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FujitsuCan somebody please approve the two Outstanding syncs on http://people.ubuntu.com.au/~fujitsu/syncs/?12:31
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ToadstoolFujitsu: confirmed openntpd12:40
ToadstoolFujitsu: and gnumail looks fine too, confirmed12:47
Toadstoolnp :)12:47
crimsunIn case there are lurkers in here, the merging session in #ubuntu-motu-school will begin very shortly.01:01
Toadstoolouch totally forgot about it01:02
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carthik_homecrimsun is starting the tutorial on merging/syncing at #ubuntu-motu-school if any hopefuls are interested.01:06
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bddebianHeya gang01:27
carthik_homehi bddebian01:28
FujitsuHi bddebian.01:28
slomo_hi bddebian :)01:28
bddebianHello carthik_home, Fujitsu, slomo_ :-)01:28
bddebianslomo_: I need the list of multimedia packages I can touch again?01:31
slomo_transcode if you want to fight with broken configure :)01:32
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bddebianI know I'm lame, sorry :'-(01:32
slomo_i meant the package 'lame' :P01:33
Toadstoolhi bddebian01:33
bddebianHeya Toadstool01:33
bddebianslomo_: Oh :-)01:33
slomo_you're not lame... look at my galago-sharp uploads and you know what lame is :P01:33
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Toadstoolgrah, I wrote "point of vue" instead of "point of view"... :p01:40
Toadstooltime to go to bed01:40
=== Toadstool is now known as ToadZzZztool
bddebianGnight ToadZzZztool01:42
bddebianshawarma: Alive?01:47
slomo_gn8 everybody01:51
bddebianLater slomo_01:58
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bmontyajmitch: ping02:57
bmontyajmitch: I found a decent solution for the group issue I was telling you about if you are interested02:58
bmontyI put the groups in to LDAP (admin, video, audio, cdrom, plugdev, etc)02:59
bmontythat works fine02:59
bmontythe only issue is that the network isn't up when udev assigns permissions to the devices it creates02:59
bmontyI had to edit the permissions config so that the groups are specified by number instead of name03:00
bmontyonce you do that things work as expected03:00
bmontyI basically recreated the same groups that are in the default group file that ships with ubuntu03:01
bmontyso if it was group X in /etc/group it is the same gid in ldap03:01
bddebianAnyone else having problems with ftp.debian.org?03:03
zulnope...maybe it got compromised03:03
bmontyanyone running exim had problems with /dev/random running out of bytes?03:08
zulgrrr....must smack someone03:14
=== bddebian runs
ryanakcaFunnyLookinHat: ping03:18
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zulhmmm....i ran out of disk space03:28
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ryanakcazul: fun03:33
ryanakcato who do I send dapper 3.5.4 errors?03:33
zul3.5.4 what?03:33
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zulyou might want to talk to people in #kubuntu-devel otherwise open a bug in launchapd03:37
ryanakcakk, ty03:40
bddebianAnyone see any reason for having a seperate source package for attal themes?03:43
bddebianIf not, what would I do about adding a second binary to the attal package and removing the attal-themes-source source package?03:43
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lfittlbddebian: they are distributed seperately by upstream, why do you want to have one source package?03:58
bddebianlfittl: Not anymore afaict.  Though, they are seperate branches in CVS, the build system expects themes.pro to be there now03:58
lfittlon which version are you working?03:59
bddebian 0.10.103:59
lfittland which launchpad bug was that again? (sry for asking all that, but as I prepared the first updated packages, I am just interested in it ;))04:00
bddebianlfittl: Oh, cool, hang on04:01
bddebianlfittl: Bug #259604:01
UbugtuMalone bug 2596 in attal "Attal in Ubuntu is almost not playable, 4 new attal versions (0.9.3, 0.9.4, 0.10, 0.10.1) released, please update" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/259604:01
bddebianOld one :-)04:01
lfittlI know, originally I wanted to update them for dapper, but I didn't found time before UVF to get them uploaded04:02
lfittlI still have them here (the link in the bug report is not working anymore..), and they built successfully for me (although that was 0.10)04:03
bddebianWell I had 0.10 building for Dapper but wouldn't build in Edgy so I have been playing with the latest CVS stuff04:03
lfittlah, I see04:03
lfittldidn't check again for edgy04:04
bddebianActually I think I used your packaging originally :-)04:04
bddebianSo, please have at it .. ;-)04:04
lfittldo you know if the debian maintainer is still working on it?04:04
lfittlI have no problems with you updating these packages, I just wonder if it is good to diverge from debian with the source packages04:05
bddebianI e-mailed him a month or more ago showing him your work plus a couple of little tweaks I made for 0.10 and have never heard anything back.04:06
bddebianYeah, I hate diverging too but this thing is waay old and still fairly actively maintained upstream04:06
bddebianlfittl: Do you do a lot of game packages?04:07
lfittlbddebian: some, I am actually interested in game development, and as soon as i am a MOTU I plan to help the MOTU Games team out ;)04:08
bddebianAh cool.  You don't happen to know what happened to persia/Emmet do you?04:08
lfittlbddebian: the only game package I maintain atm. is anagramarama04:09
lfittlno idea, sry04:09
lfittlbddebian: do you have any interest in taking the package over in debian? (might be the best solution)04:10
bddebianHmm, not much but I could probably get a sponsered upload04:13
lfittlas I am trying to get involved into debian at the moment, I would be interested in adopting it04:15
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lfittlbddebian: would it be a problem for you if I would take your package (not now, maybe sometime next week, so you could upload it to ubuntu before that), mention your work in the changelog and continue maintaining it in debian?04:17
bddebianlfittl: Well I don't exactly have one yet because of the new build system :-(04:18
bddebianslomo_: You awake?04:18
bddebianFrick I hate weekends04:19
bddebianshawarma: How about you?04:19
lfittlbddebian: hmm, what problems are there, except from the Makefile requiring the themes?04:20
bddebianWell that's where I stopped.04:20
lfittland upstream has the makefile that needs the themes in the binary branch, and the themes in another cvs branch?04:21
bddebianAye, afaict04:21
bddebianBut I'm kind of dense :-)04:21
lfittlstrange, did they mention that in the changelog?04:22
lfittlbddebian: as its 4:24 in the morning here, i need to get some sleep, i would suggest that we talk about this sometime next week, I will ping you then, and we will see, k? :)04:26
bddebianlfittl: Sort of.  There really is no changelog04:26
bddebianlfittl: No problem, thanks04:26
lfittlgn8 everybody :)04:26
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ryanakcahow do you get a list of currently installed packages?04:37
Amaranthdpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${python:Depends}04:38
Amaranthdo i need to build dep on python-all to get that? i thought python-all-dev would be ok04:38
Amaranthoh crap dh_python isn't getting called04:40
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crimsunryanakca: dpkg -l04:47
Amaranthoh i have debhelper after distutils04:47
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ryanakcacrimsun: just the packages... so that if edgy install messes up, I can revert to current system by going "sudo aptitude install `cat installedpackageslist`"04:48
crimsunthere are a few ways04:48
crimsunyou can use dpkg -l |grep ^ii |awk '{ print $2 }'04:49
Amaranthnow it only calls dh_python for willowng-config04:51
Amaranthanyone have an example of a python app using cdbs that is split into two packages?04:52
ryanakcacrimsun: ty, I'm off to bed :)04:53
crimsunryanakca: cya04:53
crimsunAmaranth: note that you have to call dh_python(1) per-binary04:54
crimsunquodlibet's debian/rules, for instance, does this in binary-install/foo:: overrides04:55
Amaranthoh quodlibet handles the python policy stuff on it's own04:55
bddebianAck, I wish I knew C++ better05:04
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Amaranthstart-stop-daemon: user `willowng' not found05:12
AmaranthHULK SMASH05:12
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Amaranthoh bleh, missing a file in my debian/ dir05:17
AmaranthW: willowng: maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-adduser postinst <--whoops05:22
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Amaranthi give up, will unfuck this POS tomorrow05:26
ajmitchhey Amaranth05:26
ajmitchget any fedex notification yet?05:27
ajmitchI got one, so yours can't be far off05:27
ajmitchor they may not send an email & the cheque just shows up05:27
ajmitchwhich has often been the case, apparantly05:28
zulheh get a real job :)05:28
Amaranthwell hey maybe i'll have a check when i get home05:28
Amaranthhaven't been there in a week05:28
ajmitchapart from the broken packaging, how's your project going? :)05:30
Amaranthnot bad05:31
Amaranthwaiting on ogra to give me the magic code to make the proxy mandatory (which i think is waiting on having a working package)05:31
Amaranthafter that all i really need to have a usable setup for a desktop or ltsp system (i think) is support for changing the error pages05:32
Amaranththen i just need a web frontend...05:32
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ajmitchhow's that going with pam & sudo?05:34
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Amaranthhaven't started05:36
ajmitchbmonty reminded me that I need to fix up the ldap migration scripts05:37
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bddebianHoly crap, axiom does actually build...06:29
bddebianGnight folks06:41
tritiumGood night, bddebian06:41
bddebianGnight tritium06:41
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Hobbseehi all07:14
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imbrandon_heya Hobbsee07:15
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=== Yagisan-aWay is Away, Reason: ( "Real life :(" ) | Since: ( Saturday, July 29, 2006. 13:32:46 ) Xlack v2.1
ajmitchbad yagisan08:54
ajmitchturn off your away scripts now08:55
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Mithrandirhi Hobbsee, ajmitch09:06
Hobbseehi Mithrandir09:06
=== Hobbsee attacks Mithrandir with a raw trout for breaking dhcp.
Mithrandirhuh?  I've broken dhcp?09:06
HobbseeMithrandir: someone did, and you're a good target.  :P09:07
Mithrandirhaha, but I've only uploaded casper lately.  So unless it's on the live cd, I'm innocent. :-)09:07
HobbseeMithrandir: are you ever innocent?  :P09:07
=== Mithrandir bats his eyelashes at Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee knows you've done something. *narrows eyes*
Mithrandirwhat do I look like?09:07
HobbseeMithrandir: very scary.09:08
StevenKMithrandir: You are incapable of looking innocent.09:08
MithrandirStevenK: that's not too important as long as I'm able to _be_ innocent09:09
HobbseeMithrandir: ah yes, but are you incapable of that too?09:10
StevenKDepends who you ask, I suspect.09:10
MithrandirHobbsee: of course! :-)09:10
HobbseeMithrandir: hmmm...well....09:10
HobbseeMithrandir: i'd have to ask simira or someone that, seeing as i dont really know you well enough to make such a call.09:11
Mithrandiryeah, I guess09:13
Mithrandirand I should probably jump offline since I'm on dialup. :-/09:13
ajmitchhi Mithrandir09:13
HobbseeMithrandir: :(  why dialup?09:15
=== Hobbsee blames ajmitch
MithrandirHobbsee: am at Karianne's place in Molde.  Her parents were supposed to have DSL a few weeks ago, but there was a strike and then there's a backlog09:16
HobbseeMithrandir: ahhh...oh dear.  you two are married yet, or is that soon?09:16
Mithrandirceremony starts in 172 hours. :-)09:21
Mithrandir(as in, next Saturday at 1030 UTC)09:21
ajmitchsoon enough :)09:21
ajmitchsince we can't be there, congratulatoins in advance09:21
HobbseeMithrandir: nice :)09:22
MithrandirI'm going to post lots'a photos all over the intarweb, at leasst.09:22
HobbseeMithrandir: yay :)09:22
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jsgotangcoMithrandir: congrats!09:23
Mithrandirjsgotangco: thanks :-)09:23
HobbseeMithrandir: looks like a very nice place to get married :()09:24
MithrandirHobbsee: yeah, it's beautiful up here.09:25
Mithrandirjust hoping for nice weather.. it's not the most stable weather here, usually.09:25
HobbseeMithrandir: think we can have a dev conference up there sometim?  that'd be cool.09:25
HobbseeMithrandir: ahh...09:26
MithrandirHobbsee: I wouldn't complain. :-)09:26
TheMusoMithrandir: Congratulations09:26
HobbseeMithrandir: hehe.  poke the appropriate people? :P09:27
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MithrandirHobbsee: getting here is a bit of work and .no isn't the cheapest of places so people are going to complain.  It'd be fun, though.09:28
HobbseeMithrandir: ah okay...09:28
imbrandon_Mithrandir congrats man ;)09:36
=== imbrandon_ is late on the convo ...
Mithrandirthanks, thanks.  Now I'll go offline, for real.09:38
Mithrandirsee you guys around.09:38
imbrandon_c ya09:39
Hobbseebye Mithrandir09:39
ajmitchbye Mithrandir09:40
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=== Hobbsee thumps StevenK
HobbseeStevenK: i think you did screw my wrist up.  thanks.10:30
TheMusoWhat did you two get up to?10:30
HobbseeTheMuso: he was tickling me!10:30
TheMusoWell maybe you had it coming. :)10:30
HobbseeTheMuso: and trying to stop me tickling him back.10:30
HobbseeTheMuso: which was fine till he grabbed my wrist :(10:30
HobbseeTheMuso: heh10:30
=== Yagisan-aWay is back ( Away 1 hour 37 mins 31 secs )
Hobbseehi Yagisan-aWay10:32
HobbseeYagisan-aWay: want to kill that away message, before it drives us nuts?10:32
Yagisan-aWayHobbsee, soory. just broke my system10:32
TheMusoObviously :p10:32
=== Yagisan [n=Yagisan@doomsday/developer/Yagisan] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Yagisansorry Hobbsee, was testing the new irc client before being called off for a kid emergency10:34
Yagisanit was spamming the channel ?10:34
HobbseeYagisan: no problem.   not that bad.10:36
Yagisancrap. sorry about that10:36
ajmitchYagisan: yes, all of them :)10:37
Yagisanoh god10:37
ajmitchin colour, too10:37
=== Yagisan should hide
YagisanI should have used gaim10:37
ajmitchyou must be desperate10:38
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Yagisan:( I don't know why it did that. xchat doesn't have announce away messages set10:42
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EnverexIf I want to request packages, is there any easy place to do it?11:01
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Yagisanok. all xchat plugins removed until I find the troublemaker.11:04
YagisanHobbsee, feel free to kick me if the client spams the channel agin. It won't hurt my feelings - but will make other clents seem very attractive11:05
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-250-59-127.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeYagisan: hehe, seems okay11:07
HobbseeYagisan: it's probably called autorejoin or something11:07
HobbseeEnverex: there11:07
HobbseeEnverex: there's a link - motu universe candidates or something on the wiki?  search for that, and it should come up11:07
EnverexYeah, I'm editing that page now. I wasn't sure if it was the right one or not11:07
EnverexI have to be honest though, it's a horrible thing to use. A section on Launchpad would be much easier and neater too11:08
ajmitchsure, that's been discussed11:08
EnverexI even thought I remember seeing requests on Launchpad..11:08
EnverexAlthough they may have been mixed in with bug reports11:08
Enverexergo they'll just get lost11:09
ajmitchyou probably have, as bug reports11:09
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Enverexhmm, ajmitch , you said it's been discussed? Is it feasable? Because at the moment people can't comment on anything, ask questions, flag it easily and it's almost a nightmare trying to add or edit anything on such a big wiki page...11:12
EnverexHell, I'll even transfer everything off that page to the LP section if I have to11:12
ajmitchcurrently the only ways it can be done on launchpad is via support requests or bug reports11:13
ajmitchneither of which really suit it11:13
EnverexAh, so Launchpad doesn't have the ability to have more sections added... damn11:14
EnverexSo you recommend the wiki page for now ajmitch ?11:14
ajmitchsadly, yes11:15
Enverex*nods* ok, I'll keep editing that11:16
EnverexCopying the box out into Bluefish and editing it in there makes it more bearable, as you can't even seach inside the textbox in a webbrowser, heh11:17
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EnverexGrrr, I can't decide between Ubuntu or Gentoo. Gentoo has the options on what to compile a program with where as with binary packages you get what you've given but you also don't have to compile anything... but on the other hand Gentoo's portage has more programs in it... but then most the people that use Gentoo on IRC seem to be ***holes who insist you fix every program yourself..11:37
GloubiboulgaEnverex, I'll decide for you: use Ubuntu11:39
slomo_Enverex: what packages are missing in ubuntu? ;)11:39
azeemEnverex: how many programs are there in gentoo's portage?11:39
slomo_and which ones from these do you miss? ;)11:40
EnverexA few of the blah2iso things, E-UAE, UADE, some other emulators, Amarok won't play FLAC files (I assume it was compiled without support for them) and other programs I can't remember off the top of my head11:40
EnverexI guess I just miss all the options Gentoo gave me11:41
BazziREnverex: you can enable flac support in amarok11:41
BazziRand you can compile the other things from syrce in ubuntu, too, what's holding you back? :)11:41
BazziRwhile you're at it, create debian packages for the missing things and upload them to MOTU ;)11:42
slomo_and you could package the ;)11:42
EnverexIt makes me feel like my system is becomming dirty if I compile from source (not everything has a make uninstall so it makes me think I'll end up with hundreds and eventually thousands of orphaned files)11:42
EnverexBazziR, Tried that, drove me to the edge of insanity11:42
BazziREnverex: well, vmware is great to play around with things from source11:43
Enverexerm, how's that?11:43
BazziRyou can build a (simple!) *.deb there and install just the binary on your main system11:43
BazziRand just revert to a working state once something is fubared11:44
EnverexI don't follow, what does that have to do with VMWare?11:44
BazziRthe snapshot mechanism is extremely convenient for such things imo11:44
BazziRI know there are all sorts of different solutions available11:44
EnverexWhen I try and play FLAC files in Amarok it just says "There is no audio channel!"11:45
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EnverexBazziR, I still don't follow what you're suggesting11:46
BazziRI don't know how I can put it the right way11:46
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BazziRbut I use vmware for keeping the house clean11:46
EnverexI don't understand how that is possible or would work11:46
slomo_why don't you just use a chroot?11:46
EnverexTo do what exactly?11:47
BazziRtest new things in the vmware, share them between windows and linux, etc11:47
EnverexWhat does Windows have to do with anything?11:47
Enverexlol, this is becoming random tangent time11:47
BazziRI am one of those poor souls still using windows11:47
EnverexMy only issue was that if I compile from source it's not easy to remove the thing again if I ever want to11:48
EnverexDoing that in a chroot or VM is just going to make it a massive hassle to ever actually use11:48
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slomo_Enverex: you talked about blatoiso packages... what about packaging them? should be really easy and i'll review them for you ;)11:53
Enverexslomo_, Kinda lost the drive to package anything tbh, trying to package those things before really got to me so I'm not up for doing anymore11:54
EnverexAfter spending 2 days trying to do stuff and achiving so little you kinda lose the drive to do it. I changed to Ubuntu because I was sick of spending hours or days trying to get something to emerge if it kept failing, doing this feels no different. All work and no play.11:56
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StevenKHrm. How do I diff two diff files?12:04
slomo_StevenK: interdiff12:05
StevenKAh, thanks.12:06
Enverexhmm, maybe I'll go halves. Gentoo on the desktop (Athlon64 X2 so compiling isn't too bad) and Ubuntu on the laptop...12:09
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StevenKUbugtu: bug 5442312:17
UbugtuMalone bug 54423 in initramfs-tools "[edgy]  update-initramfs fails without a useful error message" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5442312:17
StevenKIt seems that mkinitramfs re-execs itself.12:19
StevenKNo, I'm on crack.12:20
StevenKupdate-initramfs execs mkinitramfs which is failing with no output.12:21
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Lathiatwow gaim2 has *really* improved12:44
Lathiatits lost the 3 startup windows of doom and the message sent/recv sound does send me flying through the roof clutching my ears everytime i hear it12:44
StevenKThat's an improvement?12:46
imbrandonhrm who is iwj ?12:48
StevenKIan Jackson12:48
imbrandoniwj on irc too ?12:49
StevenKiwj or Diziet12:49
imbrandonhrm ok, /me looks for him in -devel12:49
imbrandonmust not be on atm *thinks*12:50
imbrandonStevenK: you running edgy atm ?12:50
imbrandonStevenK: would it not accomplish the same task to make u-d-s dep firefox-themes-ubuntu and not firefox its self ( so the {k,x}ubuntu guys dont get stuck with a orange human theme ?12:52
StevenKimbrandon: No, I don't run Edgy.12:53
StevenKimbrandon: Can you expand u-d-s?12:54
imbrandonor am i thinking about that wrong, seem iwj added firefox-themes-ubuntu to ff this last edgy update12:54
StevenKI'm not sure, you'd need to ask iwj?12:54
imbrandonand it makes {k,u,edu}ubuntu have the human theme12:54
imbrandonwhen they install ff12:54
imbrandonheh ok thats what i was thinking12:54
imbrandonerr k/x/edu but you get thte idea12:55
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StevenKSurely {k,x,ed} ?12:55
Toadstoolhi everybody12:55
imbrandonyea /me is tired heh12:55
imbrandonheya Toadstool12:55
Toadstoolhey imbrandon12:55
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Kamping_Kaiserhi Hobbsee and ogra01:22
Hobbseehi Kamping_Kaiser, ogra01:23
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Hobbseeoh yay, X didnt break.01:24
=== Hobbsee looks to see what else broke.
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=== Kamping_Kaiser waits for internode to sync their mirror so he can have some fun
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Kamping_Kaiserping, oh godly ones? is it an ok thing for a package no not find the gpg key when downloading source?01:48
Kamping_Kaisergpg: Signature made Thu 02 Mar 2006 17:20:16 CST using DSA key ID A7D9160201:48
Kamping_Kaisergpg: Can't check signature: public key not found01:48
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HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: specify the key with -kyourkeyid01:50
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: ohhh...yeah, that, yeah.01:50
StevenKKamping_Kaiser: Depends. What does apt-key list say?01:50
Kamping_KaiserStevenK, gpg: can't access `/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg': Permission denied01:52
Kamping_Kaiserprobably it01:52
TheMusorun with sudo01:52
StevenKYes, sudo is it.01:52
slomo_can someone confirm that gpg --search-keys "" crashes?01:57
slomo_and gpg --search-keys "o" works01:57
Kamping_Kaiserslomo_, http://pastebin.ca/10499601:59
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cbx33hi all02:03
slomo_Kamping_Kaiser: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnupg/+bug/54434  <--- please set to confirmed :)02:03
UbugtuMalone bug 54434 in gnupg "crashes when searching for a key which contains a unicode character" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] 02:03
=== Hobbsee__ is now known as Hobbsee
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cbx33opinions wanted on http://progbox.co.uk/attempt5.mp302:04
Kamping_Kaiserslomo_, ok :)02:05
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danimoStevenK: around?02:05
danimohi btw :)02:05
danimoStevenK: hi02:06
Kamping_Kaiserslomo_, confirmed02:06
slomo_Kamping_Kaiser: thanks02:06
danimoStevenK: Hobbsee said you would know wether the vpn modules for (k)networkmanager in edgy?02:06
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StevenKAhh. That's a good point. I haven't thought about them yet.02:07
danimoStevenK: that would be brilliant, since they are not working properly in dapper02:07
StevenKThey don't exist in dapper.02:08
StevenKWell, dapper proper anyway.02:08
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danimoStevenK: yes, and those I got didn't work with the dapper packages02:08
HobbseeStevenK: which ones? i doubt you could backport 0.6 of n-m to dapper.02:10
StevenKnetwork-manager | 0.6.2-0ubuntu7 |        dapper | source, amd64, i38602:10
Kamping_Kaiserhm, *clicks on 'help'* *slaps button* *opens LP*02:12
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HobbseeStevenK: ah okay, i thought dapper still had 0.502:13
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danimoHobbsee: that would be shocking02:17
Hobbseedanimo: well....there are lots of bug reports on 0.602:17
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danimoHobbsee: yes I know, but it's not too bad02:25
=== Hobbsee counts. ndiswrapper, possible wpa, madwifi....
danimoHobbsee: WPA works just fine02:26
HobbseeStevenK: oh yeah, your card is likely a dlink - ie completely screwed with current ndiswrapper too.02:26
Hobbseedanimo: on edgy?02:26
danimoHobbsee: dapper02:26
danimoHobbsee: you just have to push the wpa passwort through wpa_passphrase along with the essid and use the resulting string02:26
Hobbseedanimo: that's why :P02:26
danimoHobbsee: a bit clumsy I admint :)02:27
Hobbseedanimo: ahhh...so if you put the entire string in there...02:27
StevenKHobbsee: My card is labelled D-link, so theres no likely about it.02:27
danimoHobbsee: yes, then it works. I don't know if that is fixed in more recent versions of knetworkmanager, but I remember complaining to the author of knetworkmanager at suse, and he said he would have a look after 10.1 is out.02:28
HobbseeStevenK: latest 650 has a ralink driver.  grumble.02:28
danimoHobbsee: (he was in release-stress)02:28
Hobbseedanimo: ah right....02:28
Hobbseedanimo: when is knetworkmanager's release?02:28
danimoHobbsee: I think suse just packages it from svn02:29
danimoHobbsee: so should we02:29
danimoHobbsee: or harrass the guys to do official releases02:29
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Hobbseedanimo: yeah, that'd be a plan.  volunteering for the svn grabbing and packaging?02:30
danimoHobbsee: d'oh :)02:31
danimoHobbsee: does that make any sense w/o being on edy?02:31
danimoedgy even02:31
=== danimo considers to upgrade his computer at uni to edgy
Hobbseedanimo: sure.  pbuilder.02:32
imbrandondanimo: yea i build dapper and edgy packages on sid sometimes ( pbuilder )02:33
imbrandonor a chroot ;)02:33
danimoHobbsee: I can't to that on my laptop at home, insufficient disk space02:33
danimoHobbsee: but I really consider upgrading my computer at uni02:34
imbrandoni even setup a dapper chroot on suse one time just to see if i could heh02:34
danimoimbrandon: me too, it works02:34
Hobbseedanimo: ahh.02:34
danimoimbrandon: was a bit of a pain though02:34
imbrandondanimo: yea had to alien the debootstrap , other than that it was ok02:35
danimoFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on02:35
danimo/dev/sda5              38G   37G  718M  99% /02:35
danimoHobbsee: just to proof I am not lying :)02:35
ajmitchrunning a bit low there02:35
danimoimbrandon: yes, alien comes handy there02:35
danimoimbrandon: turns out that checking out kde 4 svn hogs disk space02:35
Hobbseedanimo: *ouch*02:36
imbrandonye i did that on osx ( trying to build kde4 like kde3 on osx non X11 )02:36
imbrandonkinda ate my hdd up02:36
danimoHobbsee: I gad to kick some stuff just to get kopete compiling02:36
danimoHobbsee: well, building apps with debug symbols makes huge objects resulting in huge libs and huge binaries02:37
StevenKdanimo: Yes and no.02:37
imbrandoni got plenty on this box though02:37
Hobbseedanimo: well, yeah, i guess02:37
danimoStevenK: yes and yes :)02:38
danimoHobbsee: plus I kinda feel attached to my music collection :)02:38
Hobbseedanimo: heh...right...that's what cds are for02:38
danimoHobbsee: cd's are so 80s02:38
imbrandonHobbsee: noooo02:38
TheMusoHobbsee: Thats what convenience is.02:38
imbrandonHobbsee: if i burned all my music to cd it would be 100+ cd's02:39
imbrandonif not more02:39
danimoimbrandon: right02:39
TheMusoI used to think the same thing, but now I love all my music being searchable and playable whenever I want it to be. :)02:39
danimoHobbsee: today, the solution is called NAS :)02:39
=== StevenK has his music collection backed up onto two DVDs.
danimoimbrandon: right? :)02:39
imbrandonyup yup02:39
TheMusoStevenK: That must be really compressed.02:39
imbrandonnfs is great02:39
TheMusoUnless you don't have much music in the first place.02:39
danimoStevenK: or really few :)02:39
Hobbseedanimo: well...that too02:39
=== Hobbsee doesnt have a DVD burner
StevenK10Gb, 150 albums02:39
imbrandonStevenK: not much music ?02:39
danimoplus you can only have one dvd available at one time02:40
imbrandoni have about 180gb or so02:40
danimoamarok doesn't really like that02:40
imbrandonbetween me and my wifes collection02:40
StevenKOh including my wifes collection, it's 16Gb, but that doesn't compare.02:40
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imbrandonFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on02:41
imbrandon/dev/sda2              54G  2.8G   51G   6% /02:41
imbrandon/dev/sda4              47G  4.4G   43G  10% /home02:41
imbrandon/dev/sda3              47G   33M   47G   1% /media/extra02:41
imbrandon/dev/hda1              38G   23G   16G  60% /media/windows02:41
imbrandonheh still plenty of room02:41
danimotrue, true02:41
Hobbseeoh you horrid people with big hard drives :P02:41
imbrandonHobbsee: thats just voyager , the box with intrepid VM on it has 4 x 400gb sata's02:42
ajmitchHobbsee: big?02:42
ajmitchimbrandon: that's excessive02:42
imbrandonbut my poor little lappy only has 20gb ;(02:43
zulimbrandon: you name your computers after star trekships?02:43
danimoHobbsee: well, as a laptop user it's not like you had a lot of disk space02:43
imbrandonzul: yea02:43
Hobbseedanimo: well, yeah.02:43
ajmitchdanimo: my poor laptop only has a 100GB drive02:43
=== danimo has 60 in total
zulimbrandon: hmm...ok02:43
danimoajmitch: you're out! :)02:43
imbrandonajmitch: not really it has 6 vm 's running on it plus a full apt-mirror and my nfs music shares02:43
=== ajmitch has a spare 40GB 2.5" drive that should go into a usb2 enclosure
danimosame here02:44
danimobut I will prolly attach it to my router02:44
danimoso I can share it would my flatmate02:44
danimoand so I can turn the router in a small webserver :)02:44
imbrandonheh i need to grab atleaste a 60gb for the lappy sometime semi soon02:44
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imbrandonohh + dvd ripps ajmitch forgot those02:45
danimothose I have on dvd02:45
imbrandonstill i use about 2/3rd of it02:45
=== ajmitch tends not to have much of those
zulwohoo...thank god for torrnets02:46
imbrandondanimo: i do too but i always have a few "in transit" on the hdd02:46
danimoimbrandon: well, I only have a small DSL line, so no "transit" here :)02:46
=== danimo is glad he got internet at all
danimosince his area is on fiber, hence nobody's offering DSL here02:47
imbrandoni would die without my internet02:47
danimoall fiber and no internet, irony of life02:47
imbrandondanimo: where is here ?02:47
TheMusoIsn't fibre a good thing?02:47
danimoimbrandon: in a small town near bonn, germany02:48
imbrandonTheMuso: only if someone offers ip service on it02:48
danimoimbrandon: we ultimately got connected via 5.4Ghz radio02:48
imbrandonfiber in the usa is kinda scarse except in the north east02:48
imbrandona few cities there have it02:49
imbrandonas far as IP fiber to the customer02:49
danimoimbrandon: well, all of east german is fibered, since they wanted to offer the most modern technology02:49
danimoimbrandon: then DSL came, and east germany again had a disadvantage02:49
imbrandonyea but fiber > dsl afaik as long as someone provides service02:50
danimoimbrandon: although my town is in the west, they used it to test drive the technology they were going to use there here02:50
danimoimbrandon: yes, that's the problem. fiber hardware is too expensive02:50
danimoimbrandon: plus the problem is that it's not fiber to the home02:51
danimoimbrandon: the fiber ends at every street corner02:51
imbrandonahh yea we have fiber just about everywhere in the US just not to the home ( only in the north east like i said )02:51
danimoimbrandon: so you need DSLAMs everywhere to split phone from DSL service02:51
danimoimbrandon: that's what it makes it expensive02:51
imbrandonyup "the last mile"02:52
danimoimbrandon: well, "the last mile" is relative here02:52
imbrandonyea , its just a figure of speach here too but thats what the companies call it02:52
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imbrandonok i'm off to sleep for a bit, Hobbsee if you try to log into intrepid in ~6 hours it will be pointing back to voyager and your password will be reset to what i normaly set it too02:54
danimobye imbrandon02:54
Hobbseeimbrandon: okay, cool.02:54
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=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to change that at first opportunity.
=== danimo feels deeply demotivated
=== Hobbsee pokes danimo with a long pointy stick.
imbrandon@lart 22 Hobbsee02:55
imbrandondoh not in here02:55
Hobbseedanimo: i believe Tonio_ is looking at knetworkmanager too.02:55
ajmitchpoor imbrandon, it doesn't work here02:55
danimoHobbsee: hey, stop that!! :)02:55
danimoHobbsee: yes, he's our NM overlord02:55
Hobbseedanimo: stop what?  :P02:55
danimoHobbsee: poking, you almost got me by my face02:56
imbrandonyou could put an eye out with that ...... /nick imbrandon_ZzZ02:56
danimoHobbsee: controlling a long, pointy stick when you are on the other side of the world is a tad bit dangerous :)02:56
Hobbseedanimo: ahh...02:56
=== TheMuso decides not to mention the countless times that physical activity in here has almost taken his head off.
Hobbseedanimo: hehe.  i'm very skilled.02:56
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danimoHobbsee: I hope so :)02:57
imbrandon_zZzlol @ TheMuso02:57
=== danimo considers watching another dr. who episode
imbrandon_zZzgrr i still have ~13 hrs till 2006 dro is done "in transit"02:58
bddebianHeya gang02:58
imbrandon_zZzs/dro/dr\ who02:58
Hobbseehi bddebian02:58
danimoimbrandon_zZz: hehe02:58
imbrandon_zZzheya bddebian , gnight bddebian02:58
=== imbrandon_zZz is gone for real l8tr
bddebianHi Hobbsee, gnight imbrandon_zZz02:59
=== ajmitch decides to go off & sleep
Hobbseenight ajmitch02:59
zuli love uploading a 150 MB file02:59
bddebianGnight ajmitch02:59
zulajmitch: go to bed your procastinator02:59
slomo_zul: 150 mb? what's this? ;)03:00
danimois xen integrated in edgy now?03:00
zulin universe03:01
zulit has its own kernel03:01
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imbrandon_zZzzul: you should put a howto up for us lowlings to play with ;)03:01
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imbrandon_zZz[08:01]  <imbrandon_zZz> zul: you should put a howto up for us lowlings to play with ;)03:02
zul_imbrandon_zZz: you should check the wiki more often ;)03:02
imbrandon_zZzhehe yea probably ;)03:02
imbrandon_zZzi will again when i wake ;)03:03
imbrandon_zZzxen would make my (vmware ) vm's obsolete03:03
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bddebianHobbsee: Are you going to merge/sync krecipes?03:15
Hobbseebddebian: StevenK did it yesterday03:16
bddebianAh, OK thx03:17
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=== StevenK denies it.
StevenKActually, I'd really like to know where my upload went.03:18
StevenKI uploaded the fragging thing twice.03:18
=== Hobbsee hugs StevenK. you cant deny such things.
StevenKWatch me!03:18
StevenKI did not have sexual relations with that package.03:19
=== Hobbsee wonders where *that* came into the discussion.
StevenKHobbsee: Clinton, circa, what, 2002?03:19
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HobbseeStevenK: well, yeah, but...03:20
bddebianshawarma: ping?03:20
bddebianHeya tuxmaniac03:20
bddebianslomo_: You around?03:20
tuxmaniacbddebian> boo03:20
slomo_bddebian: yes03:20
bddebianslomo_: Sorry, one sec03:22
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bddebianslomo_: Oh, avidemux has changed so significantly, I'm not sure how to merge it cleanly other than it doesn't have the desktop file we added?03:25
slomo_bddebian: just look at our current changelog and do whatever is still valid03:30
bddebianslomo_: That's what I'm saying.  It is a little hard to determine :-)03:31
slomo_do we install the ff1vrec utility on i386? is it built with mmx enabled on x86?03:31
bddebianWhich reminds me, what's up with transcode wanting libavcodeccvs51-dev03:39
slomo_make it libavcodec-dev03:40
bddebianAre they compatible?03:40
slomo_ffmpeg is never compatible ;)03:41
slomo_but should work03:41
slomo_the problem lies somewhere else... autoreconf breaks the build completely but we need autoreconf03:42
bddebianFor avidemux, they are building ff1vrec now but I don't see where mmx is enabled in either?03:43
slomo_it is enabled by default03:44
=== bddebian hates being stupid
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slomo_look at our old diff.gz, everything is in there :)03:44
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bddebianslomo_: Oh, duh, I was trying to diff the .dscs last night.. Must have been late :-(03:46
bddebianSorry to bug ya03:47
slomo_np :)03:47
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bddebianOh yeah, here's my avidemux problem:04:06
bddebianADM_codecfaad.cpp: In constructor 'ADM_faad::ADM_faad(uint32_t, WAVHeader*, uint32_t, uint8_t*)':04:06
bddebianADM_codecfaad.cpp:56: error: invalid conversion from 'long unsigned int*' to 'uint32_t*'04:06
lakinbddebian: sounds like a 64 bit platform.04:07
slomo_bddebian: cool... does it use an internal libfaad or something?04:08
Yagisannice to see bddebian playing with avidemux04:09
Yagisanbddebian, what version of avidemux are you playing with ?04:11
bddebianYagisan: 2.1.2+2.2-preview2b04:14
Yagisan2.2 ?04:14
slomo_newest from marillat04:15
Yagisanbddebian, careful. It has showstopper bugs04:15
bddebianOh great04:15
Yagisanbddebian, upstream switched to the 2.3 branch04:15
slomo_thanks Yagisan :)04:15
Yagisanbddebian, design issue - http://avidemux.berlios.de/dotclear/index.php?2006/07/23/16-22-in-fact-it-will-be-23-wiki-change04:15
slomo_bddebian: so let's wait with avidemux04:16
bddebianGah, OK04:16
Yagisanslomo_, bddebian . It is one of the few motu media things I have time to check on04:16
=== bddebian crawls back to his hole
Yagisanbddebian, thanks for working on it, but even I would wait for the first 2.3 to appear04:17
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bddebianazeem: ?04:18
azeemyou always seem to take things like these personally, or at least that is my perception04:18
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bddebianazeem: A lot of times you are correct, but not this time :-)04:21
Yagisanbddebian, good thing you didn't do avidemux 8 days ago04:24
bddebianYagisan: Why's that?04:24
Yagisanbddebian, that news was only posted 7 days ago. You'd get a request to revert from me rather quickly04:25
bddebianAh :-)04:27
Yagisanbddebian, that would make a very ugly version number if it was too late04:27
slomo_we could simply add an epoch ;)04:27
=== bddebian tries qdvdauthor instead
Yagisanslomo_, see, ugly ;)04:28
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lucashow can I force a page to include a TOC on the ubuntu wiki ?04:32
bddebianw00t, qdvdauthor builds clean04:35
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ryanakcaI'm getting these errors when running pbuilder on gnome-clipboard-daemon: http://pastebin.ca/105132         any idea why?04:43
azeemryanakca: it's not installing to DESTDIR, but into /usr04:44
azeem"cp gnome-clipboard-daemon $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin"04:45
azeemryanakca: $(DESTDIR) is null in this line, so it installs into /usr/bin04:45
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ryanakcaazeem: back.. sorry... so this? http://pastebin.ca/10516005:00
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azeemryanakca: yes, but the $(MAKE) in the install: rule is probably not needed, as there is no install: target in the upstream Makefile and you don't pass it anyway (I assume you call $(MAKE) in the build target already)05:08
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Viper550Seeing as you were huge fans of my Purple theme for Kubuntu, want to see my new theme for Edgy?05:32
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slomo_bddebian: there is no unrar with that version in unstable05:43
bddebianslomo_: ?05:43
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bddebianslomo_: So reject that one?05:44
slomo_bddebian: nevermind05:44
slomo_i looked at unrar instead of rar05:44
bddebianAh OK05:44
slomo_now i feel stupid :P05:44
bddebianNah :-)05:44
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bddebianGoing swimming, later folks05:55
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bddebianshawarma: Around yet?08:05
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bddebianDamn, what do you people think this is a weekend or something? :-)08:10
bddebianHeya Gloubiboulga08:12
Gloubiboulgahi bddebian :)08:12
bddebianDamn, axiom frickin' filled up my drive on my machine at work :-(08:15
shawarmabddebian: I'm BACK! Internet connection died yesterday. :-(08:20
ryanakcacan someone look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2812 please?08:20
shawarmabddebian: What's up? you've been pinging me for /win 108:21
shawarmabddebian: whoops.08:21
bddebianshawarma: Yeah, I lost your debdiff url08:21
shawarmabddebian: ah. http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/axiom-merge.diff08:21
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bddebianwb shawarma :-)08:34
bddebianshawarma: OK if I upload with your changelog entry?08:38
shawarmabddebian: Thanks. it's incredible how much you get done when your internet connectio nis gone.08:38
shawarmabddebian: Oh, definitely!08:38
bddebianI'm hoping I didn't fsck something up because I filled up my /.  I lost the changelog file :-(08:39
shawarmabddebian: Heh.08:39
shawarmabddebian: hmm... even with axiom on the list, https://launchpad.net/people/shawarma/+packages is nowhere near impressive enough for the next TB meeting.08:41
Amaranthif i upload my source package somewhere can someone help me figure out why it's not installing the init script anymore?08:41
shawarmabddebian: I'll consider it a personal failure if I don't manage to become a MOTU before Edgy is released, so I've still got a few months. :-)08:42
bddebianHmm, I haven't looked at my package list lately08:43
Amaranthmy broken package :P08:44
Amaranthit creates the user on install but doesn't delete it on remove and it stopped installing the init script when i made it start creating the user08:45
shawarmaAmaranth: do yo have a debdiff between the package that works and the one that doesn't?08:46
bddebianshawarma: Uploaded, let's see if she builds :-)08:46
shawarmaAmaranth: ok08:46
Amaranththe one that installed the init script was the same except for the willowng.postinst file08:46
shawarmabddebian: coolness08:46
Amaranththis one overwrote the files for that one08:46
shawarmaAmaranth: Ah. hm... When you remove the package, you DO remember --purge, right?08:48
shawarmaAmaranth: Not just --remove?08:48
Amaranthi purged it08:48
Amaranthmaybe it did remove the user08:49
Amaranthit did, yay08:49
shawarmaAmaranth: Ok. Well, the init scrit should just be called willowng.init, not willowng.init.d, if I'm not much mistaken.08:49
Amaranthshawarma: when did that change?08:49
Amaranthshawarma: willowng.init.d is what dh_make created and what has worked until now08:49
shawarmaAmaranth: sure?08:50
shawarmaAmaranth: You're right.08:50
bddebianAck, why the heck is prismstumblier building crap in /usr/lib/share/foo and /usr/bin/share/foo?08:51
Amaranthshawarma: i'm almost certain my ordering of includes in rules or the postinst file is doing it08:51
shawarmaAmaranth: well, you're right that dh_make makes  blah.init.d.ex, but man dh_installinit says to use .init08:51
Amaranthi fell asleep before checking, was hoping someone would spot an obvious error08:51
shawarmaAmaranth: Ah... +update-rc.d willowng start 50 2 3 4 5 . stop 50 1 . >/dev/null   belongs in postinst. Not debian/rules08:52
Gloubiboulgabddebian, you want something in /usr/bin/share, really ? ;)08:52
bddebianGloubiboulga: I can't make it stop :-(08:53
Gloubiboulgajust mv the files08:53
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Amaranthshawarma: it doesn't install the file in /etc/init.d/ at all08:53
Gloubiboulgaor patch the makefile08:53
shawarmaAmaranth: Call it .init instead of init.d. Check the dh_installinit man page.08:54
LaserJockhi bddebian: how's it going?08:54
Gloubiboulgahi LaserJock08:54
Amaranthshawarma: must be a fairly recent change08:54
shawarmaAmaranth: Gotta go. I have company. i just stopped by the computer to see if the internet connection was back. :-)08:54
LaserJockhi Gloubiboulga08:54
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bddebianHeya LaserJock08:55
bddebianLaserJock: Just sent up axiom with shawarma's changes08:55
bddebianLater shawarma, good job08:56
bddebianGloubiboulga: I'm not sure if I care about this package enough to do too much work :-)08:56
Gloubiboulgabddebian, I understand :)08:56
LaserJockbddebian: cool, thanks for all the work dude08:57
bddebianOK, time to get back in the pool, bbiab08:57
bddebianLaserJock: NP :-)08:57
LaserJockit really isn't np. it takes a lot of time and work08:58
LaserJockmaybe I need to start a BddebianIsAGod thread on the forums08:58
carthik_Guys, who'd be responsible for the cdimage.u.c website?08:58
carthik_bug 5447508:58
UbugtuMalone bug 54475 in ogre "cdimage.u.c/daily breezy" [Untriaged,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5447508:58
Amaranthshawarma: yay that appears to have done it08:59
LaserJockprobably canonical sysadmins, I would think08:59
carthik_hmm, I was hoping to bring that above bug there to light - can't seem to find the right "package" to file that against :)09:01
carthik_Is there a place where canonical admins hang out around here?09:01
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LaserJockelmo, Znarl, and Spads are the sysadmins09:03
LaserJockbut it's the weekend so I don't know if you'll be able to get anybody until monday09:03
Amaranthi thought /usr/share/pycentral/willowng/site-packages/ was added to PYTHONPATH09:05
Amaranthi mean for my app09:06
Amaranthor do i have to patch that in too?09:06
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LaserJockAmaranth: I didn't think so09:09
LaserJockoh wait, you are using python-central?09:09
LaserJockI think you install the modules as you would normally09:10
Amaranthit installed them there09:10
LaserJockwell, it should then compile them and put them in the appropriate places09:10
Amaranthpycentral put them in that location09:11
AmaranthI had nothing to do with it.09:11
LaserJockyes, and then it compiles them and puts them in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ for instance09:11
AmaranthNo, it doesn't.09:11
AmaranthNot for me.09:11
LaserJockit should09:11
LaserJockwhere are you installing the modules to?09:11
Amaranthyou mean where is the app installing them to?09:12
Amaranthi suppose it would be /usr/lib/python2.X/site-packages/09:12
LaserJockbddebian: did you merge cernlib?09:14
bddebianLaserJock: I thought I asked for a sync?09:45
bddebianLet me look09:45
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bddebianLaserJock: Ah, I did merge it but I think there is an updated merge on it09:48
LaserJockhmm, ok09:48
bddebianWhy, something wrong?09:49
LaserJockwell, I think MOTU Science is in good shape09:49
LaserJockI was just tracking down stuff09:49
bddebianLaserJock: Nah, I'm not done yet ;-)09:49
LaserJockwell, there looks to be only about 3 packages that need merge/sync09:50
LaserJockthe rest are straight syncs that we can mostly do later if they aren't automatically done at some point09:50
bddebianLaserJock: Oh?  What are they? ;-)09:50
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ravehi hi09:51
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LaserJocklyx, savant, and seesat5 (which looks like a sync to me)09:51
LaserJockI'm going to update plotdrop from the Debian side09:52
bddebianOh, I think cernlib is a sync now, I think I sent Debian my changes09:52
LaserJockaxiom and cernlib are probably taken care of09:52
LaserJockxmakemol is done09:52
bddebianHello rave09:52
bddebianI think I looked at savant at one point09:52
LaserJockand I'll let ajmitch handle zope-zms09:52
bddebianYeah, Ididnt want to touch zope anythign and face the wrath ;-P09:53
Amaranthwhen something spits out "Terminated" it just segfaulted, right?09:53
Amaranthwow, i make stable things like start-stop-daemon segfault09:54
Amaranthbut it doesn't do it when i run it on my own, only when it's run in my init script09:54
Amaranthoh, maybe it's the lsb stuff dying09:54
LaserJockbddebian: that leaves tetex*, python-scipy, plotdrop, and gausssum for me to work on, good work dude09:54
Amaranthstart-stop-daemon successfully kills my daemon, then the init script dies09:55
bddebianLaserJock: I was thinking about the tetex stuff but.. :)09:56
LaserJockAmaranth: so is it turning into a situation where it is taking longer to package the app then write it?09:56
AmaranthLaserJock: Indeed09:56
LaserJockbddebian: well, I'd like to take a stab at it09:56
=== bddebian is testing savant now, I think it's a straight sync now
bddebianLaserJock: Go for it09:56
AmaranthLaserJock: Seriously though, it is.09:56
LaserJockthat's what I was thinking09:56
LaserJockyou wrote it really quickly09:56
AmaranthHow the _fuck_ does log_end_msg $? die?09:56
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AmaranthLaserJock: I had a perfectly working package already. It got rejected for not using the new python policy and not using LSB init crap.09:58
LaserJockheh, that happens09:58
AmaranthLaserJock: Those two things have taken about 2 weeks now to get right and now lsb crap is segfaulting.09:58
Amaranthhmm, actually it only got rejected a week ago, something else must have taken the rest of that time09:59
AmaranthI'm nearing the point where I have more lines in my debian/ dir than in the actual program. :P10:00
LaserJockI've seen a few of those10:00
AmaranthI'll wait for ogra to come and save the day.10:02
LaserJockhe has a tendency of doing that sometimes :-)10:02
Amaranthlike the cdbs upload yesterday10:02
LaserJockI got a laugh out of that10:03
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AmaranthSpeak of the devil. :)10:05
Amaranthogra: Help! log_end_msg $? is segfaulting in my init script10:07
ograis log_end_msg 0 or 1 also segfaulting ?10:09
ogra(it shouldnt  and doesnt here)10:10
Amaranthit is10:10
Amaranththe latest stuff is published in my branch10:10
ograyou sourced the init-functions at the top ?10:11
Amaranthstart-stop-daemon is successfully stopping willowng then the script dies10:11
Amaranthit works fine for starting10:11
Amaranthmaybe start-stop-daemon is stopping then segfaulting, i dunno10:11
Amaranthok, so it's start-stop-daemon that's dying10:12
Amaranthbut it doesn't when i run it manually10:12
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Amaranthbtw, is it just me or is edgy less, well, "edgy" than dapper was?10:14
LaserJockit's hard to get to wild on a 4 month release schedule I suppose10:15
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ograAmaranth, where is the pid stored ? i cant find a pid file10:20
Amaranthogra: I thought start-stop-daemon was supposed to create it, it wasn't, i removed that part from the init script10:21
ograhmm ... might be your problem ...10:21
ograAmaranth, dropping --exec $DAEMON from the stop cal solves it here10:25
Amaranthogra: in my latest stuff i have start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --quiet --name willowng10:26
Amaranthi don't get any pid created10:26
Amaranthpid file, i mean10:26
ogranot with  --pidfile /var/run/$NAME.pid in the start call ?10:27
ograreading manpages helps :)10:28
ogra  -p|--pidfile pid-file10:28
ogra              Check whether a process has created the file pid-file.10:28
ograso its up to you10:28
Amaranththat's annoying10:28
Amaranthuh, i run as willowng user so i don't think i have access to that10:29
ograoh, and please dont call it web proxy in the init, call it content filter rather ...10:29
Amaranthyeah, the willowng user doesn't have access to /var/run10:30
ograthe package wasnt uploaded yet, right ?10:30
ograplease dont raise the version number then10:30
Amaranthyou mean the 0.3 thing?10:31
Amaranththat's the non-ubuntu version10:31
ograshould stay at what we uploaded10:31
ogradoesnt matter10:31
AmaranthSo I'm supposed to lie about what version it is?10:31
ograbut you develop for ubuntu atm10:31
ograso keep the version number that was reviewed10:32
ograelse you will cause confusion ...10:32
AmaranthI have this file, called willowng-0.3.tar.gz, that works without a package....10:32
AmaranthYou know, like a regular release?10:32
ograi'd have preferred a native ubuntu package, but well ... sonce ou do only packaging work atm, please leave the version at the number thats in the queue for comparison10:33
ograin fact it shouldnt be higher than 0.1 for the first upload at all10:33
ograbut we already uploaded 0.210:33
AmaranthRight now I have a problem beyond all that though.10:33
ograso please stick with that one10:33
AmaranthI can't write to /var/run10:34
AmaranthI'll mess with it again monday.10:34
AmaranthI'm too pissed off right now.10:35
ograyes, i cant think anymore anyway ... i havent slept two days and packaed the truck over here10:35
Amaranthall these weird little things i have to do, the stupid package is taking longer than writing the program itself10:35
ograbtw, the initscrip runs as root ;)10:42
ograhave a look at the dbus initscript10:42
bddebianMan, savant is a pig too10:44
LaserJockthat stinks10:45
bddebianLaserJock: Oh, it's working so far, it's just taking longer than I expected to build :-)10:50
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bddebianLaserJock: savant is a sync11:06
=== bddebian goes sync crazy
=== LaserJock likes syncs
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crimsunheh, my merge class night turned into sync city.11:13
crimsunlast night ^11:13
LaserJockdang it, I missed that one too :(11:14
bddebianLaserJock: seesat5 sync requested also11:14
bddebianDamn, I missed it too, totally spaced it :'-(11:14
LaserJockcrimsun: how many people showed up?11:14
crimsuna couple + a half-dozen idlers or so11:15
bddebianCrap I suck :-(11:15
LaserJockdid somebody post a log?11:15
LaserJockbddebian: yeah, me too11:15
crimsunthere will be one.11:15
LaserJockwhat package did you use?11:16
crimsunxmakemol, wesnoth, and m2crypto11:17
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LaserJockhmm, has http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html been updated since UVF?11:22
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crimsunI don't think so; you'll probably have better luck w/ lucas's lists.11:26
crimsunerr, since UVF? Yes.11:26
crimsun(sorry, misparsed that [somehow]  as since last week)11:26
LaserJockso it is being updated just not terribly often11:27
crimsunI'm not sure what the precise mechanism is; you'll have to ask Scott on Monday.11:27
ajmitchLaserJock: probably a good thing you didn't touch zope-zms11:28
LaserJockajmitch: I wouldn't dare :-)11:28
ajmitchLaserJock: since the 1st debian NMU of it is horribly broken11:28
LaserJockcrimsun: I'm just finding that the MoM list is not very up-to-date for someone wanting to pick out a random package to take care of11:29
bddebianHow do I debug this:11:29
bddebianTC_CHECK_V4L(AC_DEFINE([HAVE_V4L] , 1, [Have video4linux(2)] ))11:29
bddebianAM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_V4L, test x"$have_v4l" = x"yes")11:29
bddebianbreaking a configure line?11:29
slomobddebian: i don't know :) and it only breaks it when you generate the autotools stuff yourself, the version in the tarball is fine11:30
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LaserJockajmitch: do you use bzr for packaging?11:36
carthikLaserJock, http://netz.smurf.noris.de/logs/freenode/2006/07/28/%23ubuntu-motu-school.log and then the log for the 29th (change in url) are the logs11:40
LaserJockajmitch: do you use a seperate branch for each revision?11:40
ajmitchyou mean for each patch that would otherwise have been applied?11:41
bddebianslomo: How'd you know? :)11:41
LaserJockajmitch: well for like debian/11:41
=== ajmitch has to leave in about 30 seconds
LaserJockajmitch: ok, fine11:41
slomobddebian: what? because i tried to merge it myself already ;)11:42
slomobddebian: i.e. transcode11:42
ajmitchsorry, I'll be back in a few hours :)11:42
bddebianslomo: I meant how'd you know what I was working on? ;-P11:42
crimsunLaserJock: I don't maintain separate branches per revision, no.11:43
crimsunthat'd be a bit overkill imo11:43
slomobddebian: because i had the same problem :P and TC_CHECK_V4L.... is very unique11:43
LaserJockcrimsun: that's what I'm trying to figure out. I've got 2 packages I maintain in Debian and I want to set them up cleanly11:43
LaserJockcrimsun: but I don't think I'm very good at using version control11:44
crimsunLaserJock: have you read Scott's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrMaintainerHowto ?11:44
crimsun(My practice is to have separate /debian and /ubuntu branches as outlined at that URL)11:45
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LaserJockcrimsun: hmm, that's going to take a few rereadings :/11:50
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crimsunI've noticed that my usage patterns are shifting due to using AIGLX; it's nice to have the focused window opaque and the unfocused ones transparent.11:53
crimsun(I'm spending less time shuffling terminal windows around on the screen.)11:54
slomocrimsun: oh do you have a howto for switching to AIGLX somewhere? :)11:55
crimsunno, but I can attempt a quick runthrough now if you're running current Edgy and not using a binary-only video driver. :)11:55
crimsunmy only caveat is that I'm doing this with xfwm4 and not metacity/compiz.11:56
slomoi'm using the free radeon driver... so it should be fine ;) hmm, i must probably build metacity with compositor support then, right?11:57
crimsunthat's probably what you'll need.11:57
crimsunrodarvus enabled AIGLX in the xserver-xorg-core build already, so most of the "hard work" has been done.11:58
slomook, so the only thing missing is enabling AIGLX in xorg.conf and having some kind of compositor (like compiz or metacity build with it)?11:59
crimsunyou need a compositor (like compiz), and you need to load the composite extension in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. That's all.12:00
crimsunSection "Extensions"12:00
crimsun        Option  "Composite"     "true"12:00
slomooh... how boring ;) i already have that so only metacity is missing now12:01
crimsunyeah, almost too easy ;)12:01
crimsunheck, I think with compiz you may not even need the entry in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... (iirc compiz loads the extension automatically)12:02
slomothanks :) i'll try it tomorrow then12:04
slomoi hope we can get metacity build with that by default for edgy12:04
crimsunnp :)12:04

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