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svakshahi, is there a MT meeting scheduled this week?03:58
=== mdke hugs svaksha
mdke"I suggest its better to amalgamate the Magazine and UWN with the03:59
mdkeFridge as the publishing space, instead of creating seperate projects03:59
mdkewhich essentially carry similar messages. </end thinking loud> "03:59
mdkeSPOT ON03:59
=== svaksha returns the hug
svakshato be fair,  Sara has put in effort so I dont want to discourage people who take an initiative.04:00
mdkeright, it's important to recognise the efforts made but ensure that the enthusiasm is getting guided in a direction that is going to produce a good result04:01
svakshabut then its not a 1-person project so she does need help04:01
svakshamdke: i agree04:02
svakshamaybe it will be easier to understand if proposals were submitted to the list for discussion first , as IRC is not timezone friendly04:03
svakshamost meetings are held past midnight (my local time) so I do prefer the mailing list04:04
matthewrevellsvaksha: The magazine project has been carried over from the time where the team was split between the mailing list and some privately held forums04:05
matthewrevellThose forums were taken offline, as part of a dispute04:05
matthewrevellSo, we can't see what the original rationale was.04:05
svakshayes, I saw some rumblings but surely we can leave that behind and get ahead04:06
matthewrevellWell, yes, of course, but I was making the point that the magazine was discussed on forums, not on irc.04:06
svakshaat this moment if we can find a middle path it will be nicer04:06
matthewrevellA middle path?04:06
svakshaahh...ok, i am not a forums person :)04:06
svakshai mean find a way to avoid overlap and keep it together instead of rejecting the idea totally04:07
matthewrevellIf people want to create a magazine, then they're free to.04:08
matthewrevellIt's probably a better use of their time and energy if we all work on one thing, though.04:08
matthewrevellIf we can encourage people, through the mailing list, that we should help with UWN and the Fridge, then that's probably better idea. *Unless* the magazine guys can show they're catering for a different need.04:09
matthewrevellas I say, people are free to do as they please.04:09
svakshafrom the wiki I found Sara as the lead and she does have 3-4 people working on it but its not clear  so I cant really say anything04:10
svakshai read the wiki and specs on LP04:11
svakshaok, I will post a message tonight on the list about bringing the magazine and UWN together on the Fridge.04:14
mdkeyou just did :)04:14
=== svaksha hopes that it does workout
matthewrevellsvaksha: I'm sure it will :)04:15
mdkethings tend to04:16
svakshabye all..04:23
=== svaksha leaves for dinner
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x535de8fb.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
MenZaHas anyone seen Jenda lately?06:08
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gaz00iirc, jenda wont' be back for another 2 weeks06:13
gaz00might be one by now... dont' really remember06:14
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x535de8fb.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing

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