=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A62690.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel === lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:15] mmm, purple, yum [01:29] You mean the new look of kubuntu, Riddell? [01:29] yep [01:29] It's certainly something new. [01:30] As long as it doesn't get changed to the kind of purple you'd see at games.slashdot.org, I'm fine with it. :) [01:31] (the old colour theme that is) [01:43] Riddell: i am using the purple stuff from kwwii on my edgy laptop...i do like it actually [01:44] it's like blue, but cooler [01:45] I like blue better :) === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kwwii_ [n=kwwii@adsl-70-237-138-142.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === leonardovaz [n=lmvaz@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === poningru [n=poningru@pool-72-64-211-102.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:54] Riddell, why does the "mounting root filesystem" process on startup take such a very long time? === lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Ooh,] === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:26] erm [03:28] Riddell, the system settings menu looks much better now. But does it really need to have Regional & Language and Regional & Accessibility? http://omeow.ath.cx/regional.png [03:28] Looks a bit strange if you ask me. === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel === rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #kubuntu-devel === claydoh [n=clay@66-252-37-35.da.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:02] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue8 === leonardovaz [n=lmvaz@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir_ [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@69-172-102-74.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:12] hello everybody [07:13] my name is Chris -- im very well known by all the regular ubuntu developers and id just like to take a minute and commend all of you because kde is definately morte elegantthan gnome and is far more user friendly toward we friendly neighborhood handicapped people [07:14] thanks for taking all the time to make kubuntu what it is. i really appreciate it and im sure there arent very many users that take th time to stop by and appreciate the magnmitude of your dedication to this project. without you it wouldnt exist and i for one am happy that you took the time to do it. ibve only been using it 2 days and i already love it more than the gnome version [07:15] anyway i wont atke anymore of your time... have a great rest of the weekend folks === shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@69-172-102-74.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] === RichJ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel === nixterna1_ [n=nixterna@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === nixternal__ [n=nixterna@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel === nixternal___ [n=nixterna@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === RichJ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kane_ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kane__ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel === nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel === imbrando1 [n=brandon@CPE-72-135-8-5.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kane_ [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === nixternal [n=nixterna@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === fritsch_ [n=fritsch@p54AD69B0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === fritsch [n=fritsch@p54AD69B0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-253-026.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:02] moguh [11:18] moins toma [11:18] hi imbrandon === apachelogger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:25] heya Hobbsee [12:26] hi danimo :) [12:27] Hobbsee: is amarok 1.2beta going to be in dapper backports? [12:27] Hobbsee: or only the final version? [12:27] danimo: final version. not even sure if it's backportable. === Hobbsee didnt even bother trying to get 1.4.2beta into edgy. [12:28] Hobbsee: how so? [12:28] Hobbsee: ah, b/c it's in main? [12:28] danimo: it has to build and install without changes in dapper - and i'm not sure if it does [12:28] yeah - we're past main inclusion freeze. [12:28] so you need UVF exceptions, etc. [12:29] Hobbsee: when is edgy supposed to be out? [12:29] danimo: late october? [12:29] !release [12:29] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases [12:29] !edgy [12:29] edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule [12:29] !schedule [12:29] Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule [12:29] gah. it's under one of them. [12:30] oct 26. [12:31] Hobbsee: that's still two months... [12:31] danimo: true. [12:31] danimo: it'll go quick enough [12:31] that must mean we're halfway thru release cycle === Hobbsee only cares about sept 7, so far. [12:32] Hobbsee: what do you plan until then? [12:32] danimo: that's universe freeze. [12:33] danimo: universe isnt frozen atm [12:33] danimo: but before its said and done amarok will probably get a UVF [12:33] ;) [12:33] imbrandon: i hope. i cant see how it wouldnt though. [12:34] ugh Hobbsee i have breakfast with the "family" today === imbrandon sighs [12:35] imbrandon: eek [12:35] uh...how's universe freeze after feature freeze? [12:35] imbrandon: I hope so [12:35] Hobbsee: you confused universe with feature freeze, right? [12:35] danimo: not that i can see... [12:35] Hobbsee: feature freezy == main ? [12:36] Hobbsee: it says September 28th for universe freeze here [12:36] The point at which we cease creating and modifying internal features and packages. This means we're pretty much locked down for bugfixes only. [12:36] danimo: yea but you can get a uvf for amarok till sept 7th not after [12:36] Hobbsee: cool, there will be another dev sprint in wiesbaden [12:37] imbrandon: oh, I see [12:37] imbrandon: I thought she was arguing universe freeze [12:37] imbrandon: since amarok is all main, isn't it? [12:37] i was under the impression that that applied to all of ubuntu [12:37] danimo: yea [12:37] no, no, amarok will be acceptable any time before feature freeze, i expect [12:37] Hobbsee: what happened to the idea of a slightly shifted kubuntu release? [12:37] Hobbsee: right thats what i was just saying [12:38] danimo: edgy +1 or 2 atleaste [12:38] danimo: it's not been discussed among the kubuntu CC. [12:38] CC? [12:38] community council [12:38] ah [12:38] hi all :) [12:38] imbrandon: wouldnt even want to specify that - i dont know. [12:39] heya freeflying [12:39] yea sep releases would actualy suck becouse of some of the internals like ubuntu-base would still be frozen etc [12:39] imbrandon: depends when kde decides to release - maybe we'll delay for KDE4 - i couldnt see any other reason to delay - that's just my opinion [12:39] do we have a application under kde like gtkpbbuttons [12:40] freeflying: not afaik i was looking yesterday [12:40] Hobbsee: I wouldn't be planning for KDE 4 until edgy+2 [12:40] danimo: edgy +1 ;) [12:40] hehe [12:41] danimo: werent they talking about a march release for kde4 or something? [12:41] havent looked in a while [12:41] oct for preview is all i know [12:41] imbrandon: seems kmilo performs like it,but no OSD [12:41] Hobbsee: yeah, but that's all pretty optimistic :) [12:41] Hobbsee: maybe I am wrong [12:41] danimo: true [12:41] Hobbsee: since we have a few devsprints pending [12:41] danimo: well, whenever it happens, we'll put it in - either from kubuntu.org, or in the actual repos [12:41] Hobbsee: akademy, the annual pim meeting, etc [12:42] Hobbsee: just make sure edgy becomes a cool platform to hack on for KDE 4 [12:42] danimo: true [12:42] danimo: dunno. is it? [12:42] danimo: yup thats Riddell's .plan ;) [12:42] Hobbsee: the qt-copy package was broken ast time looked [12:42] not sure if it built this time [12:43] Hobbsee: you do the amarok packages? [12:43] apachelogger: i have been, why? [12:43] I wonder why edgy includes arts engine [12:43] no xine [12:43] apachelogger: oh yeah, i saw your comment on my bug. [12:43] it *does* include xine. [12:43] !info amarok-xine edgy [12:43] amarok-xine: xine engine for the amaroK audio player. In repository main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 184 kB [12:43] no, xine [12:43] is what i ment [12:44] apachelogger: my bug was a request to remove it from the archive. [12:44] huh? [12:44] Hobbsee: the arts package includes xine? [12:44] apachelogger: er, no? [12:44] dishes, back soonish === apachelogger is confused [12:44] apachelogger: no it was a mistake, arts is getting pulled [12:44] is what she was saying [12:44] hm [12:45] how got it even in? [12:45] arts got removed for 1.4 series [12:53] imbrandon: wasnt a mistake - we've never put 1.4 series in any release yet [12:54] apachelogger: all the breezy packages get put into dapper, and merged with debian unstable, and modified, etc, then the dapper packages get merged with debian unstable to go into edgy, etc. [12:54] apachelogger: so there are some dapper packages that need to be removed from the archive, which is what my bug was about [12:54] apachelogger: you might notice that i'd subscribed the archive to that. [12:54] ahhh :) [12:54] apachelogger: it was a bug report of "please remove amarok-arts from the archive, as we dont use it anymore" [12:59] nixternal: you need to learn how to spell Riddell, mate... [12:59] oh yeah. a meeting. i'd better think of stuff to add to the wiki, and actually add it. === toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Ooh,] [01:08] Hobbsee: nobody spells jonathans name right, especially on IRC :) [01:08] danimo: heh. [01:09] Hobbsee: where the most remarkable misspelling so far was "riddle" ;) [01:09] danimo: hah [01:09] danimo: scary. there's tab completion :P [01:10] Hobbsee: well _I_ do know that [01:10] Hobbsee: that's why I said it's remarkable [01:10] true [01:10] people often refer to me as danomi or similar for the same reason [01:11] how odd. [01:11] Hobbsee: to their defense: the tab key is so small, it's hard to hit [01:11] people seem to like mispelling my nick as hobsee. [01:11] ;) [01:11] annoying people. [01:12] Hobbsee: well, it's non obvious for everyone not familar with your family name at least [01:12] danimo: well, that's true. [01:14] "but if the end is near, the tab key shall be rising, and its wrath shall hit those unable to use an IRC client properly. phear da tab key!" === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:14] heh...scary [01:14] hi omeow === Hobbsee thinks of that ban she did yesterday. [01:15] do i even want to undo it? [01:15] Hello. Testing Konvi. :) [01:15] omeow: nice! imbrandon's version? *pokes* [01:15] No, I didn't want to wait since Sho's time was running out. So I just compiled the SVN version, it's not very hard. [01:15] Hobbsee: imagine the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, each holding an oversized tab key ;) [01:15] danimo: hehe [01:16] omeow: ah right. [01:16] omeow: imbrandon had a daily repo for dapper, but some stuff screwed up on his machine, he's looking at getting one up and running for edgy. [01:16] Hobbsee: what annoys me about konversation is that it doesn't learn whom you last talked to [01:16] danimo: it kinda does. if you hit tab, it will complete the last used nick [01:16] Hobbsee: it used to have clever completion, where it completed with the one you last talked to instead of the alphabetically next match [01:17] Hobbsee: doesn't work for me [01:17] but if i tell foo about bar, then bar will be the nick created when you hit tab again [01:17] odd - does here. [01:17] Hobbsee: it would give me a dropdown list here [01:17] Hobbsee: I've I write Ho it works, but H gives me a dropdown list [01:18] danimo: ah yeah, tha'ts intended [01:18] and annoying :} === danimo preferred the old "tab through possible completions" [01:18] danimo: use ho, blah blah blah again, hobbsee will automatically come up the second time [01:18] danimo: which is kinda more convenient anyway [01:18] Hobbsee: oh, indeed [01:19] Hobbsee: I haven't seen that feature yet [01:19] and i think that in the settings, it lets you pick if it's a drop down box or something [01:19] danimo: :P === danimo takes back everything and claims the opposite :) === danimo doesn't know if that saying works in english === toma [n=toma@toma.kovoks.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:32] imbrandon: ah. i requested a sync for that. [01:33] yea i know, as i said no package, i was looking for future ref [01:33] imbrandon: i thought i'd dealt with such a package a couple of days ago, hehe [01:33] 90% of the questions i ask are so i know for later on the "right way" [01:34] imbrandon: hehe, true === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:55] vallgrind-callgrind broken... tss.. [02:18] ok i'm off for a while, see yall after breakfast [02:19] bye imbrandon [02:20] bye imbrandon === insanekane [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:39] kubuntu meeting moved to thursday? [02:39] toma: yes, sorry about that. [02:40] toma: in order for me to make it, it had to move a day - cos my maths classes changed. [02:40] and they seemed to want me to be there. dont know why, really :P [02:40] Hobbsee: it is fine for me === Hobbsee *thought* she had a late class on your wednesday night. turns out i have it on your thursday night. [02:43] Hobbsee: are there really no items from you on the agenda? [02:43] toma: yes. mainly because i havent looked/thought of any yet. === Hobbsee knows nothing, nothing at all [02:43] i'm not sure what's on the agenda actually [02:43] nothing yet ;-) === danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:43] toma: want to send a message to the kubuntu-devel mailing list, about the meeting being on? === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:44] why do the kubuntu backport packages have a "translate this" and "online help" entry in the help menu, if both don't work? [02:45] danimo: we've got kubuntu backport packages? which ones? [02:45] danimo: because they take the edgy sources, and build them for dapper [02:45] Hobbsee: how does edgy implement that functionality? [02:46] danimo: install launchpad-intergration or something like that [02:46] danimo: links to LP === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:46] danimo: the translate this goes straight to Rosetta [02:46] Hobbsee: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest [02:46] yes, I know [02:46] danimo: ah right. yeah, they're just edgy packages built for dapper. [02:47] the KDE translators are not exactly happy about that stuff afair [02:47] yes. i think i saw some form of discussion on it, but i wasnt a part of it, and wasnt following closely [02:48] danimo: i prepared a document about it and I will try to start a dialog between rosetta/kubuntu and kde [02:48] toma: very good. because I think the idea itself isn't bad [02:48] prepared/still preparing [02:49] danimo: i agree. if you want to help/review with the document, that would be great. [02:49] toma: feel free to send it my way [02:49] oh yeah, it was in a kubuntu meeting, wasnt it... [02:49] toma: danimo@kde.org [02:49] Hobbsee: what? [02:50] danimo: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDERosettaCollaboration [02:50] Hobbsee: partly [02:51] Hobbsee: i will try to bring it up thursday, to see what can be done.. [02:51] the rosetta/translation stuff [02:51] toma: feel free, i dont have an opinion either way [02:52] Hobbsee: would it make a difference if you did not speak english primarily? [02:52] toma: of course. [02:53] toma: it's not that i dont care, it's just that seeing as i dont work on it one way or another, i dotn really feel that i should be able to have an opinion on it [02:55] Hobbsee: you dont have to have an opinion, all I'm asking is to think with me how we can keep both parties happy. [02:55] toma: right === toma has an opinion and expressed that already and moved on to the next step: damage control [02:56] hehe [02:56] yeah. dont have another flame war, and lose more devs. === yannick [n=yannick@ANantes-251-1-123-103.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:01] Hobbsee, weren't you saying something about /ban and /unban not quite working the same? [03:01] Or was that ignore/unignore? [03:01] omeow: w.r.t what? i believe that was /kickban [03:01] What was wrong again? [03:01] it doesnt work :P [03:02] /kickban = unknown command === mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [03:02] oh, wait, it's screwed here too === mode/#kubuntu-devel [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [03:02] must have beenr eally early then [03:02] worked in dapper [03:02] If this is an svn snapshot, then the commands got lost somewhere along the update process. [03:05] omeow: we synced konvi from debian a few weeks ago - i think the change must be in that [03:14] toma: sounds good [03:14] danimo: oki [03:16] danimo: i'll make some adjustments from comments i received and send it for review to kde-i18n-doc ml === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Jucato [n=jucato@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] === omeoww [n=testuser@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:55] Hm. [04:00] Hobbsee, the svn version with a clean configuration file does not supply the kickban command. [04:00] omeow: right, so they changed it earlier in svn [04:00] oh well === Hobbsee wonders why she hasnt had the ubuntu-devel digest yet === omeow shrugles. [04:06] omeow: i +i'd you [04:07] I did not get a notice. Can you try that again? [04:09] omeow: or just join it manually [04:09] +i equals /invite, right? [04:09] Did you use +i the first time and /invite the second? [04:09] i used /invite both times [04:09] I got the invitation the second time. [04:10] Ah I see, it was hidden in a different channel. :) [04:11] :P === rouzic [n=rouzic@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has joined #kubuntu-devel === danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] === Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Jucato [n=jucato@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] === omeoww [n=testuser@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:11] Riddell: im starting the Knot2 release page for Kubuntu. I have added 3.5.4, give me a couple more apps you want me to add that are going to be new for Knot2. Thank you! === lisi [n=Breezy@p54A3B90E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:16] hello, I have iPod 60 photo that is corectly mounted, but my amarok 1.4.1 dosent mount it. [06:16] I cant even playback it. [06:16] but banshee playbacks...but dosent syncronise. [06:16] gtkpod crashes. [06:17] I dont really know why [06:18] lisi: #kubuntu is the channel you want to go for support, this channel is for the developers to communicate while they hack away and package it up, so we can get it in the best possible condition. If you are using Banshee and gtkpod, I might have to recommend #ubuntu as well. Thank you! [06:19] nixternal, no I would like to use amaroK [06:19] because its a bes player. [06:19] but it dosent recorgnises my ipod [06:20] #kubuntu then will be the best, and if you have Amarok specific questions, then maybe #amarok might be good for you as well. [06:20] nixternal, thank you [06:20] no problem, thank you! [06:28] nixternal: if you didnt get my message earlier... great job w/ the lecture yesterday :) [06:28] thank you abattoir! i am doing it again in about 8 hours ;) [06:28] im going to turn that lecture into a detailed screencast for Ubuntu Video soon [06:29] nixternal: i'll keep 'flashing' the message :) [06:29] oh, cool [06:29] Hi :) [06:29] hehe, hi rouzic [06:29] i have a problem in edgy [06:30] nixternal: for Knot 2, the easy zeroconf tickbox, the easy printer sharing menu item, the launchpad integration menu items, the laptop buttons support and the new system settings layout [06:30] I have updated from Dapper to Edgy, and the letters meet blurry [06:31] Riddell: rocking ;) [06:32] Riddell: did you get the link yesterday? i was d/c and hence am not sure if you did... [06:32] nixternal: oh new wallpaper and colour scheme (not the final artwork but it's the direction we'll be taking, all comments welcome) [06:32] abattoir: no, I didn't [06:33] Riddell: hmm, i had a slight suspicion... ok http://muse.19inch.net/~abattoir/ [06:33] oem-config has Kamion's work [06:33] kde-ui has the two KDE UI python files [06:34] hmm, i forgot to upload the .ui ... i'll do that now [06:34] please take a look at it when you are free... [06:34] and help me w/ that app.exec_loop()/app.exit() thing ;) [06:34] Riddell: I have updated from Dapper to Edgy, and the letters meet blurry http://img439.imageshack.us/img439/1094/adeptax5.png [06:35] rouzic: you mean the anti aliasing is crap? [06:36] abattoir: what's the best way to test this? [06:36] humm, no [06:36] Riddell: you can build the oem-config package(or use my amd64 package)... and install it. [06:36] rouzic: what do you mean? [06:36] abattoir: and then just run it? [06:37] But I see the letters different in Dapper [06:37] abattoir: it won't wipe my system or anything? [06:37] Riddell: and then put the two .py files in /usr/lib/oem-config/oem_config/frontend ... === apacheLAGger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:37] Riddell: and then run it w/ 'sudo oem-config -f kde-ui [06:37] Riddell: sorry, you also have to edit the wizard.py, to add 'kde-ui' :P [06:38] shall i put up a modified version? [06:38] abattoir: sure [06:38] because i didnt want to touch Kamion's stuff [06:38] abattoir: don't you have a branch of his stuff? [06:38] Riddell: yes, i do [06:38] Riddell: ok, i'll see if i can modify it, put the kde files in too and package it... [06:38] Riddell: the purple stuff has been upped i take it? [06:39] nixternal: yes, try the new kubuntu-default-settings [06:39] ooooh... rocking ;) [06:39] Riddell: about it wiping your system, it hasnt done anything to mine, but i definitely wont recommend you testing it on a working system(not that you dont know...) [06:40] Riddell: btw, it has deps. on packages found only in edgy [06:40] i.e dapper is not enough [06:41] ok, let me try my hand at packaging... [06:43] Riddell: when edgy boots up on my lappy, i get the _ in the upper left corner, and pressing Alt+F1 boots to KDM Login Screen. is this a bug and everyone has the same issue or no? [06:43] nixternal: I've not seen that [06:43] interesting [06:43] nixternal: daily cd? or upgrade? [06:43] knot1 pre release, updated [06:44] i will change it with knot 2, maybe that will fix the issue [06:44] i will install it fresh [06:45] Riddell: daily cd link? as the old link i had doesn't work for me [06:46] nixternal: no daily CDs at the moment, we're doing the dapper point releasae [06:46] testing needed of that too http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dapper/daily-live/20060806.1/ [06:47] will get that started then [06:47] when is knot2 scheduled for release? [06:51] no bubbles by default anymore!!! [06:56] nixternal: no schedule for knot 2, just after dapper point release, but it should be early this week [06:56] nixternal: thanks for doing knot pages, they're really cool to have [06:56] nixternal: did youg et UWN out? === Old_Fred [n=esifred@68-115-134-101.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:56] ya, it went out last night [06:56] yes, found it, cool [06:56] apparently one of us spelled your name wrong as well ;) [06:57] i thought that got fixed because crimsun pointed it out...oops [06:58] hmm. in the zero conf, i get the popup and it tells me "Your Platform is Not Supported", there isn't Edgy in there yet ;) === Old_Fred [n=esifred@68-115-134-101.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has left #kubuntu-devel [] === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:00] huh? that must be networking [07:00] zeroconf has it's own module, and the top tickbox is a patch I added to enable zeroconf [07:00] the kde print module also has a new menu item to enable sharing and enable browsing [07:05] Riddell: i should include the .ui file in the source package too right? [07:06] i mean, *in the package ... === My8os [n=My8os@ppp138-179.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel [07:10] abattoir: yes [07:12] anyone got a clue where you can configure what partitions/devices are shown in media:/ [07:12] ? [07:13] you can't, it just reports what HAL says [07:13] hmm.. [07:13] ok. but there must be some config somewhere. [07:13] currently only / is shown here. [07:14] no cdroms, no unmounted partitions.. [07:14] leaves media:/ kinda useless. [07:19] Riddell: do you know if anybody is working on build falures (due to xclients or so) - see https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/235022 [07:19] Lure: humph [07:20] this also breaks my pbuilder (chroot works...) [07:20] Lure: ok, I'll look at it after tea, if you can't fix it first [07:21] not sure how, it has something to do with xinit: [07:22] dpkg: error processing /home/buildd/build-235022-262566/chroot-autobuild/var/cache/apt/archives/xinit_1.0.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack): [07:22] trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man5/Xsession.5.gz', which is also in package x11-common [07:24] Lure: fyi i reported it as bug 55296 yesterday [07:24] Malone bug 55296 in xinit "Can not install xinit due to Xsession.5.gz being also in x11-common" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/55296 [07:26] oh, so it's the X team's fault [07:26] should be fixable if we work out which one is supposed to have that file [07:26] ok, that is why #ubuntu-devel has "yes X in edgy is a mess atm" in the /topic... ;-) [07:27] ah === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:27] I hope that gets fixed before knot 2, it has your funky laptop buttons stuff in it [07:27] yep, that would help with testing and initial feedback [07:28] new purple is cool! [07:30] heh, i found the spelling mistake, it was Riddel...i didn't do that one ;) but i fixed it none-the-less ;) [07:30] it seems that x11-common replaces xinit - then why xinit is pulled in? [07:31] replaces xinit < 1.0.x [07:37] Riddell, are you going to keep the system menu in it's current state? http://omeow.ath.cx/regional.png [07:38] omeow: no, there's some obvious bugs there [07:38] omeow: see Sime's blog on planet.kde for how it should look === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel === mdz [n=mdz@studiocity-motorola-bsr1-70-36-194-85.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:41] Lure: If i would make a guess, i'd say that the explicit version number in the 'replaces xinit' part in the xorg packages needs to be increased to the new version of xinit. [07:41] Sorry, my PC crashed there. [07:43] Anyway, I just thought it was strange to have two very similar looking options in that menu. Regional & Language and Regional & Accessibility. [07:43] omeow: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2220 [07:44] 18:38 < Riddell> omeow: no, there's some obvious bugs there [07:44] 18:38 < Riddell> omeow: see Sime's blog on planet.kde for how it should look [07:44] Thank you. [07:44] Riddell: we need to get fixed version for Knot2 though... [07:44] Lure: agreed [07:45] I notice that since the last update, kdm doesn't start until I press ctrl+alt+f1, if I don't i'll be staring to some far away boot splash it seems. [07:46] omeow: also here - I suspect this is side effect of new usplash... [07:46] Ok. Good to know i'm not the only one. [07:48] Riddell, the only other problem I see with the new system settings menu is that when someone wants to search for something, he'll have to execute the search twice, once in General and once in Advanced. (Unless the General and Advanced buttons are going to be grayed out when a search is being done.) [07:48] omeow: that's a known issue, el has already pointed it out [07:49] Ok. I'll shut up now. ;) [07:51] do you guys have this problem? - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1346180 [07:52] HAL in ubuntu doesn't support users mounting hard disks [07:53] Is that the reason why one of my partitions is mounted via another device? Bit strange. [07:53] /dev/evms/hda7 on /mnt/shared type vfat (rw,umask=0000) it used to be just /dev/hda7 [07:54] that looks like you're using linux virtual partitions [07:55] That's quite strange. :) [07:57] Riddell: not even when the device is in fstab? === abattoir [n=abattoir@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:01] uniq: I believe not [08:01] that's a serious regression. [08:01] it's not a regression, it's never been possible [08:02] sure it has. My macos partition could be mounted with a rightclick -> mount in media:/ in breezy and dapper. probably hoary too. === Pupeno__ [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-096-174.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:02] Because i have it in fstab, with the 'users' option. [08:03] now in edgy, i can only see the removable devices, and / in media:/, and on the desktop. [08:04] selecting to have Unmounted harddisk partition icons on the desktop, (in the desktop configuration) does not work either. [08:04] only / appears as in media:/ [08:05] my macos partition is completely ignored as it is set to 'noauto' in fstab. [08:05] even when i manually mount it it doesn't show anywhere. === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:37] Riddell: http://muse.19inch.net/~abattoir/oem-config/ [08:38] Riddell: after you install the oem-config package w/ either (or both) of the frontend packages... [08:38] oops... i made a mistake :'( [08:38] forgot to modify wizard.py... sorry, will change that and re-upload === insanekane [n=kane@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === imbrandon is still afk but FYI Riddell / nixternal the ctl+alt+f1 thing to start kdm is a known issue with the new uspash, for now deal with ctl+alt+f1 or take "slash" of the kernel boot line to temp fix , bbiab [08:44] affects X / GDM too [08:44] cool [08:44] thx bro [08:44] *splash ? [08:44] yea splash , typo [08:44] hehe === imbrandon is sleepy, /me is off to bed for a few hours [08:45] nixternal: got time to "catch up" tonight >? [08:45] ping me on jabber later if you do [08:45] 8pm i am giving another class on Konversation..after that i am free [08:45] kk [08:46] i probably wont be awake till 8 or 10 pm locacl anyhow [08:46] no problem [08:46] save me a log though, would be cool to see [08:46] anyhow bbiab [08:49] btw you got a merge on the manual merges page nixternal hehee [08:49] oh i know ;) [08:49] i will work on that here in a few [08:50] kk poke me later tonight to upload for ya if no one else if alive/awake === imbrandon sleeps [08:52] is it just me, or has anti alias stopped working in kde 3.5.4? [08:53] dapper that is [08:53] kozz: it's not just you [08:53] good ;) [08:53] or maybe not, dunno === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger [09:22] OOo 2.0.3 is going to be in Edgy Knot 2 correct? [09:22] im sure it is, as it has been updated this week ;) [09:24] yes, i found the config that says don't mount macos bootstrap partitions. HAL completely ignores it actually. [09:24] not kdes fault in any way. [09:27] it is configured in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-storage-policy.fdi [09:27] HAL policies. [09:29] uniq: has that changed since dapper then? [09:30] not sure, i think the change came with kde 3.5.4, since KDE now completely use HAL.. or something like that. [09:30] I'll continue my investigation. [09:30] it's always used hal, since kubuntu started [09:30] although the hal code has changed a fair amount [09:30] and hal itself has changed too [09:31] http://dot.kde.org/1154521282/ says something about HAL too.. [09:31] that's a reference to floppy disks I think [09:32] not that they seem to work [09:35] Riddell: You can take a look at it when you are free .... http://muse.19inch.net/~abattoir/oem-config/ [09:35] Riddell: after installing the base and the frontend, you can run it by 'sudo oem-config -f kde-ui' [09:35] or 'sudo oem-config' for the gtk one === OdyX [n=Didier@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [09:41] abattoir: yes, I'll do it tonight, got a couple of other things on my TODO list first [09:41] Riddell: sure, i just need to ' [09:42] ugh, polish the .ui file a bit(tab-order, and some resizeevents), and look at a couple of debconf functions [09:42] otherwise i think it is donce [09:42] *done [09:42] so i guess you could take your time... === Pupeno__ [n=pupeno@dslb-088-072-096-174.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] === lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:26] http://buntudot.org/people/~nixternal/images/kubuntu_edgy_boot.png [10:26] after updating edgy, in VMware, that is as far as i get. any ideas? [10:26] nixternal: it may be that new high-res usplash does not work under vmware [10:27] try w/o splash in grub... [10:27] i can give that a try [10:29] nixternal: what's the problem? [10:29] just an issue with edgy updates and vmware [10:29] im trying w/o splash right now === nixternal gives Lure a high five [10:30] thanks mate! [10:31] that was exactly the issue, the high-res usplash does not work with vmware ;) === nixternal gets back to creating Knot 2 release notes for Kubuntu!!! [10:31] nixternal: what doesn't work about it? your image looks fine [10:32] ya Riddell, but as soon as the Kubuntu Usplash goes to fire up, it locks up...after this little issue, i noticed that image has nothing to do with the problem ;) [10:33] right [10:33] vmware can't display the high-res kubuntu usplash...shutting of splash in menu.lst fixes it ;) [10:34] nixternal: you should probably report bug [10:34] i can do that Lure [10:34] i will do that right now as a matter of fact [10:35] kubuntu-artwork-usplash or just usplash for the package to file the bug against? [10:37] nixternal: usplash [10:37] roger that! [10:55] launchpad integration is very generic right now, that is going to change correct? [10:56] right now, if i click "get online help", it gives me 2 options for online support, 1 being the forums, which is fine, and the 2nd being #ubuntu [10:57] I know, it's crap, it'll improve but I've no idea when [11:24] Riddell: when you say "Launchpad Integration", you are referring to the "Get Help Online" correct? or is there more? for screenshots and write up [11:24] nixternal: that and the (highly controvertial) translate this app [11:25] hehe, got it [11:36] almost done here..."Easy Printer Sharing Menu Item"...location? [11:52] ok, i have searched everywhere, and I do not see an "Easy Printer Sharing Menu Item"...am I that blind? === omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:03] Riddell: is the pritner sharing stuff under "System Settings > Printing" and then "Printer Settings > Share Printer on Local Network" [12:03] nixternal: that's the one [12:04] is that what is being referred to as the easy printing [12:04] hehe [12:04] yes [12:04] that isnt that easy to find ;) [12:04] how about adding a sharing option to the menu you get upon right clicking the printer? [12:04] the whole kdeprint module is a horrible UI, I couldn't think of anywhere more obvious for it [12:04] it's not done per printer [12:04] ahhh [12:04] it's a global cups setting [12:05] thank you for the info sir! i will get back to screenshots for the release ;)