connection.. I got it seeing the wireless broadcom.. and access points, it just want connect to them, is there a better way I can do this in command line.. ? I see the access points, as cells08:47
gnomefreak^^^ cica08:47
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cicacheers ppl :-)08:47
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sh4doxardchoille: yes i know, allready did that 7 times08:47
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Senesenceeyequeue: Yea but where are the actual files installed?08:47
XTCdoes linux use some special encryption key while crypting /etc/shadow passwords ?08:47
mknsc|int - you mean you'd rather use a GUI rather than command line?08:48
XTC(des encrypstion)08:48
c|intit took me the longest time, to even get to this point, with my Laptop, have been using linux and experienced, since 2004, but still studing alot in College with all types of things08:48
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: what i did was manually...was to rmmod one-by-one the modules..eventually it came to the desired one...others may have better solution08:48
c|intI wouldn't mind using the command line to do it08:48
ardchoillesh4dox: I am looking at it or myself, hold on08:48
c|inthey mkns08:48
XTCdoes linux use some special encryption key while crypting /etc/shadow passwords ?08:48
khoda`i have a problem. my internet takes awhile to connect to websites, irc, etc. once connected, it's fine. i think it's a dns issue - but the servers in my resolv.conf are correct. everything works fine in windows. what should i do??08:48
sh4doxardchoille: thnx08:48
eyequeueSenesence, the file sites there, it is unpacked all over your system, some under /usr, some under /var, some under /etc08:48
ardchoillesh4dox: Did you do: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable  ?08:48
mjrXTC, they're not actually encrypted, they're one-way hashed08:48
c|intfinally, getting further, with this wireless broadcom. thats a plus.. just want to show instructors.. vmware, running inside linux, wireless08:48
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sh4doxardchoille: yes, that's when i receive the error08:49
XTC<mjr> XTC, they're not actually encrypted, they're one-way hashed => so there is one way randomly generated DES key ... which there is no way for me to find out ?08:49
mknsc|int - the GUI stuff is in System -> Administration -> Networking08:49
eyequeueXTC, an MD5 hash i believe08:49
c|intyes I understand08:49
XTCeyequeue, i think its DES :/08:49
ardchoillesh4dox: The error also said to change the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf , did you do that?08:49
zzy gksudo nautilus08:49
zzyi got some error08:49
dek_aikFeestBijtje: start from module snd_emu10k1_synth08:49
gregg__XTC: you can choose the hash type08:49
mknsi configured my wireless today (only installed ubuntu this morning)08:49
c|intbut you see, I the gui isn't really fast enough, and I have had some luck, with command line things better. is there a specific command to connect to a wireless access point, using the commandl ine08:49
mjrXTC, no, no key. And the old crypt was des-based, nowadays md5 is used08:49
Senesenceeyequeue: Oh I see, I was asking because I manually installed blender (not through synaptic) which gave me just one folder. I'm wondering where to put that folder.08:49
sh4doxardchoille: no i diddn't i don't like messing with the xorg.conf08:50
XTCoh... :) been a while...08:50
mknsah - i see what you mean08:50
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c|intokay I just did, sudo iwlist scanning08:50
XTCso i can try to break this md5...?08:50
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zzy gksudo nautilus gave me a error08:50
mjr(it still wasn't des encryption, but a one-way hash based on des)08:50
mknsc|int - well, when you run 'iwconfig' it'll list your configuration08:50
XTCi mean... it's breakable ?08:50
c|intthat correct my bit rate,, thought it was 54 mbps, its not .. 11 heh08:50
cicagnomefreak: there is what appears to be three different types XMMS/GDM/Icon. Which one should I be going for?08:50
gregg__XTC: not easily08:50
dek_aikFeestBijtje: btw, this a link to 2 soundcards problem http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=MultipleCards08:50
Jack_Smirnoffzzy: what error08:50
ardchoillesh4dox: Go back to that page you read 7 times and read it an 8th time, particularly the third step under "Troubleshooting" at the bottom.08:50
cicaor what is the difference08:50
mjrXTC, you can try. It's not easy. Mostly you can try and guess it.08:50
c|intlongwave: , was really helping me out. yesterday, and before. he really is good at troubleshooting08:50
sh4doxardchoille: ok, hold on08:51
gregg__XTC: that means... in theory you can find it out by brute force, but in reality this won't work ATM08:51
zzy(nautilus:5916): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:08:51
zzyAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.08:51
mknsc|int - and once you've connected to it, have a look at your /etc/network/interfaces file where the settings will be (including your cleartext WEP password, ridiculously)08:51
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XTCso nothing without dictionary...08:51
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c|inthey mks08:51
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FusionXN1People are going to hate me for this - but I have to go back to windows08:51
c|intwell, my house I'm at now.. dont' have the router, set for wep, so08:51
ardchoillesh4dox: Probably a good idea to open a terminal and type this:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak   to make a copy of it just in case.08:51
=== XTC off
=== Jenkens [n=j0okie@c-24-9-24-14.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
c|intmy buddy, we have the a wireless linksys, and a wireless gaming device as well, thats why08:52
khoda`i have a problem. my internet takes awhile to connect to websites, irc, etc. once connected, it's fine. i think it's a dns issue - but the servers in my resolv.conf are correct. everything works fine in windows. what should i do??08:52
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c|intI"m going to do a paste bin for ya, mkns, if thats okay08:52
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c|intso you can see what I"m working with08:52
dek_aikFeestBijtje: in your case, the intel is loaded first then sb, that is why intel works ans not sb...look at the bottom of the link there a hinthow to change that08:52
mknsc|int - I have no idea what that means, but go for it08:52
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gregg__FusionXN1: why should they hate you? :)08:52
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=== facugaich holds garlic at FusionXN1
mknsFusionXN1 - I run both XP and Linux simultaneously - it's the only way to be!08:53
c|intthank you08:53
c|intanyone else, feel free to help, I could use it08:53
zzycan someone help me08:53
mohkohnWhich package contains zlib.h08:53
c|inthave you ever tried, vmware, or any virtualization?08:53
=== caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-096-088.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
mknsi use vmware, yes, all the time08:53
SpecCan I do a cron like this:     30 10,15,20 * * * root sh /path/to/some/script && sh /path/to/some/other/script           : and expect it to run the first script, and only run the second script after the first script is done and is successful?08:53
sh4doxardchoille: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1912108:53
ompaulzzy, you trying to run it as root?08:53
gnomefreakmohkohn: i think its the kernel-header package08:53
FusionXN1Well LOTS of stuff dont work onubuntu08:53
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dcorderohi, i have a problem... why, if ubuntu work actually with kernel 2.4.15-26, why the only linux-source package are 2.4.15 and not is 2.4.15-26?08:53
dek_aikFeestBijtje: errrr...in that link the guy also had an intel and SB!08:53
sh4doxardchoille: it says "nv"08:53
FusionXN1My mic, tv tuner, soundcard08:53
mehrdadmohkohn: I think zlib-devel08:53
mknsSpec - yes08:54
c|intme as an IT, and Developer can't even figure out this little wireless issue, but its hardwaer, and I ddidn't create or engineer the laptop08:54
Specmkns: thought so, thanks.08:54
FeestBijtjedek_aik, tha last one?08:54
eyequeuemohkohn, for one, linux-headers-2.6.15-23-686: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23-686/include/linux/zlib.h08:54
sh4doxardchoille: that does mean my driver ain't installed?08:54
c|intthats cool08:54
teferraneed to install a kmfl package with an install.sh script. When i give that on command line i get no such comand error.??08:54
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ardchoillesh4dox: did you make a backup yet?08:54
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c|intwe can be friends, aquaintances if you want08:54
mknsSpec - everything after the user is just a shell command, so if it works from your terminal, it should work from cron in the same way08:54
dek_aikFeestBijtje: yes..08:54
mknsc|int - ;)08:54
c|inthere is what it looked like,-> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1912008:54
sh4doxardchoille: no i diddn't08:54
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cicacan anyone advise on how to install icon themes please??08:55
sh4doxardchoille: how do i make a backup?08:55
kupesoftany way to scan memory on an ubuntu server with no monitor08:55
brandon_apt-spy doesn't work properly because it looks for debian mirrors instead of ubuntu mirrors08:55
ardchoillesh4dox: Probably a good idea to open a terminal and type this:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak   to make a copy of it just in case.08:55
kupesoftfor errors, like memtest86+08:55
c|intthis is my college, ->  www.robertmorris.edu/cs/   I"m working on.. getting books paid off. so I can return.. heh. do a commercial for them , and part of it, and they don't pay off the books, eh08:55
mknsc|int - reading that now08:55
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c|intI can help you with that08:55
cicahelli c|int08:55
sh4doxardchoille: done08:55
c|intdo you want to look for themes, on gnome look or kde, or you already know that?08:55
ardchoillesh4dox: After you make the backup, change the nv to nvidia in the driver section that you pasted earlier. Then save the changes to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and reboot.08:56
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cicac|int I'd appreciate the help :-)08:56
cicaI'm using Ubuntu08:56
sh4doxardchoille: now, what do i do when somethings goes wrong and i need to replace the new by the backup i made?08:56
cicaand gnome08:56
c|intI appreciate help too, from users, when I can't troulbeshoot, somethign so simple it seems, although I'm going get me a belkin Pre-N08:56
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cicaand have downloaded some icons already08:56
c|intme, I just got to read all the books I got08:56
teferraneed to install a kmfl package with an install.sh script. When i give that on command line i get no such comand error.??08:56
zzyi want blackice is my user to have root access08:57
cicajust can't get them installed08:57
c|intokay, go to System, Preferences, then Themes08:57
kupesoftany way to get w32codecs under amd64?08:57
facugaichteferra: ./install08:57
c|intI know theres a way , to do it , from command line, I just havn't done it yet08:57
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mknsc|int - what happens when you run 'iwconfig'?08:57
c|int1 sec08:57
ed_Well, considerably less trouble so far for VMware Server...08:57
tengilcan i somehow use a range of ports that i want to allow input from with iptables?08:57
FeestBijtjedek_aik, i dit that08:57
FeestBijtjeand now?08:57
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c|int1 sedc to mkns, and you too lol08:58
teferrafacugaich: thanx dumb of me08:58
c|intcica, after you got theme manager up.. go to. .click on, install theme08:58
mknsc|int - got it08:58
c|intand then browse for where you have the themes downloaded, and then click on it, and then instal it.. you can always, click the theme details, thats how you change it08:59
cicaand browse to what file? (i.e. within the icons folder)08:59
FusionXN1It's a shame - I really like ubuntu08:59
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: u dont mind to reboot? i dont know how to restart the modules the easy way08:59
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mknsit's ok i was there already08:59
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c|intthis is diff 108:59
mknsthe "Access Point: Invalid" bit is a worry08:59
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mknshave you used the access point before and got it to work?09:00
c|intyeah I know, in which its a linksys09:00
mknsdo you know the access point already works?09:00
cicac|int: do you know which file in particular I have to use to do the install (i.e. there are several files under the top icons folder)09:00
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zzygod can someone help me pls09:00
sh4doxardchoille: in case it goes wrong ... how do i replace the xorg.conf by the back up?09:00
zzythis is pissing me off09:00
cicai.e. iconrc index.theme and scalable09:00
lhdscan anyone help with a compile make error?09:00
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c|intjust click on like the.. tar.gz etc..09:01
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c|intor whatever you downloaded, that is compatible09:01
bl3ssinghello everyone.09:01
jriblhds: maybe, put it on pastebin and give us a link09:01
cicaok I'll have a go...09:01
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lhdsthis is the exact error i get09:01
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c|intlmao. the wireless was disabled09:01
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c|intoops, I must of done that.. temporary :P09:01
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sh4doxhow do i know which version of the kernel i'm running?09:02
c|intduh.. :P09:02
jribsh4dox: uname -r09:02
bl3ssinggot a question: "How can I restart my Adept so that it won't come in read-only mode ...? I've tried to close it, which I've already done it. But ... when I'm starting again the Adept, the read-only mode's appearing again. What can I do?"09:02
c|intno wonder its not working .. at all hee09:02
FeestBijtjedek_aik, still no working :(09:02
c|intnow what command should I do :P09:02
Boris^BritvaHello, someone installed nx server on ubuntu 6.10?09:02
mknshow did you disable it?09:02
c|intwell mkns, you should of seen me, trying to get my broadcom, to even work09:02
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c|intmy router settings09:02
lhdsjrib are y with me?09:02
zzyAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.09:02
mknsbroadcom what, out of interest?09:02
sh4doxjrib: thnx09:02
dek_aikFeestBijtje: no sound? please detail09:02
c|intI can just turn off the radio frequency09:02
zzy gksudo nautilus doesnt work09:03
jriblhds: I'm looking but I don't much about it09:03
bl3ssingFeestBijtje, what are you up to ... about htat "no sound!"?09:03
FeestBijtjei tried that link on the site you gave me and still no freaking sound09:03
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mknsc|int - broadcom what, out of interest?09:03
lhdsdo you know any experienced user in such matters? online here please?09:03
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c|intokay man, now you have to check this out :)09:03
=== mkns wonders what's coming...
c|intI think I am almost there09:04
FeestBijtjebl3ssing, i hybernated my computer now i don't have sound... simple09:04
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c|intalso, can someone, give me the link, for all the nice wireless commands you can perform on ubuntu, /debian etc.. would be nice and very helpful :)09:04
c|inteven though I got al the books, I just need to read LOL09:04
bl3ssingFeestBijtje, lol. ReHybernate it ... :D Just kidding. Restart your computer and everything'll be fine. You'll see it.09:04
bl3ssinggot a question: "How can I restart my Adept so that it won't come in read-only mode ...? I've tried to close it, which I've already done it. But ... when I'm starting again the Adept, the read-only mode's appearing again. What can I do?"09:04
FeestBijtjebl3ssing, i dit that 5 times by now still no sound :@09:04
lhdsvideo4linux compile error s.o.s please someone help me its not healthy :) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70359&highlight=video4linux+compile+error09:05
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bl3ssingFeestBijtje, there's a special command ...09:05
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bl3ssinggive me some sec. to find it ... cause I used to have that problem ... but not anymore. :D09:05
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FeestBijtjeok bl3ssing09:06
bl3ssingok FeestBijtje ready? Send a bomb for Bin Laden! :D09:06
bl3ssingFeestBijtje, type in the konsole:  "ps ax|grep artsd"09:06
bl3ssingand tell me what happends there?09:06
zzyi cant copy a  file to my hd cause as the user i dont have root permissions can someone pls help me09:06
kupesoftI have an ubuntu server I need to run a memory diagnostic on (like memtest86+) but I only have ssh access: possible?09:07
bl3ssingzzy, sudo -i ...09:07
bl3ssingthis is the main command09:07
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bl3ssingand ... you'll be a sudo (I mean ... admin rights user)09:07
FeestBijtjebl3ssing, nope wont work09:07
c|intyou get that?09:07
bl3ssingok FeestBijtje09:07
bl3ssingnow ...09:07
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cicahow do you work out the format a file needs to be inorder to install a theme. (i.e. when trying to install what will the format of the file be I need)?09:07
mknsanyone know how can i find out what apt repository the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-386 package should be in?09:07
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bl3ssingFeestBijtje, are you with me? that's great: keep on typing on konsole ... sudo killall artsd09:07
eyequeuemkns, restricted09:08
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bl3ssingFeestBijtje, it must work now09:08
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bl3ssingenjoy your music ... :)09:08
jbroomeis the dialup connection that security.u.c is on going to be upgraded soon? :)09:08
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mknseyequeue - is that main restricted?09:08
tjb891whats up, mplayer won't reconise .gvi as a .avi anymore and it won't play them?09:08
FeestBijtjebl3ssing, feestbijtje@feestbijtje-ubuntu:~$ killall artsd09:08
FeestBijtjeartsd: no process killed09:08
zzyhow do i move the file over do i always have to use the command prompt09:08
eyequeue!info linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-38609:08
ubotulinux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-386: Non-free Linux 2.6.15 modules on 386. In repository restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 7946 kB, installed size 21580 kB09:08
darrenmarshallcan someone direct me to the off topic channel please09:08
eyequeuemkns, no restricted.  main is different09:08
c|inthey guys, you know how to rewrite, your boot up display, if you instal fonts, and it screws up your.. boot images etc09:08
jbroomedarrenmarshall: #ubuntu-offtopic09:09
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c|intor maybe it was because, I installed the.. different display splas,09:09
bl3ssingFeestBijtje, i asked you something else. :(09:09
mknseyequeue - i have a line in my sources.list reading the following: "deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted" - so do I need another line the same with the word "main" removed?09:09
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c|intso hey all, how would you connect to a wireless network, via command line09:09
eyequeuemkns, main, restricted, universe, multiverse, all different09:09
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kupesoftI have an ubuntu server I need to run a memory diagnostic on (like memtest86+) but I only have ssh access: possible??09:10
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: just want to check, if you start normally (not from hibernate), does the sb or intel that work?09:10
mknseyequeue - ok, I think I just need to go read something about the contents of a sources.list file as I'm somewhat confused09:10
FeestBijtjedek_aik, what do you mean09:10
FeestBijtjebl3ssing, dint worked on sudo nether09:10
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bl3ssinggot a question: "How can I restart my Adept so that it won't come in read-only mode ...? I've tried to close it, which I've already done it. But ... when I'm starting again the Adept, the read-only mode's appearing again. What can I do?" CAN ANYONE ANSWER ME, PLEASE? Otherwise, I'll send Trovaldis to you all. :)09:11
zzynm guys09:11
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zzysince know one wants to help me09:11
eyequeuemkns, no, on that line "main restricted" means main plus restricted  (it's a space-delimited list, you could change it to "main restricted universe multiverse" if you wanted)09:11
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetaI have to use sox (OSS) to capture/play sound from my TV card, but sometimes my card is in use and I actually have to reboot. How can I find what program is stiull using it, and release the device for sox?09:11
ed_Hexidigital_: VMware Server seems to be working fine. Thanks!09:11
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Hexidigital_can anyone tell me how to undo replacing metacity? i did a metacity --replace (installing exposity)09:11
bl3ssingwell, this is all I could do for your FeestBijtje. Everything's up to the KUBUNTU KING! :( Ask HIM!09:11
eyequeuemkns, a little clearer now?09:11
mknseyequeue - so since I have that in my sources list, how come I can't install it using apt-get?09:11
ompaulbl3ssing, #kubuntu cos it aint a tjomlg jere09:11
Hexidigital_ed_: good to hear! :)09:11
c|intyes no , yes no?09:12
dek_aikFeestBijtje: you did swap the sound cards right? now if you shutdown and then restart what happen ..is it the intel or sb that works?09:12
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bl3ssingompaul, can you english? :) kidding.09:12
bl3ssingompaul, I didn't manage to install kubuntu 6. :(09:12
eyequeuemkns, that line you pasted was "dapper-updates" do you also have a line with restricted for just "dapper"?09:12
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FeestBijtjedek_aik, one is onboard and one is pci so how should i swap them.... if its with that tutorial... yes i did09:13
bl3ssingbut I've already ordered the CD and I'll have it soon. :)09:13
mknseyequeue - no, i most certainly don't and will therefore add one right now and try it again09:13
c|inthey ompaul. what command line, can I enter, to connect to wireless network09:13
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ompaulbl3ssing, adept is kubuntu this is not kubuntu and for special stuff like that the #kubuntu channel may be better09:13
ompaulc|int, I don't do wireless09:13
eyequeuemkns, cool, then run sudo apt-get update (like after any sources.list change)  then the install command should work09:13
bl3ssingcool. But I have Ubuntu 5.10 here.09:14
Hexidigital_hmmm... that was wierd... i entered the room 3 minutes after i entered the room09:14
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mknseyequeue - no, i lied, i do indeed have a line for dapper with main and restricted in it.  I'd already run apt-get update and that package really isn't in the repository09:14
c|intshould I disconnect the lan, before I attempt to connect to the wireless network09:14
geanbye all, may the spirit of Ubuntu be with u !09:14
dek_aikFeestBijtje: the tut is to "swap" the function of course...now is it the sb or the intel sound that you hearing? you said earlier about "yelling allow"09:14
eyequeue!info linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-38609:14
ubotulinux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-386: Non-free Linux 2.6.15 modules on 386. In repository restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 7946 kB, installed size 21580 kB09:14
Hexidigital_ok, updated question... anyone know how to FIX metacity, after doing a metacity --replace?09:14
mknshold on - it is now09:14
mknsit wasn't there about 30 minutes ago09:15
eyequeuemkns, see that from ubotu?09:15
mknsi suspect it's just been uploaded09:15
bl3ssingGean, may the Holly Spirit be with you! :) Stay blessed.09:15
FusionXN1Where can i download ALSA drivers09:15
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mknsubotu - yes, it's definitely there now09:15
ubotuI know nothing about yes, it's definitely there now - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:15
bl3ssinghow to enter in kubuntu channel? /j #kubuntu?09:15
ompaulbl3ssing, what is with adept why not use synaptic09:15
mknsso unless I'm going mad... it's just been uploaded09:15
gnomefreakbl3ssing: yes09:16
bl3ssingdone it.09:16
eyequeuemkns, also, always do an apt-get update before checking what's new :)09:16
bl3ssingthanks gnomefreak09:16
bl3ssingwhere could I get this synamptic/09:16
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bl3ssingompaul, I don't find it ... :(09:16
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Hexidigital_will reconfiguring xorg.conf redo metacity?09:16
ompaul!enter > bl3ssing09:16
mknseyequeue - i do that regularly when attempting to get a new package... been using Debian for 6 years, Ubuntu for about 8 hours :)09:16
couchocan someone point me to a hardware help channel?09:16
ompaulbl3ssing, are you using ubuntu or kubuntu09:16
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eyequeuebl3ssing, system > admin > synaptic09:17
bl3ssingompaul, ubuntu 5.1009:17
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mknseyequeue - thx for your help09:17
eyequeuemkns, gotcha :)  welcome btw09:17
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ompaulbl3ssing, so then as eyequeue said that would be useful09:17
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bl3ssingeyequeue, I don't have any Admin->Synaptic.09:17
bl3ssingbut system, I do. :)09:17
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=== mkns greets eyequeue
stopherhello everyone09:18
eyequeuebl3ssing, no System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager ?09:18
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in54nohow can i recovery a partition?09:19
=== eyequeue shakes mkns' hand
FusionXN1my ALSA drivers dont work no more09:19
mknsin54no - depends what you've done to it09:19
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FusionXN1how can i fix them09:19
mknsFusionXN1 - go back to Windows ;)09:19
in54nomkns, humm, i have started a installation of other distro, but i cancel, in moment of clean the partitions09:19
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in54nosorry my english, im brazilian09:19
FusionXN1mkns - i want to use ubuntu its better in everyway but hardware wont work :(09:19
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:20
mknsFusionXN1 - what's your hardware?09:20
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FusionXN1mkns - X-FI soundcard i know wont work till next year so im using my onboard. My LOGITECH USB desktop mic dont work09:20
mknsin54no - so did you wipe the partition, or alter your partition table in any way?09:20
FusionXN1and my TV Tuner09:20
mknsback in a sec09:21
in54nohumm, alter, to ext3...09:21
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stopherOkay, On UBUNTU LAMP is it going to be a daunting task to install a phpbb or similar forum?09:22
mknsFusionXN1 - sorry, not had any dealings with mic's so probably not able to help09:22
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vainshi there, I'm not so new to Ubuntu but kinda new to source code compiling. I bet it's just a matter of having the right 'includes' and modules and stuff, but such a bunch of compiling errors are displayed - and way too FAST! is there any means to, like, slow down the build output?09:22
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mknsin54no - and did you then get it to start converting to ext3, or did you stop before that?09:23
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vainsso I can read what's missing... :|09:23
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in54nomkns, stop before09:23
FusionXN1mkns - ok - i dont want to go back to windows i really hate it but it looks like my only option09:23
mnpgood afternoon ubuntu!09:23
noobthenewtwhy is that? I'm a windows guru... but I'm learning ubuntu. what's yer prob?09:23
mknsFusionXN1 - XP is pretty good, you know, at many things, why do you hate it so much?09:23
in54nomkns, in fsck have erros, in mount command too09:23
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boabstaFusionXN1: have you made sure its not just muted or something like that?09:23
in54nomkns, like:  Couldn't find ext2 superblock, trying backup blocks...09:24
FusionXN1mkns, its unstable, defraggin every dam week. Security is low09:24
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mknsin54no - so have you attempted to fix the errors?  and why would there be any errors if you had stopped *before* you'd altered the partition?09:24
FusionXN1boab skype and teamspeak says theres a problem with my mic09:24
ompaulFusionXN1, so double click on the icon on the top right hand side of the screen on the speaker and make sure the input devices are not muted09:24
FusionXN1and for some reason i have 2 sound cards listed09:24
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mknsFusionXN1 - what Win OS are you using?09:24
noobthenewtoh, sound? my prob too!  SBLive card and PVR-416 card, can't get sound out of the tv, no matter what I tried09:24
ompaulFusionXN1, that icon is a speaker09:24
mnpwhat command will launch an application from the terminal itno a specific workspace?09:24
FusionXN1ompaul there not09:24
in54nomkns, the fsck show erros09:24
mknsso get fsck to fix them09:25
ompaulFusionXN1, you can't have two sound cards on the one box that I know of09:25
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facugaichvains: try "<compiling command> | less", not sure it will work09:25
mknsompaul - you can, i've had that before09:25
vainsless... lol ok why not...09:25
noobthenewtyou can have 3 or more even09:25
noobthenewtyou've got to specifiy them in modules09:25
ompaulmkns, there was a time (a couple of releases ago when I caught by that09:25
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:25
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FusionXN1ompaul well i have INTEL HDA, Realtek ALC882 and my mic which is AK358709:26
noobthenewtindex=0, index=1, etc09:26
FusionXN1mic dont work and INTEL HDA no sound comes out09:26
cholvains, make | tee -a logfile09:26
ubotuI know nothing about co - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:26
cholvains, or make 2>&1 > logfile but then you won't see any output09:26
mknsd'oh - sorry, can't type09:26
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noobthenewtfusion, do you want instructions?09:27
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FusionXN1for what noob?09:27
noobthenewtyour sound prob09:27
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zax123Hi guys, I just d/led 6.06 Server and hit "Install to Hard Disk" when the CD booted and it gives me "Err=2, Invalid Compressed Format" when it tries to decompress the kernel.  Any ideas?09:27
FusionXN1If i can get it fixed09:27
noobthenewtwell we won't know that until it's fixed, will we09:27
FusionXN1zax bad ISO?09:27
drbreen_my system thought it was tomorrow and i did sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org and everytime i try to use sudo i get "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 29 20:48:00 2006"09:27
FusionXN1noob - erm... no09:28
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drbreen_assuming i do not want to reboot, what now ?09:28
vainschol: well as long as the output goes somewhere, it's ok09:28
zax123There weren't any errors on download... came in smoothly on a 10megabit line...09:28
noobthenewtis it listed in lspci -vv ?09:28
polpakdrbreen_: sudo -k09:28
PenguinOfDoomIs it possible to start a Ubuntu install from inside Windows? I don't care about the Windows installation, but I don't have a CD-R or a floppy drive handy.09:28
zax123But I guess I'll re-download and re-burn09:28
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FusionXN1zax mine was but it wouldnt run at all so i redownloaded it and it was fine09:28
neutrinomasszax123: It could still be corrupt. Choose the 'check cd for defects' option to make sure ...09:28
mknszax123 - does sound like a duff download, unfortunately.  have you checked the md5 checksum?09:28
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drbreen_nils@ihopeyoustillrememberme:~$ sudo -k09:29
drbreen_sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 29 20:48:00 200609:29
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zax123No, I didn't, I'll do that too.  Thanks guys...  it's weird that it still shows the menu no problem...09:29
mathieu_why would  a usb printer work with ubuntu kernel but not standard linux kernel with no configuration changes ?09:29
neutrinomasszax123: Try checking the md5sum of the downloaded file (it could be a media error) to avoid redownloading it ...09:29
vortexveinI'm having problems with my External Hard Drive. I try to reformat it as ext3 in ubuntu's disk manager and when it's done I can't write into it, it says I don't have permission.09:29
drbreen_polpak: what now ? what does this timestamp ?09:29
mnpi seem to have lost some options for shutdown in Gnome. anyone know why i can only hibernate?09:29
noobthenewtbuRN ON 1X OR 2X ONLY, THE UBUNTU ISO!09:29
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mknsPenguinOfDoom - you could use VMware and run ubuntu directly within windows instead?09:29
FusionXN1noob i did mine at 10x and it installed ok09:29
=== mkns goes to find his ear defenders
FusionXN1on a CD-RW09:29
polpakdrbreen_:  it should clear your timestamp so you can sudo09:29
noobthenewtI did mine at 40 too, until the one day one cdrom wouldn't take it09:29
drbreen_nils@ihopeyoustillrememberme:~$ sudo -k09:30
drbreen_sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jul 29 20:48:00 200609:30
ompaulnoobthenewt, easy on the caps lock09:30
drbreen_it does not work09:30
PenguinOfDoommkns: That is not my goal. I want to install Ubuntu on the real hardware.09:30
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mknsvortexvein - did you mount it?09:30
neutrinomassnoobthenewt: I burned mine at 52x and worked fine. Generally it's much more important that you don't scratch it ;)09:30
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noobthenewtGenerally, yes09:30
Jack_Smirnoffhas anyone here used google earth linux version...09:30
mknsinstall it on the real hardware?  you mean on the hard drive?  it would be, just within Windiws09:30
vortexveinI don't think I did mkns, in order to access it, /media/usbdisk-109:30
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mknsbut if you don't want to go there...09:30
=== mkns goes to get some tablets
noobthenewtanybody know CX8801 PVR-416 asus tvtuner   and SBLive problem? No sound, no matter what09:31
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mohkohnThis must be the problem: No Makefile file present in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23-686/ - kqemu cannot be built09:31
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gatekeeperJack_Smirnoff: yes09:32
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Jack_Smirnoffgatekeeper: having trouble with x.org09:32
mknsPenguinOfDoom - as far as I know, no, you can't start an install from Windows09:32
Jack_SmirnoffI had no problem last time and now cant figure it out09:32
mknsbut if you live in Edinburgh, I'll burn a copy for you and hand deliver it ;)09:33
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SenesenceI installed python2.4 IDLE, but I can't seem to find it on my system, where is it? The executable I mean.09:33
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mknsgoogle earth has a linux version?  cool... let's give that a whirl09:33
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likwidtek_wassssup!  day two running ubuntu and much fun!09:33
Jack_Smirnoffmkns: it works really well... well did before I trashed my system09:34
gatekeeperJack_Smirnoff: I just installed on my Dell P3 test box which was running breezy at the time, it just went through the install script and started up09:34
mknsi'll shortly find out!09:34
SenesenceWhere does synaptic store newly installed application executables?09:34
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mknsah - beta version 409:34
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Jack_Smirnoffgatekeeper: how did you run the script?09:34
=== mkns waits for it to d/load
likwidtek_someone said that there is no 3d support for ATI 9600 mobility in linux is that true?09:35
Jack_Smirnoffgatekeeper: sorry for the brain fart, Mom wont last the week and I'm stressed09:35
drbreen_senesence: synaptic offers an option to see all files a package installs09:35
dooglusdrbreen_: when you see that 'too far in the future' error, are you then prompted for a password?09:35
recon0if I'm using fluxbox, how am I supposed to change the volume?09:35
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No1VikingHello.... I installed Seveas solution regarding fglrx but still has OpenGL with software emulation instead of hardware. How do I solve this?09:35
pegrecon0, same way as before09:35
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drbreen_dooglus: no. that is my problem.09:35
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dooglusdrbreen_: ok.  I'll keep looking09:36
drbreen_dooglus: would a reboot fix up things ?09:36
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recon0peg:I used to change it using the toolbar at the upper-right. is there a console commmand or...?09:36
Senesencedrbreen_: I installed Python2.4 through IDLE, but I don't know where the executable is. So where do I go to start IDLE?09:36
mathieu_i'm trying to print but I am getting error:  cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found! in the cups error log09:36
mknsJack_Smirnoff - it's of no help to you, but Google Earth works a treat for me...09:36
pegwell clicking on the toolbar simply ran a program09:36
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dooglusdrbreen_: I don't think so.  what version (sudo -V) are you running?09:37
mathieu_everything worked ok until a kernel upgrade09:37
dek_aikdrbreen: you can try open alt-F2..test it there09:37
pegyou just need to figure out what the program is called09:37
recon0peg: and the program is....?09:37
Jack_Smirnoffmkns: I had it working yesterday..09:37
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Senesencedrbreen_: Through synaptic I mean09:37
Jack_Smirnoffreinstalling this am09:37
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gatekeeperJack_Smirnoff: it was a while ago, I think all I did was download it, change it so it was executable then ./whatver_the)name_was09:37
Jack_Smirnoffreinstalling everything this am09:37
karl_what package is the XTest library part of?09:37
pegrecon0, well I do have one answer that you are looking for, a good terminal based volume changer is alsamixer09:37
drbreen_dooglus: Sudo version 1.6.8p1209:38
likwidtek_is there ATI 3d support in ubuntu?09:38
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Quinoke pasa gente09:38
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gatekeeperJack_Smirnoff: good luck09:38
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dooglusdrbreen_: you could fix it by setting the time even further into the future than before, then running "sudo -i" to get a root shell, "sudo -K", then update the time to the correct time in the root shell09:38
SenesenceGot python2.4 IDLE through Synaptic, but where is the Python IDLE executable? How do I start IDLE?09:38
recon0any chance you know of a GUI based volume changer? the program executable, perhaps?09:38
dooglusdrbreen_: but that's quite messy09:38
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drbreen_dooglus: i cannot update the time without root right, i assume..09:39
dek_aikdrbreen: sorry i mean ctrl-alt-F2...you can try login again09:39
dek_aikdrbreen: youre OK09:39
ompaulSenesence, applications programming idle09:39
drbreen_senesence: i have a problem with synaptic right now cause i cannot sudo. try open a terminal and put in "apropos python09:39
No1VikingHello.... I installed Seveas solution regarding fglrx ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI )but still has OpenGL with software emulation instead of hardware. How do I solve this?09:39
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Senesenceompaul: Ahhh (stupid look on my face) of course, thank alot.09:40
dooglusdrbreen_: oh, I see...  drbreen_ this is why I always set a root password, for such ubuntu foulups :)_09:40
ompaulSenesence,  /usr/bin/python09:40
PoromenosI can't access my Ubuntu server box by its hostname (IP works), is there any way I can make it broadcast it?09:40
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raboofok, strange problem: 'aplay -l' does find a playback device, but aplay and speaker-test give 'no such file or directory'09:40
raboofexact commands and outputs at http://www.bzzt.net/~arnouten/wiki/index.php/Sound_setup#alsa09:41
faddatI'm running prelink... I just removed some packages which caused the ubuntu-desktop metapackage to be removed.  Prelink has now been running for several hours and I'm wondering if something may have gone awry.... anyone got any ideas?09:41
drbreen_dooglus: it worked when i logged in again on virtuel console 6 and did sudo -v09:41
raboofany ideas what could be wrong? no answers in #alsa yet unfortunately09:41
Senesenceompaul: Yea I tried through usr/bin but it wouldn't let me open for some reason09:41
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likwidtek_No1Viking, I think maybe we both are looking for the same answer.  Someone told me that there is no 3d ATI support in linux.09:41
ompaulSenesence, it should09:41
ompaulSenesence, just type python in a terminal09:41
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eyequeue!ati > likwidtek09:41
Seveaslikwidtek_, that someone is wrong, 3d works fine for me with ati 09:42
likwidtek_wrong name09:42
No1Vikinglikwidtek, I think you are wrong09:42
likwidtek_well i want to be wrong09:42
Senesenceompaul: there is a lock type of thing on many of my folders, maybe thats why?09:42
PoromenosSeveas: Was that a japanese character? :P09:42
likwidtek_because I want to get XGL working on my powerbook09:42
eyequeue!ati > likwidtek_09:42
likwidtek_I have 9600 mobility.  You think it will work?09:42
lhdsguys to install and run tv i read ubuntu post about how to run a  saa7134 http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/saa7134 and i have downloaded the win4lin install and compile gtk things than it was said to type make to compile but i get an error similar to that in this post:http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70359&highlight=video4linux+compile+error09:42
ompaulSenesence, if you run it from apps access terminal you won't have an issue09:43
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No1VikingSeveas, any ideas why I get OpenGL with software using my Radeon 9800 Pro?09:43
dek_aikFeestBijtje: are you still there?09:43
ompaul!ati > No1Viking09:43
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Senesenceompaul: I would like to be able to run it through the GUI though, is there a way to unlock the folders?09:43
lhds! video4linux09:43
ubotuI know nothing about video4linux - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:43
MilesAttacca4To set up a multi-boot system with Win98 and DOS, should I just install Ubuntu first and work from there?09:43
moveI'm trying to use SSH for the first time, can I just use my username "move" and user password to login with it?09:43
SeveasNo1Viking, because something is wrong on your system09:43
Flannelfaddat: If something went wrong, it has nothing to o with ubuntu-desktop, it's just a meta package09:44
Bonez56PETER BROWN09:44
Seveas(give me 5 minutes and then pm me)09:44
Flannelmove: right09:44
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ompaulSenesence, name some of these folders for me09:44
FlannelMilesAttacca4: usually it's easier to install non-linux first, as windows doesn't play well with others by default09:44
faddatflannel:  Ok.  Out of curiosity, what can go wrong.... and if something has blown up, how will I fix it after I reboot?09:44
MilesAttacca4Should I just use MS-DOS FDISK to partition?09:44
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moveFlannel: it tells me wrong username and password :(09:44
PoromenosI can't access my Ubuntu server box by its hostname (IP works), is there any way I can make it broadcast it?09:44
MarcCis there a "pygtk" package in the repos?09:45
MarcCI can't find one.09:45
dooglusdrbreen_: I've tried setting my own timestamp to a date in the future and although I see the error you see, I then see a 'password' prompt.  that's what should happen.  I don't know why you see what you see09:45
Senesenceompaul: The lock icon is on the whole File System09:45
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karl_anyone know how I can get the Xtest library?09:45
ompaulSenesence, sdont touch that for a mo09:45
ompaulSenesence, brb09:45
Flannelfaddat: er, depends on whta went wrong.09:45
Senesenceompaul: k09:45
Flannelmove: you're connecting to the same machine?09:45
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Would I just make the one primary partition for Windows and leave the rest of the space unspecified?09:46
faddatFlannel:  Indeed :(..... well, I hope it's nothing big.  It's 4AM where I am so I'm going to go to sleep soon and check on this madness in the morning09:46
FlannelMilesAttacca4: yeah, linux has no problem flling in the cracks09:46
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faddathopefully.... nothing.... if not, it'll be an excuse to become an Edgy tester.....09:46
moveFlannel: I'm connecting to my computer using the terminal program of my t-mobile sidekick II09:47
Flannelfaddat: nah, worst case is you'll have to reinstall it via apt09:47
ompaulSenesence, what is the shaded in icon above the left hand column?09:47
Morrowynwhen can we play games on linux?09:47
MilesAttacca4Flannel: After that, should I just boot and start installling Ubuntu from the live CD?09:47
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Morrowynwithout cedega and such, just native09:47
mknsmove - does your sidekick support the correct version of SSH that your server needs?09:47
FeestBijtjedek_aik, i am still here09:47
faddatflannel:  nice :)!  Well, that's good news09:47
movehow do I find that one out?09:48
FlannelMilesAttacca4: Install windows, then install linux, yeah.09:48
Senesenceompaul: The little drive icon, I guess marking the file system09:48
eddieis there a program for gnome like yakuake is for kde?09:48
Stormx2how do I use unrar from terminal?09:48
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Fabiana23] [] [] [- www.misecretito.com.ar -] [] [] [ - contanos tus secretitos ms terribles !!09:48
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mknsi have no idea about your sidekick; i've never even heard of it09:48
mc__Stormx2,  unrar x file.rar09:48
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: so how the sound ? did you figure out which one now..sb or intel?09:48
MilesAttacca4Flannel: And then start mucking about with grub?09:48
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Flanneleddie: what does yaka..whatever do?09:48
FlannelMilesAttacca4: no, you shouldn't need to muck around, windows will automatically be detected and added09:48
FeestBijtjedek_aik, none works now -_-09:48
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gnomefreaki was gonna do that but wanted to see it first09:49
likwidtek_what does apt-get stand for?09:49
ompaulgnomefreak, yw09:49
eddieit hides a terminal at the top of the screen and becomes available when you hit the f12 key09:49
gnomefreaklikwidtek_: apt-get =apt-get09:49
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Do I still have to install Linux second to be able to add other Windows OSes like DOS?09:49
mknsas for your server... 'dpkg -l openssh-server' should tell you the version of your server.  And if you're using Ubuntu, it'll be SSH209:49
ompaulgnomefreak, spammer /dev/null - no questions09:49
eyequeuelikwidtek_, A Package Tool09:49
likwidtek_like appointment get?09:49
moveI got it working09:49
dek_aikFeestBijtje: well sorry...have you try to modprobe the modules?09:49
ompaulSenesence, you do not want to be there writing data09:49
likwidtek_apartment get?  :P09:50
gnomefreakeyequeue: advaced packaging tool09:50
FeestBijtjedek_aik, yes09:50
mknsmove - what was wrong?09:50
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movewhenever I hit save fingerprint it wouldn't load, but just pressing okay for some reason let me go forth09:50
likwidtek_Awesome gnomefreak09:50
AndreasBei have a problem authenticating against my ldap server when using gdm. tty and ssh logins work like a charm. any clues?09:50
FlannelMilesAttacca4: without mucking around in grub ;)  Linux only does the 'lets see what else is installed and autoconfigure' while installing09:50
Senesenceompaul: ok09:50
eyequeuelikwidtek_, the get part was originally just to be the fetcher part, then it sort of took on all the other functions i guess09:50
ompaulSenesence, you want to click on your username09:50
mknsok, fair enough09:50
dek_aikFeestBijtje: ther are not on the lsmod|grep snd?09:50
eyequeuegnomefreak, i've heard both, but yours makes better sense, heh09:50
FeestBijtjedek_aik, nope09:50
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=== Jack_Smirnoff [n=jack@adsl-69-108-48-162.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
likwidtek_you know I am so in love with this distro.  I know its based on debian but they way its done is so smart09:51
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi09:51
ompaulSenesence, you don't drop programs around the file system until you know exactly what your doing and then mostly you dont drop programs around the system, they have special places09:51
likwidtek_I love the packages too...  it's like... wandering through a free software mall and you get to pick whatecer you want09:51
dek_aikFeestBijtje: well if you modprobe snd_emuXX for example what is the output?09:51
moveshould I have it emulating vt100 or linux09:51
MilesAttacca4Flannel: I mean that Windows has problems with letting more than one of its versions exist on a computer at any one time.09:51
ompaulSenesence, create a folder in your "home directory" (where your user name is) and then work in that09:51
ompaulgnomefreak, is there a "directory" faq style thing?09:52
MilesAttacca4Flannel: So would I have to install one Windows first, then Ubuntu, then the others to be able to use them?09:52
stummiesdoes anyone know how to access an NTFS formatted USB drive in linux?09:52
Senesenceompaul: I see, so if I want to run any executables i should make a link to a executable in the file system and run that way, right?09:52
FeestBijtjedek_aik, sudo modprobe snd_emu10k1 say's nothing09:52
gnomefreakompaul: not that im aware of09:52
dek_aikFeestBijtje: i mean, snd_emu10k1 and snd_intel8x009:52
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FlannelMilesAttacca4: er, no, I dont see why that would need to be the case09:52
FeestBijtjedek_aik, both say's nothing09:52
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MilesAttacca4Flannel: 'K. Time to dig out my Windows installs then.09:52
likwidtek_likwidtek@Ubuntu-Mac:~$ sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fg1rx09:53
likwidtek_Reading package lists... Done09:53
likwidtek_Building dependency tree... Done09:53
likwidtek_E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fg1rx09:53
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Thanks.09:53
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likwidtek_what's wrong?09:53
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44bad9.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulSenesence, no, you need to learn more about permissions09:53
ompaulSenesence, this is nothing like windows09:53
dek_aikFeestBijtje: what is the output of lsmod|grep snd? ---pm me there09:53
DarkAuditso what is the GNOME equivalent to digikam?09:53
Senesenceompaul: I see that now lol09:53
mnpi seem to have lost some options for shutdown in Gnome. anyone know why i can only hibernate?09:53
mohkohnWhich version of qemu is in dapper?09:54
ompaulSenesence, look trust me on this - do all your work in your home directory for now09:54
Senesenceompaul: got it. Where can I learn more about the linux file system. Is there a document specific to longtime windows users?09:54
ompaulSenesence, as you learn more it will become obvious where to look, and look for Linux Filesystem Faq out there on the big bad internet - I don't have one to hand sorry09:54
FeestBijtjedek_aik, done09:55
dek_aikFeestBijtje: welll, there are there?...:)09:55
Senesenceompaul: OK thank's man.09:55
gatekeepermohkohn: 0.8.0-3 I think09:55
dribblecan nautilus burn bin/cues or just isos?09:55
ompaulSenesence, all I can say is this, almost everything you know is wrong (that is a very crude way of saying it) you need to be very open to changes09:55
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Senesenceompaul: I'll try my best. Im sure it will be worth it.09:55
FeestBijtjedek_aik, yes but why it aint working... i broke it ^^09:55
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FeestBijtjedek_aik, on live cd i have sound but not on my installed version09:56
ompaulSenesence, don't be sure, know ;-)09:56
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dek_aikFeestBijtje: how do you test the sound then? maybe the alsa-mixer is still mute09:56
ompaulSenesence, if you care to pm me or go to #ubuntu-classroom I will get you a few pointers09:57
Rodyahow do i get apptitude running?09:57
FeestBijtjedek_aik, alsamixer is not muted09:57
Rodyai installed breezy but the extra packages didnt install09:57
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Senesenceompaul: Well I hope at least, thanks for all your help. Later.09:57
Rodyai did this yesterday and apptitude worked but today its not09:57
FlannelRodya: to run aptitude, just "sudo aptitude", that'll start the GUI09:57
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blankywhat's the argument for wget that you tell it where to save the downloaded file?09:57
likwidtek_does anyone know how to tell if my ati driver is up to date and supports 3d?09:58
eddieFeestBijtje, do you have a usb audio device connected?09:58
dek_aikFeestBijtje: well..i am lost..sorry friend09:58
gatekeeperompaul: Windows to Ubuntu Transition Guide usefull for new people coming to linux:http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/917/09:58
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J-_i tried to format my external hard drive with gparted, i put fat32 on a small partition, made another partition ext3. while it was making the ext3 partition, it stopped, and the hard drive went back to unallocated? is the hard drive perma fried now? =(09:58
FeestBijtjeeddie, no its not USB09:58
FeestBijtjedek_aik, ill re install my OS09:59
ncetervalAfter a little testing I've determined that when loading an encrypted partition with device mapper on boot with Ubuntu Dapper, if an incorrect passphrase is entered it assumes corruption and drops me to a root console.  This is obviously an awful security flaw, how can I fix it?09:59
ompaulgatekeeper, I'll keep it in mind09:59
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Flannelnceterval: report it at launchpad09:59
eddieFeestBijtje, do you have any usb audio devices like a headset?09:59
FeestBijtjeeddie, no09:59
FeestBijtjeeddie, i got a SB Live value card on PCI with refuses to work after an hybernate10:00
RodyaFlannel, its saying  it wasnt able to locate a file for the xm package  internal error couldnt generate list of packages to download10:00
Rodyashould i reinstall just the base system and then use aptitude?10:00
dek_aikFeestBijtje: well i walkthroughed two people with the same problem and with a success...must be something i missed10:00
FeestBijtjedek_aik, mabe its cause this is been my worst day since yesterday....10:00
dead_kellyokay this should be a simple one. Flash. I want flash to work10:00
=== J-_ needs some help.
FlannelRodya: sounds like you've got some problems, yeah.  try that10:00
likwidtek_how can i see what driver my ati card is running?10:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:00
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ncetervalFlannel: I just checked, there is "security contact" or "bug contact" for Linux Kernel Device Mapper on Launchpad.net  Does that matter?10:01
FeestBijtjedek_aik, no never mind i am drunk already cause of the absint... me and my gf broke up and now i am completely lost in my self10:01
nceterval*there is no10:01
MilesAttacca4Flannel: I've got a 250GB drive, and FDISK seems to think it only has 25GB. So is there a way I can use Ubuntu from the live CD to partition everything without installing itself, then install Windows, then go back and install Ubuntu?10:01
FeestBijtjedek_aik, i also lost my computer now :(10:01
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FeestBijtjedek_aik,  still loads of peacis are in my head i broke a mirror with my fore head10:01
FlannelMilesAttacca4: FDISK can't handle more than about 30GB as FAT, yeah, you can partition it however10:02
dead_kellyflash, anyone? Anyone? Can anyone please help?10:02
jribdead_kelly: what about flash?10:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:02
FeestBijtjedek_aik, can you tell me atleast what i can do more eccept bashing my self into walls10:02
Flannelnceterval: er, when reporting the bug there should be a checkbox about not making it public, or whatever.  Let me look.10:02
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Can I just do it as part of the install wizard, or is there a specific app included on the CD?10:02
dek_aikFeestBijtje: keep safe..wish you better luck then..others will help..its 3 am here..i need some sleep..bye10:02
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AndreasBei got a problem authenticating against an OpenLDAP server using the gdm login manager. tty and ssh authentication is fine. anyone able to help?10:02
FeestBijtjebye bye dek_aik thanx for the help10:02
ncetervalFlannel: I apologize, I'm not at all familiar with Launchpad.10:02
dead_kellygnomefreak I can't get flash working10:03
likwidtek_guys whats the command to see what drivers are loaded please?10:03
dead_kellyflash files won't load on teh intarwebs10:03
SupermathieAre there any patches for suspend2 out there that apply against Ubuntu 6.06?10:03
movethe terminal client on my sidekick is light text on a white background, is that configurable from my computer or only from the sidekick?10:03
Flannelmove: just the sidekick10:03
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jesspheris there any program in linux that supports ipod10:04
J-_when i use gparted am i suppose to use the BSD option?10:04
jesspherplease help10:04
moveokay, one more question... is there a torrent console client?10:05
eyequeuejesspher, apt-cache search ipod?10:05
Flannel!tell jesspher about ipod10:05
ubuntuHi every one.... I using the LIVE CD Ubuntu, V. 5,10, Whow is the password of root???10:05
mc__move, ctorrent10:05
Flannelmove: yeah, btdownloadcurses10:05
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mc__ubuntu, there is none10:05
gatekeeperdead_kelly: are you runing amd64?10:05
ubuntuNo... Pc3210:05
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dead_kellygatekeeper running powerpc10:06
ubuntu"none", or it does not have passord?10:06
Flannelubuntu: it has none.  it has no root account.10:06
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Can I just do it as part of the install wizard, or is there a specific app included on the CD?10:06
mc__ubuntu, it does not have a password10:06
mc__ubuntu, root account is disabled10:06
mc__ubuntu, you can enable the account with setting a password10:06
Flannelnceterval: When you go and report the bug, check the "this bug is a security vulnerability" checkbox at the bottom10:06
mc__ubuntu, sudo passwd root10:06
Flannelmc__: he shouldn't need to do that.10:06
ubuntuok.... thank you MC!10:07
mc__Flannel, i like it to have a root account10:07
Flannelmc__: that's fine, don't recommend others do the same.10:07
gatekeeperdead_kelly: if you are running firefox: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox10:07
mc__ubuntu, you're welcome10:07
ubuntuI'm from brazil.... sorry about the english.10:07
FlannelMilesAttacca4: gparted is the program you're looking for, otherwise you'll have to do it from the install10:07
mc__Flannel, i dont consider a root account as a security risk as long as you arent silly10:07
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ncetervalFlannel: Alright, I'll file a bug.  Thanks10:07
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Is there any particular advantage to doing it either way?10:07
Flannelmc__: right, but new users don't know how 'not to be silly'.10:07
moveFlannel: can you do a command like btdownloadcurses http://the.com/torrent.torrent ?10:08
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Flannelmove: it's something like that, yeah10:08
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jesspherdoes anybody know how i can get the amarok package10:08
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dead_kellyso can anyone help me here?10:08
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stummiesi need help accessing my NTFS formatted USB harddisk from linux10:09
Flannelmc__: besides, having a root account causes problems with some of the other configurations of ubuntu.10:09
movehmm, okay, one more question10:09
moveknowing nothing but the url, how can you download a file from an http server using console?10:09
moveis there a native command?10:09
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mc__Flannel, not having a root account causes problems with some non-ubuntu scripts10:09
Flannelmove: wget10:09
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Is there any particular advantage to doing it either way?10:09
AndreasBemove: wget10:09
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WinballSomeone have problemes with azureus? Try running it as root10:09
eyequeuemove, sudo apt-get install wget10:09
FlannelMilesAttacca4: not a huge advantage, no.  either way you'll get it partitioned10:10
Flannelmove: wget is already installed10:10
eyequeuemove, wget http://url.here/path/file10:10
movethanks a lot gus10:10
moveI go tit10:10
movenow I can torrent from work using my sidekick!10:10
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Flannelmove: you should check out 'screen'10:11
AndreasBedoes anyone have ldap authentication using gdm working? (i'm using ubuntu for both the clients and the server).10:11
movewhat is screen10:11
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Will the arrangement of the partitions be of any concern, namely the orientation of the Linux and swap partitions relative to the Windows installs?10:11
mc__move, a nice programm10:11
eyequeuemove, if you're a console fan, i'll second that recommendation for screen(1)10:11
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mc__move, install it and try it out10:11
eyequeuescreen (1)           - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation10:11
moveI type it and my console just flashes10:11
Supermathiescreen is awesome.10:11
Flannelmove: google it, the irssi website has a nice tutorial about it10:12
Flannelmc__: most new users don't need to run non-ubuntu scripts, and aren't savvy enough to weigh the differences between having root, and using sudo.  It's perfectly alright if you want to have a root account, but don't go telling everyone randomly to have one.10:12
jesspherdoes ubuntu 6.06 support  .rar files10:12
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eyequeuemove, screen has a billion features, don't get bogged down in the socs ... detaching/attaching is the big one, then i use it for cut/paste too, the rest are less common10:12
=== frog_ [n=andi@85-124-17-208.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
tmccraryIs allofmp3.com down for anyone else?10:13
mathieu_anyone have any idea why a usb printer would work with a ubuntu kernel but not a vanilla linux kernel ?10:13
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XiXaQjesspher, yes.10:13
Supermathieit lets you m:n multiplex terminals, so you can have a screen 'session' running an arbitrary number of programs and having an arbitrary number of frontends connected to it, viewing.10:13
movewell how do I run it to play with it?10:13
Flannelmove: it means you won't have to be connected for your programs (bittorrent in this case) to continue to run.10:13
mathieu_i'm getting :  cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found!10:13
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MilesAttacca4Flannel: Will the arrangement of the partitions be of any concern, namely the orientation of the Linux and swap partitions relative to the Windows installs?10:13
jesspherXiXaQ: thanks10:13
mathieu_but when running ubuntu kernel there is no problem10:13
eyequeuemove, start with "pinfo screen" or "man screen"10:13
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movepinfo screen10:13
moveman screen10:13
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FlannelMilesAttacca4: I believe windows needs to be in a primary partition, but I'm not really sure.10:13
mc__Flannel, yes sir10:14
=== tuxtux ciao
Flannelmc__: thanks10:14
eyequeuemove, what you do is start a "terminal" inside screen, then run apps, then make more terminals if you want, etc10:14
MilesAttacca4Flannel: Does Linux need to be in one as well?10:14
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FlannelMilesAttacca4: no, windows is picky, linux will run anywhere.10:14
dead_kellyd00d my linuxes are teh suck!10:14
XiXaQjesspher, uh.. wait a minute. I'm not sure it does out of the box.10:14
moveI see, so when I disconnect from the ssh screen keeps the programs running?10:14
tmccraryLinux won't run on my Gigabyte i-Ram card :(10:14
mathieu_move: yes10:14
Supermathiemove: Exactly!10:14
AndreasBemove: you could ylso choose to connect to one screen using several pc's at once.10:15
eyequeuelinux ran in my bathroom, must run anywhere10:15
Flannelmove: since otherwise, if your sidekick disconnected for whatever reason, the programs you had running would stop10:15
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Supermathiefor example, I have 20 different programs running under screen, and a screen session connected from my desktop here, my desktop at home, and my blackberry :)10:15
dead_kellyright so, is there a power pc chan?10:15
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APEXhas anyone here got 3ddesktop to work on a ppc mac?10:15
moveI see10:15
bigjbtmccrary: run it under vmware10:15
=== drbreen_ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-083.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu
movescreen is awesome.10:15
Supermathieso I can view any of the programs from any device, detach and reattach at will10:15
dead_kellyapex I can't even get flah to work10:15
APEXhrrmm] 10:16
gnomefreakdead_kelly: flash doesnt work on ppc10:16
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XiXaQjesspher, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Ubuntu does not support rar. It's easily installed though.10:16
=== greg [n=greg@ip68-102-164-244.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dead_kellygnomefreak reeely?10:16
gnomefreakdead_kelly: you need gplflash (sometimes doesnt like to work)10:16
APEXI can get 3ddesktop to work - it will switch displays, but I dont see any animation10:16
eyequeuemove, start irssi in console, get x working, detach, come back in x and reattach to that irssi, and no one on irc even knew you left, all /msgs saved, it's sweet10:16
gnomefreakdead_kelly: really10:16
gnomefreak!flash > dead_kelly10:16
Supermathiemove: type 'ctrl-a', '?' inside screen10:16
gregUbuntu is a pretty slick distro!10:16
gnomefreakdead_kelly: read the link in your pm10:16
APEXI spose is those durn ati ppc drivers10:16
mathieu_dead_kelly: it's cause the sources are not open for flash10:16
gnomefreakdead_kelly: most non-free apps wont run on ppc10:17
dead_kellygnomefreak where does one synaptyic gplflash ?10:17
movecontrol a doesn't do anything...10:17
MilesAttacca4Flannel: 'K, I'm going to go to work installing Win98 and DOS on the box now. Thanks for the help.10:17
XiXaQjesspher, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression#head-32ba956d13d49934f65bf67dd40646653a7a614010:17
gnomefreakdead_kelly: read the link it will tell y ou how to install it10:17
moveoh, I see10:17
=== fbayuga [n=fbayuga@mail.wechealthunit.org] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelmove: also with screen you'll be able to have multiple terminals, so you can connect once, and then do many things, irssi in one, bittorrent in another, etc10:17
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move2okay, I'm in irssi in screen10:18
dead_kellygnomefreak those links explain restricted formats they are not synaptic sources10:18
move2how do I open another program inside screen though?10:18
Supermathiemove: commands start with ctrl-A, ones to start with are: screen (c), next (space), detach (d), switchtonum (the number)10:19
move2when I press control a it just says that there is no other window10:19
eyequeuemove2, ^A^C for that second app, then ^A^A to toggle10:19
tmccraryIs there a tutorial on building the ubuntu kernel?10:19
Supermathiemove: so hit ctrl-a, c to create a new one10:19
Flannel!tell tmccrary about kernel10:19
Supermathiemove: from a random shell, use 'screen -x' to connect to it.10:19
=== andbelo [n=andbelo@c-68-83-147-173.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gatekeeper!flash > gatekeeper10:19
tmccrary!tell me about kernel bitch10:19
BuFFim having a problem, i installed dapper on my old pc 128ram, 20GB, 800Mhz & i cant install dapper on more powerfull ibm r50e laptop, what's the problem ?10:19
ubotuI know nothing about kernel bitch - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:19
moveand I closed the window, I'm still in it10:19
eyequeuemove2, one other thing, "screen -x" or "screen -r" to get back from detaching, done as ^A^X10:20
mohkohnHow can I compile kqemu into the ubuntu 0.8.0 qemu package?10:20
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ardchoilleSomeone should write a short screen how-to on the wiki :)10:21
=== nomis__ [n=nomis__@chello062178225065.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
tmccraryThat tutorial says it's about Edgy Eft's kernel... is it not a simple process to build a dapper kernel....?10:21
movehow do you totally kill a screen session?10:21
eyequeuemove, example,. detach from machine A, go to machine B and logon, and then attach to that machine, even though you never had it on that machine in the first place10:21
Flannelmove: close all the windows10:21
eyequeuemove, "exit" at the terminal10:21
ardchoillemove: when you exit all the prompts in screen, screen will terminate itself10:21
dead_kellymeh. in about 10 minutes I am going back to mac os x10:21
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eyequeuemove, there's a "kill" command too, but better to close things our properly :)10:22
PolterGeisti have no experience on Linux. I am trying to install Xubuntu 6.06 on a Intel Celeron 466Mhz, 128MB RAM with 800X600 monitor10:22
andbeloIs there a program that allow you to send fax using Dapper?10:22
moveI'm getting it now10:22
dead_kellylinux just isn't ready for the desktop10:22
=== edulix [n=edulix@109.Red-83-55-180.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleeyequeue: the screen kill command (^a^\) has never worked for me10:22
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PolterGeisti changed the resolution on 800X600 but can't see full screen, anyone can help ?10:23
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Supermathieardchoille: you want to kill a single screen? ^aK10:23
PolterGeistpls pm10:23
eyequeueardchoille, try ^A^K10:23
Bonez56PETER BROWN10:23
edulixhi !10:23
ardchoilleeyequeue: Ahh, I'll have to try that later, thanks10:23
_X_Does anyone know how I can hear sounds from multiple programs/sources at once?10:23
_X_In dapper :)10:23
eyequeueardchoille, ^A^k too10:23
=== sagarp [n=sagar@user126-62.wireless.ocsnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
edulixI have an old ati which is only supported in ati drivers and in the propietary ones10:24
Bonez56_X_: i'd also like to know this10:24
_X_For instance amarok and gaim notification sounds at the same time10:24
Supermathie^aK, not ^k10:24
ardchoilleSupermathie: Thank you :)10:24
edulixit's a readeon 7500 IO belive10:24
=== n08l3_Jatt [n=n08l4@dhcp-124-111.imt.uwm.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SmirnoffWeeeeeeeee just did full system restore from my tar backup... Really had my fingers crossed for this one.. Thanks all10:24
edulixhow can i configure tv out?10:24
edulixit doesn't work out of the box :P10:24
likwidtek_can someone please help me with this error?  E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fg1rx10:24
Supermathieremember - ^A? gives most commands10:24
=== jane [n=jane@adsl-69-235-25-172.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bonez56_X_: actually now to think of it mine works fine? Gaim always makes sounds while I am watching movies with mplayer10:24
move2and now I'm ircing from my sidekick10:24
_X_Bonez56, good for you :P10:24
Flannellikwidtek_: it's an l, frlrx not a 110:24
n08l3_Jatthow to change distro from 5.10 to 6.0610:24
Jack_Smirnoff_X_: alsa10:24
Flannel!tell n08l3_Jatt about upgrade10:24
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.10:25
Bonez56likwidtek_: sudo apt-cache search xorg-driver and then find the one you want and install it10:25
zaudragonweee Ubuntu is wicked; thanks guys10:25
_X_If I run amarok the gaim sounds will cue up and spam me once a playlist has finished10:25
likwidtek_E: Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fglrx10:25
move2thanks a lot guys... gotta goto work10:25
_X_cant run multiple vlc clients either10:25
Bonez56likwidtek_: read my text again10:25
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likwidtek_Bonez56,  k ill try it thanks10:25
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n08l3_JattFlannel: Thnkx10:25
=== move2 leaves to go play with screen at work
_X_Jack_Smirnoff, for some reason alsa doesnt seem to do much good10:25
eyequeuemove, while at it, i'll also mention ^A^[ and ^A^]  are my friends too :)  (cut/paste)10:25
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moveeyequeue: great, thx10:26
Jack_Smirnoffedulix: xorg-driver-fglrx  is what I think is needed for 8500 and lower cards10:26
Supermathiescreenusers: The thing that messes people up initally is you can't just scrollback as you did before - ^A<ESC> puts you into scrollback mode. Use VI keys to move around.10:26
_X_I shalt brb abtwats,,,10:26
eyequeuemove, always noce to give someone a new software toy, knowing there will be no productivity at the office for a week, lol10:26
ardchoilleeyequeue: hahaha10:27
=== skooj [n=skooj@71-213-252-241.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
likwidtek_Bonez56, so sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-ati  ?10:27
eyequeuethe console apps are just so powerful, i love them10:27
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skoojhello.. uh.. I have a problem making my microphone work.. I want it mostly for skype, but I can't get it to work with anything. anyone have any idea how to fix it?10:28
J-_is there another program any better than gparted? or a tutorial to format my external hard drive into ext3 or fast32?10:28
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edulixJack_Smirnoff: fglrx does not support my card10:28
=== Ace2007 [n=ace@80-47-38-251.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleI love Ubuntu. It's good for newbies, yet still powerful enough for those of us who like to log in without X and do everything in screen.10:28
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edulixanyway thanks10:28
=== sktx [n=sktx@pool-72-71-15-149.plspca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Supermathie... or log into X and do everything in screen :)10:28
edulixI must go bye!10:28
ardchoilleSupermathie: hehe10:28
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MalachiCan I edit cookies in Epiphany?10:29
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likwidtek_Bonez56, you still there?10:29
J-_is there another program any better than gparted? or a tutorial to format my external hard drive into ext3 or fat32?10:29
Bonez56likwidtek_: yeah10:29
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likwidtek_Bonez56, so sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-ati  right?10:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:30
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Bonez56likwidtek_: follow ubotu's instruction10:30
Ace2007http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) What does that mean?10:30
ompaulJ-_,  do this sudo fdisk -l  then fdisk the external drive enjoy10:30
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likwidtek_I did that's why I am having problems..  here let me pastebin the output.  gimme a few10:30
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zecarlosOl, boa tarde a todos10:31
ompaulJ-_,  the latter part is sudo fdisk /dev/whereeverthatdriveis10:31
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:31
=== mheath [i=Mike@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zecarlosAlgum a fala portugus?10:31
skoojhello.. uh.. I have a problem making my microphone work.. I want it mostly for skype, but I can't get it to work with anything. anyone have any idea how to fix it?10:31
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.10:31
zecarlosBeleza, obrigado10:32
=== flo [n=flo@chello062178159233.10.14.wu-wien.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
SupermathieProbably turn your mic volume up :)10:32
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skoojlol Supermathie, mic volume is up.10:32
SupermathieThat usually does it for me :)10:32
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SupermathieAlthough earlier I had to take it off mute...10:32
johlinMy friends has got a Ralink RT2500, but the drivers for that are source code and because he hasn't got internet connection on that computer yet because of that, he can't apt-get install build-essential. What should he do?10:32
skooji think it's my soundcard.. or something.. mic volume is all the way up, as is capture and everything but like.. i stilll get nothing10:33
=== Zooliegsm [n=zooliegs@a0691.adsl.pool.eol.hu] has joined #ubuntu
davey_johlin, you can get the drivers from the website and just untar them10:33
davey_johlin, thats only if you are not on amd6410:33
johlindavey_: he's not on amd64. what site, ralinks official?10:33
davey_johlin, yes under the support tab10:33
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johlindavey_ I can only find source code ones there. Or are the drivers included in that package?10:34
Zooliegsmhello all...i downloaded LiVES the video editing tool,and if i click to run it will do nothing.my cpu at load.and nothing.in terminal i dont got any errors.....pls help.....or any good video editing tool?10:34
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davey_johlin, they have a totorial on ubuntu forms if the instructions in the source tar ball are kind of hard to understnad10:35
SpecZooliegsm: yes, yes there are...10:35
SpecZooliegsm: but for the life of me i can't remember what they are10:35
X|RolandoI have 2 videolan clients playing the same file and I only get sound from one (both are set to use alsa)10:35
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davey_can anyone send me some gdesklet widgets, the main website i down and I wanted to have a few and the only website that is up only has like 10 that are lame10:35
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X|RolandoIs there a magical package I need to install?10:35
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skoojmeh, maybe if i update alsa my microphone will record..10:35
davey_They are no where to be found anymore10:35
Flanneldavey_: ubuntu comes with a bunch10:36
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davey_Flannel, it doesn't have that main10:36
Flanneldavey_: what?10:36
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davey_Flannel, I just wanted a calculator that I had on another machine and the site with most of them is down10:36
dealahogskooj did you install alsa-oss ?10:36
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rtuxHow can I blacklist modules on startup in ubuntu?? please?/10:36
Flanneldavey_: apt-get install gdesklets (it's in universe)10:36
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skoojdealahog err.. no?10:37
cowbudI just got the sl-modem driver to work and now when I try to connect it dials but it doesn't give me a connection. When I dial the connect per hand I here the correct noise though..any ideas why that is?10:37
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list10:37
=== s33k3rgr [n=s33k3rgr@ppp77-187.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems10:37
ZooliegsmSpec and any solution for my problem?10:37
davey_Flannel, I have the program10:37
dealahogI use a lot of voice programs I always install alsa-oss and aumix10:37
rtuxubotu.. that doesn't work.. I tried it.10:37
ubotuI know nothing about suspend2 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:37
hussamanyone can help get cdrecord to work as non-root?10:37
ubotuI know nothing about ubotu.. that doesn't work.. I tried it. - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:37
likwidtek_Bonez56, ok could you take a look at this?  Thanks for your help.  http://pastebin.ca/10433210:37
rellikhi. I'm attempting to Ubuntu Desktop from the liveCD and I keep getting the error "unable to create filesystem" when it starts the install.  What is happening?10:37
ubotuI know nothing about video - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:37
dealahogseems to fix all ly problems10:37
ubotuI know nothing about v4l - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:37
davey_relik, sounds like a harddrive problem10:37
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johlindavey_: do you have a link to a guide?10:38
Jack_Smirnoffrellik: what type of hard drive(s)\10:38
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rellikdavey_:  I accidentally downloaded and installed Ubuntu alternate successfully though10:38
X|Rolandomultimedia? there is no multimedia thingy in dapper10:38
skoojerr there is no "multimedia" in system > prefrences..10:38
rellikand it had a previously working windows install on it10:38
=== move [n=move@pool-72-77-247-220.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rellikits an older hard drive10:38
=== din_ [n=din@c-68-51-49-19.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
davey_johlin, I lost the guide10:38
rellik3.2 gig maxtor10:38
Zooliegsmso? any good video editor name?10:38
johlindavey_ I found one in the wiki10:39
s33k3rgrdoes anybody knows anythink about dvb cardsharing client programs?10:39
ubotuI know nothing about modules - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:39
Jack_Smirnoffrellik: you need 2 gig for the swap10:39
ubotuI know nothing about modprobe - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:39
X|RolandoZooliegsm, pitivi, its not quite finished yet though :P10:39
likwidtek_Zooliegsm,  Kino?10:39
=== flagadajones [n=foxmike@modemcable038.174-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
davey_I checked for gdesklets I have all the ones that ubuntu comes with, does anyone have any they can send me10:39
Spec!info kino10:39
ubotukino: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In repository main, is extra. Version 0.80-1ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 1071 kB, installed size 3616 kB10:39
s33k3rgrdoes anybody knows anythink about dvb cardsharing client programs?10:39
davey_modprobe is easy to use, you just need to know the name of the mod10:39
rellikinstall said i needed 2 gig for / and 192mb for swap10:39
SpecZooliegsm: that's what i was thinking, kino10:39
rtuxinsmod does not insert the module.. It says "no name or directory".10:39
davey_rtux, you have to modprobe first10:40
sarra_I need to navigate to /home/sarra/Desktop/downloads using console, but cd /home && cd /sarra gives error: Directory sarra not found10:40
rtuxdavey_ modprobe ?? modulename?10:40
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rellikcd /home/sarra10:40
davey_rtux, its been a while but it looks something like modprobe $(name)10:40
Flannelsarra_: /sarry is from the root.  you just want "cd /home" "cd sarra"10:40
gbdmHow can I donwload ndisgtk and all it's depedencies in one shot?10:40
davey_rtux, and ofcorse you need to use sudo10:40
sarra_rellik: that results in the same error10:40
rtuxdavey_ sure.. I do use sudo, and even root!10:41
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@207.240-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
likwidtek_Bonez56, or anyone?  could you take a look at this?  I'm trying to get 3d support out of my ATI driver but the driver doesn't seem to load.  Here is the output  http://pastebin.ca/10433210:41
Flannelsarra_: you're as sarra?10:41
Jack_Smirnoffrellik: did you delete the windows partition?\10:41
Flannelsarra_: er, logged in as sarra?10:41
Flannelsarra_: cd ~/Desktop/downloads10:41
Jack_Smirnoffdid you get google earth running?10:41
PolterGeisti have no experience on Linux. I am trying to install Xubuntu 6.06 on a Intel Celeron 466Mhz, 128MB RAM with 800X600 monitor10:41
PingunZHikaru79, how can I use the modified /boot/config-* ?10:41
sarra_Ahh, thanks, Flannel10:41
davey_rtux, I totaly forgot, I am just lookin for gdekslets man, a calk for my desktop is why i'm here.. lol I wish I had my old logs to show you10:41
PolterGeisti changed the resolution on 800X600 but can't see full screen, anyone can help ?10:41
rellikJack_Smirnoff: yes, i even used the partition editor in the installer to clear all of the partitions10:41
idefix_Jack_Smirnoff google earth! how do you get it running10:41
PingunZhow can I use the modified /boot/config-* ?10:41
rtuxdavey_ :) no problem man.. it happes. thanks ;)10:42
ZooliegsmSpec, XIRolando and likwidtek: kk,i check thoose,thx.........pls see this website,i need some interface like this program have : http://lives.sourceforge.net like timeline and mp3 support etc.......i dont know why it isnt work....10:42
Jack_Smirnoffidefix_: Linux version?10:42
rellikJack_Smirnoff: and fdisk /dev/hda resulted in an error10:42
FlannelPolterGeist: get the Xubuntu alternate CD, and install it that way.  Probably you're best bet.10:42
Jack_Smirnoffrellik: ?10:42
rellik"unable to open /dev/hda10:42
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X|RolandoZooliegsm, pitivi uses gstreamer and should thus be able to handle almost any media format10:43
Supermathiefdisk -l /dev/sda (that's an ell)10:43
idefix_Jack_Smirnoff download from the repos, gunzip everything and run the executable?10:43
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X|Rolandolikwidtek, have you enabled all the repositories?10:43
ZooliegsmX|Rolando i checked it...on shots i cant see timeline......10:43
Jack_Smirnoffidefix_: single bin file10:43
Jack_Smirnoffsarra just finished the install10:43
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likwidtek_X|Rolando, I enabled univers I think... is there anything in particular I need to enable?10:44
PolterGeistFlannel: I downloaded Xubuntu image and running it from there, it is also freeze on some points...now it is froze at step 5/6 (partition)10:44
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idefix_sarra_  did you get google earth running?10:44
rellikthe disk utility in system-> admin -> disks sees it as a 3.2 gig drive but its status is "inaccessable"10:44
X|RolandoZooliegsm, bookmark the page, it should have a timeline soon enough :)=10:44
=== TheMoebius [n=zac@CPE-69-76-93-107.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gbdmHow can I donwload ndisgtk and all it's depedencies in one shot from windows to port to Ubuntu?10:44
zaudragonhey, I can't use sudo; how can I get it back?10:44
Zooliegsm:D kk10:44
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X|Rolandolikwidtek, I suggest you enable all the binary repositories (and disable all source repositories, if you want to speed things up a tad)10:45
sarra_idefix: I have Google Earth running in Windows10:45
rellikwhen i'm running the liveCD should the disk show up in /etc/fstab?10:45
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ardchoillezaudragon: Do you have any idea of how yu lost sudo?10:45
Zooliegsmany solution for "why lives not running" issue? :D10:45
sarra_idefix: I also think you've got me confused withs omeone else. :)10:45
zaudragonardchoille: nope, not really10:45
zaudragonI ran Synaptic, installed XMMS10:45
syniczaudragon: best explain what you mean by "not working"10:45
TheMoebiushey In evolution images in emails are blocked by default I think, but unlike thunderbird there's no option to show them. What am I missing?10:45
zaudragonsynic: I run sudo ____ and it returns nothing10:46
syniczaudragon: you get no password prompt?10:46
zaudragonsynic: I do10:46
ardchoillezaudragon: If you had no sudo rights, it would say so10:46
synicthen what?10:46
synicwhat command are you running?10:46
zaudragonback to the prompt10:46
ardchoillezaudragon: The command you used may not have returned anything10:46
zaudragon"sudo echo hello"10:46
InterNutanyone know why i get a wierd pic (http://internut.no-ip.org/webcam/) when using webcamd but when im trying camorama it works?10:46
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zaudragonecho definitely returns something10:47
likwidtek_X|Rolando,  i have ubuntu 6.06 LTS ; lts security; lts updates; (all binary) and get automatix10:47
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likwidtek_is that what I need to download the ati driver?10:47
syniczaudragon: try sudo ls10:47
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Flannellikwidtek_, X|Rolando: don't use automatix.10:48
zaudragonsynic: nothing10:48
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syniczaudragon: it hangs or you just get the command prompt again?10:48
zaudragonsynic: I just get the prompt10:48
ardchoillezaudragon: try  sudo ls -lha /root10:48
X|Rolandolikwidtek, give synaptic a try10:48
syniczaudragon: try reset; sudo ls /10:48
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zaudragonsynic: ardchoille both fail10:49
lampshadewhat happens if you don't have SMP and you install an SMP kernel?  I've noticed that in the repos, there is a linux-image 686 for smp, and one for without smp, but the one without smp is of an older version?  the one with smp is 2.6.15-26 where the other is 2.6.15-24?10:49
X|RolandoFlannel, don't scare the living crap out of him will you? :P10:49
lampshadeI have a Pentium-M  (laptop)10:49
syniclampshade: it should work fine10:49
syniclampshade: I'd stick with the non-smp one10:49
synicit's not actually older, it just hasn't been revised as much10:50
skoojerr... can someone help me get my microphone working? it has nothing to do with mic volume as i've tried that. and i just installed oss support and that doesnt seem to work either..10:50
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lampshadeany particular reason?  That's what I've done in the past I think.10:50
Flannellampshade: SMP kernels on non SMP machines don't really cause a problem.10:50
lampshadecool thanks10:50
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Flannellampshade: are you still on breezy?10:50
lampshadeno, dapper10:50
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Flannellampshade: hmm, odd.  They did away with the differentiation between SMP and non-SMP in Dapper10:50
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lampshadeshould I be searching for something other than linux10:51
gbdmHow can I donwload ndisgtk and all it's depedencies in one shot from windows to port to Ubuntu?10:51
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lampshadeI see ones that say SMP/UP  not and one without the SMP/UP on the end of its description10:51
lampshadeis that what you see in your repos?10:51
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Flannellampshade: I'm running breezy still, is it the kernels themselves? or just the meta packages?10:52
zaudragonsynic: ardchoille: I think I might be stuck :(10:52
Flanneleh, I can just look.10:52
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lampshadecould just be a meta package10:52
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ardchoillezaudragon: Can you "su"?10:52
lampshadehow would I be able to tell the diff?10:52
zaudragonardchoille: tried that, it says I fail10:52
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ardchoillezaudragon: uh oh10:53
zaudragonsu: Authentication failure10:53
Flannellampshade: ah, looks like it's just a few images, PPC and power310:53
ardchoillezaudragon: Is this the user that always had sudo rights?10:53
zaudragonardchoille: it was the first user made, yes10:53
Valehru_AirportHey guys..Through gftpprod I set up a user for my ftp.  I also set up SSH however I don't want any users other than root to have SSH access...how can I edit the users that can log onto SSH via the console?10:53
zaudragonardchoille: and there aren't more users10:53
ardchoillezaudragon: Have you got a LiveCD you can use?10:54
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zaudragonardchoille: yeah10:54
Phoulanyone else having issues with Seavas's server?10:54
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ardchoillezaudragon: Then you should be able to mount the hdd, use the livecd and change the sudoers file to get it back10:54
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zaudragonardchoille: gotcha10:54
X|Rolandodoes anyone know where I can find asound.conf?10:55
zaudragonardchoille: is it in /etc?10:55
X|Rolandocant find it10:55
X|Rolandoin /etc10:55
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lampshadeso what do you guys think?  "Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15 on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV SMP/UP" or just the plain "Linux kernel image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV."  that has a lower revision number?10:55
stopheri know this command is not right but: updated $$ locate asound.conf ?10:55
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stopheri know this command is not right but: updated && locate asound.conf ?10:55
lampshadeI'm confused....10:55
soundrayX|Rolando: there is no asound.conf, only an asound.state10:56
ardchoillezaudragon: yes, /etc/sudoers -r--r----- 1 root root 403 2006-06-13 05:06 /etc/sudoers10:56
Flannellampshade: ah.  the old was is 2.6.12? (non SMP?)10:56
rellikYAHTZEE!  i rebooted and it works?10:56
rellikdon't know why i didn't do that in the first place10:56
zaudragonardchoille: thanks10:56
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ardchoillezaudragon: You're welcome :)10:56
X|RolandoI'm trying to get multiple sounds to work in dapper, but I'm not sure how to10:56
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X|Rolandoone older guide is suggesting that I change some alsa thingy from hw to dmix10:56
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lampshadedo a quick search for linux-image in synpatic or apt-cache and you'll see what I mean.  there are two 686 images, but the one that doesn't mention SMP seems to have an older revision number(just slight, not major) but this confuses me10:57
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onikoshello, is "build essential" made up of gcc and make, only?10:57
ardchoillezaudragon: I am wondering if your user was somehow taken out of the admi group or whether it was just the sudoers file that changed.10:57
Jack_SmirnoffIf you follow the wiki about restoring a backup from a tar image and you are running live will that write to the hard drive or the ramdrive that the live is using?10:57
FusionXN1Does anyone know why my 2nd harddrive is not showing under computer10:58
MrDumbomHi, im a newbe on Ubuntu and i will get my Ralink 2500 connect to internet. I run a ad-hoc network here10:58
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Flannellampshade: whats the older version number?10:58
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soundrayFusionXN1: what kind of harddrive is it?10:58
Jack_SmirnoffFusionXN1: what is the format on that drive10:59
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J-_i can't write to the sda partition table. it says cylinders are set to 36481. and i thought formatting a external hard drive was easy....11:00
lampshade2.6.15.24 vs the SMP kernel of 2.6.15-26.4511:00
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Flannellampshade: which arch is this for?11:00
soundrayonikos: build-essential depends on gcc, g++, make and dpkg-dev11:01
ardchoilleuname -a returns: "Linux home-desktop 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT", is that a special type of kernel?11:01
FusionXN1sound SATA11:01
FusionXN1jack - EXT311:01
soundrayno, ardchoille, on my stock kernel, uname reports similarly11:02
ardchoillesoundray: ok, thanks11:02
lampshadeFlannel: dapper11:02
Flannellampshade: right, which arch? 386? 686? ppc?11:02
soundrayFusionXN1: have you got any other operating systems?11:02
FusionXN1sound no11:02
J-_there is a guide i can use to format my hard drive to  ext3?11:03
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FlannelJ-_: just run gparted, and format it.11:03
lampshadeoh sorry, 686 both of them sorry.  I have a 686 machine (Pentium M) which is running a 386 kernel right now.  both those versions I gave you a few lines ago are for the 686 kernels11:03
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soundrayJ-_: gksudo gparted11:03
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soundrayFusionXN1: is your first drive SATA, too?11:04
TheMoebiushow do I set when application I want opening movies when i double click on it?11:04
Flannellampshade: that's odd.  Dapper doesn't have -smp kernels, they're just all SMP.11:04
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FusionXN1sound all 3 - the other 2 show11:05
bauerbobcan s.o. explain me the boot process of the ubuntu cd? when is /casper/filesystem.squashfs being mounted? what about initrd?11:05
johlinAll the guides on the rt2500 that I find include apt-getting gcc but that's hard to do without any internet connection. Is there a simpler way to get the card to work? It does activate for my friend but pinging google for example just says unknown host11:05
lampshademaybe that's it, maybe that's what I'm missing, that no matter which of these I choose in the background it will install the other packages anyway.  That's what I'm thinking11:05
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Zooliegsmok,back again....any good movie editor with mp3 support????11:05
Valehru_AirportHey, does anyone know a way I can view the status of torrents from the console if the azureus gui is already running?11:05
lampshadethat one is a metapackage of the other or something11:05
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soundrayFusionXN1: are they all connected to the same controller?11:05
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FusionXN1sound ya11:06
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lampshadewell thanks for the help, I'm gonna go install that kernel now.  bbl11:06
FusionXN1i just formatted it and i can get to it via /media/sdc111:06
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FusionXN1but its not in the computer11:06
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Oak3hi, after changing my mac address with maccanger o ifconfig ping returns destination host unreachable. what could be the problem?11:06
RaitoIs it normal to have no music with wine games? What packages might I need?11:07
bauerbobperhaps s.o. knows the full kernel parameter list i need to use for booting the ubuntu cd manually ...?11:07
soundrayFusionXN1: have you restarted nautilus since you mounted it?11:07
J-_how long will it take to format the ext. hard drive?(300gb)11:07
Zooliegsmok,back again....any good movie editor with mp3 support????11:07
FusionXN1sound - i have restarted the operating system...11:07
FusionXN1Ill restart again ina  sec11:08
bauerbobJ-_: creating a new filesystem? about a minute, i guess11:08
micahcowanRaito: a better place to ask that might be #winehq. Your answer probably depends on the game you're trying to run.11:08
Raitooh, thanks11:08
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FusionXN1sound "nautilus" how do i retsart it11:09
J-_i jsut hope all this fooling around on the hdd  doesn't damage the disk.11:09
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ZajinDoes anyone know why I can't mute mplayer when pressing 'm'? The man says it's possible. Every other distributions provided mplayer mutes itself then.11:09
zaudragonardchoille: well, I have sudo access now11:09
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soundrayFusionXN1: 'killall nautilus'11:09
FusionXN1What will it do?11:10
bauerbobfooling around? what do you think ubuntu can do to your hard disk? send out some spider droids to infiltrate it???11:10
zaudragonlooks like I wasn't in the admin group, ardchoille11:10
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J-_who knows11:10
ardchoillezaudragon: W00T! Glad you got it back :)11:10
mknsarghh!  spider droids!!!11:10
FusionXN1Ok sound - still not working11:10
ardchoillezaudragon: Yeah, that was one of my suspicions11:10
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zaudragonardchoille: thanks to you ;)11:10
ardchoillezaudragon: Happy to help :)11:11
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zaudragonit doesn11:11
zaudragon't make sense though; you shouldn't be able to edit the sudoers file and remove yourself via sudo ;)11:11
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ardchoillezaudragon: root can do anything11:11
skoojerr... can someone help me get my microphone working? it has nothing to do with mic volume as i've tried that. and i just installed oss support and that doesnt seem to work either.. I can hear fine, I just can't seem to speak..11:11
gregg__zaudragon: sudo rm -rf / is also possible :)11:12
seeker__ardchoille: hi there fat albert :)11:12
zaudragongregg__: good thing I have nothing on this less-than-a-day-old system11:12
ardchoilleseeker__: ?11:12
mknsarghh!  rm -fr /!!!11:12
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soundrayFusionXN1: can you see your harddrive if you navigate to it in Nautilus with Go-Location and enter computer:///media/sdc1/11:12
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zaudragonmkns: alphabetical order?11:12
FusionXN1sound yes11:12
keitohave anyone heard of problems with ubuntu on a MSI K8NGM2 motherboard before? i've tried with both the AMD64 and x86 ubuntu 6.06 cds, but it hangs every time on the kernel booting11:12
HowitzerCould anyone tell me where to get compiz themes?11:12
ic56zaudragon: it does make sense.  In the same way that way to change your password is to first provide your old password11:13
=== zaudragon uses rm -rfd; it also deletes the directory
Zooliegsmok,back again....any good movie editor with mp3 support????11:13
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Howitzerbecause i hate the Compiz window deco's included11:13
zaudragonZooliegsm: I was going to say iMovie, but that's for OS X :D11:13
J-_still "applying listed operations"11:13
=== mkns was only atttempting (and failing, clearly) to be comical
kaatilin my opinion, ubuntu is awesome.. that all i can say about it now. :)11:13
=== J-_ ponders
zaudragonic56: ah ok11:13
FusionXN1kaat - ya cept some hardware dont work x(11:13
ic56zaudragon: rm -d doesn't do what you think it does.  Also, it's unnecessary in conjunction with rm -r11:14
gregg__zaudragon: I think that doesn't work :)11:14
=== zaudragon is used to being able to hack into OS X via single user mode
kaatili purhased sub300(from canada) then install ubuntu over linspire anyway11:14
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zaudragonfine :(11:14
kaatilit is not bad11:14
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zaudragonit's just habit, then11:14
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gregg__zaudragon: it's the same as kill -9 111:14
soundrayFusionXN1: just access it that way, then11:14
lindztrHi. I am looking for a program to play audio from the line-in in realtime, does anyone know a program to do that?11:14
gregg__or does this one actually work?11:15
FusionXN1sound - it should still show on the computer11:15
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kaatili do like automatix.. thank god for that.. without it there no such as  video player on ubuntu. :)11:15
zaudragongregg__: well, there are processes you can't kill11:15
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zaudragonthe kernel, for instance, probably won't die11:15
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Shaezsche modem doesnt work, scanmodem says i need the driver:   SmartLink slamr 2000:2800 Gateway SL2800    122d:280011:16
endgamerHi folks - got a recommendation request. Probably an "of course not, dumbass" question, but I thought it was worth a try. Does anyone know of an application out there that does the same as Rythmbox, but for video? Ie a nice clean interface which keeps its size instead of spawning new windows for each file, media library features etc. I've scoured the net and everyone says there's nothing better than Xine, etc. etc. but Xine11:16
endgamerstill seems pretty *rough*, you know? Background: I'm a fairly experienced Linux geek, been using it as a desktop for about 6 years now, running uptodate Ubuntu.11:16
gregg__yeah, but the init process (always PID 1) normally behaves like a normal process just does :)11:16
jesspherdo any of you know any cool game for linux ubuntu?11:16
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seeker__jesspher: ROFL! you must be joking!11:16
ardchoilleW00T! Ubuntu counter: 4124 Users with 6146 Machines  =)11:17
seeker__jesspher: if you seek games, get an ps2 or xbox11:17
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fistandantilusenemy territory is pretty sweet, and free11:17
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Agrajagjesspher: I like UT2004, or quake 3/4, but those are not free11:17
endgamerseeker: Now that's harsh. There's always chess with all the pieces replaced with Tux <lol>11:17
zaudragonBattle for Wesnoth?11:17
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zaudragonoooh! Tetris in emacs! :D11:17
seeker__Agrajag: if you want to play quake etc, get an xbox11:17
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ic56zaudragon: the kernel isn't a process (yes, it *is* a running program, but operating systems designers define processes as anything *but* the kernel).  However, traditionally the kernel dies if init dies because without init, the kernel is pretty useless.  Unsure if the Linux kernel acts this way by default.  Try it: kill -9 1 and see what happens11:17
Agrajaguh, what?11:17
seeker__endgamer: LOL11:17
jesspherps2 and xbox graphics suck11:18
Agrajagwho the hell plays quake on a console?11:18
seeker__jesspher: Linux is not a games console11:18
fistandantilusquake on a console is retarded11:18
Agrajagman oh man, kids these days11:18
zaudragonic56: no thanks ;)11:18
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endgamerseeker: Or 500 game engines with Amiga-level graphics and no games developed for them. Not that I'm bitter or anything <g>11:18
gregg__ic56: won't the kernel respawn init?11:18
Garnolcan anyone give me a link to a Linux distribution for a arm based smartphone ?? (in google i cant find anything ...)11:18
lindztrdoes anyone know a program to play sound from the line-in port in real-time (live)11:18
DimitrijeHello, i have a problem with Ubuntu 5.10 and gnome-ppp. I can't install gnome-ppp and get to the internet. While ./configure i get an error that i need XML::Parser perl module. I already installed that but didn't help.11:19
FusionXN1ANyway to stop the drives showing on the desktop/11:19
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zaudragonDimitrije: it might not be in the Perl equivalent of $PATH11:19
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endgamerjesspher: Best advice: Subscribe to Transgaming/Cedega (it's only like $5 per month), look up some Windows games in their database, buy, install, play.11:19
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Jack_SmirnoffFusionXN1:  yes11:19
ic56gregg_: In traditional unix, the kernel doesn't respawn init.  In Linux, I don't know Since zaudragon is being a wimp, why don't you try it? :-)  I would but I've got open files that I'm not finished editing right now.11:19
FusionXN1jack how11:19
ardchoilleFusionXN1: Which drives? Mounted drives?11:19
mknsperl @INC11:19
zaudragonFusionXN1: Desktop Settings11:19
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FusionXN1wheres desktop settings11:20
zaudragonic56: eh? Killing is a sin :D11:20
recon0Does anyone know how I can get my palm pilot working w/Ubuntu?11:20
rellikwhats the default root password on a new install?11:20
Agrajagrellik: there isn't one11:20
mknsDimitrije - where is XML::Parser installed?11:20
ardchoilleFusionXN1: Open gconf-editor and go to apps/nautilus/desktop11:20
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DimitrijeI don't know i used the default path...11:20
Agrajagrellik: that is, there is no root password. If you need root access use sudo11:20
endgamerrecon0: sudo apt-get install gnome-pilot. Then pray! Actually it's pretty stable these days, and usually works.11:20
ardchoillerellik: There isn't one, the root account is disabled by default11:21
mknsok, have you got a terminal handy?11:21
rellikok, i'm an idiot11:21
Jack_SmirnoffFusionXN1: term gconf-editor   browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck volumes_visable11:21
mknsrun this: perl -MXML::Parser -de011:21
rellikit asks for a password, and i put in MY password, not the nonexistent root password11:21
ardchoillerellik: :)11:21
recon0Which port should I use? (I'm using a USB cable).11:21
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zaudragonic56: fine I'm going to try :D11:21
DimitrijeUmmm, terminal not handy :D11:21
ic56zaudragon: killing is only sinful if your god didn't request the sacrifice. :-)  Most gods, including the Judeo-Christian one, ask for a sacrifice now and then11:21
gregg__ic56: yeah, the *BSDs reboot... I guess I'll have to whip out some live CD ;)11:21
FusionXN1jack done11:21
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FusionXN1thanks mate11:21
DimitrijeWhat do i do after that?11:21
mknsare you on your Ubuntu box right now?11:22
FusionXN1Now i need my 3rd hdd to show in computer11:22
DimitrijeI can't get on internet without gnome-ppp...11:22
DimitrijeSo no.11:22
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Jack_SmirnoffFusionXN1: is that the external?11:22
FusionXN1internal sata11:22
ic56gregg_: no need for liveCD.  Just go into single user mode, then type sync until the disk heads stop moving.  The kill.  With any luck even fsck won't be necessary when you boot.11:22
mknsok.  to find out whether XML::Parser is in your path or not, running that will start up the perl debugger in a mode which allows you to run commands one at a time by typing them in11:22
FusionXN1i can get to it via /media/sdc111:22
ic56zaudragon: alright!  A man with balls!11:22
FusionXN1but its not in computer11:22
zaudragonic56: nothing happened11:23
ic56zaudragon: where you root while doing the killing?11:23
fausto_Hi, I am having a problem mounting a partition in Ubuntu. I recently formatted my Windows partition but left my other partition (containing files, folders, etc.) in tact as a FAT32 partition. Now I can access the drive by going to the "Disks" menu and changing the access path to some random folder and then I go to that folder and I can view it but I can't edit any of them. I also have to do this every time I boot up. How would I go about11:23
fausto_ getting Ubuntu to mount this ON STARTUP and with read and write permissions.11:23
endgamerrecon0: Mine (Treo 650) comes up as /dev/ttyUSB1. That's pretty common. If that doesn't work, plug it in after installing gnome-pilot, hit the sync button and scan /dev to see what new item pops up in there. It'll probably create two nodes, something like ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 - usually the second one is the right one. I know, it's kind of voodoo!11:23
mknsthe point here is that running that one command will either work with no warning, or it'll warn you that it can't find XML::Parser in your path.  Either way, hit 'q' and press enter to return to your terminal11:23
zaudragonic56:  sudo kill -9 111:23
mknsfollow so far?11:23
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Jack_Smirnofffausto_: diskmounter script11:23
zaudragonhmmm, now I need to find out how to automount a partition; anybody?11:24
gregg__ic56: or remount / read-only11:24
fausto_Jack ... where would I get that?11:24
ic56zaudragon: windows partition?11:24
gregg__ic56: the problem is, I don't have any installed linux here right now11:24
Jack_Smirnoffzaudragon: same link11:24
zaudragonic56: HFS+11:24
mkns(assuming you're still with me) - to find out the directories that are in Perl's @INC array (i.e. path) run this:  $ perl -e 'print join( "\n", @INC )'11:24
johlinis there a way to get the built-essential package to a windows computer, put it on a external harddrive and get it to a ubuntu computer without internet?11:25
Jack_Smirnoffdiskmounter is for windows partitions11:25
fausto_And so I save that in a *.pl file and run it?11:25
zaudragonic56: what's the file that runs on login/startup?11:25
ic56zaudragon: this script handles HFS too.   BTW, use the -b flag -- it will give yo a backup of your /etc/fstab  So you can compare before and after11:25
mknsthe point is that you need to figure out where XML::Parser is installed.  The *real* question I have for you though is - how did you install XML::Parser?11:25
endgamerrecon0: What you want to do is install the Pilot app in the system tray/toolbar (right click on the bar and select Add to Panel, it should appear somewhere in the page. If not look in synaptic or do an apt-cache search for pilot app. Once it's installed you'll get a Pilot icon in your toolbar which pretty much does everything you want.11:25
jribjohlin: build-essential is on the install disc11:25
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johlinjrib: nice11:25
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seeker__is kgpgp the gui program for encrypting files?11:26
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DimitrijeI installed it buy unpacking the archive and runing perl Makefile.Pl and than sudo make install11:26
jrib!info kgpg11:26
ubotukgpg: GnuPG frontend for KDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 431 kB, installed size 1376 kB11:26
lindztrHi. I am looking for a program to play audio from the line-in/microphone in realtime, does anyone know a program to do that?11:26
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DimitrijeAnd make of course betwean that.11:26
mknsDimitrije - that was wrong11:26
jribseeker__: yes, but it is kgpg, not kgpgp11:26
endgamerSo, anyone got a suggestion for my Rythmbox video question?11:26
IRCMonkeyxhi people, when i try to login as root from login screen, it says not allowed, what is the reason?11:26
mknswhat you *should* have done was : sudo apt-get install libxml-parser-perl11:26
DimitrijeThat what it was in readme file...11:26
DimitrijeBut i don't have internet...11:27
AgrajagIRCMonkeyx: did you set up a root password?11:27
ardchoilleseeker__: kgpg is one of them, Seahorse is another one (for gnome)11:27
mknswhy install a perl module from a tarball when it's packaged for you?11:27
jonassi have installed apache2 and mysqld on my ubuntu box but i do not want them to start automatically. what to do?11:27
mknsyou don't have the internet, but somehow you got the tarball on to the box...?11:27
DimitrijeI have it on install disk?11:27
Jack_SmirnoffIRCMonkeyx: use sudo or gksudo or kdesu11:27
ic56zaudragon: at startup, init reads /etc/inittab which tells it to run /etc/init.d/rc with various arguments.  Depending on the arguments, rc executes various scripts located in /etc/rc?.d11:27
DimitrijeI have winblows...11:27
mknsjonass - read up on update-rc.d11:27
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IRCMonkeyxAgrajag: yes i did it, i  try to login, from first login screen not from terminal11:28
ic56zaudragon: so sudo kill -9 1 didn't kill nothing?  Huh11:28
seeker__jrib: is I install kgpg, will that install all I need?11:28
zaudragonic56: or, I didn't have any extra processes open11:28
ardchoilleIRCMonkeyx: The root account is disabled in Ubuntu. Log into your user account and use sudo in a term for admin tasks.11:28
AgrajagIRCMonkeyx: GDM probably won't let you log in as root. why do you want to log in to Gnome or KDE or whatever you use as root?11:28
zaudragonic56: but yeah, Terminal stayed11:28
kaatilwe have 4 comps in house...  2 winxp, 1 win 98, and 1 ubuntu(that me on it. :) )11:28
mknsDimitrije - what install disk is it you speak of?11:28
AgrajagThat;s a really bad idea.11:28
jribseeker__: it will install what you need to run kgpg, I'm not sure what you want to do11:28
zaudragonkaatil: haha, I have more, but all 6 have OS X, this one haveing both11:28
IRCMonkeyxjust too see the difference11:29
DimitrijeI get it from shipit. One install CD and live.11:29
Agrajagmuch better to just use sudo or gksudo to get root priveleges11:29
kaatilOS X? i see :)11:29
Jack_SmirnoffDimitrije: live is also install other is alternate11:29
IRCMonkeyxi use su -11:29
jonasshibernate is not working at my laptop. maybe after i installed the prop. ati drivers?11:29
AgrajagThe difference is root is allowed to do nasty things and break the entire OS. the desktop will not act any different, except to alert you that logging in as root is a bad idea.11:29
Ignite_!info automake1.611:29
ubotuPackage automake1.6 does not exist in dapper11:29
gnomefreak!info automake11:30
ubotuPackage automake does not exist in dapper11:30
zaudragonjonass: it didn't work11:30
DimitrijeJack_Smirnoff, I am talking about 5.10.11:30
kaatili never touch root account except for sudo.11:30
IRCMonkeyxi see, and any warning by being root by su - , not with sudo11:30
kaatilsudo on other account of course11:30
mknsDimitrije - download the deb from https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/i386/libxml-parser-perl/2.34-4 when using Windows, burn it to a CD and reboot in to Ubuntu and install from the CD11:30
jonasswhat didn't work?11:30
eyequeueas user, you get told only root can do it, then you get to think and do it anyway IF safe, with sudo :)11:30
zaudragonjonass: sorry meant Jack_Smirnoff11:30
DimitrijeThanks mkns.11:30
jonassok :>11:30
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endgamerFair enough. Presumably noone knows. recon0: any luck?11:31
Jack_Smirnoffzaudragon: what?11:31
eyequeueIRCMonkeyx, really do read this if you havent11:31
ardchoilleeyequeue: Indeed, that password prompt is quite an attention getter :)11:31
zaudragonthe script != work11:31
eyequeue!rootsudo > IRCMonkeyx11:31
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DimitrijeIf i come in 10 minutes i did it :)11:31
recon0endgamer: nope. i'm trying my luck w/jpilot11:31
mknsi'll be here :)11:31
eyequeueIRCMonkeyx, "sudo -i" is in there, and may be what you want ;)11:31
PseudoPlaceboQuick question, if I want to share a partition between windows and Ubuntu, what format should it be?11:32
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endgamerrecon0: What did you get when you ran gnome-pilot setup?11:32
PseudoPlaceboMany thanks.11:32
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IRCMonkeyxeyequeue: thanx, started to read11:32
zaudragonJack_Smirnoff: wait, actually, it was added to /etc/fstab but diskmounter didn't mount the partition automatically11:32
eyequeuesome say ext2 is okay as a transfer fs too11:32
ubotuI know nothing about ext2 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:32
ccc_seeker__: kgpg maintains your gpg keys and encrypts mail etc. it is not a pgpdisk equivalent.11:32
Jack_Smirnoffzaudragon: you need to restart11:32
ubotuI know nothing about ext - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:32
fausto_Jack_Smirnoff: I ran diskmounter, ran great, it says the disks are mounted and I don't need to reboot but I can't see them? Where would they be?11:33
Jack_Smirnoffzaudragon: I know the script says you dont.. but you do11:33
zaudragonJack_Smirnoff: too bad, already mounted manually11:33
zaudragonworks just as well11:33
Jack_Smirnofffausto_: restart x11:33
fausto_Oh ok. Thanks.11:33
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Jack_SmirnoffI need to fix that line in the script11:33
ic56Jack_Smirnoff: shouldn't need to reboot after running diskmounter.  Something must be odd about your system11:33
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zaudragonic56: my system too11:34
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Jack_Smirnoffic56: trust me, to see them on the desktop restart x11:34
IRCMonkeyxeyequeue: when i try to enter to some directories from nailatius , it says to me u dont have root right to change this etc.11:34
eyequeueccc_, pgpdisk, that was the ms-only thing that did what cfs did in linux?11:34
recon0endgamer:sry, disconnect.11:34
ic56zaudragon: which version of the script did you run? sh diskmounter -V  should report it11:34
endgamerrecon0: What did you get when you ran the gnome-pilot setup?11:34
Jack_SmirnoffIRCMonkeyx: You can use term and sudo nautilus11:34
ic56zaudragon: assuming you are using a recent version (the old ones don't have -V)11:34
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eyequeuecfsd (8)             - cryptographic file system daemon11:35
recon0endgamer: what usually happens is I get to the "initial sync" screen, but when I try to sync my clie PEG-s300, it doesn't do anything.11:35
ardchoilleIRCMonkeyx: use gksudo nautilus, rather than sudo nautilus11:35
ccc_eyequeue: yes, sort of11:35
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zaudragonic56: doesn't have it11:35
zaudragonbut never mind11:35
jonasshibernate is not working at my laptop. maybe after i installed the prop. ati drivers?11:35
Samus_Arancan someone explain to me why there are no dictionaries for OpenOffice.org ?11:35
fausto_I also have been having a problem on boot up where the screen goes blank and I can't do anything. If I hit Ctrl+F1 and go to command line and then keep hitting it to prevent it going to the GUI and then waiting for it to be done and then hitting CTRL+F7 it works but it's just kind of a pain. I've googled the problem and that's the only solution I can find. My video card is an ATI All-In-Wonder 8500DV11:35
Samus_Aran-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 786 2006-07-10 14:12 /usr/lib/openoffice/share/wordbook/en-US/soffice.dic11:35
eyequeueIRCMonkeyx, ewww, here's where we drift apart :)  i was thinking console, not gui11:35
endgamerYou ran the setup from system tools/pilot configuration, right?11:35
Jack_SmirnoffIRCMonkeyx: yes gksudo nautilus11:35
Samus_Aranthat is the only dictionary showing up, it is empty11:35
ic56zaudragon: ok.  gotta run anyway11:35
Jack_Smirnoffmy bad11:35
zaudragonbye ic5611:35
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IRCMonkeyxfriends, i dont mean from terminal, when i write that command to terminal, will nailatus change ???11:36
Samus_AranI've been trying to get a spellchecker in OO.o for days, I've installed every package I can think of, but there simply aren't any dictionaries11:36
eyequeueIRCMonkeyx, i think the command "gksudo" exists for gui apps, but someone here will have to help you with it11:36
jribSamus_Aran: I believe it uses myspell11:36
Samus_Aranjrib: it doesn't, though.  it is using that file I just pasted11:36
Samus_Aranwhich is only 700 characters long11:36
Jack_SmirnoffIRCMonkeyx: no nautilus is the same, just sudo for that session11:36
eyequeueIRCMonkeyx, btw, most gui apps can be launched from a terminal, just don't close the terminal until it's done :)  nautilus might be one of them11:37
Awesome-o2000where is my auto rejoin when kicked option in xchat?11:37
ardchoilleIRCMonkeyx: running gksudo nautilus from a terminal starts nautilus as root in the /root h9ome directory. But, be careful, that instance of nautilus can do anything on the system.11:37
fausto_Anybody have a clue as to what's going on with my comp? It worked great until I upgraded to Ubuntu Dapper.11:37
Samus_Aranalthough strangely it doesn't highlight every word in the document as being invalid, it just does nothing11:37
fausto_Breezy didn't do this11:37
Hexidigitalin a /etc/network/interfaces, is the wireless-essid necessary? can i set two essids, or will they clash?11:37
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X|Rolandoalsa cant play multiple sounds simultaneously for some reason :(11:37
Jack_Smirnofffausto_: upgrades are problematic since no one could anticipate everything a user may have done to their system..11:38
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fausto_Got it. Good enough for me.11:38
digitalIs there something wrong with the database part of OpenOffice?11:38
digitalEvery time I try to create a database it crashes11:38
seagullthemeyeah, me too o_o11:38
IRCMonkeyxardchoille: how can i be careful ? what shouldnt  i do ? or what should i do for protecting system ?11:38
jribSamus_Aran: which myspell dictionaries did you install?11:38
Jack_Smirnofffausto_: did you have a backup11:38
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mcquaidhello, i know you can use rdesktop to connect to an xp box, but is there any way to do remote assistance?11:38
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ardchoilleIRCMonkeyx: Just remember that you can delete almost any file on the system with a gksudo nautilus window, so it's best to think about what you're doing as you work.11:39
Jack_SmirnoffIRCMonkeyx: yes, use POWER tools with care11:39
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fausto_And now one more question. I installed VMWare and installed Windows XP as a virtual disk (it works like a charm!) but I am unable to get it to connect it to the internet. I have tried both bridge and NAT and neither of them can get windows to get an IP address or so much as recognize that it's on a network. Anyone have a link or want to walk me through that?11:39
section3is it possible to create a new directory and new file in one command...something like 'touch newdir/newfile'11:39
IRCMonkeyxardchoille: ohh i see, i know that danger, thanx for warning11:40
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ardchoilleIRCMonkeyx: You're welcome :)11:40
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X|Rolandoalsa cant play multiple sounds simultaneously for some reason :( might anyone be able to help me?11:40
kennytwhere's the dev package for wireless-tools?11:40
tuliomguiwhere is the grub.conf in ubuntu??11:40
IRCMonkeyxJack_Smirnoff: power tools ? you mean the things releated with acpi ?11:40
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mkns it is in /boot/grub11:40
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jribtuliomgui: /boot/grub/menu.lst is that what you want?11:41
Jack_SmirnoffIRCMonkeyx: no, I mean using gksudo11:41
tuliomguimkns: grub.conf ?11:41
goonieswhat is better, a ubuntu kernel or a kernel from kernel.org11:41
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mknsmenu.lst, as jrib said11:41
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mknsgoonies - if you can get the ubuntu one to work, you will likely save yourself much hassle11:41
Samus_Aranjrib: okay I just went and installed every myspell package I could find.  most were already installed, some were not11:42
goonieswhy does ubuntu use menu.lst, other distros ive used use grub.conf11:42
tuliomguimenu.lst thanks everyone!! =D11:42
Samus_Aranjrib: will restart and see if it makes a difference11:42
kennytthere's no wireless-tools-dev and no header packages for *wireless* or *wifi*11:42
mknsgoonies - that's not ubuntu specific, it changed quite a while back11:42
endgamerrecon0: Hope you get it sorted, anyway - have to dash!11:42
gooniesnow its menu.lst11:42
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mknsit's menu.lst on my debian etch box11:42
gooniesgentoo might still be on an older grub i guess11:42
MtJBhave the ubuntu secufrity servers been hacked?11:43
kennytgoonies: gentoo has both, one links to the other :)11:43
jribSamus_Aran: just restart openoffice11:43
mkns<opinion>gentoo is pish</opinion>11:43
gooniesthats what was confusing me kenny11:43
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IRCMonkeyxlets try the danger command, thanx for help, coming back, if i dont damage my system :)11:43
gooniesanyway back to kernels, i like the performance i get from ubuntu kernels over the kernel.org ones, must be the way its configured11:43
Samus_Aranjrib: that's what I meant.  done.  no difference.  when I go to spell check, it immediately says "completed, do you want to restart at the top of the document ?", I click "yes", it closes the window11:44
jribSamus_Aran: make sure tools > options > language has a language selected with an "abc" checkmark next to it11:44
Samus_Aranjrib: no mispellings are underlined in red11:44
puppetgoonies: just compile your own with the make pakckage for kernel11:44
puppetthat makes your own .deb11:44
gooniesanyone know a program that allows u to specify layerbreaks?11:44
gooniesburning program11:44
gooniespuppet, i have =)11:44
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Samus_Aranjrib: well the "Language Settings" appears now.  it was not there when I went to Tools > Options yesterday.  hopefully I can turn on a spellchecker now11:45
mknspuppet - but you've got to go through the process of choosing a bazzillion things whereas the ubuntu packaged one might just work11:45
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fausto_And now one more question. I installed VMWare and installed Windows XP as a virtual disk (it works like a charm!) but I am unable to get it to connect it to the internet. I have tried both bridge and NAT and neither of them can get windows to get an IP address or so much as recognize that it's on a network. Anyone have a link or want to walk me through that?11:46
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Samus_Aranjrib: the only one that shows up in the top is "OO.o Hunspell SpellChecker"11:46
Samus_Aranjrib: as well as a thesaurus11:46
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erUSULmkns: just copy the ubuntu kernel config and use make oldconfig11:47
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jribSamus_Aran: yes, that is what I have as well11:47
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puppetmkns: no, not with the script11:47
gooniesanyone know a burning program that allows u to specify layerbreaks?11:47
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mknsthis is true11:48
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mknsbut installing the package is quicker for me...11:48
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Samus_Aranjrib: restarted, still not working.  the drop-down for "Edit" on the dictionary shows English for Australia, Great Britain and USA.  I want the UK English, but any time I select it and close the window, it reverts to Australia English .. and none of it produces any spell checking11:50
eigenlambdawhy can itunes on my mac access the shared files from rhythmbox, but service-discovery-applet doesn't know that my mac is sharing files?11:51
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gooniesanyway to share music on a linux box to a xbox360?11:51
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solomonHi everybody11:52
tuxtuxreboot bye11:52
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jribSamus_Aran: what is selected in tools > options > language settings > language > default languages for documents > western?11:52
Samus_Arangoonies: does the XBox support streaming MP3s ?  if so, install IceCast11:52
lindztrHi. I am still looking for a program to play audio from the line-in/microphone in realtime, does anyone know a program to do that?11:52
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-120-239-162.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer11:52
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.11:52
gooniesyeah it does, but in order to use it i have to use windows media connect11:52
ubotuI know nothing about xine - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:52
goonieswas wondering if there was an alternative for linux11:52
Samus_Aranjrib: English (Canada)11:53
rpedro_lindztr: huh? just unmute the channels11:53
fausto_And now one more question. I installed VMWare and installed Windows XP as a virtual disk (it works like a charm!) but I am unable to get it to connect it to the internet. I have tried both bridge and NAT and neither of them can get windows to get an IP address or so much as recognize that it's on a network. Anyone have a link or want to walk me through that?11:53
jribSamus_Aran: set that to what you desire, make sure it has the "abc" checkmark next to it11:53
Jack_Smirnoffgoonies: Mac, WIndows, and many more11:53
gooniesJack_Smirnoff, do u have a 360?11:53
rpedro_lindztr: unless you mean you want to *record*11:53
lindztrrpedro_: no, not to record.11:54
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gooniesif i install it though i can share music with my 360?11:54
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HowitzerI remember there was a way to play 3D-games in XGL by starting them up in their own X server11:55
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Samus_Aranjrib: okay done: <ABC> English (UK)11:55
Howitzerhowever, i can't find the guide on the forums using the search11:55
lindztrrpedro_: you are a star in the book! why am I that slow today?! must be the hot weather ;)11:55
Samus_Aranjrib: still no spellchecking being done11:55
Howitzeranyone that can help?11:55
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Samus_Aranjrib: I restarted OO.o11:55
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jribSamus_Aran: k, make sure the dictionary is using uk as well11:56
jribwith the "edit" button you used before11:56
Samus_Aranjrib: it reset the document one to English (Canada) now11:56
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jribSamus_Aran: hmm, that won't do11:56
Samus_Aranjrib: the edit button shows "English (Australia)" and if I change it, it always reverts to that11:56
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kuDarn... does anyone know how to make youtube sound come out? It worked before I updated firefox, and now I can't seem to find the guide that I followed to get it to work in the first place.11:57
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doctormoshould ubuntu be able to mount a FAT32 usb mass storage device? or is this device NTFS and how do I get it to work or reformat it?11:57
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ubotuI know nothing about youtube - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:58
Samus_Aranjrib: I tried "English (Australia)" in the default document one, and that stuck ... but I would prefer "English (UK)" dictionaries.  it is spellchecking now11:58
neutrinomassdoctormo: AFAIK it should work out of the box ... what happens when you plug it in ?11:58
Samus_Aranjrib: I did install the myspell dicts for English GB, US and AU11:58
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-108-48-162.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ronaldDennis Kaarsemaker > What's youre problem11:59
Samus_Arandoctormo: if it is FAT32, it will be mounted as a SCSI hard drive (/dev/sda or /dev/sda1 if you have no other such devices)11:59
jribSamus_Aran: try starting with a blank document and changing the language to UK.  I just changed mine to canada and had to restart OO to get it to go back to USA (my default)11:59
Samus_Arandoctormo: for NTFS it will only support read-only (no changes can be made)11:59
J-_there's something obviously not write.... the external hard drive is still "applying listed operations" and that's just putting the ext3 filesystem on the drive.12:00
Samus_Aranjrib: it seems to think the only dictionary in existance is "English (Australia)"12:00
doctormoneutrinomass: interestingly it apears as a drive but then says the file system is of unknown type, it has mounted USB Mass storage devices in the past and it works in Windows without drivers... so ntfs perhaps?12:00
ronaldSeveas ???????????????12:00
jribSamus_Aran: is there an <abc> next to the western language selection of English (UK)?12:00

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