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DarkMageZwhere could i find out what configure options were used in the making of particular packages?12:13
TheMusoDownload the source package and have a look in debian/rules.12:14
DarkMageZah :)12:14
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TheMusoNever mind, looks like it has been uploaded.12:21
TheMusoActually no. I missread.12:22
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bddebianHeya gang03:21
bddebianSo, WTF does this mean?  dpkg-buildpackage: unable to determine source package is03:22
crimsunwe call that a pebkac.03:22
bddebianThanks bud03:23
crimsuna bit more context would be useful :)03:23
bddebianThat's all I get running dpkg-buildpackage -us -nc03:23
bddebianBut it ran the first time through..?03:24
crimsunwhich source package?03:24
crimsun(link immensely useful)03:24
bddebianattal again03:24
crimsundebianised source package publicly available?03:25
bddebianNo I'm trying to build straight from CVS03:25
bddebianI think I started getting it after using the version you told me to? :-)03:26
TheMusoIf any MOTu has a chance, could they please review the debdiff at the end of bug #54936 and upload please. I have been told that UVF is not yet in for us, but at the time, I thought the upstream version freeze a few weeks back also applied03:26
UbugtuMalone bug 54936 in speech-dispatcher "UVF Request: Update to 0.6.1." [Untriaged,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5493603:26
TheMusoto us as well. :)03:26
crimsundid you rename the orig.tar.gz and everything?03:26
bddebiancrimsun: Well that was going to be my next question.  I'm not using an orig.tar.gz.  Do I need to make one?  I thought that was a no-no?03:27
bddebianTheMuso: Didn't some upload a new speech-dispatcher today?03:27
crimsunbddebian: yes, you need to roll an orig.tar.gz because it's not {Debian,Ubuntu}-native source03:27
TheMusobddebian: No, it wasn't uploaded.03:28
ajmitchTheMuso: where are the python bindings you mention?03:28
TheMusoajmitch: In the package.03:28
ajmitchis there not a separate python-foo package for them?03:28
bddebiancrimsun: OK, just remove the CVS dirs and my debian dir and tar it up?03:28
TheMusoajmitch: No. This was a merge from debian as well.03:28
ajmitchso what changes are there from debian? it's a bit hard to pick them out from the debdiff :)03:29
crimsunbddebian: if you're positive that it will match, sure. It's probably better to do a fresh checkout and strip the CVS dirs.03:29
ajmitchok, tracked down debian/changelog03:29
bddebiancrimsun: If I'm sure it will match what?  I'm sure it won't match because the themes have to be inside the build tree now.03:30
ajmitchand I see that there is a python-speechd, which is what I was asking about03:30
crimsunbddebian: IME an orig.tar.gz should be exactly what the cvs checkout is minus the vcs dirs03:32
bddebiancrimsun: I agree but I don't think it's possible in this case03:32
crimsunwhy not?03:33
bddebianAs I said, the themes now need to be in the build tree and they are a seperate branch on CVS03:33
bddebianWell I guess I didn't say that they are a different CVS branch :-)03:34
crimsunwhat does Raphael plan to do?03:35
ajmitchTheMuso: this is a nasty package03:36
crimsunit makes sense to have just one attal source package that generates multiple attal-themes-  binaries03:36
TheMusoajmitch: Blame the debian developer. :)03:36
ajmitchI expect to be able to do debuild -S without having to run configure03:36
TheMusoajmitch: I know.03:37
TheMusoStefan Potyra was the person who originally did the first merge. I don't know whether he contacted Milan at all.03:37
TheMusoAbout it.03:38
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bddebiancrimsun: I agree.  Raphael has not responded and the attal guys are never on #attal :-(03:38
TheMusoajmitch: I have been enclined to actually take this up with him, because it is very hodge podge.03:40
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TheMusoHey imbrandon.03:40
ajmitchTheMuso: could be an idea03:41
imbrandonheya TheMuso03:41
TheMusoYeah I think so.03:41
bddebiancrimsun: I created an orig.tar.gz just to see if it would work and I get that same message :-(03:50
crimsuncan you pastebin all the spew from when you pressed Enter?03:50
crimsuncoffee shop closed, back in 2 hours post-exercise.03:53
crimsun(debian/{control,changelog} ?)03:53
=== ajmitch waits for the pastebin results
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TheMusoajmitch: I have emailed Milan, but can't expect to get an email from him till tonight sometime.03:55
bddebianGah, OK, thanks crimsun03:55
ajmitchbddebian: do you have them up on pastebin now or not?03:58
bddebianajmitch: Oh, you wanna help me?03:59
ajmitchwell TheMuso's speech-dispatcher isn't building a source package cleanly, so yes03:59
ajmitchTheMuso: dpkg-source: cannot represent change to doc/figures/architecture.pdf: binary file contents changed03:59
TheMusohm ok03:59
ajmitchafter I got the build deps installed04:00
bddebianajmitch: First couple changelog entries: http://pastebin.us/245804:01
bddebiandebian/control: http://pastebin.us/245904:01
ajmitch& permissions, etc are all correct?04:02
bddebianor was that not at me?04:05
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bddebianajmitch: Do I need to drop the previous version changelog entries?04:07
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bddebianOK, now I'm really confused.  All of the sudden it appears to be working and I didn't change anything..04:18
LaserJockbddebian: Heisenbug?04:23
TheMusoajmitch: When you applied the debdiff, did you get any messages about patch hunks already applied etc?04:23
ajmitchdidn't see04:24
ajmitchI'll check again04:24
TheMusoOk I may have ti wrong. How do you apply debdiffs?04:24
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ajmitchwith patch -pX < whatever.debdiff04:25
TheMusoHm ok.04:25
TheMusoI didn't have it wrong then.04:25
=== ajmitch tries rebuilding source package
ajmitchnah, same results04:25
ajmitchstrange thing04:25
TheMusoWHat ver of the package are you applying the debdiff to?04:26
TheMusoTHe one currently in the archives?04:26
TheMusoI don't know why I am getting this:04:28
TheMusopatching file Makefile.in04:28
TheMusoReversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] 04:28
ajmitch& then I was going to get a diff against the current debian version04:28
ajmitchbut, if you can provide a debdiff against what's in debian, it would be appreciated04:28
TheMusoOk I can do that.04:29
TheMusoAs soon as I work out why that question is being asked.04:29
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TheMusoajmitch: http://www.themuso.id.au/ubuntu/0.6.1-2_0.6.1-2ubuntu1.diff04:35
ajmitchnow that's much shorter to review04:35
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ajmitchTheMuso: looks good04:37
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ajmitchI'll just do a test build04:37
TheMusoOk, I just realised something which I fixed in the bigger debdiff.04:38
ajmitchwhich was?04:38
TheMusoPut a . where it shouldn't have been.04:39
TheMusoIf you grab the diff again its fixed04:39
TheMusoAccidentally had one in a Description line.04:39
ajmitchis it really that bad?04:39
TheMusoMy punctuation is two good sometimes.04:39
TheMusoWell I have been pulled up for it before.04:39
ajmitchI'll fix it manually if you tell me where04:40
ajmitchspeech-dispatcher-flite description?04:40
TheMusoThe description field for speech-dispatcher-flite in debian/control04:40
ajmitchok, fixed that, will tell you when the build is done & I can upload04:41
TheMusoThanks heaps. I am going to work with Milan about cleaning that mess up. :)04:41
=== TheMuso always is nervous when working with speech-dispatcher in its current state. :)
ajmitchwell it builds quickly04:42
TheMusoOn a fast machine that is.04:42
TheMusoTakes a while on my celeron 466.  :)04:42
ajmitchjust rebuilding it again now :)04:42
ajmitch2-3 minutes isn't that long..04:43
TheMusoNo thats true.04:43
ajmitchTheMuso: what is speech-dispatcher-festival meant to contain?04:49
TheMusoTools to allow festival to work better with speech-dispatcher.04:49
ajmitchit looks pretty empty here04:50
TheMusoAnd it is strongly recommended for them to be used, if speech-dispatcher is configured to use festival as the synth.04:50
ajmitch./usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules/sd_festival is in the main speech-dispatcher package04:50
ajmitch-rw-r--r-- root/root      1205 2006-08-03 14:43 ./usr/share/doc/speech-dispatcher-festival/README.Debian04:50
TheMusoLet me check04:50
ajmitch-rw-r--r-- root/root       925 2006-08-03 14:43 ./usr/share/doc/speech-dispatcher-festival/copyright04:50
ajmitch-rw-r--r-- root/root      2504 2006-08-03 14:43 ./usr/share/doc/speech-dispatcher-festival/changelog.Debian.gz04:50
ajmitchthat's the whole contents of speech-dispatcher-festival here04:50
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TheMusoHmm ok.04:50
bddebianHeya jaldhar04:50
=== TheMuso builds the debian version in pbuilder to have a look at what it is supposed to do.
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ajmitchcould be a debian bug04:51
ajmitchit's been known to happen before04:51
TheMusoajmitch: Its a metapackage.04:53
TheMusoIt pulls in another, totally separate package.04:53
ajmitchso now you have a circular depends between speech-dispatcher & speech-dispatcher-festival04:54
TheMusoAh ok.04:54
TheMusoJust a matter of removing the speech-dispatcher dependancy from speech-dispatcher-festival04:55
ajmitchas it stands at the moment, there's no benefit from having that extra metapackage04:55
jaldharbddebian: hi there04:55
ajmitchthere was in debian, because it was in Suggests04:55
TheMusoYeah true.04:55
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TheMusoajmitch: Ok, I have done a massive cleanup, and reworked some docs here. So what debdiff(s) would you like?05:12
TheMusoClean up as in removed speech-dispatcher-fesitva05:12
ajmitchdebdiff against debian, if you wish05:13
TheMusoDoesn't bother me.05:14
TheMusoI can do that.05:14
ajmitchit'd be smaller05:14
ajmitchare you sure that you want to remove speech-dispatcher-festival?05:14
TheMusoWell it only depends on festival-freebsoft-utils, which has the stuff in it thats needed.05:15
TheMusoDo you think I shouldn't?05:15
ajmitchit's just a bit of a change from debian05:15
ajmitchup to you05:15
ajmitchI don't use the software, and I can't say what's more useful05:15
TheMusoFair enough.05:15
TheMusoWell I am doing some spec preparation for it, so what better time than now. :)05:15
ajmitchok :)05:15
TheMusoTwill be going into main soon hopefully.05:15
=== TheMuso waits for pbuilder to give the all clear.
=== Hobbsee watches as it FAILS on TheMuso :P
ajmitchHobbsee: please don't05:17
TheMusoI'm not worried.05:17
=== TheMuso fetches lunch.
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Hobbseeajmitch: :(05:18
=== ajmitch thinks that lunch would be a great idea, if he could afford it
zulwha...you just got a check05:19
ajmitchwhich takes a week or so to clear05:20
tritiumWe should fund ajmitch for his Summer of Lunch05:20
bddebianHeya tritium05:20
tritiumhey bddebian05:20
ajmitchtritium: all donations are welcome05:21
=== zul gives a can of chicken soup
tritiumajmitch: check is in the mail ;)05:21
ajmitchhow very helpful05:22
=== imbrandon kicks the storms
imbrandonheh i put everything on batery backups but my darn router LOL05:25
TheMusoajmitch: Same link to the diff as before.05:25
=== imbrandon is dumb sometimes
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ajmitchok.. hopefully the proxy doesn't cache it05:25
bluefoxicyMy package has lightbulb-hammer status in REVU05:25
bluefoxicywatch for broken glass.05:25
ajmitchthat's nice05:25
bluefoxicyno seriously wtf are the icons05:26
bluefoxicythere's got to be a guide I'm missing here somewhere.05:26
imbrandonbluefoxicy: hove over them05:26
bluefoxicyI didn't think of that, I tried view image to see the file name :)05:27
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bluefoxicywow!  A package deemed "inappropriate"05:28
Hobbseebluefoxicy: there are a few, yes05:28
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  hot-babe in particular; I actually tested out RATS on that to see what it would be like using source code audit tools.05:29
=== Hobbsee heard about that in here actually.
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=== bluefoxicy ran it, wondered who had this much lack of a life, and then deemed it both an ill-behaved application and a useless waste of screen real-estate
bluefoxicyI do miss AMOR from KDE though.  There needs to be a GTK+ version; I want a tiny microkitty on my screen again :)05:32
bddebianw00t, attal builds and installs but can't find the themes files.. :-(05:33
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bddebianStupid thing is looking in /usr/local/share... instead of /usr/share..05:33
ajmitchTheMuso: great, only 3 lintian wanrings on the resulting debs :)05:34
Hobbseeajmitch: do we care about htem though?05:34
ajmitchHobbsee: it depends on what the warning is05:34
Hobbseeyay, it's edgy, yay, the package is versioned wrong, because we're not in debian.05:34
ajmitchnot those ones05:34
ajmitchW: speech-dispatcher-flite: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath ./usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules/sd_flite /usr/lib/speech-dispatcher/05:34
ajmitchones like that05:34
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TheMusoajmitch: What is that supposed to mean?05:36
ajmitchthat it shouldn't define rpath, because rpath is bad & wrong05:36
TheMusoAh right.05:37
ajmitchinformative, no?05:37
ajmitchyou'd need to search google a bit for info on it05:37
TheMusoI have seen something like that before, with another package.05:37
ajmitchAM_CFLAGS = -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" -I/usr/include/ $(inc_local) @glib_include@ -L$(top_srcdir)/src/audio -I$(top_srcdir)/src/audio -I../../intl/ $(ibmtts_include05:38
ajmitch) @SNDFILE_CFLAGS@ -Wl,--rpath -Wl,$(spdlibdir)05:38
ajmitchyes, that's where it's getting rpath from05:38
CornelliusWhy is rPath wrong & bad ?05:38
TheMusoajmitch: Gah! That means one woul have to re-generate configure etc.05:38
crimsunCornellius: different rPath.05:39
ajmitchI'm surprised that lintian didn't show it for the others05:39
ajmitchTheMuso: it can be fixed in Makefile.in as well05:39
CornelliusWell, I was thinking about rPath Linux, as the distro.05:39
TheMusoI just might do that.05:39
ajmitchCornellius: completely different05:39
ajmitchTheMuso: it may not be necessary to get rid of it05:40
ajmitch"urrently, the only valid use of this feature in Debian is to add non-standard library path (like /usr/lib/<package>) to libraries that are only intended to be used by the executables (or other libraries) within the package."05:40
ajmitchit's probably because it's in a separate module package that it complains05:40
TheMusoRIght. I'd say so.05:40
ajmitchI think we should be fine to upload for now05:41
ajmitchjust keep these issues in mind :)05:41
TheMusoThat module on its own won't work with anything, but since speech-dispatcher is a dep, it should be fine05:41
TheMusoWill do.05:41
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TheMusoOk. Thanks heaps once again ajmitch.05:42
=== TheMuso is not ready for MOT yet, but is learning.
TheMusoLearning is a good thing.05:43
ajmitchjust get Hobbsee to explain it all for you05:43
Hobbseeajmitch: hah.05:43
=== Hobbsee cant explain anything.
TheMusoajmitch: I am a bit of a perfectionist.05:44
ajmitchyou should be able to05:44
ajmitchTheMuso: that's a good thing :)05:44
TheMusoAnd I should have known that this is what happens when you want to change a lot. :)05:44
TheMusoBut I chose the wrong time of night to embark on that little job.05:44
HobbseeTheMuso: so's ajmitch, dont worry05:44
TheMusoHobbsee: I'm not worried.05:45
TheMusoI just want to get it right, and do so several times before I even consider going for MOTU.05:45
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Hobbsee!packagingguide > TheMuso05:49
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=== bddebian isn't ready for MOTU yet either
Hobbseebddebian: heh, neither.05:51
TheMusoYeah you are.05:52
TheMusoWHy else would you have got it?05:52
zulbddebian: we already knew that :)05:53
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bddebiancrimsun: Are you back?05:54
crimsunbddebian: of sorts, yes. I'm eating dinner atm and catching up on e-mail (~400)05:54
bddebianIt's not picking up my orig.tar.gz, it generated a new tarball..05:55
ajmitchcheck the name, etc05:56
bddebianAck, frickin' - instead of _05:57
imbrandonhahah i hate when i do that05:57
LaserJockcan somebody tell me what the deal is with GNU/Linux?05:58
bddebianLaserJock: The deal?05:58
ajmitchflamewars & name-calling05:58
ajmitchas jdub says05:58
KyralTechnically Linux refers to the Kernel05:59
Kyralmost of the software is GNU Software05:59
Kyralhence "GNU/Linux"05:59
Kyral(and GNU/kFreeBSD)05:59
bddebianGNU/Hurd ;-)05:59
KyralActually since Hurd is the GNU Kernel06:00
Kyralisn't it just "GNU"06:00
LaserJockwho cares? about the GNU part?06:00
LaserJockthe software isn't all GNU06:00
bddebianLaserJock: RMS and zealots06:00
scotthGNU/Hurd is a lie... it doesn't exist... its a conspiracy06:00
Kyralnow Kyral go bed06:00
bddebianKyral: No, Hurd is not the kernel :-)06:00
Kyralbefore in his tiredness he goes to BOFH mode over a pointless naming convention06:00
KyralI use them interchangeably06:01
bddebianscotth: Funny that it is running on 4 of my machines at home06:01
=== jsgotangco raises his sword of the FSF
LaserJockwhat I don't get is why they call it GNU?06:01
bddebianMainly because of glibc06:01
bddebianAnd the toolchain06:02
jsgotangcothey couldnt create GNU without creating a free toolchain06:02
scotthbddebian: I had it on my machine too for a while, and I used to lurk on the l4-hurd list... its a running joke in my office that the hurd is part of a massive conspiracy by the fsf06:02
jsgotangcoso they ended up creating one06:02
bddebianscotth: :-)06:02
bluefoxicyscotth:  you don't understand.  The FSF *IS* a massive conspiracy.06:03
LaserJockok, so why not be GNU/Linux/OO.o/Firefox/ ad nauseam06:03
ajmitchscotth: I think I'm still subscribed to that list06:03
jsgotangcoLaserJock: unless the other projects insists heh06:03
bddebianLaserJock: You have to take that fight to RMS and/or #gnu ;-P06:03
bluefoxicyHow about FOSS/Linux or STFURMS/Linux?06:03
jsgotangcoGNU/Linux has some valid arguments though06:03
scotthajmitch: I still watch it through gmane from time to time06:03
bddebianjsgotangco: Aye06:03
LaserJockok, so RMS decided it has to be GNU/Linux?06:04
jsgotangcono not at all06:04
jsgotangcoFSF != RMS06:04
bddebianLaserJock: Realistically you could not have a just "Linux" system, since linux is merely the kernel.  It wouldn't do much :-)06:04
jsgotangcoso the GNU utlities are on top of the kernel06:04
LaserJockbut who cares?06:04
jsgotangcoFSF does06:04
LaserJockit's all putting stuff on top of other stuff06:04
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LaserJockso what makes GNU special?06:05
ajmitchLaserJock: the FSF cares because they want to promote freedom, rather than just software that doesn't suck06:05
jsgotangcoLaserJock: FSF is more inclined to the philosophical/social implications rather than technical in which OSI emphasize06:05
LaserJockI'm not denying any of that06:06
LaserJockI just don't understand why GNU is so special06:06
bddebianCrap what's the best syntax for removing object files out of subdirs?  rm -rf */.o ?06:06
jsgotangcowell gcc for starters06:06
crimsunif there's no Makefile target that does so, I'd probably use find(1)06:07
LaserJockI understand that gcc is is a big deal06:07
scotthyeah I like find for that06:07
=== imbrandon would laugh if someone compiled a bzimage in VisualStudio.NET
jsgotangcoimagine naming your distribution GNOME/GNU/Ubuntu Linux06:07
LaserJockyeah, that's my point06:08
bddebiancrimsun: Can I get away with find ./ *.o |xargs rm -rf  or would xargs fail on some shells?06:08
crimsunthe more time we waste debating it, the less time we're spending QAing our distro.06:08
imbrandoncrimsun: +106:08
jsgotangcoLaserJock: i guess they don't want to dilute the GNU branding of sorts and its history/legacy for what its worth06:08
scotththere is always intel's compiler and ibm's for powerpc, and doesn't sun have one for slowaris? gcc isn't the only game in town06:09
crimsunbddebian: that would work[ or find(1)'s -exec] 06:09
ajmitchcrimsun: that's why some of us are trying to ignore this conversation & work06:09
bddebiancrimsun and/or ajmitch: Any chance I could get one of you (or both) to check out this package if I posted it?06:13
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bddebianWell that means no :-)06:14
TheMusoIn the packaging guide where pot files is talked about, what tool does one use for getting pot files if the package doesn't use kde?06:14
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LaserJockTheMuso: have no idea, I had nothing to do with that silly doc06:15
TheMusohmm ok06:15
bddebianLaserJock: ;-P06:15
TheMusoReferring to bug #55006 specifically06:16
UbugtuMalone bug 55006 in freetalk "POT files not available" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5500606:16
LaserJockdoh, where did Hobbsee go?06:16
TheMusoOff to a lecture.06:17
LaserJockhmm, she would know06:17
LaserJockTheMuso: the problem is I really don't know anything about the KDE stuff :(06:18
crimsunthat's a quick fix. Shove a rule to generate POT in debian/rules.06:18
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TheMusoYeah, but what too do I use? I was pointed to the packaging guide as to how to do it, and it is kde specific.06:19
TheMusoReferrs to kde specific tools that is.06:19
crimsungettext, normally, for .po. Check with Riddell.06:21
imbrandonmkdir -p po06:23
imbrandon        XGETTEXT=/usr/bin/kde-xgettext sh admin/cvs.sh extract-messages06:23
bddebianhttp://www2.bddebian.com:8000/packages/ubuntu/attal/ if anyone has time.  I've only built on dapper so far06:23
TheMusohmmm ok06:24
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bddebianGnight folks06:29
imbrandongnight bddebian06:29
bddebianNight imbrandon06:29
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imbrandonTheMuso: are you doing 5500606:35
TheMusoimbrandon: no not currently06:36
TheMusotake it if you want06:36
imbrandonkk just dident wanna dupe work06:36
TheMusoI was just wondering how one would take care of pot files06:37
imbrandonhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/ubuntu-kubuntu.html  <--- very bottom of that page06:37
imbrandontell how FYI06:37
imbrandonbut i got it and 07 08 09 10 all are pot stuff, easy fixes06:38
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TheMusoimbrandon: That is kde specific.06:39
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imbrandonpots are only used by kde apps in rosetta afaik06:40
TheMusoNot afaik06:40
TheMusoI thought GNOME apps were as well.06:40
dholbachgood morning06:40
ajmitchmorning dholbach06:40
ajmitchyou're up far too early06:40
TheMusoBesides. Thats not even a kde app.06:40
imbrandonhrm ok /me looks closer06:40
dholbachhey ajmitch - yeah, you could say that06:41
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Hobbseehi again all07:00
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ajmitchhello Hobbsee07:02
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LaserJockTheMuso: still around?07:09
HobbseeLaserJock: he was in -bugs07:09
LaserJockHobbsee: k, he was asking about the pot stuff07:10
HobbseeLaserJock: yes, wonder what i missed with that07:11
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ajmitchLaserJock: you're planning to give a MOTU school session soon?07:14
TheMusoLaserJock: Yeah I know.07:14
TheMusoimbrandon and dholbach were talking about it.07:14
LaserJockajmitch: yeah, next week07:15
=== ajmitch will have to try & attend
LaserJockI got sfflaw to do a bug triaging session Friday07:15
Hobbseethat would be cool07:15
ajmitchdo we have logs of crimsun's session to put up on that MOTU/School page?07:16
crimsuncarthik should. I didn't log, but I'll try to post my outline soon.07:16
Hobbseecrimsun: when/what did you do a session?07:17
ajmitchI probably have logs as well07:17
=== Hobbsee didtn know about that.
ajmitchHobbsee: it was on merging07:17
=== imbrandon missed it
Hobbseeand i missed it.  darn.07:17
Hobbseewhy did i not get mail notification of this?07:17
crimsunit turned into "when to sync instead of merge", but I guess that's as good as any.07:17
ajmitchsigh, one problem with setting my screen to 1600x1200 is that the fonts are just too small in firefox07:17
imbrandoncrimsun: yup ;)07:17
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imbrandonajmitch: i run 1600x1200 all the time , ff seems to use the same fonts as the rest of my desktop07:18
imbrandonnot the case in gnome ?07:18
Hobbseecrimsun: true...07:18
ajmitchimbrandon: exactly07:18
StevenKajmitch: You can tell firefox to use bigger fonts.07:18
ajmitchStevenK: I know that :P07:18
imbrandonahh ajmitch well that ok for me hehe07:18
imbrandonyea ctl+shift+ +/- i think, havent used that in a long time07:19
imbrandonat 1600x1200 i usaly just keep many aprox 1024x768 windows open on one desktop anyhow07:20
imbrandonso i can see irc web console etc all at the same time07:21
crimsunwell aren't you fancyshmancy with your 1600x1200 ;-p07:21
imbrandonif i could get both my monitors working i would be happy07:21
imbrandonhehe crimsun07:21
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=== ajmitch was running 2x 1280x1024, but decided to increase resolution on one of the screens
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imbrandonheh my "other" monitor only does 800x600 max becouse of the 1mb trident card i got pushing it07:23
imbrandonheh yea07:23
imbrandonits the only spare vid card i had laying arround07:23
ajmitchI don't think I have any working PCI cards07:23
ajmitchapart from maybe the voodoo207:23
ajmitchand trying to use X on that is a real hack07:24
imbrandonheh i bet07:24
crimsunnot unlike getting reasonable 3d on an s3 virge.07:24
ajmitchthe 3d decelerator?07:24
imbrandonactauly that kwin Xvesa pushes the trident good at 1024x768 but i havent found how to run two seperate X's on seperate monitors yet07:24
imbrandonif there even is a way07:25
imbrandonor tinyx or what ever its called now, the DSL X server07:25
imbrandonbasicly i just need to pickup a nvidia pci card and replace it, would make life much easier07:26
ajmitchthey should be cheap enough if you can find them07:27
imbrandonyea they have them ay compu usa down the road here for under $5007:27
imbrandonjust havent went and done it, kinda low priority atm07:27
imbrandonbut for now its good to have a konsole window open on the 800x600 display ;)07:28
imbrandonthat basicly all i use it for right now07:28
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imbrandonwhoops i thought it was a trident , guess its an old 1mb S307:30
imbrandon01:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. 86c764/765 [Trio32/64/64V+] 07:30
imbrandonstill same deal, old and barely usefull on desktops ( makes a good headless server card though )07:31
ajmitchah, one of them07:31
ajmitchI think I may still have a 2MB s3 in a box here07:31
=== TheMuso has 2 2MB PCI video cards.
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dooglusajmitch: you know that firefox has a setting for "minimum font size", right?  you don't need to control-+ in every tab07:32
ajmitchdooglus: yes I know that, and it was one of the first things I changed07:33
dooglusalternatively, there's an environment variable you can set to enable pango in firefox07:34
=== ajmitch knows all this
=== ajmitch just wanted to complain
Hobbseeajmitch knows everything :P07:34
=== Hobbsee complains at ajmitch
=== Lathiat complains about Hobbsee's complaining
=== imbrandon larts the room
TheMusoimbrandon: Thanks a lot.07:35
=== Hobbsee complains at Lathiat about TheMuso complaining about Lathiat's complaining about her complaining
TheMusoI am in a good mood at the moment. DO you want to change that?07:35
imbrandonnope /me hides07:35
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
imbrandonajmitch: you mess with bzr alot right ? mind if i ask you a few newbish questions about it07:36
ajmitchgo ahead07:36
Hobbseeimbrandon: he bites.07:36
imbrandonok the LP brz import feature from cvs/svn07:37
imbrandonif say i wanted to import the upstream code07:37
imbrandonfrom apt-mirror07:37
imbrandoninto a brz branch in LP07:37
imbrandonwould it "ceep on syncing"07:37
ajmitchyes, it does07:37
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ajmitchthat's more of a launchpad question though07:38
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imbrandonand i make my changes to another "branch"07:38
imbrandonheh yea but i kinda mix the two as i've never used anythgin but cvs actively ( i've grabed brz code and svn code but never commits etc )07:38
imbrandonbut i was wondering if a bzr branch of the apt-mirror on LP would be easy to maintain and keep in sync with upstream07:39
imbrandondose it sync back the other way too ?07:39
imbrandonerr can it07:39
ajmitchwhat do you mean by sync back the other way?07:39
imbrandonLP --> cvs07:39
ajmitchthere's information that bzr stores that cvs just can't represent07:40
ajmitch(ie, cvs sucks)07:40
imbrandonahh hrm so07:40
imbrandonyea heheh badly07:40
imbrandoni dont disagree there just havent used anything else07:40
imbrandonother than basic annon checkouts07:40
ajmitchit'd be easy for you to keep merging with the upstream import07:41
ajmitchbut you'd have to submit diffs back to upstream07:41
ajmitchunless you get upstream cvs commit access07:41
imbrandonok so LP would in a sence keep 2 copys , upstreams import and my branch ?07:41
ajmitchof course07:41
ajmitchyou may have several branches of something07:42
imbrandonand then i just make simple patches as like right now and send upstream07:42
imbrandonok and the package for ubuntu can be buildt from the brz branch though auto iirc right ?07:42
ajmitchI'm sorry?07:42
imbrandonwasent it talked about where the archive would just buld the packages from brz in LP ?07:43
ajmitchyou'll have problems with commands if you keep on typing brz :)07:43
imbrandonor we still have to do it the old fasion way atm07:43
ajmitchit was talked about07:43
ajmitchit doesn't mean that anything is planned yet07:43
imbrandonahh ok07:43
imbrandonis this info on the wiki some where ( how to import cvs to LP/bzr ? )07:44
ajmitchprobably not07:45
ajmitchsince it's just a simple task to do when registering a product07:45
imbrandonok even with apt-mirror in the archive i regester it as a product07:45
ajmitchof course07:45
imbrandonand just import from there07:45
ajmitchproducts != packages07:45
ajmitchone of the fun things about launchpad07:45
ajmitcheg there's launchpad.net/products/f-spot07:46
ajmitchwhich has a couple of branches imported07:46
crimsunimbrandon: have you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrMaintainerHowto ?07:46
ajmitchand then the packages07:46
imbrandonyea i notieced  fedora and fink distro there too thats gonna be fun07:46
imbrandoncrimsun: breifly07:46
imbrandonok cool ,i think this is enough info for me to run with, i'm gonna go try my hand at it07:47
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imbrandonhum crimsun ping08:34
imbrandonupstream dosent seem to maintain the cvs, they just upload when a new version is out a src tar ( so i might try to convice them to use bzr ) but in the meantime i decided to push it the way BzrMaintainerHowto says and i get this  .....08:36
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~/files/devel/apt-mirror-0.4.4$ bzr push --create-prefix sftp://imbrandon@bazzar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/apt-mirror/upstream08:36
imbrandon0 revision(s) pushed.08:36
imbrandonajmitch / crimsun ^^08:36
imbrandoni have dont bzr init and commit08:36
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imbrandonany clues for a bzr newb heh08:37
imbrandonhttp://pastebin.ca/112795 <--- shows what i did thus far08:39
imbrandonbut it dosent seem to be working08:39
crimsunimbrandon: the 0 revisions pushed is a cosmetic bug.08:40
imbrandonahh ok08:40
imbrandonlol i thinght i messed up08:40
crimsunyes, that was a head-scratcher when I first started.08:40
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imbrandoncrimsun: can you glance at the pastebin and make sure that is what i was supose to do though08:40
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carthikcrimsun, sorry for the delay in posting the guide - clean up in progress.08:41
imbrandonbrb gonna grab a soda08:41
crimsuncarthik: np, thank you.08:42
crimsunimbrandon: no, that looks strange08:42
crimsunimbrandon: I don't see an 'upstream' branch at all08:42
imbrandonyea i dont either, thats why08:43
imbrandoni thought i messed up08:43
crimsunimbrandon: please ensure that you have python-paramiko installed.08:43
imbrandonok one sec08:43
imbrandonnope its not08:44
imbrandoninstalling now08:44
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imbrandonshould that not give an error/warning etc if i needed it heeh08:44
imbrandonok repush now?08:44
crimsunI would erase .bzr (from the top-level of the extracted source package)08:44
crimsunthen re-init, re-add, re-push08:44
crimsunno, it won't error out or give a warning08:45
crimsunit will do precisely what it just did, which is appear to have worked (but actually write to the cwd)08:46
imbrandonyea i noticed i had a sftp: dir i had to remove08:47
imbrandonhum, new error08:48
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imbrandonlemme pastebin something about public key08:48
imbrandonahhh my ssh key is wrong08:49
imbrandonok nvm08:49
imbrandoni can fix that08:49
=== imbrandon headdesks
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imbrandonlooks like it will work after that though, thanks ( that package might should be noted on the BzrMaintainerHowto also hehehe )08:50
crimsunyes, it would be wise to amend wiki page{,s}08:51
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crimsunwhat a killer hour to have a distro team meeting. :)08:52
imbrandondistro team meeting ?08:53
imbrandondev team ?08:53
crimsunyeah, in <7 minutes.08:54
imbrandonheh core dev or all motu too ?08:54
=== imbrandon dident think about those
imbrandonmaybe they can kill the damn mono thread stuff this meeting08:54
carthikcrimsun, meanwhile, if someone asks, the following has a ~cleaned up log: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/Merging-and-Syncing08:54
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crimsuncarthik: thank you08:55
imbrandoncarthik: thanks, i look forward to reading it08:55
carthikcrimsun, no, thank you! :)08:55
imbrandonand crimsun ;)08:55
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Hobbseehi all09:21
Gloubiboulgahello Hobbsee09:22
Hobbseehey Gloubiboulga :)09:22
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imbrandoncrimsun: ping , you still arround ?10:04
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ajmitchimbrandon: problems?11:15
imbrandonnah i figureed it out, i was trying to merge a bzr branch with a non bzr branch11:16
imbrandonthanks though11:16
imbrandonTONS simpler than cvs11:17
imbrandonsimply copy the .bzr and status/commit11:17
ajmitchah, doing it that way11:19
ajmitchyou may want to do bzr add for missing files as well11:20
imbrandonyea this time there wasent any but lifeless clued me in on a better way too11:21
imbrandon[03:20]  <lifeless> bzr branch upstream packaged-copy11:22
imbrandon[03:20]  <lifeless> cp -a the-copy-you-made-before-bzrising packaged-copy/11:22
imbrandon[03:20]  <lifeless> cd packaged-copy11:22
imbrandon[03:20]  <lifeless> and now fix it up and commit11:22
imbrandonwhats the approperate abriv for kilobytes ? kb or Kb or KiB or KB ?11:31
imbrandon( on disk not internet speeds )11:31
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=== ajmitch can't recall what the current best usage is - either KB or KiB
NafalloI would say KB, since KiB is that new format (kibi?) :-)11:36
TheMusoWhat does one do to request a sync to fix an FTBFS? Package is caudium, seems sid has a newer version, which is to fix the very issue that the version in edgy has.11:38
ajmitchfile a bug, get it ACKed by a MOTU, subscribe ubuntu-archive11:39
TheMusoBug ##5503811:50
ajmitchI'll test build & ACK11:53
TheMusoI tested the debian ver in pbuilder, seemed alright.11:55
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Toadstoolhi all11:58
imbrandonheya Toadstool11:59
TheMusoHey Toadstool11:59
Toadstoolhey imbrandon, TheMuso12:00
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TheMusoajmitch: Did the build succeed?12:28
TheMusoSo how does a MOTU ack it exactly?12:30
StevenKThey comment on it, set it to Confirmed and sub ubuntu-archive12:31
ajmitchI comment on the bug report12:31
=== StevenK has done this once or twice
TheMusoHey StevenK12:32
=== StevenK waves.
=== TheMuso didn't see that. :)
imbrandonmoins StevenK12:35
imbrandonajmitch: bzr fskin rocks man, dunno why i dident try this before12:35
imbrandon( compared to other RCS i've used )12:36
imbrandonand thats very limited but still heh12:36
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!lilo:*! small regional server split.....about 250 users affected01:13
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=== pygi is confused why libisofs isn't a dependency of libburn
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pygianyone alive around? :)01:38
Toadstoolno :)01:41
Toadstoolhi pygi01:41
pygihi Toadstool :)01:41
pygicould you poke apt to see who maintains libburn/libisofs?01:41
pygipeople are doing mess with it :)01:42
Toadstoolyou want the name of the Debian maintainer?01:42
pygiToadstool, that might also be fine, if we won't fix it in Ubuntu :)01:43
ajmitchwell that's going to be the only maintainer name01:43
Toadstoolthe thing is there are no ubuntu specific modifications to those packages01:44
Toadstoolif there's a bug, it's a Debian one01:44
Toadstoolwhat's the problem anyway?01:44
pygiToadstool, I know, but dependencies are bad :P01:44
pygilibisofs should at least be recommended, if not even direct dependency of libburn package01:44
ajmitchthen why don't you file a bug?01:45
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pygiajmitch, 'cause I wanted to discuss first? :)01:45
ajmitchchances are fairly slim that a random package in universe has a ubuntu maintainer01:45
Toadstoolindeed :)01:46
pygiajmitch, right,but I still wanna discuss it :P01:46
=== ajmitch sees the maintainer prominently listed on bugs.debian.org/libburn
pygiright, so we don't fix that in ubuntu? :)01:47
ajmitchyou asked for the maintainer to discuss it with01:47
pygiright, but I wanna discuss it with ubuntu folks as well so we can fix it here before debian :P01:47
=== pygi sometimes wonders why he even bothers :)
Toadstoolpygi: your point is libisofs should depend on libburn?01:48
ajmitchpygi: then you should have said that first01:48
pygiToadstool, opposite :) libburn should depend on libisofs, or libisofs should at least be recommended at least01:49
Toadstoolyeah, my mistake :)01:49
=== mitzzzuhiko is now known as mitsuhiko
pygithat's my point :P probably recommended is better, as indeed it's not direct depend() of libburn01:49
pygiajmitch, and that random package will go into main for edgy+1 if all goes well :)01:50
pygiso thoughts? :)01:53
ToadstoolI don't understand why libburn should recommend libisofs01:55
pygiToadstool, because libisofs complements libburn?01:57
Toadstoolthen, to my mind, it's more a Suggests: than a Recommends: ... but I may be wrong :)01:58
Toadstooler, /me surrenders :)01:59
pygiToadstool, don't, I need opinions :P01:59
Nafallohmm, this has something todo with the packaging-writing spec?02:01
Toadstoolnot at all, afaik02:01
Nafalloso why do we see those things in main for edgy+1?02:02
Toadstoolpygi: ^ ? :)02:02
pygiToadstool, Nafallo, because HUB will use it :)02:02
hubpygi: what?02:02
pygihub, not you :P02:03
pygiHome User Backup :)02:03
Toadstoolhub, not hub :p02:03
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pygihub, that happened three times by now :P02:06
=== pygi thinks he just won't get any advices/help here :-/
hubI predate that software02:07
hubI have been using that nick on IRC for over 10 years02:07
pygihub, I said nothing :)02:08
Nafallopygi: why not use nautilus-cd-burner or something02:08
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pygiNafallo, because libburn is better, and I am it's upstream? :P02:10
pygibleh :)02:10
Nafallobaah ;-)02:10
pyginow you see? :)02:11
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imbrandonNafallo: and not everyone uses gnome ;)02:41
imbrandonRE: nautilus-cd-burner02:41
Nafalloimbrandon: baah. I'm just a bit opposed to have to burninglibs installed in a standardinstall.02:42
Nafallos/di/d\ i/02:42
imbrandonNafallo: ok how many computers have you seen sold in the last 2 years that dont have a cdrw ?02:42
NafalloI always pick parts and build myself, but apart from that, to should have been two :-P.02:43
imbrandonhuh ?02:43
Nafalloi.e. libnautilusburn and libburn02:44
imbrandonas i said not everyone uses gnome02:44
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imbrandonQt: 3.3.602:45
imbrandonKDE: 3.5.402:45
imbrandonkde-config: 1.002:45
Nafallono, but I'm sure kde has some lib for burning aswell? :-)02:46
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Hobbseehi all02:52
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NafalloHobbsee: hi there :-)02:53
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bddebianHeya gang03:42
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Nafallohiho bddebian :-)03:43
bddebianWow, hi Nafallo03:43
bddebianI thought maybe you had dropped off the planet? :-)03:44
Nafallosort of :-). I've been working, but home sick today :-/.03:44
bddebianUgh, sorry to hear that03:44
Nafalloyea, but I earn money so... ;-)03:49
NafalloI actually needed to take a break, so it's not that bad.03:49
bddebianNafallo: No, I meant about being home sick :-)03:51
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Nafalloyea, me to. not that bad since I get a break this way :-P.03:51
NafalloI worked 12h saturday, 12h wednesday and 21h thursday last week ;-)03:52
Nafallomoney -> upgrade server -> more porn ;-)03:58
Hobbseeoh dear.03:58
bddebian"so I can make more money, so I can buy more drugs, so I can make more money..."03:59
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zakamehi all04:54
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Gloubiboulgahello zakame05:10
Hobbseehi zakame, Gloubiboulga05:11
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HobbseeLaser_away: with that patching stuff, you should include the bits that go inside debian/rules so that debian/patches get read, i think05:21
Hobbseehi kmilo_libre05:22
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bddebianHello zakame, Gloubiboulga, kmilo_libre06:10
Gloubiboulgaheya bddebian06:10
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bddebianCornellius: ?06:15
CornelliusNo hellos for Cornellius06:15
bddebianOh, Hello Cornellius, I was just hitting people that were "talking", sorry :-)06:16
hubwho shall I pester to have an anti-spam installed on the REVU server06:33
Nafallohub: siretart06:47
hubsiretart: so is it possible to get a spam filter install on the mailing list of motu-reviewers06:47
hubsiretart: I get more spam than signal lately thru this list06:47
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bddebianHoly crap, my attal actually built in Edgy too07:28
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Kyral_Laptophey bddebian what does HIRD stand for?07:31
bddebianWhat's HIRD?07:31
Kyral_Laptopthe H in HURD :P07:31
Kyral_LaptopI may have swapped the I and R07:32
bddebian Herd of Unix Replacing Daemons07:32
Kyral_LaptopI thought it was HIRD07:32
Kyral_Laptopwhat however you spell it07:32
bddebianWTF is a Hird?07:32
Kyral_LaptopI dunno!07:32
Kyral_LaptopDamnit Wikipedia time07:32
Laser_awayHerd sounds right07:34
Kyral_Laptop"HURD is an indirectly recursive acronym, standing for "HIRD of Unix-Replacing Daemons", where "HIRD" stands for "HURD of Interfaces Representing Depth"" - Wikipedia07:34
=== bddebian vomits
Kyral_Laptopsomething wrong?07:36
bddebianKyral_Laptop: Yeah, that's stupid :-)07:36
Kyral_Laptopthen go correct it :P07:37
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ryanakcaGloubiboulga: ping08:28
Gloubiboulgaryanakca, pong08:28
ryanakcaI updated the packaging to that clip daemon, had a look at it?08:29
GloubiboulgaI'll have a look now08:29
ryanakcakk, ty08:29
Gloubiboulgaif I find it on REVU...08:31
Gloubiboulgaah, got it :)08:31
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=== ryanakca goes back to maintenancing his bagpipes
Gloubiboulgaryanakca, the packaging looks fine, I'm testing the build08:36
Gloubiboulgabut I'm not sure it'll work since archive.u.c is very slow tonight08:36
ryanakcayou in europe? (judging from the tonight)08:37
Gloubiboulgaah, built :)08:37
Gloubiboulgayep, in France08:37
ryanakcanice :)08:37
Gloubiboulgaryanakca, nice work :)08:40
ryanakcaGloubiboulga: ty08:43
ryanakcaadd a manpage... hmmm... dunno how... but I'll google it... and watch file... same thing08:45
Gloubiboulgathose two files are not required, but appreciated08:45
Gloubiboulgaand it's just a suggestion ;)08:46
Nafalloisn't manpage required anymore?08:46
GloubiboulgaNafallo, I discovered a few weeks ago that it's not required08:47
Nafallohmm, must have changed recently then...08:47
GloubiboulgaI don't know about 'anymore' ;)08:47
Nafallowell, I'll reread debian's policy when I have time later then...08:48
ryanakcalol, G'night Gloubiboulga08:49
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lordlamerhello. i have made a debian package. how can i migrate that package to ubuntu?09:14
Yagisanany of us motu's graphics artists ?09:15
Yagisanwacom tablets work with Ubuntu right ?09:16
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bddebianHeya crimsun and Yagisan09:17
Yagisanthanks crimsun. That gets me 2 more converts now :)09:17
YagisanI'm converting all the windows programmers in my project to Ubuntu :)09:18
Yagisanheh heh.09:18
Yagisanwhat's up bddebian ?09:18
ryanakcaYagisan: my Graphire 3 works wonders... only thing that doesn't work is the eraser...09:19
Yagisanthanks ryanakca. Thats good to know09:19
ryanakcathe wacom driver thinks it's a pen... so the eraser writes as well... a two sided pen :)09:19
Yagisanthat's rather funny09:22
bddebianYagisan: Not much man, you?09:44
Yagisanbddebian, I've been doing an allnighter for my assignments, and converting Windows devs to Ubuntu09:45
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LaserJockToadstool: you are moving to San Diego?10:33
Toadstoola one-year internship10:33
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Toadstoolat Texas Instruments, San Diego10:34
Toadstoolyeah :)10:34
LaserJockwell, I'm not exactly *that* close to San Diego, but if you ever have a chance to hit northern California you should let me know10:35
Toadstoolwhere do you live?10:35
LaserJockReno, NV10:35
Toadstoolah ok :)10:35
LaserJockit's about a 4 hr drive East from San Francisco10:36
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ToadstoolLaserJock: if by any chance I'll drive nearby Reno, I'll let you know then ;)10:39
LaserJockToadstool: cool10:43
bddebianReno is a dump10:44
bddebianHi Toadstool and LaserJock :)10:44
Toadstoolhey bddebian :)10:44
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LaserJockbddebian: i agree with you11:28
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bddebianLaserJock: ?11:33
LaserJockreno is a dump11:33
bddebianOh :-)11:33
LaserJockI don't much care for it11:33
LaserJockcrimsun: ping?11:34
bddebianLater gang11:40
ryanakcacan someone please look at  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2812 ? I need one more person to advocate :)11:44
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Toadstoolryanakca: in debian/control, bump Standards-Version to 3.7.2 and you really should add a manpage (a missing manpage is considered as a bug according to the Debian policy)11:51
LaserJockI agree11:52
Toadstoolapart from that, good work ;)11:52
ryanakcagot any links on writing manpages?11:52
Toadstoolryanakca: /usr/share/debhelper/dh_make/debian/manpage.1.ex is a good template for a simple manpage11:55
ryanakcaToadstool: ty11:55
Toadstoolg'night everybody12:00
=== Toadstool is now known as ToadZzZztool
LaserJockcya ToadZzZztool12:00
crimsunLaserJock: pong12:02

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