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kwwiinight all12:28
kwwiisleep now12:28
mhbsleep later, code now :o)12:29
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Riddell** deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354/ dapper main   testing needed12:39
mhbRiddell: you test the packages in dapper?12:41
mhbRiddell: wait ... I get it :o)12:43
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omeowRiddell I would test, but xorg is still screwed up. =(01:00
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omeowOki, installing 3.5.401:12
omeowRiddell: Somehow, with the last xorg upgrade, edgy managed to forget to install or misplace my fonts. So I don't get any fonts on KDE/KDM.01:14
omeowIt's funny how one second the font works, and then it stops displaying when you try to interact with it.01:22
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omeowWhat does it mean when a package is kept back?01:27
omeowI know it won't be upgraded, but why not?01:27
omeowHi bddebian.01:28
bddebianHeya omeow01:28
omeowbddebian: Do you know a solution to the missing fonts problem after upgrading to the latest version of xorg stuff? (prefaerably the one where you don't switch drivers)01:31
bddebianNo, unfortunately.  Sorry01:31
omeowIs there a log of the stuff that got upgraded over time?01:31
omeowI'd like to try and revert everything related to xorg back to it's old version so hopefully fonts will work again.01:32
omeowBack to windows then..01:37
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pygiomeow, :P01:44
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omeowDon't you :P me, pygi. :)01:54
ubotuI know nothing about ! - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:54
omeowIt's not fun having a broken xorg server and not really knowing how to solve it.01:56
pygiomeow, whats broken?01:57
omeowI'm missing fonts I think.01:58
omeowKDE starts just fine, monitors seem to work. But I have no fonts at all.01:58
pygieh, filed a bug report?01:58
omeowDunno. Is it a bug? Anyone else getting this?01:59
pygiwell, file a bug report on malone again xserver-xorg02:00
omeowI will do it tomorrow.02:00
omeowNeed some sleep first.02:00
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ryanakcais this where I'm supposed to report kde 3.5.4 (dapper) errors?03:40
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DaSkreechnixternal: Yo03:43
DaSkreechSomeone wants the system tray to be in order :(03:44
DaSkreechRiddell: Awake?04:22
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Hobbseehi all07:13
Hobbseehey DaSkreech 07:16
=== Hobbsee is stuck on dapper.
DaSkreechThat's not a bad place to be stuck07:16
=== Hobbsee looks at her email. argh, bugs!
=== Hobbsee prefers edgy.
DaSkreechYeah I'm thinking of dual booting edgy and dapper07:17
HobbseeDaSkreech: smart.  just better figure out what's screwed my eth0 first07:18
imbrandon_Hobbsee: whats wrogn with it ?07:18
imbrandon_wrong even07:18
DaSkreechYou are the fourth person I've heard say that07:18
Hobbseeimbrandon_: on a friend's network, wont connect.07:18
HobbseeDaSkreech: hmmm?07:18
imbrandon_i had some problems with sid and dhclient but not edgy ( yet )07:19
DaSkreechEdgy fried your eth0?07:19
DaSkreechDid you do a Dist upgrade?07:19
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HobbseeDaSkreech: yeah, day or so ago07:19
HobbseeDaSkreech: any solution listed?07:21
=== DaSkreech considers sitting out dist upgrades on edgy for a little
DaSkreechNot that I know of. But I didn't follow it up07:22
HobbseeDaSkreech: well, the only problematic thigns brekaing are apt/dpkg/ethernet stuff.07:22
Hobbseeanything else is not major.07:22
DaSkreechYeah. I like having Net :)07:23
imbrandon_DaSkreech: and its only for some people, i'm on edgy atm with no major issues07:23
DaSkreechI know 07:24
imbrandon_Sysinfo for 'voyager': Linux 2.6.17-5-686 running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: Intel(R)Celeron(R)CPU2.93GHz at 2933 MHz (5874 bogomips), , RAM: 629/1003MB, 101 proc's, 5.56h up07:24
Hobbseeyay :)07:24
Hobbseeimbrandon_: you getting artsd crashing at random?07:24
imbrandon_Hobbsee: not i but i have herd people say that07:24
Hobbseehmmm okay07:24
Hobbseei didnt seem to get them this morning, but i disabled kde sound yesterday.07:25
imbrandon_mostly dapper 354 i think07:25
imbrandon_not edgy 354 , not that i think there is much if any diffrence07:25
Hobbseeoh yeah, i think i tried for edgy07:25
Hobbseehmmm...adblock plus is buggered for the new firefox.07:26
imbrandon_hehe darn extensions07:26
imbrandon_dillo FTW07:26
imbrandon_only 1d 18h till i have all the dr who 2006 epsidodes LOL finly found them in the US07:26
DaSkreechIs it any good?07:27
imbrandon_is what ?07:27
DaSkreechDr Who 200607:27
imbrandon_dunno , they havent air'd ( and wont ) in the usa , so i havent had a chance to watch them yet, thus i'm downloading them07:27
imbrandon_i've only seen the 2005 season07:28
=== DaSkreech goes theme hunting :)
=== Hobbsee goes on a witch hunt.
=== Hobbsee wants to find out WHO BROKE DHCLIENT!!!!
crimsunit seems to work fine here.07:31
Hobbseecrimsun: edgy?07:32
imbrandon_works for me (tm) too heh , thats what sucks about bugs/bad configs 07:32
Hobbseesays the packet is too long, or something.07:32
crimsunHobbsee: yes07:32
Hobbseecrimsun: any updates that havent been done?07:32
crimsunjust updated (as in 30 secs ago)07:33
crimsunnothing new.07:34
Hobbseecrimsun: hmmm okay.  did you happen to reboot since last update?07:34
Hobbseesomething to make you lose the connection?07:34
crimsunHobbsee: yep, two hours ago07:34
Hobbseecrimsun: hmmm...okay.07:34
Hobbseeso there may well be another update...hmmm...07:34
pygiHobbsee, morning :P07:36
pygiimbrandon, !!07:36
Hobbseehi pygi 07:37
imbrandon_heya pygi07:37
=== Hobbsee reads up on email. who filed so many bugs?
Hobbseehmm.  no solution on the forums, with the eth0 bug07:46
Hobbseecrimsun: do you know of a way to get the current package lists, and update them from another machine or something?  like, so i can see what's upgradable?07:47
crimsunHobbsee: current /installed/ packages or current available packages?08:15
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Hobbseecrimsun: current installed packages, sorry.08:56
Hobbseecrimsun: i want to fin dout what's still upgradable, to salvage my machine.08:56
Hobbseeseeing as the usual dhclient/ifup/ifdown magic isnt seeming to work08:56
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crimsunHobbsee: dpkg -l |grep ^ii |awk '{ print $2 }'09:00
Hobbseecrimsun: is that just for current installed packages?  i want current installed packages that are upgradable.09:01
Hobbseeon edgy, where i have no net connection09:01
crimsunHobbsee: if your available is current, then ``apt-get dist-upgrade'' will show a list09:05
Hobbseecrimsun: i'm thinking that it isnt, though.09:05
Hobbseeunless i changed the dapper repos to edgy, updated, and got the sources list or something.  hmm.09:06
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=== Hobbsee examines ksensors. what happened here?
=== raphink examines kmenu. no switch session menu anymore?
Hobbseeraphink: er, sorry, not on kde 3.5.4 on dapper.09:56
raphinkah ok09:56
raphinkI was talking about kde 3.5.409:56
raphinkI'm on dapper right now09:56
raphinkwith kde 3.5.4 on my vt809:56
Hobbseei've only downloaded it for edgy09:56
raphinkyes I'm on edgy on my vt809:57
raphinkand on dapper on this one09:57
seaLnedoes anyone happen to know the times that ubuntu mirrors are synced?  i keep getting sync in progress files on my mirror :)10:00
HobbseeseaLne: add gb mirrors :P10:00
HobbseeseaLne: hi, btw10:00
raphinkuse native mirror10:00
raphinkhi Hobbsee & seaLne :)10:00
Hobbseeimbrandon_: so what was the status on your machine, sorry?  it's fixed, or almost fixed?10:01
seaLneneither of those actually help me with that problem :P10:01
HobbseeseaLne: well...true.10:01
seaLneand having a local mirror in the uni makes much more sense than lots of machines all updating slowly10:02
seaLnei'd agree that most people don't need their own mirror10:03
HobbseeseaLne: you actually have enough other people at the uni who use ubuntu?  cool.10:04
Riddellraphink: any problems with 3.5.4?10:04
raphinkRiddell: I don't see the switch session menu in the K menu10:04
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HobbseeRiddell: artsd problems - it crashes.10:05
raphinklike it was removed10:05
=== Hobbsee isnt on it, atm, sorry - they broke eth0
raphinkRiddell: I've distributed most of the CDs you sent me in a single day :)10:05
raphinkmy colleagues asked me tons of CDs10:06
raphinkdidn't even have to say I had some10:06
raphinkthey came to ask me10:06
raphinkat least 5 colleagues already switched their workstation to kubuntu dapper10:07
raphinkand took CDs for their familiy and friends10:07
HobbseeRiddell: i wanna kubuntu cd!  *bangs fist on table* :P10:07
=== raphink hands some kubuntu cds to Hobbsee
seaLnewhat were they running before?10:07
Hobbseehehe, thankyou.10:07
raphinkseaLne: depends... debian sarge, fedora, mandriva, ...10:08
raphinksome had windows, even10:08
raphinkfew of them, though ;)10:08
seaLnewhat is your day job?10:08
raphinklinux sysadmin :)10:08
raphinkfor big web hosting10:08
seaLneah sounds cool10:10
raphinkquite :)10:11
raphinkI'm cfengine master there :)10:11
raphinkmy company uses quite exclusively open-source software10:12
raphinkwell... my service that is10:12
seaLnehow do you like it?  i think i'd use it if we didn't already have lots of scripts that do most of what it would be used for10:12
raphinkI don't like it :p10:12
raphinkI've got a migration plan10:12
raphinkto try and use FAI as much as possible10:12
raphinkincluding the cfengine scripts inside it10:12
imbrandon_Hobbsee: almost ready , ufortunately it will be ready aprox the time you goto sleep today ;( but will be up and ready for durring the day my time and tomarrow on10:13
raphinkand trying to remove cfengine as a standalone tool10:13
seaLneFAI uses cfengine :P10:13
raphinksure seaLne that's what I mean10:13
Hobbseeimbrandon_: okay, trying to build on it now :P10:13
raphinkusing cfengine only inside FAI10:13
imbrandon_Hobbsee: thats fine10:13
raphinkand using fai softupdate/fai-updater to update the machines10:13
Hobbseeimbrandon_: what are you doing on it?10:13
imbrandon_Hobbsee: thats still the old one your building on, use it as much as you want , i'm building a whole new computer froem parts10:13
raphinkanyway, cfengine in my company is sooooo borked that anything else would be better10:14
Hobbseeimbrandon_: oh nice :)10:14
Hobbseeimbrandon_: can it be voyager?  /me likes voyager :P10:14
seaLneyeah the updater part of it is sounding nice, didn't really do anything when i was using FAI before we went back to GOLDEN master10:14
imbrandon_hehe yea thats the plan , it will replace voyager ( and take on the name )10:14
raphinkseaLne: GOLDEN master??10:14
raphinkwhat is that?10:14
seaLnelike a golden image but we actually rsync off it10:15
raphinka golden image :s10:15
=== raphink scratch head
seaLnenot heard that terminology?10:15
=== Hobbsee will build it locally when she gets home. much easier.
imbrandon_Riddell: little late but no , __me__ personaly haveing 0 issues out of kde354 but i'm on a fresh knot1 install of edgy atm if that makes a diff10:16
seaLneyou basically setup one machine and copy it to others10:16
imbrandon_Hobbsee: what ya workin on ?10:16
Hobbseeimbrandon_: ksensors merge.10:17
raphinkseaLne: ah ok, some kind of ghost10:17
Hobbseeimbrandon_: right now, it's got unrecognisable changes to source, as i tried out vim on it.  bad idea.10:17
imbrandon_nano *cough*10:17
=== imbrandon_ could never get used to vi{m}
raphinkimbrandon_: good if nano is enough for you10:18
raphinkbut when you get to modify files for real10:18
raphinknano is like trying to cook with your shoe10:18
=== Hobbsee likes nano, but got told how to use vim yesterday, so was going to try it out.
Hobbseeraphink: meet kate :P10:18
imbrandon_raphink: for basic text editing nano is fine10:18
raphinkHobbsee: I'm afraid kate wouldn't help me mch in my job10:18
raphinksshing all the time on X-less machines10:18
raphinkimbrandon_: not for real text editing10:19
Hobbseeraphink: well, yeah.10:19
raphinkI've been using nano for years10:19
seaLneyou could use kate with fish :)10:19
raphinkand I stopped as soon as I had to do real work in console10:19
HobbseeseaLne: i tried one day, off imbrandon_;s machines.  not worth it.10:19
imbrandon_raphink: sure, i've used nano for a LONG time, and had many jobs , infact daily where i only have ssh access10:19
raphinkimbrandon_: if you can't get to get started with vi(m), you can try "vimtutor"10:19
imbrandon_raphink: i said that wrong i can use vi{m} fine and been through the tutor, infact i used vi long before nano/pico but i prefer nano10:20
imbrandon_nano + sed == godsend10:20
seaLneHobbsee: interesting, i use kate quite happily over fish to remote machines (vim seems upset about utf8 sometimes)10:21
raphinkyou just have to leave nano, type your sed, go back to nano10:21
raphinkwhereas vim can let you :%s@foo@bar@g10:21
raphinkfrom inside it10:21
raphinkyes that's right seaLne10:21
Hobbseebleh, suppose i should stay around for a bit of this ubuntu install.10:21
imbrandon_heh yea but thats harder to me than using seperate progs10:21
=== Hobbsee sets it to build.
seaLneyeah i'm more likely to use vim than sed to achieve that :)10:22
=== raphink learned about sed included in bash yesterday
raphinklike 10:22
raphinkecho ${foo/bar/bar2}10:22
raphinkfor example, my hostname is aslan10:23
raphink $ echo ${HOSTNAME/as/bi}10:23
raphinkthat's VERY useful :)10:23
imbrandon_yea seems it would be10:23
raphinkthere's also 10:24
raphink $ echo ${HOSTNAME#as}10:24
raphinkremoves the #word from the beginning of the template10:24
raphinkand 10:24
raphink $ echo ${HOSTNAME%lan}10:24
raphinkremoves from the end of it10:24
raphinkso if you want an hostname from a fqdn for ex10:24
raphinkyou can go like10:25
raphinkecho ${FQDN%.*}10:26
raphinklike FQDN="toto.foo.bar.com"10:26
raphink $ echo ${FQDN%.*}10:26
raphinkno thats' not it, konvi removes a char 10:27
raphinkecho ${FQDN\%\%.*}10:27
raphinkremove the \10:27
raphinkbut I had to put them in konvi10:27
raphinkfor some reason it wouldn't take 2 % in a row10:27
raphinkanyway that's an awesome feature10:27
raphinkto perform sed replacements within the command10:28
imbrandonyea bash is great once you learn it, can do some realy cool stuff10:28
raphinkyes :)10:29
raphinkvery powerful10:29
Hobbseehappy birthday nixternal_bday 10:29
raphinkoh great :)10:30
imbrandongah why is kbfx segfaulting10:30
raphinkhappy bday nixternal_bday <>< :)10:30
imbrandongreat 10:30
raphinkyes there's a pb in kbfx somehow10:31
raphinkdunno why10:31
raphinkI saw it work just fine on other distros10:31
raphinkmy the fonts on kde 3.5.4 are horrible10:32
=== Hobbsee whinges.
Hobbseeraphink: likely due to edgy?10:32
Hobbseewrist hurts :(10:32
imbrandonpb ?10:33
raphinkewww kbfx crashed my kicker10:33
raphinkimbrandon: problem10:33
imbrandonyea , i'm gonna grab a svn snapshot and try to fix it10:33
imbrandondiff -ruN kbfxwork/ kbfx- > kbfx.diff10:38
raphink $ echo ${FQDN#*.}10:38
raphink $ echo ${FQDN##*.}10:38
imbrandonheh nice10:38
raphink $ echo ${FQDN%.*}10:39
=== imbrandon puts those in his notebook
raphink $ echo ${FQDN%.*}10:39
=== raphink thinks he's gonna blog on this :)
raphinkbecause the section in "man bash" about that is impossible to understand10:39
Hobbseeright, ksensors done.10:41
seaLneyeah my fonts in edgy look bad to10:42
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kane___anyone here uses Skim IME ?10:47
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raphinkkane___: freeflying|away uses it10:53
kane___raphink: yeah ... but he's away :/10:53
kane___raphink: i have a problem with SCIM and Kwin ... for some reason, after enabling the use of SCIM/Skim, kwin starts automatically only every alternate KDE startup10:55
kane___raphink: so far, i have no idea how to debug it ...10:56
freeflying|awaykane___: what's up10:56
kane___freeflying|away: just want to confirm something ... does kwin work for you properly after using the xinput.d method to enable SCIM ?10:57
freeflying|awaykane___: works well10:57
kane___damn ...10:57
kane___freeflying|away: not damning you of course :)10:58
freeflying|awaykane___:  :)10:58
kane___just that I and my 3 machines seem to be alone in this10:58
kane___freeflying|away: any ideas where to start debugging this ? disabling scim (removing the en_US entry in xinput.d) causes kwin to work properly everytime ... enabling it, causes kwin to startup only every alternate KDE startup10:59
kane___freeflying|away: if on a particular startup, kwin doesnt start, all I need to do is "end current session" and relogin11:00
freeflying|awaykane___: you wanna use skim/scim under en_US locale?11:01
kane___freeflying|away: yes, i am using it under the en_US locale11:01
kane___specifically, en_US.UTF-811:02
freeflying|awaykane___:  you only need do im-switch -s scim_xim default ( installed im-switch skim scim-pinyin/chewing,etc)11:03
kane___freeflying|away: no thats not the problem ...11:04
kane___freeflying|away: see, i created an entry en_US in the xinput.d ... that should automatically enable scim for my locale11:04
kane___freeflying|away: the problem is that, kwin now refuses to start on every alternate KDE startup11:05
kane___freeflying|away: disabling scim, allows kwin to start every time11:05
freeflying|awaykane___: do you use kdm? or startx11:05
kane___freeflying|away: enabling it, causes kwin to start only every alternate KDE startup11:05
kane___freeflying|away: KDM11:05
kane___freeflying|away: startx causes kwin to start everytime ... for some reason :/11:05
freeflying|awaykane___: how about change en_US to all_ALL?11:07
Hobbseebye all11:07
imbrandonl8tr Hobbsee11:07
raphinkbye Hobbsee11:07
freeflying|awayHobbsee: bye11:08
kane___freeflying|away: will im-switch work with all_ALL ?11:08
Hobbseetime to drive home.11:08
kane___ciao Hobbsee11:08
freeflying|awaykane___: and link /etc/alternatives/xinput-all_ALL to /etc/X11xinit/xinput.d/scim_xim, and try again11:09
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kane___freeflying|away: ok ill try that11:15
kane___freeflying|away: when you said change en_US to all_ALL ... do you mean to change the locale to all_ALL ? or the entry in xinput.d ?11:16
freeflying|awaykane___: no, you just created a en_US under xinput.d?11:18
kane___freeflying|away: yes11:18
kane___freeflying|away: i created a file /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/en_US11:18
freeflying|awaykane___: then change it to all_ALL, like zh_CN,but link it to scim_xim not scim-pinyin11:19
kane___freeflying|away: then, i should change LC_ALL=all_ALL ?11:20
freeflying|awaykane___: needn't11:21
freeflying|awaykane___: these settings will let you use scim underr any locales11:21
kane___freeflying|away: ok, let me try ... i hope the kwin problem goes away11:21
freeflying|awaykane___: you'r the first have such a problem  :)11:22
kane___yeah i know :(11:22
kane___freeflying|away: now skim doesnt start11:24
kane___no scim* process11:24
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freeflying|awaykane___: replace the content in scim_xim with follwoing11:27
freeflying|awayif [ -e /usr/bin/skim ] ; then11:27
freeflying|away    XIM_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/skim11:27
freeflying|away    XIM_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/scim11:28
freeflying|awayDEPENDS="scim,scim-gtk2-immodule | scim-qtimm"11:28
kane___freeflying|away: ok, restarting machine11:31
kane___freeflying|away: ok, kwin seems to be starting ... but now, there is a DCOP communications error on every startup ... due to skim11:38
kane___freeflying|away: (i rebooted machine twice)11:39
freeflying|awaykane___: del the DCOP stuffs under your dir, and re-try  :011:40
kane___freeflying|away: i think, it is not that11:41
kane___freeflying|away: it is probably because the skim is trying to attach to the DCOP server ... but there is no server to attach to11:42
kane___freeflying|away: ... because xsession runs /usr/bin/skim even before starting xorg ...11:42
freeflying|awaykane___: no, the prority of skim is quite lower, you may try low it anymore ( mk 90im-switch under /etc/X11/Xsession.d)11:43
kane___freeflying|away: right now, it is 98im-switch11:45
kane___freeflying|away: so, the higher items are started earlier than lower items in Xsession.d ?11:45
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freeflying|awaykane___: maybe you will have extra issues  :)11:46
kane___freeflying|away: 99xorg-common_start is started before 90xorg-common_ssh-agent ?11:46
kane___freeflying|away: its ok, i remember changing the im-switch from 90 to 9811:46
kane___freeflying|away: 99 is started after 90 right ?11:48
freeflying|awaykane___: I think so, but can not confirm it11:48
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kane___freeflying|away: look in Xsession.d ... it looks like 99 is started after 90, not the other way around11:49
danimoRiddell: where did you upload the kopete package to?11:52
danimoRiddell: dapper or edgy?11:52
Tonio__Sime: it looks like the dpi patch fails with kde 3.5.411:52
_SimeTonio_: :-/ how?11:53
Tonio__Sime: don't know, but I just upgraded and my fonts are now ridiculously little11:53
_SimeTonio_: it is probably being run at the wrong (too late) in the login sequence11:53
Tonio__Sime: that's possible11:53
=== _Sime remembers something about faster logins.
Tonio__Sime: if you need my help concerning the intel gpu, I'll be there toonight11:54
Tonio_we can see this in the same time if you want11:54
_SimeTonio_: what is your email addy?11:55
=== hunger__ [n=tobias@p54A62270.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_Simeok, I need to collect some info from your laptop. I'll email everything you need to know. :)11:56
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hunger__Tonio_: You did that close-button-on-tab patch?11:56
hunger__Tonio_: How can I turn that off again? It is the most annoying thing I saw in ubuntu so far.11:57
Tonio_hunger__: you cannot remove it in kopete12:00
hunger__Tonio_: How about konqueror?12:00
Tonio_you can in konqueror but only manually in konquerorrc file12:00
hunger__Tonio_: That is where it annoys me the most.12:00
Tonio_it's unclusion may be removed if people don't like it...12:00
Tonio_I just added it for tests12:00
hunger__Tonio_: It basically makes it impossible for me to switch tabs with the mouse!12:01
hunger__Tonio_: I do not like it at all. It is the most annoying thing I saw since coming to ubuntu.12:01
hunger__Tonio_: And that it ignores my "no close buttons on tabs" setting is making it even more annoying.12:02
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Tonio_I can understand12:02
Tonio_that's why we will discuss this12:02
hunger__Tonio_: The problem is this: I have many tabs in konqueror.12:02
Tonio_the problem is that there is no graphical option to turn it on/off12:02
hunger__Tonio_: So each tab is pretty small, basically the favicon and a letter.12:03
hunger__Tonio_: So when I want to switch tabs I almost always end up clicking on the favicon... which turns into a close button and closes the tab.12:03
hunger__Tonio_: all this tab stuff should be configurable in one central place for all apps...12:05
Tonio_hunger__: that will be discussed in the next meeting and there are lots of chances that it gets removed if the feedback is negative12:05
hunger__Tonio_: Would make your live easier, too.12:05
hunger__Tonio_: Well, that is the only change I did really notice;-)12:07
Tonio_hunger__: I agree on that point12:07
Tonio__Sime: do you have a possible solution for the dpi patch I could test eventually ?12:08
_SimeTonio_: not now. I need to first upgrade my test machine to edgy, and then look at the new kde login sequence. Riddel may have to patch kde to fix this, IMHO.12:09
Tonio__Sime: okay12:10
Tonio_that can wait a bit12:10
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Tonio_I need to check out my touchpad.... the scroll on the right doesn't seem to work since 3.5.4...12:12
Tonio_and katapult still fails here...12:12
seaLneis there still going to be a meeting on monday?12:19
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omeowCan someone please help me overcome my problem? After the last few updates, my xorg server can't seem to find my fonts.01:14
omeowCould not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/, removing from list!01:14
abattoiromeow: is xfs installed?01:15
abattoirbtw, is this edgy?01:15
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omeowabattoir: yes to both01:16
omeowKDE starts just fine. 01:17
uniqdo you use xfs? is that neccessary ? 01:17
omeowCertain programs have fonts, but when you hover over it, it goes away.01:17
omeowI don't know if it's necesarry.01:17
abattoiruniq: i had to install it to upgrade to edgy successfully...01:17
abattoirand if i remember right, omeow had to too01:17
Hobbseeoh yay, my computer will accept eth0 connections.01:17
uniqabattoir: i run edgy without xfs, with fonts.01:18
uniqdidn't hack anything to make it work either.01:18
imbrandonomeow: gnomefreak had that problem too a few hours ago, the only way he could fix it is remove xorg and x-window-system-core and reinstall them01:18
omeowseaLne said the font problem might be caused by nvidia drivers. 01:19
omeowimbrandon: I'll try it.01:19
uniqif the nvidia drivers makes problems, that would explain why it works for me.. as i use the xorg ati driver.01:19
seaLnewell that was my problem which had the same symptoms01:19
imbrandonuniq: yea i have no problems without xfs either01:19
Hobbseewhat's the problem, sorry?01:19
seaLneno text/fonts01:19
uniqHobbsee: omeow got fontproblems with edgy.01:20
imbrandonx server updae borking fonts01:20
seaLneomeow: do you get text in an xterm?01:20
Hobbseeuniq: ah01:20
seaLnethats an xterm not something similar01:20
omeowRe-installing didn't help. Weird thing is. My input fields in KDM do show some text, but as I start typing my password, it all goes away.01:21
omeowseaLne: I don't get text in yakuake. (assuming that that's an xterm)01:21
uniqomeow: xterm is the command 'xterm'.. 01:22
imbrandonomeow: no true bluse xterm01:22
imbrandonblue even01:22
omeowYes, I get text in that.01:23
danimomoin folks01:23
uniqhi danimo.01:23
omeowI just re-installed xorg and x-window-system-core. It didn't seem to do the trick.01:23
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imbrandonmoins danimo01:24
danimohi Hobbsee01:24
danimothere's nothing like breakfast at 1:30pm :)01:25
omeowDid it break for you as well, Hobbsee? :)01:25
omeowProbably not... 01:25
omeowYou're always lucky.01:25
seaLneomeow: did you do what i suggested and build xserver-xorg-video-nv? then change to using nv?01:25
Hobbseeomeow: nope01:25
Hobbseehi danimo!01:26
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Tm_Thi kids01:26
omeowseaLne: You mean build it from source?01:26
seaLneyes, what i suggested yesterday01:26
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danimoHobbsee: still short on bandwidth?01:27
omeowHm, i'll try it now. But I don't like having to switch drivers. It usually means i'll not be able to use both my screens for testing purposes. =/01:27
Hobbseedanimo: yeah.01:27
omeowseaLne: was it apt-get source xserver-xorg-video-nv and then apt-get build xserver-xorg-video-nv?01:28
omeowAnd how does that solve the problem?01:28
seaLnei used pbuilder to build it01:28
omeowMy problem seems to be that x can't find the location to my fonts.01:28
seaLnethe module for nv hasn't been build by the buildds yet01:28
omeowCould not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/, removing from list!01:28
omeowCould not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/OTF, removing from list!01:28
omeowCould not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/CID/, removing from list!01:28
omeowCould not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/, removing from list!01:28
omeowSo obviously, I need to figure out how to get those installed/symlinked there.01:29
imbrandonsvn up konversation01:29
seaLnedepending how old your xorg config is things like fonts changing isn't that unusual01:29
omeowhehe :)01:29
omeowI'll try generating a new one via dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. See what happens then.01:30
omeowMaybe it'll use new font paths.01:30
Hobbseedanimo: why?01:30
Hobbseeimbrandon: how's konversation doing?  working?01:31
danimoHobbsee: less packages from you I guess01:31
imbrandonHobbsee: trying to fix the ftbs on edgy ( or rather see if its fixed )01:31
imbrandonand doing a new nightly01:31
danimoHobbsee: just hurts to see that bandwith limitation is still common practice01:31
Hobbseedanimo: i uploaded one earlier - i've been out.01:32
imbrandonheh she can still ssh into places and build ;) that and its only for hrm 1 more day right ?01:32
Hobbseeit's for 2 more days01:32
danimoHobbsee: out?01:32
Hobbseedanimo: i'll be uploading less soon anyway - uni goes back01:32
danimoHobbsee: yeah, end of month approaching01:32
Hobbseeyes, out.  i went to SLUG on friday night, and was at stevenk's, then went and fixed a server by putting ubuntu on it.01:32
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seaLnewhen? uk unis don't go back for nearly 2 months01:33
danimoHobbsee: well, uni won't start here for another 2 months01:33
omeowFix by re-installing. Nice.01:33
Hobbseedanimo: nice01:33
Hobbseeuni starts again on monday01:33
danimoHobbsee: well no, means I cannot attend akademy01:33
seaLneyeah akademy seems a very strange time01:34
Hobbseedanimo: ahh...01:34
danimoHobbsee: which is why I demand an extra birthday party :)01:34
Hobbseedanimo: hehe!01:35
danimoHobbsee: let's see what to do on october 14th01:35
=== uniq har OP i 1 av 13 kanaler og kan delegge dagen for 4 personer...
Hobbseeuniq: hmmm?01:36
omeowOk, so dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't seem to work either... =/01:36
omeowDo the TTF fonts come with xorg or are they installed seperately?01:36
danimowow, http://dot.kde.org/1003095688/ was from the fifth birthday01:36
uniqehm.. sorry.. testing new irssi scripts :)01:36
uniqHobbsee: ^^01:36
uniqwrong channel and all.. :)01:36
Hobbseeuniq: ahh :)01:36
=== Hobbsee saw kde 1 today.
danimoHobbsee: you gotta read the announcement, real fun :)01:37
Tm_TRiddell: new KDE packages in need of testing? ping me ;)01:37
HobbseeTm_T: yeah, they do.01:37
Hobbseethought i did...01:37
=== omeow grmbls.
omeowTm_T: they are in need of testing. That's why I upgraded. But I can't test because I don't have any fonts. =(01:38
imbrandonTm_T: yup , they are in edgy by default or dapper check kubuntu.org/packages/kde-35401:39
Tm_TI'm in dapper now01:39
imbrandondeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 dapper main , it should be i think01:40
Tm_Tugh, testing then01:40
imbrandonyea just checked it is01:40
Tm_Tthanks sirs01:40
omeowimbrandon: Any other idea's as to how to solve my problem. =/ Why am I constantly having problems and you guys never seem to have any. (Or don't ask about it, because you know the answer.)01:40
imbrandonno ideas and yes i have my shre of issue, i just either fix them or your not here to see me ask <evil grin> but in all serouisness i dont know why you have so many issues01:41
Tm_Terrrh, 186 NOT upgrade01:41
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Tm_Thmm, doesn't sound too good01:41
Tm_Toh well, testing anyway =)01:42
imbrandonno idea Tm_T heh i dont have dapper installed anymore on any of my machines except the servers and no X there ;(01:42
imbrandoni guess i should install dapper on my lappy to test backports01:43
Tm_Thmm, also01:43
Tm_TAfter unpacking 332MB disk space will be freed01:43
Tm_Terr? what's the big save here01:43
imbrandonumm whats it removing01:43
imbrandonlooks like oo.o01:43
omeowimbrandon: well, ok. :) Can you tell me how to get my TTF fonts back in /usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF then?01:43
Tm_Tnothing remove01:44
imbrandonomeow: sudo apt-cache search xfonts01:44
Tm_Tthat's the weird thing, how it can save that much space without removing any01:44
imbrandonTm_T: yea that is strange01:44
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Tm_Talmost like some packages are empty shells :p01:45
omeowimbrandon: trying to re-install xfonts-base01:45
omeowIt tries to write to /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc01:46
omeowwarning: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory01:46
omeowIf I create the directory for it, it gets removed again when I try to re-install it again.01:46
imbrandongah FTBS01:47
=== imbrandon kicks pbuilder
Tm_Tomeow: sounds, err, interesting01:47
imbrandonomeow: welcome to edgy01:48
Tm_Timbrandon: :p01:48
imbrandonomeow: but serouisly i have no idea man, i just truble shoot from errors01:48
=== imbrandon is not a big X person
omeowblegh, I'm fed up at the moment. *poof*01:48
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Hobbseeimbrandon: what's it doing?01:50
imbrandonftb on dapper now, lol , i'm gonna recheck out from svn instead of updating see if that makes a diff01:50
imbrandonstart with a fresh checkout for both01:50
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Hobbseeimbrandon: ahhh...right.  so you're not having trouble with the pbuilder, just konvi.01:53
imbrandonohh yea heh01:53
=== imbrandon should have kicked konvi
Hobbseeimbrandon: you know what the most annoying thing about working on your machine is?01:53
omeowIt's not yours?01:54
Hobbseeomeow: nope01:55
imbrandonheh whats that Hobbsee ?01:55
Hobbseeit's the fact that i cant kick it, or do anything at all to it when it doesnt work, because it's on another darn continent.  i cant even shut it down in frustration.01:55
imbrandonsudo shutdown -h now ;)01:55
seaLneimbrandon: don't give her physical access i think :)01:55
=== danimo was about to suggest the same :)
imbrandonsudo reboot ;)01:56
Tonio_Riddell: no response from upstream concerning kio-locate01:56
danimoimbrandon: quick, take her off the sude list! :)01:56
Tonio_Riddell: I will probably upload with that patch after ufv exception is approved01:56
danimosudo even01:56
danimoRiddell: how is backports coming along?01:56
seaLnesude sounds a much cooler comand :)01:56
Hobbseedanimo: backports?  have they unbroken it yet?01:57
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Hobbseehey Tonio_, were you going to stick your kopete patch in?01:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: lots of chances it gets removed since the setting isn't widely appreciated ;)01:58
Tonio_feedback is globally negative01:58
HobbseeTonio_: ah, is it?  great.  i hear negative feedback over the close button on the konqueror tabs - is that the same thing?01:58
seaLneclose button on the konqueror tabs is good01:58
Tonio_Riddell: I notice that since today the scroll up/down on the right of my touchpad doesn't work anymore... it seems to be linked to kde 3.5.4 since it fails since I upgraded to it...01:59
Tonio_seaLne: that needs to be debated in the meeting...01:59
Tonio_lots of people don't like it01:59
danimoHobbsee: I don't even know why there are no backports at this point01:59
Tonio_some do (I do !)01:59
danimoHobbsee: what's broken about it?01:59
Tonio_Riddell: I'll investigate this on kde bts, because it is a real pain with laptops if that doesn't work02:00
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danimoHobbsee_: what's broken about it?02:00
seaLneis that not just part of X?02:01
Hobbsee_danimo: they're having trouble with soyuz and it?  or they were.  the archive people dont know how to use it02:01
danimoHobbsee: what02:01
imbrandondanimo: no soyuz support atm02:01
danimoHobbsee: what's soyuz again? (other than "a fancy launchpad module")?02:01
imbrandonits what handels the -bakports buildd's02:02
imbrandonon LP02:02
danimosucks, though02:02
Tonio_if someone using edgy can confirm alt+space doesn't produce anything anymore...02:02
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=== danimo desperately waits for backports, beeing enough of a weenie to not migrate to edgy at this point
Tonio_katapult is unusable here, although it is correctly configured...02:03
danimoHobbsee__: you've got some serious connectivity problem, don't you? :)02:03
Hobbsee__danimo: hehe02:03
Hobbsee__danimo: just dual boot02:03
Hobbsee__danimo: actually, i'm testing out network manager stuff.02:03
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danimoHobbsee: very cool. does edgy support vpn modules properly nowadays?02:04
=== danimo still ows Tonio_ a beer for his network manager efforts in dapper
Tonio_danimo: ;)02:04
Tonio_thanks ;)02:04
Hobbseedanimo: no idea.  ask stevenk in motu02:04
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tomahhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy Hobbsee02:09
Hobbseehi toma 02:09
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Tm_Tanyway, I think I don't install those 3.5.4 packages until I know what's that huge difference03:07
HobbseeTm_T: did you see the changelog?03:08
HobbseeTm_T: kuroneko03:09
HobbseeTm_T: http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog3_5_3to3_5_4.php03:10
Tm_Tyou're precious :)03:10
=== Tm_T is having slowmotion day
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Tm_Thmm, can't see anything that would explain over 300 MB03:12
Tm_Toh well, I try =)03:14
Tm_TI can always downgrade03:14
Tm_Tmaybe it's just split packages03:15
Tm_Tok, what happened to kdelibs-bin ?03:16
Tm_TThe following packages will be REMOVED: kdelibs-bin03:16
HobbseeTm_T: now a part of kdelibs4c2a03:16
Tm_Tok, then I go ahad03:17
Tm_Tthanks :)03:17
HobbseeRiddell: ping03:17
pygiHobbsee, ;)03:18
Hobbseehey pygi :)03:19
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Tm_Tmeh, KDE4 is fun03:31
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tomaHobbsee: Whats the state of the backports?04:06
Hobbseetoma: ask crimsun or jdong.  they certainly werent working, not sure about now04:06
Tm_TKDE 3.5.4 is missing "language-pack-kde-engb"04:09
Tm_Tno, I will not use KDE with yankee-english04:10
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Tm_Thmm, I'm bit excited, haven't been using packaged kwin for a long time04:19
Tm_Tused to compile it myself04:19
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Tonio_toma: I may require your help once again....04:20
Tonio_I'm trying to patch kicker to get the "normal" height to 48 instead of 46 pix....04:20
Tonio_here is the patch :04:20
Tm_TTonio_: why you need 2px more?04:21
HobbseeTm_T: icons on two rows04:21
Tm_TTonio_: then, I can look at it04:21
=== Tm_T has some experience with kicker
Tonio_Tm_T: to get the systray on 2 lines by default04:22
Tonio_Tm_T: do you know a working pastebin like ?04:22
Tonio_pastebin.com is quite dead at the moment04:22
Tm_Tpastebin.ca should work04:22
Tm_T.com is stuck04:22
Tonio_here it is.... should be okay, but doesn't work for some reason I don't understand04:23
Tonio_I hope you'll find what I miss04:23
danimowhat's the status of the libqt4 packages?04:23
danimoI cannot upgrade them in edgy04:23
=== danimo just upgraded to edgy on his workstation
tomaTonio_: hmm04:24
Tm_Tdanimo: I heard there's some problems with qt404:24
danimodid anyone try kerry btw?04:24
Tm_Twhat's that04:25
danimothe kde beagle frontend04:25
Tonio_I don't see what else can define the kicker's size appart from those settings04:25
danimoshipped by suse, also in the kubuntu repo04:25
danimomight make sense as a default in edgy04:25
danimodepending on wether they ship with beagle04:25
tomaTonio_: libkicker/global.cpp maybe?04:26
Tonio_toma: look at my patch, I already patched there04:26
tomaah, ok04:26
Tonio_this is the problem, everything is set to 48 but it doesn't work...04:27
Tonio_"normal" size is still 4604:27
Hobbseeah, waht's k-d-s say?04:28
tomaTonio_: did you check .kde/share/config?04:44
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freeflying|awaydanimo: beagle in main now?04:55
danimofreeflying|away: no idea04:55
danimodoes anyone know?04:55
Hobbsee!info beagle04:56
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3992 kB04:56
Hobbsee!info beagle edgy04:56
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1220 kB, installed size 4072 kB04:56
freeflying|awayheh, then kerry can not be ship in edgy's cd 04:56
toma!info digikam edgy04:56
ubotudigikam: digital photo management application for KDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2~rc1-0ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 4073 kB, installed size 9708 kB04:56
robotgeeklast.fm support in amarok <3 :)04:57
freeflying|awaydigikam need be in main04:58
robotgeekin system settings , keyboard shortcuts is hidden away in "Regional and Accessibility". This is probably better off under "keyboard" 04:59
freeflying|awaytoma: nowdays,many people has a camera, so digikam will be useful for them05:00
tomais that the selection method for main?05:01
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freeflying|awayit's in universe, we'd file a MainInclusionReport for it, and poke pitti or orthers review it05:02
robotgeek!info knetworkmanager edgy05:03
ubotuknetworkmanager: User friendly KDE frontend for NetworkManager. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.1~svn-r533312-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 263 kB, installed size 1412 kB05:03
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tomafreeflying|away: is there an example for such a report?05:06
Hobbseetoma: yeah.  dont remember where though05:07
tomaill dig05:07
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freeflying|awayrobotgeek: thanks05:08
freeflying|away!info kpowersave05:08
ubotukpowersave: frontend to powersave for setting user specific policies. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-1ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 3199 kB, installed size 4924 kB05:08
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robotgeekhmm, how is work on that coming up?05:09
Hobbseerobotgeek: non existant from ubuntu side, unless lure's touching it.  and he was really busy05:10
robotgeekokay, my power works fine though. i am really happpy with linux on my ibook :)05:11
aliasfredthis main inclusion report is done manually or is it a bot reporting ?05:11
robotgeekaliasfred: its done manually, mostly after a meeting or so05:11
aliasfredok thanks05:11
freeflying|awayrobotgeek: have you trid edgy on your ibook?05:12
robotgeekfreeflying|away: not yet, i am waiting for my external usb to come around so that i can install edgy on that05:13
freeflying|awayrobotgeek: yaboot can boot it from usb media?05:14
robotgeekfreeflying|away: hmm, never really thought of that one. i did it using grub05:14
robotgeeknot on my ibook, but one my friends dellls05:14
freeflying|awayrobotgeek: hmmm05:15
=== robotgeek googles
robotgeeksorry, wrong link05:16
robotgeekshould be able to, i will document wht i do :)05:17
freeflying|awayrobotgeek: grub on ibook?  :)05:17
ubuntu-cnfreeflying|away, is there any method could let my laptop boot from usb?05:17
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robotgeekhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80811 ubuntu-cn 05:18
freeflying|awayubuntu-cn: grub can do it 05:18
robotgeekshould work for dapper too05:18
ubuntu-cngrub can run on ibook?05:19
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robotgeekubuntu-cn: no, i think yaboot should be albe to handle it too05:19
ubuntu-cnwhat a pitty05:20
robotgeekubuntu-cn: why so?05:20
Tm_TTonio_: got it?05:22
ubuntu-cnrobotgeek,because i think grub is all-purpose before05:22
robotgeekmight acutally be supported, man 5 yaboot.conf shows sda stuff :)05:22
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Philip5hi guys, i have a problem when building a deb package with dpkg-buildpackage and everthing starts fine, gets configed but when dpkg-parsechangelog is to run the debian/changelog have been been deleted somehow... anyone know if there is a comman problem that makes this behaviour?05:35
bddebianPhilip5: No, it's not.  Make sure there isn't a rogue rm somewhere05:37
bddebianin debian/rules05:38
Philip5bddebian: doesn't look like it... more like it gets generated in like that in make.in05:40
Tonio_Tm_T: got what ?05:40
Tonio_toma: no I didn't check this since the parameters are in kickers code...05:41
Tonio_I probably miss something in it, but I don't think that can be configured05:41
tomaTonio_: size of kicker can be set05:41
Tonio_what can be configured is the manual value05:41
tomano, you can choose the size05:41
Tonio_toma: yes I know, but that will define "personal" value05:41
Tonio_not "small", "normal", "medium"05:42
Tonio_that has to be patched in kdebase05:42
Tonio_but I'm certainly miss something in the code05:42
Tonio_no ?05:42
tomanad the size is not stored?05:42
bddebianPhilip5: The debian/changelog file gets generated in makefile.in?05:43
Tonio_toma: CustomSize=4805:44
Tonio_that is the setting in kickerrc05:44
Tonio_but that's for "personnal" value05:44
tomathat is the slider for personal05:44
Tonio_the idea is to hardcode the setting for the "normal" size05:44
bddebianOK sorry, gotta run05:44
tomaand where is the size of the kicker stored?05:44
Tonio_and since the code is visible in kicker source, I don't understand why it doesn't work05:44
Tonio_toma: look at the patch I've done05:44
Tonio_here it is05:45
tomaTonio_: in the settings of kicker i can choose small/medium/large.05:45
Tonio_I think the principle is good, but I may miss something05:45
tomaand personal05:45
Tonio_yes and look at my patch05:45
Tonio_you'll see where are the settings for small, medium, large stored05:45
Tonio_they are hardcoded05:45
tomayes, but where are they stored?05:46
Tonio_the value you have selected is stored in kickerrc05:46
Tonio_but the size of that value is hardcoded05:46
Tonio_for example05:46
Philip5bddebian: no but there is a rm for the changelog there05:48
tomaTonio_: i doubt it stores 'medium/large', it will store the actual size, but i don't see where05:48
Tonio_toma: size=2, size=3 etc....05:48
Tonio_here is the setting05:48
Tonio_size=1 is small05:48
Tonio_size=3 is medium05:48
Tonio_from 1 to 505:49
Tonio_and the corresponding value is in kicker's code05:49
Tonio_the point is my patch should work...05:49
Tonio_I don't see what is wrong with it...05:49
Tonio_I will try on a new profile, maybe I have something in mine causing an issue...05:49
ubuntu-cnhi,guys.how much time must i to wait before i can post on ubuntu forum?05:53
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Tonio_raphink: ton patch kdebase pour virer la corbeille de l'applet system ne marche plus05:55
Tonio_il faudra le refaire, car ca a l'air de merder sous kde 3.5.405:55
Tonio_je m'en occuperai si tu veux vu que j'ai ce putain de patch a faire05:55
raphinkok merci05:56
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erovanyone having trouble upgrading from the 4:3.5.3-0ubuntu0.1 to 0.2 from http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353 repository?06:35
Tm_Tand I upgraded to .4 already06:43
Tm_Tstill compiling kdepim so haven't tested it yet06:43
Tm_Terov: so, no problems noticed06:45
erovit tries to when I upgrade .. and this is where the original package came from06:46
erovi have installed things like kopete manually (compiling) but used J. Riddell's rss announcement as a link to get the 3.5.3 .. now adept shows it's updgradeable but has errors when trying to upgrade06:47
Tm_Twhat's the exact error06:47
erovCommit might break packages06:48
Tm_Thmm, adept?06:48
erovim doing cl right now06:49
Tm_TI'd like to see what apt-get says06:49
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erovdoing now06:49
SimeRiddell: ping06:50
Tm_TI think sir is in entertainment mood06:50
Tm_Tthat means, drunk06:50
SimeRiddell: are you interested in a one line fix that makes the "Search" label font size actually match the "Show All" font in system-settings?06:51
erovoh my.. it is ktorrent 2 beta i think that's messing with it06:53
Tm_Tapt-get <306:53
erovbecause its part of k-networks06:53
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Tm_Tmen gott!07:02
Tm_Tthat upgrade messed up my desktop07:02
Tm_Tnot fun07:02
RiddellSime: sure07:03
Tm_Tthat should be handled differently07:04
Tm_TI mean, my kwin settings has pulled down to defaults07:04
Tm_Tworse, not followed07:06
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Tm_TI mean titlebar buttons07:07
Tm_Tyup, kwin doesn't follow xustom titlebar button settings07:09
Tm_Tcustom even07:09
Tm_Tlets see if kwin from svn behaves better07:12
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Tm_Tthis is weird, most of kwin settings just effect nothing07:14
Tm_TI can choose windeco but I can't configure it07:14
Tm_Tok, so it's not kwin issue, something else is what I should blame07:21
Tm_Tcan anyone confirm this?07:24
erovwhat about CNN.com crashing konqueror now07:32
erovargh nm07:33
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Simetvo: ping10:14
tvoSime: pong10:16
Simetvo: Hi, google tells me that you did some work last in kio reguarding UDS_HIDDEN?10:17
tvoI needed that for a certain feature of kio locate10:17
Simedid you do anything else with that? (like supporting OS X style ".hidden" files?)10:17
tvono, I didn't use it anywhere else10:18
tvobut files prefixed with '.' are hidden anyway (by the return value of SomeClass::IsHidden(), or whatever it was called)10:19
tvo(I'd have to look up exact function/class names)10:19
Simeok, I was just wondering. I've been thinking about how to simplify file management in kde, without having to use fake io slaves like system:/ etc.10:19
SimeI've been looking for a way to hide /usr, /etc, /dev etc from the user in konq.10:19
SimeI would like to have clean "/" in konq, that still works in bash etc.10:22
tvois file:/ protocol implemented by a kio slave in konqueror?10:22
SimeURLs in io slaves like media:/ and system:/ don't work in the shell.10:22
Simefile:/, yeah I would hope so. I guess so.10:23
Simeeither way, it is hackable. :)10:23
tvobecause in that case you could patch it to add a filter which sets UDS_HIDDEN for certain files10:23
tvoyeah true10:23
Simeyes, that is what I was thinking of doing.10:23
Simeactually the gnome file manager supports .hidden files.10:23
Simeoddly enough10:23
tvokonqueror did (does) that too afaik10:24
Simewell, it didn't do that today when I tested it.10:24
tvohm, the View->Show/Hide hidden files switch didn't work?10:24
Simenope, only works for file named .*10:26
tvooh wait, I misunderstood you10:27
tvoyou mean a .hidden file in a dir which hides a dir?10:27
tvo*the dir10:27
tvoin that case it indeed doesn't support it10:27
Simeyes, a file called ".hidden" which contains a list of files/dirs to hide. This is what OS X does.10:28
tvoaha, a ~/.hidden ? or a .hidden in a dir which hides files/dirs inside that dir?10:31
Simethe second one.10:31
tvowell, I guess my original patch could be a good starting point (regarding which files to modify etc.)10:32
Simeyeah, I might give it a good tonight.10:33
SimeBTW, you're Dutch. I don't think I've ever seen you on the kde-nl mailing list, or at any of the KDE-NL events.10:34
Simeare you doing much with KDE these days? (or purely kubuntu?)10:35
tvonot much for both of them..10:35
tvoI'm one of the core devs of TA Spring now10:36
tvoan open source realtime strategy game, bit based on Total Annihilation10:36
tvostill do katapult tho10:36
Simeok, oh, that's cool.10:37
tvoI'm really motivated for quite some time already to bring proper gaming experience to linux ;)10:37
tvobut it's very much work10:37
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Simelinux needs more games. I've been playing a lot with wine this year trying out running games on it.10:39
tvothis one's gonna rock once we got several things sorted out :P10:39
Simethe game situation is improving on linux. it is taking a quite though.10:39
SimeI was going to ask you to come along to the tradionaly KDE-NL summer BBQ next month. :-D10:41
tvowould be cool, if I'm still welcome with my small amount of KDE(katapult) dev time per month :)10:43
insanekanefreeflying|away: i still have the problem with skim/kwin ... i.e., either i have the kwin problem, or I have the dcop problem (skim starting too early)10:45
insanekanefreeflying|away: i'd like to know ... what setup are you using on your machine ?10:45
Simetvo: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-i18n-nl&m=115378042607485&w=210:45
tvoSime: thx  (indeed I'm not subscribed to KDE-NL (yet))10:51
Simetvo: there is also #kde-nl10:52
tvoSime: hm I could idle there too, there's #kubuntu-nl too btw, but it's really quiet...10:52
Simetvo: I didn't know that.10:52
Simetvo: Rinse on #kde-nl is the BBQ ring-leader. :)10:53
tvoSime: yeah, I deduced that already, he's in #kubuntu-nl too10:55
Simetvo: is he just....... I didn't know that he had changed over from suse (IIRC).10:56
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