
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsun'lo raphink :)12:19
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raphinkhi crimsun12:24
LaserJockhi raphink12:25
raphinkhello LaserJock12:25
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tomveenswhat about the wired package01:21
LaserJockwhat about it?01:21
tomveensthe progress01:21
tomveensI'ts almost impossible to compile it for my ubuntu amd6401:22
LaserJockhmm, well I have no idea what you are talking about, unfortunately01:22
LaserJockso I can't give you any info01:22
tomveensyou know wired?01:22
tomveensthats a new DAW for linux01:22
tomveensDigital Audio Workstation01:23
tomveenslooks great01:23
tomveensworks! I don't know?01:23
LaserJockhas somebody been working on it?01:23
tomveensI thought it was a release candidate in you're list but I can not figure out what is the progress. Or is there any progress, what are the problems?01:24
crimsunI don't see 'wired' at all on REVU, and it's not in the repos.01:25
crimsun[wired.sf.net] 01:25
crimsunor [wired.is.free.fr] 01:25
LaserJockit's on Candidates01:25
LaserJockand there is a Debian ITP01:26
LaserJockdebian bug #37284901:26
UbugtuDebian bug 372849 in wnpp "Subject: ITP: wired -- music production and creation software" [Wishlist,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/37284901:26
tomveensthere I saw it yes01:26
tomveenswas only for 38601:26
LaserJockyeah, so I don't know if anybody is working on it in Ubuntu01:27
crimsunwired-daw seems like a suitable srcpkg name.01:27
tomveenswhat is that?01:27
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LaserJockyeah, wired is a very vauge name01:27
tomveensyou mean source package01:27
crimsunnot to mention the clash with the other wnpp01:27
tomveensIt is almost impossible to compile01:28
LaserJock"Notice that there is already an RFP (#353608) for a completely different01:28
LaserJockprogram also named wired. One of us will have to change its upstream name..."01:28
tomveenschange to wired-daw is okay!01:28
tomveensyou know something about the blender 2.42 package?01:29
Toadstoolyay! cdbs updated in sid! who wants to request an uvf exception? :)01:29
Toadstoolhi everybody01:29
slomoToadstool: what was updated?01:30
crimsunToadstool: but we already have a delta, so I don't know if it's really worth it ;)01:30
tomveensor cinelerra package?01:30
crimsun(meaning a delta prior to ogra's upload yesterday)01:30
Toadstoolslomo: er, a few bashism removed, a big fix in python-distutils.mk and... some other things01:31
LaserJocktomveens: hmm, blender 2.42 just hit Debian not too long ago01:32
tomveensyou mean a package?01:33
shawarmaAny takers of a really simple merge? http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/dietlibc-merge.diff01:34
LaserJockand cinelerra seems to be a work in progress01:34
tomveenswhat are the problems for cinelerra, you know?01:35
LaserJocktomveens: it seems like a yes on blender for amd6401:36
LaserJockI don't know01:36
tomveensI just saw it01:36
tomveensand i've got the deb01:36
tomveensthank you01:36
LaserJocktomveens: it just says that Rodrigo Belem is working on it (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RodrigoBelem)01:37
LaserJocktomveens: I suppose you could email him and ask him how it is progressing if you feel the need01:37
tomveensI will01:38
crimsunshawarma: sure, sec.01:38
shawarmacrimsun: er... hang on.01:40
crimsunshawarma: (too late)01:40
tomveensblender 2.42 is not satisfied with my libavcodecs01:40
shawarmacrimsun: I got my build logs messed up. It appears to ftbfs.01:41
LaserJocktomveens: what are you running?01:42
tomveensblender 2.41 (is that what you mean?)01:42
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LaserJocktomveens: no what release of what01:43
tomveensubuntu dapper01:43
crimsunshawarma: that may be unrelated to dietlibc, though, noting make[1] : *** [bin-x86_64/elftrunc]  Segmentation fault01:44
crimsunI haven't looked more closely yet.01:44
LaserJocktomveens: and what are you trying to install?01:44
LaserJockblender 2.42?01:44
tomveenswhat is you're point?01:45
LaserJocktomveens: well, Debian's blender 2.42 package is built using different packages then Dapper01:46
LaserJockso you could have problems01:46
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tomveensI know that, but I hoped because it is family, that it was possible01:46
tomveensI realy want to try the new blender01:47
LaserJockthen you could build it on your dapper box using the Debian source01:47
tomveensI want to use openexr, and my timeline is shit01:47
tomveensthat is an option01:48
LaserJock!info blender edgy01:48
ubotublender: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.41-1ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 4797 kB, installed size 12744 kB01:48
tomveensYou think it is easy to make the debian source a ubuntu package?01:49
shawarmacrimsun: I'm quite sure it's dietlibc.01:49
shawarmacrimsun: I'm looking at it now.01:49
LaserJocktomveens: hmm, looking at the current edgy package it looks like it might need a little tweaking01:50
LaserJocktomveens: you could try it I guess01:50
tomveensis the blender 2.42 already in the edgy package list?01:51
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LaserJockit would need an upstream version freeze (UVF) request01:51
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LaserJocksince Ubuntu's Main repo has frozen01:51
tomveensand what is an uvf request?01:52
LaserJockwell, right now the Main repo is under a freeze which mean you need to get permission to update a package to a newer version01:53
lfittl_LaserJock: are you still talking about blender? (ogra is working on it)01:53
LaserJockso it can be requested, but it isn't going to be automatically included01:54
LaserJocklfittl_: yeah01:54
LaserJockah, excellent01:54
tomveenscan I help?01:55
lfittl_LaserJock: problem is they added ffmpeg export/import, and we are not sure yet if we simply compile it without it, or solve it otherwise (e.g. by making a blender-ffmpeg package available)01:55
LaserJockah, :/01:56
lfittl_tomveens: thanks, but there is not much you can do, it's complicated because we don't have ffmpeg in main, and blender needs it01:56
lfittl_tomveens: just wait for ogra, he will work on it01:57
tomveensHow does the package procedure work?01:57
lfittl_what exactly do you mean?01:58
=== lfittl_ is now known as lfittl
tomveenshow does a new package begins and how does it ends?02:05
tomveensdo you need to inform canonical for some packages?02:05
tsengyou need to inform MOTU here02:05
tsengyou upload your packages to REVU for... review02:05
tsengwith enough votes someone will upload it for you02:06
LaserJockhmm, anybody know of any good documentation for uscan and uupdate?02:17
LaserJockI think I've got an ok watch file, I'm just not sure what to do with it02:18
slomoLaserJock: what exactly do you want to know?02:18
slomorun uscan -v to see whether your watch file works ;)02:19
shawarmacrimsun: I found the error in dietlibc. I'll fix it tomorrow. Sorry.02:19
shawarmamust... have... sleep.... Zzzz....02:20
shawarmaG'night, guys!02:20
LaserJockslomo: ok, so the watch file works. uscan gave me a new upstream tarball02:21
slomoLaserJock: if you add "debian uupdate" at the end of the url-line of the watch file uscan will automatically run uupdate on the new upstream tarball02:22
shawarmacrimsun: Arh, heck. Here's the new patch: http://www.linux2go.dk/edgy-merges/dietlibc-merge.diff02:24
shawarmacrimsun: And that one actually builds.02:24
shawarmacrimsun: Hmm... if you actually uploaded the other one I sent will something go bad since this is the same ubuntu revision?02:24
slomoit won't work... you have to make a new revision02:26
slomo(unless you upload before some script that runs all 5 minutes gets the upload)02:27
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LaserJockhi imbrandon02:56
imbrandonheya LaserJock02:56
LaserJockimbrandon: how's it going?03:04
imbrandongood good, just wakin up , getting some coffee^mt dew in me ;)03:05
LaserJockwakin up?03:06
imbrandonout of bed03:06
imbrandonkinda a late start ;)03:07
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LaserJockimbrandon: I'll say. :-)03:08
imbrandonheh ok brb afk ~20 minutes , breakfast^Wdinner , shower and other morning type things , bbiab03:08
Toadstool3am... time to go to bed :)03:09
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bddebianHeya gang03:17
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LaserJockhi bddebian and zul03:26
zulhi LaserJock03:26
bddebianHeya LaserJock03:26
bddebianAnyone know autoconf very well?03:27
bddebianWhat utility is it to read the packages file and rip out reverse build depends?03:37
=== bddebian is having a brain fart
ajmitchyou don't03:37
ajmitchyou read the sources file03:37
bddebianThat's what I meant but what do I use?03:37
bddebianThanks slomo03:38
slomogrep-dctrl -FBuild-Depends -FBuild-Depends-Indep $package /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Sources03:38
zuldidnt we go through this before?03:39
bddebianYep, and will probably go through it again.  I'm brain dead03:39
zulyes we know :)03:40
bddebianLove you too honey03:40
LaserJockbddebian: that's what sticky notes are for :-)03:40
zulor you just remmember :)03:40
bddebianslomo: Isn't AC_CHECK_HEADERS[]  supposed to be [header, if yes, if no]  ?03:41
bddebianzul: Well we all can't be as good as you03:41
ajmitchslomo: I tried out metacity with its compositing manager03:41
ajmitchslomo: it's not going to be on by default in edgy, I'd say03:41
bddebianla la la03:49
=== LaserJock is trying to figure out the Python Policy, again
bddebianIs this valid?03:52
bddebiangrep-dctrl -FBuild-Depends -FBuild-Depends-Indep $package /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Sources03:52
bddebianGah, damnit03:52
ajmitchuse cat03:52
bddebianAC_CHECK_HEADERS([linux/videodev2.h] , [v4l2=yes] , [v4l2=no] ,03:52
bddebian    [#include <linux/types.h>] )03:52
bddebianIs the 4th param valid?03:53
bddebianLaserJock: What about the Policy?03:55
LaserJockbddebian: I'm just upgrading gausssum in Debian03:56
LaserJockI'd like to make sure I do it right the first time03:56
bddebianAh :-)03:56
LaserJockso apparently the Debian maitainer of debhelper doesn't much care for the new policy03:57
LaserJockit has to be NMU'd03:58
LaserJockthat's interesting to me03:58
bddebianajmitch, slomo, anyone know my AC_CHECK_HEADER thing?03:59
LaserJockdarn, how are you supposed to know what to version these python deps?04:04
zulanyone seen this before? dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: format of `NEEDED libxenstore.so' not recognized04:05
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LaserJockhi tritium04:06
tritiumhi LaserJock04:06
bddebianLaserJock: You don't need to, that's the beauty of it04:06
bddebianHeya tritium04:06
tritiumheya bddebian04:06
LaserJockbddebian: right now it looks like I need debhelper (>=, python (>= 2.3.5-7), python-all-dev, python-central (>= 0.4.17)04:07
LaserJockbut I think python (>= 2.3.5-10) would work too04:08
LaserJockdo you really have to crawl through the changelog of every dep to find these things?04:08
LaserJockanybody know of an email or something  that says what to use?04:08
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bddebianLaserJock: Hang on04:14
LaserJockbddebian: thanks!04:15
bddebianWell transcode's wiki page sucks04:16
LaserJockbddebian: sounds good04:20
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bddebianw00t, axiom built04:22
bddebianOn all archs I might add (except possibly sparc)04:22
=== ajmitch breaks out the beer
zulthat reminds me i need something to drink04:24
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LaserJockmy cheerleading skills stink04:28
fowlduckis that a cheerleader?04:28
fowlduckhaha :)04:28
zulwhee...got it04:28
bddebianLaserJock: :-)04:29
LaserJockgoooooooo BDDEBIAN!04:32
bddebianWell I'm doing much worse on slomo's list :-(04:33
bddebianautoreconf runs aclocal right?04:46
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bddebianslomo: Still around?05:23
tsengwish he was05:24
tsengbut it seems not05:24
bddebianHeya tseng05:24
!lilo:*! Happy Sunday afternoon.... reminder to Aus users: freenode's unofficial channel for its Australian users is ##australia .... please feel free to stop by :)05:38
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bddebianLaserJock: ?05:59
LaserJockI think my gausssum package is ready to go06:00
LaserJockit's very nearly lintian clean06:00
bddebianSweet, congrats!06:01
LaserJockI think everybody should maintain at least one package in Debian06:05
bddebianNo way ;-P06:07
=== bddebian is supposed to be maintaining colorgcc
YagisanLaserJock, I'm personally not intrested in that. While there are some good areas (-mentors, -games, the people that also work on ubuntu) where people act decent,06:09
YagisanI just found that there far to many hostile, technocrats that I probally would not be able to work with. I looked at joining 4 times, and each time, those people put me off, so I've no intention of considering it again06:10
bddebianYagisan: Sounds familiar :-)06:10
Yagisanbddebian, I admire the work that many of them do, but, the bulk either don't encourage new developers, or show apathy towards it by not reigning in the jerks.06:12
bddebianAye, that is what brought me to Ubuntu06:14
bddebianThough I suppose many in Ubuntu aren't necessarily happy about that either ;-P06:14
Yagisanbddebian, well, that I suppose is another thing we have in common06:15
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Hobbseehi all06:23
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YagisanG'day Hobbsee06:25
Hobbseehi Yagisan06:25
LaserJockYagisan: well, I never said that you had to become a DD06:27
bddebianHeya Hobbsee06:28
Hobbseehi bddebian06:29
Hobbseehey LaserJock06:29
YagisanLaserJock, To be honest, not being a DD is a very much second class status there. Not being an ubuntu member here is far less so, and does not prevent me from getting what I think is important from being done.06:29
Yagisanhmm. Do we have any live-USB verision of ubuntu ?06:34
LaserJockhi Hobbsee06:35
LaserJockYagisan: I know. I just like getting to know a package like you get to do in Debian06:35
YagisanLaserJock, that I agree with. I maintain my own packages, that one day will be in Ubuntu. I should send the latest version to revu for comments on my packaging of it.06:37
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
bddebianHeya ajmitch06:55
bddebianajmitch: Hey, what do I do if running autoreconf causes unrepresentable changes to source?06:56
ajmitchautoreconf --install06:56
ajmitchotherwise it'll usually symlink which breaks things06:56
bddebianFrick.  So I'm screwed now?06:57
bddebianI mean I have to re-pull and reapply all my fixes?06:57
bddebianThen autoreconf?06:57
=== ajmitch shrugs
ajmitchwhatever works06:58
ajmitchfind the symlinks, remove them, rerun autoreconf06:58
bddebianIsn't -i the same as --install?06:59
bddebianAh, yes.  I did autoreconf -f -i -s06:59
bddebianBut still get that error06:59
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bddebianajmitch: Should I not have done -f ?07:02
ajmitchbddebian: -s is symlink07:02
ajmitchI told you not to do that07:02
bddebianOh, I meant that's what I ran the first time07:02
ajmitchand -i by default doesn't symlink07:02
zakamehi all07:03
bddebianHeya zakame07:04
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zakameheya bddebian, playing with autotools huh?07:04
zakamehmm why is my LP karma getting higher andhigher? :/07:04
bddebianzakame: Just breaking stuff as usual :-)07:05
crimsunshawarma: changelog tweaked, interdiff(1) output applied, uploaded.07:09
bddebianHi crimsun07:10
zakamehello crimsun07:10
Hobbseehi crimsun07:10
crimsun'lo bddebian, zakame, Hobbsee, ajmitch07:10
=== zakame seesif his robotour in sid will buildonedgy
zakamecrapbroken spacebar07:11
ajmitchhi crimsun07:12
zakamehi ajmitch07:12
zakamehow's NetworkAuth going?07:12
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bddebianajmitch: I love you man! :-)07:13
ajmitchno you don't07:14
ajmitchzakame: going alright :)07:14
ajmitchhow's your project?07:14
bddebianajmitch: I do07:14
zakameajmitch: quite ok too ow completing the unit tests for integration :)07:15
ajmitchgreat :)07:15
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zakamebug 5452007:25
UbugtuMalone bug 54520 in robotour "[Edgy MoM]  Please sync robotour 3.2.1-3 from Debian unstable" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5452007:25
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bddebianGnight folks07:42
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=== Hobbsee deals with the usual mess of uni. how annoying.
TheMusoHobbsee: I feel your pain.08:54
TheMusoI remember the hassles I went through.08:54
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Hobbseeeek, yeah, yours were likely even worse.08:54
Hobbseeyay.  it now says i'm doing the proper 4 subjects this semester, instead of three.08:55
TheMusoI tried dealing with the disabilities services, but they sucked.08:55
Hobbseethey usually do.08:55
TheMusoSo I found out.08:55
TheMusoI ended up not using them, and dealt directly with lecturers.08:55
TheMusoWorked much better.08:56
Hobbseeoh yay.  it now even shows that i'm doing the advanced computing.08:56
Hobbseenow if i can just get it to *print*, then i'll be happy.08:57
TheMusoWhat sort of timetable do you have?08:57
HobbseeTheMuso: not such a great one as semester 1, unfortunately - 9am classes almost every day.08:58
ajmitchlucky you08:58
=== Hobbsee got around the javascript. by viewing the source of the webpage, and mangling it that way.
imbrandonhehe Hobbsee still got a question09:00
imbrandonoff the phone / vnc now09:00
imbrandonsorry heh09:00
HobbseeTheMuso: bleh.  got a three hour break each wednesday.  yuck.09:02
TheMusoThat sucks.09:02
TheMusoMy first semester, I had a 5 hour break on Wednesdays.09:02
TheMusoEvery week I told myself I would do something ulseful in that time, but 95% of the time, I didn't.09:03
=== Hobbsee wasted her 3 hours each second week, most weeks in semester 1
Hobbseeapart from that, my timetable isnt so evil.09:04
Hobbsee6 hours straight will be fun though09:04
TheMusoWhat day is that?09:04
Hobbseeoh, wait, i can make it less evil.09:05
HobbseeTheMuso: that's each monday09:05
Hobbseeno, i can kill the 3 hour break - yay109:05
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Hobbseeright...that timetable is decidedly Less Evil (tm) than it was before.09:08
=== Yagisan sees the advantages of distance ed again for the first time "flexible timetable"
Yagisanthen reality crashes down around him09:25
Yagisanas it really menas 11~12pm to 4am09:26
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lukshi, any revu admins around?09:53
luksi'm trying to recover my password, http://revu.tauware.de/lostpw.py?email=lalinsky@gmail.com says "Now paste the text below, and enter EOT<return>", but there is no text below09:53
luksis this a known bug?09:53
Hobbseeluks: your key is on the keyserver, right?09:58
luksat least used to be :)09:58
Hobbseeajmitch: ping?09:59
Hobbseeajmitch: ^ revu stuff10:00
ajmitchluks: have you uploaded a package that appears on REVU?10:01
ajmitchwhich one?10:01
luksand http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=225210:01
ajmitchwith that same gpg key?10:02
ajmitchare you currently in the ubuntu-universe-contributors group on launchpad?10:04
ajmitchplease join it10:04
ajmitchkeyring is synced from that group, so revu isn't able to find your key10:04
ajmitchonce you've joined, tell me, I'll approve membership for that group & sync the keyring10:06
luksi've already joined10:06
ajmitchah right, it's open membership now10:08
=== ajmitch will tell you when it's synced
luksokay, thanks10:09
ajmitchok, try again now10:13
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luksthanks again10:37
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slomosomebody awake? :)10:51
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ajmitchslomo: hi10:57
slomohi ajmitch :)10:57
slomoi'm searching for someone who wants to improve his karma for all the forum users... by updating xgl :P i took a short look and it seems to be not much work10:58
ajmitchalready done it10:58
ajmitchit just needs uploaded10:58
slomonice :)10:58
ajmitchI also tested out metacity with compositing, which didn't work so well10:59
slomobecause of nvidia drivers?10:59
slomoor something else too?10:59
ajmitchcrashed on nvidia drivers, gave artifacts on intel10:59
slomook, so get xgl/compiz uploaded and be the hero of the day? :)10:59
ajmitchcompiz is a different matter ;)11:00
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ajmitchshould I upload upstream, or the fork that everyone uses?11:00
slomowho did the fork?11:01
slomotake upstream ;)11:01
ajmitchthen all the users will complain :)11:02
slomowhat exactly did he do to poor compiz?11:02
ajmitchpatched the hell out of it, added a bunch of new features11:03
slomohm, maybe upload upstream for now and then add the useful parts of his stuff as a patchset11:03
imbrandonand alot of kde fixes iirc11:04
ajmitchI suppose I could11:04
ajmitchI don't use it myself11:04
imbrandonajmitch: or do upstream and poke quinn to patch and submit11:05
imbrandonto the official repo11:05
ajmitchof course, I'd put the version number I upload higher than the fork's11:05
slomoajmitch: just do it :) it can't be worse than what we have now and finally users will stop complaining11:05
=== ajmitch checks how active libcm is
slomoajmitch: and for f-spot... shall i already upload a mono that has sqlite2 in recommends instead of depends?11:07
ajmitchI'll do that, I'd prefer to upload to debian & sync for now11:07
slomoi mean mono itself, not f-spot11:07
slomolibmono-sqlite*-cil depends on both sqlite libs11:08
ajmitchah ok11:08
ajmitchgo ahead & do that11:08
slomo(i.e. you don't have to depend on that yourself :P )11:08
ajmitchI'll drop the explicit deps11:08
ajmitchsince they used to be needed11:08
slomoyes, until the large mono split :)11:08
slomoi wonder why beagle still depends on old sqlite lib11:08
slomotseng: ^--- ?11:08
ajmitchdo I still need to depend on libmono0?11:09
slomomono-jit depends on that11:10
slomoall dependencies are fine now (well, libsqlite0 isn't anymore in some minutes ;) )11:10
slomoajmitch: what do you think? libsqlite0 to recommends or to suggests?11:12
ajmitchI might hold off uploading f-spot to debian for about 2 days11:12
ajmitchToo young, only 8 of 10 days old11:12
ajmitchit's 2 days off going into testing11:12
slomohmm, i would really prefer it if you could upload f-spot to ubuntu first then... then we could already add it to the seed, get it moved into main by that and have it on the knot2 cds11:13
slomoknot2 is next week afaik11:13
ajmitchhm ok11:13
ajmitchthat shouldn't be a problem11:13
ajmitchit's just filing a sync bug11:14
ajmitch& 1 extra changelog entry11:14
ajmitchok, changed -4 to -3ubuntu1 :)11:14
slomothanks :)11:14
slomowill you write the MIR and add it to the seed? :)11:14
ajmitchI can11:15
ajmitchthough pitti should approve the MIR before adding11:15
Lathiatis there a fix for this broken text stuff?11:15
slomoajmitch: the kubuntu seeds had some stuff in that wasn't in main yet too... it only speeded up the review of the MIR ;)11:15
ajmitchLathiat: Option "RenderAccel" "0"11:16
ajmitchdoesn't seem to affect desktop performance much that I can see11:16
ajmitchslomo: naughty11:16
slomoajmitch: or just upload f-spot for now and ask pitti by mail to look at it asap because you like to have this on knot2 ;)11:17
ajmitchpitti is just online now :)11:19
ajmitchand of course it's being argued on the mailing list11:20
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slomo_ajmitch: or just upload f-spot for now and ask pitti by mail to look at it asap because you like to have this on knot2 ;)11:21
=== ajmitch saw that :)
slomo_ok... i didn't know when my connection silently dropped ;)11:22
slomo_mono uploaded11:23
ajmitchf-spot uploaded11:25
slomo_cool... so world domination is near now :)11:26
imbrandonajmitch: did that gnome-control-center for ppc stuff works its self out that you know of ?11:27
ajmitchimbrandon: it should have11:29
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slomo_ajmitch: hmm, really beagle uses sqlite0... do you know whether there is still a reason? or whether i can simply change that now? ;)11:41
ajmitchyou'll have to ask tseng11:41
slomo_at least this explains why beagle can't search f-spot fotos11:42
ajmitchusers will have to remove their index11:42
ajmitchhm, I thought I'd patched that properly to use sqlite3 if the f-spot db was sqlite311:42
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slomo_it uses the same version of sqlite as beagle uses for the f-spot helper11:42
slomo_ajmitch: will it remove the old index automatically?11:46
ajmitchI don't know11:48
slomo_i'll test it11:49
NafalloIIRC you changed it to use the new sqlite if there wasn't an index already and use the old one if there was...11:49
slomo_Nafallo: nope, it uses whatever version configure finds11:50
Nafalloso auto-converting the old index then?11:50
slomo_don't think so... it will probably drop the old index and create a new one11:50
slomo_it's only an index ;) not a database that can't be easily automatically created like in f-spot11:53
ajmitchwhich is why I've got to get that sqlite2->3 convertor working properly11:55
ajmitchwhich is easier said than done, since it doesn't like having both in a single process, it seems11:55
slomo_why btw? the symbols are prefixed with the sqlite version11:55
=== ajmitch probably just has top open sqlite 2, read in all data, close, reopen as sqlite3 & write
ajmitchI know, but it stops reading very quickly if I try to read from the old db & write to the new in a loop :)11:56
slomo_so try the read all && write all approach :)11:58
ajmitchwill do, I just need time to sit & do it :)12:00
ajmitchnot too hard, since you can get the aql to create the tables out of the existing table12:00
Nafallowoha! what happened to the deskbar-applet? :-P12:00
ajmitchNafallo: it got an upgrade?12:01
Nafalloseems like it. the textfield has an orange border now :-)12:01
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slomo_ajmitch: Warn: Likely sqlite database version mismatch trying to read from /home/slomo/.beagle/TextCache/TextCache.db.  Purging.12:10
slomo_ajmitch: so it only drops the index ;)12:10
ajmitchoh good12:11
ajmitchat least it doesn't bail out & die straight away12:11
Lathiatis gnome-panel eating cpu & the applications menu flickering constantly a known probleM?12:11
slomo_ajmitch: i guess i'll upload this later after tseng showed up :) i've fixed the bashism bugs too now12:12
slomo_Lathiat: yes12:12
slomo_Lathiat: bug 5240512:12
UbugtuMalone bug 52405 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel eats 50% cpu for half an hour and flickers" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5240512:12
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slomo_ajmitch: seems to be a bit faster too12:13
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Toadstoolhey everybody12:19
Hobbseehi Toadstool12:19
Toadstoolhi Hobbsee12:19
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Amaranthwhat helper installs dbus conf files?01:20
HobbseeAmaranth: got a path to one of the conf files?01:46
AmaranthHobbsee: /etc/dbus-1/system.d/01:47
HobbseeAmaranth: looked for that file path on packages.ubuntu.com?01:47
Amaranthit goes in your package as debian/<package>.dbus-conf01:47
HobbseeAmaranth: in the second section, about the files/directories?01:47
Hobbseeoh, which helper, not which package...dont mind me01:47
AmaranthHobbsee: I'm trying to figure out which debhelper script installs these files01:47
=== Amaranth runs
AmaranthI dunno, it's 7am and I haven't gone to bed yet.01:49
AmaranthYeah. :P01:50
AmaranthI can't get my daemon and client to speak dbus to each other.01:50
Amaranthmeh, it can wait until afternoon :P01:55
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slomo_Gloubiboulga: ping?02:40
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Gloubiboulgaslomo_, hello02:48
slomo_Gloubiboulga: hi :) do you have clearlooks window manager decorations in xfce?02:48
Gloubiboulgaslomo_, yes02:48
slomo_you might want to get the ones from http://www.stellingwerff.com/?p=1602:49
slomo_they fit much better with the current clearlooks gtk2 engine02:49
Gloubiboulgaslomo_, thanks, I'll test this right now :)02:51
Hobbseehow do i make a file executable in debian/rules with debhelper?  pastebin of rules file is at http://rafb.net/paste/results/VplRFC53.html02:51
slomo_Gloubiboulga: np :) gnome uses them already with the latest gnome-themes upload02:51
slomo_Gloubiboulga: and if you need a sponsor for main for this (and janimo isn't there) feel free to ping me02:52
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Gloubiboulgaslomo_, thanks again ;)02:52
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, with chmod?02:53
Gloubiboulgait'll work02:54
HobbseeGloubiboulga: i'd used the command on the second line to make it work for amarok, which uses cdbs.  unfortunately, you cant chmod +x a file in the source, and then expect it to be copied over as an exectable02:55
HobbseeGloubiboulga: and the idiot question of where do i actually put the command, of course02:55
Hobbseei wonder if it's being stripped later with dh_strip02:56
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, line 75,502:56
HobbseeGloubiboulga: right, and i got the syntax right, as it installs in chmod a+x /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh?02:57
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, yep02:58
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HobbseeGloubiboulga: yay!02:58
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HobbseeGloubiboulga: still didnt work.03:00
HobbseeGloubiboulga: i'm assuming it is chmod a+x, as it is in amarok03:00
=== Hobbsee wonders if you have to do it as a post-inst or something annoying.
Gloubiboulgawell, the line 65 should change the permissions already03:01
HobbseeGloubiboulga: oh, the 755 means executable?03:03
ivoksanyone familiar with python? :)03:08
slomo_ivoks: depends on what you want to know ;)03:09
ivoksslomo_: i have a string, that looks like tuple03:09
ivoksslomo_: i just want to convert it to tuple03:09
slomo_no idea then ;)03:09
slomo_ivoks: "".join(x) maybe?03:10
slomo_if x = ('a', 'b', 'c') this does what you want03:10
luksthat converts a tuple to string :)03:10
luks"a, b, c".split(", ")03:11
slomo_that makes an list03:11
ivoksi have03:12
lukstuple("a, b, c".split(", "))03:12
ivoksresult=('keyword', 'not-attempted')03:12
ivoksand this is a string03:12
ivoks"".join(result) results in string too :/03:13
luksyou mean you have "result=('keyword', 'not-attempted')" as a string?03:14
luksif yes, then simply exec it03:14
ivoksno ('keyword', 'not-attempted') is a string03:14
ivoksresult is variable03:14
ivokseh :)03:19
HobbseeGloubiboulga: GOT IT!!!!  :D03:24
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, YAY! :)03:25
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, what is the solution?03:25
slomo_Gloubiboulga: what do you think about the theme? do you have an screenshot? i have no idea how it looks on xfce :)03:25
HobbseeGloubiboulga: dh_fixperms automatically strips all executable permissions off anything in /usr/docs - so you have to exclude that file.  it's in man dh_fixperms03:25
Gloubiboulgaslomo_, I'm fighting to make it work...03:26
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, damn, it's something I have to remember of :)03:27
HobbseeGloubiboulga: :)03:27
HobbseeGloubiboulga: i'd already checked dh_strip, it's listed in debian maintainers guide. you've got uploads to main, dont you?03:27
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, nop03:28
HobbseeGloubiboulga: didnt you go for them in the last meeting?03:28
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, no, I'll go for core-dev at next TB03:28
zul_heh heh...03:29
zul_good luck03:29
HobbseeGloubiboulga: nice :)03:29
Hobbseeas for zul_...03:29
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, sorry, you'll have to find someone else to sponsor your upload ;p03:29
HobbseeGloubiboulga: yeah, that's harder than it used to be03:29
zul_Hobbsee: why dont you go for core-dev at the next tb meeting?03:30
Gloubiboulgazul_, you'regoing for core-dev too? you're not already?03:30
Hobbseezul_: havent done enough?03:30
Hobbseezul_: well, i dont think i've done enough.  but then you can see how long it took me to go for motu.03:30
zul_it could make your stop pestering people ;)03:31
Hobbseezul_: well, yeah, exactly.  unfortunatly, the core-dev is smaller, so i have to pester the same people more often03:32
slomo_Gloubiboulga: for gnome it was just "cp foo bar" ;)03:32
Gloubiboulgaslomo_, it should be the same for Xfce...03:32
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tuxmaniacIs launchpad and malone gonna be open sourced in the near future ?03:46
Hobbseehi tuxmaniac03:46
tuxmaniacHobbsee> hi howdy you03:46
Hobbseetuxmaniac: good, fixing bugs03:46
=== tuxmaniac busy with office work :|
bddebianHeya gang03:47
tuxmaniacIs launchpad and malone gonna be open sourced in the near future ?03:47
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:47
bddebiantuxmaniac: Not that I know of03:47
tuxmaniacbddebian> so malone will still continue to store things in its own format?03:47
Gloubiboulgaslomo_, http://tiber.tauware.de/~gauvain/Screenshot.png03:48
slomo_Gloubiboulga: looks good... only that the gnome version has a stronger and not so dark blue... you don't use the latest gtk2-engines, do you?03:50
Gloubiboulgaslomo_, the one in the edgy repos03:51
Gloubiboulgahum, wait03:51
slomo_2.7.6 is what you want03:52
Gloubiboulgait's 2.7.403:52
Gloubiboulga2.7.6 is in the gtk2-engines package now, right?03:52
slomo_then update please :)03:52
Gloubiboulgahum, a little mcs bug... some Widgets have not been refreshed03:54
slomo_hm, restart your session ;) but you have a lighter, stronger blue too now?03:55
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Gloubiboulgaslomo_, you can refresh the screenshot :)03:58
slomo_Gloubiboulga: right... that's how it should look like :)03:58
Gloubiboulgait's nice :)03:59
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slomo_Gloubiboulga: metacity themes seem to have hardcoded colors... your xfce theme seems to take the colors from the gtk theme, right?04:00
slomo_in that case it's not that important to update the theme... but nice nonetheless :)04:00
HobbseeGloubiboulga: FYI:  you use dh_fixperms --except /path/to/file/file04:00
bddebianslomo_: I got transcode working and uploaded but I'm not sure why it's dep-wait04:01
slomo_bddebian: that's in the build log04:01
Gloubiboulgaslomo_, I have to admit that I don't really know... :)04:01
bddebianslomo_: I know but what I am saying is that It build locally :-)04:01
GloubiboulgaI haven't touched all the artwork stuff yet04:01
slomo_bddebian: liba52-0.7.4-dev | liba52-dev would be the correct way04:02
slomo_bddebian: the buildds sometimes have problems with virtual packages it seems04:02
slomo_just reupload with that small change :)04:03
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, thanks :)04:03
HobbseeGloubiboulga: :)04:04
bddebianslomo_: OK04:05
slomo_bddebian: you missed "* moved libxvidcore4 to Recommends rather than depends."04:05
slomo_other than that it seems to be fine :) good work :)04:06
bddebianDoh, I suck :-(04:06
slomo_no, you rock :)04:06
bddebianBah :-)04:09
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Gloubiboulgaarchive.ubuntu.com is slow today... might be because today's sunday04:24
Riddellhow do I enable universe in my pbuilder?04:28
HobbseeRiddell: got a pbuilderrc?04:30
HobbseeRiddell: usually in /etc/pbuilderrc?04:30
bddebianRiddell: Edit pbuilderrc04:30
slomo_Riddell: OTHERMIRROR="deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe multiverse restricted"04:30
Riddelland then I need to re-create it?04:31
bddebianNope just pbuilder update04:31
HobbseeRiddell: sudo pbuilder-update --override-config04:32
Hobbseedotn forget the overriding of the config04:32
bddebianOh aye04:34
Riddellthat seems to have done it04:34
Riddellwe should change the default pbuilderrc to have that in it (commented out)04:35
bddebianTalk to the "powers that be" ;-)04:35
=== bddebian is just a lsave
bddebianErr slave04:35
=== Hobbsee cracks her whip at bddebian. get to it.
bddebianyes massa04:36
Hobbseebddebian: massa?04:36
bddebianmassa == master04:37
Hobbseebddebian: ahhh...04:37
Hobbseei suppose that's still better than being called mistress :)04:37
zuli choosed to hold my tongue04:38
Hobbseezul: s/choosed/chose :)04:38
Hobbseezul: where are you from, btw?04:38
zulin canada or as some people call it canuckistan04:39
Hobbseezul: ahhh...right04:39
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Hobbseenight all04:47
bddebianslomo_: libxvidcore4 must be getting picked up by shlib depends.  If I make it a recommends does that override it?04:53
slomo_bddebian: nope... then don't change it04:53
bddebianOK, shower time, bbl04:54
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bddebianslomo_: If/when transcode succeeds, I will throw up gtranscode05:51
slomo_bddebian: perfect :)05:52
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siretartslomo_: I'm just looking at transcode, but I'm failing at the libavcodec build-dep06:31
siretartslomo_: what else did you say needs a newer ffmpeg as well?06:31
siretartslomo_: and did you manage to reach sam?06:31
slomo_siretart: bddebian already did it... and works fine with our libavcodec it seems06:32
slomo_no he didn't answer yet :(06:32
slomo_and mplayer needs a newer ffmpeg... it likes to segfault with our current version06:32
siretartbddebian: my hero! :)06:32
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bddebianw00t transcode built on i386, PPC, and amd6406:47
bddebianHello hub06:48
hubI need and advocating for hugin http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=280806:48
hubso I can upload it06:48
hubthis time the license of vigra should be OK06:48
bddebianOK, swim time again, later folks06:54
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SpecI can't 'pbuilder create' my pbuilder environment :-/, it keeps stalling after getting 2-5 packages :-/07:09
slomo_Riddell: what is "qt4-x11-kdecopy"? a copy of qt4-x11? ;)07:11
Riddellspecifically it's the copy from kde's SVN07:12
slomo_hmm... what's the difference between the two?07:13
Riddellqt4-x11 is qt 4.1, qt4-x11-kdecopy is qt 4.2 preview plus some patches07:13
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slomo_ok, sounds sane then :) this is needed for kde4? i guess kde4 will be the next kde version which i'll test :)07:14
Riddellslomo_: yes, it's what kde 4 needs, so the package is intended for people building kde 407:18
Riddellany volunteers to package kdelibs trunk welcome :)07:18
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Linuturkwhere would I begin to build and contribute a package installer of www.aptana.com ?07:30
Linuturki'd like to start contributing to ubuntu with this good program, but I don't know where to start07:34
GloubiboulgaLinuturk, you can start with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU07:42
Linuturkyes, i've been reading that07:43
Linuturki'm going to school07:43
Gloubiboulganice :)07:43
Linuturk#ubuntu-motu-school that is07:43
Gloubiboulgadid you look at the packaging guide to start with aptana?07:44
Linuturkpackaging guide?07:45
Specubotu! ubugtu! whaa07:45
Linuturkthat helps07:47
Gloubiboulgacool :)07:47
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Gloubiboulgare bddebian08:33
bddebianHeya Gloubiboulga08:33
=== Gloubiboulga is fighting with pyxfce
Gloubiboulgathere's absolutely no documentation08:36
bddebianSo what else is new? :)08:38
Gloubiboulgain pyxfce? everything is new :)08:41
bddebianNo, I meant no documentation :)08:41
Gloubiboulgabddebian, I must be tired, I don't understand :s08:47
Gloubiboulga(heh, I usually speak french ;) )08:48
Gloubiboulgaanaway, I'm off, see you later08:50
bddebianI am saying that it is common that there is no documentation :-)08:50
=== bddebian gives the archive admins plenty more work...
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Ademanis there a compiz development channel?09:00
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!lilo:*! We're going to be doing some pruning of bot klines. Please be aware that some spambots etc. may momentarily reappear.09:19
Riddellnixternal: ping09:20
Riddelldoing UWN this week?09:20
RiddellAdeman: yes09:23
Riddellalthough I can't remember what it's called09:23
Riddellprobably something obvious09:24
Ademanits not compiz though09:24
=== toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tomaqquestion reguarding pbuilder: it requires a dsc to build, but what if i changed the changelog. Then there is no valid dsc.09:34
bddebianToma: you need to rebuild the package with debuild or dpkg-buildpackage to generate the new .dsc09:34
tomabddebian: just an ordary dpkg-buildpackage is enough to create it?09:37
bddebianToma: dpkg-buildpackage -S if you want it to sign the changes09:37
bddebianadd -sa if you need to include the source09:37
tomai want to use the pbuilder environments i created09:39
bddebianYou can try pdebuild too but I don't know much about it09:39
tomai can not get pdebuild to use a dapper or breeze tgz09:40
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tomaok dpkg -b creates the dsc and diff.gz09:48
bddebianShit, someone screwed up the versioning for serpento09:49
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=== Sp4rKy [n=max@ubuntu/member/sp4rky] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Sp4rKyi need some help with audacious10:12
Sp4rKyE: libaudacious: ldconfig-symlink-referencing-wrong-file usr/lib/libaudacious.so -> /tmp/buildd/audacious-1.0.0/debian/tmp/usr/lib/libaudacious.so.2.0.0 instead of libaudacious.so.2.0.010:13
Sp4rKywhat can i do for this error ?10:13
=== mr_pouit [n=mr_pouit@lns-bzn-49f-81-56-214-84.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Sp4rKyhi mr_pouit :)10:16
mr_pouithi Sp4rKy ^^10:16
Sp4rKyi think MOTUs are sleeping :/10:16
mr_pouitUTC-6 i think, and we are on UTC+2, so ^^...10:17
mr_pouit((no that's stupid ^^)10:17
slomo_Sp4rKy: run lintian with -i... it will explain this better to you10:19
Sp4rKyslomo_, i've done it , and look at the section of debian policy10:19
slomo_Sp4rKy: ok, i assume the link is to the full path of the library instead of using a relative path10:21
slomo_which then obviously breaks after installing the because10:21
slomo_s/the because//10:21
Sp4rKyand so ...10:21
Sp4rKywhat's wrong10:21
slomo_the build system of the package10:21
Sp4rKybecause this link seems done with dh_link10:21
slomo_are you sure? then dh_link was used wrong ;)10:22
slomo_where is this package?10:22
Sp4rKyi'll dput it now10:22
mr_pouitSp4rKy: why is there another Makefile in the package ?10:26
slomo_Sp4rKy: can you give me the url?10:26
mr_pouitbecause in this makefile is made another call to ldconfig...10:26
Sp4rKymr_pouit, there is 2 Makefile in 2 rep10:27
slomo_Sp4rKy: http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/audacious-0607051625/audacious-1.0.0/libaudacious/Makefile.in10:30
slomo_the post-hook is wrong10:30
slomo_this creates the ugly links10:30
Sp4rKyso i need make a patch10:33
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Sp4rKyso i must delete the posthook entry ?10:36
slomo_no... patch it and make it right10:38
slomo_i.e. make relative links instead of absolute ones10:38
=== nathandh [n=nathandh@dD5779A06.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Sp4rKybut what's worng in this :10:44
Sp4rKy @if test `whoami` = 'root' && test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \10:44
Sp4rKy   echo "[running ldconfig to update system library cache] "; \10:44
Sp4rKy   /sbin/ldconfig; \10:44
Sp4rKyecho "[system library cache updated] "; \10:44
Sp4rKy fi10:44
slomo_nothing... but the install-posthook target in libaudacious/Makefile.in creates10:48
slomo_the links wrong10:48
Sp4rKyok !10:49
^ohoelwhere can I find buildlogs again?10:53
slomo_i.e. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+source/$package/$version10:54
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomo_leave out the version and you can select one10:54
^ohoelah, thanks slomo :)10:55
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crimsunSp4rKy: be aware of http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200607-13.xml11:08
Sp4rKycrimsun, so i only need use the last version ?11:09
crimsunSp4rKy: apparently, but I don't follow audacious development so I'm not the best person to ask.11:09
bmontywe can drop the "c2" in the end of C++ packages for an unstable merge to edgy, right?11:40
dokobmonty, slomo_ : if the soname in unstable did change, yes, if not: no11:42
bmontysoname didn't change11:42
slomo_doko: right, i didn't think about that case11:42
bmontythanks doko11:42
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-234-229.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar

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