
=== Tz1 [n=Tzy@209.81-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
maccam94running easyubuntu could help too12:01
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noxxlecant i just use a command to synce them12:01
maccam94noxxle: enable all the extra repositories, as well as other useful things ;-)12:01
noxxleW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_universe_binary-i386_Packages) I get this message in synaptics12:01
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Strykyrcan someone please tell me how to get ubuntu to recognize the tcl thats already there?12:01
warren_does anyone know how to get pcmcia support in ubuntu?12:01
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maccam94warren_: it should be automatically installed during the setup process12:02
tgelterso nobody has 5.1 surround sound working?12:02
warren_it is installed but my card isnt recognized12:02
Strykyrcan someone please tell me how to get ubuntu to recognize the tcl program thats already there?12:02
scrappy_warren_: is there a specific card not working?12:02
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maccam94warren_: what card is it?12:02
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amortvigilhow to edit users in console?12:03
peddaIs there a HOWTO for installing phpmyadmin for Ubuntu Dapper?12:03
warren_i thought i read somewhere that pcmcia support went out the window when the new kernel came out12:03
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peddaOr a link in the support forum?12:03
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panthwarren_, dropping pcmcia support?12:03
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zanwhat do the % params stand for in the krusader shortcut: "krusader -caption "%c" %i %m"?12:04
maccam94warren_: is there support for your card by alsa?12:04
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warren_i beleive so12:04
LeetWankerdoes anyone have a fix to get ubuntu to boot off an it8212 controller?12:04
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Androidis there a good flash editor availiable for ubuntu?12:05
Intangiranyone know why DIFFERNET versions of software, and some software not showing up at all ... are in my synaptic.apt, etc listings on two different computers12:05
_Spire_Any help with this? "The default theme schemas could not be found on your system.  This means that you probably don't have metacity installed, or that your gconf is configured incorrectly"12:05
Intangirthat were set up the saaaame freaking way12:05
Intangiri need libmotif312:05
_Spire_That happens when I try to launch the theme manager in gnome12:05
Intangiri cant freaking get it on my 2nd computer, i have ALL THE SAME REPOS!!!!!12:05
maccam94_Spire_: did you just do an update or what?12:05
Intangirits just not listed on my newer install?12:05
_Spire_maccam94: I installed an update and some new themes12:05
LeetWanker_Spire_: have you tried installing Metacity?12:05
zanwhat do the % params stand for in the krusader shortcut: "krusader -caption "%c" %i %m"?12:05
maccam94_Spire_: try syncing the repositories and checking if there are any more updates12:06
_Spire_LeetWanker: I'll try that :P12:06
_Spire_maccam94: okies12:06
scrappy_Intangir: look at the /etc/apt/sources.list files on the two computers12:06
maccam94_Spire_: i'm pretty sure you have Metacity, otherwise you wouldn't have any windows opening up properly. it's probably just newer or older than the theme manager12:06
Strykyrcan someone please tell me how to get ubuntu to recognize the tcl program thats already there?12:06
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_Spire_maccam94: ok12:07
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toxicawayCan someone please tell me about Ubiquity? If i install Ubuntu with Ubiquity on my HDD (from a livecd), will it come with a boot manager?12:07
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:08
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linuxd00dtoxicaway does this awnswer you question !grub12:09
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mweStrykyr: do you have tcl installed?12:09
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=== scrappy_ steals panth's us.
ayeeehttp://pastebin.ca/112409 Anyone know how i FIX this problem?12:09
_Spire_maccam94: I reinstalled and updated metacity. still same problem (yes, I did restart metacity)12:09
toxicawaylinuxd00d: No I doubt it does. Thing is I'm going to install nubuntu livecd onto my Hard drive with the Ubiquity program. I want to make sure I can select which partition to install along with a boot manager so i dont loose and can still boot into Windows XP12:10
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rufusok just intstalled ubuntu and i have a GMA900 .  Do i have graphics driver/accelartion installed by default?12:11
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scrappy_rufus: whats a gma90012:11
linuxd00dtoxicaway: i suppose you could either use the windows boot manager or you could use grub12:11
LeetWankerdoes anyone know how to install ubuntu with it8212 controller support so that it might boot after install?12:11
rufusmedia adapter12:11
rufusits onboard graphics chip12:11
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gnomefreak!enter > rufus12:12
Pumphi, i need help with a pinnacle pctv stereo12:12
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linuxd00dpump: more info??12:12
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Intangirwhy does my synaptic not list libmotif3 or libmotif-dev?12:12
Pumpi want to make it work under ubuntu12:12
Intangirit lists it on my other computer that has THE SAME REPOSITORIES!!!12:12
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lurker99ayeee, looks to me like you never told apache where it was.   but i'm not current on the topic.  try apache.12:12
amortvigili want to change my apache2 dir/var/www into another dir hwo could i do that?12:13
linuxd00dPump: !wine12:13
rufusso i do not have to get grpahics drivers for an INTEl gma 900 it should have the on default12:13
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Strykyrcan someone please tell me how to get ubuntu to recognize the tcl program thats already there?12:13
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:13
Pumpi load the saa7134 module, but i can't see anything12:13
linuxd00ddo u have wine?12:13
Pumpwill it run fine with wine?12:13
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scrappy_rufus: yeah. you might have to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:13
ubotuI know nothing about nvsound - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:13
linuxd00dPump: yes if it is a windows app12:13
noxxlei still cannot get the totem updates, any ideas?12:13
rufusscrappy_: ok thats it htoguht? i do not have to recompile a module or anthing12:13
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Pumpbut what about the drivers?12:14
rufusscrappy_: i did that i just want to make sure. ok sounds gret12:14
panthnoxxle, Probably have to wait a few hours or maybe tomorrow...12:14
rufusscrappy_: you use xgl at all?12:14
noxxleoh is that all?12:14
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panthsome update didn't happen to the mirrors I guess12:14
lurker99ayeee, also: in exim there's a config option to set a default domain.  tried that?   /j #exim12:14
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linuxd00dpump: it may install the drivers needed best thing is just see if it works12:14
panthI haven't checked different repos, but the us ones are missing those atm12:14
Pumpok, can you please help me? i'm now downloading wine12:15
ayeeelurker99: how do i know what configfile it is? its many :(12:15
ayeeein /etc/exim4?12:15
linuxd00dPump: come to #Ubuntu-classroom12:15
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noxxlei also have a problem with my volume. The master volume does not affect the other volumes such as LINE. so when i turn master all the way down, it can still hear sounds from Line or any other volume12:15
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panthnoxxle, what computer?12:15
lurker99ayeee:  that's why i run a monolithic exim config file...  :-)12:15
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noxxleim on a laptop, its using HDA intel driver12:16
panthnoxxle, try "Headphone"12:16
panthseriously :)12:16
ayeeemonolithic? i not that good in english12:16
rufusany one want to explain to me setting up XGL12:16
panthOn my dell lappy, I have to adjust "Headphone" and "Mono"12:16
noxxlewhere is the headphone option12:16
_Spire_maccam94: I reinstalled and updated metacity. still same problem (yes, I did restart metacity)12:16
lurker99ayeee:  yes/ etc/exim4.    monolithic = single,solid12:16
_Spire_maccam94: oops, I said that twice12:16
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ayeeeoh :/12:17
BlackFenceis ubuntu just hype?12:17
panthnoxxle, in the mixer12:17
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ayeeelurker99: you not know by default?12:17
panthBlackFence, no, it's a real distribution12:17
scrappy_rufus: /j #ubuntu-xgl12:17
afiefBlackFence: if you are a developer, know everything about kernel compilation and manual software installation... maybe it is12:17
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tgelterwhere is the module configuration file in ubuntu?12:18
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danf_1979Im a developer, and its not...12:18
afiefBlackFence: yes?12:18
maccam94BlackFence: i've got ubuntu installed on five normal people's computers, they don't even know much of anything about windows, and they like it fine12:18
noxxlei cannot find "the mixer" ive found plenty of other options12:18
danf_1979Ubuntu is as linux as any other...12:19
BlackFenceso we're not normal is what you're saying?12:19
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maccam94_Spire_: weird, i dunno what else the would be the problem :-\12:19
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panthnoxxle, on the volume thing on the bar, right click and "Open volume control"12:19
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noxxlepanth i did that12:19
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_Spire_maccam94: thanks anyways12:19
tgelteranybody? module configuration file is located where?12:19
Strykyrcan someone please tell me how to get ubuntu to recognize the tcl program thats already there?12:19
panthWell, all soundcards have diff channels.. on mine the "master" is named 'headphone'12:19
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lurker99ayeee, see http://pastebin.ca/11242512:19
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noxxlei have a PCM channel12:20
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panthMine defaults to Master, Headphone, Mono, and PC Speaker12:21
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wubrgamerwhere is the defaul t location for the www folder in an apache install on ubuntu ?12:21
panthI'd just fiddle with the channels until you find what works.12:21
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jvaihey uall, sorry 4 bein late12:21
vbgunzAnyone do an upgrade today and have vmware fail miserably?12:21
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azurealdamn, where were you?!?!12:21
TwistDoes anyone know where/if I can find a DEB package of libjingle for ubuntu?12:21
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noxxlei have a pcm and LINE and if i mute pCM programs can still make sound through line12:22
lmosheris it possible to use apt-get source to grab an older version? i.e. I want 0.9.16 not 0.9.1812:22
noxxlevice versa12:22
BlackFenceI meet this chick called ubuntu, small world12:22
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BlackFencewe had great sex, she had a really hairy beaver.12:22
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azureallol didnt notice he'd already left =P12:24
J2D2Is there a way in ubuntu I can have programs start when i start my system12:24
=== scrappy_ hopes work wasnt monitoring his computer just now
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scrappy_ach they are12:25
tgelterhttp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/nforce/1.0-0310/ReleaseNotes.html#Configuration  -   under "Configuring the audio driver" and "Other distributions" does anyone know what the module configuration file it is talking about is?12:25
lmosherJ2D2, if you're using gnome you can add commands under system>preferences>sessions then under "startup programs" tab just click "add" and type whatever command you want.12:26
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RyanTMulliganHow do I install the ximagesrc gstreamer plugin12:26
tgelterI guess a better link is: http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/nforce/1.0-0310/ReleaseNotes.html#Audio_Other_distributions12:26
tgelteranyone know what file to edit?12:26
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azurealj2d2: and for fluxbox it should be in ~/.fluxbox/startup12:26
J2D2thank y'all12:27
lmosherJ2D2, and if you want you can edit your xsession file, you can add it in your initscritps.. etc. etc. :P12:27
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CjneqDo you know how I can install on ubuntu kde?12:28
CjneqMaybe some polish know links?12:28
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azurealbasically, cjneq, it's "sudo apt-get install <package>"12:28
Cjneqbut ....12:28
azurealcjneq: use "apt-cache search <packagename>" for info12:28
nalioth!tell Cjneq about kubuntu12:28
lmosherCjneq, you want to install KDE? You could install a different OS (it's called kubuntu) but you could also do "sudo apt-get install kde12:29
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azurealnalioth: not install it; install progs on it12:29
naliothlmosher: it's actually "kubuntu-desktop"12:29
jonathan_hola seores12:29
Cjneqi konw kubuntu, but i want gnome and kde12:29
lmosherazureal, Actually I think he meant kde, if he's polish it could be a word-order thing :P12:29
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CjneqKDE is K Developement Enviroment and i want to install it.12:30
lmoshernalioth, oops, sorry I've never done it so I wasn't sure... Cjneq there's yoru answer "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"12:30
naliothCjneq: the package "ubuntu-desktop" will get you gnome and other things, and "kubuntu-desktop" will get you kde and such12:30
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lmoshergood luck :)12:30
azurealsince we're talking about these things, might as well ask how to remove packages such as Nano?12:30
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azureali think that's a good example... looking for one that will ask you to remove ubuntu if you say yes =P12:31
Cjneqsorry, i want gnome and kde, not only kde12:31
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mcphailazureal: ubuntu ot ubuntu-desktop?12:31
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Sleeping_Slothhello.... any amd64 users out there?12:31
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Cjneqi was amd6412:32
azurealone sec, i'll make sure12:32
RyanTMulliganI'm having a problem when compiling the latest version of Istanbul. When I finish compiling it and I run it, I get this error in a dialog box: You do not have the ximagesrc GStreamer plugin installed    .:12:32
Sleeping_Slothdoes anyone know if there is a solution to amd64 linux and flash player?12:32
gnomefreakubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop12:32
gnomefreakSleeping_Sloth: gplflash12:32
azurealmcphail: to be removed--ubuntu-base, ubuntu-standard12:32
gnomefreak!flash > Sleeping_Sloth12:32
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Cjneqi think you will install i386. i had amd64 and nothink was working12:33
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mcphailazureal: i suspect they will be metapackages, but would suggest you don't remove them as they'll be important in dist-upgrades12:33
RyanTMulligan!flash > RyanTmulligan12:33
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BHSPitMonkeyI need to make a modified Ubuntu desktop install CD with a few packages added in. Any ideas on how this might be possible?12:34
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azurealmcphail: see? it's sad that one does not have _full_ control12:34
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RyanTMulliganDHSPitMonkey, yes it is, you should look to downloading the ORM images from the repository12:34
azurealmcphail: and i don't remember getting asked what packages i wanted during install, either12:34
mcphailazureal: you have full control. But with full control comes full responsibility :)12:34
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eternalswdhow do I get mplayerplug-in to work in Firefox?12:34
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ubotuI know nothing about orm - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:35
jbaloulever since upgrading my kernel (ubuntu) 2.6.15-26-686, my mic stopped working...i tried everything i know, and can't make it work, can anyone help?12:35
RyanTMulliganmaybe I'm using the wrong term for it...12:35
azurealmcphail: ok, then, how do i make it so that a user will not have to enter a password w/ a sudo command?12:35
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ubotuI know nothing about okies - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:35
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:35
jbaloulMultimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07)12:35
puzioHello all - does anyone here have experiance tieing a Samba PDC into a Windows 2K3 domain forest?12:35
RyanTMulliganBHSPITMonkey: it's called alternate install CD12:35
BHSPitMonkeyRyanTMulligan, that's not what I'm looking for12:36
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BHSPitMonkeyI have one of those, anyway12:36
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azureali don't think you can... it's an ubuntu thing...12:36
BHSPitMonkeybut thanks12:36
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mcphailazureal: i'm sure you can, but i'm no expert on sudo12:37
azurealmcphail: you can't =)12:37
jbaloulmic,  2.6.15-26-686, creative problems?12:37
BHSPitMonkeyjbaloul, sound works?12:37
puzioor even just establishing a trust relationship between two domains - one samba one Win 2k312:37
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jbaloulBHSPitMonkey yes12:37
kawsyHaving an annoying issue with the nvidia driver on my 6800gs.. Works great, totally stable, untill I try to quit gdm, reboot or switch to one of the other ttys12:37
mcphailazureal: there is no "can't"12:37
azurealmcphail: sudoers changes are apparently ignored...12:37
XordanHi, I just updated a bunch of packages on dapper, and now I get this error when trying to run a installer: /usr/lib/pango/1.5.0/modules/pango-basic-fc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:37
kawsythen the whole computer freezes12:37
BHSPitMonkeyjbaloul, are you SURE you don't have a setting wrong? (Capture volume)12:37
jbalouli tried everything12:38
kawsykeepboard stops responding too12:38
XordanI assume the updated removed some needed lib... so do you know what package I can get this from?12:38
BHSPitMonkeyjbaloul, bad mic perhaps?12:38
XordanOh, that's the 32-bit version of the lib I assume.12:38
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jbaloulnope, tested on a different pc and was working before, plus i can here myself if i unmute the mic12:38
gfxstylerhi again12:38
wizzomafizzohi, wondering if anyone could help me. the sound in ubuntu isn't working properly for me, normally it works but as soon as plug in headphones the sound cuts out until i unplug them. I'm guessing it's to do with the driver as it works fine in linux12:38
mcphailazureal: then hack the source and get it to do what you want it to do. Why on earth you would want to run sudo without a password is beyond me anyway12:38
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cocoshello, now gedit is my default editor but i want the default editor to be nano is this possible?12:38
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BHSPitMonkeyjbaloul, if you can hear yourself, then the mic is working...12:39
Sp4rKydoes anyone could help me with dual screen issue ?12:39
=== gfxstyler found out about the r300 xorg ati driver (which supports 3D accel)
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp79-111.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
gfxstylerthe best thing ever12:39
BHSPitMonkeyit's the program you're trying to record in12:39
azurealmcphail: it's just one of those points against your 'there is no can't '12:39
Xordannobody knows?12:39
jbalouli know, but i can't record, capture, skype, or anything12:39
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mcphailazureal: but you _can_ - this is open source12:39
jbaloularecord in console doesn't even record12:39
BHSPitMonkeylook at the audio settings in those programs... not sure what to tell you12:39
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BHSPitMonkeyit obviously is getting something12:39
azurealalso, why, when i run visudo, does NANO come up12:40
mcphailcocos: export VISUAL=nano is your .bash-profile12:40
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jbaloulBHSPitMonkey i think that is a hardware thing12:40
jbaloulthat you can hear yourself12:40
azureali suddenly remembered my tumultuous anger for nano12:40
jbaloulthe OS can't recognize the input though12:40
BHSPitMonkey<3 nano12:40
cocosmcphail: export VISUAL=nano or VISUAL=nano?12:40
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mcphailcocos: the first one12:41
azurealmcphail: same question, but vi12:41
vbgunzanyone do an update and completely kill vmware in the process?12:41
mcphailazureal: same answer12:41
=== euler [n=euler@201-34-49-145.gnace702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
=== Xordan dances around waving his arms
azurealmcphail: vi will work (not vim)12:42
cocosmcphail: but i would like to be nano as default editor when i click on a file in nautilus12:42
=== nverhaar [n=nverhaar@mail.senews.com.au] has joined #Ubuntu
mwevbgunz: you need to recompile the vmware modules if you update the kernel12:42
mcphailcocos: right click on the file and choose preferences12:42
euleralguem fala portugues12:42
kawsyAnyone else have the nvidia driver freeze the console when you switch out of X?12:42
Pumpeuler: i speak spanish12:42
=== xored [n=gasdasdf@i3ED6C30F.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
mwevbgunz: vmmon.ko and vmnet.ko12:43
vbgunzmwe: I've done everytime and everytime it worked... this time, recompiling, uninstalling, installing, etc don't work... nothing works this time... first time I've ever seen this12:43
kalosaurusrexhow do I install scanimage in dapper?12:43
eulerok pump12:43
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kalosaurusrex!package scanimage12:43
ubotuI know nothing about package scanimage - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:43
cocosmcphail: ofcourse great thanks12:43
=== mercykiller [n=mercykil@ppp-70-248-235-56.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwevbgunz: well does lsmod confirm the modules are loaded?12:43
=== Knurg [n=Knurg@ti131310a080-15412.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
azurealso, is anyone a sudoers expert?12:43
mwevbgunz: yes12:44
=== noxxle [n=noxxle@bsu186127.bemidjistate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
mwevbgunz: type lsmod see if vmmon and vmnet shows12:44
azurealbtw, thx mcphail, export VISUAL=vi worked =)12:44
Knurghi. got a problem with x-crash. please msg me if you care to help. tnx12:44
micahcowanazureal, I'm sure several here are.12:44
noxxlehow can i stream the realplayer files at www.amazon.com12:44
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mcphailazureal: when you chose Ubuntu, you chose a package-managed distribution. This removes some of your control, but brings great benefits. If you want absolute control, use something like LFS12:44
vbgunzmwe: yes, lsmod shows them but the app never loads up :\12:44
azurealmcphail: blah! =P12:45
bigbill52ai installed both gnome and kde...just today kdm became corrupt and did not let me log into either gnome or kde...i had already given myself a root password, so i was able to load gdm from a terminal prompt....how do i fix kdm?12:45
=== jhasse [n=jhasse@p5489C2E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwevbgunz: thr -26 kernel ?12:45
=== r000t [n=r000t@c213-89-132-227.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
XordanIs there a channel just for amd64 ubuntu users?12:45
micahcowanmcphail: what sorts of loss of control are you referring to? I never felt that way (though controlling things can be, in certain ways, more difficult than they'd have to be...)12:45
vbgunzmwe: 2.6.15-26-68612:45
Knurgsomeone know the shell command to config X in ubuntu?12:45
kawsybigbill52a,: maybe dpkg-reconfigure kdm12:45
gnomefreakKnurg: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:45
azurealok, my sudoers question is this:   why doesnt  "<user> ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL"  work?12:46
Pumpdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:46
=== joe___ [n=joe@82-68-180-153.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailmicahcowan: azureal is concerned that when he tries to remove nano, ubuntu wants to remove a couple of other meta-packages along with it12:46
bigbill52athanks i will try it12:46
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Knurgthanks alot gnomefreak12:46
micahcowanazureal: define "work"?12:46
kawsybigbill52a,: maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm12:46
mwevbgunz: I heard it broke for some people. maybe they changed the memory setting or something vmware doesn't like that. what does vmware say if you try ro start it from a terminal12:46
r000ti really need help setting up a virtual interface (with dhcp) in dapper could someone help me please12:46
peddaI have a fresh LAMP install (Ubuntu 6.06 dapper), trying to install phpmyadmin.12:46
azurealmicahcowan: that user still has to enter his password to run sudo commands12:46
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Pumpr000t: install dhcp-server12:46
vbgunzmwe: i tried that but it is long... I would have to paste it, one sec12:46
peddaIs this it?12:46
peddaKeep the following packages at their current version:12:46
peddalibgd2-xpm [Not Installed] 12:46
peddaphp5-cgi [Not Installed] 12:46
peddaphp5-common [5.1.2-1ubuntu3 (now)] 12:46
peddaphp5-gd [Not Installed] 12:46
peddaphp5-mcrypt [Not Installed] 12:46
mcphailazureal: i'm no sudo expert, but did you do this with visudo?12:46
peddaphpmyadmin [Not Installed] 12:46
=== mumbles is now known as mumbles-zzz
peddaScore is 4712:46
peddaAccept this solution? [Y/n/q/?]  y12:47
gnomefreakpedda: dont paste in here12:47
peddaThe following packages have been kept back:12:47
pedda  apache2 apache2-common apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils gnupg libapache2-mod-php5 libapr0 libmysqlclient15off12:47
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azurealmcphail: yes...12:47
mwepedda: shut up12:47
r000tPump, how would that help me12:47
Pumpr000t: that's the server12:47
mcphailazureal: and you're sure that's the correct sudo syntax?12:47
XordanUrr, can anyone see what I'm typing?12:47
Pumpr000t: then you configure it12:47
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=== gnomefreak goes back to breaking things
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r000tPump, i just want a virtual interface to (get) an ip12:47
micahcowanazureal, I use /exactly/ that line on my system, and it works fine. Did you edit it via visudo?12:47
azureali looked it up some days ago; i guess i'll make sure now as well12:47
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jpatotahow do i copy my install cd on to the harddrive and use it an apt source12:47
=== Malachi [n=Malachi@207-119-45-215.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
docgnomewhat is the java class path for the sun-java5 packages?12:48
Pumpr000t: oh, so you don't need the server12:48
azurealmicahcowan: do you have any other uncommented lines of interest?12:48
bigbill52abe back after i test...12:48
r000tPump, exactly12:48
tuxtuxnotte a tutti12:48
Pumpr000t: just configure it in gnome network panel, and select dhcp12:48
=== _TomB [n=ownt@ACD81603.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
bigbill52ait gave me a choice between kdm and gdm and i picked gdm12:48
=== movist [n=shin_gun@c-66-41-57-69.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xordanok... I'll try the forums then...12:48
=== Xordan [n=xordan@dsl-217-155-44-89.zen.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Bye"]
r000tPump, i need to get a virtual interface that is eth0:0 to get an ip .. but it wont work12:49
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micahcowanazureal, just an entry for root. Can you paste the contents of your sudoers file (if you don't mind) to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?12:49
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azurealmicahcowan: because I have a "Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn" line as well12:49
r000tPump, trying to add an entry in /etc/network/interfaces12:49
MalachiIs there a way I can have, say, a different icon theme, window border, and desktop background for separate sessions? I'd like my Compiz section to look different from my Gnome session.12:49
azurealand then also a root line12:49
=== m3talc0re [n=m3talc0r@adsl-155-159-111.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
m3talc0rehey, what's a good music player for ubuntu?12:50
vbgunzmwe: this is all: http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/138812:50
gekko`m3talc0re: xmms12:50
Malachim3talc0re: amoroK12:50
vbgunzmwe: doesn't seem bad :(12:50
toxicawayhow do i search for a file in bash?12:50
mwer000t: I'd say use the front end in gnome if you're not comfortable editing the file by hand12:51
micahcowanm3talc0re, I like xmms, many people like banshee(?), rhythmbox12:51
mcphailhoffa_: locate or find12:51
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Pumpr000t: have you tried with network-admin?12:51
Malachim3talc0re: You could try Banshee as well. Or Rhythmbox.12:51
mcphailhoffa_: sorry - that wasn't for you12:51
Malachim3talc0re: Or mplayer.12:51
r000tmwe, so how do i add eth0:0 ther then12:51
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m3talc0rehappen to know xmms or banshee's apt-get name?12:51
mwer000t: eth0:0 ?!12:51
IRCMonkeyXanyone has experience, about linux kernel root security? what must be done for security ?12:51
RyanTMulliganDoes anyone know about ubuntu's gstreamer plugins, specifically ximagesrc?12:51
mwer000t: that's not an interface12:51
Pumpr000t: there you have all the interfaces, you select eth0 and put dhcp12:52
bigbill52athanks..i was able to bypass kdm and use gdm as my log on manager...12:52
m3talc0rei'll google it and see what i find12:52
Malachim3talc0re: No, but I'm sure a Synaptic search will find it.12:52
=== derrickh [n=derrick@rrcs-24-153-226-8.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mwer000t:  you can add eth0 which is the name though12:52
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tjanssonI having problems installing ubutu on my laptop? I can't get past the menu and selecting a lamp install. It seems that kernel makes my computer restart12:52
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r000tmwe, i need a virtual interface for a second ip12:52
MalachiMeh, gotta go.12:52
mwer000t: eth0:0 is not a valid name12:52
azurealmicahcowan: ok, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1951312:52
Pumpr000t: as nwe says, then you put dhcp and that's it12:52
mwer000t: I'm not familiar with that. sorry12:52
r000tmwe, you dont know what youre talking about12:52
vbgunzmwe: problems don't seem that serious, do they?12:53
toxicawaywhats the command to search for a file in bash?12:53
mcphailtoxicaway: find or locate12:53
derrickhis there a way to change which menu.lst GRUB reads?  i have two linux partitions (hda1 and hda3) and GRUB currently points at the menu.lst in hda3.  how can i fix this?12:53
mwer000t: I said I'm not familiar with that buthead12:53
Pumpgotta go, bye12:53
r000tmwe, virtual interfaces are extensively used to map more ip addresses to one interface12:53
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE00904bbc8c86-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
toxicawaymcphail thanks!12:53
=== Kachingo [n=chatzill@202-89-150-139.ubs.qsi.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
mwer000t: I never had a need for that12:54
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r000tmwe, i c.. no need for buthead though12:54
=== mnp [n=mnp@LANDAU-THREE-TWENTY-EIGHT.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
peddaI've tried to install phpmyadmin on a fresh LAMP install. However, it doesn't seem to work. I used this line sudo aptitude install phpmyadmin  How do I find out if it's been installed or not?12:54
=== Dravas [n=Dravas@ppp-70-224-208-47.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
jhasseHow can i disable this animation which is shown when minimizing windows?12:55
=== warren_ [n=warren@wsip-70-182-255-166.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mnphow do i get rid of an apt-get error message like: E: The package linux-image-2.6.17 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it12:55
=== bec_ [n=bec@adsl-68-74-176-169.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
DravasI need the best Linux archive extractor that supports split and passworded RAR archives12:55
mwevbgunz: what happens in the?12:55
cocoshi, is there anyone here whit a ATI Radeon 9800 pro that installed the ati driver succesfully? or is there maybe someone who has a good HOW-TO link for me?12:55
vbgunzmwe: ?12:55
vbgunzmwe: I pasted everything12:55
mcphailDravas: unrar should be fine for that12:55
blinkerI need someone to assist me in modifying my synaptics touchpad settings: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19514 where after the command "synclient-m100", f = 0 or 1 indicates the click status on the touchpad (I think). this is a feature I'm trying to diable12:55
mwevbgunz: I mean does nothing happen or does it hang or what?12:56
Dr_Willisjhasse,  ive heard theres some gconf setting you can mess with - but thats all i rember. :( heh.12:56
KachingoHowdy, I'm new to linux, and I was trying to install a program. I was wondering how you add the path (?), so it can be run by typing the command into the command line?12:56
=== chtank [n=chtank@cpe-72-177-255-182.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
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micahcowanazureal, for s&g, maybe try commenting out the Defaults line.12:56
jhasseDr_Willis: hm.. okay, thx anyway12:56
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@AC8D286F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
vbgunzI get a starting taskbar button for a few seconds maybe (10-15)... then it exits... through terminal, I get all that feedback quick and nothing happens... at least vmware does not launch :(12:56
cocosKachingo: sudo apt-get install <packagename>12:56
warren_does acpi=off disable sound??12:57
chtankhowdy people, I am about to give Ubuntu another try but have a question, perhaps you can answer it for me12:57
jhassewarren_: No12:57
cocoschtank: just ask :)12:57
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jhassewarren_: it's a feature of the mainboard for saving energy12:57
=== Knurg [n=Knurg@ti131310a080-15412.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
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micahcowanKachingo: typing `PATH="$PATH:<new-path>"` at the command line (minus the `s) will change it for this session. Add that command somewhere in the file ~/.bashrc to edit it permanently.12:57
mwevbgunz: hmm. I'm afraid I don't know what to do. the output you pasted is not fatal I think12:58
jhassewarren_: and also that your computer turns automaticly off when shutting down12:58
azurealmicahcowan: no immediate effect...is there some command i need to run for it to re-read the sudoers file?12:58
warren_well the reason i asked is because i typed the output from dmesg into google and found that at least a few people used that boot option and suddenly didnt get sound12:58
vbgunzmwe: indeed it is surprising... not sure what happend :(12:58
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@202-89-146-150.quicksilver.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Kachingococos: It's not a package in the repository12:58
mwevbgunz: it's complaining about undefined symbols though12:58
Kachingomicahcowan: cheers! I'll try that12:58
ubotuI know nothing about perl - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:58
cocosIs there anyone here whit a ATI Radeon 9800 pro that installed the ati driver succesfully? or is there maybe someone who has a good HOW-TO link for me?12:58
vbgunzI see *but* don't know what it means...12:58
DravasWhat do I type to extract it from the Archive with the password12:58
mwevbgunz: did the bonobo lib update?12:58
InvisiblePinkUniwhere can i find checksetup.pl? i'm trying to install bugzilla12:59
micahcowanazureal, shouldn't be, no... and you're editing via visudo, right?12:59
cocosKachingo: make && make install & make clean is that what you mean?12:59
mnphow do i get rid of an apt-get error message like: E: The package linux-image-2.6.17 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it12:59
jhassewarren_: hm.,. I'm not sure..12:59
warren_can anyone help with this: PCI: IRQ 0 for device 0000:00:1f.5 doesn't match PIRQ mask  ?12:59
vbgunzmwe, not sure, I had plenty of updates *but* too many to track12:59
azurealmicahcowan: naturally12:59
chtankI have Ubuntu 4.?? which I ran some time ago, and it is on my old Dell, but monitor is out of service, and I have also Ubuntu 5.04, which I have not tried yet,12:59
mwevbgunz: it means vmware is calling a function that is not present in that version12:59
mwevbgunz: does it work if you boot the old kernel?12:59
vbgunzyeah, but my boot menu is the same as it was before...01:00
warren_where did support for pcmcia go?01:00
mwevbgunz: I'd use the old kernel and report a bug01:00
warren_my system doesnt recognize card after i installed ubuntu6.06 lts01:00
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vbgunzmwe: I didn't upgrade the kernel... it must have been something else01:00
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Kachingococos: That's compiling it from source isn't it? I downloaded the binary files. It's all installed I think, I just need to add the  PATH=.....01:01
vbgunzI only have one kernel in the boot option01:01
mwevbgunz: maybe compare lsmod from the two kernels to see if something is loaded in one but not the other though I doubt it01:01
mwevbgunz: oh01:01
tjanssonmy ubuntu install is failing - where should i look for help?01:01
chtankHowever, I have been and am talking to you from a PCLinuxOS which I am having problems but want to keep my files, I see that expert mode of install for of Ubuntu will safe all my Linux files01:01
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mwevbgunz: are you sure?01:01
derrickhif i have linux installed on two partitions and delete the partition which GRUB points to, how can i change it to where GRUB points at the other partition?01:01
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vbgunzmwe: yes, am looking at menu.lst now :)01:01
tjanssonIt fails in loading the kernel01:01
warren_i can help you01:01
jvaimaybe that's my prob w/ JAVA RME setting the path, it wont work 4 nada01:01
mwevbgunz: well it get's updated you know?01:01
kawsyAnyone?  x crashes when switching to console with nvidia driver.. never crashes otherwise01:02
warren_unfortunately, i think its what is messing up my sound..01:02
vbgunzmwe: thank you so much. I will try to figure it out a bit later. I'll be back in a bit!01:02
warren_in grub, add the boot option  acpi=off01:02
maddyi've installed new mobo and now ubuntu doesnt boot01:02
warren_then continue01:02
azurealmicahcowan: you have that %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL command as well?01:02
=== chtank have three partitions, one for Win2000pro, one for PCLinuxOS and one for Ubuntu with old Linux files that I wish to keep
jvaiwill downloading the java runtime environment from windows, then pointing it to wine work?01:02
mwevbgunz: yes. finding out if it's a new kernel causing it would help a lot01:03
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mwejvai: I think not01:03
micahcowanazureal, I'm assuming you don't have an alias set for sudo, or somesuch? Do you get anything for "env | grep ^SUDO"?01:03
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mwejvai: try it though01:03
jvaijava's broke01:03
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mcphailmicahcowan: could you paste your sudoers file?01:04
jvaii'll try it01:04
kleesdoing a sudo apt-get upgrade  tells me totem was left back01:04
kleesanyone knows y?01:04
=== chtank does not like WINE at all, it does not work for major Windows applicaions such as Autocad
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micahcowanazureal, on the system I'm currently on (plain debian), I don't have that line. But that brings up a good point about precedence, which I'll check into.01:04
tjanssonwarren_: it fails eventhough it say "install noapic"01:04
kleesor how can i find out01:04
Xaero_VincentHow stable is Ubuntu "snapshot" ?01:04
Nukednot at all?01:04
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azurealmicahcowan: you're running debian?!?! that's _not_ related then01:04
noxxlecan ubuntu read java scripts on websites?01:05
jvaidl'ing freespire right now on a torrent, in starbuck's too, the dl rate increased when i set the upload rate to 1000. >:P01:05
warren_i know, but i had to type acpi=off exactly and in addition to that just to get it to boot01:05
mcphailnoxxle: of course01:05
warren_i have no idea why that works but it does01:05
chtankyes, noxxle01:05
azurealmicahcowan: the whole point was that it's strictly an ubuntu inconvenience01:05
jribnoxxle: a lot of browsers in ubuntu can01:05
azurealbecause of the fact that everything's centered around sudo01:05
noxxlewell firefox isnt, do i need to download something?01:05
tjanssonwarren_: Il try that :D01:05
azurealand now, dinner =)01:05
chtankactually it is the browser that reads javascript01:05
jribnoxxle: what website?01:05
tjanssonwarren_: :D01:06
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micahcowanazureal, only at this moment. sudo works the same on both, and I never use root directly on debian (always sudo), so I don't really see the difference.01:06
micahcowanmcphail, in case you still wanted it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1951701:06
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noxxlethe fafsa website01:06
noxxlefor student financial aid01:06
micahcowanazureal: try commenting out the %admin line (if you don't need it for other purposes)...01:06
Xaero_Vincentwell has anyone here got Dapper then changed their sources.list to point to Etch and update all the installed packages?01:06
zi3d4n3Please i need help: Is it possible to install Yenc PowerPost in Ubuntu ??01:06
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micahcowanazureal,  (just FYI) I'm planning on changing my work system over to Ubuntu very soon, so I can be a tad more helpful on this list. :-) ...I currently use it at home.01:07
=== chtank is going to leave here and go to his own IRC network and ask those in irc.deepspace.org who run Ubantu his questions, this it way too busy for me to see any answers, sorry guys
tjanssonwarren_: Unfortunatly it just keeps rebooting after loading the kernel01:07
azurealhehe, just PM me, i'll be afk for dinner01:07
jribnoxxle: does this page work for you: http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/go/explorit/java/IntroJavaScript.html  do you get a prompt for your name?01:07
noxxlei found a java runtime with synaptics01:07
azurealbut thx for the attempts micahcown01:07
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noxxleyes it does jrib01:08
warren_is this a live cd?01:08
noxxleso does that mean java should work?01:08
jribnoxxle: ah java and javascript are different things.  Is it java that you meant?01:08
tjanssonit is the server i386 install cd01:08
noxxlei dont know, i just know the fafsa website isnt working fo rme01:08
micahcowanazureal, according to sudoers(5), the last entry applying to a user is applied: you might try putting the user-specific line after the %admin line.01:08
noxxlejrib that website you just posted asked me for my name01:08
jribnoxxle: Can you be more specific, is there a specific page that doesn't work?  the main fafsa site seems to work fine for me.01:09
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noxxleit wont let me submit data, ill try again later01:09
jvaithatl ink asks 4 personal into!01:09
jvaifor  the java01:09
HellDragonnight jvai01:10
noxxledoes ubuntu come with a backup program?01:10
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi01:10
jvaipeac dragon01:10
mcphailazureal: moving the NOPASSWD line to the end of the sudoers file works01:10
mcphailmicahcowan: see you got there first...01:11
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jvaioo! is there a way that i can copy my ubuntu install, & create an iso of it? making a new cd?01:11
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micahcowanmcphail: he indicated he may now be afk; I just PM'd him with our combined info. :-)01:11
jvaican i use knoppix to do it?01:11
micahcowanmcphail, I learned something new today :)01:12
mcphailmicahcowan: yes - poorly documented syntax sucks...01:12
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jvaiwher's er1?01:15
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budluvahello, can someone lend a hand here, i just had my first hard lock in ubuntu dapper, wondering where can i find the logs to look at what caused my crash???01:19
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ZambeziCan anybody help me activate SSL in lftp?01:19
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mcphailbudluva: in the /var/log directory01:19
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budluvamcphail: ya i know but what log?01:20
jvaisystem logs01:20
marce59hi ! I'm trying to start Apache  but when I browse to localhost there is a Alert "The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost."01:20
mcphailbudluva: try /var/log/messages first, then /var/log/syslog etc01:20
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jvaisystem tools ->system logs, is the /var/log01:20
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bl3ssingcan anybody tell me why Adept is comming only read only mode, please?01:21
gekko`bl3ssing: it's running without root permission01:22
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto01:22
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rufusquick question just got xgl compwiz installed01:23
rufusanyone know why its slow i have a card that is supported01:23
rufusintel gma 90001:23
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BioVorEAnyone know if the x1400 on Xorg 7 on ubuntu support xvideo extentions.. I followed that guide and it seems to work but I don't get xvideo or ati's open libs...01:24
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BioVorE(ATI X1400)01:25
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rufusanyone know how to make it so xgl and compqiz do not hog cpu and use the graphics chip instead01:25
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BioVorErufus: probably need to get your graphics card setup correctly..01:26
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rufusBioVorE: how would one go about digging into this then?01:26
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NoZyhi guys01:26
=== smacky_wolf is away: Work and shit. See you all later.
simpohi! how can i force apt-get to create new config files ?01:27
BioVorErufus: you have an ati or nvidia card?01:27
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rufusnope intel GMA 90001:27
rufusits supported by xgl01:27
BioVorEsimpo: dpkg-reconfigure <package-name>01:27
rufusIntel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family Graphics Controller01:27
Warbosimpo: You will need to purge the package (remove it + configs) then reinstall. "sudo apt-get --purge remove package && sudo apt-get install package"01:27
rufusthats what i got01:27
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BioVorErufus: intel GMA 900 is a software render card.. so basicly.. your screwed01:27
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WarboOr use dpkg-reconfigure :)01:28
bl3ssinggekko`, how can I do it with root permission?01:28
rufusi have Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family Graphics Controller01:28
marce59Firefox is working ok with internet sites, but refuse to connect to localhost, what can I do ?01:28
gekko`bl3ssing: kdesu adept01:28
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Warbomarce59: Are you running a webserver?01:29
rufusBioVorE: so why is it listed as supported?01:29
BioVorEits working ant it..01:29
BioVorEit just going to be slow01:29
simpoWanderer->  BioVorE ; none of it works :/01:30
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marce59I'm trying to configure apache, but when I shutdown the machine, the service 'fail' to shutdown (because httpd is not running), what can i put httpd up ?01:30
rufusokies well i apperciate you help!01:30
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Warbomarce59: The scripts live in /etc/init.d, so try starting them manually (like "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" or equivalent)01:30
BioVorErufus: I don't even bother with xgl anymore.. just a concept before its time I suppose..01:30
Dr_WillisI agree BioVorE01:31
warren_how can i assign the right irqs to devices?01:31
rufusBioVorE: what do you use for sweet eye candy then?01:31
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BioVorEwarren_: bios handles irq assignments on PC's01:31
Dr_WillisEye candy causes ocular cavities.01:31
BioVorEwarren_: Its called plug and pray for a reason01:31
warren_lemme explain my problem01:31
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warren_i have to tell boot acpi=off else my kernel wont boot01:32
rufusBioVorE: they say aiglx works better with my card01:32
warren_that goofs up irq assignment01:32
rufusi might try that now01:32
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BioVorErufus: I don;t... Why eye candy a nice text console..01:32
warren_thus, i get no sound01:32
rufustrue that iguess01:32
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orcdestroyerhello... I cant mount some driver because show up for me that I don't have permission... I've already as a root, but it doesn't workout01:33
orcdestroyerwhat should I do about it?01:33
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NotWiredhow do i run something during bootup everytime?01:34
jriborcdestroyer: you mean partition, not driver?  What filesystem does it use?01:34
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jvaioo! is there a way that i can copy my ubuntu install, & create an iso of it? making a new cd?01:34
roostishawwhy do i keep getting http://pastebin.ca/112490 with http://pastebin.ca/11249101:34
meherenhow can I transfer all my setteings preferences bookmarks ect. from firefox on HD1 (backup HD) to HD0 (the HD i just cleanly installed dapper onto01:34
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orcdestroyerjrib my CD driver01:34
orcdestroyerto mount my CD driver01:34
toxicawayIs there a list of all the softwares available in the Ubuntu Repository in some text format?01:35
marce59warbo !01:35
mdircOn Ubuntu I am running vncviewer (version 4), but when I connect to it I just get a grey screen with an X mouse ponter. Following is my /home/someuser/.vnc/xstartup file has01:35
mdircunset SESSION_MANAGERexec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc01:35
mdirc[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ]  && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup01:35
mdirc[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ]  && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources01:35
mdircxsetroot -solid grey01:35
mdircvncconfig -iconic &01:35
mdircxterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &01:35
mdirc#Setup VNC Server with Gnome01:35
mdircmdirc: exec gnome-session &01:35
jribNotWired: if you just want to run something when your user logs in, use system > preferences > sessions > startup.  If you want something actually during bootup, read 'man update-rc.d'01:35
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Warbomarce59: Yeah? (sorry, I'm installing loads of stuff at the moment)01:36
NotWiredokay jrib, thanks... it needs to run at bootup... as root01:36
marce59I 've tried to manually start apache, but there is a syntax error in httpd.conf, Action application/x-httpd-php "/usr/bin/php5.exe"01:36
marce59 (i put this line trying to configure php01:36
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orcdestroyerjrib hello? Can you help me?01:36
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Warbo"php5.exe"? Are you sure that exists?01:36
marce59why the line is wrong ?01:36
jriborcdestroyer: I'm not sure I know exactly what you want, I don't know anything about cd drivers01:36
longwavemarce59: how did you install php?01:36
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marce59i check it01:36
bl3ssinggekko`, I've typed the command, but ... nothing appear here ... the cursor goes down under my abc@abc: -$ kdesu adept ....01:36
marce59i will check it01:37
meherenhow can I transfer all my setteings preferences bookmarks ect. from firefox on hd1 (backup HD) to hd0 (the HD i just cleanly installed dapper onto)01:37
toxicawayIs there a list of all the softwares available in the Ubuntu Repository in some text format?01:37
jribtoxicaway: packages.ubuntu.com has a list somewhere01:37
n3rdismI've set up my new monitor and its running 1680x1050 just fine, xorg.conf is up to speed and I ran the xserver setup to adjust anything. But for some reason, when I try to play a movie, or start a game. the program closes; for instance VLC closes right after I load a movie into it. Can anyone help?01:37
roostishaw!pastebin > mdirc01:37
toxicawayjrib: oh okay01:37
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Warbomarce59: "ls /usr/bin/php*"01:37
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Artan1sorcdestroyer:Are you asking how to mount your CD Drive?01:37
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gekko`bl3ssing: are you using kde?01:37
orcdestroyerArtan1s yes01:37
marce59it is just php5 ,  isn't it ? (because i'm new in Linux !)01:38
bl3ssinggekko`, yes.01:38
bl3ssingkdesu adept01:38
bl3ssingkdesu: cannot connect to X server01:38
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Artan1sorcdestroyer:Ok that is much different than a driver :-D01:38
bl3ssinggekko`, this is under root.01:38
orcdestroyerArtan1s when I try... ~you are note privileged to mount the volume ~01:38
Artan1sare you doing it in sudo01:38
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gekko`bl3ssing: dont do it as root01:38
longwavemarce59: well, there are two ways of running php5, either mod_php or cgi, and php5 on its own doesn't specify which01:38
longwavemarce59: the best option is mod_php, install libapache2-mod-php5 and it should just work straight away01:39
meherenwhere all all of firefoxes conf files?01:39
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Warbolongwave: I'll let you take over. I only know the /etc/init.d bit :)01:39
bl3ssinggekko`, I've done it. Out of root, and appears the password edit field ... but the adept's still read only. :(01:39
marce59thanks !01:39
meherenhow can I transfer all my setteings preferences bookmarks ect. from firefox on hd1 (backup HD) to hd0 (the HD i just cleanly installed dapper onto)01:40
gekko`bl3ssing: are you running some other application which blocks your sources.list, apt-get or another adept session?01:40
orcdestroyercan anyone help me?01:40
=== facugaich [n=facugaic@host61.200-82-124.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Artan1sorcdestroyer:once again, are you doing it in sudo?01:41
marce59and in the httpd.conf file, the line must be Action application/x-httpd-php "/usr/bin/libapache2-mod-php5"  ?01:41
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bl3ssingas I know, there's noone opened, but it might be something hidden? I mean ... running without showing me?01:41
longwavemeheren: the profile is stored in /home/username/.mozilla/firefox, you can find the bookmark files and things in there01:41
meherenlongwave thx :)01:42
gekko`bl3ssing: check ps ax | grep adept01:42
simpoi have apache installed, i deleted /etc/apache and now i cant get it installed again what should i do ?01:42
=== kernco [n=chatzill@c-68-59-136-47.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
longwavemarce59: no, you just need to enable the module in the apache config01:42
harisundsimpo ou deleted /etc/apache2 ? Manually?01:42
longwavemarce59: run "sudo a2enmod php5" to switch it on, then restart apache01:42
mehereni was looking for a /home/(my usrname is meheren)/.movzilla-firefox.... :p01:42
simpoharisund->  yes01:42
harisundsimpo ... hmm.. so you want to restart from scratch I assume/01:42
simpoharisund->  yes :D01:43
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bl3ssinggekko`, appeared:  5950 ?        S      0:01 adept_notifier01:43
bl3ssing 6682 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep adept01:43
marce59the prompt says that the module is already enable01:43
bl3ssinggekko`, what should I do know?01:43
harisundsimpo do you know what all packages you have that are related? Like in PHP and MySQL pckages?01:43
kerncoAre other people having errors updating the totem packages throught the auto-updater?01:43
orcdestroyerArtan1s now I did it01:44
orcdestroyer:] 01:44
gekko`bl3ssing: try "kill -9 5950"01:44
simpoharisund->  only apache01:44
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longwavesimpo: uninstall apache2-common with the purge option: "sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2-common", then reinstall the apache2 package01:44
bl3ssinggekko`, done.01:44
harisundsimpo, longwave beat me to it :)01:44
gekko`kdesu adept01:44
longwavesimpo: the configuration files belong to the -common package so purging that should remove the broken ones too01:44
n3rdismI've set up my new monitor and its running 1680x1050 just fine, xorg.conf is up to speed and I ran the xserver setup to adjust anything. But for some reason, when I try to play a movie, or start a game. the program closes; for instance VLC closes right after I load a movie into it. Can anyone help?01:45
facugaichalguien sabe q formato le doy a printf para mostrar un puntero01:45
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longwaven3rdism: if you start vlc or something from a terminal, is there any output when the program closes? or anything in your X log?01:45
n3rdismlongwave: xlog?01:46
meherenn3rdism, I think it's a problem with the game or vlc not x... have you tried a different game or a different media player (Mplayer, totem, xine)01:46
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bl3ssinggekko`, THE SAME PB!01:46
Artan1sSo, I'm pretty much a bad-ass01:46
facugaichfacugaich: woops, wrong channel, sry01:46
gekko`bl3ssing: any error message?01:46
n3rdismmeheren: vlc worked great before i changed things for the new monitor01:46
=== JoseGosdin [n=dosbubba@c-71-226-93-10.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mdirccan anyone help me with vncviewer 4 configuration on ubuntu desktop 6.0.601:46
marce59now, i'm running apache, but mozilla says "you have chosen to open prueba1.php " what should Firefox do with this file ?  open with php501:46
simpolongwave, harisund Thanks a lot, i was purging "apache2" package only so this files couldnt be created :D01:46
longwaven3rdism: /var/log/Xorg.0.log or similar01:47
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=== Red_Life [n=RedDeath@c-68-61-244-162.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoseGosdinHello everyone, I am starting a Christian Ubuntu distribution.01:47
JoseGosdinIt will include all the GNOME bible software such as sword.01:47
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jvaioo k01:47
viper550Wanna see my new theme for Edgy?01:47
Red_LifeHello everybody. I am helping JoseGosdin in the development of the Christian Ubuntu Distro.01:47
bl3ssinggekko`, kdesu adept01:47
bl3ssingkbuildsycoca running...01:47
InvisiblePinkUniwhere can i find checksetup.pl? i'm trying to install bugzilla01:47
JoseGosdinIf anyone wants to help out, please join #christianubuntu and help spread the message of Christ and Ubuntu!01:48
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Red_LifeYes, please.01:48
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ubotuI know nothing about jesus - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:48
AndyCoollJoseGosdin: Is this related to the one on ubuntuforums?01:48
meherenn3rdism, still vlc might be goofing because of the new monitor... It just sounds more like a vlc then a X prob... ( I might be wrong...)01:49
=== Artan1s is listening to Off the Wall
=== Risky [n=Risky@p5247-ipad412osakakita.osaka.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
JoseGosdinAndyCooll, Yes.01:49
Red_LifeYes, we are one and the same.01:49
gekko`bl3ssing: check ps ax | grep dcopserver01:49
n3rdismmeheren: it may be01:49
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longwaveInvisiblePinkUni: look in /usr/share/bugzilla/lib01:49
gekko`bl3ssing: and kill any adept session again, if there is any01:49
n3rdismmeheren: so what should i do?01:50
=== mikearthur [n=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
AndyCoollBeen following that thread01:50
lucas-Do you people not care about His message?01:50
=== warren_ [n=warren@wsip-70-182-255-166.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
jvai*watchin swordfish dvd, starring hugh jacjman, john travolta*01:50
InvisiblePinkUnilongwave: thanks longwave....01:50
warren_can someone tell me how to get pcmcia cards working   in ubuntu 6.06lts?01:50
gekko`jvai: + halle berry ! :p01:50
jvaiyea! the ms berry01:51
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Jeruvyyum, halle berry tastes great!  oop's sorry.01:51
=== MenZa` [n=menza@0x535e9fd6.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
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Jeruvyforgot this is a family channel ;)01:51
warren_anyone tell me how to get pcmcia working in ubuntu?01:52
jvailol. truu @ jeruvy01:52
=== runes [n=runes@] has joined #ubuntu
runesgood evening everyone01:53
Jeruvygood morning :)01:53
runesor morning01:53
viper550Wanna check out my cool theme for Edgy?01:53
runesedgy is the new beta os01:53
BHSPitMonkey10 bucks says it's not cool at all01:53
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-144-137-231-113.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== MenZa` is now known as MenZa
BHSPitMonkeyrunes, Edgy Eft is the successor to Dapper01:53
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runesBHSPitMonkey, hwo stable is it?01:54
BHSPitMonkeyumm... not.01:54
=== Kejk_PL [n=konrad@elv59.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
runesBHSPitMonkey, after 2.5 months of learning ubunt I'm kidn of hesitant to chage01:54
jvaii hope this frespire i'm dl'ing will b a good fit for my friend, she's stuck in a aol dial up subscription, on a bootleg xp install, i dont know if ubuntu will handle the aol sw01:54
viper550I was just installing some Nuvola icons for my KDE desktop01:54
BHSPitMonkeyit's not to be released for a few months...01:54
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runesBHSPitMonkey, ok I'll wait till I build my next machine ( a month)01:54
BHSPitMonkeyit's not a matter of change, runes... it's a matter of keeping updated01:54
BHSPitMonkeyfor what?01:55
viper550Of course the theme works on other versions, as long as you have the Murrine engine (and the Human icons of course)01:55
runesBHSPitMonkey, good idea but the updates I think I'll stick with are the security ones01:55
=== n3rdism [n=n3rdism@69-165-76-4.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitMonkeyI'm pretty sure you'll want to upgrade your distro when the next release comes along...01:55
BHSPitMonkeymajor releases of ubuntu are every six months01:55
n3rdismmeheren: i think its x man.. when i do glxgears i get an error:  "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:56
n3rdismError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual01:56
jvaii'm on hoary still :P01:56
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noxxlehow can i get glxgears to display my fps01:57
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warren_pcmcia not work in ubuntu 6.06???01:58
mistformI think I figured out the problem wtih my wireless01:58
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viper550run it from a command line01:58
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medardohello, I am new in site i speak sapanish01:58
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viper550Hola senor, #ubuntu-es01:59
noxxlewhen i run glxgears it doesnt show me an fps01:59
noxxlejust runs the gears in a window01:59
mistformI can't get the Network Manager to work :(01:59
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viper550(Sorry about the lack of accent, I didn't feel like going to a character map)01:59
mistformI did the "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter"01:59
BHSPitMonkeyooh, I looove Network Manager02:00
mistformand installed it from the packet manager02:00
mistformbut it's not showing up02:00
mistformI have reinstalled several times and rebooted, too02:00
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viper550Yeah, if you would like more localized support in your language, try #ubuntu-es02:00
warren_pcmcia support not available in ubuntu 6.06????02:00
jvaii'm stuk on network applet, in hoary, but's it's works ok02:00
mistformit's in the startup program, but it's not there02:00
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crimsunwarren_: it works fine. Are you running the latest updates (from dapper-updates)?02:01
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medardowell I TAKE CLASS INGLISH BYE02:01
=== lopzided [n=juztin@68-184-136-55.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
warren_i have updated the crap out of my computer...i but when i plug in a sound card, i get nothing02:01
Scruffmay i ask a samba/swat related question here02:02
Scruffim hearing crickets in the samba channel02:02
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems02:02
=== cyanics [n=cyanics@cyanics.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu
lopzidedi saw someone in the ubuntu forums mention a "faster-ubuntu script"....anyone know anything about this?02:02
marce59hi again, ! firefox is trying to "open"  the file prueba1.php  instead of executing it, (apache is working normal, but something is wrong in the configuration ?)02:02
crimsunwarren_: which sound card is it?02:02
ubotuI know nothing about faster-ubuntu - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:02
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=== shiv [n=shiv@c-65-96-200-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about open - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:02
ubotuI know nothing about bsd - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:02
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:02
crimsunwarren_: which specific model?02:02
Scruffi installed swat/samba/etc... and got it to work as localhost:901, but when i go to my other computer and i do 192.blah.blah.blah:901 it cant connect, it says the connection to the server has been reset02:03
warren_um hang on02:03
warren_audigy 2 zs02:03
orcdestroyerhow can I give some permission to one user to enter in pastes, partitions etc02:03
orcdestroyerchmod 777 paste ?02:03
orcdestroyerIs that right?02:03
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EnsignRedshirtI have a question about the packages 'libginac1.3c2' and 'libginac-dev' in breezy.  They seem to have left a bad symbolic link in /usr/lib.02:03
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=== aieaodajida [n=lalalala@201-27-93-186.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Ronzhey yall...i have a 5.1 card, but cant get my back speakers to work. ive played around w/ alsamixer, but no luck. the other day i booted into windows, and it had the same driver and i could get my speakers to go. is there any way to either A. get all the speakers to work with mp3's or B. have the back left and right output the same sound as the front left and right?02:04
crimsunwarren_: is it currently plugged in?02:04
warren_yes sir02:04
=== Ivan_ [i=Ivan@18-136-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
Scruffis there some sort of software firewall that is blocking external swat connections?02:04
aieaodajidaHello. I'm trying to install slack with cds. When i boot it with the cd, i get a msg: isolinux: failed to locate CD-ROM device. I'm certain that my bios identified my CD rom. Someone would like to help-me?02:04
crimsunwarren_: pastebin (http://pastebin.ca) the output from ``cat /proc/asound/cards''02:04
Scrufflike iptables or something02:04
=== billym [n=Billy@64-149-168-41.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
warren_ok hang on02:04
Ivan_alguien q me pueda ayidar02:04
Ivan_por favor02:04
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:04
Ivan_es q me dice q me tengo q registarr o algo asi02:05
EnsignRedshirtDoes it seem strange that the only files installed by the package libginac1.3c2, which is a runtime library, are in /usr/share/doc?02:05
mistformaieaodajida, go to ##linux02:05
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warren_no sound cards02:05
marce59ivan la registracion es gratis02:05
mdircHow do I enable paste-by-right click on the Terminal applicaiton available in the default Ubuntu gnome desktop. Currently I have to right click and then click on paste in the menu.02:05
Ivan_y como l,o hago02:05
Ivan_es q soy nuevito02:05
jribmdirc: ctrl-shift-v02:05
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facugaichIvan_: /join #ubuntu-es02:06
crimsunwarren_: pastebin the output from ``dmesg''02:06
watercycleI want to upgrade Breezy to Dapper and I have the Dapper CD!  I then typed: sudo apt-cdrom add   and then      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , but it wont upgrade!  Any help please?02:06
ManiacKYOkay I have a fresh install of ubuntu server. It isn't showing my two processors. What should I apt-get to install SMP support?02:06
=== vorbote [n=vorbote@unaffiliated/vorbote] has joined #ubuntu
warren_will a pcmcia not work if my onboard soiundcard doesnt work?02:06
runesIs there a way to change default permissions to all files for 777 in /etc/skel02:06
mdircjrig: yes I know that key stroke, I was looking at pasting by just right clicking02:06
Ivan_ya ahora si02:06
Ronzanyone have an idea about the surround sound?02:06
warren_because i have HUGE sound issues at the moment02:06
crimsunwarren_: they're unrelated.02:06
jribmdirc: oh I see, that I don't know how to do, but you can highlight to copy and the middle click to paste02:06
Ronzwhats your problem, warren_ ?02:06
warren_i see..02:07
warren_well ronz02:07
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marce59i want apache runs the scripts, not that firefox tries to open it, is something in the http.conf that i don't put it ?02:07
Ivan_si mi pregunta es re simple02:07
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=== runes thinks maybe I am not asking the right question?
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Ivan_como puedo ver los archivod desde un cd02:07
crimsunRonz: what program are you using to test surround output?02:07
jribIvan_: espanol en #ubuntu-es por favor02:07
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rcmivdoes anyone know howto change gdm login screen resolution, without editing xorg.conf?02:07
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Ronzcrimsun, dont have one. what should i use?02:07
warren_irq not assigned correctly to sound card, so i have totally given up on the onboard sound card...but i plug in a pcmcia card, and nothing!02:07
watercycleif I have Dapper CD and want to upgrade from CD only!  How can I do it?  I followed the website, but sudo apt-cdrom add and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , doesnt upgrade!  Any help please?02:07
=== flixil [n=flixil@] has joined #ubuntu
linuxd00dhey again guys02:08
crimsunRonz: a dvd with Totem.02:08
longwavemarce59: how are you accessing the scripts? http://localhost/ or file:// urls?02:08
Ivan_y como mierda me registro02:08
jrib!register > Ivan_02:08
facugaichIvan_: ya estas en ubuntu-es... habla ahi02:08
jribIvan_: and please be polite...02:08
vorboteIvan_, please go to #ubuntu-es for help in Spanish. Haya si hablamos espaol.02:08
linuxd00di need an mp3 player for ubuntu02:08
marce59longwave http://localhost02:08
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Ivan_pero me dice q tengo q estar registrado para habalr02:08
Ronzcrimsun, are there any other programs?02:08
longwavemarce59: did you add anything to httpd.conf when you tried to get it to work earlier?02:08
marce59ivan pone el cd y resetea la maquina02:08
billymIs this the place to get a little help with ubuntu?02:08
linuxd00di have helix player but it just wont run02:08
facugaichIvan_: segui las instrucciones de ubotu02:08
mdircjrib: thanks02:08
longwavemarce59: also, did you restart apache after enabling the php module?02:08
facugaich!register > Ivan_02:08
Ronzbillym, ubuntu help? not here.....=)02:08
=== c0de [n=nycc0de@ool-4354fc34.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
marce59yes, i restart the machine.02:09
crimsunRonz: sure, but does playing a dvd with Totem not work?02:09
billymcould you point me in the right direction02:09
mdircjrib: I am having isues with runing vncviewer 4 after a recent kernel upate ubuntu 6.0.6, I just get a blank grey screen. Any ideas?02:09
crimsunRonz: (e.g., vlc, speaker-test, aplay, ...)02:09
=== Dodzey [n=Dodzey@81-86-135-15.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
longwavebillym just ask your question :)02:09
Ronzcrimsun, never set it up02:09
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Ronzdvd's that is02:09
Cainushey can anyone tell me how to make a program run at startup?02:09
tech9iner!seen misfit_toy02:09
ubotumisfit_toy is on IRC right now!02:09
marce59I put in http.conf Action application-xhttpd-php "/usr/bin/php5"02:09
Ronzcrimsun, i have amarok installed and had my old speakers working, but they were in 2.1 mode02:10
marce59and Addtype application/x-httpd-php .php02:10
longwavemarce59: remove that, mod_php will handle php files, you should not need to specify those02:10
jribmdirc: no, I don't really know what would cause that02:10
ManiacKYOkay I have a fresh install of ubuntu server. It isn't showing my two processors. What should I apt-get to install SMP support?02:10
marce59ok, thank I will proceed02:10
linuxd00di have helix player but it just wont run02:10
mistformhow do I run Network Manager from the command line?02:10
=== Ivan_ [i=Ivan@18-136-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
linuxd00di have changed the permissions to execute it02:10
longwavemarce59: if you look in /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf you will see the module already configures those lines for you02:10
WarboCainus: At boot or at login?02:10
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70db67.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
linuxd00dbut it will not run02:11
=== ifecar [i=ifecar@18-136-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
rcmivwarren_, you have a sound problem?02:11
WarboCainus: Add it to /etc/init.d/rc.local (I think that is where it is stored)02:11
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mistformManiacKY: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper02:11
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)02:11
=== wickwire [n=wickwire@c-68-80-146-129.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboCainus: "gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/rc.local"02:11
mcphailCainus: use cron02:11
EnsignRedshirtI have installed libginac1.3c2 and libginac-dev, but in /usr/lib/ the symbolic link libginac.so points to libginac-1.3.so.0.0.0, which apparently does not exist. How can I fix this?02:11
billymInstalled python2.4-twisted, went to run a test script and received 'ImportError: No module named internet.protocol', any idea??02:12
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Warbomcphail: I can't get my head around cron :)02:12
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tech9inermisfit_toy  pingggggg g g g gg02:12
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EnsignRedshirtThis looks like a breezy packaging error.02:12
tech9inermisfit_toy  wake up ya bugga ya..02:12
linuxd00dpeople i need help02:12
mcphailWarbo: reaaly easy - type "crontab -e" then enter "@reboot /path/to/exe"02:12
CainusWarbo: /etc/init.d/rc.local doesn't exist... should I create it?02:13
=== digitalhav0c [n=digitalh@66-233-125-182.gsb.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbomcphail: gnome-schedule is a nice tool02:13
ManiacKYmistform Don't see anything on there about enabling mutliprocessors02:13
hoehaverHI all, is there a channel for video...like so i can ask the question: is AVI the same thing as divx  I.E my DVD player will play divx video so can it play AVI?02:13
=== mcphail loves cron
Cainusmcphail: what user does that run it as?02:13
=== Farabi is now known as eXistenZ
rcmivgdm login screen resolution is way too high, xorg.conf resolutions all 1024x76802:13
WarboCainus: I'm not sure. I usually make custom scripts (like /etc/init.d/start-modem and stuff)02:13
mcphailCainus: you own user. Root is easy too if you need that.02:14
WarboBut making a whole new script needs update-rc.d to be run02:14
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marce59i remove everything, stop and restart apache, but the problem persists, what can i do ?02:14
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runesmarce59, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP02:14
mistformmaniacky: yeah, it rarely helps me, but I point alot of people there02:14
Cainusmcphail: ahh okay... I'll give it a shot02:14
BHSPitMonkeyAVIs come in all sorts of different compression codecs, hoehaver, so that assumption would be flawed02:14
mcphailCainus: if you need to run it as root use "sudo crontab -e -u root"02:14
=== user01 [n=user01@ip24-255-58-39.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:14
linuxd00draaaaaa getting help in here is like asking for windows02:14
marce59thank runes !02:14
Cainusmcphail: nope... don't need to... I just wanted to make sure it didn't run as root02:15
runesmarce59, it helped me set up the whole site  all working great!02:15
WarboAVI, Ogg, Asf and stuff like that are just "containers"02:15
=== tech9iner pets ubotu ...
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user01i have a question in adept02:15
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=== BHSPitMonkey hands linuxd00d Windows
watercyclewhen I ran Breezy I could run at 800x600 at 85Hz!  but it doesnt work on Dapper!  Any solutions?02:15
BHSPitMonkeythere ya go!02:15
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linuxd00di got windows!!!02:15
mcphailhoehaver: AVI just means a file with audio and video. It does not specify which codecs (e.g. divx) are used in the file.02:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:15
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: is there no way you can dist-upgrade to Dapper?02:15
=== rufus [n=rufus@CPE-24-26-164-100.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mistformthe only good windows is Hacked windows02:16
user01Hello? There's a package description in adept that is plain wrong. Kubuntu 6.06. Where do I go to report it ?02:16
mistformbut even then it's hard to call "good"02:16
BHSPitMonkeylinuxd00d, I think we've done all possible to help you, considering you've asked no questions as of yet02:16
BHSPitMonkeyso, "you're welcome."02:16
rufusanyone have aixgl and compiz on intel i915?02:16
linuxd00di have helix player but it just wont run02:16
hoehaverwell, you seem busy in here02:16
longwaveEnsignRedshirt: you should be able to fix the symbolic link with "sudo ln -s" as long as the actual .so file exists02:16
WarboSystem>Preferences>Windows. The taskbar says "Starting Windows", that worried me :)02:16
Artan1sAnyone know of any ubuntu podcasts02:16
mistformlinuxd00d, first, try reinstalling it02:16
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun: I'd rather not do that right now.  Is there in fact a file missing?02:16
linuxd00di cant02:16
longwave!bugs > user0102:16
WarboArtan1s: ubuntuos.com02:16
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mistformif that doesn't work, can you try running it from the command line?02:16
Artan1sWarbo:  Thank you02:17
user01longwave: even if it not really a bug ?02:17
hoehaverfine man be an ass02:17
longwaveuser01: documentation and description bugs are still bugs02:17
hoehaveri put it in here too BHS02:17
hoehaverwell..bc you were an ass02:17
user01longwave: ok. Will do02:17
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com02:17
runeshas anyone played with /etc/skel permissions?02:17
EnsignRedshirtlongwave: I don't think I have the actual lib file.02:17
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linuxd00dok guys cheers02:18
=== tech9iner whips misfit_toy with wet towel n pink cat5 cables for not being present on demand....... tsk tsk tsk.. the gall mang! hehe.. sorry ya missed me ya bugga.. ping me..
linuxd00dthanks alot02:18
ManiacKYOkay I have a fresh install of ubuntu server. It isn't showing my two processors. What should I apt-get to install SMP support?02:18
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lopzidedanyone have any impressive uptimes right now?02:18
Scruffi used to have over a year02:18
BioVorElopzided: I had..02:18
Scrufftill about 2 days ago02:18
=== selfharm [n=selfharm@24-171-2-126.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Scruffwhen my hard drive died02:18
runesDr_Willis, you areound?02:19
mistformI cheerz02:19
selfharmhi ubuntu. can someone help me out in im? I just installed server and now I need to install a gui.02:19
rufusanyone help with aixgl setup02:19
jvaii been up for 4 dayz,02:19
Warboselfharm: "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop"02:19
mcphaillopzided: only going about 10 days between kernel upgrades at present, aren't we?02:19
Dr_Willisrunes,  HMM?02:19
runesDr_Willis, if you have the time I really need a bit of your help02:19
jvai@ 1 tyme, the past weeknd02:19
longwaveEnsignRedshirt: ah, i see your problem - libginac1.3c2 in breezy doesn't actually have any lib files in it, but libginac1.3c2a in dapper does... file a bug i guess?02:19
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: doesn't look like anything's actually in the shlib package.02:19
selfharmwarbo, thank you02:19
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Dr_Willisrunes, whats up?02:20
lopzidedmcphail, are we?  i haven't been keeping up...02:20
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crimsunlongwave: it's not worth filing a bug, since we generally ignore non-security for breezy/universe.02:20
longwaveEnsignRedshirt: must be an unpopular package if that bug was there through the entire breezy cycle!02:20
longwavecrimsun: yeah, true02:20
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bleechdoes anyone here use gnome-terminal with screen?  ctrl+left and ctrl+right doesnt work when i'm in a screen session02:20
crimsunthe first thing we'd ask the submitter to do is dist-upgrade to dapper anyhow.02:20
runesDr_Willis, in /etc/skel I created the file public_html and added e017 portal files.  I used chmod to adjust the files, but when I add a user it does not copy the correct permissions02:20
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun: Even for something as bad as a missing file???  That's, um, kinda ridiculous.02:21
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: you might think it's ridiculous, but I'll remind you that it's universe, and universe is unsupported.02:21
runesDr_Willis, so the user does have the public_html file and the correct subfile to run the portal but the permissions don't copy in /home/$user/public_html02:22
longwaveEnsignRedshirt: the bug is in launchpad but was never fixed in time for breezy: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ginac/+bug/336002:22
EnsignRedshirtlongwave: Ah, thanks for checking.02:22
=== Hawk||- [n=Hawk@p549C8D09.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisrunes,  i think when the new user is made - the umask value is used on the files. or somthing like that.02:22
mcphailbleech: to switch between different screens? Use ctrl-a n and ctrl-a p02:22
Dr_Willisrunes,  i seem to recall reading that ages ago. its a security feature i guess.02:23
runesDr_Willis, sadly that is a bit over my head ..so then I would have to change the permissions to the group the user is added to I suppose?02:23
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EnsignRedshirtcrimsun, longwave: The strange thing is, I've been using the library for a while.  But I have the -dev package installed to, so I guess the linker was using the .a file...?02:24
runesDr_Willis, I don't mind reading so you suggest umask man pages huh?02:24
Dr_Willisrunes,  yea. and google for  /etc/skell permissions/customizations02:24
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: the static lib is always used when -lginac is used.02:24
longwaveare you compiling against it or just running apps that use it?02:24
Dr_Willisrunes,  could make a script that sets the perms.. but thats a bit annoying02:24
bleechmcphail: not to switch between screens, but to jump over words in the terminal.  for example, i always use ctrl+left to jump one word to the left when i'm editing in the command line.  if i use screen with a gnome-terminal, ctrl+left just emits the letter "D"02:24
EnsignRedshirtI only ran into a problem today because I am trying to use scons to check for the lib, and I guess the CheckLib function wants the .so file.02:25
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: in any case, if you want a 'proper' package, pbuild the dapper source one.02:25
runesDr_Willis, I tried to create a bash script..wow umm..ok I didn't knwo what the extension had to be to get it to run02:25
mcphailbleech: works here02:25
Dr_Willisrunes,  ya just chmod +x it :P02:25
KyralYou don't need an extension02:25
pinPointwhats a good vnc program?02:25
Dr_Willisextensions are not needed. Hhe02:25
=== billym [n=Billy@64-149-168-41.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
pinPointand command to install it?02:25
Dr_WillispinPoint,  good for what?02:26
pinPointremote control02:26
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Dr_WillisI use the vnc4server and clients02:26
KyralI generally use the .sh extension to designate my personal user scripts02:26
crimsunwarren_: I'm still awaiting your pastebinned dmesg.02:26
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun: Can you give me a pointer to what 'pbuild' is?02:26
Dr_Williswhats a good vnc program to do what vnc is designed to do eh?02:26
Kyralfrom the system scripts (which don't have the extension)02:26
=== Dravas [n=Dravas@ppp-70-224-208-47.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: pbuilder(8)02:26
runesDr_Willis, oops forgot the execute permissions...that would be it..but I will take your suggestion of reading up on both umaks and skell permissions thanx a lot!!!02:26
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crimsunEnsignRedshirt: search the wiki; you'll find a howto.02:26
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warren_oh god, im sorry...raining and windows down...02:26
longwaveKyral: i tend to do that too (and .pl for perl scripts, etc) but fortunately there's always "file" for when you forget :)02:27
asdfkpi run gnome and am trying to uninstall all kde apps with one command (instead of individually) is this possible?02:27
visik7can you suggest me a good gnome rad like kdevelop ?02:27
runesKyral, I think I will add.sh so that I can differentiate between regular text02:27
Cainusmcphail: can I do @reboot sshd ?  didn't seem to work...02:27
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun: Found it, thanks.02:27
=== gort [n=jgbiggs@cpe-24-175-10-187.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kyralrunes: hehe it IS regular text02:27
wheels3572Is there a way to ignore some files upon download so they dont show up in the next round of downloads?02:27
=== bob_too [n=chris@rrcs-24-153-179-246.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
asdfkpi run gnome and install kde, now i want to remove all kde apps -- is there a way to do that with one command?02:27
runesKyral, oops what I meant is to diff between a document (txt) and a script02:28
visik7asdfkp: have you installed with aptitude ?02:28
mcphailCainus: if it is sshd you want to run, that _is_ better using the init.d system (which is designed for services). _But_ ubuntu should run it at reboot as default anyway if you used apt-get to install it02:28
asdfkpvisik7, i just did apt-get install kde02:28
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lopzidedcan ubuntu be run on a PDA?02:28
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bob_toowhere do i set system-wide umask?02:28
mcphailbob_too: there isn't one02:29
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visik7asdfkp: dunno about apt-get but aptitude mark all installed dependancies as auto and if you remove the package the dependancies should be removed as well02:29
runeswhoop it works!!!!!! thanx Kyral  and Dr_Willis  I'll start with a bit of scripting for permissions!!!02:29
bob_toomcphail: so it has to be user-level?02:29
=== hoehaver [n=john@h69-129-54-90.69-129.unk.tds.net] has left #ubuntu []
longwavebob_too: there is a umask command in /etc/profile, i don't know if changing that will work02:29
asdfkpvisik7, will give a try02:29
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mcphailbob_too: read /etc/login.defs - umask is a fractured beast02:29
bob_toolongwave: it doesn't seem to, i tried it02:30
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bob_toomcphail: yes, i looked into using libpam-umask02:30
=== cypher1 [n=cypher@bgepxyout-02.asiapac.hp.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cainusmcphail: crontab -e starts up my text editor with an empty file.... is that right?  and the single line should be @reboot /what/ever ?02:30
asdfkpvisik7, can i do that with synaptic?02:30
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mcphailCainus: yes, but don't use this method to run sshd02:31
bob_toonot sure where to put the umask setting in /etc/pam.d02:31
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mcphailbob_too: Applications such as nautilus will ignore it wherever it goes02:31
Cainusmcphail : there were a couple of other things I wanted to run too... but it looked like it was saving to a temp file...02:31
=== NotWired [n=notubunt@cpu1112.adsl.bellglobal.com] has joined #ubuntu
asdfkpvisik7, i'm not used to aptitude, how do i remove all dependencies?02:31
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mcphailCainus: the other things you want to run should follow that protocol02:32
=== dcruz [n=dcruz@168stb19.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun: Is there a "50 words or less" description of what a "chroot" is?  (I don't think it is a cigar.)02:32
ReWT_AxSAnyone here good with setting up samba or installing it it at that...I keep getting an error.02:32
=== eternaljoy [n=truth@idxwc14-58.idx.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailCainus: if your syntax is correct, crontab won't complain when you save the file02:32
=== facugaich_ [n=facugaic@host175.200-82-96.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
longwaveEnsignRedshirt: not quite 50 words or less, but quite well described: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot02:32
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun: And if I am going to build a breezy package from source in breezy, do I need one?02:32
rixxonfather wants to try ubuntu, now running winxp. so lets dualboot. can ubuntu installer slice out a bit of space from the winxp partition to use for ubuntu?02:33
mcphailEnsignRedshirt: it is a linux setup trapped within another linux setup02:33
rixxoni normally do it in windows with partition magic ..02:33
J2D2hey guys, i used apt-get eterm, now i can find it. Its not in the accesories or anyting. I tried running the command eterm in terminal, no dice02:33
ManiacKYrixxon Yup. Did it to my wifes laptop. It resized the Windows XP partion to make room for Ubuntu02:33
longwaverixxon: yes it can02:33
rixxonManiacKY, and it will not break the xp partition?02:33
longwaverixxon: as always, though make backups first just in case02:33
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: no, you don't /have/ to have one, but it's the cleanest way to do it.02:33
=== redcard [n=redcard@c-68-52-105-133.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cainusmcphail: it's not complaining, but the filename looks like a temp file name02:33
bigelchieHello, I have the default .bash_profile that comes with Dapper. It looks like it should add ~/bin to my PATH if it exist. However, I never see it in my PATH when I run gnome-termiinal02:33
rixxonand is this easy to do?02:33
longwaverixxon: yes, the installer will walk you through repartitioning02:34
mcphailCainus: what do you mean?02:34
ManiacKYrixxon: Your milage my vary but it didn't for my experience. Just the next time Windows XP booted it needed to run chkdsk and it was happy after that02:34
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-15-163.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Cainusmcphail: just wondering if there's a problem there, because nothing seems to be running02:34
rixxonlongwave, ManiacKY, thanks02:34
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
J2D2never mind :)02:34
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: the Name section of chroot(8) is much more precise than any description I could give.02:34
ManiacKYrixxon Very easy, the installer has a wizard for it you can fallow02:34
rixxonby the way, how do you get flash and java working properly in firefox02:34
=== erus` [n=tommo@AC9F5098.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
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mcphailCainus: as long as it says "crontab: installing new crontab" you are fine02:35
=== spacefinn [n=naprinci@pool-71-120-192-85.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
azurealmcphail: i just got back and the sudoers changes worked!02:35
rixxonflash has no sound and doesn't work as well as in windows. java doesn't work at all02:35
erus`does anyone know of a tutorial to install the r300 drivers and XGL on my ubuntu pc? i have no idea02:35
Cainusmcphail: ahh okay02:35
=== godtvisken [n=godtvisk@ip72-201-147-100.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
azurealmcphail: at the moment, all i have is the user entry and the root entry02:35
asdfkpvisik7, i'm not familiar with aptitude, how can i remove all dependencies?02:35
godtviskenHow can I properly setup my sound card to use more than one application at one time?02:35
azurealmcphail: apparently, it takes some time for it to take effect02:35
=== Fiscal [n=pscabral@20151085071.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailazureal: i think you should apologize to Mr Shuttleworth for critcising his distro! ;p02:35
lopzidedgodtvisken, look into the JACK server02:36
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Warbogodtvisken: Use ALSA02:36
azurealto whom? =P02:36
eternaljoyi get a message: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://au.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/au.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper_main_binary-i386_Packages)!  but I dont see it appear twice!  Any ideas?02:36
mcphailazureal: the kind gentleman who provides this distribution for free02:36
sethkrixxon, java works fine.  flash works also for me.02:36
roostishawhow do i download and install a new python module?02:37
Nukedim attempting to compile a program that states that it uses libglade-2.0. I installed it and the dev package, but it still whines about not having the libgkade02:37
Nukedwhat do i do?02:37
bigelchiecan anyone help me with simple PATH question. the default .bash_profile on Dapper looks like it should add ~/bin to my PATH. It never does. If I do echo $PATH from gnome-terminal it never includes ~bin.02:37
azurealmcphail: do you think he's listening? =P02:37
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun: I'll look into it.  I suppose I could also just delete the ginac packages, get the latest tarball, and install it in /usr/local02:37
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asdfkpvisik7, got it02:37
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longwaveNuked: pastebin the error messages02:37
azurealmcphail: ok, my question is why it took some time for the changes to take effect02:37
rixxonsethk, with sound?02:37
=== nietzsky [n=nietzsky@c-ebb8e253.029-138-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun: I don't think any other packages depend in the ginac packages.02:38
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eternaljoycan someone pls have a quick look at my sources.list and tell me where there are duplicate entries?02:38
nietzskyHow do I force to stop a service running in /etc/init.d/ ?02:38
mcphailazureal: i think he is omnipresent02:38
crimsunEnsignRedshirt: if you wanted to, knock yourself out02:38
roostishawanyone, how do i download and install a new python module?02:38
longwavenietzsky: "sudo invoke-rc.d servicename stop"02:38
purplev45Anybody know now to modify the behavior of xterm mouse highlighting?  Before I installed Ubuntu, highlighting (mouse doubleclick in xterm) use to delim on non-alphanum characters02:38
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp79-111.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailnietzsky: sudo /etc/init.d/service stop02:38
jvaipeac uall, it was fun02:38
azurealmcphail: it didn't happen easily =P02:38
gekko`eternaljoy: and where can we find your sources.list?02:38
nietzskymcphail: Doesn't work. :)02:38
nietzskylongwave: Thx.02:38
eternaljoygnomefreak: can you help me please?02:38
gnomefreaketernaljoy: huh?02:39
erus`how can i mount my second windows hard drive?02:39
azurealmcphail: while there was no command to re-read the sudoers file, apparently it takes the system some time to do it itself02:39
gnomefreaketernaljoy: sorry i havent been following02:39
Nukedlongwave, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1952202:39
eternaljoygekko`: where can I paste it?02:39
mcphailnietzsky: depends on how well the service start/stop script is wriiten. They all _should_ work02:39
eternaljoygnomefreak: can u  pls have a quick look at my sources.list and tell me where there are duplicate entries?02:39
gnomefreaketernaljoy: pastebin02:39
gnomefreaketernaljoy: yes02:39
eternaljoygnomefreak: pastbin.com?02:39
gekko`eternaljoy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/02:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:39
azurealmcphail: but if it makes you feel better, i slightly apologize =P02:39
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bigelchiecan anyone help me with simple PATH question. the default .bash_profile on Dapper looks like it should add ~/bin to my PATH. It never does. If I do echo $PATH from gnome-terminal it never includes ~/bin02:39
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azurealand now i need to restart into windows to play games, lol02:40
mcphailazureal: enjoy02:40
EnsignRedshirtcrimsun, longwave: Thanks for the help. Gotta run. Ciao.02:40
azureali'll configure fluxbox some more later02:40
eternaljoygnomefreak: ill paste it there now. brb02:40
azurealmcphail: thx.02:40
visik7I use cedega to play games02:40
nietzskylongwave: That "fail"ed ... :\02:40
visik7and I get rid of windows02:40
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Miekbigelchie: does the directory exist?02:40
bigelchieMiek: yes02:40
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mcphailnietzsky: is the service running?02:40
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eternaljoygnomefreak: it tells me i have duplicate entry!  but I cant see any!  hopefully u can. thank you02:40
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gnomefreaketernaljoy: link pleas02:41
nietzskymcphail: Yes.02:41
nietzskymcphail: I want to stop it, and uninstall it.02:41
mcphailnietzsky: what is it?02:41
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nietzskymcphail: lighttp02:41
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gekko`erus`: just mount it to /media/ ?02:41
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eternaljoygnomefreak: im still pasting it, sorry using modem :P02:41
mcphailnietzsky: never used it, but you might have to kill the process02:41
gnomefreaketernaljoy: ok02:41
nietzskymcphail: Good thinking.02:42
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erus`no Gecko02:42
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Nukedlongwave, any ideas?02:42
erus`i had to edit some text file before i think02:42
erus`but i cant remember02:42
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gekko`erus`: it's called /etc/fstab02:42
eternaljoygnomefreak: nearly got it02:43
gnomefreakgot it02:43
nietzskymcphail: Well, I've killed the process; can't find it doing "pstree"; but I can't still uninstall it. :\02:43
longwaveNuked: you definitely have libglade2-dev installed? maybe you need one of the libglademm -dev packages or similar as well?02:43
eternaljoygnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1952302:43
Nukedlongwave, its installed02:43
gnomefreaketernaljoy: i had it02:43
gnomefreaketernaljoy: ick02:44
eternaljoygnomefreak: how did you get it?02:44
bigelchiefirst time on IRC, sure is crazy in here. I think I'll go back to googling the forums02:44
gnomefreaketernaljoy: ;) im good02:44
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erus`erm Gecko what i do?02:44
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eternaljoygnomefreak: heh ;)02:44
gnomefreaketernaljoy: ok look i want you to open /etc/apt/sources.list02:44
gnomefreaklet me know when you have that open ready to edit02:44
erus`this is a second hard drive... i just mounted a windows partition the other time02:44
eternaljoygnomefreak: ok hang 502:44
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GrisenI'm new to Ubuntu-- trying to slowly convert from Win98 via a dual HD boot-- tried to follow Herman's advice with GAG and cant get Ubuntu to boot from HDb.  Where would I go for help please?02:45
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eternaljoygnomefreak: ok opened02:45
KonstableDoes anyone know how to set up ATI graphics drivers?  I installed the .deb and did a "aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf"  but OpenGL still works very slowly.  And in "fglrxinfo" it shows Mesa OpenGL rather than ATI OpenGL.02:45
eternaljoygnomefreak: ready to edit02:45
gnomefreaketernaljoy: erase eveything in it02:45
SonicChaoFirefox uses 15%-20% of my CPU power, always when I start browsing and open tabs and stuff like that. It starts lagging and taking more CPU % the more I browse.02:45
gnomefreaklet me know when your ready02:45
eternaljoygnomefreak: everything?02:45
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gnomefreaketernaljoy: no worries your safe02:46
gnomefreakdont save it yet02:46
GrisenHELP please02:46
eternaljoygnomefreak: im shaking ;) ok done02:46
gnomefreaketernaljoy: go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19524  and look at the bottom you will see text in a white area02:46
eternaljoygnomefreak: i delete it all, but not saved02:46
longwaveNuked: what does "pkg-config --modversion libglade-2.0" output?02:46
gnomefreaketernaljoy: paste the text thats in the white area into that file02:47
Nukedlongwave, 2.4.202:47
mistformI love it when my girlfriends mom takes my side :D02:47
eternaljoygnomefreak: ok brb02:47
Cainusmcphail: shouldn't @reboot run stuff when a machine is powered down and back up?  it's just not... and the path and script name are right, because I can sopy/paste the string and it runs...02:47
godtviskenWarbo: as far as i know I am using ALSA, but how would I confirm?02:47
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GrisenWhere do I go for help to begin to use Ubuntu from a dual boot please?  Ex Windows 98 user02:48
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longwaveNuked: hrmm, that is the problem, pkg-config thinks you have libglade 2.4.2 but libglade2-0 should provide 2.5.1 - however i'm not sure how to fix this..02:48
gnomefreakGrisen: is it installed?02:48
GrisenIt is on disk b tks02:48
mistforma boot selection02:48
mistformLilo is common02:48
eternaljoygnomefreak: ok i pasted that all in white box02:48
Grisenshould boot to B and02:48
eternaljoygnomefreak: next?02:48
mistformidk what alot of poeple use for Ubuntu02:48
gnomefreakGrisen: windows and linux installed?02:48
SonicChaoPlease help, Firefox takes too much power to boot. =(02:49
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gnomefreaketernaljoy: save02:49
gnomefreaketernaljoy: close it02:49
GrisenYes windoows on a and ubuntu on b02:49
Warbogodtvisken: The soundcard will be controlled by ALSA, but some applications either do not know about ALSA (like Audacity and Flash) whilst some others can, but might not be, using it (like XMMS)02:49
mistformSinicChao, how does FF take "too much power to boot"?02:49
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:49
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SonicChaomistform: Firefox uses 15%-20% of my CPU power, always when I start browsing and open tabs and stuff like that. It starts lagging and taking more CPU % the more I browse.02:49
gnomefreakGrisen: when you restart pc you should see a screen wher eyou have a choice what to boot02:49
eternaljoygnomefreak: ok done!  now what?  dont I need those .au links seeing im from Australia?  And will I be able to load all files I had access to before?02:49
warren__would recompiling kernel screw up system?02:49
Nukedlongwave thanks anyway02:49
gnomefreaketernaljoy: no02:49
gnomefreaketernaljoy: now sudo apt-get update02:49
Nukedgnomefreak Nuked: hrmm, that is the problem, pkg-config thinks you have libglade 2.4.2 but libglade2-0 should provide 2.5.1 - however i'm not sure how to fix this..02:50
mistformsonicchao what power supply do you have?02:50
mattiTtTitanium pali x4.02:50
gnomefreakNuked: dapper?02:50
Warbowarren_: Not if you know what you are doing. There is usually no point02:50
SonicChaomistform: What do you mean? I'm on a laptop.02:50
eternaljoygnomefreak: and I didnt need easyubuntu anymore links?02:50
gnomefreaketernaljoy: no02:50
GrisenThanks for link02:50
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warren__well there is a perfectly good reason in my case02:50
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warren__acpi=off screws up my irq assignment02:50
eternaljoygnomefreak: ok saved and doing any update brb02:50
jrockshey , my network performance has become too bad recently , i installed samba yesterday , is that the reason ?02:50
warren__so i get no sound02:50
gnomefreakNuked: im not sure i understand what you want02:51
mistformsonicchao, what other programs to you have running at the same time?02:51
jrocksit was workin fine02:51
mistformsonicchao, you could try reinstalling Firefox02:51
Warbo!tell warren_ about kernel02:51
GrisenWill gag enable me to actually boot from b, or does it have to insert in Windows boot sector on a?02:51
SonicChaomistform: Just gaim and xchat.02:51
crimsunwarren__: did you try both of the parameters I mentioned in -+1?02:51
eternaljoygnomefreak: are those 6 links all I ever need to keep getting security updates and latest updates etc?02:51
Cainusso I think I need to use init.d ... can someone gimme the gentle overview?02:51
WarboOops, not enough underscores.02:51
gnomefreakyes eternaljoy the ones that i gave you02:51
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mistformI am on a laptop, and FF takes a second to load, but not alot of CPU02:51
eternaljoygnomefreak: great :) brb02:51
Nuked im attempting to compile a program that states that it uses libglade-2.0. I installed it and the dev package, but it still whines about not having the libgkade02:51
mistformtry reinstalling firefox from the Packet Manager02:51
longwaveCainus: look at the existing scripts in init.d for examples02:51
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jrocksdoes samba affects network performance ?02:52
eternaljoygnomefreak: no wonder you said yuck to my one :P  this one is a lot cleaner ;)02:52
warren__actually, (as if im not already a thorn in your side) the storm knocked out my power, i disconnected for like 10 mins, so i didnt get message02:52
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SonicChaomistform: Ok.02:52
GrisenDual boot from GAG, can it boot ubuntu with grub on b???02:52
Cainuslongwave: does it just run all scripts in there?02:52
gnomefreak!info libglade02:52
ubotuPackage libglade does not exist in dapper02:52
gnomefreak!info glad02:52
ubotuPackage glad does not exist in dapper02:52
SonicChaomistform: Oddly, the same thing happens in Opera.02:52
WarboSonicChao: Do you need Firefox for all web browsing? Dillo takes hardly any resources for example02:52
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longwavecainus: no, read "man update-rc.d" to find out how that works02:52
Cainushmm k02:52
jrocksi cant even ping , it takes a lot of time !02:52
SonicChaoWarbo: Dillo? Heard of it, I'll use anything that lets me use tabs and stuff like that.02:52
gnomefreakNuked: what version do you have installed?02:52
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gnomefreakSonicChao: links2 ;)02:53
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GrisenUBOTU, can gag boot from b or does grub have to be in windows boot sectoron a??02:53
gnomefreakbut it needs 2.4?02:53
SonicChaognomefreak: =(02:53
WarboSonicChao: I am not sure if Dillo has tabs. I use Epiphany which does, but that uses Gecko, so it may not be any better than FF in terms of resources02:53
Nukedno it needs 2.5.102:53
Nukedthats what makes no sense02:53
gnomefreakSonicChao: i have a bunch of browsers installed02:53
sethkGrisen, the BIOS selects the first drive, so grub has to be on the mbr of the first drive02:53
SonicChaoWarbo: I'll know in a minute, I apt-get dillo.02:53
gnomefreakNuked: what are you compiling?02:53
gnomefreakthat was your paste02:54
mistformsonicchao, do you have your laptop plugged in?02:54
eternaljoygnomefreak: ok updated :)  thanks!02:54
GrisenSETHK, what if I have bios boot from b?02:54
crimsunwarren__: you didn't see it in -+1?02:54
gnomefreakNuked: ok give me a sec02:54
eternaljoygnomefreak: may I ask you one more quick question? will be my last one02:54
gnomefreaketernaljoy: ask02:54
mistformsonicchao: if your battery was low, the BIOS would reduce the multiplier to your CPU, dropping it from, say 1400mhz to 600mhz to reserve power02:54
longwavegnomefreak: the current libglade package is installed and that is supposed to provide libglade 2.5.1, but pkg-config thinks 2.4.2 is installed, i dont understand why that would be02:54
selfharmif i want to share a partition between ubuntu and windowsxp.... fat32?02:54
mistformcheck in your BIOS settings to see if you have a high power managment setting02:54
SonicChaomistform: Plugged in.02:54
bimberiselfharm: yes, if you want to write from both02:55
mistformwhat is your CPU running at?02:55
godtviskenWarbo: so how do i get flash to use it?02:55
gnomefreakgive me the exact file name please02:55
selfharmbimber. thank you02:55
WarboI think I have used up well over half of my download limit in the last few hours, trying to get a clean Ubuntu to the state my old one was in before I screwed it up :)02:55
eternaljoygnomefreak: in breezy my monitor runs at 800x600 @ 85hz the way I want!  but in Dapper when I chose it, it skips back to 1024x768 @ 76Hz!  Any ideas?02:55
GrisenHELP - is there another smaller forum dealing with boot issues, and how do I get there (command to IRC??)02:55
Nukedchecking for GLADE... configure: error: Package requirements (libglade-2.0 >= 2.5.1) were not met.02:55
SonicChaoWarbo: Well, dillo seems to use almost nothing.02:55
Warbogodtvisken: There are a few workarounds, but I don't know them. Try asking the channel02:55
godtviskenWarbo: ok02:55
gnomefreaketernaljoy: in the menu system>prefferences>screen resoluton02:55
eternaljoyWarbo: I thought Download limits died 10 years ago? :P02:56
godtviskenDoes anyone know how to get Flash to use ALSA?02:56
Warboeternaljoy: That's what happens when I am not consulted over the provider to use :(02:56
Nukedby killing esd02:56
SonicChaomistform: Err...no idea...02:56
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warren__sudo kill all esd02:56
orbinNuked: so install the glade lib package02:56
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GrisenHELP - another forum for noobs booting Ubuntu, how do I get there (IRC command??)02:56
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Nukedorbin which is that?02:56
eternaljoygnomefreak: yes!  I go to: menu system>prefferences>screen resoluton! and 800x600 @ 85hz is available!  but when I chose it, X reboots but it jumps back to 1024x768 @ 76Hz!  any ideas why?02:56
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eternaljoyWarbo: hehe ;)02:56
gnomefreakNuked: what does apt-cache policy <package> say?02:57
orbinNuked: what are you compiling?02:57
gnomefreak!fixres > eternaljoy02:57
SonicChaoOh, I've got to go.02:57
gnomefreaketernaljoy: read the pm you got02:57
gnomefreakorbin: not lucky enough to be in repos02:57
Nukedorbin bmpx svn. it has slsk built in02:57
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orbingnomefreak: oh, are you taking care of him/her?  i'll butt out :)02:57
warren__Grisen! i have messaged you like 3 times02:58
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gnomefreakorbin: take it so i can get back to work if you want02:58
gnomefreakwarren__: stop using the enter key as punctuation02:58
orbingnomefreak: no, it's ok :)02:58
gnomefreaklol ;)02:58
gnomefreakNuked: what does apt-cache policy say02:58
GrisenI know, but I have looked at dual boot pages and am stuck.  Is there anther less busy channel I can go to for IRC boot help please-- what IRC command to go?02:58
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orcdestroyeriptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s -j ACCEPT02:59
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orcdestroyeris that right?02:59
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GrisenWarren - noob trying to dual boot with Win98 on a and Ubuntu on B.  Want GAG to boot grub from B, is it possible?02:59
warren__grisen, no one can help you if you dont ask a question02:59
GrisenMaybe I type too slowly?02:59
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Nuked  Installed: 1:2.5.1-2ubuntu203:00
Nuked  Candidate: 1:2.5.1-2ubuntu203:00
Nuked  Version table:03:00
Nuked *** 1:2.5.1-2ubuntu2 003:00
Nuked        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages03:00
Nuked        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status03:00
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warren__not familiar with GAG03:00
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jramsey!info pastebin03:01
ubotuPackage pastebin does not exist in dapper03:01
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GrisenSorry, Herman is the "expert" will look for link03:01
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gnomefreakNuked: same version of the -dev?03:01
Warbojramsey: info gives version info and description of packages. Just use !pastebin to get pastebin info03:01
jramseyWarbo, yeah i forgot txs03:02
eternaljoygnomefreak: I did that website before, but I can only choiose vesa as I dont know what the others mean03:02
billymcan someone point me to an irc for python?03:02
crimsunwarren__: your client is not identified. This irc network blocks private queries from unidentified clients by default.03:02
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crimsuni.e., Grisen never received your queries.03:02
GrisenYes I did03:03
gnomefreaketernaljoy: what video card do you have?03:03
eternaljoygnomefreak: when I run xserver it doesnt auto pick up my card or monitor!  and it gives me like 20 options!  and I chose Vesa cause I dont know what the others mean!  How can I learn that?03:03
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eternaljoygnomefreak: hercules03:03
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crimsunGrisen: if you've configured your client to do so, sure.03:03
gnomefreaketernaljoy: im sorry i cant help you there i have never heard of that card03:03
Warbomldonkey-server is broken, it gives this after installing "Starting MLDonkey: mlnetinstall: invalid option -- f". Could I substitute a locally compiled core into the .deb's service-type abilities?03:03
lophyteanyone know if its possible to convert an existing ext3 partition to an LVM volume?03:03
GrisenHELP - who knows how to use GAG to dual boot from two HD's?03:03
CrescendoI need to split an AVI file to fit on two CDs, should be openable on windows.03:03
CrescendoHow do I do this?03:03
eternaljoygnomefreak: its a hercules video card!  so what can I do?03:04
WarboCrescendo: mencoder probably. Just give it a start and end time/frame option03:04
eternaljoygnomefreak: what would you do if you had a card you dont know?03:04
gnomefreakGrisen: gag is not an official ubuntu package i wouold try #gag03:04
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gnomefreaketernaljoy: i bought one i did know ;)03:04
Grisengnomefreak - do you have a link, esp with instructions, how-to?03:05
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eternaljoygnomefreak: :) so what can I do? and why does it work o breezy and not dapper?03:05
gnomefreaketernaljoy: if you dont have drivers for it (and i doubt ubuntu does) it will end up vesa03:05
GrisenI am trying to dump WInDOZE and migrate to Linux03:05
gnomefreakGrisen: the site you have has instructions on it03:05
Warboeternaljoy: I know someone who used a hercules card which was faster than his CPU. He only had enough money to upgrade graphics :)03:05
gnomefreakGrisen: what is wrong with grub?03:06
Grisengnomefreak, but it's for GAG not #gag03:06
eternaljoygnomefreak: ok! but in breezy vesa still works at 800x600 @ 85hz!  but in Dapper it doesnt seem to want to! why is that?03:06
gnomefreakGrisen: why not use grub?03:06
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eternaljoyWarbo: lol ;)03:06
WarboGrisen: #gag refers to an IRC room (like you are in #ubuntu now)03:06
gnomefreaketernaljoy: it should in dapper03:06
GrisenI tried to install Grub on b with Ubuntu and win 98 is still sitting on A03:06
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Bunchoinstalled g77, but it can't find a file called crtl.o03:06
eternaljoygnomefreak: in Dapper when I chose it, it skips back to 1024x768 @ 76Hz!03:07
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WarboGrisen: GRUB needs to be accessible, usually on the first drive. If Win98 gets booted first then obviously GRUb will not get a chance to load03:07
GrisenSupposedly GAG would give me a boot disk with a choice to boot from b-- not working.  I can dialog with grub but wont boot03:07
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gnomefreaketernaljoy: read the site change the options for res03:07
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eternaljoygnomefreak: I have option to chose it, but when X rebvoots, it jumps back to 1024x768!  weird eh?03:07
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WarboGrisen: You get the GRUB menu?03:07
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GrisenWant to see some grub info?03:07
eternaljoygnomefreak: i entered my monitors res03:07
GrisenYes I get menu03:07
eternaljoygnomefreak: same as breezy xorg03:08
WarboGrisen: That is good. It should be easier to fix stuff03:08
GrisenGood warbo what can I show you?03:08
WarboGrisen: OK, but remember to put large text posts into pastebin03:08
Warbo!tell Grisen about pastebin03:08
Grisenroot (hd 0,0)03:08
eternaljoygnomefreak: can I copy the xrog from breezy over the dapper xorg file?03:08
WarboGrisen: Well, that seems wrong to begin with :)03:09
jramseyis the breezy pkg server still up?03:09
orbineternaljoy: it's not weird.  if you have 1024 defined as your default res. in xorg, X will choose it whenever you boot into it03:09
WarboGrisen: (hd0,0) mean your first hard drive, but you say it is on the second03:09
Ronzif i want to try kde for ubuntu...can i install kde and try it?03:09
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Warbo(hd1,0) is second drive (first partition)03:09
Ronzeven though i have gnome atm?03:09
eternaljoyorbin: how can I make it 800x600 as deafult res?03:09
GrisenI tried to install to second, and did not resize win 98 partitions on first, but grub seems to be there?03:09
FlannelRonz: install the package "kubuntu-desktop"03:09
orbineternaljoy: gksudo 'gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'03:10
GrisenUsed alternate install03:10
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WarboGrisen: Are you on about 2 hard drives here, or 2 partitions on the same hard drive?03:10
RonzFlannel, and if i dont like it, how do i switch back?03:10
eternaljoyorbin: ok opened!  what line?03:10
orbineternaljoy: then search for the string "Modes"03:10
GrisenTwo drives03:10
GrisenWin98 on drive one, unaltered03:10
GrisenNothing done intentionally to boot sector03:10
FlannelRonz: each time you login you can change which OS you boot into, under 'session'03:10
jramseyupdate mgr can't stat source pkgs on breezy seveas; is the svr still up??03:10
GrisenUbuntu installed from alternte CD to b03:11
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Ronzths Flannel03:11
WarboGrisen: OK, then the "root" line should have (hd1,0), and the "kernel" line should say something like "root=/dev/hdb1"03:11
eternaljoyorbin: ok brb03:11
GrisenTried to install grub to b03:11
selfharmubuntu gui is gnome, yes?03:11
orbineternaljoy: there should be several of them, it should look something like:  Modes           "1024x768"03:11
eternaljoyorbin: ok found them03:11
Warboselfharm: Yes03:11
selfharmthanks again warbo03:11
orbineternaljoy: what does yours say?03:11
eternaljoyorbin: yes foind them!  whats next?03:11
GrisenHow do I correct it03:11
GrisenWipe b clean and start over?03:11
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eternaljoyorbin: it says DefaultDepth1603:11
WarboKDE and XFCE have official support, and pretty much every other WM has unofficial support03:12
eternaljoyorbin: and SubSection "Display"03:12
Ronzim breaking like, every linux rule by running kde and gnome. =P03:12
eternaljoyModes"1024x768" "800x600"03:12
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eternaljoyorbin: but its also got other modes03:12
orbineternaljoy: there you go.  1024 is "first" because it is leftmost, so it is default03:12
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eternaljoyorbin: display 1 to 2403:12
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Grisenwasnt taking the info I typed03:13
WarboGrisen: I am assuming that "A" means the first drive, containing Win98, on the first connector on the IDE cable, and "B" means the second drive, on the second connector of the first IDE cable?03:13
eternaljoyorbin: ah ok! so can I delete 1024 from SubSection "Display"03:13
eternaljoyDepth16 ?03:13
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orbineternaljoy: yes, those are for different color depths IIRC.  if you are happy with 800x600, delete all the other resolutions so all the Modelines look like: Modes "800x600"03:13
bioticproHow do I change the default action for what X does for the mouse wheel click?03:13
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GrisenWarbo, exactly03:13
J2D2can the default sound recorder in ubuntu do .mp3 files?03:13
nondysjunctionI can't seem to get multiverse working on 5.10. I have added "universe multiverse" to the entries in sources.list. Suggestions?03:13
billymAnyone have any experience with python?????03:13
eternaljoyorbin: ok!  and do I leave this:  DefaultDepth16 ?03:13
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^ohoeldoes anyone know how to change language for a current user?03:13
WarboGrisen: Then Linux sees the first drive as /dev/hda and grub sees it as hd0. The second drive is /dev/hdb and hd1.03:13
eternaljoyorbin: when it says DefaultDepth16 does that mean it only uses the mode 16 line?03:13
GrisenWin 98 will boot, Ubuntu will not03:13
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orbineternaljoy: exactly03:14
orbineternaljoy: but i usually just change them all anyway03:14
GrisenWarbo, so somehow, grub got on b03:14
eternaljoyorbin: am I safe to just delete 1026x768 from the mode 16 line?03:14
GrisenSorry, A03:14
WarboGrisen: If you use a GRUB floppy disc then you can boot the second drive without altering Win98 drive03:14
orbineternaljoy: yes, it's safe03:14
eternaljoyorbin: okk i will delete all 1024x76803:14
GrisenHow to make a Grub floppy?03:14
WarboGrisen: Do you have 2 entries on the GRUB menu? (1 Windows and 1 Ubuntu)?03:14
GrisenI could access Grub on A but it failed to boot b03:15
GrisenFinal message in boot sequence was03:15
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GrisenTarget file system doesnt have /sbin/init03:15
eternaljoyorbin: do you use Dapper?03:15
orbineternaljoy: out of interest, why would you want to go lower? is it just to get a higher refresh rate?03:15
orbineternaljoy: i'm on dapper, yes.03:15
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eternaljoyorbin: because at 75hz and lower I get headaches!  but at 800x600 and 85Hz I never get headache03:16
GrisenWarbo, no 2 entries, see above for boot message03:16
WarboGrisen: OK, then you need to change the line which begins with "kernel". It has a bit which says "root=/dev/something". It should probably need to say /dev/hdb103:16
eternaljoyorbin: can you please have a look at my Dapper sources.list and tell me if its correct?03:16
orbineternaljoy: yeah, thought that was it.03:16
GrisenWarbo, looking03:16
billymAlthough I successfully installed python2.4-twisted, I cannot get the twisted framework to work....03:16
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orbineternaljoy: let's take care of this first :)03:17
GrisenKernel /boot vmlinuz...  root=/dev/hdbl ro quiet spash    Error 15 file not found03:17
eternaljoyorbin: i changed them! but cant see till i reboot and cant reboot till later as my modem hangs up03:17
eternaljoyorbin: so can you quickly look at my sources in meantime?03:17
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orbineternaljoy: ah, ok then.03:17
orbin!paste > eternaljoy03:17
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orbineternaljoy: put them on the pastebin03:17
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WarboGrisen: I assume you mean: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hdb1 ro quiet splash03:18
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WarboGrisen: In which case hdb1 must be wrong03:18
eternaljoyorbin: I had my sources changed by someone today and all of a sudden it says I need 59mb updates!  IM not sure im using the proper sources for Dappper03:18
eternaljoyorbin: ok pastebin, brb03:18
jramseyso tell me 6.06 LTS is dapper? and there is little jeopardy in upgrading breezy to this version??03:18
WarboGrisen: Do you remember how the second drive was partitioned?03:18
Warbo!tell jramsey about upgrade03:18
eternaljoyorbin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1952503:18
orbineternaljoy: looking03:18
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GrisenI can look-- have GRUB on that machine up now03:18
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GrisenTell me03:19
eternaljoyorbin: i just want to know if my sources is the correct one for latest Dapper security updates etc03:19
eternaljoyorbin: thank you03:19
nondysjunctionI can't seem to get multiverse working on 5.10. I have added "universe multiverse" to the entries in sources.list. Suggestions?03:19
jramseyWarbo, dapper is reasonable stable?03:19
WarboGrisen: Did you tell it to set up partitions manually, or automatically?03:19
Warbojramsey: Yes03:19
jramseyok ty03:19
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orbineternaljoy: seems fine.03:19
GrisenAutomatically, I believe03:19
orbineternaljoy: what updates is it asking to install?03:19
Warbojramsey: Obviously it has a few bugs, but generally more hardware and stuff works in in than Breezy since it uses newer versions of stuff03:20
eternaljoyorbin: ok!  but i had the dapper one before and it gave me no updates!  weird03:20
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WarboGrisen: Then the partitions will probably be hdb1=root and hdb2=swap, in which case that line should work.03:20
eternaljoyorbin: 102 updates, acpi-support cupsys, gnome deskjtop data etc etc03:20
eternaljoyorbin: can that be right?03:20
WarboGrisen: Does it say "OK booting the kernel" at any point?03:20
hoehaveri burned a cd using nero for linux and the cd was an AVI movie03:20
hoehavermy dads computer is win xp03:21
orbineternaljoy: well you've got the official repositories there.  have you not updated in a while?03:21
hoehaverit couldnt read it, why not?03:21
Grisenwarbo, no it doesn;t03:21
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Warbo!tell hoehaver about burn03:21
GrisenIt ends withtarget file system doesnt have /sbin/init03:21
WarboGrisen: That may be an initrd problem. What is the initrd line (under kernel)03:21
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jramseyWarbo, when upd mgr ran, it fetched files then displayed this: http://pastebin.ca/11257503:22
eternaljoyorbin: after I installed Dapper 1 week ago I already updated 130 files and 180mb!  But today my sources was changed and now it asks to update 102 updates!03:22
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eternaljoyorbin: should I show you my previous sources?03:22
GrisenWarbo looking03:22
orbineternaljoy: sure, pastebin it03:22
eternaljoyorbin: ok03:23
eternaljoyorbin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1952603:23
Warbojramsey: That is not an official Ubuntu repository. Maybe change breezy to dapper in it?03:23
Grisen[Linux-initrd@)xf86b000, 0x674152 bytes] 03:23
eternaljoyorbin: thats the sources I been using for 1 week!  and according to that my system needs no update03:23
orbinhoehaver: was it a data cd with an avi file on it, or was it a vcd/whatever?03:23
jramseyWarbo, must be my sources file ... will change it and retry txs03:23
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eternaljoyorbin: but when I changed sources today to the latest one you saw earlier, it tells me i need 102 updates!  im confused :P03:24
WarboGrisen: I mean in the boot entry. There should be a root line, a kernel line, an initrd line then maybe a savedefault line then a boot line03:24
eternaljoyorbin: if you can put some light on it for me, i would be grateful03:24
Grisenwarbo, Looking-- i manually went through whole boot sequence, prompting grub03:24
Warbojramsey: If you don't already have it then install the ubuntu-desktop package, it helps with upgrades and you can always remove it after03:24
WarboGrisen: Ah03:24
eternaljoyorbin: anything to do with it being .au before?  does the au servers differ?03:25
WarboGrisen: Well when Ubuntu is up you can change /boot/grub/menu.lst to save your changes :)03:25
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GrisenYes, that is the initrd line03:25
GrisenI did root03:25
Grisenthen kernl command03:25
Grisenthen inird03:25
orbineternaljoy: well, from what i can tell, first one doesn't have dapper-updates enabled03:25
Grisen thn there was lot of scrolling03:25
Grisen this error03:26
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WarboGrisen: The line should look like "initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-23-386" or something03:26
GrisenMounting sys on /root/sys failed:  no such file or directory03:26
GrisenHere it is03:26
orbineternaljoy: i'm guessing your first big update was security packages ... this next one is less so03:26
eternaljoyorbin: hmm thats weird!  so why did it upgrade 186mb of files?03:26
orbineternaljoy: .au doesn't matter,  it's just a mirror03:26
ReWT_AxSdoes dapper drake come with samba?03:26
eternaljoyorbin: anyway! so I am safe to use this latest sources?03:26
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WarboGrisen: I will pastebin an entry which I think will work, then tell me if it does. Give me a sec (on a slow LiveCD)03:27
eternaljoyorbin: so you mean just update these 102 files and take it from there?03:27
orbineternaljoy: well their official repositories, so you're safe, yes.03:27
Griseninitrd /boot/initrd.img - 2.6.15-23-386 and I hit enter03:27
eternaljoyorbin: thanks a lot!  deeply appreciate your help and time03:27
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eternaljoyorbin: so does 6links you have also?03:27
orbineternaljoy: yw03:27
eternaljoyorbin: my latest sources has 6 active links! thats all I need?  same as yours?03:27
orbineternaljoy: i'll pastebin mine, hang on03:27
eternaljoyorbin: ok03:28
GrisenNoob here-- where do I find pastebin (sorry!)03:28
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:28
orbineternaljoy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1952703:28
orbineternaljoy: the last one is just for a music player i like03:28
jramseyWarbo, wouldn't you think that upd mgr would, when updating to dapper, fix up the sources.list file on its own? i fixed it and it is past the problem txs03:28
eternaljoyorbin: ok03:28
ReWT_AxSDoes Dapper come with Samba?03:29
orbin!samba > ReWT_AxS03:29
eternaljoyorbin: you also only have 6 links!  are those the same as mine?03:29
Warbojramsey: It fixes the ubuntu repos, but not external ones like seveas. What if a repo doesn't have a dapper version? Then you would be complaining that it broke your sources.list :)03:30
GrisenWarbo - trying to access pastebin, thanks03:30
eternaljoyorbin: so all I need do is sudp apt-get update and sudo apt-upgrade ?03:30
orbineternaljoy: looks, like it, yes. except i'm using the aussie mirror03:30
WarboGrisen: I think this should work (make sure you put each in exactly as it appears) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1952803:30
jramseyWarbo, :) i guess i'm not really complaining ... sometimes things seem to easy to "fix up" automatically03:30
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orbineternaljoy: yep, that will upgrade your system03:30
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eternaljoyorbin: ty for your partience. brb03:31
jramseyWarbo, b4 i push the final button, any extra pkgs i loaded in breezy will be loaded automatically with the dapper update right?03:31
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Warbojramsey: Yes, should do03:31
orbineternaljoy: the commands are: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade btw (don't know if your tyops were typos or not)03:31
jramseyWarbo, ok txs i am off for a few hours while it updates03:31
GrisenWarbo, IE6 on this expensive XP03:31
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Grisen laptop says cant find page03:32
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WarboGrisen: That link I gave you?03:32
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GrisenCannot find server03:32
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WarboGrisen: I will give it you line by line then03:32
GrisenYes, when I learn Linux, I'm dumping XP Pro on this new laptop03:32
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eternaljoyorbin: ok :)03:33
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WarboThat should be it03:33
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Grisenwarbo, willl that move grub where it belongs?03:34
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jojomanHow do I remove a boot sector virus?03:34
mdircIn sudoers I am trying to allow user to execute "exec" without requiring password. The following configuration - user <tab> ALL=(exec) NOPASSWD  gives me a Warning: undeclared Cmnd_Alias `NOPASSWD' referenced What ami doing wrong03:34
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Grisendo I need to resize boot partition on A03:34
WarboGrisen: No, but it should boot Ubuntu so you can sort GRUB out03:34
WarboGrisen: You have a boot partition?03:34
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orbinjojoman: wrong channel mate03:35
g0realI want to help ubuntu become the best OS out there. Where do I start ?03:35
GrisenWhen Ubuntu boots what then-- I also do have a live CD03:35
Warbog0real: Look for the MarketingTeam in the Wiki03:35
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g0realWell, I am a computer engineer. So I was thinking more technical than just marketing.03:35
jojomanorbin: no it is the right channel cause iam useing ubuntu.03:35
GrisenThere is a win98 boot sector on Drive 1 (a)03:36
WarboGrisen: You can move GRUB onto a different partition/drive with "sudo grub-install /dev/device" (where device is hdb or something)03:36
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GrisenThat's where 98 is03:36
GrisenUbuntu is on B, though I havent been able to find out where grub is or should be, except it appears to be on a03:36
mister_robotog0real, have you looked at the wiki or checked the devel lists to see what they are looking for? that would be better than asking in irc03:36
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WarboGrisen: If you have a seperate boot partition then your GRUB entries should look very different. You sure you did it automatically (in which case, no boot partition is made)03:37
g0realI will right now. Thanks !03:37
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GrisenYes pretty sure lacking knowledge to do differently03:37
jfOh great, finally got this to work at least :)03:37
jojomanSo, does anyone know how to remove a boot sector virus? Or can give me a link for some help?03:37
Grisenboot partition is for win98-- the usual one and resides on a with win9803:37
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g0realboot sector virus ?03:37
jfI'm new to ubuntu (and linux in general)03:38
g0realWin98 ?03:38
g0realjf: welcome03:38
WarboGrisen: If GRUB is coming up then it is probably on hda. That can be fixed, but GRUB needs to boot before Win98, so that is why I said you may need to make a GRUB floppy (just "sudo grub-install /dev/fd0" when you are in Ubuntu)03:38
Ronzboot sector virus?03:38
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Ronzhaven't heard of them in a while. =)03:38
g0realIF you are in WIndows or DOS, a "FDISK /MBR" will bo it03:38
g0realwill do it03:38
Ronzjojoman, or do a search for the program active@killdisk03:38
GrisenOkay, so I get to ubuntu using the commands you gave, then I make a grub floppy from Ubuntu command line03:38
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Ronzor killdisk03:38
jfI have a question, I am using Xubuntu...I was installing updates and somehow my interface got screwed up a little and I can't get it back how it was...I lost my "taskbar" and such...03:38
jojomanRonz I have that03:38
GrisenHow does a person get to command line in Linux03:38
Ronzjojoman, did ya run it?03:39
g0realmaybe even using fdisk on Linux will work... anyone ?03:39
Warbo!tell Grisen about cli03:39
GrisenI've played with the live cd but dont see an option for command line03:39
sethkGrisen, there is a "terminal" program on the accessory menu03:39
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WarboGrisen: Applications>Accessories>Terminal03:39
HazemMohamedn #eglug03:39
Ronzjojoman, and when you do run it, make sure you set bios back to default afterward03:39
jojomanRonz: yes I did and it told me I have a boot sector viurs03:39
g0realGrisen: KDE or GNOME ?03:39
eric___Say - what's the channel for off-topic ubuntu questions?03:39
g0realGrisen: you want "konsole" or "xterm"03:39
Grisenokay-- maybe should just use the live CD and create a grub diskette?03:40
Warbo!tell eric___ about offtopic03:40
Ronzjojoman, and it didn't do all zero's?03:40
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sethkGrisen, that works, I have one box I boot that way.03:40
sethkGrisen, for gnome you want gnome-terminal03:40
eric___Warbo: Right - about Ubuntu, but not a support issue.03:40
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sethkGrisen, which is called "terminal" on the menu but the name of the program is gnome-terminal03:40
WarboGrisen: That may help yes. The most important thing would be Ubuntu CD's ability to tell you which drives are which (that is confusing me, and may be the problem)03:40
GrisenI am happy to boot to linux from floppy, want to learn it and leave Windoze03:40
jojomanRonz: I chose the 1 pass random and I did it one more time to make shure and it still told me I had boot sector virus03:41
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eric___Warbo: So, what channel should I use?03:41
GrisenCan I ask grub here on the other machine and tell you?03:41
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Warboeric___: "Ubuntu support" covers quite a large base. Offtopic is usually full of football and Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, so ask Ubuntu stuff in here :)03:41
sethkGrisen, I don't understand the question03:42
Ronzjojoman, have you tried to fdisk the hard drive?03:42
isedei want to delete file from the NTFS partition (i cannot do it from windows bec it's a virus dll that runs with windows explorer), but it seems that i can mount it only for reading. is there any way to write to the ntfs?03:42
eric___Warbo: OK, then.  I was wondering if anything official has been said about what features are anticipated for edgy, v 6.10?03:42
=== move [n=move@pool-72-77-247-220.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
GrisenWarbo wants to know which drive of the two Ubuntu sees as Win98 and which as Ubuntu and where it sees grub03:42
movecan someone tell me how to burn an ISO from console?03:42
TokenBadmove you can't use k3b?03:42
movemore specifically, the newest Desktop Ubuntu ISO from the Server Ubuntu console03:42
sethkisede, writing to ntfs is unsafe.  what you need to do is boot the XP install cd and go into repair mode03:43
jojomanRonz: it does nothing when I type in the termal "fdisk -l03:43
sethkisede, it's possible to use wine to write to ntfs, but it isn't a good idea for your problem03:43
moveTokenBad: is k3b for console?03:43
isedesethk: i don't have a CD03:43
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Warboeric___: I usually go by the "Edgy Ideas" pages in the WIki and look for MattZimmerman's replies (like "This is already implemented" and stuff). Also there are some developers' pages with their own ideas (like MattZimmerman's ) and they have implementation notices03:43
Ronzjojoman, try fdisk /dev/hda1 or whatever the drive is03:43
sethkisede, then probably you'll have a repair option on the windows boot menu03:43
Ronzerr, fdisk /dev/hda03:43
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isedesethk: what is the worst that can happen?03:44
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isedei mean, if i do write the ntfs03:44
sethkisede, if you write to ntfs?  you could lose all the files in the ntfs partition03:44
eric___Warbo: Do you know if compiz and/or glx is better integrated so I can spin windows around and such?03:44
sethkisede, you can, of course, back those files up to a linux partition, which is only reading.03:44
WarboGrisen: Running an Ubuntu LiveCD on the 98 computer, then goping in System>Administration>Disks should tell you where each drive and partition is03:44
sethkisede, but there is a repair mode for windows.  At some point you press R to get into repair mode.  you'll get a terminal and you'll be able to delete that file.03:45
jojomanRonz: It says unable to open03:45
isedesethk: i heard that knoppix lets you write to ntfs, how does it do that?03:45
orbinjojoman: sudo fdisk -l03:45
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Warboeric___: I believe it is going to be included as decent packages (getting rid of any custom scripts and stuff) but I am not sure whether it will be installed by default03:45
sethkisede, any linux can do it.  but it isn't safe.  I didn't say it wasn't possible.  it's a kernel option and any linux can enable it.03:45
sethkisede, usually requires a kernel rebuild, however.03:45
TokenBadmove I am not sure what you mean by console...you mean in terminal?03:45
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isedesethk: thank you03:46
sethkisede, I would consider it to be a very last resort03:46
erus`are the forums down?03:46
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GrisenWarbo, I've looked at system, administration, disks-- will go there and come back, okay?03:46
erus`back now03:46
orbinerus`: work fine here03:46
moveTokenBad: Yes, terminal03:47
WarboGrisen: Sure (you know, GAIM is included on the CD so you can chat in here from within the CD. I am doing that now :) )03:47
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TokenBadmove, you not have gui?03:48
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moveTokenBad: you should really look up the word console if you don't know what it means03:48
GrisenOkay, Ill try GAIM tho I am a noob to chat too.  I do know my way around a windoze box03:48
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TokenBadconsole could mean a couple things...thats why asked03:48
movedoes anyone know how to burn ISOs in console?03:49
GrisenBooting live CD......03:49
jojomanOrbin: it says it doesnt contian a valid partition table03:49
moveTokenBad: usually when people are in #ubuntu on a computer, they mean the kind of console you see... on a computer03:49
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erus`gah glx wont work... :( how do i completely remove fglrx?03:49
TokenBadwell for your answer...try cdw03:49
TokenBadconsole version03:49
TokenBadbut I think when someone is trying to help you could be a little more civil..03:50
TokenBadcdw - Tool for burning CD's - console version03:50
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GrisenWarbo, was sickened by MSoft's decision to drop 98 users, learned about it 10 days before drop dead date03:50
TokenBadits in apt-get03:50
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orbinjojoman: i'm deferring to Ronz  ... only reason i piped up is b/c i knew fdisk needed a sudo in front03:50
GrisenThat was the last straw for me...03:50
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:50
GrisenImmediately went to Firefox and Tbird03:51
WarboGrisen: You weren't using them already :)03:51
GrisenHad to find new firewall to replace zonealarm03:51
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GrisenAnd these two machines have worked beautifully on a wireless network03:52
jojomanronz: orbin: i figured it out thanx!03:52
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GrisenOkay here comes the cd03:52
J2D2what proggie can i use to stream my cam, not camserv though. Something with a gui03:52
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Ronznp jojo03:52
InstantlyKarmichows everyone doin 2nite03:52
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GrisenNo I was a happy captive M$oft user03:53
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erus`How can i completely remove fglrx from my system please?03:53
GrisenOkay disks manager is up03:53
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BHSPitMonkeyI thought open source was a sin. you said.03:53
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erus`ye but03:53
orbinRonz:  what was wrong exactly?  how did looking at his PT help?03:54
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erus`i need xgl to work03:54
GrisenFirst, hard disk 18.65 gig03:54
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GrisenWarbo /dev/hda03:54
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erus`please answer my question ^03:54
Ronzorbin, he had a problem with a boot sector virus. did 2 random passes, and it was still there03:54
nullifxhow do i get miniwin and dock plugins to enable in compiz?  the tabs are in gset-compiz but are greyed out03:55
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Grisenwindows virtual fat03:55
orbinRonz: random pass?  (never had a BSV)03:55
Cornelliusnullifx: #ubuntu-xgl03:55
Grisenstatus inaccessible03:55
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=== TooBazz [n=sam@219-89-28-18.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Grisenclick enable-- no change03:55
TooBazzIn mandriva how to you access software other then whats on your installation cd's?03:55
nullifxah thanks03:56
Grisenhard disk 7.8 gig03:56
TokenBadmove that work for you?03:56
Ronzorbin, there are few ways of perminantly destroying data on a hard drive. one way is changing every bit to a 0. another way to do it is to to do random bits, and scramble the information03:56
Grisendevice dev/hdb03:56
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Grisenextended 303:56
orbinRonz: ah, ok.  thanks for the info.03:56
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Grisenaccess path none03:56
Grisenstatus inaccessible03:56
CornelliusGot difficulties lauching some applications here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19529.03:56
Grisenclick enable - no change (inaccessible)03:57
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TooBazzIn mandriva how to you access software other then whats on your installation cd's?03:57
moveTokenBad: I can't find the name of the cdw package03:57
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moveTokenBad: sudo apt-get install cdw doesn't work and I can't seem to find it on google03:57
GrisenDoes this help?  I know there was something graphic with partition info also last time03:57
orbinTooBazz: er, wrong channel?03:57
g0realTooBazz: madriva questions in an ubuntu channel ???03:57
TooBazzYou people are more intelligent.03:58
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Artan1sTooBazz:  I know, thank you.03:58
g0realTooBazz: anyway, your answer is called "urpmi", google it03:58
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TokenBadmove, you have all your repositories set? cause its in mine03:58
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moveTokenBad: nope, I don't know how to do that from console03:59
g0realTooBazz: I used to be a Mandriva user myself. Not anymore03:59
ubotuI know nothing about cdw - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:59
=== mikomiko [n=mikomiko@ool-4578067e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
GrisenWARBO gnome partition editor03:59
ubotuI know nothing about cd - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:59
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto03:59
g0realwhat is cdw ?03:59
TooBazzWhy not mandriva anymore?03:59
mikomikohello, my sounds has gone to no where after upgrade03:59
xtom_____does anybody know how to connect to this channel irc://thelinuxlink.net/techshow04:00
mikomikohow do i turn it back04:00
movethere we go04:00
moveguess all I really needed was a boy04:00
g0realTooBazz: Because it was a pain maintaining up to date. The ubuntu/kubuntu community is more active.04:00
duraHow do I get apt to upgrade the kernel-image?04:00
g0realTooBazz: I actually use Kubuntu04:00
GrisenWarbo /dev/hda1 7.87gig-- looks like win98 isn't set to use the whole drive (!)04:00
CornelliusGot difficulties lauching some applications here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19529  <-- Something about ''xlibs''04:00
TooBazzwhy is it a pain?04:00
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Grisenwarbo /dev/hda1 has orange triangle with ! in it04:01
g0realTooBazz: because of your same question "how do you access software other that..."04:01
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Grisenflags:  boot lba04:01
g0realTooBazz: I find that ubuntu's adept package manager and .deb packages are better04:01
Konstablewhat is the shell command to display Ubuntu version?04:02
Grisenunallocated 10.78 gig-- must have happened when in used Acronis to rescue 9804:02
g0realKonstable: uname -a04:02
TooBazzi like mandriva...didnt know the packmanager sucked04:02
g0realTooBazz: No no no, it doesn't suck. I actually like it.04:02
Konstableg0real: That just shows the Kernel version.  Not the Ubuntu itself.04:02
reckhelp , please, I installed ubuntu in my laptop, but when i start, nothing happens only a message uncompressing linux... ok, booting the kernel.04:02
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g0realTooBazz: And mandriva's drakconf is very good (wish ubunutu had something similar)04:03
GrisenWarbo that's the only device GParted shows (where is B with Ubuntu on it??)04:03
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GrisenNo here is b04:03
g0realTooBazz: It's just the available packages. THe size of the ubuntu community is larger, so more people contribute04:03
orbinKonstable: lsb_releas -a or cat /etc/issue04:03
g0realTooBazz: Also Mandriva is a company04:04
TooBazzok thanks04:04
duraHow do I tell apt to install a new kernel image?04:04
TooBazzyeah i think ubuntu will be a company soon too04:04
GrisenWarbo /dev/hdb1 7.51GB04:04
g0realTooBazz: so it has a smaller staff04:04
Konstableorbin: ah, thanks04:04
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Grisenext3 used 1.93 GB04:04
orbindura: sudo aptitude install <kernel_image_package>04:05
g0realTooBazz: but Mandriva controls too much... Again it's userbase and up-to-date packages that made it for me04:05
GrisenFlags: boot04:05
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JoseGosdinHi, my name is Jose Gosdin and I am starting a Christian Ubuntu version. If you would like to help out please join #christianubuntu or if you have any spare time, please digg our submission at http://digg.com/linux_unix/Jesus_Linux_Ubuntu_Christian_Edition Thank you for your support. :)04:05
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orbindura: do an apt search for linux-image04:05
duraorbin: When I do apt-get upgrade it tells me the kernel-images has been kept back.04:05
regeyaa...christian...operating system.04:05
danf_1979to execute a script in /etc/init.d/ is not as easy as just placing the script in there?04:05
g0realMayeb someone here can help me with this one: as root on the console I can't open an X window04:05
GrisenWarbo /dev/hdb2 rcyrnfrf 368.68MB04:05
WarboGrisen: That looks like /04:05
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J2D2yeah...i'm christian, but why start a christian os?04:05
g0realWhere are the root's permission set to access the :0.0 display ?04:06
WarboGrisen: hdb2 looks like swap04:06
skullripperhow do i know the speed of a proccesor in linux04:06
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regeyaJoseGosdin: are you adding in christian-themed art?  removing the nekkid people?  I'm very curious .04:06
GrisenUnder that /dev/hdb5 linux-swap 368.65 mb04:06
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orbindura: i'm not sure.  i think it's waiting for other packages to be upgraded first before it can.04:06
GrisenWarbo THAT's It04:06
duraorbin: It tells me: The following packages have been kept back: linux-image-server04:06
orbinskullripper: cat /proc/cpuinfo04:06
dura0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.04:06
ed1tk i just installed xubuntu and the installer didnt create the swap partition04:07
duraNo other packages...04:07
=== tom_ [n=tom@ool-457111fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoseGosdinregeya, I have outlined changes we would like to make at http://www.christianubuntu.com/ and on my comment to our digg submission at http://digg.com/linux_unix/Jesus_Linux_Ubuntu_Christian_Edition04:07
skullripperorbin, thanks04:07
TokenBadmove, you see my private msg's?04:07
GrisenSo how do I make this linux wannabe box boot and act friendly?  ;-)04:07
CornelliusGot difficulties lauching some applications here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19529  <-- Something about ''xlibs''. Work as a normal user, not as root.04:07
WarboGrisen: is it possible that hdb2 is /boot? If so that would be why grub wasn't working04:07
regeyaaye, I'll take a look JoseGosdin ...thanks04:07
g0realJoseGOsdin: I am very curious about what you don't like of the standard distro04:07
duraCornellius: Why are you trying to run X as root?04:07
duraCornellius: Don't do that... not wise.04:08
durause your user.04:08
Cornelliusdura: Dude, I only did sudo in a terminal04:08
WarboGrisen: Mount the drives and look what is on them ("enable" or something)04:08
duraCornellius: sudo what ?04:08
g0realdura: I know what I am doing and I also need to display as root sometimes04:08
GrisenUnder flags column for GParted it says boot for /dev/hdb104:08
Cornelliusdura: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:08
durag0real: Doesn't mean it's safe/secure.04:08
orbindura: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/6904:08
g0realdura: I know04:08
duraorbin: Ty :)04:08
g0realdura: you cannot do security by obscurity04:09
WarboGrisen: Try mounting hdb1 and looking in it's boot folder04:09
durag0real: Nor by stupidity.04:09
GrisenYou know there are hundreds of thousands of 98 users who could be peeled from MSoft...04:09
g0realdura: doesn't work, hasn't work, will never work04:09
TooBazzcan mandriva tap into red hat reposertories?04:09
JoseGosding0real, Well, it's more of a regional version of Ubuntu. It's not that anything is wrong with the default install (besides card games), but we would like to have web filtering, bible trivia, and bible study programs out of the box.04:09
GrisenHow do I mount it?04:09
WarboGrisen: Does it have an icon on thedesktop?04:09
=== dura admins 6 Dapper Server installs.
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GrisenFor the live CD icons are Examples and Install04:10
g0realJoseGosdin: Ah, thanks. Sounds like a live CD will be great for it04:10
sethkbesides, there is no difference between being root and being allowed to sudo every command there is, unless you count the fact that you have to type sudo.  that quickly simply becomes a habit and loses all value.04:10
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duraorbin: Interesting... I thought I was missing an option in a config some where.04:10
WarboGrisen: OK. I sys>admin>disks they will have a path shown (usually in /media). Go into that path in the file browser04:10
orbindura: yeah, like i said ... didn't know that myself...glad i googled it just now :)04:11
g0realg0real admins 1000 workstations, 50% with linux, 2 100-node clusters, Solaris servers, and still some Irix boxes around. A few windows here and there04:11
duraorbin:  :)04:11
duraI don't feel so blind/dumb now heh04:11
=== ro_claus [n=Y39988@blueice1n1.de.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu
Grisendisks manager shows a list of drives on the left including cd and floppy then two tabs for each drive you choose-- properties and partitions.  No pull down menus, is that what you mean, warbo?04:12
Artan1sI feel blind/dumb04:12
blindouch dura04:12
Artan1sI was the only person at HOPE without a laptop04:12
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WarboGrisen: Choose your hard drive with Ubuntu on it, then on the Partitions go on hdb1 and look where it is being mounted (in /media)04:13
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g0realWy does ubunto insists on mounting my USB stick on /media/sdb1 ?? All other distros mounted it by name, like /mnt/SECURE_II04:13
g0real(SECURE_II is the model of the USB stick)04:14
GrisenSorry, not clear what you mean with this particular GUI04:14
Dr_Willisg0real,  it mounts mine by name04:14
g0realDrWillis: Really ?04:14
Dr_Willisactually it mounts it by its Label Name04:14
Warbog0real: /media is for gnome-volume-manager. It should recognise the name though04:14
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GrisenIt has partititon properties on the right (?)04:14
Dr_WillisI renemed it under windows.. and it uses that name04:14
WarboGrisen: yes, in there04:14
g0realIt doesn't on mine (it's really Kubuntu--- do you think that matters ?)04:14
Dr_Willisnot sure if gnome or kde makes a differance04:15
=== ironuckles [n=ironuckl@c-24-13-203-107.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GrisenThe buttons I can choose from are format, change and enable04:15
sethkI never use mount by label.  I've seen, more than once, someone add a partition, and the mounting changes (because the name of the new partition is the same as one of the old ones)04:15
Dr_Willisinstall ubuntu-desktop and see if gnome dies it better04:15
Grisen\I am in disks manager04:15
Strykyrhow come no one told me about synaptic when i was trying to solve my tsl issue?04:15
g0realsethk: true04:15
GrisenThats the GUI04:15
WarboGrisen: Where is the "Access Path" for Partition 1?04:15
Grisen(trying to avoid the word Window)04:15
g0realDr_Willis: I really really hope gnome doesn't die .... ;)04:16
sethkStrykyr, probably assumed you already knew about it.04:16
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
Grisenwarbo /dev/hdb104:16
WarboGrisen: That is not the access path :) Try clicking "Enable"04:16
ironucklesI'm having problems with printing and setting up a printer in Ubuntu04:16
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g0realironuckels: be specific04:17
GrisenEnable just returns the same look, no new information04:17
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=== ed1t [n=javiadip@ool-43553582.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboGrisen: Try typing "/mnt" into the Access Path, then click enable again04:18
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GrisenI can type there-- trying...04:18
ed1ti installed xubuntu and the installer didnt create the swap partition...how would i create now?04:18
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g0realed1t: disk manager and resize04:19
Warboed1t: Do you know how to make partitons in the first place? (GParted in a LiveCD)04:19
GrisenOkay enable has changed to disable, so somethinng must have happened04:19
ironucklesg0real, okay, when I try to set up a printer via the System->Admin->Printers menu, it detects my printer, but doesn't populate the "manufacturer" combobox. I also tried downloading the PPD file for my printer, which worked, but I since disconnected the printer, and when I try to set it up again the exactly same way, it says the PPD file is already instead and errors out.04:19
ed1tWarbo: i let it do it04:19
GrisenSize: 7.51GB (5.2GB free)04:19
GrisenStatus accessible04:20
GrisenBrowse button is available04:20
WarboGrisen: Go into /mnt in the file browser (eg. go on "Examples" then press ctrl-L and type /mnt)04:20
WarboGrisen: Or just use browse :)04:20
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ed1tswap partition is there....but i need to resize my linux partition, coz i still have to make data disc04:20
g0realironuckes: hmmm. Post that to the main channel. I'm really a noob in ubuntu. I have done it in other distros, but not this one. So I cannot give you step-by-step04:20
GrisenNew screen with file folder icons04:20
ironucklesg0real, whats the main channel?04:21
WarboGrisen: I assume there is a boot folder in there?04:21
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g0realironnuckles: never mind, just here04:21
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g0realg0real: h04:22
WarboGrisen: Go in it and see if it is empty or full of stuff04:22
ed1tis there any way i can switch it over? coz i have the ext3 partition made for it but it took the wrong one04:22
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maccam94where is the modules autoload file located?04:22
g0reali got to go now. See you people later. I'm going to get more familiar with ubuntu so I can help more.04:22
Grisensub folder grub04:22
WarboGrisen: Good. Is there a vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 and an initrd.img-2.6.15-23-386?04:23
ed1txubuntu rox04:23
GrisenYes, both04:23
Warboed1t: No, ROX rox :)04:23
ed1tthat too04:23
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Warbo(well, actually I don't like it :) )04:23
maccam94rox vs. e17? anyone?04:24
WarboGrisen: Seems like there is everything needed to boot04:24
Frankensteinhi, i just reinstalled ubuntu breezy, updated it, than upgraded to dapper from a clean start, but now i cant get xmms to play any sound... any idea?04:24
GrisenWarbo - both are in boot folder04:24
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ironucklesI'm having printing problems in Ubuntu. When I try to set up a printer via the System->Admin->Printers menu, it detects my printer, but doesn't populate the "manufacturer" combobox. I also tried downloading the PPD file for my printer, which worked, but I since disconnected the printer, and when I try to set it up again the exactly same way, it says the PPD file is already instead and errors out.04:24
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GrisenOkay, I'm a bit lost now, so tell me what you've learned... ("so the whole class can benefit")04:24
WarboGrisen: press alt-f2 and run "gksudo gedit"04:24
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems04:24
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fleekyis it possible to just update the apt sources for a debian distro to "install" ubuntu?04:25
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GrisenWarbo, will try that command04:25
prophetcan someone help me setp up a static ip04:25
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kazukisanI am trying to get video plugins for Opera, can anyone give me some suggestions?04:25
ed1tprophet: get dyndns.org04:25
WarboGrisen: You don't have a /boot partition, your kernel is called vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 (and your initrd.img is similar), and your / is /dev/hdb104:25
cntbFrankenstein: install vlc until u resolve xmms04:25
ed1tit works pretty good04:25
Frankensteincntb, vlc?04:26
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Frankensteini also dont have any multimeda system button04:26
cntbvlc is universal player videolan04:26
prophetwhat is a static ip04:26
Frankensteinprophet, a ip that doesnt change04:26
ed1tthe ip that doesnt change04:27
cntblike your sound card not installed ?04:27
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kleeshow can VI remember the location of where i last saved?04:27
GrisenWarbo: in gedit now "unsaved document"04:27
kleesthe cursor location04:27
Frankensteinwell i dont want to use vlc.... i want to use xmms... its been used before04:27
Warboprophet: An Internet address which doesn't change when you log onto the Net (usually dialup and broadband change every time you connect)04:27
cntbI like xmms too04:27
ed1tthat u dont have since ur on cable04:27
Kyralklees: its a commented out option in /etc/vimrc04:27
ironucklesI'm having printing problems in Ubuntu. When I try to set up a printer via the System->Admin->Printers menu, it detects my printer, but doesn't populate the "manufacturer" combobox. I also tried downloading the PPD file for my printer, which worked, but I since disconnected the printer, and when I try to set it up again the exactly same way, it says the PPD file is already installed and errors out.04:27
WarboGrisen: Open up /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst04:27
Kyralcopy it to ~/.vimrc and modify to your needs04:27
ed1tunless u pay some extra per month to get it04:27
kleesKyral: thx i'll check it out04:27
orbinFrankenstein: try changing the output plugin to alsa or esound04:28
ed1tbut if u wanna have DNS which points to ur ip address, go to dyndns.org04:28
ed1tits pretty good04:28
GrisenWarbo, can we modify this so I can boot to b from a floppy??04:28
WarboGrisen: I think so. Just need to make sure GRUB is looking in the right place04:28
GrisenOkay, lets race04:28
orbinFrankenstein: if you like xmms, you might want to try beep media player ... sort of like xmms in gtk204:28
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Frankensteinive tried that all, ubuntu sees my soundcard and its installed etc... but your missing the point, i want to use xmms not anything else, its worked before04:29
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Dattasmoonis there a way to make ubuntu boot into text only mode? i like the graphics but i don't want it on my server, taking up memory04:29
WarboGrisen: Look for a line "# kopt=root=/dev/ssomething ro" and make sure it says "# kopt=root=/dev/hdb1 ro"04:29
Frankensteincard 0: Intel [HDA Intel] , device 0: ALC880 Analog [ALC880 Analog] 04:30
WarboDattasmoon: Get rid of the GDM package04:30
userundefineDattasmoon, just install the server version if you don't need X04:30
orbinFrankenstein: you've changed the output plugin?04:30
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Frankensteinorbin, yes, restared xmms no luck04:30
GrisenYou want me to open /mnt/boot/grub/menu... how do I do that within gedit please?04:30
kleesKyral: i can't find that line04:30
Frankensteinim also not getting any sound on bootup04:30
Kyralklees: lemme look at my vimrc04:30
WarboGrisen: Go on open, go in Filesystem on the left then go in mnt, then boot, then grub then open menu.lst04:31
orbinFrankenstein: sounds liek you have bigger issues if you don't get system sounds either04:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:31
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Frankensteinwhat i dont understand is that everything worked before, why not now?04:31
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GrisenWarbo: got it04:32
Dattasmoonwarbo, thanks userundefine, i did have the server only  installed under breezy but when i updated to dapper, it put the graphics back on04:32
Kyralklees: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19533 <== Seems to be the line that does it04:32
WarboGrisen: Check the line I mentioned above04:32
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GrisenI have menu.1st open-- what am I looking for (feel like a newborn here)04:33
WarboGrisen: Then check the line "# groot=(hdsomething,something)" and make sure it says "# groot=(hd1,0)"04:33
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GrisenYes, # groot=(hd1,0)04:34
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WarboGrisen: OK, check "# kopt=root=/dev/ssomething ro" and make sure it says "# kopt=root=/dev/hdb1 ro"04:35
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kleesKyral: do i need the last line:    augroup END04:35
Kyralklees: I think so04:35
DanaGOkay, I just installed 6.06 LTS.04:35
DanaGI'm trying to figure out how to get an SMP kernel without recompiling.04:36
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GrisenExactly it04:36
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tritiumDanaG: install one from the repos04:36
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WarboGrisen: Then check the actual boot entries near the bottom. Make sure they use those options above (eg. root (hd1,0), kernel has "root=/dev/hdb1" and stuff)04:36
dauoalagiocan someone please help me with ndiswrappers??04:37
kleesKyral: that looked like it worked thx again04:37
MadpilotDanaG, AFAIK the default kernel in Ubuntu has SMP compiled into it...04:37
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TimeKillerI'm running a web server on one machine. I want to be able to use samba to upload files to it but i don't want to chmod 777 the docroot directory. What can i do? :)04:38
=== erus` [n=tommo@AC9F5098.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:38
DanaGIf I run "sudo cat /proc/cpuinfo", it only lists one.04:38
erus`how do i get r300?04:38
ryanakcaDanaG: run:    dmesg | grep SMP04:38
=== ShadowGunner [n=666@c-67-166-125-27.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
erus`is it this Xservergl thing in synaptic?04:39
DanaGaah, okay.04:39
ryanakcaDanaG: that's all I can help you with... and that's not a lot04:39
DanaGThat saves me some time.04:39
Warbo!tell erus` about xgl04:39
GrisenWarbo, those are there next to "root" and "kernel"04:39
DanaGI see Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration.04:39
WarboGrisen: It seems everything is OK. Do you have a spare floppy disc?04:40
GrisenThree sets of info, including one for mem test and one for recovery04:40
GrisenYes I have a floppy04:40
WarboGrisen: Yes, those are there by defualt04:40
GrisenMight have some unneeded files on it04:40
maccam94_dauoalagio: what wifi card do you have?04:40
TimeKillerIsn't it bad practice to chmod 777 the document root of a web server?04:40
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WarboGrisen: Put in the floppy, save and exit the file and in a terminal (Applications>Accessories>Terminal) run "sudo grub-install /dev/fd0"04:40
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ro_clausTimeKilller .it is ;)04:41
dauoalagiomaccam94_: broadcom 431104:41
GrisenDoes the floppy need to be formatted or erased?04:41
raitcan anyone help me retrieve my login ?04:41
TimeKillerThen how can i open it up to be able to upload with samba? :P04:41
WarboGrisen: I don;t think so, GRUB lives in it's MBR04:41
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orbinwhat are the linux-*-smp packages for then?04:41
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Warbo(well, boot sector)04:41
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Artan1sWhat is linux?04:41
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slid3ranyone have issue gettin xmms to play a .pls file after install on ubuntu?04:42
TimeKillerlinux = something that makes toast or something04:42
Warbo!tell Artan1s about linux04:42
dauoalagiomaccam94_: it is installed correctly, and i have it in wlan0, but it wont let me set essid04:42
ro_clausorbin... for multi processor machines04:42
Strykyrwhat is a good text editor for ubuntu that is weasy to get my hands on04:42
TimeKillergedit is decent04:42
Warboslid3r: .pls = playlist?04:42
StrykyrThank You04:42
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TimeKillerit's built in04:42
maccam94_dauoalagio: is it enabled?04:42
slid3rcorrect as in from http://www.di.fm04:42
orbinro_claus: why would you need them if the default apparently supports smp?04:42
TimeKillerto ubuntu at least04:42
slid3rWarbo text editor for what purpose?04:43
dauoalagiomaccam94_: yep it's active04:43
slid3rI mean04:43
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Warboslid3r: Make sure it doesn't use \ (as in C:\folder\file.mp3) or change XMMS preferences to use \ as well as /04:43
slid3rtheres the one already installed04:43
ro_clausorbin..where'd you find them?04:43
slid3rbut for html and php and such theres bluefisch04:43
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ShadowGunneranyone know if ndiswrapper is on ubuntu livecd?04:43
orbinro_claus: them being what?04:43
ro_clausorbin..this smp files04:44
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slid3rWarbo, well the pls is a url04:44
Warboslid3r: OK then04:44
Warboslid3r: It goes without saying all of that MP3 restricted stuff.....04:44
orbinro_claus: the smp metapackages?  they're available in the repos.04:45
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slid3rwell I know it plays on xmms I have done it a million times04:45
GrisenWarbo "could not find device  for /boot: Not found or not a block device  (should I look for another floppy??)04:45
erus`"E: xorg-driver-fglrx: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2" when trying to remove fglrx driver04:45
raiti have recently been having trouble with my ubuntu partition and i have just recently been able to get back on it but now i have forgotten my login any way to retrieve it ?04:45
slid3rtbu if I put into play >> location >> http://www.di.fm/mp3/chillout.pls04:45
ro_clausorbin...they are prepackaged then for using on SMP machines04:45
slid3rit should fire the stream right up04:45
WarboGrisen: Hmm, that's weird.04:45
GrisenMaybe not formatted04:45
PapaMidnightso I'm trying to upgrade my flash player, and everything is running fine until it tells me to remove the  xpti.dat fyle from my firefox components directory, but I'm not able to get there.  Any help?04:45
WarboGrisen: I don't think it actually matters04:46
GrisenDid it find a problem with writing to the floppy or a problem with  /boot?04:46
WarboGrisen: Try formatting it, making a folder "boot" on it, then "grub" in there and wait a second...04:46
raitanyone ?04:46
GrisenLet me try another diskette (?)04:47
TimeKillerPapaMidnight: is it in your .firefox directory?04:47
WarboGrisen: Try copying across as much of the contents of /mnt/boot/grub as you can (stage files mainly)04:47
Grisendidnt like that one either-- same message04:47
lenHi, how do I add screen resolution in my Ubuntu without having to edit xorg.conf???04:48
TimeKillerPapaMidnight: open up nautilus and navigate to your desktop. then press control h that will show hidden directories and you should be able to get to it there.04:48
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sethklen, dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver will edit xorg.conf for you04:48
GrisenLet's assume these (older) diskettes have some bad sectors or are not formatted.  How to format from Ubuntu?04:48
sethklen, there is no way to add resolutions without something, either you or a program, editing xorg.conf04:48
WarboGrisen: Format the floppy, mount it (like you did with the HD) make a folder "boot", and try copying /mnt/boot/grub into there04:49
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WarboGrisen: Applications>System Tools>Floppy Formatter?04:49
WarboGrisen: Or Sys>Admin>Disks?04:49
lensethk: I mean a program doing it for me04:49
GrisenTell me how to format please, I speak M$oft04:49
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sethklen, you can't add a resolution without modifying xorg.conf04:49
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GrisenSee it04:49
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sethkGrisen, fdformat /dev/fd004:49
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maccam94_dauoalagio: try this at the command line as su: iwconfig wlan0 mode managed && iwlist wlan0 scan04:50
lensethk: I know that, I mean a program do it for me... editing for me04:50
=== cualquiernic [n=cristian@pc-101-165-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
kleesany idea y sudo apt-get upgrade  kept Totem back??04:50
lensethk: thx for the tip i'll try now04:50
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GrisenApplications menu doesnt have system tools04:50
sethklen    dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:50
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Warboklees: Try dist-upgrade04:50
kleesWarbo: that also keeps it04:50
sethklen, I think I reversed the xserver and xorg the first time.  the one I just pasted is correct.04:51
maccam94_dauoalagio:  then use that info to do iwconfig wlan0 essid nameofrouter04:51
orbinlen: which IMO is more complex than adding a 8 or so characters in a text file04:51
maccam94_dauoalagio: then run dhclient wlan004:51
lensethk: kk I'll check now... I'm just making a back-up of my xorg.conf04:51
kleeswhat's the difference between  upgrade and dist-upgrade ??04:51
dauoalagiomaccam94_: came up with no results. so i have no info for the router04:51
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maccam94_dauoalagio: hm04:51
Warboklees: upgrade only upgrades your installed packages. dist-upgrade also removes or installs new/old ones04:52
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=== InvisiblePinkUni does a rain dance
maccam94_and you're sure your wifi card is up and your wireless router is on?04:52
dauoalagiomaccam94_: yes04:52
GrisenFormatting with FDformat command04:52
kleesWarbo: k....  dist-ugrade still keeps Totem =\04:52
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com04:52
lenorbin: IMO?04:52
Warboklees: (so totem-gstreamer would need to install all of the newer gstreamer0.10 packages. upgrade wouldn't get them but dist-upgrade would)04:52
ubotuI know nothing about bugzilla - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:52
UbuntuJulezdoes beep media player's equalizer not work in ubuntu?04:52
ubotuI know nothing about testopia - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:52
maccam94_dauoalagio: pastebin the output from ifconfig04:52
ubotuI know nothing about you - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:52
InvisiblePinkUnianyone using testopia here?04:52
GrisenAnd all that time WASTED on DOS04:52
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com04:52
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dauoalagiomaccam94_: i can;t its on the laptop with no internet04:53
maccam94_ah ok04:53
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dauoalagiomaccam94_: wait i have an idea04:53
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dauoalagiomaccam94_: i did ifconfig and it is coming us as wlan0 = ethernet04:53
maccam94_dauoalagio: well do you see any errors related to the driver in the output...?04:53
maccam94_well that would be a problem04:53
cowmilkin terminal how do i run two cammands in sequence? what symbol do i put between the 2 commands?04:53
dauoalagiomaccam94_: yes how can i fix?04:54
userundefinecowmilk, &&04:54
userundefinegot it04:54
WarboGrisen: When it is done run "sudo mkdir /grubfloppy && sudo mount /dev/fd0 /grubfloppy && sudo mkdir /grubfloppy/boot && sudo cp -r /mnt/boot/grub /grubfloppy/boot"04:54
argundawill ubuntu run ok in my laptop which has 128mb ram?04:54
bruenigyou can also put a ; in between them04:54
mister_robotocowmilk, use && if you want to run the second only when the first succeeds. if you wanna run the second regardless whether the first command succeeds, use ;04:54
sethkargunda, a bit tight, perhaps.  use one of the low overhead window managers, neither gnome nor kde04:55
GrisenFormatted fine.  Did sudo grib-install /dev/fd0 from command line.  Returned "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.04:55
cowmilkwhat's the proper way of adding opera (browser) into my sysntem?04:55
WarboGrisen: Use that huge command I posted above04:55
userundefinecowmilk, I'm pretty sure opera is in one of the repositories.  apt-get install it04:55
cowmilkuserundefine: do i have ta add a repo to my sources list?04:56
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sethkGrisen, you have to mount the floppy and copy the /boot directory to it04:56
bruenig!info opera04:56
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in dapper04:56
Warbosethk: Not the whole /boot folder, since that includes kernels and initrd images which won't fit04:56
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked.04:56
Warbosethk: Just the grub stages04:56
sethkWarbo, that's true04:56
maccam94_dauoalagio: um, have you looked through dmesg?04:56
sethkWarbo, /boot/grub, my mistake04:57
cowmilkMadpilot: i'm in xubuntu. is it the same way to add programs?04:57
lensethk: Do u think I sould enable the framebuffer?04:57
sethklen, no04:57
Madpilotcowmilk, I think so,  yes04:57
dauoalagiomaccam94_: umm no04:57
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maccam94_dauoalagio: skim through it, see if it says anything bad about the ndiswrappers and/or the driver04:57
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dauoalagiomaccam94_: okay one second04:57
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WarboGrisen: By the way, you can select the command and middle click on a terminal to copy/paste it04:58
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Warbo(left+right = middle as well)04:58
dauoalagiomaccam94_: yes04:58
DawnshadowI installed a package (Dgen) through Synapse and it's not showing up in the applications menu. Any idea where I can find it to make my own link to it?04:58
Taylor_how well would ubuntu run on a 800MHz P3 with 512MB PC100 RAM? 11MB video04:59
bruenigDawnshadow, dgen is a command line program04:59
WarboTaylor_: Xubuntu would run well. Ubuntu may be a little sluggish, but should be OK04:59
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TimeKillerit runs fine on a p3 450 mhz with 192 megs of ram04:59
kanarunning well here04:59
DawnshadowOk... *tries to find online directions on how to run it*04:59
Taylor_Xubuntu live CD took FOREVER to boot up on my machine, and ran extrememly slow04:59
kanaTaylor_: amd 1 GHz 340MB ram04:59
lensethk: What's the difference between ImPS/2 ExplorerPS/205:00
bruenigDawnshadow, if you are trying to load a particular rom just open a terminal and type 'dgen /path/to/whatever the rom is05:00
maccam94_dauoalagio: errors?05:00
TimeKillerTayler: because it's a CD.05:00
dauoalagiomaccam94_: can we set up a private chat05:00
dauoalagiomaccam94_: how05:00
TimeKillerCD transfer rate isn't as high as a Hard drive05:00
Taylor_TimeKiller: even other distros with KDE have ran better than this though05:00
DawnshadowThank you. ^^05:00
kanaTaylor_: you might consider light wm such as fluxbox if you look for speed05:00
sethklen, I've only used imps/2, which works well for my usb wheel mouse05:00
sethklen, I'm not sure which device the other is for.05:00
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bruenigDawnshadow, but you better make sure you own the cartridge version of that ROM, else it is illegal ;D05:00
lensethk: I'll use same, I also got a usb wheel mouse05:01
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maccam94_dauoalagio: i sent you a pm05:01
dauoalagiomaccam94_: no you didn't05:02
phargleive only got an am05:02
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maccam94_dauoalagio: /msg me05:02
GrisenWarbo:  Did the long command line, diskette drive hummed & clicked, then Returned: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"05:02
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WarboGrisen: Hmm "sudo mount /dev/fd0 /grubfloppy -t vfat" maybe05:03
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maccam94_dauoalagio: /msg maccam94_ hi05:03
dauoalagiowhat that's what i said05:03
jackintheboxhow do i make icons and items disappear on a gnome desktop?05:03
GrisenWarbo: type just that portion or substitute for part of the longer command?05:03
WarboGrisen: Just try that on it's own05:04
bruenigjackinthebox, what do you mean disappear?05:04
maccam94_dauoalagio: ok weird, we aren't getting each other's pm's somehow05:04
maccam94_maybe i'm not authed05:04
jackintheboxwell i made a program to ping a server, but the script is on the desktop and i want to make it invisible05:04
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lensethk: Thx, i'll reboot X now, brb (maybe, hope so)05:04
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dauoalagiomaccam94_: do you have aim/yahoo/msn or something05:05
Warbojackinthebox: Make a text file called ".hidden" on the desktop, and put the filename you want hidden in there05:05
DawnshadowHey, it works! ^^ Now I have to figure out what to type to configure the keys...05:05
orbinjackinthebox: perhaps the desktop folder is not he best place to put it then05:05
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slid3rdumber question tehn my first ... when I click a file o firefox ... and select "open with" and then other ... if I wanted to use XMMS ... where would I tell it to find the app?05:05
bruenigDawnshadow, If you figure that out, please tell me05:06
jackintheboxwarbo: make a text file and name it .hidden and just place that file in the file named .hidden?05:06
Warboslid3r: /usr/bin/xmms05:06
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slid3rthats easy05:06
slid3rthanks vm05:06
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maccam94dauoalagio: im me at the same nick as this05:06
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dcan i get some noob help with installing ubuntu?05:06
bruenigd, what is the problem05:06
Warbojackinthebox: If the script is called "ping-script" then do "echo "ping-script" > ~/Desktop/.hidden05:06
grbhi, I'm using vpnc... everything great, except that I can't find how to set 'keepalive'... anybody knows how?05:06
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J2D2Is there somewhere other than sourceomatic i can get the dapperdrake sources.list because that one , when i did apt-get update it said some of them were broken05:07
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di have the desktop Cd (64 bit) when i insert the cd the boot menu comes up05:07
orbinslid3r: yeah, most executables are in /usr/bin05:07
jackintheboxwarbo:ok, thnx a mil! btw, know anything about kmplayer and why it doesnt play mkv files well?05:07
Grisenwarbo: "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/fd0, missing codepage or other error"05:07
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turingany suggestions for 2-cpu panel widgets?05:07
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bruenigd, yes...?05:08
slid3rthank you vm it works oh glory05:08
Warbojackinthebox: Need some codecs in /usr/lib/codecs maybe? I don;t use KDE much05:08
di select install/play and then it starts loading, when I am done it takes me to a prompt...there is no install, no interface...05:08
WarboGrisen: Try running "dmesg | tail" and pastebin it05:08
jackintheboxWarbo: i have those codecs, it just comes out all messed up and stuff05:08
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reckHELP PLEASE- pvt-me ubuntu dont boot05:08
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GrisenOkay looking for that tall slash on my kboard-- hmm, dont see it...05:09
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bruenigd, first the obvious, you do have a 64 bit processer right?05:09
turinggrisen, the |  ?05:09
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WarboGrisen: It is above \ for me (UK keyboard)05:09
turingis it above your enter key?05:09
GrisenYessir it is05:09
turingas the shift option for \ ?05:09
J2D2Is there somewhere other than sourceomatic i can get the dapperdrake sources.list because that one , when i did apt-get update it said some of them were broken05:10
damd dual core 420005:10
WarboGrisen: Select the text in GAIM, then middle click in the terminal05:10
dso yes05:10
bruenigd, try 'startx'05:10
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dah, so that is the syntax. i couldnt remember from using 5.0405:10
cowmilka "sudo apt-get" command is currently running. is there a way for me to add another "sudo apt-get" command now so that after the 1st command is done, this new cohmmand will be done?05:11
dcan i install from inside X?05:11
di would assume that is a yes05:11
bruenigd, yes05:11
VitaminGcowmilk: sudo apt-get && next command05:11
bruenigthere is a install button on the desktop05:11
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MadpilotJ2D2, the auto-source web thing should give you a good sources.list, but you can try http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17674 too05:11
GrisenWarbo, okay friend, how do I IRC from within the live cd?05:11
turingI've got a Pentium D and have the linux-686-smp kernel running.  I see 2 cpus in top now.  What panel gizmo can I use to display both cpu's?05:11
cowmilkVitaminG: but i didn't do that originally, so what can i do now?05:11
dok, thanks bruenig. im going to give it a shot....ill be back otherwise05:12
QMarioBye everyone!!! :)05:12
dyou help is much appreciated05:12
bruenigd, wait05:12
sally2what's the command to upgrade the kernel?05:12
VitaminGcowmilk: nothing that I know of.05:12
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WarboGrisen: Applications>Internet>Gaim05:13
bruenigd, nevermind, I was wondering if it you could, since the install is on the desktop actually start it via the command prompt as in at the prompt, if startx doesn't work do something like /Desktop/Install, but I kind of doubt it since it is graphical05:13
VitaminGsally2: you need to know what the new kernel name is, and install it just like a program05:13
ironclad_hey, open question.  I have an old PPC powerbookg3 (orginal wallstreet model)  and I am having trouble booting ubuntu for powerpc anyone have a solution05:13
sally2i see05:13
sally2thanks vitaminG05:13
cowmilkhow come when i ran "sudo apt-get install opera", the terminal told me to put the xubuntu cd instide the cd drive?05:14
di will try that if start x does not work, thanks05:14
Nukedbecause its one of your sources05:14
bruenignot the initial slash05:14
turingironclad, if I'm not mistaken you need to use an alternative bootloader for the wall street b/c it is an "Old World Rom Mac"05:14
turingiron: for instance bootx05:14
ironclad_where can I get that then?05:14
ironclad_is it a hard thing to get my hands on?05:15
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turingiron, you might also look into yaboot which it talks about on that page05:15
ironclad_I thought it might be classified as a old world mac05:15
turingi, that machine is definitely an old world mac05:16
ironclad_yeah, it is showing its age too05:16
ironclad_hoping unbuntu will expand its life some05:16
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grbhi, how do you set keepalive for vpnc? I tried keepalive 10 120 in default.conf but it gave me an error05:17
turingi, I've got one myself, I got gentoo on it, but didn't get anything useful compiled before I got pulled to other projects05:17
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AltF4Guys Guess what!05:17
AltF4Guys Guess what!05:17
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AltF4Guys Guess what!05:17
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AltF4Guys Guess what!05:17
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WarboI have a conundrum. How could I install Linux/BSD/whatever on a laptop which has no floppy or CDROM, no network and a blank HD. I was thinking of removing the HD and installing through another computer, but the only computer I have which can read 2.5" drives is an A120005:17
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dibblegowhy does Skype not use my Logitech USB headset for sound output, but XMMS does?05:18
ironclad_turing, TY I will look into it, I just figured there was something that I over looked thanks05:18
AltF4PopCap.com has a virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!105:18
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turingopen question: I've got a pentium D and top's now showing 2 cpus w/ the smp kernel.  What cpu monitering app can I use to show the cpu loads seperately?05:18
sally2what would be the command to install the kernel 2.6.17?05:18
turingwarbo, how'd you get yourself in that situation?05:18
grberror: vpnc: warning: unknown configuration directive in /etc/vpnc/default.conf at line 14 (sorry)05:18
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Warboturing: I bought a crappy laptop :)05:19
AltF4Screenshot http://aycu16.webshots.com/image/4095/1187741445999148074_rs.jpg05:19
turingwarbo, I suppose you don't have any USB either?05:19
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Warboturing: It has USB, but it won't boot it05:19
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KonFuZedoh my god GAIM is so annoying05:19
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turingwarbo, the 2.5" to 3.5" adaptors are pretty cheap if you get 'em online or from the right store05:20
KonFuZedwhy why why has GAIM been foisted upon us after x-chat was so brilliant05:20
h3h_timoturing, i have a question about i68605:20
turingh3h, sure05:20
GrisenWarbo: Gaim brings up a window called freenode-connect and is calling me Grise1, but I don't see that screen name in the list, so don't believe I'm connecting.  Something I don't get about Gaim (you are patient !)05:20
Warboturing: I have a 3.5" to 2.5" adapter. I may plug a bigger HD into the laptop just to see if it boots :)05:20
pharglethat means pig05:21
MadpilotKonFuZed, xchat is still available - install it from the universe repo05:21
pharglein norwegian05:21
WarboGrisen: You can't log in twice under the same name05:21
h3h_timoturing, i have a centrino duo processor, should i install the i686 kernel with the smp kernel or just keep the regular i686 kernel??05:22
GrisenWarbo, so it's calling me Grise1, but I don't see that name logging in-- try again with another name?05:22
turingwarbo, wacky idea, dd a bootable linux iso to the internal hd?  I've had a long day there may be many reasons that's stupid to try and why it won't work...but I can't think of any at the moment05:22
dibblegowhere is that dialog for configuring sound inputs and outputs?05:22
WarboGrisen: Have you joined the #ubuntu room in GAIM?05:22
KonFuZedgaim is procedurally broken05:22
cowmilk i've installed opera via apt-get. but opera comes out with weekly builds. is it okay to get them?05:22
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tritiumKonFuZed: huh?05:22
turingh3h, based upon what I was reading on the forums and my previous experience with dual-core cpus, smp is what you want05:22
KonFuZedonce signe on to even one server then you can not sign on to any others05:22
KonFuZedwhat is that crap05:22
h3h_timoturing, so, how do i install that05:23
turingh3h, you can always just choose the old one from grub if it doesn't work well05:23
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phargleh3h_timo: install outta figure it out for you, you can check with uname -a05:23
KonFuZednow that Im on this channel how is one supposed to join say another irc server such as kaffiene.net so that I can join #nubuntu05:23
Warboturing: I was thinking that if I had a dd type command (for dumping data) then I could boot my A1200 with the drive inside off a Workbench floppy, and have a Linux system on a CD which I could dump to the drive. However, I don't have any Workbench floppies with CDROM drivers, and I don't know of any raw data moving commands on Amiga (but they must exist)05:24
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turingh3h, there's a great forum post I was just reading...05:24
phargleor you could reasily write one05:24
h3h_timophargle, more details please05:24
fgalvezalguien habla espaol aqui.?05:25
h3h_timoturing, link??05:25
KonFuZedso really how do I join kaffiene.net #nubuntu05:25
Warboturing: I was just throwing it out there, you know, in case somebody knows of a magnetic gun which beams Linux onto hard drives or something :)05:25
turingwarbo, what communication methods does this laptop HAVE?  parallel?05:25
turingh3h, looking05:25
KonFuZedone has to do the little sign on procedure right05:25
Warboturing: Modem, Parallel, Serial, USB05:25
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turingwarb, I've got one of those guns, but I'm holding onto it tightly :)05:25
KonFuZedbut it is not available any where to do that05:26
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Warboturing: It has a bigass docking station which has Ethernet, but I don't have a power cable for it05:26
roeany idea how to get direct rendering working05:26
h3h_timolol u guys are the best, during the day i never get responses, but nighttime is sweet, all the genius's are on05:26
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turingh3h, found it: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85917&highlight=kernel+Pentium05:26
userundefineh3h_timo, correct05:26
VitaminGturing: I'll give you $1,000,000 for it.05:26
h3h_timouserundefine, lol true eh?05:26
GrisenWarbo, okay friend, so I put in irc.ubuntu.com and call myself Grisen1.  Then Freenode Connect comes up and says "Received CTCP 'VERSION' (to grisen1) from freenode connect.  Then I type #ubuntu and (nothing happens ??)05:26
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rubi am connected in one private network called megacable with this provider i am surfing in the web, is there one way to NAT it ?, i am considering to connect Office (internet) house (megacable)05:26
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liquidten2h3h_timo:  The only times I am online are usually 11PM and later >_>05:26
VitaminGjust imagine the uses.05:26
WarboGrisen: Type "/join #ubuntu"05:27
turingvitamin, it's delicate and will take 6 months to ship safely05:27
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turingjust wire the money to my western union05:27
h3h_timoliquidten2, yeah, us nighttime ubuntuans kick ass05:27
VitaminGturing. ouch.05:27
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Grisen1Hey Hey Hey!05:27
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VitaminGturing: DON'T ship it UPS.05:27
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Warboturing: If I hold my laptop up, could you turn up the juice and try it from where you are?05:28
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WarboGrisen1: Hello05:28
h3h_timoturing, lol i just now saw the link, thanks05:28
eternaljoyI did upgrade and it downloaded 20mb of files but I quit it before it finished!  How can I get these files to now install from the /var/apt/archive folder?05:28
=== cowmilk [n=jeff@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
turingwarbo, know anyone w/ a parallel port zip?05:28
Grisen1Sorry, know this is bad protocol, but here it comes:05:28
Warboturing: Nope05:28
Grisen1ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ dmesg | tail05:28
Grisen1[4299039.103000]  floppy0: data CRC error: track 1, head 1, sector 16, size 205:28
Grisen1[4299039.103000]  end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 6905:28
Grisen1[4299039.103000]  Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 805:28
Grisen1[4299039.701000]  floppy0: data CRC error: track 1, head 1, sector 16, size 205:28
Grisen1[4299039.900000]  floppy0: data CRC error: track 1, head 1, sector 16, size 205:28
=== cowmilk2 [n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Grisen1[4299039.900000]  end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 6905:28
Grisen1[4299039.900000]  Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 805:28
Grisen1[4299042.214000]  SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on fd005:28
Grisen1[4299341.981000]  FAT: invalid media value (0xf6)05:29
Grisen1[4299341.981000]  VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev fd0.05:29
=== dibblego [n=nobody@CPE-61-9-214-69.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:29
ardyhelp every times I go to yahoo I cannot get the page05:29
lecaros!pastebin Grisen105:29
ubotuI know nothing about pastebin Grisen1 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:29
cowmilk2how do i see how much hard drive space i have free?05:29
WarboGrisen1: 1) use pastebin, 2) looks like a knackered floppy05:29
tritiumGrisen1: please use pastebin :(05:29
=== aharris [n=aharris@pool-71-96-75-182.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
turingwarb, if I turned up the juice I might accidentally reformat every hard drive between us w/ ubuntu...05:29
turingcow  df -h05:29
userundefinecowmilk2, "df -h"05:29
ardyeven ubuntuforum site I cannot get the page05:29
KonFuZedcanany one tell me how to join a second server in GAIM - please05:29
lecaroscowmilk2 on shell or terminal df -h05:29
=== kyral_ [n=kyral@] has joined #ubuntu
ardyis ubuntuforum site down?05:29
rubi am connected in one private network called megacable with this provider i am surfing in the web, is there one way to NAT it ?, i am considering to connect Office (internet) house (megacable)05:30
userundefineardy, works for me05:30
=== Phoul [n=Phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
turingkonfuzed, click on buddy list, hit ctrl-a  accounts box will pop up, click add05:30
userundefineHello Phoul05:30
PhoulMy friend is installing ubuntu with the desktop install, His screen randomly went black05:30
PhoulBut he still has a mouse05:30
PhoulWhats goin on?05:30
eternaljoyWarbo: any ideas?05:30
=== jdmpike [n=jordan@CPE-65-28-2-251.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
liquidten2Phoul:  What do you mean by "screen went black"?05:31
turingopen question, I've got a pentium D, top shows 2 cpus, I want a load monitor for the panel that shows both cpus, anyone got suggestions?05:31
h3h_timooh hey, turing, because ive been so pumped about this, i want to show it too ya... go to this link  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=136&daysprune=-1&order=desc&sort=views i made that tut a while ago, while i was still a newbie, and its the most visited post in networking on the forums!!! arent you proud of me??05:31
PhoulUmm the screen is black05:31
Phoulwith a mouse05:31
=== squid [i=squid@otaku.freeshell.ORG] has joined #ubuntu
=== Red_Drag0n [n=Red_Drag@S01060030656ad51e.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardyuserundefine, hmm... why I alawys get my own localhost web page?05:31
PhoulThats what i mean05:31
VitaminGphoul: did the monitor connection come loose?05:31
=== squid is now known as monkey123
Warboeternaljoy: About what?05:31
Phoulthere would be no mouse05:31
cowmilk2how do i install jpilot?05:31
Grisen1I'll faithfully use pastebin when I know (crawl then walk)  :-)05:31
userundefineardy, not sure,05:31
VitaminGyeah, I got that just as I pressed enter05:31
ardywhen I try to go to ubuntuforum.org I always redirected to my localhost page05:32
PhoulWell what should he do05:32
Phoulim on the phone with him05:32
Red_Drag0nquestion for the techs...  is there anyway i can create a raid with ubuntu 6.06 then install onto that raid?05:32
Grisen1Warbo:  so I format this other floppy-- can you give me the command line again please?05:32
ardyanybody know how to troubleshoot my problem05:32
=== d [n=d@cpe-69-205-250-67.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
WarboGrisen1: "sudo fdformat /dev/fd0"05:32
VitaminGphoul: i used to have that problem on a power mac. turned out the graphics were fried. doubt that's the case with you, though.05:32
eternaljoyWarbo: LOL! go back to sleep ;)05:33
liquidten2ardy:  Are your nameservers set properly?05:33
liquidten2ardy:  In /etc/resolv.conf?05:33
Phoulanyone who actually has a idea?05:33
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ubotuI know nothing about audacity - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:33
ardyliquidten2, yes I have it correctly05:33
dbrunig, you still there?05:33
ubotuI know nothing about audacious - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:33
liquidten2ardy:  What about /etc/hosts?05:33
ubotuI know nothing about dhcp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:33
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ardybefore it working fine05:33
Warboeternaljoy: Installing apckages without apt? "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"05:33
DanaGAargh, my DHCP client isn't working.05:33
ubotuI know nothing about DanaG - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:34
ardyliquidten2, ok i check again05:34
PhoulAnyone? Cmon guys he kinda needs to get this up05:34
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops05:34
Phoulbecause without this he cant even boot windows05:34
turingdanag, what's up w/ your dhcp client?05:34
DanaGIn SuSE, I had to check "Always Request Broadcast Response".05:34
dcan anyone help with install problems05:34
typhoidsoo..   can any of you recommend for me a nice mp3 player for ubuntu?  totem does not seem to  want to play mp3 files...05:34
DanaGIn Ubuntu, I can't figure out how to make the same setting.05:34
VitaminGd: what's up now?05:34
tritium!mp3 > typhoid05:35
DanaGAlso, is there a nice gnome equivalent of Amarok?05:35
turingtyphoid, xmms?05:35
dfatal server error: screens not found.... i get this when input startx05:35
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PhoulDanaG, just use xmms or somethin05:35
liquidten2DanaG:  Rhythmbox!  I personally prefer it too.05:35
tritiumDanaG: you may have to edit your /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf05:35
bimbericowmilk2: Applications -> Add/Remove, make sure "Show unsupported applications" is checked, search for jpilot, select, click Apply05:35
shawnr_tritium, no way05:35
=== Strykubuntu [n=strykyr@c-68-44-12-20.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Phould wrong driver then05:35
VitaminGxmms is great.05:35
tritiumshawnr_: no way what?05:35
shawnr_tritium, in no way is that any where near amarok05:35
PhoulAnyone know how to fix my friends problems?05:35
typhoidoi!  i'm getting conflicting responses!05:35
WarboDanaG: Banshee, Rhythmbox and Listen are GTK based media players05:35
rixthaMSN is written in TCL/TK. The fonts look TERRIBLE (really jagged). How can I fix this?05:35
Phouluse MPD05:35
tritiumshawnr_: no, for her dhcp problem, dude05:35
cowmilk2bimberi: thank you. how do i do that via terminal?05:35
PhoulIt pwns the hell outta amarok05:35
typhoid!mp3, xmms...  i certainly don't want command line player heh..05:35
ubotuI know nothing about mp3, xmms...  i certainly don't want command line player heh.. - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:35
shawnr_tritium, oh lol05:35
rixthDanaG, Banshee is like an inferior version of amarok05:36
rixthEr, inferior version of rhythmbox05:36
liquidten2Phoul:  There is no real way to diagnose the problem with the information you gave.  As far as I know right now, his screensaver might have come on or something.05:36
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:36
Phoulliquidten2, dude05:36
PhoulThe screen went *black*05:36
PhoulHe has a mouse05:36
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.05:36
Red_Drag0nraid install help?????05:36
eternaljoybimberi: hello!!!! :)05:36
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux05:36
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Warborixth: At least you don't have to maually drag XMs into the playlist, then get "This is not part of your collection" in Banshee :)05:36
Grisen1Warbo: mkdir: cannot create directory `/grubfloppy': File exists05:36
=== dibblego [n=nobody@CPE-61-9-214-69.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
PhoulHe cant see anything but the mouse. what more do you need05:36
eternaljoybimberi: ltns05:36
=== mitcheloc [n=mitchelo@69-167-145-62.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimbericowmilk2: ensure the universe repository is enabled, 'sudo apt-get update', 'sudo apt-get install jpilot'05:36
shawnr_DanaG, there is nothing stopping you from installing amarok. after going through a million gnome music players. i went back to amarok. it owns all05:36
liquidten2Phoul:  So he has a mouse pointer  (probably an "X" right?) and a black screen.05:36
WarboGrisen1: Of course it does05:36
mitchelochow can i install flash for firefox? :)05:36
dibblegohow can I run skype and other applications that use sound together?05:37
Phoulliquidten2, its a real pointer05:37
WarboGrisen1: Just "sudo mount /dev/fd0 /grubfloppy"05:37
jackintheboxis there a KMPlayer support channel on IRC?05:37
tritiummitcheloc: install flashplugin-nonfree05:37
typhoidokie.. how about this?    any idea why my wireless connection seems so very slow (from linux) and quite faster for windows?05:37
bimberiubotu tell cowmilk2 about universe05:37
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cowmilk2bimberi: how do i ensure universe repo is enabled  when i 'm in terminaL?05:37
typhoidokie, that does it.. i'm putting xmms on here heh05:37
liquidten2VitaminG:  No way, rhythmbox supports many more formats and is much cleaner and elegant and has much better library management >_>05:37
rixthWarbo, Banshee made my system so unstable when importing my 10,000+ library, where as Rhythmbox was cool with it. I'd  like ipod write support though05:37
dibblegocowmilk2, cat /etc/apt/sources.list05:37
liquidten2Phoul:  Did he try restarting?05:37
typhoidooo library management?05:37
bimberieternaljoy: hi there, nick change i see :)05:37
=== threat [n=threat@60-240-43-214.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Phoulliquidten2, this is durning the install05:37
VitaminGI'll give it the library management, but that's it.05:37
PhoulDoes it do that when its done?05:37
Grisen1you must specify the filesystem type05:37
typhoidwell.. my library is remote anyways.. i don't really need a library on here..05:37
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=== redir [n=robrien@208-58-195-117.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
dVitaminG, after it is done loading all packages, none of the screens seem right05:38
jackintheboxis there a KMPlayer support channel on IRC?05:38
turingopen question, I've got a pentium D, top shows 2 cpus, I want a load monitor for the panel that shows both cpus, anyone got suggestions?05:38
Warborixth: I didn't notice your correction. I don't like Rhytmbox for some reason. Listen is good05:38
DanaGThe thing is, I don't want my stuff organized by album-artist-title.05:38
=== jdmpike_ [n=jordan@CPE-65-28-2-251.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
turing(and how is it that I came for help and haven't gotten a single nibble on my question and have helped thousands of others...life just isn't working out for me tonight)05:38
dVitaminG: i also get, fatal server error: no screens found05:38
rixthNever heard of or seen Listen, I will look into it. I realy like the fact that RB has integrated support for Last.fm/Audioscrobbler05:38
DanaGI like to be able to load a folder at once, from the file system.05:38
=== SonicvanaJr [n=sonic@unaffiliated/sonicvanajr] has joined #ubuntu
Cainusgeez... I can't get sshd to start at boot-time for the life of me... anyone got a suggestion?  I installed with apt-get....05:39
bimbericowmilk2: can you view the website ubotu has sent you?  if not it's basically edit /etc/apt/sources.list as superuser and uncomment (remove #) any lines starting with 'deb' with universe in them05:39
Grisen1Warbo: Returned "you must specify the filesystem type"05:39
=== h3h_timo [n=h3h_timo@] has joined #ubuntu
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typhoidoi..   now that i've finally switched to 'nix for good, i feel a weight lifted from my chest05:39
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mitcheloctritium, thanks, looks like it worked :)05:39
liquidten2rixth:  Rhythmbox is awesome.  Rhythmbox + music-applet(used to be rhythmbox-applet, but now supports muine among others) is the best solution for audio playback.05:39
VitaminGd and phoul: have you tried the check cd option at the cd's boot menu? maybe you could have bad cds05:39
eternaljoyMORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- Richard Hatch, convicted of failing to pay taxes on the $1 million he won on the debut season of "Survivor," has been sent to a federal prison in West Virginia.05:39
eternaljoysorry wrong channel05:39
liquidten2eternaljoy:  No Wai!!!!05:39
cowmilk2bimberi: yes, i'm reading the ubuto linx, but am on first paragraph, still05:39
Warborixth: Listen does too, it automatically creates a short playlist based on it (and it works well, selecting similar artists. Only problem is it doesn't have much of a memory, so it can cycle through the same songs a bit)05:39
dVitaminG, check cd verifys good CD05:40
rixthliquidten2, I just use the media buttons on my keyboard =)05:40
=== DylanMumma [n=lininit@ppp-69-148-50-148.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
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jdmpike_ok, so I really hosed my system05:40
jdmpike_can anyone give me a hand?05:40
WarboGrisen1: try "sudo modprobe floppy && sudo mount /dev/fd0 /grubfloppy -t vfat"05:40
=== dibblego [n=nobody@CPE-61-9-214-69.qld.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
DanaGWhat do I change in the dchp clien config?05:40
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Phoulanyone know...05:40
liquidten2rixth:  Heh...  I got my keyboard i'm using now with my 486 about 14 years ago <_<....05:40
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VitaminGd: that's stange, I've never seen a good cd fail at the end of the installation, they usually fail nearer the start.05:40
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eternaljoyliquidten2: what?05:40
typhoidoi!  my kbs don't usually last a year hehehheheh05:40
phargleyou're using a 486?05:41
cowmilk2http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19535 <-- bimberi05:41
rixthliquidten2, do the keys click realll good?05:41
typhoidinstall from a jumpdrive!05:41
VitaminGphoul: have you tried the verify cd option at the cd's boot menu?05:41
=== DylanMumma [n=lininit@ppp-69-148-50-148.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
typhoid<needs more cowbell>05:41
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Phoulhe claims it didnt give him a option05:41
Red_Drag0nn00b here with question05:41
=== Bonez [n=blake@bonez.dodj.net] has joined #ubuntu
PhoulHes using the "desktop install" cds05:41
Grisen1Warbo:  sudo mount /dev/fd0 /grubfloppy   Returned : "you must specify the filesystem type"05:41
_chris__anyone know how to change the ubuntu orange/red icon? in gnome the menu bar and the main menu icon?05:41
liquidten2phargie:  Nope, but I still have the same keyboard I used with that PC(it's now sitting in my garage doing absolutely nothing.)05:42
pharglei wanted a keyb with half travel keys, like a laptop has05:42
rixthWarbo, can't find anything about listen?05:42
typhoidsudo mount -fs vfat /de/.. ?05:42
phargleso i got one05:42
dVitaminG, I dont get to install, i hit start/install, it loads packets, then seems to act wierd and takes me to prompt..and the prompt does not seem to display right either.  then i get that error when using startx05:42
ardyliquidten2, I'll cek already noting wrong with my configuration05:42
cowmilk2bimberi: should i also uncomment the lines with deb-src?05:42
turinggrisen1 sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /grubfloppy05:42
section31anyone know how i can make my home and end keys work correctly using putty in the bash env.05:42
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu
VitaminGyou might have to hit a key as it starts to boot from the cd, to keep it from automatically booting the livecd, I've had that happen, but it doesn't always.05:42
ardyliquidten2, when i try to login to yahoo mail I always get this page "The requested URL /ym/login was not found on this server."05:42
=== steve [n=steve@adsl-71-145-128-28.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
turingsection31 use shift-pageup  and shift-pagedown  ?  that work for you?05:43
Warborixth: listengnome.free.fr I think05:43
ardyliquidten2, when i try to login to yahoo mail I always get this page "The requested URL /ym/login was not found on this server." Apache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.1.2 Server at us.f517.mail.yahoo.com Port 8005:43
bimbericowmilk2: no, only if you want to start compiling stuff yourself, that gives you access to the source code05:43
VitaminGI don't remember which key, though.05:43
h3h_timoOpen Question: If i already have the 686 kernel installed, and then i install the 686-smp kernel, the boot, will i choose an actual 686-smp kernel, because there wasnt one appearing when i restarted???05:43
Warbo(or gnomelisten)05:43
liquidten2ardy:  That DEFINITELY sounds like a problem with Yahoo, not your PC.05:43
typhoidwell.. with the new install cd, it boots to the isolinux.. then you install once you are in your isolinux i think05:43
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section31stefg,tha makes page up and page down work05:43
Cainusanyone got a clue on why sshd might not run on start-up?  it's set to run in /etc/rc5.d ... is there any error log I can read to see if something's going wrong?05:43
turingh3h_timo when you open up top05:43
rixthHoly moly that page abuses xmlhttprequest :)05:43
typhoidh3h, i used the 686 and it sees my core duo as 2 cpus..05:43
Grisen1Warbo:  returned: " wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/fd0,05:43
Grisen1       missing codepage or other error05:43
Grisen1       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try05:43
Grisen1       dmesg | tail  or so"  This is a 3M diskette and format checked out (?)05:43
section31turing,but lets say i'm typing a long command and I want to go abck to the beginning of that command05:44
section31i have to use the arrow keys05:44
tritiumGrisen1: I already told you not to paste05:44
typhoiduse the home key section05:44
section31typhoid,when i use the home key it makes a ~05:44
turingh3h_timo and inside top you press '1', do you see it lists 2 cpus?  cpu0 and cpu1?05:44
ardyliquidten2, no, If I try on my xp machines it works fine05:44
h3h_timotyphoid, how do you tell if it detects both cpus??05:44
rixthWarbo, how does Listen sort? does "The Rolling Stones" get sorted under R and not T?05:44
turingsection31  control-a brings you to the beginning05:44
Grisen1Tritium I do not know how to use the other feature, sorry05:44
h3h_timoturing, yes05:44
turingsection31 and control-e brings you to the end of the line05:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:44
section31turing,wow that works05:44
bimberih3h_timo: linux-686 and linux-686-smp have the same dependencies in dapper.  So if you already had linux-686 then you've got the smp already05:44
typhoidi can tell using the system monitor, though i don't know the command line for it05:44
=== hayden [n=hayden@203-219-130-10.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
turingh3h_timo then you're running an SMP kernel05:45
h3h_timoi just brought up the system monitor typhoid05:45
Grisen1Warbo, please look at the command line message returned05:45
liquidten2ardy:  what is the output when you type in "ping us.f517.mail.yahoo.com"?05:45
typhoidin my system monitor, it has one line for cpu 1 , one for cpu 2...05:45
turingwhich brings me to my question...05:45
turingopen question, I've got a pentium D, top shows 2 cpus, I want a load monitor for the panel that shows both cpus, anyone got suggestions?05:45
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typhoidwhen i boot 386, tis only 1 line!05:45
h3h_timoturing, ever since i installed the 686 kernel, my system seems infinitely faster than it did before05:45
turingtyphoid, which system monitor?05:46
tritiumturing: please hold off a while.  You have been repeating rather often.05:46
WarboGrisen1: Seems floppy support isn't all it's cracked up to be05:46
=== Phoul [n=Phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
liquidten2typhoid:  I don't really know if that exists at the moment, at least not one for the panel.05:46
WarboGrisen1: My floppy drives don't work :(05:46
h3h_timoturing, ive been messin with it, and havent figure anything else yet05:46
ardyliquidten2, 64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=64 time=0.067 ms05:46
typhoid'tis system monitor 2.14.305:46
WarboGrisen1: You could just install on hda........05:46
liquidten2ardy:  Well see, from the looks of it, all outbound traffic is being redirected to localhost05:47
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turingh3h_timo, well you're now having a whole cpu to deal w/ your desktop and another one for whatever app you're using, so the machine won't lock up or pause as much05:47
Grisen1My drive works fine-- just used it with 10 sequential Acronis diskettes on this machine when I 'lost' the CD drive under win9805:47
ardyliquidten2, then what should I do?05:47
h3h_timoturing, so thats how it deals with what does what?05:47
cowmilk2bimberi: do you suggest my uncommenting the backports repo, too?05:47
turingtritium, yessir holding off05:47
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports05:47
danyone else have any insight on fatal server error: screens not found?05:47
typhoidhow can you tell if your outbound is being redirected?  i think something fishy is going on w/ my wireless.. it is really really slow for most things, but.. like synaptic is really fast..05:47
liquidten2ardy:  What is the output of "cat /etc/hosts"?  Usually when that happens you have a line in /etc/hosts that shouldn't be in there.05:47
Grisen1Warbo, so you believe this floppy is bad also?05:48
tritiumturing: thanks :)05:48
typhoidit takes forever to connect to irc servers, to im clients and to http sources &~&~05:48
bimbericowmilk2: no, only if you know you need to05:48
turingh3h_timo, I'm tired, I'll summarize with, yep it's better, lots better05:48
Grisen1The formatting checked out05:48
cowmilk2is there anybody here who discourges uncommenting of the backports? if so, why?05:48
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WarboGrisen1: Either that or Ubuntu doesn't like your hardware I'm afraid05:48
cowmilk2bimberi: why only when i need to? why not uncomment it now?05:48
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Grisen1Can I burn a boot CD?05:48
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h3h_timoturing, lol thanks, ill read more about it later, but one more quick question, can i install the same programs with 686 than i did with 386??05:48
ardyliquidten2, can I paste it in pastebin05:48
liquidten2ardy: go ahead05:49
typhoidh3h.. im pretty sure you can05:49
rixthWarbo, ipod support?! last.fm support (not just submitting)? wikipedia viewing? Brilliant!05:49
turingh3h_timo, yep shouldn't be any differences, it's just more code in your kernel that lets it know about both CPUs05:49
typhoidduocore/dual procs != x6405:49
Grisen1Warbo, can I burn a boot CD?05:49
h3h_timoalright, thanks youve been alot of help05:50
turingh3h_timo, which isn't to say that there aren't things that'll break when you're using a SMP kernel, but I wouldn't think that's too commen05:50
Bearcathey folks. I'm trying to help someone over the phone. Where is kcontrol in the menu system05:50
WarboGrisen1: I have written a Wiki page which involves that, I'll just find it05:50
h3h_timoturing, oh, nvm, one more thing again, is 64 bit better than dual core??05:50
ardyliquidten2, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1953705:50
liquidten2Bearcat:  you know, ever since kde 3.3 or so I can't find it either.  I'd tell him to just run "kcontrol" from the Konsole...05:50
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rixthh3h_timo, afaik all dual core CPUs are 64 bit.05:50
stefgBearcat: #kubuntu might be a better olace to ask that05:50
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rixthWith the exception os some Xeons05:50
Bearcatliquidten2: thanks05:51
h3h_timorixth, really?05:51
sasquatchrixth: and the Core Duos...05:51
h3h_timoso could you install a 64bit distro on a dual core machine??05:51
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bimbericowmilk2: my rule of thumb is to only have them enabled for installs, not upgrades. others may differ. i only want to use backports when i absolutely have to05:51
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h3h_timorixth, but not my centrino duo??05:51
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jdmpike_can anyone tell me about booting from SATA drives?05:52
typhoidim pretty sure duocores != x64...05:52
odin__can I install Ubuntu on a SATA HD using an IDE HD that already has ubuntu installed?05:52
sasquatchh3h_timo: all core duos are not 64 bit...05:52
jdmpike_is is possible?05:52
sidWhy doesn't Ubuntu say "GNU / Linux" like debian does?05:52
sasquatchthe Core 2 Duos are though :-)05:52
turingh3h_timo, my opinion...I'll never use a non dual-core or non smp machine again.  With a single core machine (even 64 bit) if a single application goes wonky and takes up 100% of the CPU, your system becomes unresponsive as all resources are devoted to the bad application/process.  With SMP or dual core you've got a whole other CPU that isn't being used at 100% that you can use to kill the runaway process05:52
odin__jdmpike_, what a coincidence05:52
rixthWoah, i thought Duo's were 64.05:52
WarboGrisen1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB <- That is a bit more in-depth than what you want, but you can follow the CD bit (don't bother with the mkinitramfs stuff, and remember your drive is hdb1)05:52
Grisen1Warbo:  Worked with a different floppy (!)  what's next05:52
sasquatchrixth: nope05:52
WarboGrisen1: Oh, OK05:52
sasquatchMerom will be though :-)05:52
WarboGrisen1: It is mounted at /grubfloppy?05:52
=== sasquatch waits for Merom impatiently
ajtDoes anyone have any experience setting up a wireless card in Ubuntu without X windows installed?05:52
Grisen1sudo mount /dev/fd0 /grubfloppy05:52
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typhoidnah.. duos is just like.. it acts like 2 cpus..   64 means it has 64 bits of memory addresses... you could i suppose have 64 bit duocores but they are not the same thing05:53
h3h_timoturing, good point, and sasquatch, if i upgrade to a core 2 duo, i would be 64 bit eh?? what are the advantages of 64 bit?05:53
jdmpike_odin__, I installed xubuntu to /dev/sda1 and reclaimed /dev/hda1 that I had ubuntu on, I just rebooted and now I don't work!05:53
typhoid64 bit is good .. if you have 64 bit proggies that can use the extra memory addressing..05:53
sasquatchh3h_timo: umm, it can run 64-bit apps.. and because the bus is wider, it theoritically is faster05:53
WarboGrisen1: OK "sudo mkdir /grubfloppy/boot && sudo cp -r /mnt/boot/grub /grubfloppy/boot"05:53
odin__jdmpike_, well I'll make srue not to do that then05:53
sasquatchtyphoid: but laptops don't have that many DIMMs anyways...05:53
typhoidsome of the 64 bit procs can act like duo cores but i've not like, figured out how to make mine do it yet heh05:53
ardyliquidten2, do you have any idea about it?05:54
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sasquatchtyphoid: errr... 64-bit and dual core are unrelated05:54
h3h_timosasquatch, well, im running one of the cheaper centrino duo's, but it flies, i dont understand why you would need anything more, or if it would be worth upgrading to core 2..??05:54
liquidten2ardy: I'm stumped at the moment.  Your /etc/hosts looks fine to me...05:54
typhoidit's not about dimms.. it's like.. 32 bit procs have fingers in 32 bits worth of memory at a time.. while 64 bit can address 64 bits at once..05:54
Grisen1Warbo: "mkdir: cannot create directory `/grubfloppy/boot': Input/output error"05:54
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sasquatchh3h_timo: well, in the futures, there are going to be a lot more 63-bit apps...05:54
typhoidsasquach -- that's what i'm trying to say lol05:54
Warbo64bit is becoming popular at the time dual core is, so many duals are 64bit and vice versa, but they do not imply each other05:54
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sasquatchtyphoid: yes.. they have a wider bus... haha05:55
ardyliquidten2, yeah same to me... I dont know why it redirected to my localhost05:55
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turingh3h_timo 64 bit's kinda in it's infancy at the moment.  if you have HUGE applications that need lots of memory it's great, and if your apps are 64 bit apps.  But a 64 bit processor will generally run a 32 bit application slower than a same MHz 32 bit processor will.  Because of all the extra overhead of moving 64 bit stuff around05:55
WarboGrisen1: Ermm.. You know when you said it had worked? :)05:55
typhoidbut the 64 .. it makes no difference if you are running an os that is not 64 bit addressable and .. if you're not running proggies that were compiled to access 64 bits or whatever..05:55
sasquatchturing: hehe, i have mathematica in 64-bit mode :-)05:55
turingwarbo's git it on the button05:55
sasquatchit runs much better05:55
typhoidaye.. what turing said..  x64 procs run 32 bit apps in a sort of emulated mode05:55
h3h_timoturing, so at this point, it doesnt really matter?05:55
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sasquatchh3h_timo: not a bit05:56
alleyoopstergood morning everyone05:56
sasquatchanyone seen the new nVidia quadroplex?05:56
turingh3h_timo if you're the kinda person that's gonna run gentoo linux and compile everything to be 64 bit yourself... you'll probably see better performance from a 64 bit dual core proc than a 32 bit dual core proc05:56
bigbill52adoes anyone know if automatix will work with amd-64 ubuntu?05:56
turingbut at this point...not so much05:56
sasquatchit allows about 8 or something Quadros to be linked together... 8 billion pixels per second o.O05:57
turingh3h_timo but I haven't looked into 64 but ubuntu at all05:57
Warbobigbill52a: I think there is an amd64 version05:57
Jack_SparrowWhat is a good photo editing program?05:57
odin__so does anybody know how to install Breezy Badger on a SATA hard drive?05:57
sasquatchJack_Sparrow: gimp...05:57
typhoidi'm pretty sure 64 bit ubuntu still runs 32 bit apps in emulation mode, just like win64 does05:57
turingjack_sparrow...the GIMP?05:57
liquidten2Jack_Sparrow: gimp05:57
liquidten2well there ya go..05:57
Grisen1Warbo:  mount command returned this now: mount: according to mtab, /dev/fd0 is already mounted on /grubfloppy05:57
Grisen1Diskette drive hummed first, and returned that.  I know this floppy is good-- pulled it from my Acronis series.  Do I need to reformat or erase first?05:57
sasquatchwe are all in agreement, the GIMP it is05:57
=== dad_ [n=dad@cpe-74-70-37-83.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sasquatchJack_Sparrow: for basic tools, you can also try the linux version of Google's Picasa05:58
WarboGrisen1: Yes, it is already mounted, but looks like it is fscked (I/O errors are very bad)05:58
bigbill52awarbo ...is it the same one on ubuntuguide?05:58
h3h_timoturing, welp, i tried gentoo before, couldnt ever even get it running, so i tried ubuntu, and been in love with it ever since05:58
sasquatchand by basic, i mean... very basic05:58
alleyoopsterI was wondering is someone can check out 2 websites for me for music browsers, they both seem to be down. Is it a problem just for me or are they really dead? http://www.exaile.org/ and http://exodus.xmms.se/05:58
=== PORDO [n=BROKEN@207-109-42-170.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #UBUNTU
Warbobigbill52a: Try whatever the automatix site is05:58
turingjack_sparrow...unless you're using windows, in which case I think there's something called "Gimpshop" to try out :)05:58
typhoidmy college roomie spent like 2 years setting up a gentoo distro lol05:58
typhoidthen he accidentally wiped the drive >< ><05:58
sasquatchbigbill52a: is Automatix on sourceforge? because there's probably an AMD64 binary you could compile anyways05:58
turingh3h_timo then stick w/ ubuntu, run for a while and on your next upgrade go 64 bit05:58
turingh3h, but not at the expense of loosing dual core05:59
dad_can someone help me get opengl compiling working?05:59
WarboAutomatic is a script, so I don't think it needs to be compiled at all, it just needs to make sure it doesn't install 386 stuff05:59
sasquatchturing: i don't know how i ever survived without dual core...05:59
Grisen1Sorry, this diskette with 9 others just 2 weeks ago ran Acronis on this system when it couldn't find its Cd after a BIOS update.  The diskette is good.  I will try formatting and repeat the mount command.05:59
typhoidfor the average desktop user (read: for non-server machines, non-science machines) -- duo-core > 64 bit  (imho)05:59
sasquatchWarbo: ah, that makes sense05:59
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h3h_timoturing, thanks, im learning so much from the nightcrew05:59
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liquidten2sasquatch: I've never even used a dual core in _my entire life_ and I get along fine <_<06:00
sasquatchtyphoid: but servers usually have more than 1 processor anyways :-)06:00
sasquatchliquidten2: once you go dual, you can't go back man...06:00
turingI'm in agreement w/ typhoid06:00
sasquatchEVERYTHING runs faster... smoother...06:00
typhoidgood point sasquach =D06:00
h3h_timosasquatch, its true, i cant remember once ever being lockedup06:00
danf_1979I tried to search for md5 package but it does not exist. What package in the repos let me calculate the md5sum?06:01
WarboHow can I copy all of the hidden folders and files from one folder into another? I was thinking: cp -r `ls -A | grep -v " "` destination06:01
typhoidi just got this laptop like a week ago.. it's my first dual core and.. i can tell a giant difference.. it is just so smooth and fast!06:01
iNToITtell me06:01
Grisen1Warbo, how do I unmount that diskette so I can format and erase and finish please?06:01
DanaGI love dual core.06:01
=== cualquiernic [n=cristian@pc-101-165-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
h3h_timotyphoid, what kind of laptop??06:01
WarboGrisen1: sudo umount /grubfloppy06:01
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DanaGI just need to figure out how to replicate SuSE's nice udev rules in Ubuntu.06:01
typhoidit's a dell inspiron e1505 =D06:01
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dad_i'm trying to compile nehe's first opengl tutorial, but its saying cannot find -lX11, I already installed the GL stuff fine, I'm pretty sure I have -lX11 but it can't find it06:02
sasquatchtyphoid: sweet :-)06:02
liquidten2sasquatch: I've had this PC for about 7 years now, and every time I think about going 64bit/multi-cpu/smp/etc all I need to do is look at my bank statement....06:02
sasquatchi'm running ubuntu on my laptop too06:02
alleyoopsterPeople are these websites dead or do I have a problem - http://exodus.xmms.se/ and  http://www.exaile.org/. Thanks06:02
Warboalleyoopster: The XMMS one doesn't work for me06:02
sasquatchliquidten2: haha, fair enough, but you can get a dual core computer for about 600 bucks...06:02
liquidten2dad_: You're going to need to install the corresponding -dev packages06:02
sasquatchyou need time though...06:02
dad_I'm pretty sure that I already did06:02
odin__so, I take it nobody on here can help me with this SATA prob?06:02
alleyoopsterWarbo: thanks06:02
dad_I'll check again06:02
sasquatchdownside of DIY06:02
liquidten2dad_: such as xserver-xorg-whateverthehellitis-dev or mesagl-dev/etc-dev06:02
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h3h_timotyphoid, i got an acer aspire 5672 WLMi, it was a little over a grand, and i love it06:02
typhoidaye.. i had to get a new one before grad school starts.. my old one was just not cutting it anymore ><    the first thing i did was wipe that dell/windows garbage off and put this on = D  i'm so glad i did..  no way im going to pay for that vista crap ><06:03
dad_ok thanks, I don't think I got that06:03
sasquatchodin__: what's the problem?06:03
WarboBuilding your own computers isn't that much cheaper these days. The only advantage is getting exactly what you want06:03
h3h_timotyphoid, i still have windows, but i never use it, unless im playing oblivion :)06:03
odin__man, I got this OLD laptop for $160 off eBay, runs Pentium II, and I like it06:03
typhoidi think i paid 1500 or so for mine, but it was on a one-day 400$ off deal, so i got pretty lucky06:03
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sasquatchtyphoid: i got a Dell XPS M1210 :-)06:03
sasquatchi got 600 canadian off it06:03
typhoidhaha!  i still have windows on my desktop, just for oblivion as well06:03
sasquatchtyphoid: i have windows for half-life 2:-)06:03
typhoidoo i wanted an xps but none were in my price range06:03
h3h_timotyphoid, thats sweet, what kind of video card do you have???06:03
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WarboIt's sad that if you don't want Windows for Oblivion, then you need an Xbox :(06:04
odin__sasquatch, I just learned the hard way that I can't do a fresh install of Ubuntu onto a SATA hard drive, so I was wondering if I could somehow install it using an IDE hard drive with it already installed06:04
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sasquatchtyphoid: hmm, i got a very sweet deal on this, only 1500 canadian06:04
liquidten2typhoid: My PC I paid about 400$ for, then about 200$ in upgrades over the years(Sound card, video card, DVD/cdrw/etc combo drive) and I don't think i'm ever going to buy another desktop again.06:04
typhoidi don't remember but i paid an extra 200 dollars for it.. it's a pretty nice one but.. off the top of my head, i forget06:04
Sedatedanybody got some tips for dual displays with the fglrx driver06:04
h3h_timomines a radion x160006:04
sasquatchodin__: oh... hmmm, that's tough, certain SATA drivers still don't work06:04
h3h_timoalmost the best in the mobile line06:04
typhoidmy desktop is also a server..  it will be around for years, methinks..06:04
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typhoidhopefully wine will evolve enough to play all my games on and i can just totally switch from the m$ beast06:05
sasquatchtyphoid: i'm running my old laptop as a server... haha06:05
turingjust to throw out into the void a great find I found, the gparted live cd is WONDERFUL.  It'll let you shrink/grow partitions, copy them, move them, slice them, dice them, make windows shrink until it squeals...it's wonderful06:05
odin__sasquatch, tsk, what a shame, and I got this 250GB drive just for my little linux machine too06:05
sasquatchit uses so little power :-)06:05
eternaljoyshall I type apr-get clean after upgrading?06:05
rixthWarbo, Listen is AMAZING. Pretty UI, lyrics, Wikipedia... ahh06:05
sasquatchodin__: hmmm, can you reformat it using the install disk?06:05
dad_right now I'm running on a small form factor HP desktop with a Pent 3 933 mHz that I got on ebay for $3006:05
danf_1979sasquatch, what services? :)06:05
h3h_timorixth, what is Listen??06:05
turingtyphoid, have you use crossover office and tried that out?06:05
rixthWarbo, much more resource friendly that RB too06:05
rixthh3h_timo, music player06:05
typhoidi've got 2 more boxes in the closet,..  it is just not as exciting now adays to bugger with those old machines , so.. they just sit there.. though  they would make some nice servers06:05
sasquatchdanf_1979: just apache right now06:06
liquidten2rixth: what's the URL?06:06
odin__sasquatch, reformat what?  the SATA hd?  it doesn't even detect it when it comes to the partitioning part06:06
h3h_timorixth, really? instal with apt-get??06:06
stefgeternaljoy: better sudo apt-get autoclean, that leaves the new packages in cache06:06
Warborixth: I added the repo to this LiveCD session especially :)06:06
typhoidmy 'desktop' though has 4 raptors (2 raids) and .. well, it's a monster =D    it will be nice to take windows off of it one day06:06
sasquatchodin__: oh.. crap... hmmm... google to see if there's any 3rd party drivers...06:06
Grisen1Warbo, no I/O error this time.  Can we check the contents of the floppy?  Or just try it...06:06
sasquatchi dunno, SATA can be a bitch for some reason06:06
rixthhttp://listengnome.free.fr/ if you want to get via apt-get, you have to add the repo deb http://theli.free.fr/packages/ dapper listen06:06
turingtyphoid, what suggestions for inexpensive raid 5 cards for linux?06:06
sasquatchi still have problems with my other SATA drive that uses a 3rd party driver06:06
WarboGrisen1: You have copied grub folder across?06:07
typhoidinexpensive raid 5?  is there such a thing?06:07
odin__can I really install drivers on a hard drive that doesn't even have an OS yet?06:07
Grisen1sudo mkdir /grubfloppy/boot && sudo cp -r /mnt/boot/grub /grubfloppy/boot06:07
pharglethey load into memory06:07
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WarboGrisen1: Wow, then "sudo grub-install /dev/fd0" should work now06:07
rixthWarbo, my only gripe is that artists starting with The get sorted under T and not the main artist name (iTunes, Windows Media etc do this)06:07
sasquatchodin__: lol.. well, i you sould need another hard disk.. i'm not too sure...06:07
typhoidi'm running raid 1 on mine, with the onboard controllers..  i don't have the loot to pay for nice controller cards ><06:07
h3h_timorixth, why dont you make a tutorial in the ubuntu wiki??06:07
eternaljoystefg: why I need the the new packages in cache?06:07
=== sayno [n=sayno@c-24-9-79-69.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
liquidten2rixth:  It looks a LOT like rhythmbox with an extra sidebar >_>06:07
Warborixth: I set my tags to "Artist, The"06:07
turingtyphoid haha, or I guess how much should I be forking out?  or are you using a JBOD or other non RAID 5 level?06:08
bruenigdoes anyone know where I can find cmd.exe the windows command line and be able to download it, I need it for something I want to try in wine06:08
sasquatchrixth: i do the same as Warbo, works fine06:08
eternaljoystefg: why I need the new packages in cache after they been installed?06:08
sasquatchi think the new Amarok does it automaticall anyways06:08
ToHellWithGAi need some help with nxclient.  are there any particular ports i need to open besides the standard "22" to get a connection?06:08
turingtyphoid...but w/ RAID 1 you're quadroupling your likelyhood of catastrophic failure06:08
odin__sasquatch, well I still at least have this hard disk that I'm using right now06:08
=== sasquatch hugs KDE
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stefgmaybe you need to reinstall one of them, just for good measure06:08
turingany 1 drive dies and you loose it all06:08
=== Warbo has KDE servers all over the place in GNOME, just for Amarok
sasquatchodin__: hmm, i'm not too sure though... you might want to post on forums where the real pros are06:08
eternaljoywhy does Juicer spin my Audio CD like crazy and run realy slow to copy?  Any fix?06:08
=== turing Gives typhoid an award for Bravery
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typhoidaye.. i'm not using raid 5..   it's not like.. it isn't hotswappable or anything... just striped and mirrored.. the higher raid levels, they can get pretty expensive..   the last time i was considering getting one,  i think it was something like 3000 USD for a smooth controller06:09
sasquatchWarbo: AmaroK is possibly the best music client on any system :-)06:09
stefgeternaljoy: but if you're really short of diskspace and have ample bandwidth... apt-get clean is fine06:09
odin__sasquatch, been scanning forums off of google, finding questions but little in answers unless I might be running PCLinux or RedHat or some-such06:09
ReWT_AxSDo I need something special to install samba on a 64 bit using Dapper?06:09
h3h_timorixth, it does look like rhythmbox... do you like amarok??06:09
sasquatchodin__: try the posting on the ubuntu forums, someone might know06:09
eternaljoystefg: ok ty06:10
rixthh3h_timo, it is much better =) I don't like amarok06:10
turingtyphoid, I've been seeing good ones new for 600, considering some around 300.  But 300's a bit too much for me to bite on for home at this point...maybe I need  more server-oriented consulting projects06:10
liquidten2I still like rhythmbox more, for 1.  It blends in with my desktops(If i'm in Gnome, Windowmaker, or Icewm, simply because 99.5% of my apps are GTK2) and 2.  rhythmbox-applet for the panel06:10
h3h_timorixth, reason for not liking??06:10
odin__sasquatch, I'll give it a shot, thanks06:10
eternaljoystefg: why would I need to keep the files in the cache seeing they already been installed?06:10
sasquatchodin__: sorry i couldn't be of more help :-(06:10
rixthDon't like KDE06:10
Grisen1Warbo:  sudo grub-install /dev/fd0 "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."  Why do the other commands work and not this one?06:10
h3h_timoturing, is there a way to put a monitor for both cores on the panel??06:10
WarboListen needs some shortcut keys like Super-B is skip for Amarok06:10
sasquatchrixth: KDE does use up a lot of resources...06:10
typhoidaye..  my  box mainly serves music and stuff (locally)... that, and development06:10
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turing<sarcasm> all this discussion about mp3 players, just dd the mp3 to your audio device... </sarcasm>06:10
typhoidwe've got dedicated servers connected to hubs for the real work  *~06:10
=== sasquatch boots up a XFCE session :-)
WarboGrisen1: Try unmounting it first "sudo umount /grubfloppy"06:11
typhoidby hubs, i  mean they are in texas lol06:11
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sasquatchturing: the sarcasm tag things work better if you only add it at the end :-P06:11
turingh3h_timo, you're baiting me, right?06:11
duncanmhola, anyone know how i can turn off "CIFS Unix extensions"?06:11
h3h_timowhat?? lol06:11
sasquatchfor example, turing is a freaking genius! </sarcasm>06:11
typhoidlol turing06:11
duncanmsamba is trying to map the UIDs for me, and it's just screwing things up06:11
dxdemetriouThe new version of mplayer will be added in repositories for Dapper, or will must wait for the Edgy?06:11
typhoidwell..  it's bad form to have a closing tag with no opener06:11
turingh3h_timo, that question is the reason I signed on tonight, no one has answered me yet06:12
typhoidlike,  <sarcasm> come on guys, grammar is for losers </sarcasm>06:12
Grisen1Warbo:  "umount: /grubfloppy: not mounted"06:12
sasquatchtyphoid: let tidy sort it out :-P06:12
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h3h_timoturing, you just want to monitor??? lol thats cool cuz i want to.. im gonna look06:12
WarboGrisen1: Try "ls /grubfloppy"06:12
turingsasquatch, I don't understand...you said a true statement then added that unmatched sarcasm tag...just didn't make any sense :)06:12
liquidten2Grisen1: just cat /etc/mtab to see if it is actually mounted06:12
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sasquatchturing: haha, well, now we know who's ego is bloated :-)06:13
cowmilk2so i've just added "japanese" in Settings/Language Support. So how do i type in Japanese now? Do i have to restart the computer?06:13
rixthWarbo, does listen touch the tags of a file though?06:13
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Warboliquidten2: I think he has just copied stuff to a folder with no floppy mounted in it06:13
cowmilk2correction: Not Settings/Language Support, but "System/Language Support"06:13
cowmilk2and i'm in xubuntu06:13
stefgwould turing, h3h_timo and typhoid mind taking that over to #ubuntu-offtopic?06:13
Warborixth: I think so06:13
typhoidcowmilk2 -- methinks you need a new keyboard?06:13
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cowmilk2typhoid: what?06:13
rixthWarbo, argh!06:13
Grisen1Warbo:  Yes, returned "boot" in blue letters and then command line06:13
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sasquatchcowmilk2: you need to boot up SCIM06:13
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cowmilk2sasquatch: how do i boot it up?06:13
typhoidtaking what over to offtopic?06:13
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Warborixth: What? I HATE it when I spend ages retaggin files in Amarok, then they are wrong in other players!06:13
cowmilk2sasquatch: cool06:14
cowmilk2now how do i boot up SCIM?06:14
h3h_timoare we in trouble??06:14
sasquatchcowmilk2: errr.. i just pressed a lot of buttons.. haha06:14
Cartm4nlinux is crap06:14
Cartm4nubuntu is crap06:14
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sasquatchCartm4n: damn straight06:14
typhoidcartman is a nazi06:14
Grisen1Warbo:  Yes, returned "boot" in blue letters and then command line06:14
liquidten2HELl YEAH!06:14
WarboGrisen1: What you have done there, is make a folder and copy GRUB into it. You have NOT copied GRUB onto a floppy disc, since the disc was not mounted when you copied it across06:14
duncanmanyone use samba on both a linux server and a linux client?06:14
rixthWarbo, all my tags are pristine, my file structure is the same everywhere... I really don't want someting messing with it eh.06:14
Cartm4ndie ubuntu06:14
Cartm4nubuntu die06:14
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rixthDie Cartm4n, give NZ a bad name06:14
typhoidubuntu is saving the world from windows as we speek06:14
stefgduncanm: that's a pretty common scenario06:15
sasquatchcowmilk2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM06:15
sasquatch!help SCIM06:15
ubotuI know nothing about help SCIM - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:15
Warborixth: My filesystem used to have a nice stucture, but I couldn't be bothered to stick to it06:15
h3h_timotyphoid, its true06:15
J2D2what is a good system monitor for dapper?06:15
Cornellius!info scim06:15
ubotuscim: smart common input method platform. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.4.4-1ubuntu12 (dapper), package size 751 kB, installed size 1872 kB06:15
turingtyphoid, I think apple's doing the same thing06:15
duncanmstefg: i'm having trouble mounting if my UID is not the same across server/client06:15
WarboJ2D2: Gkrellm06:15
sasquatchCornellius: thanks :-) i always forget the bot commands...06:15
duncanmstefg: in fact, i can mount okay but the UID on the client is the one from the server, which is not what i want06:15
typhoidcan you recompile an apple kernel?06:15
J2D2can you get it via apt-get Warbo06:15
cowmilk2sasquatch: oh, it says i have to log out and in.06:15
cowmilk2so see you in a bit06:16
cowmilk2sasquatch: thanks!!!06:16
WarboJ2D2: There are quite a few packages06:16
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:16
sasquatchcowmilk2: no prob06:16
liquidten2On slackware for scim, all I have to do is add "scim -d" to my .xinitrc and then add  "export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM" to my .bashrc, and then press ctrl+space to type06:16
Warbo!info gkrellmd06:16
ubotugkrellmd: multiple stacked system monitors: 1 process [daemon] . In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.2.7-5ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 77 kB, installed size 196 kB06:16
sasquatchi look forward to chattin in japanese with you :-)06:16
sasquatchtyphoid: you mean Darwin?06:16
liquidten2I too need scim for Japanese06:16
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Cartm4nrixth are you from nz?06:17
Cartm4nrixth what city?06:17
Cartm4nrixth are you from nz?06:17
typhoidsasquatch: i'm not sure..  but i don't know how apple is saving anyone if they still charge for their OS06:17
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rixthI am not telling you because I don't wise to associate with you.06:17
rixthWish, rather06:17
sasquatchtyphoid: well, their kernel is open source06:17
kaffienhaving some issues with ubuntu06:17
turingwarbo, do you have an additional explaination of what gkrellmd does?06:17
h3h_timotyphoid, is mac osx expensive?06:17
sasquatchDarwin is based ond BSD06:17
Cartm4nrixth you are grumpy06:17
sasquatchh3h_timo: yes.. very06:17
kaffieni cannot seem to compile nvidia drivers06:17
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kaffienim missing a kernel package but i dont know what i need06:18
Grisen1Warbo:  The 3 P's,  Persistence, Patience and PLEASE06:18
turingh3h_timo $70 for students/teachers06:18
duncanmsasquatch: i think you might want 06:18
kaffienor if i need to make a symlink  for /usr/src/linux06:18
typhoidI don't know a thing about apple, besides the fact that it's unix based and they seem to me as bad as microsoft, just not as um...  bloodthirsty06:18
h3h_timoturing, i hate macosx tho06:18
Cartm4nfuck you rixth06:18
sasquatchduncanm: nah, i was using it to prove a point :-)06:18
h3h_timomy friend has it, and i hate it06:18
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sasquatchh3h_timo: it's all eyecandy and no muscle :-)06:18
shawnr_besides looking in xorg.config, is there a terminal command to tell me what graphics driver x is currently using?06:18
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h3h_timoi know.. freakin shiznit, i can do that with my ubuntu (caresses computer) lol... i love the way it looks now06:19
naliothrixth: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please06:19
dad_TBH, the first time I ran Ubuntu it sort of reminded me of OSX, how it looks good yet is advanced-usable like windows06:19
sasquatchliquidten2: sweet :-)06:19
liquidten2I jsut can't get scim to work in Gaim >_>06:19
naliothliquidten2: duncanm sasquatch english please06:19
rixthnalioth, bollocks to you. _I_ get in trouble while he is telling me to fuck off.06:19
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duncanmliquidten2: right click on the input box06:19
liquidten2I assume I have to hit shift+enter to send a message through scim?06:19
shawnr_besides looking in xorg.config, is there a terminal command to tell me what graphics driver x is currently using?06:19
duncanmliquidten2: make sure the input method is SCIM06:19
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odin__crap, there's nowhere on the darn ubuntu forum to ask questiosn06:20
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h3h_timorixth, you ever use beep media player??06:20
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Warboshawnr_: lsmod | grep nv or nvidia or ati or fglrx or whatever06:20
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sasquatchwhy was i just kicked?06:20
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typhoiduh oh, we've got a dictator in control of the channel!06:20
liquidten2(00:20:21) sasquatch left the room (requested by nalioth: "english please").06:20
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typhoidthat's my cue to leave for the night methinks06:20
naliothsasquatch: i asked you to keep your keyboard switched to English06:20
chris86wmis there a command for mute?06:20
naliothtyphoid: seveas is asleep06:20
sasquatchnalioth: oh... sorry, missed that06:21
shawnr_Warbo, how do i tell which one is currently in use?06:21
typhoidtake care everyone, thank you for the company!  i'll be back =D06:21
liquidten2I didn't even know IRC supported the proper encodings for Japanese in the first place <_<06:21
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Warboshawnr_: If there are multiple then I don't know, but if only one appears then it is in use06:21
sasquatchliquidten2: it support UTF-8 :-)06:21
Grisen1Warbo, can we look at the contents of this floppy?06:21
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sasquatchwell, certain clients06:21
rixth_Power tripping ops. get over yourselves.06:21
WarboGrisen1: Yes. "sudo mount /dev/fd0 /grubfloppy && ls /grubfloppy"06:21
DanaGaaargh, this /lib/udev/usb_id doesn't tell you what input it expects.06:22
h3h_timorixth_, you ever use beep media player?06:22
sasquatchnalioth: sorry, someone had a question about SCIM earlier, just helping them out and then discussing nationalities...06:22
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Grisen1Warbo: okay, mounted, now what?06:22
sasquatchrixth_: meh...06:22
shawnr_Warbo, they all do lol. even ati, and i have nvidia06:22
duncanmliquidten2: does that work now?06:22
rixth_h3h_timo: nope, I have used XMMS though. Have they started the rewrite from scracth like they sai they were?06:22
WarboJust copied 50978 files in about a minute. They are all tiny, but it is still satisfying to see the numbers flying past :)06:22
alleyoopsterXMMS2 is underway06:23
dad_heh, yea it is06:23
h3h_timorixth, i have no idea, i just wish xmms had a good library tool06:23
h3h_timorixth, the only app i can find with a good library manager for linux is amarok06:23
WarboGrisen1: "ls foldername" will list the contents of folder "foldername", so "ls /grubfloppy"06:23
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sasquatchjust out of curiousity... why is this an english only channel?06:23
rixth_I never liked winamp in the first place so xmms didnt appleal :)06:23
liquidten2duncanm:  Both SCIM input method and X Input method work, but when I go to hit enter I cannot actually send the message.  (I assume that SCIM is taking the enter, not GAIM)06:23
turingwell before I sign off for the night, does anyone have any suggestions for h3h_timo and I about good CPU load monitering apps that'll show each CPU's load seperately?06:24
naliothsasquatch: because Ubuntu runs many language channels to help folks for one06:24
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Grisen1Warbo: the floppy is mounted.  Contents are "boot" (in blue letters)06:24
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h3h_timoturing, lol ur the man, no body ever answers us tho06:24
h3h_timowe are alone in our search06:24
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duncanmliquidten2: i had that thing before......06:25
sasquatchnalioth: ah... but i didn't know we discouraged biligualism... meh, just curious06:25
duncanmi forgot how i fixed it06:25
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duncanmliquidten2: it might be an SCIM config thing06:25
tritiumturing: I am not aware of a solution to your question.  I did look into it, but did not find anything.06:25
alleyoopsterturing: have you tried sensors06:25
duncanmliquidten2: you might have the 'decide' key set to enter06:25
naliothsasquatch: if you wish to join #ubuntu-jp, i'm sure they'll be happy to be bilingual06:25
WarboGrisen1: Try "ls /grubfloppy/boot" and see if grub is in there, then "ls /grubfloppy/boot/grub" and see if all of the "stage" files are in there06:25
tritiumsasquatch: there are language-specific channels06:25
=== stefg reminds everyone that there's 795 users in this room, and that certain rules have to be in effect to keep such a channel useful... language selection and random chatter going over to #ubuntu-offtopic are a few of them
duncanmi'm really pissed off about this CIFS thing06:25
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sasquatchtritium: but would i get kicked out of ubuntu-jp for speaking english?06:25
duncanmwhy is it so determined to match UIDs for me06:25
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duncanmi thought that was the reason why people used SMB over NFS06:26
tritiumsasquatch: possibly06:26
rixth_Thanks, tritium.06:26
liquidten2duncanm: Because It Knows What's Best(tm)06:26
sasquatchtritium: mm, therein lies the conundrum06:26
tritiumrixth_: not too cool, eh?06:26
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Grisen1Warbo:  Yes, it all appears to be there...06:26
rixth_tritium: can we go somewhere and discuss this for a moment?06:26
h3h_timoturing, u still in here??06:26
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turingalleyoopster, sensors sounds promising....Add/Remove apps shows X Sensors and gDesklets..should I try synaptec?06:27
alleyoopsterturing: it is in repos under lm-sensors and you can use x or gdesklets to view the sensors for CPU fans etc06:27
ajtDoes anyone know where I can find information on how to setup a Netgear WG311T using the commandline?06:27
h3h_timorixth, got any good apps to listen to internet radio streams??06:27
liquidten2h3h_timo: he left a while ago.06:27
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tritiumrixth_: yes06:27
WarboGrisen1: Then "sudo umount /grubfloppy" should make sure they are written to disc and grub-instal lSHOULD work06:27
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rixth_h3h_timo: rhythmbox does a good job of that.06:27
bimberituring: GUI - gnome-system-monitor,  CLI - press the 1 key while running top06:27
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:27
ajtyou're awesome06:27
shawnr_besides looking in xorg.config, is there a terminal command to tell me what graphics driver x is currently using?06:27
h3h_timorixth, its not showing any stations... and liquidten2 im not that dumb06:27
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ajtstefg: how about via the command line?06:28
ajtstefg: I don't have xwindows installed. It's a server06:28
turingbimberi, can you get gnome-system-monitor to show which CPU individual processes are running on?06:28
alleyoopsterturing: they need setting up. Follow this link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2780&highlight=lm-sensors06:28
tritiumrixth_: are you going to join?06:29
liquidten2h3h_timo: Heh... you're right, I got his name confused with some one else's >_<06:29
ajt!wifi commandline06:29
ubotuI know nothing about wifi commandline - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:29
turingalleyoopster, thanks!06:29
stefgajt: sorry, i don't run wireless... just made the bot spit out the link to let you see it..06:29
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h3h_timoliquidten2, lol thats funny06:29
rixth_tritium: U am there06:29
ajtstefg: np thanks06:29
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liquidten2ajt:  the "iwconfig" and "ifconfig" commandxz will work06:29
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Warboliquidten2: Any idea what "iwlist" does?06:30
bimberituring: idk sorry :|06:30
bobovskihelp! my flash player won't play sound (again) it did work, but now nothing.06:30
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liquidten2ajt:  I have no idea, every time I try to use it it simply says that my card doesn't support it.06:30
Grisen1Warbo, Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.  BUT can I try this diskette from a cold shutdown?  What should it do?06:30
ajtliquidten2: I figured that much just can't figure out how to use iwconfig to setup a WPA-SK connection06:30
ajtI think I might of foudn something tho06:30
sasquatchWarbo: just gives detailed info06:30
turingh3h_timo did you catch all that?06:30
sasquatchtype man iwlist for more info06:30
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WarboGrisen1: You can always try it, but it may not work06:31
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WarboI had to move iwlist out of $PATH since it took up 90%+ CPU and hardly anything would run (including sudo and GNOME)06:31
Grisen1Then I've lost nothing.  Except to try something else-- like GRUB on a06:31
Samus_AranApache2 has /etc/apache2/mods-available/* as symlinks in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/* .. is there some tool to set these up automatically, or why was this format chosen ?06:31
Warbohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB <- includes GRUB on a CD at the end06:32
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h3h_timoturing, um no, it flew by me, and i just said your name i think06:33
phuzzgnome: "the greeter application apears to be crashing attempting to use a diffrent one" any ideas?06:33
h3h_timoturing, what you are gonna use to do it?? gdesklets? or something else?06:34
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DanaGaargh, my /lib/udev/usb_id won't return anything.06:35
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df00zzHey.  If I install the linux-386 packages and linux-image etc06:35
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df00zzis it going to overwrite my current custom stuff, or will it just add another entry to the grub boot config?06:35
df00zz.i suppose i could just do it and watch what happens06:36
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liquidten2It won't overrwrite your current custom config.  Or at least ideally that is.06:36
h3h_timoturing, u still there ??06:36
liquidten2df00zz: as long as your kernel in /boot is named as something unique it should be fine06:37
df00zzah, ok06:37
df00zzit is06:37
baconbaconit depends on some lines06:37
baconbaconwhat is after  ## End Default Options ## but before END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST could be overwritten06:38
liquidten2df00zz: you MIGHT want to backup your grub config file first though, just in case.06:38
anonymeeeehow do I add my username to the admin group  in  the sudoers file ?06:38
ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto06:39
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bruenighow do you launch a program in a windows command prompt?06:39
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baconbaconanonymeeee: you just add yourself to the admin group06:39
Gumbyanonobomber: edit /etc/group and add your user to the admin group06:40
Gumbyerrr, anonymeeee06:40
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naliothanonymeeee: open a console and type "man visudo"06:40
bthorntonmy "gnome-panel"s have once again crashed; what's the signal to "restart" a process?06:40
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baconbaconshouldn't he use usermod06:40
GixbitWhy won't startx or xinit or any GUI interface initializer command work for me?06:40
bthorntonand, while I'm here, is anybody else having problems with their panels?  mine always crash.06:41
GixbitIs there some special thing I have to do?06:41
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WarboAA! Not only does mldonkey-server break when it installs, but it breaks when it is removed!06:41
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bobovskihi all, can someone help me get flash player's sound working again? Everything was fine but now does not work. There was an upgrade to firefox...would that have caused it/06:41
Warbo"Starting MLDonkey: mlnetinstall: invalid option -- f"06:41
secleinteercould some1 point me to the location of the ubuntu icon in the top left of the screen?06:41
liquidten2bobovski: If ESD is running, turn it off, if it is off, turn it on.06:42
Warbo /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor-logo.png I think06:42
secleinteerok thx06:42
liquidten2bobovski: ESD would be the Sound System option somewhere in the preferences menu.06:42
h3h_timoWarbo, do you know how to change that?06:42
liquidten2bobovski: then logout and log back in and it should work again06:42
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h3h_timoWarbo, the ubuntu logo, that is06:43
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bobovskiliquidten2: killall esd does nothing06:43
liquidten2what does lsof /dev/dsp say?06:43
Warboh3h_timo: Just copy something else there (with sudo)06:43
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h3h_timoaight thanks06:43
WarboI used to have a badger, but it is inappropriate now06:43
bobovskiliquidten2: nothing06:43
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liquidten2lsof /dev/snd/* ?06:44
CyDriveHow do i get java to work with firefox?06:44
Warbofuser /dev/dsp06:44
DanaGjoin #udev06:44
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baconbaconCyDrive: how did you install java06:44
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository06:44
h3h_timoWarbo, thanks06:44
bobovskiliquidten2: ok it has listings for all users06:44
CyDriveOff thier site06:44
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CyDriveoff of the java website06:44
WarboWhat does "rF" mean next to a package in dpkg -l?06:45
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stefgCyDrive: you can apt-get if you enable the multiverse repo06:45
Warbo!tell CyDrive about java06:45
liquidten2bobovski: Well if you have something blocking the soundcard, sound in flash will not play unless ESD is running.  You're going to have to kill all the processes that show up in "lsof /dev/snd/*" and then it should work again.06:45
Samus_AranGixbit: does "X" load ?  (Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to kill it, if it does load)06:46
ubotuI know nothing about wmsmpmon - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:46
Samus_AranGixbit: if it doesn't, look at the error message to see why not06:46
bobovskiliquidten2: strange, no processes show up. I guess I'll just logout and back in and see what's up. Thanks for the help06:46
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h3h_timoturing, did you get em running?06:46
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sagarpwhen using SCONS to install something how can i uninstall it?06:47
WarboAnyone familiar with package states? dpkg -l is saying "rF"06:47
stefg!bug #2976006:47
ubotuI know nothing about bug #29760 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:47
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turingnothing gui and pretty yet06:47
dibblegohow can I have both xmms and skype running at the same time?06:47
Madpilot@bug #2976006:47
turingtho I'm pretty sure lm_sensors'll let us do it somehow06:47
h3h_timoaight well can you even get it running06:47
h3h_timoi tried to install xsensors, nothing worked06:48
Madpilotstefg, I guess Ubugtu's bug thing doesn't work in this channel...06:48
h3h_timoturing, when i ran it, i got an empty window06:48
stefgyup, seems so06:48
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stefghttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/29760 <- no sound with flash06:48
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WarboHelp me! mldonkey-server will not install properly, so it complains whenever I use apt, and it will not even uninstall!06:50
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sorbixdoes anyone know if it is still necessary to use the mesa drivers for xgl/compiz on an ati or did ATI fix their driver06:50
WarboIt has status "rF" in dpkg -l06:51
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GixbitSamus_Aran: it says IO fatal error when i try to initiate the GUI06:51
turingh3h_timo, I can't get it into the gnome panel so far, but use Synaptic Package Manager from System -> Administration06:51
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turingh3h_timo search for wmsmpmon06:51
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maccam94dauoalagio: you there?06:52
Samus_AranGixbit: you will need to read the log file from /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:52
Samus_AranGixbit: at the end it will say why it didn't load06:52
matodoI have a problem with Thunderbird06:52
matodo(Tools->Options->Display->Fonts) I can't find The Arabic (Windows-1256) Encoding :(06:52
Gixbitok time to try again06:52
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h3h_timoturing alright06:52
matodoPlease help06:52
turingh3h_timo, install it and then run,  it's precisely what I'm looking for but it's a windowmaker widget, not a gnome one, but it'll serve for the time being06:52
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richiefrichmatodo  u m ight have to install more fonts ?06:53
h3h_timothanks turing06:53
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maccam94matodo: or install foreign language packs06:53
matodono.. the fonts are already installed06:53
matodono that isn't the problem06:54
keleusUnder kubuntu, how do I get the REAL KDE control center back? (i dont like this watered-down one that comes with ubuntu)06:54
matodoThe question is how to add an encoding06:54
turingh3h_timo try running with the -g 2 option, I like that graph option better06:54
matodoto Thundrbird06:54
Warbokeleus: "kcontrol"06:54
h3h_timoturing, aight jus a sec06:55
WarboWell my installation seems to be full of problems, but I will try booting it all the same06:55
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maccam94matodo: i believe you can't just add an encoding to it, i think there are packages that specifically add foreign languages and encodings to the program06:55
h3h_timoturing, how do you run it?06:55
MoNkUnClEcan anyone help me with this repository issue i am having in synaptic?06:55
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maccam94matodo: use Synaptic to search for Thunderbird, and look at all of the packages06:56
keleusWarbo, is there a way to permanetly and system-wide change the control back? instead of running kcontrol manually?06:56
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h3h_timoturing, got it06:58
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matododo you know a Thunderbird IRC channel ?06:58
turingnight h3h, enjoy06:58
MoNkUnClEi can post it in pastebin06:58
MoNkUnClEanyone pls06:58
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maccam94matodo: the closest thing i see on this server is #mozilla, but it looks unofficial and idle06:58
matodomaccam94: yes06:58
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matodowhat about other servers ?06:58
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dibblegois it possible to have both xmms and skype running at the same time instead of fighting over the sound?06:58
maccam94i don't know. check the mozilla website, they may say under the "contact us" or "help" or some similar page06:58
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matodomaccam94: send to me a private message06:59
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w1ngyhello all07:00
matodoI need to register first07:00
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w1ngyanybody wanna help with a DRE / grub error 16??07:00
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GixbitIn Ubuntu what is the default CLI command for viewing documents and such?07:01
Gixbitor *.log files.07:01
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MoNkUnClEcan anyone help me qwith this repository thing it says i have multiple entries but i never added anything to my files07:01
anonymeeeenalioth: i did a man visudo, but it didn't tell me the format to put in my username and password...do you know that?07:02
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w1ngyanybody wanna help with a DRE / grub error 16??07:02
naliothanonymeeee: i'm sorry, i misread your question.  you should type "adduser --help"07:02
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rixthOh man, aMSN2 is going to use XUL Runner! Combine that with all the cool features aMSN already has (viewing/sending webcam, recording webcam conversations).. wooooww!07:04
w1ngyanybody wanna help with a DRE / grub error 16?? please?07:04
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GixbitHow would I view a log file in the command line interface in Ubuntu (This is different than Slack or Fedora, etc.)07:05
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anonymeeeeNalioth: I'm sorry to keep bugging you; would the command be adduser username sudoers ??07:05
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anonymeeeeand thank you07:05
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rlynchi was wondering if i could get some assistance setting up apache. i've done lampp, apache, apache2, /etc/init.d/apache2, /etc/apache2, /usr/sbin/apache2, and none get my localhost to show index.html07:06
naliothanonymeeee: can you join me in #ubuntu-classroom please?07:07
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DanaGaargh, useless.07:08
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DanaGfrickin' undocumented /lib/udev/usb_id/07:09
DanaGIt has nothing to tell you what to pass in or what to expect out of it.07:09
Gumbyanyone here know if ubuntu has anything like kde's kicker applet to control cpu throttling, power profiles, and hibernate scripts etc07:10
raphinkGumby: kubuntu surely does, that's for sure :)07:10
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Gumbyraphink: kde does, thats for sure. what about gnome07:11
raphinkyes it does, too? I'm pretty sure07:11
raphinkalthough I couldn't tell you how07:11
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liquidten2Gnome-power-manager, or something of the sort.07:11
DanaGAt least your throttling works.07:12
h3h_timoturing, i found the best way to view it ever07:12
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h3h_timoturing, it works sweet, and looks good07:12
DanaGMine doesn't -- it gives me "8 states" -- all are the same, full speed.07:12
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Lil_Shankive been having problems with my au8820 sound card, is there any way i would be able to pinpoint the problem?07:13
crimsunLil_Shank: "problems" is vague.07:13
Lil_Shanki know07:13
Lil_Shankwhen i try to play any sort of audio file, theres no sound07:13
Lil_Shankalso, help files ive consulted told me to enable it on the "General" tab of the Sounds preferences, and theres no General tab07:14
Gumbyliquidten2: gnome-power-manager only seems to monitor battery state.  nothing to do with cpu throttling.07:15
liquidten2Under my "Add to Panel" after right clicking I have "CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor" available by default07:16
h3h_timoturing, anyway use gdesklets, and use the ftb-cpu-plot and it shows two different guages.. yay07:17
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crimsunLil_Shank: pastebin the output from ``lspci -v && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer''07:19
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naknomikWhen I run lsmod, I see there are 77 modules loaded, I'm not sure all of them are really required, how are theny loaded, how do I find out?07:19
GixbitWhen I try to load the GUI it gives me a "No Devices detected" (Using the command: "xinit")07:19
naknomikI see that a module fbcon is loaded, why?07:20
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balin_Can anyone help me with a music player error?  I've been trying to play music using Muine or Rythmn Box and they give me the error: "There were no decoders to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins"07:20
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secleinteerdoes any1 know where the gaim accts info is located in ubuntu?07:20
liquidten2For the framebuffer console I would assume.07:20
ubuntuI once installed linux, I think suse, and it had a gnome folder view that let you see graphically how big the files in any folder are07:20
ubuntudoes anyone know what that was?07:20
stefgbalin_: what format is the music in?07:20
bobbyyuI need to know how I can set permissions to files belonging to Fat 3207:20
bobbyyuPlease help07:21
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bobbyyuUbuntu: were you talking to me?07:21
ubuntubobbyyu: "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"07:21
secleinteerdoes any1 know where the gaim accts info is located in ubuntu?07:21
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ddasecleinteer, ~/.gaim ?07:22
stefgfat32 foes not support file permissions, so they can only set globally in the mount options/fstab07:22
secleinteerwill check there again07:22
movedda: correct!07:22
secleinteerit worked now, thx a lot07:22
balin_oh sorry stefg, didn't see your reply...it's in .mp307:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:23
movebobbyyu: you just installed ubuntu and now you want to do something like... delete an mp3? except it won't let you?07:23
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ddadoes anyone know, how can desktop popup menu (right click on desktop) be customized in gnome?07:23
stefgbalin_: mp3 is not a completly free format, so it's not included by default. see ubotus link how to add mp3 support07:23
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bobbyyuNo, I want to share a file from the fat32 partition07:24
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GixbitDoes anybody know why when I try to use the xinit or startx command i get an error saying No Devices detected.07:24
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Lil_Shankcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1954007:24
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GixbitDoes anybody know why when I try to use the xinit or startx command i get an error saying No Devices detected.07:25
balin_Alright, thanks stefg07:25
Ackeubu_hey when my screen has gone black(screensaver) it goes 100% and when i activate, my processor is still 100% but top doesnt show any unusuall activity. how can i locate astray processes?07:25
apeman2020what is the command line tag for removal of a directory?07:25
linux_manjuGixbit: Its hightime you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:26
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stefgbobbyyu: /dev/hda5    /media/fatdrive  vfat  defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46  0 0 would be a valid line in /etc/fstab to allow write for users on fat3207:26
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stefgadjust to your needs07:26
ddaapeman2020, -r07:26
ddaapeman2020, man rm :)07:27
apeman2020dda: /etc/apache/ -r?07:27
Gixbitthis version of linux is somewhat different than anything else such as slack07:27
crimsunLil_Shank: your 'PCM' is set very low.07:27
bobbyyustefg: where would I put that line of text?07:27
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ddaapeman2020, don't get you. why apache?07:27
Lil_Shankcrimsun: It had been set high before and nothing happened07:27
linux_manjuGixbit: dunno but slack rocks in its own way ;)07:28
stefgbobbyyu: sudo gedit /etc/fstab07:28
crimsunLil_Shank: set it to 100% and use speaker-test07:28
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apeman2020dda: using apache207:28
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apeman2020dda: dont want the empty folder hanging round07:28
jnoonim trying to apt-get install courier-imap-ssl, but it wants thinks postfix is a dependency.  is there any way to NOT install postfix (de-link the dependency)?07:28
Gixbitmy Graphics chip is the "example"07:28
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crimsunLil_Shank: away for a bit.07:29
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ddaapeman2020, you can remove folder by using "rm" command07:29
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Lil_Shankcrimsun: alright07:29
KonFuZedoh man this GAIM is really hurting me07:29
KonFuZedhow can I get GAIM 2.x. anything07:30
apeman2020use konversation!07:30
bobbyyuI am a Kubuntu user07:30
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ddadoes anyone know, how can desktop popup menu (right click on desktop) be customized in gnome?07:30
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shwagCan I mount a NTFS drive in ubuntu ?07:32
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:32
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blinkerI need help with compiling an app (LIRC). I keep getting a "Dialog not found" error when I try to compile: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1954107:34
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:35
Madpilotblinker, you know that lirc is in Ubuntu's repos, right?07:35
blinkerI didn't see it...07:36
blinkerlemme check again07:36
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!07:36
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thompaubuntu64 is working best it seems, i just tried mepis and had a bad lockup.07:36
stefg!info lirc07:36
ubotulirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In repository universe, is extra. Version 0.7.1pre2-11ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 271 kB, installed size 1440 kB07:36
__chris_4trying to get my gnome panel to have a mac os style with a animation when cursor over icon...07:36
thompathe k7 did not seem to work to well on this amd07:37
__chris_4any ideas?07:37
Flannelapeman2020: so, how do you want to use php?07:37
stefg__chris_4: not possible, you might want gdesklets07:37
fyrestrtr__chris_4: gnome desklets might have something like that.07:37
apeman2020flannel: yes07:37
BarryAllen__chris_4, gdesklets07:37
apeman2020Flannel: if you go to www.thecleverdog.com/phpmyadmin07:37
fyrestrtr__chris_4: or switch to e17 ;)07:37
__chris_4thanks barryallen and fystrtr07:37
thompa_chris_4: try compiz07:37
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__chris_4thompa thanks07:37
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:37
fyrestrtrcompiz won't work there.07:38
Flannelapeman2020: yes, eh?  Well, through CLI you'll need php5-cli, if you want to use it via apache, I suggest you look at this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP07:38
thompabut risky07:38
NoZyhey guys07:38
blinkerMadpilot:  Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>=4:3.5.2) but it is not installable07:38
thompai dont know how to use a mac though07:38
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Madpilot!info kdelibs4c2a07:38
ubotukdelibs4c2a: core libraries for all KDE applications. In repository main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu18.1 (dapper), package size 8138 kB, installed size 24336 kB07:38
Gixbitlinux_manju: I ran the configuration utility for the xserver-xorg, and tried to startx and it failed to start "No devices Detected"07:38
thompaseems difficult07:38
NoZytill you guy I have been on most os but this is dam good07:39
Madpilotblinker, that package seems to exist, not sure why it's reading as uninstallable for you07:39
__chris_4how do i run compiz?07:39
stefgGixbit: did you sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?07:39
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KonphuzeDoh man was x-chat included in warty hedgehog or did I forget that I had to install it myself07:39
fyrestrtr__chris_4: #ubuntu-xgl07:39
Gixbitstefg: Yes07:39
userundefine__chris_4, use the howto above07:39
MadpilotKonFuZed, XChat was in every version up until Breezy; they left it out of Dapper, which I still think was silly07:40
NoZygood to see that moving form my old notebook to my new notebook ( from centos 4.3 to ubuntu )07:40
thompa_chris_4: what kind of card do you have07:40
fyrestrtrKonphuzeD: you have to install it yourself, unless you like the gnome-chat07:40
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FlannelMadpilot: don't we all.07:40
Lil_Shanki used breezy and it had xchat inclused07:40
stefgGixbit: and startx complains about no devices detected?07:40
KonphuzeDGAIM is very frustrating07:40
Gixbitstefg: Yes07:40
__chris_4umm I have a Quadro4 700 GoGL07:40
cracko http://pastebin.bafserv.com/220 if anyone has any ideas it would be appreciated get it when running any python program i have tried07:40
Lil_Shankand in the dapper install...07:40
fyrestrtrKonphuzeD: personally, I recommend irssi :)07:40
MadpilotKonFuZed, gaim for irc is utterly useless :|07:40
blinkerMadpilot: would kdelibs4c2 work? closest match07:40
thompa_chris_4: mine only works on nvidia or ati07:40
stefgGixbit: what does lspci | grep VGA give you?07:41
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cowmilk2how do i get more info about a particular package (scim-qtimm) in terminal?07:41
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fyrestrtrblinker: are you on dapper?07:41
Madpilotblinker, are you running Dapper? That package - the one lirc wants - should be available07:41
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:41
KonphuzeDso why is there not a dedicated irc client included in dapper07:41
userundefinecowmilk2, apt-cache search -f *package-name*07:41
cowmilk2scim-qtimm seems to be necessary for scim07:41
__chris_4so how do i run that program thompa?07:41
blinkeryes, I am, but its not showing up in the list. yes, I've updated my sources07:41
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FlannelKonphuzeD: it is 'included' it's not installed by default.  Someone decided GAIM was good enough.07:41
thompa_chris_4: scroll up their are the links, i dont know if its what you want07:41
Gixbitstefg: Nothing07:41
KonphuzeDim trying to use the stuff that was included just so I know what others have to deal with when I recommend they use ubuntu07:41
MadpilotKonphuzeD, because the devs thought gaim was good enough... :(07:42
Gixbitstefg: Doesn't give me anything when i use that07:42
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stefgGixbit: what hardware is it? an old ISA system?07:42
fyrestrtrcracko: sudo apt-get install python-cairo python2.4-cairo python-cairo-dev07:42
DanaGHey, is anyone else having any trouble with udev?07:42
Gixbitstefg: Whoops case sensitive07:42
KonphuzeDFlannel, how is 'included' taken to mean 'not installed'07:42
DanaGpath_id and usb_id are both returning status 1.07:42
stefgGixbit: yes, be aware07:42
thompathis processor seems to only work on ubuntu6407:43
Gixbitstefg: ATI Technologies INC R430 [Radeon X800 XL]  (PCIe)07:43
FlannelKonphuzeD: because it's in main, it's supported software, and included on the CD even, er, as far as I know.07:43
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stefgGixbit: ahh.. a PCIe-card..07:43
KonphuzeDok well Included in the install07:43
thompafor some reason the internet was also way flower in the 32bit version,07:43
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Gixbitstefg: and 64bit07:43
thompaslower, makes no sense07:43
Ch4rHey, I've got a quick question. When my friend tries to install Ubuntu, he gets a message saying it couldn't install the kernel (linux-386). He's installed Ubuntu from that CD before, so I don't think the CD is corrupted. Is there some way to select a different kernel to install? Or is there some other possible solution to the problem?07:43
Gixbitstefg: EM64T processor as well...07:44
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KonphuzeDthere is not a new to linux user that considers available on the cd as part of the actual install07:44
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stefgGixbit: i guess you're in trouble with ATI on 64bit... have you read through the Howto?07:44
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fyrestrtrKonphuzeD: what are you arguing about?07:44
thompais anyone running the k7 kernel on amd64?07:44
Lil_Shankwhen I do a speaker test it gives me an error07:44
Gixbitstefg: no didnt think i'd have trouble with such new hardware and stuff.07:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto07:45
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FlannelCh4r: what sort of computer is he trying to install it on?07:45
KonphuzeDim not argueing07:45
KonphuzeDi was asking for clarity07:45
fyrestrtron what?07:45
stefgGixbit: hardware might be _too new_ in some cases for Linux07:45
Ch4rFlannel, Dell Inspiron 1100 (laptop)... Pentium 4 proc07:45
rifficoh wow bunch of updates to gnome07:45
rifficthanks ubuntu!07:45
Gixbitstefg: But can this still work?07:45
thompaCh4r: are you sure its a live cd?07:46
KonphuzeDso why is there not a dedicated irc client part of the default install in dapper07:46
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thompajust boot it with something else and format it07:46
Ch4rit's not a livecd, it's an installation CD...07:46
bobbyyuWhat's fatdrive?07:46
fyrestrtrKonphuzeD: sure there is. irssi is included.07:46
stefgGixbit: i run 32bit and nvidia.. as i see people have problems with ati on 64 bit, but i can't tell wether they can be solved07:46
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Gixbitstefg: what would you recommend? 64bit or 32bit for me?07:47
Gixbitstefg: Both works I guess.07:47
MadpilotKonFuZed, if you want to join #ubuntu-offtopic, this isn't really related directly to tech support07:47
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thompaim running amd64 duo07:47
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bobbyyustefg,, what's fat drive?07:47
Ackeubu_hey acpid screws up my computer after screensaver has been active. what is acpid and has anyone experienced any similar issues with acpid?07:47
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stefgGixbit: as i understand people tend to use the 32bit/686-kernel07:48
__chris_4thompa i have the nvidia changed to nv but it doesnt work... looks neat tho :) would love to see it in action07:48
thompaubuntu64 works lots better, k7 on ubuntu 32 not so good07:48
thompa_chris_4: have you installed nvidia-glx?07:48
__chris_4yes i think07:48
__chris_4how can i tell thompa?07:49
fyrestrtr__chris_4: read the wiki entry, that will get you setup07:49
fyrestrtr__chris_4: also, xgl is very beta software, so don't expect it to work properly all the time.07:49
thompago to system admin, synaptic pack. man07:49
rredd4fyrestrtr  I have a dell c810 and glx works good on here!07:50
__chris_4fyrestrtr is it worth it?07:50
stefgbobbyyu: you need to have a mountpoint for the partition. the place for that is commonly in /media. Choose a name [foo]  do sudo mkdir /media/[foo]  and state that mountpoint in /etc/fstab accordingly07:50
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fyrestrtr__chris_4: its eye candy, if you want to wow people, then yeah.07:50
fyrestrtr__chris_4: practically, I don't see a difference.07:50
thompayou have to look for nvidia, there is nvidia-glx first, if you have an nvidia card that is07:50
movedoes anyone here know who is personally responsible for writing the gnome install gui?07:50
thompaim doing that right now in fact07:50
blinkerMadpilot: ok, well theres a dependency chain goin on here, so is there a way to get kdelibs4c2a back on the list?07:50
movecause I'd like to mail him a knife to stab himself in the face with.07:50
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__chris_4ok thanks guys07:50
fyrestrtrmove: that would be ... bugs.ubuntu.com07:51
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com07:51
__chris_4ill see if my laptop card is supported...07:51
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__chris_4:) thanks everyone07:51
Gixbitstefg: as well when i run this update it's doing this off the ram or off my HDD?07:51
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stefgGixbit: did not get you07:51
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Madpilotblinker, I'm not sure - I don't do IR stuff, so I've never tried to install lirc07:52
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blinkerwell I was more asking how to get kdelibs4c2a back on the install list for dapper07:52
Gixbitstefg: well theres no defined partition for ubuntu on my computer seeing as how there is no unallocated space for this partition or installed on a partition07:52
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blinkerbecause it depends on several other packages that I'd rather not track down manually07:53
cowmilk2 hi guys, I am running Xubuntu. I want to add another internal hard drive (12gb)  to my old box. How do i do that?07:53
jack__i have a amd64 cpu, but i will only run 32-bit app. k7 or 686, which kernel  is the best?07:53
cowmilk2That 12 gb hard drive currently has win 98, but I 'd like to get rid of everythnig on it07:53
Madpilotblinker, it should be there - try installing it on it's own?07:53
cowmilk2what steps should i take to make that drive my seconardy drive?07:53
blinkerI did, thats how i found out about the other dependencies07:53
stefgGixbit: the installer works off CD. If there's no partiton you can repartition your HD in the course of installation07:54
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Madpilotblinker, at this point, I'd file a bug against lirc or the kdelibs package07:54
Madpilotubotu, tell blinker about bugs07:54
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__chris_4i do have nvidia-glx installed07:54
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fyrestrtr__chris_4: please take xgl related questions to #ubuntu-xgl07:55
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Gixbitstefg: so this update i'm doing isnt a real update unless i install?07:55
blinkerMadpilot: i'm fairly sure it's not a bug since i've modified sources.list07:55
stefgGixbit: are you running from CD right now?07:55
Madpilotblinker, well, if you've got a non-standard sources.list, that's probably your problem right there07:55
Gixbitstefg: yes07:55
blinkeri'll just see if i can find the security repo source and fix the problem there07:55
stefgGixbit: then everything is temporary... all changes will be lost after reboot07:56
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Gixbitstefg: thanks07:56
Madpilotblinker, you'd be far better of fixing your sources.list...07:56
blinkerthat swhat I mean07:56
Madpilotblinker, standard Dapper sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1767407:56
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blinkerMadpilot: thats useful. thanks07:56
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ddaPlease advise, how can desktop popup menu (right click on desktop) be customized in gnome?07:57
stefgdda: i guess yu'll have to hack the sources for that07:58
Gixbitstefg: my startx works now :)07:58
_smd_who _lives_ in winnipeg?07:58
movethe ubuntu install freezes at "installing system"07:58
stefgGixbit: good :-)07:58
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Gixbitstefg: glitchy lol but works07:58
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Adam_Ghi, quick question: in fstab, what do I put as filesystem type for reiserFS?07:58
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Gixbitdefinitly time to book mark that particular page07:59
ddastefg, that's odd.. thanks anyway. :)07:59
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grigorahi, I am trying to build something from source and it requires automake 1.6.1 or greater, but the version provided by Ubuntu is only 1.4, any ideas on how to get around this? thanks07:59
jack__if i compiled the kernel myself, how to add the bootsplash(usplash?)07:59
Madpilot_smd_, try #ubuntu.ca or www.ubuntu.ca07:59
cpk2grigora: go get automake yourself as well07:59
Madpilot_smd_, sorry, #ubuntu-ca07:59
stefgGixbit: anyway i'd recommend using the alternate (textmode) CD to install and prepare the partitions beforehand. It's easier than doing it during install08:00
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MoNkUnClEhello,can anyone here help mew to get rid of an error i'm recieving concerning my repository lists in synaptic08:00
_smd_Madpilot np08:00
MadpilotMoNkUnClE, what's the exact error?08:00
grigoracpk2: looks like there is also automake1.9 available08:00
cpk2well that is bigger than 1.6.108:01
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Gixbitstefg: just looking first to see ubuntu's features08:01
MoNkUnClEMadpilot i posted it on pastebin under MoNkUnClE08:01
MadpilotMoNkUnClE, which pastebin?08:01
stefgGixbit: that's what the Live CD is intended for08:01
Gixbitstefg: indeed08:01
MoNkUnClEit's sayingsomething about duplicate entries08:02
DanaGWhat's the difference between bootsplash and usplash?08:02
MoNkUnClEi have only posted it once thus far08:02
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cpk2Gixbit: if you are already installing it then haven't you already seen the features?08:02
Gixbitcpk2: i'm live cd atm08:02
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MoNkUnClEMadpilot i have posted under my nick i have only posted it once and it's been a few minutes08:03
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MadpilotMoNkUnClE, can you pastebin your exact sources.list, and this time post the pastebin URL so it's easier to find, please08:04
Gixbitstefg: btw how do you change the resolution dimensions before my eye's explode lol.08:04
MoNkUnClE sure give me one secMadpilot08:04
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stefgGixbit: System-Settings-screen resolution... check the menu08:05
GixbitStefg: this is so much different than slack08:06
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Gixbitstefg: that and my eyes are ready to poof08:06
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stefgGixbit: i'd compare slack to a jeep and ubuntu to a BMW :-)...08:07
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wthwwgood analogy08:07
blinkerMadpilot: well I found part of the problem. the util that i used to update sources.list inserted breezy instead of dapper08:07
wthww<< spells bad08:08
rredd4debian is a yugo... lol08:08
Madpilotblinker, which util?08:08
blinkerMadpilot: lemme check08:08
Gixbitstefg: if that's true i'll be using this distro08:08
=== stefg avoided to mention Mercedes, because they became so unreliable :-)
blinkerMadpilot: source-o-matic08:08
Madpilotblinker, the one at http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic?08:09
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Madpilotblinker, that still defaults to Breezy, which is a bug, but the dropdown near the top can do Dapper too08:09
blinkerMadpilot: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic actually08:10
blinkerbut its an easy enough fix with replace08:10
Madpilotblinker, same page :)08:10
blinkerMadpilot: eh well, heh08:10
blinkerregardless it's fixed08:10
blinkerand currently installing08:10
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blinkerthanks again08:10
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babo_what's the easiest way to forward a mail that I have in my mailbox ?08:11
babo_I don't use an Xserver btw ...08:11
Madpilotwhenever someone says "I'm having trouble installing <foo> from the repos", the best response is almost always, "What's wrong with your sources.list?" ;)08:11
blinkerMadpilot: is this an error to be concerned about?: E: msttcorefonts: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 108:11
Madpilotno idea, tbh08:12
=== CaptainMorgan_ [n=captain@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgprolly the fontmirror is down, so the fonts can't be reached atm08:12
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blinkerah, no biggie then. as long as it isn't anything thats gonna affect the app08:12
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thejusticecowhi, i have kubuntu installed and i did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:13
thejusticecowhow do i switch between desktops?08:13
stefgchoose the session type ij the login greeter08:13
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cowmilk2how can i install my secondary hard drive into my ubuntu pc?08:14
MoNkUnClEMadpilot http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1954308:14
thejusticecowstefg: thank you08:14
BHSPitMonkeyis there a way to add a keyboard shortcut for the "show desktop" feature08:14
MoNkUnClEMadpilot thx again for helping08:14
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bobbyyustefg, are you there?08:15
BHSPitMonkeythejusticecow, those squares in the bottom-right represent them08:15
thejusticecowBHSPitMonkey: dont they all represent kde desktops? im talking switching between kde and gnome08:15
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BHSPitMonkeydo you have both installed?08:16
stefgcowmilk2: First of all see that it will be on another IDE channel than the first one (for PATA drive) then install the hardware. partition it and edit /etc/fstab to make use of it08:16
thejusticecowBHSPitMonkey: i do :D08:16
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BHSPitMonkeythen at the login screen, there's an option to choose your session type08:16
MadpilotMoNkUnClE, no wonder your sources are screwed up, you inflicted automatix on yourself08:17
MoNkUnClEMadpilot it seemed easy at the time08:17
MadpilotMoNkUnClE, yes, it makes screwing up your Ubuntu install quite easy08:17
cowmilk2stefg: sorry, i don't understand. how do i know that it will be on anotehr ide chanell08:18
cowmilk2what's a PATA drive08:18
MoNkUnClEMadpilot can i fix it at this point?08:18
MadpilotMoNkUnClE, replace your sources.list with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1767408:18
MoNkUnClEMadpilot ok thank you again08:18
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bobbyyustef, holla if you hear me@08:18
stefgcowmilk2: so you have a standard  system (no SCSI, no SATA) and bought a new drive?08:18
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cowmilk2stefg: it's the hard drive from my p3 500 mHz emachines box. it's not new08:19
stefgbobbyyu: so wht's the trouble :-)08:19
cowmilk2i'm adding that 12 gig drive to another old box08:19
bobbyyuI'm looking at the fstab file and can't make odds and ends08:19
stefgcowmilk2: ok... what does sudo fdisk -l tell you now?08:19
cowmilk2stefg: do you want me to do that command without that 2nd hard drive (12 gb drive) connected?08:20
stefgbobbyyu: paste the fstab to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ to let me have a look08:20
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cowmilk2http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19544 <-- stefg, please see the result08:21
stefgcowmilk2: if it's already connected thats fine... paste the output of sudo fdisk -l to pastebin08:21
cowmilk2stefg: nope that 12 gig hard drive is NOT yet connected08:21
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stefgcowmilk2: so check, that the 12Gig is jumpered as master08:22
cowmilk2stefg: how do i do that?08:22
cowmilk2and what do you mean by master?08:22
stefglook at the back, there's a jumper block. look at the top cover, there it says how to set jumpers for Master/slave/cableselect08:23
rredd4stefg he wants a second drive, should be slave08:23
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stefgrredd4: but its stupid to have both drives on the same IDE channel08:24
cowmilk2stefg: i'm trying to remove this 12gig hard drive from the old box. I've removed the colorful power cable, but how about the grey, flat, wide cable? is that not removable?08:24
bobbyyuCan you see it, stefg?08:24
KonphuzeDno dont08:24
stefgcowmilk2: it is removable... but be delicate08:24
stefgbobbyyu: yes... mom08:25
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KonphuzeDdont download GAIM i did nt rite that08:25
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cowmilk2stefg: ok. I was wondering if I should be removing that grey flat cable from the motherboard instead08:25
KonphuzeDkewl lightning08:25
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KonphuzeDand just to be clear GAIM is not some other version put out by AOL08:26
bobbyyuSo stef, what should I change?08:26
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stefgbobbyyu: looks good, except that the nouser option will prevent you from (un)mounting the disks as user. You can access them in /media/sdaX08:27
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bigbill52ait should just pop off...unless someone has glued it to the hard drive...which i have seen before....08:29
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cowmilk2i've connected my digital camera via usb, how come Xubuntu isn't doing anything?08:31
cowmilk2do i need to install some software first?08:31
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stefgcowmilk2: depends on the camera08:31
cowmilk2stefg: when i was in ubuntu, the camera was recorginzed08:32
cowmilk2but not in xubuntu08:32
cowmilk2could it be a problem with the usb port? if so, how ca n i check?08:32
stefgcowmilk2: you might want to install gnome-volume-manager08:32
stefg!info gnome-volume-manager08:32
ubotugnome-volume-manager: GNOME daemon to auto-mount and manage media devices. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.5.15-0ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 141 kB, installed size 2464 kB08:32
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Lil_Shankif my speaker-test is giving me a Transfer failed: Operation not permitted error, how could i fix that?08:33
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:33
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cowmilk2stefg: ok. before doin that, is there a way to manually mount? or is there a way to automatically mount without getting gnome stuff?08:33
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joeyjonesdoes anyone know if ubuntu live-cd has any thing like kismet?08:34
stefgcowmilk2: xfce does rely on a lot of gnome things anyway, and the daemon is small... just don't worry08:34
bobbyyustef, the reason I want to write the permissions on the disk is that I want to share stuff from my FAT32 partition to my other Windows computer from Kubuntu mode08:34
josh_frcahello all... i run windows and linux on this system .... windows seems to work fairly fast (this is a pentium M 1.7 ghz)... linux doesn't work as fast as it should... what could i be doing wrong08:34
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bobbyyuDo you understand?08:34
naknomikIs there a GNOME based equivalent for Atlantik?08:35
silentreadjosh_frca, did u install drivers for your hardware on your computer?08:35
stefgbobbyyu: yes, i understand. But it should be writable with an fstab like this08:35
josh_frcafor linux... no i didn't08:35
josh_frcaeverything works fine... but when i browse the web.. it's kinda slow08:35
cowmilk2ok. i just was copying other people, who don't like to mix gnome apps into their kubuntu os, and kubuntu apps into their ubuntu os. Why do they not want to do So?08:36
josh_frcaim running a dsl up to 3.0mbps08:36
stefgkubuntu > qt.... gnome/xfce > gtk08:36
babo_what's the email send command for emacs again ?08:36
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silentreadjohn_frca, is ur internet running slow, or the browser (as in system performance)08:36
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cowmilk2I'm installing gnome-volume-manager, but I'm wondering: is there no Xubuntu equivalent for auto-mounting media devices?08:37
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josh_frcawelll the browser isnt as responsive08:37
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stefgkde uses a different toolkit... but gnome and xfce share the same08:37
josh_frcadsl reports show speeds that are fairly high08:37
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cowmilk2stefg: ok. i'm getting the 24 meg app now08:37
silentreadjosh_frca, the reason windows is running faster is b/c the drivers are telling windows how to use the hardware, while in Linux, generic drivers can not take advantage of your hardware08:37
josh_frcahow do i fix that silentread???08:37
silentreadjosh_frca, what type of graphics card do you have?08:38
stefgcowmilk2: xubuntu is trimmed for older hardware, so a lot of things are optional08:38
josh_frcait's an integrated intel card08:38
thejusticecowif i have gnome and kde instaled can i also apt-get install xubutu and have all 3?08:38
dsasthejusticecow: yes08:38
thejusticecowdsas: thank you08:38
silentreadjosh_frca, what i would recommend is that you search if your hardware vendor for your graphics card makes a linux version of its driver, if so I would recommnend installing that08:39
cowmilk2stefg: i've just installed that now. and i've connected my digicam to usb but xubuntu isn't doing anything.08:39
josh_frcasilentread, its a dell inspiron... ive checked their site.. they don't list anything08:39
dsassilentread, josh_frca: I think most intel integrated cards should come with proper open source drivers out of the box.08:39
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apeman2020what does HTTPD run as in UBUNTU?08:40
stefgcowmilk2: you will probably have to reboot before it works08:40
silentreadjosh_frca, how much ram do you have?08:40
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cowmilk2stefg: ok08:40
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cowmilk2reboot? or logout and login?08:41
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naknomikIs there a gnome version of Atlantik?08:41
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stefgnot sure... try it08:41
josh_frcasilentread, it takes forever changing from one webpage to another08:41
schickenhow do I open packages after I install them?08:41
thejusticecowschicken: they should be in the k menu08:42
silentreadjosh_frca, hmmm. does your browser lock up?08:42
thejusticecowschicken: or in applications top left if gnome08:42
josh_frcasilentread, not at all08:42
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schickenthey're not there08:43
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Gixbitis TLS packaged on ubuntu?08:43
Gixbitwith apt-get08:43
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naknomikIs it possible to install .deb packages from Debian?08:44
silentreadjosh_frca, so how do you know its not your internet connection?08:44
naknomikIs it possible to install .deb packages from Debian in Ubuntu?08:44
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runeshwo can I fix adduser so that it does not say "adduser: Only one or two names are allowed"08:45
josh_frcasilentread, i know it's not my internet connection,... i get 3.0mbps with windows08:45
ruxpinhow do I query packages that are in the repository, but not installed? (dpkg-query can't handle this)08:45
josh_frcai was just downloading with linux at 900 kbps08:45
josh_frcawhich should be pretty good08:45
ruxpinapeman2020: probably apache208:45
ruxpinGixbit: I think so08:46
silentreadjosh_frca, hmm. im srry, i dont know then08:46
josh_frcahowever, within the browser when i click on links, or go to new webpages it's very slow08:46
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ruxpinGixbit: apt-get install starttls08:46
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runesjosh_frca, grabbing it as a torrent?08:47
josh_frcai was just getting the java app from the sun website08:48
runesanyone know how to fix adduser so that it allows mroe than two user creation?08:48
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ShaunESI'm having the same problem as him.08:49
Gixbitruxpin: E: couldn't find package starttls08:49
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ShaunESDoes anyone know how to fix?08:50
ShaunESSurely someone has mysql-python working?08:50
runesnope php but not python08:50
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GixbitAnybody know how to compile without using ./configure08:51
ruxpinGixbit: what repositories have you enabled?08:51
cowmilk2stefg: guess what? i didn't need to reboot. i just needed to run "gnome-volume-manager" in terminal08:51
ruxpinGixbit: you have to .configure08:51
cowmilk2do i have to type that eery time i reboot?08:51
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Gixbitruxpin: well then that's all i need lol (This ain't no slack)08:51
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:51
cowmilk2i told it to import. but the import window disappeared. maybe you're rigth. i have to reboot08:52
stefgcowmilk2: yep... so from now on the service should be started at boottime08:52
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Lil_Shankuhm im missing the multimedia system selector, might that be the problem?08:53
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apeman2020is it possible to list all users logged on to your machine? including ssh sessions?08:54
DarkElf109apeman2020: w08:54
crimsunLil_Shank: gstreamer-properties08:54
apeman2020DarkElf109:  w?08:54
crimsunLil_Shank: (from a Terminal)08:54
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DarkElf109apeman2020: Yup. 'w'. Simplest command ever. Makes 'who' look verbose =P08:55
stefgthe command 'w' duh!08:55
DarkElf109Np =)08:55
Lil_Shankcrimsun: i got 2 errors08:55
apeman2020i thought you were referring the political icon.. L:08:55
Lil_Shankok crimsun, its telling me it skipped some plugins08:56
DarkElf109Hey, anyone in here have a CompTIA Linux+ cert? I'm considering getting one, and I'm curious if a few years' worth of heavy Linux use (mainly command line) would be enough to take it...I'm too cheap to buy a book to study for it08:56
babo_so rmail won't handle MIME types in email ???08:56
stefgDarkElf109: #ubuntu-offtopic08:57
apeman2020DarkElf109: www.torrentreactor.net08:57
DarkElf109stefg: A good portion of that time using Linux was spent in Ubuntu, I'll have you know08:57
Lil_Shankcrimsun: i got an error when attempting to test the alsa08:57
stefgDarkElf109: there's nothing wrong with that, but #ubutu-offtopic is the place for that08:58
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DarkElf109stefg: Bah. Fine. Was a quick question, didn't want to make much of it anyway.08:58
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DarkElf109For reasons unbeknownst to myself, squid (v2.6.STABLE1) doesn't appear to be writing cached objects to disk. Instead, it replaces the in-memory objects, but cache_dir's size never changes, and the number of objects stored there remains constant. What could be causing this, and how is it fixed?08:58
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magick211Hello all09:02
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ShaunESSurely someone has mysql-python working on dapper?09:04
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artzneowhat are the channel from spanish?09:05
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:05
sam__ with mandriva is all the "extra" software online free to download?09:05
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Flannelsam__: this is #ubuntu, you should ask in #mandriva09:06
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cowmilk2stefg: i've rebooted and still the "import photos" thing doesn't work. it just disappears after i click 'import photos"09:08
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stefgcowmilk2: tht means that the application for importing them is not installed.09:09
stefg!info gphoto09:09
ubotuPackage gphoto does not exist in dapper09:09
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cowmilk2stefg: i see09:09
Lil_Shankerror running pipeline ALSA09:10
cowmilk2what is the default Xubuntu app for importing? (or does Xubuntu just copy gnome's apps)?09:10
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cowmilk2stefg: do you mean gthumb?09:10
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cowmilk2i have gimp09:10
cowmilk2is gimp an importer of photos, or just an editor?09:10
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stefgcowmilk2: there is an app called gphoto or something for doing that. but you've got to configure dnome-volume-manger to call the right app for the job09:11
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Leeifhi i need to install SDL and SDL ttf. what are the name of those packages?09:13
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cowmilk2how do i configure gnome-volume-manager?09:13
stefg!info libsdl09:13
ubotuPackage libsdl does not exist in dapper09:13
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vprajanhi all..09:14
sam__Is it true that ubuntu means pork in russian folk law?09:14
stefgLeeif: apt-cache search libsdl09:14
vprajanXgl rocks on ubuntu.. :)09:15
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Leeifstefg: thx09:15
Leeifvprajan: indeed :)09:15
cowmilk2stefg how do i configure gnome-volume-manager?09:15
vprajandoes Xgl needs video card? it was slow even in my 1 GB, 1.7 ghz system..09:16
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stefgcowmilk2: gnome-control-center , removable media09:16
vprajanhow can configure compiz..?09:16
Leeifstefg: i seem to have sdl installed. but i cant play the game Frets on Fire09:16
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:16
Leeifstefg: http://louhi.kempele.fi/~skyostil/uv/fretsonfire/09:17
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stefgLeeif: hard to tell... does it throw some error when started by command line?09:18
vprajanamarok failed to determine the engines.. i have installed all of them..09:18
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cowmilk2stefg:  i need to install that too09:18
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stefgcowmilk2: don't bother, it defaults to gthumb, so install gthumb and everything will be fine :-)09:19
runesDarkElf109, torrent and linux+ docs are your friend09:19
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Leeif<stefg> nope. 1 min. i think i need sdl ttf also09:19
Leeif<stefg> that one wasnt installed09:19
BeepAUOk, I got an error message which told me to boot the machine with noapix acpi=off and I did, but the old versions of ubuntu are still there and I need the space. Can anyone help me get rid of them?09:19
Bonez56packet of fags09:20
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Sam___0What are your taughts on mandriva 2006?09:21
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BeepAUhelp, anyone?09:21
Leeif<stefg> can i pm you?09:21
Leeif<stefg> plz09:21
Sam___0What are your taughts on mandriva 2006?09:22
MadpilotSam___0, this is #ubuntu, not #mandriva09:23
gordSam___0, #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic stuff09:23
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Leeif<Sam___0> anythis that is not ubuntu sux09:23
Leeif<Sam___0> (here) :p09:23
stefgLeeif: i don't think i can help with installing the game... you've got to figure out it's dependencies by yourself09:23
Leeifstefg: ok09:24
BeepAUOk, I got an error message which told me to boot the machine with noapix acpi=off and I did, but the old versions of ubuntu are still there and I need the space. Can anyone help me get rid of them?09:24
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stefggoogle is your friend, maybe they run a forum09:24
Sam___0Leeif? what man09:24
Leeifstefg: the executable says: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(dirname $0) and then exec ./FretsOnFire.bin $@09:24
MadpilotSam___0, if you just want to chat, join #ubuntu-offtopic09:24
LynoureBeepAU: old versions of ubuntu? You have multiple versions of ubuntu on your system? It's hard to advice you without know where those are installed. Usually just backup your data, empty the partition and rerun grub.09:24
Leeif<stefg> but i want to run it in DISPLAY=:9309:25
Leeif<stefg> what do i have to add to the executable?09:25
DarkElf109For reasons unbeknownst to myself, squid (v2.6.STABLE1) doesn't appear to be writing cached objects to disk. Instead, it replaces the in-memory objects, but cache_dir's size never changes, and the number of objects stored there remains constant. What could be causing this, and how is it fixed?09:25
BeepAUlynoure -- they're all the latest dapper drake09:25
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BeepAUlynoure -- I re-installed them with noapix and acpi=off as the other wasn't working09:26
Leeif<stefg> DISPLAY=:93 )09:26
Leeif<stefg> ?09:26
stefgDarkElf109: read-only disk, possibly because of a broken fs?09:27
BeepAUlynoure -- how can I empty the partition and rerun grub? I'm a linux n00b09:27
stefgLeeif: i'm sorry, i can't help youz installing that09:27
linux_manjuLobster: Is it that you are trying to share the connection to internal client?09:27
LynoureBeepAU: on different partitions? Otherwise you'll prolly just have one ubuntu with multiple booting configurations.09:27
Leeifstefg: nvm09:27
Leeifstefg: thx anyway09:27
DarkElf109stefg: Nope. Same fs as the rest of the system (dumb, yeah, but it's only for a few users), and it's running fine09:27
BeepAUlynoure -- I believe they're on different partitions, I can't access the files in one from another09:28
stefgOk, one point on the list to scratch09:28
linux_manjuLobster: sorry.. Mistake.. Was talking to a guy in #iptables09:28
Lobsteri don't even know what exactly an internal client is...09:28
DarkElf109stefg: And, at some point in the past, it did work properly. It started acting strangely a few weeks ago, and I'm not sure what changed to cause this09:28
LynoureBeepAU: then you need to figure out which one you want to keep and where the one you want to remove is.09:28
BeepAUlynoure -- can we take this to pm?09:29
stefgDarkElf109: got rooted? :-)09:29
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LynoureBeepAU: if /msg is pm enough for you, sure09:30
DarkElf109stefg: Nope. Tripwire would've picked something up. And it's run as proxy:proxy. And it's the only part of the system that's not working as expected09:30
=== stefg doesn't know much about squid, so was only checking the most obvious and general things
DarkElf109stefg: And I've tried recreating the cache_dir, changing the replacement policies of both memory and disk, changing the cache_dir type (ufs, aufs, diskd), changing the cache_dir size, anything that might impact that area09:31
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DarkElf109stefg: Should've asked if the power was plugged in =P09:31
runesHow do I get adduser to allow more than two users?09:32
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linux_manjurunes: newuser09:33
linux_manjurunes: use newusers instead of add user09:34
Lil_Shankhow can i fix the problem "Error running to pipeline"09:35
runeslinux_manju, it just hangs09:35
stefgDarkElf109: as i read there's #squid-users09:35
linux_manjurunes: you have to do sudo newusers09:36
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runesI su as root09:36
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runesstill no go09:36
DarkElf109stefg: I'm in #squid right now. Just thaught I'd try in here too09:36
Lil_Shankon the ALSA Multimedia09:36
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runesya I knwo the rule about su and sudo09:36
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linux_manjurunes: lol.. Whats the syntax you tried09:37
linux_manjucan you paste it here?09:37
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runesthen I tried newusers (username)09:37
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linux_manjurunes: nope .. you have to put all the users in a file and run newusers on it09:38
runeslinux_manju, this all spanned from one simple thing09:38
runeslinux_manju, I required special permissions in /etc/skel/public_html09:38
crparrHi! Ubunti 5.06 is used as OS on my root server. What is ther correct way to upgrade it to 6.06?09:38
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WarboCan anybody help me get mldonkey running? I run "sudo mlnet" inside it's directory and I get "Exception setuid failed: Operation not permitted trying to set user_uid [107] " (the "sudo" is to let the process run as user mldonkey)09:39
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dooglusrunes: for i in tom dick harry; do sudo adduser $i; done09:39
runeslinux_manju, so that users I created would have the correct write permissions on the config files..09:39
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runeslinux_manju, probme is in gnome when I created the users (no problem creating mroe than two) it would reset the permissions09:40
linux_manjurunes: I am confused here.. Is it that your are trying to impement a special permissions to all newly created users or the existoing users?09:40
runeslinux_manju, newly created users but not the users themselves speficically in the public_html folder files09:41
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runeslinux_manju, e107 requires 777 for some files to be configured09:42
Warbo!tell crparr about upgrade09:42
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runeslinux_manju, so I created the isntall files within public_html with the permissions  but when I create the new users it default to 75509:42
linux_manjurunes: There is a file in etc.. which takes care of what adduser should do when creating a new user..09:42
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runeslinux_manju, I read through the adduser files itself theres' some lines which block to only creating 2 users and as for modifying it I am no so sure whjat debian (ubuntu) needs in there09:43
linux_manjurunes: it defaults to 755 coz the adduser runs chown -R username.usergroup /home/username and chmod -R 755 /home/username as the last step09:43
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runesoh recursive to all riles09:44
runeshence the -R09:44
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linux_manjurunes: Yup..09:44
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runesso if I find the -R option and disable.....09:45
linux_manjurunes: I suggest create your own script which will create the user and then chmod the file09:45
linux_manjurunes: It should be pretty easy09:45
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runeslinux_manju, ok here I go  and to think a couple of months ago all I could do was get video working09:46
linux_manjurunes: Thats cool.. good work09:46
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runeslinux_manju, and lots of patience from this channel09:47
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linux_manjurunes: thats why thi9s channel rocks :)09:48
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:48
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cocoshi, is there anyone here whit a ATI Radeon 9800 pro that installed the ati driver succesfully? or is there maybe someone who has a good HOW-TO link for me?09:49
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Warbococos: Which driver?09:49
chris86wm_does anyone use xfce in here?09:49
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WarboDo you mean09:49
cocosWarbo: the VGA driver09:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto09:49
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Warbo(ATI cards have 3 drivers, 2 Free 1 non-Free)09:49
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cocosWarbo: i heard from many people that the setup from the wiki doesnt work.. did you hear anything about that?09:50
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Warbococos: I set up fglrx (the non-free one) on my card and it worked for 2D, but everything else screwed. I use Free driver, but I doubt it would work on your card09:50
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cocosWarbo: hm oke well thanks for being so honest i need a really good guide or howto because i never done something like that before and i dont want to fuck my ubuntu up :)09:52
linux_manjurunes: check out adduser scripts line no 708 through 71209:52
WarboCan anybody help with this message I get when running mldonkey? Exception setuid failed: Operation not permitted trying to set user_uid [107] 09:52
linux_manjurunes: that should help you.. IT deals with permissions09:52
Warbococos: I installed the non-Free driver fine, so I could probably walk you through it (not much activity in here at the moment)09:53
cocosWarbo: awsome thanks should we do that pm?09:53
WarboWell, I don't actually get that message, mlnet just dumps me back to a console. that is at the end of the log09:53
Lil_Shankis there a way to fix the error that said "Error running pipeline 'ALSA' Could not get/set settings from/on resource  [gstalsasink.c(666): set_hwparams (): /pipeline0/alsasink1:09:53
Warbococos: No need, unless you really want to09:53
cocosWarbo: sorry i dont really understand dont you have time now anymore?09:54
WarboLil_Shank: Is that in teh multimedia system selector thing09:54
cocosWarbo: its oke then.. np09:54
Lil_ShankWarbo: yes09:54
Warbococos: Just saying I'm fine doing it in here, but /msg me if you really want to09:54
WarboLil_Shank: That seems pretty serious then :( Have you tried ESD? (that would be my first action, but I am not too knowledgable)09:55
Lil_ShankWarbo: not yet, ill try09:56
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Madpilotcocos, I've got an ATI 9600XT, the non-free drivers work fine with the wiki's directions09:56
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Madpilotcocos, I don't know specifically about a 9800, but that should be OK...09:56
m_0_r_0_nHi, how to get line wraps when opening a file with less in gnome terminal?09:57
cocosMadpilot: awsome thanks!09:57
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Lil_Shankthere were no errors on ESD but there was also no sound output...09:58
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davinhi, im trying to install my graphics drivers but i get this error: http://www.pastecode.com/248209:59
WarboLil_Shank: Ah, I feared as much. Well, that is the limit of my troubleshooting knowhow :(09:59
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artoSome ubuntu packages are not retrieved for upgrading due to 404 ERRORS. What can I do?09:59
Lil_Shank"Warbo: Thanks anyways10:00
Warbodavin: I would recommend you don't use nvidia's own installer, use Ubuntu's10:00
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Warbo!tell davin about nvidia10:00
davinWarbo: alright, thanks10:00
artoSome ubuntu packages are not retrieved for upgrading due to 404 ERRORS. What can I do?10:01
Madpilotarto, which packages, exactly?10:02
artoMadpilot: wait..10:02
artoMadpilot:  libnautilus-extension1 nautilus nautilus-data10:02
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davinWarbo: I dont have Synaptic, im using Kubuntu10:02
Madpilotarto, no idea - which repo mirror are you using?10:03
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kidbuntuafter installing all the updates from the update manager. is it ok to upgrade now my breezy badger to 6.06 LTS from the net?10:03
artoMadpilot: all the original sources.list links are uncommented.10:03
artoMadpilot: Dapper Drake.10:03
Lobsterarto, sudo apt-get update10:04
Madpilotarto, interesting - I updated my dapper box about six hours ago with no problems, using the main archive too10:04
kidbuntuarto. yep i generated a source from the sources.list and performed the update manager.10:04
Lobsterif it dosent work then try it again later10:04
thejusticecowdoes anyone know a command to list my web hostings?10:05
Warbodavin: Adept works in basically the same way. Or use aptitude if you are hardcore :)10:05
BlueEaglearto: try the source-o-matic10:05
artoBlueEagle: What's that?10:05
davinWarbo: alright =D10:05
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artoMadpilot, why don't you check if those packages are installed on your system?10:05
BlueEaglearto: ubotu should have sendt you a /msg with a link10:06
artoMadpilot, or perhaps send me the links to fetch from them the sources.10:06
Madpilotarto, I know nautilus is, I'm using it right now10:06
artoBlueEagle, yes I received it, thanks ;)10:06
davinWarbo: I cant find an option to edit/add/remove repostories in Adept10:06
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artoMadpilot, perhaps the versions are different.10:06
davinWarbo: repositories*10:06
Madpilotarto, they shouldnt' be, if we're both running Dapper10:06
artoFailed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nautilus/nautilus_2.14.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb  404 Not Found10:06
Warbodavin: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" will let you edit them manually10:07
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artoMadpilot: If you can get that package from that source I just listed, you're a hero :)10:07
ic56thejusticecow: look in /etc for a file who's filename contains "http".10:07
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Madpilotarto, try using the main repos instead of the Australian mirrors10:07
davinWarbo: thanks10:08
Warbo!easysource > davin10:08
knopixhow do i register in the nick server10:08
Madpilotubotu, tell knopix about register10:08
thejusticecowic56: thank you10:08
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ic56thejusticecow: yw.  Do you know how to use the "find" command to search?10:09
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thejusticecowic56: i do indeed10:09
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ic56thejusticecow: ok. ttyl10:09
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azrael0Any time wine attempts to access an opengl function, it dies. I know I have opengl support due to glxgears etc. Does anyone know a way to do a mass reinstall of all packages without resetting the system?10:12
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knopixisnt there any way i can hide my ip10:14
azrael0knopix: Look up a proxy server list, run any connection you need hidden through that.10:15
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knopixhmm k thnx azrael010:15
Madpilotknopix, on Freenode?10:15
ubotuTor & other common anonymizing proxies get abused to attack & spam Ubuntu channels, so they're blocked. Get a cloak from Freenode instead, and stop wasting your time with Tor: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks10:15
azrael0knopix: I'd tell you how to run the connection through, but it differs depending on what type of conneciton.10:15
knopixon free node10:15
Madpilotknopix, see the URL the bot just posted, about getting a cloak10:15
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knopixthnx for the help guys10:17
MistaEDhey to upgrade from dapper i386 to amd64, is it as easy as just changing the sources to the 64-bit ones and doing a dist-upgrade?10:17
cuquihi there10:17
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AmirMohammadHi, I'm going to remove gaim and install it's SVN version10:18
AmirMohammadbut when I try apt-get remove gaim10:18
AmirMohammadit tries to remove ubuntu-desktop too10:18
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AmirMohammadwhat I should to do?10:18
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stefgAmirMohammad: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package, it's sfe to remove10:20
vegiVampmy words exactly :-)10:21
drunken-wallabyhow can i get id3-tags from ogg files via python? i'm writing a little script that generates pdf-covers with latex which works fine with mp3's but i just can't get id3-tags from oggs. anyone?10:21
stefgbetter ask #python10:22
drunken-wallabystefg ok, thx10:22
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cowmilk2how can i search the repo for a particular file via terminal?10:23
drunken-wallabycowmilk2 sudo apt-cache search foo10:24
AmirMohammadok, thx10:24
cowmilk2 drunken-wallabythanks10:24
cowmilk2drunken-wallaby:  thankns10:24
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drunken-wallabyah, looking for a file?: sudo updatedb; sudo locate foo10:24
cowmilk2yes looking for a file10:24
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cowmilk2what's the diff b/w your 2 commands?10:24
cowmilk2looking for a file in repo, not on my hard drive10:24
frogzoocowmilk2: packages.ubuntu.com - for terminal, use links etc.10:25
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drunken-wallabycowmilk2 the first command lets you look for packages in enabled repos, the second lets you search for files10:25
cowmilk2frogzoo: what's links?10:25
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ucordesHow can i open a *.reg file (exported from stoopid windows registry) in gedit?10:26
cowmilk2i'm looking for a program in Xubuntu that will let me import photos from my digital camera.10:26
frogzoocowmilk2: text based web browser, also elinks & links210:26
frogzoo& lynx10:26
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MistaEDucordes: got wine installed? open it with wine's notepad, then copy-paste it out into gedit10:28
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ucordesMistaED: good idea. i tried this yesterday but did not work. will try again10:29
ucordeswine notebpad10:29
ucordeswine notepad10:29
frogzoocowmilk2: gthumb - but it's a gui10:29
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cowmilk2frogzoo: i don't mind gui, as long as it will work in Xubuntu10:32
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cowmilk2If i apt-get install foo, sometimes it will instnall ohter packages. if i do apt-get remove foo, those other packages won't be removed. so how do we do a Complete Undo?10:32
lucasbuenos dias emilio10:33
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stefgcowmilk2: use aptitude... it's a smarter frontend to apt, which knows which packages are only held as a dependency10:34
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cowmilk2stefg: ahh. so if aptitude is better, why do i always read of "apt-get' and never aptitude?10:35
user_hello i got a question, how can i make terminal so that when i open it to have a specified size and not resize it all the time?10:35
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ttyfsckernew screenshots up10:35
stefgapt-get remove foo will remove foo, but aptitude remove bar will remove bar and all the dependencies which were only there for bar10:35
frogzoocowmilk2: because apt-get gets the job done, & is easiest to explain via irc10:35
ttyfsckerif anyone wants to see em10:35
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ucordesMistaED: This worked fine. Now I only need to add the file to registry in wine10:35
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Emiliolucas com a dormido yo bien10:36
cowmilk2you mean, frogzoo, that we just can't replace the word aptitude when we see the word apt-get?10:36
MistaEDucordes: a basic import should work with wine's regedit afaik, although you may need to restart regedit to see the changes i've found10:36
lucasque tal la compra de ayer en continente ?10:37
ttyfsckercowmilk2:: yea you can most usually10:37
stefgcowmilk2: apt-get is the pure command line tool... aptitude has a ncursers UI, too. so 'apt-get' is somewhat more 'orthodox'10:37
frogzoocowmilk2: probably best you try some of these things yourself10:37
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ttyfsckercowmilk2:: if its install or remove then yes..10:37
ttyfsckeraptitude does searches as well10:37
ucordesMistaED: ok i'll see if it works out for me. besides i'm trying to get red alert 2 running with this. my favourite game10:38
Emiliocompre bien y despues fu a recoger el coche que lo tenia en el taller repoando  un golpe10:38
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KoRnamd76xrom amd76xrom_init_one(): Unable to register resource 0xffc00000-0xffffffff - kernel bug? =_=10:38
MistaEDucordes: starcraft > red alert 2 :) *shot*10:39
azrael0!es > Emilio10:39
=== stefg suggest getting vmplayer and a prebuild ubuntu image. Then you can ruin system after system and still have peace of mind :-)
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Emilioazrae1g y tu quien eres10:40
empementanybody interested in helping a linux newbie?10:40
lucasyo en continente compro todo menos la verdura y la fruta que es mejor aqu en miralbueno10:40
BrianGis there a way to make my icons line up on the right side of my desktop rather than my left?10:40
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:41
MatthewVempement, just ask your question and find out ;)10:41
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:41
empementi did ask my question but noone responded, so... how can i get terminal to have a fixed size every time it starts and not resize it "manually"?10:41
MatthewVempement, gnome-terminal10:42
Emiliomiguel yo soy de la misma opinion no compro ni frutas ni verduras solo compro jobones y cosas as10:42
stefgempement: by editing the starter and adding a geometry parameter10:42
MatthewVwhat language is that?10:42
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:42
frogzooempement: you might like the package 'devilspie'10:42
empementand how do i do that? :S10:42
tabmanI have file and I want to send it to my bluetooth cell phone ? how should I go about it. I have the dongle plugged in and ubuntu has detected the dongle10:42
stefgEmilio: wrong channel!! This is #ubuntu and not #greengrocery10:42
frogzoono tomatoes?10:43
MatthewVempement, you have to change the launcher, so that it will launch it with the correct size, just a moment.... I'll check10:43
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MatthewVempement, you're in ubuntu? not kubuntu...?10:44
MatthewVempement, right... right click on the Applications menu and select Edit Menus...10:44
lucaslos vinos suelen estar bien de precio, sobre todo cuando hay ofertas en los expositores de los pasillos10:44
Emilioetefg quien heres me gustaria conocerte10:45
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empementcarry on :)10:45
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MatthewVempement, then find the terminal entry, in Accessories --> Terminal10:45
MatthewVempement, right click and select properties10:46
MatthewVempement, then, where it says command: gnome-terminal, add to the end of that --geometry=<x-size>x<y-size>10:46
tabmanno one has idea of bluetooth here ?10:47
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:47
MatthewVempement, where x-size and y-size are the number of characters eg 20x30 = 20x30 characters 20 characters high and 30 characters wide10:47
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empementhmm checking it right now :) i will tell you if that worked in a sec10:48
MatthewVempement, you can tell what size you want it, cause when you resize a terminal window it tells you what size you are cahnging it to10:49
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empementi want it at 800x60010:49
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empementweird but nothing happens :S10:49
Emilioque no me viene10:49
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MatthewVempement, start a terminal, change it to the size you want and look at the numbers that appear in the center when you resize it, that's what you want, as it doesn't go by pixels10:50
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empementnot working though10:51
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MatthewVempement, no that'd be gnome-terminal --geometry=98x3210:51
empementgnome-terminal --geometry=<x-98>x<y-32>10:51
empementhmmm without <> ?10:52
stefgEmilio this is an english channel. Ignoring that will only make people angry and lead to a ban10:52
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MatthewVempement, no, exactly as i wrote it above10:52
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empementaha :D10:52
empementthank you very much kind sir :)10:52
MatthewVempement, no probs10:52
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xephHi all. My apt is broken. When ever I try to upgrade it gives me the ffg error: E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc610:54
xephWhen I try to install something, it lists a *bunch* of dependencies and quits.10:54
ttyfsckerpretty cool site there10:54
ttyfsckergot some good ideas on there10:54
dxdemetriouCan I make something to appeared the mounted partitions on Computer in Dapper? After of one update I don't know why but are disappeared, but not with fresh install.10:54
KoRndoes x86_64 refer to x86's with 64bit pci slots?10:55
KoRnor just amd64 and the like that support both?10:55
AmaranthKoRn: It's AMD64 and EMT64 processors.10:56
AmaranthKoRn: x86 processors with the 64-bit extensions10:56
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KoRnk.. just trying to understand anything about 64bit pci slots on linux... my damn server has one with a ide raid card thats not detected, but im too dumb to know why :P10:57
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cowmilk2hey ubuntu users, what software do you use (is used) to import photos from your digital camera? I'm on Xubuntu and I want to try what you guys have10:57
Lynourecowmilk2: cp ? :)10:58
Lynourecowmilk2: my camera shows as a usb memory stick, no need for any weird programs.10:58
Madpilotcowmilk2, try gThumb10:58
hyphenatedcowmilk2: I use kubuntu, and when I plug the camera in, it puts an icon on the desktop (because the camera presents as USB mass-storage) and I mount it with a click and copy same as any other kind of file10:59
MatthewVcowmilk2, i use f-spot to organise photos, it has fairly heave dependancies though (mono)10:59
cowmilk2Madpilot: so gthumb is not just an image viewer, but also a photo importer, eh?10:59
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Madpilotcowmilk2, yes - File -> Import from camera (I think, it's not open right now)11:00
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Siemais flash 8 available for ubuntu yet? i cant find it in the dapper drake reps. (just flash 7)11:00
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MadpilotSiema, no11:01
noiesmoread they were going straght to 9 but its not out yet11:01
cowmilk2Madpilot: i remember using that in my gnome/ubuntu days. yes. i just hope i can use that in xubuntu11:01
Siemayea i read something about that to noiesmo11:01
Siemai think it was on digg11:01
noiesmoSiema, :)11:01
EmilioSiena esta muy bien que lo escribas en ingles pero yo no lo entiendo11:02
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Madpilotcowmilk2, you should be able to; it might pull in a few more libs, that's all11:02
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cowmilk2Madpilot: it worked. but... is there a way to get that import screen whenevere i connect my digital camera to my Xubuntu box?11:05
cowmilk2coz at this time, this is what happens...11:05
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cowmilk2I power on the digital camera. Then, i get a "Import Photos" screen. I click Import Photos, but nothing happens11:05
recordinstalled realplay-10.0.7, found the refferrence to it in _graphics_ not audeo/video section. LOL11:05
cowmilk2I guess there is a disconnect between that Import Photos button and gThumb's import11:06
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noiesmocowmilk2, check out digikam its a nice app for getting images from cameras11:06
arooniis theere a built in way to take a screenshot with ubuntu dapper?11:06
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Luna-Tickarooni - press print screen11:07
cowmilk2noiesmo: well,  think i'd have the same prob11:07
Madpilotarooni, hit the Print Screen key11:07
jan1024188thanks man it works11:07
noiesmocowmilk2, you can add the camera i use it on  kodak ptp style cam11:07
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Luna-Tickor Applications, accessories > take screenshot11:08
sam__I have decided to use ubuntu, i want to delete windows but i use sony mp3 player software to transfer songs to my mp3 player is there an alternative that will do that same thing?11:08
tabmanmy bluetooth dongle is detected by Ubuntu but its not detecting my bluetooth cell phone when 2 days back all was working fine11:08
noiesmocowmilk2, what camera have you got11:08
Madpilotcowmilk2, some cameras seem to be treated differently; I know zip about digicams but I've had three or four friend's cameras plugged in here11:08
cowmilk2Madpilot: well, when i was in Ubuntu/gnome, i was using the same camera11:08
cowmilk2thus, i don' think the problem is withthe camera11:08
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sam__MadPilot can you help?11:08
Madpilotcowmilk2, sounds like a Xubuntu issue11:08
cowmilk2i think it's a matter of telling Xubuntu that I'd like to import photos wiith a particular program11:09
cowmilk2just need to fill in the gap11:09
noiesmocowmilk2, have you got gphoto and libgphoto2-2 installed11:09
cowmilk2xubuntu is already giving me that "Import Photos" window automatically when i power on the camera.11:09
sam__ I have decided to use ubuntu, i want to delete windows but i use sony mp3 player software to transfer songs to my mp3 player is there an alternative that will do that same thing?11:09
Madpilotsam__, please don't repeat11:09
cowmilk2noiesmo: yes i do, but i think i'lll be deleteing them, since gthumb does the job11:10
myakishi all11:10
sam__hi myakis11:10
noiesmocowmilk2, ok11:10
Madpilotcowmilk2, what does that Import Photo button do?>11:10
sam__MadPilot, Sorry11:10
Luna-TickSam - what happens if you plug it in?11:10
cowmilk2noiesmo: gphoto2 is all text based (terminal based). When i'm dealing wiith pics, i'd prefer a gui app11:10
Madpilotsam__, does your mp3 player get mounted as a USB device in Ubuntu?11:10
cowmilk2Madpilot: nothing.11:10
cowmilk2that's the thing11:10
sam__if i plug it in it shows as a driveusb11:10
TheGateKeeperarooni: in KDE under the graphics menu I have KSnapshot, I am sure there must be a gnome equivalent11:10
cowmilk2it just makes the "import phono" window close down.11:11
Madpilotcowmilk2, I'd file a bug, then11:11
sam__YES it does i was so proud of ubuntu when it found it11:11
Madpilotubotu, tell cowmilk2 about bugs11:11
cowmilk2is it a bug/11:11
Luna-TickThen can't you use that?11:11
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Madpilotsam__, after it mounts, can you just drag .mp3 files or whatever into it and have them usable by the device?11:11
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sam__i think the sony software transfers the files as a different format to mp311:11
ubotuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr]  button or the file -> acquire menu in the Gimp. Screenshots can be posted on the !pastebin11:11
sam__i dunno ill try it11:11
tabmanneither is hcitool scan returning any result11:11
sam__that didnt work under windows11:11
snadgeis there a way to upgrade an existing ubuntu breezy installation, to dapper but using the dapper install cd? ie.. to save downloading a lot of the packages?11:12
cowmilk2Madpilot: is that also for bugs in Xubuntu?11:12
TheGateKeeper!screenshot > arooni11:12
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Madpilotcowmilk2, yes, it's for all the Ubuntu project bugs11:12
Luna-TickSnadge: which CD do you have?11:12
TheGateKeeperarooni: read the ubotu PM11:12
Madpilotcowmilk2, there's also a #xubuntu channel, but it's often quiet11:12
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nocturnHi guys11:13
ShinzetsuI need to have the make command (C compiler) but I forgot the package name?11:13
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MadpilotShinzetsu, build-essential11:13
snadgeLuna-Tick, im not certain.. but its the released live/install ubuntu 6.06 for intel x86 cd11:13
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:13
ShinzetsuMadpilot: yeah thanks11:13
nocturnI have this Canon USB printer, it does not get linked to usblp when it connectes11:13
cowmilk2Madpilot: yes, it's quiet there. i think i should switch back to ubuntu/gnome11:13
cowmilk2but i wonder whether  my old p3 500 mhz 256 mb ram box is good enough11:13
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Luna-TickOkay snadge: the reason I ask is that the alternative CD has an option to upgrade an existing install, but the live (Desktop CD) doesn't11:14
TheGateKeepercowmilk2: so long as you have the hard disk space you can use which ever desktop you want to11:15
snadgeLuna-Tick, can i manually point my apt sources.list to the installation cd? and do an apt-get dist-upgrade?11:15
Madpilotcowmilk2, if you could scrounge up another 256Mb (or more) of RAM for it, it should work fine.11:15
Luna-TickAs far as I know, the desktop CD is basically a way to get you set up to pull it off the internet - it doesn't have packages as such11:15
Madpilotcowmilk2, even as is, Ubuntu should run, it'll just not be very fast11:15
nocturnIs there a way to force a driver (usblp) to a specific deviceID11:15
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Luna-TickThe alternative has the packages and installs them, the Desktop has them already installed on the CD, so there aren't any to point to11:16
ShinzetsuWhere can I find/install the C header files that match my running kernel?11:16
frogzooShinzetsu: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`11:17
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snadgeLuna-Tick, i think i might just use the net install, thanks for the explanation :)11:17
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Luna-Tickno problem :)11:17
Shinzetsufrogzoo: thanks11:17
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aileanwhat are the possibilities for using a windows mobile smartphone with ubuntu? i want to back up mainly but installing programs would also be useful.11:18
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cowmilk2how can i find out the files that are installed when i install gnome-volume-manager?11:19
aileansearch for the package and you should be able to find a web page that lists them11:20
aileani.e. on google11:20
aileantry Google Linux11:20
cowmilk2isn't this info availabe somehere in the repo?11:20
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aileani don't really know what i'm talking about but that's how i've done it in the past11:21
aileanmibbe come back when someone else is online11:21
Madpilotcowmilk2, check packages.ubuntu.com, it will list the depends11:21
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cowmilk2Madpilot: i did apt-get install gnome-volume-manager. I did apt-get remove gnome-volume-manager, but i'm afraid it did not totally undo the install command. what can i do?11:22
DimitrijeI just installed Drapper Drake a few minutes ago and i installed modem drivers for Intel536ep. Everything was ok but i need gnome-ppp and i have it but can't install it. It says that dependencies are not satisfied. I need libgnutls11 needed and there is only libgnutls12 on system and cd.11:22
frogzooailean: synce - it's kind of flaky11:22
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ubotuI know nothing about synce - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:23
vprajangoogle earth is very slow.. it gives error as no updated driver available..11:23
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DarKnesS_WolFhow to reconfigre the local settings?11:23
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frogzoo!info synce11:23
ubotuPackage synce does not exist in dapper11:23
Madpilotcowmilk2, check packages.u.c, then manually remove the depends - apt-get doesn't track unused packages11:23
aileanta frogzoo - does it show any sign of being useable?11:23
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cowmilk2i should never use apt-get again!11:23
cowmilk2why do i keep using it? i don't know11:23
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DimitrijeBecause it's extremly useful?11:23
frogzooailean: it's pretty bugged, you have to be persistent11:24
blinkergood to know it isn't just me11:24
cowmilk2Madpilot: i found the list of depends. how do i check whether each depend is no longer being used?11:24
TheKittenEaterAlright, "my brother" being the genious he is, decided to get rid of my Ubuntu partition on my laptop using Partition Magic. GRUB now fails to load and because of "my brother" I can't boot into XP. Any ideas on what to do?11:24
milankalinichi, I have problems after update...  I can-t switch to GDM, I am getting xfce...11:24
DJAdmiralis it possible to format an external USB hard disk to the FAT32 partition?11:24
=== blinker is staring at a stuck window atm
aileanfrogzoo, might leave it a while then. there is demand for this kind of thing - how can I tell ubuntu about that?11:25
aileanfrogzoo, through LP?11:25
MadpilotTheKittenEater, murder your brother?11:25
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aileanDJAdmiral, yes11:25
milankalinichi, I have problems after update...  I can-t switch to GDM, I am getting xfce..11:25
cowmilk2Madpilot: was it you who said i should file a bug?11:26
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TheKittenEaterMadpilot, I'll do that for sure, any other ideas?11:26
Madpilotcowmilk2, for the importing thing in Xubuntu? Yes.11:26
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cowmilk2well, after removing gnome-volume-manager and re-logging in, i don't even get that "import photos" window to begin with.11:26
MadpilotTheKittenEater, sorry, not really. You might be able to salvage the install from a LiveCD, but that's not an area I know anything about11:26
frogzoo!info synce-serial11:26
ubotusynce-serial: SynCE connection manipulation scripts. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-3 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 120 kB11:26
DimitrijeI need libgnutls11 for gnome-ppp, there is only libgnutls12... Can someone tell me where to fint that?11:26
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KibouTheKittenEater: load up your win xp cd and do "fixmbr" in the recovery console11:27
aileanlol, cheers frogzoo :)11:27
Madpilotcowmilk2, that's not good - g-v-m handles USB sticks & such too, it's fairly vital11:27
cowmilk2so is there a way, that when i power on my digital camera, that my Xubuntu will bring up an Import PHotos window?11:27
ShaunESHow do I get ncftpget?11:27
TheKittenEaterAlright, thanks Kilbou I'll try that11:27
DJAdmiralwhat formats can i format an external hard disk to?11:27
DJAdmiralas in what filesystems?11:27
aileancowmilk2, it should do that anyway, no??11:27
cowmilk2Madpilot: actually, i expected what i saw.11:27
aileancowmilk2, mine does it automatically out of the box11:27
DimitrijeDJAdmiral, any format i gues...11:27
TheGateKeepercowmilk2: deborphan finds "orphaned" packages on your system. It determines which packages have no other packages depending on their installation, and shows you a list of these packages.11:27
cowmilk2ailean: you on xubuntu?11:27
DJAdmiralcan i format to FAT32?11:28
cowmilk2TheGateKeeper: sounds good11:28
ohho1290rpmfind.com use it11:28
aileanDJAdmiral, i believe linux refers to it as "vfat"11:28
TheGateKeepercowmilk2: if you trust it :-)11:28
incandenzaDJAdmiral: use mkfs.vfat11:28
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Warbohaving real problems with fglrx. modprobe of Ubuntu's driver says "operation not permitted" (with sudo) and ATI's are not found (presumably not installed properly by the packages)11:28
DimitrijeDJAdmiral, with what tool are you formating it?11:28
cowmilk2TheGateKeeper: is it trustworthy?11:28
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Madpilotohho1290, Ubuntu doesn't use RPMs, please don't suggest inappropriate resources...11:28
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DJAdmiralDimitrije, incandenza: i don't know what to format it with as yet. so i can format my usb external hard disk to vfat?11:28
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frogzooubotu synce is <reply> Details of setting up synce-serial at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PocketPCHowto11:29
DimitrijeI don't know what you want to keep on your hard disk.11:29
TheGateKeepercowmilk2: I have no reason to doubt it, other than the cynic in me :-)11:29
cowmilk2i see11:29
aileanDJAdmiral, the answer to your question is YES11:29
DJAdmiralDimitrije, incandenza: if so, what is the terminal command for me to do so?11:29
Bateau_how can i change my screen ressolution?11:29
cowmilk2i'm also from now on installing all packages using aptitude11:29
DimitrijeBut if you have appropriate tools you can format to any format.11:29
incandenzaDJAdmiral: yes, you can do 'sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/hd<whatever>' to format as FAT3211:29
aileanDJAdmiral, there are a number of tools available11:29
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ubotuI know nothing about moron? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:29
ubotuI know nothing about anything - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:29
DimitrijeLol frogzoo !11:30
DJAdmiralincandenza, ailean, Dimitrije: THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! You guys saved my life by telling me about that command11:30
aileanDJAdmiral, np11:30
DimitrijeCan i browse ubuntu repository from other systems? I need to download something and i don't have internet in ubuntu.11:31
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:31
Luna-TickDm: packages.ubuntu.com11:31
frogzooDimitrije: you can d/l debs with any web client from the repos - the trick is getting ALL the dependencies11:32
aileanDimitrije, there's a project in progress now to enable package installations like that, but it doesn't exist yet11:32
DJAdmiralalright thanks a million guys11:32
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DimitrijeOk thanks :) I need libgnutls11 anyone know how to find dependencies for that?11:32
xephHi all. My apt is broken. When ever I try to upgrade it (apt-get upgrade -f) gives me the ffg error: E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc6.11:32
aileanDimitrije, should be available for edgy and will make things a LOT easier :)11:32
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zuguhi all11:33
Bateau_how can i change my screen ressolution? it is stuck on 1024x76811:33
DimitrijeWhen will edgy be out?11:33
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:33
DimitrijeOh, there is a lot of time :)11:33
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aileanBateau_, Screen Resolution through System, but if the one you want isn't there, then you need to edit your xorg.conf file11:34
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DimitrijeWhy is everything in tar.gz or diff.gz?11:34
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amarokker_Gasp! My system hanged- this is not the first time- wasnt doing much except playing some music- had a few pdf files open.11:35
DimitrijeWhere are debs?11:35
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aileanDimitrije, what page are you on?11:35
frogzooDimitrije: cos you're looking in the wrong place11:35
cowmilk2I'm going to add an old 12 gb  hard drive into my old p3 500 mHz box. http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/8566/img0065na1.jpg shows some jumper info for master and slave. where do i do these changeS?11:35
amarokker_and all of a sudden, the sound just goes berserk, and the screen freezes...couldn't open the text-terminals...had to do a hard reset.11:35
Dimitrijefrogzoo, then please help poor me :D11:35
amarokker_is this a known issue with dapper?11:35
frogzooDimitrije: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/11:36
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Luna-TickCowmilk: those are jumpers on the hard drive itself11:36
xephPlease help! I can't install or update my computer - Apt is broken!11:36
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aileancowmilk2, older ones have a jumper on the back of the disc11:37
aileancowmilk2, it's a little connector11:37
cowmilk2http://packages.debian.org/unstable/libs/libnotify1 <-- ailean Luna-Tick is it the one in the center?11:37
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Luna-Tickailean: only old ones?11:37
frogzooamarokker_: 1.4.1 here, & no problems at all...11:37
cowmilk2what exactly should i do?11:37
DJAdmiralanother question: ubuntu can read and write to fat32 systems right?11:37
cowmilk2i've never done this hardware thingy before11:37
frogzooDJAdmiral: indubitably11:37
aileanLuna-Tick, i'm sure i've seen newer ones that do cable select or can be configured through bios11:37
aileanLuna-Tick, maybe i'm wrong :)11:37
cowmilk2sorry wrong link11:37
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aileanLuna-Tick, all my discs have them :)11:38
Luna-TickMe too11:38
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cowmilk2http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/2083/img0061nv4.jpg <-- correct link is here for back of the drive ailean Luna-Tick11:38
frogzooLuna-Tick: DON'T use cable select - jumper for master/slave11:38
DJAdmiralthanks frogzoo11:38
bioticproanyone here run xmame?11:38
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ubotuI know nothing about libc6 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:38
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ompaul!info libc611:38
Luna-Tick... okay frogzoo....11:38
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ubotulibc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone data. In repository main, is required. Version 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 (dapper), package size 4480 kB, installed size 9932 kB11:38
amarokker_frogzoo: me thinks its a problem with hardware as well...cause i often get a boot failure msg from grub too..had to reconnect all the hard disks on different ide ports.11:39
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amarokker_the  hard disk led is always lit up- thats not a healthy sign is it?11:39
Luna-TickI didn't recommend anyone did, but is there a reason frogzoo?11:39
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xephcan somone help me fix Apt please11:39
ompaul!easysouce > xeph11:39
ubotuI know nothing about easysouce  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:39
aileanfrogzoo, why no cable select?11:39
ompaul!easysource > xeph11:40
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ompaulailean, it is a broken way of doing business - and breaks with linux11:40
hanswerneris there a way to fix fonts in edgys x?11:40
aileanompaul, ah ok. i'm set up as master/slave, but just wondered :)11:40
ompaulailean, two disks on the one cable and its stanley laurel "ohh good bye"11:40
xephompaul, my sources.list file isn't broke. Whenever I try to install or upgrade I get this error: "E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc6" then Apt quits11:41
Luna-TickDoes it? Interesting. I've never seen any probs11:41
frogzooailean: I doubt cable select is supported/works properly - certaintly didn't used to, but that was a few years back11:41
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aileanfrogzoo, well i'll keep it in mind.  i've never used it - never saw the point when i know what setup i want.11:41
hanswernerdowngrading some packge or something?11:42
ompaulfrogzoo, and it did not the other day when my good friend "Brian The Great" popped in a  second drive11:42
ompaulxeph, it looks like you may11:42
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ompaulxeph, it looks like you may have adjusted something and the box is not liking you, what are you trying to upgrade from and to?11:43
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Luna-TickAnyway cowmilk11:43
Luna-Tickto change the setting, you need to take that little white plastic rectangle off those prongs11:44
xephompaul, I just wanted to get the latest updates. I did a apt-get update, then whenever I try installing something, it keeps on listsing hundred of lines of dependencies. It says try "apt-get -f install" and when I try that, it give me that libc6 error11:44
Luna-TickAnd move it to the correct prongs for what you want11:44
villerwhy aren't there anyone in the ubuntu-chat channel?11:45
bimberiviller: because you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:45
ompaulxeph, that is like you tried a newer kernel or some such do this >>apt-cache policy libc6<< and tell me which distro you are running11:46
=== dafart [n=dafart@5571fda5.ftth.concepts.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Luna-TickIf you are looking for a really easy way to really help Ubuntu, join the popularity contest. This sends the packages you use to the Ubuntu developers so that they can put the popular ones on the CDs, give them priority when fixing bugs etc. For details on how to configure popcon, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPopularityContest - we need lots of users, especially "normal" users, before it is any use!11:47
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ompaulLuna-Tick, there is no point in getting my list :-)11:48
xephompaul, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1955711:48
ompaulnone what so ever11:48
villerbimberi: I never knew about ubuntu-offtopic11:48
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ompaulLuna-Tick, I install all the wms and any package anyone mentions that I don't know :-)11:49
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Luna-Tickbig HD11:49
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ompaulxeph, paste a full error message into the pastebin please from the command line to the finish11:50
ompaulxeph, and paste your /etc/apt/sources.list thanks11:51
agresorHello guys.. I have Ubuntu 5.10  Brezzy.. Can i get kde from Kubuntu cd ?11:51
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ompaulAgrajag, you can do this, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop if you have the space, or you can get the kubuntu CD for kde11:52
cowmilk2i still need help with the jumper stuff on hard drive. ailean, you said older hard drives have a jumper on the back of the disc. Which exacty is the "back side"? http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/8331/00003zb0.jpg OR  http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/5402/00002he8.jpg?11:52
agresorompaul,  how to set in sources.list  that get that from CD and not fron net ?11:52
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ompaulagresor, you put in the CD and synaptic should offer it to you11:53
Luna-Tickcowmilk: I said earlier11:53
xephompaul, sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19559 | error message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1955811:53
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cowmilk2Luna-Tick: you said , yes , but i'm afraind i don't understand11:54
Luna-Tick to change the setting, you need to take that little white plastic rectangle off those prongs in http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/8331/00003zb0.jpg11:54
cowmilk2you gave your answer earlier, Luna-Tick, but i need some clarifciation.11:54
Luna-TickAnd move it to the correct prongs for what you want11:54
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cowmilk2how do i know where the correct prong is?11:55
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cowmilk2i read the table (http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/8566/img0065na1.jpg) but i don't undrestand11:55
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Luna-TickFair enough11:55
cowmilk2whois cowmilk211:55
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Luna-TickDo you have a HD in there already?11:55
Luna-TickWhat is this one for?11:56
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cpk2doesnt setting the jumper to auto work usually?11:56
park_canadahi ?11:56
cowmilk2yes, in my box, i have a HD in there. A 6 gb drive11:56
cowmilk2cpk2: except this drive doesnt' have an auto setting.11:56
Luna-TickSo you want this for extra stoage?11:56
cowmilk2maybe because it's an old drive (p3 days)11:56
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: what do you mean?11:56
cowmilk2i want to use the drive as a regular drive11:56
Luna-TickFor what?11:57
cpk2cowmilk2: you arent booting from it correct?11:57
cowmilk2for putting stuff on, like my pics ,music, etc11:57
ucordesformat and mount....11:57
ompaulxeph, what does sudo apt-get dist-upgrade give you?11:57
Lobsterdo you have 1 or 2 harddisks?11:57
park_canadahi i'm new to ubuntu i have other computer with mandriva. i have a resolution problem: the only resolution i get at the resolution manager is 640*800, but my screen is able to 1024*1280. what do i do ?11:57
frogzoosecurity.ubuntu.com down ?11:57
Luna-Tickthen you want it as a "slave"11:57
ucordesand if it doesn't work check for correct jumper settings11:57
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cowmilk2Luna-Tick: ok11:57
huerlisifrogzoo: looks like11:57
frogzoohuerlisi: k, thx11:57
Luna-TickBecause your other is going to stay your master11:57
huerlisifrogzoo: it does respond, but takes ages...11:58
Lobsterpark_canada, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:58
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: so this 12gb drive is going to be a slave. but what should i do with the jumper thingies?11:58
ucordesgood luck cow11:58
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Luna-TickSo you want the second row in that table11:58
park_canadathanks a lot. that's it ?11:58
cowmilk2yes, second row says slave11:58
ompaulfrogzoo, it worked from here - it is slow11:58
park_canadalast time the person who did it on this computer ruined the file and we had to re install11:58
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cowmilk2Luna-Tick: now when i look at the hard drive as it is now, it doesn't seem to reflect the jumper configs for "master".11:59
cowmilk2now you see why i'm confused?11:59
ompaulxeph, upgrades are for ubuntu to ubuntu moves - and dist upgrades more so - I will be back in 10 minutes11:59
Luna-TickWhich means that you take the white thing and slip it over two11:59
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Luna-TickYour photo's upside-down, I think11:59
frogzooompaul: huerlisi ah, patience it seems gets rewarded12:00
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cowmilk2Luna-Tick: i'm looking at the table (map figure). there are 4 columns per row, yes?12:00
park_canadashould i let him set the options itself ?12:00
cowmilk2first row is called PK, 2nd is CS, third is DS, and 4th is "key"12:01
park_canadait selects me default choices..12:01
Luna-TickThere are 4 columns + "key"12:01
park_canadashould i leave it? because i dont know my bus identifier fot the video card..12:01
huerlisifrogzoo: apt gets timeouts...12:01
cowmilk2oh, yes12:01
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cowmilk2and the 1st column has no label12:01
Luna-TickYour jumper is currently in DS12:02
cowmilk2and has no black squares in any of the 3 configs12:02
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cowmilk2oh i get it now12:02
Luna-Tickupside down :)12:02
cowmilk2i see a 1 pin square to the lower right of ds12:02
agresorroot@agresor:/home/agresor# apt-cdrom /media/cdrom12:02
agresorE: Invalid operation /media/cdrom12:02
agresoranything wrong ?12:02
cowmilk2am i supposed to use some pincet/tweezers to take that thing out?12:03
Luna-TickI use a flatblade screwdriver12:03
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cpk2usually yo can get it with your fingers12:03
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cowmilk2ok done12:04
cowmilk2now the hard part is attaching the cable-12:04
=== paran [n=paran@cl-56.sto-01.se.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu
cpk2cables should be keyed12:04
cpk2so shouldnt be a problem12:04
cowmilk2you mean, they fit in only one way?12:05
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cpk2they dont let you plug them in the wrong way12:05
cowmilk2ah, i see12:05
cowmilk2what about the flat, long cable thingy? it seems to be able to fit in upside down? do you know what i mean?12:05
cpk2otherwise the red line is the first pin if i remember correctly12:05
=== BlueEagl1 [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-0598.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
lixuslatest Firefox/ crashes on http://www.einslive.de/daseinslive/impressum/ if javascript is enabled. where do i report this problem ?12:06
ompaulred side to power cable12:06
seamus_iehey all, does anyone know if it's possible to view only the last 10 days of emails in evolution?12:06
ttyfsckerlixus:: it has already been resolved in 2.0beta12:07
=== nikin [n=niki@dsl540098FA.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
park_canadai finished the wizrad12:08
park_canadahow do i update the menu so it will show me the new resolutions?12:08
Luna-Tickit doesn't crash for me12:08
lixusttyfscker: ah, cool. where do i get 2.0beta ?12:08
=== RamiKassab [n=RamiKass@70-58-158-248.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
lixusLuna-Tick: what version are you running ?12:08
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Luna-TickAnd I'm just running normal Dapper12:09
frogzoocan you all please stop using the repos so I can get the latest updates? k, thx12:09
wikingWhat You can say about Cedega?12:09
lixusit worked for me as well but after upgrading firefox recently it is now crashing12:09
ttyfsckerlixus:: its on the ftp12:09
=== Dimitrije [n=Dimitrij@212-200-201-196.smin.sezampro.yu] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerlixus:: i can find you a link if you want me to12:09
huerlisifrogzoo: I second this call ;-)12:09
nikinfrogzoo: we need that updates to12:09
ttyfsckerlixus:: do you have gmail?12:09
lixusttyfscker: yes, please find me a link12:10
lixusno i do not have gmail12:10
ttyfsckerwho here has gmail?12:10
=== C_REATiVE [n=hasselho@82-77-103-34.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckeri need someone to send me an invite12:10
=== cpk2 updated about 30 minutes ago =D
wikingWhat You can say about Cedega?12:10
cpk2it seems to work pretty well for games12:10
DimitrijeHelp! How to install gnome-ppp? 0.3.21 is asking for libgnutls11 (i only have libgnutls12) and 0.3.23 version is asking bor libc6 and i have it, i don't know why is refusing it...12:11
=== xeph [n=xeph@dsl-145-71-226.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
hoycat /dev/urandom > /dev/hda12:11
hoycan someone test that out?12:11
ttyfsckerlixus:: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/2.0b1/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-2.0b1.tar.gz12:11
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ttyfsckerhoy::  what are you trying to prove12:12
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frogzoowiking: use wine12:12
exgenttyfscker: i can send you invite12:12
NiLzcan some1 ban hoy please?12:12
mcphailhoy: you can't write to /dev/hda12:12
ttyfsckerexgen:: thanks12:12
ttyfsckerhoy:: why?  anyone with sense will know what that does12:13
hoyim doing it for security purpose12:13
frogzoohoy: have you considered that some noob trying to help out might actually do that?12:13
mcphailhoy: use dd instead12:13
ttyfsckerhoy:: well dont come in here telling people to do stupid stuff12:13
=== BlueEagl2 [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-0598.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
hoywhat's dd12:13
ttyfsckerhoy:: do it your self first12:13
mcphailhoy: if you don't know, don't use it12:13
ttyfsckerhoy:: it clones a device, dd that is12:13
ttyfsckerexgen:: pm me and ill give you the email to send my invite to12:14
DimitrijeHelp! How to install gnome-ppp? 0.3.21 is asking for libgnutls11 (i only have libgnutls12) and 0.3.23 version is asking bor libc6 and i have it, i don't know why is refusing it....12:14
richiefrichtry to make a symlink12:15
richiefrichDimitrije symlink libgnutls1212:15
richiefrichwhere is it12:15
richiefrich /lib ?>12:15
richiefrich /usr/lib ?12:15
DimitrijeI don't know, maybe.12:16
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DimitrijeAnd what to do after i do that?12:16
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ttyfsckerDimitrije:: do you have something like /usr/lib/libgnutls12.so ?12:16
richiefrich Dimitrije  find / -name *libgnutls12*12:16
=== Sephiroth01 [n=damiano@host-84-220-182-130.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
DimitrijeI really don't know, i just checked in synaptic.12:16
richiefrichDimitrije   do that12:16
=== livingdaylig [n=conrad-l@82-45-204-76.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerDimitrije:: try locate libgnutls12  first12:16
=== iwilcox_ [n=zak@dyn-62-56-59-4.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichfind will get it12:17
ttyfsckerwill take longer though12:17
ttyfsckerso use locate12:17
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richiefrichlocate only does whats in yout PATH12:17
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ttyfsckerno it doesnt12:17
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ttyfsckerlocate does everything immediately12:17
ttyfsckeras long as the slocate db has been updated12:18
DimitrijeJust tell me what to do after that because i can't do it right now. I had to use Windows to download packages so i can go to internet with Ubuntu.12:18
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richiefrichthats what i mean12:18
richiefrichDimitrije  then12:18
ttyfsckerDimitrije:: too much trouble12:18
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=== park_canada [n=roy@bzq-88-152-214-90.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichDimitrije   ln -s  /foo/libgnutls12 /foo/libgnutls1112:18
ttyfsckerrichiefrich:: he'll try that exact command and get an error12:19
=== ToHellWithGA [n=ryan@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
park_canadahow do I download from apt_get12:19
richiefrichthats why i need the  --> find  output12:19
Dimitrijeapt-get install package12:19
richiefrichTTilus ^^12:19
ttyfsckerpark_canada:: sudo apt-get install12:19
DimitrijeYes sudo :/12:19
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=== richiefrich hates sudo
ttyfsckerrichiefrich:: then sudo passwd12:20
nikinwhy you hate sudo12:20
richiefrichi use   su -12:20
ttyfsckeryou cant use su without doing sudo passwd first silly12:20
richiefrichi can12:20
=== mettledk [n=cvc@0x50a11d54.kd4nxx15.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichim on gentoo12:20
=== ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerwell your in ubuntu chan12:20
richiefrichi help here12:20
richiefrichi have12:21
ttyfsckerso your confusing not helping12:21
ucordesi installed some crappy acpi tool and now my shutdown and restart keys disappeard. i only can select hibernate...12:21
park_canadahow do I define download sources? im looking for eclipse program12:21
=== Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichno im not12:21
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:21
ttyfsckerexgen:: you around?12:21
mettledkIf I want to assign the driver sk98lin to my ethernet instead of the sky2 driver - How do I do that?12:22
ucordesanybody knows how i get my restart and shutdown bacl? :-(12:22
park_canadai dont know if i have breezy ubuntu or other..12:22
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nikinucordes: "halt" will shutdown "reboot" will restart, sudo is needed for them12:22
richiefrichmettledk i dont think u can12:22
ucordesnikin: thanks but i want the gui way12:22
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ucordeslike clickin buttons12:22
ttyfsckerwell does anyone in here besides exgen use gmail?12:23
=== egarim [n=egarim@host115-236.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulpark_canada, applications - accessories - terminal and type cat /etc/lsb_release12:23
ucordesi got the following acpi packages installed: acpi, acpid and acpi-support12:23
Luna-Ticktty: why?12:23
richiefrichmettledk   does your card support both ?  or i mean do the modules support your card12:23
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richiefrichttyfscker whats up12:23
=== quetzal_ [n=quetzal@she13-1-82-235-225-187.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerLuna-Tick:: i want to sign up, and i need an invite12:23
park_canadaroy@roy-desktop:~$ cat /etc/lsb_release12:23
park_canadacat: /etc/lsb_release: No such file or directory12:23
richiefrichttyfscker use your cell phone..12:23
mettledkrichiefirch: yes12:23
cowmilk2ok. guys. i've moved the jumper12:23
richiefrichif u have one12:23
Luna-Tick... this isn't really the place12:23
ttyfsckerrichiefrich:: i dont have a cellphone12:23
mettledkrichiefrich: although the sky2 driver is somewhat defect12:24
nikinucordes: did you uninstall that driver?12:24
ttyfsckerLuna-Tick:: its 5:30 am and it shouldnt matter12:24
richiefrichmettledk what NIC ?12:24
Luna-Tickcowmilk: how'd it go12:24
cowmilk2now how do i connect this 2nd hard drive inside my box? pleas see http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/3271/00001vv7.jpg12:24
ucordesno the packages i mentioned are shown when i search for acpi12:24
ucordesall 3 are installed...12:24
TyeDyemy desktop locked up after trying to run xpenguins,i restarted my pc but all i can see on my desktop is the wallpaper and the panels are blank, i have managed to open the terminal and conected here thru terminal,please help12:24
ttyfsckerLuna-Tick:: your making more garbage talk by explaining why i shouldnt ask something like that in here..12:24
mettledkrichifrich: thernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet Controller12:24
cowmilk2should i just connect it to the same grey/flat/ cable as the 1st hard drive?12:25
ucordesi have a tool called powersaved12:25
ompaulpark_canada, using the menu ->> applications - accessories - terminal << and then type >> cat /etc/lsb_release12:25
ucordesmaybe this destroys all12:25
mettledkrichifrich: I downloaded the sk98lin from Marvel's homepage... works fine12:25
park_canadai installed ubuntu desktop12:25
ttyfsckerfor all the help i have gave in this chan id like to be able to ask something offtopic every once in a while as a general question..12:25
mettledkrichifrich: If I modrpobe it manually...12:25
Luna-Tickokay tty! Sorry to offend!12:25
ompaulpark_canada, that is lsb-release12:25
park_canadaroy@roy-desktop:~$ cat /etc/lsb_release12:25
park_canadacat: /etc/lsb_release: No such file or directory12:25
=== AaSFi [n=AaSFi@eu83-213-214-42.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
mettledkrichifrich: How does the kernel know which driver to load to each device?12:26
park_canadait worked :)12:26
richiefrichmettledk it's not the kernel12:26
park_canadaits dapper12:26
ucordesnikin: when i try to uinstall powersaved, synaptic says it has to remove "gnome-desktop"12:26
ompaulpark_canada, and your other question in one line is?12:26
park_canadahow can i know the letter of my country ?12:26
richiefrichmettledk it's whats loading  in your  modprobe.conf12:26
ucordesnikin:which is not what i want i guess12:26
ompaulpark_canada, what country12:26
=== ompaul guesses .ca but anyway
Luna-Tickcowmilk: yes - same cable12:27
nikinucordes: thats bad luck12:27
richiefrichmettledk  and what are u wanting to use ?12:27
richiefrichmettledk  what module12:27
mettledkrichifrich: sk98lin12:27
mettledkrichiefrich: sk98lin12:27
ompaulpark_canada,  .il12:27
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: so it's okay if that 2nd drive currently has Win98 on it?12:27
richiefrichinstead of ?12:27
ubotu         12:27
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il12:27
richiefrichmettledk  instead of ?12:28
ucordesnikin: but i wanna get rid of it12:28
ompauland just so show I am not partisan12:28
Luna-Tickcow: are you planning to format it later12:28
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa12:28
ucordesnikin: any idea?12:28
mettledkrichiefrich: sky212:28
ubotuHa magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu12:28
ucordesnikin: or is it a neccessary package? this powersaved12:28
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: well, it's unusable if i don't format it, isn't it?12:28
nikinucordes, maybe try to reinstall gnome-desktop12:28
Luna-TickNo - it will read it12:28
richiefrichmettledk  then grep for sky2..   in  /etc/modprobe.conf12:29
Luna-TickBut there would be less room on iy12:29
mettledkrichiefrich: I dont have an /etc/modprobe.conf12:29
ucordesnikin:doesn't this remove other important things like my settings or other packages who depend on it?12:29
Luna-Tickso long as you don't want to boot into win 98 then that would be fine12:29
mettledkrichiefrich: but grepping in modprobe.d did not yield any resuilts either12:29
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: there will be less room because of win98?12:29
=== don_jln [n=julian@p508F7B35.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
cowmilk2i don't want to keep anything on this 2nd hard drive.12:29
richiefrichmettledk what to u have...  /etc/mod<tab>12:29
park_canadai got a list. what do i do with it ?12:30
cowmilk2i want to clear otut he 2nd hard drive12:30
nikinucordes: sorry, dont realy know, i usaly dont use gnome12:30
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=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp79-111.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
mettledkrichiefrich: modprobe.d/ modules and modutils/12:30
ucordesnikin: ok so i better keep things how they are "However, it is recommended that you keep12:30
ucordesit installed, because it is used to carry out certain upgrade12:30
ucordestransitions (such as adding new packages to the system)."12:30
ucordesnikin: thanks anyways12:31
=== nikin [n=niki@dsl540098FA.pool.t-online.hu] has left #ubuntu []
park_canadawhat do i do with the source-o-matic list ?12:31
Luna-TickCow: yes - the win98 files will take up room. You can format the drive once you get it going :)12:31
richiefrichmettledk  /etc/modules12:31
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mettledkrichiefrich: does not contain sky212:31
huerlisittyfscker: I have gmail invites to hand out, still need one?12:32
richiefrichmettledk  look in there .. if not add sk98lin12:32
richiefrichthen it will load on boot12:32
=== vaurdan [n=henrique@a83-132-173-145.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
ucordesanybody else knows how i can get rid of "powersaved" without having to remove my "ubuntu-desktop", so i can get my restart and shutdown buttons back?12:32
Luna-TickFunny - I was about to invite him :)12:32
huerlisiLuna-Tick: go for it:-)12:32
park_canadaanyone, please?12:33
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: ok. i'll worry about formating after i physically connect the hard drive into the box. thanks so much for your help.12:33
vaurdanhow can i install macromedia shockwave?12:33
vprajanvaurdan: no macromedia shockware yet for linux.. :)12:33
mettledkrichiefrich: I will try that12:33
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mettledkrichiefrich: but I thought one could make an association like eth0=sk98lin ?12:34
Warbo!tell vaurdan about wine12:34
richiefrichmettledk u can u must make an alias12:34
xephis ompaul around?12:34
ucordesvaurdan; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave12:34
richiefrichmettledk but idk what file it's in so u can take it out12:34
=== Timmae [n=tim@hedgesville-moto1-67-20-42-84.ashbva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulxeph, are you around?12:34
=== don_jln [n=julian@p508F7B35.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
mettledkrichiefrich: k12:35
richiefrichmettledk grep -R sky2 /etc12:35
richiefrichtry that12:35
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ucordesvaudran: this is a workaround with a windows emulator called "wine"12:35
xephhi ompaul. I had to take an urgent call. Sorry for the delay.12:35
ompaulxeph,  around 30 minutes ago I said this: upgrades are for ubuntu to ubuntu moves - and dist upgrades more so12:35
mettledkrichiefrich: returned nothing12:35
ucordesvaudran: but it most likely won't help you if you have mac or 64 bit12:36
=== Arafanger [n=arafangi@220-244-240-131-act-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulxeph, I asked you to tell me what happened with >>apt-get install dist-upgrade<<12:36
park_canadacan you please help me: i don't know how to define sources with the source o matic list12:36
ShaunESWhat the hell is this.12:36
xephompaul, I upgraded from breezy to dapper about a month ago using an alternate-cd-install. I've never done a dist-upgrade12:36
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ttyfsckerhuerlisi:: thanks but someone already sent me one12:36
ArafangerI have an icon on my desktop representing my windows partition, /dev/hda212:36
huerlisittyfscker: cool12:36
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ArafangerHow do I change the name of that icon?12:36
ompaulxeph, go for it - it might be useful12:36
richiefrichmettledk really12:36
richiefrichmettledk  and is it a module ..  do u see it  in  lsmod12:36
ucordespark_canada: i don't know what this is but let me take a look at it. wait12:36
ShaunESWhat the hell is broken there.12:37
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:37
ArafangerEver since my upgrade from breezy to dapper, it's been(\n represents a newline): p>\n\n   </body>12:37
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ArafangerIt's really annoying.12:37
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:37
ompaulShaunES, take it easy - then we can all look at it calmly12:37
mettledkrichiefrich: as I began to say: I think the kernel is working out to load the sky2 module upon a request for eth0 and eht112:37
adlatest dapper wine upgrade is unauthenticated it's saying - is it ok to proceed anyone?12:37
=== Nikoladze [n=nick@62-31-20-46.cable.ubr04.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ShaunESI'm just wondering how it could be so broken that I can't even reboot.12:38
richiefrichmettledk no.. if u see it in  lsmod then it's in a file someplace12:38
mettledkrichiefrich: cant find it...12:38
richiefrichmettledk the kernel olny loads what modules it is told to12:38
=== Genscher [n=genscher@c-134-228-193.d.dsl.de.ignite.net] has joined #ubuntu
porridgeok, I know the difference between dapper/main dapper/multiverse dapper/universe and dapper/restricted is nicely documented at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components/. but where's the difference between dapper, dapper-updates, dapper-security, dapper-proposed and dapper-backports documented?12:38
Genscherhey :)12:39
ompaulShaunES, open the clock on the top right hand side of the screen and "syncronise"12:39
ShaunESompaul, server install.12:39
ShaunESNo GUI.12:39
richiefrichmettledk do u have an  initrd ?  in /boolt12:39
porridgeI roughly feel the intent, but I would like an explicit policy behind them12:39
richiefrich /boot ?12:39
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
mettledkrichiefrich: yes - seems so12:39
vaurdani need to know if my apache is running: http://www.neoplay.info/ -- can you enter in this site?12:39
ShaunESntpdate 0.oceania.pool.ntp.org12:39
ShaunES gives permission denied.12:39
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richiefrichmettledk thats where it's in12:40
Genschercan anyone help me? I am new to ubuntu and I wonder where I can get the Octave package for Ubuntu Dapper. It doesn't show up in the package manager and also seems to have some gcc-3.4 dependence whereas dapper installs gcc4 :)12:40
=== VooDooGC [n=synchris@217-175-218-141.dyn-pool.spidernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
xephompaul, paste bin keeps ongiving me errors, try this: http://ramdial.dnsdojo.net/~xeph/dist-upgrade.txt12:40
richiefrichmettledk if u roll your own kernel u wont need that12:40
ompaulShaunES, you need to get that clock closer to reality12:40
ArafangerGenscher: Have you enabled the 'Universe"?12:40
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GenscherArafanger: you mean as package source?12:40
ompaulShaunES, I suppose sudo on that command gives you the same12:40
ArafangerGenscher: Yes.12:40
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mettledkrichiefrich: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic is a binary file, /initrd/ is empty12:41
Genscherlet me check that :)12:41
mettledkrichiefrich: I would like to continueing using the kernel from the rep12:41
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ShaunESI can't even use date.12:41
richiefrichmettledk  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-23-amd64-generic   <-- thats like a tar file12:41
ompaulShaunES, the three finger salute?12:41
mettledkrichiefrich: k12:41
richiefrichu can uncompress that12:41
ompaulforce a reboot12:41
richiefrichand edit it12:41
richiefrichmettledk but i dont know how..12:42
ShaunESHow did it break anyway.12:42
ompaulShaunES, change the time in the bios12:42
ArafangerGenscher: Also, as Gcc4 has changed the C++ ABI, it's sometimes very hairy mixing compilers.  Please stick with Gcc4 if you can, (Though, unfortunately, C++ programs also require some changes sometimes).12:42
huerlisiShaunES: was bitten by this, more than once :-(12:42
richiefrichmettledk  i do my own.. so google  should help u from here12:42
huerlisiShaunES: reboot was the only option...12:42
ArafangerSo, how do I change hte name for an icon on my desktop?12:42
ShaunESIt's correct in the bios though.12:42
porridgeArafanger: F212:42
ShaunESThu Aug  3 20:42:42 EST 200612:42
ShaunESThat's the right time.12:42
mettledkrichiefrich: k - thanks for the help anyway....12:43
=== FifaFrazer [n=peter@0x5731ef94.arcnxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulShaunES, can you do sudo -i?12:43
ShaunESThis is what I don't understand.12:43
ShaunES"date" = Thu Aug  3 20:43:16 EST 200612:43
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Arafangerporridge: It's the one that corresponds to my windows partition, and deleting every single file in /home/arafangion hasn't restored the name.12:43
void^sudo caches your successful logins, if you change time backwards it gets confused12:43
GenscherArafanger: i only try to find some way to install Octave :) I have no idea about dependencies (ok, updating packages sources now, having only "backport" disabled)12:43
ShaunES"sudo ls" = sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Aug  4 05:53:29 200612:43
richiefrichmettledk  http://www.redhat.com/archives/kickstart-list/2001-June/msg00120.html12:43
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ompaulCurrent time in EST: August 03 2006, 05:43:41 -12:43
porridgeis the difference between dapper, dapper-updates, dapper-security, dapper-proposed and dapper-backports documented somewhere?12:43
ompaulShaunES, ^^^ that is the right time EST12:44
ShaunESompaul, I'm in a different time zone.12:44
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ShaunESIt's correct in my time zone.12:44
ShinzetsuHow do I install the appropriate(?) linux headers for my kernel?12:44
porridgeArafanger: ah, in that case I don't know :P12:44
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huerlisiShaunES: it happened to me, when I worked on a system with wrong time and let NTP adjust the time12:44
richiefrichmettledk http://www.netadmintools.com/art164.html   <-- perfect u mount it  loop back12:44
Arafangerporridge: I'm just finding it very frustrating that #ubuntu can't help :(  It'd be ok if it were a Gnome problem, but it doesn't seem to be.12:44
Arafangerporridge: Heck, I'm fine installing GlibC myself!12:45
ShaunEShuerlisi, so reboot it and just hope it doesn't happen again?12:45
gnomefreakShinzetsu: synaptic has them search for linux-headers12:45
Nikoladzeis this #ubuntu or #ubuntu-unregged?12:45
ShaunESThat seems like a pretty crappy solution.12:45
ompaulShaunES, you need to reboot and get the ntp stuff w12:45
huerlisiShaunES: guess so...12:45
gnomefreakNikoladze: #ubuntu12:45
Shinzetsugnomefreak: thanks12:45
porridgeArafanger: what does glibc have to do with it?12:45
ShaunESJust rebooted it.12:45
richiefrichmettledk then u just  copy  them to another dir.. and make another  .img12:45
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Nikoladzegnomefreak: I'm in irssi and it says #ubuntu-unregged in brackets, whats all that about?12:46
Skaagmy gnome is beautiful, but once in a while I load an application and the fonts are not anti-aliased, for example aMSN. It seems to have some other graphics toolkit. I heard there's some kind of workaround for such apps... anyone here can give me a direction?12:46
ompaulShaunES, single got ntpdate working on it?12:46
xephompaul, did you get the last site? I think my entire-installed-applications-list-database is broken.12:46
FifaFrazerWhy do I have to insert the sound modules again every time i restart ubuntu?12:46
ShaunESompaul, huh?12:46
richiefrichmettledk u see ?12:46
ompaulxeph, sorry yes it does appear that way12:46
gnomefreakNikoladze: when we get attacked we forward everyone not registered with freenode to #ubuntu-unregged12:46
ompaulShaunES, single user mode and get ntpdate working on it12:46
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frogzooxeph: dpkg --get-selections    ?12:46
NikoladzeSkaag: you need to get a newer version of tcl/tk (8.5 I think) which supports AA fonts12:46
SkaagNikoladze: thanks man12:47
park_canadafor the caps12:47
gnomefreakpark_canada: what is the issue?12:47
richiefrichman caps please12:47
SkaagNikoladze: I will try to upgrade it12:47
erUSULSkaag: afaik amsn is made with tcl/tk the version that comes with dapper does not have aa fonts... you can install a more recent version of tcl/tk though12:47
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource12:47
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ompaulpark_canada, click on the buttons on that web page - localise it12:47
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:47
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SkaagerUSUL: that's very helpful. I'm trying to upgrade.12:47
park_canadathe problem: i have a source o matic list but i dont know how do define the sources. im from mandriva, new to ubuntu12:47
xephfrogzoo, that gives me a bunch of apps, most of which has "install" next to it12:48
NikoladzeSkaag: there'll be forum posts about it but I doubt it'll be in the normal reposotories, you might have to find some extra ones12:48
gnomefreakpark_canada: define as in country code?12:48
park_canadai already got the list12:48
ricardodid any kernel update became available in the last few hours??12:48
park_canadaits .il for israel12:48
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:48
ompaulfrogzoo, http://ramdial.dnsdojo.net/~xeph/dist-upgrade.txt looks like some extras went in and killed it off12:48
SkaagNikoladze: Ah, figures...12:48
Luna-Tickso you have generated a sources.list?12:48
gnomefreakpark_canada: and you want ca?12:48
park_canadai just got a print of a surce list12:48
park_canadahow do i install it on my computer?12:48
gnomefreakpark_canada:gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:49
richiefrichcopy and paste it12:49
park_canadaa generated list, but it doesn\t installed by its own, right?...12:49
Luna-TickWe all wanted that one12:49
gnomefreakpark_canada: when it opens erase everything in there and copy and paste the new list12:49
ompaulpark_canada, read what gnomefreak said, you need to remove the existing and add that12:49
ArafangerOk, where is the Ubuntu bug tracking DB?12:49
xephompaul, frogzoo, is there no way I can just rebuild it?12:49
park_canadafrom the begining?12:49
cpk2lol gnomefreak12:49
park_canadaok sec12:49
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gnomefreakpark_canada: everything12:49
ArafangerI can't find any <censored> bug link on ubuntu's documentation.12:49
ompaulxeph, it looks very ..... interesting12:49
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park_canadaok i did12:50
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com12:50
park_canadado i need to make any updates?12:50
gnomefreakpark_canada: save and close it12:50
cpk2park_canada: now run sudo apt-get update12:50
park_canadai want to downlod ECLIPSE12:50
ArafangerDoes Ubuntu have a bug tracking database?12:50
park_canadaok running12:50
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: i had to come back without connecting the hd.12:50
gnomefreakpark_canada: after its closed run sudo apt-get update12:50
ompaulxeph, it looks to me like you took in something from somewhere else and it killed off your ability update12:50
gnomefreak!bugs > Arafanger12:50
park_canadaits working12:50
erUSULpark_canada: do a backup of the old one (mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.old ) and write a new one (better use source-o-matic)12:50
Arafangerpark_canada: Enable Universe, and then install the eclipse package.12:50
gnomefreakArafanger: please read your pm12:50
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cowmilk2because i was'nt sure which of the 3 power cables to connect12:50
Luna-TickCow: Why?12:50
Arafangergnomefreak: Thanks heaps.12:50
park_canadaas a mandriva user, i must say ubuntu is great.12:50
cowmilk2i'll show you a pic12:50
cowmilk2hold on12:51
Luna-TickAll the power cables are the same12:51
ompaulArafanger, see launchpad.net12:51
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xephompaul, that sucks :/ Last think I installed was xgl and compiz12:51
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: are you sure? some have more colored cables going into it12:51
cowmilk2do you know what i mean?12:51
ShaunESompaul, I got in as root and ntpdated it.12:51
GenscherArafanger: thank you for your help. the universe hint did the trick :)12:51
park_canadai would like to get some help installing it on MY computer (that's a friend's one). the live CD won't work for me; i burned 4. my cd reads too slow.12:51
ShaunESAny way to get ntpdate to run automatically as root every x hours?12:51
ArafangerGenscher: No problem :)12:51
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Luna-TickNot all...12:51
gnomefreakparan: installing what?12:52
Arafangerompaul: But why isn't there a single reference to a bug database of any kind on ubuntu's documentation?12:52
Arafangerompaul: You know, that default home page Firefox is set to when you install Dapper?12:52
Now_im_tiktakitIs there a way to install ubunutu not from live cd? and better - from a USB ?12:52
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erUSUL!bugs > Arafanger12:52
Luna-TickI mean that any that fit will work12:52
gnomefreakNow_im_tiktakit: installing wha5t?12:52
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ompaulArafanger, file that as a bug - and I am not joking12:52
Luna-TickCow: There will be a few 4-pin plugs that fit the hole12:52
Luna-TickAny will work12:52
gnomefreak!install > TikTakiT12:52
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FlannelTikTakiT: help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation12:52
gnomefreakstop changing you nick12:52
Arafangerompaul: I just might.12:53
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ompaulArafanger, but before you do try system help and be sure it is not there12:53
Luna-TickCow - did you get that?12:53
TikTakiTFlannel: belive me i was searching the network for hours...12:53
ubotuI know nothing about usb - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:53
TikTakiTok so lets say about a nromal CD12:53
Arafangerompaul: imho, all help should be in one painfully obvious place.12:53
TikTakiTis thee a non live CD updated version ?12:54
Arafangerompaul: As it is, it is - except for the bug database.12:54
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erUSUL!alternate > TikTakiT12:54
FlannelTikTakiT: that page, has all you need.  USB, networks, smoke signals.  There are instructions for almost any medium12:54
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chemajadon't most people just websearch for things these days/12:54
cowmilk2ah, yes, Luna-Tick. the currently installed hd is using a 4pin plug, too12:54
Luna-TickYes :)12:54
Luna-TickIt will be12:54
cowmilk2Luna-Tick:  http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/835/00005gd9.jpg12:54
chemajaie. google >> ubuntu bugs >> im feeling lucky >> YOWZA!12:54
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TikTakiTthanks Flannel. checking.12:55
richiefrichchemaja  ppl are lazy12:55
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: now my other question12:55
wikinghow to get Cedega?12:55
cowmilk2where do i put this 2nd hard drive?12:55
Luna-TickUm... in a space :D12:55
Flannelwiking: you pay for it, and download it, yadda yadda.12:55
=== erUSUL understands and support what chemaja is trying to point out ;)
TikTakiTim really satisfied from it. Ubuntu rocks..12:56
chemajarichiefrich, yea i was going to look through Desktop >> Help and ubuntu.com, but I'M lazy so I hit a websearch12:56
=== adnans [n=adnans@ip30-132-212-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Luna-TickThere should be a gap under/over the other hard disk12:56
chemajaOTOH, i agree that you should file a bugreport on it12:56
richiefrichchemaja i think ppl are afraid of google12:56
chemajaor search for an existing one12:56
chemajaGASP did i SAY google? ;-)12:56
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Genscherhm, ubuntu + firefox won't work with vmware :/ is there another internet browser?12:56
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: that gap is taken over by the floppy drive . see http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3051/00007pc1.jpg. above the floppy drive is a huge space, but it's for stuff like cd-rom, dvd-rom drives12:56
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chemajaGenscher, opera12:57
richiefrichGenscher why not ?12:57
Genscheri get timeouts the whole time12:57
wikingFlannel, and if i don't want pay?12:57
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Genschersometimes it loads a website...12:57
cpk2cowmilk2: the hdd wont mind where you put it as long as you dont shake it around =P12:57
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cowmilk2Luna-Tick: in the photo, the thing with the pink lined grey cable attached is the 2nd hard drive that is looking for space12:57
Genscherbut wget is working 100%, ping also 100%12:57
Luna-TickCow: What's wrong with where it is?12:57
cowmilk2it's not going to stay still12:58
cowmilk2that's the problem12:58
cpk2wiking: i heard there is a free cedega floating somewhere out there12:58
chemajaGenscher, maybe try as a different user or delete the relevant dotfiles?12:58
TikTakiThow can i make a search in the apt-get packages ? i need to find a C compiler for eclipse, but im not sure for the package name.12:58
cowmilk2and ti can't screw it into place because the holes on the metal thing are spaced out for a cd-rom/dvdrom drive, not for HDD12:58
Genscherchemaja: i will rather try another browser :)12:58
richiefrichGenscher  well ff is slow now a days..  try opera.. galeon..  flock  there's many others12:58
=== zazeem [n=zazeem@pool-70-16-106-237.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Luna-TickCow: Ah.12:58
chemajaanyone run Dapper on a P3-600/256MB or equiv, and if so is it relatively snappy?12:58
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: call me cowlick12:58
FlannelTikTakiT: er, gcc is what eclipse will use, via the CDT12:58
zazeemhow do i delete the 17 infected files clamav found?12:59
cowmilk2nope, don't12:59
cowmilk2call me cowmilk212:59
richiefrichTikTakiT  apt-get --help12:59
richiefrichTikTakiT  man apt-get12:59
chemaja...say compared to Gnome 2.14 on a "lighter" distro12:59
FlannelTikTakiT: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/eclipse-cdt12:59
cowmilk2type cow, then hit your tab key12:59
cowmilk2that way i can more easily see the comments you are directing to me12:59
ompaulArafanger, if you go to the web site under participate you can get to the bugs handy but there is no straight line that I can find12:59
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zazeemhow do i delete the 17 infected files clamav found?12:59
ompaulArafanger, so what you want is a shorter path12:59
=== [Kork] [n=Kork@dslb-084-056-099-210.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Kork] hi01:00
=== jc-denton [n=nils@zux173-061.adsl.green.ch] has joined #ubuntu
jc-dentonhi all01:00
cpk2rm /path/to/infected/file01:00
[Kork] i want to send a fax using DSL, is it possible?01:00
zazeemhey denton ROF;01:00
jc-dentonWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!01:00
jc-denton  libtiff4-dev libtiffxx0c2 libtiff4 linux-image-2.6.15-26-386 linux-image-2.6.15-26-68601:00
ShinzetsuIs there any app which lets me make iso images of disks?01:00
cowmilk2so what do you guys suggest.01:00
zazeemu use linux?01:00
jc-dentonthat's what i get when doing apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade01:00
Luna-Tickcowmilk2: Well... you have a bit of a problem.01:00
cowmilk2i don't think using tape is a good idea to keep the hard drive in place. what do you think, Luna-Tick01:00
jc-dentonlinux-image is surely from mai01:00
jc-dentonso there is something wrong..01:00
zazeemhow do i delete the 17 infected files clamav found??01:00
Luna-Tickcowmilk2: you have 2 spots and three things to put in it01:01
cpk2cowmilk2: take out the floppy drive?01:01
Luna-TickSo you are going to have to have one in the wrong place.01:01
zazeemjc-denton: from et?01:01
cowmilk2cpk2: i was thinking of that01:01
cpk2cowmilk2: i think it will fit in that01:01
Luna-Tickcowmilk2: That may be your best bet01:01
cowmilk2cpk2: i think so too, but where will i put the floppy drive?01:01
erUSULArafanger: System>Help>Community Support01:01
cowmilk2shoudl i disconnet it01:01
Luna-TickUnless you use the floppy drive, of course...01:01
cpk2cowmilk2: you use the floppy?01:01
richiefrichcowmilk2 leave it hang by thecables.. i do that when needed01:01
cowmilk2cpk2: only in emergencies.01:01
cpk2well you can just plug it in real quick in an emergency01:02
cowmilk2richiefrich: are you referring to the floppy drive?01:02
richiefrichcowmilk2 no i meant the HDD01:02
ttyfsckeri am just flattered by how much opera has changed in the past year01:02
[Kork] noone here to help me? :-/01:02
richiefrichi have to many HDD for this one case01:02
ttyfsckerthis is amazing01:02
richiefrichand i let them hang01:02
jc-dentonzazeem: what does et mean?01:02
Luna-Tickergh - I wouldn't let mine hang, but that is me01:02
cowmilk2richiefrich: well thats going to make the HDD very suscepticble to jarring.01:02
richiefrichif u move the case01:03
richiefrichif not it  wont01:03
zazeemjc-denton: nvm, you probably have to update your sources, www.ubuntuguide.org01:03
richiefrichi dont touch mine01:03
cowmilk2richiefrich: so you have your hdd suspended in midair?01:03
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richiefrichlike 5 of them01:03
zazeemhow do i delete the 17 infected files clamav found?? anyone know?01:03
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cowmilk2is that good /01:03
jc-dentonhrmm strange01:03
richiefrichthey been like that for over 2 years now01:04
jc-dentonzazeem: i did that of course01:04
richiefrichso i have no problems01:04
richiefrichget a bigger case01:04
jc-dentonbut now i don't get that error anymore01:04
Luna-Tickcowmilk2: If the box doesn't move you would be fine01:04
erUSUL[Kork] : you have asked no question, i'm supposed to take my cristal ball to see what might be your problem?01:04
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zazeemjc-denton:  whats the error you get01:04
jc-dentoni did apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade again01:04
jc-dentonsee above01:04
ubotuI know nothing about gide - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:04
=== don_jln [n=julian@p508F7B35.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Kork] erUSUL, <[Kork] > i want to send a fax using DSL, is it possible?01:04
cowmilk2what if  slip the hdd onto an open cd/dvd drive and i put tape around the hdd?01:04
ubotuI know nothing about guide - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:04
cpk2zazeem: rm /path/to/infected/file01:04
Luna-Tickcowmilk2: I would probably just have the 2 HDs in there - and dangle the floppy. You can always open it up to use it in the emergencies01:04
jc-dentonzazeem: 12:58 < jc-denton> that's what i get when doing apt-get update & apt-get dist-upgrade01:04
cowmilk2Luna-Tick: yeah, sounds good01:05
richiefrichcowmilk2 well i didnt know u had  open slots01:05
fouratiwould like to read my windows files in /media/[device] , it's only to root user01:05
jc-denton12:58 < jc-denton> WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!01:05
jc-denton12:58 < jc-denton>   libtiff4-dev libtiffxx0c2 libtiff4 linux-image-2.6.15-26-386 linux-image-2.6.15-26-68601:05
zazeemcpk2: i dont know the path i did a system scan and 17 files are infected01:05
richiefrichcowmilk2  put it in 'ANY" slot01:05
cowmilk2having the floppy dangiling is better than having a hdd dangling01:05
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erUSUL[Kork] : no afaics, you need a modem-fax to do that directly01:05
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Luna-Tickrichiefrich: he has 2 3.5inch spots01:05
fouratiwould like to read my windows files in /media/[device] , it's only to root user01:05
cowmilk2richiefrich: yes, i have open slots, but i can't screw the hdd into the slot where a cd or dvd drive should go01:05
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wikingcpk2, where?01:05
zazeemjc-denton:  are you on dapper drake version?01:05
chemajacowmilk2, not according to my girlfriend01:05
richiefrichcowmilk2 why ?01:05
[Kork] erUSUL, so there isn't a way using internet?01:05
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richiefrichcowmilk2 screw the one  side man .. get rails01:06
richiefrichthey make them01:06
zazeemcpk2: i dont know the path i did a system scan and 17 files are infected01:06
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jc-dentonzazeem: of course01:06
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:06
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cowmilk2richiefrich:  I can't screw it into place because the holes on the metal thing are spaced out for a cd-rom/dvdrom drive, not for HDD01:06
zazeemjc-denton: dont do upgrade then, there is no newer versin01:06
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cpk2zazeem: use find01:06
richiefrichcowmilk2 screw the one  side man .. get rails01:06
jc-denton  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out01:06
zazeemjc-denton:  update is the only one01:06
mcphailzazeem: scroll up to see the results01:06
ShinzetsuHow do I make an iso image of my cd-rom?01:06
richiefrichcowmilk2 `i have a ton of rails01:06
cowmilk2chemaja: what is that about your girlffiendr?01:07
erUSUL[Kork] : i do not know if there is some company that offers the service over internet. you can google around to find out01:07
zazeemmcphail: thee are about 1 million files when scrolling up01:07
ShinzetsuK3b can only burn images, not make one01:07
jc-dentonzazeem: lol01:07
jc-dentonu don't know stuff01:07
frogzooupdate at 10kb/s ?! it's a conspiracy...01:07
cowmilk2what are those?01:07
chemajacowmilk2, nm was a crappy joke01:07
erUSULShinzetsu: !!!???01:07
jc-dentonwell i'll try later01:07
richiefrichcowmilk2 they make the 3 1/2 a  5 1/401:07
tabmanif you open sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf01:07
tabmanall of the lines in the file starts with # does that means the whole file is commented ?01:07
zazeemmcphail: is there a graphical program for noobs like me out there?01:07
mcphailzazeem: then run clamscan again, direct the output to a file and use grep on it01:07
[Kork] erUSUL, thx. at least i saved time installing various aps01:07
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Shinzetsu erUSUL: I have a CD that i want to make an *.ISO-image of01:07
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Luna-TickShinzetsu: are you trying to make an iso on ubuntu?01:08
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frogzooShinzetsu: think you asked this same question yesterday...01:08
cpk2zazeem: use find infectedfilename01:08
cowmilk2i think i'll just have the floppy dangling01:08
mcphailzazeem: i think there is a graphical frontend to clamscan in the repos01:08
cowmilk2ok guys01:08
Shinzetsui have a cd that i want to backup01:08
xephompaul, so there's basically no way I can rebuild the database01:08
wikingis here any else game emulator without cedega?01:08
cowmilk2time to shut down the box and do some fiddling with the hardware01:08
cowmilk2thanks Luna-Tick01:08
zazeemmcphail: i just dloaded a bunch ill see01:08
DimitrijeHello, i managed to connect from ubuntu to the internet and did apt-get update but when i get into synaptic nothing is updated. I see only pakages from DVD?01:08
Luna-TickShinzetsu: as an iso01:08
erUSULShinzetsu: cat /dev/hdxx > image.iso or dd if=/dev/hdxx of=image.iso01:08
frogzooShinzetsu: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=blah.iso bs=1000000001:08
cowmilk2thankns richiefrich01:08
richiefrichcowmilk2 why u need the floppy ?01:08
orangedubaieve  a problem uit ubuntu01:08
Luna-Tickcowmilk2: are you off?01:08
nikinShinzetsu k9copy will do it01:08
richiefrichcowmilk2  np man01:08
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cowmilk2richiefrich: i don't. it's just in case01:09
Luna-TickShinzetsu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CreateIsoFromCDorDVD01:09
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cowmilk2Luna-Tick: yes, the comp i'm using now to chat with you is the comp that is being worked on01:09
orangedubyu can help mi01:09
richiefrichcowmilk2  bahh i have an .img of a dos disc i use01:09
tabmanif you open sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf, all of the lines in the file starts with # does that means the whole file is commented ?01:09
richiefrichcowmilk2 load it right in grub01:09
TikTakiTthanks a lot for everything01:09
cowmilk2richiefrich: what are you talking about?01:09
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Ghaggeanyone who knows if its possible to specify what packets to install when doing a new installation of ubuntu?01:10
richiefrichcowmilk2 that just incase.. u said u need the floppy for01:10
richiefrichthats what01:10
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mcphailzazeem: running clamscan with the "-i" flag only prints infected files01:10
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DimitrijeHello, i managed to connect from ubuntu to the internet and did apt-get update but when i get into synaptic nothing is updated. I see only pakages from DVD?01:10
cowmilk2just in case i need to copy a file from a floppy and bring the floppy to  a friend or to a photocopy center01:10
richiefrichcowmilk2  it's a img of a floppy .. i boot it from grub..01:10
zazeemmcphail: thanks01:11
richiefrichcowmilk2 ahh i have a  2.5 usb hdd for that01:11
cowmilk2ok. gotta work on the hadrare now01:11
vprajani have a beetex ADSL modem with USB port.. how to use this in ubuntu?01:11
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Ghaggeanyone who knows if its possible to specify what packets to install when doing a new installation of ubuntu?01:11
vprajansorry beetel01:11
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dpuppis it possible to rebuild an ubuntu install back to a clean install without having to use CD-rom ie network only?01:11
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Luna-TickI'm off too. See you all.01:12
vprajani have a beetel ADSL modem with USB port.. how to use this in ubuntu?01:12
zazeemmcphail: thanks much always great to get suport from here :)01:12
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visik7dpupp: boot from network or usb and then installing via nfs01:12
richiefrichvprajan boot the liveCD    does it pick up net connection01:12
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visik7vprajan: depend on the modem01:12
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mcphailzazeem: np01:12
vprajanrichiefrich: no only ethernet cable works01:13
richiefrichit should work like  eth001:13
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vprajanrichiefrich: no usb is not even detected..01:13
richiefrichvprajan boot knoppix and test it there01:13
visik7vprajan: which modem is ?01:13
TikTakiTi can't switch keyboard layout...01:13
richiefrichi bet knoppix picks it up01:13
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vprajanvisik7: beetel 240X..01:13
dpuppvisik7, thanks.01:13
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ompaulxeph, sorry did not notice that there - I don't think so - it looks like you used something non ubuntu and it played havoc with you01:14
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vprajanrichiefrich: hmm.. i have to try that..01:14
richiefrichvprajan do the knoppix thing then do an lsmod and look for the module01:14
ShinzetsuRight-click the icon of the CD01:14
ShinzetsuSelect "Copy Disc..."01:14
visik7vprajan: have u already googled fot it ?01:14
ShinzetsuI dont have that01:14
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richiefrichvprajan  then load that module on boot01:14
xephompaul, damn. Thanks for your help01:14
richiefrichit's in the usb network section in the menuconfig01:15
vprajanvisik7: yeah google.. for everyone the same problem... r u an indian.. i use airtel connection..01:15
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visik7no I'm italian01:15
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TikTakiTwhe i try to configure it i get a bug01:15
vprajanrichiefrich: load which module.. can specify plz..01:15
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richiefrichvprajan idk thats why  i said knoppix01:15
richiefrichthen it will tell u01:15
ArafangererUSUL: It didn't cross my mind to think of it as "Community Support", I was just looking for a bug tracking db.  I must say I'm used to Debian.01:16
richiefrichlsmod in knoppix if u get network01:16
TikTakiTrror activating XKB configuration.01:16
TikTakiTIt can happen under various circumstances:01:16
TikTakiT- a bug in libxklavier library01:16
TikTakiT- a bug in X server (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilities)01:16
TikTakiT- X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation01:16
TikTakiTX server version data:01:16
TikTakiTThe X.Org Foundation01:16
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richiefrichTikTakiT MAN pastebin please01:16
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ompaulTikTakiT, I take it you are finished01:16
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TikTakiTMAN pastebin01:16
richiefrichomnipath u will never know :P01:16
vprajanvisik7: actually DSL modem is detected with ethernet cable.. but not with USB cable..01:16
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ompaulrichiefrich, no point it has to be !paste > username01:16
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richiefrichompaul ahh01:17
dxdemetriouwhat can I do if grub stop working on Dapper?01:17
visik7vprajan: use it with the ethernet what's the problem ?01:17
vprajan!paste > username01:17
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TyeDyei tried to run xpeguins and it locked up my desktop after restarting my pc the only thing showing is my wallpaper,i was able to connect here thru terminal but thats about it,help01:17
ompaul!bot > vprajan01:17
ompaulvprajan, read the message from the bot please01:17
richiefrich!paste > TikTakiT01:17
vprajanompaul: did01:18
richiefrichdxdemetriou boot to a liveCD ..  but how did it die ?01:18
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macsimI follow this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacOnLinuxHowto, I'm ubable to found mol package, I installed multiverse etc..., but the package doesn't seams to be avalable, is it normal ?01:18
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macsimoups, I forget to say hello all ;)01:19
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dxdemetriourichiefrich, I don't know. It was after the update. Can I use the chroot from livecd to restore it?01:19
richiefrichdxdemetriou  sure can01:19
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cowmilk2hi guys, i've connected the 2nd hard drive. but not in the place of the floppy. Why? because the slot where the floppy is also has screw holes made for a floppy drive01:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:20
cowmilk2so now that i've connected a 2nd internal hard drive into my old computer, how can i use it?01:20
Arafangercowmilk2: Like any other HDD.01:20
cowmilk2don't i need to forman and/or mount and/or partition the hard drive?01:20
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cocossomeone from the netherlands here who can help me whit some dutch servers for sources.list?01:20
TyeDye i tried to run xpeguins and it locked up my desktop after restarting my pc the only thing showing is my wallpaper,i was able to connect here thru terminal but thats about it,help01:20
Arafangercowmilk2: Probably.01:20
richiefrichcowmilk2 fdisk -l01:20
Arafangerrichiefrich: I tend to recommend cfdisk, but fdisk _is_ more reliable.01:21
cowmilk2richiefrich: nothing shows when i do that01:21
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Arafangercowmilk2: Define "nothing".01:21
richiefrichcowmilk2  will show u want it is.. then  fdisk /dev/01:21
richiefrichcowmilk2 please do01:21
sam_ if you install a second hardrive that's old will it slow down my main new driver?01:22
richiefrichArafanger i used both.. there simular01:22
tabmanhow do you create a boot-script ?01:22
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richiefrichsam_ no01:22
dxdemetriourichiefrich, do you know the command that restores the grub? :)01:22
Arafangerrichiefrich: imho, cfdisk is more user friendly.01:22
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richiefrichArafanger i'm old school01:22
cowmilk2Arafanger: this is what i mean by nothing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957201:22
Arafangerrichiefrich: Me too.01:22
richiefrichArafanger  i stilkl like lilo01:22
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Arafangerrichiefrich: There are some things only lilo can do.01:22
Urdenubuntu = 6 letters.....and dapper's version is 6.06...that's 666!   !!!!01:22
sam_can i run three versions of linux on the same machine? using two harddrives?01:22
Arafangerrichiefrich: I just wish that ubuntu's lilo support wasn't so *crap* :(01:23
richiefrichand most dont know that01:23
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ArafangerUrden: That's nothing.01:23
Ghaggeis it possible to specify what packets to install when doing a new installation of ubuntu?01:23
richiefrichArafanger ahh sorry to hear that01:23
ArafangerUrden: My school had a vacination for meningocal a few years ago.01:23
richiefrichdxdemetriou  just run through  it01:23
cowmilk2richiefrich: did you take a look at the "nothing" result of your command? --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957201:23
richiefrichdxdemetriou   apt-get install grub01:23
ArafangerUrden: It was a catholic school - and the batch number for the vacine was 666!01:23
UrdenArafanger, i know...j/k.....i just read the digg story on Christian Ububtu.....01:23
richiefrichcowmilk2 lookin01:23
ArafangerUrden: I'm not joking!01:24
richiefrichcowmilk2   use sudo on that cmd01:24
tabmanhey guys someone please tell me how do I make a boot-script ?01:24
richiefrichcowmilk2  still same ?01:24
visik7today is 3 8 6 tomorrow will be 4 8 6 and yesterday was 2 8 6 ... the x86 days :)01:24
cowmilk2there's a lot01:24
cowmilk2hold on01:24
Arafangervisik7: And today, it's my birthday :) I am so honored.01:24
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cowmilk2http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19573 <-- richiefrich01:25
visik7Arafanger: you are thi first 32bit :)01:25
richiefrichdxdemetriou   then   in  4 separate lines -->   grub  -->  root (hd0,0) - - >  setup  (hd0)   -->  quit01:25
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sam_can i run ubuntu on a usb drive if so how?01:25
richiefrichcowmilk2 better01:25
pwaglandHi all! Quick question for the wise: How do I report bugs in  that are introduced by ubuntu changes?01:25
cowmilk2yes, richiefrich ,better01:25
visik7sam_ if your system boot from usb probably yes01:26
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richiefrichcowmilk2  i take it /dev/hdb  is the one u installed ?`01:26
kidbuntuhow do you mount dev/hda5 in media???01:26
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ArafangerThat reminds me, if my USB flash disc has a few damaged sectors, is it probably on it's way out (It's fairly new, but it's a cheap brand)01:26
richiefrichmount /dev/hda5 /media01:26
visik7or add it to fstab01:27
pwaglandIn particular, the UUID change is broken when your root drive is on an LVM partition, since there is no /dev/disk/by-uuid/?? generated for it.01:27
richiefrichdxdemetriou   does that make sence?01:27
richiefrichcowmilk2  i take it /dev/hdb  is the one u installed ?`01:27
cowmilk2yes, hdb  i the one i have just installed01:27
cocossomeone from the netherlands here who can help me whit some dutch servers for sources.list?01:27
richiefrichcowmilk2    u want to format it ?01:27
richiefrichcowmilk2    u have windows things on there01:27
cowmilk2richiefrich: i guess01:27
cowmilk2i don't mind losing all the windows 98 stuff01:28
richiefrichyes or no man01:28
TyeDye i tried to run xpeguins and it locked up my desktop after restarting my pc the only thing showing is my wallpaper,i was able to connect here thru terminal but thats about it,help01:28
cowmilk2 formatting means recovering space, right?01:28
richiefrichcowmilk2 fdisk /dev/hdb01:28
cowmilk2if so, yes01:28
cowmilk2richiefrich: how did you know i am a man? 8-)01:28
richiefrichgood guess01:28
kidbuntuhow do you mount dev/hda5 in media???01:29
richiefrichkidbuntu   mount /dev/hda5 /media01:29
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richiefrichkidbuntu  sudo  mount /dev/hda5 /media01:29
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richiefrichcowmilk2 then --> d01:29
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richiefrichcowmilk2  then --> 101:29
richiefrichcowmilk2  then --> n01:29
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richiefrichcowmilk2  then --> p01:30
ic56richiefrich: the advice you just gave kidbuntu is most likely not what he wanted to do.  /media in Ubuntu contains other directories that need to be visible01:30
kidbuntuic56. yep it didnt help01:30
richiefrichic56 he asked how to mount it01:30
cowmilk2richiefrich: by the way, this is the second hard drive. the p command you're telcling me is to make a primary pratition. please confirm01:30
richiefrichcowmilk2 yes01:31
ompaulyou can have primaries on any disk01:31
dD0TJust a short question: Anyone else got problems with getting current filelists from security.ubuntu.com?01:31
kidbuntuic56: it just turned out that i cant access media now01:31
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richiefrichkidbuntu what are u trying to do01:31
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cowmilk2i First cylinder (1-1582, default 1) <--- what do i answer?01:31
kidbunturichiefrich: i want to gain access to my NTFS partition01:31
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ompaul!ntfs > kidbuntu01:32
richiefrichkidbuntu u didnt say ntfs01:32
richiefrichnow u say01:32
kidbunturichiefrich: sorry01:32
ompaulkidbuntu, read the message from the bot it contains the instructions you want01:32
richiefrichtheres a big difference01:32
cowmilk2richiefrich :   First cylinder (1-1582, default 1) <--- what do i answer?01:32
richiefrichcowmilk2 enter01:32
richiefrichcowmilk2 enter01:32
kidbunturichiefrich: how do i return media to its normal state01:32
cowmilk2now what?01:32
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cowmilk2Command (m for help):01:33
richiefrichcowmilk2 w01:33
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cowmilk2ok. it's "syncing disks' now-01:33
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richiefrichcowmilk2 mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb101:33
richiefrichkidbuntu what was htere before ?01:33
cowmilk2richiefrich: ok. i ran that as sudo01:33
richiefrichall sudo01:34
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cowmilk2richiefrich: just wondering . next thime i need to do this, can't this be done via gui?01:34
cowmilk2(I'm in xubuntu)01:34
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richiefrichi like cmd line01:34
kidbunturichiefrich: sudo mount /dev/hda5 /media01:34
cowmilk2richiefrich: ok01:34
cowmilk2it's done01:34
richiefrichkidbuntu  sudo umount /dev/hda501:34
richiefrichidk what the problem is01:34
ic56kidbuntu: assumint you ran hte comand richiefrich gave you, to undo it, use: sudo umount /dev/hda501:34
richiefrichundo it01:34
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Bardamuguten Tag01:35
dD0Tsecurity.ubuntu.com doesn't deliver any file list to me....just timeout...ping is ok! Am I the only one with this problem?01:35
Bardamugerman ubuntu channel ?01:35
dD0TBarduma: This is and english chat01:35
GhaggedD0T, no you are not the only one01:35
cowmilk2richiefrich the "sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1" is done, now01:35
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:35
Bardamuic56,  thanks01:35
richiefrichcowmilk2 then make a mount point01:35
dD0TGhagge: I already doubted my mental state.... ;) Do you have any info on why it's non responsive?01:36
richiefrichcowmilk2  where do u want it mounteds?01:36
cbx33is there a music pacakge that rips to mp3 and not ogg01:36
cowmilk2i don't know what you mean?01:36
cbx33my phone likes mp3 you see01:36
richiefrichwhat folder?01:36
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cowmilk2i just want to have a 2nd hard drive that's availabel whenever i am on this computer01:36
GhaggedD0T, have no idea, just noticed it myself when01:36
cowmilk2what folder?01:36
richiefrichcbx33 lame01:36
cowmilk2i'm not sure what you mean. sorry01:36
dD0TGhagge: The mailinglist says there's a new kernel update and without security.ubuntu.com it's quite hard to get it^^01:36
richiefrichcbx33  its the mp3 encoder01:36
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cbx33yes I know it01:36
cowmilk2i've got a windows background. where drives come in letters. like C: D:, E.01:37
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cbx33richiefrich, but, all the ripping programs I use do it to ogg01:37
cowmilk2richiefrich: please be patient, i want to understand you01:37
cbx33do i have to batch convert them afterwards?01:37
richiefrichcowmilk2  tis ok01:37
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cowmilk2richiefrich: ok. so what do you mean by asking where do i want it mounted?01:37
richiefrichcowmilk2 like  C: D: E:    u can mount a  drive any place01:37
SnorkelDoes somebody knows if it is possible to access (read / write) a external USB ntfs hard disk?01:38
richiefrichcowmilk2 u name the floder01:38
cowmilk2ok. what do the real Linux geeks do?01:38
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cowmilk2what would Linus do L01:38
kidbunturichiefrich: how can i undo it. i choosed writeable. i dont want /dev/hda1 to be writeable. just the /dev/hda501:38
BeepAUHey everyone, my ubuntu crashed so I booted another one with noapix and acpi=off, it's working, but I've now got multiple versions of ubuntu on my pc, which takes up alot of space. can anyone help me delete them and give that space to my working ubuntu?01:38
richiefrichcowmilk2 well all depends what u are using it for01:38
cowmilk2you mean that this hard drive will be named after a folder?01:38
cowmilk2richiefrich: i'm using this 2nd hard drive as a carry over of the first01:38
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richiefrichcowmilk2 yes.. in a way01:39
cowmilk2so you're asking  me for a label?01:39
pwaglandHi all! Quick question for the wise: How do I report bugs in  that are introduced by ubuntu changes?01:39
pwaglandIn particular, the UUID change is broken when your root drive is on an LVM partition, since there is no /dev/disk/by-uuid/?? generated for it.01:39
chemist_i have ubuntu installed and i have kubuntu cds also, can i install kubuntu packages from kubuntu cd in my ubuntu01:39
richiefrichcowmilk2  yes01:39
TerminusSnorkel: read = doable. write = not without a lot of danger.01:39
richiefrichkidbuntu what u mean u dont want it to be writable01:39
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cowmilk2hmmm. so let me see, the main hard drive is named "ubuntu" yes?01:39
cbx33richiefrich, you got an easy way to batch convert all files in a folder to mp3 from ogg ?01:39
richiefrichcbx33 i just might01:40
BeepAUcan anyone help me with my problem?01:40
richiefrichlet me look01:40
cbx33I'll love you forev....I mean buy you a beer01:40
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SnorkelThe disk is only formatted and ther is no data on it. So i can bare a certain risc.01:40
cbx33BeepAU, what's up01:40
BeepAUmy ubuntu crashed so I booted another one with noapix and acpi=off, it's working, but I've now got multiple versions of ubuntu on my pc, which takes up alot of space. can anyone help me delete them and give that space to my working ubuntu?01:40
cowmilk2how do i know what the name of my hard drive is?01:40
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cbx33BeepAU, did you format with LVM?01:40
ShaunESAnyone have any idea how install simplejson?01:40
cowmilk2richiefrich: ?01:40
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kidbunturichiefrich: i'm on a dual boot. i dont want to accidentally mess up with drive C: the /dev/hda5 contains only a bunch of files01:41
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SnorkelI can already (only read only) access the disk01:41
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Terminus!fuse > Snorkel01:41
BeepAUcbx33 -- I'm sorry, but I'm a linux n00b, you'll have to rephrase that01:41
cbx33BeepAU, when you installed01:41
richiefrichkidbuntu  sorta speaking  if it's ntfs u can/cant write to it in linux01:41
BasilioHello, I have probelm with ubuntu. It is setup as samba server and clients can print ok, but when in MS Word I send to print selection it plain doesn't work01:41
cbx33what did you choose for how to format the disk?01:41
cowmilk2richiefrich: please don't leave me in a limbo.01:41
Snorkelfuse? is that a package i need to install?01:41
dngldoo1hey, I've got some wierd problems with my ALSA drivers01:42
richiefrich cowmilk2 it's not  really named.. but lets  mount it in   /mnt/overflow01:42
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richiefrichcowmilk2 im not man01:42
TerminusSnorkel: read the link ubotu gave you. i never tried writing to ntfs from linux coz the risk wasn't worth it for me.01:42
Ghaggewhen installing ubuntu, is it possible to make a selection of packages to install?01:42
bXiif i use the livecd to install01:42
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cbx33Ghagge, not as far as I know01:42
cowmilk2richiefrich: can i change the name later on, if i wan to?01:42
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richiefrichcowmilk2 yes01:42
bXiand it comes up to the part where it repartitions the drive01:42
BeepAUcbx33 -- the first option. However, it had already been partitioned to allow space for ubuntu the first time. My new ubuntu has only 2gb of space, which is 96% full.01:42
chemist_i add kubuntu cd repository in ubuntu but synaptic doesn't show me those kubuntu packages, e.g: konqueror, why?01:42
bXiis that 100% safe?01:42
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TerminusGhagge: you could do a minimal install from the alt cd and go from there. :)01:43
cbx33how about your other one?01:43
cowmilk2let's do it01:43
elfosilvanoqualke italiano?01:43
cbx33do you have two options when you boot your machine01:43
cbx33one that works and one that doesn't?01:43
richiefrichcbx33   thats for  mp3 to wav --> for i in *.mp3; do lame --decode $i `basename $i .mp3`.wav; done01:43
GhaggeTerminus, you mean isntall as a server and then install X, Gnome and the other selected packages afterwards?01:43
anon3312when i try to boot up my computer says no hard drive found, so i booted the live cd , my question is how can i get to all my files on the hard drive01:43
Pretorianoelfosilvano, chiedi su ubuntu-it :P01:43
richiefrichcbx33 just edit it a bit01:43
BeepAUcbx33 -- I have about 3 ubuntus + recovery modes and a windows xp01:43
SnorkelOk. I see. I havent seen the link. Thanx. I shall follow the instructions01:43
cbx33richiefrich, :D01:44
TikTakiTam i moderated ?..01:44
TikTakiTthis is my bug: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957701:44
anon3312or how do i get my computer to find the harddrive01:44
cowmilk2richiefrich: let's call it barnhouse01:44
BeepAUcbx33 -- I need the windows, but would like to get rid of the extra ubuntus and give that space to my working one.01:44
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TikTakiTi get when i try to define a keyboard layout keys or language01:44
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richiefrich cowmilk2  sudo   mkdir   /mnt/barnhouse01:44
TerminusGhagge: there should be a minimal install option that just gives you a text login. i've never tried installing from a dapper cd though so i wouldn't know the exact details.01:44
cowmilk2richiefrich: done01:44
richiefrich cowmilk2  mount /dev/hdb1   /mnt/barnhouse01:44
richiefrich cowmilk2  sudo mount /dev/hdb1   /mnt/barnhouse01:44
cbx33BeepAU, you'll have to give me a few minutes01:44
cbx33I have to skoosh to my non studio machine01:45
cowmilk2richiefrich: done01:45
anon3312i'm on the live cd right now trying to get my files off this computer and on to another one01:45
anon3312how do i get to them?01:45
BeepAUcbx33 -- ok, thats fine01:45
anon3312or does anyone know how i can get my computer to find the hard drive at boot time?01:45
GhaggeTerminus, yes, the server installation only give the text login01:45
TerminusGhagge: that should do then. that's what i did when i installed.01:46
cbx33anon3312, click on places01:46
cbx33then computer01:46
cbx33do you have your hdd in therE?01:46
[Wiebel] hmm01:46
anon3312file system?01:46
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TikTakiTthis is my bug when i try to change language and keys layout: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957701:46
[Wiebel] I'm looking for software to run a jukebox on my box which is connected to tv01:46
GhaggeTerminus, but what do you neeed to install afterwards to get X working?01:46
richiefrich cowmilk2    ADD this -->      /dev/hdb1               /mnt/barnhouse      ext3            defaults        001:46
[Wiebel] mythtv and freevo don't match my standards01:46
richiefrichcowmilk2 to  /etc/fstab01:46
cowmilk2how do i do that additon?01:47
[Wiebel] does anyone know other software?01:47
anon3312i see file system cbx3301:47
TerminusGhagge: xserver-xorg-core at least01:47
ssmrichiefrich: Shouldn't there be another 0 at the end?01:47
richiefrichcbx33 theres a ogg2mp301:47
cbx33[Wiebel] , in what way01:47
richiefrichssm good eye01:47
GhaggeTerminus, okay thanks01:47
richiefrich cowmilk2    ADD this -->      /dev/hdb1               /mnt/barnhouse      ext3            defaults        0 001:47
richiefrichcowmilk2 to  /etc/fstab01:47
cowmilk2ssm: thanks for your observation01:47
TerminusGhagge: you're welcome. have fun. :)01:47
kidbunturichiefrich: can you help me with this. i just dont want to mount the ntfs   "/dev/hda1"   i just want ntfs "/dev/hda5"01:47
cowmilk2richiefrich: how do i do this adding?01:47
[Wiebel] cbx33: / richiefrich for listening music01:47
anon3312and my cd drive is spinning ungodly fast01:47
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anon3312its making me nerverous01:48
[Wiebel] but I need a userfriendly frontend, which is shown on TV01:48
ssmno problem :)01:48
cbx33what's up with mythtv then?01:48
richiefrich[Wiebel]  ?>01:48
[Wiebel] richiefrich: sorry :)01:48
[Wiebel] not for you :)01:48
richiefrich[Wiebel]  np01:48
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anon3312does anyone know how i can get myc omputer to find the harddrive at boot?01:49
richiefrichkidbuntu  /dev/hda5       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222                    0 001:49
anon3312and dont know what happend01:49
cowmilk2I would like to do the addition, but i don't know how to, richiefrich01:49
richiefrichkidbuntu  to  /etc/fstab01:49
TikTakiTthis is my bug when i try to change language and keys layout: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957701:49
TikTakiTcan you help me ?01:49
anon3312it was working fine then it froze and i restarted and now it says hard drive not found when i try to boot01:49
richiefrichcowmilk2  sudo nano -w  /etc/fstab01:49
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richiefrichkidbuntu then mount -a01:49
richiefrichkidbuntu then sudo mount -a01:49
richiefrichkidbuntu  i think thats what your askin01:50
kidbunturichiefrich: are those commands?? i dont really understand those01:50
cowmilk2richiefrich: should i worry about the columns lining up?01:50
kidbunturichiefrich: how do i unmount the /dev/hda1 now permanently01:50
richiefrichcowmilk2 if u want to.. just make sure there  have spaces01:50
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richiefrichumount  /dev/hda101:51
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cowmilk2richiefrich: is this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19579 fine?01:51
richiefrichcbx33  did u get that  -->  ogg2mp301:51
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richiefrichcowmilk2 yup01:52
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qlashHello, I have question, I right clicked in gnome and choose remove from panel on what seems to been my systray, now I can't get it back (want firestarter and gaim to show there) Anyone know how to get it back? =P01:52
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cowmilk2richiefrich: ok. i saved the changes to that file01:52
anon3312there is not /dev/fstab or /etc/mtab01:52
anon3312is that bad?01:52
richiefrichcowmilk2 now it will mount on boot01:52
cowmilk2richiefrich: how do i put stuff on it?01:53
richiefrichanon3312 u mean   /etc/fstab ?01:53
richiefrichcowmilk2 it's that folder now01:53
cowmilk2richiefrich: what's the next step/01:53
kidbunturichiefrich: umount /dev/hda1 doesnt help. it just mounted again when i restarted the computer01:53
qlashAnyone? :)01:53
richiefrichcowmilk2     -->   /mnt/barnhouse01:53
cowmilk2richiefrich: oh, so you mean i don't have to worry about which hard drive i'm going to be saving stuff?01:53
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richiefrichcowmilk2 no01:54
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richiefrichcowmilk2     -->   /mnt/barnhouse    <--  thats it now01:54
cowmilk2richiefrich: no, i do NOT hvae to worry, or No, i do have to worry?01:54
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cowmilk2thanks for the address of the barnhouse01:54
richiefrichcowmilk2 anytime u want to edit where it lies ..  edit  /etc/fstab01:55
cowmilk2richiefrich: ok01:55
richiefrichcowmilk2 no no worries01:55
richiefrichwhen u copy or make files to  --> /mnt/barnhouse01:55
richiefrichthats that other HDD01:55
ubu-newbiecan you help me with this problem please: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19577 ? it happens when i change the keyboard layout. i can't change other language from english01:55
cowmilk2richiefrich: so my main drive has 3 more free gigs. If I save a 4 gig file, what will my computer do with it01:55
cowmilk2will it firsttry to fill the first hard drive?01:55
cowmilk2before using the 2nd hard drive?01:56
richiefrichno it doesnt work like that01:56
BeepAUcbx33 -- can you still help me with my problem?01:56
cowmilk2richiefrich: as you can see, i don't know01:56
cowmilk2please educate me01:56
cbx33BeepAU, i can try01:56
cbx33have you done much partitioning in windows?01:56
warlockyhow do I look on a screen ? I started up it with a name, I forgot how to open it01:56
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cbx33I f you havn't used your ubuntu installs01:56
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richiefrichcowmilk2  if it's  out of room  in that dir..  then save it to that other dir01:56
cookiefaceGood morning everyone :)  By the looks of it, cowmilk and I might be having the same problem.  But forgive me because I just got in on the end of the solution.  I can't access my 2nd hd when I book up in Ubuntu.  it shows in the disks but when I click on it, it says that I do not have permission to view.  I have read the forum and I nothing in the solutions is working :(  Can someone please help me?  I will wait my turn patien01:57
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BeepAUcbx33 -- i haven't done much partitioning, no.01:57
cbx33easiest solution would be to remove all the ubuntu partitions, and re install, am I right guys???01:57
richiefrichkidbuntu i really dont know what u mean01:57
ubu-newbiecan you tell me if u can see what i write ?01:57
richiefrichkidbuntu u want to umount hda1 why ?01:57
qlashCould anyone please tell me how to get the systray back in gnome? :)01:57
cbx33fiddling with partitions can get you in a lot of trouble01:57
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cowmilk2i went to disks-admin. how come 1 gig is gone?01:58
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BeepAUcbx33 -- how can i remove all of them? i'm willing to start again, but I have windows on my machine as well, which i can't afford to lose.01:58
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cowmilk212.12 gig has only 11.20 gig free.01:58
cowmilk2what's taking up that 1 gig ?01:58
cbx33BeepAU, well, hang on01:58
BeepAUcbx33 -- sure.01:58
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kidbunturichiefrich: i dont want anything from /dev/hda1 : /dev/hda1 is my drive C: i dont want access any to it. /dev/hda5 is ony i want. thats the partition on where i throw up my files01:58
richiefrichcowmilk2 nothing u lose space on formatting it01:58
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MercuryEr, is it just me, or are security.ubuntu.com and us.archive.ubuntu.com down?01:59
cowmilk2oh, is that so.01:59
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cowmilk2thanks so much01:59
IdleOnecowmilk2, it could be the swap that is taking up a gig01:59
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cowmilk2IdleOne: swap? on a 2ndary hard drive?01:59
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huerlisiMercury: they're dead slow, but working01:59
cbx33BeepAU, i'd really like to get someone elses opinion here01:59
acojlohow to restart gdm and xserver ?01:59
cbx33that's how I'd do it01:59
IdleOnecowmilk2, I said could but guess not01:59
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Mercuryhuerlisi: Ah.01:59
ic56cookieface: what type of filesystem is in that 2nd hd?01:59
cbx33any takers?01:59
richiefrichkidbuntu then dont mount hda1 .. remove it from  /etc/fstab01:59
kidbunturichiefrich: how??01:59
cowmilk2richiefrich: thank you for your time02:00
cowmilk2and finger power02:00
richiefrichcowmilk2 np02:00
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cookiefaceic56, forgive my ignorance but it is only pics, music and tax files used with xp.02:00
richiefrichkidbuntu sudo nano -w  /etc/fstab02:00
imbrandon[icu] : can i help you ? you ctcp'd me02:00
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Pretorianoimbrandon, u r not the only one :P02:01
ic56cookieface: so, does that partition contain an NTFS filesystem, then?02:01
cookiefaceoh yes, I'm sorry02:01
kidbunturichiefrich: ah ok. then i delete the lines that corresponds with the /dev/hda102:01
[Wiebel] noboy who knows a fullscreen mp3 jukebox system wich can be controlled with keyboard only?02:01
[Wiebel] an run fullscreen02:01
ic56cookieface: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line.  Follow the instructions to save and run the file.  It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer.02:01
[Wiebel] and02:01
ic56cookieface: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write.  Answer no.  If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation.  I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong.02:01
richiefrichimbrandon no he CTCP the whole channel02:01
richiefrichkidbuntu just add a #02:01
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richiefrichkidbuntu  in the begging of the line02:01
kidbunturichiefrich: whats with the -w?02:02
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agustincncI can't make my scanner work. It is  scanjet 3530c?  scanimage -L and all the rest seem to be fine.02:02
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richiefrichkidbuntu so it doesnt wrap02:02
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BeepAUcould anyone else give a second opinion to my problem?02:02
richiefrichkidbuntu  u cant have it make new lines...02:02
wildmanI've installed the latest updates available on dapper x86_64 and now my acrobat reader displays a rectangle for every single char on every single menu. ideas?02:02
richiefrichtheres things that should be on one line02:02
richiefrichor the file is read wrong02:02
kidbunturichiefrich: i think i already deleted the line. i didnt notice your message? is it fine since i dont want any access to it?02:02
richiefrichkidbuntu nano --help02:02
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qlashI'll try posting on the forums but getting the systrat to show again seems to be such a small problem ^^02:03
TikTakiTcan u see me ?02:03
cookiefacethank you for your help, I will try that now :)  Everyone, have a GREAT day!!02:03
richiefrichkidbuntu yes02:03
richiefrichTikTakiT yes02:03
ic56cookieface: yw.02:03
stjepancan anybody here do "sudo apt-get update"?? Why is "connecting to security.ubuntu.com" sooo slow?02:03
SeveasTikTakiT, only if your webcam is working02:03
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kidbuntui'll try restarting my system. and i'll check it again02:03
TikTakiTi have a bug when i change my keyboard layout. it is here:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957702:03
TikTakiThaha seveas :)02:04
TikTakiTwhen i'll figure how to plug a usb camera to ubuntu...02:04
JoseGosdinHi, my name is Jose Gosdin and I am starting a Christian Ubuntu version. If you would like to help out please join #christianubuntu or if you have any spare time, please digg our submission at http://digg.com/linux_unix/Jesus_Linux_Ubuntu_Christian_Edition Thank you for your support. :)02:04
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TikTakiTi have drakk ubunutu if it helps02:04
hs_125hi *.*02:05
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hs_125I am trying to install ntop02:05
MercuryHrm, is there supposed to be a program or script run on the first login after reboot on installing?02:05
BeepAUin need of a second opinion - hey everyone, my ubuntu crashed so I booted another one with noapix and acpi=off, it's working, but I've now got multiple versions of ubuntu on my pc, which takes up alot of space. can anyone help me delete them and give that space to my working ubuntu?02:05
BFGod@stjepan, yes, security,ubuntu.com also working pretty slow here02:05
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Mercury(For whatever reason, if there is one, it didn't get run here and start-stop-daemon is still the dummy version, not a clue what I did wrong, just need to fix it.)02:05
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hs_125i installed ntop but while running it says **ERROR** RRD: Disabled - unable to create base directory02:06
hs_125and freezes any idea?02:06
TikTakiTanother quetion: i'm now installing a "regular" ubuntu on the laptop next to me. is it ok ?02:06
TikTakiTit's ubuntu desktop.02:06
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BeepAUcbx33 -- you there?02:06
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wildmanI've installed the latest updates available on dapper x86_64 and now my acrobat reader displays a rectangle for every single char on every single menu. ideas?02:06
stefgBeepAU: no major problem, but it's potentially hazardous so do a backup first, please02:06
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cbx33BeepAU, yes02:07
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stefg_full_ backup of everything taht is02:07
BeepAUstefg -- how can I do a backup?02:07
kidbunturichiefrich: how can i make /dev/hda5 writeable??02:07
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BeepAUstefg -- i'm sorry, but i'm very much a n00b to this sort of thing.02:07
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stefgBeepAU: by using a backup application and writing stuff either to CD or to a different harddrive02:08
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DimitrijeWhy is 75 refresh rate more "sharp" than 85!?02:08
richiefrichkidbuntu  is it ntfs02:08
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kidbunturichiefrich: yes02:08
richiefrichkidbuntu   then good luck man.. it's not totally supported02:08
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse02:08
cbx33there ya go BeepAU :D02:08
richiefrichkidbuntu  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions02:08
cbx33make your backup and then we'll take it from there02:08
stefgDimitrije: because the transformer in your monitor is a lazy *ss :-)02:08
richiefrichkidbuntu  thats all i can tell u man.. i dumped M$ back in 9302:09
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kidbunturichiefrich: so why did the mounter asked anyway if its writeable or not02:09
BeepAUstefg -- point me in the direction of a backup application, please. i have a dvd burner.02:09
BFGodhi everyone, could someone help me to properly replace some fonts in firefox, namely "fixedsys" for "monospace"?02:09
richiefrichkidbuntu  ?02:09
stefg!info partimage02:09
DimitrijeI just tried 65 but almost burned my eyes :/02:09
ubotupartimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-14 (dapper), package size 261 kB, installed size 936 kB02:09
cbx33kidbuntu, are you trying to write to ntfs02:09
richiefrichkidbuntu what u mean02:09
richiefrichcbx33 yes he is02:09
kidbunturichiefrich: so what file should it be man? in order windows xp and Ubuntu can access the same partition02:09
kidbuntucbx33: yep02:10
cbx33are you using that?02:10
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richiefrichkidbuntu idk.. like i said i dont use M$ crap02:10
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stefgBeepAU: do you have enough free space on your drive to hold at least one partitions backup?02:10
TikTakiTcan you help me with this bug: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19577 please...02:10
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BeepAUstefg -- maybe, can i check using the terminal?02:11
cbx33kidbuntu, I've had success writing to ntfs02:11
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cbx33on knoppix using ntfsmount02:11
stefgBeepAU: df -h02:11
kidbuntucbx33: how. can you tell plssss!!!!02:11
cbx33are you using the package ntfsprogs on ubuntu?#02:11
fdrhello... I need to add some data to an existing session on a DVD+... what program should I use? thanks!02:11
cbx33if not install it02:11
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cbx33ie, writing support on ntfs is not advised02:12
kidbuntucbx33: nope. how do i install it??02:12
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cbx33sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs02:12
cbx33I would strongly suggest.....if it is a windows data partition that you want to access on both windows and linux02:12
cbx33make a new parition somewhere format with FAT32 and copy evertyhing across02:12
cbx33ntfs writing still has bugs02:12
cbx33and can completely screw up the partition02:12
cbx33so I'm told02:13
stefgBeepAU: would be good if you could paste the output of fdisk -l and df -h to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ so i can get an overview02:13
kidbuntucbx33: what kinds of bugs??02:13
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cbx33dangerous ones02:13
cbx33that's all I know02:13
wthwwcbx: had that happen earlier tonight02:13
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wthwwon an xp/ubuntu machine02:13
cbx33kidbuntu, there ya go02:13
cbx33it's not advisable02:13
TikTakiTi can't write on my own language02:13
BeepAUstefg -- here is df -h: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19582 , i'll get the other for you.02:13
kidbuntucbx33:so why did you suggest something that would mess up with the partition??02:13
TikTakiTdoes any console non graphic wizard to fix it ?02:14
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stefgBeepAU: its 'sudo fdisk -l' BTW02:14
TikTakiTcan you help me ?02:15
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BeepAUstefg -- here are the results of sudo fdisk -l: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1958302:16
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wthwwwb cbx02:16
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stefgBeepAU: tell you what... your disk is sort of messy, so it's a very good idea of getting the partitons cleaned up. What's that 2nd thing  Harddrive or USB?02:18
cbx33BeepAU, for a visual way, go into System/Administration/Disks02:18
wthwwhas anyone tried the Iris Visualization plugin for XMMS on Ubuntu?02:18
wildmanI've installed the latest updates available on dapper x86_64 and now my acrobat reader displays a rectangle for every single char on every single menu. ideas?02:19
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fdrsorry if I ask once more... I need to add some data to an existing session on a DVD+... what program should I use? thanks!02:19
BeepAUstefg -- it's a usb disk.02:19
BeepAUcbx33 -- thanks.02:19
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cbx33BeepAU, you can remove partitions 3,4,5,6,702:20
cbx33right stefg02:20
cbx33but pelase make a backup of everything important first02:20
BeepAUcbx33 -- ok, first off, how do i make a backup?02:20
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cbx33in windows....02:21
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cbx33go find all your files that you couldn't live without and make a copy02:21
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bobbyyustefg, I eliminated the nouser part. What else should I delete?02:21
stefgBeepAU: did you change a lot on the default install? I mean doing a backup is work, and looking at the mess on your disk i'd consider cleaning up all the linux stuff and start over with a fresh install02:21
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cowmilk2richiefrich i'm downoading a file  from the internet (opera browser) and saving it to /mnt/barnhouse, but i can't make  a new folder in it02:21
cbx33stefg, that's the plan02:22
cbx33BeepAU isntalled linux twice02:22
hs_125anybody plz help me02:22
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cbx33hs_125, somemore infor would be nice02:22
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BeepAUstefg -- if i can keep the windows partition and delete the linux's, i'd be very happy.02:22
hs_125cbx33, i have pasted earlier02:22
cbx33BeepAU, yes you can02:22
hs_125cbx33, shall  i paste it again?02:23
richiefrichcowmilk2  whats your user name ?02:23
cbx33but, as with all partition editing it has a certain element of risk02:23
cbx33hs_125, shoot02:23
stefgBeepAU: yup, i'm only talking of deleting partitions sda3 to sda7... won't touch Windows02:23
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rodelrodHi there. I'm just installing ubuntu server and I'm wondering: how can I get the same functionality of Upgrade Manager without X. I don't really need the Notify functionality, but it would be nice to be able to check for available upgrades with something like aptitude.02:23
cbx33rodelrod, in what way?02:23
BeepAUcbx33 + stefg -- so, how do i delete those partitions?02:23
cbx33doesn't aptitude do what you need02:24
FuriousRagedeleting partitons rocks, specially when you accidently remove your windows install where you got mom's stuff with alot of copies ;>02:24
cbx33BeepAU, are you on windows or linux?02:24
stefgBeepAU: is there anything important on the linux partitions that needs to be saved before sending them to nirvana?02:24
cbx33FuriousRage, heheh02:24
mizawhy my d-link wireless station gives ip: when i do ifup ra0 ?02:24
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bobbyyuI need to change permissions on my FAT 32 drives. What do I do?02:24
cowmilk2richiefrich: my username is jeff02:24
BeepAUcbx33 + stefg -- i'm on linux. however, i could move to windows, no problems.02:24
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cbx33BeepAU, likely you'll need to boot up onto a livecd02:24
cbx33as the partitions you want to delete are in use02:24
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BeepAUcbx33 + stefg -- there's nothing on ubuntu i need.02:25
stefgBeepAU: wait... that doesnt help... rather move to a Live CD02:25
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richiefrichcowmilk2   sudo chown  jeff  /mnt/barnhouse02:25
wildmanone last time before thanking ppl for not being able to help me this time:02:25
wildmanI've installed the latest updates available on dapper x86_64 and now my acrobat reader displays a rectangle for every single char on every single menu. ideas?02:25
cbx33stefg, BeepAU i may have to pop off for a while, I'll leave it to you guys02:25
BeepAUcbx33 + stefg -- i'm sorry, you've lost me. can i do this from windows?02:25
rodelrodcbx33: the Update Manager on X (in my case Xfce) warns me when there are available updates. I'd like a console command to check for those updates, as I'm not going to run X on this particular machine.02:25
wthwwwildman: sounds like fonts02:25
cbx33wildman, have you googled?02:25
drayenI have an older laptop with no network. i installed 5.10 on it via cd and im now trying to upgrade useing the dapper cd - but its not working. i've added the cd via synaptic, but when i "apt-get update, apt-get upgrade" it doenst upgrade anything02:25
hs_125cbx33, i have installed ntop ....when i runned it through the terminal it says..**ERROR**: RRD disabled.....and freezes....any idea?02:26
BeepAUcbx33 -- thanks for your help.02:26
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cbx33hs_125, none02:26
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cowmilk2richiefrich: thanks02:26
cbx33hs_125, googles?02:26
bXiis it normal that it takes a long time to process step 5 of the livecd installer?02:26
wildmancbx33, wthww: it was working fine just before the updates...02:26
cbx33rodelrod, hmmm.....02:26
richiefrichcowmilk2 u can make a dir now ?02:26
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hs_125cbx33, may be bug...but not sure02:26
wthwwwildman:did your font get corrupted in the process?02:26
cbx33hs_125, check on launchpad02:26
wildmancbx33, wthww: I don't think I'd need to google for a bloody bug on updated pkgs....02:26
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stefgBeepAU: even the Ubuntu installer lets you do it. But it's not advisable to work on a disk where the running system is on... Do you have a Desktop CD at hand?02:26
wildmanwthww, how can I tell?02:26
wthwwwildmaan:google is your friend02:27
wildmanwthww, other apps show the menus fine, and I bet they are using the same or similar fonts02:27
BeepAUstefg -- yes i do. would it be best to do it from that or windows?02:27
hs_125cbx33, launchpad?02:27
cbx33BeepAU, the live cd02:27
cbx33hs_125, https://launchpad.net02:27
wthwwwildman:then Is Acrobat screwed up? how did u install it?02:27
wildmanwthww, I've even restarted X and then rebooted the system, to no avail...02:27
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BeepAUstefg -- ok, can we still keep in communication from there?02:27
cowmilk2richiefrich it works now. thanks. um, richiefrich, what do you think of having this 2nd hard drive show up in my ~/jeff/ directory?02:27
cowmilk2is that a bad idea?02:27
stefgBeepAU: from the Ubuntu LiveCD. Can you connect to the net from the Live CD?02:27
wildmanwthww, I've installed from d/l from adobe a loooong time ago, when I've 1st installed dapper02:28
richiefrichcowmilk2 u can02:28
bXiis it normal that it takes a long time to process step 5 of the livecd installer?02:28
BeepAUstefg -- yes. do you have msn? we could use gaim.02:28
richiefrichu can in many ways02:28
lurker99rodelrod: i use a short cron snipit to check for updates.  sample in http://pastebin.ca/11318602:28
wthwwwildman:can you wait a sec? ill google around a bit02:28
wildmanwthww, and again, it was working fine all days (I use it very often cuz I compile lots of PDFs) till 30 mins ago, when I've decided to install updates as suggested by the nice orange icon on gnome's taskbar02:28
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stefgBeepAU: no, there's gaim on the Live CD and you can connect to this channel with it02:29
richiefrichcowmilk2 ln -s /mnt/barnhouse  ~/jeff/barnhouse02:29
wildmanwthww, thx02:29
cbx33rodelrod, is apt-get update and apt-get upgrade not doing the job?02:29
roycan u help me please?02:29
BeepAUahh ok, cool.02:29
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cbx33stefg, I believe there is a website with a java irc licent to here too02:29
narrrodelrod: if you want to check manually: sudo aptitude. press u to refresh the list. mark installed packages and press U02:29
wildmanroy, don't ask a question, ask your question ;)02:30
BeepAUstefg -- i'll reboot. one moment, please.02:30
Chousukewhat's wrong with security.ubuntu.com?02:30
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wthwwwildman: a thought. what version up Acrobat is it?02:30
rodelrodlurker99: thanks, I'll try to make sense out of it02:30
wildmanwthww, can I find from the CLI?02:30
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drayenHELP :) I have an older laptop with no network. i installed 5.10 on it via cd and im now trying to upgrade useing the dapper cd - but its not working. i've added the cd via synaptic (and even disabled the other sources), but when i "apt-get update, apt-get upgrade" it doenst upgrade - help !!!02:30
=== wildman looking for README from installed files...
ChousukeI get connection timeout trying to do aptitude upgrade.02:31
Chousukedrayen: do aptitude dist-upgrade02:31
royim trying to connect to the net from ubuntu with the laptop next to me. it has two modems one wireless and the other wired, and a home network which i'm connected thorugh it now. but i have no connection. what to do ?02:31
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wildmanwthww, acroread -version returns 7.0.802:31
hs_125cbx33, launchpad ...no luck02:31
rodelrodnarr: nice tip02:31
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recon0roy: try "sudo ifdown -a", then "sudo ifup -a".02:32
wthwwwildman: try upgrading acrobat. that ,ight be the problem02:32
wthwwwildman:thats a faily old version02:32
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BeepAUstefg -- ok, i'll reboot now.02:32
narrrodelrod: finally you have to press g. press it twice to apply the changes02:32
wildmanwthww, ok, will do. thx.02:32
royok sec. i tried the wirless connection wizaqrd some how02:32
rodelrodcbx33: I tend to use aptitude because somebody explained me how it would make cleaner uninstalls02:32
royi chosed DHCP02:32
lurker99rodelrod: the -dyq is basically download quiet but don't run.   but it's saved in the cache.02:32
dangawhy am i getting this message when i go to change the screen resolution? The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available.02:33
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recon0roy: are you connecting wired or wirelessly?02:33
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royright now: wirelessly02:33
wthwwthis channel needs a learning bot like infobot/URL02:33
wildmanLatest version for your operating system02:33
wildmanAdobe Reader 7.0.8Adobe Reader for02:33
wildmanWindows XP ,02:33
wildmansorry for 'flood'02:33
purserjQuestion for any devs in the channel, does anyone know where I can find the linux-kernel-di for the breezy livecd?02:33
royi think i confugured it well to the MAIN wirless spot. i think im connected but the mozilla won't work02:33
wthwwwildman: your in XP?02:34
wildmanbut 7.0.8 sounds not an old version to me, but the newest one instead02:34
wildmanwthww, no, the script at adobe failed ;)02:34
wildmanI'm on dapper x86_6402:34
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drayenChousuke: nope, it just skips 2 packages (cpp and cpp-4.0) and does nothing. im not sure its taken the CD properly (the laptop im trying to upgrade isnt connected to the net)02:34
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wildmanfabman@linuxbox64:~$ uname -r02:34
wildmanwthww, see? ;)02:34
wthwwwildman: hmmm... lemme google it up some more, you can help by looking through the forums, if u wish02:34
recon0roy: try "sudo apt-get install wifi-radar", then "wifi-radar".02:34
cowmilk2richiefrich: if i do  ln -s /mnt/barnhouse ~/jeff/barnhouse, don't i have to change other things, too, such as the fstab command we did in nano?02:35
wildmanwthww, were do I find 'em?02:35
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wthwwwildman: http://www.ubuntuforums.org02:35
recon0!wifi > roy02:35
cbx33rodelrod, I use apt02:35
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cbx33apt-get to be more precise02:35
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cbx33but them it's personal pref02:36
recon0roy: you there?02:36
Chousukedrayen: hm.02:37
richiefrichcowmilk2 if u want to02:37
rodelrodcbx33: with your tip's along with lurker99's and narr I'll be able to manage, thanks a mill02:37
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richiefrichcowmilk2  ln -s  <--- is a symlink02:37
royim here02:37
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royit just my mouse battries are out so im changing02:37
recon0so, how'd it work?02:37
=== BeepAU [n=ubuntu@CPE-203-51-132-61.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
drayenChousuke: yeah its got me as well02:38
cowmilk2richiefrich: i see. a symlink is like a "shortcut" in windows02:38
=== tech9iner whacks misfit_toy w some smelly carp sushi for his wakeup call...
richiefrichkind a02:38
=== ExTrodious [i=user@lns01-0331.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
drayenChousuke: like i said, i think its not loading the stuff from the cd properly02:38
BeepAUstefg -- i'm on the live cd.02:38
royok im here sorry02:38
royi couldnt apt-get02:38
cbx33wb BeepAU02:38
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roybut w8 i'll try the first thing02:38
=== GUARDiAN|nb [n=guardian@host-82-135-30-100.customer.m-online.net] has joined #ubuntu
recon0...oh, yeah. I forgot.02:38
wildmanwthww, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=228399&highlight=fonts+problem seems like a similar problem (if not the same), I'm having with acroread02:38
smacky_wolfBeepAU, roar. Msn?02:39
lastnodehi Bison!02:39
wildmanwthww, no answer on that post yet, and the post seems to be 5 hrs old...02:39
recon0roy: i'll send you the debian package.02:39
GUARDiAN|nbhow can i set a different locale for one certain app?02:39
wthwwwildman: new bug maybe02:39
stefgBeepAU: ok, there's a graphical tool resembling partion magic. it's gparted and found in the system menu02:39
wthwwwildman: a bad bug...02:39
roywhat debian package ?..02:39
wildmanI'll monitor that post from time to time...02:39
BeepAUsmacky_wolf: hey, i'm on the live cd. only got gaim for irc.02:39
royi did ifup if down what does it do ?02:40
drayenChousuke: can you paste your sources.list line for the CD? as i think that could be the problem02:40
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smacky_wolfGAIM does MSN, too.02:40
wthwwwildman: as will i-- i dont want to lose my text! :P02:40
wildmanthat's all I can do for now, meanwhile I'll keep using acroread, but its menus02:40
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wildmanthe PDF's text is just fine, it's the menus that are smacked02:40
recon0roy: nothing for a wired connection.02:40
royit seems like trying to connect02:40
wthwwwildman: k.02:40
BeepAUstefg -- gnome partition editor?02:40
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roycan we chat in a private window?02:41
wildman(acroread:8342): Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_cairo_font_map_get_renderer: assertion `PANGO_IS_CAIRO_FONT_MAP (fontmap)' failed02:41
Chousukedrayen: I don't have it.02:41
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wildmangot the guilty wthww ?02:41
BeepAUstefg -- ok, i'm there.02:41
drayenChousuke: :(02:41
Chousukedrayen: but you should be able to add a cd with apt-setup. :/02:41
drayeni cant work out why this isnt working02:41
wthwwwildman: googleing now....02:41
drayenChousuke: will try that now02:42
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wildmanwthww, I've just renamed ~/.adobe and rerun 'acroread' from the console and got the above many, many times02:42
Chousukedrayen: not sure though.02:42
wildmanwthww, of course all acroread's fonts are still smacked ;)02:42
=== roy [n=roy@bzq-88-152-214-90.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
stefgBeepAU: so delete all partions upwards the windows one, so keep sda1 and sda2, and delete all others02:42
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=== roy [n=roy@bzq-88-152-214-90.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
cowmilk2how can i play mp3 files on my xubunu?02:42
califfohi all, does anyone know any ktorrent chan?02:42
cowmilk2don't i need to download some file?02:42
wthwwcowmilk: Use XMMS02:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:42
recon0!mp3 > cowmilx202:42
BFGodhi everyone, could someone help me to properly replace some fonts in firefox, namely "fixedsys" for "monospace"?02:43
pinPointhow does the new ubuntu compare to the old one?02:43
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pinPoint5.10 vs 6.xx02:43
recon0pinPoint: Fairly well.02:43
wthwwwildman: ive got soime google resluts-- hold on a sec02:43
recon0pinPoint: I would recommend upgrading.02:43
wildmanwthww, ok02:43
drayenChousuke: well i used apt-cdrom -a add02:44
drayenChousuke: which worked fine02:44
cowmilk2i'm in Xubuntu, by the way,02:44
smacky_wolfpinPoint, recommend upgrading. Things Just Work in Dapper more than in breezy02:44
califfopinPoint it's better for me, even if it had some problems in recognizing my video card02:44
pinPointrecon0, no idea whether my minipci 1300 wireless would work02:44
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cowmilk2and i wonder ho i can play mp3 files. I can play OGG files, just not mp302:44
drayenChousuke: but then apt-get update -> apt-get upgrade -> apt-get dist-upgrade02:44
royrecon0 r u here?02:44
drayenChousuke: all still did nothing >;(02:44
BeepAUstefg -- ok, i deleted the biggest one one. however, i can't delete any others.02:45
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recon0roy: yeah.02:45
rcmivi cannot seem to change the resolution of the gdm login screen...frustrating02:45
recon0pinPoint: If it works in breezy it'll work in Dapper.02:45
stefgBeepAU: errmmm, the biggest one was not windows i hope :-\02:45
=== Ex2 [i=user@lns01-0331.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
royi can't get the file from u but i can d\l it from this computer02:45
roycan u give me the url?02:45
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royi dunno y i can't accept it here...02:46
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pinPointdidnt work02:46
ShinzetsuWhats the best FTP program around these days?02:46
BeepAUstefg -- it gives me the option to delete sda6, but then asks to unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 6.02:46
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recon0roy : http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/net/wifi-radar02:46
roythank u, i will download it now02:46
recon0if that doesn't work , it's probably a hardware problem.02:46
wildmanwthww, make sure you put 'wildman' when you talk to me so you draw my attention to xchat, thx.02:46
=== Ex2345 [i=user@lns01-0331.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
cowmilk2how can i change the country of the repos?02:46
recon0roy gotta go. see yah.02:46
BeepAUstefg - it was sda3. it had alot of free space, unlike my windows partition.02:46
califfoShinzetsu, I use kftpgrabber02:46
cowmilk2i've connected to the Canada Repos and they're slow02:46
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roycan any1 explain me how to install the package he gave me ?02:46
cowmilk2how do i swithche to USA's repo?02:47
jeremy_cCan anyone recommend a reliable and speedy VPS host that offers Ubuntu?02:47
Shinzetsucaliffo: alright02:47
BisonShinzetsu: I like gftp (for gui), and lftp (for cli)02:47
stefgBeepAU: ok, were you able to get rid of sda3 to sda7 now?02:47
califfo is there anyone using ktorrent and having "not connectable" problems even if firewall rules are properly set?02:47
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BeepAUstefg - no. only one has the delete icon light up when i select it, and it gives me an error.02:47
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BeepAUstefg - it asks to unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 6.02:48
stefgBeepAU: ok... tell you what. We're gonna do it like the grown-ups and use the console.. gparted sucks at times02:48
wthwwwildman: i thought i had something, but it leads toi reinstalling gnome-- so i dont think that fixed it-- and its in spanish02:48
BeepAUstefg -- ok. direct me.02:49
lastnode_stefg, you might want to take him/her to #ubuntu-offtopic, he/she might get distracted here02:49
wildmanwthww, no pb with ES, I'm from Argentina ;)02:49
wildmanwthww, can you plz gimme the url?02:49
stefgBeepAU: open a console and 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sda'02:49
wthwwwildman: sure, lol. cultural differences lol02:49
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wthwwwildman here >> http://www.agnix.org/index.php?option=com_simpleboard&Itemid=49&func=view&catid=9&id=74202:50
BeepAU   FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions overlap02:50
BeepAU                          Press any key to exit cfdisk02:50
Bisonyou should be a real man and use fdisk02:50
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BeepAUstefg - whats that mean?02:50
wthwwBison: i love cfdisk lol02:50
wildmanwthww, thx02:50
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wthwwwildman: no prob, hope ir helps :|02:50
wildmanwthww, why cultural diffs BTW? for not using google myself? ;)02:50
=== hoehaver [n=john@h69-129-54-90.69-129.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichbah fdisk :P02:51
rcmivBeepAU it usually means you're sol02:51
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wthwwwildman: nah, just language its amazing02:51
wildmanwthww, I'm a bit lazy today + hell of a work overload :-|02:51
Bisonyeah, i always use cfdisk.  but he said be a grownup, so naturally i assume pure commands02:51
wildmanwthww, yep indeed. even between ppl that speak the same lang ;)02:51
BeepAUrcmiv -- rephrase that for me.02:51
wildmanwthww, thx again!02:51
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stefgBeepAU: i want you to go to Applications->Accessories>Terminal, and when the Terminal is open then enter 'sudo cfdsik /dev/sda' in the Terminal02:51
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wthwwwildman: no prob: as i said, i hope it gets resolved02:51
mnpcan someone tell me where the X configuration file is located?02:51
hoehaverhey all, i just set up a network between i and my dads computer. i have 6.06 and he has xp. firestarter was blocking the connection so i turned it off. then i tryed to access my computer from my dad's.it asked for a user mname and a password02:52
Bisonmnp: probably /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:52
wildmanwthww, will take a quick look and let you know ;-) (BTW, I don't like ppl 'killing' the lang when they write things like Ola instead of Hola)02:52
stefgsudo cfdisk /dev/sda that is (typo correction)02:52
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hoehaveri gave it and it didnt take02:52
hoehaverwhat givess????02:52
cowmilk2help, i'm trying to download libxine-extracodecs but i get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19586. what's wrong. My sources. list seems fine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19587.02:52
BeepAUstefg - same thing.02:52
wthwwwildman: lol. i dont liek people who use AOL speak all the time either, as a comparison02:52
stefgBeepAU: what thing?02:53
wildmanwthww, that's what I mean, tes ;-)02:53
wildmantes -> yes02:53
wildmanbloody keyboard02:53
BeepAU   FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions overlap02:53
BeepAU                          Press any key to exit cfdisk02:53
wthwwwildman: lol. im dont have perfect spelling, but i try :P02:53
hoehavercan someone help?02:53
stefgBeepAU: Ah... i see02:53
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rcmivso, does anyone know how to change gdm login resolution? seems easy enough02:54
=== wthww will be right back, i need food
wildmanhoehaver, that's normal I guess...02:54
rcmivbut I can't figure it out02:54
BeepAUstefg - whats that mean? is everything still alright?02:54
hoehaverwhy wouldnt my user name and password work on my dads computer when i tryed to connect to mine02:54
wildmanhoehaver, being asked for a username/pass when one conencts to another computer, I mean02:54
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stefgBeepAU: the partition table is messed up...02:54
Bisonhoehaver: what are you using to connect to your dad's computer?02:54
BeepAUstefg -- what should i do?02:54
hoehaverok...but when i gave it my user name and pass it didnt take02:55
=== kaning [n=kaning@82-70-24-5.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mnphow can I reboot X to see changes to the X config file?02:55
stefgBeepAU: sudo fdisk /dev/sda02:55
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Bisonmnp: usually CTRL+ALT+DEL02:55
mnpi think i disabled that a while ago02:55
mnpis there a command from the term?02:55
Bisoni'm sorry thats wrong02:55
seraphimmnp: ctrl-alt-backspace02:55
SonicChaoBison: Isn't that Windows. ;)02:56
jkelly2005anyone having trouble updating ubuntu? updates from security.ubuntu.com?02:56
hoehaverbison im using samba02:56
Bisonjkelly2005: yes actually02:56
SonicChaojkelly2005: Not me.02:56
Bisonhoehaver: sorry, i don't know anything about samba02:56
SonicChaoBison: O RLY?02:56
hoehaverwhy do you think the password and name didnt work02:56
hoehaveroo ok....02:56
gdbhoehaver: On the samba server, you need to run the following command: "smbpasswd -a your_username" and then enter the password there.  You also need to ensure that the folder you want to mount is shared either using System > Administration > Shared Folders or by editing /etc/samba/smb.conf directly and restarting samba (/etc/init.d/samba restart).02:56
SonicChaoBison: I just updated 20 minutes ago.02:56
rcmivmnp, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:56
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BisonSonicChao: i can't connect02:57
stefgBeepAU: are you with me?02:57
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BeepAUstefg -- here's what i'm seeing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1958802:57
FuriousRageanyone know how i can get ubuntu amd64 version to get an ipv4 ip address instead of an ipv6? (tried all the forum says to do, like bad_list, blacklist-ipv6, blacklist tulip ect) just disables ipv6, doesnt get ipv4 to work at all02:57
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SonicChaoBison: How long did you give it to connect?02:57
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
rcmivthe resolutions in my xorg.cong are all 1024x768, yet02:57
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rcmivthe gdm login screen is at some whacky high res02:58
BisonSonicChao: until it timed out02:58
stefgBeepAU: that's how it's supposed to look... press 'm'02:58
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hoehavergdb : so if my password was 123 i would type   smbpasswd -a 12302:58
g33k0|busyholy cow das a lotta nicks02:58
SonicChaoBison: It may have just started, all I'm saying is I didn't have problems.02:58
roycan u help me?02:58
=== g33k0|busy is now known as g33k0
Bisonit was about 30 min ago02:58
gdbhoehaver: No, you type "smbpasswd -a hoehaver" (assuming that's your username).02:58
=== Bison tries again
=== g33k0 is now known as sp00f3r
gdbhoehaver: That will add user hoehaver to the smbpasswd file.02:58
SonicChaohey, sp00f3r?02:59
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hoehaveroo....ok i got mixed up02:59
hoehaverbut thank you02:59
SonicChaosp00f3r: Stop.02:59
BeepAUstefg -- delete a partition?02:59
sp00f3ri need ubutu guides02:59
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
simpohi! does mldonkey-server works with dapper ?02:59
SonicChaosp00f3r: Ah...alright...Ubuntu guides?02:59
sp00f3rwhere can i get them02:59
SonicChaosp00f3r: I'll find them for u, k?02:59
Bisonhmmm, now i can't connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com02:59
wildmanwthww, lol, it's not in ES, but in PT_BR ;-)02:59
stefgBeepAU: no, lets first have a look at 'v'02:59
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wildmanwthww, I'll take a look anyway, I do understand some pt_BR too03:00
wthwwwildman: google said it was spanish03:00
Bisonsp00f3r: go to ubuntu.com and click on wiki03:00
wildmanit's not03:00
wthwwwildman: kk, lol03:00
=== NetBandit [n=netbandi@host86-139-242-93.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanwthww, the page seems to be from Spain indeed, but the post is not in ES03:00
sp00f3rk thanks bison03:00
SonicChaosp00f3r: Hold on, I'm clicking for it...you want the PDF guide right?03:00
sp00f3r<------- linux n00b03:00
wthwwwildman:lol... weird huh03:00
BeepAUstefg - 72439206 unallocated sectors03:00
hoehavergdb : thank man...really03:00
SonicChaosp00f3r: We all were at one time. =)03:00
BisonWiki + google = lots of information03:00
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hoehaveryou have no idea how long i have been fuc**ng with this sh*t03:01
stefgBeepAU: hmmm... ok.. then go 'd'03:01
syntaxxdoes the server release can also install desktop?03:01
wildmanwthww, maybe it's cataln... anyway... trying to read03:01
Bisonalright its time to start work03:01
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:01
BeepAUstefg - that03:01
gdbhoehaver: It's not intuitive that there is additional configuration necessary after installing samba.03:01
wthwwSonicChao: i will always be an00b, i have no god complex or am i afraid to be "owned" lol03:01
BeepAUstefg -- that's delete a partition. that ok?03:01
hoehaveri did watch my language03:01
rodelrodis security.ubuntu.com down or something? my install just failed to verify that source and automatically commented it out from /etc/apt/sources.list03:01
gdbAnyway, I need to head out for work.  I'll catch everyone later.03:01
hoehaveri read ever sentence03:01
BeepAUstefg -- which one?03:01
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hoehaverbut i used starts03:01
stefgBeepAU: yes , give '7' first03:02
SonicChaowthww: Lol...I'm still pretty n00bish myself ;)03:02
wthwwSonicChao: same here lol03:02
BeepAUstefg -- ok, it seems to have one less now, keep going?03:02
jkelly2005rodelrod: yes, im having trouble with security.ubuntu.com too.03:02
roycan u help me?03:02
stefgyup 6 now03:02
SonicChaowthww: I've been using it for 3-4 months, but have no real reason to configure X or something like that.03:02
syntaxxwhat ubuntu should i need to download for a desktop with a some servers in it. desktop or server?03:02
BeepAUstefg - again?03:02
wthwwSonicChao: i went head first into unix though-- i started on netbsd and use a combination on NetBSD and Ubuntu03:02
SonicChaoroy: What's your problem?03:03
stefgBeepAU: you get the idea... count back to 3 and see if it passes without errors03:03
SonicChaowthww: Heh, this was my first distro, if you count puppy linux ;)03:03
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SonicChaoif you don't count*03:03
rodelrodjkelly2005: ok, just checking if the problem wasn't on my side03:03
GUARDiAN|nbi need to tell a certain app that my system-charset ist not "utf-8" but "iso-8859-1". how can i do this?03:03
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wthwwSonicChao: i know how to install and config X-- lol. that was a *serious* brain bash03:03
BeepAUstefg - it said 5 has empty type03:03
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syntaxxwhat ubuntu should i need to download for a desktop with a some servers in it. desktop or server?03:03
jkowhy is there unauthentified updates on dapper ?03:04
FliesLikeWorksyntaxx: desktop03:04
seraphimsyntaxx: a server-installation is without gui03:04
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stefgthat's right, cos it's the extended one... shot it03:04
SonicChaowthww: Hehe...I just like when Ubuntu does it for me. =)03:04
FliesLikeWorker syntaxx do you plan to have a GUI on it?03:04
SonicChaowthww: If I needed to bad enough, I could probably figure it out.03:04
BeepAUstefg -- what should i do?03:04
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BeepAUstefg -- skip to 4?03:04
intelligiShould I install all the updates?03:04
wildmanwthww, one thing's for sure: that post is the same problem I'm having with Acrobat ;)03:04
frogzoojko: apt-get update   & make sure to get the security updates, for the md5s methinks03:04
stefgBeep: delete the partition if he lets you, if not go on with 403:04
syntaxxFliesLikeABrick: well yeah for surfing purposes03:05
SonicChaoIs it possible to create a 'Computer' launcher on the desktop?03:05
ChronicWankerhey, anyone know if there's a way to change the size of the system menu in 6.06?03:05
FliesLikeWorkyeah syntaxx get desktop then03:05
wildmanwthww, is there a way to rebuild the fonts cache?03:05
SonicChaoChronicWanker: right clicck the menu and press Properties03:05
BeepAUstefg -- 4 deleted, the new 4 (5) is still there, move to 3 or what?03:05
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SonicChaoChronicWanker: It should say "Size: xx pixels"03:06
syntaxxFliesLikeABrick: ok if i download the server i could possibly install desktop too if i want?03:06
wthww_dial-up is fun no?03:06
SonicChaoChronicWanker: Just make the amount of pixels biger and your done03:06
frogzoowthww_: is this a trick question?03:06
FliesLikeWorkyeah syntaxx both are flexible03:06
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stefgBeepAU: yup... delete what you can, the order isn't that much important now03:06
ChronicWankerSonicChao, i see no properties when i right-click03:06
SonicChaoChronicWanker: You ment the top menu right?03:06
stefgBeepAU: but keep sda1 and 2 of course03:06
wthww_depends on your connection frogxoo03:06
seraphimsyntaxx: it's all the same, only the programs that get installed by default differ03:06
FliesLikeWorksyntaxx: if we're just talking about a webserver or a couple other things, I'd install the desktop then set up the servers later03:06
Tuxbabywildman: there is a way to rebuild font cache03:06
califfo is there anyone using ktorrent and having "not connectable" problems even if firewall rules are properly set?03:06
SonicChaoChronicWanker: The one with "Applications, Places, System"03:06
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BeepAUstefg - 3 + 4 have empty type, what should I do with them?03:07
gostviewhi all, a good midi player?03:07
stefgBeepAU: try to dlete them, too03:07
wildmanTuxbaby, would you be kind enough to tell me how?03:07
ChronicWankerthere is an "edit menu" option03:07
SonicChaoChronicWanker: I see a "Properties", I was doing it as I was telling you to make sure I got it right03:07
wthww_gostview: midi plugin for XMMS03:07
syntaxxFliesLikeWork: ok thanks03:07
Tuxbabysudo fc-cache -f -v wildman03:07
seraphimsyntaxx: so if you install the desktop you just have to add the server-stuff. if you install a server you have to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:07
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SonicChao!midi > gostview03:07
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wildmanTuxbaby, can I run that while on X? or I better go to the console?03:07
BeepAUstefg - it won't let me, just says "Warning: partition 3 has empty type"03:07
Tuxbabydo it in x03:07
wthww_!gnome > wthww03:08
ChronicWankerSonicChao, you aren't talking about the top panel, are you?03:08
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Tuxbabydoesnt matter really03:08
wildmanTuxbaby, doing it now, thx.03:08
SonicChaoChronicWanker: Yes, I am.03:08
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stefgBeepAU: then give p and see what it looks like now03:08
Tuxbabyno problem03:08
roycan u help me? i d/l wifi radar03:08
maan84Hello, I just downloaded GDM-GnomeBlack.tar.gz and when I try to use install in the theme manager it gives me invalid format, how do I install this? Thank you03:08
gostviewwthww> this include XMMS to install, I would something integrated in gnome03:08
ChronicWankerSonicChao, i'm wondering about the actual menu itself...i know you can change the size of the panel03:08
syntaxxseraphim: ok whats the wm of the desktop?03:08
roybut i can't install it03:08
juke4Hi all! Does anyone have any issues with updating Ubuntu, I get the following with Nautilus: W: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nautilus/libnautilus-extension1_2.14.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb03:08
juke4  404 Not Found03:08
juke4W: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nautilus/nautilus-data_2.14.3-0ubuntu1_all.deb03:08
juke4  404 Not Found03:08
juke4W: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nautilus/nautilus_2.14.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb03:08
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juke4  404 Not Found03:08
hoehaverhow do i mount my 2nd hard drive in a term?03:08
SonicChaoChronicWanker: Ahh...I'm not sure about that one.03:08
ChronicWankerSonicChao, i dont like all the extra white space around the menu text03:08
royi need it because i can't coneect wirelessly from my laptop03:08
ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo03:08
gnomefreakjuke4: stop03:08
stefg!paste > juke03:08
SonicChao!pastebin > juke403:08
ChronicWankerSonicChao, well thanks anyway03:08
seraphimkubuntu-desktop is kde and xubuntu-desktop is xfwm03:09
SonicChaojuke4: Please don't flood the channel03:09
klapmuetzcan I dist-upgrade a debian woody or whatever to a ubuntu dapper?03:09
syntaxxseraphim: ic but i can use kde instead of gnome right?03:09
SonicChaoChronicWanker: Sorry about not knowning. =(03:09
ChronicWankerthats ok03:09
gnomefreakseraphim: xfce03:09
juke4sorry, wasn't my intention03:09
seraphimthx ;)03:09
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seraphimsyntaxx: yes, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop then03:09
gnomefreakxfwm is the window manager ;003:09
BeepAUstefg -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1958903:09
seraphimhe asked for the wm :P03:09
juke4just wanted to post my issue03:09
zshhallo. is anyone having trouble accessing http://security.ubuntu.com03:09
SonicChaojuke4: Ok, =) jsut remember to use a pastebin, and your be fine =)03:09
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hoehaverhow do i add my second hard drive ni a term?03:10
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SonicChaojuke4: Paste it again, this time here: http://pastebin.ca03:10
wildmanTuxbaby, did it and got: fc-cache: succeeded at the end03:10
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wildmanTuxbaby, I guess fonts cache is rebuilt ;)03:10
roycan you help me install from usb the wifi radar ?03:10
stefgBeepAU: brilliant :-) ... now type 'w'03:10
=== wildman trying to run acroread again =X
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Tuxbabyye it should do, wildman03:10
syntaxxseraphim: im using debian though but the problem is the new package or new stable release isnt updated need to backports for me to use the latest release03:10
wthww_wildman: lemme know how it goes03:10
wildmanwthww_, it doesn't :-|03:10
scarabatworkHello, everyone.  I was wondering if anyone can tell me if Ubuntu provides support for Emulex HBA drivers?03:11
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gostviewtnx all03:11
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hoehaverHOW do i mount my second hard drive in a term :(03:11
Tuxbabydangit. just updated my system and cgw is gone!! baah03:11
wthww_wildman: re-install Reader?03:11
wildmanwthww_, still get the pango errors... (and yes, pango was one of the many updates installed today)03:11
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wildmanwthww_, that's what I thought to do next03:11
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wildmanwthww_, I'll wipe it all (config and all) and reinstall03:11
wildmanwthww_, will keep you posted03:11
BeepAUstefg --http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19590 , is this good?03:11
wildmanTuxbaby, thx BTW ;-)03:11
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wthww_wildman: good idea. if that doest clear it, it may be a valid bug03:11
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roycan you help me please?..03:12
gilianimaonce phpbb2 package is installed, where to go to configure it ?03:12
maan84I'm trying to unpack *.tar.gz file to /usr/share/themes but says I don't have permission, can I do this by the terminal with sudo somehow?03:12
revenant_ubuntuhi there ! how to setup the default alsa card ? I have a camera that has sound card built-in, and alsa keeps choosing it as the default sound card while I want my motherboard card to be the default03:12
syntaxxseraphim: thanks is there a netinstall ubuntu like from debian though?03:12
Tuxbabydo a sudo revenant_ubuntu03:12
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wildmanwthww_, I'm sure it's a newly introduced bug cuz acroread isn't the only app having that pb as the posts show... there are others too.03:12
SonicChaoroy: WHAT. is. your. problem!?!?03:12
wthww_wildman: yeah. lol03:12
wildmanwthww_, but on a 'desperate' attempt to fix, I'll reinstall acrobat03:12
hoehavercan someone please answer my question03:13
revenant_ubuntusudo followed by what ?03:13
stefgBeepAU: this is the usual reminder... so you just got rid of the old mess :-)... Good for a new start :-)03:13
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cowmilk2i can't seem to be able to download libxine-extracodecs. i get this message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1958603:13
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hoehaverdoes any one know how to mount a second hard drive in a termenal03:13
seraphimsyntaxx: no. only the live and the alternate-cd03:13
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wthww_wildman: if all else fails, you can use Oo.o to import/export them :P03:13
cowmilk2can someone tell my why i can't download that package?03:13
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Tuxbabysudo followed by your command to untar it to your dir03:13
syntaxxseraphim: whats an alternate cd?03:13
wildmanwthww_, remember, the pb is in acrobat's menus (And all fonts it uses) not in the PDFs ;)03:13
BeepAUstefg - awesome. when i re-install, should i put in noapix acpi=off? as that's what started me in this mess03:13
hoehaversudo /mount/hedia/hda2?????????????????????????????????????????????/03:13
califfocowmilk2 , same happened to me, i downloaded it from site03:13
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BeepAUstefg -- not putting those in, i mean.03:13
wildmanwthww_, PDFs are fine, the app's menus not.03:14
roysonic: sorry, i didnt see. i need to install wifi-radar from USB on my laptop. That's because my wireless connection won't work03:14
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revenant_ubuntuI think you messed up .. I am talking about alsa sound problem Tuxbaby03:14
maan84I'm trying to unpack *.tar.gz file to /usr/share/themes but says I don't have permission, can I do this by the terminal with sudo somehow?03:14
cowmilk2califfo: isn't it messy to download from the site?03:14
FuriousRagei got a problem, when i boot of the ubuntu amd64 cd, it doesnt get any ip address, so i can download updates nor do anything, but it does get an addr6 ip of some sort, any suggestions?03:14
wthww_wildman:yeah, but at leastr youll have menus that are readable in Oo.o :P03:14
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seraphimthe live-cd works like knoppix, the alternate cd has the wellknown blue installer03:14
wildmanwthww_, hopefully ;)03:14
Tuxbabyyes you can do03:14
califfoI just told you my solution03:14
gnomefreakhoehaver: ok enough when someone knows they will answer you if you really cant wait than look it up in forums or wiki.ubuntu.com please03:14
califfocowmilk2  I just told you my solution03:14
Tuxbabysudo *.tar.gz file to /usr/share/themes03:14
wildmanwthww_, OOo menus are readable I can confirm that now ;)03:14
maan84thank you03:15
stefgBeepAU: acpi=off wasn't probably a clever idea... but reboot now and boot again with the CD to verify taht everything went alright03:15
drayenChousuke: bugger - looks like you need the alternative cdrom to do an upgrade from an exsisting install :(03:15
revenant_ubuntuhow to setup the default alsa card ? I have a camera that has sound card built-in, and alsa keeps choosing it as the default sound card while I want my motherboard card to be the default ?? any suggestion !03:15
hoehavergnomefreak someone may see if if i ask the question once but they may over look it03:15
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hoehaverif i ask it multipal times then.......yeah03:15
gnomefreakhoehaver: give it 5 mins in between asking03:15
BeepAUstefg -- why not? it told me to boot again with it like that, which i did, and it was fine, i just had little space.03:16
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hoehaverfair enough03:16
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jkohttp://security.ubuntu.com/ seems down03:16
jkois it ?03:16
cowmilk2califfo: and i just asked a question03:16
stefgBeepAU: this little extra time won't hurt... be safe03:16
royi tried to connect thorugh wired modem now. it writes that packets are transffered, but mozila and gaim are not working03:16
maan84~/Desktop$ sudo GDM-GnomeBlack.tar.gz file to /usr/share/themes/  doesn't seem to work, get comment not found?03:16
fholmesI am getting something weird in my syslog.  Just a bunch of -- MARK --.  Can anyone tell me what that is?  A search on Google turned up nothing.03:16
BeepAUstefg -- could you rephrase that please?03:16
seraphimjko: if you try multiple times you get through sometimes03:17
stefgBeepAU: don't start the installation now, but reboot please03:17
shawnr_jko, itsw just slow. too a while for me to connected and updated03:17
BeepAUstefg -- ok, rebooting now.03:17
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ShinzetsuIm having troubles installing libxine-extracodecs03:18
jkelly2005anyone having trouble going to ubuntuforums.org? seems like its down. security.ubuntu.com is down too by the looks of it.03:18
shawnr_wow huge update03:18
FuriousRagei got a problem, when i boot of the ubuntu amd64 cd, it doesnt get any ip address, so i can download updates nor do anything, but it does get an addr6 ip of some sort, any suggestions?03:18
cowmilk2Shinzetsu: how did you get it?03:18
cowmilk2i can't get it03:18
ShinzetsuProblem: http://pastecode.com/248903:18
ShinzetsuI cant install it03:18
cowmilk2Shinzetsu: neither can i03:18
shawnr_i did yesterdat03:19
maan84~/Desktop$ sudo GDM-GnomeBlack.tar.gz file to /usr/share/themes/  doesn't seem to work, get command not found? Can anyone help03:19
no_gatez_fandoes ubuntu have boult in support for ATI Express video cards (X800 SE)?03:19
califfocowmilk2 Shinzetsu : http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libxine-extracodecs03:19
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Shinzetsucaliffo: cheers mate03:20
ricardonow....has anybody installed kernel 2.6.15-26-686?03:20
no_gatez_fananyone know?03:20
califfogoogle is you friend03:20
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Tuxbabyi have that kernel03:20
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mastastealthi have it on my laptop03:21
califfoShinzetsu : it could be messy to download :D03:21
shawnr_Shinzetsu, did you try "sudo apt-get --force-yes install packagename"  ?03:21
hoehaverdoes anyone know how to mount a second hard drive in a term. im using 6.0603:21
Tuxbabydidnt want to upgrade as my ati driver is not supported for 2.6.1703:21
Shinzetsushawnr_: nope03:21
maan84I'm just trying to unpack a tar.gz file to a folder can't anyone help with this? Should be rather easy03:21
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Tuxbabyso no compiz if its not supported03:21
califfomaan84 : man tar03:22
Shinzetsushawnr_ califfo: I got it now though03:22
scarabatworkWe have an IBM DS4800 SAN and are looking to implement Ubuntu server as an email server with data store on that SAN.  Can anyone tell me if there is support for the HBA cards in ubuntu server?03:22
shawnr_Shinzetsu, how did you get it?03:22
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mastastealthhoehaver, sudo mount /dev/hdax /mnt/hdax where x is the number...03:22
califfoshawnr_ http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libxine-extracodecs03:22
mastastealthof course, you gotta make that /mnt/hdax folder urself, if it doesnt exist03:22
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ShinzetsuFor x86, that is03:22
shawnr_Ahh, funny why you couldn't do it through apt-get03:23
Tuxbabyhttp://www.computerhope.com/unix/utar.htm linux commands03:23
Shinzetsushawnr_: yeah =/03:23
califfoany ktorrent users?03:23
hoehavermastastealth ....how do i make that folder03:23
Tuxbabynot me.03:23
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mastastealthhoehaver: sudo mkdir /mnt/hdax03:23
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hoehaverthank you :)03:24
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wildmanwthww_, reinstalled, same problem. Updated pango/cairo/fonts pkgs have a bug03:24
wildmanwthww_, :-|03:24
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wthww_wildman:| so sad03:24
mastastealthare the security.ubuntu.com repos down for anyone else?03:25
Toma-anyone know where i can get some info on a multi-buttoned mouse? ive no idea what to google...03:25
Tuxbabytry MX1000 google it03:25
Tuxbabyyou will like it03:25
FliesLikeWorkyeah mastastealth they're up but lagged badly03:25
wildmanwthww_, well... I'll live with it for now cuz I cannot stop working, but I doubt Ubuntu will end on the shinny new Dell laptop waiting for me at the office... I might go back to my old love03:25
tr1gg3ranyone here with a latitude d820 get hibernate working? if so how?03:25
FuriousRagei got a problem, when i boot of the ubuntu amd64 cd, it doesnt get any ip address, so i can download updates nor do anything, but it does get an addr6 ip of some sort, any suggestions?03:25
maan84Thank you, now I got it to extract with  sudo tar -xvvzf GDM-GnomeBlack.tar.gz though how do I get it to /usr/share/themes/ ?03:26
Tuxbabyits a mouse with 12 buttons03:26
wildmanwthww_, no, it's not XP, don't worry ;)03:26
FliesLikeWorkand by "lagged badly" I mean they take 1-3 minutes to respond to a connection03:26
Tuxbabythere you go maan8403:26
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mastastealth :O03:26
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nocturnCan anyone help me with a printing problem?03:26
wthww_wildman: lol. ittl get fixed soo how much ua wanna bet03:26
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MercuryTuxbaby: Would be a better choice if it could be used left handed, but otherwise. :)03:26
thejusticecow(noob question) how do i run an apt-get allready installed application such as xchat-gnome from the terminal?03:27
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wildmanwthww_, gotcha, I hope so, and I'm not a bets man ;)03:27
Tuxbabylfet handed. hmmm. now i dont know much about it03:27
FliesLikeWorkthejusticecow: just type xchat or xchat & to run it in the background03:27
Tuxbabyehe sorry03:27
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Tuxbabytry xchat in terminal03:27
Tuxbabyit should work03:27
wthww_thejusticecow: type its name and press enter/03:27
BeepAUstefg -- i'm back03:27
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mnpdoes anyone use Electricsheep?03:28
hoehavermastastealth   john@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/hda403:28
hoehavermount: you must specify the filesystem type03:28
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FliesLikeWorkhoehaver: add -t ext3 (or whatever fs you're using) before /dev/hda403:28
mastastealthdo u know what filesystem it has?03:28
wthww_SonicChao: you have direcway satelllite interent?03:28
SonicChaowthww_: Yes.03:28
hoehaverum...i can go to properties....ooo extention.....303:28
hoehaveri think03:28
hoehaverhold on03:28
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SonicChaowthww_: If your asking, with a little tweaking, it works great in Ubuntu. =D03:29
wthww_SonicChao: you loaded? its like 80$ a month lol03:29
laurent33server irc.voila.fr03:29
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buntu418hey guys how to remove the mounted volumes icon from the desktop03:29
SonicChaowthww_: lol03:29
SonicChaowthww_: We can't get nothing else here.03:29
Tuxbabyunmount it03:29
buntu418without unmounting03:29
wthww_SonicChao: Dial-up :P03:29
SonicChaowthww_: My dad likes the phone free.03:30
SonicChaowthww_: And we like the speed of broadband.03:30
FliesLikeWorkSonicChao: wthww_ #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps?03:30
BeepAUstefg -- hello?03:30
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hoehaverloi got lost03:30
hoehaverjust a sec03:30
roy_lpcan u tell me how i open the source files so i paste them my new sources?03:31
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roy_lpim from the laptop btw! :)03:31
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cowmilk2i'm having problems syncing my ipod with gtkpod03:31
Hexidigital_roy_lp: are you on gnome?03:31
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roy_lpim on ubuntu03:31
cowmilk2gtkpod is giving me this warning message: '"iPod directory structure must be present before" "synching to the iPod can be performed"03:31
Hexidigital_roy_lp: or are you familiar with nano?03:31
cowmilk2what can i do?03:31
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ShinzetsuWhen I try to install a package it says <packages> was installed and it does nothing more, the bar is full, and in the terminal it says Extracting <package>03:31
Hexidigital_roy_lp: ok, press Alt + F2, then type gksu gedit03:32
roy_lpim new. i installed ubuntu from live CD03:32
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Hexidigital_roy_lp: then open file /etc/apt/sources.list03:32
Hexidigital_roy_lp: np, any problems, just ask03:32
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uche_morning all03:32
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ricardonow....has anybody installed kernel 2.6.15-26-686?03:32
Tuxbabyevening herer03:32
uche_I've googled, read docs, read the FAQ and tried a lot of things03:32
CarinGrrricardo, aye03:32
maan84Why won't sudo tar -xvvzf /usr/share/themes/GDM-GnomeBlack.tar.gz unpack it to /usr/share/themes/ ?03:33
uche_I can't figure out how to install desktop with LVM03:33
FliesLikeWorkI have ricardo but I have not rebooted into it yet03:33
roy_lpcan you give me the full command for the prompt ?03:33
roy_lpsudo open /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't open03:33
CarinGrrricardo, what i'm running at th emoment, why?03:33
ricardoCarinGrr: for me it just wont load pcmcia drivers....03:33
uche_I figure now that I have to install server and then "upgrade" to desktop?03:33
Tuxbabysudo gedit03:33
CarinGrrricardo, worked fine before?03:33
Hexidigital_roy_lp: sudo gedit03:33
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CarinGrrricardo, i'm not using any pcmcia stuff at the moment i'm afraid so i can't test it03:34
ricardoCarinGrr: im typing from kernel 2.6.15-23-686?03:34
Hexidigital_Tuxbaby: sorry about the double reply :)03:34
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nocturnCan anyone help me with a printing problem (USB Id does not associate with usblp driver)03:34
ArafangerWhy might apt-get appear to hang for _much_ longer than usual at the 'getting headers' stage of apt-get install ... ?03:34
roy_lpit worked thanks guys03:34
Hexidigital_Arafanger: do you have your headers installed?03:35
roy_lpi have another question03:35
Hexidigital_roy_lp: np03:35
Tuxbabywelcome roy_lp03:35
Hexidigital_roy_lp: go ahead03:35
roy_lpok its fine too :)03:35
ArafangerHexidigital_: You're thinking of the wrong kind of header ;)03:35
roy_lpso last one03:35
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roy_lpim now connected from laptop with wired modem03:35
Hexidigital_Arafanger: ah, now i know what you mean... what repos are you using?03:35
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roy_lpthis lap ha also a wirelss one, but it can't connect from any hotspot03:35
roy_lpi've been told to d/l wifi-radar03:36
roy_lpis it correct ?03:36
Tuxbabywhats the driver03:36
AngryElfdoes the ubuntu install cd have a rescue option that will let me reinstall GRUB if i were to install windows -- effectively deleting the MBR?03:36
Hexidigital_!info wifi-radar03:36
ubotuwifi-radar: graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.9.6-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 32 kB, installed size 200 kB03:36
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Tuxbabywhats the wifi card03:36
mnpapt-get is getting hung up on a program that i already installed. its saying it needs to be reinstalled but i dont want it to03:36
mnphow can i get rid of that error in apt-get?03:36
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Tuxbabydo an lspci and see whats the wifi modem03:36
Hexidigital_Arafanger: i'm getting a slow "waiting for headers"03:37
hoehaverjohn@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/hda403:37
hoehavermount: you must specify the filesystem type03:37
roy_lpi can't tell its not my computer03:37
Hexidigital_Arafanger: on the us.archives repo03:37
roy_lpis there any way to check ?03:37
hoehaverthe file system on my second hard drive is fat03:37
ArafangerHexidigital_: It appears to be hanging on security.ubuntu.org03:37
hoehaverhow do i do this?03:37
FuriousRagei got a problem, when i boot of the ubuntu amd64 cd, it doesnt get any ip address, so i can download updates nor do anything, but it does get an addr6 ip of some sort, any suggestions?03:37
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dngldoo1hey, can anyone help me with configuring JACK and ALSA03:37
Tuxbabyyes. type lspci03:37
Hexidigital_hoehaver: put it on a diet?03:37
ArafangerHexidigital_: .com, that is, not the .org.03:37
ic56AngryElf: yes, but the process isn't automated.  You'll need to get yourself a command line and issue grub commands manually.03:37
hoehaver i tryed typing fat in. vfat, fat3203:37
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hoehavernothing works03:37
Hexidigital_Arafanger: yes, mine also03:37
Hexidigital_Arafanger: us.archives.ubuntu.com03:37
uche_Is there a better channel to ask installer questions?03:38
cowmilk2how can i do a chown on the mounted ipod?03:38
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cowmilk2what command should i use?03:38
hoehaverhexidigital funny03:38
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Hexidigital_hoehaver: :)03:38
hoehaverits fat 3203:38
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Tuxbabyis there a better search engine than google03:38
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cbx33Tuxbaby, if there is I havn't found it03:38
JohnRoberthow can I add items to the gnome menu? The alacarte menu editor doesn't seem to allow me to do that03:38
uche_I tried using the alternative CD to create the LVM partitions, but then the Desktop installer doesn';t recognize the partitions03:38
uche_I expect it does not include the needed kernel modules03:38
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Tuxbabygood. cbx3303:39
=== Hexidigital_ brb
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QuestionMarkCounhi *03:39
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hoehaverjohn@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/hda403:39
hoehavermount: you must specify the filesystem type03:39
hoehaverwhat file system is it talking about03:39
hoehaverfor my master or the slave03:40
FliesLikeWorkhoehaver: we already told you the last time you pasted that03:40
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hoehaveryou did...03:40
FliesLikeWorkwhat filesystem is on the partition you're trying to mount?03:40
roy_lpi updated my sources but i can't find ECLIPSE03:40
Tuxbabyroy_lp: try this command lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation03:40
longwavehoehaver: filesystem type is ext2, fat32, ntfs, something like that..03:40
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Hexidigital_are the US repos down (again)?03:40
longwavehoehaver: you need to use the -t switch to mount to tell it what type is on that partition03:40
FliesLikeWorker longwave do you mean vfat instead of fat3203:40
Tuxbabyif you have broadcom then it will show you the version03:40
roy_lpi tried it03:40
FliesLikeWorkHexidigital_: security.ubuntu.com seems to be having issues03:41
roy_lpnothing happend tuxbaby03:41
longwavewell, fat32 is the name of the filesystem, just linux calls it vfat :)03:41
Hexidigital_FliesLikeABrick::  ty for the info :)03:41
Hexidigital_Arafanger::  there's our answer...03:41
Tuxbabytry lspci alone03:41
Tuxbabyand check for the wifi card03:41
hoehaveryeah, its fat3203:41
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FliesLikeWorkk hoehaver add -t vfat before /dev/hda403:41
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cowmilk2when i plug in my ipod, where in the filesysem is it located?03:42
no_gatez_fandoes ubuntu have built in support for ATI Express video cards or at least video acc. and the dvi output(X800 SE)?03:42
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roy_lpplease help me also with the sources to Eclipse. I need it03:42
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fraI try to shape mine g7 with locomo -- 800 and receive error 001.002: 046d:c51a Unsupported device Logitech: p7??????$?03:43
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:43
g33k0someone else owns this nick03:44
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elgewhat email should I use to ask some new feature in the "Free CD shipping" web form ?03:44
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g33k0where can i get debian cds?03:44
ubotuI know nothing about Eclipse - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:44
elgeor regular basis cdroms shipping to my org ?03:44
hoehaverflieslikework john@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda4 /mnt/hda403:44
hoehavermount: special device /dev/hda4 does not exist03:44
FuriousRageelge: read above, it tells you what account you need..03:44
FliesLikeWorkwww.debian.org g33k003:44
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frasomeone know locomo?03:44
FliesLikeWorkhoehaver: it sounds like you have bigger issues, the partition does not appear to exist03:44
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rellimanyone else not able to update from security.ubuntu.com right now?03:45
g33k0FliesLikeWork do they ship to SA?03:45
fraits a logitech mouse control for linux03:45
hoehaver..but it does exist. i can mount it in system>admin> disk03:45
Dimensionshi ... is there any one from uk who can help me use my nokia6230 fone as GPRS modem ?03:45
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hoehaverbut i can only mount it to my desktop03:45
roy_lpcan we help me install linux ?03:45
FuriousRagei got a problem, when i boot of the ubuntu amd64 cd, it doesnt get any ip address, so i can download updates nor do anything, but it does get an addr6 ip of some sort, any suggestions?03:45
drayenrellim: yeah im haveing issues too03:45
hoehaverand when i do that i ...well, its wacky like that03:45
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fisanybody else having problems with security.ubunty.org?03:46
rellimdrayen: ok, thanks ... just wanted to make sure i wasn't having the issue and their server is ... probably just heavy load because the update just came out today03:46
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QuestionMarkCounhoehaver: what tells `fdisk -l /dev/hda`03:46
HadarCan you help me install ECLIPSE ?03:46
fisnc -z security.ubuntu.com 80  works, but after ack package no traffic no more...03:46
rellimfis: yeah, i am03:46
ic56g33k0: debian.org doesn't ship.  But there are many companies who burn debian CDs and sell them.  google is your friend.03:46
rellimfis: i think it is just under heavy load from everyone getting the update03:47
fisare there mirrors?03:47
siouxhi people in gnome compiz+xgl is a dream but in kde i can't get border on windows I see compiz effects but no borders on windows03:47
tamwhat is the easiest way in ubuntu to hold back a kernel so apt-get won't upgrade it?03:47
elgeFuriousRage, where above ?  I'm going a wget -r -O - | grep '@' ...03:47
hoehaverjohn@ubuntu:~$ fdisk -l /dev/hda03:47
hoehaverCannot open /dev/hda03:47
fisfunny that it's only the security server, though.03:47
hoehavershould i make it hda4?03:47
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QuestionMarkCounsudo fdisk....03:48
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hoehaverjohn@ubuntu:~$ fdisk -l /dev/hda403:48
HadarMy Q: I updated my sourcs with source-o-matic. but when trying to get Eclipse from APT-GET i get this msg: E: Couldn't find package eclipse03:48
nocturnDoes anyone know how to specify a deviceid when loading usblp?03:48
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FuriousRageelge: i assume you mean at this page https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ ?03:48
stefgnocturn: apt-cache search eclipse ... maybe the name is slightly different03:48
elgeFuriousRage, yeah03:49
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FuriousRageelge: read above, says what account you need to log in there03:49
HadarCan u help me with this: I updated my sourcs with source-o-matic, BUT when trying to get Eclipse from APT-GET i get this msg: "E: Couldn't find package eclipse"03:49
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stefgHadar: apt-cache search eclipse ... maybe the name is slightly different03:49
hoehaverjohn@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda03:49
hoehaverDisk /dev/hda: 41.1 GB, 41110142976 bytes03:49
hoehaver255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4998 cylinders03:49
hoehaverUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes03:49
hoehaver   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System03:49
fisrellim / anybody: thanks.  (would be interesting to know whether the security updates server is a separate host, and what ubuntu is planning to do abou this.  i guess i'll just wait a few hours.)03:49
hoehaver/dev/hda1   *           1        4905    39399381   83  Linux03:49
hoehaver/dev/hda2            4906        4998      747022+   5  Extended03:49
drayenrellim: ahhhh okay, im trying to fully upgrade from breezy03:49
hoehaver/dev/hda5            4906        4998      746991   82  Linux swap / Solaris03:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:49
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ubotuI know nothing about timestep - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:49
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Hadarstefg: i just did so on another computer and it worked03:50
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nocturnstefg: Elcipse is a development environment nu?03:50
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nocturnstefg: You mean looking through the source...03:50
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stefgHadar: did you sudo apt-get update with the new sources.list :-)03:50
nocturnhadn't though about it03:50
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Hadarone line i recieve is: ecj-bootstrap-gcj - bootstrap version of the Eclipse Java compiler (native version)03:50
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Hadarno i didnt!! :):)03:50
nocturnI'm going to try somehting03:50
Hadarbut how to update ?03:51
stefgsudo apt-get update... to get all teh new package information first03:51
Hadarok i managed :D03:51
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elgeFuriousRage, sorry I can't find any email there03:51
elgeappart from grepping the web site03:51
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Hadarreally thanks stefg03:51
g33k0neone from SA?03:51
FuriousRageelge: its because there isnt, READ the text thats above there03:51
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Hadarcan i ask u another question ?03:51
stefgHadar: that's a common catch :-)03:51
Hadari came from mandriva i should rememered it ..03:52
g33k0where can i get debian shipped to me?03:52
g33k0or obtain cds in SA?03:52
g33k0south africa*03:52
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stefgg33k0: at www.debian.org :-)03:52
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Hadarg33ko did u try the website?03:52
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Hadarg33ko if u have fast connection than u can download it..03:53
elgeFuriousRage, I'm now logged in Launchpad.  still no email03:53
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Hadarg33k: http://www.us.debian.org/CD/vendors/#za03:53
FuriousRageelge: login with your launchpad account on that page, thats it03:54
Hadarstefg, do u think u can help me ith wireless connection ?03:54
stefgg33k0: i remember our SABDFL put 'freedom toasters' in South africa... maybe you'll be able to gert debian there03:54
elgeFuriousRage, I need CDs on a regular basis, monthly.  without the need to fill in the form each month03:54
stefg!wifi > hadar03:55
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elgeFuriousRage, asking this to some email address seems relevant to me, instead of making some weired curl/crontab script03:55
FuriousRageelge: i dont think you can03:55
Hadarstefg: i got this msg: W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:55
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Hadarafter the update, and it still can't find eclipse03:55
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marcoHi, all. i've got strange problem. since an apt-upgrade today i'n not able to mount nfs. error msg ist: "can't read superblock" ... Dist is dapper 6.06TLS03:56
stefgHadar: yws, people are experiencing difficulties with the ubuntu-security repos atm.... But installing eclipse might now work anyway03:56
FuriousRagei got a problem, when i boot of the ubuntu amd64 cd, it doesnt get any ip address, so i can download updates nor do anything, but it does get an addr6 ip of some sort, any suggestions?03:57
Hexidigital_marco::  did you do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?03:57
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Hexidigital_FuriousRage::  live cd?03:57
Hadarstef: W: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:57
marcoHexidigital_, yes03:57
Hadarsoory i meant: E: Couldn't find package Eclipse03:57
FuriousRageHexidigital_: ya that one you get from the download (since yesterday)03:57
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Hadarand im sure its there because i d\l it this morning03:57
Hadari did it! it eclipse not Eclipse03:58
stefgHadar: welcome to the case sensitive world of Linux :-)03:58
Dimensionshi how do i use my nokia mobile as GPRS modem ?03:58
Hadarthanks stef :) im about 7 hours on the 2 computers, trying to install ubuntu and configure it ...03:58
Hexidigital_marco::  stupid question, but did you try a reboot?:03:59
Hadarand i should have been start my project that 7 hours ago...!03:59
marcoHexidigital_, several :(03:59
stefgAdministrator rule #1: never try something important or dangerous when tired or p*ssed ! :-)03:59
Hexidigital_marco::  sorry, bud... i have no experience w/ nfs, but i'm sure many others here do :(03:59
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regoahrDimensions: use data cabel or irda :)04:00
Hadarcorrect ...04:00
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:00
Hexidigital_stefg::  hey, that was left out of my manual!04:00
marcoHexidigital_, thnx04:00
Hadarstef, whats happens if i can't load windows after installing ubuntu ?04:00
Dimensionsregoahr: ... configuration ?04:00
Hadarit says to insert bootaleCD04:00
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W_McLlooks like your bootloader is not configured correctly04:01
stefgHexidigital_: that's in the editors note (written by Murphy) which is only in the deluxe version :-)04:01
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Hadaroh no. what to do ?04:01
regoahrDimensions: first : #dmesg and search you device04:01
Dimensionsregoahr:  i have data cable and it says modem connected via usb ... i dial it does dial too but then it doesn't do any thing like browsing or any thing04:01
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Hexidigital_stefg::  :)  i have the n00b version, apparently04:01
=== Paradoxx [n=Paradoxx@port0112-adu-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
W_McLinsert your ubuntu cd and say "boot from first harddisk" when it asks you what to do04:03
FuriousRagei got a problem, when i boot of the ubuntu amd64 cd, it doesnt get any ip address, so i can download updates nor do anything, but it does get an addr6 ip of some sort, any suggestions?04:03
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sk4jvokeri have trouble with wine and Call of duty 1 , installs the first cd then asks for cd2 and i cant unmount cd1 to mount cd2 what to do?04:04
regoahrDimensions: ?04:04
ParadoxxIs there any app i can use to get voice and video functionality with msn in linux?04:04
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Hexidigital_Paradoxx::  did you try amsn?04:04
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ubotuI know nothing about amsn - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:05
Hexidigital_Paradoxx::  afaik, it's the closest thing to msn messenger, althoug i'm not sure if it's video capable04:05
Paradoxxit has video and voice?04:05
Hexidigital_!info amsn04:05
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB04:05
Hexidigital_Paradoxx::  not sure04:05
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Nux31is there a bittorrent site that I can download ubuntu ?04:05
gatekeeperHexidigital_, don't remember amsn giving you voice and video?04:06
Hexidigital_gatekeeper::  i dont use amsn04:06
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=== Hexidigital_ uses Gaim and Kopete
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gatekeeperParadoxx, I don't think so, don't remember it giving you that, has been a while since I last installed it04:07
zimnyxI got outgoing connections blocked, but i got proxy server available on localhost (i set up ssh tunel to some remote proxy). Is it possible to make outgoing ssh connections using this proxy?04:07
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sk4jvokeri have trouble with wine and Call of duty 1 , installs the first cd then asks for cd2 and i cant unmount cd1 to mount cd2 what to do?04:07
=== regoahr using Gaim only =)
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Dimensionsregoahr: it does find my device on ACM004:07
Hexidigital_regoahr::  i am onmidesktop :)04:07
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regoahrHexidigital_: :)04:08
Hadari booted the other computer with ubuntu and now i get this msg: "PLease insert bootable disk"04:08
Hexidigital_Hadar::  are you set to boot from CDROM?04:08
Hadari have the liveCD and i pick boot from hard disk, but it stucks04:08
Hadarhex: yes04:08
Hadarand i can't change t04:08
regoahrDimensions: use wvdial as dialer04:08
ubotuBoot options: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto04:09
gatekeeperParadoxx, http://amsn.sourceforge.net/04:09
=== survivor [n=jlnr@dslb-082-083-223-123.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hadari eneterd the BIOS and the boot priority is from CD,floppy,hard drive04:09
survivorThere's no svn included in the live cd, is it?04:09
Dimensionsi do regoahr... i used wvdial as dialer and it gets connected via mobile04:09
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gatekeeperParadoxx, Hexidigital_ may be I am wrong?04:09
Dimensionsbut when i ping or any thing then its not reachable04:09
Hadarstef, but i can't load ubuntu as well....04:09
Dimensionsi can't browse or any things04:09
stefgHadar: read the link about the smart bootmanager Howto ubotu spit out04:09
regoahrDimensions: write dns04:09
cavediverHi there. My gnome-cups-add process hang when trying to install printer. What's that all about ?04:09
survivorCan I apt-get things into the RAM when I live-boot?04:10
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Hexidigital_gatekeeper::  no voice/vid?04:10
cocos_hi, could someone please help me? when i do "sudo apt-get update" i get the following msg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1959604:10
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stefgsurvivor: yes04:10
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Dimensionsregoahr:  can u tell me in detail pls ?04:10
regoahrDimensions: default options: auto DNS = on04:10
Dimensionsits a command ?04:10
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FuriousRagei got a problem, when i boot of the ubuntu amd64 cd, it doesnt get any ip address, so i can download updates nor do anything, but it does get an addr6 ip of some sort, any suggestions? (i use the onboard lan connection on my mobo (nForce4))04:10
regoahrDimensions: do you reciev my private messages ?04:11
survivorSo I can't really accidentally touch my hard drive with the Live CD?04:11
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stefgFuriousRage: are you able to trigger a dhcp lease by sudo dhclient?04:11
Hexidigital_survivor::  afaik, no04:11
W_McLdo you have dhcp in your network (autmatical assignment of ip adresses)04:11
gatekeeperHexidigital_, can see web cam but not voice: http://amsn.sourceforge.net/04:11
Hadarstef: i can't find anyhting suits me...04:11
longwavecocos_: some of the archive servers are down, you can try again later or edit your sources.list to use a server from a different country04:11
shawnr_Quick Poll: Firefox or Opera 9 ?04:11
regoahrDimensions: cat /etc/wvdial.conf04:11
Hadardo u mean this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:11
=== Hexidigital_ reminds he does not use amsn
Dimensionsregoahr:  the only messages i am receiving are here ...04:11
survivorOkay, next question... why can I only select WEP as WiFi key type?04:11
FuriousRagestefg: ya, it doesnt a few line, iirc channel 8 16 7 3 4 ect, then says it didnt recive some signal04:12
housetieris there an alternative mirror for security.ubuntu.com ?04:12
Hadarif i shut down this computer i wont be able to connect from any computer ... :)04:12
longwavehousetier: no04:12
survivorI want to get into a WPA WiFi.04:12
gatekeeperthere is a #amsn channel in here04:12
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:13
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stefgFuriousRage: hmmm, maybe disabling ipv6 helps04:13
cocos_longwave: i would like to have dutch servers (im dutch myself) but i dont know how to adjust that could you help me?04:13
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv404:13
omerlhI have some weird problem04:13
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Dimensionsregoahr:  its shows what i gave it before ... like modem is usb phone no is *99# (voda fone)04:13
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omerlhThere are about 3-4 kernels installs on my computer.04:14
regoahrDimensions: you must using your ppp0 connection as default04:14
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longwavecocos_: edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file, and change all references from au.archive.ubuntu.com to nl.archive.ubuntu.com04:14
=== gatekeeper once did use amsn but does not have it installed at the moment :-)
longwavecocos_: then run apt-get update again04:14
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cocos_longwave: cool thanks ill try it right away04:14
FuriousRagestefg: nope, tried all those ways, by blacklist ect, it just removes the addr6 part from ifconfig list on eth0, and still same result with dhclient(3), and the network in admin shows the eth0 as using dhcp ect, and the macaddress isnt 00:00:00 nor FF:FF:FF (as in not identified)04:14
gilianimais there a command to cut a few minutes at the beginning of a mpeg movie ?04:14
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omerlhI need kernel headers for the newst version and I can't install it, just for the first kernel that installed04:14
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yacek19where does apt download its files?04:15
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longwaveyacek19: the servers are listed in /etc/apt/sources.list04:15
Dimensionsregoahr:  ppp0 i will have to configure via shell or from networking interface i have to enable it ?04:15
Hadarstef: hitting ESC on boot doesn't work04:16
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FuriousRagestefg: i tried every tip i found on the ubuntuforums, and not sure if its because i use the amd64 version (got Athlon 4000+ cpu)04:16
Hadarplease help me04:16
gatekeeperomerlh, www.kernel.org/ ????04:16
yacek19but to which folder?04:16
bkudriaI'm compiling something, and it tells me I need X includes...which package, specifically, do I need to install?04:16
yacek19where does apt stores his packages?04:16
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longwaveyacek19: it downloads them to /var/cache/apt/archives04:16
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stefgFuriousRage: i don't really have a clue... Last resort would be to search launchpad for a known bug :-/04:17
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omerlhgatekeeper, there is a way doinig it trough apt?04:17
survivor<- gives up on WPA: (04:17
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FuriousRagestefg: do the cd got any built in firewall that could block the dhcp request?04:17
AngryElfhey all, im' trying to get at /dev/hda1 while booted with the liveCD, it says /dev/hda1 is busy, but it's not in /etc/mtab......how do i mount it to edit it?04:17
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Hadarthe other computer is striked out ...04:17
=== Hexidigital_ has to go, have a great day everyone!
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stefgFuriousRage: not as far as i know04:18
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gatekeeperomerlh, not really but all you are after is source files, it's not like you are installing an app with config files etc04:18
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FuriousRagestefg: hmm, maybe nforce 4 or w/e the ethernet controller is, isnt supported by ubuntu yet04:18
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Dimensionsregoahr:  ?04:18
omerlhO.K., thanks04:19
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Shinzetsuwhats the package name for the latest gtk+ library?04:19
gatekeeperomerlh, should just be able to download a tar and unpack it04:19
longwavebkudria: there are lots of X development packages, maybe xlibs-dev will include them all for you..04:19
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regoahrDimensions: do you have another network interfaces ?04:19
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Dimensionsright now i do regoahr but when im using nokia mobile as gprs i close it ...04:20
AwesomeEvs*NEED HELP* SEE FORUM - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22856004:20
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ShinzetsuAwesomeEvs: no use to need caps04:21
regoahrDimensions: write DNS in /etc/resolv.conf04:21
ShinzetsuAwesomeEvs: no problem04:21
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J_Phi all04:21
chaps0063good morning, I trying to figure out how to get the kernel module "i2c-dev" working on my system and then have it load automatically. I am running on ubuntu 6.06 on a powerbook g4.04:21
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longwaveShinzetsu: libgtk2.0-0, i think04:22
longwaveShinzetsu: the dev package is libgtk2.0-dev04:22
J_Pchaps0063: what is function of i2c ?04:22
Shinzetsulongwave: On their site that state the latest stable build is 2.1004:22
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regoahranybody here from Russia ? :)04:22
kaffienif i want compile nvidia drivers what do i need to do?04:22
longwaveShinzetsu: 2.10 is available in edgy only, i think04:22
JohnRobertwhat program do I need to get beagle on to my gnome task bar? Deskbar is close to what I want...04:22
longwaveShinzetsu: dapper is still on 2.804:22
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Shinzetsulongwave: k04:23
kaffieni installed the  kernel source and headers but it doesnt seem to wanna work04:23
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chaps0063well I am trying to get pbbuttonsd to work so that my special keys work... http://www.powerlinux.com/powerbookg4/ - under "special keys" the first "Update"04:23
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AwesomeEvsI Can't load Dapper liveCD I get 'Can't load tty: job control turned off'04:23
nikinhy all04:23
Dimensionsregoahr:  i went to configure modem ppp0 from interface and in modem setting >>> Modem port ... my port is ttyACM0 which is not in the list and can't auto detect too04:23
FuriousRagei even did that blacklist tulip and modprobe dmfe(?) "trick" stated somewhere on the forums a few times, doesnt really seam to work, and i got no router, connected directly to my isp04:23
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juke4HI all, does anyone have problems updating Nautilus? I keep getting error 404?04:24
bkudrialongwave: ok, thanks!04:24
Fuctywhat was this firefox update today? I still got version Shouldn't it be
DJAdmiralHi, I have Dapper on my laptop, and my sister wants to switch to Ubuntu as well, however GRUB is not installing. Help?04:24
skavengehow do i get a list of usable console fonts?04:24
nikinanyone en experience with CANON CCPD printer Drivers?04:24
wheels3572Can someone help me with an issue.   I am new to Linux and someone helped me get my wireless connection up and running lastnight and it was running UNTIL I rebooted the laptop.  Since then I have NO eth1 connection under Networking in Ubuntu.  ANY help would be greatly appreciated if you can.  Thanks04:24
gatekeeperAwesomeEvs, the iso you have downloaded is corrupt, or it didn't burn correctly and you need a slower speed. There is also a self-test option to make sure the CD is ok which you also need to run. CDRom may also have something wrong with it04:24
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pgavinis there a mirror of security.ubuntu.com?  it seems to be down frequently04:25
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AwesomeEvs@gatekeeper but i got it to run fine once04:25
DJAdmiralwheels3572: do you know your DNS servers?04:25
regoahrDimensions: sorry, /me away :)04:25
wheels3572DJAdmiral, yes I do04:25
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fictionGuys, i have a noob question04:25
treykahello? anybody else have devfs / udev issues after distupgrade from breezy -> dapper?04:25
DJAdmiralwheel3572, I think I can help you then04:25
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pgavinor maybe just really slow04:25
fictionI used the add/remove thign to install packages04:25
nikinpgavin: is not down... i have managged to download from that with apt-get, its just slow as sick snail in chains04:26
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fictioni installed xfce window manager04:26
gatekeeperAwesomeEvs, so may be it has now got damaged in some way, dunno, try the self-test04:26
fictionhow do i use it?04:26
wheels3572DJAdmiral, great thanks.  I am just waiting for my friend to get up lol but in the mean time it's frustrating lol04:26
DJAdmiralwheel3572: click system, administration, then networking04:26
AwesomeEvs@gatekeeper: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22856004:26
longwavefiction: can you select it from the session menu at the login screen?04:26
pgavinnikin: there must be a mirror of it somewhere though04:26
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wheels3572DJAdmiral, already there :)04:26
wheels3572DJAdmiral, are you registered nick?04:27
DJAdmiralwheels3572: what connections do you see then?04:27
DJAdmiralwheels3572, no I haven't registered my nick. how do i do so?04:27
wheels3572Ethernet Connection which shows it being eth0 and my modem connection04:27
wheels3572DJAdmiral, hold on :)04:27
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DJAdmiralwheels3572, okay.04:27
fictionDJAdmiral, what is wheel having trouble with?04:28
DJAdmiralfiction: he needs to configure his ethernet connection.04:28
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krangghello guys am not a ubuntu nor a linux user as yet but long time ago i;ve tried to use rh and at that time rh requires me to mount -umount drives in order to use esp with floopies now does ubuntu requires this or its literally has become the genuine plug and play ..04:28
fictionOh ok04:28
simpohow can i istall mldonkey in dapper ?04:28
wheels3572fiction it's my wireless to be exact04:28
gatekeeperAwesomeEvs, yes I have read that, everything I have told still stands, you need to try to isolate the problem, ensure your hardware is good with another boot cd etc etc04:28
fictionim using wireless too04:28
fictionmaybe i can help04:28
wheels3572DJAdmiral, type /nickserv REGISTER04:29
AwesomeEvsok will burn another cd04:29
longwavekrangg: you still need to mount floppies, but other media like cdroms and usb drives should automatically mount04:29
wheels3572fiction,  what kind of firmware is it a Broadcom04:29
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AwesomeEvsthanks 4 the help04:29
fictionits a dlink with atheros chipset04:29
fictioni use ndiswrapper04:29
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wheels3572Ok I have the notorious bcm chipset which is a PAIN lol04:29
gatekeeperAwesomeEvs, process of elimination :-)04:29
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DJAdmiralyay im registered thanks wheels357204:29
krangglongwave: thanks man04:30
fictionhave you tried using ndiswrapper?04:30
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AwesomeEvs:-D lol off to burn a CD cya04:30
wheels3572DJAdmiral, np :).  That gives you the ability to use private messaging in separate window also DJAdmiral  :)04:30
smacky_wolfhas anyone else made a logitech USB webcam work with Ubuntu?04:30
fictionalso, how do include someone's name in front of my messages?04:30
gatekeeperAwesomeEvs, try a boot disk from www.bootdisk.com04:30
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longwavefiction: just type it, or depending on your client type the first few letters of their name then press tab04:30
DJAdmiralsmacky_wolf: i've had the same error thing. I plug in the webcam and ubuntu freezes.04:30
wheels3572fiction I honeslty DONT know what we did lastnight we did so mch lol  As for Question 2 type whe and hit tab04:30
fictionoh ok.04:30
AwesomeEvsok what will they do?04:31
juke4HI all, does anyone have problems updating Nautilus? I keep getting error 404? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1959804:31
fictionwheels thanks man04:31
gatekeeperAwesomeEvs, presume it boots ok from the hard disk?04:31
wheels3572fiction, np :)04:31
fictionwhen someone talks to me, their name is in bold and yellow04:31
DJAdmirallongwave: nice, thanks for the tip04:31
fictionwheels: have you tried ndiswrapper?04:31
AwesomeEvsmy PC boots windows fine from HD04:31
Jack_Sparrowfiction: type anywhere in your message04:31
fictiontest anywhere04:31
fictionlol nbm04:31
DJAdmiralCan anybody help me here, I'm having issues with the ubuntu installation on my sister's machine04:31
wheels3572fiction, not that I am aware of we did so much lastnight I dont know what we did lol but I DONT recall using ndiswrapper04:31
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longwavejuke4: some of the archive servers have not received the latest updates yet, either wait until tomorrow or try another country's archive server04:32
DJAdmiralGRUB is not installing for some strange reason.04:32
wheels3572DJAdmiral, like what?04:32
fictionOk. Ive used ndiswrapper in suse and now in ubuntu04:32
fictionmaybe it will work for you too04:32
FuriousRagedoes ubuntu i386 come with ipv6 default disabled or something different from the AMD64 so it might get an ip?04:32
gatekeeperAwesomeEvs, there are all sorts like Win98 startup discs, anything will do to check that you don't have a hardware fault, process of elimination :-)04:32
DJAdmirallongwave: how do you try another country's archive server?04:32
juke4longwave: thanks for your input, I will try tomorrow04:32
fictionI can help you if you'd like04:32
AwesomeEvskk thanks for your help04:32
wheels3572fiction, have you or anyone else ever heard of losing the wireless connection after a reboot?04:32
W_McLedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:32
DJAdmiralwheels3572: GRUB fails to install to /target/04:33
fictionwhen i had suse04:33
fictioni had to modprobe ndiswrapper each time i started04:33
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longwaveDJAdmiral: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, you will have something like us.archive.ubuntu.com which is the US server, you can change that to de for the German server, nl for the Dutch server, etc.04:33
fictionnot in ubuntu though04:33
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fictionit connects automatically04:33
fictionthank god04:33
krangganyone here using ubuntu on laptops .. i like to know any OS specific problems (mind the hardware ) any issues i should worry abt..?04:33
skavengehow do i get a list of usable console fonts?04:33
chaps0063J_P: any thoughts?04:33
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ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org04:33
DJAdmirallongwave: mine is ae, thanks04:33
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longwavekrangg: check out the laptop testing team page and see if your laptop has already been tested by someone04:34
sid77hello all, it's just me or security.ubuntu.com seems pretty hosed?04:34
DJAdmiralkrangg: i use ubuntu on my lapop04:34
ubotuI know nothing about powerbook - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:34
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.04:34
longwavesid77: security is very slow today04:34
J_Pchaps0063: not, I'm corious to known what is function of i2c..04:34
fictionwheels: if you decide to give ndiswrapper a go (it's not hard), ill be here to help04:34
skavenge*shrug* my updates ran fine, no slowdowns04:35
longwavei2c is a system bus that provides low-level hardware information of different types04:35
wheels3572fiction, ok ty :) I am gonna see what we did lastnight see if it's still in the archives lol04:35
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longwavethings like temperature sensors and the system clock are connected to it04:35
kranggthank you guys off to tux then ;)04:35
fictionwheels, does ubuntu detect your NIC?04:35
DJAdmiralkrangg: welcome to the wonderful world of Linux, krangg :)04:36
fictionok guys04:36
DJAdmiralkrangg: I'm here if you need any help, add me on MSN if need be.04:36
wheels3572fiction, it will if it's hardwired to the router04:36
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fictionoh i see04:36
AngryElfguys, tell me if this has been done already:  i'd like to modify a liveCD so that it connects to my home server over the www via static ip, boots up amarok and loads my mp3 collection -- so i can have it from anywhere, is this feasible?04:36
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DJAdmiralAngryElf: are you talking about making a live cd based on ubuntu that accesses your computer from anywhere to listen to musci?04:37
derrickhdoes anyone know where desktop profiles are stored? ie panel locations,  i have dual-head running and would like to copy and paste the profiles04:37
fictionIs there a root account to ununtu? i'm trying to install wxPython, and i need to modify a file in one folder, but when i modify, it wont let me save saying i dont have persmission04:37
AngryElfDJAdmiral, basically04:37
AngryElfDJAdmiral, i noticed there's a wiki on modifying the liveCD, or creating a new one, i was gonna use that for help04:38
longwaveAngryElf: well, i suppose that is possible, if you preconfigured the cd image correctly04:38
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:38
derrickhfiction, use sudo or su04:38
fictioni did04:38
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longwaveAngryElf: presuming the computer you are booting from has hardware support in ubuntu :)04:38
fictionwait hold on04:38
fictioni double clicked the file04:38
fictionadded the lines i needed to add. it wont let me save.04:38
fictionwhere would i use sude04:38
DJAdmiralAngryElf: i suppose you could just change start up options in the CD or something maybe.04:38
AngryElfDJAdmiral, longwave, i think the wiki has good explanation of making the liveCD, my main question is, what's the best way to mount/share files over the www, and clearly, be secure04:38
derrickhyou would have to run nautilus with root priv04:38
derrickhor do it in a terminal04:39
fictioni did04:39
DJAdmiralAngryElf: erm, my best guess is Apache.04:39
fictioni tried editing it with vim04:39
fictiondidn't work04:39
frogzoofiction: only where you need root permissions04:39
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fictioni used sudo -i04:39
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fictionand typed in my password04:39
skavenge'sudo vim' from terminal04:39
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longwaveAngryElf: either apache, or an ssh tunnel of some kind, i guess04:39
wheels3572fiction, use sudo and then the command you want04:39
DJAdmiralAngryElf: then again I never really created a music server lol04:39
fictioni tried.04:39
fictionif at the login screen, i type the username 'root', what password will it take?04:40
longwaveAngryElf: it depends on the options you have in amarok for streaming from remote locations04:40
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fictionive tried blank, /root, root, admin...none worked04:40
derrickhoyou have to set the password first, and enable root login04:40
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chxhi, how can i switch on logging in xchat?04:40
longwavefiction: you cannot log in as root by default, and you certainly don't want an x session as root04:40
wheels3572fiction, actually try this04:40
AngryElflongwave, doens't amarok only support local or mounted files?04:40
wheels3572sudo and use your favorite editor to edit your lines04:41
derrickhfiction, check out that wiki, it has everything you need04:41
DJAdmiralAngryElf: hmm i have an idea. you could possibly set up an apache server on your computer, and embed all your mp3 files into an html page.04:41
wheels3572then after done hit :!wq04:41
chaps0063J_P: keyboard backlight (needs i2c-dev kernel support)...04:41
AngryElflongwave, i'd like my collection visible just like it is here, so i'd have to "add files to the collection" on the remote computer04:41
fictionthe wiki says04:41
fictionif i use sudo04:41
fictioni have admin privileges for 15 minutes04:41
fictionif i remember correctly04:41
longwaveAngryElf: i don't know much about amarok i am afraid04:41
fictionso i used sudo -i04:41
fictiontyped in my password04:41
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fictionand it still wouldnt let me save the file04:41
longwavefiction: what are you using to edit the file?04:41
fictionrandom text editor04:42
wheels3572longwave, that was my next question lol04:42
fictioni double cilked it04:42
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FuriousRagemaybe my computer it destined to run windows only ;(04:42
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fictionbut i went through terminal with vim and didn't seem to work either04:42
DJAdmiralFuriousRage: what's your problem?04:42
longwavefiction: run the text editor by pressing alt-f2 and typing "gksudo randomtexteditor /file/to/edit"04:42
longwavefiction: it will ask for your password first, then you should be able to save the file04:42
fictionalright brb04:42
econthrustquestion of the day: What is the most unique info in a pc that cannot be altered?04:42
DJAdmiralFuriousRage: I'm trying my best to save pcs from the tyranny of microsoft lol04:43
wheels3572longwave may I ask what's the difference between SUDO and gksudo?04:43
longwavewheels3572: sudo is for command line things, gksudo is for graphical apps04:43
mc_________wheels3572, gksudo is graphical04:43
FuriousRageDJAdmiral: i cannot get any ipv4 ip address at all, tried "everything" that i can search up, like disable the ipv6, but still dhclient doesnt get any dhcp "answer" or something, so i can update or anything04:43
wheels3572longwave & mc_________ ty both :)04:43
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DJAdmiralFuriousRage: try putting in DNS servers, a gateway and an IP address?04:44
FuriousRageDJAdmiral: dont got static ip, only dhcp from isp04:44
mc_________wheels3572, you're welcome04:44
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DJAdmiralFuriousRage: no only the ip from your dhcp router04:44
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FuriousRageDJAdmiral: what dhcp router?04:44
chaps0063how do I get i2c kernel support?04:45
fictionwheels3572: when i press alt+f2, a  "run application" window pops up04:45
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XiXaQI'm dualbooting with windows xp. How do I make Wine use the original windows libraries?04:45
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DJAdmiralFuriousRage: see, the linksys router i use requires me to assign DNS servers, a gateway address, and the ip address the router assigned to me04:46
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FuriousRageDJAdmiral: i dont got any router at all, im directly connected to my isp04:46
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DJAdmiralFuriousRage: like the router's gateway is for example. my ip is
DJAdmiralFuriousRage: ouch.04:46
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longwavechaps0063: you may need to load the module, try "sudo modprobe i2c"04:46
frogzooeconthrust: there is a command that shows all your hardware, including the bios' serial number, just can't remember the name04:46
DJAdmiralFuriousRage: call up your isp and ask for help on configuring internet with linux?04:46
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FuriousRageDJAdmiral: and i got 4 or 5 dynamic ip's from my isp and my household only got 2 computers connected, so i got atleast 2 "spare" unused ones.04:47
chaps0063longwave: FATAL: Module i2c not found.04:47
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econthrustfrogzoo, can i lend u my E-mail address in private for the answer for later?04:47
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nikinanyone en experience with CANON CCPD printer Drivers?04:48
wheels3572fiction, is your nick registered on IRC here04:48
longwavechaps0063: hrm, maybe it is the i2c-core module instead? i haven't used i2c things for a while04:48
`JBI have successfully used 'fwcutter' to connect my wireless adapter. What does 'fwcutter' do?04:48
fictionI think so04:48
fictionno idea.04:48
fiction<--- nubcake04:49
wheels3572fiction, ok lol04:49
chaps0063longwave: same thing..04:49
longwave`JB: fwcutter takes the windows firmware and cuts out the parts that are needed to run the card04:49
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bXiis it possible to see what the ubuntu installer is actually doing?04:49
longwave`JB: these parts cannot be distributed with linux as technically they are not free04:49
wheels3572fiction, type /nickerv REGISTER04:49
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fictionone second wheels04:49
wheels3572fiction, np04:50
longwavechaps0063: sorry i dont know more about i2c :(04:50
fictionbxi: are you intalling from the add/remove program?04:50
bXiits been stuck at step 5 for 3 hours now04:50
DJAdmiralwheels3572: it's actually /msg nickserv register04:50
FuriousRageDJAdmiral: hmm, on my isp page it states like this about configre a router to work ("in case" settings) i dunno what this are tho: # VPI = 8, VCI = 35, Encapsulation = LLC04:50
bXifiction: from the livecd04:50
chaps0063longwave: thanks, I am trying to get pbbuttonsd to work on my powerbook so that all of my special keys work.04:50
fictionohhhh from the live cd. i dont nkow04:50
wheels3572DJAdmiral, ohhh ok ty04:50
fictioni think alt+f2 is verbose mode04:50
`JBlongwave: thank you04:50
fictionso you could try that04:50
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fictionwheels3572: when i tried /nickerv REGISTER, nothign happened04:50
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FuriousRagefiction: /msg nickserv help register <-- probably better04:51
nikinwrite your password after it04:51
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fictionok, thanks.04:51
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bXidoes somebody know what the livecd does in step 5?04:51
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bXiit seems its defragging a windows partition and resizing that04:52
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.04:52
Volstrupanyone who knows what is wrong with security.ubuntu.com right now?04:52
DJAdmiralI DID IT!! I DID IT!!! I rescued my sister's machine from the tyranny of microsoft!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!04:52
chaps0063does anyone know anything about the i2c module?04:52
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DJAdmiralVolstrup: it's slow atm. server load.04:52
fictioncongrats admiral04:52
FuriousRageDJAdmiral: anyways, gonna go do that test to set the dns servers manualy as they wrote, gotta reboot ^^04:52
DJAdmiralfiction: ty :D04:53
jessidhello... this is going to be an easy question: does GNOME have any minimal good tool to find files? the one that comes with nautilus is a *@#$%. It does not find any thing....04:53
VolstrupDJAdmiral: are there any mirrors for the security packages?04:53
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DJAdmiralVolstrup: im not too sure, but there are mirrors for the ubuntu archive.04:53
Kyynara_security works for me now...04:53
fiction\-_-/        megatron says hi04:53
Kyynara_seems a bit onoff04:54
fictionwheels3572: i did  "gksudo Text Editor/etc/apt/sources.list"04:54
fictionsays couldn't find file04:54
DJAdmiraljessid: Places --> Search for Files?04:54
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DJAdmiraljessid: or is that the one you said is pointless or something?04:55
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jessidDJAdmiral pointless??? what does it mean?04:55
DJAdmiraljessid: by pointless i meant the one you said was @@$@$!#04:55
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DJAdmiralfiction: lol04:56
jessidDJAdmiral Places --> Search for Files can't find anything either...or do I have to modify any conf. file?04:56
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longwavejessid: do you know the filename or part of the filename?04:57
fictionoh man04:57
fictioni need to take a linux course04:57
DJAdmiralfiction: www.linuxsurvival.com ;)04:57
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frogzooDJAdmiral: what does your sister use her pc for?04:57
DJAdmiralfiction: Pretty darn good04:57
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fictionme and linux is like a fierce battle04:57
jessidlongwave of course, but I dont know why it cant find any...04:57
fictionbut ill win04:57
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fictionthanks DJadmiral04:57
longwavejessid: from the terminal, try "locate filename", see if that finds it04:57
DJAdmiralfrogzoo: my sister's pc is fixed now, but she uses her pc for general purposes04:57
fictionlol dj04:58
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fictionyou don't wan your sister using windows?04:58
frogzooDJAdmiral: word processing, + audio/video's about it?04:58
`JBWhat command line syntax do I use to access a flash drive? I can see & access from GUI.04:58
fictionprobably aim04:58
fictiongirlie stuff04:58
wheels3572fiction, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1960104:58
DJAdmiralfiction: girlie stuff??!?04:58
DJAdmiralfiction: she's 23 frickin years old, almost 2404:59
jessidlongwave yeah! I use find but I thought GNOME had a tool for that...something like kfind, in kde...thats good, but i would not install many kde libraries...04:59
fictionsike nevermind04:59
DJAdmiralfiction: she has a job lol04:59
fictionprobably spreadsheets, emails, lol04:59
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jessidlongwave what do you think about that? am I wrong?04:59
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fictionwheels3572: thanks!04:59
edjuFor some strange reason, my laptop is not booting from the CD drive.  Is there a way to install ubuntu otherwise?  Network install maybe?04:59
DJAdmiralfiction: she mainly uses it for office, internet, chat, and reading ebooks.04:59
fictionI see04:59
DJAdmiraledju: change your BIOS boot settings?04:59
fictionYou don't want her using windows huh?04:59
skavengeedju: you have cdrom set before hdd in the boot order in the bios yes?04:59
longwavejessid: places -> search for files is the gnome place to find things, i thought05:00
DJAdmiralfiction: SHE doesn't want windoze lol05:00
wheels3572fiction, let me know if that works05:00
longwavejessid: you could install the deskbar in a panel and use that as well05:00
fictioncurse uncle billy05:00
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fictionok wheels.05:00
DJAdmiraluncle billy? lol05:00
fictiondont forget to try ndiswrapper05:00
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fictionbill gates rofl05:00
fictionaka uncle billy05:00
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DJAdmirali'd rather watch the movie with uma thurman rofl05:00
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edjuDJAdmiral, skavenge , Yes to both.05:00
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DJAdmiralget what movie im talking about? *nudge nudge* Kill Bill!05:01
shilohHello..where can we find the forum for Bluetooth?05:01
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skavengecheck the md5sum of the iso, possibly reburn at a slower speed is all i can suggest05:01
nikinhmm i have seen a strange thing, when i plug in my printer udev shoult connenct t to /dev/usb/usblp005:01
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fictionim supposed to that from the terminal right?05:01
verus_hi all! is there a php based software that can be installed on a server that can be feeded with calendar information from evolution, so that i have a way to sync my local calendar with a web-accessable frontend?05:01
DJAdmiraledju: I changed the boot order in my laptop's BIOS chip to floppy, cdrom, hard disk.05:01
fictionor from alt+f2?05:01
jessidtoo bad...but is ok...some last words...you may know some developers of GNOME...it could be a good improvement to work in...i love GNOME...good bye!!!05:01
wheels3572fiction, yes05:01
nikinbut by me it places to /dev/usblp005:01
shilohis there a chat forum for Bluetooth?05:01
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livingdayligwhat is the command for reinstalling xserver-xorg, please?05:02
verus_basically i want to publisize my calendar data, so i can access it from anywhere05:02
cafg10hi i am trying to buy a tvturner, wich one do you recommend me05:02
livingdayligi'm installing a new monitor05:02
edjuDJAdmiral, So, there's no way to install other than then the live cd?05:02
DJAdmiralverus_: you can probably use XAMPP05:02
LordSkylarkhow to manage firewall in ubuntu?05:02
shilohWhere can we find chat forums for Mono?05:02
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skavengeLordSkylark: firestarter is most common05:02
nikinso why is my 6.06 behaving like an 5.1?05:02
DJAdmiraledju: there is the alternate cd etc. however i think you might be able to do networked installations. i think. but you just need to change your boot settings.05:03
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line), firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) or shorewall (web interface)05:03
DJAdmiraledju: it's easy and harmless if you know what you're doing.05:03
nikini installed from 6.06 live cd , and updated everything05:03
LordSkylarkskavenge: thanks05:03
marcel__can anyone tell me what etherape is?05:03
AngryElfhow do i set up a sftp server?05:03
ubotuI know nothing about etherape - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:03
verus_DJAdmiral: thanks, i will have a look05:03
petemcAngryElf: installing the ssh server should provice sftp access05:03
longwaveAngryElf: you just need openssh-server installed05:04
=== epinephri [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
DJAdmiralAngryElf: FTP server plus openssh05:04
AngryElfand then just "sftp host"05:04
DJAdmiralAngryElf: XAMPP could probably do that for you05:04
petemcftp server?05:04
longwaveDJAdmiral: you don't even need an ftp server, openssh provides sftp anyway05:04
DJAdmiralverus_: no problemo05:04
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fictionon the very first line: type sudo vim Text Editor/etc/apt/sources.list"05:04
fictionyou forgot the opening "05:04
DJAdmirallongwave: thanks, i learned something today!05:04
fictionwhere does it go?05:04
AngryElfis there a way to mount a directory using sftp?05:04
wheels3572fiction, open up terminal mode05:04
fictioni opened terminal05:05
petemcAngryElf: sshfs05:05
fictionand typed05:05
livingdayligOk, lets try again: to reconfigure or reinstall xserver-xorg? what is the command?05:05
fictionsudo vim Text Editor/etc/apt/sources.list"05:05
frogzoomarcel__: etherape is like a sonogram of your ip traffic05:05
fictionbut you forgot to put the opening quotation marks05:05
wheels3572that should bring you right into the text editor05:05
verus_DJAdmiral: it seems that it is a apache distribution, how would i use that for my task?05:05
ShinzetsuWhen installing gFTP I get this error:05:05
Shinzetsuchecking for GLIB - version >= 1.2.3... no05:05
Shinzetsu*** The glib-config script installed by GLIB could not be found05:05
Shinzetsu*** If GLIB was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in05:05
Shinzetsu*** your path, or set the GLIB_CONFIG environment variable to the05:05
Shinzetsu*** full path to glib-config.05:05
Shinzetsuconfigure: error: gFTP needs GLIB 1.2.3 or higher05:05
fictionit didn't.05:05
wheels3572you dont need them05:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:05
skavengefiction: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list', none of that 'text editor' mess05:05
frogzooShinzetsu: enough with the pasting05:05
AngryElfDJAdmiral, longwave sorry, too many channels, i thought you all were in ##linux, sorry for asking you twice :)05:05
frogzooShinzetsu: this isn't the first time, so cut it out05:05
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wheels3572fiction, I always never use quotes here05:06
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Shinzetsufrogzoo: I know, but nobody warned me, and I thought it wouldnt be that much, sorry05:06
DJAdmiralverus_: XAMPP has a calender program built in. securely.05:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:06
longwaveShinzetsu: unless you are pasting just one line use the pastebin please05:06
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Shinzetsulongwave: k05:06
wheels3572you want pastebin frogzoo05:06
DJAdmiralverus_: log in to your comp, type in user/pass in apache interface, and go to calendar.05:07
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longwaveShinzetsu: why are you install gftp from source, when it is in universe?05:07
verus_DJAdmiral: it doesn't seem xampp is served with ubuntu, is it?05:07
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Shinzetsulongwave: dunno :P05:07
DJAdmiralverus_: nope.05:07
DJAdmiralverus_: neither is it in any of the repositories, so you have to install it via the terminal. i can help if you like.05:08
fictionwhen it asks for a password, do i use my password?05:08
Shinzetsulongwave: what is the package name?05:08
longwaveyou don't need xampp on ubuntu05:08
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:08
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:08
wheels3572fiction, yes your password05:08
sportegiocoCan anyone responde at a my domand?05:08
ricardohey guys ..i would like to know which repositorie you use to keep conky updated...05:08
longwavejust install those packages and you practically have xampp05:08
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ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded". To see more details on the relationship, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship05:08
DJAdmirallongwave: XAMPP is easier and faster :P05:08
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DJAdmirallongwave: plus it has the calendar thing that verus_ wants.05:09
longwaveDJAdmiral: but upgrading it later is more difficult because you are not using ubuntu packaging05:09
longwaveah ok it wins there :)05:09
DJAdmirallongwave: yay for XAMPP! lol05:09
verus_DJAdmiral: thanks a lot for you help, but i'll be fine if i decide to install it. it was just a question, because i'm new to ubuntu (used to debian) and maybe there would have been a need to add new repositories or anythung alike.05:09
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ubotuI know nothing about netcat - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:09
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DJAdmiralverus_: no problem, just glad i could help.05:09
longwave!info netcat05:10
ubotunetcat: TCP/IP swiss army knife. In repository main, is important. Version 1.10-29 (dapper), package size 64 kB, installed size 228 kB05:10
g33k0who knows how to use netcat?05:10
DJAdmiral!info etherape05:10
ubotuetherape: graphical network monitor modeled after etherman. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 113 kB, installed size 596 kB05:10
ricardohey guys ..i would like to know which repositorie you use to keep conky updated...05:10
AngryElfi imagine that us.archive.ubuntu.com is slow because there were a good 20 updates this morning?05:10
verus_DJAdmiral: and there is no easier way of publishing my calendar to a php-script? because my lamp environment is set up completly on that box now. and actually i want to host that script and there will be no chance i can install my own httpserver on there05:10
DJAdmiral!info conky05:10
ubotuconky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 95 kB, installed size 316 kB05:10
g33k0wot about breezybagger?05:10
DJAdmiralit's in the universe repository05:10
wheels3572fiction, you wanted me?05:10
g33k0!info netcat05:10
ubotunetcat: TCP/IP swiss army knife. In repository main, is important. Version 1.10-29 (dapper), package size 64 kB, installed size 228 kB05:10
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fictionyou = god.05:10
fictionthanks alot!05:11
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wheels3572fiction, I am new so farrrrrrrr from god lol05:11
wheels3572just glad I can help lol05:11
fictionwell it worked05:11
wheels3572ok :)05:11
AngryElfis there a mirror for us.archive.ubuntu.com?05:11
fictioni spent 2 hours last night05:11
DJAdmiralfiction: who you talking about lol?05:11
DJAdmiralAngryElf: nl.archive.ubuntu.com05:11
fictionwheels for helping me editing stuff =D05:11
wheels3572DJAdmiral, me lol I am FARRRRRR from god lol I need help with damn wireless lol05:11
npsterHow do I use my webcam on Linux, Philips ?05:11
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AngryElfDJAdmiral, how do i change it?05:11
fictionwheels, try ndiswrapper man05:11
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chaps0063longwave: I got it loaded, modprobe i2c-dev05:12
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:12
DJAdmiralAngryElf: you need to edit your sources.list file for that.05:12
AngryElfDJAdmiral, nm05:12
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wheels3572fiction, ok05:12
Shinzetsulongwave: do you know by any chance what the package name of gtfp is?05:12
npsterdo I have to repeat05:12
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fictionIt's easy, i can help you05:12
simpoi'm looking for working mldonkey-server package, anybody can help !?!?05:12
iqonis it best to use archive.ubuntu.com or another mirror for /etc/apt/sources.list?05:12
longwaveShinzetsu: just "gftp" :)05:12
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm05:12
longwaveit's in universe05:12
ShinzetsuE: Couldn't find package gtfp05:12
Shinzetsu =/05:12
fictionhow old are you people?05:13
longwavedo you have the universe repository enabled?05:13
Shinzetsuoh gtfp05:13
=== smacky_wolf is away: Sleep? Lol!
DJAdmiralHAHA! OMG that's a good joke on windoze by ubuntu lol05:13
nikinroot@niki-laptop:/media/hda2/LBP2900driver# ps aux|grep cupsd05:13
nikinroot     11487  0.0  0.1   2940   808 pts/1    R+   17:12   0:00 grep cupsd05:13
npsterHOW DO I use my webcam, Philips05:13
=== longwave is 27
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nikinis this meaning cups is runing?05:13
fiction22 here05:13
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DJAdmiralfiction: 16! :)05:13
simpomldonkey from repos is broken :( im looking for something else :/05:13
FuriousRagestill no go with linux for my box, still seams that ms windows wins the game; http://dark-code.bulix.org/ytju9z-1188305:13
iqoni feel old05:13
=== dell [n=dell@cpe-24-160-117-171.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fictioni feel old too05:13
dellhi yall's05:13
nikini am old05:13
npsterHOW DO I USE MY WEBCAM ?05:13
DJAdmiralnkin: from the look of it cups is not running05:14
DJAdmiralnpster: easy, chill05:14
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:14
fictionhey npster05:14
fictiontype !webcam05:14
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fictionnpster: type !webcam on your irc client05:14
=== Fucty [n=wohnung@chello062178207207.8.15.tuwien.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
benjaminwri have a question about rescue mode from the instllation cd. there seem to be two versions of the cd on for normal installation and one that says it is for installing ons systems with less than 192 mb ram and OEM install, but whith the normal CD i try and run "rescue" from the boot prompt running the cd and It doesn't find the image05:15
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DJAdmiralfiction: he can see what ubotu said05:15
benjaminwrdo I need to download the other cd???05:15
npsterok ok05:15
fictionoh ok05:15
=== livingdaylig [n=conrad-l@82-45-204-76.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
wheels3572fiction if you want him to see it specifically you would type !webcam > fiction05:15
wheels3572!webcam > fiction05:15
verus_another q: i have installed evoution-plugins, and in the section "plugins" all arre enabled. but i can't see the weather information in my calendar. what will i need to do?05:15
delli need help setup05:15
delli need help setup wirelesss05:16
AngryElfDJAdmiral, are there other mirrors? that one reports it doesn't have all the packages05:16
wheels3572!webcam > wheels357205:16
fiction!webcam > fiction05:16
=== Shinzetsu [n=Shinzets@ipd50a2372.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
wheels3572see you get it specifically :)05:16
wheels3572it doesn't paste in the channel room :)05:16
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FuriousRagestill no go with linux for my box, still seams that ms windows wins the game; http://dark-code.bulix.org/ytju9z-1188305:16
DJAdmiralAngryElf: you could replace the two letters up in front with your country code. like nl = netherlands, us = united states etc.05:16
dellhelp please05:16
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wheels3572Fucty, what's the matter FuriousRage05:16
delli need help setup wirelesss05:16
fictioni think i can helppppp05:17
dellhelp on wirelesss05:17
wheels3572What kind of chipset dell05:17
fictionwhat card and chipset05:17
benjaminwrcan someone help me with rescue mode to restore grub (my cd doesn't have it)?????05:17
fictioni think you need a floppy05:17
wheels3572FuriousRage, what seems to be the issue with Windows winning out?05:17
fictionboot fromf loppy05:17
delli see the network but it will not connet05:17
fictionok dell05:17
fictionopen up terminal05:17
DJAdmiralbenjaminwr: personally i think you should re-install from an alternate cd.05:18
fictionand type05:18
benjaminwrhow would I make a floppy for rescue mode?05:18
FuriousRagewheelswitch: windows get an ip and i can use internet, ubuntu doesnt ;(05:18
cafg10do you know about any recommended tvturner for ubuntu05:18
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wheelswitchreally FuriousRage ? fascinating.05:18
=== gnaleo [n=gnaleo@29.84-48-48.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
fictiondell: type 'iwconfig' in terminal05:18
frogzoobenjaminwr: boot the install disk in recovery mode05:18
dell IEEE 802.11b+/g+  ESSID:"STAD41A53"  Nickname:"acx v0.3.21"05:19
dell          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated05:19
dell          Bit Rate:54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=15 dBm   Sensitivity=1/305:19
dell          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off05:19
dell          Power Management:off05:19
dell          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:005:19
DJAdmiralcafg10: there are quite a few in the add/remove programs interface05:19
dell          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:005:19
dell          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:005:19
fictionok del05:19
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DJAdmiral!pastebin > dell05:19
fictiondoes it require a password?05:19
DJAdmiral!pastebin > aamir05:19
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benjaminwrthat's the problem recovery mode requires you to write "rescue" in the prompt but it doesn't do anything05:19
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DJAdmiral!pastebin > DJAdmiral05:19
FuriousRagefiction: no pass or anything, no router between me and isp, all dhcp .05:19
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npsterfrom where do I download EasyCam it isn't in Synaptic ?05:20
fictionFuriousRage: i was talking to dell, lol. are you having internet trouble too?05:20
cafg10i know about tem but i need to know about the hardware card05:20
gnaleoHi, how would I go about to make a folder and all its content very private? Like encrypt the folder, hide it .. or whatever ... in advance, thanks05:20
=== Cornellius [n=kvirc@142-217-38-112.telebecinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
FuriousRagefiction: oh, and yeah ;>05:20
fictiondell: does your router require a password?05:20
DJAdmiralnpster: no, you need to add your own repository05:20
fictionFuriousRage: one second man05:20
DJAdmiralnpster: the repository it says on the wiki i mean05:20
ubotuI know nothing about encrypt - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:20
ubotuI know nothing about encryption - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:20
fictiondell: what kind of password? hex digits or normal letters and numbers?05:20
duraAnyone here using Joomla and mysql with a port 80 redirected URL?05:20
dellnormal letter05:21
fictionthen type this05:21
frogzoognaleo: interesting question...how private?05:21
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gnaleofiction, so that noone uses my computer (including my user) can open it without a password05:21
frogzoognaleo: a cryptd file system then05:22
gnaleofiction, ive heard you can make some sort of encryptet container or something .. actually done that a loong time ago, but dont remember what or how it was05:22
fictiongnaleo: i dont know either =(05:23
FuriousRagegnaleo: www.truecrypt.org for container05:23
fictiondell: when you did 'iwconfig', did you see all that next to ath0?05:23
gnaleofrogzoo, cryptd file system ..05:23
gnaleoFuriousRage, ok, ille try05:23
dell1 sec let me check05:23
dellIEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:"netgear"  Nickname:"Broadcom 4318"05:23
dell          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Invalid   Bit Rate=1 Mb/s05:23
dell          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off05:23
dell          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:005:23
dell          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:005:23
dell          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:005:23
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fictionis that ath0 or eth0?05:24
fictionit should say more to the left05:24
DJAdmiraldell please use the pastebin!05:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:24
fictionit has lo, aht0, eth005:24
fictiontype this in terminal05:24
fictioniwconfig eth1 key s:"your password here"05:24
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fictionpassword is either the ASCII or HEX password05:25
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dellbut eth1 is not working05:25
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delli need to used a pcm car05:25
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searaymani have a quick little question about the update manager05:25
fictiondell type05:25
delleth1 is my inter net05:25
fictionand show me what you get05:25
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fictiondell, check your PMs05:26
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searaymanin my update manager when i click on the different updates i have to see the changes it dosent show me anything!!!!05:26
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FuriousRagedoes ubuntu have any known problems with inboard ethernet controller on ASUS nForce4 mobos?05:26
gnaleoFuriousRage, do you think you can give me a quicky on how to proseed with this? i have a dir, and want to crypt it with all its files05:26
dellInternet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.305:26
dellCopyright 2004-2005 Internet Systems Consortium.05:26
dellAll rights reserved.05:26
dellFor info, please visit http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP05:26
dellcan't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: Permission denied05:26
dellCan't create /var/run/dhclient.pid: Permission denied05:26
delldrop_privileges: could not set group id: Operation not permitted05:26
fictioncheck your PM05:27
dellwhat is pm05:27
fictionare you using xchat?05:27
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: some of those have 2 nics... is yours one of those?05:27
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FuriousRagegnaleo: with TC you create an container , then you could it with truecrypt something, dont recall how to do it in linux, but windows get an GUI for it all05:27
Jack_Sparrow!paste > dell05:27
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gnaleoFuriousRage, yes, so I saw on the page .. to bad you didnt get the gui for linux05:27
=== dsas [n=dean@host81-158-222-20.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
verus_i installed apache and libapache2-mod-php4 . still when i hit my webservers index.php it's not parsed but shown as a download, why?05:27
mathieuverus_: did you restart the webserver?05:28
mathieuverus_: apache1 and libapache2-mod-php4?05:28
verus_mathieu: yes i did05:28
gnaleoFuriousRage,  Enter file or device path for new volume: <--- what should I put here? Just create a file, or?05:28
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: mine only got one "plug" back in the mobo, alsmo i got an "thing" called sit005:28
verus_mathieu: no it's apache 205:28
FuriousRagegnaleo: something like mycontainer.tc would suffice iirc05:29
dellso what is PMs05:29
=== ThunderStruck [n=ThunderS@adsl-221-127-245.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
mathieuverus_: check /etc/apache2/mod* if there's a symlink for php05:29
hlandroI've got a problem with OpenOffice: In all file-related dialog boxes the text is replaced by squares (as in (hope I got napt working right)). Can anyone help me with this?05:29
Jack_Sparrowpm = Private message05:29
fictiondell: Private Messages that im sending you on irc05:29
mathieuverus_: if not: a2enmod <the name of the php module for apache>05:29
verus_mathieu: there is05:29
=== budluva [n=budluva@S0106001346ca1513.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
W_McLin /etc/apache2/mods-enabled must be a symlink to the php module in /etc/apache2/mods-availiable05:30
mathieualso for the config05:30
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: do you know which chipset the nic uses... it might be nforce but not sure05:30
verus_mathieu: yes, in mods-available and mods-enabled05:30
=== spec [n=spec@pool-71-246-233-245.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about sshtunnel - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:30
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FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: windows "ipconfig /All" says NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller05:30
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fictiondell: do you see it?05:30
verus_W_McL: there is05:30
=== DJAdmiral is now known as DJAdmiral|awayan
specWhat's the best way to monitor ssh tunnels and restart them if they go down? write my own script?05:31
=== DJAdmiral|awayan is now known as DJAdmiral|Busy
delldo you see it, what....05:31
fictionthe private message  sent you05:31
DJAdmiral|Busyi'll be busy for a while05:31
DJAdmiral|Busyfiction: he won't be able to see private messages unless he is registered05:31
wheelswitchhwo do i restart gnome without restarting my computer?05:31
hlandroWhen I start OO in a terminal, I get a warning "Pango-WARNING **: pango_shape called with bad font, expect ugly output"; I guess this has something to do with it... Only, I'm not told what font is bad.05:31
gnaleoFuriousRage, ok I have created a container ... and I have sucseffully "mapped" it .. but to where?05:31
specwheelswitch: ctrl+alt+backspace05:31
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DJAdmiral|Busywheelswitch: ctrl alt backspace05:31
fictiontell him how to register please, because i forgot05:32
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DJAdmiral|Busyso close lol05:32
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FuriousRagegnaleo: its like mount works, truecrypt /path/mycontainer.tc /where/to/map should work05:32
W_McLbut the name of the network card probably doesn't say anything about the chipset05:32
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=== durval [n=claubez@20151040019.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
DJAdmiral|Busydell: register using this command: /msg nickserv register thepasswordiwanttohavegoesrighthere05:32
linux_manjuwheelswitch: /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:32
verus_mathieu: something very strange is happening. putting a test.php in /var/ww works; putting it in a subfolder will not work (no parsing)05:32
FuriousRagelooking for my mobo's manual ;>05:32
=== exor|grey [n=john@cerberus.onyourmark.com] has joined #ubuntu
fictionthank you DJ05:32
DJAdmiral|Busynp fiction05:33
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durvalhello folks05:33
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durvalhaving trouble here with id3 tagging in gstreamer05:33
W_McLfor finding the used chipset it might be useful to do a lspci in linux and search for the data of the network card05:33
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abhinayits my "Intel 82845G" card, will xgl works with my system ?05:33
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: NB: NVIDIA GeForce 6100 GPU, SB: NVIDIA nForce 410 MCP05:33
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: I saw one page where disabling acpi got it working...05:33
exor|greywondering if there is a problem with security.ubuntu.com today? i cannot seem to update my reposititories05:33
durvalfor the life of me, can't find neither the "id3mux" or the "id3v2mux" plugins05:33
sethkexor|grey, it's been down on and off for a couple of days05:34
sid77exor|grey: security is slow today :)05:34
Jack_Sparrowexor|grey: I just finished updating mine05:34
KaycerFuriousRage: Having a problem with an NForce network driver?05:34
dellwhat program can i used to change of wirelesss05:34
Jack_Sparrowexor|grey: no more than 15 minutes ago05:34
=== SiLV3R [n=Tobs@p50844766.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
FuriousRageKaycer: suppose, cant get an ip in ubuntu live cd (amd64 version )05:34
fictioncan you ee this?05:34
durvalthey were supposed to be in the streamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse, but I have it installed and it is NOT there...05:35
fiction register using this command: /msg nickserv register choose-a-password-here05:35
abhinayIntel Motherboard, Petium 4 Processor & 512 MB RAM, Intel 82845G card , will xgl works with my system ???05:35
durvaldoes anyone here know anything about this?05:35
delli type that05:35
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fictiondell now check your private message05:35
KaycerFuriousRage: Oh, okay. I was going to suggest it might be forcedeth interferring with it, but if your card is showing up that's probably not it.05:35
dell1 sec05:35
fictionif you're using XChat, it's on the top left05:36
=== caplink811_log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-038-175.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
dellhooo i see sonting name ubotu05:36
npsterwhat is the operating Field of Canonical ?05:36
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Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: see if this is your model number   http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=6596805:36
ubotuI know nothing about canonical - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:36
=== athlon [n=athlon@e180159149.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
dellJack_Sparrow wants you to know: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:37
fictiondell: do you see something like #fiction05:37
DJAdmiral|Busyomg ubotu doesn't know about canonical! :O05:37
dellthat is what i see05:37
bigbill52aubuntu works with a 350 mhz p2 with 256 megs ram....and 6 gig hd...05:37
nikini have intalled my PRINTER juheyyyyyyyy!!!! :D05:37
DJAdmiral|Busynpster: you can go to www.canonical.com or www.canonical.org to do so.05:37
bigbill52arunning automatix now on that puter05:37
DJAdmiral|Busycongrats nikin!05:37
profoX`automatix = evil05:37
Jack_Sparrowdell you should have another tab for fiction05:37
DJAdmiral|Busyautomatix = devil05:37
DJAdmiral|Busyeasyubuntu = angel!05:38
fictioni just messaged you again05:38
=== linux0 [n=linux0@52.Red-83-60-90.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
frogzoobigbill52a: wrong chan for automatix support -> #automatix05:38
fictionwell that is weird.05:38
profoX`easyubuntu = less evil, but still a little bit evil05:38
DJAdmiral|Busylol profoxX`05:38
linux0Hello How can I install the actualitazions and repositories?05:38
delli see it05:38
bigbill52aeasy ubuntu wont work on if for some reason...just mentioning ...not inquiring about automatix05:38
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linux0Y've taked an ubuntu05:38
fictiontalk to me there dell, i can help you05:38
DJAdmiral|Busyfrogzoo: he just said he was using automatix. he wasn't asking for help on it.05:39
frogzoolinux0: actualizations - no idea what you mean, repos u get for free with the install05:39
=== trelayne [n=vigrat@bas1-montrealak-1128729658.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bigbill52abut thanks for the info....will try that channel05:39
Jack_Sparrowyes dell05:39
fictionlol jack05:39
fictionthats when you sent him the !paste thing05:39
frogzooDJAdmiral|Busy: :/05:39
nikini have got some nice task for tomorrow, i have to install ubuntu on a P2 with 128 Mb ram05:39
fictionhe noticed it now05:39
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DJAdmiral|Busy!linux0 do you mean enable universe and multiverse repositories?05:39
ubotuI know nothing about linux0 do you mean enable universe and multiverse repositories? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:39
dellhoo, ok. i working on the private messenger05:39
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: mhm, i do use 1 sata disk (no others in),05:40
=== regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowfiction: that is what I snet him with the bot after he pasted a few lines...05:40
DJAdmiral|Busylol that was a bummer lol05:40
ubotuI know nothing about LFS - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:40
ubotuI know nothing about LinuxFromScratch - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:40
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:40
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: fresh install?05:40
linux0ok thanks05:40
dellcan you help me know05:40
nikinwhat would be the pest filesystem for an 500GB HDD?05:40
fictionJack_Sparrow: i know, about 30 mins ago lol05:40
durvalfolks, does anyone know where to find the idmux/id3v2mux gstreamer plugins? I'm running Dapper, and they were supposed to be in the streamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse, but they are NOT there... I've checked. Can anyone here help me?05:40
=== Minuo [n=Minuo@64-252-106-227.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: dont get past install since ip doesnt work, but isnt acpi something "needed"?05:41
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Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: not if it is hanging the system05:41
fictionFuriousRage: trying to install wireless too?05:41
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=== dafart [n=dafart@5571fda5.ftth.concepts.nl] has joined #ubuntu
^robertjwhen are billboards going to be available via shipit?05:41
=== Genscher [n=genscher@c-134-228-193.d.dsl.de.ignite.net] has joined #ubuntu
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AngryElfallright -- i did sshfs user@host:/path/to/dir mountpoint -- now if I 'ls -l' as my regular user it shows all ?? for owner/perms.....if I 'sudo ls -l' it shows the perms and i can get at the files, any ideas?05:41
Genscherhey :)05:41
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage:  did live run ok?05:41
=== lancetw [n=lancetw@203-204-189-160.adsl.static.giga.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
frogzoonikin: best to have separate partitions for / 500meg, /usr 10gig, /var 5gig, /home the rest - all ext3 + a 1-2gig swap05:41
=== bloolh [n=bloo@] has joined #ubuntu
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: ya, that one loads fine (after 5 minutes cd load) ;>05:41
Genscheris there a way to launch kde applications within ubuntu? ( i don't like to install the whole stuff again for kubuntu)05:42
=== DJAdmiral|Busy is now known as DJAdmiral
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Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: everything on the cd is compressed and cpu intensive. HD install will run faster05:42
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=== hackel [n=hackel@CPE-69-76-5-54.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
amortvigilhey what's wrong with the ubuntu pakkage servers?05:42
delli going to reboot the system ,,,, thak you05:42
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: but live does not see your nic.. correct05:42
bloolhcan anyone help me with wireless internet connection please?05:42
nikinfrogzoo: it will not be the system partition05:42
holycowdamn .. update is not too speedy today05:43
=== WechLob is now known as Lobster
=== Genscher is going to erase this open stuff
holycowany other repos that are known to be fasti'ish besides uk?05:43
gnaleoFuriousRage, ok, I have sucsesfully maped the the container onto "/home/user/private" .. but I cant write to it by normal .. is there a special way to copy files into the mounted dir?05:43
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nikinthat is an otherone 80Gig05:43
Jack_Sparrowbloolh: we will need to know which chipset it uses, not just the name05:43
mweholycow: what mirror?05:43
DJAdmiralamortvigil: the security package servers are slow atm05:43
Evil_Ed`tell me05:43
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=== arto [n=arto@] has joined #ubuntu
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: the live see see and identifies my nic, gives it an ipv6 ip, none ipv4, cant renew the ip either05:43
BedHedG'day, noob convert here and having keyboard prolems...  keep ge7tin/7g stv/ff 7like thi/7s05:43
Jack_SparrowGenscher: sure I use kde apps in Ub all the time05:43
frogzooholycow: if there's a fast repo today, they're keeping it to themselves...05:43
artoI can see the bluetooth on ubuntu, through gnome device manager. I can't connect thought...05:43
mweholycow: arhive.ubuntu.com might be faster. it redirects to the least busy mirror.05:43
bigbill52abtw i am using a wireless usb adapter with the p2...works fine...hard to believe05:44
holycowmwe, ah neat05:44
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BedHedany gurus outh there can help?05:44
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GenscherJack_Sparrow: well if i start the application it says: "please ensure that kdebase is installed" (i'm talking of koctave)05:44
frogzoomwe: except I got auckland :(05:44
wildmanBedHed, which kind of keyboard do you have?05:44
=== docgnome [n=docgnome@64-40-47-26.nocharge.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage:  I saw that yesterday something about editing the file to disable ipv605:44
amortvigilDJAdmiral> not only the security ...05:44
hackelIs archive.ubuntu.com down at the moment?05:44
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: hmm do i disable APCI in bios or somewhere in the ubuntu settings?05:44
BedHedlabtec media wireless desktop05:44
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@dsl-69-50-50-226.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowGen how are you installing it?05:44
frogzoohackel: it's just slow05:44
wildmanBedHed, I meant layout sorry ;)05:44
docgnomewhat is the class path for the sun-java-jdk package?05:45
wildmanBedHed, say, if it US: sudo loadkeys us05:45
=== mike__ [n=mike@host119.kuzelnet.org] has joined #ubuntu
BedHedloaded linEAK but did not fix problem05:45
nikinif i insert a file in /etc/init.d will it automaticly beenig started when the system boots?05:45
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: been there done that, but it seams that its that ACPI that closest to my problem05:45
DJAdmiralhackel, amortvigil: both the archive and the security archives are slow atm.05:45
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=== peanutb [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu
MinuoI was doing a package install earlier, when my VPS froze (unfortunately it was a few days ago, I can't remember what package it was).  I brought my server back up, and aptitude started telling me "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.".  I did that, and each time it froze.  The last time it won't  boot, after getting that fixed (server wanted to fsck the filesystem), I now get the same run dpkg05:45
wildmanBedHed, I have a plain old IBM keyboard here, so I don't play much with keyboard related stuff... just throwing you a lead05:45
BedHedYes, checked layout and even tried different ones but same problem05:45
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage:  I would run live to grub screen, hit F6 and edit the grub command line05:45
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fictionis compiling my own kernek hard?>05:46
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Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: acpi=off05:46
gnaleoFuriousRage, ah, had to be root :) users get read only .. but thats great .. works perfectly!05:46
mwefiction: no05:46
BedHedthanks, wildman, just got it for $10 as the cat dumped water on my last one05:46
mwefiction: configuring it might be though ;)05:46
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: oki, going to test that now then, thanks05:46
FuriousRagegnaleo: oh yeah, that too ;>05:46
=== jnoon [n=jnoon@sv-fw.looksmart.com] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanBedHed, it should work no matter how much it costed ;)05:46
peanutbim having trouble useing my modem i have the via driver installed and know its the correct driver but it seems to stall when connecting to the dial-up server that seems to be nt based if it makes a difference05:46
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: That is my only guess05:46
wildmanBedHed, does loadkeys solve your pb?05:46
mwefiction: you can use the ubuntu config as base though05:46
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mwefiction: why do you need to compile your own kernel?05:47
fictionmwe: thanks. i will have to google05:47
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BedHedwildman, agree and it does in windows, but not in ubuntu or kubuntu...05:47
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: anything that might work is worth testing ;>05:47
fictionmwe: i wanted to install something on another distro05:47
roy_lpwhen i try to use "make" command i recieve:" bash: make: command not found"05:47
peanutbim having trouble useing my modem i have the via driver05:47
peanutb                 installed and know its the correct driver but it seems to05:47
peanutb                 stall when connecting to the dial-up server that seems to be05:47
peanutb                 nt based if it makes a difference05:47
mwefiction: ok05:47
=== roy_lp is now known as Hadar
wildmanBedHed, does loadkeys solve your pb?05:47
fictionmwe: and it said something about not having kernel-build files. do you know what that is?05:47
DJAdmiral!search canonical05:47
ubotuFound: sabdfl, buntudot, sabdlf05:47
=== Genscher erases ubuntu
wheels3572mwe or fiction speaking of Kernels how do I update mine from to .26?05:47
Genscherbye guys. will back when linux is useable05:47
ubotuI know nothing about sabfdl - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:48
BedHedsorry hard to keep up as I have to bkspace all the time05:48
ubotuI know nothing about savdfl - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:48
mwefiction: linux-headers-$(uname -r) probably05:48
=== corni [n=corni@pD9E2804A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanBedHed, no pb...05:48
ubotusabdfl is Mark Shuttleworth, self-appointed benevolent dictator for life, cosmonaut, founder of Canonical and primary driver of Ubuntu05:48
Hadarbash: make: command not found05:48
=== Genscher [n=genscher@c-134-228-193.d.dsl.de.ignite.net] has left #ubuntu []
Jack_SparrowGentle: bye05:48
=== salah_ is now known as salah
fictionwheels: ubuntu should show you an update balloon thing05:48
mwewheels3572: sudo aptitidu update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade05:48
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Hadary i can't run make ? i have a makefile ?05:48
wheels3572mwe, will apt-get work too?05:48
gnomefreakHadar: did you install build-essential?05:48
mwewheels3572: yeah05:49
wheels3572mwe, ok ty05:49
ompaul!build_essential > Hadar05:49
Hadari will05:49
ubotuI know nothing about build_essential  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:49
hackelAnyone know why Nautlius doesn't pass any arguments (like the url!) to my chosen application trying to open a file off a smb share?05:49
DJAdmiralfiction: compiling your own kernel isn't exactly a good idea unless you're really experienced05:49
ompaul!build-essential > Hadar05:49
fictionmwe: i used the add/remove program and installed xfce windowmanager, but its not listed in the sessions when i login. do you know anything about this?05:49
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-214-9-117.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
DJAdmiral!search canonical05:49
ubotuFound: sabdfl, buntudot, sabdlf05:49
fictionDJAdmiral: yea i think im not going to05:49
ubotuhttp://www.buntudot.org is a 3rd party *buntu news website with articles, reviews, how-tos, and links for all the buntu's ( not affiliated or run by Canonical Ltd. )05:49
ubotubuntudot.org also runs a 3rd party Repository of ubuntu software see : http://www.buntudot.org/howtos/buntudotorg-repositories/05:49
mwefiction: did you restart gdm?05:49
mwefiction: or reboot05:49
ubotusabdlf is Mark Shuttleworth, cosmonaut and founder of Canonical, main sponsor of Ubuntu05:50
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ubuntuserver irc.freenode.net05:50
=== `JB [n=JB@dpc6744112026.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
Minuowhat can I do if aptitude tells me "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." and dpkg --configure -a tells me "dpkg: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for reading: No such file or directory"?   I have some Linux experience mostly on Fedora, so I'm not too familiar with aptitude.05:50
fictionyes i rebooted05:50
artoanybody had some experience with usb bluetooth devices???05:50
ubotuI know nothing about canonical - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:50
BedHedneed some help with a labtec keyboard05:51
mweMinuo: can't you complete the installation of whatever you were installing. then uninstall it if you want?05:51
=== vegiVamp [n=demeersm@33.150-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
artoanybody had some experience with usb bluetooth devices???05:51
docgnomedoes anyone know where the sun java packages put the jdk? I'm trying to tell jree where they are... but I can't find them so that's kinna hard.05:52
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Minuomwe: the problem is I'm not positive what i was installing, it was a few days ago and I was busy, so this is the first time I've gotten a chance to fix it, because the filesystem wanted an fsck and I didn't have a chance to talk to my providor about getting it done05:52
^robertjI noticed that last time I was playing a full-screen opengl game I was still getting my notification bubbles, is that true of all full-screen apps now?05:52
fictionIs there a way to make ubuntu faster? or a lighter version of ubuntu to download?05:52
DJAdmiralfiction: use kubuntu05:52
^robertj(really like that feature, although a different theme for full screen would be nice)05:52
mjrarto, pretty much any should work, though of course I'm not positively sure about all devices on the market05:52
DJAdmiralfiction: i mean xubuntu sorry05:52
mwe`JB: just /msg ubotu <FACTOID>05:52
fictionDJAdmiral: does xubuntu have a add/remove thing05:52
Minuomwe: and I can't get apt-get to do anything for me, even if I knew what package05:52
fictionlike ubuntu does05:52
DJAdmiralfiction: yep05:52
tr1gg3rdocgnome, which java at cmdline should tell u05:52
fictionthank you05:52
DJAdmiralfiction: np05:53
mweMinuo: dpkg -l|grep -v ^ii|grep -v ^rc might give you a clue05:53
Minuomwe: "dpkg-query: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' for reading: No such file or directory"05:53
artomjr: My usb bluetooth device is connected well, and it's functional. However, I cannot connect to it with my SE W800 mobile.05:54
fictionDJAdmiral: so xubuntu is just a lighter version of ubuntu?05:54
mweMinuo: oh05:54
fictionie: less packages?05:54
Kyral_LaptopXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE as default05:54
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mweMinuo: I'm not sure how to fix it then. seems like the file disappeared05:54
fictionthats what ive been trying to do05:54
Kyral_LaptopXFCE is by its nature lighter than GNOME05:54
fictioninstall xfce05:54
tr1gg3rfiction, xubuntu uses xfce window mgr where ubuntu uses gnome05:54
DJAdmiralfiction: lol05:54
jimcooncatXubuntu has no gnome installed05:54
fictionthanks kyral and dj05:54
Minuomwe: I'm not sure exactly what that file stores, but it seems important... like all the packages that are installed05:54
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jimcooncatbut you can add it easily05:54
DJAdmiralfiction: np05:54
Kyral_Laptopfiction: install xubuntu-desktop05:54
mjrarto, well that's not a bt/usb question then, but a bt/se w800 question :]  Google no help?05:54
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fictionThe reason i ask is05:55
mweMinuo: it's the status of installed things05:55
DJAdmiralfiction: install xubuntu-desktop and you'd get Xubuntu05:55
nikinwho wrote the clock aplet for Gnome? 12MB of memory used by it :P05:55
artomrj: No, it's a know-about-nothing question ;) I don't know how I could connect!!05:55
fictioni tried zenwalk, and it was really light and fast. and i think its because it uses xfce05:55
BedHedIf no one can help with a keyboard problem can you point me to another place to get help besides ubuntoforums, newsgroups, or labtec?05:55
fictionso ive been trying to install xfce here05:55
mweMinuo: I think creating an empty file by that name should make dpkg work but all state info will still be gone05:55
artomjr, I mean :)05:55
fictionBedHed: give us more details on your problem05:55
nikinBedHed whats your problem?05:55
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net05:55
Minuomwe: Is there a way to re-create all that info?05:55
jimcooncatI like xubuntu because it has the ubuntu look and feel now05:55
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shawnr_Is there a plugin for ABI Word to read open office?05:56
fictionWhen i open terminal here in ubuntu, it takes about half a second before i see the comand line prompt05:56
fictiona tad bit low05:56
budluvacan anyone suggest a player such as amarok, but for gnome? i don't want to install all the kde stuff that comes along with amarok05:56
BedHedubotu, it is not my shortcuts and I have already add the sourceforge software05:56
fictionso i want to try something lighter05:56
mweMinuo: not short of reinstalling everything I think. I don't know why it's gone though05:56
mjrarto, ah. Well. Are you finnish, 'cause http://www.claudiocamacho.org/fi/freak/w800i.phtml seems to talk about that stuff a bit?05:56
DJAdmiralfiction: if you want xubuntu then, then simply install the xubuntu-desktop package, and your ubuntu turns into xubuntu! :D05:56
ubotuI know nothing about listen - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:56
BedHedI keep getting stuff li7ke th/7is allv t/7he time...05:56
fictionBedHed: ubotu is a bot05:56
mweMinuo: does ls -l /var/lib/dpkg confirm it's gone?05:56
artomjr: no, but I can manage to translate it through google.05:57
Minuomwe: When my server came up it wanted an fsck, its possible it was deleted05:57
Minuomwe: yes05:57
tr1gg3rbudluva, banshee or rhythmbox, not quite the same as amarok but ok05:57
shawnr_budluva, i was just like you. but i went through all the players i could find, some are close but still in devel and need tons of work. I gave in. using amarok right now. nothing compares05:57
mweMinuo: oh05:57
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fictionBedHed: you keep seeing leet talk?05:57
BedHedthanks fiction05:57
shawnr_Is there a plugin for ABI Word to read open office?05:57
mjrarto, actually, it seems http://www.claudiocamacho.org/en/freak/w800i.phtml has the same in english :] 05:57
specHow can I test if I'm "in" a screen session?05:57
budluvatr1gg3r: rythmbox is ugly, haven't tried banshee though...ill give it a shot, thanks05:57
fictionleet talk is like: 1337 4ello05:57
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mweMinuo: I think it's pretty bad05:57
artomjr, yeah I noticed :D05:57
specbudluva: songbird i hear is elite05:57
BedHedno I don't fiction05:57
nikinshawnr: do you mean open document?05:57
jimcooncatspec: ^a ?05:58
fictionOh ok05:58
budluvaspec, cool, ill check it out thanks05:58
BedHednot once...  strange05:58
stefgbudluva: http://listengnome.free.fr/05:58
fictionwhat do you exactly mean by this: I keep getting stuff li7ke th/7is allv t/7he time...05:58
shawnr_yea i need abiword to open a openoffice word doc05:58
specjimcooncat: shell script test?05:58
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mweMinuo: it will think nothing is installed if you create an empty file I think05:58
DJAdmiral!canonical is Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/05:58
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mjrarto, seems the page itself doesn't talk much about bt, but at least there's a link to another05:58
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Minuomwe: I think so too, since neither an empty file nor the status-old file is helping at all05:58
BedHedsee the 7s and the /'s and the v's.  as I type they show up05:58
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Minuomwe: I'll ask my vps provider to re-image the server, I don't think this is worth fixing05:58
fictionthats leet talk05:58
jimcooncatspec, sorry don't know. I think there is a way tho05:58
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mweMinuo: yeah05:58
nikinshanr: which version of OOo are you using?05:59
fictioni wish i knew how you got that. i want to try it otu05:59
BedHedlol sorry, IRC is not my thing05:59
Hadari have no stdio.h and math.h . why ??...05:59
BedHedit sux, as I have to bkspace all the time05:59
jimcooncatspec, check out the -e flag05:59
sk4jvokeri have trouble with wine and Call of duty 1 , installs the first cd then asks for cd2 and i cant unmount cd1 to mount cd2 what to do?05:59
BedHedand commands are hard to do05:59
shawnr_nikin, im not im using abiword, oo isn't installed but these files were created with the lastest stable build05:59
nikinBedHed: is your keyboard layout seted right?05:59
BedHedset to us06:00
DJAdmiralsk4jvoker: you need to use a particular command with wine or cedega, i don't remember, let me find it06:00
mweMinuo: but you had a file system corruption that was fixed?06:00
spec!canonical is Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/06:00
ubotuI'll remember that06:00
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BedHedI have tried different ones06:00
BedHedsame in Gnome and KDE06:00
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wildmanBedHed, maybe in /etc/X11/xorg.conf it is not well setup ?06:00
spec!canonical > DJAdmiral06:00
Minuomwe: from what I understand, yes.  The server is a VPS, so I couldn't see the boot process06:00
wildmanBedHed, sorry, but I'm whipping a 100 cats at a time06:00
DJAdmiralthanks spec!06:00
specDJAdmiral: np06:00
mweMinuo: what file system?06:00
Hadari also recieve this error when try to add PE qinsows parser: "an error occured while CDT project async saved"06:00
DJAdmiralspec you're an ubuntu op?06:00
nikinshawner: ok i look for it, just a minute06:00
budluvax86_64 packages still work in 32bit dapper???06:00
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BedHedI will take a look wildman06:01
mwebudluva: no06:01
budluvaspec: seems your songbird is in 64bit format06:01
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BedHedback in windows right now so I can type faster06:01
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mweMinuo: have you looked in lost+found?06:01
MinuoI don't have anything named status in there06:01
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ubotucanonical is Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/06:01
specbudluva: that's f'n odd ... fedora core = x86, ubuntu = 64bit06:01
Minuomwe: What would I be looking for in the file?06:02
BedHedIf I can fix this and find a good newsreader I will wipe the evil MS off my HD...06:02
mweminerale: hmm. the status file06:02
specbudluva: just use the 386 "fedora core" version06:02
bur[n] eranyone able to watch teh dailyshow via their online streaming page?06:02
sk4jvokeri have wine dont have cedega06:02
mweMinuo: ^^06:02
specbudluva: it's just source anyways06:02
mweMinuo: I don't think I can help you :|06:02
DJAdmiralsk4jvoker: ooooooone sec almost have that command06:02
Minuomwe: Ok, thanks, I undrestand06:02
budluvaspec ahh, wasnt sure if it would work or not06:02
ManiacKYMy system has 4 gig of ram. Yet its only seeing 3 gig in ubuntu. It sees all 4 in Windows 2003. Do I have to do something special to the see the remaining gig of memory?!06:02
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wildmantime to go back to work (part of those 100 cats to whip ;))06:02
AJ004ubuntu update servers are toast06:02
wildmanBedHed, good luck!06:02
specbudluva: it should...it's a still proof of concept though, so it might not work :p06:03
BedHedthanx, I'll keep trying06:03
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DJAdmiralsk4jvoker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega#head-20d0c7a86b9eda97ca8654d45b92b0bd1d545563 <--- this should help you out ^^06:03
BedHedlet you know when I figure it out..06:03
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trappistManiacKY: you need a kernel that supports that much ram.  not sure which one that would be.06:03
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nemlahHello all can someone paste me his free output after a restart with gnome and only gaim running06:03
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nemlahIam seeing a used mem right after the restart = 102168806:03
ManiacKYtrappist I'm running 686 smp now. Had to load that to get dual processors working06:03
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Hadardoes stdio.h comes automaticlly with GCC ?06:03
Hadaran u tell me that package name ?06:04
AJ004new kernel images in linux and they wont download :(06:04
sk4jvokerok thanks will check it out06:04
mjrHadar, install build-essentials; it brings in all the stuff needed to compile c/c++06:04
Hadari managed to install make builders, thanks, btw :)06:04
DJAdmiralnp sk4jvoker06:04
Hadarmjr: i just did06:04
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trappistAJ004: yeah security.ubuntu.com seems to be having a bad day06:04
gnaleohow do I cp files as root in gui? or is that possible?06:04
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nemlahis over 1GB ram usage after restart ok?06:04
mjrHadar, well then you have stdio.h06:04
nikinshawner: are you here?06:04
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Hadarbut i still get a building error from eclipse that it doesn't find stdio.h and math.h ...06:04
GnarusLeohow do I cp files as root in gui? or is that possible? or move, or whatever06:05
AJ004trappist can ubuntu offered a paid version if usage is too high on the free one06:05
AJ004i wonder06:05
AJ004maybe ubuntu should have 2 different tiers of service for updates........06:05
trappistsure they could06:05
nikinshawner_ there is a plugin for it... look at http://opendocumentfellowship.org/Applications/Abiword06:05
nemlahis over 1GB ram usage after restart ok? Ain't linux supposed to be light?06:05
Hadarmjr, maye there's a way t install it ?06:05
trappistAJ004: my kernel images are downloading - just slowly06:05
marcel__how can I configure printing in ubuntu?06:05
AJ004i realize there are people who want it to remain free and it should but maybe they could charge for the rest of us :P06:05
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mjrHadar, recommend installing premade Eclipse packages from the universe repository06:06
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:06
FuriousRagemeh acpi only worked to disable my disk drive nothing else ;>06:06
Hadari dont understND06:06
AJ004actually maybe google and ubuntu could hook up for the servers06:06
Hadarshould i uninstall eclipse and re install it again ?...06:06
fictionOk guys06:06
azmrbupdate today broke Realplayer, OO, and wont/cant download new updates???06:06
fictioni shall go install xubuntu desktop06:06
mjrHadar, ah, nevermind, I thought you were compiling eclipse06:06
nemlahis over 1GB ram usage after restart ok? Ain't linux supposed to be light?06:07
FuriousRagei admit defeat, i surrenter to windows xp06:07
DJAdmiralAJ004: ubuntu is free however having SOME repository servers for people who pay only doesn't go against the concept of free if im not mistaken. as long as there are some free repositories your suggestion ought to be good i suppose.06:07
fiction\-_-/ says farewell06:07
Hadarmjr - IN eclipse :)06:07
trappistManiacKY: grep CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G /boot/config-$(uname -r)06:07
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DJAdmiralfiction: WAIT!06:07
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DarkPixellol ownt06:07
Hadarbut it says i dont have stdioh ... y ?06:07
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FuriousRagei admit defeat, i surrenter to windows xp06:07
mjrHadar, I don't know why it would complain that06:07
AJ004djadmiral unless they can improve the servers for all to use06:07
nemlahis over 1GB ram usage after restart ok? Ain't linux supposed to be light?06:07
Hadarcan u tell me how to check which compiler eclipse uses ?06:07
AJ004djadmiral im sure google has extra server space :)06:07
mjrnemlah, ram not used is ram wasted06:07
DJAdmiralfiction: don't leave as yet06:08
AJ004djadmiral people keep using those google videos which instantly load06:08
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DarkPixelhe already did06:08
nemlahmjr: after a restart06:08
DJAdmiralfiction:  noooooooooooooooooooo!!! lol06:08
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nemlahso if i start some apps i will use swap06:08
AJ004it is downloading now :)06:08
DJAdmiralAJ004: can you tell me WHY would google want to partner up with ubuntu?06:08
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AJ004djadmiral cause google uses it06:08
Hadarmjr ?06:08
mjrnemlah, or, more likely stuff will be dumped out of the file cache06:08
mjrHadar, no, I don't know Eclipse06:09
DJAdmiralAJ004: they use linux, not ubuntu :P06:09
AJ004djadmiral google uses goobuntu in house06:09
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AJ004djadmiral:  its a customized version of ubuntu06:09
Hadardoes any1 know eclipse ?06:09
DJAdmiralAJ004: oh nice. however06:09
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DarkPixeland msn uses linux thats funny ha ha06:09
DJAdmiralAJ004: just cause they use ubuntu doesn't mean they'll be willing to host repository servers06:09
sethkHadar, I've used it, although not for a while06:09
walkoversom questions are so stupid that you can't find the answer on google. I have one of that nature. How do i make a bashscript?06:09
AJ004djadmiral we shall see06:09
DJAdmiralAJ004: try emailing google in either case.06:10
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AJ004djadmiral nah.......... windows vista is still delayed and i expect something big to happen to linux right around the time of vista's release06:10
DarkPixelMsn uses linux microsoft has been defeated06:10
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AJ004plenty of time left in the game06:10
marcel__can you guys tell me how to configure  printing?06:10
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sethkwalkover, with an editor06:11
AJ004as to what that is i dont know06:11
AJ004i just keep updating ubuntu for now06:11
walkoverhow do you make it executeable? .. i guess thats the real question06:11
DJAdmiralAJ004: meh.06:11
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=== FuriousRage falls to his knees and worships MS Windows XP, linux lost the fight over my box
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DJAdmiralFuriousRage: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! NOOOOO!!! no seriously06:12
kevinzhello. My emacs does not support python mode. how to install it?06:12
AJ004djadmiral any idea whats new in the latest kernel update?06:12
DJAdmiralFuriousRage: what exactly is the problem again?06:12
Hadarseth: did u see my problem ?06:12
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkkevinz, download the mode files, and modify your .emacs to load them06:12
sethkHadar, no06:12
Hadari have ubuntu and installed build-essentials,GCC, and CDT, but when i try to compile my project i get building error that stdio,h is missing - y ?06:12
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DJAdmiralaj004: no idea, i suppose you could check the official linux website and check out the changelogs or something06:12
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FuriousRageDJAdmiral: what ever i tried, i cant get an ip, now lastly i tried to acpi=off (f6) on the ubuntu live cd, only made my disk drive disabled tho06:13
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Hadar(thats the problem)06:13
kevinzsethk: oh that seems complicated06:13
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AJ004djadmiral would u know how i can modify my grub to take out the old kernel updates in there06:13
tristanmikeI'm having a rediculous time connecting to the Ubuntu servers to get my updates, I don't see anything in /topic can someone please help, I can not connect at all06:13
DarkPixelkernal is like .1806:13
=== mercykiller_ [n=mercykil@adsl-70-242-7-145.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DarkPixelu buntu is .15 i think06:13
AJ004djadmiral everytime i upgrade kernels i have more grub options, its rediculously long now06:13
DJAdmiralFuriousRage: so it's your cruddy isp's fault, not ubuntu!!06:13
linux_manjuFuriousRage: Does your interface show up atall?06:13
DJAdmiralFuriousRage: lol06:13
trappisttristanmike: security.ubuntu.com is having a bad day06:13
nikinFurius: what system do you have? whats in the box?06:13
sethkHadar, I assume you mean stdio.h.  Probably an include path issue.  First try to compile from the command line so that you can verify that gcc works.  Then look at the include paths from within eclipse06:13
linux_manjuFuriousRage: what does it say when you do ifconfig -a06:13
tristanmiketrappist: it's been terrible for a month now, very dissapointing06:13
FuriousRagelinux_manju: yes, and gets some ipv6 ip sorta06:13
linux_manjuFuriousRage: you mean sit0 ??06:14
trappisttristanmike: I haven't had problems until today. but, yeah.06:14
shriphanihow do i get rid of gnome completely so that i dont have to install gnome updates while i am running xfce06:14
FuriousRagelinux_manju: yes06:14
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DJAdmiralAJ004: not atm, no. however i plan to make my own linux distro soon enough so i'll have to come across GRUB sooner or later.06:14
linux_manjuFuriousRage: Do you see any other interfaces other than sit and lo ?06:14
FuriousRagelinux_manju: http://dark-code.bulix.org/34cyqr-1189206:14
Hadarseth: trying06:14
Hadaryes i succeed06:15
Hadarso its a path prolem..06:15
Hadarwhat to do ?06:15
sethkshriphani, you never have to install gnome updates.  regardless of whether or not you are running gnome06:15
shriphanireally ?06:15
sethkHadar, there should be paths in the project settings.  Also make sure the compile flag that says "don't use standard include paths" is not on.06:15
FuriousRagelinux_manju: althoight i see now that dhclient tries to get ip from but in windows i see one does it matter?06:15
tristanmikeAJ004: you need to edit "/boot/grub/menu.lst"  don't forget to make a backup06:15
sethkHadar, you can find the compile line in the project settings also.06:15
Hadarseth: ok, checking06:15
DJAdmiralafter these updates are done imma gonna go on to start work on Aamix.06:16
linux_manjuFuriousRage: why dont ya try disabling ipv6 for the time being and renew your address?06:16
linux_manjuFuriousRage: Does it work if you assign static ip?06:16
shriphanithen why does the update manager show gnome blah blah in the updates list ?06:16
FuriousRagelinux_manju: been there, tried that, failed that06:16
FuriousRagelinux_manju: only got dyn ip06:16
sethkshriphani, the fact that it is shown in the update list doesn't mean you have to install the update.06:16
linux_manjuFuriousRage: what is the PC you are using now?06:16
Hadarseth, im not sure where to search06:16
shriphaniso you mean just uncheck it ?06:16
linux_manjuFuriousRage: is it in the same network06:16
sethkshriphani, sure06:17
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FuriousRagelinux_manju: AMD64 Athlon 4000+ 1mb cache, no router, direct connected to isp thru adsl06:17
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sethkHadar, in settings for the project.  I don't have it installed on this box, unfortunately.  Project settings, and default project settings, shouldn't be hard to find.06:17
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linux_manjuFuriousRage: well...06:17
avufuriousrage: adsl normally works though pppoe and does not use dhcp06:17
FuriousRageavalost: mine isnt pppoe and uses dhcp06:18
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linux_manjuFuriousRage: Is your current PC in the same LAN ( Physical segment)?06:18
mjravu, normally and normally, at least in Finland bridged dhcp adsl is common06:18
FuriousRagelinux_manju: its the same pc im trying to get ubuntu getting an ip on06:18
linux_manjuFuriousRage: How could ya browse when you do not have an IP?06:19
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speccan I make ssh write it's PID to a file? (is it practical to use start-stop-daemon with an ssh tunnel?)06:19
FuriousRagelinux_manju: booted back to xp06:19
avumjr: ok then. in .de there is not a single isp which does not use pppoe. so, sorry i guess.06:19
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linux_manjuFuriousRage: Ok here is a test...06:19
linux_manjuFuriousRage: check the current IP assigned to your PC.. with ipconfig /all06:20
nikinFurius: what is your IP what you get from your ISPs DHCP on windows?06:20
linux_manjuFuriousRage: reboot to ubuntu and run these commands...06:20
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Hadarseth, i dont think im doing something well ...06:20
linux_manjuFuriousRage: ifconfig eth0 <the IP you noted down>06:20
FuriousRagenikin: 85.226.x.x06:20
Hadari have o go, i hope u'll be online tomorrow06:20
linux_manjuFuriousRage: route add default gw <The default gateway you noted down>06:21
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linux_manjuFuriousRage: then vi /etc/resolv.conf06:21
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DanaGI can't get X to start.06:21
linux_manjuFuriousRage: specify the dns ips there06:21
DanaGIt can't find the nvidia module.06:21
FuriousRagelinux_manju: oki, will try again ;>06:22
SurfnKidDanaG, revert it to mesa06:22
linux_manjuFuriousRage: with this format nameserver <dns IP>06:22
sethkDanaG, modprobe nvidia06:22
linux_manjuFuriousRage: hold on06:22
DanaGWhen running the NVIDIA installer, is there anywhere special I have to tell it to install the Xorg module?06:22
DanaGIt defaults to /usr/X11R606:22
sethkDanaG, that's where it should be06:22
sethkDanaG, do lsmod | grep nvidia06:23
linux_manjuFuriousRage: can you paste the ipconfig /all details in pastebin06:23
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DanaG(Oh, and I'm in Windows right now moving some stuff around on my NTFS partitions, so it may be a little while until I boot back to Ubuntu.06:23
linux_manjuFuriousRage: so that i can give you the set of commands..06:23
sethkDanaG, there is an x level module but there is also a kernel module06:23
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jan1024188hi all06:23
jan1024188is there anybody who use knoppix from usb stick key06:23
DanaGThe kernel module will modprobe, but Xorg can't find the X module.06:23
FuriousRagelinux_manju: http://dark-code.bulix.org/zxcukw-1189306:23
linux_manjuFuriousRage: Hold on06:23
IRCMonkeyXhi, ubuntu has approximetly about 5000 packages, is there a way to download those packages to cd ?? i have no chance to download it from my computer with synaptic update06:24
gnomefreak5000? alot more than that06:24
sethkDanaG, if the install completed, the module will be in the correct location; at least it has been on all three of my nvidia boxes.  I install taking the defaults.06:24
gnomefreakIRCMonkeyX: hoary had 18,000 iirc06:24
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IRCMonkeyXgnomefreak : isnt it debian's package number?06:25
DJAdmiraloh hey gnomefreak, haven't seen you in a while06:25
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gnomefreakDJAdmiral: working with bug alot not really around here06:25
FuriousRagelinux_manju: dunno if it matters that i got an SATA2 disk, and nForce 4 onboard nic06:25
IRCMonkeyXgnomefreak : do i have a chance to download common packages to cd ???06:26
DanaG(opened with windows ext2 driver, hence the backslashes)06:26
DJAdmiralgnomefreak: meh well, good to see ya anyways :)06:26
linux_manjuFuriousRage: that should not matter06:26
DanaGI can still look around on my Linux partition.06:26
gnomefreakgood to see you too06:26
gnomefreakIRCMonkeyX: not atm06:26
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FuriousRagelinux_manju: i tested this before (acpi=off) http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=6596806:26
RopechoborraSome game emulator?06:26
sethkDanaG, that's the correct location06:26
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DanaGIs it supposed to load glx or GLCore?06:27
IRCMonkeyXgnomefreak : atm ??06:27
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DanaGI used the nvidia-xconfig.06:27
gnomefreakat the moment06:27
IRCMonkeyXgnomefreak : atm network ??06:27
kevinzhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ is not responding06:27
sethkDanaG, I'll check my x log06:27
gnomefreakIRCMonkeyX: atm = at the moment06:27
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kevinzerr... now ok06:27
gnomefreakkevinz: known issue06:27
AngelaHelllo, I am attempting to install VMware, and need MAKE... is make part of GCC? TIA :)06:27
navartechhello world just need to know.......i installed and configure dazuko in my ubunto 6.06 together with antivir ....now i have new kernel update....the question is?! do i need to reinstall and reconfigure dozuko including antivir after installation of new kernel update?06:28
linux_manjuFuriousRage: http://dark-code.bulix.org/rk14ya-1189406:28
RESanyone know how to setup something similar to Windows ICS/network sharing thing?06:28
linux_manjuFuriousRage: I have pasted the commands there06:28
sethkDanaG, mine does load nvidia's glx, yes.06:28
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linux_manjutry them and see if that works06:28
GnarusLeohow do I cp files as root in gui? or is that possible? or move, or whatever06:28
IRCMonkeyXgnomefreak : lets say i did it with synaptic, after will i have a chance back up to these packages? for future use ??06:28
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DJAdmiralAngela: you will need to download the build-essentials package from the ubuntu repositories06:28
RESI want my xbox to samba into my PC06:28
Angelathankyou DJAdmiral :)06:28
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: You mean with nautilus?06:28
FuriousRagelinux_manju: oki, going into ubuntu cd now and test it06:29
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tr1gg3rAngela, no not part of gcc installing build-essential pkg will get all you need to compile items from src06:29
DanaGI'm using 2.6.15-26-68606:29
GnarusLeolinux_manju, yes06:29
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FuriousRagebbl and we'll see ;>06:29
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DJAdmiralAngela: I hope you're downloading VMWare from the ubuntu repositories in the first place though06:29
GnarusLeolinux_manju, no, sorry .. I use kde06:29
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AngelaooOOOoo it is in the repositories?06:29
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Angelahow totaly cool06:29
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: well Either add tty7 in /etc/securetty file06:29
homerh_linuxhiya ppl ive set up the vnc remote session from the how to ,i would just like to know if its possiable to change to this session06:30
DJAdmiralAngela: whenever you want software, check if it is in the repositories first ;)06:30
RESanyone know how to setup a home network?06:30
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: Or do a sudo su - in the current gui06:30
RESlike in WIndows, 'setup home network'06:30
IRCMonkeyXall ubuntu packages how many gb  ?06:30
Angelawell, I am actualy running linux from windows X64 right now :) I just need make for the VMware tools :)06:30
navartechhello anyone can help please06:30
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: and in the root shell type startx -- :206:30
navartechhello world just need to know.......i installed and configure dazuko in my ubunto 6.06 together with antivir ....now i have new kernel update....the question is?! do i need to reinstall and reconfigure dozuko including antivir after installation of new kernel update?06:30
gnu2it2how to set cron job to run midnight every other sunday?06:30
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linux_manjuGnarusLeo: that will open one more instance of Xorg with root previlage06:30
Angelathanks DJAdmiral, I am going to make a real ubuntu install soon, I will look in apt :)06:30
GnarusLeolinux_manju, ah, so you have to start X with root (in other words)06:30
DJAdmiralAngela: so basically just get two packages from the ubuntu repos - build-essential and the VMWare Player thingy.06:31
DJAdmiralAngela: no problemo :P06:31
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linux_manjuGnarusLeo: Yup06:31
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Angelaok cool! , thank you verry much :)06:31
GnarusLeook, thanks linux_manju06:31
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: did you try sudo nautilus ?06:31
IRCMonkeyXall ubuntu packages how many gb  ? does someone have any idea ?06:31
Angelaubuntu has advanced a lot science Warty warthog :)06:31
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: that should work06:31
AngelaI am impressed06:31
GnarusLeolinux_manju, im at kde .. but I guess i could get the nautilus package still06:31
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navartechhello world just need to know.......i installed and configure dazuko in my ubunto 6.06 together with antivir ....now i have new kernel update....the question is?! do i need to reinstall and reconfigure dozuko including antivir after installation of new kernel update?06:32
specWhen I use 'start-stop-daemon -m --pidfile ./moo.pid etc etc etc', the pid in moo.pid is one below the actualy pid of the running process....what gives?06:32
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: you can try knoppix alternative06:32
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linux_manjuGnarusLeo: and install rox.. Not sure if rox-filer is there in ubuntu repo.. one second lemme check06:33
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sethkspec, it's the pid of the script that starts the actual process06:33
homerh_linuxhiya how do i change to diffent session screen06:33
specsethk: it's calling ssh....so it's the pid of start-stop-daemon itself?06:34
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GnarusLeolinux_manju, getting the pkg now .. it was in the repos, thanks06:34
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: why dont ya try konquerro in the mean time.. sudo knoqueror06:34
sethkspec, I'm not certain about that.  you can find out by running start-stop-daemon under strace, using strace -o filename -ff start-stop...06:34
linux_manjuGnarusLeo: NP06:34
DJAdmiralIRCMonkeyX: all packages in the ubuntu repositories would be at least 20 gigs i suppose06:35
sethkspec, that will give you one file for each process started, named   filename.pid06:35
buntu418does anyone know how to connect motorolla 768i to ubuntu06:35
DarkPixelgaim crashes randomly is this a problem for everyone?06:35
cbx33WOW Bluetooth is easy on linux :D06:35
sethkspec, and you can check the beginning of the trace file to find out what its process was06:35
acojlohow to install iexplorer for wine?06:35
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DJAdmiralacojlo: www.frankscorner.org can help you out with that :)06:35
acojloI'm using bluetooth between SE T610 and Evolution email to synchronise all the data06:35
buntu418does anyone know how to connect motorolla 768i to ubuntu06:36
IRCMonkeyXDJAdmiral: hi, is there a way to download most common packages to cd ?? i have no chance to download it from my computer with synaptic update06:36
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DarkPixelIts to the point were i use Kopete to connect to msn cause gaim crashes on startup06:36
acojlovery nice neighborhood thanks DJAdmiral06:36
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GnarusLeolinux_manju, do you also know .. I dont have gnome, but many programs I use was intended for gnome, and apperantly use gnome icons ... therefore I dont get any icons on these programs ... is there a way to install the gnome-icon package or whatever?06:36
DJAdmiralIRCMonkeyX: I'm not completely sure about that, but getting all the packages on cd would be a lot of trouble - too much space06:36
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DJAdmiralnp acojlo! :)06:37
satemplerwhat is up with security.ubuntu.com it's so slow06:37
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Ace2007Hi all06:37
satemplerI just did a speed test and it isn't me06:37
IRCMonkeyXDJAdmiral: so that i need to take my pc to office :(06:37
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DJAdmiralsatempler: the ubuntu repositories atm have some serious overload.06:37
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IRCMonkeyXmy internet connection is restricted by 6 gb06:38
satemplerDJAdmiral: tell me about it06:38
DJAdmiralIRCMonkeyX: I suppose so.06:38
buntu418does anyone know how to connect motorolla 768i phone to ubuntu06:38
DJAdmiralsatempler: it has serious overload, just told you about it right now lol06:38
DanaGThat's so stupid.  What's the ISP?06:38
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DJAdmiralDanaG: what's so stupid?06:38
satemplerit normaly goes about 1MB/s06:38
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DJAdmiralDanaG: oh the 6 gb limit06:38
DanaGLimited total downloads.06:38
DJAdmiralDanaG: yeah i know that's a pain06:39
IRCMonkeyXDJAdmiral : lets say i did it with synaptic, after will i have a chance back up to these packages? for future use ?? may be at another pc06:39
DanaGOn my Charter, I get the advertized 3 megabits down, but I don't get the advertized 256 kilobits up.06:39
DJAdmiralIRCMonkeyX: to be completely honest I am not sure06:39
DanaGIf I try to go too far over 64 up, it completely chokes the connection.06:39
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DanaGAt least they don't have a fixed limit.06:40
DanaGWhat's your ISP?06:40
IRCMonkeyXDanaG: you have 6 gb limit too ?06:40
DanaGNo, no fixed limit.06:40
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DanaGI do sometimes get throttling, and the upload sucks, though.06:40
stefgfirefox and several other security updates are just out... all ubuntoids in the world get their notice and draw their 50-100 MB... who wonders security,ubuntu.com is slow? Update-notifier turns a out as  a self-DDOS Attack...06:40
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benjaminwris anyone else having problems with the archive.ubuntu.com repo???06:41
DJAdmiralDanaG: I don't have a fixed limit thankfully, just a 512kbps ADSL plan, however my ISP is actually the most expensive in the world. no kidding.06:41
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DJAdmiralbenjaminwr: the ubuntu repositories atm all have some serious overload.06:41
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DanaGIt makes me envious of France, Sweden (I believe), and Japan.06:41
benjaminwrgood to know06:41
DarkPixelT3 more expensive guarantee ya06:42
benjaminwry have a 4096 connection06:42
DJAdmiralDarkPixel: are you talking about a T3 modem or an ISP called T3?06:42
DJAdmiralDarkPixel: im talking about an ISP, not a modem.06:42
zazeemi have cedega 5.2.3 and cant get p2p to work, but i got cedega running and plays games but is thee a way to run css in opengl? i know of the cmd -opengl after in command line but need p2p  working for that, is there a way to run css in opengl without p2p?06:42
zazeemno one will help in cedega chnl06:43
DanaGWhat's this about p2p and OpenGL?06:43
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DanaGDon't most P2P clients not use 3D?06:43
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FuriousRagelinux_manju: http://dark-code.bulix.org/9y2zyf-11897 <-- still no go06:43
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DJAdmiralDanaG: maybe he's talking about another p2p, a term that means something different?06:44
DanaGMust be.06:44
DJAdmiralDanaG: pay to play maybe? Plug to play?06:44
FuriousRagelinux_manju: and pinging yahoo.com didnt work (Altho it was "stuck" for quite a long time)06:44
linux_manjuFuriousRage: did it give any error message while assigning the ip address?06:45
DJAdmiraltime for me to check how much money I have earned from Google Adsense!06:45
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DanaGHmm, I wonder if people could sue Valve for Steam being anticompetitive due to it banning for Cedega.06:45
FuriousRagelinux_manju: no, all your commands went very well, no errors at all, and then ifconfig showed the ip, but couldnt do anything06:45
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s-ndh-cis there some guid on how to get ipw2100 working with dapper?06:45
DJAdmiralDanaG: Steam banned Cedega?06:45
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La_PaRCaIs there any simple way to play .flv videos stored in my computer?06:46
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DJAdmiralDanaG: that's stupid! they're only kicking out more customers!!06:46
s-ndh-ci build ieee80211 and ipw2100 with module-assistant but on loading it complains about unknown symbols06:46
linux_manjuFuriousRage: what is the gateway.. does it belong to the ISP.. is there any authentication ?06:46
s-ndh-cany idea?06:46
DanaGWell, if you use CVSCedega, i imagine it WOULD ban you.06:46
docgnomeare the apt servers down or what?06:46
DanaGDue to it not being approved D3D9 drivers.06:46
walkoverdoes anyone know a command to that will print out the time?06:46
docgnomewalkover: date06:46
FuriousRagelinux_manju: no authentication needed in windows or anything that i know of, its pure "plug and surf" mostly06:46
s-ndh-cwalkover:  date?06:46
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DJAdmiralDanaG: what about commercial Cedega?06:47
DanaGI haven't experienced it, but I'm inferring.06:47
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linux_manjuFuriousRage: FuriousRage : hold on06:47
DanaGWell, that would probably be better.06:47
DanaGBut I don't have it.06:47
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programcodeHello can someone help me, I accidentally deleted my trash can Icon, and I can't figure out how to get it back..Can someone help me.06:47
s-ndh-csomething must be wrong06:47
s-ndh-csomeone with working ipw2100?06:47
DJAdmiralDanaG: Ahh. You're the first person I've met in this chatroom who chooses to use complete proper punctuation :P06:48
programcodeCould someone help me?06:48
ubotuI know nothing about trash - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:48
ubotuI know nothing about trashcan - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:48
yggdrasil NEC D720101GJ Chipset# RTL8139D Chipset anyone know if these chipsets are supported its a usb firewire combo pci card... ?06:48
programcodeso do I put the location to !trash06:48
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DanaGAlso, there's a Windows utility called DXTweaker that can give you NVIDIA triple buffering, but because it ALSO can enable wireframe mode, it's a cheat.  It hooks into Direct3D.06:48
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DJAdmiralnot quite lol06:48
saikoprogramco: right click on the panel then add then choose trash and add it up06:48
DanaGSo PunkBuster blocks it.06:49
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DJAdmiralDanaG: nice!06:49
leagrisyggdrasil, RTL8139 is a supported chipset06:49
DJAdmiralDanaG: is it a commercial app though?06:49
DanaGI think so.06:49
leagrisyggdrasil, 8139too or 8139cp module handle it06:49
DanaGOr DXTweaker?  No,06:49
programcodeThat worked thanks06:49
saikoi have a question, what could cause the problem that my network isn't booting up with the rest of the system, only after reboot it goes up, pretty weird06:49
DanaGOh yeah, that reminds me about my own DHCP question.06:50
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PacketScan51 updates today..  like 21 yesterday.. damn i like this :p06:50
DJAdmiralDanaG: shoot.06:50
saikoi use DHCP through windows shared connection06:50
PacketScanmeans shits getting fixed..06:50
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:50
DanaGIn SuSE 10.1, I had to enable "Always request broadcast response" to get an IP, but I don't know where that option is in Ubuntu.06:50
yggdrasilleagris. on ppc ?06:50
yggdrasilwell good cuz i allready bought the card ;) haha.06:51
SurfnKidsaiko, set it static and try again06:51
linux_manjuFuriousRage: try this link.. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-82291.html06:51
FuriousRagelinux_manju: when i try dhclient eth0, it tries, but my isp in windows got what i see now06:51
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saikoDanaG: i see ..06:51
leagrisyggdrasil, on any kernel I guess, 8139 is included in kernel since a long time ago06:51
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programcodeHas anyone here used 3ddesktop for linux?06:51
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yggdrasilgood good...06:51
DanaGI'm just using static right now.06:51
saikoSurfnKid: i don't think it's possible06:51
DJAdmiralprogramcode: not me, but i've heard of i.06:51
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DanaGIt's fine for when I'm at home, but if I ever go anywhere else I want it to automatically work.06:51
programcodewhat about Yahelite have you used that?06:51
linux_manjuFuriousRage: explain it tries all 255?.. do you mean Its sending those packets or getting those packets as its subnet mask?06:52
yggdrasilleagris i have a mac clone. 180 mhz with 128 mb of ram. it runs my network storeage and dhcp. im going to put a usb card and firewire card on it . and make it run my hp printer. :) poor thing i hsould just let it go to its grave.. but theres work to be done06:52
programcodeSee I am wanting to get on yahoo chat room and get on voice chat inside of linux, but I can't find one that is compatible?06:52
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SonicChaoI need to be able to use Yahoo rooms too.06:52
FuriousRagelinux_manju: what i understand it tries to send it to onb port 6706:52
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DanaGI wonder.... Does Trillian work under Wine?06:52
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DJAdmiralDanaG: out of curiosity, how many years of experience of linux do you have?06:52
DanaGOr Cedega?06:52
FuriousRagelinux_manju: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 606:53
DJAdmiralDanaG: lemme check on trillian06:53
programcodeTrillian works, but won't let you in yahoo rooms06:53
linux_manjuFuriousRage: thats quiet allright.. thats how DHCP works06:53
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leagrisyggdrasil, you could experiment the live CD to try if it works.06:53
linux_manjuFuriousRage: Thats what any dhcp client will do to discover the server06:53
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DanaGAbout 1 to 1.5 years, but up until now I have been "spoiled" by using YaST.06:53
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DJAdmiralDanaG: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=258 <--- there you go06:53
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yggdrasilleagris. its fine im sure it will work ;)06:53
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urakaipahi there.. security.ubuntu.com is down?06:54
FuriousRagelinux_manju: already tried the apci off method, still didnt work, and disk drive went disabled06:54
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DJAdmiralDanaG: Nice! Have you ever made your own distro?06:54
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DJAdmiralurakaipa: the ubuntu repository servers are all having some serious overload issues atm.06:54
artoIs there a way to convert debian .deb files to .deb files best suiting Ubuntu?06:54
programcodeDJAdmiral does that allow you to get in Yahoo Chatrooms and use voice, that is what I am wanting to do?06:54
urakaipathx DJAdmiral06:54
XplOzIonDJAdmiral, yeah, they pretty slow ATM06:54
DJAdmiralnp urakaipa06:55
delli have a problem, haver i update i get don't see my network no more, wireless.06:55
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artoIs there a way to convert debian .deb files to .deb files best suiting Ubuntu?06:55
DJAdmiralprogramcode: Trillian? no not really.06:55
programcodeDo you know of one?06:55
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programcodefor linux06:55
DJAdmiralprogramcode: i think basically you'll need to configure a sound recording device with your Java JRE.06:56
delli have a problem, haver i update i get don't see my network no more, wireless. ......06:56
mDotkernal update broke compiz themer06:56
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DJAdmiralDanaG: Nice! Have you ever made your own linux distro?06:56
artoDJAdmiral: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic06:56
programcodeOkay well I got my sound working fine, I just can't find soemthing allowing me to get into yahoo chat rooms then get on voice.06:56
PacketScanyikes forgot about the language.   remebered :-D06:56
delli need help...06:56
DJAdmiralDanaG: Oh, okay.06:57
DJAdmiralarto: checking link06:57
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delli using airlink101 awlc3025.06:57
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artoDJAdmiral: mirrors = no overload.06:57
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SirGrokHello world.06:57
=== sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
artoIs there a way to convert debian .deb files to .deb files best suiting Ubuntu?06:57
DJAdmiralarto: i use my own country's mirror: ae.archive.ubuntu06:58
DanaGI'm trying to find a Windows text editor that supports the Unix format of CR and/or LF ( I don't remember which).06:58
artoDJAdmiral: Then there shouldn't be overload ;) at least the official reposes..06:58
finalbetaAnyone using the sled menu and it's not resizing properly? Doesn't show all favorite apps06:58
gnu2it2how to set cron job to run midnight every other sunday?06:58
DanaGAlso, I still haven't learned Vi/Vim yet.06:58
finalbetaDanaG, Textpad06:58
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DJAdmiralarto: thanks for the link anywho, this is useful! :D06:58
programcodeHey does anyone know if there are skins for Ubuntu?06:58
longwaveDanaG: textpad on windows supports multiple line ending formats06:58
DanaGNot free :(06:59
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finalbetait is06:59
jan1024188is there anybody who use knoppix from usb stick key06:59
Keegan_Wittprogramcode: like gnomelooks?06:59
finalbetawill just nagg a bit06:59
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delli need help...06:59
delli have a problem, have i update, don't see my network no more, wireless. ......06:59
SirGrokI am trying to setup fluxbox to launch htop in Eterm from my menu, and I can't seem to configure it correctly. Could someone point out my error? " [exec]  (Htop) {Eterm -x -0 --trans --scrollbar=off --buttonbar 0 --geometry 110x75+13+5 -f white htop}"06:59
longwaveDanaG: how about notepad2, i think it does that and it is GPL06:59
DanaGOh, I found one.07:00
wheels3572Can someone tell me the command to upgrade my kernel.  also what's the name in the repos for xchat?07:00
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urakaipaCould someone help me with this problem? I've got a msi mainboard (915) with an integrated sata controller. Everytime I reboot the computer, ubuntu shutdown the disks and at boot time I've to wait until the disks spin up again. There is no way to let the disks spinning if rebooting? Thanks in advance07:00
=== FuriousRage falls to the ground and worships win xp again, only thing that works om my computer ;/
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Keegan_Wittprogramcode: you can get themes, screensavers, backgrounds, etc here: http://www.gnome-look.org/07:01
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PacketScanurakaipa, all osses do that.07:01
DJAdmiralprogramcode, Keegan_Witt: there's also art.gnome.org07:01
DanaGAArgh, it's Russian.07:01
programcodeokay thx07:01
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DJAdmiralDanaG: lol07:01
programcodeokay thanks djadmiral07:01
DJAdmiralprogramcode: np07:02
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urakaipaPacketScan, not true. I come from windows and at reboot it just let the disks spinning07:02
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PacketScanurakaipa, not on my machines they don't..  i'm assuming scsi disks?07:02
programcodehey Djadmiral, which one is for skinning the desktop on the linux on that site07:02
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scenaDoes anyone have a good HowTo on getting VNC to work on Dapper Drake07:03
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scenaI can get it to run at boot, but I get a greyed out X11 window07:03
urakaipait's a sata controller, used as ide (because i discovered the fakeraid story)07:03
ventiis there an alternative server to security.ubuntu.com? it seems to be unusually slow.07:03
R4v3nall have the problem with archive.ubuntu.com please ?07:03
wheels3572DJAdmiral: do you know where I can find the correct name for xchat to apt it?07:03
wolfeySIcan somebody tell me how to add clamav to apt-get sources.list ?07:03
arachnisti just fired up kubuntu livecd 64bit on my new pc and it doesn't support sata controller on my nforce550 mobo, what can i do?07:04
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longwavewheels3572: the package name is just "xchat", it is in universe07:04
DJAdmiralventi, R4v3n: ubuntu security repositories atm are overloaded07:04
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R4v3nDJAdmiral, OVER or down ? ^^07:04
wheels3572longwave: oh that's why I forgot to uncomment that lol07:04
R4v3nDJAdmiral, too download for new kernel right ?07:05
DJAdmiralR4v3n: nice one07:05
ventiR4v3n: It works for me, you just need to wait07:05
R4v3nok thx07:05
arachnistany ideas? this machine has 2GB of ram so i can make a big ramdisk and install gcc there and compile needed modules, but i want to avoid that07:05
longwavewolfeySI: clamav is in universe, you need to add that repository07:05
FuriousRagemaybe my computer build is so unique that linux cant function on it ;>07:05
wolfeySI deb http://si.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe07:05
wolfeySIi have this:P07:05
wheels3572where can I find sources.list?07:05
wolfeySIwheels3572: /etc/apt/sources.list07:06
longwavewheels3572: in /etc/apt07:06
wheels3572ty wolfeySI and longwave07:06
longwavewolfeySI: then you should be able to install clamav? though the breezy version is probably way out of date by now..07:06
ventiwolfeySI: Have you tried to enable (take away the # before the line) in /etc/apt/sources.list for the universe and multiverse-repositories?07:06
DJAdmiralFuriousRage: I feel sorry for you, I really do.07:06
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scenaVNC help?07:07
danf_1979Someone want to test a software?  it setups a server07:07
danf_1979its for dapper07:07
programcodedjadmiral, on that site for the themes, which link is for the desktop skin for ubuntu07:07
DJAdmiraldanf_1979: what kind of server?07:07
wolfeySIi'll update now and show you the damned errors07:07
ventiwolfeySI: after enabling those 2 repos, you can look for clamav with: apt-get update ; apt-cache search clamav07:07
wolfeySIbtw can i upgrade to new ubuntu without reinstalling?07:07
DJAdmiralprogramcode: on art.gnome.org : you want to click on themes.07:07
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wolfeySIi value the settings a lot07:07
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.07:07
danf_1979DJAdmiral,  here is the description http://www.mundowebhosting.com/forums/topic.php?id=307:07
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longwavewolfeySI: yes, you can upgrade to dapper07:08
longwave!upgrade > wolfeySI07:08
DJAdmiral!update > wolfeySI07:08
DJAdmirallol longwave07:08
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programcodeDjadmiral, sorry to keep bugging you but I am sort of new to linux, but which theme link there are many07:08
unstablesobare there mirrors for security updates? security.ubuntu.com is painfully slow07:08
Nicb903could someone help me (a noob) at installing ubuntu? im getting grub errors07:08
DJAdmiralprogramcode: no worries07:08
longwaveunstablesob: there is no mirror for security, try again later if it is too busy now07:08
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RancidLMhey are the ubuntu repo's down?07:08
FuriousRagemaybe amd64 isnt supported in Ubuntu AMD64 install? ;>07:08
DJAdmiralNicb903: i can help07:08
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longwaveRancidLM: some of them are overloaded right now07:09
RancidLMlongwave: aight thnx!07:09
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programcodeDjadmiral, which themes one is for the whole desktop, not the logon screen07:09
urakaipaThere isn't a place in ubuntu where select which hardware activate/deactivate? like for services?07:09
DJAdmiralprogramcode: one sec07:09
wolfeySIwell it says i cant install clamav. that i can file a bug. and that clamav depends on ibclamav1 (>= 0.88.2), which wont be installed07:10
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DJAdmiralprogramcode: http://art.gnome.org/themes/07:10
Nicb903 im getting grub error 18, running amd64, one 80gig ide and one 70 gig sata drive07:10
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wolfeySIand that it's "corrupt package"07:10
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DJAdmiralNicb904: can you give us the full description of the error?07:10
programcodeDJAdmiral: Thanks07:10
longwavewolfeySI: you must have some other repositories enabled, because by default breezy's clamav only needs libclamav 0.8707:10
DJAdmiralprogramcode: no problem07:10
RancidLMhmm ironic.. im trying to get clamav as well07:11
Keegan_Wittprogramcode: any theme for gnome will work on ubuntu, themes are not distro specific07:11
Nicb903nope, i installed ubutu, booted up, and got grub: error 1807:11
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wolfeySIlongwave: i have multiverse and backports enabled07:11
programcodeokay kool07:11
wolfeySIso basicly to upgrade i just change breezy to dapper and apt-get update; apt-get upgrade ?07:11
programcodeHow do I change screenresolution?07:11
longwavewolfeySI: it's not in multiverse, and 0.87.1 is in breezy-backports, so there's still something odd going on07:12
longwavewolfeySI: dist-upgrade instead of upgrade, but yes, basically07:12
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Frankensteinhi, is there something wrong with the repostorie servers?07:12
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wolfeySIlongwave: this is production server, i already hate that email server doesnt work, cause i want the spam filter and clamav seems enabled too:P07:12
danf_1979DJAdmiral, Apache2 with mode_evasive, mod_security, mod_defalte, a chrooted openssh server, chrooted bind9, proftpd with some customization, mysql 5 with utf8 support, php5, webalizer, courier-pop3, courier-imap, postfix with smtp-auth and tls support, rootkits scanners rkhunter and chkrootkit, denyhosts 2.0,  and some other goodies07:12
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programcodeHow do I change the screen resolution?07:13
programcodein ubuntu07:13
DJAdmiralprogramcode: System --> Preferences --> Screen Resolution07:13
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:13
DJAdmiraldanf_1979: that is wicked, i just checked it out07:13
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DJAdmiralFrankenstein: the ubuntu repository servers are currently overloaded atm07:13
FuriousRageim gonna give ubuntu a last try, this time testing the i386 one07:13
FrankensteinDJAdmiral, i thought so, wasnt sure... HAHA i guess ill try again later and lesson the load07:14
Frankensteini get stuck at: 99% [Waiting for headers] 07:14
wheels3572How do I go about shutting down an instance of sources.list if one is already open and trying to be over written by another instance07:14
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DJAdmiralFrankenstein: don't expect the load to be reduced any time soon. i'd rather just download all updates anyway.07:14
Nicb903 im getting grub error 18, running amd64, one 80gig ide and one 70 gig sata drive07:14
Nicb903what can i do to fix that07:14
FrankensteinDJAdmiral, i cant even get my pc to update off of them to upgrade... i keep getting errors07:14
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FrankensteinNicb903, use LILO!07:15
FrankensteinNicb903, i had the same problem, go back into ubuntu install select go back and on the bottem of the list look for install lilo07:15
Nicb903they have that option?07:15
FrankensteinNicb903, yep, when your in the install just select a go back option and it will bring up a menu, go to the bottem of that menu and look for install lilo, restart and it should work07:16
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fullmetalashamani was wondering how i update ubuntu to the latest version07:16
DJAdmiralFrankenstein: keep getting errors? that's probably because some packages failed to download. just go and re update, and those failed packages will continue where they failed.07:16
Nicb903ok let me try that out, ill be back to tell if it worked :)07:17
DJAdmiral!update > fullmetalashaman07:17
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.07:17
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wheels3572DJAdmiral: how do I upgrade my kernel ?07:17
FrankensteinDJAdmiral, it all went smooth the 5th time i tried update :P now im trying to upgrade those packages... hopefully it works :(07:17
stylesendrake has xgl support right?07:17
DJAdmiralstylesen: depends on your video card07:18
wheels3572DJAdmiral: would that be the same but  earlier I was told 2 commands lol07:18
DJAdmiralstylesen: and your fglrx drivers.07:18
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DJAdmiralwheels3572: you want to upgrade it to the absolute latest?07:18
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stylesenDJAdmiral: oh i have a good video card I suppose07:18
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wheels3572I want to goto
wheels3572from .2307:18
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stylesenmay i know will the new future release of ubuntu also supports xgl?07:19
DJAdmiralwheels3572: i wouldn't recommend that. only go for the latest kernels that ubuntu completely support. otherwise it tends to go nuts07:19
fiznutThe repositories down?07:19
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:19
DJAdmiral!xgl > stylesen07:19
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DJAdmiralthere you go stylesen07:19
Frankensteinfiznut, as DJAdmiral poitned out, there overloaded... just keep running update till everything goes smooth07:19
wheels3572DJAdmiral: I have on my destkop lol dont know how I got it lol07:19
stylesenIs there any licensing issue?07:19
fiznutAh, k. Thanks broheim :] 07:19
DJAdmiralwhat Frankenstein said.07:19
napster0nei need help07:20
DJAdmiralwheels3572: lol07:20
Frankensteinnapster0ne, just ask07:20
DJAdmiralnapster0ne: what's your problem?07:20
napster0newell im new in linux07:20
napster0neand i cant open windows07:20
napster0neonly linux07:20
DJAdmiralnapster0ne: do you have a dualboot system?07:20
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napster0nei dont know whats dualboot sorry07:21
ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:21
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=== Frankenstein shrugs
DJAdmiralnapster0ne: both windows and ubuntu installed on one machine.07:21
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DJAdmiralFrankenstein: i think you need a makeover lol07:22
FrankensteinDJAdmiral, eh?07:22
napster0nehow i cand do that ?? first the windows?07:22
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farousanyidea what might cause ubuntu to be slow especially when using the terminal? had this problem for quite a while eversince upgraded to dapper07:22
thompaare the repos. real slow or what?07:22
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mwewhen listing packages with dpkg -l, what does 'pi' mean a status?07:22
Frankensteinfarous, run top and see whats bogging it down07:22
CornelliusAlways install the evil OS first07:22
BHSPitMonkeyrepos are really slow for me right now, too07:22
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CornelliusBecause it overwrite the MBR07:22
BHSPitMonkeyalso, some stuff is being really buggy since I ran the update manager on my computers today07:22
DJAdmiralthompa: the ubuntu repository servers are all overloaded atm07:22
farousFrankenstein: nothing is hogging the sys cpu is at 5% usage07:22
BHSPitMonkeylike, ubuntu froze completely on my laptop just now07:23
BHSPitMonkeycouldn't even kill X.07:23
DJAdmiralnapster0ne: first install windows, then install ubuntu.07:23
thompaBHSPitMonkey: just wanted to be sure07:23
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DJAdmiralBHSPitMonkey: ouch.07:23
thompaI had tried mepis earlier, it crashed so bad it was difficult to recover07:23
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Frankensteinoh great, im hearing about problems ever since people upgraded.... guess i cant stop the upgrades now lol07:24
DJAdmiralyou know i find this really amazing. around this time last year i had first entered this chatroom asking noob questions07:24
stylesenCornellius: windoze overwrites MBR it is possible to install grub and restore my ubuntu right?07:24
DJAdmiraland now i find people asking me questions.07:24
BHSPit[Birfday] who have you heard from besides me, Frankenstein ?07:24
napster0nebut i will loose everythin in windows no??07:24
thompai think my crash was related to the k7 kernel, everything fine on ubuntu6407:24
FrankensteinBHSPit[Birfday] , a few others, bad memory confines me to myself im afraid07:24
BHSPit[Birfday] no, napster0ne07:24
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Cornelliusstylesen: Don't know, always installed XP first.07:25
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DJAdmiralBHSPit[Birfday] : HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D07:25
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stylesenCornellius: cool...07:25
Frankensteinhey DJAdmiral someone should put this link in the topic! http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm07:25
BHSPit[Birfday] Frankenstein, bad memory memory, or bad RAM :P07:25
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BHSPit[Birfday] thanks, DJAdmiral :)07:25
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napster0nedo you know how i can chat in spanish?07:25
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DJAdmiralCan everybody please wish our birthday boy BHSPit[Birfday]  over here please?07:26
scenaHas anyone gotten full VNC to work on Ubuntu Dapper Drake?07:26
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BHSPit[Birfday] napster0ne, /join #ubuntu-es07:26
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wheels3572DJAdmiral:  I have another issue that is alot more pressing though.  I was trying to edit the sources.list and lost it somehow and went to open it again and it says that there is one already open how do I get to that one that is already open07:26
cdubyaman, anyone having troubles getting to the repos.....? I couldn't even get to them a sec ago and now I can, but it's wicked slow07:26
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stylesenBHSPit[Birfday] : Many more happy returns of the day :)07:26
DJAdmiralFrankenstein: that is one wicked link lol07:26
Nicb903Frankenstein: where is this option to install lilo07:27
napster0nethanx for all07:27
DJAdmiralcdubya: the ubuntu repo servers are all overloaded atm07:27
FrankensteinDJAdmiral, it points out a lot of good things!07:27
cdubyaDJAdmiral, kinda figgered that.....just wondering.....thanks07:27
DJAdmiralwheels3572: try using kill?07:27
flodinecan someone tell me why gnomebaker wont burn on ubuntu07:27
DJAdmiralcdubya: np07:27
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wheels3572DJAdmiral: ok how lol07:27
FrankensteinNicb903, i said... use your install cd, after a few prompts choose "go back" than look for install lilo07:27
cdubyaflodine, works fine for me07:27
FuriousRagethats it, igot it, linux hates me! ;>07:27
scenaWhy is VNC server displaying a greyed out X11 window versus showing the desktop07:27
DJAdmiralwheels3572: let's speak over pm07:27
Nicb903im in the install cd right now, and installing, are you talking abuot the "back" button in the installer?07:28
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Frankensteinalright, just to be safe im going to close all programs and let these updates do there thing :P07:28
BHSPit[Birfday] vnc viewer, you mean, scena ?07:28
FrankensteinNicb903, yep07:28
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scenaNo. VNC Server07:28
Nicb903i just dont see the option07:28
scenaim trying to set up a print server that I can VNC to if i need to07:28
arachnistoh, sorry, stupid me07:28
BHSPit[Birfday] stylesen, thanks? lol I didn't quite register what you said to me correctly07:28
FrankensteinNicb903, do you now see a list of options?07:28
scenai can get the service started but I cant get anything to display07:28
arachnisti tried to 'cfdisk /dev/hda', not /dev/sda ;>07:28
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scenathe Remote Desktop isnt a good answer cause it only works for the currently logged in user07:29
dos000i am a new developper in ubuntu ... anyone can share development ide for c/c++ ? anjuta sucks or i cant get it to work. i am on breezy btw07:29
=== Leah [n=Serenity@user-514d3468.l1.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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`Leahi need help installing ubuntu alongside my current windows setup07:29
scenaeverything ive read says i need to enable XDCMP in the logon window, but there isnt even an option there07:29
cdubyados000, I've used Code::Blocks07:30
cdubyados000, and KDevelop07:30
munky'Leah : stick the cd in and go...as simple as that07:30
cdubyadepends on your flavor I guess07:30
farousdos000: did you try kdevelop?07:30
`Leahon the partioner it says, "resize IDE1 and use freed space to install ubuntu" does that mean it'l use the free space currently on IDE1 or would it delete some windows files to make space?07:30
dos000farous, not yet07:30
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farousit is one of the best dos00007:30
Frankensteinok folks, good luck DJAdmiral can you help Nicb903 with installing lilo as i have to go?07:30
dos000farous, can i just load a project in the debugger ?07:30
munky'Leah : it will use the empty space. i personally recommend a manual resize and partition07:31
FuriousRagelinux_manju: linux hates me, not even the i386 works ;>07:31
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.07:31
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dreameencan ask an off topic questiion here?07:31
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farousdos000: am not a develper sorry just occasion programmer07:31
`Leahon the partioner it says, "resize IDE1 and use freed space to install ubuntu" does that mean it'l use the free space currently on IDE1 or would it delete some windows files to make space?07:31
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munkyit will not delete files, it will use the room thats already free07:32
cdubyados000, you'll likely have to create a new Kdevelop project, then import the files and build and debug.....07:32
scenaok i guess ill jsut live with REmote Desktop then & leave someone logged in07:32
cdubyados000, I don't use Kdevelop....07:32
cdubyamuch anymore anyway07:32
cdubyabut that's what I remember07:32
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munkyhow do you apply a theme to root programs?07:33
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stylesendoes drake have gcc ?07:33
stylesenor we have to install it?07:33
kammehello, I'm having some trouble setting up a vnc server with Ubuntu, I want to run one at bootup. Everything is configured, only I can't get it to start at bootup... Can anyone help me?07:33
dos000is something wrong with security.ubuntu ???07:33
kammestylesen: try apt-get install build-essential07:33
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dos000i am getting WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!07:33
Nemesishello im trying to make  bootable pendrive with live ubuntu 5.10, but i have error 22  in fdisk partitions07:33
RancidLMdos000: from what i understand its overloaded at the moment and experancing problems07:33
stylesenkamme: thank you07:34
kammestylesen: np07:34
munkyhow do you change theme for root so that the theme is the same for admin tools as it is for other programs (not ubuntulooks)07:35
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Nemesiswhay wen i try sav with W all fdisk changes i have warning error 22, also, when i reboot the system still have the old partition :(07:35
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yggdrasilis the repository no good anymore ?to archive.ubuntu.com:8007:36
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fullmetalashamanhere is the thing07:36
fullmetalashamani am using 5.0407:36
Saint551Is security.ubuntu.com down?07:37
fullmetalashamanand i can't seem to upgrade07:37
munkyhasn't support been dropped for hoary :-\07:37
dribbleSaint551, I'd reckon so07:37
dribblefullmetalashaman, i'm experiencing the same problem07:37
Saint551Ah, I thought I was the only one :/07:37
DJAdmiralSaint551: the ubuntu repository servers are currently overloaded07:37
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.07:37
django_Saint551, it just started again for me07:37
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munkyyeah, i amd oing an apt-get upgrade right now and its REALLY slow07:37
dribbleyeap -- hoped the irc channel would have people talkin' about this07:37
dribbleglad it ain't just me07:38
DJAdmiral!update > fullmetalashaman07:38
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django_well, all just stop the updates07:38
fullmetalashamanso i can't upgrade?07:38
django_so I can :)07:38
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DJAdmiralthankfully got all the updates i needed :)07:38
dribblefullmetalashaman, just wait a few minutes/hours07:38
DJAdmiralfullmetalashaman: you can upgrade07:38
inv0lvedwhy can't I find any news on the 6.0.6 -> update?07:38
fullmetalashamanokay thanks07:38
DJAdmiralfullmetalashaman: upgrade to 5.10 first, then to 6.0607:38
munkyfullmetalashaman just wiat till the middle of the night07:38
dribblefullmetalashaman, i'm sure the problem will be resolved relatively quickly07:38
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munkyalso kinda recommended you install from cd a fresh setup....less things to break :)07:39
fiznutpatience is the fix for this problem07:39
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yggdrasilsaint551 im getting the same thing07:39
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django_it's all good from here atm ... update away07:39
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yggdrasilyea must ajust kicked back on ?07:40
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yggdrasiloh no i lie07:40
axa-axaHi, I've installed ubuntu-6.06-i386 on my machine with amd64 3000+ processor. Which kernel should I install with synaptic since there is no linux-k8 should I install linux-k7 ?07:40
Saint551Thanks, it's good to hear I'm not the only one :)07:40
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FuriousRagebtw, why is ipv6 enabled default in ubuntu? iirc not many routers and isp's support ipv6..07:40
Saint551Later all.07:40
dribbleFuriousRage, forward compatability07:41
s_spiffcan someone tell me a good ftp client for dd 64bit arch?07:41
Psychobudgieftp ;-P07:41
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gemeindebauhello all. i installed ubuntu for a friend of mine on his machine. it's working fine but - without any warning or necessarily any action by my friend - the computers starts buzzing (like one long sound, no breaks) which gets louder and louder. Now i wonder, could this be caused by hardware incompatibility?07:41
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inv0lvedwhy can't I find any news on the 6.0.6 -> update?07:42
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django_gemeindebau, lol check with another OS .. but i'd say not07:42
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd07:42
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nikinhow can i sare my printer an one of my folders with samba?07:42
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines07:42
yggdrasilgameindebau sound like his microphone is turned on.. and its feeding back ?07:42
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nikinwhy is irssi not listed?07:43
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ManiacKYOr BitchX07:43
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django_more irssi since it is in the default install07:43
FuriousRageand mirc! ;>07:43
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ManiacKYFuriousRage That was the first app I used Wine with ;)07:43
nikindjango_ yup thats why i mentioned it07:43
cbx33is there a gui fo mencoder?07:43
nikinand its my fav btw07:43
gemeindebaudjango_: ok, he had wxp installed before, but there was no problem there. we *did* change the power supply as well that day, he got himself a phantom 500W fanless, but i cannot find any reference to such a problem caused by the psu. and no, it is not feedback of the microphone. first thing was i asked him to disconnect anything he doesn't need.07:44
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django_nikin, yeah, I was with you ... even if other weren't ;)07:44
nikincbx: Acid rip can use it07:44
ryani need help with using my wireless card07:44
FuriousRageis nForce incompatible with ubuntu?07:44
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nikinso anyone can help me with sharing stuff with samba?07:44
ManiacKYWow Ubuntu really can do everything. Now can I get to mow my yard? .. "Simpson Doh!"07:45
specManiacKY: yes...yes you can07:45
FuriousRageManiacKY: not everything, it cant handle my onboard nic! ;>07:45
ManiacKYapt-get install johndeer07:45
nikinManiacky: it just depends on hardware :D07:45
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leagrisis there some place to get Blender 2.4.2 and Yafray 0.9 for Dapper? Debien package won't install due to required newer glibc.07:45
django_nikin, i might .. what's the problem?07:45
nikinleagris: Blender is in the repos07:46
FuriousRageManiacKY: btw, you can buy an automatic lawn mower, you just put out a few pins/cables around and it mows the lawn inside that area ;>07:46
nikinFurius: how is your ip going?07:46
spec!info blender07:46
ubotublender: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.41-1ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 4734 kB, installed size 12588 kB07:46
leagrisnikin, 2.4.1 and yef 0.8 only in repos but I'd like to play with the newer Blender 2.4.2 and required Yafray 0.907:47
FuriousRagenikin: its not, not evne i386 works07:47
rodelrodHi there. I installed Ubuntu server and xubuntu-desktop for the rare occasions where the desktop might be handy. I then used sysv-rc-conf to prevent gdm to load at runlevel 2, so that it boots at console by default. Problem is, i still get a gnome splash page during bootup which wouldn't be too serious. Thing is, it messes up the console when the boot is finished and I have to change tty to login. Any idea on how to get rid of that07:47
rodelrod splash boot screen?07:47
ManiacKYFuriousRage Kool. I'd prefer one thats connected to a Large RC Car setup. Like the remote used in Back to the Future to drive the time machine. THat was awesome.07:47
spec!info blender edgy07:47
ubotublender: Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.41-1ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 4797 kB, installed size 12744 kB07:47
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Nicb903Can someone hlep me, im getting grub error 18, thinking of switching to lilo, dont know how i would go about doing this07:47
specNicb903: you're getting an error on grub so instead of fixing it you want to switch to lilo?07:47
django_nikin, well lay that samba problem on me, pappy07:47
nikinrodellod: did you try runlevel 3?07:47
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DanaGnForce is incompatible with my "religion"07:47
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DanaGer, at least I DON'T LIKE IT!07:48
ManiacKYDanaG Oh you are a AMD man? ;) j/k07:48
nikindjango_ i mostyl need a tool for it...07:48
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DJAdmiralLilo. I'd stay away from it.07:48
farousanyidea what might cause ubuntu to be slow especially when using the terminal? had this problem for quite a while eversince upgraded to dapper. Nothing hogging the sys though and cpu is at 5% usage07:48
nikinbut i cant find one07:48
django_nikin, nah, no tools. samba is usually pretty easy to configure07:48
Krpanothere is one way to disable the window minimization effect ?07:48
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DJAdmiralfarous: I dunno, my system is working just fine07:48
Nicb903well, then could somone walk me through how to fix my grub?07:48
specNicb903: how big is your harddrive, and where is /boot located?07:48
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DJAdmiralfarous: maybe you want to shift to xubuntu?07:49
[Yoni] Hi all07:49
Nicb903i dont have a /boot07:49
rodelrodnikin: no, do you think that might change anything?07:49
specNicb903: yes you do07:49
nikinKrapo use JWM ;) sorry just a joke07:49
[Yoni] Hi all, I ordered the new ubuntu in cd's07:49
Nicb903spec, would you mind walking me through how to change it07:49
specNicb903: -L10024:localhost:5432 postgres07:49
specerrr, crap07:49
[Yoni] 'till I'll get the cd's where from can I download Ubuntu 6?07:49
DJAdmiral[Yoni] : yes?07:49
spec-L10024:localhost:5432 postgres07:49
farousthanx DJAdmiral i once heared a daemon (sound related) might cause this prob do not know though which one07:49
nikinrodel rod: i never tried runlevel 2. but runlevel 3 allways booted fine with just text mode07:49
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[Yoni] I want to test it07:50
specstupid paste07:50
DJAdmiral[Yoni] : you can get it from www.ubuntu.com/download07:50
DJAdmiral[Yoni] : you want me to guide you through the process?07:50
DanaGI want to make GDM only start in runlevel 5.  How do I do that?07:50
specNicb903: read this: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/GRUB#Error_1807:50
DJAdmiralnp farous07:50
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:50
specDanaG: man update-rc.d07:50
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ManiacKYIs there a way I can get ubuntu to list all the USB hard drives connected to a system even if they arn't currenlty mounted?07:50
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farousi am booting now from debian for ubuntu is just too slow on my sys. would like to fix my prob so i can use ubuntu again07:50
[Yoni] I got to that page, altough i dont know whitch type of installion should I download?07:50
nikinYoni: is that info enough?07:50
specManiacKY: maybe lsusb07:50
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nikinYoni: it depend on you07:51
django_ManiacKY, you could grep /var/log/messages07:51
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thompadoes anyone know how to uninstall the realplayer bin?07:51
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django_write a small script07:51
nikinwhat do you want to do with it?07:51
jackintheboxanybody: what is the best server program to run on ubuntu?07:51
specjackinthebox: what type of server....07:51
django_best server program? lol07:51
sirjohnok - i am using a linux live cd so i can backup data on a messed up windows install - how do i make the hdd readable ?07:51
specI guess the absolute best is mpd :p07:51
Nicb903spec, i know what the error means, im very new to linux though, and im not exactly sure how to do what i need to do07:51
[Yoni] I want to download the X, & the os ofcourse :)07:52
ManiacKYspec: Just listed my busses no devices07:52
jackintheboxi just want to display all of my files and be able to download them or let people download them, nothing special07:52
nikindjdango: best server program is i think grep, what should we do without it?07:52
[Yoni] I just bought a new h.d07:52
django_as long as the 'server program' isn't telnet07:52
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farousthompa: how did you install realplayer. normailly sudo apt-get uninstall realplay will do07:52
specNicb903: did it always do this error after you installed it or what?07:52
DJAdmiral[Yoni] : my advice? download and burn the alternate cd.07:52
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:52
specNicb903: or was it working, and now all of a sudden does this error?07:52
ManiacKYdjango_ Um. its blank. would I need to unplug and replug the hard drive in at this point?07:52
Nicb903no, i did a first time install last night, and got that error07:53
specNicb903: ok07:53
[Yoni] DJAdmiral, does it inc. X & openoffice & all of those?07:53
axa-axaHi, I've installed ubuntu-6.06-i386 on my machine with amd64 3000+ processor. Which kernel should I install with synaptic since there is no linux-k8 should I install linux-k7 ?07:53
jackintheboxspec: Grep?07:53
django_ManiacKY, i wouldn't be unplugging any hard drives ... do you mean your usb drive?07:53
jackintheboxspec: is that anything like apache 2?07:53
specNicb903: you need to install ubuntu again, but this time manually make the first partition 100M, and name it as the /boot partition07:53
gemeindebauok, i have decided :-) that the problem is power supply related, so we'll change that one back to the working one. thanks07:53
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:53
specjackinthebox: no07:53
ManiacKYdjango_ Yes usb hard drives07:53
django_jackinthebox, um, grep wouldn't be classed as a server program07:53
thompafarous: i installed from the realone.com web site binary using ./07:53
ManiacKYdjango_ that arn't mounted07:53
django_ManiacKY, do it, then look at /var/log/messages07:54
nikindjdango: ok,ok then not.07:54
thompafarous: i was trying to see if it worked with 64 bit, it dont07:54
django_to see if anything appears07:54
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farousthompa: did you install it on your home drive or did you use sudo07:54
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thompafarous: im going to install firfox32 version and try again, but i need to remove it somehow07:54
jackintheboxspec: well i need to kno what the best server program is that works like apache 207:54
specjackinthebox: apache207:54
django_jackinthebox, dude, you have to know what kind of server you want to run; web, mail, dhcp, ssh, IRC etc etc07:54
ManiacKYdjango_ Nothing07:54
Nicb903spec, using the installers gparted, how would i create a smaller partition that is before my main one07:54
django_jackinthebox, ah web server ... apache07:55
jackintheboxdjango: ssh07:55
thompafarous: sudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin07:55
specNicb903: i don't know, i partition everything by hand ... someone else here will be able to help you with gparted07:55
django_jackinthebox, ssh use the inbuilt sshd07:55
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:55
speclike the docs07:55
thompafarous: do i have to search for all its locations and just delete stuff?07:55
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Nicb903i have gparted, but if i resize my main parition, it goes after it, not before it07:55
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farousthompa: that is really bad for this way there is no way you can track where they were installed. look under /usr/bin and /usr/lib for realplay and remove them manually07:56
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thompafarous: i know,07:56
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thompafarous: i also need to remoive any configuration file, so i can get 64 bit working07:56
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bartistdo you know what is the purpose of the local tab in gtkpod?07:56
farousthompa: yah07:56
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pwnedominamy version off xchat is 0.11 , how can i update them to a recent one ?07:57
thompafarous: i think the helix folks should have an answer07:57
acojlois there something like defrag for linux?07:57
farousyap that is a good idea07:57
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farousgoodluck thompa07:57
django_lol, man this channel can be amusing07:57
DJAdmiralpwnedomina: sudo apt-get update? :P07:57
DJAdmiralacoljo: there is, it automatically runs every few times your computer boots up. don't worry.07:58
pwnedominaim a noob07:58
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DJAdmiralpwnedomina: np lol07:58
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DJAdmiralpwnedomina: im here if you need help!07:58
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acojloI have problems with fetching updates from main repository - 3 of 46 updates could not be downloaded07:58
django_acojlo, check out google on fsck one time07:58
django_acojlo, that'll give you an idea07:58
DJAdmiralacojlo: try downloading updates again07:58
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flodineupdates down07:59
longwaveacojlo: some repositories are down or very slow today, try again later or tomorrow07:59
pwnedominaDJ , but i only want to update xchat , not other tools !07:59
acojlothanks people, I understand :) when it check system every 30 times of boot it do many good things :)07:59
flodineok this ant suse is it07:59
mikearthurCan all Kopete users please view this bug, and see if you can reproduce07:59
flodineremind me of yast07:59
django_acojlo, yep, just don't run that puppy on a mounted fs07:59
DJAdmiralpwnedomina: then i suppose you could use this command: sudo apt-get xchat07:59
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flodinerepositories solw07:59
DJAdmiralpwnedomina: it will automatically get the latest version07:59
DanaGWell, how do you fsck your boot drive?07:59
django_everyone stop hammering the repositories08:00
abhinayi tried, sudo apt-get install gnome-art , saying   WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! ?08:00
DJAdmiraldjango_: lol08:00
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Krpanoif i make a new install in another PC.....can i move all my configs to the new instalation ?08:00
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acojloI was reading about slow redrawing in gnome and possible cause of this problem with xml parser. Can this be solved? I experience slaw redraw of gnome08:00
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django_DanaG, many ways, including rescue disks, and single user mode08:00
Nicb903the 100mb /boot partition, should it be primary or logical08:00
DJAdmiralabhinay: no need to worry about that, just go ahead and install it :)08:00
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django_DanaG, just don't run it on a mounted fs, i'm telling you :)08:01
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django_acojlo, yes, the xml parser could be re-written08:01
pwnedominaxchat-gnome - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client08:01
pwnedominaxchat - IRC client for X similar to AmIRC08:01
pwnedominaxchat-common - Common files for X-Chat08:01
pwnedominaxchat-systray - xchat systray notification icon08:01
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django_acojlo, and i wish someone would soon08:01
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django_pwnedomina, get the straight xchat08:01
acojlodjango_, so everyone is experiencing slow redraw?08:01
DJAdmiralpwnedomina: get the middle two packages.08:01
Nicb903the 100mb /boot partition, should it be primary or logical08:01
pwnedominaum using xchat-gnome , too old .. version 0.1108:02
DJAdmiralpwnedomina: the middle two packages ought to be fine, unless you want the fourth one as well08:02
pwnedominaim installing , thanks dj08:02
django_acojlo, i uninstall gnome and immediatly install xfce4 because of slow redraw in gnome and kde08:02
DJAdmiralpwnedomina: no problemo pwnedomina08:02
k31thhttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/m1/m43596-1.png wat is the program they have used on the left for system stats ?08:02
rodelrodnikin: runlevel3 didn't do the trick08:02
pwnedominadjango , blackbox is better08:03
Nicb903the 100mb /boot partition, should it be primary or logical08:03
django_pwnedomina, actually fluxbox is better, which is what i use on my FreeBSD boxes :)08:03
acojlodjango_, my kde was fast, but I do not like kde. I like gnome much but this problem is bad08:03
django_acojlo, sorry, can't help08:03
pwnedominahehhe , freebsd is nice08:03
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DJAdmiralpwnedomina: i hate the freebsd daemon08:04
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abhinayi have a problem with playing streaming audio online,  i was trying to play songs from http://www.raaga.com/channels/hindi/top10.asp   , its not playing .... ? any suggestions ??08:04
django_i use freebsd for my server, openbsd for the firewall, ubuntu on the desktop and windows for games08:04
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django_i have no opinion on the freebsd daemon though08:04
DJAdmiralsomebody sold shirts of the freebsd daemon and tux, well, erm, re-enacting scenes from Charles and Carlotto.08:05
abhinayi have real player installed ....08:05
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django_DJAdmiral, hehe yeah, the same one as on linuxisforbitches . com08:05
DJAdmiraldjango_: that is one serious set up you have there.08:05
DJAdmiralabhinay i'll get to your problem in a moment08:06
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django_DJAdmiral, lol not really, used to be worse with the Cisco and Sun machines08:06
pwnedominawhat country are you from ?08:06
pwnedominaamerican or england?08:06
pwnedominaim from portugal08:06
django_i'm australian08:06
DJAdmiralim canadian.08:06
django_i used to be canadian :)08:06
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:06
DJAdmirali love ozzieland though08:06
DJAdmiraloops sorry08:07
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SurfnKidI will never be canadian08:07
pwnedominaat this time , there is snow on canada ?08:07
SurfnKidbut then again ompaul is right, off topic!08:07
ompaulpwnedomina, being offtopic08:07
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ompaulgo to the channel where people talk offtopic please #ubuntu-offtopic this is strictly a support channel08:07
DJAdmiralthis channel is meant for ubuntu discussions08:07
DJAdmiralabout the ubuntu operating system08:08
pwnedominaou ... sorry08:08
ompaulDJAdmiral, even worse than that - support :)08:08
django_and i'm looking to support!08:08
DJAdmiralnp pwnedomina, you didn't know :)08:08
=== ompaul carries something :)
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DJAdmiraldarn straight ompaul! :P08:08
django_but it kinda hurts to answer 'which is the best server program?' ;)08:08
farousompaul: any idea what might cause ubuntu to be redicul slow in a terminal though nothing is hogging the sys?08:08
DJAdmiralbtw is the word "damn" allowed here?08:08
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ompaulfarous, ssh into it?08:08
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farousompaul: nope08:09
DJAdmiral!language > DJAdmiral08:09
ompaulfarous, spec of the box08:09
farousompaul: it is gnome-terminal on my regular ubuntu box08:09
ompaulfarous, what are you running in it?08:09
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farousompaul: t42 1.8ghz centrino08:09
ompaulfarous, what are you running in the terminal to say "it is slow"08:10
DJAdmiralis the word "damn" allowed in this channel?08:10
farousompaul: irssi even top it is just strangely slow08:10
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pwnedominadoes anyone here install nessus?08:10
django_farous, check the TERM settings08:10
acojlodjango_ : you know what? It seems that cpufreq_conservative is all the time loaded on my system - so gnome must be slow :)08:10
django_pwnedomina, yes08:10
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jerusalem420my screen resolution wont change08:10
DJAdmiraldjango_: i checked out linuxisfor*******.com but it's blocked by my isp. i'll use tor and privoxy to get past it08:10
jerusalem420the system thinks it changed08:10
pwnedominai cant put them to work08:10
jerusalem420but it hasnt08:10
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ompaulDJAdmiral, one would prefer if you didn't, as I explained yesterday ;-) if there is a moving line in the sand where is the line today - if there is a brick wall it is easy to see the boundry08:10
django_acojlo, heh, just when i hoped you would stop using gnome :)08:10
jerusalem420anyone seen this?08:10
farousdjango_: what exactly in the setting should i look for08:11
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acojlohow to set default cpufreq governor ?08:11
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django_farous, see if your terminal type is the right one, or change it08:11
farousacojlo: man powernowd08:11
wheels3572Ok I have 1 question where am I to put multiverse to open up few repos that aren't open08:11
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django_farous, sorry i'm using mrxvt so i can't check out the gnome-terminal settings08:11
geneHi guys & gals, haveing a samba setup problem any samba guru's here?08:11
ompaulfarous, perhaps it is just lag from your to the server - try running top or  sudo lshw to see if it works fast08:11
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DJAdmiralompaul: okay then, i'll try not to use that word whenever possible.08:12
Krpanojerusalem420, add the desired resolution direct to the xorg.con, and config the monitor frequencies correctly.08:12
TheGateKeeper!repos > wheels357208:12
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farousompaul: will check that out thanx08:12
DJAdmiralompaul: thanks for pointing me in the right direction, much appreciated :)08:12
jerusalem420but i haven't changed anything08:12
jerusalem420it was working08:12
ompaul!resolution > jerusalem42008:12
ompauljerusalem420, have a look at the message from the channel bot, ubotu cheers08:13
pwnedominanessusClient (a GUI for nessusd) on http://www.nessus.org/download/ website :S08:13
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pwnedominathere is no nessusClient (a GUI for nessusd) on http://www.nessus.org/download/ website :S08:13
pwnedominafor ubuntu08:13
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django_pwnedomina, you should be able to install it via the package manager, no?08:14
dxdemetriouAre the repositories have problem now?08:14
wheels3572TheGateKeeper: ty but it doesn't say exactly how to manually edit and where to put the multiverse :)08:14
generepeat, need samba guru08:14
TheGateKeeperwheels3572: usually at the end of the line08:14
pwnedominathere is no package for ubuntu08:14
django_pwnedomina, if i was you, at your skill level, i would try to get the package installed08:14
django_pwnedomina, find a repository with the package08:14
wheels3572TheGateKeeper: newbie sort of here :) question iswhich lline that is my problem lol08:15
django_pwnedomina, problem is, lots of things get installed when you install nessus. If you want to remove them all later, best not to install the source08:15
wheels3572I know it's either 4 or 6 line I have to edit08:15
=== wolfeySI thinks Gentoo is easier to use (or perhaps I'm more familiar with Gentoo?).
pwnedominadjango , there is no no GUI for nessusd on ubuntu :S08:15
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django_pwnedomina, heh ok told08:15
jerusalem420thankls ompaul08:15
TheGateKeeperwheels3572: this will give you everything you want but PLF repos need to be modified: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories08:16
=== BHSPit[Birfday] gets antsy with the repos
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wheels3572ty Gate08:16
django_pwnedomina, well the gui has to be somewhere ... luckily in FreeBSD i just type 'make install clean' in the nessus port folder ;)08:16
trappistpwnedomina: the 'nessus' package is the gui client08:16
TheGateKeeperwheels3572: does that help?08:16
trappistpwnedomina: apt-cache show nessus08:16
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django_pwnedomina, try installing it and see if they are all there08:16
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SargunWhere can I find some good Pro-Linux propaganda?08:16
pwnedominanessus is diferent from nessud !08:16
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ompaulSargun, read the ubuntu website08:16
avalentewas there an update today? from 6.06 to 6.06.1?08:17
wheels3572I am checking now lol08:17
trappistpwnedomina: nessus is the client. nessusd is the server.08:17
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django_you can run the nessus client from any other machine, the nessusd needs to be installed on a linux box08:17
shawnr_whats the command to check ubuntu ver?08:17
django_just get the daemon installed pwnedomina08:17
pwnedominaok trappist08:17
pwnedominad > daemon?08:17
django_pwnedomina, sorry nessusd08:17
TheGateKeeperwheels3572: when you come back I will tell you how to correct the PLF repos08:17
django_the server08:17
trappistd == daemon08:17
shawnr_whats the command to check ubuntu ver?08:17
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django_shawnr_, uh, uname -a ?08:18
acojloso, where is powenowd told to use userspace and where is userspace set ? can't find reference in man08:18
bartistare some of you having problem with the sounds of video in youtube or dailymotion?08:18
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farousacojlo: you are using it by default08:18
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TheGateKeepershawnr_: cat /proc/version08:18
avalentewas there an update today? from 6.06 to 6.06.1? hello? I can't find any news on this... my issue.net changed to Ubuntu LTS 6.06.1..08:18
pwnedomina It is made up of two parts: a server, and a client. The server/daemon,08:18
pwnedomina nessusd, is in charge of the attacks, whereas the client, nessus,08:18
pwnedomina provides the user a nice X11/GTK+ interface08:18
farousacojlo: to check it type lsmod |grep cpu_userspace08:19
django_well, the uname -a has a certain class ;)08:19
acojlofarous, yes but even when I'm on AC power it uses userspace which set conservative model - so it decreases responsivnes of the system. MOdule is loaded but why?08:19
TheGateKeeperdjango_: depends which version info he is on about :-)08:19
django_cat-ting files ...ew08:19
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django_TheGateKeeper, he needs to know if it is XP ubuntu or Ubuntu 9808:20
bartistcan you see videos from youtube correctly?08:20
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acojlofarous, there are 4 modules, but only userspace is used (has 1)08:20
farousacojlo: you can change it am running here powersave so can not remember the exact command i think you need to set it to 108:20
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bartisti've trouble with the sound of the videos...08:20
acojlowell, I can not find something like Klaptop inside of gnome to set to performance08:21
shawnr_ok im cofused about what kernel i have/need. I'm uname says im using this... 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT. but i don't remember installing k7-smp, just k7. it also says 686. am i using the right kernel? i have amd64 3700+ in laptop08:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:21
=== cowmilk2 [n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
farousacojlo: ah you need to set the powernowd to use the aggressive setting while you are on AC and conservative when you are on battery. you have to write a script for  that08:21
cowmilk2i'm on xubuntu. i installed ekiga so that i can make some VOIP/SIP calls, but it installed stuff i'm not interested in, such as evolution, gnome-pilot. Can i delete them?08:21
acojlofaours, can I do that with laptop.mode. will it work while on AC during boot?08:22
farousacojlo: gnome-power-manager?08:22
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maddleris anyone experiencing problems connecting to security.ubuntu.com?08:23
tibbeI'm on Dapper but want to use a particular package from Edgy (emacs-snapshot), how could I achive that?08:24
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TheGateKeepermaddler: sounds like there may be a few repo problems from what I have heard08:24
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django_maddler, yeah08:24
maddlerTheGateKeeper: oh... ok...08:24
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acojlofarous, it's here but not giving me control over cpufreq model08:25
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thomparemoving real player manually seems it is faster to just reinstall ubuntu08:25
HowitzerDoes anybody know how to draw conky below gnome-panel?08:25
nikini need sum help with samba.... i sucessfully shared my folder but i cant login from the windows maschine08:26
srikatlol thompa08:26
farousacojlo: yah you have to do that manually for the cpufreq using the powernowd08:26
shawnr_ok im cofused about what kernel i have/need. uname says im using this... 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT. but i don't remember installing k7-smp, just k7. it also says 686. am i using the right kernel? i have amd64 3700+ in laptop08:26
django_nikin, simple sharing?08:26
Howitzerbecause the uname -a is blocked by it...08:26
sirjohnyay for having a server working :p08:26
thompai want to remove realplayer, t, there is a realplayer dir in /home but permission is denied, so i have to go into each dirctory,08:26
django_nikin, and you can login from the linux box? did a 'testparm' and used smbclient to log in?08:26
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thompasrikat: is there another way to remove it08:26
trappistthompa: use sudo08:27
trappistthompa: as in sudo rm -rf08:27
thompaia m08:27
thompai am08:27
nikindj: no i didnt08:27
nikinwhat should i do?08:27
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acojlowhere is gconf for power management?08:27
django_nikin, first run "testparm" in a terminal window08:27
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django_nikin, any simple errors will show up there08:28
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thompatrappist: that did it, i tried -f alone and it would not work08:28
yggdrasilhow do i disable the bad repository that i have in my apt list ?08:28
shawnr_yggdrasil, add a "#" at the beginning of the line08:28
shawnr_yggdrasil, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:29
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django_nikin, then use smbclient and try to access the shares in linux from the terminal08:29
nikini have got WARNING: passdb expand explicit = yes is deprecated08:29
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yggdrasilyea i know that much i cant tell wich one it is08:29
shawnr_yggdrasil, the apt-get update08:29
thompatrappist: would you happen to know where the realplayer config file might be hiding, i installed the bin, and there is no info08:29
REScan anyone help me08:29
RESi want to "share" a cd/dvd drive08:29
shawnr_yggdrasil, run sudo apt-get update it you will see what connects and what does08:29
django_nikin, that is ok. Did you set up samba with any guide?08:29
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Ye-Olde-DeviceHave anyone in here had any luck getting a non-beta version of Azureus to run under Dapper?08:29
yggdrasil82.211.81.182)]                                                   ]          its going now but it stalling for  a sec and ill get it after its timed out iguesse08:29
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shawnr_yggdrasil, sry "sudo apt-get update"08:29
faroustibbe: have a look at this http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-package.en.html#s-port08:29
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TheGateKeeperwheels3572: you sorted yet?08:30
django_nikin, and do you have smbclient installed. I should check, i'm doing this from memory08:30
yggdrasilok guys actualy it looks like it took just was super slow08:30
faroustibbe: that is for debian but you can use same idea in ubuntu08:30
shawnr_Can anyone help me with my kernel question?08:30
nikinnope i could acces windows networks without doing anything08:30
EnsignRedshirtlongwave: ping?08:30
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tibbefarous, thanks08:30
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nikinsamba was setupped by the sharing system when i checked "share with samba"08:30
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django_nikin, then it may be a firewall issue?08:31
django_or you can ping08:31
thompadoes anyone know to get realplayer working for 64 version, do i install firefox 32 or is there another way08:31
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yggdrasilthanks for the help guys08:31
dxdemetriouDoes anybody know why the internal disk partitions are disappeared from Nautilus, but the external showed normally? On live cd and fresh install works, but not after new updates08:31
thompathe 32 bit version wont work and i cant listen to any bbc radio stations08:31
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shawnr_anyone know their kernels and can maybe give me a hand?08:32
nikindjango: i just cant login, it does not accept login and passwd08:32
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qlashHello, I have some really weird problem, could I get some help?08:32
Ye-Olde-DeviceEverybody who enjoys a working alpha installation of azureus under dapper raise your hands please ... I'm trying to find out whether or not my struggle to find a solution should continue08:32
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django_nikin, you aren't doing simple sharing then, if it is requiring password08:32
Ye-Olde-Deviceqlash, what kind of problem?08:32
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EnsignRedshirtlongwave: Ignore my previous ping.  I found the answer to what I was going to ask you.08:32
RESanyone?  i want to share a cd drive08:32
TheGateKeeperthompa: does this answer your question? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:32
django_shawnr_, what's the problem?08:32
shawnr_django_, ok im cofused about what kernel i have/need. uname says im using this... 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT. but i don't remember installing k7-smp, just k7. it also says 686. am i using the right kernel? i have amd64 3700+ in laptop08:33
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nikindjango: guest ok =yes08:33
thompaTheGateKeeper: thanks thats it08:33
qlashWell I was gonna transfer a whole catalog of files via ftp "World of Warcraft", and it kept cancelling transfer some files with Could not change local directory to /home/maan84/Games/World of Warcraft/Data: Permission denied, so I ran sudo gftp and tried to transfer whole catalog again, then it worked, and I have 5gb less hd space, but if I go to home folder and right click the folder it says it takes up 12mb and wine cant acces it :P08:34
django_shawnr_, the SMP part is ok, don't worry .. i'll have to take a look at the kernels available .. i'm an ubuntu newbie, just not a *nix one ;)08:34
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thompahelix and real player suck, if they cant give you uninstall instructions.08:34
thompathere is no uninstall info, which means they are crooks08:34
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TheGateKeeperthompa: yw :-) my standard answer to 64bit problems :-) someone installed 32 mplayer all his codec started working, made him happy too08:35
thompanow i still have to find if there is a config file somewhere from the bin08:35
qlashall files in the subfolders of that catalog takes 0 bytes, but it transferred 5 gb and hd has 5gb less :P08:35
nikindjango: do you know maybe any site with info about howto set up samba shares on ubuntu?08:35
django_shawnr_, but i'd be sure there is an amd64 kernel08:35
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thompaTheGateKeeper: thats nice, but bbc uses embedded real streaming08:35
EnsignRedshirtWhat does FTBS stand for?  It shows up in a bug report in launchpad.08:35
django_nikin, just google for a good samba tutorial, that should help08:35
dxdemetriouNobody have problem with the appearance of ide disks with Nautilus on Places/Computer?08:35
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qlashif I do sudo gftp and look at the catalogs from there all the files in the subfolders take up "the right size" , like a screenshot in the screenshot map takes up 4 mb, but in filebrowser its 0 bytes08:36
thompaTheGateKeeper: mplayer wont work on any of their 50+ radio stations08:36
nikindjango ok08:36
django_shawnr_, cause the K7 kernel ain't gonna cut it lol08:36
thompadont use k708:36
shawnr_i thought k7 was for amd?08:36
eighty4nikin, setting up samba shares in ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#head-51f51bea37ef002e8c6d7dbfeeb486a47cdb0f8808:36
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michaeljb2006oops the forums are down08:36
=== Cha [n=chatzill@ip68-10-38-231.rn.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
thompaim running amd64 dou core, i use tjhe ubuntu 64 version, performance is much better08:37
TheGateKeeperthompa: yes the only reason I ever installed realplayer, this I find a usefull addon to: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/446/08:37
greenwomlo,  Kino only works for capture as root, hot do I fix it?08:37
shawnr_thompa, but what about all the programs only availible for 32bit?08:37
acojlook, I have to create /etc/default/powernowd08:37
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Chahey there. would anyone have some input as to how to set up a good mail server on ubuntu? id like it to be something like "webmaster@myserver.com"08:37
TheGateKeeperthompa: never understood BBC logic for picking realplayer08:37
thompashawnr_: k7 is for k8 athlon amd yes,08:37
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thompashawnr_: try k7 see if it works, you can boot with both08:38
qlashSo anyone know why files in filebrowser take 0 bytes, but when i look in them from gftp running sudo gftp they all take up the right size?08:38
=== FuriousRage breaks his 2 ubuntu cd's in rage
shawnr_thompa, i have k708:38
django_shawnr_, that's what he's using08:38
ubotumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com08:38
=== ltR20^^ [i=SMOKEYWE@modemcable199.199-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
shawnr_lol im confused08:38
ltR20^^does anyone know how to extract a rar in the current directory with files + subfolders08:38
django_shawnr_, no harm in trying the amd64 one08:38
ubotuI know nothing about mailserver - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:38
thompashawnr_: sry, whats the prob08:38
michaeljb2006what's the hack out there to smooth fonts?08:38
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFaq/08:38
django_shawnr_, just install it. what bootloader are you using?08:38
EnsignRedshirtAnyone?  FTBS=?08:38
acojloTheGateKeeper, Some logics and reasons have not grown on a ground08:38
shawnr_django_, grub08:39
farousltR20^^: man unrar08:39
shawnr_django_, i don't need to install ubuntu64? i can just install the kernel?08:39
qlashI would ask at the forums but they seem to be down08:39
django_shawnr_, install the amd64 kernel image then and see if it boots it. if not, just boot from the other kernel08:39
django_shawnr_, grub will handle it08:39
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farousltR20^^: i normally use unrar e <filename>08:39
thompaTheGateKeeper: how can realone.com offer a linux installer, no uninstall instructions,08:39
gregg__amd64 kernel + x86 userland won't work!08:40
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ubotuI know nothing about kino - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:40
DJAdmiral!info kino08:40
ubotukino: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In repository main, is extra. Version 0.80-1ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 1071 kB, installed size 3616 kB08:40
ltR20^^farous, it places all the files in the samedir08:40
DJAdmiralthere you go08:40
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ltR20^^no subdirectories08:40
farousthompa: realplayer is in one of the repos08:40
farous!easysource > thompa08:40
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greenwomok so how do I get it to capture with out root!!08:40
TheGateKeeperthompa: if you use the deb method to install you should be able to uninstall08:40
thompafarous: i know but im running 64 bit ubuntu08:40
django_gregg__, bingo08:40
farousltR20^^: did not need it so just use the man my friend to get the proper option set08:41
django_hence the K7 i guess08:41
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shawnr_django_, don't see 64bit kernel in the synaptic08:41
bthorntonWhen I bring up my DHCP-configured WiFi connection on my laptop, it gets an IP like it's supposed to, but /etc/resolv.conf is left empty (i.e. it's not setting the nameservers with DHCP like it's supposed to).  Any ideas how to fix this?08:41
thompaTheGateKeeper: im going to use that page you sent me, should work08:41
farousthompa: you can run it in a chroot env. till proper support is ava08:41
thompathanks again08:41
thomparight on08:41
farousbut i guess you know that08:41
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django_shawnr_, in short, if you are happy don't change, if you want the amd64 kernel you'll need the 64 bit version of ubuntu08:42
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django_shawnr_, like gregg__  said, you'll need the amd64 userland too08:42
TheGateKeeperwget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb08:42
TheGateKeepersudo dpkg -i realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb08:42
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jeandelfrigohigh does anyone know if the drivers for ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 are available yet?08:42
tiagoguimaraespessoal pelo amor de deus08:42
thompai had on k7 kernel boot up to login 41 secs, on ubuntu64 its now 29 secs08:42
srikatshawnr_: you are deciding between 32-bit and 64-bit Ubuntu?08:42
tiagoguimaraespor favor!!!08:42
django_thompa, that would convince me :)08:43
tiagoguimaraesquem  me ajuda com mouse no ubuntu??08:43
shawnr_django_, ok but my original question... is the kernel im currently using ok? 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT  i686 GNU/Linux08:43
tiagoguimaraesmouse of ubuntu???08:43
shawnr_srikat, im thinking about it08:43
django_shawnr_, if it is booting, sure it's ok08:43
shawnr_er lol08:43
tiagoguimaraesmouse serial???08:43
shawnr_performace wise08:43
thompaalso all the windows and things open better in 6408:43
django_shawnr_, but you might want to listen to the ppl here who know about the 32 vs 64 bit versions08:43
django_I would like to hear anyway08:43
srikatshawnr_: hang on, I'll give you a forum post that can help you make the decision08:44
tiagoguimaraestem brasileiro na area?08:44
thompaonly flash and real player are some trouble in 6408:44
tiagoguimaraesnao consigo colocar o mouse!!!08:44
tiagoguimaraesalguem me ajude por favor!!!08:44
yggdrasilhow do i check what version of glibc i have installed ?08:44
qlashI took a screenshot that easy explains what it is I don't understand, could anyone look and tell me what I can do about it? http://www.qlash.net/images/Screenshot.png08:44
DJAdmiraltiagoguimaraes: join #ubuntu-br08:44
=== seamore [n=king@dsl-165-123-216.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
django_thompa, so no other problems?08:44
qlashSame file marked08:44
acojlocan someone send me /etc/default/powernowd08:44
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seamoreHow to unrar rar3.0 files?08:44
farousthompa: how about oepnoffice and firefox for i am thinking of getting one08:44
thompaTheGateKeeper: but thats the 386 version right08:45
srikatshawnr_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22685808:45
thompabzflag wont work either08:45
django_basically, if I had a 64 bit machine, i'd at least *try* the 64 bit version08:45
yggdrasilhow do i check what version of glibc i have installed ?08:45
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DJAdmiralseamore: you need to install extra archive formats for that, i installed the rar format using easyubuntu08:45
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.08:45
thompagood look compiling bzflag from source08:45
TheGateKeeperthompa: correct, but isn't that what you need despite being 64bit?08:45
DJAdmiralbzflag lol08:46
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jeandelfrigohigh does anyone know if the drivers for ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 are available yet?08:46
srikatshawnr_: the gist of that forum post is that: if you are new to Ubuntu/Linux (and don't want to try to make things work) go for 32-bit; otherwise go for 64-bit08:46
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thompaopenooficce seems to run fine if not better in 6408:46
FuriousRageWTB nForce 4 support in Ubuntu AMD64 version08:47
tiagoguimaraeso pessoal ses nao vao me ajuda!?!?108:47
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shawnr_srikat, i've been working for a few months with ubuntu32-bit. finally got jsut about everything working08:47
django_shawnr_, time to go for the 64 bit then!08:48
thompashawnr_: if you have time and patience, test one then the other08:48
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wheels3572After I have edited my sources.list there is another command or 2 I am supposed two I am supposed to type what are they08:48
thompashawnr_: go for 6408:48
shawnr_is there a benchmark for cpu and general os use? so i can test now then test on 64?08:48
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django_then you compare, you know, you tell others on here later08:48
thompashawnr_: there are instructions for getting flash and real working on 6408:48
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neilcdoes anyone know if i can get a CD image of ubuntu drake + subsequent security updates?08:49
TheGateKeeperwheels3572: tells you on the bottom of that how to I sent you but first you need to fix your PLF repos08:49
di||itantedoen anyone know of a usb bluetooth adaptor that works with Ubuntu? I need a way to connect to my phone/pda for internet access08:49
neilcas installing a new system and then getting ~200mb of updates is getting a bit old08:49
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qlashCould anyone look here http://www.qlash.net/images/Screenshot.png and tell my it's like that?08:49
thompashawnr_: i took notes on everything, firs installed 32 with 386 , 686, k7 kernels,08:49
troytroywow these linuxcbt trainings are very resourceful08:49
django_neilc, couldn't you download and burn the updates onto an install cd?08:50
FuriousRageis it possible to start ubuntu live cd with ipv6 disabled?08:50
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shawnr_thompa, then you went to 64?08:50
TheGateKeeperwheels3572: have a look at the correction I have put on this page: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/home08:50
thompashawnr_: also i use a stopwatch08:50
jockey23what things do not work on 64bit?08:50
KrhisFlash :P08:50
thompashawnr_: k7 was messed up on my machine, bu that was on mepis also08:50
django_shawnr_, most of the time the best benchmarking is just by using it. You know how fast your system is now08:50
KrhisMore codecs would be nice.08:50
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thompashawnr_: it seemed slugish08:51
=== saalibha [n=saalibha@mef-fe10.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #ubuntu
neilcdjango_: sure, i can08:51
Krhisjockey23, plan on using 64bit?08:51
neilcdjango_: i was just wondering if there's a prebuilt 6.06+fixes cd image08:51
neilcdjango_: as that would save me some trouble08:51
TheGateKeeperjockey23: to have to install some 32 bit apps as not everything has moved to 64 bit, eg flash, codecs etc08:51
jockey23yes... I'm thinking of switching08:51
shawnr_thompa, and how was it when you went to 64bit?08:51
django_neilc, seems like a lot to maintain ... but maybe someone did it for the lazy ppl like you ;)08:51
thompayou can watch dvds listen to music in 64 no problem08:52
django_neilc, but i know what you mean, i do that with windows, linux, fbsd everytime i install and it's a pain08:52
neilcdjango_: heh, well, if drake is gonna be supported for ~3 years, that is going to add up to a *lot* of post-install updates08:52
Krhisthompa, I've had some problems with decoding some DVD's.08:52
TheGateKeeperjockey23: you want this then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:52
DJAdmiralalright people08:52
DJAdmirali gtg08:52
tiagoguimaraescade o pessoal do brasil!?08:52
thompashawnr_: boot time faster, openoffice time faster,08:52
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tiagoguimaraesy from brazil!08:52
=== mDot [n=michael@ip68-8-44-136.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiagoguimaraeshi peoples!08:52
FuriousRagemaybe i resize my hdd back and give my windows xp install 100% of the hdd since linux refuses to work on my box08:52
DJAdmiraltiagoguimaraes: join #ubunu-br!!!08:52
Krhisthompa, and music is music. If they are OGG's is shouldn't matter. :P08:52
DJAdmiraltiagoguimaraes: join #ubuntu-br08:53
shawnr_thompa, noticable?08:53
django_FuriousRage, that's one solution08:53
narrdoes anyone know how to remove a user from a group using the console?08:53
thompashawnr_: i can have like 10 things running and notice no decrease in performance08:53
KrhisFuriousRage, threat?08:53
jockey23TheGateKeeper, thanx08:53
tiagoguimaraeshelp my ubuntu, is not mouse!08:53
django_narr deluser08:53
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shawnr_thom. maybe i will try the live cd ;)08:53
DJAdmiraltiagoguimaraes: i can help you!08:53
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DJAdmiraltiagoguimaraes: Listen carefully!08:53
shawnr_thompa. maybe i will try the live cd ;)08:53
tiagoguimaraesplease read for my #ubuntu-br!08:53
jockey23TheGateKeeper, What about wine... will that still work?08:53
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bobbyd_can anyone help me install speakup under ubuntu?08:54
thompashawnr_: its slow for me until i installed it08:54
FuriousRageKrhis: threat/promisse, linux doesnt work anyway ;>08:54
narrdjango_ deluser. i thought it would delete the user ;)08:54
DJAdmiraltiagoguimaraes: type this: /join #ubuntu-br08:54
narrgot to read the manpages, thx08:54
django_narr doh sorry, didn't read08:54
TheGateKeeperjockey23: yw :-) don't know may be the same08:54
KrhisFuriousRage, Linux works just fine.08:54
django_narr, don't deluser!08:54
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TheGateKeeperjockey23: suck it and see :-)08:54
narrdjango_ ak k^^08:54
KrhisFuriousRage, it's you're computer that's having the problem. What's the issue?08:54
django_narr, i would edit /etc/group myself08:55
shawnr_thompa, what about xgl/compiz... work under 64-bit?08:55
FuriousRageKrhis;: well, cant get ip in linux ;> <-- the very very short story08:55
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narrdjango_ thx08:55
django_narr, because i'm not familiar with ubuntu's grapical tools yet08:55
tiagoguimaraestenk yu head!08:55
thompashawnr_: i dont know yet about that08:55
django_narr, sorry about that, almost cost you your user08:55
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narrdjango_ np ;)08:55
KrhisFuriousRage, did someone try to help you already?08:55
easterduckyHELP HELP HELP: I have to be in court in 1 hour and postscript printer (Lexmark Optra S 1885) is not working under KDE even though the driver is listed!08:55
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thompashawnr_: go to the 64 help pages08:56
FuriousRageKrhis: i lost count after 5ppl or something ;>08:56
narrdjango_ the /etc/group tip is what i was searching for :)08:56
Nukedget this error when dist-upgrading http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1961808:56
tiagoguimaraesvaleu cabea!08:56
KrhisFuriousRage, what NIC do you have?08:56
shawnr_thompa, but it IS possible to get flash/java working?08:56
django_narr, cool08:56
tiagoguimaraesos pampas agradecem!!!08:56
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.08:56
srikatshawnr_: in Firefox?08:56
FuriousRageKrhis: onboard, nForce 4 (410 MCP)08:56
thompashawnr_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:56
crazy_penguinis security updates down?08:56
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jockey23TheGateKeeper, I'm just scared I have to go back... since Ive started using linux I'm not used to Format that often :)08:57
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TheGateKeepershawnr_: another customer :-) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:57
thompaive been too lazy to do that yet08:57
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DJAdmiralcrazy_penguin: the ubuntu repository servers are overloaded at the moment08:57
crazy_penguini see08:57
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estupendoceroWhere are log files kept? There doesn't seem to be a /var/adm08:57
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thompawhatever you do dont install realplayer from realone.com on 6408:57
AAAestupendocero  /var/log08:57
django_shawnr_, heh if i can get flash and java going on freebsd , you can do it on ubuntu64 ;)08:57
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estupendocerothank you AAA08:57
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thompathere is a 64 bit version of realplayer coming out soon08:57
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dD0TDJAdmiral: They are still unresponsive...omfg ;) Hoped it would run again up to now! There's a kernel update to install :)08:58
KrhisFuriousRage, checkout Forcedeth yet?08:58
FuriousRageKrhis: dunno what that is08:58
Nukedget this error when dist-upgrading http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19618 any help would be appreciated.08:58
DJAdmiraldD0t: erm... have we met?08:58
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TheGateKeeperjockey23: back everything up first: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81311&highlight=HOWTO%3A+backup08:58
jgarbershi - am new to ubuntu - recently allowed installation of a kernel update. Grub menu now shows both 2.6.15-23 and 2.6.15-26... 2.6.15-26 is default, but fails to boot, reporting "RAMDISK: ran out of compressed data" followed by "invalid compressed format" and a kernel panic...08:58
django_dD0T, i'm in the same place08:58
dD0TDJAdmiral: no, now we've met^^08:58
acojlothe issue of slow redrawing of gnome windows was caused by powernowd use of conservative method08:58
django_dD0T, and it's buggin' me08:59
jgarberscan i fix something so 2.6.15-26 works, or do i need to change grub menu to default to 2.6.15-23?08:59
jockey23TheGateKeeper, but the important apps should work fine so I think I'll give it a try08:59
django_acojlo, good now?08:59
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harisundAnyone know how to disable graying of the screen when the gksudo dialog box pops up?08:59
dD0Tdjango: Hm....lol! As i tried last only security.ubuntu.com was down! Now the whole sys again! lol lol lol08:59
DJAdmiraldD0T: oh okay, cool. who introduced you to me?08:59
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TheGateKeeperjockey23: good luck :-)08:59
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Nukedget this error when dist-upgrading http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19618 PLEASE help08:59
django_oh no, i feel pasting coming on ....09:00
shawnr_thompa, ok one last question. I do alot of audio recording. i kinda have this set up like a home studio. If im going to switch to 64.. Audacity NEEDS to work.09:00
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acojlodjango_, yes, it's working reasonably fast - means I can not notice time lag with redrawing windows09:00
magicalif I unplug the monitor on my ubuntu box whilst it's turned on, will it cause any problems?09:00
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DJAdmiraldD0T: oh wait, i realised you were talking about the repositories comment i made! oops sorry lol09:00
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dD0TDJAdmiral: Nobody ;) Just saw you writing about the servers beeing down when I rejoined! But anyway: Hi, I'm .D0T or in IRC dD0T09:00
django_acojlo, for fun one time apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and see if you notice much difference09:00
DJAdmiraldD0T: nice to meet you! we better not go offtopic though.09:00
acojlodjango_, right now I do not know how to tell powernowd to use no cpufreq scaling while on AC power through /etc/default/powernowd, so I've unloaded p4_clockmod module and powernowd09:01
programcodeHey DJAdmiral what do you use to watch videos on linux, like mpeg and avi?09:01
cartHi, im trying to use evdev driver un xorg.conf on dapper, but don't work at all, my keyboard don't work and i keep getting "LookupDeviceIntRec id=0x0 not found" in the console... (Starting the X by ssh)...09:01
django_magical, nope09:01
edjujoin #ibm09:01
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dD0TDJAdmiral: Think so too. Anyone got a clue what's wrong this time? Can't really believe it's the load! I mean they are running day and night...09:01
django_acojlo, that'll work ;)09:01
DJAdmiralprogramcode: MPlayer, and Totem09:01
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magicaldjango_, thanks :)09:02
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tiagoguimaraesviva o linux!!09:02
django_programcode, mplayer rocks .. ogle is good for dvd playback esp. on slower machines09:02
DyskThis is a dumb question, but what is the debian/ubuntu equivalent of the service command?09:02
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DJAdmiralviva o linux!09:02
shawnr_thomp, ok one last question. I do alot of audio recording. i kinda have this set up like a home studio. If im going to switch to 64.. Audacity NEEDS to work.09:02
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programcodeDJAdmiral: could you help me, I can't get MPlayer to install. I found the file and I extracted it. I was going to install it with ./mplayer, but there isn't an install file in there can you help me with installing it?09:02
AAAmplayer uber alles09:02
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Dysk(What command manually starts and stops services?)09:02
AAADysk  init09:02
DJAdmiralprogramcode: did you install it from the ubuntu repos?09:02
django_shawnr_, hmm another reason i have to use windows :(09:03
BHSPit[Birfday] service <name> start09:03
acojloit feels good :)09:03
DJAdmiralprogramcode: repositories09:03
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programcodeno is that in there?09:03
bruderanyone knows the program to assign arbitrary global hotkeys to arbitrary actions?09:03
shawnr_django_, why? audacity works great for me under ubuntu 3209:03
DJAdmiralprogramcode: yep09:03
Ch4neKeim having problems updating some nautilus packages, 404 not found, it's something wrong with the servers maybe ?09:03
Nukedget this error when dist-upgrading http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19618 PLEASE someone help09:03
BHSPit[Birfday] e.g. "service sshd start/restart/stop"09:03
django_shawnr_, i will give it a try09:03
BHSPit[Birfday] @dysk09:03
AAA /etc/init.d/<service> restart|stop|start09:03
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=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-146-58.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
DJAdmiralprogramcode: whenever searching for or downloading or installing software, ALWAYS check first if it is in the ubuntu repositories!09:04
wheels3572TheGateKeeper: I dont even see a PLF repo in my sources.list09:04
jgarbersi'm finding some threads about the failed upgrade process - https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/31126 - how can I repair this upgrade?09:04
programcodeokay I found it downloading and install it now thanks DJAdmiral09:04
BHSPit[Birfday] Dysk, ignore what I said.09:04
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nikini ame back09:05
budluvaanyone got america's army 2.6 windows client to run under wine/cedega?09:05
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nikinfilesharing is working well09:05
Ademanwhere should i go to find out about the intel GMA 950(integrated graphics)? is it capable at all? are there linux drivers for it? or would it just be dead weight on linux?09:05
BHSPit[Birfday] I'm still thinking in an older distro09:05
nikinbut printer has a problem09:05
BHSPit[Birfday] budluva, don't they release a linux client? or is that just the server09:05
Ch4neKejgarbers, im having problems too09:05
DyskDHSPit:  the service {service} start/stop/restart is what I was talking about.   I've used it in every other distro but don't see it in ubuntu09:05
django_nikin, at least the filesharing works :)09:05
budluvaBHSPit[Birfday] : as far as i know 2.5 linux client is and will be the last09:05
jgarbersCh4neKe: like mine?09:05
nikinwhen i try to print on the windows maschine it says "pronter server is down"09:06
DyskAAA: Sure I could do that, but I was wondering if there's a shortcut like there is in most other *nixes09:06
django_nikin, testparm say anything about the printer?09:06
budluva2.7 for windows is coming soon, but dont know if it works well in wine09:06
AAADysk  that is a redhat thing,09:06
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Ch4neKejgarbers, with nautilus09:06
DJAdmiralalrighty guys09:06
BHSPit[Birfday] ah09:06
DyskAAA: Fair enough09:06
DJAdmirali really gtg now09:06
django_Dysk, how much shorter you want it?09:06
FuriousRageKrhis: know any dist thats similar to ubuntu, that works with nForce 410, and no named fedora core, suse, redhat, mandrake? ;>09:06
DJAdmiralfun talking with you all09:06
mDotmy desktop is unbearably ugly right now09:06
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AAADysk  you can manipulate your startup scripts with :: update-rc.d09:06
DJAdmiralBHSPit[Birfday] : happy birthday once again09:06
mDotneed compiz fixed!09:06
jgarbersCh4neKe: sorry, no help from me, unless you're talking about a submarine...09:06
DJAdmiraldjango_: fun talking, nice to meet you09:07
TheGateKeeperwheels3572: put it in pastebin please09:07
DJAdmiraldjango_: but i gtg now. cya!09:07
AAADysk  you restart services with /etc/init.d/<service>09:07
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DJAdmiralwheels3572: i gtg09:07
django_Dysk, most other *nixes do it similarly ... /etc/rc.d/<service> restart|start etc in fbsd for instance09:07
django_DJAdmiral, ciao09:07
NukedAAA: get this error when dist-upgrading http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1961809:07
DyskAAA: Great, things09:07
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DJAdmiralwheels3572: nice meeting you09:07
insitesis it possible to forward the sound output of one linux box to another linux box?09:07
BHSPit[Birfday] thanks, DJAdmiral09:07
insiteslike you would forward X windows with Y09:07
django_insites, yeah baby, sound servers09:07
DJAdmiralalrighty guys, ciao! cya all tomorrow!09:07
AAAinsites  yes, jackd09:07
django_insites, but i won't be helping set that up :)09:08
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tiagoguimaraesvaleu galaera de nao sei da onde!!!09:08
insitesAAA jackd huh ill lookinto it thanks.09:08
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wheels3572later DJ09:08
wheels3572Later DJ09:08
AAANuked  did you update your sources.list and then apt-get update?  were you using unofficial pkg's prior to upgrading?09:09
django_|_ater DJ?09:09
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django_and if you did update , how the hell did you get connected?09:09
Ch4neKeWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!: bittornado <-- it's dangerous if i download this?09:09
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NukedAAA not prior to upgrading09:10
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Ch4neKewhy is giving me that error ?09:10
django_Ch4neKe, not if you like huge winds09:10
django_Ch4neKe, it is not dangerous per se09:10
jgarbershow can I force a reinstallation of the 2.6.15-26 kernel?09:10
django_Ch4neKe, just means it is not ubuntu authenticated09:10
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FuriousRageanyone wanna donate me an PICe nic 100mbit ? ;>09:10
jgarbersit appears to have not fully downloaded, as the initrd file is less than 1/3 the size of the -23 file09:10
Ch4neKedjango_, but its supposed to be oficially supported09:11
wheels3572Sorry django_ I was telling the other DJ goodbye but missed him lol and it hit you lol09:11
voraistoshey guys. i wanna compile my kernel for a pentium M, and i want to compile it "the ubuntu way". know any good HowTo ?09:11
django_Ch4neKe, supported and authenticated are different09:11
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crimsunvoraistos: just use the -686 flavour.09:11
django_Ch4neKe, i would personally install it09:11
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Ch4neKedjango_, ty :)09:11
voraistoscrimsun: i dont want general 686 support09:12
AAANuked  but after? you may want to remove that pkg and try apt-get dist-upgrade again.  I don't know that will solve your problem though.  You may also want to try dpkg-reconfigure <pkg name> and see iff you get more errors/clues09:12
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django_Ch4neKe, if you are cautious, like to the point of tin-foil hats, maybe you won't want to ;)09:12
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NukedAAA it wont allow me to09:12
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lordlamerhello. i have made a debian package. how can i migrate that package to ubuntu?09:13
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | If the repos are slow: use a mirror! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
bthorntonHow do I turn off directory listings in Apache (Ubuntu 6.06 LTS)?09:13
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django_bthornton, google it, it's a common faq09:13
django_bthornton, one keystroke of vi :)09:13
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gnomefreaklordlamer: join #ubuntu-motu and ask09:14
bthorntondjango_: Did it.  I already put an ".htaccess" file in the parent directory containing "Options -Indexes" but still no worky.09:14
AAANuked  it won't let you remove it?  what is the version of libavahi-compat-libdnssd1 ?09:14
wheels3572django_: I manually edited my sources.list now dont I Have to update them too ?09:14
nikinok printer is working ... just shit ccpd deamon fucked09:14
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django_django_, you got me again :)09:14
bthorntondjango_: I also tried adding a similar directive to the main configuration file in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf but to no avail.09:14
NukedAAA:libavahi-compat-libdnssd1_0.6.10-0ubuntu3_i386.deb (--unpack):09:14
Nuked trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libdns_sd.so.1', which is also in package bonjour09:14
django_bthornton, and you restarted apache etc?09:14
nikindjango_ so i found a good tutorial09:15
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bthorntondjango_: yup--/etc/init.d/apache reload, correct?09:15
django_nikin, good stuff, easy huh?09:15
TheGateKeeperlordlamer: there is info on the ubuntu wiki site, not exactly sure where09:15
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django_bthornton, yeppers09:15
bthorntonI tried "/etc/init.d/apache restart" just for fun (overkill), but it didn't do any differently09:15
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nikinand where can i set a users defoult chmod params?09:15
lordlamerthansen: i will check09:15
AAANuked  do you use bonjour?  _maybe_ apt-get remove bonjour and dpkg --purge bonjour then try your dist-upgrade?09:15
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wheels3572AAA: I have manually edited my sources.list file now do I have to update it or something?09:16
django_bthornton,can't help, i just use the Index Option09:16
insiteseSounD seems to be the best option for streaming sound between two linux boxes...09:16
medflydont you guys call 6.06 dapper? i heard someone calling it galeon09:16
madewokherdit's dapper09:16
bthorntondjango_: it's cool; thanks09:16
AAAwheels3572  apt-get update && apt-get install <pkg>09:16
nikindapper drake :D09:16
medflyalright, thanks09:16
dr_willisnikin,  you may want to check out setting their umask in the .bash_profile for the user09:16
gnomefreakgaleon is a webbrowsetr09:16
django_bthornton, but i know how those things really annoy09:16
gnomefreakweb browser*09:16
bthorntonYou know I wonder if I'm not hitting the correct file--mine doesn't even have a DocumentRoot directive09:16
abloylasdoes anybody know how to get wmv3 files to work through firefox?09:16
Nukedgnomefreak: ya09:16
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wheels3572AAA: so the pkg would be sources.list?09:17
medflygnomefreak, its useful info, thanks09:17
django_nikin, in their profile file, set the umask09:17
bthorntonwhere is the main config file for Apache in Ubuntu?  I've done this on other distros before without problems09:17
AAAbthornton  read the docs, you will prolly have to add that line09:17
gnomefreakNuked: someone said they heard 6.06 dapper was called galeon ;)09:17
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Nukedhonest mistake?09:17
django_nikin, or you can set it universally in most *nix distos in /etc ...09:17
dr_willisabloylas,  install some of the media plugins like the vlc-firefox or totem-firefox or whatever and install all the codec packs09:17
AAAwheels3572  no, the the pkg would be the name of the pkg you want to install (ie. apt-get install apache2)09:17
django_dr_willis, doh, sorry, didn't see you answer nikin09:17
zuguhi all09:18
FuriousRagedoes "dapper" refer to something special? i often think of diaper because its close09:18
abloylasdr_willis: can you name the exact packages?09:18
ubotuFor multimedia codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies | For multimedia applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications09:18
django_bthornton, dunno, how many httpd.conf files on your machine do you have?09:18
bthorntonAAA: But must it already have a DocumentRoot declared?  I am getting a directory listing and it just so happens to be the contents of /var/www --but the string "/var/www" is nowhere in the file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf09:18
wheels3572AAA: Ohhhh no no I just manually uncommented and added to my sources.list file in /etc/apt ,,, I am just wondering is there something else I need to do now after that09:18
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AAAwheels3572  nope09:18
AAAbthornton  there is a directory structure in apache2 for the conf's.  look in  sites-enabled and sites-available09:19
bthorntonAAA: awesome; thanks09:19
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voraistosno tips to compile a kernel the "ubuntu way" ?09:20
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django_ah, i only use apache1.3x , soz :)09:20
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AAAbthornton  sites-enabled are symlinks to sites-available FYI09:20
abloylaswmv3 still seems to be a problem for firefox09:20
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django_i don't trust the new-fangled apache2 ;)09:20
synicvoraistos: besides "don't", I think there's make-kpkg09:20
abloylasautomatix isn't handling it either09:20
AAAbthornton  hehe09:20
AAAthe "new-fangled" apache is like 2y old =p09:21
allenanyone in here use kino09:21
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bthorntonOut of curiosity, is this an Ubuntu-specific creation?  In Fedora, everything was more-or-less lumped into a single httpd.conf file...09:21
django_AAA, we move slowly in our department :)09:21
synicbthornton: I believe it comes from debian09:21
AAAbthornton  IIRC it is an apache2 thing, but I haven't used roothack for a while09:21
bthorntonI see.  Different, but I think I could learn to like it09:21
django_bthornton, sounds like an apache2 thing09:21
voraistossynic: i can remember that, but i ll re-check to forums and howtos to  know more about the ubuntu kernels. thx09:21
AAAdjango_  tried and true....09:21
synicbthornton: along with the fancy scripts like a2ensite, a2enmod and friends09:21
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synicvoraistos: any particular reason you want to compile your kernel?09:22
django_AAA, like the machine running sunOS in the corner09:22
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bthorntonalright thanks for your help; later09:22
lmosherWhen a popup apperas in xgl/compiz on Gnome (recent example, a popup telling me of updates) the graphics go totally crazy... I get vertical lines of color and finally after it clears the menus are ruined.. They get a weird colored frame around them.09:22
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Shaezschei can only connect with my modem if i use a terminal and enter "wvdial". But it wont connect unless i enter "sudo wvdianconf" before wvdial each time. whats wrong?09:22
django_straight up09:22
nikindjango: where are you now?09:22
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django_nikin, at home09:23
nikini mean phisical09:23
django_mentally, slightly stoned09:23
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voraistossynic: i remember having a broken ubuntu kernel (not working properly on my machine), so i recompiled it " the ubuntu way" for my pentium M. it was much more powerfull than the i686 shipped with ubuntu(apt-get)09:23
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voraistossynic: i had a very bad hard drive failure, and my dear kernel is now gone. i want it back ;)09:24
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NukedAAA: wtf do avahi and bonjour have in common?!09:24
django_I needed to numb myself when i found out we were be using C#  in the next project09:25
django_nikin, yep perth, australia09:25
voraistosNuked: maybe it means hello ?09:25
AAANuked  apt-cache show told me that09:25
kevin__hi all!!09:25
shawnr_django_, where can i find the ubuntu 64bit repository list. i would like to look through the applications09:25
AAAhehe, whois09:25
nixi think they are greetings in different languages09:25
Nukedvoraistos LOL09:25
nikindjango: me hungary / Europe  (or the balcan if oyu prefer :D)09:25
django_shawnr_, haha i'm the wrong person to ask, been using ubuntu for all of a day ... *nix for a good 10 years though09:26
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nikinNuked :D why?09:26
django_shawnr_, but i did use debian woody back in the day, so i'm not a virgin09:26
AAAmmmmm virgin09:26
Nukedhungary considers itself balkan?09:27
shawnr_does anyone know where can i find the ubuntu 64bit repository list. i would like to look through the applications09:27
nikinNuked: it was a joke if you look back09:27
django_woody/virgin, it worked for me09:27
nikinno Hungary considers itself as Central Europe09:27
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Shaezschei can only connect with my modem if i use a terminal and enter "wvdial". But it wont connect unless i enter "sudo wvdianconf" before wvdial each time. whats wrong?09:27
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NukedLOL nikin09:27
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django_actually , after installing ubuntu, i can't believe i futzed around with Freebsd for my desktop machine for the last 4 years09:28
wheels3572whats the command ps aux do?09:28
django_now strictly servers09:28
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qlashyay installed ubuntu first time this morning already got World of Warcraft running :)09:28
nikinNuked: and where are you from09:28
brudernevermind, gconf-editor resolved my problem09:28
Nukednikin USA09:28
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django_the package system has become more slick and useful09:29
AAAwheels3572  shows you all the proc's from all the users, add a 'w' or two and find the cmd line used09:29
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django_neatly organized09:29
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AAAdjango_  indeed! apt/dpkg rule09:29
NukedNikin from the balkans though09:29
wheels3572AAA: I LOVE apt-get :)09:29
nikinapt rules :D09:29
django_in between the elegance of freebsd ports and the atrocious mess that is Gentoo09:29
django_don't hurt me ;)09:29
Nukedgentoo is SATAN09:30
nikindjango: why are you using ubuntu09:30
lmosherThere's something weird w/ my sound. When I first start my laptop the sound is really really quiet until I move the volume slider while playing music, then it gets loud as normal.09:30
AAAhaha, I once tried to install gentoo phase1 on an SGI O2 haha. I stopped it after 3days =p09:30
stefgI have a problem with the /dev/modem, which insists to point to /dev/ttySL0 after each reboot, but that's wrong (dev does not exist). The right target would be /dev/ttySHSF0. I had to try different drivers to get the modem going, so i assume something in udev got confused. Where can i configure the friggin' link to be set up correctly at boot?09:30
django_nikin, wanted to use a linux distro, we got sent about 100 in the mail, so ....09:30
nikinAAA BLNT :D09:30
wheels3572Where can I find bash command history/09:31
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django_nikin, plus i really like the debian layout and package (apt) system09:31
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nikinstefg: a simlink cant do the job?09:31
AAAnikin  haha, naw I don't have anymore O2's I put debian on it after that09:31
lmosherwheels3572, The up arrow? :P09:31
haimikenalguien abla espaol09:31
AAAwheels3572  history09:31
dr_williswheels3572,  could use the 'history' command.09:31
Cornelliushaimiken: #ubuntu-es09:31
haimikenmesesito ayuda urgente09:31
AAAwheels3572  or <ctrl>p09:31
django_AAA, sounds like an install from source i tried on a p75 with fbsd09:32
stefgnikin: i have to correct the link after each and every reboot now09:32
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dr_williswheels3572,  reading that advance bash guide - will help your Bash-FU gro strong.09:32
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ubotuI know nothing about abs - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:32
django_AAA, jeebus09:32
wheels3572AAA the computer was shut off over night and what I want is from lastnight :)09:32
AAAhaha, Bash-FU09:32
quitteis there a possibility to upgrade from i386 to amd64 without reinstalling09:32
petemcwheels3572: ~/.bash_history , usually, or whever $HISTFILE points to09:32
AAAwheels3572  history <--type that09:32
django_you must develop your sh Ki before your Bash-FU can truly shine09:32
AAAor what petemc said09:32
AAAhaha, you geeks crack me up today...09:33
petemcwheels3572: the history gets written when you log out, if you didnt logout, its probably not retained09:33
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wheels3572petemc: I shut the pc down lastnight so it should have logged me out right?l09:33
AAAyou may want to make sure your bashrc doesn't have history=009:33
django_AAA, hopefully laughing at us geeks, not with us ;)09:33
django_the best laugh of all09:33
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lmosherwheels3572, vi ~/.bash_history09:33
AAAdjango_  if only...09:33
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petemcwheels3572: should have, easy to check, as you've been told, type history, or look in your home dir09:34
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wheels3572I got it09:34
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django_and always, always have set -o vi on09:34
django_no flames, just jokes09:34
django_it's symlinked, no?09:34
AAAin most distros09:35
ZambeziCan anybody help me with pftp?09:35
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django_the only ones still using actual vi are fbsd09:35
roeanyone know if ubuntu-server comes with a firewall?09:35
AAAdjango_  except when the administrator doesn't install vim09:35
nikinwhy is everyone  using vi... i cant get with that editor... maybe i ame not geek enough09:35
AAAroe  iptables09:35
django_AAA, ah a mean admin, like me09:35
crimsunvoraistos: I can't see any real difference in these configs. Pentium M uses += -march=i686 $(call tune,pentium3)09:35
dixieis archive.ubuntu.com working for you ?09:35
visik7is there a guide to unattended installation and slipstreaming updates ?09:35
django_who only installs ed09:35
AAAnikin  cause it works in a screen session09:36
BergcubeI have enabled remote desktop on a machine and want to cotrol it remotely from another.  I am able to do it from the command line, and then it asks me for the password I set.  But as far as I can understand I should be able to do this with the Terminal Server Client applic as well.  But I can't figure it out.  Anyone with experience there?09:36
AAAhaha not even sed?09:36
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django_nikin, once you get the hang of vi, you can't go back09:36
django_sed is for windowsers09:36
AngryElfhow do i make an iso from a cd?09:36
lmosherdjango_, I had a terminal account that only had vi. I actually compiled vim in my home dir b/c I couldn't stand it :)09:36
roeAAA: is there an easy way to manage it?09:36
dixieAngryElf: by dd09:36
roeor turn it off09:36
DragoraNdjango_: Knock knock, Neo.09:36
nikindjango_ i even cant quit vi09:36
django_but i'm sure ubuntu has a graphical way09:36
AngryElfdixie, specifically?09:37
ubotuI know nothing about unattended - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:37
nikinbut not becouse i like it :D09:37
ubotuI know nothing about kickstart - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:37
django_DragoraN, yeah, i get the hint ;)09:37
Cornellius!info kickstart09:37
ubotuPackage kickstart does not exist in dapper09:37
madewokherdAngryElf: if you're using gnome, you can "copy" a cd to a file image09:37
madewokherdfrom nautilus09:37
django_nikin, lol try ed then09:37
AngryElfdd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso  <--good enough?09:37
nikin!info vi09:37
ubotuPackage vi does not exist in dapper09:37
django_!info vim09:37
ubotuI know nothing about vi - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:37
ubotuvim: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In repository main, is important. Version 1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 541 kB, installed size 1100 kB09:37
voraistoscrimsun: i dont know about the technical aspect. i usually benchmark with mplayer compiles for the kernel i test and try some DVD play. I DO see the difference09:37
DragoraNAngryElf: it should work vice-versa :)09:37
dixieAngryElf: i don't remember exact command, wait i will look for it09:38
lmosherDoes anyone know why a popup window (apt telling me I have updates) totally ruins my xgl? Lots of graphics glitches abound.09:38
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Danag|Away"so i recompiled it " the ubuntu way" for my pentium M." -- What is "the Ubuntu way"?09:38
DragoraNlmosher: ebay.com -> GeForce09:38
lmosherDragoraN, laptop.09:38
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django_Danag|Away, an inlusive, happy way09:38
=== dr_willis would think the 'ubuntu way' would be to use whats in the repos
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django_or that09:39
dixieAngryElf: i found using google readcd dev=/dev/dvd -f backup.iso using cdrtools09:39
nikinlinuxing on a laptop is fun coz you can change hardware:D09:39
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lmosherDragoraN, So you're saying my ATI 7500 isn't cutting it? It performs flawlessly until that pops up...09:39
DragoraNlmosher: does it have ExpressCard ?09:39
voraistosi compiled it the way the ubuntu team compiles it. i took the latest kernel from kernel.org09:39
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shawnr_uuuuuhhhggg, i am scared like a little kid to install ubuntu 64 lol ;) what if nothing works!09:39
voraistosbut now i cant remember what i did, and cant find the info i found that time09:39
nikinlmosher: try to get rid of that autoupdate stuff09:40
Danag|AwayWhat should I select for a Yonah?09:40
Danag|AwayIt's a Pentium-M architecture, but it also has SSE3.09:40
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quittedanag 686-smp09:40
django_shawnr_, haha um reinstall ubuntu?09:40
shawnr_i know09:41
Danag|AwayOh, and I still can't get my udev rules to work.09:41
lmoshernikin, yeah I'm doing it, but that doesn't solve the underlying problem :)09:41
shawnr_its just a pain09:41
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h3x0rhow do you add more workspaces to compiz09:41
Danag|AwayIn the "cube" plugin.09:42
nikinlmosher i think you cant slove that, i think they are using same resources09:42
shawnr_h3x0r, install Gset-Compiz09:42
h3x0ryea i got gset09:42
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django_christianubuntu? hmm thanks, but where's the atheistubuntu channel?09:42
h3x0ri changed viewports to 609:42
h3x0rit didnt do anything09:42
h3x0reven after restarting X09:42
django_or satanubuntu?09:42
Danag|Awayis what I get.09:42
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SS2anybody that uses fluxbox here? just broke it...09:42
django_SS2, yeah09:43
LeaChimdjango_, did you hear microsoft said vista was hardware agnostic? i don't want an OS that doesn't know whether or not the hardware exists! :P09:43
Danag|Awayrather than giving me the proper output.09:43
shawnr_django_, i think i will wait till this weekend to tackle 64 bit ubuntu ;)09:43
django_SS2, haha how did it "break"?09:43
h3x0rand there is no numeric option on the cube page09:43
django_LeaChim, haha sounds like a microsoft plan though09:43
SS2django_: just came here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox#head-fd2db374c08de16f28a6e0b72b708f5c423f37cb09:43
SS2edited the xession file, and then I couldn't login to it anymore09:44
nikinhexor: do you use gnome?09:44
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django_SS2, you are using gdm?09:44
SS2django_: yes09:44
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shawnr_SS2, thanks why you backup the file before you edit it.. so you can just cp it back ;)09:44
Danag|AwayI get /lib/udev/usb_id returned status 109:45
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Danag|Awayrather than the proper output.09:45
SS2shawnr_: I know, bann me for my stupidness :)09:45
nikinso you rightclicked on the 4 little things and has choosen preferencies09:45
h3x0rright i did that09:45
shawnr_SS2.. lol09:45
h3x0rbut compiz overrides it09:45
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nikinand tried to incrase the number09:45
h3x0rand makes it think theres only 1 workspace09:45
dribbleis gmail down for anybody else?09:45
django_SS2, so why not lose the xsession file and cut your losses?09:45
h3x0rif i change the number there it breaks everything09:45
lmosherh3x0r, Are you using gset-compiz?09:45
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SS2django_: you also use gdm? maybe you want to paste youre xession?09:45
h3x0rlmo: yep09:45
django_SS2, it's not a fluxbox problem really09:45
lmosherh3x0r, hrm, you might try using gconf-editor, then09:46
shawnr_dribble, not me, working fine09:46
django_SS2, no, that's why i ask, when i strip down to fluxbox i don't use gdm09:46
SS2not? worked the other day (cause i didn't edit the file)09:46
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django_SS2, just startx from command line09:46
dribbleshawnr_, harumph!09:46
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lmosherh3x0r, though I did just test and it works fine for me :/09:46
h3x0rlmosher: where did you change it ?09:46
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lmosherh3x0r, the very first page tha topens on gset-compiz ("number of viewports")09:46
h3x0romg this is like regedit09:47
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h3x0rThat worked, thanks09:47
lmosheroh, lol np09:47
lufisHas anyone else noticed Xorg slowdowns? It makes the mouse lag and I end up clicking on something I don't want to click on. It's so irritating!09:47
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django_SS2, and that backing up any config file before you edit it should be said again :)09:47
h3x0rI guess theres a bug in the current gset09:47
shawnr_django_, lol09:48
h3x0ryay i found a bug09:48
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SS2django_: I know, thank you :)09:48
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shawnr_django_, i think im gonna wait to tackle 64bit till this weekend. i need to comp for work tonight lol09:48
django_SS2, these are the things that help you remember09:48
roeanyone know how to disable iptables, I just wanna make sure that iptables is infact causing my problem09:48
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django_shawnr_, good idea then haha09:49
lostsinchi where can I find a copy of the default /etc/apt/sources.list file?09:49
django_roe,  what does iptables -L give you?09:49
lmoshershawnr_, You're looking to install 64 bit ubuntu?09:49
SS2django_: I'll reinstall the package. hope that all configs will be set back to 009:49
shawnr_lostsinc, apt-setup i think09:49
shawnr_lmosher, thinking about it09:49
django_roe, all ACCEPT?09:49
roedjango_: yup all 3 tables09:49
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SS2won't lose anything anyway. just wanted to install it, to get started09:49
hbiany1 know how to change the sensitivity of the clicking by tapping the touchpad09:49
django_roe, then it likely isn't your problem09:49
shawnr_lmosher, thinking about it... why have any advice?09:50
django_roe, you could unload the module if you really wanted to be sure09:50
lmoshershawnr_, I had that on my desktop (3500+). It really just depends on what you use... There are still a lot of things that aren't supported. I went back to 32.09:50
roedjango_: wanna take a stab at what my problem could be09:50
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django_unless you compiled it into the kernel09:50
django_roe, what is the problem?09:50
NukedAAA it worked09:50
mwesudo apt-get dist-upgrade wants to remove kdelibs-bin. wont that break KDE?09:50
AAANuked  badass! sometimes I know stuff =p09:50
shawnr_mve, no09:50
lmoshershawnr_, It really just depends on what you want/use. I could deal w/out a few things but after awhile I got sick of it. I encourage you to try (possible on a spare HDD etc)...09:50
roedjango_: fresh install of ubuntu-server, bind9 is setup and works locally, dhcp is setup and works on the the network, the server can ping the other computers on the network but the other computers can't ping it09:51
shawnr_mve, trust the all mighty apt-get!09:51
django_roe, if it's connection from two machines, ping might sort out if their is connectivity09:51
lostsincshawnr _ the only apt- options are apt-cache             apt-extracttemplates  apt-key09:51
lostsincapt-cdrom             apt-ftparchive        apt-sortpkgs09:51
lostsincapt-config            apt-get09:51
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Nukedmwe I just removed kdelibs-bin09:51
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Nukedill let you know if its ok09:51
AAAroe  iptables -L <--- your iptables blocking ICMP?09:51
django_roe, oh you're on it :) ...roe do you know how to use tcpdump?09:51
mweNuked: ok. did the live usb work?09:51
django_AAA, he said all ACCEPT09:52
shawnr_lostsinc, there IS a special apt command to set up the repositories... i just forget what it is09:52
nikinshanr_ did you get the Abiword working09:52
django_AAA, wouldn't that mean ICMP as well?09:52
Nukedno but its because of how ubuntu reads the pendrive09:52
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h3x0rhaha compiz is so much better than os-x09:52
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AAAdjango_  not positive09:52
roeAAA: iptables does not explicitly state blocking icmp09:52
django_roe, if you can use tcpdump on the server machine, you can see what's happening to the packets09:52
programcodeDJAdmiral: Could I ask you something?"09:52
SS2django_: ok, the reinstall helped me out now :)09:52
django_AAA, i think it's all ACCEPT09:52
roedjango_: I will investigate09:53
AAAtcpdump -xXlnei eth0 <host>09:53
programcodeAnyone here uses 3ddesktop?09:53
django_unless ping echo is blocked by a sysctl or something09:53
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h3x0rwell it kind of sucks that you cant name workspaces09:53
h3x0roh well09:53
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django_otherwise as always, i'm sure there is a unbuntu graphical frontend to tcpdump09:54
programcodeWell can someone help me with installing 3d desktop?09:54
AAAdjango_  ethereal?09:54
dr_willisprogramcode,  and the problem is?09:54
django_AAA, ah yeah, i like tethereal09:54
AAAdjango_  you are terminally terminal =p09:54
programcodeI can't find it in the synaptic package to install, so I need help installing itmanually09:54
django_AAA, haha i have no choice on some machines09:54
ubotuI know nothing about 3ddesktop - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:54
AAAprogramcode  dpkg -i <pkg>09:54
django_AAA, big data centre, little 12 inch mono monitor09:55
shawnr_lostsinc, scratch that. apt-setup only in debian, not avail in dapper. sched for the next release though09:55
=== AAA <3 screen
nikinits in the repos09:55
programcodeAAA so for the 3ddesktop what would I put09:55
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visik7servers again down ?09:55
finalbetaJust installed automatix, when I run it, it pops up and vanishes. is this an error with the latest version?09:55
nikini have seen it if i remember well09:55
django_screen is my best friend09:55
shawnr_lostsinc, go here http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories    and just forget the last 2 sources09:55
AAAdjango_  I am trying to get a job like that ATM09:55
django_haha screen is my main window manager09:55
Vladazi try to install deb package and it says Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-central09:55
django_AAA, don't live in Perth, Western Australia, do you?09:55
Vladazwhat's wrong?09:56
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AAAprogramcode  do you have the .deb? just dpkg -i pkg.deb if it needs deps, it will tell you09:56
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AAAdjango_  naw Minneapolis,mN09:56
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nikindjdango: screen?09:56
stokholmhi... does this sources.list look okay? I'm not sure I understand it correctly... I think the default sources.list is a big mess...09:56
stokholmdeb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe09:56
stokholmdeb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted universedeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe09:56
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RyujiHi, i have a question09:56
flodinedoes anyone of a good music program for linux like reason or pro tools09:56
django_AAA, heh, soz, can't help then09:56
AAAscreen is the best window manager/terminal emulator EVER09:56
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic09:56
django_AAA, maybe Prince could hook you up09:57
stokholmdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe09:57
AAAflodine  mplayer09:57
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RyujiIs it possible to use the Wireless feature in the live cd of Ubuntu?09:57
django_nikin, google it, rocks09:57
programcodehey AAA it is a rpm09:57
django_detaching and re-attaching esp.09:57
AAAdjango_  no shit, that would be cool.  I don't eat meat or wear leather so I should be all good for him09:57
AAAprogramcode  you need to use alien then (if you can't find a deb for it or source)09:58
django_but maybe not for us ;)09:58
django_whoa, alien still around09:58
django_woulda thought the redhat monster woulda been conquered09:58
django_all debs09:58
AAAyeah, but I don't reccomend it09:58
AAAit does =p09:58
nikingoogle didnt find it.... its something like JWM or MWM?09:59
jk_after trying to get xgl to work (and failing) i put my system exactly how it was before i started, I used a saved xorg.conf. But now it does not recognise my ati board. any ideas?09:59
AAAprogramcode  I would find the source and build a deb yourself09:59
stefg!ardour > flodine09:59
ubotuI know nothing about ardour  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:59
AAAnikin  it is in every distro screen09:59
stefg!info ardour > flodine09:59
ubotuPackage ardour does not exist in dapper09:59
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen09:59
django_nikin, try screen gnu10:00
django_for search10:00
ubotuI know nothing about twin - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:00
dr_willis!info twin10:00
ubotutwin: a Text mode WINdow environment. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1 (dapper), package size 424 kB, installed size 1452 kB10:00
stefg!info ardour-gtk10:00
django_it's gotta be gnu10:00
ubotuardour-gtk: digital audio workstation (graphical gtk interface). In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.99.2-2build1 (dapper), package size 2188 kB, installed size 5992 kB10:00
AAAdjango_  you prolly use ion too, eh?10:00
django_AAA, never heard of it10:00
jk_after trying to get xgl to work (and failing) i put my system exactly how it was before i started, I used a saved xorg.conf. But now it does not recognise my ati board. any ideas?10:01
django_well i have now10:01
programcodeAAA I did the dpkg and it unpacked it now what?10:01
ubotuI know nothing about ion - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:01
django_i'm checking it out now AAA10:01
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AAAnikin it is a tiny little wm, uses keyboarding10:01
nikinbut i think now i cant live without X, not yet, maybe in the future10:01
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roedjango_: AAA ok I have some info... the pinging computer returns destination host unreachable, the tcpdump reports arp who-has <sever-ip> tell <pinging-IP>10:01
Vladazi try to install deb package and it says Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-central10:02
django_AAA, i actually don't get to use linux much, mostly freebsd, AIX and solaris. hopefully more linux now10:02
Vladazwhat's wrong?10:02
Vladazhelp please:)10:02
AAAroe  arp -a  :: do you see the mac of the host computer?10:02
roeI see 2 macs, one is all FFs10:02
django_AAA, so all the tools i use have to be available on most of the OSs, or portable10:02
AAAroe  all FF would be a broadcast address10:02
jk_what is eog please?10:03
programcodeAAA I did the dkpg -i and unpacked it and it said setting it up, what do I do now?10:03
AAAdjango_  as it _should_ be10:03
roethe other is the pinging mac10:03
django_roe, so your routing is wrong10:03
AAAprogramcode  use it?10:03
AAAroe  route -n10:03
nikinAAA ion is fun10:03
ubotuI know nothing about ion3 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:03
AAAVladaz  satisfy your deps10:03
programcodehow do I use it? How do I figure out where it installed to?10:03
dr_willis!info eog10:03
ubotueog: Eye of Gnome graphics viewer program. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.14.3-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 495 kB, installed size 3336 kB10:03
VladazAAA: how?10:03
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AAAVladaz  install the pkg's it complained about10:04
Vladazit can't be found10:04
django_roe, how are these computers connected?10:04
jk_thanks :)10:04
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programcodehow do I use it? How do I figure out where it installed to?10:04
nikinwhy is MC not a standard part of ubuntu?10:04
roeAAA: route -n = 2 entries Dest = <the correct network (>, Gateway =
django_i mean, there are no machines in the route doing forwarding, are there?10:04
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AAAprogramcode  dpkg -L <pkg name> will give you the files that pkg installed10:05
roethe second entry is Dest gateway =
AAAnikin  cause mc sucks (except for undeleting files)10:05
Vladazthats what i get10:05
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Phoulhello, Whats the name of the gnome panel applet that the gaim system tray icon goes into?10:05
Vladazwen i try to install it10:05
nikinAAA what is wrong with it?10:05
django_roe, yeah what about 'netstat -r'?10:05
jk_I hate x ... there must be an better way surely10:05
AAAroe can you paste your routing table in paste.bin10:05
django_netstat -rn even .. ah yeah paste.bin10:06
AAAnikin  nothing, just hate'n10:06
roeAAA: not all that easy, no GUI10:06
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Vladazso anyone please?10:06
AngryElfwhere is the config file that contains the port that ssh runs on?? --so that i can change it10:06
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roeAAA: ah but wait, I think I can10:06
django_AngryElf, yeah sshd.conf10:06
programcodehey AAA says no packages found matching the name....?10:06
nikinAAA everyone can use what he wants10:06
django_AngryElf, find it10:07
AAAVladaz  install those pkg's python-central and python-whateveritwants10:07
Vladazbut it can't be found10:07
Vladazit doesn't exist:/10:07
Vladazin apt10:07
AAAVladaz  what doesn't exist?10:07
AAAnikin  exactly10:07
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django_AngryElf, ListenPort10:07
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Wandererwoah, new kde hitting kubuntu10:08
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roehow do I redirect stdout to append a file instead of overwrite it10:08
AAAVladaz  then you will need to find a repo that has that, or find that program and install it10:08
nikinhmm umask is not the dofoult chmod param vhen creating a file?10:08
Vladazopendict: Depends: python-central (>= 0.5) but it is not installable10:08
django_AngryElf, nice idea to change it too, lots of traffic from chinese sites trying hundreds of passwords on port2210:08
jk_new gnome version today aswell10:08
Vladaz            Depends: python-wxgtk2.6 but it is not going to be installed10:08
AAAVladaz  be warned, if you use repo's that are not official ubuntu, you may run into other problems10:08
jaygamesgood evening. is there a way to disable the sound deamon so that drapper can be installed on an imac g5?10:08
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django_roe, >>10:08
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Vladazbut how come ubuntu doesn't have python10:08
dr_willisNever noticed it missing10:09
AAAVladaz  it does, just not the python-foo you need10:09
issmurfis the repos at archive.ubuntu.com down?10:09
nikinhmm umask is not the dofoult chmod param vhen creating a file?10:09
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abhinaydeb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse          is it a valid repository ? is there any mirror in India ?10:10
jk_after trying to get xgl to work (and failing) i put my system exactly how it was before i started, I used a saved xorg.conf. But now it does not recognise my ati board. any ideas?10:10
django_issmurf, looks like it10:10
dr_willisjk_,  reinstall the ati drivers.10:10
django_nikin, where did you set the umask?10:10
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jk_dr_willis I have tried but they are up to date ... But will try again :)10:11
django_nikin, did you source it? and are you that user?10:11
AAAnikin  do you need to touch ~/.bash_profile ?10:11
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AAAer source thx django_10:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:11
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dr_willis.bash_profile is only read on a Login shell also...10:11
nikini didnt modify it yet. and yes i ame that user10:11
django_nikin, well, the umask is 022, right?10:12
django_nikin, what perms are being created?10:12
jk_reboot bye10:12
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roeAAA: here is pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1962110:12
nikinRW R  R10:13
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issmurfi need to get some links to apt-repos whis is not down... anyone who have som tips?10:13
django_AAA, hey don't apologize, i'm all for touching10:13
roeAAA: the top one is route -n the bottom is netstat r10:13
django_nikin, yeah10:13
django_what's the problem10:14
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hoslerwhat is the plugin i need to install for gnomebaker to be able to burn my mp3 files into an audio disc?10:14
AAAroe  that looks correct.  can the other nodes on your lan use the services on on that box?10:14
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ubotuI know nothing about gnomebaker - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:14
django_nikin, change the umask, then source $HOME/.bash_profile, then see what happens10:14
nikinno problem, just thinking.. coz if 2 people log in to a server and they should be able to write eachothers files, the i need to set this not?10:15
roeit seems that DHCP is working, cause I have static leases that they are receiving, but DNS isn't working10:15
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nikinlike RW RW R  if they are in same group10:15
django_roe, ah so it's bind10:15
wikidjeffI'm having trouble installing the java JRE using java-package. package manager cannot find it and I have added universe and multiverse repositories.10:15
django_roe, have you used the bind testing utilities?10:15
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roedjango_: but pinging I wasn't using host names... straight IPS10:15
ubotuI know nothing about gnomebaker - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:15
hoslerwhat is the plugin i need to install for gnomebaker to be able to burn my mp3 files into an audio disc?10:15
moreatiI have a slightly odd question. In Ubuntu 6.06 the document viewer (evince) displays 'Loadin' briefly, before the pdf displays. Is the lack of a 'g' a joke, or has it been hidden/missed somehow?10:16
topylinikin: yes, and the executable bit for directories in which these files are10:16
crimsunhosler: gstreamer0.8-mad10:16
django_roe, of course, sorry10:16
roedjango_: bind is happy locally everything resolves correctly10:16
django_nikin, well you can put ppl into groups10:16
AAAroe  and you can ssh into the server from a node?10:16
jk_Dr_wilson, All sorted after installing new gnome version all is well (weird)10:16
topylihe's doing that django_10:16
roeAAA: no only from the server10:17
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AAAroe  just for fun, /etc/init.d/iptables stop and then try10:17
nikinbut the default is that only one person can write it, not the whole grup10:17
django_topyli, sorry, i gotta start actually reading ;) might need to take nicotine enhancement break10:17
wikidjeffI'm having trouble installing the java JRE using java-package. package manager cannot find it and I have added universe and multiverse repositories.10:17
nikinand what should i set, if not 02210:17
abhinaywot is the nearest mirror to india for apt-get ?10:17
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topylinikin: yes. you need to change that10:18
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roeAAA: its not there10:18
bXiis there a way to configure my ati card?10:18
topylinikin: i have a /home/pub where all this stuff lives10:18
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nikinbut what is the code for RW RW R?10:18
django_nikin, hehe, well i solve that problem on other nixes and unmentionable OSes with ACL's10:18
armanHi everybody10:18
crimsunabhinay: probably cn.archive.ubuntu.com10:19
django_linux supports some form of ACLs?10:19
nikindjango: how?10:19
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AAAroe  try iptables -F <flushes the tables>10:19
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crimsunabhinay: or sg.archive.ubuntu.com10:19
roeAAA: same result10:19
topylinikin: all you have to is add permissios. like 'chmod -R g+rwx directory" where directory is the one where these files live10:19
jk_Who actualy maintains X ?10:19
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armanshould I need uninstall Firefox with synaptic to install last version???10:20
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django_nikin, google umask and you'll never forget10:20
AAAroe  mii-tool is your device set for FD?10:20
Raitois ca.archive.ubuntu.com down?10:20
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crimsunjk_: the lead maintainer in Ubuntu is Rodrigo Parra Novo.10:20
nikintopyli, but what if someone saves a file into that directory?10:20
roeAAA: FD?10:20
django_topyli, surely he should learn not to use the symbolics10:20
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AAAfull duplex10:20
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abhinaycrimsun, cn & sg wich country codes they are ?10:20
django_then umask makes more sense10:20
jk_crimsun, thank you10:20
crimsunRaito: no, bandwidth issues at the London DC.10:21
roeAAA: eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-F, link ok10:21
crimsunabhinay: china and singapore, respectively10:21
django_nikin, also check out octal ;)10:21
nikini go and google around a bit, will come back to tell the results...10:21
topylidjango_: ah now i see what you mean by the default being a problem10:21
GixbitHow do you start the installation of ubuntu through the command line?10:21
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Gixbitand partition10:21
Gixbitpartition first mostly10:21
topylidjango_: i never learned the hex to change permissions :)10:22
jk_Gixbit, fdisk?10:22
django_topyli, it hurt my brain when i did10:22
Flanneltopyli: it's octal, actually.10:22
nikintopy: but you didnt answer10:22
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AAAroe  on your other nodes, is the netmask set to ? and the broadcast what is it, and the network?10:22
django_and it's octal10:22
cavediverIs there someone who knows how to disable the annoying border animation going across the whole screen when starting programs from the panel =10:22
topyliFlannel: see?10:22
Chousukethe octal representation is really simple10:22
nikinif i set the permissions for the dir RW RW RW10:22
Gixbitjk_: You'll have to excuse me i havent used a linux system in over a year10:22
Raitocrimsun: So that might be why everything I download from the ca archinve is either extreemly slow or nothing at all, what is the closest one to Toronto? us?10:22
django_nikin, did you get that page i msged you?10:23
abhinaymy apt-get waiting more. saying 99% [Waiting for headers]  ? Any Suggestions ?10:23
MuiopHi. I'm a newbie. Just a simple question. How to close the graphic system ( x ) for a better performance?10:23
nikinand user a puts a file into the dir10:23
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nikincan user b write it?10:23
topylinikin: the directory has to be rwx so that people can actually access the stuff inside10:23
dr_willisMuiop,  logout, go to the console., sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:23
ChousukeMuiop: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm (or kdm) stop10:23
roeAAA: here is my test box /etc/network/interfaces iface eth0 inet dhcp10:23
jk_Gixbit, truth is i dont have a clue eather . but when i install gentoo i use fdisk to partition my drives10:23
lostsincsorry to ask again is there a place to download a copy of the default repository file sources.list?10:23
django_nikin, yeah, the 'x' is for traverse in directories10:23
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ChousukeMuiop: then you can remove gdm if you don't want automatic X10:23
topylinikin: by default, this is indeed a problem. by default the permissions will be set to rwx------10:24
AAAMuiop  <alt><ctrl> F1 <--puts you in a virtual terminal but lets X run /etc/init.d/xdm|gdm|kdm stop kills your manager10:24
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django_Muiop, i love your question btw10:24
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django_nikin, you have hit upon one of the problems of *nix permissions, and why they had to introduce ACL's like ntfs uses10:25
AAAMuiop  if you don't want X to start at boot do this (assuming gdm) update-rc.d -f gdm remove10:25
=== Allah [n=jayh4x0r@s5593f021.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
roeAAA: and here is my dhcpd.conf10:25
wikidjeffI'm having trouble installing the java JRE using java-package. package manager cannot find it and I have added universe and multiverse repositories.10:25
django_Muiop, then if you ever want X, do 'startx' from command line10:25
BisonI'm looking for some X11 fonts i can use in image manipulation and stuff10:26
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Gixbitjk_: Any idea how to partition some unallocated space on the the first hdd?10:26
=== Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-74-157-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
BisonI'm actually using synaptic to look for packages10:26
Lord_AthurI can't update my packages with apt-get, it doesn't work, it could be sth related to the servers I use, how can I make a list with the apt-get servers again?10:26
jk_AAA does that start you at runlevel 3?10:26
Bisonwhich category might i find them in?10:26
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BisonLord_Athur: what is the err message? You can look at your servers by looking at /etc/apt/sources.list10:27
BisonAnyone know where i can find font packages in synaptic?10:27
Bisonor apt-get even...10:27
django_Lord_Athur, if you mean just at the moment, the servers are overloaded apparantly10:27
AAAjk_  debian uses rl 2 by default10:27
armanshould I need uninstall Firefox with synaptic to install last version???10:27
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django_arman, no, it upgrades it10:28
jk_Gixbit, using what program, if you have fdisk installed , open a terminal type fdisk then type p for options.10:28
Bisonarman: I'm sure there is a way to dist-upgrade through synaptic10:28
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AAAjk_  you can make rl3 gui if you want, that is a big diff between debian and rh the runlevels10:28
nikin_sorry i had sum network problem10:28
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django_nikin, literally the story of my life10:28
Bisonnikin_: that described the past 3 weeks of my life10:29
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Lord_Athuryes, it seems to be that the server are too busy so that they take a lot of time do do sth, but this time can be various minutes and nothing happen, no transfer occur10:29
armanok thanks10:29
nikin_django_ can you resend it?10:29
jk_AAA, thanks im new to debian (always used gentoo , TILL NOW) ;)10:29
AAAroe  it sounds like you have a routing issue, but without looking at it physically I don't know what else to recommend10:29
nikin_the adress10:29
AJ004ubuntu billboard in redwood city, california :)10:29
topylinikin: you need to set the sticky bit, and set group id. so what you actually want for the dir i guess is drwxrwsr-t. not sure, i think i'm not qualified for this anymore :)10:29
BisonLord_Athur: that happens quite frequently here, actually10:29
AJ004ubuntu rocks10:29
django_nikin, done10:29
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harisundhello everyone. date command generates for august 08. I want to get only '8' and not '08' . Any ideas?10:29
nikin_then irssi is crap10:29
AAAroe  you could try adding the hosts to your table:: route add host <ip> /me thinks10:29
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Bisonnikin_: whats wrong with irssi?10:30
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=== AAA hugs irssi
Lord_AthurBison, it has been repeated several times the last two days, is it still normal?10:30
AJ004microsoft vista is delayed and the new version of ubuntu will KICK ITS ASS :)10:30
=== harisund loves irssi
django_Lord_Athur, ubuntu has become too popular for it's own good ;)10:30
AJ004i think the next ubuntu will be primetime for linux10:30
BisonLord_Athur: I have had issues with the security repos lately10:30
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AJ004now that ubuntu is doing billboards10:30
DanaG|AwayIf they can manage to get working udev rules like SusE has.10:30
django_harisund, ah you can delve into the man page, i had to do that once10:30
AJ004they gotta pull a mozilla :)10:30
BisonAJ004: really lets not get into this10:30
AAAbillboards? where10:30
AJ004we need to get 15% of the os market for 200710:30
AJ004AAA:  http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/08/03/first-ubuntu-billboard-spotted/10:30
DanaG|AwayI think SuSE is actually the closest to joe-schmoe usable.10:30
django_harisund, or get fancy with sed :)10:30
AJ004AAA: Redwood city, california10:30
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Lord_Athurwell, thanks all anyway10:31
Lord_Athursee ou10:31
lopzidedwhat's the calculator that's packaged with kde?10:31
nikin_django: did you get my msg?10:31
WhoDaBearHi there folks.  Can anyone recommend to me a good (and cheap) DVD x2 layer writer for use on my Ubuntu box?  Thx.10:31
django_nikin, hmm no10:31
harisunddjango I am ok with the sed .. I am going to look at that.. but do you think it is possible with date itself?10:31
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AJ004Bison:  ubuntu billboards rock10:31
AJ004Bison:  we need more of em :)10:31
jk_when is the next release for ubuntu and will it include xgl or aiglx?10:31
nikin_cant you past it here?10:31
django_harisund, from memory i think it was, but it was hard to find10:31
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AAAjk_  6mth cycle10:31
django_  http://www.ss64.com/bash/umask.html10:32
AAA 06 = year .06 = june10:32
armanif synaptic does not permit upgrade firefox, what can I do?10:32
BisonAJ004: Ubuntu is really just a distribution.  I think that linux should be pushed instead10:32
AJ004Bison and it will be........10:32
Bisonarman: why does it not permit?10:32
AAAarman  build from source or wait10:32
jk_AAA thanks , sooo is 6 months up or just started ?10:32
AAAlinux is just a kernel, ubuntu should be pushed instead?10:32
AJ004bison but we still need a distro to wrap around with for the mainstream masses10:32
crimsunarman: all the security fixes are backported.10:32
Gixbitjk_: ext2 or ext3?10:32
AAAjk_  it is Aug 3?10:32
armanBison I can not mark the upgrade10:33
BisonAJ004: I just don't understand this distributionism10:33
django_AJ004, not just for the 'mainstream'10:33
jk_AAA, thanks10:33
AAAhehe, distibutionism10:33
AAAthat sounds sexy10:33
Bisonpretty good, huh...10:33
armanAAA how can I build???10:33
django_arrrgh, i got involved in a distro convo10:33
Bisonarman: why not?10:33
django_shoot me10:33
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jk_Gixbit, umm whats it going to be used for? used for10:33
Bisonwho cares about mainstream...it just doesn't matter10:33
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Gixbitjk_: Desktop PC10:34
harisunddjango_ sweet.. the man page had it. date +%d pads it, date +%-d doesn't . Thanks ..10:34
AAAarman  ./configure && make && make install usually (READ THE INSTALL OR README FILE FIRST)10:34
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django_harisund, haha you did all the work, i did "RTFM"10:34
WhoDaBearMy CD writer is broken! Can anyone recommend to me a good (and cheap) DVD x2 layer writer for use on my Ubuntu box?  Thx.10:34
harisunddjango_ I enjoyed it too ..10:34
armanBison: simple I can not mark10:34
ChousukeTake non-support discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, please.10:34
micahcowanis there a reason why several packages in the Update Manager today are listed as "UNAUTHORIZED" (looks like mostly cups stuff)?10:35
bigbill52alite on from newegg.com10:35
=== AAA smokes one
django_harisund, i *always* do10:35
Bisonarman: does it give you a message?10:35
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bigbill52ai have used on lite ons they are cheap and they work well10:35
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armanAAA: Ok10:35
gnomefreakbigbill52a: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic10:35
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armanBison: no message10:35
Bisonarman: then try apt-get dist-upgrade10:36
Gixbitjk_: Just a desktop/workstation PC10:36
crazy_penguingood night10:36
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jk_I use ext 3 or reiser but im not sure about rieser with ubuntu. ext3 is more common now than ext2, ext2 is used only on boot partitions10:36
Bisonwon't that upgrade all your packages?10:36
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WhoDaBearSorry for wrong channel folks.  Thx. bigbill52a10:36
Chousukeext3 is basically ext2 with journalling10:36
django_they say rieser is all fixed up now, but i haven't been able to bring myself to trust it10:36
Chousukegenerally, ext3 is recommended. :)10:37
Bisoni use ext3 for everything.  I haven't seen a noticible difference in anything else10:37
AAAunless you know why you want reiserfs, use ext310:37
pittiSpec[x] : ping10:37
Gixbitbut i'm still not quite sure how to do this ubuntu installation10:37
BisonAnd lets not mention Hans Reiser's attitude on the mailing list10:37
Gixbitdoesnt really say anywhere on the site10:37
django_besides, i don't think i can mount reiser from within other OSs10:37
Gixbitjust describes10:37
nikin_django_ i cant understand ... 022 is RWX RX RX10:38
Bisondjango_: can you mount ext3 from other os's?10:38
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nikin_but if i save a file it gets RW R R10:38
=== AAA goes to the zoo
jk_Gixbit why dont you do a standard install?10:38
django_Bison, yeah, i'm talking about fbsd10:38
Bisonnikin_: your not editing as root are you?10:38
Gixbitjk_: Because i don't know how with this particular distro10:38
nikin_Bison, nope10:38
Bisondjango_: oh i see...10:38
Anti-TeddWow, xed2, you got automatix installed fine?10:38
Anti-TeddNo problems at all?10:38
juanchello, i need some help with keyboard configuration10:38
xed2oh damn you anti-tedd....10:38
xed2 ahaha10:38
django_who actually still call it ext2, but ....10:38
Bisonyou can't mount reiser3 in bsd?10:38
jk_Gixbit, I take it you have a cd?10:39
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django_Bison, it says it reads and writes, but it don't10:39
DimitrijeWhere can i download drivers for read/write ntfs?10:39
Flannelxed2: you're a lucky one.  Most peoples systems explode.10:39
xed2really ?10:39
Gixbitjk_: Yes i got the computer that's going to be installed on next to me and a laptop on my right with an IRC client on it10:39
jk_anybody use xfs or jfs?10:39
xed2well heres the deal, i installed it and ran it fine few days ago10:39
ofer0jk_, xfs10:39
Flannelxed2: yep, it's horribly unsafe.10:39
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Bisononly ext3 :)10:39
xed2i had to reinstall again10:39
xed2and now it installed10:39
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xed2but just doesnt run  ?10:39
xed2but the first time, it was SUPERBLY flawless10:40
Flannel!tell Dimitrije about fuse10:40
django_and since i can only mount my ufs2 partitions as read only, i need a solution10:40
jk_ofer0, any problems?10:40
ofer0jk_, XFS don't have any problems.10:40
bigbill52awhen i use synaptic...i get bad device error...and then everything works fine....10:40
AJ004i cant play realvideos with ubuntu10:40
xed2wow, i didnt know that10:40
django_i really wish the read/write for ufs2 could be implemented by now10:40
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AJ004even tho i installed realplayer10:40
ofer0jk_, it's the oldest filesystem that people still use10:40
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BisonAJ004: seriously, the realplayer linux sucks bad words10:40
Flannelxed2: if you're looking for support for it, you won't find it here.  It's not supported by Ubuntu, as it's unsafe and screws with peoples systems.10:41
jk_ofer0, is it ibm's?10:41
xed2so uh, no tips on getting automatix to run  ?10:41
=== DanaG|Away is now known as DanaG
AJ004bison:  I installed realplayer but it wont work with firefox, and it didnt even create an icon for it10:41
rredd4I found an error on the ubuntu wiki restricted formats page, for w32codecs.   This url is wrong:  hhttp://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb    There are one too many h's in http.  Who do I tell so it can be fixed?10:41
Gixbitjk_: So how do i start the installer?10:41
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ofer0jk_, SGI10:41
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ofer0jk_, Sillicon Graphics10:41
Flannelxed2: no, you'll have to hope they feel like helping you in #Automatix10:41
BisonActually, when i run it, it takes up so many resources, that i can't do anything else10:41
NukedCould not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out10:41
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@66-215-123-128.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
xed2alright flannel, thanks a lot10:41
Nukedrepos are down?10:41
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AJ004bison:  I'll prolly wipe the system and reinstall when ubuntu 6.10 comes out10:41
GixbitNaturally i wouldn't be here but since there's nowhere on the site that explains how to install10:42
Bisonoh no! no icon?10:42
Nukedkubuntu is ok10:42
DanaGDoes Ubuntu have a central hardware configuration app like SuSE's YaST?10:42
DanaGI can't find one.10:42
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lostsincWhats the logic behind not wanting to use the qt3 files?10:42
DanaGNo, that's user preferences.10:42
nikin_ok, lets see the problem.... i have a nice little network with 1 server and 3 workstations, i want that all the workstations can read/write/(execute) every file in a shared dirrectory, the network is using samba coz 1 workstation is using XP so how to do that?10:42
BisonDanaG: I'm guessing you mean some kind of graphic frontend?10:42
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jk_Gixbit, Whin i did it i inserted the cd then rebooted .. the cd loaded , and installed everything for me ..have you got your bios set to boot from cd?10:42
DanaGAt least a text menu.10:43
jkelly2005is there a mirror for security.ubuntu.com?10:43
Gixbitjk_: it boots and loads to a certain point then show's the kubuntu logo10:43
BisonDanaG: you know about /etc right?10:43
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pittijkelly2005: yes, archive.ubuntu.com has all the packages, too10:43
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xed2nikin_ use free nas !10:43
django_nikin_, set the perms with samba if you want10:43
jk_Gixbit, Then hangs?10:43
Gixbitjk_: then it hangs so i switch to a terminal command line using the hotkey10:43
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nikin_xed2: what is free nas?10:44
Gixbitjk_: that's where i am now pondering how i can make this work.10:44
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django_not what you want10:44
fourathow can i change the default system locale ? i wont get it to utf8, i want iso10:44
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FuriousRagehajuma juma nuka nuka apa huapa, is there a dist that works with nforce 4 (410 MCP) nic?10:44
Gixbitjk_: Yes it hangs doing nothing10:45
DanaGAnything with forcedeth.10:45
jk_Gixbit, If you scroll up is there any error messages?10:45
BisonFuriousRage: i believe kernel26 supports it10:45
cycomFuriousRage: I think that woudl just be the kernel, not the distro.10:45
ofer0FuriousRage, Every distro with 2.6 kernel10:45
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Gixbitjk_: how do i scroll up?10:45
=== LogicalDash [n=LogicalD@ip68-5-227-114.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
knoppixhi all10:45
knoppixhave a problem10:45
FuriousRageofer0: doesnt Ubuntu AMD64 come with 2.6?10:45
jk_shift and page up10:45
Bisonwow, i beat out all of you10:45
ofer0FuriousRage, yes.10:45
AJ004aol cuts 5k jobs10:45
AJ004figures :P10:46
Gixbitjk_: Give me a few seconds then10:46
ofer0FuriousRage, Your NIC will work immediatly, no need for any installation at all.10:46
LogicalDashHi guys, this isn't really a problem as such, but my wireless interface randomly changes its name back and forth between eth1 and wlan0 on startup. Any idea why this is so?10:46
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NemesisUKi have dapper and that comes with the forcedeth module10:46
AJ004aol should cut all of em, we need high speed broadband not aol10:46
Nukedaol should be outta business10:46
knoppixmy internet connection crash but i can still chat in gaim10:46
AJ004agree with nuked10:46
NemesisUKx86 and amd6410:46
FuriousRageofer0: doesnt seam to work, since what ever i try to do, i dont get an ip10:46
BisonAOL should be kicked in the face10:46
LogicalDash<aol>I agree!</aol>10:46
ofer0FuriousRage, Have you tried running dhclient ?10:46
knoppixbut cant dl or surf the net and cant get packs from apt10:46
FuriousRageofer0: and much more10:46
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AJ004these time warner cable deals are gonna suck for us10:46
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jk_ntl should be kissed in the face :)10:47
FurryNemesisLogicalDash, what's your default interface?10:47
ofer0FuriousRage, maybe you are just trying too much.,10:47
AJ004jk:  Ewwww NTL10:47
ofer0FuriousRage, You want me to solve your problem?10:47
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knoppixalso to reconnect the internet i have to poff and then pon dsl-provider10:47
NemesisUKi had to disable ipv6 to get it working10:47
AJ004jk:  NTL and RCN are tied at the hip......... mooney sucks, he works with both companies and is a top dog10:47
LogicalDashFurryNemesis, wireless is my default interface... it consistently connects on every startup, but the name keeps changing10:47
knoppixpls help10:47
django_knoppix, sounds like DNS10:47
FuriousRageofer0: already got windows ;>10:47
ofer0FuriousRage, I'm serious.10:47
AJ004jk:  NTL is poorly run as is RCN10:47
knoppixye i know i fixed it before but dont remember how10:47
AJ004jk:  I keep waiting for RCN to get bought up :P10:47
django_knoppix, what is in your /etc/resolv.conf?10:48
Bisonknoppix: please repeat your problem10:48
FurryNemesisLogicalDash, while you're connected?10:48
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e-m00alright, why won't my avi files play correctly? sound works fine, but in any player i use, the video has a green stripe cut through it and the colors are messed up. i have all the codecs installed...10:48
jk_AJ004, truth is all  are pretty much the same10:48
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AJ004jk_:  Not in the usa they arent10:48
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django_knoppix, i can at least tell you if your nameservers are up10:48
LogicalDashFurryNemesis, no, it changes at startup and then keeps that name unless I start up again, at which point it may or may not change.10:48
LordTureisubuntu doesn't seem to detect the second processor of my Intel Pentium 4 processor.10:48
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AJ004jk_:  Depends on your market region and what you can get10:48
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django_knoppix, anyway, set your nameservers in that file: /etc/resolv.conf10:48
Gixbitjk_: i'm at the point where it just hangs now10:48
=== Nuked still hates aol
knoppix<django_>: i can send it to u10:49
django_knoppix, no10:49
jk_AJ004, in england we just get shafted no matter what company we use :)10:49
FuriousRageofer0: what can you do that everyone else havent been able to help me with? ive tried "all" thats to be found on the ubuntuforums, i had like 5-6 ppl here trying to help me, nothing works ;/10:49
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Gixbitjk_: But nothing happens when i try to shift + pageup10:49
django_knoppix, do you know your isps nameservers IPs?10:49
FuriousRageNuked: aol? that thing still exist?10:49
knoppixi am gona check  /etc/resolv.conf first10:49
ofer0FuriousRage, I'm special.10:49
Gixbitjk_: just hangs at the kubuntu logo10:49
AJ004jk_:  well you arent in ireland but i wonder how magnet with adsl2+ is10:49
Nukedjk_ bots bt?10:49
knoppixbe right back10:49
Nukedhows bt?10:49
AJ004jk_ they are owned by cvc ventures.......... they own a provider in the usa too10:49
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LordTureisis there a way to get ubuntu to re-detect all of my hardware?10:50
django_knoppix, find out and put it in /etc/resolv.conf like "nameserver"10:50
finalbetaarchivearchive.ubuntu down again?10:50
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AJ004jk_:  hopefully come 2007 we have new options here......... the biggest problem in the usa for all of us is the geopolitical system IMHO10:50
LogicalDashAJ004, the "geopolitical system"? I've never heard that term befroe.10:51
django_LordTureis, hmm, you could type "shutdown" from console, then exit from that single user mode10:51
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jk_AJ004, when my contract runs out im going to shop around real hard to get a good deal if there is one :P10:51
knoppixi have 2 lines with the word nameserver there10:51
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django_knoppix, any numbers after them?10:51
jk_Gixbit, was there an option at all to check the cd for errors?10:51
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LordTureisdjango: what do you mean by "exit single-user mode"?  what would that do?10:51
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AJ004logicaldash:  http://www.iris-bg.org/publications/geopolitical.htm10:52
dr_willisexit single user mode and enter another mode. :P10:52
AJ004logicaldash:  Geopolitical systems is a valid term and is used in political science courses in colleges across this country :)10:52
django_knoppix, well it's taking requests, so it seems to be working10:52
ofer0FuriousRage, Well...?10:52
knoppixye i know10:52
knoppixfor now10:52
jk_Gixbit, try the shift + page up after opening the terminal10:52
LogicalDashAJ004, I wasn't challenging you, I was honestly curious.10:52
knoppixi still can chat in irc10:53
django_knoppix, so this happens a lot?10:53
knoppixwhen it will crash i will disconnect10:53
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Lil-AbnerHi. I just reinstalled ubuntu in my upgraded machine. I'm having trouble with totem not showing videos with the .wmv file  identifier. Box comes up and says I need to add plugin. How do I do it?10:53
FuriousRageofer0: well what?10:53
AJ004logicaldash most of education is on the internet nowadays10:53
ofer0FuriousRage, want me to solve your problem or not?10:53
jk_Geopolitical< is that world wide?10:53
FuriousRageofer0: sure if you can10:53
Gixbitjk_: nothing at all10:53
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django_knoppix, yeah because you were already connected to IRC. When you go to do something different it tries to connect to your nameserver again10:53
knoppixbut the strange thing is that i can chat in gaim10:53
AJ004the problem is human pillars keep corrupting the knowledge for their own profit agendas :P10:53
django_knoppix, yeah, it's using IP addresses and not names10:54
AJ004not all but alot of people10:54
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Gixbitjk_: ok i checked the cd for error's last night10:54
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NemesisUKknoppix: where are you based10:54
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django_knoppix, you have to see if you can reach a webpage from just an IP10:54
Gixbitjk_: when i choose the option to install or start kubuntu it starts up and then when it loads everything it hangs at the kubuntu logo10:54
NemesisUKwhats your provider called10:54
django_knoppix, that will tell you if it is a nameserver problem (most likely)10:54
lopzidedkde 3.5.4 was released today...is there an easy way to upgrade to it?10:55
jk_Gixbit, type start x10:55
lopzidedyesterday actually10:55
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jk_Gixbit, type startx10:55
django_knoppix, try for google10:55
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Gixbitjk_: i need to configure my pcie video card10:55
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Gixbitby downloading the fglrx10:55
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DimitrijeWhat cd/dvd burning tool comes with Ubuntu 6.06 Drapper Drake?10:55
django_knoppix, maybe Hezbollah is fscking with your connection ;)10:55
DyskYep, that must be it.10:56
Nukedjebem sve srbin10:56
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knoppixwhere r u from?10:56
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto10:56
jk_Gixbit, is kubunto installed? if so is networking working. ie the internet?10:57
knoppixi will tell u that they r good garilla fighters10:57
finalbetaGood luck on the ati install. You will need it10:57
django_i'm actually typing on a kangaroo10:57
knoppixbut they still like animals10:57
knoppixthey dont have souls10:57
django_knoppix, anyway that's offtopic10:57
NemesisUKthe ati install isnt that hard, pm me if you need help10:57
django_knoppix, no more10:57
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finalbetaNemesisUK, not hard, just doesn't work often.10:57
knoppixi dont hate them dont get me wrong10:57
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c|inthey guys, can I install the wlassistant without installing all of KDE10:58
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finalbetaFrom 6 installs it worked once10:58
c|intit seems to manage my wireless interface great,10:58
django_knoppix, yeah, i don't care, it's just not for this channel10:58
Gixbitjk_: that's what i'm trying to do allocate the space into a functioning linux partition then install kubuntu on that partition10:58
NemesisUKworks on all the machines i've done it on10:58
django_knoppix, i'm happy to dicuss it elsewhere with you :)10:58
Gixbitjk_: it's kinda live cd right now10:58
django_knoppix, heh, i'm not an op, just didn't want to see you kicked10:58
finalbetaarchive.ubuntu is to slow today, times out on downloads10:58
DyskYeah, I'm actually kinda interested where you were going with that, but, yeah, it is OT.10:58
django_so no fear needed ;)10:58
c|intso I can or not?10:59
django_Dysk, haah i was too10:59
Nukedfinalbeta, im pissed about that10:59
django_Dysk, but knew it would end in tears10:59
knoppixnever mind10:59
DyskUsually political discussions do.10:59
django_knoppix, so your nameservers10:59
django_knoppix, you tried the google IP?10:59
Gixbitis the unbuntu archive down?10:59
rixxonany msn client with webcam support, preferably in the repos10:59
knoppixi have to get to work at 6 am and its 0 am right now10:59
c|intcan I install the wlassistant in gnome, without installing kubuntu11:00
erUSULrixxon: amsn11:00
django_knoppix, haha i know that feeling11:00
knoppixit didnt disconet yet11:00
rixxonerUSUL, thanks11:00
finalbetaGixbit, no, but it's close, retry allot11:00
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knoppixi havent slept for 7 days11:00
django_knoppix, 5am here and i was meant to go in at 1011:00
xed3for all the automatix haters out there, it works perfectly fine !11:00
django_not likely11:00
xed3newely updated, check your synaptic11:00
xed3its grreeatttt11:00
knoppixnot because the war11:00
finalbetajust installed a system, need to upde. PS, getting a cool ati error, only when loading compiz.11:00
knoppixjust i was drunk11:00
LogicalDashc|int, usually you can install any KDE software in Gnome11:00
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django_if we all used ubuntu there would be no more wars11:00
Gixbitfinalbeta: give's me trouble everytime i try apt-get update11:01
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knoppixyeah lets just all get along11:01
finalbetaGixbit, you need to get lucky :/ get a slot on the server I guess, working for me now11:01
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:01
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finalbeta95k, last month it was 1.2Mbit11:01
django_he's gone11:01
knoppixk good night all11:01
knoppixwas nice talking to django_11:02
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django_lucky i wasn't arab :)11:02
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finalbetaI just installed automatix , when starting it after the notifications it pops up the window and closes, no error :/ Anyone else getting this?11:02
Gixbitfinalbeta: connection timed out11:02
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.11:02
jk_Gixbit, Im unsure how far into the install you get , if you have a fully installed system then i cant see why you need to free space . If you are using a live cd (knoppix style) then im afraid i cant help .11:03
finalbetaSeveas, thnx11:03
DyskIt's a really good thing people can't punch each other online.11:03
faroushow come when i type in ubuntu cat/etc/debian_version i get testing/unstable :)?11:03
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=== Seveas punches Dysk
Nukedseveas whats up with repos11:03
rmendezsorry my english is basic,11:03
Seveasfarous, because ubuntu is based on debian unstable11:03
rmendezone question11:03
django_farous, haha cause we all do11:03
SeveasNuked, bandwoth issues11:03
Gixbitjk_: nothing is installed11:03
Gixbitjk_: i'm trying to install it in the first place11:03
Nukedfair enough11:03
farousSeveas: ok :)11:03
rmendezinformation about turbogears11:04
Gixbitjk_: and for some reason it hangs on the kubuntu logo11:04
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Gixbitjk_: after it get's so far into loading the drivers and what not11:04
jk_Gixbit, is the kubunu logo the first thing that appears?11:04
Gixbitjk_: after everything is "Ok" till that point11:04
SeveasGixbit, how far does it actually get?11:04
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SeveasGixbit, I saw this problem earlier today, try booting without splash11:04
Gixbitseveas: it get's to the point where all the drivers are loaded11:04
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Gixbitseveas: splash??11:05
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gnomefreakGixbit: having problems with usplash?11:05
Gixbiti dont know11:05
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Gixbitgnomefreak: i'm trying to install kubuntu and it hangs after all the driver's are loaded "ok"11:06
SeveasGixbit, you can disable the splash screen during boot. Press esc when grub is loading to get the menu, select the entry you want to boot, hit the e key and remove the word splash. Then continue booting by pressing the b key11:06
typhoidhow would one go about speeding up a wireless connection? my wireless is fast like it should be when i load windows..   but ubuntu.. it is slooow!11:06
django_haha you guess are waiting on a bug11:06
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Gixbitseveas: kubuntu isn't even installed yet or grub or anything for that matter11:06
Nukedseveas whats with gdm11:06
SeveasGixbit, the installer uses grub too 11:06
SeveasNuked, what should be with it?11:07
faroustyphoid: perhaps your nick ;) it is most probably your wireless driver11:07
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typhoidfarous: kthanks =D  i'll look around for a better one *~*~11:07
fourathow can i change the default system locale ? i wont get it to utf8, i want iso11:07
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dylan_Can somebody help me install Counterstrike Source? Whisper me11:08
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Nukedseveas I had gdm, it worked fine. then it complained about a file missing and then I was advised to reinstall it and encountered the same error11:08
farousfourat: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales11:08
dylan_Can somebody help me install Counterstrike Source? Whisper me11:08
asathoorhow can I synchronize a mobile phone with the calendar?11:08
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SeveasNuked, what's the error11:08
dylan_Can somebody help me install Counterstrike Source? Whisper me11:08
dylan_Can somebody help me install Counterstrike Source? Whisper me11:08
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gnomefreakdylan_: stop11:09
skeffalsa-project.org is down. Which is the latest alsa version?    I'm checking because I know some late version of alsa has a fix for my souncard driver (ca0106) which enables dmix by default. It seems now that dmix is not enabled..11:09
Seveasgnomefreak, he stopped 11:09
jk_Gixbit, let me try my installer again and see if i can get it with no splash .brb11:09
NukedI got rid of gdm seveas11:09
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django_gnomefreak, it was good to hear it said, just the same11:09
vinicrihi evereybody.. i need to mount ntfs windows disc and give permission for all users to read it.. i'm getting fine with mounting but i'm trying to give the permission n' its not working11:09
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Seveasvinicri, use umask=0000 in the mount options11:10
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asathoorvinicri >> as far as I know it is'nt possible. Try at Fat formatted drive11:10
django_vinicri, can't change the perms on a ntfs partition can you?11:10
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django_i always have to use FAT as the middle man for that reason11:11
vinicridjango, only root can access it?11:11
Tixerum, aside from a livecd, is there some way to try a permanent install of ubuntu without dual-booting?11:11
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gnomefreakTixer: alternative cd11:11
visik7is there a way to get an updated install cd of ubuntu ? last day I've installed ubuntu on a pc of a friend of mine and took 134 updates !!11:11
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chantrahi, is anyone running a -686 kernel on a centrino duo machine successfully?11:12
django_vinicri, not per se, but i think whatever perms it has, it is stuck with. have to be changed in windows11:12
Gixbitjk_, seveas: started the booting without the splash screen11:12
kshow do I copy folder content, following symlinks ?11:12
Seveasks cp -r11:12
AngryElfin the event the liveCD i made is more than 800mb there's no reason i can't burn it to a DVD, yea?11:12
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ksis it just tar ?11:12
Tixerpreferably one where rebooting doesn't lose all settings?11:12
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gnomefreakTixer: alternative cd11:12
django_vinicri, also i don't know if they are calling the write ability to ntfs stable, but i wouldn't call it that11:13
Tixerdefine: alternative cd11:13
Vladazneed help, i've got printer connected to my ubuntu PC, how can I share it with other computers in LAN which has Windows?11:13
gnomefreakTixer: its ubuntu text installer11:13
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gnomefreakTixer: just for the record the live cd installs ubuntu too11:13
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Gixbitjk_: it stop's at the ubuntu@ubuntu:~$11:14
asathoorvisik >> try to download a new one from ubuntu.com11:14
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django_yeah, but you didn't have to pay to hear it again11:14
vinicrii only need read perms, whereas change perms in windows will affect this )11:14
django_Vladaz, samba11:14
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zenmonkif I don't want to use synaptic, how would I search for packages to install?  apt-get didn't seem to have a --search feature11:14
mwesudo apt-get dist-upgrade wants to remove kdelibs-bin. wont that break KDE?11:14
Seveaszenmonk, apt-cache search11:14
Gixbitjk_: i saw some sort of "assertion" error but that's about it11:15
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Vladazok samba, but how can I use it?11:15
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vinicrii only need read perms, whereas change perms in windows will affect this ?11:15
Gixbitjk_: it stop's at the ubuntu@ubuntu:~$11:15
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Gixbitjk_: i saw some sort of "assertion" error but that's about it11:15
django_vinicri, you will have to google around it, i can only tell you it can be done11:15
skeffSeveas, hey that's the funkiest smiley I've seen! What are those signs?11:15
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skeffSeveas,  11:15
django_vinicri, did you try what Seveas said?11:15
FurryNemesisTixer, spaces please11:15
Gixbitjk_: i cant scroll up to see the exact error, i started it without the splash screen too and still at this point11:16
TheGateKeeperzenmonk: dpkg -l11:16
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mweskeff: it's a japanese letter or something like that I think11:16
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django_didn't see, but whatever it was, try it?11:16
gnomefreakchinese i think11:16
ofer0umask is the opposite of permissions11:16
mweskeff: 11:16
gnomefreakkano or something like that11:16
vinicriyeah.. didn't work11:17
ofer0000 = 777, 022 = 755, 133 = 644, etc..11:17
skeffgnomefreak, a google pops up hundreds of .jp domains so I guess japanese :)11:17
TheGateKeeperzenmonk: http://www.ccl.net/cca/software/UNIX/updating-redhat/apt-howto/how-to-use-apt-cache.html11:17
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vinicriso.. remove umask?11:17
mweno key combination binds to  here that I know of though11:17
gnomefreakskeff: hold on ill look11:17
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zenmonkapt-cache does not show version information though11:17
gnomefreakzenmonk: apt-cache policy app11:17
django_you won't change the perms11:18
skeffgnomefreak, mwe, I'm impressed my ubuntu can show those signs at all.. all the way from xchat, thru gaim to opera!11:18
jk_Gixbit, i take it this hang happens almost straight away . as after testing my cd a momemnt ago my list of options appears starght away11:18
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zenmonkok, policy did it11:18
mweskeff: it's unicode, so 11:18
jk_typos sorry11:18
gnomefreakits katakana11:18
Gixbitjk_: it gives me options like start/install kubuntu so i press enter11:18
mweskeff: I think windows can as well11:18
holycowis today some sort of release  ... all the servers seem hammered11:19
zenmonkwhat is the relationship between apt and the apt-get, etc, and synaptic and aptitude?11:19
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Gixbitjk_: then it loads drivers and after it's done it stops11:19
vinicrii'll google bout windows perms.. could u suggest me a irc client11:19
jk_did you try start text install?11:19
vinicrifor ubuntu11:19
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mwegnomefreak: did you bind it to a key combo though?11:19
aStRaLgOdHello :) Guys I was wondering if anyone knew how to, in the console, display your current xorg version?11:19
gnomefreakone of these is it11:19
jk_diGixbit d you try start text install?11:19
django_vinicri, irssi or xchat for X11:19
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Gixbitjk_: i removed splash and still11:19
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TheGateKeeperzenmonk: Synaptic is GUI that use apt-get, aptitude does the same in the cli11:20
ofer0aStRaLgOd, Xorg -version11:20
ofer0aStRaLgOd, man Xorg next time.11:20
jk_Gixbit d you try start text install?11:20
django_zenmonk, the latter 2 are frontends for the former11:20
ofer0aStRaLgOd, AKA RTFM11:20
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aStRaLgOdokay thanks11:20
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Gixbitjk_: do you have to start it from the command line?11:20
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zenmonkis apt-get, apt-cache, etc a part of what is called apt?11:20
Gixbitjk_: because if you do than that would exlpain why11:20
ofer0Seveas, what is wrong the friendly manual?11:20
Seveaszenmonk, correct11:20
ofer0Seveas, with the*11:20
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aStRaLgOdhuh, if I have xorg v7, why doesn't my ATi Radeon AiW card not work atm!? This troubles me....11:21
django_now open your apt wings and fly , little one11:21
Seveasofer0, it's not what you mean and you know it. Don't try to be 'funny'11:21
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stephan21_I Have this sound card Multimedia audio controller: Aureal Semiconductor AU8810 Vortex Digital Audiio when plugged into the radio works fine but with headphones it choppu11:21
aStRaLgOdI thought gatos was integrated into v711:21
zenmonkand deb packages don't even try to resolve dependancies themselves, right?11:21
jk_no it is an option from the opening screen . are you trying to install latest version?11:21
ofer0Seveas, I don't know what you mean, but that's what I meant.11:21
stephan21_anyone have any idea y only the headphone is choppy11:21
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zenmonkb/c I heard that rpm packages used to try to resolve them, but now everyone uses another application to do so11:21
Gixbitjk_: yes 6.06 of the kubuntu11:21
Seveaszenmonk, packages specify dependencies, apt resolves them11:22
mweIs there a command that can return the name of a uncode character?11:22
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aStRaLgOdOkay I'll rephrase.... I'm trying to make my ATi Radeon 9600 Pro All in wonder work in 6.06. I heard that the gatos code got added to Xorg v7.0, and that seems to be what I have. Anyone knows how to get JUST TV-in with my card?11:22
Seveasmwe, gucharmap has a search function 11:22
ompaulofer0, answer the question in detail or don't answer it at all, never say google it get a url11:22
Gixbitjk_: i get the boot screen and the option to install or start kubuntu but does nothing but hang after all the driver's have been loaded and detected etc.11:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:22
zenmonkSeveas: ok, ty for the clarification :)11:22
jk_Gixbit, ok when you load the disc after about 5 seconds you get a list of options which one do you choose?11:22
mweSeveas: ok I'll try it11:22
aStRaLgOdubotu: Please read my question completely11:23
ubotuI know nothing about Please read my question completely - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:23
ofer0ompaul, I answered the question, and suggested that next time he'll read the manual.11:23
stephan21_I Have this sound card Multimedia audio controller: Aureal Semiconductor AU8810 Vortex Digital Audiio when plugged into the radio works fine but with headphones it choppu11:23
Gixbitjk_: the one to install/start kubuntu11:23
dr_willisaStRaLgOd,  im not sure the tv tuner/input is supported by ati at all under Linux.11:23
mweI wonder why apt-get dist-upgrade wants to remove kdelibs-bin. wont that break KDE?11:23
stephan21_anyone have any idea y only the headphone is choppy11:23
Seveasubotu, tell aStRaLgOd about yourself11:23
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aStRaLgOdlol oops11:23
aStRaLgOdhe's a bot11:23
chantrahi, is anyone running a duo core proc here?11:23
django_Seveas, ahh :(11:23
django_it was funny11:24
jk_Gixbit, what hardware are you using please11:24
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aStRaLgOdubotu, please slide me a Coca Cola Clasic.11:24
ubotuI know nothing about please slide me a Coca Cola Clasic. - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:24
Seveas!bot abuse > aStRaLgOd11:24
ofer0ompaul, ain't nothing wrong with that.11:24
aStRaLgOdsowwy sowwy thought it was funny11:24
Seveas!guidelines > ofer011:25
mitrovarrheh... I was going to ask a question, but I fixed it myself before I got here11:25
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ofer0Seveas, I don't need help.11:25
Seveasmitrovarr, lol!11:25
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ofer0Seveas, I'm here to help.11:25
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Seveasofer0, no you obviously need to read the guidelines11:25
django_mitrovarr, tell us the problem anyway and how you solved it11:25
aStRaLgOdmmmm Dangit.... I want my TV card to work.... this blows :'(11:25
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ompaulofer0, then rather than suggesting that, perhaps show where to find it - System ->  Help  -> System Documentation can be useful :-) ; those letters are not for use here, it is not how we do business :)11:25
mitrovarrproblem - MS force feedback joystick doesn't work in ubuntu11:26
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mitrovarrfix - modprobe joydev and sidewinder11:26
dr_willisaStRaLgOd,  may want to check out the MythTV forums/pages and what they say about that tuner card11:26
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django_mitrovarr,  nice, see that helps me :)11:26
Gixbitjk_: i'm using the 64bit installer for kubuntu btw (3.0ghz intel processor 64-bit ht-technology it's a prescott, ATI radeo X800XL 256MB all-in-wonder, 3 harddrives 80gig SATA/80gig ata/120gig ata, 1cdrom drive supporting dvd read cdrom read/write)11:26
mitrovarrI swear I tried that before and had it not work before.  Maybe one of the new kernels fixed it11:26
aStRaLgOddr_willis: I will, thanks, brb :)11:26
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:26
ofer0Seveas, you don't seem to understand lc.11:26
mitrovarrYou see, I want to look into doing some art work or text work on vegastrike and I wanted the svn11:26
django_mitrovarr,  saves me looking myself later :)11:26
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ompaulofer0, stop being so defensive, read what I said, it is about how we do it,11:26
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ompaulofer0, stop being so defensive, read what I said, it is about how we do it,11:27
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mitrovarrbut vegastrike, like any flight sim or mech game, is infinitely more fun with a joystike11:27
Seveasdjango_, yipe's not here right now11:27
mitrovarrstupid autotype11:27
django_mitrovarr, agreed11:27
Gixbitjk_: i'm using the SATA to install kubuntu on, i unallocated some space to make it easier for me to install kubuntu on11:27
mitrovarryou tried vegastrike?  It's fun, although it's beta by a long shot11:28
django_mitrovarr, no, i assume it's a game. i had to take myself off them a while back :)11:28
hbiwhere does kismet save its data to by default?11:28
gnomefreakmitrovarr: can you please take django_ and talk about this in #ubuntu-offtopic11:28
mitrovarrno need, I was going to leave soon anyway11:28
django_take me?11:28
mitrovarrlaters all11:28
django_you want me gone?11:29
=== Cau1 [n=wouter@s5593f1f9.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mitrovarrthey don't stand for off-topic here11:29
vinicridjango, i'm  trying to install the irssi,  libs needed, so i tried to download them n' install gcc, gtk==11:29
Cau1i have a question11:29
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:29
Cau1can i pm anyone?11:29
gnomefreakCau1: ask in channel11:29
mitrovarrbye all11:29
django_django_, did you use apt? or synaptic?11:29
Otacon22I have 2 pc, and I want to ask you that if is possibile to do that I can see a work area in the 2^ pc11:29
vinicrin' so more libs were needes11:29
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ompaulCau1, ask the channel11:29
aStRaLgOddr_willis: heh...... NOTE: The ATI All-in-Wonder cards (which are not the same as the ATI TV Wonder, TV Wonder VE or TV Wonder Pro) will not work as a MythTV capture device because the GATOS http://gatos.sourceforge.net drivers that are available provide only a limited subset of the V4L API.11:29
Seveasvinicri, just install the irssi package...11:29
shwagrsync error 23  Partial transfer due to error ... but i have no idea why.11:29
gnomefreakvinicri: sudo apt-get install irssi-text11:29
vinicriany way to get themit by apt-get11:29
jk_Gixbit,  the reason i ask is because the cd you have must hang because of a hardware problem . maybe it is because of the sata , i used to have a lot of problems with my sata sil drivers but now they work ok . did you try installing on the ata drive11:29
django_vinicri,  you use apt? or synaptic?11:29
hbidoes any1 know where kismet defaultly saves its data?11:29
Seveas!anyone > Cau111:30
ofer0gnomefreak, I've never flooded the channel, didn't use any public away messages, didn't repeat my questions, didn't abuse the bot, didn't talk in any laungage other than English, never sweared anyone, didn't bring any bots or asked for operator privs. I just answered someone's question and then told him where to look next time.11:30
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django_vinicri, yeah what he said, package is always best11:30
Cau1i have a slave HDD with movies and stuff, but it does not show in ubuntu, is there a way to view and read from and to it?11:30
django_vinicri, all dependencies installed and easy to uninstall/update11:30
SeveasCau1, is it a windoes drive (fat/ntfs)?11:30
Gixbitjk_: you don't understand, I don't even get to install, all i get is the drivers are loaded ok and then it stops11:30
gnomefreakofer0: your in the wrong channel to dispute it and your not listening to what people are saying no drop it read the docs11:30
Seveas!ntfs > Cau111:30
ompaulofer0, then rather than suggesting that, perhaps show where to find it - System ->  Help  -> System Documentation can be useful :-) ; those letters are not for use here, it is not how we do business :) :: now can we please leave this subject alone or message me for a fuller explaination11:31
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:31
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django_where's the guy with the ntfs problem?11:31
ttyfsckernew shots up for anyone interested in checking out my xubuntu desktop11:31
Gixbitjk_: i get a prompt asking for maybe some commands i get nothing else11:31
django_i want him to tell me he couldn't change the perms11:31
azurealhi, i was wondering how i'd go about adding transparency to everything?11:31
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SeveasCau1, ubotu sent you a message11:31
Gixbitjk_: when i used the splash all it gave me was the kubuntu logo after awhile11:31
gnomefreakttyfscker: -offtopic please11:31
Seveasazureal, install xgl+compiz11:31
hbiso no1 knows?11:31
jk_Gixbit, if you type a letter any letter then tab do yo get many options?11:31
ttyfsckergnomefreak:: sorry.. just a couple words..11:31
gnomefreakdid Seveas just suggest that?11:32
azurealseveas: is that one package, or two11:32
vinicrisudo apt-get install irssi-text???11:32
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gnomefreakvinicri: yes11:32
azurealseveas: also, will this allow me to add transparency to .. idk.. gkrellm, firefox...etc11:32
gnomefreakttyfscker: it doesnt belong in here at all it causes people to get into offtopic chats11:32
ompaulazureal, the support for xgl is in the channel #ubuntu-xgl it is beta11:32
Seveasyes, transparency everywhere11:32
vinicrino package found11:32
Gixbitjk_: yea11:32
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Seveas!xgl > azureal11:32
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:32
Gixbitjk_: like 500+11:32
jk_Gixbit, but startx does not work?11:33
Gixbitjk_: i've said before i need to update apt-get and download the fglrx11:33
ttyfsckergnomefreak:: people talkin about xgl and transparency.. i thought i would show my desktop as a reference11:33
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Gixbitjk_: but the GUI will work if i do that11:33
vinicrino package found11:33
gnomefreakttyfscker: they are not talking about it11:33
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jk_can you brows the cd ?11:33
gnomefreakttyfscker: Seveas is giving the person support11:33
azurealseveas: this stuff will work in fluxbox...?11:34
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Gixbitjk_: if i knew how11:34
Seveasazureal, no11:34
ttyfsckergnomefreak:: it appears we're making more offtopic rant now ;)11:34
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Gixbitjk_: i havent done any of this in over a year because of this exact reason11:34
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gnomefreak10 mins ttyfscker11:34
ompaulazureal, please go to #ubuntu-xgl you will get suppor for it there11:34
azurealseveas: i dont want a new window manager.. looks like xgl is its own server?11:34
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jk_ls /cdrom11:35
vinicrisudo apt-get install irssi-text??? .. no packarge found11:35
azurealompaul: fine! kick me away...11:35
Seveasazureal, correct -- but it's the only way to get real transparency11:35
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jk_Gixbit type slocate cdrom11:35
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ompaulazureal, ... that is not the object of the exercise - ask again and I will do more than that11:35
django_real transparency is too expensive for my tastes, esp. if you are resource conscious enough to use flux11:35
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Gixbitjk_: done11:35
Cau1If the system has multiple hard disk drives, multiple lists will be displayed.11:36
Cau1this is not the case here11:36
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Cau1i have 2 HDD11:36
jk_Gixbit, is it there?11:36
Cau1it only shows one11:36
Cau1if i type the fdisk thing11:36
Gixbitjk_: it show's folders11:36
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Gixbitjk_: /usr/ and /lib/11:36
azurealompaul: ah, well i thought i was a lot less rude than some of the others how have been kicked11:36
ofer0ompaul, I don't know the GNOME GUI, I'm helping using what I know. I don't understand what is your problem. He didn't just ask a question and my answer was "RTFM". I've answered his question, told him where to look for more details, and then told him to read the fine/funny/fabulous/friendly manual. RTFM = "You can find the answer to your question in 10 seconds if you just RTFM", and yes, it is a recursive acronym.11:36
azurealompaul: plus, i _was_ sarcasticc11:36
ompaulofer0, (a) I asked you to pm (B) we NEVER say rtfm here - full stop thanks11:37
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lukahi, I search a good document r XGL and Ubuntu Dapper that works, I saw many pages in ubuntuforums and ubuntu wiki but they don't work correcty11:37
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:37
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django_Seveas, could i ask why you never retain your op status? is it like not staying root and using sudo, the ubuntu way?11:38
ompaul*** please note that xgl is dealt with in #ubuntu-xgl it is not in the supported distro11:38
Seveasdjango_, sort of11:38
jk_Gixbit, sorry but you wouldnt believe this but my baby just fell out of bed ... had to run upstairs .. will be right back . sorry11:38
Cau1Seveas: if i do exactly is it says, it doesnt give my 2 HDD's but only the one where ubuntu is installed on11:38
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django_Seveas, ok11:38
azurealompaul: but i'm not sure if that is the solution i'm looking for if it's !fluxbox11:38
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Gixbitjk_: i'm going to start a private chat with you because i dont like all the other things going on11:39
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jk_Gixbit, ok11:40
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nikin_ok i leaned a lot about UMASK, and now i know how to do what i want11:41
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django_nikin_, cool!11:41
django_nikin_, heh11:41
BioVorEgg.. rtfm ftw11:41
nikin_just 1 question remains11:41
vinicriclient for torrents or edonkey?11:41
Cau1someone help me, my 2nd HDD does not show even if i follow the !ntfs11:41
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Cau1any ideas?11:41
eternaljoyim having probs updating from ubuntu servers!  are they down?11:41
nikin_if i set both in the conf file and the user is setting its own, wich one will be prefered11:42
=== Nermal [n=peter@cpc3-cdif1-0-0-cust721.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasvinicri, mldonkey, azureus11:42
userundefineCau1, have you mounted the drive?11:42
danf_1979Program to setup a server: Apache2 with mode_evasive, mod_security, mod_defalte, a chrooted openssh server, chrooted bind9, proftpd with some customization, mysql 5 with utf8 support, php5, webalizer, courier-pop3, courier-imap, postfix with smtp-auth and tls support, rootkits scanners rkhunter and chkrootkit, denyhosts 2.0,  and some other goodies11:42
django_nikin_, i think the conf one11:42
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danf_1979here is the description http://www.mundowebhosting.com/forums/topic.php?id=311:42
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django_nikin_, but i couldn't promise11:42
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nikin_django: then everything is ok :D:D:D:D11:42
Cau1im trying to but if it doesnt show in the fdisk command i cant mount it11:42
django_nikin_, cool, it's much easier to get someone to read about umask than to explain it :)11:43
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kingrayrayis one of the repos down/bogged or something?11:43
Seveaskingrayray, bw issues11:43
userundefineCau1, you can't fdisk /dev/*hddname* and bring up the stats?  What are you typing in?11:43
kingrayrayfigured as much, thanks :-)11:43
django_god don't tell me someone is ddosing it ...11:43
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kingrayrayhope not11:44
Cau1for i in /dev/[hs] d[a-z] ; do sudo fdisk -l $i; done11:44
Seveas!reposdown is <reply> There are bandwith issues causing problems with security.ubuntu.com (and sometimes archive.u.c) -- please use a mirror11:44
ubotuI'll remember that11:44
mnkhi all. i have got dapper and apply all the updates, but for some odd reason all my applications seem to just crash for no apparent reason - ie randomly at different times. i use gaim, thunderbird, firefox, openoffice - they just crash at different times for no reason. can someone help me pls? it is getting rather frustrating AND embarassing in front of windows users!!!!11:44
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Seveasmnk, you should check your memory...11:44
userundefineCau1, and what's the output after that?11:44
dr_willismnk,  run them from a terminal - see if you can see any error messages.. and check the output of the 'dmesg' command.11:45
Cau1Disk /dev/sda: 203.9 GB, 203928109056 bytes11:45
Cau1255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24792 cylinders11:45
Cau1Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes11:45
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SeveasCau1, please use a pastebin11:45
django_mnk, almost sounds like a job for ltrace11:45
Seveas!pastebin > Cau111:45
mnkSeveas, my memory is ok cos nothing goes wrong on windows like that; plus this started happening only after applying some updates ages ago11:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:45
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zenitmnk: I would still give memtest86 a spin, if I were you.11:45
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aStRaLgOdlol k this is odd.... I install XawTV, start it, and POOF, screen goes black lol11:46
userundefineCau1, so is that your windows hdd or what you've got linux on?11:46
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mnk[17195827.128000]  cpufreq: change failed with new_state 1 and result 011:46
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shwagIf a machine hits 40 load average, I think the default should be for the system to log the procs with 99% cpu usage to the messages file.11:46
userundefine!ntfs > userundefine11:46
mnkdjango_, how do i use ltrace?11:46
Cau1userundefine: its a windows hdd11:46
mnkzenit, just run memtest86 like that?11:47
=== BioVorE [n=kvirc@c-69-140-16-89.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dcnstrctfor some reason when I use apt-get I see this error: Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80; any ideas what I should do ?11:47
Cau1windows is not on it11:47
Seveas!reposdown > dcnstrct11:47
django_mnk, well at the risk of being kicked, it's easy to read it's manpage... basically ltrace <application>11:47
=== Shrew [n=SevenSea@82-34-48-197.cable.ubr02.chel.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Cau1windows is on the same HDD as linux, only another partition11:47
=== jadams [n=jadams@cs6625119-172.bham.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cau1but its formatted as ntfs11:47
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zenitmnk: yeah, either from floppy or a boot-cd. Let it run overnight and see what happens.11:47
=== dravas [n=dravas@ppp-70-224-246-25.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
mnkdjango_, it is lots of applications - not just one11:47
Vladazhello again:D11:47
Vladazhas anyone tried to install GTA Vice City on Linux?11:47
userundefineCau1, ah.  use pastebin to output the result of "cat /etc/fstab"11:47
dravasI cant install VLC11:47
Gixbitjk_: can you see the chat?11:48
django_mnk, yeah, but you can find out where it's stopping the apps at11:48
userundefineCau1, brb11:48
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
django_mnk, narrow it down a fair bit anyway11:48
Vladazhas anyone tried to install GTA Vice City on Linux?11:48
mnkzenit, just run memtest86 like that - i only have memtest?11:48
dr_willisVladaz,  played it with Cedega11:48
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mnkzenit, not memtest8611:48
Vladazwhere can i get cedega packages?11:48
ShrewHeya. I'm planning on instlling Ubuntu and I was wondering if it came as standard with ndiswrapper or if I'd need to download that?11:48
Vladazi know it's some kind of illegal11:48
mnkok django_ thanks - i willt ry that too11:48
Vladazbut do you know any ftp11:48
Vladazor smth?11:48
TheGateKeeperdravas: need to enable universe11:48
tamalewhat's the quickest, lightest  Desktop  i can install on a new server install of dapper ?  and how would i get it?11:48
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TheGateKeeper!repos > dravas11:49
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django_tamale, in my opinion the lightest *usable* wm would be fluxbox11:49
Seveastamale, apt-get install x-window-system-core fluxbox11:49
django_tamale, others will disagree11:49
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Cau1userundefine: i pasted it, it should have 3 more partitions, totalling 400 GB11:49
Seveasor ig you want really light, but much less usable: twm11:49
tamalei love fluxbox11:49
harisundtamale if you are looking merely for a window manager, you could use fluxbox or something .. but if you want a light weight full fledged desktop environment you could use xfce.11:49
mwewont removing kdelibs-bin hose KDE?11:49
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zenitmnk: sorry, I'm not following you. What do you mean with like that? English is not my native language.11:49
LeeJunFananyone got any suggestions on NTFS repair from linux other than ntfsfix from ntfstools?11:49
eternaljoyI love ya all11:50
VladazSveas whats wrong?11:50
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tamalefluxbox will give me enough for things like wine to work, right?11:50
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django_Seveas, no not twm!11:50
SeveasVladaz, illegal activities are not tolerated in here11:50
mnkzenit, i don't have memtest86, i only have memtest. how do i run it?11:50
django_tamale, yep11:50
harisundofftopic I know, but what does <!> mode /#ubuntu +0 Seveas by Chanserv mean?11:50
Vladazis cedega illegal?11:50
SeveasVladaz, not paying for it is illegal...11:50
dr_willisCedega is comercial..11:50
bagoorVladaz, no11:50
ShrewI'm planning on instlling Ubuntu and I was wondering if it came as standard with ndiswrapper or if I'd need to download that?11:50
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tamaleso all i need is x-window-system-core   and fluxbox?11:50
django_tamale, what is the system you are going to be using, btw?11:50
tamalewow that's easy  :] 11:50
FuriousRagehow much does cedega cost?11:50
harisundShrew are you sure you need ndiswrapper for your wireless card?11:50
dr_willisWine may be able to handle GTA:VC.11:50
Seveas!cedega > FuriousRage11:50
tamaledjango_:  what do you mean11:51
Vladazso wine is alright as well?11:51
Vladazok thanks:)11:51
SeveasShrew, iirc it's on the cs11:51
django_tamale, what computer?11:51
django_tamale, i was wondering how slow/old it was11:51
Vladazbut am i going to see any difference between wine and cedega?11:51
Seveasdjango_, twm is great if you're a bit masochistic11:51
ShrewWell, I've currently got Mandriva installed and it doesn't recognise it; the thing is it's outdated and thought a change of OS would be just as welcome as a change of version11:51
zenitmnk: I have no idea, I only have experience with memtest86. It's free, and available on some rescue cd's too.11:51
tamaledjango_:  It's a dual pentium III  1ghz  1U rackmount computer11:51
django_Seveas, can really traumatize a newbie though11:51
lukafor XGL i do from !xgl but I get this error, any body know whitch mean:  compiz.real: No composite extension11:51
tamaledjango:  It doesn't have a dedicated graphics chip11:51
Vladazbut am i going to see any difference between wine and cedega?11:51
libuntusorry i have a little problem with using a dualhead gfx card and two tfts, could i ask here in the channel?11:51
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django_tamale, flux will fly11:51
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mnkzenit, i tried sudo apt-get install memtest86 - it says no package11:51
Seveasdjango_, to me it was a revelation when I first learned of it. sooo much more snappy than cde on old crappy sun machines ;)11:52
zenitmnk: you don't run it inside your os, you boot from a floppy or cd with it on.11:52
azurealseveas: #fluxbox was a useful channel as well =)11:52
mnkzenit, oh i c ok thanks11:52
eternaljoybrb going to break my fast, hence BREAKFAST11:52
django_Seveas, ahaha for sure11:52
django_common desk top my ...11:52
mnkok thanks11:52
mnklet me try that11:52
lukacompiz.real: No composite extension11:52
tamaledjango_:  Last question - how hard will it be to get VNC to work?  I'll want to be able to control the desktop remotely on this machine.11:52
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Seveasluka, then you need proper drivers11:53
Kgeevnc is a piece of cake, tamale11:53
Seveas!gl > luka11:53
ubotuI know nothing about gl  - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:53
Seveas!xgl > luka11:53
=== Corvix [n=corvix@port-87-234-140-153.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
django_tamale, should be very easy, if all the firewall/network issues are good11:53
FuriousRagehow come they charge for cedega when you can use their CVS for free? do they charge for the actually compile ?11:53
dcnstrctI added a deb and deb-src entry for a mirror to my /etc/apt/sources.list;  What else do I need to do to use a mirror ? do I need to comment out the other ones ? thanks.11:53
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ZambeziI'm trying to connect to a FTP with SSL, but it says it's not working. Anyone who need the command to force SSL?11:53
dr_willisFuriousRage,  read all about it on the cedega homepage.11:53
SeveasZambezi, which ftp client?11:53
stevea_Does anyone know how I can fix my monitor resolution? My screen flickers white at 1280x1024 but not at anything lower...11:54
ZambeziSeveas, Modified gftp-text.11:54
lukaSeveas, I saw that page and do every thing from that, I have Intel i8*11:54
django_tamale, and i don't know if it is still as good as it was, but tightVNC was a lot less hungry than VNC11:54
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libuntui am using matrox G450 and two tfts, the two screens are working, but only one with 1600x120011:54
libuntuthe other not11:54
django_tamale, like uses less resources11:54
SeveasZambezi, did you enable ssl during ./configure?11:54
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ZambeziSeveas, But I can use any client as long as I can connect with Implicit SSL.11:54
tamaledjango:  I'll try that11:54
sally2what's the command upgrade to kernel 2.6.17?11:55
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Seveassally2, 2.6.17 is only available in edgy11:55
sally2i see11:55
ZambeziSeveas, I installed it with dpkg I think, so I'm not sure that's containg, but SSL should work says the developer (read the modifier)11:55
jk_I hate it when i cant help11:55
zenitlibuntu: are your sure your card supports the same resolution on both screens? I think my old G400 didn't.11:55
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libuntuhmm zenit11:56
rcmivhey! anyone know how to change the resolution in gdm login screen?11:56
libuntui think since one hour the same but i don't know11:56
SeveasZambezi, in ubuntu ssl is disabled by default -- if you install a package from seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas then you'll have an ssl-enabled version11:56
Corvixim getting a syntax error before _X_SENTINEL when trying to compile an X prog ... in the file Xlib.h and Intrinsic.h anyone got some idea how to solve this?11:56
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nixboxhi all11:56
zenitlibuntu: I would check some specs if I were you. Afaik the secondary ramdac isn't as good as the primary one.11:56
django_at least ubuntu got the name for the testing releases right .. edgy as opposed to 'sarge' etc11:57
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nixboxwhats the name of kernel sources package?11:57
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libuntuzenit: thx for this information, i will search at google11:57
Seveasnixbox, linux-source-2.6.15 (on dapper)11:57
^MasteR^-any swedish people here who have a litle bit time over?11:57
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tamaleI just upgraded my kernel to  2.6.15-26-686   ---   does this kernel automatically decide if i need SMP support too?11:57
Seveastamale, it does11:57
dr_willisdjango_,  thats just the name of the next release.. :P thats curently in testing.11:57
SeveasSMP is disabled during boot if you don't have multiple processors11:58
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tamaleI do have multiple processors11:58
Cau1ill come back later when its not this busy11:58
Seveastamale, then it won't disable SMP, check /proc/cpuinfo11:58
django_dr_willis, ah gotcha11:58
tamalei thought you needed a special SMP kernel11:58
tamalei'll check11:58
Seveastamale, not on Ubuntu -- all kernels except the -386 one support SMP11:59
dr_willisdjango_,  so it will still be called 'edgy' when its released... and obsolete 6 mo later. :P11:59
=== march [n=marc@dslb-084-062-006-250.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
django_dr_willis, haha so it was all a happy coincidence11:59
tamaleSeveas - Sweet!11:59
django_the chaos will again rule11:59
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userundefineCau1, it's always this busy11:59
harisunddr_willis does it mean currently on #ubuntu+1 edgy is being discussed?11:59
Seveasharisund, correct11:59
django_this is less busy than it's been for a long while11:59
dr_willisdjango_,  well the 'plan' is to have the next release be really updated.. and theres supposed to be a lot of new changes..  but who knows..12:00
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:00
userundefineCau1, you have to give me the link if you want me to see what you pasted12:00
dr_willisharisund,  Bingo.! :P12:00
django_dr_willis, i hate to say this .. but i wish it were easier to upgrade to new releases with linux, a la fbsd12:00
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harisundhehe .. I used to spend quite some time just before Dapper was released on #ubuntu+112:00
dcnstrctWhats a good mirror to use for the US ?  I've tried 2 of them and sofar they both can't find the package I need to install (ant)12:00
harisunddjango_ what problem did you have upgrading?12:00
Seveas!info ant dapper12:00
ubotuant: Java based build tool like make. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.6.5-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1011 kB, installed size 1200 kB12:00

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