
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-239-169.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
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pygiBurgwork, you have a sec?01:24
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pygihey bddebian 01:29
bddebianHi pygi01:29
pygihow is you?01:29
bddebianOK thanks, you?01:30
pygitired, am working on this libburn stuff for ages =P01:30
pygiotherwise I am fine :)01:30
bddebianAh :-)01:31
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pygibddebian, what??! :)01:32
bddebianI mean ah, that you are tired from working on libburn01:33
Burgworkpygi, I do01:35
pygitrying to revive the silly project which was abandoned for no real reason :P01:35
pygiBurgwork, have you heard from our lill' friend working on Epiphany plugin?01:36
pygiSafety Boat01:36
Burgworknot in a few days01:36
pyginop, that's why I am asking01:36
pygiit's like only 23 days till the end01:37
Burgworknor have I seen any code01:37
pygime neither :-/01:37
pygithis is bad, very bad :(01:37
Burgworkyes it is01:38
pygido we have any other simmilar student?01:38
Burgworkwhat do you mean?01:38
Burgworkworking on safety boat or lost ones?01:38
pygiwell, who isn't responding, no code seen, bla, bla01:38
pygiis he the only issue or we have more?01:38
Burgworknot certain, not been much involved with SoC recently01:38
pygihm, right, but I think we need to sort this Anselmo guy01:39
Burgworkbut I haven't heard much except for Amaranth and ajmitch 01:39
pygiI hear from my three students, and Ryan01:39
Burgworkthat is good01:40
pygiand abbatoir, amaranth and ajmitch ofcourse :)01:40
BurgworkI think this year is more successful01:40
=== pygi nods as he thinks the same
Burgworkwhat is sad is that about 3 or 4 women approached me to work on safety boat as part of gnome wsop01:40
pygiyup, you told me that :(01:41
pygiand at the end, we probably wont get it :-/01:41
AmaranthMine is already mostly useful for a desktop (or ltsp setup).01:41
Burgworkwhere are the packages for that again?01:41
Burgworkas it seems the logs are busted right now01:41
pygiI think we should write guidelines for next year (some kind of atleast) for both mentors, and students01:42
AmaranthBurgwork: REJECTED :)01:42
Amarantherr, :(01:42
AmaranthPython policy stuff.01:42
pygiAmaranth, :P01:42
Burgworkthis year is much better pygi01:42
Burgworkgoogle is far more organized and has learned a great deal01:42
pygiBurgwork, well it is, but it can be even better =P01:42
AmaranthWaiting on the latest cdbs upload to hit the archives so I can depend on it then it should be good to go (cdbs had a bashism).01:42
AmaranthI still haven't gotten paid.01:42
pygiwe've made some mistakes this year that shouldn't happen again01:43
pygiAmaranth, first or second send-out?01:43
Amaranthpygi: First.01:43
AmaranthHave people gotten the second?01:43
pygiAmaranth, still havent got first?  :-/01:43
pyginop, not yet 01:43
AmaranthIf so I've missed that too because I was supposed to be one of the first to get that one.01:43
AmaranthWhy was I supposed to be one of the first?01:44
=== pygi nods
AmaranthBecause they missed my first one and I'm in the US. :P01:44
pygiah =P01:45
pygiperhaps they will send both in package =P01:45
AmaranthThey are.01:45
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu
BurgundaviaAmaranth: ping03:08
BurgundaviaAmaranth: the safety boat person wants to chat with you about how he can hook up with your app03:10
Amaranthtalking to him03:12
=== anselmolsm [n=anselmo@200-232-236-49.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #edubuntu
BurgundaviaAmaranth: http://www.icra.org/systemspecification/03:43
AmaranthBurgundavia: No.03:43
BurgundaviaAmaranth: like it or not, it is something that is needed03:43
AmaranthBurgundavia: I don't want to read a multipage document, I want a list of 5 or so categories. :P03:44
Burgundaviaoh, that03:44
AmaranthAnything beyond what I have right now will likely have to wait for someone else to do it or next summer unless school doesn't swamp me.03:44
Burgundavialikely you might have to wait03:45
Burgundaviait appears to be needleesly complicated03:45
Burgundaviaplus there are three different vocabs03:46
AmaranthI was thinking "sex", "violence", etc.03:46
Burgundaviayou almost need a complete parser just for that03:46
Burgundaviawell, you can half implement a subset03:46
AmaranthThese aren't going to offer sublevels of allowance either, this is just different pools of words.03:46
Burgundaviajust block the first letter and get into the subsections later03:47
AmaranthThe classifier checks the current page against the pools and tells which one it likely fits in.03:47
BurgundaviaI leave it up to you to work out how to do it03:47
AmaranthI'm talking about the bayesian filter, not some separate system.03:48
Burgundaviabasically the bayesian system weights stuff? so this could simply add another weight? (a rather large one)03:50
AmaranthOh, this is what anselmolsm was talking about?03:50
AmaranthBurgundavia: It's a very complicated weighting system, if you want to call it that.03:50
AmaranthI can't really modify it without extensive testing.03:50
AmaranthThe math is, to be honest, mostly above me.03:51
Burgundaviaso the interactions with this would be quite subtle and complex and require a great deal of thought03:51
Amaranthyou change one thing and it throws the entire results off03:52
Burgundaviaso it spits out a final number, ala SA?03:52
Amaranthsome of the smartest people in the world are still working on ways to fine tune this system and they run into the same problems :P03:53
Amaranthit spits out a number for every pool03:53
Amaranthright now i have two pools: good and bad03:54
Amaranthif bad has a higher number i say it's bad and vice versa03:54
Amaranthi can do some fine-tuning with the output numbers (like, say, mark something as good unless the bad value is higher than 0.7) but changing the algorithm itself is probably a bad idea03:55
Amaranthi was thinking i could create a good pool and then a sex pool and a violence pool and so on03:56
anselmolsmAmaranth, let me see if I got your point: A website is bloqued or not, there's no intermediate level?03:56
Amaranthbut then it takes more work for someone to mark something as bad because they have to say why it's bad03:56
Amaranthyeah, right now it's either blocked or not blocked03:56
anselmolsm(I think I wasn't clear in my question)03:56
anselmolsmI'm thinking about an example to illustrate it better03:57
AmaranthYou can't say "block porn sites but allow violent sites"03:58
Amaranthunless you only mark porn sites as bad03:58
Amaranththe way it's setup the browser doesn't have anything to do with it03:59
Amaranthexcept to use it as a proxy03:59
Amaranthto control it you have to be running as root (or sudo)04:00
anselmolsmOk, ofr me it sound less complicated... Thinking here about the example I realized that this way is better 04:02
anselmolsmAs you've said, about sex and violence, it'll be difficult to find a situation when it'll be ok for one and not for another... 04:03
Amaranthyou can train willowng to think one is bad and one is good but i can't see many doing that04:13
Amaranthi hope that wasn't your whole project04:13
anselmolsmno, it isn't04:16
Amaranthbtw, the irca is worthless04:16
AmaranthIt's not in the best interest of a porn website to make it easy to block them.04:16
anselmolsmThe difference now is that our projects will talk less than I've thought04:17
AmaranthYeah I don't think a whole lot of interaction is needed.04:17
AmaranthOther than training it my program is supposed to be transparent to anything doing web access.04:18
anselmolsmI think now only the whitelists and blacklists will need to be sent to willowng04:21
AmaranthFun thing there: willowng only lets you talk to it as root (or with sudo).04:21
AmaranthSo you'd have to run your browser as root or make a call to an external program.04:21
Burgundaviaanselmolsm: is the control app not a seperate thing?04:23
anselmolsmthe control is separeted04:25
Burgundaviahence not an issue04:25
anselmolsmBurgundavia, only the config about the start pages and search engines will run from the inside of Epiphany (do you agree??)04:31
Burgundaviathe homepage stuff is just content04:35
Burgundaviait can even conceivably be split out04:35
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pygimorning all06:10
Amaranthwell, night for me :)06:18
bddebianAye me too, hi pygi, gnight pygi :-)06:41
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Burgundaviahey jsgotangco08:51
jsgotangcowhat's up Burgundavia?08:51
Burgundavianot much08:52
=== Yagisan-aWay is Away, Reason: ( "Real life :(" ) | Since: ( Saturday July 29 2006. 13:32:46 ) Xlack v2.1
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jsgotangcoyeah its a boring weekend for me as well (it started raining agian)09:03
=== mhz loves the smell after rain
mhzrodarvus: ping09:23
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=== Yagisan-aWay is back ( Away 1 hour 37 mins 31 secs )
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cbx33hi guys11:19
cbx33any one got a good way to find and replace multiple lines in multiple files?11:19
DanielCcbx33: can you be more specific?11:22
cbx33I'm working on some html pages11:23
DanielCI'm handy with Perl, maybe I can help.11:23
cbx33that all have the same navigation code11:23
cbx33it can be code I edit each time to make find and replace11:23
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cbx33I just need it to go through each html/php file in that directory11:23
cbx33search for a given block of code11:23
cbx33and replace with antoher given block of coed11:23
DanielCWait... do you have a webserver with php?11:23
DanielCIf so, you should just use php include().11:24
DanielC<?php include("navigation.tpl") ?>11:24
DanielCAnd put your navigation in that file.11:24
cbx33oh yeh11:24
cbx33that is the longer term plan11:24
cbx33maybe I should do it now11:24
cbx33and skip all this trouble11:24
cbx33I just cba at the moment11:25
DanielCThat would be my advice.11:25
cbx33grrrr damn you DanielC :p11:25
DanielCIf you send me the files I'll do the conversion.11:25
DanielCIt's probably a simple perl script.11:25
cbx33well it is just items being added to the navigation11:26
cbx33so you're right I should spend the time and do it properly11:26
DanielCI'm sure I can write a script to remove the navigation from each file and replace it by <? include("nav.tpl") ?>11:27
cbx33nah that's fine, I'll do it....hehe11:27
cbx33there are 5 different templates..11:27
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MrGreenErr can you like load ubuntu after XP?11:55
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cbx33ping Yagisan 12:52
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cbx33ping ogra_ 01:04
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cbx33ping anyone :p02:16
pygipoke cbx33 02:16
cbx33check out the last one02:17
cbx33opinions really really welcome02:17
pyginice, but I would never let this play every time I login =P02:18
cbx33why 02:20
cbx33what are _you_ looking for02:20
pygicbx33, something more calm 02:24
pygiI'd be glad to help with this (guitar) but I currently have no way to record it02:24
cbx33well, seeing as it hasn't changed since breezy and I'm desperate to do some music stuff02:25
cbx33and I have ilttle time because I do so much ubuntu word02:25
cbx33I thought i'd combine the two02:25
cbx33actually no, i think it hasn't changed sine warty02:25
cbx33someone said02:25
pygiwell, it's nice, I would just turn it off =P02:26
pygiBut who am I to say anything :)02:26
cbx33did you trun off the current one?02:26
cbx33pygi, I'm really interested in your opinions - and would love to hear anything you can contribute, once you find a way to :p02:27
pygicbx33, I don't have sound enabled currently :)02:27
pygiI did enable it for this tho =P02:28
cbx33I was wondering if you just listened to 10 secs of silence02:29
cbx33it's been a nightmare trying to get feedback from anyone else other than the edubuntu community02:30
pygilol, silence :)02:31
pygihm, so you need a feedback?02:31
pygiwant me to help ? :)02:31
pygiwith getting feedback02:32
pygioki, you'll get dozen by the end of the day :)02:37
pygicbx33, you alive? :P02:41
cbx33thank you02:42
cbx33or on the wiki?02:42
pygiread email pls :)02:45
pygiif you are subscribe to ubuntu-users, kubuntu-users, or edubuntu-users02:45
pygicbx33, and tell me what you think ;)02:47
cbx33hang on02:47
cbx33just working on another theme02:47
=== pygi hangs himself
cbx33pygi, another tune on the wiki02:54
cbx33bottom one02:54
pygicbx33, will go listen02:54
pygiyou read mail pls :)02:54
cbx33am doing02:55
pygicbx33, btw. please use ogg :)02:55
cbx33i did to begin with and every said...oh I havn't got ogg02:55
cbx33pygi, I'm on edubuntu-users02:56
cbx33I don;t see a new mail though?02:56
=== pygi wonders what happened with his mail
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pygimaybe it got cought in filters02:57
pygiok, will pm you02:57
cbx33looks great02:58
cbx33maybe I should send to the lists02:58
cbx33hi bddebian 02:58
pygicbx33, I sent it already, please dont02:59
pygiit will be there02:59
pygipoke lists maintainer to see if it got stuck or something03:00
pygior just servers are slow as usual ;)03:00
pygicbx33, just you laugh ;)03:03
Yagisanpong cbx33 03:21
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cbx33hi Yagisan 03:28
cbx33how goes it03:28
Yagisanbusy cbx33 03:28
cbx33taking a breather03:28
cbx33going to play drums in an hour :D03:29
Yagisancbx33, I really need to type punctuation03:29
cbx33you're busy?03:29
Yagisancbx33, but that answers my next question03:29
cbx33man I'm confised :p03:29
Yagisancbx33, me busy - kids going to bed03:30
Yagisancbx33, you lucky man. relaxing. I'm not sure what relax is anymore ...03:30
cbx33howz it all going?03:30
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mhzjust loged in to let everyone (in case you need to ping me today) that I wont be logging in from time to time during my day time today. I am sure I'll be on this channel between 23:00 and 01:00 UTC04:53
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cbx33w00t a new sound again :p08:13
cbx33I love recording these themes08:13
pygicbx33, :P08:13
pyginow I need your help :)08:14
cbx33I'm just about to goto out to the inlaws08:14
pygioki, go then :)08:14
cbx33is it quick or is it something I can do later on?08:14
pygicbx33, it's quick, but you can do it later on :)08:15
cbx33mail me yah?08:15
pyginah, will poke you on the list08:15
pygiit's not urgent or anything, don't worry :)08:16
cbx33no feedback yet 08:16
cbx33it's like people just don't care08:16
cbx33heard the altest one pygi ?08:16
cbx33I think I could live with that one08:16
pygicbx33, I am not sure if my mail reached the list?08:17
cbx33it reached one08:17
cbx33I keep posting in #ubuntu08:17
cbx33but no one says a word08:17
pygionce you are back we go beast-hunting :)08:18
=== pygi nods :)
pygibeast = feedback :)08:19
cbx33so what do you think of the latest one?08:19
pygiI havent listened to it08:19
pygiI can if you want me to?08:20
cbx33eeek wife is calling08:20
cbx33I gotta go08:20
pygienjoy :)08:20
lucasvohi everybody!08:36
lucasvofinally back after two gorgeous weeks in italy08:37
pygilucasvo, :)08:52
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jryerAnyone know how to get docbook to work in Writer? When I save as a docbook, Writer just hangs.09:19
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LaserJockjryer: hmm, I did it a long time ago09:21
jryerLaserJock, any tips? I tried looking around...theres a lot about java and openoffice working together but nowhere do I see where it tell you what to do to fix the problem09:22
LaserJockjryer: sorry, it worked fine for me (although I needed to tidy up the XML)09:28
EmxBAlebrate the day09:32
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lucasvodoh, I should not have rebooted my edgy machine10:09
lucasvomy X is broken10:09
Amaranthlucasvo: nvidia or ati?10:13
lucasvoI get the error could not open default font  fixed10:16
lucasvoAmaranth: you can help me?10:18
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Amaranthoh, that one10:18
Amaranthi can't remember how i fixed that one10:19
LaserJocklucasvo: you sure you've dist-upgraded? I thought that was fixed (or maybe not)10:20
lucasvoLaserJock: well, I regulary do upgrades, I upgraded to edgy couple of weeks ago10:26
lecarosto edgy? hummm10:26
ogralucasvo, run mkfontdir in the misc font dir ...10:36
lucasvoogra: thanks10:43
lucasvoit worked10:43
ograbtw, dont even try fglrx if you planned that ... 10:44
lucasvono I didn't10:46
lucasvowhy should I?10:46
lucasvoI never used 3D on my pc so far10:46
ogra3d stuff ?10:46
lucasvogames, blender and all this stuff10:47
lucasvoor isn't fglrx a driver with 3d accell?10:47
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lecarosI can't find net-snmp package on repositories... i have my sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1920711:38
lecarosany idea?11:38
lecarosanybody? :(11:39
LaserJockI don't see any net-snmp11:39
lecarossee https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/net-snmp11:40
crimsunthat's the name of the source package.11:40
crimsunYou want one of its binaries.11:40
crimsuncrimsun@garnish:~$ apt-cache showsrc net-snmp |grep ^Binary11:40
crimsunBinary: tkmib, libsnmp9, snmp, libsnmp-perl, libsnmp-base, libsnmp9-dev, snmpd11:40
LaserJockah, i wondered about that11:40
crimsunsometimes the source package name matches its generated binary; many times it doesn't.11:41
lecarosok, i'll try with that, i hope to solve my problem11:42
lecarosit works :) tks a lot11:44
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c58-107-168-5.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
crimsunpygi's a brave one, summoning matt on the weekend :)11:46
LaserJockyeah, I just thought that11:46
crimsun(deliberate use of first name there to avoid triggering highlight in this channel, too)11:47
pygicrimsun, hehe, I just have a good news, nothing else ;)11:47
pygiHopefully he won't eat me =P11:48
=== pygi is scared 'cause nobody said "no, ofcourse he won't"
crimsunoh he will. It just depends what condiments he uses.11:50
LaserJockwe are making bets behind your back ;-)11:50
pygiLaserJock, yes, plots behind my backs are usual lately11:51
pygiso nothing new really :)11:51
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pygihey ho Burgundavia 12:04
Burgundaviahey pygi12:04
Burgundaviapygi: good news, all is not lost in the case of safety boat12:05
pygiBurgundavia, nice, so you've heard from anselmo or talked to Daniel?12:05
pygioh,oki, so what are we facing at? what's the status? :)12:05
Burgundaviathere is code, daniel has seen it12:06
pygioh, good then12:06
pygiHopefully it's useful then :)12:06

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