[12:08] with an s [12:08] localeSconf [12:08] Admiral_Chicago: nope [12:09] brunatos, you will need to fix your MBR and then reinstall Kubuntu [12:09] How do I get amarok to recognize my sound card? Sound card works, with hardware sound test. [12:09] make your backups === family [n=RefleXMe@c90c45cf.cps.virtua.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:09] Admiral_Chicago sudo: localesconf: command not found [12:09] smithsr93, you run alsamixer in konsole [12:09] kenshin6x, hold on a sec === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu [12:10] do I need to sudo first? [12:10] smithsr93: it should work, what kind of file are you trying to play? .wav? .mp3? .m4a? [12:10] smithsr93: any errors? [12:10] default streaming content on player, no errors, [12:10] no [12:10] This is fresh install of Kubuntu === danl [n=danl@cpe-024-074-180-186.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:10] Admiral_Chicago ok [12:10] Thanks very much, source o matic is cool! [12:11] smithsr93, check this [12:11] !mp3 [12:11] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [12:11] How do i bind a command to key or key sequence? [12:11] kenshin6x, this was after doing what on your computer/ [12:11] draik: if i reinstall kubuntu i will lost my configuration file like xorg.conf and other ??? [12:11] brunatos: yup. Make your backups [12:12] brunatos: smithsr93I have installed libxine-extracodecs and w32codecs that covers most things [12:12] brunatos: backup... use "Keep"... should be under Kmenu -> System -> Sweep [12:12] Admiral_Chicago iam install XGL === divansantana [n=divan@wbs-196-2-114-167.wbs.co.za] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === decrypt [n=ronald@ip20-164-208-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu [12:12] Admiral_Chicago: konqueror still doesn't work [12:12] try reconfiguring X [12:12] ryanakca, hmm [12:13] sudo dpkg -configure xserver-xorg [12:13] draik: ryanakca: coool === beagleburt [n=beaglebu@] has joined #kubuntu [12:13] kenshin6x, wait thats not it === gatekeeper night all [12:13] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [12:13] try that [12:13] but i must to save it on another part ? [12:13] Admiral_Chicago i will try [12:14] brunatos, you're welcome. hope everything works for you === bobbyyu [n=bobbyyu@HSE-Toronto-ppp306466.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [12:14] dpkg: error processing xserver-xorg (--configure): [12:14] brunatos, burn it to CD after backed up on your Kubuntu partition [12:14] package xserver-xorg is already installed and configured [12:14] Errors were encountered while processing: [12:14] xserver-xorg [12:14] ryanakca, hmm, what happens when you run konqueror? [12:14] kenshin6x: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [12:15] i prefer this canal, the french canal is so empty [12:16] whois seveas [12:16] decrypt, that's me === JohnFlux [n=JohnFlux@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu === _dwmurphy is now known as dwmurphy [12:16] Admiral_Chicago: nothing... doesn't load... and the usual happens in konsole... (same stuff that comes up when loading any other kde app... scim and stuff) [12:16] ryanakca, no clue....let me come back in a bit and try to help you out [12:16] decrypt, and don't think nickchanges fool anyone : [12:17] try running pstree (konsole) [12:17] something might be running after tall === ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === ThunderStruck is now known as gnomefreak === Ace2007 [n=ace@80-47-38-251.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:18] is dennis@kaarsemaker.net youre emailadres? === helfrez [n=helfrez@166-82-112-61.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #kubuntu === sonotos [n=sonotos@p54A30519.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:19] decrypt, yes, so? [12:19] you could try dennis@ubuntu.com too if you want [12:19] nope [12:20] ah of course, you won't believe that that's actually mine [12:20] but that's ok [12:20] it'll still work [12:20] ryanakca: don't mind to send me host, port and methods for gmail smtp? [12:21] ryanakca: i have problems for the previous two days [12:21] Seveas just want to explane you something. Cause I want to get of the banned list. \ === bbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [12:21] acojlo: just a sec [12:21] decrypt, with this behaviour that's quite hard === sonotos [n=sonotos@p54A30519.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:21] Seveas please check you mail in some time. === Pupeno_ [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-227-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] Admiral_Chicago hey man, its reconfigure xorg but not fix the keyboard probleam after xgl >/ === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:23] draik: Xcuse me again but what folders i must to save for keep my configuration ??? keep is a clone of ghost or not i open it and i don't understand very well ..... [12:23] ryanakca: just a sec - to reg [12:23] kk [12:24] so now I made my new sources.list file, but when I run it, I get about four errors saying GPG error: the public key is not available. Should I ignore that? [12:24] brunatos: I'd keep /home/brunatos for sure... maybe some other spots [12:26] brunatos, I'd think that /home/brunatos should be all. everything else should be kept the same with the fresh install [12:26] well, not kept but replaced === _mani [n=mani@p54BCE569.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:27] ryanakca: draik: keep gona to save only the configuration files or all the system (app and other) ? [12:27] Is it common to get about 4 errors when you guys run sudo apt-get update? === rOOb [n=wls@pool-70-19-210-155.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:29] brunatos, it will backup whatever you tell it to save for you. [12:30] lens, no that is NOT common [12:30] lens, what errors? [12:30] draik: but basicaly it do nothing i must enter what location what he must save ? [12:31] twosouls82, I'd better pastebin it, hold on 1 sec. [12:31] lens, kee [12:31] brunatos, instruct KEEP of the locations to save (/home/brunatos) and any others followed by where you want to save them === kenshin6x [n=kenshin@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:33] Seveas got mail. [12:33] draik: ok ok [12:33] decrypt, I know. about 2000 unread ones [12:33] lens, you spoke about a signature check fail earlier, had that to do with the new KDE packages (their mirror)? [12:34] if so, you would like to import Jonathan Riddell's key [12:34] Seveas please will you read it? === notbbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [12:35] twosouls82 pastebin is being a bitch... well, I was instructed to go to source o matic and install every repo except backdoor and community... so I did, but now I get errors when I run sudo update. === notbbt is now known as bbt [12:35] draik: Thx for all [12:36] lens, you are allowed to paste it in pm for now ;) [12:36] k :) === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-10-33-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:36] Hit http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Sources [12:36] Hit http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Packages [12:36] pm [12:36] Hit http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Sources [12:36] ;) [12:36] Fetched 8520B in 1s (7171B/s) [12:36] private message [12:36] :P [12:36] Reading package lists... Done [12:36] W: GPG error: http://people.ubuntu.com ./ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY B0B7481B1F44842D [12:36] W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 [12:37] W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 [12:37] W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 [12:37] W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [12:37] hasmademethirsty@A-desktop:~$ [12:37] lens you will need the signare for verification from those repos [12:37] sgnature [12:37] Hit http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Sources [12:37] Hit http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Packages [12:37] Hit http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Sources [12:37] Fetched 8520B in 1s (7171B/s) [12:37] Reading package lists... Done [12:37] W: GPG error: http://people.ubuntu.com ./ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY B0B7481B1F44842D [12:37] W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 [12:37] !pastebin [12:37] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) [12:37] W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 [12:38] lens: Please stop! [12:38] W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 [12:38] !kops [12:38] Help! Riddell, uniq, Mez, jpatric, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, or gnomefreak [12:38] W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems [12:38] hasmademethirsty@A-desktop:~$ === mode/#kubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [12:38] oh duh, lol [12:38] sorry everyone [12:38] how do I do that?? I just switched to KDE yesterday. === rlj [n=rlj@h179n2fls31o836.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:38] lens: use a pastebin d00d. Do NOT flood like that [12:38] lens: use pastebin [12:38] lens, you still rehehehe === dangerouscop [n=dangerou@] has joined #kubuntu [12:38] Hawkwind, dude sorry... it was a misunderstanding... I thought I had clearance to do that... heh. [12:38] Hawkwind: you should beable to use !ops instead of !kops now === mode/#kubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ === lens [n=hasmadem@] has left #kubuntu [requested] === mode/#kubuntu [-o nalioth] by nalioth === dangerouscop [n=dangerou@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === mode/#kubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [12:38] is there some nice program to assign special keyboard hotkeys to actions? (like special volume keys on my laptop) [12:39] gnomefreak: Yeah, just habit of knowing kops instead of ops :) [12:39] he had to leave at once? [12:39] i knowe ;) [12:39] rlj: khotkeys [12:39] but laptop keys are often funny [12:39] we're working on th2at [12:39] that [12:39] ** deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354/ dapper main testing needed === zoubir [n=zoubir@ip-123.net-80-236-114.lhaylesroses.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu [12:40] Riddell: i will if i get X back === lens [n=hasmadem@] has joined #kubuntu [12:41] Riddell: Testing an install now on a 686 SMP system :) === Viper550 [n=viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-31-63.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:41] I'm not a troll, I just thought I was authorized because pastbin is being a bitch... [12:41] Riddell: so should i get it from the kubuntu 354 testing repo? or was that comment not for me? === kevin [n=kevin@82-46-36-202.cable.ubr01.nail.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] Riddell: Is it natural that it keeps back a ton of packages ? [12:42] Hawkwind: you mean 26? [12:42] lens: there are dozens of pastebins [12:42] oh... I only know about pastebin.com [12:42] gnomefreak: Looks like more than 26, let me pastebin it [12:43] i only have 26 held back atm [12:43] Hawkwind: i cant get to pastebin [12:43] not for another hour atleast unless i can come up with a way to fix this [12:43] gnomefreak: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/12 [12:44] gnomefreak: Ohhh [12:44] Anyone care to help me with "Kaffeine" & DVD's??? [12:44] gnomefreak: So you can't visit any web sites right now ? [12:44] Riddell: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/12 [12:44] nope nbot atm [12:44] gnomefreak: # [12:44] 46 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 110 not upgraded. [12:44] # [12:44] 12 not fully installed or removed. [12:45] That's what I get when adding Riddell's 3.5.4 repo [12:45] havent tried that yet === ssmith [n=ssmith@ip68-0-251-17.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:45] gnomefreak: You can cut and paste in screen quite easily [12:45] it wont do me any good without a working X [12:45] h3sp4wn: if i was on screen i could === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@p54BF713B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-22-142163031176.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] twosouls82, I feel retarted, I can't even figure out how to PM, I'm already registered under this nick, but it wont let me *groans* [12:46] gnomefreak: No sympathy from me then for not having screen installed (j/k) === calvin_ [n=calvin@cpc1-warw1-0-0-cust547.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:47] h3sp4wn: if i find the issue with fonts i will have working GUI again (almost garrentied [12:47] hehehe [12:47] I have the solution for you lens [12:47] gnomefreak: links-graphic you can view sites without X [12:47] gnomefreak: Or even links IIRC [12:47] you should always READ what you do (or RTFM) ;) [12:47] Hawkwind: yes i know apt is running atm [12:47] Hawkwind: links2 [12:47] ok? I need those signatures,... but... can't figure that out. [12:48] So I'm wondering, if 110 packages aren't going to be upgraded, is that going to break my KDE install ? [12:48] lens, please regenerate the list and look at the top of the sources.list for instructions for the signatures [12:48] Seveas did you read it? [12:48] twosouls82, cool, I'll do that. [12:48] decrypt, it's at the bottom of 2000 unread mails. so no -- and please stop bothering me [12:48] lens: go to kubuntu.org and look where you got the repos from Riddell's key and instrructions are there [12:48] I have much more important things to do [12:48] Have you heard for http://code.google.com/hosting/ ? [12:49] acojlo: That's old stuff === RobNyc_C [n=boethius@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] Seveas than stop banning me for no good reason men [12:49] :) silly me === tanghus [n=tol@0x50a45014.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] know where to report kernel bug to kubuntu team? [12:49] Hawkwind: they may or may not most likely there is a conflict of depends is why they are being held back === JohnFlux [n=JohnFlux@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] lens, good luck, and just ask when you feel like === mode/#kubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ [12:49] decrypt, which part of "stop bothering me" is hard to understand? === decrypt [n=ronald@ip20-164-208-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has left #kubuntu [requested] === mode/#kubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak [12:50] Seveas: I think he got the point that time :) [12:50] *** gnomefreak takes channel operator privileges from gnomefreak. [12:50] huh? [12:50] sorry gnomefreak, but the guy just won't listen... [12:50] Seveas: its all good [12:50] !register > lens [12:50] gnomefreak: So I'm wondering if I should go through with the update or not [12:50] he started getting to me [12:50] Hawkwind: yes [12:50] I don't use KDE anyways. Just konqueror and a couple of other things [12:50] finisah the update [12:50] Anyone care to help me with "Kaffeine" & DVD's??? [12:51] i did :( [12:51] beagleburt: Ask your question please. We can't read minds [12:51] gnomefreak: You just did the update to 3.5.4 ? [12:51] Hawkwind: no i have no X it wont help me atm [12:52] Hawkwind: when i get X working i will [12:52] i would leave the held back ones for a day or 3 [12:52] ok I can't play DVD's on Kaffeine & i do not know what to do - am newbie - help, please! [12:52] Hawkwind: than try to install 1 and see if it is going to remove something you need if it is than stop and wait a lil longer [12:53] hopefully i will be using it tonight sometime but its already 7pm [12:53] brb [12:53] Anyone want to see one of my theme ideas for Edgy? === RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:54] Viper550: Yes please. [12:54] I like idea's Viper550 [12:54] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/EdgyProposals/KubuntuProposals [12:54] Hawkwind: I can't play DVD's on Kaffeine & i do not know what to do - am newbie - help, please! [12:54] And, you can even try it out (As I have a Tarball too, but you'll need to get Polyester for maximum effect) === RobNyc [n=imhotep@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #kubuntu [12:56] How do i bind a command to key or key sequence? === jorge___ [n=jorge@119.Red-80-35-209.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-196-17.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:58] !restricted > beagleburt === jorge___ [n=jorge@119.Red-80-35-209.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:01] Hawkwind: TKU! === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu === Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu [01:06] how do i bind keys to a command in kde? [01:07] eh nevermind === danl [n=danl@cpe-024-074-180-186.carolina.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:08] ok, thanks guys, I figured out the keys thing. === jordanR [n=switch@pool-70-104-102-215.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu === saul_ [n=saul@20150153094.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [01:14] anyone happen to know the meta package for Xfonts? === lens [n=hasmadem@] has joined #kubuntu === kameronk [n=kameronk@ip68-226-138-217.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Healot [i=kayu@gateway/tor/x-569bca7f762907bd] has joined #kubuntu === decrypt [n=ronald@ip20-164-208-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu === saul_ is now known as britto [01:15] gnomefreak: not sure, but 'xfonts-base' maybe? [01:16] abattoir: thats what i thought and it may be but that isnt the issue than [01:16] Seveas wat ben je nou voor een slappe zak man! Ga terug naar je moeder als je geen discussie aandurft eikel! === mode/#kubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@ip20-164-208-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] by gnomefreak === decrypt [n=ronald@ip20-164-208-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has left #kubuntu [requested] === mode/#kubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak === kameronk_ [n=kameronk@ip68-226-138-217.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === kameronk [n=kameronk@ip68-226-138-217.lf.br.cox.net] has left #kubuntu [] === acojlo [n=acojlo@cable-87-116-154-174.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #kubuntu === xavi [n=xavi@217.Red-83-41-181.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === andred is now known as andre^off [01:20] hi, somebody can say me how i can see my kubuntu version?? [01:20] no kde version [01:20] to see if it's breezy or dapper [01:20] xavi: click on Help on any KDE application->About KDE [01:20] ... [01:20] this is the kde version [01:21] gnomefreak: Update to KDE 3.5.4 complete :) [01:21] xavi: to see the distro version, type 'lsb_release -a' [01:21] Hawkwind: good [01:21] i want the kubuntu version, 5.10 or 6.06 === Tsed [n=Illumina@64-252-134-229.adsl.snet.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:21] ok abattoir, lots of thanks!! xDD [01:22] xavi: :) [01:22] ugh === kameronk [n=kameronk@ip68-226-138-217.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === aevaughn [n=aevaughn@aevaughn.memphis.edu] has joined #kubuntu === gemidjy_ is now known as gemidjy [01:27] anyone need help? [01:28] No === ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:28] lol [01:28] is there a way to recall what a command removed/installed? ~/.bash_history just shows commands [01:29] Hawkwind: maybe he needs help lol [01:29] gnomefreak: Isn't it logged in some apt log ? [01:29] Hawkwind: hence why i ask [01:29] ;) === notbbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [01:30] var/log/apt? [01:30] could someone look at this and tell me if it's normal or something I need to fix... === notbbt is now known as bbt [01:30] http://pastebin.ca/104540 [01:30] what are u asking gnomefreak? [01:30] gnomefreak: No idea. I'm relatively new to the apt world so I don't know the answer. Just guessing of places I'd look [01:30] gemidjy: i need to know what update did. what packages it removed/installed [01:31] gnomefreak: ls -lh /var/cache/apt/archive and see the dates/hour of creation [01:31] easy way [01:31] ok [01:31] ty [01:31] np === croppa [i=user66@] has joined #kubuntu [01:32] gnomefreak: /var/cache/apt/archives is the actual directory :P === Hikaru79 [n=adrian@d57-3-74.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] its empty [01:33] not good === Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu [01:36] where to find good description of xorg.conf modules? === jordanR_ [n=switch@pool-70-105-115-95.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:36] man === Lunar_Raven [n=posthuma@71-37-10-185.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === affasse_ [n=affasse@cable-] has joined #kubuntu === jobleys [n=bleep@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #Kubuntu === edmund [n=edmund@220-253-124-3.Dialup.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:38] does anyone here use splashy === urbain [n=urbain@d515367D3.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [01:38] !splashy [01:38] usplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto [01:39] i dont think i even have usplash, all i c is the words kubuntu a blue bar and the verbose stuff [01:39] i guess that *is* usplash [01:40] hi timi :) [01:40] how... === gemidjy [n=gemidjy@unaffiliated/gemidjy] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:41] huh? === [twb] [n=[twb] @71-210-202-136.albq.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu [01:41] howd u know it was me again === fannagoganna [n=islam@astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] im on my windows comp [01:41] well, :) === oskars [n=oskars@] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] is it that whois thingy [01:42] that doesnt even work on this client === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@vxj-90-200-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu is now known as jhu [01:42] no seriously though..howd you know [01:42] you think, i'd be doing a whois for every person who comes in and goes out? === Yoda_Da_Coda [n=edmund@220-253-124-3.Dialup.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === jhu is now known as snc [01:43] Hey everyone! === snc is now known as jhuwtf [01:43] I need to find out something about Kubuntu/Ubuntu [01:43] i seem to be having some trouble installing the proprietary codecs... [01:44] abbatoir im guessing you it shows you alternate names or something.... [01:44] i can't get mp3 files to play in anything but foobar2000 (under wine), and vlc media player [01:44] is it possible to download updates/packages to a flash disk or other media so that i can then transfer them to another computer (the other computer is not on the internet) === jobleys [n=bleep@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has left #Kubuntu [] [01:45] kameronk: it should play out-of-the-box in xmms, and for amarok, you'd need to install libxine-extracodecs(and libmad0) [01:45] thank you, abattoir [01:45] i think it works in xmms too === x16467498416 [n=bleep@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] Yoda_Da_Coda: yes, it is possible, fo example, you can burn a cd full of .debs, and then use apt-cdrom to add it as a repo === Agios [n=agios@wizard.timia.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] Yoda_Da_Coda: man apt-cdrom should help you more... === Tsed [n=Illumina@64-252-134-229.adsl.snet.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] 'man apt-cdrom' [01:47] abattoir: ok... but how do i put them onto a CD (and is it possible to use a flash disk instead)? === lens [n=hasmadem@] has joined #kubuntu === fannagoganna [n=islam@astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:49] Yoda_Da_Coda: i think if you put the debs in a folder(or in the root dir) apt-cdrom would scan and 'structurise' it... about the flash disk, let me look it up === richard [n=richard@h88211156086.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #kubuntu === duckdown [i=airfoil@blackprojects.labs.nasa-gov.com] has joined #kubuntu === foobarbarian [n=elmo@c-24-14-31-181.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:50] Yoda_Da_Coda: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46282 should help [01:52] abattoir: thanks, i'll have a look at it! === mirek [n=mirek@] has joined #kubuntu === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:56] a quick poll for everyone: what is your favorite media player? [01:57] Kaffeine [01:57] hey anyone know why i have to messege nickersevre everytime i log in [01:58] when i type in my passwrod its says no channel or somethng === bobbyyu [n=bobbyyu@HSE-Toronto-ppp306466.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === aseigo [n=aseigo@kde/aseigo] has joined #kubuntu [01:59] obf213: /msg nickserver identify password not /msg nickerservre identify password === v0taguz_ [n=votaguz@] has joined #kubuntu === NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:59] so do spell nickserver wrong... [02:00] ive done that like ten times [02:00] nickserv is the nick === mike__ [n=mike@adsl-17-229-113.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:01] it used to work i would just type /msg NickServe IDENTIFY <****> [02:01] now it says no channel [02:01] no biggy i guees [02:01] try /ns [02:01] impossible... it's always been nickserv [02:01] nickserve has NEVER been a nick on any IRC network that I know of === mike__ [n=mike@adsl-17-229-113.jax.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:01] ./ns help [02:01] o ic [02:01] rOOb: Not all clients support /ns, especially irssi and bitchX === unlucky1 [n=mike@adsl-17-229-113.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:02] Hawkwind, yup.....figured id throw it out there still ;D [02:02] Is it impossible to share from a Windows drive from Samba? [02:02] its just NickServ...i added an e [02:02] I want to make it so that even when I'm in Kubuntu, I can share my Windows drives [02:02] bobbyyu: So use samba === imbrandon_ [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu [02:03] I am... things are not as well as they should be [02:03] bobbyyu: that's the point of samba... accessing other samba shares [02:03] OK === Pupeno [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-227-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:04] My Windows PC can't access my Samba Shares [02:04] It's an XP Professional [02:04] kk, open up kcontrol [02:04] hmm interesting.....traceroute works fine in kubuntu....in mandriva it never saw past my router [02:05] rOOb: *cough*... mandriva? === lens [n=hasmadem@] has joined #kubuntu [02:05] rOOb: just joking... mandriva is good... used to use it :) [02:05] Already opened [02:05] yea mandriva......i used to use that till about a month ago === evil_doer [i=ewb@] has joined #kubuntu [02:05] ryanakca, hehe yea its a pretty solid stro === unix_infidel [n=blue@adsl-68-94-7-157.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:06] rOOb: I just found that having to run a whole lot of different commands to install stuff... rpmi, rpmf (I think.. not sure about the commands).. instead of just aptitude or apt.. I couldv'e used yum... mind you === Agios [n=agios@wizard.timia.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:07] bobbyyu: ok, Internet and Settings -> Samba. Click administrator mode and enter your password [02:07] how do you add multiverse repositories to adept? [02:07] ryanakca, oh yea this is my 1st time using apt-get and all i can say is wow........makes the rest look bad hehe [02:08] yast,urpmi,yum..... === abattoir used to love urpmi :( [02:08] rOOb: were kindof offtopic... talk about it in #kubuntu-offtopic ? [02:08] i did too....till i used apt-get [02:09] sure [02:09] rOOb: even better than apt-get (imo)... aptitude... run "sudo apt-get install aptitude" [02:09] interesting === ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === ThunderStruck is now known as gnomefreak [02:11] is there a way to control the icons in the system tray in terms of where each app sits in the tray? === xwolf- [n=igor@] has joined #Kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu is now known as Dr-Linux === jesus_ [n=jesus@] has joined #kubuntu === jesus_ is now known as Mytho-xp [02:15] olas :P3 === notbbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu === Mytho-xp [n=jesus@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === notbbt is now known as bbt === KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-22-142163031131.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === mike__ [n=mike@adsl-154-207-254.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === katls [n=katls@] has joined #kubuntu [02:21] what does userpace application mean === jesus_ [n=jesus@] has joined #kubuntu === jesus_ is now known as Mytho-Di === Mytho-Di [n=jesus@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #kubuntu === sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:23] obf213: do you mean userspace application? [02:23] yes [02:23] what differece is that than any other application [02:24] afaik, most applications are userspace. this means they don't have direct access to the kernel [02:24] ok [02:24] if its an app then should be able to open it right [02:25] it says usplash is a userpace application, i run usplash but nothing happens.... [02:25] you mean YOU should be able to open it? yes! [02:25] no error message, just nothing pops up [02:26] abattoir is there a way to control the icons in the system tray in terms of where each app sits in the tray? [02:26] i think the usplash-developer is online: Seveas [02:27] ok [02:27] I haven't got it installed [02:27] ihave all this stuff in adept that installed about you usplash by defualt yet i dont see it as an app anywhere [02:28] richard, usplash is developed by Matthew Garrett and a bit by Scott James Remnant -- I have plans to make theming support for it rock but that depends on Scotts upstart/bootlog work [02:28] aha [02:28] so I am not usplash developer yet [02:28] you CAN run usplash any time you want === Naosv [n=naosv@cpc3-cani1-0-0-cust1020.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:28] sorry, I just saw a big picture on your website. obviously, I'm too lazy to actually read [02:29] obf213, so you have usplash installed, but you can't run it? === david__ [n=david@] has joined #kubuntu === david__ [n=david@] has joined #kubuntu [02:31] richard, yeah === lens [n=hasmadem@] has joined #kubuntu [02:32] it says i have all this stuff installed like i can choose my grub usplash, but thats not program anywhere. [02:32] I've just installed it [02:32] woww === shephard_ [n=shephard@MTL-ppp-154169.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [02:32] alright tell me waht happens [02:32] i like this ubuntu system, [02:33] Seveas how do i open it [02:33] doesn't do anything, but then again, I don't know what's supposed to happen [02:33] currently i'm running it via CD :) [02:33] live cd eh? [02:33] ALT-F2 -> usplash: nothing [02:33] obf213: yeah [02:33] sudo usplash -c [02:33] 'usplash' in Yukuake: nothing [02:33] exit with alt-f7 [02:33] ok [02:33] now i wanna installed it for sure :) [02:33] but i have a question [02:34] anybody can help me please? [02:34] sudo usplash: strange graphical behaviour === rpedro_ [n=rpedro@87-196-106-205.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu [02:34] jeez that was wiered [02:34] richard, that's normal. it switches to VT8 to display usplash [02:34] i thought the comp froze for a second [02:34] what's VT8? [02:34] well it showed my the splash i normally c [02:35] i have a script here to display text/progress in usplash maybe I can find it [02:35] but ti didnt give me any choices to chagned [02:35] and then it took a while for it to go away [02:35] i have 4 drives each is 15GB , i wanna installed it on very first drive, i don't wanna both/format last 3 drives, bcoz i have important data there [02:35] obf213, what would you want to change? [02:35] any clue how can i do that? if it's possible? [02:35] just the bootsplash thats all [02:36] by default i ahve alll these upslash things installed in adept, like different bootsplashes and whatnot [02:36] so it would be cool if i could maybe see then, no? [02:36] hehe, ok you're missing a few things [02:36] usplash is new and not many themes are available for it [02:37] the only ones i know are the ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu and edubuntu default === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@adsl-69-211-56-167.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:37] how can I uninstall openoffice? [02:37] to change the theme: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so [02:37] sollowed by sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r) [02:37] followed* [02:37] as in, whats the packagae name [02:37] is there a metapackage? [02:38] Admiral_Chicago, remove all packages starting with openoffice.org [02:38] whats the uname [02:38] thte name of the package [02:38] Admiral_Chicago: openoffice.org [02:38] gnomefreak, Seveas thanks [02:38] i did sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org* [02:39] helloooooooooo [02:39] anybody can answer my question please? [02:39] Seveas, is the (uname -r) the name of the thing i did [02:39] Dr-Linux, what is your problem? [02:39] obf213, just type in the commands verbatim [02:39] ok [02:39] Admiral_Chicago: : friend currently i'm running kubuntu via live CD [02:40] Admiral_Chicago: i wanna install it now, bcoz i like this OS [02:40] Admiral_Chicago: but i have total 4 drives 15GB each [02:40] Admiral_Chicago: i wanna install it on very first drive === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@cpe-24-161-46-83.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:41] i don't wanna format my other 3 drives bcoz i have important data there [02:41] hmm. [02:41] Admiral_Chicago: i tried, but no luck [02:41] Dr-Linux, i don't think I understand your set up [02:41] I mean I do, but I dont have your fdisk -ls [02:41] Admiral_Chicago: actually i was using windows, so i can install windows on first drive .. but how can i do with this OS? [02:42] Admiral_Chicago: what you wanna know please tell me? [02:43] Dr-Linux, wipe the drive you want linux on [02:43] Admiral_Chicago: when i try to install this OS, it always try to format my all partitions [02:43] and during the installer, use the ;argest continous free space [02:44] Dr-Linux, You on dapper/ [02:44] Admiral_Chicago: my first partition is wiped .. [02:44] also swap created === reon [n=reon@dsl-145-25-191.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu [02:45] dapper? [02:45] Admiral_Chicago: what's dapper? [02:45] the latest stable build on linux [02:45] err ubuntu [02:45] 6.06 [02:45] Admiral_Chicago: i'm on kubuntu [02:46] Dr-Linux, no the install CD [02:46] Admiral_Chicago: i came to irc via CD , to ask for help [02:46] ah [02:46] there is an install icon on the desktop? [02:46] let me see on the CD's lable [02:46] Dr-Linux, No [02:46] don't open up the drive [02:47] Admiral_Chicago: it's 6.06 [02:47] Dr-Linux, there is an install icon on the desktop [02:47] Admiral_Chicago: yes i know that === ashridah [i=ashridah@220-253-120-94.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:48] heh. fun. leech a whole bunch of stuff from edgy, and kde's fonts are now not visible in lots of cases. [02:48] Admiral_Chicago: what i can do everything .. format 1st drive with 14 GB .. and 1GB for swap === notbbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [02:48] 1 Gb is over kill, you could get away with 512 [02:48] Admiral_Chicago: but other 3 drives are fat32 i don't wanna format them [02:48] how do i edit my /etc/apt/sources.list....through adept.... === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-022.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu [02:49] changing fonts and colour schemes don't seem to help === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [02:49] obf213, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list [02:49] Admiral_Chicago: correct, but when it's going to install, it gives me error "on drive 5 fat32 is not recognized or drive are busy" [02:50] fat32 is a windows partition [02:50] Admiral_Chicago: i know [02:50] but other 3 drive i don't wanna format .. [02:50] no, i'm thinking aloud [02:51] so yeah. anyone know what the font issue in edgy might be? [02:51] Admiral_Chicago: i have important data on all fat32 drives, i don't wanna format them [02:51] also i wanna install kubuntu .. not sure what should i do [02:51] ok i added the lines. does write out mean save... [02:52] Admiral_Chicago: not sure how can i do something that this system should not see those 3 fat32 drives [02:53] Admiral_Chicago: i'm trying to do it since last weak but no luck, so i came here to ask, [02:53] if i have no other option that obevously i need to install windows again :S === bl3ssing [n=bl3ssing@c-69-142-180-104.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:53] Dr-Linux, let me think about this [02:53] now this is interesting, it does actually happen in gnome apps too. [02:53] hm [02:54] hello guys, it's me again. :) [02:54] Admiral_Chicago: sure dude === pk0nink [n=roselawn@c-71-56-157-9.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:54] if I delete all the users in the group users list, will anything bad happen? :D I just want there to be 2 users: the root and the ME. :) === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-095.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === notbbt is now known as bbt [02:54] Here Roselle, New Jersey. :D === ashridah [i=ashridah@220-253-120-94.VIC.netspace.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:55] bl3ssing: i don't think there is any problem with doing that [02:55] can anybody send me the kubuntu 6.0.6 kit through the net? please? [02:55] thanks Dr-Linux [02:56] those users have specific meaning to the OS... don't delete the exisiting entry (the default users) [02:56] but not sure about this OS, but you can have only root user on linux [02:56] Dr-Linux, you tried "partition using largest free space" [02:56] delete user hal? you can't mount volume automagically :- [02:56] Admiral_Chicago: no i didn't [02:56] Dr-Linux, give that a spin [02:56] Admiral_Chicago: but i have seen this option [02:57] hummm ... thanks Healot. Dr-Linux ... are you really a DR? :D I think it is my fault. Not being enough specified about what I want, so ... you're forgived Dr-Linux. :D [02:57] Admiral_Chicago: hhm.. should i remove first the ext3 and swap that i have already created for this system? [02:58] wipe the part of the partition you want Linux to go on [02:58] hrmm i edit my source.list to add a new respository, it said ifetched info from them but it cant find any packetegs [02:58] another question: "I want to copy/paste on the same partition (it is a fat32 partition), but I'm not allowed. I can only read the files, but not deleting, moving ... to a linux partition. What can I do to move files from here to there and from there to here?" [02:58] packages. [02:58] bl3ssing: heh, i'm just fine with linux OS having lot of servers, but i'm trying this new system at my home PC, once i have it on my HDD, i'll play around :) === CheeseBurgerMan [n=bigk@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:59] heheheh, you're funny Dr-Linux ... thanks anyway. I'll be your little boy, and you'll be the one who's beating the basket BALL! :D [02:59] Admiral_Chicago: i'm going to try , with the hope it will not delete my data from fat32 [02:59] Dr-Linux, look at the Qparted program [02:59] Dr-Linux, ... what linux OS are you trying now? :) [02:59] in the K menu [03:00] bl3ssing: RHEL 4 for my all about 40 servers .. [03:00] Admiral_Chicago: okey , [03:01] Admiral_Chicago: be here, i'll report you .. as you know i'm on CD and process is kinda slow :) [03:01] opss === beagleburt [n=beaglebu@] has joined #kubuntu [03:01] bl3ssing: right now i'm trying Kubuntu [03:05] Dr-Linux, maybe you can tell me later [03:05] i have to get out of here === Agios [n=agios@wizard.timia.net] has joined #kubuntu === triggerfx [n=triggerf@d54C369C9.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [03:07] LOL? [03:07] kubuntu owns. [03:08] Dr-Linux, can't you send me please the Kubuntu 6.0.6, please? :) My computer's sick and ... needs a Kubuntu medicine. === nonotutu [n=nonotutu@233.17-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu [03:09] bonsoir [03:10] j'ai un souci pour l'install du paquet libxine-extracodecs [03:10] il est introuvable [03:10] alors que j'ai activ tous les dpts [03:10] un gnie dans le coin ? === macau [n=macau@] has joined #kubuntu [03:11] can anybody tell me: "why on earth I can't get into Adept so that I could install/uninstall things I might need/not need ... on my HPnw8000 Notebook (I mean ... Laptop) and .. .of course, I mean my Computer (which's not a PC)! :D" [03:11] I tried to kill any adept process... there's noone. [03:11] what can I do now? [03:12] I need a Doctor in here ... I mean, into the brain of my Laptop! [03:12] :D [03:12] ubotu: tell nonotutu about fr [03:12] bl3ssing: you are running it as root correct? [03:12] if nobody is speaking i can't guess [03:12] bande de bougnouls === nonotutu [n=nonotutu@233.17-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === fgau_ [n=fgau@p548FC1C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:14] nope... [03:14] how can I run as a root? [03:15] "sudo..." [03:15] nonotutu ... what do you want to say? I'm here to listen to your ENGLISH words, not spanish or whatever latin language ... :D [03:15] lol @ "whatever latin language" [03:15] how can I do it? to become a sudo? I mean ... wihtout the konsole? [03:15] you have to use konsole === intelikey [n=root@0-1pool88-213.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:16] hehheeh, I'm a latin boy (ROMANIA - has anybody ever heard about this beautiful country in Europe?) but now, I reside in New Jersey, Roselle, 07203, 123west ... to many information. That's it! :D Anybody willing to take my home phone too? Call me than ... :D [03:17] you "sudo apt-get install ..." [03:17] bl3ssing: kubuntu is a free system, someone gave me alot of CD's [03:17] * Unable to find the QT installation. Please make sure that [03:17] * the QT development package is correctly installed and [03:17] * either install pkg-config or set the QTDIR environment [03:17] * variable to the correct location. [03:17] nonotutu >> was asking how to install libxine-extracodecs and which repos he needs to update [03:18] i thought kde used Qt [03:18] lol about a lot of CD's! No problem, you can send them to me too. :D I'll just copy them and return them to you as soon as possible. :) [03:18] or is it the QT-dev that is needed ? [03:18] and where's this nonotutu right now? In Spain? :D [03:18] intelikey: sounds like you need kdelibs-dev and libqt*-dev [03:19] ~ [03:19] !find libqt [03:19] Found: libqt-perl, libqthreads-12, libqt0-ruby1.8, libqt3-java, libqt3-jni (and 17 others) [03:19] !find libqt3 [03:19] Found: libqt3-java, libqt3-jni, libqt3-compat-headers, libqt3-headers, libqt3-mt (and 6 others) [03:19] !find libqt3-mt [03:19] Found: libqt3-mt, libqt3-mt-dev, libqt3-mt-mysql, libqt3-mt-odbc, libqt3-mt-psql (and 1 others) === feet [n=jrt@203-114-182-15.dsl.sta.inspire.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [03:20] libqt3-mt-dev >> the one you need, intelikey [03:20] hi, i was wondering if there is a way for a KDE application (in my case, Konversation) NOT to share the current KDE style but rather use another one? === bbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [03:21] ok === Agios [n=agios@wizard.timia.net] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] or libqt4-dev even [03:23] depends... since i don't see the qt version that it need [03:23] while I'm installing/uninstalling certain things with Adept, I get this informations: Please, enter the number of the geographic area in which you live ... and there's Europe, America, Asia bla bla lba... And I'm trying to answer to the question, but ... the questions are keeping giving me troubles .. .instead of letting the Adept to work. What's the remedium for this beautiful and romanthic thing. :D [03:24] ah [03:24] well i'm not going to install another 50m of crap just so i can run the kernel config in gui mode but thanks. [03:24] it just suggesting you to download from geographically nearest repos server [03:25] oh kernel dev [03:25] libqt3-mt-dev then === feet [n=jrt@203-114-182-15.dsl.sta.inspire.net.nz] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:25] or you can always goto make ;- [03:26] yep make menu_config === ru_ [n=ru@] has joined #kubuntu [03:26] s/_// [03:28] lol Your display is too small to run Menuconfig! [03:28] It must be at least 19 lines by 80 columns. [03:28] while I'm installing/uninstalling certain things with Adept, I get this informations: Please, enter the number of the geographic area in which you live ... and there's Europe, America, Asia bla bla lba... And I'm trying to answer to the question, but ... the questions are keeping giving me troubles .. .instead of letting the Adept to work. What's the remedium for this beautiful and romanthic thing. :D [03:28] has anybody any idea about this bug? [03:28] a bug in my kitchen ... Wuaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh .... Mammmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! [03:28] ;d [03:29] thanks healot. I === greg [n=greg@ip68-111-133-126.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === bobbyyu [n=bobbyyu@HSE-Toronto-ppp306466.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:30] I've seen you were speaking to me. My glasses maybe're ... too WIDE OPEN (or maybe my EYES)! [03:30] :D [03:31] How can I access directories with a space in shell? [03:31] as a root, I want to get to the Desktop directory. How can I do that? From konsole when I'm typing dir, the results'll be like: dbootstrap_settings ... [03:31] simple bobbyyu : [03:31] escape the space or quote the name. [03:31] follow me: are you with me? [03:31] nooooooo intelikey .... [03:31] who do I send kde 3.5.4 errors to? [03:31] Thank you [03:32] Does anyone know of a itunes musicstore-type place that's linux freindly? I'm sick of screwing around with gnutella. [03:32] allow me to introduce my intelli words ... : ok bobbyyu, I was ready to respond to you, but seems you got it. That's perfect. === Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu [03:32] as a root, I want to get to the Desktop directory. How can I do that? From konsole when I'm typing dir, the results'll be like: dbootstrap_settings ... [03:33] can anyone give me an answer, if I please ... that anyone? [03:33] :) [03:33] I'll send you Bill Gates ... if you'll help me. [03:33] : [03:33] :d [03:33] he will [03:33] well with charity of course [03:33] gates will never help me with linux, too inloved with it. :D [03:33] lol'bout the charity. [03:33] heheheh === TFrog [n=froggie@adsl-154-147-152.cae.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:33] bl3ssing if. you will stop typing for a minute i'll answer that === Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@efx159.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu [03:34] the dirrectory you are looking for is in /home// === dmbkiwi_ [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu === TFrog [n=froggie@adsl-154-147-152.cae.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu [] === JRH3K5 [n=elyas2k@71-81-246-52.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:36] also if you copy files to there, create files there, or move files to there, as root root will own them and the user will have no permissions to them. use chown after any gile work. [03:36] i just installed splashy and ran it...it semi worked === deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:36] it owuld show the bootpslah then back to text, the back to the bootpslash. === v0taguz_ is now known as v0taguz === saul_ [n=saul@20150153094.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [03:38] gile hah [03:38] oh well. === DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:39] i got to get out of this gui, gui's don't like me. [03:39] guirls don't like him? [03:40] Hey, my Windows box tells me that my Samba shares are inaccessible [03:40] DaSkreech is there a way to control the icons in the system tray in terms of where each app sits in the tray? [03:40] intelikey, thanks for information. [03:40] working hard now. [03:40] so....how about buying mp3s with linux? any ideas? [03:40] you can do it very simple greg ... [03:40] wolfmanz: Sure Open them in that order :) [03:40] I used chmod to change the permission === wckdkl0wn [n=wckdkl0w@c-68-44-58-251.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:40] But to no avail [03:41] go on net, on any browser and ... find it. [03:41] greg: Eh? [03:41] DaSkreech that dont work these things end up in different orders every time i reboot. [03:41] how can I get in my home/username directory as a root? [03:41] DaSkreech: yeah is there an itunes musicstore type place to buy mp3s? [03:42] with linux [03:42] greg: Emusic? === lamj [n=lamj@dsl-207-112-76-177.tor.primus.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:42] wolfmanz: Not sure. Why does it matter to you? === lamj is now known as jasonlam [03:42] Haha === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ACBD67F6.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:42] jasonlam: I know a Jason Lam :) [03:43] w00t [03:43] He's not in Canada as far as I know [03:43] DaSkreech i like things to be in order [03:43] wolfmanz: How do you want them arranged? [03:44] 11111 === virgilio [n=virgilio@84-122-103-95.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:44] DaSkreech: ok googling Emusic.... [03:44] ubuntu: Have a question? [03:44] how can I get in my home/username directory as a root? [03:44] ok i might give it a shot. thanks [03:44] DaSkreech klipper , volume , cpu mon , net mon , Koversation , gaim [03:45] wolfmanz: You want them in that order? [03:45] DaSkreech ya [03:45] bl3ssing: cd into it [03:45] wolfmanz: I have a way but it's annoying [03:45] but ... from root ... [03:46] bl3ssing: Do you mean from / or you are the user root? [03:46] DaSkreech, you're right. as a root, I want to get to the Desktop directory. How can I do that? From konsole when I'm typing dir, the results'll be like: dbootstrap_settings ... === _czar [n=czar@c-68-82-214-240.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:47] bl3ssing: Do you know the users desktop you want to Cd into? [03:47] <_czar> How can I change the trash icon that appears on the task bar? [03:47] yeap [03:47] bl3ssing: cd ~/Desktop === jeffreyb [n=jeffreyb@1Cust6531.an7.chi30.da.uu.net] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey [n=root@0-1pool89-195.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] _czar: Far as I know it's in your theme [03:48] cool ... Thanks DaSkreech (thanks man/girl ... are you a man/girl?) [03:48] :) [03:48] <_czar> DaSkreech: Thanky. [03:48] No I don't think I'm a mangirl [03:48] how do you kill an application? [03:48] bl3ssing: You could use pwd next time to know where you are :) [03:49] it is questionable that one should even be root if they don't know how to naviigate directories [03:49] wckdkl0wn: What kind of application? [03:49] i think i should go back to mandrake 9.0 at least i liked it. [03:49] Agios: Tell me about it [03:49] Agios: Experience is a quick tutor though [03:49] i installed wine and then winamp now winamp took over my screen and locked up [03:50] wckdkl0wn: Normally I'd say Alt+Ctrl+Esc === theine [n=theine@c168232.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] try xmms and save yourself a lot of disk space and cpu === ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] probably want to kill wine though === ThunderStruck is now known as gnomefreak [03:50] thats fine [03:50] lol [03:50] gnomefreak: kdefreak!! :) === matzko [n=matzko@c-24-63-24-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] its gone [03:51] thats all i was worried about [03:51] Need some help - I ran Adept to get updates - it pulled new kernel - now my nvidia graphics won't work - had to change back to the nv driver. Any ideas? [03:51] Agios unless they like to learn by the trial and reformat method [03:51] i drink WINE, and it nearly killed me [03:51] DaSkreech: dont have it anylonger [03:51] wolfmanz: Hello? [03:51] Hawkwind: you have a sec? [03:51] and I'm stuck with 640x480 = yuck [03:51] !paste [03:51] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) [03:52] Riddell: you still here? === Agios [n=agios@wizard.timia.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:52] jeffreyb boot the older kernel === n3tfury [n=booboono@ip68-98-50-139.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:52] intelikey - how? [03:53] can someone tell me how to install this?? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19136 [03:53] noob :P [03:53] select it at the grub/lilo prompt [03:53] its so i can have sound with wine [03:53] gnomefreak: Sure, what's up ? === dako [n=dako@ip70-186-122-215.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:53] Hawkwind: i need the reop [03:53] hi everyone. straight up n00b with a question if someone has a moment or two :) [03:53] I don't get a prompt... ??? [03:53] repo even [03:54] gnomefreak: For 3.5.4 ? [03:54] i got my gui back and ready to break more things [03:54] yes === Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-30-207.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:54] jeffreyb hit [esc] before the system starts to boot as bios finishes up and grub takes over. there should be a menu to choose from [03:54] gnomefreak: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354/ dapper main [03:54] ty === finkp [n=finkp@] has joined #kubuntu [03:54] gnomefreak: No problem :) [03:54] intelikey - cool - will try it - thanks! [03:54] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19136 where do i find that file at? i tryed to do apt-get install but couldnt be found [03:55] jeffreyb you can read man menu.lst or man grub for more info on that. [03:55] (assumes default boot loader) [03:56] i would like fluxbox on kubuntu. can it be done or do i need to go back to ubuntu? [03:56] n3tfury: i did fluxbox a while back before so it can be done just i dunno how to do it.. but it is possible [03:56] ugh, kubuntu stinks - everything works great except the one thing I really want it to do. [03:56] lol what's that? [03:56] n3tfury: my laundry. [03:57] :) [03:57] ok ty running updates now [03:57] @wckdkolwn: i tried apt-get and no dice on flux [03:57] haha laundry :P [03:57] where would I go to ask about amarok? [03:57] n3tfury it can be done. and is very simple sudo apt-get install fluxbox === Melchor34 [n=Melchor3@OL7-88.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] no go. intelikey - i must not be enabling the correct repositories? [03:57] dako: what do you need to know about amarok? === __mikem [n=michael@201-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === pradeepto [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-12-83.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] n3tfury you may not have the universe repository enabled. [03:58] *checks* [03:58] !info fluxbox [03:58] fluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-2 (dapper), package size 720 kB, installed size 2288 kB [03:58] dako: I'd ask here first... then and only then go to #amarok [03:58] I am trying to look at lyrics, but am kinda a noob with this, but the scripts are not installed [03:59] n3tfury i like blackbox the parent to fluxbox. [03:59] the only repos i don't have enabled are the backport ones. === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-017.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu [03:59] orlly? parent eh? hm. [04:00] n3tfury and did you sudo apt-get update after you edited the sources.list ? [04:00] i didn't edit the sources.list - i just enabled them in adept [04:00] it doesn't take affect untill you update the database. [04:00] do i need to do that too? or is that the same. === Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:00] just update [04:01] adept has an update button i'm sure... [04:01] ok, what i did was enabled all but the backport ones, and clicked "apply" [04:01] that should have been good to go. === dennis_ [n=dennis@pool-70-106-61-25.hag.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === dpt [n=david@cable200-116-10-26.epm.net.co] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] i close that, open a terminal and do an apt get and it says it can't find the package "fluxbox" [04:03] !find fluxbox [04:03] Found: fluxbox [04:03] Hello everyone [04:03] !info fluxbox [04:03] fluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-2 (dapper), package size 720 kB, installed size 2288 kB === sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has left #kubuntu [] [04:03] Healot i just did that ^^ [04:04] yeah, twice now, but do i need to just enable all the repos? [04:04] i just thought the backport ones were archives or something. [04:04] anyone uses opera here? I have opera and the fonts, the look ugly, can't zoom a lot cuz many titles can't be read and there's almost no line spacing in may web pages, in gnome, with ubuntu, opera worked great, but it's getting me upset, anyone know how to fix that? [04:04] ^^^ repository universe, [04:04] iu haven't been able to find anythign about fixing fonts and line spacing in opera an amsn in kde, kubutun. anyone knows about the topic? [04:04] it's in the universe suposiroty [04:05] DaSkreech whats your idea? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@209.65.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:06] n3tfury may i sujest you edit /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get update === denisbr [n=denisbr@] has joined #kubuntu [04:06] yeah, i'm checking that out as we speak. [04:06] thx for your patience man === RawSewage [n=RawSewag@208-45-98-63.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu [04:06] wolfmanz: See the little up arrow on the strip to the left of the system tray? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@209.65.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:06] n3tfury sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install fluxbox [04:07] yup === RawSewage [n=RawSewag@208-45-98-63.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu [04:08] dako: Hello [04:09] wolfmanz: Ok Configure System tray [04:09] Im still awake [04:09] Daskreech ok [04:09] wolfmanz: Remove all the icons then add them back in the order you want them [04:09] sorry [04:09] dako: Did you get an answer? [04:10] no, not yet.am reading the help file === LastExyle [n=lastexyl@65-100-6-215.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] dako: You want to get more lyrics scripts? [04:10] dako: Or You Just want to get any lyrics? [04:10] just trying to get the ones that it list working [04:10] dako: Which Amarok do you have? [04:11] 1.4.0 [04:11] wolfmanz: Let me know if it works [04:11] dako: none of the scripts work? [04:11] no, get error 127 [04:11] brb, need to eat [04:11] dako: you have ruby installed? [04:12] where is the source to "kernel-image-2.4.27-2-k6" ??? [04:12] where to search irc channels on social science topics? === grump [n=jason@adsl-068-209-210-060.sip.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:12] acojlo: /list and then search... [04:12] is possible to use the version of developing of the kubuntu ??? [04:13] DaSkreech you cont do to much with configure desktop you can move them to hidden icons but even doing that and putting them back i cant get them in the right order [04:13] wolfmanz: Hmm Worked for me [04:13] wolfmanz: I'd remove one and then put it back [04:13] acojlo: /msg chanserv list *search-term-here* <~~With the * makes it easier [04:13] wolfmanzthen the next one and put it back [04:13] Etc [04:13] ya i did that and still cant get the right order [04:13] denisbr: yes, if you are comfortable w/ X suddenly not working one day :P [04:14] wolfmanz: Werd [04:14] If anyone wants me ping me [04:14] ah i see it. === bbt [n=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [04:14] kernel-source-2.4.27 <--- there [04:14] DaSkreech: hi ;) [04:15] or rather, bye :P [04:15] abattoir: Hi [04:15] abattoir: gone? [04:15] DaSkreech: i thought you were going afk... [04:15] sorted. so blackbox or flux? [04:15] abattoir: I'm ak but afi [04:15] cool :) [04:16] lnxkde: Go shower!! [04:16] Heh heh heh [04:16] DaSkreech: :) [04:16] abattoir: and how to for use the version in the developing? [04:17] n3tfury both :) [04:18] denisbr: change your distribution to 'edgy' in sources.list, and then after an update, do a dist-upgrade... [04:18] denisbr: but i'm again warning you of the risks, if you understand them... then its ok :) [04:18] hehe i'm gonna try them both just for the heck of it. thanks again inteli for your help and the rest. [04:19] n3tfury do an apt-cache search blackbox and look at the packages listed also for fluxbox :) [04:19] okies [04:19] abattoir: I agree the risks, more I go to use [04:19] denisbr: :) === jsubl2 [n=jsubl2@] has joined #kubuntu [04:20] Risk taker! [04:20] and come back and say why is broke [04:20] hi Hawkwind [04:20] Hey there abattoir [04:21] wreckless even === arcus [n=ajt@60-234-139-150.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === dale_ [n=dale@dynamic-acs-24-144-186-127.zoominternet.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:22] denisbr: And as a advisory start hanging around ubuntu+1 === MeTa[AwAy] [n=sajt@3e44bad9.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu [04:23] DaSkreech: sorry?? === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] denisbr: I advise to hang around #ubuntu+1 [04:24] /join #ubuntu+1 [04:25] DaSkreech: intelikey ok, I go to access the channel === Lunar_Raven [n=posthuma@71-37-10-185.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === AegeanLinux [n=AegeanLi@] has joined #kubuntu === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:28] so splashy was a nightmare.... === saul_ [n=saul@20150153094.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === saul_ is now known as britto === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #kubuntu === jsubl2 [n=jsubl2@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === beagleburt [n=beaglebu@] has joined #kubuntu [04:33] abattoir I don't know if I have ruby installed [04:33] dako: check in adept [04:33] ok [04:33] dako: or do a 'apt-cache policy ruby' === [GuS] [n=MysT@] has joined #kubuntu === [GuS] [n=MysT@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:34] no, I do not have ruby installed [04:34] dako: install it, and then see if the scripts work [04:35] ruby like diamonds? hehe [04:36] OK.will install ruby === root [n=root@ip-60-251.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:36] awsome, thank-you very much [04:37] dako: glad to be of help :) === proudfoot_ [n=proudfoo@ppp-71-139-178-120.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === Tsed [n=Illumina@64-252-134-229.adsl.snet.net] has joined #kubuntu === SangBajingan [n=staff@] has joined #kubuntu === ReverendTrevore [n=tslocum@c-67-183-68-252.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@adsl-69-209-77-71.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:40] I updated to the Edgy right now on a test partition [04:40] now X server wont start [04:40] anything I can do about that? === pascal [n=pascal@] has joined #kubuntu [04:40] Admiral_Chicago: what's the error msg? [04:40] dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? [04:40] even though this isnt the official channel for it [04:40] there are a few packages that are "held back" in the apt-get update & system upgrade === proudfoot__ [n=proudfoo@ppp-71-139-178-120.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:41] abattoir there is an edgy channel/ [04:41] Admiral_Chicago: yeah, mostly python stuff, but what's the error message? [04:41] Admiral_Chicago: #ubuntu+1 i guess [04:41] Can not connect to server [04:41] Error 3 [04:41] my guess is that since some packages are upgradeable, but not upgraded, thats causing the problem [04:42] Admiral_Chicago: anything mentioning your video driver ? [04:42] Admiral_Chicago: or fonts maybe? [04:42] abattoir no [04:43] ok, come over to ubuntu+1 [04:43] is there a command to force packages to upgrade if they wont upgrade === mattttttt [n=matttttt@c-68-84-209-69.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:44] does the kubuntu CD come with an uninstall option? [04:45] I am using the notebook Acer Aspire 3620 series, How I founded the module is enable of the wireless board? === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:46] denisbr: i'd expect it to be a broadcom chip [04:46] mattttttt not really. just delete the partition/s that it installed on [04:46] mattttttt: All OS Cds Do === unix_infidel [n=blue@adsl-68-94-7-157.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] DaSkreech oh really ? [04:47] denisbr: lspci should give you a clue [04:47] Yeah === vin [n=vin@ool-44c1b3d3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === MistaED [n=mistaed@203-158-54-32.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] intelikey: I realize that, but how do I delete the partition? can i use the live CD to do that? [04:48] DaSkreech and how do you run the uninstaller for ubuntu ? === abattoir wonders how to run the uninstaller for windows :P [04:48] format C:\ [04:49] yes you can mattttttt fdisk or cfdisk and even gparted [04:49] Run till you reach the partitioning section blow away the partition then reboot the PC [04:49] abattoir: this 0000:00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev d3) is results for lspci for board wireless [04:49] denisbr: aah, ok, its an IPW then [04:49] Works with all oses that have a CD [04:49] unix_infidel i like fdisk better :) [04:49] intelikey: well, you said uninstall windows. [04:49] sounds good, thanks. [04:49] Doesn't work with windows 3.1 though :-( It just wipes everything ANAIR [04:50] there's no such thing as an uninstaller in linux, you remove the binary, eg apt-get remove :P [04:50] mattttttt: You do know how to work with partitions? === PokerFacePenguin [n=joe@] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] unix_infidel that's kinda what i said. you delete the partition/s that linux is installed on [04:52] more of an eraser than an uninstaller [04:52] Is everyone else here on freenode in the US experiencing extreme lag like me? [04:53] PokerFacePenguin: pastebin your server information. [04:53] i have seen install cds with uninstaller programs that would more or less return the hdd to the start it was in befor the installation including other working os's but not many have i seen [04:54] DaSkreech: for the most part, yes :) [04:54] Go to it then :) [04:54] s/start/state/ [04:54] See if you can get that most part of partitioning partly out of the way === DaSkreech avoids the word part for the rest of the night === dave [n=dave@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu === digibre4k_ [n=digibre4@] has joined #kubuntu [04:56] !cli [04:56] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands === denisbr_ [n=denisbr@201-35-209-96.bnut3702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu === v0taguz [n=votaguz@] has joined #kubuntu [04:59] Is there a summary of Basic Commands available in the installed KDE system or do I have to get it online? [04:59] dave there are man pages [05:00] intelikey: Is there a summary that will help me find a command if I don't know its name but I know what I want it to do? [05:01] dave run ls /*bin /usr/*bin | sort -u | less for a full searchable list of command/apps [05:01] or install xman >> i still find this aging X app useful/handy [05:01] dave for that info better to ask in here or some other ##linux channel. === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:02] dave what do you want it to do ? [05:02] Healot yes xman has it's place indeed. [05:03] intelikey: I don't have anything specific now but I am curious to find things similar to DOS commands I know. Yes, I am old. [05:03] this is a dumb quesiton, but it better to shut down your comp at night or just leave it on [05:03] !avi [05:03] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:03] dave old ? broke 50 yet ? [05:05] intelikey: I turn 50 in October. === dmbkiwi_ [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === node` [n=icmp_@adsl-220-236-183.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pool-71-106-129-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:05] obf213 better is relative to purpose and end result better how. it generates less heat uses less power when turned off... but the cron schedular cant do schedualed mantainance while off and others cant access your files online when your box is off so better for what ? === timi [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === BradZ [n=brad@ppp3-171.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu === sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:06] Is it possible to use the 6.06 kubuntu cd to do a server install, if so how? [05:06] apparently my computer is incabable of "suspend" [05:06] dave yeah ok. you're old then. older than me. :) [05:06] does anyone know how i can fix this [05:07] ubuntu from shippit ? no. === ubuntu is now known as live95 === MistaED [n=mistaed@203-158-54-32.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:08] ubuntu the fact that it's (k)ubuntu means it's kde for a server install you need the 'alternate' install cd iirc [05:08] intelikey: Thanks for the information. I am going offline now. [05:08] intelikey: so I can't do server install at the boot screen? [05:10] live95 not with the dapper pressed cd's from shipit no. and i agree that that is a very bad deal. but don't blame me. [05:10] intelikey: the one I have is not pressed, I downloaded and burned it myself [05:11] I didn't understand what you meant by shippit === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu [05:11] live95 then it depends on the iso you dl'd [05:12] <[twb] > test [05:12] !TEST [05:12] I know nothing about TEST - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-65-171-97-34.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:14] intelikey: all I know is, I downloaded the 6.06 Kubuntu iso === arcus [n=ajt@60-234-139-150.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:16] live95 then probably not. === diego_cl [n=diego@pc-171-218-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:17] live95 i think the only iso that supports server install is the alternate but again i'm not sure. [05:17] yep... [05:17] intelikey: All I need to test this is a way to type "server" at bootup [05:17] you are correct === kenshin6x [n=kenshin@] has joined #kubuntu [05:18] RadiantFire: so that won't work with the kubuntu cd eh? [05:18] live95: it'll work with the alternate CD === kenshin6x [n=kenshin@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:19] i don't think server is on the desktop cd [05:20] who knows enough about linux to stop this from posting to console screen from a badblocks test in another console ? [05:20] [4300168.248000] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 67 [05:20] [4300169.449000] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 70 [05:20] [4300170.850000] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 72 [05:20] RadiantFire: how can I type server option at boot up, to test this? [05:21] intelikey: try nohup or use a pipe [05:21] intelikey your prolly the smartest guy on this think ;) === DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:21] #@&%#(*@!!! COMPUTERS !@(&#$%!%#% [05:21] live95: there is an option on the dapper CD [05:22] for intall server on my alternate CD [05:22] i don't beleive in the live CD, so I didn't use it [05:22] RadiantFire a pipe ? [05:23] > [05:23] or >> [05:23] kind of like the joyous echo "text" >> file [05:23] which appends text to a file called file [05:23] RadiantFire i did badblocks /device 2>/dev/null it's not badblocks that's puking that out. [05:23] it's the kernel [05:23] intelikey: then it means your kernel is spewing error messages [05:24] intelikey: no wonder you are getting badblocks if the device itself is malfunctioning :-) [05:24] if it was the app it would stay in the same console no? [05:25] these messages appear where ever you focus tty# doesn't matter which . [05:26] and yes i have been building new kernel but this is the default [05:26] Linux zeos486 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i586 GNU/Linux === DaSkreech gets very annoyed and goes to compile something [05:28] Linux Healot 2.6.15-23-k8 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 11:49:40 UTC 2006 amd64 GNU/Linux [05:28] DaSkreech: , how long do you think Xen will take to compile? [05:29] With any luck before I have children [05:29] DaSkreech: that long? [05:29] and as for the " intelikey: no wonder you are getting badblocks if the device itself is malfunctioning :-)" if you care to notice the error states that it is 'fd0' floppy disk. it's not the device it's the disk. === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [05:29] helo [05:29] To anyone whos tried both... now that Mepis 6 is based off of ubuntu repos, what are the major differences btw Mepis and Kubuntu? (performance/feature wise) [05:29] HI ubuntu [05:30] like the LiveCD ? [05:30] Sorry I'm a little curt tonight. I'm not sure how long but it's a sizeable enough project for you to put on something hot to drink while it compiles [05:30] er, I/O buffer is on the device [05:30] not the disk [05:30] DaSkreech: KK, Thanks for the info, prob not as long as the whole of KDE to compile though, hey? === Lurkan [n=agsm@] has joined #kubuntu [05:30] No not quite as long as that [05:30] whole of kde takes hours... [05:31] i've done it... several times [05:31] Me two ;) [05:31] RadiantFire: Built your own Kernel? [05:31] yeah, that didn't take as long [05:31] DaSkreech: Good :D [05:31] RadiantFire so i change the disk and no errors.... learn what you are talking about please. [05:31] intelikey: the I/O Buffer is still on the device [05:31] all disks have a device buffer [05:32] w/e [05:32] it's scanning the device node for badblocks duh... [05:33] i change the disk and presto the device node is error free...... === dices_almighty [n=dices@] has joined #kubuntu === nirmal [n=nirmal@] has joined #kubuntu [05:33] put in a bad disk and BAM! the device node has i/o errors trying to scan it.... [05:34] anyway. === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu [05:35] anyone know how to stop or divert those error messages ? === nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu [05:35] Ok Suppose your hard drive gives no errors other than File systme errors when you scan it but you strongly strongly suspect it of being a bersted systemr borker? === DarkED [n=darked@adsl-146-137-146.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === dices_almighty [n=dices@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === eric___ [n=eric@cpe-66-67-30-95.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === eric___ is now known as EB === Dodger [n=dodger@c-67-188-187-43.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === OOD [n=admin@dsl-151-154.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:42] any sound guru in kubuntu [05:42] sound works fine but can't get concurent applications using the sound device [05:43] exemple amarok + firefox = disaster [05:43] xmms + amarok not working [05:43] but kde application working together no problem === Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu [05:43] alsa esd arts oss ??? [05:44] Windows migrators + Ubuntu = an absolute disaster hehe [05:44] kde is using arts try that with the others [05:44] intelikey: to be honest i'm confused about sound servers drivers [05:44] intelikey: how to configure firefox to use arts === archangel_ [n=archange@ip70-160-49-254.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [n=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [05:44] intelikey: how do u configure firefox to use arts [05:45] sophie_ in the particular applications preferances [05:45] configure the app. [05:45] i don't use ff so i can't answer on that one. [05:46] intelikey: thanks but no preferrence for firefox [05:46] ff has no sound deamon config [05:46] the KDE settings has that [05:46] hence ff uses whatever kde uses [05:46] so inturpret the word [05:46] Healot: i've tried artsdsp firefox [05:46] artsdsp works only for binaries === wckdkl0wn [n=wckdkl0w@c-68-44-58-251.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:47] anyone free to help with a sound card? [05:47] audigy card is configured correctly [05:47] and works, I just get no sound [05:47] wierd [05:48] Healot: if I have amarok runniong and run some google video = no sound === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACCF269B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] Healot: amarok is using xine [05:49] Healot: amarok is using xine engine [05:49] xine alsa arts oss i'm confused === RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:50] I just wish everything was easy to configure with linux [05:51] It is as long as you expect it to be really realyl hard [05:51] I got to ask for help with everything, I cant figure it out like with windows === [twb] [n=[twb] @71-210-202-136.albq.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu [05:51] archangel_: you'll get use to it and will be rewarded with your efforts, you will learn much more from the underlying os [05:52] sophie_: I have had linux for a week and cant seem to get the hang of it. === svizzero [i=svizzero@gateway/tor/x-8e6c40221887fdae] has joined #kubuntu [05:53] archangel_: look at someone using xp for a week they can't figure out things also [05:53] archangel_: give yourself some tiome [05:53] archangel_ how many years did you spend learning windows ? and how long have you been using linux ? just a note, you will learn linux a lot faster if you forget everything you think you know about computers and realize that it wasn't about computers but about windows and 'linux is not windows.' [05:53] archangel_: So what's up? [05:54] archangel_: How about a deal :) Anything you have trouble figuring out I'll explain the concept behind it [05:54] archangel_: anyway what do you need help with [05:54] Then more things in the future should make more sense === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:54] whts an xml parser [05:54] sophie_: yeah, I guess. I learn really fast and its a real downer not to be in the loop of things [05:54] i think ineed one for my bootsplash to work correctly [05:55] I have 3 things.... sound needs to be heard (looks like it working though) [05:55] Healot: I've got mplayer ff plugion working by setting sound to arts but now how the f&&?8 do I configure flash to use arts [05:56] xml=x markup language a parser is software that reads and decyphers * * in this case xml [05:56] obf213: why bother with bootsplah when your computer is up ages [05:56] video 3d hardware exceleration [05:56] and macromedia [05:56] flash [05:56] ohh, and my printer [05:56] lol [05:57] archangel_: whats your 3dhardware [05:57] other than that, I'm just peachy === KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-22-142163031173.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] Nvidea fx 5900xt [05:57] ok easy [05:57] !ati [05:57] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto === DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:58] What are the chances of pressing Alt+Ctrl+BkSpc by accident? [05:58] ok cool [05:58] thanx [05:58] back from taking quick shower [05:58] DaSkreech: you want me to calculte the probabilties [05:58] DaSkreech it could happen if you were reaching for ctrlaltdel :) [05:58] Sure :-) What did I miss? [05:59] Oh no I wasn't pressing Ctrl+Alt+Any Key === sara [n=sara@pool-70-104-66-252.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:59] anyone know wht this means xml_parser_text_handler: assertion `text_len > 0' failed [06:00] DaSkreech: Alt+Ctrl+BkSpc just restarts your x server so what just kidding, there is way to disable === herotaotao [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey presses [alt] +[ctrl] +[backspace] repetedly..... [06:00] does KDE work like GNOME? ie drivers. or is that a distro thing like packages? [06:00] Yeah but Iwas typing a report [06:00] hmmm nothing.... [06:01] intelikey: i guess you need to have X running to have all then fun :( [06:01] :P [06:01] sophie_ yes disable it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [06:01] *all the fun [06:01] I tried gnome for a few hours. and from what I know of it..... it really sucks. [06:01] abattoir yeah... ;/ [06:01] DaSkreech: Option "DontZap" "True" === intelikey presses [alt] +[ctrl] +[backspace] repetedly again....... [06:02] DaSkreech: in Section "ServerFlags" [06:02] abattoir: you don't run X === v0taguz [n=votaguz@] has joined #kubuntu [06:02] abattoir: I don't even run a terminal I type on a telex [06:02] archangel_: Ha ha Not really :) [06:03] sophie_: well, when edgy's packges for it are broken, i have no option do i? [06:03] sophie_ i dont. [06:03] DaSkreech: Sorry dude, I had to make quick a judgement :o) [06:04] archangel_: If you don't like it that's fine don't use it :) [06:04] sophie_: you could say i can settle w/ dapper, but then, most of the stuff i need is found only in edgy... :( [06:04] maybe is was the cooler icons === Lunar_Raven [n=posthuma@71-37-10-185.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:04] abattoir: seriously you run only a terminal no X === meltdown [n=meltdown@cpe-24-198-166-1.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:04] when i play videos (say from youtube)..the sound doesn't match the mouths..lol? How can I fix this? [06:04] archangel_: once you get use to keyboard shortcuts and cli you don't care about kde or gnome [06:04] hey can I install gnome software in kde? [06:05] archangel_: Yeah [06:05] sophie_ [06:05] sophie_: yes, for now, but if you are looking for someone who seldom runs X, intelikey is the man... [06:05] archangel_: yep no prob but gnome libs will have to installes [06:05] archangel_ you bet. [06:05] anyoneeeeee [06:05] ? [06:05] :P [06:05] intelikey: u must be running irssi [06:05] archangel_ you can install open source software in linux yes you can. [06:06] ok, I noticed that the 3d hardware support was all in gnome [06:06] sophie_ bx [06:06] Lunar_Raven: get a new mouth no just kidding same problem here has to do with arts [06:06] heh [06:06] or 'through' gnome [06:06] archangel_: gnome or kde has nothing to do with 3d hardaware x handles the 3d [06:06] X= video display? [06:07] x= hardware or software or both [06:07] intelikey: irssi + screen [06:08] archangel_: X enables pretty graphics on screen kde and gnome are windows mangers [06:08] sorry guys, I gotta get my 'learn' on [06:08] archangel_: no problem [06:08] sophie_ bx in the console [06:08] gottcha [06:08] intelikey: ok got it now bitch X [06:08] sophie_: I prefer irssi easier learining curve [06:09] sophie_: I'm old and slow [06:09] intelikey: again talking to myself [06:10] archangel_: Linux is built in layers [06:10] sophie_ links2 -g in the console with framebuffering browse the net with graphics from the console vlc plays vidios in the console full screen mode. sox plays audio files why would i want a gui ? [06:10] archangel_: You can take out any section of the layer and replace it without bothering the other layers [06:11] wow cool, yet complex [06:11] sophie_ i can do all this on a p1 100 mhz in 64m ram with no swap lol spend you thousands on hardware.... lol [06:11] what are these layers called? [06:11] archangel_: Kernel -> Shell -> Windowing Server -> Window Manager -> Desktop [06:12] intelikey: I use AAlib to watch the matrix in mplayer console and 24 asperins === meltdown [n=meltdown@cpe-24-198-166-1.maine.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === BazziR [n=Bastian@p50803C7E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:12] looks like they are in specific order too [06:12] They are [06:12] abbatoir you still never explained how you knew it was me even though i was using a windows comp that had none of my information === waymar [n=waymar@220-253-4-163.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [06:12] thats cool [06:12] intelikey: never got framebuffering working in console [06:12] sophie_ :) [06:13] So the kernel does the low level interaction to the hardware [06:13] talk about ultimate customisation [06:13] obf213 ip [06:13] The shell allows the user to interact and run commands [06:14] obf213: your system might change, your ip(^^^) might change, but there are certain observable characteristics that dont :) [06:14] intelikey: I have been running a PII 450 and have just changed recently to used k7 2500+ [06:14] hahah === scabootssca [n=jason@dsl-gerl-135-21.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:14] can I take that I can use adept to get my drivers even though the help says to use synaptic? [06:15] intelikey: compiling a kernel is a litle faster now [06:15] archangel_: Then the Windowing server allows you to have a GUI [06:15] intelikey: just a litle [06:15] archangel_: of course :) [06:15] sophie_ yeah actually at the moment i have mine hosed. but give me a day or two... i had reinstalled because of disk space but that shouldn't be needed again for quite some time. [06:15] looks like Ubuntu prefers gnome === will [n=will@CPE000c4173ab81-CM014310006653.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:15] What's the command to purge wine from my system? [06:15] just a little ? [06:15] archangel_: Ubuntu=GNOME Kubuntu=KDE :) [06:15] :) [06:15] will: sudo apt-get remove wine [06:15] Thanks [06:15] gotcha [06:16] thank gawd for kubuntu [06:16] archangel_: The Window Manager paints the pretty buttons and scroll buttons etc [06:16] archangel_ ubuntu is gnome kubuntu is kde ... [06:16] ooops we dubbeled that. [06:16] hey how can i get my computer to suspend /standby [06:16] ok [06:16] intelikey: sudo apt-get uninstall -purge wine [06:16] i beleive [06:16] xubuntu is xfce4 [06:16] sophie_: I get hte error "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." when I do that [06:16] waot tat was to will [06:16] run that [06:16] archangel_: And the desktop brings like applications together with a common philosphy and coding interface [06:16] heh [06:16] will that was to you [06:16] dpkg --configure -a [06:17] a problem occured somewhere [06:17] I cant wait to look behind the curtan [06:17] will: can you paste bn the output [06:17] OOD i don't have it installed :) [06:17] intelikey: mixed you up with will somehow ;) [06:17] interesting [06:17] abbatoir how do i get my computer to suspend then return [06:17] archangel_: So you can apt-get install a new kernel and update your hardware compatibilty and not touch anything else [06:17] obf213: laptop? [06:17] i clicked suspend, then ic ouldnt get it to start back up [06:17] nothing at all like windows [06:17] yes [06:17] yeah i saw... :) [06:18] archangel_, thats whats so good about it :P [06:18] obf213: it might not be fully supported by your kernel/video driver/X version [06:18] thats sweet [06:18] obf213: which model? and make? [06:18] linux != windows [06:18] archangel_: now you have the Windowing Server that says what Windws can do and where they go [06:18] Dell E1405 integrated intel graphics [06:19] DaSkreech : no shower for now, is time for chiken cordon blue :) [06:19] archangel_: You are using X right now. You can switch it out for XGL and have more calls to the 3D hardware [06:19] and potato salad [06:19] does XGL still suckup more memory/resources than just xorg? [06:19] obf213: using kpowersave? [06:19] archangel_: Then switch out your window manager and you get Wobbly windows with real Physics [06:20] DaSkreech, but XGL is still alpha so ya know... [06:20] eerr Klaptop.. [06:20] abattoir: klaptop === britto [n=britto@20150153094.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [06:20] obf213: install kpowersave.. see if that helps [06:20] or it was last time i checked === Ignite_ checks [06:20] explain wobbly windows with real physics [06:20] aiglx is what's gonna be mainstream most likely [06:20] Ignite_: Yah I know but he can still do it :) [06:20] DaSkreech: archangel_ : Don't use XGL very unstable and not much added value but eye candy [06:20] archangel_: Oh you haven't seen that :) [06:21] is AIGLX as good as XGL? [06:21] sophie_: I know :-P But the point is he can do it [06:21] what about it's memory usage [06:21] lol [06:21] Lunar_Raven: For lower end hardware [06:21] xgl make my pc too slow [06:21] ohh [06:21] DaSkreech not meaning to open a can of worms or anything but would not your layer tree be more acurate with kernel > init > 1. console/shell 2. xorg > display manager > window manager for most systems ? [06:21] it's an overall better implementation of xgl [06:21] DaSkreech, your wrong.. sorry [06:21] the 1 and 2 are branches that fork at the same point. [06:21] all I know is kde and terminal, and terminal is where you type the commands [06:21] lol === Frederick [n=imanewbi@unaffiliated/frederick] has joined #kubuntu [06:21] intelikey: No it wouldn't :-) [06:22] folks I'm having some problems with kmenu after I minimize an app sometimes it just goes to back of another window and doesn't appear in the active apps list [06:22] the only 'windows' I have aseen are in KDE and Gnome [06:22] Ignite_: Where? === orville [n=orville@] has joined #kubuntu [06:22] archangel_: Those are desktops [06:22] Lunar_Raven, AIGLX is like XGL only its going to be/has been integrated into xorg, you can use compiz with it just like XGL, and its designed to work with any open source video card driver [06:22] oh yeah, you told me that....... oops [06:22] ;O) [06:23] Ignite_: How many open source 3d video can we count on one finger wait one! [06:23] sophie_, i would look that up if i was you [06:23] ls [06:23] :P [06:24] sophie_: Well you could use the loops of your fingerprint as a counter... [06:24] Ignite_: On decent hardware that can handle feature of XGL [06:24] Ignite_: Where was I wrong? [06:24] intelikey: xorg should be replaced by windowing server [06:24] sophie_, i have a radeon 7000 with 32mb video ram and it handles AIGLX perfectly [06:24] ah interesting [06:24] intelikey: Why'd you have init in there? [06:24] DaSkreech, about AIGLX [06:24] is AIGLX as resource intensive as XGL? [06:24] Ignite_: I said something about AIGLX? [06:24] DaSkreech are you calling init the shell in that tree ? [06:24] Ignite_: othe than ati tell me about another one? [06:25] intelikey: YOu can swap out the init? [06:25] XGL is very resource intensive, uses 200mb ram after a while of usage, and slows down a lot [06:25] yeah it does [06:25] I have 256 mb of ram [06:25] heh [06:25] sophie_, i'm not having an argument, if you genuinely want to know then look it up, i'm not going to prove it because its a waste of time ;) [06:25] sophie_: Intel no NVIDIA no, ATI on recent hard war eno [06:25] Ignite_: agreed [06:25] because it's seperate from the kernel and yet a layer in the stakc of processes that the system is made of DaSkreech [06:26] abbatoir whats the difference between suspend to ram and suspend to disk [06:26] DaSkreech, " Lunar_Raven: For lower end hardware" [06:26] DaSkreech yes you can swap out the init [06:26] ah [06:26] cant find repositories in adept [06:26] Ah [06:26] i assumed you were refering to AIGLX, sorry if you wern't [06:26] DaSkreech never boot with init=/bin/sh ? [06:26] ok. this may be a dumb question, but here goes. how would i install a samba server in kubuntu, so users can mount the shares (aka dont need root access to the box to mount the share) [06:26] osiris: no dumb questions [06:26] I was. It's a better solution for lower end hardware cause it works with open source drivers [06:27] !samba [06:27] samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT [06:27] intelikey: Yeah [06:27] well, ive done samba in mandriva, but last time i tried it in kubuntu, i needed to be root to browse the shares [06:27] Ignite_: I think that's correct. [06:27] osiris, read above ;) [06:27] osiris: sudo apt-get install samba-common [06:27] then you used an alternate init [06:27] an interactive one. === DaSkreech narrows eyes at intelikey [06:28] do you think my smb.conf from mandriva would work in kubuntu [06:28] I'm not sure that's what I meant but I'll take your word for it and check it out [06:28] DaSkreech: cant find repositories in adept [06:28] osiris: good chance if mount points are the same [06:28] archangel_: What are you looking for? === DBO is now known as DBO_vacation [06:28] nvidia drivers [06:28] no it's true. from that shell you could do every thing that the normal init does. [06:28] i can rewrite the mount points. i just wondered if there were any known differences [06:29] Did you read !nvidia ? === OOD goes to restart X to play aroundin XGL. [06:29] !nvidia > archangel_ [06:29] osiris: I am not aware of any [06:29] yeah, but it tells me how to do everything with a program I dont have === DarkED [n=darked@adsl-146-137-146.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:29] synaptic [06:29] EasyTag is nucking futs... [06:29] really? :-) [06:29] OOD don't startx your console will miss you.... [06:29] archangel_, you should be able to use adept [06:30] Kr4t05: use cli id3v2 or eyed3 [06:30] where do I go? [06:30] !ganluage [06:30] I know nothing about ganluage - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [06:30] !nvidia [06:30] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [06:30] archangel_, K menu -> Add/Remove [06:30] archangel_, K menu -> Add/Remove Programs* [06:30] !AIGLX [06:30] I know nothing about AIGLX - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [06:30] Ignite_: That has the nvidia drivers? [06:30] I'm there no [06:30] no idea [06:31] oops I mean now [06:31] Ignite_: I'm running dapper and don't see an Add/Remove thingy [06:31] sophie_, you sure? [06:31] !GLX [06:31] I know nothing about GLX - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [06:31] new to this conversation sorry if someone already asked.. [06:31] ubotu: Thanks got [06:31] I know nothing about Thanks got - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [06:31] !compiz [06:31] Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems [06:31] archangel_: Ah Ok you want to edit the repos in adept? === the_hammer [n=the_hamm@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === Kr4t05 [n=kratos@dsl-206-251-0-254.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:32] archangel_: Adept -> manage repositories [06:32] !botabuse === OOD [n=admin@dsl-151-154.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu [06:32] Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops [06:32] Ignite_: maybe something is worng with my system but I have upgrated from ??? to breezy to dapper and not menu [06:32] lol sorry if I sound like an idiot, but I'm looking for drivers for my nvidia [06:32] archangel: do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx === dad [n=dad@cpe-74-70-37-83.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:33] then sudo nvidia-xconfig [06:33] terminal --- right? [06:33] and then just restart X [06:33] yes in terminal [06:33] k [06:33] odd [06:33] backup xorg.conf just in case [06:33] ood oops [06:33] :) [06:33] got a mission for ya [06:34] which is? [06:34] I installed eyed3, how do I use it? [06:34] what I have to install for aiglx? [06:34] can ya help me installing megahal into my eggdrop? [06:34] after ya help this person? [06:34] Kr4t05: man eyed3 [06:34] Kr4t05, read the manual ;) [06:34] i wouldn't know how, sorry [06:34] I get a couple errors [06:34] Kr4t05: what do you want to do exactly [06:34] archangel_: Let me know if that doesn't work :) [06:34] doesnt work [06:34] :o) [06:35] lol [06:35] can anyone help me install megahal into my bot? [06:35] archangel_: Did you add the restricted to the repositories? === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:35] sophie, it's a command line app?! [06:35] sophie, :/ [06:35] Kr4t05: yep [06:35] No thanks. [06:35] lol, do what to who? [06:35] Kr4t05: what do you want do with youe legal MP3s [06:35] I guess not :o) [06:35] archangel_: You have Add/Remove open? [06:35] abbatoir: i suspended to drive, and that screwed up everthing, comp just shut itself down, then when i rebooted i lost my proper resolution adn my wireless usb mouse all of a sudden doesntw ork [06:35] yes [06:36] close it [06:36] k [06:36] sophie_: what ever I want? [06:36] ok [06:36] Press Alt+Space [06:36] try again? [06:36] Type ad and press enter [06:36] Kr4t05: Do you want to automatically tag your MP3 rename files? [06:36] ahhh, sweet [06:36] Very :-) [06:36] what the heck was that? [06:36] sophie, that would be nice [06:36] Katapult [06:37] <3 katapult [06:37] Kr4t05: have a look at ammarok [06:37] It's a secret weapon Shhhhh [06:37] <3 amarok === Ignite_ shuts up === DaSkreech loves Ignite_ <3ing katapult [06:37] hehe [06:37] :p [06:37] archangel_: It's open? [06:37] lol [06:38] I guess you should know about the password by now :) [06:38] archangel_: did you get the nvidia driver? [06:38] says add/remove, but everytime I type it goes away [06:38] archangel_: Just ype ad [06:38] k [06:38] It should say Adept [06:39] Ha ha I didn't know that Add gave you Add/Remove :) [06:39] When it says Adept press enter [06:39] katapult is screwing my system [06:39] sophie_, how so? [06:39] anyone here use gnome-chess to play on free chess networks? [06:39] ok I'm there [06:39] i cant find any documentation how to set it up. [06:40] I don;t play chess :) [06:40] cool shortcut === britto [n=britto@20150153094.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [06:40] Ok now look under the adept menu for Manage repositories [06:40] hey i suspended to harddrive and i lost my sound, and resolution [06:40] sophie_, if you want to close it, alt+space then ctrl+c then you get a menu :) [06:40] wht did i do [06:40] only says quit [06:40] 1 option [06:40] under adept [06:40] What? :-( [06:40] What other menus do you have? [06:41] in order - Adept, edit, view, settings, help [06:41] click adept [06:41] Ignite_: For some reason katacrap is taking like 99.9999 % CPU [06:41] then manage repositories === dek_aik [n=okto@] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] Ignite_: killall katacrap [06:42] Ignite_: use to wok good for me [06:42] do killall -9 katapult === Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] the -9 forces it [06:42] archangel_: then uncomment all the lines with restricted wored at the end (right click and selecte enable [06:43] OOD: your talking to a week old newbie [06:43] Ignite_: killall without option 9 works 99% is that not safer intelikey what fo you think [06:44] killall5 or kill -9 -1 :) hehhe as root of course..... [06:44] archangel_L: sorry ;), where are you now? [06:44] lol [06:44] you click adept then, manage repositories [06:44] adept [06:44] got it? [06:44] OOD: I have no options under Adept menu --- just 'quit' === DarkED [n=darked@adsl-146-137-146.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:46] archangel_:hmm, try going to settings instead of adept, then manage repositories === Cheapy^ [n=Hsi@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:47] sorry, try at view [06:47] oddsettings menu only have -- hide taskbar & configure shortscuts === DaSkreech [n=skreech@] has joined #kubuntu [06:47] sorry, i meant view === intelikey hopes sophie_ didnt go test killall5 or kill -9 -1 sophie_ will come back angry..... ;/ === DaSkreech curses unspeakable words === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:48] but it will kill it. what ever it was. [06:48] view only has ' review changes' [06:48] do I have an older version or something? [06:48] intelikey: don't worry [06:49] im in serious need of help. using kpowersave i attempted to suspend to disk, only to have the computer shut down, upon restart, i have no sound, an improper resolution, and do the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt work [06:49] archangel_: possibly, go to help and about adept [06:49] what does it say? [06:49] anyboyd have any idea what i did [06:49] the first line? [06:49] sophie_ and Ignite_ oh i scrolled up and found the question. yes i agree that killall is the better starting point. [06:49] Damn Amarok! >< [06:49] archangel_: Try this KMenu -> System -> Adept [06:49] k [06:49] suspend as easy as "sudo pmi action suspend" or "sudo pmi action hibernate" [06:50] archangel_: Close that Adept window you have open [06:50] version 3.5.2 [06:50] if taht helps [06:50] hey does anyone know what happened [06:50] abbatoir: what did suspend do to my computer === appolusionist_ [n=appolusi@cpe-72-130-201-17.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:50] i have 3.5.3 so it's possible you don't have those options [06:51] guess we'll have to do it the manual way ;) [06:51] one can use sudo kill -9 `pidof find` to kill a users find command but a ^c would be much easier and less forcefull Ignite_ & sophie_ [06:51] OOD: got it [06:51] OOD: No He's running the add/remove version [06:51] ah [06:51] that would be why [06:51] da is right [06:51] archangel_: You have manage repostiores now? [06:51] I just got the right one [06:51] I see the options now [06:52] yes [06:52] Ok now you can follow the walk through [06:52] Go to it :) [06:52] archangel_: use apt-get instead fast amd cheap [06:52] I'll be over here in this corner saying words Children aren't to hear [06:52] lol [06:52] sophie_: graphical is easier to start out with [06:52] sophie_: He's changing the repos [06:53] Ignite_ & sophie_ the killall command in linux was made to do basicly the same as ^C but slightly more forceful so it's a good choice for stoping things in progress relatively cleanly. [06:53] yeah sophie... I'm getting repoed [06:53] :o) [06:53] OOD and DaSkreech: But why would he need to change repo [06:53] archangel_: You can figure out the interface? === satempler [n=satemple@ip70-185-173-181.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:53] sophie_: He's adding restricted [06:53] intelikey, i know [06:53] Happy birthday, nixternal_bday :) [06:53] archangel_: for nividia drivers [06:54] think so [06:54] ty!! it just started, 24 hours of people saying "Happy thirty-second"..and then the depression will sink in [06:54] just type nvidia drivers? [06:54] anywho, back to vacation!!! [06:54] Ignite_ no offence. i was asked. [06:54] intelikey~ supp [06:54] hey me resolution got messed up 915 is no longer showing the correct resolution for my laptop [06:54] join #ubuntu-offtopic [06:54] what happened [06:54] oops, forgot the slash :X === dek_aik [n=okto@] has joined #kubuntu [06:54] intelikey, not by me :P [06:54] archangel_:so did you enable all the restricted ones? [06:54] archangel_: Follow the walkthrough :) Just ignore where it says synaptic :) [06:55] archangel_: If you get confused just say my name [06:55] hello rr72 === admin_ [n=admin@24-236-221-158.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === ash211 [n=ash211@user-1121k42.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:55] DaSkreech: how do I unrestrict? === wsp [n=guido@] has joined #kubuntu [06:55] Eh? [06:55] intelikey: tks for the killall info [06:55] archangel_: right click and select enable [06:56] Oh that :) [06:56] onn all the grey lines? [06:56] on the gray lines that have the word restricted at the very end [06:57] this will enable the restricted repository, which is where the nvidia driver is [06:57] archangel_: Oh You don't get repositores yet :) When you are ready ping me and I'll explain them [06:57] very end ? [06:57] anywhere in them. [06:58] so what do I enable? all the grey lines? === wsp [n=guido@] has joined #kubuntu [06:58] they dont look applicable to me [06:58] just the ones that have the word 'restricted' in them [06:58] ok [06:59] and universe [06:59] would be a good choice [06:59] 'main restricted'? [06:59] yes [07:00] hey intelikey can you tell why my usb mouse stopped working === wsp [n=guido@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:00] along w/ my sound and my correct resolution why decided to suspend to harddrive [07:00] and if you want you can also enable the universe ones, they have a lot of software in them so you can easily find it all in adept [07:00] its telling me its allready enabled cause my only option is 'disable, clone, remove'. [07:00] obf213 probably not. can you tell me what you did just before it quit ? [07:00] yes [07:01] i hit suspend to disk [07:01] then the computer crashed? maybe [07:01] ah suspend [07:01] i restarted it, i had the worng resolution no sound and my plg abd play mouse doesnt work [07:01] they're all already enabled? [07:01] intelikey: i got the sound working [07:01] actually i know nothing about suspend [07:02] 915resolution no longer shows tghe correct resolution for my laptop?? [07:02] everything that says 'main restricted' is [07:02] did you try unplug/replug the mouse ? [07:02] intelikey: yes many tmes [07:02] oops I didnt see the universe ones. [07:02] universe is optional === kubuntutaotao [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu [07:03] and the wireless reciever is connecting with the mouse. as it blinks whenever i move the mouse [07:03] ok they are enabled with the others now [07:03] click apply [07:03] then close [07:03] k === kubuntutaotao is now known as kubuntutaotao-of [07:03] then click the fetch updates button [07:03] done [07:03] k [07:04] when it's done, close adept and start terminal [07:04] wow, lots of updates [07:04] ah intelikey it seems to work, however not in the same usb port [07:04] if i plug it in that prot it wont work === kubuntutaotao-of is now known as kubuntutaotao [07:05] now search for nvidia? === kubuntutaotao is now known as taotao [07:05] you can search and install the package 'nvidia-glx' (without quotes) [07:05] obf213 i have nothing to even test the suspend function on so i know nothing about it. i would think that a full restart should fix it. but i can't say for sure. you might have to flush the tmp partition before it will streighten out. sorry i can't help there. === taotao is now known as kubuntutaotao === kubuntutaotao is now known as taotao^offline [07:05] it's the same effect as doing sudo apt-get install nvida-glx in the terminal [07:06] hallouw......... === sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.Sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:06] i need u'r help..!!!!!!!! [07:06] !ask [07:06] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [07:06] ok gotcha [07:06] now i get 4 results [07:06] all different === taotao^offline is now known as kubuntutaotao [07:07] ok thanks anyway [07:07] can u explain how to use gaim, cause i cant do!!!!!??? [07:07] intelikey: dumping and reinstalling stuff rom adept seems to be fixing some of the problems [07:07] archangel_: did you get the package installed? [07:08] digibre4k_: What do you want to do? [07:08] i want chat... [07:08] OOD: driver, driver developement files, 'legacy' driver, 'legacy driver developement files [07:09] can explain how to use??? [07:09] obf213 iirc there is a posting on the wiki about laptops and the suspend function did you look for help there ? [07:09] just get the nvidia-glx package [07:09] you don't need the rest [07:09] !suspend [07:09] I know nothing about suspend - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [07:09] ok [07:09] im not worreid about that now im trying to fix all the stuff it messed up [07:09] digibre4k_: You mean IRC or something else? [07:10] request install done [07:10] ok === mr_lampe [n=tho@dslb-084-056-137-213.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:10] now quit adept [07:10] apply changes? === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:10] OOD: Hee hee [07:10] archangel_: Yeah do that :) [07:10] yes apply the changes so the package actually installs === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [07:10] lol k [07:10] Hobbsee: Hi [07:10] you need that package :) [07:11] yup... [07:11] OOD: ok done, and closed out [07:11] ok [07:11] start konsole [07:11] done [07:12] ok [07:12] obf213 but if you get that fixed that may also take care of the 'mess' ??? just a thought. it would at least prevent you making the same mess out of it as soon as you get it fixed.... [07:12] now type in: sudo nvidia-xconfig [07:12] it'll ask for your password [07:13] done [07:13] digibre4k_: Yup what? You want IRC? [07:13] back to promt [07:13] ok [07:13] it's done === ahmeni [i=ahmeni@69.f4.5546.static.theplanet.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:13] wow [07:13] now all you have to do is restart X and you should be runnign with the driver [07:13] piece of cake [07:13] to do that, press CTRL+ALT+Backspace [07:13] this will log you out [07:13] so all your programs will close [07:13] ok [07:14] be back in a sec [07:14] over and out [07:14] lets hope so ;) [07:14] Save anything important [07:14] lol [07:14] I can't seem to install kdelibs-data because it conflicts with a file in ktorrent, but apt refuses to remove either. Argh. [07:14] ohh man, dont scare me like that === intelikey presses CTRL+ALT+Backspace repetedly..... nothing happesn... [07:15] How do you make the KDE start menu sort alphabetically? [07:15] let's hope he comes back === intelikey hopes === archangel_ [n=archange@ip70-160-49-254.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:16] and he's back! [07:16] dudes [07:16] How do you make the KDE start menu sort alphabetically? [07:16] I can see a big change in quality [07:16] admin: right-click kmenu button -> menu editor, and manually change order [07:16] admin_ that's a good question. kmenuedit or something like that maybe ??? [07:17] Was hoping for non-manual solution. :-) [07:17] I'm only running in 16 colors and it wont change [07:17] not sure about non-manual [07:17] o.0 [07:17] 16 colors? [07:17] lol, just kidding [07:17] it rocks [07:17] :P [07:18] had me there for a second [07:18] admin_: Mine does it already. What's up with yours? [07:18] thanx bro [07:18] yea, np :) [07:18] I almost want your help with macro media [07:18] lol [07:18] only if your up to it [07:18] flash? [07:18] archangel_ you had him, you should have fried him for a minute :) [07:19] lol [07:19] lol yeah I know, man [07:19] almost ? [07:19] I could rode that one out for a while === insanekane [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [07:19] lol [07:19] 'should' [07:19] lol [07:19] archangel_: Do you understand what the repositories are? [07:20] Or why you have retricted or universe? === oomph [n=oomph@69-175-194-51.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:20] packets or specific drivers or full software? [07:20] or = of [07:20] s [07:21] DaSkreech: they look like software that is in reserve somewhere. [07:22] archangel_: Right. Do you know why they have sections [07:23] repo main( these.debs ) repo restricted( more.debs ) repo universe( lots_of.debs ) .... [07:23] each section is for levels of skill or function? DaSkreech [07:23] !dstats [07:23] I know nothing about dstats - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [07:24] archangel_: good guess but not quite === jmichaelx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:24] hmmm, learn me! [07:24] !dist stats [07:24] I know nothing about dist stats - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [07:24] Well Main is run and maintained by Ubuntu [07:25] k [07:25] universe is generally free software which is maintained by people outside of Ubuntu === blurry_fury [n=blurry_f@c-24-1-65-145.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:25] ahh [07:25] Multiverse is non open source things [07:26] non-open? [07:26] or things with license restrictions [07:26] ok [07:26] Like MP3 or Java or Flash [07:26] gotcha\ [07:26] restricted is ran and mantained by ubuntu but is not free. [07:26] Then anything beyond that are repositories you add yourself [07:26] Oh right forgot that one :) [07:26] is that why flash seems to have a different setup? [07:27] Yumm Yeah :) [07:27] flash is evil [07:27] can someone give me the command to copy a folder from one dir to another? [07:27] gnash all the way~ [07:28] cp - [07:28] cp -R [07:28] ooops hehhe [07:28] jmichaelx: cp foldername destination [07:28] ty [07:28] lol telling me! its keeps telling me that the utility is not in my pathfor a [07:28] -r flah necessary? [07:28] flag* === ReverendTrevore is now known as tj9991 === admin_ [n=admin@24-236-221-158.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:29] gnash? [07:29] with the -R or you get only the dir. [07:29] ahh [07:29] gnash is a an opensource project to recreate flash [07:29] intelikey: ty once again [07:29] sorry, I was ease dropping [07:30] didnt realize... my bad [07:30] jmichaelx so it depends on what you want. [07:30] man cp [07:30] i want to copy the dir and all of its contents, so yeah, probably =R [07:31] cause flash is evil ;/ === scorpion007 [n=scorp@ppp65-120.lns1.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:31] yeah -R [07:31] so do I not want flash? [07:31] is that why I cant get it to work? [07:31] you want flash [07:32] gnash is in developement stages [07:32] and isn't as cabaple as flash 7 atm [07:32] web pages keep telling me I need it [07:32] !flash [07:32] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [07:32] I download it [07:33] from the adobe webpage? [07:33] try to open it, then it starts laughing at me and starts asking for a path less traveled [07:33] jmichaelx cp=copy mv=move rm=remove (or delete in dos) cd=change directories ls=list just a few of the most basic and rudimentory commands in GNU-linux [07:34] yeah adobe [07:34] got the 64 bit version === ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] the debian version [07:34] what? [07:35] lol [07:35] I was on the Debian website and seen the flash link they had there [07:35] ubuntu != debian ubuntu = debian + confusion. [07:36] I read that Kubuntu was Debian based and thought that it would work [07:36] there is no 64-bit flash so i have no idea what you're talking about :D [07:36] :) [07:36] oops, sorry thats Craft [07:37] looking at the wrong icon [07:37] lol [07:37] lol, my bad [07:38] I guess this would be a reason not to smoke crack [07:38] how do i "Make sure there is a link to the kernel source from the modules directory"? [07:38] or pcp either [07:38] i think i need some crack [07:38] jmichaelx: what are you trying to do? === chris_ [n=chris@cpe-24-24-240-54.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:39] apt-cache search crack [07:39] lol [07:39] OOD: i am trying to install the latest ndiswrapper from sourceforge [07:39] evening all [07:39] ouch, that's gonna take a lot of patience [07:39] grrrr [07:39] crack - Password guessing program [07:39] crack-attack - multiplayer OpenGL puzzle game like "Tetris Attack" [07:39] haha [07:39] im gonna give that a try [07:40] i am trying to get my broadcom wireless to work [07:40] ha [07:40] hey how would I get flash working? [07:41] jmichaelx: that's something way beyong my expertise ;), you'll have to wait until someoen can help you [07:41] i had my wireless working great, then i had the linux version of BSOD and had to reinstall.... since then NOTHING i do will make this wireless card work [07:41] wonder if my screensavers work now that 3d support is working.. [07:41] archangel_: they should [07:42] arkangle i've never tried to make flash work in linux but that subject is in this channel a lot. did you read the web pages that were posted eariler about that ^ ? [07:42] abattoir: are you awake? [07:42] !flash [07:42] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [07:42] sweet they do [07:42] those pages ^ [07:42] I have [07:42] jmichaelx: am always awake :) [07:43] jmichaelx: what's up? [07:43] lol === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:43] abattoir: i am still trying to get this broadcom wireless working [07:43] and banging my head [07:43] and I did what most forums say to do (take 2 files and put them in the .mozila folder) [07:43] jmichaelx: did you 'undo' what you did... ? [07:43] still nothing [07:44] archangel_:that should work [07:44] abattoir: i am not sure enough about what i did to undo it.... but i have a question... [07:44] not sure why it doesnt [07:44] archangel_: did you extract the archive you downloaded from the flash website? [07:44] I even put it in a folder deeper inside and that didnt work either [07:44] yes [07:45] k [07:45] open that folder [07:45] k [07:45] right click on the background and go options->open terminal here [07:45] jmichaelx: ask... :P [07:45] sorry, actions>open terminal here [07:45] done [07:46] I gotcha [07:46] in the terminal window that opened type in: sh flashplayer-installer [07:46] and just follow the directions [07:46] should I move the file back out (or move up one level) [07:46] ? [07:46] which file? [07:46] abattoir: it seems to me that with my previous install, what made my wireless work, was using fwcutter to get the firmware, THEN install the driver in ndiswrapper.....all of the forums will tell you that you should NOT have fwcutter installed to use these cards with ndiswrapper, but i think i had used fwcutter, gotten the firmware, installed the driver in ndiswrapper, and it worked... does this make sense? [07:46] the 2 [07:47] what2? the ones you put in the mozilla folder? === v0taguz [n=votaguz@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:47] .xpt & .so [07:47] where are they now? [07:47] let me double check [07:47] 1 sec [07:47] jmichaelx: fwcutter(and hence bcm43xx) in a way, 'takes control' of your card, and ndiswrapper will not work until you 'unload' the bcm43xx module... [07:48] in the firefox folder === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:48] jmichaelx: in your case, ndiswrapper didnt work because, the driver(or ndiswrapper) wasnt installed cleanly, or if it was, something was messed around with... :P [07:48] move them back to the flash folder you just extracted [07:49] did that go through? [07:49] abattoir: hmm.... ok, but i had used fwcutter to extract the firmware from bcmwl5... i did not uninstall fwcutter, and my wireless worked [07:49] great [07:49] did what go through? [07:49] I sent you the location of the file [07:49] another successful Broadcom user [07:50] is it better to turn of your computer at night or just keep it running [07:50] yes, in the firefox folder [07:50] ok yeah [07:50] move them back to the flash folder you just extracted [07:50] Healot: no, not successful... that was on a previous installation... this time around, it willl simply not work [07:50] jmichaelx: afaik,(because i havent used it), you use fwcutter to extract the firmware, to be used by bcm43xx... once you have done the extraction, fwcutter's presence does not matter, it is bcm43xx which controls the card [07:51] Healot: i wonder if your statement was sarcastic :) === jasonlam [n=lamj@CPE001217adddd3-CM00111ae5c560.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:51] the files are still there (they copied when they were extracted) [07:51] should I just delete? [07:51] no [07:51] abattoir: it is strange, because i had bcm43xx blacklisted, but nothing seemed to work until i used fwcutter.... i guess i am crazy [07:51] ok [07:51] now in the console that just opened [07:52] type in sh flashplayer-installer [07:52] and just follow the install [07:52] I didnt move the files yet [07:52] dont move any files [07:52] jmichaelx: if you think that worked, there is no harm in trying, but i am still convinced that ndiswrapper's driver wasnt installed cleanly.. or if it was it wasnt removed cleanly... you get the picture :) [07:52] the install will copy the files to where they should be for you [07:52] not sure how unless I open up too windows and drag and drop [07:52] oh ok [07:53] abattoir: yeah, i think i do... i just wish right now i could get rid of all traces of ndiswrapper and everything associated with it, and start over === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl1-141.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] jmichaelx: well, we could try... [07:54] says my architecture is not supported [07:54] i an trying to use the instructions from http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140214&page=2, , but i am lost [07:54] you running 64-bit kubuntu? [07:54] brb, need more vodka [07:54] yes [07:54] there's the problem [07:55] ouch [07:55] welcome to the 64-bit bandwagon, on x64 XP now :0 [07:55] jmichaelx: hmm, maybe you did that last time too... i guess vodka and ndiswrapper dont mix well :P [07:55] should i use 32 bit version? [07:55] your 64-bit kubuntu comes with 64-bit firefox, and the flash plugin is 32-bit [07:55] hmmmm [07:55] what you'll have to do is download the 32-bit version [07:56] that sucks [07:56] flash sucks... archangel_ [07:56] so write a 64 bit plugin archangel_ [07:56] proprietary and it sucks :) [07:57] lol, I'll get right on it [07:57] flash is evil like M$ [07:57] heh, gnash FTW! [07:57] lesser evil like Saddam === turtleJP [n=chris@cpe-24-24-240-54.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:58] Saddam a LESSER evil? yikes [07:58] sodamn insane ? [07:58] hello people [07:58] typical dictator [07:59] I think they all contract the syndrome after 'election' [07:59] Bush = evil, Saddam = lesser evil, conlusion, both are devils :) [07:59] digibre4k_: Hello? [07:59] archangel_: After? === vontux [n=vontux@pool-72-67-51-212.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:59] after a good dinner, I'm asking anyone's here ... How can I install a program, after I've already untar it ... like: tar-xvf firefox.tar.gz ... ? I've tried with apt-get install firefox ... but it won't work. WHY? [07:59] abattoir: i was just thinking that back when i got ndiswrapper to work the last time, i had been drinking vodka... so i am trying to re-create the experience [07:59] DaSkreech: good point [07:59] jmichaelx: haha [08:00] alcohol sovles all problems :D === pratibha [n=pratibha@] has joined #kubuntu [08:00] anybody in here installed kismet on their ubuntu box before/ [08:00] hey does restartign a computer damange it? [08:00] not liver disease [08:00] obf213: restarting it how? [08:00] lol === micah [n=micah@adsl-81-133-210.mgm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:00] bl3ssing why do you have the tar ball ? is the ff in the repos not adaquit ? [08:00] !ff [08:00] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins [08:01] obf213: yes, NEVER restart your PC [08:01] like just flipping the switch hurts it theoretically if you do it enough times obf213 [08:01] you're right intelikey [08:01] ok [08:01] jw. [08:01] !info firefox [08:01] firefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7730 kB, installed size 22912 kB [08:01] uh i restart my computer every day [08:01] ive had to restart probably 100 times since linux get [08:01] OOok well, i do too === obf213 notes the irony [08:01] so, any kismet users in here? [08:02] I have an older version and I just need to get to the newest one (you might wonder why? Well .. tried to get to a medical website which's been created in flash, and ... surprise: too old version of firefox. Install the newest from -and here it is the link to the firefox website-) === german [n=german@] has joined #kubuntu [08:02] abattoir: so... how might i erase all traces of ndiswrapper? [08:02] intelikey, I have an older version and I just need to get to the newest one (you might wonder why? Well .. tried to get to a medical website which's been created in flash, and ... surprise: too old version of firefox. Install the newest from -and here it is the link to the firefox website-) [08:02] man, since 3d driver installed, system is screeming [08:02] obf213 i've had to restart one time sense installing a few weeks ago. (also notes the irony) === AegeanLinux [n=AegeanLi@] has left #kubuntu ["Gone] [08:02] archangel_: it's nice. isn't it ;) [08:03] yeah man [08:03] archangel_: what 3d driver? [08:03] bl3ssing so do you have flash working at all ? [08:03] !flash [08:03] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [08:03] bl3ssing ^ [08:03] well, I meant nvidia driver (3d hardware support) [08:03] ahh [08:03] like night and day === cod [n=cod@51-068.dsl.duo-county.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:05] alright, gotta go [08:05] night [08:05] night [08:05] and if nvidia would open source that, it would go right into the kernel tree and you would have what you've got now archangel_ from the install, without any of this hassel === CyberCod [n=cod@51-068.dsl.duo-county.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:06] ahh, I see [08:06] and it would cost nvidia what ???? i think it would help their business... [08:06] yeah, no doubt [08:07] now ATI are they open source? [08:07] the standard reply to that is that there are special trade secrets in the driver that other companies (AMD) might try to copy [08:07] intelikey: It would cost them the business [08:07] only way it will happen is if costumers like you start making a noise about it.... === Jack1 [n=johannes@p54A0ADB7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:07] ATI is closed source as well but that may change now that they are owned by AMD [08:07] sry, s/AMD/ATI/ === BUh [n=naetsh@m61.net81-65-108.noos.fr] has joined #kubuntu [08:07] hopefully that will change [08:07] DaSkreech how so ? they are selling hadrware not software. [08:08] any idea why SCIM doesn't seem to show up? [08:08] Well, AMD hopes to build GPUs into multicore CPUs [08:08] are you implying that the code is hot ? [08:08] intelikey: They are afraid of patents. Everyone in crazy hectic updates are [08:08] jmichaelx: ok, am back... one sec [08:08] I hope to see AMD pass Intel again [08:09] intelikey: The ideas are. [08:09] <|lostbyte|> Good morning guys... [08:09] moring [08:09] |lostbyte|: Hi [08:09] yeah... i agree... i hope they bury intel [08:09] jmichaelx: remove the driver first(if you can) [08:09] they won't, coz I am still using both :) [08:09] Intel is gloating bigtime cause of their new pride and joy [08:09] but how long will that last eh? [08:09] core2 duo is amazing [08:09] <|lostbyte|> DaSkreech, hi there.. [08:09] I heard its like nothing else [08:10] i heard AMD has quadcore on the way soon [08:10] obf213: It's a PIII :) [08:10] abattoir: will try, brb [08:10] CyberCod: No Intel will get there first [08:10] lol, shutup [08:10] Both AMD and Intel will have quad core this year [08:10] seriously? [08:10] <|lostbyte|> Not so soon.. [08:11] in fact there are companies making 32core right now for supercomputers and such... but it doesn't count [08:11] this year? that is a universe of a jump [08:11] well personally. i don't think there should be any patents on data of any kind. i think that should be removed from the law books. and as for copy rights i'm still not setteled on that, but i'm sure it should not be unlawful to quote others (i.e. use parts of their code) in not for profit use. [08:11] I guess that would be a quantum leap [08:11] yeah intel quad core q4 of this year [08:11] well, they gotta do somethin, they can't make the pathways any smaller, only solution is to put multiple cores. [08:12] yeah, I guess so [08:12] they're saying we'll have octocore in desktop PC's by 2010 [08:12] You should only be able to use parts of thier code if they approve that [08:12] oh, since many of you have duel-core CPUs, how's the perfomance in general (using SMP kernel of course) [08:12] intelikey: Patents protect consumers [08:12] intelikey: Unfortunately the patent system does not :( [08:13] just think of the virtual machines you could have on a pc === cedrique [n=cedrique@] has joined #kubuntu [08:13] <|lostbyte|> Unless they find anothere way to store, charg at the nano level. [08:13] xen ;) [08:13] if AMD could make a 2part driver, one part open source with all of the software hooks and tie-ins... and the 2nd part NOT open source, where they keep the kernel's secret recipe.... [08:13] DaSkreech patents protect mega $ business not consumers patents keep the prices up. and the supply low. [08:14] if they split the driver in two, you'd still have to do special stuff to install the 'secret' part [08:14] yeah like Honda minivans [08:14] patents are a source of revenue for big business [08:14] intelikey: No the patent system does that. The idea of patents are to protect consumers [08:14] but perhaps the open part could be tweaked for compatability [08:14] intelikey: That is becuase there is a terrible patent system [08:14] DaSkreech: I always thought the idea of patents is to protect inventors [08:15] i dunno... i couldn't create a driver if my life depended on it [08:15] Although I think that we are firmly in OT territory now [08:15] but we don't use the "idea of" we use the cold hard facts. and fact is patents on data are evil. [08:15] patentes are to protect inventors from big business not consumers [08:15] Want to take this to #kubuntu-offtopic [08:15] yea -offtopic time ;) [08:15] ya lets go have a war lol [08:16] lol [08:16] i have an ON topic question [08:16] wolfmanz we is having two of them. in the middle east.... [08:16] CyberCod: Save us :) [08:16] is encoding an mp3 a processer intesive process [08:16] obf213: not anymore :) [08:16] really [08:16] obf213: for older processors yea [08:16] <|lostbyte|> obf213, yes. [08:16] hrm [08:16] will the ATI drivers work any differently on Kubuntu than on Ubuntu? I"m having trouble on Ubuntu [08:16] It will soak up cycles sure [08:16] my cpu's go to 100 [08:16] when it does it [08:16] abattoir: i am not getting anywwhere [08:16] CyberCod: no [08:17] ok [08:17] CyberCod: *buntu uses the same X server [08:17] but you don't have to go make dinner anymore cause your stuff has frozen up [08:17] jmichaelx: could you explain... [08:17] i figured that, but was hopeful [08:17] how can I monitor my cpu? [08:17] htop shows both my cores going to 100percent when encoding.....on a 2ghz duo..... [08:17] jmichaelx: the same unable to uninstall, but unable to install thing? [08:17] sudo apt-get install htop [08:17] its console but its good [08:17] another question, a non-important one, but a nagging thing [08:17] archangel_: many ways , one is run "top" from konsole === admin_ [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu [08:17] k [08:18] archangel_: Or Ctrl+Esc === Lunar_Raven [n=posthuma@71-37-10-185.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:18] upon boot, and its doing its startup list thing "drivers...... [ok] " thing [08:18] abattoir: i can't seem to uninstall the driver, and the commmands 'ndiswrapper' and 'ndisgtk' are no longer recognized, even though they are installed [08:18] i have a nagging feeling that windows is much mor efficient with a dual core cpu [08:19] jmichaelx: ok, time for manual removal... [08:19] obf213: not really, if nothing else is useing the cpu why not let the encoder ;) you can always renice it [08:19] it gets down to file system, and then leaves the nice skinned screen, and continues booting up in a non-skinned terminal visual mode. [08:19] its not a big deal, but its annoying [08:19] jmichaelx: remove ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-source, ndiswrapper-utils, ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 [08:19] CyberCod: file a bug [08:20] abattoir: brb === turtleJP [n=chris@cpe-24-24-240-54.socal.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:20] ok. i just never thought my cpu's went to 100percent in linux but ill take your word onit [08:20] jmichaelx: and ndisgtk, if you have that installed [08:20] fair nuff [08:20] thanx === kane__ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [08:20] obf213~ mine goes to 99% but i take that as 100 [08:20] obf213: Mine are nearly always used all the time [08:20] jmichaelx: also, you might not have ndis...-source or ndis...-utils-1.1 installed, but check [08:20] abattoir: sudo: remove: command not found [08:20] since my graph turns red === micah [n=micah@adsl-81-133-210.mgm.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:20] where do you look for that? what colum? [08:21] jmichaelx: 'sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper-utils' for eg. [08:21] ahhh [08:22] obf213~ that rox ty for the suggggestion [08:23] abattoir: ok, all unintalled [08:23] np [08:24] jmichaelx: see if you have an ndiswrapper folder in /etc [08:24] ok folks [08:24] have a good one [08:24] going to the beach tomorrow [08:24] need some shut eye [08:24] abattoir: yes, i do [08:24] thanx for the lessons [08:24] and help [08:25] jmichaelx: see what it contains.. or it might be from the cache, reload to make sure [08:26] abattoir: i reloaded. it contains the folder bcmwl5 [08:26] jmichaelx: ok remove the ndiswrapper folder [08:27] abattoir: sudo apt-get remove /etc/ndiswrapper? [08:28] jmichaelx: nope, 'sudo rm -rf /etc/ndiswrapper' [08:28] jmichaelx: apt-get is for removing binary packages, like ndiswrapper-utils [08:28] ok [08:28] *or rather the 'apt-get' command above [08:28] whereas the rm command removes files(and in this case folders) [08:29] abattoir: ok, removed [08:29] jmichaelx: check now for /sbin/loadndisdriver [08:29] and /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper [08:30] also, /sbin/loadndisdriver-1.8 and /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 [08:30] abattoir: neither of those exist === Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] ok, good, reinstall the ndiswrapper packages [08:31] namely 'ndiswrapper-utils'(which should get ndiswrapper-utils-1.8) [08:31] 'ndiswrapper-common'... [08:31] abattoir: should i use aptitude, or is it ok if i just use automatix? [08:32] automatix does package installations too? [08:32] abattoir is there a way to remove the multiple desktop as in have 0 [08:32] you can use aptitude/apt-get/adept/synaptic [08:32] yeah thats wht i need to use automatix [08:32] abattoir: i believe so [08:32] wolfmanz: you must have 1 :P [08:32] wolfmanz: rt.click->configure desktop [08:33] abattoir ya i know where it is just wondering if i could shut it right off [08:33] wolfmanz: you should see 'Multiple Desktops' [08:35] abattior i got it i rmoved the panel now thats one less thing to look at [08:35] abattoir: E: Invalid operation ndiswrapper-common [08:35] jmichaelx: that's all? any more info? [08:35] abattoir: nope [08:36] jmichaelx: :P 'sudo apt-get *install* ndiswrapper-common' [08:37] E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-common [08:37] !info ndiswrapper-common [08:37] Package ndiswrapper-common does not exist in dapper [08:37] !info ndiswrapper-common edgy [08:37] ndiswrapper-common: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.18-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 80 kB [08:37] jmichaelx: ugh, sorry.. leave that packagee then [08:38] abattoir: do i need to add an edgy repo? [08:38] jmichaelx: install ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 [08:38] jmichaelx: NO [08:38] ok [08:38] jmichaelx: i was using an edgy system to look at the package contents... apparently there has been a change in ndiswrapper's packaging [08:39] E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 [08:39] !info ndiswrapper [08:39] Package ndiswrapper does not exist in dapper [08:39] hmmm [08:40] abattoir: i might just use automatix, brb [08:40] !info ndiswrapper-utils [08:40] ndiswrapper-utils: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 27 kB, installed size 136 kB [08:40] jmichaelx: ^^^^^^ [08:41] abattoir: i did successfully install ndiswrapper-utils [08:41] jmichaelx: ok, now try '-l' see if your driver is listed... [08:41] it shouldnt be [08:42] abattoir: ndiswrapper -l? [08:42] yes [08:43] No drivers installed [08:43] ok, now try installing it === kubuntutaotao is now known as taotao^offline [08:45] abattoir: ok, done === edon [n=edon@albalug/edon] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [n=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] jmichaelx: you have bcm43xx blacklisted and unloaded right? [08:46] abattoir: i should check again, brb [08:47] what kernel do i need to make use of athlon dual core? [08:47] jmichaelx: ok, after that do a 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' and see if 'dmesg' shows any errors [08:48] FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory [08:49] jmichaelx: do 'sudo ndiswrapper -d' [08:49] and then do modprobe [08:50] abattoir: same error [08:50] jmichaelx: hmm in dmesg? [08:50] or the FATAL one? === kane__ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [08:50] the fatal one [08:51] jmichaelx: ok, wait a sec [08:54] jmichaelx: you installed ndiswrapper-source? [08:54] jmichaelx: try installing that, and see if it works === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [08:56] abattoir: i installed ndiswrapper-source, but i still get the fatal error when i modprobe [08:57] jmichaelx: ok, check if you have that file... just in case === dmbkiwi_ [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [08:58] abattoir: which file? [08:58] /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko [08:59] afaik, that file is not provided by any of the packages that you uninstalled now [08:59] also see if 'linux-restricted-modules' is installed... === davo [n=davo@60-234-210-49.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [08:59] not sure if ndiswrapper falls under that [08:59] did you switch from 386 to 686? [08:59] or was it installed by default? === kane___ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [09:00] abattoir: yes, i am using 686 [09:00] yes, i figured that :P, but did you upgrade from 386? [09:00] or was it installed by default? [09:01] abattoir: i upgraded [09:01] i'm guessing you dont have linux-restricted-modules-686 installed [09:01] not sure if that's the right name, but it should be similar === Naosv [n=naosv@cpc3-cani1-0-0-cust1020.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] linux-restricted-modules-686 is already the newest version === rpedro_ [n=rpedro@87-196-42-154.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu === christian [n=christia@p213.54.205.94.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-086-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:04] it points to the latest version ;- [09:04] Good morning everyone! === deddo [n=deddo@gv-vb-0388.mxs.adsl.euronet.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Lurkan [n=agsm@] has joined #kubuntu [09:05] afternoon, MilfhousePunkRock [09:05] jmichaelx: hmm, the file seems to come from the kernel package itself [09:05] linux-image-686, in your case, i guess [09:06] Hey Healot... Afternoon? So you are east from here too... Hi abattoir... [09:06] MilhousePunkRock: morning :) [09:06] i guess, MilhousePunkRock [09:06] I've had the file system check when I just booted, how come I had an illegal block and a few multiple claimed blocks? === davo [n=davo@60-234-210-49.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:07] jmichaelx: do a 'dpkg -S /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko' [09:07] jmichaelx: and you didnt tell me if the file actually exists... or even the ndiswrapper folder [09:07] /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko === bbt [n=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [09:08] abattoir: /etc/ndiswrapper does not exist === hansl_ [n=hans@84-107-168-23.dsl.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu [09:09] jmichaelx: that should have been created when you installed 'ndiswrapper-utils' === ilia [n=ilia@client-82-199-205-254.speedy.sellinet.net] has joined #kubuntu === ilia is now known as tilix [09:09] abattoir: why wasn't it? lol === _cipher [n=cipher@] has joined #kubuntu [09:09] jmichaelx: weird... you are on Kubuntu right :P [09:09] hehe, kidding [09:10] hi. Does somebody know how to rebuild kubuntu-default-settings because debuild fails with ./debian/tmp/etc/: No such file or directory [09:11] jmichaelx: i'm not on dapper, so cant cross-check.. do 'dpkg -L ndiswrapper-utils' [09:11] jmichaelx: do you see a /etc/ndiswrapper there? [09:11] abattoir: i can feel another re-install coming on [09:12] abattoir: /etc/ndiswrapper is not there [09:12] jmichaelx: ok, wait, i'll boot into dapper... [09:12] brb === svizzero [i=svizzero@gateway/tor/x-8194496d047a9a2f] has joined #kubuntu [09:13] jmichaelx: So you have trouble with ndiswrapper? [09:14] MilhousePunkRock: just a little [09:14] *chokes* [09:14] Did you check and double-check if there are native drivers for your device? [09:15] MilhousePunkRock: there is an open source driver, but it sucks [09:15] jmichaelx: How do you know it sucks, did you try it? Wireless is always a little tricky on Linux (from my humble experience)... [09:16] MilhousePunkRock: i tried it, and could not get it to work, those woth whom i have spoken who did get it to work said that it was really really slow [09:17] no... proprietary hardware/driver manufacturers suck [09:17] need more vodka, brb === intelikey [n=root@0-1pool89-234.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:17] anyone have this file ? /sbin/genksyms [09:17] jmichaelx: It should be possible to get it to life with ndiswrapper though, especially with abattoir's help... [09:17] anyone have this file ? /sbin/genksyms [09:17] Healot: this is a broadcom, and they have issues. i did have it working on a previous install [09:17] Morning intelikey [09:18] MilhousePunkRock hey [09:18] yeah === unix_infidel [n=blue@adsl-68-94-7-157.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:18] thank god i don't have/use em === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [09:18] trying to find out what this kernel compile is barking about what's it === kane__ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu [09:19] intelikey: Let me check... [09:19] file not found /sbin/genksyms so i don't even know what it's supposed to be/do [09:19] abattoir: wb [09:20] jmichaelx: thanks :P [09:20] intelikey: I don't have it either... [09:20] WB abattoir [09:20] abbatoir why were you not on dapper [09:20] jmichaelx: dpkg -L gives me /etc/ndiswrapper [09:20] ok thanks MilhousePunkRock [09:20] MilhousePunkRock: thanks too :) [09:21] abattoir: i reloaded and i do actually have /etc/ndiswrapper === intelikey [n=root@0-1pool89-234.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has left #kubuntu ["."] [09:21] jmichaelx: hmmm === abattoir wonders who x16467498416 can be :P [09:21] intelikey, I have an older version and I just need to get to the newest one (you might wonder why? Well .. tried to get to a medical website which's been created in flash, and ... surprise: too old version of firefox. Install the newest from -and here it is the link to the firefox website-) [09:21] x16467498416: i work on stuff which depends on packages available only in edgy [09:22] intelikey, in case you've already answered ... can you reply it again ... please? [09:22] abattoir is a geek... He needs to be on the bleeding edge... :-P [09:22] oh i dont even know wht edgy is, is it more advanced than dapper [09:22] jmichaelx: what about the /lib.... file? [09:22] Has anyone noticed that intelikey already left? [09:23] the future upcoming release [09:23] I am new to kubuntu. I cannot boot up my kubuntu from my HD. I suspect the display settings is defaulted higher than the 1024 x 768 setting my display card can take ... can anyone help please?? [09:23] MilhousePunkRock: hehe, no i have given a valid and true reason above :) === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] x16467498416: That's the future version of Kubuntu... [09:23] x16467498416: it is the 'next' version of (K)ubuntu which would be released in Oct. 2006 [09:23] should, rather === hemejorma [n=hemejorm@dyn3-82-128-188-233.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] ubuntu: Can you not boot at all, or doesn't it start X / KDE? [09:24] abattoir: interestingly, i just installed ndisgtk and opened it, and it still shows bcmwl5 as ebing installed [09:24] it does not start KDE [09:24] good grief === diego_cl [n=diego@pc-171-218-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:24] neither does it start x [09:24] ubuntu: Maybe a simple command can help you... Let me look it up [09:24] jmichaelx: hmm...something was not done cleanly... === Richman_2 [n=Richman@CPE-60-228-30-45.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [09:25] hi [09:25] jmichaelx: maybe ndisgtk reads from its own conf files which werent updated... [09:25] jmichaelx: i'm not familiar w/ how it works [09:25] abattoir: could be, ill try to remove it [09:25] ubuntu: Boot into a shell and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" that will let you reconfigure X [09:25] jmichaelx: i though i asked you too.. you didnt? [09:25] not that it'd matter much... [09:26] abattoir: i did remove it in the command line [09:26] or, i tried to [09:26] jmichaelx: and... it was still installed? [09:26] abattoir: apparently..... [09:26] i was shocked to see it show up in ndisgtk [09:27] abattoir how do you have edgy already [09:27] x16467498416: anybody who wants to have it can :) [09:27] thanks mil ... i try that out [09:27] o [09:27] x16467498416: but you shouldnt expect it to be stable... === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === _wirr [n=wirr@i5387004F.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:28] jmichaelx: ok, i need to go now... will be back in a few minutes... [09:28] jmichaelx: or do you want to try this tomorrow... when you are....*cough* :P [09:28] hehe, dont take that seriously, was just joking :) [09:29] abattoir: i don't get *cough* lol [09:30] but.... if you need to go, it is ok... i would just love to have the wireless working by next weekend [09:30] jmichaelx: well, i'll be back in a few mins.. if you can wait, that is [09:30] ok [09:30] brb [09:30] abattoir: yeah, i can wait [09:30] ok so do we have lts on this ubuntu [09:30] then will we have it it on the newt [09:30] or eft === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has joined #kubuntu === jordan_ [i=pc279@ul202.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [09:31] bye pratibha! === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:31] hi [09:31] hey [09:31] do we get LTS on the next release of ubuntu [09:32] x16467498416: no [09:32] or is the long term support just anything that starts with a 6 lke 6.04 6.1 ect === duopros [n=duopros@cor8-ppp4965.per.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [09:32] ok, so why upgrade if you dont get support [09:33] how to install Enemy territory for linux ? === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu === duopros [n=duopros@cor8-ppp4965.per.dsl.connect.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:33] jordan_: What's the file called you downloaded? === bbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] et-linux-2.60.x86.run? jordan? === DarkED [n=darked@adsl-146-137-146.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] et-linux-2.60.x86.run? jordan_? [09:35] Does anyone know a place to get usplash-screens? Other than the 3 they have at kde-look.org that is... [09:36] no === arepie [n=arepie@] has joined #kubuntu === rOOb [n=wls@pool-70-22-144-234.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:36] i tried that all day, messed my comp up good thats wht i did [09:36] installed splashy and what not [09:36] how would one go about determining what drivers are being used for the different devices that ubuntu is able to run automatically, such as your computer's wifi card? [09:36] splashy is absolutely terrible do not install it [09:37] it always has some problem with xml something or other and crashes your system [09:37] hello.. i have problem with wireless network. I can scan the network access point, but i can't connect, this is maybe the driver of my device is not valid. So, how could i repair this? [09:37] MilhousePunkRock oki but i need direct rendering. I use ati driver becouse a don' habe error when I reboot computer :/ [09:37] x16467498416: The version numbers come from the release year and month: Dapper Drake 6.06 = released year 06 month 06 [09:37] *have [09:37] jordan_: One step at a time, let's install it first... [09:37] arepie restart your router and try again [09:37] o === threat [n=threat@60-241-117-253.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] arkk.. [09:38] okey.. brb === DB_Blade [n=db51@63-229-1-188.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] jordan_: Open a shell, navigate to where the et-linux-2.60.x86.run is stored [09:38] vontux run system settings === kane__ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] then network interfaces it wil tell you what hardware it detects [09:38] vontux ron the command kwirelessassistant [09:39] that will tell you it autodetected your wireless or not === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:39] x16467498416: Why did you tell arepie to restart his router? That doesn't make sense at all [09:39] x16467498416: Do you even know what you are talking about? === RawSewage [n=RawSewag@208-45-98-63.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu [09:40] Can I broken seciurty for MAC in Lan ? [09:40] jordan_: What? [09:41] MAC spoofing [09:42] It's posible to have internet in 2 computer when I have regiter internet for only one MAC === thomas [n=thomas@d463d2ed.datahighways.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:42] yes, possible [09:42] jordan_: Don't you have a router? Than it uses only one MAC for the outside world, the router's... The PC's MACs don't matter in that case === thomas is now known as grothesk === arepie [n=arepie@] has joined #kubuntu [09:43] I've restart the router, still can't connect [09:44] MilhousePunkRock No i have internet in Local Are ( simple provider - one seciurity it"s MAC) [09:44] arepie: That was unecessary, don't listen to x16467498416 [09:44] jordan_: Healot can probably help you... [09:44] <_rince_> mrgn [09:44] What about ET, jordan_? [09:44] Having updated my kubuntu to kde 3.5.4 I'm missing the addressbar in konqueror. Any idea where to look for it? === secleinteer [n=secleint@] has joined #kubuntu [09:44] MilhousePunkRock: so what should i do ? [09:45] it's working but a don"t start yet becouse i useing Ati driver === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #kubuntu === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44bad9.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu [09:45] grothesk: Are you the one from #linux-club.de blixx mentioned earlier in #kubuntu-de? [09:45] whye is libxine-extracodecs obsoleted? [09:45] Healot can you help witch MAC ? [09:45] I'm on linux-club.de, that's right. [09:46] Join the german channel, blixx is there, he made a forum post about this problem, maybe he can help you... [09:46] thx [09:47] arepie: Open a shell and type "ifconfig" === rockin_stan [n=rockin_s@unaffiliated/rockinstan/x-000001] has joined #kubuntu [09:47] ok done.. and.. ? [09:47] MilhousePunkRock fglrx have problem witch turn off and rebooting computer so I use Ati driver [09:48] can you post it's output on a pastebin, arepie? [09:48] jordan_: I thought you needed help with installing ET at first... === tictric [n=manfred@p54933740.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:49] MilhousePunkRock is't oki Et is installing. I don't need help. Thanks a lot of [09:49] hold on MilhousePunkRock [09:50] Healot can you help witch MAC ? [09:50] the command was sh et-linux...run IIRC, jordan_ === eliprof [n=lantz@vol75-1-87-90-49-63.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:51] what kind of help you need? jordan_ === BradZ [n=brad@ppp230-100.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu === notbbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [09:51] Healot: Isn't spoofing MAC adresses kinda in the twilight zone? === jochen [n=jochen@p54A1D5DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:51] what i must do for broke this seciurity ? [09:52] jordan_: Get a router... ;-) === kane___ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [09:52] What's kind of program ?router it's too expensive for 2 months [09:53] nobody knows why is libxine-extracodecs obsolete, and what substitutes it? [09:53] please? [09:53] k7-smp is the poop [09:53] edon: it's not, add multiverse repositories [09:54] !multiverse [09:54] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource [09:54] !info libxine-extracodecs [09:54] libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB === admin_ [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu === notbbt is now known as bbt [09:54] MilhousePunkRock: http://rafb.net/paste/results/RHyO2v27.html === andre^off is now known as andred [09:54] arepie: Checking... [09:55] Hobbsee: i've added it === ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu [09:55] Healot What's kind of program ?router it's too expensive for 2 months [09:55] edon: after every "universe"? you need to have it in two places. [09:55] arepie: Assuming wlan0 is your wireless device, the drivers seem to be working === ThunderStruck is now known as gnomefreak [09:56] MilhousePunkRock: http://rafb.net/paste/results/sTSvIx41.html check this [09:58] arepie: Can you post your /etc/network/interfaces too? [09:58] what is the command for that [09:58] print screen ? === jochen [n=jochen@p54A1D5DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === dhq [n=dhq@] has joined #kubuntu [10:00] MilhousePunkRock: http://rafb.net/paste/results/SYSydU92.html there you go [10:00] arepie: do "vi /etc/network/interfaces" on the shell and copy it... [10:00] how do i mount an iso image [10:01] sudo mount -t iso9660 filename.iso [10:01] dhq, if you are on windows, you should have nero or other burning program to burn the image to a disk [10:01] no kubuntu [10:01] what's wrong now? [10:02] arepie: i am using kubuntu === DB_Blade doesn't belive [10:02] shouldn't k3b let you burn it? or do you really need to mount it, dhq? === jmichaelx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:02] ok there are some things about sudo that are really gay [10:02] arepie: Do you use all the other network devices? [10:03] MilhousePunkRock: i need to mount it as you see i am a newbie in linux i was using windows just shifted yesterday need to lern a lot [10:03] gnomefreak: hi [10:03] oh, yes... I remember [10:03] hi Riddell [10:03] when i try to move stuff from my desktop to trash, i have to be root\ [10:03] Riddell: it looks good so far ;) [10:04] gnomefreak: rocking [10:04] gnomefreak: i386? [10:04] abattoir: i am still getting that fatal error, which is really confusing [10:04] yep [10:04] yes... you are, jmichaelx [10:04] dhq: This is a good place to work away your noobnes... :-) [10:04] MilhousePunkRock: no.. i just use 1 at the moment.. Lan cable.. but the wireless network i didn't disconecct it from my computer.. im using wireless usb [10:04] jmichaelx: depends on who owns the file you are trying to move [10:04] MilhousePunkRock: thanx [10:04] gnomefreak: thanks [10:04] gnomefreak: i know, it is no big deal [10:04] jmichaelx: good practice is /home/ and /desktop/ should be user priv. [10:05] Riddell: no problem i love it :) === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [10:05] arepie: Do you know which ethx your ethernet card is? [10:05] DB_Blade: i probably am lol === DB_Blade laughs :)) [10:05] MilhousePunkRock: no, i don't think so.. === deckarz [n=deckarz@p54944666.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:05] how do i mount an iso image [10:05] arepie: I'd suggest you comment all those you don't need out with # in the ../interfaces === thomas_ [n=thomas@d463d2ed.datahighways.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:06] what i so frustrating is that i had this wirelss card working before i reinstalled [10:06] according to your ifconfig it should be eth0 you are using, arepie [10:07] MilhousePunkRock: what if i clear the "/interface" and let it scan automaticaly again.. ? [10:07] arepie: We don't roll like that... === virgilio_ [n=virgilio@84-122-103-95.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:07] whats the difference between dapper and edgy ? [10:08] *wonders if his wireless broadcom card would work better in edgy [10:08] su [10:09] arepie: Edit your /etc/network/interfaces in the way, that you put # in front of every line except those sections for lo, eth0 and wlan0 [10:09] arepie: Besides that, a simple "auto" could make it all happen... [10:09] does edgy inclue 2.6.17? === beagleburt [n=beaglebu@] has joined #kubuntu === nrdb [n=neil@] has joined #kubuntu [10:09] But that would be the next step [10:09] jmichaelx: Yes... === Chris7mas [n=christma@] has joined #kubuntu === kuba [n=kuba@chello084010004006.chello.pl] has joined #kubuntu [10:10] i was playing a song in amarok from my cd the cd is not ejecting in konsole i typed "eject -r" device busy [10:10] any way to remove the cd [10:10] MilhousePunkRock: i have heard that wireless is better supported in 2.6.17..... === octan [n=octan@] has joined #kubuntu [10:10] #ubuntu-pl === relix [n=david@d51A549ED.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [10:10] jmichaelx: ok, am back [10:10] broadcom wireless . i mean [10:10] hi all [10:10] wb again abattoir [10:10] jmichaelx: figured out something in the meanwhile? [10:10] jmichaelx: I can't really say, but I know power management will work better, at least for me... [10:11] abattoir: no, still getting the fatal error [10:11] can anyone tell me how i get this to work in kde? http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_install_Xgl.2FCompiz_.28Nvidia.29 === ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === ThunderStruck is now known as gnomefreak === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@p548AAE3E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:11] abattoir: i am wondering ifi would have better luck with edgy unstable === DB_Blade doesn't belive [10:11] Riddell, do you have any influence to make edgy become 6.08 instead of 6.10? ;-) [10:11] jmichaelx: that's weird, because i have the file === DB_Blade now understands [10:11] jmichaelx: no, it works fine in dapper [10:12] octan: Why is everyone so keen about XGL? [10:12] you sure? [10:12] jmichaelx: and unless you are comfortable with breakages, i wouldnt recommend edgy [10:12] MilhousePunkRock, why? cos its the future :) and its awsome. [10:12] MilhousePunkRock: i've done editing the comments, so whats next? === r0xz [n=r0xz@a80-126-145-212.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [10:12] octan: Maybe you should try the kororaa live cd and see if it works? can be found on kororaa.org [10:13] guten Morgen alle [10:13] !de [10:13] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [10:13] arepie: type "sudo ifdown wlan0 && sudo ifup wlan0" [10:13] MilhousePunkRock, no thxz.. im kinda happy with my distro [10:13] !xgl [10:13] jmichaelx: have you checked to see if the ndiswrapper.ko file exists? [10:13] Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems [10:13] How when they fix problem witch turn off and rebooting on fglrx ? [10:13] How know when they fix problem witch turn off and rebooting on fglrx ? [10:14] abattoir: haben vielleicht etwas gegen deustche?! === wiking [n=wiking@] has joined #kubuntu [10:14] does that help, octan? [10:14] just kidding [10:14] no [10:14] please? [10:14] jmichaelx: No, but this is the international channel... [10:14] haben Sie* [10:14] MilhousePunkRock, let me see === fanny [n=hnes@cs180234.pp.htv.fi] has joined #kubuntu === fanny is now known as hnes [10:14] abattoir: i wonder why i do not have that file [10:15] jmichaelx: Are you german anyway? [10:15] abattoir: i am tempted to reinstall yet again === DB_Blade wants an autograph [10:15] jmichaelx: it is part of the kernel... linux-image-686, that is === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@p548AAE3E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:15] jmichaelx: that'd be a good idea :) [10:15] MilhousePunkRock: no, lol, but i can talk german [10:15] what's so funny? === MilhousePunkRock believes, DB_Blade is a bot [10:16] abattoir: i am getting sick of reinstalling :-( [10:16] oh, yes... I remember [10:17] DB_Blade: Who ever coded you should practise some more... :-P [10:17] MilhousePunkRock, ok that looks like an alright howto ;) === itzjbyrd [n=itzjbyrd@69-166-139-155.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:17] MilhousePunkRock, have you try it? mean Xgl & compiz? === ricardo [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-15-133.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:17] jmichaelx: check if your 386 kernel has the module [10:17] octan: Nice... I wouldn't dare trying XGL on my old Laptop... But I downloaded the Live CD I mentioned earlier, but didn't try it yet... [10:18] octan: I've seen videos though and was kinda impressed... [10:18] MilhousePunkRock: http://rafb.net/paste/results/NavM9V40.html this is the output [10:18] octan: Let me look up a link of something that is even better... [10:18] abattoir: should i boot up in 386, or just look in the file? [10:18] hehe,. yea, a lappy would prob strugle with that === DB_Blade ^_^ [10:18] jmichaelx: first look... [10:19] i wont be surprised if it was there [10:19] abattoir: ok, ummmm, where do i look? === roconnor [n=roconnor@Buro041.buro.kun.nl] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] /lib/modules/<386kernel>/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper [10:20] octan: Check this out --> http://honeybrown.ca/Pubs/BumpTop.html [10:21] arepie: There is some more altering to in the interfaces, I guess... [10:21] MilhousePunkRock, ok thxz :) [10:21] MilhousePunkRock: urmmm.. what is it~? [10:21] octan: I don't know what OS that is though, they only give poor info... [10:22] abattoir: yes, it is there [10:22] jmichaelx: try booting that kernel then... [10:23] jmichaelx: or, you can try reinstalling the 686 kernel [10:23] brb [10:23] hope you'll come soon ;) [10:23] lemme try reinstalling...... by the way, i saw a madwifi folder... not sure if that is good [10:24] i dont think it'd help === kosh [n=kosh@aesaeion.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:25] jmichaelx: 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall ....' [10:26] put in the name of your kernel pkg... of course === Pupeno [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-227-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === wiking [n=wiking@] has joined #kubuntu === TheWape [n=kvirc@dyndsl-085-016-006-046.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:28] I'am looking for dock (like in Vista) [10:28] abattoir: linux-686? [10:29] MilhousePunkRock that was awsome.. i want that :P [10:29] Indeed... But like I said, the don't state what OS it is and what hardware they use... [10:29] anybody: I'am looking for dock in linux [10:30] not really sure what you mean [10:30] why not, kosh? [10:30] jordan_: Superkaramba maybe? [10:30] Is there an option to mute somone's output here? [10:30] DB_Blade: why don't I know what he means by a dock? because I have seen lots of different things called docks and I have no idea what the vista one is [10:30] yes, that's right [10:30] abattoir: ok, i reinstalled and am still getting my fatal error.... probably reinstall time [10:31] kosh: Don't bother talking to DB_Blade, I think it's a bot [10:31] ah I see [10:31] kosh resizeing toolbar witch programe [10:31] somebody should ban it [10:31] I would like to mute him on my end... Is that possible? [10:31] jordan_: Check out superkaramba [10:31] yeah you can use /ignore [10:32] what would you put in the dock? [10:32] MilhousePunkRock oki I'm serching [10:32] jordan_: I did that for you --> http://netdragon.sourceforge.net/ssuperkaramba.html === wiking [n=wiking@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:32] MilhousePunkRock Thanks :) [10:32] jmichaelx: ok, try booting into the 386 === yango [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #kubuntu [10:32] abattoir: ok, brb [10:33] msg me when your back, jmichaelx === mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ === Hobbsee examines DB_Blade [10:33] hi DB_Blade [10:33] i think the tuxbar might be something like you are looking for, jordan_ === admin_ [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu === mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@63-229-1-188.tukw.qwest.net] by Hobbsee === DB_Blade was kicked off #kubuntu by Hobbsee (You should know better. Bye!) [10:33] erm,, i managed to get gdm to become my login manager, how do i get kdm back? [10:33] Good Job Hobsee! === kosh gives Hobbsee a cookie [10:33] problem solved. [10:33] MilhousePunkRock: :) [10:33] someone could have pinged me over that. [10:34] I was wondering if it wa a bot about an hour ago... [10:34] But I did not see your OP-status, Hobbsee === abattoir wonders why, and reads up. === mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [10:35] MilhousePunkRock: freenode policy is to only get ops when needed [10:35] That's why I didn't see it, you didn't have it, Hobbsee... :-) [10:35] :) === ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu [10:36] jordan_: I think you should really try to stick to one project at a time though... Doing multiple things and none of them properly will get you nowhere... [10:36] Mil .. thanks a lot ... my kubuntu works now === jmichaelx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:36] Who, what, me? Nice that I could help... [10:36] abattoir: modprobe ndiswrapper worked this time [10:36] dmesg? [10:37] admin_: Who are you anyway? [10:37] i was the one u help with the display problem ... remember? [10:37] abattoir: several ndiswrapper errors [10:37] anyone ever use ksmooth panel? [10:37] i had trouble booting up my X and KDE [10:37] With the wrong modes, who I told to reconfigure X? [10:37] jmichaelx: pastebin [10:38] yup [10:38] i need more help mil [10:39] admin_: Try to hit the tab button after you type Mil, that will make my complete name come up, so I get notified that you talk to me when I am not in the channel window... === adam_ [n=adam@dqd222.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === _roconnor [n=roconnor@Buro041.buro.kun.nl] has joined #kubuntu === adam_ is now known as _Shade_ [10:39] MilhousePunkRock: ok thanks === jason [n=jason@] has joined #kubuntu [10:40] abattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19155 [10:40] MilhousePunkRock: this is cool [10:40] admin_: Indeed it is... [10:40] What's the matter now, admin_? === _Shade_ [n=adam@dqd222.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === diego_cl [n=diego@pc-171-218-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:40] how would i unpack snowball.0.3.tar.gz into $HOME/.kde/share/apps === _roconnor is now known as roconnor === MilhousePunkRock hopes it's only basic things though, he is by far not an expert for anything... [10:41] MilhousePunkRock: I am trying for decades to implement a samba server with kubuntu for a windows based network ... any leads you can give me? === marcus__ [n=marcus@68-114-60-93.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:41] kubuntu has been around for decades?;) [10:41] admin_: No, sorry, I haven't looked into samba yet, I do my "file sharing" with the Windows PC through my USB thumb drive... [10:42] jmichaelx: weird [10:42] abattoir: no kubuntu has only been around a few years [10:42] checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your ins tallation and add the correct paths! [10:42] MilhousePunkRock: its ok .... appreciate your help [10:42] jmichaelx: can you remove the driver? w/ -e? [10:43] I have error what's do next ? [10:43] can anyone help with SAMBA here? [10:43] wckdkl0wn: I believe that would be "sudo tar -xvcf /path/to/snowball.0.3.tar.gz /home/you/.kde/share/apps/" [10:43] ThunderStruck: oh, ok :P [10:43] abattoir: i'll try [10:43] !binutils [10:43] I know nothing about binutils - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [10:44] checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your ins tallation and add the correct paths! [10:44] a have error when I'am install suerkaramba [10:44] MilhousePunkRock: didnt work [10:44] tar: You may not specify more than one `-Acdtrux' option [10:45] jordan_: How did you try it? "sudo apt-get install superkaramba"? [10:45] OK, if I only knew what xvcf actually does... What does tar --help say about those? [10:45] wckdkl0wn: ^^ === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] abattoir: i uninstall it with -e. but it says it is not installed. however, when i ndiswrapper -l, it is still listed [10:46] no I'm compilation [10:46] jmichaelx: then nothing has changed i guess [10:46] thats all greek to me lol [10:47] jordan_: You shouldn't do that if it's in the repos.. Use my apt-get command from above === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [10:47] jmichaelx: i suspect its your driver.... could be something else too though [10:47] abattoir: how do i get rid of the darned thing? [10:47] MilhousePunkRock ok i know but I won't learn compilation [10:48] damn.. how do i get back kdm as my login manager? i managed to screw it up by installing gdm,, which i never should have done. ;( [10:48] jmichaelx: hmmm.... [10:49] jmichaelx: you install it w/ the .sys file right? [10:49] abattoir: the .sys file is in the folder [10:49] ok [10:50] anyone here uses Skim IME ? [10:50] jordan_: Put that on hold until you actually know what you are doing there... === MilhousePunkRock is reading tar's man page ATM, wckdkl0wn... [10:51] MilhousePunkRock oki but im don't won"t flood chat [10:51] Samba is installed by default with dapper? [10:51] octan: you could try modifying ... cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager [10:52] wolfmanz: i dont think so [10:52] MilhousePunkRock [10:52] jordan@jordan:~/superkaramba-0.39$ cd /home/jordan/superkaramba-0.39/superkaramb [10:52] a-0.39 [10:52] jordan@jordan:~/superkaramba-0.39/superkaramba-0.39$ ./configure [10:52] jordan_: That's what the pastebin is for... I would still suggest, you just use the packet from adept... [10:52] MilhousePunkRock: someone told me to mv snowball.0.3.tar.gz ~/.kde/share/apps; tar -xzvf snowball.0.3.tar.gz [10:52] wolfmanz: are u looking to install samba server? [10:52] abattoir: i am just going to bed at this point... i wll try again soon, thanks again for the help [10:52] wckdkl0wn: Does that work? You don't have to move it if you specify a target path... [10:52] jmichaelx: ok === MilhousePunkRock was a little unsure about the correct suffixes, as usual... [10:53] admin_ i want to setup file sharing with xp there is a samba filer in /etc [10:53] samba folder [10:53] it moved it but didnt do anything else [10:53] lol === JamieBE [n=Jamie@] has joined #kubuntu [10:53] MilhousePunkRock in 99% checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your ins tallation and add the correct paths! [10:53] Lots of people in here. [10:53] Hi everyone [10:54] I guess you need root privileges to write something in that directory... [10:54] try my command with the suffixes from the other guy's suggestion... [10:54] MilhousePunkRock what's wrong [10:54] wolfmanz: yeah i am trying to do the same ... i cannot get adept manager to install samba for me ... can u help [10:55] jordan_: Don't compile anything that is in the repos, especially if you do not know what it actually does! === vervirt [n=vervirt@pD9E56BF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:55] jordan_: Just use "sudo apt-get install superkaramba" [10:55] Does KDE automatically stick devices on the desktop when they are plugged in? [10:55] admin i was just checking adept and i do have the samba common files but not samb installed so i gotta do that i guess === Rede [n=shawn@S010600131096809c.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:55] admin_ you may want to read this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=216692&highlight=xp+file+sharing [10:55] JamieBE: It does for me, if you talk about a USB HDD for example... === priscillia [n=priscill@d54C3E724.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [10:56] hey === fritsch [n=fritsch@Uce24.u.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:56] MilhousePunkRock - Is there a way of turning this option off, so it doesn't auto mount on the desktop [10:57] JamieBE: Most likely there is one, but I don't know it, sorry... [10:57] JamieBE: And I think it does not mount it there, it's just a link === deckarz [n=deckarz@p54944666.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:57] admin_ i just installed samba with adept and that went ok [10:57] Nobody does! It seems like such an obvious thing. [10:57] hey jamie [10:57] Hi Priscillia [10:57] morn] ] ] [10:58] are you from belgium? [10:58] wolfmanz: could you guide me how you do it? [10:58] ugh sorry [10:58] JamieBE: Did you try asking in #kde ? although I am not sure if that really is a KDE matter... [10:58] I am not, no. [10:58] because of the BE [10:58] could be [10:58] where do i apply themes at in kubuntu? [10:58] how to add superkaramba and kadu to autostart ? [10:58] MilhousePunkRock: I don't even use KDE, I am running Gnome-Ubuntu [10:58] admin_ what the install of samba? [10:58] But nobody knows in there! [10:59] wckdkl0wn: system settings [10:59] JamieBE: lol, this is Kubuntu... ;-) === ThunderStruck is now known as gnomefreak [10:59] I know..... :) [10:59] wolfmanz: yes wolf, could you guide me install the samba server [10:59] wckdkl0wn: What kind of themes? KDM themes? [10:59] MilhousePunkRock: yea [10:59] JamieBE: remove your user from these groups, hal, cdrom, floppy [10:59] I have got more conversation here than in the #ubuntu help channel so far though! [10:59] now if i ca just figure out how to get ksmooth to sit at bottom i will love it [10:59] JamieBE: the devices are actually mounted into /media. i think you can enable / disable if they are shown with Configure Desktop->Behavior->Device Icons [10:59] wckdkl0wn: do "sudo apt-get install kdmtheme" [11:00] admin_ are you not seeing samba in the list of things that adept can install? [11:00] wckdkl0wn: That's the KDM Theme Manager, once you installed it (and restarted KDE?) it will reside in the system settings... [11:00] MilhousePunkRock: ty [11:00] wolfmanz: yes i do not see the list of things i can install with adept [11:00] wckdkl0wn: Once you have it I can guide you further... [11:01] admin_ perhaps there aren`t any? [11:01] Healot - How would I remove a user from these groups? dnkidjit - I don't use KDE, and I don't think gnome has an alternative there. [11:01] admin_: try sudo apt-get update [11:01] admin your not seeing anything at no programs at all in the list? [11:01] hi, how can i restart the sound, i have skype doesn't work and no program use /dev/dsp === wckdkl0wn [n=wckdkl0w@c-68-44-58-251.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:01] how to add superkaramba and kadu to autostart ? [11:01] Kadran: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart [11:01] wolfmanz: all i see is the programs i have installed ... no SMB server [11:02] jordan just through karamba in your system tray that will load it every time you boot [11:02] Kadran: try the skype 1.3.0 beta packages, they already support alsa [11:02] fritsch: i tried this but skype still refuse to start? [11:02] i have it already [11:02] there you can switch to "use alsa" [11:02] fritsch: i suspect it is not pointing to the appropriate repositories [11:03] Healot, you still there dude? [11:03] ah, you get it with apt-get? [11:03] fritsch: yeah the problem happened when i tried to start skype and the Amarok was running [11:03] ok i try that [11:03] admin_ in adept under the show options do you got show not installed checked off? [11:04] Kadran: http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/13beta.html <- have tried this version? [11:04] Kadran: here skype is working, while listening to music in amarok [11:04] yes i got it from the skype site [11:04] Kadran: benefit from alsa [11:05] Kadran: open skype, Tools->options [11:05] dnkidjit: Would there be an equivenant for Gnome? [11:05] yeah i have done this before but i don't know why it refused this time [11:06] JamieBE: sorry. i don't use gnome. i don't know === gronbaek [n=gronbaek@50A2DCD8.flatrate.dk] has joined #kubuntu === x__ [n=x@19.245.broadband3.iol.cz] has joined #kubuntu [11:06] Kadran: Sound Device, choose alsa === sF|Xemanth [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [11:06] Darn [11:06] Kadran: restart skype [11:06] wckdkl0wn: Did you find it? [11:06] fritsch: still having this strange problem! [11:06] wolfmanz: its ticked .... adept tells me all my packages are installed ... i suspect its pointing to the wrong repositories i.e. the CD === D4m4ge [n=D4m4ge@] has joined #kubuntu [11:07] Kadran: did you use an earlier version of skype before? [11:08] yeah but i deleted the .skype folder before using the new version [11:08] Kadran: if you click in skype: help->about what version shows up? === ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu [11:08] === liviux [n=liviux@d83-181-243-146.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:09] Kadran: and you chose alsa as your sound device? [11:09] i always use alsa === AegeanLinux_ [n=AegeanLi@] has joined #kubuntu [11:09] Kadran: okay, in amarok you also chose alsa? right? [11:09] admin_ goto the repositorie section of adept and in there look for 2 lines that have universe in them and see if they are greyed out [11:10] fritsch: yeah [11:10] Morning AegeanLinux_! [11:10] Kadran: what says: sudo fuser /dev/dsp? [11:10] Hiya MilhousePunkRock [11:10] Kadran: or lsof /dev/dsp [11:10] AegeanLinux_: How many days left til the release? === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu [11:11] fritsch: nothing at all [11:11] abattoir is samba part of the universe repos? [11:11] no program use the /dev/dsp === AegeanLinux_ is now known as AegeanLinux [11:11] Kadran: could you tell me again the error message? [11:11] !info samba [11:11] samba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In repository main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 2778 kB, installed size 7080 kB [11:11] wolfmanz: main, ^^^^^^^^^ === AegeanLinux back === theine [n=theine@d013175.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] wolfmanz: i cannot get adept loaded :((( === kubuntutaotao [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu === itzjbyrd [n=itzjbyrd@69-166-139-155.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] abattoir can you help admin_ he is having issues getting samba downloaded [11:12] hello [11:12] wolfmanz: ok [11:13] admin_: tried apt-get? === kubuntutaotao is now known as taotao^offline [11:13] admin_: 'sudo apt-get install samba' in a terminal/konsole [11:13] abattoir: am trying now .... [11:13] i gotta watch these doods kill each other in the UFC lol brb [11:13] admin_: make sure you have adept closed, before doing it... [11:14] FOUND IT!! >> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75710.html [11:14] Tx all 4 ur hlp n e way === BradZ [n=brad@ppp230-100.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu === dhq [n=dhq@] has joined #kubuntu [11:16] it says my samba was replaced by samba-common and smbclient which are already install === croppa [i=user66@] has joined #kubuntu [11:17] abattoir: apt-get says my samba was replaced by samba-common and smbclient which are already installed [11:17] MilhousePunkRock: I am on my way to compiling xorg 7.1, so I would guess next few days ... [11:17] __guess__ [11:17] AegeanLinux: Nice... [11:18] admin_: what exactly do you want to do? [11:18] !samba [11:18] samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT [11:18] admin_: see if that^^^^ helps you [11:18] abattoir: i want my kubuntu to be a samba server in a windows network [11:19] admin_: just do sudo apt-get install samba [11:19] fritsch: i just did that but it says my samba already installed ... i suspect mine is only a client ... i want my kubuntu to be a server [11:20] admin_: do those links help? [11:20] ubotu: thanks .... i need to install the server daemon [11:20] I know nothing about thanks .... i need to install the server daemon - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [11:21] admin_: ubotu is a bot, a computer program :P [11:21] admin_: samba already installs the server daemon? === virgilio_ [n=virgilio@84-122-103-95.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:21] admin_: try: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart? [11:21] I'm sure ubotu has feelings too and is happy if someone actually thanks him though... === digibre4k_ [n=digibre4@] has joined #kubuntu [11:22] heh === Pupeno [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-227-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:22] admin_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu#Samba_Server (everything up from the beginning) [11:23] fritsch: sudo says "command not found" :(((( [11:23] admin_: use the TAB completion, could be named other, but try this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_install_Samba_Server_for_files.2Ffolders_sharing_service [11:24] admin_: it` s a step, be step howto === ThunderStruck is now known as gnomefreak [11:24] admin_: okay? [11:26] fritsch: :((( not okay ..... there is no smbfs in my apt-get list ....I think my apts are pointing to the wrong repositories! [11:27] !info smbfs === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@p54BF713B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:27] smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In repository main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 369 kB, installed size 888 kB [11:27] admin_: its in main [11:27] admin_: something wrong with your sources.list? === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [11:27] admin_: at least you must have in /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted === nep87 [n=davide@host150-30.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:27] fritsch: I agree ... how do i fix it? === UKF^vortex [n=vortex@komar.drama.pl] has joined #kubuntu [11:28] admin_: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list and look inthere, if the above line is in there [11:28] admin_: don`t know the "userfriendly" way ;-) I am from debian :-) === chenlevy [n=chenlevy@bzq-179-50-225.cust.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:29] Hi all. [11:29] Does someone know how I can make OOo _not_ underline the Alt+ shortcuts in the menu? [11:30] admin_: Maybe this helps: [11:30] !easysource [11:30] source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [11:31] I have a crash probme with Konqueror === viktor [n=viktor@h6n1fls311o838.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:31] I have makde a clean install of kubuntu dapper [11:32] And then upgrade to kde 3.4.3 amarok 1.4.1 and latest koffice [11:32] run easyubuntu [11:32] 3.5.3? correct? [11:32] fritsch: my sources list was commented out!!! now its loading the update [11:32] chenlevy: Just run the installation from the LiveCD again, that will format your harddrive and you can start from scratch again... [11:32] yes 3.5.3 [11:32] admin_: cool :-) just follow the howto [11:32] anyone knows if the dapper server is down or something i cant use apt-get :P [11:32] chenlevy: does it hard freeze? or do you get an error message? [11:33] now every site i point konq into it crashes [11:33] chenlevy: what leads to this crash? (I try to reproduce it) [11:33] chenlevy: something useful in .xsession-errors ? [11:33] I get the crash manager and the app goes away [11:33] chenlevy: computer too warm? [11:33] X is keep running [11:34] chenlevy: some strange konquer plugins installed? [11:34] computer can be too warm but ony konq crashes === virgilio_ [n=virgilio@84-122-103-95.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:34] I tries to remove konq-plugins - same problem === morzel [n=morzel@] has joined #kubuntu [11:34] Does someone know how I can make OOo _not_ underline the Alt+ shortcuts in the menu? [11:34] chenlevy: what stands there, if you click on "debug"? when the thing comes up? [11:35] I can past the debug info (most of it is unknow symbol though) [11:35] chenlevy: no, don` t paste === exobuzz [n=jools@82-70-241-14.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [11:35] chenlevy: there was something with no-paste in this channel [11:36] chenlevy: try looking in .xsession-errors [11:36] chenlevy: it`s in your home [11:36] chenlevy: Put it in a paste bin, for example http://pastebin.ca [11:36] !paste [11:36] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) === stuart_ [i=user66@] has joined #kubuntu === der_daniel [n=daniel@pD9E11A8A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:37] anyone knows how o get the digital audio outpot to work in kubuntu ? === digibre4k_ [n=digibre4@] has joined #kubuntu [11:37] viktor: try alsamixer to enable your digial output === emanuel [n=emanuel@] has joined #kubuntu === emanuel is now known as scai === scai [n=emanuel@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === yamal [n=yamal@get-rich-fast.credit-card-masters.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:38] In the .xsession i get somthing like this (sory for the past but it is short) [11:38] ScimInputContextPlugin() [11:38] X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8 [11:38] Major opcode: 157 [11:38] Minor opcode: 6 [11:38] Resource id: 0xa3 [11:38] ASSERT: "data->bitmap" in kernel/qbitmap.cpp (222) [11:38] KCrash: Application 'konqueror' crashing... [11:39] chenlevy: what tells: ps aux |grep kded === scheuri [n=toomai@bas-flu-adsl-dynip-212-104.vtx.ch] has joined #kubuntu === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host78-214.pool877.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:40] How do you increase the Recent Documents list from 10 to more [11:40] my ps -aux |grep kded is: === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host78-214.pool877.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:40] chenlevy 6544 0.1 1.7 34564 18468 ? S 12:27 0:01 kded [kdeinit] --new-startup [11:40] fritsch that didn't work to well :/ === jochen [n=jochen@p54A1D5DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === dhq_ [n=dhq@] has joined #kubuntu [11:41] chenlevy: okay, it`s running, sorry can`t help then.. [11:41] viktor: does anything come out? what means too well? well != bad ;-) === Ace2005 [n=ace@80-47-48-200.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === Ace2005 is now known as Ace2007 === _roconnor [n=roconnor@Buro041.buro.kun.nl] has joined #kubuntu === ricardo [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-15-133.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [11:43] chenlevy: sometimes it helps to rm -r ~/.kde* :-) but do not type anything wrong, it removes everything user kde related (amarok settings, all kde settings) be carefull and don`t place the * wrong [11:43] fritsch no i starts alsamixer but i can't find out how to enable the digital output ?? [11:44] you mean rm -r ~/.kde/* === RawSewage [n=RawSewag@208-45-98-63.eugn.qwest.net] has left #Kubuntu [] [11:44] Ace2007: no, there is also a ~/.kderc i want to get [11:44] Ace2007: so I remove the direcotry .kde und the .kderc [11:44] oh right ok [11:45] viktor: mmh, what is your soundcard? === imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu [11:45] I have already tryied moveing my .kde/ and my .font* too, but I didn't try .kderc yet. [11:45] I will try it now. [11:46] I will need to disconnect to and restart X, so tanks for now [11:46] chenlevy: don`t give you much hope with it [11:46] chenlevy: no just logout and in [11:46] fritsch Realtek ALC850 7.1 [11:47] chenlevy: you culd try: strace konqueror (perhaps here you can see something) [11:47] for me .kderc only has some colour values in it so what difference does deleting it make? === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@p54BF713B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] fwiw konquoror works find as a file manager [11:48] how to mount a iso [11:48] dhq_: you can find mount iso at kde-apps [11:48] Ace2007: it does not make many sense === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:49] I have tried strace but was unable to get much smarter form the result [11:49] Ace2007: whats kde-apps [11:49] chenlevy: but it crashed again? [11:49] dhq_: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=11577 [11:49] hold on === digibre4k_ [n=digibre4@] has joined #kubuntu [11:50] Ace2007: i downloaded the file its a tar .gz i am newbie so plz help === ocjeunesse [n=ocjeunes@lns-bzn-45-82-65-134-92.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === chenlevy [n=chenlevy@bzq-179-50-225.cust.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:52] I am back [11:53] I am no running with a fresh .kde and .kderc and konq crashes like there is no tommorow === octan [n=octan@] has joined #kubuntu === DBO_vacation is now known as DBO [11:53] Ace2007: i have a bin/cue file and want to mount it [11:54] chenlevy: does the kernel say something about memory? dmesg [11:54] chenlevy: no tomorrow :-) [11:54] dhq_: mount iso says it can mount bin/cue files [11:55] brb === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [11:56] chenlevy: you could try a ram test? (did not see it so often crashing) [11:57] I get nothing form /var/log/messages [11:57] dhq_: Have you installed it? [11:57] I will go and run memtest now [11:57] chenlevy: dmesg === crparr [n=crparr@] has joined #kubuntu === noel [n=noel@] has joined #kubuntu [11:58] Hi! What is the correct way to install a flash plugin for mozilla firefox on an amd64? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@CPE-24-211-5-67.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:58] crparr: not to install it :-) === alberto [n=alberto@cm53051.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #kubuntu === MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-086-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:00] crparr: http://www.kubuntu.de/forum/forum.php?req=thread&id=2141 [12:00] I have to go now, my sister is dragging me to blockbuster, bye :( === Ace2007 [n=ace@80-47-48-200.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === crparr [n=crparr@] has joined #kubuntu === AegeanLinux [n=AegeanLi@] has joined #kubuntu [12:00] can't find any obvious problems by dmesg [12:01] Well - I also do not like flash - but two of my favorite sites use flash... therefor: how can I install the plugin for ff on amd64? [12:01] chenlevy: you could try the 3.5.4 beta? packages for kubuntu [12:01] crparr: 141 [12:01] crparr: http://www.kubuntu.de/forum/forum.php?req=thread&id=2141 [12:02] where is the repos for 3.5.4 beta ? [12:02] chenlevy: tell me your packages.kubuntu line fr 353? === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu === ken_fallon [n=ken@ip5453978b.speed.planet.nl] has joined #kubuntu === maxx_k [n=max@pD9E08E12.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:03] fritsch: (I cannot page you in private) please explain the last message === [twb] [n=[twb] @71-210-202-136.albq.qwest.net] has left #Kubuntu ["..."] [12:03] what is my sorces.list with reguard to 353 ? [12:03] chenlevy: which version of kde do you use? === _roconnor is now known as roconnor [12:04] deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353 dapper main [12:04] chenlevy: to use it, you placed an extra entry into your /etc/apt/sources.list? correct? [12:04] chenlevy: try deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 dapper main [12:04] chenlevy: BUT I do not know if it`s working in any way ... [12:04] Is that uses jonathan radell key? [12:04] chenlevy: a dist-upgrade will remove kdelibs-bin (because of this, i did not try) [12:05] chenlevy: yes [12:05] ok thanks I will try it now === vervirt is now known as VerVirt [12:05] chenlevy: Jonathan Riddell, but be warned, never tested, you could end up very broken :-) === VerVirt is now known as VerVir|Weg [12:06] chenlevy: an apt-get upgrade is not enough, apt-get dist-upgrade does install more, i do not know if i should recommend this :-) === theine_ [n=theine@d013175.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:06] chenlevy: i do not [12:06] abattoir: You are not familiar with OOo settings by any chance? [12:07] MilhousePunkRock: hmm, i dont use it, I use Koffice, but anyways ask, i might know... [12:08] fritsch: thanks. I got it. but since it is borken as it is, I will give it a shot. Morever I will not have to patch kttsd. It is a plus for me [12:08] one more question: Is it possible to emulate 32bit? In gentoo Linux that was the way to get 32bit tools to run. [12:08] chenlevy: downgrading can be very hard [12:09] chenlevy: good luck, what does it want to remove? when you say dist-upgrade? === menno_ [n=menno@cc936524-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu [12:09] My OOo looks like this: http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bildschirmphoto3dz4.png [12:10] Note the very fat underlining, abattoir, that's my problem... [12:10] MilhousePunkRock: are these the same as your KDE fonts? === wirr [n=wirr@i5387004F.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:10] MilhousePunkRock: i mean, same font style? [12:11] Font style as in font name? [12:11] abattoir: I would suggest him to delete his personal ooo config files, because it`s really NOT looking normal [12:11] MilhousePunkRock: Kcontrol/systemsettings has an option for GTK sytles and fonts... maybe that'd help === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [12:12] chenlevy: still there? [12:12] fritsch: hmm, i dont use OO.o, as i said, so i guess you'd know better :P [12:12] It's solved, abattoir... "Using system fonts for user interface" was the problem... fritsch too [12:12] abattoir: yes, your way was much better :-) [12:12] MilhousePunkRock: in the GTK styles/fonts thing? [12:12] abattoir: fixed, cool. === MasterEvilAce [n=MasterEv@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:13] fritsch: hmm... whatever :P [12:13] OOo is a GTK app? o_O Another thing staining my KDE... ;-) [12:16] MilhousePunkRock: yes it is [12:16] Make it look nice VIA using a program called 'QtCurve' === milian [n=milian@p54BE9F25.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] then it will fit into KDE ;) [12:17] (so will firefox and other GTK+ apps) === RawSewage [n=RawSewag@208-45-98-63.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu === BurgerMann [n=burgerma@port86.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu === skeith [n=skeith@nr23-216-68-222-65.fuse.net] has joined #kubuntu === ricardo [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-15-133.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === pb [n=pb@p54A99AE2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === digibre4k_ [n=digibre4@] has joined #kubuntu === MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-086-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu === AegeanLinux is going to watch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bill The Bill [12:33] hi. is Kino a good videoprog for using with a DVcam? === _mani [n=mani@p54BCDCB1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu === AegeanLinux [n=AegeanLi@] has left #kubuntu ["Gone] === heinkel_111 [n=thomas@ti400720a081-0139.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu === visik7 [n=visi@host213-41.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === theoverload [n=theoverl@p549C7740.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:38] hi all === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu === ricardo_ [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-55-249.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === LacertaII [i=simo@dsl-imtgw1-ffffc000-124.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [12:43] !qtcurve [12:43] I know nothing about qtcurve - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [12:44] !info qtcurve [12:44] Package qtcurve does not exist in dapper === noiesmo [n=root@CPE-60-231-129-190.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === noiesmo [n=root@CPE-60-231-129-190.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #kubuntu [] === theoverload [n=theoverl@p549C7740.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["...] === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-086-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu ["Who] === dhq_ [n=dhq@] has joined #kubuntu [12:47] i seem to have a problem with wireless assistant [12:48] how can i configure it? === copita [n=copita@81-203-14-253.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:48] Most screenshots show the "configure"-button which i don't have === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p213.54.138.201.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === der_daniel [n=daniel@pD9E14A68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === TibaL [n=tibal@fox.tibal.info] has joined #kubuntu === copita is now known as copita_ === serenity [n=serenity@p5485B4BE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === serenity [n=serenity@p5485B4BE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === adam_ [n=adam@dqd222.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === adam_ is now known as _Shade_ === _Shade_ [n=adam@dqd222.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has joined #kubuntu === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === noiesmo [n=root@CPE-60-231-129-190.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:57] eqit [12:57] exit [12:57] quit === diego_cl [n=diego@pc-171-218-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu === melknix [n=melknix@host192-222.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === melknix [n=melknix@host192-222.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Tzy [n=Tzy@38.38-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === stuart_ is now known as croppa === pitfall [n=adept@bdv75-2-82-66-242-118.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === viktor [n=viktor@h6n1fls311o838.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === schmo [n=sdfg@c1-41-11.tbnb.isadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu === mikearthur [n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [01:06] anyone here made use of kdevelop on kubunti? [01:06] kubuntu === McScruff [n=mcscruff@cpc1-folk1-0-0-cust969.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === Kadran [n=mohammed@] has joined #kubuntu === chenlevy [n=chenlevy@bzq-179-50-225.cust.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu === schmo [n=sdfg@c1-41-11.tbnb.isadsl.co.za] has left #kubuntu [] [01:14] moin === Ace2005 [n=ace@80-47-48-200.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@dslb-084-063-167-156.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu is now known as epsilon123 === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu === sF|Xemanth [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [01:19] I'm back!!!! [01:21] back from the future? :P [01:21] hi abattoir [01:21] no from the past [01:21] Ace2005: hello Ace2005, werent you Ace2007 in the morning? === Ace2005 is now known as Ace2007 [01:21] well then 'Back to the Future' then [01:21] oh yes i was [01:22] would anyone by any chance know how to configure ksensors? === chenlevy [n=chenlevy@bzq-179-50-225.cust.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:23] how do i make it show my CPU temperature === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu === ninniuz [n=ninniuz@adsl-240-151.37-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu [01:24] fritsch, and everybody: here are the results of my upgrade to 3.5.4 beta with respect to my konq crashes. [01:24] when i try to start lm-sensors i get Setting sensors limits... [fail] [01:24] In short. It solved the problems === bbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [01:25] chenlevy: so how about the extended edition? [01:25] I am unsure for why konqeror was broken on my end. === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [01:26] !synaptic [01:26] synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto [01:26] It was an almose by the book clean installation [01:26] what new things are there? [01:26] why almost? === jeffreyb [n=jeffreyb@1Cust7875.an1.chi30.da.uu.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:26] but as a web broser konq was crashing on me *everytime* === flo [n=flo@host193-125.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [01:27] so taking fritsch's advice I upgraded to 3.5.4 beta and now konq works find [01:27] its been crashing on me a bit too, it might be a plugin issue [01:27] I have the expected beta brakage, but I will plow along with it, resolveing it as i go [01:27] Thanks for everybody for the advice. === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === zsuzsi [n=zsuzsi@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl212-213-185-15-219.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:28] hi [01:29] i have created a kubuntu GRUB boot splash for widescreen displays === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@195.177-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu [01:29] any way i can upload it somewhere so other people will see? [01:29] imageshack? [01:29] where is that? === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:30] google it [01:30] ok :) [01:30] http://imageshack.us/ [01:30] do they take .xpm.gz files too? === Tzy [n=Tzy@38.38-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === r0xz [n=r0xz@a80-126-145-212.adsl.xs4all.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:31] imageshack is just for images, i want to see what it looks like before i install it [01:31] ok [01:31] but even xpm is unsupported. [01:31] you could put it on rapidshare [01:31] shall i just convert it then? [01:31] oh [01:32] another site i never heard of :p [01:32] Ace2007: I have signled out the konq-plug issue by removing the package, but it went boom anyway === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] there, here's the download link: http://rapidshare.de/files/27431859/WidescreenKubuntuBootSplash.xpm.html [01:33] it doesnt look like its widescreen [01:33] hi how come the latest kernel available is 2.6.15 while the latest stable release is 2.6.17? === Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-44-139.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] coz the resolution is 640x480 [01:33] chenlevy: thanks for the info === roconnor [n=roconnor@Buro041.buro.kun.nl] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] but it is shrinked so when GRUB spreads it, it fits perfectly. [01:34] where can I get some sort of kernel release plan ? === grothesk_ [n=thomas@d463d2ed.datahighways.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:35] zsuzsi: so where does the text go? [01:35] above the kubuntu logo. [01:35] grub takes care of that. [01:35] in fact, the kubuntu logo kinda lies inside the box [01:35] zsuzsi: i think i'll have a go too [01:36] so the choices are above it, but the text is at the bottom [01:36] zsuzsi: Is there a limit on the colours you can use? === vervirt [n=vervirt@pD9E56BF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:36] yes [01:36] 14 [01:36] the image has to be 640x480, and 14 colours. === BradZ [n=brad@ppp230-100.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-101.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu [01:37] zsuzsi: Not enough colours :( i want more [01:37] Having upgraded my kubunut dapper to kde 3.5.4 arts now keeps crashing when a systemsound is being played. [01:38] What can I do about it? [01:38] i know, me too. but i dont know how that can be done. i just read some stuff about it on the internet and they all said it just has to be 14 colours. [01:39] grothesk_, is it your entire desktop that crashes or just the program you are trying to use? [01:39] zsuzsi: well there won't be this restriction in grub2 [01:39] ah i'm very happy about that!!!! [01:39] :D [01:39] is that coming with edgy? === galorin [n=richard@dyn-62-56-124-176.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [01:39] zsuzsi: It' just artsd. [01:40] zsuzsi: its in the repo now but i'm not touching it, i'm not reinstalling again this week [01:40] whatrepo? [01:40] one of the standard ubuntu repos? [01:41] zsuzsi: how do i find out which one? === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] um, i have no clue, other than when you disable all the other repos you can't find it in synaptic. it doesn't matter if it's in one of the standard ubuntu repos. :p [01:42] grothesk_, do you get some kind of a signal (eg. "signal 11")? [01:43] or error message, or something? === qbit [i=qbit@66-44-102-196.s196.apx2.lnhdc.md.dialup.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:43] grothesk_: it it like when you press play and everything crashes, and nothing works, and the mouse stops working and the keyboard does nothing and the only option is to press the reset button? [01:44] zsuzsi: Signal 6 SIGABRT [01:44] Ace2007: No, just artsd crashes. [01:45] grothesk_: seems like i'm the only one it happens to [01:45] #1 0x43af3933 in waitpid () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 === dj_baggio [n=finarfin@yk66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu === Lacerta [n=Silakka@dsl-imtgw1-ffffc000-124.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === noe [n=noe@nervosol.magma-net.pl] has joined #kubuntu === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has joined #kubuntu === noe [n=noe@nervosol.magma-net.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:47] grothesk_ (and Ace2007?) it seems like a KDE related problem [01:47] i've found this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=437587 === office_ [n=office@vlan-191-pppoe-191.comnet.bg] has joined #kubuntu [01:48] grothesk_: well you could disable arts === rockin_stan [n=rockin_s@unaffiliated/rockinstan/x-000001] has joined #kubuntu === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:48] the last post there seems to suggest a solution? === Fig0 [n=Fig0@p5486D52D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:48] yes, you can just simply try to run eg. ALSA. [01:49] though i'm not entirely sure how to do that off the top of my head.. === lukasz23 [n=lukasz23@gw-ww.telsten.com] has joined #kubuntu === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@ACCE744C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:50] anyway, is there a central kubuntu arts site, or something? === mth`MAW [n=mawspita@e176205226.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === miyu [n=miyu@] has joined #kubuntu === diego_cl [n=diego@pc-171-218-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:51] he's running alsa already [01:51] it's kernel component, whereas arts is application [01:52] is there a "start" folder on kubuntu ?!?! === miyu [n=miyu@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === noiesmo [n=mnm@CPE-60-231-129-190.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:52] diego_cl: like run on startup? [01:52] what's "start" "folder"? [01:52] yes [01:52] ~/.kde/Autostart/ === vervirt [n=vervirt@pD9E56BF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:53] THANKS ! [01:53] my update kdelibs-data has been broken for several days now === noiesmo [n=mnm@CPE-60-231-129-190.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #kubuntu [] [01:54] thats a statement and not a question [01:54] Turned off arts. Works for me... *g* [01:55] my update kdelibs-data has been broken for several days now. is it broekn for anyone else? [01:56] RawSewage, um, not for me. [01:56] weird [01:56] RawSewage: Why is it broken? [01:56] I dont know [01:56] RawSewage: which version? [01:56] There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. [01:57] I assume the latest === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu [01:57] RawSewage: 3.5.4 or 3.5.3 [01:57] what is it. /exec [01:57] Ace2007: my startup folder is empty and when I login in Kubuntu KDE, an internet website and the mixer are opened [01:57] what is it. /exec kde-version [01:57] RawSewage: run kcontrol [01:58] Qt: 3.3.6 [01:58] KDE: 3.5.3 [01:58] kde-config: 1.0 [01:58] you can type /exec kdeversion [01:58] in Konversation [01:58] RawSewage: what do you mean exactly with broken? not installable? [01:58] diego_cl: that is because kubuntu is set to carry on from the time you shut down, do you want it to start with nothing? [01:58] yes === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl1-141.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:58] only with some things in the taskbar [01:58] fritsch, its stuck on 'There is 1 updated package available' . When I try to apply the update, it stops halfway though, and gives me the error [01:59] diego_cl: run kcontrol [01:59] the issue is that it open very old things ! [01:59] diego_cl: go into KDE Components > Session Manager [01:59] RawSewage: dpkg -i --force /var/cache/apt/archives/YOURPACKAGE.deb [01:59] RawSewage: just try [01:59] diego_cl: then set it to start wih empty session [01:59] I dont know what package [02:00] kdelibs-data [02:00] RawSewage: open a terminal [02:00] I'll try what you said [02:00] RawSewage: sudo apt-get upgrade === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [02:00] diego_cl: now it will start with nothing open at startup === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl1-141.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu === smoq [n=smoq@c7-opapc1s4-026.tosa.pl] has joined #kubuntu [02:00] RawSewage: dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/yourpackage.deb [02:00] RawSewage: replace yourpackage, of course [02:00] ok === Firebird8 [n=wilson@pool-141-156-43-42.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:01] there is no deb [02:01] oh well, thx [02:01] Ill just wait [02:02] RawSewage: do sudo apt-get upgrade === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [02:02] RawSewage: what happens then? [02:02] hm [02:02] after running it in a terminal [02:02] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.5.3-0ubuntu0.2_all.deb (--unpack): [02:02] trying to overwrite `/usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-bittorrent.desktop', which is also in package ktorrent === SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee__ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [02:03] I'll be back in 30 minutes [02:03] Ace2007: i knew that, but thanks. now, can you tell me WHY my session starts with things that y didnt leave open the last time i used the computer ?!?! they are always the same two things [02:03] RawSewage: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.5.3-0ubuntu0.2_all.deb [02:03] ok, I'll try that [02:03] thx === steven [n=steven@c-24-17-129-158.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [02:04] diego_cl: what ones are they? [02:04] RawSewage: working? [02:04] fritsch, it got rid of the tray Alert. I got this error though: ** (process:21521): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed [02:04] Hey, guys. [02:04] but I guess it cleared it [02:04] Ace2007: a website in konqueror and the sound mixer [02:04] RawSewage: nothing to do with the error [02:04] hey === michaelr_ [n=no@S0106000d88ba089d.cg.shawcable.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:04] fritsch, so it's fixed? === I_Eat_Plastic [n=ph3r@pool-72-64-107-247.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:05] Okay, first time on KDE. Normally use to GNOME. [02:05] RawSewage: try again sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade === kschroeder [n=kschroed@pD9E54134.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:05] RawSewage: If then working okay - fixed :-) [02:05] ;) [02:05] Ace2007: sound mixer as a window (not only as an icon at the taskbar) === noiesmo [n=mnm@CPE-60-231-129-190.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:05] I've been converted. === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-027.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === kschroeder is now known as nEcrodamos [02:06] which IRC klient are the best at dapper? [02:06] fritsch, all fixed. thanks a lot [02:06] diego_cl: strange konqueror should not come and neigher should kmix [02:06] smoq: X-Chat. [02:06] xchat [02:06] I hate Konversation. [02:06] RawSewage: no problem ... have fun [02:06] Gah. [02:06] i am currently using ksirc [02:06] thanx [02:06] konversation also works fine [02:06] Meh. [02:06] irssi <3 lol [02:06] it`s okay for chatting, but konversation is the dapper standard [02:06] It's just personal opinion. [02:06] yes [02:06] how do i install java in kubuntu ? [02:07] I_Eat_Plastic: I tried using IRC in Terminal, but I'd always close the window and go "DAMNIT!" === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [02:07] how do i install java in kubuntu ? [02:07] 10 minutes ago, I've install konversation [02:07] :D [02:07] ubuntu: I have the same problem. [02:07] ubuntu: Google the Ubuntuforums.org for Automatix. That will help you. [02:07] thx [02:07] automatix is realy good [02:07] I actually came here with an issue with Java, anyone mind helping? [02:07] Love it. That's what I'm doing right now. [02:07] Ace2007: I thing that my brother was viewing that website... and he didn't know linux... maybe he crashed the computer! can I erase some folder to fix that ? [02:08] if you delete .kde then all of kde's settings will be gone [02:09] I heard automatix is crap and people have lots of problems [02:09] Everything I try to install / uninstall, or do anything that makes any change to my system, Adept always gives me an issue while processing "sun-java5-doc"... After this Adept give me an error box and takes me back to the main screen. [02:09] noiesmo: Then they should post that in Ubuntuforums.org and tell the Developers. [02:10] Common Sense regins in again! [02:10] VICTORY! [02:10] Ace2007: can you tell me which folders from .KDE can I erase ? [02:10] diego_cl: I think .kde is a file. [02:10] steven: no, it`s a direcotry [02:10] :o [02:10] Oh. :D [02:11] drwx------ .kde === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu === kaka` [n=kaka`@45.89-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === dhq [n=dhq@] has joined #kubuntu [02:12] <|lostbyte|> :P [02:12] <|lostbyte|> Hi guys. [02:12] Yo. [02:13] What the.... === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [02:13] hey === zsuzsi [n=zsuzsi@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl212-213-185-15-219.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:13] Something is horribly wrong, when you can die while doing updates. [02:13] :D [02:13] |lostbyte|: [02:13] die doing updates? === eKSeR [n=eKSeR@] has joined #kubuntu === amcdade [n=amcdade@] has joined #kubuntu [02:14] <|lostbyte|> steven, :) [02:14] Yeah. Like so much time has passed that....your kaput. [02:14] You know, End of Story. Connection Reset by Peer. Pipe Broken. Processor overheat. [02:14] Dead. [02:14] hey the most of pakages availible are not there in my adept [02:14] <|lostbyte|> !repos [02:14] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource === deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:15] <|lostbyte|> dhq, ^^ [02:15] Oooooh. [02:15] Ace2007: i found the problem! (i think) [02:15] Gotten frisky with the remote commands, eh? [02:15] diego_cl: what was it? [02:15] Ace2007: there was some files that i erased from the temp folder in ~/.KDE/ === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [02:16] diego_cl: so you erased the whole thing so that kde will be forced to start with a fresh working config? === Fig0 [n=Fig0@p5486D52D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:16] Ace2007: but im not 100% sure, know im going to reboot, THANKS! [02:17] Ace2007: no, i only erased 3 files from... [02:17] diego_cl: reboot only if you change your kernel :-) linux != windows [02:17] |lostbyte|: so to get all the packages in my adept what do i have to do === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [02:17] <|lostbyte|> dhq, Read the links ubotu GAve, will help you understand.. === grothesk_ [n=thomas@d463d2ed.datahighways.de] has joined #kubuntu === michael [n=michael@c220-239-25-47.rivrw6.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:18] Ace2007: .kde/tmp-salita/ [02:18] |lostbyte|: i read but dont seem to undersatn === J4t [n=jonatan@c213-100-27-45.swipnet.se] has joined #kubuntu [02:19] Ace2007: salita is my computer name [02:19] <|lostbyte|> Which part you didt understand ? [02:20] diego_cl: yea i looked in there, all i had was two crash logs and ksycoca === michael is now known as mikeoh === zsuzsi [n=zsuzsi@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl212-213-185-15-219.perspektivbredband.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:21] Ace2007: yes, me too [02:21] diego_cl: so did it fix it? [02:21] Ace2007: and the two crash logs are from the webstite tha open it when i login [02:21] Hey, how do I set keyboard shortcuts in KDE? [02:22] Ace2007: i dont know yet, i have to reboot === urbain [n=urbain@d515367D3.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [02:22] <|lostbyte|> dhq, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu === slow-motion [n=lasse@p548DCACA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:23] steven: kcontrol > Regional and Accessibility and go into Keyboard Shortcuts === dek_aik [n=okto@] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [02:23] steven: go into input actions instead === cga [n=cga@213-156-52-117.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:24] and add a new action === eons [n=eons@host-84-221-145-221.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:25] Ace, and that is where? [02:25] >.> === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl1-141.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] hallo [02:29] steven: kcontrol? just press Alt+F2 and type in kcontrol === derlinuxanf [n=theoverl@p549C51D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] steven: kcontrol > Regional and Accessibility and go into input actions === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] Got it. [02:29] dir kann mir einer helfen habe hier ein packet entpackt und jetzt will ich es installieren [02:30] derlinuxanf: English. === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:30] deutsch [02:30] wie kann ich privat schreiben [02:30] English? [02:30] derlinuxanf: join kubuntu-de [02:30] Thanks grothesk_ === derlinuxanf [n=theoverl@p549C51D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["...] === termy [n=termy@p5487EBC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu === eKSeR [n=eKSeR@] has joined #kubuntu === wombatunder [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [02:34] hi [02:36] hi [02:36] I've got some ubuntu Q's, can you help? please? === dimka [n=dimka@p64.mp109.aaanet.ru] has joined #kubuntu === vervirt is now known as VV|afk [02:37] so whats the question? [02:37] hello! I'm lost in ubuntu's site. Please anyone point me to howto on installing binary nvidia in _kubuntu_ :) [02:38] !nvidia === deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:38] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [02:38] Hobbsee: Wouldn't Automatix work also, for the more simpler route? [02:38] Hobbsee: that's for _ubuntu_ [02:38] dimka: most of the instructions apply for kubuntu as well [02:38] !automatix [02:38] Automatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix. [02:38] !easyubuntu [02:38] easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu. [02:39] abattoir: but there's no synaptic package manager :) [02:39] steven: automatix likes to break things, unfortunately [02:39] dimka: shouldnt matter. [02:39] Hobbsee: Nothing bad yet, here. [02:39] dimka: there's adept :) [02:39] dimka: okay, substitute synaptic with adept [02:39] Ran it two years in a GNOME enviroment, and now I'm running it in a KDE enviroment. [02:39] dimka: apt-get install synaptic === flo [n=flo@host193-125.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:39] Hobbsee: thanks :) [02:39] dimka: and 'gedit' w/ 'kate' if you come across that :P [02:39] dimka: sorry that should be sudo apt-get install synaptic [02:40] Ace2007: well, that's the other possibility. [02:40] Hobbsee: i like synaptic for some reason [02:40] I'm running ubuntu 6 off a boot cd and firefox is telling me I need to install a java plugin but it won't do it on it's own and I can't work out how to do it myself. this is the first time I have ever used linux. [02:40] thanks to all :) [02:40] wombatunder: open adept [02:40] !java [02:40] one more thing: why kmail is missing in my Internet menu??? [02:40] java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository [02:40] what's that? [02:40] wombatunder: ^ [02:41] dimka: it's under as kontact [02:41] Hobbsee: no, kontact is missing too :). And no way to get it separate? === Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-224-190-21.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:42] Ok i'm off bye everyone :) [02:42] dimka: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? === roconnor [n=roconnor@Buro041.buro.kun.nl] has joined #kubuntu [02:42] dimka: kontact is under office === diego_cl [n=diego@pc-171-218-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:42] abattoir: ahh...is that it... [02:43] i guess :) [02:44] bbl === eddy_ [n=eddy@d51A4C31F.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [02:44] Hobbsee: I'm novice, so I'll try it. Now my questions are all stupid ;) [02:45] btw, easyubuntu didn' work :) [02:45] dimka: ahh...didnt it? and there are no stupid questions [02:45] dimka: did you check out the first time documentation? i think it's under kmenu, help - from what i recall, it's pretty good === eddy_ is now known as eddy1956 === Tzy [n=Tzy@38.38-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu [02:46] Hobbsee: E: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree [02:46] Hobbsee: not yet, I'll check it [02:46] !info flashplugin-nonfre [02:46] Package flashplugin-nonfre does not exist in dapper [02:46] !info flashplugin-nonfree [02:46] flashplugin-nonfree: Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 16 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386) === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:47] dimka: you'd need to enable the multiverse repository [02:47] !multiverse [02:47] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource [02:47] dimka: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu should be _kubuntu_ specific :) === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has joined #kubuntu [02:47] abattoir: I checked that checkbox in easyubuntu :) === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu [02:48] wow, ppl! So much info :). I'm off to reading it all ;) [02:48] see ya :) === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu === BradZ [n=brad@ppp230-100.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu === dimka [n=dimka@p64.mp109.aaanet.ru] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Hotwire [n=ed@unaffiliated/Hotwire] has joined #kubuntu === xwolf- [n=igor@200165187150.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Kubuntu === damel [n=diop@25.149.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:51] Sorry, I'm being a bit dumb today, I didn't understand any of what I read in the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. Does anybody feel like helping a complete noob one on one? === niki [n=niki@cable-186-244.iesy.net] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [02:53] wombatunder: firefox right? [02:53] yeah === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu === stefan2 [n=stefan2@pD9F626FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:56] wombatunder: open a terminal/konsole and run 'sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin' [02:56] wombatunder: after that, open up firefox, see if the plugin is installed and if it works [02:56] i'm not sure if you need the JRE before that though === steven [n=steven@c-24-17-129-158.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === D4m4ge [n=D4m4ge@] has joined #kubuntu [02:58] it said [02:58] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin/Reading package lists... Done/Building dependency tree... Done/E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-plugin === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu [02:58] !info sun-java5-plugin [02:58] sun-java5-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 1 kB, installed size 64 kB [02:58] wombatunder: enable the multiverse repository [02:58] !multiverse [02:58] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource [02:58] how? [02:59] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu [02:59] hang on [02:59] will that work for ubunut? [02:59] ubuntu [03:00] ubuntu and kubuntu share the same base... for Ubuntu, the default desktop environment is Gnome, while for Kubuntu it is KDE [03:01] ok [03:01] hi abattoir :) [03:01] so, while there'd be some minor differences, especially different applications etc., but the core procedure is pretty similar :) [03:01] Tm_T: hello :) [03:01] does kde deal with windows programs? === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [03:01] wombatunder: wine is what you're looking for === diego_cl [n=diego@pc-171-218-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:01] wombatunder: as in Microsoft Windows? [03:02] yeah, sorry [03:02] then as Tm_T said, wine is the program... [03:02] I've read so much over the last few days that most of it has become a blur :-S [03:02] !info wine [03:02] wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB [03:02] !wine [03:02] wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. [03:02] wombatunder: give it a time, and you will learn a lot === vervirt [n=vervirt@pD9E56BF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:02] these should get you started^^^^ [03:02] that sounds familiar [03:03] Everyone still here? [03:04] no [03:04] we are all gone home [03:04] Thanks. [03:04] :D [03:04] ;) [03:04] I was actually messing with Guard Dog. [03:05] Uhh... [03:05] I have a 173ms lag. [03:05] Yay. [03:06] 95. [03:06] that's not much [03:06] Tm_T: I know. [03:06] be worried when it's over a minute ;) [03:06] I'm use to 80's to 95. [03:06] Yeah, that'd worry me. === gau-net [n=gau-net@p548FC1C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:06] I'm too used to < 10s lags === rockin_stan is now known as rockin_stan|afk [03:07] Tm_T: hehe, GPRS days? :P [03:07] >.> [03:08] abattoir: yup [03:08] even ssh terminal had 5s lag to every keypress [03:09] can you install ubuntu on an NTFS partition? [03:09] No. [03:09] crap [03:09] You can repartition it... [03:10] And split your HDD in any way. [03:10] wombatunder: ntfs write support in linux is still highly experimental [03:10] good actually, since ntfs is crap [03:10] when I reboot will I have to go through all this again? === adam_ [n=adam@dqd222.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [03:10] wombatunder: yes, unless you decide to install it, of course :) === adam_ is now known as _Shade_ [03:11] what's the smallest hdd I can use? I have some small ones lying around [03:11] i guess a normal ubuntu install is around ~3 GB [03:11] just to install a boot of ubuntu? === _Shade_ [n=adam@dqd222.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:11] wombatunder: how much extra you'd need depends on you [03:11] is ther a page file or something similar? where would the additional apps need to be installed? === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu [03:12] wombatunder: this ofcourse comes with almost all common desktop applications installed... [03:12] wombatunder: you mean what additional apps are available? [03:12] I can read NTFS but not write from linux is that right? [03:12] wombatunder: there are thousands of packages... you can browse them at packages.ubuntu.com [03:13] wombatunder: yes [03:13] what filesystem does linux use? FAT32? [03:14] wombatunder: nope, linux uses more advanced filesystems like ext3, reiserfs and xfs... [03:14] :P [03:14] not accessable from windoze? [03:14] wombatunder: nope, unless you use additional software [03:15] so it is possible? I'm thinking dual boot 'cause the missus won't want anything to do with linux. [03:15] wombatunder: yes, dual boot would be a good idea :) [03:16] can I change fat32 files from linux? === tanghus [n=tol@0x50a45014.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [03:16] wombatunder: yes [03:18] that would explain the cold shiver I got when i chose NTFS when I installed win XP ;) === xargon [n=xargon@p5485C8F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === eddy_ [n=eddy@d51A4C31F.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [03:18] wombatunder: ntfs is the ev1l [03:18] so I'm learning === jimmipelz [n=jimmipel@ACB0E527.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === tamara [n=tamara@adsl-d27.87-197-99.telecom.sk] has joined #kubuntu [03:19] this might not be the right place to ask but, can you make a FAT32 partition bigger than 27gig? === tanghus [n=tol@0x50a45014.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [03:21] I don't think I can actually install java. === Tzy [n=Tzy@38.38-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] I got an error === kubuntutaotao [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu === drbreen_ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-099.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === dimsuz [n=dimka@p210.mp118.aaanet.ru] has joined #kubuntu [03:27] what does this command do? "rm -rf *" without the "" [03:27] wombatunder: deletes all files in current dir [03:27] I thought so === fernando [n=fernando@] has joined #kubuntu === orangey [n=orangey@toronto-HSE-ppp4072992.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:29] will apt-get install continue downloading or starts it from beg - if I interrupt it with CTRL-C? === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-102-033.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === zamby [n=zamby@d81-211-179-52.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:29] dimsuz: from what i have seen, it continues [03:29] abattoir: ok :) [03:30] !nvidia-glx [03:31] I know nothing about nvidia-glx - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-202-98.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === Cturtle [n=Cturtle@a213-84-50-38.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === eddy_ [n=eddy@d51A4C31F.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] !info nvidia-glx [03:31] nvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In repository restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8762+ (dapper), package size 3963 kB, installed size 12240 kB === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@233.Red-81-38-143.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === BradZ [n=brad@ppp42-83.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:33] hmm interesting... ubotu said that nvidia is version 1.0.8762+, and my apt-get is currently installing almost the same version, only with -1 at the end. [03:33] and I just updated [03:33] why is this so? === emanuel_ [n=emanuel@] has joined #kubuntu [03:35] dimsuz: you are sure about the kernel version, right? [03:36] abattoir: yes, in both cases. [03:36] after ubotu's comes "-3", my apt-get now downloads "-1" :) === Keddie [n=eddie@] has joined #kubuntu [03:37] abattoir: oh, am I clean enough? :) i've not very perfect english... [03:37] dimsuz: of course, i understood you :) [03:37] weird inded [03:37] abattoir: well, that's not a big issue. I'm just curious. [03:37] *indeed [03:38] abattoir: maybe this is because i didn't do _upgrade_? I only "fetched updates" with adept. === jordan_ [i=pc279@cuv138.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [03:38] hi [03:38] And now try to learn commandline apt :) [03:38] help, I downloaded and installed a kde screensaver, however I am using gnome. any idea how I can run the screensaver in gnome? I asked in the ubuntu channel, but did not get an answer. [03:39] dimsuz: i dont use adept, but i think that is equivalent to 'sudo apt-get update' [03:39] dimsuz: not sure... wait a sec === qbit [i=qbit@66-44-102-196.s196.apx2.lnhdc.md.dialup.rcn.com] has left #kubuntu [] [03:39] anybody useing superkaramba [03:39] ? [03:39] thanx for your help abattoir, I'll hunt down a spare hdd and do an install I think. later. [03:39] jordan_: me... [03:39] wombatunder: no problem :) === Teejay_wp [n=tristan@CPE-60-230-47-99.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [03:40] jordan_: i'm familiar w/ it, even though i'm not using it currently [03:40] hi anybody had problems with skype when they installed it on kubuntu [03:40] abattoir i looking for something like Dock in Vista [03:40] dimsuz: why dont you try 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' [03:40] abattoir: appears so === abattoir wonders what the dock in vista is [03:41] ? [03:41] vista? [03:41] microsoft gives its own names to already existing stuff... [03:41] I tried to call somebody but it said I had a problem with the sound device, the headphone and mic appear to be not on mute [03:41] abattoir object dock, star dock ? [03:41] toolbar witch program [03:41] jordan_: stardock is a company :P [03:42] for a dock, kxdocker is good [03:42] something like MAc OS === jochen [n=jochen@p54A1D5DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:42] its not superkaramba though [03:42] abattoir: you should turn on MS translator -plugin to your irc-client [03:42] !info kxdocker [03:42] kxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB === hansln [n=hansln@p5489554B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:42] abattoir thanks [03:42] Tm_T: hehe... well, they call desktop widgets 'gadgets'... [03:42] ugh === GaiaX11 [n=vagner@] has joined #kubuntu [03:42] so i'd expect them to call something else a 'dock' and a 'dock something else :P [03:43] abattoir: I bet they make it as registered trademark or so [03:43] Tm_T: of course, and say it is an *innovative* feature, when it has existed for so many years [03:43] exactly =) [03:44] oh I love the power of pullshit, err, I mean, promotion === Tm_T hides [03:44] abattoir: I want to do step-by-step learning :). I just installed kubuntu ;) [03:44] dimsuz: sure, what do you want help with? [03:44] dimsuz: installing nvidia drivers? [03:44] dimsuz: are you willing to use time and patience? === abattoir has no experience w/ that though :( === GreyStar [n=SoS@ulteo/community/leader/forum/admin/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu [03:45] abattoir: I do [03:45] Tm_T: well, then you can help him... if he needs help w/ that :) [03:45] yup [03:46] Tm_T: btw, any idea on when Kopete 0.12.2 is expected? [03:46] abattoir: never? [03:46] or is it .3 [03:46] abattoir: 0.12.1 is latest [03:46] and no idea if need one more bugfixrelease [03:47] Tm_T: oh, ok :) [03:47] abattoir: I'm doing it now :). I meant that I don't do dist-upgrade because I want to learn commands one by one ;). [03:47] I already have 0.50 working [03:47] abattoir: Thank you very much - you're very responsive! :) [03:47] dimsuz: oh, ok... [03:47] dimsuz: hehe [03:47] Tm_T: what do you mean? [03:47] Tm_T: of kopete? [03:47] abattoir: yes [03:48] dimsuz: I mean, if you have time and patience, you will learn a lot :) [03:48] Tm_T: hmmm, 0.12->0.50? :P [03:48] dimsuz: and have fun too :) [03:48] abattoir: well, 0.12 -> 1.0 === D4m4ge_inc [n=D4m4ge@] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] Tm_T: ah, of course :) [03:48] abattoir: but 0.50 is pre-pre-preborkage of 1.0 [03:48] Tm_T: interesting, i heard k3b might do the leap too... [03:48] dimsuz: then if you need help, just ask ;) === dimsuz just installed nvidia. gone to set it up now [03:49] Tm_T: thanks! [03:49] abattoir: Kopete 1.0 is planned to release in KDE4 === dimsuz [n=dimka@p210.mp118.aaanet.ru] has left #kubuntu ["Good] === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] Tm_T: hmmm... so its still a long time away then... [03:49] abattoir: yup [03:49] Tm_T: thanks for the info :) [03:49] np [03:50] abattoir: btw KDE4 is already hilarious === Keddie [n=eddie@] has left #kubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [03:50] Tm_T: heh, what do you mean? [03:50] crashy++ <3 [03:50] Tm_T: of course... :) === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu === abattoir should try it out one day :P === jordan_ [i=pc279@ul218.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === DrBair [n=ryan@c-24-3-167-15.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:51] yes, but now it doesn't only crash all the time, I get some apps running too =) [03:51] ...before they crash [03:51] hehe [03:51] Kate seemst to work pretty well === BluesKaj [n=kaj@Toronto-HSE-ppp3907150.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:51] and Konsole is already in alpha === insanekane [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-197-158.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === dnkidjit [n=ftg2@] has joined #kubuntu [03:52] Tm_T: you are running it in dapper, right? [03:52] yes [03:52] Qt: 4.2.0-snapshot-20060701 KDE: 3.9.02 (>= 20060717) Konsole: 2.0alpha [03:53] oh, they already are using qt4.2 [03:53] Howdy all [03:53] BluesKaj: hi :) [03:53] abattoir: I run stuff inside KDE3 [03:53] hey abattoir, how's things ? [03:53] abattoir: so it's only single apps that does crash, not whole environment ;) === steven_ [n=steven@c-24-17-129-158.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:54] BluesKaj: all's well :) [03:54] good! :) [03:54] Tm_T: aah.. so technically not KDE4 :P === dwmurphy [i=davidm@c-71-195-91-70.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:54] BluesKaj: i hope they are w/ you too :) [03:55] abattoir: yup, otherwise I could not do anything ;) === Pupeno [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-227-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:55] Tm_T: do you actually develop something(in qt4.x) or are you just 'testing' KDE4? [03:56] I'm fine, trying paste some synaptic update errors in pastebin but it's not responding very quickly today...it's not serious but it's a PITA [03:56] not that qt4.x requires you to run KDE4 === kiwnix [n=egarcia@] has joined #kubuntu [03:56] BluesKaj: tried some other service? [03:56] abattoir: I test atm, will try developing as soon as I get myself to working condition :) [03:57] what other service isthere , abattoir ? === dr_willis [i=willis@] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] BluesKaj: you using pastebin.ca? [03:57] nope .com === GrrrrrrrOin [n=ubuntu@209.65.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] BluesKaj: well, its closer home, :P so might work faster [03:57] is it possible to compile linux-source-2.6.17_2.6.17-5.16 only for my architecture instead of for all of them ? [03:57] maybe .ca will work , ok [03:58] Pupeno: i had the impression that it'd only compile for you architecture... that being the point of compiling... [03:59] abattoir: nope, it generate packages for all the ubuntu-supported architectures. [03:59] =) [03:59] Pupeno: oh, i didnt know that... [04:00] ok abattoir, yer right ...here are the errors , http://pastebin.ca/105095 === rolf__ [n=rolf@209-226-90.dial.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu [04:01] BluesKaj: installing from an external repo? === jordan_ [i=pc279@cuv138.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === damel [n=diop@25.149.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu === GrrrrrrrOin [n=ubuntu@209.65.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] kxdocker is shit ! === drbreen_ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-099.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] jordan_: hehe... why'd you say that? === dnkidjit [n=ftg2@] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] abattoir too many reason :) [04:02] yeah, I found some new repos cuz i screwed up my original sources list so found these that had several additions [04:03] BluesKaj: i guess that explains it... try removing 'openoffice.org-help-en-us' package first [04:03] jordan_: i use it, and find it to be good :) [04:04] ok, will try that === Flosoft [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu [04:04] hey [04:04] jordan_: in fact i'd say among the docks i have used for KDE it is the best... [04:04] what do I need as packages to use NVIDIA [04:04] graphics [04:04] jordan_: you could however try things like ksmoothdock and a couple of superkaramba solutions [04:05] I changed xorg.conf and replaced all nv with nvidia [04:05] abattoir I'm looking for something like this --> http://www.stardock.com/products/objectdock/MediaGuide/index.6.jpg === jochen [n=jochen@p54A1D5DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:05] and I installed nvidia-glx === __max_ [i=xXx@seduce-and-destroy.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:05] but it doesn't seems to work === __max_ is now known as _max_ === usergentoo [n=usergent@adsl-214-219-214.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:06] jordan_: well, kxdocker is like that... [04:06] abattoir: I also will try to run/port KDE stuff to win32 [04:06] jordan_: it doesnt have tabs though [04:06] Tm_T: for KDE4? [04:07] yes [04:07] it's been failure this far [04:07] Flosoft: I alway use nvidia-xconfig (just run it with sudo and it sets up everything it needs) you may need linux-restricted-modules for your kernel version [04:07] couldn't get even Qt patched =) [04:07] Tm_T: because of dependency on X? [04:08] abattoir no it in's. When I'm install him they have only one icon --> menu KDE and i can't add anything [04:08] nah, because MS Windows doesn't have proper bash-equiv === twisted2 [n=twisted2@] has joined #kubuntu [04:08] nor commandlinetools === kubuntutaotao [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu [04:08] linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 is already the newest version. [04:08] * no it isn't === kubuntutaotao is now known as taotao^offline [04:08] Tm_T: hmm, yes, dos hasnt been worked on since... hmm i really dont know this one.. [04:09] jordan_: well, you have to add icons.. [04:09] Flosoft: why are you using 2.6.15-23-386 you should install security updates [04:09] abattoir how ? === GrrrrrrrOin [n=ubuntu@209.65.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] jordan_: rt. click on the sys. tray->Configure Kxdocker [04:10] jordan_: which version do you have === Dannilion [n=danni@cust18-dsl53.idnet.net] has joined #kubuntu === damel [n=diop@25.149.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] How could I find what my hardirve is doing it blinks exactly every 1min and 30 secs [04:10] abattoir Configure KXdocker don't work [04:10] if you have 1.0(0.40), then it might be the 'Configurator' [04:11] abattoir I don't now, I'm use apt-get [04:11] Linux ubuntu 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Mon Jul 17 19:52:53 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux [04:11] ah ... restricted modules is out of date? === Hotwire [n=ed@unaffiliated/Hotwire] has joined #kubuntu === RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:12] linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-386 is already the newest version. === jon_ [n=jon@82-35-214-70.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [04:12] what else do I need? [04:12] abattoir so what's the best version ? === matzko [n=matzko@c-24-63-24-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:13] the latest is 1.1.4 [04:13] jordan_: anyways, 0.39 is good enough [04:14] jordan_: do you see the dock? [04:15] abattoir no, only one icon [04:15] jordan_: and configure kxdocker doesnt bring up a window? === chip42 [n=ftg2@30-201.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu === usergentoo [n=usergent@adsl-214-219-214.cha.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:16] abattoir yes === JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc2-brig4-0-0-cust484.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:16] abattoir yes, doesnt bring up a window === sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:17] jordan_: any other options when you rt.click the dock... i seriously dont remember the options in 0.39, tbh === alexicon_ [n=alexis@boxwhores.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:17] ?? [04:17] abattoir where i found 0.39 version ? === nikkne [n=nikkne@nslpc3.epfl.ch] has joined #kubuntu === sophie_ [n=sophie@ip062.195-51-69.sogetel.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:18] !info kxdocker [04:18] kxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB [04:18] that's 0.39^^^^ === Ersatz_Ruediger [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-083-012.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@p54B3DFAF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:19] abattoir I'm serch www === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:20] are the security updates down? [04:20] 99% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (] [04:21] jordan_: also install kxdocker-data [04:21] it seems up for me [04:21] hmm [04:21] here it times out :S === jochen__ [n=jochen@p54A1D5DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:22] abattoir sudo apt-get install kxdocker-data ? === dimsuz [n=dimka@p31.mp118.aaanet.ru] has joined #kubuntu [04:22] jordan_: yes [04:23] hi again :). and what if some package doesn't present in repository? For example I need cmake-2.4.2, but apt offers an old cmake-2.2.3 version === alexicon [n=alexis@boxwhores.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] write deb by myself? :) === tux [n=tux@] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] what other packages do I need for nvidia? [04:25] dimsuz: I'd try to see if there's an edgy package that I would just recompile for dapper. [04:25] abattoir, do you have repos list that is stable and relatively error free? [04:25] BluesKaj: i have edgy... but source-o-matic should help [04:26] !source-o-matic [04:26] source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [04:26] Pupeno: don't understand what you mean (i'm a total newbie), but thanks! :) === Xymor [i=enforcer@] has joined #kubuntu === acojlo [n=acojlo@] has joined #kubuntu [04:27] dimsuz: if Kubuntu Dapper doesn't have cmake 2.4.2 because it is too new, then it is possible that in the next version of Kubuntu you'll have it. Since you are not likely going to just wait for it, then you could grab an unstable package and re-compile it for Dapper. [04:28] dimsuz: I'd go to packages.ubuntu.com and search for the package on edgy, then download the sources and re-build. [04:28] Pupeno: and how do I do that 'grab'? (Thanks for info!) [04:28] a good chm reader for kde? [04:28] acojlo: kchmviewer [04:28] acojlo: kchmviewer [04:28] :) [04:29] Pupeno: thanks! [04:29] do is read cyrilic? [04:29] dimsuz: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ , http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=cmake&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all , http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/devel/cmake === grothesk [n=thomas@d463d2ed.datahighways.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:30] acojlo: yes :). [04:30] dimsuz: at the bottom: Source Package: cmake, Download: [dsc] [cmake_2.4.2.orig.tar.gz] [cmake_2.4.2-1.diff.gz] [04:30] acojlo: oh! error :) I don't know :) [04:30] acojlo: but it should [04:31] Pupeno: is it ok to rename earlier downloaded official cmake to "-orig" one? [04:31] dimsuz: download the last three files, put it in a directory and run: dpkg-source -x cmake_[whatever it is called] .dsc; cd cmake-[the newly generated] ; dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot === Ersatz_Ruediger is now known as Ruediger_Schmatz [04:31] dimsuz: and if everything goes ok, you'll have the new packag. [04:31] acctualy, it even does not want to open cyrilic chm === edon [n=edon@albalug/edon] has joined #kubuntu [04:32] abattoir right clilc menu dosen"t work [04:32] dimsuz: I wouldn't do it. [04:32] I use some xChm but it is very slow === KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-22-142163031143.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:32] Pupeno: wow! great! And where should I put it? or just "apt-get install ./resulting-file"? [04:32] if you are missing something you'll need to install it. [04:33] dimsuz: you'll get a .deb, dpkg -i blah.deb [04:33] abattoir What also to install ? [04:33] Pupeno: thanks again! [04:33] jordan_: these are the only two packages really necessary [04:33] dimsuz: you are welcome. [04:34] jordan_: can you try executing kxdocker from a terminal, and see if you get an error when you try to open the configuration tool? [04:34] abattoir how to open the configuration tool in terminal [04:35] jordan_: no, open kxdocker from terminal... but the config tool normally... rt.click on the system tray.. [04:35] however look out for errors in the terminal [04:36] I'm install ksdocker-configurator [04:36] It's working [04:37] jordan_: that package is in dapper? [04:37] yes [04:38] !info kxdocker-configurator [04:38] Package kxdocker-configurator does not exist in dapper [04:38] weird [04:38] I have you want to see ? [04:39] jordan_: you found it in adept? [04:39] kxdocker kxdocker-gbattery kxdocker-gtrash [04:39] kxdocker-arpmanager kxdocker-gcpu kxdocker-i18n [04:39] kxdocker-bluetooth kxdocker-gdate kxdocker-mountmanager [04:39] kxdocker-configurator kxdocker-gipcontrack kxdocker-networker [04:39] and 20 or 30 another === lmvaz [n=lmvaz@] has joined #kubuntu [04:40] jordan_: you mean the source packages in the official kxdocker site? [04:41] abattoir I don't now but i have :) [04:41] sources list i have from ubuntu.pl :P [04:41] jordan_: i guess its from an external repo... [04:41] oh, ok === lmvaz [n=lmvaz@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:42] abattoir how to add new icon ? [04:42] in configuration is poor [04:42] ll [04:42] configuration is poor :) [04:42] jordan_: open the configurator.. see under which tab you see the K menu icon... and add new icons there... [04:42] jordan_: yes, i'd have to agree w/ you on that one :) === nigno [n=nigno@] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] salve a tutti [04:44] !it [04:44] Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [04:44] sorry === andred is now known as andre^off === nigno [n=nigno@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:45] in configurator i have 6 tabs but don't have Icon. Something is wrong I thing so [04:45] http://rafb.net/paste/results/qKPjdm70.html [04:45] why isn't this working? [04:45] !pl [04:45] Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl === acesuares [n=ace@] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [04:46] abattoir in configurator i have 6 tabs but don't have Icon. Something is wrong I thing so === pat_del [n=patrice@ip-83-134-213-34.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] jordan_: hmmm, i dont remember the exact name(objects???), but see under which one you have the Kmenu... and add icons there [04:47] they should appear at the bottom === gau-net [n=gau-net@p548FC1C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] jordan_: ok, have to go now, if you dont like kxdocker, you can check out ksmoothdock... or more docks at kde-look.org and kde-apps.org [04:49] How to remove all kxdocker-xxx ?:] === osh_ [n=osh@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:50] Hi. I've got a package that I can't remove for some reason. dpkg --force-all -r doesn't work either. Anyone who can help with this? === octan [n=octan@] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] hi all === Godrin [n=david@p5082F9BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] anyone here using Xgl & compiz ? [04:52] octan: I'd like to but it appears that I have to choose between suspend and xgl/compiz and suspend is much more useful for me. === arepie [n=arepie@] has joined #kubuntu === cvasilak [n=cvasilak@ppp169-250.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu [04:52] octan: tried it liked it for a while, was unstable and after you get over theype you remove it [04:52] osh_, im using it.. i only woundring about 1 thing, === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [04:53] osh_: suspend or xgl not compatible with my system lol [04:53] how do i get diff wallpapers on the viewports? [04:53] I can't get nvidia to run :S [04:53] it worked before :S [04:53] my wireless usb device didn't working, it able to scan the access point, but it failed to connect, when i "dmesg" i saw an error like "using an old driver", how to solve this problem [04:54] arepie: Wich Hardware? [04:54] grothesk: wireless usb === jon_ [n=jon@82-35-214-70.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [04:54] zyxel g-220 === Hobbsee__ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [04:55] arepie: Using ndiswrapper? === epinephrine [i=sockd@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === octan [n=octan@] has joined #kubuntu [04:55] nope, i just install this kubuntu [04:55] sophie_: how come? [04:55] sophie_, do you know how i can diff wallpaper on the diif viewports? === larson9999 [n=larson9@CPE-72-128-121-119.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === pierluigi_ [n=pierluig@host254-236.pool80104.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:57] you stalking me Hobbsee? [04:57] if by viewport you mean desktop, yes, you can do that [04:57] Dannilion: nope === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@cgo210.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [04:57] ciao [04:57] grothesk: do you mind in private msg [04:57] Agios yes desktop.. i see from gset-compiz its called viewports [04:58] arepie: No. === Ahmuck [i=chatzill@p28n22.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === stanks [n=stanks@89-172-22-99.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu [04:58] ok [04:58] so, i should install ndiswrapper? [04:58] Agios, how do i do it? [04:59] download from sourgeforge and install ? or there's other way using any application from kubuntu > [04:59] arepie: query [04:59] synaptic === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@b-220-203.cable.kpy.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === pk0nink [n=roselawn@c-71-56-157-9.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:59] octan: system settings, desktop, background [04:59] hi people, my defoptions line in menu.lst is "# defoptions=vga=791 quiet splash" but vga=791 is not getting passed to the kernel, what should I do? [05:00] arepie: use adept [05:00] isn't Webmin in apt-get ? [05:00] you can set a background for any given desktop or for all desktops [05:00] Agios i tryed that,, it only allows me to use 1 wallpaper for all desktops [05:01] octan: see the "Setting for desktop:" option [05:01] where i used todo that i could select etc desktop 1 ,2 ,3 ++ but now its blank === Ersatz_Ruediger [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-083-012.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee__ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [05:02] Agios, it says,, alldesktop or else its blank :\ [05:02] I've got a package that I can't remove. Any ideas? I get this error msg: ERROR: Module hsfserial does not exist in /proc/modules [05:02] when trying to remove it that is. [05:02] how many desktops do you have ? [05:03] I have 8 and it lists all 8 of them there. [05:03] !suspend [05:03] I know nothing about suspend - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [05:03] Agios 4 [05:03] Agios, are you runiing Xgl & compiz? [05:03] whats the difference between hibernate and suspend === drbreen__ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-061.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@b-220-203.cable.kpy.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [05:04] octan: I don't know what compiz is [05:04] obf213: suspend is to write memory to disk and shut down completly afaik. hibernate leaves stuff in memory and needs current (but much less so). [05:04] anyone? isn't webmin in the dapper repo? === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [05:05] ok, but both leave the computer on? [05:05] obf213: not suspend. [05:06] Agios, ok,, [05:06] hibernate makes the computer "sleep", just drawing some power to keep the memory intact. [05:06] ok, when i return from suspended i check my sysinfo and it said i had been up for 9hrs plus 4 more mns since last i checked [05:06] Flosoft: I think webmin is unmantained on Debian and was dropped. It is very likely the same thing happened on Ubuntu. [05:06] hmm [05:06] suspend writes everything to disk and shuts down completely. [05:06] is there any graphical interface for LVM ? === Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community/leader/forum/admin/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu === aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:07] Flosoft: yes, i think so. === Tommy2k4 [n=tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:07] any tip? === Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu === edon [n=edon@albalug/edon] has joined #kubuntu [05:08] obf213: well, that might be because the computer doesn't know it's been down. it resumes from the memory written to disk, just as if it's never been down. === menno_ [n=menno@cc936524-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu [05:08] Flosoft: i'm still thinking. i'll get it soon. [05:08] ok [05:09] Flosoft: evms [05:09] Flosoft: that's the one I was thinking about. [05:10] hmm ... but that isn't LVM? [05:11] Flosoft: doesn't it use lvm? [05:11] no ... evm [05:11] enterprise volume management? === adam_ [n=adam@dpd121.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [05:11] isn't that something else? === adam_ is now known as _Shade_ [05:12] Flosoft: not sure. I always thought evms was an lvm frontend. more or less. === mirshafie [n=jin@c-c01b72d5.03-59-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [05:13] Flosoft: it makes lvm2 referneces on it's page anyway. [05:13] Flosoft: http://evms.sourceforge.net/gui_screen/ === themadscotsman [n=themadsc@h226.17.96.216.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:13] And I still need someone to help me to remove a package. It just won't go away no matter what I do. === obf213 [n=timi@adsl-69-150-232-16.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu [05:15] osh_: what package [05:15] sophie_: conexant. something I installed to get the bloody modem working. not that it helped. :-( [05:16] !apt-get [05:16] apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) [05:16] osh_: i see no package in repo name that [05:17] dr_willis: I know apt-get and dpkg. The thing is that it just wont deinstall. [05:17] does anyone know how to run evms-gui? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [05:17] dr_willis: ERROR: Module hsfserial does not exist in /proc/modules <- that's the error I get and the package remains. === h3sp4wn [n=samw@cpc1-leed11-0-0-cust262.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === _Shade_ [n=adam@dpd121.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:17] sophie_: I got it from www.linuxant.com or something. === claydoh [n=clay@66-252-37-169.da.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu === Ersatz_Ruediger is now known as Ruediger_Schmatz [05:18] now that is odd.. /proc/ is a dynamic filesystem.. === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:18] coud touch /proc/modules/hsfserial === Cheapy^ [n=Hsi@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:18] but thats getting really really really weird [05:19] dr_willis: /proc/modules is a file [05:19] dr_willis: well, not really but you know what I mean. [05:20] yea - thats very weird that the package manager wold be looking in there === ricardo [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-55-249.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === raziel_ [n=raziel@212-41-102-173.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu [05:21] hi everybody.... [05:21] i have a problem here.... [05:21] dr_willis: it doesn't make sense to me either. and I can't force it either. bloody annoying. [05:22] ricardo: welcome to the club. :-/ === andre [n=andre@Ottawa-HSE-ppp254018.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:22] my pcmcia wireless card (DLINK) works outta the box with kernel 2.6.15-23-386....but when I update the kernel or use the 686 version it stops being recognised.... [05:22] any ideas?? === Ahmuck [i=chatzill@p28n22.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ahmuck is now known as Eeyore [05:24] ricardo: have a look at what modules are being loaded. "lsmod". Perhaps it's that simple? [05:24] ricardo: Make sure you have restricted enabled for dapper-security [05:26] osh_: ok ill check that (have to reboot)...what modules should I look for...and what do i do if they are not loaded? === sewerm [n=sewerm@host-62-141-246-190.tomaszow.mm.pl] has joined #kubuntu [05:26] h3sp4wn: i think i have....but ill check that too... [05:27] wat's the deal with edy knot [05:27] ricardo: I think if its not working with the newer kernel you don't have linux restricted modules for that kernel version ( === KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-23-142163031193.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:28] ricardo: I have no idea. Make a list and compare them. If one is loaded where it works but not where it not works then try a "modprobe name_of_the_module" === pete_ [n=pete@cpc3-stok7-0-0-cust582.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === NDPTAL85 [n=ndptal85@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:28] osh_: ok thx....ill do that.... === notbbt [i=sam@nocturnal.illawarra.org] has joined #kubuntu [05:28] ricardo: good luck [05:28] irc.red.latina.org === Martijn81 [n=r0xz@a80-126-145-212.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [05:30] h3sp4wn: you are right...i have no restricted dapper-security whatsoever.....could you give me the address for that repositorie? [05:30] !Repostories [05:30] I know nothing about Repostories - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [05:30] !sources list [05:30] I know nothing about sources list - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [05:31] ricardo: just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add restricted after main and it will work fine [05:31] that factoid page sucks [05:31] h3sp4wn: thanks!! === Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-021-178.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === zamby [n=zamby@d81-211-179-52.cust.tele2.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:32] need some help here, with getting my dvd to play in kubuntu, when i put the disk in the drive it flashes the DVD icon on the desktop then it goes off. when i try to play the dvd movie in kaffeine i get an error "the source cannot be read", maybe you dont have enough rights for this, or dvd does not contain any data === rockin_stan|afk is now known as rockin_stan === Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community/leader/forum/admin/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu [05:33] its not under the list in mount [05:34] anyone know what could be the problem === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:35] how do i find out what the name is of the drives so i can mount them ? [05:35] because they are not under my mount list === dr_willis_ [i=willis@] has joined #kubuntu [05:35] dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) [05:35] proc on /proc type proc (rw) [05:35] /sys on /sys type sysfs (rw) [05:35] varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw) [05:36] varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw) [05:36] procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) [05:36] udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw) [05:36] devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) [05:36] devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) [05:36] lrm on /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/volatile type tmpfs (rw) [05:36] pete@box:~$ [05:36] see there is no drives :/ [05:36] !tell pete_ about pastebin [05:36] what conf edit for faster start linux ? === florian_ [n=florian@p54931CAB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === aurel [n=aurel@mar92-1-81-57-138-187.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:37] osh_: do you know how to find out the name of my cdrom and dvd if they are not in that list [05:37] pete_: try "dmesg". it's probably /dev/hdc === Emess [n=Emess@CPE-124-178-18-45.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === Lt-Elmo [n=elmo@cpe-65-189-224-176.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:38] hey === rpedro_ is now known as rpedro === __max_ [i=xXx@seduce-and-destroy.com] has joined #kubuntu === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === der_daniel [n=daniel@pD9E10A58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:39] Does this make sense to any of you? http://pastebin.ca/105309 === pete_ is now known as z00m [05:41] Anyone know how to fix this error: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/14 === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === aurel_ [n=aurel@mar92-1-81-57-138-187.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Flosoft [n=admin@] has left #kubuntu [] === arepie_ [n=arepie@] has joined #kubuntu === chaitan [n=chaitan@203-206-176-55.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === beano [n=chaitan@203-206-176-55.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === arepie_ is now known as arepie === beano [n=chaitan@203-206-176-55.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === beano [n=chaitan@203-206-176-55.perm.iinet.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === rafa [n=rafa@85-50-32-70.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu [05:48] Hawkwind: You'll get more answers, often, if you mention roughly what the thing is related to, but I'll take a look anyway, this time === ricardo_ [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-32-249.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [05:48] Lynoure: The pastebin has all the info [05:48] It's an error on kdelibs-data. I can't get it to upgrade or install no matter what I try === jim__ [n=jim@c-68-82-191-30.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Eeyore [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] help! I just looked at my installed programs and it shows that Opera is installed, however I cannot find a way to open the browser it does not show up in kde [05:49] Hawkwind: By a quick look looks like an error in the package, either kdelibs-data or ktorrent. If you do not use ktorrent, you can prolly work around it by removing that and possibly installing it back afterwards [05:50] Lynoure: I do happen to use ktorrent, however, I can't remove ktorrent due to the same error [05:50] jim__: Did you start it from konsole? [05:50] no how do you do that [05:51] jim__: Type: opera [05:51] Open up a konsole and type 'opera' in it. === Amaru [i=kwyjibo@P03f3.p.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:51] Hawkwind: I'm not sure if --force-yes would help. Probably not. [05:51] Hawkwind: what is the error did you pastebin it? === rolando [n=rolando@139.Red-83-51-81.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:52] Hawkwind: Did you use checkinstall to install ktorrent ? [05:52] uniq: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/14 === wchogg [n=wchogg@eh-112-114-158.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #kubuntu [05:52] the big question is [05:52] Hawkwind: checking.. [05:52] h3sp4wn: Umm no. I wouldn't use checkinstall on my worst enemies machine :P === pierluigi__ [n=pierluig@host201-231.pool80104.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [05:52] why is so complicated to manage repositories?? [05:52] i have [05:52] h3sp4wn: Everything comes straight from Ubuntu repos [05:53] eb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper multiverse [05:53] deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper multiverse [05:53] but when i do sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs nothing happens [05:53] Hawkwind: try this in konsole: 'sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.5.4-0ubuntu1~dapper1_all.deb' === ricardo__ [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-21-136.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [05:54] ive read so many things about editing the file sources.list [05:54] uniq: Once again you have all the answers. Many thanks :) [05:54] but that is not very clear [05:54] im supposed to uncomment the lines there [05:55] how can i find a certain package in a certain repositorie? [05:55] for example i want amarok 1.4 [05:55] !info blah [05:55] rolando: apt-cache policy [05:55] Package blah does not exist in dapper [05:56] ark opened a whole lotta windows and they wont close when i select close all,is ther a way to kill all teh ark processes? [05:56] Hawkwind: and where can i get a repository with amarok 1.4? === andre^off is now known as andred [05:56] repositories where easier with mandriva [05:56] rolando: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php [05:56] for amarok 1.4.1 [05:56] ccc_: i read that already [05:57] ccc_: but didnt really work === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@h226.17.96.216.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] Emess: ps aux | grep ark | cut -d: -f1 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill (something like that would probably work) [05:57] ill try again [05:57] rolando: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu === siku_ [n=siku@bb-81-175-207-4.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === arepie [n=arepie@] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] Emess: try "killall ark" from konsole, thats shorter ;) === siku_ is now known as mini === taotao^offline is now known as kubuntutaotao === mini [n=siku@bb-81-175-207-4.dsl.phnet.fi] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:57] rolando: just add the gpg-key as instructed, then add the apt source mentioned at the bottom in your sources.list [05:58] wat repos do u use for edgy [05:58] i tried that before, and i didnt work becaus ei spelled ark wrong, thanks lol [05:58] is there a way to install uicon packs when all you have are the icon pngs? === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66AAD.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu [05:59] rolando: and just ask if you don't understand how to do either part :) [05:59] i say chaps wat repos do u use for ubuntu edgy [06:00] ubuntu: archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted === MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-089-195.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:00] ty [06:00] Re everyone! === eKSeR [n=eKSeR@] has joined #kubuntu [06:00] hi milhousepunkrock. [06:01] Hi uniq [06:01] How can I possibly get rid of the CD-ROM icon on my desktop? === Jack12 [n=johannes@p54A08E55.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:02] MilhousePunkRock: right click on the desktop -> behaviour -> icons (tab) uncheck the ones you want to remove. === johannes__ [n=johannes@p54A08E55.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:03] .. make that behaviour -> device icons (tab) [06:03] Why is it I try to copy data from a personal backup, and it takes forever? === JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Jack12 [n=johannes@p54A08E55.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === _Shade_ [n=adam@dpd121.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [06:04] Kr4t05: Hard to tell without knowing more about your personal backup. Where is it? What kind of medium? Tapes can be way slow, there can be issues with connection to the remote server etc. === Raito [n=sokuban@HSE-Montreal-ppp3466891.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === shell [n=shell@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === shell [n=shell@S01060014858fa523.wp.shawcable.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:06] how do I not use xgl? I need to not use it to run wine. (I don't know if I have it, is it default there on ubuntu or kubuntu?) [06:06] Kr4t05: we are sorry, but out clairvoyant and telepathic advisors are all busy on other lines... :-) [06:07] Raito: xgl is not installed bt default [06:07] uniq: Or rather: How can I have it appear only when I CD is in the drive? If that is possible... === _Shade_ [n=adam@dpd121.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === twisted2 is now known as rails2 [06:08] MilhousePunkRock: same place. [06:08] uniq: And that would be "mounted CD/DVD/xyzD" only than? [06:08] MilhousePunkRock: you get the choices mounted and unmounted deviced. yes. [06:08] correct. === rails2 is now known as twisted2 === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-197-158.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === grump [n=jason@adsl-068-209-210-060.sip.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === greg_ [n=greg@bxa22.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Pupeno_ [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-220-035.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === ricardo [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-21-136.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community/leader/forum/admin/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu === ninhertatil [n=ninherta@183.Red-83-36-95.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:15] good amarok worked fine at last thanx [06:15] any1 with kubuntu and ipod? [06:15] That did not really work... But I deleted it now... [06:15] h3sp4wn: thanks!!! im using the new kernel! === Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community/leader/forum/admin/Hawkwind] has joined #Kubuntu [06:16] rolando: yeah, me [06:16] twisted2: do you use amarok with ur ipod? [06:17] rolando: i do ;) [06:17] good, how do you have to configure it? [06:17] rolando: are you on dapper? it worked right out of the box for me [06:18] can cause any problem using a mac keyboard with a power pc box ? [06:18] Media Device: failed to create lockfile on iPod mounted at /media/sda3: Sistema de solo lectura === klerfayt [n=klerfayt@] has joined #kubuntu [06:18] thats the error message i get when trying to connect [06:19] only read system [06:19] twisted2: i just installed the version in the kubuntu download site [06:20] rolando: that's 1.4.1, right? i had that error once, when i didn't "safely removed" the ipod and reconnected it [06:20] twisted2: right [06:20] desktop freezed first time yesterday, but I forgot to cp ~/.xsessionerrors before ctrl_alt_backspace - are there some more logs that could have saved error messages? [06:20] twisted2: then i shuold remove it safely and everything should work fine? === gatekeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-116-146.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [06:21] rolando: try it, for me only a restart of kde worked, then ;) [06:22] twisted2: === clay__ [n=clay@c-68-61-170-180.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:23] twisted2: yes because i tried once again the same error [06:23] ill try that thenx [06:23] thanx === Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu === joanma [n=joanma@] has joined #kubuntu === joanma [n=joanma@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:25] rolando: i'm afraid i cant help you.. for it just works, sorry ;) [06:26] hi whats wrong if i get (from a protected) dvd with totem there is no plugin to handle the dvd? [06:27] it should actually as i followed the wiki how to make them playable === fabio [n=fabio@] has joined #kubuntu [06:28] What could be wrong here? http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/273/snapshot3hj3.png === dr_willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis === chenlevy [n=chenlevy@bzq-179-50-225.cust.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:31] Does anyone know a set of sounds with a female voice saying stuff like "initiating shutdown sequence" in a slightly spacy manner? [06:32] Hi, all [06:33] I am here to update you about my recent konqueror wows === Agios [n=agios@wizard.timia.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] I found out that I had a memory error (1 bit in ~883.1MB and 1 bit in ~964.8MB( [06:34] So the KDE developers are in the clear. [06:34] Thank you everybody for your help resolving this problem. === Agios [n=agios@wizard.timia.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:36] does enybody know how to multi rename directories names? === Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-44-139.bredband.comhem.se] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:37] Special thanks for fritsch for his help. [06:37] ricardo: can you give me an exemple === pukyxd [n=pukyxd@31.Red-83-37-244.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:38] how to change Ip and MAC in terminal ? [06:38] jordan_: Why would you change MAC (spoofing?) [06:39] something like that :) [06:39] !ubotu ifconfig [06:39] I know nothing about ifconfig - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [06:39] sophie_: i have a tree plenty of dirs and i want to change caps for instance...or replace certain characters... [06:39] ricardo: Looks like someone stole some music from the web, huh? ;-) [06:40] ricardo: do you want to work from the command line or GUI: cli have a look at rename and GUI krename has lots of plugins === tes [n=tes@athedsl-09466.otenet.gr] has joined #kubuntu [06:41] I can't found ifconfing === tes is now known as oellinas [06:41] hello [06:41] does anybody know hoew to integrate kmplayer into firefox? [06:41] jordan_: I am 100% sure ufconfig is installed it is command line [06:42] MilhousePunkRock: i swear ...it is just work directories (i dont care renaming music dirs ;op) [06:42] sophie_: thanks..ill try that! [06:42] oellinas: sudo apt-get install mplayerplug-in [06:42] ricardo: As if I would care anyway, but I know that music from the web often times comes with weird filenaming schemes... ;-) [06:43] not mplayer, kmplayer. i already have mplayer plugin but it doesnt support many kind of streaming. === kubuntutaotao_ [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu [06:43] krename can rename mp3's using tag information [06:43] kmplayer use also xine plugin [06:43] *xine engine === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-42-154.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu [06:44] oellinas: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats you need to install codecs [06:45] thanks [06:46] seems i already have those plugins and with xine everything work. is mplayer that doesnt === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu === arepie [n=arepie@] has joined #kubuntu [06:48] is mplayer that does not what === kubuntutaotao_ [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu === tux_ [n=tux@] has joined #kubuntu === bunny [n=bunny@] has joined #kubuntu === bunny is now known as bunny_ [06:49] Does anyone know a place to download sound schemes other than kde-look.org? [06:50] jo === Dasnipa` [n=Dasnipa@c-71-228-63-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:50] yo === coretti [n=coretti@d83-176-89-53.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu [06:50] have plugins for mms streaming [06:51] sophie_: krename doesnt allow to rename directories...just files... === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-118-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === omorfa [n=pan@ppp97-142.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu === kubuntutaotao_ [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu === alex__ [n=alex@81-208-83-224.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:54] hello everybody [06:54] OMG! Amarok can display the lyrics? Holy moly... [06:55] surprising isn it? [06:55] just if u install the plugin for it === adam_ [n=adam@dpd121.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:55] it is great in listening to the webradio!! === jasonlam [n=lamj@CPE001217adddd3-CM00111ae5c560.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:56] oellinas: I didn't use Amarok much before, as I don't listen to music much on the PC anyway... But I was just clicking through here, and that one tab said "fetching text" and bang, there it is... === MilhousePunkRock is amazed... :-D [06:57] sophie_: krename doesnt allow to rename directories...just files...any other ideas? [06:58] ricardo: im looking into it I was sure it did [06:58] Now I only need that /me is listening to: -thingy === kubuntutaotao [n=kubuntut@] has joined #kubuntu === alex__ is now known as aos === Fig0 [n=Fig0@p5486FE13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:59] sophie_: ok thanx! === aos is now known as aos1979 === Flosoft [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu [06:59] hey [07:00] is there a way to have the HDDs parked (stopped) or something when they are not used? [07:00] Yes, Flosoft... Laptop-Mode-Tools is what you want... === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-197-158.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:00] cool ... what is the dapper package name? === claydoh [n=clay@66-252-37-169.da.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === node` [n=icmp_@adsl-220-236-183.bhm.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["bye] [07:01] But it's not recommended for Desktop HDDs, they are not designed to be stopped and restarted often... [07:01] Flosoft: One second... [07:01] root@ubuntu:/etc/webmin# apt-cache search laptop-mode [07:01] laptop-mode-tools - Userland scripts to control "laptop mode" [07:01] laptop-mode - laptop-mode aims to reduce the power consumption of laptops [07:02] Flosoft: Great, you found it faster than I could start adept... I guess you need both of these... === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-197-158.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:02] hehe ok [07:02] is it configurable via a GUI? [07:03] ow ... it is installed apparantly [07:03] anybody know how to make ? [07:03] anybody know how to "make" ? === tobias_ [n=tobias@c-180-36-9.h.dial.de.ignite.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:03] It's got a configuration file with pretty good comments... Don't think there is a GUI though... Flosoft === tobias_ [n=tobias@c-180-36-9.h.dial.de.ignite.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:03] ricardo: if you use the add file button look add the bottom left there is an option to add only directory names [07:03] arepie: If you don't know it, you better don't... :-) [07:04] or how do I set it up? [07:04] im trying to install wireless zd1211 driver === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-197-158.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] Flosoft: apt-get did that for you... [07:04] ricardo: still there [07:04] MilhousePunkRock: wlan0 (WE) : Driver using old /proc/net/wireless support, please fix driver ! [07:04] well ... where can I configure after how many minutes it parks the hdds etc? [07:05] Flosoft: You need to locate the config-file now in which you can alter those settings... [07:05] ok [07:05] arepie: That is beyond my knowledge... h3sp4wn, are you there? [07:05] sophie:yes...ill try that...thx! === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-197-158.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:06] sophie_: i was using krename from krusader.....ill try as you tell me... === roman [n=roman@] has joined #kubuntu === roman [n=roman@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:07] sophie_: i think thats exactly what i wanted.....thank you very much...! === klerfayt [n=klerfayt@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === geojeff|away [n=jpittman@cpe-70-117-149-42.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:10] is it enabled by default? === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-118-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:10] or where can I check if it is running? === UKF^vortex [n=vortex@komar.drama.pl] has joined #kubuntu === tux [n=tux@] has joined #kubuntu [07:12] Flosoft: There is a pretty good readme, let me look it up === Snake [n=snake@unaffiliated/snake/x-17964] has joined #kubuntu [07:13] irc.undernet.org [07:13] mexxico [07:13] tux: Stop spamming please :P [07:13] Mexico [07:13] !make [07:13] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) [07:13] Hey guys, how intrested would this room be in purchasing (k)ubuntu case badges? I'm trying to see if anyone would want any, they would likely be 3 badges for $6 [07:14] Badges ? [07:14] Flosoft: http://www.xs4all.nl/~bsamwel/laptop_mode/index.html [07:14] Hawkwind: you know like the things that say "HP" or whatever, or "Intel Inside", they are bubbly, and will have the (k)ubuntu logo === Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-28-201.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:14] tux [07:15] Snake: What about shipping to Europe? [07:15] Snake: You have a picture of one ? [07:15] Hawkwind: one second [07:15] MilhousePunkRock: so it is enabled by default? [07:15] MilhousePunkRock: I dont know if id be able to do that :-/ [07:15] Hawkwind: http://www.3dgameman.com/IMAGES/images_03/3dgameman_case_badge_06.jpg is an example [07:15] Snake: Ah, I wanted to see the actual Kubuntu logo [07:16] Hawkwind: I havnt made any yet, im just seeing if theres any intrest [07:16] Flosoft: I am not sure... Browse through the side, you will find all the info you need there... I found everything I needed there too... === geojeff|away_ [n=jpittman@cpe-70-117-149-42.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:18] Flosoft: "Installing them is all you need to do to get laptop mode up and running" [07:18] Hawkwind: I would just use the gears in it, btw [07:19] Is that circle with the three little circles on it supposed to be a gear? [07:19] In the kubuntu logo, yes === MilhousePunkRock is bad in recognising what icons actually represent... [07:20] KDE's logo is gears, so they tried to incorperate that into the Ubuntu logo [07:20] Took me months to find out that the Fx icon is a Fox hugging the world... o_O [07:20] LOL [07:20] MilhousePunkRock~ ever look at fedex and see somin? [07:21] rr72: I have! [07:21] :) === Snake thinks he should spoil it.. [07:21] somoene told me about it and now i always see it [07:21] => [07:21] Snake: If you ever make them, try to figure out how you can get them over the big pond... Wouldn't they fit into a letter? === Eeyore [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu [07:22] MilhousePunkRock: im sure they could, I just dont know anything about international letters and whatnot [07:22] :-) [07:22] snake if u find a site about that kind of stuff i would be VERY interested [07:22] rr72: fedex as in Federal Express? Huh? [07:22] i don't even know what to look under for google === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@cpc2-birk1-0-0-cust323.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:23] yeah their logo look at it carefully === ubuntu is now known as MattyMatt === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-118-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:24] You call that a logo, rr72? It's just the name, or not? === geojeff|away__ [n=jpittman@cpe-70-117-149-42.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:24] snake u think it was intentinal? kinda spooky if it wasnt === charlie5 [n=rod@124-254-68-53-dial.ispone.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:24] it perfectly fits [07:24] freaks me out sometimes [07:24] how some things just fits [07:24] omg installing driver for my wireless usb is really a big thing.. [07:24] lol [07:25] *fit [07:25] rr72: The --> made from the E and the x? [07:25] WOW u got it [07:25] MilhousePunkRock: Could I just send a letter to you like I would to someone in the US? === jordan_ [i=pc279@ul218.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [07:25] MilhousePunkRock~ where r u? [07:25] MilhousePunkRock: or would I need some kind of special postage or something you think? [07:26] Snake: I guess so, it's just a little more expensive... How much is a normal inside US letter? [07:26] idc [07:26] I think 37 cents [07:26] it keeps changing [07:26] u always need 2C stamps incase they raise it [07:26] Heh [07:26] MilhousePunkRock~ where r u? [07:26] lol that's cheap... It'll be like 2 dollars for a letter to Europe I guess... [07:26] rr72: Germany [07:26] Hmmm.. [07:26] oh idk [07:27] hawaii is US so still the same amount [07:27] and alaska [07:27] crazy so far yet so close [07:27] How to see my mac - comand in terminal ? [07:27] off to WoW [07:27] rr72: The internet, the global village... WoW? Are you a girl? === Knulp [n=user1@port-87-234-93-218.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:28] hell no [07:28] global village? [07:28] Whats wrong with WoW?? [07:28] Its just addicting.. [07:28] It's a game for girls... [07:28] How to see my mac - comand in terminal ? === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-118-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:29] MilhousePunkRock: Technically so is every other game out there [07:29] stupid germans [07:29] ;) [07:29] MilhousePunkRock: err? [07:29] jordan_: For any of your NICs? ifconfig === dragon [n=dragon@user-5444acd1.lns6-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === dhq [n=dhq@] has joined #kubuntu [07:29] Well, since I don't want to be flamed, I am just kidding of course... [07:30] hi [07:30] LOL MilhousePunkRock [07:30] Snake: You are right indeed, but I am still sure the number of female players is higher at WoW than at most other games... [07:30] MilhousePunkRock thanks [07:30] MilhousePunkRock~ show me blizzards records and i will beleive [07:30] not female chars or females who bought it [07:30] MilhousePunkRock: is that a bad thing ;);) :-P [07:30] can any one give me a link to play windows games in linex [07:30] !cedega [07:30] cedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega [07:31] !wine [07:31] linex?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! [07:31] wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. [07:31] snake im going searching in the knee-deep thing called the www ;) === bianconeri [n=biancone@] has joined #kubuntu [07:31] anyone know if battlefuild 2 runs ok with it [07:31] Snake: Not at all, we had a girl in our America's Army clan... But generally, "girls" play less PC games than "boys" do [07:32] dragon: Look at the Cedega page, I am sure they have compatibility lists... [07:32] cool cool [07:32] But I still think, there are more girls in WoW than in any other games... === GaiaX11 [n=vagner@] has joined #kubuntu [07:33] what is breezy [07:33] http://kebawe.com/2006/04/07/hidden-things-in-logos/ snake [07:33] dragon: I suppose you have a bad-ass (can I say that here) computer, BF2 is pretty demanding running natively under Windows already... [07:33] MilhousePunkRock: no you cant ;) [07:33] !language [07:33] Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. [07:33] http://kebawe.com/category/logos/ snake this is better [07:33] But I guess in that context it isnt to bad [07:34] thanks rr72 [07:34] dhq: Breezy is the previous version of Ubuntu, 5.10 IIRC [07:34] MilhousePunkRock: easybuntu [07:34] ??? [07:34] dragon: I suppose you have a top-of-the-line computer, BF2 is pretty demanding running natively under Windows already... [07:34] LOL [07:34] :) [07:34] ^^ Better? ;-) === menno_ [n=menno@cc936524-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] k [07:35] !easyubuntu [07:35] easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu. [07:35] dhq: breezy was the last version of ubuntu, current one is dapper === threat [n=threat@60-241-117-253.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:35] Hey gatekeeper... [07:35] http://forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-109825.html snake its even better but no pictures but links === Knulp [n=user1@port-87-234-93-218.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:35] hiya MilhousePunkRock [07:36] is there any banwith meter to check status of upload and download in kubuntu [07:36] to check the speed [07:37] conectar === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-118-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === alexus [n=tim@p83.129.21.245.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === bianconeri [n=biancone@] has joined #kubuntu === gau-net [n=gau-net@p548FC1C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu [] [07:40] Someone remind me I need to pick up my food from the Chinese restaurant next door in 10 minutes... ;-) === Snake [n=snake@unaffiliated/snake/x-17964] has joined #kubuntu [07:40] is there any banwith meter to check status of upload and download in kubuntu [07:41] Oh wait, I can use the KTeaTimer for that... [07:42] is there any way to increase ktorrent speed === chip42 [n=ftg2@] has joined #kubuntu [07:42] its not at all stable [07:42] dhq: That depends on the torrent itself more than on KTorrent... [07:43] But a few things are: limiting your upload speed to about 80% of your upstream bandwith to allow overhead traffic [07:43] well when i was on windows the speed never droppe 30kb/sec but her it doesnt reach above 15 even if there are a lot of seeders [07:43] dhq: Limiting the number of connections, running not more than 2 or max 3 downloads at a time [07:44] dhq: With the exact same torrent? What client did you use on Win? [07:45] bitcommet [07:45] is there a trial vertion of cedega sorry to pester you but cant seem to fined one [07:46] MilhousePunkRock: bitcommet === hugo [n=hugo@] has joined #kubuntu [07:46] utorrent [07:46] <3 [07:46] MilhousePunkRock: is there any banwith meter to check status of upload and download in kubuntu [07:47] dhq: There you go, BitVomit cheats all other users on the torrent to be faster... [07:47] Snake: Torrent all the way! Too bad they don't make a Linux version... [07:47] MilhousePunkRock: you know he designed it so it runs perfectly in wine rigt? [07:47] right*? [07:47] ;-) [07:48] Snake: I won't bother setting up wine if I can have programs to do the job natively on Linux, e.g. KTorrent... [07:48] But I heard it runs better than anything on wine === Pupeno [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-220-035.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:48] Whats there to set up? you just sudo apt-get install wine, and wine utorrent.exe === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-118-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:48] :-P [07:48] Difficult! [07:49] jordan@jordan:~$ sudo cp /media/hda1/WINDOWS/fonts/* /usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows [07:49] cp: cel `/usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows' nie jest katalogiem [07:49] MilhousePunkRock: bitvomit cant seem to find it [07:49] jordan@jordan:~$ sudo cp /media/hda1/WINDOWS/fonts/* /usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows [07:49] cp: cel `/usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows' nie jest katalogiem [07:49] jordan@jordan:~$ sudo cp /media/hda1/WINDOWS/fonts/* /usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows [07:49] cp: cel `/usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows' nie jest katalogiem [07:49] ... [07:49] !de [07:49] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [07:49] jordan@jordan:~$ sudo cp /media/hda1/WINDOWS/fonts/* /usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows [07:49] cp: cel `/usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows' nie jest katalogiem [07:49] jordan@jordan:~$ sudo cp /media/hda1/WINDOWS/fonts/* /usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows [07:49] cp: cel `/usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows' nie jest katalogiem === Jack12 [n=johannes@p54A08E55.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["good] [07:49] jordan@jordan:~$ sudo cp /media/hda1/WINDOWS/fonts/* /usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows [07:49] cp: cel `/usr/lib/X11/fonts/windows' nie jest katalogiem [07:49] !ops [07:49] Help! Riddell, uniq, Mez, jpatric, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, or gnomefreak [07:49] Flooder [07:50] flooding in progress [07:50] dhq: That's the Torrent-User's codename for BitComet [07:50] so what would you suggest [07:50] uniq: Wake up... [07:50] MilhousePunkRock: so what would you suggest === Snake bobs his head to wumpscut [07:51] dhq: You could search google for "good bittorent settings" [07:51] MilhousePunkRock: i gues you had to pick up some parcel or something [07:51] And apply those to KTorrent... === p0wrd_by_apathy [n=p0wrd_by@c-24-1-65-145.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:51] My food that is... Yeah, I'm off for a moment === pradeepto [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-12-83.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:51] !nvidia [07:51] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto === Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Agios [n=agios@wizard.timia.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] Nothing much happening during my absence, huh? [07:55] how is mldonkey better than ktorrent === seppo [n=seppo@a84-231-161-104.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] <_rince_> re [07:56] I know nothing about mldonkey. === MilhousePunkRock is out now... Eating and watching a movie... [07:56] MilhousePunkRock: what movie [07:56] CU next time, people... [07:56] Aw fine dont answer :( [07:56] Black Hawk Down, finally... My girlfriend went out to dinner with a few of her friends... === Snake needs a movie to watch [07:56] Oh [07:57] hmm.... [07:57] So I used my chance to rent it... [07:57] lol === Snake hears the whip crack [07:57] Snake: If I made her watch war movies, she'd make me watch cheesy girl movies, with WoW and such... :-P === NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === guillermo [n=guillerm@p54ADFF1F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:58] Hahahaha [07:58] Talk to you later Snake... [07:58] Cya === MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-089-195.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu ["Who] === damasel [n=marcel@p54AA9E0D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === pcfan [n=itay@IGLD-80-230-48-53.inter.net.il] has joined #kubuntu [08:03] Lets start a riot!!! [08:03] A riot!! === os2mac [n=jim@ip68-10-71-214.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === pcfan is now known as allforone [08:04] from the shell, how does one tell what version of kernel he is running? === shanks [n=shanks@pool-71-118-73-150.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === GIGANTOR [n=sublime@cpe-24-243-163-38.jam.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === karolis [n=karolis@82-135-171-234.dialup.zebra.lt] has joined #kubuntu [08:04] os2mac: "uname" I think [08:04] uname -a [08:04] os2mac: GIGANTOR is correct [08:05] or uname -r [08:05] uname -fu is also popular === Fig0 [n=Fig0@p5486FE13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:06] ;) [08:06] GIGANTOR: f is invalid :( [08:06] :-P [08:06] uname -gullible [08:07] XD === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:07] argh, afk === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-118-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:07] does anyone have any idea when 2.6.17 will be avail for update? === serenity [n=serenity@p54859C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === serenity [n=serenity@p54859C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:08] os2mac: No idea here === Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-28-201.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:08] os2mac: I think it may be next release :-/ === doug_ [n=doug@pool-72-64-185-92.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:08] I dont know if ubuntu updates the kernal === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === stefan_ [n=stefan@p5080CBE4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === der_daniel [n=daniel@pD9E10A58.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu === max_ [n=max@cp58753-a.mill1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Tommy2k4 [n=tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:15] hi [08:15] I was reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup [08:16] now how do I do this in Kubuntu? === Ruediger_Schmatz [n=jockel@dslb-088-073-118-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:16] does anyone get problems too when trying to install kdevelop3? apt-get complains about not finding the package, while aptitude says some files are 'kept back'.. any ideas what I'm doign wrong here? [08:16] !flash [08:16] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [08:18] any ideas whatsoever..? === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@AC8F3285.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:19] os2mac: the default autostart dir is ~/.kde/Autostart [08:19] os2mac: so you can put shortcuts to the apps you wanna autostart there [08:20] there is no way to do it through a GUI for the average user? [08:20] what I am looking at doing is runing a script that configures my wlan card. === Flosoft [n=admin@] has left #kubuntu [] === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66AAD.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu === navi [n=navi@] has joined #kubuntu === Knulp [n=user1@port-87-234-93-218.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu === Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-44-139.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === VintSanMilan [n=109@modemcable230.66-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu === VintSanMilan [n=109@modemcable230.66-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Sonnet] [08:24] os2mac: that might be better placed in /etc/rc.local depending on how it works === leyci [n=leyci@] has joined #kubuntu [08:26] os2mac: But you can via the file manager navigate to .kde/Autostart and create a link there [08:26] I am looking at putting it in init.d or rc2.d === eternauta [n=Usuario@host241.201-253-146.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu [08:26] Unless it is coded as an init script I wouldn't recommend that. rc.local is for local scripts === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === theine [n=theine@c216136.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu is now known as pc22 [08:28] how do i share my internet to another computer? [08:28] i have extra NIC [08:28] i have extra NIC installed [08:29] Agios: that is what I would like to do. I am using ndiswrapper for my wireless nic. I need to run a config script that sets up the card and does dhcp on it. === ebbu [n=ebbu@34-77.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [08:30] pc22: may be of use: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 === DarkED [n=darked@adsl-146-137-146.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === soon [n=soon@0x503eae06.odnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === lafrance [n=lafrance@pdpc/supporter/silver/lafrance] has joined #kubuntu === james___ [n=james@] has joined #kubuntu [08:34] on a fresh install of Kubuntu dapper drake, adept says i have kmplayer installed but there is no actual program to run. how do i actually install the program? [08:35] !gmplayer [08:35] I know nothing about gmplayer - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [08:35] hmm.. i normally use gmplayer, not kmplayer [08:35] i like the KDE frontend to mplayer though.. === fnord123 [n=fnord@user-544650ff.lns3-c12.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [08:35] isn't that what kmplayer is? [08:35] i perfer vlc myself [08:35] what version of kde does kubuntu 6.06 use? [08:36] fnord123: 3.5.2 I think [08:36] yeah [08:36] thanks [08:36] is it a bit improvement from kubuntu 5? i have 5 on my desktop at work and wondering if i should upgrade. [08:36] i have a bit of a problem === fgau [n=fgau@p548FC1C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:37] even searching player on adept doesn't come up with mplayer [08:37] just kmplayer-base and some other stuff [08:38] i used adept to update. i had changed my grub file ealier. seems the update overwrote the grub menu.lst. now i have no windows xp pro on the list. does someone have the configuraiton for windows xp that can post here? === Tpol [i=cptCaver@201-26-161-61.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [08:39] there is a way to run terminal like as root ??? === appolusionist [n=appolusi@cpe-72-130-201-17.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:39] Tpol: sudo is root === BurgerMann [n=burgerma@port86.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [08:39] Tpol: just put sudo before whatevre command you want to run as root === Naosv [n=naosv@cpc3-cani1-0-0-cust1020.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:40] but admin need to open the terminal. Can inform password. There is a way ?? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@cs181123215.pp.htv.fi] has joined #kubuntu === pussfeller is now known as treefriend === ubuntu is now known as psynth [08:42] you can use sudo xterm & or sudo rxvt& to launch a terminal with root owner [08:42] or just sudo su - [08:43] I think getting root is a test. If you can't figure it out you shouldn't be root :) [08:44] windows is on hda1 primary partition, shoud i resize that partition then make two/three partitions for kubuntu for a dual boot thingy ? [08:44] sudo su works as well [08:44] Agios: good point :) [08:45] Agios, i agree... took me all of 10 sec to realize how to reenable it. :P [08:45] hey im looking for some little apps to sit on the desktop and monitor things [08:45] fnord123: what are you monitering [08:45] fnord123, gdesklets or other 'dockapps' can do that. [08:45] network [08:45] fnord123: sudo apt-get install superkaramba [08:45] gnome and kde also both have their own applets for a lot of that stuff as well. [08:45] i perfer to use windowmaker dock-apps in their own panel === Flosoft [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu [08:45] but if theres a framework for it, id like to make my own [08:45] hey [08:46] theres about 5+ frameworks for it. :) === grump [n=jason@adsl-068-209-210-060.sip.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] is there any ubuntu package for smartctl [08:46] fnord123: superkaramba is the way to go for KDE [08:46] Dr_Willis: where can I find widgets for gdesklets? [08:46] which repositories do i have to add to get latest kde and krusader? [08:47] !kde [08:47] KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE [08:47] gdesklets has a homepage. and gnome-look.org [08:47] Dr_Willis: thanks [08:47] what does Requested change: BREAK (install) mean? [08:47] superkaramba has its own page and kde-look.org [08:47] is there a way to go from kub 5 to kub 6 without a full reinstall? === Pupeno_ [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-221-021.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:47] THEN ya got the windowmaker dock applets pages [08:47] :) [08:48] oh man... [08:48] Is the ubuntu repos down again [08:48] then theres that gkrellem utility thats nice [08:48] oh there it foes === centyx [n=centyx@centyx.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:48] !xgl [08:48] Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems [08:48] XGL <3 [08:48] http://members.dslextreme.com/users/billw/gkrellm/gkrellm.html === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-067.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === chenlevy [n=chenlevy@bzq-179-50-225.cust.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu === lordpau [n=lordpau@] has joined #kubuntu === svizzero [i=svizzero@gateway/tor/x-f2b0f58b49d4a1cb] has joined #kubuntu [08:52] james___: it means you probably shouldn't do what you are trying. google define:break === Cturtle [n=Cturtle@a213-84-50-38.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Flosoft [n=admin@] has left #kubuntu [] [08:54] mornin' guys === cod [n=cod@51-068.dsl.duo-county.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:55] good day [08:55] quick question [08:55] what is the kubuntu equivalent to ubuntu's update manager? [08:55] do you know where i can set back the background colors of my konqueror?... played around with the color options and the reset buttons won't set the color back to default [08:59] !nvidia [08:59] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [09:00] what is the kubuntu equivalent to ubuntu's update manager? [09:00] adept [09:00] no wait.. the update tool.. Hmmm.. [09:00] Not sure what its called. [09:01] Synaptic ? === BluesKaj [n=kaj@Toronto-HSE-ppp3907150.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:01] synaptic is the default apt-get gui for ubuntu [09:02] ok [09:02] adept/synaptic :) === jhak88 [n=jhak88@S01060004e25a1bb5.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === djk_ [n=djk@p54A2FA11.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl26-241.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:04] ok, i'm using adept, but its not finding any updates... and its a fresh install [09:04] I dunno whats up with it [09:04] i've been using ubuntu for a month now and figured I'd try out kubuntu... but its not being nice to me === [1] skeith [n=skeith@nr26-66-42-171-214.fuse.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:05] i always install ubuntu, then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop === ricardo [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-21-136.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:06] that wasn't working very well for me either.... it was still using gnome desktop === djk_ [n=djk@p54A2FA11.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [09:07] i wanted to try out the kde, so I downloaded kubuntu iso and here I am now... not knowing what is up === drbreen_ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-075.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === Cturtle [n=Cturtle@a213-84-50-38.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [09:08] well going to read manual from the iso to refresh my memory [09:09] adept seems to be unable to run as root .. I keep getting the same message that another program is using the apt-get so I will not be able to make any changes to the package list.. [09:09] I have checked with ps but there is not other adept running.. === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === grump [n=jason@adsl-068-209-210-060.sip.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:10] did you do an apt-get update in the konsol and leave it open [09:10] sorush20: are you installing updates ? [09:10] <|lostbyte|> sorush20, time to reconfigure the db.. === NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-183-97.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === Cntryboy [n=cd@host-216-78-28-201.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@82-32-120-101.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === dzachry [n=dzachry@adsl-70-240-205-7.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:13] sorush20: if you are sure no other apt utility is running, go remove the lock file === Jack12 [n=johannes@p54A0C523.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:14] join mysql === Agios tosses dzachry a / === Lunar_Raven [n=posthuma@71-37-10-185.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:15] <|lostbyte|> sorush20, do, sudo dpkg --configure -a === sergiusens [n=sergiuse@29-63-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu === FluxLover [n=Flux@pool-72-76-27-59.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === osh_ [n=osh@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === rsosborn [n=rsosborn@adsl-66-141-166-132.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:19] Need Help [09:19] <|lostbyte|> rsosborn, Shot ! [09:19] I set up LAMP server and got all set up even FTP server but I can't figure out how to give access to a user to upload files to it [09:20] Its amazing I got the rest done and can't give a user access [09:20] lol [09:21] <|lostbyte|> rsosborn, You can login as anonymous ? === glog [n=glog@7.Red-88-7-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:21] I really just want to user to be able to load files to /var/www [09:21] I don't think so [09:21] I can log in and see all the files [09:21] but can't make changes to them or add files === KaiHanari [n=Kai@stjhnf01-23-142163031225.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:21] I'm trying to ftp html from my windows box [09:22] to apache === [1] skeith is now known as skeith [09:22] rsosborn, apache is not an FTP server [09:22] I know [09:22] its a web server [09:22] I set up a ftp server as well so I can ftp from windows to my apache server [09:23] <|lostbyte|> rsosborn, check your permission on that folder, your trying to upload to. [09:23] I think that is the problem [09:23] but I don't know how to check the permissions [09:23] I'm a noob but savvy, just don't have a lot of linux experience [09:23] can some on give me a quick run down [09:23] <|lostbyte|> rsosborn, ls -l [09:24] when I did that it says [09:24] httpd.conf [09:24] not that [09:24] didn't copy right [09:24] drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2006-07-28 15:54 apache2-default [09:24] drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2006-07-29 13:46 download [09:24] drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2006-07-29 13:49 html [09:24] drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2006-07-29 13:46 upload [09:24] that is what it says [09:24] <|lostbyte|> rsosborn, ok, go to taht dir.. [09:25] I'm there [09:25] <|lostbyte|> go one step back and do. ls -l [09:26] drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2006-07-28 15:54 apache2-default [09:26] drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2006-07-29 13:46 download [09:26] drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2006-07-29 13:49 html [09:26] drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2006-07-29 13:46 upload [09:26] that is what it gives me when I type in command "ls -l [09:27] <|lostbyte|> do, cd .. [09:27] <|lostbyte|> and only paste the www dir out put for www [09:27] rsosborn: please use a pastebin in the future === _MARTIN_23 [n=martin23@] has joined #kubuntu [09:27] rsosborn: it IS in the /topic [09:27] !pastebin [09:27] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) [09:28] lostbyte [09:28] I'm little confused [09:28] sorry [09:29] I did cd === skeith [n=skeith@nr27-216-68-220-67.fuse.net] has joined #kubuntu === navin [n=navin@] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] ho folks!! [09:30] I am tryin to configure Xgl [09:30] seems some problem with it === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [09:31] windows borders are not visible [09:31] !xgl [09:31] Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems [09:31] navin: Have you read all of those URL's ? === castra [n=castra@] has joined #kubuntu [09:31] peterre where is the sign "wegen Renovierungsarbeiten..."from? === nooby_god [i=nooby_go@CPE000c41b31da7-CM00080d825a44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:32] navin: Also, #XGL or #Ubuntu-XGL might have a bit better help [09:32] http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=20060602173658632 [09:32] This is what i read [09:32] does anyone here use the the extra kubuntu respitories? like http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-141/ for example? [09:32] hi all..is it just me or kernel that comes with latest 6.06 is having issues with prism54 wifi cards?? === ro [n=ro@191-188.cableamos.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:33] <|lostbyte|> rsosborn, Setting up apache, you will have to learn file permission.. [09:33] <|lostbyte|> rsosborn, http://www.freeos.com/articles/3127/ [09:33] gconf-editor does not show the plugin gconf === driz [n=driz@pool-72-72-36-186.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:33] can someone tell me how to set premession to /var/www for apache server [09:34] <|lostbyte|> navin, huh ? [09:34] does anyone here use the the extra kubuntu respitories? like http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-141/ for example? [09:34] I can't mod any files or give a user access to it for FTP purpose [09:34] I'm a noob [09:34] i mean for XGL [09:34] will any confilicts occur if the same package is offered from the ubuntu respitores and the unoffical kubuntu ones? === slow-motion [n=lasse@p548DE81A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === flo [n=flo@port-195-158-171-222.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu === ro [n=ro@191-188.cableamos.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:35] will I be "upgrated" to the official one from ubuntu? [09:35] http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=20060602173658632 says i should have a plugin called gconf === mister_roboto [n=jrk@24-136-10-249.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:35] that missing in my config of XGL it seems... :-/ [09:35] nooby_god: whichever one has a higher version number will have priority. Chances are kubuntu's will overwrite [09:35] However, you can specify to force a particular version. [09:35] <|lostbyte|> navin, you mean, you have xgl up and running ? [09:35] Hikaru79 but what happens if the same versions are offered by both? [09:35] it is probably up [09:36] but ot running exactly as i wanted it to be [09:36] as of now normal KDE is better!!! [09:36] re === admin7160 [n=admin716@] has joined #kubuntu === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [09:37] <|lostbyte|> slow-motion, hi :) === admin7160 is now known as azzurro [09:37] hi |lostbyte| === emonkey-p [n=emonkey@static-pro-212-101-27-121.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu [09:39] nooby_god: I'm not sure. But if it's the same version, does it matter? :P [09:39] If there's any change, there'll be a suffix to the version number [09:39] Like 1.2~ubuntu3 or something. [09:39] So they shouldn't have an identical version number unless they truely are 100% identical. [09:39] ok Hikaru79 === wayaro [n=wayaro@] has joined #kubuntu === Tommy2k4` [n=tommy@cpc3-wear3-0-0-cust134.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === Ace2005 [n=ace@80-47-48-200.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:41] Hi all how much faster would my system be if i had a raid? [09:41] can i make a raid using two partitions from two disks which vary in size, say 50GB from a 250GB disk and a 80GB disk? [09:42] oh and how hard would it be to set this up? === treefriend is now known as tanika45 === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has joined #kubuntu === tanika45 is now known as pussfeller === pussfeller [n=pussfell@166-82-183-46.quickclick.ctc.net] has left #kubuntu [] === flo is now known as Flo [09:43] ....... === wolfmanz [n=wolfmanz@] has joined #kubuntu [09:44] i have some problems with the soundsystem. i'm using kubuntu and have installed all necessary packages for amarok. the kde sound effects work, but amarok says xine isn't able to load the audio driver. === navin [n=navin@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:45] tried running xine and configure it to use alsa? === LeXTul [n=thomas@p54B7E9F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === thiago_ [n=thiago@bas-flu-adsl-dynip-201-021.vtx.ch] has joined #kubuntu === Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu === thiago_ is now known as Tyke === apol [n=apol@] has joined #kubuntu [09:46] I'll ask in ubuntu === drbreen__ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-005.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === Flosoft [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu [09:47] hey ... how do I enable SMART on my HDDs? === castra [n=castra@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === hemejorma [n=hemejorm@dyn3-82-128-188-233.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu === joseph [n=joseph@219.82-ppp.3menatwork.com] has joined #kubuntu === joseph [n=joseph@219.82-ppp.3menatwork.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === claydoh [n=clay@66-252-35-250.da.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu === britto [n=britto@20150213011.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === chip42 [n=ftg2@] has joined #kubuntu [09:49] and I get this error when I try to mount my LVM partition: [09:49] http://rafb.net/paste/results/FAiLJo47.html === trt [n=trt@pool-71-126-176-160.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === trt [n=trt@pool-71-126-176-160.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === MasterEvilAce [n=MasterEv@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === aujordanh [n=jamn3009@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu === aujordanh [n=jamn3009@dialup-] has left #kubuntu [] === navin [n=navin@] has joined #kubuntu === _roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Das [n=jordan@c-24-20-54-150.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === bud [n=bud@68-118-105-127.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:54] can someone help me? === MukiEX [n=muki@adsl-75-22-207-200.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:55] Flosoft: try #ubuntu it seems quiet in here === talljon84 [n=jonathan@mdsnwikwbas08-pool16-a244.mdsnwikw.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:56] 'afternoon all [09:56] Q w/ Audacity. Anyone around familiar with it? === _claydoh [n=clay@66-252-38-120.da.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu === pradeepto_ [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-12-5.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu === Flo [n=Flo@port-195-158-171-222.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu === komposter [n=komposte@ppp83-237-252-164.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu === pradeepto_ is now known as pradeepto [09:59] It seems quiet in ubuntu-xgl, and there's a possibility someone here might know whassup; anyone having trouble in Kubuntu/Compiz getting the gnome-based settings to save? [09:59] gconf and gnome-* settings aren't making it through a reboot. === dimsuz [n=dimka@p142.mp109.aaanet.ru] has joined #kubuntu [10:01] i have running kubuntu edgy and aiglx ... nice effects can only be done throug compiz insteed of kwin right (if i want use compiz, i can only use translu.) right ? or are nice effects possible without compiz ? [10:01] Hi! Can anyone please explain (or give a link) me what is "edgy" [10:01] :) [10:02] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft [10:03] LeXTul: thanks! [10:03] how do I enable SMART on my HDDs? I get this error when I try to mount my LVM partition: http://rafb.net/paste/results/FAiLJo47.html [10:04] another question... apt wants to install gcc-4.0. Can I somehow install gcc-4.1 for example? === dive-o [n=dive@office.iad2.serverbeach.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:05] I know I've asked this before, but I didn't keep the links, and I'm at work - can someone point me to the docs on installing java, dvdcss, etc? [10:05] ubuntuguide.org === psha [n=psha@kr-lun-71-145-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu === os2mac [n=jim@ip68-10-71-214.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === psha [n=psha@kr-lun-71-145-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === jhjp [n=root@dslb-088-065-012-102.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === damel [n=diop@25.149.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:08] dimsuz: If you want gcc-4.1 you have to use edgy (unstable) === LeXTul [n=thomas@p54B7E9F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:08] h3sp4wn: that means to use edgy for _all_ packages? [10:09] hey all === georgi [n=georgi@] has joined #kubuntu === georgi [n=georgi@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:09] dimsuz: I don't see much point in having gcc-4.1 if the rest of the system isn't compiled with it [10:09] i want to pull my old kontact journals from an old home dir, where are they held? === katls [n=katls@] has joined #kubuntu === USER019272 [n=USER0192@85-18-14-10.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu === _claydoh is now known as claydoh [10:11] h3sp4wn: ok :). I'm just figuring out how the things work. === snikker [n=Snikker@host105-45.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:11] any one know how to open gconf-editor ? === Snake [n=snake@unaffiliated/snake/x-17964] has left #kubuntu [] [10:12] nvm found it [10:12] what's the tool I need to get nvidia video working? nvidia-glx? [10:12] I did all this ony my home computer, but can't find the site that explained it all nicely [10:12] ubuntuguide.org isn't it === micah [n=micah@adsl-81-133-210.mgm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] I get this error when I try to mount my LVM partition: http://rafb.net/paste/results/FAiLJo47.html [10:13] Could someone help me with this? === v0taguz [n=votaguz@] has joined #kubuntu === Leeif [n=lucas@190-209-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [10:14] Hello Kubuntu Users! [10:16] hello [10:16] Can i install this debian package in ubuntu? [10:16] http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6_2.3.6-16_i386.deb [10:17] you can but it'd be better to get the ubuntu version via apt-get, that is designed for debian [10:17] Hey all- I installed Firefox from Adept but it won't connect to anything. Konqueror works fine but not Firefox. Ideas? === simian__ [n=ben@host217-44-44-106.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu === tailsfan [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-8.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:17] Flosoft: been a while since I did some lvm stuff. don't you mount it with type lvm? [10:17] This is a stupid question to ask probably but... [10:18] osh_: how do you mean? [10:18] In Shipit, When you order CDs in that week, does that week count for one of the four week or is it the week after? [10:18] in that log you specified type with -t ext3, I think you're supposed to write -t lvm === lextul_ [n=thomas@p54B7E9F8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:19] Flosoft: might be wrong though. as I said. it's been a while. [10:19] and is there a way to install a package from debian-unstable? [10:19] i think i can't cant get libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6) via apt-get because ubuntu version is libc6_2.3.6-0ubuntu20 === GrrrrrrrOin is now known as grOin [10:20] Flosoft: did it work? === dr_willis_ [i=willis@] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] i've got a laptop that is out of warrenty, one day it mad a stange noise and then when i rebooted it it said it can't find an operating system. i can't install linux becuase it can't find a hard disk. so i have come to the conclusion that the HD has broke. I've now removed the HD and found an exact match here http://www.laptopshop.co.uk/laptop-hard-drives.htm?ppcse=google&gclid=CMaQjvrft4YCFU6kFQodTk7GRw but i feel like i'm [10:20] Leeif: why do you need that version? === Dirhael [n=dirhael@] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] osh_: mount: unknown filesystem type 'lvm' [10:20] and if you order them on a Sunday, what day does it come to you, Moday or Saturday? [10:21] because i cant install initng without that version [10:21] for example [10:21] and many other packages [10:21] Flosoft: sorry, stupid me. you're right. you mount it with -t ext3. and you've created a filesystem on your new lvm disk have you? [10:22] yes === tailsfan [n=tailsfan@64-48-208-8.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:22] Flosoft: what's the name of it? === jmichaelx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:22] osh_: mkfs.ext3 /dev/server/server [10:23] Is anyone aware of why Firefox wouldn't pull webpages but works just fine if I give it the IP of the site? === secleinteer [n=secleint@adsl-70-237-221-28.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === snikker [n=Snikker@host105-45.pool870.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Chat] [10:23] Flosoft: and the output from that was fine? [10:24] what does dmesg say about /dev/server/server? === katls [n=katls@] has joined #kubuntu [10:24] osh_: Writing inode tables: done [10:24] ext2fs_mkdir: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while creating root dir [10:25] talljon84: your dns is proably screwed up. [10:25] could anyone out there give a desperate man some help trying to get a broadcom wireless card working? [10:26] Flosoft: hmm, still thinking here.... [10:26] osh_: Konqueror works fine.. it's just Firefox that won't work. === gene__ [n=gene@ool-44c0fc7d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:27] talljon84: then I don't know. when ip works but not adresses it's usually the dns. check FF for extensions or other things that might screw it up. [10:27] Leeif: Well you could this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InitNG [10:28] FF? === freemanen [n=freemane@213503414-VISIT-NET.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #kubuntu === florian_ [n=florian@p50846868.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:28] talljon84: FF=FireFox ;) === Ace2005 [n=ace@80-47-48-200.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:29] talljon84: it gives you an error or just waits and nothing happens? [10:29] dimsuz: ooh. hehe. I checked those already. I thought it might be a proxy setting but it's set to directly connect. [10:29] Flosoft: what's the output if you try to mount the drive without specifying -t ext3? === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === grOin [n=ubuntu@209.65.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:30] dimsuz: it gives the took-to-long-to-respond error [10:30] talljon84: if you run it from terminal does it output some error there? === Ashex [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:31] http://rafb.net/paste/results/C8tCAw22.html [10:31] talljon84: hmmm... if there's a firefox irc channel perhaps you should try to ask there... === Pupeno [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-221-021.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:31] Is there a way to install a package from debian-unstable? [10:31] ..in kubuntu [10:31] jmichaelx your probably dont want to here this but if you cant get your wireless card to work maybe you should purchase one thats supported under kubuntu === mjl_ [n=mjl@] has joined #kubuntu [10:32] Flosoft: yes, but without the -t ext3. what then? [10:32] well there is -t ext3 [10:33] Flosoft: you've typed it according to your paste. "mount -t ext3 /dev/......." [10:33] Flosoft: I want to know what will happen if you omit it. [10:34] root@ubuntu:/# mount /dev/server/server server [10:34] mount: you must specify the filesystem type [10:34] root@ubuntu:/# [10:34] that is without [10:34] Flosoft: right. annoying. === Raito [n=sokuban@HSE-Montreal-ppp3466891.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [10:34] Flosoft: not unexpected but annoying. [10:34] Where does KDE store its icons? === SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@] has joined #kubuntu [10:36] wolfmanz: i had this card working under a previous kubuntu installation === florian_ is now known as JackSparrow === Tintin [n=niels@] has joined #kubuntu === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [10:37] Raito: $KDEDIR/share/icons/ === exobuzz [n=jools@82-70-241-14.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [10:37] Raito: where $KDEDIR can be replaced with /usr or /home/ [10:37] jmichaelx have you tried doing a search on the ubuntu forums? === KaiHanari [n=Kai@as-stjhnf01-18-142163016204.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] dimsuz: hmm /usr/share/icons only has some sun java stuff === GaiaX11 [n=vagner@] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] wolfmanz: those forums are what have screwed things up [10:38] lol [10:38] I can't view videos from video.google.com in Konqueror.. Anybody knows why? [10:39] Raito: at least that's so in "vanilla" kde :) [10:39] It works in firefox === _claydoh [n=clay@66-252-37-14.da.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:39] Raito: I'm new to kubuntu, so I didn't check :) === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu [10:39] oh wait... there are folders there [10:42] Flosoft: could you check that your created logical volume is actually online? vgscan/vgs/vgchange or something like that is the command I believe. [10:43] I'm currently reformating the ext3 disk === james___ [n=james@] has joined #kubuntu [10:45] osh_: http://rafb.net/paste/results/WEfXze33.html [10:45] how do i let kubuntu redetect my monitor and xorg settings? === SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] any tremulous players around? [10:46] james___: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg === _claydoh is now known as claydoh [10:47] insanekane: ahh thanks :D [10:47] Flosoft: that doesn't look good. [10:47] I thought of the same thing ;) [10:47] maybe a reboot? [10:48] Flosoft: you're running this through evms? [10:48] no === _stev_ [n=steven@d54C253FD.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [10:48] Webmin :S [10:48] Flosoft: I'm not sure a reboot will help. In fact I doubt it. [10:48] hmm ok === dj_baggio [n=finarfin@yk66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === itzjbyrd [n=itzjbyrd@69-166-139-155.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === xwolf- [n=igor@200165187150.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Kubuntu [10:50] Flosoft: I'd start over. Delete all and begin again. First use pvcreate to create your physvols, then vgcreate to make the volumegroups and finally lvcreate for the logical volume. It's not that hard if you read the manpages. [10:50] ok ... how do I delete everything? [10:50] Flosoft: since there's nothing on them you might as well experiment a bit, no? [10:51] yes [10:51] <_stev_> just installed kubuntu and using tvtime but the color quality isn't so good, it is like there are spots shining on the faces of the people in the film === mattikoo [n=mattik@line-6173.dyn.kponet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu [10:51] Flosoft: if you use webmin I'm sure there's an option there? === Chris7mas [n=christma@] has joined #kubuntu === mattikoo [n=mattik@line-6173.dyn.kponet.fi] has left #kubuntu [] [10:52] yes === kundel [n=kundel@dslb-088-072-193-159.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:52] abattoir: ummm, hey, you there? [10:52] :-D [10:53] Flosoft: try that. be careful though. don't wipe your old data. [10:54] Flosoft: sorry that I can't be of greater assistance. === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === james___ [n=james@] has joined #kubuntu [10:55] i am getting a missing module error '/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko' [10:55] is there any way to fix this? === v0taguz_ [n=votaguz@] has joined #kubuntu [10:56] xok === smorkov [n=stef@nealocat109.ethernet.ro] has joined #kubuntu [10:56] *ok [10:56] I deleted all the LVM Group etc. [10:56] so how do I create it in console ? === morgan [n=morgan@200-127-15-177.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:57] Flosoft: what's the name of your disks? === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl26-241.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:57] osh_: hdb , hde , hdf [10:58] Flosoft: pvcreate /dev/hdb /dev/hde /dev/hdf === highLighter [n=boriana@c-66-229-197-136.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:58] Flosoft: but don't rely on me. check everything I say by looking at the manpage for pvcreate [10:58] how do i get amarok to play mp3s? [10:58] james___: install libxine-extracodecs [10:58] root@ubuntu:/etc/webmin# pvcreate /dev/hdb1 /dev/hde1 /dev/hdf1 [10:58] /dev/dvd: open failed: Read-only file system [10:58] Attempt to close device '/dev/dvd' which is not open. [10:58] Physical volume "/dev/hdb1" successfully created [10:58] Physical volume "/dev/hde1" successfully created [10:58] Physical volume "/dev/hdf1" successfully created [10:58] root@ubuntu:/etc/webmin# === jesspher [n=jesspher@pool-71-106-222-99.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:59] Flosoft: I take no responsibility for fscking up your computer. And I might do that royally if you're not careful and double check what I write. [10:59] no problem [10:59] it is a clean install ;) === dj_baggio [n=finarfin@yk66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [11:00] crimsun: ok i'll try that :) [11:00] i am getting a fatal missing module error '/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko' .... is there any way i can correct this? [11:00] Flosoft: vgcreate osh_volume /dev/hdb1 /dev/hde1 /dev/hdf1 [11:00] Flosoft: ;-) === SpAwN [n=wls@pool-70-22-144-234.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:01] crimsun: i don't see it? [11:01] vgcreate volume1 /dev/hdb1 /dev/hde1 /dev/hdf1 [11:01] Volume group "volume1" successfully created [11:01] Flosoft: boring... ;-) but OK. [11:01] :p === serenity_ET [n=serenity@p54859C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === serenity_ET [n=serenity@p54859C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === gatekeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-116-146.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === beatbox [n=beatbox@80-102-32-8.sev1.dialup.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === beatbox [n=beatbox@80-102-32-8.sev1.dialup.uni2.es] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === thunderstruck [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu [11:03] Flosoft: lvcreate -n osh_lvol -i 3 volume1 [11:03] Flosoft: I think. === _roconnor is now known as roconnor [11:04] james___: have you enabled the universe and multiverse repositories? [11:04] lvcreate -n volume1 -i 3 volume1 [11:04] doesn't work :S [11:04] crimsun: i think so [11:04] Flosoft: what's the error? [11:05] i have the dapper-backports multiverse repo [11:05] Please specify either size or extents (not both) [11:05] lvcreate: Create a logical volume [11:05] lvcreate [11:05] and then the doc [11:06] james___: wrong one. Use dapper. === morzel [n=morzel@] has joined #kubuntu [11:06] ok [11:07] Flosoft: lvcrate -n lvol1 -i 3 volume1 === highLighter [n=boriana@c-66-229-197-136.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === geneo93 [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu [11:07] Flosoft: you can't use the same name I believe. one is a vg (volume group) and the other is a lv (logical volume) [11:08] Flosoft: and lvcreate naturally.... [11:08] that wasn't the problem [11:08] it doesn't work :S [11:09] Flosoft: what's the error message from the latest try? [11:09] same thing [11:09] crimsun: i found a website with a list of good repositories to replace the default ones with, this is what i needed :D [11:09] http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper === BeatBoxRocker [n=beatbox@80-102-32-8.sev1.dialup.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu [11:10] Flosoft: do you have a directory called /dev/volume1? [11:10] nope === BeatBoxRocker [n=beatbox@80-102-32-8.sev1.dialup.uni2.es] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:11] Flosoft: hmm, ok, how about "lvcreate volume1" then. what's the output then? [11:11] root@ubuntu:/etc/webmin# lvcreate volume1 [11:11] Please specify either size or extents (not both) [11:11] lvcreate: Create a logical volume [11:11] and then the doc === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@Dynamic-IP-cr20011821172.cable.net.co] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] <|lostbyte|> !xgl [11:12] Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems === pencils [n=pencils@88-111-184-151.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:13] Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdelibs/kdelibs4c2a_3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1_i386.deb whats this about === bobbyyu [n=bobbyyu@HSE-Toronto-ppp306466.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === navin [n=navin@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:14] anyone here running 6.10 ? if yes please pm with the sources.list of it [11:14] Flosoft: lvcreate -L 1000 volume1 [11:14] Can someone please help me with my Samba networking problems? === highLighter [n=boriana@c-66-229-197-136.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:14] Flosoft: should create a 1gb volume. [11:14] Flosoft: i hope === morzel [n=morzel@] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@Dynamic-IP-cr20011821172.cable.net.co] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === navin [n=navin@] has joined #kubuntu === Ignite_ [n=Ignite@AC8E2F59.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === kameronk_ [n=chatzill@adsl-33-206-177.lft.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:15] Flosoft: pvs or pvscan or something should give you an output on how many extents you have and then you can use -l to create an lvm for the entire space of your drives. === nancy1 [n=nroyal@modemcable184.173-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [11:16] Everytime I try to access the Samba shares with Windows, it says "Denied, you may not have permission to access this network resource" [11:16] What I do? [11:16] bobbyyu: stop using windows? ;-) [11:17] i am getting a fatal missing module error '/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko' .... is there any way i can correct this? [11:17] hi everyone , can anyon ehelp me to configure modem connection,, I always get error remote has to authenticate itself, ... no sutable password to give.... none of available pw will let use IP [11:17] bobbyyu, why not try running a simple webserver on it? this way you can download all the files... i've never had much luck with windows shares... but if you need to upload to the windows computer, that may be more trouble === highLighter [n=boriana@c-66-229-197-136.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] nancy1: /etc/ppp/options there's an option called "auth". Perhaps changing that to "noauth" helps? [11:18] If I try a webserver, then everyone can access it [11:18] osh_: How do I create it using 100%? [11:19] nancy1: not that I've gotten my modem to work on my machine... [11:19] but I do have to auth to my ISP,, wont that prevent this [11:19] Flosoft: run vgdisplay, does it say anything about "extents" there? [11:20] osh_, ill try it ,, be back in a moment [11:20] osh_: got it: Logical volume "lvol0" created === Hotwired [n=ed@cpc3-ely12-0-0-cust676.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:20] not if you set it up correctly [11:21] bobbyu, i suggest http://www.brswebweaver.com/ (BRS WebWeaver); it supports http authentication [11:21] osh_: http://rafb.net/paste/results/N8mD8127.html === james___ is now known as uranther === mode/#kubuntu [+o thunderstruck] by ChanServ === mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*@ip20-164-208-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] by thunderstruck === mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*@] by thunderstruck === mode/#kubuntu [-o thunderstruck] by ChanServ [11:23] Flosoft: looks ok doesn't it? [11:23] yup === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] [11:24] Flosoft: is there a full path to the lv somewhere? one that you can do an mkfs on? [11:25] Flosoft: like lvdisplay might show something. === BluesKaj [n=kaj@Toronto-HSE-ppp3907150.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [11:25] /dev/volume1/lvol0 [11:25] Flosoft: you've created an fs there yet? === _susana [n=susana@239.Red-81-35-110.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:26] no === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-099.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu [11:26] <_susana> hola [11:26] Flosoft: try it. I want to know if things work. [11:27] <_susana> alguien que hable espaol [11:27] !es [11:27] Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. [11:27] mkfs -t ext3 /dev/volume1/lvol0 ? [11:27] Flosoft: looks about right. === charlie55 [n=rod@124-254-65-146-dial.ispone.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [11:27] osh_: Writing inode tables: 178/3736 [11:28] Flosoft: if this works please be aware that we've created a very basic lv. there are much more advanced things that could be done with stripesizes and other things. === arso [n=arso@dxb-as82810.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #kubuntu === charlie55 is now known as charlie5 [11:29] osh_: what do you mean? [11:29] Flosoft: i'd be very happy if things worked out the way they should now though. === v0taguz_ is now known as v0taguz === navin [n=navin@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:31] Flosoft: you could change this volume to get higher/better performance by giving some other options or something. If you want to dive deeper into the lvm2 jungle. [11:31] Flosoft: still creating fs? [11:31] osh_: yes [11:31] is there a soft that makes the screen go black at the press of the button? and back on with another pres? === dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [11:31] osh_: Might it be that a HDD is broken? === twisted2 [n=twisted2@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:31] arso: openoffice impress. ;-) [11:32] osh_: wats that :P [11:32] arso: press "b" or "w". [11:32] yinside openoffice? [11:32] Flosoft: let's not hope so. [11:32] arso: yeah, it's the OO version of powerpoint. [11:33] umm [11:33] i am in it [11:33] b or w dont do anything [11:34] <_susana> gente que sepa sobre linux [11:34] !es [11:34] Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. [11:34] hurry up please, i need to hide this screen :P [11:34] !fr [11:34] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [11:34] !ar [11:34] I know nothing about ar - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu [11:35] osh_: i am in impress, its not wo rking === jmichaelx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:35] arso: create a document. start the presentation. then press b or w. the screen goes black or white depending on what you want. [11:36] Flosoft: still not done? === Das is now known as Das|Food [11:36] osh_: nope [11:36] Writing inode tables: 2882/3736 === jkj [n=jkj@eer-c-12bd8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu [11:37] Flosoft: have a look at smart-tools to see if your disks are in order. they're pretty good. [11:37] osh_: I have smart-tools installed [11:37] but I don't know how to activate smart on my hdds [11:37] they all support it. === Tsed [n=Illumina@64-252-134-229.adsl.snet.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:38] Flosoft: have a look in the manpages. again, it was years ago that I last had a look at smart. [11:40] Writing inode tables: done [11:40] ext2fs_mkdir: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while creating root dir [11:40] Flosoft: damn you have big disks... === AegeanLinux [n=AegeanLi@] has joined #kubuntu === dimsuz [n=dimka@p52.mp109.aaanet.ru] has joined #kubuntu [11:42] osh_: hehe [11:42] Flosoft: I'd look into smart and check your disks. what we did should have worked. [11:42] Flosoft: I suspect you can't mount the disk again? === FluxLover [n=Flux@pool-72-76-27-59.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === Eeyore [i=chatzill@p28n22.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === lhds [n=lhds@] has joined #kubuntu === susana_ [n=susana@239.Red-81-35-110.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:43] how to delete a dir containing files and subfolders? === javier [n=javier@] has joined #kubuntu [11:43] osh_: I have just seen a problem [11:43] /dev/hdf dissappeared :S [11:43] atleast in webmin [11:43] Flosoft: that's not good. [11:43] sudo rm -d -- apply rm: cannot remove `apply': Is a directory how to delete a dir containing files and subfolders? === jkj [n=jkj@eer-c-12bd8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === javier [n=javier@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:44] what site do you all recommend for getting kde themes? [11:44] lhds: man rm (have a look at the -f "force" flag, but be careful. it's potent. also, look at -r "recursive") [11:45] lhds: be very VERY careful though. you might screw up really bad. rm -rf is a good way to put yourself in a world of hurt. === jeppelelle [n=jeppelel@] has joined #kubuntu [11:45] Flosoft: what does pvscan/pvs say? do they still see hdf? [11:46] join #kubuntu -se [11:46] Hi! What happens if there is already some package for edgy and a new version of it appears before edgy release? [11:46] mmm... is my phrase understandable? :) === jeppelelle [n=jeppelel@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:46] Hi, I have a question === sebastian_ [n=sebastia@host50.201-252-34.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] what are these : /usr/src$ ls linux-headers-2.6.15-26 linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 [11:47] I have kubuntu installed and I want to install GNOME [11:47] osh_: http://rafb.net/paste/results/eDx7n347.html [11:47] maybe my IDE cable ? [11:47] or the IDE controller? === milian_ [n=milian@p54BE9F25.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] is there any way to have both installed ? KDE and GNOME ? [11:47] I could connect it to another IDE cable? [11:48] and to choose while running linux ? === driz [n=driz@pool-72-72-36-186.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:49] Flosoft: bad disk in some way. "smartctl -all /dev/hdf" or something to check it. might need to take vg offline first though. I don't know about that. in that case "vgchange -a n" or similar. === itzjbyrd_ [n=itzjbyrd@69-166-140-10.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:50] Flosoft: do test by all means. i've got to go. it's late here and i need some sleep. === Jack12 [n=johannes@p54A09262.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:50] ok [11:50] nite === AegeanLinux_ [n=AegeanLi@] has joined #kubuntu [11:50] and thx for your help === Garoboldy [n=matthew@] has joined #kubuntu [11:51] UKF^vortex: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop. should put gnome on your machine (but why you'd want that is beyond me). === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@spc2-bror5-0-0-cust786.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:51] Flosoft: good luck. normally I charge a bit over $100/h for this kind of help. ;-) === AegeanLinux_ is now known as AegeanLinux [11:52] can someone help me with wireless assistant? === jhak88 [n=jhak88@S01060004e25a1bb5.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:52] UKF^vortex: ^ and in the g/kdm you can choose for kde or gnome while booting [11:53] is there any way to install xgl for kde ? [11:53] kdm is always telling me that the kthemes are not valid files.. any idea? [11:53] Flosoft: also, have a look at raid. that way you won't get burned by 1 broken disk. [11:53] !xgl [11:53] Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems [11:54] osh_: ok [11:54] i can't get to wireless assistants config mostly because the button that should be in the main panel ("configure") is not === humbert [n=humbert@def92-3-81-56-11-189.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:56] ANYONE JUST ANYONE HELP i have /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/build/drivers/ instead of /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/kernel/drivers/ how to remove that build? [11:56] i'm sure i've got the same version 0.5.5 that is on all the screenshots that actually do have the button [11:59] Flosoft: it's been fun. should you see me here tomorrow or any other day, feel free to let me know how things work out for you. [11:59] osh_: I will :) === serenity [n=serenity@p54859C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === serenity [n=serenity@p54859C74.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [12:01] using adept to install libjack-dev on my box. I am searching for it but no results. do I need to change my repositories? sorry if thats a stupid question lol. I really dont know [12:01] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19211 why do I keep getting this message? === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu === sledge [n=chris@pdpc/supporter/student/sledge] has joined #kubuntu === duckdown [i=airfoil@blackprojects.labs.nasa-gov.com] has joined #kubuntu === jed [n=jed@] has joined #kubuntu === Martijn81 [n=r0xz@a80-126-145-212.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === jed is now known as Goop2 === geneo93 [n=kane@] has left #kubuntu [] [12:07] how to configure a file as super user ? [12:07] like cdroast for example [12:08] "configure a file" ? === itzjbyrd__ [n=itzjbyrd@69-166-140-10.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:08] BluesKaj: you want to edit a configuration file? === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Darko8472 [i=ask@host86-128-22-145.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #Kubuntu