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mhzhi all01:19
Burgundaviahey mhz01:19
mhzI have been trying very hard to print cd faces/labels for edubuntu demos, BUT no mattery how exact my cd label design is in terms of 'measurements' when I print it, it always prints in recuded size :(01:20
mhzhey Burgundavia 01:20
Burgundaviawhich program are you using?01:21
=== mhz bb in 10 minutes
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HedgeMagedangit, missed pygi01:32
mhzBurgundavia: i make SCGs01:45
Burgundaviamhz: have you tried glabels?01:45
mhzbut I do not print from it01:45
mhzBurgundavia: yup, but honestly...glabels is too simple, lacking of many functions01:46
mhzso, I am forced to use Inkscape to design01:46
mhzand if i wanted to use glabels01:46
mhzI have to import it as Image...and hence lose quality01:46
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lecaroshave you installed a compaq ij600 printer? (usb, detected as Lexmark Inkjet 4103)04:16
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Burgundavia'ello Amaranth06:27
Burgundaviajust saying hi06:29
Amaranthah :)06:30
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jsgotangcodoes anyone know if ESA is in a printable format with a nice layout (pdf, odt, etc.)?08:56
RichEdgreetz to all this miserable monday09:00
RichEd( weather is miserable, not me :)09:00
jsgotangcoyes its miserable weather here too09:02
KatteKraband here too :)09:04
jsgotangcoRichEd: do you have something in your TODO regarding flyers/advocacy paraphernalia for Edubuntu?09:05
RichEdnot that I can specifically recall ? give me some more background ?09:06
jsgotangcowell we have this thing called Edubuntu School Advocacy09:06
RichEdyes ... I'm away of the link & background to that etc. i meant backgound to the ToDo ?09:07
jsgotangcowell i was just wondering if you have something in the works for such09:07
jsgotangcoi only assumed TODO :)09:08
RichEdjsgotangco: this will be a major part of my discussions with mark & jane wed/thu :)09:09
jsgotangcogood luck09:10
RichEdas in "how do we create a focus education approach that will take us forward for the next 12 months"09:10
RichEdpartners, supporters, users09:10
jsgotangcoheh we have 3 years for dapper desktop should be manageable09:11
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
RichEdsorry please explain that last comment ? 3 years ?09:12
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jsgotangcoDapper is supported for 3 years on the desktop09:12
=== highvoltage wonders if RichEd is an AI program
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o highvoltage] by highvoltage
KatteKrabRichEd: I sent you an email regarding the Australian Computers in Education Conference - did you get it?09:13
jsgotangcotags in launchpad..interesting09:13
RichEdKatteKrab: I am in my inbox now ... will let you know in a few mins :)09:14
RichEdjsgotangco: support goes a lot broader than the desktop & s/w ... my head is trying to wrap around supporting s/w developers (OS and Apps), h/w, govts, content providers ... we need them all on our side to succeed09:16
jsgotangcosure i guess that's your job ;) ours is to make the system work heh09:16
RichEdand good luck to all of us ;)09:16
=== RichEd goes into his mail for a bit ... be back in 5
RichEdquestion[highvoltage]  = answer NOT09:17
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jsgotangcoman i love how k3b manages to give a laugh on the staff here when it finishes burning a cd09:25
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RichEdKatteKrab: give me a clue to the subject or sender address ? gotta lot to wad through this end09:35
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highvoltagegood mornign cbx33 09:43
highvoltageglad to see you in a good mood again :)09:43
cbx33I'm on holiday today09:43
cbx33and I'v had my hair re-styled09:44
cbx33that alwyas puts me in a good mood09:44
KatteKrabRichEd - sorry was in another window - subject line is "Edubuntu and Australian Computers in Education Conference"09:45
RichEdmorning cbx33 ... tx for the good mail09:45
RichEdKatteKrab: sent to me or the list ?09:45
cbx33RichEd, np, is it helpful?09:45
RichEdcbx33: most09:45
KatteKrabsent to you.09:46
KatteKrabon Friday09:46
KatteKrabshould I resend?09:46
RichEdKatteKrab:  - yep I have it ... nope don't resend09:47
KatteKrab:) 09:47
RichEdKatteKrab: ... quick responsese 1) i am discussing conferences in general with JaneS & Mark wed / thu this week (cbx33 is part of this with BETT requests)09:48
KatteKrabgreat. :)09:48
RichEdso will add yours as "in how can & do we give more support"09:48
RichEd2) CD's - will speak to Shippit people ... will CC you in09:49
KatteKrabthanks, that would be helpful. 09:49
=== cbx33 is still waiting for his cds
KatteKrabplease let me know if you need me to source more info for you...09:49
cbx33please guys some feedback on the latter ones09:50
RichEd3) cooperation ... will respond via email need to check out your links :) all4now09:50
cbx33I'm pretty pleased with them09:50
KatteKrabRichEd: cheers :) 09:50
cbx33highvoltage, like the new hair? https://launchpad.net/people/petesavage :p09:51
cbx33can't see it too clearly there09:51
cbx33thinking if I get to go to the sumit next time I may have red streaks put in.....just for a giggle :p09:51
highvoltagecbx33: it's nice09:51
cbx33highvoltage, have you heard any of the new sounds yet?09:52
cbx33check em out09:53
cbx33I really need feedback09:53
jsgotangcoit would have been better if you dyed it pink or silver09:53
cbx33jsgotangco, heheh09:53
cbx33totally pink?09:53
highvoltagepink is so 1990's09:54
jsgotangcolol did you try it before?09:54
jsgotangcoim grabbing the opera browser for my DS later09:54
highvoltageno, my hair has been eminem white twice, pitch black, green and blue before.09:54
=== cbx33 thinks either blue or bright red for next summit if I get to go
cbx33this is the first time I dyed my whole head09:55
=== jsgotangco likes his hair long and black
highvoltagein south africa, some of the old ladies like to colour their hair bright red, which has made it uncool here.09:55
=== highvoltage needs to get back to work
highvoltagealthough i will say this before i go:09:56
cbx33sorry highvoltage 09:56
highvoltagei want to have dreadlocks one day :)09:56
cbx33highvoltage, ME TOO !09:56
jsgotangcoi dont think it'll fit you09:56
cbx33not yet09:56
highvoltagecbx33: yeah, that's the attitude!09:56
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jsgotangcogood evening03:36
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bddebianHeya jsgotangco03:46
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pygi_morning jsgotangco 04:16
pygi_how is you?04:19
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jsgotangcopretty good i just bought a new game for my pocket console heh04:23
jsgotangcotesting out wifi on it now04:23
pygijsgotangco, you and your games :P04:23
pygiI should sue those "Super Mario" people !04:23
pygithey stole my name !04:23
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jsgotangcoever since i discovered playing online on a pocket console is possible, i haven't been playing much on the pc04:24
=== Yagisan waves good evening
=== Yagisan waves to ogra. You here mate ?
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HedgeMagehi Yagisan :D07:00
pygiHedgeMage, you have jabber07:11
=== HedgeMage looks
LaserJockBurgwork: a planet.edubuntu.org sounds kinda cool07:13
HedgeMageThat would be cool, and very easy to just flip on since the site is already drupal based.07:13
LaserJockit would be nice to get teachers and school admins especially07:14
HedgeMageMy mom's a teacher, and I've finally gotten her to start blogging :)07:14
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pygibye all07:15
HedgeMagehi mhz 07:16
HedgeMageseeya, pygi 07:16
=== HedgeMage hugs pygi
mhzhi there07:17
mhzpygi: dont leave, please07:17
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LaserJockhi cbx33 07:54
cbx33hey LaserJock 07:54
=== cbx33 just got a new phone
LaserJockcbx33: is gisomount in the archives yet?07:55
cbx33not as of this morning07:55
LaserJockmust be still stuck in NEW07:56
cbx33I'm using my last ubuntu sound as my message received tone my new hpone07:56
cbx33sounds great!07:56
cbx33LaserJock, I'm just ignoring it now07:56
ograyup, its in new07:56
cbx33I'll just check every week or so07:57
cbx33till it gets there07:57
highvoltagecbx33: new hair, new phone... are you going through a young-life crisis?07:57
cbx33highvoltage, could be07:58
cbx33I have a new lease of life07:58
cbx33or so I think07:58
Yagisanhighvoltage, nah. It must be a chick07:58
highvoltageYagisan: hopefully not, he's married ;)07:58
cbx33Yagisan, how did you know that lisa talked me into getting a new phone?07:58
highvoltagecbx33: which phone?07:58
cbx33sony w810i07:58
Yagisanhighvoltage, I'm married too. when my wife says haircut, the correct response is to get a haircut07:59
cbx33Yagisan,  i hear ya07:59
Yagisancbx33, I read 3 lines above my post07:59
LaserJockYagisan: hehe, my wife just cuts it :-)08:00
=== highvoltage want s something in the line of
=== Yagisan is glad my wife does not have time to cut my hair
=== cbx33 's sister in law cuts his
LaserJockhighvoltage: I'm really wanting one of these: http://www.martifacts.com/newsletter/062003/TELEGRAPH%20KEY.jpg08:01
=== highvoltage looks
cbx33LaserJock, ahhh yes08:02
cbx33the old WAT protocol08:02
cbx33"Waggle and Tug"08:02
highvoltageLaserJock: problem with those are, they're quite heavy on battery life ;)08:03
LaserJocknot if you crank while you talk ;-)08:03
cbx33or peddle08:03
cbx33get peddling LaserJock 08:03
highvoltagebill gates would'nt like that08:03
=== cbx33 can see LaserJock attaching it to a dynamo on his bike :p
LaserJocknah, I'll hook it up to the power supply on the Nd:YAG laser08:04
cbx33apparently bill gates doesn;t care any more :p08:04
LaserJock50,000 Volts :-)08:04
cbx33LaserJock, with a current of?08:04
LaserJockhmm,  I'm not sure08:04
cbx33what's the wattage?08:05
LaserJockheck if I know, I just want what comes out of it ;-)08:05
cbx33LaserJock, could be the power of an LED for all we know :p08:05
LaserJockI've got a few of those too08:05
cbx33sorry bud08:05
LaserJockthis laser output something like a gigawatt in the 5 ns it's on08:06
cbx33don;t go in the room blinking is my advice08:06
cbx33could get ya gibets blown away08:06
cbx33ping ogra 08:10
cbx33ogra, I've tried to find out who deals with the sounds for ubuntu in general08:11
cbx33and did you check out the latest ones08:11
cbx33like em?08:13
cbx33number 8 makes a cool mobile phone message tone :p08:13
LaserJockcbx33: did you take a look at fridge today?08:14
ograwell, i like them all, but i'm still missing some life :)08:14
cbx33ogra, the life can be added later08:14
cbx33besides I'm also trying to enter these for ubuntu08:14
cbx33in general08:14
cbx33might be cool to have the same theme with a slight modification for ubuntu distros...like edu, xub etc08:15
=== LaserJock plugs in his high voltage supply, "It's alliiiiivvvveee!!!!""
cbx33ahhh thanks LaserJock 08:16
=== highvoltage supply?
LaserJockdude, notice the space, it was intentional ;-)08:16
LaserJockI don't have a highvoltage supply08:18
=== ogra wanders off for some TV and care for his broken back ...
LaserJockare you done moving?08:18
highvoltageLaserJock: not? :(08:18
ografsvo done :)08:18
ajmitchogra: you mean you'll be unpacking boxes a year from now :)08:19
ogranot a year, but surely some months :)08:19
LaserJockhighvoltage: well, I do have a supply of highvoltage pics from Paris, and a perhaps a funny video at the eifel tower ;-)08:19
highvoltageeek! i thought we were going to forget about taht!08:19
LaserJockheck no08:20
LaserJockI've got to figure out how to edit it just right 08:20
cbx33ping RichEd 08:20
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pygimhz_food: what do you mean by: "dont leave, please"?08:44
lucasvopygi: last time mhz told you he loves you, you left08:50
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mhzpygi: yeah, lucasvo's right09:04
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pygilucasvo, mhz , lol, when?09:42
lucasvoI don't remember09:43
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JoergDhello, has anybody experience with the option-129 setting in edubuntu?09:59
JoergDwell, i mean building up a network with a second dhcp server (e.g. http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/DHCP#Multiple_DHCP_servers_on_the_sam )10:03
JoergDThe option-129 should be used to tell the client on the 2nd DHCP-Request to ask for a specific DHCP-Server Port (e.g. 1067) - unfortunately it does not work with my edubuntu installation10:04
cbx33JoergD, try this10:06
cbx33are you runnign a windows dhcp server?10:07
JoergDNo, I want to set up some thinclients in our school. There we already have a dhcp server running (debian), but it has to be untouched.10:10
cbx33so you can't setup some reservations on that dhcp server?10:11
pygicbx33, please try to do : "svn co http://libburn-svn.pykix.org --username anonymous"10:15
cbx33hang on10:15
JoergDno, not that easy. the problem is, that the clients only should boot into edubuntu if there is the bootdisk in the floppy drive. Otherwise, the existing os (which is installed on hdd) should be booted.10:16
cbx33well read this10:17
cbx33I wrote that doc for that exact purpose10:17
cbx33we modify our "windows" dhcp server to use that boot pxe10:17
pygicbx33, should be no password?10:17
cbx33pygi, ok10:17
cbx33works pygi 10:18
cbx33revision !10:18
pygicbx33, good, good :)10:18
lucasvopygi: what project are you working on?10:26
pygilucasvo, libburn10:28
pygihaving problems with subversion configuration10:28
JoergDwell, i forgot to mention that the installed system asks the dhcp-server via PXE for a ip-address, too. It's a confusing configuration in our schoolroom, because the clients boot over the network in order to check the installed os (called rembo - never heard of before). That's why I can't use your solution, i think.10:28
lucasvopygi: use bzr!10:28
pygilucasvo, bzr is bad with Trac10:28
lucasvoand anyhow bzr is great with launchpad!10:29
lucasvoanybody can tell me how to update site-packages in python?10:29
lucasvoJoergD: look at: http://rom-o-matic.net/5.4.2/10:30
lucasvopress on configure on step 310:31
lucasvothere is an option: STATIC_SERVER_IP:10:31
lucasvotry this10:31
JoergDok, up to now i tried to use ALTERNATE_DHCP_PORTS_1067_1068.... no luck so far....10:32
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lucasvoJoergD: with rom-o-matic?10:33
JoergDyes. the first dhcp request is answered correctly by the dhcp-server, which listens to port 1067. the second request by the linux-kernel asks always on port 67 - which is the wrong port. But I'll try the STATIC_SERVER_IP option10:35
pygilucasvo, please try "svn co http://libburn-svn.pykix.org/trunk" and tell me if it works10:38
HedgeMagehiya pygi :)10:39
pygimorning HedgeMage 10:39
lucasvopygi: what user?10:39
pygilucasvo, well, none? :)10:40
pygilucasvo, it shouldnt ask you for a user?10:40
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pygilucasvo, does it ask you for a user?10:40
lucasvoI'll paste the output10:41
pygilucasvo, try the same now10:42
pyginow pls10:43
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=== pygi is so confused
JoergDlucasvo, same problem. the client starts a dhcp request (the second one) before the nfs-mount. and the client asks the wrong dhcp server, again...10:54
pygilucasvo, try : "svn co http://libburn-svn.pykix.org/trunk foo"10:54
lucasvopygi: same10:54
lucasvoJoergD: and you can't change the dhcp config of the other server at all?10:55
pygilucasvo, try again now10:55
lucasvoJoergD: if you can't, it seems to me, the only option is, to look for the second dhcp request in the image  and fix it10:59
JoergDlucasvo, where can I find some information how to adapt the image? I suppose i have to change the sources and create a new image. If this also does not work I'll talk to my school's sys admin11:02
pygilucasvo, again pls11:02
lucasvoJoergD: I'd say talking to your school's sysadmin will be the easiest way11:05
JoergDlucasvo, well, but it seems to be possible to realise it... e.g. http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=ltsp-discuss&m=108942421726352&w=4 11:07
pygiHedgeMage, I am going insane with this svn :(11:08
pygilucasvo, again pls11:09
HedgeMagepygi: what's wrong with it?11:11
HedgeMageand which svn?11:11
pygiHedgeMage, anonymous access not working11:11
pygimine =P11:11
pygiHedgeMage, svn co http://libburn-svn.pykix.org/trunk foo11:12
pygitry pls11:12
HedgeMagenope, wants a pw11:12
HedgeMageno dice11:13
HedgeMageanyhow, if it's anonymously available, it won't ask at all11:13
JoergDlucasvo: I wonder if it only has something to do with the edubuntu setup - the edubuntu ltsp client just does not want to recognize these option-129 setting, which should tell the client the correct dhcp-server. But I'll keep working on it... after taking some sleep. Thanks for your hints!11:13
pygiHedgeMage, please try now11:13
HedgeMagesame result11:14
lucasvoJoergD: good night11:14
pygisvn co http://libburn-svn.pykix.org/trunk test11:15
pygiHedgeMage, try that11:15
HedgeMageone sec11:18
pygidamn, it should work!!11:19
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oomphwould edubuntu be used well in an internet cafe environment?11:29
LaserJockhmm, interesting question11:33
LaserJockI guess it might depend on the setup, how many computers, and what the specs are11:34
LaserJockI wouldn't see a particular motivation to use it over other derivatives other than if you wanted to use LTSP11:35
BurgworkLaserJock, public computers are public comptuers11:37
Burgworka lot of the same issue that apply to schools apply to internet cafes11:38
LaserJockI suppose, but I wouldn't think an interenet cafe would be interested in the edu apps11:38
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LaserJockand if you don't want LTSP then there isn't a whole lot seperating Edubuntu from Kubuntu or Ubuntu or Xubuntu11:39
Burgworknot yet at least11:39
oomphyeah good point11:42
oomphI wanna do a LTSP setup for an internet cafe11:43
oomphwith dumb terminals tieing into an application server11:43
oomphfor basic functions such as word processing, surfing the web and IM11:43
Burgworkyou still have the issue fo securing the desktop and time control11:43
oomphcorrect, are there any distributions geared towards that?11:44
=== Burgwork zips his lip
Burgworkoomph, we love it if you could help edubuntu develop those sorts of features11:45
oomphyeah, would be great11:45
oomphlike an out of the box internet cafe running on linux thin clients11:46
oomphwith support for crap like VoIp would be nice :)11:46
Burgworkvoip would seriously choke in an ltsp environment11:46
oomphyes, it probably would11:47
oomphhow well does sound work under LTSP under edubuntu?11:47
Burgworkvery well11:47
oomphwould an application like skype run on it?11:48
=== Burgwork , having never installed Edubuntu, is unable to tell you
Petarislater all11:55
lucasvooomph: afaik it works11:56
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AECD8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
oomphlucasvo: afaik?12:03
lucasvooomph: as far as I know12:03
oomphwell for a small 10 node internet cafe VoIP may not be too much overhead if it indeed works12:04
lucasvono, but I would try to get a gbit uplink on your switch  to the server12:08
oomphlucasvo: do you currently run edubuntu?12:08
lucasvobut no ltsp12:09
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