
rr72how do i install xinet and how do i add services by habnd to it?12:11
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rr72i need some help12:12
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alert_rr72: restarting some service is here - /etc/init.d/12:13
rr72its not there12:13
rr72i had to install xinetd for it to show up12:13
alert_rr72: example - #networking restart12:13
rr72would networking restart inet.conf?12:13
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rr72can i still use inet.conf with xinet or no?12:14
h3sp4wninetd.conf or inet.conf ?12:15
alert_where you was found inet.conf ? o_O12:16
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KartiSRTech: Sorry, the version I have is the downloaded DVD and the third option down after safe mode is a Text Install12:17
rr72i got it12:19
rr72i was missing a pack12:19
KartiSRTech: ?12:20
SRTechKarti, thanks for trying12:20
Kartican you download the DVD?12:20
SRTechOnly problem is this laptop does not have a DVD drive :)12:20
SRTechit's that old12:20
dr_willisMy laptop is so old - it can only read dvd+r12:20
dr_willisor was it -r's12:21
Kartithere are CDs12:21
Kartisame download sites12:21
dr_willisThat had me WAY confused one day... "the dvd works! why not in the laptop!"12:21
KartiI even put it on my neighbours Mac12:21
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Kartior if you can wait shipit does cds (I think)12:22
SRTechShip-it does do cds, thats where I got mine12:23
mossmanHi all.  Anyone have any issuse with kubuntu, cedega and Everquest?  I find it is running very slow.  I use an ATI Card with the proper drivers on a 2 ghz Intel, with 1 gig ram?   Has anyone encountered anything similar?12:23
Kartiso you have the cds..........strange that it does not have a text install12:23
SRTechyeah, unless there is a hidden command or something12:24
Kartithe menu on the dvd has about 8 items12:24
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SRTechonly 5 on the cD12:24
Kartinumber three being text install12:24
dr_willismossman,  best bet - check the cedega forums12:25
SRTechif I hit F6, I get a cryptic string, (can copy down if you want), that looks like it sets options for the boot12:25
Kartionly other thing is to try another make, PCLinuxOS is really good12:25
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Kartilet me do a quick search12:25
mossmanI was at the cedega forms. Followed their advice,  still lagging.  Perhaps 25 FPS  Not easy to play at that speed12:26
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KartiSRTech: It looks like they is an alternate text install cd12:27
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SRTechok, got a link?12:27
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pmartinhi is the ati driver in the adept program?12:28
pmartini cannot find it..12:28
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:29
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Kartijust looking now ubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso12:30
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pmartincan we use adept to compile and install from source?12:30
dr_williswith apt-get you can12:31
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:31
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mossmanpmartin,  sorry not yet12:31
h3sp4wnpmartin: just use apt-get -b source12:31
KartiSRTech: what country you in?12:31
dr_willisof course why you would need to use apt-get -b source  - is the next question. :P12:32
pmartinthanks, i had my uncle put this distro on his pc.  it seems nice sofar..12:32
KartiSRTech: and  use the alternatehttp://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/6.06/12:32
pmartinis starting and stoping services similar to debian12:33
dr_willisUbuntu and its variants are decently well done.12:33
SRTechKarti, Thanks a ton!12:33
dr_willisIdential to debian.12:33
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dr_willisor  I think they are. :P12:33
KartiNo probs..........11.30 here so good luck with the next cd12:33
pmartinok, i was looking at the kubuntu docs, i didnt see that,   so i can get the debian docs and try to follow..12:33
mynameisMudanyone know if ubuntu studio project is an actual distribution or just a how-to for installing the packages?12:34
h3sp4wnmynameisMud: Its not a distribution do you need a realtime preempt kernel ?12:34
mynameisMudh3sp4wn, hmm what's that?12:35
dr_willisI cant recall ever hearing about 'ubuntu studio'12:35
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h3sp4wnIts just a set of documents telling you how to setup jackd for real low latency12:36
h3sp4wn(But I never managed to get it working properly on dapper - couldn't get it below 40ms even with the realtime kernel and an maudio audio card12:37
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RawSewageUbuntu Studio Project is a How-To now, I believe12:38
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klerfaythow to use "top" command to only monitor one process; e.g. "gamin_server"?12:38
pmartinone last question, does the xgl and compiz in the package manager set up easy?  i have installed it but i dont think its working correctly.12:38
h3sp4wnpmartin: its very out of date12:38
mynameisMudwell anyways, see ya12:38
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dr_willisi dont think XGL is worth more then toying with at this time..  :) its good to show off.. but useablity wise.. well..12:39
RawSewageone nice feature is12:39
RawSewageAlt+Mouse roller12:39
pmartini hope its stable before aero is released ;-)12:39
RawSewagemakes each window have it's own transparency setting12:39
RawSewageyou mean Edgy?12:39
pmartinthats compiz though12:40
RawSewagewhats Aero12:40
dr_willisI dont see the point in trasparent windows - to be honest. :P12:40
pmartinwindows new 3d accelerated, dx9 desktop12:40
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RawSewagetheyre handy12:40
RawSewageso you can see whats going on in IRC while browsing, for example12:41
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dr_willisI keep everything full screen.. and on  normally on its own desktop.12:41
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RawSewagethats why transparency is good12:41
RawSewagefor fullscreen12:41
dr_willistransparent text over text....   Yea.. how unreadable. :P12:41
osohhi all12:41
dr_willisNext big gimmic.. i am betting.12:42
dr_willisLike all the other great-white-hype things in the past. :)12:42
RawSewagethe good thing will be:12:42
RawSewageit will make your computer faster12:42
RawSewagebecause all the desktop painting CPU will be given to your graphics card12:43
RawSewagefreeing up your CPU12:43
RawSewagethus making things run and load faster12:43
dr_willisof course according to the latest ati-amd-forumns/news/comments --  some day the gpu and cpu will be one. :)12:43
pmartinis there a way to view packages in a heirarchy,  such as firefox might be in a www catagorie?12:43
dr_willisthen again   - ive seen 3 differnt 'coprocessor' cards mentioned in the last week.12:43
RawSewagepmartin, Synaptic12:44
h3sp4wnProbably similar to how xscale and via have ipsec accelerators on die12:44
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dr_willisthe amd 'PIC' uses a cpu+gpu i think12:45
RawSewagepmartin, and Firefox is in the World Wide Web category in Synaptic12:45
RawSewageyoure psychic12:45
nikkianacould someone remind me what i need to do to set my default browser in the Konsole12:45
nikkiana(you'd think after I did this four time, I'd remember....)12:45
crazy_penguinnight all12:46
RawSewageI know how to do it with GUI12:46
nikkianaRawSewage, so do i, but whenever i try to do it that way, it doesn't take12:47
crazy_penguinsleep well :)12:47
RawSewagenikkiana, are you doing it in the Default Apps section of KControl12:47
nikkianaRawSewage, yeah.12:47
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nikkianaRawSewage, for whatever reason, doing it that way doesn't make the change..... (I'm trying to swith from Konquerer to Firefox)12:50
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RawSewagenikkiana, Im sure theres an easy way12:50
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RawSewagenikkiana,  did you check the forums12:50
RawSewageIt's rare that you cant find an answer there12:51
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nikkianaI know doing it via Konsole works.... i know it's also not difficult.... i just can't remember how to do it.... and every time i've forgotten, i've looked through the forums and not found the information (I think either someone in here has reminded me... or one of my Linux-y inclined friends)12:51
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nikkianai always thought it strange i could never find this information on the forums...12:53
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iamtdjHello, I have been trying to get amarok to use my ipod but it wont connect to the device.  When I plug it in konquer opens it as a usb device and shows me the folders, but stalls during mounting.  When I mount it manually via a console I can see the files and folders but if I try to copy or open one of them, knoqueror stalls, any help?12:55
kOpternikkiana > update-alternatives12:55
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nikkianakOpter, thank you!12:57
nikkianawhy can't i ever remember that.....12:57
kOpterYou never use it.. only when you've just installed java :)12:57
nikkianakOpter, true12:58
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cerdahow can i make my kde looks better? :] 01:00
dr_willisdepends on your definition of better.01:00
klerfaytcerda: kde-look.org01:00
virgiliocerda: http://www.kde-look.org/01:00
dr_willistheres ooodles of themes to play with01:00
dr_willisand many more can be installed with the package manager.. and then theres the theme sites listed abobe01:00
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nikkianaspeaking of kde themes.... does anyone know if there's a tutorial in existance to make the cute little graphics into usable icons?01:01
cpk2hmm i've got a question, i'm running off an external hard drive on my laptop, but dont like having to shut down when ever i want to move around, would just unmounting the drive work? or do i actually need to have a hdd to keep it running01:01
cerdaive seen some shots looking very similar to mac os01:01
dr_williscerda,  i would consider that making kde  look worse. :)01:01
cerdadr_willis :] 01:02
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dr_willisyears of interface design and research ..   out comes os-x -- "heck with it lets go for the Purty look!"01:02
=== nikkiana giggles at dr_willis
nikkianadr_willis, well, OS X looks better than Windows :P01:02
dr_willisthen ya got the whole "lets prevent the users from makign it look how they want... even tho the feature is in the os.. lets just disable it!01:03
acojlohi, how to completly switch from kubuntu to ubuntu (gnome and all apps)01:03
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gnomefreakacojlo: install ubuntu-desktop01:03
dr_willisacojlo,  apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  then pick gnome from the login screen01:03
gnomefreakacojlo: if you want to get rid of kubuntu (you dont have to) remove libqt3-mt01:03
h3sp4wndr_willis: e17 still looks the best (I think)01:03
dr_willish3sp4wn,  last i messed with E17 - it ran for about 5 min at a time btweeen crashes. :P01:04
cerdadr_willis do u have a shot from u desk? :] 01:04
dr_williscerda,  nope.01:04
cerdaanother thing, anyone uses kopete??01:04
dr_willissimple grey bacnground.. a few icons  thats it.01:04
h3sp4wndr_willis: Well its quite a bit more reliable these days01:04
nikkianae17 would be cool.... if it ever gets finished....01:04
klerfaytnikkiana: never say never01:05
dr_willish3sp4wn,  id would be amazed - if they could make it LESS reliable. :P01:05
dr_willisE17 will be done when Duke Nukem Forever comes out!01:05
nikkianaklerfayt, oh i know. :) just when you give up hope, Linux people like to pull surprises. ;)01:05
h3sp4wnThat is the apokypse that time01:05
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h3sp4wn(when e17 and duke nukem forever are released will be the end of the world)01:06
acojloyes, but how to use gdm instead of kdm ?01:06
nikkianah3sp4wn, very very true.01:06
dr_willisacojlo,  when ya install - it will ask what to use.. select gdm01:06
acojloit did not01:06
acojlosudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop01:07
cpk2select it from the log in screen then01:07
dr_willisor use dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:07
dr_willisI think01:07
klerfayth3sp4wn: to see the end of world is selfish wish01:07
dr_willisevery time ive ever installed gnome/gdm its asked.01:07
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acojlogdm is not installed01:07
acojloi'll install it01:08
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dr_willis ubuntu-desktop  shoudl of installed gdm as well as a LOT of other packages01:08
acojlokde is too frustrating for me01:08
h3sp4wnklerfayt: I don't wish to see it - I wish to cause it01:08
dr_willisGnome is to crippling for me. :P01:08
dr_willisthen again -  i can use either and mix the 201:08
acojloit didn't so now i'm runing 'install gdm' and it's working something01:08
klerfayth3sp4wn: world or humankind?01:09
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo01:09
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RawSewageactually, I recommend KTorrent over Azureus for KDE01:09
RawSewageAzureus doesnt work very well in KDE01:09
acojlook ... i'll see it now01:09
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h3sp4wnklerfayt: humankind01:10
nikkianaAh! I remembered the actual real question I wanted to ask.....01:11
dr_willisSorry we cant answer real Questions. :)01:11
nikkianaIf you install something, say, from a Debian file rather than via the package manager and it doesn't make an icon for the program, how to you make an icon for it?01:12
dr_willisdepends on the program01:12
dr_williscreat a launcher for the panel is normally what i do01:12
klerfaytnikkiana: one thing I dislike about kde styles is that you have to compile it yourself01:12
dr_willisand 'from a debian file, vs the package manager' shouldent matter01:12
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nikkianawell, I installed GIMPshop because i like the menus better than the GIMP, and when it installed, it didn't create an icon01:13
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omeowpixel; http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/01:14
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nikkianaomeow, i was reading about that.01:14
omeowMe too.01:15
omeowI've downloaded it, and I'm trying it.01:15
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omeowIt's a bit GTKy, but i'm quite liking it.01:15
nikkianaomeow, i may download it and give it a shot....01:16
omeowDefinitely do so. They've got ubuntu packages, shouldn't be too hard to install for you.01:16
nikkianaif there's one thing i've been sorely missing since switching to Kubuntu is Photoshop.... and i've yet to find something I'm 100% happy with in Linux....01:17
nikkianaI like Krita's interface..... but it crashes more often than Windows :P01:17
h3sp4wnnikkiana: tried gimp 2.3 ?01:17
omeowI don't like krita's interface.01:17
nikkianaKrita is also missing useful stuff.... but at least I could find things...01:18
omeowI'm not an avid photoshop user, but pixel's interface seems to mimic it.01:18
omeowYes, I would agree on that. It's not as bad as Gimp. :)01:18
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nikkianah3sp4wn, not yet... i may have to check it out too... have they made any notable changes?01:18
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nikkianaGIMPshop at least makes things findable..... but I'm not a big fan of the multiple menu sort of look that both GIMP and GIMPshop have....01:19
klerfaytok here is simple task I can't complete in konqueror: download this svg http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=42308&vote=good&tan=71671442 to your home01:19
nikkianaI love the new version of Inkscape, but that's only vector graphics... It's useful for some stuff, but not everything.01:20
cerdahow can i make amarok look just the thing it seens on kde-look ?01:20
h3sp4wnnikkiana: I wouldn't know whether it was noticable changes but I thought it looked pretty good01:20
nikkianah3sp4wn, i'll have to look into it :)01:21
omeownikkiana, try the demo of pixel, and see if you like that.01:21
nikkianaomeow, i'm installing it now :)01:21
omeowIt does cost money, but it looks like a linux version of photoshop to me. Even the menus seem very much the same.01:21
nikkianaomeow, oooh... it does look nice... and it's not like $32 is that expensive....01:22
omeowNot quite no.01:22
nikkianacompared to what Photoshop costs.... Eek.01:23
omeowI'm going to recommend this to a friend who needs to use gimp on Linux because his job requires that. He was more used to photoshop too.01:23
omeowWonder if he likes this. :)01:23
Philip5Hawkwind: i'm making a testinstall from the repo on a clean kubuntu install :)01:23
Philip5looks like it's working so far01:24
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brandon_why ain't the youtube videos working in konq?01:25
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klerfaytbrandon_: they are working here01:25
klerfaytbrandon_: install flash01:25
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brandon_'tis replied aunt helga01:25
acojlowhat else should I do to switch to gnome?01:25
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acojlothis gnome looks slow - what am I missing?01:33
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soulrideri use KDE01:35
mossmangnome is missing KDE01:35
supernixDo they have a good list of acceptable modems for Kubuntu ?01:36
soulriderim making a program thatw ill inver the letter order in the words ina  phrase :P want ane nglish translation?01:36
supernix56k dialup modems that is01:36
soulriderim just making it to piss my friend off01:36
soulriderno idea supernix01:36
soulriderwho sues 56k anyways? .P01:36
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supernixanyone that does not have broadband01:36
mossmanMost Hardware MOdems are supported by Linux.. For winmodem support check out www.linmodems.com and see if it is listed01:36
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supernixOk but do they have a list of these hardware modems ?01:37
mossmansoulrider: I remember when 56k was fast :P01:37
supernixI thought about buying a serial modem called a Modem Blaster made by Creative Labs01:37
exobuzzanyone running ubuntu dapper on ppc ?01:38
mossmanHardware modems whether serial, PP or USB should just work out of the box.  pci win modems may need a special driver installed01:38
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supernixActually this is the modem to which I was thinking of getting http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=4327785&type=product&id=105138434592201:40
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h3sp4wnsupernix: An external serial modem with be easiest to setup and use01:40
supernixOk that does settle it01:40
mossman"Winmodem (Controllerless)  No"  Should work just fine01:41
mossmanIf you have a machine that still has a serial port01:41
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supernixI bought a PCI that said it supported linux kernel 2.4 and up but it was not easy while the modem seemed to work it dialed and such I still was never able to get ppd to work01:41
h3sp4wnsupernix: us robotics external modem you will never have issues with one of them01:42
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mossmanListen to h3sp4wn01:42
supernixOk hmm with I would have known that I had a chance to get one of them over the weekend while I was having troubles01:42
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supernixI did not know for sure so I did not know what to do01:42
supernixI did however read about that particular modem working for others on Suse01:43
cpk2supernix: you sure it isnt user error?01:43
supernixcpk2: it could very well be01:43
supernixI don't know diddly about kppd01:43
mossmanTrue, Picking out  Hardware can be especally bothersome for linux at times01:43
supernixI use cable modem myself thus I have no issues01:43
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supernixfunny thing that Modem blaster modem works great with linux they say but not so good with WInXP01:44
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mossmanToday,  anyone looking for a modem for dial up, I would recommend perhaps Directway or another 2 way Sat connection.  Faster.  Though a bit pricey01:45
supernixhmmm what is Directway01:45
mossmanDirectway.  or Hughsnet in canada01:45
mossmanyeah Satellite01:46
supernixYeah I will have to get that through DirectTV hear in SC01:46
cpk2satellite hurts when it comes to encryption though01:46
BluesKajrouter is the way togo even if its just wired01:46
supernixI sure will miss my nice cable modem01:46
mossmanI get 700kb/s  Down. However not pratical for serving01:46
supernixGetting married in Nov 11 and will be moving to the country out in the middle of nowhere01:46
supernixSadly at that point I will only have 56k or hopefully Satellite01:47
cpk2thankfully my girlfriend doesnt seem to mind living in the city01:47
mossmanHa.  I live in  the middle of No where.  Directway, has worked nicely for me.  Abouth$70 a month01:47
BluesKajaren't 2 way satellite conns pretty expensive, high up front costs here in Canada , but if yer in the boonies and ya want a decent internet conn, it's the only way to go01:48
cpk2over here in southern california they say "you need a clear view of the southeastern sky for satellite"01:48
supernixI feel lucky I am only paying $50 for a 5mbps connection01:48
mossmanTrue.  I live in rural NS.  Sat equipment ran me 750 dollars CAD .  But when there is no other option, it is nice to know there is a least one01:49
mossmancpk2  there are many sats in stationary orbit.  For your they would be SE,  or SW or NW01:49
BluesKaja fellow canuck , mossman ...so you have Directway ...how do ya like it ?01:50
cpk2i think stationary orbit is an oxymoron =P01:50
mossmanIt is annoying on raining days01:50
cpk2but yeah they do have several asynchronous sats01:50
mossmanthough snow doesn't seem to affect it as much01:50
BluesKajyeah , rainfade01:50
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mossmanIt is fast down,  though the  latency can be up to 3 seconds.  Not suitable for some online games01:51
BluesKaji live in a samll town in Northern Ontario and we fianlly got HS DSL here in 2002 ...been pretty good since01:51
soulrideryay, im moving hard drives01:52
mossmanThats sweet.01:52
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soulriderim gonna have to reinstall linux on another one01:52
soulrideralong withe evrything i installed already :P01:52
soulrideris there an easy way fo doing it other thanr einstallign everything ?01:52
BluesKajbell sympatico , but ya have to live with it01:52
cpk2keep using the same harddrive?01:52
supernixwouldn't it be nice to get listing of know supported hardware for Kubuntu01:52
mossmanWe happen to have a lot of options here. Cable, DSL, Etc.  Only my home is 2 km off the main road, It was cheaper going with Satallite than running 2000 meters of cable01:52
BluesKajyeah , no kidding :)01:53
cpk2in california and florida that i know of verizon will run fiber to your house if you are in the right area01:53
mossmanKubuntu doesn't support hardware.  The Linux Kernel supports it. There are lists avaible on the net.  If One Linux distro will do it they all will01:53
supernixah man that is so kewl I can only imagine having fiber01:54
BluesKajsatellite beats dialup ...even with the lag01:54
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BluesKajI weas talking to some guys in Sweden that are on pure fiber 5real mgs per sec01:55
BluesKaj10 times faster than me01:56
draikrunning cross-country to deliver a letter that you wrote in an email is faster than dial-up01:56
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BluesKajmine is adverted as 5mbs ...I guess that translates to 500kbs in reality01:57
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soulrideroh my, eclipse for linux is so muhc better than eclipse for windows01:58
h3sp4wnI had 8mb baseband at one point (which is alot better than the high latency cable connection I have now)01:58
mossmanI wish all these people with 5mbs connections would seed torrent files a bit longer!01:58
cpk2BluesKaj: thats what 5mbps is...01:58
soulriderlo mossman01:58
soulriderwhat about the people in japan01:58
cpk2mossman: its 5mbps down and about 50kB/s up01:58
soulridercpk2: i have 512/128 now01:59
soulriderbut for years i had 64/6401:59
soulriderimaigne what it was like downloading a movie01:59
soulriderplus, i have to share this connection with ym family01:59
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h3sp4wnI have 4000/128 which is pretty useless for uploading anything01:59
mossmanAhh.  Why do all these companies throttle now?  If everyone is throttling how can anyone get there 5mbs down speed01:59
soulriderand my mom is the lag queen, if somethign takes one more milisecond to load she goes berserk01:59
cpk2my cable is down about 600kB/s and up about 40-50 kB/s02:00
mossmanWell.. My cable modem is better than your cable modem :P02:01
soulrideri got a question02:02
mossmanSoulrider:  Shoot.02:02
soulriderwhy cant i see characters i wrote that are like  un linux correctly if i wrote them in widnows and vice versa02:02
soulridersame with DOS02:02
soulriderit fucked all ym java sources up02:02
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mossmanYou may need french support installed with KDE. N ot sure.  The default Langaue has always been the one I use02:03
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soulriderits spanisha ctually02:03
soulriderthe thing is, in eclipse i see a ? sign02:04
soulriderbut i can just got here and replace it for the correct letter02:04
soulriderlike i see this: vlido02:04
soulriderbut i can replace it for vlido02:04
soulriderand  thats how it wouild look on widnows02:04
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RadiantFirewhat happens if you replace it and go back to windows and opne it02:08
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mossmanh3sp4wn Are you around?02:10
soulriderim back02:11
soulrideri dont know02:11
soulriderbut i guess it will be screwed up02:11
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h3sp4wnmossman: yes02:12
mossmanwould you join me on channel mossman for a min.  I would like to ask you a question?02:12
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h3sp4wnI am there02:14
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:15
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rolandowhat guide  would you recommend to follow to install ati drivers in kubuntu??02:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:17
rolandoive googled for a while and they say different things in each place, so is there an official guide or the most up to date?02:17
RaitoFor some odd reason, I don't get internet in kubuntu anymore. I had internet perfectly fine before, but then I half installed debian and half installed fedora core, since both of them failed I came back to kubuntu and to my surprise, I had no internet. I tried setting up a static ip but that didn't work either. What might have caused this?02:17
rolandothanx ubotu02:18
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wckdkl0wnhow do i install flash 9 for firefox?02:18
rolandowckdkl0wn: im not sure you can02:19
crimsunnot for Linux you can't.02:20
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wolfmanzflash 9 is being worked on but not out yet02:21
HawkwindFlash 9 won't be out til after the first of the year02:22
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h3sp4wnIf you need flash9 I suppose buying crossover office is the only current working method02:24
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visik7flash9 player ?02:24
visik7or what ?02:24
visik7btw benguin.swf is about the develop of the player02:26
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bobbyyuI have a problem... can't access my floppies02:27
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h3sp4wnvisik7: even they only appear to support flash 7 player02:28
visik7who ?02:28
visik7penguin.swf ?02:28
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visik7no they are developing flash8/9 player02:29
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visik7dunno about codeweavers02:29
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visik7and I don't understand if you are talking about player or ide02:30
h3sp4wnplayer (not that it bothers me particularly)02:30
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InstallInProgresInstalling Kubuntu right now at work - after weirdness with fc4 - hope the hd is not getting ready to fail - wanted to upfgrade anyway just NOT TODAY - oh well - sigh -  I really want to get Xen working too - hope it's easy I'm getting sick of fighting with it on every new distro I encounter02:34
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InstallInProgresShould be an interesting first experience with Kubuntu02:34
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kdeiipwow - gotta reboot - that was fast!02:35
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kdeiipGuess that means I will need to do a ton of installs to find all my favorite apps :-(02:35
Kyral...damn he left02:36
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visik7xen isn't easy to get it working at all02:36
KyralActually it is02:36
visik7btw not impossible02:36
supernixXen sounds very complicated02:36
=== Kyral points to HowtoForge
visik7and there are guides to get it working02:36
visik7like the one on howtoforge02:36
supernixthat whole mess about a system inside a system and such02:36
Kyraland the Xen Manual is very nice02:37
macdwhy not just goto xensource and read.02:37
Kyralthough I don't trust distro packages worth a damn02:37
macdvery easy to setup and configure both host and "symbiote" systems02:37
KyralI always compile from source tarball02:37
Kyralthe proper term for a "symbiote" system is either domU or XenGuest02:37
=== macd knows, but symbiote sounds cooler
Kyralextract tarball to /usr/src02:38
Kyralmake world02:38
Kyralmake install02:38
Kyralwell aside from making the domUs....02:38
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visik7and configuring a good dom0 kernel02:38
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visik7that isn't so easy02:38
KyralI get it working FIRST02:38
Philip5if anyone here is interested to try the lastest builds from the Enlightenment 17 cvs then you are welcome to test my deb builds for *ubuntu dapper. the repo contains the following builds: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1944502:38
Kyralthen make a copy of the kernel and play with that02:38
KyralI add in all the IPTables stuff, then strip it down incredibly for the system02:39
visik7Philip5: does e17 take advantages from 3d accell ?02:39
Philip5visik7: not in itself yet... i think02:40
Kyraloh for Xen stuff on Freenode, join ##xen02:40
visik7or go to oftc02:40
Kyralmeh I'm too lazy to connect to another network02:40
Philip5if you want to try the repo with E17 then add this source line to your /etc/apt/source.list 'deb http://seerofsouls.com/ dapper e17'02:41
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h3sp4wnvisik7: evas supports an opengl rendering backend (don't know how stable it is though)02:41
visik7F2 is too complicated ?02:41
aeon17xthe openoffice quickstarter also works in kde, yay02:41
KyralI'm a lazy bastard02:41
Kyraland I'm watching anime!02:41
aeon17xjust to have copy it from ~/.config/autostart02:41
Kyraldid you just misspell "ass"?02:42
=== Kyral points and laughs
visik7asd is like to say lol02:42
Kyraluse standard webslang!02:42
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visik7Kyral: is standard somewhere02:43
visik7standards are goods this is why everybody make their02:44
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RaitoFor some odd reason, I don't get internet in kubuntu anymore. I had internet perfectly fine before, but then I half installed debian and half installed fedora core, since both of them failed I came back to kubuntu and to my surprise, I had no internet. I tried setting up a static ip but that didn't work either. What might have caused this?02:47
rikiohok i just installed kubuntu but i dont remmber it asking me for a username and password during the installation i left the computer name as ubuntu how can i figure out my username and password02:47
rikiohor change them02:48
rikiohi installed with the alt cd02:48
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BluesKajRaito, have you tried configging the dhcp thru the system hardware settings in admin mode ?02:53
RaitoBluesKaj: No, how would I do that? (But that won't help with a static ip, I ussually use a static ip for portforwarding even though I have DHCP)02:54
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BluesKajwell, try dynamic if yer behind a router02:55
RaitoBluesKaj: So where is the dpch configuration through admin mode?02:56
apeman2020I need some help with a PHP / MYSQL error.. any takers?02:56
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BluesKajdunno the advatages of static IP settings , that's beyond me02:58
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RaitoBluesKaj: So I can portforward >_>02:58
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BluesKajdo you use a speedstream router ?02:59
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BluesKajhave you tried rebooting the router?03:00
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BluesKajthat solved my prob after installed gnome a little earlier today...no internet03:01
RaitoBluesKaj, I'll try rebooting the router, that always seems to work.03:02
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BluesKajyup, 90%of the time it does for me too :)03:02
BluesKajbeing on sympatico03:03
RaitoI have sympatico too03:03
BluesKajyeah I saw yer login03:04
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m_tadeuhi everyone...03:07
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m_tadeuis there a way to set a second user with permissions to use sudo?03:08
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proudfootm_tadeu - give them your root password?03:20
proudfootm_tadeu - all users can use sudo03:20
basiliohello, from ubuntu linux, how is it possible to burn ISO images to CD or DVD03:21
basiliois there available software for this03:21
proudfoottry K3b...03:21
BluesKajmultimedia in the k-menu , basilio03:23
BluesKajor gnome menu03:23
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basilioin the "Places" it has CD and DVD creator03:25
basiliois that ok for ISO's03:25
BluesKajnot places, applications03:26
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soulriderany programmers here :P03:29
soulrideri need a bit of help :P03:29
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arcusthe 'CD and DVD creator' in Places is part of Nautilus (well, with the Gnome desktop)03:30
tulgai cannot install WTP on Eclipse. I'm using kubuntu dapper. howto install WTP?03:31
arcusso says the help.03:31
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arcuswhich I don't think will be useful for burning ISOs, it seems more to be about backing up your files to CD/DVD03:31
basilioi dont see GNOME menu03:32
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arcusbasilio: there isn't one - I'm just referring to the fact that I'm using 'ubuntu' rather than 'kubuntu' - so the menu items might not be exactly the same.03:33
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basilioi am using ubuntu03:33
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soulriderbasilio: whata re you trying to do ???03:33
rikiohok after installation it takes the disc out reboots boots up kubuntu or starts too the bar loads all the way then the screen goes black then the kubuntu banner is back again and the bar is darker and it doesnt do anything03:33
basilioburn ISO03:33
rikiohits just froze there03:34
soulriderKDe or GNO;E ?03:34
soulriderKDE or GNOME03:34
arcusbasilio: you should try k3b, as BluesKaj suggested.03:34
soulrideri was ognna sayt hat03:34
soulriderpress alt and space03:34
soulriderand then type k3b and press enter03:34
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rikiohcan anyone help me with my error03:35
BluesKajbasilio, do you see  applications in the panel ?03:35
rikiohwhen its booting up its mounting and all that and the blue bar fills all the way up.. then the screen blinks black and the bar is empty again and its just sitting there frozen03:35
soulriderrikioh: sorry, i dont know03:35
arcusbasilio: a menu called 'applications'.03:35
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rikiohive been trying to get kubuntu installed for like a week now03:35
rikiohor i guess run03:36
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rikiohi got it installed03:36
basilioi will download the kb303:36
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soulriderno need to download03:36
soulriderpress alt+space03:36
ro3i'm a ubuntu user, i just installed kde for ubuntu, where do i put commands of programs i want to start at startup?03:36
soulriderand then type k3b03:36
soulriderkonsole ?03:36
BluesKajbasilio, if it's gnome its at the top of the screen , then it'll be in media03:36
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basilioi am getting it in Add/Remove program03:36
OODyou should already have it03:37
arcussoulrider: I don't think that works on the ubuntu (gnome) desktop03:37
ro3no one knows?03:37
soulriderim using KDE :P03:37
RadiantFirero3: its in session03:38
RadiantFirero3: system->preferences->session03:39
RadiantFire3rd tab03:39
ro3i'm usin KDE!03:39
RadiantFirei just saw gnome!03:39
ro3not gnome03:39
RadiantFiremake a short shell script that runs apps03:39
ro3and put the command in there?03:39
ro3oh ok03:39
ro3great,, thanks03:39
soulrideri donwloaded a small application tod ot hat03:40
soulriderlet me get the name03:40
RadiantFireyeah, don't forget to start with #!/bin/sh and make the file excecutable03:40
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soulriderdo a sudo apt-get install autostart03:41
ro3ok, thanks man03:41
soulriderthen you just go to the control center andt heres a module there03:42
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Bonezhi i'm currently streaming my DVB card via Kaffeine, but am trying to work out how to view the stream on a windows xp pc. can anyone give me a tip on what media player/codecs etc are needed on the winxp machine?03:46
Bonezi can't find any info anywhere about kaffeine03:46
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Bonezcan anyone help?03:48
soulridersorry, i dont know :(03:49
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xwolf-arg. konversation is ages behind xchat, and xchat takes ages to do its tasks03:50
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soulridernever tried xchat03:52
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RawSewagewhat are you talking about03:52
BluesKajkonversation werks fer me ...xchat is ok but i prefer Konver03:52
RawSewageKonversatoin is great03:52
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xwolf-konversation is Good, nothing more.03:53
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andriijashow do i fix permissions to allow my self to burn cds with k3b?03:53
andriijasadd my self to the cdrom group?03:53
andriijasno. im already  a member of that group :o03:53
BluesKajwell xwolf , yer welcome to it :)03:54
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andriijasproblem solved.03:55
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james___hello all03:56
BluesKajhey james___03:56
soulriderhi james___03:56
james___anyone know an easy way to switch between KDE and Gnome on login?03:57
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soulriderim so happy, tomorrow im getting a new comp! :D03:57
BluesKajin the menu below the login pw03:57
soulriderill ahve like 240 GB of HD :D03:57
BluesKajfor games , soulrider ?03:58
james___I added Gnome from Adept but it is not appearing on that menu03:58
soulriderwarez :D03:58
soulriderand yes, ill install games03:58
BluesKajhave rebooted completely since the gnome install03:59
james___hmm...ithought, but not 100% sure03:59
BluesKajtry that03:59
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soulrideryou know how KDE can show a random wallapper ?04:05
clojsterhello, after upgrading from ubuntu to Kubuntu, I've installed KDM. It starts ok, but doesn't start any session like KDE nor Gnome. Where can be the problem?04:05
soulrideria dded around a GB of pics.. do you think it was a bad idea to add thema ll at once?04:05
SeanTatersoulrider: are they in one folder?04:05
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omeowclojster, which package did you install?04:05
clojsteromeow: kdm04:06
omeowYou should install kubuntu-desktop I believe.04:06
Tibclojster: your .xinitrc?04:06
SeanTatersoulrider: I have exactly the same thing, excapt I have ~2GB pics (30,000 or so)04:06
clojsterI've installed it04:06
abattoirTib: hi :).... Let me guess you said hi because my nick sounds french? :P04:06
SeanTatersoulrider: okay, maybe not 30,00004:06
clojsterTib wait04:06
soulriderKDe crashed lol04:06
soulridermy background is black04:06
soulriderand i cant see my icons04:06
Tibabattoir: i am french04:06
soulriderhow can i restore it ?04:06
SeanTatersoulrider: no icons?04:06
SeanTatersoulrider: okay, start a terminal04:07
abattoirTib: yes, that much i figured out... but why say hi to me, out of the 224 other people here?04:07
Tibabattoir: i am french canadian04:07
SeanTatersoulrider: type in kdesktop and press enter04:07
clojsterTib: i don't have xinitrc in my home folder04:07
Tibabattoir: i guess we were more in contact04:07
soulriderso easy!04:07
abattoirTib: aah, then i must know you... you must have changed your nick...04:07
clojsteri'm entering init 4 by default04:08
SeanTatersoulrider: what happened is that the desktop did not start, you started it manually04:08
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Tibabattoir: i am pierreth!04:08
abattoirTib: yes, now it makes sense :)04:08
Tibabattoir: sorry!04:08
Hawkwindabattoir: You ever use the E17 window manager ?04:08
Tibclojster: it is called .xinitrc04:08
clojsterTib: I know...04:09
soulriderthanks sean04:09
abattoirHawkwind: nope, i'm a kde addict :)04:09
clojsterTib: it's hidden file04:09
SeanTatersoulrider: just to note, don;t select each picture individually or even select all, just pressing ok while the directory is selected will make it do a slide show of all the pictures inside it04:09
soulrideri selected them all....04:09
Hawkwindabattoir: Dang you!  I need some testers for the E17 I now have on my http://SeerOfSouls.com/ site04:09
SeanTatersoulrider: however,04:09
SeanTatersoulrider: there is a catch04:09
Tibclojster: yes, you know how to see them04:09
Hawkwinds/E17/E17 repo04:09
abattoirHawkwind: i think h3sp4wn does04:09
Tibabattoir: i am on xfce now04:10
clojsterTib: but why should help you this file when i'm using sessions... I'm entering directly runlevel 404:10
SeanTatersoulrider: all the pictures must be in that folder, it does not count the folders under that folder04:10
Hawkwindabattoir: Yeah, but he compiles from CVS.  You can either use debs or CVS, you can't mix :(04:10
soulrideri gto a folder called wallapepers lol04:10
clojsterTib: and i dont have .xinitrc in my home dir04:10
soulriderit has like 1.2 gigs of abstract wallpapers04:10
SeanTatersoulrider: I had kdesktop have lost of problems by selecting all04:10
abattoirHawkwind: hmmm, if i had the space i could partition my drive a bit more and try it out....04:10
SeanTatersoulrider: it also instantly works04:10
HawkwindAnyone in here interested in testing an E17(Enlightenment-DR17) repo by chance ?04:10
SeanTatersoulrider: does not take 30 mins to index04:10
Tibclojster: it must be another script file then04:10
abattoirHawkwind: there are for ubuntu?(ebuntu :P)04:10
SeanTatersoulrider: good!04:11
Hawkwindabattoir: Built on Kubuntu, for all *buntu derivatives.04:11
abattoir*these are for04:11
soulriderthanks for the help!04:11
SeanTatersoulrider: having them all in a folder called wallpapers would work well04:11
Hawkwindabattoir: I wish I could get these accepted into ebuntu :P04:11
SeanTatersoulrider: glad to be ghelpful04:11
SeanTatersoulrider: /helpful/04:11
SeanTatersoulrider: :D04:11
Tibabattoir: kde was too slow04:11
abattoirTib: on a mac mini, right?04:11
abattoirHawkwind: is the project even alive?04:12
Tibabattoir: right04:12
Hawkwindabattoir: It was.  Their site says it will be an official Canonical project by time Dapper+1 is released04:12
Tibabattoir: but may the problem is only when the task bar is on the right side of the screen04:12
TibTib: the buttons were slow to draw04:13
Tibabattoir: for the rest, it was fast04:13
abattoirHawkwind: i remember someone speaking of reviving it....04:13
abattoirTib: *only* when the kicker was on the right?04:13
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Tibabattoir: yes, the buttons were drawing slowly on the kicker04:14
abattoirTib: ATi? installed the drivers?04:14
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abattoirTib: ok, brb04:15
Tibabattoir: why are they drawing fast when the kicker is at the bottom of the screen?04:15
Tibabattoir: i am not konversation04:15
Tibabattoir: i don't have the tab short cut04:15
Tibabattoir: may be I should install it04:16
Tibabattoir: i don't know about the driver04:17
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ro3how can i make gaim, gajim, and amarok startup automatically at startup?how can i make gaim, gajim, and amarok startup automatically at startup?how can i make gaim, gajim, and amarok startup automatically at startup?04:18
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damian_he left04:20
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wolfmanzro3 click on the system tray and then panel menu and add them from there04:26
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TheHighChildAnyone use knode?04:28
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rikiohok so before the login screen where its loading kubuntu the last thing that it says for me before the bar fills up is loading system log.... then the bar goes empty and it appears as if its doing nothing for a while.... next it says restarting system log over and over and over04:31
TheHighChildro3 Kmenu > run command > "kdesu konqueror"  Then navigate to /usr/share/autostart and drag and drop the application icons from kmenu into there. Or you can use kcontrol-autostart or add the apps to ~/.kde/Autostart04:31
rikiohand never gets to the login screen04:31
HawkwindWhy is everyone talking to ro3 when he left 10 minutes ago :P04:32
rikiohim not im still having problems04:32
TheHighChildrikioh: During the startup, press ctrl + alt + f1 to bring up a failsafe terminal, see if you can get an specific error message. To get back to the GUI ctrl + alt + f704:32
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rikiohkk high child04:32
TheHighChildmy bad, i answer questions, not babysit anxious IRC cats04:33
CVirusdoes the restricted repos. has dapper-security updates like the main repos. ?04:33
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HawkwindLOL TheHighChild04:33
Ash-Fox-Is there a way I can get KDE's file associations to synchronised with.. well whatever firefox/thunderbird uses for file associations? If so, how?04:33
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rikiohok high child there was no error message when i did ctr.alt.f104:41
rikiohbut it did have ubuntu login:04:41
rikiohthen password04:41
rikiohit signed me in04:41
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rikiohthen i hit ctrl.alt.f7 and it just had a blank screen with the underscore blinking04:42
rikiohand did nothing04:42
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rikiohanyone help?04:43
Tibit is late now04:44
Tibit is rainning outside04:44
Tibbetter chance tomorrow04:44
rikiohnvm then tib ill go to ubuntu04:45
TheHighChildrikioh: It's ctrl + alt + f8, very sorry04:45
rikiohkk ill try that04:45
Hawkwindf8  ???04:45
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Hawkwindctrl-alt-f7 is the X server04:46
HawkwindThere won't be anything on F804:46
HawkwindExcept a blinking cursor04:46
TheHighChildHave you googled the forums at all? yeah, i am telling him how to view the system information during startup04:46
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rikiohwell a blinking cursor was on f7 too04:46
rikiohcuz it looked froze so i did f104:46
HawkwindSystem info isn't on F8 though.  F8 won't have anything unless he starts a second X session04:46
Tibi am back...04:46
rikiohand typed in username and pass... it loged04:47
rikiohthrough console04:47
rikiohthen i hit f704:47
rikiohand it only had a blinking cursor04:47
TheHighChildHawkwind: Well, that's how I always view mine.04:47
Hawkwindrikioh: When you logged in with your username and password, it would take you to X or a KDM login screen04:47
TheHighChildIt shows the startup processes and their status, when it hangs on one, you can see it04:47
Hawkwindrikioh: You shouldn't be hitting ctrl-alt-f7 or anything04:47
rikiohok hers the story :)04:47
HawkwindTheHighChild: That's ctrl-alt-f1 where it shows that04:47
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rikiohit does the kubuntu loading screen loads everything then the blue bar goes empty and it sits there forever04:48
rikiohoccassionally saying restarting system log04:48
rikiohbut thats it04:48
rikiohit never makes it to the login screen04:48
Tibi am using konversation on mac os04:48
Hawkwindrikioh: Did you try hitting ctrl-c at that point ?04:48
rikiohthen i hit ctr.alt.f104:48
TheHighChildHawkwind: Apparently not because it doesn't for me and it didn't for rikioh. I do the combo right now and see the last thing is "startking kdm display" "preparing for thinkpad use"04:48
rikiohwhat would ctrl.c do?04:48
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Hawkwindrikioh: It might get you past that point where it stops04:49
rikiohok i will go try that04:49
rikiohbe back in a minute :)04:49
rikiohthank you again04:49
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HawkwindTheHighChild: Then you have something messed up.  All linux distros use F1 screen for logs, then F7 is X.  Unless you start a second X session, nothing will ever be on F8, ever04:49
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TheHighChildI disagree. I've never messed with my failsafes and every Kubuntu intsall has acted in the same way, even my brothers as well04:50
HawkwindTheHighChild: Strange.  I have nothing on F8 currently.  Haven't for 4 1/2+ years unless I start a second X session04:50
TheHighChildNot even sure how to start a second session04:51
Tibhow can I start the kicker without kde?04:51
HawkwindTheHighChild: startx -- :204:51
HawkwindTib: In a terminal type: kicker04:51
HawkwindTib: Or kicker &04:51
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TibHawkwind: thank you!04:51
HawkwindTib: You're welcome04:52
abattoirTib: am back...04:52
HawkwindOh wait...sorry :P04:53
Tibabattoir: i just made a build of konversation!04:53
Tibabattoir: to get the tab shortcut04:53
Tibabattoir: i am running kde on mac os04:54
abattoirTib: using 'dpkg-buildpkg' ?04:54
abattoiror whatever it is :P04:54
TheHighChildHawkwind: What file is the failsafe config in?04:54
abattoirTib: aah, that's cool :)04:54
Tibabattoir: now, i used fink04:54
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HawkwindTheHighChild: I really don't know to be honest04:54
rikiohwell ctrl c did nothing04:54
abattoirTib: an Intel Mac... or a PPC?04:54
rikiohits stil frozen there04:54
Tibabattoir: open source is cool, you can do what we want!04:54
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rikiohhawkwind what would you do in my situation04:55
abattoirTib: indeed :)04:55
Tibabattoir: on a powerpc04:55
rikiohreformat and re install?04:55
Hawkwindrikioh: This a fresh install ?04:55
rikiohnever used04:55
Hawkwindrikioh: abattoir is much more experienced than I am so he might can tell you something04:55
Tibabattoir: linux on ppc is not cool :-(04:55
cpk2any idea why i would lose my screen after stopping kdm?04:55
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TheHighChildI remember on Fedora core, it was f1 but It's always been f8 for me on Kubuntu and I've performed several installs. Not sure why it would be different.04:55
Hawkwindrikioh: I've only been using Kubuntu for about a month04:55
cpk2i had to login and then reboot blind04:55
abattoirHawkwind: heh, LOL04:55
Tibabattoir: i have to build everything04:55
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Hawkwindrikioh: Have you installed any kind of nvidia/ati drivers ?04:56
Tibabattoir: I even have to build the tools needed to build :-(04:56
rikiohive never even made it to the login screen04:56
mistik1hey Hawkwind04:56
mistik1have you made the switch?04:56
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rikiohit freezes before the login screen04:56
Hawkwindrikioh: So you installed, booted the box and it stops at starting the logging system ?04:56
TheHighChildcpk2 your windowing system is KDE, kdm is the process that runs it. If you want to retstart it sudo /etc/init.d/kdm {stop-start-restart} any of those options04:56
Tibabattoir: ?04:57
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abattoirrikioh: iirc, i asked you to try the 'safe boot' thing yesterday... that too freezes? or have you finished installation?04:57
Hawkwindmistik1: Yep, about a month ago.  I stepped down as op of #Mandriva after 3+ years as well04:57
KViruswhere does apt put the files retreived by apt-get update and are they safe to be deleted ?04:57
mistik1Hawkwind: wow04:57
abattoirTib: those are the downfalls... :(04:57
rikiohi gave up on that pc abattoir and i successfully installed it on this pc04:57
Hawkwindmistik1: Just setup my first deb repo on SoS tonight :P04:57
rikioheverything is booting fine then right when the bar fills up it freezes04:57
rikiohand never goes to the login screen04:57
Tibabattoir: yes, i will have to buy a new computer to be on linux :-(04:57
mistik1Hawkwind: awesome man04:57
rikiohit just keeps saying restarting system log04:57
Hawkwindmistik1: SoS already gets 1.7 million hits a month, now it'll get alot more since I'm expanding it04:57
abattoirrikioh: did you check the CD for defects?04:57
Tibabattoir: i don't have the money to do so now04:58
rikiohyes none were found04:58
rikiohim not even using the cd right now04:58
rikiohthis is just off my hdd04:58
abattoirTib: what happened to your kubuntu installation04:58
Tibabattoir: it was too slow04:58
abattoirrikioh: and the last (error) message is?04:58
abattoirTib: aah, yes, the kicker04:58
soulriderHawkwind: whats SoS?04:58
Tibabattoir: i formatted my drive04:58
Hawkwindsoulrider: http://SeerOfSouls.com/04:58
TheHighChildKVirus: debs are stored in here /var/cache/apt/archives and you can clear them out with 'apt-get clean'04:59
Tibabattoir: but i will try again04:59
rikiohi get no error messages abattoir.... it just says restarting system log over and over04:59
h3sp4wnTib: Try kanotix or xubuntu (they will run alot faster)04:59
Hawkwindsoulrider: It's my site I started a couple years back.  It's currently the largest 3rd party rpm repository for Mandriva.  I'm expanding it by adding debs too04:59
Tibabattoir: xubuntu is what i have installed now04:59
Tibabattoir: xfce is fast and light04:59
soulriderdebs :) thanks for us! :)04:59
bigbill52ai am using an old hp computer with 350mhz pentium 2 and 256 megs rams with usb adapter and everything works fine...with just a 6 gig hd.  I installed most of the automatix and still have 2 gig left...did it to see if it would work...05:00
Tibabattoir: i can use konversation with xfce too05:00
rikiohabattoir should i just reinstall again?05:00
bigbill52ausb wireless adapter...05:00
abattoirrikioh: you didnt get any error messages during installation right? also what video card?05:00
soulriderHawkwind:  looks cool, but i dont quite like the logo :P05:00
abattoirTib: indeed :)05:00
KVirusguys i got an error during apt-get update and now the error doesnt appear any more .. is it safe ?05:00
Hawkwindsoulrider: Good thing everyone has their own opinion :P05:00
rikiohradeon x850xt pcie05:00
h3sp4wnTib: What spec is the computer ? I am running kde fine on a 256mb p3 800 laptop with kanotix (but kubuntu was too slow for some reason)05:01
rikiohand no .. no errors05:01
soulriderHawkwind: if you ever decide to geta new one maybe i can help, im not too abd with photoshop :P05:01
Tibh3sp4wn: i have a ppc running at 1,5GHz05:01
abattoirrikioh: so you havent booted even once into this PC... right?05:02
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Hawkwindsoulrider: I'll keep that in mind.  I can't draw a straight line with two rulers side by side.  Heaven forbid if I open up Gimp or anything :P05:02
Tibh3sp4wn: everything was fast in kde...05:02
rikiohnope never made it to the login screen05:02
rikiohnot once05:02
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Hawkwindh3sp4wn: You're compiling E17 from CVS aren't ya ?05:02
Tibh3sp4wn: but the drawing of the button...05:02
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Tibh3sp4wn: when the kicker is at the right side of the screen05:02
soulrideris there a CL IRC client ?05:03
h3sp4wnTib: Those issues existed for me on dapper but not on debian05:03
soulriderthey look cool :P05:03
h3sp4wnsoulrider: irssi05:03
soulrideryay, cool05:03
Tibh3sp4wn: ok, this is a distribution problem so...05:03
h3sp4wnHawkwind: Other than evolume edk_server empower yes05:03
Tibh3sp4wn: my mac is very fast, everything is fast on my machine05:04
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abattoirrikioh: does Ctrl+Alt+F1/F2/F3... etc. give you terminals?05:04
rikiohwhen it appears frozen up f1 prings up a console (dos like) and it asks for ubuntu username i type it in then password i type it in it logs in then i hit f7 and its just a blinking underscore05:05
rikiohf8 does the same05:05
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Tibgood night folks!05:07
rikiohit logs in and leaves me at the promt05:07
h3sp4wnHawkwind: Why ?05:07
rikiohlogged in05:07
HawkwindTib: Good night05:07
rikiohbut i cant get graphics at that point05:07
abattoirrikioh: try 'dmesg' after you login... se if there are any explicit error messages regarding h/w05:07
abattoir*see if05:07
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: I am in the process of setting up a deb repo for E17 on my http://SeerOfSouls.com/ site05:07
rikiohkki im gonna go try it05:07
h3sp4wnHawkind: For edgy ?05:07
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: No, for Dapper05:08
h3sp4wnHawkwind: but you have the source there also ?05:09
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Yeppers. Take a look here:  http://SeerOfSouls.com/dists05:09
h3sp4wnHawkwind: so I could just use apt-get -b source (from the deb-src to use it with edgy)05:09
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: We are still working on getting a few kinks out, but it's all there05:09
soulriderHawkwind: doy ou get money from the banners? if so, il go and click a few :P05:10
soulriderthen you send em those cents :P05:10
Hawkwindsoulrider: I do from the google ads, certainly05:10
abattoirsoulrider: wasnt that a 'send me' ? :P05:11
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soulrideryea, lol05:11
soulrideri cant type05:11
soulrideri stillc ant figure out how i can program without problems05:11
soulriderreally strange...05:12
Ignite_soulrider, what language?05:12
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Ignite_ah, can't help you there, sorry05:12
soulrideri just had my first semester of programming05:12
soulriderbut i lvoed it, and did very well05:13
soulrideri stillc ant make GUIs but thats this semester :)05:13
soulrideri even made a text minesweeper :P05:13
soulridertoday i made a program thatw ill invert the letters in any word of a phrase you imput05:14
soulridermade it to piss off my friend :)05:14
soulriderwhat lanugaje do you prorgram in ?05:14
Ignite_C++ mainly05:15
soulriderah, it hink i will eb using C++ later05:15
soulriderill ask you :P05:15
Ignite_<3 C++05:15
soulriderdo you think if i oper the kubuntu DVD theyll send it to me? :-/05:15
soulriderconsidreing im int he middle of nowhere :P05:15
Ignite_oper? you mean order?05:16
soulrideryea lol05:16
Ignite_yeah probably :)05:16
soulridermaybe i was thinking of opera05:16
Ignite_if your paying, why wouldn't they? :P05:16
soulrideri thought it was free05:16
Ignite_the CDs are05:17
Ignite_but you have to buy the DVD on amazon05:17
soulrideri hate the fuckers at the mail here05:17
soulrideri ordered lost in translation and both kill bill movies05:17
soulriderand the MOTHER FUCKERS stole the kill bill dVDs05:17
Ignite_damn, how come? (might wanna watch the language ;)05:18
soulriderconsidering kill bill is my fav movie, ig ot SO pissed05:18
soulrideroh yea, sorry05:18
soulriderdunno, but the people at the mail must die!05:18
soulriderseriously, kill bill is to good, theyc ant do soemhting like that to me :'(05:18
soulriderluckily the people from amazon gave me my money back05:18
soulrideri saved for a long time to get those dollars :(05:19
Hawkwindsoulrider: Language please05:19
soulridersorry... 0=)05:19
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HawkwindAnd all of this really should be in #Kubuntu-OffTopic05:19
soulriderk, sorry, ill stop05:20
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soulriderthat mkaes more sense05:22
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wckdkl0wnhow would i upgrade ktorrent to the latest application?05:23
soulrideradept ?05:23
Ignite_wckdkl0wn, you might need the kubuntu repo for the latest KDE version, not sure05:23
wckdkl0wnits in the repos though?05:24
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Ignite_wckdkl0wn, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-353.php05:24
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wckdkl0wnsay i downloaded this file ktorrent_2.0rc1-0ktorrent1_i386.deb  how do i install it from that?05:26
soulriderright clicka nd then install05:26
rr72soulrider~ how u likc linux so far?05:27
TheHighChilddpkg -i packagename.deb05:27
wckdkl0wnwow that was easy lol05:28
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wckdkl0wni expected the install to be more complicated05:28
soulriderclick, password and done05:28
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wckdkl0wnany deb file i can install like that with?05:28
soulrideroh BTW, im gonna need some pro help tomorrow05:29
wckdkl0wndidnt ask for a password it just did it05:29
soulriderim getting another comp, and i need to move this linux installation to my new HD05:29
soulridercan i just copy the drive contents ?05:29
soulrideror do i have to reinstall ?05:29
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soulriderthe thing is that on this mahien i got a dual boot, kubuntu and windows05:29
feethi, im wonderin if ya can set kde's system notifications to output sound thru the jack sound server. if so, how. thanks in advance :-)05:29
wckdkl0wnwow my download speeds just jumped up a hella lot with the new version05:30
wckdkl0wnthe new version isnt in the repos05:30
wckdkl0wnit was just released05:30
soulriderim downlaoding at over 5005:30
soulriderwhich is uber for me05:30
wckdkl0wni am in the 80 range on 6 files05:31
soulriderim too lazy, ill wait for the repos05:31
soulriderim in around 52, one file: P05:31
soulriderits maxing my connection05:31
wckdkl0wnthats the file if u wanna download it05:31
soulriderill just wait, really05:32
soulriderbesides, im gonna move computers05:32
wckdkl0wn130 on 1 file now05:32
soulriderwhich means il probably reinstall05:32
soulridertracker ?05:32
wckdkl0wni never understood what the tracker was for05:33
soulriderthe tracker is a tracker lol05:33
feetwell without a tracker, bittorrent is useless05:33
soulriderit absically ahs the info of everyone downlaoding or seeding the torrent05:33
soulriderwhen you start a torrent the tarcker sends yout he peer data05:33
soulridernot really, theres DHT, youc anc onnect to other peers without a tracker05:34
soulriderBT is wonderful05:35
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wckdkl0wnso when said tracker? how would i tell what it is?05:35
soulrideruhm, i dotn udnerstand05:36
feetcos it didnt make sense05:36
wckdkl0wnonly thing i know of torrents is it downloads from many ppl at once instead of just one person05:36
wckdkl0wnother then that i am clueless05:36
soulriderheres how it works05:36
feetdont explain05:36
feetdont over complicated things!05:36
soulriderits easy05:36
wckdkl0wni get the concept that it grabs peices from everyone05:36
soulrideri can explain it in 5 lines probably05:36
soulridera torrent file ahs ana nnounce URL, when you opena  torrent, your client contacts that URL and gets peers05:37
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soulrideryou client then contacts those peers and downloads :P05:37
soulridersee, 2 lines05:37
soulriderthe URL is the tracker05:37
wckdkl0wnmore peers the better i assume05:39
SpAwNmore seeds....more peers can reslut in slower dls05:39
SpAwNbut generaly the more the faster05:39
wckdkl0wnso i look for more ul instead of dl05:39
wckdkl0wnor a good mix of both?05:39
soulridergood mix is better05:40
SpAwNyup seeders = ppl who fully have the file and are only uploading....there dls have finished05:40
soulriderbut seeds are ppl with the complete file05:40
soulrideryea, more seeds more bandwith for you05:40
soulriderwhats cool si private trackers05:40
soulriderif you dont upload as muchas  you downlaod you get booted05:40
SpAwNtorrents are a very good way to spread popular files..05:40
soulriderso everyone uploads and you get super speeds05:40
SpAwNsoulrider, yea they do rock.....05:40
soulrideraKa copyrighted :P05:40
soulridermany private trackers are invite only05:41
wckdkl0wnwell i am downloading something right now with 120 peers and 90% of then have 100%.. thats the one i am getting about 125k right now05:41
soulriderand some you just ahve to register05:41
SpAwNthe trackers i use alwasy max me out....im on 3 meg line.....so around 350kb/s05:41
wckdkl0wnwhich are?05:42
SpAwNnot to shabby05:42
soulridersicne i gto a crappy uplaod speed i soemtimes cheat ratios :P05:42
wckdkl0wnmy upload maxes at 30-40k05:42
soulridermine at 10 !05:42
SpAwNif i use a pub tracker like piratebay or w/e i usaly dont seed05:42
wckdkl0wnbut my download i have gotten before at around 600-800k down05:42
soulriderme neither lol05:42
soulriderwere abd leechers05:42
SpAwNmy upload is about 90kb/s05:42
soulrideryoure lucky05:43
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soulriderseeding a 700 mb file or a 4. gig file sint hard05:43
SpAwNehh id sacrafice the up speed for more down speed05:43
soulriderit takes me so much time to do so05:43
TheHighChildanyone use knode?05:43
soulriderand soemtimes there are no peers to upload too05:43
intelikeyto too05:44
wckdkl0wnwell acording to comcast i have a 6meg line05:44
SpAwN1st week i gota an account was free lech weekend.....dl as much as u want and it doesnt count....and uploads count as double...so 1st week i had a ration of like 805:44
wckdkl0wnbut i dont usually see anything about 200k.. rarely i see 600-80005:44
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SpAwNwckdkl0wn, u serious?...6 meg line and u dont dl over 200 usaly??05:44
soulriderSpAwN: tracker ?05:45
soulrideroh my05:45
SpAwNwckdkl0wn, omg dude u are getting bent over05:45
soulriderits time for you to get invited to a tracker :P05:45
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SpAwNwckdkl0wn, call the isp and bitch.....do it everyday till u get hooked up05:45
wckdkl0wnlol probably05:45
wckdkl0wni owe them money right now so i am not calling anyone05:45
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CVirushow can i disable kde session saving ?05:46
SpAwNsoulrider, probly not the best place to discuss this but its initals are ST05:46
soulrideri pay like $50 for my 512/12805:46
soulriderand i payed $50 for 64/64 :P05:46
soulriderST, i think i know...05:46
SpAwNdamn i dont pay for anything....i live my rents....but they pay around 35 dollars for the inet05:46
wckdkl0wnthey had a 8meg line but i figured 6 was enough05:46
soulrideror TS?05:46
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soulrideryea, well, me too05:46
soulriderthey pay :P05:46
soulrideri leech! :D05:46
TheHighChildI get 3.0/768 for $25 a month05:47
soulrideri need to register on this IRC05:47
SpAwNsoulrider, yup same here...i just gotta share it with my 2 brothers....but the older one is moving out in a few days05:47
SpAwNTheHighChild, what isp?05:47
SpAwNTheHighChild, verizon?.....05:47
wckdkl0wnme and my buddy are paying close to 90 a month for internet and basic cable05:47
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TheHighChildSpAwN: Verizon. The montly rate is higher but they gave me a a couple free months, it came out to be 24 something a month05:48
soulriderTheHighChild: you didnt happen to play enemy territory right?05:48
TheHighChildsoulrider: naturally05:48
TheHighChildsoulrider: Not anymore but I was at a time05:48
soulriderthis si DeepestBlue05:48
cpk2i cant wait till fiber is cheap and easy to get everywhere05:48
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SpAwNTheHighChild, nice same plan as me...verizon treast us pretty good....my mom may even be payin 25 also.....last i heard it was like 30-3505:48
CVirushow can i disable kde session saving ?05:48
TheHighChildno way, haha awesome man. What have you been up to? That makes like 5 people I've met on IRC from ET05:48
dhqhow to show a local directory in apache2 webserver05:49
soulrideruhm nothing, busy.... i tried installing ET but it crashes when i join a server05:49
SpAwNTheHighChild, u play et also...nice05:49
gekko`CVirus: kcontrol -> KDE Components -> Session Manager05:49
intelikeyCVirus it's under the login/out  settinge05:49
TheHighChildSpAwN: yeah, it's 30 or 35 a month but I count free months into the overall equation. Also, I have to buy a landline to get it hooked up. All in all, it's still a ton better than the Comcast alternative05:49
TheHighChildSpAwN: i don't play, I own05:49
soulriderSpAwN:  i used to play at his clan server all the time05:50
SpAwNTheHighChild, lol05:50
CVirusgekko`: intelikey: Thanks alot05:50
soulriderand yes, he owned05:50
soulrideri was soooo n00b05:50
SpAwNTheHighChild, yea my alternative is umm aldelphia or comcast i thinl05:50
SpAwNTheHighChild, .....sounds very filmilier.....did u play on any pow servers?...or where did u play alot?05:50
TheHighChildSpAwN: Yeah, never go with Cable. cable is hell. I can't say much positive about Verizon except i've never had a minute of downtime in 2 years and I get 25% over advertised speeds05:51
soulridersh!t storm :P05:51
dhqhow to show a local directory or root   in apache2 webserver05:51
TheHighChildSpAwN: Started on POW servers but they were S.S. then(shiat storm). Where I've ben from there is a long story but I go back a long way05:51
SpAwNTheHighChild, yea and they dont give a fluck what u do.....i scanned alomost every university in my area and never gotten a complain05:52
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TheHighChildbetter take this convo to #kubuntu-offtopic05:52
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rulzhello newbie here how to repair/rebuild kmenu05:54
StrudelNinjaanyone know why the text in the comics on www.stripgenerator.com doesn't work...? could it be shockwave?05:54
StrudelNinjaor why the menus on http://steakandshake.com/nutritional_info/nutricalc/index.asp don't work?05:54
StrudelNinjabeing diabetic I sorta need to be able to use the online nutrition things05:54
intelikeyrulz rm -r ~/.kde05:55
intelikeylogout and back in05:55
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StrudelNinjathey don't work in konq or ff05:59
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abattoir_intelikey: rm -r ~/.kde to rebuild kmenu?06:00
intelikeyabattoir_ to reset all customized kde setting06:01
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rr72intelikey~ the topic in #kde: Latest releases: stable: 3.5.3. See www.kde.org | KDE FAQ: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase/faq/ | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: http://rafb.net/paste | Please state your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Flamewars of every kind, don't even start, or you will be banned | Don't delete ~/.kde !06:02
rr72last thing, don't delete ~/.kde ;)06:02
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h3sp4wnThat may be so they can find out any bugs (which doesn't apply to anyone not in #kde)06:04
intelikeyhmm ok,   hehhe  and xorg uses /root as a swap/pivot/something dir   resetting the permissions on /root  also recreating /root if you rm that.   so what else can they * up ?06:04
intelikeyi think i'll change my $HOME again.06:06
intelikeyi haven't lived in /home/*  for a long time now.06:07
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soulridererr, i just closed kopete and opened it again06:09
soulriderand it wont connect to anythign at all06:09
soulridernot AIM not MSN not Yahoo!06:09
soulridersame with Opera, wont laod anything06:10
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rulzhow to install window decoration in kubuntu?06:12
apeman2020does anyone use oneorzero?06:13
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intelikeyrulz k theem manager ?06:14
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abattoir_rulz: which format is it in? .tar.gz? you might need to compile it...06:16
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abattoir_rulz: unless if it is a deKorator theme06:16
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nikkianai don't suppose anyone in here knows anything about amarok?06:19
soulridernikkiana: whatd o you need to know ?06:20
abattoirnikkiana: then why'd you ask here ? :P06:20
nikkianasoulrider, silly asthetic thing really.... i'm having a wedding and i'm using amarok to control the music and i've created playlists to control certain times of reception.... and i sorta want to make them display in the order they're going to be used, but i can't seem to reorder them.... is there a way to do that or am i sorta stuck with the way they show up?06:21
intelikeynikkiana all i know about it, is i inserted a cd and amarok started, so i removed it.06:21
nikkianaabattoir, i suppose i probably could go hunt down their chatroom....06:21
soulridernikkiana: no idea, sorry06:22
abattoirnikkiana: #amarok , but we can help you if we can :)06:22
abattoirnikkiana: you cant re-order tracks in the playlist window?06:22
soulriderguys, how can i install flash 8 ?06:23
nikkianait's just sorta odd because it appears you can't drag and drop playlists to make them appear in the order you want.... nor does having something highlighted affect where the playlist is place.... nor does the alphabet.06:23
poningrusoulrider: you cant06:23
nikkianaabattoir, i can reorder tracks, but i can't reorder the physical playlists06:23
intelikeysoulrider flash is evil06:23
poningrusoulrider: there is no flash 8 for linux06:23
poningruand dont use flash06:23
abattoirnikkiana: are they arranged in alphabetical order/numerical order by any chance?06:23
soulriderhow am i supposed to view soem sites06:23
poningrubut you can wait for flash 906:23
=== nikkiana sympathizes with soulrider.
nikkianaif we're lucky enough to get a flash 9 :P06:23
intelikeynot sure that would be lucky06:24
nikkianaabattoir, playlists don't seem to be...06:24
nikkianaabattoir, there seems to be no rhyme nor reason as to where they show up in the list when created either.06:24
nikkianai'm gonna ask in #amarok and see if anyone knows....06:26
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abattoirnikkiana: seems to work for me.... are you loading the playlists through the playlist tab?06:26
nikkianaabattoir, yep.06:27
jewels9321is anyone familiar with the debian edu mathematics application program????? i downloaded it last night and need some help to run it.....06:27
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abattoirnikkiana: i created three playlists of different tracks, then loaded them one after another, they maintain the same track order... isnt that what you meant?06:27
intelikeyi hate autopsies.06:27
jewels9321OOD: Hey, good to see ya in here.... are you familiar with debian mathematics app????06:28
rulzhow to invoke dekorator06:28
nikkianano... i meant say i have a play list for ceremony music, one for  dinner music, and one for dancing music.... I want the playlists themselves to show up Ceremony, Dinner and Dancing respectively.06:28
abattoirrulz: Kcontrol->Appearance->Window Decorations->Dekorator06:29
jewels9321the reason why i am having such trouble running it in kubuntu is because it is a misc application which could be a number of things to run in the run command06:29
abattoirnikkiana: oh, you mean, you want to see the name of the playlist in the playlist window, instead of the tracks?06:29
nikkianaabattoir, right06:29
nikkianaabattoir, but it would seem that you can't reorder playlists in the sidebar.06:30
jewels9321i went to the debian website and found a few applications but it didn't help me very much06:30
abattoirnikkiana: hmmm, dont know if that's possible... #amarok is the best place i guess :P06:30
abattoirnikkiana: i think they are arranged in reverse alphabetical order(atleast for me)06:30
nikkianaabattoir, mine arent in any kind of order at all.....06:31
=== Kronos [n=kratos@dsl-206-251-6-202.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyjewels9321 this "education-mathematics - DebianEdu mathematical applications"  ???06:31
abattoirnikkiana: that sounds weird...06:31
jewels9321intelikey: yes.... i tried typing in education-mathematics into the run command thing and it didn't work since it is a miscellaneous file06:32
=== Kronos is now known as Kr4t05
intelikeyjewels9321 where or should i ask why did you down load it ?    it's in the repos.06:32
=== jy64 [n=jy64@toronto-HSE-ppp4281619.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
nikkianaabattoir, yeah. i'm wondering if it's either A. a bug or B. something no one thought of.06:33
intelikeyjewels9321 dpkg -L education-mathematics | grep bin06:33
jewels9321intelikey: i used the repos to get it06:33
abattoirnikkiana: if i rename the playlists, they arent re-arranged according to a particular order(say, alphabetical)06:33
nikkianaif it were just me using it, i wouldn't be fussing, but i'm going to be handing this off to a friend.... and i want things organized.06:33
intelikeyuse that command to find the executables jewels9321 ^06:33
nikkianai suppose i *could* do that. :P06:33
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soulrideri have a question, qhen you umpack somehtign with ARK, is there a wa to amke it show the % it ahs umpakced? or time left ?06:34
OODjewels9321: hey :), and no, i'm not familiar with that app06:35
intelikeynikkiana just rename them by prepending numbers    1-blah 2-duh 3-and.so.on06:35
cpk2i just use cli to unpack... you could add a v in show the files it is unpacking, i guess that can give you a rough estimate06:35
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_mottzXMMS has froze on my system, but I don't see the pid using top, is there another way to kill it?06:35
cpk2*a v in to show the files06:35
soulridererr, my KDe isnt responding06:35
abattoirnikkiana: if you just want them in a particular order, you might be able to hack some config files, and put the playlists in the correct order... i'll see...06:35
rulzhow to install dekorator version 1.106:35
soulriderno the desktop, not kopete06:35
nikkianaabattoir, okays. :)06:36
=== en1gma [i=en1gma@c-68-63-251-75.hsd1.ky.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoir!info dekorator06:36
soulridercan i just type kdesktop to restart it?06:36
ubotudekorator: KDE theme manager. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.2fix1-1 (dapper), package size 75 kB, installed size 296 kB06:36
en1gmasup all06:36
jewels9321intelikey: i used that and typed it into the terminal as you put it (middle click in terminal) and nothing happened..... i even tried being root06:36
abattoirrulz: see if you can find a deb, else you'd have to compile by hand06:36
intelikeyjewels9321 drop the filter and make sure the package has files...06:37
intelikeyjewels9321 dpkg -L education-mathematics06:37
nikkianaabattoir, i remembered why i asked in here and not in #amarok... it's awful quiet in there. :D06:37
en1gmai got a couple questions about kubuntu if you dont mind..what kernel comes with "kubuntu-6.06-dvd-amd64.iso" and also can it be used purely as a live cd?06:37
=== Leeif [n=lucas@190-209-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
Leeifdoes anyone know how to install msi files with cedega?06:38
intelikeyif that's empty you can stop trying to run it and start trying to install it :)06:38
abattoirnikkiana: hehe, yes, i noticed :)06:38
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apeman2020looking for some OneORZero setup help!06:38
en1gmaanyone know what kernel comes with it06:39
intelikeyen1gma the 2.6.15-*-amd64 i'm sure06:40
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abattoirnikkiana: ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/playlistbrowser_save.xml is the file...06:40
intelikeyas to the live question   idk.06:40
nikkianaabattoir, sweet. thanks.06:40
en1gmaim not sure if that has support for raling rt61 chipset or not06:40
en1gmai know its close06:40
abattoirnikkiana: if you dont know what to do exactly, pastebin it, i'll modify it for you, if you want...06:40
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=== abattoir wonders what partybrowser_save.xml is
abattoir!paste > jewels932106:41
jewels9321this is what it came up with06:41
en1gmalol im dloading the dvd-iso and ie says im -2%06:41
intelikeyjewels9321 that is a list of all the files that package "education-mathematics*" installed on your system.06:41
en1gmahow can that be06:41
intelikeyhehhe   M$06:42
en1gmai hate MS06:42
abattoiri guess it's a meta package....06:42
jewels9321intelikey: what am i supposed to do with them? my bf thinks that there isn't any installed executables06:42
intelikeywell i have to stop hating M$ and autopsy this dead box.06:43
intelikeyjewels9321 if that's the full list...  look in "/usr/share/doc/education-mathematics/README"06:43
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en1gmahow can i tell if support was added for my wifi card in which kernel version without reading every changelog06:44
nikkianaabattoir, ah. that's my old config file.... (i'm running the beta of the new version of amarok cause of a weird playlist bug in the last version)06:44
en1gmacause im not sure what i would be looking for exactly to match up with "find"06:44
=== nikkiana now needs to figure out where the new one is...
intelikeyen1gma /boot/config06:44
en1gmai dont have it installed06:44
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en1gmai see what you mean06:45
intelikeyhehhe oh well.06:45
en1gmai can read that with notepad right06:45
intelikeyi think so06:45
jewels9321intelikey: already looked at that....lastnight.....06:45
alyusI have a kernel compiling question I was wondering if I could ask you guys about?06:45
jewels9321intelikey: but i'll look at it again..... don't know if it will be of much help.....06:45
wckdkl0wnwhats a theme manager for kde?06:46
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy06:47
intelikeyjewels9321 like i said.  dpkg -L blah   list all files that  blah   installed       err minus the control files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/  and they are not part of the program, but part of the installer06:47
en1gma<intelikey> en1gma /boot/config <<<i would have to dload every tarball wouldnt i06:47
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en1gmawait i dont look at kernel.org06:47
en1gmai look at a distro server?06:47
=== jy64 [n=jy64@toronto-HSE-ppp4281619.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
nikkianano wait. i just had to close amarok for it to refresh.06:47
en1gmai dont know06:48
intelikeyen1gma on the cd/dvd   boot it and look in /boot/config  grep should work on the thing.06:48
jewels9321intelikey: not sure if the program has any binaries anyway.... i have no idea what the program is... i just wanted a good math program becuase i tutor math students in college06:49
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dukeman21wenas comunidad06:50
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wckdkl0wnwhats a theme manager for kde?06:50
dukeman21I am from chile06:51
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en1gmaintelike well i need to know which kernel i need before i dload cause once i dload if its not in my kernel i wont be able to connect to net06:51
dukeman21sorry men06:51
soulriderhola dukeman2106:51
en1gmaso i need to know which kernel my wifi card is supported in first06:51
dukeman21qe tal?06:51
nikkianaabattoir, reordering the playlist xml file isn't seeming to affect the ordering they're showing up.06:51
=== nikkiana sighs.
dukeman21de donde eres?=06:52
=== ash211 [n=ash211@user-1121dap.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyen1gma if (and i use that as a macro) you can find that info on http://ubuntu.com  then you can save the dl.  otherwise i know no way.06:53
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dukeman21free software!!!06:53
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intelikeyen1gma wait.  yes i do.    get someone running that kernel to  grep /boot/config   for you.06:54
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abattoirnikkiana: really, amarok was closed when you edited the file and saved it?06:54
intelikeyand en1gma i'm running 32 bit k6  so  it wont be me.06:55
nikkianaabattoir, yep.06:55
dukeman21hello everybody06:55
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=== Search4Lancer [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
intelikeyen1gma i sujest you pop in #ubuntu and ask for someone running that kernel to grep for your driver.   any *buntu  in fact.06:56
=== user_ [n=user@ppp-70-249-209-44.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
rulzi m not able to compile it says "in the prefix you've chosen no KDE headers installed"06:56
rulzwhats the reason plz06:56
intelikeyno kde headers ?06:56
rulzWhat it means06:57
intelikeyinstall  libkdegames-dev - KDE games library headers   maybe06:57
nikkianaabattoir, i closed amarok, changed the file, saved and then opened amarok again and it reordered it back to the way it was.06:57
=== nikkiana headdesks.
abattoirnikkiana: i think the file is cached... yes, i noticed that too...06:57
intelikeyrulz you have build-essential installed ?06:58
intelikeycan't hardly compile without it.06:58
nikkianaabattoir, ahh.... i see.06:58
abattoirnikkiana: wait a sec, i'll try rebooting, see if it works...06:58
nikkianaabattoir, okay.06:58
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:58
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cpk2could anyone give me a link on a how to for updating the kernel or just give me a quick synopsis of how to do it?07:00
Hawkwindcpk2: kernel.org has great docs if you want to compile it07:00
Hawkwindcpk2: Or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will upgrade from the repos if there is a new one available07:01
cpk2well it let me pick which modules and what not?07:01
Hawkwindcpk2: If you compile it, sure07:01
Hawkwindcpk2: You compile in what you want and leave out the rest07:01
rulzhow to reinstall kde libs using the Kubuntu cdrom?07:02
wckdkl0wnHawkwind: what is the kde theme manager again? you told me the other day but i reinstalled since then and forgot07:02
Hawkwindrulz: Look into apt-cdrom07:02
cpk2so does dist upgrade just include all the modules?07:02
Hawkwindwckdkl0wn: kcontrol ?07:02
Hawkwindcpk2: dist-upgrade is for pre-built kernels by Ubuntu07:02
wckdkl0wnis that the one that shows up in system settings tab?07:02
Hawkwindcpk2: Just like when you install the distro itself07:03
intelikeycpk2 without rolling your own    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade           alternatively  sudo apt-get linux-source    unpack it and build.07:03
wckdkl0wnHawkwind: it was like kdm something wasnt it?07:03
Hawkwindwckdkl0wn: No idea.  I don't really use KDE07:03
Hawkwindwckdkl0wn: Hmmm, not sure it was me that told you then07:03
wckdkl0wnprobably not then07:03
ubotuI know nothing about kdm - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:03
cpk2compiling my own shouldnt cause me any problems right?07:04
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy07:04
Hawkwindcpk2: If you build it correctly, no07:04
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cpk2i can always revert back to the old one right?07:05
abattoirnikkiana: it doesnt work... :(07:05
intelikeycpk2 not if you are an old linux hand.  if your are newbish   better stick with .debs   unless you can afford plenty of learning.07:05
abattoirnikkiana: however i think i know 'how' it works...07:05
nikkianaabattoir, darn.07:05
abattoirnikkiana: you want to try recreating them?07:05
nikkianaabattoir, i can do that07:05
cpk2psh i compiled a kernel many moons ago07:05
abattoirnikkiana: ok, then delete all the playlists07:05
intelikeycpk2 and i'm one Q behind ^    yes you can boot the older kernel at any time.07:05
cpk2just asks lots of questions and you say yes or no, no if you have no idea what its talking about, unless it recomends yes07:06
nikkianaabattoir, okays07:06
=== Parkotron [n=Bronwyn@dyn129-100-191-66.wireless.uwo.ca] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirnikkiana: one sec07:06
intelikeycpk2 do that any you come up with the .deb anyway  lol07:06
cpk2i dont think it has everything loaded for my laptop...07:07
intelikeyso modprobe it07:07
wolfmanzanyone have andy idea why XMMS has two process running and each one is over 30 megs of ram use?07:07
=== mixx__ [i=mixx@d60-65-201-134.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeycpk2 and   . /etc/bash_completion is really handy on things like that.07:08
=== virgilio [n=virgilio@84-122-103-95.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu
cpk2got a wiki i could read up on or anything then?07:08
abattoirnikkiana: hmmm, creating the lists in the order you want them to appear does the trick for me :P07:09
intelikeycpk2 search ubuntu.com07:09
=== rogerh [n=rogerh@adsl-69-153-254-254.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirnikkiana: for eg., create a 'Wedding' one and save it, then create a 'Dinner' and save it, Dinner, comes after Wedding in the list07:09
intelikeyyour laptop modle    for starts    then any howtos you might think of.07:10
abattoirnikkiana: but i guess you could file a bug(wishlist) for this...07:10
rulzi ve added kubuntu cdrom as one of the repository but it doesnt work ? What may be the reason07:10
abattoirrulz: added using 'apt-cdrom' ?07:11
rulzyes using apt-cdrom07:11
nikkianaabattoir, it seems to be creating them the exact opposite way of what i want them. LOL.07:11
abattoirrulz: and an entry is there for it in the sources.list ?07:11
rulzyes it is there07:12
abattoirnikkiana: that's good, so now create it in the opposite order :)07:12
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nikkianaabattoir, duh. why didn't i think of that?07:12
rulzIt still tries to fetch from internet07:12
abattoirrulz: did you comment out the internet repos?07:12
intelikeycpk2 let me reinterate and recap   you tell me if i miss anything.    '1 you want a newer kernel    2 you think your laptop is missing some hardware support in your kernel   3 but you are not sure what you are looking for"     if you can clue us in on what the "problem" is we 'might' be able to help...    idk.07:12
abattoirrulz: then do a 'sudo apt-get update'07:12
abattoirrulz: well, if your internet repos are mentioned above the cdrom one, apt would go for the internet ones...07:13
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abattoirnikkiana: it works?07:14
nikkianaabattoir, GAH! now it's reversed the order it's putting them in so they're not in order anymore.07:14
=== nikkiana headdesks repeatedly.
abattoirnikkiana: hmm, you deleted all the playlists right? then restart amarok... just to be safe07:15
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nikkianaabattoir, yep.07:15
abattoirnikkiana: that is after you delete all the playlists07:15
nikkianaabattoir, i am throughly convinced that the program hates me ;)07:15
dukeman21when install kububtu?07:15
=== intelikey wonders if the [ramdom] button is checked on nikkiana's app.
=== wad3 [i=wade@tar.den.i.rumpan.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirnikkiana: hehe... its funny this feature isnt in.. already....07:16
intelikeyrandomize play list is an option.07:16
nikkianaabattoir, exactly what i was thinking07:16
cpk2intelikey: pretty good recap heh, guess I just wanted a little more control with the kernel, but i suppose the packaged ones will work fine07:16
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nikkianaintelikey, not applicable to my problem though :P07:16
rulzi like to know whether kdelibs is a part of kubuntu cdrom?07:17
intelikeynikkiana k   just a thought.07:17
abattoirrulz: of course07:17
wad3Hey, i got some problems, with the swedish letters, any swede arround to help ?07:17
=== virgilio [n=virgilio@84-122-103-95.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se07:17
abattoirwad3: people there^^^^ might be able to help07:17
wad3sweet thanks ;)07:17
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rostok_ts ai basilio?07:18
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.07:18
rulzit says couldnt find kdelibs while i try to retrieve from cdrom07:19
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kakaltoMy locales are a bit weird, any ideas what I could do to fix it? should I post a bug report?07:19
abattoir!info kdelibs07:19
ubotukdelibs: core libraries from the official KDE release. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 88 kB07:19
intelikeycpk2 if you have the time to kill,  building a kernel has come a long way.   the   make menu_config   or  xconfig   options are pretty niffty   i don't discurrage you from building one at all.  but  don't expect it to be idiot proff  ;/07:19
abattoirrulz: hmm, its in main...07:19
kakaltointelikey: sure it's "menu_config"?07:20
kakaltoisn't it just make menuconfig07:20
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intelikeykakalto may depend on the source07:20
kakaltointelikey: would make sense.07:20
kakaltoeh, I come from gentoo.07:20
intelikeyand yes menuconfig on some...  probably the latest *buntu07:20
abattoirnikkiana: adding new playlists appends them to the bottom.... for me... i'd expect it to work in a similar fashion for you.07:20
digibre4khello....i need u're help please...how can we use yahoo messenger in linux (xandros3)????07:21
nikkianaabattoir, mine appends them to the top.... and then occasionally appends them to right below the last created playlist07:21
abattoirnikkiana: try 'Save to location'07:22
abattoirnikkiana: and save the .m3u w/ the name you want07:22
MilhousePunkRockGood morning everyone!07:22
MilhousePunkRockHey intelikey07:23
nikkianahmm.... i figured out what it's doing.... it's putting them in reverse alpha.... (i must not be able to say the alphabet to not notice that before....)07:23
abattoirnikkiana: i though i told you that :P07:23
cpk2intelikey: not too worried about breaking anything on this install, its just an old laptop that doesnt really get used07:23
=== noaXess [n=noaXess@cust.static.217-11-45-147.cybernet.ch] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRockdigibre4k: Both Gaim and Kopete support Yahoo07:24
nikkianaabattoir, i was having a dumb bride moment :P07:24
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: morning :)07:24
MilhousePunkRockHey abattoir!07:24
kakaltoanyone else had problems with en_NZ locales?07:24
abattoirnikkiana: heh, i've not heard of that before :P07:24
intelikeyeven though it's applicable nikkiana i still say CHECK YOUR AMAROK SETTINGS !07:24
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: You really live here, huh?07:24
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: indeed :)07:24
digibre4khello.......how can we both gaim and kopete support yahoo???can u explain that...07:25
rulzIs there anyway to reinstall kde without losing data ?07:25
abattoirrulz: 're-install' kde? or do you mean kubuntu ?07:26
MilhousePunkRockdigibre4k: Gaim and Kopete are instant messengers that support multiple protocols, among them Yahoo07:26
abattoirrulz: afaik, your settings arent deleted when you remove KDE07:26
MilhousePunkRockdigibre4k: I am not familiar with Xandros at all, which Window Manager do you use?07:26
rulzthats what i wish07:26
rulzhow to do that07:27
cpk2intelikey: for now i am just doing dist-upgrade07:27
abattoirrulz: hmmm... 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall <name of kde packages>07:27
cpk2but maybe later i will compile myself07:27
wad3bah, swedes aren't up at this hour during summer ;:)07:27
rulzok let me try07:28
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intelikeycpk2 sounds like a plan.07:28
MilhousePunkRock!se > wad307:28
nikkianaintelikey, i did. but i don't think there's anything in the settings that has anything to do with what i want to do. :P07:29
cpk2ubuntu is nice how it does everything for you but i suppose every once in a while a little more control would be nice heh07:29
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intelikeynikkiana ok.   just pointing out that the reason for reverse order is because it is set to reverse order.   and if random it's set to random.  but i'll leave you to it.    and get back to my salvage operation.07:31
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nikkianaintelikey, oh. heh. i'm dumb. i didn't realize that silly little arrow at the top that makes things go Z to A was what you were talking about. Oops!07:33
imbrandonMilhousePunkRock: just FYI for later Xandros default uses KDE07:34
MilhousePunkRockthx imbrandon07:35
abattoirimbrandon: can i congratulate you now ? :P07:35
wad3MilhousePunkRock yeah, i know, was told earlier, just that nobody there are awake :)07:35
imbrandonand is based off debian long ago so there is tool like apt-get etc but its not compat with current debian packages07:35
imbrandonabattoir: yes, and thanks ;)07:35
abattoirimbrandon: Congratulations :)07:35
imbrandonthx ;)07:36
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MilhousePunkRockdigibre4k: Since you seem to be using KDE, I suggest you check out Kopete --> http://kopete.kde.org/07:37
imbrandonrulz: if that dont work all your kde settings are stored in /home , just backup the /home directory and reinstall then copy it back from the cd or what ever you backed it upto07:37
MilhousePunkRockwad3: What's the matter, I'm sure "we internationals" can help you too07:37
rulzthnx i didnt think about it07:38
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imbrandonrulz: specificly the kde settings ser stored in /home/<username>/.kde07:39
imbrandonjust FYI07:39
Kadran hello, i have a question for the developers, can i ask it here?07:40
imbrandonKadran: depends , start here then we can move up if needed07:40
Kadranok thanks, what is the unit testing program that you recommends?07:40
imbrandonbrb gonna get a soda07:41
imbrandonKadran: for what language ?07:41
imbrandonmono comes with its own unit tests07:42
Kadranimbrandon: i work now as a beta tester for a web application company and they need a program to manage there beta releses and unit testing, we are still small company and strugelling07:42
imbrandontbh just base a shell script off the mono unit tests07:43
wad3MilhousePunkRock i have problems with the swedish letters, in almost all applications, and i have installed sswedish language support et c etc, but still it can't write them, i can view them, but not write07:43
Kadranok thanks imbrandon, i will try to see more in mono07:44
MilhousePunkRockwad3: I'm afraid I can't help you with that...07:44
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wad3i suspected that ;)07:48
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osirishello world07:48
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wad3reading out of an forum now, trying a few things i picked up07:48
wad3didn't help me :/07:51
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wad3well, you might can help me after all. i need to know how to add sv_ to "languages" (which i alredy think i have done) and chose an ISO-blablabla as standard :)07:51
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adam__umm....this is the first time i've used linux and need help installing Firefox07:54
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rulzhow to backup downloaded installations07:56
intelikeyinstallations ?07:57
rulzlike deb packages07:57
intelikeycopy them from /var/cache/apt/archives/   to your backup location.07:58
intelikeynote every time you 'clear the cache'  or run apt-get clear   you delete every thing in that dir.07:59
adam__this is the first time i've used linux and need help installing Firefox08:00
abattoiradam__: open up a terminal/konsole08:00
abattoiradam__: and in it, type 'sudo apt-get install firefox'08:01
intelikeyfirefox is not installed ?    i didn't know *buntu could live without it.08:01
abattoiradam__: alternatively, you can open 'Adept'(Kmenu)->System, and install it from there08:01
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intelikeyabattoir you ready to help him set up the repos also ?08:02
abattoirintelikey: i think its in main08:02
abattoir!info firefox08:02
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7730 kB, installed size 22912 kB08:02
abattoirintelikey: as you said, it is ubuntu's default browser...08:02
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intelikeymain is not setup when i install   hehhe08:03
abattoirbut not kubuntu :P08:03
intelikeyanyone good at id'ing celaron processors ?    (off board)08:04
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raphinkkonqui powa abattoir :)08:05
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abattoirraphink: indeed :D08:05
intelikey700/128/66/1.7v    would be 700mhz ?08:05
=== raphink should blog on konqueror someday
raphinkto let people know about all the wonders of this program08:06
abattoirespecially the kio-slaves08:06
raphinkonce you know about konqueror, you can't use anything else08:06
MilhousePunkRockI beg to differ, raphink...08:06
raphinkMilhousePunkRock: how so?08:06
intelikeynobody ?08:07
Tm_Traphink: moooh, KDE 3.5.4 is mess in dapper, including konqi ;)08:07
raphink Tm_T: KDE 3.5.4 is NOT in Dapper ;)08:07
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock doesn't like konq ????08:07
raphinkincluding nothing08:07
MilhousePunkRockraphink: I just can't "get warm" with Konq08:07
Tm_Traphink: it is, well, will be ;)08:07
raphinkTm_T: no, Dapper is frozen08:07
raphinkand has been for quite a time08:08
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MilhousePunkRockBut: I am unsatisfied with Fx 1.5 too  on Kubuntu...08:08
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raphinkif you install unofficial packages, you know what you do and you don't complain :p08:08
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=== MilhousePunkRock found his way back to Opera now
Tm_Traphink: don't give me that, you know what I mean08:08
abattoirTm_T: KDE 3.5.4 *for* dapper rather than in :P08:08
Tm_Traphink: and I'm not complaining ;--P08:08
Tm_Tabattoir: yes, that's it08:08
intelikeylinks2 -g MilhousePunkRock08:08
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raphinkI'm perfectly happy with KDE 3.5.2 in Dapper :)08:09
Tm_Traphink: just pointing out my motivation moving to edgy ;)08:09
adam__ok i think my problem is that Adept Updater is running and i guess u can't install stuff when it is?08:09
Tm_Traphink: too old to me ;)08:09
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: ??08:09
Tm_TBAH! waking up ->08:09
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intelikeyweb browser links2 -g is what i use most MilhousePunkRock08:10
MilhousePunkRockI never heard of that, intelikey, but I am always happy about new input...08:10
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abattoirintelikey: you need X for -g right?08:11
intelikeyabattoir no  just fbcon08:11
basilioapt-get install alsa-oss alsaplayer mpg321 alsaplayer-alsa alsa-bas08:11
=== intelikey is an x-less wonder
raphinknice stuff intelikey08:12
intelikeymost people wonder why he doesnt use x     hehhe08:12
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intelikeyso actually i don't guess i use kubuntu...  i just use the kubuntu install cd to install mebuntu08:15
bioticproHow do I change the a bunch of filenames from upper to lowercase (cli) ?08:15
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: If I had time I would set up a tiny system on my P-133/64MB Laptop...08:16
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intelikeybioticpro test this.   for Q in `find /<basedir> -type f \;` ;do mv $Q `echo $Q | tr [A-Z]  [a-z] ` ;done08:17
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock disk space ?08:18
MilhousePunkRock4 GB IIRC08:18
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MilhousePunkRockIt's got a weird GFX chip, of course, I did not manage to get X working a few years ago08:19
intelikeywhy tiny.   use a full distro, only choose light weight apps   and run them one at a time.08:19
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MilhousePunkRockXubuntu maybe?08:19
bioticprointelikey: that is a little complex... all the files are in one directory and are named FILENAME.ZIP , is there an easier way?08:19
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intelikeybioticpro it should work for that.   just set <basedir> aproprately.08:20
bioticprointelikey: so chane nothing else in that line except <basedir> ?08:20
bioticprostarting with find and ending with [a-z] 08:21
intelikeychange nothing but <basedir>    correct.   and no the whle line.08:22
bioticprostarting with for08:22
intelikey for Q in `find /home/bioticpro/dirname -type f \;` ;do  mv $Q `echo $Q | tr [A-Z]  [a-z] ` ;done08:23
intelikeyalong that line   ^08:23
intelikeycould through in a -i switch on the mv command if you want to confirm each move.08:24
bioticprofind: paths must precede expression Usage: find [-H]  [-L]  [-P]  [path...]  [expression] 08:25
intelikey \\;  maybe08:25
wckdkl0wnis there an emulator for linux to play ps2 games?08:25
wckdkl0wnstraight from cd08:25
bioticprointelikey: nope :(08:26
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MilhousePunkRockwckdkl0wn: I remember an app for Win to play PSX games, possible there is one for PS2 as well...08:28
intelikeybioticpro doesn't seem to need the \;08:28
intelikeyfor Q in `find bob -type f ` ;do  mv -i $Q `echo $Q | tr [A-Z]  [a-z] ` ;done08:28
MilhousePunkRockwckdkl0wn: What does google say?08:28
intelikeyoh i used     ~/bob for the test.    replace bob  ^08:29
bioticprointelikey: seems to be working =)  righton, thx08:31
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intelikeybioticpro file is funny that way.  some times you have to end it with \;   other times that will error out.    i don't really know why, but if one fails try the other.08:32
intelikeynot file   find ^08:32
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bioticprointelikey: its doing 3000 files, gonna be a while :p08:34
intelikeyhope we didn't move them to /dev/null   :<08:34
mahbubi want to attach a sanner with kubuntu08:35
intelikeycan't do.  you will have to attach it with a cable08:35
mahbubmodel plustek optix slim 120008:35
mahbubi have done that.08:35
mahbubbut problem abt the driver08:35
intelikeyi'm just raddelin'08:36
bioticprointelikey: no, they are being renamed, I checked the folder in konq... btw, is there a good gui file renamer plugin or seperate program for konq/kde?08:36
mahbubi need help.08:36
wckdkl0wnmplayer gives me this error...  error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.. how do i fix this?08:36
mahbubi am a new user of kubuntu08:36
mahbubplz help me.08:36
MilhousePunkRockmahbub: Did you have a look at Sane?08:37
ubotuI know nothing about sane - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:37
ubotuI know nothing about xane - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:37
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MilhousePunkRockWhat was that prog for scanning called again?08:37
ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners08:37
mahbubfile path is /etc/xane?08:37
MilhousePunkRockmahbub: Check those links above08:38
intelikeybioticpro you might like gentoo for that.  i don't really know.    sudo apt-get install gentoo  and give it a look.08:38
MilhousePunkRockI know this is OT, but has someone tried the Bittorrent-client integrated into Opera?08:40
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intelikeybioticpro some people say gentoo is too ugly to use.   it reminds me of 'mc=midnight commander' so i'm right at home there.08:41
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ninHerhi all08:42
intelikeybtw fyi gentoo predates the distro by the same name.     or so i'm told.08:43
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wckdkl0wnhow do i tell what services are running?08:45
TehKewl1system settings08:45
TehKewl1in the k menu08:46
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TehKewl1and services08:46
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bioticproAny kxmame or gxmame users, I need help with video setup, xmame video screen is tiny, can't figure out how to make it full screen08:46
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wckdkl0wni was playing videos just fine earlier with mplayer but now it says failed to initialize video08:47
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wckdkl0wnany ideas?08:47
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intelikeywckdkl0wn i just told you two ways and TehKewl1 told you one.08:48
mahbub<MilhousePunkRock> hello, there is no Application option in the kubuntu .08:48
mahbubwhere should i get it?08:48
intelikeyoh about services... i missed your second Q08:48
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intelikeywckdkl0wn i've never messed with mames couldn't guess.08:49
ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners08:49
MilhousePunkRock!info xsane08:49
ubotuxsane: GTK+-based X11 frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy). In repository main, is optional. Version 0.97-4ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 255 kB, installed size 728 kB08:49
mahbubi tried to do it by >>sudo apt-get install libsane-extras08:50
wckdkl0wni tryed to restart thinking another program was using it but no luck08:50
MilhousePunkRockmahbub: "sudo apt-get install xsane" on the shell, without the ""08:50
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intelikeykrap i answered the wrong question again didn't i.... well just ignore me.  i'm busy.08:50
mahbubis it the right way?08:50
intelikeymahbub yes that's the correct way to install08:51
HealotI am still using Windows hoho08:51
intelikeymahbub apt-cache search sane       might be useful also08:52
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=== intelikey puts Healot on ignore for using windows and being proud of it.
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Healoti running copies of ubuntu with vmware hehe08:55
waggle7622frackwhat vm are you using?08:55
Healotvmware 5.5 latest build08:56
voicuit's been almost a week i didn't use windows. those anonymous windowers meetings really work :D08:56
intelikeyi got banned for puting an op on ignore one time....08:56
waggle7622frackdoes ubuntu see a cd drive by default under vm?08:56
intelikeywindowers anonymous    lol08:56
wckdkl0wnwhawt else plays avi files other then mplayer?08:57
voicutry vlc, it works for me...08:57
Healotthe default setting uses your CDROM or one of your CDROM(s) at random08:57
intelikeysecond that   VLC08:57
wckdkl0wnk ty installing now08:58
waggle7622frackI am testing m$ virtual pc and it dosent see a cd drive so I cant install the virtual pc additions under Kubuntu08:59
intelikeymount the cd09:00
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intelikeyhmmm nick name and part message match....  "-:- SignOff unix_infidel: #kubuntu ("Lost terminal")"09:02
wckdkl0wnsweet vlc did the trick :)09:02
unix_infidelintelikey: ??09:02
intelikeya lost terminal for a unix infidel09:03
unix_infidelis that some sort of joke09:03
intelikeybut that's ok.09:03
Healotwaggle7622frack: anyways, you read the MS Virtual PC manual yet?09:03
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waggle7622frackcouldn't find the virtual drive to mount, tried again and it automounted only to find its windows only09:04
mahbub<MilhousePunkRock> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners>> from this site i don't get any info about the plustek optix slim 120009:05
mahbubplustek optic slim 120009:05
MilhousePunkRockmahbub: I don't have a scanner myself, I only knew about the existance of Xsane09:06
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MilhousePunkRockmahbub: Try google, if your model is similar to another model which might be on the list09:06
HealotMilhousePunkRock: you're (in)sane :)09:06
MilhousePunkRockHey Healot... Pick one... :-P09:06
mahbubsounds good09:07
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rulzhow do we install multiple packages other than installing 1 by 1 (cache/apt/archives)09:22
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abattoirrulz: you mean you want to install all the files in a particular directory?09:24
ubuntuwhy the kubuntu alternative CD doesn't recognize my ATA hdd09:24
ubuntubut the kubuntu liveCD does09:24
abattoirrulz: 'sudo dpkg -i *'09:24
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rulzyes it works thanks09:25
ubuntuI can't install from kubuntu alternative CD09:26
bioticproI need to find out how I got banned from efnet and get unbanned, anybody know how?09:27
Healotbioticpro: be a good chatter, and just wait to get unbanned.09:28
Healotor stay here09:28
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bioticproHealot: I can't even logon to the server, let alone the channels there... and I don't even know when I got banned, it happened when I was trying to connect to the server, not like I got cut off during a chat09:29
ubuntuanybody help me, plz09:29
rikiohok so i think for now i may have given up on getting kubuntu to run on either of my pc's09:29
rikiohcan anyone think of a distro thats easier to install/ might work for me09:30
Healotbioticpro: we are not efnet admin. i guess you could send email to them to get you unbanned09:30
Healotso there is nothing to really discuss here09:30
bioticproHealot: the reason I asked here, is cause I figure people are friendly here, Ive never got banned, so didn't know how to handle it09:31
Healotwe ar efriend i guess, but we can't solve everybody's problem09:31
bioticproI was just looking for direction, I will search efnet site, bye09:32
rikiohcan anyone think of another distro worth trying ive never used linux but im very interested in it ... and i cant seem to use kubuntu because it always freezes right before the login screen anybody think they can help?09:32
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Healotthe "trying" part doesn't worth anything... you must set a realistic migration path, i would suggest09:34
rikiohwell ive been "attempting" to get it to work for a few days now ive tried 3 pc's, 5 installs, and the best ive gotten so far is it freezing right after its loaded everything before the login screen09:35
ubuntuomg, everything have been fine with Breezy09:35
ubuntuand go to Hell with Dapper09:35
Healotubuntu: it happens with any distro, Fedora fur example, Debian too.09:35
Healotpretty common if someone still stucked with Redhat 9 :-09:36
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larson9999rikioh: have you tried ubuntu09:36
damian_if you're having problems09:36
damian_switch to slackware 1.009:36
rikiohnope i havnt tried ubuntu09:36
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noaXess_kubunturikioh: try kubuntu... or even ubuntu09:37
rikiohive tried kubuntu cant get it to work09:37
rikiohand ive tried getting help in here they dont know whats going on09:37
Healotone of the popular livecd is knoppix. pclinuxos is also another good livecd candidates09:37
noaXess_kubunturikioh: whats the problem?09:37
larson9999rikioh: what's your hw setup?09:37
Healotbut both kinda outdated..09:37
rikioh2.8 ghz p4, 2 gigs ddr2 ram, ati x850xt pcie, intel network card, 250 gig hdd09:38
=== ricardo [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-46-56.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
ubuntuI have an old ATA hdd, and work fine with Breezy09:38
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ubuntubut it can't boot with Dapper live CD09:39
voicurikioh, if you just want to see how linux is, try kanotix. it mounted my ntfs drives automatically, network worked fine, it's really good for a start09:39
ubuntuand can't be regconized by alternative CD09:39
rikiohim wanting 1 hdd linux and the other hdd windows09:39
rikiohi got it working like that already just linux doesnt load all the way09:39
arsoin azureues09:39
arsoi get09:39
arsowat does that mean? how can i fix it09:40
arsoplease :)09:40
=== tiina [n=tiina@b-220-45.cable.kpy.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
noaXess_kubuntuarso: check the firewall settings09:41
rikiohits strange its got the blue loading bar before you see the gui for kubuntu... when the bar fills up the screen blinks then the bar is empty again and appears frozen.. if i hit ctrl.alt.f1 it asks me for my username and password and logs in but when i try ctr.alt.f7 or f8 the graphics dont come back i just get a blinking underscore09:41
rikiohand i cant do anything from there09:41
larson9999rikioh: have you tried using the recovery mode, or whatever it's called?09:41
voicuarso: search on google for dht firewalled, other peopled already discussed about that09:41
rikiohwhat am i trying to recover because recovery mode just dumps me into prompt09:42
rikiohor command line09:42
noaXess_kubunturikioh: can be a graficcard problem..09:42
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rikiohi dunno what the problem would be im using the card right now09:42
Admiral_ChicagoI need help getting a Creative Labs Zen recognized under Kubuntu09:42
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:42
larson9999rikioh: yeah. was wondering if command line mode works.09:42
Admiral_ChicagoI installed gnomad209:42
voicurikioh, it may be because of the x server. when i first installed kubuntu i was using hoary and i set up my mouse wrong. and that crashed kdm09:43
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noaXess_kubunturikioh: try that09:43
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:43
Admiral_Chicagobut its not automounting the mp3 via USB09:43
larson9999rikioh: i'm guessing your video card/xorg is the problem.09:43
Admiral_Chicago!mp3 player09:43
ubotuI know nothing about mp3 player - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:43
rikiohcan i install that without actually getting into kubuntu?09:44
Admiral_Chicagodidn't think so09:44
Admiral_Chicagorikioh, you can log in a fail safe terminal09:44
larson9999rikioh: sounds a lot llike the things that happen on my system when i had my nvidia card set up incorrectly.09:44
noaXess_kubunturikioh: yea.. you can do that from console mode...09:45
Admiral_Chicagothere is a sda2 in my /media folder...09:45
noaXess_kubunturikioh: read i carefully09:45
rikiohill give it a read over09:45
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noaXess_kubunturikioh: i had the same on my asus notebook... just do it like they described and it works..09:45
Admiral_Chicagokzenexplorer is giving me the same thing09:46
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Admiral_Chicagoanyone? help with a Creative mp3 player?09:47
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Healotif i have one, I would use Windows application with it09:47
Admiral_ChicagoHealot, ?09:47
Healotbecause the creative hardware isn't Linux friendly09:48
Admiral_ChicagoThe windows installer didn't work either09:48
grotheskIs someone already running kde 3.5.4? I have to crosscheck something.09:48
Admiral_ChicagoI just want to mount the drive09:48
Healotlsusb Admiral_Chicago09:48
Healotdmesg > to find more info about the hardware, if detected09:49
Healotis that RIO by any chance?09:50
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rikiohok heres a question how do i run the ati fglrx driver from cd09:53
rikiohonce im at the command promt09:53
Healotyou mean install it?09:55
Healot!find fglrx09:55
ubotuFound: fglrx-control, xorg-driver-fglrx, xorg-driver-fglrx-dev, fglrx-kernel-source09:55
Healotxorg-driver-fglrx << install this09:55
Healot!info xorg-driver-fglrx09:55
ubotuxorg-driver-fglrx: Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators. In repository restricted, is optional. Version 7.0.0-8.25.18+ (dapper), package size 10309 kB, installed size 29468 kB09:55
noaXess_kubunturikioh: have you internet connection?09:55
noaXess_kubunturikioh: then you don't need the cd...09:56
Healotrikioh, you might need more help, follow the next links09:56
rikiohbut i cant get into kubuntu and get on the internet and download them.... because i cant get into kubuntu09:56
noaXess_kubunturikioh: but you're on the terminal right?09:57
rikiohi can be09:57
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noaXess_kubunturikioh: do a yum check-update09:57
rikiohso is that all i type to get a yum check update09:58
noaXess_kubunturikioh: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI09:58
rikiohi did09:58
noaXess_kubunturikioh: if the gc is an ati..09:59
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rikiohbasically i guess what im asking is can i download this driver thru the kubuntu command promt?09:59
rikiohor do i have to get it there some other way09:59
rikiohor can i go in right now and type sudo apt -get update10:00
rikiohand do all that and it downloads it10:00
Healotrikioh: are you on the liveCD session atm?10:00
rikiohand installs it10:00
rikiohim on windows10:00
rikiohon first hdd10:00
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rikiohlive cd dont work either it freezes just like my installd version10:01
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rikiohit freezes at the same spot10:01
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Healotrikioh: just my one cent, if you're not ready, stick to Windows, or buy a Mac10:01
rikiohim ready to do this i just dont have experience because i havnt already done it10:02
Healothehe... just what I thought10:02
rikiohits installed on this pc on my second hdd i can boot to it and it attempts to get there... i just feel so close10:03
Healotrikioh, here is my other one cent, download the "alternate CD"10:03
rikiohi have it10:04
rikiohthats what i used to install it10:04
Healotthe installer is text based, but it has no reputation to crash10:04
Healotunless you're a total newbie :_)10:04
noaXess_kubunturikioh: install the binary ati driver..10:04
rikiohis that on the alt disc?10:04
Healotthe ati official binary driver, that's more pain to your ass rikioh10:05
noaXess_kubunturikioh: ?? you are in the command line right??10:05
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rikiohno basically i cant be on the internet and trying to fix my problem at the same time10:05
rikiohi have 1 pc10:06
rikiohim on windows now with my first hdd10:06
rikiohall my problems are on hdd 210:06
noaXess_kubunturikioh: but if you boot your kubuntu you get into terminal and you can ping any host, you get internet access?10:06
rikiohso im trying to get advice then reboot and try them10:06
rikiohi havnt tried10:06
noaXess_kubuntutry that.. ping
rikiohk be back here in a few minutes10:07
noaXess_kubuntuit yhould give you an answer10:07
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arsohow do i find my version of kde10:10
MilhousePunkRockarso: Help --> About KDE10:10
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damian_how do i find out what OS i have10:21
HealotControl Panel - System10:22
Healotlsb_release -a10:22
damian_ok thnx10:23
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rikiohok heres the update news :)10:28
rikiohi did have an internet connection from the command prompt because i was able to ping10:29
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rikiohso at that point i decided to try typing  "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx"10:29
rikiohit downloaded and installed it10:29
rikiohso i then followed what the faq said and i typed "aticonfig --initial"10:30
rikiohbut i got this error10:30
rikiohwriting to 'etc/x11/xorg.conf failed. bad file descriptor10:31
rikiohso then i tried "aticonfig --overlaay-type=xv"10:31
rikiohand got this error10:31
rikiohno ati device was found in the file '/etc/x11/xorg.conf'10:31
voicuyou have to write sudo aticonfig --initial10:32
voicuit needs root access10:32
larson9999do you need 'sudo aticonfig --initial' ?10:32
rikiohyes i tried that  and i got the writing to etc/x11/xorg/conf failed. bad file desciptor10:32
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voicuthat seems a filesystem problem10:33
Healotbig X10:33
larson9999Healot: i'm thinking he just typed that.  the command would know to use X1110:34
arsoumm guys10:34
arsoon amarok10:34
arsoi rescanned my collection10:34
arsoand its shows i have 4099 songs10:34
arsobut playlist is  empty10:34
voicuyou have to drag-drop songs in the playlist, duh10:35
arsobut before it was fine10:35
voicuor if the collection is empty restart amarok10:35
arsoi scanned my whole playlist before and it worked10:35
rikiohthe instructions also had a manual option which said to edit xorg.conf10:35
rikiohshould i attempt to do that?10:35
arsoresolution problems?10:35
rikiohtrying to properly setup ati drivers i suppose10:36
larson9999rikioh: sure10:36
Healotrikioh: if you don;t know any of X option. better stick to "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"10:36
arsorikioh:  another one i see, i am ati too ;)  , had some trouble earlier10:36
arsobut once i installed that fglrx or something , it was fine10:36
voicubad file descriptor is a filesystem error, it doesn't have anything to do with X or aticonfig, i think10:37
Four23619my Radeon 9800 Pro is fairly easy to get working with 3D10:37
Healotthe previous 9xxx series should be easy to work with10:37
larson9999viocu that's why i was thinking edit it to see if there are problems10:37
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rikioharso was yours freezing right before the kubuntu login (before installing drivers)10:37
Healotthe newer Xxxx series are tough cookie...10:37
rikiohi have a x850xt10:38
arsorikioh:  nope .10:38
arsoi have an integrated series 20010:38
Four23619i just download the drivers & install the drivers from synaptic, then edit xorg.conf and change the driver to "fglrx", then restart10:38
arsoyup thats wat i did Four2361910:38
arsorikioh:  did u do all that?10:38
voicularson9999 you're right, rikioh try to edit the file manually to see if you get the same error10:38
rikiohi did everything but edit xorg.conf10:38
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arsoso go ahead and do it10:39
rikiohall i gotta figure out now is the commands to do it :)10:39
Healotman xrog.conf first10:39
Healotman xorg.conf10:39
Healotlearn all the X server options and settings10:39
rikiohso when i get to the command i type man xorg.conf10:40
larson9999Healot: i'm thinking just see if he can edit it not to really change it.  i'm thinking the fs error is the problem and it's not the reconfig script10:41
voicurikioh, use vi. to edit type a and then the text. escape to stop editing. :w to save and :q to quit10:41
Healotnano is more suitable for people who just migrate10:41
voicufirst just try to see if you can change the file10:41
Healotsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:41
larson9999should we really be telling someone that is new to use vi to edit a system file?  :)10:41
Healoti am not sure if vi/vim is installed by default with kubuntu10:42
voicuvi is easy if you stick to a esc :w and :q :P10:42
rikiohok so im gonna go try and see if i can do this10:42
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rikiohill be back shortly10:42
ChousukeHealot: vi should be by default on ALL unixes. :P10:42
_pedroHello everyone10:42
_pedroSince last update I cannot see preview of media files in the icons on konqueror10:43
Healotand migrating people will switch back to MacOS or Windows :)10:43
ChousukeVi is a nice editor for quick edits though.10:43
larson9999voicu: nah, you really should read about vi first.  you can't even insert without learning a command.  i'm not saying it's not a good editor.  i use it all the time.  but for someone new10:43
Four23619im not a big fan of vi, but thats probably because i havent mastered it yet10:43
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_pedroI am looking for it in configuration of konqueror but I don't know how to do it10:44
MilhousePunkRockvoicu: You can even do :wq in one step10:44
_pedroany help?10:44
Chousukeyou can get pretty far if you just know  :wq, i and esc :P10:44
Chousukeoh, and :q!10:44
larson9999vi is fine, you should just take an hour or so and learn the commands and how to navigate via hjkl10:44
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noiesmoHello all10:45
Four23619hello noiesmo10:45
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_pedroisn't any idea?10:47
voicui'm not a vi master but i use it because it's safer. you cannot make a stupid mistake unless you want to10:47
Healot_pedro: via the menu10:47
HealotTools - Settings10:47
_pedroI am looking on it10:47
Four23619i should learn vi10:47
HealotKonfigure Konqueror10:47
_pedrowhat is the protocol do I have to active?10:47
_pedroBecause I click on media and there is no response10:48
Healotdid you install the appropriate programs?10:48
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larson9999rikioh: can you edit xorg.conf?10:48
_pedrowhat is the apropriate programs?10:49
Healotwhat kinda of media are you referring?10:50
Healotmp3? divx/xvid avi? mpeg?10:50
_pedroany video10:50
Healot_pedro: follow the links10:50
_pedrodivx, avi, mpeg10:50
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:50
noiesmoUsing Ubuntu or Kubuntu is there a way to access or should I say except an invitation for M$ xp Remote Asssistant10:51
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rikiohguys im in kubuntu :)10:55
rikiohim so happy10:55
rikiohi used sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:55
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rikiohit loaded the file up and i went down till i found input device radeon x850xt then under driver it was ati... and i changed that to fglrx10:56
rikiohand now it works :)10:56
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rikiohthank you everyone for all the help you have given me tonight10:56
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larson9999i'm so proud my solution worked.  i think i'm blushing.10:58
Four23619such a nice community (K)Ubuntu has :)10:58
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rikiohim using konversation right now to tell you the good news larson :)10:59
Four23619much better than the "rtfm" solution that some other communites have10:59
rikiohnow its time to learn learn learn11:00
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grothesk** (process:5101): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed11:01
grotheskThat massage apprears when installing kdebase-bin 3.5.4 of a kubuntu installation.11:01
larson9999Four23619: there are more and more channels these days that are not so mean.11:01
grotheskWhat should I do about it?11:01
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Ace2007hi i got this error when running aclocal : http://pastebin.com/761676    Can someone please help me to sort it11:01
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Four23619i know, but i still find this communty to be very friendly11:02
taavihow can i get my system tray back?11:02
taavii accidentaly removed it11:02
abattoir_taavi: rt. click on the kicker(panel)->Add Applet->System Tray11:02
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taavithere is no option add applet11:03
taavimust i install another version of ubuntu to get that option?11:03
Hobbseegrothesk: ignore it, i think11:03
abattoirtaavi: KDE? Is the panel locked?11:03
abattoirtaavi: are you using KDE?11:04
abattoiror GNOME?11:04
abattoirtaavi: is the panel unlocked?11:04
grotheskHobbsee: But my kcontrol crashes when opening some items there.11:04
taavikde i belive11:04
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grotheskThe hotkeys-area, for example, Hobbsee11:04
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abattoirtaavi: if you are using 'KDE' then if you rt. click on the panel, you'd see 'Add Applet to panel'...11:04
abattoirtaavi: i cant think of any exceptions where you wouldnt see it...11:05
abattoirtaavi: Ubuntu or Kubuntu?11:05
taavithere's only add to panel optin, and under that i cant find the sys tray11:05
abattoirtaavi: hmm, i think you opened up Konversation from Ubuntu, hence it redirected you here11:06
abattoirtaavi: ask at #ubuntu11:06
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abattoirtaavi: hmmm, try 'Help->About KDE'11:07
abattoirtaavi: does it say anything about KDE?11:07
abattoirtaavi: then i'm pretty sure you are running GNOME...11:08
taavito my mind i installed kde but maybe not..11:08
abattoirtaavi: as i said ask @ #ubuntu ...11:08
abattoirtaavi: if you installed ubuntu, it comes w/ GNOME(unless you install KDE after the installation)11:08
abattoirKubuntu comes w/ KDE11:08
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abattoirtaavi: was the system tray at the top right corner?11:09
noctihello, how do i update my kubuntu without an internet connection? thanks11:09
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abattoirnocti: you can update from a CD... or even a flash disk....11:09
taavii got it back11:10
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taavinotification area it is called11:10
abattoirtaavi: it is in the top-right corner?11:10
abattoirtaavi: ok, you are using GNOME :)11:11
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abattoirnocti: if you have a CD of the latest version of kubuntu, you can use 'apt-cdrom' to add it as a source, and update from it11:11
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abattoirnocti: apt-zip is somewhat similar... for flash drives though11:11
abattoir...among other things.11:12
noctiabattoir, i just need the non-connected box to have an updated list of files, so that when i do "apt-get install -qq --print-uris pkg" it will list the links to the packages11:12
noctiabattoir, and i can dl the packages on the office windows box11:12
noctiabattoir, but i dont know how to update it's pkg list11:12
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nick_hello! i've just changed from windows to kubuntu and it's very good!!11:13
abattoirnocti: hmm, so you plan on getting an updated list, then a link for each package, download them manually, and install them manually?11:13
abattoirnick_: cool :)11:13
noctiabattoir, that's the idea yes11:13
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serenitywhere can i edit the colums in azureus? Put some out...11:13
abattoirnocti: trust me, downloading a cd iso, burning it, and using apt-cdrom is easier...11:14
nick_because i had problems with windows activation procedure11:14
noctibut if the non-connected box's pkg list is not updated, doing an apt-get install --print-uris wont work because it will not see the pkgs11:14
noctiabattoir, the cd iso doesn't have all the apps i need, if i need something like enlightenment or fluxbox, it's not in the cd iso11:15
nick_do somebody know i've there is a version of MSN messenger for linux?11:15
noctinick_, gaim11:15
abattoirnick_: Kopete is a multi-protocol IM client that comes pre-installed w/ Kubuntu11:15
farousnick_: you mean amsn11:15
nick_yes because there are more funcions at a msn version11:16
abattoirnick_: as mentioned above, Gaim(another multi-protocol client) and Amsn are alternatives11:16
farousnick_: kopete and gaim are pretty decent11:16
grothesknick_: kmess or amsn are MSN-only-clients, afaik.11:16
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abattoirnick_: if you want all the fancy stuff like whiteboard(or whatever it is called), then go for amsn...11:16
farousnon though have voice chat :(11:16
larson9999i like kepote because web cam works11:17
arsoamarok still showing nothing11:18
arsodonno wat the hell is wrong with it11:18
_pedrowhere is the directory where the configuration of konqueror is saved?11:18
Four23619amsn.. ill have to try that11:18
Four23619ty abattoir11:18
abattoir!info amsn11:18
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB11:18
abattoirFour23619: ^^^^ its in universe11:19
Four23619cool ty11:19
nick_i'm installing amsn11:19
nick_it's almost the same as msn11:19
abattoir_pedro: ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc and ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror11:19
Four23619just another nail for my Window$ partition :)11:19
Four23619sonner thats gone, the better11:20
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abattoirnocti: you could always download those packages separately... instead of downloading everything(including the base system) manually11:20
arsonick_:   gaim is better than amsn11:20
abattoirnocti: but then again, its your call...11:20
MilhousePunkRockwb abattoir11:20
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hi :)11:20
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abattoirMilhousePunkRock: was i gone for that long? :S11:21
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: No reply for almost an hour, gone 20 minutes ago11:21
noctiabattoir, how about dependencies? it's such a hassle to search through the ubuntu pkg tree and not knowing if you already have that library or not11:21
nick_hmm i've download it but when i want to open the file i get an error11:21
abattoirnocti: indeed, that's the problem you'd face if you did it manually...11:22
noctiabattoir, :)11:22
jan__hi all11:22
_pedroI cannot understand...11:22
jan__im new on ubuntu11:22
abattoirnocti: if you really want fluxbox/e17, it might be better choosing a distro which comes w/ that...11:23
_pedroI have confirmed that I have all the apropriates programs installed to see preview in icons at konqueror11:23
farousnocti: fluxbox is in ubuntu abattoir11:23
_pedrolately, I thought that in my pc there are 2 users11:23
abattoirfarous: yes, but his computer has no internet, and he wants to download the packages manually... and sort all the dependencies...11:24
_pedroand the other one can see without problems the preview so I copied the configuration11:24
_pedroand still I cannot do it!11:24
noctiabattoir, :)11:24
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_pedrolooking for the difference via menu in konqueror, It is the same in both cases11:24
_pedrowhat can I do?11:25
abattoir_pedro: Settings->Configure...->Previews &....11:25
farousabattoir: i compiled fluxbox no hastle11:25
abattoir_pedro: check if you have all the filetypes you want checked...11:25
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abattoir_pedro: another important thing is the filesize...11:25
_pedrothey are11:25
_pedrowhat's wrong withe the filesize?11:25
_pedro5 Mb11:25
abattoir_pedro: let's say you want to preview an image which is 7 MB, you wont be able to...11:26
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abattoir_pedro: so make sure it is larger than the size of the files you want to preview11:26
_pedroI am sure11:27
_pedroand like I said11:27
_pedrothere is another user in my pc with the same configuration and he can see it11:27
_pedroI changed to 7 Mb and there is no change11:28
abattoir_pedro: what do you want to preview? images?11:28
_pedrodivx/xvid, avi, mpeg11:29
abattoir_pedro: images work?11:29
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_pedrolet me see it11:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:30
Healot!info libxine-extracodecs11:30
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB11:30
_pedroyes, it works11:30
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_pedroif it were a problem of packages to install I guess that the other user in my pc couldn't preview video11:31
abattoir_pedro: see if you have Video checked in View->Preview11:32
_pedrothat is the point!!11:32
rikiohim attempting to install java with kubuntu and i download both linux versions one was rpm and the other was regular... both were .bin files tho11:33
_pedroI kwew it was a silly thing11:33
rikiohi figured i would have to extract these with ark wouldnt i?11:33
abattoirrikioh: dont download the rpm, download the other one11:33
rikiohotherwise how do i install them11:33
rikiohi have both11:33
abattoirrikioh: oh, you downloaded both...11:33
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_pedrothanks very much11:33
abattoirrikioh: btw, the repos have java too now...11:33
abattoirrikioh: take the .bin version11:33
abattoirrikioh: open a konsole in the current directory11:34
Healotjust chmod correctly11:34
abattoir_pedro: you're welcome :)11:34
Healotchmod +x filename > rikioh11:34
Healotnext ./filename (if the file is in the current directory)11:34
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rikiohok so i go to run command11:37
rikiohand type chmod +x java.bin11:38
abattoirrikioh: not run command, a konsole(terminal)11:38
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abattoirin the run command dialog, type konsole11:38
Healotmake sure you change the current directory to where that binary file is located11:39
rikiohits on my desktop11:39
rikiohthats where the binary is11:39
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farousrikosave yourself lot of tweeking and install  from multiverse repos11:40
abattoirrikioh: then as soon as the konsole opens up, type 'cd Desktop'11:40
rikiohno such file or directory11:40
rikiohits already at desktop i believe11:41
rikiohcuz when i type dir it says desktop exaples nano.save11:41
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abattoirrikioh: ok, then execute the commands Healot said..11:41
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Healotcd ~/Desktop11:42
Healotgood old UNIX shortcut11:42
rikiohi think its already on the desktop healot11:43
rikiohcuz when i type that i get bash:cd~/Desktop: no such file or directore11:43
abattoirrikioh: cd<space>~/Desktop11:45
Healotspace, honey, space, mind the space11:45
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digibre4ki'm back...how the GAIM n' KOPETE works???how can we get friend 2 chat on there???11:46
rikiohok so i did that and it switched to desktop... i then typed chmod +x java.bin and it did nothing that i can tell11:47
rikiohdid it install?11:47
rikiohit didnt give me any error11:47
rikiohjust a new line popped up saying ~/destop$11:47
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Healotnow ./java.bin >> if this is the filename11:48
Healotyeah it should return to the next prompt line11:48
rikiohyeh it returned to the next prompt line11:48
rikiohso does that mean its installed healot?11:49
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rikioheh doesnt look like it did11:51
rikiohcuz i cant load this java applet11:51
farousrikioh: first there is a free java installed by default with kubuntu/ubuntu. Second the file you downloaded most probably extracted in your desktop dir. you need to copy it to its appropriate location. Third you need to copy the javaplugin file or at least link it to the appropriate dir so firefox/konquer can find it11:53
farousrikioh: you could have saved your self all this hastle by installing from the repos11:53
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ubotuI know nothing about sun-java-plugin - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:54
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository11:54
rikiohfarous i dont know where it put it cuz theres nothing else on my desktop11:55
farousrikioh: did you use sudo when you ran this bin file11:55
rikiohi used chmod11:55
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde)11:56
farousthen it was not installed in its proper place /usr/lib/jvm/java...11:57
farousthe plugins should be linked to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/11:57
rikiohi dont have firefox11:58
farousrikioh: when you download the package dir then you take care of its configuration and tweeking11:58
farousrikioh: lets take it one step at a time11:59
arsowhen i go to playlist > shuffle11:59
arsonothing happens11:59
farouswhere was the java files extracted11:59
arsodon know wat swrong with amarok today11:59
rikiohfarous i have no clue11:59
rikiohi opened konsole12:00
rikiohswitched to the desktop12:00
rikiohand typed chmod +x java.bin12:00
farouslook for it under desktop or under your home dir12:00
rikiohand then it went to the next line12:00
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farousrikioh: you downloaded sun java right12:01
klerfaytis it possible to make kaffeine play x264 codec?12:01
rikiohjava.com version12:01
arsohow do i reinstal amarok12:01
farousjre or jdk12:01
farousarso: use adept12:01
Riddellarso: don't shout thanks12:01
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farousgood use konq too see where it is installed search under your home dir for a dir named jre or lib12:02
asranielhi, i have a problem with french (and german) special chars in text files (lin      )12:03
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painesasraniel, is the keyboard set to 105 keys + nodeadkeys12:03
asranielwhen i open i text file ( a php file in that case) that has such chars in it, i see only wierd chars12:04
asranielpaines: there is no problem for the input, but to open and save files that have such chars in them12:04
painesasraniel, ahh. sorry, i thought typing12:05
painesasraniel, then maybe you are missing the german and french language packs.12:05
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farousasraniel: might be the default font. had simialr problem here with arabic charactes12:06
rikiohok farous it found a jre folder under usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-4.1-
farousrikioh: that is the default java installed with ubuntu it is not the sun-java one12:07
farousrikioh: will work with openoffice but not with your web browser12:07
farousrikioh: you need to insall sun-java5-plugin package and you are done12:08
asranielfarous: i only found one french language pack, but after the description its for translations. but i install it anyways, lets see if it helps12:08
farousasraniel: most probably it is a meta package that will insall among others ther required fonts12:09
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rikiohwhere are you finding this plugin package cuz all i can find are you .bin files one of which is an rpm file12:10
farousrikioh: open adept the package manager12:11
faroussearch for the package then install it12:11
asranielfarous: its just that i dont think its a font problem, because i can see the chars when i type them or if they are on a webpage, but not if open a text file that has been created under windows12:11
Healot!info sun-java5-jdk12:12
ubotusun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 4868 kB, installed size 11548 kB12:12
Healot!info sun-java5-jre12:12
ubotusun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 7169 kB, installed size 15768 kB12:12
farousHealot: he need the plugin for the web browser12:12
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Healotthe jre then12:13
Healotthe jre comes with the browser plugin12:13
farousnope there is a sun-java5-plugin package will automatically install the jre12:13
farousand all other requireed packages12:13
farousand make the necessary symbolic links12:13
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rikiohso what should i do then?12:15
farousrikioh: it is advisable to search for anything you want to install in the kubuntu repos first. adept is a really nice gui to do that12:15
farousrikioh: you run kubuntu right12:16
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farousok to have an idea how to do thing in ubuntu it is advisable to have a look at help.ubuntu.com12:17
farousrikioh: do you know how to open adept12:17
rikiohim in it12:17
farousrikioh: do you have the extra repos enabled. universe and multiverse12:18
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rikiohnot sure what u mean by that but there is a huge list of upgrades or updates12:18
farousrikioh: when you search for sun do you see the sun-java packages12:18
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rikiohno some chinese stuff comes up12:20
rikiohit says something about chinese12:20
rikiohbut nothing about java12:20
farousrikioh: then most prob the extra repos are not enabled12:20
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:20
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farousrikioh: have a look at ubotu links12:21
farousrikioh: i am afraid i have not used the gui for apt for a long time and can only help you through the command line. I though recommend you do it through the gui so perhaps others can help with using adept to add the universe and multiverse repos12:22
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farousrikioh: here is the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:25
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kristyonanyone know why kicker keeps crashing in kubuntu in dapper12:38
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|lostbyte|kristyon, Remove all applets you added..12:40
|lostbyte|and see which one is crashing it.12:40
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cotrolerHow do i uninstall gnome in kubuntu (i have kubuntu kde)12:40
zanhello! could someone please tell me how to set kopete to connect on start-up to a yahoo account? :D pls12:41
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cotrolerHow do i uninstall gnome in kubuntu (i have kubuntu kde)12:42
kanacotroler: there is no easy way to do it. how did you install it by the way using apt-get or aptitude12:44
cotrolerkana: by apt-get12:44
kristyonreinstall kubuntu12:45
kanathere is no easy way try removing libgtk this will remove most of the gnome stuff12:45
kanasudo aptitude purge ~nlibgtk12:45
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cotrolerk tnx12:45
kristyoncant remove some applets12:46
kristyonany manual config I can edit?12:46
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joschakopete problems with icq?12:53
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Teejay_wpI had problems connecting to icq a little while ago with Kopete12:53
Teejay_wpsomething about the client being out of date, now it is gone12:53
joschai have this problem now...12:54
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joschathink i will have to tell all my friends to use jabber12:54
=== Teejay_wp can connect to ICQ using Kopete now
rudizhow to configure automatic upstart of an application ?12:55
fritschTeejay_wp: it`s fixed in edgy ;-)12:56
fritschTeejay_wp: which kde version do you user? 3.5.3?12:57
fritschTeejay_wp: i compiled working kopete for this yesterday, could give you the packages12:57
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rudizautomatic startup of opera in kubuntu is it possible?12:58
fritschTeejay_wp: should have been fixed yesterday12:58
fritschTeejay_wp: try apt-get update && apt-get upgrade12:58
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Teejay_wpI am doing it now12:59
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:00
fritschthx ubotu (faster than bookmarks)01:00
Teejay_wpcan I ask a question, has anybody managed to open .ace files in kubuntu?01:01
fritschTeejay_wp: yes01:01
Teejay_wpwhich program did you install?01:01
fritschTeejay_wp: enable multiverse and install unace01:01
fritschTeejay_wp: its in universe01:01
ubotuI know nothing about unace - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:01
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pavlosubuntu (with kde) is one click away from Torwalds dream... Linux World Domination... hehe ... i like it01:03
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SeanTaterfritsch: !info unace01:17
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fritschSeanTater: ty01:17
fritsch!info unace01:17
ubotuunace: extract, test and view .ace archives. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.2b-3 (dapper), package size 14 kB, installed size 80 kB01:17
SeanTaterfritsch: :D01:17
SeanTaternalpha: hello01:17
SeanTaternalpha: something you need?01:18
nalphai want to ask you all how to use bit torrent in linux ubuntu??01:18
fritschnalpha: just start ktorrent01:18
SeanTaternalpha: look in the K menu for ktorrent01:18
nalphathere is not?01:18
fritschnalpha: alt SPACE, then type ktorrent01:18
AL89sudo apt-get update01:18
AL89sudo apt-get install ktorrent01:18
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fritschnalpha: sudo apt-get install ktorrent01:18
SeanTaternalpha: actually, better than that, go to the .torrent and clock it, it will open in ktorrent01:18
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nalphaokey thankyu all01:19
nalphaalready install ktorent01:19
nalphajust want to ask what is the relation between ktorent and bittorent?01:20
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tdnI have recently installed kubuntu-desktop. When I installed it I wasn't sure that I would keep it, so I chose to stay with gdm for some time in stead of kdm. Now I am ready to use kdm in stead of gdm. How do I specify with login manager I want to use?01:22
SeanTaternalpha: bittorrent is a library, I think, and ktorrent and countless other torrent downloaders use it, along with the original bittorrent downloader, bittorrent.01:22
SeanTatertdn: is kdm installed, just not used?01:23
SeanTatertdn: if it's already installed, do the following:01:23
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tdnSeanTater, installed, not used. Yes.01:23
SeanTatertdn: dpkg-reconfigure kdm01:23
SeanTatertdn: oops, but a sudo before that01:23
tdnSeanTater, ok. Thanks.01:24
tdnSeanTater, then I need to log out and log in again?01:24
SeanTatertdn: you may need to restart01:24
SeanTatertdn: I don;t think logging out does it01:24
SeanTatertdn: I even tried to restart Xorg, but it did not do it either, sorry for the uptime killer01:25
tdnSeanTater, ok.01:25
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tdnWhere do I fint kcontrol in the menus?01:32
Tm_Ttdn: iirc it's "hidden" by default or something01:33
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Tm_Ttdn: use run dialog ;)01:33
puttzcan some one help me to open a rar file ? :)01:33
Tm_Tor edit kcontrol.desktop01:33
Tm_Tputtz: warez?01:33
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Tbolhi everybody01:34
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puttzTm_T : im a noob on linux ..01:34
tdnTm_T, where do I find kcontrol.desktop?01:34
puttzi think im ask in #ubuntu-se01:34
abattoirtdn: try System Settings...01:35
abattoirtdn: if you want Kcontrol, Alt+F2->kcontrol01:35
Tm_Tabattoir: well, I somehow dislike it, it's messy01:35
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abattoirTm_T: heh, I think it is organised :P01:35
Tm_Tabattoir: well, Kcontrol is organised ;)01:36
abattoirTm_T: hi, btw :)01:36
tdnabattoir, I don't want to use "System Settings". I want to use kcontrol. Also the run dialog is not an option for my users. Why should this thing be hidden?01:36
Tm_Tabattoir: moin01:36
abattoirtdn: hmmm, you could add a menu entry for it if you want then01:36
Tm_Ttdn: because systemsettings replace it01:36
Tm_Tabattoir: no need to add, just edit01:37
Tm_Ttdn: wait01:37
abattoirTm_T: yes, that too :)01:37
Tm_Tabattoir: it's just hidden, no need to duplicate it ;)01:38
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tdnTm_T, hmm... So System Settings is a replacement for kcontrol and kcontrol is going to be phased out? I really hope you are kidding.01:39
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Tm_Ttdn: yup, kcontrol is replaced by systemsettings (by default)01:41
Tm_Ttdn: /usr/share/applications/kde/KControl.desktop01:41
Tm_Tuse nano magic01:41
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Doodluvwhat can i do about this? configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check01:42
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tdnTm_T, should I just change NoDisplay to false?01:43
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Tm_TDoodluv: what cpp version?01:43
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Tm_Ttdn: hmm, I think that's it01:43
tdnTm_T, ok. Thanks.01:44
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DoodluvTm_T: how do i get?01:44
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Tm_TDoodluv: cpp --version01:44
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DoodluvTm_T: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check01:45
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DoodluvTm_T:cpp (GCC) 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)01:45
Tm_TDoodluv: hmm, interesting01:45
Tm_TDoodluv: what you're compiling?01:45
tdnHow do I get more themes for kdm? And how do I switch theme?01:46
Tm_Ttdn: kcontrol has the configure powers, kde-look.org has those themes01:46
DoodluvTm_T: its a window theme, i think its really old source, tho..that may be the problem01:46
Tm_TDoodluv: ok, I see, maybe the problem is in the sources yes01:48
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tripppyhas anyone used all the KDE bluetooth apps?01:51
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Healoti use the bt controller to get on the net01:52
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Healotsending/downloading text messages01:53
Healotgnokii is kinda handy, even though xgnokii crashes often01:53
zanhello! could someone please tell me how to set kopete to connect on start-up to a yahoo account? :D pls01:53
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nalphaanyone can explain me about active directory?01:56
nalphain private message?01:56
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Hobbseezan: it's in the configurations settings.  tools, configure, accounts, auto-connect at startup, or something01:58
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nalphaanyone know what syntax to execute bin file?02:09
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fritschnalpha: you mean "binary file" or "bin" from the cue/bin files? (isos)02:10
nalphai mean that02:11
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Healotchmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin02:14
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Healotif that file is in the current directory02:14
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en1gmahey all i just dlaoded kubuntu 6.0.6 amd64 version and am using the dvd as a live dvd. my question is. Is there a newer kernel that i can upgrade to and then burn kubuntu so it uses that on startup02:39
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abattoiren1gma: so you want to remaster the dvd?02:40
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en1gmayea i think so02:40
abattoiren1gma: yes, there is a newer kernel02:41
en1gmabut can i do it on this same dvd cause i believe 3.6gig is being used on this dvd02:41
abattoiren1gma: so you just want to replace the kernel... and nothing else?02:41
en1gmaso i can save the kernel on this dvd and then select it on startup or have it auto select it02:41
en1gmai need a module that i dont think is built in this kernel02:42
abattoirhmmm... i think it is possible... but you'd have to hack around a bit.02:42
en1gmaim will to remaster a whole dvd if its easier though02:42
abattoiren1gma: there is a development version of kubuntu....(might not be stable at all)... i'll check if it has a livedvd version...02:43
en1gmasweet and thnx02:43
master_hey can any one tell me howto to set zone minder on my ubuntu02:43
kristyonhow do i get kde 3.53-2 on kubuntu?02:43
kristyonhear that the kicker crash is fixed02:44
abattoirkristyon: 3.5.3?02:44
kristyoncant find a repo for it02:44
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nalphahow to transfer file between two computer in one network??02:44
kristyonalready got 3.5302:44
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master_to transfer file you must set up your ftp connection02:44
abattoirkristyon: afaik, KDE only releases 3.5.x ... 3.5.x-y might be a distribution's version...02:45
kristyonread it somewhere, maybe only is source then02:45
abattoiren1gma: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/20060729/02:45
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abattoiren1gma: as i said, dont be disappointed if you encounter breakages02:46
Hobbseekde 3.5.4 is out, but has problems on dapper.02:46
en1gmak thnx02:46
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kristyonI keep getting kicker crashing, doin my head in02:46
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abattoiren1gma: this is probably the latest you could lay your hands on :P http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/02:47
kristyonand I cannot stop some of the applets I installed, any manual way of del. them?02:47
en1gmaman i sure wish i would have got that last night02:48
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en1gmaim not sure if i need to get it cause i see my wireless nic when i do a 'ifconfig -a'. it shows up as ra0 but i dont see p80211 and prism202:49
en1gmado i need to modprobe those?02:49
en1gma1 more thing if anyone dont mind02:50
en1gmawhen i "su" its asking me for the pass what is it02:50
kristyonyour user password02:51
abattoiren1gma: its generally 'your' password, which when entered gives you 'administrator privileges'02:51
kristyonu need to ised sudo02:51
kristyonused sudo02:51
abattoirniekie: super user02:51
kristyonuse sudo02:51
niekieYou need "sudo -i" to get a root shell.02:51
kristyoninstead of su02:51
niekieNot su.02:51
abattoirniekie: aah, :P02:52
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abattoiren1gma: saw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/prism2_usb ?02:52
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en1gmaok prism2_pci i think is what i need02:53
abattoirhmm, found only usb02:53
en1gmai had to modprobe it on another distro to get my wifi up i think*02:53
en1gmait was in lsmod anyhow02:53
en1gmai know i have to have P80211 or p80211 (cant remember which one it was02:54
en1gmathats the wifi module i believe02:54
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Kr4t05There aren't any data-recovery tools available in the repos, are there?02:56
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acojlohi, just to say you: I'm more happy with gnome than kde :)03:03
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Martijn81now i spot the topic: what is the difference between sudo -i and logging in as root in crtl+als+F1?03:05
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en1gmagod dang had to restart03:05
sorush20hi guys I'm unable to get the konqueror to print correectly with in the margins any ideas how I can change this?03:05
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en1gmadid you say anything about that p80211 mdoule03:06
Martijn81besides the wider screen :p03:06
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sorush20I want to be able to print with in the correct set margins of an A4 paper, my prints go beyond the page limits..03:07
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en1gmadoes "wlan" have p80211 in it03:10
acojlodoes initramfs has anything to do with usplash?03:10
tripppyHealot, any thing to get BT and BT headsets for phones working03:12
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en1gmai did a 'modprobe wlan' and then i did a 'iwlist ra0 scan' and shell is hanging how do i get it to quit03:13
en1gmai dod a cntrl c and a cntrl z but it not working03:13
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niekieDid you try a CTRL-C?03:13
niekieen1gma, ah.03:13
niekieen1gma, have you tried looking for the hanging process and killing it?03:13
en1gmai can do a cntrl-x and see characters so it not hanging to bad03:13
en1gmanope havent tried looking is it lspcid03:14
en1gmai forget syntax03:14
en1gmaits not letting me login as sudo -i in a new shell03:15
en1gmaits hanging03:15
en1gmai gonna reboot03:15
sorush20how do I merge pdf files together?03:15
damian_why the hell does ubuntu not come with a firewall03:16
Healotsorush20: use Adobe Acrobat?03:16
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klerfaytdamian_: I think ubuntu wants to make it's own firewall, like mandriva03:18
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damian_so it doesn't have a firewall because it wants to make one?03:18
damian_why not just use an already existing firewall in the meantime03:19
Healotthe firewall exists alright > iptables...03:19
damian_you need to be a pro to know how to use that03:19
damian_I'm talking about a fairly easy to configure gui firewall03:20
damian_suse has one03:20
Healotonly the rule chains builder that you need to install (helps you building the rules)03:20
klerfaytdamian_: I'm not a security expert but I guess there is no perfect firewall for ubuntu yet03:20
yamaldamasel: you just need to use a simple script/gui to set it up for you03:20
damian_i'm using firestarter which uses a script to configure iptables for you03:20
damian_that's the closest thing i could come to an ubuntu firewall03:21
klerfaytdamian_: suse's firewall isn't interactive like for example Windows fiewall03:21
yamalall firewalls on linux are just script to set up iptables03:21
yamalone way or the other so what you have is fine03:21
damian_yes i know03:21
damian_but ubuntu provides no wizard or anything03:21
damian_at all03:21
Healotiptables is the native traffic filter << the real "firewall"03:22
damian_klerfayt what do you mean by not interactive03:22
Healottried firestarter or shorewall yet?03:22
damian_i did03:22
damian_the former03:22
eliadosomdo anybody to try enable writing in ntfs?03:22
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en1gmawhen i do i hard restart or even come back from an improper shutdown how does kubuntu know i had an error03:23
en1gmaits writing shiat to my HD?03:23
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en1gmawtf is that shit03:24
en1gmai dont want it touching my HD at all03:24
en1gmais there a boot switch for no sata03:24
en1gmaits got to be writing something to my hd otherwise it would not know it had an improper shutdown03:25
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en1gmais someone here that can answer that Q03:25
tvoprobably it only writes something on a succesful shutdown03:26
Healoten1gma: each time you boot, Linux kernel marks your disk to be dirty03:27
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Healoteach successful shutdown/restart the disk is mark clean03:27
Healotso, in a situation when you improperly shut down the PC, the disk is marked dirty, so Linux knows something went wrong03:27
klerfaytis it possible to use top command to only monitor one process?03:28
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klerfaytHealot: does improper shut down damage harddisk physically?03:28
=== Martijn81 like the idea that linux can mark my disk as dirty, hehe
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en1gmadisc = dvd?03:30
Healotklerfayt: in most cases no, but i've seen worse03:30
en1gmanot hard disc?03:30
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tripppyHealot, any thing to get BT and BT headsets for phones working?03:31
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Healotmicrosoft term disc=DVD/VCD/audio CD/CD-ROM, disk=the huge non-volatile, the harddisk03:31
klerfaytHealot: what about filesystem - will get damaged on hard shut down?03:31
Healottripppy: bluetooth headphone? refer to your phone manual :-03:32
Healotklerfayt: that's where thing like chkdsk comes handy03:32
Healotit repairs your filesystem03:32
en1gmawow thats a nice feature then03:32
en1gmai like that03:32
en1gmai have 403:33
en1gmasata 250 gigs in a raid003:33
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en1gmaso i dont want anything messing with that03:33
tripppyHealot, i have a nokia bluetooth headset. i want it to work wit a USB BT dongle.03:34
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Healotthat thing is for phone connection... if you're thinking about GPRS modem or file transfer, sure I can help a bit03:35
tripppyno. i want the headset to be like a headset, skype VOIP,,, etc.03:35
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Healotget you...03:36
en1gmanow i did a modprobe for rt61 a few reboots back cause (i dont think i see it in the 'lsmod') command. but now when i reboot it it loaded up. does it write that to dvd too?03:36
en1gmathis is wierd03:37
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Healotthe dongle is plugged? tripppy?03:37
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en1gmaor did i just miss it in lsmod before03:37
Healotlet's start scanning the BT device03:37
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en1gmamy dmesg is showing BT info does that mean my mb has BT (i just got this mb about a week ago and never knew it had it)03:39
Healoten1gma: only on volatile disks...03:39
Healoten1gma: a portable PC?03:41
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en1gmano but its a nice MB03:43
en1gmaasus an832-sli deluxe03:44
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en1gmai see BT core is getting loaded up in dmesg03:44
en1gma[   76.360867]  rt61: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel.03:45
en1gma[  100.580753]  ra0 (WE) : Driver using old /proc/net/wireless support, please fix driver !03:45
en1gmai definately need the newer kernel03:45
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Healot"uname -r" enigma03:47
adam__I still can't figure out how to install firefox (i'm new to linux) Kubuntu only came with Konqueror installed03:48
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adam__any1 help? plz?03:49
en1gma"uname -r" enigma whats that03:49
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BazziRadam__: go to adept and install mozilla-firefox03:50
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en1gmais there any possible way i can just dload a new kernel and tell kubuntu to load that new kernel upon boot03:51
en1gmai know its fixed in newer versions (not sure which one but i read in a fix log that it was fixed)03:51
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Healothave you enabled all the repos, adam__? make sure you have enabled the universe, multiverse, next update th repos list03:51
adam__ok....I clicked Request Install now what?03:52
gianlucahello all03:53
adam__now what?03:54
gianlucai'm having crashes after crashes using kubuntu on IA32 and IA64...and i'm disappointed about using something different as desktop OS than this, suggestions?03:54
Healotadam__: click "Commit changes" button03:55
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adam__ok. now it asked me to put linux CD in drive....got it. let's c if it works03:56
en1gmaHealot 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic03:56
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en1gma,he test03:57
Healotuname -r03:57
en1gmawhats the nick completor in Konversation03:57
Healotnot the latest kernel, en1gma03:57
Healot15-25 is the latest iirc03:58
en1gmai know but im not sure how to go about updating cause im only using a live dvd03:58
en1gmais there a change log i can read for -24 and -2503:58
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en1gmai will see if that module has been fixed but i not sure it was that soon03:59
en1gmai think it happened in 2.16.xx03:59
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en1gmathe changelogs on www.kernel.org?03:59
adam__ya it worked. thanks for the help03:59
Healotfor ubuntu at packages.ubuntu.com04:00
rulzis there kde-core present in the kubuntu cdrom supplied? plz anybody04:00
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DaSkreechrulz: Huh?04:00
Healotrulz - kubuntu-desktop has kde in it...04:00
Healotthe core KDE packages is in it04:00
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en1gmai only see change logs for
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rulzbut i dont see kde-core installed in adept04:01
Healotrulz: there isn't any, it is called kubuntu-desktop04:01
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rulzand im not able to compile it says there isnt kde headers04:02
Healotyou need the development library04:02
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Healot!find libkde04:02
ubotuFound: libkdeedu-dev, libkdeedu3, libkdegames-dev, libkdegames1, libkdepim1-dev (and 4 others)04:02
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Healotqt headers for you04:02
Healot!info libqt3-mt-dev04:03
ubotulibqt3-mt-dev: Qt development files (Threaded). In repository main, is optional. Version 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 48 kB, installed size 160 kB04:03
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en1gmashouldnt i be using  linux-image-2.6.15-25-amd64-k8 instead of linux-image-2.6.15-25-amd64-generic [amd64]  well im using 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic but you know what i mean04:05
en1gmaamd64-k8 instead of generic04:05
en1gmai have an x2 proc maybe thats why im in generic04:06
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burepeAfter installing PHP04:06
burepeYou may need to increase the memory limit that PHP imposes on a script. Edit the /etc/php5/apache2/php2.ini file and increase the memory_limit value.04:06
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en1gmaso many Qs so few As04:08
burepeI am reading a faq to set up a LAMP server and it says "After installing PHP You may need to increase the memory limit that PHP imposes on a script. Edit the /etc/php5/apache2/php2.ini file and increase the memory_limit value. " Do I need to do that? If so, how?04:08
burepeI am reading a faq to set up a LAMP server and it says "After installing PHP04:08
burepeburepeYou may need to increase the memory limit that PHP imposes on a script. Edit the /etc/php5/apache2/php2.ini file and increase the memory_limit value. " Do I need to do that? If so, how?04:08
Healoten1gma: sure, if you want to04:08
burepereally sorry about that04:08
en1gmaman i think i dloaded the wrong dvd.iso maybe04:08
burepeThe question is in there but it repeated04:08
Healoten1gma: it's on the net04:08
en1gmai didnt know there were 2 versions04:09
en1gmai just thought it was amd6404:09
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en1gmai dont think i dlaoded a generic04:09
en1gmamaybe i need to select a kernel04:09
en1gmaupon boot04:09
en1gmaof live dvd04:09
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Healot!info linux-amd640k804:10
ubotuPackage linux-amd640k8 does not exist in dapper04:10
Healot!info linux-amd64-k804:10
ubotuPackage linux-amd64-k8 does not exist in dapper04:10
Healot!find linux-amd6404:10
ubotuNo packages matching 'linux-amd64' could be found04:10
Healot!find linux04:10
ubotuFound: doc-linux-html, doc-linux-text, klogd, libaltlinuxhyph-dev, libselinux1 (and 145 others)04:10
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Healot!find linux-amd6404:10
ubotuNo packages matching 'linux-amd64' could be found04:10
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Healot!find linux-kernel04:10
ubotuFound: klogd, linux-kernel-headers, inetutils-syslogd, metalog, socklog-run (and 2 others)04:10
en1gmak so generic is prob just fine04:10
Healotk8 is more optimized for ACPI, the CPU timing etc04:11
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en1gmai thought all amd64 are K804:11
en1gmai get what you are saying....its still more optimized04:12
Healotamd64-generic kernels are for AMD64 (athlon xp 64) and Pentium with EMT6404:12
HealotP4 with EMT6404:12
en1gmaoh shiat so i do have the wrong one04:12
Healotk8 is AMD64 (opetron/athlon)04:12
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Healoten1gma: correct kernel04:13
Healotk8 is MORE optimized though for AMD64 (opetron/athlon)04:13
en1gmai need to reget the whole dvd again.....im not gonna be able to do that. cause im gonna be at hotels for next few days and they have crappy dlaod speeds04:13
en1gmai got lucky last night at this hotel and was getting 200KBs04:13
en1gmax2 is k8 right04:13
Healotx2 yes04:14
HealotSMP K804:14
en1gmai think i gonna have to do it a diff way04:14
en1gmacant i just dload the newer -25 kernel and rename it to whats the kernel is now and remake an iso then burn it04:14
Healot!info linux-amd64-k804:15
ubotuPackage linux-amd64-k8 does not exist in dapper04:15
rulzi ve installed kubuntu from cdrom and there isnt any kde-core or such libs installed what a mess?04:15
en1gmaoh so thats ok then what about dlaoding the newer -25 generic and doing what i said above04:15
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Healotthere is no developmen library in the CDrom, en1gma04:15
Healotyou need to download from the Internet repos...04:16
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en1gmaand is there an kubunto option to re-burn a dvd with that newer -25 generic kernel04:16
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en1gmai got to figure a way to just dload the kernel (i dont think ill be able to dload the whole new -25 generic dvd again04:17
rulzits really pathetic to see that and the cdrom have space for windows programs!!!!!!04:17
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en1gmalike right now is there a kubunto option to dload and use that newer kernel04:18
trappisthow to get a change to /etc/hostname to take effect?04:18
en1gmaor do i have to get the whole new -25 generic iso04:18
en1gmai know debian makes it ez to upgrade a kernel (from what ive read)04:18
en1gmai used to use slackware alot04:18
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WiPinhi all :)04:19
en1gmaso i know my way around "make", "make modules" and "make install" then move the bzimage to /boot04:19
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trappisten1gma: make modules is deprecated, and make install handles the bzimage for you04:20
en1gmaand howto do a kernel .confgure04:20
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trappist'make' and 'make install' is all you need, but I prefer 'make-kpkg' to build a deb04:20
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en1gmawell im just saying (using this live dvd) is there a way to use the newer -25 amd64 generic and then burn it to dvd so it uses that one all the time upon boot04:20
n3m3s1s4uanyone here clued up on tightvncserver?04:21
en1gmaor maybe even booting into windows and dloading the newer -25 kernel and adding it to the kubunto live dvd and being able to select it upon boot04:21
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xbehave2where do programs go when i install them?04:21
larson9999xbehave2: that depends.  you can do 'where program_name' to see where the executable is.04:22
en1gmai do not want to have to dload a whole other 3.5gigs just to use a newer kernel on this live dvd04:22
larson9999that works most of the time.04:22
en1gmausually programs goto /bin /usr/bin04:22
en1gmain slackware04:23
Healotand ubuntu04:23
en1gmai was hoping so cause its linux based but i wasnt sure if i stepped in poop or not04:23
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xbehave2it was in user/bin thanks04:24
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en1gmaim not a complete noob but i am to kubunto....slackware is wrather old school and dont have as many features (as far updating and installing new kernels) as alot of these newer distros04:24
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en1gmawe just goto -current and dload what we want then do "installpkg packagename"04:25
en1gmaand for kernels its all manual04:26
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en1gmaim hoping kubuntu has an ez way for me to dload the new kernel (while using the live dvd) and being able to do it all there and burn new dvd or multisession this one04:27
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en1gmai might be asking for to much04:27
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en1gmabut i dont want to dload 3.5 gigs for a new kernel (first because thats alot and 2nd i dont think i will be able to at these hotels)04:27
DaSkreechen1gma: You'd have to remaster it I'd guess. Why do you need the new Kernel?04:27
en1gmacause my wifi is broken with this version04:28
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gplfightercan i change the logon screen theme?04:29
en1gmasee this hotels wifi was down so they gave me a lan cord to plug into there wall (i cant believe its hardwired) and most hotels just have wifi connection about 20-30KBs04:29
larson9999slackware is still on 2.4, right?  can you use 2.6 with it and 2.4 is just the default?04:29
en1gmaslackware -current uses newer04:29
DaSkreechgplfighter: Yes04:29
en1gmaits been about 6mos since i used slackware04:29
gplfighterand how?04:29
en1gma-testing i think is where the kernels are04:29
larson9999what i hear is that the updating pace of slackware makes debian look like a speeding bullet04:29
en1gmaslackware is fun to manually update the kernel04:29
en1gmamakes me feel like a code monkey04:30
en1gmaseeing it compile from my commands04:30
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larson9999i've never hear anything nice about slackware so i never tried it04:30
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en1gmaslackware is more lower level to linux i think04:31
en1gmawhich can be neat04:31
en1gmaif you like the cli04:31
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damian_slackware is good if you like being frustrated every 4 seconds04:31
en1gmait lets you learn linux very well04:31
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damian_have you used it?04:31
en1gmabeing in config files04:32
damian_i heard it's a pain04:32
en1gmaive only used slackware off and on for last 4years04:32
en1gmayea but when you learn it you know almost any linux distro04:32
damian_what's keeping you from using it continuously04:32
en1gmathese live cds are a bit different04:32
en1gmaim a gamer04:32
damian_oh i see04:32
en1gmaso i always have to back to windows04:32
damian_a sad world we live in04:32
en1gmathats what makes these live cds great04:32
en1gmai dont have to touch my hd (windows for gaming) and i can pop in a live dvd when i want to surf etc..04:33
damian_the slackware live cds?04:33
damian_or ubuntu ones?04:33
en1gmabut my wifi is broken in this kernel04:33
en1gmai dont think slax are that great04:33
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en1gmaand not 64bit04:33
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en1gmaslamd64 isnt kept up to date verywell....just one guy doing all the 64bit compiling04:34
en1gmawww.slamd64.com *04:34
en1gmafirst thing on site is donations04:34
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en1gmai hear good about kubuntu04:35
burepeI am installing a LAMP server using a faq from ubotu. I need another faq to tell me how to use it. Like ports, and firewalls and whatever. Any suggestions?04:35
en1gmai was using dsl and dsl-n but they dont do 64bit either04:35
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)04:35
=== bill [n=bill@c-24-14-129-6.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
en1gmadsl is a great little distro04:35
damian_Tm_T what does the exclamation mark in fron of those words mean04:35
larson9999en1gma: linux has plenty of games for me.  i'm afraid until more think like me, linux will continue not to get the latest and greatest.04:36
en1gmaive gamed on linux but its usually a biatch to get it up and running right04:36
en1gmaeven enemy territory04:36
Tm_Tdamian_: controlmark, so that bot knows I'm talking to him04:36
en1gmawith its sound problems04:36
DaSkreechburepe: What are you looking for?04:36
Tm_Ten1gma: nah, no sound problems here04:36
en1gmaand using wine and cedega is just a pain04:37
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en1gmai always had to add a /snd command for alsa04:37
en1gmaor somethign04:37
larson9999en1gma: did that work?04:37
en1gmait did work04:37
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larson9999en1gma: adding /snd for sound meets your definition of a pain?04:37
klerfaytbesides Windows you need good hardware for gaming04:38
en1gmawell not really...i said wine and cedega were the pains04:38
en1gmaand low performance04:38
burepeDaSkreech: I want to install drupal. Is there anything I have to do before that?04:38
en1gmai never get the high frame rates like i do in windows04:38
en1gmaand alot of games are directx now04:38
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en1gmamaybe ps3 will bring opengl games back cause it will be using linux i read04:39
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larson9999en1gma: i just decided not to use anything that doesn't run in linux and to write companies i think should make things that do.04:39
DaSkreechburepe: Find Drupal in adept. Click request Install04:39
en1gmaits gonna take someone like sony to bring a good api to linux04:39
bureperequest install?04:39
en1gmato make linux replace windows for eveerything04:40
DaSkreechYup then Apply04:40
burepei bet it will be google04:40
en1gmai remember when openGL ruled the world04:40
en1gmadirextx was a POS04:40
en1gmawhen did that all change04:40
DaSkreechburepe: You have Adept?04:40
damian_opengl still rules the pro worls04:40
damian_directx is used for making games04:41
damian_people who work with cgi use opengl04:41
DaSkreechburepe: Open?04:41
burepeI don't follow what "request" is04:41
damian_it's a lot more powerful than directx04:41
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larson9999en1gma: when did opengl die?  i must have missed that one04:41
burepeWhat do you mean "open"?04:41
en1gmaok guys i gonna get on the road if someone can come up with an idea about me not having to dlaod a new dvd iso and i can replace my kernel with the newer -25 64bit kernel i would appreciate it04:41
en1gmai would even like to use the newer 2.6.17 kernel04:41
en1gmalet me know tonight04:41
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en1gmalook at the games that are out04:42
en1gma90% are directx04:42
en1gmawith idsoftware where would games on linux be04:42
en1gmagod i love carmack04:42
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en1gmagot to go04:43
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en1gmacyas later and dont forget the guy who dont want to dload a dvdiso just to change my kernel on this live dvd04:43
en1gmabblater tonight04:43
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supernixUptime: 6 days, 12 hours and 24 minutes04:44
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maxi_what packages do I need for NTFS support?04:44
supernixDoes anyone happen to use one of those air cards to access the net ?04:44
maxi_to write on NTFS drives?04:44
Philip5maxi_: that's not recommendable04:45
maxi_why not?04:45
Philip5it's not considered totally safe04:45
maxi_what is meant by totally?04:46
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burepeDaSkreech what do you mean "open"?04:46
maxi_I just need it on my Personal PC04:46
Philip5that's why it's set to be read only04:46
maxi_hmm ok04:46
Philip5maxi_: yes but if you are unlucky and write to a ntfs partition you could make all the partition unreadable04:47
h3sp4wnsupernix: air cards ? I use an atheros wireless card04:47
DaSkreechburepe: Is Adept Open? So that you are looking at it?04:48
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burepeoh yeah04:48
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supernixh3sp4wn: all I know is they call it an air card you use it for wireless internet connection\04:49
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supernixFrom what I was told you connect it to your USB connection04:50
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DaSkreechburepe: You know how to use Adept?04:50
martinjh99Are there packages for 3.5.4 yet??  If so where..? ;)04:50
DaSkreechOk install Drupal04:50
burepeI just didn't understand some of your word useage04:50
burepemy bad04:50
burepeI think I have to set the mysql password first04:51
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h3sp4wnsupernix: You are better off with a pci or cardbus card (you will have less problems)04:51
burepeI did the comand the faq I am using told me to but it seems to have not worked04:51
supernixhmmm I will have to check into that then04:51
supernixI figured it would be to good to be true04:51
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DaSkreechburepe: Which faq? That might help04:52
h3sp4wnsupernix: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility04:52
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simon__hi; it appears I have some issues with font hinting in kde; it's not enabled in system settings, is it possible it's set up via dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or so?04:53
supernixthey said it could get speeds up to 384kbs I wonder if that is a good enough connection for connection sharing04:53
larson9999ntfs read-write is supposed to be good now.  here is a link.  http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=269704:53
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larson9999still beta but i have a friend who says he hasn't had any issues.04:55
simon__and also, how can I get more (monospaced) fonts in konsole? I see more in konversation than I do in konsole04:55
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DaSkreechburepe: You could just apt-get install drupal04:55
MilhousePunkRockI am having trouble with my USB thumb drive04:56
burepeHey this command where it says 'yourpassword' do I leave the brackets? SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('yourpassword');04:56
MilhousePunkRockI think it did not get mounted properly and the folder I copied onto it is only garbage04:57
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MilhousePunkRockAnd I can't delete it anymore04:57
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BluesKajHowdy room !04:57
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MilhousePunkRockHowdy BluesKaj04:57
BluesKajhi MilhousePunkRock04:57
h3sp4wnsupernix: With qos on openwrt that connection would be fine for connection sharing (get a linksys wrt54gl router is the easiest way)04:57
nick_hello i have a problem with setting up a networkprinter with a (windows) computer04:58
BluesKajfinally cooled off here in Northern Ontario04:58
voicuHi, did anyone manage to setup amarok to use MySQL? I can't make it work04:58
nick_can someone help me ?04:58
supernixkewl then I can share the connection with my girl and kill any thoughts of 56k for good04:58
DaSkreechburepe: anything in the little boxes should be typed exactly as seen but with the obvious stuff replaced04:58
voicuEach time it builds the collection nothing appears. So I restarted and builds the collection again with no result04:59
burepenot exactly04:59
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burepewhen you access mysql it says "mysql>" but the commands also have "mysql>" in them so it is redundant and causing errors05:00
DaSkreechvoicu: Umm Not sure have you asked in #amarok?05:00
MilhousePunkRockabattoir and abattoir_: Hey!05:00
supernixty for all your advise and help h3sp4wn05:00
voicuburepe: I think the guys amarok knew about stuff like that05:00
DaSkreechburepe: You don't include the prompt :)05:00
nick_each time a want to do a "testprint"  the system says that it works but it doesn't begin!!05:00
voicuok... trying #amarok05:01
burepedo I repalce the root and localhost info too?05:01
burepevoicu it is a differnt thing we are talking about05:01
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burepewe are not talking about amarok05:01
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voiculol, ok :)05:02
nick_can someone help me?05:02
illnesshi all05:02
burepenick_ ask your question05:02
DaSkreechburepe: He did05:02
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DaSkreechnick_: What Printer?05:03
illnessi installed kdetv... and everything works fine, but i get no sound... any ideas?05:03
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nick_canon s40005:03
=== DaSkreech winces
nick_it's installed on a computer with windows XP home edition05:03
burepeillness plug the headphones in to the tvtuner card audio port05:03
burepeit is seperate05:03
BluesKajnick_, I have the same prob , but i havent been able to solve it either05:04
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burepeyou gotta change it when you watch tv or get a splitter to go back into the speakers05:04
illnessthere is no headphone jack05:05
nick_it's strange isn't it!! the say it works but it doesn't start printing05:05
burepeDaSkreech Do I have to replace 'root' and 'localhost' too?05:05
BluesKajmy printer sets up to print the test page, but then it freezes and does nothing05:05
illnesson the tv card05:05
larson9999i'm lucky enough to have a print sever.  worth the $10 or so if you can find one used05:05
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DaSkreechburepe: No That's the prompt :) You ignore those :)05:05
nick_but i am in network with that pc i just can't print05:06
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:06
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Toronto-HSE-ppp3713526.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
burepeDaSkreech What about this? I replace 'yourusername' and 'yourpassword' but not 'localhost'? mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'yourusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;05:06
DaSkreechnick_: Have you read those?05:06
BluesKajI 've been asked all the ocvious questions like , "do you have print sharing turned on in the XP pc etc"05:06
DaSkreechAhh Ok there :)05:07
DaSkreechnick_: Try those they might help05:07
larson9999you have to mess with the groups for cups to work05:07
DaSkreechburepe: Sorry Misunderstanding. Yes names and passwords you replace with what you need. They can be the same but you should know if they aren't05:07
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edisonmorning averyone05:08
nick_i'm using kubuntu  from yesterday05:08
BluesKajyes nick_, same here I'm on a windows network too , the printer is USB conned to the other pc (windows)05:08
DaSkreech burepeIf you don't know then use them as shown05:08
DaSkreechedison: Moring05:08
DaSkreechBluesKaj: Did you read !print? :)05:08
burepeDaSkreech So just not 'localhost'?05:08
edisoni have a problem with my nvidia card, i cant change my resolution from 800*600 to 1024*76805:08
edisoncause only shows 800*600 option05:09
BluesKajyes DaSkreech, many times05:09
DaSkreechburepe: Localhost means this computer. If you are using this computer as the server then localhost is fine05:09
DaSkreechBluesKaj: Ok Just checking. Canon?05:09
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:09
DaSkreech!resolution > edison05:09
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h3sp4wnWhy was the modeline part of it removed from that fixvideoresolutionhowto (It was well written and easy to understand) now its not there :/05:10
nick_do somebody know how i get MSN messenger on my kubuntu pc05:11
Ignite_nick_, kopete05:11
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Ignite_K Menu -> ~Internet -> Kopete05:11
nick_but that sucks and amsn to05:11
Ignite_kopete is awesome05:11
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Ignite_you could install GAIM05:12
burepeDaSkreech I cant get this command to work even thought I replaces 'yourusername' and 'yourpassword'. mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'yourusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;05:12
burepe Is 'yourusername' my username for this linux install?05:12
DaSkreechnick_: What are you looking for?05:12
DaSkreechburepe: No it's your mysql usernam I would assume05:13
burepei don't have one yet I am making one05:13
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burepeI want it to be the same as the name on the comp but I am getting errors05:13
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DaSkreechwhat errors?05:13
gianlucabye all05:14
burepeIs it blocking because it is the same as the admin name?05:14
burepeFound it05:14
nick_if there is a way to get the MSN messenger on mu kubuntu pc05:14
soulrider_guys, my adept kinda crashed and i still ahve a running process so i cant open it again, how can i terminate that process?05:14
burepethat damn reapeating 'mysql>"05:14
soulrider_nick_: why not use kopete or GAIM?05:14
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MilhousePunkRocknick_: If you don't like either Kopete and Gaim, there is not much left05:14
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nick_because i don't like it05:15
soulrider_too bad05:15
soulrider_seriously, the msn client sucks :p05:15
DaSkreechsoulrider_: killall adept*05:15
burepein the control panel there is a systems monitor. I forget the path and the name but if that helps...05:16
burepe] 05:16
DaSkreechsoulrider_: Though you could try sudo dpkg --configure -a first05:16
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burepeor that05:16
nick_yes it sucks and it doesn't work well but it has a lot of functions an has a good design05:16
DaSkreechnick_: try Wine but I doubt it will work05:16
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soulrider_ kopete has all of them too05:16
soulrider_except for the handwrite thing i think05:16
MilhousePunkRocknick_: I think you can run the original MSN under Wine.. As you probably don't like Konqueror either, try running MSIE there as well05:16
DaSkreech Microsoft stuff normally bypasses the API to go deep into the Windows core so they are nearly impossible to replicate05:17
soulrider_lol MilhousePunkRock05:17
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nick_with wini does it have to work but you have to install en change many things05:17
MilhousePunkRockDaSkreech: I passed the Windows Genuine Verification yesterday using Wine, so M$ isnt half as smart as it pretends to be...05:18
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DaSkreechMilhousePunkRock: You mean that WINE is very dedicated :)05:18
soulrider_nick_: if you cant bare not having the original msn client i seriously cant udnerstand why youre using kubuntu05:18
larson9999MilhousePunkRock: to my knowledge IE doesn't work with recent release of wine.  i've had to use ie4linux for a while now.  ff does though and has better performance for most things05:18
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MilhousePunkRocknick_: I am sorry to that, but maybe you better install Windows and get happy with that...05:18
DaSkreechsoulrider_: That's not fair. He can like the application05:19
abattoir_MilhousePunkRock: hi :)05:19
larson9999but yeah, why would you want msn?  i don't even use that in windows05:19
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soulrider_i didnt say he didnt have to like it05:19
MilhousePunkRocklarson9999: That wasn't really serious anyway...05:19
soulrider_but he shoudl be able to live with it05:19
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DaSkreechnick_: Try Wine :-) It can't kill you05:19
soulrider_mostly ebcause its nott hat good :P05:19
edisonhi still have the resolution problem05:19
DaSkreechI don't think it's that good either but then I love ICQ and most people think I'm crazy05:19
edisoni cant set it to 1024*76805:19
nick_i had always problems with the windows activation so i changed to kubuntu05:20
MilhousePunkRockHey abattoir! Nice you woke up... :-P05:20
DaSkreechedison: Did you try the dpkg-reconfigure ?05:20
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: nah, wasnt sleeping, was away :)05:20
soulrider_i gto some KDE update shere, should i upgrade?05:20
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MilhousePunkRocknick_: That's because you need to BUY windows...05:20
edisonyes, but didnt change anything05:20
edisonit still look the same 800*60005:20
soulrider_i never bought windows and never had a problem :P05:21
MilhousePunkRocknick_: You could try Miranda, maybe you like that better than Kopete and Gaim...05:21
soulrider_i doubt it05:21
soulrider_miranda is less user friendly05:21
soulrider_or at least it was05:21
edisoni fallow the steps show in the page u gave me but still look 800*60005:22
soulrider_i used it for several months while in win05:22
MilhousePunkRockWhat about amsn?05:22
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h3sp4wncentericq is pretty good05:22
MilhousePunkRockHaving seen both Trillian and Miranda on Win, I have to say, Gaim is decent and Kopete is awesome...05:23
edisonsomeone can help to change my screen resolution please05:23
edisonit only shows me 800*60005:23
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edisoni have a nvida fx520005:24
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nick_i'm just using gaim for the first time an if i log in it fals out after a few sec05:24
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MilhousePunkRocknick_: Than there is something wrong on your end05:25
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edisonsomeone can help to change my screen resolution please05:25
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Firetechhow long is 3.5.4 expected to be broken? I accidentally upgraded before reading the announcement...05:25
larson9999edison: you probably don't have your card installed properly05:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:26
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edisoni just intall the driver for it05:26
damian_is there a guide explaining how to get my wireless card to work05:26
edisonand still giving me problems05:26
larson9999edison: or at least that was the case for my 5500.05:26
maurisomebody knows ho to configure conky?05:27
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soulrider_conky ?05:27
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ubotuI know nothing about conky - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:27
mauriok thanks05:27
edisonwell let me check the page and back in a sec, thanks05:28
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yamalmauri: check the examples at conky.sf.net05:28
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nick_witch virusscan can i use for kubuntu05:28
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soulrider_no need to05:28
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mauriyamal, i took a look05:28
mauribut i cant find conkyrc05:28
mauri: \05:28
MilhousePunkRocknick_: There are AV programs for Linux, but hardly any viruses...05:29
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damian_is there a guide for getting wireless to work05:29
jasjsomeone know how upload a program to the community05:30
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:30
yamalmauri: it's just a text file you put in  your home dir as .conkyrc05:31
MilhousePunkRockdamian_: ^^05:31
doowtniopI seem to have lost sound after updating to dapper and I'm not really sure how to debug it?05:31
maurieheh, right then05:31
maurithanks a lot05:31
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=== sebsebseb [n=rethink@82-46-103-6.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
sebsebsebI have a Ubuntu and Kubuntu installed with their partions.  and XP and a lap top recovery partion.  this is just one 80GB hard disk.05:33
sebsebsebhowever Ubuntu/Kbuntu has ended up up with 15GB and I carn't reize that ext3 partion with QTParted or Gparted.  I read about two other progrmas for resizing them,  but I am not sure. so haven't even tryed downloading or installing05:33
sebsebsebor it was just one program05:33
MilhousePunkRocksebsebseb: resize2fs might be what you are looking for, if you are not afraid of the CLI05:34
burepeI am confused by this faq. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP It says near the beginning "If you did not use the LAMP installer option from the server cd but want to install those same packages without having to reinstall your operating system, use  any method to install the following packages05:35
burepeapache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server05:35
burepeAll of those packages are in the Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) main repository. Once LAMP is installed, you need to set a mysql root password and then, depending on your web application, create a database, user and password. That's it! " so I did that and then I went down to the bottom and set the mysql password. Do I need to do the "Phpmyadmin or mysql-admin" section?05:35
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ubotuI know nothing about resize2fs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:38
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soulrideri got a question, well, 205:40
soulrideri heard that FAT partitions have a filesize limit, is that true?05:40
soulriderand, can i write with no problems to FAT partitions?05:40
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yamalsoulrider: every filesystem has its limits, so yes; and yes you can for #205:42
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soulriderand whats the limit?05:42
h3sp4wn2gb afaik05:42
h3sp4wn(at least it was)05:43
yamalalso depends what version of fat... but it isn't too high anyway05:43
soulrideradn what filesystem can i use that is compatible with both win and linux05:43
burepeHow can I find out what my "user"s "group" is?05:43
osh_soulrider: fat3205:44
soulriderand theres a sizelimit too ?05:44
=== sebsebseb how can I resize the ext3 where Ubuntu/Kubuntu is installed?
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mauriyamal: i created .conkyrc05:44
ubotuI know nothing about resize2fs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:44
MilhousePunkRock!info resize2fs05:44
maurii tried to edit it but it doesnt affect anything05:44
ubotuPackage resize2fs does not exist in dapper05:44
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ubotuI know nothing about resize - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:45
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ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org05:45
yamalmauri: but conky does work ?05:45
TheGateKeepersoulrider: there are howto's on the ubuntu forums about read/writting to a NTFS partition, things have recently improved here05:45
osh_soulrider: btw, i think xfs has both linux and windows hooks. that should be enough for you. 9tb filesize max and 18tb volumesize max. or something similar.05:45
zipper_I've got ubuntu 6.06 installed, but i wanted to try out kde so i installed the 'kubuntu-desktop' package. All went well, KDE starts and everything, but for some reason my keyboard language/layout isnt the same as in gnome, even if i use 'language selection' to select my main language, danish. Anyone know what could be wrong?05:45
maurisure, it starts05:45
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h3sp4wnxfs is the filesystem with the most reported issues (even more than reiserfs4)05:46
yamalmauri: you know that only the stuff after the line thatsays "TEXT" determines what is shown?05:46
soulriderTheGateKeeper: i got ntfs suppor on linux but it said writing was experimental, and it that didnt sound too nice05:46
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maurithe rest is the appearence05:47
yamal'killall -USR1 conky' reloads the config05:47
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TheGateKeepersoulrider: know what you are saying but Xandos is one distro that claims to read / write to ntfs 'out of the box'05:48
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larson9999soulrider: have you tried this?  i'm curious how it works.  i do know the folks at gparted say the driver they use is rock solid.  i don't konw if that's true but i've resized many ntfs partitions with it and haven't had a problemntfs read-write is supposed to be good now.  here is a link.  http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=269705:48
=== sebsebseb where I get resize2fs if I don't have it already. and how would I use it?
soulriderk, ill try to find out more, thanks!05:49
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mauriyamal: wow05:49
dhqhow to uninstall apache2 and apache05:50
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dhqi waana give a fresh start05:50
yamalI should demand payment ;)05:50
osh_dhq: sudo aptitude purge apache apache-common apace2 apache2-common05:50
maurii am supposed to restart the application to experiment the changement in conkyrc?05:50
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osh_dhq: more or less.05:50
yamalmauri: yes. it only loads the config when it's started or told to05:50
MilhousePunkRocksebsebseb: That's how to use it: http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man8/resize2fs.8.html05:51
dhqosh_: it will kill the apache2 sercer too rite05:52
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agresori`m trying to install MPlayer05:52
agresori got this err messege05:52
agresorGui/libgui.a(interface.o): In function `guiInit':interface.c:(.text+0xca2): undefined reference to `vo_setwindow'05:52
agresor??? anyone ?05:52
dhqosh_: the server is still running05:53
MilhousePunkRocksebsebseb: If I remember correctly it's a command, not a program... type "sudo resize2fs" in the shell05:53
osh_dhq: Is it still running after you've done a "purge"?05:54
MilhousePunkRocksebsebseb: It will tell you the version number and the suffixes05:54
sebsebsebit's an ext3 what I got though and not ext205:54
osh_dhq: aptitude purge/remove should kill it. You don't have any files left on your system if done right. Do a dpkg -l | grep apache05:54
MilhousePunkRocksebsebseb: That doesn't matter05:55
osh_dhq: Does that show anything?05:55
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dhqyes alot05:55
osh_dhq: about apache?05:55
sebsebsebright seems I  have it05:55
sebsebsebso it's a command line program?05:56
dhqosh_: yes apache files05:56
DaSkreechagresor: How are you installing it?05:56
osh_dhq: which ones?05:56
MilhousePunkRocksebsebseb: Yes05:56
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soulriderto tell yout he truth i dont really want to use anything like that unless i know it works perfectly05:56
soulriderdont wanna risk loosing any of my data05:56
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DaSkreechsoulrider: Bah It's just data :)05:57
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osh_soulrider: and you've got a backup anyway, right?05:57
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DaSkreechPlus running around outside doing some primal screaming after the last 12 years of your life has been lost is good for you05:57
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DaSkreechagresor: Ping05:58
bytefoohi i guys, i installed kubuntu and am trying to use my usb headphones, but i don't know how to switch to them or they aren't being detected. any ideas? they work fantastic under gnome05:58
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agresorDaSkreech, no05:58
agresormplayer not working at me05:59
dhqrc  apache-ssl                             1.3.34-2                                versatile, high-performance HTTP server with05:59
dhqii  apache2                                2.0.55-4ubuntu2                         next generation, scalable, extendable web se05:59
DaSkreechagresor: How are you installing it?05:59
agresori`m installing it with source code05:59
dhqii  apache2-common                         2.0.55-4ubuntu2                         next generation, scalable, extendable web se05:59
dhqrc  apache2-doc                            2.0.55-4ubuntu2.1                       documentation for apache205:59
dhqii  apache2-mpm-worker                     2.0.55-4ubuntu2                         high speed threaded model for Apache205:59
dhqii  apache2-utils                          2.0.55-4ubuntu2                         utility programs for webservers05:59
DaSkreechagresor: Why?05:59
osh_!tell dhq about pastebin05:59
agresorIs there other way ?05:59
DaSkreech!info mplayer05:59
MilhousePunkRockdhq: You should know better...05:59
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In repository multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 3265 kB, installed size 7916 kB05:59
DaSkreechagresor: Do you have adept?05:59
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agresorapt ?05:59
dhqosh_: wat is pastepin05:59
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DaSkreechagresor: Or that :-) You know how to edit your sources?06:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:00
agresorDaSkreech,  what souce to put in sources.bin ?06:00
DaSkreech!multiverse > agresor06:00
DaSkreechRead that06:00
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MilhousePunkRock!easysource > agresor06:00
epsilomnews:: kde 3.5.4 is out www.kde.org06:00
osh_dhq: you havent removed apache. did you run the sudo adept purge-lnie I sent you?06:00
MilhousePunkRockepsilom: Read the channel topic, it's broken in dapper06:01
bytefooso...any ideas why my usb headphones aren't detected in kde? or how to switch to them? :|06:01
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=== MilhousePunkRock does have USB headphones on his windows box but is too lazy to crawl under the desk to unplug them
osh_dhq: what did it say? you obviously have apache2 on your system still.06:02
bytefoowell of course they work oob in windows :/06:02
agresorMilhousePunkRock,  what suppose to put in "key"       gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv KEY06:03
bytefooi mean theres got to be some kind of hardware device manager thing right? :/06:03
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=== osh_ is leaving. Time to do some exercise in the rain.
soulriderdoes anyone know a good aplce to read about how to make GUI in java? :P06:05
bytefooi guessi have to reboot just to use them :/06:06
soulrideri meant somewhere else :P06:06
DaSkreechYou read the java trails?06:06
soulriderjava trails?06:06
soulridersorrya bout the 06:06
dhqosh_: !pastebin dhq206:07
agresorroot@agresor:/media/hda6/MPlayer-1.0pre8# apt-get install MPlayer06:07
agresorReading package lists... Done06:07
agresorBuilding dependency tree... Done06:07
agresorE: Couldn't find package MPlayer06:07
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dhqosh_: now the apache server is removed06:08
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dhqosh_: i want to start a fresh start for apache i need to use it as a web server and use my local directory06:08
BluesKajSuccess!, managed to get the windows network printer up and printing from the Kubuntu machine thx to this page : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter?highlight=%28WindowsXPPrinter%2906:09
BluesKajthx for the tips DaSkreech! :)06:10
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DaSkreechagresor: Did you do a apt-get update06:10
DaSkreechBluesKaj: No problem remember to share!06:10
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soulrideri need to set up mine too06:11
soulrideri guess the link will be useful06:11
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BluesKajthat;s why i posted the URL https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter?highlight=%28WindowsXPPrinter%2906:11
dhqosh_: so plz help06:11
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BluesKajsoulrider, worked for me after I chose the right printer name ...it's the same as the one used on the windows machine06:12
agresorDaSkreech,  is the package name is MPlayer ?06:12
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agresordid u install it ?06:12
DaSkreechagresor: yes just use all common06:12
agresorit will download codecs and fonts ?06:13
agresoror i have manual ?06:13
DaSkreechagresor: Ermm I think so :) What codecs do you need?06:13
agresorfor .avi  mpeg mp306:13
agresorand all ?:06:13
DaSkreechKaffiene does all of those06:14
agresorno it doesnt.. :( i dont have plugins06:14
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agresorhow to update plugins on Kaffiene ?06:14
DaSkreechagresor: try libxine-extracodecs06:15
ubotuI know nothing about w32 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:15
DaSkreechAnd those URLs should take care of everythign else06:16
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Ace2007hi all06:16
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DaSkreechagresor: keep me up to date06:19
h3sp4wnthe w32codecs from debian multimedia are newer than the ones from the penguin liberation front06:19
MilhousePunkRock!multimedia > agresor06:19
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:20
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MilhousePunkRocklol I was scrolled up, DaSkreech gave agresor the info already...06:20
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Wait.. Debian is newer than someone?06:21
agresorhmm :(06:21
DaSkreechMilhousePunkRock: Better too much than too little06:21
agresori`m without success06:21
DaSkreechagresor: Where did it fail?06:21
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: debian sid is newer than almost all distro's06:21
DaSkreechOh Sid :)06:22
=== MilhousePunkRock is out! CU everone!
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-080-081.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu ["Who]
DaSkreechYou might as well just plug a SVH script into your viens06:22
agresorDaSkreech,  im trying to apt-get install mplayer-38606:22
agresorthen that depend of other package06:22
agresorthen that other package depends of other package06:22
DaSkreechagresor: are you in Kubuntu?06:22
agresorand that.... :((((06:23
DaSkreechtry kmplayer06:23
agresori have it06:23
agresorwont play06:23
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agresorcant play avi06:25
fannagogannakmplayer is a front-end to mplayer06:25
agresorcant play mp306:25
agresorcant play anything..06:25
BluesKajMPlayer is available seperately but I think you have to use unsupported sources to get it06:25
fannagogannaare you using mplayer for video/audio editing or to watch and play movies only?06:26
agresorjust to watch06:26
agresorand play06:26
agresorlol :S06:26
agresorwhen i trying to compile it06:26
agresorwont configure it...06:26
=== hemejorma [n=hemejorm@dyn3-82-128-188-81.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu
agresorin ubuntu works..06:26
agresorkubuntu wont.06:26
DaSkreechagresor: You can't apt-get install mplayer?06:26
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DaSkreechagresor: Have you tried in adept?06:27
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agresorwhen i put it06:29
agresorthere is06:29
agresorBREAK (install)06:29
agresorwhat is wrong ?06:29
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DaSkreechGood question what else have you tried to install?06:29
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h3sp4wn!info kmplayer06:30
ubotukmplayer: media player for KDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 161 kB, installed size 524 kB06:30
h3sp4wnmultiverse is not enabled (I think)06:30
h3sp4wn!info mplayer06:30
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In repository multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 3265 kB, installed size 7916 kB06:30
agresorDaSkreech,  i tryed with source code..06:31
agresorerror with gui06:31
DaSkreechWell he's installing it and it's breaking06:31
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soulriderguys, if i wanna play a game using wine, will i ahve to sinatll directX? :-/06:32
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BluesKajDaSkreech, automatix might have mplayer . I changed my sources list so I no longer have automatix06:32
DaSkreechBluesKaj: Automatix is evil06:33
h3sp4wnIts ffmpeg you need that is not crippled (for it to work properly)06:33
DaSkreechagresor: Ok what have you done so far? :-)06:33
larson9999h3sp4wn: ffmpeg again?  you're the expert now, right?06:34
BluesKajthat seems to be a majority view around here , DaSkreech :)06:34
agresorwhey i type this06:34
agresorroot@agresor:/etc/apt# apt-get install libreadline406:34
agresorthat ask me to remo 500 mb06:34
agresorall softwares06:34
larson9999h3sp4wn: maybe you should make a package that isn't cripled.06:34
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agresorThe following NEW packages will be installed:06:34
agresor  libreadline406:34
agresor0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 259 to remove and 1 not upgraded.06:34
agresorNeed to get 139kB of archives.06:34
agresorAfter unpacking 468MB disk space will be freed.06:34
agresorDo you want to continue [Y/n] ?06:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:34
Hawkwindagresor: Use pastebin next time please06:35
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DaSkreechI think you broke something06:35
DaSkreechCan You pastebin your sources?06:35
agresorfor example ? :P06:35
h3sp4wnlarson9999: I have never managed to get the cvs version to build in a way I am happy with (i.e without me disabling things that I don't really want to disable)06:35
Hawkwindlarson9999: You ever use E17 at all ?06:35
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larson9999Hawkwind: no, just e1606:36
agresorjust tell me..06:36
agresordo i have to add those keys from sources.list ?06:36
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Hawkwindlarson9999: Ah.  I put up an E17 deb repo on SoS last night.  Hoping to get some users to try it out06:36
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larson9999Hawkwind: i will now.  i've been waiting for you to tell me sos was all *buntued up.06:37
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Hawkwindlarson9999: There is a Deb Packages page on the site and it contains a bit of info06:38
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dhqwhich is the best webserver06:38
HawkwindNo such thing as 'best'06:39
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HawkwindThat's a matter of opinion06:39
HawkwindIf there was a 'best' there would be only one06:39
TheDanManI use apache :shrug: does everything I need06:39
dhqHawkwind: in your view06:39
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Hawkwinddhq: No, that's fact.06:39
DaSkreechagresor: In general yes but you don't have to add one for multiverse06:39
HawkwindIf there was a 'best' then there would only be one available06:39
larson9999the best is the one you like best?  that seems to hold true in linux and love06:39
dhqTheDanMan: i have so many problems with apache06:39
larson9999Hawkwind: or others trying to become the 'Best'06:40
TheDanMandhq: I don't ;-)06:40
HawkwindApache just......works06:40
dhqHawkwind: : i have so many problems with apache06:40
Hawkwinddhq: I don't06:40
TheDanMandhq: I use apache because it works for me, and I can use it with minimal modification06:40
larson9999nothing that supposedly 'just works' does for me.06:40
Hawkwinddhq: You're having problems because you don't understand I'm betting06:40
dhqHawkwind: how to use it06:41
Hawkwinddhq: apache.org and also tldp.org and read all about it06:41
Hawkwinddhq: Also type: /join #Apache06:41
h3sp4wndhq: Use the kernel http server (don't know whether it is still there actually)06:41
larson9999*buntu included.  i didn't have tons of set up with it but claiming it 'just works' is a little off.06:42
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dhqHawkwind: no now i want to install apache06:42
dhqtell me the command06:42
Hawkwindlarson9999: I've never done more than install apache and start the service06:42
Hawkwinddhq: sudo apt-get install <package>   Replace <package> with whatever you want06:42
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dhqHawkwind: i will just have to type apache rite06:43
larson9999Hawkwind: i haven't used apache but am pretty close to setting up my own server.  guess i'll see then.  no setup other than apt-get?06:43
Hawkwindlarson9999: Not for me.  Been that way for years06:44
arsoumm guys06:44
arsosilly question06:44
larson9999Hawkwind: just emodules0-all to install e17?06:44
arsobut am burning a data dvd on k3b06:44
arsowill it be accessible on windows ?06:44
larson9999arso: should be06:45
arsoso they all follow a standard on that huh06:45
Hawkwindlarson9999: No, read the SoS page.  It tells you the command06:45
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agresoranyone other player can play movie and subtitles ?????????06:45
ubuntuhoz are youM06:46
arsomeZ are fineM06:46
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ubuntuwhere are you from06:46
DaSkreecharso: ISO966006:46
arsoDaSkreech:  windows can read that?06:47
arsoubuntu dubai,u?06:47
DaSkreechYeah :) It's a standard06:47
arsothank god06:47
larson9999Hawkwind: i'm dense.  i guess i needed, "Then run this command to install it."06:47
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=== v0taguz is back.
arsoi want to uncap my router :(:(06:47
DaSkreechagresor: I think all of them can06:47
ubuntui m testing this chat room06:47
arsofor wat?06:48
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gnomefreakubuntu: dont go to #kubuntu-offtopic for testing/general chat06:48
gnomefreakubuntu: this is a support channel06:48
ubuntubecause i m using a version of linux in my computer and its not easy06:48
arsowhich distribution?06:49
arsognomefreak:  dont u mean "GO TO"06:49
arsoit IS easy :)06:49
ubuntuits a live version cd06:49
gnomefreakyeah that too :(06:49
arsoi started a month ago, and had no difficulty06:49
=== seppo [n=seppo@a84-231-161-104.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
ubuntui must learn to use the us keyboard06:50
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arsowat keyboard are u using?06:50
ubuntuthe french keyboard06:50
agresori will install ubuntu..06:50
arsou have a special keyboard in france?06:50
ubuntuits ;aybe the same in england06:51
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arsour @ is next to the ENTER ?06:51
Admiral_Chicagoarso, ...06:51
larson9999Hawkwind: hmmm, i don't see that on the sos site.  maybe i need to looks harder06:51
arsoAdmiral_Chicago:  yes :) ?06:51
Admiral_Chicagono offense but  thats kinda a dumb question06:52
Hawkwindlarson9999: Sorry, it's on the LFD forums.  Look in the Kubuntu Software section06:52
ubuntulook my disposition of my keyboard qnd the us.06:52
DaSkreechagresor: :-)06:52
arsoAdmiral_Chicago:  the @ thing?06:52
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ubuntuazertyuiop qsdfghjklm wxcvbn06:53
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ubuntuand the us06:53
arsoAdmiral_Chicago:  thats the only unique thing i know about the uk keyboard, so i asked it06:53
ubuntuqwertyuiop asdfghjkl; zxcvbnm06:53
Hawkwindlarson9999: sudo apt-get install enlightenment emodules0-all06:53
Hawkwindubuntu: Please stop06:53
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arsooh not a qwerty that sux06:53
arsoAdmiral_Chicago:  anyways, it IS dumb, but i am half asleep so i dont give a shit06:54
DaSkreechubuntu: If you would like help you can ask here if you just want to try things out please go to #kubuntu-offtopic06:54
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arsoDaSkreech:  does this place have admins?06:55
Admiral_Chicagoarso, yea its all good06:55
Hawkwindarso: Might want to watch the language06:55
arsonever seen any06:55
arsoor are they undercover06:55
arsoHawkwind:  k ;)06:55
DaSkreechThat's the point06:55
larson9999Hawkwind: installing now.  will check after shower and tell you what i think so far06:55
DaSkreechlnxkde: Bouncy today?06:55
HawkwindDaSkreech: He's just installed my E17 and Xchat debs and is playing around with it06:56
DaSkreechHawkwind: With the new splash screen?06:56
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TheGateKeeperHawkwind: not from the repos?06:57
HawkwindTheGateKeeper: From my repo on http://SeerOfSouls.com/06:57
arsois it easy/possible to create a custom splash screen?06:57
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image.06:57
arso!kde splash06:57
ubotuI know nothing about kde splash - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:57
HawkwindDaSkreech: It's built directly from CVS so it's got the latest stuff in it at all times :)06:57
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h3sp4wn!info imlib207:01
ubotuPackage imlib2 does not exist in dapper07:01
h3sp4wn!info imlib2 edgy07:01
ubotuPackage imlib2 does not exist in edgy07:01
larson9999this isn't a *ubnutu question per se but i wonder if any here is cool enough to tell me how to get paulharvery.com to play without stopping after 10:40 seconds.  yes, i'm old enough to like paul harvey.07:01
larson9999any *nix player would do.07:01
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TheGateKeeperHawkwind: interesting I'll keep an eye out on that site :-) I was very impressed with the speed of the OliveCD which is a derivative of mandrake and use E1707:02
Healot!find imlib07:03
HawkwindTheGateKeeper: Elive is great.  I know a couple of the maintainers personally and have helped them with a few things over time07:03
ubotuFound: libimlib2, libimlib2-dev, gdk-imlib1, gdk-imlib11, gdk-imlib11-dev (and 9 others)07:03
Healot!info libimlib207:03
ubotulibimlib2: powerful image loading and rendering library. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-2 (dapper), package size 188 kB, installed size 548 kB07:03
TheGateKeeperHawkwind: not that great, I just could not get X to start up properly :-(, and I don't use anything fancy, even posted the problem in the forum, and don't recall getting an answer07:05
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DaSkreechlarson9999: Put it on repeat?07:06
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larson9999DaSkreech: i don't think that's the solution.  i don't want to replay the same thing.  in all the players i've tried all the shows there end after 10:40 or 10:41 but they really aren't finished.  i'm not sure why07:09
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chenlevyHi kubuntu devs. Is there a place where we can see the status of the 3.5.4 packages? Is there a place we can report problems about them?07:09
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DaSkreechlarson9999: I think I need more information :)07:09
robert__hola a todos los del chat07:09
agresorDaSkreech,  my sources.list is broken.. u had right..07:09
DaSkreechchenlevy: Try #kubuntu-devel or #ubuntu+107:09
agresorcan you please paste me yours sources.list ?07:09
DaSkreechagresor: I know :)07:09
agresoror some good :)07:10
DaSkreechagresor: You can rebuild them if you lilke07:10
fritschchenlevy: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-354.php07:10
DaSkreech!easysource > agresor07:10
agresori dont know that fucking keys... to add07:10
agresor;] 07:10
larson9999Hawkwind: i get an installation error. dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/enlightenment_1%3a0.16.999.032-0cvs20060801_i386.deb (--unpack):07:10
larson9999 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/xsessions/enlightenment.desktop', which is also in package enlightenment-data07:10
chenlevyis the sound server bug is known / fixed?07:10
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larson9999Hawkwind: so i installed enlighenment-data and is seems to have set things up.07:11
fritschchenlevy: http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog3_5_3to3_5_4.php07:11
Riddellchenlevy: yes, but other problems aren't07:12
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DaSkreech!language > agresor07:13
hagusHallo :)07:13
DaSkreechagresor: The keys are on the site07:13
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mikearthurI've built my own linux-image, how would I build my own linux-restricted-modules?07:13
fritschRiddell: any chance build currend edgy again? or did nothing change?07:13
fritschRiddell: kde packages ...07:13
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Riddellfritsch: nothing has changed07:14
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tsf3906hello channel07:14
[GuS] Hi07:14
tsf3906hello gus07:14
fritschRiddell: i am not very good in c++, but could the other distro maintainers worked around this bug?07:14
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fritschRiddell: or done sth. different07:15
tsf3906i am wondering does ubuntu have webcam chat?07:15
hagusI have been trying to install an HP1100 printer into my kubuntu system.  I have used the printer-add function in the sytem set up and the printer shows up.  However, when I try printing, nothing.07:15
[GuS] webcamchat? tsf390607:15
[GuS] you could try Ekiga07:15
tsf3906you know ekiga?07:15
[GuS] yep.07:15
tsf3906can u do video chatting?07:16
[GuS] yes07:16
[GuS] video and voice07:16
tsf3906where can i get the package?07:16
[GuS] sudo apt-get install ekiga07:16
[GuS] type that in the terminal07:16
tsf3906can i go to add/remove packages ?07:16
[GuS] yes, that too07:16
[GuS] search for Ekiga07:16
tsf3906ok cool07:16
tsf3906thanks gus07:16
[GuS] You welcome.07:17
tsf3906bye for now07:17
[GuS] I wonder.. it is possible that KDE in Kubuntu is more slowest today?07:17
mikearthurRiddell: have you intentionally not used the kde-latest link?07:17
Riddellmikearthur: yes07:17
mikearthurRiddell: just checking :)07:18
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mikearthurRiddell: that due to the bug you just mentioned?07:18
Riddellmikearthur: yes07:18
mikearthurRiddell: cool07:18
hagusDo you know if you can go to Yahoo Chat rooms using Kopete or is it only IM chats that are possible with it?07:19
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hagusFrom what I can see of it, it strikes me that it is not an alternative to Yahoo Messenger.07:20
arsogaim can add yahoo contacts07:22
arsoand msn07:22
arsoand aim07:22
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hagusYes but it does not seem to support chatting in (say) a Yahoo Chat Room.07:22
arsodont think so07:23
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hagusWhat it calls chat is 1-2-1 which I regard more as IM - whereas I was thinking more of 1-2-many.07:24
HawkwindGaim supports yahoo channels perfectly fine07:24
DaSkreechhagus: A Yahoo Chat room?07:24
HawkwindHas for quite some time now07:24
hagusYes DaSkreech :)07:24
[GuS] ?07:25
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hagusMaybe I should give Gaim a whirl :)07:25
hagusI had not realised that it supports Yahoo Chat.07:25
hagusChatroom I mean.07:25
david__gaim is good07:25
FiretechMcScruff: I second that, especially since I managed to upgrade BEFORE I read that :(07:25
McScruffgaim is gd but amsn is better for msn07:25
Hawkwindhagus: It has for atleast 3+ years that I know of07:25
DaSkreechYup Kopete is a pain :(07:25
arsoamsn is a pain too07:26
arsoi found gaim to be best07:26
McScruffamsn is very good07:26
aliasfredi dont get why kopete and gaim doesnt have the same code base for the network part07:26
arsohmm kept crashing with me07:26
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david__I'm trying to see if trillian support linux07:26
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hagusTrillian I like but in windows, I find that it does not always support voice chat in Yahoo.07:27
sysrplcan anyone point me to a working dowload of a vmware ubuntu/kubuntu appliance image? all the torrents/downloads i have found are down (mysql torrent server error) or slow as hell07:27
DaSkreechaliasfred: Look at telepathy :)07:27
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aliasfredDaSkreech: ?07:28
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DaSkreechaliasfred: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/07:28
arsohow do i minimize amsn to tray07:28
larson9999hawkwind seems to have worked ok.07:28
arsoif i try to close it it tries to quit07:29
McScruffarso: close it and it asks you07:29
aliasfredDaSkreech: oh would be good :)07:29
McScruffarso: oo, im using latest svn :P07:29
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arsooh , i am on a n old version?07:29
aliasfredDaSkreech: there is another thing similar in the intent, doing vfs. as gnome vfs and kio are doing similar stuffa s well07:29
McScruffur prob on the last stable rls07:29
arsoi c07:29
DaSkreechMcScruff: Is he trying to keep up with Live Messenger?07:29
arsour on a beta?07:29
BluesKajsysrpl, have you tried isohunt http://isohunt.com/torrents.php?ext=&op=and&ihq=VMWare07:29
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DaSkreechaliasfred: Do you have a link07:30
sysrplcan anyone point me to a working dowload of a vmware ubuntu/kubuntu appliance image? all the torrents/downloads i have found are down (mysql torrent server error) or slow as hell07:30
McScruffDaSkreech: dont think so, but i think its the nicest msn for linux07:30
aliasfredDaSkreech: let me find it07:30
BluesKajwhat torrent client are you using , sysrpl ?07:31
arsoanyone here with an uncapped modem?07:31
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aliasfredDaSkreech: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software_2fdvfs this is what i was talking about07:31
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DaSkreechaliasfred: What does that have to do with IM?07:32
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aliasfredDaSkreech: nothing :) but it is similar to telepathy as it tries to avoid useless code duplication. gnome-vfs/kio are doing the same thing, exactly as kopete and gaim network code are doing the same thing07:33
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DaSkreechYeah but neither of them seem inclined to use it though07:34
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aliasfredyep this is the 'other' problem :)07:34
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hagusGaim does not support voice :(07:35
BluesKajwhat is E17 like as a window manager...any opinions ?07:35
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ubuntucomo puedo guardar la cofiguracion de red? sque tengo un linux pero no me inicia la red07:35
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:35
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ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk07:37
HawkwindBluesKaj: It's all I will use. It's different than any other wm out there.  Lots of good options and fun things to play with07:37
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chris86wmwhat is the default wireless manager for kubuntu?07:37
ubotuI know nothing about jap - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:37
arsoany azureus users here?07:37
arsowhenever a msg pop ups07:37
arsoit gets stuck there07:37
arsountil i exit azureus07:37
sysrplthe tracker is working nw07:37
BluesKajthx Hawkwind, i'll investigate further07:37
arsoclicking "hide" doesnt do anything07:37
TheGateKeeperBluesKaj: I liked it, try downloading OLiveCD and give it a test drive yourself07:37
sysrpli am using utorrent07:38
arsoanyone facing that 'problem'07:38
arsoutorrent on linux??07:38
HawkwindBluesKaj: I just put up an E17 repo last night on my http://SeerOfSouls.com/ site if you are interested07:38
sysrplno, i am downloaing the vmware ubuntu image07:38
chris86wmanyone know the default wireless manager for kubuntu?07:38
espenlekaHi! Anyone using HP NX6125 laptop and succeeded to use its internal Bluetooth device?07:38
arsowireless assitant07:38
BluesKajok thx gatekeepre , Hawkwind07:38
soulriderarso i dont think therezs a way ti get rid of that pop up07:38
soulrideri ahd that problem too07:38
soulriderand yes, i miss utorrent too :P07:38
chris86wmis that in the repos?07:38
soulrideri just use ktorrent, its better than it seems07:39
floyd_Can perhaps someone help me? I tried to compile new kopete 0,12,x from SVN, but it always ends up here: jingle/.libs/libkopetejabberjingle.a(ms.o): In function `ms_init':ms.c:(.text+0x6a): undefined reference to `g_thread_init'07:39
soulriderfloyd_: juts get the deb package07:39
soulrideri think there is one, i updated to 0.12 without any problems07:39
arsochris86wm:  wlassitant07:39
floyd_hmm but without jingle support ^^07:39
chris86wmk, thanks07:39
soulriderif i have kopete open and i right click something in my desktop kopete crashes07:40
aliasfredfloyd_: link with gthread07:40
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ubotuI know nothing about jp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:40
arsosoulrider:  it is?07:40
floyd_aliasfred: how would I do this?07:40
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:40
arsosoulrider:  u get full bandwith download/upload rates?07:40
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ubotuI know nothing about ktorrent - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:41
ubotuI know nothing about wlassistant - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:41
aliasfredfloyd_: with a computer :) sorry no time to help you07:41
DaSkreech!info ktorrent07:41
ubotuktorrent: BitTorrent client for KDE. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.2-0ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 738 kB, installed size 2964 kB07:41
grotheskWill those nice kubuntufications also appear in kde 3.5.4?07:41
soulriderarso: yes07:41
floyd_aliasfred: lol07:41
arsosoulrider:  interesting07:41
soulriderits as fast as any other torrent client07:41
espenlekahmmm... where should i start to find out why my laptop's internal bluetooth dev is not recognized at all?07:41
arsoi see07:41
arsohow about NAT and firewall and all that stuff07:42
arsodoes it auto detect like azureues07:42
soulrideruhm im not sure, and i dont think so07:42
soulriderits a lot more simple than the toher clients07:42
soulriderbut its kinda better too07:42
arsoi se07:42
arsolike utorrent :P07:42
soulriderazureus was good when it started, now its just too full07:42
arsohah yea07:42
soulriderazureus stopped being good07:43
arsoresource leech with its java07:43
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soulriderif you wanna run utorrent maybe you can use wine07:43
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arsoi need to finish the 25 gb downlaods on azureus then i'll try some other clients07:43
arsoi used to use utorrent on windows07:43
soulrideryea, me too, and bitcomet before that07:43
arsobut if ktorrent is as good as u say it is, then i'll give it a shot too07:43
arsome Too@07:43
arsoi started with azureus, then bittorrent, then bitcomet, then utorrent07:43
soulriderwhata re youd ownloading that is 25 GB?07:44
soulriderthe biggest id ownlaoded was 15.307:44
arsosome anime series, tv series, movies, manga07:44
arsoits not 1 file07:44
arsothe biggest of them is 15.9 tho07:44
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arsohajime no ippo an anime series07:44
puttzsome one know were i can find this (GSM 6.10 - 11025Hz,16bit) sound codec???07:44
aliasfredbt protocol is bad :) just bitching07:45
sledge_from_workI've got a process that's trying to allocate more than 2 gigs of memory, but fails to do so. Is there a hard-limit on memory allocation and if so, where can I change it?07:45
aliasfredmoving away now :)07:45
arso2gb DAMN!07:45
puttzsome one know were i can find this (GSM 6.10 - 11025Hz,16bit) sound codec??? plzz help me07:45
ubotuI know nothing about windowsXPprinter - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:45
arsoomg i want the nvidia 7950 gx2       1gb of VGA damn!07:45
arsoya :(07:46
soulrideri bet ALL games run there lol07:46
arsoat the same time!!!07:46
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sledge_from_workarso: this machine actually has 4gb of ram :P07:47
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arsosledge_at_work:  nice ;)07:47
soulrideri cant set the damn printer up07:48
arsoi only have 256mb vga :( shared, 1gb of ram07:48
soulridermy new mahcine will have 1 gb07:48
soulriderapaprently im getting it on friday07:48
arsothats nice07:48
soulriderarso: 256mb is great07:48
BluesKajcool, Hawkwind,...I went to yer site and installed it ...do I have to reboot and choose it at the login menu ?07:48
soulriderdont complain07:48
arsosoulrider:  ya, but its shared07:48
BluesKajE17 that is07:48
arsoso not that good07:48
soulridero this machine i got 768 RAM and a 256mb GFX card07:49
soulriderit should be on an 8x slot07:49
soulriderand its on a 4x slot07:49
soulriderso runs like ass07:49
arsothat sux07:49
arsowhy dont u replace the mobo?07:49
soulriderim getting a new comp on friday lol07:49
soulrideri sued to ahvea  64 mb card07:49
soulriderand one day my dad just came witht he 256mb card07:49
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soulriderwhich was coool07:49
arsomust;ve been07:49
DaSkreechktorrent 2.0 is good07:50
soulriderbtu yea, it couldnt really get its full potential out07:50
arsoso its running like a 128?07:50
arsoso wat are the specs of the new pc?07:50
soulrideri dont know if its running like a 12807:51
soulriderit runs a bit better than the 64mb i had07:51
arsothats for sure07:51
soulriderit will be 3.0 ghz P4 processor07:51
soulrider1 gb RAM07:51
soulrider256 mb card07:51
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soulrideri think my dad said a 12x slot07:51
arsothats nice,07:51
soulriderim not too sure, maybe he got confused07:51
arsovery close to mine07:51
arsobut i have 3.2 p407:51
soulriderand im getting another HD07:51
sledge_at_workit's not the amount of vram on the card that matters the most :>07:51
soulriderso ill have 2 120gb Hds :P07:51
arsoi have 200gbs :D07:52
BluesKajsoulrider https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter?highlight=%28WindowsXPPrinter%2907:52
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soulrideralthough i think one of them is broken07:52
arsoi want a 700gb or 75007:52
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arsosledge_at_work:  then wat is that matters? pipelines?07:52
espenlekahow i can know which bluetooth device i have? and does my linux recognize it?07:52
soulriderwould be awesome07:52
soulridersledge_at_work: whatw ill determine how well your card runs ?07:53
sledge_at_workarso: the gpu, fillrate, etc.07:53
arsoanyways my ati integrated 256 is laggy at 1024*768 half quality need for speed most wanted07:53
arsowhich really disapointed me07:53
arsosledge_at_work:  no idea wat those are :P07:53
sledge_at_workram matters, too. but you wouldn't want to run a 386 with a 1gb of ram, right? :P07:53
arsoanyways i plan on getting a nvidia 256 series 6 in a couple of month07:53
arsothose new intel core 2 duo are amazing07:54
arsobeat all the amd processors07:54
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arsoany cs 1.6 players here/07:54
soulrideri just hope that my new machine runs well you know, just top be able to run most games anda  decent framerate07:54
soulrideri hate CS :P07:55
arsoany idea wat vga it will be?07:55
arsobest thing to do is assemble ur own pc07:55
arsono, ur new pc,07:55
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DaSkreechI want a AMD with integrated ATI X4500L337 GPU and 4 GB Internal FSB07:56
arsoi assembled this on my own07:56
DaSkreechOf course I digress07:56
arso4gb fsb? that exists!?07:56
sledge_at_workthat can't exist.07:56
sledge_at_workmaybe you meant 4ghz?07:57
=== redrok [n=redrok@p54865870.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
arsoi want core 2 duo 3.46 + nvidia 7950 gx2 + 4gb ram + 42inch plasma + 750gb hdd07:57
aliasfredi want a turing machine, this beat intel + amd unified :)07:57
arsoi want a car :(07:58
aliasfredi want a brain07:58
adam__me too07:58
sledge_at_workDaSkreech: http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/wheelofreincarn.htm :)07:58
arsoi want to uncap my modem07:58
sledge_at_workI want games for Linux.07:58
arsome 2 ;:(:(:(:07:59
arsoanyone has an account on BitMeTV.org?07:59
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arsoits invite only07:59
arsoi seriously need an account07:59
DaSkreechsledge_at_work: ha ha :) Yeah I hope they can integrate the Mother board into it as well07:59
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:00
nnn0arso - plasma sux ;)08:00
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arsonnn0:  lol08:00
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arsonnn0:  i wanna play on a projector :P08:00
nnn0crt beats lcd and plasma any day - until SED and OLED comes around08:01
arso3/4 women prefer a plasma tv over a diamond necklace these days08:01
arsonnn0:  ya, but lcd looks better :P08:01
arsoyes it does08:01
arsonot image08:01
nnn0CRT owns :)08:01
arsothe hardware itself08:01
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nnn0that's what i mean08:02
=== Pupeno_ [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-253-034.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
arsocrt is too fat08:02
arsounless u dig a whole in ur wall08:02
nnn0i like'em fat08:02
arsobest for gaming anyway08:02
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DaSkreechunknown_one: I dont know you!!08:03
unknown_oneI need some help setting up my wifi connection using WPA08:03
unknown_oneI've got no clue where to start08:03
painesis there a newsletter for kubuntu news / annoucements ?08:03
=== kevin [n=kevin@modemcable047.141-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about newsletter - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:03
=== arso wants a bitmetv invitation!!!!
DaSkreechGuess not :)08:03
nnn0just like my 450 MHz Netfinity 5500 :D it takes the space of 6 towers, but i still love that puter :)08:03
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DaSkreechpaines: The Ubuntu newsletter also contains Kubuntu news08:04
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painesDaSkreech, thanks08:04
DaSkreechOr if you would like to help you can read the Kubuntu meeting notes08:04
unknown_oneis there some sort of GUI wifi manager for kubuntu?08:04
pointwoodhi, how do I debug sound? I have no sound at all :(08:04
DaSkreechIt was discussed in the last meetin08:05
Philip5Hawkwind: where in the *ubuntu forums did you post about the repo?08:05
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=== Howitzer [n=sagara@22.246-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu
Zehaam i dead?08:05
Zehaok, bye!08:06
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painesDaSkreech, where are those notes ?08:06
arsodoes anyone have an account at an invite only tracker?08:07
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unknown_onewhat about kwifimanager?08:07
arsowat about it08:08
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unknown_onewould it make setting up wpa easy?08:08
arsowould it, guys?08:08
trappistarso: you could always try it08:09
aliasfredyou transformed #kubuntu in #0dayswarez, now up to you to handle the help :)08:09
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h3sp4wnunknown_one: The most reliable way is to just setup wpa_supplicant as detailed in /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes08:10
unknown_onethank you h3sp4wn :)08:11
=== ViaD [n=lars@062016211172.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu
arsotrappist:  not for me :P , for unknown_one08:11
arsoright now i just want an invitation to an elite invite only t racker08:11
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trappistoh yeah08:11
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trappistarso: inappropriate for this channel08:12
arsotrappist:  k08:12
nikioh sorry i dont no its in english08:14
aliasfredniki: german ?08:14
=== alterato [n=chelle@adsl-072-148-002-005.sip.mcn.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:15
unknown_onesorry if this is a stupid question but is kde 3.5.4 avalible for kubuntu yet?08:15
nikiyes iam german oh thanks08:15
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aliasfredunknown_one: yep heard people who tried it and reported trouble. so likely early and not stable08:16
unknown_onealiasfred, alright08:16
alteratoQuick question, does kubuntu allow for managing dual displays w/spanning from Control Panel or do you still have to fiddle with the xorg config?08:16
unknown_oneanything similar to gimp for kde?08:16
arsocould someone help me out please, wat the hell is this security code? i cant tell the letters http://img345.imageshack.us/img345/6827/imgdx5.png08:17
unknown_onearso, whoah heh08:17
[GuS] Krita maybe unknown_one08:17
aliasfredunknown_one: not really an equivalent, but there is krita08:17
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unknown_onealright, I'm just looking for a program to do web graphics in :)08:18
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[GuS] Gimp is better...08:18
=== gekko` [n=gekko@p83.129.180.203.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu
unknown_one[GuS] , for some reason I can't create stuff that looks good in gimp :-\08:18
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@toronto-HSE-ppp3989750.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
[GuS] you need practice then :)08:18
=== Kr4t05 [n=kratos@dsl-206-251-6-202.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
unknown_one[GuS] , also the muti individual windows are not fun to use.08:19
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[GuS] that depends of who is usign it08:19
aliasfredkrita is known to be easier to use08:20
unknown_oneI prefer just one window with toolbars :-\08:20
[GuS] use Windows and adobe then :P08:20
trappistyeah gimp needs tabs like firefox :)08:20
=== exobuzz [n=jools@82-70-241-14.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
unknown_one[GuS] , ewww08:20
trappistthere's also the photoshopped-up gimp patch to give you a photoshop-like interface08:20
[GuS] there you go08:21
exobuzzwell.. i upgraded to kde 3.5.4 without reading the readme.. oh dear :)08:21
aliasfredfunny how gimp can have such a poor interface while he has been the model for a whole gui aka gnome :)08:21
aliasfredpoor interface as in 'many people complains about it'08:21
[GuS] who says that Gnome has such a nice gui :P08:21
=== trappist backspaces
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alteratoQuick question, does kubuntu allow for managing dual displays w/spanning from Control Panel or do you still have to fiddle with the xorg config?08:22
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unknown_oneI once emailed the developers of the gimp asking about a version with one window and tabs, and I was told "No"08:22
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[GuS] develop one unknown_one  :P08:23
trappistalterato: it supports it, but I had bad luck using it.08:23
unknown_one[GuS] , some day =P08:23
[GuS] ;)08:24
exobuzz(i should have read that)08:24
alteratotrappist: were you using nvidia drivers or ati?08:24
trappistexobuzz: yeah I'm glad I did :)08:24
[GuS] to late ah? :P08:24
trappistalterato: ati - I suspect that was the problem08:24
trappistalterato: backup your xorg.conf and give it a shot08:24
exobuzzi can put up with a bit of a messy config for a few days.. as long as they manage to fix it08:24
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alteratoJust wanted to check before downloading and switching from fedora08:25
alteratotrappist: thanks for the info :)08:25
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aliasfredalterato: ubuntu got tools to install package, i mean tools which doesnt require 300mbyte and 5min to answer 'notfound' :)08:25
aliasfredalterato: real better :) a fc user here :)08:26
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h3sp4wnalterato: nvidia-xconfig is the easiest way to setup X08:26
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alteratoWell my previous experiences with ubuntu and kubuntu have been disasterous for that reason which has always brought me back to FC08:26
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:27
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arso!info wine08:27
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB08:27
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DaSkreechpaines: Sorry went for lunch08:27
painesDaSkreech, no problem08:27
DaSkreechpaines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings08:27
painesDaSkreech, thanks again08:28
_al_what is wrong with kde 3.5.4 with kubuntu dapper?08:29
arsoDaSkreech:  wats the difference between "!wine" and "!info wine"08:29
soulrider!wine will give you the link tot he wiki08:29
ubotuI know nothing about wine will give you the link tot he wiki - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:29
exobuzz_al_ http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354/README08:29
soulriderand the other one will just oput the information of the package here08:29
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_al_exobuzz: let's read08:30
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BluesKajwhere does E17 reside in the menu after konsol install?08:30
DaSkreechalterato: Question Why do you keep coming back to Ubuntu/Kubuntu then?08:31
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DaSkreecharso: one tells you about wine one tells you about the Wine package08:31
gnomefreakBluesKaj: on the login screen under sessions08:31
BluesKajthx gnomefreak08:32
arsoDaSkreech:  i c thnx08:32
SkrotHi. Any KDE 3.5.4 users who happend to use the Lipstick style with Toolbar seperators and handles turned off?08:32
DaSkreech!info mon08:32
ubotumon: monitor hosts/services/whatever and alert about problems. In repository universe, is extra. Version 0.99.2-9ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 173 kB, installed size 804 kB08:32
DaSkreech!info mono08:32
ubotumono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB08:32
alteratoDaSkreech: One hears such wonderful things and was simply considering it since I had read that you no longer have to install via nvidia's own packages. Not wanting to ruffle feathers but rather cover bases :)08:32
exobuzzskrot http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354/README08:32
DaSkreecharso: It's basically apt-cache search08:32
_al_exobuzz: do you know how to solve problem with kde 3.5.4?08:32
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Skrotexobuzz: A little late =)08:33
DaSkreechalterato: No Feathers gone here08:33
exobuzzbut you can add the stuff thats missing form the klipper..08:33
exobuzzSkrot: and for me..08:33
arsoDaSkreech:  meaning , the info u get when ur in adept/synaptic?08:33
DaSkreechMost people give a Distro one chance before kicking it if they are happy with what they have08:33
DaSkreecharso: Bingo08:33
Skrotexobuzz: I noticed most of my KDE custom settings where gone, but some of the options in lipstick just wont work now08:33
SkrotDoesn't really seem related08:34
arsoomg, i just joined a torrent site, turned out to be for indian movies :(08:34
exobuzzskrot.. yup..08:34
exobuzzskrot.. mayeb thats broken too ?08:34
exobuzzthat will teach you.me to me impatient eh :)08:34
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SkrotSeems that way. ;)08:34
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TheGateKeeperalterato: I have got a GeForce4 video driver but haven't bothered to install hardware acceleration, seems to fine with the basic install08:35
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gnomefreakSkrot: known issue08:35
Skrotgnomefreak: Good. :)08:35
thompaim wondering what kernel i should run on amd64duo core?08:35
SkrotI rather like them known than unknown. But the issue is just with 3.5.4, right?08:35
gnomefreakSkrot: doesnt mean its fixed08:35
alteratoTheGateKeeper: Do you use dual displays?08:35
gnomefreakSkrot: 3.5.4 -dapper08:35
rr72how do i make like <ul> in HTML but with numbers instead of bullets?08:35
thompai dont want to run the 64 bit version of kubuntu though08:35
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Skrotgnomefreak: right. =)08:35
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thompaam i better off with the 686 or k7?08:36
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TheGateKeeperalterato: sadly not on this box, doesn't have that facility, would need to go and spend some money. If I start using as a development box, they I might just do that08:37
unknown_onethompa, depends on your CPU08:37
Skrotgnomefreak: What about "Titlebar double-click: Maximize" broken? Double-clicking titlebars shades the window08:37
gnomefreakSkrot: i havetn seeen that one yet but ive been busy the past few days08:37
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thompaits an amd 64 duo core 440008:38
Skrotgnomefreak: Okay. Are you running 3.5.4?08:38
thompaor 420008:38
gnomefreakSkrot: yes08:38
unknown_onethompa, hmm, I could be wrong but I think that is a K8 CPU08:38
TheGateKeeperalterato: isn't it just a case of doing some tweaking in xorg.conf, or is that me over simplifying?08:38
Skrotgnomefreak: And is maximize your default action for titlebar double-clicking?08:38
rikiohhow come when im trying to download firefox with adept.. it asks me for a dapper drake cd08:38
thompayes its k808:38
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thompayour right08:38
rikiohi dont have a dapper drake cd08:38
ranunculoidHow can I get K3B to be able to read MP3 files?08:39
thompaso i should maybe try k7?08:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:39
gnomefreakSkrot: im not on it atm and im not on dapper08:39
unknown_onethompa, you could try it.08:39
DaSkreechranunculoid: There is a k3b-mp3 package08:39
Skrotgnomefreak: Okay. Thanks anyway :)08:39
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DaSkreechranunculoid: Do you have multiverse?08:39
fritschranunculoid: look at the restricted formats link08:39
alteratoTheGateKeeper: It isn't over simplifying. I can and have done so in the past, just was curious about the convinience of letting the Control Panel for KDE do it for me.08:39
thomparight now its 386. i can use 64 bit kernel can i if its the 32 bit install?08:39
thompacant i mean...sry08:39
unknown_onethompa, I don't think so08:39
=== Skeez187 [n=noxion@user-12ldps6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
soulridercan somsoene help me insatll soemthign using wine?08:40
svivianhow can I stop my Dapper machine from losing the cursor when exiting xscreensaver? Do I have to go back to the KDE screensavers?08:40
soulriderim trying to use the guide int he wiki btu tis a bit confusing08:40
TheGateKeeperalterato: back the file up and go for it :-)08:40
thompathanks. ill instal k7, see if i notice anything and compare08:40
unknown_onesoulrider, what program?08:40
soulriderbots :P08:40
soulriderits a game08:40
ranunculoidDaSkreech: yeah I have lib-xine-extracodecs and multiverse and all that08:40
soulridermy problem is selecting the path to install to08:40
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h3sp4wnthompa: It is possible to use a 64 bit kernel with a 32bit userland08:40
rikiohdo i have to have a dapper drake cd to install firefox thru adept?08:40
DaSkreechranunculoid: Don't mind using adept?08:41
unknown_onesoulrider, run winecfg and autodetect under drives.08:41
DaSkreechrikioh: No08:41
wckdkl0wnrikioh: no08:41
=== paines [n=Anes@xdsl-87-78-64-219.netcologne.de] has left #kubuntu ["Verlassend"]
soulriderbut the isnatlelr is in my hard drive08:41
svivianrikioh: No. Firefox is available through the repositories08:41
wckdkl0wnrikioh: just do sudo apt-get install firefox08:41
soulriderAND i dont ahve any CD drives connected :P08:41
ranunculoidDaSkreech that's fine08:41
DaSkreechor mozillla-firefox fora better install08:41
fritschDaSkreech: whats the difference?08:41
DaSkreechranunculoid: Just open it and search for k3b and look for mp3 :)08:41
TheGateKeeperalterato: system setting -> sharing sorted samba nfs out for me without me having to read 'war & peace' :-)08:41
h3sp4wnmozilla-firefox is the old package name I wouldn't use that08:41
thompah3sp4wn: oh, should i try 64 bit kernel also?08:41
soulriderunknown_one: i got the installer on my desktop, im running it, i just dont know where to install to08:42
fritschh3sp4wn: yes i thought so, too just transitional08:42
h3sp4wnthompa: You have to build it yourself though08:42
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DaSkreechfritsch: I know that firefox is the browser I think that mozilla-firefox  can change from time to time to resolve issues08:42
thompah3sp4wn: im wondering if k7 or 64kernel or 686 are better08:42
unknown_onesoulrider,  C:\program files would be fine08:42
soulrideroh ok08:42
thompah3sp4wn:right , ok thanks08:42
DaSkreechranunculoid: Let me know if you find it08:42
thompaill wait on that for a bit then08:42
h3sp4wnthompa: k7 or build your own 64 bit kernel08:43
unknown_onesoulrider, you can find your windows programs via the terminal at ~/.wine/drive_c/08:43
h3sp4wnthompa: You will need libc6-6408:43
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rikiohok when i tried to do sudo apt-get install firefox i got this error ....  E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 resource temporarily unavailable) E; Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/). is another process using it ?08:43
ranunculoidHow can I do that cli? Atp-cache -dpkg *k3b* or what?08:43
alteratoTheGateKeeper: Thanks muchly for you input, I think I'll get the download started and give it a whirl next week when the kiddos are back in school :)08:43
ranunculoidDaSkreech: ^^^^08:43
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ranunculoidI have to go now08:43
DaSkreechranunculoid: apt-cache search k3b should be the same thing08:43
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soulriderk, thanks!08:44
DaSkreechrikioh: Close any open package software. Aept Synaptic etc08:44
unknown_onebe back later08:45
=== alterato [n=chelle@adsl-072-148-002-005.sip.mcn.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu []
TheGateKeeperalterato: it's the one I like best, there are loads of howto's lots of community backup here and in the forums, and (k)ubuntu sorted my hardware problems where debian failed, never managed to try FC on my own pc as anaconda crashed out. Good luck hope you like it :-)08:46
rikiohdasckreech i got it to work now but even in konsole its asking me for Media change: please instert the disc labeled 'kubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060531)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter08:46
rikiohwhen i try to install firefox08:46
DaSkreechTheGateKeeper: Tad late :)08:47
DaSkreechrikioh: You need to take that out of your sources.list08:47
[GuS] rikioh,  you must delete the repository line of the CD inside /etc/apt/sources.list08:47
[GuS] and then sudo apt-get update08:47
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mikearthurI've built my own linux-image, how would I build my own linux-restricted-modules?08:48
TheGateKeeperDaSkreech: damn that's always happening to me, can't type fast enough :-( will go in a corner and cry :-)08:48
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_stefan_yow, i have a question : how can I install kubuntu 6.06 via windows?08:48
[GuS] ?08:49
_stefan_if I placed the cd in the drive and I click on start.exe it doesn't work08:49
[GuS] lol08:49
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[GuS] you cant install Kubuntu via windows _stefan_ ...08:49
_stefan_normaly I can boot the cd via a floppy via bootmanager08:49
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_stefan_but now it doesn't work for some reason08:50
[GuS] boot the cd _stefan_  of Kubuntu08:50
TheGateKeeper_stefan_: go into your bios and make it boot of the cd08:50
[GuS] yep, thats right.08:50
[GuS] and please read mre about Linux/kubuntu/install...08:50
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_stefan_and the md5 was ok, I've burned on my other pc with k3b08:50
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h3sp4wnmikearthur: easiest way is to just put what you need in to /usr/src/modules (from the source packages in the repos) then when modules_image is called those modules will also get built08:51
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_stefan_do you have to make your own cd to make it bootable? or is the desktop-version already bootable?08:51
mikearthurh3sp4wn: great, thanks08:51
mikearthurdoes modules_image create a restricted package?08:51
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fritschmikearthur: no08:51
fritschmikearthur: ah sorry, yes08:52
mikearthurI need linux-restricted-modules to fulfill dependencies08:52
mikearthurit will, nice one08:52
fritschmikearthur: it build the module in /usr/src/modules08:52
[GuS] _stefan_,  who says that?08:52
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h3sp4wnmikearthur: It will just give you deb's of the individual modules08:52
_stefan_I've read this page and saw a topic writed about "how to make your own bootcd"08:53
[GuS] _stefan_, please READ... search in the Wiki for Info.... you could boot from the Kubuntu CD and install the OS...08:53
wckdkl0wnhow do i tell what my internal ip is? i know in windows i was able to do netstat but is it the same for linux?08:53
_stefan_scroll down08:53
BluesKajEnlightenment is nice eye candy but it freezes before I can setup any apps08:53
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hugelmopfwhat does 3.5.4 broken in dapper mean? are there any details/solutions?08:54
h3sp4wnmikearthur: for example if you install nvidia-kernel-source (can't remember the exact package name) then just un tar.gz the file in /usr/src (it will extract it to /usr/src/modules/nvidia)08:54
mikearthurnice one08:54
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TheGateKeeperwckdkl0wn: ifconfig08:55
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wckdkl0wni know i can go into network settings to see what my ip is but how do i do it from the command line08:55
wckdkl0wnTheGateKeeper: ty but i think u meant ipconfig right?08:55
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dr_willisor is it ipconfig :(08:55
wckdkl0wnyea its ifconfig08:56
TheGateKeeperwckdkl0wn: try it and see which one of us is right :-)08:56
wckdkl0wnty guys08:56
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wckdkl0wni just thought it would of made more sence as ipconfig not if config lol08:56
fritschwckdkl0wn: ifconfig (fur sure)08:56
fritschfritsch@dantooine:~$ whatis ifconfig08:57
fritschifconfig (8)         - configure a network interface08:57
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TheGateKeeperwckdkl0wn: linux has it's own funny names for commands08:57
Hawkwindipconfig is for Windows08:57
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wckdkl0wn<-- long time windows user here lol08:57
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TheGateKeeperwckdkl0wn: http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/917/08:57
puttzsome one uce ventrilo 2.1.1 here ??08:59
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kevinok so i go into manage resp. under adept i delete the one for cdrom: dapper drake and when i try to install firefox i get the same message asking me to insert dapper drake cd... i go back to manage resp. and the same thing that i just deleted is back there09:00
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soulriderinstead of uninstalling, can i just delete everything? i wine that is09:01
DaSkreechwckdkl0wn: ifconfig09:02
_stefan_Can't you boot from a cdrw?09:02
_stefan_is that the reason?09:02
rikiohdoes anyone have any other tips for me to get firefox installed cuz no matter how many times i delete the resp. for cdrom: kubuntu dapper drake, when i go to install firefox it still asks me to insert the cd... and under manage resp. its magically back09:03
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soulriderhow about get Opera09:03
soulriderits better than FF :P09:03
SkrotIs opera in kubuntu resp. now?09:03
illnesscan anybody recommend a good torrent program? Ktorrent seems a bit slow...09:04
_stefan_http://zerlinna.blogweb.de/archives/92-Setting-up-Firefox-IV-and-V.html for rikioh09:04
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gekko`illness: bittornado09:04
Skrotillness: azureus (java) or bittornado (curses or gtk frontend afaik)09:04
h3sp4wnwckdkl0wn: ifconfig $1 | awk '/inet addr/ {printf "%s\n", substr($2,6)}' | grep -v ^12709:04
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gnomefreakSkrot: only in the commercial repo09:04
illnessthnx ill check em out09:04
Skrotgnomefreak: is that an additional repo or just add a line to existing mirrors?09:05
wolfmanzhow do you tell the current KDE version you have?09:05
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wckdkl0wnh3sp4wn: whats that gonna do>?09:05
sysrplif i type sudo <some command> and get he password wrong three times in a row, how to i reset it so i can use sudo again, because it's locked me out of the sudo command?09:05
gnomefreakSkrot: open add/remove in the menu and choose the box on right (i think it says commercial)09:05
rikiohwow that looks like it will take an hour to do... just to get firefox rofl well here goes nothing09:05
gnomefreakoh wait09:05
gnomefreakSkrot: hold on ill get you the link (forgot kde)09:05
h3sp4wnwckdkl0wn: Give you your ip09:06
Skrotgnomefreak: okey ;)09:06
wckdkl0wnah i c09:06
gnomefreakSkrot: http://www.buntudot.org/howtos/canonical-repositories/09:06
SkrotGreat. Thanks :)09:07
sysrpli screwed up09:07
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sysrpli typed the sudo password wong three times09:08
sysrplhow do i reset my password attempt count?09:08
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wolfmanzhow do you tell the current KDE version i have?09:09
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dr_willisrun a kde app - look in the help menu/about09:09
sorush20how do I get kubuntu to redetec all my usb devices?09:09
gekko`wolfmanz: kdesktop -v09:09
sysrplhow do i reset my password attempt count?09:09
sorush20I have a usb headset but it is not being detected..09:09
TheGateKeeperh3sp4wn: bash script language and regular expressions? ---> ifconfig $1 | awk '/inet addr/ {printf "%s\n", substr($2,6)}' | grep -v ^12709:09
=== dr_willis wonders hoe the password limit got set.
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=== Surger didn't know there was a password attempt limit. :)
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SurgerIs it really neccessary to do a : apt-get update and apt-get upgrade BEFORE doing a distro upgrade? I want to go from Breezy to Dapper but on dialup doing a Breezy upgrade first hurts.09:11
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sysrpli screwed up at the console typing the wrong su password 3 times in a row .. now with my user account i can't execute su command ... how do i reset the password attempt count?09:11
svivianSo, having just rebooted because my screensaver activated, and when I unlocked my machine the cursor was gone...How do I keep from losing my cursor when exiting the screensaver?09:11
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sysrpli screwed up at the console typing the wrong su password 3 times in a row .. now with my user account i can't execute su command ... how do i reset the password attempt count?09:13
sviviansysrpl: did you reboot?09:14
sysrplnot yet09:14
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage09:14
sysrpli am running ubuntu through vmware09:14
ubotuI know nothing about lang - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:15
TheGateKeeperSurger: getting your hands on the alternative CD might be a better bet if you can. Edgy is due out in october, as you only have a dial up may be you wait, and upgrade straight to edgy if that is possible, and I presume it will be09:15
gekko`sysrpl: maybe set the passwd_tries to 4 in /etc/sudoers file09:15
SurgerTheGateKeeper: Ok thanks09:15
sviviangekko`: I think sysrpl means he is currently locked out of su, and needs to find out how to unlock09:15
sviviansysrpl: If you can't reboot from the command line, I'd say pull the plug, restart, and see if it lets you in then09:16
h3sp4wnTheGateKeeper: I wouldn't say its bash specific afaik (I use zsh)09:16
sviviansysrpl: If you can't reboot from the command line, I'd say pull the plug, restart, and see if it lets you in then09:16
svivianSo, having just rebooted because my screensaver activated, and when I unlocked my machine the cursor was gone...How do I keep from losing my cursor when exiting the screensaver?09:16
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gnomefreakanyone have a stock kde version on dapper?09:20
gnomefreak!info k3b09:20
ubotuk3b: A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.12.14-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 3941 kB, installed size 8376 kB09:20
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Martijn81nope, 3.5.3 here09:21
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koshheh mine is about as far from stock as you can get09:21
gnomefreakwhat version is in dapper?09:21
crimsun!info k3b dapper09:21
gnomefreaki thought it was 3.5.309:21
ubotuk3b: A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.12.14-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 3941 kB, installed size 8376 kB09:21
Martijn81i believe 3.5.2, but i might be wrong09:21
crimsun!info konqueror dapper09:22
ubotukonqueror: KDE's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 1911 kB, installed size 5168 kB09:22
gnomefreakcrimsun: im thinking its .12.1609:22
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koshfor k3b09:22
crimsunedgy> 0.12.16-1ubuntu109:22
gnomefreakok thats what im thinking of09:23
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larson9999linux rocks!09:24
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crazy_penguinhi all!09:26
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rikiohok so i followed those instructions on getting firefox installed i downloaded the tars extracted them and suck09:26
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rikiohim at the end of the reading and i dont know where to find my firefox now :)\09:27
crimsunrikioh: was ``sudo apt-get install firefox'' not simple enough for you?09:27
koshisn't firefox install by default?09:27
rikiohno i cant do that crimsun cuz it asks me for dapper cd09:27
uniqkosh: not on kubuntu i belive.09:27
raphinkno kosh, not on kubuntu09:28
crimsunrikioh: you can just comment that first deb-cdrom line out.09:28
rikiohwhen i do it just keeps coming back09:28
rikiohwell what do you mean comment it out?09:28
raphinkrikioh: did you apt-get update ?09:28
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rikiohi just tried removing it09:28
raphinkafter commenting out/removing the line09:28
raphinkrikioh: yes09:28
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raphinkand then save your sources.list09:29
raphinkand then run "sudo apt-get update"09:29
raphinkotherwise the changes won't be taken in consideration09:29
mikearthurhow do I check which minor kernel version used by linux-source?09:31
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raphinkuname -a09:31
rikiohok raphink i got the light weight web browser installed09:31
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rikiohnow where will it be09:32
junxalright, I did something very stupid and tried out KDE 3.5.409:32
raphinkrikioh: do you mean firefox????????09:32
rikiohfirefox light weight webbrowse09:32
junxbut there are NO damn details about why the hell kubuntu-default-settings fucks up09:32
Martijn81rikioh: alt+F2 and hit firefox09:32
raphinkI don't know a browser that is _less_ light weight than firefox09:32
junxwhat happened?09:32
raphinkif you want a light weight browser, try link2 -g09:32
Hawkwindjunx: Try to watch the language.  Did you use Riddell's repo for 3.5.4 ?09:32
Martijn81rikioh: or K-menu->Internet09:32
junxoh yeah, sorry09:32
Riddelljunx: I don't have any details, if I did I'd fix it09:32
rikiohcool cool09:33
koshhmm opera and konqueror are both far lighter weight then firefox is09:33
junxI'm just frustrated because this is like the tenth time apt's lack of rolling back ability has screwed me09:33
svivianhow do I keep xscreensaver from killing my mouse cursor?09:33
koshbecause of firefox's brain dead caching methods09:33
raphinkyes kosh totally agreed09:33
raphinkand more powerful, too09:33
uniqjunx: I can help you rollback if you want.09:33
junxoh good, you were able to help last time09:33
raphinkfirefox doesn't do a half of what konqueror does09:33
raphinkstill konqueror is faster09:33
SkrotAnyone know how to start the katapult config dialog? I haven't got katapult in the systray09:33
junxSkrot: alt+space, then ctrl+c09:34
SkrotThanks :)09:34
TheGateKeeperSkrot: right click -> restore may be ???09:34
junxuniq: how would I go about rolling back to KDE 3.5.3?09:34
raphinkjunx: you can't easily09:34
uniqraphink: sure you can.09:34
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raphinkjunx: you have to deinstall kde and reinstall it09:35
uniqjunx: did you get it from kubuntu.org ?09:35
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junxuniq: yes09:35
raphinkafter removing the kde 3.5.4 repo from your sources.list09:35
uniqjunx: ok, don't remove the repo from sources.list.09:35
raphinkuniq: I didn't say you can't, I said not easily ;)09:35
=== raphink is very curious how uniq will do that :)
uniqraphink: adding 6 lines to /etc/apt/preferences and apt-get dist-upgrade is pretty easy. :)09:35
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junxoh right09:35
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raphinkah sure that's a way uniq09:36
mani_hi all !09:36
raphinkhi mani_09:36
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mani_im trying to get my ssh daemon working... and its been two days and im not getting anywhere09:36
mani_i have kubuntu on my laptop09:36
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dr_willismani_,  gesh - thats like a 20 sec job. :P09:36
raphinkmani_: what's the problem?09:37
raphinksshd works great with a default install09:37
mani_this is my setup:09:37
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mani_i have my laptop running kubuntu09:37
mani_and my wife's laptop running mepis09:37
junxalright, uniq, what's next?09:37
mani_my ip addres is
mani_and my wife's is
raphink192 I guess, not 18209:37
mani_yes. sorry.09:37
mani_i need to copy some from files from one laptop to another09:38
raphinkcan you ping a computer from the other one?09:38
mani_it pings fine both ways09:38
raphinkdid you install the openssh server ?09:38
junxdo you have openssh-server installed?09:38
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raphinkjunx: ;)09:38
junxraphink: :)09:38
uniqjunx: ok.. open /etc/apt/preferences in a editor.09:38
|lostbyte|Any way to free up unused memory space ?09:39
junxuh huh09:39
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TheGateKeepermani_: raphink use NFS System Settings -> sharring09:39
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uniqjunx: if you just wait a minute i can make the file for you so you simply can download it.09:39
raphinkTheGateKeeper: that's a way indeed, but that requires to install NFS ;)09:39
raphinkjust moving the problem09:39
dr_willis|lostbyte|,  linux is very good at doing that as needed.09:39
junxI've done this before, but I don't remember what to put09:39
junxbut alright, I'll wait09:39
=== Hawkwind Pays attention to what uniq is doing to learn the process as well
dr_williskde has that ssh: file system interface I thought - tht would let ya drag/drop files.09:40
|lostbyte|dr_willis, Cool ! so how, do i go about doing that.09:40
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mikearthur2.6.17-5.16 = kernel source or
raphinkmani_: do you have a reason to want ssh in particular, or do you only want any kind of file sharing?09:40
|lostbyte|I am talking about the RAM.09:40
svivianhow do I keep xscreensaver from killing my mouse cursor?09:40
dr_willis|lostbyte|,  you DONT do anything..  the OS is very smart about how it allocates ram. No need to mess with it.09:40
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h3sp4wnshfs is pretty good (don't know why so few people use it)09:41
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|lostbyte|dr_willis, But i think my box is getting old. cause it does'nt disallocate when a program is called.09:41
|lostbyte|What could be doing this..09:41
Hawkwind|lostbyte|: The more that is used the faster your system will run.  It caches things and keeps them cached and then frees up RAM as it might need it for something new09:41
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=== TheGateKeeper also pays attention to uniq
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uniqjunx: what ubuntu mirror do you use?09:41
Hawkwind|lostbyte|: Could be bad RAm ?09:41
dr_willis|lostbyte|,  could be the program has a bug/memory leak. depends on the program.. or you are confused as to how you are reading the memory used info.09:41
uniqjunx: archive.ubuntu.com ?09:41
|lostbyte|Example, i run a couple of program and later close them, after some time i get very less memeory space free. and X crashes, if i open any more programs..09:41
mani_hi junx... how to i install openssh-server? do i user adept ?09:41
junxno, just ftp://ftp.ubuntu.com/09:42
uniqjunx: in /etc/apt/sources.list?09:42
mikearthur2.6.17-5.16 = kernel source or
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raphinkmani_: you can use adept09:42
fritschmani_: sudo apt-get install ssh09:42
junxmani_: you should be able to find it in adept09:42
raphinkmani_: or just type "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"09:42
raphinkno fritsch09:42
junxuniq: yes, ftp.ubuntu.com09:42
dr_willis|lostbyte|,  that sounds like either a nasty leak.. or some bad ram.09:42
|lostbyte|Hawkwind, Ram is good, Did a ram check from the BIOS and things were ok.09:42
fritschraphink: ssh is the transitional package09:42
raphinkah right sorry fritsch09:42
fritschraphink: it installs the same09:42
raphinkyes you are right sorry09:42
raphinkit depends on both the client and server :)09:42
dr_willisdo a ram check from that GRUB memcheck option an dlet it run over night.09:42
fritschraphink: less long word, less chance to make a type09:42
uniqjunx: ok.09:43
fritschraphink: typo09:43
|lostbyte|dr_willis, NAsty Leak ! Where could i learn more ?09:43
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raphinksure fritsch :)09:43
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fritschraphink: yes, you are right, but ssh ist installed by default ... so no problem09:43
raphinkmani_: do as fritsh said : install the ssh package09:43
Hawkwind|lostbyte|: I'd run memtest for about 12 hours to see if your RAM is really good or not09:43
dr_willis|lostbyte|,  if  you are just using the normal ubuntu programs, i doubt if theres much of leak.. try doing some things from the console and see if they hallen with every program.09:43
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mani_hi junx... no luck... i search for "openssh" in adept, but it keeps saying no results09:44
junxanyways, what's wrong with 3.5.4?09:44
|lostbyte|Hawkwind, will keep it on list "THings to do, tonight" tx09:44
junxmani_: try "ssh"09:44
raphinkmani_: install "ssh"09:44
mani_still nothing09:45
raphinkthat can't be mani09:45
raphinkssh is in main09:45
mani_i have checked the options unsupported as well as prop s/w09:45
raphinkso t has to be in adept09:45
raphinkmani_: just type "sudo apt-get install ssh" in a console09:45
|lostbyte|dr_willis, Yup ! all mu program are from the repos, except google_earth. which i never used for a long time.. I'll google a bit on that "Memory Leak Phenomenon" tx09:45
dr_willis|lostbyte|,  if EVERY program is leaking memory or somthing... you got some other issue. :P09:46
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|lostbyte|ok !09:46
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hubhow do I get MP3 playback in Amarok?09:46
hubit is using the xine engine09:46
hubRB works fine with gstreamer09:46
junxhub: install libxine-extracodecs09:46
Hawkwind!mp3 > hub09:47
fritschHawkwind: thx09:47
junxor that09:47
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hubjunx: that could be it09:47
hubHawkwind: what?09:47
Hawkwindhub: Read what the bot sent you, assuming you are a registered user and identified with nickserv09:47
hubjunx: was missing. thanks09:47
gnomefreakHawkwind: the bot sends to everyone09:47
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gnomefreakas long as the nick is int he channel09:48
hubHawkwind: RTFM it is called.09:48
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hubHawkwind: but if amarok had used gstreamer...09:48
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junxyou know what works better than a bot? a website! (bots should be banned from freenode, but that's just my opinion)09:48
Hawkwindhub: You won't ever see me say RTFM09:48
koshif amarok has used gstreamer far more people would not have used it09:48
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fritschkosh: :-)09:49
hubwiki.kubuntu.com wasn't helpful09:49
junxgst still can't do gapless playback09:49
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koshgst has problems with more then two speakers09:49
hubyeah works09:49
fritschhub: then you did not look right, search for restrictedformats09:49
koshxine doesn't09:49
|lostbyte|Hawkwind, dr_willis Got something, Everytime i change my wallpaper, 20 MB of my memory is allocated some where ! happens for every wallpaper..09:49
hubfritsch: I look for mp309:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:49
gnomefreakhub look at wha thte bot posted09:49
hubgnomefreak: it is solved09:49
hubthanks guys09:49
fritschkosh: i tried it long, long time ago, when gnome was so nice not to let you print odd and even pages, because of the poor user ...09:50
mani_im getting an error msg when i try to do a apt-get install ssh:09:50
TheGateKeeperhub: you know about w32codecs too?09:50
fritschmani_: what does it say?09:50
koshall of these "make things easy" that gnome is going for only seem that way until you deviate outside their default setup09:50
junxmani_: did you sudo?09:50
mani_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:50
junxclose adept09:50
Hawkwindjunx: uniq must be writing a book for you on rolling back your KDE :P09:50
koshrun a quad screen setup, 7.1 sound etc and then find out how nice and easy gnome is to work with09:50
mani_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:50
junxHawkwind: probably09:51
fritschmani_: close adept09:51
mani_oh.. ok...09:51
junxalthough we've gone through this process before when I installed edgy by accident09:51
mani_let me try again09:51
Hawkwindjunx: But as long as it works, it doesn't matter :)09:51
fritschjunx: lol09:51
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DaSkreechjunx: If we just used a website there would be no need for IRC :)09:52
junxfor an FAQ09:52
mani_done. it is installed. should i do ssh from my wife's laptop now ?09:52
junxinstead of issuing the bot command, you just paste the link09:52
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junxmani_: yeah09:53
raphinkyou can do it now mani_09:53
fritschmani_: yes09:53
hubTheGateKeeper: yeah, but I don't care for these09:53
fritschjunx: youre a lot faster09:53
BluesKajhey Hawkwind ..got E17 installed but it freezes when trying to set a new background  :(09:53
junxfritsch: indeed09:53
fritschjunx: okay, i try harder09:53
HawkwindBluesKaj: How are you trying to set a background ?09:53
hubTheGateKeeper: it was just the matter of figuring out wich package did xine want09:53
junxfritsch: remember tab completion! :)09:53
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stevemani: unable to lock /var/lib/dpkg often means you are trying to run the command as a normal user09:53
HawkwindBluesKaj: You have to make sure the background files are .edj files, not .png or .jpg or anything like that09:53
TheGateKeeperhub: ok :-)09:53
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raphinkno steve, it means another process is using it09:54
junxsteve: or you're running a program that utilises dpkg09:54
raphinksteve: in that case it means adept was using it09:54
gnagnohello all :)09:54
junxa combination of those 3 messages09:54
raphinkcould have been another apt-get using it at the same time09:54
fritschraphink: you can look with lsof or fuser09:54
raphinkhi gnagno09:54
mani_steve, i was having adept open09:54
mani_the problem is now solved09:54
stevemani: er, wrong guess09:55
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fritschmani_: we thougt so09:55
mani_i am able to connect from y wife's laptop and browse through the files in my hard disk09:55
mani_i guess i will use sftp to copy the files09:55
fritschmani_: juhu09:55
junxI'm still waiting for a good compiz-kde09:55
junxmani_: you can just use scp09:55
mani_is there any GUI tool for this09:55
junxworks like cp09:55
raphinkmani_: you can use sftp or fish with konqueror09:55
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raphinkmani_: or you can use scp09:55
gnagnojunx I am using compiz-kde right now09:55
raphinkjunx: ;)09:55
BluesKajHawkwind, well I have this beautiful pic that my daughter took in prague ans I use it as my background Kubuntu and windows and I'd like to use it with Enlightenment as well09:55
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raphinkmani_: type fish://
junxgnagno: I heard that was pretty unstable, and I couldn't get it working, so I just assumed09:56
mani_raphink, my wife's laptop is running mepis09:56
raphinkor 209:56
HawkwindBluesKaj: Then you need to make an .edj file of it09:56
raphinkdepending on what you want to use09:56
raphinkmani_: in konqueror09:56
raphinkthat'll give you a gui09:56
SeanTatermani_: sftp:// works better09:56
BluesKajok , that's new to me09:56
HawkwindBluesKaj: e17setroot -s /full/path/to/file.jpg09:56
raphinkthen you can right clic on the status bar on the bottom of the konqueror window and split the window09:56
HawkwindBluesKaj: Replace file.jpg with the file name.  But you must use the full path to the image09:56
raphinkso you can have your local files09:56
gnagnojunx: I didn't have any crash in the last 4 days of testing with it.... it is very stable and reliable on my computer (and I have to say even very fast)09:56
raphinkin the same window09:56
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raphinkSeanTater: how so?09:57
HawkwindBluesKaj: It will then create an .edj file which will be placed in your ~/.e/e/backgrounds directory09:57
junxthere just isn't enough KDE love nowadays09:57
SeanTaterraphink: it does not require the use of bash or perl, just c09:57
SeanTaterraphink: c is a tad fastar than either09:57
raphinkSeanTater: makes sense :)09:57
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DaSkreechjunx: Sometimes there are a lot of URLS and people get Busy and tired. Bots always remember09:57
SeanTaterraphink: most sshd installations come with it, to my knowledge, none come without it09:58
raphinksure SeanTater09:58
junxDaSkreech: bots can also be annoying when every question you ask is answered by a damn bot09:58
raphinkand even some ssh servers have ssh login disabled so you can't use fish, but they keep sftp enabled, so you can transfer files safely09:58
junxor if you say something you shouldn't, worse than getting flamed, you get annoyed by a damn bot09:58
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junxraphink: or if you can't use sftp, you can use scp or rsync09:58
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KaiHanariwhat would be the easiest language to run unix commands and capture their output for use in webpages?09:59
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fritschKaiHanari: per?09:59
mani_junx, raphink, thanks for the all help :)09:59
junxKaiHanari: you could do that in almost any language09:59
h3sp4wnmani_: Use shfs its transparant and works really well09:59
junxPHP would work09:59
DaSkreechjunx: The bot only responds if you speak to it10:00
junxmani_: no prob10:00
DaSkreechjunx: It's not admin10:00
mani_one more question10:00
KaiHanarijunx, i didnt ask what can do it, i asked the easiest10:00
KaiHanarifritsch, perl is probably right10:00
gnagnodoes anyone know about the message waiting for headers on apt-get update?10:00
KaiHanarii have a huge book and never bothered to use it10:00
mani_how can i configure firewall settings in my kubuntu10:00
raphinkKaiHanari: python is good for this10:00
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fritschmani_: there are none10:00
raphinkperl, too10:00
junxDaSkreech: when the users in the channel abuse the crap out of the bot *cough##phpcough*, it gets annoying10:00
KaiHanariim looking for the EASIEST10:00
fritschmani_: ubuntu comes with no port open10:00
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fritschKaiHanari: hehe, you could do a cron job, creating files in your public_html10:01
fritschKaiHanari: but that`s probably not "time near"10:01
DaSkreechjunx: That's what admin is for :-)10:01
KaiHanarifritsch, no, i want to also run commands from pushbuttons on a page10:01
h3sp4wnKariHanari: You could use haserl (for embedding shell into http documents) but I would use perl10:01
fritschKaiHanari: okay, but be careful10:01
junxand when the admin bans you for some random reason?10:01
raphinkKaiHanari: this is potentially a security hole10:01
junxI'll admit that all my annoyances are with ##php, but it still stands as an argument :p10:01
raphinkKaiHanari: as h3sp4wn and others suggested, you can just have perl scripts called by HTML forms10:02
uniqjunx: sorry. had to talk to my girlfriend. Now. Add this to /etc/apt/preferences,  \n is new line: Package: * \n Pin: origin ftp.ubuntu.com \n Pin-Priority: 1001 \n Package: * \n Pin: origin kubuntu.org \n Pin-Priority: -100 \n10:02
uniqjunx: now, save and exit and do: 'sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade'10:03
KaiHanariraphink, its on a server only accessable locally on the business network, the page would be password protected, and the other access to the http server is via ssh tunnel, which is completely private to my system.. remote admin +no ports forwarded10:03
junxaight, thanks10:03
KaiHanarino security holes for me :)10:03
KaiHanariraphink, ya, ok... perl it is then... ive got some learning to do...10:03
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raphinkKaiHanari: bash would b efine, too, or python, or just anything ;)10:04
raphinkif you prefer another language10:04
raphinkbut perl and python are easier to interface with html10:04
KaiHanaribash can do it?!10:04
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raphinkKaiHanari: just as any other language can10:04
Hawkwinduniq: Doing that will roll back from KDE 3.5.4 to 3.5.3 and not break anything ?10:04
brutopiahow can I disable that bouncing busy icon in kubuntu10:04
raphinkboucing busy icon?10:05
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TheGateKeeperuniq: worth putting in the howto's in ubuntu forum?10:05
fritschHawkwind: you could also remove every 3.5.4 package10:05
KaiHanariraphink, ok.. know any sites? im googling now....10:05
uniqHawkwind: will roll back to the default in the real archives.10:05
brutopiawhen you start some program it's icon bounces beside cursor10:05
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uniqTheGateKeeper: feel free.10:05
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fritschHawkwind: after that change sources list to 353 and apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:05
raphinkah right10:05
h3sp4wnKaiHanari: use haserl and awk for generating the html10:05
uniqHawkwind: it will prioritize ftp.ubuntu.com over kubuntu.org and force downgrades if needed.10:05
fritschh3sp4wn: haserl, hehe in germany it`s little rabbit in bavarian dialect10:06
junxodd, why does this downgrade things like mysql?10:06
mani_brutopia, but the bouncing icons are cute !10:06
fritschuniq: mmmh kde 3.5.4 are from kubuntu.org, too10:06
fritschuniq: so perhaps no luck?10:06
junxoh snap10:06
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raphinkbrutopia: somewhere in systemsetings, don't remember where10:06
junxcan't prioritise ubuntu over dotdeb10:06
uniqjunx: if you have other special cases those have to be pinned too.10:07
h3sp4wnfritsch: I have only briefly messed with it but you can do dynamic html using awk and haserl (But I still think perl is alot easier)10:07
junxuniq: right, now I noticed that10:07
Firetechbrutopia: system settings > Panel > Launch feedback10:07
DaSkreechjunx: Well see if how this channel is run allays any biais fears you may have10:07
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fritschjunx: downgraded yesterday, in the way i said above10:08
brutopiaFiretech: thanks10:08
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junxalright, this seems to be working, thanks uniq10:09
uniqfritsch: downgrading from kde 3.5.4 to 3.5.3 directly both from kubuntu.org can also be done. But I would think downgrading to 3.5.2 and if desired upgrade to 3.5.3 is the best way.. atleast teh easiest imho.10:09
uniqjunx: remember to remove /etc/apt/preferences and do a new dist-upgrade when done.10:09
SeanTateris 3.5.4 actually in main or universe, or is it elsewher, I thought of upgrading today until I noticed the topic..10:09
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fritschuniq: okay10:10
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junxSeanTater: it's on kubuntu.org/packages/10:10
h3sp4wnIts on kubuntu.org10:10
SeanTaterjunx: okay10:10
junxtip: don't upgrade to 3.5.4, go with 3.5.310:10
Martijn81SeanTater:but read the readme first10:10
h3sp4wnIs it possible to remove the kubuntu customisations and just get a standard version of kde10:10
junxor "kde-latest"10:10
fritschh3sp4wn: yes ;-)10:10
uniqjunx: remember to remove kde 3.5.4 from sources.list before the last dist-upgrade.. you don't want it back :)10:11
fritschh3sp4wn: if you install kde 3.5.4 all kubuntu customatzations are gone (by accident)10:11
junxright right, already did that10:11
junxfritsch: does anyone know why?10:11
fritschjunx: no, tried to find out the last 2 days10:11
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junxare you the maintainer of kubuntu.org/packages/?10:12
uniqh3sp4wn: you can remove kubuntu-default-settings.10:12
fritschjunx: no10:12
junxwho is?10:12
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raphinkjunx: I am, for ex ;)10:12
fritschjunx: Riddell10:12
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raphinkand riddell of course :)10:12
h3sp4wnuniq: Will that make system settings just be the standard kcontrol ?10:12
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junxso, do you know why kubuntu-default-settings isn't working?10:12
uniqh3sp4wn: don't know.10:12
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: You have standard kcontrol10:12
raphinkhaven't been looking lately junx10:12
junxor why when I go to system settings -> appearance, it crashes?10:13
raphinkyou should ask on #kubuntu-devel junx10:13
fritschraphink: could you do?10:13
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raphinkfritsch: don't have much time for that lately10:13
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raphinkjunx:  are you having problems in edgy or with kde 3.5.4 on dapper?10:13
crazy_penguinso it's not a good ideea to upgrade to kde 3.5.4?10:13
junxraphink: dapper10:13
raphinkand what are the symptoms?10:14
uniqcrazy_penguin: works fine on edgy.10:14
fritschraphink: straced nearly every k**stuff, ksmserver, startkde, etc.10:14
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h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I just don't like most of the customisations - I think a clean (i.e fast) version of kde would be better10:14
crazy_penguinbut on dapper?10:14
junxbesides kubuntu-default-settings not working?10:14
fritschraphink: what is written in the readme of the riddell packages, this is the problem10:14
fritschjunx: fount nothing else10:14
junxother than that, it screws up some of my own settings that way10:14
h3sp4wncrazy_penguin: If you are not bothered about the kubuntu customisations then they are fine10:14
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fritschjunx: yes, because you had kubuntu-default stuff before10:14
junxwhen I went to system settings -> appearance, it crashed (SEGV IIRC)10:15
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raphinkno, what's the problem with kubuntu-default-settings junx?10:15
junxit doesn't apply at all10:15
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raphinkwhat do you get?10:15
fritschraphink: you can preview it in style dialog, but its not used10:15
junxso you get a hodge-podge of your own ~/.kde/share/ stuff with the default KDE settings, and it's all messed up10:15
fritschraphink: you get a standard kde10:15
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raphinkhaven't got a dapper station to try it on10:16
fritschraphink: i recompiled the default-settings, even compiled the edgy on dapper10:16
DaSkreechspiral: Yo10:16
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fritschraphink: no chance10:16
junxI copied over everything from kubuntu-default-settings/.../share to /usr/share, so that might help for now10:16
crazy_penguinwhat is the version of kopete in 3.5.4?10:16
fritschraphink: i think some libs are messed up10:16
svivianhow do I keep xscreensaver from killing my mouse cursor? Anyone? Anyone?10:16
fritschcrazy_penguin: 0.12.110:16
junxand since kubuntu-default-settings should theoretically override everything in /usr/share...10:16
fritschjunx: no it doesnt10:16
raphinkfritsch: but the package does install? oor what does it say?10:16
fritschraphink: everything installs cleanly10:16
raphinkah right10:17
fritschraphink: but you cannot use the "crystal" style, etc.10:17
uniqjunx: in stead of copying over stuff you can set $KDEDIRS to where the settings are.. I think that could help you.. You can try. I don't have dapper here.10:17
raphinkit must be the /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings patch that doesn't apply for some reason10:17
junxis edgy usable now?10:17
junxi.e. no more locale errors10:17
uniqfritsch: can you try that too? set KDEDIRS to where the kubuntu-default-settings are?10:17
raphinkjunx: no it's not10:17
fritschraphink: for sure? kde-default-settings package did not change in 3.5.410:17
fritschraphink: and edgy is working10:17
raphinksure fritsch but this patch is not in kubuntu-default-settings10:17
raphinkfritsch: edgy might break anytime since it's actively developer10:18
raphinkso I don't advise anyone to use it10:18
fritschraphink: i use now the default dapper one10:18
fritschraphink: had no luck with both10:18
gnagnoI have a problem with apt-get update, it stops on waiting for headers 99% and never ends... can someone please help me?10:18
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pointwoodany sound guru's around?10:20
Blissexgnagno: probably some mirror is down...10:20
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jeremiai had problems whith glut and remarked, that i have glut and freeglut(-dev) isntalled, so i wanted to remove glut. i had forgotten that many packets depend on glut (also importatn-ones). is it possible to check, which programs had been removed or are marked to be removed?10:22
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Firetechgnagno: almost same here, although it does end, have patience...10:22
gnagnothanks :)10:22
DaSkreechpointwood: Guess not what's the question?10:23
Firetechyay, I found a good way to0 downgrade 3.5.4 to 3.5.3 directly10:23
Firetecheasy one too :)10:23
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h3sp4wnusing -t ?10:24
pointwoodDaSkreech: well, I got no sound, I tried following this problem guide: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544910:24
Firetechh3sp4wn: -t?10:24
pointwoodDaSkreech: I upgraded from breezy the other day and I have had sound before, but I get absolutely nothing now10:25
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DaSkreechpointwood: I take it you went through the walkthrough10:26
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h3sp4wnFiretech: You can use it to specify different repos to install from (I suppose sudo aptitude purge kde~i and then put it all back would work also)10:26
pointwoodDaSkreech: yes10:26
bl3ssinghello everyone. What was that page with upgrading from kubuntu 5.10 to 6.?10:26
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DaSkreechWhere did it fail for you?10:27
bl3ssing!kubuntu upgrade10:27
ubotuI know nothing about kubuntu upgrade - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:27
bl3ssing!ubuntu upgrade10:27
ubotuI know nothing about ubuntu upgrade - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:27
pointwoodDaSkreech: that's the problem, according to that guide, it should work10:27
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.10:27
Hawkwinduniq: So before the sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade is when we need to remove the source from the sources.list ?10:27
KaiHanarijust a sec bl3ssing10:27
DaSkreechpointwood: And you have the speakers on?10:27
Firetechh3sp4wn: I added a pin priority for kubuntu.org and changed the 354 repo back to 35310:27
bl3ssinglol KaiHanari10:28
pointwoodDaSkreech: yes, I have rebooted into windows and tested that I did in fact have sound...10:28
Firetechthen dist-upgrade wants to downgrade10:28
uniqHawkwind: after the downgrade dist-upgrade is done.10:28
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lmosherIs it possible to use apt-get --build to install from source, but apply a patch first?10:28
h3sp4wnFiretech: 1001 is usually high enough for it to force a downgrade - yes that is another way10:28
DaSkreechpointwood: You made sure it wasn't just turned down or muted?10:28
DaSkreechI nlinux10:28
Hawkwinduniq: Ah ok.  So after that apt-get -u dist-upgrade, remove the source, then apt-get dist-upgrade ?10:29
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junxdoes anyone here keep their /etc under version control?10:30
pointwoodDaSkreech: I think so :) I turned on everything in alsamixer10:30
h3sp4wnlmosher: use dpkg-buildpackage to build it (dpatch-edit-patch is the easiest way to add patches to existing source)10:30
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uniqHawkwind: edit /etc/apt/preferences;dist-upgrade(downgrade);remove /etc/apt/preferences;remove repo from sources.list;dist-upgrade to make sure you have the newest version of everything.10:30
bl3ssingI tried this command for upgrading from kub.5 to 6, and ... here's the pb. kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list10:30
bl3ssingkdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list10:30
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bl3ssingwhy that?10:30
rainbow Hello I am facing aproblem installing my Nvidia drive10:30
pointwoodhrm....wait, I just tried playing some music with mplayer and it says this:10:30
pointwoodLinux RTC init error in ioctl (rtc_irqp_set 1024): Permission denied10:30
pointwoodTry adding "echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq" to your system startup scripts.10:30
bl3ssingkdesu: cannot connect to X server10:30
rainbowcould somebody chat with me private10:31
bl3ssingkdesu: cannot connect to X server ->> what that means?10:31
h3sp4wnpointwood: do it from /etc/sysctl.conf (there are some examples there)10:31
crimsunpointwood: that's not normally an issue for audio. For video, perhaps.10:31
uniqbl3ssing: in konsole run this command: 'xhost local:'10:31
bl3ssingthere's nobody who'll do that rainbow... that is why we have this channel, to talk all together. No SECRETS! :D10:31
lmosherh3sp4wn, dpkg-buildpackage uses a .deb? Or do i run that from the source folder?10:32
bl3ssinguniq, xhost local10:32
bl3ssingxhost:  unable to open display ""10:32
h3sp4wnlmosher: use apt-get source10:32
uniqbl3ssing: not with sudo. isn't KDE/X running?10:32
pointwoodh3sp4wn: so I just add that line there?10:32
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pointwoodcrimsun: k10:33
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h3sp4wnpointwood: Look at the syntax of the existing lines in that file and put it in in the same way10:33
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bl3ssinguniq, DONE! No sudo Anymore (I'm the Big MASTER!) :d10:33
DaSkreech!nvidia > rainbow10:34
lmosherh3sp4wn, Ok.. I'm trying to install wine and I need to apply a patch.. I've already run (well it's running) apt-get build-dep wine.  Now if I run apt-get source wine it will d/l the source.10:34
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h3sp4wnlmosher: Are you sure the patch is not already in the budgetdedicated version of wine10:34
uniqbl3ssing: sure, congrats :)10:34
lmosherh3sp4wn, Pretty sure, the info is from winehq website, I'll check the date...10:35
h3sp4wnlmosher: is it in wine 0.9.18 ?10:35
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h3sp4wnlmosher: You probably want to use apt-get source wine from budget-dedicated (the wine in dapper is comparatively ancient)10:36
DaSkreechrainbow: Read that :)10:36
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Open source is the saddest thign on earth10:36
Hawkwinduniq: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/16  <~~Can you look at that and verify it's correct.  I feel I've done something wrong10:36
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: In some cases - I sometimes wish I was still putting on squat parties and pressing techno records10:38
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lmosherh3sp4wn, Since the wine install is fairly simple, I'll install the budgetdedicatd binary wine first and see if my program runs. If it doesn't I'll uninstall and build the source w/ the patch. It'll only take 3 minutes to check w/ the binary version vs. an hr for wine to compile :P10:38
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: You can. Just apt-get install jack ;-)10:38
pointwoodh3sp4wn: it doesn't really have any lines that compares to that...: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1949410:38
uniqHawkwind: you can't use kubuntu.org on both.10:38
uniqHawkwind: that is a contradiction.10:39
Hawkwinduniq: Ok, so how can I fix it to downgrade back to 3.5.3 ?10:39
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: You know full well jackd doesn't work properly with dapper (I am on edgy but I don't know whether I can be bothered going thru the rigmor of trying to get it to work properly again)10:39
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crimsunum, that's a bit of a stretch.10:40
bl3ssingand .. who said that it's really complicated to upgrade from Kubuntu 5.10 to Kubuntu 6.0.6? :D (Now I can wipe my sweat of my FACE [long way to go ...! but already DONE! Thanks to my GOD who shall be praised for everything, including for this Kubuntu 6.0.6] ).10:40
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crimsunjackd works quite well in Dapper. A more precise manner of stating it is "jackd may not work well out of the box in Dapper."10:40
bl3ssinghow can I check what's the capacity of my hdd (I mean ... the linux partitions (ext3, ext2 and swap)?10:41
Hawkwindbl3ssing: df -h10:41
Firetechor kdf :P10:41
uniqHawkwind: well.. can't think of any fast and easy way to do it right now.. i can check if you want.10:41
h3sp4wncrimsun: I can't understand why with an identical configuration I get 40ms latency on dapper but 2/3ms latency under debian unstable10:42
crimsunh3sp4wn: "identical configuration" is likely imprecise unless you really mean that you use the same kernel, same libc, and same packages.10:42
crazy_penguinHawkind: sorry for intruding. do you have problems with kde 3.5.4?10:42
bl3ssingnooooo, Hawkwind, I mean ... a more user-friendly way (Can't type anything since my upgrading's still running)!10:42
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: I'm apologize for this but I can't resist10:43
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: You don't know jack!!10:43
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pointwoodh3sp4wn: did you see my pastebin?10:43
Hawkwindbl3ssing: Open another terminal, and type: df -h10:43
bl3ssingDone Hawkwind ...10:43
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Firetechbl3ssing: try kdf10:43
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Admittedly10:43
Hawkwinduniq: I'd like to go back to 3.5.3 since konqueror has issues in 3.5.4 when using it outside of Konqueror(in another wm)10:43
bl3ssingwas thinking about htat ... and I had this courage to ... I thought I thaw a PuddyCAT! I thaw, I thaw a puddykat! :DDDDD10:43
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bl3ssingFiretech, the kdf command doesn't exist (or ...?)10:44
uniqHawkwind: you can change to one of the mirrors for one of the versions, in sources.list. And then for example if you change to download.kde.org for 3.5.3, pin download.kde.org to 1001, and kubuntu.org to -10010:44
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bl3ssingHawkwind, already done about my partitions. :) thanks in advance ...10:44
Firetechbl3ssing: it's a kde gui app with features like df, but it's not installed by default (it's in the repos though)10:45
uniqHawkwind: that would require a apt-get update after the change in sources.list.10:45
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bl3ssingcool Firetech ... I'll think about it. :)10:46
Hawkwinduniq: Heh, that totally confused me.  Trying to decipher that now10:46
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FiretechHawkwind: there is an easy way to downgrade 3.5.3 otherwise10:46
FiretechI just found it ;)10:46
blackflaghello all :)10:46
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blackflagI cant start my screensaver10:47
HawkwindFiretech: That would be how ?10:47
blackflagcan someone help?10:47
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FiretechHawkwind: 2 sec10:47
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h3sp4wncrimsun: Same kernel (Identical configuration i.e just copied .config across) but built against the current toolchains of the respective distros. (This was a few months ago) the configuration of jackd was the same on both (I tried using both rlimits-aware pam and realtime-lsm) Is getting jackd working easily any type of priority for edgy ?10:48
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ricardodoes anybody know any other cool site like deviantart??10:49
crimsunh3sp4wn: no one spec'd it, so I doubt it.10:49
crimsunright one up, I'll be happy to look10:50
FiretechHawkwind: read the instructions on http://pastebin.ca/11231710:50
h3sp4wnpointwood: Thats just for putting a value into /proc the examples are exactly the same way as you need to do it10:51
HawkwindFiretech: Doing it now.  I'll let you know how it goes10:53
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uniqHawkwind: that will work.10:53
DaSkreechricardo: kde-look.org? :)10:54
pointwoodh3sp4wn: okay, so I should add something like "proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq=1024" to that file?10:54
Hawkwinduniq: Thanks.  I'm going to document this on my http://LinuxForDummies.org/ forums for others that want to know :)10:54
FiretechHawkwind: I'm in the process myself, it seems to work (installing the downloaded packages atm.). You might want to remove the "/etc/apt/preferences" file afterwards.10:54
HawkwindFiretech: Yeah I was going to ask about removing the preferences file10:54
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h3sp4wnpointwood: sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq=1024 (that should be ok)10:55
mikearthursorry, why are some packages -ubuntu1 and some -ubuntu2?10:55
thygrrrRecently (maybe linked to use of ktorrent?) I can't seem to reliably shut down my computer using the K Menu entry. It either takes very long (it just closes all windows and waits), or it doesn't shut down at all. sudo shutdown -r now works fine.10:56
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_pulsarHi! Does anyone know how to work around that kubuntu-default-settings bug in 3.5.4 or how to downgrade to 3.5.3?10:56
DaSkreechmikearthur: I think that has to do with when they were built10:56
Firetechmikearthur: some packages have needed to be repackaged maybe?10:57
mikearthurwhy does ndiswrapper-modules- depends on ndiswrapper-utils (>= 1.8-1)?10:57
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ricardoDaSkreech: thx!10:57
mikearthurI've just compiled from ndiswrapper sources, and for no apparent reason, its depending on a higher version of ndiswrapper-utils10:57
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mikearthurany ideas?10:58
pointwoodh3sp4wn: okay, I assume a reboot will be neccesary to test that then?10:58
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Hawkwinduniq: Errors were encountered while processing:11:00
Hawkwind /var/cache/apt/archives/kcontrol_4%3a3.5.3-0ubuntu0.2_i386.deb11:00
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Hawkwinduniq: I get that error at the end of this downgrade :(11:00
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wolfmanzhow many callers does skype support at one time anyone know?11:01
Firetechwolfmanz: I don't know if skype for linux supports conference calls...11:02
HawkwindFiretech: Know anything about how to fix that error above ?11:03
FiretechHawkwind: I got the same, just run sudo apt-get install -f11:03
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HawkwindFiretech: Ahhh, seems to be working :)11:04
h3sp4wnpointwood: you can just use sudo sysctl value=number for now11:04
mikearthurany ideas why ndiswrapper-source-1.8 depends on ndiswrapper-utils-1.8-1, which aren't available?11:05
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FiretechHawkwind: new version: http://pastebin.ca/11233311:06
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HawkwindFiretech: Kewl.  I'll definitely put all of this on my forums here in a bit11:07
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FiretechHawkwind: I'll update the info if I have to do anything more later, I'll keep you noticed11:08
HawkwindFiretech: Many thanks!11:08
Firetechseems to be working fine, though11:09
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HawkwindFiretech: Yeah same here11:10
Hotwirehow can i stop x so i'm just in a console? i'm using kdm as my login manager11:13
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HawkwindHotwire: killall kdm or killall x or sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop11:14
Hotwirethanks :)11:15
zanhi! can someone please tell me from where to install the latest version of krusader (not the beta one)... in the repositories (all enabled) i find only the 1.60.1 one...11:15
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ubotuI know nothing about krusader - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:16
FiretechHawkwind: seems that process is correct, I'm gonna restart KDE to test ;)11:16
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_pulsarCan I force apt-get to use *only* the sources supplied in sources.list and downgrade packages if neccessary? If so, how?11:20
lars_youth-now: hi :)11:20
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macconlinehi... k3b = windows & linux ??11:20
FiretechHawkwind: back in KDE 3.5.3, seems to have downgraded successfully (I'm doing it on my laptop too, to check the process)11:21
youth-nowwhat is this11:21
bytefooanyone know why i can't apply any styles to amarok?11:22
Firetech_pulsar: why would you need that, to downgrade KDE 3.5.4?11:22
youth-nowwhat is ubuntu11:22
Firetechyouth-now: a linux distribution11:22
_pulsarFiretech: Well, there's an ugly bug in 3.5.4 preventing Kubuntu default settings from being applied and therefore ruining my whole KDE installation.11:23
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zanhi! can someone please tell me from where to install the latest version of krusader (not the beta one)... in the repositories (all enabled) i find only the 1.60.1 one...11:23
lars_Kubuntu on a Cinet HomeBook 945PM do not work... Network card wireless and cable + some controllers was unknown... M;S lockdown!?11:23
HawkwindFiretech: I've put the info here incase you want to point people to it in the future:  http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=609.011:23
Firetech_pulsar: I know, I just downgraded myself ;)11:23
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Firetech_pulsar: check Hawkwind's link there11:23
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FiretechHawkwind: you don't need to rm -rf /etc/apt/preferences... -f will do... (-r is for removing directories...)11:24
FiretechI.E. rm -f11:25
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HawkwindFiretech: Heh, yeah.  Habit I guess.  Let me edit that11:25
_pulsarHawkwind: Oh man, thanks a lot! That helped!11:25
kanadoes kopete support voice chat?11:25
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FiretechI've even aliased rm to rm -i to be sure (I've done silly things with rm before...11:25
Hawkwind_pulsar: No problem.  Thaks to Firetech for the info too :)11:26
_pulsarThanks to both of you. :()11:26
Firetechno problem, glad to help11:26
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crazy_penguingood night all! sleep well! :)11:28
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HawkwindFiretech: We should get an op to add that URL and some info about kde downgrade to the bot :)11:29
Hawkwindcrimsun: You still around ?11:30
crimsunnot really, I'm amidst a conf call.11:30
crimsunping me in 20 minutes.11:30
Hawkwindcrimsun: Ah ok.  Let me know when you're available11:30
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HawkwindI could have done !ops, but that would be a bit harsh :P11:31
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zandoes krusader have the brief view implemented yet?11:33
gnomefreakHawkwind: what do you need?11:33
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Hawkwindgnomefreak: Firetech and I have put a how-to together for downgrading KDE and would like for the info to be added to the bot if possible11:35
Hawkwindgnomefreak: That's on my forums there11:35
gnomefreakok brb gonna look11:35
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vitorHi. Has anyone already had trouble using a laptop with an external CRT? The screen in the CRT is cut off at the left side. Anyone know how to fix this?11:36
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fritschHawkwind: kde seems to be fixed right now11:36
gnomefreakHawkwind: can you change vi to something more user friendly?11:36
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kana linuxfordummies would have preffered linuxfornewusers :)11:37
gnomefreakvi is not real new user friendly ;)11:37
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Sure, what would you prefer ?11:37
gnomefreaksince using kde i would go with kate (seems to be user friendly)11:38
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Hawkwindgnomefreak: Edited11:40
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gnomefreakok im just thinking now give me a few ill let you know11:40
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Hawkwindgnomefreak: Many thanks11:41
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TheGateKeeperHawkwind: kdesu kate /etc/apt/preferences ????11:41
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markrianSo KDE 3.5.4 is broken in dapper... are there any more details as to what is broken?11:42
HawkwindTheGateKeeper: Yeah, I changed that11:42
Hawkwindmarkrian: It's the kde-default-settings11:42
TheGateKeeperHawkwind: thanx nice job :-)11:43
HawkwindTheGateKeeper: No problem11:44
DaSkreechmarkrian: Or kdelibs whichever you want to say11:44
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markrianWill KDE 3.5.4 packages ever be put up onto Kubuntu.org then, or not?11:45
markrian(for dapper)11:45
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment. For more info see http://kubuntu.org ; to install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. To downgrade your version of kubuntu to an older version see: http://www.linuxfordummies.org/index.php?topic=609.011:45
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dr_willisNot sure if they will get included in dapper.. thats just now how theubuntu gys normally do things.11:45
gnomefreakmarkrian: when they are a bit more stable11:45
gnomefreakdr_willis: no11:46
dr_willisevery 6 mo - they have a HUGE mega-release with all the updates.. then 6 mo later the next release11:46
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gnomefreakbut thats kind of wierd as testing on dapper is going on right now11:46
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dr_willisgnomefreak,  if you say so.. they may be  changeing their minds a bit - since edgy is to be such a huge update11:46
dr_willisI will be suprised if edgy is ready in 6 mo.11:46
markrianI ask simply because I remember 3.5.3 packages appearing incredibly quickly for dapper on kubuntu.org11:46
TheGateKeeperdoes anyone know if the new package manager will have role back facility (just out of curiosity)?11:47
gnomefreakdr_willis: i think they lowered the (huge) a bit due to lack of time11:47
dr_willisbut from 5.3 to 5.4 - how big a change is that really.11:47
markrianI suppose11:47
koshahi... anybody here that can help me haveing ubuntu read and/or write ntfs sata disks ?11:47
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=== dr_willis watches his XP machine crash... Joy. :)
TheGateKeeperkosha: there are howto's on the ubuntu forums11:48
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HawkwindFiretech: You see that gnomefreak added it to the !kubuntu fact for us :)11:48
zanplease tell me how do i enable the root account???11:48
dr_willisheh - :)11:49
gnomefreak!root > zan11:49
vitorTheGateKeeper: are there any how-tos on LCD and CRT display? One that particularly addresses widescreen problems?11:49
Hawkwindzan: sudo passwd if you really must11:49
dr_willislearn to use sudo is the proper way to use root access11:49
gnomefreakzan: sudo -i11:49
koshathx gatekeeper11:49
zani know how to use sudo, but i also want an oldstyle root account... please! :D11:50
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TheGateKeepervitor: sorry don't know :-(11:50
domzan, what for?11:50
dr_willisor zan  its an iq test of your linux knowledge. :P11:50
gnomefreakHawkwind: keep me informed on how e17 is on dapper (i am using it on edgy atm)11:50
TheGateKeeperzan: sudo su effectively gives you that11:50
zankrusader crashes when i start it in root-mode from the shortcut... in normal mode it runs smoothly...11:51
dr_willissudo krusader11:51
dr_willisor ksudo krusader (i think)11:52
dr_willisThats kind of scary that t crashes when ran as root..11:52
TheGateKeeperzan: kdesu krusader11:52
dr_williswhats the gnome one then? they really need to get their names straightedn out. :P11:52
=== gnomefreak still not sure why they made it that
KaiHanarihow do you list groups in a system?11:53
dr_willisgksudo? gnomesu?11:53
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I've been using it since day one, except I use it from CVS.  I've currently got about 10 users using it from my repo I made last night for Dapper and no one has complained of anything or a breakage11:53
dr_willisheh.   Yea - the names picked for a lot of progrms... need to be rethought.11:53
gnomefreakyeah like libsexy liboobs :(11:53
HawkwindLike pornview11:54
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HawkwindThat is such a great image viewer, yet people turn away from it due to the name11:54
domKaiHanari, basic groups are just in /etc/group.  you can see them all there11:54
TheGateKeeperHawkwind: how does your e17 differ from the standard repos?11:54
gnomefreakHawkwind: ok lets give a while. i need it to be very well tested before i can get it on easysource ;)11:54
zani can't find ksudo11:54
HawkwindTheGateKeeper: We will be building the E17 debs atleast once a week and they are built directly from CVS11:54
Firetechzan: it's kdesu11:55
Hawkwindgnomefreak: No problem at all :)11:55
TheGateKeeperHawkwind: cool :-)11:55
dr_williswe need a gnome/kde naming standard :)11:55
Firetechdr_willis: uhm, yes11:55
larson9999speaking of image viewers i like, does kuickview work with dapper yet?11:55
DaSkreechdr_willis: Name everythign with a K!! :)11:56
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dr_williskde/gno :P11:56
Firetechdr_willis: an /etc/alternatives  symlink called guisudo would be fine too ;)11:56
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I've posted about the repo on the Ubuntu and Kubuntu forums hoping to get many users to use it and give feedback11:56
dr_willisThen again even within kde and gnome they use odd names in many ways11:56
larson9999maybe there should be a program name registry like there is for ip addresses11:57
gnomefreakill keep you informed of any issues with it and edgy11:57
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dknetbonjour tlm11:59
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:59
rr72WTF why is ubuntu wine out of date?11:59
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:00
Hawkwindrr72: How is it out of date ?12:00
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Hawkwindrr72: # Bleeding edge wine packages (packages)12:01
Hawkwinddeb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main12:01
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Philip5TheGateKeeper: btw, hi there :)12:01
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rr72poeple were yelling at me cause wine is out of date? WWTF its not my fault12:02
TheGateKeeperhiya Philip5 :-)12:02
zanwhat do the % params stand for in the krusader shortcut: "krusader -caption "%c" %i %m"?12:02
Philip5TheGateKeeper: have you been away for a couple of days? haven't noticed you12:02
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TheGateKeeperPhilip5: no not really, depends how active things are in here, sometimes I go into #ubuntu12:03
Philip5TheGateKeeper: traitor... ;)12:03
TheGateKeeperPhilip5: thanx :-)12:04
Philip5TheGateKeeper: lol12:04
markrianzan: that's a very good question, I see them all over the place and have no idea12:04
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LeeJunFanhrm, concerning ATI - should I ever expect good driver support from a company who's webpage has never really been linux friendly? :p12:04
TheGateKeeperPhilip5: soon be time for me to pop off to the land of nod12:05
zanmarkrian: :(... i can run krusader without them, but i became very curious... >:)12:05
TheGateKeeperPhilip5: you ok then?12:05
Philip5TheGateKeeper: yes... just been busy with compiling stuff12:06
LeeJunFanI thought I read somewhere that the new ATI drivers were on ATI's page in a deb pkg for ubuntu - I don't see them.12:06
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