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spivMorning everyone.02:25
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purple_cowCan I get some administrative help?  I need the no language deleted from https://launchpad.net/products/xchat-gnome/trunk/+pots/xchat-gnome04:14
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mptGoooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:59
lifelessI want to make a spec on pqm06:24
lifelessbut have it visible in the bzr project06:25
lifelessis that possible ??06:25
lifelessbzr product06:25
lifelessmpt: any suggestions for https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/+spec/0.10-release-process ?06:36
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mptlifeless, arrange the dependency levels horizontally instead of vertically07:20
mptThat way you know they're only ever going to be three ovals wide, so they're less likely to overflow07:21
mptAlso, the specification shouldn't link to itself07:22
mptand "Remove Dependency" should have a "-" icon, not a "+" icon07:22
bluefoxicympt: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/automated-problem-reports07:23
=== bluefoxicy sees 4 ovals deep
mptOh, so it's unlimited depth?07:24
mptThen there's no hope07:24
mptBut, rounded rectangles would be more compact than ovals07:25
bluefoxicyto be fair I think I'm the only one to cause that situation with my whoring of pitti's spec :)07:25
bluefoxicympt:  there's another spec that I haven't made that would have I think 6 horizontal dependencies07:25
bluefoxicyI haven't added it to +spec/ because, well, people would think I'm crazy.07:26
mptAnd, the clickable items in the graph should look more clickable.07:26
mptAnd, "Dependency tree:" shouldn't end in a colon.07:26
bluefoxicyinvert colors when mouse passes over?  :P07:26
bluefoxicyoho it's a map07:27
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mptNo, that wouldn't make them look more clickable until it was too late07:32
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mptlifeless / BjornT / spiv, where is the latest location of the zope tree?08:09
mptbzr pull --remember sftp://sodium.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/zope/3.2/ gives me "0 revision(s) pulled"08:09
BjornTmpt: what does bzr revno in your zope tree say?08:10
mptBjornT, 3608:10
BjornTmpt: ok, then it should be up to date, i think. that's the revision containing stub's test setup changes.08:12
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BjornTmpt_: ok, then it should be up to date, i think. that's the revision containing stub's test setup changes.08:13
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mpt_ok, thanks BjornT 08:17
sabdflBjornT: do you know how i use stub's mechanism to leave a message to be displayed on the next page load?08:24
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Sp4rKyelmo ping ?09:17
sabdfllifeless: not currently possible, would you like to write a spec on how that would look-and-feel?09:24
sivanghey sabdfl 09:27
sabdflhi sivang09:29
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sivangmorning carlos 09:30
carlossivang: hey dude!, how's going?09:30
sivangcarlos: fine, fine, you?09:30
carloswell... I would prefer to have more vacations ;-)09:31
lifelesssabdfl: added that as a TODO09:31
sivangcarlos: heh09:32
carlosbut is time to start working again...09:32
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ddaaGood morning.10:13
sivangmorning ddaa 10:13
ddaaHi sivang10:17
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Sp4rKyi've an @ubuntu.com adress but doesn't appears to LP10:18
lifelessSeveas: do you run ubugtu ?10:19
Seveaslifeless, yes10:19
lifelesssuggestion for you10:19
lifelessin a single channel, if a bug is mentioned twice in a short period, STFU about it :)10:19
lifeless(optionally check if its changed its summary or status I guess)10:20
Seveasthat's a plan10:20
lifelessubugtu can get quite disruptive otherwise10:20
SeveasI'm not near the code now, could you file it as a bug (product: ubuntu-bots)10:21
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carlosSp4rKy: did you added and confirmed it ?10:24
carloslifeless: hi10:25
lifelesscarlos: hi10:25
carloslifeless: should the 'launchpad' user have access to staging's database as the user 'postgres' ?10:25
carloshmmm... I think stuart suggested that in one email... perhaps he was talking about my user. Let me try..10:26
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lifelessaccess as postgres will give you access to all the user passwords etc10:26
lifelessso its tightly constrained even on staging10:26
carloslifeless: ok, it has, but if you select the right database10:26
Sp4rKycarlos i have to add it manualmly ?10:26
carlosSp4rKy: I think so10:27
=== carlos out for 15 minutes
Sp4rKybut it is forwarded to my other adress :/10:30
spivSp4rKy: yeah, @ubuntu.com addresses aren't automatically added to launchpad at the moment.  So long as you can receive mail there, you should be able to add it to your existing launchpad account just fine, though.10:31
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sabdflmalcc: morning. did kiko catch you on friday?11:07
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ddaalifeless: jamesh: mpool: spiv: bazaar meeting in 51 minutes, please put proposed agenda items on the wiki11:09
ddaajamesh: is SteveA somewhere around?11:09
carloslifeless: about our previous talk11:11
malccsabdfl: Morning, I saw his email about a soyuz design session this week11:12
carloslifeless: launchpad user on asuka has rights to connect as postgres user11:12
carlosI got an error because I was connecting to the wrong database11:12
sabdflmalcc: tomorrow ok?11:12
malccsabdfl: Tomorrow is fine, but I'll have to be back in town for 6pm11:13
sabdfli was thinking we would do it at Docklands, sound OK?11:14
malccYes, that's fine. Is that the novotel near the exhibition center where I was interviewed?11:14
jameshddaa: he is here, but talking11:18
carlosdanilos: I just handled XaraLX translations, if he confirms that everything is ok, I will request the removal on production11:27
daniloscarlos: ok, can you also send me the queries, so I at least have them in case of a need11:28
daniloscarlos: also, I'd like to have your latest stuff for edgy opening if it's not in your branch (it isn't, right? ;)11:28
carlosit should be there...11:28
daniloscarlos: ah, ok, sorry for assuming incorrectly then :)11:28
carlosthe only changes I have on staging is to disable the statistics updates11:28
sivangdo I need to talk to mpt about a change that adds something visually to a page? (that is, it's outside controls and such)11:29
carlosI need to push my changes to test them on staging ;-)11:29
sivangmalone #318611:29
UbugtuMalone bug 3186 in blueprint "New spec form has undescribed no-capitals constraint" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/318611:29
daniloscarlos: sure, go ahead :)11:29
daniloscarlos: I've got another "critical" bug to work on, so I'll do that now11:30
sivangah oops, not a change actually, only a small addition. cool11:30
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jameshlifeless: have you had a chance to look at packaging the tickcount module yet?11:50
sivanglabas SteveA 11:50
lifelessjamesh: meep meep meep.11:51
lifelessI got distracted by debian changing python policy11:51
SteveAh isivan11:51
lifelessjamesh: I'm packaging it for Ubuntu right ?11:51
SteveAlifeless: what's the python policy change?11:51
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lifelessSteveA: rather than having python-FOO and python2.4-FOO for regular python packages, there is now a system that builds a symlink farm for all installed pythons11:52
SteveAI see11:52
lifelessand thus you have just one python-FOO package which supplies the module to all pythons11:52
SteveAdoes this work in all cases/11:52
sivanglifeless: What are you packaging ?11:53
lifelesssivang: tickcount11:53
SteveAI'd guess there are exceptions where there are different released versions for different pythons11:53
sivanglifeless: ah, cool11:53
lifelesssivang: a diagnostic extension SteveA wrote11:53
sivanglifeless: I know, I already looked at it :-)11:53
lifelessSteveA: right. its made the common case much simpler. The uncommon case still needs separate packages for each python11:53
sabdflneed a star that is less obviously from google :-)11:53
lifelessSteveA: i.e. binary modules, or incompatible python codebases for different pythons etc11:54
sivangsabdfl: oh, goody11:54
jameshlifeless: I think that was the plan11:55
lifelessjamesh: 'we' have been involved with it11:55
lifelessI dont know if edgy is doing the transition yet... I'll ask11:55
sabdfljamesh: will you update your scheduler to look at SpecificationSubscription.essential when that lands, please?11:56
lifelessok, edgy has. cool11:56
jameshsabdfl: sure.11:57
sabdfljamesh: there is also a DISCUSSION state for specs11:57
sabdflso drafting vs discussion can be explicit11:57
sabdfli.e. if the state is discussion, then it needs a discussion session11:57
sabdflif the state is drafting, then it needs drafting11:57
daniloscarlos: ping12:01
carlosdanilos: pong12:01
sivangsabdfl: this is result of the weekend hacking? :-)12:02
daniloscarlos: on xaraxl issue: do you have a list of translators whose translations we should keep?12:02
lifelessddaa: is it meeting time ?12:02
daniloscarlos: perhaps it's better to do queries in the form of "person NOT IN ..."12:02
ddaaFinishing preparing.12:02
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carlosdanilos: I prefer to remove only the ones that I was told to remove12:03
carlosdanilos: and remove later anything else12:03
carlosthan remove something by mistake12:03
daniloscarlos: well, from the last email he sent I got the impression that he sent the list of translators who are allowed to translate it12:03
carlosjust because someone forgot to gave me that name...12:03
ddaajamesh: -> #launchpad-meeting12:03
carlosdanilos: he sent the list of allowed, and the list we should remove12:03
carlosbut we cannot undo removals12:04
daniloscarlos: yeah, it makes sense, but it's a much more clear-cut 12:04
carlosso I prefer to take the less destructive operation ;-)12:04
danilosI agree, but how come there is a romainian single translated entry?12:04
carlosdanilos: URL?12:11
daniloscarlos: well, read the Neil's response12:11
carlosI see...12:12
carloslet me check12:12
daniloscarlos: https://staging.launchpad.net/products/xaralx/0.4/+pots/xaralx/ro/+translate?batch=10&show=translated, space is translated12:14
carlosyeah, I saw it12:14
daniloscarlos: though, it's on production as well12:14
daniloshow does one tell who did the translation?12:15
carlosyeah, seems like that guy did translations after we close it12:15
carlosdanilos: well, that's one of our remaining UI bugs12:15
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daniloscarlos: ah, ok, I don't think I am assigned to that one :)12:16
sivangCan anyone please tell me, where I find the files/templates responsible for example, for what the +addspec page contains when access? (specifically stationary text on that page)12:16
carlossivang: look inside zcml/ directory12:18
matsubarasivang: you should look on the zcml for the addspec 12:18
carlosthere you have the link between the pagetemplates and the URLs12:18
sivangcarlos, matsubara : gazil thanks.12:19
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sabdflstub: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/filexJOZb6.html12:25
sabdflplease review, and if ok let me have a number? thanks12:25
sabdflsivang: it's the visible tip of the weekend, yes12:26
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danilosstub, carlos: if I run a query, and later modify it slightly, how do I purge postgres' cache so I can time it again?12:34
carlosdanilos: no idea12:35
carlosdanilos: perhaps restarting postgres...12:35
daniloscarlos: well, I guess I can't do that with staging ;)12:35
carlosright ;-)12:36
carlosdanilos: anyway, timing things on staging in the morning is not a good idea12:36
carlosdanilos: language packs are being generated atm12:37
mptWho knows about KarmaContext? salgado I guess12:37
sivangmatsubara, carlos : I've found specification-add.pt but I can't see where to change the text explaining about the rules for the .name attribute12:37
sivanghey mpt 12:38
daniloscarlos: well, I am looking for really big differences (like a hundred times faster, so I don't care about the 10x slowdown) don't know if language-pack generation cares :)12:38
mpthi sivang, how's hacking12:38
danilosmpt: carlos should know about karmacontext as well :)12:38
sivangmpt: good , good, started to get along with testbrowser, even converting 2 tests in specs/ to testbrowser, just to make my patch look cooler to kiko ;-)12:38
sivangmpt: part of a fix to malone #5203812:39
UbugtuMalone bug 52038 in blueprint "Please rename "Braindump" state to "New"" [Wishlist,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5203812:39
carlosdanilos: no, language packs doesn't care about it12:39
carlossivang: is an edit or add form ?12:40
sivangcarlos: add form12:40
sivangcarlos: "Register a feature specification.."12:40
carlossivang: in that case, I guess the form is autogenerated and you can get those descriptions from the interface12:40
carlosinside the  interfaces/ directory12:40
sivangright, looking there then12:41
carloswe use the interfaces documentation to render those forms12:41
sivangcool, tanks12:41
sivangerr, thanks that is12:41
carlosmpt, danilos: I know a bit of that, but just because I talked with salgado about the spec12:41
carlosmpt: what do you need?12:41
mptcarlos, two of my branches failed PQM in lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/karmacontext.txt12:42
mptAnd I wasn't touching karma stuff in either of them12:42
carloscould I see the error?12:42
mptone moment12:43
daniloscarlos: sorry, I thought you were also the one to implement it12:43
carlosI don't know anything about those tests but perhaps I see something obvious that gives you a clue...12:43
carlosdanilos: no ;-)12:43
jameshmpt: I have a fix for the karmacontext bug, but couldn't land it due to 30-mergepeople.txt errors12:43
jameshthe test in question is unreliable12:44
mptjamesh, is that 30-mergepeople.txt problem the one that's been around for months?12:44
danilosguys, guys, can't you write bug-freeTM code? :P12:44
spivjamesh: hah.12:44
jameshmpt: I think so12:44
mptok, I'll queue up after you then jamesh12:45
mptunless it's an easy fix that I can try landing as well12:45
spivdanilos: it's writing bug-free tests that's the tricky bit sometimes ;)12:45
mptWriting test-free bugs, on the other hand, that's easy12:46
lifelessbug 5113012:46
UbugtuMalone bug 51130 in launchpad-bazaar "cannot rename a branch I own" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5113012:46
danilosspiv: then lets skip that step \o/12:46
danilosmpt: yeah :)12:46
jameshmpt: this is the fix I made: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/filerkk5v9.html12:46
lifelessjamesh: ok, so dyson12:49
lifelessjamesh: I think: 1/ eliminate recursion, 2/ leave the version constraints etc at the moment - see how it goes12:49
lifelessjamesh: we can add recursion if needed, or do globl matching for x dirs - i.e. location/*/*.tar.gz in the future12:50
jameshlifeless: it sounds like eventually we want another field to say whether recursion is required12:50
lifelessright, but lets iterate12:50
lifelesshow does that sound ?12:50
lifelessis it compatible with the feedback you got ?12:51
jameshsounds good.12:51
jameshturning off recursion should hopefully get it to do something12:52
lifelessok, thats good. I realise it will be a bit before you get back to it, but I'm really keen to get this deployed - so please let me know if you get other things assigned to you that will delay this12:52
lifelessreviewer meeting in 8 minutes12:52
mptthanks jamesh12:53
jameshmpt: you could try putting that fix in and see if you can merge successfully12:54
jameshmpt: perhaps that'll make the 30-mergepeople.txt test go away for me :)12:54
mptYes, I've stuck it in both branches (momentarily flummoxed by that test not yet existing in one of the branches:-)12:55
mptah, foo, with a repository I can't push multiple branches simultaneously12:55
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sivangcarlos, matsubara : yay, found it.12:56
lifelessreviewer meeting in 4 minutes12:56
carlossivang: hint, use "grep -r 'the string you want to find'"12:57
carlosit's really helpful to learn where are those strings12:57
spivI often type "grep -Irn ...", it's a handy combination of flags.12:57
spivThe -I is a really lazy way to filter out .pyc files :)12:58
sivangcarlos: tried with -ril, which gave nothing when I searched for "mozilla-type-ahead-find, postgres-smart-serial." that appear is examples for spec names.12:58
mptahhhh, nifty12:58
carlosI see12:58
sivangcarlos: was probably a bad search string...12:58
=== sivang mans about -I
sivangspiv: oh cool!12:59
lifelessreview meeting time12:59
SteveAlifeless: any plans to do the conversion of old branch data onto sodium?01:00
lifelessSteveA: after the meeting please01:00
lifeless * Roll call01:00
lifeless * Agenda01:00
lifeless * Next meeting01:00
lifeless * Queue status.01:00
SteveAi typed that before you said "meeting time" :-)01:00
lifeless20:59 < lifeless> review meeting time01:00
lifeless21:00 < SteveA> lifeless: any plans to do the conversion of old branch data onto sodium?01:00
lifelessnot as far as my irc client knows :)01:00
SteveAI'd like to add to this agenda "reviewing Trivial branches"01:01
SteveAor "trivial commits"01:01
lifelesswhose here ?01:01
lifelessspiv: ping01:01
lifelessjamesh: ping01:01
lifelessBjornT: ping01:01
SteveAmy here01:01
lifelessnext meeting - monday coming, same time ?01:01
lifeless2006-08-15 at 1100 UTC. it is01:02
lifelessqueue status01:02
lifeless11 branchs in the main queue01:03
lifelessoldest is 51 days which I believe to be bogus01:03
lifelessjamesh: any input on that rather large # ?01:03
jameshlifeless: I think the branch was entered with a cut-n-pasted date originally and my code believes the dates for new branches01:04
lifelessthis has happened before01:04
jamesheither that or it picked up the date from the last time cprov put the branch up01:04
spivI'm curious about why after 9 days salgado still hasn't reviewed a one-line change of mine ;)01:04
lifelessit really screws up the process. Can you make analysing and fixing this a high priority please? (If SteveA agrees)01:04
jameshsince he's used "cprov/launchpad/queue-ui" as a long running branch01:05
spivjamesh: can you perhaps 01:05
lifelessother than that : Oldest (non-bogus date) is 16 days with steve, then 12 with kiko and 10 with jamesh. Our sevice level is slipping01:05
spivextract the date of the earliest unmerged revision in the relevant branch?01:05
lifelessI mailed the reviews list last week with a nag.01:05
lifelessspiv: jamesh: I've no opinion about the best way to implement - can you discuss post-meeting ?01:06
SteveAthe 16 day thing is blocked on some production changes01:06
lifelessSteveA: doing the review is blocked ?01:06
SteveAyes.  I don't want to look at it before I know what it needs to fit with.01:06
lifelessok. This should be work-in-progress then surely ?01:07
SteveAI'm -0 on jamesh analysing and fixing a problem caused by people not using [@DATE@]  correctly01:07
SteveAI think we should tell people just to use [@DATE@]  by email and in the next launchpad dev meeting01:07
lifeless(if what its fitting with is not done yet, how can it be ready to review ?)01:07
SteveAand only if that fails to address the problem01:07
SteveAto look for a technological solution01:07
SteveAlifeless: that branch can be moved to w-i-p01:08
SteveAit can be WIPed from my queue01:08
lifelessSteveA: in this sort of situation, please do that rather than sitting on the branch. 01:08
lifelessI'm moving it now01:08
lifelessis there a similar issue with flacoste/launchpad/tt-search ?01:09
lifelesswhich is in kiko's queue 01:09
SteveAno idea01:10
lifelessjamesh: david/launchpad/importd-bzr-native is in your queue. You've been overseas for an extended duration right ?01:10
spiv(Thinking of [@DATE@] , it appears salgado forgot it entirely for a branch of his in my queue, so I'm +1 on a reminder about it by email/at the lp meeting)01:10
lifelessok, lets do an email reminder - SteveA can you do the agenda thing for lp, I'll send an email to launchpad@ after this meeting01:11
jameshlifeless: yeah.  I'll try and get to my two oldest ones early this week, but the other two would probably be better to reallocate01:11
lifelessjamesh: ok. BjornT is back, BjornT - are you willing to take flacoste/launchpad/tt-bug-fixes and cprov/launchpad/small-fixes ?01:11
BjornTlifeless: sure01:12
lifelessthanks - can you update PendingReviews ?01:12
lifelessok, that should reduce it from crisis situation01:12
lifelessI'll send another nag email tomorrow, directly rather than just noted in the message header for everyone01:12
lifelessthats to grab kiko and salgados attention01:13
lifelessSteveA: you will be around when kiko and salgado show up right? can you draw their attention to reviews for me please ?01:13
SteveAI'll be in meetings here01:13
SteveAso probably not01:13
lifelessBjornT: could you ?01:13
SteveAlp infrastructure sprint in progress01:14
SteveAI'm just taking time out for the bzr and review meetings01:14
BjornTlifeless: sure, i'll do that01:14
lifelesstrivial branch reviews (stevea)01:14
SteveAwe've talked in the past about adding links to the emails from PQM01:15
SteveAso that reviewers can, with a single click, see the code changes that have been committed01:15
SteveAthis will plug a gap in our reviews, in checking that [trivial]  commits really are trivial01:15
SteveAoften someone thinks something is trivial, but it really is not01:15
SteveAeven though it is just a few lines of code, it has other issues01:16
SteveAtoday, lifeless set up a branch browser on devpad.c.c01:16
SteveAI've asked the admins to make the browser available to the outside world via apache + certificate01:16
SteveAI'd like someone to make PQM emails contain links to appropriate places in the branch browser01:16
SteveAlifeless: what needs changing in our PQM setup to make this so?01:17
lifelessthe email sending plugin needs code changes to add the link01:17
lifelessthe exact structure I dont have mapped in my head, but it will require changes01:18
SteveAwhere is the code that needs hacking on?01:18
SteveAi'd like to give this to jamesh to hack on01:18
lifelessis the current email sending facility01:18
lifelesswe mirror the structure from balleny to sodium01:19
lifelessso some local path algebra should be enough to setup the correct browser url, without needing PQM's magic URL knowledge.01:19
lifelessjamesh: while you are at it, if you could review matthieu moys improvements which are in malone, that would be great - and it may well help what you are doing01:20
SteveAthere is a spec on what we want from PQM emails01:20
jameshlifeless: okay.  For the browser URL, I think we just need a URL base and the PQM commit revision ID01:20
lifelessyes, that requires signficantly more effort and a complete change in how the emails are generated and sent01:21
lifelessjamesh: thats what I'm thinking too - just a new parameter to the plugin to add this link, turned on by the present of the URL base01:21
lifelessok, anything more on this ?01:22
SteveAany idea where that spec is?01:22
=== SteveA looks
jameshlifeless: I guess letting the user provide a format string would be a good way to do it genericly (substituting in public branch URL, revision number and revision ID as needed)01:23
lifelessjamesh: start with the simplest approach IMO01:23
lifelessjamesh: which I'll happily let you define01:23
SteveAthat's all from me01:23
lifelessok, any other business ?01:24
lifelessthanks for coming, meeting is done01:25
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SteveAmpt: still around?01:31
SteveAlifeless: and after the review meeting...01:32
SteveAlifeless: any plans to do the conversion of old branch data onto sodium?01:32
lifelessyes, plans, but currently I have no time allocated to that01:33
lifelessnor any expected for another 7 weeks01:33
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SteveAlifeless: does it have to be you who does this, or could someone else?01:34
lifelesssomeone else can ensure that all the data is converted and prepare a branch with the ghosts filled01:34
lifelessstub or I have to do the actual merge of data into rocketfuel itself01:34
lifelessplus I'll need to write a bzr script to refresh all the annotation data in rocketfuel itself, which is needed to get the right answers to bzr annotate01:35
lifelessbtw, right now you should get useful answers to annotate, just not complete ones - it will show the merged revision in the mainline01:35
lifelesswhich you can see who it came from easily01:35
SteveAwasn't so useful01:35
SteveAI got lots of "pqm@.... " and only a few actual names01:36
SteveAquite a few blank lines too01:36
lifelesscan I ask you chat with spiv / jamesh / me next time you try to do this01:36
lifelessas it may be a UI issue01:36
SteveAI was chatting with mpool last time, btw01:36
SteveAand I think he identified a UI issue from it01:37
sivangIs it gramtically correct to say something like "May contain lowered case letters, numbers, and dashes only..."01:37
SteveAbut I don't recall the details01:37
SteveAnot "lowered"01:37
SteveAand "lower-case"01:37
sivangSteveA: cool, thanks01:37
SteveAnot "lower case" I think01:37
SteveAin this specific case01:37
lifelessSteveA: ok. gotta run, brain melting from multiplexing too mcuh01:37
SteveAthanks for the update about these things01:37
sivangso only "lower letters" ?01:38
=== SteveA gets back to sprinting
SteveAsivang: no01:38
SteveA"lower-case letters"01:38
=== SteveA gets back to sprinting
sivangSteveA: thanks.01:38
danilosha, the neighbour pulled carlos' cable out :)01:40
sivangcan I put a test that validates an interface's attribute description in pagetests/specs or should it be put in another place, testing not "real" functionality, but rather and interface's documentation?01:44
sivangnote that this attribute description is used all over, not just in specificaiton01:44
sabdflSteveA: en route shortly. start lunch without me i'll eat before leaving01:45
SteveAsabdfl: ok01:45
lifelessnight all, going v soon01:45
danilosstub: ping01:46
sivangah no, my bad, this is only for specifications.01:47
sivangah, doc/specification.txt seems to be the right place.01:50
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sabdflcheers lifeless, good work on the bzr 0.10 release management front01:55
sabdflBjornT: what's the email address to subscribe wiki pages to?01:56
sabdflin order that wiki changes be communicated to spec subscribers01:57
BjornTsabdfl: notifications at specs.launchpad.net01:57
sabdflBjornT: thanks muchly. and the wiki just has to put the changed url in there, right?02:00
BjornTsabdfl: exactly02:01
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sivangkiko dude!02:55
kikohey sivang 02:55
kikohow goes it02:56
sivangkiko: can I send you a trivial that seems to me like it will fix #3186 , a proper error message is already there.02:56
sivangkiko: cool, I suspect you haven't had time to review my patch ?02:56
sivangkiko: (the big one..)02:56
kikosivang, will have time this week02:57
kikoit's not very big though02:57
sivangright, I shoudl have said "big"02:57
daniloskiko: review 44860, only test changes (this message tagged with "nag" :)02:58
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YannigHello everybody :)03:06
YannigLitle dumb question (it's been a long time since the last one :p)03:06
sabdflmalcc: erk. i have a customer meeting tomorrow03:07
YannigOn https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+lang/oc, why is almost all showing as "new" whereas i've been translating for several months03:07
malccsabdfl: Ok, I can fit around it if it's not all day, or we can go for Wednesday?03:07
sabdflwednesday 1pm sharp, my house ok?03:09
sabdflwe have till 5pm03:09
malccsabdfl: Sure, send a map or suchlike, I've not been to your place before03:09
sabdflif we need to look at again we have some gaps thu, fri03:09
sabdflround the corner from the office in south ken03:09
sabdflclan can point you in the right direction03:10
malccOk thanks03:10
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sivangkiko: sent.03:33
kikoreplied, thanks.03:36
sivangkiko: yay!03:37
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kikomatsubara! happy to see you safe and sound03:39
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stubdanilos: pong03:40
danilosstub: hi03:41
danilosstub: I am trying to time a couple of queries, but after a first run, they are all very fast; how do I clean up postgres cache or whatever?03:41
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stubdanilos: PostgreSQL caches in its shared buffers, which can be cleared by 'sudo -u postgres pg_ctlcluster restart', and using your filesystem cache, which can be replaced by reading lots of other files.03:43
danilosstub: there is nothing I can do for staging? (I need to test with real world data, because I am fixing some requesttimeouts)03:43
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kikomatsubara, did you have a good trip?03:45
matsubarakiko: it was ok. 03:45
kikonot good, just ok? lemme guess -- crying baby?03:46
BjornTkiko, salgado: lifeless asked me to remind you that you have pending reviews that are rather old in your queue.03:51
kikoBjornT, I know. thanks.03:51
kikostub, ping?03:53
kikoddaa, ping?03:56
ddaakiko: hello03:56
kikoddaa, https://launchpad.net/products/bugzilla/main03:56
kikoddaa, if there was a bzr branch import for this, where would I be able to see it?03:57
kiko(it says auto tested)03:57
ddaaI'll herd the imports when I come back from workrave03:57
ddaayou should have branch by the end of the day03:57
=== ddaa feels like his hands are about to fall off at the elbows
ddaayou would be able to see it on the productseries page03:58
=== ddaa workraves
kikoddaa, thanks. we should probably move that information to the main product page.03:59
kikomatsubara, at what time did you arrive at heathrow, btw?04:01
kikoddaa, do we have non-trunk imports?04:03
=== kiko pokes matsubara
ddaakiko: for cvs, no04:09
kikoddaa, all right.04:09
ddaafor svn, since trunk is not special, we cannot really prevent them04:10
ddaaesp. since imports will eventually become fully automatic04:10
ddaabut they will not be attached to the trunk history04:10
ddaaas a rule, we do not support non-trunk04:11
kikoah, right.04:11
ddaathe +source page needs fixing btw04:11
sivanghow do I know when my patches have landed so I can close bugs and dance happily btw?04:11
ddaaIt's on of the medium importance things plan to do at the end of this month, or early next month04:11
kikosivang, matsubara will land them and update your bugs when he has the momemt.04:13
sivangkiko: cool, gazil thanks.04:13
ddaaimportd is a fussy wore04:15
ddaait only gives head :)04:15
daniloskiko: will you have a spare moment to help me with bug 30602, or should I pester someone else? ;)04:22
UbugtuMalone bug 30602 in rosetta "ERROR IN: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/vlc/+pots/vlc/tl/+translate" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3060204:22
kikodanilos, I will have a moment, yes04:22
kikoI'll ping you in a bit04:22
daniloskiko: sure04:22
flacosteBjornT: ping04:40
BjornThi flacoste 04:41
flacostehi bojrn!04:41
flacostesorry, hi Bjorn!04:41
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kikodanilos, ping04:42
flacosteBjornT: you have been reassigned as my reviewer for my bug fixes branch, do you know when you'll have time to do the review?04:42
daniloskiko: pong04:43
BjornTflacoste: i'm reviewing it now04:43
flacosteBjornT: great, thanks!04:43
=== flacoste winks at kiko
BjornTflacoste: what's the rationale for showing all menu options when a ticket is closed? (i.e, what's the use case for editing a resolved ticket)04:58
flacostewell, the bug was about the bug linking for which I see a use case (way to document a bug)04:59
flacosteand I asked kiko about the 'description' and he returned the question as 'why not allow it'05:00
matsubarakiko: at 7:00, 7:30 IIRC. I was at the baggage retrievel at 8:0005:00
SteveAmalcc: ping05:00
flacosteso I enable it, but honestly, I don't have any use case in mind05:00
malccSteveA: Hi05:00
kikothanks matsubara 05:00
flacosteBjornT: also, at the sprint, we discussed removing the possibility of editing the description of a ticket entirely05:01
matsubarakiko: I'll land sivang's patch as soon as I have some time here.05:01
kikosure. as I said, when you have time05:01
flacostesince a ticket is more like a conversation than a bug report05:01
ddaakiko: import herding done, there was a bunch of autotested imports (mostly stuff that got downgraded to testing after bzr-native), so it may take a little while before everything is processed05:01
SteveAmalcc: could you come to docklands for 1/2 a day tomorrow, to look at some of our webapp stuff -- giving out some of your apple webobjects experience?05:02
SteveAkiko: would you be okay with this?05:02
malccSteveA: Sure05:02
ddaakiko: have a look at bugzilla tomorrow, it should be there05:02
Nafalloddaa: btw, why aren't the imported branches up-to-date. backuppc for example?05:02
matsubarasivang: please send me the patch with the last modifications05:02
ddaaBecause the backuppc import is broken05:03
Nafallobanshee is also behind ;-)05:04
sivangmatsubara: will do. 05:04
BjornTflacoste: ok, sounds reasonable, it was mostly the description as was concerned about, and i agree that it shouldn't be editable at all. let's keep what you have for now, then. i have one small thing to comment on, though, i'll send an email.05:04
ddaaMh, banshee has one of those obscure cscvs failures, cannot help05:05
ddaabackuppc problem appears obvious05:05
ddaaif you are lucky, I may be able to fix it with minimal problem05:05
kikoddaa, you rock05:06
kikoSteveA, I think not.05:06
kikoSteveA, malcc has planning of Soyuz work to do before meeting with mark05:07
Nafalloddaa: nice, thanks :-)05:07
=== Nafallo will try to make ipv6 dns-lookup working in that app :-)
flacosteBjornT: do you want me to also get rid of the **kwargs in the mock object __init__ or only in the setup_menu function?05:21
flacosteBjornT: otherwise, the setup_menu() can validates the arguments but I can still use the facility of __dict__.update(**kwargs) in the mock object constructor05:22
BjornTflacoste: i was mainly thinking of setup_menu(). i'm not so concerned about ticket(), since it's not used directly in the tests. 05:30
flacosteBjornT: fine05:30
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ddaaSome well meaning individual is changing the value of CVS modules of imports that are syncing.05:37
ddaaI do not know who that is05:37
ddaaso I broadcast it05:38
ddaaDO NOT DO THAT05:38
ddaathere's an explicit assertion so import fails if you do that05:38
ddaaif the module changes, it's a different import05:38
ddaamodule renaming does not exist in the cvs model, it's changing history05:39
ddaaand if the module was not renamed there is no valid reason to change the cvsmodule of an existing import05:39
kikoddaa, who could that be? only admins or source admins, right?05:46
ddaaunless there's a bug in the permissions, yes05:47
kikoI suspect a bug in the permissions.05:47
ddaakiko: can you investigate and have it fixed?05:48
kikoddaa, you're probably better equipped to do so05:48
ddaain short, only admin and source admin are allowed to change source details if importstatus is PROCESSING, SYNCING, or STOPPED05:49
ddaakiko: please, I have my plate full05:49
kikoddaa, best if you file a bug -- I'm also very busy05:49
ddaabah, let them burn05:49
ddaaI need to fix that stuff eventually, but it's a bit down the todo05:50
ddaaactually that's not it05:55
ddaait's a bug in the cvs module alias handling!05:55
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ddaacvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome co -c05:59
ddaaprocman      -a gnome-system-monitor05:59
kikostub, ping?05:59
ddaaWhat You Get Is Not What You Asked For05:59
stubkiko: pong05:59
kikostub, do you have time for us to do the bug cleanup in production today?05:59
stubkiko: IF you are happy with the existing queries, sure.06:00
kikostub, IF you give me a list of the bugs being modified, I'm happy with the first one, and I'll be happy to manually clean up the remaining set.06:00
kikostub, once that's done you can run a final delete of the bogus SPNs.06:00
kikostub, meaning workflow would be: a) list affected bug IDs b) drop source package name on bugtasks where that can be done c) delete all bogus SPNs we currently can d) tell me what IDs still need fixing e) I fix them f) drop the remaining bogus SPNs.06:01
ddaaCVS = Confuses Virtue and Sinfulness06:06
stubThat will need to wait for quiet time then06:08
LarstiQddaa: sounds like one for the bzr quote page? ;)06:08
ddaaFeel free06:08
ddaaThat's the point of quote pages :)06:08
ddaaThough I find weeginwhyaff a bit more catchy :)06:09
ddaaand it also applies to hotel restaurants...06:09
LarstiQI'm not sure about the ee and one of the fs06:10
kikostub, quiet time?06:11
kikostub, when would be a good time for that?06:15
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stubkiko: So we only wanted to do the update rather than both the update and the delete?07:03
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stubkiko: Bugs that will be affected by the update are at https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/file9Nffg9.html07:10
stubkiko: I've run the update. About to trash spns (will take maybe 20 mins)07:11
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sivangmatsubara: sending now07:28
bradbkiko: if you have time this afternoon, maybe we can walk through the nominate/approve/decline UI.07:32
=== bradb seeks refuge chez Subway, for the moment
=== bradb & # lunch
LarstiQbradb: https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/bzr.dev/+bugs currently oopses, (bugs of a series), is that intended to work?07:33
sivangmatsubara: sent07:48
kikobradb, okay.08:01
kikostub, thanks.08:01
kikostub, ping me when that's finished and I'll start the bug cleanup procedure.08:04
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jameshLarstiQ: bugs attached to product series has not been implemented/rolled out yet08:22
LarstiQjamesh: is it being worked on?08:22
LarstiQany idea when it will be rolled out?08:23
ddaayay, importd-bzr-upgrade up for review08:23
ddaaup for review08:27
ddaaPlease tell lifeless when he wakes up.08:27
jameshLarstiQ: no idea08:28
LarstiQjamesh: it would be useful functionality, we'll see08:29
jameshddaa: there was a guy on #gnome asking about importd imports that were out of date and who to ask about it08:29
jameshddaa: he left before I could talk to him, but I assume he was referring to the rhythmbox import08:29
ddaaRythmbox is borked08:29
ddaaI just looked at the errors and fixed a few easy ones08:30
ddaaRythmbox is not one of those08:30
=== ddaa checks again
ddaaCVS.Error: File checkout did not give file data and did not indicate file was removed.08:31
ddaai remember I wrote that sanity check08:31
ddaait's a condition that should never ever happen08:31
kikoa file is missing08:32
ddaathat means that their cvs server is crap, or they've done bad things with their repository08:32
LarstiQthe latter shouldn't be uncommon08:32
ddaaYeah, something like a file is missing that we still know about through the log08:32
jameshif I see him again, I'll ask if he did any CVS surgery around the time the imports stopped working08:33
ddaaoh, i have extra logging08:33
ddaaCRITICAL: 'E cvs server: warning: new-born rhythmbox/shell/rb-audioscrobbler.c has disappeared\n' CRITICAL: 'Remove-entry rhythmbox/shell/\n' CRITICAL: '/cvs/gnome/rhythmbox/shell/rb-audioscrobbler.c\n' CRITICAL: 'ok\n'08:33
jameshsounds like surgery08:34
ddaathe CRITICAL are cscvs'08:36
ddaaI guess I could teach cscvs to handle Remove-entry08:38
ddaawith some extra context, for anal-retention08:38
=== stub kills the spn deletion and reruns it under screen :-/
ddaaNafallo: backuppc is fixed08:40
Nafalloddaa: nice, thanks :-)08:40
bradbLarstiQ: targeting bugs to series' is what i'm working on right now, as part of the release management era of Malone08:40
LarstiQbradb: my use case is looking up if a bug was present in a version a user is using. I usually forget when exactly it is closed a while after it is fixed in bzr.dev08:42
bradbLarstiQ: ISWYM. bug 42408:43
UbugtuMalone bug 424 in malone "No distribution or version field" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/42408:43
bradbunfortunately, it hasn't yet been made a priority08:44
Nafalloddaa: oh. fixed didn't mean synced :-)08:44
ddaawell, importd has synced it, now we need to wait for the update to be published08:45
ddaaWill be there tomorrow.08:45
Nafallooki, thanks :-)08:45
kikoLarstiQ, how would you propose fixing that problem?08:45
kikoLarstiQ, ISTM that you're going to have to ask the end-user what version he was using08:45
kikoand then you're going to have to record what version the bug was fixed in08:46
ddaajamesh: if you feel idle, it would be great to have a "Branch.pull_now" flag for those cases08:46
ddaaso importd could tell the branch puller when it has new stuff08:46
kikowhich could be obtained from the release information tied to a productseries08:46
LarstiQkiko: asking the user for the version is less important for me to be done by launchpad, I can handle that otherwise08:46
ddaaso we can get low latency w/o having to scan the 500+ importd branches every time08:46
kikoLarstiQ, then.. what's the issue?08:46
jameshddaa: yeah.  That along with making the branch pull intervals a bit smarter08:46
LarstiQkiko: but trawling through closed bugs, noting the date fixed, finding out if that was before or after a release, that is the issue08:47
jamesh(backoff on errors, etc)08:47
kikoLarstiQ, oh, you want something more advanced08:47
LarstiQkiko: infestations indeed08:47
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kikoLarstiQ, so what we could do pretty easily is match release dates with bug status change dates08:47
LarstiQkiko: I was led to believe the series attached to bugs would go a way to supporting that08:47
ddaajamesh: if we have that, we also need a knob for pull_now, usable by branch owner or admin, on the web ui08:47
LarstiQkiko: that would help08:48
kikoLarstiQ, no, the series attached to bugs is actually an important distinction (how do you differentiate bugs fixed on head from bugs fixed on a branch)?08:48
jameshddaa: sure.08:48
kikoLarstiQ, but that would require you to be precise in entering releases. hmmm.08:48
kikoLarstiQ, maybe I should contact freshmeat again... using a feed from them would be cool08:48
ddaaI'm at 9+ hours, time to piss off08:49
jameshddaa: are there any other knobs that would need to be pulled?08:49
ddaawhat do you mean?08:49
LarstiQkiko: are you familiar with the debian bts?08:49
jameshddaa: never mind :)08:49
kikoLarstiQ, somewhat08:49
LarstiQkiko: there is a 'found' command to keep track of versions that suffer from a bug08:50
kikoLarstiQ, ah, like infestations. I always found that approach Too Much Work<tm>08:50
LarstiQkiko: which is rather of use for keeping track of security bugs across stable/testing/unstable08:51
LarstiQkiko: well, the current situation where a bug disappears after it is closed on the trunk is Too Much Work too08:53
kikoLarstiQ, having multiple series handles that use case without the nitty-gritty of handling the individual versions.08:55
kikothey are separate things, versions from series, though.08:55
kikojamesh, email sent -- looked at about 100 bugs today so the python people should be happy now :)09:06
kikostub, how's that run going? can you get me the other bug IDs I need to clean up?09:06
kikobradb, ping?09:07
stubkiko: Still running09:07
bradbkiko: pong09:08
jameshkiko: in answer to the user names issue, we don't get the display name for users in all situations (e.g. commenters), so I wasn't including it.09:08
bradbkiko: i'm just writing a few more tests09:08
jameshkiko: I did run a script to set up the person records for all Python developers beforehand, which did add displaynames09:08
bradbkiko: I'll be ready for a demo in about 20 mins, if you have time.09:09
kikostub, wow. ok, thanks.09:09
kikobradb, sure. I have some issues with the advanced search that I'd like you to take a look at afterwards09:09
kikojamesh, the dump doesn't contain them?09:09
bradbkiko: sure09:09
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jameshkiko: the SF web pages only include display names for assignee and reporter -- take a look09:13
kikojamesh, ah right. but in the cases I showed you there /was/ a display name for the reporter and he was still imported as...09:13
kikojamesh, oh, maybe the problem is ordering?09:14
jameshkiko: yeah.  The code currently ignores the displayname given for the reporter09:14
jameshkiko: but even if it didn't, it would have problems if it first sees a user as a commenter rather than a reporter09:14
jameshkiko: could possibly fix this with some preprocessing of the dump files and create all the users up front09:15
kikojamesh, yeah, as we could do for bug numbers as well <wink>09:15
kikookay, bbiab09:15
jameshkiko: fixing bug numbers is postprocessing09:15
matsubarasivang, kiko: http://pqm.launchpad.net09:15
=== jamesh goes to et food
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sivangmatsubara-dinner: yay! thank you.09:24
sivangmy first landing, albeit very trivial :-)09:25
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=== Spads [n=crack@host-87-74-18-227.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad
sivangcan I remove or change this branch's content ? I want to wipe it out and start fresh in the same place.09:58
LarstiQthis is so becoming a faq10:00
LarstiQsivang: in your situation, a bzr push --overwrite should do the trick, if used with a 'correct' branch10:00
sivangLarstiQ: how do I know if the branch is 'correct' ?10:01
LarstiQsivang: you said you wanted to start fresh10:01
sivangLarstiQ: start fresh on the supermirror, the branch I want to push has 446 revisions :-)10:03
=== bradb can't believe it's 16h00 already
LarstiQsivang: well, just push that with --overwrite then?10:04
sivangLarstiQ: okay, just wanted to make sure I know what you meant by 'correct', sorry if I bugged.10:04
LarstiQno problem bugging me10:05
LarstiQsivang: the issue is that removing a branch is hard, replacing all its content with --overwrite is much easier10:05
LarstiQsivang: for some reason, I'm not aware of stfp clients that allow an easy rm -rf10:06
sivangLarstiQ: I see, thanks for the insight then.10:06
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bradbkiko: ping10:16
kikobradb, pong10:16
=== bradb msgs
SteveAhi sivang.  congratulations for getting a patch into RF.10:25
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sivangSteveA: thanks, looking forward to see the bigger one land as well.10:30
kiko('Invalid value', token u' ' not found in vocabulary)10:31
kikosivang, you could fix that one, eh?10:31
kikosivang, it happens when you type a single space in the sourcepackagename field when editing a bugtask10:31
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sivangkiko: /me goes to check10:32
sivangkiko: do we have a bug report about it ?10:33
kikonot sure, sivang 10:33
sivangkiko: will check, and report one if not.10:33
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sivangstaging's data is free for play right? (e.g. it refreshes periodically)10:38
matsubarasivang: yes10:39
sivangmatsubara: cool, thanks10:39
matsubarasivang: and congrats about the first patch :)10:39
sivangmatsubara: thanks :)10:40
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=== sivang takes a look at IBugTask
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kikoBjornT, did we land the linkify-tags patch I gave you a starter on?11:38
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boimnewbie Q:  Seems too good to be true.  I just ask for free CDs?11:52
sivanghrm, seems 'Choice()' ignores 'constraint=name_validator'11:52
=== sivang tries to udnerstand how to add validation to a vocabulary, or to respond differently form the default error to when something out of hte vocabulary was inputted.
boimhow long does it take?  should I jsut ask for them instead of a long download?11:52
kikoboim, you're in the wrong channel, but see shipit.ubuntu.com.11:53
flacostesivang: a vocabulary is a form of constraint, what exactly do you want to do?11:53
sivangflacoste: so, I want to pass the value before checking it's in the range of the constraint, through the name_validator11:54
=== HarrySprocket [n=sam@219-89-12-160.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #launchpad
flacostesivang: I don't have enough context to be of much help11:58
sivangflacoste: sorry, I will provide more:11:58
sivangflacoste: As kiko noted above, when editing a bug task, and adding a whitespace somewhere in the name of the sourcepackage, an ugly error is shown11:59
sivangflacoste: malone #5555311:59
UbugtuMalone bug 55553 in malone "sourcepackage name should have a proper error message when reciving bad input." [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5555311:59
=== flacoste is taking a look at the bug report
=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad
sivangflacoste: so, realizing name_validator can do the job to validate a sourecpackagename, if I could pass the value recived in the IBugTask's sourcepackagename , before being checked in the vocabulary, through name_validator, I would be able to present a meaningful error message to a user . then if it passes through name_validator, what's left is to change the default error message when the value was not found in the vocabulary. Am I going in the right12:07
flacostesivang: ok, i see the problem, what is the form in question?12:07
flacostesivang: i don't think adding a name_validator to the schema would be of any help12:08
sivangflacoste: okay, the form name is bugtask.py12:09
flacostesivang: either validate that in the view or add a view for the error type that is raised (that's the regular zope.app.form machinery)12:09
flacostesivang: it's BugTaskEditView?12:10
sivangflacoste: not sure we're talking the same terms, where are forms stored in the source tree? :)12:11
=== sivang thinks he confused forms with interfaces
sabdflsivang: easy mistake to make, since Z3 conflates the two in evil and mysterious ways12:12

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