
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:01
=== Inazad [n=inazad@122-36.sg.cgocable.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sethkmint|Alex, you have to install libcurses12:01
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sethkmint|Alex, if there is a dev package for curses, install that also12:01
mint|Alexapt-get install ?12:01
duanebdo I need a driver for integrated graphics?12:01
dcordesFuryNemesis: you got your cellphone running?12:01
=== tmccrary [n=tmccrary@] has joined #ubuntu
nugdb: take a look at the links at the top, where it says "register now" and "already a member"12:01
sethkmint|Alex, apt-get install libcurses12:01
gdbnu: ?12:02
mint|AlexCouldn't find package lubcurses12:02
nugdb: you dont see it?12:02
tmccraryHi, I added another user on my system and I need to be able to run X apps as that user12:02
Dodzeyodla:any look?12:02
sethkmint|Alex, then apt-get install libcurses5-dev12:02
tmccraryIs this possible?12:02
gdbnu: I got a 404 not found when I went to the address you posted.12:02
sethkmint|Alex, use synaptic and use search, it will show you all the libcurses packages12:02
mint|Alexi dont know what that is12:02
nugdb: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v425/play/gdb.png12:02
odlaDodzey: i can run the applet when i run gksudo flock but not flock12:02
sethkmint|Alex, the first is libcurses5, not libcurses, sorry12:02
sethkmint|Alex, synaptic is a gui program for installing packages12:02
sethkmint|Alex, run it and find out.12:02
Dodzeyit'll be permissions on the plugin then i reckon12:03
IreclanI just thought of something.12:03
mint|AlexCouldn't find package libcurses512:03
dcordesanybody can suggest a good DVB-T playeR?12:03
tmccraryHi, I added another user on my system and I need to be able to run X apps as that user12:03
IreclanOn DistroWatch.com, it says Kubuntu is just Ubuntu+KDE, right?12:03
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gdbnu: How does it look weird?  Perhaps I'm not perceptive enough. :-)12:03
sethkIreclan, right12:03
Dodzeyodla: try this, gksudo nautilus, browse to the opt/flock/plugins folder and properties - permissions12:03
=== thompa [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nugdb: did you see the "Register now" and "already a member" and "compare us" links?12:04
gdbnu: Are you looking at this on an LCD or CRT?12:04
sethkIreclan, if you install the base system, regardless of whether you use the ubuntu or kubuntu install cd, the result is the same12:04
IreclanSo, could I install Kubuntu, then switch to Gnome?12:04
odlaDodzey: oh wait...it's working now...it must of just been that applet12:04
nugdb: they look as if they're not smooth12:04
odlaDodzey: thanks12:04
Dodzeyodla: np12:04
sethkIreclan, better to not install the desktop at all12:04
Dodzeyodla: flock's a great browser12:04
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sethkIreclan, the help on the install cd will tell you how to install only the cli part of the system12:04
Dodzeyodla: i find it a bit nippier than firefox aswell12:04
odlaDodzey: it looks pretty interesting12:04
thompadoes anyone know wha the new kernel update is. it says 2.6.15-26 amd64-generic, but i already have -26?12:04
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niruanapffff i keep gething the error:12:05
sethkIreclan, then you can install gnome.  you can also install kubuntu the default way and then switch to gnome, which wastes a bit of space.12:05
azcazandcoanyone ever had hassles with ml-donkey-server?12:05
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sethkIreclan, but I think it's less confusing the other way.12:05
tmccraryCam anyone help me out here please12:05
niruanaroot@zhukovsky:/etc/madwifi-0.9.2# make12:05
thompahow can i find out what the update is or what it fixes12:05
niruana/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/build: No such file or directoryMakefile.inc:89: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/build is missing, please set KERNELPATH.  Stop.12:05
Dodzeyodla: one of the best features is the website snippets where you can drag and drop bits of sites to save them12:05
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:05
Dodzeyodla: the photobucket integration is pretty cool aswell12:06
keiaahI started the Installer.exe with wine now, and get this "keiaah@ubuntu:~/WoW$ fixme:font:CreateScalableFontResourceW (1,0x955354,0x9552b4,(nil)): stub" I cant read it, anyone know how to change the fonts?12:06
niruanaits ubuntu, so compiled?12:06
nugdb: LCD12:06
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IreclanI'm curious, sethk, why do you like KDE? Why do you prefer it?12:06
nukde is eye candy12:06
odlaDodzey: yeah i've never used it12:07
gdbnu: System > Preferences > Font and then set it to Subpixel smoothing or something.  Personally, I think the page looks fine, but that's my eye. ;-)12:07
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gdbI detest KDE.12:07
nulol hold on gdb, let me show you another ss12:07
gdbBut hey, different strokes for different folks.12:07
thompakde is more responsive, at least in gnome the menus always delay in showing icons12:07
gdbWhich hasn't been my experience.12:08
thompaeven with duo core etc gnome menus are slow12:08
gdbNah, I think you're making it up.12:08
=== ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasgdb, no, I'm seeing that here too12:08
Seveasslow disks are the cause12:08
gdbWeird, I get zero delay at all opening a menu.12:08
void^it's quite true, ironically kde/qt has started to perform better than gnome/gtk recently12:08
gdbAh, that could explain it.12:08
Dodzeyodla: i'd check to see if you have sound in flash stuff12:09
thompait hesitates for a second before showing menu icon entries12:09
odlasure i'll go to homestarrunner.com ..that's flash i think12:09
Dodzeyodla: its broke and you have to use a workaround to get it sorted12:09
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nugdb: lol, look up close on this next screenshot: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v425/play/91f5fb9b.png12:09
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nugdb: see the menu links on top12:09
thompagdb: if i change my gnome theme it seems to be fine, i think its indexing or something12:09
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Ploujhow on earth am I supposed to run ubuntu if it isn't writing the boot loader into my disk's MBR?!?!?!12:10
nuthe 'x' in 'Extensions' is brighter than the other letters, and the "Search Engines" link is also brighter than the other links12:10
=== unikon [n=supersur@CPE-69-76-224-139.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nuIreclan: he parished =(12:10
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gdbnu: I'm not sure what to tell you.  They look fine to me.  If you're comparing to the "extra crisp" look of Windows XP fonts, no, you're not going to get that.  However, you can make Windows XP more like what you're seeing here by enabling the Microsoft font smoothing technology "ClearType".12:11
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gdbnu: Which you can do by right clicking the desktop, properties, advanced, font smoothing or something along those lines12:11
Dodzeynu: i think the X just looks brighter because they are not as many pixels to make up the letter12:11
nugdb: alright. but did you see what i mean when i said "the 'x' in 'Extensions' is brighter than the other letters, and the "Search Engines" link is also brighter than the other links" ?12:11
Dodzeynu: its an illussion12:11
unikoni need help guys im stuck on step 5 i wont see any hs to install to12:12
nuDodzey: oh. is there a way to fix that?12:12
gdbnu: The problem is that most free fonts are crap, frankly, and if you turn off the font smoothing in X, you're going to have an ugly desktop, while the MS fonts will look great.  The compromise is to use smoothing for everything.12:12
unikon i know the wires are connected and also the hd is good12:12
nugdb: ill just get used to this then =D12:12
gdbnu: Yeah, I see what you mean, absolutely.12:12
nugdb: alright man. thanks for all the help.12:12
gdbnu: The day I can log into a Linux desktop and see fonts as crisp as Windows is the day I'll, well, I'll be extra happy that day.12:13
nugdb: me too. ill probably officially delete my xp partition12:13
Dodzeynu: the search engine link is lighter because its the only link you havent visited12:13
gdbI'm sure it's a font selection thing because when I run tsclient under Linux, my Windows session looks as I expect it to.12:13
Dodzeynu: visit it and go to another page then refresh, it'll be dark12:13
nuDodzey: rofl i noticed. but what about the x12:14
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Dodzeyits just 'cause there are less pixels used in the center of the font in comparison to other letters12:14
gdbDodzey: The font is dithered poorly is what he's pointing out.12:14
nuDodzey: also, i posted another screenshot. let me show it to you: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v425/play/gdb.png look at the links that say "register now" and "already a member"12:14
nuDodzey: thats another example12:15
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Dodzeygdb: yeah, it is, but thats free fonts for you...12:15
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Tamaletry using the bitstream vera fonts12:15
Renan_s2the fonts look OK for me12:15
Tamalethey increased my love for linux 10-fold12:15
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gdbDodzey: Well, I think in this case, it's the font smoothing in the X server. He's using msttcorefonts so those should be MS fonts being rendered there.12:16
Dodzeynu: they're just like that to show you have visited the pages or havent, alot of websites use different colours for links depending on whether you have visited them12:16
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budluvaanyone here had any luck installing qtorrent?12:16
budluvai think its a broken package, and it's telling me to file a bug, how do i do that?12:16
gdbRenan_s2: They look "acceptable" and "ok" they do not look "the same as under Windows" (assuming ClearType is disabled, as is default on Windows).12:16
nuDodzey: i know. in that last sreenshot, the font links are dark grey, even if you visit them. but the problem isnt the colors, it the shape12:16
nuDodzey: they look a little weird.12:16
void^fonts on windows without cleartype aren't great.12:16
odlaDodzey: you said you use photobucket?  is there an upload limit?12:17
void^i noticed that just yesterday, did some webbrowsing on a xp box and was surprised at pixelated headers.12:17
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FurryNemesisodla, yes but it's huge12:17
odlalarger than flickr?12:17
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Dodzeyodla: yeah, i just use it for quickly throwing up screenshots and pictures for people, its nice to be able to drag into the photbucket bar in flock12:17
=== polly [n=polly@CPE-70-92-255-94.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
adrianhow do i set a seperate administrative password12:18
Dodzeyodla: i personally find flickr better (you can use that in flock too)12:18
=== azureal [n=azureal@dhcp-222-32.wireless.bowdoin.edu] has joined #ubuntu
adrianive setup an additional user12:18
odlayeah flock seems pretty cool12:18
gdbadrian: sudo passwd root12:18
FurryNemesisDodzey, flock is now linux-compatible?12:18
odlais it going to be packaged for edgy?12:18
gdbadrian: I assume you mean to set a password for the root user, yes?12:18
odlaFurryNemesis: yeah12:18
Dodzeyit always has been asfar as i know12:18
Dodzeyits not in the repo's12:18
=== DeMolay [n=DeMolay@67.Red-88-15-87.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
adriangdb, yeah i guess, i only want one password for sudo12:18
odlaFurryNemesis: www.ubuntuos.com  scroll down for flock12:18
Dodzeyyou'll have to download the archive from flock website12:19
gdbadrian: Well, that's not possible.12:19
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gdbadrian: The password for sudo is always the password of the user using sudo.12:19
=== hackel [n=hackel@CPE-69-76-5-54.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
adrianso ubuntu isnt really multiuser!12:19
adrianor am i confused12:19
Renan_s2adrian, it is12:19
gdbadrian: I think you're confused.12:19
adrianyeah usually am12:19
Renan_s2you can have multiple users logged in via SSH or modem, for instance12:19
Tamalegdb:  Do you have sup-pixel hinting on?12:19
gdbadrian: If you want a single password that people can use to "su" to root, you can do that. You can't set a universal password for "sudo" because it's the user's own pasword.12:19
gdbTamale: of course12:20
Tamaletry the other options12:20
gdbadrian: Does that make sense?12:20
adrianso doing a sudo passwd root just change my users password as well?12:20
Dodzeynu: i use Sans font, with subpixel rendering on and my fonts look fine12:20
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Tamalei'm tellin 'ya though, the best fonts in linux are the bitstream vera ones.... by FAR12:20
nuDodzey: let me try playing with the subpixels12:21
Tamalei wish there were fonts this clear in windows12:21
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odlayeah i've got no audio with flashplayer too12:21
gdbDodzey: It's an astetics question.  His point is valid.  The fonts "look ok" they "are acceptable" they "look fine" they *do not* look the same as they do under Windows which doesn't require font smoothing to "look good" and renders crisper fonts.12:21
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nuok. this is gonna sound bad. but i can't find where my font configuration is12:21
gdbTamale: I don't have an issue with how my fonts look.12:21
Tamalenu, sorry.12:22
=== godtvisken [n=godtvisk@ip72-201-147-100.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
gdbnu: System > Preferences > Font12:22
troytroyhi mistakenl formated my windows patition which contains the grub boot loader and now system only detects windows os how do i correct this.12:22
Dodzeyodla: want help with that?12:22
nuTamale: fear not12:22
gdbnu: menu off the top of the screen (in gnome)12:22
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@dsl-69-50-50-226.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
godtviskenAnyone in here use a transparent terminal? I'm looking for a good image/color scheme that is easy to read.12:22
odlaDodzey: sure12:22
troytroydont want to reinstall dapper12:22
nugdb: are you using gnome?12:22
gdbnu: Yes12:22
Dodzeyand for anyone else who is listening12:22
nugdb: xfce here. ive looked in System and Preferences, not there. hold on though. still looking12:23
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Tamalegodtvisken: Aterm with a shader value of 50 or so over a fractal background from blatte's backgrounds looks very nice  :)12:23
=== M3t4ll1k0 [n=lokoloko@cm136166.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dodzeyodla: get alsa-oss from the repo's then run flock with 'aoss flock'12:23
nuTamale: show screenshot =D12:23
=== acojlo [n=acojlo@cable-87-116-154-53.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu
odlaDodzey: sounds like a pretty easy fix :)12:23
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acojlohi, I can not play videos from cnn.com inside firefox12:23
Dodzeyodla: if it works just change your launcher in /usr/share/apllications/ so its more 'permanent'12:24
gdbnu: Ah, that's right, I recall you mentioning that earlier.12:24
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odlaDodzey: yeah...i'll just edit the gnome menu with alacarte12:24
nugdb: ;)12:24
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Dodzeyodla: in firefox you can change a config file to use a different dsp so you dont need to load it with aoss, but im not sure how you do that in flock12:24
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unfunhow do I install totem xine torugh terminal?12:25
odlaDodzey: yup that worked12:25
Seveasunfun, sudo apt-get install totem-xine12:25
troytroydont want to reinstall dapper12:25
troytroyhi mistakenl formated my windows patition which contains the grub boot loader and now system only detects windows os how do i correct this.12:25
schickenhow do I run c++ programs after I compile them with g++12:26
bob_Does anyone know how to mount multiple windows partitions? I use this command ( sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 )but it only mounts one partition at a time. My two windows partitions show up as hdd1 and hdd5 when I do ( sudo fdisk ) command.12:26
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Seveasschicken, ./app-name12:26
Dodzeyodla: hopefully, someone will get flock / firefox to let you set it in the gui preferences cos its a little hidden otherwise12:26
dooglusbob_: you can separate shell commands with a semicolon12:26
Seveasbob_, then use the command twice, second time with hdd5 instead of hdd112:26
odlaDodzey: so does firefox need to start with aoss firefox too?12:26
bob_oh thank you12:26
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dooglusbob_: use a different directory in /media for the 2nd one, or it will be mounted over the first one12:27
dooglusbob_: "sudo mkdir /media/windows2" or something to make the 2nd directory12:27
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bob_ok I'm trying right now12:27
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Dodzeyodla: yeah, but you can edit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc12:28
simpohi! how to set vnc server using only SSH conection ?12:28
CrazyDoodegood answer dooglus12:28
Dodzeyodla: just change the line to FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"12:28
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Dodzeyodla: then you can just start firefox regularly12:29
xsimosalut  tous see ya guys later12:29
odlaDodzey: that's easy enough12:29
troytroyhi i formated my  windows partition which has grub installed there and reinstall windows now dont see the boot menu again. how  do i get dapper back to boot menu?12:29
bmonkeyi can't install xfonts-core through cd, because of a md5 error! apt-get tries the cd...... how do i tell apt-get to use the web??12:29
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Dodzeyodla: np12:29
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Dodzeyodla: anything for a flock'ster lmao12:29
bob_It working thank you very much12:29
Tamalestill here nu?12:29
deltoyatroytroy: try this -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-76652.html12:30
odlaDodzey: yeah flock seems pretty cool12:30
nuTamale: yes12:30
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linuxd00dhaha windoze sucks12:30
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valehruquick question.  I added a new hard drive.  And through the disk manager I reset its boot path to /media/backup.  However when I restart the system it keeps defaulting to /tmp/somefolder.  This seems to be the default setting somewhere?  How can I make the change permenantly?12:30
troytroydeltoya: ok12:31
Tamalesomeone else was asking about transparent terminals too.12:31
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:31
Dodzeyvalehru: you can edit /etc/fstab12:31
nuTamale:  that is neat!12:31
=== drrock77 [n=ihoffman@c-68-32-207-203.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
keiaahAnyone know how to add fonts to wine?12:32
TamaleDanaG:  They were just wondering how you can make a transparent terminal.. not how to make EVERYTHING transparent  ;)12:32
digitalhav0care the ubuntu repositories slow to anyone else today or is it just me?12:32
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linuxd00ddoes anybody know of a good MP3 player for ubuntu12:32
Renan_s2linuxd00d, amaroK12:32
Renan_s2I don't see the point of having transparent stuff.12:32
Tamalelinuxd00d: xmms is nice.12:32
Boudimplayer as well12:32
Dodzeydigitalhav0c: they were for me last time i d/l something12:32
TamaleRenan_s2: I don't know how I ever computed without it  :] 12:33
bmonkeyi can't install xfonts-core through cd, because of a md5 error! apt-get tries the cd...... how do i tell apt-get to use the web?? x does not start :(12:33
Boudiit depends on what you want exactly with a GUI or not12:33
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bmonkeywith gui12:33
linuxd00dTamale: i have tried to get XMMS but it says that i cant install it because it cant mount my CD drive :s12:34
digitalhav0cdodzey thanks12:34
digitalhav0cyeah just did an update12:34
digitalhav0cand its taking forever12:34
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troytroylinuxd00d: try amarok12:34
linuxd00ddoing update as we speak :)12:34
Dodzeymyne hung up just downloading a 50kb package12:34
tristanmikeis there an applet to see ones gmail ?12:34
Dodzeytook 20 seconds or so just to start12:35
linuxd00dtroytroy: i have tried to use amarok to play MP3 file format, but it gives me the blank12:35
bmonkeyi can't install xfonts-core through cd, because of a md5 error! apt-get tries the cd...... how do i tell apt-get to use the web?? x does not start because of that :(12:35
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troytroylinuxd00d: u need to get plugins or what they call it12:36
DIguanaAnyone know how I can configure my sshd not to time out after a couple of minutes of inactivity?12:36
cdubyatrogbot, you get it figured out at all?12:36
=== spacefinn [n=naprinci@pool-71-120-192-143.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dodzeylinuxd00d - easyubuntu will install the codecs for mp3 playback etc12:36
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troytroylinuxd00d: hold let me check if i can get u a script to install engines ..12:36
mcphailbmonkey: in the /etc/apt/sources.list file, put a "#" sign at the start of the line with the cdrom12:37
tristanmikelinuxd00d: have you installed "libxine-extracodecs"12:37
secleinteerhi does any1 know the command for unmounting?12:37
linuxd00dtroytroy: tried no luck, i know this sounds like pure lazyness but would you be able to get me a link for the plugins12:37
DIguanasecleinteer: umount12:37
bmonkeymcphail: thx12:37
linuxd00dtristanmike: no i have not12:38
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tristanmikelinuxd00d: try installing that package to get amarok to play mp3's as well as "gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly"12:38
troytroylinuxd00d: no problem thats what this chann is about. do some maintenance now could u hold for 30min12:39
simpohow to set up vnc server ?12:39
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linuxd00dtroytroy: yeah on all night12:40
troytroylinuxd00d: ok12:40
eternaljoycan I show someone my sources.list to tell me if its up topdate please?12:40
eternaljoywho here can have a quikc look?12:40
trogbotcdubya:  No not yet...still reading the bug report u pointed at...but it appears it was for winxp printer & not linux printer for win users.12:40
cdubyaeternaljoy, pastebin.12:40
nuhey guys...12:41
cdubyatrogbot, ahh....sorry....I just caught a few of the thread12:41
DIguanaSo does anyone know how to keep sshd from timing out on connections, or at least how to extend the timeout period to something like 30-60min?12:41
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nueverytime i open the terminal, it opens really big. is there a way to make it remember the size it was when i last resize it?12:41
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:42
svuis there any repository with xgl/compiz .debs for ubuntu?12:42
=== nathanial [n=nathania@c-24-245-52-4.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathanialhello. A little help please.12:42
eternaljoycdmwebs: I pasted to you12:42
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Dodzeysvu:visit compiz.net for quinns packages12:42
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qwertyto install dapper straight onto the hard drive, is it possible? do i have to boot with live option and then click install ?12:42
mcphailDIguana: what are you connecting with?12:42
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:42
Dodzeysvu: they are instructions on her forums on which repositories to use, i think she has the vanilla ones aswell, not sure12:43
svuDodzey, thanks12:43
trogbotcdubya:  But it may still help...still mucking through it...i did notice though through other investigation, that about the time I installed Automatix and it changed the sources.list that stuff quit working.  maybe that had something to do with it???12:43
tsumewom 1112:43
bmonkeyhow do i start the giFT daemon???12:43
nathanialI just updated my UBUNTU and suddenly I'm running on EDUBUNTU. . .any thoughts????12:43
=== Lobster wnscht euch was
Dodzeynathanial: maybe its telling you its time to go back to school :p lol, only kidding12:43
nathanialhaha. I finished college. that should be enough for now haha.12:44
trogbotcdubya: that was just before the updates were applied....does sources.list order have impact on where things get loaded from?12:44
Dodzeynathanial: complete edubuntu or just boot splash?12:44
qwertydoes anyone elses dapper off live cd just CRAWL - using a dell inspiron 1.5 ghz, 256 ddr2 ram, just crashed trying to install onto hard drive12:44
nathanialDedzey: my log in interface says "edubuntu"12:44
nathanialafter I log in, my wallpaper is 'edubuntu' wallpaper12:45
keiaahqwerty, I had same problem. I used the alternate cd to install instead12:45
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trogbotcdubya: Thinking about un-installing cups/samba...going back to my orig sources.list and reinstalling cups/samba...do you think that might help?12:45
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DIguanamcphail: PuTTY, but it works fine for other servers.12:45
=== mcphail wonders how many people have successfully installed from the live cd?
qwertyhmm keiaah -- its terrible isn't it, takes 5 mins to open up terminal window, is there a way to install from start without having to boot and then install12:45
unfunWhat should I install to get my sound to work? I just reformated ubuntu and my sound doesn't work.12:46
keiaahqwerty, use the alternate cd. its like the breezy install.12:46
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@66-215-123-128.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
qwertykeiaah thanks alot12:46
qwertywill go and try it now :)12:46
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keiaahqwerty, no problem. I guess some hardware has problem with the live installer12:47
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mcphailDIguana: putty has issues and can be configured to behave better and not time out. The issue is partly with the software, partly with Windows and partly with the network, by the looks of it.12:47
linuxd00d... updates download faster than they install12:47
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php12:47
FuriousRageHAH, i robbed a friend of mine of one of his 100mbit nic's so now i sit in ubuntu AMD64 ;>12:47
=== xed2 [n=nani@70-37-134-146.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
xed2can anyone help with installing libavcodec2 ?12:48
xed2<xed2> i need it badly for zoneminder!12:48
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Seveas!find libavcodec12:48
ubotuFound: libavcodec-dev12:48
DanaGOkay, how do I get more codecs in Amarok?12:48
Seveas!find avcodec12:48
ubotuFound: libavcodec-dev12:48
FurryNemesis!find wm32codecs12:49
ubotuNo packages matching 'wm32codecs' could be found12:49
DanaGjust lib<whatever the codec is>?12:49
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:49
xed2thanks seavas12:49
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xed2but libavcodec-dev isnt it ...12:50
cdubyaDanaG, might check those links12:50
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gizmo_the_great1hi. My 17 year old sister in law is staying with us for a week next week. I want her to be able to log in, use Firefox, aMSN etc, but pretty much nothing else. I've added her as a user, and de-selected many of the services that she can use. But she can still, for example, navigate to my own home folder. How can I quickly secure her account?12:50
=== skeff [n=skeff@ti500710a080-15540.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
valehruIs there a reason why this doesnt work in fstab? /dev/sdb/media/backupext3    auto,user,umask=0  0    012:50
=== Howitzer [n=sagara@2.163-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
agliodbsgizmo_the_great1: how about setting up a separate account for her?12:51
gizmo_the_great1agliodbs:   i've done that12:51
agliodbsoh, I see, you did that12:51
Dodzey<valehru>you need to specify the partition ie sdb1 or 2 or whatever12:51
eternaljoywhen I try to copy my audio CD using Sound Juicer, my drive spins very fast like crazy, but it copies at a very very slow rate.  Any ideas for a solution anyone?12:51
agliodbshow can she access your home folder?  She shouldn't have permissions12:51
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gizmo_the_great1launches nautilus and navigates to it12:51
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nuI just installed Conky though Synaptic. anyone know where it went?12:52
aujordanhgizmo_the_great1, she can't change anything though12:52
rkinu, type conky in a termninal12:52
nurki: thanks.12:52
gizmo_the_great1agliodbs: Not tried that.  I was surprised that she was able to access at all12:52
valehruDodzey, I thought I did when I stated /dev/sdb12:52
gizmo_the_great1aujordanh: Not tried that.  I was surprised that she was able to access at all12:53
FuriousRagecant you set -r on others or something?12:53
cdubyanu, /usr/bin/conky12:53
valehruDodzey, thx12:53
skeffmy Amarok (1.4.1 from kubuntu) crashes when I try playing m4a files.  I have libxine-extracodecs if it matters, as the only enginge I can choose is xine.  Got solution to this?12:53
gizmo_the_great1aujordanh: could it be because I created a new user group called 'restrictedusers'?12:53
gizmo_the_great1aujordanh: I thought I could set permissions group wise but it seems I am not able to12:54
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, you can12:54
gizmo_the_great1cdubya: me been an idiot then :-) I not sure how to12:54
aujordanhgizmo_the_great1, i dont use groups and cant tell you about them, have you read the security pages at tdlp.org?12:54
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, np.....12:54
FuriousRagegizmo_the_great1: something like: sudo chmod g-r /home/yourfolder <-- not 100% sure tho12:54
gizmo_the_great1aujordanh: no - but i will12:54
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cdubyagizmo_the_great1, what FuriousRage said.12:55
cdubyabeat me to it12:55
FuriousRagecdubya: : wow did i get it right? O.o12:55
=== FuriousRage faints
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cdubyagizmo_the_great1, or you can use another method if it's easier for you to remember12:55
PloujI'm gonna re-state my question12:55
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eternaljoyHELP: when I try to copy my audio CD using Sound Juicer, my drive spins very fast like crazy, but it copies at a very very slow rate.  Any ideas for a solution anyone?12:55
darthbatorhey guys has anyone noticed any strange window placement stuff with mplayer and compiz?12:55
=== valehru [n=valehru@c-24-98-143-4.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ploujis this what your boot loader looks like, guys? http://sh.nu/p/259512:55
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, owner-group-world12:55
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eternaljoyany other program besides Sound Juicer?12:56
_priesteternaljoy: gnomebaker12:56
linuxd00dguys please tell troytroy that i am restarting my Laptop if he asks for me please,12:56
valehruDodzey, I rebooted and no success....here is what is in fstab: /dev/sdb1/media/backupext3    auto,user,umask=0  0    012:56
nucdubya: got it. thanks12:56
gizmo_the_great1cdubya: i confused. What is 'owner-group-world'? It says command not found?12:56
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, so if you chmod 755, then you're setting the owner to have read-write-execute (the 7), the group to read-execute (the 5) and the world to read-execute (the 5)12:56
troytroylinuxd00d: ok :)12:56
ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems12:56
Dodzeyvalehru make sure that you have made that /media/storage/ folder12:56
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, I was using that as an example to explain it to you. sorry for the confusion.12:57
valehruDodzey, it exists12:57
FuriousRagehmm, i got a question my self, does cedega and/or wine come for AMD64 kernels? or do i need some chroot for those?12:57
eternaljoy_priest: gnomebacker copies audio CD's?12:57
gizmo_the_great1cdubya: i gotchya12:57
Boudiyes it copies audio CD's12:57
agliodbsdo I partition both disks to match exactly first12:57
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, so if you have a folder that you want to allow access to, just ask yourself who you want to have permissions and what level12:57
agliodbsand then set up SW RAID?12:57
DanaGI can't find  libxine-extracodecs12:57
_priesteternaljoy: it all interfaces with the cdrecord tools i think12:57
Dodzeyvalehru: what privelages?12:57
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, then assign it using the number.....12:57
_priestso whatever the limits are with cdrecord12:57
agliodbsI'm used to doing it the other way12:58
darthbatorDanaG: you need to enable the multiverse repositories to get that one12:58
valehruyou mean the person that edits that file? sudo /etc/fstab12:58
valehruDodzey, you mean the person that edits that file? sudo /etc/fstab12:58
eduardanywabody has any issues installing kqemu?12:58
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, so if I want to have full privs myself and full for my group, the I might do something like sudo chmod 775 /home/my_folder12:58
Dodzeyvalehru: check to make sure that in /media you actually have a folder called backup12:58
valehruDodzey, yes I do.12:58
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, and if you want that permission set to apply to all subdirs, just add a -R flag for recursion12:59
nuhezus. linux takes a while to get it exactly how you want =D12:59
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gizmo_the_great1cdubya: easier still, i think, is I've changed permissions to read\write for the owner and group of my home folder (my username is in the group) and deselcted read and write for 'others' using nautilus12:59
eduardI already installed qemu but I need kqemu for better "speed"12:59
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, hey, whatever works for you. :)12:59
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FuriousRagehmm, i got a question my self, does cedega and/or wine come for AMD64 kernels? or do i need some chroot for those?12:59
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).12:59
cdubyaI'm all about what's easiest and effective12:59
valehruDodzey, is that fstab entry correct?12:59
Dodzeyvalehru: paste your fstab line for that mount again12:59
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).12:59
gizmo_the_great1cdubya: i will su and see if it has worked - back in a bit01:00
keiaahOk, I solved the font problem in wine by instaling mscorefonts. Still, there seems like Im missing some fonts, I couldnt read the licence agreement. Any ideas?01:00
=== alecks [n=alecks@pool-141-156-212-113.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
valehruDodzey, /dev/sdb1/media/backupext3    auto,user,umask=0  0    001:00
acojloso, totem-xine has a problem with firefox. no problem - mplayer is doing the job!01:00
cpk2keiaah: what program?01:00
keiaahcpk2, I am installing WoW01:01
=== guillote_GNU [n=BrainDoo@host110.201-252-195.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
_priestkeiaah: all you need is tahoma.ttf01:01
=== Narf [n=narf@fiber-optic3.area51-bg.net] has joined #ubuntu
_priestplace that in ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts i think01:01
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keiaah_priest, where do I find them?01:01
_priestkeiaah: search google for tahoma.tt01:01
keiaahok, thanks01:01
Dodzeyvalehru, seems ok, but my mind aint on the ball this evening heh....try 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/backup' in a terminal01:01
svuDodzey, but this repo is for dapper. Is there such a thing for edgy?01:02
_priestanyone upgrade to gnome 2.14.3 yea01:02
=== tomciek [n=thomas@pD9E808F1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
_priestit apparently needs me to restart the system for gnome updates :\01:02
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Narfwhy not just restart gnome ?01:02
aleckswhats the latest version of cgwd?01:02
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Dodzeysvu: there is, i think, but im not sure where you will find it, maybe have a look on the compiz forums for people using edgy, or try on ubuntuforums01:02
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_priestNarf: well yea i know but the notification is telling me to restart the system :X01:02
_priestseems kinda windowish to me01:02
TheGameya _priest i have the new gnome01:03
gizmo_the_great1cdubya: yep - that has worked :-). I liked your way because it looks fancy. But my way was easier, lol01:03
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
valehruDodzey, that does the trick...but I want it done each time I reboot01:03
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NarfI've never had such an issue01:03
gizmo_the_great1cdubya: she now gets permission denied01:03
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_priestNarf: really?01:03
darthbatorI was thinking about upgrading gnome right now =P01:03
_priesthmm i didnt update any kernel so not sure why its asking me to restart01:03
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Dodzeyvalehru, ok so there is something wrong with you fstab line, but i aint sure what, sorry01:03
FuriousRageive got those restart system message boxes too01:03
TheGameu probably did get a new kernel01:03
darthbatorlooks like there's a new compiz as well :)01:03
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TheGamethere was a new one real recently01:03
eduardanybody with qemu and kqemu?01:03
TheGametheres a new compiz?01:04
Dodzeyvalehru - just try 'sudo umount -a' then sudo mount -a01:04
=== MikeW [i=Mike@159-134-232-172.as1.cbr.castlebar.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
svuDodzey, ok, thanks, I will. It seems edgy is moving forward so fast that xgl builders cannot catch up...:)01:04
_priestah crap01:04
=== RunUO22748 [n=smalldic@82-171-74-86.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
TheGamewhat is the name of the compiz pckg01:04
_priestTheGame: i did and didnt notice01:04
yoshiznit123could anybody explain (or point me to docs about) how to go about installing ubuntu on raid?01:04
RunUO22748how much space does the LAMP install take up?01:04
_priestSetting up linux-image-2.6.15-26-386 (2.6.15-26.46) .01:04
DanaGI don't like this other Compiz.01:04
=== gray_fox [n=alessand@host169-93.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
_priestthis is why i steer away from using the gui to update01:04
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DanaGThe cube rotation is more awkward.01:04
NarfI already set it up last night01:04
madshej Tomze01:04
Narfbut I don't want to reboot01:04
MikeWHello guys. Do you guys know who is in charge of administring the wiki, or the team that make wiki decisions?01:04
TheGameDanaG: xgl and compiz are awesome01:05
Narfso I'll just wait for the power company to do it for me :D01:05
Dodzeyvalehru just something that may sound daft, but it is formatted as ext3 right?01:05
RunUO22748MikeW check the.. wiki :)01:05
darthbatorcompiz 0.0.13-0quinn2701:05
valehrujust got this error01:05
valehrumount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,01:05
valehru       missing codepage or other error01:05
gizmo_the_great1cdubya: what's better still is that all my mount mounts to my other drives were set in a folder in my home directory. And so denying other users access to it they can't access any of my drives either! Rock on!01:05
Tomzemads: f !01:05
valehruyeah...I could have sworn it was ext301:05
DanaGQuinn's one or the vanilla?01:05
=== MeGaQuArK_ [n=gary@pool-71-111-178-14.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdubyagizmo_the_great1, kewl. :)01:05
Dodzeyvalehru: make sure :)01:05
TheGameis there a way to update my existing compiz darthbator01:05
DanaGTheir config files break each other.01:05
acojlohow to tell totem to use "x11 or xshm" instead of "xv or xvmc or xxmc" ?01:05
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Narfanyway, I came here to ask - is there some way to disable the shutdown button, under the "Quit" item in the main menu ?01:06
Dodzeyvalehru: haha?01:06
eternaljoy_priest: gnomebaker doesnt copy audio CD's01:06
TheGameNarf:  i dont think s01:06
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DanaGAlso, there's an unsatisfiable dependency on a newer cgwd.01:06
valehruDodzey, disk manager app recognises it as Extended 301:06
darthbatorwhat where the changes in the new compiz I just installed it and window resizing is still slow, or ugly01:06
NarfIt bugs me to hell01:06
_priesteternaljoy: therees a big button at the top that says copy audio cd's01:06
darthbatorand my mplayer still keeps deciding to put itself off the screen =P01:06
linuxd00dtroytroy: im back, lol01:06
DanaGI want window snapping but not wobbling.01:06
NarfI don't want somebody to be able to shutdown my computer01:07
TheGameya window resizing needs to improve01:07
DanaGI still see no extracodecs.01:07
troytroylinuxd00d: ok01:07
mate_good morning all.. i'm having some serious troubles getting my ati 9600 mobility drivers working .... i've checked all the faqs and forums and still grief.. anyone with any suggestions?01:07
TheGamebuy an nvidia card01:07
FuriousRagei used partition magic 8 in windows to resize win parition down for linux dual boot ^01:07
MikeWWill xgl be bundled with edgy?01:07
TheGameif it is stable01:07
mate_i have a laptop....01:07
TheGameFuriousRage: what help do u need01:08
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troytroylinuxd00d: am having problem loading driver for mass storage drive: contains some customized scripts to automates some of these procc..01:08
FuriousRagehmm, i got a question my self, does cedega and/or wine come for AMD64 kernels? or do i need some chroot for those?01:08
troytroylinuxd00d: pls be with u soon ok01:08
DanaGLook at rage3d.com/board -- it's an ATI fan site forum.01:08
DanaGPerhaps something there can be helpful.01:08
mcphailFuriousRage: chroot01:08
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mate_DanaG, thanks i'll shout over there and have a look now. Appreciated!01:08
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linuxd00dtroytroy, sok take your time01:08
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Narfone more thing01:09
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valehruDodzey, I don't want to spam the channel so I just want your opinion on this error message01:09
FuriousRagemmkay, gonna look up an choot guide for dummies and see if i can get wine working01:09
Dodzeyvalehru: ....01:09
darthbatorno extracodecs still? I found it when I added deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse01:09
Narfwine uses some huge font to display text, how can I change that? I didn't have this issue in 5.*01:10
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valehruDodzey, thats the error Im getting from it...01:10
agliodbsok, I'm trying to set up SW raid on ubuntu server, and I can't figure out how to format the raid volume01:11
agliodbsthere's no option for it01:11
darthbatorI assume at least a few of you guys here are using XGL+compiz what media players are you guys using?01:11
nuwhats the terminal command to delete a file?01:11
FuriousRagedarthbator: vlc wins all the way for me01:11
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nudarthbator: thanks01:11
darthbatorbe carefull ;)01:11
nuwill do!01:12
nuwhile at it01:12
nuwhen trying to delete something from the bin dir01:12
nuit wont let me because im not root01:12
DanaGaah, I didn't have that one.01:12
nuso i have to open a terminal and do it with sudo01:12
darthbatorsudo <command>01:12
nuany easier way?01:12
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Dr_Willisnu,  that is the easy way. :P01:12
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nuthat makes me sad lol =(01:12
Dr_Willisnu,  the shell is  good... love the shell.. live the shell..01:12
livingdaylighow do i check pixels on the monitor?01:12
Dr_Willisconcise and to the point. :P whats not to love01:13
FuriousRageDr_Willis: fill up gas at shell!01:13
Dr_WillisFuriousRage,  put a tiger in your tank!01:13
nuDr_Willis: everytime i start the terminal, its really big. how can i make it so it remembers the size when resize it?01:13
livingdayliganyone know? how do people check pixels on monitors?01:13
FuriousRagehmm wounder if i need to get some drivers or something for my HP vs19x flatpanel tft, or if it works outta the box01:14
DanaGYou just need the scan ranges.01:14
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nuFuriousRage: i have that exact same monitor01:15
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ardchoillenu: gnome terminal?  launch gnome terminal as:  gnome-terminal --geometry 90x40 or some size that you like.01:15
FuriousRagenu: in windows i can see that upper left corner is darker then lower right, same on yours or is mine "broken"? ;>01:15
nuFuriousRage: yours is broken01:15
nuFuriousRage: =( lol01:16
FuriousRagein  ubuntu i cant really tell tho ;>01:16
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nuFuriousRage: this is ficiton btw. we talked yesterday i think01:16
nuardchoille: no, im using xterm01:16
FuriousRagenu: ya, was in here all day trying to get my nforce 4 nic to work with any linux ;>01:16
nuFuriousRage: lol01:16
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ardchoillenu: read man xterm and see if there is a "geometry" setting in there01:17
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troytroylinuxd00d: ok am rebboting think problem is solved now brb01:17
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owen_I need help installing java through the repositories01:17
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nuardchoille: alright. will do. thanks01:18
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NZvipHow do I tell my Ubuntu to stop launching Rhythmbox when I insert my iPod?01:18
owen_what command  do i use to install java?01:18
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository01:18
NZvipCause frankly, it is freaking annoying.01:18
valehruDodzey, ...working perfectly01:18
valehruDodzey, thanks for your help01:18
owen_thank you01:18
Dodzeyvalehru: cool01:18
nualso, is there a program that detects keyboard inputs and show their values? i wanna set some of my keyboard's navigation buttons as some shortcuts. Gnome detected it fine, but not xfce01:18
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Dodzeyvalehru: np, make use of that 300gb and backup your backup haha, can neer have too many backups01:19
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FuriousRageoh btw, how can i change the settings for my mouse so middle (scroll) = double click? now it seams to send active program to the back01:19
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valehruDodzey, yeah...well...Im going to invest in a second 300GB and get a nice Raid up and running01:19
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valehruDodzey, If one Raid disk goes down does that mean I still lose all the data?01:20
salahwhat tool should I use to burn a avi/mpg file to a DVD? the mpg files don't have any copy protectio01:20
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Dodzeyvalehru: it depends what RAID you use01:20
kyle_whats a good program for downloading mp3s with Ubuntu?01:20
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Dodzeyvalehru: yeah, if one goes down you'll loose the lot01:21
chombeeHey folks - what package do I need to be able to burn OGG files with gnomebaker?01:21
gekko`kyle_: limewire01:21
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kyle_cool thanks01:21
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DanaGhmm, shortcuts?01:22
DanaGLook into lineak01:22
DanaGargh, I can't figure out how to change my KDE style to match my GTK.01:22
valehruhmm...well...RAID 1 it will have to be01:22
RunUO22748what would make for an easier PrintServer Samba or CUPS?01:23
Dodzeyvalehru: you should maybe use the RAID that lets you use two 300gb's and it writes to both disks at the same time, you only get 300gb instead of 600 but it means you have safety01:23
DanaGooh, here's a nice thing to do: sudo bash.01:23
skymoxthe war :s01:23
Dodzeyvalehru - yeah RAID 1 i think, i can't remember haha01:23
Dodzeyvalehru here - http://www.acnc.com/04_01_02.html01:23
Dodzeyvalehru: wrong link :) http://www.acnc.com/04_01_01.html01:24
lmosherPhysical security isn't a concern for my laptop, but making things simple for my wife is... Is there a way to make the login screen look more like windows? I.E. just click a picture and you log in?01:24
Dodzeyvalehru: there you go01:24
DanaGIs there any way to get rid of the wobbly but keep the window snapping?01:24
valehruDodzey, thanks a million01:24
jmichaelxskymox: may God have mercy on us....01:24
RunUO22748what would make for an easier PrintServer Samba or CUPS?01:25
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Dodzeyvalehru: np RAID always confused me, i should probably read that myself...haha01:26
urakaipahello there i'm really in trouble.. there's some expert in partition table recovery?01:26
DanaGOh, I have done some.01:26
DanaGTry a utility called Ultimate Boot CD.01:26
valehruDodzey, lol....yeah ... I never looked into it myself...but its a nice solution01:26
DanaGThere's one utility (I forget the name) that says "partition saving and recovery"01:27
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ubotuI know nothing about partimage - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu01:28
Dodzeyvalehru : someone set up a software based RAID array using usb floppy disk drives, i think i read about it on hack-a-day01:28
DanaGNo, it was something similar to checkdisk, but not quite.01:28
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[LON] FoxiMaxiHi, I hope someone can help me here. I am trying to install Ubuntu 6.06 on an Acer 4102WLMI (widescreen ATI X700) notebook. When I select Install or Run Ubuntu in the boot screen, everything is okay until the gdm starts. Instead of a desktop, I got a blank (black) screen and nothing happens. I can work without problems in the console, so only the X has some problems. Can someone help ? PM me, plea01:28
[LON] FoxiMaxise if you can.01:28
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eternaljoywere there any Dapper updates released in the last 24 hours, eg, gstreamer?01:28
nuanyone know where the conky config file is by any chance?01:29
urakaipathx DanaG but in fact it seems to be hard: I had a reiserfs for my home, it was behind a software raid101:29
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livingdayligok, Guys, got this new monitor but now it wont let the screensaver kick in, wazzup with that?01:29
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urakaipabecause of windows, the partition table completely change and i'm not able to scan the drive for searching the old filesystem01:30
nemlahHello all01:30
nemlahi tried changing from gnome to kde01:30
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nemlahbut i am having some screen problems01:31
urakaipait seems that because of the raid, the filesystem header was not phisically written on the disk01:31
nemlahin kde i can pane my view01:31
FuriousRagehmm, wounder when my gpu fan is gonna spin down like it does in windows when its not used by a game or so01:31
nemlahlike i am viewing a smaller portion of the overall larger then my monitor view01:31
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dario314Hi guys. Mine is not so much an Ubuntu problem as a GRUB problem. "GRUB hard disk error," probably because the BIOS doesn't support more than 8GB and there are no BIOS updates.01:32
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Dr_Willisdario314,  ya could put the /boot partition on the very start of the hard drive. below cylinder 1023  (i think) may help01:32
dario314Can I load Ubuntu with LILO?01:32
Dr_WillisOr ya could install LILO perhaps.. but not sure if that will help01:33
dario314I tried that. I have a 100MB /boot at the start of the drive.01:33
owen_what is a good p2p filesharing network client (not torrents) that I can install using apt-get install?01:33
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Dr_Willisif the /boot thing dont work - Im thinking ya got some other issues..01:33
scrappy_owen_: frostwire or amule are most popular i think01:33
livingdayligHi, Guys, mine is not so much an Ubuntu problem as a monitor problem. I got a new monitor (videoseven 19"tft) but now the screensaver doesn't work like it used to01:33
Dr_Willisor it maybe over cylinder 102301:33
eternaljoyI did an update today, and it tells me I need to update  base-files cupsys cupsys-bsd cupsys-client gstreamer0.10-alsa etc. Is that correct?01:33
owen_alright, thank you01:33
dario314Can I check that somehow? I just made /boot at the start of the drive, just 100MB01:34
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Dr_Willisfdisk the drive and see what cylinders the partitions are on.01:34
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Dr_Willissudo fdisk -l01:34
livingdayligCan someone comment or advise me on the monitor situation?01:34
Dr_Willis'doesn't work like it used to'  is vague.01:34
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livingdayligDoes the screensaver function not work on modern monitors?01:35
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livingdayligbruceWillis, any idea?01:35
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lmosherPhysical security isn't a concern for my laptop, but making things simple for my wife is... Is there a way to make the login screen look more like windows? I.E. just click a picture and you log in?01:35
Dodzeylivingdaylig: it may be your monitor switching to standby before the screensaver comes on01:35
livingdayligDodzey: hmmm...what can i do about that?01:36
scrappy_lmosher: sudo gdmsetup01:36
agliodbsFYI: I just tried to use Ubuntu's RAID paritioner.  I'm going back to SuSE01:36
Dr_Willislmosher,  gdm has options for auto logging in and so on. check the gdm control panel thing. perhaps.01:36
Dodzeylivingdaylig: ie, having a 20minute standby but only having screensaver after 25mins would obviously act wierd01:36
scrappy_lmosher: google for gdm themes you can prob find a windows one :)01:36
[Wiebel] hmm01:36
[Wiebel] how can I enable framebuffer in ubuntu ?01:36
[Wiebel] I don't have /dev/fb0 now01:36
Dr_Willis[Wiebel] ,  it should of been enabled by default01:36
Dodzeylivingdaylig: how long do you have to leave your monitor before it goes into standby?01:37
[Wiebel] Dr_Willis: I disabled the splash screen01:37
[Wiebel] on boot01:37
davey_wiebel, it's a kernal command01:37
lmosherscrappy_, Dr_Willis I was playing with that... but the thing is I need two users :(01:37
livingdayligabout 5 mins01:37
Dr_Willis[Wiebel] ,  with nosplash?01:37
[Wiebel] davey_: module you mean?01:37
[Wiebel] Dr_Willis: no01:37
[Wiebel] removing the grub line01:37
[Wiebel] let me see01:37
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davey_wiebel, just go to grub and change your boot to have fb in it01:37
delaneywill livecds for ubuntu 5.10 run on an intel macbook?01:37
[Wiebel] davey_: how exactly?01:37
davey_and if you want no spsh put "nospash"01:38
[Wiebel] kernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-686 root=/dev/hda9 ro quiet splash01:38
livingdayligDodzey: about 5mins which is how it is set on screensaver in System/Preference/Screensaver01:38
davey_hit e when you see the line of the kernel01:38
[Wiebel] I removed the "splash" line01:38
Dodzeylivingdaylig: goto system >> prefs >> power management and set your standby to something sensible, whatever you want, then set your screensaver delay to something less than that01:38
lmosherscrappy_, Dr_Willis, I suppose I -could- have it auto login for her in like 10 secs so I'd have to enter my user/pw, but for my particular needs the "windows" way is actually better. Is that not possible?01:38
davey_woene;. tjat wpm't woprk01:38
davey_webel, you have to tell it specificaly nospash01:38
[Wiebel] ok01:38
[Wiebel] instead of splash?01:38
Dodzeylivingdaylig: its the "put display to sleep when the computer is innactive for :" option01:38
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livingdayligDodzey: ok, but just to say, it wasn't an issue before on my preious monitor, so...01:39
scrappy_lmosher: something like this? http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1232&sid=f39933bbf793e08e67a1e617dd5a11e901:39
Dodzeylivingdaylig: not really sure then...sorry01:39
owen_what is a shortcut to open the terminal window?01:39
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davey_can someone tell me about the program inkspape, I can't seem to figure it out, i know it's off toppic but I really just need help finding how to change a style, something very simpl,e i've read most of the inkscape wiki and the top pages on google and asked on the inkcape channel 5 times with no responce if anyone knows please tell me01:39
[Wiebel] davey_: bootsplash = framebuffer, right?01:40
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davey_wiebel, to be honest I have just disabled it before01:40
livingdayligDodzey: its set to 30mins, but it goes off after 5 when the screensaver should kick in01:40
davey_I have used "nofb" to get ti not to load so I figured it would be fb01:40
lmosherscrappy_, yeah I'll keep looking - apparently some themes have that. thanks :)01:41
[Wiebel] hmm hmm01:41
Dodzeylivingdaylig: into standby?01:41
DanaGOh, for the auto-login....01:41
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davey_I've spent over an hour reading the wiki and i still can't remove a border on the pen tool... this is rediculose, I don't know how anyone can learn these new programs.01:41
DanaGTry using the "classic with face browser" and then make a passwordless login.01:41
livingdayligDodzey: yes01:41
urakaipahi there, some expert in partition recovery/disk scan and so on?01:41
Dr_Willislmosher,  no idea.. my wife can handle the idea of typing in her name. :P or clicking on her icon.01:41
davey_urakaipa, whats your problem01:41
Dr_Willislmosher,  or ya could make her user not have any password.01:42
Dodzeylivingdaylig: thats odd....checked your monitors menu for any daft settings?01:42
livingdayligDodzey: don't know what to check for?01:42
Dodzeylivingdayligim not sure why they would affect that though01:42
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Dodzeylivingdaylig hmm.....try a different screensaver01:42
davey_livindayligim, may have a 3d graphics problem01:43
davey_livingdayligim, are you on ati?01:43
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Dodzeylivingdaylig if your using a GL screensaver try another01:43
livingdayligdavey_: i have integrated graphics onboard01:43
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP01:43
lmosherDr_Willis, clicking on icon is what I'm going for :P01:44
Dodzeylivingdaylig intel integrated?01:44
davey_livingdaylig, the chip is still made by someone, go to terminal and type glxgears01:44
[Wiebel] still no /dev/fb0 :(01:44
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livingdayligdavey_: as i was saying it used to work no problem with my previous monitor01:44
Linuturkare those lamp packages upto date?01:44
Linuturkthe most recent?01:44
davey_wiebel, if you really want it , you can reconfig  your graphics card and hit yes to that question if you have time01:44
Dodzeylivingdaylig updated since?01:45
[Wiebel] davey_: how can I do that?01:45
livingdayligdavey_: i don't have 3d graphics so don't work01:45
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davey_wiebel, 2 ways eather edit your xserver.conf with nano or use the graphicals one01:45
[Wiebel] davey_: i'm not going to use Xorg with framebuffer01:45
davey_livingdaylig, then unfortunatly you can not run open gl screensavers01:45
=== Dodzey [n=Dodzey@81-86-135-15.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
davey_wiebel? what are you using then?01:46
[Wiebel] some app which is using /dev/fb0 directly01:46
=== ehazlett [n=ehazlett@adsl-68-249-109-138.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ploujis this what your boot loader looks like, guys? http://sh.nu/p/259501:46
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@66-215-123-128.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
davey_xfreesomething or other stuff?01:46
[Wiebel] I have it on an boot cd01:46
[Wiebel] other stuff01:46
[Wiebel] the boot cd is linux 2.401:46
[Wiebel] with viafb01:46
[Wiebel] works like a charm01:46
DanaGWTF?  Shift-backspace kills X?01:46
livingdayligdavey_: well it was before on the previous monitor, at least some of the screensavers01:46
[Wiebel] can't get it to work on ubuntu though01:46
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livingdayligDodzey: update, sure01:47
DanaGOh, and all of my consoles are completely black.01:47
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davey_weibel, humm.... all I know is that you can sudo dpackage reconfigure (something like that) but I think it only works with xorg01:47
DanaGAnd I can't find any good QT themes to fit in with Human.01:47
davey_livingdaylig, sometimes the monitors arn't picked up in linux, the diffrentce in what you set it up as and what it uses01:47
Dodzeylivingdaylig it might well be 3d related as davey said, maybe an update broke your 3d drivers01:47
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@CPE-144-137-231-113.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
superm1could someone think of a non-ubuntu live disk that allows installation of packages to just test out - say lirc?  I don't have a hard drive on this machine, and need to verify whether I have an ubuntu related problem or lirc related problem01:48
davey_dodzey, he doens't have 3d I think he just wants 2d screensavers but the monirot won't let him if I undrstand correctly01:48
livingdayligdavey_: that correct01:48
Dodzeydavey_:okay, sorry, i got dc'd missed a bit of the conv01:48
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DanaGI know on my desktop (not my current machine), I had to manually specify scan rates.01:49
davey_livingdaylig, ok I think it has to do with the configed resolution and/or the flicker rate that your graphics card is sendig to your monitor01:49
urakaipahi davey_ the problem is that windows modified the partition table and i lost all my linux partitions which were behind singles software raid (made with mdadm)01:49
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sethksoftware raid isn't really raid.  obviously, here.01:49
urakaipai start scanning the drives with gpart but no one of these partition comes up01:49
DanaGIt picked up the Viewsonic P95F+ as a P95F, which actually has a higher scan range (I guess the + means cheaper.)01:49
livingdayligdavey_: arf...01:49
Linuturkyou can't define which screensavers are not included in random anymore?01:50
sethkDanaG, I've never made sense out of the viewsonic numbers, but I think some of them are cosmetic differences.01:50
davey_urakaipa, ic, the data is still there just not visible... unfortunatly I am not an expert on that , BUt I can tell you try to lay off the use of that drive in the affect you might corrupt your data, sorry I can't be of help but there are companies that can fix that for you but make sure you spefify it's a linux partition if you really need the tata01:50
sethkDanaG, although that wouldn't seem to apply here.01:50
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ehazlettwould anyone like to try out a live cd creator?  i am looking for some feedback...01:51
jmichaelxin many cases, when i try to view embedded streaming video, i can get the audio, but where the video should be, i just have a black box that says 'no picture'. would anyone have an idea what i need to do to get this fixed?01:52
Dodzeyehazlett....possibly, ill have some freetime tommorow...01:52
davey_ehazlett, alright, I'll try ti out later on email me some time antigenic01:52
sethkehazlett, sure01:52
davey_@ gmail ,com01:52
urakaipayep sethk, but as far as i know could be that the filesystem header was different that the real one (0xfd for software raid) and i think that software like gpart canno scan for this01:52
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A[D] minShow i can install all amsn-deps01:52
nathanialhello folks. A little help please.01:52
A[D] minS?01:52
sethkurakaipa, that's possible.  It would be easy enough to change that byte, and also easy to look at it.01:53
davey_admins, quick question did you try apt-get or synaptic01:53
Dodzeyehazlett : dodzey [at]  gmail.com01:53
nathanialI'm using easyUbuntu to install my media/NVIDIA/etc. packages.01:53
Dodzeynathanial : whats up?01:53
davey_I'm going to go all bye01:53
nathanialand I'm getting an "error. fix broken packages first" when trying to install the "Videos: Enable viewing videos embedded in webpages with totem"01:54
A[D] minSdevhen: i want to compile last amsn_dev01:54
ehazlettcool...  for anyone who is interested...  http://reconstructor.aperantis.com  thanks...01:54
Dodzeyhmm.....have you already tried installing totem codecs?01:54
A[D] minSthats why want to install only dep packages like tcl-dev01:54
eigenlambdanathanial: that would probably happen if you were trying to install anything, right?01:54
nathanialno. everything else was fine.01:54
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nathanialthis is the only 'package' I can't install01:55
nathanialDodzey, I do have totem installed.01:55
sethknathanial, that doesn't matter, unless after seeing the error you've tried to install something else01:55
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sethknathanial, because the most recent install may have corrupted the database01:55
sethknathanial, or may not have completed properly01:55
nathanialwhat is a walkaround?01:55
sethknathanial, therefore, try to install something else, to see if it is a general problem or really specific to that package01:56
eigenlambdatry `dpkg -l | grep -v ii`01:56
sethknathanial, you mean workaround?  there is a dpkg command to repair the errors01:56
eigenlambdasee what isn't fully installed01:56
nathanialhow to go about doing that?01:56
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sethknathanial, start with what eigenlambda just said01:56
budluvaanyone here had any luck installing qtorrent?01:57
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budluvai think its a broken package, and it's telling me to file a bug, how do i do that?01:57
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nathanialI can install other programs. It seems to be specific to this one option.01:57
Dr_Willisbudluva,  qtorrent just installed for me.01:57
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Dr_Willisbudluva,  and it runs01:58
sethknathanial, ok.  eigenlambda's command doesn't show anything wrong?01:58
nathanialI'm not sure how to run that command.01:58
Dodzeypaste it into a terminal01:58
eigenlambdaopen a terminal window01:58
eigenlambdaand copy and paste01:58
=== FuriousRage [n=FuriousR@unaffiliated/furiousrage] has joined #Ubuntu
urakaipasethk the problem is that i don't have the partition listed no more01:59
bbtanyone know where i can get a k8-smp kernel package for 32bit mode ?01:59
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.02:00
DanaGWhat is it?02:00
sethkurakaipa, yes, I know, but if you know where the partition was (the starting and ending sectors) the partition table is easy to fix02:00
Dodzeyanyway, its late (or early! depending on how you look at it) and im tired, so im gonna go...cya02:00
DanaGOh, I remember what the utility was called.02:00
budluvaDr_Willis: The following packages have unmet dependencies:02:00
budluva  qtorrent: Depends: python-qt3 but it is not installable02:00
budluvaE: Broken packages02:00
Dr_Willisbudluva,  it installed that for me.02:00
Dr_WillisGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main python-qt3 3.15.1-0ubuntu3 [44.2kB] 02:01
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urakaipasethk how can i fix it? because gpart was not able to list me useful partitions (just old ones)02:01
sethkbudluva, the problem is why python-qt3 is not installable.02:01
Dr_Willisbudluva,  could be the  the servers are down.02:01
sethkurakaipa, you dump the mbr and use a hex editor02:01
nathaniali'm sorry. Maybe i'm doing this wrong. I'm getting a > prompt02:01
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sethkurakaipa, the partitions are the last four groups of 16 bytes in the mbr02:01
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sethkurakaipa, you can also use fdisk to fix it02:01
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nathanialnevermind. got it.02:02
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sethkurakaipa, you can use fdisk to create the partition.  you give it the starting and ending sector numbers.  fdisk does not touch the partition, only the partition table in the mbr.02:02
urakaipasethk could you please tell me some of these commands?02:02
urakaipaah okay02:02
=== Salihu [n=salihu@67-41-105-19.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathaniali'm not understanding my output.02:02
nathanialDesire=unknown/install/remove/purge/hold. . . .02:03
telurideHi.. have a question on the updates... Is there an easy way to get a list of packages that were last updated?02:03
budluvaanother question...02:03
urakaipabut in this case i don't know the exact sector number02:03
budluvaam i gonna notice frame drops in true combat: elite if im running in xgl/compiz?02:03
DanaGTry that TestDisk utility on UBCD.02:04
sethkurakaipa, that's of course a problem.  if the rest of the partition table is intact, then you can figure out the starting and ending sectors02:04
=== Dartrunner [n=chatzill@24-151-242-118.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGI just don't know if it can handle RAID.02:04
salahhow do I check which codec a video file have?02:04
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Kyralfile <media file>02:04
sethkurakaipa, say partition one ends at 1000, and partition three starts at 2000, then you would know that partition 2 starts at 1001 and ends at 1999.02:04
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sethkurakaipa, obviously I made those numbers up, but you get the idea, hopefully02:04
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Mr_Awesomehi, i just installed ubuntu, but when i boot into it the screen just displays a random pattern of colors02:05
urakaipasethk the problem is that more the one partition is missing, that's why i tried scanning the drive with gpart02:05
Mr_Awesomeany idea whats wrong?02:06
sethkurakaipa, and gpart didn't find all the partitions except one?02:06
sethkMr_Awesome, you fed some mushrooms to your computer?02:06
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DanaGLVM and LVM2, Linux Logical Volume Manager02:07
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DanaGLinux Raid02:07
urakaipasethk, gpart did not find anything of the latest partitions, just old configuration02:07
Mr_Awesomesethk: i knew i should have ate them myself02:07
DanaGTestDisk can find lost partitions for all of these file systems:02:07
telurideHi.. have a question on the updates... Is there an easy way to get a list of packages that were last updated?02:07
sethkurakaipa, too bad.  then you are down to scanning yourself.  I have some programs I wrote to scan, but to use them you would need to know the signatures used in the software raid file system.02:07
Mr_Awesomecould it be my video card? its an evga geforce 6600 le02:07
sethkurakaipa, I'm a bit surprised that the partition doesn't appear to be a normal linux partition to software unaware of software raid02:08
sethkurakaipa, but as I said I'm no expert on software raid02:08
eigenlambdaanaUbuntu: hello02:08
urakaipaDanaG thx i'm looking right now02:08
DanaGIt's on Ultimate Boot CD, too.02:08
linuxd00dtroytroy: are you still here02:08
[Wiebel] hmm02:09
DanaGIt's about 1 or 2 pages in, under Filesystem tools.02:09
minimecMr_Awesome: Seems to be the card. Does it have two sreen outputs?02:09
[Wiebel] autoconf.h should be in linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 right?02:09
sethk[Wiebel] , I doubt it02:09
minimecMr_Awesome: screen02:09
urakaipai'm running on ubuntu livecd, i prefer not to install any os until partitions wont come up02:09
[Wiebel] sethk: packages.ubuntulinux.org sais so02:09
[Wiebel] says so02:09
Mr_Awesomeminimec: i think it can have two outputs02:10
[Wiebel] usr/include/linux/autoconf.h    devel/linux-kernel-headers02:10
sethk[Wiebel] , on my box it is in the "autoconf" package.02:10
Mr_Awesomebut its not set that way02:10
anaUbuntuHello eigenlambda02:10
Frankensteinhi, i recently got this older pc it's a Pentium 2 300Mhz etc... i put in the install cd and it boots off of it and goes through a startup BUT it will keep flashing my monitor like crazy!  how can i get it to go into install?02:10
sethk[Wiebel] , I see what you are looking at, and I can't explain it, but try installing autoconf02:10
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[Wiebel] sethk: what version?02:10
minimecMr_Awesome: ok... wait a moment. I have to remember something ...02:10
nathanialhi folks. another question again.02:10
sethk[Wiebel] , wait, let me make sure I didn't misread this02:10
=== degreez [n=nova@CPE-155-143-85-84.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
[Wiebel] ack02:10
nathanialI can't seem to play commercial DVD's02:10
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nathanialerror message pops up saying that it can't be read. Either I don't have permission, or there is no disc in drive.02:11
sethk[Wiebel] , sorry, I had found autoconf.html, not autoconf.h.02:11
[Wiebel] :)02:11
sethk[Wiebel] , I do show it in linux-headers02:11
nathanialI should change permission on my DVD?02:11
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:11
[Wiebel] sethk: i have linux-headers installed02:11
[Wiebel] no autoconf.h02:11
nathanialyes. I installed that.02:11
sethk[Wiebel] , I see it in linux-kernel-headers02:11
[Wiebel] ii  linux-kernel-headers             Linux Kernel Headers for development02:11
nathanialDanag. I installed that thanks!02:11
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethk[Wiebel] , have you installed linux-kernel-headers?02:11
nathanialDanaG but still no luck.02:12
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sethk[Wiebel] , ok,02:12
minimecMr_Awesome: Ok! Start your computer in recovery mode02:12
[Wiebel] let me do a reinstall02:12
sethk[Wiebel] , wait02:12
[Wiebel] hmm?02:12
minimecMr_Awesome: tell me when you're done02:12
sethk[Wiebel] , I notice that the one installed by linux-kernel-headers is just a file to force a compilation error02:12
Mr_Awesomeminimec: this is the computer02:12
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Frankensteinhi, i recently got this older pc it's a Pentium 2 300Mhz etc... i put in the install cd and it boots off of it and goes through a startup BUT it will keep flashing my monitor like crazy!  how can i get it to go into install?  i also cant boot off the live cd, it keeps flashing the screen at me02:12
Mr_Awesomeminimec: im dual booting winxp02:12
[Wiebel] sethk: hmmz02:12
[Wiebel] that's not good02:12
sethk[Wiebel] , the real one is in linux-headers-2.6......02:12
[Wiebel] sethk: installed that one as well02:13
[Wiebel] ii  linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386            2.6.15-26.46    Linux kernel headers 2.6.15 on 38602:13
minimecMr_Awesome: start it with ubuntu in recovery mode02:13
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Mr_Awesomeminimec: and then what?02:13
[Wiebel] /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386/include/linux/autoconf.h02:13
[Wiebel] ah02:13
jmichaelxin many cases, when i try to view embedded streaming video, i can get the audio, but where the video should be, i just have a black box that says 'no picture'. would anyone have an idea what i need to do to get this fixed?02:14
sethk[Wiebel] , that path looks like the correct (real) one02:14
minimecMr_Awesome: then you do a 'lspci' to veryfy the number of your graphic card like 1:0:002:14
[Wiebel] uhuh02:14
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minimecMr_Awesome: then open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and compare the numbers...02:15
sethk[Wiebel] , let's back up.  what problem are you experiencing that pointed you at autoconf.h?02:15
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Mr_Awesomeminimec: how do i do that? is recovery a command line?02:15
minimecMr_Awesome: yes02:15
IskanderHey, anybody here play Call of Duty on Ubuntu Using Wine, and have sound lag?02:15
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dibblegowhen I try to do a apt-get upgrade, I am getting a 404 on for example  http://au.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates/main02:15
degreezcan someone please help me with mounting the vmware tools package inside ubuntu (as guest os)02:15
Mr_Awesomeminimec: heh, ok ill try02:15
minimecMr_Awesome: i will stay here for a moment02:15
dibblegodegreez, there are instructions on the vmware website02:15
Mr_Awesomeminimec: thanks for the advice02:15
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[Wiebel]   CC [M]   /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15/viafb/viafbdev.o02:16
[Wiebel] cc1: error: include/linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory02:16
degreezi have read the vmware instructions and they dont work, i keep getting errors returned02:16
[Wiebel] errr ?02:16
[Wiebel] wtf?02:16
nuguys. if im running xfce desktop, would it be ok to install Fluxbux?02:16
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-67-164-90-92.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dibblegodegreez, works for me, what errors?02:16
willys_fueguinotheres some wma player that comes on the alternativge cd?02:16
[Wiebel] I just put the file in the right place02:16
dealahogyes nu02:16
[Wiebel] and it still complains02:16
Dr_Willisnu,  iinstall all sorts of window managers.. it dont matter. :P02:16
IskanderHello, Can someone tell me how to edit the Wine Configuration file?02:16
sethk[Wiebel] , what does it say?02:16
[Wiebel] sethk: what exactly?02:17
nuDr_Willis: lol, thanks02:17
nuOk guys. thank you. will do02:17
nui have two amazing screenshots here. trying to decide which one i want mine ot look like02:17
sethk[Wiebel] , you said it complains after you moved it into /usr/include/linux....02:17
[Wiebel] sethk: see my paste above02:17
willys_fueguinotheres some wma player that comes on the alternative cd?02:17
willys_fueguinotheres a wma player that comes on the alternative cd?02:17
sethk[Wiebel] , can you paste the url again?  it is a long way up02:17
[Wiebel]   CC [M]   /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15/viafb/viafbdev.o02:18
[Wiebel] cc1: error: include/linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory02:18
Frankensteinso could anyone help me with this?02:18
sethk[Wiebel] , you are building the kernel?02:18
sethkmust be,02:18
[Wiebel] sethk: kernel modules02:18
[Wiebel] -s02:18
sethk[Wiebel] , right, same thing for this purpose02:18
[Wiebel] uhuh02:18
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sethkso /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15.include/linux/autoconf.h exists?02:19
[Wiebel] sethk: and /usr/include/linux/autoconf.h as well02:19
sethk15/include, not 15.include02:19
=== Roland_Desautels [n=roland@dsl-157-223.b2b2c.ca] has joined #ubuntu
[Wiebel] i copied them there02:19
Iskandercan anyone here help me edit my wine config file????????????????02:19
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elamericanodoes anyone here use Dia?02:19
sethk[Wiebel] , you should not have had to copy them.02:19
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sethk[Wiebel] , so something is still screwy02:19
nrdbI am looking for the cups-devel package where can I find it?02:20
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[Wiebel] hmm02:20
nuafter i install fluxbox, i just logout, and choose it in the Session before logging in, correct?02:20
[Wiebel] I thing I know02:20
willys_fueguinotheres a wma player that comes on the alternative cd?02:20
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sethk[Wiebel] , the problem has to be that a -I does not point to the root of your compilation tree, but why that is I can't say.02:20
Schumican anyone help me with compiling, I get an error when I try to run a ./config, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1973302:20
sethk[Wiebel] , what?02:20
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nuwell, correct or not here i goi02:20
sethkSchumi, did you install developer-essential?02:21
willys_fueguinotheres a wma player that comes on the alternative cd?02:21
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SchumiI installed the newest gcc02:21
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Schumii didn't speciafically install developer-essential02:21
sethkSchumi, then probably you are trying to build in a directory that isn't writable for your user02:21
[Wiebel] CFLAGS += -I$(KSRC)/include -I. -Wstrict-prototypes -fomit-frame-pointer02:21
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sethkSchumi, you can move it to a directory where you have privileges, or try   sudo ./configure02:22
Schumii did use sudo.. check this out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1973302:22
Schumithats the message.02:22
sethk[Wiebel] , Schumi ok, paste config.log02:22
[Wiebel] just a sec02:22
sethk[Wiebel] , sorry, I put two names on that line  :)02:23
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sethkI meant...02:23
sethkSchumi, ok, paste config.log02:23
nrdbI am looking for the cups-devel package where might I find it?02:23
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[Wiebel] argh02:24
[Wiebel] I don't get it02:24
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Schumii am being told by someone else that I need build-essentials02:24
bruenig!info libcupsys2-dev02:24
sethknrdb, libcupsimage2-dev02:24
ubotulibcupsys2-dev: Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - development files. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.2.2-0ubuntu0.6.06 (dapper), package size 25 kB, installed size 156 kB02:24
willys_fueguinosomeone knows how to configure a Alcatel Speedtouch usb modem??02:24
[Wiebel] now it breaks on other stuff02:24
sethkSchumi, let me check.  I asked you about that also.02:24
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nuWell fluxbox didnt work for me02:24
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[Wiebel] ah02:25
[Wiebel] it's compiling02:25
[Wiebel] finaly02:25
Schumiim running on a slow connection so I'm trying to avoid downloading large installs. the build-essentials is 12MB02:25
sethkSchumi, they are correct.  part of binutils is missing.  install build-essential, it should take care of that02:25
lmosherWhen I'm using Xgl and I hibernate my laptop, when I turn it back on I get graphical glitces above/below the bottom/top gnome panels. Any ideas why or how to fix it?02:25
Schumiok, ill bite the bullet. thanks02:25
sethkSchumi, you need it.  linker files are missing, no way around it.02:25
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[Wiebel] great02:25
[Wiebel] load viafb and my screen dies02:26
[Wiebel] grrrr02:26
sethk[Wiebel] , hey, you want to be able to compile it AND run it?  That's asking a lot.  :)02:26
[Wiebel] hehe :P02:26
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eternaljoyhow can I install Mozilla-composer?02:27
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eternaljoywhats a good GUI WYSIWYG html editor for Dapper?02:29
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linuxd00di got xmms working now02:30
bruenigeternaljoy, i think mozilla-browser has composer with it02:30
bruenigso sudo apt-get install mozilla-browser02:30
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bruenigeternaljoy, on the WYSIWYG, NVU02:30
cwraig<bruening> what is the composer for?02:30
bruenig!info nvu02:30
ubotunvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 8343 kB, installed size 26440 kB02:30
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eternaljoybruenig: i used to use the Mozilla composer, but Dapper doesnt have it02:31
bruenigcwraig, I don't know, I just remember installing mozilla-browser and having composer show up in the menus with it02:31
eternaljoybruenig: how can I install the mozilla composer?02:31
cwraig<eternaljoy> if your only after something to put your code in colours i use apt-get install gphpedit02:31
eternaljoycwraig: im seeking to edit html pages02:32
cwraig<eternaljoy> it will read your html code to02:32
eternaljoycwraig:  WYSIWYG html editor like mozilla composer02:32
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bruenigeternaljoy, I am telling you if you do 'sudo aptitude install mozilla-browser' it will install composer02:32
eternaljoydoes Dapper have any WYSIWYG html editor like mozilla composer?02:33
cwraig<eternaljoy> dont go for gphpedit then :P02:33
eternaljoybruenig: ok!  any other smaller application that does the same?02:33
linuxd00di use a website which requires windows media player to view the videos, how would i view the files02:33
cwraig<linuxd00d> the age old question02:34
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userundefineeternaljoy, NVU as well02:34
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brueniglinuxd00d, you need to make sure you have w32codecs installed and then, I personally go with mplayer plugin02:34
linuxd00dwell i have xmms will that help at all02:34
owen_how do you edit your broadbands MTU settings?02:34
eternaljoyuserundefine: NVU is like  WYSIWYG html editor like mozilla composer?02:34
Genericwhat's the command to disconnect and reconnect a NIC card?02:34
linuxd00dand plus the videos are built into the webpages02:35
GenericI need to renew the ip02:35
RonzGeneric, sudo ifconfig eth0 down02:35
Ronzsudo ifconfig eth0 up02:35
Ronzsudo dhcpcd eth002:35
userundefineeternaljoy, yes.  It's actually built with XUL and Gecko, the gui and engine that powers Mozilla02:35
cwraiglinuxd00d http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs02:35
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Ronzthere may be an easier command though02:35
linuxd00dcheers cwraig02:35
brueniglinuxd00d, go here and install the file with gdebi http://debian-multimedia.org.nyud.net:8080/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb, then do 'sudo aptitude install mozilla-mplayer' and that is it02:35
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eternaljoyuserundefine: ok ty!   Im installing NVU instead!  btw, I started installing mozilla, but stopped it at 2%!  how can I delete the 2% mozzila installation now from my system?02:36
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cwraig<linuxn00b> this might be worth checking out02:36
bruenigeternaljoy, sudo apt-get clean02:37
eternaljoybruenig: cheers! ty02:37
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tbwAnyone able to get dapper to boot PPC w/ a apple display connector LCD?02:37
cwraig<linuxn00b>it makes things heaps easier for n00bs http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/02:37
eternaljoybruenig: is tahtr the same as if I type sudo apt-get autoclean ?02:37
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vickThe acceleration in gxset had a maximuim of 100 which was that what i was using, and changing the threshold in gxset didn't make any diffrence in the mouse movement, it's still moving really slow, is there any other places that i can l ook at ? [ I am using Dell Inspiron 510m ] 02:38
Genericso, lets say that i can only connect to this server remotely02:38
=== cowmilk2 [n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frankensteinhi, i can boot off of the ubuntu install cd but i can only go so far before the screen starts flashing, anyone know a solution?02:38
Genericwhat would be the best way to renew the ip?02:38
cowmilk2how can i get some WMA audio files readable by my iPod?02:38
cowmilk2also, how can i listen to some OGG audio files on my iPod?02:38
bruenigon the man screen it says autoclean "erases old downloaded archive files" and clean "erases downloaded archive files", whatever the difference is, your guess is as good as mine02:38
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tbwcovmilk2: using stocksoftware -- you can't.02:39
cwraig<cowmilk2> unfortunatelly your ipod wont do either02:39
Nameeatercowmilk2: do those questions have anything to do with Ubuntu? sounds more like ipod questions02:39
Genericcowmilk2, try rockbox02:39
tbwcowmilk2: maybe you should look at rockbox02:39
nudoes anyone know what the "show desktop" program is called in linux?02:39
=== Generic points cowmilk2 to #rockbox
Genericif i got that right02:39
nuso i can add it to my shortcut02:39
cwraig<cowmilk2> you need to convert them to either mp3 or apple format02:39
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tbwI just want my ADC monitor to work02:39
Ronznu, it comes w/ gnome02:39
cowmilk2Generic: tbw, doesn't rockbox mean that my iPod's battery will be drained more quickly-er?02:39
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owen_i start wow.exe with wine, but nothing happens? any suggestions?02:40
[Wiebel] hmmz02:40
nuRonz: i know. i am uzing xfce though. and i need the name of the module so i can add it to shortcut =D02:40
[Wiebel] I have somekind of a live cd02:40
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tbwcowmilk2: I'm gonna go with #rockbox on this one02:40
Genericcowmilk2, I think it depends on what your doing in rockbox02:40
[Wiebel] for an app02:40
nuso when i press ctrl + ~, everything minimizes02:40
Genericbut I think that's pretty much what occurs02:40
[Wiebel] is there no way I can run it within ubuntu02:40
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[Wiebel] (not via vmware though)02:40
=== Mr_Awesome [n=Mr_Aweso@pool-70-106-240-122.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
willys_fueguinoFrankenstein whats exactly the problem?02:40
Ronznu, its just "show desktop"02:40
nulet me try lol02:40
nuit is not =(02:41
Frankensteinwillys_fueguino, i cant install ubutnu... it boots off of the cd and gets to a certian point where it just flashes the screen forever02:41
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=== Mugginns [n=froglok@c-67-185-217-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigFrankenstein, did you download this file or get it from shipit02:41
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Mr_Awesomeminimec: i just realize how much i dont know how to use the command line02:41
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cowmilk2if i convert wma and ogg to mp3 (or any other format the iPod can read), how will the sound quality be?02:42
Frankensteinbruenig, ive tried three cds two that are from shipit, and one that i burned myself02:42
tbwcowmilk2: lossy + lossy == LOSSY. ;)02:42
Frankensteinits an older model, a gateway 2000 if that helps any02:42
minimecMr_Awesome: I just relized, that I forgot to tell you something ... :;02:42
Mr_Awesomeminimec: i ran lspci, but i couldnt even decifer what it was telling me02:42
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Mr_Awesomeminimec: what is that?02:43
tbwits a list of the devices on your PCI bus02:43
tbwaddresses.. latencies... etc02:43
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bruenigFrankenstein, how much RAM do you have?02:43
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tbwMr_Awesome: You'll prolly like lspci -v better.02:43
Frankensteinbruenig, 64Mb stock02:43
Mr_Awesometbw: right, but i didnt know what i was even looking for02:43
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Mr_Awesometbw: ah i see02:44
minimecMr_Awesome: to open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf you have to use 'nano', wich gives 'nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:44
minimecMr_Awesome: to open the /etc/X11/xorg.conf you have to use 'nano', wich gives 'nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf'02:44
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bruenigFrankenstein, that is likely the problem, I think 128 or 256 is necessary, you may want to go with xubuntu which requires less memory02:44
Grav3y4rdanybodu can help me with a network problem?02:44
Frankensteinbruenig, what about a server install? i cant even see the prmpt when the cd boots im afraid...02:44
TauhshiFor some reason, Ubuntu refuses to mount my FAT32 Hard Drive02:44
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nuso no one knows what the Showdesktop thing is called?02:45
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TauhshiIt shows in Natulis02:45
Grav3y4rd i need help conecting winxp with ubuntu02:45
TauhshiBut, when I try to access it, it gives me this error02:45
Mr_Awesomeminimec: thanks again, ill try it out, but what if they dont match?02:45
Tauhshierror: device /dev/hda2 is not removable02:46
Tauhshierror: could not execute pmount02:46
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bruenigFrankenstein, that is odd, I don't see why It wouldn't install the server install02:46
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minimecMr_Awesome: for lspci: my line is 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 If [Radeon 9000]  (rev 01). So xorg.conf wants 1:0:0 ;)02:47
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micahcowanTauhshi, could you paste the output of the "mount" command, and the contents of /etc/fstab (not directly into the channel, naturally)/02:48
degreezhey whats the command to get into root in terminal?02:48
sproingiedegreez: sudo02:48
FuriousRagedegreez, sudo -i02:48
micahcowandegreez, sudo -i, if you want an interactive shell.02:48
aujordanhanybody know of an app that will let me listen to my xm radio account?02:48
aujordanhasside form the online player02:48
Mr_Awesomeminimec: so am i changing xorg.conf or just viewing it?02:48
oblxhello. any experience with sagem 800 (usb modem) in dapper?02:49
TauhshiMicah: Then where would you like me to put it?02:49
degreezwhats an interactive shell?02:49
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:49
=== harkins [n=foo@c-67-175-49-105.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
harkinsI've got an ext3 drive that passes 'e2fsck -f' cleanly but has 19G less free space than the files can account for. wtf? Where'd it go?02:49
micahcowanTauhshi,  ^^02:49
linuxd00dcan someone post a site with w32codecs02:49
srhegdeHello there02:49
TauhshiOh, ok ^^'02:49
srhegdeNeed some help with newly installed Ubuntu02:49
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minimecMr_Awesome: you can change xorg.conf, because you're using the nano software, witch is a text editor for console.02:49
degreezi get it, thanks02:49
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Mr_Awesomeminimec: ah i see, thank you very much02:50
=== Snufj [n=snufj@ziezo.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Grav3y4rdcould anybody help me with Ubuntu?02:50
userundefine!ask > Grav3y4rd02:50
Snufjjust insert the CD02:50
nuguys, whats that winamp like module for linux called02:51
micahcowanlinuxd00d, what do you mean? just apt-get install w32codecs (if you have multiverse repositories set up)02:51
Snufjand boot!02:51
srhegdeHow do I get 'make'02:51
userundefinesrhegde, apt-get install build-essential02:51
=== MilesAttacca [n=milesatt@dialup-16.mitec.net] has joined #ubuntu
nusrhegde: open syanptic and search for make02:51
ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.02:51
ubotuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.02:51
Grav3y4rdi tried to connect windowsXP with Ubuntu02:51
ttyfscker!xmms > nu02:51
Grav3y4rdWindows XP is the server02:51
nuttyfscker: thanks ;)02:51
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Grav3y4rdi configured ip,gateway and everything in Ubuntu02:52
TauhshiMicah: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1973502:52
pcmanAnyone knows what is the easiest way to add new hardware to ubuntu?02:52
aujordanhpcman, what kind of hardware?02:53
Grav3y4rdis there anything else i can do to get my Ubuntu pc to connect with Windows Xp Px02:53
pcmanaujordanh: network card02:53
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aujordanhpcman, wireless or wired?02:53
MilesAttaccaCan someone give me the boot options for the Ubuntu live CD so I can use it under basic VGA mode until I can get the appropriate graphics driver installed? (Otherwise it locks up constantly.) Previously someone in this channel gave me a set of them, but I lost the file I noted them in/02:53
pcmanaujordanh: wired02:53
micahcowanTauhshi, where does it show in nautilus?02:54
aujordanhGrav3y4rd, it should pick it up, have you tried it already?02:54
linuxd00dmicahcowab, i do not have multiverse repositories setup02:54
userundefineMilesAttacca, I think it's linux vga=77102:54
pcmanaujordanh: Since ubuntu has good hardware detectionm, there must be some easy ways to do this.02:54
linuxd00dmicahcowan, i do not have multiverse repositories setup02:54
aujordanhpcman, i think it should pick it up automatically02:54
Grav3y4rdaujordanh, what do you mean?02:55
pcmanaujordanh: unfortunately, it didn't.02:55
Grav3y4rdby picking up02:55
micahcowanlinuxd00d, okay, np. Open up System -> Administration -> Software Properties02:55
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pcmanaujordanh: I replace my old card with a new one, and it doesn't work.02:55
aujordanhMilesAttacca, you might be able to press f2 or f3 at boot for boot options i cant remember ubuntu does it or not, i know knoppix and damn small do02:55
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MatthiasM2can someone tell my the keys for the game "abuse" ?02:56
aujordanhGrav3y4rd, didn't mean to say something to you nevermind02:56
micahcowanlinuxd00d, then scroll down to where it says (in small type) Community maintained (Universe). Let me know if there's any other small-type there.02:56
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aujordanhMatthiasM2, probably "man abuse" will tell you02:56
nuguys. im editing my menu, and i wanna put it to opena folder instead of a program02:57
nuanyone know how?02:57
TauhshiMicah: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1973602:57
linuxd00dmicahcowan, yeah select the binary and source??02:57
Grav3y4rdi need my Ubuntu PC reicieve internet from a Windows XP PC....02:57
masqueradenu, make the command nautilus /path/to/folder02:57
Grav3y4rdHow can i configure it?02:57
micahcowanlinuxd00d, yes, but does it also have small type that says "Non-free (Multiverse)"?02:57
Grav3y4rdin Ubuntu?02:57
numasquerade: thank you :F02:58
aujordanhGrav3y4rd, are they networked?02:58
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Grav3y4rdyes they are02:58
ttyfsckerhow come people in here don't consider automatix safe?02:58
aujordanhnu, you have been working hard all day :)02:58
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linuxd00dmicahcowan, yeah thats already been checke02:58
numasquerade: im using xfce though02:58
IRC_my firefox shockwave is not in sync with the audio. why is this?02:58
Grav3y4rdand i configured in ubuntu the gateway and ip static02:58
nuaujordanh: yes =(. its taking me forever to ajust it just the way i want02:58
MilesAttaccaHm, vga=771 makes the colors sort of invert.02:58
masqueradenu, oh, then, whatever XFCE's folder manager is called02:58
Grav3y4rdall good but there is not internet yet!02:59
Grav3y4rdwhat should i do?02:59
aujordanhnu, but once you do...02:59
nuaujordanh: i know. hopefully ill finish it all tonight02:59
aujordanhis this your first install?02:59
Viper550masquerade: XFFM or Thunar...if it's tree-view, it's XFFM, if it's Xubuntu or XFCE 4.4 and looks alot like Nautilus, it's Thunar03:00
=== Jill [n=JiLLiNe0@ool-44c6cc1b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
excitatory_does anyone else experience lock-ups in firefox while browsing youtube?  (i really would like to know if this is a flash, os, firefox, or youtube problem)03:00
IRC_my firefox shockwave is not in sync with the audio. why is this?03:00
nuaujordanh: no, but its the longer a linux OS has been installed. usually i dont like it and delete it, or something goes wrong and i end up deleting it. it's been installed for a whole 9 hours now lol. record for me.03:00
Grav3y4rdanyone had conected windowsXp box with a Ubuntu Box?03:00
aujordanhIRC_, nither is mine... :)03:00
IRC_excitatory: thats what im on right now. the video works good but the audio isnt in sync03:00
excitatory_IRC_: flash or shockwave?03:00
nuaujordanh: i really like this distro though (xubuntu)03:00
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aujordanhnu, congrats03:01
IRC_excitatory: flash03:01
FuriousRagewoho, ubuntu or nvidia driver finds my hp vs19x screen and id's it correctly03:01
nuaujordanh: thanks.03:01
IRC_aujordanh: is there anything i can do?03:01
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aujordanhnu, i am too dependent on gnome to leave it03:01
excitatory_IRC_: then say flash, there very different.03:01
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IRC_excitatory: ok my b03:01
=== [M] erk [n=Merk@pool-72-66-73-85.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
aujordanhIRC_, i havent researched it any, let me look around...03:01
degreezhey im trying to install vmware tools and i tried to execute the install file and i got an error saying unable to find the binary installation director (answer BINDIR) in the installer database file "/etc/vmware-tools/locations" i dont understand what that means, can someone help me please?03:01
A[D] minSNighty alllllll03:01
[M] erkUbuntu is on the front page of Wikipedia.03:02
nuaujordanh: i think xfce is a bit lighter than gnome, so i prefer it. although gnome is way more convenient + better looking.03:02
JillIm running a dualboot system with ubuntu, and windows xp. Something blew away my ubuntu partiton, and now i cant boot into windows... im using grub as the boot loader. I have a PE version of windows, and a few other file manager utilities that ican access the file system with to read and write files, is there a way to make the system not use grub anymore?03:02
excitatory_IRC_: it's a common, very well-documented problem.  what version of ubuntu?03:02
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krijhwaHi ...installing ubuntu for the first time, install had been running for nearly 30 mins, shows windows manager applet ...is that OK03:02
IRC_excitatory: dapper03:02
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nuOne thing i can't stand is KDE. i installed freespire which came with KDE, it was like a circus03:03
nuso i deleted it03:03
Grav3y4rdmy Windows Xp Machine detect the conection with Ubuntu Machine But when i Ping Ubuntu Machine there is nothing03:03
Viper550nu: what is your definition of "a circus"03:03
minimec[M] erk: THX for the hint ;)03:03
micahcowanlinuxd00d, should like like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i19737 then, right?03:03
Jillor atlast let me boot to windows again? I dont have my ubuntu disks handy to reinstall ubuntu.03:03
nuViper550: Colorful, icons everywhre, slow03:03
Frankensteinhow much ram does xubuntu need?03:03
[M] erkFrankenstein: a *lot* less than KDE and GNOME.03:03
TauhshiMicah: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i1973603:03
Viper55032mb minimum, 128 mb if installing from the Desktop disc03:04
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Jilli guess no-one can help me?03:04
Frankensteinim only asking because im using the ubutnu install cd and i cant even get to the first prompt03:04
linuxd00dmicahcowan, yes it does look like that03:04
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nuJill: do you have the Windows CD?03:04
micahcowanlinuxd00d, then, if you've just checked the box by that, close the window, and it should ask you to refresh source lists or something.03:04
nuJill: put the CD win, and boot from the CD and go into recovery mode. then type "fixmbr"03:05
Grav3y4rdanyone can Help03:05
Jillfixmbr would fx it wouldn't it?03:05
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hoyhow do i reset my connection? like clear dns cache, etc03:05
micahcowanTauhshi, try adding the following line to /etc/fstab03:05
nuJill: yes it would :D03:05
linuxd00dmicahcowan, done that03:05
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Jillthanks for reminding me of that :P03:05
nuBut hey03:05
excitatory_IRC_: basically, your soundcard is old and/or cheap and does not have hardware mixing.  you'll have to set up alsa and dmix (the ALSA project's software sound mixer)03:05
nuIf you do that03:05
nui don't know if youll be able to use grub again03:05
krijhwahi, can somebody help me......seeing Window Manager applet for 20 mins now, new install03:06
nutherefore not able to boot into your linux partition03:06
micahcowan/dev/hda2       /media/acer               vfat    defaults 0       103:06
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excitatory_IRC_: this is documented in the ubuntu docs somewhere, but here's a forum post: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186594&highlight=flash+audio+sync03:06
micahcowanTauhshi, ^^03:06
aujordanhIRC_, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186594&highlight=flash+audio+sync03:06
IRC_excitatory_: yeah ive had problems with it b4. i cant have sound in somthing and banshee also.03:06
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micahcowanlinuxd00d, and it refreshed the lists? If so, then just do sudo apt-get install w32codecs.03:06
excitatory_IRC_: this will fix that also03:06
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:07
IRC_excitatory_: audordanh: thanks guys03:07
micahcowanlinuxd00d, more info from ubotu ^^03:07
excitatory_IRC_: the easiest way to fix it is to get a better sound card.. but this works too.03:07
linuxd00dmicahcowan, it did not refresh it just closed :s03:07
aujordanhexcitatory_, you beat me to it...03:07
Jilli could always, just reinstall ubuntu, that partition is trashed right now away03:07
Jillanyway *03:07
degreezim trying to install vmware tools and i tried to execute the install file and i got an error saying unable to find the binary installation directory (answer BINDIR) in the installer database file "/etc/vmware-tools/locations" i dont understand what that means, can someone help me please?03:07
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excitatory_aujordanh: yea, i broke down myself.. it's really worth it.03:07
Mr_Awesomeminimec: xorg.conf was correct03:07
hoyhow do i reset my connection? like clear dns cache, etc03:07
micahcowanlinuxd00d, then do a "sudo apt-get update" first, before that other command.03:08
aujordanhexcitatory_, does it really sycn everything ??03:08
minimecMr_Awesome: Hmmm....03:08
excitatory_aujordanh: what, dmix?03:08
aujordanhthat fix we both posted03:08
eternaljoyhow can I remove certain services that load at startup to save time and resources, eg, printing etc?03:09
aujordanhexcitatory_, you haven't heard of a player that plays xm radio streams have you?03:09
excitatory_aujordanh: well, when all sound is going to the same output source, it should, in theory, sync sound system-wide03:09
Mr_Awesomeminimec: it said PCI:1:0:0 and the number of lspci was the same as yours, is that correct?03:09
nuAnyone know the command to open a dir though terminal? 'open03:09
nudoesnt work03:09
minimecMr_Awesome: Yes it is03:09
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excitatory_aujordanh: no.. but then again i've never even remotely worked with xm03:09
neutrinomassnu: You don't really open directories in Linux, you enter them with 'cd'03:09
neutrinomassnu: To view their contents, you can try 'ls'03:10
nuneutrinomass: the reason i ask is because im adding it to my menu list.03:10
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neutrinomassnu: (After entering them, that is )03:10
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands03:10
nuneutrinomass: so when i click the folder icon, the folder opens03:10
ubotuI know nothing about xtext - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:10
ubotuI know nothing about xtest - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:10
eternaljoywhats the best ftp client for Dapper please?03:10
nuneutrinomass: someone said "nautilus path/to/folder". However, im using kfce03:10
sethketernaljoy, ftp03:10
Schumianyone know the apt-get line for getting the Xtest extension? I need it to compile a program03:11
eternaljoysethk: gftp easier for a beginner?03:11
linuxd00dmicahcowan, the command does not work03:11
neutrinomassnu: Ok - what text editor do you use ?03:11
TheGamewhy is it that when i go to screensaver my gnome panels still show03:11
eternaljoysethk: and how can I remove certain services that load at startup to save time and resources, eg, printing etc?03:11
micahcowanoh, linuxd00d, whoops my bad: I forgot w32codecs isn't even on restricted repositories. Get the .deb package from http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/dapper/i386/non-free/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb03:11
sethketernaljoy, I can't imagine anything easier than ftp03:11
micahcowanand then do sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb03:11
micahcowan(from the same directory where you downloaded it)03:11
nuneutrinomass: abiword03:11
excitatory_eternaljoy: that's a very subjective question.  also, it really depends on what you're looking for.  you have everything from ftp, gftp, konqueror does it, even firefox has a nice ftp extension available.03:11
eternaljoywho was it that recommend NVU to me earlier?03:12
sethketernaljoy, I do it manually by editing files, but I'm sure there is an easier way that someone here knows.03:12
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eternaljoysethk: ok03:12
micahcowanTauhshi, did you add that line to /etc/fstab?03:12
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minimecMr_Awesome: You could try to change the driver of your card to 'vesa', which will probalby give you an 640/480 26 colors screen ... You can also do that with nano. This time do 'mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg-backup.conf' before. A backup is always a good idea ;)03:12
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eternaljoyis there a way I can remove certain serrvices from lading at boot time?03:12
neutrinomassnu: Ok. Do 'sudo abiword /boot/grub/menu.lst' (Which is the file you're for some reason trying to edit, right? )03:12
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neutrinomasseternaljoy: System->Administration->Services ?03:12
Mr_Awesomeminimec: what would that accomplish?03:12
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excitatory_eternaljoy: there are a number of ways.  the forums cover this many times.03:13
linuxd00dmicahcowan, its automatically installing the package XD03:13
linuxd00dmicahcowan, its automatically installing the package XD03:13
nuneutrinomass: no, im not trying to edit a file. i want to add a folder shortcut to the menu bar.03:13
eternaljoyneutrinomass: thats it!  thansk!  I can remove printer services right?03:13
eternaljoyneutrinomass: I dont own a printer03:14
neutrinomassnu: Ahhhh..... sorry, complete misunderstanding. I can't really help you with that - no XFCE lying around :-/ (maybe #xubuntu if nobody can help here )03:14
nuneutrinomass: for example. i just added firefox to the menu by clicking the ADD button. it then asked me the name of an application. i entered "firefox" and clicked ok. Firefox is now on the menu03:14
minimecMr_Awesome: the 'mv'-order makes a copy of your xorg.conf; the 'vesa'-driver is a general driver, that normally runs everything.03:14
micahcowanlinuxd00d, the browser is?03:14
sethketernaljoy, you can remove it even if you do own a printer  :)03:14
nuneutrinomass: aahhhh no problem them. thanks for the try anyways03:14
aujordanhnu, have you tried joining #xfce or #xubuntu?03:14
neutrinomasseternaljoy: IIRC you can - try it :)03:14
linuxd00dmicahcowan, no package installer03:14
nuaujordanh: I am going to now.03:14
eternaljoyneutrinomass: whats IIRC mean?03:14
eternaljoysethk: heh ok ;)03:14
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AAAif I remembeer correctly03:15
eternaljoysethk: what else can be removed ?03:15
neutrinomasseternaljoy: Sorry, my bad :( If I Remember Correctly ...03:15
minimecMr_Awesome: It's a test to see, if the card is reacting and giving some 'positive' signs ;)03:15
aujordanhaujordanh, that really isn't an "Ubuntu" question as it is an xfce question, others may be able to better help you03:15
=== Shak- [n=timer@c-71-228-35-203.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxd00dmicahcowan, will i still need to sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb03:15
nemikhello, how can i make ubuntu force my monitor to do an 'auto-config' since when i try to push that button on the monitor, it gives me OSD-locked03:15
[Wiebel] hmm03:15
Ploujwhere is the guide to add the multiverse repository in order to install flashplugin-nonfree?03:15
Mr_Awesomeminimec: ok i suppose ill try it03:15
[Wiebel] packages.ubuntulinux.com seems to be broken03:15
micahcowanlinuxd00d, no, you should be set, after it's done installing.03:16
Shak-hey.. im trying to compile an application here but its complaining about not finding GTK+ 2, is there a package im missing?03:16
[Wiebel] ah03:16
[Wiebel] it's back03:16
sethketernaljoy, look for servers.  it depends, though, on what you need.03:16
micahcowantrying to view WMVs?03:16
Mr_Awesomeminimec: i guess i can live with 640x480, 26 colors ;)03:16
sethketernaljoy, mail server, for example03:16
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linuxd00dno online extreme sports03:16
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Ploujnemik: you mostlikely can't do that from Ubuntu or any other OS, unless the monitor manufacturer provides special software+drivers.03:16
KreativeLightHow do I install my .ttf fonts?03:16
minimecMr_Awesome: no ... you woun't  ;)03:16
Renan_s2Shak-, libgtk2.0-dev03:16
linuxd00dit says on the browser to UPGRADE MEDIA PLAYER!03:16
Renan_s2is probably what you want.03:16
nuthe only person in #xubuntu didnt know either =( lol03:17
Shak-Renan_s2: ok i'll try that out03:17
aujordanhnu, haha03:17
nemikPlouj, that is what i thought yet when ubuntu first started up, it forced the monitor to do this. so i'm wondering how i could get to that command possible since it is a little offcenter in gnome03:17
Ploujnemik: check your monitor's manual how to unlock the OSD03:17
nemikPlouj, yes i tried but there is nothing for it03:17
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Ploujnemik: monitors auto-config when they enter a video mode for the first time03:17
Ploujnemik: search google about unlocking your monitor's OSD03:18
nuaujordanh: hehe. maybe tomorrow someone will know03:18
nemikhmmm perhaps restarting X then...03:18
Shak-Renan_s2: hmm its complaining baout unresolvable dependencies in synpatic03:18
linuxd00danyways im tired its 2:18am over here in UK im off guys cheers for all you help micahcowan03:18
eternaljoywhats the name of the program that shows the paritions on hard drives, like fdisk?03:19
micahcowanlinuxd00d, my pleasure03:19
micahcowantake car03:19
eternaljoysethk: mail server doesnt show in that list03:19
eternaljoysethk: whats the name of the program that shows the paritions on hard drives, like fdisk?03:19
tbwLooking for someone w/ PPC experice03:19
Shak-Renan_s2: there?03:19
Renan_s2Shak-, I am there, but I don't know what is happening03:20
KreativeLightHELP PLEASE!  How do I install .ttf fonts?03:20
cdubyatbw, worked on it a bit03:20
cdubyaeternaljoy, fdisk. :)03:20
tbwcdubya: Ever gotten a ADC connected lcd to work?03:20
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cdubyatbw, haven't honestly tried that......mostly with iMacs03:20
owen_does frostwire have another name, because i cant get it using sudo apt-get install frostwire03:20
Timmy|GDSIm about to downsize ubuntus partition with Gparted03:21
Timmy|GDSwill ubuntu freak out>03:21
cdubyatbw, what's the deal?03:21
eternaljoycdmwebs: whats the program similar to fdisk that has a menu display?03:21
cdubyaeternaljoy, System > Administration > Disks03:21
eternaljoycdmwebs: its cfdisk03:21
Shak-Renan_s2: depends libgtk2.0-dev but 2.8.18 0ubuntu2 is to be installed03:21
nemikplouj, i got it. turns out the next few generations of my monitor DO have documentation on OSD lock and it is the same. it is happily unlocked now and looks great. thank you for your help03:22
Shak-Renan_s2: then it goes on to list all the dependencies that couldnt' be installed03:22
eternaljoycdubya: i found it!  cfdisk03:22
Renan_s2Shak-, strange...03:22
eternaljoycdubya: how can I change my temp disk on hda to the same as hdb?03:22
degreezif someone can help please... the max screen resolution i can select in ubuntu is 1152x900 what can i do to increase that 1280x1024?03:23
Shak-Renan_s2: http://rafb.net/paste/results/PxAEqW67.html03:23
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Timmy|GDSedit xconf03:23
Timmy|GDSgoogle it, you will get alot of stuff03:23
Renan_s2Shak-, do you have repositories configured?03:23
degreezthanks timmy03:24
Timmy|GDSi got 1024-768 to 1280-102403:24
Shak-Renan_s2: well my sources file has been working the whole time...03:24
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Renan_s2Shak-, strange, I don't know what is causing your problem03:24
cdubyaeternaljoy, honestly not sure because I'm not sure what you're trying to do......03:24
Ploujdamn, it how can I make apt find flashplugin-nonfree??03:24
eigenlambdadegreez: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:24
Max007hi, i have a problem with sudo, i get this error: timestamp too far in the future03:24
Shak-Renan_s2: could it be the dependencies are in a different respository which I have yet to enable?03:24
degreezalso whats the best editing program to use, pls keep in mind that im a noob.03:24
Timmy|GDS Im about to downsize ubuntus partition with Gparted03:25
Renan_s2Shak-, I don't know...03:25
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degreezVi warped my mind last time03:25
eigenlambdais the one you should use03:25
KreativeLightHello, Linux Newbie here.  Does anyone know how to install .ttf fonts or any other fonts?03:25
cdubyadegreez, I just use gedit03:25
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Timmy|GDSWill ubuntu freak out if I downsize ubuntus partition with Gparted03:25
eigenlambdait's the standard way of reconfiguring packages03:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:25
ubotuI know nothing about timestamp - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:25
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cdubyaTimmy|GDS, not sure, but I'm always hesitant to do that unless you know for sure that what you're doing isn't going to mess up system critical stuff03:27
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Timmy|GDSWell, im gonna install gentoo03:27
cdubyaTimmy|GDS, best of luck.03:27
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HellDragonreboot brb03:27
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owen_i cant seem to get frostwire to run... i installed the package off of www.frostwire.com - its in my applications > internet section... but it doesnt open..03:28
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owen_i also have java installed03:28
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nuhey. is there a way for me to bring files from my windows partition here to linux? (music files)03:28
[Wiebel] how can I compile just one module I've add in my config?03:28
Shak-Renan_s2: does "You must have dapper-updates repositories enabled for main." help any?03:28
[Wiebel] instead of compiling all modules03:28
eigenlambdaowen_: try starting it from the command line03:29
eigenlambdaand see what it says03:29
Shak-that might be the problem but I dont know how to implement that solution03:29
micahcowannu, yes. Fat or NTFS03:29
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numicahcowan: ntfs03:29
Renan_s2Shak-, I don't know...03:29
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto03:29
cdubyaowen_, and you checked to make sure that it's there?03:29
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer03:29
KreativeLightThanks! :)03:30
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cdubyanu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions03:31
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nucdubya: thank you03:31
svufunny, in edgy X.log shows that DRI is enabled but glxinfo says "Direct rendering: No"03:32
cdubyanu, no problem. If you follow the wiki, it's pretty simple03:32
nucdubya: i will.03:32
nuthanks again03:32
cdubyanu, just know that it's read-only03:32
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cdubyanu, don't try to write to it.....write's not supported AFAIK03:33
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Linuturki have completely wiped windows off my laptop. I have an outlook 2003 pst file with all my contacts and such in it. What is the best process of converting these over?03:33
mrakHi! I've accidentally deleted my /etc/fonts and now everything's screwed03:33
micahcowannu, mores specifically, there is support, but it's not terribly reliable, *experimental*only*.03:33
mrakhow can I restore it?03:34
eigenlambdadpkg-reconfigure all the font packages?03:34
DeshHi, I need help dual booting Ubuntu and XP. I have installed XP and am currently in it. I am going to restpre GRUB but I don;t know wether to overwrite the Windows Bootloader and use Grub only or if it is ok to use both bootloaders on the MBR. if I use both will i be asked which OS to boot to?03:35
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mrakis there a way to list all font packages?03:35
LinuturkGrub should handle ubuntu and windows03:35
Linuturkgo Grub only Desh03:35
eigenlambdadpkg -l lists all the packages you have installed03:35
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Linuturki have completely wiped windows off my laptop. I have an outlook 2003 pst file with all my contacts and such in it. What is the best process of converting these over?03:35
naknomikDesh: you can't have Grub and windows at the same time03:35
DeshAnd if I do Grub only, will it auto-add XP or do I need to add it myself?03:36
neutrinomassDesh: Have you installed Ubuntu? If you first install XP and then Ubuntu, grub will be configured and installed so that you get a chance to choose between the two OS at boot ...03:36
Magnus-swe__mikem, Eleaf .. < kick then in the head03:36
DeshNo, I had Ubuntu and now installed XP.03:36
eigenlambdatry uninstalling and reinstalling fontconfig03:36
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Magnus-sweIll be listening to Maiden03:36
neutrinomassnalioth: If you're still around, please do us the favour of banning Magnus-swe from here as well ....03:37
Magnus-sweMeza.. menza thats weak... son :)03:37
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DeshIf I restore GRUB now, since it is gone right now, wil it auto-add XP or would I need to go and edit the GRUB config?03:38
naknomikDesh add something like:03:38
naknomiktitle Window XP03:38
naknomikrootnoverify (hd1,0)03:38
neutrinomassnalioth: Thanks :)03:38
naknomikchainloader +103:38
naknomikMake sure you adjust the (hd1,0) entry03:38
cdubyaLinuturk, maybe here? http://www.freshports.org/mail/libpst/03:38
DeshOk, yeah I have the guide here03:38
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mrakremoving fontcofing will remove a lot of stuff, is there a way to remove fontconfig only03:38
naknomikDesh: may be not.03:38
DeshI just hope I use the right (hd1,0) type entry03:38
naknomikDesh: how is your partition table?03:39
Shak-can anyone help me out? im trying to install libgtk2.0-dev but it keeps complaining about unmet dependencies03:39
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owen_ok , in the terminal I ran frostwire - says oops cannot find java in 3 different directories it checked as default, i have the latest jre 1.5 java installed through apt-get install - do i have to reinstall in a different directory?03:39
Shak-heres the output I get when attempting "apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev" http://rafb.net/paste/results/PxAEqW67.html03:39
Deshnaknomik: First partition is Ubuntu, 2nd is extended which contains hda5, the Linux swap, and the 3rd partition is XP.03:40
Schumidoes anyone want to search their HD for "XTest.h" and send it to me???03:40
Deshnaknomik: but XP saw it as: Partition 1: Linux, Partition 2: XP, Partition 3: Swap03:40
naknomikDesh: are you booted into ubuntu right now?03:40
eternaljoycdubya: lol03:40
cdubyaeternaljoy, huh?03:40
Deshnaknomik: no, XP atm03:40
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micahcowanShak-, try using Synaptic to install it (System -> Admin -> Synaptic)03:40
naknomikDesh: Can you boot into Ubuntu ISO CD?03:41
SchumiI'm in a serious serious bind here guys, I really need to find the Xtest extension03:41
Shak-micahcowan: I did, both piped out the same error03:41
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mrakcould someone send me the /etc/fonts/*03:41
micahcowanShak-, you have to make sure that if it recommends you also install various dependencies, that you let it do so. Did it ask you to confirm adding dependencies?03:41
mrakthat would be great ;-)03:42
mrakfrom the default ubuntu install03:42
gabber38209How do I make Gaim minimize into the Gnome Panel?03:42
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cdubyaLinuturk, everything I'm finding seems to allude to converting the .pst before you wipe03:42
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Shak-micahcowan: yes it did in synaptic, but the error came after I marked all the dependencies it asked for03:42
cdubyastill looking03:43
cdubyaLinuturk, if you make a copy of your .pst and then try the libpst app, it may be worth a shot, though.03:43
eternaljoyNVU is great03:44
numozilla crashes whenever i enter a site that uses flash03:44
nuand i installed the plugoin03:44
naknomikWhat is NVU?03:44
eternaljoynu: use firefox03:44
Linuturkyou mean readpst?03:44
micahcowanmrak, try http://micah.cowan.name/fonts.tgz, and lemme know when you've got it.03:44
nueternaljoy: that's what i meant.03:44
eternaljoynaknomik: NVU is a html editor03:44
LinuturkNVU isn't anygood for coders03:44
Linuturkit rewrites your code03:44
eternaljoynu: try Opera03:44
mrakmicahcowan, tnx03:44
Shak-micahcowan: after I mark all the dependencies, the error that pops up complains about "unresolvable dependencies"03:44
Linuturkwww.aptana.com mrak03:44
nui love firefox though lol03:44
eternaljoyLinuturk: rubbish03:44
cdubyaLiniturk, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ol2mbox03:44
nuhold on let me see if i canf ix03:44
Linuturketernaljoy, it rewrites you code buddie03:45
eternaljoynu: remove firefox and install03:45
eternaljoyLinuturk: rubbish03:45
Linuturki've pasted plenty of clean code into NVU, and it's formatted it03:45
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micahcowanShak-, can you get me a screenshot (or somesuch) of that error (assuming it gives more detail than that)?03:45
cdubyanu, or try epiphany03:45
gabber38209How do I make Gaim minimize into the Gnome Panel?03:45
Linuturkthe option to disable that formatting doesn't work03:45
Linuturkwww.aptana.com is a better solution03:45
cdubyaI gave up on firefox03:45
nucdubya: is that a browser?03:45
Schumiseriously noone wants to help me with XTest?03:45
iratsuhow does one switch his default shell from bash to zsh?03:46
Linuturkgabber38209, make sure you have the system tray package installed03:46
cdubyanu, yep03:46
Linuturkgabber38209, it's in synaptic03:46
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neutrinomassiratsu: I'm not even sure it is a good idea ... you might have trouble booting ...03:46
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cdubyanu, sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser03:46
Shak-micahcowan: ok, hold on03:46
cdubyamethinks that's the package name03:46
gabber38209Linuturk, thanks03:46
eternaljoyLinuturk: NVU has fixed up your amaetuer and unclean code :)03:46
mrakhave  to reboot03:46
iratsuneutrinomass: why's that?03:46
Ronzif i have ubuntu installed on hda, can i edit other partitions on the disk?03:47
cdubyayep, that's it03:47
iratsuneutrinomass: oh i only wanna switch it for one user03:47
Linuturketernaljoy, it's put usesless <font> tags and other garbage, and ruined my CSS03:47
Ronzsay root is hda3....can i format hda4?03:47
eternaljoyLinuturk: if your code was professional and clean NVU wouldnt need to fix it up!03:47
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snoopsLinuturk gosh, it's using font tags? yuck03:47
neutrinomassiratsu: Oh, ok then .. If you changed it system-wide I'm not sure the various scripts around the system would work correctly ...03:47
Linuturkwww.aptana.com << a better solution, though no wysiwyg03:47
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iratsuneutrinomass: yea, that's not waht i meant03:48
Linuturkbut aptana is still beta, but in better condition than NVU03:48
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iratsuneutrinomass: how do i change it for one user then? =)03:48
cdubyaheh, Liniturk, I just use gedit.03:48
eternaljoyLinuturk: are you a better developer than the guys who wrote NVU? is that what you claim? Of so, put your words into action and create someting better than NVU!    If you cant, be SILENT fool!03:48
nucdubya: thanks. ill give it a shot03:48
cdubyanu, np.03:48
cdubyanu, it's wicked fast03:48
void^iratsu: chsh03:48
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iratsuvoid^: thank you03:48
Linuturketernaljoy, i'm not a better software developer, but I'm a better html developer than those people03:48
owen_how do i install the latest 1.x jre java through terminal?03:49
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository03:49
RonzLinuturk, i speak HTML better than i speak my second language03:49
eternaljoyLinuturk: if you are so clever, where can we download the htmo editor you wrote?03:49
eternaljoyLinuturk: prove it!!!!03:49
Shak-micahcowan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19739(03:49
nucdubya: i reinstalled FF and it went. but im gonna give epiphany a try03:49
Linuturki didn't write an editor03:49
micahcowaneternaljoy, the very fact that NVU uses font tags prove it03:49
snoopsLinuturk isn't that the point though - don't most wysiwyg editors rewrite code a bit? - personally I've never used a wysiwyg editor to develop websites, because they usually can't render things properly anyway (considering the myriad of rendering engines actually used)03:49
Linuturketernaljoy, but give www.aptana.com a try03:49
cdubyanu, I switched to epiphany a while back and haven't been to ff since03:49
eternaljoyLinuturk: prove it that you are a better html developer than those who wrote NVU03:50
micahcowanLinuturk, I suppose you know about tidy?03:50
eternaljoyLinuturk: no thanks! I want GUI03:50
micahcowanor is it htmltidy?03:50
gabber38209Linuturk, could you tell me the name of the package? I'm having trouble finding it in Synaptic and apt-cache search03:50
Ronzcdubya, does epiphany use tab browsing?03:50
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cdubyaRonz, yep03:50
cdubyaRonz, and it's lean03:50
Linuturkgabber38209, search for gaim, and it will be there03:50
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Ronzcdubya, im getting ready to re-install my ubuntu. ill use that03:50
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AngryElfwhat is the device name of ubuntu's sound mixer?03:50
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Linuturkand, i did use dreamweaver. It doesn't rewrite code snoops. I now use aptana b/c NVU rewrites code, and I use it to preview my code w/o opening a browser03:51
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micahcowanShak-, but the fact that it says "N isn't going to be installed" means that it wasn't marked for installation, I believe. Can you go through and make sure that they're marked the way they should be?03:51
lufisAngryElf: The name, or the command?03:51
Linuturkyes, i know about tidy03:51
nucdubya: FF has some nice plugins though03:51
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Ronzdreamweaver ftw03:51
cdubyanu, no doubt, but I live without them. ;)03:51
Shak-micahcowan: im 100% sure I marked it03:51
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AngryElfactually, rather, mythfrontend is reporting that /dev/dsp is busy, being used by another application -- but fuser /dev/dsp reports nothing03:51
Linuturkbut I'd rather not have to clean up code that could be clean in the first place03:51
Shak-this error pops up after I mark the package and all its dependencies03:51
AngryElfso, how do i find out what is using /dev/dsp?03:51
cdubyanu, if you can deal with a slim, fast browser with tabs, then try epiphany.03:51
cdubyaI like it.03:51
snoopsLinuturk okay, the designers at work use dreamweaver, we use a mixture of eclipse and homesite (coldfusion developers)03:51
GianLuigiBuffonHi buddies!!!!!03:52
lufisHi GianLuigiBuffon!03:52
micahcowanShak-, it's a pain... but you might try apt-get installing each of those individual dependencies first (that shouldn't be necessary, but I'm a bit stumped)03:52
cdubyanu, it's functionality is a lot more basic, but I think that was the intention - to keep it lean and quick03:52
Shak-micahcowan: I tried that too, it also error'ed out :/03:52
GianLuigiBuffonI want to install a HP all in one.... how can I do it? I use Dapper Dake03:52
nuwhen i view a flahs site, it crashes03:52
nuFF is crashing again03:52
Linuturksnoops, dreamweaver is pretty good (I have Studio 8) but I'd rather support open source then pay all that money for each release. I've never used eclipse. I do mostly PHP mySQL03:52
lufisHey, can 100 people leave the room so we can 666? ;)03:52
Shak-micahcowan: but look at the second line in the screenshot03:52
RonzGianLuigiBuffon, have you tried "add printer" with dapper?03:52
cdubyaGainLuigiBuffon, make sure it's supported first....;)03:52
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lufisWhoops, make that 10103:53
GianLuigiBuffonmmm nop.... how I do that?03:53
Ronzu in dapper now?03:53
cdubyaGainLuigiBuffon, System > Administration > Printing03:53
GianLuigiBuffonlufis the real number is 830 no 666 :P03:53
Ronzwhat dubya said03:53
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lufisGianLuigiBuffon: :-( I know03:53
snoopsLinuturk oh well, definitely give eclipse a go :).. flex builder 2.0 (by adobe/macromedia) was just released and that's using the eclipse framework with some customisations for flex03:53
GianLuigiBuffonil check03:53
Shak-micahcowan: could it be that version difference, (2.8.17-1ubuntu5 but is to be installed)03:54
cdubyaGainLuigiBuffon, which one is it/03:54
Linuturksnoops, aptana has been released as a plugin for eclipse ;p03:54
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Linuturksnoops, got a specific package to install for eclipse? what packages are a must have?03:54
micahcowanShak-, absolutely. Huh...03:54
micahcowanShak-, have you apt-get updated recently?03:54
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Shak-yup, I updated right after it didnt work and tried again03:55
snoopsLinuturk there are also css, html, php plugins for eclipse with content-assist03:55
snoopsLinuturk I believe 3.1 is still in the repositories.. on the eclipse website you can grab 3.203:55
snoopsbut that could have changed03:55
ardchoille!info eclipse03:55
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB03:55
ttyfsckereclipse is pretty great03:55
GianLuigiBuffoncdubya I install it by port ? or by driver?03:56
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hastesaverHow do I get my computer to automatically update the time? (How do I install ntpdate?)03:57
micahcowanShak-, I show that libgtk2.0-0-2.8.20-0ubuntu1 is available, along with the same version -dev.03:57
Linuturksnoops, where are those css, html, php plugins?03:57
Shak-micahcowan: hmm?03:57
Linuturksnoops, in the repos?03:58
maplewhat is better, windows 3.11 or linux?03:58
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micahcowanapt-cache tells me libgtk2 and libgtk2-dev are at 2.8.20-0ubuntu1, not .17 or .1803:58
cdubyaGianLuigiBuffon, what kind of printer/model is it? usb?03:58
GianLuigiBuffonlol mAple :/03:58
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zoidbergguys i have a question03:58
=== Ronz slaps maple around a bit with a large trout
zoidbergin the terminal03:58
GianLuigiBuffoncdubya is a all in one USB F300 series03:58
Shak-micahcowan: hmm, apt-get update should have fixed any problems with that though?03:58
zoidbergwhen i type sudo pppoeconf03:58
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owen_i installed java using the sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre command - frostwire still doesnt detect it - any suggestions?03:58
zoidbergit says option not available03:58
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zoidbergwhen ui try to launch ppoenconf without typing sudo it says you need to be logged in as root03:59
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zoidbergany help?03:59
Ronzthen sudo03:59
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micahcowanShak-, I would've thought...03:59
GianLuigiBuffonappears in detected printe... but twice03:59
snoopsLinuturk probably not in the repos..but maybe.. I haven't looked in the repos for them03:59
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hastesaverthere is no ntpdate in my /etc/init.d , although I have the packages ntp and ntpdate installed... does anyone know why?03:59
Shak-micahcowan: perhaps my sources list is broken?03:59
zoidbergwhen i type "sudo pppoeconf" it says option not avaiblable03:59
geniusdothi everyone03:59
GianLuigiBuffonthen I click on next and I should select one but appears 1000 series, I just click on next, or I install it by port04:00
Linuturksnoops, i don't see them in the repos, they must be on the eclipse site?04:00
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Shak-micahcowan: it might be worth nothing that my sources list downloads from "archive.ubuntu.com" and not "us.archive.ubuntu.com"04:00
cdubyaGianLuigiBuffon, you need to install the right driver for it....04:00
snoopsand google Linuturk.. sourceforge as well04:00
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ardchoillezoidberg: It may be that pppoeconf needs to be run with at least one option.. I never used it but it's just a guess. Perhaps man ppoeconf might be of some help?04:00
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Shak-I made that change because us. stopped working suddenly and someone here suggested changing to archive.04:00
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cdubyaGianLuigiBuffon, so if the printer isn't in the list, it prolly doesn't have a driver loaded04:01
micahcowanShak-, ....hm. us is currently working for me, so if you saved your old list, you might want to restore it, refresh, and try again?04:01
mineraleHi, how may I type accented characters in gnome? Is there something to Windows' alt + xxxx code / and a table of characters available ?04:01
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Shak-micahcowan: ok i'll try it04:01
mineraleis it even possible to type accented characters in ubuntu ? (without changing keyboards)04:01
tkuphastesaver, I have ntpdate in /etc/init.d. but to sync time against a server, jut put ntpdate server.clock.tld in a script in /etc/cron.hourly/04:01
Jack_SparrowI was told in the Mepis channel that the current kernel that Ubuntu uses has some security issues04:02
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AngryElfhow come "lsof |grep hda" turns up nothing?04:02
gabber38209How do I clone an installation of Ubuntu?04:02
Jack_Sparrowgabber38209: is the hardware identical?04:03
DanaGAargh, is there any way to get window snapping in XGL WITHOUT wobbly?04:03
gabber38209jack_sparrow, no04:03
snoopsLinuturk I use eclipse with the ruby and css plugin mostly.. absolutely love it :)04:03
nuon Synaptic, what do the packages with a little star on them mean?04:03
Shak-micahcowan: odd, still the same result >_<04:03
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Shak-micahcowan: do you think you could put your sources file on pastebin or something, i'll try copying directly04:03
Linuturksnoops, i think i'm going to let aptana mature04:03
snoopsmight be a wise move04:04
nu\-_-/ megatron04:04
Ronzand the angels are rejoicing...because my tower shall run ALL UBUNTU04:04
micahcowanminerale, it is possible. I saw someone show how, but I can't remember the details, or find it. I'm looking...04:04
steveO_Any file I can grep at and get a motherboard model # from?04:05
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steveO_dmesg perhaps?04:05
zoidbergalright guys here is my problem04:05
zoidbergi'm trying to launch pppoeconf from the terminal04:05
zoidbergi type in pppoeconf04:05
zoidbergit says you need to be logged in as root04:05
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Jack_Sparrowgabber38209: I would do a std install on the new one and on the old one try this... To identify installed packages and create a list to reinstall Use Terminal type dpkg --get-selections > myprog.txt to reinstall type dpkg --get-selections < myprog.txt04:05
micahcowanShak-, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1974004:05
zoidbergi type in sudo pppoeconf and it says option not available04:06
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DanaGOh, for sys info, look for "DMI"04:06
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mournahanmy ubuntu keeps frezing, I need help04:06
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Jack_Sparrowzoidberg: the universal boot cd boots live and identifys a lot of different hardware.04:06
Jack_Sparrowmournahan: Need more info..04:07
zoidbergwhat jack sparrow?04:07
zoidbergwhy do i need a boot cd04:07
GianLuigiBuffonif the driver is working, must print at the moment? or I must reboot or someting, mine is F300 series, but I dont see it, but is weird, because is HP04:07
Shak-micahcowan: apt-get is sufficient before opening synaptic right?04:07
=== Emilio_LnX_ is now known as Emilio_LnX
zoidbergi have badger on fine on this old G3 powerbook04:07
farousis there a list of compatible external harddisk for ubuntu. I am going to buy one and am hoping that it will work hastle free?04:07
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Jack_Sparrowzoidberg: it is the best hardware detection software that I know of..04:07
vircuserwhile attempting to follow the guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia I got to step 11 and upon restart X failed.  I restored the default driver, but I really would like to get my NVidia GeForce MX 4000 working with proper drivers (needed for myth-tv, I suppose)04:07
vircuserAny help would be greatly appreciated04:07
=== vircuser is now known as Machtyn
zoidbergi dont have a hardware problem jack sparrow04:07
Schumican someone do a search in their X11 folders and send me "XTest.h" ??? I really need xtest to compile something04:07
scasthello. I don't really have a problem with ubuntu yet, but I am seriously considering on moving from my Arch-based system to Ubuntu. Not because I am un-happy with Arch, but because I need right now in this moment something that let me come back from home, checkout my mail, my fav websites and then svn to my work and download everything I did today. The thing is I need the developer things... Like python, c++, lamp blah blah, is this easy to get 04:08
zoidbergi'm looking to log in as root so i could run pppoeconf04:08
steveO_Schumi: I don't have it.04:08
=== legendx_ [n=legendx@modemcable077.55-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
scastlet me come back from work*04:08
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mournahanit happens when I leave my computer logged in and leave, when I come back the computer works for  min then cant do nothing ctrl alt bkspc dosent even work04:08
DanaGIT was steveO that needed sys info, not zoidberg.04:08
micahcowanminerale, go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard04:08
micahcowanLayout options tab04:08
steveO_scast, hell yea.  apt-get install python or whatever you want.04:08
zoidbergthank you04:08
zoidbergnow can someone help me?04:08
scastDo I need to configure 10519835158 files?04:09
Jack_Sparrowzoidberg: sorry wrong person in autocomplete04:09
GianLuigiBuffonCan you help me for find it, the printer is Deskjet F380 all-in-one04:09
steveO_scast: hell no.04:09
micahcowanminerale, Make an appropriate setting change in "Compose key position". Holding that down will let you compose accented characters,04:09
=== rgould [n=rgould@S010600014a5e5049.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
zoidbergthats fine jack sparrow04:09
steveO_scast: it even finds your dependencies too.04:09
degreezhow does one paste clipboard text in nano?04:09
zoidbergperhaps you could help me with my problem though04:09
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Schumijack do you have Xtest.h?04:09
zoidbergi'm trying to launch pppoeconf from the terminal04:09
steveO_zoidberg: I would if I could; I can't.04:09
gekko`Machtyn: what's the /var/log/Xorg.0.log telling?04:09
=== helfrez [n=helfrez@166-82-112-61.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
micahcowanShak-, what was your question, "apt-get update"? yes, that should suffice.04:09
zoidbergit says i need to log in as root04:09
scastUhmm. Another thing... I need the fuse module for the kernel, is this in the ubuntu repositories?04:09
Jack_Sparrowzoidberg: you dont run as root.. you use sudo or if gui gksudo or if kde kdesu04:10
steveO_zoidberg: try sudo ppoeconf or whatever04:10
cdubyazoidberg, you can't sudo using your user04:10
zoidbergbut i cant type sudo pppoeconf it says option not available04:10
steveO_then put in the pw04:10
zoidbergwhat about xubuntu?04:10
mournahanJack_Sparrow: any Ideas04:10
steveO_scast: I'm not sure..04:10
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Machtyngekko:  is that logfile overwritten each time X is started?04:10
Jack_Sparrowmournahan: How long has it been doing that and have you made any changes or updates lately04:11
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Shak-micahcowan: sweet, its downloading the packages now04:11
Shak-no idea what was wrong04:11
zoidbergpw doesnt work stevo?04:11
mister_robotozoidberg, you mean you get that error message when you type "sudo pppoeconf"?  because when I do that, I get an ascii dialog displaying my ethernet card04:12
Machtyngekko: and also, I get a lot of WACOM suppress lines... what's the deal there?  I have no WACOM device connected to it.  weird04:12
Jack_Sparrowzoidberg: do you have more than one user setup in the system?04:12
mournahanfixed it once in breezy then.  did a new install to dapper and cant fix it?  in breezy I turned off certin power manigment services that did it.  tryed in dapper and still dose it.  just did a fresh install04:12
zoidbergyeah it says option not available when i type in sudo pppoeconf04:12
zoidberglet me try one more thing04:13
zoidberghold on04:13
micahcowanShak-, awesome. Had you had the universe/multiverse repositories set up? Because I did.04:13
Shak-I thought I did, I used the source-o-matic thingy to make my list04:13
Shak-but its strange... after updating with your list theres a ton of system updates I need to download04:14
aujordanhWhat is the best rss aggregator?04:14
micahcowanShak- huh. Oh, wait, were you using dapper or some other?04:14
gekko`Machtyn: sec04:14
=== Krhis [n=Krhis@cblcpe-79-205.suite224.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGAargh, when I install things, they don't get added to the menu.04:15
Shak-micahcowan: let me put my previous sources file up04:15
micahcowanyeah, okay.04:15
Jack_SparrowDanaG: what things and how are you installing them?04:15
Shak-micahcowan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1974104:16
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zoidbergoh guys04:16
zoidbergi closed the terminal04:16
zoidbergand i typed in pppoeconf in a new terminal04:16
zoidbergit asked me for the password04:17
zoidbergi typed it in04:17
zoidbergand it didnt seem to have an error with the passowrd04:17
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x535e9fd6.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
zoidbergit just sasy option is not avialble04:17
Machtyngekko:  Upon attempting to restart X, I get the error (WW) NVIDIA: No matching Device section for instance... and (EE) No devices detected.  (I'm looking right into the case and can see the GeForce MX 4000 card sitting in my PCI slot) :-/04:17
zoidberg] does that mean maybe pppoeconf is not sinstalled correctly?04:17
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gekko`Machtyn: replace the line with 'nv' to 'nvidia' and restart your Xserver. then pastebin the /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:18
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Jack_SparrowMachtyn: when you did the nv drivers did you manually change NV to nvidia in the xorg file?04:19
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micahcowanShak-, well, the only difference that stands out is that you didn't have security updates enabled...04:20
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micahcowanShak-, oh! or dapper-updates, I think.04:20
Machtyngekko': are you referring to the xorg.conf file, the log file, or someother file?04:20
gekko`Machtyn: /var/log/Xorg.0.log to that one04:21
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Jack_SparrowMachtyn: did you manually change ANY line in a file from nv to nvidia04:21
gekko`!pastebin > Machtyn04:21
Shak-ahh, so all my stuff was old04:21
nucan anyone tell me what program is on the top of left of this screenshot: http://www.zenwalk.org/uploads/img448b0b0adfe88.png04:21
nuthe menu-like thing04:21
gekko`Machtyn: paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log there04:21
micahcowanShak-, maybe. It still should've at least worked, though...04:21
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:22
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aujordanhcan anybody recommend a good rss aggregator04:24
ubotuI know nothing about rss - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:25
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ubotuI know nothing about liferea - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:25
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ardchoille!info liferea04:25
ubotuliferea: feed aggregator for GNOME. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12-0ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 726 kB, installed size 2192 kB04:25
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ardchoilleaujordanh: ^^04:25
=== job [n=job@pool-70-111-63-191.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
aujordanhardchoille, thank you04:25
gekko`aujordanh: for kde or gnome?04:26
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ardchoilleaujordanh: I used it for a bit and liked it04:26
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:26
=== Swibuntu [n=brhody@user-142g8uf.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
gekko`ah, then nevermind04:26
bruenigI use that for rss04:26
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jose__@find julieta04:26
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive04:26
DanaGI want to find not-overloaded update mirrors.04:27
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degreezin xorg.conf what does the Depth integer mean?04:27
degreezvariable rather...04:28
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jose__join #[H5N1] 04:28
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paxx Hey guys. anyone here have any luck getting an animated skybox running in compiz??04:28
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Jack_Sparrowdegreez: color depth04:29
jonc101im trying to install vmware onto 6.06 server and vmware is complaining that it needs glibc and libX11.so.6.  where do i get these?  how do i install them?04:29
zenmonkanyone know how soon firefox's is expected to be available?04:29
jonc1011.5.0.6 was released yesterday04:29
tristanmike!firefox > zenmonk04:29
bruenigjonc101, build-essential may do?04:29
bruenigat leat for glibc, i think04:29
Machtyngekko': I've posted my log file here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1974304:29
jonc101bruenig: i install that prior to installing vmware.04:30
zenmonktristanmike: what?04:30
tristanmike!tell zenmonk about firefox04:30
aeruzHello there!!!04:30
jonc101anyone else had any lib problems while installing vmware?04:30
DanaGHOw do you make an animated skybox anyway?04:30
tristanmikezenmonk: bah, here.... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:30
Machtyngekko': I noticed on line 77, it recognizes the card in the PCI slot (0:8:0)04:31
=== cowmilk2 [n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
nui just installed eterm through synaptic. anyone know where it went?04:31
aeruzI have a small problem, I can't start the synaptic package manager04:31
cowmilk2how can i tell whether my USB is version 1 or version 2? please tell me?04:31
rkicowmilk2, lspci04:31
aeruzit lets me know that there are updates, I click on the button but nothing happens04:32
cowmilk2http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19742 <--lspci printout, rki please take a look.04:32
Jack_Sparrowaeruz: what error do you get?04:32
Machtyncowmilk2:  do you know the type of motherboard you have?04:32
cowmilk2Machtyn: asus p3b-f04:32
gekko`Machtyn: also pastebin your xorg.conf04:32
aeruzI get no error, I get the waiting icon and then it dissapears04:32
rkicowmilk2, usb104:32
ubotuI know nothing about fsck - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:32
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome04:33
cowmilk2rki: how can you tellL04:33
ubotuI know nothing about blackbox - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:33
aeruzI update trought apt-get, which is fine, but I don't know what that could be04:33
neviedaisStupid fcuking bot.04:33
DanaGHey, if I want to use one of these drivers meant for other distros, how would I do it?04:33
Jack_Sparrow!language > neviedais:04:33
DanaGI don't care how slow it is -- all I want it for is caller ID.04:33
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jonc101im trying to install vmware onto 6.06 server and vmware is complaining that it needs glibc and libX11.so.6.  where do i get these?  how do i install them?  i've installed build-essential.04:34
zenmonkI meant when will the .06 version of firefox hit the ubuntu repo?04:34
darthbatorhey guys I'm having some keyboard issues04:34
Jack_SparrowDanaG: Your modem hardware must support that option04:34
darthbatorspecifically my right alt+cntrl don't work04:34
BHSPitMonkeydidn't it already?04:34
tristanmikeDanaG: you can try "alien" that converts a "rpm" into a "deb" but it can be sketchy at best04:34
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darthbatorand when my numlock is on the * key does not work :(04:35
Machtyngekko': I've got it posted.04:35
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGIt's a Motorola SM56 Data Fax Modem.04:35
tristanmikeDanaG: or you should contact them and tell them an rpm is not good enough, you need a deb, there are plent of distros that use deb, they should help (should being the operative word there)04:35
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DanaGAlthough it's not supposed to support caller ID,  it does work in Windows with PhoneTray Free.04:36
nuAnyone knows where eterm goes after you install it?04:36
SuperLagIs there any way to have cupsd not start on the livecd?04:36
aeruznu: what do you mean where it goes ??04:36
gekko`nu: type 'Eterm' in terminal04:36
gekko`not eterm04:36
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nuaeruz: i installed it through synaptic, can't find it04:36
aeruzdo as gekko says04:37
aeruzwith capital E04:37
Jack_Sparrowno eterm.. no cap04:37
BHSPitMonkeyare there -supposed- to be words in the "Changes" field in the Update Manager, because I've never seen any, ever04:37
nugekko`: but how to i get an icon for it? itd like ot make it my default term04:37
BHSPitMonkeyjust a little-used feature by the package makers?04:37
ardchoillenu: Choose an icon from one of the icon themes in /usr/share/icons04:38
Jack_Sparrowcreate launcher04:38
GianLuigiBuffonI donwloaded  hplip-1.6.7.tar.gz for instaling a printer. How can I run that? (Ubuntu 6.06)04:38
gekko`Machtyn: which package did you install? nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy?04:38
=== TechCentricWill [i=linlin@c-67-184-230-25.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nuardchoille: thank yoy04:38
ardchoille!info hplip04:38
ubotuhplip: HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In repository main, is optional. Version 0.9.7-4ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 450 kB, installed size 1980 kB04:38
ardchoillenu: You're welcome04:39
Machtyncowmilk: judging by the age of the motherboard, I would concur that it is USB 104:39
Machtyngekko': nvidia-glx04:39
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gekko`Machtyn: and did you also install linux-restricted-modules?04:40
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Machtyngekko': yes, I did.04:40
GianLuigiBuffonbut I don't understand what I must do with this file04:40
jonc101can some1 help me out getting the vmware license key to work, whenever i enter it in it tells me it's invalid, i searched on the vmware forums and some people have mentioned that this might be due to a missing library, now my installation complaining about glibc and libX.so.6.  how can i overcome this problem?  any help appreciated.04:41
MachtynI used linux-restricted-modules-68604:41
Jack_SparrowGianLuigiBuffon: the place where you got it should have instructions or you can get the driver from the repos like someone already suggested04:41
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mournahanJack_Sparrow: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193283&highlight=dapper+hard+freeze this is my problem but cant find a solution any ideas04:42
gekko`Machtyn: ok, comment in the Bus ID line04:42
=== SeraVitae [n=seb@60-240-192-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleGianLuigiBuffon: Is there a reason you aren't using hplip that is in the repos?04:43
gekko`Machtyn: line 349 according to the pastebin log04:43
SeraVitaeHey, this is the first time ubuntu has tried to update where i've got a 'unauthenticaed packages'.. is it safe, or should i wait for them to be authenticated?04:43
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Machtyngekko': okay, comment that out, or should I change Driver "nv" to Driver "nvidia" ?04:43
Jack_Sparrowmournahan: too many variables plus vmware.. sorry I will be of no help.04:43
nicholaspaulQ: is there a command to find out what format a partition is in? fdisk just tells me 'Linux'04:44
gekko`Machtyn: yes, also change 'nv' to 'nvidia' and start your Xserver04:44
GianLuigiBuffonI have the hplip repository installed04:44
jonc101no one?04:44
Jack_Sparrownicholaspaul: you can use the partitioning program to id those04:44
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GianLuigiBuffonbut I dont know what to do....04:44
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GianLuigiBuffonAdd printer I dont find mine, but on the site mine is marked as available...04:45
nicholaspaulJack_Sparrow:  i'm trying to do this over ssh04:45
Machtyngekko':  Thanks I will give that a try04:45
=== forevertheuni [n=antibody@87-196-58-5.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
gekko`jonc101: error logs?04:45
forevertheuniwhy isn't prozilla package for ubuntu :/04:45
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void^nicholaspaul: you can 'file -s /dev/whatever', or just mount it.04:45
mournahanhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193283&highlight=dapper+hard+freeze anyone have any ideas on this problem?04:45
dennis_hi all04:45
Jack_SparrowGianLuigiBuffon: what printer?04:45
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nicholaspaulthx void^04:46
GianLuigiBuffonHP Deskjet F380 all in one jack_sparrow04:46
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dennis_i am having a prob any one want to help04:46
Ronz!nvidia > Ronz04:46
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:46
dennis_i cant get wine to work04:47
Draslaa non-ubuntu question: my cd drive won't open or close.  button does nothing, even before the OS is loaded.  is it possible this is a BIOS problem, or is it necessarily mechanical?04:47
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gekko`Drasla: did you check if it's mounted?04:47
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Draslagekko`: when I type 'mount' it's not listed.  is that what you mean?04:48
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void^Drasla: disconnect the ide cable (power off first obviously), if it still won't open it's broken.04:48
dennis_i want to install unreal and i am new to linux cant get wine to work04:48
gekko`Drasla: yes. well, then it's not normal04:49
Draslavoid^: thanks.  I'll try that.04:49
=== bionicspider [n=user@pool-71-103-66-236.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
PrinceCould I get some assistance?04:49
=== ChakRa [i=UPP@user-b91b01.user.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
PrinceI need the command to install Java on Ubuntu.04:49
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:49
PrinceThank you very much!04:50
mainermournahan: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_vmware_server04:50
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dennis_so can any one help04:50
ardchoilledennis_: maybe /join #winehq ?04:51
Linuturkok, i gotta say, there isn't a way to take an Outlook 2003 pst file and extract the contacts04:51
mournahanmainer: how will that help>04:51
Linuturkthank you MS for screwing me over04:51
mainerdennis http://winehq.com/   http://frankscorner.org/04:51
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mainermourbahan says it tells how on 6.0604:52
dennis_i did that04:52
Machtyngekko: it turns out I copied the wrong xorg.conf file over, but it pointed me in the right direction.  After I followed step 10 from the nvidia install howto, it changed the BusID line to 0:5:0, so I changed it back to 0:8:0 and it works like a charme04:52
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mainersorry,i'm no gamer,old comp:(04:52
=== floppyears [i=cedenoj@poipu/supporter/floppyears] has joined #ubuntu
floppyearswow, the new installer04:52
gekko`Machtyn: alright04:52
mournahanmainer: having problems with dappper hard freezing04:52
floppyearsdoesn't even feel like installer04:52
nuive been editing my linux for 11 hours (i installed it at 12pm)04:52
=== steveeeeee [n=steve@c211-30-106-95.carlnfd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nulong time04:52
floppyearsit's more like a desktop with a program running :)04:52
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PrinceDoes java come pre-installed with Ubuntu?04:54
=== cowmilk2 [n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cowmilk2has anybody got gpodder on their box?04:54
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:54
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository04:54
DanaGDamn, those modem drivers are all kernel 2.4.04:55
mainermournahan: memetest maybe/04:55
mournahangood did it already, have 1.256 gig of ram and default swap04:55
PrinceWhat is the command to install Java on Xubuntu?04:55
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Draslainteresting.  my disk i/o light's been constantly on for a month.  thought it was busted.  apparently, it was just a broken CD drive that was causing the light to remain on.04:58
=== klees [n=richie@c-69-142-137-136.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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rixthHow can I found what tempature my CPU is running04:59
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nicholaspaulk, this new disk doesnt show up in Gparted,  but it does in fdisk. How can i format?04:59
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mournahanrixth: gdesklets05:00
Tsukinorixth, try acpi -t05:00
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rixthNo support for device type: thermal05:00
Tsukinoyou might not have any sensors on your computer05:00
rixthmournahan, I don't want to install gDesklets and they rely on libraries I think, they don't access the temperature directly05:01
ubotuI know nothing about bluez-btsco - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:01
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks05:01
=== HBuzacott [n=HBuzacot@static-203-87-39-30.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Tsukinodoes anyone in here know how to enable processor throttling in acpi in Gnome?05:02
ubotuI know nothing about bluez - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:02
=== EpP [n=evan@c-67-182-211-240.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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__chris_how do i register this ubuntu room?05:02
EpPits a secret05:02
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kleeshow can i tell where files of a particular install reside???05:03
DanaGMy CPU throttling doesn't work in Linux.05:03
EpPklees, find?05:03
DanaGIt seems not to have VID/FID tables for Yonah.05:03
ardchoille__chris_: This channel was registered 2 years 7 weeks 2 days (3h 5m 30s) ago05:03
=== bobbyd [n=rob@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
kleesEpP: i dont know what the file names are05:04
bobbydhow do i completely remove all of X and make ubuntu just boot to the console?05:04
DanaGinstall lm_sensors and run sensors-detect, also.05:04
__chris_like register my nick name ... yah05:04
EpPklees, what is it?05:04
ardchoille__chris_: /msh nickserv help register05:04
__chris_first need to think of a nickname... and register it05:04
gekko`nicholaspaul: man mkfs05:04
EpPklees, what is the progra?05:04
ardchoille__chris_: /msg nickserv help register   sorry, typo05:04
=== prophet [n=prophet@c-67-168-240-95.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kleesi just installed  grub-splashimages05:05
kleesand need to know where the images are05:05
bobbydalso, how do i disable the boot splash?05:05
EpPklees, hold.05:05
__chris_thanks ardchoille05:05
EpPsearch for grub?05:05
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip68-99-148-93.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
EpPklees, ^05:05
ardchoillebobbyd: I disabled the boot splash pic by removing the "splash" from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:05
bobbydardchoille: thanks05:06
bobbydardchoille: did you then re-run some grub config tool?05:06
=== mister_roboto [n=jrk@24-136-10-249.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
mournahanneed help, dapper hard freezes 2-3 times daily and cant find any solution05:06
jcno, just reboot from there bobbyd05:06
ardchoillebobbyd: Nope, the splash was gone next time I rebooted05:06
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__chris_how do you guys come up with your nicknames just curious... :)05:07
cowmilk2how do you guys get podcasts (http:/ ... .xml) into your iPodS?05:07
bobbydardchoille: ok thanks05:07
kleesis there a way to set my boot resolution to:  1680x1050???05:07
bobbydardchoille: do you know how to make the console higher resolution too?05:08
HBuzacottcowmilk2, I use rhythmbox to download them and gtkpod to sync05:08
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HBuzacottklees, what do mean 'boot resolution'?05:09
ardchoillebobbyd: I added  "vga=791" (without quotes) in place of the word "splash" in menu.lst and I got 1024x76805:09
kleeswhen the system is booting05:09
bobbydardchoille: thanks :)05:09
kleessame idea as ardchoille's message up top05:10
HBuzacottklees, As in system startup?05:10
kleesHBuzacott: yes05:10
ardchoillebobbyd: Which was really nice as I often log into tty1 without X and use irssi in a screen session to chat :)05:10
GianLuigiBuffonI've installed the printer.... thanks!!!!!05:10
ardchoilleklees: You'll have to find the proper vga setting for that res05:10
Mufasahey all...  Trying to install ruby with apt-get.  The package installs but It doesn't install rdoc or irb has anyone installed these other items successfully.  I'd appreciate any insight.05:11
kleesardchoille: how can i do that?05:11
HBuzacottklees, follow ardchoille's talk with bobbyd is easyiest05:11
ardchoilleklees: I don't have a list, but I have seen several. possibly google "vga=791" or something05:11
GianLuigiBuffonOne question05:11
jclook up your monitor on google klees, you have to set up the hsync and vsync correctly05:11
GianLuigiBuffonI have installed a all-in-one... HP. How can I scan???????05:11
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GianLuigiBuffonI got it05:13
cowmilk2HBuzacott: oh, yes i used rythimbox in my ubuntu days05:14
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cowmilk2and i have gtkpod on now05:14
cowmilk2i use xubuntu now05:14
cowmilk2is there a smaller, more lightwegiht podcast program?05:14
=== Tedd [n=na@ool-457b37b6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitMonkeygtkpod is for transferring songs, not for downloading podcasts05:15
cowmilk2BHSPitMonkey: i was guessing that05:15
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BHSPitMonkeyand I don't know about lightweight05:16
cowmilk2BHSPitMonkey: so how do i download podcasts onto my xubuntu box? i'm looking for something that isn't too big or memory intesvine05:16
HBuzacottcowmilk2, podracer or ipodder perhaps05:16
BHSPitMonkeybut I think amaroK does it05:16
cowmilk2HBuzacott: ipodder? aka juice?05:16
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cowmilk2it's currently not aviaalbe on the website05:16
ardchoilleklees: Maybe this will be of some help: http://wiki.antlinux.com/pmwiki.php?n=HowTos.VgaModes05:16
cowmilk2is ipodder avaialbe in repo?05:16
=== Ronz [n=ronzo@nc-71-0-123-58.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitMonkeyI can't wait till songbird or banshee are stable and ipod-supportive05:17
ubotuI know nothing about ipodder - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:17
HBuzacottcowmilk2, as per ... apt-get ... ipodder05:17
cowmilk2!info ipodder05:17
=== Toba [n=eastein@pool-151-203-34-126.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuipodder: a podcast receiver. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.1.9-4 (dapper), package size 640 kB, installed size 2648 kB05:17
cowmilk2i'm getting ipodder now05:17
cowmilk2is ipodder smaller than podracer, HBuzacott?05:17
kleesardchoille: thx i'll look there05:17
cowmilk2how can i determine which is lighter?05:17
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ardchoilleklees: Also look at this one: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=15257505:18
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=== bobbyd [n=rob@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
HBuzacottcowmilk2, it is but I don't beleive it has a GUI05:18
knapperHelp, I had Xgl installed at one point, but then I removed it. Now when I boot up GDM/Xserver won't start. It's calling for Xgl, but cannot find it.05:18
stylus-helpCould I get some compiling help on ubuntu?05:19
cowmilk2HBuzacott: ipodder doesn't have gui? oh. will it be easy to get the podcasts via terminal, i wonder.05:19
bobbydknapper: remove the Load xgl line in your xorg.conf05:19
bobbydknapper: or install the driver again05:19
cowmilk2if ipodder is smaller/lighter than podracer, then i'll give ipodder a try05:19
nicholaspaulHELP! sudo fdisk /dev/hdb says 'unable to open'. How can i format that drive?05:19
=== Unix_n_Coffee [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu
bobbydstylus-help: what do you want to know?05:19
cowmilk2is it a good idea to use aptitude rather than apt-get05:19
HBuzacottcowmilk2, It has a daemon so I just assume it would have a .conf file somewhere that lists the casts05:20
Unix_n_CoffeeThere we go got my offical nickname! no more _chris__05:20
stylus-helpbobbyd: allow me to paste something in the bin05:20
knapperbobbyd there is no load xgl line in xorg.conf05:20
cowmilk2daemon? conf file? HBuzacott. that's too linuxy for my understanding. 8-)05:20
ardchoilleUnix_n_Coffee: That's two of the most addictive things in the world :)05:20
cowmilk2ardchoille: what about my nickname?05:20
bobbydknapper: doh, I'l getting confused sorry, i thought you meant glx :)05:20
Unix_n_Coffeeardchoille thanks :) im very creative too :)05:20
cowmilk2ardchoille: isn't my nickname two (or one) of the most addictive thing(s) in the world? 8-)05:21
Unix_n_Coffeegoing to sell it on ebay i think my nick name :)05:21
secleinteerhey, has any1 had any problems with gcc 4.0.3 not being able to create executables? i was trying to compile irssi and i got this error05:21
DanaGDO you have libc6?05:21
DanaGI found I was missing it.05:21
HBuzacottcowmilk2, A daemon is a app that runs in the background do its work. It would have a file that it would read so it knows where to look. I am just installing it to see how it works.05:22
=== wenko2 [n=wenko2@S0106001217036213.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
secleinteerlibc6, how do i get that?05:22
cowmilk2HBuzacott: i ran the sudo aptitude install ipodder command. wow. it wants to instal a lot of packages05:22
stylus-helpbobbyd: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19746 - how can I fix that? It seems that I don't have a c compiler..05:22
=== nos_ [n=nos@cpe-72-226-180-61.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_Coffee /msg nickserv set unfiltered on05:23
gekko`secleinteer: how about 'sudo apt-get install libc6'05:23
=== Generic [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobbydstylus-help: did you "apt-get install build-essential" ?05:23
HBuzacottcowmilk2, hold on a sec and I'll what podracer is like05:23
ardchoillestylus-help: Firstly, what are you compiling? Secondly, did you sudo apt-get install build-essential  ?05:23
Generichow would i copy all the files that do NOT start with .?05:23
cowmilk2HBuzacott: ok. thanks05:23
Generici want to backup my home directory, but i don't want to grab the config files05:23
stylus-helpI'll try that command. ardchoille, you should know what I'm compiling if you read the pastebin.05:23
cowmilk2this is what new packages will be installed if i install ipodder: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1974705:24
secleinteergekko`: nope i already have libc605:24
bobbydstylus-help: that should be "sudo apt-get install build-essential" ?05:24
gekko`secleinteer: so where is your problem?05:24
_priestGeneric: tar cvjf --exclude=.dir backup.tar.bz2 ~/05:24
stylus-helpbobbyd: yeah.05:25
secleinteerwhen i try to compile irssi, it cant make execs05:25
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secleinteersome with a confdefs.h05:25
=== DirtyPig [i=PigSlut@bas7-montrealak-1128775396.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
_priestGeneric: use --exclude=.dir for every directory you want to exclude05:25
lulzL  Y     A  Z  H  Y     U  L  G  O     L  Y     A  Z  H  Y     U05:25
bobbydsecleinteer: see the help I gave for stylus-help05:25
lulzO     L  Y     A  Z  H  Y     U  L  G  O     L  Y     A  Z  H  Y05:25
lulzL  G  O     L  Y     A  Z  H  Y     U  L  G  O     L  Y     A  Z05:25
lulz   U  L  G  O     L  Y     A  Z  H  Y     U  L  G  O     L  Y05:25
=== sidolin [n=sid@p3E9E13B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoillestylus-help: You realise that XChat is in the repos?05:25
lulzH  Y     U  L  G  O     L  Y     A  Z  H  Y     U  L  G  O05:25
lulzA  Z  H  Y     U  L  G  O     L  Y     A  Z  H  Y     U  L  G05:25
cowmilk2lulz: what are you doing?05:25
_priestbeing a tarrd05:25
=== i3dmaster [n=i3dmaste@c-67-176-90-209.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stylus-helpardchoille: that isn['t the latest version of xchat is it?05:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
Generic_priest, would .* work fine too?05:26
ardchoille!info xchat05:26
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 254 kB, installed size 720 kB05:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by crimsun
ardchoillestylus-help: I guess not05:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun
_priestGeneric: i dont think --exclude takes globbing05:26
stylus-helpardchoille: nod05:26
_priestGeneric: i think i tried that before but it didnt like that05:26
cowmilk2how do i learn more about a package in repo?05:26
stylus-helpbobbyd: after that install has finished should xchat work?05:26
secleinteeri'm trying sudo apt-get install build-essential05:26
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secleinteerbut i don't know if that will help05:26
bobbydstylus-help: well, you should able to compile stuff :)05:26
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cowmilk2!info ubuntu-standard05:27
ubotuubuntu-standard: The Ubuntu standard system. In repository main, is standard. Version 0.120 (dapper), package size 12 kB, installed size 40 kB05:27
HBuzacottcowmilk2, is actually pretty simple, I would recommend it05:27
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cowmilk2HBuzacott: did you see the things it wanted to install?05:27
HBuzacottcowmilk2, an it's tiny05:27
=== machineca is now known as crashtest
stylus-helpbobbyd: thanks for the help for now. I'll be back if there is a problem. :P05:27
_priestdoes anyone do network installs of ubuntu05:27
_priesti need to find some info on it05:27
cowmilk2yes, maybe ipodder is tiny, but it wanted to install 70 megs!05:27
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@AC8F2310.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
HBuzacottcowmilk2, podracer has two dependencies05:27
Killeroid!networking >> Killeroid05:27
cowmilk2HBuzacott: if so, why the long list? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1974705:27
HBuzacottcowmilk2, podracer not ipodder05:28
Killeroid!networking >>Killeroid05:28
crashtestanybody know how to specifiy an interrupt to an ethernet driver module at boot?05:28
ubotuI know nothing about networking - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:28
Unix_n_Coffeepodracer does it support ipod video?05:28
=== mooseman447 [n=mooseman@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:28
nicholaspaulAnyone know how i can format a disk that doesnt show up in fdisk?05:28
_priestcrashtest: you can't05:28
_priestcrashtest: you can let the OS handle IRQ assigning or the bios05:28
crashtestplease tell me you're kidding05:28
cowmilk2HBuzacott: oh, so you're saying that podracer is lighter than ipodder?05:29
_priestcrashtest: i assume you are getting irq conflicts05:29
cowmilk2plesae confirm05:29
bobbydstylus-help: np05:29
degreezthanks guys... g`nite05:29
crashtesti've got a 1.09TB raid array I can't write to because of this stupidity.05:29
HBuzacottUnix_n_Coffee, I don't see why not05:29
secleinteeryes, it worked05:29
Unix_n_CoffeeHBuzacott how do you ocnvert a avi or mpeg movie to ipod video?05:29
secleinteersudo apt-get install build-essential05:29
crashtestliterally can't transfer via ethernet because the ethernet dies05:29
HBuzacottcowmilk2, it is just over 98kB05:29
_priestcrashtest: is ethernet at half duplex05:30
stylus-helpbobbyd: It cannot find glib now?05:30
HBuzacottUnix_n_Coffee, I've got an iPod photo so, no idea, sorry05:30
stylus-helpCare to help me attain such a program?05:30
Unix_n_CoffeeHBuzacott its ok thanks :)05:30
crashtesti've assigned the card an interrupt in the BIOS, but the OS seems to ignore it and insist on using a shared IRQ.05:30
cowmilk2HBuzacott: podracer wants to install the following:  bittorrent ca-certificates curl libcurl3 libidn11 openssl timeout05:30
cowmilk2you said ony 2 depencies?05:30
_priestcrashtest: yea you need to use something like pci=biosirq05:30
_priestcrashtest: because the OS is taking over the assignment05:31
crashtestwhere would I specify that?05:31
_priestcrashtest: you have to tell the kernel to let the BIOS assign the irq05:31
_priestcrashtest: you can assign it in the grub menu.lst file05:31
_priestcrashtest: append it to the kernel line05:31
stylus-helpcould anyone help me get glib on my computer?05:31
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HBuzacottcowmilk2, sorry I forgot that you where on xubuntu, it should be five with nothing installed, on Ubuntu it should be 205:31
_prieststylus-help: you have glib on your computer05:31
=== yuheng108 [n=yuheng10@ool-18b832b7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
_prieststylus-help: its the most used set of libraries05:31
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HBuzacottcowmilk2, I'm guessing that those would be depenacies of the depenacies05:32
cowmilk2HBuzacott: what do you mean "it should be five"...05:32
stylus-help_priest: then how come it doesn't get detected?05:32
cowmilk2did you mean "fine"05:32
_priestcrashtest: search google for pci= or biosirq05:32
_priestcrashtest: i cant remember the exact option05:32
_priestcrashtest: you can also get the kernel documentation and check there as well05:32
_prieststylus-help: whats the problem05:32
=== crashtest google
HBuzacottcowmilk2, it should be five, but the rest are probably dependencies of podracer's dependencies. But it should be 'fine', I don't think that they should take up much space though05:33
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cowmilk2HBuzacott: ok. i'm getting podracer now. thanks so so so much!05:33
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cl187so i cant get my wireless working05:33
cowmilk2HBuzacott: hmmm. it uses bittorrent?05:34
cl187its a broadcom wireless card05:34
cl187in a dell05:34
Unix_n_Coffeeyou guys wanna see my ubuntu desktop ? :)05:34
shadeofgreywhats the commandline command to make a file readable writeable and executable by every user?05:34
cl187any ideas05:34
ttyfsckercl187:: yea05:34
stylus-help_priest: it can't find glib 2.0.3 (the ./configure of xchat)05:34
ttyfsckercl187:: you need the ndis wrappers for that specific card05:34
cowmilk2HBuzacott: will you be using podracer now, or are you sticking with rythymbox05:34
jcchmod o+rw shade05:34
ttyfsckercl187:: i can give you a link if you can hold a sec05:34
HBuzacottcowmilk2, After install you just need to add your feeds to ~/.podracer/subscriptions05:34
cl187yeah i can hold on.. thanks man05:34
_prieststylus-help: maybe you need the dev package05:34
stylus-help_priest: is there a command to get that?05:35
cowmilk2how do i do this addition?05:35
cowmilk2you mean in gtkpod, HBuzacott05:35
HBuzacottcowmilk2, I will probably use podracer so I don't need to open rhythmbox all the time05:35
_prieststylus-help: well you can use synaptic and search for glib05:35
shadeofgreyand whats the command to set the root password05:35
_prieststylus-help: and install the development package05:35
shadeofgreyi forgewt05:35
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_priestshadeofgrey: passwd05:35
jcsudo su -05:35
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ttyfsckercl187:: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=bcm+431805:35
stylus-help_priest: is synaptic that Add/Remove programs thing on the Applications list?05:35
HBuzacottcowmilk2, no, the feeds that you want podracer to download should be written in ~/.podracer/sub...05:36
ttyfsckercl187:: download the one WITHOUT network manager05:36
stylus-help_priest: I  can't find anything to do with glib in that list... is there a command I can put into the kernel to get the dev version?05:36
stylus-helpkernel = console05:36
cl187thank you ttyfscker05:36
ttyfsckerwhat package contains the gtk 2.0 - development libs?05:37
ttyfsckercl187:: no prob05:37
darthbatorhey is there a way to make the always on top option in VLC work with compiz05:37
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shadeofgreythanks everybody05:37
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jcnp shadeofgrey05:38
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HBuzacottcowmilk2, I'm off, hope that it all works for you.05:38
_prieststylus-help: try sudo apt-get install glib-dev05:38
lhdswhen i try to type make menuconfig it gives me bad command or file name... do  i have to download a certain package for make to work ?05:39
_prieststylus-help: or sudo apt-get install builddep xchat05:39
Unix_n_Coffeeisnt it cool my ubuntu system !? :)05:39
cowmilk2ok, HBuzacottthanks05:39
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_priestoops build-dep05:39
cowmilk2HBuzacott: thanks05:39
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ttyfsckeri cant find any libgtk2-0 development libraries in the repos.. does anyone know what package they are in?05:39
ttyfsckerchecking for GTK - version >= 1.2.0... no05:39
_priestttyfscker: thats not gtk205:39
cl187hey ttyfscker do i need a active connection to set this shit up?05:39
cowmilk2HBuzacott: i chose "Yes" in "Would you like a sample subscription file?" but it's taking so long to download05:40
secleinteeri got to the end of the configure of irssi and it said that it would install glib, but synaptic says glib is already installed - does any1 know why?05:40
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cowmilk2and i can't find the podracer folder, HBuzacott05:40
stylus-help_priest: it couldn't be found.05:40
_priestsecleinteer: you need glib-dev05:40
lhdshow to make make work?05:40
cowmilk2HBuzacott: oh it's .podracer, and not podrace05:40
ttyfscker_priest:: i know its not 2.005:40
_priestttyfscker: so you are looking for libgtk2 dev files05:40
ttyfscker_priest::  they will work its just for a plugin for bmp05:41
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stylus-help_priest: how can I get into synaptic so I can find the glib-dev ?05:41
ttyfscker1.2 - 2.x will work05:41
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[IL] YoniHi all05:41
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cowmilk2HBuzacott: i think i figured out what's taking so long. the sample list has many podcasts!05:41
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slavikpartitioner freezes at 50% of launching :(05:41
stylus-help_priest: don't worry - found it I think05:41
mathieu_i'm trying to mount an initrd image to modify it but I am not able to mount it even after gunzip05:42
slavikcould it be because one of the drives I have is sATA?05:42
[IL] YoniI've been installed on my primary hard drive Ubuntu 6.06 & on my secondary hard drive Windows XP, who can hewlp me with creatin' a dual boot with grub?05:42
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[IL] YoniI got the Wiki HowTo but I didn't understund it :\05:42
_priesti dont understand why apt-get doesn't come with a search05:42
slavik[IL] Yoni: what don't you understand?05:42
mathieu_when i run "file" on the file i get that it is a cpio archive05:42
cl187might be to drunk to do thi\s05:42
[IL] Yoniyep this too :)05:43
mister_roboto_priest: it does come with a search... apt-cache search05:43
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_priestmister_roboto: ah05:43
rixxonwhy can't i get wlan working?05:43
[IL] YoniI just didnt understund why should I need to reinstall the grub :\05:43
stylus-helplibglib2.0-dev is the file name, _priest?05:43
Jack_Sparrow[IL] Yoni: have you edited the grub and can you post the wiki you used05:44
_priestmister_roboto: ahh this is what i was looking for05:44
mister_roboto_priest: :)05:44
stylus-helpThat's the closest I could find in synaptic..05:44
_prieststylus-help: yea looks like it05:44
mathieu_rixxon: what is the problem ?05:44
Jack_Sparrow[IL] Yoni: Did you install windows first?05:44
_priestmister_roboto: i come from fedora used to rpm :D05:44
rixxonmathieu, err, it doesn't work? :P05:44
[IL] Yoninoop I didn't edited the grub, although I was thinkin thias is what should I do :\05:44
slavikdependency hell?05:44
mister_roboto_priest: use the "--names-only" arg if you want to search only on the package names and not the description as well05:44
_priestslavik: thats been squashed long time ago05:44
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mathieu_rixxon: do you connect to the internal network ?05:44
slavik_priest: by what? urpmi?05:45
tripppyhow does one pair ubuntu with a mobile phone device?05:45
nu_nu_: testing colors05:45
_priestmister_roboto: awesome, off the top of your head whats the easiest way to find what package owns /lib/file.so?05:45
slavikwhich breaks itself during the upgrade cycle ...05:45
rixxonmathieu, any wlan05:45
_priestslavik: yum05:45
slavikyumex is a joke compared to synaptic05:45
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_priestslavik: they both have their purposes05:46
_priestthey are only as good as what they interface with05:46
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slavikI like to know dependecy problems when removing stuff right when I select them ... not when I am about to remove it and then I don't even know what got added from what05:46
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mister_roboto_priest: hmmm... dpkg -L lists the files in a package.... thinking   you don't know the package...05:46
slavik_priest: then yum is not as nice as apt ...05:46
secleinteer_priest: i'm getting an error saying install ncurses-devel now05:46
_priestmister_roboto: yea in fedora you can do rpm -qf /lib/file.so05:46
mister_roboto_priest: dpkg -S05:46
secleinteerdo u know how to fix this?05:46
_priestmister_roboto: will show what package owns this file05:46
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mister_roboto_priest: dpkg is the lower level util that apt-xxx uses05:47
cl187ok here is another fucked up question... is there anyway to make a build inside windows so you know when u boot up ubuntu you have full driver suport?05:47
_priestsecleinteer: apt-get install ncurses-devel05:47
slavikmister_roboto: lower case L lists all installed packages (if no package is given :D)05:47
_priestmister_roboto: yea i read through dpkg didnt see that though05:47
_priestmister_roboto: lemme check that out05:47
mister_roboto_priest: look at -S05:47
slavik_priest: looks at rdepends, too :)05:47
secleinteer_priest: it couldn't find the package05:47
_priestmister_roboto: that'll search for a file kind of like locate05:48
[IL] YoniI installed windows & ubuntu seperatlly05:48
_priestmister_roboto: won't tell you what package it belongs to05:48
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Jack_Sparrow[IL] Yoni: which first?05:48
[IL] Yonieach on a specific hard drive, while the another one isn't plug05:48
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[IL] YoniUbuntu act on the primary hard drive05:48
slavikparitioner load stop at 50% during install, could it be because of a sATA drive?05:48
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Jack_Sparrow[IL] Yoni: is that what the wiki told you to do..?05:49
stylus-help_priest: now there are make issues. It seems it doesn't have all the tools. Can anyone point me towards other programs which may be needed to "make" stuff?05:49
cygnusis ubuntu better at support newer hardware than debian ?05:49
[IL] YoniI readed the wiki after I installed bouth of them :\05:49
slavikstylus-help: build-essential05:49
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stylus-helpslavik: I have that.05:49
void^cygnus: there are slightly more precompiled modules available, especially non-free ones05:49
slavikthen automake05:49
stylus-helpWhat's that?05:49
slavikuse synaptic and search for automake 1.905:50
_prieststylus-help: what does the xchat website say you need05:50
_priestthats probably the best place05:50
slavikit generates stuff ...05:50
Jack_Sparrow[IL] Yoni: I would set windows as primary drive ub as secondary then try the super grub repair disc05:50
slavikoh, and find gnumake05:50
stylus-helpCouldn't find a list like that _priest?05:50
stylus-helpalright, will try them.05:50
slavikxchat? just use gaim05:50
_priestor irssi05:50
stylus-helpI am slavik..05:50
cygnusvoid^: do you use debian too ?05:50
=== slavik wonders why people don't use gaim for irc
slavikso, what's the problem?05:50
=== crashtest x-chat on OSX
Jack_Sparrow[IL] Yoni: or windows as  primary drive and reinstall ub on secondary05:51
[IL] Yonithere is no way to edit grub to call Windows paratition?:\05:51
slavikyes there is05:51
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stylus-helpI'm trying to learn how to install a program slavik! ^_^05:51
void^cygnus: yes.05:51
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slavikdoes 'grub-update' find and install proper stuff?05:51
stylus-helpand have been failing terribly so far.05:51
spcslavik: love gaim, but wasn't that impressed with it's irc last time I tried to use it.05:51
_priest[IL] Yoni: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot?highlight=%28dualboot%2905:51
slavikstylus-help: easy, open synaptic and search for stuff you want05:51
slavikspc: what version was that?05:52
Jack_Sparrow[IL] Yoni: windows insists on primary position05:52
darthbatoranyone have any ideas on why my keyboard would happen to have a numlock issue05:52
farous[IL] Yoni: open the /boot/grub/menu.lst file and you will see an example there05:52
_prieststylus-help: where is it failing at in the make05:52
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_prieststylus-help: have you passed the ./configure part yet?05:52
darthbatoror why my VLC won't actually stay on top of my other windows with the always on top option05:52
stylus-help_priest: yes.05:52
slavikit's not as good as a real client (no file autosave so I can't leech porn from irc :() but the more people use it the more inclide ethan will be to put features in05:52
stylus-helpIt just said type make and pray.05:52
spcslavik: it was on windows, actually.  1.5, I think?  Not 2.0 - I'm still waiting for that (though now I'm on Ubuntu I need to get gaim set up here).05:52
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stylus-helpso I did, _priest. Then at the end of make there were some errors.05:53
slavikspc: move your profile over :)05:53
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stylus-help_priest: do I need to redo a ./configure each time I want to make?05:53
_prieststylus-help: what are the errors05:53
_prieststylus-help: nah05:53
[IL] Yonifarous, thanks I'll try that :)05:53
cowmilk2is there a good reason why gpodder isnt' included in the repo?05:53
spcslavik: is it easy?  Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely try05:53
stylus-helpI'll put them in the pastebin _priest.05:53
cygnuscowmilk2: whats gpodder ?05:53
[IL] Yonithanks all for all of the help :)05:53
farous[IL] Yoni: good luck :)05:54
slavikspc: I did a simple file copy from proper to proper location :)05:54
spcslavik: thanks, I'll give it a try.05:54
slavikstylus-help: you redo ./configure only if you want to change something05:54
slavikspc: same with firefox and thunderbird :D05:54
AngryElfokay, i'm out of ideas -- mythfrontend is still saying /dev/dsp is being used by another app.....but nothing is running, now what?05:55
spcslavik: is 1.5 still latest release, or is 2.0 nearing completion?  I'm hoping they have voice in 2.0!05:55
mister_robotopriest, i came up with a really ugly way to do it :)05:55
cowmilk2cygnus: an application that downloads podcasts onto your hard drive.05:55
slavik2.0 does not get voice ><05:55
mister_roboto_priest: I came up with a really ugly way to do it05:55
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_priestmister_roboto: oh yea?05:55
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spcslavik: I thought it was more complicated with firefox profiles.  I'll have to try, then!05:55
_priestmister_roboto: how'd you get it05:55
mister_robotofor n in `dpkg -l |tr -s ' ' |cut -d ' ' -f2`; do echo $n; dpkg -L $n|grep scpi\.1\.gz&& break; done05:55
cowmilk2that's what gpodder is05:55
stylus-help_priest: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1974905:55
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mister_roboto_priest: i said it's ugly :)05:55
taigeR__i am trying to setup my WPA wireless network05:55
taigeR__and I get Association request to the driver failed05:55
stylus-helpI get that at the end... some things couldn't be found during the make as well.05:55
stylus-helplike GTK?05:55
mister_roboto_priest: grep for the string you want05:55
_priestmister_roboto: ahh thats actually nice looking :)05:55
slavikspc: you have to replace the profiles.ini, too or edit it or backitup first then edit it05:56
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mister_roboto_priest: there must be an easier way but i don't know it offhand05:56
slavikstylus-help: paste the stuff that is before that05:56
slavikstylus-help: paste the entire stuff from you typing the command :)05:56
mister_roboto_priest: if there are multiple matches on the same string, it will break on the first05:57
=== crashtest crosses his fingers
slavikpastbin won't mind :)05:57
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_priestmister_roboto: interesting05:57
stylus-helpslavik: ok. :-)05:57
spcslavik: edit how?05:57
_priestmister_roboto: ill need to look further into this05:57
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_prieststylus-help: you need to paste more05:57
slavikspc: to add the newly copied profiles and to change the default one05:57
mister_robotoi plugged in a file that matched on the first package to make sure the loop stopped when it was found :)05:57
slavikspc: you code by any chance?05:57
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nicholaspaulAnyone know how to format fromt the command line?05:58
_priestmister_roboto: hehe yea i was kind of curious about that :D05:58
cowmilk2HBuzacott: i'm trying podrace now. everytime an mp3 file from the xml list is downloaded. i get a curl error05:58
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cowmilk2HBuzacott: let me know about your experienc with podracer, ok?05:58
kr3wzaLol, internet.05:58
mister_roboto_priest:  use whatever file you're looking for after the grep. should work05:58
slavikspc: editing the profiles.ini is very easy, will take about 30 seconds :) the default one is like 7 lines total or something05:58
_priestmister_roboto: cool man thx05:58
slavikstylus-help: you there?05:59
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slavikahh, for starters, perl-dev is not installed (that is probably not the correct package name)06:00
_priestyea missing perl headers06:00
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stylus-helpalright, I'll look for that one.06:00
stylus-helpin synaptic?06:00
cowmilk2anybody here use podracer?06:01
slavikjust search for perl and one of them should be perl*-dev where * is some version string or something06:01
stylus-helplibperl-dev slavik?06:01
slaviklooks like it is it06:01
stylus-helpnod, installing.06:01
slavikstylus-help: are you doing make install? I would advise against that06:02
stylus-helpI just tried make install after make.06:02
slavikstylus-help: find 'checkinstall'06:02
stylus-helpanother program?06:02
slavikcheckinstall is "safer"06:02
stylus-helpwhat's the command then instead of make install?06:03
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mister_roboto_priest: you still there?06:03
slavikbasically, checkinstall will compile for you but instead of installing stuff, it will create a .deb file that you can then install with dpkg06:03
_priestmister_roboto: yea06:03
slavikwhich would also allow you to uninstall your stuff06:03
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nicholaspaulHow do i format a disk?06:03
slavikthus not needing you to keep the sources there06:03
mister_roboto_priest: this is a lot faster if you only print the package name after the find:   for n in `dpkg -l |tr -s ' ' |cut -d ' ' -f2`; do dpkg -L $n|grep \/lib\/libc\.so\.6 && echo $n && break; done06:03
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mister_roboto_priest: i'm done playing with this ugly kludge now. gonna look for a better way :)06:03
stylus-helpah, ok slavik. synaptic have it?06:04
_priestmister_roboto: hehe ok06:04
slavikcheckinstall, should be there06:04
farousnicholaspaul: mkfs i would suggest man mkfs to know all the options06:04
slavikif not: http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/download.php06:04
slavikdownload the Debian bianry package06:04
slavikthen sudo dpkg -i checkinstall.deb06:04
slavikor change as appropriate :)06:05
stylus-helpalright, will do that now. :-)06:05
nicholaspaulfarous: thx mate06:05
stylus-helphow would I need to change it though?06:05
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slavikyou need to put in the actual name of the file ;)06:05
cygnusif you have a hyperthreading cpu do you need to use an smp kernel?06:05
stylus-helpah, hehe06:05
_priestcygnus: yea06:05
_priestcygnus: you dont have to06:05
slavikcygnus: I would install i686 kernel either way :)06:05
cygnusyes but i686-smp or just i686 one06:06
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slavikthere should be only one ...06:06
slavikI think06:06
cygnusill try smp06:07
stylus-helpslavik, installed check install.06:07
stylus-helpNow that I have perl-dev as well, should I try make in the directory again?06:07
slaviknow, instead of that make && make install business, you can do 'sudo checkinstall' and answer some questions and bam, you get a deb file :D06:08
slavikuse checkinstall this time though06:08
mister_roboto_priest: !!!!  dpkg -S does exactly that. thought you said it didn't print the package name. it's the first thing it prints06:08
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stylus-helpso the command slavik, is?06:09
stylus-helpsudo checkinstall ?06:09
|thundertry man checkinstall06:09
cowmilk2what's the best way to install a .deb file that i got from http://perli.net/projekte/gpodder/downloads.html? I'm on Xubuntu.06:09
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_priestmister_roboto: hahaha how'd i miss that06:10
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digitalAnything new with Ubuntu todya?06:10
|thundercow, try man dpkg06:10
mister_roboto_priest: oh well... shook off a little rust with shell scripts  :D06:10
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slavikstylus-help: yes06:11
troytroylinuxboy: hi were u one asking bout amarok plugins06:11
slavikalso, the deb stuff can be installed with udebi :D06:11
_priestmister_roboto: i wasn't even paying attention06:11
_priestmister_roboto: :D06:11
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slavikor whatever that thingy is06:11
_priestmister_roboto: man its late i need to sleep i guess06:12
shawnr_are ubuntu and ubuntu64bit repositories the same?06:12
cowmilk2thunder, how did you type the first charaacter of your nickname?06:12
stylus-helpslavik, just "checkinstall" worked, it seems.06:12
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stylus-helpIt's going through all the work atm06:12
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slavikstylus-help: you want to do sudo checkinstall though06:12
kr3wzaI forget how to navigate in the linux.06:12
mister_roboto_priest: at least you found the answer :)06:12
|thunderthere is no udebi im ,y universe06:12
|thunderthere is no udebi im my universe06:12
stylus-helparg, should I just resubmit the command after it has finished?06:12
slavikcd, pwd, ch, ls06:12
_priestmister_roboto: yea man thanks!06:12
slavikstylus-help: only if there are errors06:12
shawnr_are ubuntu and ubuntu-64bit repositories the same?06:12
slavikshawnr_: I would guess no06:13
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|thundersome 64 bit arch is not available06:13
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stylus-helpslavik, it still said it was done and the deb was created.06:13
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stylus-helpDo I need to re do it with a sudo?06:13
slavikthen sudo dpkg -i that sucker :D06:13
|thunderbut the repo urls are the same06:13
kr3wzanow I see my problem with terminal06:13
kr3wzaIt's case sensitive.06:13
stylus-helphehe, will do.06:13
jeeaarhey, quick question. how can i check to see if my version it kernel 2.6+?06:13
slavikjeeaar: if it's ubuntu, it is :)06:13
nrdbI have just reset the computer but mozilla-thunderbird insist that it is allready running how do I fix this?06:13
slavikjeeaar: uname -r06:14
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slaviknrdb: was thunderbird running when you reset?06:14
shawnr_does anyone know where i can get a look at the package list for the ubuntu 64-bit repositories?06:14
|thunderjeeaar, dmesg | grep -i version06:14
nrdbslavik: i think so06:14
slavikand was it the shutdown restart or was it a hardware reset?06:14
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|thunderor just dmesg and look at the top06:14
nrdbslavik: a restart06:15
stylus-helpslavik, I think it worked..06:15
stylus-helpUnpacking xchat (from xchat_2.6.6-1_i386.deb) ...06:15
stylus-helpSetting up xchat (2.6.6-1) ...06:15
slavikyup :D06:15
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stylus-helpawesome. ;D06:15
slaviknow, you should have xchat under internet applications06:15
stylus-helpSo now how do I use the program?06:15
shawnr_does anyone know where i can get a look at the package list for the ubuntu 64-bit repositories?06:15
stylus-helpno? :(06:15
|thunderi install xchat with automatix06:15
stylus-helpslavik, it isn't there. Do I need to restart first?06:16
lastnodestylus-help, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ ?06:16
slavikstylus-help: you might06:16
slavikstylus-help: try logging out and in06:16
nicholaspaulfarous: i tried mkfs and it doesnt recognise /dev/hdb06:16
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stylus-helpalright. lastnode, what's that link for?06:16
farousnicholaspaul: which partition06:16
lastnodestylus-help, look at that06:16
farous/dev/hdb1 or 2 or what06:16
lastnodestylus-help, you can search the repos06:17
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stylus-helplastnode, how will that help me now?06:17
slavikif that doesn't work, we can create a custom launcher06:17
nicholaspaulfarous: /dev/hdb its a drive i just installed. theres just a couple of partitions i dont need on it - OS906:17
lastnodeshit sorry06:17
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lastnodemy bad, that was for slavik06:17
|thunderor alacarte06:17
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lastnodesorry, it's early, eyes are wierd :)06:17
wthwwhow do i format my zip drive?06:17
stylus-helpno worries, lastnode. :-)06:17
stylus-helpslavik, ok06:17
nrdbI have a problem with thunderbird it is insisting that it is allready running what do I need to do to change its mind? :(06:18
farousnicholaspaul: give me a min06:18
nicholaspaulfarous: sure06:18
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slaviknrdb: it could be some kind of a corruption issue, I would run it in terminala nd pastebin the output06:18
jeeaarok.another quick question, (sorry, just installed ubuntu on an old machine to try and get a CSS server going). is the "./" psrt of a "./hldupdatetool.bin" command?06:18
slavikjeeaar: ./ == current directory06:18
farousnicholaspaul: you need to remove some of the existing partitons?06:18
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jeeaarslavik: thanks :D06:19
nicholaspaulfarous: i just want to obliterate it and make it a linux HD06:19
nrdbslavik: out is "DOUBLE-CLICK: 400 --> -1 THRESHOLD: 8 --> -1 "06:19
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farousnicholaspaul: i do not know how to join the partions of the hd in a single partition06:19
slaviknrdb: that is it?06:20
farousnicholaspaul: so let me look out how you can do that06:20
stylus-helpslavik, xchat appeared on the internet list.06:20
stylus-helpbut it doesn't open 0.o06:20
slavikstylus-help: :D06:20
nrdbslavik: yes06:20
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stylus-helpDetails: Failed to execute child process "xchat" (No such file or directory)06:20
aujordanhnicholaspaul, are you wiping out the entire drive06:20
nicholaspaulfarous: sure :) thx06:20
slaviknrdb: I would cosult the thunderbird people ...06:20
nicholaspaulaujordanh: yes06:20
slavikstylus-help: try to run xchat in terminal06:20
slavikpastebin any errors/results06:20
nrdbslavik: there is no option to force it to start, no indication how it is deciding that another is going.06:20
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aujordanhnicholaspaul,  delete all of the partitions repartition it how you like it, then write your changes06:20
stylus-helpwhat's the command to run xchat in the terminal slavik?06:20
stylus-helpjust : xchat ?06:20
slavikprobably :)06:21
stylus-helpnope, didn't work.06:21
farousnicholaspaul: check gparted it is a gui for partioning and formating06:21
slavikyou can do which xchat or xch (then press tab) if it tab completes it's there06:21
yuheng108is anyone using Intel GMA 900?06:21
nicholaspaulfarous:  it doestn show up in gparted06:21
aujordanhnicholaspaul, you delete a partition, it turns it into free space, you delete two and they are combined as free space06:21
slaviknrdb: consult the tbird people ... irc.mozilla.org06:21
farousnicholaspaul: there is qtparted also but as you use gnome check gparted06:21
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farousnicholaspaul: is it mounted06:21
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nicholaspaulaujordanh: gotcha06:21
nicholaspaulfarous: no.06:21
kr3wzaUbuntu doesn't like my sound card.06:22
shawnr_does anyone know where i can get a look at the package list for the ubuntu 64-bit repositories?06:22
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|thunderwhen does edgy ship ?06:22
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aujordanhshawnr_,  packages.ubuntu.org??06:22
|thundershawn, is google showing nothing ?06:22
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farousnicholaspaul: ok i see aujordanh helped you there06:22
shawnr_not really06:22
shawnr_just a bunch of forum posts06:22
shawnr_aujordanh, thanks06:22
stylus-helpslavik, it can't find it.. Would this be effected from where it was when I was isntalling it?06:23
nicholaspaulfarous: kinda, but it doesnt show up in gparted, or fdisk, just in Disk Mnager06:23
stylus-helpI just had it in my moe directory.06:23
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shawnr_aujordanh, no thats not a valid site06:23
stylus-helphome directory.06:23
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farousnicholaspaul: try qtparted then06:23
farousi used it and was really easy to use06:23
fullmetalashamani am getting an error whenever i try to update06:23
aujordanhshawnr_, http://packages.ubuntu.com/06:23
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fullmetalashamanIt is not possible to upgrade all packages.06:23
farousnicholaspaul: ps you can not format a mounted partition so that is good06:24
fullmetalashamanPlease use Synaptic "Smart Upgrade" or "apt-get dist-upgrade" to fix the situation.06:24
nicholaspaulfarous: ok . but i shouldnt have to take it out and format it with another machine should i?06:24
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fullmetalashamanand i was wondering where you had to type that command06:24
stylus-helpslavik, is there a specific place I should have the files which I install from before doing the ./configure and everything?06:24
aujordanhfullmetalashaman, are you using breezy?06:24
farousnicholaspaul: you do not need ot od that no06:24
shawnr_aujordanh, but those are 32bit repositories right? im looking for 64bit06:24
slavikstylus-help: no06:24
nicholaspaulfarous: phew!06:24
aujordanhit doesn't display them all06:24
farousnicholaspaul: for me i just use the ubuntu installation cd to do that :)06:24
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stylus-helpslavik, do you know what happened then? :(06:24
kr3wzaSo.. Ubuntu doesn't like Realtek AC '97?06:24
aujordanhfullmetalashaman, and you want dapper updates right?06:25
slavikstylus-help: go to the place where xchat is and right click and add to the desktop06:25
nicholaspaulfarous:  ahh. So could i boot of a install disk and do it?06:25
aujordanhshawnr_, hang on06:25
|thunderi have ac'9706:25
|thunderworks great06:25
fullmetalashamanthe full upgrades06:25
stylus-helpslavik: where would that be?06:25
kr3wzathunder: do share!06:25
stylus-helpslavik: when I went to that folder.06:25
stylus-helpIt stlil said no child directory.06:25
stylus-help(when clicking on the icon from the folder).06:25
aujordanhshawnr_, bottom of page search with AMD64 option maybe?06:26
|thundershawn, only very few packages are not avail for 6406:26
farousnicholaspaul: i use the alternate cd go throught press escape go to the partition step do the partitioning nd formating and then cancel the installation06:26
shawnr_aujordanh, ahhhh thanks06:26
|thunderautomattixbleeder being one of them. but soon06:26
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aujordanhfullmetalashaman, !upgrade06:26
|thunderflash being one of them06:26
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.06:26
|thunderbut i prefer a faster OS over flash06:27
farousnicholaspaul: but just hang on perhaps others have better solution then this one06:27
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nicholaspaulok hanging.06:27
stylus-helpslavik, should I just give up?06:27
aujordanhnicholaspaul, whats the problem??06:27
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slavikstylus-help: did you add the launcher to the desktop?06:28
shawnr_ok everyone, im making the switch to amd6406:28
stylus-helpyes, it didn't work slavik.06:29
shawnr_ubuntu-64bit that is06:29
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shawnr_wish me luck lol06:29
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aujordanhshawnr_, luck06:29
shawnr_juswt needed to make sure audacity had a 64bit version... thats all i need ;)06:29
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kr3wzaNeed. Music.06:29
shawnr_aujordanh, thank you06:29
|thunderi'll check06:29
slavikstylus-help: it didn't add anything to the desktop?06:29
|thunderpretty sure it is06:30
shawnr_kr3wza, whats wrong with music in ubuntu64?06:30
|thunderyep, audacity is available in 64 repo06:30
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nicholaspaulaujordanh:  i have a drive i took from another machine. i put it in a linux machine and i'm trying to format it but it doesnt show up in fdisk just in Disk Manager (as /dev/hdb)06:30
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crimsunkr3wza: what sound card?06:30
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|thunderyep, audacity is running06:31
cowmilkIn Xubuntu, are  there any situations when doubleclicking on a deb in the hard drive is not recommended?  are there any situations when it's better to install a deb via terminal?06:31
aujordanhnicholaspaul, is the drive mounted?06:31
nicholaspaulaujordanh: no.06:31
kr3wzacrimsun:: Realtek AC '97 Onboard.06:31
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jbrimbleIs it possible to run Windows drivers in Linux?06:31
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|thunderwireless drivers06:32
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crimsunkr3wza: sorry, that's not terribly descriptive. Pastebin the output from ``tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat && amixer''06:32
jbrimbleprinter drivers, actually.06:32
shawnr_hey what about compiz/xgl... anyone try it on 64bit yet?06:32
crashtestwell.  pci=biosirq kills the ethernet altogether.06:32
|thunderonly found one tutorial that works so far06:32
BHSPitMonkeyjbrimble, do you have a legitimate need to? a lot of printers are already supported.06:32
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jbrimbleMine isn't06:32
nicholaspaulaujordanh:  can i format a drive without mounting it, or mount a unformatted drive?06:32
shawnr_you got a link?06:32
DShepherdshawnr_: you can get some good support in #ubuntu-xgl06:33
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aujordanhnicholaspaul, no, yes06:33
jbrimbleI have a Fuji-Xerox DocuPrint203A laser printer.. I've tried everything but I can't find a driver or get generic drivers to work with it.06:33
shawnr_i don't need it now shep, i know of the channel, thanks06:33
nicholaspaulaujordanh:  how do i mount it?06:33
DShepherdshawnr_: kool ;-)06:33
nicholaspauli know its /dev/hdb06:33
aujordanhnicholaspaul, it has to be mounted to manipulate it (I think, we are about at the extent of my knowledge)06:33
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks06:33
|thundershawn _ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13342706:34
shawnr_|thunder, this is the one i had http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22203406:34
MistaEDjbrimble: is this for a stand-alone linux client or a server?06:34
aujordanhnicholaspaul, ^^06:34
nicholaspaulthx aujordanh  i'll do some reading.06:34
jbrimblestand-alone linux client.06:34
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shawnr_|thunder, thanks! just have to make sure i back up my bookmarks now before the new install ;)06:34
kr3wzacrimsun: which pastebin?06:34
kr3wzathe one in the topic06:35
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DShepherdwhoa.. what a chnage06:35
harriscan anyone tell me how to make my terminal transparent? When I go to 'terminal/change profiel' all i see is the default setting06:35
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|thunderthey are all linked from here : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14835106:35
aujordanhnicholaspaul, i may be wrong though06:35
kr3wzacrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1975106:35
m4dm4ncould anyone help me with getting mp3 support for rhythmbox?06:35
redcardIs there a good gnome terminal emulator?06:36
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m4dm4nI found some instructions but I can't get them to work06:36
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slavikstylus-help: you there?06:36
shawnr_|thunder, thanks man06:36
|thunderi just goto google and search "compiz ubuntu one thread to rule them all'06:36
shawnr_but... ?06:36
nicholaspaulaujordanh: uhoh! praps i'll try qtparted06:36
=== crashtest gives up
|thunderautomatix is getting ready to realease a 64 bit version of bleeder,06:37
harrisis there a way to edit your profile to include a transperent setting for your terminal?06:37
DShepherdm4dm4n: what instructions are you following?06:37
m4dm4nan answer to a question on ubuntuforums.org06:37
|thunderwhich is a gui installer for video drivers and compiz06:37
|thunderthe 32 bit version is lready availabe06:37
shawnr_thanks ok06:37
crimsunkr3wza: pastebin ``cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc*'', too.06:37
m4dm4nI see gstreamer comes packaged with ubuntu06:37
shawnr_|thunder, i enjoy a challenge06:37
|thunderme too06:37
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m4dm4nI got the mad stuff06:38
|thunderhowever, bleeder will use new cvs06:38
m4dm4nbut rhythmbox still doesn't seem to like it06:38
|thunderthat link is older compiz06:38
DShepherd!tell m4dm4n about restrictedformats06:38
DShepherd!tell m4dm4n about mp306:38
|thunderthe tutorial uses prebuilt packages on a personal server06:38
DShepherdm4dm4n: you get anything from ubotu?06:38
|thunderbut it works for me06:38
nuhow do i view hidden files?06:39
shawnr_|thunder, but my girlfriend will be pissed if she wakes up tomorrow and can't browse the web lol. so i have to atleast i get mplayerplugin/swiftfox/java/flash set up tonight... although i hear thats what all the fuss is over with the 64bit ver06:39
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:39
DShepherdm4dm4n: there you go..06:39
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|thunderno flash06:39
DShepherdm4dm4n: the first link should be good enough for you06:40
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shawnr_no flash?06:40
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|thunderadobe is working on it i read in a blog somewhere06:40
kr3wzacrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19752 Also, can you message me, it's hard to get help when there are about 9 people asking questions at once.06:40
nuHow do view hidden files?06:40
|thunderls -la06:40
shawnr_i thought if you install the 32bit ver of firefox you can install the 32bit ver of flash06:40
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|thunderive not heard of that,    but i know you can run 32 bit code.  ill have to investigate that06:41
crimsunkr3wza: I'm very busy atm.06:41
m4dm4nthanks for that06:41
m4dm4ngot it06:41
|thunderi think you can force arch with apt-get06:41
crimsunkr3wza: I'll try to look at it in 10 mins.06:41
kr3wzacrimsun: kk, no prob.06:41
DShepherdm4dm4n: good.06:41
shawnr_yea if thats the case she is gonna be pissed cause she is a youtube freak... with her big brother videos and all06:41
shawnr_i hate sites that insist on using flash for videos06:41
HackerX9________Hey, Does anyone want to help me with bcm43xx-fwcutter.... I have done everything and i just need help getting it to come on06:42
redcardAnyone suggest any good gnome IRC?06:43
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DShepherdredcard: gaim, xchat, xchat-gnome. i guess those can work06:43
rixthHow can I make gEdit open .hhc files by default?06:43
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Meeppeepdoes anyone know how to edit sources.list?06:44
shawnr_sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:44
=== redcard nods to DShepherd. "Thanks.. I'll givem a run"
|thundersudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:44
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nui cant access a hidden directory06:45
Frankensteinwhats wrong with vi?06:45
nuusing cd /.dirname/06:45
shawnr_whats wrong with nano ;)06:45
Geoffrey2well, I guess some time in 2007, we MIGHT get a working copy of Flash 9 for Linux.....06:45
kr3wzaVLC ftw.06:45
shawnr_Geoffrey2, LOL06:45
kr3wzaVLC saves the day. Yet again.06:45
kr3wzacrimsun: I solved my problem.06:45
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shawnr_Geoffrey2, i know right!06:46
nuHow do i enter a hidden dir lol06:46
nusays not found06:46
|thunderproblem is flash 9 uses directx or some crap06:46
BHSPitMonkeyrixth, are those just plaintext files?06:46
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shawnr_Geoffrey2, first it was flash 8, then 8.5, now its oh wait, you have to wait for 9 now06:46
rixthBHSPitMonkey, yep06:46
BHSPitMonkeyrixth, do your plaintext files not already open in gedit?06:46
nurix, do you get access denied when trying to edit them?06:46
|thundershawnr_   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-191205.html06:46
shawnr_Geoffrey2, adobe has no respect for the linux community06:47
BHSPitMonkeyI was kind of hopeful that adobe might change things after taking over macromedia...06:47
rixthBHSPitMonkey, I am viewing these files via nautilus over FTP06:47
BHSPitMonkeyI was wrong :( false optimism06:47
shawnr_|thunder, hey thanks! that will come in handy ;)06:47
BHSPitMonkeyrixth, the files, or their contents?06:48
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rixthThe files, but FTP does not tell nautilus "this is a plain text file"06:48
rixthSo when I doubleclick, i always get asked what I want to use to open it06:48
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Geoffrey2shawnr_, that's the difference between platform independent software, and software built specifically to work with the quirks of a specific operating system06:50
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shawnr_Geoffrey2, yea. what ya gonna do...06:51
guy22does the 2.4 demudi multimedia kernel run on ubuntu?06:51
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BHSPitMonkeyor rather, does ubuntu run on the 2.4 demudi mult........06:52
guy22yes sorry lol06:52
Geoffrey2shawnr_, for the forseeable future, not see anything flash related on Linux06:52
shawnr_Geoffrey2, wait til Vista comes out. Then we will see tons more support for 64bit... its a shame we have to depened on micro$oft.... errr06:53
shawnr_us poor poor linux users lol06:53
=== Redcard [n=redcard@c-68-52-105-133.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lophyteshawnr_: considering so many of Vista's new features are based on things Linux already has, and has had for a long time06:54
Geoffrey2shawnr_, well, I don't have a processor that can handle 64 bit, as far as I know, so that's not an issue...for me, anyway06:54
RedcardHmm.  Gaim isn't as bad as I thought it could be06:54
shawnr_lophyte, tell me about it. pisses me off06:54
BHSPitMonkeylophyte, that's the story of Windows.06:54
lophyteBHSPitMonkey: indeed.06:55
BHSPitMonkeylook back as early as win9506:55
BHSPitMonkeyor earlier!06:55
RedcardMight have to switch to it06:55
lophyteI was reading a review of Vista (I haven't tried it yet).. and so many things reminded me of Linux06:55
BHSPitMonkeygaim rocks (in the sock region)06:55
lophyte"full iconic previews in place of file icons"06:55
lophytenautilus and konqueror have had that for ages06:55
RedcardBHSPitMonkey: Well, I don't know if that means it's good or  bad.06:55
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shawnr_lophyte, lol have you ever read that article about the kids going from store to store and slipping knoppix cd's in the display computers and rebooting lol!!!06:55
lophyteplus the eye candy is almost a direct rip off of compiz06:56
RedcardFor me, it certainly means it could be worse ;)06:56
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lophyteshawnr_: hahah, no I haven't06:56
BHSPitMonkeygaim and firefox, that's how I get all my friends slowly hooked on OSS... *evil laugh*06:56
shawnr_omg i wish i saved that link06:56
RedcardBHSPitMonkey: Well, I meant GAIM as an IRC client06:56
Geoffrey2I remember about the time either 95 or 98 came out, an article pointing out that Windows had spawned an industry based on fixing problems DOS users never had :)06:56
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RedcardProblem is, I'm looking for something gnome.. and the list is very, very small06:57
BHSPitMonkeygoodness no, GAIM (or any other prog that's mainly an IM) is gross to use as an IRC, in my opinion06:57
BHSPitMonkeyI have to have a real IRC client.06:57
lophytexchat :D06:57
Redcardxchat is just too plain.06:57
shawnr_lophyte, i found it! want the link06:57
|thundergets the job done06:57
lophyteshawnr_: lol, sure06:57
shawnr_lophyte, you gotta look at the pictures06:57
Amaranthxchat-gnome > *06:57
lophyteactually I didn't really like xchat-gnome06:57
lophyteI stick with the default interface06:58
Redcardxchat-gnome is even more plain than Xchat :P06:58
|thundertry w3m http://www.reuters.com/ at a prompt redcard06:58
BHSPitMonkeyyes, it is.06:58
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shawnr_PCjacking.. The Linux Way!! This is Hillarious! http://www.manucornet.net/pcjacking/06:58
BHSPitMonkeyxchat-gnome is an unwanted child born out of wedlock.06:58
shawnr_PCjacking.. The Linux Way!! This is Hillarious! http://www.manucornet.net/pcjacking/06:58
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BHSPitMonkeyIRCspamming... the shawnr_ way! This is annoying!!06:58
shawnr_oh please06:59
shriphanipeople can you tell me wherto find the mirrors06:59
shawnr_lighten the nuts06:59
TauhshiHiya guys, I'm in BIG trouble06:59
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nuwhy is that06:59
TauhshiI tried to resize my windows partition, it hold my boot record and such06:59
TauhshiWith gparter06:59
TauhshiOr whatever07:00
RedcardOh well.  It's time for bed for me anyway :)07:00
nuyou cant boot into windows now?07:00
pharglethis is the good part07:00
shriphanihow do i get the list of mirrors please ?07:00
TauhshiWell, I'm not sure07:00
nuDo you have the windows installation CD?07:00
TauhshiBut, If the windows partition wont boot, neither will Ubuntu07:00
Madpilotshriphani, download mirrors or repository mirrors?07:00
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shriphanithe repos aint working i suppose07:00
TauhshiSo, I think I am going to do a clean install of TinyXP07:01
nuTauhshi: do you have the windows installation cd?07:01
nuyou can fixmbr07:01
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TauhshiBut, I believe that the partition is corrupted07:02
Madpilotshriphani, the main repos seem to be working fine - which set are you using?07:02
shriphanierm anyone ?07:02
shriphanithe ones offered by ubuntu07:02
Tauhshibecause gparted didnt finish resizing07:02
shriphaniand i cant install xchat07:02
pharglehit undo07:02
TauhshiBut, good will come07:02
BHSPitMonkeythat's not good, Tauhshi07:02
BHSPitMonkeyTauhshi, testdisk might be of assistance.07:02
nuTauhshi: sorry =( i think you just lost everything on that partition07:02
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phargleset it back to the right size and fdisk /mbr07:03
kr3wzahow do I search for a folder?07:03
Madpilotshriphani, do you have Universe enabled? XChat has been moved to Universe in Dapper07:03
TauhshiThe only reason I care about it is that Without Windows, my new mp3 player is useless07:03
Ronz*holds up cell phone* its linux compatable!!07:04
TauhshiLove claps!07:04
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BHSPitMonkey*holds up iPod* it has linux installed on it!07:04
nuhow do i rename a file through terminal?07:04
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BHSPitMonkeynu, "mv old new"07:04
farousnu mv07:04
BHSPitMonkeywhere old is the old file name, new is the new one :P07:04
Tauhshi*holds up Windows CD* It wishes it was Linux!07:04
farousoh BHSPitMonkey beet me to it07:04
nuThanks guys =)07:04
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bartisti hope there will be an itunes for linux one day07:05
HLMWindows CD makes a good coaster07:05
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BHSPitMonkeyyeah, the renaming convention for linux was perhaps one of my biggest "of course!"'s when I first had to ask :)07:05
DShepherdbartist: the player?07:05
BHSPitMonkeyit's so obvious, but it's not... lol07:06
DShepherdbartist: banshee is getting there..07:06
BHSPitMonkeybanshee, songbird...07:06
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BHSPitMonkeyuntil then, amaroK :P07:06
Ronzamarok > all07:06
bartistDS: i had some trouble with banshee07:06
TauhshiIs it possible to run a live CD without booting from it, such as a Virtual PC or such?07:06
BHSPitMonkeyTauhshi, what kind of player is it07:06
DShepherdyeah amarok is good07:06
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bartistbanshee messed with my sound when i removed it07:07
BHSPitMonkeyTauhshi, yep. vmware07:07
TauhshiThe new Toshiba gigabeat S07:07
BHSPitMonkeyor bochs, or qemu or some other stuff07:07
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bartistbut i fixed it07:07
BHSPitMonkeyvmware might be the easiest to figure out, though, and it's the best one out there07:07
BHSPitMonkeyand it's free07:07
TauhshiAnd, can I install to a partition from VMWare?07:07
mheathThe main reason I use itunes over any other media player on Windows is the cheap and safe music store. I think thats the main reason people want an ITunes for Linux.07:07
TauhshiVMWare, free?07:08
BHSPitMonkeyTauhshi, no07:08
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BHSPitMonkeyvmware player is free.07:08
phargleso is vmware server07:08
phargleand actually you can install to a partition07:08
BHSPitMonkeythe beta is.07:08
bartisti never buy sound, i can download mp3 for free07:08
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Ronzmheath, itunes is good for windows07:08
bartistbut the itunes player really rocks07:08
kr3wzaSomeone: how do I search for a folder?07:08
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pharglebut, seeing your track record and partitions.. i wouldn't risk it07:08
Ronzkr3wza, locate <folder>07:08
DShepherdgnome-search-tool.. and type the folder name07:08
BHSPitMonkeyTauhshi, you can't boot the livecd ISO in vmware and then install it to the computer itself07:08
|thunderfind ./ |grep -i searchdata07:09
DShepherdkr3wza: ^^^07:09
TauhshiOk, does the AMD64 *buntu distros suppot the AMD Turion 64 x2 (Dual Core)?07:09
bartistguy, during last upgrade, i had to remove the firefox totem plugin package07:09
bluefoxicycome on07:09
bartistwhat about you?07:09
bluefoxicyit's the same damn CPU architecture.07:09
TauhshiI've been having major trouble with CD's lately07:09
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bluefoxicyit's just two CPUs instead of one07:10
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TauhshiOk, thanks blue07:10
mheathbluefoxicy, no, its not. Dual core is not dual processors.07:10
=== Tauhshi is confused
|thunderim pretty sure it supports dual processors07:10
bluefoxicymheath:  it's a single processor dye with two execution units etched into it and two sets of cache.07:11
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TauhshiThe only reason I can run Ubuntu is because my ShipIT CD's came in today07:11
TauhshiUnfortuantly, for the x86 arch07:11
bluefoxicymheath: there's logic hardware to prevent conflicts between the busses; but the busses are all merged INSIDE the CPU instead of OUTSIDE the CPU.  In effect, it's 2 CPUs, with some of the extra SMP chipsets closer to the processors07:11
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bluefoxicy(remember with 2 CPUs, both can't access the same memory at the same time; they cache it on different clocks.  If you work with unlocked memory, the cache in 2 CPUs may be different, and things get screwed)07:12
mheathbluefoxicy, yes, but it works completely different than dual CPUs, functionally. Different drivers to manager than SMP.07:12
mheath*to manager07:13
mheathargh. I can't type tonight. Maybe my arms being so sore I can barely move them has something to do with that....07:13
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phargle*to manage07:13
=== phargle helps
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bluefoxicymheath:  hardware-wise it's architecturally the same.07:14
mheathbluefoxicy, yes, its basically the same. But its structure requires different drivers to work with them than traditional SMP setups.07:14
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mheathMy point is, saying that because an operating system supports a given architecture it therefore inherentely supports a dual cored version of that architecture is silly.07:15
bluefoxicymheath:  howso?  You still issue SMP 'lock' commands to lock memory, et al07:15
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pharglebut you have to understand the symetry and proximification ingressed from the overlative nature of the superhetrydynes.  Working in conjunction with the fleux capacitors, the succomrods also help keep power usage down07:15
agentMizzlebizzlthe answer is yes07:15
crimsunphargle: the lack of a trailing fullstop nullifies your statement. ;-)07:15
phargle shat07:16
bluefoxicymheath:  I'm not quite sure if the two cores function isolated (i.e. in SMP you can bring up CPU0 but not bring up CPU1; not sure if you can turn a CPU core off in dual core models)07:16
=== owen_ [n=owen@c-69-181-224-2.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
owen_i need help opening winrar archieves, is it possible?07:16
gidimOkay, so Ubuntu has been so cruel to me tonight.07:16
bartisti have installed many codecs, but strangely i see movies in black and white with strange redish and greenish colors07:16
bluefoxicyand I guess there's got to be a way to determine which CPU cores are on the same dye for hot-plug CPU07:17
farousowen_: unrar package07:17
|thunderowen, install automatix07:17
|thunderor easyubuntu07:17
TauhshiOk, my CD Drive is scaring me07:17
owen_alright thank you both07:17
bluefoxicymheath:  but all that is kernel-level and it's not gonna bug Ubuntu, 64-bit Ubuntu will work with it even if the kernel sees one CPU07:17
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bartistdo you have any idea of what i could do to fix that?07:17
|thunderi get green crap too. have to use mplayer07:18
nuwhen i move a file to a dir that has a file with the same name, does it automatically overwrite?07:18
bluefoxicysleep time07:18
mheathbluefoxicy, I'm assuming that if someone wanted to install Ubuntu on their cutting edge system, they'd probably want it to work well, though :007:18
nuno? ok07:18
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TauhshiOk, I'm using K3b to erase a CD-RW07:18
TauhshiAnd it's making a loud revving noise07:18
mheathhighphilosopher, This is IRC, not SMTP. :)07:18
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highphilosopheroops :)07:19
=== dennis_ [n=dennis@64-83-217-49.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
|thundermust be doing it really fast07:19
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Tauhshiand frequently, slows down, then speeds up07:19
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:19
owen_omfg.. i just extracted this iso image from the rar files in less than 1 min....07:19
highphilosophermheath: finally someone who gets that?07:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage07:19
owen_i could never do it fast on windows07:19
phargleTauhshi: as long as it doesnt speed up then slow down your fine07:19
TauhshiThat's what it is doing . . .07:19
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mheathhighphilosopher, I've sat at too many telnet prompts debugging too many e-mail servers to not get that :P But keep in mind, you ARE in #ubuntu, it is a desktop distro :)07:19
wyevernas long as it still can burn it's OK :-P07:20
highphilosophermheath: yeah, I like to use it as an all purpose greeting, cause, it's better than HELO :)07:20
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TauhshiWell, I'd be mad it it doesnt give me my CD back07:20
mheathhaha, indeed.07:20
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TauhshiAnd K3b doesn't have a progress bar07:21
mheathTauhshi, its disappeared into the gaping teath of your CD drive, nevr to return!07:21
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TauhshiDamn CD Drive . . .07:21
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TauhshiShould I take it out?07:21
aereadlooking for a light cd burner to burn a bootable iso .... or maybe instructions to do it with command line in ubuntu07:22
=== Cain [n=Cain@S0106000ae61f1cab.rd.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
TauhshiI would reccomend K3b, but in light of recent events . . .07:22
Tauhshi*glares at CD burner*07:22
=== jon_ [n=jon@ip68-229-243-214.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mheathaeread, you can use the 'cdrecord' command in ubuntu.07:22
aereadmheath: Roger that07:22
phargleperform a cdr abortion07:22
mheathaeread, to burn an ISO, just type "cdrecord dev=/dev/hd* /path/to/the.iso"07:23
jon_can someone help me? im totally new to ubuntu07:23
jon_i cant get my cd player to eject07:23
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=== aeread checks the man, thanks
mheathaeread, do you know enough about how hard drives are named in Linux to know what /dev/hd* device your CD burner is?07:23
|thundertry eject from a prompt07:23
=== waggle7622frack [n=waggle76@ppp-70-249-209-44.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mheathjon_, there is an icon on your desktop representing the CD-ROM. What happens when you right click on it and click "eject"?07:24
phargleumount it07:24
DShepherdjon_: right.. do what mheath said07:24
|thunderjam a paper clip in it07:24
=== ke [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
jon_that worked perfect07:25
=== Gidget [n=gidgetb_@adsl-219-195-64.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
jon_but why didnt the button work on the actual cd drive?07:25
mheathjon_, there you go :) anything else we can help with?07:25
jon_yes, tons07:25
jon_i cant get realplayer to install07:25
|thunderbecause it was part of the file system07:25
jon_and i cant play mp3s07:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:25
|thunderso it was locked07:25
jon_thats odd07:25
DShepherdjon_: the first link should help you with mp307:25
pharglehence, unmounting it07:26
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pharglethe button is overrated anyways07:26
mheathjon_: GNU Linux reads from your CD-ROM drive in a different manner than Windows. The eject button is basically disabled while you're using the CD-ROM drive, to prevent you from ejecting it at a bad time and causing problems.07:26
jon_you guys are pretty helpful07:26
Nameeaterif nothing is accessing the CD-Rom (ie a terminal isnt in the cdrom directory) but it still wont listen to the cd-drive button I find 'eject' usually works07:26
Nameeaterunless I've left something pointing to the drive07:27
jon_pointing to the drive?07:27
mheathjon_: first, are you hearing any sound at all? When you log in, do you hear a little tune, or can you play any kinds of music other than .mp3s?07:27
Nameeatereject at the command line that is ;/07:27
nuguys. something froze. whats the linux version of ctrl alt delete07:27
Nameeaterlike the filemanager07:27
jon_i hear log on sound07:27
Nameeateror a terminal window :)07:27
jon_i have no music yet07:27
jon_how do you get to the command line?07:27
bartistguys for a pIV, what kernel do you recomend?07:27
bartist686 smp?07:28
nuwhats linux version of control alt delete?07:28
nutextpad froze07:28
mheathjon_: What music player program are you using? And, does it appear to be playing, and you're just not hearing anything, or is it giving you an error?07:28
NameeaterApplications-> Access -> Term07:28
|thunderkillall gedit07:28
nu|thunder: thank you07:28
=== Iskander [n=iskander@c-69-138-103-93.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IskanderI got a question about wine whose willing to answer?07:28
nu|thunder: didnt work07:28
pharglei prefer beer07:28
DShepherdjon_: gksudo gnome-app-install. check 'Show commercial applications' .. go to the search bar (top right had) and type 'realplayer'. the second one in the list should get you real player 10.07:29
mheathIskander, don't ask to ask! Just ask your question. There are 768 people in this room, and some come and go - you'll get a better and quicker response if you just ask your question.07:29
IskanderWhere can I find the Wine Config File?07:29
RonzIskander, are you looking to run it?07:30
=== gidim yawns and stretches.
DShepherdjon: yeah,, or just go to Applications... add/remove software..07:30
=== Ronz hands gidim a beer
mheathIskander, wine uses a per-user configuration file. It's in the .wine subdirectory of you home directory.07:30
jon_wont play my mp3s from a windows backup disk07:30
gidimI've been fighting with Ubuntu-tan for about five hours now. She doesn't wanna install. ;_;07:30
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IskanderRonz: I have sound lag in a game called sof2 and I followed a guide and it says if you have this problem to add some lines07:31
DShepherdjon_: yeah because mp3 is a restricted format so ubuntu doesnt support it out of the box07:31
TauhshiWonderful, now I don07:31
Tauhshi't even know it it is erasing . . .07:31
DShepherdjon_: !tell _jon about mp307:31
jon_why is it restricted?07:31
DShepherdjon_: !tell jon_ about mp307:31
mheath!tell jon_ about mp307:32
Iskanderheath, its not in my home folder there is no .wine file there07:32
Ronz!tell jon_ about mp307:32
RonzIskander, try in ~/.wine07:32
mheathIskander, .wine is a directory, not a file.07:32
mheathIskander, Do you have wine installed, and have you ran the configuration app as your current user?07:32
gidimIs there something wrong with the AMD64 ISO on the site? I've burned two CDs, the first one lets me load as a LiveCD but won't install because of package mismatch in /main/pool subdirs, the second one won't even load or check for errors.07:33
mheathIskander, You won't have the basic files until you run the wine configuraration utility.07:33
jon_i dont see why mp3 is restricted07:33
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=== tj9991 [n=tslocum@c-67-183-68-252.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdjon_: is not a free format07:34
mheathsmacky_wolf, FYI, broadcasting away messages is generally discouraged in large channels.07:34
DShepherdhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats <-- jon_ read07:34
=== Gixbi1 [n=gixbit@wiley-355-40938.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu
|thunderi installed from the distro from the main site about a month ago.07:34
=== keeb [i=keeb@c-67-160-196-156.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
|thunderamd64 that iss07:34
keebi have a quick question about ubuntu x6407:34
Iskanderheath, how do I run that?07:34
jon_why dont links work for me, dshepherd?07:34
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keebdo i need to get x64 version with my processor?07:34
=== dmsantam [n=dmsantam@60-240-78-114-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
phargledepends on your processor07:34
keebi have..07:35
keeb(CPU 1) AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3800+ (512KB L2 Cache, CPU 1) @ 2411MHz (200MHz FSB), 7% load07:35
DShepherdjon_: huh? i really dont know.. why dont they work for you? and wat do you mean they dont work for you?07:35
dmsantamwhats a good reader that supports ical format?07:35
jon_i mean07:35
phargleyou dont need to, but you can07:35
jon_that link you sent, i click on it and nothing happens07:35
silentreadkeeb, you could use either x86 ro x6407:35
Flanneljon_: try ctrl clicking, What client you using?07:35
keebis there a benefit to using x64?07:35
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|thunderyou can , but dont have to.  its fater07:35
DShepherdjon_: amm not sure.. what irc client are you suing?07:35
Madpilotjon_, which IRC app are you using?07:35
DShepherdjon_: yes the name of the program you are using now07:35
jon_i have no idea. it came with ubuntu 5.1007:35
|thunderbut some packages are missing. and somtimes harder to install stuff07:36
Flanneljon_: xchat then?07:36
jon_ive never used irc07:36
jon_yes, xchat07:36
silentreadkeeb, x64 is faster, youll see a good performance boost, the negative is that x64 isnt as well developed07:36
Flanneljon_: try ctrl-click07:36
keebit will be a development distro07:36
keebso like07:36
mheathjon_: The technical reasons why mp3 is considered a restricted format are covered at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3#Licensing_and_patent_issues07:36
keebi'll be using eclipse and ajunta07:36
silentreadkeeb, use x64 if ur plan on a server, x86 for anything else07:36
jon_ctrl click works07:36
keeband apache/php/mysql07:36
gidimSo I should've downloaded the x86 distro and left it at that?07:36
DShepherdjon_: check out mheath's link.. that should give you a better view of mp3 and its licensing issues07:37
mheathjon_: GNU/Linux is a free operating system, and is legally free. Because of this, its difficult to pay for licenses for something they're distributing for free.07:37
|thunderi run the 64 bit ver no prob07:37
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|thunderjust takes some work to get flash working07:37
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jon_yes, im reading it now07:37
mheathjon_: When you buy Microsoft Windows, it's possible for Microsoft to pay royalties to the copyright holders of certain technologies you're using, therefore passing on permission for you to use such technologies.07:37
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DShepherdmheath: huh? its difficult?07:37
keeb|thunder: i have one more question really... how hard is it to ATI + dual monitor in x64 version vs x86 ?07:38
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mheathjon_: Its not possible for Ubuntu to do the same thing; therefore, a lot of questionable software and materials has to be left up to the users discretion, to make it legally safe.07:38
shadeofgreyhey everygbody07:38
jon_so basically07:38
jon_i have to load more stuff07:38
Iskanderheath, how do I run the wine config utility07:38
DShepherdmheath: what do you mean its not possible?07:38
jon_to listen to mp3s07:38
DShepherdjon_: exactly07:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:39
DShepherdjon_: its easier than you think :-D07:39
keebyes jon_, but in the ubuntu forums (ubuntuforums.org) they have a guide on how to play mp3's07:39
shadeofgreydoes anybody in here collect mp3s through IRC and if so what are the best automated ways of setting a ubuntu installation to download mp3s from a given source automatically so i dont have to cut and paste filenames all night long?07:39
Flannelkeeb: eh, we have a howto, no need to go fishing around the forums, it's in !mp307:39
mheathDShepherd, it is not usually possible or practical for Canonical to buy a license to copyrighted/trademarked materials/concepts thats applicable for every copy of something they're distributing for free.07:39
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rixthHow can I tell Gnome to open files that end in .hhc with gEdit? I am trying to open these files over FTP via Nautilus (they are renamed .php files).07:40
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DShepherdmheath: possible is not the right term to use. It is possible.. but from Ubuntu standpoint its not apart of its missino07:40
Shak-are there any packages that allow converting from mp3 to wav?07:41
rixthShak-, many07:41
DShepherdShak should07:41
jon_i moved a folder from a cd to my harddrive? i think...now i cant get it off. it wont let me drag it to the trash07:41
Shak-rixth: can you name one thats decent07:41
rixthShak-, mencoder, ffmpeg (can do it I think), audacity... take your pick07:41
dubuntuhello my friends07:41
DShepherdShak-: sound-converter..07:41
mheathDShepherd, no, it is not possible. Such a license would essentially put the software in question into the public domain; and the fact that they are _not_ in the public domain is why it's an issue in the first place.07:41
rixthHey hey07:41
dmsantamim getting the "packages can't be authenticated - do you want to continue" when using apt-get. what package has the right keys i need?07:41
shadeofgreyhas anybody been successful at installing mirc on a ubuntu machine through wine?07:41
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:41
dubuntuevery now them X on ubuntu hangs !!07:41
=== csk [n=chetan@c220-237-62-128.eburwd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dmsantamshadeofgrey, why would you want to do that?!07:42
=== sayno [n=sayno@c-24-9-79-69.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreydms:  because the automated mp3 downloaders for linux by in large blow rancid ardvark nuts07:42
keebdownloading ubuntu at 1.5mb/sec07:42
=== wt8008_ [n=wt8008@adsl-71-141-249-80.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreydmsantam;  because the automated mp3 downloaders for linux by in large blow rancid ardvark nuts07:42
=== UltimateDoomer-d [n=Ultimate@Ottawa-HSE-ppp244959.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdmheath:... so we agree then.. cause they can change the license.. and then mp3's would be fine... so again..we agree :-D07:43
jon_thank you guys for the help.07:43
shadeofgreydmsantam; if you know something i dont know - nows the time to say so07:43
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=== dmsantam knows nothing
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DShepherdjon_: yup.. no prob07:43
cskhi all i just bought a new Lexmark  X1270 printer and i cant seem to print anything from ubuntu. i went to printer settings -> new printer and it says that my printer is detected. could some one please help me07:43
UltimateDoomer-dI need help with 3D Models07:43
shadeofgreyUlti:  your noty going to get help with highend three D modelling stuff in linux dude07:44
|thunderautomatix to install lame with no issues07:44
UltimateDoomer-dohh damn07:44
dubuntuWhy GNOME stops responding every 20 min or so07:44
dubuntubut if i do alt shift f1 and f7 it starts responding again07:44
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UltimateDoomer-di though this was Doomsday Engine help07:44
shadeofgreyult; unless someone here knows something i dont - which i doubt07:44
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shadeofgreyUltimateDoomer-d; your best bet is to trash PC use altogether and go with a mac07:44
UltimateDoomer-dim so stupid07:45
Flannelerr.  3d modeling?  Linux?  Why not?07:45
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DShepherdshadeofgrey: huhh????07:45
smee56can some one help me by telling me how to set up a modem07:45
dubuntuwhen I do shfit + alt + f1 console does not comes !!07:45
shadeofgreythats just my opinion though07:45
Flanneldubuntu: its ctrl-alt-f107:45
dubuntuis this bug in ubuntu ?07:45
digitalNeed help setting up 3D support for the i810 video card07:45
=== UltimateDoomer-d [n=Ultimate@Ottawa-HSE-ppp244959.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu []
Unix_n_Coffeewrong keys07:45
DShepherdshadeofgrey: well your opinion is kinda shady07:45
=== filosofo_de_bar [i=btfqa@201009090101.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_Coffeectrl alt then f something07:45
Ronzdigital, i really dont think ti exists. =) i have the same chipset07:45
owen_does anyone know of a program to resize partitions that I can make a boot cd from that is free to use?07:46
shadeofgreyi mean if there really is 3d modelling programs available for linux capable of keeping up wityh mac equivelants id sure as hell like to know what they are07:46
digitalRonz: What do we do????07:46
Unix_n_Coffeef6 and 707:46
dubuntuwhen I do ctrl + alt + f1 console does not comes !!07:46
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ronzdigital, no 3d gaming for us!07:46
owen_for nfts partitioned hardrives07:46
Unix_n_Coffeectrl alt and f6 and f707:46
dubuntusometimes i see console some times nothing07:46
Flannelshadeofgrey: blender seems to work perfectly fine.07:46
=== gixbit_ [n=gixbit@wiley-355-40938.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu
silentreadowen, gparted makes a live disk07:46
filosofo_de_barcould anyone here help me? my ubuntu doesn't installs07:46
=== erc [n=erc@modemcable073.97-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreyFlannel; okay but is it really capable of keeping up wiuth 3d studio max?07:46
gixbit_Does anybody know how to force myself to die?07:46
owen_does gparted handle nfts paritions?07:47
gixbit_Because my nickname is in use07:47
digitalRonz: Did you search Google???07:47
silentreadowen, ya it does everything07:47
filosofo_de_barit loads the components, but i can't see the OS07:47
owen_alright thank you07:47
Flannelshadeofgrey: I can't imagine why it wouldnt be able to07:47
gixbit_and i can't get remember how to destroy or ghost myself07:47
=== erc [n=erc@modemcable073.97-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
Flannelgixbit_: /msg nickserv help ghost07:47
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filosofo_de_barit just turn off my display07:47
wyeverngixbit:try to bite ur own tongue :-P07:47
shadeofgreyflann; and its totally free?07:47
Ronzdigital, nope07:47
gixbit_thanks Flannel07:47
cwraig_<filo> when the os has booted press control+alt+f1 it should take you to a terminal07:47
Flannelshadeofgrey: yes07:47
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Shak-rixth: how do you get mencoder to convert from one format to another? it just seems to play files07:48
cwraig_<filo>if it does it just means that there is a probelm with your xorg (the GUI display config)07:48
filosofo_de_barcwraig, my os doesn't boot at all07:48
rixthShak-, RTFM07:48
Shak-rixth: tried :)07:48
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Bob535lo everyone07:48
filosofo_de_barmy live cd starts to load the components (drives, etc), but don't enter the OS07:49
cwraig_<filo>how far does it get07:49
rixthShak-, someone suggested sound-converter, I have not user that myself though.07:49
=== gixbit_ is now known as gixbit
shadeofgreyoikay than i stand corrected07:49
=== gixbit is now known as Gixbit
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@AC8F2310.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bob535anyone wanna be a pal and help me get my computer to go to 1280x1024 or point me in the direction of a page that will instruct me07:49
tanlaanhey everyone, my computer is having, what i would say frequent but its happening like twice a week, CPU soft lockups does anyone know some of the more frequent reasons why this would happen?07:49
GixbitFlannel: thanks a bunch07:49
cwraig_<tanlaan> how new is your psu?07:49
shadeofgreyFlannel; since its obviouys you know more about opensource software than i do -- whats the best word processing package available? i need something rkobust that can handle 4-600 page documents07:49
filosofo_de_barvery far. it install drives, power management, etc. i think it fails on the file system check07:49
Shak-rixth: cant find a package for that with synaptic07:49
filosofo_de_barsomething like that07:49
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:49
holycowBob535, there07:50
tanlaancwraig_: psu?07:50
cwraig_<filo> have you tried the bootable cd on any other computers?07:50
GixbitFlannel: thanks a bunch07:50
=== csk [n=chetan@c220-237-62-128.eburwd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelshadeofgrey: I have no idea.  'best' depends on a lot of things.07:50
shadeofgreyFlann:  bearing in mind that i have 4 gig of ram and a good processor...  and a 10,000 rpm SATA drive for myt ubuntu insstallation07:50
rixthShak-, it is called "soundconverter"07:50
cwraig_<tanlaan> power supply unit in your computer (hardware)07:50
|thunderShak- make sure the universal repos are uncommentes07:50
rixthsoundconverter - simple sound converter application for GNOME07:50
=== Ubersaurus [n=xyzunit@adsl-69-234-108-239.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
owen_alright installed gparted, ran gparted from terminal using sudo... cant seem to find a live cd maker option07:50
filosofo_de_barno, i havent07:50
shadeofgreyFlann:  okay well.. like i said i need something for writing novels with07:50
=== bananapc [n=ubuntu@d154-5-18-250.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
cwraig_<filo> there may be a problem with your cd so you could check that out07:50
Shak-rixth: ah I see it07:51
tanlaancwraig_: umm I am on an iMac G3 which has a built in power supply, so im using the one it came with07:51
shadeofgreyflann; it needs to be ablke to handlke huge documents and handle     text editing very well. but it doesnt have to have the best intervface or something07:51
filosofo_de_baris there a way to check without other computer?07:51
Flannelshadeofgrey: right, try googling.  I have no idea.  Does OOo not work well with large documents?  How about the alternativeS? (the office things packaged with Kubuntu, and Xubuntu)07:51
cwraig_<filo> you could check the md5 sum07:51
shadeofgreyi havent tried xubuntu or k ubuntu07:51
shadeofgreyspeaking of..  i need help with those.07:52
dubuntuwhen I do ctrl + alt + f1 console does not comes !!07:52
filosofo_de_barhow do i check it?07:52
shadeofgreyFlannel; would you walk with me in private for a few minutes i need guidance07:52
filosofo_de_barat this moment, i'm using win xp. there's a way to check from here?07:52
cwraig_filo> what os you on?07:52
Flannelshadeofgrey: you're welcome to message me, sure.  Although, it's just as well to talk in the channel07:52
cwraig_filo> hang on07:52
DShepherdshadeofgrey: abiword looks nicer.. but its not as powerful as OOo... in my opinion. I am not sure how well abiword handles large documents. you could try it out07:52
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owen_do i have to run a special command through the terminal, to make a gparted live cd?07:53
cwraig_filo>what program did you use to burn the iso?07:53
Flannelowen_: you'd have to download it, and then burn the iso to a CD07:53
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filosofo_de_baralcohol 120 %07:53
owen_ah, I installed the package lol07:53
nalphaguys i want to ask to you all what program's like activedirectory in ubuntu? that can be used in ubuntu?07:53
owen_i assume the package isnt the same thing, because the gparted package in the repositories isnt showing nfts support for my disks07:54
cwraig_filo> http://mirror.href.com/thestarman/DOS/MD5progs.html07:54
verbosenalpha: samba07:54
=== lkesteloot [n=lkestelo@c-69-181-60-159.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bananapchey does anyone have any idea why gparted can't detect my hard disk? i'm using 6.06 install cd, and the install part stalls07:54
verbosenalpha: in what sense to you mean "like" ad07:54
filosofo_de_barthanks man07:54
cwraig_thats a bit of a desc it has some links to programs to check the sum and you should find what it should be next to the download button on the ubuntu website07:54
=== WillyMF1 [n=spammyar@pool-71-246-248-180.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bob535question, does anyone else have issues with the screen shot feature popping up on keypresses that it should not07:54
shadeofgreyheres what i need to know07:54
Flannelowen_: the gparted in the repositories does have ntfs support, since... well, at least Breezy.07:54
shadeofgreyi have dapper running on my primary harddrive.  theres an installation of grub in the mbr of that primary disk.07:55
=== Tsukino [n=chatzill@adsl-17-237-208.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreyi havce a second drive which is for nothing but storage07:55
shadeofgreyand a third drive thats a 40gig sata disk that i use for testing other distributions07:55
=== alef0 [i=alef0@M941P010.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreyheres whgat i need to know -- as soon as i download xubuntu id like to install it on my 3rd disk -- because it currently has a very old install of ubuntu breezy on it that i dont need anymore07:56
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shadeofgreywhat i need to know is -- how do i install xubuntu on the third disk and then make sure that an entry is added to the grub list on my primary disk?  bvecause i dont want to install xubuntu and have it put another bootloader in the mbr of third disk07:57
Bob535for example my down key will not work while running xconfig in terminal07:57
shadeofgreyis that in any way unclear?07:57
Bob535it just takes a screen shot07:57
Flannelshadeofgrey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation   for installing without burning.07:57
shadeofgreyi dont mind burning.07:57
shadeofgreythats notthe issue07:57
cwraig<shade> it should look for an existing copy of grub and just use it07:57
Flannelshadeofgrey: oh, um, when you install xubuntu, it'll install grub, and it should detect everything.  If you DONT want to risk it not working, just add an entry to your grub menu.07:58
cwraig<shade> it should just od it automaticly. ive done it before without a prob07:58
shadeofgreyi need to know how to tell the xubuntu installer to add a entry to grub on my primary disk rather than installing grub AGAIN on the third disk07:58
Unix_n_Coffeei know alien converts rpm to deb but is that stable with my package? could anything go wrong?07:58
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WillyMF1Hi, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu. It seems to stall out showing ATA messages... I have a Asus P4G8X Deluxe MB with onboard SATA controller and a WD Raptor drive. A few months ago I could boot off the CD but could not partition... now I cant even get to the GUI stage.07:58
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cwraig<shade> you should just be able to folow the prompts like a normal install it should do what you want automaticly07:59
rixthIt's funny, Totem will play the non-free formats(mov, wmv etc) but will not play XviD.07:59
FlannelWillyMF1: try installing from the alternate ISO08:00
Unix_n_Coffeerixth VLC ;)08:00
=== ralreegorganon [n=jj@73-55-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
rixthVLC is yucky looking08:00
WillyMF1Flannel: alright. Thank you08:00
=== Bob535 [n=chris@S01060004e221aa77.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
shadeofgreyso i should selkect NOT installing grub when ik do the install of xubuntu and then add a link to it in the grub menu thats on my primary disk08:00
=== slid3r [n=slid3r@71-34-97-227.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreyi can handle that08:00
=== nalioth_ [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreyhoiw do i make the new entry in the grub menu that already exists tho?08:01
girishhi all.....i have AMD2400 with asus n8xvm board which supports sharing ram video processing but i dont get the performance which i get while using Windows XP on Ubuntu. Is there something i can do?08:01
gdbUnix_n_Coffee: It will install its files in places that are appropriate for an RPM based system (most likely Red Hat/Fedora).  These locations will generally be compatible with a Debian based system, but may not be.  For example, a user application like, say, gaim, is likely to work correctly.  A system utility or application like, for example, iptables, is not likely to work.08:01
Unix_n_Coffeeat least it works  :) i installed many of codecs too :)) everything on my ubuntu comp is working perfect!08:01
slid3rhey newb question: bash: make: command not found ... um08:01
=== Bob535 [n=chris@S01060004e221aa77.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_Coffeeok thanks gdb08:01
gdbUnix_n_Coffee: All of the proprietary codecs are provided in the Universe and Multiverse repositories.08:02
Unix_n_Coffeei know how to install it just curious ;) thanks again gdb08:02
verboseslid3r: sudo apt-get install build-essentials08:02
gdbUnix_n_Coffee: Packages specifically for Ubuntu.08:02
shadeofgreygod i love bittorrent08:02
=== BenrightB4 [n=belzaar@user-0cej55p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== nicholaspaul [n=nicholas@d198-53-228-206.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
shadeofgreyim pulling xubuntu iso at almost 600k a sec08:02
gdbbuild-essential, there is no trailing 's' ;-)08:02
Unix_n_Coffeegdb thanks ... tho its a torrent download08:02
Unix_n_Coffeelimewire pro08:02
shadeofgreythe full CD will take 7 mins to download at that rate08:02
verbosegdb: oops, thanks08:02
verbosesorry slid3r08:02
slid3rheh thx both08:02
gdbUnix_n_Coffee: No worries, most software will work fine when converted with alien, just be advised that not *all* software will work.08:02
slid3rnooo worries08:02
Unix_n_Coffeegdb thanks :))08:03
shadeofgreyhey i had a question08:03
girishhi all.....i have AMD2400 with asus n8xvm board which supports sharing ram video processing but i dont get the performance which i get while using Windows XP on Ubuntu. Is there something i can do?08:03
shadeofgreyis ubuntu or other distributions of linux capable of handling quad core and quad sli graphics setups08:03
shadeofgreyim thiunking about buying one of the quad sli machines from alienware -- with 6 gig of ram running at 800mghz and a 1 ghtz fronmtside bus08:04
nicholaspaulI think i messed up - I booted from an install disk to format a drive, then when i removed it and restarted, it hangs after the BIOS. Could the install have messed up somehow?08:04
=== aeread [n=aeread@d198-166-52-110.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu []
shadeofgreybut i wont bother if all of you say its impossible to take advantage oif the dual core set of 2processors and the four nvidia  graphics cards08:04
cwraigquad core (better then windows) but quad sli (support is very minimal)08:04
holycowshadeofgrey, its not even that, wtf are you going to use it for?08:05
shadeofgreyokay what about just SLI then08:05
holycowapps haveto be coded to use smp08:05
Flannelshadeofgrey: try google.  Nvidias been pretty helpful to linux.08:05
holycowthere aren't that many that actualy are built for smp first, and second most apps don't need it08:05
shadeofgreyholycrow; so that i can run absolutely anything i want08:05
holycowshadeofgrey, anything what?08:05
holycowthere is nothing really built for smp08:05
cwraigif you use smp and switch to a source based distro like (debian) everything should be optimised? isnt that rigth?08:06
gdbshadeofgrey: Regardless of Linux taking advantage of it, I can guarantee *you* won't take advantage of that much hardware, and your money would be better spent on something else.08:06
holycowcwraig, everything is a source based distro08:06
girishhi all.....i have AMD2400 with asus n8xvm board which supports sharing ram video processing but i dont get the performance on Ubuntu.which i used to get while using Windows XP.  Is there something i can do?08:06
shadeofgreyholycrow; well, blender...gimp...  and then with all the ram and shit i can wine photoshop CS2 and all the other windows apps i cant use in linux08:06
holycowcwraig, and what you mean to say is either gentoo or bsd, debian isn't built with that in mind08:06
=== owen_ [n=owen@c-69-181-224-2.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gdbNeither is BSD.08:06
holycowshadeofgrey, quad systems are meant for VERY VERY special purpose tasks08:06
verbosesolaris probably has the best threading support08:07
gdbAnd very very very few Gentoo users actually take advantage of "processor optimization" which really doesn't make a noticable difference.08:07
nicholaspaulso other than arguinng about gear, can someone help me with my menial problem?08:07
holycowshadeofgrey, those machines are meant for basically big business types of apps08:07
=== Tekwar [n=XChat@20151177037.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
holycowshadeofgrey, i don't mean 10 million dollar size businesses, i mean banks08:07
cwraignicholas > yea08:07
owen_i dont know if gparted live cd was suppost to show me a GUI - but i have no idea what to do at the prompt once it loads everything to format nfts partitions08:07
sethkgdb, and the gcc compiler, in fact, has no meaningful optimizations for p4 or newer processors08:07
nicholaspaulhi cwraig. is my system recoverable?08:07
holycowshadeofgrey, you mostly run databases, apps that require a lot of processing power, etc08:07
gdbshadeofgrey: The point being that spending that much for that hardware for your desktop, instead of impressing people, calls your judgement into question. ;-)08:07
=== gidim cries.
verbosei don't see where quad sli comes in to play at all though for businesses08:07
shadeofgreyim very physically handicapped -- as a result i cant drive, i cant play console video games because ionly have one hand that works and hot women dont like dating cripples.  the only thing in life that i have to take pride in is my compuyting setup and i see no reason why i shouldnt buy my own dream machine08:07
holycowshadeofgrey, there isn't ANYTHING, and i mean ANYTHING on the consumer or even prosumer level that can use that properly08:08
verbosei think that's just a machine people would buy for bragging rights?08:08
pharglequad sli, so like 8 cards?08:08
gidimUbuntu doesn't love me. :(08:08
phargleare these dual core video cards too?08:08
=== MoNkUnClE [n=ximian@ip68-110-200-177.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nicholaspaulCan you guys please take the arguements somewhere else??08:08
holycowshadeofgrey, namely, if you get a single cpu system there is NOTHING you can litterally use 3ghz cpu to its full power unless you are rendering 100% of the time08:08
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holycowshadeofgrey, not saying don't buy it, it's your choice, its just that a quad is a very special machine designed for special jobs, usually needing very high level specialist skills to properly use08:09
nicholaspaulholycow: can you guys please take this somewhere offtopic? Thank you.08:09
holycowshadeofgrey, for example, when your running oracle on a quad cpu, you need an oracle admin (certified) to properly optimize it08:09
shadeofgreyholycrow; can  you even remotely conceive of living a life where both your legs and one arm are useless - as a result its a pain in the ass to go jyust about anywhere - and the only thing you have to look forward to is computing? because literally everything else is stuff you can watch but never do youreself?08:10
holycowshadeofgrey, i'll leave it at that08:10
=== PeterPowell [n=anon@user-514f89b1.l1.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
asathoorhow can I synchronize Kontact with my Motorola phone?08:10
nicholaspaulshadeofgrey: I think they answered your question.08:10
holycowshadeofgrey, i'm only explaining what that machine is designed for and what you kinda need to be aware of before you buy it.08:11
holycowshadeofgrey, purchasing decisions are personal tho :) i completely get where you are comming from08:11
gdbI'd spend my $6k at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch instead.08:11
nicholaspaulhi cwraig. Are you the only one offering to help?08:12
=== jumbers [n=john@ool-457dc6cb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowi'd spend the money on training ... if computing is a passion, become good at it.  the toys come pretty much automagically because you tend to get work in those areas08:12
shadeofgreyholycrow; i sincerely doubt you even remotely understand where im coming from...  but ill accept the fact that your trying.08:12
=== afflux [n=discoflu@U8325.u.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
gdbLinux will use all 4 CPUs, it will use all 6GB of RAM.  I have no idea on the video card, I'll lay money the answer is "no".08:12
=== shadeofgrey shrugs
=== teicah [n=teicah@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
nicholaspaul ignore holycow08:13
sethkshadeofgrey, it's natural engineering think to say, justify the cost of the machine.  If you use it for pleasure, however, that's a completely different thing08:13
shadeofgreyso what if i dedicated 3 cpus to a good distributed computing project?08:13
holycowshadeofgrey, seth summed up my thoughts in one sentence08:13
pharglemy computer pleasures me08:13
sethkshadeofgrey, if it is interesting to you, then that's a cost justification in itself08:13
holycowi don't think it is08:14
slid3rany one know why when trying to make a kern image I, I sudo make ... and I get:  make[1] : *** No rule to make target `init/main.o', needed by `init/built-in.o'.  Stop.08:14
nicholaspaulIs this about Ubuntu? Sorry i was looking for the ubuntu channel.08:14
shadeofgreyand besides...  ill need all the pwoier i can get to run vista08:14
holycowif you want distributed computing, for 6k you can get A LOT of boxes08:14
sethknicholaspaul, what's ubuntu?08:14
Bob535Godamn, hate this not having a root user08:14
Bob535how do i create root08:14
=== gidim yawns.
sethkBob535, you do have a root user08:14
nicholaspaulsethk: i'm trying to remember08:14
gdbBob535: root is already there08:14
gidimI've made two CDs. Neither work.08:14
sethkBob535, you just have to set the password08:14
holycowlet me see ... for 6k i can get what ... 15 boxes at 3ghz each?08:14
gdbDon't even have to set the password.08:14
gdbUse sudo -i for an interactive shell.08:15
sethkBob535, which you can do.  you can do the equivalent also with sudo -i08:15
holycowyou can do a lot more with that than you will with a quad smp machine honestly08:15
shadeofgreyyou cant build 16 computers with 6 grand08:15
Bob535i hate sudu08:15
Bob535i want to be able to su08:15
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gidimI'm tired, I have no OS on my system anymore, so it's Live CD or nothing.08:15
sethkBob535, sudo passwd08:15
Madpilotubotu, tell Bob535 about sudo08:15
=== nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeterPowellhi akk08:15
MadpilotBob535, see the PM the bot just sent you...08:15
sethkBob535, then enter _your_ password at the first password prompt.  then, you'll get the normal unix password change prompt08:15
Bob535i know what it does08:15
PeterPowellthat install worked last night08:15
Unix_n_Coffeegidim try breezy bagger and just upgrade from breezy bagger to dapper?08:15
gdbWhy do you hate sudo when "sudo -i" and entering your own password is *exactly the same* as typing su - and entering root's password?08:15
sethkPeterPowell, good, glad to here it08:15
=== gidim blinks.
=== jon_ [n=jon@ip68-229-243-214.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_Coffeehold on :)08:16
Bob535ah, thanks gdb08:16
Bob535that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, its pretty08:16
jon_can someone help me download and install realplayer? i tried going by the help guide but its not working08:16
holycowshadeofgrey, a quad is simply a very special machine designed for a specific task ... i would take 2k build a bunch of machines or whatever, and start there.  when you really start maxing that out you will KNOW if you need a quad :)08:16
gdbBob535: sudo -i = su - while sudo -s = su (without the dash)08:16
holycowits a good questiontho08:16
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sethkon the other hand, it's fairly obvious that if sudo -i is exactly the same as su -, then sudo -i is equally dangerous08:16
gdbIt just gives you a "root login" while sudo -s gives you a "root shell", ala su - and su08:17
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu
gdbMeaning the full shebang with # prompt and everything!08:17
WillyMF1shadeofgrey: my father had a stroke several years ago, and has only one good arm now. do you have any tips for his computer imput? do you use a regular keyboard? he takes a little while. I would /t you but its not allowed apparently08:17
FlannelBob535: be advised, however, once you set a root password, some features of ubuntu cease to work correctly08:17
gdbWillyMF1: If you register your nick with NickServ, you can send private messages to anyone.08:17
gdbFlannel: That bug was fixed.08:18
gdbFlannel: and the fix was backported all the way to Hoary.08:18
=== afflux [n=discoflu@U8325.u.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
doughboyI am trying to get a windows app to run in wine. The app is Students Guide to APA Format. This program comes in handy for school. So far no luck getting it to set up under wine. Any suggestions that might help?08:18
Flannelgdb: er, which fix?  The rescue mode boot?08:18
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-60-228-192-105.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
gdbFlannel: The bug where some control panels would not run correctly (or at all) if root had a password set.08:18
BHSPitMonkeyok, here I have a problem08:19
ubotuI know nothing about crossoveroffice - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:19
BHSPitMonkeymy laptop's in ubuntu, and now my hard drive access light is going solid.08:19
BHSPitMonkeyfor no apparent reason.08:19
Flannelgdb: no, I'm talking about the recovery console.08:19
gdbAs for rescue mode boot, I assume you mean single user mode where you're prompted for the root password if one is set, or drop to a shell if it's not.  That works as expected.08:19
gidimThis has been my day: download AMD64 ISO, burn to CD using a program... forget which, but it worked. Boot to CD, fine. Install... freezes at 57%. Scan for errors, getting mismatch out the wazoo in /pool/main... download the ISO again from command line, burn to CD with Nautilus, use that CD to boot and it won't load or check for errors.08:19
verboseBHSPitMonkey: maybe a cron job08:19
gdbFlannel: if you mean something other than single user mode, I'm not aware of the issue.08:19
BHSPitMonkeyverbose, nothing I explicitly set up myself.08:19
Flannelgidim: burn slower08:20
gidimSo... oh, did I mention I lost my NTFS partition during the first attempted install?08:20
gdbgidim: Flannel's suggestion is probably the way to go. ;-)08:20
gidimSo, it's Ubuntu or bust. :D08:20
BHSPitMonkeyverbose, it's slowing down the OS noticeably, and the gnome panel is unresponsive08:20
=== gidim nodnods.
Unix_n_Coffeehttp://www.debuntu.org is a nice website ;)08:20
BHSPitMonkeythis ain't good.08:20
gidimIf I weren't so tired I might've thought of it.08:20
gidimRecommendations? 4x?08:20
Flannelgidim: 4x is good.08:20
Flannelgidim: or, at least, that's what we suggest to people ;)08:21
gidimOkay, I only have one CDR left.08:21
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-60-228-192-105.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== PeterPowell corrupted windows on his 1st install
BHSPitMonkeywindows is corrupt enough to begin with08:21
gidimAnd once I install full here I'll be able to see my NTFS 300GB?08:21
gidimI miss my mp3 collection.08:21
Flannelgidim: ubuntu can see it, yes.  Assuming it's still there and stuff.08:22
gidimI'm not going back to XP, despite my long night of pain, I love my sadistic little Ubuntu.08:22
Unix_n_Coffeepeterpwell u dont need windows ;)08:22
gidimHey now, I never touched D!08:22
gidimI only reformatted C.08:22
Unix_n_Coffeeanyone here use windows?08:22
PeterPowellit was on my dads machine08:22
=== noiesmo has windows in his house lol
Unix_n_CoffeePeterPowell , good job :)) give him gnucash ;) he'll be all set08:23
gidimI'm free from my bondage at the hands of Dark Overlord Gates.08:23
=== lkesteloot [n=lkestelo@c-69-181-60-159.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
bigbill52ayou can copy files from linux using explore2fs.exe08:23
Unix_n_Coffeebuy him a office suite openoffice.org :)08:23
BHSPitMonkeymy laptop, in ubuntu, is now completely frozen.08:23
BHSPitMonkeyunresponsive to attempts to kill X, or switch VT's08:23
bigbill52ayou can copy or use files from ntfs partition08:23
=== PeterPowell has 1 mac 4 win laptops and 2 ubuntu machines
BHSPitMonkeythis is crazy.08:24
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Unix_n_CoffeeBHSPitMonkey mine freezes too i have to i have to do ctrl alt and f1 then f7 or f608:24
BHSPitMonkeyUnix_n_Coffee, what did I just say.08:24
bigbill52ai have all my music on ntfs partition, but i play them with amorok08:24
sethkBHSPitMonkey, sounds like an IRQ Problem08:25
Unix_n_CoffeeBHSPitMonkey your laptop freezes?08:25
BHSPitMonkeyUnix_n_Coffee, if that worked, it wouldn't be "frozen"08:25
Unix_n_Coffeeoh do this then08:25
Unix_n_Coffeectrl alt backspace?08:25
BHSPitMonkey"<BHSPitMonkey> unresponsive to attempts to kill X, or switch VT's"08:25
Unix_n_Coffeesave u some time :)08:25
ompaulBHSPitMonkey, rather than doing anything can you leave it for a while - 40 minutes and see if it unfreezes08:25
BHSPitMonkeyI don't plan on staying awake for 40 more minutes :P08:25
sethkBHSPitMonkey, the only thing you can do is a hard reset.  Hopefully something in a log file will tell you what happened.08:26
sethkBHSPitMonkey, waiting 40 minutes won't change anything.08:26
ompaulsethk, depends on what the load is like08:26
BHSPitMonkeymy HDD access light is still solid, and hasn't changed for a while.08:26
floppyearsI'm trying to install ubuntu in my mac intel08:26
bigbill52ayou can also make a 32 gig or less fat32 partition and read and write from both linux and windows xp...i use to keep one as a scratch partition for sharing files back and forth from the two operating systems08:26
sethkBHSPitMonkey, it isn't going to change.08:26
ompaulI have seen runnaway processes calm down over time08:26
floppyearsare there any tips or rules that I can take a look at ?08:26
sethkompaul, no, a runaway process won't block control-alt-backspace and alt-f108:27
smerityhey, do you guys know what Gnome/Ubuntu uses for detecting Sambas? It's all really nice and integrated, and I wouldn't mind putting the same thing on my Gentoo box08:27
BHSPitMonkeyI don't hear the hdd actually doing anything, though, so I guess a hard reset is safe.08:27
sethkBHSPitMonkey, actually, no, it isn't safe08:27
ompaulsethk, but might stop it from working for a while (all lagged out)08:27
sethkBHSPitMonkey, but you have no choice08:27
BHSPitMonkeyI might as well be booting into windows on this thing.08:27
sparkleytonefloppyears: are you dual booting or single booting?08:27
sethkompaul, a while, like 30 seconds, a minute, perhaps.  longer than that?  no.08:27
ompaulsethk, I have seen minutes - it was not X it was a mail server that had gotten opinions on how to deal with stuff08:28
ompaulBHSPitMonkey, can you ssh into it?08:28
BHSPitMonkeyI already did the hard reset.08:28
sparkleytonefloppyears: if you want to dual-boot... http://refit.sf.net ... if you want to only boot ubuntu...repartition the drive as ms-dos and install as you would a normal pc08:28
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ompaulBHSPitMonkey, before you start the box again press esc and do some of the stuff off this08:29
jon_how do you change the the directory you download a file at the command line?08:29
ompaul!bootoptions > BHSPitMonkey08:29
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@AC8F2310.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
jon_im not sure how to get to the command line08:29
=== ToHellWithGA [n=ryan@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
smeritySo no-one knows? You basically just went Places > Networked and it automatically populated from shares available on the network08:29
ompauljon_, applications - accessories - terminak08:29
floppyearssparkleytone: dual booting08:30
ompauljon_, spell terminak with an l at the end :)08:30
sparkleytonefloppyears: see above.  http://refit.sf.net08:30
sethksmerity, samba has a scan feature08:30
jon_then what do i do?08:30
sparkleytonefloppyears: its a great program08:30
=== Meeppeep [n=Meep@186-pool1.ras05.ord01.dial.cogentco.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tsukinoanyone here know acpi? more specifically, how to turn throttling on?08:30
smeritysethk, I know, but Ubuntu's Gnome seems to automatically have a few things in it, was just trying to find what that was - thanks anyawy08:31
floppyearssparkleytone: thanks08:31
ompaulwhat do you want to download from where - then where do you want to put it - this will dictate what is next08:31
floppyearssparkleytone: do you have a macintel and dual boot yourself ?08:31
sethksmerity, you can trace the execution of the file browser and find out what it runs08:31
=== PeterPowell likes macs
smeritysethk - yeah, don't have an ubuntu install with me, all good tho08:32
BHSPitMonkey*sigh* I have to get to sleep.08:32
=== FloK_ [n=flo@dslb-084-056-039-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitMonkeynight, ubuntu.08:32
MistaEDhey i have a friend here who is trying to install dapper i386 with the desktop installer, he gets to it installing but at 98% the whole computer locks up, any ideas why? very vague but that's about all the info i can get, i'll try to get him in here08:32
=== ttyfscker [n=ttyfscke@h231.161.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
filosofo_de_barcwraig, ive finished testing the md5sum. it's ok, matching all the files on the cd and the iso on the site08:33
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filosofo_de_barwhat should i do now?08:33
ompauljon_ what do you want to download from where - then where do you want to put it - this will dictate what is next08:33
=== poningru [n=poningru@pool-72-64-211-102.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
FloK_should php cgi work out of the box on 6.06 when apache2 and php is installed?08:34
jon_i dl realplayer08:34
jon_i want to install it08:34
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jon_thats all i really know, the help guide is trying to confuse me08:34
FloK_i try phpmyadmin and apache doesnt handle it08:34
=== rredd4 [n=jmb@66-191-17-237.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
humanhi all.....i have AMD2400 with asus n8xvm board which supports sharing ram video processing but i dont get the performance on Ubuntu.which i used to get while using Windows XP.  Is there something i can do?08:34
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=== KDEfanboy [n=KDEfanbo@64-17-81-248.nm.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu
sparkleytonefloppyears: i single-boot ubuntu-server on my colocated intel mini08:35
=== darich [n=darich@host86-141-90-70.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
backzI was instaled xubuntu-desktop package on my ubuntu. But I was back to ubuntu-desktop (I really prefer gnome), it changed my boot screem to "XUBUNTU" logo. How I change it again to default ubuntu logo at boot screem ?08:36
jon_basically it wants me to make the bin file i downloaded executable08:36
jon_thats what im stuck on08:36
=== bayzider [n=Owner@ool-45757fa5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkjon_, chmod +x filename08:37
jon_type that in the terminal?08:37
affluxany ideas why my icons in kde-apps have gone? this happend some time after I installed QtCurve... May this be the problem?08:37
floppyearssparkleytone: nice08:37
bayziderok im not even sure if this question belongs here08:37
sethkjon_, yes,   filename is the name of the file you downloaded.   chmod -x says "make executable"08:37
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu
humanbackz: u can make it anything by configuring the login screen u have the tool in start menu08:38
jon_it says cannot access, no such file or directory08:38
bayzideri have ubuntu and windwos dual booted and im tryingto install ipl and im useing the aes ultilty (its kinda like fidsk) but when i look at all my drives and partions and shit my ipod is not listed just some random 8mb drive and windows ubuntu and swap08:38
=== thundr [n=thundr@68-185-180-196.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jon_but i know the fle is there, its on my desktop08:38
backzhuman, it isn't gdm. is booting screen08:39
humanbackz :wat exactly u want?08:40
bayziderany one08:40
=== marcels [n=marcel@mstoop.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ompaul!realplayer > jon_   it is in the repos08:40
ubotuI'll remember that08:40
backzhuman, change the screen logo at kernel boot time to default ubuntu logo.08:40
backznot xubuntu08:40
ompaul!repos > jon_08:40
=== ompaul glares at the bot
jon_i dunno what the repository is or how to get to it08:41
Amaranthubotu: botsnack08:41
ubotuI know nothing about botsnack - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:41
=== ralreegorganon [n=jj@73-55-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
bayziderany one08:41
jon_are you making the bot talk to me?08:41
gidimIt's late, I'm tired, I can't even for the life of me remember where my ISO is downloaded to, let alone what to do with it after I find it...08:41
ompauljon_, yes you need multiverse08:42
=== mournahan [n=john@CPE00501844e4cd-CM000f212f9ee6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== TheGame [n=mandeep@adsl-072-148-023-212.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompauljon_, then you can install it from synaptic08:42
humanbackz: u juzt install art manager software it will help u in all way related to display08:42
mournahanAzureus in ubuntu help08:42
TheGameis there a shockwave plugin for linux08:42
mournahanI ger DHT firewalled08:42
jon_okay but shouldnt chmod work?08:43
humanbackz: u can configure anything with art manager08:43
bayziderany one i really need help08:43
humanhi all.....i have AMD2400 with asus n8xvm board which supports sharing ram video processing but i dont get the performance on Ubuntu.which i used to get while using Windows XP.  Is there something i can do?08:43
thundrTheGame, there is a flash plugin, not sure about shockwave08:43
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:43
TheGameya i have flash08:43
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-158-54-32.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== debrisss [n=chatzill@d40a5943.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
noiesmono shockwave for linux08:44
thundrompaul, he's already asked his main question08:44
=== pepe [n=pepe@r190-64-44-248.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
debrissswhoa - lotsa people in here!08:44
debrissshey everyone08:44
noiesmohey debrisss08:44
thundrhi debrisss08:44
jon_where do i get multiverse?08:45
debrissswho wants to congratulate me for successfully switching to ubuntu, AND liking it??? :)08:45
=== gerson [n=gerson@201-40-151-241.paemt700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
=== soniccol_ [n=chatzill@220-133-198-79.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
pepefirst time in here08:45
=== GigaByte_ [n=kranian@] has joined #ubuntu
pepe763 people connected?08:45
affluxcongratulations debrisss!08:45
=== debrisss does a "no more windoze" dance
thundrcongratulations, debrisss :)08:45
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:45
bayzidercan some one help me08:45
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:45
debrisssi even got my pocket pc to SYNC!!!08:45
sethkbayzider, not unless you ask a question08:45
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=== pfalcone [n=service@server.unilox.com] has joined #ubuntu
humanhi all.....i have AMD2400 with asus n8xvm board which supports sharing ram video processing but i dont get the performance on Ubuntu.which i used to get while using Windows XP.  Is there something i can do?08:46
bayzideri already did08:46
bayziderill paste08:46
ompaulbayzider, maybe no one has the answer to your queiston,. and please stop with the anyone - ask once wait 15 if no answer ask again08:46
Madpilotpepe, 763 is a slightly slow day in in #ubuntu :)08:46
=== mournahan [n=john@CPE00501844e4cd-CM000f212f9ee6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu []
thundrbayzider, don't paste08:46
sethkbayzider, I didn't see a question, don't paste more than a line or two08:46
debrisssone question - is there an easy way to upgrade firefox to the latest beta?08:46
bayzider have ubuntu and windwos dual booted and im tryingto install ipl and im useing the aes ultilty (its kinda like fidsk) but when i look at all my drives and partions and shit my ipod is not listed just some random 8mb drive and windows ubuntu and swap08:47
ompaulbayzider, also maybe you would like to use the full words08:47
=== Hotblack [n=Franklin@cpe-66-108-131-226.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about langauge - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:47
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:47
sethk!spelling   :)08:47
ubotuI know nothing about spelling   :) - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:47
ompaulthundr, still slow :)08:47
jon_where do i go to get multiverse?08:47
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ompauljon_, I sent you the link08:47
jon_oh you did? my bad08:47
debrisssis there an easy way to upgrade firefox to the latest beta?08:47
jon_i didnt see it on the page08:48
jon_just info08:48
RunUO22748debrisss yes there is08:48
debrisssooh - do tell!08:48
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ompaul!multiverse jon_08:48
ubotuI know nothing about multiverse jon_ - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:48
ompaul!multiverse > jon_08:48
humandebrisss: cannot u do that with synaptic package manage08:48
=== ompaul goes away
RunUO22748debrisss chance repo then apt-get08:48
debrissschance repo?08:48
debrissswhich repo has firefox beta?08:49
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@AC8F2310.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
RunUO22748debrisss uh the unstable thing08:49
=== Hiryu [n=hiryu@adsl-71-146-177-210.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
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humanhi all.....i have AMD2400 with asus n8xvm board which supports sharing ram video processing but i dont get the performance on Ubuntu.which i used to get while using Windows XP.  Is there something i can do?08:49
sethkhuman, you mean specifically about the video performance?  You may be able to configure X to use a frame buffer08:50
Hiryuis it possible to install eclipse without gcj? I want to use eclipse and azureus using sun's jdk, not gcj08:50
debrisssstill lost - which repo? I have all of them except for LTS backports enabled08:50
=== phlexy-says-hi [n=ben@60-234-226-178.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
sethkHiryu, I don't  know about azureus, but I've used eclipse with sun's java jdk.  installed from tarball, though, not from repositories08:51
noiesmohuman, you can specfiy videoRAM in xorg.conf might help you08:51
pfalconeHiryu - it is indeed possible08:51
humansethk: i tried to run the race game torcs but the performance doesn't match while running  NFS on WindowsX08:51
pfalconeyou'd have to rename something in /etc/eclipse to look for the proper JVM08:51
debrisssanyone know the repository that has firefox beta on it?08:52
sethkhuman, you an try configuring X to use the frame buffer, which implies sharing the video memory08:52
humansethk: how to configure X to use frame buffer08:52
Hiryulooks like the /usr/bin/java link points to the wrong java08:52
Hiryuhow do I run update-alternatives to get it to point to the correct java?08:52
humansethk: is it by addin vga line to grub?08:53
sethkhuman, no, that has nothing to do with x08:53
farousHiryu: sudo update-alternatives --config java08:53
=== consentm [n=abaraii@] has joined #ubuntu
sethkhuman, it's complicated, involving kernel configuration as well as X configuration.  Look for info on the web; I've not done it with that particular video board.08:54
ompaul!timetable > debrisss08:54
consentmis there any way to read reiserfs partition from windows?08:54
ompauldebrisss, I do not believe there is such a beast for dapper08:54
humansethk: ok08:54
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-60-228-192-105.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Olatheconsentm : http://yareg.akucom.de/08:55
thundrthere is?  cool.08:55
debrisssompaul: you mean no repository for dapper with firefox beta on it?08:55
Hiryuok, I think I figured it out08:55
Hiryuit's like update-java-alternatives08:55
ompauldebrisss, that is what I mean08:55
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debrisssompaul: ok, so how do i install firefox beta without apt-get?08:55
ompauldebrisss, read the message from ubotu to explain why we don't chase those options (most of the time)08:56
jon_arent packages different than programs?08:56
=== Bob535 [n=chris@S01060004e221aa77.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
ompauljon_, a package is a program with all the parts needed to make that program run08:56
debrisssompaul: still doesn't change the fact that i've tested firefox beta, like it a LOT and want it on my system ;)08:57
sethkjon_, depends.  some are groups of programs, but a package can be a set of files for a single program.08:58
ompauldebrisss, well I have not looked - has anyone packaged it for Ubuntu dapper? if so then download it [IF YOU TRUST THEM]  and do dpkg -i firefox.whatevernametheygaveit08:58
ompauldebrisss, and also if you do install it will it break your dapper?08:58
debrisssompaul: i don't know if ANYONE has done it - i've found the tar.gz08:59
=== poningru [n=poningru@pool-72-64-211-102.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jon_why wont my compter recognize a file on my desktop?08:59
ompauldebrisss, and also I'll retype that: if you install will it break your dapper?08:59
sethkjon_, what do you mean by "not recognize"?08:59
jon_it wont let me change it in the terminal08:59
debrisssompaul: i don't know, i've only read about linux users who got it working no problem, so i imagine that it won't break my dapper09:00
ompaulfrom what to what?09:00
=== slid3r [n=slid3r@71-34-97-227.ptld.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
jon_bin to exe09:00
sethkjon_, what do you mean by "it won't let me"?  instead of misinterpreting what is happening, tell us what you type and what happens.09:00
jon_with the chmod09:00
ompauljon_, there is no exe in linux world :-) and chmod does not do that job09:00
jon_im sorry09:00
jon_make the bin executable09:00
jon_with chmod +x09:00
ompauljon_, this is realplayer there is one in the repos ... use it09:01
jon_but the terminal thinks i have no such file09:01
=== DeVilSouLBlacK [n=chatzill@gea-gye-internet.telconet.net] has left #ubuntu []
sethkjon_, because the file is not in your home directory, it is in $HOME/Desktop09:01
=== r0bby [i=wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby] has joined #ubuntu
sethkjon_, you do have no such file.  because it isn't in the directory where your command line starts.09:01
=== kedarguru [n=kedar@adsl-75-9-33-207.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkjon_, so do this:   cd Desktop09:01
sethkjon_, then do     ls     which lists files.  you should see the file09:02
=== thelance [n=thelance@c-69-180-179-81.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thelancehey new user here09:02
thelancedoes anyone know how i can install VLC?09:03
jon_cd desktop on the terminal?09:03
=== yhonatan [n=yhonatan@DSL217-132-52-66.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotjon_, cd Desktop - case matter in Linux09:03
sethkjon_, not desktop, Desktop.   you have to type the correct things.09:03
Madpilotmatters, even09:03
ompauldebrisss, give me a few minutes to look see but frankly, I strongly suggest against it, wait until it is packaged by someone who knows what they are doing09:03
jon_right on09:03
rixxonwhy am i never successfull with connecting to wlans?09:04
sethkjon_, to save typing, you could have done this:    cd De<tab>09:04
debrisssompaul: i haven't found anything YET, but i'd be surprised if nobody had packaged it yet - firefox beta rocks09:04
sethkjon_, the tab key will complete the word for you, in this case Desktop09:04
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-109-73.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
thelancecan anyone see my typing?09:04
=== noiesmo uses swiftfox much faster than firefox
thelancek just wondering09:04
sethkthelance, no, we can't see anything09:04
kedargurudid you just try09:04
ompauldebrisss, question a beta of what version09:04
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C1807C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
kedargurusudo apt-get install vcl?09:04
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jon_good times09:04
debrisssompaul: 2.009:04
debrisssbeta 109:05
kedarguru*vlc my bad09:05
jon_will it tell me if chmod +x worked?09:05
=== livingdaylig [n=conrad-l@82-45-204-76.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
jon_or just skip to another line?09:05
kedarguruu pretty much use that to install anything09:05
thelanceit couldn't find it09:05
consentmOlathe: Thanks :) You just made my day- I never thought these files could be retrieved from the reiserfs partition-09:05
=== shawnr_ [n=shawn@c-68-36-35-231.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Zdra [n=zdra@99.248-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
shawnr_ahhh, just finished installing ubuntu 6409:06
kedarguruahhh someone help me09:06
kedarguruthe totem plugin for firefox doesn't install on my laptop09:06
thelanceyeah it couldn't find the Vlc package09:06
kedarguruit says broken package?09:06
sethkjon_, it will give you a new prompt on a new line.  you can check that it worked by doing this:   ls -l09:06
thelanceit says it cant find the package09:06
sethkjon_, that will list all files in the directory, in long format.  the x in the beginning of the line means executable09:07
jon_it prompted me for a pw09:07
=== _Tristan_ is now known as Tristan
jon_when i tried to sudo ./09:07
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sethkjon_, you don't need sudo to chmod that file09:07
=== phlith [i=phlith@pdpc/supporter/student/phlith] has joined #ubuntu
jon_then it said error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:07
jon_dont i need to install it after i chmod09:07
thelanceroot@TheLanceBox:/home/thelance # sudo apt-get install vlc09:07
thelanceReading package lists... Done09:07
thelanceBuilding dependency tree... Done09:07
thelanceE: Couldn't find package vlc09:07
thelancethats what it told me09:08
sethkjon_, you have to install libstdc++ version 5 to use that binary09:08
=== Tristan is now known as _Tristan_
=== borut [n=borut@BSN-95-194-28.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
kedarguruu probably need to enable extra repositories or something09:08
sethkjon_, if you let the package system install it for you, it takes care of such problems.09:08
kedarguruthis is my first day with linux09:08
kedargurusorry :-(09:08
jon_how do i open up the package system09:08
sethkjon_, synaptic09:08
thelancemine too09:08
thelancethis is a first time linux user09:08
borutHello,whats the name of app in menubar with 5 monitorshttp://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=320139963406b8c930c5a0&p=screen09:08
sethkjon_, sudo synaptic, actually.  when it asks you for your password, type your password09:09
kedargurumy problem is09:09
thelancei dont need a password09:09
thelanceim in the the root terminal09:09
jon_can  i do it through add applications?09:09
jon_i dont think i found it in synaptic09:10
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=== ChakRa [i=UPP@user-b91b01.user.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotjon_, which package are you looking for?09:10
jon_i already have the package tho09:10
jon_how do i open it up?09:10
thelanceroot@TheLanceBox:/home/thelance # sudo apt-get update09:10
thelanceGet:1 http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release.gpg [189B] 09:10
thelanceHit http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security Release09:10
thelanceHit http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/main Packages09:10
thelanceHit http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/restricted Packages09:10
thelanceHit http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/main Sources09:10
thelanceHit http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/restricted Sources09:10
thelanceFetched 1B in 0s (1B/s)09:10
jon_it prompted me when i dl it, but i dunno how to get back to it09:10
thelanceReading package lists... Done09:10
thelanceroot@TheLanceBox:/home/thelance # sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd09:10
thelanceReading package lists... Done09:10
thelanceBuilding dependency tree... Done09:10
RunUO22748thelance STOP GLOODING09:10
thelanceE: Couldn't find package vlc09:10
thelanceroot@TheLanceBox:/home/thelance #09:10
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ
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RunUO22748thelance www.pastebin.org09:11
kedargurucan someone help me :-(09:11
=== thelance [n=thelance@c-69-180-179-81.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #UBUNTU
rixxon!info vlc09:11
ubotuvlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB09:11
Madpilotthelance, next time, pastebin!09:11
Madpilotubotu, tell thelance about paste09:11
=== osku [n=osku@ram94-7-82-232-190-57.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
kedarguruwhen I try to install the totem plugin for firefox...09:11
thelancewhat abut paste?09:11
rixxon!universe > thelance09:11
Madpilotjon_, what exactly are you trying to install?09:12
kedarguruit says unmet dependency on totem-gstreamer...09:12
Madpilotthelance, check your PMs, you should have several from ubotu09:12
kedargurubut I have the latest totem-gstreamer, and everything else seems to check out... but it keeps saying broken package?09:12
=== nathanial [n=nathania@c-24-245-52-4.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathanialhey folks. I have a quick question.09:13
nathanialI can't find any good 'daily planners' for ubuntu09:13
holycowask away09:13
nathanialany ideas???09:13
Madpilot!info realplayer09:14
uboturealplayer: Real Player (installer). In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 8.0.11 (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 208 kB (Only available for i386)09:14
Madpilotjon_, enable Multiverse and install realplayer09:14
ompauldebrisss, I downloaded it - extracted it - it is a beta 1 release - that is "testers only thank you" you will see something in this channel when someone does enough work for it to work on ubuntu09:14
jon_i dunno how to enable multiverse09:14
noiesmokedarguru, do sudo apt-get remove totem-gstreamer and then do sudo apt-get install totem-xine insead09:14
holycownathanial, daily planner? you mean calendaring?09:14
Madpilotubotu, tell jon_ about multiverse09:14
nathanialholycow. yes.09:14
jon_i already went to that site09:14
nathanialI found one for xfce, but I don't want to have to log out of gnome to use it.09:14
Madpilotnathanial, try clicking on your clock, that brings up a decent calendaring program, connected to Evolution09:14
=== smee56 [i=HydraIRC@210-246-48-50.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
thelanceim confused09:15
Madpilotjon_, read that page thru, it will tell you how to enable Multiverse...09:15
debrisssompaul:  nobody's gotten firefox beta working for ubuntu yet???? (sorry, it's just... hard to believe...)09:15
holycownathanial, evolution is not good enough?09:15
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ompauldebrisss, you can't find it - and I am not going to work on it - it did not work out of the box and encourage me to debug it - so there ends my participation09:15
nathanialholycow. it should be good enough.09:15
rredd4Madpilot  maybe someone could add something to ubo tu to warn them about flooding, which could direct them to the pastebin09:15
nalphaguys how to mount samba file sharing can like this smb://lserver/share ???09:16
blishnoutolisda mir noug09:16
holycownathanial, sure09:16
kedarguruthanks noiesmo09:16
debrisssok - surreal, but ok09:16
debrisssthanks ompaul09:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:16
noiesmokedarguru, k np ;)09:16
Madpilotrredd4, there's a link to pastebin in the /topic here09:16
=== snowman [n=snowman@d205-206-224-167.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
nalphaguys how to mount samba file sharing can like this smb://lserver/share ???09:16
ompaulrredd4, like that one there ^^09:16
kedarguruhow did you figure that out :-O09:16
=== pecisk [n=pecisk@purvc44-54.maksinets.lv] has joined #ubuntu
smee56i have lost my gui can any one help09:16
ompauljon_, have you actally looked a  the repos link? the second part of that line09:17
=== kiwigander [n=amp@219-89-130-60.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
noiesmokedarguru, years of experience09:17
kedarguruis totem-xine a newer version of totem-gstreamer or something?09:17
rredd4Madpilot i know, it was just a suggestion for those that flood accidently...09:17
noiesmokedarguru, na just kidding09:17
snowmanspeaking of samba, I can get it running on this box so that people can see the printer, but not home directories. I've set them browseable, uncommented the home dir line in smb.conf and made sure the user had a valid password and no joy.  suggestions?09:17
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Madpilotrredd4, sometimes they just get muted, not kicked; I happened to use /remove this time09:17
=== osku [n=osku@ram94-7-82-232-190-57.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["ciao"]
Madpilotsmee56, 'lost your gui' - what exactly do you mean?09:18
ompaulrredd4, you do the python for a bot to do that and hand it to seveas under the gpl and he can look and have it mute the user at the same time explaining how they can get their ability to talk back and it still won't work :(09:18
ompaulrredd4, because people are people :)09:19
noiesmokedarguru, I not sure how but I know I was muching around with totem and gstreamer and in the end xine was the go09:19
kiwiganderHi all, I'm looking for help with my scanner.  I'm pretty unfamiliar with IRC so please excuse any stuff-ups or gaffes.09:19
kedargurub/c I hadn't had this problem ever before09:19
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kedarguruthen again this is like my second day using ubuntu and linux :-O09:19
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snowmanok, odd.09:19
taigeR__seems like wpasupplicant is broken09:20
noiesmokedarguru, np :) for most multimedia i use xine based stuff and then mplayer and the w32codecs09:20
rredd4Madpilot  when I was a newbie, someone told me to copy some info to a channel.  I did what they told me and got yelled at for flooding.  I did not even know about flooding.09:20
kedarguruhaha am I the only one to notice09:20
snowmannow I can see the "username" dir, and another called "homes" that is the users home dir.09:20
taigeR__anybody know where i can get a good version ?09:20
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kedarguruubuntu is wikipedia article of the day09:20
rredd4ompaul   yeah i know....09:20
taigeR__it's missing /init.d/wpasupplicant file09:20
ompaul!scanner > kedarguru09:20
taigeR__anybody know?09:20
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:20
Madpilotkedarguru, it's been posted to several Ubuntu mailing lists, actually. It's cool, though!09:20
ompaulrredd4, at the end of the day it is a balance of 80:20 we have done the 80 the 20 will five no reward09:20
noiesmotaigeR__, I know from what i read you have to set up a lot or wpasupplicant09:20
snowmansuggestions really welcomed :|09:20
jon_thanks, i must have missed that link =)09:21
kedarguruwhat does !scanner do?09:21
ompaulshawnr_, do  /msg ubotu keyword and dont spam the channel thanks09:21
kedargurusomeone scanner'd me :-O09:21
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taigeR__noiesmo, what do you suggest?09:21
ompaulkedarguru, check for a message from ubotu :-)09:21
taigeR__is there anything else other than wpasupplicant?09:21
=== noiesmo thinks that people should be mad more aware of howto add universe and multiverse
kedarguruthanks ompaul my bad09:21
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:21
kiwiganderScanner doesn't - at least not since I upgraded from breezy to dapper.  It's recognised by all the sane command line tools but neither xsane nor iscan will communicate with it.09:22
ompaulkedarguru, less is more ;-)09:22
holycownoiesmo, the problem is the inverse of that and it is the curse of humanity09:22
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=== Bob535 [n=chris@S01060004e221aa77.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycownoiesmo, people are too lazy to look it up, my self included09:22
jon_are you guys like tech support?09:22
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Bob535Anyone know why my azureus warnings will not go away?09:23
holycowjon_, no, just fellow users helping out fellow users09:23
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Madpilotjon_, everyone here is a volunteer, so we're only sort of like tech support :)09:23
jon_right on09:23
holycowjon_, you know a family, not a corporation trying to scam you for every penny you have09:23
RifleEyesI am such a newb.09:23
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shawnr_ive added all the gstreamer codecs, but rythmbox still wont play mp3s09:23
jon_yea, screw windows09:23
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RifleEyesi'm stuck on ubuntu =(09:23
nilesh892003hello how to play .dat media files in ubuntu ???????????????????\09:23
jon_even if i cant do anything on linux yet09:23
macgeekwhen I SSHed to my Ubuntu box, it said that I have mail. How do I check that?09:23
dmsantammacgeek, mail09:23
macgeekdidn't work09:24
noiesmoholycow, yes that might be but for a system to be used as a desktop by the bulk of the public they want mp3 they want video etc so its a given they need universe and multiverse until the big corporations pull there heads out of there ass and see that we must go on09:24
smee56can someone please help me09:24
macgeekdmsantam: -bash: mail: command not found09:24
holycowjon_, give it time, welcome.  feel free to explore all aspects, and all oses.  even the great evil09:24
shawnr_nevermind lol i got it09:24
rredd4ompaul  what i did not understand about flooding, when I was a newbie (a long, long time ago!) was that there were people with older computers and that it would crash them.09:24
RifleEyesi have a very newbish question09:24
dmsantammacgeek, apt-get install mutt09:24
dmsantammacgeek, then run 'mutt'09:24
holycownoiesmo, thats a laudable goal.  however, like most newbs you miss a couple of details ... these are just points not arguments k? :009:25
smee56can some one tell me how to get my GUI working?????09:25
silentreadRifleEyes, we were all nubs at some point, ask your question09:25
noiesmoholycow, ;)09:25
holycow1. linux doesn't exist for any particula reason.  it's not here to 'gain marketshare'.  it exists for as many reasons as there are users.  thus the goal really isn't to get the 'masses'09:25
ompaulsmee56, try this>>  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  <<09:25
sethksmee56, you'll need to ask a more specific question than that09:25
dmsantammacgeek, you could also apt-get install mailx to get the mail command im talking about. but mutt is really much better :)09:25
RifleEyes(this is my first night using linux of any kind) how do i get my resolution to 1280xthatothernumber09:25
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SargunI hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals.09:25
macgeekdmsantam: ok thanks09:25
dmsantammacgeek, np :)09:25
Bob535yay rifle, i had the same problem09:25
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:26
Sargunhaving the same problem is not good..09:26
Bob535read what ubotu has to say09:26
noiesmoholycow, he ehe09:26
Bob535the first one worked for me09:26
kedarguruhurray ubotu!09:26
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ompaulSargun, that is rather offtopic09:27
holycow2. and of course the legalities of and intriciacies of copyright and patents ... most people have barely enough time to vote, never mind learn about nuances of law ...09:27
macgeekdmsantam: hm, it seems to be hanging on this: "Removing unchanged obsolete conffiles ... "09:27
holycownoiesmo, a better strategy is to take the 'masses', chop up that group into smaller more defineable and understandeable groups and cater to them09:27
RifleEyesthis is gonna take getting used to09:27
Bob535Yay for my skills tonight, I got my resolution correct and Azureus installed09:28
=== Tauhshi [n=chatzill@ip70-163-60-121.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
noiesmoholycow, ok ok I get it I was just saying a lot of ? asked here wouldnt be if universe and multiverse repos were enabled09:28
smee56ok i had my gui working but now it isnt. ido not know if i did somethiong wrong but..i have tried things like  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but i dont know how to set it up from there.09:28
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Bob535tommorow, yum, so i can mount my data drive from my xp box09:28
TauhshiSome more bad news . . .09:28
rredd4RifleEyes  if I can do it... so can you!!  Ubuntu is easy09:28
holycownoiesmo, *nod* no you are right :) just chattin09:28
ompaulsmee56, what kind of video card have you got?09:28
smee56i dont know09:28
TauhshiI think my CD Drive is faulty or something . . .09:28
smee56im new09:28
macgeekdmsantam: nevermind, it was just taking a long time09:28
smee56how do i tell?09:29
ompaulsmee56, what were you trying to do when it disappeared?09:29
noiesmoholycow, thats kool man i'm getting drunk and i dont care lol09:29
rredd4RifleEyes  read read read!09:29
holycownoiesmo, lol! :) well welcome you drunkard!09:29
TauhshiEverytime I try and do somethin, it ends up screwing up . . .09:29
noiesmoholycow, I just watched a linus video on the kernel from youtube and I think richard stallman rocks09:29
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:29
=== kedarguru [n=kedar@adsl-75-9-33-207.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
noiesmonoiesmo, ompaul ok sorry dude09:29
smee56it comes up to the splash screen but then my screen turns off. I then Try ctrl+alt+F1 and it gives me the command line09:30
holycownoiesmo, my fav thing about rms is he lives what he preaches.  you don't get idealists very often following their own advice09:30
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ompaulholycow, it is a religion with him :-)09:30
smee56i did try startx but it came up with a error09:30
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noiesmoholycow, true true but i think ompaul is warning us about offtopic09:30
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=== holycow goes back to the dvd
noiesmoompaul, hey you no offtopic09:30
smee56would you like me to paste the error09:30
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=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulsmee56, if you can into paste.ubuntu-nl.org09:31
smee56ok ill try09:31
Hoxzeris there any tool that can show rss feed on desktop as desklet?09:31
ompaulsmee56, here will get you removed from the channel09:31
ompaulsmee56, was it ever working?09:31
noiesmoholycow, what dvd you watchin09:32
holycowdennis miller hbo special :)09:32
noiesmoholycow, kool :)09:32
macgeekI got the following 3 errors when I installed the latest updates on Ubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1975709:32
smee56pasted as Smee5609:32
Bob535has anyone here got ntfs support working properly under ubuntu and if so what proggy do you use?09:32
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macgeekis that anything important?09:32
Tauhshi110 GB HDD, 10 for Windows, 9 for Ubuntu, 1 for Swap, and the rest as a FAT32 Share drive?09:33
macgeekoh, they stopped my installation of mutt09:33
macgeekit must be important :( how do I fix it?09:33
ompaul!ntfs > Bob53509:33
Lukeis there a special edgy channel?09:33
sethkmacgeek, not important09:33
ompaulBob535, please check the message from the bot09:33
macgeeksethk: then how do I install mutt?09:33
FlannelLuke: #ubuntu+109:33
sethkmacgeek, I doubt you will worry about using TeX any time soon09:33
LukeFlannel: thanks09:34
ompaulLuke, see what flannel said and you thanked flannel for :)09:34
=== ompaul was beaten to that :-/.
djang0Bob535, ntfs-3 anyway, read and write09:34
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Bob535thanks ompaul09:34
macgeeksethk: oh heh :) well mutt works anyway I guess09:34
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djang0Bob535, ntfs-3G09:34
ompaulBob535, be aware that writing to it can fail and cause all sorts of boken stuff - it is not good on dapper09:35
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sethkmacgeek, it should09:35
djang0Bob535, and that is so true09:35
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djang0Bob535, even if you write successfully to the ntfs partition, you can corrupt other data on there09:35
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djang0Bob535, happened more than once to me09:35
ompaulsmee56, use these three keys together    >>>        Ctrl Alt F709:35
RifleEyesokay i am really not good at linux09:36
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macgeekwhat do I do about this? "mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/rmic.1.gz is a dangling symlink"09:36
djang0Bob535, so if it's 'mission critical' use a FAT32 partition as the "middle man" if you can09:36
Bob535I need to borrow an empty hd with equal or greater size so that I can copy my ntfs data drive into fat32 so i can access it by both09:36
RifleEyesthat little bot thing told me to type that command in and i did and it took me to a black command screen i dont understand.09:36
TauhshiDo all the ShipIt CD's come with Stickeres?09:36
djang0Bob535, yeah, pity you can't convert back like from FAT32 > NTFS, huh?09:36
Tsukinoanyone here know acpi? more specifically, how to turn throttling on?09:37
djang0Bob535, anyway, short answer is i wouldn't trust NTFS-3G to write09:37
ketamacgeek: you can remove it, because is a symbolic link that points to nothing09:37
bbrazilBob535: linux can read ntfs09:38
macgeekketa: I just delete that file it showed?09:38
linuxboywhy are there so many dapper updates ?09:38
Bob535I would need to get rid of a huge amount of useful files in order to properly move my whole data drive over to fat3209:38
RifleEyesokay, when a Howto tells me to run a command, it means type it into the terminal thingie, right?09:38
Bob535without using a second drive anyways09:38
djang0bbrazil, he knows, he's asking about read/write09:39
ketamacgeek: yes, nextime mandb will run it won't show that warn09:39
=== nathanial [n=nathania@c-24-245-52-4.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macgeekketa: okay thanks09:39
FlannelRifleEyes: yep.09:39
Bob535oh hell ya, i just remembered my parents bought a usb drive... hehehe09:39
nathanialfolks. I have a quick question. . . again09:39
Bob535go ahead nathanial09:39
djang0Bob535, well format that puppy FAT3209:39
RifleEyesflannel, i did that before and it took me to a plain black command screen thing, and by then i couldnt remember the command09:39
nathanialmy current computer is a Toshiba FROM JAPAN. meaning the DVD NTSC is Japanese.09:40
nathanialI installed ubuntu, and DVD's don't work. How can I change the NTSC with ubunut?09:40
Bob535ooh good question09:40
FlannelRifleEyes: you can either do ctrl-alt-f# and then log in again, or just start a terminal window.  Accessories > command prompt (or whatever it is on dapper)09:40
nathanialBob535, I am to please09:40
Bob535I have no idea personally09:41
ketanathanial: do you have libdvdcss intsalled?09:41
Bob535but im sure someone must know09:41
thundrRifleEyes, accessories --> Terminal09:41
RifleEyesthats what i used09:41
sethknathanial, NTSC is the television spec used in north america.  so your statement makes no sense.09:41
RifleEyesbut i typed in the thing the bot told me to, and it took me to the black screen09:41
nathanialhm. :)09:41
dmsantammacgeek, yeah, just delete that file. its a link to nothing09:41
FlannelRifleEyes: what command?09:41
thundrnathanial, do you mean the region code?09:41
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:42
RifleEyesthat one09:42
nathaniallets try again. YES! the region code09:42
nathanialthanks sir09:42
ketasethk: it's for japan too, I had a japanese playstation once09:42
nathanialHow can I find what my current region code is?09:42
RifleEyesi am so lost.09:42
rredd4RifleEyes  you can copy the command by highlighting it, then go to the terminal and right click and select paste, then push the return key09:42
FlannelRifleEyes: you typed in gdm, right? (are you running ubuntu, kubuntu, or xubuntu?)09:42
ketasethk: i worked on ntsc09:42
thundrnathanial, nearly all drives allow you to change it a certain amount of times (e.g. 5) before it becomes permanent09:42
FlannelRifleEyes: then instead of ?dm make it gdm09:43
nathanialthundr, I've heard09:43
RifleEyesi see09:43
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nathanialhow would I be able to check/change??09:43
RifleEyeswell i shall try that then.09:43
rredd4RifleEyes you can still copy paste the command09:44
nathanialoh great wise ones of ubuntu. :)09:44
RifleEyesi will09:44
sethkketa, his statement still makes no sense.  he wants to "change the ntsc".  that's meaningless09:44
nathanialsethk, i don't want to change the ntsc, but the region code, rather.09:44
nathanialthanks to thundr for the clarification09:45
mizahow can i boot ubuntu without acpci09:45
thundrnathanial, I don't know how to do it in linux.  I'm sure there's a way (there's a way in linux for *everything*)09:45
rredd4miza  acpi=off09:45
mathieu_miza: you could type acpi=off at the command kernel boot time09:45
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ketasethk: i fear more the statement that it could be changed some times before it gets fixed. :D09:46
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ubuntuil y as kel qu un de francais?09:46
mathieu_ubuntu oui09:46
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:47
ubuntusuis perdu sous inux09:47
mizamathieu_: where do i exatly type that during the boot09:47
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TauhshiOk, I think it's just something wrong with the CD's, I found a fresh one with an Audio CD on it, so, I'm ripping the songs, then going to burn my iso to the disc09:47
macgeekdoes anyone here use XAMPP?09:47
mathieu_miza: it depends how your bootloader is setup09:48
Flannelmacgeek: why use XAMPP when all the components are in the repositories?09:48
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mathieu_miza: i type esc at boottime and I can change my boot parameters with grub09:48
macgeekFlannel: because it's easier :P09:48
mizai have just grub and when i click ubuntu it continues to the distro09:48
mizamathieu_: kk09:48
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macgeekFlannel: and it only takes one command to start Apache, MySQL, and ProFTPD09:49
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bob535did you get it?09:49
mathieu_miza: is there a key that says press key for help at boot time ?09:49
Bob535okay, whats catching you up09:49
mathieu_miza: you could try esc09:49
Flannelmacgeek: er, there's init.d for that.  And, copy/paste isn't exactly difficult to install either.09:49
Bob535if you know09:49
nathanialcan anyone help me found what is my region code?09:49
RifleEyesi go to the terminal thing09:49
RifleEyesi type in the command, now with gdm instead of ?dm09:49
TauhshiCan I install KDE on Ubuntu?09:49
RifleEyesor whatever09:49
mathieu_Tauhshi: yes09:50
noiesmoTauhshi, yes you can09:50
macgeekFlannel: copy/paste?09:50
RifleEyesand it asks for my password, i put it in, it takes me to a black and white command lookin screen and asks me to log in09:50
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TauhshiOk, good09:50
RifleEyesand i do. and it say something about ubuntu or something09:50
FlannelTauhshi: yep.  If you want kubuntu, kubuntu-desktop is the package, otherwise you'll need to install kde and some other components09:50
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RifleEyesand i can type in commands but i dont know any commands.09:50
TauhshiI can still keep my Ubuntu sticker and still have KDE09:50
noiesmoTauhshi, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:50
Flannelmacgeek: right, the wiki has what are essentually copy/paste install instructions09:50
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Bob535Okay, did you try the first set of instructions without it working?09:51
Bob535the three line thing09:51
macgeekFlannel: oh okay, I'll take a look. And how do I use init.d?09:51
TauhshiSo, wait, that will turn it into Kubuntu though, right?09:51
Bob535it will pull up an installer, and it asks you a bunch of questions.. etc.09:51
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:51
RifleEyeswhat is X09:51
=== johnlittle [n=john@adsl-70-241-136-244.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
rredd4your gui09:51
noiesmoTauhshi, at the login section go sessions then select gnome or kde09:51
Flannelmacgeek: er, you actually don't need to.  When you install them from the repository, everything gets setup09:51
rredd4graphic user interface09:51
Bob535X is the stuff you can see that has graphics09:52
rredd4kinda like windoze09:52
macgeekFlannel: oh okay, thanks09:52
TauhshiNoiesmo, I can choose either KDE or GNOME?09:52
RifleEyesso i should've followed the link instead of doing the command09:52
Flannelmacgeek:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:52
noiesmoTauhshi, yep09:52
macgeekFlannel: what about FTP?09:52
Flannelmacgeek: you can also download the server ISO for ubuntu, which has a built-in LAMP option09:52
mathieu_Tauhshi: ydes09:52
Flannelmacgeek: depends on which ftpd you want to use09:53
TauhshiOk, would it retain my files and everything?09:53
macgeekFlannel: what do you recommend?09:53
RifleEyesyou know, windows does the same thing when i reinstall it09:53
smee56can any one tell me how to connect ubuntu onto a dialup?09:53
RifleEyesi have to get out my drivers cd or something and do it like that09:53
Flannelmacgeek: no idea.09:53
macgeekwhat do you guys suggest for an ftpd?09:54
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bbrazilmacgeek: proftpd isn't bad09:54
rredd4RifleEyes go to the System menu, then to preferences menu, the to the screen resolution selection.. do you see the resolution that you want there?09:54
macgeekbbrazil: that's what I was using before09:55
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Bob535follow those first three steps in that link, part of one of the questions it asks is which resolutions you want09:55
Bob535make sure you select (hit space) over 1280x102409:55
bbrazilmacgeek|away: what was/is your problem with it?09:56
Bob535which is a little bit down the list09:56
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RifleEyeswow, i am so new at this09:56
Flannelbbrazil: I think he wasn't on ubuntu before.09:56
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bbrazilFlannel: unless you're trying to do something fancy that requires a recent version or specific libraries, that shouldn't make a difference09:57
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RifleEyeshow many different commands are on that little section09:57
HoxzerRequesting a permission to ask something random that doesn't have anything to do with ubuntu09:57
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cwraigyea go on09:58
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ajopaul!pastebin > ajopaul09:58
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Flannelbbrazil: Right.  He was using XAMPP before.  He should be fine installing proftpd I imagine09:58
bbrazilHoxzer: #ubuntu-offtopic09:58
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Bob535threre should be three lines09:59
Bob535just copy and paste one line at a time09:59
FlannelHoxzer: no, seriously.  It's a real channel.  Go there and talk about whatever you want.09:59
Bob535into a terminal09:59
RifleEyesah, it helps if i have my browser open all the way09:59
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RifleEyesstupid 1024x78609:59
Bob535exactly why figuring out resolution was my first priority when i moved to ubuntu earlier today09:59
wasaucehow do I setup the screen command in ubuntu? currently when i type it in screen at the bash shell i get screen: command not found10:00
Flannelwasauce: apt-get install screen10:00
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wasaucereally? thats it? thanks10:00
bbrazilwasauce: should be there by default. sudo aptitude install screen10:00
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RifleEyesokay i pasted the second line in10:01
RifleEyesand it said no such file or directory10:01
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nathanialdo linux distros really need any spy/addware????10:02
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Bob535rifle, you make sure yo ugot all of it?10:03
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Bob535including the end '10:03
RifleEyesyes im at the thingie now10:03
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noiesmonathanial, what ?10:03
RifleEyesconfig thing10:03
Bob535oh good10:03
Bob535perfect, if you dont know which option to choose at some point10:03
Bob535just leave it at whatever it says by default10:03
Bob535I will brb10:04
nathanialI heard that linux OS's doesn't need programs like SpyBot. Is this true??10:04
noiesmonathanial, yes10:04
nathanialI should NEVER have to worry aboud adware/spyware?10:04
noiesmonathanial, no you should n;'t10:04
rredd4thats cause no one likes windoze  lol10:04
fuocois there a repository with google earth somewhere ?10:05
noiesmonathanial, i never do10:05
nathanialnoiesmo. thanks10:05
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noiesmonathanial, go porn surf safly with gnulinux10:05
Nookie^can anyone tell me how to import photos from digitalcamera... i dont see any usb icon on desktop... and that program which popup when camera is pluged in can't detect my camera.. what should i do to see my images on my camera??10:05
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nathanialI can't wait!!10:06
nathanialasian porn, here I come!!!10:06
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noiesmoNookie^, use digikam you'll need to add your cam10:06
bbrazilnathanial: eh, no. There is *currently* no known sypware for ubuntu10:06
noiesmonathanial, go man go10:06
nathanialbbrazil, thanks man10:06
RifleEyesi dont know what to enter for any of these questions =(10:06
nathanialnoiesmo, you said gnulinux10:06
nathaniali'm not familiar. . .10:06
Nookie^noiesmo: thanx will try10:07
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bbrazilnathanial: but the right firefox vunerability and you'll have problems10:07
rredd4RifleEyes push enter10:07
RifleEyesi am pushing enter10:07
noiesmonathanial, yes its gnu/linux10:07
nathanialbbrazil, what doyou mean?10:07
RifleEyesi think im supposed to be entering stuff though10:07
RifleEyesit keeps asking me questions and names and amounts10:07
noiesmonathanial, linux is only the kernel not hte whole system10:07
nathanialnoiesmo, meaning linux OS using gnu?10:07
bbrazilnathanial: using ubuntu doesn't make you immune10:07
rredd4RifleEyes you just want to get to the resolutions screen in reconfigure10:08
fuocowhen i reload on synaptic i get: http://ubuntu.compiz.net/dists/dapper/Release: Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-powerpc/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) what does it mean ?10:08
noiesmobbrazil, hmm hows that me thinks that spywarre and malaware only for M$10:08
RifleEyesoh okay10:08
RifleEyesso i dont have to mess with anything10:08
nathanialbbrazil, what can I do to strengthen the safety of my computer?10:08
nathanialI notice SpyBot isn't offered for linux.10:08
noiesmonathanial, dont use it10:08
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bbrazilnoiesmo: then you are mistaken. UNIX has a better security model, not an impenetrable one10:09
wulaxdoes someone know if i can make compiz use the win-key instead of alt when moving/resizing windows?10:09
rredd4RifleEyes let us know when you get to the resolution screen10:09
nathanialbbrazil, i've heard that as well.10:09
RifleEyesits a long way through, i see10:09
RifleEyesit says10:09
nathanialbut there must be some type of 'spyware' or even a mcafee virus program???10:09
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RifleEyesAttempt monitor autodetection?10:09
noiesmonathanial, clamav10:09
bbrazilnathanial: there's a few anti-virus projects for linux10:09
RifleEyesi hit space on accident so i guess that doubles as enter.10:10
nathanialnoiesmo, clamav can be installed from synaptic??10:10
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RifleEyesyay resolution10:10
noiesmonathanial, yes should be10:10
nathanialbbrazil, any ones that can be installed from synaptic?10:10
nathanialthanks guys. Ill check it out.10:10
rredd4RifleEyes  now tab down to the res that you want and use the space bar10:10
rredd4to accept ti10:10
RifleEyesi hit enter10:11
rredd4then go to the end10:11
noiesmobbrazil, i'm mistaken how, as far as I was aware there is no real threat to linux unless i'm silly enough to be root online10:11
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nathanialnoiesmo, is it known by another name? It doesn't show up in synaptic search.10:11
rredd4and after you are back into the terminal  hit the up arrow10:11
bbrazilnoiesmo: no threat to the system, but they can get to all of your files10:11
rredd4and start over10:11
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bbrazilnathanial: the mcafee style on is still in development, and it's in kernel. clamav is for scaning files and mail usually10:12
threatbbrazil, noiesmo hehe, nick highlighting :)10:12
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nathanialbbrazil, do you know the package name for clamav? the search shows nothing in synaptic.10:12
noiesmobbrazil, hows that please10:12
bbrazilnoiesmo: hmm, might be in universe10:12
bbrazilnoiesmo: well if they take over your firefox, they have all the permission you do10:13
bbrazilnathanial: ^*210:13
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Nookie^noiesmo: my camera could not be detected there eighter...BAH!10:13
Bob535rifle, did you get it working10:13
noiesmoNookie^, what cam you got10:13
WillyMF1Hi. My ubuntu CD comes back with an error on all three of the options I choose for repartioing... is there a freeware repartioiner i can use to crate the space in windows so I can install?10:13
Selig5 http://www.clamav.net/stable.php10:13
nathanialbbrazil, this doesn't make sense to me. I'm sorry.10:14
Nookie^noiesmo: i've got Kodak Eazyshare Z70010:14
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:14
rredd4RifleEyes use the down arrow until you get to the res you want then the space bar to select it10:14
noiesmoNookie^, ok add it as a ptp type cam I have a kodak to but not the same model but kodak is ptp type10:14
Nookie^ohh,.,. lets try10:15
Bob535rifle, also if the down arrows dont work10:15
Bob535turn off your number key and use the number pad10:15
noiesmoNookie^, usb ptp tpe please10:15
Bob535my arrow keys just take screenshots :(10:15
Nookie^noiesmo: hehehe i will =)10:16
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bbrazilnathanial: you have to enable the universe repositries10:16
noiesmobbrazil, you never answered my ?10:16
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noiesmobbrazil, how will firefox in linux be comprimised10:16
bbrazilnoiesmo: vunerabilities10:17
bbrazilnoiesmo: there usually a few a week10:17
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bbrazilnoiesmo: *month10:17
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wulaxdoes someone know if i can make compiz use the win-key instead of alt when moving/resizing windows?10:17
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thinhanyone knows how to access openoffice clipart, i used automatix to downloade the clipart?10:18
noiesmowulax, you can set it thru gconf-editor10:18
WillyMF1If I repartiton in windows and leave some space free, will that help me with the ubuntu installation? The built in repartitioner doesn't seem to be working for me.10:18
wulaxnoiesmo: ok, i'll search for it there. thanks10:18
nathanialbbrazil, is this the universe APT repository?10:18
bbrazilWillyMF1: hmm, how many partitions do you currently have?10:18
bbrazilnathanial: yes10:19
WillyMF1bbrazil: I only have the primary windows10:19
nathanialbbrazil, afterwords, what are the following steps. BTW, this will not effect my current system?10:19
rredd4Bob535  looks like RifleEyes left....10:19
Nookie^noiesmo: did not work this time eighter... why couldn't they just make a simple Usb icon on the desktop... that would make life so muuuuuch easier10:19
bbrazilnathanial: install clamav via synaptic. shouldn;t affect anything10:20
bbrazilWillyMF1: yeah, that should work then10:20
noiesmoNookie^, because kodak didnt make there cams usb they mad them ptp10:20
nathanialbbrazil, this universe, etc seems similar to automatix, am I wrong?10:20
bbrazilnathanial: no, universe is "official"10:20
WillyMF1bbrazil: do you have a recommendation for a repartioner since the built in one isn't working?10:20
bbrazilnathanial: but not supported by canonical10:20
nathanialbbrazil: official=safer10:21
bbrazilWillyMF1: afraid not, I can only suggest the partition that comes with 2k3server10:21
bbrazilnoiesmo: you're pretty safe with universe10:21
noiesmonathanial, enable both universe and multiverse automatrix suxs from whats discuessed here10:21
noiesmobbrazil, ok10:22
rredd4WillyMF1  partition magic.... in windows...10:22
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Bob535stupid thing10:23
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Bob535hello rifle10:23
Bob535no luck/10:23
RifleEyesi am not running off of the live cd10:23
rredd4RifleEyes  wb10:23
RifleEyesi went through the whole config thing again10:24
rredd4RifleEyes  and10:24
nathanialbbrazil; the terminal output says that universe is completely UNSUPPORTED by ubuntu teams. . .10:24
RifleEyesand i got to the part that said automatically detect monitor, and last time i hit space on accident, so this time i hit enter10:24
nathanialbbrazil, is this riskY/10:24
RifleEyesand it went to that black commandish screen10:24
RifleEyesand some problems10:24
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RifleEyessomething about GUD or something not being configured right10:24
RifleEyesand to restart once its configured right10:24
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bbrazilnathanial: no, universe is safe. There's a lot of people behind it10:24
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RifleEyesso i restarted and the same thing happened10:25
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noiesmonathanial, dude its ok the universe and multiverse repos have all the non free stuff like mp3 supoort and video its all good10:25
Bob535I am trying to copy files into the etc directory from a directory called etc. but it keeps saying its omitting the folders i am trying to copy10:25
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yacek19anyone here tried splashy??10:25
bbrazilnoiesmo: only multiverse has non-free stuff10:25
rredd4RifleEyes  can you paste the errror in pastebin  so someone can help you10:25
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noiesmobbrazil, ok sorry ;)10:25
RifleEyesi have no idea how to do that10:26
bbrazilnathanial: multiverse is actually a bit risky, but if you need multimedia you'll have to use it10:26
Toma-I need some help with getting my 7 button mouse working. Ive got Buttons "7" and ZAxisMapping "6 7" in my xorg.conf and it even comes up in xev, but cant map them in game.10:26
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nathanialbbrazil, because I used automatix, i have all my multimedia covered.10:26
nathanialI suppose I'm just looking for antivirus software10:26
RifleEyesi think i am done with ubuntu for a long while10:26
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ubotuAutomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.10:27
Bob535Sad to hear that rifle10:27
bbrazilnathanial: eek. automatix is a lot lot riskier than universe10:27
holycownathanial, please read that10:27
RifleEyesi guess10:27
Madpilotnathanial, you don't need antivirus software; there really aren't any Linux viruses10:27
holycownathanial, you should never run automatix10:27
RifleEyesits already erased my hd10:27
holycowand there is NO antivirus software for linux, this isn't windows10:27
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noiesmonathanial, see I told you automatrix was bad10:27
bbrazilholycow: eh, there is antivirus software fo linux10:27
holycowno one has ever seen one in the wild10:27
LazyBeeanyone know how to set monitor refresh rate from xorg.conf10:27
nathanialnow that I've used it, is it going to consistently update?10:27
holycowbbrazil, no there arent, there are antivirii software that check for WINDOWS virus10:28
nathanialI can discontinue further updates, yes?10:28
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noiesmobbrazil, its to stop you passing virus to M$ not linux getting one10:28
bbrazilthere are linux viruses, they just tend not to get very far10:28
noiesmobbrazil, don't go there man10:28
rredd4RifleEyes  you know anyone locally that uses ubuntu?10:28
RifleEyessmall town, im sure pretty much everyone uses windows or mac10:29
Toma-I need some help with getting my 7 button mouse working. Ive got Buttons "7" and ZAxisMapping "6 7" in my xorg.conf and it even comes up in xev, but cant map them in game. (Ps. its plugged in via PS/2, so evdev wont work)10:29
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RifleEyesi doubt there are many mac people at all10:29
nathanialhow do I save a list in a terminal window?10:29
nathanialctrl. . something?10:29
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Bob535Is there any way to give this stupid file browser root access so I can copy stuff into my actual file system?10:29
holycowsudo nautilus10:30
WillyMF1bbrazil: did you mention something like NT partitioner? cause I'm getting partition magic so I can install ubuntu but its going to take a while.10:30
DravasNOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the10:30
Dravas      components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.10:30
Dravas  < Where is the xpti.dat?10:30
rredd4Bob535  can you help RifleEyes?10:30
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noiesmonot sudo use gksu or gksudo10:30
nathanialbbrazil, saving in a terminal is what key combination??10:30
holycowWillyMF1, ubuntu has a repartitioner ... but maybe you aren't comfy enough with it10:30
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holycowWillyMF1, of course, whatever you use, make sure to backup10:30
bbrazilWillyMF1: I was mentioning the disk management tool that comes with 2k3, as I know that does resizing10:30
yacek19I have problem with the newest splashutils...10:31
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WillyMF1holycow... I've tired 3/4 options... all bure reformat all and its not working out10:31
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holycowubuntu live cd has gparted10:31
bbrazilnathanial: which editor?10:31
MadpilotBob535, just be damn careful with 'sudo nautilus', you can do all sorts of damage very quickly...10:31
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holycowkanotix has qtparted10:31
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yacek19during boot I can see: rm: cannot remove '/lib/splash/cache/survey': Read-only filesystem10:31
nathanialbbrazil, it just says terminal10:31
holycowall live cd's have parted which you can use from command line10:31
WillyMF1er all but10:31
noiesmoMadpilot, should it not be gksudo10:31
holycowWillyMF1, *nod* just throwin it out there10:31
Madpilotnoiesmo, yes, it should, I'm being lazy :)10:31
bbrazilnathanial: I don't know that the default editor is10:31
WillyMF1holy: I have some stuff I cant just get rid of10:32
noiesmoNEVER use sudo to start graphical programs. You should always use gksudo or kdesu to run such programs, otherwise new login attempts may fail.10:32
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DravasWhere is the xpti.dat for Mozilla Firefox?10:32
DravasI need to install Flashplayer10:32
FurryNemesishi all - is there an ubuntu general chat channel besides #ubuntu-offtopic?10:32
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nathanialbbrazil, it seems not to be in an 'editor', but rather the same terminal window I cd with10:32
bbrazilnathanial: then there's no need to save10:32
rredd4RifleEyes  do you have any idea what the error was?10:32
nathanialok thanks10:32
noiesmoMadpilot, please dont be lazy when it comes to graphic sudo etc10:32
RifleEyesi should've taken a picture, hah10:33
noiesmoMadpilot, :)10:33
Madpilotnoiesmo, I know, I shouldn't be10:33
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RifleEyessomething about GUD or GDM or G something not being configured right10:33
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RifleEyesor something.10:33
MadpilotFurryNemesis, -offtopic is it, pretty much10:33
DravasWhere is the xpti.dat for Mozilla Firefox? I need to delete it to install Flash Player/10:33
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noiesmoMadpilot, ;)10:34
Madpilotubotu, tell Dravas about flash10:34
rredd4RifleEyes  go back into terminal and do the reconfigure again10:34
RifleEyesim on the live cd though?10:34
YoussefAssadwhat's a good web based mp3 player?10:34
RifleEyesyes, i couldnt get back to the login screen10:34
RifleEyescause of that error10:34
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topyliYoussefAssad: there is none. maybe you mean you want something to listen to online music on your machine?10:35
RifleEyesthank you all for helping10:35
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noiesmoYoussefAssad, for mp3 I use xmms or amarok10:35
RifleEyesif i try ubuntu again, i know where to go for help10:35
rredd4RifleEyes read wiki for ubuntu before installation10:36
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topyliYoussefAssad: what exactly do you want to do?10:36
RifleEyesnah, im gonna give it a rest until i have another computer or something10:37
YoussefAssadtopyli: no, actually I want a web based playlist system, whereby I access the playlist through the browser, i.e. Machine A is serving the web based system and is also doing the playing, Machine B is simply using the web based system to manage the playlist10:37
RifleEyesg'night all10:37
topyliYoussefAssad: ahh10:37
topyliyou want to stream10:37
yacek19I have problem with the newest splashutils, during boot I can see: rm: cannot remove '/lib/splash/cache/survey': Read-only filesystem10:37
YoussefAssadErm, no.10:37
YoussefAssadThere's no streaming going on. A is doing the playing, B is just using the web based system to control what's being played. Little like a jukebox10:38
RunUO22748Whats the easied way to get create an back-up server for automatic-backup of 5 windows boxes??10:38
noiesmoYoussefAssad, I use netjuke and xmms can handle playlists10:38
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YoussefAssadnoiesmo: Hmm. I'll look at that. Thanks friend!10:38
noiesmoYoussefAssad, np :)10:38
topyliYoussefAssad: that sounds like a job for MPD and some web interface for it: http://www.musicpd.org/10:39
YoussefAssadtopyli: and I'll look at that too. Thanks!10:39
DravasMadpilot how does that help me10:39
MadpilotDravas, how does what help you/.10:39
DravasI just need to delete xpti.dat from the components directory10:40
DravasThats what the installer says10:40
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DravasRemove the xpti.dat file to install Flash Player10:40
MadpilotDravas, I've never heard of xpti.dat - follow the URL I gave you, it's got the easiest way of getting Flash running...10:40
RunUO22748Whats the easied way to get create an back-up server for automatic-backup of 5 windows boxes??10:41
=== workhurtsme [n=terminal@ip68-96-167-130.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
WillyMF1holycow: can I use the partition resizing 2k3 progie that you mentioned? I'm using XP.10:41
workhurtsmehey everyone10:41
bbrazilWillyMF1: no, you can only use that if you're on 2k310:42
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yacek19I have problem with the newest splashutils, during boot I can see: rm: cannot remove '/lib/splash/cache/survey': Read-only filesystem10:43
workhurtsmei was wondering if there were any good music creation software for Ubuntu? like garage-band for the mac...?10:43
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thundrworkhurtsme, Yes, there is.10:43
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thundrworkhurtsme, I don't know if I've used all of it, and I don't know if it's as polished as garage-band, but it does exist.10:44
workhurtsmethats good with me10:44
workhurtsmei ditched an old windows machine10:44
workhurtsmeand today is day one with linux10:44
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workhurtsmei am using xubuntu10:44
workhurtsmeso now, i have to find some music making software for this baby10:44
=== GigaByte_ [n=kranian@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.10:45
frogzooworkhurtsme: amarok - get 1.4.1 if you can10:45
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.1 and packages are available for Kubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.1.php10:45
=== BiGcaT [n=Perl@84-12-78-219.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
stefgworkhurtsme: welcome to the club :-). But please don't use enter as punctuation... this wastes Line space :-)10:46
workhurtsmesorry bout that.10:46
thundrworkhurtsme, you can try looking in the applications --> add/remove... menu10:46
gatekeeper !seveas10:46
RunUO22748Can some one help me create a backup server?10:46
stefgworkhurtsme: are you looking for a music player, or more something like a virtual studio environment?10:47
ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:47
=== tuna [n=tuna@tunamasiina.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooRunUO22748: apt-cache search backup10:47
RunUO22748Frogzoo iam on windows box ..10:47
RunUO22748but i want to turn my LAMP server into a backup server.. :P10:48
workhurtsmevirtual studio environment. i was using fl studio on windows if you are familiar10:48
RunUO22748laptop doesnt wanne do linux well :(10:48
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FuriousRageanybody know a program for windows that can read/write ext3 partitions and mount it as a seperate folder or drive? i got thie Explore2fs, but its a seperate program to do it10:49
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workhurtsmedoes anyone know of a virtual studio environment for music creation on ubuntu?10:50
stefgworkhurtsme: i'll drop some names, so you can google for that:  audacity, muse, ardour, rosegarden10:50
workhurtsmeoh okay10:50
workhurtsmethank you very much for the leads. i will check them out. :)10:51
thundrworkhurtsme, there's also quite a list of sound/video applications in the applications menu under add/remove10:51
stefgworkhurtsme: what hardware do you run?10:51
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workhurtsmewell, nothing special...just 3500 64 amd, regular sound card.10:52
=== Comac [n=look@adsl-67-125-107-195.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooFuriousRage: what u need: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd10:52
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workhurtsme512 ram....i just like to record simple songs and stuff with my guitar and do vocals10:52
stefgOk, so tahts something capable for multitrack digital audio10:52
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thundrstefg, can't audacity do that in a basic form?10:53
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workhurtsme<stefg>is there anything opensource or free that is available...? (probably not)10:53
thundrworkhurtsme, most everything in ubuntu is free/opensource10:53
peciskstefg: Ardour, MUsE, Jokosher (still coming)10:53
stefgyep, audacity is the simple solution, ardour, the professional one.  and workhurtsme, ALL of them are free10:54
FuriousRagefrogzoo: oki thanks, i hope it does what i wish, testing atm ;>10:54
peciskArdour is most matured, but requires a litle tweaking of system because of JACK10:54
=== ZoomCities [n=ZoomCiti@60-240-209-7.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
FuriousRagefrogzoo: altho "enable force write ext3" sounds scary ;>10:54
noiesmoany netjuke users here10:54
stefgACK's Jokosher... which was the talk of the night at yesterdays user meeting here.. but it's not ready yet10:55
thundrpecisk, what's the advantage of JACK?  I've seen a lot about it but all it does on my system is bog it down.10:55
=== micahcowan [n=micah@adsl-69-236-75-39.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Generichow do i check for unmounted partitions?10:55
peciskthundr: advantage is true lack of latency10:56
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peciskthundr: you can handle multiple recordings at once10:56
=== JDStone [n=JDStone@adsl-68-126-0-141.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
workhurtsmeawesome. well thank you very much. i am going to do some research10:56
peciskthundr: important for multichannel cards10:56
jangaGeneric: sudu fdisk -l10:56
thundrpecisk, oh, latency is all I get when I use it.  I guess my system isn't good enough/configured right for it.10:56
peciskthundr: yep, it requires a lot of tweakage, and good sound card10:56
peciskbut when it is so, it works and it is worth that hassle10:57
frogzooGeneric: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hd# will show all partitions - mounted or not10:57
thundrpecisk, so your standard run-of-the-mill audigy isn't good enough?10:57
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peciskthundr: if you get xruns (and therefore latency), lot of things could be wrong, Audigy should be fine, I think10:58
peciskimportant is hard disk speed10:58
peciskis there memory disk, etc.10:58
stefgso a soft raid0 wouldn't hurt10:59
FuriousRagefrogzoo: heh, thanks, it worked so far, but funny it mounts the ext3 as dvd/cd ;>10:59
peciskit is a little bit of nuclear science, but it is worth that10:59
thundrpecisk, and ram?  I've only got 256 on a p4 2.24 ghz.   Sounds complex.10:59
GenericI'm backing up my home folder from my 32-bit install10:59
peciskthundr: get 512 and then it is worth a try, however 256 MB could cut a mustard too10:59
peciskthundr: IDE hard disks?10:59
GenericI mounted the wrong partition by accident, so I ended up doing a backup onto itself, so now the disk is full10:59
=== Devec [n=Alexande@p54A2B9EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Genericand it still shows 100% usage even though i deleted the backup11:00
peciskthundr: I think you should ask ubuntu-studio guys about such questions11:00
Genericwell, the failed backup :p11:00
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thundrpecisk, yes, IDE.  And I've (unfortunately) got Rambus so price is an issue w/upgrading too.11:00
peciskthundr: I run JACK/Ardour combo on Gentoo without big problems. However, I have Athlon XP 2200+, 512 MB, 120 SATA and EWS88MT eight channel sound card11:01
peciskthundr: I see11:01
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peciskthundr: but11:01
peciskthundr: as I said, it is only necessary if you want to record something on multiple channels11:01
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peciskfor simple layered recording you should try muSe or how it was called now :)11:02
peciskit is KDE thingy but it works, as far as I heard11:02
=== sioux [n=sioux@adsl-138-100.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
peciskand for simple recording you can try Jokosher, however, it is not usable under Dapper11:03
siouxhey people what's this story... I get this error W: GPG error: http://www.beerorkid.com dapper Release:11:03
=== noiesmo dam mysql lost password
siouxseems that the pubblic key is not available11:03
pecisknoiesmo: /etc/mysql/debian.cnf11:03
siouxNO_PUBKEY 31A5F97FED8A569E11:03
thundrpecisk, thanks.  I'll check it out when I have some time & money.  It sounds interesting.11:03
lhdshello please i need assistance : to install a hardware, it is asked to go to  cd /usr/src/linux # make menuconfig in my hdd i have linux-headers-2.6.15-26  installed ... but when i make menuconfig i get a bunch of errors  warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function exit what to do11:03
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peciskthundr: good luck :)11:04
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Tsukinoanyone here know acpi? more specifically, how to turn throttling on?11:04
mc_________is there something like digiKam for gnome?11:04
siouxpeople what's happening with pubkey in beerokid11:04
stefglhds: so are you trying to build a new kernel?11:04
pecisklhds: install libncurses5-dev, I think11:04
lhdsstrefg i need to install a video tv saa7133 ....11:05
topylimc_________: f-spot11:05
pecisklhds: make menuconfig uses ncurses to display dialogs and all that stuff11:05
noiesmopecisk, no I lost it replaced it now a web apps broken because I didnt reset it to original and the app's encrypt password in config so now I have to reinstall app11:05
lhdsi went through this before i format it worked but not now !11:05
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topylimc_________: i guess it's somewhat similar (never used digikam)11:05
mc_________topyli, is it good?11:05
DravasHow to install plugins for Banshee11:05
topylimc_________: it's way good :)11:05
mc_________topyli, thank you,ill try it out11:05
topylimc_________: hope you like it, cheers11:06
pecisknoiesmo: in configure file I mentioned, it is debian system user for Mysql with root permisions, you can use it to reset any password inside database, just use proper client11:06
siouxhow can i import key from a repo11:06
lhdspecisk thanx i am installing this and hoping itll work11:06
stefglhds: this shouldn't require a complete kernel rebuild... what kind of instructions are you following ATM?11:06
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lhdsi am shhure that this folder linux headers is missing directories11:07
lhdsi had them before i format11:07
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pecisklhds: what it is? special video card? or webcam?11:08
noiesmopecisk, I got netjuke installed it puts root password somewhere and no since I changed it it cant access the mysql database I can access the mysql database11:08
lhdstv card11:08
pecisknoiesmo: tried /etc/netjuke?11:08
siouxHow can explain me how I can import pubkey from http://www.beerorkid.com11:08
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siouxsorry who11:09
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stefglhds: so for a start have you done sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` ?11:09
DimitrijeHow to recover xorg.conf, i installed nvidia drivers and run sudo nvidia-glx-config enable and my X failed now, cant run it.11:09
Madpilotsioux, is that for automatix?11:09
siouxmad no is for compiz11:10
pecisklhds: I think it should work out of box, however I suggest to read this UbuntuForums thread, there is lot of information about this card under Ubuntu11:10
pecisklhds: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19568611:10
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lhdspecisk i had it working under ubuntu11:11
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pecisklhds: ohhh I see11:11
siouxwhen I do apt-get update I get an pubkey missing error from http://www.beerorkid.com How can I solve this problem11:11
stefglhds: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/4419111:11
pecisksioux: it is very possible that it doesn't have public key11:12
lhdsbut its that the linux headers are missing ] 11:12
pecisksioux: not every repository has11:12
DravasWhere are the Plugins directory for Banshee11:12
DravasI wanna install iTunes Music Store support11:12
siouxok but this means that I can use this repo or not11:12
stefglhds: so what do you get when giving sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` ?11:13
=== jvaughn [n=jvaughn@c-67-162-243-0.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jvaughnis there an official guide to getting xgl+compiz to work on wiki.ubuntu.com or anywhere?11:13
DimitrijeHelp me.11:13
=== habaras [n=habaras@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:13
=== Ayabara [n=chatzill@cm-] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:14
acojlowill synaptics use just updates from official repos for packages from there or it updates for the packages will be provided from universe, multiverse?11:14
jvaughnah great thanks11:14
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Madpilotacojlo, if you've got Universe & Multiverse enabled, Synaptic will get updates from there as they're available11:14
=== margaret [n=margaret@dsl-145-122-196.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:15
topyliacojlo: ^11:15
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AyabaraI have an inspiron 6000 with an ati radeon card. should tv-out work like a dream in ubuntu for me?11:16
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-174-71.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jvaughnhrm... would anyone know why in /var/log/Xorg.0.log it says "direct rendering: Enabled" and it shows that it loaded the dri module fine but when i run glxinfo it says direct rendering: No.   I have Mode 0666 set for DRI in my xorg.conf.  Any other ideas?11:17
Ayabarathink I read something once about this not working, but that is a while ago11:17
=== dra [n=dra@p57A52995.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
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siouxsorry people... If I install software from http://www.beerorkid.com synaptic warring me that install software from not signed repo malicius code could damange my system, now beerokid is a safe repo?11:18
=== Tristan is now known as _Tristan_
lhdspecisk  i had this message when make No rule to make target `init/main.o', needed by `init/built-in.o'.  Stop.11:18
siouxhttp://www.beerorkid.com is shown as repo for xgl and compiz11:19
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ubotuI know nothing about tvtuner - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:19
siouxIs it safe?11:19
lhdsnah its working fine thanx man11:19
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ubotuI know nothing about i915 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu11:20
ubotudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.11:20
=== pUm [n=pum@p508B6979.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dodzeysioux: i use that repo it is safe11:20
=== prion___________ [n=afam@client-82-13-44-165.brhm.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
lhdsanyone has ati radeon xpress 200?11:20
siouxdodzey but you too get pubkey errors11:20
Dodzeysioux: you can get the key for the repo, i forgot the url though, check compiz.net11:20
siouxdod ok i go to check11:21
=== BobSongs [n=bob@ip216-239-84-244.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu
mc_________topyli, f-spot is great,thank you!11:21
=== debrisss [n=chatzill@d40a5943.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
topylimc_________: good to hear it works for you. cheers11:22
debrissshi everyone11:22
=== BobSongs sneezes.
debrisssfirst day with ubuntu, LOVE it....11:22
debrisssi hate azureus11:22
BobSongsdebrisss: Yeah? Why?11:22
debrisssthe notification windoze won't go away....11:22
Dodzeysioux : here, try this.... get http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -11:22
debrisssyou know, the popup notification thingies? they just don't leave11:23
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo11:23
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BobSongsdebrisss: Run Azureus as root and install any updates it requires.11:23
mc_________debrisss, Opera has a great bittorrent client integrated11:23
debrisssi installed it from synaptic - isn't that good enough?11:23
debrissssudo azureus??11:23
DravasHow do I install plugins for Banshee and what is this svn co svn://abock.org/trunk/banshee-itunes-plugin11:24
BobSongsdebrisss: You've got it.11:24
DodzeyBobSongs: hey, did you get everything sorted?11:24
debrisssok - i'll give it a try BobSongs11:24
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:24
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topylimc_________: inspired to try all of mono goodness? :)11:25
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-250-59-127.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
BobSongsDodzey: Hey dude! Don't you ever sleep? lol11:25
lhds when  #make modules modules_install it gives : No rule to make target `init/main.o', needed by `init/built-in.o'.  Stop. why?11:25
DodzeyBobSongs: haha, yeah, its 10:25 here, I aint been up long...11:25
ryan_narutodid anyone had succes running nero 7 using wine11:25
mc_________topyli, well f-spot is great but i still dislike mono itself ;)11:25
BobSongsDodzey: Good to hear from you again. The re-install went well. I keep my /home folder apart so just about everything is the same when I log in the first time. And? Sound works perfectly now. Go figure.11:25
=== nik [n=nik@port-212-202-36-216.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
mc_________topyli, or i dislike .NET11:26
=== Dimitrije [n=drtwdiab@212-200-203-179.smin.sezampro.yu] has joined #ubuntu
Gonzoany suggestions for a DVD burning program?11:26
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BobSongsDodzey: Ahh. I'm in Canada. Montreal. So it's ... 5:26 AM here.11:26
topylimc_________: resistance is futile :)11:26
BobSongsI'm up a bit early.11:26
DimitrijeGonzo, NEROLinux.11:26
noiesmopecisk, there we go netjukes happen again but it yes encryption on mysql password so had to reinstall but its all goog 2531 Tracks  355 Artists  163:30:3511:26
DodzeyBobSongs: ahh...yeah...I'm in the UK11:26
debrisssBobSongs: this is weird - now i'm getting the popup notification window, but the main azureus window isn't loading at all as root....11:27
ryan_narutoi would like to run nero 7 in my linux machine so i could just drag and avi and it will make it to a vcd11:27
BobSongsDodzey: Yeah; I figured... either that, or Spain.11:27
topylimc_________: think about it: much of the neatest new gnome stuff is mono: tomboy, banshee, beagle, f-spot, muine...11:27
ryan_narutok3d is a nice burning application11:27
BobSongsDodzey: It's your accent that gave it away.11:27
=== nekostar [n=nekostar@24-52-157-100.ventca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
nekostarDAPPER != AUTO XCHAT11:27
nekostarZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG11:27
topylimc_________: being related to microsoft doesn't necessarily kill a piece of free software :)11:27
nekostarat least its got irssi11:27
Madpilotnekostar, quit it11:27
mc_________topyli, i have no problem with programs written in mono,i just do not want to code mono11:28
DodzeyDodzey: heh... :-)...11:28
topylimc_________: ahhh11:28
nekostar!tell Madpilot about enter11:28
BobSongsdebrisss: That's odd.11:28
Madpilotnekostar, and yes, XChat isn't in Dapper by default, which sucketh mightily...11:28
DodzeyBobSongs: i can't even copy and paste a name correctly...jesus....brb11:28
nekostarthat deserves mad spambot attacks11:28
BobSongsdebrisss: Stop Azureus and try 'gksudo azureus' instead.11:28
mc_________topyli, well but maybe i should try it out before saying it sucks ^^11:28
debrisssok - 2 seks11:29
nekostarthat and the totem repository farkups11:29
ryan_narutois there a workaround in wine so i could install nero 7 in my linux11:29
siouxdodzey thank you in compiz.net I found the solution :-)11:29
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nekostarok going off to build xchat ~_______________~11:29
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debrisssBobSongs: same thing AGAIn - considering using Opera's client or another client (if i could only find a decent one...)11:30
mc_________ryan_naruto, try the newes wine version11:30
ryan_narutocan k3d make vcd movies????? im noob11:30
topylimc_________: dunno, i've never tried it personally :)11:30
mc_________ryan_naruto, it can11:30
Dodzeysioux: no probs....compiz and Xgl can b e a pain to set up, hopefully everything will go smoothly11:30
debrisssoh poop - i've quit azureus but the warning window stays OPEN :(11:30
BobSongsdebrisss: I'm trying it here to see if it works. :-/ It did in the PAST. Why it's acting up now is unknown.11:30
stefgryan_naruto: why would you want that. you can have native k3b, and the recoding functions of nero7 won't work anyway11:30
debrisssthanks BobSongs - i appreciate the help11:31
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tanlaanhow do you change your computers name? as in im using mutt and my email is tanlaan@tanlaan *tanlaan being both my username and computer name*11:31
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BobSongsdebrisss: I'm in the middle of a huge software re-install. Sorry if things are slow. I just re-installed and I'm installing ... ohh, hundreds of packages.11:32
debrisssBobSongs: hehe - take your time ;)11:32
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stefgtanlaan: edit /etc/hostname and edit /etc/hosts to reflect that change. reboot afterwards11:32
DodzeyBobSongs: make sure you stick ardour in the list while your at it ;-)11:32
tanlaanstefg: thanks11:32
debrisssBobSongs: the only thing i'm in a HURRY about is to get this warning box off my desktop - it's there even tho i closed azureus11:32
Dodzeydebriss: tried xkill and clicking on it?11:33
Dodzeydebrisss: tried xkill and clicking on it?11:33
BobSongsDodzey: That's next. Odd how Add/Remove programs shows Ardour but won't allow it to be installed. I'll do it through Synaptic.11:33
debrisssDodzey: just tried that - it won't die11:33
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Dodzeydebrisss: check the system monitor, see if theres any stray processes11:34
stefgdebrisss: Do a screen-lock (shift-ctrl-l) and unlock by entering you password. Should be gone then11:34
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ryan_narutois wine 0.9.18 wineHQ the newest version of wine or are there other wine binary out there???????11:35
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debrisssstefg: screen-lock isn't working11:35
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mjrryan_naruto, well, winehq.com front page tells us that it is indeed the latest release11:36
BobSongsdebrisss: or you could just log out.11:36
debrisssDodzey: i'm looking now - nothing i can see in the process list - unless it's notification-daemon?11:36
stefgdebrisss: sorry it's alt-ctrl-l11:36
Dodzeydebrisss: thats the notification area for the panel11:36
debrisssstefg: that worked, but it didn't get rid of the popup ;)11:37
Dodzeydebrisss: log out and back in?11:37
debrisssDodzey: gonna do that now - brb11:37
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BobSongsdebrisss: If that don't work, then shut the X-Windowing system. Close all programs, save all files, then Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.11:37
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Dodzeya log out should do it11:38
stefgdebrisss: , I had nothing but truble with azureus, too. I ended up with using uTorrent with wine :-)11:38
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KenSentMeWhen i do a dist-upgrade the totem package is held back, how can i find out why?11:38
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admin__is there some script or program that will auto create an /etc/fstab file ?11:39
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BobSongsDodzey: Have you ever messed with Rosegarden or Lilypond?11:39
debrisssthere - now that pesky window is gone :)11:39
DodzeyBobSongs: Rosegarden briefly, lilypond never11:40
BobSongsdebrisss: Yay!11:40
debrisss:) :) :)11:40
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admin__or, what might create an fstab when ubuntu gets installed for the first time ?11:40
stefgKenSentMe: totem is just a dummy package. the real ones are totem-gstreamer or totem-xine. I guess it's safe to remove since it was only transitional11:40
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DodzeyBobsongs: why do all the linux based sequencers have daft names...saying that "cubase" isn't much better11:40
debrisssso that's ONE problem solved ;)11:40
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BobSongsdebrisss: Azureus has disappeared from my system. I don't understand why, really. What's happening is I may have selected it from the huge list of packages and the previous install is ... gone.11:41
roryyy48classroom ubuntu???11:41
BobSongsDodzey: LOL!!!11:41
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=== BobSongs wipes eyes, still chuckling.
KreativeLightHELP!  My PC won't shut down properly, and I get a bunch of text with [ok]  in front of it, and then it freezes11:42
hyphenatedKreativeLight: what's the last one you see?11:42
BobSongsDodzey: Bad naming of software packages is a long and time honoured Unix tradition. Don't buck the system, man! Get with it. Almost every second program must begin with "Yet Another..." LOL11:42
debrisssBobSongs: is azureus the be all and end all of all bittorrent clients for linux? I'd be willing to use another (I was a utorrent user in windoze...)11:42
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KreativeLighthyphenated: I really don't remember, it had something AD11:42
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BobSongsdebrisss: There are other packages. You just installed Ubuntu today? Are you switching from another distro? Or from Windows? Or Mac?11:43
hyphenatedKreativeLight: once you know what the last one is, you'll know what to search the wiki for ;-)11:43
stefgKreativeLight: you need to be more informative on that to get any help. Hardware, kernel-Version and a paste of 'dmesg' to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ would help11:43
=== neutrinomass [n=pandis@ppp67-106.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
taomasterhello all- how do i change root password11:43
debrisssBobSongs: just installed ubuntu today - switched from windoze - HAVE used linux b4, but it's been awhile (back in the days of redhat before fedora...)11:43
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:43
hyphenatedyou can't get the output of dmesg when you're shutting down :-011:43
BobSongsdebrisss: Open Synaptic Package Manager (System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager) and search for bittorrent.11:44
KreativeLighthyphenated & stefg:  It happens after unmounting root file systems and LVM11:44
BobSongsdebrisss: Ahh. You were a Linux flirter too, eh?11:44
DodzeyBobSongs: hah..yeah...brb...just finished fixing a friends system...gotta unplug it all...i was so tempted to put ubuntu on...but he'd only scream "where is my start button"11:44
stefgKreativeLight: an ACPI problem i assume...11:44
debrisssBobSongs: there's only bittorrent, bittornado, a few obscure clients and azureus - nothing i can really TRUST imho11:44
neutrinomassDodzey: Then Kubuntu ;)11:44
BobSongsDodzey: lol!!11:44
=== nemlah [n=nemlah@dsl-88-218-15-32.customers.vivodi.gr] has joined #ubuntu
nemlahHello all11:44
=== BobSongs chuckles helplessly.
nemlahi am facing a weird monitor problem11:45
BobSongsnemlah: Describe your problem.11:45
debrisssBobSongs: i WAS, now i'm never going back to windoze - m$ is too good at finding copied versions of windoze ;)11:45
nemlahthe screen area is larger then the actual screen thus allowing me to pan11:45
nemlahi am using a dual screen setup with fglrx11:45
BobSongsdebrisss: I must be the only one on the entire IRC that has actually paid for his copy of XP!11:45
topyliDodzey: this "start" button, is it the same button you use to "shut down" windows? :)11:45
debrisssBobSongs: *blink*11:46
KreativeLightKreativeLight's tech brother: hyphenated: I'll find out what exactly was the last task executed during shutdown and I'll get back to you in five. Thanks.11:46
BobSongsdebrisss: LOL!!11:46
debrisssyou can PAY for xp??11:46
BobSongsdebrisss: Odd, eh?11:46
hyphenatedKreativeLight: have fun. I might not be here, but 700 other people will be :)11:46
noiesmoyou can PAY for xp?? <-------- never11:46
debrisssBobSongs: who would have thought11:46
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KreativeLightThanks! :)11:47
BobSongsdebrisss: I'm an honest man. I hated laying down any money at the "alter" of MSFT. Trust me. And it's the very last time I make that mistake.11:47
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taomasterto change root password,is it chnpaswd?11:47
Dodzeytopyli: exactly, I can't understand the logic....that's why on my windows box ive made "shutdown" icons on the desktop...much more sensible11:47
BobSongsnoiesmo: Yeah. It hurt. But I did.11:47
nemlahIs there a possibility i have to enter the horizontal and vertical synch of my monitors? gnome worked before the problem appeared with kde11:47
stefgtaomaster: do you have a root account at all on your machine?11:47
taomasteri thought i did11:47
noiesmoBobSongs, I've been fortunate to get free thru work but I don't even use it11:48
stefg!sudo > taomaster11:48
debrisssBobSongs: the ONLY thing i was waiting for so that i could go 100% to linux was wireless support and pocket pc support - ubuntu supported my wifi card out of the box and i got evolution synched with my ppc this morning...11:48
debrisssBobSongs: ppc support is still a bit clumsy, but it's THERE11:48
noiesmoBobSongs, well at work only11:48
topyliDodzey: when i last had a windows machine (win98) i found a way to crack explorer.exe so i changed it to read "Snarf"11:48
taomasteri use sudo and it does not work11:48
stefgtaomaster: read ubotus PM please11:48
BobSongsdoiesmo: Free? Kewl! My office never did THAT for us. :-S11:48
taomastersaid password word is wrong11:48
taomasterso i think i can change it11:48
noiesmoBobSongs, gov job licence agreement11:48
Dodzeytopyli: yeah, resource hacks are always fun11:49
stefgtaomaster: read ubotus PM please11:49
BobSongsnoiesmo: Understood.11:49
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micahcowanUnfortunately, those of us who are hopelessly addicted to games will be forced to retain Windows... I'll be danged if they're gonna squeeze money outta me for Vista, tho'.11:49
BobSongsnoiesmo: Well, paying for XP made it easy to re-install XP each time I'd overdone the tweaking... or installed too many confliction programs.11:49
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:49
=== rswday [n=rswday@host86-132-148-9.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
rswdayHey, does anyone know how to set-up the internet on Ubuntu using a wireless card? I'm stuck11:50
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:50
noiesmomicahcowan, looks like you get an xbox then eventually you'll need vista for newer games you'll see11:50
Dodzeystefg subtley hinting we should all go to #ubuntu-offtopic hehe11:50
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noiesmosorry stefg no more offtopic for me11:50
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george_looneyhello people11:51
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george_looneyI have a question regarding AMAVIS and SA11:51
george_looneyI am not able to see the SA headers in the mail messages11:51
nemlahhow do i change the graphical login manager11:51
nemlahfrom kdm to gdm11:51
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BobSongsnoiesmo: Here's the funny thing: the last time I installed XP the activation failed. MSFT complained that I had "overactivated" the software and had to phone in the problem. Yeah. Like that's about to happen. This happened the same day I had decided to use Ubuntu (Breezy Badger just came out) as my main O/S. So I said: "It's a sign! I'm no longer going to use XP as my primary O/S!"11:52
george_looneysudo nemlah: update-rc.d -f kdm remove11:52
cowmilkso i removed a package via "sudo aptitude remove ". but how do i also get rid of any possible conffiles, too?11:52
taomasterthanx 4 the info on the password issue11:52
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george_looneysudo nemlah: update-rc.d -f gdm defaults11:52
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stefgsudo nemlah:  command not found :-P11:53
cowmilkhow do i check my history of commands that i did in terminal , with commands i did that begun with "sudo aptitude install"?11:53
debrissswhat does everyone here use for irc? I'm using chatzilla now, but is there something easier/better?11:53
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george_looneystefg: D-Oh11:53
cowmilkdebrisss: opera's chat client11:53
noiesmoBobSongs, :) dam I am lucky then as the xp we uses needs no activation can install as many times and its guinuine everytime11:53
nemlahhuh.. thanks11:53
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george_looneycowmilk: grep aptitude .bash_history11:54
debrissscowmilk: i've heard a LOT about opera lately - is it that much better than firefox?11:54
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BobSongsnoiesmo: Your copy would be the "Corporate Edition" then. No activation required.11:54
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cowmilkdebrisss: i hear it's got less of a memory footprint.11:54
noiesmoBobSongs, yep11:54
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debrissscowmilk: you been using it long?11:54
BobSongsdebrisss: It's not bad, really.11:54
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cowmilkdebrisss: ever since i heard that firefox leaks memory11:55
stefgdebrisss: give it a try... i personally prefer firefox because of the relly brilliant adblocking features with the adblock extension11:55
RunUO22748whats is LVM/11:55
cowmilkdebrisss: for 1 year now11:55
george_looneycan someone please help me with AMAVIS and SA?11:55
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Dodzeycowmilk: i've found flock to be pretty good11:55
cowmilkbut used it a few years ago, too11:55
BobSongsdebrisss: Yeah. Old memory leaked from Firefox is still stuck to my keyboard.11:55
=== BobSongs wipes keyboard.
RunUO22748whats lvm?11:55
cowmilkDodzey: my old p3 500mhz probably could't handl flock11:55
george_looneyRunUO22748: LVM = Logical Volume Manager11:56
noiesmolinux volume management11:56
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cowmilkgeorge_looney:  your grep aptitude .bash_history didn't work11:56
BobSongsdebrisss: But overall Opera works fairly well in Ubuntu; faster load time than FF, imho11:56
Dodzeycowmilk: maybe not....ive got tonnes of tabs open and its using 60mb11:56
RunUO22748Ok well ill just do it the old way11:56
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debrissdude :)11:56
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debrissok - this is not a bad client...11:57
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GioSicoAnyone with software RAID experience out there? I recently had to move two hard drives that were mirrored from one ubuntu to 6.06 ... now they dont show any content ... there is no mdadm.conf file ... and I am thinking there is a problem with the UUID of the old computer verus that of the new one ... anyone have any thoughts? Much thanks ...11:57
tanlaananyone know how to change the return address mutt gives? I changed my computers name in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts and reboot and sent a test mail to another email account and it was still using my old computer name. any help would be awesome11:57
debrissweird to be surfing, downloading a torrent and chatting in the same window lol11:57
george_looneycowmilk: what user did you run aptitude as?11:57
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stefgtanlaan: you'd need to reconfigure mutt teh11:57
Lukeis there a way to downgrade from edgy back to dapper?11:58
debrissummm - is opera suddenly free?11:58
tanlaanstefg: hmm should i just reinstall it in synaptic? :D11:58
debrissno ads anywhere...11:58
cowmilkgeorge_looney: as sudo11:58
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BobSongsdebriss: Are you torrenting with Azureus?11:58
stefgtanlaan: i guess a sudo dpkg-reconfigure mutt would do it11:58
george_looneycowmilk: sudo grep aptitude .bash_history11:58
tanlaanstefg: hmm ill try it11:59
DodzeyBobSongs: lilypond just generates score sheets from midi...yeah?11:59
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debrissBobSongs: nope - opera ;)11:59
BobSongsDodzey: It's a command-line scoring package that integrates into many other software packages, Rosegarden being one.11:59
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cowmilkgeorge_looney grep: .bash_history: No such file or directory12:00
BobSongsdebriss: Opera torrents? Opera rocks.12:00
BobSongsdebriss: Opera's been free for quite a few months now.12:00
DodzeyBobSongs: ahh..so you use it alongside rosegarden...cool...i should maybes try and set up some recording software on my linux install...i just use my xp one for music12:00
redbladesHi, how can I check stuff like harddrive capacity, and how many HDs are connected?12:00
RunUO22748When i install Ubuntu Server 6.06 does it install apps? or is it a like an old netinstall?12:00
george_looneycowmilk: ohhh, only sudo does not start a login shell!12:01
debrissBobSongs: we started talking about opera, i got curious.... now opera's the only window i have open lol12:01
micahcowancowmilk, use ~/.bash_history (and I don't see why sudo would be necessary...)12:01
shivMy windows loads fine her /media/windows but cannot see any longer on desktop12:01
george_looneycowmilk: plus the HISTSIZE is probably small and all your aptitude commands have popped out12:01
tanlaanstefg: that didnt work12:01
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debrissBobSongs: well how DARE they make it free software - now i have NOTHING to crack :(12:01
BobSongsDodzey: Same here. XP's still ahead in music. Few people use their PCs for serious music editing (compared to the vast number that use spreadsheets and word processors, etc.) Imagine how few Linux users use their machines for editing.12:01
tanlaanstefg: im gonna try the reinstall12:02
BobSongsdebriss: Stressful, isn't it?12:02
=== BobSongs chuckles.
cowmilkgeorge_looney:  micahcowan ok it works now. but i don't see the more recent sudo aptitude commans that i ran.12:02
debrissBobSongs: downright crappy, i'd say12:02
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BobSongsdebriss: You already know that free software is hugely available for Linux. You'll have to crack software... just to run it in Wine.12:03
george_looneycowmilk: you could press CTRL+R12:03
=== boing757895445 [n=dau@p548D2B72.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
micahcowancowmilk, recent history hasn't been saved to bash_history, if it was the current shell.12:03
george_looneycowmilk: that will bring up the reverse search12:03
boing757895445hi there12:03
george_looneycowmilk: or just logout from all consoles12:03
micahcowancowmilk, ^^ what george_looney said, plus you could grep the output of the "history" command.12:03
george_looneycowmilk: ...and login again and then grep aptitude .bash_history12:03
micahcowanhistory | grep aptitude12:03
mikeymike-linuxcan anyone help me with my hp digital camera..... its set to be a 'drive' and when i plug it in ubuntu detects it as a camera and asks if i want to ignore or import..... i choose import and select the pictures i want to import..... i click the import button and it does nothing...12:03
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LynoureBobSongs: There is at least couple of commercial DJ suites for linux. Dunno about composing/editing otherwise12:04
cowmilkgeorge_looney: what do i type after i do "CTRL + R"12:04
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fyrestrtrmikeymike-linux: use f-spot12:04
m4rkhow do I get gnome network manager to manage my wifi connection?12:04
debrissBobSongs: what the heck am i supposed to do with all my time now?? something PRODUCTIVE????????12:04
protocol1Is there a proper way to uninstall xubuntu-desktop?12:05
boing757895445where do i have to put the following line to your environment: JAVA_HOME=/opt/jre1.5.0_05??12:05
protocol1or a right way of uninstalling it?12:05
stefgm4rk: read through the wifi howto yet?12:05
mikeymike-linuxok i will in a second then12:05
m4rkit just says "No network connection", meanwhile I have eth1 going through some other network manager12:05
mikeymike-linux1 sec12:05
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BobSongsLynoure: I don't mind paying for legitimate LInux software if it's worth its weight. I was thinking Cubase software for my XP partition.12:05
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cowmilkmicahcowan, george_looney: i see the more recent commands when i type a simple "history'12:05
m4rkstefg, thanks i will go read that12:06
george_looneycowmilk: yeah thats the command12:06
BobSongsLynoure: I'm thinking along the lines of Digital Audio Workstation software.12:06
RunUO22748Print Server oownage12:06
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:06
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ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:06
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fyrestrtrboing757895445: sudo update-alternatives --config java12:06
RunUO22748Thouhg iam also going to install Xubuntu on it so i can like .. whatch porn while printing12:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bb *porno*!*@* %*!*@] by Seveas
DodzeyBobSongs: It's not the software, its the integration...on linux DAW software doesn't integrate easily without kernel recompiles etc... I Use Cubase...under a heavily streamlined XP isntall, and it's wonderful12:07
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nikinis there a Wifi device (PCMICA/USB) that is out of the box supported by any Linux? or just by Ubuntu?12:07
BobSongsDodzey: Which version?12:07
fyrestrtrnikin: any intel based chipset is.12:07
mikeymike-linuxfyrestrtr, where exactly in fspot do i configure?12:07
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BobSongsDodzey: I mean: of Cubase... not Windows. ;-)12:07
fyrestrtrmikeymike-linux: nothing, install it, plug in your camera, then import the pictures.12:08
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@dsl-58-7-0-2.wa.westnet.com.au] by Madpilot
boing757895445that's all @ fyrestrtr?12:08
fyrestrtrboing757895445: yes12:08
mikeymike-linuxfyrestrtr, its not doing anything12:08
DodzeyDodzey: SL 212:08
mikeymike-linuxi have fspot open right now12:08
fyrestrtrmikeymike-linux: maybe its taking a while.12:08
boing757895445ok i try that12:08
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fyrestrtrmikeymike-linux: have you imported the pictures?12:08
nikinFyrestrtr are there any on the market? i have only seen intel based wifi built in in notebooks12:08
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mikeymike-linuxfyrestrtr, it wont import them12:08
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fyrestrtrnikin: I don't know about that, sorry.12:08
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mikeymike-linuxi select import photos12:09
fyrestrtrmikeymike-linux: file -> import12:09
DodzeyBobSongs: SL 2, ive done it again, pasted my name instead of yours....12:09
fyrestrtrmikeymike-linux: import source, select your camera12:09
munkayguys, i have a geforce go 7400 on my laptop, i am on dapper..12:09
windmillIf I've got file on one computer and I want them on another computer and they are networked together, what is the best way to do that?12:09
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BobSongsDodzey: heehee. It's still early. REALLY early here.12:09
munkayhow do i get the nvidia drivers installed??12:09
mikeymike-linuxthank you!12:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:09
Seveas!nvidia > munkay12:09
munkayokay :), thanks guys!12:10
fyrestrtrwindmill: scp, ftp, samba -- many ways. i prefer scp12:10
fyrestrtrmikeymike-linux: working?12:10
BobSongsubotu seems very knowledgable.12:10
ubotuI know nothing about seems very knowledgable. - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu12:10
DodzeyBobSongs: Why you up so early?12:10
abocan anyone tell me why I can't see on the desktop the shortcuts to the local mounted ntfs disks after I instaled ntfs-fuse and changed /etc/fstab accordingly? the disks are mounted ok and I can access them without any problem12:10
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windmillfyrestrtr, interesting, never hear of scp with ftp I'd have to set up a server on one computer which sounds like hard work12:11
mikeymike-linuxfyrestrtr, copying... we shall see.. however it lists them RANDOMLY is there anyw ay to SORT thei mages you want to download?12:11
BobSongsDodzey: I fell asleep really early. Woke up around 2:00 AM. Couldn't sleep. Figured I'd get Ubuntu back up and running.12:11
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DodzeyBobSongs: productive use of the time then12:11
boing757895445fyrestrtr:   Selection    Alternative12:11
boing757895445      1        /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.012:11
boing757895445*+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/java12:11
fyrestrtrwindmill: no no, you don't use scp with ftp. scp = secure copy. ftp = file transfer protocol. They are just two ways to get files across.12:11
boing757895445 what sould i choose?12:11
=== Zi3d4n3 [n=daoud@53562DC0.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
BobSongsDodzey: Ardour is installed. Do you know of a tutorial for this software?12:11
fyrestrtrboing757895445: 1. don't paste. 2. read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java12:12
DodzeyBobSongs: which version? - try http://ardour.org/manual12:12
BobSongsDodzey: It's big; it's black; it's ... ARDOUR. And it's not obvious how to work it.12:12
fyrestrtrmikeymike-linux: I don't know of a way to do that, sorry.12:12
mikeymike-linuxfyrestrtr, okay12:12
BobSongsDodzey: kk12:12
debriss*sigh* - i hate to say it, but I'm liking opera more and more... :(12:12
Zi3d4n3I need help with my webcamera, i plugged it in the usb. It gets recongized and i can see the video image in Ekiga softphone, but it wont work in Amsn12:12
fyrestrtrdebriss: that's okay, you don't need to hate yourself for liking something.12:13
cowmilkI did  [sudo apt-get source python-gpod] . Now, how do i undo that command?12:13
Madpilotdebriss, Opera is exceedingly cool.12:13
abodebriss, opera is probably the best browser I've ever used12:13
debrissfyrestrtr: but I promised firefox my undying love and devotion!!!12:13
fyrestrtrZi3d4n3: amsn doesn't support video12:13
Zi3d4n3yes it does12:13
fyrestrtrdebriss: ah ... that ... could be a problem.12:13
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debrissbut opera wiggles things at me, makes me hot12:13
BobSongsDodzey: Ardour-GTK 0.99.2-212:13
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BobSongsDodzey: Right out of Synaptic.12:14
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debrissi mean, torrent support built-in? how can i remain faithful?12:14
windmillfyrestrtr, yeah, I understand, scp seems interesting, I'll try that12:14
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fyrestrtrdebriss: that's xgl for ya :P12:14
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fyrestrtrdebriss: you two timing.....12:14
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=== BobSongs fumbles throgh the software looking for a version number. Panics. Runs out of room screaming.
tanlaandoes anyone know which of mutt's dependencies holds whatever comes after the @ sign when sending mail?12:14
Zi3d4n3fyrstsrt it does support video, im sending now but the image is all blueish12:14
mjobin ich hier richtig, wenn ich als Linuxanfnger fragen zu ubuntu habe?12:14
DodzeyBobSongs: I think that 2 is out...but support is iffy12:14
debrissfyrestrtr: i KNOW - i'm awful, don't deserve to enjoy the pleasures opera flaunts in my face...12:15
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:15
DodzeyBobSongs: yeah, 2.0 is the devlopment version12:15
frogzoomjo: bitte12:15
fyrestrtrZi3d4n3: sorry about that, I didn't think it did. I don't have any experience with that, so you'll have to see if someone else does :)12:15
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BobSongsDodzey: Yeah; maybe I'll stick with what's here. It may have less features, but at least it won't crash every few moments.12:15
DodzeyBobSongs: http://ubuntustudio.com/wiki/index.php/Dapper:Studio_Preparation - maybe that'll help as well12:15
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BobSongsDodzey: many thanks.12:15
azcazandcohow do I install the latest version of cmake?12:16
richiefrichok i need to know whats the easiest way to get wireless working.. my friend needs to know.. and I'm not a wireless kinda peep12:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:16
mikeymike-linuxrichiefrich, you followed me in here!12:16
Zi3d4n3lol nvm fyrestrt its working now lol i turned it on and off lol12:16
richiefrichmikeymike-linux i been here12:16
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richiefrichmikeymike-linux u need help man12:17
neutrinomassazcazandco: System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager. Click "Reload". After it finishes, install "cmake" :)12:17
fyrestrtrbest game to waste your time = Briquolo :D12:17
ttyfsckerazcazandco:: or you could just sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake12:17
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neutrinomassttyfscker: Yeah, that's what I would do. But I think that it gives newbies the impression that everything must be done from the command line ....12:18
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ttyfsckerwell they need that impressoin12:18
redbladesHi, is it possible to compress an iso? I have a movie iso, and I want to compress it into something smaller, that will play on a DVD player.12:18
ttyfsckerif they get spoiled on gui's they tend to migrate to windows faster12:18
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ttyfsckeror revert should i say12:18
parixahi, can someone guide me to the room where I can ask translation related question?12:18
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azcazandcoI have 2.2.3-1 but to install borson I need to have cmake, it says  This project requires version: 2.3.5 of cmake.12:19
elias_how to redefine the windows key to <super> without touching xmodmap.us file?12:19
elias_is there a way to set this in xorg.conf12:19
ttyfsckerazcazandco:: do what i typed12:19
ttyfsckeror what neutrinomass said either one12:19
ttyfsckerthey both will work12:19
debrissok - you know when i said i LIKED opera? I changed my mind12:20
elias_Option          "XkbOptions"        "altwin:super_win"   does not work12:20
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@AC8F2310.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerdebriss:: what turned you off12:20
debrissit's transferred 800 kB of a file in the last half-hour lol12:20
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azcazandcoI just did it12:20
richiefricherr no one on the wireless12:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:20
ttyfsckerdebriss:: i doubt thats anything to do with opera12:20
Dodzeydebriss: could be the torrents fault?12:20
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ttyfsckeropera doesnt want to load flash plugins properly12:21
ttyfsckerother than that i love it12:21
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azcazandcoI still have the older version12:21
debrissDodzey: yesterday i downloaded the same torrent in windoze using utorrent - i was getting 24kB/s consistantly12:21
simpohow to modprobe with parameters !?12:21
=== fblade [n=matt@80-195-225-60.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #UBUNTU
Zi3d4n3Does anyone know how to change the desktop resolutie from 24 to 32 bit in Ubuntu Draper??12:21
ttyfsckersimpo:: what kind of params12:21
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Dodzeydebriss: that was yesterday...maybe the seeds have all downgraded to 28.8kbps dial up ...:-D12:21
hyphenatedttyfscker: opera is great on my cellphone, but I like firefox on my ubuntu ;-)12:21
debrissDodzey: it MIGHT be something about my configuration, but I'm too new to linux to know what the problem could be....12:21
azcazandcoit says I have the newest version though when updating12:21
=== jan1024188 [n=jan@BSN-77-96-43.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
fbladehey guys need to ask a question!, how can i mount my windows partiton on linux?12:22
simpottyfscker->  for ISA sound card like dma or IRQ12:22
topylihow do you import your news feeds into firefox live bookmarks from an opml file?12:22
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ttyfsckerhyphenated:: i like it on my linux.. if it wasnt qt based it would be even better12:22
ttyfsckersimpo:: thats not something you do with modprobe12:22
munkayguys i did a nvidia-glx-config enable12:22
munkayand i get this message. Error: your X configuration has been altered.12:23
boing757895445can i start videos in textmode using vlc or mplayer??12:23
munkayThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this12:23
munkaynot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following12:23
munkaymd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum12:23
simpottyfscker->  so how ?12:23
munkayotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section12:23
munkayfrom nv to nvidia.12:23
ttyfsckerman isaset12:23
=== unfun [n=amir@c-4f19e353.336-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Zi3d4n3munkay in terminal type: dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:23
Zi3d4n3and change nv to nvidia12:23
fbladehey guys need to ask a question!, how can i mount my windows partiton on linux?12:23
boing757895445man  mount12:23
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parixaHi, had a few questions about translations.. mainly how to start translating... can someone here help me...12:24
unfunWhat do I have to install to be able to wiev internet radio and internet video?12:24
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boing757895445unfun: vlc or mplayer would do it12:24
ttyfsckerunfun:: things like shoutcast live.fm etc?12:24
eXistenZparan, go to launchpad12:24
noiesmounfun, theres streamtuner for internet radio and streamripper12:24
wouter__unfun: google for easyubuntu12:24
Zi3d4n3Does anyone know how to change the desktop resolutie from 24 to 32 bit in Ubuntu Draper?12:24
ttyfsckerunfun:: democracyplayer is good for internet tv12:24
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noiesmounfun, also mozilla-mplayer12:25
eXistenZparixa, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu12:25
eXistenZparixa, start from here12:25
noiesmounfun, you'll need universe and multiverse repos12:25
azcazandcottyfscker: I have downloaded the most recent version from the cmake site... it is a .sh file... how do i install it?12:25
DodzeyZi3d4n3...32 bit is just 24 bit with 8 bits of alpha it should already be 3212:25
azcazandcoi tried sudo ./filename.sh12:25
debrisshey - where are the preferences hidden for torrents in opera?12:26
aboanyone knows how can I get my ntfs drives shortcup icons to appear on the desktop ?12:26
ttyfsckerunfun:: and streamtuner/streamripper are good too12:26
Zi3d4n3Dodzey, its amsn related my webcam is sending to bright image; according to amsn i should change to 32 bits deksop....12:26
ttyfsckerazcazandco:: sudo chmod +x filename.sh12:26
ttyfsckerazcazandco::  then ./filename.sh12:26
unfunI'm using totem-xine but I still can't wiev internet videos and listen to radio.12:26
boing757895445abo: Connection to server from the dropdown menu in gnome??12:26
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DodzeyZi3d4n3..just try reconfiguring xorg.conf12:27
aboboing757895445, what do u mean, my question is, I have ntfs drives that are properly mounted and I can use them, but they don't appear in the "places" menu and on the desktop12:28
ttyfsckerunfun:: you need some plugins then.. try automatix or easyubuntu...  automatix works.. but for some reason the higher powers in here dont like it..  i prefer it over easyubuntu myself12:28
Zi3d4n3Dodzey: reconfigure using gedit ??12:28
adimsg nickserv register adi12:28
aboboing757895445, I need to browse manually to use them12:28
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boing757895445abo: what about the ln -s function?12:29
adido you know some easy RSS/Atom/RDF editing tools?12:29
ttyfsckerboing757895445:: soft sym link12:29
noiesmoautomatix seems to cause more problems than it's worth thats why no one here likes it ttyfscker12:29
aboboing757895445, to ceate symbolic links?12:29
Zi3d4n3Dodzey: if yes where do is it located the xorg.conf?12:29
parixaI am using ubuntu in Hindi, the problem is, while using an application I see something not/wrongly translated I want a quick way of finding just that entry, fixing it and seeing the result in that application... is there something to do that...12:29
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: i havent seen any problems with it12:29
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aboboing757895445, you mean I should create symbolic link on the desktop?12:29
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DodzeyZi3d4n3: /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:29
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:29
=== Aphes_Twin [n=Aphes_Tw@comitel.iasi.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu
aboboing757895445, why isn't this happening automatically like the other fat32 and ext3 disks?12:30
DodzeyZi3d4n3: under the screen section use can set Default_Depth, but as far as i am aware, 24 is the max as the 8bits of alpha are automatically switched on12:30
boing757895445yes when it's already properly mounted just create a symbolic link and you can access it, right?12:30
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boing757895445local and network drives?12:30
wouter__Hi all. I have a problem. I just installed KDE3.5.4. One package (kdemultimedia) wasnt able to upgrade. The error message is: libarts1-audiofile (>=4:3.5.4-0ubuntu2~dapper1) but 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu3 is to be installed.  What should I do to get kdemultimedia to upgrade?12:30
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boing757895445i don't know sorry12:30
ttyfsckerboing757895445:: yes you can just ln -s /source/path/  /destination/path/12:31
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boing757895445thanks tty i am trying to help abo :)12:31
azcazandcoyikes... it has installed to my desktop instead of where it normally should go12:31
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cowmilki want to get a certain file, python-gpod, into repository. Whom should i contact?12:31
ttyfsckerboing757895445:: sorry i meant for that to be for abo12:31
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gnomefreak:( python12:31
=== KenSentMe [n=KenSentM@a82-92-80-8.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
boing757895445oh :)12:32
ttyfsckercowmilk:: good luck12:32
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aboboing757895445, it's a local drive12:32
ttyfsckercowmilk:: if gtkpod isnt good enough py gpod sure as hell wont be12:32
boing757895445how can a nfs be a local drive??12:32
gnomefreakcowmilk: file a bug stating that you would like it in edgy but as ttyfscker said good luck (python policy has changed)12:32
Lynoureboing757895445: get a newer libarts1-audiofile... bu I have no idea from where. Was KDE 3.5.4 in backports, or where did you get it from?12:32
richiefrichcowmilk hey man12:32
richiefrichcowmilk how's it going12:32
gnomefreakLynoure: get it from kubuntu.org12:32
aboboing757895445, I know that when a symbolic is created I can access it,  it's a NTFS not NFS12:32
Zi3d4n3Dodzey: ill leave it 24, thx12:33
Lynouregnomefreak: I'm not interested in getting it12:33
gnomefreakLynoure: add the repo to your sources.list file and install12:33
boing757895445sry then12:33
Lynouregnomefreak: .Really.12:33
RunUO22748i want to install Xubuntu-desktop BUT ONLY that.. not the other shit it comes wht12:33
fyrestrtranyone tried hula?12:33
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Lynouregnomefreak: just considering trying to help boing75789544512:33
wouter__Lynoure: I used the manual on the kubuntu site to install kde 3.5.412:33
BobSongsdebriss: So? How's the torrenting? I just finished messing with Azureus. I started it at the command prompt with gksudo and installed all updates. It works fine now.12:33
ttyfsckerabo:: im not quiet sure what your doing.. but with a symbolic link on a ntfs partition it is going to retain its same permissions in its destination path12:33
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ttyfsckerabo:: and that is going to default to ro12:34
cowmilkttyfscker: well, gtkpod is good enough. i just need podcast support, and if i can install python-gpod, then gpodder can directly sync podcasts into my iPod.12:34
ttyfsckercowmilk:: install ipodder12:34
cowmilk!info python-gpod edgy12:34
Lynoureoops, I got boing757895445  and wouter__  mixed up for a bit12:34
ubotupython-gpod: a library to read and write songs and artwork to an iPod. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1.1 (edgy), package size 64 kB, installed size 328 kB12:34
boing757895445;) no prob12:35
topyliwouter__: it's trying to downgrade. the kde you're getting is unofficial and not supported apparently12:35
wouter__Lynoure: I noticed :D12:35
cowmilkgnomefreak: python-gpod is in edgy.12:35
cowmilkbut i'm in dapper12:35
cowmilkipodder? the cli app?12:35
redbladesIs it possible to compress an iso to a smaller playable format?12:35
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Lynourewouter__: then, at least contact the people who made the manual and let them know some requirements are missing. Slow, but will help some people that take the same part. Backports might possibly have a newer version of the package you want. Have you checked?12:36
abottyfscker, I'm asking why don't I get the shortcuts to my ntfs drives on the desktop like I do for other disks (same on the "places" menu)12:36
wouter__Lynoure: can I just uninstall the currentlly installed libarts and then try to upgrade kdemultimedia again?12:36
abottyfscker, I'm not sure "ls -n" is the answer12:36
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richiefrichu dont need ipodder12:36
richiefrichuse wget12:36
Lynourewouter__: that does not fix your problem unless you have a new one to install...12:36
ttyfsckercowmilk::  no its gui12:36
wouter__Lynoure: I'm new to Ubuntu so to be honest, I dont know what backports are :P12:37
KenSentMeHow can i see wath ports my system is listening to?12:37
cowmilkrichiefrich: my prob is not downloading podcasts. it's getting them onto my iPod12:37
azcazandcoman I wish I could get my head around compiling stuff...  it is the only part that I am having difficulty with since switching from windows12:37
topyliwouter__: they'll probably fix it in a few days12:37
=== BobSongs wilts. Crawls back into bed to get a bit more sleep before the children wake up . . .
RunUO22748what is the package name for minimal install of Xubuntu?12:37
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ttyfsckercowmilk:: it wont put them on your ipod12:37
cowmilkttyfscker: exactly.12:37
ttyfsckercowmilk:: gtkpod will put podcast on your ipod12:37
richiefrichcowmilk ahh then mount the ipod and cp them over12:37
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ttyfsckerrichiefrich:: you cant drag and drop on ipod os12:37
richiefrichu can cp12:37
Lynourewouter__: aka multiverse repository12:37
richiefrichor mv12:37
ttyfsckerno you cant12:38
gnomefreakRunUO22748: you can install xfce4 but your better off installing xubuntu-desktop12:38
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cowmilkttyfscker: i have gtkpod. but how do i get gtkpod to upload my podcasts into my iPod?12:38
ttyfsckerit has to build a database12:38
wouter__Lynoure: aha, I have that one enabled12:38
ttyfsckercowmilk:: the same way you do your songs12:38
Lynourewouter__: then it does not have a newer one... Patience, then.12:38
cowmilkttyfscker: well, not really the same way.12:38
protocol1anyone know a good place to download system sounds?12:38
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ttyfsckercowmilk:: yea the same way12:38
protocol1like alerts or dings etc?12:38
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richiefrichttyfscker well i dont use a normal ipod12:38
ttyfsckerjust create a new directory for podcasts12:38
gnomefreakprotocol1: i think gnome-look.org has them12:38
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ttyfsckerrichiefrich:: i use rockbox12:39
wouter__Lynoure: OK, thnx for the help. I'll try updating again in a few days12:39
protocol1gnomefreak, aight thanks12:39
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richiefrichttyfscker and u can cp and mv with it12:39
cowmilkttyfscker: ok. here's what i do. i use gpodder to download the podcasts into a folder. but that folder begins with .config.12:39
=== Lynoure is oldfashioned and sticking to 3.5.2 for now (hasn't felt the need for anything newer yet)
richiefrichas i said12:39
troytroyhi guys was helping one linux* nick here early today when my server went off. am online now so ..12:39
=== Bassetts [i=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust56.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ttyfsckerbut he is using gtkpod12:39
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richiefrichbah  re flash it12:39
LynoureDoes 3.5.4 come with something absolutely fabulous new things?12:39
cowmilkttyfscker: and gtkpod can't read folders begining with a . (period)12:39
richiefrichinstall rock12:39
ttyfsckercowmilk:: change the download directory12:39
cowmilki can import as files, but it loses the comments that each mp3 has12:39
jimcooncathow do I take a full dapper installation back down to a "server" install? aptitude purge xserver-xorg?12:40
cowmilkttyfscker: do you know what i mean?12:40
ttyfsckeror move your files to a diff folder12:40
gatekeeperLynoure, mainly bug fixes i think12:40
richiefrichKenSentMe what do u need ?12:40
Bassettscan anyone recommend a good nvidia card? im fed up with ATI, I need it for gaming too but I want it to work well in linux12:40
richiefrichKenSentMe  what ports are open on your box?12:40
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KenSentMerichiefrich: yes12:40
ttyfsckercowmilk:: why did you quit rockbox?12:40
richiefrichKenSentMe  run this then12:40
cowmilkttyfscker: ok. i didn't12:40
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cowmilki didn't quit12:40
ttyfsckercowmilk:: didnt i help you install rockbox the other day?12:40
cowmilki just haven't installed it yet12:40
noiesmoBassetts, any nvidia card is linux freindly12:40
ttyfsckerdifferent person12:41
cowmilkyes, i was the same person 12 hours ago or so12:41
=== counter123 [n=saemon@p54A3C2C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Bassettsnoiesmo, which model is that?12:41
counter123I've installed wpasupplicant and it does work when called from commandline, but /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant doesn't exist. Why is the init script missing and how can I get it?12:41
cowmilki just want to get this podcasting thing working first12:41
zuguhi all12:41
=== Dodzey realises he's got to go out in 30mins and isn't ready....bye guys
cowmilkthen i'll look into podcasting, ttyfscker.12:41
noiesmoBassetts, i've got 6600gt but there all good12:41
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ttyfsckercowmilk:: i dont know what the comments your talking about are12:41
cowmilkdo you have  a  diffrerent nick on rockbox channel?12:41
Bassettsnoiesmo, do you use it for gaming?12:41
Chrismois automatrix any good?12:41
ttyfsckercowmilk:: no12:41
richiefrichKenSentMe for X in inet inet6; do netstat -A $X --numeric-hosts --numeric-ports | grep -v; done;12:41
richiefrichin a term12:41
zugu!automatix > Chrismo12:42
protocol1I do I open a rar file?12:42
Lynouregatekeeper: thanks, then I'll think I'll happily keep to this older one until I run into something intolerable12:42
cowmilkttyfscker:on the ipod, if you click the middle buttons a few times while  a podcast mp3 is playing, you'll get to the comments page12:42
richiefrichprotocol1 file-roller12:42
richiefrichprotocol1 unrar12:42
noiesmoBassetts, use for warcraft 3 in wine and in windows when I do use it not very ooften can play ut2003 also in linux np12:42
ttyfsckerChrismo::  automatix isnt going to break your system like they try to make you think..12:42
zuguprotocol1 > you have to install packages rar and unrar for file-roller to open rar archives12:42
KenSentMerichiefrich: Apache wont restart due to this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1977212:42
gatekeeperChrismo, don't use automatrix unless you want to spend time fixing things12:42
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cowmilkand gpodder downloads these comments. but when i do the "import files" in gtkpod, it loses the comments info12:42
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Bassettsnoiesmo,  thanks, ill look into one =)12:42
noiesmoChrismo, yes dont use automatrix its bad12:43
richiefrichKenSentMe past your paache configs12:43
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noiesmoBassetts, np12:43
protocol1zugu, do you have specific names that I can apt-get?12:43
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: thats BS12:43
richiefrichKenSentMe theres a bunch i know12:43
gatekeeperLynoure, that's what I am doing, unless there is an issue I can't see a reason to move12:43
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noiesmottyfscker, no its not12:44
counter123can anyone give me a hint what to do about the missing /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant ?12:44
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noiesmocounter123, you have to create it12:44
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: whatever.. automatix doesnt force install anything..  and its no different than doing everything by hand.12:44
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snoopsnoiesmo it's great how ut, ut2003, ut2004 natively work in linux.. even the binary installers (for nix) on the disk12:44
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noiesmosnoops, yep sure is12:44
cowmilkttyfscker: i can't seem to be able to change the "Download to" folder in gPodder12:44
noiesmottyfscker, what man what12:44
george_033does anyone know billydancer12:44
ttyfsckercowmilk:: use ipodder12:44
Bassettsis it possible to have a PCI-E and a AGP card installed next to each other?12:44
snoopsI hope the same goes for ut2007 but I'm a tad worried it won't..12:45
Chrismouse Juice12:45
Bassettsand choose which you use?12:45
zuguprotocol1 > install the packages "rar" and "unrar-nonfree"12:45
noiesmohassele gatekeeper as well ttyfscker12:45
richiefrichBassetts do that make a board with both ?12:45
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richiefrichBassetts i dont think they do12:45
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: what are you ranting about12:45
Bassettsrichiefrich, my motherboard has agp and pci-e12:45
richiefrichBassetts what board please12:45
BassettsASUS P5VD1-X12:46
zuguprotocol1 > sorry, it's "unrar", not "unrar-nonfree"12:46
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noiesmottyfscker, about you insisting on recommending automatrix when its not liked here12:46
gatekeepernoiesmo, 3.5.4 or automatrix or me ?12:47
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ttyfsckernoiesmo:: who cares what those ops prefer..  the users are the ones that should have the say so.. i have installed it on a variety of different setups and it didnt break anything.. the only danger it has is replacing your sources.list12:47
george_033are n00bs welcome here12:47
KenSentMerichiefrich: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1977312:47
ttyfsckergeorge_033:: no12:47
noiesmogatekeeper, no ttyfscker insists automatrix is ok and you said as i did its not good but he's hassles me12:47
richiefrichBassetts for real..  wow i dint think they'd do something that crazy12:47
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fyrestrtrdoes anyone know of the ati mobility x1300 chipset is well supported for xgl?12:48
Bassettsrichiefrich, is so people can upgrade slowly to newer technologies like pci-e12:48
zuguas far as I heard, auromatix is not forcing things anymore, can someone please update me on why is it dangerous ? (never used it)12:48
cowmilkipodder is memory intensive, isn't it? i'm on xubuntu12:48
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: its a matter of opinion.. it doesnt hurt to give it a try.. if it breaks then report it to the automatix bug site12:48
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richiefrichBassetts i thought it was one or the other.. and your question was can u choose ?12:48
Bassettsrichiefrich, i mean can you have both installed12:48
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: i havent seen anyone in here complaining it didnt work or it caused problems..12:48
richiefrichBassetts  sure why not12:49
noiesmottyfscker, bad additute to take with newbies there here for help not for you to break things and say just report a bug come on please12:49
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: is it because it can install things that arent .deb?12:49
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gatekeepernoiesmo, well if ttyfscker thinks it's so great he can volunteer to fix ALL the things it manages to breaks on people system :-)12:49
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munkayhello guys, i did the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org12:49
richiefrichBassetts  edit  your  xorg.conf accordingly12:49
ttyfsckernoiesmo and gatekeeper thats a crock of Sh*t if i ever heard any..12:49
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munkayand it said the nvidia module and my kernel module don't match12:49
ttyfsckerautomatix doesnt do anything that you or i wouldnt do by hand..12:49
deep_space_9did anyone catch the show last night12:50
ttyfsckerif you for say want google earth.. it installs the binary instead of a .deb.. is that reason not to use it.. no12:50
fyrestrtrmunkay: are you installing the drviers from nvidia.com or the ones in repositories?12:50
richiefrichman all this arguing .. i likes it12:50
munkaythe ones in the repos12:50
ttyfsckerahh i dont really care12:50
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fyrestrtrmunkay: did you have the nvidia.com drivers installed previously?>12:50
andi5hi... maybe a bit ot, can somebody with bittorrent experience tell me whether he can connect to a tracker of http://orange.blender.org/download ? that would really rock :)12:50
munkayfyrestrtr nope this is my first time, got a new lappie12:51
ttyfsckeryou all can help these people give ubuntu a bad name12:51
zuguandi5 > hang on a sec :)12:51
munkayshould i try those?12:51
ttyfsckerkeep ubuntu with a rep that its for n00bs...12:51
richiefrichKenSentMe ok thatsj what one ?12:51
ttyfsckergood job noiesmo12:51
richiefrichKenSentMe ssl.conf ?12:51
KenSentMerichiefrich: it's my apache2.conf, a sites-enabled file and the error12:52
zuguandi5 > what is the file you're trying to download ?12:52
noiesmottyfscker, f*** *** man you don't know me I'm here everyday 4 hours min and at least 6 days a week I see what happens so what ever12:52
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semtecxcan somebody help me with a keyboard layout problem in X? I get always an error msg when X starts...12:52
andi5zugu: avi 1024, but i guess they all do not work for me (currently)12:52
richiefrichKenSentMe what happens if u # lines  11- 1712:52
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: im here 24/712:52
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ttyfsckernoiesmo:: so just drop it12:53
richiefrichKenSentMe  does it start then12:53
tanlaanare there any logs that contain what has been previously installed? i need to know what i installed along with another program.12:53
Chrismolol 24/712:53
bigkevmcdanybody know why they totem was "upgraded" from totem-gxine to totem-gstreamer in Dapper?12:53
noiesmottyfscker, ok i'll leave my system on and stay logon in just like you then im 24/7 to :)12:53
nikini think from some way ubuntu is for noobs :D but the good way... it recognized one of my 3 Wlancard automagicaly and that is something i need, coz i have no other way to connect to internet :D12:53
richiefrichtanlaan i think so  look in /var/log12:53
ttyfsckernoiesmo:: just because you try to spread the word that is upheld by the ops, doesnt mean your gonna get a @ by your name.. i doubt you ever even tried automatix yourself anyway..12:53
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andi5tanlaan: at least aptitude logs its actions, dunno about synaptic12:54
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noiesmottyfscker, I do things the way the developers <noiesmo> ttyfscker, f*** *** man you don't know me I'm here everyday 4 hours min and at least 6 days a week I see what happens so what ever12:54
semtecxtanlan you can check this in synaptics by clicking on the package which you have installed an then on properties and then on installed files12:54
noiesmooops ttyfscker soory12:54
ttyfsckerbraggin about your line in another chan.. how lame12:54
KenSentMerichiefrich: nope, i get the error that :443 has no virtual hosts and the same error as before12:54
noiesmottyfscker, no12:55
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richiefrichKenSentMe # line 9 too12:55
zuguandi5 > it doesn't work for me either, I get a "connection refused" error; try to directly download the file from the links belo the torrent link12:55
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andi5zugu: roger that :( i hoped i could try out bittorrent now, but hey, it does not work ;-) thanks a lot!12:55
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ttyfsckernoiesmo:: your not even defending a point.. so stfu already..  nobody gives a damn about the easyubuntu / automatix rival anyway..12:55
KenSentMerichiefrich: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::] :44312:56
richiefrichKenSentMe ermm i can show u  mine.. but my server is on archlinux12:56
richiefrichKenSentMe but u can look at it12:56
KenSentMerichiefrich: how can i see what uses the port 44312:56
Evil_Ed`that's a secret12:56
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richiefrichKenSentMe nothing should be12:57
KenSentMerichiefrich: it worked before but after a dist-upgrade i got this error12:57
richiefrichfor X in inet inet6; do netstat -A $X --numeric-hosts --numeric-ports | grep -v; done;12:57
richiefrichu do that ^^12:57
richiefrichKenSentMe apache changed there config format12:57
richiefrichKenSentMe that i know12:57
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KenSentMerichiefrich: ah, but did they change it in the last 2 weeks, before i went on my vacation everything worked perfect12:58
richiefrichdeep_space_9 STOP"12:58
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!12:58
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ttyfsckerdeep_space_9:: that quit working 10 yrs ago12:58
FloKhi all12:58
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HobbseeAmaranth: got him :D12:59
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richiefrichHobbsee  ty12:59
andi5good catch12:59
neutrinomassty Hobbsee Amaranth :)12:59
AmaranthI tried. :)12:59
Hobbseerichiefrich: neutrinomass  :)12:59
stephanesalut la room12:59
HobbseeAmaranth: indeed.12:59
FloKhow to disable the login manager so i can boot to console? fresh 6.06 install12:59
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richiefrichKenSentMe i hate to say 'yes'12:59
richiefrichKenSentMe but they did12:59
FloKi need to test 20 DVDROMs01:00
richiefrichFloK have fun :P01:00
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stephanequelqu'un parle franais ici?01:00
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:00
AmaranthFloK: I once had to burn and label (!) 100 CDs using a single computer with one burner.01:00
ttyfsckerFloK:: you need to edit your run levels and take gdm off01:00
dpuppis installing dapper over a network really complicated? i have a notebook which it's cd drive is missing and im looking at a)xp install over network b)ubuntu install over network...01:01
AmaranthOver a weekend... :/01:01
richiefrichKenSentMe  ftp://penguinslair.dyndns.org/httpd.conf01:01
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:01
richiefrichKenSentMe thats mine but as i said that on archlinux01:01
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KenSentMerichiefrich: is that apache 1?01:01
richiefrichKenSentMe nope01:01
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richiefrichKenSentMe  Version        : 2.2.2-501:02
=== still_funny_tho chuckels
dpuppreblades, have you ever done a network install? ...01:02
richiefrichwhat ver u have KenSentMe01:02
KenSentMerichiefrich: i thought because the filename was httpd.conf01:02
richiefrichno thats the arch way01:03
richiefrichit's  simpler01:03
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still_funny_thoinside peanut butter outside jelly01:03
richiefrichKenSentMe  i have two configs ..  that and ssl.conf01:03
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:03
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shinobi2glxgears runs very slow, how can i accelerate the graphics?01:04
richiefrichKenSentMe there very helpful in the  #apache channel01:04
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shinobi2i think i need a module for my ati card01:04
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KenSentMerichiefrich: i'll try there too, thanx01:04
richiefrichKenSentMe thats all i can really suggest man.. sorry01:04
redbladesUhh... Hi, it seems that the apache build of apache doesn't have lfs01:04
KenSentMerichiefrich: no problem01:04
Kibouanyone here use ogle?01:04
richiefrichogle rocks01:05
still_funny_thoack does01:05
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:05
richiefrichdvd player01:05
=== Dodzey [n=Dodzey@81-86-135-15.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichfunny man on the !anyone01:05
Kiboudoesn't work for me.. black screen (although it scales to te right res)01:05
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richiefrichlfs ?  linux from scratch ?01:06
FloKttyfscker, ok what runleven is default? rc3? i forgot01:06
richiefrichFloK should be01:06
redbladesSo, I need a way to transport a 6GB file.01:07
SonicChaorichiefrich: That ment to ask your real question...01:07
SonicChaorichiefrich: It's a robot.01:07
=== Tedd [n=na@ool-457b37b6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
still_funny_thodoes anyone here use ubunbtu01:07
redbladesI was going to use Apache and download it to another box on this network...01:07
richiefrichSonicChao i know it's funny01:07
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SonicChaostill_funny_tho: Almost all of us do!01:07
redbladesstill_funny_tho, NO NOBODY HERE EVER USES UBUNTU01:07
SonicChao!anyone > still_funny_tho01:07
redbladesWE ALL HATE IT01:07
=== Kibou uses win95
SonicChaostill_funny_tho: I KNOW LOL01:07
=== richiefrich usesk gentoo and archlinux
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still_funny_thobout it bou it01:09
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munkayguys, what is the procedure to connect to a wireless network?01:09
guy22lets say i want to upgrade xorg to 7.1, from dapper... how do i force the package to go up ? do i need to enable edgy repo?01:09
richiefrichshinobi2  what does fglrxinfo01:09
munkayi have the 345abg driver01:09
MistaEDSonicChao: do you at all use direcpc with linux?01:10
munkaymy card is recognized too, i've entered the ssid and the required keys01:10
redbladesSo, how can I transfer such a huge file?01:10
redbladesover a netwoek.01:10
munkayis there any tool for gnome(i am on dapper) to facilitate this?01:10
SonicChaoMistaED: Yes.01:10
richiefrichredblades scp01:10
ubotuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using ssh. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - winscp is a windows scp client01:10
richiefrichcomes with ssh01:10
redbladesBut won01:10
incandenzamunkay: you should just be able to use 'administration / networking'01:11
richiefrichwon what01:11
MistaEDSonicChao: which driver??? :O! i attempted it awhile ago for someone and failed01:11
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richiefrichredblades ?01:11
richiefrichshinobi2 ?01:11
richiefrichshinobi2 u have 3D ?01:11
still_funny_thoi have myspace01:11
richiefrichshinobi2  u  on what driver?01:11
munkayincandenza: i see the wireless connection eth1 active01:11
SonicChaoMistaED: Driver? wtf?01:11
still_funny_thowanna be my buddy01:11
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munkayhow do i make sure its connected??01:11
SonicChaoMistaED: What system were you using?01:12
still_funny_thotape the plug on01:12
shinobi2richiefrich: how do i check?01:12
SonicChaoMistaED: The new DW6000?01:12
richiefrichstill_funny_tho i think u are on the wrong channel myspace  that way -->01:12
dpuppanyone know a good site which explains rawwrite?01:12
MistaEDSonicChao: oh, i take it you have the ethernet-based one? i was trying to get a usb one to work01:12
incandenzamunkay: try pinging your router01:12
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richiefrichshinobi2  what does fglrxinfo01:12
Dodzeymunkay: just set it as the default network connection01:12
protocol1munkay, I like using network manager for my wireless01:12
SonicChaoMistaED: Yes, ethernet based is what I have.01:12
richiefrichshinobi2 whats that say man ..01:12
munkayhow do i set it as the default one?01:12
MistaEDwith an ISDN connection for the uplink (that worked fine on its own)01:12
Dodzeymunkay: its in the admin >> netowrking panel01:12
munkayok :)01:13
still_funny_thoif i have a towel on my head...that makes me?01:13
SonicChaoMistaED: The USB system is old =)01:13
richiefrichin the wrong channel01:13
protocol1still_funny_tho, american01:13
still_funny_thowhat channel is this01:13
SonicChaoMistaED: the new systems (DW6000 and DW7000) use ethernet. =)01:13
MistaEDSonicChao: telstra in australia still stock it though, :(01:13
shinobi2bash: fglrxinfo: command not found01:13
SonicChaoMistaED: =(01:14
richiefrichshinobi2 then  u need ati-drivers01:14
SonicChaoMistaED: I wouldn't know, I'm in the USA.01:14
richiefrichshinobi2  then u should install them :P01:14
still_funny_thoi live in africa01:14
shinobi2still_funny_tho: you are funny01:14
richiefrichi still think your in the wrong channel01:14
protocol1still_funny_tho, then it would make you a true african01:14
KenSentMerichiefrich: my cups webinterface was the problem01:15
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still_funny_thoi thought this was windows help center01:15
richiefrichKenSentMe really01:15
frogzoodpupp: rawwrite usually comes with a readme01:15
frogzoostill_funny_tho: wrong chan dude01:15
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still_funny_thomaybe i am01:15
SonicChaoMistaED: Well, that's all I can tell you. USB used to only work for PC and Mac.01:15
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SonicChaoMistaED: But with a little tweaking, the ethernet based systems work perfectly. =)01:16
still_funny_thoi keep getting k-lined you guys must not like me01:16
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shinobi2still_funny_tho: there's no internet in africa.01:16
MistaEDSonicChao: no worries thanks anyway, i almost got a free driver off sourceforge to go, i could get signal readings and stuff to work01:16
windmillthe Synaptics touchpad on my laptop lost it's scroll area when I upgraded to 6.06, why is it stuff that did work breaks in later versions?01:17
frogzoostill_funny_tho: this cnan is for ubuntu support, not random chat01:17
shinobi2still_funny_tho: internet is only available in deep space.01:17
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SonicChaoMistaED: Oh, alright.01:17
still_funny_thoawww just a lil chit chat01:17
richiefrichlike i saidk01:17
still_funny_thodont be mad :(01:17
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richiefrichwrong channel01:17
munkayis there some tool to see available wireless networks ??01:17
still_funny_thowhat channel should i go to01:18
frogzoostill_funny_tho: dude, this is why you get k-lined - just so's you know01:18
SonicChaomunkay: Yup.01:18
SonicChaomunkay: Gnome or KDE?01:18
cydorkmunkey: it's called iwlist scan01:18
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frogzoomunkay: kismet's best01:18
still_funny_thoi wasn't aware of that01:18
still_funny_thothank you01:18
SonicChaomunkay: Ok, look in "Add/Remove" for "Network Manager"01:18
lhdsWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? what to answer to that?01:18
frogzoomunkay: wifi-radar has its uses too01:18
SonicChaomunkay: Because I don't know the exact name to use in the terminal at the moment. =(01:18
munkayyou guys know a lot :O01:19
=== cydork wonders what's wrong with iwlist scan !!
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munkaycydork tried that, works like a charm :)01:19
lhdshey guys01:19
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SonicChaolhds: If no one knows, they won't answer you.01:19
cydorkmunkay, i know i use it everyday :P01:19
richiefrichlhds we could all be women01:19
sagei want to install oracle 10 g on ubuntu, but i have a error ins_sysman.mk01:20
incandenzalhds: /usr/include/linux01:20
Kleine1HI @ ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:20
still_funny_thois it not funny01:20
richiefrich obnoxious01:20
=== still_funny_tho waves hi
sage"/libnls10.a(lmsagb.o): In function `lmsagbcmt':lmsagb.c:(.text+0xa3): undefined reference to `SltsPrRead'"01:21
lhds__ usr/linux/include its there01:21
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still_funny_thojust because i am not as smart as all of you do not mean i cant come here and talk01:22
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incandenzasage: installing oracle?01:22
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sageincandenza yes01:22
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still_funny_thoim a n00b so what we all have to start somewhere01:23
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still_funny_thohey seveas what's up01:24
still_funny_thoi talked to you yesterday01:24
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incandenzasage: heh, just guessing based on the first google hit...  although here's a page where someone seemed to have the same problem: http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=347951&tstart=45&start=001:25
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still_funny_thoi do01:25
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sageincandenza there on hours i searching on google :p01:26
still_funny_thoi like german poon01:26
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incandenzaapparently the caps lock key is not yet available in germany01:26
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sageincandenza for the g++ and gcc i try id, it don't run01:26
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incandenzasage: hmm, never tried to install it before myself, so I really don't know01:27
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sageincandenza I already installed it, and it is a bond on a librairy 5 but I know more which01:28
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frogzoois there a command to dump all users with samba passwds?01:29
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jimcooncatlink please to recommended sources.list?01:29
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Seveas!sources > jimcooncat01:29
munkayguys, i have some ntfs windows partitions on my hdd..01:30
jimcooncatty Seveas, I had it wrong01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
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still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
munkaymy current mount options are defaults,user01:30
frogzoomunkay: my commiserations01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
frogzoostill_funny_tho: was the operative tense01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
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still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
still_funny_thoairzer0 was here01:30
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munkayhowever, normal users can't access the mounted partitions01:30
munkayhow do i make it accessible to all users ??01:30
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frogzoomunkay: cos of your mount options exclude them...01:31
olwdhow do i mount my new harddrive, it's connected to my IDE controller.01:31
frogzoo!ntfs > munkay01:31
frogzooolwd: partition, format, update /etc/fstab; sudo mount -a01:31
olwdfrogzoo: how do i know if i installed it correctly01:32
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consentmit will be- olwd- just try ls /dev/hd(press tab) to see all the IDE drives01:34
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consentmor i think fdisk -l should also do the the trick01:34
richiefrichyet another one --> http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=3670 <--  how sad old men have to sue eveyone01:34
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:34
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ubuntu_what do i type to mount a hard drive?01:35
frogzooolwd: if it shows up in mount & you can access it, you're good01:35
ubuntu_partition even01:35
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olwdfrogzoo: ok, i see that harddrive i installed01:35
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olwdDisk /dev/hde: 4311 MB, 4311982080 bytes01:35
olwd240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 557 cylinders01:35
olwdUnits = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes01:35
olwdthat's it ^01:36
frogzooolwd: please don't paste in chan - use pastebin01:36
frogzoo!pastebin > olwd01:36
olwdfrogzoo: it's 3 lines01:36
olwdflooding is 4+01:36
FatalCurephreak97, GUI - 'gksudo gparted', CLI - 'cfdisk'01:36
FatalCure*sudo cfdisk01:36
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frogzooolwd: pasting is right out, that's the policy01:36
munkaythansk for the help guys! ciao!! :)01:37
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phreak97FatalCure, im quite sure that isnt what i've done in the past01:37
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pepitolospalotesI'm having some trouble on playing mp3, i have installed all whats in restrictedformats page and aslo used automatix but mp3s keep unplayable, even mpg321 can't. The problem is that it says no error, it thinks he has played that thing anyway, does anyone know what happens?01:38
FatalCurephreak97, well there are other ways01:38
frogzooolwd: so looks like the disk isn't partitioned yet, consider first how  you want to slice up the space01:38
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[icu] how do i install xchat on ubuntu?01:39
olwdi want the whole drive for storage01:39
richiefrich[icu]   sudo apt-get install xchat01:39
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olwdfrogzoo: but it's FAT32-formatted though?01:40
frogzooso 'sudo fdisk /dev/hde'01:40
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redbladesHi, I was using putty on a windows box, and I am trying to use scp to copy a file from the box I'm logged into, to the one, I'm phsycally sitting in front off.01:40
frogzooolwd: is there data on it you need? or reformat's cool?01:40
phreak97FatalCure, in the gui, wheres the option to mount the partitions? i dont want to format them, i want to use them01:40
redbladesHow do I do this? I can't work out the syntax...01:41
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olwdfrogzoo: yeah01:41
Ronzwhats the name of the lib to get mp3 / mp4 working in amarok?01:41
pepitolospalotesredblades, you have to use scp from outside putty01:41
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olwdfrogzoo: i mean no, i don't need any data01:41
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pepitolospalotesRonz, that is my problem aslo01:41
olwdfrogzoo: so formatting would be coo01:41
pepitolospalotesi thought it was amarok-xine01:41
FatalCurephreak97, aah, in the confusion of your partition, i thought you wanted to _partition_ a disk.  Try System -> Administration -> Disks01:41
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Ronzpepitolospalotes, remembered it. libmad001:42
Ronzi think01:42
frogzooolwd: ok, this will delete the ENTIRE DISK - so be sure this is the right disk       'sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hde'01:42
AdmXGood Morning from Marietta, GA (USA)01:42
pepitolospalotesRonz, already in01:43
frogzooolwd: soz, that's wrong01:43
frogzooolwd: ok, this will delete the ENTIRE DISK - so be sure this is the right disk       'sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hde1'01:43
frogzooolwd: that should work01:43
olwdfrogzoo: the drive is not ext3 though01:43
PaoloCI cannot upgrade to edgy, update-manager -c -d exit with "can't find DistUpgradeViewGtk". Any hiny?01:43
pepitolospalotesRonz, any other idea?01:43
frogzooolwd: that command will format it as ext301:43
Ronzpepitolospalotes, had it working before. just forgot the name of the library01:43
pepitolospalotesPaoloC, do it by hand, and change every dapper to edgy on /etc/apt/sources.list01:44
AdmXAnyone know the time ubuntu-classroom starts in EST?01:44
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pepitolospalotesRonz liblame?01:44
FatalCureAdmX, http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html01:44
reza1990matlab chist01:44
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gimmulfHi, is there any tool to use if i want to stream a part of my screen over the network to an OSX based computer? :)01:45
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olwdfrogzoo: can you take a look at this: http://hustlin.allnight.nl:31337/fdisk.txt01:45
pepitolospalotesgimmulf, vnc ?01:45
gimmulfpepitolospalotes:  will check it out01:46
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olwdfrogzoo: i wanna know which one to format/delete01:46
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frogzooolwd: well only looking at your output, I can't tell what's on those disks - that's your job01:47
[icu] where can I learn how to install xchat on ubuntu?01:47
reza1990yes i can01:47
A[D] minSnow i want to compile last release from xcha so how i can install all depends packages ? i think it was something like xchat-dep01:48
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olwdthe last one is the 'new' harddrive01:48
reza1990get from site01:48
olwdbut which one to format though? /dev/hde1 or /dev/hde ?01:48
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frogzooolwd: really, if i was you, I'd double check that theory first 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /mnt'   & see what's in /mnt01:48
FatalCureA[D] minS, sudo apt-get build-dep xchat01:48
A[D] minSaha thats it :D01:49
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jimmy89hey guys01:49
A[D] minSthx FatalCure01:49
FatalCureA[D] minS, np01:49
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jimmy89is ipv6 the reason why ubuntu is taking a while to lookup ip addresses?01:49
Hobbsee[icu] : please dont do that01:49
the_Cat\[icu] ..01:49
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frogzoojimmy89: firefox?01:49
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olwd/dev/hde1     vfat    4.0G  389M  3.7G  10% /mnt01:50
olwdfrogzoo: nothing on it01:50
jimmy89frogzoo: Actually what i mean to say is that it sometimes cuts out01:50
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frogzooolwd: now take a look around /mnt & double check that this is the disk you think it is01:50
broooehi. i'm trying to set up firewall using firestarter, i done everyting as said in manual but it blocks all my network traffic. Why? I'm getting this in the output:01:50
broooeInbound IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=127 ID=39622 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1333 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=001:50
jimmy89frogzoo: i am going over wireless, however i have never had that problem in windows, and the wireless AP is 5m away01:50
olwdfrogzoo: yup, it is the disk01:51
olwdfrogzoo: and i know because it's 4GB, and that's the size of it01:51
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windmillDoes anyone else find that she "shared folders" smb gui thing just won't create a viewable share?01:52
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amee2khi all01:52
jimmy89anyone know why downloads etc cut in and out, and just general web browsing sometimes cuts in and out01:53
[icu] please someone tell me where I can learn how to install xchat 2.6.6 on ubuntu01:53
windmilljimmy89, that's a very general question, it could be any number of things but is most likely to be a network problem01:54
noiesmo[icu] , http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper01:54
amee2ki'm on ubuntu 6.06 x86 and trying to burn the ubuntu PPC32 ISO which is 701.1MB big. when doing right-click, "write to disk" on the file, it doesn't accept any of my blank 700MB CD-Rs. how can i make it burn an oversize image?01:54
FatalCurejimmy89, you would try this ...01:54
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:54
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frogzoojimmy89: in ff's location, enter "about:config"   find 'network.dns.disable.ipv6'  set to true01:55
olwdfrogzoo: you still there?01:56
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:56
phreak97apparently im not the owner of my fat32 or reiserfs partitions when im in the livecd, how can i use them anyway?01:56
olwdfrogzoo: i tried "sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hde1" but it says: sudo: mkfs.ext3: command not found01:56
phreak97i need to be logged in as root/root01:56
phreak97how do i do that?01:56
frogzooolwd: umount /mnt ; sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hde101:56
amee2kany ideas?01:56
jimmy89frogzoo: if it is a network problem  it is only in ubuntu01:57
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frogzoojimmy89: ^^^01:57
olwdfrogzoo: i think it's formatting now01:57
jimmy89would that be the cause for say downloads through synaptic package manager though01:57
frogzoojimmy89: no, ff only01:58
olwdfrogzoo: it's done01:58
FatalCurejimmy89, try the factoid ubotu spat out above01:58
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:58
frogzooolwd: mount -t ext3 /dev/hde1 /mnt01:58
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olwdfrogzoo: why /mnt ?01:58
frogzooolwd: or wherever01:59
reza1990buy buy im not understand01:59
valehruI was looking through my services and I found Stacheldraht on 60001....isnt this a DDOS BOT?01:59
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jimmy89frogzoo: link dosnt work01:59
olwdfrogzoo: so it can be anything right? what about /storage?01:59
frogzooolwd: mkdir /storage01:59
r000tdoes someone here know anything of apache2 in ubuntu02:00
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FatalCurejimmy89, it should redirect to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:00
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jimmy89FatalCure: TY02:00
FatalCurer000t, just ask, if someone knows they'll answer02:00
david__how do i reboot to ubuntu after a windows xp install?02:01
olwdfrogzoo: where should i make that dir?02:01
FatalCurejimmy89, np (i was starting to think i was invisible) :)02:01
Warbo!grub > david__02:01
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frogzooolwd: well /storage   would make it /storage02:01
DarkMageZhi, how can i look at what another user logged onto my system via ssh is doing?02:01
frogzooolwd: you can put it anywhere you like really02:01
olwdfrogzoo: i know, but i mean where? in "/" or?02:01
frogzooolwd: /storage is perfectly fine02:02
r000ti need some specific documentation for apache2 in ubuntu nothing is as it says that it should be, even the documentation provided with it is wrong02:02
ucordesanybody downloading on irc here? i'm looking for an xchat extension which allows me to automatically list xdcc offers.02:02
FatalCureDarkMageZ, ps auxw | grep username02:02
jimmy89FatalCure: You were :p going to restart so ty02:02
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olwdwhat do i do now02:02
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frogzooolwd: now edit /etc/fstab & create a new line for /storage - use, say, /home for a template02:03
ubotuI know nothing about gnome-screensaver - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:03
Warbo!info gnome-screensaver02:04
ubotugnome-screensaver: a screen saver and locker. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.14.3-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1449 kB, installed size 3380 kB02:04
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ucordesolwd: fstab is a fine thing. you can happily mount everything you like02:04
ucordesanybody downloading on irc here? i'm looking for an xchat extension which allows me to automatically list xdcc offers.02:04
|thunderhow do I add the "add/remove programs" option to other users gnome sessions ?02:04
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Warbo|thunder: They must be in the "admin" group, to let them edit the system02:05
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olwdfrogzoo: im new to this, i don't know which one is which02:05
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DarkMageZFatalCure, ah, that's cool. but i was hoping more along the lines of watching the terminal02:05
olwdfor example: # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>02:05
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amee2kto repeat myself... i'm on ubuntu 6.06 x86 and trying to burn the ubuntu PPC32 ISO which is 701.1MB big. when doing right-click, "write to disk" on the file, it doesn't accept any of my blank 700MB CD-Rs. how can i make it burn an oversized image?02:05
frogzoo/dev/hde1       /storage           ext3    defaults        0       202:05
|thunderthanks Warbo02:06
Warbo|thunder: System>Administration>Users And Groups, make sure they are allowed to "execute system tasks" or something02:06
FatalCureDarkMageZ, yep, i did think so, but that's the best i know of :|02:06
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DarkMageZFatalCure, thanks anyways02:06
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olwdfrogzoo: ok, now that02:07
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HowitzerDoes anyone know if there is a Firefox extension that enables search prefixes in the location bar? (EX: typing 'google: -string-' would use google to search for -string-, typing 'wikipedia: -string-' would search wikipedia for that string, ....02:07
jimmy89ok back, still cuts in and out when doing updates02:07
frogzooolwd: umount /storage ; mount -a ; mount |grep storage02:07
|thunderi see it, thanks again Warbo02:07
frogzooolwd: sudo umount /storage ; sudo mount -a ; mount |grep storage02:07
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amee2kHowitzer: the vanilla Mozilla has something like that for google...02:08
olwdfrogzoo: what about "/mnt", didn't i mount that?02:08
frogzooolwd: sudo umount /storage ; sudo mount -a ; mount |grep storage02:08
Howitzerthe Seamonky suite?02:08
|thunderwow, you can block users from using video acceleration.   queer02:08
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olwdumount: /storage: not mounted02:08
frogzooolwd: sudo umount /mnt ; sudo mount -a ; mount |grep storage02:09
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jimmy89changing subject, what is the correct way to install flash support for firefox?02:09
olwd/dev/hde1 on /storage type ext3 (rw)02:09
|thunderi heard automatix works swell on 32-bit02:09
jimmy89and is there a hacked linux version of the latest flash?02:09
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FloKjust for the record: i edited grub.conf to boot into single user runlevel02:10
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frogzooolwd: now you probly want to set permissions & maybe change owner on the directory /storage02:10
FloKok bye all, have a nice day!02:10
Warbojimmy89: WINE can run it I think, that is sort of a hack :)02:10
frogzooolwd: ls -ld /storage02:10
olwdfrogzoo: i want the 'root' to be the owner, soo ill just 'sudo' everytime i access it02:10
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frogzooolwd: k, then you're good to go02:10
Ronzhey, who was looking for the mp3 playback in amarok?02:10
windmillarrgh I don't understand why my samba share won't work02:10
jimmy89rofl true, but there is no latest flash player support?02:11
|thunderwhy does no one use su - anymore02:11
olwdfrogzoo: well, thank you very much02:11
frogzooolwd: yw, enjoy02:11
olwdfrogzoo: i appreciate your time02:11
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Warbojimmy89: Not natively in Linux, but you can install Windows Firefox in WINE02:11
|thundernope, only up to flasah 7. no 902:11
Warbojimmy89: It runs slowly for me, and that is without Flash02:11
Ronzok: whoever i was talking to about a half hour ago, the package is libxine-extracodecs02:11
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micahcowan|thunder, linux users in general still use it. On ubuntu, it's generally not used, as there is no root password, by default.02:12
|thunderahh, sudo passwd is the first command i run when the live cd boots02:12
jimmy89ok, with flash 7, what is the correct way to install it?02:12
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jimmy89cause i have killed my firefox trying it once before02:12
|thunderjoin #automatix02:12
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micahcowan|thunder I so rarely ever use su anyway: sudo suffices for anything I need to do.02:13
|thunderthats the easy way on x86 processors02:13
WarboI installed flashplugin-nonfree, but it hasn't worked :(02:13
micahcowanand sudo -i does the same thing, without the need for a different p/w.02:13
|thundersome times I just keep root in tty602:13
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WarboI used to use a Debian repository which had actually packaged the player, not just a script, but I think that repo is gone now, and I had to reinstall Ubuntu02:14
micahcowanAh! yes, for that you'd want a root password. :-)02:14
FuriousRageisnt this supposed to make my group specified rw access too?  rw,exec,uid=1000,gid=1002,auto (in fstab)02:14
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micahcowanI generally try to avoid leaving any root shell open for long periods, though...02:14
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FatalCurewhy?  just login then 'sudo -i'02:14
|thunderohh, i didnt know of the -i option02:14
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micahcowanFatalCure, yeah, but it's extra steps...02:15
WarboI use "sudo -s -H", I just [refer it for some reason02:15
Ronz|thunder, that gives ya a root terminal02:15
FatalCureaah,  yes laziness,  fair enough then ;p02:15
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rindolfHi all.02:15
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rindolfI'm using Ubuntu breezy.02:15
|thunderi only do it when i need su alot.. ill try those in the future. for saftey sake02:15
rindolfIs the default editor joe instead of vim?02:15
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FuriousRageisnt this supposed to make my group specified rw access too?  rw,exec,uid=1000,gid=1002,auto (in fstab) now it shows as: drwxr-xr-x02:15
micahcowanWarbo: that's probably closer to how the shell is invoked by (say) xterm, anyway (which isn't a login shell)02:15
jimmy89so how to people get flash support in the standard firefox?02:16
Warborindolf: I think it is nano02:16
rindolfWarbo: hmmm...02:16
rindolfWarbo: what are we? Gentoo?02:16
WarboI HATE vi, and I like nano02:16
KonstableI have hardly anythign running (Opera browser where I'm typing this now, aMsn, SciTE text editor, and a Konsole window).  But when I go to "free" it tells me I only have 60MB of free RAM (out of 512MB)   on Windows I generally have around 250 to 300MB  free with the same usage!!!  A friend on Debian running about the same tells me he has about 250MB right now.  Is there something wrong with my Ubuntu or is a general thing?02:16
rindolfWarbo: I don't. At least not in WinEmu mode.02:16
stefgKonstable: Linux is very samrt in that it uses free Ram as buffers and cache, so that's perfect02:17
void^Konstable: are you looking at the "-/+ buffers/cache" line?02:17
FuriousRageisnt this supposed to make my group specified rw access too?  rw,exec,uid=1000,gid=1002,auto (in fstab) now it shows as: drwxr-xr-x02:17
micahcowanWarbo, yes, vi sucks, but vim rocks.02:17
Warborindolf: Someone changed a Wiki page I wrote a while ago and put in vi instead of nano, but I had to change it back the other day when someone told me they had screwed up /etc/modules with vi :)02:17
micahcowanAnd AFAICT, both are better than nano. :-) (but, they have learning curves...)02:17
Konstableviod^: I"m looking under the line that says "Mem" under the "Free" column02:18
easytigerHi.. i have a nVidia Corporation NV34GL [Quadro NVS 280 PCI]  (rev a1) but the standard install instructions for nvidia drivers don't work. any ideas?02:18
|thunderyep. stefg, hence the 'sync' command02:18
|thundertry the legacy drivers02:18
easytigerit just bombs out saying no screens found02:18
|thundereasy ubuntu has both standard and legacy02:18
micahcowanWarbo, I don't see how it's any harder to screw up /etc/modules with nano...02:18
Konstablevoid^, stefg,  Ah I get it thanks.02:18
easytiger|thunder: my card is on the standard list02:18
WarboI always used module-assistant to install nvidia driver02:18
easytiger<Warbo>: module assistant?02:19
frogzooWarbo: noobs are all at sea with vi - if someone want to use vi, they will02:19
HowitzerUbuntu is Wikipedia's *Today's featured article* !02:19
ZyfoXchat: /MSG Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH ZyF0 <PASSWORD>,//mode $me +x <- That is what I've got in "server commands" in qnet, and it doesn't seem to work. What's the proper way to type 2 commands?02:19
stefg_Free_ Ram is good for nothing... so the Kernel puts it to use02:19
Warbomicahcowan: He was confused over the Insert, and overwriting stuff. I must admit I thought vi was an absolute nightmare until I found out about pressing :02:19
Warbo!info module-assistant02:20
ubotumodule-assistant: tool to make module package creation easier. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2 (dapper), package size 72 kB, installed size 368 kB02:20
FuriousRageisnt this supposed to make my group specified rw access too?  rw,exec,uid=1000,gid=1002,auto (in fstab) now it shows as: drwxr-xr-x02:20
|thunderthis makes my gforce6200 work 100% "sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx"02:20
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micahcowanWarbo, yeah, it's hardly intuitive. The mode-oriented stuff is not the way people are used to thinking about things.02:20
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WarboIf installing nvidia-glx you must have the linux-restricted-modules installed, or else it will install a -386 kernel02:20
frogzooFuriousRage: hard to say, depends which file system02:21
noiesmoalso for nvidia I use linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)02:21
|thunderFurious, is your group 1002 ?02:21
FuriousRagefrogzoo: : vfat at that current one, and 1002 is a special group i only allow 2 users to get RW access to.02:21
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FuriousRagethe group and owner are set correct but, its only RW for the owned but not group according to ls -al02:22
|thunder rw,exec,gid=1002,auto try this just those. naything under 1002 will have same perms02:22
|thunderif memory serves02:22
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frogzooFuriousRage: try adding umask=00702:23
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frogzooFuriousRage: soz, should be umask=000702:24
|thunderEx-Chat ?02:24
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malte`|thunder, it's the xchat-gnome's default quit message02:25
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malte`don't know why anyway :?02:25
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Howitzermalte`, you don't know?02:25
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HowitzerEx is for -used to be-02:26
malte`so, "used to be chat"?02:26
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Howitzershe's my ex-wife => she -used to be- my wife02:26
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malte`yes, i know that :) i'm italian and i've studied latin02:26
abhinayhi there !02:26
Howitzerit comes from Latin02:26
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robertocerco programma per istallare hp1350 in linux02:27
satyai v a problem with unrar02:27
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Howitzersatya, what prob?02:27
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malte`roberto, join #ubuntu-it or write in english here02:27
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sheersHello pessoal02:28
sheerspreciso de ajuda02:28
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satyai dont use unrar02:28
Furbothmm, lost the ip02:28
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ezzyfishhm, network does not start @boottime. I cannot see a link to /etc/init.d/networking in the rcx.d directories...02:28
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ezzyfishI tried to add a link, but it didnt start as well...02:28
Warboezzyfish: update-rc.d makes those links, see if that helps02:29
ezzyfishWarbo: wow, thx :) didn't know that02:29
sheershow it is that I can create one password for ROOT?02:29
Warboezzyfish: Bit of a dodgy syntax though02:29
malc_I have a 3 button mouse (two button plus scroll wheel).  I can scroll up and down with the scroll, but I can't click down with it on say a web page and hover down the page.  Anyone know how I fix this?02:29
FuriousRage|thunder: still only getting rx for group with your suggestion02:29
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Jack_Sparrow!sudo > sheers02:29
Warbosheers: Why?02:29
ezzyfishWarbo: will work I think :)02:29
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Warbomalc_: That may have a Firefox extension (it is not the default action in Ubuntu)02:30
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:30
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satyahow use a .torrent02:30
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thirdalbumWarbo: It does that on my stock Firefox02:30
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Warbosatya: Double click on it02:30
sheersthe password is incorrect02:30
sheersin Terminal02:31
sheersI execute command Su and password02:31
thirdalbumWarbo: I mean my repository dapper Firefox02:31
Jack_Sparrowsheers: do you have more than one user in your system02:31
Warbosheers: For sudo? Use you own user password02:31
sheersNo seur02:31
Jack_Sparrowsudo su02:31
Warbosheers: Su is disabled for regular users. If you want to use su then do it with sudo :)02:31
Warbothirdalbum: Oh, well I don't often use Firefox02:32
sheerssu functions sudo: D.02:32
Jack_SparrowMorning Warbo.. :)02:32
WarboI'll try it on mine...02:32
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WarboJack_Sparrow: Hi02:32
sheersI need to install drivers Nvidia02:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:32
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thirdalbummalc_: Does it work when you click both buttons?02:32
Jack_SparrowGotta love that bot02:32
sheershow it is that I can make to install drivers of the nvidia?02:32
cwraig_i used sudo passwd root02:32
cwraig_and that turned the root account on so you can just su to root02:33
Jack_Sparrowsheers, that link will do it, which nv card?02:33
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FuriousRage|thunder: : ah got it, i removed rw,exec and replace it with umask=0007 instead, now group and users got rw/exec02:33
malc_thirdalbum: nope02:33
WarboMiddle click does nothing for me in Firefox (even holding it and dragging)02:33
malc_Warbo:  I will have a look, thanks02:33
|thundersheers, this makes my gforce6200 work 100% "sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx"02:33
|thunderawesome,..   good work02:34
frogzoocwraig_: be aware that with a root passwd, if you leave ssh open, nasty people only need to guest your passwd, not the username02:34
sheersMy nvidia is Sparkle Geforce 680002:34
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lhdsi have a Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz so is it 386 or 486?02:34
|thunderthat'll work like a charm02:34
thirdalbummalc_: Can you middle-click in any other program? (for instance, middle-drag in Nautilus)?02:34
Warbolhds: 68602:34
thirdalbummalc_: Because I'm thinking it could be your Xorg configuration02:34
frogzoo|thunder: optimally you want the 686 kernel02:34
malc_thirdalbum: nope02:34
sheersI ask for to excuse for being a bit noob in this, and for my English.02:34
lhdsin menuconfig its not listed02:34
Jack_Sparrowsheers: follow jthunders advice02:34
lhdsthere is no 68602:34
|thunderya ?    is there a different 64 bit version of the ndivia drivers ?02:35
Warbo!info linux-image-68602:35
ubotulinux-image-686: Linux kernel image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.. In repository main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB02:35
frogzoo!info linux-68602:35
ubotulinux-686: Complete Linux kernel on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.. In repository restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB02:35
nassifhi all.. i dist-upgraded from breezy to dapper and then left the system unattended. one hour later i came back and there was the message that i should run "dpkg --configure -a" but that returns http://rafb.net/paste/results/IDwTyi24.html - any ideas?02:35
DimitrijeWhy isn't there kylix for download in repositoryes?02:35
WarboWell I don't use the meta-packages anyway :)02:35
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|thunderyep,"sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx" never let me down.   openGL works like a charm02:36
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sheersI try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:36
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smith88What is the most reliable architecture of kernel to use an AMD Athlon 2800+ in 32 bit mode? I have tried 386, 686 and k7, but it appears that 386 is the most stable. Does that sound right?02:36
frogzoosmith88: linux-68602:36
neutrinomasssmith88: you shouldn't be having stability problems with the other kernels - if you do, it's a bug :)02:36
Jack_Sparrownassif:  sorry.. I speak english02:36
Warbonassif: If I understood that German correctly, it couldn't install ubuntu-minimal because of a PCMCIA package. If you are not on a laptop then just remove ubuntu-minimal02:37
neutrinomasssmith88: Although AFAIK the k7 is 64 bit ...02:37
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smith88neutrinomass: i actually think the stability issues must be hardware related. Thanks for the help02:37
mjrneutrinomass, nope, it's 32-bit02:37
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lhdsubotu: what does that package provides?02:37
ubotuI know nothing about what does that package provides? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu02:37
neutrinomassmjr: Ok, thanks02:37
abhinaywhen i resume from hybernate i got this message "HAL failed to Hybernate" , anything wrong with this ?02:37
WarboI use k7 on 32bit, I thought k8 was 64bit?02:37
annyhello i v  a little problem with bit torrent02:37
frogzooneutrinomass: exactly - the k7 kernel is fine, the 'issue' is the 64 bit apps02:37
mjrWarbo, yeah02:37
annyhow use the sofware02:37
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frogzooWarbo: k7 is 32bit really? then what's the a64 kernel?02:38
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neutrinomassfrogzoo: Which is also a bug and should be reported :) 64-bit is rather OK nowadays isn't it (besides flash and weird multimedia stuff )02:38
Warboanny: Just double click on a .torrent file and it will act like a regular download02:38
frogzoo!info linux-k802:38
ubotuPackage linux-k8 does not exist in dapper02:38
frogzoo!info linux-k702:38
ubotulinux-k7: Complete Linux kernel on AMD K7.. In repository restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB02:38
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Warbo!info linux-amd6402:38
ubotuPackage linux-amd64 does not exist in dapper02:38
annyok but i have a ubuntu02:39
nassifJack_Sparrow: Warbo: it looks like, there is a bit more "damaged". http://rafb.net/paste/results/g8nmlc17.html02:39
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FuriousRageeh not i got another poroblem. my current user who IS in the amountgrp that has rwx in /media/freenet cannot cd into it, and ive made 100% sure the user is in the group..02:40
anny warbo : ok but i have a ubuntu02:40
Warbonassif: Do you have ubuntu-desktop installed? That usually helps with dist-upgrades02:40
Jack_Sparrownassif: Im still waking up about all I can tell is that you have unmet dependencies02:40
Warboanny: Ubuntu uses GNOME, which lets you just double click on .torrent files02:40
annywarbo  no02:40
Warbo!info bittorrent02:41
ubotubittorrent: Scatter-gather network file transfer. In repository main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-6ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 92 kB, installed size 580 kB02:41
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tecloHello, when printing from ubuntu, I get on the sheet "-12345@PJL SET PAGEPROTECT=AUTO @PJL SET RESOLUTION=600 @PJL SET DENSITY=5 @PJL=SET DUPLEX=OFF ...". I didn't change anything in the printer configuration ! What can I do ?02:41
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gimmulfdont i scp a folder using the -r option02:41
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Warboanny: I don't know how Firefox might work, but I know that is how Ubuntu's GNOME works by default02:41
|thunderFuriousRage, browse over to /media/ in nautlus, is there a lock emblem on it ?02:41
nassifJack_Sparrow: Warbo: i think "apt-get install -f" fixed it02:41
Jack_Sparrowgood to know02:42
Warbonassif: I love that command :)02:42
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|thunderforce that mofo02:42
FuriousRage|thunder: theres an red X over it02:42
Warbo|thunder: -f is "fix"02:42
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|thunderi use -reinstall02:42
frogzooFuriousRage: close that terminal & open a new one02:42
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FuriousRagefrogzoo: done that several times.02:42
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prinoue ai02:43
Warbo-f install will install any missing packages to get the system fixed, and -f remove will remove anything which is broken, even if it can be fixed by installing dependencies02:43
FuriousRagefrogzoo: bash: cd: freenet/: Permission denied02:43
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frogzooFuriousRage: mount |grep freenet ; ls -ld /media/freenet02:43
Doodluvmy sound just stopped working...just quit, all of the sudden02:43
Warbosudo apt-get -f install is useful to run after installing a single .deb, since it can sort out dependencies automatically02:43
nassifanyone knows the problem with hewlet packard printers and the hp toolbox does not want to start because the printer is not installed via cups backend?02:43
frogzooDoodluv: run alsamixer & remove the mute02:44
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steveireIn xfce, you can switch desktops by sending the mouse off the screen to the next one. Can you do that in kde/gnome?02:44
Doodluvfrogzoo: well i think its more severe than that02:44
FuriousRagefrogzoo: /dev/sda4 on /media/freenet type vfat (rw,umask=0007,gid=1002)02:44
FuriousRagedrwxrwx--- 8 root amountgrp 8192 1970-01-01 01:00 /media/freenet02:44
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Warbo!info brightside02:44
Jack_Sparrowwarbo, a guy in Mepis said we were all vulnerable because we were using 2.6.15 and not some newer kernel.  As long as we update when prompted we are fine correct ?02:44
ubotubrightside: Add reactivity to the corners and edges of your GNOME desktop. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 96 kB, installed size 924 kB02:44
Doodluvbaskew@ubuntu:~$ alsamixer02:44
Doodluvalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device02:44
WarboJack_Sparrow: I htink that is why the -26 came out02:44
FuriousRagefrogzoo: : althought my other user that also is in amountgrp can rw access it.02:44
WarboI am using -23. Please don't hack me02:45
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frogzooFuriousRage: mount |grep freenet02:45
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FuriousRagefrogzoo: : /dev/sda4 on /media/freenet type vfat (rw,umask=0007,gid=1002)02:45
Jack_SparrowDO we need to manually upgrade kernel02:45
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wumingwhen i install 6.06, I gor error saying "hdc:intr null header exprected "something, could not continue, anyon know what I'm talking about02:45
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frogzooFuriousRage: try setting the owner to a non root user...02:46
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annywarbo when  i tape "sudo apt.." my password is incorret02:46
FuriousRagefrogzoo: oksi02:46
WarboJack_Sparrow: I think the -26 package incorporates the kernel security updates from later kernels into the 2.6.15 kernel Ubuntu uses02:46
|thunderFuriousRage, try this. "sudo nautilus --no-desktop /media/" , then right chick / properties and check the permissions as root.02:46
Jack_SparrowTHat is what I thought..02:46
Warboanny: Are you putting in your normal user password? (try Synaptic in System>Administration)02:47
Doodluvfrogzoo: its integrated audio, on an a8n-sli mb02:47
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FuriousRagefrogzoo: that worked, thanks!02:47
Konstableare there any potential problems in installing Gnome on Kubuntu?02:47
frogzooDoodluv: ok, try the gnome volume control & check the alsa & oss devices for mutes02:47
FuriousRage|thunder: setting another uid worked like a charm02:47
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Jack_SparrowKonstable: I run kde apps in ubuntu all the time02:48
frogzooFuriousRage: yeh, that's a pain, got me once02:48
WarboKonstable: Not that I know of. ubuntu-desktop might change your bootup splash screen though (kubuntu changed my ubuntu one)02:48
bdgraue_does ubuntu support serial mouse?02:48
annyit say that anny is not the sudoer file and this incident will be reported02:48
FuriousRagefrogzoo: althought it puzzles me that my other user could access it, both users in the same "non default" group ;>02:48
Jack_SparrowKonstable: the kde apps add whatever they need to run.. except the app help in some cases02:48
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Warboanny: Are you the only user?02:48
nassifapt-get rocks02:48
|thunderFuriousRage, FYI, a lock enblem means no write perms and a red x no read02:49
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Warboanny: Log in whoever was the first user (maybe get them to help if you don't have the password) and go in System>Administration>Users And Groups. Tick the "execute system tasks" (or similar) for your username02:49
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Doodluvfrogzoo: kmix will not start, and gnome-sound-properties says my card is an mpu-401 uart ?02:50
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KonstableWarbo, Jack_Sparrow: thanks for the info.02:50
|thunderFuriousRage, are you familir with how binary permission work ?02:50
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Doodluvfrogzoo: i think im having hardware issues...02:50
fyrestrtranny: type 'groups' and see if you are in the admin group02:50
FuriousRage|thunder: no, would be my guess ;<02:51
dpuppim installing via network and floppy, could someone assist me? im trying to follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies but im running in to issues.02:51
|thunderlike, 007 for instance02:51
Jack_SparrowKonstable: what were you trying to install other than gnome itself?02:51
annyit say it is  wrong password02:51
frogzooDoodluv: a reboot maybe02:51
|thunderi dont know what the extra 0 is02:51
Doodluvim so frustrated, ive been in school full-time, and i work full-time ive have waited until i get out so i can 'play' with my linux box and the 1st day my sound dies...ill try a reboot02:51
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sheersI put this code in the http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/6885/capturaecrass6.png Terminal and he did not function. Alguem can explain me what I made of wrong.02:52
Jack_SparrowKonstable: I tried the install kubuntu-desktop but ended up with just gnome and installing individual apps02:52
Kleine1is here someobe how want to chat with agirl from germany02:52
Doodluvthis is a dual boot machine, maybe the sound will work on the xp install02:52
|thunderbut, the first 0 is Owner, the second is Group and the third is World.  Then the digits represent different combinations of rwx for each of them02:52
django_Kleine1, find another channel02:52
DimitrijeDoes gtk+ comes with ubuntu?02:52
frogzooKleine1: this channel is ubuntu support - not what you're looking for probably02:52
django_Kleine1, this isn't "german-men-playing-women"02:52
FuriousRagehmm, i cant get firefox to use the profile on my vfat disk ;(02:52
WarboDimitrije: Version 1? I don't think so, you will have to install it after Ubuntu is installed02:53
Kleine1that is very easz02:53
siouxpeople is it normal that the package cgwd seems not be in any repos?02:53
|thunderfor instance. 777 would give Owner Group and World(everyone anywhere) read write and execute access to that file02:53
frogzooKleine1: as a last restort, MMORPG - mostly men online roleplaying girls :D02:53
fyrestrtrsioux: its in the xgl repos02:53
DimitrijeThanks Warbo!02:53
KonstableJack_Sparrow: I haven't tried installing anything yet.  But I'm just a new Linux user, playing around with Kubuntu and want to try Gnome out.02:53
django_frogzoo, haha02:53
|thunderor maybe i have it backwards02:53
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Jack_SparrowKonstable: to be fair... do a fresh install of Kubuntu or MEpis 6 which also used the Ubuntu repos02:54
Warbo|thunder: First number is owner, then group then others (you had it right)02:54
django_|thunder, you're right02:54
|thunderit might be world group owner02:54
django_chmod 077702:54
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Jack_SparrowKonstable: duh. sorry, install Ubuntu02:54
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Zyfo./MSG AUTH ZyF0 <PASSWORD>,//mode $me +x <- That is what I've got in "server commands" in qnet, and it doesn't seem to work. What's the proper way to type 2 commands?02:55
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frogzoodjango_: 777 is always wrong (except for tftp)02:55
dpuppim readig a document which is trying to explain how to get deboot strap, but im not quite understanding it. my console says unreconized option --arch02:55
django_frogzoo, i was illustrating |thunder's point02:55
FuriousRagehmm firefox dont wanna work with me ;( i have edited the profile.ini to /media/freenet/Firefox where my actuall profile lays02:55
|thundersoop, 007 would give the owner and group no access at all, but the world would have FULL rwx02:55
django_i've never 777'd anything :)02:55
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django_now, get into ACL's ;)02:55
|thundersoop, dont use 0007 ever02:55
|thundertry 077002:55
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siouxfyrestrtr I can't install gcompiz due to old version od cgwd and apt can't find the last version02:56
nassifJack_Sparrow: Warbo: had to remove /usr/share/man/man1/md5sum.textutils.1.gz manually for any reason. dpkg said it is "not allowed" to overwrite with different file02:56
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django_|thunder, yeah you don't want total access for anyone really02:56
KonstableJack_Sparrow: I've got a VMWare image for Ubuntu actually.02:56
fyrestrtrZyfo: you first have to register your nick, have you done that? Then, /msg nickserv identify <password>02:56
Konstableof Ubuntu*02:56
fyrestrtrsioux: ask in #xgl02:56
frogzooso does anyone know how to dump all users with entries in the samba passwd db?02:56
django_|thunder, just remember read=4, write=2, execute=102:56
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dpuppcan someone guide me into getting debootstrap?02:56
Warbonassif: That's weird, but dpkg doesn't like files to be in 2 packages (that's why I never use checkinstall to make packages for custom drivers)02:56
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Warbodpupp: sudo aptitude install debootstrap02:57
Jack_SparrowKonstable: I was never a fan of gnome, always kde, but Ubuntu just seems to work so well for me I had to stay with it.02:57
|thunderi know binary, just forget the order02:57
|thunderits as easy as 12402:57
django_|thunder, lol that's the easy part02:57
Zyfofyrestrtr, err, what? sorry if I was unclear, but this isn't nickserv and yes, I do got an auth. The problem is that it won't "send" the command, I guess it's colliding with the second command I try to send. How do I do if I want to separate those commands?02:57
Jack_Sparrow|thunder: very cute02:57
django_|thunder, ok, onto umask and octal then02:57
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dpuppwarbo: /bin/sh: sudo: not found.02:57
|thunderyou can take it from here.02:58
fyrestrtrZyfo: I don't know about qnet, sorry.02:58
lhdshow to bring the folder linux in /usr/src ?02:58
django_bring the folder?02:58
django_like bring the noize?02:58
lhdsyes its empty02:58
Warbodpupp: You are obviously not in an Ubuntu installation then02:58
frogzoobring it on?02:58
django_lhds, you mean uh ...delete?02:58
fyrestrtrlhds: why?02:58
lhdsi deleted it02:58
lhdsi have         linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386  linux-source-2.6.15.tar02:58
django_bring != delete02:58
lhdslinux-headers-2.6.15-26  linux-source-2.6.1502:58
django_ah, you want to restore02:59
|thunderdpupp, what do you get when you "echo $PATH"02:59
fyrestrtrlhds: why do you want the linux source files?02:59
dpuppwarbo, im trying to install ubuntu... but i need deboot strap in the process.  im following these instructions but some things are not working out. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies02:59
FuriousRageanyone know if firefox in ubuntu make a log somewhere? apparantly mine doesnt even try to access the profile on my vfat disk02:59
Zyfofyrestrtr, it's not about qnet really. Those are the 2 commands, separated by a comma. They work perfect when I type them in chat, the problem is when I want to have 2 commands written out on the same line in the "server commands" at server list. Do you see?02:59
django_fyrestrtr, he wants to bring the re-compiling02:59
lhds|| /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games02:59
Warbodpupp: You are in sh correct? Is there a "#" on the prompt?02:59
frogzoolhds: sudo apt-get install linux-source    ?03:00
fyrestrtrZyfo: no, sorry I don't get what you want.03:00
django_if only I knew what he meant by 'bring'03:00
django_wierd word that ....03:00
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: IS that the linux version of firefox?03:00
Zyfofyrestrtr, say you wanted to first do /command1 and after that /command2. How would you separate these two? The way I did it was just putting a comma in between them, but this didn't seem to work.03:00
lhdsthat will bring linux folder back?03:00
django_lhds, no03:00
lhdssudo apt-get install linux-source    ?03:00
dpupp|thunder, i get /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin03:00
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frogzoolhds: well, it will install hte kernel source03:00
fyrestrtrZyfo: try putting a ; between them?03:00
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django_lhds, that will reinstall/install it for you03:00
Zyfofyrestrtr, ah, that's the thing I'm looking for. Thanks.03:01
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: its my windows profile, i have done it before on other dists, just copied the windows profile and used it with firefox in linux03:01
Warbodpupp: OK it wants you to get debootstrap as an archive, I'll just check out what is in it for you03:01
django_lhds, so go for it :)03:01
django_bring the source!03:01
lhds0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 31 not upgraded.03:01
frogzoolhds: but you will have lost any edits03:01
|thunderthen you should have sudo, its in /usr/bin/03:01
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Warbodpupp: Oh I see what it is doing. Have you got the debootstrap_0.2.45ubuntu36_i386.deb file yet?03:01
fyrestrtrlhds: sudo ln -sf /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15 /usr/src/linux03:01
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: Did you copy it to the linux drive or just trying to access it from the linux side03:01
frogzoolhds: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-source03:02
dpuppthe 36 is 404.03:02
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: : trying to access it on my vfat disk03:02
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frogzoolhds: 31 not ugpraded? what's with that?03:02
django_i think he has it, but can't find it ... try fyrestrtr's symlink03:02
dpuppand i check other sources and i ended up getting 0.2.45ubuntu27 instead...03:02
|thunderFuriousRage, try deleting the profile ff creates on the linux drive and soft link it to the profile on the fat drive03:02
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|thunderbut only if you fully understood what i just said03:03
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: How are you trying to get it to read the fat frofile03:03
lhdswhen i make modules modules_install it last for an hour03:03
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fyrestrtrlhds: why are you compiling your own kernel?!03:03
django_|thunder, would be cooler if he tried and didn't understand ;)03:03
Warbodpupp: OK, so you used the "ar" bit?03:03
django_fyrestrtr, why not?03:03
fyrestrtrlhds: read !kernel03:03
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FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: : edited the profile.ini set isrelative=0 and pointed the path there03:03
frogzoolhds: cpu & memory is?03:03
dpuppwarbo, ar bit? no idea.03:03
fyrestrtrdjango_: because 99% of the time, [a]  they do it wrong [b]  its not necessary03:03
lhdsi have  make menuconfig to add the saa7133 module03:03
|thunderyakk, i guess ff would just make another blbank profile03:03
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Warbodpupp: What is the filename of the .deb you downloaded?03:04
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:04
django_fyrestrtr, yeah, but you have to do it first sometime03:04
|thunderbut thats how we learn03:04
abhinaywhen i resume from the hibernate i got this message : "HAL failed to hibernate"  anything wrong with this ?03:04
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fyrestrtrdjango_: ermm, no you don't.03:04
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django_fyrestrtr, and it's fun for a newb to recompile03:04
fyrestrtrlhds: read that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:04
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: I take it you want a common profile that either os can change?03:04
|thunderive never recompiled a kernel. ever03:04
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lhdsits giving me an error at the end03:05
Hit3kAre there any linux settings I should tweak to get full download speed out of torrents I get it on Windows but not Ubuntu03:05
lhdsi wll pass it when its over03:05
dpuppwarbo debootstrap_0.2.45ubuntu27_i38603:05
frogzoo|thunder: it's overrated03:05
django_fyrestrtr, well, maybe in the 'new' era ... i've had to recompile (*had*) kernels for 10 years03:05
django_had to03:05
spcjthunder: me neither.  sounds scary.  ;)03:05
FuriousRageJack_Sparrow: : i guess this would do it? ln -s /media/freenet/Firefox /home/mylogin/.mozilla/firefox/profilefolder ?03:05
fyrestrtrdjango_: depends on your definition of "fun". Newbie tries to do it for "fun" -- forgets to compile in a critical module (or say, forgets about the initrd) and then his computer doesn't boot. Comes in here and whines about it, then complains that linux sucks.03:05
django_and i can't really see that changing03:05
|thunderi agree03:05
Warbodpupp: Then run "ar -x debootstrap_0.2.45ubuntu27_i386" (in the "work" folder you made)03:05
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FuriousRageJack_Sparrow:  and yes, to use bookmarks and such on both os's03:05
|thunderwe'll have a workshop.  lol03:05
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fyrestrtrdjango_: I have compiled kernels myself for a while, its just not normal for ubuntu.03:05
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django_fyrestrtr, it is one of the easiest things to recompile a kernel. just have the backup, and you learn so much03:05
spcanybody know about remote desktop / desktop sharing in here?03:06
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prion___________hello am having troubles instaling ubuntu on my system.  Can anyone help please?03:06
A[D] minS!oracle03:06
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ubotuIf you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html03:06
dpuppwarbo, can i use wild cards? deboot* ?03:06
django_fyrestrtr, anyway, wrong channel for a debate03:06
Jack_SparrowFuriousRage: SInce I refuse to surf with Windows I have never seen the need.  SOmeone else may have better ideas on that03:06
spcI got it set up SOO easy in Gnome, but I'm trying out KDE know and can't get it!03:06
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Warbodpupp: Yes03:06
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nassifspc: the best way to get a remote desktop is imho freenx. but it does not sharing ircc03:06
|thunderprion___________, just ask a more specific question. whats not working?03:06
django_fyrestrtr, incidently, that hypothetical situation you gave is a good thing if the newb goes on to find out what went wrong themselves03:06
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spcnassif: I'm just doing it locally (home network) for now.03:07
fyrestrtrdjango_: most of the time, they don't ;)03:07
django_fyrestrtr, true heh03:07
django_fyrestrtr, but that kind of thing drove me to be a *nix admin :)03:07
spcnassif: so i don't need irc.  I didn't even know you could do anything related to irc and remote desktop.03:07
dpuppwarbo ar: debian-binary : file exists03:07
frogzoospc: rdesktop, vnc, xdmcp etc03:07
nassifspc: irc stands for if i recall correctly03:07
spcFuriousRage: you want to share bookmarks?  Probably best way is online service like de.li.ci.ous or google bookmarks.03:07
Warbodpupp: Does "data.tar.gz" exist?03:07
prion___________thanks thunder, it's quite simple am trying to set up a dual boot system.  have formatted my drives under windows, but ubuntus not seeing the formatting in setup.  How do I get it to instal the drives I've set up for ubuntu?03:08
nassifspc: ircc03:08
fyrestrtrdoes anyone know if pdf is a format that can be "stretched" without distortion?03:08
dpuppwarbo, yes03:08
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spcnassif: oic  thanks!03:08
Warbodpupp: Have you set up your drive for Ubuntu and stuff?03:08
nassif|thunder: which is what i liked to express :)03:08
dpuppi partitioned already.03:08
dpuppbut thats about it03:08
Jack_Sparrowprion___________: what format are the drives you want to share?03:08
Warbodpupp: And mounted it?03:08
frogzoofyrestrtr: some readers alllow "text flow" for web docs03:08
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|thunderfyrestrtr, if you put a vector format image in it. yes03:08
dpuppi havent got to that part.03:08
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prion___________jack, they're NTFS03:09
fyrestrtr|thunder: I've got to send this large poster type thing for printing, and its pdf. I wonder if that's good enough.03:09
Jack_Sparrow!diskmounter > prion___________03:09
Warbodpupp: OK, try "ls /sbin/*fs*" and see if there are any "mkfs.something" or "mke2fs" files03:09
fyrestrtrprion___________: if you created a new partition in windows for ubuntu -- then in the installer, delete the partition so its marked as free space, and then have ubuntu use the free space to automatically partition itself.03:09
Jack_Sparrowprion___________:  It is NOT advised to write to ntfs..03:09
spcwhew, scared to death for a second.  I typed "man rdesktop", and saw something flash up that said "reformatting ..."03:09
|thunderfyrestrtr,  is it just a full page in acrobat ?03:09
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nassifspc: freenx does reall good compression and works fast as hell. even on a 100mbit lan connection its faster than vnc03:09
django_anyway, anyone do any gtk development here?03:10
FuriousRagespc: i got it to work with Jack_Sparrow 's suggestion of ln -s the ff's default to my media/freenet/Firefox03:10
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fyrestrtr|thunder: yeah, and everytime I try to print it, it never prints "borderless" on my printer.03:10
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dpuppwarbo, i have about 5 with mkfs03:10
prion___________OK, there's one complication, my syste is running Intel Matrix RAID and ubuntu doesn't seem to be seeing the drives in their raid setup.03:10
spcok, so I'm connecting from my work laptop (windows) using a vnc viewer, to kubuntu - trying anyways.03:10
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|thundereven kinkos printers cant print color to the very edge of the page03:10
Jack_Sparrowprion___________: are those sata raids?03:10
crazy_penguinGood afternoon all!03:11
m_tadeui'm havong ptoblems setting the nvidia drivers... I get this error03:11
m_tadeu(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.03:11
nassifanybody knows when we may expect freenx capable of desktop sharing?03:11
Warbodpupp: OK, then if you know what device name your root partition has do "mkfs.ext2 -j /dev/devicename" (like hda1 or something)03:11
django_spc, and what's (not) happening?03:11
prion___________jack, indeed they are.03:11
spcfrogzoo: I'm wondering which / how to configure?  KDE has "desktop sharing" applet, but configuring that didn't seem to help03:11
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hyperion_hi, i'm trying to manualy install a driver for my tv card. but it puts shell scripts into my /etc/hotplug folder, naturally hotplug fails to interpret them, because it isn't supported. how can i make it work?03:11
|thunderbut, if it uses a true type font they will scale infantly. vector images will as well. but rastor images like gifs and jpegs will look like pixeley crap poster size03:11
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fyrestrtr|thunder: its a large linux oriented poster 'Anatomy of a Linux System' :)03:11
crazy_penguinare the ubuntu 9except kernel-bugs mainling list) mailing lists down?03:11
hyperion_if i do modprobe i get errors like WARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/wis-ezusb line 62: ignoring bad line starting with 'if'03:11
django_fyrestrtr, that oughta get the chicks going :)03:12
|thundermind dcc's it to me. that sounds cool03:12
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dpuppwarbo, i dont know what root partiton name has.03:12
frogzoospc: dunno about kde - but check if there's something like Login Window preferences03:12
spcdjango_: I can ping (168.192.x.x.), but when I attempt to connect I get "could not connect to server", whether I try 192.168.x.x:0, :1, or no :03:12
dpuppbut i suspect hda.03:12
Warbodpupp: You said you partitioned it, so which partition did you choose for your main Ubuntu partition?03:12
nassifhyperion_: sounds like the scripts are broken03:12
Warbohda=drive, hdaX (1,2,3,4,etc.)=partition03:12
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:12
django_spc, you are trying to connect over the net? not locally? I ask because you are using LAN addresses03:12
dpupp..... i forgot. that was 2 hours ago.03:13
Warbodpupp: fdisk -l03:13
Warbodpupp: That should list partitions03:13
hyperion_nassif:  they look like perfectly fine shell scripts, however modprobe doesnt seem to be able to run them as shell scripts...03:13
nassifhyperion_: or whatever the interpreter is03:13
hyperion_.  /bin/sh03:13
frogzoospc: you need to enable xdmcp - but not sure on kde how to do that03:13
prion___________Jack_Sparrow, they are SATA drives03:13
django_spc, and you are sure vnc is running on the server? port 5901 from memory03:14
spcdjango_: yes, connect across my home network03:14
nassifneed a reboot bbl03:14
Jack_Sparrowprion___________: sata raid is not supported... but someone may prove me wrong03:14
hyperion_i get Warnings concerning every line of the script, 88lines03:14
|thunderfyrestrtr, is it this one ?  ftp://ftp.oreilly.com/pub/poster/oreilly_linux_poster.pdf03:14
spcfrogzoo: I'll look it up, don't even know what xdmcp is03:14
prion___________Nuts, well thanks for letting me know03:14
dpuppi see; /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 as boot...03:14
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fyrestrtr|thunder: yeah I think it is.03:14
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Warbodpupp: Woah, weird directory structure :)03:15
spcdjango_: no, I know i had set it up on gnome but then I thought it wasn't necessary.  maybe that's my problem.03:15
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dpuppim using debian boot disks....03:15
Hit3kI'm using the bittorrent program and when I download a torrent via it I only get 2kb/s down when i average about 300 on windows any idea why this happens and how to fix it?03:15
Jack_Sparrowprion___________: I wish I had a better answer03:15
Warbodpupp: fdisk -l should list sizes, so it should be pretty easy to tell which is which03:15
Hit3kand i've tried to download about 4 torrents so far03:15
dpuppwarbo, yeah its the first one.03:15
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django_spc, perhaps03:15
|thunderfyrestrtr, the text will be crisp. but the raster image in the middle will not03:16
prion___________Jack_Sparrow: Dude, you've been more than helpful.03:16
Warbodpupp: Then do mkfs.ext2 -j /whatever/the/partition/is03:16
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dpuppwarbo, what does that do?03:16
Jack_Sparrowprion___________: thanks... this is a great channel03:16
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Warbodpupp: Makes an ext3 filesystem on the partition03:16
spcdjango_: I can just check for processes running and look for vnc server, right?03:16
prion___________..............Anyone know if SATA RAID is supported in ubuntu?03:16
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fyrestrtr|thunder: I can live with that.03:16
dpuppi have done that already i think.03:17
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dpuppwarbo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies im stuck on the last two lines of `getting debootstrap`03:17
Jack_Sparrowprion___________: I have sata drives and the ability to go raid with this MB .. just waiting for someone else to get it working03:17
Warbodpupp: Oh, then make a directory like /ubuntu or something (mkdir /ubuntu) and mount the partition on it (mount /whatever/the/partition/is /ubuntu)03:17
guy22how do i reinstall xserver-xorg-driver-ati03:18
fyrestrtrguy22: sudo aptitude reinstall xserver-xorg-driver-ati03:18
guy22i would like the 7.0 version not 7.103:18
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MistaEDsoftware SATA RAID works, why wouldn't it? it sounds like it wouldn't be any different than setting up an IDE or SCSI RAID, i think your windows setup raid doesn't work though i read sometime, could be wrong03:19
|thunderfyrestrtr, you can scale that text to the size of a building if yo u want03:19
Warbodpupp: Assuming you have data.tar.gz in /work then running "cd /" then "zcat < /work/data.tar.gz | tar xv" should "install" debootstrap03:19
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prion___________mistaED: need both systems to work, thanks for the tip though.03:19
Warbodpupp: Then it is just a matter of running it with Dapper and you drive03:19
fyrestrtryou know what is annoying? xchm allows you print one *page* at a time as pdf, not the entire help file as pdf.03:19
Jack_Sparrowprion___________: I dual boot as well...  Too many toys in XP to give it up entirely..03:20
issakerdoes the installation of grub mess up the MBR? when i try to install windows xp, the setup weirds out at the partition page03:20
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Warbodpupp: The correct debootstrap command would be "/usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /ubuntu http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" (assuming you drive is mounted on /ubuntu)03:20
|thunderyakk, in page #, put 1-how ever many.   like,  1-3003:20
fyrestrtrissaker: yes, the installation of grub messes up the mbr.03:20
|thunderthat usually works03:20
munkayhello again guys :)03:20
Jack_Sparrowissaker: windows likes to be first03:20
munkayi am on ubuntu  dapper03:20
prion___________jack_sparrow: ...yeah and I also have a tech-shy wife to keep happy!03:20
munkayi got the nvidia drivers for my geforce go 740003:21
Tamalefunny problem - how can i convince my ubuntu install that it doesn't need to upgrade from to
munkayand followed steps mentioned here : http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Breezy03:21
Jack_Sparrowprion___________: I got my wife using Ubuntu03:21
issakerjack_sparrow, so how can i fix this? now i cant install windows xp =(03:21
fyrestrtrTamale: lock the package in synaptic.03:21
dpuppsorry. im a little slow at this. re-reading03:21
munkaywhen i try to restart gdm, it says can't find module nvidia03:21
longwaveTamale: you can have both those installed at the same time03:21
Jack_Sparrowissaker: what partition is your Ub install?03:21
munkayany hints, guys?03:21
Tamalelongwave: but i don't need the 386 do i ?03:21
longwaveTamale: if you don't want any -386 kernels remove linux-image-386 to stop it upgrading those03:21
fyrestrtrmunkay: reboot the machine03:21
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issakerjack_sparrow: f and g03:21
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django_Tamale, why don't you uninstall it?03:22
fyrestrtrTamale: not if you are running -68603:22
munkayfyrestrtr: okay.03:22
hyperion_hi, i'm trying to manualy install a driver for my tv card. but it puts shell scripts into my /etc/hotplug folder, naturally hotplug fails to interpret them, because it isn't supported. how can i make it work?. if i do modprobe i get errors like WARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/wis-ezusb line 62: ignoring bad line starting with 'if' in each line.03:22
issakerjack_sparrow: or e and f03:22
prion___________I'm out. thanks for the advice guys.03:22
spcnope, I started up vnc4server, still "failed to connect to server"03:22
Tamalelongwave: can i just do an apt-get remove on the original kernel ?03:22
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django_Tamale, through synaptic so it gets all the dependencies (headers etc) out03:22
Warbodpupp: Can you give me the output of "mount | grep target" please03:22
Jack_Sparrowissaker: what is your primary partition on that drive, oh and a limit of four partitions if you wnat Ub to see them..03:22
django_Tamale, otherwise it'll try to update the modules, headers etc everytime you dist-upgrade03:23
longwaveTamale: yes, that should work, but linux-image-386 is a metapackage that always depends on the latest -386 kernel, so if you don't want new ones installed remove that too03:23
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Tamaledjango_: so what's the command i should use to remove?03:23
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MoosebuntuI have two different resolutions for my login screen and when I'm logged in.  Does anyone know how I can change the login screen to match the logged in resolution?03:23
Tamaleto make sure i get everything?03:23
Jack_Sparrowissaker: If you do get XP to install you will need to do this...03:23
django_Tamale, you are using a wm? through synaptic03:23
guy22can someone tell me, is ati xorg driver 6.6.0-0ubuntu1 the xorg 7.0 open src driver?03:23
Jack_Sparrow!grub > issaker03:23
Tamaledjango_: thanks man03:23
spcFuriousRage: I missed your earlier comment till just now.  ln -s?  I didn't follow what you said?03:24
django_Tamale, search for all the 386 stuff, start marking for uninstall, and it'll get the others03:24
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spcnassif:  freenx, what is that?  a client or server?03:24
Warboguy22: The DRI one? You may need to set the Driver line in your xorg.conf to "Driver         "radeon""03:24
spcfrogzoo:  I couldn't find anything about xdmcp, I'll keep looking03:24
guy22Warbo thanks03:24
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django_Tamale, little hint; if you want to install packages, then have it's dependencies removed if you delete it, use aptitude to install03:25
django_apt doesn't deal with the removal of dependencies03:25
Jack_SparrowWarbo: did the help for nvidia change, it used to tell us to manually change nv to nvidia, when I re-read it yesterday I didnt see that in there..?03:25
dpuppwarbo, output is: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 on /target type ext3 (rw)03:25
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Jack_SparrowWarbo: but I may have just missed it03:25
dpuppnot sure how to mount.03:25
WarboJack_Sparrow: I haven't looked at it for a while, since I have been using an ATI for a bit. My Dad has my Nvidia :)03:26
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Tamaleopenoffice stuff keeps showing up in the upgrade manager03:26
Tamaleand i thought i removed it03:26
troytroylol gaim irc client very cute - guess will suspend irssi for sometime03:26
Jack_SparrowWarbo: I told a guy to change it per the wiki and he said it didnt tell him to do that..  something for me to look at later03:26
django_Tamale, same happens here, it doesn't properly remove some stuff03:26
Warbodpupp: Then you can just go ahead and run the "zcat < /work/data.tar.gz | tar xv" command then "/usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch i386 dapper http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"03:27
WarboJack_Sparrow: I've heard the Nvidia page needs changing03:27
Tamaledjango_: ok, that's fine.  just wanted to make sure i'm not the only one with the problem03:27
django_Tamale, but when i checked, for some reason, some packages i had installed were dependant upon that openoffice stuff03:27
Jack_SparrowWarbo: they may have finally changed it03:27
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django_for no apparant reason03:27
Tamaledjango_: Hopefully i can find them and flush them out then03:27
django_Tamale, yeah, that's my next mission03:27
Tamaledjango_: well, for one, i notice they're all still in the menu03:28
Tamalethe shortcuts03:28
Jack_SparrowI tried to remove open office as well and had many problems..03:28
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Tamaleha.. sounds like we're not alone03:29
dpuppcd: 163: cant do cd to http://archive.ubuntu.com e: no such script: /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/dapper03:29
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munkayguys, i did a restart and the module error still keeps coming03:29
munkaynvidia module not found!03:29
Jack_Sparrowopen office is too much like a microsoft program... big, ugly and dosent want to remove itself..03:29
issakerjack_sparrow: my primary partition should be my windos partition03:29
django_Tamale, in the end i left what was there, because like Jack_Sparrow i had problems03:29
issakerbut that one is "broken" as of now03:29
Warbodpupp: Hmm, try getting a different debootstrap package. I have used http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_0.2.39ubuntu22_i386.deb this one with a Dapper install03:30
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munkayfyrestrtr i did a restart in vain03:31
django_Tamale, for me it's like the thesaurus and help files want to stay03:31
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django_Tamale, when i remove them i get all sorts of strange dependency problems03:31
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django_where dependencies aren't meant to be03:31
Jack_SparrowO-Office has hooks into the OS like IE in M$03:31
Jack_SparrowNOt a good thing03:32
django_Jack_Sparrow, that's what i figured ... a no-win atm03:32
aleph0hello everyone. I'm having problems with wu-ftpd. I keep getting "530 login incorrect" errors. does anyone have experience with this?03:32
|thunderubuntu should include a OO removal kit03:32
Jack_Sparrowor at least a wiki03:32
Warbo|thunder: It should be called APT03:32
django_alef0, hmm, when i use the wrong login i do ...03:32
django_Warbo, zactly03:33
|thunderyakk, ubuntu didnt create apt though.   nor debain.03:33
aleph0and when you use the correct login?03:33
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dpuppwarbo, do i have to start the whole process again from the start to do this?03:33
aleph0django_: something is wrong with user authetication using ftp and I can't figure it out.03:33
issakerso is there a way to fix my mbr without messing up grub?03:33
Jack_Sparrowissaker:  yes, boot to command prompt and fdisk /mbr03:34
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Jack_Sparrowthen fix grub03:34
aleph0does ANYone here have wu-ftpd running correctly?03:34
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issakerwhewhen you say command prompt, you dont mean "console" right?03:34
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cowmilkhow do i run an "install.sh" file?03:35
medelkasshi, I got a problem when installing ubuntu. Im using the live CD and when it comes to the part in the installation where its time to partition the hard drive the installation just stops. I got a hard drive on 250GB and 40GB goes to Windows XP already and 150GB is an NTFS Partitioned and the rest is unpartitioned where I want ubuntu to be. Anyone with the same problem?03:35
HardcopiI can't get the live cd to boot, it just comes up with an endless string of translated/ata errors. I searched the forums and just cannot find the trouble. Any ideas?03:35
Jack_Sparrowissaker: I did have grub on flooy for awhile and only used the floppy to get to Ub..03:35
FuriousRagehmm, i keep getting disconnected03:35
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issakerk] 03:35
issakerthanks, sparrow03:35
Jack_SparrowHardcopi: have you tried to check the md5 of that cd?03:35
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django_Jack_Sparrow, ug .. slow03:35
Warbodpupp: You can extract the .deb (probably into a different folder than /work, since it will conflict with the one in there) then extract data.tar.gz (not into /, just into a folder somewhere), go into the usr it creates, then lib and debootstrap. Look for some scripts for dapper and put them in /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts03:35
Jack_Sparrowissaker: ill be glad to walk you through any of that03:35
|thundercowmilk, ./install.sh03:35
HardcopiNope, but it shouldn't be a burn problem, I tried burning the dvd version and kubuntu, just to make sure.03:36
|thundercowmilk, "./install.sh" in a terminal03:36
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Jack_Sparrowdjango_: that was just for testing until I was comfortable.03:36
jimmy89um, i cant seem to copy using gFTP03:36
petrosi have installed kubuntu, now i want to try gnome03:36
|thundercowmilk, or maybe pyton install.sh03:36
petroswhich package must i install for gnome?03:36
petrosis there a bundle package?03:36
Jack_SparrowHardcopi: I would check it.. NEro has a free md5 program03:37
jimmy89do i have to give gFTP root access to write?03:37
django_Jack_Sparrow, yeah i gotcha, i had to do the same once, which is why i commiserated :)03:37
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finalbetaAnyone how a tutorial on how to set up xgame in dapper?03:37
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Jack_Sparrowpetros: gnome-desktop03:37
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petrosthx Jack_Sparrow03:37
cowmilk|thunder: i tried that. what's the first character in your nick?03:37
STEEKwhy doesn't ubuntu ask me to create a root acount during install and how do I do this?03:38
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Jack_Sparrowbut it wont be like a fresh install of Ubuntu03:38
dpuppwarbo thats over my head at the moment :( might be faster if i try harder to locate the specified file in the guide...  or is that guide for hoary and not dapper? i might be reading the wrong document for the last 6 hours.03:38
cowmilk File "install.sh", line 1403:38
Jack_Sparrowmedelkass: did you ask a question?03:38
cowmilk INSTALLER_LICENSE="                      ^ SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string  is the error i get when i do python install.sh03:39
cowmilk!info castpodder03:39
ubotuPackage castpodder does not exist in dapper03:39
medelkassI wrote "hi, I got a problem when installing ubuntu. Im using the live CD and when it comes to the part in the installation where its time to partition the hard drive the installation just stops. I got a hard drive on 250GB and 40GB goes to Windows XP already and 150GB is an NTFS Partitioned and the rest is unpartitioned where I want ubuntu to be. Anyone with the same problem?"03:39
cowmilk!info juice03:39
ubotujuice: playlist editor / player frontend. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.03pbuild1 (dapper), package size 105 kB, installed size 340 kB03:39
jimmy89i cant copy with an ftp program *cries*03:39
cowmilk!info ipodder03:39
ubotuipodder: a podcast receiver. In repository universe, is optional. Version 2.1.9-4 (dapper), package size 640 kB, installed size 2648 kB03:39
FuriousRagehmm how to i fix so my mouse works like mousewheel "click" is double click? now it does something else03:39
cowmilk!info podnova03:39
ubotuPackage podnova does not exist in dapper03:39
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Warbodpupp: The guide is for hoary, and it seems like the debootstrap you got doean't know what dapper is, but running the same ar and zcat commands (but NOT in /) should extract the new .deb, then copy the dapper scripts in it (in usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts) to /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts03:40
Jack_Sparrowmedelkass: is that 150 on one partition for a total of two partitions and the unallocated space?03:40
dpuppis there a debootstrap that does know dapper?03:41
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Warbodpupp: That link I gave does03:41
Jack_Sparrowjimmy89: sounds like a permissions problem03:41
|thunderubotu, did you uncomment the universal repos in apt sources ?03:41
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ubotuI know nothing about did you uncomment the universal repos in apt sources ? - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:41
dpuppwarbo, ah... takes note. sorry. im a little loopy at times..03:41
Warbodpupp: Wait a sec, I'll make it easy for you...03:41
jimmy89Jack_Sparrow: agreed03:41
Jack_Sparrow!es > darknesstaoh03:41
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto03:41
jimmy89Jack_Sparrow: though how do i give it permission to paste into my home directory for example03:42
|thundersudo gedit /etc/apt/sources/    remove the #'s before the deb's under the universal heading.03:42
medelkassJack sparrow: the 150GB is an NTFS secondary drive that I will use in windows.03:42
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Jack_Sparrowjimmy89: you can check permissions for that folder but you should already have permissions to do that.. just not into root03:43
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Jack_Sparrowmedelkass: two different drives in the system?03:43
jimmy89yeah it just dosnt let me copy stuff, says local file */*/* where *'s are the file i am trying to copy to dosnt exist03:43
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medelkassJack sparrow: No its just one Harddirve03:44
django_jimmy89, i came in late .. is this an NTFS partition?03:44
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Jack_Sparrowdjango_: good point03:44
gidimAlright, new day, new battle with Ubuntu. Okay, not new day, I went to bed at like 0300... so, several hours later...03:44
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issakerjack_sparrow: where do i type in "fdisk /mbr" ?03:44
|thunderi have 1 4GB ext3 set as / , a 7GB ext3 set as /home, and a 1GB swap partition. so 3 partitons for 1 ubuntu03:44
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Jack_Sparrowmedelkass: I just wanted to clarify since you said secondary drive and not partition03:44
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sheersStaff when I execute this code "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" of - me an error in consoles does not obtain to activate the Drivers of the Nvidia.03:45
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jimmy89django: i am just trying to copy a file through FTP from a remote server, into my home directory which is ext303:45
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medelkassJack sparrow: sorry about that :) Im new to linux and all this.03:45
Jack_Sparrowissaker: boot to command prompt with xp cd or 98 cd or boot floppy03:45
Jack_Sparrowmedelkass: np03:45
HardcopiI checked the MD5.. any other ideas why it hangs during the live cd boot with translated/ata errors (they continue indefinitely)03:45
dpuppwarbo , ok, i got the package you mentioned on dapper into work2 directory.03:45
fbladehey guys any1 able to help me installing savage the game onto ubuntu03:45
guy22how do i force the downgrade of a package, eg xserver-xorg-driver-ati down to version 6.5.7??03:45
fbladei get this error ImportError: libssl.so.0.9.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:45
fbladeThere was an error (error 65280 - Unknown error 65280) running the updater!  bailing out03:45
fyrestrtrsheers: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change "nv" to "nvidia"03:45
django_jimmy89, ah ok .. in that case sounds perms03:45
django_jimmy89, which i'm sure you've already heard03:46
Jack_Sparrowissaker: hit f8 when booting with xp cd in drive03:46
issakerjack_sparrow: ah, ok03:46
Warbodpupp: Even easier. "wget http://geocities.com/niceandrandom/dapper.txt" then "mv dapper.txt /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/dapper"03:46
|thunderfblade, try #cedega03:46
ubotuI know nothing about bastille - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu03:46
|thunderor is that a linux game ?03:46
dpupptakes note.03:46
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fbladeits t he linux version03:46
=== Warbo hates Geocities for requiring three letters at the end of a file name, preceded by a full stop
sheersfyrestrtr: Warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" -- using "application/*"03:47
sheersError: no write permission for file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"03:47
sheersI use the Terminal to edit the file03:47
|thunderfblade, is it available in the repositories ?03:47
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sheersIam a very noob :(03:47
Jack_Sparrowsheers: use sudo03:47
dsasUsing a ubuntu live cd to reinstall grub I get "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist" when doing root (hd0,1) any ideas?03:47
|thundersheers, try sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:47
Jack_Sparrowor gksudo03:48
jimmy89perhaps you guys can help me out on another issue, my network access (wireless) keeps stopping and starting, like itll copy / download a bit, stop for 5 seconds, copy more, stop etc03:48
sheers|thunder OK :D03:48
FuriousRagehow can i set in gnome that my mouse wheel click should be a double click?03:48
Warbodsas: sudo grub-install /dev/linuxdevicename (not GRUB device name)03:48
siouxpeople who help me to understand how setup a theme with cgwd-themer03:48
Jack_Sparrowdsas: try the super grub repair disk03:48
fyrestrtrsheers: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:48
dsasWarbo: thanks, I'll give that a try.03:49
Jack_Sparrowdsas: dont have the link handy but google super grub repair disk should find it03:49
WarboFuriousRage: Mouse wheel is third mouse button, you would need to set it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but it is beyond me03:49
|thunderi always forget about gk03:49
dpuppnow i run  "/usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch i386 dapper http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" right ?03:49
FuriousRageWarbo: what i found on the !mouse like only how to set 7-9 buttons sorta, but never how to make middle as double click ;/03:49
Warbodpupp: Yes03:49
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boing757895445how to enable dma for the IDE drives????03:50
fyrestrtrboing757895445: hdpart03:50
fyrestrtrboing757895445: hdparm03:50
Warbo /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch i386 dapper /target http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu03:50
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing.  It makes hard disks run faster,  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA03:50
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dsasWarbo: Thinking about it, would that be different if the /boot I want to use isn't the currently running one (i'm boot on a live disk atm)03:51
dpuppwarbo: 3: finddebs_style: not found03:51
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Warbodpupp: Erm, don't know that one03:52
sheersNow I modified nv for nvidia but the error continues me to appear when I execute the code: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable03:52
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dpuppme either... will try issuing all commands from the start with the new package i downloaded.03:52
dpuppany warnings?03:53
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Tamalecan i suppress entrance and exit notifications in irc in gaim?03:53
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Warbodpupp: Since you are not booting from your installation at the moment I would leave the configuration of partitions and mountpoints until later. Just try to get debootstrap to install it03:53
Jack_SparrowTamale: yes people have done that, I dont use gaim though03:53
fearmehow do i give someone else sudo?03:53
|thunderboing757895445, seems dma is already enabled on my via chipset by default.03:53
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Jack_Sparrowfearme: a second user on your system ?03:53
boing757895445luck for you03:54
Warbofearme: Attch /usr/bin/sudo to an email03:54
Tommck_fearme - I believe you add their name to the /etc/sudoers file03:54
fearmeok thanks03:54
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|thunderfearme, you need the visudo command03:56
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto03:57
|thunderfearme, nevermind that. just edit it.03:57
|thunderi just skimmed the visudo manual.03:57
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Tommck_hello all.. This may seem like a newb question, but I was wondering what I could do to stop apt-get from asking me for the installation CD when I try to install new software.  Do I have to copy the whole CD to disk?03:57
Tommck_I've been searching for an answer to this, but I guess I'm not phrasing the search terms well03:58
sheersHow can update md5sum  ??03:58
Jack_SparrowTommck_: is the cd in your sources list..03:58
WarboTommck_: run "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and put a "#" at the beginning of the line for your CD03:58
Tommck_Jack_Sparrow - I'd assume so03:58
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Jack_SparrowPeople, the wife just woke up so I need to go03:58
dpuppbah i think i messed something up. can i just delete work and work2 and start clean?03:58
Tommck_Warbo - I have a crappy internet connection, so I'd rather it grab what it can from disk, if possible03:59
|thundermandy_moron, i need sleep. later all.03:59
Jack_SparrowTommck_: I would remove or comment it out03:59
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Warbodpupp: I would guess so03:59
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Jack_Sparrowback later...03:59
|thunder-afkwtf. xchat is replacing my words03:59
Warbodpupp: You have also put debootstrap in /usr/bin, and all of it's support stuff in /usr/lib/debootstrap as well though03:59
Warbousr/sbin sorry03:59
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|thunder-afkohh, duh, i tab completed04:00
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|thunder-afkbah,    sleep04:00
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Tommck___Warbo - can I copy some stuff off my CD to the disk so that apt-get won't try to download things?04:01
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WarboTommck___: If you put the packages from the "pool" folder directly into /var/cache/apt/archives (eg. no seperate folders, just all of the .debs in to that folder) then it may realise that it already has them, and won't ask04:02
Tommck___Warbo  - thanks04:02
dpuppi dont get it.  cd: 154: cant cd to archives.ubuntu.com e: no such script.04:03
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Warbodpupp: Ah, did I put archives? Try just archive.ubuntu.com04:03
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dpuppe: no such script: /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts//target04:04
dpuppshould i leave out target and use ubuntu instead?04:04
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Warbodpupp: "/usr/sbin/debootstrap dapper /target http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu"04:05
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adrian783jack_sparrow: should i see anything when i tyoe "fdisk /mbr" ?04:05
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moitiohow do i see how a wget session is going on when I can't see the terminal that started it?04:05
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dpupp/usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/dapper: 3: finddebs_style: not found04:06
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lhdshow to know my x.org version?04:07
Jack_Sparrowissaker: no04:07
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Jack_Sparrowit should just boot to windows04:07
issakerso how would i know if my mbr is fixed o_O?04:07
dpuppthere has to be another way to install ubuntu... cant i just copy an iso onto the hard drive and somehow get it to read it?04:07
lhdshow to know whar version i am running of x.org?04:07
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dpuppnot having a cd drive on this notebook is making things so complex.04:08
ifvoidhi guys04:08
orbinlhds: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:08
Warbodpupp: There is a "finddebs_style from-indices" line in that file, so I don't know whether that is complaining about a lack of it, or that it is not a command. Seems weird04:08
issakerjack_sparrow: yah now it boot directly to windows, but im still having trouble installing a copy of windows xp on this computer04:08
ifvoidI just updated Xorg from the version in dapper to edgy, but now the X server won't start anymore: it complain it cannot find the default font `misc'04:09
orbindpupp: might be useful: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation04:09
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Warbodpupp: You have it easy. I have a laptop with no floppy, no network, no CDROm and a blank HD. I am waiting for a 2.5" to 3.5" HD adaptor to arrive :)04:09
dpuppwarbo, thanks for your help. i really appreciate it.04:09
ifvoidbut I do have that font in /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc, and that path is in the fontpath04:09
Jack_Sparrowissaker:  you want a second copy of xp or just refresh the one you have>04:09
ifvoidanyone an idea on where to look?04:09
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issakerlike overwrite it04:09
ifvoidhow would that help?04:10
Jack_Sparrowand you cant boot the cd and just install it04:10
J2D2Hey guys, i plugged up my simpletech external hard drive and it wont show up. :S04:10
issakeri can boot the CD, and i can get to the select partition page04:10
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issakerhowever it wont install on a NTFS04:10
Jack_Sparrowvery odd04:10
Jack_Sparrowit is xp isntit?04:11
issakeryes it is04:11
Jack_Sparrowand you are trying to install on the primary partiton of the primary drive?04:11
_priestifvoid: your xorg.conf is probably screwy04:11
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issakerlemem take a screenshot04:12
eigenlambdasudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:12
nassifhi all.. dist-upgrade finally worked *happy*04:12
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J2D2can anyone help me with the external hard drive?04:12
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ifvoid_priest: how?  the font path is correct, I checked in the log04:12
Jack_Sparrowissaker:  I would try the command prompt again and format C first.04:12
_priestifvoid: backup xorg.conf and try with xorg -configure04:13
nassifmy problem: the list with the printer driver is empty04:13
nassifi would like to install an hp psc 131504:13
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issakerjack_sparrow: i cant even install on a fresh partition04:13
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issakerjack_sparrow: as in one that has not been formatted at all04:14
Jack_Sparrowissaker: it wont let you go there.. only primary on C04:14
gyro54anyone help with printer setup using http://localhost:631/ -- What username and password is it looking for?04:14
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Jack_Sparrowissaker: I am having breakfast with the wife, if you want me please use my nick so it will highlight for me to see.04:16
issakerjack_sparrow: sure04:16
vfa"de" klingt gut @:oschni04:17
ifvoiddpkg-reconfiguring did work04:17
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ifvoidthanks guys04:17
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ifvoidnow I've just got to find out which setting was wrong04:17
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der_oschnidoes anyone knows a nfsboot-ready kernel for ubuntu? I installed "kernel-image-netbootable" which should install a nfsboot-ready kernel. But I think that the Kernel isnt ready. Message:VFS:  "Cannot open root device "nfs", Please appen a correct "root=" boot option." Any Idea?04:17
idelHi all :)04:18
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der_oschnivfa: yes, i still asked there. *shrug* 8(04:18
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vfawhat what ? @oschni04:19
der_oschni[16:17]  <vfa> "de" klingt gut @:oschni04:19
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vfakwk = klar wie klossbrhe :-)04:19
Shaneehello! I'm having problems with my cups installation, I cant add any printers. I start "new printer" and there appears a window with gnome-cups-add and a line "printerdatabase searching..." (sorry, localisation here is german, so the translation may not be correct)04:19
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dpuppwarbo, when i entered hoary instead of dapper, its now doing some stuff........04:20
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dpuppi: retreiving (many things flying across screen)04:20
vfa@ shanee sag ma auf deutsch was da steht04:20
AdmXHello room.04:21
gyro54printer problems are on tonight04:21
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Shaneevfa: "Druckerdatenbank wird eingelesen..."04:21
dpuppquestion, once hoary is installed, can it be upgraded to dapper and still be the same as installing clean? or is like going from 98 to xp?04:21
gyro54anyone help with printer setup using http://localhost:631/ -- What username and password is it looking for?04:21
AdmXYes it can04:21
mc__im looking for a way to convert a quicktime video into a format every dvd player can play04:21
Dr_Williscups is disabled by default.. theres a TINY message on that page tht tells ya.04:21
Dr_Willislet me get ya a url that shows how to fix it.04:22
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vfa@ shanee da must glaub ich warten04:22
vfaja dauert n weilchen04:22
Dr_Willisgyro54,  http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2117/04:22
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idelmc_: try with ffmpeg04:22
Lynouregyro54: as far as I know, the non-existing root password, so there is in the default setting no way to give a password it'll be happy with04:22
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stylez ola04:22
ricardoHi, I am new to Ubuntu. I just installed it and I can not get the Internet to work properly. At the beginning it works fine, but if I want to download something (i.e.: the security updates, or add a program), it suddenly stops. The only way of getting back the Internet connection is deactivate/activate it. Still, I am not able to download anything. Any ideas?04:22
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Shaneevfa: wieviel knnte ein bisschen sein, drei Minuten? Habs gerade noch mal gestartet, noch keine Antwort...04:23
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:23
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:23
ideldo you know if the HP 3940 is compatible with ubuntu (dapper)? I dont see it on  wiki04:23
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acbotis anyone able to help me with a strange bcm43xx issue?04:23
Dr_Willisidel,  check www.cups.org04:23
AdmXIs your connection Wired or Wireless04:23
idel:O thanks04:23
wthwwacbot: whats thweproblem?04:23
vfashanee: bei mir dauerst 10sek ca.04:23
troytroyricardo: try /etc/init.d/networking restart04:23
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AdmXAt term window what do you get when you type ifconfig04:24
acbotwthww: its odd.. the wireless device can send packets but it cant recieve them. i can also see the wireless network04:24
gyro54Lynoure: it all looked good up until the password.04:24
rr72Ok i thought it was just ubuntu and kubuntu, whats edubuntu and exubuntu?04:24
vfashanee: lass ma nach ubuntu-de wechseln04:24
Shaneevfa: still waiting for an answer from the gnome-cups-add dialog04:24
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wthwwacbot:what platfor? x86 man or64-bit?04:24
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dpuppquestion, can i take a notebook hard drive out of a system, pre set up dapper on the desktop,, and have dapper redetect everything once moved back into a laptop?04:25
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acbotwthww: x8604:25
ricardothanks troytroy I'll try it04:25
finalbetaAnyone how a tutorial on how to set up xgame in dapper?04:25
wthwwacbot: you should try ndsi wrapper. i had the same problem04:25
Lynouregyro54: I assume ubuntu by default assumesthe use of some gnome printer gui thingy (cannot tell more as I use kubuntu)04:25
orbin!edubuntu > rr7204:25
orbin!xubuntu > rr7204:25
Dr_Willisdpupp,  ya could. you may have to reconfigure the video and sound however.04:25
rr72kk kool ty04:25
dpuppthat wouldent be too hard i dont think... or would it?04:26
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acbotwthww: okay cool. i tried that too but got a similar problem.. have you got a good guide somewhere?04:26
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Lynouregyro54: but somewhere in the cups configuration files you can set who can have admin access to cups, and changing that could get you past the dialog04:26
aTypicalHello, Dr_Willis.  What channel do I know you from?  Are you a former Fedorian(?) or suser?04:26
Dr_Willisgyro54,  the web cups interface lets ya twiddle with settings and they wont take. (when you ahve to enter the name/pass) its fixable  --->  http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2117/04:26
wthwwacbot: no, but, iff your willing to pm, i can walk you through it and i have a good driver set04:26
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bobovskihi all04:27
Dr_WillisaTypical,  used suse and gentoo ages ago.04:27
acbotokay cool04:27
aTypicalMust be suse. :-)04:27
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bobovskican anyone tell me how to set up mt RWIN values upon boot?04:27
lhdsThe directory of kernel headers (version does not match your running kernel (version 2.6.15-26-386).  Even if the module were to compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel. what is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 04:27
acbotwthww: ill just sign in04:27
lhdswhat to do04:27
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gyro54Dr_Willis: Thanks I'll have a look04:27
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bobovskiI've changed it in /proc/sys/net/core, but after reboot it went back to what it was before04:27
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:28
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madnificentubotu: botsnack04:28
vinibaggioHi, I'm new to Linux and Ubuntu and I'm having trouble to use java-based applications. I'm trying to use jEdit but I can't type double quotes ("), only single quotes '. I'm using us-international keyboard layout...04:28
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lhdscmon you can help me out04:29
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lhdsThe directory of kernel headers (version does not match your running kernel (version 2.6.15-26-386).  Even if the module were to compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel. what is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 04:29
finalbetaAnyone how a tutorial on how to set up xgame in dapper?04:29
Orbit45244I'm having a bit of a problem again04:29
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idel^^ HP DeskJet 3940 Color inkjet printer, max. 4800x1200 dpi, works Mostly04:29
bobovskifound it, I thinik04:29
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madnificentvinibaggio: you can change the layout in gnome, and read where the characters are :)04:30
lhdsbrothers of true metal lets make it for once04:30
lhdslet hit and hit again04:30
madnificentvinibaggio: I'm not on ubuntu now, so it's a bit hard to help you04:30
lhdsshame on you madnificent ....04:30
Orbit45244My LiveCD totally worked until I upgraded RAM and a video card and now when I boot I get some message about power management and that I should install something and reboot. Help?04:30
madnificentvinibaggio: if that doesn't work, you can check which characters you get trough the command line (but that's evil)04:30
vinibaggiomadnificent: oops, I'm using KDE... Well all GTK and QT applications works with " as you can see :) only java applications. I have the same trouble with netbeans04:30
madnificentlhds: shame on acer04:30
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madnificentvinibaggio: eww, that's evil04:31
lhdsmy pc is an acer04:31
lhdsif we dont speak about the fan sounds and noises its very fine !04:31
g1g4nt1ci'm using xchat, Can I open two servers in xchat at the same time?04:31
vinibaggiomadnificent: I can't even try a hello world example without copying and pasting only....04:31
madnificentlhds: because acer creates laptops that fail in every aspect; so now I can only install an os that happens to be in the first 2cm (lucky guess) of the cd (and I only had a dvd with freebsd on it)04:31
AdmXDon't think so ...04:32
madnificentvinibaggio: did you try netbeans?04:32
madnificentvinibaggio: or does that give you the same problem04:32
g1g4nt1ci'm using xchat, Can I open two servers in xchat at the same time?04:32
vinibaggiomadnificent: yes, same problem04:32
madnificents/netbeans/eclipse !!04:32
Dr_Willisg1g4nt1c,  yes you can04:32
g1g4nt1cDr_Willis, how can i do that04:32
Dr_Willisg1g4nt1c,  dont confuse xchat-gnome with xchat.04:32
AdmXReally .....04:32
Dr_Willisg1g4nt1c,  go to the server list and connect.. :P04:32
django_g1g4nt1c, i would have told you that earlier, but that damn 1 looked like an l04:32
vinibaggiomadnificent: I didn't try eclipse.... Lemme check, but i think it will work04:32
dmsantamDr_Willis, Two _servers_ at the same time?04:32
django_and i only tab04:33
dmsantamDr_Willis, definitely two or more channels, but two servers?04:33
Dr_Willisdmsantam,  trivial....04:33
django_ya two servers04:33
madnificentvinibaggio: in that case, it doesn't solve your problem, but you can get further...04:33
django_i'm doing it now04:33
dmsantamDr_Willis, how?04:33
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django_unless i'm some sort of freakazoid04:33
Orbit45244how do I start the dbus system service and the messagebus system service?04:33
g1g4nt1cDr_Willis, yeah, two channels, but I can't manage to open two servers at the same time04:33
Dr_willis_Like this....04:33
madnificentvinibaggio: maybe you need to install an other java vm . . . (the official one might work)04:33
Dr_Willisg1g4nt1c,  you can have a dozen plus servers going04:33
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dmsantamDr_Willis, _how_04:34
Dr_Willisyou guys are making it way too complex.. its trivial. :P04:34
vinibaggiomadnificent: I dont think i have many choices, but I think it will work since its GTK... Only Swing (or the kit jedit and netbeans uses)04:34
=== g1g4nt1c_ [n=johan@d515320A5.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
dmsantamDr_Willis, you mean by opening more than one instance?04:34
Dr_WillisGO to the xchat/server list... select a different server.. select connect04:34
vinibaggiomadnificent: Thats a possibility, I'm using sun's04:34
g1g4nt1cdmsantam, I think he means that04:34
=== alleyoopster [n=alleyoop@d80-170-42-170.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
AdmXHow, by opening more than one xchat cleint ??04:34
Dr_Willisi do NOT mean run xchat again04:34
dmsantamg1g4nt1c, i hope not.04:34
madnificentvinibaggio: hmmm, suns should work :)04:34
Dr_Willisi just did it.. see dr_willis_ ?04:34
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Dr_willis_byee to the clone.04:34
dmsantamDr_Willis, why aren't you mentioning how?04:34
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Dr_Willisdmsantam,  i have 3 times now ----> GO to the xchat/server list... select a different server.. select connect04:35
django_dmsantam, he did04:35
dmsantamahh ok, thanks04:35
django_and it's so easy, it's ridiculous to even ask04:35
Dr_Willisdjango_,  :P04:35
ricardoThanks troytroy the command you gave me (/etc/init.d/networking restart) seems to have fixed the problem. THANKS!!!!04:35
=== jimmy89 [n=james@dsl-220-235-227-48.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Orbit45244how do I start the dbus system service and the messagebus system service?04:35
Dr_Willisdjango_,  perhaps they are ex mirc users. :P04:35
dmsantamDr_Willis, perhaps not04:36
django_Dr_Willis, or worse, current ones on wine04:36
django_ricardo, haha that's a good little command04:36
AdmXcool ..... :)04:36
jimmy89hey guys, what program can i use to extract the .part files eg .00 .01 etc04:36
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vinibaggiomadnificent: Ok, eclipse works, thanks! But well.... The problem is veeeery weird04:36
dmsantamOrbit45244, /etc/init.d/dbus restart04:36
g1g4nt1cxchat-gnome doesn't support multiple server use I think, Dr_Willis04:36
django_jimmy89, rar .. those are rar files, aren't they?04:36
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Orbit45244dmsantam: I'm on a live CD.04:37
dmsantamOrbit45244, oh, damn :)04:37
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madnificentvinibaggio: you can get further... I do wonder what the problem is (maybe a configuration here or there)04:37
g1g4nt1cxchat-gnome doesn't support multiple server use I think, dmsantam04:37
Dr_Willisg1g4nt1c,  i said earlier to not confse the 2.. use xchat2.  not xchat-gnome04:37
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AdmXI'm on 2600net and FreeNode right now.04:37
dmsantamg1g4nt1c, perhaps you're right04:37
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AdmXUsing Xchat04:37
=== dmsantam doesn't know
g1g4nt1cstupid xchat-gnome :-d04:38
vinibaggiomadnificent: Can you tell me so I can investigate?04:38
Dr_Willisxchat-gnome - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client04:38
Dr_Willisxchat - IRC client for X similar to AmIRC04:38
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=== Dr_Willis thinks xchat-gnome should be removed. :P heh
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madnificentvinibaggio: I honoustly can't tell you... there must be some configuration file conserning java... but I don't know where it is, and what is in it... so...04:39
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vinibaggiomadnificent: Ok, no problem, thanks!04:39
fjellREV1Can anyone hand me a link to dapper live cd ?04:39
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:40
django_xchat-gnome is an abomination04:40
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madnificentvinibaggio: np04:40
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naknomikwhen I run apt-get dist-upgrade, I get a message that following packages have been kept back, what does this mean?04:41
madnificentnaknomik: didn't know that was possible with an apt-get dist-upgrade (with ap-get update && apt-get upgrade it is)04:42
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madnificentnaknomik: check the man page to be sure man apt (I think)04:42
madnificentnaknomik: search for kept back in there04:42
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naknomikmadnificent, there's no text 'kept back' in the manual for apt-get04:43
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bobovskiOK, I'm stuck after all. Whenever I adjust my RWIN settings, the change doesn't take place, according to speedguide.net. Has anyone had trouble getting sysctl to update before?04:44
fjellREV1Is there actually a LiveCD for Dapper ?04:44
jimmy89django_: what program should i use to unrar files?04:44
bobovskimoreover, is there another service out there that analyzes tcp settings?04:44
madnificentnaknomik: that was my only guess :)04:44
avufjellrev1: yes, it's called 'desktop CD'04:44
erUSULfjellREV1: yes, of course, the desktop cd is a livecd04:44
avujimmy89: unrar :)04:44
django_jimmy89, i think there is a gnu unrar04:44
avujimmy89: once unrar is installed, you can even use nautilus to unrar04:45
naknomikany apt experts here? or should I go to #debian?04:45
fjellREV1aha,thanks for clearing that out for me04:45
avunaknomik: that means apt-get could not resolve some dependency issues04:45
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jimmy89where do i find this?04:45
avunaknomik: try aptitute instead04:45
erUSUL!sources > jimmy8904:45
erUSUL!synaptic > jimmy8904:45
avunaknomik: aptitude that is04:45
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zenmonkjimmy89: I think easyubuntu has scripts that will enable rars (see http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/overview.html)04:46
avunaknomik: (sudo aptitude dist-upgrade)04:46
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avunaknomik: it should make a suggestion on how to resolve this04:46
Orbit45244jimmy89: you can also use WinRAR for Linux04:46
django_yeah aptitude should be pushed04:46
jimmy89there is winrar for linux04:46
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jimmy89that would do fine04:46
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avudjango_: yeah, it's clearly superior in most (althtough not in all) cases04:46
Orbit45244rarlabs.com > Download > WinRAR for Linux04:47
avuwtf :)04:47
avuyou don't want that.04:47
jimmy89rofl, what do i want unrar?04:47
naknomikavu: What's the difference between apt-get and aptitude?04:47
orbinwinrar for linux is trial only iirc04:47
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django_avu, well mostly for the removal of unneeded dependencies04:47
django_i wish apt just did that04:48
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frying_fishjimmy89: just enable multiverse and there is unrar and the rarlabs version in there already04:48
avunaknomik: well, for one it activly helps you resolve dependency issues :)04:48
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:49
jimmy89yeah im getting unrar atm04:49
avunaknomik: you can use it just like apt-get04:49
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avunaknomik: (except for build-dep, unfortunatly)04:49
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jimmy89hmm, no progress bar for unraring ?04:50
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ubotuBoot options: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a bootfloppy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto04:50
wheels3572!bum > wheels357204:50
fjellREV1is there an easy to use burning program for console?04:50
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wthww_acbot,u alright04:50
Ambimomdoes anyone here use skype for linux? does your skypeout work?04:50
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acbotwthww_ hey04:51
wthwwsorry,my internet cut out04:51
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offroadgeekis there a way to change kernel options before it's installed via the dapper dvd installation process?04:51
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=== Ambimom wonders if anyone is moderating?
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avuoffroadgeek: you can go into the menu.lst and change the kernel command line (which i assume you mean by kernel options) before the installer does its reboot04:52
offroadgeekyes, the dvd install disk (downloaded)04:52
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frogzoooffroadgeek: you pass them to the installer's kernel from the prompt 'linux noacpi etc etc'04:53
avuoffroadgeek: the new installation is mounted under /target IIRC04:53
nikinmaybe i am blind.. i have just seen CD04:53
avunikin: you are (blind) :)04:53
nikinavu: tj04:53
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jimmy89ty guys unrar worked well04:53
avunikin: the dvd is just the desktop and alternative CDs combined, thuogh04:53
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gyro54thanks all for your help04:53
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nikinavu: and where can i download that? i have just seen CD-s on the europen mirrors04:54
dreamthiefhey guys, does anybody of you know how to combine two single gigabit-ethernet connections to a "trunk", so that I have a redundand 2-gigabit connection that is reachable by a single ip-address ?04:54
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Ambimom@dreamthief:  you can use grabit on ubuntu?04:55
nikin2 mac adresses with one IP?04:55
uniqdreamthief: yes you can.04:55
dreamthiefyess, you need a switch which supports port-trunking ...04:55
Ambimomdo you need wine to use grabit?04:55
dreamthiefi have one04:55
avunikin: http://ie.releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/6.06/release/ is one of the europen mirrors carrying the dvd04:56
avunikin: it's not on every mirror04:56
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bbrazildreamthief: if you poke around in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ there's an option for it iirc04:56
dreamthiefokay, thank you *g*04:56
Paddy_EIREhey guys I have just boot from a dapper livecd, i have a 60gig drive with ubuntu already on it... My problem is my windows drive died taking the bootloader and 20 odd gig of music with it  :( .. How can i quickly put the grub bootloader back on and get back to working in my reasonably well setup ubuntu system?04:56
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nikinavu: i used this site to download stuff: http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/?C=S;O=A04:57
ubotuI know nothing about dbus - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu04:57
nikinbut thanx :D i will download it tomorrow04:57
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:57
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frogzoodreamthief: you mean something like this: http://www.devco.net/archives/2004/11/26/linux_ethernet_bonding.php04:57
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avupaddy_eire: from the live CD: mount your ubuntu install, "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/your/ubuntu/root /dev/hda"04:58
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frogzoodreamthief: from the looks of things, you want ifenslave2.604:59
avupaddy_eire: assuming hda is your main hdd and you want to install grub to the mbr04:59
finalbetais their a place to follow edgy? see what it will be, what's done?04:59
frogzoofinalbeta: #ubuntu+1 ?04:59
Paddy_EIREavu i get errors when mounting this drive just like the first time i tried to install04:59
finalbetafrogzoo, thnx04:59
nikinfrogzoo: can i do this with every kind of network adapters? like an USB hub with 4x 120Mbps Wlanadapters?04:59
avupaddy_eire: what errors?04:59
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thinhanyone know how to redo the sharing ?05:00
finalbetafrogzoo, got a website 2? :p05:00
Paddy_EIREerror: device /dev/hdc1 is not removable05:00
Paddy_EIREerror: could not execute pmount05:00
dreamthieffrogzoo, your the best ;)05:00
thinhi am trying to connect linux to linux ?05:00
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avupaddy_eire: what exact command did you enter to get this error?05:00
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Paddy_EIREclicked the drive05:00
ArcAnge1is there someone here who can help me with an installation problem of ubuntu05:00
avupaddy_eire: open a terminal, do 'sudo mount /dev/hdc1 /mnt'05:01
dreamthiefand yes, I mean something like that05:01
nikinthinh: samba shares?05:01
offroadgeekfrogzoo:  I don't think I asked the right question05:01
avupaddy_eire: (you are sure hdc1 is the ubuntu root, right?)05:01
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Paddy_EIREavu yeah thats it05:01
synicArcAnge1: just ask your question.05:01
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avupaddy_eire: ok, did that command execute without error?05:02
offroadgeekfrogzoo:  I'm wondering if during the installation process (dvd/cd, whatever), can I change the kernel options (same as modifying .config before building a custom kernel)?05:02
Paddy_EIREno error05:02
avupaddy_eire: then, in the same terminal, do 'grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/hda'05:02
offroadgeekfrogzoo:  that way the kernel that is installed already has the options I want, without having to build a custom kernel after05:02
TheMoebiusI want to make a launcher for running kate as root. how can I get that gnome root password prompt (or the kde one)? Whats the gui version of sudo?05:02
avupaddy_eire: or, maybe /dev/hdc at the end05:02
avupaddy_eire: the last argument says, where the grub boot manager is installed.05:03
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avupaddy_eire: in most cases, that's the mbr of the first drive, so hda is often right05:03
Paddy_EIRE<avu> rm: cannot remove `/mnt/boot/grub/stage1': Permission denied05:03
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avupaddy_eire: oh, forgot the sudo, sorry05:03
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avupaddy_eire: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/hda05:04
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Paddy_EIREavu silly me i didnt even notice05:04
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Paddy_EIREavu where could i paste the output for u05:05
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:05
avupaddy_eire: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/05:05
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ArcAnge1i have downloaded the iso from the ubuntu site burned it to cd and tryd it from cd and i liked it so i choose the installer from the desktop but at the end of the install i get the message that the installer crashed05:05
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer05:05
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.05:05
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nikinis the build-essential package inclooded on one of the CD-s? its not on the live cd05:06
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avunikin: it isn't05:06
RichardUKubuntu 5.10 won't seem to run any shell scripts.  i double click on them and select Run, but the program never runs.05:06
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thinhwhat is the manual command to connect to another linux box setting up nfs sharing?05:06
Paddy_EIREavu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1977705:07
nikinavu: then what should i do, i have a wlancard and drivers are in source format, and without it i cant connect to internet...05:07
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mineraleI made two orders for cds, one was approved but the other was rejected, why is that ?05:07
thinhor how do u connect to another linux box, i have a sharing setup i can ping the other linux box05:07
ArcAnge1i hope someone can help me with it......05:07
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avupaddy_eire: ok, looks good, try rebooting. if everything went as well as I think it did, you should get your grub.05:07
avupaddy_eire: if not, check your BIOS settings05:08
Paddy_EIREavu nice one mate05:08
orbinRichardUK: can you run them in a terminal?05:08
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hyperstreamhello, ive just installed a new wireless adapter. and used ndiswrapper to install the windows INF, install correctly iwconfig shows ra0 etc.. i using the gnome manager and trying to enable wep, (key being on the router: 123ABC1233 (64bit)) any ideas to why it wont assign a ip4 ipaddress etc05:08
thinhwhen i run network server all i see is windows network05:08
avunikin: you could burn a CD with the packages on another computer05:08
avunikin: I think I saw a HOWTO for something like that a while ago05:08
avunikin: let me check to see if I can find it05:09
thinhavu u there?05:09
RichardUKorbin: they don't run in terminal either.  you run them simply by typign the name of the shell script without the .sh extension, am i correct?05:09
void^RichardUK: you cannot omit parts of the filename.05:09
wthwwhyperstream: ive never gotten encryption to work onmine, i justlock my router by the mac address05:09
Dr_Willissh whatever.sh05:10
nikinwthww: you want WPA?05:10
frogzoonikin: ethernet bonding is limited to ethernet only, afaik05:10
orbinRichardUK: there ya go, thanks Dr_Willis , void^05:10
avunikin: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/07/08/installing-packages-on-computers-with-slow-connections-redux/ might help05:10
wthwwnilkin:nope, just wep05:10
avunikin: (if not, the article linked at the beginning might)05:10
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thinhanyone have a fix for nvidia ? everytime i halt ot reboot the screen goes blank bu it is shutting down in the back ground05:10
avuthinh: yeah. you want to mount a nfs share, right?05:11
avuoh, another problem already. :)05:11
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avuthinh: please use the channel to communicate with me05:11
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RichardUK error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:11
WarboWINE won't die, is there any way of killing it besides -s KILL?05:12
cowmilk. i want to get ipod support on gpodder. http://perli.net/projekte/gpodder/dependencies.html says that one of the required files, python-gpod, is available in ubuntu's repo, but it's not.05:12
thinhi am trying to connect to another linux box05:12
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avuthinh: has the other linux bos a nfs server ready set up?05:12
thinhi have nfs sharing enable and can pink my other box05:12
RichardUKi'm stuck :(05:12
thinhthat i dont know05:12
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avuthinh: are you the admin of both boxen?05:12
thinhwhen i use nautulis right click share folder it did install some files05:12
cowmilkthat same page gives instructions on how to get python-gpod, but when i install the depends, it says one filel,ibfreetype6-dev, is "broken".05:12
void^!info libstdc++505:13
ubotulibstdc++5: The GNU Standard C++ Library v3. In repository main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.6-10 (dapper), package size 288 kB, installed size 848 kB05:13
void^^ RichardUK05:13
knoppix_hi guys, can anyone tell me how to wipe the partition data from a hard disc, so that it's as new?05:13
thinhi am log in as a normal user05:13
avuthinh: Well. I can help you set up NFS vi the command line. I don't know how to do it via GNOME, though.05:13
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:13
wthwwyou know, i have to give the ubuntu community something, my mother made it through an ubuntu install all by herself... and she couldnt even install windows! its to easy :P05:13
Warboknoppix_: To completely blank a drive you could cat /dev/zero > /dev/devicename05:13
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thinhi c05:14
avuthinh: oh, and, yeah, what dr_willis made ubotu say :)05:14
knoppix_warbe, thanks, I'll try that05:14
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guemany idea what this is: "psmouse.c: Wheel Mouse at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 3 bytes away"05:14
thinhis there anyway i can get back the share samba function for nautilus?05:14
thinhi dont get that functionality once i enable nfs05:14
Warboguem: Do you have a serial mouse on an ISA interface?05:15
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guemWarbo: usb mouse on ps/2 port05:15
Warboguem: If you do then it sounds like it lost track of the mouse for a bit, and has tried to catch up with it05:15
avuthinh: if enabling NFS really is what disabled samba, that's a bug I think. I have a hard time believing that, though.05:15
nikinavu: it will help me out... thx05:16
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RichardUKthanks everybody05:16
TheMoebiushow can I get one package from edgy if I don't want to completely upgrade  to edgy?05:16
guemWarbo: my mouse goes real "crazy" when this thing occurs.. it happens once every 2 hours or so05:16
thinhi cant select that option no more05:16
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Warboguem: Oh, then that seems to be the furthest thing from yours (PS/2 port is probably handled by PCI somewhere down the line)05:16
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WarboTheMoebius: packages.ubuntu.com05:16
slavikany ideas on why the ubuntu install would fail with setting up the partitioner at 50%?05:17
thinhwhen i right click in nautilus under share folders the only option to choose is nfs, but when i did it first time it gave me the option to share using samba05:17
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nikinslavik: SATA2?05:17
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WarboI found the installer crashed, and it asked me to send an error report. It turned out I had the filesystems it was trying to format mounted. I unmounted and restarted the installer and it worked05:17
nikinthinh: there is a program in System menu, called shared folders, try that05:18
hyperstreamhello, ive just installed a new wireless adapter. and used ndiswrapper to install the windows INF, install correctly iwconfig shows ra0 etc.. i using the gnome manager and trying to enable wep, (key being on the router: 123ABC1233 (64bit)) any ideas to why it wont assign a ip4 ipaddress etc05:18
hyperstreamive had wpa_supp working05:18
hyperstreambut my router is being lameish05:18
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hyperstreamanyway i can tell gnome to use 64bit05:18
hyperstream i think thats the issue05:18
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slaviknikin: sATA105:18
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slaviknikin: is it the missing libata?05:19
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thinhi tried doesnt give me choice to share anothing besides nfs05:19
thinhor remove05:19
slavikI even tried the edgy 8/3 daily build and that didn't even get to the desktop05:19
BeBrawcan you configure ubuntu to open certain programs on certain workspaces on startup?05:19
slavikburning the knot1 cd right now05:19
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nikinthinh: reinstalling samba?05:19
frogzooTheMoebius: it's pretty unlikely an edgy package will run - you'd be best to build from source if you absolutely must have it05:19
nikinslavik: dunno05:19
WarboCan anybody tell me how to kill "/usr/bin/../lib/../bin/wine-pthread winecfg.exe" (which in itself seems really dodgy), since kill -s KILL won't do it?05:19
mineraleHi, could someone tell me what the name of the 'effect' that apperas when you launch or minimise or maximise windows: it's a shadow effect of the border growing and minimising...05:19
frogzooWarbo: wineserver -k ?05:20
WarboBeBraw: E16 window manager can remember the location of windows, but I don't think metacity can05:20
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BeBrawWarbo: can gnome do it?05:20
Warbofrogzoo: Nope :(05:20
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frogzooWarbo: wineboot ?05:21
WarboBeBraw: Metacity is GNOME's window manager, so I don't think so05:21
frogzooWarbo: xkill ?05:21
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BeBrawWarbo: alright. thanks05:21
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Warbo1) Looks like wineboot has crashed as well, 2) No window to kill since it didn't get as far as appearing05:22
RaitoWhy do I not have write access as a user on this partition? Here is my fstab line '/dev/sda7       /home/sokuban/.vba ext3 defaults,user   0       0' I made sure to mount it as a user but I still can't write as a user05:22
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WarboBeBraw: I use E16 in GNOME by the way, but it's a bit of a big change just to get windows to open on certain workspaces05:22
WarboRaito: Do you have permissions on the directory it is mounted to?05:23
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BeBrawyup. it would be a timesaver but not worth the hassle atm. thanks for help :)05:23
thinhi have nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server running05:23
frogzooRaito: now it's mounted - it's reading the permissions from the ext file system - you want sudo chown, or sudo chmod05:23
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flodineanyone running openbox and gnome with ubuntu05:24
WarboCan someone please open winecfg and tell me the name of the theme selector in Desktop Integration please? (mine has crashed and I'm updating the Wiki)05:24
wthwwacbot: any luck?05:24
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RaitoI believe I have permissions for my own /home I guess I should delete the /.vba directory and remake it as a user?05:24
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Raito(does not know how to use chown or chmod)05:25
WarboRaito: Maybe, or chmod it now05:25
Warbo"man chmod"05:25
Dr_Willisman pages are our friends05:25
frogzooWarbo: it says "install theme"05:25
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Warbofrogzoo: I mean the popup/down menu thing05:25
Warbo(the theme is already installed)05:25
frogzooWarbo: Theme:05:25
Warbofrogzoo: Cheers05:26
frogzooWarbo: Appearance Theme:05:26
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britishseapowerHave been very impressed with Ubuntu, like the way it picked up my el cheapo PCI wifi card without additional drivers.05:27
orbinfirst distro britishseapower ?05:28
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britishseapowerbeen a gentoo man for a while.05:28
Raitoalright, I did it with chown, I think this might work05:28
TheMoebiusfrogzoo: OK, to put this case in specific context, dapper has libdevil-1.6.7-4 but there are some bugs that were fixed in 1.6.7-5 which is in edgy. if I download the deb for that will it work?05:28
Raitoyep, thanks05:29
britishseapowerbut in my experience wifi cards havent been well supported in the past...so was pleasantly surprised that it appeared without any hastles !05:29
wthwwACBOT!: did it work :P ?05:29
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nikinbritshse: i had the same, but my better wifi card isnt supported, and i realy dont know why is my noname supported05:30
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Warbobritishseapower: Gentoo might support the same Wifi cards as Ubuntu, but it's a hell of a job to get anything to work in Gentoo anyway :)05:31
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orbinnikin: use tab-complete ;)05:31
TheMoebiusWarbo: oh, be fair.05:31
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frogzooTheMoebius: maybe05:31
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TheMoebiusfrogzoo: is it dangerous to try?05:32
unfunWhy does my connection time out when I'm not using my computer? when I'm downloading something wich takes hours I go out and when I come back the connection has timed out?05:32
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acbotwthww: no sorry :( i can see the device as attached to the router  but no connection05:32
Warbounfun: Dialup?05:32
frogzooTheMoebius: just the one deb - you should be ok to try05:32
wthwwacbot: are you trying to use encryption?05:32
wthwwacbot: like a wep key?05:32
unfunI use broadband, this problem occured after me reformated ubuntu05:33
britishseapowerI've seen an option for a "server" install - what's this, what does it do...I might be interested in it as I want to build a headless server.05:33
nikinwep is working by me05:33
acbotwthww: i am but i get the same results even when its disabled05:33
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frogzooTheMoebius: but whatever you do, don't change your repos to edgy, that would spell disaster05:33
wthwwacbot: hmmmm05:33
wthwwnikin: i cant get it to work on my cards with ndiswrapper05:33
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Warbounfun: Oh, just that dialup tends to cut out occasionally, and I have found that internal modems (like SmartLink) don't realise when the connection has dropped, so they can't redial automatically05:33
orbinbritishseapower: minimal install ... no X/gnome iirc05:34
RaitoI have a question about scripts, a script is basically a set of commands right? So I can just make a script, make it executable, put it in /usr/bin then whenever I type its name it executes?05:34
nikinmy card is supported without ndiswrapper05:34
stefgbritishseapower: Tht's wat you'll prolly eant :-)05:34
wthwwnikin: most my cards are broadcom 43xx05:34
stefgbritishseapower: That's wat you'll prolly want :-) (Omg, my typing :-( )05:34
wthwwandalli can use is ndis wrapper05:34
dragonfirei'm trying to mount a smb share, but the problem is my share name contains a space in the address, and i cannot change the share name05:34
WarboRaito: 1) Put it in /usr/loca/bin (it is neater that way) 2) You need to tell it what to open with, so the first line should be something like "#!/bin/bash"05:34
frogzooRaito: many of the stock commands run just that way - including firefox05:35
orbinbreathe stefg breathe :)05:35
nikini have a Bluetake B001-R or something like hat05:35
unfunwarbo what should I do about the problem?05:35
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Warbounfun: I don't know sorry :(05:35
RaitoWell what is #!/bin/bash? Is that the normal terminal stuff?05:35
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britishseapowerbut can i ssh into it ?05:35
unfunbah, thanks anyway05:35
britishseapowerwithout a screen i mean05:35
wthwwnikin:the broadcom cards arnt supported very well05:35
nikinbut i ame still searching for an old card with a chipset that is supported by most Distros without ndiswrapper05:35
frogzooRaito: it instructs the link to use that as an interpreter05:35
wthwwnikin: wavelan!05:36
WarboRaito: That tells it to open with /bin/bash (the shell). Python scripts should start with "#!/usr/bin/python", etc.05:36
=== stefg is trying to type one-handed while eating a sandwich... breathing that in will make him cough and give a mess all over the keyboard
CLibraHi can I ask a question about Ubuntu?05:36
dragonfirecan some one please tell me how to resolve a space, such as the web resolution for a space character is %2005:36
nikinwthwW: wawelan?05:36
avuclibra: sure, shoot :)05:36
frogzooCLibra: go ahead05:36
orbinstefg: :)05:36
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RaitoI think I know bash right? the basic terminal commands I know are bash right? Also what permissions do I need?05:36
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wthwwnikin:the wifi chipset that started it all.it is the most widely supported in my experience05:36
CLibraIf I order one CD, will I be able to install on multiple machines, or will it be like Windows and Mac OSX, only one CD per machine?05:36
avuclibra: you can install on as many computers as you want05:37
WarboRaito: Yes, bash is the normal terminal shell. I use "chmod u+x filename" to make it executable for the user (I htink)05:37
frogzooRaito: to run, a script needs read & execute permission05:37
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avuclibra: you can even copy the CD and give it to all your friends :)05:37
avudamn :)05:37
dEn_hi guys . when i give the top command i get a process called watchdog. But i cant any documentation on it . What is this process for .Its pid is always 305:37
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frogzoothat was short and  sweet05:37
RaitoI am going to try it now05:37
britishseapowerwavelan doesn't work for me ??05:38
matt0440i am running linux and i just bought windows xp. how can i boot xp? because it is not booting on startup????05:38
wthwwbritishseapower: you have a wavelan chipset?05:38
wthwwbritishseapower:and it doesnt work?05:38
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unfunWhat should I install to get my sound to work?05:39
shawnr_i've read that the 32bit ver of firefox under ubuntu 64 looks like crap, somthing about it using old gtk libs... anyone know anything about this?05:39
ideldEn_: http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/watchdog.htm05:39
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Raitowow! scripts are nice, it doesn't even show the terminal05:39
stefg!info watchdog05:39
ubotuwatchdog: software watchdog. In repository universe, is extra. Version 5.2.4-5 (dapper), package size 55 kB, installed size 240 kB05:39
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ubotuIf sound is not working, first try system -> prefrences -> multimedia system selector change it to alsa. If you still have problems then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems05:39
wasabimatt, you need to install linux second, or repair it with a live cd or something.05:39
britishseapoweri mean the app05:39
britishseapoweroh...sorry wavemon05:39
wasabimatt, windows MUST be on the first partition on the disk.05:39
dEn_thanks idel05:39
=== hyperstream [n=hyperstr@static-203-87-30-137.qld.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Raitobefore I used a launcher but the terminal kept coming up05:39
britishseapoweri meant wavemon, doesnt work for my wifi card05:39
Jincasthey everyone05:39
wasabimatt, Also, when you install it, it will overwrite the MBR without giving you an option to do otherwise. That will remove the Grub boot menu.05:39
matt0440is there a code i can type in the terminal to boot the cd?05:39
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wasabiUh. No.05:39
dEn_do i need antivirus with linux. if so is there any thing as easy as Nortan with a gui05:39
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wthwwbritishseapower: wavelan was like, the original 802.11b chipset widely available05:40
nikini have to get such a card somewhere, its like a nirvana for me :D05:40
shawnr_i've read that the 32bit ver of firefox under ubuntu 64 looks like crap, somthing about it using old gtk libs... anyone know anything about this?05:40
TheMoebiusfrogzoo: OK, it depends on a newer version of libc6 which depends on a newer version of locales, but thats as far as the chain goes i think. what do you think, is something as crucial as libc6 safe to upgrade?05:40
wasabiAlso, unless you plan, it's going to wipe out Linux.05:40
wasabiIt gives no choice whatsoever to multiboot.05:40
avuden_: you don't need antivirus software with linux05:40
frogzooTheMoebius: no no and NO05:40
stefgdEn_: no need for antivirus. Only if you want to scan mail for win-malware05:40
tomveensyou can get anti-virus software but you don't need it05:40
TheMoebiusfrogzoo: hehe ok then05:40
frogzooTheMoebius: don't go there, don't even think it :)05:40
wthwwnikin: specifically, you want a "wavelan gold"05:40
dEn_why dont virus's attack linux ?05:41
brotakulhi people. the problem is that my ubuntu show the whole name of my folders. so for the long titles they look like 2-3 inch long :). how can i make it use "..." after a number of characters so the title of the folders to be shorter?05:41
nikinwhy i want gold?05:41
wasabiBecause nobody writes them.05:41
wasabiSomeday. ;)05:41
MilkyHello! When I boot the computer it halts at "mounting root file system"05:41
idelbut there are antivirus that work with linux05:41
avuden_: some say it's because linux does not have enough users yet to be interesting to virus authors05:41
nikinthats something special?05:41
tomveensit gets attacked but there are fixes05:41
wthwwnikin: it has all features, ie, wep support :P05:41
wasabiidle, usually only for scanning files, not memory.05:41
idelthose are for windows use?05:41
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wasabiidel, of for scanning files/mail to be used by windows.05:41
wthwwnikinL basically better firmware05:41
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tomveensaegis is a virus-scanner05:41
stefgMilky: what kind of CPU?05:41
wasabiidel, from a server prospective.05:41
nikinone of my frients has a lucent card05:41
cowmilkhow do i know if i am using python 4 or python 3?05:42
Milkystefg, athlonx xp 3000+05:42
dEn_avu: can youl recomend one with a gui05:42
Dr_Willispython --version05:42
britishseapoweranyone know about wavemon on here05:42
avuden_: as I said, you do not need antivirus software.05:42
wthwwnikin: also, you can use wavelan cards in macs doiwn to os 7.005:42
stefgMilky: welcome to the club... it's a bug. But teh good news is, that it's not halting, it just waits about 30 secs05:42
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idelok, linux dont care viruses, is just for windows clients?05:42
cowmilkDr4g:  that's an unknown command05:42
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Milkystefg, waited longer than that I think05:43
unfunWhy doesn't my sound work after reformating ubuntu?05:43
frogzoodEn_: linux generally has a better security model, and vulnerabilities get patched promptly05:43
britishseapowerwhen i try to run it i get "fatal error: could not get range iformation"?05:43
tomveensuse linux? do not use virus-scanner? you use linux!05:43
Warbounfun: Sounds like you shouldn't have reformatted :)05:43
dEn_avu : okay.  i want to know . ive scanned all my ports and they are closed . does  that mean my machine is secure.05:43
Milkystefg, but why does it happen05:43
stefgMilky:  would you be so kind to add a comment to https://launchpad.net/bugs/4818605:43
avuidel: yeah. my mailservers scan for viruses. not to protect themselfes but to protect the windows users behind them. :)05:43
shawnr_Is there a ubuntu64bit channel?05:43
frogzoocowmilk: python05:43
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tomveenssearch freenode for it05:43
brotakulhi people. the problem is that my ubuntu show the whole name of my folders. so for the long titles they look like 2-3 inch long :). how can i make it use "..." after a number of characters so the title of the folders to be shorter?05:43
avuden_: keep your box up to date and it will be secure, yes05:44
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wasabibrotakul: Don't think you can.05:44
dragonfirewhen i run the command mount //server/disk 1 /mountpoint, it tells me that the mount point "1" cannot be found05:44
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dpuppGot a question i just got done installing linux on a hdd and moved that hdd to another machine... its comeing back as xorg.conf05:44
idel:O I like viruses, the sound that antivirus make when found one ... :'(05:44
wthwwnikin: you can get them off of ebay relatively cheaply, so dontpay a high price05:44
wasabibrotakul: In List View, it doesn't show them. ;)05:44
Warbodragonfire: Use a backslash before the space05:44
avuden_: (as secure as a computer these days can be, that is ;))05:44
brotakulyeb but in folder view it does :P05:44
dragonfireok thanks05:44
wasabiThere will be linux virus someday. Just nobody really cares yet.05:44
nikinwthww: i think 1000 Ft its about 3,5 Eurs isnt to much :D05:44
hyperstreamhello, ive just installed a new wireless adapter. and used ndiswrapper to install the windows INF, install correctly iwconfig shows ra0 etc.. i using the gnome manager and trying to enable wep, (key being on the router: 123ABC1233 (64bit)) any ideas to why it wont assign a ip4 ipaddress etc05:44
tomveensbrotakul,  maybe find config of nautilus in gconf-editor05:44
hyperstreamive had wpa_supp working05:44
hyperstreambut my router is being lameish05:44
avuwasabi: there already are linux viruses05:45
Bazziwasabi: on the contrary, people do care yet.05:45
Warbodpupp: Run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in a console05:45
hyperstreamanyway i can tell gnome to use 64bit i think this is the issue05:45
wthwwnikin: lol05:45
dEn_avu: thanks .  guys this is a general question . I have a laptop and i need to know how long can i keep it running without a reboot without inviting any trouble05:45
stefgMilky: read my bugreport https://launchpad.net/bugs/48186 and add a lscpi -vv and dmesg log of your machine as well. I'm quite disappointed that it's still 'unconfirmed'05:45
wasabiSure. I mean, mass user stuff. Mail client vulns, browser vulns, etc.05:45
dpuppWarbo, will do. brb.05:45
shawnr_tomvee, gentoo and debian have one. why doesn't ubuntu ;(05:45
Milkystefg, okey will do that05:45
Bazziwasabi: SELinux etc exist... and RedHat wants to push them...05:45
avuden_: I reboot my laptop only when installing a new kernel.05:45
tomveensyou don't need one05:45
wasabiBazzi: Yeah, but they're not widly deployed at all yet.05:45
Milkybut stefg, I think I waited a few mins or so and still no-go.05:45
tomveensyou can have one05:45
wthwwnikin: theres some on ebay for 31$USD-- but this should be in #ubuntu-offtopic05:45
dragonfirethanks alot something that small can break a whole process05:46
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tomveensif it makes you feel better05:46
wasabiBazzi: Until they gain traction, we're just as "open" as windows.05:46
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avuden_: (it's in sleep often, of course, but never really off)05:46
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nikinwthww: just lets hope its a wavelan card... i know that is made by Lucent Technologies and can  802.11b and wep, but no WPA05:46
stefgMilky: what type of FS do you use for root?05:46
shawnr_i've read that the 32bit ver of firefox under ubuntu 64 looks like crap, somthing about it using old gtk libs... anyone know anything about this?05:46
cowmilkfrogzoo: thanks.05:46
dEn_avu:  what kind of uptime do u have. cause when i run it for two days the air blown out of the fan is really hot . i got an intel mobile centrino and an acer aspire05:46
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Bazziwasabi: I expect edgy+1 to contain all this stuff.05:46
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Milkystefg, ext305:46
mineraleHi, could someone tell me what the name of the 'effect' that apperas when you launch or minimise or maximise windows: it's a shadow effect of the border growing and minimising...05:46
dEn_avu: besides the mouse pad gets really  hot.05:46
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avuden_: a few month at best, kernel security upgrades tend to come quite often these days05:47
idelfew month?05:47
avuden_: you mean really running, no sleep then?05:47
Dr_Willisminerale,  and you want to disable it?05:47
avuden_: that's a different kind of animal :)05:47
mineraledr_willis: yes05:47
mehereni just bought a guitar and am trying to teach myself to play without paying for lessons... are there any programs that will help? or any programs that at least teach me the notes?05:47
Dr_Willisminerale,  not seen an easy way :(05:47
nikinwthww: i try to find some in hungary, coz shipping cost can be very high05:47
dEn_avu: hmm well i suppose it sleeps for 8 hours a day05:47
meheren*to read notes05:47
avuden_: you have to ask someone who knows your hardware. I only use apple for laptops :(05:47
nikinbut i try to get 3-4 pcs but this is realy end coz its offtopic05:48
mineraledr_willis: but before I start asking, what's it named, who manages it? metacity?05:48
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dEn_avu : okay . but i guess its the same :( god i wish i had an apple , thats the next one i am going to get.05:48
Dr_Willisminerale,  yes05:48
=== cowmilk [n=ubunt2+x@S0106000f66308462.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cowmilk i'm on step 6 (http://perli.net/projekte/gpodder/dependencies.html), which is "run make". how exactly do i run make?05:48
stefgMilky: hmmm, that might affect it. you can try the following options: 1:) add acpi=off to the boot parameters 2.) remove 'quiet splash' from the boot-parameters. 3.) unplug your CD-rom (nahhh, this isn't Starforce copy protection :-) )05:48
_Spire_can anyone help me? it seems that something's wrong with gconf. it complains about missing schemas.05:48
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ideldEn_: maybe disabling some services, that works with my laptop, amd semprom05:48
Milkystefg, what is acpi?05:49
avuden_: well, I guess my iBook would get into trouble when running >20h without sleep and with constant CPU activity, too... :)05:49
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Milkystefg, I'll try and do those things05:49
avuden_: I seldom use it for more than a few hours at a time. and even then, the CPU rarly runs at full speed.05:49
cowmilkhow do i "run make"?05:49
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:49
orbin_Spire_: have you fiddled with anything lately?05:49
shawnr_i have amd64 3700+ runnung ubuntu 64... should i use the k8 kernel?05:49
=== RichardUK [n=mateo@c-71-230-111-13.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgMilki _a_dvanced _p_ower _configuration _i_nterface05:50
avushawnr_: yep05:50
meherencow milk type "make" in a terminal05:50
_Spire_orbin: installed Xgl, but that was quite a while ago.05:50
dEn_avu: i need to write visual basic programs but i am running only linux . is there any equivalent or do i have to install vmware05:50
shawnr_avu, what about the "k8-smp" version, i don't know what that is05:50
Milkystefg, OK. another thing though, how do I change the boot parameters?05:50
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cowmilkmeheren: i did, but bash: make: command not found05:51
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RichardUKubuntu 5.10 gives me this error while trying to compile gtkpod05:51
RichardUKchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:51
frogzoocowmilk: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:51
avuden_: oo.o has a scripting language that comes close to VBA and there is a vb.net project for mono I think. but still, if you really want to develop real VB apps running on real windows machines, you better use vmware05:51
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avuden_: never good to use a fundamentaly different setup on the devel machines than the clients have ;)05:51
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ideldEn_: install gambas, it's a good choice but just for linux05:51
stefgMilky: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list . But be careful... this is an important file for the bootloader grub, so if you mess it up, your machine could have trouble to boot05:52
dEn_okay thanks oo.o right05:52
meherenoh! ubuntu doesn't come with them?05:52
avushawnr_: smp ist for Symetric Multi Processors05:52
Milkystefg, OK, but the problem is, I'm not at that computer atm... can't get into console there05:52
shawnr_avu, for HT too right?05:52
frogzoo!info build-essential05:52
avushawnr_: aka when you have more than one CPU, you need this kernel05:52
cowmilkfrogzoo: why cant' i just do " sudo aptitude install make"?05:52
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In repository main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB05:52
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dEn_okay thanks idel .05:52
_Spire_orbin: I think I might have broken my machine using these: http://gnomefiles.org/app.php/Desktop+Optimization05:52
shawnr_avu, isn't HT seen by the kernel at 2 cpus?05:52
dEn_see ya later guys  . thanks for the help.05:52
_Spire_orbin: recommended by someone on the ubuntuforums05:52
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avushawnr_: hm, AFAIK, HT works with the UP kernel, too05:53
frogzoocowmilk: how you install build-essential is entirely immaterial05:53
avushawnr_: but I am not sure05:53
cowmilkfrogzoo: huh?05:53
Milkystefg, is there a way to edit menu.lst from the boot loader, or something?05:53
dpuppwhen installing ubuntu dapper, should it be desktop? oem or server? i picked oem... didnt really know the difference.05:53
cowmilkwhen i installed "make" it did not require build-essential05:53
_Spire_dpupp: you should generally go with desktop05:54
avucowmilk: build-essential is a meta package. it is not required, it just requires :)05:54
frying_fishcowmilk: yeah it won't, build essential is just a meta package that includes make, one is not dependant on the other.05:54
orbin_Spire_: what do you mean by gconf complaining?  do you get an error box popping up?  and what is the exact error?05:54
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meherenwhy is it that in order to run kde programs kde has to be running but to run gnome programs you don't even have to have gnome installed?05:54
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stefgMilky: understandable if it doesn't boot..:-( try hitting [Esc]  at boottime, to get to the boot menu... press 'e' on the relevant menu entry to let you edit it (the 'kernel' line).. remove quit splash from it. then hit 'b' to boot05:54
dpuppWarbo, that worked ^_^  im at the prompt on ubuntu.05:54
ufktuxis there a vmware-tools ubuntu package?05:54
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_Spire_orbin: well, there are different errors. I'll collect them all and pastebin them05:54
shriphanihow do i reset the default font settings ?05:54
frogzoocowmilk: you installed make?05:54
frying_fishufktux: you have vmware installed yes?05:54
AngryElfguys, mythtv is saying the /dev/dsp is being used by something else, so i'm not getting any sound....any ideas?05:54
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frying_fishboot a vm, then it allows you to do it from in the program05:54
matt0440how do i delete all ubuntu????05:54
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MilkyAh, okey. Thanks stefg, will try that.05:54
orbinmeheren: er, not true afaik.  kde apps can be run in gnome and vice versa ... they just need their libs.05:55
ufktuxfrying_fish: yes05:55
frying_fishmatt0440: sudo rm -rf /05:55
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Warbodpupp: Wow, you just caught me. To restart X use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"05:55
matt0440i wan put xp05:55
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ufktuxfrying_fish: vmware-tools doesn't detect i have X installed05:55
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matt0440frying-fish what will that do??05:55
meherenorbin but when i run them they complain and give all kinds of different errors... ect05:55
frying_fishufktux: well thats odd, run the virtual machine, and it will do it itself, I know I just downloaded vmware from their site and installed it.05:55
zazeemcan i get help please05:55
frying_fishmatt0440: it will delete all your stuff05:55
ubotuI know nothing about chroot - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:55
orbin_Spire_: but how are the errors coming up? i.e. just randomly?  or when you run stuff?05:55
frogzoomatt0440: and eat your children05:56
matt0440delete all linux?05:56
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ufktuxfrying_fish: i can't get X up and running05:56
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dpuppwarbo, i remember that command ^_^05:56
frying_fishon the virtual machine?05:56
recon0Whenever I try to start up dosemu, I get "ERROR: Unable to open console to evaluate the keyboard map. Please specify your keyboard map explicitly via the $_layout option". Can anybody help me w/ that?05:56
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avuzazeem: just ask your question and we'll see :)05:56
orbinmeheren: gnome apps in kde you mean?05:56
Warbomatt0440: Use GParted (it's on the Ubuntu LiveCD) to delete the partitions, then restore XP's bootloader05:56
unfunWhat do I have to install to be able to player internet radio? I have xmms installed but I still can't play internet radio.05:56
shriphanidpupp, how do i reset default font settings ?05:56
meherenorbin no kde apps in gnome05:56
frying_fishok, well I haven't actually tried a vm install of linux yet.05:56
zazeemavu: you know the ubuntu icon, the system one when you click it you get all the menus05:56
ufktuxi see, k thanks05:56
RichardUKubuntu 5.10 gives me this:checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:56
neutrinomassfrying_fish: It won't even delete all of Ubuntu. It will just leave you with an unusable system.05:56
zazeemavu: is there a way to change the icon?05:56
RichardUKi've searched the forums but not really found a solid answer05:56
orbinmeheren: are you installing them via apt/synaptic?05:56
_Spire_orbin: when I run stuff. Mainly when I try to start the themer app and when I install an application thru app that tries to write stuff into the gconf database05:56
frying_fishneutrinomass: for his requirements it would delete it05:57
frying_fishuntil it starts deleting the stuff it needs to continue deleting.05:57
avuzazeem: there is.05:57
meherenorbin, aptitude05:57
humanHi all how can i enable openGL support on my AMD -a7n8xvm  System?05:57
matt0440warbo: how do i get to gparted from the ubuntu cd05:57
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zazeemavu: how?05:57
dpuppshripahni, im not sure ^_^ i just started using dapper today... 5 mins so far... after 6 hours of installation issues. ^_^ but im there now!05:57
shriphaniWarbo, how do i reset the font settings ?05:57
_Spire_orbin: I mean thru apt, not app05:57
shriphanidpupp, lol05:57
avuzazeem: hm, there used to be a guide in the wiki how to do it but I guess it's no longer there because now the ubuntu logo already is in there :)05:57
orbinmeheren: it should grab all the stuff it needs then.... so you're saying it's just not one app that's problematic?05:57
ubotuI know nothing about radio - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:57
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frogzooRichardUK: you building kernel modules?05:57
Warbofrying_fish: Anything it needs is loaded in memory, so it WILL delete everything, including itself. It's funny the first time you see "halt: command not found"05:57
avuzazeem: you have to replace /usr/share/icons/something/something.png or something :)05:57
unfun!internet radio05:57
ubotuI know nothing about internet radio - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu05:57
RichardUKfrogzoo: just trying to build gtkpod05:57
dpuppok, i gotta get sleep.. bbl. Thanks a million warbo! i could not have done it without you.05:58
recon0Whenever I try to start up dosemu, I get "ERROR: Unable to open console to evaluate the keyboard map. Please specify your keyboard map explicitly via the $_layout option". Can anybody help me w/ that?05:58
zazeemavu: o ok ill look :) thnx05:58
_Spire_orbin: plus, none of my keyboard shortcuts work (alt-tab, shift-alt-left/right, etc)05:58
meherenthe prob is not in the installation it's when i run the program any kde program under gnome...05:58
orbin_Spire_: sounds like maybe one of those scripts stuffed something up? dunno tbh05:58
Warboshriphani: System>Preferences>Font (don't fish around for answers)05:58
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frying_fishWarbo: yes, only done it the once though.05:58
frogzooRichardUK: I'm wondering if it requires a particular gcc version?05:58
thinhhow can u see the /.wine/ in nautilus?05:58
BeBrawwhat does "compiz-gnome: Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.12.3) but 1.12.2-0ubuntu3 is to be installed" mean?05:58
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_Spire_orbin: is there a gconf backup anywhere?05:58
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Warbothinh: View>Show Hidden Files05:58
humanHi all how can i enable openGL support on my AMD -a7n8xvm  System?05:58
shriphanithanks Warbo wee05:58
frogzoothinh: ctrl h05:59
WarboBeBraw: Means pango isn't a high enough version (pango draws the text)05:59
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coOLcATfor some reason my NUMLOCK buttons (minus, plus, *, forward slash) are not working when numlock is ON05:59
matt0440warbo, so with the ubuntu boot cd i can uninstall linus aka delete all on the hd?05:59
zazeemavu: i cant find it05:59
avuzazeem: found it05:59
coOLcATsorry, i meant my number pad buttons05:59
avuzazeem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuickTips#head-4a39da861203314b68627d219703e807e4a575ff05:59
RichardUKfrogzoo: i have "gcc" "gcc-4.0" and "gcc-3.3-base" packages installed, should i only have one of those?05:59
frying_fishgah, I need libnotify 0.4.2, but I cant compile my own to use /usr like the one in the repo's for it tries to overwrite things, and I can't remove 0.3.2 that ubuntu comes with, since that will remove lots of other things05:59
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BeBrawWarbo: alright. thanks05:59
zazeemavu: ah thabks05:59
thinhanyone know how to remove a password on a share when i never gave it a password05:59
Warbomatt0440: You can remove the partitions, but you can't get rid of the bootloader (GRUB). To do that you need to overwrite it with Windows' one, from within Windows (I don't know what the command in Windows is, since I don't use it)06:00
thinhi am trying to do smb share but when i try to connect to it, tells me to put in a password but i never provided with one06:00
orbin_Spire_: i dunno if it's wise, but what about removing ~/.gconf ?  i think it should get regenerated.06:00
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frogzooRichardUK: usually setting CC=gcc-3.3-base   works with standard makefiles, if that's what needed - then ./configure; make06:00
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_Spire_orbin: I'll try...06:00
zazeemavu: thabnks :>>06:00
frying_fishmatt0440: if you just want to blank the drive from the livecd thats even easier06:00
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frying_fishjust use fdisk06:01
avuzazeem: what did you put there instead?06:01
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zazeemavu: a conan sword06:01
coOLcATanyone have the same number pad problem?  minus and plus and * and / not working with numlock on?06:01
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owen_frostwire is not loading, because it seems it cannot find java, but I installed the latest java jre package from the repositories. any ideas?06:01
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zazeemavu: im making a conan theme :)06:01
frogzooRichardUK: CC=gcc-3.406:01
Warbomatt0440: GParted can also grow Windows, if you had Windows and Linux on the same drive06:01
matt0440frying_fish but i can blank the hd from my ubuntu cd?06:01
zazeemavu: im an avid conan fan06:01
nikinhow can i see what driver does my wlancard use?06:01
frying_fishto reload the windows bootloader you have to run "fixmbr" or "fixboot" from the windows recovery cd06:01
britishseapowerwhy wont kismet install?06:01
frying_fishmatt0440: yes.06:01
avuzazeem: neat. show off a screenshot when it's done. :)06:01
zazeemavu: will do :) conan the barbarian that is :)06:01
britishseapoweri get "ibmagick6 but it is not installable"06:01
n1gkeGood afternoon everyone.06:01
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matt0440do i need to use terminal?06:02
zazeemavu: not o brien :D06:02
human**********Hi all how can i enable openGL support on my AMD -a7n8xvm  System?06:02
frying_fishmatt0440: yes, best way06:02
iq|mobileQuestion: Anyone installed Ubuntu from .iso image?06:02
avuzazeem: conan the gouvernator, already thought so (:06:02
frying_fishalthough gparted would blank it06:02
zazeemavu: is there a way to make the bar at the bottom look like the mac one?06:02
zazeemavu: ya lol06:02
RichardUKfrogzoo: i read to do that on the forums.  how do you set that variable, i have no clue?06:02
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matt0440what do i type in the termminal to bland the hd?06:02
frying_fishbut if you just want to blank it and install xp on it, thyen just put the xp cd in and start the install, that will offer to blank the thing for you06:02
zazeemavu: ive seen it done many times but dont get how to06:02
_Spire_orbin: going to try to get the gconf db to regenerate06:02
Warbozazeem: Icons don't go above a certain size in the panel unfortunately. Check out gdesklets for an animated launcher bar06:02
frogzooRichardUK: just type it in - but I'd suggest first you install the package gcc-3.3 or gcc-3.4 - whichever you need06:03
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avuzazeem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnomeLaunchBox seems to be one way06:03
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avuzazeem: gdesklets can do something like that, too06:03
Warbozazeem: Try right clicking on some empty panel and go properties. Turn off expand, and make it bigger, then add icons to it06:03
matt0440frying_fish when i put the windows boot cd in it doesnt boot so should i blank the hd first?06:03
zazeemWarbo ok06:03
RichardUKfrogzoo: i'll give it a try06:03
avuzazeem: warbos way does not get you the wobly zoom effect, though ;)06:03
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frying_fishmatt0440: no, thats your BIOS setting06:03
Warbogdesklets runs slow on my system :(06:03
frying_fishyou aren't set to boot from cd first06:04
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frying_fishjust reboot your machine and go to the bios and tell it to load from cd first06:04
frying_fishthen boot the windows cd06:04
zazeemavu: :D06:04
frying_fishand then it will let you do it, unless of course you have some crazy hardware that windows can't detect06:04
skypaI was wondering how much of a difference it would make to install the k7 kernel instead of the generic 386 one with a athlon xp 2200+06:04
Warbofrying_fish: Like a Mac :)06:04
matt0440frying_fish yea it is in order from cd-drive floppy hd06:04
frying_fishSkymaker: quite a bit.06:04
triceratopsDoes anyone know how I will get the Zoom keys back in edgy's xorg? For me the <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Num+/-> keys dont work anymore.06:05
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frying_fishmatt0440: in that case, with the windows cd in it will boot that06:05
frying_fishunless the cd is broken06:05
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frying_fishin which case, don't blank your hdd first06:05
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matt0440okay but the cd should boot right?06:05
matt0440cause i tried06:05
Dodzeymatt0440: pay attention to the screen on boot...it might say "press any key to boot from cd"06:05
Warbotriceratops: They "zoom" between the resolutions set up in xorg.conf, so if you only have one resolution they won't do anything06:05
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frogzooWarbo: gdesklets is python - so interpreted, unfortunately06:05
frying_fishmatt0440: yes, if the cd isn't broken06:05
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matt0440it just goes t oselect ubunto versions... recovery mode blah blah06:05
frying_fishthen its clearly not booting the cd06:06
frying_fishits booting from your hdd06:06
matt0440ok ill will check the bios then06:06
skypa<frying_fish> Skymaker: quite a bit. <-- was that supposed to be my nick? :)06:06
Dodzeymatt0440: do you have 2 cd-roms?06:06
matt0440just 106:06
triceratopsWarbo: I know about that. My xorg.conf hasn't changed and has the same resolutions than before. And tere is no DontZoom line.06:06
frying_fishmake sure a) the cd is in the correct drive, b) its actually booting from that, winxp cd tends to do the "press enter to boot from cd" and then it will do.06:06
Warbofrogzoo: Yeah. Is adesklets? It isn't as well integrated as gdesklets (just drag .desktop launchers onto the launcher) but may be faster06:06
frying_fishskypa: yes, I didn't tab enough.06:06
skypaalright, k7 kernel it is then :)06:07
Warbotriceratops: Oh, then that might be a question for #ubuntu+1 then06:07
matt0440i will check bios brb06:07
frogzooWarbo: there's an adesklets? hmmm...06:07
Warbo!info adesklets06:07
ubotuadesklets: interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-2 (dapper), package size 197 kB, installed size 544 kB06:07
WarboSeems to be non-interpreted06:07
triceratopsWarbo: Guess what I did 10min before asking here :-))06:07
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m4rkis there any way to hide windows from appearing in the gnome window list06:08
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jahshua!breezy to dapper06:09
ubotuI know nothing about breezy to dapper - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:09
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jahshuaanyone know the correct command please06:09
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.06:09
frying_fishm4rk: stick it on a different workspace?06:09
jahshuathanks FuriousRage06:09
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britishseapowerwhy wont kismet install?06:10
britishseapoweri get "ibmagick6 required  but it is not installable"06:10
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AngryElfalright, what device does ubuntu use for sound?06:11
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TheEyeHELP!!!!! evil white screen of death06:11
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Milkystefg, "understandable if it doesn't boot..:-( try hitting [Esc]  at boottime, to get to the boot menu... press 'e' on the relevant menu entry to let you edit it (the 'kernel' line).. remove quit splash from it. then hit 'b' to boot"06:11
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Milkystefg, you reckon it should atleast boot after that?06:11
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AngryElfanyone?.....what is the device that ubuntu uses for sound?06:12
TheEyeok im having an issue with the dapper live cd on ppc06:12
orbinbritishseapower: ibmagick?06:12
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AngryElfTheEye, did you download the PPC version?06:13
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stefgMilky: if it'sthe same bug i'm suffering from the usplash (the graphical boot) has something to do with it. You disable it by removing the 'quiet splash' parameters from the kernel line06:13
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TheEyeordered it from linuxcd.org06:13
Peaveyhi all06:13
Milkystefg, OK06:13
britishseapowerorbin: so? do i need to install that06:13
TheEyei put it in my ibook g3 and load it up06:13
orbinbritishseapower: i can't find any "ibmagick" packages06:13
orbinbritishseapower: you're installing kismet via an apt tool right?06:14
AngryElfTheEye, you didn't answer my question: is it, or is it not a ppc CD?06:14
Milkystefg, but it's also strange... it has worked every time I've booted before.06:14
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Milkydid it work before for you as well or didn't right after installation, stefg?06:14
Warbofrogzoo: Looks like adesklets just facilitates the running of self-contained script files for desklets. And those are pretty much all python :(06:14
orbincrap, battery's 1% ... sorry, gtg06:14
stefgMilky: might it be you harddisk or your filesystem broke? Laptop?06:14
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Milkystefg, it's a stationary one06:15
Milkyit's not in this house, that's why I'm not trying anything yet06:15
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ogarciaHello guys06:15
TheEyeyess its the ppc cd ...it gets to the part where i can choose yaboot (that say yaboot is corrupt) and when i chose live it goes to a white screen that says cant allocate initial device-tree chunk and tells me im in open firmware06:15
stefgMilky: Either way it's good to see the messages at boot... it'll give you a clue why the friggin' thing refuses to boot06:15
ogarciacan anybody help me to set up and use the wpa supplicant?06:15
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:16
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Milkystefg, that's true06:16
TheEyealso live video=ofonly does the same white screen06:16
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TheEyene ideas06:17
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lhdsi have saved the var package install before formating ... how can i reinstall them?06:17
RichardUKchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables06:17
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RichardUKeven after setting CC=gcc-4.006:17
zazeemavu: i followed that but ./gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png doesnt exist06:17
Milkystefg, after I pressed CTRL-ALT-Delete, the system crashed. When Ubuntu booted, that error06:17
ketsugiGuys, is there any way to install Ubuntu from a floppy drive?06:17
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ketsugiI just acquired an old Toshiba Libretto which only has a floppy06:17
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verbosei just got an lcd and i see horizontal lines scrolling down the screen on white backgrounds...does that mean my refresh rate is too high or too low?06:18
Robert_ZenzGood Day06:18
britishseapowerorbin - scuse delay06:18
lhdsketsugi: slackware does06:18
owen_alright i fixed my problem, i manually installed java under /usr/java the amd64 version06:18
TheEyei put it in my ibook g3 and load it up06:18
britishseapowerorbin...installing from command line06:18
Robert_ZenzDoes anyone have a DWL-G122 (Rev. C) working?06:18
britishseapowerwith the command06:18
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lhds ketsugi: debian installs from a 180 visit card cdrom06:18
stefgMilky: that's actually not /so/ bad, because this means the kernel somehow was alive06:18
avuzazeem: doh. the wiki entry is for 2.10 or .12 I think, maybe the path changed till then06:18
owen_how do you mount a blank ext3 partition?06:18
avuzazeem: or the ubuntu folks patched around06:18
britishseapower"sudo apt-get install kismet"06:18
lhds ketsugi try damn small linux but that wont solve your problem06:18
avuzazeem: sorry :(06:18
TheEyecan ne one help me in here ???06:19
lhdsi have saved the var package install before formating ... how can i reinstall them?06:19
zazeemavu: np, it must be somewhere, is there a way to search?06:19
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verboseowen_: sudo mount /dev/<device> /mnt/point06:19
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stefgMilky: a broken initramfs can also be cause that behaviour06:19
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owen_what is a good mount point? lets say for music files?06:19
nexuanyone knows why install nvidia-settings removes nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-dev ?06:19
Syncmaster_0_1hi everybody06:19
Milkystefg, OK well if that's the case, how would I fix it?06:19
ketsugieither that or I need to find an old 56k modem I can use with the serial port on this thing06:19
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Milkyreinstall Ubuntu? :-/06:19
frogzooowen_: /mp3 ?06:19
verboseowen_: i have mine in /mp306:19
Warboowen_: I have "Files" in my home dir06:19
ketsugistill need to boot though, hm06:19
shivMy windows partition mounts fine, but how do I get it to see on desktop?06:19
Dodzeyowen_: /media/music i'd use...06:20
frogzooverbose: snap, btw06:20
owen_alright thank you06:20
TheEyeguess not06:20
ElectryfierI need help with my monitor06:20
verbosefrogzoo: for my resolution?06:20
Dodzeyowen_: it doesn't really matter, its your preference...something which you'll remember if you need it06:20
Syncmaster_0_1i moved from gentoo to dapper and i can't get utf-8 working with apache2 and php406:20
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verboseoh, didn't see you said the same thing :P06:20
TheEyei need help with my ibook g306:20
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frogzooverbose: for mp306:20
stefgMilky: you need access to the non-bootable system. YOu could boot a Live CD and the chroot into the non bootable system. Have you already tried to boot in recovery mode, bTW?06:20
ElectryfierI need help with my monitor06:20
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cowmilkwhat does (0 (null)) mean? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1978406:21
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zazeemavu: np, it must be somewhere, is there a way to search?06:22
Milkystefg, recovery mode, I think so, then there's no splash?06:22
avuzazeem: not sure, checking myself, mom :)06:22
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zazeemavu: ok06:22
stefgexactky, Milky06:22
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Milkystefg, it halted at the same time there too06:22
FuriousRagedo ubuntu dapper come default as AU? because im trying to install a chroot enviroment and it tries to set au as locale06:23
Milkyshouting something about irq 10x: bla bla bla06:23
Milky/dev/hda etc.06:23
stefgMilky: are you able to boot from CD?06:23
Milkyhaven't tried it06:23
finalbetaAnyone has a tutorial on running games in a seperate X server when you use Xgl?06:23
stefgThat would be interesting06:23
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stefgMilky: Got a Dapper Desktop CD at hand?06:24
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avuzazeem: I think it's /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor-logo.png06:24
owen_alright i just finished mounting to /media/music do i have to change the permissions on it now for it to be writable?06:24
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zazeemavu: thnx06:24
owen_or is it because im not using sudo frostwire06:24
frogzoocowmilk: I'm guessing , but probably means those packages aren't in apt's cache06:24
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adarananyone here use opera?06:24
avuzazeem: (please let me know if it worked)06:24
bl3ssing_I have an error. I can't open Adept, but only read-only. I want to install something and I can't.06:25
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bl3ssing_apt-get install --reinstall adept06:25
bl3ssing_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)06:25
bl3ssing_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?06:25
bl3ssing_what does it means ...?06:25
zazeemavu: ok06:25
cowmilkfrogzoo: i think your guess is wrong06:25
avubl3ssing_: you forgot sudo06:25
Milkystefg, the computer actually isn't mine. I installed Ubuntu for a friend some days ago, that crash happened today... and now, he calls me again. Says it boots as it shuold. What the hell? Problem with the hard drive? :-/06:25
cowmilkfrogzoo: how could, for instance, wget not be included?06:25
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stefgMilky: very much sounds like that06:26
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snooplsmGood afternoon everyone06:26
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cowmilksnooplsm: hi06:26
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snooplsmcowmilk: nice nick06:26
zazeemavu: brb restarting06:26
bl3ssing_how to run adept from konsole?06:26
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frogzoocowmilk: easily, if wget isn't in /var/cache/apt/06:26
bl3ssing_thank you avu  ... GOT IT!06:27
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clustyi am running dapper. i was wondering where can i get sourcecode for packages from universe06:27
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cowmilksnooplsm: thanks. i used to wake up early in the morning to get this06:27
frogzooclusty: enable the source repos - then apt-get source pkgname06:27
avuclusty: sure. have the coresponding deb-src line in your sources.list, then you can apt-get source foo06:27
bl3ssing_clusty, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades06:27
zazeemavu: omg it worked, looks so awsome06:27
medelkassIs there any support for Sound Blaster X-Fi in ubuntu?06:27
cowmilkfrom the animals06:27
stefgMilky: i frequently encounter people in here with a screwed partiton table (they were using stuff like partition magic)... would be worth a check also06:27
avuzazeem: huray06:27
zazeemavu: lol06:27
cowmilkfrogzoo: i don't get it06:27
zazeemavu: thnx06:27
owen_how do you change the permissions to a hard drive?06:28
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cowmilkhow could a program not be incluedd?06:28
zazeemavu: ill post a ss when im done :)06:28
britishseapowerwhy do i get a lot of messages saying blabla depends on xxxx but it is not installable ?06:28
frogzoocowmilk: don't sweat it - it's not an issue06:28
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cowmilkfrogzoo: i'm just wanting to understand06:28
bl3ssing_owen_, right click on the hd permission, and ... change the options ... :)06:28
bluesignto anyone have experience with wireless,  I have a linksys modem, and I disconnected external antenna, but link quality stays same, any idea?06:28
avuzazeem: you're welcome, even if you like our most horrible cultural export ever ;)06:28
nexuanyone knows why installing nvidia-settings makes apt to come with the suggestion to remove nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-dev ?06:28
Milkystefg, don't thikn that's the problem. I partitioned it with the ubuntu-cd06:28
frogzoobritishseapower: what happens when you try to install the dependency ?06:28
owen_cant do it, dont have permissions, asking through terminal :P06:28
Milkyremoved everything, partitioned it from scratrch06:28
avuzazeem: oh, wait, he's from austria I hear. nevermind then. ;)06:28
zazeemavu: LOL06:29
stefgbritishseapower: either your /etc/apt/sources.list isn't right, or you replaced it and did not sudo apt-get update06:29
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TyeDye /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <pepper>06:29
avuzazeem: thought he was german for a frightning second there ;)06:29
britishseapowerstefg: could be that...i editted it06:29
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lostNlinuxany one help with an evil white screen of death recurring problem(might even be a bug)06:29
avutyedye: whoopsydaisy!06:29
stefgbritishseapower: sudo apt-get update will hopefully fix that06:29
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Milkystefg, anyways he a lot of bluescreens before i finally convinced him to get Ubuntu, though, so I think it's something with the hardware itself06:30
lostNlinuxi put the ppc live cd in and load it up it gets to the part where i can choose yaboot (that say yaboot is corrupt) and when i chose live it goes to a white screen that says cant allocate initial device-tree chunk and tells me im in open firmware06:30
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britishseapowerstefg: didnt fix it :-(06:31
frogzoobritishseapower: what happens when you try to install the dependency ?06:31
Milkyhe had*06:31
britishseapowerpal: Depends: libreadline4 (>= 4.3-1) but it is not installable06:31
jordan_Can anybody Help Me Set up wired IInternet Thru My Modem?06:31
britishseapowerpal: Depends: libreadline4 (>= 4.3-1) but it is not installable06:31
stefgMilky: have a hardware check.... do a badblocks on the harddrive and let the Ram-check run overnight06:31
lostNlinuxalso live video=ofonly does the same white screen06:31
britishseapoweroops...scsue repear06:31
britishseapowerfrogzoo: scsue me/...i will try06:31
Milkythat's probably a good idea, stefg06:31
lostNlinuxcan any one help me in here ????06:31
britishseapowerE: Package libreadline4 has no installation candidate06:31
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:32
stefgbritishseapower: let yourself serve a new sources.list by !easysource06:32
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:32
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jordan_How can i set up wired internet?06:32
MilkyAnyway, thanks for the help, stefg. I'm always surprised at the quality of IRC ;-)06:32
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:32
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MilkySee ya06:32
lostNlinuxis any one in here a ppc ubuntu user or is that just me ??06:32
britishseapowerstefg: i dont get ya ?06:33
frogzoolostNlinux: we don't know if we can help until you say what your problem is06:33
ubotuI know nothing about wtf - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu06:33
lostNlinuxi put the ppc live cd in and load it up it gets to the part where i can choose yaboot (that say yaboot is corrupt) and when i chose live it goes to a white screen that says cant allocate initial device-tree chunk and tells me im in open firmware06:33
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lostNlinuxalso live video=ofonly does the same white screen06:33
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jordan_Hello How can i set up wired Internet Throuh My Modem?06:33
lostNlinuxjorden is it a winmoden??06:33
lhdsi have saved /var/cache/apt/archive files formated now how can i reinstall them or tell synaptic that i have them06:33
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stefgbritishseapower: read the link that !easysource spit out for source-o-matic. Get a new sources.list and replace your probably broken one06:34
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mineraleHi, I have installed xgl based on instructions given to me here, it seems to work perfectly, but one thing strikes me: not all features seem to work, resizing moving sticking etc seem to work but I'm unable to Zoom in, or 'peel away', am I just running an old version of xgl ?06:34
HowitzerHello all, does anyone have experience with PHP here?06:34
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:34
frogzoolhds: I have a sly feeling apt will pick them up if you just move them back in place06:34
jordan_lostNlinux, Its a SBG900 And its supposed to Work in linux but in the manual it said refer to your Linux or Unix Mauual06:34
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HowitzerI'm trying to find out what the search query is on TorrentSearch.com so i can build it in as a keyword in firefox06:35
lhdsit did not06:35
HowitzerI captured the 'search packets' using Ethereal and i have something useful now06:35
Howitzerbut i don't know how to use it06:35
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MoohZ86reuh les gens06:36
dan_pcI have a problem geting the sound card to work... When I try to play a file the player says it's unable to connect to the sound server .. (me newbie)..06:36
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Howitzeri want to be able to discover the real URL of the search query..06:36
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frogzoolhds: you should be able to install them just with 'sudo apt-get install *.deb'06:37
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tyedyelittle issue06:37
jaakkosHowitzer: well i think what you captured is the tcp-stream which begins with a HTTP GET command06:37
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owen_how do i change the permissions to a hardrive from terminal - i tried sudo chmod a+x /dev/db7 and it does not change it...06:38
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jaakkosthe url to get does not include the server part of the url06:38
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frogzooowen_: mount |grep db706:38
opencodercan somebody help me with an audio problem06:38
jaakkosin the complete url it would be appended to it06:38
opencoderi need to make my sound buffer larger06:38
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tyedyeim all blue and multi colord06:39
g1g4nt1chi everybody06:39
opencoderand i dont know how this is set up in ubuntu. i thought it was supposed to be in ~/.asoundrc, but that file didn't exist.06:39
frogzooowen_: you need to change the permission on the file system - not the device06:39
FuriousRageis there a howto install chroot in dapper? i only found one for some earlier version that doesnt seam to work06:39
g1g4nt1cdoes anybody know a program like paint in windows for using on ubuntu???06:39
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ubuntui am useind a live cd to do some partitioning , with gparted, hda2 - extended and hda5 - swap have a lock icon next to them what is the commamd lline to disable lock?06:39
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frogzoog1g4nt1c: gpaint - or gimp06:40
opencoderso i created it but it still skips all the time06:40
owen_and how do i achieve that? changing the permission of the mount point?06:40
g1g4nt1cdoes anybody know a program like paint in windows for using on ubuntu???06:40
tyedyedid you plug it in?06:40
frying_fishg1g4nt1c: kolourpaint06:40
frying_fishgpaint is a bit basic06:41
teicahg1g4nt1c: gpaint06:41
frogzooowen_: mount |grep db706:41
Howitzerjaakkos, how do i go from there then?06:41
frying_fishkolourpaint is about the only kde app that I would install.06:41
g1g4nt1cthx everybody06:41
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owen_alright, but frostwire still wont accept the mount point as writable06:41
ubuntufrogzoo: saw you chatting in winwhq two or three weeks ago06:41
FuriousRageis there a howto install chroot in dapper? i only found one for some earlier version that doesnt seam to work06:41
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frogzooubuntu: wasn't me06:42
frogzooubuntu: oh, winehq - yes, guilty06:42
frying_fishowen_: you need to use chown, not just chmod06:42
mikearthurFuriousRage: 5 secs, I've got one06:42
frying_fishchange the ownership06:42
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ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer06:42
ubuntufrogzoo: thoght so06:42
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.06:42
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owen_same format? sudo chown a+x /media/music ?06:43
mikearthurFuriousRage: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 just replace all occurences of "hoary" with "dapper"06:43
FuriousRagemikearthur: been there, done that, doesnt work ;(06:43
mikearthurFuriousRage: it does work. Whats the problem?06:43
ubuntufrogzoo: just a quick one here any idea;s ? i am useing a live cd to do some partitioning , with gparted, hda2 - extended and hda5 - swap have a lock icon next to them what is the commamd lline to disable lock?06:43
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frying_fishowen_: no, chown user:group -R /path06:44
FuriousRagemikearthur: first, ubuntu defaults AU locale from install, dunno how to change, then in the chroot it doesnt work because of the AU locale..06:44
frying_fish-R is for recursive06:44
mikearthurubuntu: you need to unmount them06:44
frying_fishdo the same with the chmod06:44
tyedyewell i gotta run so ill see you later06:44
mikearthurFuriousRage: then just run dpkg-reconfigure locales06:44
jaakkoshmm Howitzer it's a POST packet06:44
frogzootyedye: twerp06:44
mikearthurtyedye: shut up06:44
FuriousRagemikearthur: thats where it stops..06:45
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ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!06:45
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository06:45
frying_fishyeah ops probably a good idea06:45
FuriousRagemikearthur: perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:06:45
FuriousRage        LANGUAGE = "en_AU:en",06:45
Jack01Algum Brazuca aee?06:45
frying_fishoh, he left.06:45
=== zetor [n=zetor@c-9867e255.52-2-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
snooplsmwhat rate are you guys downloading from apt-get sites?06:45
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.06:45
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snooplsmare those slwo on weekends?06:45
shawnr_If im running amd64 with HT should I use the k8-smp kernel?06:45
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owen_hmm, keeps telling me invalid user :(06:45
Jack01Algum Brazuca aee?06:45
mikearthurFuriousRage: then thats the problem, its not chroot related06:45
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.06:46
mikearthurshawnr_: yes06:46
ubuntumkearthur: how to unmount them  umount /dev/hda2?06:46
frogzooubuntu: sounds like a permissions problem06:46
mikearthurubuntu: yep06:46
FuriousRagemikearthur: also i had to edit source.list to use SE mirrors and not AU (au gave me like 30kb/sec)06:46
frying_fishsnooplsm: depends on your connection doesn't it.06:46
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!06:46
ubuntutyedie: get lost06:46
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frying_fishwhy isn't it just dropping him for flooding, I thought it autokicked06:46
no_gatez_fanto do a text install, am I going to need that '"alternative install" cd, I guess the regular install cd doesnt line my video adapter and/or my moniter06:46
teicahwhats taking so long to kick this kid?06:46
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frying_fishtyedie: stop messing around, and just go.06:46
gidimAlright guys, Ubuntu Battle updates: I wiped C, reinstalled XP for the sole purpose of downloading the ISO and burnatonce, and now I'm burning the ISO at 2x just to be safe.06:46
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!06:47
stefg  /ignore tyedie06:47
frying_fishno_gatez_fan: yes06:47
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FuriousRagemikearthur: any suggestions on how to fix that?06:47
gidimAnd I swear I will check disk for errors before installing this time.06:47
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=== frying_fish sets ignore
ChakRaprolly a 12 year old in his moms basment first time on mirc06:47
mikearthurFuriousRage: check the forums06:47
=== snooplsm wishes he could set ignore
no_gatez_fanfrying_fish/  ok thanks06:47
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mikearthuris there no-one who can kick him?06:47
teicahwhats taking so long to kick this "nobody loves me-i need attention" kid?06:47
frogzoomikearthur: seems not06:47
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puppettyedie: stfu06:47
hussamwhy are there still daily dapper cds? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dapper/daily/06:48
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avupuppet: don't feed it, pleade ;)06:48
frying_fishhussam: because they include all the latest updates06:48
puppetavu: just ignored it ;P06:48
frying_fishas there are some updates.06:48
avupuppet: that's the way :)06:48
frogzooso tyedie: before you get kicked permanently, why is "airzer0" so apparently important to you?06:48
ubuntusomeone get rid of this nutcase06:48
FuriousRage./ignore tyedie!*@* ALL06:48
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hussamfrying_fish: Ok, that seems a good idea06:48
teicahshouldnt have to06:48
frying_fishping him to oblivion06:48
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frogzoothx nalioth06:49
lostNlinuxi put the ppc live cd in and load it up it gets to the part where i can choose yaboot (that say yaboot is corrupt) and when i chose live it goes to a white screen that says cant allocate initial device-tree chunk and tells me im in open firmware06:49
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shawnr_thanks lol06:49
=== zazeem [n=zazeem@pool-68-238-48-22.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefghussam: they incorporate all the updates since dapper came out originally, so you don't need to install and pull 300Megs of updates afterwards06:49
lostNlinuxwhat do i do to get it to load06:49
naliothlostNlinux: did you verify the iso image and burn a good image at 4x or less?06:49
zazeemhow do i uninstall gdesklets? i was using at and one of the mis menus bars will not unstick from my mouse i cant get rid of it06:49
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simonvcHey does anyone know of a web admin type thing thats newer and better than webmin. preferably with pre-built .debs?06:50
shivMy windows partition mounts fine, but how do I get it to see on desktop?06:50
owen_alright, im having no luck making this hardrive at its mount point usable... its a ext3 filesystem 50gb - tried chown and chmod and grep, is there anything else im suppost to do?06:50
shawnr_mikea, i can't find a specific data sheet on my cpu and not 100% sure i have HT. But I think I do. Its a Mobile Amd64 3700+06:50
zazeemthe menu bar is stuck to the mouse cursor its annoying i cant click off of it06:50
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frying_fishshiv: change the ownership of it most likely06:50
pekayhey, i got a problem installing the runtime for java, got errors if someone wants to help06:50
stefgshiv: have you mounted it under /media?06:50
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frying_fishalthough, all of mine show.06:50
gregg__shawnr_: HT as in hyperthreading?06:50
frogzooowen_: mount |grep db7         paste the output back here06:50
ubuntuWO THATS BETTER06:51
shawnr_gregg, hypertransport06:51
stefghmmm... strange... maybe in gconf-editor the 'show volumes on desktop' is not set ?06:51
zazeemcan someone help06:51
owen_/dev/hdb7 on /media/music type ext3 (rw)06:51
shawnr_same thing i assume06:51
gregg__shawnr_: every AMD64 has hyperthreading06:51
zazeemi cant get rid of this gdesklet thing its stuck to my mouswe cursor06:51
frogzooowen_: ls -ld /media/music06:51
gregg__shawnr_: nope, completely different things06:51
shawnr_gregg, should i try the k8-smp kernel then?06:51
gregg__shawnr_: arg... hypertransport06:51
shivstefg: It is under media06:51
gregg__shawnr_: to make it clear, every AMD64 has hypertransport06:52
owen_drwx--xr-x 3 owen root 4096 2006-08-05 03:04 /media/music06:52
nexuanyone knows why installing nvidia-settings makes apt to come with the suggestion to remove nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-dev ?06:52
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frogzooowen_: 'sudo chgrp owen /media/music'06:52
gregg__hyperthreading is an intel-only tech to use the CPU more efficiently by emulating two CPUs06:52
shawnr_gregg, from what I read smp was for multiple proc, and the system view HT as 2 cpus, and need the smp kernel to take full advantage06:52
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stefgshiv: start gconf-editor and check in /apps/nautilus/desktop the item volumes_visible is checked06:53
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owen_alright, now what?06:53
gregg__shawnr_: yes, but your CPUs doesn't have hyperthreading06:53
nexuzazeem: or arent you the proner zazeem ?06:53
frogzooowen_: should work06:53
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ubuntumikearthur umount: /dev/hda2 is not mounted (according to mtab)06:53
ubuntusame for hda5 but they do have a lock symbol06:53
zazeemyes i am, who r u in et06:54
nexuzazeem: i'm with hmb06:54
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shivstefg: yes it is06:54
shawnr_gregg, hm im confused, you say i SHOULD use smp kernel but i don't have hyperthreading i have hyper transport06:54
witlessi have a suggestion for the otherwise excellent software updater: instead of using several pop-up dialogs during the process, keep all status output on the main window.06:54
witlessthose popups steal focus and get in the way while you're doing something else during an update.06:54
=== Bazzi [n=Bastian@p50803C08.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nexuzazeem: with the old lithium06:54
frogzooowen_: yes, no ?06:54
owen_"FrostWire was unable to use the specified folder for saving files. Please try a different folder.06:54
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stefgshiv: BTW you have it mounted at a subdir like /media/windrive, not at /media itself, have you?06:55
ubuntuimikearthur: i think its something like swapoff or swap-off?06:55
gregg__shawnr_: you don't need to use it06:55
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nexuzazeem: wazup ?06:55
frogzooowen_: which specified folder?06:55
Ovidiohi boys06:55
gregg__shawnr_: no benefits... or do you have a dualcore (turion x2)?06:55
zazeemnm u06:55
owen_ the /media/music06:55
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nexuzazeem: coding06:55
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ubuntui am useind a live cd to do some partitioning , with gparted, hda2 - extended and hda5 - swap have a lock icon next to them what is the commamd lline to disable lock?  is it swap-off and extended-off?06:55
nexuzazeem: helping people06:55
shawnr_gregg, i have Amd64 3700+06:55
ayeeeHi, anyone know how to setup xgl easily?06:55
shivstefg: its here /media/windows06:55
bubbleshttp://rafb.net/paste/results/GhpGpy18.html <-- that's what i got from a perl script....06:56
Ovidioi've a serious problem06:56
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Ovidiowith my videocard nvidia06:56
stefgshiv: then it /should/ show up...06:56
gregg__shawnr_: ...and that's single core. No need for an SMP kernel.06:56
shivok I think I did not shut down the windows properll06:57
gregg__shawnr_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-threading vs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperTransport06:57
frogzooowen_: ls -l /media/music06:57
frogzooowen_: ls -ld /media/music06:57
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stefgshiv: how does your /etc/fsatb line for that drive look like. Does it say 'users' in the options?06:57
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owen_drwx--xr-x 3 owen owen 4096 2006-08-05 03:04 /media/music06:57
shivstefg: That is fine06:57
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frogzooowen_: touch /media/music/a ; ls -l /media/music/a06:58
guemOvidio: what problem?06:58
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Ovidiothe problem is that i can't reconfigure my xorg.conf06:58
shawnr_ok, i just thought hyper-transport was just amd's name for hyperthreading06:58
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owen_-rw-r--r-- 1 owen owen 0 2006-08-05 09:58 /media/music/a06:58
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lulaconfiguring irssi themes can be annoyign06:59
shawnr_gregg, k. i just thought hyper-transport was just amd's name for hyperthreading.  thanks for the info06:59
frogzooowen_: so clearly you can write to the /media/music - so you need to recheck your frostwire directory settings06:59
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Ovidioguem is since yesterday06:59
Ovidiothat i'm working for it06:59
owen_are you familiar with frostwire?06:59
Ovidiomy desktop is not alligned to monitor06:59
shawnr_how do i know if i can stop the lvm & evms services? do really need them?07:00
Ovidioin other distributions, you can use xorgconfig07:00
MoraHello.. Can anyone please tell me how to make dhclient and company /never/ to touch /etc/resolv.conf? It's annoying like hell.07:00
Ovidiowith usefull arrows to allign the image07:00
ubuntui am useind a live cd to do some partitioning , with gparted, hda2 - extended and hda5 - swap have a lock icon next to them what is the commamd lline to disable lock? i think its swap-off and extened-off?07:00
Ovidioi know that i may use the original nvidia driver07:00
Ovidiobut every time that i test it07:01
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Ovidioo that i wrote something in xorg.conf07:01
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Ovidiogdm can't restart...07:01
Seveas!search dhcp07:01
ubotuFound nothing07:01
Seveasubotu, useless bot...07:01
ubotuI know nothing about useless bot... - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:01
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guemOvidio: did you check /var/log/X11/xorg.log?07:01
Ovidiohave you some idea?07:01
gregg__shawnr_: after all, hyperthreading was just an attempt to make up for some of the pentium4 deficiencies, but it failed07:01
Ovidioevery time the log said07:02
SeveasMora, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StaticDnsWithDhcp07:02
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Ovidiothat the server can't launch glx07:02
Ovidioor some stupid things07:02
Seveashi prakash07:02
prakashhi seveas07:02
Ovidioi'v also installed two version of gcc07:02
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shawnr_greg, thanks alot. can you help mewith one more question? how do i know if i can stop the lvm & evms services? do really need them?07:03
digibre4kjoin in #Jakarta yu???07:03
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Ovidiotesting to compiling nvidia drivers in both ways07:03
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owen_alright, what i did was not complicate myself, and just mounted at the default directory, and see if it saves in the drive07:03
guemwhat video card?07:03
Ovidiobtu without no results07:03
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Seveashi Albertop07:03
gregg__shawnr_: don't know07:04
OvidioGeForce PCX 575007:04
=== h3h_timo [n=h3h_timo@] has joined #ubuntu
Ovidioi believe that's not supported07:04
prakashi want to run lustre on ubuntu. how do i start. please guide me07:04
Ovidiobut is no possible07:04
ubuntui am useind a live cd to do some partitioning , with gparted, hda2 - extended and hda5 - swap have a lock icon next to them what is the commamd lline to disable lock? i think its swap-off and extension-off?07:04
ubotuI know nothing about centrino - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:04
ubotuI know nothing about speedstep - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:04
Ovidiothat i can't reconfigure mt x server!07:04
Seveasubuntu, swapoff and umount07:04
h3h_timodoes anyone know how to use the speedstep feature for centrino processors???07:04
AlbertopI'm new to ubuntu, and trying to configure my wifi card (ralink rt2570), but I continuously get a system freezed. I want to remove the rt2500 module, but modprobe -r doesn't work. Any solution?07:05
shawnr_does anyone know a terminal command to see if i'm actually using lvm07:05
Seveash3h_timo, that should not need user intervention07:05
frogzooh3h_timo: -> google07:05
MoraSeveas, thank you.07:05
Ovidioi also resigned to no have 3d/xgl07:05
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nalioth!tell lostNlinux about verify07:05
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Ovidiobut i want to allign a damned desktop07:05
guemOvidio: maybe a problem with pci-express ?07:05
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Ovidiowhy pc-express?07:05
ayeeeHi, i want to use "xgl" but im using " Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GM", is it possible?07:05
Ovidionosklo, i don't believe it07:05
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Ovidiobecause i'v used with the same card07:06
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shawnr_does anyone know a terminal command to see if i'm actually using lvm07:06
Ovidioand suse, with his own driver07:06
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Ovidiocan allign the margins07:06
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Ovidiowhat's the debian command07:07
Ovidioequivalent to xorgcf?07:07
SeveasOvidio, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:07
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Seveas!x > Ovidio07:07
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SeveasOvidio, yes 07:07
Ovidioit is only command line07:07
Ovidiothe program that i said07:07
Seveasubuntu has no graphical X configuration utility yet07:07
Stickittothemancan someone help me burn the disc?07:07
Ovidioin fact07:08
Stickittothemani burned it and i get the "cannot find dos!" error07:08
Ovidiothe other program07:08
Ovidiois graphical07:08
Albertophi Seveas :)07:08
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Ovidiobut is function in slackware!07:08
NickGarveyStickittotheman: you need to burn the ISO as an ISO07:08
SeveasOvidio, ubuntu isn't slackware or suse07:08
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.07:08
shawnr_does anyone know a terminal command to see if i'm actually using lvm07:08
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ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:09
Stickittothemani did, ISO type one, noemulaor07:09
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hussamgaim on dapper keeps freezing, is that a known issue?07:09
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synic!patience > shawnr_07:09
wheels3572!bum > wheels357207:09
Seveasshawnr_, sudo lvmdiskscan07:09
Albertopis there a way to remove the ralink rt2500 linux driver, so I can use my card with ndiswrapper?07:09
zazeemhow do i make it so a folder of mine can be edited by me without using sudo? sudo chmod ?07:09
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shawnr_Sev, thank you! is there one for evms ?07:10
SeveasAlbertop, echo 'blacklist rt2500' |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/no_ralink07:10
zazeemwhat goes after? i want to remove admin so i can just change it without sudo07:10
shawnr_Sevea, thank you! is there one for evms ?07:10
frogzoo!permissions > zazeem07:10
NickGarveyhussam: I haven't had that problem as long as I wasn't doing things that used a lot of CPU and RAM07:10
=== fry_ [n=fry@c-24-20-140-113.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlbertopSeveas, thanks!07:10
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Seveasshawnr_, dunno07:10
fry_How can I make my regular Ubuntu account have ROOT access07:10
fry_because this crappy permissions thing is really pissing me off07:10
Seveas!root > fry_07:10
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frogzoofry_: please don't do that07:10
zazeemfrogzoo: what? i says not found07:11
Renan_s2!root > Renan_s207:11
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snooplsm!root >= snooplsm07:11
NickGarveyRenan_s2: in the future, please "/msg ubotu root" instead07:11
=== dave_forthhack [n=dave@host86-142-156-68.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Rookie-sudo su -07:11
bubblesftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz <-- "Failed to open file"07:11
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NickGarveysnooplsm: you too ;)07:11
TonrenMy god... is anyone else getting awfully tired of the Ubuntu-bashing that goes on in places like Digg?07:11
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html - file permissions are explained at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:11
jon_i cant seem to get realplayer to install07:11
Seveasjon_, applications  add applications07:12
=== fry__ [n=fry@c-24-20-140-113.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
synicTonren: you have a url?07:12
Seveaslook in that program07:12
snooplsmjon, does mplayer do that for ya?07:12
Stickittothemandoes anyone know what im doing wrong?07:12
fry_nope not working07:12
CrazyDoodeStickittotheman: yes07:12
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fry_did the !root > fry got nothing07:12
jon_i downloaded the package off multiverse, but it wants me to get the archive off realplayers site07:12
Stickittothemanwell im stumped so please enlighten me07:12
Tonrensynic: Just do a Digg search for any article with "Ubuntu" in the title.  Literally 75% of the comments will be people bitching about how, "Oh, Ubuntu is a noob distro", "Ubuntu users are all 16-year-olds", etc.07:12
hussamI also noticed that dapper ships a cvs build of gaim 1.5.1, could this be the cause of the issue?07:12
hussamNickGarvey, it mostly hangs during signing in.07:12
MoraSeveas, what code is for that right arrow?07:12
idelStickittotheman: burn it as iso07:12
Seveasfry_, !root > fry in here made ubotu send you a message...07:12
hussamNickGarvey, sometimes even during im chats.07:12
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Stickittothemani did07:13
Peaveyhi all07:13
StickittothemanISO type one, noemulator07:13
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snooplsmnotepad++ anyone?07:13
fry_oh great idiot bots lovely07:13
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fry_I'm not saying Ubuntu's a noob distro its a nanny distro07:13
CrazyDoodeStickittotheman: use K3b it rocks.07:13
fry_its permission system sucks07:13
idelStickittotheman: what did you use for burn it?07:13
synicfry_: permissions are good... get over it.07:13
PeaveyCould anyone suggest a nice bittorrent client for linux please? I dislike "Bittorrent" from ubuntu.07:13
Seveasfry_, please keep the swearing to yourself07:13
nuaimathello guys07:14
NickGarveyStickittotheman: you are running windows?07:14
synicfry_: it's not windows.07:14
SeveasPeavey, azureus07:14
idelPeavey: I use azureus and opera builtin bittorrent07:14
Stickittothemanim running windows corp edittion07:14
NickGarveyStickittotheman: take the cd out and put it back in, tell me if you get a splash screen07:14
idelStickittotheman: nero?07:14
fry_gee its not windows s ynic07:14
fry_thanks for letting me know07:14
fry_is your next update the sky is blue?07:14
Seveas!guidelines > fry_07:14
Stickittothemanwell i put it back in adn fotomat tried to import it..07:15
fry_So does anyone have a useful comment on how i can set my regular user account to have the same options as root07:15
idel:O are you trying to run the ubuntu cd in windows?07:15
zazeemfrogzoo: that makes no sense at all07:15
NickGarveyStickittotheman: I don't understand07:15
PeaveySeveas, idel: I noticed that azureus shall be a very good client but dont I need the java enviroments for it?07:15
synicfry_: permissions are part of any *nix system.  They aren't ubuntu specific.07:15
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Stickittothemanme neither07:15
wheels3572How can I add a program to bum?07:15
synicfry_: no one is going to want to help you with that....07:15
NickGarveyidel: no I am having him check that the iso burned right, under windows a splash screen should come up07:15
Stickittothemani used cdburner pro xp07:15
Stickittothemanor whatever its called07:15
SeveasPeavey, yes, but if you install azureus via applications -> add applications that'll all be installed for you07:15
jon_soda on the keyboard!07:15
nuaimati need help , i have a good PC P4(2.4GHz/512MB RAM) which have ubuntu installed , is there any way or application that may help let me 'remote connect' to this PC through the other old P1(200MHz) ??? PS: i didn't install any OS to the P1 PC yet ... any suggestion is welcome ??07:15
NickGarveyStickittotheman: thats what I use also07:15
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fry_and why will no one help me setup my regular account to have the same permissions as root synic07:15
idelPeavey: yep, you need jre, but if you have opera9 installed...07:16
zazeemplease tell me the cmd to make me be able to read write and execute my folder: /home/zazeem/files/UT200407:16
synicfry_: because it's stupid.07:16
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jonc101i need some assistance here, check this thread -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1342492#post134249207:16
fry_hey synic07:16
fry_your a dumb nigger07:16
fry_go get hung07:16
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facugaichtoo late Seveas hehe07:16
Seveaswell well, loser night tonight07:16
nuaimati need help , i have a good PC P4(2.4GHz/512MB RAM) which have ubuntu installed , is there any way or application that may help let me 'remote connect' to this PC through the other old P1(200MHz) ??? PS: i didn't install any OS to the P1 PC yet ... any suggestion is welcome ??07:16
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PeaveySeveas, im going to try as you said.07:16
StickittothemanNickGarvey: what settings did you use?07:16
Seveas!repeat > nuaimat07:16
NickGarveyStickittotheman: defaults07:16
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NickGarvey!vnc > nuaimat07:16
Rookie-fry_ ; to have root priviliges as user is readlly dangerous, ubuntu offers sudo to help you and if that is not good enough for you then you can use sudo su- or you can just set a password for root07:16
AlbertopSeveas, it's not working. If I plug the card, the module is still loaded.07:16
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jon_can someone help me install realplayer? i have the package but i still have to get the bin from the realplayer site07:17
zazeemplease tell me the cmd to make me be able to read write and execute my folder: /home/zazeem/files/UT2004, only root can currently07:17
NickGarveyRookie-: hehe, fry is long gone07:17
SeveasAlbertop, did you unload the module?07:17
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nuaimatvnc is only remote shell , not remote gui ?? am i wrong ?07:17
idelnuaimat: you mean a thin client?07:17
Stickittothemanwell i set it to bootable disc...07:17
AlbertopSeveas, I did a reboot07:17
Seveasnuaimat, vnc is remote gui07:17
nuaimatidel , i don't know what is meant by thing client07:17
mineraleI was running a heavy application (vmware player) and my computer was very laggy, I quit vmware and it's still choppy... what is going on ?07:17
NickGarveyjon_: I don't think you need a binary, try reading the wiki howto (/msg ubotu realplayer)07:17
jonc101anyone know why i would be getting library errors when installing vmware-server on 6.06?07:18
nuaimatSeveas: really ?? how can i setup vnc ???07:18
NickGarveynuaimat: /msg ubotu vnc07:18
zazeemcan someone help?07:18
idelnuaimat: you want to use the old pc with the ubuntu installed in the fast one?07:18
nuaimatidel  , yeah07:18
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nuaimatidel , is it possible ?07:18
NickGarveyzazeem: sudo chown -R `whoami`: /home/`whoami`07:18
Seveasnuaimat, ubuntu will be too heavy for the old one07:18
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NickGarveysomeone check that though07:18
ideltry a small distribution like puppylinux07:18
Seveasxubuntu may work better07:18
jonc101has anyone installed vmware and had any problems with libraries?07:18
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nuaimatidel , i have DSL07:19
nuaimaton a CD07:19
nuaimatit's a live cd07:19
Stickittothemanthis is frustrating me to the point where i think i might just have to use an auto installer07:19
NickGarveyStickittotheman: wait wait, did you do what I said?07:19
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NickGarveyStickittotheman: open the cd in a folder and tell me what you see07:19
erik_mckis there any paid for musicdownload software available for ubuntu?07:19
jonc101no ones used vmware on ubuntu...greeeeeat07:19
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idelnuaimat: you must read about vnc client07:19
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NickGarveyjonc101: everything worked out of the box for me..07:20
Stickittothemanwhen i open it in windows explorer i see one file called XUBUNTU_07:20
nuaimatidel ,ok gimme one minute07:20
NickGarveyStickittotheman: just one?07:20
synicjonc101: I don't like vmware07:20
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NickGarveyStickittotheman: I mean open the CD, like D: or whatever07:20
jonc101NickGarvey what kind of installation did u do?  i did a server install without AMP.07:20
zazeemis there anway to create a launcher using root? i have to run ut2004 as root07:20
synicjonc101: I use windows via rdesktop.07:20
Stickittothemanyes thats what im doing07:20
Stickittothemanits a winrar archive07:20
Stickittothemanthat when i right click it it says it's an ISO966007:21
wheels3572Can someone help me with setting up gProftpd to boot with the system?  Also  Can I use bum to add gproftpd?07:21
NickGarveyStickittotheman: yes, you didn't burn it right07:21
AlbertopSeveas, but what's strange is that a modprobe -r rt2500 seems to have no effects07:21
Stickittothemanohh was i supposed to unrar it first?07:21
hchaudh1_hey, anyone else seeing anti-aliasing problems when you move windows, esp wobbly windows, after the cgwd updates in the past couple of days07:21
jmac__I just resized a windows NTFS volume, and Windows reads just fine. I also took that space and increased the ubuntu volume. The Ubuntu volume shows the increased drive size but still only shows the amount of free space I had before. Any ideas?07:21
jon_why cant i choose where i save files to?07:21
NickGarveyjonc101: um, I just used the file off the site07:21
TheGateKeeperzazeem: gksudo <gui app> ??07:21
NickGarveyjonc101: the vmware server beta 207:21
CrazyDoodeStickittotheman: where did you get it from?07:21
Alex`onanyone help me sort out sftp (part of openssh2) so that each user is only able to view their home directoy?07:21
NickGarveyStickittotheman: nononono!07:21
jonc101everyone take a look at this please -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1342492#post134249207:21
NickGarveyStickittotheman: don't unrar it07:21
Stickittothemani didnt07:22
Stickittothemannow what did i do wrong?07:22
NickGarveyStickittotheman: open cd burner xp pro07:22
synicwheels3572: how is gproftpd different from proftpd ?07:22
NickGarveyStickittotheman: pick the top of the 3 options07:22
CrazyDoodeas a .rar file?07:22
NickGarveyStickittotheman: go to file> write .iso image07:22
owen_whats the name for the flash package?07:22
shawnr_every guide i see says hdparm i ON by default but mine isn't. should i have it running on my laptop?07:22
TheGateKeeperzazeem: or if I have it wrong the gnome equivallent of kdesu <app name>07:22
wheels3572synic, just that gproftpd is gui (hence the g I assume :))07:22
bluesignwhat dbm should my iwconfig show when I am just next to my wireless modem?07:23
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bluesignwhat dbm should my iwconfig show when I am just next to my wireless modem?07:23
bluesignwhat dbm should my iwconfig show when I am just next to my wireless modem?07:23
NickGarveyStickittotheman: find the file and then burn it under that menu07:23
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:23
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Alex`onanyone help me with SSH ??07:23
synicwheels3572: how would you have the gui run at startup?07:23
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Stickittothemanohhhhhh ok thanks07:23
Stickittothemanill try it now07:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:23
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare07:23
synicwheels3572: if you want proftpd to run at startup, apt-get install rcconf07:23
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synicwheels3572: then type rcconf07:23
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Alex`onanyone at all? to help me with SSH and directories?07:24
NickGarveyAlex`on: be more specific please07:24
Stickittothemani got to go, but ill try it and come back here tomorrow if it doesn't work07:24
Stickittothemanthank you07:24
NickGarveyStickittotheman: alright :)07:24
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jon_how do i run a file through the terminal?07:24
NickGarveyjon_: in general, type the name of the program in lower case (firefox for firefox, gaim for gaim and so on)07:25
Alex`onI have multiple users and when they login via either SSH or sFTP I want them only to be able to view their home directory that I set using usermod -d07:25
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jon_do  i type sudo ./  or just  ./07:25
NickGarveyAlex`on: ah, thats called a chroot07:25
owen_how can you see what games are in the repositories?07:25
NickGarveyjon_: oh, what file is this?07:25
Alex`onso how do I set up the chroot ?07:25
Dr_Willisalex-weej,  heard otherw  want to do that. and normally they realize its a pain. You could set their shell to the restricted bash shell.07:25
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=== alex-weej awakens
alex-weejANGRY ANGRY ANGRY07:26
jaakkosjon_: definitely without sudo if you don't need to be root07:26
jon_the realplayer bin that i made executable07:26
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Albertopno way...it's still loading the module, and blocking ndiswrapper to use the card :(07:26
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Seveaslol alex-weej 07:26
=== Dr_Willis pokes alex-weej :P
synicAlex`on: a chroot isn't trivial... but if you want people to only use sftp and not ssh, check out the scponly shell07:26
jon_what is root?07:26
jonc101noob >>07:26
NickGarvey!root > jon_07:26
jaakkossuper user of the system07:26
mineraleI was running a heavy application (vmware player) and my computer was very laggy, I quit vmware and it's still choppy... what is going on ?07:26
Alex`onok, so how can I make a scponly shell?07:26
=== Dr_Willis wishes xchats nick completion would notice who spoke last and put their nicks first
NickGarvey!noob > jonc10107:26
wheels3572synic, what's the startup priority supposed to be set at?07:27
mc__Alex`on, you could also set there shell to /bin/false (not sure if sftp will still work than)07:27
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synicAlex`on: apt-get install scponly, and use that as the -s param07:27
jonc101well looks like everyone is interested in ripping off jonc101 but can't help out with a simple vmware problem.  i see.07:27
Alex`onhow do u 'set' their shell ?07:27
synicwheels3572: whatever you want... usually after networking is started :)07:27
ayyoI wish my terminal would remember its size of when i last resized it07:27
wheels3572synic, see I am new to Linux so I dont know what #'s I should put lol07:27
synicayyo: pass the --geometry param in your shortcut07:27
idelare there extra iso dvds for ubuntu? I mean, the repositories07:28
Seveasidel, yes07:28
NickGarveyAlex`on: for the user, "sudo usermod -s /bin/false username" where username is the user07:28
wheels3572synic, Same thing as apache?07:28
Dr_WillisAlex`on,  you may want to read a few basic linux admin tutorials.. shell is set with thec   hsh - change login shell   command07:28
idelSeveas: where?07:28
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synicwheels3572: sure07:28
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jonc101no help here07:28
hchaudh1_hey, anyone else seeing anti-aliasing problems when you move windows, esp wobbly windows, after the cgwd updates in the past couple of days07:28
jonc101just ignored07:28
helioayyo: hey07:28
mc__Alex`on, chsh username07:28
FuriousRagewounder if 'sudo apt-get install language-pack-*' will solve my locale problem07:28
jonc101!vmware > everyone07:28
Seveasidel, wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive07:28
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NickGarvey!patience > jonc10107:28
shawnr_How can i edit the grub to display all info and no splash screen?07:29
jmac__Wha't's wrong with your VMWare install?07:29
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helioayyo: =)07:29
jmac__I am running VMWare server without issue07:29
frogzooshawnr_: remove the 'quiet' from the kopt line & 'sudo update-grub'07:29
h3h_timoi know i asked before.. and ive been googling for a while, but i was wondering if anyone has had any experience with speedstep or any software for centrino duo processors???07:29
erik_mckis there any paid for musicdownload software available for ubuntu? couldnt find anything on google or the wiki :(07:29
Seveas!anyone > h3h_timo07:29
Dr_Williserik_mck,  you mean LEGAL or P2P ? :P07:29
=== BobSongs [n=bob@ip216-239-81-46.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu
jon_it says ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:29
jon_how can i fix this?07:30
NickGarveyerik_mck: hmm I feel like there was something07:30
shawnr_frogzoo, thanks, what about "splash"07:30
Jack_Sparrowshawnr_: read the wiki on installing nvidia and it tells how to delete the splash screen..07:30
jmac__h3h I just installed the 686 kernel and everything works07:30
frogzooshawnr_: that can go too07:30
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erik_mck<Dr_Willis legal ! :)07:30
=== BobSongs yawns. Realizes he fell asleep at the keyboard again. Wipes drool from Q A Z and W S X.
h3h_timojmac__, do you know how to use the speedstep technology tho?? i really wanna know how to scale the frequency...???07:30
shawnr_frogzoo, thanks07:30
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lsl23Hi everyone, What package is needed to have cups open port 515 to take INCOMMING connections for locally hosted printers07:30
Warboerik_mck: http://irate.sf.net/07:30
Dr_Williserik_mck,  theres some legal music stores that dont require fancy programs ( Unline that silly itunes)07:30
NickGarveyerik_mck: walmart.com!07:31
jonc101NickGarvey its all well said like it is but i've been seeking assistance since last night about this matter. well over an 18hour period has passed, i dont know about you but 'patience' isn't waiting 18hours for help....and getting none....oh...not even a tip or pointer or some advice...see my problem.  it can get **frustrating**07:31
Alex`onbut I need to login via SSH because there is a .sh script that I need to run from each of the users, if I logged in as another user and ran the .sh script would the process start under their user?07:31
NickGarveyjonc101: if no one knows the answer, no one will help07:31
erik_mck<Dr_Willis + Warbo cheers , im thinking they want linux users to pirate :) will check out the link and look for web based07:31
NickGarveyjonc101: I don't totally understand the problem, so I can't help07:31
synicerik_mck: dunno how legal these sites are... http://allofmp3.com and http://mp3search.ru07:32
jon_what does ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory mean?07:32
jonc101NickGarvey: heres the problem, i pasted it previously twice -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1342492#post134249207:32
Dr_WillisSeveral bands are now selling mp3's direct from their own sites as well.07:32
Warbojon_: You need linstdc++507:32
Dr_WillisI perfer to buy the cd's  - less hassle.07:32
jon_what is that and how do i get it?07:32
shawnr_frogzoo, this line?: # defoptions=quiet splash07:32
Warbo!info libstdc++507:32
ubotulibstdc++5: The GNU Standard C++ Library v3. In repository main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.6-10 (dapper), package size 288 kB, installed size 848 kB07:32
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erik_mck<Dr_Willis not wen you live in a town where the nearest music shop is 40 miles away :)07:32
Warbojon_: sudo apt-get install libstdc++507:32
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jonc101!info vmware07:33
ubotuPackage vmware does not exist in dapper07:33
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idelI found ubuntu dvd :), are there another iso files for extra repositories?07:33
jonc101!info glibc07:33
Warbo!info vmware-player07:33
ubotuPackage glibc does not exist in dapper07:33
ubotuvmware-player: Free virtual machine player from VMware. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.1-4 (dapper), package size 11563 kB, installed size 31248 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)07:33
jon_do i type that in terminal or something warbo?07:33
Warbojon_: Exactly07:33
ikarugahello all, gota quick question: I installed some packages and all of a sudden the only screen resolution I have is 640x480. How do I fix that?07:33
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frogzooshawnr_: yup07:33
Warbo!fixres > ikaruga07:33
Morajonc101, are you running amd64 version of Ubuntu perchance?07:33
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NickGarveyjonc101: theres a package for it07:33
jonc101Mora: no, x86 on an amd sempron 250007:34
NickGarveyjonc101: try searching in apt-cache or synaptic and I'm sure you will find it07:34
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:34
shawnr_frogzoo, i did that an ran the update-grub, but when i went back in all the lines will had quiet splash07:34
NickGarveyjonc101: I don't know it off the top of my head07:34
jonc101thanks NickGarvey ill check those places07:34
Jack_Sparrowjonc101:  there is a package libx...07:34
frogzooshawnr_: also altoptions for the alternate lines07:34
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jonc101Jack_Sparrow: do u know what the full filename is?07:35
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jon_thanks again now im actually getting somewhere07:35
Jack_Sparrowjonc101: just use synaptic and search for libx07:35
shawnr_frogzoo, oh.. thats what i originally remove... is there another spot?07:35
idelI am looking for something like this http://www.thelinuxstore.ca/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1113 (complete ubuntu repositories in dvd)07:35
jonc101doesnt look like i have synaptic installed.  this is a server installation.07:35
frogzooshawnr_: defoptions is for the default kernel, altoptions for the others07:36
=== zazeem [n=zazeem@pool-68-238-48-22.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
adrihi everybody! i've a problem to use non standard package in java. so i've a directory which contain some packages (whose i need), can you tell me what have i to do to use it? Where do I have to put the directory containing the packages? And so on... thank you for your help07:36
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Alex`onI just tried "usermod -s /home/user user" and now I can't login to that user07:36
jonc101jon@deathstar:~/vmware-server-distrib$ synaptic07:36
jonc101-bash: synaptic: command not found07:36
burt101Does ubuntu provide updated kernel binaries?07:36
jon_do i have to put home before user when i install something in the bin folder?07:36
Warbojonc101: sudo aptitude07:36
jonc101Jack_Sparrow: how do i use synaptic?  i dont have it installed.07:37
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Jack_SparrowThis module can be found as the module 'lib/X11' at07:37
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Jack_Sparrowsorry guys.07:37
jonc101ah....thanks Warbo07:37
Jack_SparrowThat should have been one line07:37
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bubbleshow can i activate cgi for apach2 in dapper?07:37
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Warbojonc101: While you're in there press / and look for synaptic, then + to mark it and g to get it07:37
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mineralewhere do the ubuntu release names come from?07:38
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mineraleie, what does dapper drake mean07:38
Jack_SparrowWarbo: thanks..  and oh, Im back for a bit07:38
Warbominerale: Mark Shuttleworth mainly07:38
jonc101Warbo: i only see a xserver-xorg-input-synaptics , and not just a synaptic07:38
Jack_Sparrowminerale: JUst the code name of the current release07:38
BobSongsminerale: Beyond being animals, I'm not quite sure.07:39
Warbojonc101: press n to go to the next one07:39
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shawnr_frogzoo, sorry don't mean to be a pain but... if i leave the line like this "# defoptions=" and update, it resets to this "# defoptions=quiet splash", but if I leave it like this: "# defoptions=splash" it works but I still have the splash...07:39
Warbominerale: Dapper Drake=Well dressed duck07:39
adrihi everybody! i've a problem to use non standard package in java. so i've a directory which contain some packages (whose i need), can you tell me what have i to do to use it? Where do I have to put the directory containing the packages? And so on... thank you for your help07:39
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shawnr_frogzoo, do i have to comment out the line?07:39
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Jack_Sparrow!ati > jack_sparrow07:39
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facugaichwhy doesn't firefox automatically upgrades itself?07:40
frogzooshawnr_: dunno, try it & see07:40
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Kr4t05I'm having some sound problems with Kubuntu 6.06. It worked fine up until last night, when my audio suddenly stopped working. I'm not entirely sure what might have caused this. Any help?07:40
facugaichI've been told it should07:40
jon_Copying RealPlayer files...Error creating directory /home/jon/bin/RealPlayer (No such file or directory), exiting...07:40
jon_Cleaning up installation files...07:40
pasconhi all :)07:40
Seveasfacugaich, because ubuntu provides updated packages via the Ubuntu update mechanism07:40
shawnr_frogzoo, lol im afraid id screw up the grub... ;)07:40
ikarugathanks all,07:40
jon_im stuck again07:40
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Dr_Willisfacugaich,  i dont see how it can to be honest.. a user running firefox shouldent be able to replace the system wide firefox.07:40
Alexi5ubuntu #107:40
Warbofacugaich: Because that would screw up the package management, and also would need to be done by every user, or else give Firefox root priviledges (yeah, give root to a web browser, what a good idea)07:41
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Warbojon_: Why not get it from Applications>Add/Remove?07:41
shawnr_frogzoo, nope still reset to "# defoptions=quiet splash" even if i comment it out.07:41
shawnr_oh well07:41
oxezHow would I give my user permissions to change permissions on a FAT32 filesystem? I managed to give myself rw access, so I can move my data to that new hard drive, but I can't set permissions..07:41
facugaichSeveas: DR_Willis: Warbo: I know, I was trying to say that I'm stuck with and haven't received any upgrades yet :P is that one the latest ver for linux?07:41
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mc__oxez, it is impossible07:42
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jonc101Warbo: me or jon_ ?07:42
Seveasfacugaich, then you disabled security repos07:42
mc__oxez, fat32 does not support permissions07:42
Dr_Willisoxez,  you got to mount the partition with umask 0222 normally for that.07:42
Warbofacugaich: Linux always has latest version, but Ubuntu package management takes care of it07:42
BeBrawhow can i find the folder of some program via cli?07:42
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facugaichSeveas: let me check...07:42
Jack_Sparrowshawnr_:  Find your video driver in the device section of xorg.conf and add:         Option          "NoLogo" just after the name of your card07:42
mc__Dr_Willis, sure?07:42
oxezmc__, oh. I'm trying to checkout my SVN on that filesystem, that's why I guess =/07:42
Warbojonc101: jon_07:42
=== dmsantam__ [n=dmsantam@60-240-122-25.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jon_warbo: \that only gives me the package07:42
Kr4t05I'm having some sound problems with Kubuntu 6.06. It worked fine up until last night, when my audio suddenly stopped working. I'm not entirely sure what might have caused this. Any help?07:42
Dr_Willisoxez,  and you DONT set the permissions on the folders/files indivitually - you set them on the drive at mount time. and thats how they stay07:42
Dr_Willismc__,  thats how vfat mounting works. :P07:42
FuriousRagehmm takes some time to install 800MB of language pakcs07:42
nightattackcan anyone tell me how can I add space to my linux partition? i removed 2 GB from my ntfs partition but i don't seem to find a way to add it to my linux partition...07:42
oxezDr_Willis, I'll try umask=0222.. I currently have umask=00007:43
jon_i think i got it though, help told me to put it in the bin folder but that didnt work, i just defaulted it07:43
Warbojon_: Really? It puts it in the Applications>Graphics menu for me07:43
Dr_Willisnightattack,  is the new block of space right next to the existing linux partitions07:43
mc__Dr_Willis, but i thougt fat32 does not support permissions07:43
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Dr_Willisoxez,  000 is a little unsafe.07:43
=== AdmX [n=adminx@c-71-204-42-100.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BobSongsminerale: I think part of the choice of animal name is to suit the general feel of the distribution. Breezy seems to have been more of a breeze to work with. Dapper appears to be Breezy with lots of fixes but a greater effort toward making it look 'dapper' or pretty.07:43
frogzoooxez: 027 is usually best07:43
Dr_Willismc__,  mount  sets the permissions that are 'seen' the permissions are NOT set on the fles.. it just appears that way07:43
oxezDr_Willis, I can no longer create fils with 022207:43
Jack_Sparrow!diskmounter > mc__:07:44
nightattackIt's above the linux partition, it's listed as unallocated space07:44
Seveasoxez, you want 0022 0r 022, not 022207:44
Dr_Willisoxez,  check your fstab/mount command then.07:44
facugaichSeveas: Security Universe  repos?07:44
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Seveasfacugaich, and security main, restricted, multiverse07:44
Kr4t05BobSongs: Do we want to know how Hoary got named? :P07:44
jon_realplayer does not allow redistribution, therefore you have to fetch the archive from their site07:44
Seveasfacugaich, pastebin your sources.list07:44
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ikarugahi all just wanted to know if anyone has any experience running qdvdauthor.  I've tried running it both in breezy and dapper, and the slideshow feature never works07:44
jon_according to the add application07:44
BobSongsKr4t05: lol. Now, now. Keep it clean. ;)07:44
twotwentyim using kernel, how do i upgrade from it to the latest ( ?07:45
facugaichSeveas: it's ok, I know what you mean07:45
oxez/dev/hdb1 on /media/stuff type vfat (rw,umask=022) => I can't write to it tho07:45
Dr_Willishttp://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=howto:mount    - has a good discussion of thos. :P applys mostly to vfat as well.07:45
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facugaichSeveas: I guess that's why I'm not getting any upgrades07:45
Warbojon_: That is what it does. The package doesn't actually contain realplayer, it contains a script which downloads realplayer from the site, extracts it, installs it then puts it in the menus07:45
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Dr_Willishttp://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#can_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume         has good info as well.07:45
jonc101Warbo: i selected synaptic to install and its now installing about a billion other applications, is this normal.....and second question, whats the difference between synaptic and aptitude?07:45
BobSongsSeveas: How did you get this 'icon' ? 07:46
Warbojonc101: Aptitude is command line, synaptic is GUI07:46
jon_i tried that and it didnt work, so i was just following the help menu07:46
Warbojon_: OK07:46
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Warbojon_: I find that it runs with sudo ./filename.bin then tell it to go in /usr/lib/realplayer07:46
jonc101Warbo will synaptic work like an ncurses interface?  because aptitude looks like that to me, its all ncurses07:46
Warbojonc101: aptitude is ncurses, synaptic is gtk207:47
jon_i think i got it07:47
Kr4t05I'm having some sound problems with Kubuntu 6.06. It worked fine up until last night, when my audio suddenly stopped working. I'm not entirely sure what might have caused this. Any help?07:47
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jonc101Warbo errr.. i dont have X....this is the server install, so no X components07:47
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Dr_WillisWarbo,  you answered the question in a way that dident answer much and gave him 2 more questions!  :) well done!!07:47
nightattackthe space i took away from my ntfs partition is now right below(so above the linux partition), is there a way to get it into my linux partition, it's listed as unallocated space07:47
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Warbojonc101: No wonder it is getting loads of stuff..... oops :)07:47
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Jack_SparrowKr4t05: You also have Windows correct? does it still work there?07:47
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jonc101Warbo should i cancel?07:48
ubuntudeutsch ?07:48
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Warbojonc101: I would07:48
Kr4t05Jack_Sparrow: Sound works fine in Windows.07:48
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Warbojonc101: q will stop it downloading07:48
danf_1979does anyone run bastille-linux here?07:48
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Dr_Willisnightattack,  you could fdisk/format the new space and mount it somewhere. or ya could  boot a live cd. and use gparted to resize the existing partitions and take over the unalloated space.07:48
superhondjeah dude07:48
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:48
jon_is there a good music client for linux, something like soulseek?07:48
ubotuI know nothing about audio - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu07:48
Warbojonc101: : will keep a package at it's current version (so uninstalled stuff stays uninstalled) and - removes it07:48
ubuntucan someone tell me about skype for ubuntu linux ?07:48
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Skype To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto07:48
ubuntuskype ?07:49
ubuntuhow to install it ?07:49
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Warbojon_: MLDonkey can use souldseek I think07:49
Seveasubuntu, read what ubotu just wrote07:49
jonc101Warbo: thanks...ill just use aptitude from the cli, what was it i needed to search for to get those libraries installed?  i think u mentioned something earlier07:49
jon_can you help me figure out how to play mp3s on here07:49
A[D] minS!sources.list07:49
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:49
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Seveas!mp3 > jon_07:49
Jack_Sparrowjonc101:  there is a package libx...07:49
=== Inazad [n=inazad@c207.134.224-254.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
InazadSomeone can help me ?07:50
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:50
Seveas!someone > Inazad07:50
nightattackDr_Willis: how do I use the fdisk command?07:50
romulocan anyone point me out any solution for configuring a 6 channel system with alsa? my center speak isnt working -_-07:50
Dr_Willisnightattack,  run sudo fdisk, :P ya proberly want to use gparted, and read a few disk partitioning howtos/tutorials first.07:50
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:50
=== Servo888 [n=Servo888@c-69-246-109-229.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:51
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jonc101Jack_Sparrow looks like there's a few libx apps, libxft2-dev, libxml10, libxm10, libxmlrpc-ruby1.8, libxslt-dev.....which one do i need to install?07:51
Warbo!man > nightattack07:51
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Servo888Anybody use pdfimages? Here's my line: "pdfimages -j -f 1 -l 1 mypdf.pdf output.jpg" This should create an image called output.jpg from the first page of the document... Well it doesn't.07:51
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InazadI have to wait above 5 minutes to see my loading panel of gnome... What's the problem with my laptop ?07:51
Jack_Sparrowjonc101: Look at your error paste again.. start there libx11 if I remember07:52
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Jack_SparrowI gotta run, wife needs me to be with her...  Hope everyones problems are little ones...07:52
oxezDr_Willis, I can change permissions, but only as root.07:53
Servo888anybody? This should not be that freaking hard to solve... God damn the ass who wrote the fucking man page...07:53
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Alex`onhow can I create a chroot jail ?07:53
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Dr_Willisoxez,  its proberly fakeing it :)   if you want all users to be able to access that vfat, use the users and user options and umask=022  (I think)07:53
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oxezDr_Willis, I don't really want to "use" permissions. It's only SVN trying to sets file in read-only07:54
screesome german people here?07:54
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:54
Kr4t05I'm having some sound problems with Kubuntu 6.06. It worked fine up until last night, when my audio suddenly stopped working. I'm not entirely sure what might have caused this. Any help?07:54
Dr_Willisoxez,  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#can_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume   for examples.  (for ntfs, but vfat works also)07:54
oxezDr_Willis, files in .svn directory07:54
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StyXmanhi. is there any utility to select mirrors based on transfer speed?07:54
Dr_Willisoxez,  Hmm..   keeping that stuff on a vfat may not be a good idea.07:54
SeveasStyXman, no07:54
oxezDr_Willis, why's that?07:54
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jon_am i correct that i cannot get mp3 codec packages from synaptic?07:54
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oxezDr_Willis, I plan to share /dev/hdb1/www between my windows and linux systems07:55
Dr_Willisoxez,  for the exact problems you are having for one. :P07:55
Seveasjon_, no you're not07:55
Jack_Sparrowoxez: /dev/sda4 /media/sda4 vfat rw,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 007:55
Servo888that was fast.07:55
StyXmanI see. any other mirror chooser?07:55
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Seveas!mp3 > jon_ please read the message from ubotu07:55
Dr_Willisoxez,  you can set windows to read/write to ext3/2 drives. :)07:55
Alex`onhow can I set up a chroot jail ?07:55
jon_im there07:55
Seveas!repeat > Alex`on07:55
oxezDr_Willis, I tried it, didn't work with TortoiseSVN07:55
__mikemHello seveas07:55
Seveas@lart __mikem07:55
jeplerI'm using breezy.  When I log in at the console I have 'max locked memory     (kbytes, -l) unlimited', but when I ssh in I have a limit of 32 kilobytes.  I don't see this setting in /etc/security/limits.conf.  Does anyone know where it is specified?07:55
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Seveasdamn, doesn't work in here...07:55
Alex`onhow can I set up a chroot jail ?07:56
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__mikemSeveas, your bot is broke07:56
Seveas__mikem, no it's not07:56
Dr_Willisnice when ya give him an answer.. then he vanashiss for a bit.. then comes back asking the same question.07:57
Dr_WillisIve yet to see a 'good  & simple' way to chroot users to their home dirs.  Not seen much of a need for it either.07:57
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gnomefreaki remember why he was banned now07:58
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tehutihelp! I can't set up my 4-port ethernet router07:58
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Seveasgnomefreak, the bantracker can help you remember07:58
Seveastehuti, that has not so much to do with ubuntu...07:59
gnomefreaki know i forgot to add it that day07:59
tehutiit's a d-link di-604 and I can't get to the setup screen through firefox07:59
tehutioh yeah, what's it have to do with?07:59
tehutiin windows I can just run the disk07:59
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oxezDr_Willis, I got it: I added uid=100007:59
stefg#ubuntu-classroom will have it's premiere shortly08:00
no_gatez_fanI have a pci express (ati X800)...what is the best way for me to get it working properly?08:00
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Dr_Willisoxez,  ok - thats  just setting the dir to be owned by the user 1000, if you used the 'user' option . it would do the same. :P IF that user mounted the dir.08:00
Seveasstefg, what's the subject?08:00
Warbono_gatez_fan: Actually I don't know. Probably fglrx08:00
StyXmanstefg: a premier about?08:00
plhardytehuti: do you mean that you are expecting to run a setup cd for your dlink under unbuntu ?08:00
Dr_Willisno_gatez_fan,  i followed the !ati docs.. for my x200m08:00
oxezDr_Willis, alright. Now I'll just have to test if it works for windows08:00
tehutiobviously not plhardy08:01
stefgI think IRC behaviour and manners :-)08:01
no_gatez_fanati doc's...get tthem from the ati site?08:01
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Gumbydoes kubuntu use the same packages as ubuntu does and it just kde instead of gnome or is it a whole separate entity?08:01
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WarboGumby: The first one08:02
StyXmanGumby: yes to the first part08:02
Dr_WillisGumby,  identical stuff08:02
Warbo!ati > no_gatez_fan08:02
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:02
ayeeeHi, ive got a widescreen tft monitor but it dont work. My other non-widescreen works just fine. What can be the problem? Anyone PLEASE help me.08:02
StyXmanbasically is the same packages; you only select ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, etc08:02
dkr0Is Ubuntu a completely free GNU system?08:02
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome08:02
WarboIt is a completely Free GNU/Linux system08:02
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SeveasWarbo, no08:03
jon_do you like GNU or KDE better?08:03
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WarboWell, restricted modules can be uninstalled08:03
dkr0Seveas, doesn't it have non-free drivers or something?08:03
StyXmandkr0: it has some closed-source soft, if that's what you asking for...08:03
Seveasdkr0, correct08:03
Warbojon_: KDE will not work without GNU08:03
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Dr_Willisbut those are not in the standard repos.08:03
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dkr0Seveas, So why does Ubuntu advertise as completely FLOSS.08:03
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StyXmanjon_: did you mean gnoem or kde?08:03
Seveasdkr0, it doesn't08:03
jon_thats what i meant08:04
dkr0Seveas, "Ubuntu is comprised of completely free and open source software."08:04
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Now in #ubuntu-classroom: a lecture about IRC
wheels3572how can I do a scan to see what is using?08:04
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__mikemoops forgot the /join08:04
Seveasdkr0, where do you see that?08:04
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dkr0Seveas, It is similar wording on the shipit CDs.08:04
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Dr_Willisdkr0,    the non-free repositories can be added.. but they are not enabled by default.08:05
ayeeeHi, ive got a widescreen tft monitor but it dont work. My other non-widescreen works just fine. What can be the problem? Anyone PLEASE help me.08:05
Seveasdkr0, no it's not 08:05
Warborestricted is, multiverse isn't08:05
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dkr0Seveas, its on the back.  restricted still is non-free.08:05
StyXmanjon_: that's a personal choice. I can give you mine (kde) , but you migh end hating it :) so the best thing to do is to try each one for a month or so and choose one08:05
Seveasdkr0, it does not say 'only free software'08:05
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-27-26.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveylemme go grab a cd and check :)08:05
dkr0Seveas, "free and open source"08:05
Guardianwhat does "install in OEM" mean ??? on the alternate install cd ???08:05
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Dr_WillisGuardian,  you can set up a 'default' customied install.08:06
bluefoxicySeveas:  do me a favor, while my machine is crippled; make a mental note to look into enabling DontZap by default, and any reason not to08:06
jonc101i dunno, i just installed a whole stack of libx libraries but im still getting the error as set out in this thread ----->>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1342492#post134249208:06
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StyXmanwheels3572: locally or remotely?08:06
Seveasdkr0, it says NOWHERE that it's only free software08:06
=== bluefoxicy tries to fix gnome >/
WarboBack of CD says "consisting of free and open source software", "released for free public use under several licenses"08:06
wheels3572StyXman, Locally.  My network is going from (desktop) to (my laptop)08:06
dkr0Warbo, there we go.08:07
Warbodkr0: Yes, so you are wrong08:07
dkr0Seveas, see?08:07
SeveasWarbo, sure, but not "ONLY free software"08:07
Seveasand that's deliberate08:07
WarboSeveas: That's why I said it08:07
bluefoxicythis is not working >:|  I must attempt a reboot.08:07
dkr0Seveas, it never states that it consists of anything less than.08:07
Seveasdkr0, see?08:07
dkr0It should.08:07
Warbodkr0 said "completely" I said "consisting"08:07
Seveasdkr0, quit being a baby and just accept that you're wrong...08:07
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jonc101how can i upgrade libc5 to glibc?08:07
dkr0Seveas, I'm not being a baby.  I just wanted to know.08:07
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Dr_Willisconsisting of free  software AND consisting of open source software.08:07
AlbertopSeveas, sorry...didn't know the rule08:07
Seveasjonc101, ubuntu doesn't ship libc5...08:08
GuardianDr_Willis: hmm ok08:08
dkr0Seveas, Sorry if the free software purist philosophy is too much for you.08:08
StyXmanwheels3572: ah, you want to know which machine is using .101?08:08
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wheels3572StyXman, Yessssss :)08:08
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Dr_WillisGuardian,  i got no idea how to use it either. :P08:08
gidimOkay, I burned the ISO at 2x, 0 checksum fail, installed on hda... and I am officially Windows-free!08:08
gidimThanks all. ^_^08:08
Seveassigh, why do babies always leave after insulting...08:08
plhardytehuti: what is the ip address of management of your dlink ? does it answers to ping ?08:08
NickGarveygidim: :)08:08
jonc101Seveas: according to the vmware install script, i need to upgrade to glibc.  check this thread for the exact error im getting -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1342492#post134249208:08
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tehutiplhardy, never mind, I got it to work08:08
Dr_WillisSeveas,  guess he showed You!08:08
tehutiI'm doing phone tech support for my mom08:09
jeplerjonc101: these are actually the problem lines:08:09
jepler        libX11.so.6 => not found08:09
jeplerjonc101: the advice is incorrect08:09
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Warbojonc101: Whatever you do, don't uninstall libc6. That is why I reinstalled :)08:09
jeplerjonc101: you need to install the libraries that are "not found" in that listing08:09
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StyXmanwheels3572: you can try to read the leases file the dhcp server has written. or you can get the mac addr for the oputput of the "arp -a" command08:09
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jonc101he leaves?08:09
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jon_sweet igot realplayer to work and mp3s to play08:09
jon_i thought this would take all day08:09
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wheels3572StyXman, huhhh lol.  I am a newbie here gonna need help lol08:09
__mikemWow, thats three +b's in the last 10 minutes08:10
Seveas__mikem, want one too? :08:10
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twotwentyhey, how do i clear my dns cache, etc08:10
jon_can i change the look of my interface?08:10
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jon_i want cool skins08:10
__mikemno thanks, Ill pass08:10
Seveas!themes > jon_08:10
twotwentyany idea?08:10
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wheels3572!themes > wheels357208:11
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i_b0tdoes anyone know how to install rhythmbox with mp3 support??08:11
PeaveySeveas, I installed azureus and java via apt, works fine. Next question would be...how to deinstall that damn java and azureus crap? :) System is slow while using azuerus, azureus itself is slow..just bad! :(08:11
Warboi_b0t: Install gstreamer0.10 plugins08:11
=== __mikem ...
Dr_WillisPeavey,  leave java, sudo apt-get remove azureus08:11
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Peaveythank you :)08:11
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mc__Peavey, you should read some beginner's tutorial08:12
p3980Hello all... have a question for you08:12
mc__!ask > p398008:12
p3980Mind taking a shot at it?08:12
mc__!ask > p398008:12
p3980Apparentally not08:12
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StyXmantwotwenty: maybe stop/starting the dns service?08:12
twotwentyStyXman: how08:12
ayeeehere (in what config file) can i change the "login screen theme"?08:12
p3980OK, simply enough, whenever I'm on one of the virtual terminals (accessed by Alt+F[somenumberhere] , the top inch or so of the screen ends up on the bottom08:13
StyXmantwotwenty: sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 stop; sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 start08:13
StyXmantwotwenty: only if you're using bind908:13
Seveasp3980, freaky08:13
Seveaswhich video card?08:13
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p3980Nvidia, unsure of exact model number as the computer isn't mine and they won't let me take it apart08:13
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StyXmantwotwenty: what dns server are you using?08:13
Seveashave you tried the proprietary drivers?08:14
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p3980Yes, they're installed08:14
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p3980IIRC, I think I may have forgot to run the config command to tell X to use those drivers08:14
StyXmanp3980: try lspci | grep VGA08:14
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twotwentyStyXman: im not runnin anything, i just wanna know why everytime i connect to my friends server, it points me to:
Seveasp3980, sudo nvidia-glx-config enable08:14
frogzoop3980: try passing vga=791 in the #kopt line in /boot/grub/menu.lst & 'sudo update-grub' & reboot08:14
twotwentyi heard something about foonet or somshit08:14
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Seveas!language > twotwenty08:14
p3980frogzoo: I'll try it08:15
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plhardytwotwenty: then the cache is on dns server you have no control on.08:15
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plhardytwotwenty: on clients, dns resolving library does not use cache but resolves query each time08:15
StyXmantwotwenty: ah, taht depends on the dns servers you're using. most probably a problem from your ISP08:15
jon_what is gtk?08:15
twotwentyStyXman: how can i solve it then?08:15
twotwenty!gtk > jon_08:16
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plhardytwotwenty: put them in /etc/host ? in hard !08:16
StyXmantwotwenty: change the dns servers or wait them to pick up the correct mapping08:16
p3980what did you want me to pass to /boot/grub/menu.lst again?08:16
frogzoop3980: try passing vga=791 in the #kopt line in /boot/grub/menu.lst & 'sudo update-grub' & reboot08:16
p3980thank you08:17
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jon_can i change my mouse roller to go back webpages when i click it in? it was set like that on windows08:17
jonc101no. i've installed every libx* file from aptitude and im still getting that error message when i install vmware08:17
jonc101wtf can be wrong here?08:17
plhardytwotwenty: order you dns server to access the better informed first08:17
frogzoojonc101: lsb_releaese -a08:17
jonc101whats that08:17
twotwentyplhardy: im on /etc/hosts now08:18
p3980do I need to uncomment the #kopt line?08:18
i_b0twarbo: ii  gstreamer0.10-alsa                               0.10.7-0ubuntu4              GStreamer plugin for ALSA08:18
i_b0tii  gstreamer0.10-esd                                0.10.3-0ubuntu4              GStreamer plugin for ESD08:18
i_b0tii  gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs                           0.10.7-0ubuntu4              GStreamer plugin for GnomeVFS08:18
i_b0tii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base                       0.10.7-0ubuntu4              GStreamer plugins from the "base" set08:18
i_b0tii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps                  0.10.7-0ubuntu4              GStreamer helper programs from the "base" se08:18
jonc101~info lsb_release -a08:18
i_b0tii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-good                       0.10.3-0ubuntu4              GStreamer plugins from the "good" set08:18
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jonc101!info lsb_release -a08:18
ubotuPackage lsb_release does not exist in dapper08:18
jonc101!info lsb_release08:18
ubotuPackage lsb_release does not exist in dapper08:18
jonc101doesnt exist08:18
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plhardytwotwenty: frankly speaking it is not really a good id, remember that you did it on a hugh post-it on your sxcreen :-)08:18
Seveasp3980, no, you MUST leave it commented08:18
jonc101aptitude already tells me that lsb_release is installed08:18
frogzoop3980: nope, leave it commented & 'sudo update-grub'08:19
p3980ok, I'll try your advice and let you know if it works08:19
shawnr_all the howtos i find say "hdparm" is ON by default, but mine isn't. should i turn it on? im using a laptop if that matters08:19
plhardytwotwenty: too add a static dns entry in /etc/host add line with the ip address first then the full dns name08:19
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plhardytwotwenty: but it remains a strange idea... ( i should have shut up my face when proposing that )/.08:20
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twotwentyi see08:21
zero-1hi, Im having problems with a creative camera thats suppose to be compatible with linux its the ct684008:21
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-27-26.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
zero-1Im not able to use it through ams08:21
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Guardianwhen partitioning, does the place of the swap partition has an influence on performance ?08:22
=== weex [n=dsterry@c-24-7-32-200.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasGuardian, not really08:22
zero-1and when i try to  install gspy it says that something is missing in gnome-lib08:22
zero-1but i have the complete packages08:22
zero-1what can i do?08:22
weexis anyone using evolution to connect to an ldap server? I need a server to test against08:22
nexuwhat is the best way to calculate how long a task/process has been running using /proc data?08:23
Guardianseveas: i was wondering if putting it at the beginning of the disk or at the end would change somethinh08:23
=== budluva [n=budluva@S0106001346ca1513.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Alexi5do developers make linux /unix their platform for their apps instead of windows08:23
=== wulax [n=void@c-4aa271d5.09-83-6c756c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
wulaxi can't use the AltGr key to make "at" and the dollar sign when using Compiz. anyone know why? i have a swedish keyboard.08:23
budluvahey, is it possible to mount .bin/.cue files? or is there anyway to convert bin/cue to iso?08:23
SeveasAlexi5, of course08:23
=== Clarence [n=clarence@] has joined #ubuntu
shawnr_all the howtos i find say "hdparm" is ON by default, but mine isn't. should i turn it on? im using a laptop if that matters08:23
Alexi5i am thinking of doing cross platform apps on linux08:24
Seveasbudluva, bchunk does bin/cue  iso conversion08:24
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weexnobody uses evolution for contact management?08:24
budluvaSeveas: cool thanks08:24
p3980OK, I did as you said & rebooted08:24
frogzoop3980: &?08:24
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p3980it told me "Undefined Mode Number" when I booted, but I just pressed space and it proceeded... it seems to work like it should08:25
p3980meaning the issue is fixed08:25
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p3980now how do I get rid of the "Undefined Mode Number" -- i think it is referring to the vga=791 line you just had me add08:25
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starscream[2] hi08:26
KenSentMeIs there a way to see if a person has been online on irc for the last few days?08:26
jon_how do i make this theme work after i extract it?08:26
SeveasKenSentMe, !seen persons_name08:26
KenSentMeIn the ubuntu channel that is08:26
jon_or where do i put it08:26
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KenSentMe!seen MatthewRevell08:26
starscream[2] can anyone help me with a USB hard drive and ubuntu problem please?08:26
ubotuI last saw matthewrevell (i=synchron@silenceisdefeat.org) 1d 2h 22m 15s ago, quiting: "leaving"08:26
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MadpilotKenSentMe, you can do that in PM with the bot, too08:27
KenSentMeMadpilot: sorry, didn't know it would print in here08:27
KenSentMeSeveas: thanks08:27
steveireKenSentMe: Nice nick08:27
KenSentMesteveire: ty08:27
starscream[2] Can anyone give me a hand with a USB hard drive and ubuntu boot issue please, thanks08:27
steveireLeisuresuite Larry08:27
steveireand the Land of the Lounge Lizzards08:28
steveireThat takes me back08:28
p3980How can I fix the "Undefined Mode Number" on booting from my last fix (adding vga=791 to /boot/grub/menu.ls)08:28
p3980my old problem was fixed08:28
p3980but now the new one08:28
starscream[2] anyone?08:28
p3980if I just press space it doesn't seem to break anything08:28
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KenSentMesteveire: i know, but i don't think it's something for the ubuntu support channel to memorize08:29
starscream[2] anyone know how I can boot ubuntu using the windows boot.ini where ubuntu is installed on a USB hard drive?08:29
repoman63bout it bout it08:29
StyXmanstarscream[2] : what/how it doesn't work08:29
frogzoop3980: nope - you should be able to find the proper mode if you go back to grub, & enter 'vbeprobe' you should find a workable mode08:29
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p3980frogzoo: I also hit "0" the second time around and it worked08:29
StyXmanstarscream[2] : ahmmm, I think that's too much to ask to ntloader...08:29
starscream[2] StyXman> I need to boot from ubuntu which is installed on a USB HDD, however my laptop does not allow booting from USB08:29
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_jeffhey guys08:30
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p3980so should i set the VGA number to 0? (I got it off the list of avail. modes)08:30
=== Mackie [n=Mackie@caracas-4115.adsl.interware.hu] has joined #ubuntu
crazy_penguingood night all! sleep well!08:30
adminxHello room08:30
starscream[2] StyXman> I read that you can add a certain boot file from ubuntu to the C: drive of the windows installation and use that but windows can't read my ubuntu hard drive LOL08:30
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weexjust read up on evolution in the ubuntu forums and people strongly suggest thunderbird as a replacement, leaves me wondering why evolution is included in a default ubuntu install08:30
Mackiehi everyone08:30
StyXmanstarscream[2] : ah, yes08:30
starscream[2] StyXman> so I wondered if the ubuntu install CD would let me boot ubuntu from the HDD, then I can add this file to my windows C: drive?08:31
StyXmanstarscream[2] : you can install some boot loader in the mbr of the usb disc, then copy the mbr to the win partition and use that file to boot, but I'm not sure it will work in this case08:31
starscream[2] StyXman> do you know the command from the ubuntu install cd to make it boot a ubuntu unstallation on a usb hard drive?08:31
frogzoop3980: doesn't sound right - is that the only available?08:31
StyXmanstarscream[2] : be aptient. i need some time to type :)08:32
p39800-9 are available on the list as the numbers I could input08:32
=== Mugginns [n=froglok@c-67-185-217-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jeffi have a desktop pc with dapper on it, my wireless pci card worked right out of the box until i made 2 changes to the system (upgraded packages and altered fsdis to mount my windows volume). after i restarted, i could no longer connect to the internet wirelessly and my wireless card was no longer recognized as a network adapter or anything in the Device Manager. Can anybody help me fix this?08:32
p3980frogzoo: Then a hex code08:32
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starscream[2] StyXman> well I feel my first job is to boot in Ubuntu, then figure out an easier way to set up a boot option ya know? PS. Sorry for not taking time:)08:32
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frogzoop3980: what are the hex codes?08:32
=== sulimo [n=recunius@cpe-74-64-71-221.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
p3980err... i didn't write them down08:32
p3980want me to go do that08:32
StyXmanstarscream[2] : yes, that would be the right way08:32
mc44anyone know of a good frontend to view xmltv listings in?08:33
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lubomierHi, for various reasons i need to build own kernel, but i have problem with restricted-modules, it's there any howto which describes this procedure?08:33
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frogzoop3980: cos the vga=### option takes a hex code - you need to get the grub prompt & find a workable mode08:33
starscream[2] StyXman> surely there is a simple command from the installation CD to get the ubuntu installation on the USB HDD to boot, do you know of it or know where I can find it? People with dodgey bootloaders must use such a command?08:33
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p3980frogzoo: so use the hex of the mode i'm using now08:34
frogzoop3980: you can probly test them out from grub with 'testvbe'08:34
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p3980frogzoo: I found one that works -- use that?08:34
frogzoop3980: that would work08:34
starscream[2] StyXman> something along the lines of booting ubuntu from disk108:34
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StyXmanstarscream[2] : I think your problem is that the bios doesn't recognize usb disks as bootable thingies08:34
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StyXmanstarscream[2] : most probably it doesn't even detect them as storage devices08:35
starscream[2] StyXman> yeah, thats why I want an alternative method of booting. The laptop does recognise the USB device when accessed from the installation initiated from a CD ya know08:35
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=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jeffi have a desktop pc with dapper on it, my wireless pci card worked right out of the box until i made 2 changes to the system (upgraded packages and altered fsdis to mount my windows volume). after i restarted, i could no longer connect to the internet wirelessly and my wireless card was no longer recognized as a network adapter or anything in the Device Manager. Can anybody help me fix this?08:35
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starscream[2] StyXman> for example I did manage to get ubuntu installed to the HDD on that machine08:36
uzzi'm trying to play some mp3's with rhythmbox but it won't work... some gestreamer - pakets are installed....08:36
uzzany idea??08:36
Neulingis here anybody who speaks german ?08:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:36
StyXmanstarscream[2] : so you need to get to the kernel as soos as possible, so it can detect the usb disk and continue booting from it08:36
mc__Neuling, ja08:36
mc__Neuling, geh nach #ubuntu-de08:36
=== dbe [n=dbe@c83-248-89-46.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
dbeDoes anyone use rmail?08:36
mc__!de > Neuling08:36
futzilogikhow do I debootstrap an edgy installation?08:37
=== beerockxs [n=beerockx@xdsl-84-44-193-190.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
starscream[2] StyXman> so is there no way of using the ubuntu installation CD as a boot cd like windows can if it cant boot?08:37
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beerockxsThe screen-darkening effect when the "password required to run this program" box pops up is pretty choppy on my machine, anyone have an idea what might cause that?08:38
StyXmanstarscream[2] : i don't remember.08:38
=== dragonfire [n=dougfult@c-69-242-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
beerockxsstarscream[2] : it's a live cd.08:38
starscream[2] StyXman> do you know of anywhere I can get this information please?08:38
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mc44anyone know of a gui frontend I can use to view xmltv listings?08:38
ikarugahey has scribus-cvs (version 1.3.X) been compiled for dapper yet?08:38
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starscream[2] beerockxs> I have installed ubuntu to a USB HDD and my PC cant boot from it so I need somewhere I booting it. I figured the ubuntu install CD may allow this function from the console?08:39
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nuHow do i create a shortcut/link to a file?08:39
=== capgadget [n=elifino@ppp-70-248-35-220.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
StyXmannu: command line or whith some filemenager?08:39
nucommand line would do08:39
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StyXmannu: ln -s. see ln manpage08:40
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nuthank you StyXman08:40
dragonfirei'm trying to mount a windows share useing samba automatically via fstab, the article in the wiki isn't working for me08:40
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
gixbitAnybody have any ideas? Trying to compile from source. "Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf64-x86-64 (/usr/lib/libsicuuc.a(ubidi.ao)) to format elf32-i386 (gdi32.2T9iM9.o) is not supported"08:40
=== damel [n=diop@196.149.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
starscream[2] are there any other Ubuntu support forums to help me with my booting issue?08:40
=== leleobhz [n=Leonardo@unaffiliated/leleobhz] has joined #ubuntu
leleobhzsomeone can help me to solve pthis?08:41
leleobhzdpkg: erro processando /var/cache/apt/archives/libavahi-compat-libdnssd1_0.6.10-0ubuntu3_i386.deb (--unpack): tentando sobrescrever `/usr/lib/libdns_sd.so.1', que tambm est no pacote bonjour08:41
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands08:41
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dragonfirei'm trying to mount a windows share useing samba automatically via fstab, the article in the wiki isn't working for me08:42
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no_gatez_fanwell that worked for the x80008:42
zazeemcan someone help me, i deleted my system tray so now i try to close so the programs go to tray but they exit, how do i add the tray back to my panel???08:42
StyXmanstarscream[2] : what you try to acomplish needs some knowledge. you might need to read some docs before getiing it right08:42
AlbertopSeveas, I almost solved. It was loading also rt2570 module :)08:42
starscream[2] StyXman> thanks for your help anyway :)08:43
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QwellOn the netboot image, is there a way to get to a console?08:43
QwellI'd like to run fdisk manually08:43
twotwentyhow do i change folder owner with 'chown' i read the manual and still don't get it. any idea?08:43
StyXmanstarscream[2] : maybe old docs about creating boot diskettes might help you.08:43
dragonfirei'm trying to mount a windows share useing samba automatically via fstab, the article in the wiki isn't working for me08:43
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twotwentylet's say the folder name is 'hello'08:43
Qwelltwotwenty: chown user:group file08:43
StyXmanstarscream[2] : I don't know if ntloader would boot a diskette image08:44
twotwentyQwell: what you mean by 'file'?08:44
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twotwentyQwell: what if its a folder?08:44
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Qwelltwotwenty: then sure08:44
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twotwentyQwell: huh08:44
AngryElfis it just me or is us.archive.ubuntu.com *really* slow these days08:44
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HoxzerANd taalk08:44
twotwentyQwell: what 'group' and 'file' should i use?08:44
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Qwelltwotwenty: whatever you want08:45
StyXmantwotwenty: for chown and most command line progs files and dirs are "the same"08:45
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StyXmantwotwenty: you can ommit the group08:45
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twotwentyoh i see08:45
StyXmanAngryElf: archive.ubuntu.com is really slow in the last week08:45
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repoman63does dapper come in pink08:47
visik7is brown not pink08:47
nuonly on tuesdays08:47
Hoxzer :/ ?08:47
beerockxsThe screen-darkening effect when the "password required to run this program" box pops up is pretty choppy on my machine, anyone have an idea what might cause that?08:47
Hoxzercan somebody explain me that inside pink joke08:47
plhardystarscream[2] : i think you are not the only one to face that problem, solution is not so easy to by-pass a lack from old BIOS08:48
nubeerockxs: mine flickers once towards the end of the effect08:48
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=== Rilo [n=chatzill@cpc1-mapp2-0-0-cust982.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
nubeerockxs: is what that yours is doing?08:48
=== AaronF [n=aaronf@c-67-190-251-247.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
beerockxsnu: it flickers all the way through08:48
AaronFDumb one: how do I tell which version of Ubuntu I'm using?08:48
_jeffi have a desktop pc with dapper on it, my wireless pci card worked right out of the box until i made 2 changes to the system (upgraded packages and altered fsdis to mount my windows volume). after i restarted, i could no longer connect to the internet wirelessly and my wireless card was no longer recognized as a network adapter or anything in the Device Manager. Can anybody help me fix this?08:48
_jeffbeerockxs: are you using compiz?08:49
nubeerockxs: try installing your videocard driver, if you haven't done so yet08:49
MadpilotAaronF, System->About Ubuntu08:49
beerockxs_jeff: No.08:49
=== LittleCj3k [n=LittleCj@ACayenne-103-1-8-70.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mc44anyone know of a gui frontend I can use to view xmltv listings?08:49
beerockxsnu: It is installed, and DRI is working.08:49
plhardystarscream[2] : solution would be to boot from a floppy that contains the right kernel already and that embed usb drivers in its initrd.img then that switch to the root of your usb disk08:49
Albertopargh, ndiswrapper says the driver and the hardware are present, but I can't see any interface in ifconfig/iwconfig :|08:49
MoraHmm.. anyone using JFS here?08:49
nubeerockxs: then i don't know man.08:49
=== Dabian [n=morten@fsf/member/dabian] has joined #Ubuntu
DabianWhich upstream version of Xgl do we use?08:49
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DabianVersion: 7.0.0-0ubuntu408:50
DabianLittleCj3k : no, its evening.08:50
_jeffis there a package upgrade log in dapper?08:50
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plhardystarscream[2] : what happens if you boot with the live cd and put a kernel option root=/dev/sda1 ?08:50
AaronFThanks Madpilot, didn't see it there08:50
edgardoHabis visto por aqu a "22Jern"?08:50
DabianWhich upstream version of Xgl do we use?08:50
DabianVersion: 7.0.0-0ubuntu408:50
ic56I suspect a hardware problem with an ethernet card.  Is there an easy-to-use protocol analyzer that I can run on a 2nd computer to show what the card is putting on the wire when I send a ping from it?  apt-cache search analyzer didn't report anything relevant...08:51
starscream[2] plhardy> I have not tried that08:51
oblibI updated from Breezy to Dapper and some programs that use sound freeze the machine. Anyone know what went wrong?08:51
starscream[2] plhardy> I have Ubuntu installed to a USB HDD08:51
plhardystarscream[2] : i am not even sure you can give boot option at start...08:51
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=== wtf is now known as amee2k
AaronFOk, I'm on Dapper (as I thought, but wanted to make sure) and my Synaptics mousepad (after hours of tweaking) still really kind of sucks; specifically, it's slow (yes I already tweaked xorg.conf), and dragging window is a pain. Someone have a thorough HowTo on Options in Xorg.conf OR (better yet)  a HowTo on getting gsynaptics (bad name btw) running on Dapper b/c there are some dependency issues08:52
starscream[2] plhardy> did you see my whole situation from start?08:52
DabianXgl works not with Ubuntu.  Ubuntu is bad and doesn't work with Xgl.  I am dissing Ubuntu because of Xgl, I am a negative person right now.  Its "only" a problem for 64bit though.08:52
plhardystarscream[2] : if there is no upgrade from your bios to get usb boot work you have to boot on another device to step on your after08:53
mnphey guys. ive got issues with installing ubuntu dapper onto a new macbook. i install fine until Grub. grub fails (which ive read is okay) and then i get a installer failure message08:53
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AaronF(I'm amd64 btw)08:53
starscream[2] plhardy> basically I followed a guide to install to USB HDD and all goes well except my laptop won't allow USB to be a boot device08:53
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mnphow can i check to see if the system is installed? and more importantly, how do i get LILO to install from the livecd? the tutorials ive found are NOT working08:53
DabianAaronF : Then your days are counted!08:53
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AaronFHow so Dabian?08:53
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=== Dabian nods solomly. (And considers taking a spelling course).
edgardoHola Zacras!08:54
starscream[2] plhardy> two ways I think may work but dont know how woudl be to add ubunty to my windows boot.ini files and boot from there...or to use the console from the Ubuntu install CD to boot ubuntu08:54
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_jeffis there a package upgrade log in dapper?08:54
=== strangy [n=ivica@83-131-143-75.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Dabian!spell solumly08:54
ubotuI know nothing about spell solumly - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:54
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AaronF!spell solemnly08:54
ubotuI know nothing about spell solemnly - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:54
mnpanyone tribooting with a macbook?08:54
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oem78674anyone know how to use gdebi 0.1.4ubuntu13?08:55
AaronFDabian: You mean: "My days are [numbered] ?" Why do you say this?08:55
plhardystarscream[2] :wher did install linux swap partition ?08:55
tschernobillsomebody german here?08:55
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:55
DabianAaronF : I have lots of problems with 64bit ubuntu.08:55
AaronFyah, I was afraid of that08:55
AaronFI got Skype running in linux32 emulation08:55
AaronFthat's fine by me08:55
starscream[2] plhardy> all went to the USB hard drive08:55
edgardoThere Free Fonts in http://www.structor.com.ar, (Too Masonic Fonts) Bye...08:56
=== Lukstr [n=Lukstr@CPE0080c6efd3fb-CM014330007734.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
starscream[2] plhardy> the guide said it should all work, and I have now doubt that it will but I cant test it if my laptop bios does not allow USB booting lol08:56
=== fyrestrtr [n=burhan_k@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu
DabianAaronF : Never use skype.  Skype stinks.  Get REAL VoIP instead!  Like SIP!08:56
mnphow can i find other IRC channels?08:56
starscream[2] plhardy> its a new laptop too!08:56
AaronFYah, everyone I know uses skype08:56
AaronFno choice08:56
fyrestrtrmnp: /list08:56
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DabianAaronF : Tell them they're idiots.08:56
AaronFIt's become a biz standard08:56
mnpfyrestrtr: what about searching?08:56
fyrestrtrhrmm, Opera is kinda nice.08:56
starscream[2] plhardy> so I figure everything is in place to allow it to boot, the PC just needs to look to the USB HDD on boot08:56
AaronFUh oh, my daughter just woke up08:57
DabianAaronF : Tell them to use REAL VoIP instead!08:57
fyrestrtrmnp: /list [expression] 08:57
oem78674anyone know how to use gdebi 0.1.4ubuntu13?08:57
LadyNikonmnp: depends on the server you can do /list if you want to find a specific irc channel.. you can check out searchirc.org08:57
oem78674trying to install .deb wiht that program08:57
DabianAaronF : Only idiots uses skype! :-)08:57
Lukstrhello room. Anyone able to help me out with my wireless card on Ubuntu?08:57
AaronFoh brother...08:57
fyrestrtroem78674: just double click on the deb08:57
=== rio_ frowns at odd Skype bashing
oem78674it goes to notepad08:57
oem78674or an equivalent08:57
AaronFLukstr: what you got?08:57
DabianAaronF : Maybe I overreact .. I am hungry you see :)08:57
nuLukstr: I can try08:57
oem78674latest version of ubuntu08:57
fyrestrtroem78674: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb should work08:57
oem78674gdebi 0.1.4ubuntu13 software to help me08:57
Madpilotmnp, most IRC clients also have a graphical way to list channels - on XChat it's Window->Channel List...08:58
oem78674ok, i'll try08:58
AaronFLukstr: details?08:58
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Dabianrio_ : Skype happens to suck tremendiously.08:58
LukstrAaronF and nu: It's an Intel 802.11a/b/g wireless card08:58
fyrestrtrDabian: what's a good voip alternative?08:58
AaronFyah I know there are some big probs on linux08:58
Dabianfyrestrtr : SIP!08:58
fyrestrtrLukstr: should work out of the box.08:58
fyrestrtrDabian: like??08:58
rio_Dabian: useful for talking to other people on skype, and i can't complain about the sound quality08:58
ubotuI know nothing about SIP - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:59
WarboAaronF: Then get on to the kernel developers08:59
LukstrWhen I run my laptop in WinXP I get *good* connection speed, and can download things at respectable rates, however in Ubuntu it's unreasonably slow08:59
ubotuI know nothing about VoIP - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:59
oblibhow do I get a list of installed packages from the command line?08:59
Dabian!ip phone home08:59
ubotuI know nothing about ip phone home - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu08:59
Lukstrit says it's *always* got an excellent connection and webpages don't load half the time08:59
nexudpkg -l08:59
nexuoblib: ^08:59
DabianThe bot is stupid ... brb.08:59
fyrestrtrLukstr: are you using firefox?08:59
AaronFThat's odd Lukstr, are you getting 11mbps and not 54?08:59
starscream[2] anyone think a 3gig partition is big enough for an installation of Dapper and for it to run as fast as pos?08:59
LukstrTo both08:59
fyrestrtrLukstr: yes to firefox?08:59
Dabianhmm... sip is Session Initiation Protocol.08:59
Dabian          the way to initiate telephone calls over the internet also known as08:59
Dabian          VoIP, it signals a remote end on port 5060 and begins sending RTP08:59
Dabian          streams08:59
fyrestrtrLukstr: disable ipv6 dns lookups in firefox.09:00
mc44i've just downloaded the source of a program I cant find an ubuntu .deb for - how do I go about compiling it?09:00
oblibnexu: any way of sorting between default packages and ones I installed on my own?09:00
Lukstrfyrestrtr: where abouts may I do that?09:00
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:00
AaronFwhy is that fyrestrtr?09:00
LukstrAaronF: not to mention it says it'll take 200 hours to download the software updates for Ubuntu, it's going at roughly 80b/s09:00
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nexuoblib: dpkg -l | grep ^ii09:00
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fyrestrtrLukstr: because it will speed up your browsing experience, since most DNS servers don't support ipv609:00
nexuoblib: dpkg -l shows what you have installed or was installed09:01
nexuoblib: and erm .no09:01
fyrestrtrLukstr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 <-- :)09:01
nexuoblib: 'default' ?09:01
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programcodeHello everyone, can someone help me with a problem with XGL?09:01
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edgardoFelipe C. Valcaraho09:01
fyrestrtrprogramcode: best to ask in #ubuntu-xgl09:01
oem78674that didn't work for installing the deb file09:01
Lukstrfyrestrtr: thanks09:01
oem78674it says errors were encountered09:01
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oem78674trying to install jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i58609:01
mc44Warbo: thanks!09:01
=== chipmonk010 [n=chris@c-69-142-27-27.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtroem78674: means it worked, just encountered errors.09:02
oblibnexu: I'm thinking of restarting a Dapper install from scratch, but then want to install all the packages I had installed before09:02
fyrestrtr!java > oem7867409:02
oblibnexu: my current Dapper upgrade has serious issues09:02
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nexuoblib: such as?09:02
oem78674java is not working on ubuntu09:02
nexuoblib: i mean what kind of issues09:02
oem78674tried installing from RPM also09:02
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository09:02
fyrestrtroblib: copy /var/cache/apt/archive somewhere, then copy them back -- and you won't have to download them when you update.09:02
oblibI updated from Breezy to Dapper and some programs that use sound freeze the machine.09:02
fyrestrtroem78674: works here great.09:02
dr_willis_theres no need to mess with the java rpms09:02
mnpanyone use lilo in dapper?09:02
Warbooem78674: If they were unmet dependency errors then run apt-get -f install after installing a deb09:02
AaronFSo anyone have a link on a comprehensive Synaptic Touchpad howto (amd64)09:03
nexuoblib: which ones ?09:03
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fyrestrtrAaronF: what's there to 'howto'?09:03
oblibnexu: for example I run fceu (which I compiled from source) and it says "couldn't get sound resource" or something and just freezes09:03
AaronFOr tutorial for gsynaptics (amd64)09:03
morpheusdoes anyone know how i can configure bitchx to use a socks5 proxy09:03
AaronFWell, fyrestrtr my touchpad behaves poorly09:03
nexuoblib: hmm ok well09:03
nicholaspaulQ: I'm trying to copy everything from my system drive to a blank drive, and when I use cp -rv * /media/other, it gets stuck at copying 'proc/kmsg'... just pauses for a really long time. Is there a reason for that, or a better way to duplicate the entire system?09:03
=== caplink811log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-021-137.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
AaronFso I've tweaked the xorg.conf and made it 'usable' but it's still not 'right'09:03
nexuoblib: best thing you could do is run dpkg -l  > mypackagelist.log09:03
dr_willis_morpheus,  i think its a bitchx/enviroment setting.09:03
UbuntuJulezhey the fonts for my windows and applications seem a little huge and crowded..i've turned them down to 9 but they still seem (even the spacing) to be really big09:03
fyrestrtrnicholaspaul: use dd09:03
nexuoblib: save it somewhere save09:03
=== X-Hacker` [n=Adi@host72-242-static.73-81-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
nexuoblib: reinstall09:04
oblibnexu: then diff?09:04
nexuoblib: and read back into the list09:04
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr: dd?09:04
oblibnexu: good idea09:04
fyrestrtrAaronF: there are tools in repos for that.09:04
morpheusty dr where do i find that09:04
DabianX-Hacker` : It doesn't work!09:04
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fyrestrtrnicholaspaul: disk dump -- makes an exact image of your disk.09:04
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nicholaspaulaah . thx fyrestrtr !09:04
AaronFYah, I have dependency probs with latest gsynaptics on dapper (amd64)09:04
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dr_willis_morpheus,  i would start by googling for some BitchX docs/homepage... Last i looked hopwever.. the BX docs were.. rather annoying. :)09:04
Moranicholaspaul, you Should Not copy /proc, /sys directories!09:04
rr72why doesnt the bot have logs for the 24th of last month?09:04
rr72i need them09:05
=== _wall` [n=sil@user-514c583d.l3.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrAaronF: try tpconfig09:05
nicholaspaulMora: oh? I want to copy the system to a bigger drive and use that instead.09:05
=== sysop_ [n=sysop@mo-76-0-26-166.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArcAnge1can anyone help me ive got no normal picture after installing ubuntu only a scrambeld image all lines and stuff09:05
fyrestrtrArcAnge1: what video device?09:05
=== ichiban [n=ichiban@adsl-69-212-56-168.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
rr72where can i find channel logs?09:05
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs09:05
Moranicholaspaul, /proc and /sys are virtual file systems that are exposing some innards of your system. you should /not/ copy their contents over to the disk.09:06
ubotuI know nothing about audacious - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:06
rr72fyrestrtr~ the logs i need are missing09:06
rr720 bytes09:06
fyrestrtrrr72: bot must have gotten unplugged for cleaning.09:06
rr72the 24th of july in kubuntu09:06
nuHow do i create a shortcut or link?09:06
plhardystarscream[2] : try booting form the live cd and give: live root=/dev/sda1 and see what happens09:06
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nulink a file to its original version09:06
nicholaspaulMora: wont the duplicate be incomplete?09:06
Warbonu: ln -s filename linkname09:07
rr72fyrestrtr~ then how do i find a cmd i was told in there that i need?09:07
fyrestrtrnu: right click, create shortcut (in nautilus) -- or ln -s original linkname09:07
AaronFfyrestrtr: does this mean I have to run this in linux32 emulation on my amd64?09:07
fyrestrtrAaronF: probably :)09:07
Moranicholaspaul, you need only to mkdir /proc and /sys, they will be automagically populated in runtime.09:07
nuThanks, both of you  =D09:07
AaronFIs there an effort to improve amd64 pkgs?09:07
Albertopanyone with a working ralink rt2570 card here?09:07
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nicholaspaulMora oh i see. so what would the correct dd command be, if i want to exclude those dir's?09:08
Warbo32bit/64bit should become seamless in later Ubuntu verisons09:08
nuok. i made the shortcut but doint see it on my dekstop09:08
Warbo(for x86 at least)09:08
Moranicholaspaul, best way is to use cp -afx / /target/09:08
fyrestrtrnicholaspaul: august issue of linux user magazine has a great article on this.09:08
nubut when doing ls in the command line, it lists it09:08
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mc44Warbo: when I run make it says "As root, say 'make install PREFIX=/usr' to install." - do i need to run as sudo?09:08
zazeemcan someone help me, i deleted my system tray so now i try to close so the programs go to tray but they exit, how do i add the tray back to my panel???09:08
Moranicholaspaul, you should /not/ run dd on mounted filesystem.09:08
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr: i'll check it out :) thx09:08
nicholaspaulMora. oh. alrighty :)09:09
fyrestrtrnu: you need to ... ermm ... put it on the dessktop :)09:09
Warbomc44: I would use sudo checkinstall09:09
nicholaspaulMora: cp -afs it is :) thx!09:09
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr:  gforce 6600 TI09:09
Warbo!checkinstall > mc4409:09
nufyrestrtr:  i just noticed it put it in my home directory lol. although the orginal file is in the desktop. thanks!09:09
fyrestrtrzazeem: right click, add to panel and then add the notification area09:09
AlbertopI can't get this rt2570 to work both with the linux driver and the ndiswrapper driver, but ndiswrapper works ok on SuSE with this inf file09:09
Moranicholaspaul, afx not afs09:09
nicholaspaulMora: right....typo!!09:09
fyrestrtrArcAnge1: it should work, what kind of monitor do you have?09:10
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Warbonu: symbolic links (-s) can be copied anywhere, but they will break if you move the original. Hardlinks (no -s) don't, but they cannot be of directories, and must be on the same device/partition as the original09:10
SurfnKidcan i generate PDFs thru linux09:10
nicholaspaulMora: and off it goes. If it works, you'll hear me yelp!!09:10
WarboSurfnKid: OpenOffice09:10
fyrestrtrSurfnKid: sure09:10
WarboAbiword, Koffice, Inkscape, whatever09:11
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dreamthiefhey frogzoo, thanks for your hint about NIC bonding ;) you made my day *g* I got it set up right now in just about 2 minutes09:11
Moranicholaspaul, don't forget to install grub.09:11
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr: a dell trinitron 19 inch09:11
nicholaspaulMora:  how?09:11
nuWarbo: thanks. ill keep it in mind09:11
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nuthe reason is, i saw a Terminal link on a directory and deleted it....and yea...09:12
SurfnKidI had a receipt from Paypal, when i hit print, Generate PDF.. it said its not supported, maybe i need to install a package that lets it do that, but why would it show generate pdf on the print options09:12
fyrestrtrArcAnge1: might have to adjust the refresh rates for that.09:12
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-27-26.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu []
nunow my shortkey (control + 1) wont work lol09:12
nuso im trying to put it back there09:12
frogzoodreamthief: cool, 802.3ad is a beautiful thing09:12
Moranicholaspaul, are you planning on simply moving your system to another disk or moving that disk out to another box or?09:12
aujordanhnu, still have linux installed? :)09:12
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nuaujordanh: hehe yes.09:12
nicholaspaulMora:  i'm running out of space, so i'm moving the system to a bigger drive09:12
nu25 hours and going09:12
nicholaspaulMora: the old one will be removed.09:13
dreamthiefoh yes, it is ;)09:13
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aujordanhnu, congratulations anything cool to share so far?09:13
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.09:13
mc44Warbo: well  it asked me lots of things I didnt understand, but it seems to work! so thanks very much :)09:13
Warbonu: Windows uses shortcuts for program icons, but in Ubuntu icons on the desktop, panel and menu are ".desktop" files, which can be controlled with Alacarte Menu Editor (in Accessories)09:13
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nuaujordanh: just my irssi layout =). conky is my next victim though.09:13
=== QRZ [n=brad@dialup.212-50-165-198.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
Moranicholaspaul, then you need to install grub on new disk..09:13
Warbomc44: checkinstall means you can uninstall stuff painlessly later09:13
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:13
jahshuaconky owns.09:13
mc44Warbo: ah just with apt-get remove? if you use make you cant do this?09:14
nuyea, need to configure it though09:14
nicholaspaulMora:  how do i do that?09:14
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr: and how do i do that? im new to ubuntu i have always used windows09:14
nuwhite letters on white bg dont mix09:14
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fyrestrtrArcAnge1: sorry, do what?09:14
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:14
aujordanhnu, IRSSI saved my but once09:14
DabianWhat about 64BIT THOUGH!09:14
repoman63is this right09:14
Warbomc44: make install just copies files around, so you'd better hope the developer has made a "make uninstall" option (also it means you have to keep the source code)09:14
nuaujordanh: how so? im using it instead of XChat.09:14
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nicholaspaulaujordanh: hey, i managed to format that drive by running the install disk, incase you were wondering :) thx for your help yesterday!09:15
teimuwoohoo! front page of wikipedia today!09:15
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aujordanhmy computer's xserver wouldn't load so i had to get help via IRSSI and Lynx09:15
aujordanhnicholaspaul, glad to hear it09:15
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aujordanhLynx is another lifesaver09:16
Warbolynx is good. elinks doesn't handle ssl (in other words, help.ubuntu.com/community won't load)09:16
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mc44Warbo: aha, cunning. cheers :)09:16
DabianWarbo : And in third words?09:16
fyrestrtr!info links-ssl09:16
ubotulinks-ssl: Dummy package for transition to elinks. In repository universe, is extra. Version 0.99+1.00pre12-1 (dapper), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB09:16
DabianWarbo : You cannot access hyour cold-mail?09:16
WarboDabian: What?09:17
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DabianOh .. A Gaimuser :-)09:17
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HarkinsHow does Ubuntu's automount work? I've switched my wm to fluxbox and it's stopped working.09:17
nuOnce i find a way to play counterstrike source from here, i think ill delete my NTFS partition09:17
nuor leave it minimal, as emergency09:18
fyrestrtrand if you get links2 -- you can use fb to browse with images :)09:18
WarboHarkins: It uses gnome-volume-manager to manage devices, so you won't get that in flux09:18
jahshuaHarkins: do dmesg and identify the device first09:18
jahshuaHarkins: whats the device you attached ?09:18
Harkinsjahshua: I already know it's sdb109:18
aujordanhnu, buy a Cedega subscription09:19
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jahshuaso do this Harkins ..09:19
micahcowanfyrestrtr, it's something of a problem that links-ssl is a dummy package that gets you a non-SSL-supporting version of elinks, no?09:19
teimunu, the only reason i dual boot is for games on win. the performance on newer games (css) lacks on wine or cedega. i would recommend keeping windoze09:19
jahshuasudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/09:19
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ArcAnge1fyrestrtr:       ArcAnge1: might have to adjust the refresh rates for that.     that i mean09:19
HarkinsAnd then my user can't read the files.09:19
jahshuathen cd /mnt/ and you should be able to look at the contents.09:19
Warbojahshua: Not exactly automount is it? :)09:19
aujordanhteimu, all i need is armegatron and i am happy09:19
jahshuaof course not.09:19
jahshuaits called Unix.09:19
teimuaujordanh, good game =)09:19
fyrestrtrArcAnge1: oh, first you need to find out what are those rates for your monitor. Check its documentation, or google your monitor model. Then, open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and enter the values there.09:20
WarboWould gnome-volume-manager run without GNOME?09:20
nuaujordanh: i guess ill listen to teimu. if perfomance lacks for newer games, then ill just plays on wind009:20
HarkinsWarbo: Thanks, got it running.09:20
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jahshuaHarkins: ....09:20
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frogzooWarbo: alsamixer ?09:20
DabianWarbo : Well .. you have KDE dress up like GNOME and try and fool gnome-volume-manager?09:20
Warbofrogzoo: volume as in drive09:20
aujordanhteimu, except the microbuscity.com server is running a different version that the ubuntu repos and i don't want to go through any long install process09:20
teimunu, you also have to worry about strange debugging when games do not work. the games are made for win, so the best support to play them is there09:20
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nuWill Nautiflus work on kxce?09:21
WarboDabian: Harkins is in Fluxbox09:21
fyrestrtrnu: man, just switch to gnome09:21
Dabiannu: I don't know?  Have you tried?09:21
nuteimu: ye ai hear you09:21
jahshuai just told him exactly what to do.09:21
aujordanhnu, also if you are only using it for games, you can format the partition and optimize windows for the games09:21
jahshuaand then he thanks Warbo.09:21
nufyrestrtr: i like xfce. its light and pretty09:21
Dabianjahshua : How could you do such a thing?09:21
aujordanhnu, no extra software etc...09:21
nuaujordanh: yea i think ill do that. format it and only install steam09:21
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=== Warbo wears a smug grin
teimuaujordanh, is that that rts?09:22
nuDabian: no. are you using xfce too?09:22
aujordanhnu, and do a custon install and put only the minimum on there09:22
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rr72Where do i find logs?09:22
nuaujordanh: pretty sure i'll do that09:22
rr72the bot is broken !logs doesnt work09:22
Warborr72: /var/log09:22
aujordanhteimu, no the tron clone09:22
rr72for channels09:22
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aujordanhteimu, what were you thinking of09:22
teimuaujordanh, ooo09:22
Warbo!info gltron09:22
ubotugltron: 3D lightcycle game. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.70final-7ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1905 kB, installed size 2704 kB09:22
fyrestrtrrr72: I told you already.09:22
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs09:22
aujordanh!info armagetron09:23
ubotuarmagetron: 3D Tron-like high speed game. In repository universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 1005 kB, installed size 1856 kB09:23
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr: ok but i cant login cause during the instaal it only asks for a password and not for a username so when i press ctrl alt f1 i cant login :S09:23
rr72!logs doesnt work, he wasnt here09:23
ubotuI know nothing about logs doesnt work, he wasnt here - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:23
nuIf i install gnome here through xfce, will i be able to choose which one to use?09:23
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aujordanharmagetron > gltron09:23
strangy!info aspell-hr09:23
ubotuPackage aspell-hr does not exist in dapper09:23
rr72they are missing for a few days09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
Dabianrepoman63 : Congratulations!09:23
ubotuHelp! lilo, Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!09:23
teimuaujordanh, theres this rts that i apted a little while back. had somethign to do with controlling these blobs around that fight other blobs09:23
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Warbogltron is nicer (read: armagetron is too hard)09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
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dr_willis_rr72,  peraps ya should be googing for your problem - not tryign to find logs that may no longer esixt09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
repoman63i g0t perm ban09:23
Dabianrepoman63 : I think we got the message by now though.09:23
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:23
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Tricorerepoman63: That's quite understandable tbh09:23
fyrestrtrgawd someone please...09:23
fyrestrtroh thanks Madp09:24
aujordanhteimu, globulation09:24
rr72dr_willis_ i know my answer is in there09:24
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aujordanh!info globulation09:24
ubotuPackage globulation does not exist in dapper09:24
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SeveasMadpilot, it's loserday09:24
thegh0stduring the dapper install09:24
nuNo one knows?09:24
Seveasairzer0 has been back around 20 times too09:24
teimuaujordanh, yea yea. thats it. i thought thats what you were talking about.09:24
thegh0stif I select "Use Large space" for partitioning09:24
DabianTricore: tbh?09:24
MadpilotSeveas, gah09:24
Tricoreto be honest09:24
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thegh0stdoes it just use the free space on my drive, because I CANT erase my windows parition09:24
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Dodzeynu - install ubuntu-desktop, then you can as far as i know09:24
aujordanhteimu, right now i am trying to get legends to work, (a tribes clone)09:25
Warbothegh0st: You will have to shrink the Windows partition with GParted (Gnome partition editor)09:25
DabianTricore : He was sure skilled at being annoying.09:25
thegh0stWarbo: I did, there is 20gb unallocated space09:25
nuDodzey: i switched from ubuntu to xubuntu =D09:25
thegh0stWarbo: if I select use largest space will it just use the free space?09:25
nuIs gnome slower than xfce?09:25
Warbothegh0st: Then using free space will work09:25
fyrestrtrnu: I don't see any difference here09:25
Seveasnu, not necessarily09:25
Tricoreare there any compitability issues with using Ubuntu 64-bit version?09:25
thegh0stI only have 3 options09:25
nuYou guys dont notice speed difference than? alright09:26
WarboTricore: Mainly in non-Free stuff (like codecs, Flash, etc.)09:26
fyrestrtrTricore: a lot of things require tweaking and some just plain don't work.09:26
teimuaujordanh, ooo. tribes was my favorite game for a really long time. it was also my first online game, so its pretty sentimental to me. i will definately check legends out tho09:26
thegh0stErase entire disk, use largest space, and manual09:26
aujordanhteimu, it crashes on joining servers for me09:26
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TricoreOkay thx, I'll just stick to the x86 version then :)09:26
Dabianthegh0st: Muahahaahahahhaha!09:26
Warbothegh0st: The second one is what I meant09:26
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aujordanhteimu, there are still active tribes servers (especially because it is free)09:27
TheGateKeeperTricore: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava09:27
thegh0stkk thanks09:27
Dabian!nickometer Zi3d4n309:27
ubotuI know nothing about nickometer Zi3d4n3 - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:27
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ic56I suspect a hardware problem with an ethernet card.  Is there an easy-to-use protocol analyzer that I can run on a 2nd computer to show what the card is putting on the wire when I send a ping from it?  apt-cache search analyzer didn't report anything relevant...09:27
Zi3d4n3Anyone with Bluetooth experience ? Please i need help.09:27
teimuo yea. free dl now, huh?09:27
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fyrestrtr!info ethereal09:27
ubotuethereal: network traffic analyzer. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.99.0-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 564 kB, installed size 1500 kB09:27
fyrestrtric56: ^^^09:27
DabianZi3d4n3 : Your nick is new?09:27
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ic56ty, fyrestrtr09:27
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fyrestrtrDabian: need a > in there ;)09:28
Zi3d4n3I can send files from my computer to my sony ericsson w800i, but i cant send from my phone to my pc09:28
Dabianfyrestrtr : Heh :)09:28
Zi3d4n3Dabian: No its not.09:28
DabianZi3d4n3 : To me it is!09:28
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fyrestrtrZi3d4n3: bluetooth or infrared?09:28
Zi3d4n3Dabian: ur right, when ur right ur right, via Bluetooth.09:28
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SeveasZi3d4n3, 'ur'?09:28
DabianZi3d4n3 : You like right talk :-)09:29
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fyrestrtrZi3d4n3: I have a K750i, and it works here, you must be missing a package.09:29
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twotwentyhow do i patch my kernel, let's say im using and i want to install
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WarboKDE bluetooth seems more automatic than GNOME. If you have KDE try logging into it09:29
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:29
Zi3d4n3frystrtr: yeh those are almost same phones, the thing is i can send from computer to phone but not from phone to computer09:29
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aujordanhtwotwenty, why do you want to?09:30
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twotwentyaujordanh: it's my choice09:30
fyrestrtrZi3d4n3: sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth obexserver09:30
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aujordanhtwotwenty, ????09:30
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WarboBluetooth PINs can be weird. I think I had to edit a config file to get mine working09:30
Zi3d4n3fyrestrtr: will try it, thx.09:30
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bricktopwhat up09:31
twotwentyaujordanh: my friend said for security puposes09:31
Warbo^ that way09:31
bricktopi smash heads09:31
bricktopif you want a head smashed09:31
SurfnKidok this has intrigued me for such a while09:31
bricktopmessage me09:31
Zi3d4n3 fyrestrtr: lol it wasnt installed ty.09:31
aujordanh twotwenty if you are new to linux, i would advise you stick to ubuntu's dapper release09:31
abowhich is better, xine or gstreamer, taking into account codec support/integration in firefox?09:32
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Warbo!offtopic > bricktop09:32
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fyrestrtrZi3d4n3: might also want to try obexftp -- and once bluetooth is running as per your satisfaction -- try bluemon and grml-btnet09:32
SurfnKidim trying to see if there is a program that will output the transistor sounds or the chip sounds09:32
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SurfnKidlike hearing your pc as it works you know09:32
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WarboTransistors making sounds=knackered transistors09:33
Taliskeris it possible to run two run xorg on two different sessions simultaniously?09:33
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bbrazilTalisker: yes09:33
SeveasTalisker, sure09:33
fyrestrtryou better hope your transistors aren't making any noises....if they are, I suggest an *immediate* backup.09:33
Zi3d4n3 fyrestrtr: grml-btnet  arg i reinstalled ubuntu last night, i wanted to setup a bleutooth network so my other computer can use internet via bluetooth09:33
TaliskerI get an error?09:33
SeveasTalisker, system  quit and select 'switch user'09:33
Taliskererr... disregard the question mart09:33
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Warbo!info gdmflexiserver09:33
ubotuPackage gdmflexiserver does not exist in dapper09:33
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Taliskersystem - quit?09:33
SeveasTalisker, in the gnome menu09:33
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WarboTalisker: If you are running X manually give it a different number, like X :1009:34
Taliskerstartx x :1009:34
zetorhello again!09:34
WarboTalisker: possibly09:34
fyrestrtrtalisein: startx -- DISPLAY:109:34
nubye all.09:34
WarboI use X -ac :50 personally09:34
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baconbacondoes anybody have a link or a guide to installing apache+php locally (without root)09:35
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:35
ShinzetsuCan someone help me with my sound issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1340862#post134086209:35
ricard1Hey, I am totally new to Linux. I have installed Ubuntu and was having problems downloading the updates and programs. Somebody recommended me to use (/etc/init.d/networking restart) and everything seemed to work ok. However, now I am trying to install stuff from the Internet (i.e.: flash plug-in, eclipse, octave, etc). Every time I try to download something the connection will freeze in the middle of it. In order to restore, I have to Deactivate-09:35
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twotwentyhow do you uncompress .bz209:36
fyrestrtrricard1: how do you connect to the net?09:36
micahcowanbunzip2 file.bz209:36
Taliskerall these commands give me "unrecognized option"09:36
J2D2i ran apt-get update and got this W: Encountered status field in a non-version description09:36
J2D2 any ideas09:36
twotwentytry: sudo startx09:36
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Zi3d4n3 fyrestrtr: can i backup my ubuntu (now all devices are working )??09:36
Taliskertwotwenty, wouldn't that run an X seesion for my root account?09:37
SeveasJ2D2, you may have added a nad repo09:37
fyrestrtrricard1: does your network use DHCP?09:37
micahcowanTalisker, it should be "startx -- :10"09:37
ricard1yes sir09:37
J2D2Seveas, a nad repo?09:37
jtras1quick question... is eclipse still broken for amd64, and if so, any other good way for me to work with java?09:37
fyrestrtrricard1: it could be that you aren't getting the right DNS servers, or one of them is timing out.09:37
J2D2oh :)09:37
Taliskermicahcowan, that's better, but I get another error09:37
fyrestrtrricard1: check the contents of /etc/resolv.conf (type cat /etc/resolv.conf) and see if it points to the right ip addresses for your setup.09:38
TaliskerIt tells me all fonts are already assigned to 009:38
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J2D2heya MenZa09:38
Morafyrestrtr, DNS has nothing to connections timing out in the middle.09:38
micahcowanTalisker, that's weird, I've never seen /that/ error.09:38
fyrestrtrMora: its an initial troubleshooting step.09:38
krimI tried installing Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) and when I get to the login screen I can move the mouse for one or two seconds then everything freezes and I have to manually turn the computer off and then on again. I've been able to install 5.10 (Breezy Badger) earlier. Perhaps it has something to do with my motherboard - EPoX EP-8KDA3+ (nVIDIA nForce 3) - or my graphic card - ATI Radeon 9800 PRO ?09:39
micahcowanTalisker can you paste the full error result from the failed startx?09:39
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Taliskerhow do I copy them from a different [text]  session?09:39
fyrestrtrkrim: does your keyboard lock?09:39
Warbokrim: What driver are you using for your graphics?09:39
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krimfyrestrtr, everything locks, can't do anything but turn it off.09:39
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encompasscan I ask a python question?09:39
krimWarbo, don't know? Fresh install.09:40
fyrestrtrencompass: better in #python :)09:40
starscream[2] does anyone know that if I use the QTParted Tool on my windows partition to resize it, will I risk losing data or will it only resize free space?09:40
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ricard1but the strange thing is that I can actually surf the web. The DNS servers are OK, I just checked them.09:40
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : you shouldn't lose anything, but make sure you defrag the disk first.09:40
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micahcowanTalisker, oh, that's right, gpm isn't installed by default. Okay, try "startx -- :10 2>errors.log" and paste the contents of that file?09:40
starscream[2] darn, it would take ages09:40
fyrestrtrricard1: does this only happen when you are installing packages?09:40
Warbostarscream[2] : It will not let you resize beyond the data it holds, but it is always safer to backup stuff09:40
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> is there a quick way to degrag?09:41
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Warbostarscream[2] : Use ext3 :)09:41
ricard1it happens when I download them. I do not get to the point of installing them09:41
fyrestrtrTalisker: its startx -- :10 &2 > errors.log09:41
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr: ok but i cant login cause during the instaal it only asks for a password and not for a username so when i press ctrl alt f1 i cant login :S09:41
starscream[2] Warbo> ext3?09:41
fyrestrtrArcAnge1: install of what?09:41
Warbostarscream[2] : Linux filesystem, doesn't need defragging09:41
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starscream[2] Warbo> yeah but I am resizing a windows partition to make way for ubuntu09:42
carpediemstarscream[2] : on 2.6 kernel, there's a disk geometry problem where you can lose your ability to boot to your Windows partition if you resize it.  Happened to me a few months back.09:42
fyrestrtrArcAnge1: it sure does ask you for a username. Maybe you forgot it?09:42
Warbostarscream[2] : Hence the :)09:42
nicholaspaulMora: hey, i'm back. I'm just wondering - how do i install grub on this second drive, now that i have the system duplicated?09:42
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:42
starscream[2] carpediem> is it fixable?09:42
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Moranicholaspaul, look at what ubotu said.09:42
mc44when I set an alias in shell it dissapears after a reboot - is there any way to make it permenant? man alias doesnt seem to exist09:42
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fyrestrtrmc44: add it in ~/.bashrc09:43
carpediemstarscream[2] : I wasn't able to fix it.  I could still mount the parition in Linux, but couldn't boot it.  There's very long, long instructions on fixing it that I never had the time to go through.09:43
fyrestrtrmc44: if you want it system-wide (ie, for all users), add it in /etc/profile09:43
nicholaspaulMora: k. cheers!09:43
nicholaspaulthx fyrestrtr09:43
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starscream[2] fyrestrtr> what happens if I am so impatient that I skip defragging my windows partition before resizing it?09:43
mc44fyrestrtr: the entire command - ie 'alias blah=blahblah' ?09:43
fyrestrtrmc44: yeap09:44
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mc44fyrestrtr: great, thanks!09:44
micahcowanfyrestrtr, no, it's /not/ & 2 > error.log.09:44
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : you'll then learn to be patient, because it will take ... FOREVER to resize it :)09:44
Zi3d4n3 fyrestrtr:  i installed OBex, the phone doesnt see any services on my computer, and i cant send files to the computer , any idea's ?09:44
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr:  did not install with the live cd but with the alternate one does that have anything to do with it?09:44
DarkAudittrying to find the command to automagically detect my ntfs partition and update fstab accordingly...09:44
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MoraAnyone here using JFS?09:44
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fyrestrtrmicahcowan: its &2 not & 209:44
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micahcowanyeah, I know. Still wrong.09:44
DarkAuditfound it in a forum post, and can't find it again09:44
fyrestrtrmicahcowan: hrmm09:44
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micahcowanit starts stuff in the background, and doesn't redirect properly.09:45
_jeffhey guys09:45
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> so QTparted does a kinda defrag while resizing that takes much longer than does a windows defrag?09:45
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MoraRedirecting streams to file: command > log.file 2>&109:45
_jeffwhats the command to see what modules load with the kernel?09:45
micahcowan >& errors.log would work, though.09:45
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : something like that09:45
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micahcowanor what Mora said.09:45
fyrestrtrmicahcowan: hrmm ah yeah, what Mora said.09:45
micahcowan(mine's a shorthand, just above)09:45
Taliskermicahcowan, are you talking to me?09:46
micahcowanTalisker, not atm. :-)09:46
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> nightmare! well it would take all night to defrage 80gig worth of data on the partition, is there a quicker way to do it?09:46
thegh0stkde is a long Kompile09:46
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : defrag is not something you really associate with any version of 'quick' or 'fast'09:46
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr: and if so i have forgot it (it could be i mean im on it the whole #$@% day)   is ther a possibility to retrive it?09:46
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> unless you can help me with my initial problem that no one could help me with earlier...?09:46
Taliskerkde is krap imho09:46
Morastarscream[2] , move the data off the partition, move it back.09:47
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starscream[2] Mora> I feel sick at the thought of that or defragging09:47
starscream[2] mora> takes a while to shift 80 gig09:47
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Morastarscream[2] , I guess you're referencing to Windows?09:47
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : guess you need to get som pepto-bismol :)09:47
starscream[2] Mora> indeed09:48
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starscream[2] ok guys, see if anyone can help me with a related problem to save me days of defragging!09:48
starscream[2] ok here goes.....09:48
fyrestrtrArcAnge1: there is a way, but its a bit complicated.09:48
Bonezanybody get cs working with cedega?09:48
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micahcowanTalisker, did you get a paste?09:49
fyrestrtrArcAnge1: you need to boot from the livecd, mount your hard disk, and look into the home directory to see who is there.09:49
Bonezi fail the direct 3d and 3d acceleration test09:49
TaliskerYeah, I already linked it09:49
micahcowanSorry, I hadn't seen it (it helps to use my name, so the client notifies me)09:49
fyrestrtrBonez: try http://appdb.winehq.org09:49
starscream[2] I have installed ubuntu on a USB hard drive, all went on fine following a guide and i am sure it will work fine, however my new laptop does not support booting from USB strange as it may sound. Is there a way to boot to the USB installation from either the windows bootloader or using an ubuntu CD to boot the USB drive. The ubuntu installation recognised the drive easy enough...09:49
ArcAnge1that is complicated indeed hahaha09:49
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ProN00bstarscream[2] , most likely ^^09:50
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poker1hey guys .......i just installed Ubuntu on server here and looking for program to run IRC ..... please help?09:50
starscream[2] Once in Ubuntu I could follow some instructions to move a boot file to the windows C drive and use the XP bootloader09:50
fyrestrtrpoker1: a client or a server?09:50
ProN00bdoes anyone know a pci to usb2 card thats compatible with ubuntu ?09:50
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aujordanhpoker1, xchat09:51
starscream[2] Anyone know how to get my USB drive to work then?09:51
fyrestrtrpoker1: irssi09:51
aujordanhpoker1, or irrsi is already on there09:51
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starscream[2] well, how to get it booted09:51
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : the install process will take care of that for you09:51
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fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : you'll be able to dual boot.09:51
starscream[2] I have finished the install process all instealled09:51
starscream[2] no , my laptop cannot boot from USB09:51
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aujordanhstarkruz1, then it probably cant boot a usb drive09:51
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starscream[2] so I need to boot it from somewhere else to look at the USB drive09:51
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : oh wait, you are the usb idio...I mean, user.09:51
starscream[2] yes, that I am fyrestrtr09:52
uzzdoes anyone know how to set up a crypto-partition on dapper ?09:52
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fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : try a grub floppy...might work.09:52
starscream[2] fyrestrtr: my silly new laptop doesnt allow USB to be selected a boot optioin09:52
SurfnKidsup DLinkTrapMode09:52
Polygonquick question! on this guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_configure_sound_to_work_properly_in_GNOME (General Tab -> Sounds for events (Un-Checked), does that mean to disable system sounds09:52
starscream[2] fyrestryr> can you point me into the direction to making one?09:52
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : return it, and get something decent.09:52
SeveasPolygon, yes09:52
aujordanhstarscream[2] , is there a boot disk available like damn small linux?09:52
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fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : try !grub09:52
Mr_Magicanyone who has used qiv before to start a slideshow? I was wondering if there is a way that the new added files in the slideshow directory could also be showed without restarting qiv09:53
fyrestrtr!grub > starscream[2] 09:53
YoussefAssaddd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hdz # NB: Do not attempt to run this, example of how not to set up a cryptographically secure partition09:53
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ubotuI know nothing about truecrypt - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu09:53
aujordanhfyrestrtr, if you use the > username does it message the user only09:53
J2D2i went to source-o-matic and got the basic sources and when i ran apt-get update it went through all the updating and then gave this error five times W: Encountered status field in a non-version description09:53
ProN00bdoes anyone know a usb2 pci card thats compatible with ubuntu ?09:53
SurfnKidWarbo, do ya think i have to install a FireFox plugin for PDF printing09:53
fyrestrtraujordanh: yes09:53
aujordanh!info gnome >jordanau09:53
ubotugnome: The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In repository universe, is optional. Version 1: (dapper), package size 11 kB, installed size 44 kB09:53
fyrestrtraujordanh: just /msg ubotu your-query09:54
aujordanhfyrestrtr, cool!09:54
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> actually, if I put GRUB onto the MBR instead of the USB Drive could that fix the prob? Would grub load windows ok from the MBR?09:54
ricard1Whenever I try to download something from the Internet my connection will freeze and I'll have to Deactivate-Activate it. Can anybody give me a hand with my problem? As of suggestions I have  received in the chat, I used /etc/init.d/networking restart and I have check that the DNS address is OK. Thanks.09:54
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : you need to worry about detection first, how would you tell grub what is your usb drive?09:54
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Taliskermicahcowan, any bells ringing? :/09:55
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> the same way grub would recognise it from the USB drive itself?09:55
MoraHmm... Where's my RIP..09:55
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : you can try it, but I have a strange feeling it won't work.09:55
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> such as /dev/sda....09:55
mineraleHi, is it possible to run vncserver (Xvnc) as a user? Or must It be suid ?09:55
aujordanhstarscream[2] , you did check your bios right?09:55
projhas anyone familiar with a problem where button widgets get strange lines on them until you roll over them09:55
micahcowanTalisker, actually, I'm having troubles of my own trying it (though they seem different). :-(  ...I'm on edgy, so my problems may be related to that...09:55
starscream[2] aujordanh> yes I did but up only allows the enabling of legacy USB rather than setting USB as a boot option and then it doesnt detect the USB drive as a bootable drive09:56
projit isn't really stopping my work .. but I'm wondering if there is a quick fix09:56
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Moraminerale, you can run xvnc as a user.09:56
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ProN00bdoes anyone know a usb2 pci card thats compatible with ubuntu ?09:56
Dex-FreudiiI received my 6.06 LTS CD... how do I upgrade from 5.10?09:57
starscream[2] aujordanh> unless I try disabling all other boot devices?09:57
fyrestrtrProN00b: I don't think there is such a thing as in 'incompatible' usb2 card.09:57
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gjoogjoobI have a HUGE problem09:57
aujordanhstarscream[2] , wont help, will just make it easier if you try different boot options to test them09:57
gjoogjoobmy ubuntu install didn't erm, install make for some reason09:57
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DLinkTrapModehow to I upgrade to the latest gnome version just released?09:57
Seveas!compiling > gjoogjoob09:57
fyrestrtrgjoogjoob: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:58
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SeveasDLinkTrapMode, you don't09:58
ProN00bfyrestrtr, i had one here that only did usb1.1 (on windows and linux)09:58
uzzfyrestrtr: thanx for truecrypt now i know what to search for!09:58
starscream[2] fyrestrtr, anjordanh> my pc can actually see the USB hdd as it says so on post, it just doesnt boot from it and can be forced to only can be set to auto09:58
fyrestrtrDLinkTrapMode: wait till its availble in repos.09:58
SeveasDLinkTrapMode, if you want bleeding edge gnome you need edgy09:58
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starscream[2] aujordanh> its a really poor bios as far as Im concerned, hardlys any options09:58
DLinkTrapModeits not in repos yet?09:58
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : its probably a crippled bios that is common with laptops.09:59
aujordanhstarscream[2] , have you thought about flashing your bios with an update?09:59
m4rkhow about flashing your toots instead09:59
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godtviskenHey.. I have `msttcorefonts' installed (through apt-get), but in OpenOffice I cannot find the `Times New Roman' font listed. What's wrong?09:59
MoraHeh.. When I started looking for a RIP cd, I realised that I've set up tftp server and I can netboot to it.. and then, after long, hard moment of thinking I realised that netbooting a tftp server from itself is kinda hard.09:59
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starscream[2] aujordanh> I believe this is the best bios for the machine, I checked their support site and my bio is newer than their update! lol09:59
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gjoogjoobi just tried apt-getting the build-essential09:59
gjoogjoobbut uh, it couldn't find the package10:00
Dex-FreudiiI received my 6.06 LTS CD... how do I upgrade from 5.10?10:00
SeveasDex-Freudii, not with the cd 10:00
sotiredi installed ubuntu to my older dell laptop. I attempted to get my wireless card working. (according to the wiki it works out of the box). Now  it doenst work, and whats worse any application i try to run starts to load but doesnt. any ideas/10:00
SeveasDex-Freudii, gksudo update-manager -d10:00
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m4rkwhat sort of dell sotired?10:01
starscream[2] aujordanh> could the hard drive need to be made bootable?10:01
micahcowanSeveas, are you using kinput2, to get the "tsu"-smiley?10:01
m4rkI just installed ubuntu on my d505 wireless works just fine10:01
sotiredm4rk: inspiron 8000 700mhz/ 320 ram10:01
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micahcowancopy-paste, or how?10:01
aujordanhstarscream[2] , not that i know of, but that is more of a hardware issue and could better be solved snooping around hardware forums10:01
Seveasmicahcowan, japanese keyboard10:01
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sotiredit was working, i didnt have probs until my wireless config failed10:01
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micahcowanoh.... lucky....   :-)10:02
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_jeffhow do you add a module to you rkernel?10:02
_jeffhow do you see your kernel version?10:02
Seveas_jeff, modprobe module_name10:02
godtviskenHey.. I have `msttcorefonts' installed (through apt-get), but in OpenOffice I cannot find the `Times New Roman' font listed. What's wrong?10:02
Seveas_jeff, uname -r10:02
Dodzeygjoogjoob - check your repositories10:02
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daveI just downloaded some cups drivers (debian package) it installed so in the ubuntu cups printer setup where do i look for the drivers ( where is the default cups drivers directory?)\10:02
rosshendwhats the best place to put your swap partitions mount point? im installing ubuntu for the first time10:03
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Seveasrosshend, swap partitions don't have a mount point.10:03
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rosshendseveas.. really.. ok10:03
NickGarveyrosshend: yeah, its just "swapon -a"10:04
_jeffSeveas: thanks mate10:04
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_jeffSeveas: maybe you might be able to help me with something10:04
sorush20I want my scanner to work with ubuntu... I hate microsoft..10:04
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sotiredok, i can start apps, just not as root10:04
sotiredlike administrative tools10:04
davesotired sudo10:04
sotiredi know about sudo, that isnt my prob10:05
daveanyone know where the printer drivers are?10:05
_jeffSeveas: i update/upgraded a bunch of packages on August 1st after being away for the weekend (my computer was fully upgraded before then)10:05
fnooI just installed Ubuntu and it did not correctly set my resolution, since I have a widescreen LCD. Also, it is using "ati" instead of "radeon" drivers, so there isn't direct rendering. Since both deal with the xorg.conf, which should I try to fix first?10:05
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NickGarvey!fixres > fnoo10:05
Dex-FreudiiSeveas, why not with the CD?10:05
NickGarveyfnoo: that should fix that first part10:05
ubotuI know nothing about restartingkde - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:05
SeveasDex-Freudii, the shipit cd's cannot be used for upgrades10:06
pekayhow i restart kde?10:06
Seveaspekay, <ctrl><alt><bksp>10:06
fyrestrtrpekay: ctrl+alt+backspace10:06
NickGarveypekay: ctrl alt.. yeah..10:06
fnooNickGarvey: OK, but do I want to fix it first? I've had problems before where one fix would undo the other.10:06
fyrestrtror, from a console, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart10:06
_jeffSeveas: the packages were compiz quinn, aiglx packages and a bunch of gnome desktop packages. when i restarted my computer as required, my wireless network card was not recognized anymore as a wireless network adapter and became unknown to the device manager10:06
NickGarveyfnoo: no idea heh, my graphics card is not supported so I have never played with that kind of stuff10:06
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steveireIf I rm * there is no confirmation, and the data is unrecoverabl, right?10:07
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_jeffSeveas: any ideas?10:07
fyrestrtrsteveire: yeap10:07
NickGarveysteveire: um, kind of.. if the files are write protected it will ask10:07
murph2481question....i need to reinstall windows....will windows overright my MBR and remove GRUB? if so how can i restore GRUB after i reinstall windows so I can still duel boot?10:07
NickGarveysteveire: and there might be a way to recover them depending on your filesystem.. _might10:07
steveireIt should need an -f switch for that10:07
fyrestrtrsteveire: of course, if you don't have permissions, it will complain.10:07
rosshendwhere do i find an install tutorial online? i cant find one in the wiki.10:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:07
NickGarvey!grub > murph248110:08
steveireI created some dummy files and it didn't complain10:08
NickGarveysteveire: thats because the permissions were +w10:08
NickGarveysteveire: in general, no it won't ask10:08
Coagwoot my ubuntu cds came in today10:08
AlbertopSeveas, thanks for the help. Now it works. Don't know why, but I'm connected! :))10:09
fnoosteveire: There are some ways to recover deleted files, but it's not guarenteed.10:09
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NickGarveyCoag: :)10:09
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murph2481NickGarvey thank yoU :)10:09
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steveirehttp://pie.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2054972075 <<< in relation to this thread btw.10:10
BobSongsGreetings one and all. Question for anyone who has experience with MSN file transfers: Is aMSN any faster at sending/receiving files than Gaim is?10:10
BobSongsI find Gaim to be horribly slow. No fault of Gaim's of course.10:10
=== caplink811_log is now known as caplink811
NickGarveywhoa.. not a nice quit message10:10
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DodzeyBobSongs: hey, erm...it's typically the msn server that determines speed10:11
=== nicholaspaul [n=nick@d198-53-228-206.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
rustlerharvi find gaim not to work for file most the time10:11
steveO_gaim sucks.10:11
DodzeyBobSongs: my gaim works fine and seems pretty fast, but ive never used amsn so i can't compare10:11
steveO_i have issues with it on windows too.10:11
=== hcr [n=christia@1-1-4-21a.gkp.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveyI like gaim10:11
NickGarveyfor everything cept irc10:11
=== Albertop pets his gaim
=== nicholaspaul likes gaim and has no probs with it
BobSongsDodzey: Dodzey! You're... still here? Good grief. ;) Good to hear from you again.10:11
fyrestrtrman, if gaim looked like adium, it would rock.10:11
rustlerharvi find gaim only works for file transfer etween gaim users10:12
steveO_gaim seemed OK at first then as of late got flakey in my experience and a few others i've talked too.  not sure why it's flakey for some and not for others.10:12
fyrestrtrfunny, since adium is based on the same libs as gaim10:12
nicholaspaulIf I looked like Adium, Id rock...10:12
Dodzeybobsongs: i'm not *still* here, i just open IRC again about 20mins or so ago10:12
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BobSongsDodzey: lol! Well, I just hopped on too.10:12
BobSongsDodzey:  You find Gaim gives you good transfer rates?10:12
BobSongsDodzey:    Are you on dial up or high speed?10:13
krimEr, is it possible to delete a newly started thread in ubuntuforums.org ? I pressed "edit/delete" but I don't see any delete button.10:13
AlbertopBobSongs, gaim on MSN can't give high transfer rates. It uses the old MSN protocol.10:13
DodzeyBobSongs: highspeed10:13
AlbertopAt least in 1.510:13
=== Pseudonym [n=weeaboo@ip70-190-210-97.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
BobSongskrim:    You may have to ask a moderator to delete a thread.10:13
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BobSongsDodzey:    Under Windows I used to get such fast transfers. In Gaim the best way I can describe it is "painful".10:14
krimBobSongs, Thanks.10:14
fyrestrtrWelcome To Linux BobSongs :)10:14
PseudonymHey guys, I am having problems with sound all of a sudden... sound on my computer is only working in a few apps (notably xmms and totem) and the volume control doesn't do anything... what could be the root of my problem?10:14
DodzeyDodzey: hmm..yeah...just try aMSN and the like, you can always remove it10:14
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BobSongsfyrestrtr:     Many thanks! I've used Breezy Badger since its release and I'm now comfortably using Dapper.10:15
=== catoblepa [n=davide@host107-224.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
DodzeyBobSongs: hmm..yeah...just try aMSN and the like, you can always remove it....ive found it to be as fast as live messenger was in windows nehow10:15
verbosedoes ubuntu save a dmesg.boot anywhere?10:15
BobSongsfyrestrtr:     But I was with (blushes) Windows since version 3.0.10:15
=== MilesAttacca [n=milesatt@dialup-127.mitec.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrBobSongs: good to see the light, aint it?10:16
NickGarveyPseudonym: I'm not sure why this happens or how to fix it, but often, only one application can use the sound card at a time10:16
rustlerharvi still have to use windows for crap10:16
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fyrestrtrNickaNicka: this is a problem with most built-in sound cards that don't provide an onboard mixer. Try !dmix10:16
PseudonymThat is not the issue; things that should work all of a sudden don't ie, the volume control.10:16
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BobSongsfyrestrtr:      heeheehee. Yeah; y'know... DOS & Win 3.1 were actually fun in their time. And I kinda miss the fun of tinkering "under the hood" shall we say. Ubuntu has brought that fun back to computing. XP kinda got boring fast.10:17
=== frenkel [n=frank@j10031.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
frenkeli just installed monodevelop in dapper10:17
frenkeland i get this error when starting it10:17
MilesAttaccaI just installed the nvidia-glx deb package, but in the terminal I was given an error saying I have to manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section from nv to nvidia. Since "nv" isn't there at all (Generic Video Card, vesa, PCI:0:5:0), how should I proceed?10:17
frenkelUnhandled Exception: System.Configuration.ConfigurationException: Cannot find /etc/mono/1.0/machine.config ()10:18
fyrestrtrMilchmann: change Driver "whatever" to Driver "nvidia"10:18
BobSongsDodzey:      I just installed aMSN in hopes that file transfers might pick up a bit. Besides. I believe MSFT changes their transfer protocols from time to time -- hence the frequent updates to MSN Messenger. And the current version of Gaim may not be up to spec.10:18
frenkelhow can i solve that?10:18
=== danieleboyo [n=beacho@Toronto-HSE-ppp3783735.sympatico.ca] has left #Ubuntu []
frenkelshouldn't it just work just after install?10:18
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-214-017.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI know nothing about amule - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:18
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> you know how you said it would take ages to resize a partition?10:19
PseudonymCuriously... the volume control is working again...10:19
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : please tell me I was wrong.10:19
BobSongsfyrestrtr:     Ages?10:19
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> well I only need to resize it so I can free up 10gig, would I still have to wait forever?10:19
StyXmanany good docs on how to get a wifi card work with ndiswrapper?10:19
=== MrPockets [n=wholycra@CPE-69-23-87-53.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DodzeyBobSongs: you could try adium also10:19
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : yes, since its not relative to how much free space you want.10:19
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fyrestrtradium is osx only, I thought.10:20
starscream[2] fyrstrtr> what is it relative?10:20
starscream[2] to10:20
BobSongsDodzey:     Ooo. adium, eh? It's in the repos?10:20
DodzeyBobSongs: actually, no, its just OS X, shit, i always thought there was a linux version10:20
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StyXmanany good docs on how to get a wifi card work with ndiswrapper?10:20
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : [a]  how full your drive is [b]  how fragmented it is [c]  x10:20
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snooplsmwho here has installed tomcat, i need some help10:20
DodzeyBobSongs: haha, learn something every day10:20
BobSongsDodzey: lol10:20
StyXmanuh, sorry for repeating :(10:20
MilesAttaccaI just installed the nvidia-glx deb package, but in the terminal I was given an error saying I have to manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section from nv to nvidia. Since "nv" isn't there at all (Generic Video Card, vesa, PCI:0:5:0), how should I proceed?10:20
DodzeyBobSongs: sounds like aMSN will be the bets bet anyway10:21
BobSongsDodzey:      You use Mac stuff too?10:21
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silentreadMilesAttacca: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper10:21
fyrestrtrMilesAttacca: in Section "Device" change Driver "whateverishere" to Driver "nvidia"10:21
PseudonymOk... I think the problem is that for whatever reason the sound server for almost everything was changed away from ALSA... is thier a way to get everything working on ALSA again? for some creepy reason, I don't see the option under sound in system|preferences|sound.10:22
DodzeyBobSongs: i used to run it under PearPC on my windows box....the performance aint great but its fun to tinker10:22
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BobSongsDodzey:     Isn't that why we work with GNU/Linux? Tinkering?10:22
MilesAttaccafyrestrtr: Do I need to change the identifier?10:22
fyrestrtrMilesAttacca: no10:23
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DodzeyBobSongs: yeah, but come on...its Mac OS X! :-p...lol10:23
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BobSongsDodzey:     bwaahahahahahaa10:23
pekaySomeone please, adept _always_ says my database is locked, even when I reboot10:23
=== BobSongs chokes on his own spit.
=== Zi3d4n3 [n=daoud@53562DC0.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
DodzeyBobSongs: i came to the conclusion that the interface is nice (but utterly confusing) but its not all its cracked up to be10:24
floppyearsI am going to install ubuntu on my mac book pro10:24
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floppyearsis there a filesystem that both mac os x can read and linux too ?10:24
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fyrestrtrfloppyears: HFS10:25
fyrestrtrfloppyears: the 'native' osx filesystem10:25
nicholaspaulMora: More Grub questions! What should menu.lst on the new drive look like to boot? i've been thru the HOWTO...10:25
BobSongsDodzey: Well. It's probably nicer that DOS's interface:     C:\>10:25
DLinkTrapModeinstead of focusing on ubuntu so much why dont we declear way on microsoft and start blowing shit up10:25
Zi3d4n3I'm using a webcam and bleutoot usb dongle, Ubuntu seems to have a conflict when both are connected, when bluetooth is connected the webcam cant be accesed. I need help pls.10:25
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floppyearsfyrestrtr: oh, so both linux and mac os x can read and write to that file system ?10:25
fyrestrtrfloppyears: yes10:25
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DodzeyDLinkTrapMode: that is the exact kind of thing that got you called a troll in the off-topic channel10:25
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-27-26.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
floppyearsfyrestrtr: how good is the filesystem ? is it journaled ? how does it compare to ext3 ?10:26
Guardianis there a way to remove games ?10:26
Guardianit depends on the ubuntu pacakge10:26
DLinkTrapModeDodzey I am who I am lump it.10:26
Guardiani don't want to remove more than games10:26
fyrestrtrfloppyears: don't know about all that I'm afraid. Google it :)10:26
DodzeyBobSongs: DOS's interface wasn't too bad, it was bad. but not too bad10:26
floppyearsthanks guys10:26
dreamthieffloppyears, hfs is noch journaled10:26
fyrestrtrfloppyears: to be honest, I think osx can also read ext3 (since its just bsd)10:26
pekayplease someone, apt is broken here10:26
dreamthiefonly hfs+ is journaled10:26
dreamthiefbut linux can't acces hfs+ drives with journaling enabled10:27
dockocan anybody tell me how to execute a php script without apache? on my server running centos php is located in /usr/bin/php, but i'm not able to find it in ubuntu...10:27
fyrestrtrdocko: sudo apt-get install php5-cli -- then php -q file.php10:27
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MilesAttaccafyrestrtr: Should I restart the computer to let the new settings take effect, or is there another command I can use?10:27
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dockofyrestrtr, thanx!10:27
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr: i followed the grub HOWTO, first of all i just got the word GRUB on the screen, wouldnt boot.Copying grub from the old to new drive wont work?10:28
fyrestrtrMilesAttacca: restart X, or if its not running, just type from a console sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart (if you are using gnome) or /etc/init.d/kdm restart10:28
=== plhardy [n=ubuntu@d213-103-56-47.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
DodzeyBobSongs: i still have it on a testbed machine actually, alongside numerous windows installs10:28
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=== BobSongs weeps over DOS's lack of interface...
steveirepekay: what is broken?10:28
fyrestrtrnicholaspaul: no, you just need to set it up, grub-install /dev/whateveristhebootdrive10:28
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:28
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr:  oh i see. tanks!10:29
pekaysteveO_: if i reboot, restart X or w/e, database is always locked10:29
MilesAttaccafyrestrtr: How do I restart X?10:29
BobSongsDodzey:     Well. Linux has what I liked about DOS... and more. It's kind of like DOS where DOS should have been had it lived till today.10:29
npsterWhat is a good complier for C++ in ubuuntu. I really hate Anjuta. Please specify ?10:29
=== untung [n=untung@63-226-240-122.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
plhardystarscream[2] : keep tuned i am installing a (k)ubuntu on a external USB disk i will be able to tell you how to resovle your problem10:29
fyrestrtrMilesAttacca: from within X, ctrl+alt+backspace, from the console (ie, non-X terminal) sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart or /etc/init.d/kdm restart10:30
DodzeyBobSongs: yeah, except DOS not being scalable enough to live till today...heh10:30
untunganybody is using monodevelop here?10:30
fyrestrtrnpster: Anjunta isn't a compiler, but ignoring that for a second -- you can always try eclipse.10:30
Dodzeyuntung: yeah, but aint been using it long10:30
nicholaspaulQ: Am i the only one missing a RESTART or SHUTDOWN buttons anywhere?10:30
Dodzeyuntung: i used to code in .neton windows, so ithought i'd check it out10:30
fyrestrtrnicholaspaul: are you running xgl?10:30
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nicholaspaulfyrestrtr:  wassat? I dont think i am ...10:31
npsterIs ti in Synaptic ?10:31
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fyrestrtrnicholaspaul: okay then, ignore what I said :)10:31
nicholaspaullol fyrestrtr10:31
fyrestrtrnpster: yes.10:31
fyrestrtr!info eclipse10:31
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In repository universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB10:31
untungDodzey: i often need to force the monodevelop to quit.. it freeze10:31
nicholaspaulI just logout and hit the power button.10:31
BobSongsubotu: You're cool, dude.10:31
ubotuI know nothing about You're cool, dude. - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu10:31
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:32
untungDodzey: .neton is new to me10:32
npsterThis is for Jva ?10:32
=== sam_ [n=sam@219-89-22-69.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:32
sam_when does edgy come out?10:32
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fyrestrtrnpster: yes, but you can use it to program in C++ (and many other languages)10:32
Dodzeyuntung: i meant ".net on windows" typo :p10:32
fyrestrtrsam_: september, I think.10:32
starscream[2] fyrestrtr> it completed in about 10 mins, very suspicious, I tried booting XP to see if it was ok and it needs a chkdsk10:32
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule10:32
starscream[2] fyrestrtr>to be fair though I have only had the laptop a few months could that be why?10:33
npsterIt is too big, anything else ?10:33
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untungDodzey... np10:33
MilesAttaccafyrestrtr: Thanks, seems to be working. Now to play a video to find out. :)10:33
fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : I don't know about that to be honest, never did the resize thing.10:33
Dodzeyuntung: all i can suggest, is if it does it when you do a specific action...submit a bug report10:33
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fyrestrtrnpster: you can use *anything* to write C++ apps. I use vim personally, I also have eclipse installed for other things.10:34
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starscream[2] fyrestrtr> maybes it would take forever on a uber fragged hard drive but I have not removed anything since I got it, just installed stuff to it really, would like to think all the data is clumped in sequential order10:34
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fyrestrtrstarscream[2] : you would think that, but such is not always the case with NTFS10:34
untungDodzey: it simply freeze when i compile... haven't figure out what the bug is... could it be the mono?10:35
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starscream[2] fyrstrtr> ya, well fingers cross windows comes out of this CHKDSK ok and that it doesnt take long to set up my linux partitions, i was ready for it to take days! so if it safe to resize without a defrag?10:35
fyrestrtruntung: try in ##mono10:36
avallachI have a nvidia geforce4 mx 420 (nv17s) in my Dapper box - everything worked great with the nvidia driver for a long time but a couple weeks ago it started locking up on me (usually when a screen saver came on), i reverted to the nv driver & everything's fine...anybody know why nvidia stopped working?10:36
Dodzeyuntung: myne hasn't frozen when compiling, so im not sure10:36
erik_hi all , i have the libswt-gtk for apt but i dont seem to have libswt-gtk2.so in my/usr/lib or is it located elsewhere?10:36
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr: im logged on i tried the rescue option and taht way i was able to change my username and password10:36
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fyrestrtrerik_: you aren't trying to debug that azureus bug, are you?10:37
DekoAhoy. Does someone have an experience with ATI Radeon 9600 XT GPU under Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?10:37
BobSongsGeneral Camera Question:     I have a Logitech Clicksmart 820 WebCam. Anybody in here been able to get it to work in Ubuntu as such?10:37
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:37
plhardy<starscream[2] > AFAIK resizing partitions from linux triggers file system checks at windwos restart but it has always worked if windwos was well defragmented before.10:37
erik_fyrestrtr no i have more sense :) im compiling iRATE10:37
BobSongsfyrestrtr:      Ahh! So that's how it's done. Thanks!10:37
ArcAnge1fyrestrtr: which file you said i have to go to10:38
fyrestrtrerik_: making you irate, is it?10:38
=== fyrestrtr couldn't resist
erik_fyrestrtr a little lol10:38
subparquick newb question: I'm trying to add a terminal command to an application launcher on the panel, but the terminal will dissapear, and the command won't run, is there a way I can keep it from doing that?10:38
erik_haha :)10:38
Spyhow do i give full permissions to users using chmod? Atm i have chmod og+xrw /folder/10:38
DodzeyBobSongs: which reminds me, i should get myne out of the cupboard and get it set up, its not serving any purpose spying on my mess of computer parts10:39
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr: i did a sudo grub-install /dev/hdd1 but all i get is GRUB on the screen when i restart... ?10:39
erik_ive googled but seems libswt-gwt is a mine field lol10:39
npsterTell me another C++ complier ?10:39
=== adminx [n=adminx@c-71-204-42-100.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== nicholaspaul hasnt the faintest what he's doing...
BobSongsDodzey:     lol! I've had a suspicion about what those things do by themselves. You may be on to something. ;-)10:39
fyrestrtrnicholaspaul: you need to install it on /dev/hdd (if that really is your drive, more than likely, its /dev/hda)10:39
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npsterWhat is a "daemon" ?10:39
=== spongebob [n=omong_ko@pD955E747.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrnpster: a process that runs in the background, a server process.10:40
DodzeyBobSongs: the freakiest part being having it plugged in on windows...theres too many trojeans with the ability to tap into them10:40
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DodzeyBobSongs: I can't imagine how many uncareful windows users are being spied on...heh10:40
BobSongsDodzey:      Wha-a-a-a-a!!! You serious???10:40
fyrestrtrerik_: I think you can just download it from *anywhere* and copy it to *anywhere* and just pass the path to your app.10:40
plhardynpster: in some other unamed system it can be called a service.10:40
unfunWich program can play all .wmv video files?10:40
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=== spongebob is now known as omong_kosong
=== BobSongs rips out his web cam and begins to jump on it.
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scott_unfun, mplayer10:41
DodzeyBobSongs: yeah....it's possible...atleast in the unsecure world of windows it is10:41
rorRubenHi friends10:41
BobSongsI need a broom. I'll be back.10:41
scott_unfun, unless it has drm10:41
unfunscot, I got mplayer but there is still some videos I can't play10:41
erik_fyrestrtr yeah im thinking about just doing that but it *should* be part of the lib ?10:41
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rorRubenI've problems with a NTFS partition with Windows XP, when i try to reboot the pc and select win xp the pc is restarted, I can't entre in win xp or mount the partition too10:41
subparunfun, look on their website.. they have other codecs on there10:41
erik_fyrestrtr ohh well thanks for the hint cheers :)10:41
DodzeyBobSongs: i wouldn't smash it to a pulp just yet...you're gonna use it in linux remember ;-)10:41
fyrestrtrerik_: I don't know to be honest, java is a funny thing.10:41
scott_unfun, you need the w32codecs pack10:41
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rorRubenhere is the output dor fdisk and fstab file => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1979610:42
unfunhow do i get w32codecs?10:42
erik_java = bad luck :p thanks 'gain  ... bye all10:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:42
BobSongsDodzey:      Good grief! I realize a PC can become a zombie with the right deposit from a trojan. But this ...10:42
=== obbe [i=obbe@81-233-61-16-no71.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
subparquick newb question: I'm trying to add a terminal command to an application launcher on the panel, but the terminal will dissapear, and the command won't run, is there a way I can keep it from doing that?10:42
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr: am i going to run into problems when i reorganise the drives ie. the old master gets removed and the new one gets plugged in as Primary Master?10:42
DodzeyBobSongs: ill try and find an article on it10:42
nicholaspaul(sorry to be sucha pain..)10:42
fyrestrtrnicholaspaul: to be honest, you should not -- beyond the fact that if you were auto-mounting your old master, then it would not mount properly, but that is a minor thing.10:43
BobSongsDodzey:      So, an exclamation mark before a topic rouses ol' ubotu from sleep to put forth a message, eh.10:43
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr: oh ok.10:43
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fyrestrtrsubpar: does the command run normally? I mean, is it erroring out?10:44
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks10:44
DodzeyBobSongs: yeah, like...10:44
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:44
subparfyrestrtr:  no, what I'm specifically trying to do is run the sleep program to set an alarm, and it would be easier to press a button then type it out every time10:44
subparfyrestrtr: but when I press the panel icon, it'll run it, then close the terminal and the program10:44
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DodzeyBobSongs: we should stop messing with the channel, we'll get moaned at...hehe....what IRC lcient are you using?10:44
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fyrestrtrsubpar: ah, you might need to send it to the background (some-command &10:45
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subparfyrestrtr: so basically, I just need to keep the terminal from closing10:45
BobSongsDodzey: XChat-GNOME 0.1110:45
=== Nickgarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
subparfyrestrtr: what I have in there now is "sleep 8h 30m && xmms /home/subpar/Doc\!/Music/wakeup.m3u"10:45
ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer10:45
fyrestrtrsubpar: or use a detached screen, I believe its screen -d commandname10:45
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.10:45
DodzeyBobSongs: can you see the private message dialogs i've started with you?10:45
subparfyrestrtr: I'll try that10:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:46
BobSongsDodzey: Yes: and I've been adding to it.10:46
hussamWill edgy be as 'extensively' supported as dapper currently is?10:46
BobSongsDodzey: You can't see my text? :'(10:46
rorRubenFriends, I've problems with a NTFS partition with Windows XP, when i try to reboot the pc and select win xp the pc is restarted, I can't enter in win xp or mount the partition too10:46
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DodzeyBobSongs: no....that's odd...10:46
rorRubenhere is the output dor fdisk and fstab file => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1979610:46
BobSongsDodzey: Wahhhh10:46
scott_rorRuben, whats your grub menu entry to reboot into windows?10:46
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DodzeyBobSongs: maybe it's xchat-gnome, i  always thought it was crap10:47
subparfyrestrtr: it's still not running10:47
sam_I need a windows distro to run one program, my primary os is linux , what windows might you suggest?10:47
BobSongsDodzey: :-\ I don't know what's wrong. Which IRC client are you on?10:47
fyrestrtrsubpar: what did you try?10:47
richarddoes Ubuntu come with wireless router driver support10:47
DodzeyBobSongs: regular xchat10:47
scott_sam_,  windows distro? you can run some windows programs with wine10:47
subparfyrestrtr: adding screen -d to the beginning of it10:47
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erik_back again10:47
ubuntuvous parl franais10:48
BobSongsDodzey: In the terminal?10:48
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr:  is there a config file, like menu.lst, that i can check to see if its going to start up when i switch the drives over?10:48
sam_windows version*10:48
nicholaspaulshould menu.lst be identical on both?10:48
richardI have WUSB54G and WAG54G10:48
erik_how do i 'unpack' a rpm ?10:48
rorRubenscott: where i see these information of grub?10:48
DodzeyBobSongs: the gui one10:48
ubuntui'm a pb with xmms,10:48
fyrestrtrsubpar: try slapping a & at the end of it10:49
BobSongsI've installed a few IRC packages this morning. I could try another: I've got ... XChat...10:49
ubuntuit's disparate !!10:49
ubuntuwhat is the sequence touch to not hiden it ?10:49
BobSongsLet me get off this thing and try that one. brb10:49
catoblepaBobSongs: right choice!10:49
npsterhow do I get GCC, it isn't in synaptic ?10:49
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scott_rorRuben, gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:49
fyrestrtrnpster: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:49
SonicChaonpster: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:49
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subparfyrestrtr: nah, it still closes... all I would really need to do is keep it from closing the terminal10:50
hchaudh1_hey, anyone else seeing anti-aliasing problems when you move windows, esp wobbly windows, after the cgwd updates in the past couple of days10:50
fyrestrtrsubpar: it doesn't matter if it closes the term or not.10:50
SonicChaofyrestrtr: >.> Beat me to it.10:50
scott_subpar, it closes the terminal as it has finished the command. be it via error or not10:50
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fyrestrtrsubpar: as long as the process it running, you don't need to worry about it.10:50
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fyrestrtrhchaudh1_: #xgl10:50
subparfyrestrtr: but when it closes the terminal, it terminates the process10:50
fyrestrtrhchaudh1_: take your question to #xgl10:51
hchaudh1_ok thx10:51
subparfyrestrtr: the whole thing is, it's setting an alarm to play an m3u playlist in 8 hours and 30 minutes10:51
scott_set it in cron instead?10:51
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subparfyrestrtr: if worse comes to worst, I can just type it in everyday10:51
fyrestrtrsubpar: use the cron10:51
scott_(i dont know how though)10:51
subparscott_: but I don't go to sleep every day :)10:51
daveanyone know the default CUPS password?10:51
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subparat the same time10:51
subparit's no biggy10:51
fyrestrtrdave: why?10:51
subparI can just type it in if I need to10:51
rorRubenscott: here is the output for menu.lst => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1982910:51
davewhat do you mean why10:51
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daveI want to add a printer ja10:52
scott_rorRuben, i will take a look10:52
subparit would just be so much easier if I could press an icon10:52
fyrestrtrsubpar: when you use screen -d, it should work. Check ps -- if it shows the process.10:52
DodzeyBobSongs: yeah...?10:52
BobSongsDodzey, you there?10:52
rorRubenscot: thank's ;)10:52
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BobSongsWe've done it!!!10:52
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fyrestrtrsubpar: have you tried creating a desktop icon for it?10:52
DodzeyBobSongs: done what?10:52
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subparit would be "Create launcher" right?10:53
scott_rorRuben, is the ntfs partition the one winxp is installed in (as i see you have fat partitions too)10:53
fyrestrtrsubpar: no10:53
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BobSongsWe've connected using a different client.10:53
davehas anyone installed a printer b4 and run into a username and password box in CUPS10:53
nicholaspaulfyrestrtr: o10:53
scott_rorRuben, also what error do you get when selecting winxp from the grub menu when trying to boot into it?10:53
rorRubenscott: yes10:53
DodzeyBobSongs: ohh...much better huh10:53
subparwould I create is a document then, or what?10:53
nicholaspaul,fyrestrtr i'm still getting nothing but the word GRUB on the screen...10:53
DodzeyBobSongs: is pm working?10:53
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rorRubenscott: the pc going to rebbot10:54
BobSongsDodzey: Nope.10:54
roostishawis anyone in here running drupal on ubuntu server? how is it? is it good for a photo gallery mabey?10:54
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DodzeyBobSongs: wierd, i was talking to someone yesterday using it, so it can't be hear10:54
scott_rorRuben, so you dont get any error message about not finding it or anything?10:54
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BobSongsDodzey, do I have to have some kind of setting change?10:54
DodzeyBobSongs: i haven't done anything, all ive done is change the server for my freenode password10:55
Hellavatordoes anyone know what package I need to install for this?10:55
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Hellavatorchecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool10:55
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BobSongsDodzey, Hmm. Strange.10:55
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EpPhey how do i get ubuntus kernel source?10:56
NickgarveyEpP, sudo apt-get install linux-source-`uname -r`10:56
rorRubenscott: when i try to mount the ntfs partition, here is the error => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1983110:56
DodzeyBobSongs try '/msg Dodzey <message>'10:56
BobSongsDodzey, kk10:57
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EpPNickgarvey, whats uname?10:57
scott_rorRuben, im afraid i dont speak (spanish is it?)10:57
rorRubenscott: yes, sorry10:57
NickgarveyEpP, thats your kernel version, `uname -r` will put your kernel version into the command so you don't need to copy and paste10:57
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BobSongsDodzey, On the left I see 'Dodzey' under '#ubuntu'. /msg send a message there.10:57
EpPok ok10:57
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DodzeyBobSongs: I didn't get it, its messed up10:58
EpPNickgarvey, it says Couldn't find package linux-source-2.6.15-23-powerpc10:58
BobSongsDodzey, :(10:58
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rorRubenscott: here is in us => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1983210:59
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scott_rorRuben, will take a look10:59
NickgarveyEpP, sudo apt-get install linux-source10:59
NickgarveyEpP, try that then11:00
rorRubenscott: thanks11:00
dockoif i run a php script from shell using php5-cli i get this Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()... if i run that script from browser, it works correctly. and scripts without mysql run in shell... can anyone help?11:00
scott_rorRuben, can you try and mount it, then straight after type in dmesg and pastebin what it says?11:00
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EpPk done thz11:00
EpPNickgarvey, thx done11:00
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Anti-TeddHi. I'm on ubuntu and dist-upgrading getting only about 10kb/s. I'm on my wireless laptop on a cable connection, it shouldn't be going this slow...can someone help me?11:02
Anti-TeddIs there a port I need toopen?11:02
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Seveas!reposdown > Anti-Tedd11:02
rorRubenscott: hre is the output => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1983311:03
BobSongsDodzey, welcome back.11:03
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu support channel | If the repos are slow: use a mirror! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
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unfunwich mplayer codecs can play wmv and hwrw do I find them?11:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:03
Seveasunfun, w32codecs -- seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas11:03
DodzeyBobSongs: thought reopening xchat might solve it...11:03
Anti-TeddSeveas: So it isn't me?11:03
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SeveasAnti-Tedd, probably not11:04
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Anti-Tedd'cause i'm on a cable connection. I thoguht maybe a port had to be opened.11:04
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unfunsevas could you link me to the exact page?11:04
farousi am interested in knowing who to contact regarding the local language support to ask him how come the arabic and hebrew support are both supported by the same channel  and documentation though they are totally diff languages ?11:04
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BobSongsDodzey, Seems when I send a message to you I get >Dodzey< This is a test.11:05
josephHello. Whenever I try to access my CD Rom drive I get this error: Could not enter folder /media/cdrom0, can anyone help me?11:05
Anti-TeddWhat happens if I close terminal about 78% into dist-upgrade?11:05
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farousand by the way the link is only for hebrew support no arabic support is there11:05
npsterCan I use C++ for writing OSs ?11:05
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npsterlike C ?11:05
Seveasnpster, sure11:05
bimberiAnti-Tedd, that's fine.  it will resume from where it left off when you next run it11:05
unfunHow do I know if I'm using breezy or daper?11:05
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bimberi!version > unfun11:05
shivwhich application in linux will open .chm files11:05
npsteru can do that with C++ ?11:05
agliodbswhere can I get help setting up ubuntu on a server?11:05
Anti-Teddbimberi, are you sure? Even if I shut the machine down?11:05
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.11:06
Hellavatorcan anyone help me with this?   No package 'libxml-2.0' found11:06
HellavatorConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you11:06
Hellavatorinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.11:06
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Nickgarveyagliodbs, what do you need? we might be able to help you out11:06
josephHello. Whenever I try to access my CD Rom drive I get this error: Could not enter folder /media/cdrom0, can anyone help me?11:06
DarkerAuditI'm having trouble with GNOME accepting changes I make to the Applications font. I started with Kubuntu before I added GNOME. What's causing the conflict?11:06
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bimberiAnti-Tedd, yes, i've done it many times - the files being downloaded are cached, even the partially downloaded ones11:06
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agliodbsNickgarvey: I tried partitioning from the server CD yesterday11:06
Anti-Teddbimberi, thanks...i have to get a website done XD11:06
scott_rorRuben, edit your fstab (after backing it up of course ;)) and change the windows (ntfs) parition line to: /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 011:06
agliodbssetting up the whole filesystem on a RAID-111:06
bimberiAnti-Tedd, np11:06
agliodbsand now the machine won't boot11:06
npsterIs motor good as a C++ complier ?11:06
scott_rorRuben, then try and mount it again11:07
DarkerAuditA straight install of Ubuntu on another machine that suffered the same issue no longer has the problem11:07
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Nickgarveyagliodbs, eek.. I know nothing about RAID11:07
DodzeyBobSongs: hmmm....somethings up with IRC11:07
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agliodbsyeah, I tried here yesteday too11:07
EpPHey i have a 802.11b Airport, does kismet work with it?11:07
TheGateKeeperbimberi: intersting I though stopping an upgrade would break it11:07
BobSongsDodzey, I see your text coming thru loud and clear.11:07
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agliodbsapparently nobody on this channel does11:07
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josephI tried searching for my problem, and I found nothing. :\11:07
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare11:07
BobSongsDodzey, Just send links and stuff to me: It's coming thru. You just can't see what I'm sending.11:07
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bimberiTheGateKeeper: stopping it during the downloading phase is ok11:07
DodzeyBobSongs: but you can't message back? thats odd11:07
scott_joseph, mount the cdrom11:08
josephscott_ I tried11:08
bimberiTheGateKeeper: during the installation phase would be a different matter11:08
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DarkerAuditBobSongs: I see ya fine here :)11:08
BobSongsDodzey, Maybe I need to re-install Ubuntu. *snicker*11:08
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josephscott_ Whenever I try to access it, it gives me that error.11:08
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TheGateKeeperbimberi: that figures :-) one to remember11:08
scott_joseph, sudo mount /media/cdrom011:08
bimberiTheGateKeeper: :)11:08
BobSongsDarkAudit, Dodzey and I are trying to set up a private chat. I can see all his text... but he cannot see mine. Let me try sending you a private message. Tell me if it works.11:08
josephscott_ It's already mounted11:09
agliodbsas far as I can tell, the ubuntu RAID tool is fundamentally broken, or at least antique (i.e. you can't boot from RAID under ubuntu)11:09
scott_joseph, unmount and remount11:09
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BobSongsDarkAudit, It's sent.11:09
BobSongsDodzey, Link received loud and clear.11:09
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wubrgamerhey guys11:09
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josephscott_ It says it's write-protected, mounting read only.11:10
BobSongsDarkAudit, Nothing came thru?11:10
wubrgameri'm trying to get my ati drivers working, but not from source or anything, just trying to USE the ati drivers that are in the restricted-modules package........11:10
scott_joseph, thats fine, it should do11:10
josephscott_ Same error, also.11:10
bimberiBobSongs: you need to be identified to /msg on Freenode11:10
farousi am interested in knowing who to contact regarding the local language support to ask him how come the arabic and hebrew support are both supported by the same channel  and documentation though they are totally diff languages ? the link on  http://www.ubuntu.com/support/local for arabic support links to a hebrew support wiki. If help is required to translate the documentation to arabic i will be willing to do it. I need to know what to do or wh11:10
rorRubenscott: the same error again11:10
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Seveasfarous, search for locoteam on wiki.ubuntu.com11:10
nightwhow can i change the charset of filesystem?(i have a resier4 partition from my previous linux and it has wrong characters in some words)11:10
BobSongsbimberi, Okie dokie. Anything in particular I need to do to achieve this?11:10
DarkerAuditBobSongs: luckily I'm DarkAudit on another machine... but neither got the PM11:11
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TheGateKeeperSeveas: what is the difference between your repos and the PLF ones, for instance is your w32codecs more up to date?11:11
DodzeyBobSongs: ill help you with registering11:11
BobSongsDarkAudit, Many thanks.11:11
scott_rorRuben, from the looks of your dmesg, the ntfs partition looks damaged/needing some sort of windows repair, it bails out after trying to mount and says it doesnt try to recover, now im not sure how to make it try and recover etc, sorry, have you searched/posted on the forums?11:11
BobSongsDodzey, Many thanks. Noobie here. ;-)11:11
bimberiBobSongs: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup11:11
Dodzey!register > BobSongs11:11
josephscott_ Could it be the permissions?11:11
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DarkerAuditdid that last big update fix the WPA password issue? I only had to make a keyring password instead of my entire WPA string afterward11:12
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scott_joseph, try sudo mount /dev/cdrom11:12
farousSeveas: there is no local team for any arabic country. I would like your help to correct the http://www.ubuntu.com/support/local. As the link do not direct to an arabic wiki it should just say hebrew support11:12
josephscott_ It's already mounted.11:12
BobSongsDodzey, Reading up on it now. brb11:13
scott_can you browse to /dev/cdrom?11:13
farousSeveas: and i will search how i can contibute on the localteams thanx for the link11:13
=== catchme [n=ech@ip-83-99-52-135.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasfarous, I know there is a Saudi Arabian team11:13
unfunHow do I get w32codecs???11:13
Seveas!w32codecs > unfun check your pm11:13
dapetAnyone have experiense with installing, netgear WG111v2?11:14
josephscott_ Sorry, wasn't paying attention.11:14
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:14
farousSeveas: strange it is not on the list at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList11:14
rorRubenscott: then i try reinstall the winxp, but how i can reinstall grub after?11:14
unfunyeah but I new to ubuntu I just want to know where the exact file is11:14
josephscott_ It's asking me what to open it with.11:14
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Seveasfarous, ompaul recently helped them with their IRC channel so there is a team ;)11:15
bimberiSeveas: ooh, we can write extra stuff after the nick in that syntax? nice11:15
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farousSeveas: perhaps the list need to be updated11:15
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Seveasfarous, they should do so themselves11:15
catchmeunfun perhaps you'll try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#w32codecs11:15
scott_rorRuben, if you reinstall xp you will haver to make sure not to overwrite your linux partitions etc, once windows is installed then follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:16
farousSeveas: should i wait for ompaul to know the irc channel name so I contact them11:16
Seveasfarous, #ubuntu-sa (all locoteam channels are required to use #ubuntu-CC11:16
scott_rorRuben, but i would advise instead of reinstalling windows11:16
farousSeveas: thanx a lot for your help11:16
farousmuch appreciated11:17
scott_rorRuben, boot up windows cd, goto recovery console, type in fixmbr, which will then auto boot windows, then follow the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:17
agliodbsnobody here knows anything about setting up ubuntu on RAID-1?11:17
EpPwhat does Airport 802.11b use? Madwifi?11:17
SeveasEpP, depends on whether it's airport or airport extreme11:17
scott_joseph, im not sure what you problem is then, since ubuntu should auto mountm your cdroms etc when you put a cd in11:18
djk_is there a tool to detect errors on a harddrive?11:18
ubotusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible for Edgy. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager11:18
josephscott_ I'm using Kubuntu, but it does it too, I believe.11:18
Seveasdjk_, apt-get install smartmontools11:18
Seveas!search smart11:18
ubotuFound: smartphone, boot, smart11:18
josephscott_ I usually do it manually, though.11:18
EpPSeveas, its airport 802.11b so its airport original11:18
scott_joseph, have you tried restarting the session (logging out then in) or restarting your pc, kde used to freak out on me like that until i restarted then would be fine again for a bit11:19
rorRubenscott: thanks man i try it11:19
scott_rorRuben, no problem, hope everything works out for you and sorry i couldnt be any more helpful11:19
catchmehow can I change the own of an file if sudo chown doesn't work?11:19
josephscott_ Yes, I just restarted.11:20
unfunsevas thanks for your help11:20
scott_joseph, then sorry but i dont know, i will search ubuntu forums quickly for you though11:20
bimbericatchme: any error?11:20
linuxd00durgh WYSIWYG blows11:20
josephscott_ I already tried. :(11:20
avallachI have a nvidia geforce4 mx 420 (nv17s) in my Dapper box - everything worked great with the nvidia driver for a long time but a couple weeks ago it started locking up (usually when a screensaver came on), i reverted to the nv driver & no lockups...anybody know why nvidia stopped working?11:20
catchmeyes error read only file11:20
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dapetI am new to IRC (Xchat) how do I change to the australian server?11:21
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bimbericatchme: what does 'lsattr <file>' output?11:21
rio_dapet, irc.freenode.net should connect you to your local server11:22
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EpPSeveas, its airport 802.11b so its airport original11:22
rio_dapet, otherwise, click trhe Xhcat menu, server list, choose freenode, edit, and add the austrailian server11:22
SeveasEpP, check lspci -- i though it was prism but am not sure11:22
Hellavatordoes anyone know why the repos are so slow today?11:22
dapetrio: I don't need the local server, but i have to meet a person in the australian server, how do I do that?11:23
Hellavatorim getting 10~20kb/s11:23
dapetrio: thx :D11:23
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plhardystarscream[2] : Well kubuntu install on a USB hdd doesn't work there are at least three successive bugs, and that with a boot on USB DISK working from bios11:23
dockoif i run a php script from shell using php5-cli i get this Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()... if i run that script from browser, it works correctly. and scripts without mysql run in shell... can anyone help?11:24
dapetAnyone knows what the australian server is named?11:24
Seveasdapet, au.archive.ubuntu.com11:24
catchmebimberi it outputs "lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on MP3/Z"11:24
dapetSeveas: How do I connect then?11:25
EpPhow do i make sshd run?11:25
catchmebimberi the file is writen on en external hdd11:25
Seveasepinephrine, /etc/init.d/ssh start11:25
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bimbericatchme: what type of filesystem?11:25
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catchmebimberi ntfs11:26
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:26
catchmebimberi but I've manage to mount it in Suse11:26
bimbericatchme: ah, lsattr won't work then and ntfs support is read only11:26
nominisn't google earth supposed to be in the ubuntu repositories?11:26
Seveasnomin, no11:26
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dapetHow do I connect to the australian IRC server?11:26
ompaulfarous evening11:27
nicholaspaulI'm trying to install GRUB from a Warty Live CD onto a Dapper drive. Sudo grub-install /dev/hda gives me 'Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.' how can i install grub?11:27
bimberiubotu tell catchme about fuse11:27
=== stefg likes to point out that any install of a linux distro on flash memory will stress the medium very hard. Linux puts a lot of temporary files on the medium so the flash memory is likely to fail after a short period when not taking measures to write all the temp stuff elsewhere
=== walkover [n=walkover@3e6b6a60.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
nominSeveas: do you know if google earth has been made for ubuntu?11:27
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ubotugoogle is a very popular search engine, http://www.google.com11:27
Seveasnomin, the installer from earth.google.com works fine11:27
nomin!google earth11:27
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html11:27
inonoHow do I get vim 7 for Ubuntu ?11:27
ompaulSeveas, talk about bad timing11:27
catchmebimberi I've mot sure if the file is read only becaus if thougt having change it11:27
linuxd00dnomin: you could just use wine or use google maps11:27
Seveasinono, grab it from my repos /msg ubotu seveas11:27
ompaulI have been back a few minutes11:27
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nicholaspaulhey Seveas are you able to help me install grub? tis driving me nuts :)11:28
nominlinuxd00d: wine is too hard for me to use.  google earth is a lot cooler than google maps.11:28
josephscott_ I will BRB, going to try restarting again. If I don't come back, it works.11:28
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inonoSeveas, thx11:28
EpPSeveas, For kismet the driver is prism2_openbsd. Would this be correct?11:28
jaredHey, I installed breezy and want to upgrade to dapper. Do i have to do the update that were requested right after i started my new installtiont he first time?11:28
bimbericatchme: type 'mount' and see if that filesystem has "ro" or "rw" next to it11:28
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nicholaspauljared: no you can go straight to Dapper.11:29
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EpPSeveas, For kismet the driver is prism2_openbsd. Would this be correct?11:29
nicholaspaulSeveas.. do you have a minute?11:29
bimberidapet: try au.freenode net (guessing though)11:29
djk_my /home isn't writeable anymore after a hdd-crash, how do i fix that?11:29
Dodzeyis there anyway i can run blender on one screen of my xinerama setup? ohh, and it's slow when compiz is running but nonXgl doesn't seem to hve any affect11:29
dapetbimberi: I am a noob, how do i do that?11:29
=== Flimflam [n=philb@ANice-256-1-84-71.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
catchmebimbery mount outputed "/dev/sdb1 on /media/External Disk-1 type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,sync)"11:30
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starscream[2] hi there folks, if hd0,1 is hda2 then is hda 1 hd0,0?11:30
bimberidapet: configure your irc client to point to au.freenode.net for the Freenode network.11:30
Thanatos_I just upgraded to Dapper, and now, when I boot up, it runs gdm and automatically logs me in, but instead of a desktop, it is just a terminal window, any ideas (or links)?11:30
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inonoSeveas, no amd64 packages ?11:31
dapetbimberi: I have xchat11:31
babysnakeshi, if I set 'chmod u+s somedir' doesn't it mean that all files under 'somedir' will be owned by the user (no matter who created them)?11:31
bimberidapet: btw i'm an aussie, and i don't bother doing it :)11:31
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SeveasEpP, I don't think so... that appears to be for openbsd, not linux11:31
hcrstarscream[2] , yes11:31
Seveasprism2 or prism54 should do it iirc11:31
Seveasstarscream[2] , correct11:31
starscream[2] hcr> many thanks :)11:31
Seveasinono, breezy or dapper?11:31
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:31
inonoSeveas, dapper11:31
EpPSeveas, so no support for my airport card in kismet?11:31
dapetbimberi: he he... Okay... But I have to meet someone in there :(11:31
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0171.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasinono, I'll build them, hang on11:31
inonoSeveas, ok thanks :)11:32
inonoSeveas, do I need to use your personal mirror then?11:32
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Seveasinono, yes11:32
Seveasi'll poke you when they're there11:32
=== DigitalLifeForm [n=foo@81-232-42-43-no37.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
jaredwould the two letter country code for the us be US?11:33
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Seveasjared, correct11:33
Hellavatoryes it would11:33
dapetanyone KNOWS how to connect to the austrailian IRC server, through Xchat, I am a noob so beware ;)11:33
bimberidapet: Freenode is all one network, any australian server is part of it.  that 'someone' should be here.11:33
jared./server ircservername bimberi i believe11:34
jaredjust like any other11:34
bimberidapet: do you know their nick?  try typing: /whois nick11:34
=== ColdDeath [n=jack@80-41-170-120.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
dapetbimberi: Ohhh thx :D you are my Hero :D11:34
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bimberidapet: lol, no problem :)11:34
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adrianSomeone who wants to chat here?11:34
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dapetAbout what?11:34
sameerhi guys11:34
Seveasinono, hmm, my amd64 buildd id dead it seems11:34
bimberiadrian: chat -> #ubuntu-offtopic11:35
Seveas!seen imbrandon11:35
ubotuimbrandon is on IRC right now!11:35
inonoSeveas, ahhhhhh :O11:35
sameeri have problem with my external usb hdd11:35
sameernot even showing up with lsusb :(11:35
dapetmatheiu: Are you the one I wrote to about the netgear wireless?11:36
bimberisameer: unplug/replug make any difference?11:36
Seveasinono, it's not hard to build it yourself11:36
bimberisameer: :(11:36
=== ikaruga [n=uriavalo@ool-45758fae.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasinono, add a deb-src line for my repository to /etc/apt/sources.list11:36
Seveasand do this:11:36
sameerbimberi: any idea11:36
Seveassudo apt-get install build-essential11:36
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Seveassudo apt-get build-dep vim11:37
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Seveasapt-cache -b source vim11:37
bimberisameer: no sorry (apart from bad or unrecognised hardware) :|11:37
nicholaspaulOk, who knows how to mount an HD from a live CD?11:37
sameerwhere i can find any msg ?11:38
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sameernicholaspaul: will be the same :D11:38
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nicholaspaulsameer: same as what?11:38
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inonoSeveas, http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/jQT82m62.html11:38
EpPHow can i get my airport original to work in kismet?11:39
sameermount /dev/hda_nuimber /mountpoint11:39
djk_how do i get a list of who has read/write access to which directory?11:39
Seveasinono, that's the wrong mirror, has only freenx11:39
nicholaspaulsameer: it keeps asking for a fs type11:39
=== richy [n=richy@host43-188.pool874.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
sameernicholaspaul: is it ntfs ??11:39
Seveasinono, and you should do sudo apt-get update after adding a correct mirror 11:39
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nicholaspaulsameer: i think its ext, but it doesnt like that.11:39
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=== eleazar123 [n=eleazar@cpe-24-164-69-39.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
richyi have some problem with nvidia driver ( graphic card)11:40
inonoFailed to fetch http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/dapper-seveas/Release  Unable to find expected entry  list_of_sections/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)11:40
richywhat is the path of linux kernel header???11:40
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richyi have just intall the package but the software don't find the path11:41
Seveasinono, read the BIG BOLD NOTICE on the site... and you added a binary packages entry, not a sources entry...11:41
inonoSeveas, sorry, http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/fNSDqG51.html11:41
nicholaspaulsameer:  sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda /mnt/tmp = wonf fs type bad option, bad superblock or too many mounted file systems.11:41
inonooh ok11:41
=== Anti-Tedd [n=na@ool-457b37b6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
inonoI am new to apt-get, would that be like universe multiverse ?11:41
sameersee how many mounts do u have11:41
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sameertry fdisk -l /dev/hda_numb11:42
nicholaspauloh right. sameer. It says its mounted on /mnt/hda1 - tanks!11:42
inonoSeveas, which section would vim7 be in? extras? custom ?11:42
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wheels3572Is Xubuntu Gnome?11:42
jaredno its xcfe wheels357211:42
eleazar123hey guys, i just installed ubuntu and when i rebooted to load ubuntu grub gave error 17 (even before grub finished loading), so i rebooted to the livecd and reinstalled grub, now i get grub error 22, it says 'no such partition' even though i know it's the right one! anyone have any ideas? :(11:42
Seveasinono, backports and all11:42
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bimberiwheels3572: xfce11:43
sparkleytoneeleazar123: what hard drive is ubuntu installed on?  are you dual booting?11:43
wheels3572jared, ok ty.  So I can remove tsclient then since it's for gnome and not xfce11:43
micahcowanSeveas, do you mind helping me wrt a problem I'm having with displaying  UTF-8 in vim?11:43
Thanatos_I just upgraded to Dapper, and now, when I boot up, it runs gdm and automatically logs me in, but instead of a desktop, it is just a terminal window, any ideas on how I can get it working again?11:44
nominwhat do I need to do to install google earth.  I just downloaded GoogleEarthLinux.bin11:44
nicholaspaulsameer: i'm just trying to install grub on this thing.11:44
eleazar123sparkleytone, i am dual-booting with ubuntu and xp sp2, windows and ubuntu are installed on hd3, linux root is sdc4, and windows root is sdc111:44
wheels3572what I wanna do is setup vnc on my systems to be able to connect to them11:44
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nicholaspaulsameer:  should grub be in /boot or / ?11:45
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sameerin /boot11:45
nicholaspaulk sameerthx11:45
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sparkleytoneeleazar123: by 'installed on hd3', what do you mean if the root is on a different hd?11:45
aTypicalnomin, make sure the .bin file is executable and then ./googleearth.bin (or whatever the name is).11:46
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sparkleytoneeleazar123: also...what do you mean by hd3...you mean hda3 ?11:46
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eleazar123sparkleytone, sdc is hd3, it's just partitioned up, hd3 = 3rd harddrive according to linux11:46
nicholaspaulsameer:  it keeps saying '/dev/hda1 not found or not a block device'. After i type 'grub-install --root-direcotry=/boot /dev/hda111:46
nicholaspaulits mounted as /mnt/hda111:46
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nominaTypical: thanks.  It's just like installing realplayer.11:47
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fsniperhello. any body having trouble with gnome-terminal tabs?11:47
sparkleytoneeleazar123: what is hd0 ?11:47
nominsweet!  I'm running google earth now.11:48
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-228-100-160.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
fsniperany tabs except the main terminal tab closes on returning a command for me11:48
linuxd00dnomin: are you using wine?11:48
fsniperany body has any information?11:48
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nominlinuxd00d: no.  the linux installer is good enough.  just run "chmod a+x /path/to/GoogleEarthLinux.bin"11:49
nominthan run the installer11:49
linuxd00dhave fun11:49
eleazar123sparkleytone, hd0 (i think) is a 320gb sata drive, i ran fdisk -l and it's the first drive to be listed11:49
sparkleytoneeleazar123: what kind of machine are you on/11:49
Jack_SparrowHI all, I just installed Ubuntu on father in laws computer.  Didnt realize he didnt have a modem or boradband.  I grabbed a hardware external modem and put it on com1 serial port.  How do I get it recognized and set it up?11:49
=== gnubie [n=gnubie@66-190-111-72.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
linuxd00djack_sparrow: what is it made by?11:50
eleazar123sparkleytone, i built it11:50
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sparkleytoneeleazar123: run grub-install /dev/sdc ... then reboot and make sure that the drive that is your sdc is chosen as the boot drive11:51
Jack_Sparrowairlink.  IT workes fine in Mepis and other distros if it is installed before the os..11:51
=== hou5ton [n=larry@d5-32.rb3.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
eleazar123sparkleytone, ok, thanks :) do i need to mount sdc before i run the command?11:51
sparkleytoneeleazar123: ohhhhh...wait11:52
Jack_SparrowFull hardware 56k modem...11:52
nicholaspaulAnyone have experience using 'grub' at the root terminal?11:52
Jack_Sparrownicholaspaul: what is the problem11:52
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hou5tonlast month I put the latest Ubuntu on my laptop, and it refused to accept the proper screen resolution ... ATI 9700 .... SuSE 10.1 does fine with it ... has Ubuntu worked on this??11:52
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linuxd00djack_sparrow: have you tried autodecting it?11:53
nicholaspaulJack_Sparrow:  when i type root (hda,3) it says 'selected disk does not exist'. I've tried every permutation of hda, hda1, etc...11:53
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inonoSeveas, ok i installed build-dep vim11:53
nicholaspauli'm trying to install grub11:53
Jack_Sparrowlinuxd00d: I cna reinstall Ub and be fine.  Just thought if it was easy I would fix the current install11:53
sparkleytoneeleazar123: chicken/egg syndrome sorry...you need to mount sdc...then you need to 'mount -t bind /proc /path/to/sdcmount'...then you need to 'chroot /path/to/sdcmount /bin/bash'...then do a grub-install /dev/sdc and reboot11:53
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Jack_Sparrownicholaspaul: is this a dual boot system?11:53
eleazar123sparkleytone, oh wow lol, ok, i'll do that, thanks!11:53
nicholaspaulno, its a new drive that i copied the old system to. I'm upgrading to a bigger HD11:53
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: you need hd0,311:53
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Jack_Sparrowlinuxd00d: How do I get it to autodetect it?11:54
nicholaspaulhdZERO, sparkleytone ?11:54
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sparkleytoneyes nicholaspaul11:54
sparkleytonebut really...11:54
linuxd00duse the network settings in administration11:54
Rambo3and come back here when you get grub error 17 for installing on that partition11:54
=== Geert [i=geert@irssi/staff/geert] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrownicholaspaul: Did you install on the same partition as before?11:54
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: do a 'cat /boot/grub/device.map' and make sure that /dev/hda is seen as hd011:54
Jack_Sparrowsame swap drive as before11:54
EpPHow can i get my airport original to work in kismet?11:54
nicholaspaulJack_Sparrow: sparkleytone i just cp'd the old system to the new drive and have been told i jsut have to install GRUB.11:55
Jack_Sparrownicholaspaul: How did you make the copy..?11:55
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: as long as you did cp -af or something similar, yeah should work11:55
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: or dd ;)11:55
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nicholaspaulsparkleytone: yea i did, cp -afx / /new_drive11:56
Jack_Sparrowlinuxd00d: How do I get it to Ub to try and autodetect the new modem?11:56
eleazar123sparkleytone, i did 'sudo mount -t bind /proc /tmp/test' and it says 'unknown filesystem type bing'11:56
nicholaspaulsparkleytone: so yea, hda is hd011:56
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: you could also do a 'dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/olddrive of=/dev/newdrive'11:56
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: that will copy the boot sector...then you just have to make sure the new drive is in the same 'place' as the old drive used to be and it should boot11:57
linuxd00djack_sparrow: come to #linuxd00d11:57
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Jack_Sparrowlinuxd00d: Im not near that system now, so just a couple ideas to write down and try later would help, or just reinstall?11:57
eleazar123sparkleytone, it says 'unknown filesystem type 'bind'' sorry i mistyped it the first time11:57
nicholaspaulsparkleytone: whoa. Simple is good :) .... so now, root (hd0,3) gives me "Error21: selected disk does not exist"11:57
=== jon_ [n=jon@ip68-229-243-214.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxd00doh ok11:57
sparkleytoneeleazar123: omg i'm sorry...losing my mind.  -o not -t11:57
eleazar123sparkleytone lol no prob!11:58
jon_when it says install from the source tree, what is the source tree?11:58
EpPhow do i check freespace/11:58
nicholaspaulEpP:  type df11:58
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: just use the old grub configuration file11:58
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: revert to the way it was when it was copied11:58
EpPnicholaspaul, thx11:58
sparkleytoneEpP: df -h is even better :)11:59
nicholaspaulEpP: np :)11:59
EpPsparkleytone, thx for that too11:59
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Jack_SparrowWhat does DF stand for?11:59
linuxd00dyeah, goto system-admin-network-modem now enable the connection then click on the modem tab and then click on Auto detect11:59
eleazar123sparkleytone, i ran chroot /path/to/sdcmount /bin/bash, it gave back 'chroot: cannot run command '/bin/bash': No such file or directory'11:59
nicholaspaulsparkleytone: by copying /boot over? i think i tried that...11:59
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nicholaspaulJack_Sparrow: its a command to check disk space. Dunno what it stands for tho...11:59
sparkleytonenicholaspaul: ya, but you didn't copy the bootsector before ;)11:59
Jack_Sparrowthanks, just thought I'd ask12:00
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sparkleytoneeleazar123: by /path/to/sdcmount, i mean wherever ubuntu put it...if you just did mount /dev/sdc3#, then its probably in /media/sdc#...12:00

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