
=== osmandemirhan [n=xxx@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== Viper550 [n=viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Madpilothi Viper55002:26
Viper550Got the email about Tropic's release?02:27
Madpilotyesterday or the day before, wasn't it?02:27
Viper550Yeah, last night EST!02:27
Madpilothmm, I did read it02:29
Madpilotsorry, Thursday thru Sunday is the busy middle of my working week, so I tend to hit the "next" button a lot in my email ;)02:29
Viper550Like it? Please note, although it doesn't actually say it, the wallpaper actually packaged is slightly dimmer than shown in the screenshot02:30
MadpilotOK, Fyre is seriously cool. It uses as much CPU time as it can get it's grubby paws on, though!04:03
MadpilotI'm not sure what it's for - aside from "to look kind of cool" - but if someone likes it, they can adopt it and have the SVG too: http://www.warbard.ca/temp/Ubuntu-distorted1.png04:37
Gareth^interesting Madpilot - I like the curves and how they look more like people's shoulders (and thus more humane)04:40
Madpilothadn't thought of it that way04:40
MadpilotI saw some Fedora-inspired grafitti-like artwork and figured I'd see what the Ubuntu logo looks like with the same treatment04:41
Gareth^ah yeah, I can see what you mean04:47
=== troy_s_ [n=aphorism@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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msikmaI know that you guys want to keep the wiki cleaned up12:54
msikmaBut seriously, I'm reading through backlogs of the artwork channel and a lot of wikipages I'm trying to look up no longer exist12:54
msikmaAlso, Troy wikified some wallpaper suggestions for people who couldn't wikify them themselves, but mine isn't in there for some reason.12:56
msikmaOf course there is nobody active on the IRC channel to talk about it...01:00
msikmaIs there really not _anybody_ else active?01:01
=== mhb [n=mhb@64.73.broadband3.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
mhbhello to all respected art workers :o)01:56
=== imbrandon_ [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== HiddenWolf [n=hidde@212-127-236-81.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
HiddenWolfHey guys. I was wondering if we could see an ubuntu theme with facebrowser for edgy's GDM03:40
=== dborg [n=daniel@e182057207.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== viper550 [n=main@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_skwwii you in?05:35
viper550Well, I'm in at least05:40
troy_sYou are what?05:42
viper550What? Never mind...05:43
troy_sNever mind?05:44
viper550What do you mean by "You are what?"05:44
troy_sYou said 'you are in'05:45
troy_sAnd I didn't quite understand what you meant.05:45
viper550It was in response to "kwwii you in?". I'm just saying that I'm here too!05:45
troy_sahhhh... now I get it.05:48
HiddenWolfCan we do something about https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-artwork/+bug/1463005:49
viper550Well, my new Tropic GDM screen does have a face list05:52
troy_sHiddenWolf, what do you mean?05:54
HiddenWolftroy_s, there is an attachement of a theme05:54
HiddenWolftroy_s, I for one really miss an ubuntu-themed face browser, which is what my parents are used to.05:55
troy_sYes, but it is unlikely to meet the Edgy development look/feel05:55
troy_sFace browser has been brought up before, and if one is acceptable05:55
troy_sI am pretty sure frank will include it.05:55
troy_sBut it will need to meet the Edgy default look05:55
troy_sWhich means that progress needs to be made on that end.05:56
HiddenWolfI guess the guy that made it would be willing to make one if he's provided with feedback05:56
viper550Just change the wallpaper05:56
viper550In mine...sorry05:56
=== doctormo [n=doctormo@spc1-reig2-0-0-cust643.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== doctormo [n=doctormo@spc1-reig2-0-0-cust643.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu-artwork ["Konversation]
viper550It's based off this one: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4162105:57
troy_sYes, and bersace is the one who did it, so I am pretty sure it will be easy to get one up once we get the05:58
troy_slook for edgy further towards the end of Production05:59
troy_smany new faces in here... good to see.05:59
viper550Why don't you just use my Tropic GDM?05:59
troy_sBecause it would be hodge podge and unprofessional.05:59
troy_sYour tropic GDM is for tropic05:59
viper550Well, with a different Wallpaper!06:00
troy_sWell I haven't looked at it too closely, but defining professional is a little more than simply changing a wallpaper.06:00
troy_sYou have a link?06:00
viper550https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Tropic (inside the package is a tarball with it)06:01
viper550I even modded it with one of those new Glossy logos we've been using alot06:01
troy_sYou have very bad screenshots...06:01
troy_sA) you should screenshot each of the distinct elements and scale them all to the same size06:01
troy_slook at bersace's outline in archives06:02
troy_sit is very good.06:02
viper550Why? It's not a contact sheet06:02
troy_sBecause it looks like nothing...06:02
troy_sAll I can really see is a window border and a scrollbar.06:03
viper550So you want a full picture? Kinda like my KDE mockup?06:03
troy_sIt is about tying together all of the discreet elements... look at bersace's archive template06:03
viper550where's that?06:03
troy_sit is far superior to what you offer.  Right now, your 'theme' doesn't appear to do much.06:03
troy_sprobably in the archives section of artwork wiki :)06:03
viper550Those reviews of past looks06:04
troy_sRight now, you have sixteen different images that all show _no_ continuity06:04
troy_sIn fact, calling it a theme is rather silly because each image you have right now is completely different.06:04
viper550You mean you don't like the older screenshots?06:05
viper550It's Called "Visual Release Notes", Evolution!06:05
troy_sWhat does it look like?  What does the GDM look like?  What does the splash look like?  These are all questions that people will want to see.06:05
troy_sWell where is your summary?06:05
troy_sI am not going to install it to see it.06:05
troy_sYou need to make it easy for people to see what your look is.06:05
troy_sYour screenshot of the GDM in your tarball is flawed as well...06:07
viper550Okay, I'm going to do some restructuring, but putting the wallpaper on a 2nd page so it won't stretch out everything06:07
troy_s1) it looks completely unprofessional to simply scribble out the 'ubuntu'06:07
troy_sscale it.06:07
troy_s2) it is simply a recolouring of jmak's work...06:07
troy_swhich is hardly polished.06:07
viper550Recoloring of Jmac's work? I didn't get that from Jmac!06:08
troy_si meant jmak no?06:08
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viper550I designeded based off what is seen on the monitor in the Human icon theme06:09
viper550I mean designed, sorry06:09
troy_sWell you understand what I mean though?06:09
troy_sIf you can't be bothered to take the time to take a good screenshot etc06:09
troy_sit looks _very_ sloppy06:09
troy_sand the chances of including something that sloppy is about nil.06:09
troy_sfurther, i strongly encourage you to use bersace's archive template to show what the 'look' looks like at a glance06:10
troy_sscale all of the images so that you can see a few of them on screen at once, etc.06:10
troy_smake them look uniform.06:10
viper550Okay, as a placeholder for the new format, I'm currently working on a little temporary redesign, I'll kinda make a montage picture of all the elements...06:11
troy_swell you are _always_ redesiging.06:11
viper550Or, I'll think about that idea you just said06:11
viper550Where can you get that GTK Preview program?06:12
troy_sWidget factory06:13
viper550No, not that one, the one in the archives, looks nicer!06:13
troy_stake your time with it... no need to rush rush rush, the more you redesign, the less design there is.06:13
=== viper550 [n=main@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu-artwork ["Konversation]
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fschoeptroy_s: ping07:03
fschoeptroy_s: ping08:17
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=== doctormo [n=doctormo@spc1-reig2-0-0-cust643.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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