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Hobbseehi all06:23
robotgeekhey Hobbsee 06:23
Hobbseerobotgeek: :)06:23
imbrandonheya Hobbsee06:24
Hobbseehi imbrandon, how's the machine?06:25
imbrandonbeing lazy lol, lemme add you an account, give me a few minutes06:25
Hobbseeimbrandon: heh06:25
imbrandoni'm vnc'd into my brothers machine atm helping him 06:25
imbrandonfor a moment06:25
Hobbseefair enough06:25
imbrandonhe is converting from windows to kubuntu ;)06:26
Hobbseeimbrandon: nice!  :)06:26
robotgeeki used OS X for 3 weeks. now i am back on kubuntu 06:29
imbrandonheh i'm torn between osx and kubuntu06:30
=== Hobbsee was lookign at OS X today, actually.
=== imbrandon loves osx for somethings
lnxkdetalking about osx06:31
robotgeeki really like kmail. and amarok :)06:31
lnxkdesomeone here using kxdocker or engage with compiz and xgl on kubuntu?06:32
=== robotgeek hides
Hobbseesounds scary.06:32
Hobbseerobotgeek: you manage to stop kmail crashing?  wow.06:32
lnxkdehttp://img225.imageshack.us/img225/9413/snapshot1ge3.png <-- curent kubuntu system06:32
robotgeekHobbsee: i'm still on dapper?06:32
Hobbseerobotgeek: that's when i was trying kmail.06:33
robotgeekhmm, to come to think of it, kmail died on me when i shoved 250mb of mail at it 06:34
robotgeeki now like to keep kmail's mail directory separate on another partition, where it is readable by mutt also :)06:38
=== Hobbsee just uses thunderbird. no more problem
imbrandonrevolution os, heh i havent seen that movie in a while06:39
imbrandongood call06:39
robotgeeki have great difficulty using thunderbird after i've gotten used to kmail06:39
Hobbseegood point06:40
robotgeekthe killer feature is the attachment thing, which reminds you if you have forgotten to attach files06:40
imbrandoni like thunderbird becouse i can use it on osx / windows and linux06:40
robotgeekyou can get that in thunderbird via an extension06:40
Hobbseeahh...i've learned to attach files first, then write the message afterwards - so i cant forget06:41
Hobbseeseeing as i use webmail every once in a while too06:41
robotgeeki usually dont use webmail, so not an issue for me. 06:42
Hobbseelucky...i dotn take my laptop everywhere06:42
imbrandonheh , i take mine EVERYWHERE06:43
imbrandonthats the point of having it for me06:43
imbrandonotherwise i use desktopsa06:43
robotgeekgmail is blocked at work, and i dont bring work email home06:43
=== imbrandon works for himself so .... heh
=== Hobbsee will likely take her laptop more to uni this semester, based on the class start times.
imbrandonHobbsee: yea showoff kde at the uni ;)06:45
Hobbseeimbrandon: heh, could do that.06:45
imbrandonand koffice ;)06:45
imbrandonand knotes etc ;)06:45
=== imbrandon should go back to school for some classes
Hobbseehow do you pin a package?06:59
ubotuI know nothing about pin - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:59
ubotupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PinningHowto06:59
=== rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandon!pin is <alias> pinning06:59
ubotuI'll remember that06:59
Hobbsee!pin is <alias> pinning06:59
Hobbseeoh, darn you.06:59
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Hobbseeimbrandon: i've got an idiot question for you07:44
imbrandonsure one sec07:46
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ubotuI know nothing about libx11-6 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:39
freeflying|away!info libx11-608:40
ubotulibx11-6: X11 client-side library. In repository main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.0-0ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 693 kB, installed size 3368 kB08:40
imbrandon!info libx11-6 edgy08:41
ubotulibx11-6: X11 client-side library. In repository main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 553 kB, installed size 1176 kB08:42
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=== rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah.09:01
Hobbseeimbrandon: why do you have a k7 kernel installed on what is showing as an i686 machine?09:01
imbrandonits not 686 , cat /proc/cpuinfo09:01
Hobbseeimbrandon: ahhh...according to uname -a it is09:02
imbrandonamd64 3400+09:02
Hobbseehmmm okay09:02
=== Hobbsee keeps merging.
imbrandonits actualy a k8 proc but 09:02
=== Hobbsee did two merges, and is about to request two syncs.
imbrandoni dident want 64bit09:02
imbrandonhehe cool09:03
imbrandoni'm loading dapper on my lappy 09:03
imbrandonso i have atleaste __one_stable machine to check my mail etc heh09:03
imbrandonand watch sg-1 epsodes on ( since season 10 just started ) heh09:05
imbrandonHobbsee: is there a "craigslist" for sydney ? reason i ask is i found some great deals on apple lappys on there09:06
Hobbseeimbrandon: a what?  no idea...09:06
imbrandonyou might check that ;)09:06
imbrandonahh its like a garage sale on the internet09:06
imbrandonone for all major cities09:07
imbrandonleaste in the US, i'll check if they have a sydney one09:07
imbrandonhaha matter of fact they do, thats cool09:08
Hobbseewhere at?09:08
imbrandonHobbsee: http://sydney.craigslist.org/ <-- main url ....... check http://sydney.craigslist.org/sys09:08
imbrandonfor computer stuff09:08
=== Hobbsee looks
imbrandonpretty good place to get stuff, becouse you can physicaly check it out before you buy it09:09
imbrandonbecouse its local 99% of the time09:09
Hobbseeoh nice :)09:10
=== Hobbsee was looking at laptops earlier today :P
imbrandonheh yea i find most of my computers that way09:10
imbrandonlots cheaper09:10
Hobbseethe salesperson asked if i did a subject at the uni, whcih i had - he recognised me09:10
Hobbseei'm like "yeah, i got a distinction in it"  "oh wow!"09:12
imbrandonheh, distinction == good ?09:12
Hobbseeimbrandon: it goes, from top to bottom:  high distinction, distinction, credit, pass, conceded pass, fail09:13
imbrandonahh ok , cool09:13
=== Hobbsee pokes intrepid
imbrandonohh cruft your still on intrepid heh09:13
imbrandoni forgot to add you to voyager09:13
Hobbseemeany :(09:13
imbrandonone sec09:13
imbrandonhehe give me a sec09:13
=== Hobbsee notes that the screen session is now dead. oh well
Hobbseehi danimo!09:18
imbrandonok Hobbsee grab anything you need off intrepid and logout for the last time, lemme know when your off09:18
danimoheya Hobbsee!09:19
=== imbrandon notes i dident backup your /home
=== danimo yawns
imbrandonheya danimo09:19
danimohi imbrandon09:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: just the simflight*.deb in /var/cache/pbuilder/edgy/result09:19
imbrandonheh copy it to /media/server/hobbsee09:20
imbrandonyou will be able to grab it from there off voyager09:20
=== Hobbsee nods.
imbrandoni have /media/server mapped on all the comuters09:20
imbrandonanyhow when you have everything copied you want lemme know i'll shutdown intrepid and transfer the ssh ports to voyager09:21
Tm_THobbsee: like to test something simple?09:22
Tm_Tor anyone with KDE 3.5.409:22
=== imbrandon thinks of a new name for his lappy
imbrandonSysinfo for 'voyager': Linux 2.6.17-5-686 running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: Intel(R)Celeron(R)CPU2.93GHz at 2933 MHz (5874 bogomips), , RAM: 627/1003MB, 103 proc's, 6.40h up09:22
imbrandoni'm on 354 wasup ?09:23
Tm_Tjust try to use custom titlebar button settings09:23
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imbrandoni do09:23
imbrandonthats one of the first things i set09:23
Tm_Tthat's one of main problems here, over half of windeco settings doesn't apply09:23
imbrandonhrm i use the akdc kwin windeco09:24
imbrandonthat might be part of it 09:24
Tm_TI tried many09:24
imbrandonhrm strange09:24
imbrandonand see09:25
Tm_Talmost like som parts of kwinrc is skipped while reading09:25
imbrandonseems to work for me here, let me fiddle with another engine09:25
Hobbseeimbrandon: havent transferred stuff yet09:25
imbrandonand see09:25
Tm_Timbrandon: thanks09:25
imbrandonHobbsee: thats fine, just lemme know when09:25
Hobbseeimbrandon: did you have my last lot of backup?09:25
imbrandonwhat ever is in /media/server/hobbsee is what i have backed up for you from your /home09:26
imbrandonits not recient09:26
imbrandonthe pbuilder etc i have all setup already on voyager09:26
imbrandonjust not your /home stuff09:26
Hobbseeright, so i'll need the profile09:26
Hobbseesigh.  can i kill off bluefoxicy please?09:27
imbrandonyea honestly i would rm -rf /media/server/hobbsee/* and just copy what you want like your .gnupg and .bash*09:27
imbrandonand any deb's you just built09:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: having trouble connecting in again09:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: i can tell you where the stuff is, if you want09:28
imbrandonkk one sec lemme login to it09:28
imbrandonk i'm in09:28
imbrandonwhat ya need ?09:28
Hobbseeimbrandon: okay, .bash_profile and .bashrc09:29
Hobbseeand /var/cache/pbuilder/edgy/result/simgear*.deb09:30
imbrandongimme just a sec09:30
imbrandonmeanwhile think of a good name for my lappy hehe09:30
=== Hobbsee thinks along the lines of vogon constructor fleets
imbrandonhttp://pastebin.ca/106294  <-- anything else ?09:32
Hobbseeimbrandon: scritps in /usr/local/bin?09:33
imbrandonahh yea one sec09:33
Hobbseedont make me write them again :P09:34
imbrandonheh i have them all already cept {dapper,revu,edgy}build09:34
=== imbrandon gets those
Hobbseeimbrandon: i'd just get them, and overwrite them or something.09:35
Hobbseeit doesnt really matter09:35
imbrandonwell i modified the pbuilder-* to use the US mirrors and not the gb/jp/au ones it had09:36
Hobbseeah right09:36
imbrandonso i'll keep those and just get the *build ones09:36
imbrandonbrandon@intrepid:/usr/local/bin$ sudo cp -Rv {dapper,revu,edgy}build /media/server/hobbsee/09:37
imbrandon`dapperbuild' -> `/media/server/hobbsee/dapperbuild'09:37
imbrandon`revubuild' -> `/media/server/hobbsee/revubuild'09:37
imbrandon`edgybuild' -> `/media/server/hobbsee/edgybuild'09:37
imbrandonkk done09:37
imbrandonthink thats it09:37
Hobbseeimbrandon: cool09:37
=== imbrandon shuts down intrepid and messes with the router
imbrandonyour gonna have to clean out your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file again or it will complain09:38
imbrandon( localy )09:38
=== seaLne thinks we need a mono app in kubuntu to increase the flaming :)
imbrandonseaLne: kerry is mono isnt it ?09:38
=== imbrandon likes c#
seaLneis it?09:38
imbrandoni think so09:39
Hobbseeimbrandon: yep, cool, okay09:39
imbrandonok Hobbsee login09:43
imbrandonshould be all ready09:43
=== Hobbsee repairs .bashrc
seaLneits a pity basket 0.6 probably won't be ready for edgy as it looks so much nicer09:47
seaLne(than tomboy)09:47
HobbseeseaLne: when will it be ready?09:48
imbrandonHobbsee: once your in just grab the files from /media/server/hobbsee09:48
seaLnehttp://basket.kde.org/development.php no idea09:48
Hobbseeimbrandon: they seem to be there...09:48
imbrandonheh just the defaults are there09:48
imbrandoni dident copy them to your new /home yet09:49
imbrandonsince i fixed the mirrors and for pbuilder and the fact voyager has more ram it should build faster09:50
Hobbseeoh yay.09:51
seaLneRiddell: is there going to be a meeting tommorow?09:52
HobbseeseaLne: hopefully not.09:53
HobbseeseaLne: and it's still a bit early for Riddell 09:53
Hobbseeoh, wait, we were having trouble with times.09:53
imbrandonHobbsee: you might want to pbuilder-edgy update too i havent done it since yesterday09:53
=== Hobbsee copies over a newer version anyway, cos this is being painful.
imbrandonnew version ?09:56
Hobbseethat i had locally09:57
Hobbseeooh, colour prompt!09:59
=== Hobbsee builds happily
Hobbseeimbrandon: thanks :)10:06
imbrandonhehe np10:07
imbrandonthis is my day to day machine though try not to botch it up with dist-upgrades ;)10:07
Hobbseeyay for screen.10:07
=== imbrandon go's back to finishing the apt-mirror / imap server install / and listening to a python podcast
Hobbseebye all10:10
seaLnehmm "09:07 < Hobbsee> yay for screen." and "09:10 < Hobbsee> bye all" don't make sense :)10:16
imbrandonseaLne: heh why ?10:17
seaLnei was expecting her to have started ircing from within screen :)10:18
seaLnemy first coffee of the day is now ready so i may make more sense shortly10:19
imbrandonahh no she is building on voyager with screen 10:20
imbrandonfor the yay , then i guess hse had to run ;)10:20
seaLnewhen is universe freeze, i can't find the page on the wiki with dates10:37
seaLneah found it10:40
Tm_Tok, now every "tip of the day" or "first run wizard" are active11:09
Tm_Tsome weird kdelibs issue11:10
Tm_TAERGH! just noticed, all my input actions are gone11:16
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomamo Hobbsee12:17
Hobbseehi toma 12:17
danimowb Hobbsee12:20
Hobbseehi danimo 12:20
Hobbseeyay, it built.12:20
danimoHobbsee: did the wpa key hint help?12:20
Hobbseedanimo: havent tried it - didnt feel like fighting it last night when i was very tired12:20
Hobbseei'm thinking kde sessions is mucking this card up, actually.  we'll see.12:20
danimoHobbsee: which card?12:37
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tomaHobbsee: could you review a new package for me? Whenever I succeed debianising it?12:58
tomaThe pbuilder howto tells me to "sudo pbuilder build my-package_1.0.dsc", but how do i get a .dsc?01:13
=== Hobbsee comes back
Hobbseeahhh....yes...that's why i dont like using pbuilder as such, but use pdebuild.01:15
=== Sime is working on system-settings for edgy, and it is looking pretty damn good too.
Hobbseedanimo: ah, a netgear wg511 v2 made in china, and a dlink dwl-66001:16
HobbseeSime: yay!01:16
HobbseeSime: when do we see it?01:16
SimeHobbsee: there is a spec for it...01:16
danimoHobbsee: dlink, netgear, the pure evil :)01:16
SimeHobbsee: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuSystemSettingsUsability01:16
Hobbseedanimo: dlink isnt so bad....01:16
Hobbseedanimo: netgear, with a marvell driver though...01:16
Hobbseedanimo: the real problem is that it doesnt like my network - it was workign fine in this machine while i was out, but not at home01:17
danimoHobbsee: I had my very special expririence, with a dlink router though01:17
HobbseeSime: looks good01:19
SimeHobbsee: the implementation is now pretty close to the mock up. :)01:19
HobbseeSime: yay :01:19
=== Hobbsee looks thru the rest
HobbseeSime: at least the theme support needs some love - you probably already know that01:23
SimeHobbsee: you mean the theme manager?01:24
HobbseeSime: sorry, yeah.01:24
HobbseeSime: people get confused a lot in dapper, saying "how can i install a theme"01:24
HobbseeSime: that should probably be rectified somehow - whether there's a help text on the side, or a help button, or what.01:24
SimeHobbsee: yeah, I don't think it is in dapper. not sure if it is planned for edgy01:24
HobbseeSime: oh it's in dapper, no question - it's just that the differnet parts of the theme are treated separately01:25
HobbseeSime: so you can install a theme of colours, a theme of icons, a theme of windecos...but no way to install "a theme" of all the bits together, and it's obviously not terribly obvious that you're to download and install each bit separately.01:26
HobbseeSime: i mean, i figured that out, but a lot of our users in #kubuntu havent - and that's probably worth fixing.01:26
Hobbseeis anyone else's kmenu buggered - ie, not updating?01:26
Simeyeah, mines rooted. :-)01:27
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Hobbseeright....thought it might be01:27
Hobbseehi apachelogger 01:27
apacheloggerahoy Hobbsee01:28
SimeHobbsee: sorry, I had to laugh. There is only one country that uses the word "buggered" like that. ;-)01:28
Hobbseegah.  and i was going to use "screwed" instead, but thought better of it.01:29
=== Hobbsee counts buggered as synonymous with stuffed, screwed, broken, borked, FUBAR'd, and anythign else along those lines.
Hobbseeanyway, s/buggered/broken.01:30
apacheloggerHobbsee: could you please change ...including xmms, noatun, kscd, juk, kaffeine and amarok.   --->  including Amarok, XMMS, Noatun, KsCD, JuK and Kaffeine.01:30
SimeI've come to like the "bitched". i.e my menu is complete bitched.01:30
Simethe word ^01:30
Simeanyway, about the theme manager. I don't know if it is on Riddell's TODO list for edgy.01:31
apacheloggerHobbsee: kopete control file that is ^^01:31
HobbseeSime: not that we really need a theme manager in itself - the current one is good - but it's not obvious in how to use it.01:32
Hobbseeapachelogger: it's in main now - grab source, change whatever you like, put it on revu :)01:32
=== Hobbsee doesnt have main uploads (yet)
=== Sime is not really familar with the theme manager.
apacheloggeroh-kay :D01:32
Hobbseeapachelogger: did what i say go totally over your head?01:33
HobbseeSime: open it up one day.  it's under appearances - see the buttons marked "import" or something similar01:33
apacheloggerHobbsee: well, I coded yesterday 8 hours in ruby ;-)01:34
Hobbseeapachelogger: nice!01:34
Hobbseethat would go over my head, no questoin.01:34
SimeHobbsee: :-> not any more it ain't. The theme manager isn't in Ellen's new sys-settings menu structure...01:34
HobbseeSime: ah.  right.01:35
apacheloggerHobbsee: hehe, at least that damn plugin for insanity @ #amarok is now kind of working :)01:35
Hobbseeapachelogger: hehe, nice.  which plugin was that?01:35
apacheloggerHobbsee: advanced bar plugin01:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:35
Hobbseeah right01:36
apacheloggerso one can order stuff01:36
apacheloggerthough it ends one day :P01:36
tomaokay, that worked01:36
imbrandon  *cough* and include kdm theme manager from kde-look.org *cough*01:39
Hobbseeimbrandon: didnt we include that?01:39
imbrandonyea themes in kde need a little love though, i have had to fuge them alot with the royale and osx theme 01:39
Hobbseeoh, maybe not.01:39
imbrandonHobbsee: not in dapper, havent looked in edgy01:39
Hobbseeimbrandon: can you shoot me an email about that please?01:40
Hobbseeimbrandon: thanks.01:41
=== aliasfred [n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu-devel []
Hobbseeimbrandon: know if the latest version is 1.1?01:41
imbrandonsomething close to that yea01:42
RiddellseaLne: no meeting planned01:45
Hobbseeargh, how do you find if anything doesnt have any build-deps outside of main, apart from building a chroot and testing it that way?01:45
Hobbseehi Riddell!01:45
imbrandonmoins Riddell01:46
imbrandonbbiab yall switching to lappy01:46
RiddellSime: theme manager is probably just a case of removing the buttons to launch the other kcontrol modules, then it can be added in01:46
HobbseeRiddell: could we get kcontrol-kdmtheme installed by default?01:47
RiddellHobbsee: hmm, yet another kcontrol module01:47
Riddellwould be ok if it was part of the default kdm module01:47
HobbseeRiddell: add it to the appearance stuff.01:48
HobbseeRiddell: or in that.  do we have a working kdm default module?01:48
Riddellit was working last I used it01:49
Riddellwhich wasn't recently, but I've not heard any problems with it01:49
Hobbseeit's been a while since i have, so okay.01:49
HobbseeRiddell: how do we fix a borked arts?01:49
HobbseeRiddell: it doesnt generate any sort of useful backtrace.01:49
seaLneRiddell: k01:51
RiddellHobbsee: revert back to 1.5.2 I guess01:51
Simespeaking of arts... does anyone have mp3s working in arts or notuan? (not amorak, it uses the xine backend for mp3)01:52
Riddellyou'll need libakode2-mpeg and/or libarts1-mpeglib01:53
HobbseeSime: er...how do you get mp3's working in arts, per se?  as far as i know, arts is not a music plaer01:53
HobbseeRiddell: hmmm...okay...did you want the backtrace?  it really is borked and useless.01:53
Hobbseeit even says so itself :P01:54
RiddellI get the crash too01:54
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HobbseeRiddell: right, okay.01:54
SimeHobbsee: I'm with apps that use arts as a backend.01:54
HobbseeSime: yep, right.01:54
=== toma is now known as toma_
SimeHobbsee: from what I understand, mp3 decode normally happens inside arts itself (in an arts plugin)01:55
HobbseeSime: true.  i think.  i really dont know though01:55
=== Hobbsee avoids sound stuff.
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Lathiatyeh it is02:03
Hobbsee!show libdvdread3 edgy02:03
ubotuI know nothing about show libdvdread3 edgy - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:03
Hobbsee!info libdvdread3 edgy02:03
ubotulibdvdread3: library for reading DVDs. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.9.6-1 (edgy), package size 53 kB, installed size 196 kB02:03
=== danimo is glad that arts will be gone in kde4
danimosuse even patched it out of kde02:04
Hobbseeyay.  i'll need an uploader for that, i suspect.02:04
insanekanedanimo: what does suse kde use instead ?02:04
danimoinsanekane: an early version of phonon, back then developed for kde 302:04
insanekanedanimo: aha ok02:04
danimoinsanekane: causes a lot less trouble with other sound applications it seems 02:05
insanekanedanimo: havent they given the patches back to kde so that they can be applied in kubuntu as well ?02:05
Hobbseewoo!  i can fix two bugs at once for this, i think.02:05
danimoinsanekane: but it's fairly intrusive of course02:05
danimoinsanekane: well, the patches are public 02:05
danimoinsanekane: they did come from kde in first place02:05
insanekanedanimo: aha ok02:05
insanekanedanimo: so why wasnt it applied ?02:06
danimoinsanekane: but I think it would be easiset to pull the latest version from the suse rpms02:06
danimoinsanekane: because Riddell thinks it's too intrusive02:06
insanekaneintrusive in the sense ? apps stop working ?02:06
danimoinsanekane: well, if anyone's heart is on noatun... ;)02:06
danimoRiddell: what was your reason?02:07
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Riddelldanimo: for what?02:09
Riddellhmm, phonon in kde 3, hmm02:10
danimoRiddell: it used to be called different02:10
danimoRiddell: but it uses xine as a playerbackend afaik02:10
Riddellusing an unreleased version of an API/library makes me nervous02:10
danimoRiddell: well, it's not a public api anyway02:11
danimonot meant to be a..02:11
danimoRiddell: it is a workaround for sure02:11
danimobut one would have to try and see if it's worth it02:11
Hobbseeafter all, it is edgy, and we've just discovered at arts is fubar'd at current version02:12
danimoHobbsee: that took you quite a while... ;)02:13
Hobbseedanimo: hmmm?02:13
Hobbseedanimo: i was examining libdvdread.02:13
danimoHobbsee: oh, inside the kde project, arts is considered dead for a long time02:13
=== Hobbsee will be lookign for an uploader too, she expects
Hobbseedanimo: yeah, exactly02:13
danimoHobbsee: we just can't help releasing it to maintain b/c02:13
danimoHobbsee: that's why I was joking about it taking you until edgy to realize02:14
danimoHobbsee: oh, binary compatible02:14
danimoand source (read: API) compatible02:14
danimowe cannot just take away an API in KDE02:14
danimoif a distributor does it, that's fine02:14
danimoas long as he and his users can live with it02:14
Hobbseeare they not releasing their sources or something?02:14
danimoHobbsee: who?02:15
Hobbseedanimo: whoever is the one who is in charge of the binaries02:16
danimoHobbsee: no, I think you misunderstood02:16
danimoHobbsee: the KDE project committed to maintain binary compatiblity across minor releases02:16
danimoHobbsee: to exactly avoid the need of say, recompiling all apps only because someone upgraded the kdelibs02:17
danimoHobbsee: so recompiling is not an option02:17
Hobbseedanimo: ahhh...right.02:17
Hobbseedanimo: yes, i did then02:17
danimoHobbsee: all KDE needs arts for is noatun and the kde system sounds02:19
Hobbseeyeah, right.  those system sounds.  grumble.02:19
=== Hobbsee can live without noatun :P
danimoHobbsee: noatun is not shipped by default at least, and the kde system sounds work just fine with the drop-in replacement02:20
danimoHobbsee: which uses xine02:20
danimoHobbsee: and libxine is in main, no?02:20
Hobbseeah, yeah, it is02:20
danimoHobbsee: less problems, at the price of switching an onofficially unsupported piece of software to an officially unsupported one :)02:21
danimofrom an unofficially...02:21
=== danimo can't type
Hobbseedanimo: Riddell's the one you need to convince :P02:21
danimoHobbsee: I need to take over the rest of the channel first ;)02:22
Hobbseedanimo: heh02:22
danimoseriously, though: Riddell: would you have a look at it?02:22
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Hobbseeoh yay.  i need to get a 16mb source, because i cant remember a command that i want to use.  grumble.02:25
danimoHobbsee: see, he ignores me ;)02:25
Hobbseedanimo: he's busy, and it's a sunday.  he'll come back.02:26
danimoHobbsee: only one more day :)02:26
danimoHobbsee: yeah, I was kiddin02:26
Hobbseedanimo: he ignores me too, at times, you know02:26
Hobbseeyeah, fortunately :P02:26
danimoquick, someone donate Hobbsee a flat rate02:26
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=== Hobbsee is happy
mhbHobbsee: how come?03:31
Hobbseemhb: i fixed the bug!03:31
mhbTHE bug? :o)03:31
Hobbseewell, a bug.03:32
Hobbseethe one that makes the dvd support not properly install03:32
Hobbseei just need an uploader for it... *pokes Riddell*03:32
mhbthat reminds me of the bug I have to solve :o)03:33
Hobbseemhb: hehe, which one?03:34
=== Hobbsee just saw that one, and figured she'd fix it.
mhbHobbsee: in my own code ... (a tiny contribution to mountconfig, not even worth mentioning :o)03:34
Hobbseemhb: ah.  well...03:34
mhbHobbsee: yeah, I should stop chatting and get back to work :o)03:37
Hobbseemhb: heh.  chatting is good ;)03:37
Hobbseewhat bug shall i fix next?  hmmm...03:38
=== toma_ tries a dapper pbuilder create for a third time
=== toma_ is now known as toma
tomais there someone on edgy that can check if a package installs?03:41
Hobbseetoma: yeah, which one?03:43
tomaHobbsee: http://kubuntu.omat.nl/edgy/03:43
toma39K only03:44
Hobbseetoma: yep, that's installable03:45
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tomaHobbsee: oki, thanks03:45
RiddellHobbsee: hi03:48
tomahi bddebian03:48
Hobbseeheya Riddell.  you're in luck, i bugged zul, so you wont have to upload for me :P03:48
bddebianHello toma, Riddell03:48
Hobbseeassuming we can make it work03:49
Riddelldanimo: I've not looked at replacing arts no, mostly because it would be a patch I'd have to maintain03:49
danimoHobbsee: so, there you go03:50
Hobbseeoh yay.  oo.o is still broken.03:52
danimoHobbsee: yeah03:54
danimoHobbsee: I am building Qt 4.2 on dapper now. I really should package it though03:55
Hobbseefor dapper?  why03:55
danimoHobbsee: no, edgy03:55
danimoHobbsee: I can't just take the old dsc file, since the QtDbus stuff would require me to extend it03:56
Riddelldanimo: qt-copy is packaged as qt4-x11-kdecopy in edgy, but it's failed to build on the buildds and I'm not sure why03:56
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
danimoRiddell: ah, ok03:56
danimoRiddell: now that's not good03:56
danimoRiddell: since it compiled fine for me03:56
danimoor compiles so far03:57
danimoRiddell: is threre a way to see the build logs?03:57
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Riddellit compiled fine for me locally, something about the buildd setup is making it break03:58
danimoah, ok03:58
danimo4.4 MB? *yikes*03:58
Riddellthe error will be near the end :)03:59
danimocp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/lib/libQtDBus.so': No such file or directory03:59
danimoyes, so the libQtBus stuff is causing it headaches03:59
danimoRiddell: and applying the patches seems to go wild04:00
Riddellso if I just remove that file from the list that need to go into the .debs it should be ok04:01
danimoRiddell: I think the problem is deeper down in the build process04:02
danimoRiddell: because we ultimately need that lib, no? :)04:02
Riddellyeah, it must be missing some dbus dependency04:03
HobbseeRiddell: when were you wanting another meeting, btw?04:06
Riddellweek on wednesday?04:07
HobbseeRiddell: okay, 2100UTC?04:08
=== Hobbsee should go to bed, actually.
=== Hobbsee nod
=== Hobbsee examines what happened to her upload of kdenetwork. didnt you sponsor that for me, Riddell?
RiddellI can't remember, what was it for?04:10
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HobbseeRiddell: kopete fixes04:11
HobbseeRiddell: with mdz 04:11
danimobah, konvi crash04:11
danimoRiddell: thanks for taking care about aaa 404:12
Riddellit did need some taking care of that04:12
RiddellHobbsee: not too sure, I seem to remember uploading it04:13
HobbseeRiddell: it doesnt seem to be in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/kdenetwork/+builds04:13
RiddellAccepted kdenetwork 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6.1 (source)04:13
Riddellit must still be in the to be approved queue04:13
Riddellwe'll need to poke an ubuntu-archive member04:14
HobbseeRiddell: want to do it when they're around.  i'm going to go to bed....04:14
=== Hobbsee cant see any of them around.
Hobbseebut we probably should get that fixed.04:14
HobbseeRiddell: where can we see the approved queue?04:15
RiddellI don't know if we can04:15
HobbseeRiddell: we can see new, not sure about approved though.04:15
Riddellthis is different from NEW though I think04:16
Riddellit's not in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+queue04:16
HobbseeRiddell: okay04:16
=== mhb pokes Sime
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freeflying|awayRiddell: bug 54522 will you review the patch?04:29
UbugtuMalone bug 54522 in libx11 "wine under zh_CN.UTF-8 locales performs too slow" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5452204:29
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-199-215.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Simemhb: hi04:36
mhbSime: remember me? :o)04:37
mhbSime: I started to work on the smbfs -> cifs port, but my samba server was down, so I couldn't test it04:38
Simemhb: ok04:39
mhbSime: but it seems to work now04:40
Simemhb: network browsing inside mountconfig works and you can select a share and it gets the address right etc etc?04:41
mhbSime: yeah04:42
mhbSime: the browsing is the same04:42
mhbSime: it only rewrites the output address04:42
Simemhb: ok, good04:42
mhbSime: I'll send you the diff04:44
Simemhb: good, simon@simonzone.com04:44
Hobbseenight all04:47
mhbSime: btw: nobody complained before about the fact that "smbfs" was not present in Kubuntu by default, but was used in mountconfig?04:47
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Simemhb: nope,04:47
danimodoes anyone know a host that deliberately still runs an echo service?04:49
RiddellI don't even know what that is04:50
danimoRiddell: port 7, echo's all input04:50
danimoRiddell: quite a paradise for DoS'es, hence usually disabled04:50
danimoRiddell: but it comes in handy sometimes04:51
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mhbSime: one moment please04:55
pygikwwii, hey ;)04:55
mhbSime: Kubuntu behaves weird when I insert the line through mountconfig04:55
kwwiihowdy pygi04:56
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pygihow is you kwwii ?05:00
mhbSime: it's an interesting problem05:00
mhbSime: the "cifs" filesystem doesn't accept the "user" option05:01
mhbSime: because it uses the "user=" option as an alias to "username="05:02
mhb(at least the documentation suggests that)05:02
mhbSime: but even "smbfs" refuses to mount directly as an user because: 05:06
mhbSime: smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)05:06
kwwiipygi: really busy, unfortunately05:08
kwwiipygi: and you?05:08
pygikwwii, eh, sorry to hear that :-/05:08
pygikwwii, I am good, relaxing a little today05:09
pygiit was a hard week, tho some good things did happen :)05:09
kwwiihehe, lucky you :-)05:09
pygikwwii, hehe :)05:10
pygikwwii, http://libburn.pykix.org/wiki :)05:13
kwwiinifty...although I do not have an optical disk05:15
=== kwwii gets a bite to eat...bbl
pygibon appetit05:16
kwwiithanks :-)05:16
Simemhb: smbmnt isn't installed suid on kubuntu I'm guessing?05:16
mhbSime: sure, that's the reason why smbfs won't mount as user05:20
mhbSime: but cifs won't mount as well05:20
Simemhb: cifs will work as root still?05:21
mhbSime: yeah, no problem as root05:21
mhbSime: or through the Enable/Disable mountconfig dialog05:21
mhb(if you use sudo, of course)05:22
Simemhb: Does that problem only apply to cifs and smbfs? or do other mount helper programs need suid too?05:22
mhbSime: cifs and smbfs both don't use the core "mount", but their own mount commands05:25
mhbSime: mount.cifs and smbmount, I think05:25
Simemhb: some other file systems use helpers too.05:25
mhbmaybe so05:27
mhbSime: I have only mount.smb and mount.cifs installed, though05:28
mhbSime: if you can point me to the specific filesystems, I'll check them 05:28
mhbSime: name some that use helpers05:28
Simemhb: looking on my system, that appears to be all of them.05:29
Simea storm is coming through here right now05:31
mhbSime: where are you?05:32
SimeNijmegen, NL05:33
mhbSime: I sent you the diff... if there is something wrong, let me know05:35
mhbSime: I still need to fix the user mounting05:37
Simemhb: thanks05:38
mhbSime: no problem05:38
Simemhb: the whole smbfs+cifs problem affects dapper (you're not using edgy?)05:39
mhbSime: I have them both05:40
mhbSime: and Firefox refused to load last week, so I was using dapper05:41
mhbSime: I'll check it05:41
mhbSime: I'll be right back05:41
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mhbI'm back (Edgy Eft)05:51
mhbSime: smbmnt lacks SUID in Edgy, too05:52
mhbSime: cifs reports: mount error 1 = Operation not permitted05:53
Simemhb: :-/ I'm not sure if it is worth trying to do something about this in the gui.05:56
mhbSime: probably not06:00
mhbSime: the only thing that bothers me is that when I add the line through mountconfig, the KDE media pop-up will appear06:01
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mhbSime: and when I want to display the folder, it shows an error06:02
Simemhb: mmmmmm... you mean the "What do you want to do with this disk?" popup?06:03
mhbSime: that one06:03
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mhbSime: when I mount it through mountconfig (that works fine), the icon on the desktop doesn't look like it should06:06
mhbSime: and when I want to access the drive through the icon (note that it's mounted ok), Konqueror displays Could not mount device.06:07
mhb" The reported error was: "06:07
mhband that's it06:07
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=== Sime shrugs.
mhbSime: OK, I'll try to RT(F)M some more :o)06:13
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Simemhb: I'm just looking at your patch. The line: nmboutput = os.popen("nmblookup "+ parts[0] ,"r") 06:25
Simemhb: can you change that to:06:25
Simemhb: nmboutput = os.popen(["nmblookup",parts[0] ] ,"r")06:26
Simemhb: and see if it still works.06:26
Simemhb: I'm just being paranoid about the security aspects of that line.06:26
mhbSime: sure06:29
Simemhb: os.popen() will go through a shell if you're not careful. (-> danger)06:30
mhbSime: I think I understand06:31
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mhbSime: TypeError: popen() argument 1 must be string, not list06:33
Simemhb: weird, the docs say something different. http://docs.python.org/lib/os-newstreams.html06:34
mhbSime: I'm looking at it too06:34
Simemhb: "Also, for each of these variants, on Unix, cmd may be a sequence..."06:34
mhbSime: maybe it's just for the following popen2 ... variants, I dunno06:36
mhbSime: I'll try that06:36
Simemhb: there is also the "subprocess" module in Python 2.4. It is a lot more modern (read: sane)06:36
mhbSime: ok06:37
mhbSime: I tried to work with the modules that already were there06:38
mhbSime: should I rewrite the code to use subprocess?06:39
Simemhb: yeah that is fine.06:42
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mhbSime|pizza: done :o) but the libref was a bit confusing (I thought I need only "from subprocess import Popen", but I was wrong)07:13
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Simemhb: I'm back08:14
mhbSime: I'll send you the version with subprocess 08:17
mhbif I read the documentation correctly, it should not call /bin/sh anymore08:17
mhbSime: sent08:24
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Simemhb: it looks good08:33
mhbbetter, at least :o)08:34
Simemhb: the only problem I can think of is that when people upgrade from dapper to edgy, mountconfig won't understand smbfs in thier /etc/fstab.08:35
Simemhb: (I don't think that is going to be a big problem).08:35
mhbSime: so what should I do?08:39
mhbSime: a warning message stating that smbfs is deprecated in favor of cifs?08:40
Simemhb: will smbfs work in edgy?08:40
mhbSime: well, as it worked in Dapper (it is still available as an external package)08:47
mhbSime: but cifs works even without it08:51
Simemhb: that's ok.08:54
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Simemhb: thanks, I just commited your fix to svn!09:04
mhbSime: that's great09:04
mhbSime: although the pop-up "What do you want to do" worries me ...09:05
mhbSime: I'll fix it ASAP09:05
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Riddellarts should be fixed in kde 3.5.4 dapper builds now09:45
Riddellif you install libarts1-akode09:45
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apacheloggerRiddell: ready for 1.4.2-beta1? ;-)09:59
Riddellwhere is it?09:59
apacheloggernot yet fetched10:00
apacheloggerI'd just wait till you're ready ;-)10:00
apacheloggeranyway, gotta start fetching in some minutes10:00
=== apachelogger is now known as releaselogger
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omeowLet's see if the font problem is fixed...10:49
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pygiyo kwwii :)10:50
tomahey kwwii10:52
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiihowdy :-)10:54
omeowStill the same problem. =/10:55
omeowIs there a meta package that lets me re-install everything currently installed? 10:56
omeowMaybe that would fix the problem.10:56
=== omeow grmbls and reboots.
=== Old_Fred [n=esifred@68-119-210-206.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureRiddell: http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/07/kubuntu-606-lts-excellent-linux.html11:07
=== omega [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
omegaRiddell, is there any way I can test the packages you patched with the xinerama improvements on dapper?11:09
omegaIf so, then I'll just re-install dapper tomorrow and test it on that.11:09
omegaEdgy is a bit too on the edge.11:09
Riddellomega: it's only in edgy11:14
Riddellooh, Lure's back :)11:14
LureRiddell: yep - still recovering my mailbox after two week vacation... ;-)11:15
omegaRiddell ar, that's a shame.11:18
omegaGuess I'll have to stalk some people in order to get my font problem fixed.11:18
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kwwiitime for bed, see you all tomorrow12:07
omegaBye. :)12:07

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