
=== mat [n=mat@igoan/mat] has joined #ubuntu-motu
lucasLaserJock: I don't think so12:11
lucashowever, the sync process is based on bugs filed, and works well12:11
lucasaccepting requests from developers is also different from accepting requests from everybody (as in motu-reviewers)12:11
=== Hirion [n=hirion@draugr.de] has left #ubuntu-motu []
dholbachgood night guys12:14
crimsunnight daniel12:14
Toadstoolg'night dholbach12:16
LaserJockcya dholbach12:16
dholbachnight guys - you rock! :)12:16
LaserJocklucas: I think the motu-reviewer's would work if MOTUs used it12:17
LaserJockI generally don't go "hmm, rather than work on my own stuff, I think I'll go look for things to sponsor"12:18
HobbseeLaserJock: hehe, exactly.12:18
HobbseeLaserJock: not unless you know the person, and so feel like doing them a favour12:18
LaserJockexactly, hence the IRC pinging method12:19
HobbseeLaserJock: that's the one.12:19
HobbseeLaserJock: we need to work on kubuntu not being so cliched, too...12:19
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-motu
lucasI've a package which just needs a rebuild because of an ABI change. should I mail infinity ? upload a -XXXbuild1 package ? file a bug ?12:26
Hobbseelucas: discuss with infinity/kamion/etc12:26
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Kyralheh no one caught my comment about me orphaning everything and leaving this project12:45
LaserJockwe're used to it ;-)12:45
LaserJockbesides, nobody wants your GTK1 editor anyway ;-)12:46
Kyral....cept this time I am serious...12:46
KyralThe Forums War....its reaching too far....12:46
LaserJockKyral: yeah, but what does the forum have to do with anything here12:48
=== mat__ is now known as mat
KyralBecause...I am involved...the CoC has been disregarded...and corruption has spread..12:48
LaserJockfrom what I've seen it is pretty much contained to the forums12:50
=== Kyral shrugs
KyralThe future will decide my fate12:52
azeemmine as well12:52
azeemdamn future12:53
KyralIf the Right Thing is done, then I will stay12:53
Kyralelse, I'll leave12:53
Kyralbecause this has reached the CC12:53
LaserJockI just don't see why the forum crap would make you leave the whole project12:53
sladenwhat's the latest on the "forum crap" ?12:54
KyralKass is being prosecuted for no good damn reason?12:55
LaserJockI have no idea, that's most of the problem, IMO, the administration of the forums is very closed12:55
KyralWhich is the problem12:55
Kyralany discussion on the Forums about this issue and the thread is deleted and users are threatened with banning if they continue12:56
KyralIn case you can't tell, I support Kassetra....which makes me a big target12:57
LaserJockanyway, it seems like the forums admins are going through a crisis and what comes of it I don't know12:59
LaserJockand I don't particularly care to some degree12:59
LaserJockI don't think the forums will simply go away12:59
LaserJockUbuntu is bigger then that01:00
KyralI've kept my mouth shut because if I open it I'll go ballistic on people (They wanna see CoC Violations? I'll redefine the term!)01:00
LaserJockI know ;-)01:00
=== tseng wonders what the fuss is about
LaserJocktseng: some of the forum admins got fired and many other resigned over it01:01
Kyralheh and this could be considered part of the problem01:01
tsengsaw that01:01
Kyralthe apathy in the project01:01
Kyraltowards the Forums01:01
tsengyes, I am supremely apethetic to the Forums01:01
tsengyou aren't going to change this01:01
KyralYah I know01:01
LaserJockKyral: well, to be honest I think they have a right to be if this is what is produced01:01
LaserJockI've tried a lot01:01
tsengthe signal to noise is horrific01:02
=== zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Kyralthey weren't like the other "branches" of the project01:02
LaserJockthey aren't01:02
LaserJockat all01:02
Kyralyet people rely on them more than IRC I would think01:02
=== sladen suspects that within the forums, they are seen as the centre of the Ubuntu universe; and, ...outside the forums, they are assumed to be quite far from that centre
KyralGrandma knows how to use a BBS01:02
KyralGrandma don't know how to use IRC :P01:02
LaserJockI agree that the forums have a lot of people, but that doesn't me they are *the* community01:03
LaserJockand they are unwilling to work with the rest of the community01:03
LaserJockand work like the rest of the community01:03
tsengunwilling, or unaware01:03
LaserJockthe admins seem only interested in power and control01:04
Kyralthey were unofficial in the first place...so this is a rough transition01:04
=== azeem [n=mbanck@host109.natpool.mwn.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Kyral is in the unconfortable position of being caught between groups of friends
TheMusoKyral: I know what you mean. I have had groups of friends like that, and it is particularly hard when they both don't get along with each other.01:05
KyralSo...I defend my Sempai in this one01:06
tsengKyral: we are only going to get increasinly frustrated with the forums as the build subpar packages and code in isolation of MOTU01:06
KyralYou mean Automatix?01:06
tsengI mean several things01:06
tsengAutomatix makes the list01:06
tsengthe 4 copies of USlab, the fork of compiz01:07
KyralKeep in mind I started packaging by creating unofficial Backports for Breezy until JDong and co could make official ones...01:07
tsengI'll give you a free pass on that01:07
tsengI was pretty upset at jdong as well01:08
tsengthis is a recurring trend01:08
KyralYou can't please everyone :P01:08
tsengyou could at least make an attempt01:08
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tsengthis isnt really related to the admin staff, however01:09
Kyralhell I don't even use the Forums anymore...I'm in this fight on principle01:09
tsengI could care less about the staff and direction of the forums, other than harmful forking in isolation01:10
LaserJockwell, I like the forums but it needs to learn it's place and play well with the rest of the community01:13
LaserJockit is *not* a development platform01:13
zulis it they know not how to approach  -motu?01:16
Kyralthey find the guidelines to be concieted or something01:16
LaserJockbut mostly, from what I've seen, they don't to have to do anything outside the forums01:16
KyralLike whenever I tried to point out the DFSG or the New Maintainers Guide I got blasted for being a "Debian User"01:16
Kyralor harp on CheckInstall :P01:17
LaserJockyes, people have complained in the past why only certain people can upload01:17
zulheh...i saw alot of ex-gentoo users01:17
LaserJockthat it is too elitest01:17
zulits not elitst...its being sensible01:17
ToadstoolI should read the forums, looks like there are interesting opinions...01:17
=== icmp [n=icmp_@unaffiliated/icmp] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== TheMuso should check up on the accessibility forum more often.
TheMusoI used to love forums, but now I am nowhere near as much of a fan. IMO mailing lists are more efficient.01:20
LaserJockit just depends on what you are trying to do01:21
LaserJockif you are trying to just hang out and swap info with other users, forums are great01:21
LaserJockfairly easy to search, and post01:21
LaserJockbut if you are trying to keep the noise down, it's not great01:21
TheMusoFor me, the inefficiency comes from the fact that you have to go through several steps just to post in a forum, in the correct area.01:22
TheMusoIn that time, I can be well on my way to finishing a post to a mailing list.01:22
LaserJockwell, I don't like email so I tend to not like mailing list very much01:23
LaserJockbut I'd still prefer them over forums for dev work anyday01:23
LaserJockand they are absolutely *not* the place to track bugs01:23
zulhej ajmitch01:36
LaserJockhi ajmitch01:48
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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bddebianHowdy gang02:44
TheMusoHey bddebian02:44
bddebianHello TheMuso02:44
=== Kyral hugs bddebian
ajmitchah, bddebian02:45
=== ajmitch heads out
LaserJockbddebian: hehe, I can always tell when bddebian shows up02:45
LaserJockmy chat client lights up on all channels02:45
bddebianHeya Kyral, Laser, ajmitch02:46
bddebianLaserJock: Hehe, sorry02:46
LaserJockbddebian: no problem02:47
=== Gazer [n=ngazer@mail.aktiv-assekuranz.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHmm, do I feel like doing anything any more...02:51
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zulHey Hobbsee_03:13
bddebianHeya Hobbsee_03:13
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
Hobbseehi zul, bddebian, anyone else who said hello before03:13
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tritiumHobbsee: did you make it to class?03:16
Hobbseetritium: yeah.  mostly.  ish.03:16
Hobbseetritium: enough03:16
bddebianHeya again tritium03:16
tritiumheh ;)03:16
Hobbseetritium: it's not worth going home for a while though03:16
tritiumhi again, bddebian03:16
tsengbddebian: i need a kickban03:17
Hobbseetseng: for what?03:17
tsengbddebian: to ease my troubled soul03:17
bddebiantseng: I wish I could and I would man..03:17
tsengme too03:17
tsengwhen is this elusive geek dinner03:18
=== bmonty_away is now known as bmonty
Hobbseetseng: dev summit, maybe?03:19
bmontyhi everyone03:19
tsengHobbsee: no thanks.03:20
tsengHobbsee: pleebs arent invited to those, anyway03:21
Hobbseetseng: yeah true03:21
=== Hobbsee is such a pleb :P
bddebianHeya bmonty03:22
bddebianOh hush up Hobbsee, you got more kudos than I did.  No one said a word for me :'-(03:22
bmontyhey bddebian03:22
Hobbseebddebian: :(03:23
Hobbseebddebian: sure, they said a word to me - it was "no"03:23
bddebianHobbsee: No, I mean at least crimsun and others spoke up about the work you do03:23
Hobbseebddebian: ah.   true03:23
Hobbsee12% [1 kdelibs-data 2194836/7186kB 30%]                  27.5kB/s 9m38s03:24
Hobbseeyay for uni connections.03:24
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== ajmitch returns
bmontyhey ajmitch03:54
LaserJockhi everybody who has shown up in the last hour!03:55
bddebianwb ajmitch03:57
Hobbseehi ajmitch03:58
Hobbseehi LaserJock, bmonty03:58
bmontyhi Hobbsee03:59
bmontyok, have we all gotten that out of our systems?03:59
=== Hobbsee attacks bmonty with a chair
Kyral*bleeds from head*04:00
KyralYOU MISSED!04:00
Kyral*passes out from blood loss*04:00
Hobbseesorry Kyral :P04:00
=== bmonty zaps Hobbsee with his tazer! Buzzzzzz!
=== TheMuso starts to suspect a violent undertone to Hobbsee's personality.
HobbseeTheMuso: hehe.  it's my axe-murdering tendancies coming out04:01
=== Kyral is still unconscious
ajmitchTheMuso: you only suspect that now?04:01
=== Hobbsee is zapped. ouch.
TheMusoajmitch: Well, a lot worse than everyone ever thought.04:01
zulyou people are wacky and slackers04:02
KyralI haven't used Slackware in 1.5 years04:02
TheMusoWell I haven't used Slackware in 2 years.04:02
Hobbseezul: have you fixed all of zen yet?04:03
Kyralits XEN!04:03
zulHobbsee: no i havent fixed zen yet04:03
bddebianI have NEVER used slackware! :-)04:03
zulHobbsee: i probably wont fix zen either :)04:03
=== Hobbsee would have thought zul would have renamed it by now.
Hobbseethe short form of zul's xen.04:03
zulHobbsee: pretty frigging close though04:03
=== Kyral smacks Hobbsee with his bloody head
Hobbseezul: :P04:03
HobbseeKyral: thanks.  next time do it properly, so that i dont ever have to go home, okay?04:04
zulHobbsee: you didnt see my screenshot did you...tut tut04:04
Hobbseezul: i did...yeah.04:04
bmontyanyone know who bigon (Laurent Bigonville) is?04:06
ajmitchno, but he seems active04:06
ajmitchbmonty: which bug are you looking at?04:06
bmontyyeah, I'm looking at his sync requests04:06
bmontyqemu right now04:07
bmontyit isn't a sync04:07
ajmitchhe did a few for motureviewers as ewll04:07
ajmitchlike update libcm, which was slightly off04:07
=== ajmitch had updated it a couple of days beforehand but not uploaded yet
bmontylibnss-ldap looks ok to sync04:07
=== LaserJock was starting to think he was going to have to start up the Nd:YAG
ajmitchRelease Critical: 504:08
ajmitchbmonty: I've already looked at that - it has 5 RC bugs in debian04:08
ajmitchit's nice of him to help out & all..04:08
bmontybug #5466404:08
UbugtuMalone bug 54664 in libnss-ldap "please sync 251-5 from debian sid" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5466404:08
=== ajmitch sighs
bmontythe bugs must be in functionality then?04:09
ajmitchthe bugs are in "this package kills your system if you have it enabled"04:09
ajmitchlike breaking local users as well04:09
zulwell it is edgy..04:09
ajmitchI have been watching it for my SoC stuff, you know :)04:10
bmontyajmitch: I figured as much...that is why I mentioned it04:10
ajmitchthat's why bug 51315 is assigned to me at the moment04:10
UbugtuMalone bug 51315 in libnss-ldap "udevd: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5131504:10
bmontyyou want to reject it, or should I?04:10
ajmitchsince that's the major problem it fixes04:10
ajmitchit's a matter of exchanging 1 major bug for 5 others04:10
=== ajmitch was sure he'd added comments to that bug
bmontyyou know that sasl binds still fail on amd64 right?04:11
bmontyb.d.o seems to be down right now :(04:11
ajmitchit's depressing, really04:11
ajmitchhow  much broken infrastructure stuff there04:12
bmontyI agree, you would think that SSO software would be very well maintained, and there would be lots of documentation04:12
ajmitchdon't be silly04:13
bmontydid you reject 54664?04:14
bmontyok, we must have both been editing it at the same time04:14
ajmitchwhat's the status with bug 51517?04:17
UbugtuMalone bug 51517 in qemu "version 0.8.1 available" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5151704:17
ajmitchah right, the same thing with sparc packages moved to Recommends04:18
ajmitchhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/qemu/+changelog is useful :)04:18
ajmitchand also very hard to find04:18
bmontyare you working on 51517?  It doesn't look like a sync to me04:19
ajmitchno, I was just checking with you, and confirmed that it's not a sync04:19
bmontyah, OK04:20
ajmitchI'll let you reject this one04:20
ajmitchpoor guy, getting his bugs rejected04:21
ajmitchnice, OLPC got a order for 4 million laptops04:23
ajmitchthat'll be a good boost04:23
bddebianYeah, I saw that today04:23
bddebianThey are using FC though right?04:23
ajmitchyeah, I believe so04:23
TheMusoHas someone encouraged him to come onto IRC and talk through what he is doing?04:23
ajmitchhe's filed a few04:25
ajmitch& those are just the open ones04:25
bmontyhe has a ton of karma for bug management04:28
ajmitch97 filed in total04:28
ajmitchthough that's with duplicates hidden still04:28
LaserJockbddebian: I believe there will be an Ubuntu flavor for OLPC as well04:28
bddebianLaserJock: Ah, cool04:28
LaserJockbddebian: Edubuntu people already have a few prototypes04:29
=== bddebian is out of the loop as usual
=== ajmitch decides it's time to upload xgl & libcm
LaserJockwell, we had a little discussion during the Paris summit, Mark even showed up for it04:29
bddebianAh, nice04:30
ajmitchbddebian: you probably need to be in the edubuntu loop for that04:30
bmontyhow long does it typically take for a bug filed by email to show up in Malone?04:30
ajmitchthe ubuntu community has grown a bit04:30
bddebianajmitch: Nah, I'm just a lowly MOTU04:30
ajmitchbmonty: usually 5-10 minutes04:30
LaserJockbddebian: me too04:30
LaserJockand I'm on the Edubuntu Council :/04:30
zulLaserJock: well you are special04:31
LaserJockheck no04:31
LaserJockI just hang out on IRC too much04:31
zulspecial in my heart :)04:31
ajmitchwell, this is a large xgl diff, with doing autogen.sh04:31
LaserJockmy wife would say, "special ed maybe" ;-)04:31
zulyeah ditto04:31
zulor she would just call me a retard04:31
=== Hobbsee searches for a powerpack
HobbseeUptime: 1 hours and 25 minutes04:32
Hobbseenot that bad...04:32
TheMusoHobbsee: Low battery?04:32
HobbseeTheMuso: it just started flashing red, yeah04:33
ajmitchbroken/old battery04:33
bmonty...and of course the qemu package FTBFS04:33
ajmitchbmonty: as usual04:33
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoHey imbrandon.04:36
imbrandonheya TheMuso04:36
=== imbrandon yawns as he tries to re-wakeup
bddebianHi imbrandon, now get to work! ;-P04:37
imbrandonheh how go's it ?04:37
imbrandonhahaha i plan to bwhahahaha <evil grin> kubuntu world domination plan in effect04:37
Hobbseehi imbrandon04:39
imbrandonheya Hobbsee04:39
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe.  now you can upload everyone elses stuff :P04:39
imbrandonhahah i'm gonna do a few of my own first to get the feel of it04:39
imbrandonand probably poke you / others to help me get the reviwing others stuff down sainly ;)04:40
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe.  now you can use dput foo, rather than dput revu foo :P04:40
imbrandonbtw i just now got your jabber, i crashed hard ( read: slept ) after the meeting and just woke04:41
zulimbrandon: dont forget about the whacks of the paddle04:41
imbrandoni was out like a light04:41
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe, fair enough.04:41
=== Hobbsee was at class.
=== imbrandon runs from zul
bmontygood night everyone04:41
imbrandongnight bmonty04:41
=== bmonty is now known as bmonty_away
imbrandonok time for breakfast bbiab04:42
bddebianGnight bmot04:44
bddebianDamnit.. bmonty_away04:44
=== bddebian skips any Java packages
=== nictuku [n=yves@ubuntu/member/nictuku] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseebddebian: surely they're not that evil :P04:55
imbrandonjava is as evil to me as mono is to the -devel list hehe04:56
=== Hobbsee is lazy, and plays ksudoku in the background.
=== Hobbsee is waiting for acroread and mozilla-acroread to download, so she can do her maths quiz.
bddebianHobbsee: Not evil, just have doko's name on them and I don't particularly care for Java anyway04:59
Hobbseemay as well do all the uni work if i'm avoiding going home.04:59
Hobbseebddebian: heh, fair enough04:59
imbrandonschool zones ?04:59
TheMusoHobbsee: Why not going home?04:59
TheMusoAnother class?04:59
ajmitchimbrandon: please don't bring up that mono thread04:59
HobbseeTheMuso: no.  not interested in getting lectured yet again.04:59
HobbseeTheMuso: home isnt terribly pleasant at the moment.05:00
TheMusoOh ok.05:00
TheMusoThat sucks.05:00
imbrandonajmitch: he was a joke, i'll all for it ajmitch i love mono tbh personaly but yea i hear ya , it needs to DIE05:00
imbrandon( the thread )05:00
imbrandonHobbsee: getting any warmer there? just take the lappy out to the porch if so and stay outa the chaos ;)05:01
imbrandonworks for me sometimes05:01
Hobbseeimbrandon: it's warm enough in these computer labs, yeah :)05:01
=== Hobbsee goes and does it on one of the lab computers. ick. and it's timed.
Kyral....what a statment to walk into the channel and see05:03
=== lukaswayne9_zzz is now known as lukaswayne9
tritiumHobbsee: beware of lab computers and their nasty, germy keyboards05:04
imbrandongah how can i get "apt-cache show" to use a regex without looing in the current dir "apt-cache show * |grep libgamin0" seems to try to look for pkgs named the folders in my cwd05:04
Kyralall I can say is05:05
imbrandonif i was Kyral or tritium i would /hide before she read any of that heh05:05
KyralShe set herself up for it05:05
imbrandongah this is serouisly annoying, anyhow /me looks for another way05:06
tritiumimbrandon: heh :)05:07
=== Hobbsee thwaps Kyral
KyralYou set yourself up for it :P05:13
HobbseeKyral: you didnt read the context before.05:13
KyralI couldn't find anything relevent :P05:13
HobbseeKyral: try the maths thing i was doing.05:13
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=== fowlduck [n=duck@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchbddebian: still working on bug 2596?05:53
UbugtuMalone bug 2596 in attal "Attal in Ubuntu is almost not playable, 4 new attal versions (0.9.3, 0.9.4, 0.10, 0.10.1) released, please update" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/259605:53
bddebianajmitch: I was working on packaging it but lfittl said he wanted to do it05:54
bddebianajmitch: It's a little problematic because now the themes need to be built with the client/server05:54
ajmitchso they can't be separate source packages?05:54
bddebianI don't think so unless I'm missing something05:54
bddebianI don't see why they are anyway.  YOu have to have at least one theme05:55
ajmitchor are there some headers that the themes can build with?05:55
bddebianajmitch: Well it expects themes.o to be in the build tree now (new build system)05:55
bddebianNot really :-)05:58
imbrandonwoot 1 more hour till dr who 2006 is on /me starts a long build05:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: there's lots of stuff in -bugs to be fixed :P06:01
imbrandonyea i'm doing the last merge atm that has my name on it06:01
ajmitchHobbsee: we're leaving them for you06:02
Hobbseeajmitch: bleh.  i'm doing uni work06:02
=== Hobbsee picks up her whip
Hobbseeajmitch: maybe you should do them all?06:02
=== Hobbsee cracks her whip at bddebian for more syncs :)
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
imbrandonheya LaserJock06:03
ajmitchah, LaserJock returns06:03
LaserJockhi imbrandon06:03
bddebianRight, I certainly have not done enough :-)06:03
=== dudus [n=dudus@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch looks at the 1001 useless forum posts about what edgy must have
=== redguy [n=mati@afc120.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeajmitch: waste of time, do something useful.06:04
imbrandonHobbsee: but its amuseing06:05
ajmitchdon't feel like it06:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: true06:05
Hobbseeat times06:05
imbrandonHobbsee: Sho_ says kde 3.5.4 is hitting the kde.org ftp mirrors atm06:08
Hobbseeimbrandon: nice :)  debian has it06:08
imbrandonyea so do we lol, we cheat06:08
imbrandon( in his words )06:08
Hobbseeimbrandon: how are those builds doing?06:08
imbrandonstill chugging bulding kvirc atm06:09
Hobbseeah :)06:09
imbrandonwas a trivial merge but when i added dh_iconcahe the first time it FTBS so i'm makin sure it dosent this time06:09
imbrandonand there was no kde.mk so i had to re-add it06:09
imbrandonbut it takes longer than freakin amarok to build LOL06:10
Hobbseenow htat's scary06:10
ajmitchimbrandon: you need a faster box to build on06:10
imbrandoni swear kvirc for some reason is like THE longest kde app to build06:10
imbrandonajmitch: amd64 3400+ with 2 gig ram06:10
LaserJockI feel sorry for you kde folks06:11
ajmitchimbrandon: getting a bit old06:11
LaserJockI remember rebuilding KDE all the time in my gentoo days06:11
ajmitchimbrandon: I bet you're not using ccache in pbuilder either, right?06:11
imbrandonhahah LaserJock yea i emerged "world" with kde the other day on an xbox , it litterly took 3 days to finish06:11
imbrandonajmitch: yea i have ccache setup just not distcc, i would love to figure out how to use distcc with pbuilder06:12
ajmitchthere are ways & means06:12
imbrandonhehe yea06:12
LaserJockimbrandon: that's it?06:12
ajmitchgenerally they're all nasty hacks06:12
imbrandonyea thats why i havent done it yet, most look scarry06:12
LaserJockimbrandon: I remember people trying to bootstrap on 386's, took over a week06:12
ajmitchimbrandon: plus you'd probably want another amd64 to build with06:12
imbrandonhahaha LaserJock06:13
imbrandonajmitch: i have 2 amd64's but the other one only has 512 ram06:13
imbrandonbut its a 3400+06:13
ajmitchnot too bad06:13
=== ajmitch just has an X2 4200+
imbrandonyea not bad at all, thats the one i put seveas's vm on06:14
=== BazziR [n=Bastian@p50803253.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchplus whatever you're building has to be buildable with make -j06:14
imbrandonnice /me would love an x206:14
imbrandonajmitch: yea true but MOST kde apps are even kde itsself06:14
tritiumimbrandon: they just got a lot cheaper06:14
ajmitchimbrandon: but in the packages?06:14
tritiumI ordered an X2 3800+ for my htpc06:15
imbrandonahh now thats the problem hehe06:15
imbrandontritium: nice , how much ?06:15
ajmitchyes, we can't modify packages too much06:15
imbrandonboth the boards i have support the x2's06:15
tritiumimbrandon: it was only $150 or so06:15
tritiumThanks to reduced prices after Intel released Conroe06:15
imbrandonnice thats about what i payed for the 3400+ when i bouthg them06:15
ajmitchgood, new xserver-xgl built on i386 & amd6406:15
tritiumimbrandon: yep :)06:16
imbrandonajmitch: do the x2's help with build time that much without -j ?06:17
imbrandonliek -j4 or whatever06:17
crimsuncool addition to dapper's kernel: dazuko.06:17
ajmitchimbrandon: not at all06:17
bddebianOK, last sync of the night.  Gnight folks06:17
imbrandonajmitch: dident think so06:17
ajmitchcrimsun: what's that?06:17
imbrandongnight bddebian06:18
imbrandonyea that looks cool, its in the dapper kernel ?06:20
=== ajmitch was about to ask that
crimsunyes, just merged hours ago.06:20
ajmitchI didn't think dapper would get new features like that06:21
=== imbrandon either , but looks nice
LaserJockhmm, firefox doesn't seem to to be using my flash plugin :?06:21
crimsunis it installed with valid symlinks?06:21
imbrandonLaserJock: did you install ff form mozill or the repo, if from mozilla you have to symlink the plugin06:21
LaserJockI'm not sure that it's picking up acroread either06:22
crimsunare they listed in 'about:plugins'?06:23
imbrandonhum, i would still check the symlinks , probbly in mozilla-firefox/plugins and not firefox/plugins06:23
imbrandonyea or what crimsun said ;)06:23
LaserJockI get shockwave flash (for .swf) in about:plugins06:24
LaserJockbut no acroread06:24
LaserJockand flash sites don't show up06:24
imbrandonshockwave == windows only i thought06:25
LaserJockthat's odd06:25
crimsunwhich version of the Flash plugin?06:25
crimsun(7.0.63 being listed in 'about:plugins', I meant)06:27
LaserJockI also installed libflash-mozplugin06:28
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LaserJockbut acroread is sort of weird because it doesn't even show up in about:plugins06:28
crimsunRemove libflash-mozplugin.06:28
LaserJockwhat's a good flash test site06:29
ajmitchit's one of the few reasons to run flsah06:29
LaserJockwell, right now I'm trying to get a recipe site, my wife's only reason for using Windows ;-)06:30
LaserJockok, flash seems to work on homestarrunner.com06:31
crimsun(you probably won't have audio by default, but that's another beast altogether)06:32
LaserJockwell, I usually don't have audio to start with (stupid toshiba)06:32
crimsun(please tell me you've filed a bug at least)06:33
LaserJockwhy? it's not your problem06:33
ajmitchcrimsun loves those audio bugs06:33
LaserJockit works better in Ubuntu then it does in Windows, I'm happy06:33
ajmitchLaserJock: explain what you mean by 'not your problem'06:33
crimsunLaserJock: generally it is. If it doesn't work by default, it's good to know so it can be fixed.06:33
LaserJockit's not the OS06:33
LaserJockit's a problem with the laptop. if you come out of suspend you get no sound06:34
ajmitchhardware problems can possibly be worked around06:34
=== Hobbsee gives up, and makes a mental note to fight with the quiz later.
TheMusoHobbsee: Two easy? :)06:34
ajmitcheg by reinitialising the sound card when waking up from suspend06:34
HobbseeTheMuso: no.  it's being painful06:34
crimsunLaserJock: ah, so it does work but just not after resuming? Are you running the latest bios for that laptop?06:34
LaserJockit's something to do with the modem and sound card conflict06:34
LaserJockcrimsun: sure, it's a know problem that toshiba refuses to fix :-)06:35
HobbseeLaserJock: which model toshiba?06:35
tritiumLaserJock: damn Toshiba!  They wouldnt fix my hard drive since it a UK model, and Im in the US06:36
tritium(even though it under warranty)06:36
crimsuntritium loves the apostrophes.06:36
tritiumsorry, I cannot seem to stop using contractions just because I am using edgy06:36
crimsunno you must!  ;-p06:37
LaserJocktritium: hehe, they just replaced my hard drive06:37
tritiumLaserJock: rub it in!06:37
LaserJocktritium: I have to use a little waded piece of paper to keep it in06:37
LaserJocknot cool06:37
=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonchewing gum06:38
tritiumThat is like a Macgyver solution!06:38
LaserJockof course06:38
LaserJockI grew up in Montana :-)06:38
LaserJockwe had Macgyver'ing down pat06:38
imbrandonLaserJock: just go win 1,000,000,000 at Harrah's and buy us all new lappy's ;)06:38
tritiumCool :)06:38
tritiummaybe we should have an ubuntu card-counting team, like MIT did a few years ago06:39
LaserJockimbrandon: hehe, not likely (or rather, not very probable)06:39
tritiumThey all won big ;)06:39
LaserJockhehe, you guys can camp out at my place06:39
imbrandonhahaha true, and hit reno not vegas06:39
imbrandonactualy i would rather hit vegas , my wifes too close to reno for my comfort06:40
LaserJockHobbsee: I've got a Sattelite A65-S126, btw06:41
HobbseeLaserJock: ahh...does yours overheat?06:41
LaserJockimbrandon: Lake Tahoe?06:41
LaserJockHobbsee: yes06:41
tritiumLaserJock: okay, see you in a few hours.  Leaving after I pack ;)06:41
HobbseeLaserJock: yeah, thought it might.  rotten thing06:41
LaserJockHobbsee: or it used to06:41
imbrandonLaserJock: pyrmid lake06:41
tritiumimbrandon: you are in NV too?06:41
imbrandontritium: no i just moved from there ( reno ) when i filed for divorce , wife stil there06:42
crimsunoh man, it just dawned on me that imbrandon has upload privs.06:42
imbrandoncrimsun: hahaha06:42
ajmitchcrimsun: yes, he can break things now06:42
tritiumimbrandon: oh, sorry to hear06:42
imbrandonactualy i'm working on fixing a broken kvirc atm stupid thing06:42
ajmitchcrimsun: almost as bad as me being able to upload06:42
imbrandontritium: no biggie ;)06:42
LaserJocktritium: you sure they will let you go?06:42
tritiumLaserJock: they being work?06:42
tritiumheh, no, I have a trip on Thursday again06:43
ajmitchLaserJock: I'll come if you pay for my airfares06:43
LaserJockHobbsee: it once overheated so bad I had to keep an icepack over the top right of the keyboard to boot it06:43
HobbseeLaserJock: eeek!  mine's never gotten that bad06:43
TheMusoLaserJock: wow thats hot06:43
LaserJockajmitch: hmm, I got lots of dental bills06:43
HobbseeLaserJock: although mine has a sick fan. ajmitch can tell you.06:43
ajmitchchronically broken fan06:44
tritiumTheMuso: are you quoting Paris Hilton?06:44
LaserJockI sent it to Toshiba (had to pay for shipping :( ), I think all they did was replace the hard drive06:45
LaserJockso now it gets hot to the touch, but I haven't had any problems with it06:45
imbrandonsee we need the next UDS to be in reno / vegas so we can do the MIT thing ;)06:45
imbrandonLaserJock: ^^06:45
LaserJockheck yeah06:45
LaserJockwe can certainly provide better food06:46
tritiumThat would be cool, but...06:46
imbrandonreno would be much better imho than vegas though06:46
imbrandonplus not as HOT06:46
imbrandonand lake tahoe and pyrmid lake06:47
tritiumSanta Fe or Albuquerque, man!06:47
imbrandonand , grrr i wish i was still there actualy but i dont wanna get that close again heh06:47
LaserJockI want to get out06:47
imbrandonheh LaserJock trade me , lol06:47
imbrandonactualy i wanna go see EU06:47
imbrandonpossibly move there06:48
imbrandonjust need a change from KC06:48
LaserJockactually, my friend got married in Lawerence, KS and I was his best man. I liked it06:48
tritiumimbrandon: I go to K.C. often06:48
LaserJockbut actually, Reno is just too big for me06:48
=== ajmitch should move soon
imbrandontritium: cool i was born and grew up here, when i got married i moved to nashville for work and then Reno for her family , divorced and moved back to KC, been back here about a year now06:49
tritiumimbrandon: cool, next time I am in town, I will let you know06:49
imbrandonyup yup, we can go grab a beer^coffee or something ;)06:49
LaserJockI'd like to move back to Montana, but the connections are terrible06:50
tritiumOr barbecue :)06:50
imbrandonyea Jack Stack BBQ is the best06:50
imbrandonBBQ is about the only good think KC puts out hehe06:50
imbrandonwell and the cheifs durring football season06:51
imbrandonLaserJock: yea you would have to get satalite internet in Montanna06:52
imbrandonor somethng06:52
LaserJockimbrandon: actually, if you are in the city you can get DSL or cable06:52
LaserJockbut it's really hard if you are even like 1 mile outside the city limits06:52
=== ajmitch was thinking of moving to australia, except there are a number of weird people there
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=== imbrandon is a city boy, i dont like being out in the middle of no where
LaserJockajmitch: I agree06:52
imbrandonhehe ajmitch your not far from there now are you ?06:53
TheMusoajmitch: I hope you don't mean those of us from AU who are currently present here.06:53
imbrandonlol @ TheMuso06:53
ajmitchTheMuso: not you, specifically06:53
TheMusoWell that answers my question.06:53
imbrandonleaves StevenK and Hobbsee ;)06:53
TheMusoYou can stay as far away from others as you like if you really want.06:53
Hobbseewhat's this?06:53
ajmitchI've met them, I know they're weird..06:54
Hobbseeajmitch: heh.  we're very weird, yes06:54
TheMusoWeird, no. Funny, yes.06:54
HobbseeTheMuso: you found us funny?06:54
TheMusoAs in humor funny.06:54
=== Hobbsee doesnt actually remember saying much at all.
=== Hobbsee was quiet over dinner. i remember that much.
TheMusoIt was primarily StevenK I think yeah06:54
ajmitchah, you all met up?06:55
HobbseeTheMuso: doing the heckling :P06:55
Hobbseeajmitch: slug.06:55
TheMusoYeah. You had this speak only when spoken to thing going.06:55
LaserJockeverybody here wants to move to AU or NZ, but I've watched too much Crocodile Hunter :/06:55
ajmitchHobbsee: right06:55
ajmitchTheMuso: hobbsee was actually quiet?06:55
TheMusoHobbsee: Yes, and other things06:55
imbrandonhahahahahahahahha @ LaserJock06:55
TheMusoDepends on what point of the evening you are referring to.06:55
tritiumI could never leave NM.  I would miss the red/green chile.06:56
ajmitchLaserJock: we don't have crocodiles in NZ06:56
=== Hobbsee thought that she was quiet all night.
ajmitchHobbsee: until you were being poked by StevenK?06:56
TheMusoOnly when you had a physical go at StevenK.06:56
Hobbseeajmitch: i was poking him.  :P06:56
TheMusoThen you were quite vocal.06:56
tritiumHobbsee: hope you washed your hands after using that lab computer keyboard06:56
TheMusoBecause he would return the gestures.06:56
HobbseeTheMuso: hehe...true.06:56
ajmitchHobbsee: doesn't surprise me in the least06:56
LaserJocktritium: dude, you can get that other places, I'm sure06:56
tritiumLaserJock: not the same06:56
Hobbseeajmitch: yes.  i'm usually quiet, you know.06:57
TheMusoI am sure you aren't around your friends however06:57
HobbseeTheMuso: well...06:57
imbrandonHobbsee: quiet ? /me somehow dosent beleave that knowing her on irc06:57
LaserJockI was thinking of trying to postdoc down there tritium, but after this summer I don't think I could handle the heat06:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe.  yes, i do get quiet.06:57
tritiumLaserJock: I still think you should come06:58
imbrandonhehe LaserJock come to MU06:58
TheMusoHobbsee: Well I guess you would feel more open around your friends, and would feel like talking more.06:58
ajmitchLaserJock: do postdoc in NZ06:58
TheMusoWe were probably a big bunch of strangers.06:58
TheMusoI know I felt the same at my first slug.06:58
HobbseeTheMuso: wasnt that so much - just a whole lot of big tall guys and little me thinking "eek!"06:58
LaserJockajmitch: not a bad idea, but I'm not sure if I (and my family) could handle that06:59
=== ajmitch would love to get to a slug meetup
TheMusoWell you shouldn't. :)06:59
TheMusoWe're not going to bite your head off.06:59
Hobbseeajmitch: you could have :P06:59
ajmitchHobbsee: not really..06:59
HobbseeTheMuso: then what were all those heads i saw in the foyer @ slug?06:59
TheMusoHobbsee: lol06:59
LaserJockand since you aren't one of those you would be fine ;-)07:00
HobbseeLaserJock: hehe...yeah...i was lucky, this time... TheMuso could have bashed them all up with his cane.07:00
imbrandonLaserJock: btw i ment to ask, how was RLUG ?07:00
LaserJockimbrandon: cool, very cool07:00
TheMusoHobbsee: Its too flimsy for that.07:01
LaserJockI noticed I have a hard time not talking about Ubuntu07:01
TheMusoAnd I would never even remotely think of doing such a thing to strangers.07:01
HobbseeTheMuso: heh.  find a way :P07:01
imbrandonLaserJock: heh me the same at kclug, infact i have about 3/4 if nto more converted to *buntu07:01
HobbseeTheMuso: awww...pity07:01
TheMusoThere are people there that I know, but not all of them/07:01
ajmitchLaserJock: true, I could go to a LUG meeting tonight07:01
ajmitchif I really felt that way07:01
LaserJockimbrandon: yeah, most of the people who were there ran Ubuntu at some point07:01
LaserJockimbrandon: they more about Linux than me07:02
TheMusoHobbsee: I'm a real softy.07:02
imbrandonthey get a kick out of having a MOTU there ? hehe07:02
LaserJockI'm not sure07:02
LaserJockI don't know if they were scared or didn't care07:02
imbrandonwe have a DD in our lug, i forgot his name i need to look it up07:02
ajmitchimbrandon: he's not just any MOTU07:02
imbrandoni should talk to him more07:02
ajmitchimbrandon: we have 4 or 5 DDs in our LUG07:03
HobbseeTheMuso: sure sure07:03
imbrandonajmitch: nice07:03
ajmitcha group of maybe 20-30 people07:03
=== Hobbsee wouldnt know what we have. just a lot of people
TheMusoI am telling the complete and honest truth.07:03
LaserJockok, time to go to bed. good night MOTU land07:03
ajmitchso the ratio of developers to new people is quite lopsided07:03
ajmitchnight LaserJock07:03
tritiumGood night, LaserJock07:03
imbrandonajmitch: yea we have about ~30ish or so but only about 20 show up to any one meeting07:03
imbrandongnight LaserJock07:03
ajmitchwe'd be lucky to have that many07:03
TheMusoSLUG meetings are always quite active.07:03
TheMusoAt least 40-50 most months as far as I can tell.07:04
HobbseeTheMuso: :) i know07:04
=== ajmitch can think of at least 5 DDs, that is.. there may be more in Dunedin
LaserJockI got some people interested in Edubuntu :-)07:04
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
=== TheMuso can't decide whether Hobbsee meant that in sarcasm or not.
Laser_awayimbrandon: there is a guy that works in IT in the Washoe County School district ;-)07:04
HobbseeTheMuso: i didnt07:04
HobbseeTheMuso: ie, it wasnt sarcasm07:05
Laser_awayimbrandon: wants to get some Linux computer labs :-)07:05
imbrandonmost of the guys in our lug run debian testing ( 80+ % ) and the rest run a mix of gentoo or a ubuntu flavor07:05
ajmitchimbrandon: yes, all the way from a uni sysadmin to a retired priest ;)07:05
TheMusoOh ok. I'll take your word for it.07:05
=== Laser_away is really away now
Hobbseehehe bye Laser_away07:05
imbrandonhehe l8tr Laser_away07:05
nictukunight Laser_away07:05
TheMusoWhat is with everybody using shortened numbers/letters to write stuff?07:06
TheMusoWIth a speech synth, it kinda gets annoying.07:06
ajmitchTheMuso: they like to be different07:06
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imbrandonTheMuso: whoops07:06
ajmitcheven without a speech synth, it's quite annoying to read07:06
TheMusoimbrandon: Don't worry.07:06
imbrandonold bad ahbbit really07:06
TheMusoits only when they are used several dozen times in one sentence that it gets annoying.07:06
Hobbseeajmitch: you'll cope :P07:06
ajmitchHobbsee: I've managed to cope with understanding an australian accent, so yes, I'd expect I would07:07
ajmitchimbrandon: habit!07:07
TheMusoI guess it depends on how fast one can type.07:07
Hobbseeajmitch: poor you.  because we australians are oh so horrible.07:07
ajmitchHobbsee: exactly07:07
TheMusoWell, almost all of us.07:07
=== Hobbsee axe murders ajmitch
=== Hobbsee has very long arms :D
TheMusoThere are some who aren't horrible. They're damn fowl. :)07:08
ajmitchfriendly, isn't she?07:08
nictukuI was interviewed last week by an australian, it took me a few minutes to start understanding what he was talking about07:08
Hobbseeajmitch: very07:08
TheMusoWe should cage her up and blindfold her. Or even just blindfold her.07:08
=== Hobbsee bites.
=== tritium bets he could not detect a difference in AU vs. NZ accents...
HobbseeTheMuso: no....dont think that's a good idea...07:08
TheMusotritium: There is a difference.07:08
ajmitchtritium: you probably could07:08
TheMusoNo doubt about that07:08
imbrandonactualy i have a harder time understanding a brit accent than a AU one07:08
tritiumTheMuso: I sure, but not one I would notice07:09
=== TheMuso loves both NZ and UK English accents.
crimsunhow are the onomatopes?07:09
TheMusoIt was awesome listening to those from the UK in Paris.07:09
imbrandoncrimsun: huh ?07:09
HobbseeTheMuso: definetly :)07:09
crimsunjust wondering about the [subjective]  'quality' of words like "whir", "buzz", etc.07:10
imbrandonTheMuso: heh yea actualy i LIKE the accent ( and a north east US accent too ) but its just hard for me to understand at time , although i could understand scott good07:10
crimsunsorry, through a speech synth07:10
TheMusoThey're ok.07:11
TheMusoWhat would you expect to find wrong with them?07:11
TheMusoJust fire up festival and listen for yourself.07:11
=== TheMuso isn't using festival atm.
crimsunTheMuso: well, I would expect "whir" to be fine, but "whrr" and "bzzz"?07:11
ajmitchimbrandon: what sort of british accent?07:11
TheMusoJust spells out the letters quickly.07:11
ajmitchimbrandon: there are a large number of accents now07:12
crimsunah, makes sense07:12
tritiumTheMuso: you are using the screen reader?07:12
imbrandonajmitch: i dident kow there was diffrent ones tbh , i've only been exposed to brit accents through bbc tv ;)07:12
=== ajmitch was disappointed to learn that the SoC cheque won't clear for a week or so
TheMusoBecause there are no vowel sounds.07:12
ajmitcha good thing I've got meals planned for the next few days07:12
TheMusotritium: Yes.07:12
TheMusoI am using speakup.07:12
TheMusoWith an external speech synth.07:13
imbrandonajmitch: that sucks07:13
Amaranthajmitch: Yikes.07:14
ajmitchAmaranth: standard NZ banks - if you want it sooner, they charge you07:14
TheMusoIf all goes well in edgy, everybody using Ubuntu edgy will be able to use it.07:14
imbrandoncool TheMuso07:14
tritiumTheMuso: speakup?  Without additional hardware?07:15
TheMusoSOftware speech/.07:15
tritiumThat is awesome.  I wish they were available about 15 years ago.07:15
tritiumdad could have used ti...07:16
TheMusoI have one external, and three internal hardware speech synths.07:16
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TheMusoAlthough they're nowhere near as common today as they were ten years ago/07:17
TheMusoDamn typing.07:17
tritiumWell, I better get some sleep.  Good night!07:19
ajmitchnight tritium07:20
=== Hobbsee is off
Hobbseepetrol calls.07:22
=== Hobbsee remembers it being cold outside. darn.
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonhrm crimsun do you know anything about international char input stuff ?07:45
imbrandonthere is a guy in #kubuntu , with truble writing swedish chars but can read them, i have no clue about non-us stuff07:46
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehi again everyone08:18
nictukuhi Hobbsee08:22
nictukuand bye!08:22
Hobbseehi nictuku :)08:22
TheMusoThe MOTU bug fixer extraordinaire returns.08:23
=== Cornellius [n=alain@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeTheMuso: wouldnt bet on that.08:26
TheMusoWell don't say people didn't appreciate the work you have done. :)08:28
HobbseeTheMuso: hehe, okay then, i wont.08:29
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
Hobbseehey holy crap108:31
Hobbseethis card works out of the box, AND with wpa!08:31
ajmitchHobbsee: you find that surprising?08:33
Hobbseeajmitch: yes08:33
Hobbseeajmitch: very08:33
Hobbseeajmitch: because my wifi cards usually suck.08:33
ajmitchwhat are you using now?08:33
ajmitchI guess that one may have sucked too08:34
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B0137.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchhi dholbach08:34
dholbachgood morning, happy hug day08:36
dholbachhey ajmitch08:36
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=== Xnix [n=xnix@n157s046.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonajmitch: got a quick question for ya since you brought up the ccache thing earlier , i did mine kinda by the seat of my pants , just want to veryify its the "right way"  ... i added the following to my ~/.pbuilderrc08:38
imbrandonexport CCACHE_DIR=/var/cache/pbuilder/ccache08:38
imbrandonexport PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:${PATH}08:38
imbrandonthat the way its "recomended" to be done for pbuilder ?08:38
ajmitchthat may work, depending on the ownership of /var/cache/pbuilder/ccache08:39
imbrandonowned by me ( i'm the only user on that box )08:39
ajmitchif it's not writable by the pbuilder user (usually 1234), then it will silently fail08:39
imbrandonyea it works, just dident know if it was the "right way"08:39
ajmitchare you sure it works?08:39
imbrandonhrm lemme look08:39
ajmitchCCACHE_DIR=/var/cache/pbuilder/ccache ccache -s08:40
ajmitchrun that, see if you've got cache hits/misses08:40
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:/var/cache/pbuilder$ ls -l08:40
imbrandontotal 008:40
imbrandondrwxrwxrwx 2 root root  48 2006-08-02 01:29 ccache08:40
imbrandonmaybe its not workign then08:41
ajmitchprobably not08:41
imbrandonmax cache size is the only thing that returned non zero08:41
ajmitchtime to fix permissions then :)08:42
imbrandonshould i just point it to my home dir ?08:42
imbrandonwell ~/ccache08:42
ajmitchsince pbuilder is most likely not setup to run as yourself08:42
imbrandonchown 1234.1234 ccache08:42
ajmitchthen try a quick build, and see if it works08:43
imbrandonhrm something that builds fast heheh *looks*08:44
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ajmitchHobbsee: not quite as stable as you hoped?08:48
imbrandonshe get the dwl-6{3,5}0 ?08:48
Hobbseeajmitch: i was in dapper08:48
Hobbseeie, swapped back to dapper, then went to edgy again08:48
Hobbseedwl-g650, yeah08:48
imbrandonworks like you hoped ?08:49
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, works with StevenK's network manager - even with wpa.08:49
ajmitchI'd hope so08:49
ajmitchis that the atheros chipset in that card?08:49
Hobbseeajmitch: yep :)08:49
imbrandonyea i think so and the 630 had ralink08:50
ajmitchI know some of the later 650+ had a different chipset08:50
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, it did.  they even have the revisions on the outside of the box.  wow!08:50
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imbrandontold ya it was like a candy store ;)08:50
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imbrandonajmitch: i shouldent get any thing untill the second build right ?08:51
ajmitchimbrandon: you should get cache misses the first time08:51
ajmitch& files stored in the cache08:51
ajmitchassuming you're building some C or C++08:51
imbrandonknet was what i choose to test08:52
imbrandonIE c++08:52
imbrandonits still building the first time08:52
ajmitchany files in the cache?08:52
imbrandonso i'm waiting, i probbly shoudl have chose an hello world app08:52
imbrandonnot yet08:52
imbrandonok its done ( first time ) and none08:53
ajmitchcheck what user pbuilder is configured to run builds as08:53
ajmitcheg BUILDUSERID=123408:53
imbrandondrwxrwxrwx 2 1234 1234  48 2006-08-02 01:29 ccache08:54
=== ajmitch has BUILDUSERNAME commented out, if it matters
imbrandonhrm i'll try that and also , its using the /var/cache/pbuilder/edgy/pbuilderrc but i have that ccache stuff in my ~/.pbuilderrc08:55
imbrandonit shoudl still read both right ?08:55
ajmitchI believe so08:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: the more files you ahve, the more room for error08:56
ajmitchI don't bother with anything outside ~08:56
imbrandonHobbsee: i know ;) but only system wide stuff i put in the main one and the rest in my ~08:56
imbrandonerr try to08:57
imbrandonjust for grins i'm going to add it to the main pbuilderrc and see if it makes a diff08:57
ajmitchdid you see the build adding the ccache package?08:58
ajmitchand mounting the ccache dir?08:58
imbrandonyea it did mount that08:58
imbrandonhrm so its reading it08:58
ajmitchI presume you keep build logs?08:58
imbrandonnormaly not this time08:59
imbrandonok i commented out the username only and going to try again ( logging this time lol )09:00
imbrandonleft it in my ~ since obviously its reading it as it mounted the dir09:00
imbrandonahh ok now we're getting somewhere .....09:08
imbrandonajmitch: http://pastebin.ca/11122109:10
imbrandoncan you look at that09:10
ajmitchI can09:10
ajmitchthat's special09:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: what are you trying to do?09:11
ajmitchimbrandon: unquote it09:11
imbrandonadd ccache to the build precess to speed up milti builds09:12
imbrandonajmitch: kk09:12
ajmitchimbrandon: though it shouldn't be necessary, looking at this09:12
imbrandonthat worked09:13
imbrandonnow to see if its actualy hitting the cache09:13
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imbrandonpmjdebruijn: 'ello09:20
pmjdebruijnmy package isn't producing a diff anymore, only a tar.gz with everything in it?09:20
pmjdebruijncould this be because I changed the version numbering?09:21
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imbrandonyes if there isnt a orig.tar.gz to match09:21
ajmitchyou must have a tarball named like package_1.2.3.orig.tar.gz09:21
ajmitchwhere 1.2.3 is the upstream version09:21
imbrandonhrm bbiab09:21
ajmitchand the package is?09:22
pmjdebruijnajmitch, openradius09:23
pmjdebruijnbut evblib seems to have the same issue09:23
ajmitchso openradius_060405.orig.tar.gz should be openradius_0.9.12+0.9.13pre060405.orig.tar.gz09:23
pmjdebruijnajmitch, aha, right, thanks09:24
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pmjdebruijnajmitch, thanks again... it worked like a charm09:41
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TheMusoIs there a way of doing apt-cache rdepends for source packages?11:47
GloubiboulgaTheMuso, to find the build deps?11:48
TheMusoGloubiboulga: Yeah. I am looking at a package that doesn't have anything mentioned with apt-cache rdepends, but it is a dev package so something must need it to build. I want to know what that package is.11:49
TheMusoThe package specifically is flite1-dev11:49
Gloubiboulgaapt-cache showsrc flite1-dev11:49
Gloubiboulgais that what you want?11:49
TheMusoI want to know what package build-deps on flite1-dev11:50
TheMusoWithout knowing what package uses it.11:50
StevenKrdepends won't tell you.11:50
TheMusoStevenK: I know that.11:50
Gloubiboulgaok, got it, but I don't know if apt-cache can do that11:50
TheMusoNo I don't think it can either.11:50
TheMusoI have another idea which I'm going to try.11:51
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StevenKTheMuso: brltty11:52
TheMusoStevenK: Yeah seems so.11:52
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phanatichello everyone12:08
Toadstoolhi phanatic12:10
phanatichi Toadstool12:11
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micah_cWhat's the process for bugs that are assigned to MOTU-Reviewers? ...I'm interested in 45930, which is for the "joystick" package (jstest and similar). It's a /very/ inessential package; however, I've submitted a patch that fixes the issue, and am just curious when I might expect to see the package updated? I'm not impatient or anything..12:15
phanaticmicah_c: ping a MOTU who has some time to review it and upload it for you. you can make MOTUs' life easier by attaching a debdiff to the bug report...12:17
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micah_cThanks phanatic.12:19
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thomguys, is anyone looking at puppet (should just be a sync from debian, but ubuntu doesn't have it at all yet)12:25
tsengthom: if you file a sync request and poke me, I will ack it12:26
tsengfile a bug in launchpad and *subscribe* ubuntu-archive12:28
tsengnot assign12:28
=== dholbach hugs thom
thomtseng: bug on what package?12:30
tsengthom: puppet will work I believe12:30
dholbachif we don't have it, then no package12:31
tsengit looks like a fun tool12:31
tsengI wonder if I can trick it into doing a bzr branch/pull and package installs12:32
tsengcfengine scares me12:32
ograrather use preseeding ;)12:33
ogra...with debconf12:33
tsengogra: I never did figure out netbooting12:33
thomtseng: #5491212:33
tsengI guess I could remaster the cd too12:33
thomcfengine is evil12:33
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ograthom, well, half of debian would disagree :)12:33
thomdholbach: *hugs*12:34
ograi often get beaten up if i state that :)12:34
thomogra: half of debian would disagree about the colour of the sky, so that's not a useful metric :)12:34
tsengdpkg-buildpackage on this thing takes 10 seconds12:35
tsengis this all shell?12:36
tsengACK'd, anyway12:36
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shawarmaIs Edgy in a somewhat coherent state  these days? (actual question: can i upgrade to Edgy and still do anything at all?)01:08
Hobbseeshawarma: possibly.01:10
Hobbseeshawarma: i've been using it for a while without major problems.  except artsd01:10
Hobbseebut ymmv01:10
shawarmaHobbsee: That's all I wanted to head.01:10
shawarmahear, of course.01:10
shawarmaIt wouldn't be fun without a bit of breakage.01:11
ajmitchthen edgy is lots of fun!01:11
shawarmaajmitch: :-)01:11
shawarmaIt's starting to get annoying getting stuff into edgy but not be able to use it myself. :-)01:11
BazziRshawarma: why don't you chroot/vmware it? then you've got a safe fallback system01:12
shawarmaBazziR: That's for wimps. :-)01:12
shawarmaIf anything, I might setup a chroot with Dapper in it. :-)01:13
thomtseng: thanks dude01:13
shawarmaSo if everything fails, I can just chroot into that and be happy.01:13
BazziRdont you have to have a running kernel to chroot into it? ;)01:14
shawarmaBazziR: Easy01:14
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shawarmaBazziR: Just leave the kernel and initrd from a Dapper image lying around somewhere..01:15
shawarmaBazziR: Of course, there's the UUID mouting thing... Oh, well. I'll figure it out when it arises.01:15
tsengthom: np01:20
shawarmaI'm by the way still looking for reviewers for  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=280301:20
ajmitchshawarma: well the last comment is on clarifying license issues, right?01:21
ajmitchhas that been cleared up?01:21
shawarmaajmitch: Yes.01:21
shawarmaajmitch: there. Added a comment saying just that.01:24
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imbrandoncrimsun: good news , apt-mirror upstream finaly reappeared and emailed me back and is active on his site, working with him to get his version and some other things patched now01:28
imbrandonseems he was on a short vacation he said01:29
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phanaticraphink: please ping me back if you have 5mins01:59
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sladenhello Libre, is the weather nice where you are?03:34
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Libresladen, let me see03:37
=== Libre goes to the window
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Libresladen some dark clouds maybe rain in two or three hours03:38
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sladenLibre: where in the world is this.  Sounds mostly like the part of the Lincoln in the UK I'm in.  Only the rain already got here03:40
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Libresladen, tropical sunny and violent: Colombia (Start of south america)03:50
Libreb_52Centos, Welcome03:51
sladenLibre: ooh, drug heaven!.. :)03:51
Libresladen, LOL03:51
sladenI should really find out something about Colombia from behind the headlines03:52
Libresladen, I guess03:52
b_52CentosLibre,  thanks :D03:53
Libresladen, don't try with the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith http://www.imdb.com/Title?035691003:54
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=== shawarma is upgrading to Edgy. Better put on "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns'n'Roses.
Hobbseeshawarma: yay!  i broke it :P03:58
shawarmaHobbsee: What? Edgy?03:59
Libreshawarma, LOL03:59
Hobbseeshawarma: of course.03:59
shawarmaLibre: I always listen to that song when I do a dist-upgrade. :-)03:59
Libreshawarma, did you use a chroot?04:00
shawarmaLibre: No.04:00
shawarmaLibre: I like living on the edge.04:00
shawarmaHobbsee: You shouldn't break other people's things. :-)04:01
Hobbseeshawarma: but...but...it's fun!  :P04:01
shawarmaHobbsee: Sure is. I intend to break it, too. :-)04:02
Hobbseeshawarma: haha...fun :)04:02
=== Hobbsee really does try not to break things. no matter what she may say in here.
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Libreshawarma, edg(e|y)04:03
shawarmaLibre: exactamante.04:03
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bddebianHeya gang04:07
shawarmaHi, bddebian !04:07
bddebianHello shawarma04:07
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zulhas anyone use freenx before?04:55
Librezul, what is?04:57
zulits like vnc04:59
LaserJockzul: I got it working once04:59
zulLaserJock: how was it?04:59
LaserJockI think it's fast04:59
LaserJockit was a pain to set up for me, but it could be because I have a sort of non-normal network situation04:59
LaserJockit runs on the ssh port04:59
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LaserJockwhich was actually not great for me05:00
LaserJockbut it is supposed to be faster than vnc05:00
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LaserJockpersonally, when I'm on a local network I find X forwarding to be the fastest05:00
bddebianAye but X forwarding sucks over internet connections05:01
Sp4rKyhi MOTU's05:01
Sp4rKyand others :)05:01
bddebianHeya Sp4rKy05:02
bddebianHi LaserJock, zul :-)05:02
Sp4rKyhey bddebian05:02
Gloubiboulgahello Sp4rKy05:02
Sp4rKyhi Gloubiboulga05:02
Sp4rKyhow are you ?05:03
bddebianHeya Gloubiboulga05:03
LaserJockbddebian: I've alway had good success with vnc05:03
Gloubiboulgahi bddebian, hi LaserJock05:03
GloubiboulgaSp4rKy, fine fine :)05:03
Sp4rKylucky :p05:03
Sp4rKyi'm tired05:03
Sp4rKyand audacious is difficult :/05:04
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LaserJockdholbach: do we have a School session scheduled for this week at all?06:30
dholbachLaserJock: i'm not aware of it06:30
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LaserJockdholbach: hmmm06:32
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zulLaserJock: well it was a nice idea while it lasted ;)06:33
LaserJock*I'll* even do one if nobody raises a hand06:34
dholbachsuper! :)06:34
LaserJockproblem is, I don't really know anything :/06:35
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bddebianHeya LaserJock06:42
bddebianLaserJock: Aye, me too :-(06:42
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LaserJockhi bddebian06:43
bddebianLaserJock: I could do a class on how to annoy core-devs ;-P06:49
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phanatichello MOTU world06:56
Librephanatic, hello phanatic06:57
phanatichi Libre06:57
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LaserJockdholbach: hmm, what if somebody did a "How to triage bugs" MOTU School session this week?07:29
LaserJockmaybe you or sfflaw? or somebody?07:30
zulthat would be a good idea07:31
LaserJockif we could have a relatively easy one this week (since we don't have much time left) then perhaps I can whip up a "Into to Ubuntu packaging" for next week that I can pimp hard on fridge, u-d, and the forums07:32
dholbachask sfllaw - i think i'll do a "upgrading packages" session, i'm just quite swamped in work atm07:32
LaserJockdholbach: I understand07:32
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Sp4rKywhat's the command for add a entry to the debian/changelog ?07:39
LaserJockusually dch -i or something similar07:39
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Sp4rKywhen i update a package, do i need recreate patches ?07:47
LaserJockwhat do you mean by patches?07:48
Sp4rKyi need use patch system because .desktop is not valid07:48
LaserJockthe .desktop is in the .orig.tar.gz?07:49
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LaserJockdoes the current package use a patch system?07:50
LaserJockSp4rKy: what patch system?07:52
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bddebianOK, what have I missed? :-)08:12
Yagisanbddebian, several join and quit messages, a little conversation, and a streaker08:13
bddebianw00t, a streaker?08:13
Yagisanbddebian, it wasn't much to look at08:14
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crimsunimbrandon: excellent (RE: apt-mirror)09:00
Sp4rKyLaserJock, sorry, i'm eating09:05
Sp4rKyLaserJock, dpatch system09:05
Sp4rKyhi raphink09:06
raphinkhi Sp4rKy09:06
LaserJockSp4rKy: and there is already a patch for the .desktop or you need to create one?09:07
Sp4rKythere is already one09:08
Sp4rKybut they doesn't work if i try a pbuild09:08
Sp4rKyso i think i've to modify the patch....09:08
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LaserJockSp4rKy: use dpatch-edit-patch <patchname>09:23
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CasanovaI get this error ``dh_testdir: I have no package to build'' what could be the reason?09:28
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crimsunmissing ./debian/09:29
Casanovacrimsun: :| isnt the debian/rules file getting executed09:29
Casanovahow can ./debian be missing?09:29
crimsunwhat's in ./debian/control?09:30
crimsunthere are many ways of invoking dh_testdir(1), from ./debian/rules -- while a safe assumption -- isn't readily the case if you're doing it manually.09:31
Casanovacrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/112199 and http://pastebin.ca/11220109:31
crimsunneed your ./debian/rules09:33
Sp4rKyLaserJock, thx09:34
Sp4rKyi'll try09:34
LaserJockhmm, I  suppose 02:00 UTC wouldn't be a good time for a school session :/09:34
Casanovacrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/11220709:34
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Sp4rKydid motu school start ?09:35
LaserJockthere have been 2 sessions so far09:36
crimsunCasanova: your ./debian/rules is the culprit.09:38
Casanovacrimsun: what is the error there?09:38
crimsunthe binary-indep target.09:38
Casanovano DH_OPTIONS ?09:38
crimsunno, that's not the issue09:40
Sp4rKyLaserJock, i don't understand what i need to do after dpatch-edit-patch debian/patches/mypatch ?09:40
crimsunwhere's the debianised source package?09:40
Casanovacrimsun: what else is the issue?09:40
LaserJockSp4rKy: you fix what you want to fix (i.e. the .desktop) and the you type "exit" or do Ctrl-D and it updates the patch09:41
crimsunCasanova: I need to see the actual debianised source package.09:41
LaserJockcrimsun: is he really running debian/rules from within debian/rules?09:41
Casanovacrimsun: do you mean the ldtp directory?09:41
crimsunLaserJock: yes, he is, which is a no-no.09:41
Casanovashall i upload it to a remote server?09:41
Casanovacrimsun: by the way when i removed the DH_OPTIONS it finished fine09:42
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crimsunCasanova: yes, upload the whole shebang. Also, don't call debian/rules from within debian/rules.09:42
crimsunmay as well just review the whole thing while we're looking.09:42
Casanovacool :)09:43
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Sp4rKyLaserJock, so i edit directly the .desktop in the new shell ?09:49
LaserJockthat's the fun of it09:50
dholbachhave a nice evening09:53
LaserJockcya dholbach, I got sfflaw lined up for Friday and I'll do a packaging basics session next Thursday/Friday09:54
dholbachLaserJock: that's super!09:54
crimsunnight daniel09:55
dholbachnight daniel!09:56
Sp4rKyLaserJock, ok thx09:58
Casanovacrimsun: http://people.freedesktop.org/~prashmohan/ldtp-0.5.0/09:58
crimsun(sec, in a conference call)09:59
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crimsunCasanova: sorry, but is this the extracted source package? I meant the .orig.tar.gz+.dsc+.diff.gz10:08
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bddebiancrimsun: You actually around?10:56
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bddebiancrimsun: Don't like to me, I "see" you on #edubuntu :-)11:07
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LaserJockbddebian: hehe11:08
crimsunbddebian: I probably wouldn't have answered at all if I weren't.11:08
bddebianBah, I get no love.. :-)11:10
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bddebianSo, what would be the proper versioning for attal from CVS?  0.10.1-0+CVS20060802ubuntu1?11:11
crimsundid you completely gut the debian packaging?11:13
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bddebiancrimsun: Pretty much.  Debian version is 0.9.2 (Though I kept the changelog)11:13
crimsunI'd use 0.10.1.cvs20060802-0ubuntu111:14
bddebianOK, thx11:14
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bddebianAnyone have an Edgy install with a high speed connection, wouldn't mind testing some attal .debs for me?11:26
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Spechow can I extract debian/* out of a .deb?11:35
LaserJockyou can't11:35
LaserJockat least I don't think you can11:35
LaserJockyou can get out a lot of the info11:35
Speccan i extract the pre/post inst scripts?11:36
Spechow? :)11:36
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bddebianapt-get source foo ;P11:37
Specnot in a repository11:37
LaserJockperhaps dpkg -e11:37
LaserJockI'd just man dpkg11:37
Specthat got out DEBIAN/* :p11:37
Spec-e = extract control information11:38
Speci was searching 'man dpkg' for preinst postinst and nothing was relevant11:38
LaserJockit got everything in debian/ ?11:38
LaserJockah, control and postinst, etc.11:39
Specconffiles, config, control, md5sums, postinst, postrm, prerm, templates11:39
Specdidn't get rules, (if there were any)11:39
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TheMusoIf any MOTu has a chance, could they please review the debdiff at the end of bug #54936 and upload please. I have been told that UVF is not yet in for us, but at the time, I thought the upstream version freeze a few weeks back also applied to us as well. :)11:59
UbugtuMalone bug 54936 in speech-dispatcher "UVF Request: Update to 0.6.1." [Untriaged,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5493611:59
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