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elkbuntuwhat happened to the counter story, matthewrevell? :P03:00
matthewrevellelkbuntu: Haven't had time so far, I'm afraid :( I've got at least one other to put on there first03:17
matthewrevellWill try to get it on today03:17
elkbuntuok. wasnt rushing you, just curious03:17
matthewrevellYeah, no probs! :)03:17
=== heno [n=henrik@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
henoIs the newsletter being updated these days?04:30
henoif so I should add a dev meeting entry04:30
matthewrevellheno: hey04:37
matthewrevellheno: UWN?04:37
henoI see you've edited it a bit04:38
matthewrevellYeah, tbh I'm not sure what the procedure is with UWN. It's been a couple of weeks since the last one.04:39
matthewrevellI could give Matt Galvin a prod.04:39
matthewrevellmdke may know more, though, as it grew out of the docs team04:39
henomatthewrevell: I guess it's inevitable that some weeks will laps. Perhaps there should be some standard procedure for recovering from that04:41
henojust to get back on track again04:42
henoit's a bit confusing the way it is now in limbo04:42
matthewrevellI can't see anything on the wiki that describes an editorial process04:43
matthewrevellI assume they wait until it's ready.04:43
matthewrevellnixternal: ping04:43
matthewrevellheno: I've mailed Matt Galvin and I'll try to catch nixternal if he's on irc later, as he sent out the last one.04:46
henomatthewrevell: cool, thanks04:47
matthewrevellnp :)04:47
whiprushIf anyone could lend us some diggs, that would be great. :D05:27
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