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poningrugood to be back06:16
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ormiretponingru_: now there's two of you back!06:28
poningru_with our powers combined...06:33
poningru_err nm06:33
adamant1988we are captain.. WTF is that?06:34
poningru_captain planet??06:38
adamant1988One ring to rule them all.06:39
poningru_hmm a captain planet/LOTR crossover06:41
adamant1988yeah, with a little clerks mixed in there06:42
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Burgundaviawhiprush: ping08:17
adamant1988hello all08:17
whiprushBurgundavia: pong08:57
Burgundaviawhiprush: I am good to go for the gnome booth08:57
whiprushBurgundavia: got your message, I;m in the middle of moving is all and I'm laptop-only08:57
Burgundaviawhiprush: I will be there just after 10am on Tuesday08:58
Burgundaviahowever, if you need help with the GNOME booth, my company president said he could help08:58
BurgundaviaI will be bringing a laptop and an extra monitor, to showcase DiscoverStation08:58
Burgundaviawhiprush: can you call my work number tomorrow and chat for a bit?08:59
whiprushwe need to locate some LCD panels.09:00
Burgundaviawhiprush: 10866-873-900809:00
Burgundaviawhiprush: how many do you need?09:00
whiprushsec, let me tomboy that09:00
BurgundaviaI can bring those09:00
whiprushLTSP is getting us two terminals09:00
BurgundaviaI will effectively no checkon, so I can carry a few things09:01
Burgundaviawhiprush: I work 11-7 your time09:04
Burgundaviaassuming you are in detroit right now09:04
whiprushonly reason I'm awake is the damn heat. :-/09:12
Burgundaviawhiprush: indeed. You on gnome-marketing?09:17
whiprushBurgundavia: yeah, read it, will reply in the morning09:35
Burgundaviawhiprush: perfect, nothing major09:35
whiprushthe only thing I am unsure of is where to pick up these "gnome box"09:35
whiprushthe booth stuff09:35
whiprushI guess the foundation just ships it out there09:35
Burgundavialikely. I didn't know there was a US box09:35
whiprushIt's new09:42
Burgundaviaah, shiny09:42
Burgundaviaare we the first to use it?09:42
whiprushi believe so09:43
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matthewrevellelkbuntu: Nice work on kicking off the research wiki page. Just making my contribution to it now.11:46
elkbuntumatthewrevell, bimberi and others have made contribution to it already11:51
MenZaLink, elkbuntu11:58
MenZaThis track is so awesome and addictive12:00
matthewrevellelkbuntu: cool12:00
mdkehi there matthewrevell12:01
matthewrevellmdke: howdy12:01
matthewrevellmdke: Have you seen my fridge-devel reply?12:05
mdkeno, I set vacation on that mailing list, lemme check12:05
matthewrevellmdke: you on hol?12:05
mdkeno, I just don't like getting email12:06
mdkei read all the other mailing lists in a newsreader12:06
matthewrevellaha :)12:08
mdkematthewrevell: sounds perfectly reasonable, yes12:09
elkbuntumdke, what is your take on the wiki page we were discussing?12:13
mdkeelkbuntu: I'm afraid I haven't read it yet12:13
=== elkbuntu sits down to stare at mdke until he's read it.
matthewrevellelkbuntu: Today's pretty busy for me,but I hope to get some work done on it this evening (UK time - i.e. around eight hours from now)12:14
elkbuntumatthewrevell, sure12:15
=== mdke returns elkbuntu's gaze placidly
elkbuntumdke, dont make me bring out the whip of slavery :P12:16
mdkeelkbuntu: looks like a good initiative to me12:23
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntuwb bimberi01:07
bimberiheya elkbuntu01:09
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MenZaelkbuntu, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcKOQrz19Yg03:56
mdkewhoops, sorry04:00
mdkeI just confused irc with a terminal, intended to do a /who04:01
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=== ompaul pours mdke a cup of tea, to get over the shock :)
MenZaEveryone knows coffee > tea04:35
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=== matthewrevell heart sinks at reading ML
matthewrevellmdke: Probably shouldn't have press return on that line.05:50
matthewrevellSorry, just wonder if some people read the ML before they post.05:50
mdkeit's tricky to read it all :D05:51
mdkeanything in particular?05:51
adamant1988hello all05:53
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