
kwwiitime for bed, see you all tomorrow12:07
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=== AndyFitz [n=AndyFitz@nat-pool-brisbane.redhat.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_sAndyFitz, greetings.01:11
AndyFitzg'day troy_s01:11
troy_show are things with you?01:11
AndyFitzpretty good.  its been a full weekend.01:12
troy_shave you been busy?  we could probably use your help as soon as Frank culls the various directions for production.01:12
troy_sHopefully everyone will engage in the 'mix and match' of production, but I fear we will really need everyone to step up if they can.01:12
=== mhz [n=mhz@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
mhzhi there01:18
mhzanyone here at this hour?01:18
AndyFitztroy_s  ,  I don't have the time free id like to have.  but I'll be helping out here and there01:20
troy_sAndyFitz, anything is helpful.01:21
troy_slimited resources on all of our parts...01:21
troy_smhz, north americans :)01:21
=== mhz bb in 10 miutes
mhzWhat do you guys use to print CD labels?01:48
mhzI desgin them on Inkscape01:48
mhzbut i do not print from it01:48
mhzI set the letter size page according to the paper size I'll use for cd labels, but when I print, both CD label sizes get reduced and so do margins :(01:49
troy_smhz, you will need to set your page constraints properly02:03
troy_sso that your printer prints accurately02:03
=== mhz bb in 10 minutes on phone :(
mhztroy_s: and is it normal that page constraints reduce the CD lable sizes ?05:06
troy_smhz, to the best of my knowledge, yes.05:37
troy_syour printer has built in page constraints in addition to those... there is a test somewhere.05:37
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mhztroy_s: any other app to make cd lables than inkscape and that lets me organize the measures between the 2 CD lables on letter size page? (that has no constraints)?06:09
Madpilotmhz, there's gLabels, but it's got fairly limited drawing tools. Excellent printing support, though06:14
mhzMadpilot: yeah..but not good enough :(06:25
mhzhow do professionals do when they use inkscape?06:25
mhzor gimp?06:25
Madpilotnot sure06:34
troy_smhz there is some label prog out there06:43
troy_sglabel maybe?06:43
troy_scan't remember... do an apt-cache search label06:44
troy_sand it would probably work.06:44
mhzhehehe, I already did06:44
mhzlong ago, on friday06:44
troy_swas it glable mhz?06:44
mhzI even installed some perl based program06:44
troy_sand it didn't work?06:44
troy_smhz what type of printer do you have?06:45
mhztroy_s: it works to print lables06:45
mhzhowver, you can't do what gimp or inkscape does06:45
troy_sbecause i know there is a way to set your printer size so that cd labels come out 1:106:45
troy_shrm... can't you import a06:45
troy_sfile into it and print them to cd?06:45
mhzso, you gotta import a png or jpg from glables06:46
mhzand then it sucks06:46
mhzso, my question is... There must be a FLOSS way to get professional work print06:47
mhzor Canonical makes and sends non-FLOSS professional artwork to print?06:47
mhz(maybe the latter) :(06:48
troy_swell most of the official stuff is merely calibrated to page size06:49
troy_syour printer has adjustable output margins (all relative) and you can set those06:49
troy_sso if you align your crosshatches, you are good to go06:50
troy_sbut you do need to calibrate your printer so that 1 inch in gimp/inkscape == one inch of print.06:50
troy_si remember this because i got into dabbling with that a little bit when i was trying to calibrate my printer a while back.06:50
mhztroy_s: thx06:55
mhztroy_s: so you print from inkscape ?06:55
troy_sbasically, your calibrations are your weak link in every tech gap06:55
troy_swhether you want your visual 'blue' to be blue on print/screen/whatever06:56
troy_sor your x size to be x size -- all comes down to calibration06:56
troy_sand there just isn't a magic bullet (despite what a lot of commercial tools would like you to believe)06:56
troy_sgenerally, i always take my target and compare direct results06:56
mhztroy_s: please clarify this to me.... If I make a PDF from my SVG, should this PDF still keep CD label size? or the constraints will always play a role there?06:56
troy_smhz:  who is printing it?  target?06:57
troy_sas in the company?  what is your printing target?06:57
mhzIf I make a PDF from my SVG, should this PDF still keep CD label size while printing?06:57
mhzoh, I am printing06:58
troy_smhz:  once the program says 'print x inches' to your printer it is out of its hands06:58
troy_snow you COULD kludge it, and fix the source so that it matches dest06:58
troy_sor you could set your printer details06:58
troy_sso that it works.06:58
troy_slet me see if i can dig up the links on page constraints06:59
mhztroy_s: well, my main concern is that if I made this SVG (Cd label) for the LoCo, and they all use diff printers and diff CD paper brands07:00
mhzthen, we'd all get crazy07:00
mhzOne excellent thing about inkscape is that it has very detailed rule to use and measure paper layout of elements on page07:01
mhzso, all LoCo memebers could easily adapt such file to specific needs07:01
troy_sbasically, if your printer is calibrated and you have set ink or gimp to the proper sizes, all is well.07:01
troy_sbut you need to calibrate your local printer to make sure one inch is one inch07:01
troy_sand there is a way to do that...07:01
mhzanohter thing I noticed is that default paper for CD labels is usally ONLY or mostly, the Avery brand. Why would that be so?07:02
mhzis that really so typical?07:03
troy_swhat make of printer is it?07:05
troy_sthe sizes are sort of set by the mainstream -- for example if you go to staples you can get the no-name version of avery brand labels...07:05
troy_shp has a raw format for precise printing...07:05
troy_spbm2ppm has more info07:05
mhztroy_s: ok, i'll google for pbm2ppm07:06
troy_smhz, try that page too... it has gimp specific plugins.07:09
=== mhz tabbing
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msikmaHey all10:58
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msikmaWhere is Frank Schoep? He on vacation?02:07
msikmaI sent him a mail but haven't heard from him.02:08
=== lapo [n=lapo@host238-223-static.40-88-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_sgreetings lapo03:32
troy_smsikma, Frank is darn busy.03:33
troy_smsikma, I am sure he will get back to you when he can.03:34
lapoyo troy_s03:37
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newz2000Anyone here good at making icons for Windows programs? (ico files)04:41
newz2000Bazaar is having troubles.04:41
msikma_If all you want is an ICO file as simple as possible, you can just make a BMP and rename it. The top-left pixel is the transparency value.04:51
msikma_At least, that worked back in Windows 95...04:51
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andreasnnewz2000: I think you can create ico-files with gimp, otherwise I would recommend microangelo05:00
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cbx33ping troy_s08:16
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