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AndreasBedoes anyone have experience using ldap with ubuntu?05:54
=== Veselin [n=panzer@burzum.etf.bg.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu-server
Veselinhi, can anyone help me with a rather tricky problem dealing with chroot?06:21
Veselinseems not to work on my setup (6.06 server i386, kernel 2.6.15-24)06:22
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RiesAndreasBe: I have06:29
AndreasBeRies: cool.06:34
AndreasBeRies: i'm having issues with the 'admin' group. Users in this group (ldap-posix-group) cannot use sudo. any clues.06:35
RiesAndreasBe: I never used it actually for managing posix accounts..... 06:39
RiesAndreasBe: I would turn on ldap debugging and see what requests are send the LDAP... maby it doesn't return something correctly...06:40
RiesAndreasBe: I use LDAP for a SSO solution in a web application06:40
AndreasBeRies: ah, ok. i have debugging activated. nothing to find there. The other "special" group like cdrom, floppy or audio work fine.06:42
Riesare the users really member of the group?06:44
AndreasBeRies: yeah, 'groups' issued by a ldap-user returnes all groups properly.06:49
Rieswhat does sudo say?06:49
AndreasBei suppose it could have something to do with the /etc/pam.d/* files.06:50
AndreasBeRies: sudo asks for the password and then returns with nothing.06:50
derekSi have this in my fetchmail rc file 30 nicks (30)] 06:52
derekS mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %s"  06:52
derekS-d specifies local user06:52
derekSdoes %s put it in?06:52
RiesAndreasBe: when sudo asks for a password... do you see any activity on LDAP after you entered it, and yes.... pam needs to be configured for that... I don't have a aclue if ubuntu well set that up for you.... You can use ldap-tools for that----I think....07:07
RiesAndreasBe: Last time I did that was on Debian with Samba07:07
RiesAndreasBe: Oo... and that was 3.5 years ago :)07:07
AndreasBeRies: yeah, on samba its pretty nice to configure. I have edited a whole bunch of files in /etc/pam.d/ (as described in the LDAPClientAuthentication wiki article of the ubuntu wiki). There is a special file for sudo as well, but it just includes files. In the included files i have added the ldap-login to be sufficient.07:09
AndreasBeRies: i suppose a reason could be the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. "compat" is looked for before "ldap" for groups. But changing this results in a known bug using gdm to login.07:10
Rieswho cares about gdm :) Or are you making a thin client situattion?07:12
AndreasBeRies: yes. i'm planning to use ubuntu in a multi-user environment. ~50 PC's and 200 users. shared homes via nfs and authentification via ldap. both clients and server using ubuntu.07:14
AndreasBeand yes. i need gdm ;)07:14
RiesAndreasBe: Ooo yes ic...07:35
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fryfrogah, spiffy07:37
=== Spec [n=dragonco@ubuntu/member/spec] has joined #ubuntu-server
Spechmm, seems like a channel to me.07:37
fryfroghi, i was interested in ubuntu as a server... anyone around?07:37
Specoh, me, me, i'm around.07:37
fryfrogever used ubuntu as server distro?07:38
fryfroghow do you like it as a server os?  ever used other distros?07:38
Speci like it well enough07:38
fryfrogi'm getting a bit tired of *gentoo* as my server07:38
Speci've used a lot of distros07:39
Specat work I use debian on our servers though07:39
Specbut if it were up to me, i'd use Ubuntu.07:39
fryfrogi like the idea of ubuntu cause i'd probably go with debian, if it wasn't so old07:39
Specold is good07:39
fryfrogwell, that is true07:39
Specit depends on your environment07:39
fryfrogi'm not looking to setup microsoft.com or anything, so i prefer a little bit new but still stable07:39
Specubuntu is good then :)07:40
fryfrogdebian testing/unstable, i think i'd be happy with07:40
Specjust do a minimal install though, you don't want X on a server07:40
fryfroggentoo is just a little *too* unstable :)07:40
fryfrogi concur :)07:40
Speci got tired of gentoo :p, i was running it for my home os though07:40
fryfrogyou ever mess with chroot ssh jails, shared ftp/www, etc?07:40
Riesfryfrog: I use EL4 also... and ubuntu... ubuntu is stable... EL4 also ofcourse... however EL4 is horrible support for extra module... wich comes out of the box in ubuntu, for example EL4 doesn't even have php-mcrypt... you need to get it from some DAG repository07:40
SpecEL4? like RH?07:40
Riesfryfrog: if you are planning on outting your server in a DC... then make sure your DC does support ubuntu... :)07:41
fryfrogRies: EL = RH Enterprise Linux (/centos)?07:41
RiesSpec: EL4 like in RH enterprice....07:41
fryfrogah, no datacenter.  just my computer room with a window ac unit :)07:41
Specyeah, RHEL4 :), i hate it07:41
fryfrogi'm not so fond of the rpm distros, but thats just from old bad experience :)07:42
Specand recent bad experience07:42
Riesfryfrog: centos is not from RH... just something that looks liek RH... I think, I never used it..... I have a couple of clients that use EL4, and also on one of our prod servers... however I am not to happy with it07:42
fryfrogknow of anyplace good to read about chroot ssh/ftp?07:42
fryfrogRies: CentOS is RHEL clone07:42
Speccentos compiles RHEL rpms into a free version of RHEL07:42
Specit's exactly like RHEL07:42
RiesSpec: I hae up2date myself...... up2date doesn't hardly have any modules... and then you need to get it from some crapy repository07:42
fryfrogbut it is teh free :)07:42
Specchroot ssh/ftp ... hmm, there might be a page about that on the wiki07:43
Specare you talking about UML type chroot?07:43
RiesI never used CentOS, why use that when you can have something like Debian... but thn updated?!?!?! :D07:43
fryfrogi guess the thing i'd really like to get done right is a proper shared web hosting environment (for my learning)07:43
fryfrogi *think* what i mean is having www/ftp/ssh access, like some hosts provide to their customers07:44
fryfrogi don't have any customers, but i like to learn how it is done :)07:44
Riesfryfrog: ubuntu server 6 works really great out of the box... 2 weeks ago I installed software raid on a server, on top of that LVM... and on top of that XFS... all out of the box during installartion....07:44
Riesfryfrog: Whule El4... only supports (Ithink) EXT3 which is to slow for my perpose....07:44
fryfrogmy gentoo box is giving my software raid5 grief at boot :(07:45
fryfrogand my network cards like to swap at reboot07:45
fryfrogits real fun when you reboot remotely :/07:45
fryfroganyway, i think i will snag some spare hardware and see what its like07:46
fryfrogdon't wanna just jump in and blow away my current server :)07:46
Riesfryfrog: hehehe... well that is a config issue I am afraid... then tell teh system which nic should go on what port (eth0 or eth1) all distros can have that issue... you properly have two exact same nics in the server07:46
fryfrogRies: sort of :/07:46
fryfrogRies: they are two totally different nics (an nforce and an nge2)07:47
fryfrogbut they were ignoring module load order at boot :/07:47
Riesfryfrog: you can configure that.... However I like a distry that doesn't overwrite my own settings in /etc... as far as I can see ubuntu doesn't do that... like Debian..07:47
fryfrogfortunatly, i don't reboot much :)07:47
fryfrogRies: i ended up just *not* compiling the module for the other nic07:47
fryfrogdon't need two anyway07:48
Riesfryfrog: I have seen it... maby the chipset is the same?? I don't know... but you can configure the system for it..07:48
fryfrogand i have to specify my raid5 array on kernel boot :(07:48
fryfrogno, two totally different cards07:48
Riesodd... never seen that....07:48
Riesonkly with teh same nics...07:48
fryfrogi set it up to load one module before the other, but never could find a kernel param to force load order07:48
Riesubuntu server let's you caonfigure software raid 1 and 5 out of the box....07:48
fryfrogi have the same problem with my 2 sata controllers, but it isn't a big deal07:49
fryfrogits weird07:49
fryfroggrub sees controller 1 first, and everything works07:49
fryfrogbut once booted, controller 1 is "second" :)07:49
Riessata is crap... hahahahha...althoug it perofrms nice a dev server (80MB/sec disk to disk)07:49
Rieson a prod server with a 3ware it's horrible slow...07:49
fryfrogsata > pata07:49
fryfrogi'm surprised, i've heard nothing but good things about 3ware07:50
fryfrogthough, sata is no scsi of course!07:50
fryfrogi got the free ubuntu dvds :)07:50
fryfrogi wonder, does it have the "server" install?07:50
fryfroganyway, thanks for the info07:51
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Specfryfrog: re networking cards swapping on boot: look into /etc/iftab07:54
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derekSprocmail pisses me off10:08
derekSanyone wanna help me with a "recipe"10:08
uniqwhat's your problem with it? 10:57
uniqI only use it for simple filters.. don't know how much i can help.. but anyway.10:58
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_jhow to enable masquerading or natting ? ive tried this(http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/t69pXZ63.html) but it doesnt work11:45
Ries_j: I would suggest install shorewall :)11:47
Ries_j: really... I use it for all my server and never did let me down... if you really want to use iptables then I cant help you... it's to cryptic for me11:47
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