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raphinkpygi: pong12:42
pygiraphink, nothing anymore, thanks :)12:42
raphinkhaha ok 12:42
raphinksorry I was out :)12:42
raphinkvacation today :)12:42
pygiraphink, no worries :)12:42
pygioh,oki, enjoy then :)12:42
pygiI've had some bad news about conf...12:43
raphinkwhat are these?12:45
pygiThe news was that I probably won't be able to attend...(not that it's bad for you in any way :P)12:46
pygiraphink, tho now I am at the point where I might come, but with some problems :)12:50
raphinkI hope I can make it too12:51
raphinkI'd have to take half a day off12:51
pygiI heard you won't be staying for a day extra after12:51
raphinkI might12:51
pygiI am not even sure I can make it at the conf day :P12:51
raphinkwe'll see12:51
pygiright, we'll see :)12:51
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nixternaleverything KDE sigsev's on me ;(03:56
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Hobbseehi all04:07
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Hobbseeimbrandon: you around?04:22
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ubotugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto05:14
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nixternal_imbrando1: wasabi06:54
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imbrandonheya nixternal 07:23
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imbrandonheya freeflying 08:46
freeflyingimbrandon: hi08:47
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Hobbseehi all10:58
imbrandonwhats Hobbsee doing tonight ?11:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: sitting here doing nothing until dinner - i just got home from work.  is voyager back up yet?11:01
imbrandonumm its up but not connected to the network11:01
imbrandonheh , my imap server is giving me fits so i unhooked the router and i'm directly on console atm11:01
Hobbseeimbrandon: ouch11:05
=== Hobbsee sits. completely zoned out.
Hobbseedinner time.11:07
=== aliasfred looks www.google.fr providing me a http redirect infinit loop
aliasfredfun time11:15
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omeowTime to do dangerous things. :)11:34
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
omeowNow the big question, will this upgrade break stuff or not? :)11:41
Hobbseeomeow: likely.  you prepared to fix it if it breaks?11:43
omeowI'm prepared to report the problem with as much detail as I can.11:45
Hobbseeomeow: hmmmmm...okay11:45
Hobbseeyou might be okay11:45
=== Hobbsee runs the update again
Hobbseenothing?  no upgrades at all?  how pathetic.11:46
omeowOr were you insinuating (spelled correct?) that I should fix whichever package that breaks without knowing how to fix packages? :)11:46
danimomoin folks11:46
Tm_Tmoin moin11:46
danimohi Tm_T11:46
Hobbseehi danimo, Tm_T 11:46
danimohi Hobbsee :)11:47
Tm_Tmy older brother is getting married today, that reduces my irc time :(11:47
Hobbseeomeow: no...not really.  but if dhclient, etc breaks, or X wont start, you need to know how to use the console (enough to get by) and how to use irssi, so that you can get back onto IRC if you have problems.11:47
Hobbseeomeow: also useful is if you know how to use a console based browser, for the same reason.11:48
Hobbseeomeow: ie, people will fix whatever's broken, but if you cant get near us to tell us what's wrong, then you're a little screwed.11:48
Hobbseeomeow: oh, and you cant tell us the problem, either.11:48
=== Hobbsee has been known to sit down and fix a package, because it's not installed, and it's annoying her.
Hobbseedishes time11:49
omeowHobbsee: I know enough to come by. :)11:50
Hobbseeomeow: good, just checking :)11:50
omeowI use irssi and lynx when I do upgrades.11:50
omeowOne sec.11:50
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
omeowUpgraded without problems. \o/11:51
omeowI really need to figure out why I need to downgrade my xserver-xorg-input in order to fix my mouse though.11:52
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
omeowHobbsee, do you know of a way to induce a crash? I need to know if the backtrace pop-up works. Last time it couldn't create a valid backtrace because the program it needed wasn't installed or wasn't installed properly.12:11
Hobbseeomeow: install gdb, maybe?12:12
omeowThats already installed. And it was when it gave me the message that it couldn't create a backtrace.12:12
Hobbseeum, okay?  which app was this for?12:13
Hobbseeyou can run gdb programname, then type run, too12:13
omeowYes I know. But on KDE, when an app crashes, you get a crash dialog and that can create a backtrace too.12:13
omeowI need to induce that dialog manually to see if I can make backtraces. =/12:14
=== Hobbsee thought that kcrash just used the gdb backtrace, and stuck it on a nice screen :)
omeowRiddell, I fixed "qstring_to_xtp result code -2" by doing "export LC_ALL="en_US" (source; http://www.openqnx.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=1414)12:15
omeowRiddell, why it only seems to concern qt2 is beyond me.12:15
omeowHobbsee, don't suppose there's a way to induce kcrash manually is there? :)12:16
omeowat least, there doesn't seem to be a commandline for it.12:16
Hobbseeomeow: more a question as to why you would want to, although you could start the crashing proggy again12:16
omeowwell, last time on logout, all programs crashed, but I couldn't reproduce that a second time.12:16
omeowAnd since everything was crashing, I couldn't open the commandline in KDE and I couldn't make backtraces because something wasn't installed (or installed properly).12:18
omeowI guess I could have tried to use gdb in a tty, but I forgot about that.12:18
Hobbseeah yes12:23
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonHobbsee: voayager is back to its normal self if ya care ;)12:24
Hobbseeimbrandon: yay :)12:24
=== Hobbsee does tend to care - it's nice to be able to use ssh
imbrandonall my mail is copiying to enterprise atm ( 40k + messages12:25
Hobbseeimbrandon: nice :)12:25
imbrandonhrm infact i should probably go plug this lappy into the router instead of doing this wireless12:26
imbrandonprobably wont take as long12:26
imbrandoni was looking i got email all the way back from 1996 on here LOL12:27
Hobbseenow that's really scary.12:28
imbrandonheh unless its spam i rarely delete a message12:28
imbrandonjust file it in a folder12:28
UbugtuMalone bug 55284 in amarok "SIGSEGV in knotify when configuring amoraK" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  12:30
Hobbseeyay for a useless backtrace, i suspect12:30
Hobbseei cant read backtraces, but that one makes me think "yep.  it crashed.  and i dont think i'll ever find out how"12:31
mornfallyeah, it looks pretty useless indeed12:32
=== mornfall purges 2700 old spams
imbrandonhehe heya mornfall 12:33
Hobbseehi mornfall 12:33
mornfallhmm, and another 200012:33
mornfall\o/ 883M    mail12:33
mornfallbetter than 1G :-)12:33
imbrandoni'm scared to look at the size of mine 12:33
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imbrandonugh i actualy killed a osx app12:39
imbrandonthats a first12:39
imbrandon( for me )12:39
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toma_does anyone have a pointer to a network install of edgy? my harddrive is failing so I need to set it up quickly.12:54
toma_is edgy workable atm?12:55
Hobbseetoma_: it's mostly workable, yeah.12:55
=== Hobbsee hasnt had many problems
Riddellnetwork install iso: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/12:56
Riddellno idea if it works or not12:56
Riddelluse the preseed/url at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFiles with s/dapper/edgy/12:56
Hobbseetoma_: what graphics card?  those with spiffy graphics cards seem to have more problems12:57
Hobbseehi Riddell 12:57
toma_Hobbsee: nothing impressive here12:57
Hobbseetoma_: spiffy graphics cards = nvidia, ati12:57
toma_Riddell: that requires a cd-rom drive?12:57
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toma_nvidia here12:58
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=== toma_ is gonna try without manual
=== toma_ could take notes
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelltoma_: you can do a pxe boot with the .tar.gz image if you set up a tftp server01:08
toma_Riddell: hmm, i'll try a debootstrap and chroot first. 01:08
Hobbseebah.  reading the newspaper is boring.01:09
=== Hobbsee goes back to merging.
=== pygi grsss ......
Hobbseehi pygi 01:09
pygiI hate so called "upstream01:10
pygi"upstream" of libburn01:10
Hobbseeyay for fast machines.  ssh is working, imbrandon 01:10
pygithe project hasn't been developed for two years, and now when I revived it, after a week the maintainer is practicly saying "it didnt need revival, it was alive"01:10
pygiwow :)01:10
=== pygi wonders why he even bothers :'(
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SimeRiddell: BTW, the kde 3.5.4 packages are missing api docs. The doc package only contains dirs.01:15
aliasfredit was alive <- was01:16
RiddellSime: kdelibs?  or all of them?01:16
SimeRiddel: kdelibs4-doc  only contains dir, a couple of text files and no html files.01:17
mornfallpygi: i sort of understand the maintainer01:17
mornfallit's sort of annoying when you work on something and someone comes and "revives" it...01:17
pygimornfall, the project was dead for two years01:18
pygiit banished from the face of the earth01:18
SimeRiddell: is konq and kde prelinked or anything like that in kubuntu?01:18
mornfallthe mailing list was alive though01:19
RiddellSime: no01:19
Hobbseeah yes.  mailing lists.01:20
=== Hobbsee reminds self to whinge at isp to figure out what's wrong there.
pygimornfall, lol,no it wasn't :P01:21
aliasfredthe cool point is if the project is open source, you can use it without caring about the author opinion :)01:21
mornfalli mean, it's very uncurteous to just go and steal someone's project name and codebase from them01:21
mornfallmaintained or not01:21
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Hobbseehi apachelogger, how's amarok doing?01:22
mornfallwithout even as much as asking first01:22
mornfallcome on01:22
pygimornfall, bleh, so you would just leave the project unmaintained even if it had potential? 01:22
pygialiasfred, I wouldn't like to do that :)01:22
mornfallpygi: what about asking for commit access? is it *that* hard?01:23
aliasfredwell it is open source :) it is in fact the main advantage of open source :)01:23
mornfallor do a proper fork if you can't work with current maintainer01:23
apacheloggerHobbsee: currently 1.4.2 is scheduled for 13th01:23
mornfallbut fork = different name01:23
aliasfredthe fact that other can use it without caring about the author opinion :) 01:23
Hobbseeapachelogger: oh darn.  i'm a week off then.01:23
=== aliasfred put a new light on opensource :)
=== Hobbsee will wait to fix that bug until then.
apacheloggerHobbsee: a guy just mailed me and asked why kopete depands on xmms - any idea?01:23
pygimornfall, asking for commit access is not a problem....but two years, and then such a reaction...01:23
pygianyway, you are right...probably name change01:24
=== apachelogger can't imagine that now playing plugin foces a shared lib depend against xmms
aliasfredif you are afraid of the appearance, you can call that 'liberty' as the fsf does :)01:24
mornfallpygi: i completely agree with current maintainers01:24
mornfallpygi: sorry01:24
Hobbseeapachelogger: it *doesnt* - Riddell's packages do though01:24
pygimornfall, no need to be sorry :)01:24
=== Hobbsee still isnt sure where Riddell took his packages from. apparently not current edgy.
mornfallpygi: if you did that to me, i'd pretty much flame you to hell :p01:24
apacheloggerphew, so I get spam because Riddell did mess with our package? :P01:24
=== pygi forks Adept ^_^
Hobbseeapachelogger: xmms-dev was a build dep...01:25
pygimornfall, I ain't afraid of you ^_^01:25
mornfallpygi: heh, well...01:25
Hobbseeapachelogger: a while ago01:25
pygimornfall, and Adept is kinda maintained ^_^ When you'r not lazy :)01:25
Hobbseehey now, no flamewars please.01:25
mornfallpygi: there was maybe a year without commits in the project history01:26
mornfallpygi: pissing of maintainers (no matter how much in hiatus) is a good way to kill projects01:26
pygimornfall, right, but if you explored libburn,you would see that the project was about to be sponsored by number of companies, accepted into gnome to replace the current burning facilities, bla, bla...01:26
pygiand then silence...01:26
mornfallpygi: heh, been there, seen that (different project)01:27
aliasfredwhy this sense of owner ship ? i mean it is all in open soruce no ? so it is deep in the law and in the spirit that you allow other to play with the code ?01:27
mornfallpygi: just humbug01:27
mornfallalways just humbug01:27
mornfallit boils down to absence of people that do the actual work01:27
Hobbsee:(  pitti's script isnt working for me.01:28
pygialiasfred: eh01:28
apacheloggerHobbsee: I don't see why xmms should be build dep01:28
pygialiasfred, people are protective, you know ^_^01:28
Hobbseeapachelogger: there was a reason.  right now, i dont remember why though01:28
Hobbseeapachelogger: does the changelog tell you as to why?01:28
aliasfredpygi: serious i dont get it, so why do they release in opensource ? i  mean it is the spirit and the law in opensoruce01:29
mornfallaliasfred: well, take it this way -- how would people react if back in kde 1 days, gnome would decide that they will rewrite kde using gtk and NAME IT KDE?01:29
mornfallaliasfred: instead of naming it gnome01:29
apacheloggerif kate wouldn't carsh ;-)01:29
Hobbseeah right, it just hates imbrandon's machine.01:29
aliasfredmornfall: i dunno, ask them. the point is open source is designed in spirit and law to allow it01:29
mornfallaliasfred: because kde was "non-free" -- about as good excuse as being "unmaintained"01:30
aliasfredmornfall: if they do open source, they are commited to allow it01:30
mornfallaliasfred: no01:30
pygialiasfred, no, not the name01:30
mornfallaliasfred: you completely misunderstand what opensource is about01:30
pygiread the licences :)01:30
aliasfredpygi: ??? which one 01:30
=== apachelogger is wondering
mornfallit's not about people hijacking projects01:30
pygialiasfred, all open source ones =P01:30
mornfallit's about cooperation01:30
mornfallyou can change everything you like as long as you play nice01:30
mornfallyou can go against author's wishes but you acknowledge they will hate you01:31
apacheloggerHobbsee: at least not ours01:31
aliasfredpygi: well i read a lot of them :) and i dont remember that any include depositing for name :)01:31
aliasfredpygi: is there any ?01:31
apachelogger  --with-xmms             enable support for XMMS [default=check] 01:31
Hobbseeapachelogger: right.01:31
Hobbseeapachelogger: it's compiled with that?01:31
mornfallaliasfred: T01:31
apacheloggerreally, I think this option is generic01:31
apacheloggerHobbsee: no01:31
mornfallaliasfred: most of TeX is covered by that01:31
aliasfredmornfall: hue ? ok i have seen any license talking about 'playing nice' :)01:31
mornfallaliasfred: Bitstream Vera01:32
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Hobbseeapachelogger: ie, is it compiled --with-xmms or --without-xmms?01:32
aliasfredmornfall: is there any ?01:32
mornfallaliasfred: no, it's not about license, it's about basic ethics01:32
Hobbseei would have thought without, otherwise it would ftbfs, surely01:32
aliasfredmornfall: ohhh ok :)01:32
mornfallyou are just being a jerk01:32
mornfall(the playing nice part)01:32
aliasfredmornfall: so who is the guys who didact the 'ethics' ?01:32
apacheloggerHobbsee: it's not listed01:32
Hobbseeapachelogger: right01:33
apacheloggerif xmms-config is not available it's auto without01:33
apacheloggeranyway, I think this is a KDE build generic option01:33
pygialiasfred, you cannot determine that...'ethics' is just that...ethics :)01:33
apacheloggerit doesn't influcene kopete in any way01:33
apacheloggerat last I can't think of one01:33
Hobbseeapachelogger: right, yeah01:33
Hobbseeapachelogger: i do remember there being a reason for it though :P01:33
aliasfredpygi: yeah, so the ethics is just the opinion of the guy who talk :)01:33
pygialiasfred, not really :)01:33
mornfallaliasfred: people like you piss me off... but at least, you gave me a good reason for a particular uneasy decision01:33
Hobbseeapachelogger: whether it was to do with webcams/voice/etc, i'm not sure01:34
apacheloggerHobbsee: maybe kdenetwork knows01:34
aliasfredpygi: but he want to put some big word to makeit appears legitimate :)01:34
apacheloggerHobbsee: erm, don't think so01:34
apacheloggerwhat for would that stuff need xmms?01:34
Hobbseeapachelogger: i dont remember now :P01:34
pygialiasfred, eh, you dont get the open source point :-/01:34
apacheloggeraudio is probably handled by arts01:34
apacheloggerand video by casper01:34
aliasfredpygi: what make you think taht ?01:34
pygialiasfred, your statements :)01:35
mornfallpygi: oh he does, point of opensource is being bitch with everyone01:35
aliasfredpygi: sure but can you give the statement and explain why it show i dont get opensource :)01:35
=== apachelogger is suffering from it's beer consume yesterday ;-)
mornfallpygi: he opened my eyes01:35
pygimornfall, eh :'(01:36
mornfallconsider adept 2.x discontinued01:36
mornfallif there are volunteers which are so stupid as to participate in OSS project01:36
mornfallyou can go and maintain it01:36
Hobbseesigh.  i thought i said no flamewars.01:36
uniqhave anyone tested KDE compiled and run with --fast-malloc? is it faster?01:36
aliasfredpygi: ?01:36
pygimornfall, what? wth?01:37
pygidon't do such stuff01:37
mornfallwhy not01:37
pygiyou know there are and there will always be people like him01:37
mornfallso what01:37
mornfalli have my full right to be pissed off01:37
pygimornfall, right, but com'on, calm down please01:37
mornfalland to do whatever i think, as long as it complies with licenses01:37
aliasfredpygi: man you are being irrespectfull !! you tell me i dont get opensource i ask you to explain the reason... and then you ignore me? 01:38
pygiit's not like you hear this for the first time01:38
apacheloggerHobbsee: Riddell himself removed the xmms build dep01:38
pygialiasfred, right, whatever01:38
Hobbseeapachelogger: did he say why?01:38
Hobbseeapachelogger: that sounds reasonable, i dont think i removed it01:38
apacheloggerit has been fixed from debian maintainers01:38
mornfallpygi: enough is enough, i can listen to this for only so long01:38
apacheloggernow listening plugin links against libxmms01:38
Hobbseeahhhh...that's it...01:38
pygimornfall, you see this is one of the reasons why I'll most likely go away from the ubuntu community after edgy is done01:39
Hobbseeapachelogger: i told you it was something :P01:39
pygimornfall, right, but be reasonable pls 01:39
hungerHobbsee: IIRC xmms depends on glib 1.2 and that was supposed to get kicked out of main.01:39
Hobbseehunger: ah lovely.01:39
apacheloggerAdded a patch to dlopen01:39
apachelogger+    libxmms at runtime and use it if present, so that the plugin remains01:39
apachelogger+    functional even if XMMS is not installed01:39
apacheloggerHobbsee: the dep is not needed01:39
apacheloggerif at all, xmms gets a suggests nothing more01:40
aliasfredpygi: mornfall: i dont get you guys, serious, you actually think that opensuorce is not about the license. this seems so weird to me. i mean opensource is all about license for me.01:40
=== toma_ is now known as toma
=== mornfall [n=mornfall@kde/developer/mornfall] has left #kubuntu-devel ["so]
pygialiasfred, you are so wrong!!!01:40
aliasfredso you think am a jerk ok, but would be more respectfull to state the poitn of which you disagree, rather than insulting01:40
Hobbseeapachelogger: cool.  i didnt do those debs.01:40
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
aliasfredpygi: and you are so not telling where im wrong :)01:40
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imbrandonaliasfred , pygi : this is not the place take it to another channel please01:41
aliasfredHobbsee: hey, is insulting part of the ubuntu code of conduct ?01:41
aliasfredjust to know did you kick pigy too ?01:42
Hobbsee[21:41]  <-- pygi has left this channel (requested by Hobbsee: " come back when you've cooled off").01:42
Hobbsee[21:41]  --> aliasfred has joined this channel (n=fred@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net).01:42
aliasfredah ok so it is cool01:42
Hobbseealiasfred: it is not.  i told you guys to behave and not to participate in flamewars.01:42
imbrandonfeel lucky Hobbsee got to the button first /me would have +b for 24 hrs01:43
aliasfredHobbsee: yep you did and we did not. on the other side, i considered it as a offtopic subject more that a flamewar, at least at frist01:43
Hobbseeimbrandon: i was tempted.01:43
aliasfredbut i understand the point01:43
aliasfredimbrandon: man please do it01:43
apacheloggerHobbsee: you have to time to patch kopete?01:44
aliasfredimbrandon: to exerceice authority you must apply the threat01:44
Riddellnixternal: ping01:44
uniqflamewars are good for the heart. :)01:44
Hobbseeapachelogger: i cant upload it - it's in main.  anyone can patch it, really01:44
Hobbseeuniq: not when they split communities.01:44
imbrandonaliasfred: please drop it now in this chan or i still may, it belongs in offtopic not -devel01:44
apacheloggerhehe, I'm quite busy already :D01:44
apachelogger5km long todo01:44
Hobbseeapachelogger: sure, what's the patch?01:44
uniqHobbsee: oping and kicking is as much a solution as war you know :)01:45
imbrandonRiddell: i think nixternal  is still on holiday01:45
apacheloggersec, gotta paste the kdenetwork diff01:45
Hobbseeuniq: they didnt obey my calls to stop.01:45
Hobbseeapachelogger: this for the kde 3.5.4 packages?01:45
uniqHobbsee: that's what USA always says.01:45
Hobbseeapachelogger: um, why?01:45
apacheloggerI goes the patch doesn't exist in .4 anymore?01:46
apacheloggeranyway, I think nowlistening didn't changed ;-)01:46
aliasfredimbrandon: please do. im serious, itis part of learning to apply authority. i know you from other chat. i repect you. and i think you should ban me, as i think it woiuld teach you to you should apply the threat or you will be known as doing empty threat. which is obviously not good for authority01:46
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+b *!*@73.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] by Hobbsee
=== aliasfred was kicked off #kubuntu-devel by Hobbsee (You should know better. Bye!)
apacheloggerHobbsee: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/11670301:46
imbrandonthanks Hobbsee i dident feel like oping up in irssi lol01:47
=== imbrandon detaches screen, bbiab
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe01:47
omeowWhat's this constantly opening and closing program that I see in the process table? It's too fast for me to make out, I think it says klauncher.01:48
omeowIt seems to open 3 instances of konqueror?01:48
omeowIt's a constant flicker in any case. Seems to happen every second.01:49
Hobbseeuniq: it's a good final "you will behave, or i will make you" type idea.01:51
omeowInteresting, it seems to be a child of kdeinit, since the behavior stops when I close that tree.01:51
Hobbseeapachelogger: what are you *intending* to do with that patch?  it's modifying a lot outside of debian/01:51
omeowHm, guess not.01:51
apacheloggerHobbsee: dlopen libxmms at runtime and use it if present, so that the plugin remains functional even if libxmms is not installed01:52
apacheloggerso no shared dep against xmms needed01:53
Hobbseeapachelogger: ahh.  i'd send that upstream01:53
tomaXsession.5.gz is in x11-common and in xinit02:03
omeowWould disabling renderaccel have any effect on wine's font rendering? Because that's one of the programs I'm still missing fonts in.02:42
omeow(fonts on gui's are missing)02:42
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Hobbseehi bddebian 03:30
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:31
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=== |toma| arrived in edgy
Hobbsee|toma|: yay :)03:48
Hobbsee|toma|: anything broken?03:48
Hobbseeer, maybe that should read "how much is broken?"03:48
|toma|Hobbsee: nothing to serious, only two bugreports filed03:48
Hobbsee|toma|: oh nice.  what about?03:49
|toma|Hobbsee: a man page being in two packages, i pasted that earlier03:49
Hobbsee|toma|: ahh.  universe or main?03:49
|toma|the kernel package which failed on the postinstall03:49
Hobbseeoh yes, i think is aw that03:49
|toma|Hobbsee: and a weird on in X, it seems the fixed font is not installed03:50
Hobbsee|toma|: ah03:50
=== Mez pokes sarah a little
|toma|maybe a xbase depend missing, but i know nothing about it, so it could be my fault03:50
=== Hobbsee pokes Mez a lot. what's up?
Hobbsee|toma|: could be, no idea.03:51
|toma|Hobbsee: if i have my mail running, i'll give you the bug numbers03:51
Hobbsee|toma|: they should hit -bugs anyway03:52
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nixternalRiddell: pong?04:28
Riddellnixternal: able to do UWN today?04:29
nixternali will probably work on it after my lecture, yes04:29
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tomacool, cryptodisk fixed, i'm all set again05:00
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Riddell** testers needed for dapper point release candidates http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dapper/daily/20060805.1/ http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dapper/daily-live/20060805.1/06:08
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LureRiddell: no DVD?06:21
Riddellnot yet06:23
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Lureraphink: around?06:36
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Lureyou worked on soundkonverter for dapper (with Tonio_) 06:38
Lureare you fine if we move it to universe - it is in multiverse due to depends on lame/mplayer06:38
=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger
raphinksure I'm fine if it can move06:39
LureI am updating to 0.2 and would change depends/recommends/suggests appropriately06:39
raphinkwould you remove the depends ?06:39
raphinkwell sure06:39
Lureogg/flac/ffmpeg would be recommends (similar to kaudiocreator) and lame/mplayer would be suggests (which is ok for universe as confirmed by mdz/Kamion)06:40
raphinkalright then06:40
Lureok, will prepare package and I will upload it somewhere for review06:40
raphinktotally ok for me06:40
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apacheloggerRiddell: around?07:55
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coder10799are u interested08:47
coder10799i have some projects to be done08:48
coder10799i am looking for freelancer08:48
coder10799if you are interested08:48
coder10799contact me08:48
coder10799see projects08:48
coder10799by coder1008:48
Riddellapachelogger: hi09:06
Riddellhmm, spammers09:06
apacheloggerRiddell: heya, we submitted a news to the dot - though theres a fault in it09:06
apacheloggerRiddell: "...submission until August 18th..." should actually be "...submission until September 1st..."09:08
Riddellwhat timezone?09:09
Riddelland by 12pm I assume you mean midday09:09
apacheloggerah, UTC that is - exactly before 2nd begins09:10
Riddelloh, so midnight ending09:10
=== apachelogger thinks it's funny that 5 people reviewed the news and no one discovered that :)
Riddellhttp://dot.kde.org/1154796419/ updated09:11
RiddellI don't have time to publish it just yet09:11
apacheloggerRiddell: before you publish, please also have a look at http://rokymotion.pwsp.net/promowiki/index.php?title=Articles%2FArtists_AmarokLive-1.4&diff=2567&oldid=2566 - markey just discovered some other stuff09:21
abattoirRiddell: hi :)09:43
abattoirRiddell: i need some help...09:44
abattoirbtw.. '20:21 < apachelogger> Riddell: before you publish, please also have a look at http://rokymotion.pwsp.net/promowiki/index.php?title=Articles%2FArtists_AmarokLive-1.4&diff=2567&oldid=2566 - markey just discovered some other stuff ' was also supposed to go into the dot article? or was it a mistake?09:45
Riddellapachelogger: you tell me, it's your article09:45
apacheloggerRiddell: ah, yeah, considerable it's mine09:46
apacheloggerrokymotion is suffering passive members09:46
apacheloggergotta drop them all and do a recall I guess :|09:46
apacheloggerabattoir: looks like mistakes to me ;-)09:47
apacheloggerabattoir: ah, you mean in the news at dot?09:49
abattoirapachelogger: yes :)09:49
apacheloggerabattoir: temp note that is imho :D09:49
abattoirapachelogger: aah, ok :P09:50
Riddellabattoir: how's the oem installer doing?09:51
abattoirRiddell: there's just one thing in the way....09:51
abattoirRiddell: and i need your help... for it :P09:51
abattoirRiddell: i just have to figure out how to get back control from the UI loop (app.exec_loop())09:52
abattoirRiddell: i read through the backend, and a couple of functions there are supposed to do that... but they dont seem to be working for me09:52
abattoirotherwise, the coding is done09:53
abattoiractually, there are a couple of debconf functions that i should complete...09:53
abattoirRiddell: so could i upload the source... so that you could look at it when you are free?09:55
Lureraphink, Tonio_: if you can review soundkonverter on http://lure.homelinux.net/kubuntu/ 10:04
Riddellabattoir: sure10:08
Riddellabattoir: you get back control from the main loop with self.app.exit()10:09
abattoirRiddell: but that seems to close the UI, rather that get back control for the intermediate steps10:10
abattoirRiddell: i'm sure you'd know... as it is very very similar to ubiquity, there are a couple of functions in the backend which handle just that... but i dont know where i am going wrong10:10
Riddellit'll stop the UI being responsive10:10
abattoirhmmm, ok, i'll give it another shot... because, for eg. in the first step, the data from the backend, for language and location is loaded, but then, from the next one onwards... nothing is.10:12
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